ok now go and get SARUMAN SAUD Erdogan the Bush
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • ok now go and get SARUMAN SAUD Erdogan the Bush 322 sorcerers Kerry Rothschild and his witch Soros Epstein Clinton MOSCOW, 19 SET - Armed men with their faces covered - probably agents of the security services - arrested Alexander Gabyshev, the 'warrior' shaman traveling on foot from Yakutia to Moscow to "chase" Vladimir Putin while he was near the village of Vydrino on the border between the Republic of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region. This is reported by various media citing eyewitnesses. The agents would not have identified themselves and at the moment it is not known where they brought it. https://unitedwithisrael.org/israelis-block-illegal-arab-construction-with-their-bodies/ ok adesso andate a prendere i fattucchieri Bush 322 Kerry Rothschild e la sua strega Soros Epstein Clinton MOSCA, 19 SET - Uomini armati e col volto coperto - probabilmente agenti dei servizi di sicurezza - hanno arrestato Alexander Gabyshev, lo sciamano 'guerriero' in viaggio a piedi dalla Yakutia a Mosca per "cacciare" Vladimir Putin, mentre si trovava vicino al villaggio di Vydrino al confine tra la repubblica di Buriazia e la regione di Irkutsk. Lo riportano diversi media che citano testimoni oculari. Gli agenti non si sarebbero identificati e al momento non si sa dove l'abbiano portato.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/israeli-scientists-develop-3d-printed-corals-to-preserve-environment/ Bin sulfuric, jihad kafir dhimmis MURTIDI sharia genocide Rijad: and Erdogan jihad SALMAN Wahhabis ISIS ] you know very well that: with fraud: to trampling on the sovereignty of peoples: your satanic: deep state: PD lgbt FED IMF 666 NWO as: with deception and betrayal: has killed: Salvini and Netanjahu. even so he will succeed in knocking down TRUMP. so you stand there with your demon Mecca lilit Kaaba evil idol, you are waiting as: the priest of satan BIDEN will go to kill the Russians and the Chinese: just because you want to laugh over their corpses: and so bring: at your demon Erdogan Muhammad to his knees and adoration: the Islamic genocide of all mankind! https://unitedwithisrael.org/israeli-scientists-develop-3d-printed-corals-to-preserve-environment/ Bin sulfuric sharia genocide Rijad jihad SALMAN Wahhabis ISIS ] tu sai molto bene che: con la frode: calpestando la sovranità dei popoli: il tuo satanico: Stato profondo: PD lgbt FED FMI 666 NWO come: con inganno e tradimento: ha abbattuto: Salvini e Netanjahu. anche così riuscirà ad abbattere TRUMP. quindi, tu stai li con il tuo demonio Mecca lilit Kaaba idolo malvagio, tu stai ad aspettare come: il sacerdote di satana BIDEN andrà ad uccidere i russi e i cinesi: soltanto perché tu vuoi ridere sopra i loro cadaveri: e così portare al tuo demonio Erdogan Maometto in ginocchio e adorazione: il genocidio islamico di tutto il genere umano!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 ore fa
Aristobulus No, Abraham is a literal character. etc.. etc.. bla bla bla Reply. View in discussion UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia it would be too easy for me to dismantle point by point, all your illogical and unscientific statements! if the fall of Netanjahu and SALVINI (who had a potential majority in the electorate) it was a well orchestrated conspiracy of the NWO: lgbt, Democratic Party: ANSA networksatellite TV, facebook google twitter: UN OCI sharia Bilderberg Deep State deep CIA 666 FED: Allah OWL Ja-Bull-On Baal lilit Marduch murdoch: Trilateral, then how, can you think that the conquest of the promised land could have taken place peacefully? all the contenders at the time fought not to obtain a perfect sharia Islamic genocide: where only little girls could be saved! sarebbe troppo facile per me smontare punto per punto, tutte le tue illogiche e non scientifiche affermazioni! se la caduta di Netanjahu e di SALVINI (che avevano una poteniale maggioranza nell'elettorato) è stata una congiura bene orchestrata del NWO: lgbt, Partito Democratico: ANSA networksatellite TV, facebook google twitter: ONU OCI sharia Bilderberg Deep State profondo CIA 666 FED: Allah OWL Ja-Bull-On Baal lilit Marduch murdoch: Trilaterale, allora come, tu puoi pensare che la conquista della terra promessa potrebbe essere avvenuta pacificamente? tutti i contendenti all'epoca combattevano per non ottenere un genocidio islamico sharia perfetto: dove soltanto le bambine piccole si potevano salvare! https://unitedwithisrael.org/hooked-nose-jew-sign-language-gesture-condemned-by-israeli-embassy-in-belgium/
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Bin SALMAN Riyad ] I have already killed the NWO 666 FED IMF ECB Ja-Bull-ON CIA Deep State and it's all your fault, if you keep this sarcophagus on your feet .. Now what could my ministry do to you? neither does Satan understand it how could I understand it? ‘Hooked-Nose Jew’ Sign Language Gesture Condemned by Israeli Embassy in Belgium https://unitedwithisrael.org/hooked-nose-jew-sign-language-gesture-condemned-by-israeli-embassy-in-belgium/#.XYRJ0N479Gw.twitter Bin SALMAN Riyad ] io ho già ucciso il NWO ed è tutta colpa tua, se tu mantieni in piedi questo sarcofago.. ora quello che il mio ministero ti potrebbe fare? neanche Satana lo comprende come potrei comprenderlo io?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 ore fa
Israelis Block Illegal Arab Construction with Their Bodies I am profoundly saddened by the fact that the sharia genocide of the ARAB LEAGUE prevent the peaceful coexistence of Muslims with the human race! https://unitedwithisrael.org/israelis-block-illegal-arab-construction-with-their-bodies/#.XYQ-v5ji_PQ.twitter Gli israeliani bloccano la costruzione araba illegale con i loro corpi sono profondamente rattristato per il fatto che il genocidio della sharia della LEGA ARABA impedisca la convivenza pacifica dei mussulmani con il genere umano!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
all that is written in the Bible has found an archaeological confirmation? of course, not yet, but 70% of the pieces have already been put! certainly the Bible was criticized because of the Hittites: but then, even the Hittites have been found. the Bible is a reliable, geographically and historically libreous book that's why because according to the scientific canons of historiography from Abraham onwards, everyone in the Bible is a real character: tutto quello che è scritto nella Bibbia ha trovato un riscontro archeologico? certo, non ancora, ma il il 70% dei tasselli è stato già messo! certamente la Bibbia era criticata a motivo degli Ittiti: ma poi, anche gli ittiti sono stati trovati. la Bibbia è un libreo geograficamente e storicametne attendibile ecco perché perché secondo i canoni scientifici della storiografia da Abramo in poi, tutti nella Bibbia sono dei personaggio reali:
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/israelis-block-illegal-arab-construction-with-their-bodies/ tutto il genocidio satanico della sharia nel paese: dove SATANA trasforma il suo nome in Allah "Medio Oriente" è qui definito per includere i paesi dalla Mauritania all'Iran e dal Sudan e dalla Somalia alla Turchia. È quasi impossibile fornire cifre esatte, ma la popolazione cristiana totale costituisce circa il 3% (12 milioni) degli abitanti della regione. Di questo 3%, circa il 65% è ortodosso, il 20% è cattolico e il 15% è protestante. Ci sono noti convertiti musulmani (MURTIDI o condannati a morte) gruppi di convertiti (nascosti) in tutti i paesi della regione. Si stima che la popolazione in Medio Oriente cresca da qualche parte tra il 2,2% e il 2,6% all'anno. Non vi è alcun segno che l'attuale tendenza di una percentuale decrescente di cristiani nella regione cambierà. Questo rapporto in calo rafforza la vulnerabilità dei cristiani, evidenziando la necessità del lavoro del MEC nella regione. I paesi e i territori della regione sono classificati qui in base alla composizione e allo status giuridico della chiesa. categoria 1: chiesa composta principalmente da cristiani espatriati comprende Libia, Qatar, Arabia Saudita, Kuwait, Oman, Emirati Arabi Uniti e Bahrein popolazione: 43 milioni un gran numero di lavoratori stranieri, tra cui un gran numero di cristiani categoria 2: piccola chiesa, non legalmente riconosciuta comprende Mauritania, Marocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen e Somalia popolazione: 101 milioni questa categoria ha di gran lunga il minor numero di cristiani categoria 3: chiesa riconosciuta dal governo comprende Egitto, Sudan, Turchia, Siria, Libano, Israele, Giordania, Iraq, Iran, Palestina e Cipro del Nord popolazione: 321 milioni la maggior parte dei cristiani nazionali vive in questa regione
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/israelis-block-illegal-arab-construction-with-their-bodies/ all satanic genocide sharia in country: where SATANA turn his name in Allah ‘Middle East’ is defined here to include the countries from Mauritania through to Iran and from Sudan and Somalia to Turkey. It is almost impossible to provide exact figures, but the total Christian population forms about 3% (12 million) of the region’s inhabitants. Of this 3%, approximately 65% are Orthodox, 20% are Catholic and 15% are Protestant. There are known Muslim converts (MURTIDI o condannati a morte) groups of converts (nascosti) in all of the countries in the region. The population in the Middle East is estimated to be growing at somewhere between 2.2% and 2.6% per year. There is no sign that the current trend of a decreasing percentage of Christians in the region will change. This declining ratio reinforces the vulnerability of Christians, highlighting the need for MEC’s work in the region. The countries and territories in the region are categorised here according to the composition and legal status of the church. category 1: church mostly made up of expatriate Christians includes Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, the UAE and Bahrain population: 43 million large numbers of foreign workers, including a large number of Christians category 2: small church, not legally recognised includes Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen and Somalia population: 101 million this category has by far the smallest number of Christians category 3: church recognised by government includes Egypt, Sudan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Palestine and Northern Cyprus population: 321 million most national Christians live in this region
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://worldisraelnews.com/breaking-deadlock-religious-parties-reportedly-weigh-blue-and-white-alliance/ President RIVLIN ] yesterday 19-09-2019 at 13.30 google gmail warned me that someone from my Apple Ipad (locked in my school drawer) tried to access my mail but only idiots can look for something illegal or illicit in Unius REI! ma soltanto gli idioti possono cercare qualcosa di illegale o illecito in Unius REI! ieri 19-09-2019 alle ore 13,30 google mi avvisava che qualcuno da mio Ipad Apple (chiuso a chiave: nel mio cassetto della scuola) ha cercato di accedere alla mia mail
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
countdown [ President RIVLIN ] conto alla rovescia [ there are 7 days to destroy Iran's military and nuclear potential by any means! https://unitedwithisrael.org/no-difference-between-isis-and-idf-says-new-womens-march-leader/ President RIVLIN ] ] countdown [ mancano 7 giorni per distruggere con ogni mezzo il potenziale militare e nucleare iraniano!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
President RIVLIN] there are 7 days to destroy Iran's military and nuclear potential by any means! https://unitedwithisrael.org/no-difference-between-isis-and-idf-says-new-womens-march-leader/ President RIVLIN ] mancano 7 giorni per distruggere con ogni mezzo il potenziale militare e nucleare iraniano!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
WATCH: Hezbollah Was Ready to Assassinate Obama, Claims Iraqi Researcher Assassinate Obama? oh no, he is the main culprit for the death of Christian martyrs all over the world: he is the supporter of the entire jihadist galaxy. what he hasn't done in 5 years? Putin did it in 5 months in Syria and Iraq! https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-hezbollah-was-ready-to-assassinate-obama-claims-iraqi-researcher/#.XYQveLV5HSA.twitter Assassinate Obama? oh no, proprio lui è il principale responsabile per la morte dei martiri cristiani in tutto il mondo: proprio lui è il fiancheggiatore di tutta la galassia jihadista. quello che lui non ha fatto in 5 anni ? Putin lo ha fatto in 5 mesi in Siria e Iraq!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 8 ore fa
‘No Difference Between ISIS and IDF,’ Said Fired Women’s March Leader https://unitedwithisrael.org/no-difference-between-isis-and-idf-says-new-womens-march-leader/#.XYQteDMCwa8.twitter and what reliability can a skull put on a Islamic theocratic dogmactic condom: are Shiites impure for Sunnis? if, these dangerous criminals Erdogan do not have the freedom of religion: how can they have a freedom of conscience, free will and freedom of speech? this intellectual honesty for the Mohammedans is impossible e che attendibilità può avere un cranio infilato un preservativo dogmattico teocratico islamico: incui per i sunniti gli sciiti sono impuri? se, questi pericolosi criminali Erdogan non hanno la libertà di religione: come possono avere una libertà di coscienza, libero arbitrio e la libertà di parola? questa onestà intellettuale per i maomettani è impossibile
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 8 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • this is demonic islamic genocide country where Allah is in name SATANA countries Algeria there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Algerian Christians face challenges at different levels. Applications by churches for official recognition through the registration process continue to… Bahrain Expatriate Christians enjoy considerable freedom in Bahrain, provided that their activities are restricted to designated compounds and, in particular, that they… Egypt Christians have traditionally enjoyed good standing in society, with guaranteed representation in Parliament. However, restrictions apply to… Iran there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Officially recognised churches have been subjected to increasingly restrictive controls since 2011. Churches are effectively banned from using the Farsi… Iraq there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! The advance and military offensive of Daesh (so-called ‘Islamic State’) in June 2014 led to mass displacement, including of Christians whose heartlands… Israel there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Messianic believers have at times faced social prejudice and harassment. In some cases Jewish people seeking to enter Israel under the Law of Return… Jordan there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Christians generally enjoy good standing in society, even having guaranteed representation in Parliament (at a disproportionately high level, given… Kuwait Expatriate Christians enjoy comparative freedom in Kuwait, provided that their activities are restricted to designated compounds and, in particular… Lebanon Christians generally enjoy good standing in society and a high degree of religious freedom. Some discern growing political pressure against Christian… Libya there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! ges faced by expatriate Christians in Libya primarily derive from the ongoing political and security crisis and the lack of application of… Mauritania Christians face severe restrictions in practice. While expatriate Christians are permitted to worship, Christian activities are restricted to designated… Morocco there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Registered expatriate Christian communities enjoy considerable freedom in Morocco, provided that they avoid interaction with Muslims that could be construed… N Cyprus The Greek Orthodox Church in the Republic of Cyprus has made regular complaints in recent years about desecration of buildings, restrictions on or non-… Oman there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Expatriate Christians enjoy considerable freedom in Oman, provided that their activities are restricted to designated compounds and that they avoid… Palestine Some of the challenges facing Christians in Palestine vary by area according to the governing authorities. In recent years, Christian communities in the… Qatar there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Expatriate Christians enjoy considerable freedom in Qatar, provided that their activities are restricted to designated compounds and, in particular, … Saudi Arabia there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Calls for expatriate Christians to be permitted to worship in public, on the grounds of reciprocity, have been rejected by the Saudi authorities. Expatriate… Somalia there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Somali Christians face very significant challenges. There is no officially recognised church in any part of Somalia. Pressures are principally from non-… Sudan Sudanese Christians face intense pressures. Recognised Christian communities have increasingly been marginalised and their freedom to worship obstructed… Syria there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Syria’s Christian communities face multiple challenges within the context of the current conflict. In parts of the country, in particular those areas… Tunisia Both expatriate and local Christian communities enjoy relative freedom in Tunisia, provided that they avoid activities that could be construed as… Turkey there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Christians in Turkey enjoy a considerable degree of freedom, though a number of pressures persist. Some long-standing legal cases involving Christians… UAE Expatriate Christians enjoy considerable freedom in the UAE, provided that they avoid activities that could be construed as proselytism. In recent years… Yemen Pressures faced by Christians in Yemen come principally from non-State actors, given the political instability and weak application of the rule of law in many… there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 8 ore fa
Israeli Archaelogists’ Discovery Proves Bible Was Right About Kingdom of Edom the Bible is always right and from Abraham onwards it is totally a reliable book from the historical point of view! https://unitedwithisrael.org/israeli-archaelogists-discovery-proves-bible-was-right-about-kingdom-of-edom/#.XYQrpRfURTQ.twitter la Bibbia ha sempre ragione e da Abramo in poi è totalmente un libro attendibile dal punto di vista storico!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 8 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Meghan Markle against Kate Middleton: All the identical looks! ANSWER I'm disgusted by all this worldwide gossip against the royal family! please leave these people in peace, not harass them UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • President Reuven Rivlin said at the memorial service for Peres. “I hear, loud and clear, the voices calling for a broad and stable national unity government.” we can't hide our heads in the sand. it is the electoral system that has failed: a presidential republic would already be an improvement experience, even if I say we move to the monarchy the rothschild Masonic democracy is a scam: against the real sovereignty of the people! ShemSilber2 • Yet the prophet Ovadyah / Obadiah says in the 10th verse of his short prophecy, "For your violence (Heb. "hamas") against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame and cut off forever." In other words, either they will convert from Edom to naturalize as Israeli (as Ovadyah did), or that will be the end of them, the end of a battle that began between Esau & Jacob in Rivkah's ("Rebecca's") womb, so that she had to inquire of YHWH concerning what was going on, and the rest is history. Wait until you see the denouement, for our jaws will all drop and our tears of teshuvah (repentance and turning) will fall, says Zechariah 12:10-14, as we all finally recognize the Messiah and see the restoration of the Kingdom to Israel under Him, amein & amein! CaptTurbo • Only a fool doubts the "Owner's Manual".
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 8 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/israeli-archaelogists-discovery-proves-bible-was-right-about-kingdom-of-edom/ President Reuven Rivlin said at the memorial service for Peres. “I hear, loud and clear, the voices calling for a broad and stable national unity government.” we can't hide our heads in the sand. it is the electoral system that has failed: a presidential republic would already be an improvement experience, even if I say we move to the monarchy the rothschild Masonic democracy is a scam: against the real sovereignty of the people! non possiamo nascondere la testa sotto la sabbia. è il sistema elettorale che ha fallito: una repubblica presidenziale sarebbe già una esperienza migliorativa, anche se io dico di passare alla monarchia la massonica democrazia rothschild è una truffa: ai danni della vera sovranità popolare!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 8 ore fa
where is all satanic sharia criminal country Algeria: another church closure in Tizi Ouzou Province Algeria: Campaign against churches intensifies September 11, 2019 Iran: Appeal hearing postponed September 3, 2019 Iran: Christian convert starts one-year prison sentence September 3, 2019 Algeria: Campaign to close churches continues September 3, 2019 Algeria: Campaign against churches continues August 27, 2019 Iran: Upcoming Appeal Hearing August 26, 2019 dove è tutto il paese criminale della sharia satanica Algeria: un'altra chiusura della chiesa nella provincia di Tizi Ouzou https://worldisraelnews.com/netanyahus-pre-indictment-hearing-is-fast-approaching-what-are-his-options/ Algeria: la campagna contro le chiese si intensifica l'11 settembre 2019 Iran: l'udienza di appello è stata rinviata il 3 settembre 2019 Iran: il convertito cristiano inizia la pena detentiva di un anno il 3 settembre 2019 Algeria: la campagna per la chiusura delle chiese continua il 3 settembre 2019 Algeria: la campagna contro le chiese continua il 27 agosto 2019 Iran: prossima audizione di appello il 26 agosto 2019
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 9 ore fa
the word of God is credible and precise and his study will not disappoint la parola di Dio è credibile e precisa e il suo studio non deluderà Satan has deceived the whole world until the woman of Rev 12 delivers the true word of God Rev 12:5. She is not a church, she is not Israel, and she is not Mary. She is the prophet like unto Moses and Elijah Matt 17:3, Acts 3:21-23, Luke 1:17 delivering the true word John 1:1 from the wilderness Rev 12:6 to prepare a people for the Lord’s return. God our Father will not put any child of his into a hell fire no matter what their sins. It never entered the heart or mind of God to ever do such a thing Jer7:31, Jer 19:5. Turn your heart to the children of God. A gift is now delivered and proven to the whole world as a witness Matt 24:14. minigoodtale blogspot com. A righteous judge gathers ALL evidence before making a judgment. If you are called to know the true word- Prove all things. God chose a woman.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 9 ore fa
Esther Schrager Oh fer cryin' out loud. WILL YOU STOP CREATING NEW NAMES? I keep blocking this nutjob but it just keeps reappearing under yet another idiotic name. UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia and how could you escape your judgment? you are insulting the universal justice that I represent! also because what do you not share what I say? nobody knows! you're just a bully! bad people like you should be expelled from the internet! e come tu potresti sfuggire al tuo giudizio? tu stai insultanto la giustizia universale che io rappresento! anche perché cosa non condividi di quello che dico? nessuno lo sa! sei soltanto un bullo! persone cattive come te dovrebbero essere espulse da internet!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 9 ore fa
I CHECK with you, only Rationally on the UNIVERSAL and METAPHYSICAL IDEALS of: JUSTICE (the evil you do not want for others to do) and of TRUTH (don't lie). On these rational premises I will be your friend or your enemy forever! Who does not know the LORD and its implications of the international Masonic institutionalized Satanism, cannot at all express any judgment on the reality that surrounds it! Mi VERIFICO con Te, solo RAZIONALMENTE sugli IDEALI UNIVERSALI e METAFISICI di: GIUSTIZIA (il male che non vuoi per te ad altri non lo fare) e di VERITà (non mentire). Su queste premesse razionali sarò tuo amico o tuo nemico in eterno! Chi non conosce il SIGNORAGGIO e le sue implicanze del satanismo istituzionalizzato internazionale massonico, non può affatto esprimere alcun giudizio sulla realtà che lo circonda!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 14 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://worldisraelnews.com/netanyahus-pre-indictment-hearing-is-fast-approaching-what-are-his-options/ TRUMP what do you say? if Netanjahu and Salvini had used my advice? they would never have collapsed. I am indignant against Giorgia MELONI who called for the fall of the first CONTE government ... to be today, with a new government dracula conte bis .. this boiata is thanks to her! I had predicted it, but they didn't read my comments! TRUMP tu che dici? se Netanjahu e Salvini si fossero avvalsi della mia consulenza? loro non sarebbero mai crollati. sono indignato contro Giorgia MELONI che ha invocato la caduta del primo Governo CONTE ... per trovarsi oggi, con un nuovo governo dracula conte bis.. questa boiata è merito suo! io lo avevo predetto, ma loro non hanno letto i miei commenti!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 14 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://worldisraelnews.com/netanyahus-pre-indictment-hearing-is-fast-approaching-what-are-his-options/ Meghan Markle, photos of the Duchess of beautiful legs. Runaway… answer. I am disgusted by all this gossip NWO FED FMI against the royal family they are treating this woman like a wretched prostitute! Meghan Markle, le foto della Duchessa delle belle gambe. In fuga… answer. sono schifato da tutto questo gossip NWO FED FMI contro la famiglia reale stanno trattando questa donna come una disgraziata prostituta!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 14 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Marina USA, UFO video? They are authentic An image of an alleged UFO. A series of declassified movies that show mysterious flying objects without wings moving fast on the screen are "authentic" and cannot be explained: ANSWER: everything has an explanation! are the demon orcs: SpA monsanto ogm bayer by Bush OWL Rothschild SARUMAN but, the Mohammedans think of winning all this satanism with their setanism Allah sharia jihad and without the help of: Unius REI that's why they are identified as dangerous jerks and paranoid serial murderers: in short, a kindOFhole! Marina Usa, video degli Ufo? Sono autentici L'immagine di un presunto Ufo. Una serie di filmati declassificati che mostrano oggetti volanti misteriosi senza ali che si muovono veloci sullo schermo sono "autentici" e non sono spiegabili: ANSWER: tutto ha una spiegazione! sono gli orchi demoni: SpA monsanto ogm bayer di Bush OWL Rothschild SARUMAN ma, i maomettani pensano di vincere tutto questo satanismo con il loro setanismo Allah sharia jihad e senza l'aiuto di: Unius REI ecco perché sono identificati come pericolosi cretini e paranoici assassini seriali: insomma una specie di bucoDELculo! https://worldisraelnews.com/netanyahus-pre-indictment-hearing-is-fast-approaching-what-are-his-options/
Israeli Scientists Develop 3D Printed Corals to Preserve Environment https://unitedwithisrael.org/israeli-scientists-develop-3d-printed-corals-to-preserve-environment/#.XYSff44rlNI.twitter

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia •
President RIVLIN] you miss 7 days, to destroy IRAN: even alone! and in fact you will be alone: traitors Rothshild NWO: they have abandoned you!
this is an indispensable job, which must be done: and which must be done: with any unconventional means: even in solitude!
or you will carry on your conscience: the destruction of ISRAEL!
you bring down the fire from the sky and disintegrate them!
President RIVLIN ] ti mancano 7 giorni, per distruggere IRAN: anche da solo! ed infatti sarai solo: traditori Rothshild NWO: ti hanno abbandonato!
questo è un lavoro indispensabile, che va fatto: e che deve essere fatto: con ogni mezzo NON convenzionale: anche in solitudine!
o tu ti porterai sulla coscienza: la distruzione di ISRAELE!
tu fai scendere il fuoco dal cielo e disintegrali!

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia •
Bin sulfuric, jihad kafir dhimmis MURTIDI sharia genocide Rijad: and Erdogan jihad SALMAN Wahhabis ISIS ] you know very well that: with fraud: to trampling on the sovereignty of peoples: your satanic: deep state: PD lgbt FED IMF 666 NWO as: with deception and betrayal: has killed: Salvini and Netanjahu. even so he will succeed in knocking down TRUMP.
so you stand there with your demon Mecca lilit Kaaba evil idol,
you are waiting as: the priest of satan BIDEN will go to kill the Russians and the Chinese:
just because you want to laugh over their corpses: and so bring: at your demon Erdogan Muhammad to his knees and adoration:
the Islamic genocide of all mankind!
Bin sulfuric sharia genocide Rijad jihad SALMAN Wahhabis ISIS ] tu sai molto bene che: con la frode: calpestando la sovranità dei popoli: il tuo satanico: Stato profondo: PD lgbt FED FMI 666 NWO come: con inganno e tradimento: ha abbattuto: Salvini e Netanjahu. anche così riuscirà ad abbattere TRUMP.
quindi, tu stai li con il tuo demonio Mecca lilit Kaaba idolo malvagio,
tu stai ad aspettare come: il sacerdote di satana BIDEN andrà ad uccidere i russi e i cinesi:
soltanto perché tu vuoi ridere sopra i loro cadaveri: e così portare al tuo demonio Erdogan Maometto in ginocchio e adorazione:
il genocidio islamico di tutto il genere umano!

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • 3 minutes ago
ok now go and get SARUMAN SAUD Erdogan the Bush 322 sorcerers Kerry Rothschild and his witch Soros Epstein Clinton
MOSCOW, 19 SET - Armed men with their faces covered - probably agents of the security services - arrested Alexander Gabyshev, the 'warrior' shaman traveling on foot from Yakutia to Moscow to "chase" Vladimir Putin while he was near the village of Vydrino on the border between the Republic of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region. This is reported by various media citing eyewitnesses. The agents would not have identified themselves and at the moment it is not known where they brought it.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • 7 hours ago
Israelis Block Illegal Arab Construction with Their Bodies
I am profoundly saddened by the fact that the sharia genocide of the ARAB LEAGUE
prevent the peaceful coexistence of Muslims with the human race!
Gli israeliani bloccano la costruzione araba illegale con i loro corpi
sono profondamente rattristato per il fatto che il genocidio della sharia della LEGA ARABA
impedisca la convivenza pacifica dei mussulmani con il genere umano!
Share ›

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • 8 hours ago
all satanic genocide sharia in country: where SATANA turn his name in Allah ‘Middle East’ is defined here to include the countries from Mauritania through to Iran and from Sudan and Somalia to Turkey. It is almost impossible to provide exact figures, but the total Christian population forms about 3% (12 million) of the region’s inhabitants. Of this 3%, approximately 65% are Orthodox, 20% are Catholic and 15% are Protestant. There are known Muslim converts (MURTIDI o condannati a morte) groups of converts (nascosti) in all of the countries in the region.
The population in the Middle East is estimated to be growing at somewhere between 2.2% and 2.6% per year. There is no sign that the current trend of a decreasing percentage of Christians in the region will change. This declining ratio reinforces the vulnerability of Christians, highlighting the need for MEC’s work in the region.
The countries and territories in the region are categorised here according to the composition and legal status of the church.
category 1: church mostly made up of expatriate Christians
includes Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, the UAE and Bahrain
population: 43 million
large numbers of foreign workers, including a large number of Christians
category 2: small church, not legally recognised
includes Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen and Somalia
population: 101 million
this category has by far the smallest number of Christians
category 3: church recognised by government
includes Egypt, Sudan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Palestine and Northern Cyprus
population: 321 million
most national Christians live in this region

ShemSilber2 • 9 hours ago
As a matter of fact, WHEN (not IF) the Kingdom is restored to Israel--all 12 tribes, of which the Jewish people are a minority, and the majority is still in the Galut / Exile that they went into about 720 BCE (Before the Common Error), about 150 years before the House of Judah went to Babylon. How soon will that be? It will be too soon for the scoffers & persecutors who would like to stop it, but never too soon for believers. All the Arab squatters between the Euphrates and the Nile and to all the surrounding seas (Genesis 15:18-21; Deuteronomy 11:24) will be discharged from the Promised Land. It doesn't matter who believes or refuses to believe the Scriptures, it's coming anyway!
Genesis 12:3 & Numbers 24:9 (יהוה’s [KJV: “the LORD’s”] promise that those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse us will be cursed) are still active on behalf of both the Jewish & non-Jewish children of Israel, both scattered in the Galut / Exile around the world, except for a small minority of Jews in a little sliver of the Promised Land. Be sure of the truth of Sirach 37:25: “The days of the life of man may be numbered: but the days of Yisrael are innumerable.”
The continued slander & libel against the peoples of Israel will rebound on those who carry it on, and they will KNOW that they have only cursed their own selves, in the Name of the Chief Zionist, the Founder and lover of Israel, the Rock of Israel, the Guarantor of, "עם ישראל חי" / "Am Yisrael chai!" / "The people of
Israel live!" namely, the Master Yahusha our Messiah, who is the personified Torah and zeal of Almighty יהוה Avinu, and the Stone that strikes the statue of Daniel 2, and who accomplishes all His purpose, including the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel as the final and eternal world-ruling Empire (with both Yahudah & Ephraim—totally united [Jeremiah 16:14-21; 23:1-8; Ezekiel 37; Daniel 2]!)—amein & amein!

SAWolf • 15 hours ago
Where is the Army? So much for a ,"Strong Zionist", Gov't. Just more political bullsheet to remain in power, the ultimate aphrodisiac for the feeble minded.

ZionMyHome SAWolf • 13 hours ago • edited
Reading this kind of article causes my blood to boil. The freaking savages are literally stealing land from the Nation State of Israel and the government refuses to defend Jewish sovereignty. If they do nothing, they are asking to be overthrown by islamic savages.
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • ok now go and get SARUMAN SAUD Erdogan the Bush 322 sorcerers Kerry Rothschild and his witch Soros Epstein Clinton MOSCOW, 19 SET - Armed men with their faces covered - probably agents of the security services - arrested Alexander Gabyshev, the 'warrior' shaman traveling on foot from Yakutia to Moscow to "chase" Vladimir Putin while he was near the village of Vydrino on the border between the Republic of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region. This is reported by various media citing eyewitnesses. The agents would not have identified themselves and at the moment it is not known where they brought it. https://unitedwithisrael.org/israelis-block-illegal-arab-construction-with-their-bodies/ ok adesso andate a prendere i fattucchieri Bush 322 Kerry Rothschild e la sua strega Soros Epstein Clinton MOSCA, 19 SET - Uomini armati e col volto coperto - probabilmente agenti dei servizi di sicurezza - hanno arrestato Alexander Gabyshev, lo sciamano 'guerriero' in viaggio a piedi dalla Yakutia a Mosca per "cacciare" Vladimir Putin, mentre si trovava vicino al villaggio di Vydrino al confine tra la repubblica di Buriazia e la regione di Irkutsk. Lo riportano diversi media che citano testimoni oculari. Gli agenti non si sarebbero identificati e al momento non si sa dove l'abbiano portato.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/israeli-scientists-develop-3d-printed-corals-to-preserve-environment/ Bin sulfuric, jihad kafir dhimmis MURTIDI sharia genocide Rijad: and Erdogan jihad SALMAN Wahhabis ISIS ] you know very well that: with fraud: to trampling on the sovereignty of peoples: your satanic: deep state: PD lgbt FED IMF 666 NWO as: with deception and betrayal: has killed: Salvini and Netanjahu. even so he will succeed in knocking down TRUMP. so you stand there with your demon Mecca lilit Kaaba evil idol, you are waiting as: the priest of satan BIDEN will go to kill the Russians and the Chinese: just because you want to laugh over their corpses: and so bring: at your demon Erdogan Muhammad to his knees and adoration: the Islamic genocide of all mankind! https://unitedwithisrael.org/israeli-scientists-develop-3d-printed-corals-to-preserve-environment/ Bin sulfuric sharia genocide Rijad jihad SALMAN Wahhabis ISIS ] tu sai molto bene che: con la frode: calpestando la sovranità dei popoli: il tuo satanico: Stato profondo: PD lgbt FED FMI 666 NWO come: con inganno e tradimento: ha abbattuto: Salvini e Netanjahu. anche così riuscirà ad abbattere TRUMP. quindi, tu stai li con il tuo demonio Mecca lilit Kaaba idolo malvagio, tu stai ad aspettare come: il sacerdote di satana BIDEN andrà ad uccidere i russi e i cinesi: soltanto perché tu vuoi ridere sopra i loro cadaveri: e così portare al tuo demonio Erdogan Maometto in ginocchio e adorazione: il genocidio islamico di tutto il genere umano!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 4 ore fa
Aristobulus No, Abraham is a literal character. etc.. etc.. bla bla bla Reply. View in discussion UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia it would be too easy for me to dismantle point by point, all your illogical and unscientific statements! if the fall of Netanjahu and SALVINI (who had a potential majority in the electorate) it was a well orchestrated conspiracy of the NWO: lgbt, Democratic Party: ANSA networksatellite TV, facebook google twitter: UN OCI sharia Bilderberg Deep State deep CIA 666 FED: Allah OWL Ja-Bull-On Baal lilit Marduch murdoch: Trilateral, then how, can you think that the conquest of the promised land could have taken place peacefully? all the contenders at the time fought not to obtain a perfect sharia Islamic genocide: where only little girls could be saved! sarebbe troppo facile per me smontare punto per punto, tutte le tue illogiche e non scientifiche affermazioni! se la caduta di Netanjahu e di SALVINI (che avevano una poteniale maggioranza nell'elettorato) è stata una congiura bene orchestrata del NWO: lgbt, Partito Democratico: ANSA networksatellite TV, facebook google twitter: ONU OCI sharia Bilderberg Deep State profondo CIA 666 FED: Allah OWL Ja-Bull-On Baal lilit Marduch murdoch: Trilaterale, allora come, tu puoi pensare che la conquista della terra promessa potrebbe essere avvenuta pacificamente? tutti i contendenti all'epoca combattevano per non ottenere un genocidio islamico sharia perfetto: dove soltanto le bambine piccole si potevano salvare! https://unitedwithisrael.org/hooked-nose-jew-sign-language-gesture-condemned-by-israeli-embassy-in-belgium/

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Bin SALMAN Riyad ] I have already killed the NWO 666 FED IMF ECB Ja-Bull-ON CIA Deep State and it's all your fault, if you keep this sarcophagus on your feet .. Now what could my ministry do to you? neither does Satan understand it how could I understand it? ‘Hooked-Nose Jew’ Sign Language Gesture Condemned by Israeli Embassy in Belgium https://unitedwithisrael.org/hooked-nose-jew-sign-language-gesture-condemned-by-israeli-embassy-in-belgium/#.XYRJ0N479Gw.twitter Bin SALMAN Riyad ] io ho già ucciso il NWO ed è tutta colpa tua, se tu mantieni in piedi questo sarcofago.. ora quello che il mio ministero ti potrebbe fare? neanche Satana lo comprende come potrei comprenderlo io?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 6 ore fa
Israelis Block Illegal Arab Construction with Their Bodies I am profoundly saddened by the fact that the sharia genocide of the ARAB LEAGUE prevent the peaceful coexistence of Muslims with the human race! https://unitedwithisrael.org/israelis-block-illegal-arab-construction-with-their-bodies/#.XYQ-v5ji_PQ.twitter Gli israeliani bloccano la costruzione araba illegale con i loro corpi sono profondamente rattristato per il fatto che il genocidio della sharia della LEGA ARABA impedisca la convivenza pacifica dei mussulmani con il genere umano!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
all that is written in the Bible has found an archaeological confirmation? of course, not yet, but 70% of the pieces have already been put! certainly the Bible was criticized because of the Hittites: but then, even the Hittites have been found. the Bible is a reliable, geographically and historically libreous book that's why because according to the scientific canons of historiography from Abraham onwards, everyone in the Bible is a real character: tutto quello che è scritto nella Bibbia ha trovato un riscontro archeologico? certo, non ancora, ma il il 70% dei tasselli è stato già messo! certamente la Bibbia era criticata a motivo degli Ittiti: ma poi, anche gli ittiti sono stati trovati. la Bibbia è un libreo geograficamente e storicametne attendibile ecco perché perché secondo i canoni scientifici della storiografia da Abramo in poi, tutti nella Bibbia sono dei personaggio reali:

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/israelis-block-illegal-arab-construction-with-their-bodies/ tutto il genocidio satanico della sharia nel paese: dove SATANA trasforma il suo nome in Allah "Medio Oriente" è qui definito per includere i paesi dalla Mauritania all'Iran e dal Sudan e dalla Somalia alla Turchia. È quasi impossibile fornire cifre esatte, ma la popolazione cristiana totale costituisce circa il 3% (12 milioni) degli abitanti della regione. Di questo 3%, circa il 65% è ortodosso, il 20% è cattolico e il 15% è protestante. Ci sono noti convertiti musulmani (MURTIDI o condannati a morte) gruppi di convertiti (nascosti) in tutti i paesi della regione. Si stima che la popolazione in Medio Oriente cresca da qualche parte tra il 2,2% e il 2,6% all'anno. Non vi è alcun segno che l'attuale tendenza di una percentuale decrescente di cristiani nella regione cambierà. Questo rapporto in calo rafforza la vulnerabilità dei cristiani, evidenziando la necessità del lavoro del MEC nella regione. I paesi e i territori della regione sono classificati qui in base alla composizione e allo status giuridico della chiesa. categoria 1: chiesa composta principalmente da cristiani espatriati comprende Libia, Qatar, Arabia Saudita, Kuwait, Oman, Emirati Arabi Uniti e Bahrein popolazione: 43 milioni un gran numero di lavoratori stranieri, tra cui un gran numero di cristiani categoria 2: piccola chiesa, non legalmente riconosciuta comprende Mauritania, Marocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen e Somalia popolazione: 101 milioni questa categoria ha di gran lunga il minor numero di cristiani categoria 3: chiesa riconosciuta dal governo comprende Egitto, Sudan, Turchia, Siria, Libano, Israele, Giordania, Iraq, Iran, Palestina e Cipro del Nord popolazione: 321 milioni la maggior parte dei cristiani nazionali vive in questa regione

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/israelis-block-illegal-arab-construction-with-their-bodies/ all satanic genocide sharia in country: where SATANA turn his name in Allah ‘Middle East’ is defined here to include the countries from Mauritania through to Iran and from Sudan and Somalia to Turkey. It is almost impossible to provide exact figures, but the total Christian population forms about 3% (12 million) of the region’s inhabitants. Of this 3%, approximately 65% are Orthodox, 20% are Catholic and 15% are Protestant. There are known Muslim converts (MURTIDI o condannati a morte) groups of converts (nascosti) in all of the countries in the region. The population in the Middle East is estimated to be growing at somewhere between 2.2% and 2.6% per year. There is no sign that the current trend of a decreasing percentage of Christians in the region will change. This declining ratio reinforces the vulnerability of Christians, highlighting the need for MEC’s work in the region. The countries and territories in the region are categorised here according to the composition and legal status of the church. category 1: church mostly made up of expatriate Christians includes Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, the UAE and Bahrain population: 43 million large numbers of foreign workers, including a large number of Christians category 2: small church, not legally recognised includes Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen and Somalia population: 101 million this category has by far the smallest number of Christians category 3: church recognised by government includes Egypt, Sudan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Palestine and Northern Cyprus population: 321 million most national Christians live in this region

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://worldisraelnews.com/breaking-deadlock-religious-parties-reportedly-weigh-blue-and-white-alliance/ President RIVLIN ] yesterday 19-09-2019 at 13.30 google gmail warned me that someone from my Apple Ipad (locked in my school drawer) tried to access my mail but only idiots can look for something illegal or illicit in Unius REI! ma soltanto gli idioti possono cercare qualcosa di illegale o illecito in Unius REI! ieri 19-09-2019 alle ore 13,30 google mi avvisava che qualcuno da mio Ipad Apple (chiuso a chiave: nel mio cassetto della scuola) ha cercato di accedere alla mia mail

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
countdown [ President RIVLIN ] conto alla rovescia [ there are 7 days to destroy Iran's military and nuclear potential by any means! https://unitedwithisrael.org/no-difference-between-isis-and-idf-says-new-womens-march-leader/ President RIVLIN ] ] countdown [ mancano 7 giorni per distruggere con ogni mezzo il potenziale militare e nucleare iraniano!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
President RIVLIN] there are 7 days to destroy Iran's military and nuclear potential by any means! https://unitedwithisrael.org/no-difference-between-isis-and-idf-says-new-womens-march-leader/ President RIVLIN ] mancano 7 giorni per distruggere con ogni mezzo il potenziale militare e nucleare iraniano!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 7 ore fa
WATCH: Hezbollah Was Ready to Assassinate Obama, Claims Iraqi Researcher Assassinate Obama? oh no, he is the main culprit for the death of Christian martyrs all over the world: he is the supporter of the entire jihadist galaxy. what he hasn't done in 5 years? Putin did it in 5 months in Syria and Iraq! https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-hezbollah-was-ready-to-assassinate-obama-claims-iraqi-researcher/#.XYQveLV5HSA.twitter Assassinate Obama? oh no, proprio lui è il principale responsabile per la morte dei martiri cristiani in tutto il mondo: proprio lui è il fiancheggiatore di tutta la galassia jihadista. quello che lui non ha fatto in 5 anni ? Putin lo ha fatto in 5 mesi in Siria e Iraq!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 8 ore fa
‘No Difference Between ISIS and IDF,’ Said Fired Women’s March Leader https://unitedwithisrael.org/no-difference-between-isis-and-idf-says-new-womens-march-leader/#.XYQteDMCwa8.twitter and what reliability can a skull put on a Islamic theocratic dogmactic condom: are Shiites impure for Sunnis? if, these dangerous criminals Erdogan do not have the freedom of religion: how can they have a freedom of conscience, free will and freedom of speech? this intellectual honesty for the Mohammedans is impossible e che attendibilità può avere un cranio infilato un preservativo dogmattico teocratico islamico: incui per i sunniti gli sciiti sono impuri? se, questi pericolosi criminali Erdogan non hanno la libertà di religione: come possono avere una libertà di coscienza, libero arbitrio e la libertà di parola? questa onestà intellettuale per i maomettani è impossibile

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 8 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • this is demonic islamic genocide country where Allah is in name SATANA countries Algeria there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Algerian Christians face challenges at different levels. Applications by churches for official recognition through the registration process continue to… Bahrain Expatriate Christians enjoy considerable freedom in Bahrain, provided that their activities are restricted to designated compounds and, in particular, that they… Egypt Christians have traditionally enjoyed good standing in society, with guaranteed representation in Parliament. However, restrictions apply to… Iran there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Officially recognised churches have been subjected to increasingly restrictive controls since 2011. Churches are effectively banned from using the Farsi… Iraq there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! The advance and military offensive of Daesh (so-called ‘Islamic State’) in June 2014 led to mass displacement, including of Christians whose heartlands… Israel there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Messianic believers have at times faced social prejudice and harassment. In some cases Jewish people seeking to enter Israel under the Law of Return… Jordan there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Christians generally enjoy good standing in society, even having guaranteed representation in Parliament (at a disproportionately high level, given… Kuwait Expatriate Christians enjoy comparative freedom in Kuwait, provided that their activities are restricted to designated compounds and, in particular… Lebanon Christians generally enjoy good standing in society and a high degree of religious freedom. Some discern growing political pressure against Christian… Libya there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! ges faced by expatriate Christians in Libya primarily derive from the ongoing political and security crisis and the lack of application of… Mauritania Christians face severe restrictions in practice. While expatriate Christians are permitted to worship, Christian activities are restricted to designated… Morocco there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Registered expatriate Christian communities enjoy considerable freedom in Morocco, provided that they avoid interaction with Muslims that could be construed… N Cyprus The Greek Orthodox Church in the Republic of Cyprus has made regular complaints in recent years about desecration of buildings, restrictions on or non-… Oman there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Expatriate Christians enjoy considerable freedom in Oman, provided that their activities are restricted to designated compounds and that they avoid… Palestine Some of the challenges facing Christians in Palestine vary by area according to the governing authorities. In recent years, Christian communities in the… Qatar there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Expatriate Christians enjoy considerable freedom in Qatar, provided that their activities are restricted to designated compounds and, in particular, … Saudi Arabia there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Calls for expatriate Christians to be permitted to worship in public, on the grounds of reciprocity, have been rejected by the Saudi authorities. Expatriate… Somalia there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Somali Christians face very significant challenges. There is no officially recognised church in any part of Somalia. Pressures are principally from non-… Sudan Sudanese Christians face intense pressures. Recognised Christian communities have increasingly been marginalised and their freedom to worship obstructed… Syria there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Syria’s Christian communities face multiple challenges within the context of the current conflict. In parts of the country, in particular those areas… Tunisia Both expatriate and local Christian communities enjoy relative freedom in Tunisia, provided that they avoid activities that could be construed as… Turkey there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil! Christians in Turkey enjoy a considerable degree of freedom, though a number of pressures persist. Some long-standing legal cases involving Christians… UAE Expatriate Christians enjoy considerable freedom in the UAE, provided that they avoid activities that could be construed as proselytism. In recent years… Yemen Pressures faced by Christians in Yemen come principally from non-State actors, given the political instability and weak application of the rule of law in many… there is no chance for mankind to survive this Islamic evil!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 8 ore fa
Israeli Archaelogists’ Discovery Proves Bible Was Right About Kingdom of Edom the Bible is always right and from Abraham onwards it is totally a reliable book from the historical point of view! https://unitedwithisrael.org/israeli-archaelogists-discovery-proves-bible-was-right-about-kingdom-of-edom/#.XYQrpRfURTQ.twitter la Bibbia ha sempre ragione e da Abramo in poi è totalmente un libro attendibile dal punto di vista storico!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 8 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Meghan Markle against Kate Middleton: All the identical looks! ANSWER I'm disgusted by all this worldwide gossip against the royal family! please leave these people in peace, not harass them UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • President Reuven Rivlin said at the memorial service for Peres. “I hear, loud and clear, the voices calling for a broad and stable national unity government.” we can't hide our heads in the sand. it is the electoral system that has failed: a presidential republic would already be an improvement experience, even if I say we move to the monarchy the rothschild Masonic democracy is a scam: against the real sovereignty of the people! ShemSilber2 • Yet the prophet Ovadyah / Obadiah says in the 10th verse of his short prophecy, "For your violence (Heb. "hamas") against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame and cut off forever." In other words, either they will convert from Edom to naturalize as Israeli (as Ovadyah did), or that will be the end of them, the end of a battle that began between Esau & Jacob in Rivkah's ("Rebecca's") womb, so that she had to inquire of YHWH concerning what was going on, and the rest is history. Wait until you see the denouement, for our jaws will all drop and our tears of teshuvah (repentance and turning) will fall, says Zechariah 12:10-14, as we all finally recognize the Messiah and see the restoration of the Kingdom to Israel under Him, amein & amein! CaptTurbo • Only a fool doubts the "Owner's Manual".

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 8 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/israeli-archaelogists-discovery-proves-bible-was-right-about-kingdom-of-edom/ President Reuven Rivlin said at the memorial service for Peres. “I hear, loud and clear, the voices calling for a broad and stable national unity government.” we can't hide our heads in the sand. it is the electoral system that has failed: a presidential republic would already be an improvement experience, even if I say we move to the monarchy the rothschild Masonic democracy is a scam: against the real sovereignty of the people! non possiamo nascondere la testa sotto la sabbia. è il sistema elettorale che ha fallito: una repubblica presidenziale sarebbe già una esperienza migliorativa, anche se io dico di passare alla monarchia la massonica democrazia rothschild è una truffa: ai danni della vera sovranità popolare!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 8 ore fa
where is all satanic sharia criminal country Algeria: another church closure in Tizi Ouzou Province Algeria: Campaign against churches intensifies September 11, 2019 Iran: Appeal hearing postponed September 3, 2019 Iran: Christian convert starts one-year prison sentence September 3, 2019 Algeria: Campaign to close churches continues September 3, 2019 Algeria: Campaign against churches continues August 27, 2019 Iran: Upcoming Appeal Hearing August 26, 2019 dove è tutto il paese criminale della sharia satanica Algeria: un'altra chiusura della chiesa nella provincia di Tizi Ouzou https://worldisraelnews.com/netanyahus-pre-indictment-hearing-is-fast-approaching-what-are-his-options/ Algeria: la campagna contro le chiese si intensifica l'11 settembre 2019 Iran: l'udienza di appello è stata rinviata il 3 settembre 2019 Iran: il convertito cristiano inizia la pena detentiva di un anno il 3 settembre 2019 Algeria: la campagna per la chiusura delle chiese continua il 3 settembre 2019 Algeria: la campagna contro le chiese continua il 27 agosto 2019 Iran: prossima audizione di appello il 26 agosto 2019

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 9 ore fa
the word of God is credible and precise and his study will not disappoint la parola di Dio è credibile e precisa e il suo studio non deluderà Satan has deceived the whole world until the woman of Rev 12 delivers the true word of God Rev 12:5. She is not a church, she is not Israel, and she is not Mary. She is the prophet like unto Moses and Elijah Matt 17:3, Acts 3:21-23, Luke 1:17 delivering the true word John 1:1 from the wilderness Rev 12:6 to prepare a people for the Lord’s return. God our Father will not put any child of his into a hell fire no matter what their sins. It never entered the heart or mind of God to ever do such a thing Jer7:31, Jer 19:5. Turn your heart to the children of God. A gift is now delivered and proven to the whole world as a witness Matt 24:14. minigoodtale blogspot com. A righteous judge gathers ALL evidence before making a judgment. If you are called to know the true word- Prove all things. God chose a woman.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 9 ore fa
Esther Schrager Oh fer cryin' out loud. WILL YOU STOP CREATING NEW NAMES? I keep blocking this nutjob but it just keeps reappearing under yet another idiotic name. UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia and how could you escape your judgment? you are insulting the universal justice that I represent! also because what do you not share what I say? nobody knows! you're just a bully! bad people like you should be expelled from the internet! e come tu potresti sfuggire al tuo giudizio? tu stai insultanto la giustizia universale che io rappresento! anche perché cosa non condividi di quello che dico? nessuno lo sa! sei soltanto un bullo! persone cattive come te dovrebbero essere espulse da internet!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 9 ore fa
I CHECK with you, only Rationally on the UNIVERSAL and METAPHYSICAL IDEALS of: JUSTICE (the evil you do not want for others to do) and of TRUTH (don't lie). On these rational premises I will be your friend or your enemy forever! Who does not know the LORD and its implications of the international Masonic institutionalized Satanism, cannot at all express any judgment on the reality that surrounds it! Mi VERIFICO con Te, solo RAZIONALMENTE sugli IDEALI UNIVERSALI e METAFISICI di: GIUSTIZIA (il male che non vuoi per te ad altri non lo fare) e di VERITà (non mentire). Su queste premesse razionali sarò tuo amico o tuo nemico in eterno! Chi non conosce il SIGNORAGGIO e le sue implicanze del satanismo istituzionalizzato internazionale massonico, non può affatto esprimere alcun giudizio sulla realtà che lo circonda!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 14 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://worldisraelnews.com/netanyahus-pre-indictment-hearing-is-fast-approaching-what-are-his-options/ TRUMP what do you say? if Netanjahu and Salvini had used my advice? they would never have collapsed. I am indignant against Giorgia MELONI who called for the fall of the first CONTE government ... to be today, with a new government dracula conte bis .. this boiata is thanks to her! I had predicted it, but they didn't read my comments! TRUMP tu che dici? se Netanjahu e Salvini si fossero avvalsi della mia consulenza? loro non sarebbero mai crollati. sono indignato contro Giorgia MELONI che ha invocato la caduta del primo Governo CONTE ... per trovarsi oggi, con un nuovo governo dracula conte bis.. questa boiata è merito suo! io lo avevo predetto, ma loro non hanno letto i miei commenti!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 14 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • https://worldisraelnews.com/netanyahus-pre-indictment-hearing-is-fast-approaching-what-are-his-options/ Meghan Markle, photos of the Duchess of beautiful legs. Runaway… answer. I am disgusted by all this gossip NWO FED FMI against the royal family they are treating this woman like a wretched prostitute! Meghan Markle, le foto della Duchessa delle belle gambe. In fuga… answer. sono schifato da tutto questo gossip NWO FED FMI contro la famiglia reale stanno trattando questa donna come una disgraziata prostituta!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 14 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Marina USA, UFO video? They are authentic An image of an alleged UFO. A series of declassified movies that show mysterious flying objects without wings moving fast on the screen are "authentic" and cannot be explained: ANSWER: everything has an explanation! are the demon orcs: SpA monsanto ogm bayer by Bush OWL Rothschild SARUMAN but, the Mohammedans think of winning all this satanism with their setanism Allah sharia jihad and without the help of: Unius REI that's why they are identified as dangerous jerks and paranoid serial murderers: in short, a kindOFhole! Marina Usa, video degli Ufo? Sono autentici L'immagine di un presunto Ufo. Una serie di filmati declassificati che mostrano oggetti volanti misteriosi senza ali che si muovono veloci sullo schermo sono "autentici" e non sono spiegabili: ANSWER: tutto ha una spiegazione! sono gli orchi demoni: SpA monsanto ogm bayer di Bush OWL Rothschild SARUMAN ma, i maomettani pensano di vincere tutto questo satanismo con il loro setanismo Allah sharia jihad e senza l'aiuto di: Unius REI ecco perché sono identificati come pericolosi cretini e paranoici assassini seriali: insomma una specie di bucoDELculo! https://worldisraelnews.com/netanyahus-pre-indictment-hearing-is-fast-approaching-what-are-his-options/
Israeli Scientists Develop 3D Printed Corals to Preserve Environment https://unitedwithisrael.org/israeli-scientists-develop-3d-printed-corals-to-preserve-environment/#.XYSff44rlNI.twitter

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia •
President RIVLIN] you miss 7 days, to destroy IRAN: even alone! and in fact you will be alone: traitors Rothshild NWO: they have abandoned you!
this is an indispensable job, which must be done: and which must be done: with any unconventional means: even in solitude!
or you will carry on your conscience: the destruction of ISRAEL!
you bring down the fire from the sky and disintegrate them!
President RIVLIN ] ti mancano 7 giorni, per distruggere IRAN: anche da solo! ed infatti sarai solo: traditori Rothshild NWO: ti hanno abbandonato!
questo è un lavoro indispensabile, che va fatto: e che deve essere fatto: con ogni mezzo NON convenzionale: anche in solitudine!
o tu ti porterai sulla coscienza: la distruzione di ISRAELE!
tu fai scendere il fuoco dal cielo e disintegrali!

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia •
Bin sulfuric, jihad kafir dhimmis MURTIDI sharia genocide Rijad: and Erdogan jihad SALMAN Wahhabis ISIS ] you know very well that: with fraud: to trampling on the sovereignty of peoples: your satanic: deep state: PD lgbt FED IMF 666 NWO as: with deception and betrayal: has killed: Salvini and Netanjahu. even so he will succeed in knocking down TRUMP.
so you stand there with your demon Mecca lilit Kaaba evil idol,
you are waiting as: the priest of satan BIDEN will go to kill the Russians and the Chinese:
just because you want to laugh over their corpses: and so bring: at your demon Erdogan Muhammad to his knees and adoration:
the Islamic genocide of all mankind!
Bin sulfuric sharia genocide Rijad jihad SALMAN Wahhabis ISIS ] tu sai molto bene che: con la frode: calpestando la sovranità dei popoli: il tuo satanico: Stato profondo: PD lgbt FED FMI 666 NWO come: con inganno e tradimento: ha abbattuto: Salvini e Netanjahu. anche così riuscirà ad abbattere TRUMP.
quindi, tu stai li con il tuo demonio Mecca lilit Kaaba idolo malvagio,
tu stai ad aspettare come: il sacerdote di satana BIDEN andrà ad uccidere i russi e i cinesi:
soltanto perché tu vuoi ridere sopra i loro cadaveri: e così portare al tuo demonio Erdogan Maometto in ginocchio e adorazione:
il genocidio islamico di tutto il genere umano!

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • 3 minutes ago
ok now go and get SARUMAN SAUD Erdogan the Bush 322 sorcerers Kerry Rothschild and his witch Soros Epstein Clinton
MOSCOW, 19 SET - Armed men with their faces covered - probably agents of the security services - arrested Alexander Gabyshev, the 'warrior' shaman traveling on foot from Yakutia to Moscow to "chase" Vladimir Putin while he was near the village of Vydrino on the border between the Republic of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region. This is reported by various media citing eyewitnesses. The agents would not have identified themselves and at the moment it is not known where they brought it.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • 7 hours ago
Israelis Block Illegal Arab Construction with Their Bodies
I am profoundly saddened by the fact that the sharia genocide of the ARAB LEAGUE
prevent the peaceful coexistence of Muslims with the human race!
Gli israeliani bloccano la costruzione araba illegale con i loro corpi
sono profondamente rattristato per il fatto che il genocidio della sharia della LEGA ARABA
impedisca la convivenza pacifica dei mussulmani con il genere umano!
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • 8 hours ago
all satanic genocide sharia in country: where SATANA turn his name in Allah ‘Middle East’ is defined here to include the countries from Mauritania through to Iran and from Sudan and Somalia to Turkey. It is almost impossible to provide exact figures, but the total Christian population forms about 3% (12 million) of the region’s inhabitants. Of this 3%, approximately 65% are Orthodox, 20% are Catholic and 15% are Protestant. There are known Muslim converts (MURTIDI o condannati a morte) groups of converts (nascosti) in all of the countries in the region.
The population in the Middle East is estimated to be growing at somewhere between 2.2% and 2.6% per year. There is no sign that the current trend of a decreasing percentage of Christians in the region will change. This declining ratio reinforces the vulnerability of Christians, highlighting the need for MEC’s work in the region.
The countries and territories in the region are categorised here according to the composition and legal status of the church.
category 1: church mostly made up of expatriate Christians
includes Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, the UAE and Bahrain
population: 43 million
large numbers of foreign workers, including a large number of Christians
category 2: small church, not legally recognised
includes Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen and Somalia
population: 101 million
this category has by far the smallest number of Christians
category 3: church recognised by government
includes Egypt, Sudan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Palestine and Northern Cyprus
population: 321 million
most national Christians live in this region

ShemSilber2 • 9 hours ago
As a matter of fact, WHEN (not IF) the Kingdom is restored to Israel--all 12 tribes, of which the Jewish people are a minority, and the majority is still in the Galut / Exile that they went into about 720 BCE (Before the Common Error), about 150 years before the House of Judah went to Babylon. How soon will that be? It will be too soon for the scoffers & persecutors who would like to stop it, but never too soon for believers. All the Arab squatters between the Euphrates and the Nile and to all the surrounding seas (Genesis 15:18-21; Deuteronomy 11:24) will be discharged from the Promised Land. It doesn't matter who believes or refuses to believe the Scriptures, it's coming anyway!
Genesis 12:3 & Numbers 24:9 (יהוה’s [KJV: “the LORD’s”] promise that those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse us will be cursed) are still active on behalf of both the Jewish & non-Jewish children of Israel, both scattered in the Galut / Exile around the world, except for a small minority of Jews in a little sliver of the Promised Land. Be sure of the truth of Sirach 37:25: “The days of the life of man may be numbered: but the days of Yisrael are innumerable.”
The continued slander & libel against the peoples of Israel will rebound on those who carry it on, and they will KNOW that they have only cursed their own selves, in the Name of the Chief Zionist, the Founder and lover of Israel, the Rock of Israel, the Guarantor of, "עם ישראל חי" / "Am Yisrael chai!" / "The people of
Israel live!" namely, the Master Yahusha our Messiah, who is the personified Torah and zeal of Almighty יהוה Avinu, and the Stone that strikes the statue of Daniel 2, and who accomplishes all His purpose, including the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel as the final and eternal world-ruling Empire (with both Yahudah & Ephraim—totally united [Jeremiah 16:14-21; 23:1-8; Ezekiel 37; Daniel 2]!)—amein & amein!

SAWolf • 15 hours ago
Where is the Army? So much for a ,"Strong Zionist", Gov't. Just more political bullsheet to remain in power, the ultimate aphrodisiac for the feeble minded.

ZionMyHome SAWolf • 13 hours ago • edited
Reading this kind of article causes my blood to boil. The freaking savages are literally stealing land from the Nation State of Israel and the government refuses to defend Jewish sovereignty. If they do nothing, they are asking to be overthrown by islamic savages.