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Africani positivi scatenano il caos

Africani positivi scatenano il caos
Africani positivi scatenano il caos mordono militari e distruggono tutto per fuggire da ospedale militare
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 3 commenti

Verdone contro la sinistra moderna “Avete rotto le palle col politicamente corretto”
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 3 commenti

Viminale confessa sbarcati 300 clandestini infetti, sparpagliati in tutta Italia
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento

Altri sbarchi a Lampedusa hotspot invaso da 1.080 tunisini, trasferiti in Abruzzo!
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento

Motovedetta italiana va a prendersi i clandestini dell’Ong tedesca in acque maltesi e li porta a Lampedusa!
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 10 commenti

Contagio costante +1.444 nuovi casi positivi
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 6 commenti

Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 1 commento

Navi ong con oltre 400 clandestini. Onu pretende sbarco in Italia «Farli sbarcare subito». C’è anche la nave di Banksy
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 6 commenti

Immigrati bloccano strada, insulti a italiani che vanno a lavoro per mantenerli
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 5 commenti

“Multa a chi indossa la mascherina”. Il sindaco Sgarbi la vieta a Sutri
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 1 commento

Grandi manifestazioni conto il lockdown in Germania e Inghilterra – VIDEO
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 5 commenti

Sull’Ong fanno il trenino per ammazzare la noia prima di sbarcare in Italia – VIDEO
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento

Cittadini non vogliono i clandestini, minacce a sindaco e hotel Sardegna
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 4 commenti

Ammiraglio De Felice contro il Governo “Ong devono sbarcare in Francia”
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 1 commento

Kenosha, avvocato 17enne chiede scarcerazione immediata “Accuse ridicole, è legittima difesa”
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 3 commenti

Lamorgese nega l’evidenza “Nessuna emergenza sbarchi”, ne sbarcano 700 mentre parla
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 3 commenti

Attacco all’Italia flotta Ong verso Lampedusa con 300 a bordo, 1.000 sbarcano da soli
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 2 commenti

Governo ha gonfiato i morti deceduto di Covid, ma senza tampone
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 2 commenti

Sbarcano con la sigaretta in bocca i ‘disperati’ – VIDEO
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento

Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 6 commenti

Vietato dare la pizza ai leghisti ristoratore minacciato dalle sardine
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 7 commenti

Tunisini esultano a bordo nave per quarantena di lusso “Vittoria” – VIDEO
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox Lascia un commento

Genio grillino 1.000 euro ad ogni Rom per rimanere a Torino
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 4 commenti

In 7 manifestano per i porti aperti in Sicilia – VIDEO
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 3 commenti

Sindaco Lampedusa siamo allo stremo, Conte invia altre 2 navi da crociera
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 4 commenti

“Un morto a bordo, aprite i porti italiani” Ong straniera attacca con 219
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 6 commenti

Giudice che ha sospeso l’ordinanza di sgombero di clandestini lavorava per il PD
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 3 commenti

Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 4 commenti

Clandestini entrano in Italia ammassati nei bus – VIDEO
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 2 commenti

Lampedusa, 45 sbarchi in 48 ore. Polizia “Abbiamo perso il conto dei clandestini”
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 5 commenti

Ong francese verso Lampedusa con 219 clandestini “Questa è lotta antifascista”
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 9 commenti

Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 5 commenti

Il virus arriva sui barconi il 10 per cento dei clandestini è infetto
Agosto 29, 2020 Vox 3 commenti

Accoltellata per strada “Odio le donne bianche”
Agosto 28, 2020 Vox 4 commenti

Immigrati stuprano e torturano due ragazzine poi le seppelliscono vive al cimitero
Agosto 28, 2020 Vox 7 commenti

Velieri carichi di invasori si incagliano vanno a salvarli
Agosto 28, 2020 Vox 1 commento

Lega, Salvini candida Maroni a sindaco Varese
Agosto 28, 2020 Vox 9 commenti

Boom di armi negli Usa gli elettori di Trump si preparano alla guerra razziale
Agosto 28, 2020 Vox 8 commenti

ROM tentano di rapire due bambine in spiaggia

Immigrazione, Minzolini smentisce Lamorgese "Clandestini contagiati? Più del doppio degli italiani" Immigration, Minzolini denies Lamorgese "Clandestini infected? More than double the number of Italians"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
CHRISTIANOFOBIA fron kingdom of Satana lgbtq Allah, reign of antizionism and antichrist ] [ 'Suffering for the sake of the Gospel' Hindu radicals in India brutally beat pastor for 2 hours https://www christianpost com/news/suffering-for-the-sake-of-the-gospel-hindu-radicals-in-india-brutally-beat-pastor-for-2-hours-238624/ Christians meet near their rebuilt church in Kandhamal. In 2008, almost every church in the area was destroyed by Hindu nationalists. | John Fredricks, A pastor in India shared how his faith sustained him as Hindu extremists beat him almost to the point of death because of his evangelistic efforts. International Christian Concern reports that on Aug. 21, Pastor Prasanna Kumar, 32, was attacked and brutally beaten by a mob of radical Hindu nationalists as he returned home from a prayer meeting in Bikampur village, located in the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. The radicals accused the pastor of forcefully converting Hindus to Christianity. “The attack seemed well planned,” Pastor Kumar told ICC. “I thought they were going to kill me.” According to the pastor, a mob surrounded him and pulled him from his motorbike before beating him with wooden clubs. “They yelled at me and accused me of converting people to the Christian faith,” Kumar told ICC. “They said that I give money to people to make them convert to Christianity.” “I tried to talk to them, but they would not allow me to say anything,” Kumar continued. “I was bleeding from my head and was kicked around like a football.” The attack lasted for two hours, leading the pastor to believe he was going to die. “God gave me the grace to accept even death,” Kumar told ICC. “Scriptures were running through my mind as I was being attacked. However, when I thought about my 4-year-old daughter and my wife, I was shattered, and it was excruciating.”

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
'Suffering for the sake of the Gospel' Hindu radicals in India brutally beat pastor for 2 hours Christians meet near their rebuilt church in Kandhamal. In 2008, almost every church in the area was destroyed by Hindu nationalists. | John Fredricks A pastor in India shared how his faith sustained him as Hindu extremists beat him almost to the point of death because of his evangelistic efforts. International Christian Concern reports that on Aug. 21, Pastor Prasanna Kumar, 32, was attacked and brutally beaten by a mob of radical Hindu nationalists as he returned home from a prayer meeting in Bikampur village, located in the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. The radicals accused the pastor of forcefully converting Hindus to Christianity. “The attack seemed well planned,” Pastor Kumar told ICC. “I thought they were going to kill me.” According to the pastor, a mob surrounded him and pulled him from his motorbike before beating him with wooden clubs. “They yelled at me and accused me of converting people to the Christian faith,” Kumar told ICC. “They said that I give money to people to make them convert to Christianity.” “I tried to talk to them, but they would not allow me to say anything,” Kumar continued. “I was bleeding from my head and was kicked around like a football.” The attack lasted for two hours, leading the pastor to believe he was going to die. “God gave me the grace to accept even death,” Kumar told ICC. “Scriptures were running through my mind as I was being attacked. However, when I thought about my 4-year-old daughter and my wife, I was shattered, and it was excruciating.”

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
STOP ISLAM SHARIA WORLDWIDE TERRORISM ] [ Petition Title Terrorism To Get Upperhand If Karman Has Representation In Social Media Regulatory Body. The social media giant has now put a supreme court together to ascertain the authenticity and quality of content to feature in Facebook. Strangely, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Yemeni journalist Tawakkol Karman has been made a part of this special court. Amongst them Karman is apparently connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. Tawakkol Karmanxs ties to the agenda of the Qatari-Turkish xspringx and its Brotherhood affiliates are well-known. A huge danger lies in her having access to a sensitive regulatory system in Facebook. She will not only continue to support Qatar and forward their agenda through social media; she will also support Turkey that is known to throttle freedom of speech by arresting and killing journalists

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
MAGA PATRIOT WINS ] TRUMP & PENCE HERO [ Have you heard the news, lorenzoJHWH? Tonight I’m going to address the nation during the Republican National Convention in support of President Trump. I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished over the past three and a half years with our Republican Senate Majority, and I’m honored to speak on the President's behalf. MAGA PATRIOT WINS lorenzoJHWH, before I address the nation, I must ask you a question. Are you committed to helping President Trump and I defend our Republican Senate Majority come November so we can continue building upon our conservative wins for the American people? If so, can you please chip in before tonight in order to show us that we are able to count on your support?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
Pence Dismantles Biden Democrats Don’t Talk About Agenda Much - ‘Where Joe Biden sees American darkness, we see American greatness,’” MAGA PATRIOT wins

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
"Protests in Istanbul, #Costantinople (Armenian and Byzantine genocide jihad…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Protests in Istanbul, #Costantinople (Armenian and Byzantine genocide jihad sharia) protest by lawyers for the death of Ebru Timtik, the lawyer who asked for a fair trial for ISIS al-Nusra and the Ottomans Erdogan Proteste a Istanbul, #Costantinopoli (genocidio Armeni e Bizantini ) protesta degli avvocati per la morte di Ebru Timtik, l'avvocatessa che chiedeva un equo processo per ISIS al-Nusra e gli ottomani Erdogan

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
Here's what's really behind the Navalny case the CIA has an interest in hurting that idiot Navalny Vladimir Putin would have had no advantage in poisoning Navalny and thereby compromising Moscow's image in the world. Ecco cosa c’è davvero dietro il caso Navalny la CIA ha interesse a fare del male a quell'idiota di Navalny Vladimir Putin non avrebbe avuto alcun vantaggio nell'avvelenare Navalny e compromettere così l'immagine di Mosca nel mondo.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 ore fa
Lamorgese gives the numbers (in every sense) "Migrants arriving in Italy are not a problem". And it gives the numbers (in every sense) state infector, Islamic invasion smuggler, Nigerian mafia. high treason bank seigniorage, incitement to suicide, and threat to national security Lamorgese dà i numeri (in tutti i sensi) «I migranti che arrivano in Italia non sono un problema». E dà i numeri (in tutti i sensi) stato infector, islamico scafista, mafia nigeriana. alto tradimento il signoraggio bancario, istigazione al suicidio, e minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 ore fa Non c'è proprio nulla da fare, chi è stato comunista può anche camuffarsi e mimetizzarsi per essere presentabile in una democrazia occidentale, ma comunista rimane nel profondo dell'anima, con tutto il carico di violenza e odio che questo comporta.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

3 ore fa "oltre il 40% delle forniture commissionate dalla Regione Lazio in emergenza Covid non sono mai arrivate a seguito di truffe e di inadeguatezza delle società scelte". "Si tratta – aggiunge - di dispositivi sanitari per un controvalore di oltre 40 milioni di euro mai arrivati negli ospedali del Lazio, se avessimo registrato i picchi dei contagi delle regioni del Nord sarebbe stata una strage".

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

3 ore fa
You cannot be tolerant with those who kill Sodom #LGBTQ #lgbt. You cannot be welcoming to those who would never welcome you. Rights cannot be given to those who, according to the Koran, destroy them all to subjugate you. #DEM #Pd # M5S have destroyed work and safety! Non si può essere tolleranti con chi uccide Sodoma #LGBTQ #lgbt. Non si può essere accoglienti con chi sharia non ti accoglierebbe mai. Non si possono dare diritti a chi diritti umani per Corano li distrugge tutti per soggiogarti. #DEM #Pd #M5S hanno distrutto lavoro e sicurezza!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
It's time to investigate anarchists criminal bulling #BLM #terrorist #golpe #DEM. , Black Lives Matter made millions off of George Floyd's death. That money is funding a Marxist revolution in the making -- and it's up to you and me to find out what they're hiding and why. Let me explain. My name is David Horowitz and I understand the radical Left and their Marxist movement better than anyone... because I used to lead it. I was born to card carrying communists. I was friends with Black Panthers. I edited a radical magazine. I was deep in the trenches of the Left -- and when I was 31, I finally realized how wrong they were, and how wrong I was. We weren't "saving America" we were destroying the greatest country in the world. So in 1984 I cast my vote for Ronald Reagan and never looked back. I dedicated the rest of my life to combatting the Left's twisted, Marxist vision and using my insider knowledge to expose them for who they really were.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
It's time to investigate anarchists criminal bulling #BLM #terrorist #golpe #DEM. The Black Lives Matter protests and riots ended more black lives in 2 weeks than police took in all of 2019. Yet Black Lives Matter raked in more money between the beginning of June and now than they have in the history of their organization. While black children are slain in the street, black neighborhoods are burned to the ground and black businesses are looted and destroyed. Something isn't adding up. Black Lives Matter is laughing their way to the bank while everyday Americans pay the price. Enough is enough. It's time to follow the money.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
Lamorgese nega l’evidenza “Nessuna emergenza sbarchi”, ne sbarcano 700 mentre parla Lampedusa, 45 sbarchi in 48 ore. Polizia “Abbiamo perso il conto dei clandestini” E’ di nuovo emergenza 40 sbarchi in neanche 48 ore, Lampedusa è in ginocchio.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

7 ore fa
Hamas terror diverts attention from pandemic, poverty in Gaza Mohd Dilshad, another mentally ill Allah uh akbar ERDOGAN Quran sharia jihad who forced a Christian Dalit girl to become a Muslim is in the district of Lakhimpur Kheri, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the north of the country. where the girl was surprised and attacked by the Muslim Dilshad. He attacked the 18 year old in the countryside, raping and stabbing her. government institutions in Uttar Pradesh such as a case of "love jihad", in which Muslim individuals usually try to approach Hindu and Christian girls and entertain loving relationships with them, to then force them into marriage and conversion to Islam. Mohd Dilshad, un altro malato mentale Allah uh akbar ERDOGAN Corano sharia jihad che ha costretto una ragazza dalit cristiana, a diventare musulmana, è nel distretto di Lakhimpur Kheri, nello Stato dell'Uttar Pradesh, nel nord del Paese. dove la ragazza è stata sorpresa e aggredita da l mussulmano Dilshad. Egli ha assalito la diciottenne in piena campagna, stuprandola e accoltellandola. istituzioni governative dell'Uttar Pradesh come un caso di "love jihad", in cui solitamente individui musulmani cercano di avvicinare ragazze indù e cristiane e di intrattenere relazioni amorose con le stesse, per poi costringerle al matrimonio e alla conversione all'islam.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

7 ore fa
Sì, Donald TRUMP ha detto in diverse occasioni, compreso il suo discorso di accettazione di ieri sera, che gli abusi della polizia devono e saranno legalmente puniti. ma BLM è terrorismo antifa di DEM Deep State yes Donald TRUMP said on several occasions including his acceptance speech last night that police abuses must and will be legally punished. but BLM is terrorism antifa by DEM Deep State

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

7 ore fa
Pd Bilderberg EU, infector government! high treason, scam banking seignoiorage, murder, rape, mafia incitement, Islamic invasion unemployment, detalization, debt, incitement to suicide, and threat to national security Pd Bilderberg UE, governo untore! alto tradimento, omicidio, stupro, istigazione mafiosa, invasione islamica disoccupazione, detalizzazione, debito, istigazione al suicidio, e minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

8 ore fa
She is Pia Klemp, the "pirate" who is ferrying 219 illegal immigrants to Italy "Mine is an anti-fascist action" we are preparing concentration camps to imprison all those of the democratic party Lei è Pia Klemp, la “pirata” che sta traghettando in Italia 219 clandestini “La mia è un’azione antifascista” prepariamo campi lager per imprigionare tutti quelli del partito democratico

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

8 ore fa
is there no pervert, technocrat, usurer, neoliberal, satanist who takes pity on the Italian people? threat to national security! all EU NGOs download in ITALY! EU smuggler, terrorist, Bilderberg Soros CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT, Islamic terrorist and terrorist, violator of human rights, Malta closes all ports to smugglers and NGOs now the traffickers of Sea Watch 4 are heading for Italy. Criminal government. * Sea Watch, the pink ship of the English "trafficker" Banksy appears it has already taken 89 illegal immigrants to take to Italy * Salvini “The left does not welcome illegal immigrants out of solidarity, but because it earns billions. It's just business " * Even the jurist Raffiotta removes the red robes and agrees with Musumeci "The ordinance on migrants is legitimate" non c'é nessun pervertito, tecnocrato, usuraio, neoliberista, satanista che ha pietà del popolo italiano? minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale! tutte le ONG della UE scaricano in ITALIA! UE scafista, terrorista, Bilderberg Soros GOVERNO CRIMINALE, untore e terrorista islamico, violatore di diritti umani, Malta chiude tutti i porti a scafisti e Ong ora i trafficanti di Sea Watch 4 fanno rotta verso l’Italia. Governo criminale . * Sea Watch, spunta la nave rosa del “trafficante” inglese Banksy ha già prelevato 89 clandestini da portare in Italia * Salvini “La sinistra non accoglie i clandestini per solidarietà, ma perché ci guadagna miliardi. È solo business” * Anche il giurista Raffiotta smonta le toghe rosse e dà ragione a Musumeci “L’ordinanza sui migranti è legittima”

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

8 ore fa
"is there no pervert, technocrat, usurer, neoliberal, satanist who takes pity…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom is there no pervert, technocrat, usurer, neoliberal, satanist who takes pity on the Italian people? threat to national security! all EU NGOs download in ITALY! EU smuggler, terrorist, Bilderberg Soros CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT, Islamic terrorist and terrorist, violator of human rights, Malta closes all ports to smugglers and NGOs now the traffickers of Sea Watch 4 are heading for Italy. Criminal government. * Sea Watch, the pink ship of the English "trafficker" Banksy appears it has already taken 89 illegal immigrants to take to Italy * Salvini “The left does not welcome illegal immigrants out of solidarity, but because it earns billions. It's just business " * Even the jurist Raffiotta removes the red robes and agrees with Musumeci "The ordinance on migrants is legitimate"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

8 ore fa
Hamas terror diverts attention from pandemic, poverty in Gaza Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • Erdogan IRAN Riyadh OCI UMMA] sorry but this is not a good job scimitar genocide [ Rothschild Freemasons Brotherhood Bilderberg FED IMF ECB NWO Demonic Masonic World the anti-Zionist antichrist reserved exclusively for perverted lgbtq Jewish elements the Order of the B 'nai B'rith, they are the masters of slaves dhimmis Kafir dalit goyims, by making us Islamise (outside of a sharia law regime) they are threatening the survival of ISLAM worldwide! Erdogan IRAN Riyadh OCI UMMA ] mi dispiace ma questo non è un buon lavoro scimitarra genocidio [ i massoni Rothschild Fratellanza Bilderberg FED IMF ECB NWO Massonica demoniaca Mondiale l'anticristo antisionista riservata esclusivamente a elementi ebraici lgbtq pervertiti l'Ordine del B'nai B'rith, loro i padroni degli schiavi dhimmis Kafir dalit goyims, loro facendoci islamizzare (al di fuori di un regime sharia law) loro stanno minacciando la sopravvivenza dell'ISLAM a livello mondiale!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

9 ore fa
Ong ANTIFA francese verso Lampedusa con 219 clandestini “Questa è lotta antifascista” Agosto 29, 2020 Lampedusa, 45 sbarchi in 48 ore. Polizia “Abbiamo perso il conto dei clandestini” BREAKING NEWS, INVASIONE IMMIGRATI IN RIVOLTA, POLIZIA “ORDINE PUBBLICO ORMAI A RISCHIO” BREAKING NEWS, CORONAVIRUS, INVASIONE Il virus e l'ISIS arriva sui barconi il 10 per cento dei clandestini è infetto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

9 ore fa
French NGO ANTIFA towards Lampedusa with 219 illegal immigrants "This is anti-fascist struggle" August 29, 2020 Lampedusa, 45 landings in 48 hours. Police "We have lost count of illegal immigrants" BREAKING NEWS, INVASION IMMIGRANTS IN REVOLT, POLICE "PUBLIC ORDER NOW AT RISK" BREAKING NEWS, CORONAVIRUS, INVASION The virus and ISIS arrives on boats 10 percent of illegal immigrants are infected

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

11 ore fa
"Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran ] [ I know that dirty clothes should be…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran ] [ I know that dirty clothes should be washed at home, and that the shame of ISLAM should be hidden (but you have not opened a private correspondence with me) when your secret agent (Syria Iran) "Abu-ANTAR" when he was with me on the youtube / discussion page he made friends with the 4 priests of satan, and he he did my enemy, too Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran] [ lo so che i panni sporchi si dovrebbero lavare in casa, e che le vergogne dell'ISLAM dovrebbero essere nascoste (ma tu non hai aperto con me una corrispondenza privata) quando il tuo agente segreto (Siria Iran) "Abu-ANTAR" quando lui stava con me sulla pagina di youtube/discussion lui faceva l'amico con i 4 sacerdoti di satana, e lui faceva il mio nemico, anche lui

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

11 ore fa
"the guillotine is looking for the traitors lgbt islamic freemasons and…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom the guillotine is looking for the traitors lgbt islamic freemasons and bilderbergs la ghigliottina va cercando i traditori lgbt islamici massoni e bilderberg

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

11 ore fa
How is the mafia liberal, global or, Mephistopheles? there is an illegal mafia but, always allied with the powers DEM, Deep State, ANTIFA anarchists, antichrists and anti-Zionists, occult powers and strong financial and Masonic FED IMF ECB, and then, there is a legalized mafia who are the Masonic and consociative system of the Banks and international financial the churches and synagogues and mosques of satan, they are the NWO OCI UN La mafia com'è liberista, mondialità o, mefistofele? c'é una mafia illegale ma, sempre alleata dei poteri DEM ANTIFA anarchici anticristi e antisionisti, poteri occulti e forti finanziari e massonici FED IMF ECB, e poi, c'é un mafia legalizzata che sono il sistema massonico e consociativistico delle Banche e finanziario internazionale le chiese e sinagoghe e moschee di satana, loro sono il NWO OCI ONU

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

11 ore fa
They died, but they were healed but, "counted as victims of Covid" They died in road accidents of old age, of cancer but they have been counted as victims of Covid the health terrorism of Bill Gates FED IMF ECB neoliberal technocratic regime Bilderberg #DEM #lgtq, esoteric agenda, and its vaccines SpA Bayer 666 cursed and murderers to nano uranium particles Sono morti, ma erano guariti ma, "contati come vittime di Covid" Sono morti in incidenti stradali di vecchiaia, di cancro ma sono stati contati come vittime di Covid il terrorismo sanitario di Bill Gates FED IMF ECB neoliberisti tecnocratici regime Bilderberg #DEM #lgtq, esoteric agenda, e i suoi vaccini SpA Bayer 666 maledetti e assassini alle nano particelle di uranio

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

13 ore fa
Israeli coronavirus infections top 2000 in one day Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran] [since the father paid / bribed for his degree, to that donkey A-S-S of Bin SALMAN, I used to tell him "you are a friend with me?" and he always replied "I already make friends with Satanists" you kill him! Ali Khamenei, Guida suprema dell'Iran ] [ da quando il padre ha pagato/corrotto per la laurea, a quell'asino di Bin SALMAN, io gli andavo dicendo "tu fai l'amico con me" e lui mi ha sempre risposto "io già faccio l'amico con i satanisti" tu uccidilo!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

13 ore fa
"Yeah it was great for Club Satan FED IMF ECB NWO neoliberalism and globalists…" Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Yeah it was great for Club Satan FED IMF ECB NWO neoliberalism and globalists - #Dems #Biden 666 ANTIFA #lgbtq #antichrists and antizionists Yeah it was great for Club Satan for Bil Salman friends all friends of the Wahhabis Yeah it was great for Club Satan FED IMF ECB NWO neoliberismo e mondialisti - #Dems #Biden 666 ANTIFA #lgbtq #anticristi e antisionisti Yeah it was great for Club Satan for Bil Salman friends tutti gli amici dei wahhabiti

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

13 ore fa
Yeah it was great for Club Satan FED IMF ECB NWO neoliberismo e mondialisti - #Dems #Biden 666 ANTIFA #lgbtq #anticristi e antisonisti Yeah it was great for Club Satan for Bil Salman friends tutti gli amici dei wahhabiti

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

13 ore fa
"due to the vaccine, 60% of people in southern Italy die at 70per colpa del…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom due to the vaccine, 60% of people in southern Italy die at 70 per colpa del vaccino, l'60% delle persone in Italia meridionale muore a 70 anni

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

13 ore fa
even the seasonal flu, or a cold will become covid! "who wants to commit suicide? you have to vaccinate !!!" choose the Russian vaccine scegli il vaccino russo anche l'influenza stagionale, o un raffreddore diventerà covid! "chi si vuole suicidare? si deve vaccinare!!!"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

14 ore fa
WATCH Mob threatens Senator Rand Paul and wife, rescued by police Mob threatens Senator Rand Paul and wife, rescued by police August 28, 2020 Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) discusses the frightening ordeal for him and his wife when they were surrounded by a mob outside the White House early Friday morning, stressing his gratitude to the police and expressing his fear for the future of America. La mafia minaccia il senatore Rand Paul e la moglie, salvati dalla polizia 28 agosto 2020 Il senatore Rand Paul (R-KY) discute della spaventosa prova per lui e sua moglie quando furono circondati da una folla fuori dalla Casa Bianca venerdì mattina presto, sottolineando la sua gratitudine alla polizia ed esprimendo la sua paura per il futuro dell'America.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

14 ore fa
she was stabbed in the street because she too voted for the Democratic party "I hate white women" A woman in her 60s was stabbed in Stockholm's Södermalm neighborhood. The immigrant is now wanted by the police. The attacker threatened his victim and attempted to undress her before stabbing her. At the time of the attack, he allegedly expressed his hatred of "white women". è stata accoltellata per strada perché anche lei ha votato per il partito democratico “Odio le donne bianche” Una donna sulla sessantina è stata accoltellata nel quartiere Södermalm di Stoccolma. L’immigrato è ora ricercato dalla polizia. L’aggressore ha minacciato la sua vittima e ha tentato di spogliarla prima di accoltellarla. Al momento dell’aggressione, avrebbe espresso il suo odio nei confronti delle “donne bianche” .

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

15 ore fa
Immigrants rape and torture two little girls then they bury them alive in the cemetery, that's why in the ARAB LEAGUE they have the death penalty, because the devil Allah produces the beasts! The two executioners, currently in custody, are an Iranian and an Arab. They would be two asylum seekers. Initially, they wanted to sell drugs to two crossed minors in the city center. When they refused, their ordeal began, which would last more than ten hours. Immigrati stuprano e torturano due ragazzine poi le seppelliscono vive al cimitero, ecco perché nella LEGA ARABA hanno la pena di morte, perché il demonio Allah produce le bestie! I due carnefici, attualmente in custodia, sono un iraniano e un arabo. Sarebbero due richiedenti asilo. Inizialmente, volevano vendere droga a due minorenni incrociate nel centro della città. Al rifiuto è iniziato il loro calvario, che sarebbe durato più di dieci ore.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

15 ore fa
the Antifa DEMs are a mortal threat, they subject us to Islamic invasion and many of them are infected with covids and criminals, to spit to death on our 4 million sterilized and infertile unemployed and drive them to suicide! i DEM Antifa sono una minaccia mortale, ci sottomettono a invasione islamica e molti di loro sono infetti covid e delinquenti, per sputare a morte sui nostri 4 milioni di disoccupati sterlizzati e infecondi e spingerli al suicidio!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

15 ore fa
"all Jewish houses on top of all hills cannot be demolished. — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom all Jewish houses on top of all hills cannot be demolished. I don't recognize the State of Palestine tutte le case ebraiche sulla sommità di tutte le colline, non possono essere demolite. io non riconosco lo Stato di Palestina

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

23 ore fa
S.Veronica Giuliani:"chi ama Gesù e non ama soffrire con lui o è ingannato o è bugiardo".

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

23 ore fa Santa Veronica Giuliani la prima donna con le stimmate

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

23 ore fa
veronica giuliani

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Grave messaggio a Maria Valtorta «La Chiesa sarà colpita dalla chiesa del massone» https://youtu be/3edPp8USCl8 Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • God JHWH holy holy holy bless brothers Israel love UAE i am jewish messia WELCOME

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
WATCH Trump taunts Dems in White House speech, says ‘We’re here and they’re not’ UK satana Anticristo Macron Merkel antifa lgbt M5S #PD DEM, Di Maio, Zingaretti, Conte, buffoni falliti, ladri di poltrone golpisti UE mondialisti feccia tecnocratici Bilderberg neoliberisti Bill Gates i satanisti Deelp State avete sentito cosa Putin ha detto circa Minsk e Bielorussia? ------------> "fatevi i caxxi vostri!"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
WATCH Trump taunts Dems in White House speech, says ‘We’re here and they’re not’ Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • Xi-Jinping mi hanno detto che stai facendo la campagna elettorale per i sodomitici e i satanisti di BIDEN Deep State, quindi, tu hai fatto il coronavirus in combutta con loro?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Sharia colonization lgbtq church of Satana, jabullOn, in France DEM EU neoliberalism Soros antifa Bilderberg #Pd: "We love only what hates us, everything that destroys us is perceived as something formidable. destroy the truth, history hide Islamic immigrant crimes colonizzazione sharia in Francia DEM UE neoliberismo Soros antifa Bilderberg Pd "Amiamo solo ciò che ci odia, tutto ciò che ci distrugge è percepito come qualcosa di formidabile. distruggere la verità, la storia nascondere crimini immigrati islamici

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Turchia avvocatessa diritti umani muore in carcere per sciopero della fame l'infame Erdogan boia di un assassino seriale e calunniatore, lui pagherà con tutti i suoi complici tedeschi!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Tunisini sbarcano e razziano le case a Lampedusa, Salvini “Governo da mandare a processo” Matteo Salvini condivide un’ultim’ora da Lampedusa, dove da stanotte sono sbarcati circa 300 immigrati

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Grecia invoca sanzioni contro la Turchia "Sono un'assoluta necessità": "Sto aspettando con grande interesse l'annuncio di Josep Borrell sulle possibilità di sanzioni nei confronti della Turchia.

Professione finto profugo parassita islamico del PD M5S

Professione finto profugo parassita islamico del PD M5S 
i am jewish messia


Professione finto profugo parassita islamico del PD M5S 

ISSUES  Professione finto profugo parassita islamico del PD M5S

اهدا کنید

کمپین در رسانه‌‌های جهانی

آخرین خبرها


کیوان صمیمی می روم زندان برمیگردم باز ادامه می دهم


اعتصاب غذای نامحدود نسرین ستوده در اعتراض به شرایط زندانیان سیاسی
مرداد ۲۱, ۱۳۹۹

با مسدود کردن حساب بانکی نسرین ستوده، قوه قضائیه از دسترسی خانواده به موجودی آن جلوگیری کرد
مرداد ۸, ۱۳۹۹

کایلی مور-گیلبرت برای «تنبیه» به زندان قرچک منتقل شد؛ محقق استرالیایی در کنار محکومین خطرناک محبوس است
مرداد ۷, ۱۳۹۹

بیشتر بخوانید

آخرين خبرها

کیوان صمیمی می روم زندان برمیگردم باز ادامه می دهم

"در بازجویی ها گفتند از ایران برو" کیوان صمیمی، فعال سیاسی و عضو هیات مدیره انجمن دفاع از آزادی مطبوعات که برای اجرای حکم سه سال زندان احضار شده در مصاحبه با کمپین حقوق بشر در ایران گفته است "می روم زندان برمیگردم باز ادامه می ......

وضعیت وخیم جسمانی و روحی پیام درفشان در زندان اوین

سعید دهقان خواستار مرخصی و اعزام پیام درفشان به بیمارستان تخصصی هستیم سعید دهقان، وکیل پیام درفشان، وکیل دادگستری زندانی در مصاحبه با کمپین حقوق بشر در ایران با ابراز نگرانی از وضعیت جسمی و روحی موکلش در زندان ......

نسرین ستوده در واکنش به بازداشت دخترش پیش بینی می کردم کوتاه نمی آیم

رضا خندان، فعال مدنی و همسر نسرین ستوده از بازداشت و صدور قرار کفالت برای مهراوه خندان، دختر این وکیل زندانی خبر داده و به کمپین حقوق بشر در ایران گفت که او با قرار کفالت معادل صد میلیون تومان آزاد شده است. آقای خندان ......

اعتصاب غذای نامحدود نسرین ستوده در اعتراض به شرایط زندانیان سیاسی

نسرین ستوده با درخواست آزادی زندانیان سیاسی، دست به اعتصاب غذا می‌زنم رضا خندان، فعال مدنی و همسر نسرین ستوده در مصاحبه با کمپین حقوق بشر در ایران از اعتصاب غذای نامحدود این فعال حقوق بشر در زندان اوین خبر داد و گفت که او ......

پرونده سازی و حکم زندان برای جعفر عظیم زاده 

یک منبع آگاه در مصاحبه با کمپین حقوق بشر در ایران از وضعیت وخیم جسمانی جعفر عظیم زاده، دبیر هیئت مدیره اتحادیه آزاد کارگران در زندان اوین خبر داده و گفت که این فعال کارگری در شرایطی در زندان اوین به کرونا مبتلا شده که ......

بیشتر بخوانید

تحصیل کودکان دارای معلولیت

بیشتر بخوانید

در یک نگاه
وضعیت دسترسی به اینترنت، حریم خصوصی و امنیت اینترنت در ایران را در یک نگاه مطالعه کنید.

آخرین گزارش‌ها
مثل بقیه بچه‌ها فقدان دسترسی کودکان دارای معلولیت به آموزش فراگیر و باکیفیت در ایران

آخرین توییت‌ها

ICHRI_FA با بی‌جواب ماندن کلیه مکاتبات و با درخواست آزادی زندانیان سیاسی، دست به اعتصاب غذا می‌زنم. به امید استقرار عدالت در… 11 hours ago
ICHRI_FA اکنون مشخص شده که جان و سلامت زندانیان کوچکترین اهمیتی برای مسئولین حکومتی نداشته است و با نگه داشتن زندانیان در زن… 17 hours ago
ICHRI_FA #جعفر_عظیم_زاده ، فعال کارگری و دبیر هیئت مدیره اتحادیه آزاد کارگران در سال ۱۳۹۴ به دلیل فعالیت های صنفی در دادگاه… a day ago

برگزیده های کمپین

سرکوب فعالان محیط زیست

برخی از هشت حافظان محیط زیست زندانی در ایران که طی یک سال گذشته زندانی بودند، با تهدید به مرگ مجبور به اقرار بر علیه خود شده‌اند.

آرشیو کاریکاتورها

کاریکاتورهای توکا نیستانی با مضمون حقوق بشر را هر هفته اینجا ببینید


مجموعه ویدیوهای کمپین را در حوزههای مختلف حقوق زنان، کارگران، انتخابات، زندانیان سیاسی و … اینجا ببینید.

سوال و جواب‌های حقوقی

هر هفته به یک پرسش حقوقی مطرح شده پاسخ داده خواهد شد.

پوسترهای گرافیگی از زندانیان سیاسی

بی‌طرفی شبکه

بررسی و تحلیل سیاست‌های دولت ایران و شورای عالی فضای مجازی برای استفاده از این زیرساخت شبکه ایران به گونه‌ای که باعث می‌شود ترافیک اینترنت به صورت تبعیض‌آمیز به دست کاربر برسد و کاربران، که از آن بی‌طرفی شبکه یاد می‌شود.

حقوق در یک نگاه

شرح وضعیت حقوق مدنی،‌ سیاسی و اجتماعی در یک نگاه به صورت گرافیکی

کمپین در رسانه‌های جهان

انعکاس فعالیت‌های کمپین در رسانه‌های بین‌المللی را در حوزه‌های مختلف در این صفحه گردآوری شده است.


بیشتر بخوانید

برای دریافت آخرین اخبار ایران در خبرنامه کمپین عضو شوید

۱۳۹۶ حق چاپ و کپی برای مرکز حقوق بشر در ایران محفوظ است(نام قبلی مرکز، کمپین بین‌المللی حقوق بشر در ایران است)



Nasrin Sotoudeh Begins Hunger Strike in Evin Prison

Imprisoned Human Rights Lawyer in Poor Health, Needs Hospitalization
AUGUST 18, 2020

Nasrin Sotoudeh's Daughter Detained, Persecution of Imprisoned Lawyer’s Family Intensifies
AUGUST 18, 2020

Nasrin Sotoudeh Begins Hunger Strike in Evin Prison
AUGUST 12, 2020

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Veteran Journalist Reporting to Prison To Serve Three-Year Sentence
AUGUST 24, 2020

Keyvan Samimi Sees Worsening Fear and Repression in Iran The veteran journalist and political activist Keyvan Samimi must report to Evin Prison to begin serving a three-year prison sentence for his peaceful activism and reporting. On August 21, Samimi posted a screenshot of an electronic summons from ...

Imprisoned Human Rights Lawyer in Poor Health, Needs Hospitalization
AUGUST 18, 2020

New Law Reduces Derafshan’s Sentence By 6 Months, Must Still Serve Two Years Sentence Reductions at Judge’s Discretion in “National Security” Cases Imprisoned human rights attorney Payam Derafshan is in poor health and in need of hospitalization, his lawyer Saeed Dehghan informed the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) ...

Nasrin Sotoudeh’s Daughter Detained, Persecution of Imprisoned Lawyer’s Family Intensifies
AUGUST 18, 2020

Arrest of Mehraveh Khandan Aimed at Forcing Sotoudeh to End Her Hunger Strike in Prison August 18, 2020—Mehraveh Khandan, the 20-year-old daughter of imprisoned human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, was arrested at her home in Tehran on August 17, 2020, and detained in order to force her ...

Nasrin Sotoudeh Begins Hunger Strike in Evin Prison
AUGUST 12, 2020

Prominent Attorney Seeks Release of Political Prisoners Amid COVID-19 Outbreak August 12, 2020—The imprisoned human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh began a hunger strike on August 11, 2020, to demand the release of political prisoners threatened by the COVID-19 virus, which has spread in Tehran’s Evin Prison. “With ...

New Conviction against Imprisoned Labor Leader Upheld to Keep Him Behind Bars
AUGUST 11, 2020

Jafar Azimzadeh Should Have Been Released, Instead Given Another 13 Months Now Activist Has Contracted COVID-19 in Iran’s Overcrowded Prisons The prominent labor activist Jafar Azimzadeh, who should have been released from prison in February 2020 as part of a broad state-issued pardon and who has since ...

Political Prisoners in Iran Contracting COVID-19 at Alarming Rate
AUGUST 11, 2020

Twelve Test Positive, Many Others with Symptoms, None Receiving Proper Treatment Prominent Labor Activists, Lawyer and Journalist Among Those Falling Ill August 11, 2020—Political prisoners in Iran—including prominent labor leaders Esmail Abdi and Jafar Azimzadeh, the human rights attorney Amirsalar Davouudi, the journalist Majid Azarpey ...

Strikes Break Out in Iran’s Critical Oil Industry Amid Continuing Labor Unrest
AUGUST 4, 2020

New Fact Sheet Highlights Widespread Rights Abuses, Protests Likely to Continue August 4, 2020—With workers in Iran’s critical oil refining, petrochemicals and drilling industries striking in southern Iran over working conditions and unpaid wages since July 31, and sugar mill workers in Khuzestan Province protesting unpaid wages since ...

Death Sentences for Five Men Upheld Despite Allegations of Torture, False Confessions
JULY 31, 2020

Evidence Contradicting Guilt Ignored in Effort to Cover Up Security Forces’ Culpability July 31, 2020—Death sentences against five men arrested in Isfahan Province, central Iran, in connection with nationwide protests during December 2017-January 2018, have been upheld by the Supreme Court, a source with knowledge about ...

UN Press Release Bachelet Alarmed by Threats against Prominent Iranian NGO
JULY 30, 2020

Farsi Version (PDF) GENEVA (30 July 2020) – The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, said today she was alarmed by the Iranian Government’s increased pressure on a prominent civil society group working on poverty and social protection, and the arrest of its founding ...

Read more


@ICHRI The husband of imprisoned #Iran human rights attorney Nasrin Sotoudeh says she has lost 6 kilos as of the 17th day… 15 hours ago
@ICHRI Mehdi Rajabian--who has already been imprisoned twice in #Iran on charges relating to his music--is now facing tria… 17 hours ago
@ICHRI RT @hadighaemi .@drninaansary "That there even is a Women's Equality Day in the 21st century is something for all of us to take note of,…about a day ago


The plight of workers continues to prompt unrest in Iran. Independent unions aren’t recognized, labor leaders and activists are imprisoned, workers face chronically unpaid wages, and there is widespread discrimination and child labor.

A comprehensive examination of the extraordinary violence Iranian state forces used against protesters in November 2019 and January 2020.


Designer Amir Taghi Donates Net Proceeds from Mask Sales to Center for Human Rights in Iran
JUNE 30, 2020

“They Want to Create Fear” More Artists Summoned to Prison Amid Iran’s Rising COVID-19 Death Toll
MARCH 12, 2020

Interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour Iranian Art in the Shadow of a Crackdown
DECEMBER 9, 2019

Read More


List of Attorneys Imprisoned in Iran for Defending Human Rights

At least five human rights attorneys are currently imprisoned in Iran under trumped-up charges, including one who is currently being held incommunicado

Iran’s Human Rights Record

A panel discussion by the Atlantic Council's Future of Iran Initiative

Who Are the Dual and Foreign Nationals Imprisoned in Iran?

At least 14 dual and foreign nationals, as well as foreign permanent residents, are currently imprisoned in Iran


Artwork on human rights themes

GIFs and Posters

GIFs and posters of political prisoners to download and share.

Human Cost of Sanctions

The Impact of sanctions on Iranians' economic and social rights.

Disabilities Rights

CHRI's articles, videos and groundbreaking reports on disabilities rights in Iran.

Art Exhibition

CHRI’s exhibition in NYC featuring the works of prominent Iranian-American artists.


TitleAuthorDate"We Have No Mercy on You People" Persecution of Christians, July 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/08/23
The Ignored Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2020/08/16
"Burned Alive" Persecution of Christians, June 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/07/26
Turkey Deporting Protestant Christians Uzay Bulut 2020/07/05
"32,000 Christians Butchered to Death" The Persecution of Christians, May 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/06/28
Copts Crucified Trump Remembers Egypt's Persecuted Christian Minority Raymond Ibrahim 2020/06/14
Iran's Expanding Influence into Iraq's Christian Areas Uzay Bulut 2020/06/11
"You Are Finished!" Turkey's Growing War on Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2020/06/07
"Epidemic Prevention" Chinese Communist Party Style Persecute Religious Minorities Judith Bergman 2020/05/24
Turkey Erdogan's "Leftovers of the Sword" Uzay Bulut 2020/05/13
Coronavirus More Abuse of Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2020/05/10
"The Goal Was to Kill as Many People as Possible" The Persecution of Christians, March 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/05/03
"Jihadists Martyred Him for Refusing to Renounce Jesus Christ" The Persecution of Christians, February 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/04/12
He Simply "Hates Christians" The Persecution of Christians January 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/03/29
Turkey Pressures, Attacks, and Discrimination against Christians Uzay Bulut 2020/03/29
The Vatican Surrenders to China Giulio Meotti 2020/03/22
China's War on Religion Ensnares American-based Pastor John Cao Lawrence A. Franklin 2020/03/18
"Please, Please Help Us!" The Persecution of Christians December 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/03/15
Who's Attacking Palestinian Christians? Bassam Tawil 2020/03/08
China Cracks Down on Religion Even Harder Judith Bergman 2020/03/02
"They Came to Kill Him" The Persecution of Christians - November 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/02/16
A Global Catastrophe "260 Million Christians Experience High Levels of Persecution" Raymond Ibrahim 2020/02/02
Cruelty to Animals Gets More Media Coverage than Beheaded Christians Giulio Meotti 2020/01/26
Christian Couple Kidnapped in Turkey Uzay Bulut 2020/01/20
We "Have to Kill Christians" Persecution of Christians, October 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/01/19
Turkey's No Longer Best-Kept Secret Islamized Christians Vasileios Meichanetsidis 2020/01/12
Christians Beheaded for Christmas, The West Goes Back to Sleep Giulio Meotti 2020/01/05
In Iran, It Is a Crime to Be a Christian Majid Rafizadeh 2019/12/29
UN, UK Treating Persecuted Christians as "Enemies" Raymond Ibrahim 2019/12/25
"Silent Night" Persecuted Palestinian Christians Kept Out of Sight Raymond Ibrahim 2019/12/22
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Europe's Solitary Defender of Persecuted Christians Giulio Meotti 2019/12/15
Another Ignored Genocide of Christians Plagues Burkina Faso Raymond Ibrahim 2019/12/15
The Fate of Christians in the Current World Denis MacEoin 2019/12/08
Egypt Christian Churches Burn "Accidentally," or Have "Terrorists Changed Operations"? Raymond Ibrahim 2019/12/08
Turkey's Open Secret Fake Secularism Burak Bekdil 2019/12/03
Pope Francis, 'The Song of Roland' and Imam Al-Tayeb Giulio Meotti 2019/12/01
Radical Persecution Must Be Eradicated Lawrence A. Franklin 2019/11/18
The "Great Pleasure in Destroying Christians" The Persecution of Christians, September 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/11/17
The Palestinian Christmas Show Bassam Tawil 2019/11/12
Turkey Hate Speech against Christians and Jews Sezen Şahin 2019/11/11
"Too Many to Count" The Global Persecution of Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2019/11/10
Turkey Arming Genocide of Christians in Nigeria? Raymond Ibrahim 2019/11/03
"Why Are You So Silent?" Persecution of Christians, August 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/10/27
Christians in Burkina Faso "A Fight for Survival" Uzay Bulut 2019/10/13
"WORLD TAKE NOTE!" Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2019/10/06
"Convert, Marry Me, or Die" Persecution of Christians, July 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/09/22
Christians Massacred, Media Look the Other Way Giulio Meotti 2019/09/08
"There Is No Christian Anymore in This Town" Persecution of Christians, June 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/08/25
The Widespread Desecration of Christian Graves Raymond Ibrahim 2019/08/22
The Extinction of Christians in the Middle East Giulio Meotti 2019/08/18
Sweden Whitewashing Its Anti-Semitism? Nima Gholam Ali Pour 2019/08/08
Forty Years of Iranian Intolerance Denis MacEoin 2019/08/07
Pakistan Abduction, Forced Conversion of Non-Muslim Girls Uzay Bulut 2019/08/07
India Caste Discrimination Remains, Despite Liberal Laws Jagdish N. Singh 2019/08/06
The Latest UN Horror Show Christian Refugees Ignored Uzay Bulut 2019/08/04
"We Are Never Heard" Persecution of Christians, May 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/07/21
"You Are Born to Clean Our Houses" Persecution of Christians, April 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/07/07
Christians in Africa "You have three days to go or you will be killed!" Giulio Meotti 2019/06/30
Africa Alarming Rise of Christian Persecution Uzay Bulut 2019/06/26
The Suppressed Plight of Palestinian Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2019/06/13
"Rarely Reported by the Media Anymore" Persecution of Christians, March 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/06/02
Genocide of Christians Reaches "Alarming Stage" Raymond Ibrahim 2019/05/26
Turkey Erdogan Describes Armenian Genocide as 'Reasonable Relocation' Uzay Bulut 2019/05/22
Burkina Faso The New Land of Islamic Jihad and Christian Slaughter Raymond Ibrahim 2019/05/19
Chinese Sex Trade in Pakistan Abuse of Christian Girls Kaswar Klasra 2019/05/13
"I Don't Know Why They Attacked Our Village" Persecution of Christians, February 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/05/12
Iran's 'Terror Factory' Targeting Christians Uzay Bulut 2019/05/05
Holiday Massacres of Christians A New Fact of Life Raymond Ibrahim 2019/05/02
Turkey On Anniversary of Genocide, Armenians Still under Attack Uzay Bulut 2019/05/01
Annihilation of Christian Life and People Where is the Outrage in the West? Giulio Meotti 2019/04/28
359 'People Were in Pieces!' Raymond Ibrahim 2019/04/25
Nigeria Jihad against Christians Uzay Bulut 2019/04/21
UK Radical Muslims Welcome, Persecuted Christians Need Not Apply Raymond Ibrahim 2019/03/31
Pakistan Mentally Disabled Christians Charged with Blasphemy Raymond Ibrahim 2019/03/24
Britain's War on Christianity Part I Soeren Kern 2019/03/19
"Is It Really Human Beings Doing This?" Raymond Ibrahim 2019/03/10
Report "11 Christians Killed Every Day for Their Faith" Raymond Ibrahim 2019/03/03
Turkey The Case of the Missing Priests Uzay Bulut 2019/02/27
Iran Mounting Persecution of Christians Majid Rafizadeh 2019/02/24
"We Will Displace You ..." Persecution of Christians, December 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/02/17
The Pope's Stubborn Silence on the Persecution of Christians Giulio Meotti 2019/02/03
The Widespread Persecution of Converts to Christianity Uzay Bulut 2019/02/03
"We Will Teach You a Lesson" Extremist Persecution of Christians, November 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/01/27
The Vatican Surrenders to China Lawrence A. Franklin 2019/01/20
Turkey's War on Christian Missionaries Uzay Bulut 2018/12/30
Pakistan Earned U.S. Designation as "Country of Particular Concern" Kaswar Klasra 2018/12/27
The Rubber Whip Extremist Persecution of Christians, October 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/12/25
New Revelation Previous US Administration Facilitated Christian Genocide in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2018/12/23
"United Nations, Your Silence is Getting Worse" Extremist Persecution of Christians, September 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/12/16
"Burnt Beyond Recognition" Extremist Persecution of Christians, August 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/12/02
"We Will Displace You" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/11/25
"A Pure Genocide" Extremist Persecution of Christians, June 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/11/18
The West Must Offer Immediate Asylum to Asia Bibi Giulio Meotti 2018/11/14
A Bloodbath for Christians, No Response from Egypt Raymond Ibrahim 2018/11/11
Asia Bibi Pakistan's Judicial Betrayal Giulio Meotti 2018/11/05
Tale of a Christian Mother in a Non-Christian Land Majid Rafizadeh 2018/11/04
Life Returning Slowly to Christian Homeland in Iraq Kenneth R. Timmerman 2018/11/01
Pakistan Asia Bibi Acquitted After Years Awaiting Death for "Blasphemy" Giulio Meotti 2018/10/31
The Annihilation of Iraq's Christian Minority Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/28
"It Is the Quran That Must Be Read" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/21
Christians Sentenced to Death Under Sharia Law Majid Rafizadeh 2018/10/14
"Genocide against Christians" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/14
Pakistan Death or Life for Christian "Blasphemer"? Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/10
Iran's Idea of "Human Rights" Persecute Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/07
"We Are Bigger than Your Jesus!" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/09/23
Death as Punishment "for Disbelief" Extremist Persecution of Christians, February 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/09/09
New Heights of Turkish Hypocrisy Uzay Bulut 2018/08/09
UK Discrimination against Christian Refugees Judith Bergman 2018/08/06
"Be Cursed Forever" Extremist Persecution of Christians, January 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/08/05
Turkey Detained US Pastor Brunson Vilified by State-Supporting Media Uzay Bulut 2018/07/29
"It Was Like a War against the Church" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/07/22
International Community Ignores Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2018/07/08
The Abuse of Egypt's Coptic Christians Salim Mansur 2018/07/07
Bishop Graham Tomlin and the Demonization of Israel Denis MacEoin 2018/06/24
UN Has Only Recommended Tiny Token Numbers of Syrian Christians for Resettlement in the UK Raymond Ibrahim 2018/06/03
In the European Appeasement Olympics, Who Wins? Bruce Bawer 2018/05/26
Armenian Genocide Turkey Cracks Down Uzay Bulut 2018/05/06
Turkey Calls on Europe to Criminalize "Islamophobia" Uzay Bulut 2018/04/30
Christian, Yazidi Women Still in ISIS Captivity Sirwan Kajjo 2018/04/16
"Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/04/15
Iraq's Christians Eighty Percent Have "Disappeared" Giulio Meotti 2018/04/01
Why Christians Need Self Rule in Iraq Uzay Bulut 2018/03/30
Nigeria's Christians Today, Europe's Christians Tomorrow Giulio Meotti 2018/03/18
"Don't Dare Sit with Us if You Want to Live" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/02/25
Infidel Women Spoils of War Raymond Ibrahim 2018/02/17
215,000,000 Christians Persecuted, Mostly by Muslims Raymond Ibrahim 2018/01/21
Restoring Persecuted Middle East Christians' Faith in America Johny Messo 2018/01/21
"Oh You Cross-Worshippers, We'll Kill You All" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/01/14
Pakistan Blasphemy Laws, Human-Rights Abuses Deepen A. Z. Mohamed 2017/12/28
Christians "Slaughtered Like Chicken" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/12/17
Europe Destroyed by the West's Indifference? Giulio Meotti 2017/11/19
"We Are Going to Burn You Alive!" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/11/05
Time for an Assyrian Regional Government in Iraq Uzay Bulut 2017/11/05
"Our Lives Have Turned into Hell" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/10/15
Turkey's Mass Persecution of Christians and Kurds Uzay Bulut 2017/09/04
"It's a War on Christians" Muslim Persecution of Christians, April 2017 Raymond Ibrahim 2017/08/27
Is the State Department Buying Arab Propaganda? Nonie Darwish 2017/08/09
Islamist Spies Infiltrating the West to Terrorize Christians Majid Rafizadeh 2017/08/06
Slaughtered Christians "A Viable Target"? Raymond Ibrahim 2017/07/16
Deadly Tale Christian Converts from Islam Majid Rafizadeh 2017/07/09
After Middle East, Will Islamists Uproot Christians in Europe? Giulio Meotti 2017/06/04
"Drip-Drip" Genocide Muslim Persecution of Christians, February, 2017 Raymond Ibrahim 2017/05/28
The Great Price of "Blaspheming" against Muhammad Raymond Ibrahim 2017/05/14
Europe What Happens to Christians There Will Come Here Giulio Meotti 2017/04/30
"Spit on the Cross or Die" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/04/16
Death and Destruction for Christmas Raymond Ibrahim 2017/03/12
The West's Real Bigotry Rejecting Persecuted Christians Uzay Bulut 2017/02/05
"If You Love Jesus, Then Die Like Jesus!" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/02/05
Turkey Jails American Pastor Uzay Bulut 2017/01/23
"Now Is Time to Behead Unbelievers" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/01/01
Palestinians The Nightmare of Christians Khaled Abu Toameh 2016/12/24
"The Crescent Must be Above the Cross" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/12/18
Egypt's Deadliest Church Attack Raymond Ibrahim 2016/12/12
"Allah, Kill the Despicable Christians" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/11/20
Turkey Targets Oldest Syriac Orthodox Monastery Robert Jones 2016/11/16
Documented Obama's "Traditional Muslim Bias" against Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2016/11/03
Turkey Targets Christians Robert Jones 2016/10/23
U.S. Helps Muslims, not Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2016/10/23
"First They Came for Asia Bibi" Douglas Murray 2016/10/21
"Christians Are Untouchables! They Are Meant for Cleaning Our Houses." Raymond Ibrahim 2016/10/02
"Christian Girls are only Meant for One Thing, the Pleasure of Muslim Men" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/09/26
Palestinians Jibril Rajoub and the "Merry Christmas Group" Khaled Abu Toameh 2016/09/16
Christians as "Target Practice" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/08/28
"Justice" in Pakistan Asia Bibi Lubna Thomas Benjamin 2016/08/03
Turkey's Tradition of Murdering Christians Robert Jones 2016/07/31
Not Just "An Absurd Murder," Pope Francis Lawrence A. Franklin 2016/07/27
"Worthless Christians" Treated "Like Animals" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/07/17
Pope Francis The Good Shepherd Now Must Protect His Sheep Lawrence A. Franklin 2016/06/27
Egypt New Attacks on Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2016/06/26
Obama's Refugee Policy Yes to Potential Terrorists, No to Victims of Genocide Raymond Ibrahim 2016/06/05
Christians Beheaded and Slaughtered on Easter Raymond Ibrahim 2016/05/29
Pakistan "Blasphemy" for Ethnic Cleansing Lubna Thomas Benjamin 2016/05/22
The West Must Say "Je Suis Asia Bibi" Giulio Meotti 2016/05/19
Germany Christian Refugees Persecuted by Muslims Soeren Kern 2016/05/15
Jihad on Christian Church Tents Raymond Ibrahim 2016/05/15
"It Is My Dream to Behead Someone" -- American Muslim Raymond Ibrahim 2016/05/01
Turkey Builds Mega-Mosque in U.S., Blocks Churches in Turkey Uzay Bulut 2016/04/18
Palestinians Erasing Christian History Khaled Abu Toameh 2016/04/12
Blasphemy Convictions Intensify in Sisi's Egypt Raymond Ibrahim 2016/04/06
Why Are Christians Leaving the Holy Land? Lawrence A. Franklin 2016/04/03
U.S. at Easter When Christians Are Slaughtered, Look the Other Way Raymond Ibrahim 2016/03/27
ISIS Massacre of Christians Not "Genocide," Obama Administration Insists Raymond Ibrahim 2016/03/17
U.S. Policy Made 2015 the Worst Persecution of Christians "in Modern History" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/03/15
Bombed, Burned, and Urinated On Churches Under Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2016/03/02
Egypt's "Security Threat" Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2016/02/15
Islam's Sword Comes for Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2016/02/07
Mideast Christian Suffering, U.S. Denial Raymond Ibrahim 2016/01/31
Pakistan "Christian Girls Are Only Meant for the Pleasure of Muslim Men" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/01/25
Turkey Christian Refugees Live in Fear Uzay Bulut 2016/01/24
A Gruesome Christmas under Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2016/01/18
The Real Threat to Palestinian Christians Radical Islam Bassam Tawil 2015/12/27
ISIS Slaughtering Christians "In Their Beds" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/12/27
Grim Life for Christians in Muslim Pakistan Raymond Ibrahim 2015/12/25
Christians in Nigeria Having Nothing but Everything Alan Craig 2015/12/25
"One Christian Slaughtered Every Five Minutes" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/12/14
Why Has the Church Abandoned the Christians of the Middle East? Judith Bergman 2015/12/10
The Indonesian Jihad on Christian Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2015/11/11
"We Did What We Learned Attacking Christians" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/11/05
Christians Persecuted by Muslims Even in the West Raymond Ibrahim 2015/10/20
How Obama Ushered in the New Age of Christian Martyrdom Raymond Ibrahim 2015/10/10
Obama Throws Christian Refugees to Lions Raymond Ibrahim 2015/09/24
"Wake Up!" Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2015 Raymond Ibrahim 2015/09/19
U.S. and West Victimize Christians Fleeing ISIS Raymond Ibrahim 2015/09/06
Christians Burn While Pope Worries about "Worldly" Matters Raymond Ibrahim 2015/08/02
Islamist "Justice" Slow Painful Death for Christian Mother in Pakistan Raymond Ibrahim 2015/07/26
U.S. State Dept. Bars Christians from Testifying about Persecution Raymond Ibrahim 2015/07/24
"Islamic! Islamic!" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/06/20
Jihad on Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2015/06/15
"Whoever Disbelieves, Strike Off His Head" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/05/13
Churches in Turkey on the Verge of Extinction Uzay Bulut 2015/04/19
Christians Pay Islam's Price for Freedom Raymond Ibrahim 2015/04/19
Why Are These Christians Dying? Douglas Murray 2015/04/05
Christmas Slaughter Raymond Ibrahim 2015/02/01
The Significance of President El-Sisi's Greetings Raymond Ibrahim 2015/01/25
Christians Burned Alive Raymond Ibrahim 2015/01/10
Thousand Churches Destroyed in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2015/01/02
Christians and Churches Attacked in the West Raymond Ibrahim 2014/12/24
Raping and Beheading the Faithful Raymond Ibrahim 2014/12/10
Killing Christians A State-Sponsored Crime in Pakistan Mohshin Habib 2014/11/27
Christians "Losing Everything" to Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2014/11/07
"We Need Your Head" Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2014 Raymond Ibrahim 2014/11/05
ISIS Snuffs Out Ancient Christianity Raymond Ibrahim 2014/11/01
U.S. Denies Visa to Victim of Boko Haram Raymond Ibrahim 2014/10/08
Holy Land The Perils Facing Christians Pierre Rehov 2014/09/27
World Ignores Christian Exodus from Islamic World Raymond Ibrahim 2014/08/06
Christians in Israel Pluses and Minuses Malcolm Lowe 2014/07/31
Obama Administration Suppresses Talk of Muslim Persecutions Raymond Ibrahim 2014/07/14
Christians "Most Persecuted Group in World" Raymond Ibrahim 2014/06/23
Iran Imprisoned Christian Pastor Missing in Prison Shadi Paveh 2014/06/09
U.S. Becomes Chief Enabler of Christian Persecution Raymond Ibrahim 2014/05/14
"They Are Slaughtering Us Like Chickens" Raymond Ibrahim 2014/04/08
The Choices for Syria's Christians Lawrence A. Franklin 2014/04/04
The Last Christian in the Middle East? Ali Salim 2014/01/20
More Slaughter in Muslim Lands; Media, Governments Silent Raymond Ibrahim 2013/12/17
A Month of Horror for Christians under Islam September 2013 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/12/02
What Happened to Christians in the Middle East this August? Raymond Ibrahim 2013/11/12
World Council of Churches Stands By As Christians Perish, Churches Wither Malcolm Lowe 2013/10/22
The Ethnic Cleansing of Christians in Egypt Michael Armanious 2013/10/01
Attacks on Christians Escalate in Egypt, Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2013/09/19
Vote for Me Or Else Islamists' Latest Excuse to Kill Minorities Raymond Ibrahim 2013/09/17
The Degradation of Christian Women under Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2013/09/11
Al Qaeda Flag Flies High Above Christian Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2013/08/07
Christians Murdered Nonstop in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2013/07/30
Christian Suffering Under Jihadi Extremism Raymond Ibrahim 2013/07/24
Pakistan Violations against Christians Soar Mohshin Habib 2013/07/15
Muslim Brotherhood Out, Killing Christians In Raymond Ibrahim 2013/07/09
Egypt Christians Being Threatened Not to Join Protests Raymond Ibrahim 2013/07/01
Jihad on Egypt's Christian Children Raymond Ibrahim 2013/06/03
Belgium Erasing Christianity for Islam Soeren Kern 2013/04/30
The Siege of Egypt's St. Mark Cathedral Raymond Ibrahim 2013/04/22
Muslim Persecution of Christians February, 2013 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/04/18
Muslim Persecution of Christians Escalating in Pakistan Mohshin Habib 2013/04/09
Muslim Persecution of Christians January, 2013 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/03/27
Muslims Behead Another Christian Pastor Raymond Ibrahim 2013/02/22
Muslim Persecution of Christians December, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/02/06
Muslim Persecution of Christians November, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/02/01
Yemen's Forgotten Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2013/01/29
Egyptian Cleric Threatens Egypt's Copts with Genocide Raymond Ibrahim 2012/12/28
Egypt's Christians Caught in the Middle Raymond Ibrahim 2012/12/19
Muslim Persecution of Christians October, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/12/07
Pakistan Christian Missionary Attacked Saman Ataurehman 2012/12/05
Jihad on Christmas Trees Soeren Kern 2012/12/04
Pakistan Historic Church Burned Down by Muslims Saman Ataurehman 2012/11/05
Muslim Persecution of Christians September, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/10/31
Muslim Persecution of Christians August, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/10/04
Ethnic Cleansing of Christians in the Sinai Khaled Abu Toameh 2012/10/01
Egypt Kill a Christian, Collect a Reward Raymond Ibrahim 2012/09/04
Muslim Persecution of Christians July, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/08/31
U.S. Distorts Nigerian Jihad on Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2012/08/20
Attacks on Christians Sharpen with Government Collusion Khaled Abu Toameh 2012/08/10
Muslim Persecution of Christians June, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/07/26
Flight of Christians from Mid-East Reaches Syria Aidan Clay 2012/07/24
Who Will Save the Christians in the Gaza Strip? Khaled Abu Toameh 2012/07/20
Egypt's Power Struggle and the Fate of Christians Aidan Clay 2012/07/16
Muslim Persecution of Christians May 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/06/28
Egypt Islamists vs. Copts Raymond Ibrahim 2012/06/20
Christians Should "Convert, Pay Tribute, or Leave," Says Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Candidate? Raymond Ibrahim 2012/05/30
Top Saudi Cleric Ban Christian Churches in Arabia Irfan Al-Alawi 2012/05/23
Muslim Persecution of Christians April 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/05/18
Muslim Persecution of Christians March, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/04/25
Anti-Christian and Anti-Jewish Sentiment in Malaysia Anna Mahjar-Barducci 2012/04/25
Death to Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2012/04/11
Muslim Persecution of Christians February 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/03/16
The Fate of Syria Raymond Ibrahim 2012/03/08
Assad Slaughtering Syrian Christians Hani Bader 2012/02/27
A New Year of "Dhimmitude" for Egypt's Copts Raymond Ibrahim 2012/02/17
The Disquieting Treatment of Christians by the Palestinians Michael Curtis 2012/02/15
Muslim Persecution of Christians January, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/02/09
Muslim Persecution of Christians December, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/01/05
Nigeria's Christmas Present - Blowing Up Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2011/12/28
Muslim Persecution of Christians November 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2011/12/21
Arab Spring Sending Shudders Through Christians in the Middle East Khaled Abu Toameh 2011/12/20
Attacks against Christians in Iraq Continue Suleyman Gultekin 2011/12/19
Collective Punishment Under Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2011/12/08
Britain Islam In, Christianity Out Soeren Kern 2011/12/01
Muslim Persecution of Christians October, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2011/11/17
Christians in the Middle East Joseph Bottum 2011/11/17
Why Does the Crucifix "Provoke" Muslims? Raymond Ibrahim 2011/11/02
Egypt's Massacre of Christians What the Media Does Not Want You To Know Raymond Ibrahim 2011/10/31
The Copts' New Enemy Mohammed Hussein Tantawi Anna Mahjar-Barducci 2011/10/21
Muslim Persecution of Christians September, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2011/10/12
Egypt Destroying Churches, One at a Time Raymond Ibrahim 2011/10/10
Christian Provocations Joseph Bottum 2011/09/28
Muslim Persecution of Christians August, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2011/09/07
Islamists Slaughter Christians in Nigeria, Obama Looks the Other Way Anna Mahjar-Barducci 2011/05/06
Copts, Christians, Jews and Other Minorities in the Middle East Franck Salameh 2011/01/19
The Real Reasons for the Massacres of Christians and Jews in the Middle East Fiamma Nirenstein 2011/01/10
Muslim Christmas in Europe Soeren Kern 2011/01/06
Muslim Genocide of Christians Throughout Middle East Khaled Abu Toameh 2010/11/26
Islamists Accuse Egypt's Christians of… Radical Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2010/10/28
Egypt Cuts a Deal Christians Fed to Muslim 'Lions' Raymond Ibrahim 2010/10/18
Egyptian Court Acquits Muslim Who Beheaded Christian 2010/03/08
Mosul Christians Live in Panic, Targeted in Killings 2010/02/26
Egypt Persecutes Copts or How to Pick a Soccer Team Anna Mahjar-Barducci 2010/02/10
Egypt If I Were a Copt Tarek Heggy 2009/08/18
Anti-Semitic, Anti-Christian Propaganda On Display At Chicago Conference Steven Emerson 2009/07/28
The Beleaguered Christians in Bethlehem


Il piano del governo per riaprire i 2mila centri accoglienza chiusi da Salvini Agosto 28, 2020 
Professione profugo mantenuti in Italia dal 1993 Agosto 28, 2020 
Da immigrati infetti dito medio a poliziotti “Non potete farci niente” – VIDEO Agosto 28, 2020 
Immigrato spranga poliziotto “Dovete rimandarmi in Bangladesh” Agosto 27, 2020 
Richiedente asilo insoddisfatto picchia donne pulizia Agosto 27, 2020 
Assalto a Lampedusa tre sbarchi in poche ore, 300 invasori in attesa Agosto 27, 2020 
Navi ONG con 300 a bordo verso l’Italia attacco franco-tedesco, finanzia ‘misterioso filantropo’ Agosto 27, 2020 
Clandestini sbarcano in mezzo ai bagnanti in Sardegna – VIDEO Agosto 27, 2020 
Toghe rosse bloccano ordinanza Musumeci clandestini rimangono in Sicilia Agosto 27, 2020 
Musumeci, Salvini sfida toghe rosse “Governatori Lega faranno lo stesso” Agosto 27, 2020 
Deputato scafista “Ritorno contagio tutta colpa italiani, non migranti” Agosto 27, 2020 
Lamorgese invia 7mila clandestini in tutta Italia senza tampone “Non sono criminale” Agosto 27, 2020 
Il contagio non si ferma altri 1.411 contagi in 24 ore Agosto 27, 2020 
Covid, troppi figli di immigrati 30% studenti senza bus Agosto 27, 2020 
I clandestini regolarizzati da Bellanova ci costano 200 milioni di euro Agosto 27, 2020 
Putin ignora Conte e invia militari in Bielorussia per fermare il golpe Agosto 27, 2020 
Kenosha, Tucker difende diciassettenne “Vi meravigliate che un ragazzino abbia deciso di mantenere l’ordine quando nessuno lo stava facendo?” Agosto 27, 2020 
Ansa cancella i bimbi italiani solo cinesi e africani Agosto 27, 2020 
Afghano viene in Italia a sparare e noi lo manteniamo – VIDEO Agosto 27, 2020 
Beffa al ristorante cinese “Ci avete portato il Covid e noi non paghiamo il conto” Agosto 27, 2020 
Decine di tunisini sbarcano a Lampedusa trovati quando già in centro Agosto 27, 2020 
“Sono migrante non ho bisogno di mascherina” blocca bus per 30 minuti Agosto 27, 2020 
Appello di Forza Nuova «Zaia faccia come Musumeci, via gli immigrati dal Veneto» Agosto 27, 2020 
Salvini “Mozione di sfiducia per l’incapace Azzolina” Agosto 27, 2020 
Lamorgese confessa “Niente tampone per 7mila clandestini” – VIDEO Agosto 27, 2020 
Giurista dà ragione a Musumeci Sicilia può cacciare clandestini infetti Agosto 27, 2020

Shai Ohayon was described by his father-in-law as a “good father to his children and a good husband to his wife.”
The 39-year-old Israeli man who was killed in a suspected terrorist attack in Petah Tikva on Wednesday has been identified as Shai Ohayon, a married father of four.

Ohayon — a Haredi Jew who resided in the central Israel city where he lost his life — was described by his father-in-law as a “good father to his children and a good husband to his wife.”
“He was like a son to me,” Ohayon’s father-in-law added. “He taught Torah lessons.”
Ohayon’s wife was said to be “in shock” over his death.
“It’s inconceivable,” his father-in-law said. “It’s a great loss.”
Ohayon was laid to rest late Wednesday night, at Segula Cemetery in Petah Tikva.
President Reuven Rivlin tweeted, “Our thoughts are with the Ohayon family whose son Rabbi Shai was murdered by a despicable terrorist. We have lost a man of Torah, a font of knowledge, a father of four children. The terrorist and his accomplices must face justice. Terror must not win. May his memory be a blessing.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated, “On behalf of all the citizens of Israel, I send my deepest condolences to the Ohayon family over the murder of the father of the family, Rabbi Shai, in the stabbing attack today in Petah Tikva. The heart aches. My wife Sara and I embrace the family, a wife and four children left today without a father.”

“We will work to demolish the terrorist’s home and seek the most severe punishment,” he added.

The suspected assailant — Khalil Abd al-Khaliq Dweikat, a 46-year-old Palestinian man from the Nablus (Shechem) area in Samaria who had entered Israel with a work permit — was arrested as he tried to flee the scene of the stabbing, which took place at Segula Junction.

He had no prior history of terrorist activities, according to Israel’s Shin Bet internal security service.

questa NON è una attività giornalistica

questa NON è una attività giornalistica

Gesù il Messiah