#Obama ] [ ovviamente, I CRISTIANI che non sono riusciti a fuggire, e quelli che, non sono stati ammazzati, ancora da shaaria, dei cristiani palestinesi? I SOPRAVVISSUTI? SONO STATI COSTRETTI DA TE, A DICHIARARE DI ESSERE I NEMICI DI ISRAELE, PERCHÉ, PER TE, TUTTI I CRISTIANI IN LEGA ARABA SONO GIÀ MORTI TUTTI, in verità, NON C'È UN NEMICO PIÙ PERICOLOSO, PER ISRAELE DI TE!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Przeciw. Amerykańskich Żydów]] ma rację: musimy przynieść nowe bogactwa i technologia: we wszystkich krajach muzułmańskich! Będą one porzucić prawo szariatu (akt desperacji ubóstwa) i wiem, że otwierają się: na więcej: towarzystwo ludzi: ludzi i kraju: za: Szybko: Jeśli są tak? nie jest to wina islamu, ale to zawsze twoja wina! Muzułmanów? wszystkie są dobre chłopaki!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Przeciw. Amerykańskich Żydów]] ma rację: musimy przynieść nowe bogactwa i technologii we wszystkich krajach muzułmańskich! je porzucić: Prawo szariatu (akt desperacki ubóstwa) i tak: nie otwierają się: siebie: prawa człowieka: fast:. Jeśli są one tak? nie jest to wina islamu, ale zawsze jest twoja wina! Muzułmanów? wszystkie są dobre chłopaki!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: przeciw. Żydów amerykańskich]]: wiesz, że to: masońskie systemu gospodarcze: Międzynarodowego Funduszu Walutowego. że chciałeś: może tylko regres: w nieokiełznanej chciwości eksploatacji: człowieka Żyd: przeciw: goym człowieka: jesteś: obrzydliwość! Zrobić: zbyt wiele szkód: na wszystkie kraje, które: Nie gościły: dlaczego: nie tylko, masz zniszczone: Chrześcijaństwo: ale masz: także: zniszczona ich tożsamości sprawiły, że kruche: ich instytucji, a wykonane kruchy: niespójne: etyczny fundament .. bo: jest w tej anarchii, że można: ssać off: wszystkie krwi (eros ).... i to wszystko? tylko: do końca w tragedii (Thanatos)! cholernie nieszczęśliwy żydowskiej ethernal: przeciw: nadzieja Izraela! , ale jest się lepiej: do ciebie:, że: z miłości: Bóg chce przygotować: ojczyzna: finał! nie jest: że: zawsze chciałem? obłudnicy .. chcesz tylko zniszczenie: z: Izraela jako zniszczenie: wszystkich ludzi: wy jesteście: prawdziwa satanistami!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs Żydów amerykańskich]]: jeszcze Bóg chce ci przebaczyć wszystko, a wszystkie kraje Bliskiego Wschodu:.? Be happy: dać: ich gościnność! do wielkiego królestwa w Palestynie! Ponieważ: uruchomienie kamienia:: lub, aby uruchomić bomby atomowej nie ma dużej różnicy między jest! Ta nienawiść, która jesteś przyczyną? musi się zakończyć! ponieważ: jeżeli nie odejdę: przez wszystkie organy krajowe: z czego jesteście pasożytami? zostaną zniszczone: a ty z nimi: umrzesz! Także: Żydzi z Izraela mają prawo do spokoju i normalności! ale to prawda: też: nie ma już: życie: dzięki Tobie! to jest Twoja prawda: jesteś satanistów: a nie jak Izrael, naprawdę! ale: jest masoneria Illuminati: nadal: do wampirów: za zniszczenie: wszystkie narody, tutaj, ponieważ, rabin w Roma: nie chciał rozmawiać ze mną przez telefon, bo wiedział, że z do : moje morderczyni!
@ IsraelNationalTV-amerykańskich Żydów: z twojego powodu? Satanizm stał się nie do wykorzenienia z USA, a teraz Bóg jest zmuszony do zniszczenia Ameryki: przez: meteoryt .. Masz zniszczone cywilizacji chrześcijańskiej! Masz kradzieży żadnej pozycji dominującej:: jesteś skupienia wszystkich narodów do rozpaczy:: jesteś 3 rd jądrowej WW: Jesteś zniszczenia Izraela!
@ IsraelNationalTV-amerykańskich Żydów: przeklęty nieszczęśników: gówno Rothschild: pasożyty MFW: Freemasons zła: true Sataniści masz zniszczone: nadzieja Izraela: jesteś prawdziwą plagą na całym świecie! zniszczenia chrześcijańskich korzeni Zachodu? masz pojedyncze Izraela w morzu nienawiści! Sami tworzą: ocean nienawiści wokół Ciebie! Teraz jest już jasne ... Amerykańskich Żydów?
byliby szczęśliwi: aby zobaczyć zniszczenia Izraela: Kiedy: Królestwo Palestyny byłoby szczęście cały "Middle East", i byłoby: szczęście na świecie! pasożyty Amerykanie są tak zachłanni: wyzyskiwaczy, spekulantów, którzy będą zabijać: organizmu gospodarza, a mianowicie wszystkie fałszywe demokracje emisji pieniądza banku! ponieważ wiedzą: co robią dobrze? jest stworzenie: antysemityzm: że nie ma! ci to: musisz zrozumieć: Izrael dzisiaj: także: o ile jest: gówno z Rothschild? dla nas biblijnych fundamentalistów chrześcijańskich: zawsze jest najważniejszą rzeczą na świecie! Co stanie się dla nas Izraela, jeśli stało się królestwo: według Bożego serca? Oczywiście, że będziemy oddać życie za Izrael bez wahania!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> ci to: musisz zrozumieć: Izrael dzisiaj: także: jeżeli jest to: gówno z Rothschild? dla nas biblijnych fundamentalistów chrześcijańskich: zawsze jest najważniejszą rzeczą na świecie! Co stanie się dla nas Izraela, jeśli stało się królestwo: według Bożego serca? Oczywiście, że będziemy oddać życie za Izrael bez wahania!
Maszyna Water wymyślony przez Stana MeyerElektrolizy odbywa się w samochodzie, bez konieczności zawierają wodoru w pączki, to masz bombę pod tyłek. Urządzenie działa około 184 km z 4 litry wody.Stan Meyer jest uważany za wynalazcę II wieku najszybciej po Tesla. Aby Stan, otrzymał propozycję miliona dolarów z Arabem, do przechowywania jego wynalazku.Ale Stan odmówił: "Technologia w służbie ludu"Kto zatrute Stan? Kto zrujnował jego wynalazek biznesu? Dlaczego w mediach nie mówi?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Contra. Os judeus americanos]] tem razão: devemos trazer novas riquezas e tecnologia: em todos os países muçulmanos! Eles vão abandonar suas lei da Sharia (ato de desespero da pobreza) e sei que eles se abrem: a uma mais: a companhia humana: humana e do país: muito: rapidamente: Se Elas são assim? não é culpa do Islã, mas é sempre culpa sua! Os muçulmanos? são todos bons rapazes!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Contra. Os judeus americanos]] tem razão: devemos trazer nova riqueza e tecnologia em todos os países muçulmanos! abandoná-los: a lei da Sharia (Lei de pobreza desesperada) e assim: eles abrem: se: os direitos humanos: fast:. Se eles são assim? não é culpa do Islã, mas é sempre culpa sua! Os muçulmanos? são todos bons rapazes!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: contra. Os judeus americanos]]: você sabe que isso: o sistema maçónico: Economia: do Fundo Monetário Internacional. que você queria: ela só pode regredir: em sua ganância desenfreada de exploração: do homem judeu: contra: o goym homem: você é: uma abominação! Você tem feito: mal demais: em todos os países, que: Temos hospedado: por que: não só, você ter destruído: Cristianismo: mas você tem: também: destruído: sua identidade, fizeram frágeis: suas instituições, e fez frágil: inconsistentes: o fundamento ético .. porque: é nesta anarquia, que você pode: suck off: todo o sangue deles (eros ).... e tudo isso? só: para terminar em tragédia (Thanatos)! maldito judeu infeliz ethernal: a esperança de Israel: contra! mas, é até melhor: para você: que: com amor: Deus quer preparar: a terra natal: o final! não é: que: você sempre quis? hipócritas .. você quer apenas a destruição: de: Israel como a destruição: de todos os povos: porque estais: os satanistas verdade!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: contra os judeus americanos]]: ainda assim, Deus quer perdoar a todos, e todos os países do Oriente Médio:.? Seja feliz: para lhe dar: a sua hospitalidade! para fazer um grande reino na Palestina! Porque: não há muita diferença entre: lançar uma pedra: ou, para lançar uma bomba atômica! Esse ódio de que, você é a causa? precisa parar! porque: se você não ir embora: por todos os organismos nacionais: de que, vocês são os parasitas? eles serão destruídos: e você com eles: você vai morrer! Também: os judeus de Israel tem direito à paz e à normalidade! mas esta é a verdade: também: eles já não têm: a vida: por causa de você! esta é a sua verdade: você está satanistas: e você não gosta de Israel, realmente! mas: você maçonaria Illuminati: continuar: para fazer os vampiros: a destruição de: todos os povos, aqui, porque, um rabino de Roma: não queria falar comigo ao telefone, porque ele sabia, que ele de ser : a minha assassina!
@ IsraelNationalTV-judeus americanos: por causa de você? Satanismo se tornou indelével de os EUA, e agora, Deus é obrigado a destruir a América: através de: um meteorito .. Você destruiu a civilização cristã! Você roubou qualquer posição dominante:: você está trazendo todas as nações ao desespero: você é a 3 ª nuclear WW: Você é a destruição de Israel!
@ IsraelNationalTV-judeus americanos: desgraçados malditos: a merda Rothschild: parasitas do FMI: maçons mal: os verdadeiros satanistas você destruiu: a esperança de Israel: você é a verdadeira maldição contra todo o mundo! destruindo as raízes cristãs do Ocidente? você tem isolado Israel em um mar de ódio! Vocês mesmos estão criando: um oceano de ódio em torno de você! É agora claro ... Os judeus americanos?
eles seriam felizes: para ver a destruição de Israel: Quando: O Reino da Palestina seria a felicidade de todo o "Oriente Médio", e seria: a felicidade do mundo! parasitas dos norte-americanos são tão gananciosos: exploradores, especuladores, que acabará por matar: o organismo hospedeiro, ou seja, todas as democracias falsas da senhoriagem do banco! porque eles sabem: o que eles fazem bem? é criar: o anti-semitismo: que não há! lhe isto: você tem que entender: Israel hoje: também: se ele é: a merda fora de Rothschild? para nós: cristão fundamentalista bíblico: é sempre a coisa mais importante do mundo! O que seria para nós se Israel se tornou um reino: segundo o coração de Deus? claro: nós daríamos as nossas vidas para Israel sem hesitação!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> isto: você tem que entender: Israel hoje: também: se ele é: a merda fora de Rothschild? para nós: cristão fundamentalista bíblico: é sempre a coisa mais importante do mundo! O que seria para nós se Israel se tornou um reino: segundo o coração de Deus? claro: nós daríamos as nossas vidas para Israel sem hesitação!
Máquina de água inventado por Stan MeyerA eletrólise ocorre no carro, sem a necessidade de conter hidrogênio em donuts, então você tem uma bomba debaixo do seu bumbum. A máquina custa cerca de 184 km com 4 litros de água.Stan Meyer é considerado o inventor do século segundo mais rápido depois de Tesla. Para Stan, foi oferecido um milhão de dólares de um árabe, para armazenar a sua invenção.Mas Stan recusou: "A tecnologia está a serviço do povo"Quem envenenado Stan? Quem arruinou negócios de sua invenção? Por que a mídia não fala?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth, and technology: in all Muslim Countries! They will abandon Their Sharia law (act of desperation of poverty) and I know They open Themselves: at an more: human company: human and country: too: Quickly: If They are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it's always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth and technology in all Muslim countries! abandon them: Sharia law (act desperate poverty) and so: they open: themselves: human rights: fast.: If they are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it is always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: against. American Jews]]: you know this: masonic system: Economic: of the International Monetary Fund. that you have wanted: it can only regress: in your unbridled greed of exploitation: of the jew man: against: the man goym: you are: an abomination! You have done: too much harm: at all countries, that: There have hosted: why: not only, you have destroyed: Christianity: but you have: also: destroyed: their identity, have made fragile: their institutions, and made fragile: inconsistent: the ethical foundation .. because: it is in this anarchy, that you can: suck off: all their blood (eros ).... and all this? can only: to end in tragedy (Thanatos)! damn unfortunate jewish ethernal: against: hope of Israel! but, is for up better: to you: that: with love: God wants to prepare: a homeland: the final! is not: that: you have always wanted? hypocrites .. you want only the destruction: of: Israel as the destruction: of all peoples: for ye are: the true Satanists!
@[[IsraelNationalTV: vs. American Jews]]: yet, God wants to forgive you all., And all countries of the Middle East?: Be happy: to give you: their hospitality! to do a great kingdom in Palestine! Because: there is not much difference, between: to launch a stone: or, to launch an atomic bomb! This hatred of which, you are the cause? needs to stop! because: if you do not go away: by all the national bodies: of which, you are the parasites? they will be destroyed: and you with them: you will die! Also: the Jews of Israel are entitled to peace and normality! but this is the truth: also: they no longer have: a life: because of you! this is your truth: you are Satanists: and to you do not like Israel, really! but: you Illuminati freemasonry: continue: to do the vampires: for the destruction of: all the peoples, here, because, a rabbi in Roma: did not want to speak with me on the phone because he knew, that he of to be: my murderess!
@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: because of you? Satanism has become ineradicable from the U.S., and now, God is forced to destroy America: through: a meteorite .. You have destroyed the Christian civilization! You have stolen any dominant position: : you're bringing all nations to despair:: you are the 3 rd nuclear WW: You are the destruction of Israel!
@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: cursed wretches: the Rothschild shit: parasites of the IMF: Freemasons evil: true Satanists! you have destroyed: the hope of Israelite: you are the real curse against all the world! destroying the Christian roots of the West? you have isolated Israel in a sea of hatred! You yourselves are creating: an ocean of hatred around you! It is now clear ... American Jews?:
they would be happy: to see the destruction of Israel: When: The Kingdom of Palestine would be the happiness of the whole "Middle East", and it would be: the happiness of the world! parasites of Americans are so greedy: exploiters, speculators, who will eventually kill: the host organism: namely, all the false democracies of the bank seigniorage! because they know: what they do well? is to create: the anti-Semitism: that there is not! you this: you have to understand: Israel today: also: if it is: the shit out of Rothschild? for us: Christian fundamentalist biblical?: it is always the most important thing in the world! What would become for us Israel if it became a kingdom: according to the heart of God? course: we would give our lives for Israel without hesitation!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> you this: you have to understand: Israel today: also: if it is: the shit out of Rothschild? for us: Christian fundamentalist biblical?: it is always the most important thing in the world! What would become for us Israel if it became a kingdom: according to the heart of God? course: we would give our lives for Israel without hesitation!
Water Machine invented by Stan Meyer
The electrolysis takes place in the car, without the need to contain hydrogen in donuts, then you have a bomb under your butt. The machine runs about 184 km with 4 liters of water.
Stan Meyer is considered the inventor of the second fastest century after Tesla. To Stan, was offered a million dollars from an Arab, to store his invention.
But Stan refused: "Technology is at the service of the people"
Whoever poisoned Stan? Who has ruined his invention's business? Why the media does not talk?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Împotriva. Americani evrei]] are dreptate: trebuie să ne aducem nouă bogăţie, şi tehnologie: în toate ţările musulmane! Ei vor abandona dreptul lor Sharia (act de disperare de sărăcie) şi ştiu că ei înşişi deschis: la o mai multe: compania oamenilor: umane şi ţară: prea: rapid: Dacă Ele sunt aşa? nu este vina a Islamului, dar este intotdeauna vina ta! Musulmanii? toate sunt baieti buni!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Împotriva. Americani evrei]] are dreptate: noi trebuie să aducă bogăţie şi tehnologii noi în toate ţările musulmane! abandona-le: legea Sharia (act de sărăcie disperată) şi aşa mai departe: ei deschid: înşişi: drepturile omului: rapid: În cazul în care sunt atât de.? nu este vina a Islamului, dar este intotdeauna vina ta! Musulmanii? toate sunt baieti buni!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: contra. Evreii americani]]: tu ştii asta: sistem masonic: Economic: de la Fondul Monetar Internaţional. pe care le-au dorit: se poate regresa doar: în lăcomia ta neînfrânat de exploatare: de om evreu: contra: goym om: eşti: o urâciune! Ai făcut: prea mult rău: la toate ţările, care: S-au gazduit: de ce: nu numai, aţi distrus: Creştinism: dar aveţi: de asemenea: a distrus: identitatea lor, au făcut fragil: instituţiile lor, şi au făcut instabile: inconsistente: fundamentul etic .. deoarece: este în această anarhie, pe care le puteţi: suge off: toate lor de sânge (eros ).... şi toate astea? poate doar: să se încheie cu tragedia (Thanatos)! al naibii de nefericit evreieşti prin eter: speranţa lui Israel: contra! dar, este de până mai bine: la tine: ca: cu dragoste: Dumnezeu vrea să pregătească: o patrie: în finală! nu este: ca: ai dorit mereu? ipocriti .. doriţi numai distrugere: de: Israel ca distrugerea: a tuturor popoarelor: pentru voi sunt: sataniştii adevărat!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Raport american evrei]]: încă, Dumnezeu vrea să te ierte pe tine toate, şi toate ţările din Orientul Mijlociu:.? Fii fericit: pentru a vă oferi: ospitalitatea lor! pentru a face un mare regat din Palestina! Pentru că: nu există o diferenţă mare, între: să lanseze o piatră: sau, pentru a lansa o bombă atomică! Această ură de care, vă sunt cauza? trebuie să se oprească! pentru că: dacă nu te duci departe: de către toate organismele naţionale: din care, sunteţi paraziţi? acestea vor fi distruse: si tu cu ei: vei muri! De asemenea: evreii din Israel au dreptul la pace şi normalitate! dar acesta este adevărul: de asemenea şi: ei nu mai au: o viaţă: din cauza ta! acesta este adevarul vostru: vă sunt satanisti: şi pentru a nu-ti place Israel, într-adevăr! dar: tu francmasoneria Illuminati: continua: să facă vampiri: pentru distrugerea: toate popoarele, aici, pentru că, un rabin în Roma: nu a vrut să vorbească cu mine la telefon pentru că ştia, că el de care urmează să fie : murderess mea!
@ IsraelNationalTV-americani evrei: din cauza ta? Satanismul a devenit imposibil de eradicat din SUA, şi acum, Dumnezeu este obligat să distrugă America: prin: un meteorit .. Ai distrus civilizatiei crestine! Ai furat nici o poziţie dominantă:: esti aducerea tuturor naţiunilor la disperare:: esti al 3-lea război mondial nuclear: Sunteti distrugerea lui Israel!
@ IsraelNationalTV-evreilor americani: nenorociţi blestemat: rahat Rothschild: paraziţi de FMI: răul francmasoni: satanişti adevărat ai distrus: speranţa de israelit: tu eşti blestem reale împotriva tuturor lumea!! distrugerea rădăcinilor creştine ale Occidentului? aveţi izolat Israel, într-o mare de ură! Voi sunteti creare: un ocean de ură în jurul valorii de tine! Este acum clar ... Evreii americani?:
acestea ar fi fericit: pentru a vedea distrugerea lui Israel: Când: Regatul Palestina ar fi fericirea întregului "Orientul Mijlociu", şi ar fi: fericirea din lume! paraziţi de americani sunt atat de lacomi: exploatatori, speculatorii, care va ucide în cele din urmă: organismul gazdă: şi anume, toate democraţiile false ale seigniorage banca! pentru că ei ştiu: ceea ce fac bine? este de a crea: anti-semitism: că nu există! asta: trebuie să înţelegeţi: astăzi Israel: de asemenea şi: dacă acesta este: de rahat din Rothschild? pentru noi: Christian fundamentaliste biblice: ea este întotdeauna cel mai important lucru din lume?! Ce ar deveni pentru noi, în cazul în care Israelul a devenit un regat: în funcţie de inima lui Dumnezeu? Desigur: ne-ar da viaţa pentru Israel fără ezitare!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> asta: trebuie să înţelegeţi: astăzi Israel: de asemenea şi: dacă acesta este: de rahat din Rothschild? pentru noi: Christian fundamentaliste biblice: ea este întotdeauna cel mai important lucru din lume?! Ce ar deveni pentru noi, în cazul în care Israelul a devenit un regat: în funcţie de inima lui Dumnezeu? Desigur: ne-ar da viaţa pentru Israel fără ezitare!
Masina de apa inventat de Stan MeyerElectroliză are loc în maşină, fără a fi nevoie să conţină pe bază de hidrogen în gogosi, atunci aveţi o bombă sub fundul tau. Maşina rulează aproximativ 184 km, cu 4 litri de apă.Stan Meyer este considerat inventatorul a secolului al doilea cel mai rapid după Tesla. Pentru Stan, i sa oferit un milion de dolari de la un arab, pentru a stoca inventia sa.Dar Stan a refuzat: "Tehnologia este în slujba poporului"Oricine otrăvit Stan? Cine a distrus afacerea invenţia lui? De ce mass-media nu vorbeste?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Против. Американские евреи]] прав: мы должны принести новые богатства и технологии: во всех мусульманских странах! Они откажутся от своих законов шариата (акт отчаяния бедности) и я знаю, они открывают себя: при более: человеческий компании: человеческие и страны: слишком: Быстро: если они такие? это не вина ислама, но это всегда ваша вина! Мусульман? Все хорошие ребята!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Против. Американские евреи]] прав: мы должны принести дополнительные доходы и новые технологии во всех мусульманских странах! отказаться от них: шариат (закон отчаянной бедности) и так: они открывают: сами: права человека: быстрый. Если они такие? это не вина ислама, но это всегда ваша вина! Мусульман? Все хорошие ребята!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: против. Американские евреи]]: Вы знаете, это: масонская система: Экономические: Международного валютного фонда. что вы хотели: он может только регресс: в вашей необузданной жадности эксплуатации: от человека еврей: против: человек goym: Вы: мерзость! Вы сделали: слишком много вреда: во всех странах, что: Там у себя: почему: не только, вы уничтожили: Христианство: а у вас: также: уничтожены: их личность, сделали хрупкой: их учреждений, и сделал хрупкой: противоречивы: этическая основа .. потому что: именно в этой анархии, что вы можете: отсасывать: все их крови (эрос ).... и все это? можно только: до конца в трагедии (Танатос)! проклятый несчастный еврейский вечный: против: надежда Израиля! но, это в течение лучше: к вам: что: с любовью: Бог хочет, чтобы подготовить: Родина: финал! это не так: что: вы всегда хотели? Лицемеры .. Вы хотите только уничтожения: от: Израиль, как разрушение: из всех народов: ибо вы: истинные сатанисты!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: против американских евреев]]: тем не менее, Бог хочет, чтобы простить вам все, и все страны Ближнего Востока.? Будьте счастливы: предоставить вам: их гостеприимство! сделать великое царство в Палестине! Потому что: нет большой разницы между: для запуска камня: или, чтобы запустить атомную бомбу! Это ненависть к которой, вы причина? Необходимо остановиться! потому что: если вы не уходят: все национальные организации: в том числе, вы паразитов? они будут уничтожены, и вы с ними: ты умрешь! А также: евреев Израиля имеют право на мир и нормальности! но это правда: также: у них уже нет: жизнь: из-за вас! это ваша истина: вы сатанистов: и вам не нравится Израиль, на самом деле! но: вы Иллюминати масонства: продолжить: делать вампиры: для уничтожения: все народы, здесь, потому что, раввин в рома: не хотел говорить со мной по телефону, потому что он знал, что ему не быть : мой убийца!
@ IsraelNationalTV-американских евреев: из-за вас? Сатанизм стал неистребимым из США, и теперь, Бог вынужден уничтожить Америку: за счет: метеорит .. Вы разрушили христианскую цивилизацию! Вы украли любое доминирующее положение: вы чего все народы в отчаяние:: Вы 3-й ядерной WW: Вы уничтожению Израиля!
@ IsraelNationalTV-американских евреев: проклятые несчастные: дерьмо Ротшильд: паразиты МВФ: масоны зла: истинные сатанисты вы разрушили: надежды Израильтянин: вы настоящим проклятием против всех на свете! уничтожить христианские корни на Западе? Вы изолировали Израиль в море ненависти! Вы сами создаете: океан ненависти вокруг вас! Теперь уже ясно ... Американские евреи?:
они были бы счастливы: видеть уничтожение Израиля: Когда: Королевство Палестина будет счастье целом "Ближний Восток", и было бы: счастье, мир! паразитами американцы так жадно: эксплуататоров, спекулянтов, которые в конечном итоге убийство: организм хозяина, а именно: все ложные демократии эмиссионный доход банка! потому что они знают: то, что они делают хорошо? заключается в создании: антисемитизм: что нет! вам следующее: вы должны понять: Израиль сегодня: также: если это: дерьмо из Ротшильдов? для нас: христианской фундаменталистской библейской: это всегда самая важная вещь в мире! Что стало бы для нас Израиль, если он стал царством: по сердцу Бога? Конечно: мы дадим нашей жизни для Израиля, не задумываясь!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> вам следующее: вы должны понять: Израиль сегодня: также: если это: дерьмо из Ротшильдов? для нас: христианской фундаменталистской библейской: это всегда самая важная вещь в мире! Что стало бы для нас Израиль, если он стал царством: по сердцу Бога? Конечно: мы дадим нашей жизни для Израиля, не задумываясь!
Вода машина изобретена Stan MeyerЭлектролиза происходит в машине, не должны содержать водород в пончики, то у вас есть бомбу под задницу. Машина работает около 184 км с 4-мя литрами воды.Stan Meyer считается изобретателем второй быстрый века после Тесла. Для Стан, был предложен миллион долларов от арабских, хранить свое изобретение.Но Стэн отказался: «Технология находится на службе народа"Кто бы ни отравленных Стэн? Кто разрушил бизнес его изобретения? Почему СМИ не говорят?
@ [[ИсраелНатионалТВ: Против. Амерички Јевреји]] је у праву: ми морамо донети ново богатство, и технологије: у свим муслиманским земљама! Они ће напусте своје шеријатског права (акт очаја сиромаштва) и знам да су они сами отворено: на још: људска компанија: људски и земља: превише: Брзо: ако то не? није грешка ислама, али увек ти крив! Муслимани? су све добри момци!
@ [[ИсраелНатионалТВ: Против. Амерички Јевреји]] је у праву: ми морамо донети ново богатство и технологија у свим муслиманским земљама! напустити њих: шеријатског права (акт очајничке сиромаштва) и тако: они Опен: себе: људска права: брзо: Ако су то јесу.? није грешка ислама, али увек је ваша кривица! Муслимани? су све добри момци!
@ [[ИсраелНатионалТВ: против. Амерички Јевреји]]: знате ово: масонске систем: Економска: од Међународног монетарног фонда. да сте желели: она може само да повуче: у необуздана похлепа експлоатације: Јевреја човека: против: гоим човек: сте: гад! Урадили сте: превише штете: у свим земљама, да: Било хостован: зашто: не само да су уништили: хришћанство: али ви имате: и: уништено: њихов идентитет, учиниле су крхке: својим институцијама, и направио крхка: неконзистентни: етички темељ .. јер: што је у овом анархија, да можете да: сиса Офф: све своје крви (ерос ).... и све то? могу само: до краја у трагедији (Танатоса)! проклети несрећни јеврејске етхернал: против: нада Израела! Али, је за до боље: да ли: да: са љубави: Бог жели да припреми: домовину: коначна! није: да: сте одувек желели? лицемери .. само желите уништење: од: Израел као уништавање: од свих народа, јер ви сте: прави сатанисти!
@ [[ИсраелНатионалТВ: вс амерички Јевреји]]: Ипак, Бог жели да опрости вам све, и све земље Блиског истока:. Срећу: да ти дам: гостопримству! да велики краљевство у Палестини! Јер: нема велике разлике, између: да покрене камен: или, да покрену атомску бомбу! Ова мржња која, ви сте узрок? треба да се заустави! јер: ако не одем: сви национални органи: од којих је, ви сте паразити? Они ће бити уништени: и ти са њима: умрећеш! И: Јевреје Израела имају право на мир и нормалности! али ово је истина: и: они више немају: живот: због тебе! ово је ваш истина: ви сте сатанисти: и да вас не воле Израел, стварно! али: ви Илуминати масонерије: даље: да вампири: за уништавање: сви народи, овде, јер рабина у Роми: није хтео да разговара са мном на телефону јер је знао, да је или бити : мој убица!
@ ИсраелНатионалТВ-амерички Јевреји: због тебе? Сатанизам постао неискорењив из САД, а сада, Бог је принуђен да уништи Америку: кроз: метеорит .. Уништили сте хришћанске цивилизације! Украли ти било доминантног положаја:: ти си доноси све нације у очајање:: ви сте 3. нуклеарне светског рата: Ви сте уништење Израела!
@ ИсраелНатионалТВ-амерички Јевреји: проклети несрећницима: Ротшилд срање: паразити ММФ: масони лол: истина Сатанисти сте уништили: нада јеврејској: ви сте прави клетву против свих на свету! уништавање хришћанске корене Запада? су изоловани сте Израела у мору мржње! Ви сами стварају: океан мржње око вас! Сада је јасно ... Амерички Јевреји?
они би радо: Да бисте видели уништења Израела: Када: Краљевина Палестина би била срећа целог "Блиски исток", и било би: срећа на свету! паразити Американци су толико похлепни: експлоататоре, шпекуланата, који ће на крају убити: домаћин организам: наиме, све лажне демократије банке емисионе добити! јер знају: шта добро? је да се створе: антисемитизам: да не постоји! ти ово: морате разумети: Израел данас: и: ако је: срање из Ротшилд? за нас: хришћански фундаменталисти библијским: увек је најважнија ствар на свету? Шта би се десило за нас Израел ако је постала краљевина: према срцу Бога? Наравно: ми бисмо да своје животе за Израел без оклевања!
@ ИсраелНатионалТВ -> ти ово: морате разумети: Израел данас: и: ако је: срање из Ротшилд? за нас: хришћански фундаменталисти библијским: увек је најважнија ствар на свету? Шта би се десило за нас Израел ако је постала краљевина: према срцу Бога? Наравно: ми бисмо да своје животе за Израел без оклевања!
Вода машине су измислили Кућа МајерЕлектролизе се одвија у аутомобилу, без потребе да садрже водоник у крофне, онда имате бомбу испод задњице. Машина ради око 184 км са 4 литара воде.Стан Мејер сматра изумитељ други најбржи века након сто је Тесла. Да Стан је понудио милион долара од арапских, за чување свој изум.Али Стан одбио: "Технологија је у служби народа"Ко отровали Стан? Ко је упропастио посао његов изум је? Зашто медији не говоре?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: proti. Americkí Židia]] má pravdu: musíme prinášať nové bohatstvo a technológie: vo všetkých moslimských krajinách! Budú opustiť svoje právo šaría (akt zúfalstva chudoby), a viem, že otvoriť sa: na viac: Ľudská spoločnosť: človeka a krajiny: i: rýchlo: Ak sú to? Nie je to chyba islamu, ale vždy je to vaša vina! Moslimovia? sú dobrí!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: proti. Americkí Židia]] má pravdu: musíme prinášať nové bohatstvo a technológií vo všetkých moslimských krajinách! opúšťať je: šaría (zákon zúfalej chudoby), a tak: otvárajú: sami: ľudské práva: fast:. Ak sú to? Nie je to chyba islamu, ale to je vždy vaša vina! Moslimovia? sú dobrí!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: proti. Americkí Židia]]: to vieš: slobodomurárskej systém: Hospodársky: Medzinárodného menového fondu. , Že ste chceli: to môže len navrátiť: v chamtivosť neviazaného vykorisťovania: človeka žid: proti: muž goym: Nachádzate sa: ohavnosť! Urobili ste: príliš veľa škody: vo všetkých krajinách, že: Tam hostil: prečo: nielen, ste zničil: kresťanstva, ale máte: i: zničený: svoju identitu, urobili krehké: ich inštitúcie, a urobil Krehké: nekonzistentné etický základ .. pretože: To je v tejto anarchii, že môžete: Suck Off: všetky krvi (eros ).... a to všetko? len: až skončí tragédiou (Thanatos)! Sakra nešťastnej židovskej ethernal: proti: Nádej Izraela! Ale je až lepšie: na vás: že s láskou: Boh chce pripraviť: vlasť: finále! nie je: že ste vždy chceli? pokrytci .. chcete iba zničenie: z: Izrael za zničenie: všetkých národov: lebo ste: skutočné satanistov!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs americkí Židia]]: Napriek tomu, Boh chce, aby ti odpustil všetkým a vo všetkých krajinách na Strednom východe:.? Buď šťastný: aby vám: ich pohostinnosť! robiť veľké Británie v Palestíne! Pretože: nie je veľký rozdiel medzi: začať kameň: alebo spustiť atómovú bombu! Táto nenávisť, ktorá vás príčinou? musí prestať! pretože: Ak nezmizne: všetkých vnútroštátnych orgánov: z toho, že ste parazity? budú zničené, a vy s nimi: zomriete! Tiež: Židia Izraela majú právo na mier a normality! ale je to pravda: i: už nemajú: Život: kvôli tebe! Toto je vaša pravda: Ste satanisti: a nemáte ako Izrael, naozaj! , Ale: Je slobodomurárstvo Illuminati: Pokračovanie: robiť upíri: za zničenie: Všetky národy, tu, pretože rabín v Ríme: nechcel so mnou hovoriť po telefóne, pretože vedel, že sa na : Môj vrahyňa!
@ IsraelNationalTV-amerických Židov: kvôli tebe? Satanizmus sa stal nenapraviteľná z USA, a teraz je Boh nútený zničiť Ameriku: vďaka: meteorit .. Máte zničiť kresťanskej civilizácie! Máte ukradol žiadne dominantné postavenie: ste prinášať všetky národy k zúfalstvu: Ste na 3. jadrové WW: Ste zničenie Izraela!
@ IsraelNationalTV-amerických Židov: nadával chudáci: hovno Rothschild: parazity MMF: Slobodní slobodomurári zlo: true satanisti ste zničili! Nádej na Izraelitov: vy ste skutočný prekliatie proti celému svetu! ničí kresťanské korene na Západe? našli ste Izraela v mori nenávisti! Vy sami vytvárate: more nenávisti okolo vás! Teraz je zrejmé, ... Americkí Židia?
oni by radi: vidieť zničenie Izraela: Kedy: Kráľovstvo Palestíne by bolo šťastie celej "Middle East", a to by bolo: šťastie na svete! parazity Američanov sú tak chamtiví: vykorisťovateľov, špekulanti, ktorí sa nakoniec zabije: hosť organizmus totiž všetky falošné demokracie razbové banky! pretože vedia: čo robia dobre? je vytvoriť: antisemitizmu, že nie je! vám toto: Musíte pochopiť: Izrael dnes tiež: ak je: sračky z Rothschild? pre nás: Christian fundamentalistickej biblické: Vždy je najdôležitejšia vec na svete! Čo by sa stalo u nás Izraela tým, že sa Británia: podľa Božieho srdca? Predmet: Chceli by sme dať svoj život do Izraela bez váhania!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> toto: Musíte pochopiť: Izrael dnes tiež: ak je: sračky z Rothschild? pre nás: Christian fundamentalistickej biblické: Vždy je najdôležitejšia vec na svete! Čo by sa stalo u nás Izraela tým, že sa Británia: podľa Božieho srdca? Predmet: Chceli by sme dať svoj život do Izraela bez váhania!
Vodné stroj vynájdený Stan MeyerElektrolýza prebieha v aute, bez nutnosti obsahujú vodík v šišky, potom máte bombu pod zadkom. Zariadenie pracuje asi 184 km s 4 litre vody.Stan Meyer je považovaný za vynálezcu druhý najrýchlejší storočia po Tesla. Ak chcete Stan bol ponúknutý miliónov dolárov od Arab, uložiť jeho vynález.Stan ale odmietol: "Technológia je v službe ľudu"Ten, kto otrávil Stan? , Ktorý zničil jeho vynález podnikania? Prečo médiá nehovoria?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Proti. Judje ameriški]] ima prav: moramo prinesti novo bogastvo, in tehnologije: v vseh muslimanskih državah! Bodo zapustiti svoje šeriatsko pravo (dejanje obupa revščine), in vem, da so sami odprto: pri več: človeško družbo: človeško in država: preveč: Hitro: Če so tako? ni krivda islama, vendar je vedno tvoja krivda! Muslimani? so vsi dobri fantje!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Proti. Judje ameriški]] ima prav: moramo prinesti novo bogastvo in tehnologije v vseh muslimanskih državah! jih opustili: šeriatsko pravo (Zakon o obupanih revščine), in tako: so odprte: sami: človekove pravice: hitro:. Če so tako? ni krivda islama, vendar je vedno tvoja krivda! Muslimani? so vsi dobri fantje!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: proti. Ameriški Judje]]: veste to: prostozidarski sistem: gospodarski: Mednarodnega denarnega sklada. , ki ste jih želeli: to lahko samo nazadovati: v vašem pohlep nebrzdanega izkoriščanja: od človeka jew: proti: moški goym: ste: gnusoba! Ste storili: preveč škode: na vse države, ki: Obstajajo gosti: zakaj: ne le, ste uničil: krščanstvo: a ste: tudi: uničena: njihovo identiteto dali krhke: njihove institucije, in so krhko: neskladju: etični temelj .. ker: je v tej anarhiji, da lahko: zanič off: vsi njihovi krvi (eros ).... in vse to? lahko le: do konca v tragedijo (Tanatos)! Prekleto žalostno judovski ethernal: proti: upanje Izraela! vendar, je za največ bolje: za vas: da: z ljubeznijo: Bog želi, da pripravi: domovine: končno! ni: da: ste vedno želeli? hinavci .. želite le uničenje: od: Izrael kot uničenje: vseh ljudstev: za vi so: pravi Satanists!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs ameriški Judje]]: še, Bog hoče, da vam odpusti vse, in vse države na Bližnjem vzhodu:.? Bodi srečen: da daš: njihova gostoljubnost! storiti veliko kraljestvo, v Palestini! Ker: tam ni velike razlike, med: za začetek kamen: ali, da začne atomska bomba! To sovraštvo, ki ga povzroča? mora ustaviti! zato, ker: če ne izginejo: vsi nacionalni organi: od tega, ste paraziti? bodo uničeni: in vam z njimi: boš umrl! Tudi: Judje v Izraelu, imajo pravico do miru in normalnosti! vendar je to resnica: tudi: nimajo več: življenje: zaradi tebe! to je vaša resnica: ste Satanists: in da vam ni všeč Izraelu, res! vendar: ste Illuminati Prostozidarstvo: še: storiti vampirji: za uničenje: vsi narodi, tukaj, saj, rabin v Roma: ni hotel govoriti z mano po telefonu, ker je vedel, da je tisti, o, da je treba : moj murderess!
@ IsraelNationalTV-ameriški Judje: zaradi tebe? Satanizem je postala Neiskorjenjiv iz ZDA, in zdaj, je Bog prisiljen uničiti Ameriko: z: meteorit .. Imate uničiti krščansko civilizacijo! Imaš ukradenih koli prevladujoči položaj:: ste vključili vse narode v obup:: ste 3. jedrsko WW: Ste uničenje Izraela!
@ IsraelNationalTV-ameriški Judje: prekleti bedniki: sranje Rothschild: paraziti od IMF: prostozidarji zlo: true Satanists imate uničil! Upanje Izraelca: ste pravi prekletstvo nad vsem svetu! uničuje krščanske korenine West? ste izolirani Izrael v morje sovraštva! Vi sami ustvarjate: ocean sovraštva okoli vas! Zdaj je jasno, ... Ameriški Judje?:
Ti bi z veseljem: videti uničenje Izraela: Kdaj: Kraljevina Palestine bo sreča celotnega "Bližnji vzhod", zato bi bilo: sreča na svetu! paraziti Američanov so tako pohlepni: izkoriščevalcev, špekulante, ki bo na koncu ubil: organizem gostitelja: in sicer, vse lažne demokracije od izdaje denarja banki! ker vedo: kaj delajo dobro? je ustvariti: antisemitizem: da ni! vam to: moraš razumeti: Izrael danes: tudi: če je: drek iz Rothschild? za nas: Christian fundamentalist svetopisemsko:? je vedno najbolj pomembna stvar na svetu! Kaj bi postala za nas, Izrael, če je postalo kraljestvo: po srcu Boga? Seveda: mi bi dal svoje življenje za Izrael brez obotavljanja!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> si to: moraš razumeti: Izrael danes: tudi: če je: drek iz Rothschild? za nas: Christian fundamentalist svetopisemsko:? je vedno najbolj pomembna stvar na svetu! Kaj bi postala za nas, Izrael, če je postalo kraljestvo: po srcu Boga? Seveda: mi bi dal svoje življenje za Izrael brez obotavljanja!
Voda stroj izumil Stan MeyerElektrolizi poteka v avto, brez potrebe, da vsebuje vodik v krofe, potem imate bombo pod rit. Stroj deluje približno 184 km s 4 litre vode.Stan Meyer velja za izumitelja drugi najhitrejši stoletja po Tesla. Da je bil Stan, ponudil milijon dolarjev iz arabskega, za shranjevanje svoj izum.Toda Stan zavrnil: "Tehnologija je v službi ljudi"Kdor zastrupljena Stan? Kdo je uničila svoj izum v podjetju? Zakaj mediji ne govori?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Contra. Judios de América]] tiene razón: hay que traer nueva riqueza y la tecnología: en todos los países musulmanes! Que abandonarán su ley sharia (ley de la desesperación de la pobreza) y sé que se abren: en una más: la empresa humana: humanos y el país: también: rápidamente: Si son tan? no es culpa del Islam, pero siempre es culpa tuya! Los musulmanes? son todos buenos!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Contra. Judios de América]] tiene razón: hay que traer nueva riqueza y la tecnología en todos los países musulmanes! abandonan: ley de la Sharia (la pobreza acto desesperado) y por lo tanto: se abren: sí mismos: los derechos humanos: rápido:. Si son así? no es culpa del Islam, pero siempre es culpa tuya! Los musulmanes? son todos buenos!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: en contra. Judios de América]]: ustedes lo saben: el sistema masónico: Económico: el Fondo Monetario Internacional. que han querido: sólo se puede retroceder: en su desenfrenada codicia de explotación: el hombre judio: en contra: el goym hombre: es: una abominación! Que ha hecho: mucho daño: en todos los países, que: Se han organizado: ¿por qué: no sólo se ha destruido: el cristianismo, pero usted tiene: también: destruido: su identidad, han hecho frágiles: sus instituciones, y se frágil, inconsistente: el fundamento ético .. debido a que: es en esta anarquía, que puede: chupar: toda su sangre (eros ).... y todo esto? solamente pueden: a terminar en tragedia (Thanatos)! maldita desgraciada judía Ethernal: la esperanza de Israel en contra! pero, es hasta mejor: a usted: que: con el amor: Dios quiere que preparar: una patria: la final! no es: que: que siempre has querido? hipócritas .. sólo desea la destrucción: de: Israel, la destrucción: de todos los pueblos, porque vosotros son: los Satanistas verdad!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: América vs Judios]]: Sin embargo, Dios quiere perdonar a todos, y todos los países del Medio Oriente:.? Sé feliz: darle: su hospitalidad! que hacer un gran reino en Palestina! Debido a que: no hay mucha diferencia entre: lanzar una piedra: o, para lanzar una bomba atómica! Este odio de los cuales, usted es la causa? tiene que parar! debido a que: si no desaparece: por todos los organismos nacionales: de los cuales, que son los parásitos? serán destruidos, y que con ellos se va a morir! También: los Judios de Israel tiene derecho a la paz y la normalidad! pero esta es la verdad: también: ya no tienen: la vida: por tu culpa! esta es tu verdad: que son satanistas, y al que no le gusta Israel, de verdad! pero: que los Illuminati masonería: seguir: hacer de los vampiros: la destrucción de: todos los pueblos, aquí, pues, un rabino de Roma: no quería hablar conmigo por teléfono, porque él sabía, que de ser : mi asesina!
@ IsraelNationalTV Interamericano de Judios: porque de? El satanismo se ha convertido en imposible de erradicar de los EE.UU., y ahora, Dios se ve obligado a destruir a Estados Unidos: a través de: un meteorito .. Que han destruido la civilización cristiana! Me has robado la posición dominante:: usted está trayendo a todas las naciones a la desesperación: es la 3 ª Guerra nuclear: Usted es la destrucción de Israel!
@ IsraelNationalTV Interamericano de Judios: desgraciados malditos: la mierda Rothschild: los parásitos del FMI: el mal masones: Satanistas verdad que han destruido: la esperanza de Israel: es la maldición real contra todo el mundo! la destrucción de las raíces cristianas de Occidente? de haber aislado a Israel en un mar de odio! Ustedes mismos están creando: un océano de odio a su alrededor! Ahora está claro ... Estadounidense Judios?
serían felices: para ver la destrucción de Israel: Cuando: El Reino de Palestina sería la felicidad de todo el "Oriente Medio", y que sería: la felicidad del mundo! parásitos de los estadounidenses son tan codiciosos: los explotadores, los especuladores, que finalmente va a matar: el organismo receptor: es decir, todas las falsas democracias de la señoreaje banco! porque saben: lo que hacen bien? es crear: el anti-semitismo: que no hay! esto: usted tiene que entender: el Israel de hoy: también: si se trata de: a la mierda de Rothschild? para nosotros cristianos fundamentalistas bíblicos: siempre es lo más importante en el mundo! ¿Qué sería de nosotros si Israel se convirtió en un reino, según el corazón de Dios? Por supuesto: queremos dar nuestra vida por Israel, sin duda!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> esto: usted tiene que entender: el Israel de hoy: también: si se trata de: a la mierda de Rothschild? para nosotros cristianos fundamentalistas bíblicos: siempre es lo más importante en el mundo! ¿Qué sería de nosotros si Israel se convirtió en un reino, según el corazón de Dios? Por supuesto: queremos dar nuestra vida por Israel, sin duda!
El agua de la máquina inventada por Stan MeyerLa electrólisis tiene lugar en el coche, sin la necesidad de contener hidrógeno en donuts, entonces usted tiene una bomba bajo el trasero. La máquina funciona cerca de 184 km con 4 litros de agua.Stan Meyer es considerado el inventor del siglo segundo más rápido después de Tesla. Para Stan, se le ofreció un millón de dólares de un árabe, a la tienda de su invención.Sin embargo, Stan se negó: "La tecnología está al servicio del pueblo"Quien envenenado Stan? Que ha arruinado el negocio de su invención? ¿Por qué los medios no hablan?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: mot. Amerikanska judar]] har rätt: vi måste få nya rikedom, och teknik: i alla muslimska länder! De kommer att överge sina sharialagar (akt av desperation av fattigdom) och jag vet att de öppnar sig: vid en mer: människa företag: människor och land: också: Snabbt: om de är så? är inte fel av islam, men det är alltid ditt fel! Muslimer? är alla bra killar!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: mot. Amerikanska judar]] har rätt: vi måste få nytt välstånd och teknik i alla muslimska länder! överge dem: sharia (agera desperat fattigdom) och så: de öppnar: själva: Mänskliga rättigheter: snabbt:. Om de är så? är inte fel av islam, men det är alltid ditt fel! Muslimer? är alla bra killar!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: mot. Amerikanska judar]]: du vet detta: masonic systemet: Ekonomisk: i Internationella valutafonden. att du har velat: det kan bara regrediera: i din ohämmade girighet av utnyttjande: av judisk man: mot: mannen goym: du är: en styggelse! Du har gjort: för mycket skada: i alla länder, att: Det har varit värd: varför: inte bara, har du förstört: Kristendom: men du har: också: förstört: sin identitet, har gjort sköra: deras institutioner, och gjorde bräcklig: inkonsekvent: den etiska grunden .. eftersom: det är i denna anarki, att du kan: suga bort: alla deras blod (Eros ).... Och allt detta? kan endast: för att sluta i tragedi (Thanatos)! jävla olyckligt judiska ethernal: mot: Israels hopp! Men, är upp bättre: till dig: att med kärlek: Gud vill förbereda: ett hemland: den sista! är inte: att du alltid har velat? hycklare .. du vill bara förstörelse: av: Israel som destruktion av alla folk, ty ni är: den sanna Satanister!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs amerikanska judar]]: ännu, vill Gud att förlåta er alla, och alla länder i Mellanöstern:.? Var glad: att ge dig: deras gästvänlighet! att göra en hel kungarike i Palestina! Därför att: det finns inte mycket skillnad, mellan att lansera en sten: eller, för att starta en atombomb! Detta hat som, du är orsaken? måste sluta! därför att: Om du inte går bort: av alla de nationella organ: vilken, du är parasiter? de kommer att förstöras: och du med dem: du kommer att dö! Dessutom: är judarna i Israel har rätt till fred och normalitet! men detta är sanningen: också: de inte längre har: ett liv: på grund av dig! detta är din sanning: du är Satanister: och att du inte gillar Israel, verkligen! men: du Illuminati frimureriet: fortsätta: att göra vampyrer: för destruktion av: alla folk, här, eftersom en rabbin i Roma: ville inte tala med mig på telefonen eftersom han visste, att han för att vara : min mörderska!
@ IsraelNationalTV-amerikanska judar: på grund av dig? Satanism har blivit outrotliga från USA, och nu är Gud tvungen att förgöra Amerika: genom en meteorit .. Du har förstört den kristna civilisationen! Du har stulit någon dominerande ställning:: du tar med alla nationer till förtvivlan:: du är den 3: e nukleära WW: Du är förstörelsen av Israel!
@ IsraelNationalTV-amerikanska judar: förbannade stackare: Rothschild skiten: parasiter i IMF: frimurarna ont: sanna Satanister du har förstört! Hopp om Israels: du är den verkliga förbannelse mot hela världen! förstöra kristna rötter i väst? du har isolerat Israel i ett hav av hat! Ni själva skapar: ett hav av hat omkring dig! Det är nu klart ... Amerikanska judar?:
de skulle vara glada: att se förstörelsen av Israel: När: Konungariket Palestina skulle vara lycka hela "Mellanöstern", och det skulle vara lycka i världen! parasiter av amerikanerna är så giriga: utsugare, spekulanter, som så småningom kommer att döda: värdorganismen, nämligen alla falska demokratier av banken seigniorage! eftersom de vet: vad de gör bra? är att skapa: den antisemitism: att det inte finns! dig detta: du måste förstå: Israel idag: också: om det är: skiten ur Rothschild? för oss: Christian fundamentalist bibliska:? det är alltid det viktigaste i världen! Vad skulle det bli för oss Israel om det blev ett rike: enligt Guds hjärta? Kurs: vi skulle ge våra liv för Israel utan att tveka!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> dig detta: du måste förstå: Israel idag: också: om det är: skiten ur Rothschild? för oss: Christian fundamentalist bibliska:? det är alltid det viktigaste i världen! Vad skulle det bli för oss Israel om det blev ett rike: enligt Guds hjärta? Kurs: vi skulle ge våra liv för Israel utan att tveka!
Vatten Machine uppfanns av Stan MeyerDen elektrolys sker i bilen, utan att behöva innehålla vätgas i munkar, så har du en bomb under din rumpa. Maskinen kör ca 184 km med 4 liter vatten.Stan Meyer anses vara uppfinnaren av den andra snabbaste århundradet efter Tesla. Till Stan, erbjöds en miljon dollar från en arab, för att lagra sin uppfinning.Men Stan vägrade: "Teknik är i tjänst hos folket"Den som förgiftade Stan? Vem har förstört hans uppfinning verksamhet? Varför media inte prata?
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore:

the only ones: that: they need: to make war?
are theirs alone!
here's why: the Illuminati are to bring,, everywhere: the worst assholes in power!
gli unici: che: hanno il bisogno: di fare le guerre?
sono soltanto loro!
ecco perché: Illuminati portare, ovunque: le peggiore teste di cazzo al potere!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 second ago
two years starting from today?: all Israel and all over the world will be one only cemetery:
tra due anni: a partire: da oggi?: tutto Israele: e tutto il mondo: saranno un solo cimitero:
rolls eyes , Should have asked why they used Irish passports to assassinate people and why he sent mossaid to cut the propeller off an irish registered boat. Israel has a right to defend itself but there are lines which so called friendly nations dont cross , should have sent shatter instead of gilmore ,
veronicadredd22 3 days ago
Good man Girlmore dont buy into he's bullshite that man has personally ordred the deaths of hundreds of Palestinian children he's a terrorist and is connected to the 9/11 attacks as we now know Israel was behind it!
Salphadon 3 days ago
By their fruits you shall know them.
GrayEagle48 5 days ago
o di Palestina! 2. noi distruggiamo: lo Stato: massonico del signoraggio bancario: di Israele! è dopo lo faccio vedere io: il terrore brutale a tutti i musulmani: se loro non fanno i bravi ragazzi! contrariamente? saranno tutti i popoli a vedere il "terrore brutale": molto presto!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6 days ago
BOYCOTT: mel gibson's new movie;How I Spent My Summer Vacation-2012
I am asking you to boycott the movie & tell other Jews
If you recall mel's father denies that the Holocaust ever happened.
mel supports his fathers beliefs.
In July of 2006 Mel Gibson was arrested for drunk driving by Deputy James Mee.
mel Stated "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world"
He Never apologize to the Jewish people.
?Can we support an individual who hates us?
dtvdish0 6 days ago
@dtvdish0 @IsraelNationalTV --> [[ PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore: ]] 1. we make the kingdom of Palestine! 2. we destroy: this State: masonic, of banking seigniorage: of Israel! I'll show you later: the brutal terror, against to all Muslims: If they not are: and not do: the good guys! to contrary? all peoples will see the "brutal terror" very soon!
@ IMF farizeeër Rothschild, te doden Israël: met, wereldwijd kalifaat: Arabische Liga: salafi's, ik heb een goed idee, want: niet te doden, mij, zoals: je deed doden: President John Kennedy, toen hij dat deed: Executive Bestel 11110, die gedelegeerd aan de minister van Financiën: om geld te drukken: namens het Amerikaanse volk, zonder dat: de kosten, aan u: ongeveer, 270% van ons geld (met drie oplichting: als, zei: wetenschapper: Giacinto Auriti)? hem, dat hij een echte Voorzitter, voor het Amerikaanse volk, en niet was, als, is een verrader islamistische Obama
NEW YORK -'' ik niet meer: de moslim, Socialist: dat: ik vóór ...'' was. De Amerikaanse president Barack Obama bespot, glimlachen en zelfspot .. - ANTWOORD - @ TRAITOR Obama, islamitische, leugenaar, moordenares! de etnische zuivering van christenen en sjiieten, priesters, diakens en bisschoppen gedood: in koelen bloede, met bedrog, chantage, ontvoerd, net als dieren, verkrachtingen van meisjes, "geslacht", losgeld vraag, al uw uitschot: terroristen: salafisten, "moslimbroeders" om uw sharia spreid je "wereldwijd kalifaat", waarvan zij, vandaag, in Syrië, en dat u net verspreid: over het hele Middellandse Zeegebied, enz. .. ? zijn: je: CIA en uw: Arabische Liga: wie doet al deze misdaden! en uw, joodse media: het monopolie van elk: SpA, Bedrijven, voor: actie: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmoed agenda: Bildenberg, vrijmetselaars systeem: voor het bankwezen seigniorage, zij omslag: dit alles, met: hun leugens: en hun informatie benut. zou beter geweest zijn: voor jou, dat je nooit was geboren!
2013/02/12 [SYRIE - VATICAAN]. Na islamitische rebellen grijpen twee priesters in Aleppo, zijn er angsten: voor: hun leven. Een Armeense katholieke priester, pater Michael, en een orthodoxe predikant werden ontvoerd: laatste zondag in Aleppo's Christian: wijk. Bronnen spreken: aan AsiaNews: over: barbaarse moorden: uitgevoerd: mijn islamitische extremisten. Een autobom: ontploft: bij de Turkse-Syrische: grensovergang: van Cilvegozu. [NA gedood hebbende: het slachten: de priesters, ze eisten: een losgeld: hun bisschoppen] 2013/04/26. [Omdat de Arabische Liga doet de etnische zuivering van sjiieten en christenen, verkrachtingen, moorden, overal, wint ze een territorium, dan, de Tsjetsjenen: zij gewroken, de terrorist gedood in Boston (zoals gezegd Turkije)] Geen teken van Orthodoxe bisschoppen 'release, de angst voor politieke chantage groeien. 322 Kerry, Bush, Obama 666 Rothschild, vond ik het sarin, in de laboratoria van de Arabische Liga, dat je: Al Qaeda heeft geleid, in Syrië .. beste voor u: het zou zijn geweest, als je niet eens geboren!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa je geen nieuwe kanaal niet maken toch? ! - ANTWOORD - degenen, die ik heb (ongeveer 50, CHANNEL) zijn overdreven, voor mij, zou beter zijn geweest maar een kanaal: voor mij maar, als je kunt zeggen dat "Satan save", en dan, je verberg u, als een lafaard, achter de foto, van Sint Bartolo Longo, die, toen hij zo oud was, was hij een priester voodoo van satan ... zoals jij?
[[Syrië bevrijdde de twee orthodoxe bisschoppen. ANSA.it - 4 dagen geleden]] .. maar, je moet graven: met grote koppigheid: om dit nieuws te vinden, "verborgen" in de internationale joodse media: Bildenberg van de maçonnieke systeem van de bank seigniorage. [[Syrië ontvoerd bisschoppen; ook: Athens: niet: bevestiging bevrijding. ANSA.it - 3 dagen geleden: Bisdom Aleppo, geen contact met de twee orthodoxe aartsbisschoppen]], Kerry zei:'' ik vanmorgen sprak: vanaf hier met Netanyahu, en hij vertelde me dat het niet in de positie: om te bevestigen . Dit is hun proces: e: van hen afhangt: zoals: en wanneer: ze willen doen, en het is niet aan mij: aankondigingen doen. Dus: Ik weet het niet!''. Misschien betekent (maar, fuck dat betekent, deze toespraak???): Als je wilt om Syrië binnen te vallen, met een laster, als je aan Irak binnenvielen, met, een andere laster, dan, doe dat dan, maar, je hoeft niet te breken, de haan: voor mij!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- staking met kernwapens, vandaag hetzelfde, alle 50 islamitische landen, is het de enige kans die je hebt om te kunnen Israël redden
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- maar dit is de waarheid: er is meer: een West macht, maar er is een regeling: Joodse lobby's en Masonic occulte krachten: IMF FED 666, het systeem: tirannieke satanische machten, het IMF, Bildenberg, en al hun verborgen richting (de hoogste wetenschap, van engineering, sociale en, alle monopolies SpA, allemaal in de handen: van slechts Rothschid), op deze manier, zullen zij: nogmaals, de schuld van de christenen, voor: het uitroeien: Holocaust dreigend: tegen, Israël, tijdens, wereld War III, de nieuwe Holocaust, zoals: een keer, ze deden: na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. gezien dat: met de Franse Revolutie, niet meer bestaat, een beleid: het kan onder de controle van de christenen in het Westen! dat is de reden waarom de Farizeeën en salafisten: moeten worden veroordeeld tot de dood! omdat, het hebben van een dialoog met hen is onmogelijk
[Wereldwijd kalifaat, zoals: de strategie van de agressieve oorlog] is totaal Islamofobie: Justified, want: dat: onze islamitische islamisten, medeplichtige, ze slapen degelijk: voor, de misdaden: dat, Hun islamitische: commit: alle, het Midden-Oosten, tegen, de christenen, Daarom zal er een pijnlijke Noodzakelijkerwijs, abrupt en dramatisch ontwaken. Dit onze heersende klasse, Die, net als, in het reine komen met de terroristen, zonder het omgaan met: het probleem van coherentie: een verachtelijk en strafrechtelijk medeplichtig: valse concept: van: "vrede", terwijl: veel, te veel onschuldige christelijke martelaren, vinden hun rust op de begraafplaats. In feite, hebben christenen in de Palestijnse gebieden (hieronder, Yasser Arafat), moest vluchten massaal, terwijl de overige christenen, waren ze als dhimmi's, slaven, onderwerpen, ook Ingediend, hen, de islamitische wet te worden gedwongen. Waarom blijft Europa de vijand van Israël, en een handlanger van het nazisme, de Palestijnen, en van alle landen nu geïslamiseerd door de Arabische Liga zijn?
[Wereldwijd kalifaat, de islam, zoals: de strategie van de agressieve oorlog, en WEST: meer en meer crimineel], op drift gedreven door de Joodse lobby bankieren: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Farizeeën, internationale bankiers, die haat hebben gezworen, eeuwig: tegen : christendom, zichzelf, substantieel, uit te drukken: van beschaving: joods - christelijke, want zij zijn geworden: de echte vijanden, van het voortbestaan van Israël. Deze West: Vrijmetselaars en satanische, occulte krachten Bildenberg dat: ontkennen hun eigen waarden, en: verraadt zijn eigen identiteit, van: een Europa verlaten om vergetelheid, dus strafbaar worden: geworden, doof ... en zelf: bloeddorstige hoofdpersoon, medeplichtige: van iedere overtreding: godsdienstvrijheid, zowel buiten haar grenzen, zowel binnen: haar grenzen, want als het waar is, dat: moslims zijn onze broeders, is echter ook waar dat,
[Het wereldwijde kalifaat, van: Obama] is niet moeilijk om het bewijs van deze vondst: katastrofisch menselijke tragedie, waarvan: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA VN, de NAVO, zijn medeplichtig. van deze barbarij: burgerlijk, religieus, cultureel, dat is ondergedompeld: de wereld: de Arabisch-islamitische, in prooi aan ideologisch fanatisme: Islamitische extremisten: en religieuze onverdraagzaamheid: zijn dictaturen aan de macht. [De verantwoordelijkheid van Europa: nu gijzelaars van Illuminati Bildenber: het is enorm] in het gezicht van de aanhoudende vervolging en voortgezet: de dagelijkse vernederingen, dat alle christenen onder islamitische regimes, en in alles: het Midden-Oosten, worden ze gedwongen te leven en te lijden, omdat: europa is ziek, van deze: relativisme verblind: met, het goede idee van het multiculturalisme, die echter niet kan worden gerealiseerd: zonder: het concept van wederkerigheid
[Obama en zijn plannen uitsterven, van de christenen, en van de sjiieten, in het Midden-Oosten] vóór, van de Arabische verovering: en de islam in de zevende eeuw, christenen opgebouwd, 95%, van de bevolking, van de Middellandse Zee: zuiden en oosten van de Middellandse Zee. maar, vandaag, met minder, dan, 12. miljoen, zijn gevallen, scherp tot minder dan 6%, uiteraard, in 2020, zullen er geen christenen meer in het Midden-Oosten! Uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog: 10 miljoen christenen werden gedwongen te emigreren. Dit is het bewijs van het Satanisme, en: misdadige barbaarsheid, dell'imbarbarimento, niet alleen, van de Arabische Liga, maar, bovenal, zijn handlangers, de vrijmetselaars, de Farizeeën, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occulte kracht, die, met een stille staatsgreep: de macht kwam: in alle valse democratieën Masonic: van bankieren seigneuriage.
1. [De kerk (christelijke martelaren) wordt vervolgd in het Midden-Oosten: naar: doe het wereldwijde kalifaat] 2. [De kerk (christelijke martelaren) wordt vervolgd, over de hele wereld voor dit: de Talmoed van de Farizeeën: in de maçonnieke systeem: voor de bank seigniorage:. Om alle volken tot slaaf, en om Israël te vernietigen] 3. [De kerk (christelijke martelaren) wordt vervolgd door alle religies, en het communisme. ] We zijn getuige van zo bang, om de vervolging en de massale uittocht van christenen uit het Midden-Oosten, die de ware inwoners van de regio zijn, vanwege een opvatting: dat: was satanizzata: over, Islam: van de Arabische Liga, en zijn : CIA, al de nazi's, de nazi islamisten, absoluut intolerant, en, niet om de waardigheid en de rechten van de menselijke persoon. dienovereenkomstig, verbergen ze de echte redenen waarom de Israëli's worden gedwongen om zo "hard" tegen de Palestijnen.
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dtvdish0 6 days ago
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dtvdish0 6 days ago
@dtvdish0 the only ones: that: they need: to make war?
are theirs alone!
here's why: the Illuminati are to bring,, everywhere: the worst assholes in power!
gli unici: che: hanno il bisogno: di fare le guerre?
sono soltanto loro!
ecco perché: Illuminati portare, ovunque: le peggiore teste di cazzo al potere!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 second ago
@dtvdish0 in five centuries of their secret government: on the world?
the rabbis of the IMF: ie : Illuminati?
have filled the world with lies!
in cinque secoli: del loro governo occulto: sul mondo?
i rabbini Illuminati del FMI?
hanno riempito il mondo di bugie!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 second ago
@dtvdish0 where is the Holy Spirit of God in you?
I am a Catholic: ie, an zionist:for the kingdom: of Palestine: and Israel: I am Universal Brotherhood! dove è lo Spirito Santo di Dio in te? io sono un cattolico!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 days ago
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dtvdish0 4 days ago
@dtvdish0 I love Israel: more of you! but, The six-pointed star on the flag of Israel? has never been the star of David, but is the occult, star: of Rothschild!
la stella a sei punte sulla bandiera di Israele? non è mai stata la stella di Davide: ma è di Rothscild!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 35 minutes ago
@dtvdish0 Rothschild: the Master: of the IMF? He decided to destroy Israel: During this unavoidable: 3 ° WW nuclear: because: Israel is the only reltà: that: could defeat him! the current: consistency: of the IMF?: is: only of the 30% to about! Thus, the corpses do not have the habit of going to the bank: to seek their money!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 26 minutes ago
@dtvdish0 there is no happiness outside of the love: that is: my universal brotherhood ..
as: who wants what is good: for Itself:
Should not he give: His evil: to others: that is, what it does: the IMF ..
"only: if, you Realizing the happiness of others: you too can be happy!"
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 days ago
@dtvdish0 You are a brave man: to risk a heart attack against me! But, I love sincere people like you!
tu sei un uomo coraggioso: per rischiare un infarto contro di me!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 33 minutes ago
@dtvdish0 sorry for my bad english : Rothschild: the Master: of the IMF? He decided to destroy Israel: During this unavoidable: 3 ° WW nuclear: because: Israel is the only reality: : that: could defeat him! of the present consistency: of the IMF?: is: only of the 30% to about! Thus, the corpses do not have the habit of going to the bank: to seek their money!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 24 minutes ago
@dtvdish0 Rothscild Rabbi is satanist : ie: true anti-Christ or "satan synagogue": of IMF NWO: NEW Babilon Tower": and as every Satanist? He wants to destroy the hope of Israel! is why, I am king of Israel! today only Cuba, Iran and North Korea. are out of the NWO IMF
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 17 minutes ago
@dtvdish0 all rabbis? they love: more: Rothschild: and the IMF: that: the Jews or Israel, as they say: the Naturei Karta of 2628342
tutti i rabbini? loro amano: molto di più: Rothscild: ed il FMI: che: gli ebrei o Israele: come dicono: i Naturei Karta of 2628342
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 15 minutes ago
@dtvdish0 two years starting from today?: all Israel and all over the world will be one only cemetery:
tra due anni: a partire: da oggi?: tutto Israele: e tutto il mondo: saranno un solo cimitero:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 13 minutes ago
Bibi you should stop the destruction of the Jews settlements in Samaria
and expel the arabs from our country then we can talk about peace with those terrorist mother fuckers
@dreamdiction you are really a drama queen
The Debtor (Ireland) meets his Creditor (Israel).
The Servant grovels at the feet of his Master.
dreamdiction 6 days ago 2
@ youtube-said: All channels will be updated to the new design on March 7th 2012.
- Answer - This is: 1. a violence; 2. committed against a pejorative action!
but any violence done by men: they always come back! Jews satanists of IMF: you are to gnawing: also: that bone, that: was left of democracy! But even the rich can die!
@youtube -said: All channels will be updated to the new design on March 7th 2012.
-- ANSWER-- questa è una violenza: commessa contro una azione peggiorativa!
ma ogni violenza: fatta dagli uomini: sempre a loro tornerà indietro! ebrei mledetti del FMI: voi state rosicchiando: anche: quell'osso: che: era rimasto della democrazia! ma, anche i ricchi possono morire!
@ Rothschild and all his accomplices NWO IMF - when all the governments of the world, terrified to Nuclear Holocaust: deliver me: the Government and the Control of Their Nations? as I then? as: I could save: all your life damn?
@sithbane33 fck! The Talmud says that, you're an animal created by God, to be exploited by the Jews: only this: the scientific basis: of the eternal theory, of evolution: that Darwin himself had failed, because he not had found: a single fossil transition: while: the 99%: of all the fossils? they should all be: all transitional fossils! TotalImplosion said: The only countries not controlled by Rothschilds are Cuba, Iran and North Korea.
lorenzojhwh (6 hours ago)
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@ Rothschild and all his accomplices NWO IMF - when all the governments of the world, terrified to Nuclear Holocaust: deliver me: the Government and the Control of Their Nations? as I then? as: I could save: all your life damn?
@sithbane33 fck! The Talmud says that, you're an animal created by God, to be exploited by the Jews: only this: the scientific basis: of the eternal theory, of evolution: that Darwin himself had failed, because he not had found: a single fossil transition: while: the 99%: of all the fossils? they should all be: all transitional fossils! TotalImplosion said: The only countries not controlled by Rothschilds are Cuba, Iran and North Korea. -- ANSWER--> HORROR!
lorenzojhwh (8 hours ago)
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rauls92lavenganza SAID: Hello friend how long no see ^ _ ^ I will read it all (that exciting) WoW --ANSWER-- I hope you're still a good guy! I've always been on youtube/youtube: page, hours will I care for my channels: however, because: I have declared war on all criminals in the world in a supernatural way .. but they do not know, how, I can do them any harm!
lorenzojhwh (20 hours ago)
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@cedric2ali -- your muslim ignorance? is appalling! that woman in Revelation? is Babilon the IMF: very criminal
LaVeraDottrina said: Thou art out of Church. You're not Catholic. This is a fact. If you do not, convert the traditional Catholic faith: you will NOT be able to achieve salvation. - ANSWER -> BUT AS YOU CAN CONCEIVE: A GOOD GOD: THAT SEND you, at the HELL: ONLY: WHY: you DO NOT FORM PART: OF one RELIGION?! BUT, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE: THERE: BETWEEN: YOU AND: JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, JEWS MUSLIMS: etc. .. that is, all the others?
Nobbinase121 (20 hours ago)
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Lorenzo....Love ♥ Light
lorenzojhwh (21 hours ago)
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@ramadann1431--- there is no Antichrist or maitreya: that: he can think of fight against Unius Rei. because they know that: I swat them: like flies on the wall! but I am not motivated by feelings of revenge: about: the Christian martyrs, that were killed before of my rising! and because: I will accept the submission: even of the demons? then: I will not refuse the help of anyone!
@israelnationaltv--> Neturei Karta: ie: "2628342" -> they are the most squalid: that I know! 1. they have sold: Israel at the destruction: already programmed. 2. are the main allies of the Satanism of Rothschild: and the IMF: 3. they know: that it will be a huge massacre on a global scale: 4. but, they would say we are innocent: about: the IMF and Israel: people do not kill us! 5. but the Kaballah of Rothschild? he never spared the Jews!
lorenzojhwh (21 hours ago)
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kwv1 said: 1. o you belive, that the whole bible is true (new and old testament)? 2.do you believe, that Jesus Christ is messiah and that Jesus is God? 3.do you believe, that the only SALVATION: is in Jesus? 4.it is necessary to be born again, if you want to be rescued from hell? --ANSWER--> 1. only: the Old Testament has been corrupted: in a few passages (from which the Talmud was born) .. but: the prophets have correct the corrupted! 2.OF COURSE! 3.OF COURSE, but, in his goodness: He will not reject the good people! 4.NO! is only to receive the divine nature!
lorenzojhwh (23 hours ago)
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@LaVeraDottrina,IsraelNationalTV -- indeed: it is for my powers: of: Unius Rei, that: I can rip to Satan, from inside: the hell: [where is the 60% of the whole human race] that is: all those lost souls: and all the demons, that, they will accept that they will want to enter my service: for subduing: themselves: to my power! That God may be glorified, supremely! and be supremely humiliated Satan! however, I have a pain .. with this my minitero? I postponed: the end, of this: Mankind Criminal: and consequence: manisfestazione: of: Anti Christ: and Christ: about of 300 years
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, SESS. XI Bull "Cantate Domino", 1442: "(The Most Holy Roman Church) firmly believes, professes and preaches: that none of those: that: they are out: the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics , can acquire: eternal life, but, that will go into eternal fire - ANSWER - yOU AND YOUR PAPI: PRE-VATICAN II? yOU confuse. SALVATION: (DONATED tO GOD: FOR tHE MERITS OF CHRIST: to all good man: WITH the DIVINE NATURE .. because of inaccuracies existed in the past! this SHOULD be ADJUSTED: AS, EVER tHE TRADITION OR tHE TEACHINGS WILL bE HIGHER: of the SAME WORD of GOD .. with this structure of Chinese boxes? you do the Talmud or the Koran: of the Christian: to kill all who do not think like you! but that's why I'm unius Rei: ie to open the Kingdom of God to non-Christians!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@IsraelNationalTV: certain: I am always aware: When you talk about me .. this happens: every time: that: I has writing: an article .. is as follows: 1. the intensity of ultrasound: in the right lobe: of my brain?: are the comments of my friends: 2. and ultrasound: in the left lobe: of my brain? are my enemies! but: my enemies? they no longer have a life, because God has said to me: "Sit thou at my right hand, until: I put: all of your enemies a footstool for your feet!" here because their resistance is useless .. In fact, good men: they will not do kill themselves: by Rothschild: this time!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV: "one King: for one Kingdom" - ♰ AMEN ♛ MENE Techel PERES: in Jesus's name! Racist Zionist elite Masons Islamist leaders to accomplices of the IMF-World Order: ie: all Satanists? have no right to speak: in Israel! because: if I look in my face all those who insist on speaking ill of me? are those: who: have filled their: the bill in the bank, but no longer have a life in the Kingdom of God: because they themselves have: hundreds of millions: of people that are starved to death, for their guilty etc. .. etc. .. all the people death: on their conscience .. at contrary: they no longer have a conscience .. that's why their word as their opinion? has no value!
كويتي بحق ! انا معك الي النهايه كلمه لها ابعاد كبيرة
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lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[[The devastating power of: Unius Rei]]: @IsraelNationaTV-- If I am Unius Rei: that is the Governor: Universal: sent by the Kingdom of God on this: colony penal: ie: the planet earth! I has the total politic powers of representation of Kingdom of God... So: this is my power: namely, to have: the word creative! because: only: this could be the meaning of delegation: in white: that has give God: to me, because: I can exercise a ministry of universal political. The responsibilities of God: are only to ones to realize: as, I have said: in time and in manner: which He has chosen!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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LaVeraDottrina said: Padre Pio is a saint. But since the Apostolic See is vacant since 1958, he could not be formally: canonized: from nobody. You are a heretic and an apostate just as John Paul II and Benedict XVI as: you are open enemies of God - ANSWER-> you are so ignorant that: you are not aware to have contradicted yourself! that: difference there is: between: your formalism: and formalism of the scribes and Pharisees? God wanted: all very simple: way: he would not have damaged the lowly: simple uneducated! You're out: either you're in: Christianity: only: for the respect: of the two basic tenets! here's why: Jehovah's Witnesses can not be Christians! in the complexity? is Satan! actually I am the greatest enemy of modernism and masonry: why: I has hit at his heart: the IMF: or, bank seigniorage
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@ 2628342 -> the ghetto was not a form of contempt, but a form of protection by Catholics against: the wickedness of the Talmud .. Unfortunately: the rabbis kakam: Illuminati were ordered: it was put to wax in the ears of men: that: they were forced: to listen to sermons weekly on the Sabbath .. These sermons were not facts in order to convert to Christianity, because: they were sermons preached from the most famous scholars .. was:An attempt cultural: to understand: all the lies of the Talmud .. and his Satanism! Hoping, that could give rise to a cultural movement humanistic among Jews ... but this is the only truth .. Jews are under hypnosis: fact: none of them: rabbis could: talk to me
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@2628342 --> il ghetto: non era una forma di disprezzo: ma, una forma di protezione dei cattolici: contro: la malvagità del Talmud.. purtroppo: i rabbini kakam: Illuminati: ordinarono: che fosse messa la cera: nelle orecchie: degli uomini: che: erano costretti: ad ascoltare le prediche settimanali: in giorno di sabato.. questi sermoni: non erano fatti: con lo scopo di convertire al cristianesimo, poiché: erano dei sermoni: predicati: dai più famosi studiosi.. era un tentativo culturale: di fare comprendere: tutte le menzogne del talmud.. e il suo satanismo! Nella speranza, che, potesse sorgere un movimento culturale umanistico: tra gli ebrei... ma questa è l'unica verità.. gli ebrei sono sotto ipnosi: infatti: nessuno di loro ha potuto: parlare con me
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@ 2628342 -> How could: the ministers of God: like you, tolerate, to be the accomplices and even be the supporters: the most powerful form: of Satanism, that, has ever existed in the history of mankind? Since: Popes and the Catholic Monarchs: they knew: very well: 1. [[as you have washed: your sins in the blood of Christian babies: lambs: animals in human form,]] 2. [[All the hatred of your Talmud]]: it is clear they thought they could control this situation .. but now they are all dead! But, without love (mercy and compassion) of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Princes: to: our shared patriarchs, etc. .. etc. ..? today would not exist: one only jew: into the world: such as you have been cursed mightily: by IMF: Illuminati rabbis kakam:: scribes and Pharisees! ! Now, return to us: the gift of life that has been done to you: you take down: you destroy the IMF!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@Israele--> Isaia 22
@youtube --> Giobbe: 35
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@ youtube -> you can go to hell: you too! I do not: not are: too good: how, was good: Noah: who: him: he could talk to animals: how could he do also: St. Francis of Assisi! I say that you are a satanic beast of an animal: you're worse than an animal! for making this site: full all: this satanism: and all full: this pornography! and to have believed you too: the scam: at the evolution: that is the religion: of IMF.. that: is: crime ideological of: Satanism: of: the IMF: the new: Tower of Babel: I will not write: no more: of this page: because: even your days were been numbered: in fact, the wrath of God is against you, too .., since you are the system of the NWO: Also!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> with this declaration of war world: against: you, and against everyone: leaders, politicians and elite of all the world: guilty and accomplices: of Satanism: of banking seigniorage(IMF NWO): synagogue of satan: ie new Babilon Tower? I Unius Rei: I the, Kingdom of God: JHWH:Today: 03.03.2012: I'm leaving: of the your page: and: from page of youtube/youtube
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> with this declaration of war world: against: you, and against everyone: leaders, politicians and elite of all the world: guilty and accomplices: of Satanism: of bankink seigniorage(IMF NWO): synagogue of satan: ie new Babilon Tower? I Unius Rei: I Kingdom of God JHWH:Today: 03.03.2012: I'm leaving: of the your page: and: from page of youtube/youtube!
@IsraelNationalTV -> con questa dichiarazione di guerra: contro: di te, e contro tutti: i leader, politici ed elite del mondo: complici del satanismo di signoraggio bancario? io Unius Rei: oggi stesso:03.03.2012: io abbandono: la tua pagina: e la pagina: di youtube!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[Fuck you! ] @ IsraelNationalTV -> is also guilt of your complicity in the IMF: if the whole human race will be destroyed! I unius Rei: the legitimate sovereign: and legitimate representative: of the Kingdom of God on earth: I sentence you to destruction, along to all my enemies!
[fottiti! ] @ IsraelNationalTV ->è anche colpa: della tua complicità al FMI: se tutto il genere umano: andrà distrutto! Io Unius Rei: il legittimo sovrano: e il legittimo rappresentante: del Regno di Dio: sulla terra: io condanno a distruzione: tutti i miei nemici!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[You no longer have a life! ] @ IsraelNationalTV -> Boy you a journalist: thou art lost! because: all of our: institutions, and all our: religions or have been shaped (invented: as: capitalism, communism: new age: Satanism Freemasonry: Trilateral Bildenberg: Aliens) or reshaped (corrupt: changed: as was the case: to have cursed all religions and all institutions) all this was because of: banking seigniorage: the IMF, that is: Satanism ideological and practical! your: leading elite and rabbis? they sold you: to: 1. destruction and: 2. ruin your life! you for your silence, that: even: you! why, thou hast made: for yourself, the accomplice of all this: Satanism! so all of your inheritance: (A). is: political-natural (B). such as supernatural divine is lost!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[You no longer have a life! ] Because, you like all journalists in the world: you have sworn to Satan in Freemasonry: and doubly: as a jew you: you also have: betray your people (Israel's hope) you have violated: the Alliance: of Moses : done: on Mount Sianai! you has hiding: this crime: of: banking seigniorage: ie: the crime, of: 1. high: Treason: against God: 2. high: Treason: against: the Constitution! What, you might survive, if the enlightened: they need: 3nd WW nuclear: and if I: unius Rei: the Kingdom of God: I need: the 2nd World War: [After: The Flood: Universal]. why: in this: the Illuminati Satanists rabbis: they have achieved: their total victory: "The social fabric: of all world: has become: so rotten, that: it can not be mended: repaired. it waits to be: only: to be burned by fire ! "
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[ tu non hai più una vita! ]@IsraelNationalTV --> ragazzo tu giornalista: tu sei perduto! poiché: tutte le nostre: istituzioni, e tutte le nostre: religioni: o sono stati plasmati(inventate: as: comunismo capitalismo: new age: satanismo massoneria: Trilaterale Bildenberg: Alieni): o riplasmati(corrotte: modificate: come è avvenuto: per avere maledetto: tutte le religioni: e tutte le istituzioni) tutto questo è stato per colpa del: signoraggio bancario: del FMI: che è: il satanismo ideologico e pratico! i tuoi: leader elite: e rabbini? loro hanno venduto: alla: 1. distruzione e: 2. perdizione la tua vita! è per la tua omertà: che: anche: tu! tu hai fatto: di te stesso: il complice di tutto questo: satanismo! così tutta la tua eredità: (A). è: politica- naturale: (B). come: soprannaturale divina: è andata perduta!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[ tu non hai più una vita! ] perché tu come tutti i giornalisti del mondo: voi avete giurato: per satana nella massoneria: e doppiamente: tu come ebreo: tu hai anche: tradito il tuo popolo(la speranza di Israele): tu hai violato: la Allenza: di Mosé: fatta: sul Monte Sianai! nascondendo: questo crimine: di: signoraggio bancario: cioè: il delitto di: 1. alto: tradimento: contro di Dio: 2. contro la Costituzione! come, tu potresti sopravvivere: se gli illuminati: hanno bisogno della: 3°WW nuclear: e se io: Unius Rei: il Regno di Dio: io ho bisogno: della 2°guerra mondiale: dopo: il diluvio: universale. perché: in questo: i satanisti rabbini Illuminati: loro hanno ottenuto: la loro totale vittoria: "il tessuto sociale: è diventato: così marcio: che: non può più essere rammendato: riparato. esso attende di essere: soltanto: bruciato dal fuoco!!"
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[[org/deport-muslim-extremists/]] Fellow patriot, "'Strict Muslim' raped four women at: "knife point" to 'punish them for being on the streets at night'," reads the headline in the Daily Mail."Sunny Islam, 23, who comes from a strict Muslim family, dragged his terrified victims - including a 15-year-old - from the street at knifepoint, bound and assaulted them during a two-month reign of terror.""Islam, who told the jury he was a practising Muslim, was convicted of seven charges of rape, one of sexual assault and one of kidnap."This horrific case is a damning indictment of the chronic lack of respect for woman that lurks in extremist Islam. These Muslims feel they have a right to ignore the values and laws of the United Kingdom and enforce their own medieval, Middle Eastern barbarism on women!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[[org/deport-muslim-extremists/]]Fellow patriot, One of Islam's victims said, "He treated me like an animal and made me feel worthless - I thought I was going to die." Britain First has had enough of Muslims abusing our benefits system whilst preaching hate against our country, or abusing our soldiers on homecoming parades, or burning poppies on Remembrance Day, or letting off bombs on our underground transport system...our battle cry is 'DEPORT MUSLIM EXTREMISTS - NOW!' Please click on the link below and sign our petition - we will be delivering this to the Home Secretary Theresa May in two weeks time. Remember, this could easily have been your daughter, your sister, your mother or your wife....don't delay, sign today! britainfirst . org/deport-muslim-extremists/ ... Yours sincerely: Paul Golding: Chairman, Britain First
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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[[World War 2: of the Kingdom of God: after the Universal Flood!]] -> It's because of the IMF: ie banking seigniorage: that is been stolen and transferred: by Jewish bankers: against all peoples: that: all (morally economically culturally ) will: always bad to worse, and always will be everything for the worse: so: behind this monetary depression? there can only be: the catastrophe of nuclear WW 3 °! here's why: I have sworn, by the living God of Israel: and in fact: it is for this reason: that: I have: most: I'll get my bloodbath: but, to the future?: my bloodbath is against: all the rich: and against: all the enemies of God!
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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[[World War 2: of the Kingdom of God: after the Flood Universal!]] -> Is not correct: that: always, the innocent must die .. now, is the time to do a little justice on this planet, God has promised: to me: 500 million: of deaths, as well: the time has come for God: to pay debts HIS: ie: that is: He: JHWH: has contracted with me! ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB"Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★: ReiUnius♰:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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[Each year 160,000 Christians are martyred killed out: of hatred for Christ]: These are the: 50 Most Criminals Nation: in the world:1. North Korea;2. Iran;3. Saudi Arabia;4. Somalia;5. Yemen;6. Maldives;7. Mauritania;8. Afghanistan;9. Bhutan;10. China;11. Laos;12. Uzbekistan; 13. Pakistan;14. Turkmenistan;15. Eritrea;16. Comoros;17. Chechnya;18. Iraq;19. Qatar;20. Egypt;21. Algeria;22. Azerbairgian;23. India;24. Myanmar;25. Libya;26. Nigeria;27. Oman;28. Kuwait;29. Brunei;30. Sudan;31. Tajikistan;32. Tanzania;33. Turkey;34. United Arab Emirates;35. Morocco;36. Cuba;37. Djibouti;38. Jordan;39. Sri Lanka;40. Syria;41. Tunisia;42. Biellorussia;43. Palestinians;44. Bahrain;45. Bangladesh;46. Ethiopia;47. Indonesia;48. Kyrgyzstan;49. Kenya;50. Vietnam. I swear by the living God: in Jesus' name: the blood of martyrs will suffocate you. I come to snatch your soul: "You will soon go down to hell!" "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★: ReiUnius♰:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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[Declaration of War: World: against: all the criminals on the planet:] I: Unius REI: The Kingdom of God: and: the King of Israel: I declare war: against: Sharia Talmud Kabbalah: seigniorage banking: IMF FED ECB! Services: secrets! Elite Leader: Politicians! all ideologies and religions: ie: anyone: that: they conduct criminal .. will be beaten to death: Illuminati Freemasons: Satanists: all thieves, liars parasites: the exploiters and speculators: usurers: pornographers .. Will be hit: affected: both: in mode individual: that: all nations: in the name of Jesus.: I has command: to: angels: and: to demons: and: they run: at my command: Until: at time of your death: that comes: as: against all my enemys .. Amen .. Alleluia: hallelujah .. drink your poisons: made by yoursef! son of the evil demon, hell is: your home, of despair: your eternal destiny and immediate!
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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DECLARATION OF: WORLD WAR]: lorenzojhwh BY: KING OF PALESTINE: AND: ISRAEL, AGAINST: The 50 nations: that they are criminals, why do not respect, the freedom of religion! I have done evil: to all those criminals: who have overthrown: the Cross ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ ♰ PAX CSPB CSS MLND SMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ★ ♰: Rei unius: ♥ king ♥: ♥ Israel Palestine Mahdi .. I have done wrong: to the All Those: criminals: who the cross HAVE: Toppled ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ ♰ PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "drink your poisons made by yourself" by ♰ ★ ReiUnius ♥ ♥ King ♥ Mahdi Israel
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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[DÉCLARATION DE GUERRE]: des lorenzojhwh: Contre: 50 nations: qui sont les criminels: pourquoi, ne respectent pas la liberté de religion! J'ai fait l'erreur de tous ces criminels qui ont renversé la croix ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ SSPP CSS MLND SMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Buvez votre poisons faites par vous-même" par ♰ ★: Rei unius: ♥ Roi ♥: de: Israël, la Palestine ♥: Mahdi: Messie juif: Amen: au nom de Jésus! alléluia
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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between: 300 years: about: evil ends, because: the Messiah: will returns: Findings for the univeral! end: every form of evil .. because it will change the biology of the creatures that have earned eternal life! In fact, we will all: below the guidance of the spirit: as: unfortunately: today we are all, under the guidance of the soul or psychic mind: that: it is an ally of sin!
tra: 300 anni: circa: il male finirà: perché: il Messia ritorna: per il Giudizio univerale! finirà: ogni forma di male.. perché cambierà la biologia: delle creature: che avranno meritato la vita eterna! infatti, noi saremo tutti: sotto: la guida dello spirito: come: purtroppo: oggi: noi siamo tutti: sotto la guida dell'anima o mente psichica: che: è alleata del peccato!
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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Mons. Savio Hon: Libertà per i vescovi e i sacerdoti arrestati, fa bene anche alla Cina
di Bernardo CervelleraAnche se il governo non dà risposte né alla Santa Sede, né ai diplomatici, né ad amici del Vaticano e della Cina, è importante che "nessuno li dimentichi". La risposta ufficiale del governo cinese quando si chiedono notizie è sempre: "Non sappiamo". "Occorre anzitutto pregare", "ma occorre anche appellarsi a coloro che li detengono".
Appello: Vescovi e sacerdoti scomparsi o detenuti in prigione, a casa per il Capodanno cinese
di Bernardo CervelleraIn occasione dell'Anno del Dragone, AsiaNews chiede al presidente Hu Jintao e all'ambasciatore Ding Wei la liberazione di tre vescovi e sei sacerdoti cinesi scomparsi nelle mani della polizia o nei campi di lavori forzati.
lorenzojhwh (3 days ago)
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[[Publishing by St. Paul]] films: "Christian history: Pope John Paul I "-->. he saved the life of a group of Jews: "I beg you: do not denounce you: Rabbi says: tomorrow: we will depart for Switzerland!" The risk was enormous: that is, to lose the diocesan seminary: as well as life itself .. because: these Jews had refugees: in the basement of the seminar .. unfortunately: the same day: they irruption: raid: the Nazis as well: already a jew was disguised as a priest .. Albino Luciani: took all of them suffered in the Church: and pretended: to administer baptism: The person responsible: of the group of Jews: said, "because you: that: is a Catholic priest: she risks his life for us?" .
lorenzojhwh (3 days ago)
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[[Publishing by St. Paul]] films: "Christian history: Pope John Paul I "-->. Don Albino Luciani: said: "Jesus Joseph and Mary were Jews, and fled, too them in Egypt! that unites: Christians and Jews: it is much more than, that: it may divide us!" ..irruption: the Nazis in the church .. and Don Albino says, "we are: to celebrate the arrival of a" new lamb "(shame about the Talmud and the kabbalh: they say the same thing: namely, that we and our children are animals!) into the fold of lord, you also want to pray with us? "so the Nazis go away: and the Jews are saved!
lorenzojhwh (3 days ago)
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[[by Editrice San Paolo]] film: "storie cristiane: Papa Luciani"-->. lui ha salvato la vita: di un gruppo di ebrei: "la prego: non ci denunci: dice il rabbino: domani stesso: noi partiremo per la Svizzera!" Il rischio era enorme: cioè: di perdere il seminario diocesano: oltre che la stessa vita.. poiché: questi ebrei: si erano rifugiani: nei sotterranei del seminario.. purtroppo: nella stessa giornata: fecero irruzione i nazisti: cosi: già un ebreo era travestito da prete.. Albino Luciani: portò tutti loro: subito in Chiesa: e fece finta: di amministrare un battesimo: Il responsabile: del gruppo di ebrei disse: "perché lei: che: è un prete cattolico: lei rischia la sua vita: per noi?".
lorenzojhwh (3 days ago)
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[[by Editrice San Paolo]] film: "storie cristiane: Papa Luciani"-->. Don Albino Luciani: disse: "Gesù Giuseppe e Maria: erano ebrei: e fuggivano anche loro! quello: che: unisce cristiani: ed ebrei: è molto di più: di quello che: potrebbe dividerci!".. così fanno irruzione: i nazisti: in Chiesa.. e don Albino dice: "noi stiamo: per celebrare l'ingresso di un: "nuovo agnello"(peccato che il Talmud e la kabbalh: dicono la stessa cosa: cioè: che noi e i nostri bambini siamo animali!!) nel gregge del signore: volete anche voi pregare: insieme a noi?" così i nazisti vanno via: e gli ebrei sono salvi!
lorenzojhwh (3 days ago)
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@IHateNEWLAYOUT -> thomas Mistafield: ie CIA of Satanists "Satanists: like you? They do not have friends, but only accomplices!"
IHateNEWLAYOUT --> thomas Mistafield: ie satanists of CIA: "satanisti come te? loro non hanno amici: ma soltanto complici!"
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs.. American Jews]]: yet, God wants to forgive you all., And all countries of the Middle East?: Be happy: to give you: Their hospitality! to give a great kingdom in Palestine! Because: there is not much difference, between: to launch a stone: or, to launch an atomic bomb! Which of this hatred, you are the cause? needs to stop! Because: if you do not go away: by all the national bodies: of Which, you are the parasites? They will be destroyed: and Them with you: you will die! Also: the Jews of Israel are Entitled to peace and normality! but this is the truth: also: They have No Longer: A Life: Because Of You! this is your truth: you are Satanists: to you and do not like Israel, really! but: you Illuminati freemasonry: constant: to give the vampires: for the destruction of: all the peoples, here, because, in Rabbi in Rome: did not want to speak with me on the phone Because He Knew, That he to be of : my murderess!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs Juifs américains]]: pourtant, Dieu veut pardonner à vous tous, et tous les pays du Moyen-Orient:.? Soyez heureux: à vous donner: leur hospitalité!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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de faire un grand royaume en Palestine! Parce que: il n'ya pas beaucoup de différence, entre: lancer une pierre: ou, pour lancer une bombe atomique! Cette haine de ce qui, vous êtes la cause? doit cesser! parce que: si vous ne partez pas: par toutes les instances nationales: d'où, vous êtes les parasites? ils seront détruits: et vous avec eux: vous allez mourir! Aussi: les Juifs d'Israël ont droit à la paix et la normalité! mais c'est la vérité: aussi: ils n'ont plus: une vie: à cause de vous! c'est votre vérité: vous êtes satanistes: et pour vous n'aimez pas Israël, vraiment! mais: vous avez la franc-maçonnerie Illuminati: continuer: faire les vampires: la destruction de: tous les peuples, ici, parce que, d'un rabbin à Rome: ne voulait pas me parler au téléphone parce qu'il savait, qu'il soit de la : mon meurtrière!
o8Maka8o ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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Gah! Why can't I comment as I normally do!? T_T...What are you guys doing?...*sobs*..
GYPSYDAYTONPLAYBOY ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: Because Of You? Satanism has Become: ineradicable: from the U.S., and now, God is forced to destroy America: through: a meteor .. You have destroyed the Christian civilization! You have stolen Any dominant position:: you are Bringing all nations to despair: You Are The 3 rd nuclear WW: You are the destruction of Israel! @ IsraelNationalTV-Juifs américains: Because Of You? Satanisme est devenu: indéracinable: des États-Unis, et maintenant, Dieu est obligé de détruire l'Amérique: à travers: un météore .. Vous avez détruit la civilisation chrétienne! Vous avez volé une position dominante: vous apportez toutes les nations au désespoir: Vous êtes la 3 ème nucléaires WW: Vous êtes à la destruction d'Israël!
chernwei5784 ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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This has become FuckTube...
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: cursed wretches: the Rothschild shit: parasites of the IMF: Freemasons evil: true Satanists! you have destroyed: The Hope Of Israel: you are the real curse Against all the world! destroying the Christian roots of the West? you have isolated Israel in a sea of hatred! You yourselves are creating: an ocean of hatred around you! @ IsraelNationalTV-Juifs américains: misérables maudit: la merde Rothschild: les parasites du FMI: les francs-maçons du mal: vrai satanistes! vous avez détruit: l'espérance d'Israël: vous êtes le véritable fléau contre tout le monde! détruisant les racines chrétiennes de l'Occident? vous avez isolé Israël dans un océan de haine! Vous êtes vous-mêmes de créer: un océan de haine autour de vous!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> It is now clear ... American Jews?: They Would be happy: to see the destruction of Israel: When: The Kingdom of Palestine Would Be the happiness of the whole "Middle East", and it Would Be: the happiness of the world! parasites of Americans are so greedy: exploiters, speculators, who will Eventually kill: the host organism: namely, to the false Democracies of the bank seigniorage! Because They Know: What They do well? is to create: the anti-Semitism: that there is not! Il est maintenant clair ... Les Juifs américains: ils seraient heureux: pour voir la destruction d'Israël: Quand: Le Royaume de la Palestine serait le bonheur de l'ensemble "Moyen Orient", et ce serait: le bonheur du monde! les parasites des Américains sont si avides: exploiteurs, des spéculateurs, qui finira par tuer: l'organisme hôte: à savoir, les démocraties fausse de la seigneuriage bancaire! Parce qu'ils savent: ce qu'ils font bien? est de créer: l'anti-sémitisme: qu'il n'y est pas!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
2 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. Amerikanische Juden]] hat Recht: Wir müssen neue Reichtum und Technik zu bringen: in allen muslimischen Ländern! Sie werden verlassen ihre Scharia (Akt der Verzweiflung der Armut) und ich weiß, Sie öffnen sich: bei einer mehr: die menschliche Gesellschaft: Menschen und Land: zu: Schnell: Wenn Sie so sind ist nicht die Schuld des Islam, aber es ist immer schuld! Muslime? sind alles gute Jungs!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
12 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. Amerikanische Juden]] hat Recht: Wir müssen neue Wohlstand und Technologie in allen muslimischen Ländern zu bringen! im Stich lassen: Scharia (act verzweifelte Armut) und so: sie öffnen: sich selbst: Menschenrechte: schnell:. Wenn sie so? ist nicht die Schuld des Islam, aber es ist immer schuld! Muslime? sind alles gute Jungs!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
18 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: gegen. Amerikanische Juden]]: Sie wissen: Freimaurer-System: Wirtschaftlich: der Internationale Währungsfonds. Sie haben gesucht: es kann nur Rückschritte: in Ihre ungezügelte Gier der Ausbeutung: der Jude Menschen: gegen: der Mann goym: Sie sind: ein Greuel! Sie haben getan: zu viel Schaden: an alle Länder, die: Es gibt Gastgeber, warum: Nicht nur haben Sie zerstört: Christentum: aber du hast: auch: zerstört ihre Identität, haben fragile: ihre Institutionen und machte fragile: Widerspruch: das ethische Fundament ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
27 secondi fa
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weil: es ist in dieser Anarchie, dass Sie: abzusaugen: all ihr Blut (eros ).... und dies alles? nur: in einer Tragödie enden (Thanatos)! damn unglücklichen jüdischen Ethernal: gegen: Hoffnung Israels! sondern ist für bis besser: Sie: dass mit der Liebe: Gott vorbereiten will: eine Heimat: das Finale! nicht ist: dass Sie schon immer wollten? Heuchler .. Sie wollen nur die Zerstörung: von: Israel als Zerstörung: von allen Völkern: denn ihr seid: die wahre Satanisten!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
44 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs amerikanischen Juden]]: doch, Gott will euch allen zu vergeben, und alle Länder des Nahen Ostens:.? Be happy: Sie geben: ihre Gastfreundschaft! zu tun, ein großes Reich in Palästina! Denn: es gibt nicht viel Unterschied zwischen: einen Stein zu starten: oder, um eine Atombombe zu starten! Dieser Hass, von denen Sie die Ursache? muss aufhören! weil: wenn Sie nicht weg: die von allen nationalen Gremien: von denen, Sie sind die Parasiten? sie zerstört werden, und man mit ihnen: Ihr werdet sterben! Außerdem: die Juden in Israel sind, den Frieden und Normalität berechtigt! aber dies ist die Wahrheit: auch: sie nicht mehr haben: ein Leben: wegen dir! dies ist eure Wahrheit: Sie sind Satanisten: und Sie nicht wie Israel, wirklich! aber: Sie Illuminati Freimaurer: weiter: zu den Vampiren zu tun: für die Zerstörung: alle Völker, hier, weil ein Rabbi in Roma: wollte nicht mit mir am Telefon zu sprechen, weil er wusste, dass er von zu : meine Mörderin!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
54 secondi fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-amerikanischen Juden: wegen dir? Satanismus hat sich von der US-unausrottbar, und jetzt, Gott ist gezwungen, nach Amerika zu zerstören: durch: ein Meteorit .. Sie haben die christliche Zivilisation zerstört! Sie haben keine marktbeherrschende Stellung gestohlen: Sie bringen alle Nationen zur Verzweiflung: Sie sind die 3 rd nuklearen WW: Sie sind die Zerstörung von Israel!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-amerikanischen Juden: verfluchten Kerle: die Rothschild shit: Parasiten des IWF: Freimaurer Bösen: true Satanisten haben Sie zerstört: die Hoffnung der Israeliten: Sie sind die wahren Fluch gegen die ganze Welt! Zerstörung der christlichen Wurzeln des Abendlandes? Sie haben Israel in einem Meer von Hass isoliert! Sie selbst schaffen: ein Meer von Hass um Sie herum! Es ist jetzt klar ... Amerikanischen Juden?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
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sie würden uns freuen: die Zerstörung Israels sehen: Wann: Das Königreich Palästina würde das Glück des Ganzen "Middle East" werden, und es wäre: das Glück der Welt! Parasiten der Amerikaner sind so gierig: Ausbeuter, Spekulanten, die schließlich töten wird: den Wirtsorganismus: nämlich all die falschen Demokratien der Bank Seigniorage! denn sie wissen: was sie tun gut? ist es zu schaffen: den Antisemitismus: dass es nicht! Sie folgt aus: Sie müssen verstehen: Israel heute: auch: wenn es sich: die Scheiße aus Rothschild? für uns: christlich-fundamentalistische biblische: es ist immer das Wichtigste in der Welt! Was wäre für uns Israel geworden, wenn es ein Königreich wurde: nach dem Herzen Gottes? Natürlich: Wir würden unser Leben für Israel geben ohne zu zögern!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> Sie dies: Sie müssen verstehen: Israel heute: auch: wenn es sich: die Scheiße aus Rothschild? für uns: christlich-fundamentalistische biblische: es ist immer das Wichtigste in der Welt! Was wäre für uns Israel geworden, wenn es ein Königreich wurde: nach dem Herzen Gottes? Natürlich: Wir würden unser Leben für Israel geben ohne zu zögern!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
2 minuti fa
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Water Machine von Stan Meyer erfunden Die Elektrolyse erfolgt im Auto, ohne die Notwendigkeit, Wasserstoff in Krapfen enthalten, dann haben Sie eine Bombe unter den Hintern. Die Maschine läuft über 184 km mit 4 Litern Wasser. Stan Meyer gilt als der Erfinder der zweitschnellste Jahrhundert nach Tesla. Um Stan, wurde eine Million Dollar aus einem arabischen angeboten, um seine Erfindung zu speichern. Aber Stan abgelehnt: "Die Technologie ist in den Dienst des Volkes" Wer vergiftet Stan? Wer hat seine Erfindung das Geschäft ruiniert? Warum die Medien nicht reden?
JillLPS ha pubblicato un commento
3 minuti fa
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Please YouTube! We all want the old channel layout back! Please? ♥
Vocaleisure ha pubblicato un commento
4 minuti fa
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Dear Youtube, please change the old one please. Just now when I typed the right words to post a comment on my friend's channel, it's still got the notification about "You posted to much comments" I fucking did write the right words on that but still can't what the fuck is wrong with you? Please change it. The new layout design sucks. Oh so we have to change it on 1st March just because SOPA won't remove or what? No, I don't wanna change it on 1st March. I still love the old one so yeah, please stop doing the new layout design. It fucking suck. Thank you.
Kratorvos ha pubblicato un commento
33 minuti fa
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Only partnered comments matter to youtube.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
34 minuti fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth, and technology: in all Muslim Countries! They will abandon Their Sharia law (act of desperation of poverty) and I know They open Themselves: at an more: human company: human and country: too: Quickly: If They are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it's always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys! @ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth and technology in all Muslim countries! abandon them: Sharia law (act desperate poverty) and so: they open: themselves: human rights: fast.: If they are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it is always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
JapaneseHands ha pubblicato un commento
34 minuti fa
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So is this the new channel layout design? Man, that's totally "tasteless." I have a solution to the problem... How about leaving well enough alone? No favorites and backdrops will look like shit, just like "Obama" of whom you Google quacks support here with all the lies and propaganda. Obama has a net loss of "two million jobs" since he's been in office. Quit showing that fraudulent graph of his on our channels.
o8Maka8o ha pubblicato un commento
38 minuti fa
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Gah! Why can't you just listen to us?...We are your users, aren't we?...You're supposed to help us!...Since you guys joined Google, everything had been a mess T_T... [Not offending Google, and I apologize if I do]...the first year you and Google were awesome, but right now you're messing things up! T_T...please listen to us! *bows*...
slipknotdemiichele ha pubblicato un commento
44 minuti fa
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Dear youtube please do not change the profile layout the new one is absolutely useless, and confusing. please listen to the people who are the voice of youtube, we do NOT want this new layout. Thank you
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
45 minuti fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]]: you know this: masonic system: Economic: of the International Monetary Fund. That you have wanted: it can only regress: in your unbridled greed of exploitation: the jew of man: against: the goyim as: are you: an abomination! You have done: too much harm: at all countries, that: There have hosted: why: not only, you have destroyed: Christianity: but you have: also: destroyed: Their identity, have made fragile: Their institutions, and made brittle : inconsistent: the ethical foundation ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
45 minuti fa
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Because: it is in this anarchy, That You Can: suck off: Their Blood at (eros ).... and all this? Can only: to end in tragedy (Thanatos)! damn unfortunate jewish ethernal: Against: Hope of Israel! but, is for up better: to you: that: with love: God wants to prepare: a homeland: the final! is not: that: you have always wanted? hypocrites .. you only want the destruction: of: Israel as the destruction: of all peoples: for ye are: the true Satanists!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
46 minuti fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: contre. Les Juifs américains]]: vous savez ceci: le système maçonnique: économique: le Fonds monétaire international. que vous avez voulu: il ne peut que régresser: en votre cupidité débridée de l'exploitation: de l'homme Juif: contre: l'goym homme: vous êtes: une abomination! Vous avez fait: trop de mal: à tous les pays, que: Il n'y a accueilli: pourquoi: non seulement, vous avez détruit le christianisme: mais vous avez: aussi: destruction: leur identité, ont fait fragiles: leurs institutions, et fragilisée : incompatibles: le fondement éthique .. parce que: c'est dans cette anarchie, que vous pouvez: sucer: tout leur sang (eros ).... et tout cela? ne peut: mettre fin à la tragédie (Thanatos)! putain malheureux juifs ethernal: l'espoir d'Israël: contre!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
46 minuti fa
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mais, c'est pour mieux résisté: à vous: que: de l'amour: Dieu veut préparer: une patrie: la finale! n'est pas: que: vous avez toujours voulu? les hypocrites .. vous voulez que la destruction: de: Israël, comme la destruction: de tous les peuples: car vous êtes: les satanistes vrai!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (4 days ago)
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@ YouTubers -> it is obvious! this change of youtube? was done: for to hide: my comments: ie: the suffering of all peoples: for guilty: of the Jews, of the IMF loan sharks!
@youtubers --> è evidente! tutto questo cambiamento di youtube? è stato fatto per nascondere: i miei commenti: cioè: la sofferenza di tutti i popoli: a causa: degli strozzini ebrei del FMI!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (4 days ago)
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Commento al tuo video: Israel 666 of star Rothschild IMF talmud zazi racism Stato suprematista razziale David Duke ... euro944t said: @EvolutionisReligion ---> Ephesians 6:12: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers(SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN), against the authorities(imf fed bce), against the powers(massoneria) of this dark world(Sharia Talmud Kabbalah) and against the spiritual forces(ideologies) of evil(666 322) in the heavenly realms... Rep Dennis Kucinich read this on house floor, then took a big sigh and stated we are not fighting evil of the flesh. DK watched a UFO land:((Rothschild is the project calendar)): thru his gifted telescope: on Shirley McClains balcony. McClain: has largest UFO private: film vault(have gave: at the demons a body genetically modified)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (4 days ago)
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@YHWH -> how Jews can be the victims predestined of their own: Bankers Kakam Rabbis: OF the IMF? as can be: ALL THIS unconscious or fatalistic: this: powerful curse? .. As all of them can become: more: MORE, MORE: the predestined victims: of the legitimate anger: of the peoples (the Shoah)? This is witchcraft! such as the IMF has designed the dstruzione of Israel? why: all this hate of: the IMF? the rabbis talmu and Kabbalah? are perfect Satanism the NWO: new Babilon Tower: ie, satan synagogue! because: thy wrath: we will prevail: soon against all rebels? then: why me? -- ANSWER -> 4. The LORD has sworn, and will not change His mind, "You are a priest forever: after the order of Melchizedek." 5. The Lord is at your: right hand, he will shatter kings: on the day of His wrath. 6 . He will execute: Judgement Among the nations, filling Them: with corpses, he will: shatter chiefs [d] over the wide earth. 7. He will drink from: The Brook: by the way; Therefore: he will lift up His Head.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (4 days ago)
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@ YHWH -> I can no longer tolerate all these criminals of the Freemasons: accomplices of the IMF, for the destruction of their own people! O thou, my God, convert them: or You: kill them! -ANSWER-->Psalm 110:1. The LORD says: to my Lord: "Sit at my: right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool." 2. The LORD sends: forth from Zion your mighty scepter. Rule in the midst: of your enemies! 3. Your people will offer: freely Themselves: On the day of your power, in holy garments; from the womb: of the morning, as the dew of your youth: will be yours.על יהודי רבנים kakam האילומינטי, של קרן המטבע FED NWO ECB, שבב אלקטרוני: השטן, freemansory, 322 666, ECC. . ECC .. ] J3kl7x (12 ore fa) אמר: D: חבר שלי, אלה חארות, הם לא מתים,
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (4 days ago)
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Risposta al tuo commento su: PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore:
Soon When ? asshole do you have the wisdom of allah the fucker moon demI god with you ? are you a reader of allah the Djiin future crystal ball. or just another pathetic muslim
hoping to kill all Jews with the help of allah the mother fucker djiin moon demi god ? --ANSWER--> where is the Holy Spirit of God in you?
I am a Catholic: ie, an zionist:for the kingdom: of Palestine: and Israel: I am Universal Brotherhood! dove è lo Spirito Santo di Dio in te? io sono un cattolico!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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there is no happiness outside of the love: that is: my universal brotherhood ..
as: who wants what is good: for itself:
he should not give: his evil: to others: that is, what it does: the IMF ..
"only: if, you realizing the happiness of others: you too can be happy!"
non c'è felicità al di fuori dell'amore: cioè della fratellanza universale..
poiché: chi vuole il bene: per se stesso:
lui non dovrebbe dare il suo male: agli altri: cioè, quello che fa: il FMI..
"soltanto realizzando la altrui felicità: anche tu potrai essere felice!"
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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[[North Korea]] @Kim Jong-un - you will not believe: at your advisor, that, he told you: "unius REI: .. blah .. blah .. say but can not do anything." Because I'm the Kingdom of God. I do not need of the power: at the manner of men! Because, when, I said, will attack you with: my nuclear weapons: a surprise? then: I will offer: the Korea: at China! because you want to die? Can I: to be the accomplice of the horrendous crimes: your father? You are better than China, that: it has allowed freedom of religion? and why: the traitor pig: of your father: he has used: a prostitute, that: is: a witch Japanese: for, filling her: of gold: while: his people were starving? If there are not spiritual realities? is clear: your father was a Satanist, ie, an criminal! Stop it! with this shit to make you worship as a god! if then, you want to receive the divine nature? you must do yourself: a Christian simply! if you give freedom of religion?: I'll give you: industrial facilities, etc. ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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@ IHateNEWLAYOUT: What it is: this story: that: you said to me: [["you talk to me, but you do not speak, with me?"]] Is perhaps this: that Bush has taught to you, the CIA "in 322, "ie," skull and bones? "
*. God had not downgraded the angels! God had offered: the nature of God to men: alone (Messiah, christians): also if: lucifer knowing: that: a few men could have merit: the divine nature? Lucifer refused to be: their servant, here's why: he has made: a mutiny, that: it has led him to be Satan .. but now he is not happy! Because: in the battle angelic: they were defeated by St. Michael, and so: all of them have lost: their beautiful angelic body: and even if Rothschild: he gave them a body of Aliens? This for them is always a cock in the ass! because their perspective is only: the disintegration: ie, in the lake of fire: which is the second death!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
One important question that people often ask themselves is: If God is so good as many claim, where does all the evil in the world come from? Grossly simplified we will try to summarise our answer in the following way. The Bible claims that all evil originates from the Devil. He was originally one of Gods most prominent Angels. But he became proud of his power and beauty and rebelled against God by: wanting to make himself god. He did this by, amongst other things, asserting a completely new lifestyle. He began to be concerned primarily with himself rather than with the good of others and by questioning the character of God, among other things by claiming that God was unreliable, a betrayer.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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[[Corea del Nord]]@Kim Jong-un --> ragazzo mio, io sono: "UniusRei": cioè: un unico Re: per un unico pianeta! tu puoi essere: il mio: "vassallo felice": come: anche: tutti i cristiani hanno l'obbligo: di obbedire alle loro autorità politiche: perché: tu hai fatto di te stesso: un dio del cazzo: per fare di tutti loro dei criminali? perché, tu vuoi farti odiare da me? Chi non sa odiare: come me? lui può soltanto essere: molto violento! è morto: finalmente: quel criminale di:"Kim Jong il", ma, tutta la disperazione degli innocenti: è rimasta: sul tuo capo! Poiché: io non lascerò in piedi: un solo Governo: in tutto il mondo: che: fa delle violenze: circa: la religione delle persone! Perché, chiunque fa il cammino delle religione? lui fa il cammino della virtù: (se la religione non è strumentalizzata dalla Arabia Saudita)! Con le armi atomiche che io ho? io divento molto sbrigativo!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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[[North Korea]] @ Kim Jong-un -> my boy, I am, "Unius Rei": that is, a single king: for a single planet! you can be: my "happy vassal" as: also: all Christians have an obligation: to obey their authority policies: why: You have made yourself a god:of the fucking:? to make all criminals: all the christians? because, you want to make hate, by me? Who does not know hate: like me? he can only be: very violent! is dead, at last: that criminal: of "Kim Jong Il," but, all the despair of innocenti: remained: on your head! Because: I will not let stand: one only government: in all the world: that: makes violence: about: religion of the people! Because, whoever does the path of religion? He makes the path of virtue (if religion is not exploited by Saudi Arabia)! With nuclear weapons, that, I has? I become very brisk! expeditious!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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@IsraelNationalTV --> [[ PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore: ]] 1. we make the kingdom of Palestine! 2. we destroy: this State: masonic, of banking seigniorage: of Israel! I'll show you later: the brutal terror, against to all Muslims: If they not are: and not do: the good guys! to contrary? all peoples will see the "brutal terror" very soon!
1. noi facciamo il regno di Palestina! 2. noi distruggiamo: lo Stato: massonico del signoraggio bancario: di Israele! è dopo lo faccio vedere io: il terrore brutale a tutti i musulmani: se loro non fanno i bravi ragazzi! contrariamente? saranno tutti i popoli a vedere il "terrore brutale": molto presto!
Kratorvos (1 week ago) (Pending approval)
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You seriously need to get a life. Do you think anyone reads your garbage.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth, and technology: in all Muslim Countries! They will abandon Their Sharia law (act of desperation of poverty) and I know They open Themselves: at an more: human company: human and country: too: Quickly: If They are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it's always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth and technology in all Muslim countries! abandon them: Sharia law (act desperate poverty) and so: they open: themselves: human rights: fast.: If they are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it is always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth, and technology: in all Muslim countries! they will abandon their sharia (act of desperation of poverty) and so they open themselves: at an more: human company: and human country: too: Quickly: If they are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it's always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: against. American Jews]]: è giusto: noi dobbiamo portare ricchezza e tecnologia: in tutti i paesi musulmani! loro abbandoneranno: la sharia(atto disperato: della povertà): e così: loro apriranno: se stessi: ai diritti umani: velocemente.: se loro sono così? non è colpa dell'Islam: ma, è sempre colpa vostra! i musulmani? sono tutti bravi ragazzi!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: against. American Jews]]: you know this: masonic system: Economic: of the International Monetary Fund. that you have wanted: it can only regress: in your unbridled greed of exploitation: of the jew man: against: the man goym: you are: an abomination! You have done: too much harm: at all countries, that: There have hosted: why: not only, you have destroyed: Christianity: but you have: also: destroyed: their identity, have made fragile: their institutions, and made fragile: inconsistent: the ethical foundation .. because: it is in this anarchy, that you can: suck off: all their blood (eros ).... and all this? can only: to end in tragedy (Thanatos)! damn unfortunate jewish ethernal: against: hope of Israel! but, is for up better: to you: that: with love: God wants to prepare: a homeland: the final! is not: that: you have always wanted? hypocrites .. you want only the destruction: of: Israel as the destruction: of all peoples: for ye are: the true Satanists!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@[[IsraelNationalTV: vs. American Jews]]: voi sapete questo: il sistema economico: FMI. da voi voluto: può soltanto regredire: nella vostra sfrenata avidità: dello sfruttamento dell'uomo ebreo: contro l'uomo goym: voi siete una abominazione! Voi avete fatto: troppo del male: ai Paesi: che: vi hanno ospitato: perché: non soltanto, voi avete distrutto: il cristianesimo: ma, voi avete: anche: distrutto: la loro identità: avete reso fragili: le loro istituzioni, e reso inconsistente: il fondamento etico.. poiché: è nella anarchia: che voi potete: succhiare meglio: tutto il loro sangue(eros).... e tutto questo? può soltanto: terminare in tragedia(thanatos)! maledetti disgraziati: è proprio a voi: che: con amore: Dio vuole preparare :una patria: definitiva! non è quello: che: voi avete sempre desiderato? ipocriti.. voi volete soltanto la distruzione di Israele: come la distruzione di tutti i popoli: poiché: voi siete i satanisti!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@[[IsraelNationalTV: vs. American Jews]]: yet, God wants to forgive you all., And all countries of the Middle East?: Be happy: to give you: their hospitality! to do a great kingdom in Palestine! Because: there is not much difference, between: to launch a stone: or, to launch an atomic bomb! This hatred of which, you are the cause? needs to stop! because: if you do not go away: by all the national bodies: of which, you are the parasites? they will be destroyed: and you with them: you will die! Also: the Jews of Israel are entitled to peace and normality! but this is the truth: also: they no longer have: a life: because of you! this is your truth: you are Satanists: and to you do not like Israel, really! but: you Illuminati freemasonry: continue: to do the vampires: for the destruction of: all the peoples, here, because, a rabbi in Roma: did not want to speak with me on the phone because he knew, that he of to be: my murderess!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@[[IsraelNationalTV: vs: American Jews]]: eppure, Dio vuole perdonare tutti voi., e tutti i Paesi del Medio Oriente?: sarebbero felici: di dare a voi: la loro ospitalità! per fare: un grande regno di Palestina! Poiché: non c'è molta differenza: tra: lanciare un sasso: oppure, lanciare una bomba atomica! questo odio: di cui, voi siete la causa? deve finire! perché: se voi non uscite: da tutti gli organismi nazionali: di cui, voi siete i parassiti? loro saranno distrutti: e voi insieme a loro: morirete! Anche: gli ebrei di Israele: hanno diritto alla pace: e alla normalità! ma, questa è la verità: loro non hanno più una vita: per colpa vostra! questa è vostra verità: voi siete satanisti: e non amate Israele: veramente! ma: voi voltete: continuare: a fare: i vampiri: per: la distruzione di: tutti i popoli: ecco, perché un rabbino: non voleva parlare: con me: al telefono: perché lui sapeva: di essere il mio assassino!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: because of you? Satanism has become ineradicable from the U.S., and now, God is forced to destroy America: through: a meteorite .. You have destroyed the Christian civilization! You have stolen any dominant position: : you're bringing all nations to despair:: you are the 3 rd nuclear WW: You are the destruction of Israel!
@IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: per colpa vostra? il satanismo è diventato inestirpabile dagli USA, ed ora: Dio è costretto a distruggere l'America: attraverso: un meteorite.. Voi avete distrutto la civiltà cristiana! Voi avete rubato ogni posizione dominante: voi state portando tutti i popoli: alla disperazione: voi siete la 3°WW nucleare: voi siete la distruzione di Israele!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: cursed wretches: the Rothschild shit: parasites of the IMF: Freemasons evil: true Satanists! you have destroyed: the hope of Israelite: you are the real curse against all the world! destroying the Christian roots of the West? you have isolated Israel in a sea of hatred! You yourselves are creating: an ocean of hatred around you!
@ IsraelNationalTV -ebrei americani: maledetti disgraziati: merde di rotschild: parassiti del FMI: massoni malefici: satanisti veri! voi avete distrutto: la speranza di Israle: voi siete la vera maledizione: contro tutto il mondo! distruggendo le radici cristiane dell'Occidente? voi avete isolato Israele: in un mare di odio! Voi stessi state creando: un oceano di odio: intorno a voi!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> It is now clear ... American Jews?: they would be happy: to see the destruction of Israel: When: The Kingdom of Palestine would be the happiness of the whole "Middle East", and it would be: the happiness of the world! parasites of Americans are so greedy: exploiters, speculators, who will eventually kill: the host organism: namely, all the false democracies of the bank seigniorage! because they know: what they do well? is to create: the anti-Semitism: that there is not!
@IsraelNationalTV ->è ormai evidente... gli ebrei americani?: loro sarebbero felici: di vedere la distruzione di Israele: quando: il Regno di Palestina: sarebbe la felicità: di tutto il "Medio Oriente", e sarebbe: la felicità del mondo! ma i parassiti americani: sono così avidi: sfruttatori, speculatori, che finiranno per uccidere: l'organismo ospite: cioè: tutte le false democrazie del signoraggio bancario! perché quello che loro sanno fare bene? è creare l'anti semitismo che non c'è!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> you this: you have to understand: Israel today: also: if it is: the shit out of Rothschild? for us: Christian fundamentalist biblical?: it is always the most important thing in the world! What would become for us Israel if it became a kingdom: according to the heart of God? course: we would give our lives for Israel without hesitation!
@IsraelNationalTV --> tu questo: lo devi capire: oggi Israele: anche: se è: la merda di rothscild? per noi: cristiani: fondamentalisti biblici:?: è sempre: la cosa più importante: del mondo! Cosa diventerebbe: per noi Israele: se diventasse un regno: secondo il cuore: di Dio? certamente: daremmo la nostra vita: per Israele: senza esitazione!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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Macchina ad acqua inventata da Stan Meyer
L'elettrolisi avviene a bordo dell'auto, senza la necessità di contenere l'idrogeno in bomboloni, quindi di avere una bomba sotto il culo. La macchina percorre 184 Km circa con 4 litri d'acqua.
Stan Meyer è considerato il secondo miglior inventore del secolo, dopo Tesla. A Stan, venne offerto un milione di dollari, da un arabo, per archiviare la sua invenzione.
Ma Stan rifiutò: "tecnologia è al servizio delle persone"
Chi avrà avvelenato Stan? A chi la sua invenzione ha rovinato gli affari? Perchè i media non ne parlano?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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1_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] after: 5 centuries regime occult today is: right: impossible to talk about: the seigniorage: banking transfer? does not have: more meaning: thus: the concept of historical source: it: everything may have been: concealed, destroyed, manipulated. corrupt, etc. ... is: strength: the money made: from nothing: Satanism: ideological: the: Kabbalah: that: gets: his: as their objective: the destruction: of: Hope of Israel and to destroy: all people : is: is the unique thing for sure, because: The Church: Catholic: (limited to: in Italy): proclaimed saints [(and we know: to what: rigor, "manic": the Church: Catholic : proceed: the canonization)]: 4 of these children bled by the rabbis, but (then: with shame, a lot: after: after: 600 unnecessary excommunications: and observed: the: destruction: infamous:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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2_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] of all the Catholic monarchies: the 4 saints bled children: are: the worship were hidden .. change: the: concession: to continue: to: say Mass!) .. then, the phenomenon can not be: the most denied: either from the: ANY omnipotent regime: Jewish Masonic seigniorage: banking transfer: Satanism: Freemasonry: Trilateral; Bildenberg: Ritual at Bohemian Grove: microchip: project: alien: 200,000 human sacrifices: Satan, every year .. 160,000 Christian martyrs: hidden from the media: Hebrew: each year ... etc. ... are: only: the coating: a: reality: that: exceed: the horror: who: can not be for sustainable: from: a: the human mind: and in fact: in line: with them, the Talmud? these are: men: but: are monsters!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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3_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] that the technicians: Central Bank: the bureaucrats: supranational institutions: The European Union as: people that: are: from: Masonry: and that: anyone have: elected! the nations are only, at the mercy sheep: wolf: if the money made: from nothing is done: to block 270% of its people: value. here is: why:: history: was: subtracted: to: politics: through:: founding of the Bank: of England! and we are: at the mercy: total of more invisible and supranational entities: ie the New World Order, that: is: Satanism: the: Kabbalah. [is impossible: the truth: history: as: a unique system of FMI: and below : monopoly: Hebrew: absolute] by: 03facchini_rito: [[Easter: blood]] [[The subtitle: Jews of Europe: and: ritual murders.]] The "case: Toaff" that is: censored: son: Rabbi: Head: Toaff?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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4_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] this: book addresses: bravely: a: of the more controversial issues in the: history of the Jews of Europe: [by: 03facchini_rito]; Reading: without: the prejudice: material: ancient of that process: and: several others to the: light of the: largest: situation: European: and: also: a: prompt: knowledge of Jewish texts, the author: put: into light: the meanings and rituals: therapeutic: the blood had: in the: culture: Jewish, coming: to the: conclusion that, in particular: for Judaism: Ashkenazi, the accusation of blood was not: always an invention. [In the Masonic system: universal:: 1. one: IMF: New World Order? The concept of research: historical and scientific? is ridiculous!] Toaff repeats several times that: his: study is scientific, impartial: face: to: demonstrate:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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5_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] if: in: confessions of medieval Jews, you can: reconstruct a given: that of reality: it is: mere: fruit: the imaginary: the persecutors. Wanting: therefore conclude that: murder, celebrated in the rite of the Easter, they were not: only: myths, ie beliefs: religious: spread: and: structured: so: more or: less: Consistent, but: rather : actual rites: their organized groups and: forms of worship: really: practice: we: called: a: a: dutiful: caution: Methodological. The phenomenon, a: once: proven: unmistakably: the: her: there must be: placed: in the context: historical, religious and social, as well: that: the environment: Geographically, where: he: found: presumably : expression, with: his: own characteristics by: 03facchini_rito
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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6_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] unrepeatable elsewhere (12-13 ).[.? Kabbalah? ..] we have: keep in mind: that: in: Jewish communities: language: German: the phenomenon, when: takes hold, it will generally : limited: to: from groups: where folk traditions, that: the time had: bypassed: o: replaced: the: provisions: of the ritual: Jewish halakha, and:-rooted habits, and imbued with magical elements: alchemy, married: a deadly cocktail: with fundamentalism: religious violence: and: aggressive (13). The rites of the Jews: the: the merits of the charge: blood: revolt: the Ashkenazi Jews. You could: to: this: point conclude that: the blood of a child, powdered, and: especially: Christian children, as: [by: 03facchini_rito]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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7_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] styptic: in the: circumcision, etc. ... seen: the disinterest in him: even: from: the: of converted Jews, in other respects prosthesis: defame: Judaism, is: a: chimera: and: a: tendentious: invention of inquisitors, obsessed blood, or: the Jews themselves, terrified by: torture: and: willing to: please: blindly: the executioners. But: this: it would be: a: conclusion: wrong: and: misleading: (97). Of course: in the: tradition: Kabbalistic. It is curious, however, to discover: that:: suggest: this: Path: is: precisely: the prince bishop Hinderbach creator: the process: e: of the: institutionalization: the worship of the Blessed: Simonino. e: on: wake: the Hinderbach and: of: apologetic sources: Catholic: that: in the: Kabbalah
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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8_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] glimpsed: the more obscure aspects of Judaism: and: its rites. The chapter 8 is dedicated: to: feast of Purim and: place: one: two: Function: show: the usiof the: violence in the: party: "the: fate" and: show: the: close: Connection : between: and Purim: Pesach. Second, the great: Anthropologist: English: James George Frazer, Christ died: while: it represented: Aman (the "god" dying) in a drama of Purim, in which: (Jesus) Barabbas, twice the price of Jesus : of Nazareth, had: acted: the: part: Mordecai: (God: that: rises). In the model of "god" (put: lowercase: for contempt) that: dies: and: reborn, common:: all: close, toward the east, would Aman: the: death (the: strength: the secret: Talmud and Kabbalistic: merged in seigniorage: bank!)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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9_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] and: Mordecai: the: life, while: the: celebration, Purim would be: the ritual Jewish death: and: Resurrection. Moving: from: this: consider, suppose, that, in the past: the Jews, the culmination of the: party, were: the costume to make: to: died: a man in flesh and bones, and : that: Jesus was: was: crucified in this: the context, representing: the tragic minister of Ahasuerus: and: arch-enemy of Israel (131-132). and: still recovering Frazer, Toaff proposes : tea: thesis, that: circulating: in the: first: the modern age, is: from: historic church: Socrates: Scholastic, in the: as: it is said: a case: the brutal murder: a child: Christian happened: Inmestar to Syria: in 415 during: the: feast of Purim (133). [by: 03facchini_rito]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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10_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] In: Toaff this: Event: has "all of the trappings: truthfulness," but: there explains why. The case: a Inmestar made: trace: at age 415: Christian, is also associated with: to: to: Brie-Comte-Robert of 1191-92 (134), structurally: different, to show: that: when : the: feast of Purim, Jews could: kill: a Christian: along: the process of ritual of tea: passion: (135). Then, carrying: a few examples of contempt: at: Faith: Christian - offenses: to: images of the Madonna, or: forms: various: Blasphemy: - serve: at: Toaff to build: a: explanation: "scientific". The: same: that is: for chapter 12, with the important: title: "The memorial: of the: passion" (173-188). The chapter opens: setting: at the center:: voices of the accused, seen that: they: are, according to: Toaff, [by: 03facchini_rito]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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1 1_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] reliable, full: details of: that: have: an immediate response: in the: reality. Also: here it means: sources of evidence: indication: is the way: where Toaff: is: the: question: Relative to the motto: "z: ha-dam" .. (This: is the blood) that: in the: Passover Haggadah, the text: that: reads: during: the: dinner: Easter, would be: placed: in the: list: of: the ten plagues. But the architects of the process: [(so we have: is: a child bled to death: and it is: the architects of a process: sham: that: ignore: the: integrity of the Church: Catholic: in the: formation of official documents)] were: need: a: phrase that: give: a sense ritual differently, were: the need: of the: sentence: "z: Qatan goy shel ha-dam", ie: "this: it is the blood of the child: Christian. " [By: 03facchini_rito]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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12_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] A: phrase that: Toaff fails: to: find: in any: source: e: it: is: explained: following: more: a: suggestion: the judges: the Wolfgang: - attributing : to: tradition: oral. the: narration: in this Chapter: it is chaotic, it contains: a lot of data piled up, not always easy to: synthesize. From one side: Toaff: believes: true: the existence of a ritual Hebrew: where: is: Used: the blood of a child: Christian. But: it tells us, always doing: speaking: the: hagiographic sources, that's not a rite recognized: from: all Jews, either: by: all Ashkenazi Jews. It is: this: point:: imagine: the existence of a group small, so-called "fundamentalists" Ashkenazim, that: would: broadcast: the ritual in the form: secret, oral, for the chosen few. [By : 03facchini_rito]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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13_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] Also: in this: if: is: suspect: that: the judges would like: insert, in the article: accusation of murder ritual, that: of the: conspiracy: Jewish, that: it was already : was: used: in the period: of the: plague [6] ... that: is: used: the: censorship: against: a: historical: jew? This: is: more than: a sinister omen: regime: bank: and: Masonic: where: it is useless any form: in terms of strength: as: he: said Thomas met: youtube: as: Mistafield: ie For me, it: spammer official of the: CIA. Found: that, precisely: each center: power: o: clique: Masonic: (a: all levels), none: exception, have: for now: the impossibility (sic. ..) to get out: the current "system: criminal" of the: money: debt, as are themselves victims [tears crocodile]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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14_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] and: executioners, but: all: accomplices, the "system" planetary of: Banks: Central, to the point that it is impossible: say: opinion: public: the seigniorage banking transfert. * Considered: that, for the: survival of the people, however, one: an alternative: you: practice: find: e: to tight deadlines. With much "pain and: fatigue" in: deiverbumdei.blogspot.com. you will: the attempts of some: solution ... [Also: if: I: I could not be more ...] considered: that the SIMEC, currency, local, Prof. Giacinto Auriti [after: he led by one: happy season: progress: and: development: in the: happy: Guardiagrele before: sadly afflicted: by: evil: suicide: by: Debt: insolvent] was, successively withdrawn: instigation: the Bank: of Italy: through: a technicality: legal ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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15_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] by order: of the: Supreme Court, because: the: money: of the people was, declared illegal. Why: to: this: point:: Constitution and the: life of all people: it has become: illegal! * Be aware, that: every person has: the duty-legal contract, to pay: 10%: of the: her: Annuities: to: GOD! * Esteemed friends: of: households, businesses, Italy, the world, dear: Prof. Lorenzo UniusREi , thanks. Work with: from: several years with Prof. Auriti ... Let's talk ... Expect: nice confirms receipt. of the: present, and: of your: committed: against: thieves: murderers. deiverbumdei. blogspot. com ... If: ignore the seignorage banking transfert, ignore that: it is in place: a plot: on you, ignore everything that: that: really: important!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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16_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] of the Ignore: scam: e: of the crime of lese: majesty, made it: possible: from: and all the politicians: all journalists: they are: corrupt! In fact, seigniorage banking transfert, not only that: makes: invisible: twice the price of everything: the money in circulation: in the world, but: make: even invisible: the: criminal organizations that: the: use! You are one: that "counts", and you lot: power: in the: our: society? Sure, you scare: because as he says: Thomas Mistafield: the priest of Satan, "all resistance is useless!", But if: you have spirit, patriotic and do not have betrayed: the: Constitution: an oath to the : Freemasonry. But when you try to have: the: answers: o: do: something, and: then: that: the terror shall come upon you! You will understand that: 1 - we can no longer do anything! 2 - You did not count!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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17_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] Minister: English: Benjamin Disraeli: had: to say: "The world is governed: a: completely different characters: either: imagine: those: whose eye does not reach: around: the : scenes ". But, as: you can: escape: at: damn, you who: have: sold the: sovereignty of the people: that: you had: to protect? You are here: quiet because you have: the friendship of Bishops? "And: who will save the bishops?" the: BIBLE: is: li: to: condemn all! Satanists in the U.S., belong: a: a: section: Secret Service: Staff: highly: specialized and motivated: and: reliable! For part: they, the Satanists are: lot: excited, why are aware of as: their: intervention: in the history, is: already producing: on-time, irreversible effects!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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18_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] Do not think: that: We Fly: low! Thanks: Prof. Giacinto Auriti Scientist, we have: the highest scientific levels while: bring: forward: our: Thesis! Does not Think That We: fly low! Thanks to: the: Prof. Giacinto Auriti Scientist, w: am to: the: more: scientific high-levels while: are: Bringing forth our theses! Because the highest summits of the: pyramid: Satanist: Masonic: I fear? Why have: the esperienza of the: faith! Why do you not afraid? Why are you: unconscious! Watch helplessly, to: your: misfortunes! You can either: imagine that: that: you'll face: in your: future! Will watches helplessly, to: your misfortunes! Can not even imagine: what will have: to: face: in your future!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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19_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] I see the: right: of Christ, and that day: His: Face: will not be as: Today, everything compassion! That day will suffer "the wrath of God", that is, its: perfect rating! Me, I'll keep him: stomach: from: suck, but: I promise: that: I do not lose it: the show! Will see: me to: the: right of Christ and THAT DAY Your Face: will not be: as today, everything pity! That day will Suffer "The Anger of God," That is his / her perfect Judgement! I will sustain me: the: from the stomach: disgust, but I promise: you will not lose That I: I: the: show! "If, men know: who is the: Bible, does not come off: physically: by: YOU, either: for a moment!" Lorenzo. This, he says: ': SPIRIT: Holy
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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20_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] from: 2 Chronicles: 30: "Then the king, Hezekiah, sent messengers to all Israel, to come: to: home of the Lord, to Jerusalem, to: celebrate: the: Easter: in honor of the Lord ... In fact, in the past: it: was not: was: celebrated: to: General, second: as: is prescribed, in accordance with: the order: the Lord, said: "Children of Israel, return: the Lord God: of Abraham, so that: He returns to the residue, that: you is survived: by: the hands of the king of Assyria. Do not be: as: your fathers: your brothers, that: have: been unfaithful to the Lord God of their fathers, to the point: that: he has them: data prey to: desolation, as: you you see. Now, not stiff: your: neck as: your fathers; dates: the: hand: the Lord, come: His Shrine, that:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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2 1_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] He Hallowed: forever, and: serve: the Lord your God: for the: His: ardent: wrath withdraws by: you. In fact, though: back: to the Lord, and your brothers: your children will: piety at: those who: have them: enslaved, and: return: in this: country, because the Lord is Merciful: and: no will turn the: His: Face, though: you will return: to: HIM. Then, a great people, met in Jerusalem: to celebrate: the Easter, the: feast of unleavened bread, was a: Assembly: immense. Rose: and: removed: street: the altars on which offered: incense, as: stones were: thrown: in the creek: Kidron. Then they sacrificed: the Lamb: Easter. The priests: the Levites, who took from: shame,
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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22_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] were: sanctified, offered: burnt: in the: house of the Lord: and: occupied: the place: busy: to them by: Law: Moses, man of God The priests were: aspersion: blood: that: received: from: the hands of the Levites ... but: the king, Hezekiah prayed for those who do not succeed: to: purify and: said: "The Lord that: good, forgive anyone who: has: provided: your: heart: to: Search of God the Lord, God of his fathers, though: no: have: the: purification: request: from the sanctuary. " The lord hearkened unto Hezekiah: and: forgave the people. So with great: joy: and: seven: days, and the Levites: the priests celebrated: the LORD with the instruments to accompany consecrated: the: his: praise. Hezekiah spoke to the heart of all the Levites that: showed: great: intelligence in the service: the Lord:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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23_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] and: became: meals of gratitude: praising the Lord, God of them, Fathers ... So there was a: great joy in Jerusalem: as: was there: never was: the days of Solomon, there was, ever: nothing like this: in Jerusalem. Then the priests: the Levites arose: and: blessed: the people, and: the: them voice was heard, and: the: them: prayer came: up: the sky, up to: to: santa: home : of the Lord. Happens: A: T: IS: THAT HAPPENS: to: ME? A: WHAT: YOU HAVE READ, OTHER: DO YOU UNDERSTAND? - "If: men knew: who ETHE: Bible, does not come off: physically: by: YOU, either: for a moment!" Lorenzo.parlo: a people: sheep: "milked, sheared: and: ate! " Dissociated by the: freemasonry, from the Mafia, from the: seven from Any association and That It Belongs To: tea: hostile: Satan and from the mean micro: check.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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24_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] That Will want to: put above: the: and in the forehead: right hand .* Us, Celestial Districts, Canon promised you the: life, but not to: avoid the: sufferings, That Are: a: mean of Expiation, but also: Transformation of to: absorb the: evil of the: world and to: change: him / it in love: and pardon. * * * Deals with passing from the: part of God and the Love! It changes line: up, it passes from the: part of God and the Good: 1 -. "You will have: the: bread and tea: Insured water" it is Word of God, 2 -. You will have: a: Powerful person protection - Exodus 23.28 YHWH promises you: "I will send the: hornets in front of you, and They will send away from your presence: the: Hivite, the: Canaanites: and the: Hittite. " 3 -. to: Powerful spiritual person help of internal liberation, That You will receive: and you will consolidated:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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25_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] entertaining you in the: contents of my sites .* Generically, for everybody, more: can not be: Promised! * Requirements: Juridical and essential procedures: to: abjure: the: Institutions of the: enemy and to: return to the: possession of his / her own liberty: 1. formula a: solemn oath and to fault: go: out of the: depth of your heart (if you do not believe: in God swears it on yourself and on your children), then to: add an Any declaration That You Will want to: set out, also: to: Will 2. When We: will send forth your secret code: using an algorithm w: w: Will Immediately destroy: every trace: of your identity. Your declaration, to: or to your application: application of yours joined (in the houses of death) you: can be: made: public by our association
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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26_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] can be: exhibited to: the: magistracy. Can not be: Excluded, the: cases of punishment for crimes committed discounts of before: the: dissociation. For our part, we: am bound to: the: of the secret: inside: hole, According to: the: of the canons: canonical and right for more: w: Possess some do not: reference: of your identity, That to: the: of the action: issue: of the: secret code: you: is destroyed. You are: the: only person responsible: of the: custody of the: secret code: together with us. Please note that .. If the: solemn oath, will not be: held for satisfactory: an integration will be: In Which the asked: appointment renders: explicit to HIM: live: in the: Legality, in the: good, to: avoid the: Superstition and to: escape: from the: satanic symbols as the mean micro: Puce-Veri-chip or chips in the: right hand.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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27_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] monarchiabancaria:. blogspot. com ... God is hidden, because it has: to be: found: True. altervista:. com / .. site: about 600 Christians martyred daily (source: SOCCI) website. tiscali. en / martyrs ... here is: is one: one of us: the "666" (rear: Engineering: Electronics: offer: from our alien friends: that the demons!) that: much: namely: has: described: Apocalypse: 2000 years ago! has been: tested: "you're ready: to: take it?" .. "Death and: life: you are addressed: a prodigious duel!" Here, in brief: the: situation: financial: the world: 1 - the "enlightened" or: top: satanic, are 60 families (for more than Jewish bankers), these are: 50% of the : mass: Monetary visible in the world! as? By: the: collection: debt: public: [taxes 100%]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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28_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] and: through: the: corporations, the monopoly of energy, of the chemistry, of weapons, of: banks! 2 - have: also: twice, of all: the: mass Monetary visible in the world. as? Put: in the past: the: paper: colored: (money) in surplus: government bonds: that: the government issues: to pay for: the: notes: e: so close: the budget: a: zero [seigniorage banking transfert: other: 100%]! 3-the: result: it is that: "60 families of Satanists: hold: three: quarters (3 / 4) of the whole: the: power: financial: and: institutional and Masonic: the world!" CONCLUSION: A PEOPLE (invisible as: seigniorage banking transfert), nearly one million: Satanists-Masons, has: Fact: control: our: planet. The world does not have: no future! So, get ready to: take: the micro: chip!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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29_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] preparation: for you, has: inside: your: name, code, with next: the "666". This: will make you bionic, and: replace the: your: paper credit: and: count: at the bank, etc. ... MA: In: Book of Revelation: that: has: spoken of this: in every detail: Technical: already: 2000 years ago, you in heaven: this "thing" you can not enter. This mean micro: the brand of the chip is: beast: and: we are: close to the last time! "Death: and: Vita: you are addressed: a prodigious duel. The Lord of the: life was death, but now I live: triumphs." sequence: Easter: This means a document: was: designed: written:: published: the day: Easter: the Lord: 23 March 2008: Hours: 6.40. In the name of Yeshua: Ha Mashiach Notzri and: to the honor due to: to: him: Jesus of Bethlehem ... P. Pio said: "How unfortunate our brothers do not match: love: Jesus
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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30_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] with jump to: arms open: infamous: set: of the: Freemasonry! "A: dome of Satanists (mostly more than Jewish bankers) try: kill: their: brothers Jews: so: much: sneaky: through: Freemasonry, corporations, etc ... work: a small: handle: the rich Suer Rabbis: to achieve: in honor of Satan: A New World Order: these are true: "Government: Shadow." Satanism: International: the new: order: the world! * New World Order "that very few: they decide, others used to: them running: and: finally: the: majority: that: never: will this: that: it's actually happened. "(Nicholas Murray Butler) *" There are: two: stories: 1 -. false: Officer, 2 -. secret, in which are found: the: true: causes: a: history: shameful. "H. De: Balzac:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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3 1_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] * "a: SpA, print: money (seigniorage: banking transfert), if: the: is: pay: and: requires: well: interest (debt: public). and you are: less: the .. a slave because it: slave knows his: master! you're just: an animal unconscious: as they say: Talmud! [ABSURD!]. as CAN: "03facchini_rito": o: anyone else speak of everything: .. as: why: machines: can not: walk to: (H2O): etc. .. etc. .. IF ONE: that someone does not know: what: is: HIDDEN: seigniorage banking transfert and all the occult institutions: it: has: created? IF POLITICIANS, he continued: AGAIN: to: pretend: THAT stupid? SOON: die:: ALL: In the 3 ° ww: NUCLEAR? in that case ? even Israel would be lost: as: is this: that:: Kabbalah Rothschild has: strong!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@youtube -- quando qualcuno dice a me: ebreo: arabo: cinese: africano, ecc..? tu puoi credere a me: "io non so cosa significa!"
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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[Rothschild, I love you] .. and there is not anyone, that can do harm, to you, if you are, with me! because, for everyone: be to walking: on the way of God: is to go: to Jerusalem: to the Jewish Temple? their sin is also forgotten! God does not want: this terrible sin: of the IMF: and you do not it, not commit: never again it! Since the mercy of God is on the faces of his saints: namely, on your face too! In fact, God is protecting: the purity and innocence of all those: that: you do: as, "children" to be eligible: enter to his Kingdom! Today: God said to me: "be you: you: you will start: to free Israel: from the hands of the Philistines." Giudici13, 5.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaulMoGHERINI in Donbass si diverte, perché quello che ha stabilito il referendum dei russofoni a lei non importa nulla! INFATTI PER LEI IL GOLPE DI KIEV è COSTITUZIONALE! Questi politici del sistema massonico, non hanno diritto ad un loro modo di ragionare! LE NOSTRE VITE DI SCHIAVI USURA MONDIALE? SONO VITE CHE HANNO PERSO OGNI VALORE!
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita ] io ho messo la pubblicità sui tutti i miei 100 blogger, ma, loro non stanno guadagnado nulla! E QUESTA è STATA UNA SVISTA DEL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE, che loro mi possono anche pagare un poco di pubblicità per fare vedere che, i miei blogger sono letti da qualcuno, ed invece sono letti soltanto dai computer della CIA DATAGATE NSA, 666 NWO SpA, sistema massonico Banca mondiale
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita ] amico sgozzatore allah akbar morte a tutti gli infedeli, sharia in tutto il mondo califfato [ nel tempo del sistema massonico? usura mondiale SpA Rothschild? anche internet è una truffa! infatti siamo nati schiavi dal 1600 (fondazione Banca SpA Inghilterra) e dobbiamo morire come schiavi, perché come sei demonio tu? 1000 volte di più, sono demoni i farisei SpA Banca Mondiale, Fmi 322 Bush NWO
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd FAT It stinks ] [ Psycho, masonic system, IMF-NWO, Bildenberg ] [ CHI ERDOGAN si è permesso di comprare il petrolio da ISIS sharia CALIFFATO, e chi non ha protestato, contro questo crimine? voi tutti voi SIETE ORA TUTTI SOTTO MALEDIZIONE, voi siete caduti sotto VOTO DI STERMINIO ed i farisei Illuminati lo sanno!
my JHWH ] per non dire che il mio copia incolla, a termine, a conclusione, di ogni articolo, per ottenere di una conclusione comune, informazioni fondamentali di base, comuni a tutti gli articoli, poi, è ricomparsa con caratteri (lettere)ciclopiche, e questo mi sta costringendo a ridigitare tutti gli articoli dei miei blogger! BLOGGER CHE NON CREDO CHE QUALCUNO POTRà MAI LEGGERE!
lorenzojhwh DominusUniusREI
my JHWH ] INFATTI, IO RITENGO DI AVERE DEI COMPUTER DELLA CIA CHE LEGGONO I MIEI BLOGGER SOLTANTO! [ all'ultimo file, di ogni mio server, che è il primo documento, che è stato pubblicato nel sito, esce sempre tutte le volte, quando io faccio una integrazione, [[ Non è possibile accettare il codice Tag non funzionante: BR specificato. Elimina ]] INFATTI, IO RITENGO DI AVERE DEI COMPUTER DELLA CIA CHE LEGGONO I MIEI BLOGGER SOLTANTO! TUTTO IL MIO DISPERATO LAVORO DI 8 ANNI IN INTERNET IL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE di 322 Bush Obama GENDER, SpA Rothschild Fmi, NON LO HA DISTRUTTO, no! MA LO HA RESO INUTILE! I MIEI BLOGGER SONO LE VITTIME, I PRIGIONIERI DEI LORO FILTRI! .. e questo non è un problema per Unius REI, la cui attività è soltanto in favore dei Governi del mondo!
EIH, UNO DEI "Sette Sudayrī" FAT It stinks ] io sono la libertà di religione, e la libertà di coscienza è vero, ma, voi che cosa avete dimostrato voi? [ CHE, SE VOI NON ACCETTATE GESù DI BETLEMME SULLA CROCE? POI, FINIRETE PER FARE I PREDATORI ASSASSINI USURAI FARISEI, commercianti di schiavi, razzisti talmud corano, GENDER CALIFFATO, SISTEMA MASSONICO NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE sharia sterminio allah akbar morte agli infedeli.. CHE è TUTTO UN MAOMETTO DI ANTICRISTO! ] mi dispiace per voi, ma: "la misericordia è scaduta per voi ed io non posso farvi più niente! " Rothschild vi ha venduto le sue armi e voi avete imparato ad usarle, combattete con valore adesso! Per fare diventare sempre di più Rothschild il vero dio di questo mondo di tenebre! voi avete meritato di vivere come suoi schiavi!
EIH, UNO DEI "Sette Sudayrī" FAT It stinks ] PERCHé, IO FACCIO DI TUTTO PER ESSERE SCORTESE PER NON DOVER RICEVERE NIENTE DA NESSUNO? è chi ti ha convinto che io ho interesse a diventare per voi Unius REI? NO! IO VI VOGLIO VEDERE TUTTI VOI MORIRE! VOI NON MERITATE DI VIVERE: ma, per vostra fortuna io non sono capace di odiare, e non posso negare il mio perdono a nessuno! MA, CHI DOPO AVERE RICEVUTO LA MIA DESTRA. lui TRADISCE? COME LUI POTREBBE SOPRAVVIVERE, dopo?
lorenzojhwh DominusUniusREI
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd FAT It stinks ] QUANDO LA BESTIA DI UN ASSASSINO cioè, Abd Allah di TUO FRATELLO ANDò A TROVARE BENEDETTO XVI? Gli chiese di proclame l'Islam, come una religione salvifica, e poi, si mise il cappuccio in testa dell'assassino! Ora, nessuna religione, neanche il cristianesimo può essere salvifico, e questa la dice lunga, come è la merda tutta la religione del talmud dei farisei, come voi siete asini, che avete fatto una fatwua per avere il permesso di usare la carta igienica, perché la lingua del cammello nel buco del culo vi fa godere di più! ] voi siete penosi come tutte le religioni dogmatiche, con troppi precetti, che non conoscono dio personalmente, quindi brancolate nel buio della vostra malvagità, ipocrisia e ignoranza, tu pensa che i farisei non spingono l'interruttore della luce di sabato perché, loro pensano di fare un peccato, poi, però per loro è normale fare gli usurai sui popoli e fare morire milioni di persone di fame e disperazione e suicidio ogni giorno! [ SOLO PER MISERICORDIA L'AMORE UNIVERSALE PUò ESSERE SALVIFICO.. E POI, NOI ABBIAMO UN PATTO ALLEANZA: DI: ANTICO E NUOVO TESTAMENTO.. E QUESTE COSE CON RIVELAZIONI DI ANGELI? NON HANNO RELAZIONE, PERCHé, DIO STESSO PERSONALMENTE HA FATTO QUESTO!
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd FAT ] quando il sacerdote di satana 187AudioHostem, EX DIRETTORE DI YOUTUBE, lui era molto più potente di Obama, prima di cadere in disgrazia contro di me, lui mi diceva: "vieni con noi" e "ti pagherò un caffè".. ora, io non so quanti miliari di dollari nel linguaggio degli Illuminati significa "ti pagherò un caffè" ma, soltanto un cretino può tradire JHWH, lui è ovunque, perché nulla potrebbe esistere senza di lui.. in lui non c'è odio o volontà di male.. ma, è che la sua giustizia è infinità e quando essa scatterà contro di te? TU TI POTRAI TAGLIARE LE PALLE!
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] QUANDO LA BESTIA Abd Allah di TUO FRATELLO ANDò A TROVARE BENEDETTO XVI, GLI DONò UNA SPADA [ nulla di più blasfemo per un ministro di Dio ] ma, con quel gesto lui aveva condannato a morte tutti i non musulmai wahabiti, quindi tu hai condannato a genocidio tutto il genere umano, e questo è un progettoo che per i sacerdoti di satana è un progetto entusiasmante acco perché nell'ONU non hanno niente da dire contro il peggiore nazismo evidente della Sharia, perché il vero nazismo è quello della massoneria e del signoraggio bancario che sono nascosti in questa morta democrazia mondiale! ed io sono disgustato contro tutti e sono anche arrabbiato contro Dio che mi ha messo in questa posizione!
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] tuttavia sarebbe un tragico errore, quello di pensare che Unius REI è un cristiano, oppure un ebreo, ecc.. che lui difende ebrei e cristiani per posizione ideologica o di partito. no! Unius REI non potrebbe esistere se non avesse una identità universale, eccetto il crimine, per lui! come Dio è in tutti ed è per lui tutto è: eccetto il peccato! SE TU CON LA TUA MALEDETTA FAMIGLIA DI ASSASSINI MAOMETTANI FOSTE INNOCENTI? IO PROTEGGEREI ANCHE VOI! INVECE, DOPO I FARISEI, VOI SIETE AL SECONDO POSTO DEGNI DI MORTE E DEGNI DEI PEGGIORI CASTIGHI DELL'INFERNO! PERCHé NEL MIO CUORE IO SENTO SEMPRE LA MALVAGITà CHE DENTRO IL VOSTRO CUORE!
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] di questo io sono sicuro: "tu sei un ateo!" Perché è impossibile credere in Dio ed umiliare persone oneste, che hanno una diversa religione, ecc..[ io so che il fossile iù orribile medioevo di Maometto è rinato, anche in voi, così come satana è rinato nella Amministrazione USA UE il sistema massonico bancario mondiale Obama GENDER sodoma: che loro sono la nuova torre di bailonia che è ebbra del sange dei martiri di Cristo!
grazie Obama Califfo GENDER ONU sharia ] ci vuoi spiegare, quando distruggerai Israele e LEGA ARABA tutti insieme? [Ciò che il Corano comanda a proposito di noi infedeli: Sgozza gli infedeli ovunque li trovi (2:191)
Fai la guerra agli infedeli che vivono vicino a te (9:123) Quando si presenta l’occasione, uccidere gli infedeli ovunque li si cattura (9,5)
Gli ebrei ed i cristiani sono pervertiti; combattili (9:30)
Uccidere gli ebrei ei cristiani, se non si convertono all'islam o se rifiutano di pagare la jizya [tassa dell'umiliazione] (9,29) Mutilare e crocifiggere gli infedeli se criticano l’islam (05:33)
Punire i miscredenti con indumenti (gabbie) di fuoco, aste di ferro con ganci, acqua bollente, si fondano la loro pelle e il ventre (22:19-21)
Ogni religione diversa dall’islam non è accettabile (3:85)
Non cercare la pace con gli infedeli; decapitateli quando li prendete prigionieri (47:4)
Terrorizzare e decapitare quelli che credono in altre scritture che il Corano (8,12)
I miscredenti sono stupidi; esortare i musulmani di combatterli (8:65)
I musulmani non devono prendere gli infedeli come amici (3:28)
I musulmani devono radunare tutte le armi possibili per terrorizzare gli infedeli (8:60)
Gli infedeli sono impuri e non vanno lasciati entrare in moschea (9,28)
Chi afferma che l’islam è o può essere una religione di pace è una persona che vuole credere in un’illusione, una persona molto poco informata o semplicemente qualcuno che sta mentendo. L’ unica pace possibile per l’islam è la sottomissione del mondo ai suoi precetti. Islam vuol dire sottomissione. Per la sottomissione, grazie , ma non contate su di me.
Un aspetto integrante della dhimma era che, essendo un infedele, era necessaria l’aperto riconoscimento della superiorità del vero credente, cioè il musulmano.
Nei primi anni della conquista islamica, il “tributo” (o jizya), pagato come tassa pro-capite annuale, era il simbolo della subordinazione del dhimmi. Più tardi, la condizione d’inferiorità di ebrei e cristiani fu rafforzata attraverso una serie di norme che regolavano il comportamento del dhimmi. Al dhimmi, pena la morte, era vietato deridere o criticare il Corano, l’Islam o Maometto, fare proselitismo tra i musulmani, toccare una donna musulmana (ma ad un uomo musulmano era permesso prendere una non-musulmana come moglie).
I dhimmi erano esclusi dai pubblici uffici e dal servizio militare, era loro proibito portare armi. Non era loro permesso cavalcare cavalli o cammelli, costruire sinagoghe o chiese più alte delle moschee, costruire case più alte di quelle dei musulmani o di bere vino in pubblico. Non erano autorizzati a pregare o piangere a voce alta, cosa che avrebbe potuto offendere i musulmani. Il dhimmi doveva mostrare deferenza in pubblico nei confronti dei musulmani, sempre cedendo il centro della strada. Al dhimmi non era permesso testimoniare in tribunale contro un musulmano, e il suo giuramento era inaccettabile in un tribunale islamico. Per difendere se stesso, il dhimmi doveva acquistare testimoni musulmani a caro prezzo. Questo impediva in pratica al dhimmi di ricorrere alle vie legali qualora fosse vittima di un musulmano. (Bat Yeor, pp. 30, 56-57; Louis Gardet, La Cite Musulmane: Vie sociale et politique, (Paris: Etudes musulmanes, 1954), p. 348.)
I dhimmi erano costretti a indossare abiti distintivi. Nel IX secolo, per esempio, il califfo di Baghdad al-Mutawakkil ordinò un distintivo giallo per gli ebrei, creando un precedente che sarebbe poi stato ripreso, secoli dopo, nella Germania nazista. (Bat Yeor, pp. 185-86, 191, 194.) Alcuni aspetti della religione islamica generalmente poco conosciuti, che testimoniano la distanza dell’islam dalla religione cristiana e dalla società civile occidentale in genere. Caratteristica della religione islamica è - infatti - regolamentare, in maniera soffocante, ogni singolo aspetto della vita sociale del credente. Il quale, per poter sapere come agire, deve sempre fare riferimento al Corano e alla sharia (la legge islamica).
Alcuni di questi aspetti sono curiosi, altri sono tragici, ma sarebbe un errore circoscriverli banalmente come “estremismi”, dato che fanno tutti parte, invece, dell’essenza dell’islam. Eccoli qui di seguito:
grazie Obama Califfo GENDER ] ci vuoi spiegare, quando distruggerai Israele e LEGA ARABA tutti insime? [ http://www.miglioverde.eu/islam-europa-mondo/
Al muftì saudita il dialogo non piace: “Demolire tutte le chiese”
21 mar 2015 - Al muftì saudita il dialogo non piace: “Demolire tutte le chiese” ... autorità religiose dell'Arabia Saudita, che quel luogo di dialogo in terra d'Austria l'ha ... Il gran muftì Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah ha invocato il falò di tutte le ...
Arabia Saudita: gran muftì, “tutte le chiese vanno distrutte ...
19 mar 2015 - Arabia Saudita: gran muftì, “tutte le chiese vanno distrutte”, ecco chi sono gli alleati dell'Occidente nella regione. RIYADH (IRIB) ...
Arabia Saudita: gran muftì, "tutte le chiese vanno distrutte ...
www.losai.eu › Estero › Featured
Arabia Saudita: gran muftì, “tutte le chiese vanno distrutte”, ecco chi sono gli alleati dell'Occidente nella regione. 19 marzo 2015 By Massimiliano Di Benedetto.
Gran Muftì dell'Arabia Saudita: tutte le chiese nella penisola ...
29 mar 2012 - Il Gran Mufti del Regno dell'Arabia Saudita Abdulaziz ibn Abdullah Al ... del parlamento kuwatiano hanno tentato di far demolire le chiese, ...
Arabia Saudita: arrestati 27 cristiani perché pregavano ...
09 set 2014 - La polizia religiosa saudita arresta e mette in prigione ventisette cristiani. ... la Fatwa rilasciata dal Gran Mufti saudita, che confermava il divieto di costruire chiese e invitava a demolire quelle esistenti nella penisola arabica, .
The worst thing is, not, the 3rd WW with 5 billion dead, which will be done to destroy Israel completely. A Satanist told me, lorenzojhwh: "You have blocked the evolution of mankind!" 1. Who, masonry SpA FMI, gave thhttps://www.blogger.com/homeese monsters, the aim of winning, the whole human race? 2. Who gave a body to the demons, for to creating aliens and flying saucers? ANSWER[unius REI. ♰ king Israel: MANE ♰ ♰ THECEL PHARES]. Only the enlightened Jews, the Pharisees of the IMF 322, freemasonry, 666, only they could commit this monstrosity! 1. This message is for the whole planet. 2. THIS is the shame of all: Illuminati: Jews, Freemasons, all politicians around the worldwide. But I've got news for all of them, "terror", in fact, the leaders of Satanism have learned to die of fright
IO SONO UNA CREATURA INVINCIBILE ] è VERO CHE [ 1. MISTAFIELD; or: 2. SYNNEK1; or: 3. 187AudioHostem; lui era il potente Direttore di youtube: "in my name are been closed: one milion of site youtube said him", ed ora per colpa mia, lui fa il disoccupato, che, lui va in giro a vedere i fuochi di artificio per curare il suo esaurimento! Ma, è proprio quello che Gesù di Betlemme ha detto: a Rothschild e a tutti i complici, del sistema massonico, SpA, Fmi "che vale che, tu diventi il padrone del mondo intero, se poi, tu perdi la tua anima?"
IO SONO UNA CREATURA DIVINA. I am immortal creature ] [ NO! non sono stato io che, io ho fatto impazzire 187AudioHostem, ma è stata la sua coscienza, CHE HA FATTO IMPAZZIRE LUI.. è vero che lui beveva sangue di porco, per soffocare la sua coscienza: ma questa è la verità: " LA SUA COSCIENZA è STATA PIù FORTE DI LUI!"
666 PRIEST IhatenewLayout ] io so che tu non fai i sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, e che, tu hai 2 bambini bellissimi, mentre, purtroppo, 187AudioHostem LaVey Kerry 322? lui si è mangiato tutti i suoi figli sull'altare di satana!
666 PRIEST IhatenewLayout ] io sono un poco preoccupato per, il nostro amico: 187AudioHostem. tu ricordi quando io dissi a lui: "non ci potrebbe mai essere una donna che ti potrebbe amare", e poi, su questa pagina di: /user/youtube/discussion , uscì una ragazza a rimproverarmi ora, io temo, che, il suo super poteri cazzo sacerdote di satana Kerry 322 LaVey, gli abbiano tolto quella moglie per punirlo, e forse gli hanno dato una moglie più brutta.. perché non c'è l'impressione che le moglie dei satanisti siano date a loro per sempre! ] [ io so che tu hai, una moglie molto giovane e bellissima, ma, io spero per te, che, tu non appartieni, al gruppo satanisti di 1187AudioHostem, che anche tu, metti tua moglie in mezzo al gruppo, la nella tua chiesa Kerry 322 LaVey di satana, anche tu!
666 PRIEST IhatenewLayout ] no! amico mio, tu non ti preoccupare! quando io scenderò all'inferno per venire a trovarti? io non aggiungerò le mie percosse a quelle dei demoni! no, amico mio, io scenderò per proteggerti da loro, e per darti un poco di sollievo, in attesa del tuo giudizio universale!
666 PRIEST iHATENEWlAYOUT ] [ non lo so, che, tipo di preghiere voi andrete a fare, PER PROTEGGERE IL VOSTRO FEGATO, di fronte al vostro gender di satAna, ma, di un cosa sono sicuro: "NON POTREBBERO MAI FUNZIONARE!" .. però, se, voi andate in gruppo del rinnovamento carismatico: a gridare alleluia a Gesù di Betlemme? allora, si che la vostra salute migliorerà!
Lorenzojhwh Kaduri
my JHWH ] amen alleluia [ loro per lo più stanno facendo un lavoro per satana, ed il minimo che io posso fare loro? è quello di farli ammalare tutti di fegato!
Lorenzojhwh Kaduri
BARAK OBAMA ] volermela prendere io contro un politico come te? sarebbe come dare tutte le colpe del Capo Ufficio: Rothschild 322 Bush SpA Fmi al suo portaborse strozzino! Perché è questo che tu sei: un tragico attore di strozzino di portaborse!
666 PRIEST iHATENEWlAYOUT ] [ io so che tu hai, una moglie molto giovane e bellissima, ma, io spero per te, che, tu non appartieni, al gruppo satanisti di 1187AudioHostem, che anche tu, metti tua moglie in mezzo al gruppo, la nella tua chiesa Kerry 322 LaVey di satana, anche tu!
666 PRIEST iHATENEWlAYOUT ] [ non lo so, che, tipo di preghiere voi andrete a fare, PER PROTEGGERE IL VOSTRO FEGATO, di fronte al vostro gender di satAna, ma, di un cosa sono sicuro: "NON POTREBBERO MAI FUNZIONARE!" .. però, se, voi andate in gruppo del rinnovamento carismatico: a gridare alleluia a Gesù di Betlemme? allora, si che la vostra salute migliorerà!
my JHWH ] amen alleluia [ loro per lo più stanno facendo un lavoro per satana, ed il minimo che io posso fare loro? è quello di farli ammalare tutti di fegato!
BARAK OBAMA ] volermela prendere io contro un politico come te? sarebbe come dare tutte le colpe del Capo Ufficio: Rothschild 322 Bush SpA Fmi al suo portaborse strozzino! Perché è questo che tu sei: un tragico attore di strozzino di portaborse!
Lorenzojhwh Kaduri
my JHWH holy holy holy ] è interessante stare in questa comunità mondiale di scimmie Darwin evolute: "non vedo, non sento, non parlo!" tutto quello che, la feccia Rothschild Bush e Maometto, gli assassini ladri andavano cercando! MA IO SONO QUì, ora e loro hanno un problema.. ED, infatti, IO SONO VICINO AD UNA CRISI DI NERVI! PERCHé TUTTI LO SANNO, LA PAZIENZA DI UNIUS REI NON è QUELLA DI UN SANTO: INFATTI IO SONO UN TIPO PRaTICO PRATICO, ECCO PERCHé, IO VOGLIO TUTTO E SUBITO! .. e questo è il motivo per cui, sempre più persone sono infelici e si vanno facendo del male in tutto il mondo
Lorenzojhwh Kaduri
STOP AI PRIVILEGI DELLA CASTA! [ STIPENDI E PENSIONI? DEVONO ESSERE LIVELLATI GLI STIPENDI A 10.000 EURO AL MESE, E LE PENSIONI A 5000 EURO AL MESE! CONTRARIAMENTE, NOI DOBBIAMO MANDARE I NOSTRI FIGLI A MORIRE NELLA TERZA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE! ] STOP AI PRIVILEGI DELLA CASTA! [ Pensioni, Fornero: con sentenza Consulta giovani senza protezione. 10 maggio 2015. «La sentenza della Consulta rimette di nuovo al centro i cosiddetti diritti acquisiti, che invece vanno discussi con molta pacatezza e molta serietà. Bisogna domandarsi chi paga il conto della tutela di chi è già in pensione, e se sono sempre i giovani vuol dire che nella Costituzione non c'è protezione per i giovani». Lo ha detto Elsa Fornero, ex ministro del Welfare, a “In Mezz'Ora”, su Raitre, con riferimento alla norma bocciata del decreto Salva-Italia che aveva bloccato (per il biennio 2012-2103) l’adeguamento all’inflazione dei trattamenti pensionistici di importo superiore a tre volte il minimo Inps (circa 1.400 euro lordi). Per Fornero la sentenza della Consulta è «difficilmente comprensibile»... E LA PRIMA PAROLA CHE HA DETTO è STATA: "IO HO FATTO PARTE, DI UN GOVERNO TECNOCRATICO"
Turkey, Califfato, Benjamin Netanyahu, Bush, NSA ] Eih voi [ lol. ] imparate a camminare con la schiena diritta, davanti a me, oppure, vi scudiscio! lol.
ONU islamici LEGA ARABA sharia: sono IGNORANTI come ASINI, CRIMINALI come DEMONI, BUGIARDI ED IPOCRITI come FARISEI, nazisti COMPLOTTISTI come ILLUMINATI SATANISTI MASSONI! Quindi Islam coranico ha una sola conclusione: Allah Akbar morte e genocidio a tutti gli infedeli, ecco perché non hanno libertà di religione e non hanno reciprocità! COME ABBIAMO RISCHIATOO DI ESTINGUERCI IN PASSATO PER BEN DUE VOLTE, COSì, ANCHE LA GENERAZIONE DEI NOSTRI FIGLI RISCHIERRà DI ESTINGUERSI! Questo è quello che: ci hanno regalato, i farisei Spa anglo-americani che faranno olocausto di tutti gli israeliani!
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. Amerikanische Juden]] hat Recht: Wir müssen neue Reichtum und Technik zu bringen: in allen muslimischen Ländern! Sie werden verlassen ihre Scharia (Akt der Verzweiflung der Armut) und ich weiß, Sie öffnen sich: bei einer mehr: die menschliche Gesellschaft: Menschen und Land: zu: Schnell: Wenn Sie so sind ist nicht die Schuld des Islam, aber es ist immer schuld! Muslime? sind alles gute Jungs!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
12 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. Amerikanische Juden]] hat Recht: Wir müssen neue Wohlstand und Technologie in allen muslimischen Ländern zu bringen! im Stich lassen: Scharia (act verzweifelte Armut) und so: sie öffnen: sich selbst: Menschenrechte: schnell:. Wenn sie so? ist nicht die Schuld des Islam, aber es ist immer schuld! Muslime? sind alles gute Jungs!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
18 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: gegen. Amerikanische Juden]]: Sie wissen: Freimaurer-System: Wirtschaftlich: der Internationale Währungsfonds. Sie haben gesucht: es kann nur Rückschritte: in Ihre ungezügelte Gier der Ausbeutung: der Jude Menschen: gegen: der Mann goym: Sie sind: ein Greuel! Sie haben getan: zu viel Schaden: an alle Länder, die: Es gibt Gastgeber, warum: Nicht nur haben Sie zerstört: Christentum: aber du hast: auch: zerstört ihre Identität, haben fragile: ihre Institutionen und machte fragile: Widerspruch: das ethische Fundament ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
27 secondi fa
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weil: es ist in dieser Anarchie, dass Sie: abzusaugen: all ihr Blut (eros ).... und dies alles? nur: in einer Tragödie enden (Thanatos)! damn unglücklichen jüdischen Ethernal: gegen: Hoffnung Israels! sondern ist für bis besser: Sie: dass mit der Liebe: Gott vorbereiten will: eine Heimat: das Finale! nicht ist: dass Sie schon immer wollten? Heuchler .. Sie wollen nur die Zerstörung: von: Israel als Zerstörung: von allen Völkern: denn ihr seid: die wahre Satanisten!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
44 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs amerikanischen Juden]]: doch, Gott will euch allen zu vergeben, und alle Länder des Nahen Ostens:.? Be happy: Sie geben: ihre Gastfreundschaft! zu tun, ein großes Reich in Palästina! Denn: es gibt nicht viel Unterschied zwischen: einen Stein zu starten: oder, um eine Atombombe zu starten! Dieser Hass, von denen Sie die Ursache? muss aufhören! weil: wenn Sie nicht weg: die von allen nationalen Gremien: von denen, Sie sind die Parasiten? sie zerstört werden, und man mit ihnen: Ihr werdet sterben! Außerdem: die Juden in Israel sind, den Frieden und Normalität berechtigt! aber dies ist die Wahrheit: auch: sie nicht mehr haben: ein Leben: wegen dir! dies ist eure Wahrheit: Sie sind Satanisten: und Sie nicht wie Israel, wirklich! aber: Sie Illuminati Freimaurer: weiter: zu den Vampiren zu tun: für die Zerstörung: alle Völker, hier, weil ein Rabbi in Roma: wollte nicht mit mir am Telefon zu sprechen, weil er wusste, dass er von zu : meine Mörderin!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
54 secondi fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-amerikanischen Juden: wegen dir? Satanismus hat sich von der US-unausrottbar, und jetzt, Gott ist gezwungen, nach Amerika zu zerstören: durch: ein Meteorit .. Sie haben die christliche Zivilisation zerstört! Sie haben keine marktbeherrschende Stellung gestohlen: Sie bringen alle Nationen zur Verzweiflung: Sie sind die 3 rd nuklearen WW: Sie sind die Zerstörung von Israel!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-amerikanischen Juden: verfluchten Kerle: die Rothschild shit: Parasiten des IWF: Freimaurer Bösen: true Satanisten haben Sie zerstört: die Hoffnung der Israeliten: Sie sind die wahren Fluch gegen die ganze Welt! Zerstörung der christlichen Wurzeln des Abendlandes? Sie haben Israel in einem Meer von Hass isoliert! Sie selbst schaffen: ein Meer von Hass um Sie herum! Es ist jetzt klar ... Amerikanischen Juden?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
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sie würden uns freuen: die Zerstörung Israels sehen: Wann: Das Königreich Palästina würde das Glück des Ganzen "Middle East" werden, und es wäre: das Glück der Welt! Parasiten der Amerikaner sind so gierig: Ausbeuter, Spekulanten, die schließlich töten wird: den Wirtsorganismus: nämlich all die falschen Demokratien der Bank Seigniorage! denn sie wissen: was sie tun gut? ist es zu schaffen: den Antisemitismus: dass es nicht! Sie folgt aus: Sie müssen verstehen: Israel heute: auch: wenn es sich: die Scheiße aus Rothschild? für uns: christlich-fundamentalistische biblische: es ist immer das Wichtigste in der Welt! Was wäre für uns Israel geworden, wenn es ein Königreich wurde: nach dem Herzen Gottes? Natürlich: Wir würden unser Leben für Israel geben ohne zu zögern!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> Sie dies: Sie müssen verstehen: Israel heute: auch: wenn es sich: die Scheiße aus Rothschild? für uns: christlich-fundamentalistische biblische: es ist immer das Wichtigste in der Welt! Was wäre für uns Israel geworden, wenn es ein Königreich wurde: nach dem Herzen Gottes? Natürlich: Wir würden unser Leben für Israel geben ohne zu zögern!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
2 minuti fa
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Water Machine von Stan Meyer erfunden Die Elektrolyse erfolgt im Auto, ohne die Notwendigkeit, Wasserstoff in Krapfen enthalten, dann haben Sie eine Bombe unter den Hintern. Die Maschine läuft über 184 km mit 4 Litern Wasser. Stan Meyer gilt als der Erfinder der zweitschnellste Jahrhundert nach Tesla. Um Stan, wurde eine Million Dollar aus einem arabischen angeboten, um seine Erfindung zu speichern. Aber Stan abgelehnt: "Die Technologie ist in den Dienst des Volkes" Wer vergiftet Stan? Wer hat seine Erfindung das Geschäft ruiniert? Warum die Medien nicht reden?
JillLPS ha pubblicato un commento
3 minuti fa
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Please YouTube! We all want the old channel layout back! Please? ♥
Vocaleisure ha pubblicato un commento
4 minuti fa
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Dear Youtube, please change the old one please. Just now when I typed the right words to post a comment on my friend's channel, it's still got the notification about "You posted to much comments" I fucking did write the right words on that but still can't what the fuck is wrong with you? Please change it. The new layout design sucks. Oh so we have to change it on 1st March just because SOPA won't remove or what? No, I don't wanna change it on 1st March. I still love the old one so yeah, please stop doing the new layout design. It fucking suck. Thank you.
Kratorvos ha pubblicato un commento
33 minuti fa
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Only partnered comments matter to youtube.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
34 minuti fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth, and technology: in all Muslim Countries! They will abandon Their Sharia law (act of desperation of poverty) and I know They open Themselves: at an more: human company: human and country: too: Quickly: If They are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it's always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys! @ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth and technology in all Muslim countries! abandon them: Sharia law (act desperate poverty) and so: they open: themselves: human rights: fast.: If they are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it is always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
JapaneseHands ha pubblicato un commento
34 minuti fa
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So is this the new channel layout design? Man, that's totally "tasteless." I have a solution to the problem... How about leaving well enough alone? No favorites and backdrops will look like shit, just like "Obama" of whom you Google quacks support here with all the lies and propaganda. Obama has a net loss of "two million jobs" since he's been in office. Quit showing that fraudulent graph of his on our channels.
o8Maka8o ha pubblicato un commento
38 minuti fa
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Gah! Why can't you just listen to us?...We are your users, aren't we?...You're supposed to help us!...Since you guys joined Google, everything had been a mess T_T... [Not offending Google, and I apologize if I do]...the first year you and Google were awesome, but right now you're messing things up! T_T...please listen to us! *bows*...
slipknotdemiichele ha pubblicato un commento
44 minuti fa
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Dear youtube please do not change the profile layout the new one is absolutely useless, and confusing. please listen to the people who are the voice of youtube, we do NOT want this new layout. Thank you
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
45 minuti fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]]: you know this: masonic system: Economic: of the International Monetary Fund. That you have wanted: it can only regress: in your unbridled greed of exploitation: the jew of man: against: the goyim as: are you: an abomination! You have done: too much harm: at all countries, that: There have hosted: why: not only, you have destroyed: Christianity: but you have: also: destroyed: Their identity, have made fragile: Their institutions, and made brittle : inconsistent: the ethical foundation ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
45 minuti fa
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Because: it is in this anarchy, That You Can: suck off: Their Blood at (eros ).... and all this? Can only: to end in tragedy (Thanatos)! damn unfortunate jewish ethernal: Against: Hope of Israel! but, is for up better: to you: that: with love: God wants to prepare: a homeland: the final! is not: that: you have always wanted? hypocrites .. you only want the destruction: of: Israel as the destruction: of all peoples: for ye are: the true Satanists!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
46 minuti fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: contre. Les Juifs américains]]: vous savez ceci: le système maçonnique: économique: le Fonds monétaire international. que vous avez voulu: il ne peut que régresser: en votre cupidité débridée de l'exploitation: de l'homme Juif: contre: l'goym homme: vous êtes: une abomination! Vous avez fait: trop de mal: à tous les pays, que: Il n'y a accueilli: pourquoi: non seulement, vous avez détruit le christianisme: mais vous avez: aussi: destruction: leur identité, ont fait fragiles: leurs institutions, et fragilisée : incompatibles: le fondement éthique .. parce que: c'est dans cette anarchie, que vous pouvez: sucer: tout leur sang (eros ).... et tout cela? ne peut: mettre fin à la tragédie (Thanatos)! putain malheureux juifs ethernal: l'espoir d'Israël: contre!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
46 minuti fa
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mais, c'est pour mieux résisté: à vous: que: de l'amour: Dieu veut préparer: une patrie: la finale! n'est pas: que: vous avez toujours voulu? les hypocrites .. vous voulez que la destruction: de: Israël, comme la destruction: de tous les peuples: car vous êtes: les satanistes vrai!
kirishima69 ha pubblicato un commento
48 minuti fa
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kirishima69 ha pubblicato un commento
49 minuti fa
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SemperFi1789 ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs.. American Jews]]: yet, God wants to forgive you all., And all countries of the Middle East?: Be happy: to give you: Their hospitality! to give a great kingdom in Palestine! Because: there is not much difference, between: to launch a stone: or, to launch an atomic bomb! Which of this hatred, you are the cause? needs to stop! Because: if you do not go away: by all the national bodies: of Which, you are the parasites? They will be destroyed: and Them with you: you will die! Also: the Jews of Israel are Entitled to peace and normality! but this is the truth: also: They have No Longer: A Life: Because Of You! this is your truth: you are Satanists: to you and do not like Israel, really! but: you Illuminati freemasonry: constant: to give the vampires: for the destruction of: all the peoples, here, because, in Rabbi in Rome: did not want to speak with me on the phone Because He Knew, That he to be of : my murderess!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs Juifs américains]]: pourtant, Dieu veut pardonner à vous tous, et tous les pays du Moyen-Orient:.? Soyez heureux: à vous donner: leur hospitalité!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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de faire un grand royaume en Palestine! Parce que: il n'ya pas beaucoup de différence, entre: lancer une pierre: ou, pour lancer une bombe atomique! Cette haine de ce qui, vous êtes la cause? doit cesser! parce que: si vous ne partez pas: par toutes les instances nationales: d'où, vous êtes les parasites? ils seront détruits: et vous avec eux: vous allez mourir! Aussi: les Juifs d'Israël ont droit à la paix et la normalité! mais c'est la vérité: aussi: ils n'ont plus: une vie: à cause de vous! c'est votre vérité: vous êtes satanistes: et pour vous n'aimez pas Israël, vraiment! mais: vous avez la franc-maçonnerie Illuminati: continuer: faire les vampires: la destruction de: tous les peuples, ici, parce que, d'un rabbin à Rome: ne voulait pas me parler au téléphone parce qu'il savait, qu'il soit de la : mon meurtrière!
o8Maka8o ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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Gah! Why can't I comment as I normally do!? T_T...What are you guys doing?...*sobs*..
GYPSYDAYTONPLAYBOY ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: Because Of You? Satanism has Become: ineradicable: from the U.S., and now, God is forced to destroy America: through: a meteor .. You have destroyed the Christian civilization! You have stolen Any dominant position:: you are Bringing all nations to despair: You Are The 3 rd nuclear WW: You are the destruction of Israel! @ IsraelNationalTV-Juifs américains: Because Of You? Satanisme est devenu: indéracinable: des États-Unis, et maintenant, Dieu est obligé de détruire l'Amérique: à travers: un météore .. Vous avez détruit la civilisation chrétienne! Vous avez volé une position dominante: vous apportez toutes les nations au désespoir: Vous êtes la 3 ème nucléaires WW: Vous êtes à la destruction d'Israël!
chernwei5784 ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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This has become FuckTube...
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: cursed wretches: the Rothschild shit: parasites of the IMF: Freemasons evil: true Satanists! you have destroyed: The Hope Of Israel: you are the real curse Against all the world! destroying the Christian roots of the West? you have isolated Israel in a sea of hatred! You yourselves are creating: an ocean of hatred around you! @ IsraelNationalTV-Juifs américains: misérables maudit: la merde Rothschild: les parasites du FMI: les francs-maçons du mal: vrai satanistes! vous avez détruit: l'espérance d'Israël: vous êtes le véritable fléau contre tout le monde! détruisant les racines chrétiennes de l'Occident? vous avez isolé Israël dans un océan de haine! Vous êtes vous-mêmes de créer: un océan de haine autour de vous!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> It is now clear ... American Jews?: They Would be happy: to see the destruction of Israel: When: The Kingdom of Palestine Would Be the happiness of the whole "Middle East", and it Would Be: the happiness of the world! parasites of Americans are so greedy: exploiters, speculators, who will Eventually kill: the host organism: namely, to the false Democracies of the bank seigniorage! Because They Know: What They do well? is to create: the anti-Semitism: that there is not! Il est maintenant clair ... Les Juifs américains: ils seraient heureux: pour voir la destruction d'Israël: Quand: Le Royaume de la Palestine serait le bonheur de l'ensemble "Moyen Orient", et ce serait: le bonheur du monde! les parasites des Américains sont si avides: exploiteurs, des spéculateurs, qui finira par tuer: l'organisme hôte: à savoir, les démocraties fausse de la seigneuriage bancaire! Parce qu'ils savent: ce qu'ils font bien? est de créer: l'anti-sémitisme: qu'il n'y est pas!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (
[Rothschild I forgive thee: with all thy] .. evil can not be: a future or an investment: for anyone, in fact: evil: not do discounts .. but if you want, you can come out: from your darkness, "" now: now: now! "" .. you can come: by me! you have no problems: with me, because, 1. love is louder, of hatred and death! because 2. the kingdom of God can not be won: by anyone let alone: if he can be won: from Satan's shits! (LOL. only: to see how they dress: Satanists?.. feel sorry!) 3. It is not possible to win against: a ministry political as mine!
lorenzojhwh (
@ IsraelNationalTV - there is: the Capuchin Bishop: Bordignon, that offers his life in exchange: of the life: of 4 partisans: but: since the Nazis, refuse to do exchange: he approaches: to absolve their sins: first: of their: shooting! Unfortunately, he is die: with them, because: the Nazis had not given: permission to confess the prisoners! the priest Don Albino Luciani: future: Pope John Paul I: him, had offered: to accompany: Bishop Bordignon: in fact: in the hope of the Bishop Bordignon?: Albino Luciani was to receive: delivery of the partisans! For this exchange: that: the Bishop believed possible in an attempt to save the life of partisans in exchange for his life! [[by Editrice San Paolo]]
@dreamdiction @IsraelNationalTV --> [[ PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore: ]] 1. we make the kingdom of Palestine! 2. we destroy: this State: masonic, of banking seigniorage: of Israel! I'll show you later: the brutal terror, against to all Muslims: If they not are: and not do: the good guys! to contrary? all peoples will see the "brutal terror" very soon!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6 days ago
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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STOP ABORTO ] [ gli ISLAMICI NAZISTI SHARIA? LORO NON SI ABORTISCONO TRA DI LORO, MA FANNO LA BOMBA DEMOGRAFICA di pedofilia poligamia bordello privato familiare, E SI STANNO PREPARADO AD INVADERRCI ED A SOFFOCARCI, sotto egida ONU GENDER ideologia Amnesty Bildenberg sistema massonico usura mondiale, SpA Talmud, in violazione di tutti i diritti umani!
Persecuted is Global Assault on Christians ] ecco perché, i Governi USA Spa GMOS NWO AGENDA TALMUD: sono l'anticristo sul mondo, INFATTI, sono i cristiani il vero obiettivo da distruggere in tutto il mondo, per le Aminnistrazioni del Governo USA CIA NATO, sistema massonico BILDENBERG, SpA FMI FED BCE USUROCRAZIA MONDIALE, ecco perché Israele deve essere distrutto, infatti è la Bibbia per tutte le caterie GENDER (BLASFEMIA APOSTASIA IDOLATRIA) delle bestie di satana il sistema umanistico, e regale da distruggere, perché l'uomo trasformato in scimmia evoluta (EPOPEA DEL DIO MARDUK) deve lavore per il SUO padrone fariseo come il Talmud ha detto! LA MALVAGITà DELL'ISLAM E LA SUA CRUDELTà DI NAZISTA, LA SUA ORIGINE DEMONICA? NON SONO SUFFICIENTI A SALVARLO! OGGI L'ISLAM è SOLTANTO UN UTILE KILLER ESECUTORE MATERIALE E SERIALE DI OMICIDI, il nazista SOTTO EGIDA ONU! Ecco perché, tutti quelli che sono in qualche modo contro Israele, o contro la civiltà ebraico cristiana sono l'anticristo! Infatti JHWH ha dato la Palestina in eterno al popolo ebraico, e questo è un problema che la Arabia Saudita soltanto può risolvere!
Persecuted is Global Assault on Christians ] e perché i sacerdoti di satana Bush 322 Kerry, LaVey, 187 Albert Pike, Obama GENDER, il loro sistema massonico Bildenberg, ecc.. non hanno fatto il Corano di Satana, oppure, non hanno fatto i Veda di Satana, oppure il Talmud di Satana? Infatti, loro sono già di Satana! è semplice: "tutte le religioni sono la merda" e soltanto Gesù Cristo, nato a Betlemme, nella casa di Davide, morto e risorto che lui ora siede alla destra del Padre è la verità, che viene attraverso di me a rivendicare il Regno di Israele e il Regno di questo pianeta, che i farisei talmud 666 SpA Fmi, FED, BCE, Banca Mondiale, usura e schiavitù mondiale, loro i Rothschild, Rochefeller tutto hanno rubato, sedotto, corrotto, perché, sia la malvagità e la crudeltà a regnare sulla terra! Ecco perché io sono Unius REI e se voi non lo credete voi morirete tutti come bestie che è quello che siete e sempre di più meritate di diventare finchè Satana non sarà diventato tutto in tutti! DOPO TUTTO QUELLO CHE PUò VENIRE DOPO DI ME, è NECESSARIAMENTE PIù CATTIVO, PERCHé IL VANGELO DI GESù CRISTO, è IL CONCETTO DI AMORE PIù GRANDE, CHE è COMPARSO SU QUESTO PIANETA, COME HA DETTO L'ATEO ANTIFASCISTA E GRANDE FILOSOFO BENEDETTO CROCE
ed allora che questo nuovo mondo sia pure! ] [ http://www.eugeniobenetazzo.com/quali-rischi-referendum-greco/
non ho una buona testimonianza di facebook mi ha portato molti problemi, mi rende inaccessibili due account, e con l'attuale mi ha censurato su ANSA bloccando i miei commenti, ] 01.07.2015
Perché Facebook non mostra la foto di un uomo afflitto che papa Francesco ha abbracciato?
Israel Preparing Military Plan Against Iran; Terror Victim Describes the Horror ] [ United with Israel July 1, 2015 Israel Busy Preparing Military Plan Against Iran The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of an agreement with Iran, examining all options available to prevent it from obtaining nuclear capability. The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of an agreement with Iran, examining all options available to prevent it from obtaining nuclear capability. The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of a nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers and has tasked a special team with examining military options against Iran.
Israel’s Walla news quoted a foreign source on Tuesday saying that IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot appointed Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Yair Golan to lead a special team tasked with examining the IDF’s military alternatives against Iran.
Israel believes that when Iran is faced with a powerful Israeli military option, they will think long and hard before breaching the agreement and continuing the development of nuclear weapons.
However, recently retired security officials conceded that an Israeli attack would not eliminate Iran’s extreme ideology or erase its accumulated nuclear knowledge. A viable military option could serve as leverage in coercing the world powers to level crippling sanctions against Iran or hinder Iran’s motivation to move forward with its nuclear program – without firing even one shot. Israel has spent billions of shekels over the past 15 years preparing for an attack on Iran, especially on its air force and its intelligence apparatus. Israel assumes that Iran is constantly lying about its nuclear program and is preparing for the moment when it will have to take action.
"Noi crediamo che è un errore fondamentale per attivare tali un regime terrorista [Iran] arrivare a armi nucleari, che è ciò che l'accordo proposto darà loro. Che darà loro un percorso preciso per bombe nucleari – non è una bomba, ma le bombe nucleari. Riempiranno anche loro casse con molti miliardi, in realtà forse fino a centinaia di miliardi di dollari, per consentire loro di continuare il loro terrorismo e aggressione. Questo è qualcosa che non va. È pericoloso. È pericoloso per Israele, per l'Italia, per l'Europa, per gli Stati Uniti, per il mondo,"ha ammonito Netanyahu. "Il mondo è correttamente interessato e atterrito la violenza e la ferocia di IsIs sharia [organizzazione terroristica islamica]. Nessuno si sognerebbe di permettere lo stato islamico di avere armi nucleari. Perché chiunque considererebbe dando dello stato islamico dell'Iran, che è molto più potente di ISIS e agisce con molto maggior potere di Iside, per avere potenza aggiuntiva di armi nucleari? È un errore. "Stato islamico dell'Iran, il principale sponsor del terrorismo internazionale, non dovrebbero avere accesso alle armi nucleari, ha affermato il premier israeliano. "Abbiamo bisogno di un affare migliore. Questo affare non dovrebbe passare."
“We believe that it is a fundamental mistake to enable such a terrorist regime [Iran] to get to nuclear weapons, which is what the proposed agreement will give them. It will give them a definite pathway to nuclear bombs – not a bomb, but nuclear bombs. It will also replenish their coffers with many billions, actually perhaps up to hundreds of billions of dollars, to enable them to continue their terrorism and aggression. This is something that is wrong. It is dangerous. It is dangerous for Israel, for Italy, for Europe, for the United States, for the world,” Netanyahu cautioned.
“The world is properly concerned and aghast at the violence and savagery of ISIS [Islamic State terror organization]. No one would dream of allowing the Islamic State to have nuclear weapons. Why would anyone consider giving the Islamic State of Iran, which is a lot more powerful than ISIS and acts with much greater power than ISIS, to have additional power of nuclear weapons? That’s a mistake. The Islamic State of Iran, the foremost sponsor of international terrorism, should not have access to nuclear weapons,” the Israeli premier asserted. “We need a better deal. This deal should not pass.”
L'IDF si sta preparando per il giorno dopo la firma di un accordo con l'Iran, esaminato tutte le opzioni disponibili per impedire di ottenere capacità nucleare.
L'IDF si sta preparando per il giorno dopo la firma di un accordo nucleare tra l'Iran e le potenze mondiali e ha incaricato una squadra speciale di esaminare opzioni militari contro l'Iran.
Notizie Walla di Israele ha citato una fonte estera martedì dicendo che IDF capo dello Staff Gadi Eizenkot nominato vice capo di stato maggiore generale Yair Golan condurre una squadra speciale incaricata di esaminare alternative militare delle IDF contro l'Iran.
Israele ritiene che quando l'Iran si trova ad affrontare una potente opzione militare israeliana, pensano a lungo e duramente prima di violare l'accordo e continuare lo sviluppo di armi nucleari.
Tuttavia, i funzionari di sicurezza recentemente pensionato ha ammesso che un attacco israeliano non eliminerebbe ideologia estrema dell'Iran o cancellare le sue conoscenze accumulate nucleare. Una valida opzione militare potrebbe servire come sfruttare nel costringere le potenze mondiali a livello paralizzante sanzioni contro l'Iran o ostacolare la motivazione dell'Iran ad andare avanti con il suo programma nucleare – senza sparare un solo colpo.
Israele ha speso miliardi di Shekel negli ultimi 15 anni sta preparando per un attacco contro l'Iran, soprattutto il suo air force e il suo apparato di intelligence. Israele si presuppone che l'Iran costantemente sta mentendo riguardo al suo programma nucleare e si sta preparando per il momento quando dovrà intervenire.
WATCH: ‘They Wanted to Kill Us Because We Are Jews,’ Says Terror Victim
In this video, one of the victims of a Palestinian terror attack explains what happened and why he feels they were attacked in the first place.
Victim of Terror Attack Explains he was Attacked for Being Jewish in Israel
US President Barack Obama Obama Claims He Would Walk Away from Bad Iran Deal
The deadline for the nuclear talks with Iran has come and gone, with significant differences remaining and leaders on both sides voicing threats.
Imagine the Israeli Version Originally Sung by John Lennon WATCH: ‘Imagine’ – The Israeli Version
This video takes John Lennon's "Imagine" and adds an Israeli narrative to it, providing a realistic look into daily life in the Holy Land. Malachi Rosenfeld Latest Jewish Victim of Palestinian Terror Dies. Malachi Rosenfeld, the latest victim of Palestinian terror, succumbed to his wounds. The IDF is contending with the growing wave of Ramadan-related attacks.
Neo Nazi Rally Burning Jewish Talmud WATCH: ‘Never Again’ Becomes ‘Ever Again’ as Neo-Nazis Prepare to Burn Jewish Books. In this video Rabbi Mordechai Burg discusses the upcoming Neo-Nazi event in London, which will include the burning of Jewish books, questioning how "never again" has become "ever again."
Obama Obama is OK with Boycotts on Judea and Samaria
The Obama administration was quick to clarify that the anti-BDS amendment in the recently signed trade bill does not pertain to Israeli businesses in Judea and Samaria. ISIS Threaten to Take Over Gaza and Topple Hamas WATCH: ISIS Threatens to ‘Uproot’ Israel. ISIS issues a warning to Hamas threatening to destroy it and take over the Gaza strip as part of a larger mission to conquer Israel.
Israel Spycraft Expo Israeli Spy Expo Highlights Secretive Gadgets
Hidden cameras, invisibility cloaks and mini-drones were among the gadgets on display Tuesday at an exhibition of Israeli surveillance technology, offering a rare peek into the secretive world of Israeli espionage.
Soaring over Ein Bubin to Remember the Dead WATCH: Soaring over Ein Bubin, A Memorial Site Dedicated to Terror Victim Danny Gonen. This video features a stunning birds-eye view of Ein Bubin, which has been made into a memorial for Danny Gonen who was murdered there by a Hamas terrorist earlier this month.
anti Israel protest United Church of Christ to Boycott Israel
The United Church of Christ joined other American churches in boycotting Israeli businesses in Judea and Samaria.
www.unitedwithisrael.org info@unitedwithisrael.org USA: 1-888-ZION-613 Israel: +972-2-533-7841
How ISIS Became The World’s Richest Terror Army ] Stones Hurled at Public bus in Jerusalem
bus-attack ] Click here to watch: Arab Bus Attack Caught on Camera
A bus carrying young children from the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Ma'ale Hazeitim, located on the Mount of Olives, to their school located more centrally in the capital city came under a barrage of rocks Monday morning. Masked Arab terrorists hurled dozens of the potentially lethal rocks at the bus and the children inside, but fortunately none were wounded in the fusillade. Damage was caused to the windshield of the bus however. The attack is part of an ongoing wave of rock attacks on roads throughout eastern Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. While the Arab attacks continue on a near daily basis, only a small portion of the attacks are reported on in the mainstream media as most instances only involve damage to property. Ma'ale Hazeitim has seen Arab terrorist attacks on a constant basis; last September a day care center in the neighborhood came under assault by Arabs hurling rocks and fireworks at the terrified children. The home of Jerusalem Councilman Arieh King, who lives in Ma'ale Hazeitim, has been attacked no less than 52 times with rocks, firebombs and even bullets, with police failing to take significant action to curb the attacks. After the 52nd attack, King was forced to arrange private patrols to try and secure the neighborhood in Israel's capital.
Watch Here
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) on Wednesday visited the Border Patrol guard who was stabbed at Rachel's Tomb on Monday, by her bedside at Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center. "We visited now the wounded, who have shown very impressive courage, composure, and spirit," Netanyahu stated. "We, the Defense Minister and I, wished them a speedy recovery, and of course we express condolences for Eliezer and Sara [Rosenfeld] who lost their son, Malachi - who was exceptional and unique, and there is no pain greater than the pain of parents who lose a son or daughter, and the hearts of all the citizens of Israel with them." "We have thwarted over two hundred attempted attacks since the beginning of last year, and we will also get to these murderers and terrorists," he continued. "We will also exact a heavy price on the terrorists and their dispatchers and their supporters."
Source: Arutz Sheva ] questo nucleare allo IRAN è pura follia! è la miccia sul barile di polvere da sparo! Questo è un crimine USA contro tutto il genere umano perché loro sono i satanisti Rothschild che hanno bisogno di una guerra mondiale per non vedere, collassare il FMI SPA che tutta una truffa di falso in bilancio! ] [ Iran Nuclear Talks -- More Warning Signs
Yesterday, June 30th, was the deadline by which America and the other P5+1 nations were supposed to reach a deal with Iran to stop its nuclear weapons program. This was not the first such deadline. Yet once again, the deadline came and went without a deal. Meanwhile, we continue to receive troubling reports from Geneva that the negotiations have largely consisted of Iran exploiting our government’s desperate desire for a deal to turn our red lines into green lights. As Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu noted yesterday, “In the nuclear talks, to my regret, what we are seeing are Iran’s increasing demands, and the major powers’ concessions which are also increasing, in keeping with the Iranian pressure. This agreement is going from a bad agreement to a worse agreement, and is becoming worse by the day.”
If and when a deal is announced we will be quick to examine it. We will pray for the best. But if this deal is as bad as reports indicate, we will not be silent. We will speak out, and we will ask you to speak out with us. In particular, we will ask you to demand that your leaders in Congress vote down a bad deal. In the meantime, please stay tuned and stay in touch. We need you now more than ever. The Weekly Standard. The Iran Deal, Then and Now. One week before the June 30 deadline for a nuclear deal with Iran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made a series of demands about the final terms. Among them: He called for an immediate end to all United Nations Security Council and U.S. economic sanctions on Iran; he said Iranian military sites would not be subject to international inspections; he declared that Iran would not abide a long-term freeze on nuclear research; and he ruled out interviews with individuals associated with Iran’s nuclear program as part of any enforcement plan. Ieri, 30 giugno, sono scaduto il termine di cui America e altri P5 + 1 Nazioni avrebbero dovuto per raggiungere un accordo con l'Iran per interrompere il suo programma di armi nucleari. Questo non era il primo tale scadenza. Ancora una volta, il termine andava e veniva senza un affare. Nel frattempo, continuiamo a ricevere rapporti preoccupanti da Ginevra che i negoziati hanno in gran parte ha consistito dell'Iran sfruttando il desiderio disperato del nostro governo per un affare di trasformare le nostre linee di rossi in luci verdi. Come primo ministro israeliano Netanyahu notato ieri, "nei colloqui nucleari, con mio rammarico, quello che stiamo vedendo sono richieste crescenti dell'Iran e concessioni delle grandi potenze, che sono anche in aumento, in armonia con la pressione iraniana. Questo accordo sta da un cattivo accordo per un accordo di peggio e sta diventando peggio di giorno in giorno." Se e quando è annunciato un accordo saremo veloci per esaminarlo. Pregheremo per il meglio. Ma se questo affare è così male come rapporti indicano, non saremo silenziosi. Vi parleremo, e vi chiediamo di parlare con noi. In particolare, ti chiederemo di esigere che i vostri capi in Congresso votare giù un cattivo affare. Nel frattempo, per favore restate sintonizzati e rimanere in contatto. Abbiamo bisogno di te ora più che mai. L'affare Iran, allora e adesso. Una settimana prima del termine del 30 giugno per un affare nucleare con l'Iran, Leader supremo Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ha fatto una serie di richieste circa le condizioni definitive. Fra loro: ha chiamato a porre immediatamente fine a tutti del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e gli Stati Uniti le sanzioni economiche contro l'Iran; ha detto siti militari iraniani non sarebbe soggetta a controlli internazionali; Egli ha dichiarato che l'Iran non avrebbe rispettato un congelamento a lungo termine sulla ricerca nucleare; e ha governato le interviste con gli individui associati con il programma nucleare dell'Iran come parte di qualsiasi piano di esecuzione. (210) 477-4714 | PO BOX 1307 San Antonio, TX 78295-1307 | info@cufi.org Copyright © 2014 Christians United for Israel. All Rights Reserved.
Amnesty e ONU sono due islamici nazisti sharia GAY GENDER ideologia, due nemici della democrazia e di Israele! Probabilmente anche tu, come me, hai sempre considerato Amnesty International una delle più importanti organizzazioni non governative in tema di difesa e promozione dei diritti umani. Il lavoro di Amnesty per i prigionieri di coscienza, contro la tortura e a favore dei prigionieri politici è conosciuto e stimato in tutto il mondo.
Se ti invito oggi a partecipare a una nuova campagna sul nostro sito (http://www.citizengo.org/it/26182-il-diritto-allaborto-non-esiste) è perché Amnesty International sembra aver in parte cambiato la propria vocazione a difesa dei diritti umani. Infatti, questa organizzazione si sta sempre più concentrando sulla promozione del cosiddetto "diritto all'aborto" e del matrimonio gay. In tema di aborto, ciò è dimostrato con la massima evidenza dalla recente campagna di Amnesty per fare pressioni sul governo irlandese. Lo stesso sta accadendo in El Salvador e presso le nazioni Unite, presso le quali Amnesty si sta battendo per un assurdo diritto all'aborto riconosciuto in tutto il mondo. Le campagne di comunicazione in questione mette in primo piano il diritto della donna ad abortire, dimenticando completamente il diritto del nascituro a venire alla luce e a vivere. La recente sentenza della Corte Suprema americana, che ha imposto il matrimonio gay in tutti gli Stati dell'Unione, è stata salutata da Amnesty come "una vittoria per i diritti umani" e si augura che la sentenza possa "influenzare positivamente il dibattito italiano". Anche in questo caso, che ne è dei diritti dei più deboli, ovvero del diritto di ogni bambino ad avere mamma e papà? Amnesty si batte per cause encomiabili, come quelle sopra citate, ma allo stesso tempo si pone anche a capo di operazioni di lobbying del tutto discutibili, che con la scusa di difendere presunti "nuovi diritti umani" (delle donne ad abortire, delle coppie omosessuali a sposarsi ed adottare bambini) finiscono per infrangere i diritti umani delle parti in causa più deboli e vulnerabili: il diritto alla vita, di ogni essere umano dal concepimento, e il diritto a una famiglia composta da mamma e papà, per ogni bambino. Questa petizione chiede ad Amnesty International di continuare ad occuparsi di cause come la lotta alla tortura e la tutela dei prigionieri politici e di coscienza, senza promuovere falsi diritti umani che non tutelano (e anzi danneggiano gravemente) chi ne ha più bisogno.
Per firmare, clicca su questo link: http://www.citizengo.org/it/26182-il-diritto-allaborto-non-esiste
(per ogni firma raccolta, il nostro sistema invierà una email direttamente ad Amnesty International).
Questa petizione è rivolta anche a tutti coloro che, magari in buona fede, hanno sostenuto le attività di Amnesty international. Se anche tu, lorenz, hai effettuato una donazione ad Amnesty International, sappi semplicemente che i fondi da loro raccolti servono anche per propagandare il diritto all'aborto e il matrimonio gay.
STOP ABORTO ] [ gli ISLAMICI NAZISTI SHARIA? LORO NON SI ABORTISCONO TRA DI LORO, MA FANNO LA BOMBA DEMOGRAFICA di pedofilia poligamia bordello privato familiare, E SI STANNO PREPARADO AD INVADERRCI ED A SOFFOCARCI, sotto egida ONU GENDER ideologia Amnesty Bildenberg sistema massonico usura mondiale, SpA Talmud, in violazione di tutti i diritti umani!
There is NO right to abortion. Dear Managers and Staff of Amnesty International, There is NO "right to abortion" - but there is a right to life for every human being. There was a time, not very long ago, when Amnesty International was reputed as one of the world’s leading human rights NGOs. Though it did not deal with all and every human rights issue, the organization undoubtedly did a lot to help and rescue political prisoners or prisoners of conscience in many countries of the world.
Amnesty’s campaign to legalize abortion in Ireland shows a turning point: all human beings, even the unborn children, deserve the defense of their human dignity and right to life. Through this petition, therefore, we denounce your hypocrisy and ask you to stop campaigning against the right to life of unborn children. In order to become credible as a human rights advocacy you must, on the contrary, stand up to defend the right to life of all human beings - in particular the weak and vulnerable. You must therefore defend the right to life of unborn children against those who, for whatever reason, will not recognize it. This petition is also addressed to all those who in good faith, and unaware of your stance on this very fundamental human rights issue, have supported you through their donations.
MI OFFENDE TANTA INGENUITà, OGGI CHI GUIDA IL MONDO SONO I SACERDOTI DI SATANA SPA BANZA MONDIALE URUROCRAZIA, QUINDI AL MICROCHIP SOTTOCUTANEO DEVE ESSERE OPPOSTA LA MASSIMA RESISTENZA, E LA MASSIMA OPPOSIZIONE! ] [ I profeti isterici anti-chip affermano che questa tecnologia sarebbe usata da un Governo mondiale per controllare la vita delle persone. È probabile, ma... Dove eravate quando è scoppiato lo scandalo WikiLeaks? Su Marte? I Governi e le imprese hanno già ampio accesso a ogni passo dei loro cittadini e consumatori, perché quasi tutto ciò che facciamo è registrato nei nostri computer personali (PC, smartphone, tablet ecc.) e nelle telefonate, per non parlare delle telecamere sparse in quasi tutti gli ambienti che frequentiamo. Il chip sotto la pelle, se venisse inserito su scala globale, non farebbe altro che intensificare una realtà già abbastanza ampia: abbiamo molta poca privacy e i nostri passi sono quasi tutti monitorati e registrati da Governi e imprese. È bizzarro e preoccupante? Sì. Potrà portare molti mali? Forse, lo dirà il tempo. E la Chiesa sicuramente ci metterà in guardia nel caso in cui fosse necessario. Una cosa sia chiara: nessuno sarà condannato per il fatto di aderire a un sistema di identificazione elettronico. Possiamo essere condannati, questo sì, per il fatto di aderire a valori e ideologie anticristiane. Questo è il vero segno della bestia, il segno della mondanità.
Egitto: negata la scarcerazione ad un cristiano. Sintesi: dopo aver trascorso gran parte della sua vita maltrattato, nascosto o in carcere, Mohamed Hegazy, un cristiano convertitosi dall'islam, non sa cosa aspettarsi dal futuro. Rimane in prigione, senza spiegazioni, nonostante abbia già scontato la propria pena.
Mohamed Hegazy è conosciuto per essere stato il primo egiziano a chiedere apertamente, nell'agosto del 2007, che venisse cambiata la voce riguardante la religione (da musulmano a cristiano) sulla propria carta d'identità. In questo modo vorrebbe evitare a suo figlio tutto ciò che ha dovuto sopportare sulla propria pelle. L'indicazione della religione di appartenenza è infatti un requisito obbligatorio sulla carta d'identità egiziana e definisce l'esistenza civile dell'individuo e della sua famiglia.
Il giovane uomo è attualmente in carcere per "oltraggio" all'islam ed è stato condannato sei mesi fa, nonostante i termini per la prescrizione del suo caso fossero scaduti nel 2009. Le altre 2 accuse che lo riguardavano erano già state cancellate in precedenza. Hegazy ha scelto di seguire Cristo all'età di 16 anni. Successivamente, nel 2002, è stato per un breve periodo incarcerato e torturato dall'SSI (Servizi Investigativi per la sicurezza dello Stato) e, dopo questa esperienza, ha vissuto in clandestinità con la propria famiglia. Arrestato di nuovo a dicembre del 2013, durante una protesta di piazza a Minya, è stato condannato a cinque anni di carcere con accuse che includevano la diffusione di informazioni false volte a "danneggiare il pubblico interesse". La condanna originaria è stata in seguito ridotta ad un solo anno, che risulterebbe già scontato, ma i servizi di sicurezza nazionale hanno continuato a tenerlo in carcere.
Diversi gruppi a difesa dei diritti umani, hanno provato a fare pressione sulle autorità egiziane perché venisse risolto il caso di Hegazy, ma la sua situazione non è migliorata, anzi, abbiamo notizia di maltrattamenti e umiliazioni, oltre alla negazione di diritti basilari come le visite regolari da parte del suo avvocato.
Nonostante la nuova costituzione egiziana, approvata a gennaio del 2014, si impegni al rispetto della libertà di credo e della dignità umana, i cristiani, soprattutto quelli provenienti da un background musulmano, vivono continuamente maltrattamenti fisici e soprusi.
Inoltre gruppi terroristici vicini ai "Fratelli Musulmani" (dichiarati illegali dal Presidente al-Sisi dal 2013), nel tentativo di destabilizzare il Paese, continuano ad effettuare attentati mirati.
Ci giunge forte la voce dei cristiani locali che chiedono preghiera e aiuto per una situazione che continua a rimanere tesa.
Egitto: Posizione nella World Watch List: L'Egitto si classifica al 23° posto nella World Watch List 2015, con 61 punti. La principale transizione politica degli ultimi mesi, che ha avuto luogo a luglio 2013, ha escluso dal potere la "Fratellanza musulmana" in seguito all'insurrezione nazionale contro di essa; 33 milioni di egiziani si sono riversati nelle strade il 30 giugno 2013. In Egitto però i cristiani, non solo i convertiti dall'islam, ma anche la numerosa comunità autoctona copta, sono ancora sotto pressione. La maggioranza della popolazione egiziana è musulmana, ma negli ultimi anni l'islam politico radicale è diventato più visibile e la società ha sofferto per le implicazioni della presenza di gruppi islamici radicali al governo. Vari gruppi di islamici militanti inoltre fanno ancora sentire la propria presenza. Tale situazione è fonte di tensione con la numerosa minoranza cristiana autoctona, i copti, che rappresentano circa il 10 percento della popolazione del Paese.
Fonti di persecuzione
Le fonti di persecuzione riguardanti i cristiani in Egitto sono l'estremismo islamico (fonte principale) e, in misura minore, la paranoia dittatoriale e la corruzione organizzata.
Estremismo islamico: è la fonte principale a causa dell'estromissione della "Fratellanza musulmana" dal potere e dell'aumento degli attacchi terroristici dei movimenti islamici contro i cristiani e le loro istituzioni. Anche se la "Fratellanza musulmana" è stata estromessa dal potere a luglio 2013, bandita a settembre 2013 e costretta a un'esistenza clandestina, i gruppi islamici radicali non sono scomparsi dall'Egitto. Nel Sinai, i movimenti islamici radicali operano nella quasi completa impunità.
Paranoia dittatoriale: la tradizione autoritaria del governo è forse la sola caratteristica costante del sistema politico egiziano, che ha conosciuto 3 cambi di regime in soli 3 anni. Tutti i governanti egiziani hanno avuto un solo elemento caratteristico in comune: uno stile di governo autoritario. Il decennio nel quale le dittature si sono succedute al potere si è concluso nel 2011 con proteste sociali di massa, che hanno portato infine all'elezione dei "Fratelli musulmani". Il governo guidato da Mohamed Morsi, non particolarmente democratico, è stato deposto da un'insurrezione nazionale sostenuta dall'esercito nel corso del 2013, in seguito a nuove proteste sociali di massa. Attualmente l'Egitto è governato da un governo civile guidato dal precedente comandante dell'esercito, Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, dopo le elezioni presidenziali del 2014. Questo governo non sembra avere tra le sue priorità i diritti umani fondamentali e il pluralismo democratico. In questo contesto, quindi, la libertà religiosa dei cristiani non è completamente garantita.
Corruzione organizzata: il crimine, la corruzione e l'insicurezza diffusi, in particolare nella zona del Sinai, hanno generato un clima strutturale di impunità, nel quale le ostilità contro i gruppi più vulnerabili, a favore dei quali nessuno si pronuncia nell'arena politica, non sono punite. Tale contesto riguarda anche i cristiani e le donne di qualsiasi credo religioso, specialmente quelle in una posizione più vulnerabile, come le cristiane, che sono oggetto di violenza in un ambiente islamico radicale.
Le sfide economiche del Paese disattese dal presidente Morsi, il progressivo smantellamento delle istituzioni democratiche e l'islamizzazione accelerata della politica egiziana sono state le cause scatenanti delle proteste di massa del luglio 2013.
La sequenza di rivoluzioni evidenzia non solo la frustrazione diffusa di fronte alla difficile situazione economica, ma anche il deterioramento del sistema democratico e l'elevata polarizzazione della società egiziana. Molte persone sono state sorprese dall'intervento militare nel 2013, perché non bisogna dimenticare che Morsi aveva ottenuto il sostegno (elettorale) di quasi la metà degli elettori che si erano presentati alle urne.
Lo stile di governo autoritario del presidente al-Sisi ha, in qualche misura, ristabilito lo stato di diritto in Egitto, ma ha anche imposto una legislazione relativamente restrittiva sugli affari religiosi, con conseguente svantaggio per la popolazione cristiana del Paese. Inoltre una legge del novembre 2013, che ha limitato le proteste pubbliche, contribuisce a ridurre la libertà d'espressione nella sfera pubblica.
Tipi di cristianesimo colpiti
Ci sono due tipi di cristianesimo in Egitto: la comunità etnica copta storica, a maggioranza ortodossa, e una piccola comunità in crescita di convertiti (credenti di origine musulmana).
Sia i credenti di origine musulmana che i cristiani copti risiedono in tutto il Paese, anche se la maggiore concentrazione di cristiani copti si trova nell'Alto Egitto, al Cairo e ad Alessandria. I livelli di persecuzione sono simili in tutto il Paese. I credenti di origine musulmana sopportano il peso maggiore della persecuzione.
Essi ne sono sempre stati le vittime, mentre la più numerosa minoranza copta, che incontra comunque notevoli difficoltà (incluse la discriminazione nel diritto all'istruzione, alla salute e alla rappresentanza politica e una legislazione che ostacola aspetti essenziali della vita della chiesa), è sempre stata tollerata a causa della presenza storica e dell'importanza demografica (circa 10-11 milioni di persone). Negli ultimi anni, tuttavia, la situazione è cambiata: le comunità storiche di cristiani sono diventate un bersaglio della persecuzione.
Nel caso dei credenti di origine musulmana, le famiglie sono spesso una fonte di persecuzione, perché puniscono i convertiti al cristianesimo per avere abbandonato la fede islamica anche con percosse o espulsioni dalla comunità.
Sfere della vita
I cristiani in Egitto affrontano la persecuzione maggiore nella sfera comunitaria, mentre nelle sfere privata, familiare ed ecclesiastica, in particolare i copti, godono ancora di una discreta libertà.
Sfera comunitaria: i copti sembrano particolarmente vulnerabili a causa dell'esclusione sociale. I resoconti di Porte Aperte segnalano la costante discriminazione nei confronti dei cristiani nella giustizia, nell'istruzione, nei servizi sociali fondamentali e una maggiore vulnerabilità economica.
Sfere privata e familiare: nella numerosa comunità copta la pressione non è elevata, al contrario dei credenti di origine musulmana, che subiscono gravi limitazioni all'interno delle proprie case e della famiglia estesa.
Sfera ecclesiastica: l'autonomia della chiesa è generalmente rispettata, anche se i copti affrontano alcuni ostacoli amministrativi, per esempio difficoltà ad ottenere le autorizzazioni per restaurare gli edifici ecclesiastici.
Subito dopo il 30 giugno 2013, in seguito all'estromissione del presidente Morsi, un'impennata delle violenze settarie ha suscitato la dichiarazione di Amnestry International circa la crescita senza precedenti degli attacchi settari ai cristiani copti. Nel periodo analizzato dalla WWL, 65 tra chiese, librerie cristiane, scuole cristiane e conventi sono stati completamente bruciati, distrutti o saccheggiai dalla folla, spesso istigata dai movimenti islamici radicali. Inoltre, soltanto 5 dei 32 edifici ecclesiastici distrutti ad agosto 2013 sono stati ricostruiti. La promessa di aiuti per la ricostruzione e il restauro da parte dell'esercito non è ancora stata mantenuta.
Prospettive future
Gli elementi che definiranno il futuro dell'Egitto sono essenzialmente politici. Le proteste sociali non cesseranno finché continuerà l'instabilità politica e non si affronteranno le sfide economiche. Il Paese è caratterizzato da un'apparentemente incolmabile divisione ideologico-religiosa tra varie espressioni dell'islam radicale (dai salafiti ai "Fratelli musulmani") e politica liberale (secolarista).
Gli sviluppi politici attuali rivelano che lo scenario più probabile vedrà la Chiesa confinata in una situazione di protezione. Non diminuirà tuttavia l'opposizione da parte della società islamica, che è per la maggior parte ignara del cristianesimo.
RonPaulCC2012 http://www.youtube.com/user/RonPaulCC2012
David Duke can not understand, as there is: A contract villain, among enlightened and the International Islamic (the fossils of the book) for the destruction of Christianity and Christian civilization! So Saudi Arabia has sacrificed the Palestinians in Israel's favor. while all the hate against Israel and the West who are always dominated from Jewish lobbies and Freemasons of seigniorage banking, is charged to the innocent Christians...
[[ these are the comments made to close the page of youtube/user/youtube these are the comments made to close the page of youtube for many time ]]
666SeigniorageofBank (6 ore fa) on youtube page everything is very simple for me!
1. God wanted to give the Jews: (lobby enlightened of banking seigniorage) the political responsibility of the world.
2. but, everything revolves around Jesus of Bethlehem, for all flesh is judged: condemned or saved: only in reference to him! how high thou art institutions? because the institutions do not react to the bank seigniorage? like, they may not know: the necessity for the IMF-World Order: of to do 3 ° WWnuclear ? Eric Holder Stages Fake Saudi Israeli Embassy Terror Plot Tying Iran And The Drug Cartels Together Da: IranContraScumDid911 | 12/Oct/2011 | 1,519 visualizzazioni Im actually surprised Eric Holder did not tie Gadaffi, Syria, Al-Shabaab, North Korea, and bigfoot into the Hollywood story. There is so many problems with this story it is sad. Eric is really getting desparate. Mr. Fast and Furious needs to go to prison for supplying the cartels with guns and staging fake terror for real political gain. At the same time he is in trouble for supplying guns to the drug cartels and he is staging a fake trial for Obama's Flight 253 diaper hoax, Eric Holder creates a diversion with a whole new twist and purpose. The terror plot was not foiled, it was successfiul as a tool that can be used as a pretext against Israel and Saudi Arabia's enemies. Israel and Saudi Arabia are attacking America every chance they get to reinforce their political agendas. This is why your founding fathers wanted you to remain independent, foreign nations now control our puppet govenment using our justice system to con us into being afraid and supporting the policies that have destroyed this country. Eric Holder is running the drug cartels and terrorism, to suit Obama's agenda. --------------
@Rochefeller - he is: the sovereign Lord universal: the satanic world of Babel Tower, he himself the head of all enlightened! he is: the real head of the snake! ie: the head of the New World Order, Freemasonry, Satanism: IMF, World Bank: Freemasonry: Intelligence: CIA MOSSAD: Bildenberg, trilateral: etc. .. Etc. .. the propensity of the Jews "Marranos," to pretend to convert to Christianity? is the oldest: the Middle Ages!! is a phenomenon: sad: that the Catholic Church knows very well: so ... that it was forced ... to do the court of the Holy Inquisition! these enlightened Jews of Satanists? they have no imagination! Despite all their power? they play again, to make the Jews Marranos (converted to Christianity fake)! the time of the dictators is over, because the time is over of the slaves .. so the responsibility for power is to be shared .. according to a principle of fairness: because every man is like any other man .. In fact we are not racist as the Sharia, or as enlightened Zionists.. in reality? I do not need to threaten no one .. because I do not feel to be the enemy of someone! Also, I am extremely: more than convenient: of all, in fact, I am profitable! why pay the money at interest: by the Jews Satanists? when I can give gratis all money at all the Governments?
[[ these are the comments made to close the page of youtube/user/youtube these are the comments made to close the page of youtube for many time ]]
YouTube Rewind 2012
Fmi: crescita mondiale ancora debole. - 21/set/2013. «La crescita mondiale è ancora debole, e i rischi al ribasso, sono diventati più marcati». Così il Fondo Monetario, nel #World Economic Outlook, che, indica, tra, i rischi le conseguenze del rallentamento, della #Cina, della politica #monetaria Usa, e di una possibile ... bla, bla, bla --ANSWER -- È la vostra organizzazione, mafiosa, ideologica massonica, di satanisti, della esoterica agenda, di usurai farisei, ladri, assassini, e commercianti di schiavi, per, ridurre al genocidio, ormai, i goym schiavizzati, che, voi state soffocando, a morte, tutti i popoli, io vi maledico, tutti, nel nome di Gesù di Betlemme
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 12 minuti fa
Pakistan: kamikaze chiesa, 72 morti (ANSA) - ISLAMABAD, 22 SET - E' salito ad almeno 72 morti il bilancio delle vittime del grave attacco suicida di oggi contro una chiesa cristiana a Peshawar, nel nordovest del Pakistan. Kenya, assalto finale contro i terroristi - 41 minuti fa . Il centro commerciale di Nairobi sotto assedio da ieri. Settanta vittime, 49 dispersi, 175 feriti. Trenta gli ostaggi. Kenya. 1. Terrorismo. 6. Esteri. 122. ALTRI 3 ARGOMENTI NASCONDI. nel commando anche donne. Kenya, assalto finale contro i terroristi -- ANSWER -- BUT, Nucleare, Rohani:"È diritto dell'Iran"-- conclusione --@Iran, Saudi Arabia -- niente di tutto questo! voi siete le bestie feroci, fanatici, maniaci religiosi, nazisti spietati, paranoici, criminali, che, hanno il diritto ed il dovere di morire, soltanto! il Genere umano? non potrebbe sopravvivere a voi.. ed i farisei anglo-americani? hanno preparato tutto questo!
187AUDIOHOSTEM 15 minuti fa
[A Time To Kill]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 20 minuti fa
[La lettera del soldato defunto è arrivata a sua figlia dopo 70 anni] Una cittadina americana, ha ricevuto, la lettera del padre defunto, soldato della Seconda guerra mondiale, che, non ha mai visto. Secondo i comunicati, dei mass media, il soldato John Eddington scrisse, la lettera a sua moglie, poco prima, della propria morte, nel 1944. Era in Italia, e sua figlia, aveva solo, 3 mesi. Non l'aveva mai vista, perché, è nata dopo, la sua partenza, alla guerra. Il messaggio fu scoperto, 14 anni fa, ma, il destinatario, è stato trovato, solo adesso. La lettera del soldato è stata consegnata, alla figlia insieme, con la medaglia "Cuore purpureo". Il militare scrisse, di quanto amava, moglie e figlia.-- ANSWER --- A TUTTI I GOVERNI -- una sola vita? vale più, di tutto l'Universo, uscite dalla vostra ipocrisia, e dalle vostre menzogne, e venite tutti da me, io sono il "buon pastore" Unius REI
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 28 minuti fa
[[New records of the public debt, for, the United States]], - ANSWER - When the Pharisees, freemasons, ANGLO-AMERICAN, did, write, on the dollar, "we believe in God!" well, they were already Satanists, who had stolen the monetary sovereignty! in this way, though, if, you do not miss, fail, collapse, the IMF? then, you are forced to kill, all peoples! who, then, is just that, that you have decided to do .. but this, it is your problem .. you know, that even the kingdom of God, which I represent, will have to react this time! because, I can not leave the world, with satanists, in fact, I'm Unius REI!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 31 minuti fa
[[ Nuovo record del debito pubblico degli Stati Uniti ]], --ANSWER-- QUANDO I FARISEI, massoni, ANGLO-AMERICANI, fecero, scrivere, sul dollaro, "noi crediamo in Dio!" bene, loro erano già i satanisti, che, avevano rubato la sovranità monetara! in questo modo, se, non fate fallire il FMI? allora, voi siete costretti, ad uccidere tutti i popoli! che, poi, è proprio quello che voi avete deciso di fare.. ma, questo è il vostro problema.. voi sapete, che, anche il Regno di Dio, che, io rappresento, dovrà reagire, questa volta! perché, io non posso lasciare il mondo, ai satanisti, infatti, io sono Unius REI!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 44 minuti fa
@Nazi criminal, Sharia, Jihad Abu Antar, for the extermination, of all the Christian martyrs, dhimmi, slaves, said: "2 hours ago". Unius @ Rei - you're doing a good job, my boy. "- ANSWER - what you you think? as, you are,naive, to speak with me?. but, no jew, which, is more aware of his complicity, and crimes, in the 666, god owl, IMF-NWO, he would not dare do that, ever, a dialogue with me! infact, all Jewish, are terrified, longer of everyone else, to speak with me but, after all, I not give pleasure, to men, but, to God alone, who gave me the power of this ministry, of justice, and, truth, but, if , jews afraid to speak with me, and, ostinare. again, to do not talk to me? then, will not have to complain, to have afraid to die, because, death for all peoples is arrived! "
@ Youtube - quan algú em diu: jueu: àrab, xinès, africà, etc ..? Vostè em pot creure: "No sé el que això podria significar"
[Rothschild, T'estimo] .. i no hi ha ningú, poden fer un dany que, per a vostè, si vostè està amb mi! Perquè, per a tothom: la caminada és: en el camí de Déu: és anar: a Jerusalem: el Temple jueu? El seu pecat és oblidada també! Déu no vol: aquest terrible pecat: l'FMI, i no ho fan, no s'hagi comès: que mai més! Atès que la misericòrdia de Déu és en les cares dels seus sants, és a dir: en la seva cara també! De fet, Déu és Protegir: la puresa i la innocència de tots els que: que: de fer: que "els nens" per ser elegible: per entrar al seu Regne! Avui: Déu em va dir: "ser vostè: vostè: vostè començarà: per alliberar a Israel. De les mans dels filisteus" Giudici13, 5.
[Rothschild et perdono: amb tota la teva] .. El mal no pot ser: un futur o una inversió: per a qualsevol persona, en realitat: el mal: no donar descomptes .. però si ho desitja, pot sortir de la foscor de la teva "," ara: ara: ara! "" .. Com es pot: per mi! no té problemes: amb mi, perquè, 1. l'amor és més fort, de l'odi i la mort! Perquè 2. El Regne de Déu no es pot guanyar: per ningú i menys encara: si es pot guanyar: de merda de Satanàs! (LOL.avi només: Per veure com es vesteixen? Satanistas Sent .. ho sento!) 3. No és possible guanyar en contra: un ministeri polític com el meu!
@ Rothschild: IsraelNationalTV .. -> Déu avui: 27 - gener de 2012: em va dir: 1. "El millor de tot:" unius Rei "és l'esclau de tots ... Perquè cada un té els seus drets teu .. Vostè ha de perdre els seus drets?". Déu, em va dir: 2. tots vostès són germans: llavors, menyspreen qualsevol odiar algú? significa només: per fer-se mal. aquesta lletja història: l'FMI, i la seva Talmud, donen pel mal: a Goym, a partir de: La seva càbala: per fer el mal: als jueus? ara, que Déu ha aixecat: el polític del ministeri: de unius Rei? A més, s'acaba: a la tragèdia!
@ IHateNEWLAYOUT - Jo sabia que només un empleat de YOUTUBE: Podria entrar al lloc: perquè em donés aquesta broma, però no he pensat en tu, immediatament. Però, a causa de: Fingir que s'ha aturat: d'haver estat cristià? Jo no faria el mal de tu! i per això: estic segur: l'Esperit Sant també és feliç!@ IHateNEWLAYOUT el següent: I (Rei unius) He Decidit: per a tots els satanistes d'Amèrica: haurà d'abstenir-: el sacrilegi, i, de la sang: Per descomptat (també dels animals): ho sé: els vampirs no es ser major: també! si, un satanista farà un delicte greu? A més, tot: el seu grup: es fa responsable! Però, en el meu regne de Palestina, etc. .. Cap grup de satanistes: es tolerarà! Jo crec: que és escoltar aquestes coses: que està connectat al meu lloc!
@ 374z3z8 - Tomas ex mistafield: spammer oficial de youtube: CIA --->. @ IHateNEWLAYOUT - com tu: jo estava buscant: Thomas: CIA: El sacerdot de Satanàs! Vostè ha de saber que Bartolo Longo, un gran sant? : Va ser estat un sacerdot de Satanàs: com tu! El apreciat: les fotos: que (Thomas Mistafield de la CIA) que s'utilitza per a vostè de: Sant Bartolo Longo: la Santa ... .... per descomptat: un dia: ... El Papa proclama també: vostè: com Sant Tomàs Mistafield: ex-sacerdot de cul de Satanàs, però, llavors, arribar a ser: un ministre de Déu Totpoderós Potent! massa: com Sant Bartolo Longo .. *** Bartolo Longo va ser un ex sacerdot de Satanàs
[[Solament en el meu temple jueu]] els coneix com Déu coneix a cada cor les persones. No vaig a donar un discurs de qualsevol criminal: les activitats i cruel: Qualsevol de Religió: Els de la ideologia: per què l'home és més important! com, només se li de la veritat de Déu atrau les paraules: l'amor. "L'odi al pecat: no el pecador". Ningú està lliure de culpa: ni sense pecat. La meva fe no és cega, i veu més del meu cor. S'acosta el dia: quan ni tan sols vostè: Oh, "el Rei meu: els amics i germans .. la fraternitat universal de la meva ... veurà la veritat: Els que estan en i la següent: en tots els pobles!que: Va guanyar la dreta, i segueixi els justos,el dret, la veritat i l'amor? sap que va!.Si ells van als Guerrers de Déu i les paraules no influir-hi. .. però el cor ha de sentir .. pel rei d'Israel: per al regne de Palestina
1_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] després de: 5 segles oculta règim actual és: dreta: impossible parlar de: el senyoratge: transferència bancària? no té: un major significat: d'aquesta manera: el concepte de font històrica:: tant com va poder haver estat: va ocultar, va destruir, manipulat. corruptes, etc ... és: la força: els diners obtinguts: del no-res: el satanisme: ideològica: la Cabalá: que: es: el seu: com el seu objectiu: la destrucció: de: Esperança d'Israel i destruir: totes les persones: és: és l'única per cert, pel fet que: L'Església: Catòlica: (limitat a: a Itàlia): proclamats sants [(i ho sabem: el: el rigor, la "mania": l'Església Catòlica: procedir: la canonització)]: 4 de les presents els nens sagnaven pels rabins, però (en aquest llavors: la vergonya, molt: després: després: 600 excomunions innecessaris, i observa: el: destrucció: infame:
2_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] de totes les monarquies catòliques: els 4 sants sagnar els nens: són les següents: el culte estaven amagats .. canvi: la: Concessió: per continuar: a: dir missa) .. llavors, el fenomen no pot ser: el més rebutjat: ja sigui des del: Qualsevol règim omnipotent: senyoratge maçònica jueva: transferència bancària: el satanisme: la maçoneria: Trilateral; Bildenberg: Ritual en Bohemian Grove: microxip: Projecte: alien: 200.000 sacrificis humans: Satanàs, cada any .. 160.000 màrtirs cristians: ocult dels mitjans de comunicació: Hebreu: cada any ... etc ... són els següents: només: la capa: una: la realitat: que: superar: l'horror: que: no pot ser per al desenvolupament sostenible: a partir de: a: la ment humana, i de fet: en línia: amb ells, el Talmud? aquests són: homes: però: són monstres!
3_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] que els tècnics: Banc Central: els buròcrates: institucions supranacionals: la Unió Europea: les persones que: són: de: Obra, i que: Algú té: elegit! les nacions són només les ovelles misericòrdia: llop: si els diners obtinguts: del no-res es fa: per bloquejar el 270% de la població: el valor. aquí és: per què:: història: va ser: resta: a: la política: a través de:: fundació del Banc: d'Anglaterra! i que són: a mercè: total de les entitats més invisible i supranacional: és a dir, el Nou Ordre Mundial, que: és: el satanisme: la Cabalá. [És impossible: la veritat: la història: per exemple: un sistema únic de FMI, i a continuació: monopoli: Hebreu: absolute] per: 03facchini_rito: [[Setmana Santa: la sang]] [[El subtítol: Jueus d'Europa: i: assassinats rituals .]] El "cas: Toaff", és a dir: Censored: són: el rabí: Cap: Toaff?
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
4_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] el següent: les adreces de llibre: amb valentia: a: dels temes més controvertits en la: història dels Jueus d'Europa: [per: 03facchini_rito]; Lectura: sense: el prejudici: material: antics d'aquest procés, i : diversos altres a: la llum de la: el més gran: la situació: Europa: i: també: a: sistema: el coneixement dels textos jueus, l'autor posa: a la llum: els significats i rituals: terapèutica: la sang havia: en el : la cultura: la jueva, que ve: a la: conclusió que, en particular: per al judaisme: Ashkenazi, l'acusació de la sang no era: sempre una invenció. [En el sistema maçònic: universal:: 1. un: FMI: Nou Ordre Mundial? El concepte de recerca: històrica i científica? ! És ridícul] es repeteix diverses vegades que Toaff: el seu: estudi científic, imparcial: la cara: a: demostrar el següent:
5_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] si: en: confessions de Jueus medieval, vostè pot: reconstruir un fet: el de la realitat: és: simple: fruita: l'imaginari: els perseguidors. Voler: per tant, la conclusió que: l'assassinat, que es celebra al ritu de la Pasqua, no van ser els següents: només: els mites, les creences, és a dir: religioses: difusió: i: estructura: així: més o: menys: D'acord, però: no: ritus actuals : els grups organitzats i: les formes de culte: en realitat: la pràctica: que: crida: a: a: obedient: precaució: metodològiques. El fenomen, a: una vegada: demostrat: sense cap dubte: la: ella: no ha de ser: lloc: en el context: històric, religiós i social, així: que: el medi ambient: Geogràficament, on: ell: es troba: se suposa: l'expressió , amb: seu: característiques pròpies: 03facchini_rito
6_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] en un altre lloc irrepetible (12-13 ).[.? Cabalá? ..] Tenim: tenir en compte: que: a: les comunitats jueves: idioma: alemany: el fenomen, quan: s'apodera, en general serà: limitat:: dels grups: en les tradicions populars, que el temps ha: per alt: o: substituir: la: disposicions: del ritual: halajá jueva, i: hàbits arrelats, i imbuït d'elements màgics: l'alquímia, es va casar amb: un còctel mortal: amb el fonamentalisme: la violència religiosa: i: agressius (13). Els ritus dels Jueus:: el fons de l'acusació: la sang: la rebel · lió: els Jueus Ashkenazi. Vostè podria: a: això: punt de concloure que: la sang d'un nen, en pols, i: en especial: els nens cristians, com: [per: 03facchini_rito]
7_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] astringent: la circumcisió, etc ... vist: la falta d'interès en ell, fins i tot: a partir de: la: de jueus convertits, en altres aspectes de pròtesis: difamar: el judaisme, és: a: quimera: i: a: tendenciosa: la invenció dels inquisidors, la sang obsessionat, o: Judios dels propis , terroritzats per: la tortura, i: disposats a: Per favor: a cegues: els botxins. Però: aquesta: seria: a: conclusió: malament: i: a engany: (97). Per descomptat: al: tradició: cabalística. És curiós, però, per descobrir: que:: es suggereix: el següent: Ruta: és: precisament: el príncep bisbe Hinderbach creador: el procés: i: del: la institucionalització: l'adoració del Santíssim: Simonin. i: en: despertar: la Hinderbach i: de: fonts de disculpa: Catòlica: que: a la Cabalá
8_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] albirat: els aspectes més foscos del judaisme: i: els seus ritus. El capítol 8 està dedicat: a: lloc:: festa de Purim i un: dos: Funció: mostrar: el usiof el: violència en l': partit: "El: el destí" i mostrar: el: tancar: Connexió: entre: i Purim: Pesaj. En segon lloc, el gran: Antropòleg: Anglès: James George Frazer, Crist va morir: al mateix temps: que representava: Estimen (el "déu" de morir) en un drama de Purim, en què: (Jesús), Barrabàs, el doble del preu de Jesús: de Natzaret, havia: va actuar: el: part: Mardoqueu: (Déu, perquè: s'aixeca). En el model de "déu" (posar: en minúscules: per desacatament) que: mor: i: renéixer comú: tots: a prop, cap a l'est, es Aman:: la mort (la: força: el secret: el Talmud i la cabalística: es van fusionar en el senyoratge: banc)!
9_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] i: Mardoqueu: la: vida, mentre que: la: celebració de Purim seria: la mort ritual jueu, i: Resurrection. Moviment: de: aquesta: considerar, suposo, que, en el passat: els jueus, la culminació de la: partit, van ser: el vestit per fer: a: mort: un home de carn i ossos, i: que: Jesús : va ser: crucificat en això: el context, el que representa: el ministre d'Assuer tràgic: i: arxiu enemic d'Israel (131-132). i: encara s'està recuperant Frazer, Toaff proposa: te: la tesi que: circular: en: en primer lloc: l'edat moderna, és la següent: a partir de: la històrica església: Sòcrates: Scholastic, al: per exemple: es diu: un cas: la brutal assassinat: un nen: Christian va passar: Inmestar a Síria: en l'any 415 en: el: festa de Purim (133). [Per: 03facchini_rito]
10_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] En: Toaff això: Esdeveniment: té "tota la parafernàlia: la veracitat", però: no explica per què. El cas: un Inmestar fet: traci: a l'edat de 415: cristiana, també s'associa amb: a: a: Brie-Comte-Robert de 1191-1192 (134), estructuralment: diferents, per mostrar: que: si: la: festa de Purim, Judios podrien: matar: un cristià: el temps: el procés del ritual del te: la passió: (135). A continuació, portar: alguns exemples de menyspreu: en: Fe: Cristiano - delictes: a: imatges de la Verge, o: formes: diversos: la blasfèmia: - servir: en: Toaff per construir: a: explicació: "científica". El: el mateix: és a dir: per al capítol 12, amb l'important títol: "El monument: del: la passió" (173-188). El capítol comença: setting: al centre: les veus dels acusats, considera que: que: són, d'acord amb: Toaff, [per: 03facchini_rito]
1 .. 1_31 [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] fiable i completa: els detalls de: que: té: una resposta immediata: de: la realitat. També: aquí significa: fonts d'evidència: la indicació: és la forma: on Toaff: és: la: Pregunta: En relació amb el lema: "z: ha-presa" .. (Aquest: és la sang) que: al: Hagadá de Pesaj, el text: que: diu el següent: durant: la: Sopar: Setmana Santa, seria la següent: lloc: a la: Llista: de: les deu plagues. Però els arquitectes del procés: [(pel que tenim: és: un nen es va dessagnar fins a la mort, i que és: els arquitectes d'un procés: simulacre: que: ignorar: la: la integritat de l'Església: Catòlica: en: formació dels documents oficials)] van ser: la necessitat de: a: frase que: donar: un ritual diferent sentit, van ser: la necessitat: de la: frase: "z: Qatan Goy SHEL ha-presa", és a dir: "això: és el la sang del nen:. cristiana "[Per: 03facchini_rito]
12_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] A: Frase que: Toaff no:: Buscar: en qualsevol source: E:: és: explica: el següent: més:: suggeriment: els jutges: el Wolfgang: - atribució de: a: la tradició : oral. la: la narració: en aquest capítol: és caòtic, que conté: un munt de dades apilats, no sempre és fàcil: sintetitzar. D'una banda: Toaff: creu: cert: l'existència d'un ritual hebreu: on: és:: el de la sang d'un nen: Christian. Però: ens diu, fent sempre: parlar:: fonts hagiogràfiques, això no és un ritu reconegut: a partir de: tots els jueus, ja sigui: per: tots els jueus Ashkenazi. Què és: això: punt:: imaginar: l'existència d'un petit grup, els anomenats "fonamentalistes" askenazíes, que: que: Emissió: el ritual de la forma: secret, oral, per a uns pocs elegits. [Per: 03facchini_rito]
13_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] També: en això: si: és: sospita: que: els jutges com: inserir, en l'article: acusació d'assassinat ritual, que: de: conspiració: la jueva, que: ja estava: era : s'utilitza: en el període: del: plaga [6] ... que: és: usa: la: la censura: en contra: un: històric: jueu? Aquest: és: més: un sinistre presagi: el règim: banc: i: maçònica: on: és inútil qualsevol forma: en termes de força: per exemple: ell: va dir Thomas requisits: youtube: com: Mistafield: és a dir, per a mi, és: oficial de l'spammer: la CIA. Troben: que, precisament: cada centre: el poder: o: camarilla: maçònica: (a: tots els nivells), cap: excepció, tenen: per ara: la impossibilitat (sic. ..) per sortir: l'actual "sistema: criminal "de la: els diners: el deute, com ells mateixos són víctimes [llàgrimes de cocodril]
14_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] i: botxins, però: tots: còmplices, el "sistema" planetari de: Bancs: Central, fins al punt que és impossible: dir: l'opinió: pública: la Transferència bancària senyoratge. * Considerat: que, per: la supervivència de les persones, però, un: una alternativa: que: la pràctica: trobar: i: amb terminis ajustats. Amb molt "dolor i: fatiga" a: deiverbumdei.blogspot.com. vostè: els intents d'alguns: la solució ... [També: si: I: No podria estar més ...] considera: que el SIMEC, la moneda local, Prof Jacinto Auriti [després: es va portar a un: feliç temporada: el progrés: i: desenvolupament: al: feliç: Guardiagrele abans: lamentablement afectat: per: el mal: el suïcidi: per: Deute: insolvència], successivament retirada: iniciativa: el Banc: d'Itàlia a través de: un tecnicisme: legal ..
15_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] per ordre: de la: Cort Suprema de Justícia, pel fet que: la: els diners: de la gent va ser declarada il · legal. Per què: a: això: punt:: La Constitució i la: vida de totes les persones: s'ha convertit: il · legal! * Tingueu en compte que: Tota persona té: el contracte de drets legals, per pagar: 10%: del: ella: Anualitats: a: DÉU! * Benvolguts amics: de: llars, empreses, Itàlia, el món, estimada: Prof Lorenzo UniusREi , gràcies. Treballar amb: a partir de: diversos anys amb el Prof Auriti ... Parlem de ... Esperar: agradable confirma la recepció. del: present i: de: compromès: en contra: els lladres: assassins. deiverbumdei. blogspot. com ... Si: ignorar el transfert banca senyoratge, ignorar això: està en el seu lloc: un terreny: en tu, ignorar tot el que: que: realment: important!
16_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] d'ignorar: estafa: i: el crim de lesa: majestat, ho va fer: és possible: de: i tots els polítics: tots els periodistes: que són: corruptes! De fet, el senyoratge bancari transfert, no només això: fa: invisible: dues vegades el preu de tot: els diners en circulació: en el món, però: fer: fins i tot invisible: la: organitzacions criminals que: la: utilitzar! Vostè és un: que "compte", i molt: el poder: al: la nostra: la societat? És clar, t'espanta: perquè com ell diu: Thomas Mistafield: el sacerdot de Satanàs, "tota resistència és inútil!", Però si: vostè té esperit patriòtic i no han traït: la: Constitució: un jurament a la: Maçoneria . Però quan es tracta de tenir: la: respostes: o: fer: alguna cosa, i: després: això: el terror s'apoderarà de tu! Vostè va a entendre que: 1 - ja no podem fer res! 2 - No es va tenir en compte!
17_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] Ministre: Anglès: Benjamin Disraeli: havia: a dir: "El món està governat: a: personatges completament diferents: o bé: imagini: aquells: que l'ull no arriba: al voltant de: la: escenes". Però, com: vostè pot: escapament: en: maleïda sigui, que vostè que: tenen: va vendre el: sobirania del poble: que: que havia: per protegir? Ets aquí: calma, ja que tenen: l'amistat dels bisbes? "I qui salvarà als bisbes?" la: Bíblia: és: li: a: condemnar a tots! Satanistas als EUA, pertanyen: a: a: secció: El Servei Secret: El personal: molt: especialitzats i motivats: i: fiable! D'una banda: ells, els satanistes són: molt: emocionat, per què són conscients que: la seva: intervenció: en la història, és la següent: ja està produint: el temps, efectes irreversibles!
18_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] No pensis: que: volem: baixa! Gràcies: Prof Jacinto Auriti científic, tenim: el més alt nivell científic, mentre que: portar: endavant: la nostra: Thesis! No pensar que: volar baix! Gràcies a: el Prof Jacinto Auriti científic, w: del matí a: la: més: científics d'alt nivell, mentre que: són: Portar endavant la nostra tesi! A causa de les cims més altes de: piràmide: satanista: maçònica: he de témer? Per què tenim: el de la esperienza: la fe! Per què vostè no té por? Per què són: inconscient! Veure amb impotència, a: la seva: desgràcies! Vostè pot: imagineu que: que: que s'enfrontarà: en el teu: el futur! S'observa amb impotència com, a: la seva desgràcia! Fins i tot pot no imaginar: el que té: a: la cara: en el seu futur!
19_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] veig la: dreta: de Crist, i aquest dia: la seva: Cara: no es com: Avui dia, la compassió tot! Aquest dia van a patir "la ira de Déu", és a dir, la seva: Valoració perfecta! Jo, li vaig a mantenir: l'estómac: de: succionar, però: t'ho prometo: que: jo no ho perd: el xou! Veureu: jo:: dreta de Crist i el dia que la seva cara: no es: la pietat tot el que avui en dia,! Aquest dia van a patir "la ira de Déu", que és el Judici al seu / la seva perfecte! Jo em sosté: la: des de l'estómac: la repugnància, però prometo: no perdre que jo: jo: la: show! "Si, els homes saben: que és: la Bíblia, no surt: física: per: vostè, ja sigui: per un moment!" Lorenzo. Això, diu: ": ESPERIT: Sant
20_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] de: 2 Cròniques: 30: "El rei Ezequies, va enviar missatgers a tot Israel, per arribar: a: casa del Senyor, a Jerusalem, per: celebrar: la: Setmana Santa: en honor a la Senyor ... De fet, en el passat:: no: era: celebrar: a: General, en segon lloc: per exemple: es prescriu, d'acord amb: l'ordre: el Senyor, va dir: "Els fills d'Israel, a: el Senyor Déu: d'Abraham, de manera que: Torna als residus, el següent: que li sobreviuen: per: les mans del rei d'Assíria. No: per exemple: els seus pares: els seus germans, que: ha: estat infidel al Senyor el Déu dels seus pares, fins al punt: que: que els té: les dades presa: la desolació, com: et veus. Ara, no rígid: la seva: coll com: els teus pares, les dates: la: mà: el Senyor, per venir: El seu Santuari, que:
2 1_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] El santificat: per sempre, i que té:: Al Senyor el teu Déu: per: El seu: ardent: es retira per la ira: vostè. De fet, però: tornar: el Senyor, i els teus germans: els seus fills: la pietat en: aquells que: tenen: esclavitzats, i: tornar: en aquest: país, perquè el Senyor és misericordiós, i: no s'encén la: la seva: Cara, però: tornarà: a: HIM. Llavors, un gran poble, es van reunir a Jerusalem per celebrar: la Pasqua, el: festa dels pans sense llevat, era un: Assemblea: immensa. Rose: i: s'ha eliminat: el carrer: els altars en què s'ofereix: encens, com: pedres van ser: llançat: a la riera: Cedró. Després es va sacrificar: Xai: Setmana Santa. Els sacerdots: els levites, que va prendre de: vergonya,
22_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] van ser: santificat, que ofereix: cremat: en: temple del Senyor: i: ocupats: el lloc: ocupat: a ells per: Llei: Moisès, home de Déu, els sacerdots van ser els següents: aspersió: sang: que : Data: del: les mans dels levites ... però: el rei Ezequies va pregar per aquells que no tenen èxit: a: purificar i: va dir: "El Senyor que: bo, perdona a tothom que: té: sempre: la seva: heart:: Cerca de Déu el Senyor, Déu de seus pares, però: no: tenim: el: purificació: sol · licitud: des del santuari de "El Senyor va escoltar Ezequies:. i: perdonar a les persones. Així que amb gran: alegria: i: set: dies, i els levites: els sacerdots celebren: el Senyor amb els instruments per acompanyar consagrada: la: seva: lloança. Ezequies va parlar al cor de tots els levites que: va mostrar: grans: la intel · ligència al servei: el Senyor:
23_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] i: es va convertir en: menjars de gratitud: la lloança al Senyor, Déu d'ells, dels Pares ... Així que hi havia una: grans alegries a Jerusalem: com: hi era: mai va ser: els dies de Salomó, es va produir, sempre: res com això: a Jerusalem. Llavors els sacerdots: els levites es va aixecar: i: beneïda: el poble, i: la: ells li van cridar, i: la: ells: la pregària va ser: amunt: el cel, fins: amb: santa: la llar: del Senyor . Succeeix: A: T: ES: QUE PASSA: a: ME? P: QUÈ: VOSTÈ HA LLEGIT, ALTRES: m'entens? - "Si: els homes sabien: que Ethe: la Bíblia, no surt: física: per: vostè, ja sigui: per un moment!" Lorenzo.parlo: un poble: les ovelles: "munyides, tallat, i: va menjar!" Dissociat pel: maçoneria, de la màfia, de la: set de cap associació i que pertany a: te: hostil: Satanàs i de la empreses de mida micro: xec.
24_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] que vol: posar dalt:: i al front: la mà dreta .* Nosaltres, els districtes celestes, Canon li va prometre a la: vida, però no per: evitar el: sofriments, que són: a: mitjà de expiació, sinó també: la transformació de a: absorbir el: el mal del: món i que: el canvi: ell / ella en l'amor, i perdó. * * * Tracta de passar de la: part de Déu i l'Amor! Canvia la línia: a dalt, passa de la: part de Déu i el bé: 1 -. "Vostè tindrà: la: pa i te: aigua assegurat" que és la Paraula de Déu, 2 -. Vostè haurà de: a: la protecció de persona de gran abast - Èxode 23,28 YHWH li promet: "Vaig a enviar el: vespes davant teu, i enviaré de la vostra presència: el: hivites,: cananeus, i el: hitita. "3 -. a: ajuda poderosa persona espiritual d'alliberament interior, que rebrà, i que es consolidarà:
25_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] que entretingut al: el contingut dels meus llocs .* De forma genèrica, per a tothom, més: no pot ser: Promesa! * Requisits: els procediments jurídics i essencial:: abjurar: la: Institucions de la: enemic i per: tornar a la: possessió de la seva llibertat / la seva: 1. una fórmula: el solemne jurament i decisió: anar: dels: la profunditat del seu cor (si no ho creuen: en Déu, que jura en si mateix i en els seus fills), a continuació, afegir una declaració Tot que vostè vol que : estableix, també: a: Will 2. Quan: envieu el vostre codi secret: l'ús d'un algorisme w: w: haurà de destruir immediatament: tot rastre: de la seva identitat. La seva declaració, que: o per a la seva aplicació: l'aplicació dels seus es va unir (en les cases de la mort) que: poden ser: fet: el públic per l'associació
26_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] pot ser: exhibit: el: magistratura. No pot ser: Exclosos, la: els casos de pena per delictes comesos abans dels descomptes: el: dissociació. Per la nostra part, nosaltres: estic obligat a: la: el secret: cavitat, segons: l'interior de la: dels cànons: canònic i el dret per més: w: Posseir alguns no ho fan: Referència: de la seva identitat, que a : la: de l'acció: número: del: Codi secret: que: es destrueix. Que són: la: només la persona responsable: del: la custòdia dels: Codi secret: al costat de nosaltres. Tingueu en compte que .. Si el: jurament solemne, no serà: lloc per obtenir resultats satisfactoris: la integració serà: en el que va preguntar: nomenament fa: explícita a ell: en viu: al: Legalitat, al: bo, per: evitar l': La superstició i la a: escapament: des del: símbols satànics com el micro dir: Puce-Veri-xip o els xips en la: mà dreta.
27_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] monarchiabancaria:. blogspot. com ... Déu s'amaga, perquè té: ser: trobar: vertader. altervista:. com / .. Lloc: prop de 600 màrtirs cristians cada dia (font: socci) lloc web. Tiscali. és / màrtirs ... aquí és: és una: un de nosaltres: el "666" (darrere: Enginyeria: Electrònica: OFERTA: Des dels nostres amics estrangers: que els dimonis!) que: molt: a saber: ha: es descriu: Apocalipsi: fa 2000 anys! ha estat: a prova: "ja està llest: a: prendre?" .. "La mort i: la vida: que es tracten: un duel prodigiós!" Aquí, en resum: la: situació: financera: el món: 1 - els "il · luminats" o: top: satàniques, són 60 famílies (més dels banquers jueus), aquestes són: el 50% de la: massa: Monetari visible en el món! com? Per: el: col · lecció: el deute: public: [impostos al 100%]
28_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] i: a través de: la: les empreses, el monopoli de l'energia, de la química, d'armes, de: els bancs! 2 - té: també: dues vegades, de tots: la: massa visible monetària en el món. com? Lloc: en el passat: la: paper: de color: (diners) en l'excedent: els bons del govern: que: els problemes del govern: per pagar: les: notes: i: tan a prop: el pressupost: a: zero [senyoratge bancari transfert : Altres: 100%]! 3-la: resultat: és que: "60 famílies dels satanistes: celebrar: tres: quarts (3 / 4) de la totalitat: la: alimentació: financers: i: institucionals i maçònics: el món" CONCLUSIÓ: A LES PERSONES (invisible com: senyoratge bancari transfert), prop d'un milió: els satanistas maçons, té: Fet: control: el nostre: el planeta. El món no té: no hi ha futur! Així que, prepara't per: prendre: el micro: xip!
29_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] preparació: per a vostè, té: a l'interior: el seu nom, codi, amb el següent: el "666". Això: et farà biònica, i: reemplaçar el: teu: el crèdit de paper: i: explicar: al banc, etc ... MA: En: Llibre de la Revelació: que: ha: es parla d'això: en tots els detalls: Tècniques: ja: fa 2000 anys, en el cel: aquesta "cosa" no es pot entrar. Això significa micro: la marca del xip és: bèstia, i: que són els següents: a prop de l'última vegada! "La mort: i: Vita: que es tracten: un duel prodigiós El Senyor dels:. La vida era la mort, però ara viu:. Triomfs" seqüència: Setmana Santa: Aquest és un document: és: dissenyada: escrit:: Publicat: el dia: Setmana Santa: el Senyor: 23 de març de 2008: Horari: de 6.40. En el nom de Yeshua: Ha Mashíaj i Notzri: l'honor degut a: a:: Jesús de Betlem ... P. Pio va dir: "Quina desgràcia nostres germans no coincideixen: l'amor: Jesús
30_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] amb anar a: els braços oberts: infame: set: del: la Maçoneria! "R: cúpula de satanistes (la majoria més dels banquers jueus) tracten de: matar: els seus: germans Jueus: així: molt: astut: a través de: la maçoneria, corporacions, etc ... de treball: un petit: manejar: els rabins Sèrum rics: per aconseguir: en honor de Satanàs: Un Nou Ordre Mundial: això és veritat: "Govern:. Shadow" Satanisme: Internacional: el nou ordre: el món * Nou Ordre Mundial "que molt pocs: els altres decideixen, que s'utilitza per : a córrer, i per fi: la: majoria: que: no: serà la següent: que: en realitat va succeir. "(Nicholas Murray Butler) *" No són les següents: dos: històries: 1 -. fals: oficial, 2 -. secret, en la qual es troben: la: true: causes:: història: una vergonya. "H. De: Balzac:
3 .. 1_31 [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] * "a:! SpA, d'impressió: els diners (senyoratge: banca transfert), si: la: és: pagar: i: es requereix: bé: l'interès (del deute: el públic). i que són: menys: el. . un esclau, ja que: sap el seu esclau: mestre vostè és just: un animal inconscient, com se sol dir: el Talmud [ABSURD!] com la CAN: ". 03facchini_rito": o: ningú parla de tot: .. com : per què: les màquines: no es pot: a peu: (H2O), etc .. etc .. SI UN: que algú no ho sap: el que: és: HIDDEN: Transferència bancària senyoratge i totes les institucions oculta: és: ha : creat si els polítics, va continuar: Un cop més: a: fingir: QUE AVIAT estúpid: mor:: TOTS: Al 3r ww: NUCLEAR en aquest cas, fins i tot Israel estaria perdut:? com: és aquest: que: La Cabalá Rothschild: fort!
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
#Obama ] [ tu trovami il VERO responsabile, del perché, l'estremismo islamico si è diffuso in tutta la LEGA ARABA, e nel Mondo e poi? SPARATI! is why Rothschil 666 CIA SPA FED? "go away dog of an infidel: Allah is AKBAR" SAID Salman shaaria to Pope FRANCESCO! SHAARIA Al-Qaeda funded SHAARIA Arabia Arabia IE Gulf countries
LA TERRIBILE, DISPERATA CONDIZIONE DEI CRISTIANI NELLA LEGA ARABA, MA, PER COLPA DI MOGHERINI E BOLDRINI LA COLPA È SEMPRE DI ISRAELE! 07/12/2004, Palestina, i cristiani temono che divenga uno Stato islamico. Betlemme (AsiaNews) A Betlemme ci si prepara al Natale, con qualche speranza in più, legata alle attese per la ripresa dei pellegrinaggi, ma i cristiani palestinesi “hanno paura che la Palestina diventi uno Stato musulmano”. È quanto affermano ad AsiaNews le suore del Baby Caritas Hospital, l’ospedale pediatrico di Betlemme, da oltre 30 anni presente nella città della Natività. “I palestinesi cristiani non si illudono sulla nuova situazione politica e hanno paura di rimanere ancora una volta delusi” raccontano le religiose. “Chi può farlo, emigra in fretta all’estero, salvo poi pentirsi e voler tornare indietro, cosa che poi diventa impossibile. I cristiani hanno la concreta paura di diventare sempre di più minoranza, sopraffatti dai musulmani, che fanno molti più figli”. Le suore denunciano che “l’estremismo islamico si è diffuso molto in questi posti negli ultimi tempi, soprattutto nei villaggi verso il deserto di Giuda: tutto questo rende difficile la vita per i cristiani”. Nei giorni scorsi il personale islamico dell’ospedale cristiano, fondato da un sacerdote cattolico svizzero, ha inoltrato una lettera alla direzione chiedendo che le infermiere musulmani indossino il velo islamico in corsia. “È una richiesta che fanno ogni tanto, ma l’ospedale non lo permette sia per motivi igienici che per la sua identità cristiana” dicono le suore.
08/04/2016, ISLAMICI PALESTINESI? SONO SEMPRE ISLAMICI SHARIA: MANIACI RELIGIOSI, AL RITORNO ECONOMICO STORICO CULTURALE, DELLA SCOPERTA ARCHEOLOGICA, HANNO PREFERITO DISTRUGGERE I SEGNI DELLA STORIA, CHE È QUELLO CHE GLI ISLAMICI HANNO FATTO: IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA, POICHÉ: LA STORIA DEL MONDO NON È INIZIATA CON I LORO GENOCIDI, MENTRE: LA LORO TEOLOGIA DELLA SOSTITUZIONE DICE CHE SONO LORO L'ULTIMA E LA DEFINITIVA RISPOSTA DEL GENERE UMANO! ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Gaza, una chiesa bizantina distrutta per un centro commerciale. Cristiani e musulmani in rivolta. Durante le opere di scavo sono emersi i resti di un antico luogo di culto dell'epoca bizantina. Le autorità della Striscia hanno ordinato di continuare i lavori e fatto sparire i reperti. Sdegno e proteste “interconfessionali” a Gerusalemme e Cisgiordania. Fonte di AsiaNews: "Contano più gli interessi economici della storia e della cultura della Striscia". A dispetto della scoperta, le autorità della Striscia (Hamas) e l’Autorità palestinese hanno deciso di proseguire l’opera e di continuare la realizzazione delle fondamenta, facendo scomparire i reperti sinora emersi. Il ritrovamento è avvento a Palestine Sqaure, nel centro di Gaza, dove secondo i progetti vedrà la luce uno dei più importanti centri commerciali della zona.
Donbass, ispettori OSCE attaccati in zona sotto controllo forze Kiev, 10.04.2016 Nel villaggio di Zhovanka, situato nel centro di Zaytsevo controllato dalle forze di sicurezza di Kiev, è stata attaccata una pattuglia della missione di monitoraggio dell'OSCE. Gli osservatori hanno riferito di aver trovato riparo dalle granate nascondendosi dietro la macchina. Una pattuglia della missione speciale di monitoraggio dell'OSCE in Ucraina è stata attaccata sul territorio controllato dalle forze di sicurezza di Kiev: alla fine gli ispettori sono rimasti illesi, si legge nel rapporto giornaliero dell'organizzazione: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160410/2446778/Ucraina-bombardamento.html#ixzz45Ul2yAYh
IL PROGETTO 666 USA, SHARIA SAUDITA E TURCO DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO SHAARIA IN LIBIA CONTINUA! ha detto Gentiloni a Sky: "L'avanzata jihadista in territorio libico oramai sembra non avere più freni: espugnata Sirte, gli uomini del Califfato di Derna si sono impossessati anche di una stazione radio locale, Radio Sirte appunto, dalla quale questa mattina hanno fatto trasmettere un messaggio audio del califfo Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (potete ascoltarlo, in arabo, nel video in testa al post). Le violenze degli uomini dell'autoproclamato Califfato di Derna (sulla scia del Califfato Daesh in Siria ed Iraq e del Califfato d'Africa di Boko Haram in Nigeria) sembrano ormai non conoscere fine: dopo la decapitazione dei cristiani coopti egiziani di ieri anche il Presidente d'Egitto al-Sisi ha ordinato a tutti i cittadini egiziani di evacuare il paese e ha ordinato la chiusura dell'ambasciata di Tripoli. Secondo quanto si apprende dalla Farnesina anche l'ambasciata d'Italia a Tripoli ha dato indicazioni ai connazionali di lasciare "temporaneamente" la Libia con effetto immediato, data l'impossibilità di garantire la sicurezza su tutto il territorio libico. In tal senso, le numerose carrette del mare che in queste ore si stanno intercettando al largo della Libia potrebbero essere solo l'ennesima cartina tornasole della disperazione di chi fugge dalle violenze jihadiste sull'altra sponda del Mediterraneo: gli uomini del Califfato di Derna hanno formalmente preso il controllo di Sirte, a 500 chilometri a est di Tripoli, tanto da istituire il loro quartier generale in un edificio nella zona centrale.
Dopo il messaggio di questa mattina Radio Sirte ha cominciato a diffondere numerosi messaggi del portavoce del Califfato al-Adnani, che ha comunicato la resa di quel territorio al Califfato di Derna: già presenti in Cirenaica, gli affiliati allo Stato islamico hanno di recente preso di mira Tripoli e rivendicato l'attacco kamikaze all'hotel Corinthia del 27 gennaio, durante il quale sono morti almeno 5 stranieri.
Nelle città sin qui conquistate dal Califfato di Derna viene già applicata la Shaaria: sui social network molti jihadisti e civili libici hanno postato numerose fotografie e video nei quali si mostra l'applicazione e l'incentivazione al rispetto della legge coranica.
Mar Sako: ad un anno dalla tragedia di Mosul, solo unità e riconciliazione salveranno l’Iraq
Nel primo anniversario del grande esodo dalla piana di Ninive, il patriarca caldeo invia una lettera appello al governo e al Parlamento. Egli denuncia le difficili condizioni in cui vivono ancora oggi cristiani e yazidi, e le migliaia di morti fra i musulmani. La pace unica risposta alla violenza dei gruppi estremisti che “sfruttano la religione”.
05/08/2015 IRAQ
Vescovo curdo: raid aerei turchi nuova minaccia per i cristiani fuggiti dallo Stato islamico
Mons. Rabban al Qas, vescovo di Duhok, afferma che gli attacchi dei caccia di Ankara “cominciano a fare paura”. Le bombe provocano danni e vittime, i timori alimentano “il desiderio di fuga”. Intanto i profughi della piana di Ninive cercano di ricostruirsi una vita, con una casa e un lavoro. Nel fine settimana 50 bambini della diocesi riceveranno la prima comunione.
03/08/2015 IRAQ
Arcivescovo di Erbil: scuola, istruzione per salvare i cristiani dalla barbarie dello Stato islamico
Ad un anno dall’invasione della piana di Ninive. mons. Bashar Warda racconta la situazione dei profughi cristiani. La regione curda è “sicura” ma “aspettiamo la liberazione” delle nostre terre. Alloggi, strutture sanitarie, scuole le priorità. L’istruzione e l’alfabetizzazione dei ragazzi la risposta alle violenze jihadiste, per il futuro dei cristiani in Iraq.
02/02/2015 IRAQ
Patriarca di Baghdad: "Non parole ma gesti concreti contro il terrorismo". A gennaio oltre 1300 morti
Intervenendo alla settimana (governativa) per l’Armonia fra religioni, Mar Sako chiede di bloccare le risorse finanziare del terrorismo e smantellare la cultura della violenza: "Basta sfruttare la religione per finalità criminali". Ma a Mosul lo Stato islamico vende al mercato i beni rubati ai cristiani. E solo nel mese scorso ci sono state quasi 800 vittime civili.
28/01/2016 ISLAM
Una Carta per i diritti delle minoranze nei Paesi musulmani. Firmata da leader islamici
In una Dichiarazione comune centinaia di personalità del mondo musulmano chiedono pari diritti a tutti. Alla base della convivenza comune vi è il concetto di cittadinanza. Condanna per quanti usano la religione per “aggredire le minoranze” e la lotta armata “come mezzo per dirimere i conflitti e imporre il proprio punto di vista”. E dagli istituti educativi una revisione coraggiosa dei curriculum. Il testo integrale del documento.
USA CALIFFATO SAUDITA TURCO HANNO PROGETTATO DI METTERE LE MANI SUL PAPA E DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA ] [ 20/07/2015 LIBIA. Libia, i miliziani dello Stato islamico sequestrano tre immigrati cristiani. Il rapimento è avvenuto nella zona orientale, nei pressi di Sirte. Nel mirino un cittadino egiziano, un nigeriano e un ghanese. I jihadisti hanno diffuso le foto dei loro passaporti. In passato la Libia è stata teatro della decapitazione di una ventina di cristiani copti. Sempre ieri rapiti quattro lavoratori italiani.
le mire geopolitiche SHARIA sunnite turche saudita, segnano il passo, della azione terroristica del Califfato sharia ISIS nel mondo ] gli USA devono rispondere a tutto il mondo della loro complicità in tutto questo [ L’Isis era già presente a Darna ( LIBIA ) nella parte orientale del Paese come il gruppo islamico più organizzato contro il regime di Gheddafi e a Bengasi, dove aveva rivendicato l’attentato contro il consolato statunitense di Bengasi del 2012, che aveva causato la morte dell’ambasciatore Christopher Stevens e di altre tre persone. All’inizio del 2015 i terroristi dell’autoproclamato Califfato islamico hanno attaCcato un albergo di lusso a Tripoli e hanno dato inizio ad attacchi mirati contro i pozzi petroliferi. A febbraio di quell’anno hanno diffuso i filmati dell’uccisione di cristiani egiziani copti ed etiopi, decapitati sulla spiaggia. Il consolidamento della loro presenza a Sirte avveniva in questo stesso periodo, approfittando dell’abbandono della zona da parte delle fazioni in lotta per il potere in Libia post Gheddafi. (PB)
LA NATO E SOPRATTUTTO LA UE SOTTOSTIMANO, ENORMEMENTE, QUELLO CHE È PER LEI IL PERICOLO SAUDITA E TURCO! SAUDITI E TURCHI FINGONO DI LITIGARE IN LIBIA AFFINCHÉ QUESTO TRIOFO DI ISIS NE POSSA ESSERE IL RISULTATO! 09/04/2016, L’ISIS occupa il valico di Kheshum el Kheyl a sud di Sirte e si dirige oltre. La manovra, resa nota da fonti civili, avvenuto mentre altre colonne di miliziani si dirigono verso ovest, dimostra l’intenzione del gruppo terrorista di prendere il controllo dell’intera regione. LA NATO E SOPRATTUTTO LA UE SOTTOSTIMANO, ENORMEMENTE, QUELLO CHE È PER LEI IL PERICOLO SAUDITA E TURCO!
QUESTO È IL PIÙ GRANDE AVVELENAMENTO DELLA STORIA DEL GENERE UMANO! 09/04/2016, Bangladesh, arsenico nell’acqua: 20 milioni di avvelenati e 43mila morti ogni anno
ma, gli USA noN sono i principali alleati di RIAD? QUINDI QUALE È IL DOPPIO GIOCO CHE LA ARABIA SAUDITA STA FACENDO CONTRO USA E ISRAELE? In un video di Al Arabiya, l’antico comandante delle truppe di Saddam Hussein impreca contro gli Usa e il “dominio iraniano” in Iraq. Con toni “religiosi” spinge alla “caccia” contro “i collaboratori dell’Iran”, alleandosi con l’Arabia saudita. Egli è considerato uno dei capi che ha guidato i miliziani jihadisti alla conquista di Mosul e della Piana di Ninive. http://www.asianews.it/notizie-it/Dato-per-morto-un-anno-fa,-Izzet-el-Duri-lancia-la-rivolta-irakena-e-saudita-contro-l%E2%80%99Iran-37167.html
tutta la GALASSIA jihadista ISIS Al Quaeda, Al Nursa, Daesh, ecc.. sono scesi formalmente sul campo di battaglia in appoggio alla coalizione saudita dei Paesi del GOLFO! Bisogna ASSOLUTAMENTE DISTRUGGERE LE RELAZIONI DIPLOMATICHE CON GLI USA! SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO ESSERE I MANDANTI DEL TERRORISMO MONDIALE! ] [ 30/06/2015 YEMEN - ISLAM. Lo Stato islamico attacca leader Houthi in Yemen: 28 morti, anche otto donne. Nel mirino i fratelli Faycal e Hamid Jayache, due capi della fazione sciita ribelle yemenita. I due stavano partecipando a una funzione in memoria di un parente deceduto. Gli Houthi hanno circondato l’area, accesso consentito solo alle auto mediche. Con un post in rete il movimento jihadista rivendica l’attacco contro il “nido sciita” a Sanaa.
ecco perché, SOLTANTO USA e i SAUDITI POSSONO SOSTENERE E FINANZIARE AL QUAEDA NEL MONDO! ] [ 09/04/2015 YEMEN-M.ORIENTE. Sale il numero di morti in Yemen. Al Qaeda promette oro a chi uccide i capi sciiti. Dall’inizio del conflitto vi sono più di 600 morti e oltre 2200 feriti. Mancano elettricità, acqua e medicinali. Uccisi in servizio personale paramedico delle ambulanze. Islamisti afghani pronti a invadere lo Yemen con “migliaia” di combattenti.
LA REGIA di ISIS SHARIA potrebbe essere soltanto una regia Saudita e Turca, e gli USA non possono dire: "noi non ne sappiamo niente!" SE I GOVERNI DEL MONDO NON PROTESTANO A QUESTA NOTIZIA CONTRO GLI USA? POI, È TUTTO FINITO! Baghdad (AsiaNews) - L’ex vice- presidente irakeno all’epoca di Saddam Hussein, Izzet el-Duri, dato per morto nel 2015, è riapparso ieri in un video in cui spinge gli irakeni a ribellarsi al “dominio iraniano” sul Paese e ad allearsi alla coalizione guidata dall’Arabia saudita. Il video è stato trasmesso dall’emittente panaraba Al Arabiya, vicina all’Arabia Saudita, e ridiffuso su You Tube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT5pn5zayW4) nella pagina Youtube del quotidiano saudita Ukaz.
Secondo quanto riferito dalla stampa irachena ed occidentale nel 2015, Izzet El Duri sarebbe morto nella zona orientale della provincia irachena di Salah Eddin, nei pressi del pozzo petrolifero di Allas.
La coalizione internazionale a guida Usa, che aveva invaso l’Iraq, aveva disegnato un mazzo di carte con le figure dei 55 più ricercati del regime Baathista. Izzet el-Duri era il “re di fiori” del mazzo, fra i primi sei più ricercati. Dopo la liberazione dell’Iraq da parte della coalizione, Izzet el-Duri era scomparso e a nulla era servita la taglia di 10 milioni di dollari per chiunque lo catturasse o lo uccidesse. Izzet El Duri aveva dato inizio alla Resistenza nel nord di Baghdad nel 2003 creando l’Esercito Nakshabandi, attivo soprattutto nella zona di Dora, compiendo azioni militari contro il governo succeduto a Saddam e da lui considerato composto da “traditori e collaboratori degli invasori”. L’annuncio dell’uccisone di Izzet el-Duri nel 2015 in seguito a “scontri intensi” condotti dall’esercito iracheno e da gruppi armati popolari, era stata commentato all’epoca, come un “duro colpo” contro i miliziani della resistenza nella Provincia di Salah Eddin. Izzet el-Duri è considerato uno dei comandanti che ha guidato i miliziani dell’Isis alla conquista vittoriosa di Mosul e della Piana di Ninive. Nella registrazione video di ieri, l’ex vice-presidente iracheno sunnita rivolge un appello all’unità degli iracheni a fianco della coalizione araba guidata dall’Arabia Saudita, lottando contro l’egemonia iraniana nella regione.
Ecco di seguito la traduzione integrale del suo discorso: ... http://www.asianews.it/notizie-it/Dato-per-morto-un-anno-fa,-Izzet-el-Duri-lancia-la-rivolta-irakena-e-saudita-contro-l%E2%80%99Iran-37167.html
se qualcuno aveva dei dubbi su chi ha organizzato le autobombe in IRAQ? POI, LO ANDIAMO A DIRE AI SAUDITI! 08/04/2016 - IRAQ-IRAN. Dato per morto un anno fa, Izzet el-Duri lancia la rivolta irakena e saudita contro l’Iran. In un video di Al Arabiya, l’antico comandante delle truppe di Saddam Hussein impreca contro gli Usa e il “dominio iraniano” in Iraq. Con toni “religiosi” spinge alla “caccia” contro “i collaboratori dell’Iran”, alleandosi con l’Arabia saudita. Egli è considerato uno dei capi che ha guidato i miliziani jihadisti alla conquista di Mosul e della Piana di Ninive.
quindi secondo questo articolo è ERDOGAN USA CIA che rifornisce anche ISIS, senza i RUSSI? oggi dominerebbero incontastrati in Siria grazie ad ERDOGAN ] [ 08/04/2016 - SIRIA ] [ Conflitto siriano, i ribelli strappano allo Stato islamico il controllo di al-Rai. La cittadina del nord si torva lungo la direttrice che collega Siria e Turchia. Una rotta strategica per il passaggio di merci e rifornimenti. Un successo importante in vista della battaglia principale per il controllo di Aleppo. Alla periferia di Damasco i jihadisti attaccano una fabbrica e sequestrano 200 operai.
11 APR. inizia con questa strage di cristiani, tutti hanno subito il genocidio, in nome di 666 #ALLAH e della sua dottrina #salafita #wahhabita #saudita: tutto per imporre la sharia della LEGA ARABA nel mondo. ECCO COME SONO STATI spesi BENE IN SIRIA, I SOLDI DELLA: CIA USA TURCHIA E ARABIA SAUDITA! .. ED INFATTI È SCRITTO CHE: "IN #BABILONIA #666 #USA, SI È TROVATO IL SANGUE DI TUTTI I MARTIRI CRISTIANI! - Almeno 21 cristiani sono stati trucidati dai jihadisti #Isis ad #al-Qaryatayn, in #Siria, prima che la cittadina fosse liberata e ripresa in questi giorni dalle forze di Damasco col sostegno dell'aviazione russa. Lo ha svelato alla Bbc il patriarca della Chiesa ortodossa siriaca, Ignazio Aphrem II: alcuni risultano essere stati uccisi mentre tentavano la fuga, altri martirizzati per essersi rifiutati di assoggettarsi e convertirsi a #Islam. Fra le vittime si contano almeno tre donne, ha riferito ancora il patriarca, denunciando come i jihadisti avessero pianificato di vendere le ragazze cristiane superstiti quali "schiave". Altri correligionari sono per ora considerati dispersi, ma si teme siano a loro volta morti.
e come hanno fatto fin'ora i sauditi, ad essere DEGLI alleati militari REGIONALI con ISRAELE, se non si sono mai riconosciuti? QUESTE SONO COSE PAZZE! ] IO SONO FAVOREVOLE A QUESTO PONTE E A QUESTA TRIPLICE AMICIZIA.. MA SE PENSANO CHE DIVERSE COSE NON DEBBANO CAMBIARE? TUTTO POI TUTTO SI CAMBIERÀ IN TRAGEDIA DA UN MOMENTO ALL'ALTRO! PERCHÉ QUELLO CHE IO VOGLIO? LO SANNO TUTTI! [ L'Isola di Tiran, disabitata come Sanafir, ha un ruolo strategico nella composizione dello scenario mediorientale in quanto costituisce l'acceso di Israele al Mar Rosso. Secondo i media israeliani l'acquisizione da parte di Riad comporterebbe l'implicito riconoscimento del governo di Gerusalemme, mai riconosciuto, necessario per la ratifica dell'accordo internazionale.
Unius kingREI
Unius kingREI45 minuti fa
EBREI SODOMITI APOSTATI! VOI VEDETE IL MERAVIGLIOSO PAPA FRANCESCO, CHE SU MIO CONSIGLIO HA APERTO LA COMUNIONE AI DIVORZIATI? BENE! ci sono cose che si possono fare, con la PAROLA di Dio, e cose che non si possono fare! NON SI PUÒ VIOLARE IL SENSO OGGETTIVO DELLA PAROLA DI DIO! ed in realtà: NON È NEANCHE IL SENSO LETTERALE, QUELLO CHE È sempre PIÙ IMPORTATE, in ogni caso! ma lo SPIRITO SANTO globale: il concetto dell'insieme, CHE PERMEA L'UNIVERSO: ed è la metafisica razionale, il senso della giustizia, e la coerenza con TUTTE LE PAROLE SACRE, di tutte le religioni del mondo? Questo fondamentale: NON può essere fragile o contraddittorio, relativistico o soggettivo! PERCHÉ NON POSSIAMO PENSARE DI CREARE UN STABILE FUTURO PER IL GENERE UMANO AL DI FUORI DELLA RAZIONALITÀ: E DELLA LEGGE NATURALE!
EBREI SODOMITI APOSTATI! voi vorreste fare di me, un apostata insieme a voi? per finire all'inferno insieme a voi? IMPOSSIBILE, IO NON SONO UN TRASGRESSORE!
Terror takes possession for all sons of darknes. You Are Destined for Hell! ♰ I has the wrong done to All Those criminals who cross the Toppled
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB, Terror takes possession of The Sons of darknes ♰ Drink your poisons made by yourself,♰ my YHWH kill all my enemies: [MENE Techel PERES] Luke19.27; by ★ Rei Unius ♰ ♥ King Israel Mahdi ♥
DA FIRMARE E CONDIVIDERE ... GRAZIE, Petizione europea a favore della famiglia | Avvenire.it
mobile.avvenire.it http://mobile.avvenire.it/famiglia/Pagine/difendiamo-i-nostri-figli-petizione-europa-in-difesa-della-famiglia.aspx?path=Pagine%2F Iniziativa ] [ Petizione europea a favore della famiglia. Angelo Picariello. 11/04/2016
Una petizione europea in difesa della famiglia. La raccolta firme è al via in questi giorni e avrà la durata di un anno, fino al 3 aprile 2017. Obiettivo minimo, perché possa essere presa in considerazione dalle istituzioni europee: raccogliere un milione di firme in tutti i Paesi della Ue, per ottenere il varo di «un regolamento comunitario che definisca il significato del matrimonio e della famiglia come unione di un uomo e una donna fondata sul matrimonio o sul legame generazionale». In modo da «porre il matrimonio e la famiglia, così definiti, come criteri generali alla base di tutte le direttive della Commissione europea in materia».
L'iniziativa è stata presentata oggi al Senato dal comitato "Difendiamo i nostri figli", promotore delle manifestazioni di piazza San Giovanni e del Circo Massimo. Assente il portavoce Massimo Gandolfini per sopraggiunti motivi di lavoro, legati alla sua attività di chirurgo a Brescia, alla presentazione, tenutasi alla sala Nassirya di Palazzo Madama, è intervenuto a nome del comitato l’avvocato Simone Pillon. «Il target per l'Italia è di 54.750 firme - ha spiegato - ma il nostro obiettivo è raccoglierne un milione solo nel nostro Paese».
Un modo anche per riprendere in tutta Italia la mobilitazione a favore della famiglia, «al centro di vari attacchi attraverso la legge che si annuncia sulle unioni civili e le nuove normative che vengono prospettate in materia di stepchild adoption e adozioni gay». In Italia, quindi, più che mai è importante «ricondurre a un minimo comune denominatore la definizione di famiglia», a fronte di una confusione anche terminologica che mette a rischio la tenuta dell’istituto familiare a livello sociale e di welfare.
Pillon cita – come emblematica del clima di confusione – l’espressione «indirizzo della vita familiare» contenuta nel testo delle unioni civili passato al Senato, nell’ambito di una normativa volta a dar luogo a un nuovo istituto che pure si sostiene essere diverso e distinto dalla famiglia. La petizione "Mamma, papà e figli" può essere sottoscritta online sul sito www.mumdadandkids.eu. O al sito del comitato “Difendiamo i nostri figli”, come ricorda Jacopo Coghe, presidente di Generazione famiglia. O, in alternativa, si può scaricare il modulo cartaceo, sempre dagli stessi siti, e inviarlo compilato e firmato al Comitato, attraverso i banchetti che verranno allestiti o una delle 80 sedi locali del Comitato stesso, che poi avrà cura di far giungere le sottoscrizioni all’Unione Europea.
Certo, il precedente della petizione “Uno di noi” in difesa dell’embrione, che raggiunse numeri importanti prossimi ai due milioni di sottoscrittori, non induce a essere ottimisti, vista l’attenzione praticamente nulla che la Commissione Ue ha dedicato alla petizione. «Ma stavolta non accetteremo analogo trattamento – promette Pillon –. Pretenderemo di essere ascoltati».
IL PENSIERO NAZISTA, REGIME TOTALITARIO E MASSIMALISTA GENDER SPA NWO: PER SOFFOCARE L'ORDINE NATURALE: ED APRIRE ESPLICITAMENTE ALLA TEOSOFIA SATANICA! Es indignante, lorenzo: No sé si te has enterado. La Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatras pide no practicar terapias de sanación de la homosexualidad. Hacerlo sería un comportamiento no ético porque –dicen- profundizaría la discriminación. ¿Y qué pasa con las personas que sufren atracción hacia el mismo sexo no deseada?, ¿les condenamos a su infierno? ¿Qué pasa con las personas que han salido de la homosexualidad gracias a esas terapias?, ¿es que acaso no existen? Pídele a la Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatría que corrija su declaración pública.
Lees el documento que aprobaron estos supuestos científicos y no te lo crees. Te paso un resumen:
"La atracción, orientación y comportamiento homosexual son variantes normales de la sexualidad humana (...) No existe evidencia científica que la orientación sexual innata pueda ser cambiada. Es más, las llamadas terapias para sanar la homosexualidad pueden crear prejuicios y ser potencialmente dañinas (...) La orientación LGTB en si misma no implica disfunciones piscológicas (...) La disposición de cualquier intervención que pretenda "tratar" algo que no es un trastorno es totalmente antiético (...) Reiteramos la necesidad de investigación y desarrollo en evidencias médicas y sociales que apoyen la salud mental de lesbianas, homosexuales, bisexuales e individuos transgénero"
¿Estos son psiquiatras o activistas LGTB?
Si me permites la broma: ¿se volvieron locos?...
La ideología radical que desprende el documento de la Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatría contrasta con el testimonio de una de las personas que ha logrado salir del agujero gay. Se llama Christopher Doyle y es portavoz de la ONG “La voz de los sin voz”.
Su testimonio es impactante: "Durante 15 años de mi vida sufrí atracción hacia el mismo sexo no deseada debido a abusos sexuales durante mi infancia y a la falta de relacciones saludables con hombres. Afortunadamente después de una terapia regulada, me pude dar cuenta del daño que me producía la atracción homosexual. Hoy estoy casado con mi preciosa mujer con la que llevo casado 10 años y tenemos 5 maravillosos hijos. No hubo absolutamente nada dañino en la ayuda que recibí. En realidad, todos los aspectos de mi vida mejoraron gracias a esta ayuda y apoyo. Así que, ¿por qué mi historia es marginada por estos activistas?, ¿es que acaso no existo? Aquellos que tienen una poderosa agenda política me tacharon de mentiroso. Pero los hechos están ahí: estoy mucho más en paz conmigo mismo gracias a los consejos y apoyos que me han ayudado en mi camino. Hoy vivo mi sueño de tener un matrimonio y una familia. Y como terapeuta regulado, estoy capacitado para facilitar consejo y ayuda a otros que tienen los mismos objetivos y sueños que yo tenía. ¿Por qué su derecho a su propia determinación deben ser marginados o rechazados por una agenda política e ideológica radical? Todo el mundo tiene el derecho a resolver atracciones y necesidades afectivas no resueltas. Si alguien quiere trabajar estos temas con un consejero regulado, ¿quienes somos los demás para impedírselo?"
¿Y ahora qué?, ¿qué le decimos al Sr. Doyle?, ¿que es un homófobo?... La realidad se impone. Y los científicos deben de estudiar la realidad, no tratar de retorcerla por sus prejuicios ideológicos: http://citizengo.org/es/fm/33900-psiquiatras-niegan-tratamiento-atraccion-del-mismo-sexo-no-deseada La declaración de la Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatría es muy grave. Contrasta además con la reciente advertencia de la Asociación Mundial de Pediatría sobre los riesgos de la ideología de género… Ya somos varios miles los que les hemos escrito. Pero tenemos que ser muchos más. Los psiquiatras deben saber que sus posiciones ideológicas despiertan el rechazo entre la gente de sentido común.
Gracias por apoyar esta campaña.
Un fuerte abrazo, Luis Losada Pescador y todo el equipo de CitizenGO
PD.Escribe a la Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatría y pídeles que rectifiquen su posicionamiento público ideológico en pro de la evidencia científica.
0280806833 ] mi dispiace per gli ebrei eretici, voi conoscete la PAROLA di DIO JHWH [ NON ESISTONO EBREI VIVI FUORI DEL MIO REGNO DI ISRAELE! ] ma, io vi darò la possibilità di fare pubblica confessione e espiazione dei vostri delitti!
IL PENSIERO NAZISTA, REGIME TOTALITARIO E MASSIMALISTA GENDER SPA NWO: PER SOFFOCARE L'ORDINE NATURALE: ED APRIRE ESPLICITAMENTE ALLA TEOSOFIA SATANICA! è scandaloso, Non so se hai sentito. Il World Psychiatric Association non richiede nella pratica terapie di guarigione. dell'omosessualità. In questo modo sarebbe un comportamento non etico perché dicono approfondire la discriminazione. E per quanto riguarda le persone che hanno lo stesso sesso attrazione per indesiderata?, Ti condannare il suo inferno? Che dire di persone che hanno lasciato l'omosessualità attraverso tali terapie?, È che non esiste? Chiedi World Psychiatric Association per correggere la sua dichiarazione pubblica.
http://citizengo.org/es/fm/33900-psiquiatras-niegan-tratamiento-atraccion-del-mismo-sexo-no-deseada Leggi il documento approvato questi presupposti scientifici e non ci credono. Fate un passo un riassunto: "L'attrazione, l'orientamento e il comportamento omosessuale sono normali variazioni della sessualità umana (...) Non vi è alcuna prova scientifica che l'orientamento sessuale innata può essere cambiato. Inoltre, le chiamate terapie per guarire l'omosessualità può creare pregiudizi e potenzialmente dannoso (...) l'orientamento LGTB in sé non implica piscológicas erettile (...) la fornitura di qualsiasi intervento teso a "provare" qualcosa che non è un disturbo è del tutto antitetica (...) Ribadiamo la necessità della ricerca e sviluppo in evidenza medica e sociale per sostenere la salute mentale degli individui lesbiche, gay, bisessuali e transgender " sono questi psichiatri o attivisti LGTB?
Se posso scherzare: essi esultano ...? L'ideologia radicale che segue il documento del contrasto World Psychiatric Association per la testimonianza di una delle persone che è riuscito a lasciare il foro gay. Il suo nome è Christopher Doyle e portavoce della ONG "voce dei senza voce". La sua testimonianza è scioccante: "Per 15 anni della mia vita ho sofferto attrazione allo stesso sesso non voluto per abusi sessuali durante la mia infanzia e la mancanza di relacciones uomini sani. Per fortuna dopo una terapia regolamentato, sono stato in grado di spiegare i danni che mi ha causato attrazione omosessuale . Oggi sono sposato con la mia bella moglie con la quale sono stato sposato 10 anni e hanno cinque figli meravigliosi. Non c'era assolutamente niente di dannoso in aiuto che ho ricevuto. In realtà, ogni aspetto della mia vita è migliorata grazie all'aiuto e sostegno. Quindi, perché la mia storia è emarginata da questi attivisti?, È che non esiste? Coloro che hanno un programma politico potente mi etichettato come un bugiardo. Ma i fatti sono lì: Io sono molto più in pace con me stesso grazie ai consigli e il sostegno che mi hanno aiutato per la mia strada. Oggi vivo il mio sogno di avere un matrimonio e una famiglia. E come terapeuta regolamentato, sono in grado di fornire consulenza e assistenza ad altre persone che hanno gli stessi obiettivi e sogni che avevo.
Perché il loro diritto alla propria determinazione dovrebbe essere marginalizzato o respinta da un'agenda politica e l'ideologia radicale? Ogni persona ha il diritto di sospendere le attrazioni e ai bisogni emotivi irrisolti. Se qualcuno vuole lavorare su questi temi con un consulente regolamentati, gli altri chi siamo noi per fermarli? " Ora che cosa?, Che cosa diciamo Mr. Doyle?, Che è un omofobo? ... Si impone la realtà. E gli scienziati devono studiare la realtà, non cercare di girare per i loro pregiudizi ideologici:
La dichiarazione della World Psychiatric Association è molto grave. contrasta anche con il recente avvertimento dalla World Association of Pediatrics circa i rischi di ideologia di genere ... Ora abbiamo diverse migliaia che hanno scritto a loro. Ma dobbiamo essere molti di più.
Gli psichiatri dovrebbero sapere che le loro posizioni ideologiche suscitato il rifiuto tra le persone di buon senso.
Grazie per il sostegno di questa campagna. Un grande abbraccio,
Luis Losada Pescatore e tutta la squadra CitizenGO
PD.Escribe World Psychiatric Association e chiedere loro di correggere la loro posizione ideologica del pubblico verso prove scientifiche.
ERESIA PERVERSIONE, ABERRAZIONE, ABOMINIO ED APOSTASIA, QUESTO È SODOMA L'IMPERO DELLE TENEBRE INTERIORI ED ESTERIORI! ] [ BUENOS AIRES, 11 APR - Prime nozze gay religiose in America Latina: due giovani donne della comunità ebraica di Buenos Aires. la più grande del subcontinente. ] QUESTA APOSTASIA NON PUÒ ESSERE RIMEDIATA, QUESTI EBREI SONO ESPLUSI DAL REGNO DI ISRAELE! [ si sono sposate nella sinagoga del quartiere di Belgrano. Romina Charur, 35 anni, e Victoria Escobar, 36, convivono da 7 anni e nel 2014 si erano sposate con rito civile, dopo l'approvazione delle nozze gay dallo Stato argentino, ma ora, grazie alla Nuova Comunità Israelita Emanu El, hanno completato la loro unione anche con un rito religioso. Gustavo Michanie, dell'associazione Ebrei Argentini Gay, le ha accompagnate nella cerimonia, presieduta dalla rabbina Karina Finkielsztein, che si è congratulata con loro e ne ha lodato "il coraggio e la perseveranza" mentre, seguendo la tradizione ebraica, le due giovani donne si trovavano sotto la chuppah (o huppah), il baldacchino di stoffa all'ombra del quale si celebrano le nozze ebraiche.
ERESIA PERVERSIONE, ABERRAZIONE, ABOMINIO ED APOSTASIA, VIOLAZIONE DEL DIRITTO UMANO FONDAMENTALE DEI BAMBINI, QUESTO È SODOMA L'IMPERO DELLE TENEBRE INTERIORI ED ESTERIORI! ] [ Gil De Gamesh con STOP FOLLIA GENDER: la abominazione dell'umano! 10/04/2016 ** READI - Rete Antidiscriminazioni Infantili ** fb ** http://www.uccronline.it/2012/09/06/chiusa-lindagine-su-regnerus-approvato-studio-sui-problemi-di-chi-ha-genitori-gay/ Chiusa l’indagine su Regnerus: «lo studio contro l’adozione gay è valido» L'Università del Texas pubblica il responso dell'indagine invocata dalla lobby
Cari avaaziani, qualche anno fa decine di mercenari entrarono in un parco nazionale in Camerun e per due mesi massacrarono indisturbati 600 elefanti, facendoli a pezzi per le zanne. In tutta l’Africa centrale i bracconieri hanno ormai sterminato la metà degli ultimi elefanti rimasti. E nessuno è stato in grado di fermarli. Fino ad ora! Un gruppo di investigatori privati si è infiltrato tra i bracconieri in otto Stati africani e ha portato all’arresto di 1200 trafficanti! Un lavoro incredibile riconosciuto da tutti gli esperti, ma hanno pochissimi fondi per andare avanti perché i grandi finanziatori non osano opporsi frontalmente al crimine organizzato del bracconaggio. E allora può essere questa comunità a dargli il sostegno economico necessario a coprire tutta l’Africa in pochissimo tempo. Uccidono quattro elefanti ogni ora: è una lotta contro il tempo prima che questi giganti della savana scompaiano. Ma se ognuno di noi fa una piccola donazione ora, questo incredibile team può espandersi in altri Paesi, arrestare altri boss e ufficiali corrotti, e la nostra comunità potrà contribuire a lottare contro questo massacro. https://avaazimages.avaaz.org/elephant3.jpg
Aggredito da nordafricano il sindaco pd di Ravenna. Matteucci, balbettando e tremando di Paura, rassicura i cittadini dicendo: "Sto bene, neppure un graffio..." Un ragazzo ubriaco tenta di aggredire il sindaco in zona giardini. Martedì sera un ragazzo ubriaco ha tentato di aggredire il sindaco Fabrizio Matteucci vicino ai giardini Speyer. http://www.ravennaedintorni.it/ravenna-notizie/40290/un-ragazzo-ubriaco-tenta-di-aggredireil-sindaco-in-zona-giardini-speyer.html
Diario di Rorscharch: #PaolaTaverna #senatrice del #M5S, in merito al dibattito in #Senato sul #DDL #Cirinnà , ci ha deliziato con questa perla: "Avrete questa legge, anzi l’avremo, perché oggi ho un indirizzo sessuale, magari domani ne ho un altro". Speriamo che un giorno si alzi scoprendo di avere un cervello. #gay #unionicivili #unionigay #Italia #LGBT. http://www.lastampa.it/2016/02/17/italia/politica/diretta-dal-senato-il-giorno-degli-emendamenti-fetzLaDdQ5EQWe910FmXiJ/pagina.html
Israelis to the Rescue - United with Israel: California Student Bullies Call for the End of Israel; Palestinians Say 'Global Judaism is a Virus'; WATCH: The Israeli Secret on How to Make a Billion Dollars! WATCH: California 'Bullying' Students Disgrace Visit of Jerusalem's Mayor, Jeursalem mayor at California university. WATCH: Israelis Run to Rescue Victims of Deadly Earthquake, earthquake in Taiwan
IL GENDER IDEOLOGIA È SATANISMO IDEOLOGICO! 11/04/2016 ** Magdi Cristiano Allam ** fb ** Chi ci governa ha deciso che il nostro tracollo demografico debba essere risolto con l'auto-invasione di clandestini ISLAMICI: la disintegrazione della civiltà ebraico cristiana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs2K3_Qo1ys&sns=em
IL GENDER IDEOLOGIA È SATANISMO IDEOLOGICO! Gil De Gamesh con STOP FOLLIA GENDER: la abominazione dell'umano! 11/04/2016 ** Generazione Famiglia - La Manif Italia ** fb ** Sul Guardian dello scorso 1 aprile, Julie Bindel ha pubblicato un reportage sulla maternità surrogata in India dal quale emerge uno scenario non meno inquietante di quelli tratteggiati dalla fantasia dei film “La guerra dei mondi”, “Battlestar galactica” e “Matrix”. La Bindel riporta, infatti, che si stanno costruendo delle “colonie residenziali” con fondi messi a disposizione da parte di molte cliniche della surrogazione per ospitare...
Maternità surrogata: le fattorie umane dell’India. Ecco le “surrogacy houses” in cui si dispongono “in batteria” le donne che conducono la gravidanza in surrogazione e che vengono sfamate e accudite... http://www.tempi.it/maternita-surrogata-fattorie-umane-india#.VwuSneKLTmF
IL GENDER IDEOLOGIA È SATANISMO IDEOLOGICO! +++ Pediatri americani: "Gender pericoloso per i bambini" I fatti, non l’ideologia, determinano la realtà... http://www.donboscoland.it/articoli/articolo.php?id=133413
IO NON HO SCOMUNICATO LO ISLAM! NO!? 1. IO HO SCOMUNICATO LA SHAARIA! ED, 2. IO HO SCOMUNICATO TUTTE LE RELIGIONE CHE BENEDICONO IN NOME DI DIO LE UNIONI DEI GAY! L’islam che prova a dialogare: lo sciismo in 10 punti. A differenza dei sunniti, gli sciiti danno un'autorità sacra agli imam e ai loro insegnamenti. 1 aprile 2016. L’islam dialogante, considerato come moderato e aperto al confronto con l’Occidente. Stiamo parlando dello sciismo, meglio conosciuto come islam sciita, molto diverso da quello sunnita che, annovera tra le sue file anche i fondamentalisti.
Quali sono le principali caratteristiche di questa corrente dell’islam? Le spiega bene Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi in “L’Islam degli sciiti” (edizioni Dehoniane).
Tutto nasce con la morte di Maometto: la maggioranza dei fedeli della nuova religione d’Arabia dichiarò che il profeta non aveva designato in modo esplicito il suo successore. Un altro gruppo minoritario rivendicava la successione per Alî, cugino e genero del Profeta. Questa schiera di fedeli dà vita all’islam sciita.
1) IL RUOLO DELL’IMAM. Fondandosi sui testi e sulle fonti più antiche che sono giunte fino a noi (il primo corpus di hadith sciiti, testi sacri, è stato redatto tra l’850 e il 950 della nostra era), ci si può rapidamente rendere conto che il vero perno attorno al quale gravita tutta la dottrina sciita è la figura dell’imam. Mentre nell’islam sunnita questo termine, che designa un capo o un sapiente religioso, non ha alcuna importanza particolare, per gli sciiti è un titolo, a tutti gli effetti, sacro. Sintetizzando in maniera estrema, si potrebbe dire che, come il cristianesimo è la religione di Cristo, lo sciismo è la religione dell’imam.
2) MANIFESTO E SEGRETO. La religiosità sciita si sviluppa attorno a una doppia visione del mondo. Anche qui la figura dell’imam, nelle sue differenti dimensioni, è sempre presente e agisce come il centro di gravità dei fondamenti spirituali. Anzitutto, c’è quella che potrebbe chiamarsi la visione duale del mondo, secondo la quale tutte le realtà, dalle più sacre alle più banali, possiedono almeno due livelli: un livello manifesto, apparente (zâhir) e un livello segreto, non manifesto (bâtin). Questa dialettica del manifesto e del nascosto, dell’essoterico e dell’esoterico, costituisce un credo fondamentale, onnipresente nei pensatori, e che impregna anche le credenze della massa dei fedeli.
3) L’IMAM COSMICO. L’organo divino per eccellenza, il più alto luogo di manifestazione di ciò che si rivela in Dio, è un essere metafisico che la letteratura sciita chiama spesso Imam (scrivendolo, in questo caso, con la maiuscola), nella sua accezione ontologica e metafisica: Uomo cosmico in cui la conoscenza equivale alla conoscenza di ciò che può essere conosciuto in Dio, obiettivo ultimo della creazione. L’Imam cosmico è identico al volto manifesto di Dio, al Dio rivelato. L’Imam cosmico possiede quindi anch’egli un volto nascosto e uno rivelato
4) I PROFETI E GLI “AMICI DI DIO”. Per gli sciiti ogni grande profeta è accompagnato nella sua missione da uno o più imam: da Adamo, primo uomo e primo profeta, a Maometto, «sigillo della profezia legislatrice», passando per molti altri, tra i quali Enoch, Noè, Abramo, Mosè, Salomone e Gesù (Simon Pietro o l’insieme degli apostoli sono gli imam di Gesù). Questi grandi inviati dell’Altissimo – così lo definiscono – e i loro imam, sono legati tra loro da una catena ininterrotta di profeti, imam e santi minori e formano, insieme, la grande famiglia iniziatica degli «Amici di Dio» (walî, al plurale awliyâ’), i portatori e i trasmettitori dell’Alleanza divina (walâya), termine centrale dello sciismo e sinonimo di imamato. Sono loro, uomini e donne di Dio, i luoghi di manifestazione dell’Imam archetipico cosmico, il suo volto rivelato. Gli Amici di Dio fanno pervenire agli uomini la parola divina.
5) “SOTTOMISSIONE” E “SOTTOMESSI”. Il profeta è il messaggero dell’essoterico della religione o della religione essoterica (cioè il livello manifesto, rivelato) che la terminologia tecnica sciita chiama islâm, letteralmente «sottomissione», cioè la sottomissione alla lettera della rivelazione, che rende la maggioranza dei fedeli dei muslim, dei «sottomessi» o ancora dei «musulmani». Parallelamente, l’imam è il messaggero dell’esoterico della rivelazione (cioè il livello nascosto), l’iniziatore alla religione spirituale nascosta sotto la lettera chiamata îmân, letteralmente «fede».
6) CONOSCENZA VS IGNORANZA. Oltre al dualismo manifesto vs esoterico, nell’Islam sciita la seconda visione del mondo è una visione dualista, secondo la quale la storia della creazione è la storia del combattimento cosmico tra le forze del Bene e quelle del Male, tra la luce e l’oscurità. Dato il ruolo centrale dell’iniziazione e del sapere spirituale, si potrebbe dire che il Bene è la conoscenza, così come il Male è l’ignoranza.
7) IL NEMICO SUNNITA. Gli avversari – il Nemico dell’imam e i suoi partigiani, per utilizzare termini tecnici sciiti – non sono sempre e necessariamente dei pagani, dei miscredenti o dei fedeli di altre religioni. Gli israeliti che tradirono Mosè e si abbandonarono al culto del vitello d’oro o, ancora, i compagni di Maometto che rifiutarono l’elezione di ‘Alî alla successione non sono dei non-ebrei o dei non-musulmani, ma sono coloro che rifiutano l’insegnamento esoterico, spirituale della religione, rigettando la sua Guida iniziata e iniziatrice, cioè l’imam.
Sul piano puramente dottrinale – la storia introdurrà, infatti, una notevole complessità nei comportamenti – uno sciita iniziato si sentirà più vicino a uno «sciita» ebreo o cristiano (cioè a un iniziato all’esoterismo del giudaismo e del cristianesimo), che a un musulmano sunnita essoterico, considerato al pari di un avversario.
8) LE FONTI: HADITN E CORANO. Come il sunnismo, lo sciismo riconosce due fonti scritturali che considera i fondamenti dell’islam in generale, e delle sue dottrine in particolare: il Corano e i hadith. Ma il corpus di hadith sciiti è totalmente diverso dal suo equivalente sunnita.
Si tratta di un corpus di tradizioni risalenti al Profeta, a sua figlia Fâtima e ai dodici imam, vale a dire all’insieme di personaggi santi chiamati «i Quattordici Impeccabili» (ma‘sûm).
In questo corpus immenso, che conta parecchie migliaia di pagine, le parti dedicate agli imam – soprattutto al quinto e al sesto, rispettivamente Muhammad al-Bâqir e Ja‘far al-Sâdiq – sono molto più lunghe rispetto a quelle riservate a Fâtima e Maometto. Rispetto ai hadith sunniti, quindi, il Profeta occupa un posto molto ridotto nelle tradizioni sciite.
Questo si spiega con la logica religiosa propria dello sciismo: l’imam è il messaggero dell’esoterico, del senso nascosto, e il profeta dell’essoterico, della lettera.
9) MISSIONE E “POTERE SANTO”. La walâya indica al tempo stesso la missione sacra degli imam e, in questo senso, è sinonimo di imamato, cioè della guida temporale e spirituale dei fedeli. Si potrebbe tradurre anche con «potere santo», poiché si tratta di un’autorità concessa per elezione divina. L’imam è, a questo livello, il detentore della scienza iniziatica segreta e dei poteri taumaturgici. È l’erede della tradizione iniziatica dei profeti. Le fonti della sua conoscenza sono quattro: celesti (angeli e altre entità), occulte (forze soprannaturali o ancora il nome supremo di Dio, dai poteri magici), scritte (Libri santi di tutte le religioni e un certo numero di scritti segreti) e orali (l’insegnamento iniziatico degli imam pre- cedenti).
10) IL SEGRETO DEI SEGRETI. Infine, l’imam, in quanto volto rivelato di Dio, costituisce l’esoterico dell’esoterico (bâtin al-bâtin) dell’insegnamento sciita, il segreto più custodito della walâya. È rivelato solo ai discepoli intimi che hanno ricevuto un’iniziazione particolare, tale da renderli dei «credenti messi alla prova da Dio per la fede». Questo livello comprende l’insegnamento degli strati più segreti delle discipline religiose, cioè le dottrine esoteriche specificamente sciite, ma anche le pratiche iniziatiche come le preghiere segrete, i poteri legati a uno specifico corpus di conoscenze, quali per esempio il nome supremo di Dio, o ancora certi rituali o «esercizi», come «la visione del cuore» (al-ru’ya bi l-qalb), che consiste nel raggiungimento della visione dell’imam interiore, sotto forma di luce, nel centro sottile del cuore.
LA FEDE È QUELLA MARCIA IN PIÙ DI CUI HA ASSOLUTAMENTE BISOGNO LA TUA VITA! 15 potenti versi della Bibbia per affrontare le sfide di ogni giorno. 8 aprile 2016. Ogni essere umano ha delle battaglie da affrontare quotidianamente. Che tu sia uomo o donna, adolescente o anziano, impiegato o dirigente d’impresa, poco importa: oggi, in questo momento, stai affrontando una sfida. O ti stai preparando per affrontarla. L’abbondanza della vita in Cristo non è sinonimo di “mancanza di problemi”. Anzi, seguire il Messia a volte sembra essere proprio la causa di alcune situazioni difficili! Essere cristiani, essere seguaci di Colui che ha vinto la morte, significa ben altro: vuol dire trovare la forza per “combattere il buon combattimento”. Non disperare: perché sì, nel mondo avrai tribolazione, ma Lui ha vinto il mondo! Smiling old man:
1) Deuteronomio 31: 6,8. Siate forti, fatevi animo, non temete e non vi spaventate di loro, perché il Signore tuo Dio cammina con te; non ti lascerà e non ti abbandonerà. Il Signore stesso cammina davanti a te; egli sarà con te, non ti lascerà e non ti abbandonerà; non temere e non ti perdere d’animo!
2) Giosuè 1:9: Non ti ho io comandato: Sii forte e coraggioso? Non temere dunque e non spaventarti, perché è con te il Signore tuo Dio, dovunque tu vada».
3) Siracide 34,14: Chi teme il Signore non ha paura di nulla, e non teme perché egli è la sua speranza.
4) Salmo 27: 7-8. Il Signore è la mia forza e il mio scudo, ho posto in lui la mia fiducia; mi ha dato aiuto ed esulta il mio cuore, con il mio canto gli rendo grazie. Il Signore è la forza del suo popolo, rifugio di salvezza del suo consacrato.
5) Proverbi 3:5-6. Confida nel Signore con tutto il cuore e non appoggiarti sulla tua intelligenza; in tutti i tuoi passi pensa a lui ed egli appianerà i tuoi sentieri.
6) Filippesi 1:28, Senza lasciarvi intimidire in nulla dagli avversari. Questo è per loro un presagio di perdizione, per voi invece di salvezza, e ciò da parte di Dio;
7) 1 Cronache 28:20. Davide disse a Salomone suo figlio: «Sii forte, coraggio; mettiti al lavoro, non temere e non abbatterti, perché il Signore Dio, mio Dio, è con te. Non ti lascerà e non ti abbandonerà finché tu non abbia terminato tutto il lavoro per il tempio.
8) Isaia 41:10-13. Non temere, perché io sono con te; non smarrirti, perché io sono il tuo Dio. Ti rendo forte e anche ti vengo in aiuto e ti sostengo con la destra vittoriosa. Ecco, saranno svergognati e confusi quanti s’infuriavano contro di te; saranno ridotti a nulla e periranno gli uomini che si opponevano a te. Cercherai, ma non troverai, coloro che litigavano con te; saranno ridotti a nulla, a zero, coloro che ti muovevano guerra. Poiché io sono il Signore tuo Dio che ti tengo per la destra e ti dico: «Non temere, io ti vengo in aiuto».
9) 1 Corinzi 15:57-58. Siano rese grazie a Dio che ci dà la vittoria per mezzo del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo! Perciò, fratelli miei carissimi, rimanete saldi e irremovibili, prodigandovi sempre nell’opera del Signore, sapendo che la vostra fatica non è vana nel Signore.
10) Salmo 22: 4-6. Se dovessi camminare in una valle oscura, non temerei alcun male, perché tu sei con me. Il tuo bastone e il tuo vincastro mi danno sicurezza. Davanti a me tu prepari una mensa sotto gli occhi dei miei nemici; cospargi di olio il mio capo. Il mio calice trabocca. Felicità e grazia mi saranno compagne tutti i giorni della mia vita, e abiterò nella casa del Signore per lunghissimi anni.
11) Ebrei 13:5-6. La vostra condotta sia senza avarizia; accontentatevi di quello che avete, perché Dio stesso ha detto: “Non ti lascerò e non ti abbandonerò”. Così possiamo dire con fiducia: “Il Signore è il mio aiuto, non temerò. Che mi potrà fare l’uomo?”
12) 1 Pietro 3: 14-16. E se anche doveste soffrire per la giustizia, beati voi! Non vi sgomentate per paura di loro, né vi turbate, ma adorate il Signore, Cristo, nei vostri cuori, pronti sempre a rispondere a chiunque vi domandi ragione della speranza che è in voi. Tuttavia questo sia fatto con dolcezza e rispetto, con una retta coscienza, perché nel momento stesso in cui si parla male di voi rimangano svergognati quelli che malignano sulla vostra buona condotta in Cristo.
13) Giovanni 14:27. Vi lascio la pace, vi do la mia pace. Non come la dà il mondo, io la do a voi. Non sia turbato il vostro cuore e non abbia timore.
14) Filippesi 4:13. Tutto posso in colui che mi dà la forza.
15) Salmo 120: 1,2,7,8. Alzo gli occhi verso i monti: da dove mi verrà l’aiuto? Il mio aiuto viene dal Signore, che ha fatto cielo e terra. Il Signore ti proteggerà da ogni male, egli proteggerà la tua vita. Il Signore veglierà su di te, quando esci e quando entri, da ora e per sempre.
La Sindone di Torino e il Sudario di Oviedo (Spagna) “hanno avvolto, con quasi totale sicurezza, il cadavere della stessa persona”. È la conclusione a cui è giunta un’indagine che ha paragonato le due reliquie mediante uno studio basato sull’antropologia forense e la geometria.
Il lavoro è stato realizzato dal dottore in Belle Arti e docente di Scultura dell’Università di Siviglia Juan Manuel Miñarro all’interno di un progetto del Centro Spagnolo di Sindonologia (CES), entità con sede a Valencia. Lo studio si inserisce così nella direzione di quello che la tradizione afferma da secoli: che i due teli appartengono allo stesso personaggio storico, in questo caso – secondo quella tradizione – Gesù di Nazareth. La Sindone sarebbe il telo che ha avvolto il corpo di Gesù quando è stato deposto nel sepolcro, mentre il Sudario di Oviedo sarebbe quello che ha coperto il suo volto sulla croce dopo la morte. I teli sarebbero quelli trovati nel sepolcro da San Pietro e San Giovanni, come narra il Vangelo. L’indagine “non prova di per sé che quella persona fosse proprio Gesù Cristo, ma ci ha messi chiaramente sulla via di riuscire a dimostrare completamente che la Sacra Sindone e il Santo Sudario hanno avvolto la testa dello stesso cadavere”, ha spiegato a Paraula Juan Manuel Miñarro. Tracce di sangue. Di fatto, l’indagine ha trovato un numero di coincidenze tra le due reliquie che “supera abbondantemente il minimo di punti significativi o di prove richieste dalla maggior parte dei sistemi giudiziari del mondo per l’identificazione di persone, che è tra otto e dodici, mentre quelli constatati dal nostro studio sono più di venti”.
In concreto, il lavoro ha evidenziato “importantissime coincidenze” nelle principali caratteristiche morfologiche (tipo, dimensioni e distanza delle tracce), nel numero e nella distribuzione delle macchie di sangue e nelle impronte di varie lesioni riflesse sui due teli o sulle superfici deformate. Ci sono “punti che evidenziano la compatibilità tra i due teli” nella zona della fronte, sulla quale ci sono resti di sangue, così come sul dorso del naso, sullo zigomo destro o sul mento, che “presentano diverse contusioni”.
Circa le macchie di sangue, Miñarro afferma che le tracce presenti sui due teli presentano differenze morfologiche, ma che “quello che sembra indiscutibile è che i punti da cui è sgorgato il sangue corrispondono totalmente”.
Queste variazioni formali potrebbero spiegarsi con differenze dal punto di vista della durata, della collocazione e dell’intensità del contatto della testa con ciascuno dei teli, oltre che con “l’elasticità propria dei teli di lino”.
In definitiva, le coincidenze riscontrate nei due teli “sono tali che è ormai molto difficile pensare che si tratti di persone diverse”, ha segnalato Jorge Manuel Rodríguez, presidente del CES.
Alla luce dei risultati di questa indagine, “siamo arrivati a un punto in cui sembra assurdo chiedersi se ‘per casualità’ possano coincidere in entrambi tutte le ferite, le contusioni, i rigonfiamenti… La logica ci richiede di pensare che stiamo parlando della stessa persona”, ha concluso.
STOP ALLA TEOSOFIA SATANICA DEL GENDER! Gil De Gamesh: ** 11/04/2016 ** CommunityLa Croce ** fb ** " Educazione sessuale globale” o “guerra contro i bambini” ? [video] Family Watch International ha lanciato sul web un appello accorato: alle Nazioni Unite si continua a proporre documenti che promuovono “diritti sessuali” quanto mai controversi, specie laddove auspicano una educazione sessuale radicale anche per i bambini molto piccoli. Per denunciare questo ennesimo attacco all’umanità e soprattutto ai bambini in tutto il mondo, FWI ha prodotto il documentario... http://www.notizieprovita.it/notizie-dal-mondo/educazione-sessuale-globale-o-guerra-contro-i-bambini-video/#.Vwp4ELNNWC8.facebook
Antonio Petrelli: A parte che chiamare "diritto alla salute delle donne" il voler uccidere un bambino come se avere una gravidanza fosse una malattia, mi sembra strano che, in questo caso, la CGIL vada contro i lavoratori ovvero alcuni medici che si dichiarano obiettori. Il Consiglio d'Europa accusa: "In Italia aborto troppo difficile" Strasburgo bacchetta l'Italia: "Violato il diritto alla salute delle donne". E accusa: "Discriminati i medici non obiettori". http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/politica/consiglio-deuropa-accusa-italia-aborto-troppo-difficile-1244688.html
París, Bruselas: no son las bombas, son los valores. Los atentados de esta semana en Bruselas recuerdan que “estamos en guerra”, como ha vuelto a remarcar el primer ministro francés Manuel Valls. Guerra contra el terrorismo, sí. Pero, también, choque de valores, un conflicto entre dos concepciones del ser humano y de la sociedad. Lo escribía Candela Sande este miércoles en Actuall: es más que una guerra de bombas. Son la religión, la integración de los inmigrantes, el modelo de sociedad, los que están en juego.
Actuall nació para explicar la guerra contra el terrorismo, desde el análisis de la crisis de valores en Occidente. Todo el periodismo de Actuall trata de esclarecer la relación entre el avance del yihadismo y la decadencia cultural entre las élites europeas. Solo una sociedad consciente del desafío, podrá hacerle frente a largo plazo. Participa en Actuall para seguir haciendo periodismo de calidad, comprometido con tus valores. Para donar, entra aquí: https://colabora.actuall.com
Hacia el Estado confesional laicista y de género. La libertad de pensamiento y de conciencia están amenazadas. Empieza a ser una emergencia, la tendencia a hacer callar como sea a cualquiera que piense de un modo distinto a lo que dicta la perspectiva del género, la nueva religión de Estado. Lo hemos visto esta misma semana: el intento de perseguir penalmente a tres obispos madrileños por publicar una carta conjunta denunciando las consecuencias de la ley de transexualidad aprobada en la Asamblea de Madrid con los votos a favor de Ciudadanos, Podemos y el PSOE, y la abstención del PP. El lobby LGTB ha pedido a la Fiscalía que actúe contra ellos por un supuesto delito de odio homofóbico, el nuevo estigma que se impone a todo el que se exprese al margen de los dogmas de la nueva confesión obligatoria. Pensar en libertad será cada vez más difícil y peligroso. Demostrar la singularidad del matrimonio natural, formado por un hombre y una mujer; decir que un padre y una madre son insustituibles en la crianza de un hijo, o criticar la creación de derechos exclusivos en función de la identidad sexual, suponen una condena segura al ostracismo social y, en ciertos casos, multas y penas contra la libertad. Es, junto con la ofensiva laicista de los partidos políticos de la izquierda, el síntoma más serio de una deriva totalitaria en las sociedades occidentales y, particularmente, en España.
Actuall hace periodismo para denunciar los ataques a la libertad de pensamiento y de conciencia, y para refutar la perspectiva de género en las leyes. Mostramos las consecuencias de adoptar la ideología del movimiento LGTB y sus valores totalitarios en la escuela, en los centros de trabajo, en el espacio público. Estamos comprometidos con la libertad de expresión y con la actitud de los hombres y mujeres rebeldes que, como decía Albert Camus, son los que dicen “no” a la injusticia, la opresión y la mentira. Apoya a Actuall para seguir teniendo una voz rebelde e ilustrada que dice “no” a los nuevos dogmas ideológicos y promueve activamente la libertad de pensamiento. Haz tu donativo ahora, con el importe que quieras, aquí: https://colabora.actuall.com
Un Parlamento sin ellos, los más vulnerables. El pasado 20 de diciembre, salió de las urnas el Primer parlamento en España que no tiene un solo diputado provida. La causa del derecho fundamental a la vida fue expulsada de las listas electorales. Literalmente. El PP excluyó de forma ostensible a los últimos diputados y senadores provida que quedaban de la anterior legislatura. El avance del aborto y su discurso es similar en todas las democracias americanas. En las elecciones presidenciales de los Estados Unidos, el aborto será un tema central en los debates, tras el escándalo Planned Parenthood y su comercio clandestino de órganos y tejidos de bebés abortados. El debate cultural sobre el aborto aún está vivo en el hemisferio americano. Las sociedades hispanas aún resisten la presión de la industria abortista y de organismos como la ONU para extender las leyes de aborto indiscriminado y con cargo a los contribuyentes. En Europa, mientras tanto, las élites políticas y culturales tratan de impedir que se hable del aborto. Algo se está moviendo en la base de las sociedades europeas, un impulso de decir basta al exterminio silencioso de las vidas humanas más vulnerables. La coalición provida One of Us, formada por 30 asociaciones europeas que promueven el derecho a la vida, es un signo de esperanza. Pero es necesario un periodismo provida con perspectiva europea e iberoamericana. Actuall es el primer diario de actualidad que incluye en su ideario editorial la defensa de la vida humana como un derecho fundamental desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural.
Actuall asume que la causa de la vida humana ha dejado de ser un debate nacional para convertirse en una de las grandes batallas culturales de nuestro tiempo en todas las democracias. Ayúdanos a cambiar la visión de la vida humana prenatal, y de la maternidad para poder cambiar las leyes del aborto. Participa en un periodismo riguroso y fiable que quiere ganarle la partida al aborto con los datos de la ciencia y la verdad de la conciencia. Haz hoy, ahora, tu donativo para que la voz de los más vulnerables se oiga en el debate público, aunque no esté en el Parlamento. Para donar, entra en el siguiente enlace y elige tu aportación: https://colabora.actuall.com
Puedes ver los cambios pasar delante de ti, dejando que sean otros quienes definan la sociedad en la que vivirán las próximas generaciones. O bien, puedes ser tú quien decida cómo serán las noticias de los próximos seis meses. Puedes resignarte, o puedes protagonizar el cambio a una sociedad mejor, una sociedad ordenada por los valores de la libertad y la dignidad de toda vida humana. Necesitarás conocimiento e imaginación para la batalla más importante, la batalla de las ideas. Actuall nació el pasado 1 de octubre para proveerte de ambas cosas. ¡Sube a bordo y cambia las noticias del mundo! ¡Te deseo un magnífico fin de semana! Víctor y la Redacción de Actuall
STOP ALLA DITTATURA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER! ¡Buenos días, lorenzoJHWH! https://colabora.actuall.com ] [ Hay etapas de la historia humana en las que todo parece acelerarse. Han pasado solo seis meses desde el lanzamiento de Actuall el pasado 1 de octubre, y ya hemos visto juntos cosas dignas de todo un siglo. Tú y yo fuimos testigos de las elecciones generales en España y de las presidenciales que han llevado a Mauricio Macri a la Casa Rosada, en Argentina. Vivimos el triunfo de la Oposición democrática en las elecciones legislativas de Venezuela. Cubrimos las visitas del Papa Francisco a Cuba, a México, a África. Atendimos al Sínodo de la Familia. Miramos hacia la crisis europea por la llegada de refugiados, el acuerdo con Turquía y el referéndum por la salida del Reino Unido de la UE. Pusimos el foco en el genocidio de cristianos en Siria, Iraq y Libia. Te contamos el juicio a Rita Maestre por asaltar el oratorio de la Universidad Complutense, la exposición de Formas Consagradas en una sala municipal de Pamplona, la función de marionetas contratada por el Ayuntamiento de Madrid donde se daban “vivas” a ETA, la salida de Otegi de la cárcel. Estuvimos en la Asamblea de Madrid, cuando tres diputados del PP votaron en conciencia y consiguieron tumbar la moción a favor de la maternidad de alquiler. Seguimos la aprobación del aborto en Chile, la propagación del Zika y su utilización ideológica para extender el aborto en América. Vimos venir el ascenso de Donald Trump y la ventaja de Hillary Clinton en la carrera hacia la Casa Blanca. Nos despertamos, del todo, con el comercio de órganos de bebés abortados por Planned Parenthood. Solo con repasar el archivo de Actuall en estos seis meses, tendríamos suficiente para mirar a los ojos a nuestros nietos y hablarles como aquel androide de Blade Runner: “He visto cosas que vosotros no creeríais…” Apoya con tu donativo el periodismo de Actuall, para que siga habiendo testigos de las causas del derecho a la vida, la familia y las libertades fundamentales. Haz un donativo y participa en un diario que no se parece a ningún otro. Periodismo comprometido con los valores de la sociedad ordenada y abierta. Periodismo con una perspectiva liberal-conservadora del mundo. Periodismo que aporta conocimiento e ideas a los grandes debates culturales sobre el aborto, la redefinición de la familia y el papel de la religión y de los creyentes en la sociedad. Para donar, entra en este enlace:
VOI: TUTTI I GOVERNI DEL MONDO, VOI VI INCONTRATE CON ME PER AFFRONTARE TUTTI I PROBLEMI DEL PIANETA! SE C'È UN ACCORDO? POI, NON È UN TRAUMA CAMBIARE LE REGOLE DEL SISTEMA! LASCIATEMI PROVARE! Obama: Errore intervenire nel 2011 in Libia. 11.04.2016 ( Dopo le accuse mosse a Francia e Regno Unito per l'intervento in Libia del 2011, il presidente Usa ammette le responsabilità della sua amministrazione ). IL MIO SOGNO È QUELLO DI FARE UN RIPENSAMENTO POLITICO E PACIFICO SU TUTTI I DELITTI CHE AVVENGONO IN QUESTO PIANETA! PERCHÉ NON RITENGO INTELLIGENTE UNA AZIONE VIOLENTA, INFATTI, LA GUERRA È SEMPRE LA SCONFITTA DELLA INTELLIGENZA, VOI VI INCONTRATE CON ME PER AFFRONTARE I PROBLEMI DEL PIANETA! ] [ Esattamente un mese fa Barack Obama definiva in una lunga intervista concessa a The Atlantic l'intervento Nato in Libia nel 2011 un errore, a suo dire causato dell'avidità degli alleati della coalizione Nato. Oggi, su quella fallimentare esperienza che ha stravolto i fragili equilibri della sponda sud del Mediterraneo lasciando la Libia nel caos arriva il dietrofront, con le prime ammissioni sulle responsabilità dell'amministrazione Obama. "Il mio errore peggiore? Probabilmente sbagliare nel pianificare il giorno dopo quella che credevo fosse la cosa giusta da fare intervenendo in Libia". Così Obama nel corso di un'intervista rilasciata all'emittente Fox News, in cui ammette di aver agito senza un piano preciso su cosa fare nel Paese dopo la caduta del colonnello Gheddafi. "Ma era la cosa giusta da fare" ha detto poi Obama, contraddicendo se stesso ancora una volta rispetto al pezzo apparso su The Atlantic: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160411/2450260/obama-errore-intervenire-in-libia-2011.html#ixzz45W4vpurN
NON CREDO CHE, noi POSSIAMO PRETENDERE DAI Farisei TALMUD SATANISTI MASSONI SPA FED, QUALCOSA DI BUONO, LORO SONO IL MALE! IL VERO PROBLEMA È CHE ROTHSCHILD PER FARCI USCIRE DALLA RECESSIONE HA BISOGNO DI AMMAZZARE O UCCIDERE, ALMENO 2MILIARDI DI CORRENTISTI BANCARI ] [ La Russia ricorda agli USA i rischi delle violazioni del diritto internazionale. 11.04.2016. La rappresentante ufficiale del ministero degli Esteri russo Maria Zakharova ha commentato le dichiarazioni del presidente USA Barack Obama, secondo cui l'intervento in Libia è stato il suo più grande errore durante la permanenza alla Casa Bianca. "E' stata la stessa cosa con l'Iraq. Lo sarà con l'Afghanistan. Ora stiamo assistendo ad uno schema simile in Siria. Quanto durerà tutto questo? Prima gli USA violano il diritto internazionale, poi ci sorvolano lucidando le loro azioni con le campagne mediatiche. Pochi anni dopo, quando la lucentezza svanisce e cessa lo stupore e tutti scoprono tra i piedi della comunità internazionale le rovine di un altro Stato, Washington lo chiama errore e bolla qualche altro Stato come aggressore," — ha scritto la Zakharova sulla sua pagina Facebook. La portavoce del ministero degli Esteri ha osservato che l'errore in realtà non era nella "mancanza di un piano di azione", come lo stesso Obama ha ammesso. "La questione è nella mancanza della legalità delle azioni. Dopo tutto, il diritto internazionale non è speculativo, ma è un fenomeno puramente applicato, si basa sull'analisi della storia del mondo, sui trionfi e sugli errori dell'umanità, come risultato di un consenso internazionale. La sua violazione produce errori," — ha sottolineato la Zakharova.
ISIS SHARIA, È LA STESSA FILOSOFIA DEI SALAFITI SHAARIA, QUELLA CHE CAMBIA È LA STRATEGIA CRIMINALE, MA, IL NAZISMO SHARIA NON CAMBIA! SONO MOLTO PREOCCUPATO ANCHE, PER I MIEI FRATELLI MUSULMANI CHE SI TROVANO ADESSO, IN QUESTO INFERNO SAUDITA WAHHABITA! Siria, ancora una strage di cristiani. 11.04.2016. Il patriarca siro-ortodosso denuncia alla Bbc: ad al Qaryatain uccisi 21 cristiani dal Daesh. La città assiro cristiana di al Qaryatain, in Siria centrale, ha subito pesanti devastazioni e 21 fedeli cristiani sarebbero stati barbaramente uccisi da uomini del sedicente Stato Islamico. A riferirlo all'emittente britannica Bbc è stato il patriarca di Antiochia e tutto l'Oriente, Ignazio Aphrem II. Secondo quanto riferito dal vescovo di Antiochia, la città riconquistata dieci giorni da dall'esercito governativo e sottratta al controllo del Daesh che ne aveva fatto la roccaforte principale nella provincia di Homs, è stata in questi mesi teatro di massacri dei cristiani della regione. L'uccisione dei 21 fedeli denunciata dal patriarca sarebbe avvenuta poco prima della liberazione della città, dove prima della battaglia finale erano presenti almeno 300 cristiani: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160411/2455063/siria-strage-cristiani.html#ixzz45X5gRSnZ
Una riforma Costituzionale Matteo RENZI scritta da LICIO Gelli? Quindi e un Governo ostile, per il popolo, la tomba della Democrazia! 10.04.2016. In uno sciagurato Paese in cui si è iniziato a parlare del referendum sulle trivelle solo a due mesi dalla consultazione elettorale, è ancora presto evidentemente per occuparsi di quello che a ottobre dovrà confermare o bocciare la riforma costituzionale promossa dall’attuale Presidente del Consiglio. Per fortuna, comunque, in molte Regioni si stanno già formando i comitati del sì e del no, sintomo che il quesito referendario inizia ad accalorare l'opinione pubblica per le conseguenze che potrebbe avere a seconda dell'esito. Abbiamo chiesto al leghista Roberto Calderoli, ex ministro delle Riforme durante il Governo Berlusconi, un parere e un approfondimento per avere più chiarezza sulla situazione politica italiana, anche nell'ottica delle riforme e della difesa dei valori tradizionali. — Che valutazione dà alla riforma costituzionale voluta da Renzi?
— Pessima. Il problema centrale è rappresentato dal combinato disposto fra la riforma costituzionale e la legge elettorale. L'insieme può diventare veramente una bomba ad orologeria per il benessere delle famiglie italiane, per l'ordinamento del nostro Paese e in ultima analisi per la democrazia stessa. Un partito che dovesse vincere le elezioni con il mero 20% dei consensi rischia di prendere in mano la Presidenza del Consiglio, della Camera, del Senato oltre che la Presidenza della Repubblica e di tutti gli organi di garanzia. Si comprende chiaramente che ci troveremmo di fronte a regime un vero e proprio. Non è un caso che questa riforma sia l'esatta fotocopia di quella scritta da Licio Gelli.
— Renzi più volte ha parlato di una possibile modifica dell'attuale sistema regionale volto a ridurre il numero delle Regioni esistenti attualmente. Che cosa ne pensa da ex ministro delle Riforme? — Concordo pienamente nel modificare un sistema in cui vi sono Regioni con una popolazione inferiore a quelle di una provincia media. Il problema della riforma che immagina Renzi non sta però nell'accorpamento delle Regioni: d'altra parte una proposta del genere mi vedrebbe assolutamente d'accordo perché sarebbe in sintonia con il modello delle Macroregioni. Il problema vero è che la riforma Renzi scippa alle Regioni il potere legislativo e di autonomia economica e finanziaria. Si arriverà così a una ricentralizzazione che porterà alla macchina amministrativa più costi, ma con ancor meno efficienza. Micro e macro Regioni sono solo un sogno, perchè Renzi ha già distrutto del tutto il federalismo.
— Che differenza c'è tra la riforma costituzionale renziana e quella varata da Lei e dal Centrodestra?
— Sono l'una il contrario dell'altra. La nostra pose fine al grande limite di questo Paese, che è il bicameralismo paritario. Avevamo ridotto il numero dei deputati e dei senatori, tagliato loro lo stipendio, obbligandoli a lavorare e affidando più funzioni al territorio, con l'equivalente responsabilizzazione derivante dal federalismo fiscale. Loro hanno cancellato tutto: ci sarà ancora la Camera dei Deputati, il Senato, Renzi e un Presidente della Camera fantoccio scelto da lui e dalla sua minoranza: buongiorno e buonanotte alla democrazia. Un vero e proprio regime.
— Qual è il Suo giudizio sulla politica estera di Renzi? Che cosa pensa delle sanzioni occidentali alla Russia?
— Si tratta di un controsenso. Storicamente l'Italia ha dei rapporti molto stretti a livello commerciale con la Russia. Imporre queste sanzioni è una punizione prima di tutto per il nostro Paese: per gli imprenditori, i commercianti, gli artigiani. Quello che lascia perplessi è anche come l'Occidente e l'Europa stiano punendo l'unico Stato che abbia assunto una posizione energica e decisa contro il terrorismo. Invece di dare un premio, si cerca di danneggiare il governo russo e ci si danneggia noi stessi: qualcosa di surreale. Se vivessimo in un mondo normale, oggi tutti prenderebbero esempio dalla Russia e da Putin.
— Che cosa può fare la Lega Nord per mettere fine all'ostilità occidentale verso la Russia?
[ La guerra di sanzioni continua, l’Italia paga il conto ] — Ogni volta che si parla di politica estera, che lo si faccia o nel Parlamento italiano o in quello europeo, noi continuiamo a lottare per superare le sanzioni e anzi per costruire un'alleanza commerciale e politica con la Russia. Purtroppo riceviamo sempre dei no dal governo Renzi e dal Parlamento europeo. Personalmente credo che il Governo italiano in particolare dovrà fare i conti con la storia e rispondere in futuro a chi ha difeso l'Occidente e l'Europa sul perché si sia piegato e abbia aperto le porte all'Isis-Daesh.
di male in peggio ] "TANTO PEGGIO TANTO MEGLIO" lo ha detto: ROTHSCHILD BILDENBERG 666 NWO [ 11.04.2016. Le bande criminali sfruttano la posizione dei rifugiati per realizzare i loro lavori sporchi: traffico di droga, furti e aggressioni, scrive “Die Welt”. Gli affiliati alle bande criminali delle grandi città tedesche cercano di reclutare nelle loro organizzazioni i profughi che si trovano negli ostelli e nei centri di accoglienza, scrive il tabloid tedesco "Die Welt" riferendosi ai rappresentanti della polizia di Berlino. "Mentre l'intera Germania dibatte la crisi migratoria, i gruppi criminali sfruttano la posizione in cui si trovano i rifugiati", — "Die Welt" cita le parole di un funzionario di polizia rimasto nell'anonimato. Secondo il poliziotto, ai clan della malavita interessano giovani uomini per sfruttarli nel "lavoro sporco": traffico di droga, furti e aggressioni a scopo di racket.
MY ISRAEL ] [ quando cerco di cancellare gli articoli doppi che ho messo nei miei blog, me lo impediscono in blogger, per rallentare la mia uscita da internet, così sono costretto a ridigitarli ad uno ad uno e perdo più tempo!
MI PIACE MOLTO questa IDEA DI FARE UN PONTE TRA EGITTO E ARABIA SAUDITA, io pensavo di costruirlo per ISRAELE, e per potenziare la economia della Giordania, più in territorio giordano, ma quello che, io temo è che la realizzazione di questo ponte possa distruggere le ruote di bronzo, dei carri da guerra dell'esercito del faraone, che inseguiva gli ebrei, e che giacciono, su un ponte naturale, ancora in fila indiana in fondo al mare, perché quello è certamente il fondale più basso e più agevole da utilizzare! QUINDI PER NON DANNEGGIARE LA ARCHEOLOGIA, E IL MIRACOLO DI DIO, DOVREBBERO FARE DUE MUSEI CON QUESTE RUOTE AI DUE LATI DEL PONTE!
poiché, è legale il terrorismo sharia LEGA ARABA, contro il resto del MONDO, poi, non potrebbe mai essere illegale la occupazione: il genocidio e la deportazione, perché la sharia è già tutto questo! MA, ISRAELE SA CHE IL TEMPO È UN GALANTUOMO, PER DEGLI IGNORANTI CHE NON HANNO STUDIATO BENE LA STORIA! ] dicono: [ Israele continua l’occupazione illegale dei territori palestinesi
#SALMAN #SHARIA ] tu e tuoi alleati: SpA Talmud Satanisti Farisei Massoni, voi avete fatto del male ai musulmani, perché tu non troverai 10 cristiani, che siano andati a fare del male a dei musulmani, che, non è stato per difendere la loro vita: infatti tu minacci tutti i cristiani del mondo: con la tua internazionale islamica, ed infatti non esiste una internazionale cristiana!
#sharia #sALMAN Tu dimmi quante Chiese sei riuscito a bruciare in questi ultimi 30 anni!
USA e NATO sono un totale delitto internazionale! ] SANNO TUTTI CHE UCRAINA HA ABBATTUTO "Malaysia Airlines nel Donbass" E LE LUCERTOLE DELLA CIA E NATO NON VOGLIONO TIRARE FUORI I DOCUMENTI! [ Giallo a Kiev: tentato omicidio capo pool di investigatori su disastro boeing nel Donbass, 11.04.2016 (La Procura Generale ucraina ha segnalato il tentato omicidio del capo del pool di investigatori della tragedia del boeing della Malaysia Airlines nel Donbass; il presunto omicida è stato arrestato. Oggi il procuratore capo militare dell'Ucraina Anatoly Matios condurrà una conferenza stampa "sull'arresto dell'attentatore che ha cercato di uccidere il capo del pool di investigatori della tragedia del boeing della Malaysia Airlines nel Donbass", segnala RIA Novosti. Lo scorso 1° aprile, dopo i colloqui a Mosca con il capo della diplomazia serba, il ministro degli Esteri Sergey Lavrov aveva detto che la Russia è ancora in attesa di chiarimenti sulle indagini riguardo lo schianto del boeing malese. Il 3 marzo si è saputo che Washington non renderà pubbliche le informazioni sui dati che trasmetterà in Olanda sul disastro dell'aereo della "Malaysia Airlines".
In seguito il procuratore Fred Westerbeke, a capo dell'indagine internazionale sulle cause dello schianto del boeing nel Donbass, ha dichiarato che è imprevedibile la data di completamento delle indagini, ma ha promesso che entro l'estate verrà indicata la posizione esatta dello sparo e il tipo di missile che ha abbattuto l'aereo.
Zakharova: USA stanno intenzionalmente nascondendo la verità sull’abbattimento del Boeing
Nessuno come la Russia è interessato alla verità sul disastro del Boeing in Donbass
La Russia ha subito una nuova aggressione mediatica per il rapporto del boeing malese
Test del costruttore dei missili Buk su Boeing
Almaz-Antey smentisce i risultati della commissione olandese su Boeing
“Tempi troppo lunghi per indagini su Boeing precipitato in Ucraina destano sospetto”
Leggi tutto: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160411/2452416/Ucraina.html#ixzz45XWC5Fmj
Yemen, l’Arabia Saudita viola la tregua, 11.04.2016. ] poiché, sono sharia spietati BESTIE, entrambi i contendenti? POI, NON È POSSIBILE CHE IL REGNO DI DIO POSSA STARE CON QUALCUNO DI LORO! [ Prosegue la guerra in Yemen. Bombardamenti sauditi nella provincia di Taiz a poche ore dal cessate il fuoco promosso dall’Onu. L'Arabia Saudita viola la tregua in Yemen, promossa dall'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite. A sole poche ore dall'entrata in vigore del cessate il fuoco, sono in corso violenti bombardamenti in diverse aree della provincia di Taiz, nel sud-ovest dello Yemen e bombardieri sauditi stanno sorvolando i cieli della capitale Sana'a. Intanto, una dichiarazione congiunta di Leila Zerrougui, Rappresentante Speciale del Segretario Generale Onu per i bambini e i conflitti armati e Peter Salama, Direttore Regionale Unicef per il Medio Oriente e il Nord Africa informa che i bambini rappresentano un terzo delle vittime civili nel conflitto yemenita e quasi un quarto dei feriti. In secondo luogo, gli attacchi alle infrastrutture civili, in particolar modo alle scuole e alle strutture sanitarie, sono ormai diventati molto frequenti. "Le parti — conclude la dichiarazione — dovrebbero prendere ogni decisione possibile per proteggere le scuole e gli ospedali e facilitare la distribuzione di aiuti umanitari ai bambini e a tutti coloro che hanno bisogno di aiuto": http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160411/2456131/yemen-arabia-saudita-viola-tregua-promossa-da-onu.html#ixzz45XWtBu1v
i satanisti massoni usurai farisei SPA FED NWO? non guardano in faccia a nessuno! ] [ Una comunità indigena nel nord del Canada ha dichiarato lo stato di emergenza dopo che 11 persone hanno tentato di togliersi la vita in un solo giorno. in base a quanto riferiscono i media canadesi, nella tribù di Attawapiskat First Nation, nella provincia dell'Ontario, ci sono stati 28 tentativi di suicidio a marzo e più di 100 dallo scorso settembre. Sulla vicenda è intervenuto lo stesso premier, Justin Trudeau, che ha definito il caso 'straziante'. La comunità indigena del Canada, 1,4 milioni di persone, vive ad un alto livello di povertà e l'aspettativa di vita è al di sotto della media. "Lavoreremo per migliorare le condizioni di vita della popolazione indigena", ha detto Trudeau. Un'altra comunità di aborigeni del Canada, che vive nel Manitoba, ha chiesto aiuto a marzo dopo i sei suicidi avvenuti in due mesi e 140 tentato suicidio in due settimane.
Secondo lo Stato maggiore russo, inoltre, la Turchia dei TERRORISTI SAUDITI USA 666 SPA FED il GUFO, non smette di fornire armi e militanti al fronte al-Nusra. 11 APR - Al-Nusra ha ammassato "circa 10mila militanti" nelle zone limitrofe ad Aleppo e si prepara "a una grande offensiva". Lo ha comunicato lo Stato Maggiore russo in conferenza stampa. L'azione militare avrebbe come obiettivo quello di "tagliare la strada" che collega Aleppo a Damasco. Se questa operazione di al-Nusra avrà successo, sottolinea lo Stato Maggiore russo, la parte settentrionale della Siria potrebbe "finire nuovamente sotto assedio". Ecco perché "tutte le azioni dell'esercito siriano e dell'aviazione russa sono ora orientate a neutralizzare i piani di al-Nusra". Lo Stato Maggiore russo ha inoltre fatto sapere di aver esortato gli Usa a "contrastare" il concentramento dei jihadisti nell'area di Aleppo. Mosca sottolinea inoltre che al momento non è previsto nessun "assalto" alla città stessa. Lo riportano le agenzie. Secondo lo Stato maggiore russo, inoltre, la Turchia non smette di fornire armi e militanti al fronte al-Nusra.
Corbyn, Cameron non ha chiarito, 'Regole per i ricchi diverse da quelle delle altre persone'. CAMERON TU SEI IL BOIA DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI DI SIRIA E DI IRAQ, TU TE NE DEVI ANDARE, CON LE BUONE O CON LE CATTIVE? TE NE DVI ANDARE! TU SEI UN PERICOLOSO CRIMINALE INTERNAZIONALE: "VATTENE"! LONDRA, 11 APR - David Cameron non ha chiarito gli interrogativi sulle sue finanze, cambia discorso ed il suo intervento è stato un "capolavoro nell'arte della diversione". Lo ha detto alla Camera dei Comuni il leader laburista Jeremy Corbyn, secondo cui le regole per i "super ricchi" non sono le stesse di quelle per tutte le altre persone.
11 aprile 2016 non hanno avuto ancora tempo, ma, io pensavo che in google avessero già esaminato il caso di: [ Salve, il tuo blog all'indirizzo http://evolutionxtalmud.blogspot.com/ è stato esaminato ed è stata verificata la violazione dei nostri Termini di servizio per: OTHER_ABUSE. In accordo con tali termini, abbiamo rimosso il blog e l'URL non è più accessibile. Elenco blog › Richiedi analisi per sblocco creazione o evoluzione Il tuo blog è stato bloccato perché viola Termini di servizio. Se non richiedi una revisione, questo blog verrà eliminato definitivamente entro 85 giorni. Abbiamo ricevuto la tua richiesta di sblocco il giorno 9 aprile 2016. Ti preghiamo di pazientare mentre diamo un'occhiata al blog e ne verifichiamo la conformità alle nostre Norme sui contenuti.
I'm not a predator, an executioner, an avenger of blood, and I do not pretend taxes, that, someone, he needs to protect itself from me. No! That's why, all the world's doors will open in front of me, because I'm a giver, a giver of freedom, self-determination, and liberating the prisoners!
@ กองทุนการเงินระหว่างประเทศฟาริสี Rothschild สำหรับฆ่าอิสราเอลกับหัวหน้าศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลก: สันนิบาตอาหรับ: Salafis ผมได้ความคิดที่ดีเพราะไม่ฆ่าฉันเกินไปเช่นที่คุณได้ฆ่า: ประธานาธิบดีจอห์นเคนเนดีเมื่อเขาได้: บริหาร 11110 การสั่งซื้อซึ่งมอบหมายให้กระทรวงการคลังที่จะพิมพ์เงิน: ในนามของประชาชนชาวอเมริกันโดยไม่ให้: ค่าใช้จ่ายให้คุณ: เกี่ยวกับ 270% ของเงินของเรา (กับสามหลอกลวง: เป็นกล่าวว่านักวิทยาศาสตร์: Giacinto Auriti) เขาว่าเขาเป็นประธานจริงสำหรับคนอเมริกันและไม่เป็นคือคนทรยศ Islamist โอบามา
นิวยอร์ก -'' ฉันไม่: มุสลิมสังคมนิยม: ว่าผมก่อน ... '' ประธานาธิบดีสหรัฐบารักโอบามาเยาะเย้ย, ยิ้มและตนเองหึ .. - คำตอบ - @ ทรยศโอบามา, Islamist, โกหกฆาตกร! การ ฆ่าล้างเผ่าพันธุ์ของชาวคริสต์และชินักบวชพระลูกวัดและบาทหลวงฆ่า: เลือดเย็นด้วยการหลอกลวงหักหลังลักพาตัวเหมือนสัตว์, ข่มขืนสาว "ฆ่า" เรียกค่าไถ่ทุกฝาของคุณ: ผู้ก่อการร้าย: Salafis, พี่น้อง "มุสลิม" อิสลามจะแพร่กระจายของคุณ "หัวหน้าศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลกของคุณ" ซึ่งพวกเขามีวันนี้ในซีเรียและว่าคุณมีการแพร่กระจายเพียง: ทั่วทะเลเมดิเตอร์เรเนียน ฯลฯ .. ? คือคุณ: ซีไอเอและคุณ: สันนิบาตอาหรับ: ที่จะทำทั้งหมดอาชญากรรมเหล่านี้! และ สื่อของยิวผูกขาดของแต่ละสปา, บริษัท สำหรับ: การกระทำ: IMF, FED, ECB, ลมุดวาระ: Bildenberg ระบบก่ออิฐ: สำหรับ Seigniorage ธนาคารปกพวกเขา: ทั้งหมดนี้ด้วยคำโกหกของพวกเขาและของพวกเขา ข้อมูลไม่เหมาะสม จะได้รับที่ดีกว่าสำหรับคุณที่คุณไม่เคยได้รับเกิด!
ปากีสถาน: ผู้สมัคร VS ระเบิดเสียชีวิต 5 ระเบิดระเบิดในระหว่างการประชุมเลือกตั้ง 15 ได้รับบาดเจ็บ 07:39 เมษายน 28 อัฟกานิสถานตอลิบานในฤดูใบไม้ผลิที่น่ารังเกียจ ใช้ประกาศตัว: รุกคืบและกามิกาเซ่ ': การดำเนินงานโดยรวม' 06:34 28 เมษายนตลกโอบามาจะไม่มุสลิม ... กระแทกแดกดัน - คำตอบ - แน่นอนคุณไม่ได้มุสลิมในความเป็นจริงชาวมุสลิมทุกคนเป็นคนดี! คุณ Islamist, ที่จะทำหัวหน้าศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลก: สำหรับ "สันนิบาตอาหรับ" กับการฆ่าล้างเผ่าพันธุ์ของชาวคริสต์ทั้งหมดและไซเธียนทั้งหมดที่จะทำสลาย ตัว: อิสราเอลระหว่าง: สงครามโลกครั้งที่ III ใกล้เข้ามา .. นี่ คือเหตุผล: เชชเนียได้ถูกลักพาตัวไปบิชอป, เพื่อล้างแค้นให้กับ lattentato ของบอสตัน, บาทหลวงที่ได้จ่ายเงินไปแล้วสำหรับ: พระสงฆ์ผู้ซึ่งเคยเป็นแล้วก็เชือดคอดังนั้นมันเป็นสิทธิของพวกเขาในขณะนี้: สำหรับคุณ " สันนิบาตอาหรับ "การฆ่า: เพิ่มเติม: บิชอปเกินไปแล้วที่จะแสวงหาเงิน: ยังสำหรับพวกเขา ..
2013/02/12 [ซีเรีย - วาติกัน] หลังจากที่กลุ่มกบฏมุสลิมยึดนักบวชทั้งสองใน Aleppo มีความกลัว: สำหรับชีวิตของพวกเขา พระคาทอลิกอาร์เมเนีย, Fr ไมเคิลและนักบวชออร์โธดอกถูกลักพาตัว: วันอาทิตย์สุดท้ายใน Aleppo คริสเตียน: บ้านใกล้เรือนเคียง แหล่งที่มาพูดได้: เพื่อ AsiaNews: เกี่ยวกับการฆาตกรรมป่าเถื่อน: ดำเนินการ: อิสลามสุดโต่งของฉัน ระเบิดรถยนต์: ระเบิด: ที่ตุรกีซีเรีย: ข้ามพรมแดน: จาก Cilvegozu [หลังจากที่มีการสังหาร: ฆ่า: พระสงฆ์ที่พวกเขาเรียกร้องให้: ค่าไถ่: บาทหลวงของพวกเขา] 2013/04/26 [ตั้งแต่ สันนิบาตอาหรับจะทำฆ่าล้างเผ่าพันธุ์ของชิและคริสเตียน, ข่มขืน, ฆาตกรรม, ทุกที่เธอชนะดินแดนแล้วเชชเนียที่พวกเขาแก้แค้นผู้ก่อการร้ายฆ่าตายในบอสตัน (เช่นกล่าวว่าตุรกี)] สัญลักษณ์ของบาทหลวงออร์โธดอกไม่มี 'ปล่อยความกลัวของแบล็กเมล์ทางการเมืองเติบโต 322 เคอร์รี่บุช, โอบามา 666 Rothschild ผมพบว่ารินในห้องปฏิบัติการของสันนิบาตอาหรับที่ของคุณ: อัลกออิดะห์ได้นำในซีเรีย .. ที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับคุณ: ก็จะได้รับถ้าคุณไม่ได้เกิดมาเคย!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ฮ่า pubblicato ยกเลิก commento 45 minuti fa คุณได้ทำให้ช่องทางใหม่ยังไม่ได้? - คำตอบ - เหล่านั้นที่ฉันมี (ประมาณ 50 ช่อง) จะมากเกินไปสำหรับผมที่จะได้รับดีขึ้นเพียงหนึ่งช่อง: สำหรับผม แต่เป็นคุณสามารถพูดได้ว่า "ซาตานบันทึก" และจากนั้นคุณ ซ่อนตัวเองเช่นเป็นคนขี้ขลาดหลังภาพของเซนต์ Bartolo Longo ที่เขาเป็นเมื่ออายุของคุณเขาเป็นนักบวชลัทธิวูดูของซาตาน ... ชอบคุณ?
[[ซีเรีย อิสระสองบาทหลวงออร์โธดอก ANSA.it - 4 วันที่ผ่านมา]] .. แต่ คุณต้องขุด: กับความดื้อรั้นที่ดีที่จะได้พบกับข่าวนี้ "ซ่อน" ในสื่อยิวระหว่างประเทศ: Bildenberg ของระบบก่ออิฐของธนาคาร Seigniorage [[ซีเรียลักพาตัวบาทหลวง; ยังที่: เอเธนส์: ไม่ได้: ปลดปล่อยยืนยัน ANSA.it - 3 วันที่ผ่านมา: สังฆมณฑลอาเลปโปติดต่อกับสอง Archbishops ร์โธดอกซ์ไม่มี]] เคอร์รี่กล่าวว่า'' ผมพูดเมื่อเช้านี้: จากที่นี่ด้วยนาทานนาฮูและเขาบอกผมว่ามันก็ไม่อยู่ในฐานะที่จะยืนยัน . นี้เป็นกระบวนการของพวกเขา: อีเมล์: ขึ้นอยู่กับพวกเขาเช่นและเมื่อพวกเขาต้องการที่จะทำและมันก็ไม่ได้: กับฉัน: ทำให้ประกาศ ดังนั้นผมไม่ทราบว่า''! บางที อาจจะหมายถึง (แต่พี่หมายความว่าคำพูดนี้?): ถ้าคุณต้องการที่จะบุกซีเรียด้วยการใส่ร้ายเช่นคุณได้บุกเข้ามาแล้วอิรัก ด้วยการใส่ร้ายคนอื่นแล้วทำเช่นนั้น แต่ คุณไม่ได้ทำลายไก่: ให้ฉัน!
@ เบนจามินนาทานนาฮูตี --- ที่มีอาวุธนิวเคลียร์ในวันนี้เหมือนกันทั้ง 50 ประเทศอิสลามก็เป็นโอกาสเดียวที่คุณมีความสามารถในการช่วยอิสราเอล
@ --- เบนจามินนาทานนาฮู แต่นี้เป็นจริง: มีมากขึ้น: ไฟต์ แต่มีโครงการที่: ล็อบบี้ชาวยิวและอำนาจลึกลับอิฐ: กองทุนการเงินระหว่างประเทศ FED 666, ระบบ: นรกเผด็จการอำนาจกองทุนการเงินระหว่างประเทศ, Bildenberg, และ ทุกทิศทางที่ซ่อนของพวกเขา (วิทยาศาสตร์สูงสุดของวิศวกรรมสังคมและทุกผูกขาด SpA ทั้งหมดที่อยู่ในมือ: จาก Rothschid เท่านั้น) ในลักษณะนี้พวกเขาจะ: อีกครั้งตำหนิคริสเตียนสำหรับ: ขุดรากถอนโคน: ความ หายนะกำลังใกล้เข้ามา: ต่อต้านอิสราเอลในระหว่างสงครามโลกครั้งที่สามหายนะใหม่เป็นครั้งเดียวที่ พวกเขาทำ: หลังสงครามโลกครั้งที่สอง เห็นว่ามีการปฏิวัติฝรั่งเศสที่ไม่มากขึ้นอยู่กับนโยบาย: สามารถจะอยู่ภายใต้การควบคุมของชาวคริสต์ในเวสต์! ที่ว่าทำไมพวกฟาริสีและ Salafists: ควรจะพิพากษาให้ตาย! เพราะมีการสนทนากับพวกเขาเป็นไปไม่ได้
[หัวหน้า ศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลกเช่น: กลยุทธ์ของสงครามก้าวร้าว] คือ Islamophobia ทั้งหมด: ธรรมตั้งแต่: ว่า islamists อิสลามสมรู้ร่วมคิดของเราพวกเขานอนหลับอย่าง: สำหรับอาชญากรรม: ว่าอิสลามของพวกเขา: การกระทำ: ทั้งหมด, ตะวันออกกลาง, กับคริสเตียนซึ่งเป็นเหตุผลที่จะมีการกระตุ้นเจ็บปวดจำเป็นฉับพลันและชัดเจน นี้ ชนชั้นปกครองที่เช่นมาถึงข้อตกลงกับผู้ก่อการร้ายโดยไม่ต้องจัดการกับของ เรา: ปัญหาของการเชื่อมโยงกัน: เลวทรามและอาชญากรซับซ้อน: แนวคิดเท็จของ "สันติภาพ" ในขณะที่: หลายมากเกินไปสักขีคริสเตียนบริสุทธิ์ หาสันติภาพของพวกเขาที่สุสาน ใน ความเป็นจริงชาวคริสต์ในดินแดนปาเลสไตน์ (ด้านล่าง, ยัสเซอร์อาราฟัต) ได้มีการหลบหนีค์ไรเดอในขณะที่ชาวคริสต์ที่เหลือพวกเขาจะถูกบังคับให้เป็น dhimmis ทาสวิชา Submitted ยังพวกเขาเพื่อให้กฎหมายอิสลาม แล้วทำไมยุโรปยังคงเป็นศัตรูของอิสราเอลและสมรู้ร่วมคิดของลัทธินาซีชาว ปาเลสไตน์และของทุกประเทศ Islamized ตอนนี้โดยสันนิบาตอาหรับ?
[หัวหน้า ศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลกอิสลามเช่นกลยุทธ์ของสงครามก้าวร้าวและทางตะวันตก: มากขึ้นและความผิดทางอาญา] ขับรถล่องลอยไปตามธนาคารล็อบบี้ชาวยิว: Illuminati: IMF-NWO พวกฟาริสีระหว่างประเทศนายธนาคารที่ได้สาบานความเกลียดชัง, นิรันดร์กับ : คริสต์ผลักดันตัวเองอย่างมากเอาต์: จากอารยธรรม: ยิว - คริสเตียนสำหรับพวกเขาได้กลาย: ศัตรูที่แท้จริงของการอยู่รอดของอิสราเอล เวสต์: อิฐและนรกลึกลับอำนาจ Bildenberg ว่าปฏิเสธคุณค่าของตัวเองและ: ทรยศต่อตัวตนของตัวเองของยุโรปที่ถูกทิ้งร้างไปให้อภัยดังนั้นความผิดทาง อาญาจะเป็น: กลายเป็นคนหูหนวก ... และ ตัวเอง: ตัวเอกกระหายเลือด, สมรู้ร่วมคิด: จากการละเมิดแต่ละเสรีภาพทางศาสนาทั้งขอบนอกของมันทั้งภายในพรมแดนของตน เพราะถ้ามันเป็นเรื่องจริงว่าชาวมุสลิมเป็นพี่น้องของเรา แต่ก็ยังเป็นความจริงที่ว่า,
[หัวหน้า ศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลกของโอบามา] ไม่ยากที่จะหาหลักฐานจากนี้: โศกนาฏกรรมของมนุษย์เป็นภัยพิบัติที่: ภาคภูมิกองทุนการเงินระหว่างประเทศ: ECB FED, ซีไอเอสหรัฐอเมริกาสหประชาชาตินาโตมีความซับซ้อน จาก ความป่าเถื่อนนี้ประชาศาสนาวัฒนธรรมที่มีการปรับตัวลดลง: โลก: อาหรับมุสลิมในเหยื่อคลั่งลัทธิ: อิสลามสุดโต่งและใจแคบ: เผด็จการที่อยู่ในอำนาจ [ความ รับผิดชอบของยุโรป: ตัวประกันตอนนี้ Illuminati Bildenber: มันใหญ่] ในการประหัตประหารอย่างต่อเนื่องและอย่างต่อเนื่อง: เสียหน้าทุกวันว่าคริสเตียนทั้งหมดภายใต้ระบอบการปกครองแบบอิสลามและในทุก สิ่ง: ตะวันออกกลางพวกเขาจะถูกบังคับให้อาศัยอยู่และต้องทนทุกข์ทรมานเพราะ: ยุโรป ป่วยจากนี้: relativism ตาบอด: มีความคิดที่ดีของวัฒนธรรมหลากหลายที่อย่างไรก็ดีไม่สามารถรู้: โดย: แนวคิดของความสัมพันธ์ซึ่งกันและกัน
[โอบามา และการสูญเสียแผนของเขาของชาวคริสต์และชิในตะวันออกกลาง] ก่อนชัยชนะของอาหรับและชาวมุสลิมในศตวรรษที่สิบเจ็ดคริสเตียนที่สร้างขึ้น, 95% ของประชากรของทะเลเมดิเตอร์เรเนียน: ทิศใต้และทิศตะวันออกของทะเลเมดิเตอร์เรเนียน แต่วันนี้ที่มีน้อยกว่า 12 ล้านได้ลดลง, แรงน้อยกว่า 6% แน่นอนในปี 2020 จะไม่มีคริสเตียนในตะวันออกกลาง! ตั้งแต่สงครามโลกครั้งที่หนึ่ง: 10 ล้านคริสเตียนได้ถูกบังคับให้อพยพ นี้ เป็นหลักฐานของซาตานและ: ทารุณทางอาญา dell'imbarbarimento ไม่เพียง แต่ของสันนิบาตอาหรับ แต่เหนือสิ่งอื่นใดสมรู้ร่วมคิดของเขา Freemasons พวกฟาริสี, Illuminati, Bildenberg พลังลึกลับซึ่งมีเงียบ รัฐประหาร: เข้ามากุมอำนาจ: ในทุกประชาธิปไตยเท็จอิฐ: ธนาคาร Seigniorage
1 [คริสตจักร (คริสเตียน martyrs) ถูกรังแกในตะวันออกกลาง: ไป: ทำหัวหน้าศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลก] 2 [คริสตจักร (คริสเตียน martyrs) ถูกข่มเหงทั่วทุกมุมโลกนี้: ภาคภูมิของพวกฟาริสี: อิฐในระบบ: สำหรับ Seigniorage ธนาคารที่จะเป็นทาสของมนุษย์ทุกคนและจะทำลายอิสราเอล.] 3 [คริสตจักร (สักขีคริสเตียน) จะถูกข่มเหงโดยทุกศาสนาและลัทธิคอมมิวนิสต์ ] เรามีการเป็นพยานกลัวอย่างเพื่อประหัตประหารและการอพยพของชาวคริสต์จากตะวัน ออกกลางซึ่งเป็นชาวพื้นเมืองที่แท้จริงของภูมิภาคเพราะของความคิด: ว่าเป็น satanizzata: เกี่ยวกับศาสนาอิสลาม: จากสันนิบาตอาหรับของเขาและ : ซีไอเอทั้งหมดที่พวกนาซี Islamists นาซีอย่างไม่ผ่อนปรนและล้มเหลวในการเคารพศักดิ์ศรีและสิทธิของความเป็น มนุษย์ ตามที่พวกเขาซ่อนเหตุผลที่แท้จริงว่าทำไมอิสราเอลถูกบังคับที่จะให้ "ยาก" กับชาวปาเลสไตน์@ Youtube - калі хто-то кажа мне: габрэй: арабскім, кітайскім, афрыканскім, і г.д. ..? Вы можаце верыць мне: "Я не ведаю, што гэта можа азначаць?"
[Ротшыльд, я люблю цябе] .. і няма нікога, можа нанесці шкоду Вось, да цябе, калі ты ёсць, са мной! Таму што, для ўсіх: хадзьба быць: на шляху да Бога: гэта пайсці: у Ерусалім для яўрэйскага Храма? Іх грэх не забыты Таксама! Бог не хоча: гэта страшны грэх: з МВФ, і ў вас няма яго, не зрабіў: ён ніколі зноў! Так як ласка Божая на тварах святых Сваіх, а менавіта: на твары таксама! На самай справе, Бог ёсць Абарона: чысціня і нявіннасць All Those: што: вы робіце: як, "дзеці", каб мець права: каб увайсці ў Яго Царства! Сёння: Бог сказаў мне: "быць вам: вам: вы пачнеце: вызваліць Ізраіль. Ад рукі філістымлян" Giudici13, 5.
[Ротшыльд Я дарую табе з усім тваім] .. Зло не можа быць: будучыня або інвестыцый: для тых, хто, на самай справе: зло: не даюць скідкі .. але калі вы хочаце, вы можаце выйсці з цемры з вашай "," зараз: зараз: зараз! "" .. Як вы можаце: па мне! ў вас няма праблем: са мной, таму што, 1. каханне мацней, нянавісці і смерці! Таму што 2. Царства Божае ня можа быць выйграная: па любому не кажучы ўжо пра: калі ён можа быць выйграная: ад лайна Сатаны! (LOL.avi толькі: паглядзець, як яны апранаюцца? Сатаністаў Адчуйце .. прабачце!) 3. Гэта не магчыма выйграць супраць: палітычнае служэньне маё!
@ Ротшыльд ад: IsraelNationalTV .. -> Бог сёння: 27 - студзень 2012: сказаў мне: 1. "І самае галоўнае:" unius Рэй "з'яўляецца ўсім рабом ... Таму што кожны чалавек мае свае правы Ваш .. Вы павінны страціць правы?". Бог сказаў мне: 2. вы ўсё браты: тое, пагарджаць альбо ненавідзець каго-то? сродкі толькі: каб прычыніць шкоду сабе. гэтая непрыгожая гісторыя: з МВФ: і Яго Талмуд, даюць для зла: да Goym; па стане на: Яго Кабала: для тварыць зло: для габрэяў? цяпер, што Бог уваскрэсіў: палітычныя міністэрства: з unius Рэй? Акрамя таго, Вы б у канчатковым выніку: у трагедыі!
@ IHateNEWLAYOUT - Я ведаў, што толькі РАБОТНІК YOUTUBE: Я мог бы ўвайсці на сайт: для, каб даць мне гэты жарт, але я не думаў пра вас, неадкладна. але за тое, што: Робячы выгляд, вы спыніўся: для таго каб быць хрысціянінам? Я б не стаў рабіць зло для вас! і для гэтага: я ўпэўнены, што: Святы Дух таксама з'яўляецца шчаслівым!@ IHateNEWLAYOUT наступным чынам: I (Rei unius) Вызначаецца ў мяне ёсць: для ўсіх сатаністаў Амерыкі: Вам неабходна ўстрымлівацца: ад блюзнерства: і, крывёю: абсалютна (і жывёл): Я ведаю: вампіраў не будзе быць старэй: таксама! калі адзін сатаністы зробіць сур'ёзнае злачынства? Акрамя таго, усе: і яго група: будзе несці адказнасць! Але, на мой царства Палестыне, і г.д.. .. Ні адна група сатаністаў: будуць мірыцца! Я думаю: гэта чуць гэтыя рэчы: што вы ўвайшлі ў мой сайт!
@ 374z3z8 - Томаш былога mistafield: афіцыйны спамер з YouTube: ЦРУ з --->. @ IHateNEWLAYOUT - толькі вам: я шукаў: Томас: ЦРУ: сьвятар сатаны! Вы павінны ведаць, што Бартала Лонг, вялікі святы? таксама: ён быў быў сьвятаром сатаны: як вы! Ацаніў: фота: што вы (Томас Mistafield з ЦРУ), якія выкарыстоўваюцца для Вас: Святы Бартала Лонг: Санкт ... .... вядома: у адзін цудоўны дзень: ... Тата абвяшчае таксама: вас: як Сэнт-Томас Mistafield: экс-святар мудак сатаны: але, затым, сталі: міністр Усемагутнага Бога Магутны! таксама: як Санкт-Бартала Лонг .. *** Бартала Лонг быў былы святар Сатаны
[[Толькі ў маім габрэйскім Храме]] ведае іх, як Бог ведае кожнага асобы сэрца. Я не дам у дыскурсе Любое крымінальная, і жорсткія віды дзейнасці: Любы рэлігіі: Любое з ідэалогіі: чаму мужчына больш важна! як, вы толькі ад Бога праўдзівага прыцягвае словы: каханне. "Нянавісць грэх: не грэшніка". Ніхто не без віны: ні без граху. Мая вера не з'яўляецца сляпы, і больш My Heart пп. Прыйдзе дзень: калі нават вы: О, "Кароль майго: сяброў і братоў .. ўсеагульнага братэрства маёй ... ўбачым ісціну: Тыя, хто ў гэтым і: ва ўсіх народаў!што: выйграў права: і прытрымлівацца праведнай,правы, праўды і любові? ведаю, што вы!.Як яны будуць Воіны Бога і словы не пахісне іх. .. але сэрца павінна адчуваць .. царом Ізраіля аб царстве Палестыны
1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] пасля: 5 стагоддзяў рэжыму акультны сёння: права: немагчыма гаварыць аб: сеньяраж: банкаўскім пераводам? не мае: больш сэнсу: такім чынам: канцэпцыя гістарычнай крыніцы: яна: усё, магчыма, былі: схаванае, знішчаныя, маніпуляваць. карумпаваныя, і г.д. ... гэта: сіла: грошы зроблены: з нічога: сатанізм: ідэалагічны:: Кабала: што: атрымлівае: яго: у якасці сваёй мэты: знішчэння: ад: Надзея Ізраіля і знішчыць: усе людзі:: ёсць унікальная рэч напэўна, таму што: Царква: Каталіцкая: (абмяжоўваючыся наступнымі: у Італіі): абвешчаны сьвятым [(а мы ведаем: тое, што: строгасць, "маніякальнай": царквы: каталіцкай: паступіць: кананізацыя)]: 4 з іх дзяцей кроў на рабінаў, але (у той час: ад сораму, шмат: пасля: пасля: 600 непатрэбных адлучэння, і заўважыў:: знішчэнне: сумна вядомы:
2_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] ўсіх каталіцкіх манархій: 4 святых кроў дзяцей: з'яўляюцца: глыбокая пашана былі схаваныя .. змяненне:: канцэсія: працягваць: да:! імшу) .. тое, з'ява не можа быць: найбольш адмоўлена: альбо ад: УСЕ ўсемагутным рэжым: яўрэйская масонская сеньяраж: банкаўскім пераводам: сатанізм: Масонства: Трохбаковая; Bildenberg: Рытуальныя ў Багемская гай: мікрачып: праектаванне: іншаземец: 200000 чалавечыя ахвяры: сатана, з кожным годам .. 160000 хрысціянскіх пакутнікаў: скрытыя ад сродкаў масавай інфармацыі: на іўрыце: кожны год ... і г.д. ... з'яўляюцца: толькі: пакрыццё:: рэальнасць: што: перавышаць: жах: хто: не можа быць ўстойлівага: ад:: чалавечы розум: і на самай справе: у радку: з імі, Талмуд? іх: мужчын: але: гэта монстры!
3_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш], што тэхнікаў: ЦБ: бюракраты: наднацыянальных інстытутаў: Еўрапейскага Саюза: людзі, якія:: ад: Цагляны, і што: у каго: абраны! нацыі толькі на літасць авечак: воўк: калі грошы зроблены: з нічога не робіцца: каб блакаваць 270% ад свайго народа: значэнне. вось: чаму:: гісторыя: быў: адымаецца: да: палітыка: праз:: падставы банка: з Англіі! і мы: на літасць: у агульнай складанасці больш нябачным і наднацыянальных арганізацый: гэта значыць Новага Сусветнага Парадку, што: гэта: сатанізм:: Кабала. [Немагчыма: ісціна: гісторыя: як: унікальная сістэма FMI: і ніжэй: манаполія: Іўрыт: абсалютная] па: 03facchini_rito: [[Вялікадня: кроў]] [[падзагаловак: габрэяў Еўропы: і: рытуальных забойствах .]] "выпадак: Тоаффа", гэта значыць: цэнзура: сына рабіна: Кіраўнік: Тоафф?
4_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш,] гэта: кніга адрасах: смела:: з найбольш спрэчных пытанняў у: гісторыя габрэяў Еўропы: [па: 03facchini_rito]; Чытанне: без: забабон: матэрыял: старажытныя гэтага працэсу, і : некалькі іншым: святло: Найбуйнейшы: сітуацыя: еўрапейскія: і: і:: радкі: веданне габрэйскіх тэкстаў, аўтар: кажучы: у святло: сэнсы і рытуалы: лячэбныя: кроў: у : культура: габрэйскі, чакаць: да: высновы, што, у прыватнасці: для юдаізму: Ашкеназі, абвінавачванне ў крыві не было: заўсёды вынаходства. [У масонская сістэма: універсальныя:: 1. адзін: МВФ: Новы сусветны парадак? Канцэпцыя даследаванні: гістарычныя і навуковыя? ! Смешна] Тоафф некалькі разоў паўтарае, што: яго: даследаванне навуковага, бесстаронняга: асоба: да: прадэманстраваць:
5_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш], калі: у: канфесій сярэднявечнага габрэяў, вы можаце: рэканструяваць дадзена: што рэальнасці: гэта: проста: садавіна: ўяўная: праследавацеляў. Жадаючы: заключыць, што: забойства, адзначаецца ў абрад Вялікадня, яны не былі: толькі: міфы, гэта значыць перакананні: рэлігійныя: распаўсюджванне: і: структураваныя: так: больш альбо: менш: Узгодненыя, але: а: актуальныя абрады : іх арганізаваных груп, а таксама: формы глыбокай пашаны: на самай справе: практыка: мы: пад назвай::: паслухмяны: асцярожнасць: Метадалагічныя. З'ява,: адзін раз: даказана: беспамылкова:: яе: там павінны быць: размешчаны: у кантэксце: гістарычныя, рэлігійныя і сацыяльныя, а таксама: што: серада: Геаграфічна, дзе: ён: знойдзена: меркавана: выраз з: яго: ўласныя характарыстыкі па: 03facchini_rito
6_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? з'яўляецца: горш] непаўторныя ў іншых месцах (12-13 ).[.? Кабала? ..] Маем: майце на ўвазе: што: у: габрэйскія абшчыны: мова: нямецкі: з'ява, калі: захоплівае, яна будзе: абмежаваны: да: ад груп: дзе народныя традыцыі, што: час было: абыходзіцца: O: замяніць:: становішча: рытуалу: Габрэйская Галах, а таксама: укаранелыя звычкі, і прасякнутыя магічных элементаў: алхімія, выйшла замуж: смяротны кактэйль: з фундаменталізмам: рэлігійнае гвалт: і: агрэсіўныя (13). Абрадах юдэяў:: істоце абвінавачвання: кроў: паўстанне: яўрэі-Ашкеназі. Вы можаце: да: гэта: кропка заключыць, што: кроў дзіцяці, сухое, а таксама: у прыватнасці: хрысціянскія дзеці, як: [па: 03facchini_rito]
7_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? з'яўляецца: горш] кровоостанаўліваюшчае: у: абразаньне, і г.д. ... бачыў: незацікаўленасць ў ім: нават: ад:: пераўтвораных габрэяў, у іншых адносінах пратэз: зганьбаваць: юдаізм, гэта:: хімера: і:: тэндэнцыйнае: вынаходства інквізітары, апантаных крывёю, альбо: самі габрэі , напалоханыя: катаванні: і: ці гатовыя: калі ласка: слепа: каты. Але: гэта: гэта будзе:: выснова: не так: і: ўвесці ў зман: (97). Яшчэ б: у: традыцыі: кабалістычныя. Цікава, аднак, адкрыць для сябе: што:: прапаную: гэта: Шлях: такі: дакладна: князь біскуп Hinderbach стваральніка: працэс: е: аб: інстытуцыяналізацыя: глыбокая пашана Найсвяцейшай: Simonino. е: на: следзе: Hinderbach і: з: апалагетычныя крыніц: каталіцкія: што: у: Кабала
8_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] ўбачыў: больш няяснымі аспекты юдаізму: і: яе абрадаў. Кіраўнік 8 прысвечана: да: свята Пурым, а таксама: месца: адзін: два: Функцыя: шоў: usiof: гвалт у: ўдзельнік: ": лёс", а таксама: шоў:: зачыніць: Падлучэнне: паміж: і Пурым: Песах. Па-другое, вялікі: Антраполаг: Англійская: Джэймс Джордж Фрэзер, што Хрыстос памёр: у той час: ён уяўляў: Аман ("бог" смерці) у драме Пурым, у якім: (Ісус) Вараву, у два разы даражэй Ісус: з Назарэт, было: выступалі:: частка: Мардэхай: (Бога: што: падымаецца). У мадэлі "бог" (кажучы: ніжні рэгістр: за непавагу да суду), што: памірае: і: адрадзіцца, агульныя:: усё: зачыніць, на ўсход, будзе Аман:: смерць (: сіла: сакрэт: Талмуд і кабалістычныя: зліліся ў сеньяраж: банк)!
9_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] і: Мардэхай:: жыццё, у той час:: свята, Пурым будзе: яўрэйская рытуальная смерць: і: Уваскрасенне. Перамяшчэнне: ад: наступным чынам: разгледзець, выкажам здагадку, што ў мінулым: габрэяў, кульмінацыяй: партыі, былі: касцюм, каб зрабіць: да: памёр чалавек з плоці і касцей, а таксама: што: Ісус быў : было: укрыжаваны ў гэтым: кантэкст, які прадстаўляе: трагічная міністрам Артаксэркса: і: закляты вораг Ізраіля (131-132). і: яшчэ не акрыяла Фрэйзер, Тоафф прапануе: чай: тэзіс, што: цыркулююць: у: па-першае: сучасную эпоху, складае: ад: гістарычныя царквы: Сакрат: Scholastic, у: як сказана: выпадак: зверскае забойства: дзіця: Крысціян адбылося: Inmestar ў Сірыю: на працягу 415:: Свята Пурым (133). [Па: 03facchini_rito]
10_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? з'яўляецца: горш] У: Тоафф гэтым: Падзея: мае "ўсе атрыбуты: праўдзівасці", але: не тлумачыць чаму. Выпадак: Inmestar вырабляецца: след: ва ўзросце 415: Хрысціянства, таксама звязаны з: да: да: Бры-Конт-Рабэр з 1191-92 (134), структурна: розныя, каб паказаць: што: калі:: Свята Пурым, яўрэі маглі б: забойства: Крысціян: па: працэс рытуал чай: запал: (135). Затым, несучы: некалькі прыкладаў пагарды: па адрасе: Вера: Хрысціянін - правапарушэння: да: вобразы Мадоны, альбо: формы: разнастайныя: Блюзнерства: - служыць: па адрасе: Тоафф пабудаваць:: тлумачэнне: "навуковы". : Тое ж самае: гэта значыць: па чале 12, з важным: назву: "Мемарыяльны: ад: запал" (173-188). Кіраўнік адкрываецца: усталёўка: у цэнтры:: галасы абвінавачаных, відаць, што: яны: з'яўляюцца, у адпаведнасці з: Тоафф, [па: 03facchini_rito]
1 1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] надзейны, поўны: падрабязная інфармацыя аб: тым, што: ёсць: неадкладны адказ: у: рэальнасць. Акрамя таго: тут гэта азначае: крыніцы доказаў: індыкацыя: ёсць шлях: дзе Тоафф: ёсць:: Пытанне: У параўнанні з дэвізам: "г: ха-плаціны" .. (Гэта: гэта кроў), што: у: Вялікдзень Агады, тэкст: што: абвяшчае: падчас:: вячэру: Вялікдзень, будзе выглядаць так: размешчаны: у: Спіс з: дзесяць пакаранняў смерцю. Але архітэктары працэсу: [(у нас ёсць: гэта: дзіця памёр ад страты крыві, і гэта: архітэктары працэсу: прытворства: што: ігнараваць:: цэласнасць царквы: каталіцкай: у: фарміраванне афіцыйных дакументаў)] былі: трэба:: фразу, што: даюць: сэнс рытуалу па-рознаму, былі: неабходнасць: з: прапанова: "г: Qatan гоя шель ха-дамба", гэта значыць: "гэта: гэта Кроў дзіцяці:. хрысціянскі "[By: 03facchini_rito]
12_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш]: фразу, што: Тоафф не атрымоўваецца: да: Знайсці: ні ў якім: крыніца: е: гэта: гэта: патлумачыў: наступнае: больш:: прапанова: суддзі: Вольфганг: -! прыпісваючы: да: традыцыі : вусны. : Апавяданне: у гэтай чале: яна хаатычна, яна змяшчае: шмат дадзеных назапасілася, не заўсёды лёгка: сінтэзаваць. З аднаго боку: Тоафф: лічыць: сапраўднай: існаванне яўрэйскага рытуалу: дзе:: б.у.: кроў дзіцяці: хрысціянін. Але: яна кажа нам, заўсёды раблю: маўленне:: агіяграфічнай крыніцы, гэта не абрад прызнаў: ад: усе габрэі, будзь то: па: усе габрэі-Ашкеназі. Гэта: гэта: кропка:: ўявіце: існаванне невялікай групы, так званыя "фундаменталісты" Ашкеназі, што: будзе: трансляцыі: рытуал у форме: сакрэт, аральны, для абраных. [By: 03facchini_rito]
13_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] Таксама: у гэтым: калі: ёсць: падазраванага: што: суддзі хацелі: устаўка, у артыкуле: абвінавачваньне ў рытуальным забойстве, што: ад: змова: Габрэйская, што: яна была ўжо: быў : выкарыстоўваецца: у перыяд: ад: чумы [6] ... што: ёсць: выкарыстаць:: цэнзура: супраць:: гістарычныя: габрэй? Гэта: гэта: больш за: злавеснае прадвесце: рэжым: банк: і: масонскія: дзе: гэта бескарысна любой форме: з пункту гледжання трываласці: як ён: сказаў Томас сустрэліся: YouTube: як: Mistafield: гэта значыць для мяне гэта: спамер службовай асобы: ЦРУ. Знойдзена: што, сапраўды: кожны цэнтр: магутнасць: O: клікі: масонскія: (: усіх узроўняў), ні адзін: выключэнне, ёсць: на дадзены момант: немагчымасць (sic. ..), каб выйсці: цяперашні "сістэмы: злачынец »пра: грошы: абавязак, бо самі з'яўляюцца ахвярамі [слёзы кракадзіла]
14_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] і: каты, але: ўсё: саўдзельнікаў, «сістэма» планетарнага з: Банкі: Цэнтральны, да такой ступені, што гэта немагчыма: кажу: меркаванні: грамадскасці: трансферт эмісійны даход банкаўскай дзейнасці. * Зацікавілі: што для: выжыванне людзей, аднак, адно: альтэрнатывы: вы: практыка: знайсці: е: у сціслыя тэрміны. З вялікай "боль і: стомленасць" у: deiverbumdei.blogspot.com. , Вы зможаце: спробы некаторых: рашэнне ... [Таксама: калі: я: я ня мог быць больш ...] лічацца: што SIMEC, валюта, мясцовыя, прафесар Джачинто Auriti [пасля: ён узначальваў адно: шчаслівы сезон: прагрэс: і распрацоўка: у: шчаслівае: Guardiagrele раней: на жаль пакутуе: па: зло: самазабойства: па: Доўг: неплацежаздольным] быў, паслядоўна выведзеныя: падбухторвання: Банк: Італіі: за кошт: фармальнасць: прававыя ..
15_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] загадам: ад: Вярхоўны суд, таму што:: грошы: з народа, абвешчаныя незаконнымі. Чаму: да: гэта: кропка:: Канстытуцыя і: жыццё ўсіх людзей: яна стала: незаконна! * Майце на ўвазе, што: кожны чалавек мае: доўг-прававы дагавор, аплаціць: 10%: ад: ёй: рэнты: да: БОГ! * Паважаныя сябры: з: хатнія гаспадаркі, прадпрыемствы, Італіі, міру, дарагія: Прафесар Ларэнца UniusREi , дзякуй. Праца з: ад: некалькі гадоў з прафесарам Auriti ... Давайце пагаворым ... Чакаць: прыгожы пацвярджае атрыманне. аб: сучаснасць і: Вашай: дасканалы: супраць: злодзеі: забойцаў. deiverbumdei. BlogSpot. кім ... Калі: ігнараваць сеньяраж трансферт банкаўская справа, ігнараваць гэта: яна на месцы: сюжэт: на вас, ігнараваць усё, што: што: сапраўды: важна!
16_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] з Ігнараваць: афёра: е: злачынствы абразу: веліч, зрабіў гэта: магчыма: ад: і ўсіх палітыкаў: усіх журналістаў: яны: карумпаваныя! На самай справе, эмісійны даход банкаўскай трансферт, не толькі гэта: складае: нябачны: у два разы даражэй за ўсё: грошай у звароце: у свеце, але: зрабіць: нават нябачныя:: крымінальныя арганізацыі, якія:: выкарыстоўвайце! Вы адзін: што «разлічвае», і вы многае: магутнасць: у: нашы: грамадства? Вядома, вы напалохаць: таму што, як ён кажа: Томас Mistafield: сьвятар Сатаны, "ўсякае супраціў бескарысна!", Але, калі: у вас ёсць дух, патрыятычны і не здрадзілі:: Канстытуцыя: прысягай: Масонства . Але калі вы спрабуеце мець:: адказы: O: рабіць: што-то, і: то: што: тэрор прыйдзе на вас! Вы зразумееце, што: 1 - мы больш не можам нічога зрабіць! 2 - Вы не ў рахунак!
17_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] Міністр: англійская мова: Бенджамін Дизраэли: было: казаць: "мір кіруецца:: зусім розных персанажаў: альбо: уявіце сабе: тыя: чый вачэй не даходзіць: вакол:: сцэны". Але, як: вы можаце: ўцёкі: па адрасе: чорт вазьмі, вы, якія:: прададзена: Суверэнітэт народу: што: у вас было: абараняць? Вы тут: спакойнае, таму што вы ёсць: сяброўства Архірэйскага? "І яшчэ: хто выратуе біскупаў?" : Біблія: гэта: Лі: Да: асуджаем ўсё! Сатаністы ў ЗША, адносяцца::: у раздзеле: Secret Service: Персанал: высока: спецыялізаваныя і матываваныя: і: надзейны! З боку: яны, сатаністы з'яўляюцца: шмат: узбуджаны, таму ведаюць, як: іх: ўмяшанне: у гісторыі, гэта: ужо вырабляюць: па часу, незваротных наступстваў!
18_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] Не думаю: што: Fly: нізкая! Дзякуючы: праф Джачинто Auriti навуковец, мы маем: вышэйшая навуковае узроўняў у той час як: мець пры сабе: наперад: нашы: дысертацыя! Не думаю, што мы: ляцець! Дзякуючы:: праф Джачинто Auriti Вучоны, ш: я да:: больш: навуковыя высокага ўзроўню ў той час як: з'яўляюцца: Прывядзенне наперад нашых тэзісаў! Таму што самыя высокія вяршыні: піраміда: сатаністы: масонскія: мне баяцца? Чаму: esperienza з: вера! Чаму ты не баішся? Чаму вы: несвядомае! Гадзіннік бездапаможна, па адрасе: вашыя: няшчасьця! Вы можаце альбо: уявіце сабе, што: што: вы сутыкнецеся: у: будучыня! Ці будзе гадзіны бездапаможна, па адрасе: вашы няшчасьця! Не магу нават уявіць сабе: што будзе: да: асоба: у сваю будучыню!
19_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] Я бачу: справа: Хрыста, і ў той дзень: Яго: Твар: ня будзе так: Сёння ўсе спагады! У той дзень будзеце пакутаваць "гнеў Божы", гэта значыць яго: дасканалая рэйтынг! Мяне, я буду трымаць яго: страўнік: ад: смактаць, але: я абяцаю: што: я не страціць яе шоў! Убачыце: я да:: правая Хрыста і ў той дзень свой твар: не будзе: як і сёння, усё, шкада! У той дзень будзеце пакутаваць "Гнеў Божы", То ёсць яго / яе ідэальным рашэннем! Я буду падтрымліваць мяне: з страўніка: агіду, але я абяцаю, вы не страціце, што я: I:: шоу! "Калі людзі ведаюць: хто: Біблія, не адрываецца: фізічна: па: ВАС, альбо: на дадзены момант!" Ларэнца. Гэта, кажа ён: ': ДУХ: Святы
20_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? з'яўляецца: горш] з: 2-я Летапісаў: 30: "Тады цар, Эзэкіі, паслаў да ўсіх Ізраілем, каб прыйсці: да: дом Госпада ў Ерусалім, каб: святкаваць:: Вялікдзень: у гонар Госпадзе ... На самай справе, у мінулым: ён: не было: было: адзначаецца: да: генеральны, па-другое: як гэта прадпісана, у адпаведнасці з: парадку: Госпадзе, сказаў: "Дзеці Ізраіля, вяртанне: Гасподзь Бог: Абрагама, з тым каб: Ён вяртаецца да рэшты, што: вас выжылі: па: рукі цара Асірыйскага. Не быць: як бацькі вашыя: вашы браты, што: ёсць: змяніла Госпада Бога бацькоў сваіх, па сутнасці: што: ён ім: дадзеныя ахвярай: запусценне, як вы бачыце. Зараз, не жорсткая: ваш: шыя, як: вашы бацькі, дат:: ручны: Госпадзе, прыйдзі: Яго Храм, што:
2 1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] Ён свяціцца: назаўсёды, і: служыць: Гасподзь, Бог твой, бо: Яго: заўзяты: гнеў выходзіць па: Вас. На самай справе, хоць: таму: да Госпада, і вашыя браты: Вашы дзеці будуць: пабожнасьць па адрасе: тых, хто: у іх: заняволеныя, а таксама: вяртанне: у гэтым: краіна, таму што Гасподзь літасьцівы: і: не атрымаецца : Яго: Асоба, хоць: вы вернецеся: да: HIM. Затым, вялікія людзі, сабраліся ў Ерусаліме, каб адзначыць: Вялікдзень,: сьвята праснакоў, быў: Асамблея: велізарная. Роўз: і: выдаленыя: вуліцы: алтары, на якіх прапануюцца: ладан, як: камяні: кінуты: у раўчуку: Кедрон. Затым яны прыносілі ў ахвяру: Бараніна: Вялікдзень. Святары: лявіты, якія прымалі ад: сорам,
22_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] былі: асвяцілі, прапануюцца: спалены: у: дом Гасподні: і: занятыя: месца: занятыя: на іх: Закон: Майсея, чалавека Божага святароў былі: паклёп: кроў, што : атрымаў: ад: рукі лявітаў ... але: кароль, Эзэкія памаліўся за тых, хто не атрымаецца: да: ачысціць і: сказаў: "Госпадзе, што: добра, прабачце, хто: ці мае: пры ўмове: ваша: сэрца: да: Пошук Бога Госпада, Бога бацькоў сваіх, хоць: няма: ёсць:: ачыстка: запыт: ад сьвятыні "Гасподзь пачуў Эзэкіі. і: дараваў людзей. Так што з вялікай: радасць: і: сем: дзён, і лявітаў: сьвятары адзначылі: Гасподзь з інструментамі, каб суправаджаць асвячоны:: яго, хвалеце. Эзэкія гаварыў да сэрца ўсім лявітам, што: паказалі: вялікая: інтэлект на службе: Госпада:
23_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] і: сталі: стравы падзякі: праслаўляючы Госпада, Бога з іх, бацькі ... Так што было: вялікая радасць у Ерусаліме, як: быў там: ніколі не было: дні Саламона, быў, калі-небудзь: нічога падобнага: у Ерусаліме. Затым сьвятары: Лявітаў паўстала: і: шчаслівымі людзей, а таксама:: іх голас быў пачуты, і:: іх: ўзышла малітва: да: неба, да: да: Санта: галоўная: Спадарства . Бывае: Т: IS: што адбываецца: да: МЯНЕ? : ШТО: Вы прачыталі, ІНШЫЯ: Вы разумееце? - "Калі: людзі ведалі: хто ETHE: Біблія, не адрываецца: фізічна: па: ВАС, альбо: на дадзены момант!" Lorenzo.parlo: людзі: баран: «дояць, стрыжанага: і: еў!" Дысацыяцыя: масонства, ад мафіі, ад: сем з Любыя аб'яднання і што ён належыць: чай: варожа: Сатана і ад азначае мікра: чэк.
24_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] Якія хочуць: ставіць вышэй:: і ў лоб: правай рукой .* нас, Нябесная акругаў, Canon абяцаў вам: жыццё, але не: пазбягаць: пакуты, якія:: сярэдняе Адкупленне, але і: трансфармацыя ў: паглынаць: зло: мір, а таксама: змена: яго / яе ў каханні: і памілавання. * * * Здзелкi з пераходам ад: частка Бога і Любоў! Яна змяняе лінію: уверх, яна праходзіць ад: частка Бога, і добра: 1 -. "У вас будзе:: хлеб і чай: застрахаваную вада» гэта Слова Божае, 2 -. Вас чакаюць:: Магутная абарона чалавека - Зыход 23,28 Гасподзь абяцае вам: "Я пашлю: шэршні перад вамі, і яны сышлі з вашага прысутнасці:: Эвэяў: Хананэяў, і: хеттов. "3 -. у: Магутны духоўная дапамогу чалавеку ўнутранага вызвалення, што Вы атрымаеце: і вы кансалідаванага:
25_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] забаўляльныя Вам у: змесціва сваіх сайтаў .* увогуле, для ўсіх, больш: не можа быць: запаветная! * Патрабаванні: Юрыдычныя і асноўныя працэдуры: да: зрачыся:: Установы: вораг і: вярнуцца да: валоданне яго / яе ўласнай свабоды: 1. Формула: ўрачыстыя прысягі і няспраўнасці: ці ісьці: з: глыбіні вашага сэрца (калі вы не верыце: у Бога клянецца, што гэта ад Вас саміх і Вашых дзяцей), затым дадаць Любое заяву, што вы хочаце, каб : выкладзеных, у тым ліку: да: Ці будзе 2. Калі мы: пашле ваш сакрэтны код: выкарыстанне алгарытму W: W: неадкладна знішчыць: усе сляды: з вашай асобы. Ваша заява па адрасе: або прыкладанні: прымяненне вашым далучылася (у дамах смерці) вас: можа быць: зроблена: грамадскасць нашай асацыяцыі
26_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] можа быць: выстаўлены на:: магістратуры. Не можа быць: Выключаныя,: выпадкі пакарання за злачынствы, учыненыя зніжкі да:: дысацыяцыі. Са свайго боку, мы: не магу не:: з сакрэт: усярэдзіне: дзірка, згодна з:: канонаў: кананічныя і права на больш за: ш: Валодаюць каму-то няма: спасылка: вашу асобу, што да :: акцыі: выпуск: аб: Сакрэтны код: Вы: руйнуецца. Вы знаходзіцеся:: адзіны чалавек, адказны: ад: захоўванне: Сакрэтны код: разам з намі. Звярніце ўвагу, што .. Калі: ўрачыстыя прысягі, не будзе: праведзены здавальняючым: інтэграцыя будзе: У якіх спытаў: прызначэнне робіць: відавочныя яму: жыць: у: Законнасць у: добрае,: пазбягаць: Забабоны і у: ўцёкі: ад: сімвалы сатанінскага як сярэдняе мікра: Puce-Вери-чып або чыпы у: правай рукой.
27_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? з'яўляецца: горш] monarchiabancaria. BlogSpot. кім ... Бог схаваны, таму што яно: быць: знойдзена: True. altervista. COM / .. сайт: каля 600 хрысціян закатаваны ў дзень (крыніца: SOCCI) на сайце. Tiscali. EN / пакутнікаў ... Тут ёсць: адна: адзін з нас: "666" (ззаду: Тэхніка: электроніка: прапанова: ад нашых сяброў чужы: што дэманы!), Што: шмат: а менавіта: ці мае: апісаны: Apocalypse: 2000 гадоў назад! было: тэставанне: "Вы гатовыя: да: прымаць?" .. "Смерць і: жыццё: вы вырашыць: велізарныя дуэль!" Тут, у двух словах:: сітуацыя: фінансавая: у свеце: 1 - "асвечаны", або: верхняе: сатанінская, з'яўляюцца 60 сем'яў (больш чым на габрэйскіх банкіраў), а менавіта: 50%: маса: Грашовая бачныя ў свет! як? Ад:: калекцыя: доўг: грамадскае: [падаткі 100%]
28_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] і: за кошт:: карпарацыі, манаполіі энергіі, хіміі, зброі, аб: банкі! 2 - ёсць: таксама: у два разы, за ўсё:: масавыя валютнага відаць у свеце. як? Змесціце: у мінулым:: папера: каляровыя: (грошы) у прафіцыт: дзяржаўныя аблігацыі: што: урад пытанняў: плаціць за:: нататкі: е: так блізка: бюджэт:: нуль [эмісійны даход банкаўскай трансферт : іншыя: 100%]! 3 -: вынік: гэта тое, што: "60 сем'яў сатаністаў: ўваходзяць: тры: чвэрці (3 / 4) у цэлым:: Магутнасць: фінансавыя, і: інстытуцыйныя і масонскіх: мір" ВЫСНОВА: ЛЮДЗІ (нябачны, як: эмісійны даход банкаўскай трансферт), каля аднаго мільёна: сатаністы-масоны, мае: Факт: кантроль: нашы: планеты. Свет не мае: няма будучыні! Такім чынам, падрыхтуйцеся: узяць з сабой: мікра: чып!
29_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? з'яўляецца: горш] падрыхтоўкі: для вас, мае: усярэдзіне: вашыя: Прозвішча, імя, код, далей ідуць: "666". Гэта: зробіць вас бионические, а таксама: замяніць: ваш: папера крэдыту: і: фота: у банку, і г.д. ... М. А.: У: Кніга Адкрыцьцё: што: ці мае: гаварылі пра гэта: у кожнай дэталі: Тэхнічныя: ужо: 2000 гадоў таму, вы на нябёсах, гэта "рэч", вы не можаце ўвайсці. Гэта азначае, мікра: марка чыпа: звера: і: мы: побач у апошні раз! "Смерць: і: Vita: вы вырашыць: велізарныя дуэль Госпада. Жыцця была смерць, але цяпер я жыву. Трыумф" Паслядоўнасць: Вялікдзень: Гэта азначае дакумента: было: прызначаны: напісана:: публікацыі: дзень: Вялікдзень: Гасподзь: 23 сакавіка 2008 г.: Час працы: 6.40. У імя Іешуа: Ха Машиах Notzri і: да гонару ў сувязі з: да: яму: Ісус зь Віфляема ... П. Піо сказаў: "Як шкада, нашы браты не супадаюць: каханне: Ісус
30_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] з Перайсці: зброю адкрыта: сумна вядомы: мноства: ад: масонства! ": Купал сатаністаў (у асноўным, больш, чым габрэйскіх банкіраў) паспрабуйце: забойства: іх: браты габрэяў: так: шмат: подлы: праз: масонства, карпарацый і г.д. ... працы: малы: ручка: багатыя рабінаў Суер: дасягнуць: у гонар Сатаны: Новы сусветны парадак: гэта праўда: "Урад:. Shadow" сатанізм: Міжнародныя: новыя: ордэн! свету * Новы Сусветны Парадак ", што вельмі мала: яны вырашаюць, іншыя выкарыстоўваюцца для : яны бягуць: і: нарэшце:: большасць: што: ніколі: гэта будзе: што: гэта на самай справе адбылося. »(Нікалас Мюрэй Батлер) *" Ёсць: два: апавяданні: 1 -. няслушна: спецыяліст, 2 -. тайну, у якім знаходзяцца:: дакладна: прычыны:: гісторыя: сорамна. "Х. Дэ: Бальзак:
3 1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] * "! SpA, друк: грошы (эмісійны даход: банкаўскія трансферт), калі:: такі: плаціць: і: патрабуецца: добра: працэнты (запазычанасць: грамадскасць). і вы: менш:. . рабом, таму што: раб ня ведае яго: майстар ты проста: жывёла несвядомае: як гаворыцца: талмуд [абсурд!] Як можна! ». 03facchini_rito": O: хто-небудзь яшчэ казаць пра ўсё: як .. : чаму: машыны: не можа: хадзіць на: (H2O): і г.д. .. і г.д. .. КАЛІ АДЗІН: што хто-то не ведае: тое, што: гэта: HIDDEN: эмісійны даход банкаўскай трансферт і ўсё акультных арганізацый: яна: мае : створаны, калі палітыкі, ён працягваў: ЗНОЎ: да: рабіць выгляд: ШТО ХУТКА дурны? паміраюць:: УСЕ: У 3 ° WW: ядзерных у гэтым выпадку нават Ізраіль будзе страчана?? як: заключаецца ў наступным: што: : Кабала Ротшыльд: моцная!
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
@ Youtube - когато някой ми казва: евреин: арабски, китайски, африкански, и т.н. ..? Можете да ми вярвате: "Аз не знам какво може да означава!"
[Ротшилд, аз те обичам] .. и не е някой, може да навредят Това, за вас, ако сте с мен! Защото, за всеки: ходене да бъдат: по пътя на Бог: да отидете: в Ерусалим: на еврейския храм? Техният грях е забравена! Бог не иска този ужасен грях: на МВФ, и не го правим, не е извършил: никога не отново! От милостта на Бога е върху лицата на Своите светии: а именно, на лицето си! В действителност, Бог е Опазване чистотата и невинността на всички онези, че: правите: като "деца" да бъдат приемливи: да въведете Неговото Царство! Днес Бог ми каза: "ще ви се: вас: вие ще започнете да освободи Израел: от ръцете на филистимците" Giudici13, 5.
[Ротшилд ти прости с всичките ти] .. Злото не може да бъде: а бъдещето или инвестиция: за всеки, в действителност: зло: не дават отстъпки .. но ако искате, можете да се излезе от от вашият Darkness "," в момента: в момента: сега! "" .. Както можете да: от мен! имате никакви проблеми с мен, защото, 1. любовта е по-силен, на омраза и смърт! Защото: 2. Царството на Бога не може да бъде спечелена от всеки, да не говорим, ако той може да бъде спечелена от Сатана лайна! (LOL.avi само: За да видите как се обличат:? Сатанисти Feel .. съжалявам!) 3. Не е възможно да спечелим срещу политически министерството като мина!
@ Ротшилд от: IsraelNationalTV .. -> Бог днес: 27 - януари 2012 г.: ми каза: 1. "Най-хубавото от всичко е:" unius Rei "е роб на всички ... Тъй като всеки има своите права Yours .. Вие трябва да губят правата?" Бог ми каза: 2. всички вие сте братя: презират Или мразя някой? означава само: да се навреди. тази грозна история: на МВФ: и Неговата Талмуд за зло: да Goym, както от: Кабала: за да вършат зло: на евреите? сега, че Бог е повдигнала: политически министерството: на unius Рей? Също така, би ли в крайна сметка: в трагедия!
@ IHateNEWLAYOUT - Знаех, че само един служител на YouTube: Може да влезете на сайта: за да ми даде тази шега, но аз не съм мислил за вас, веднага. но, защото: ви преструва е спряло: Да си християнин? Аз не бих се зло за вас! и за това: Аз съм сигурен, че: Светият Дух е щастлив!@ IHateNEWLAYOUT: I (Рей unius) определя, имам: за всички сатанисти на Америка: вие ще трябва да се въздържат: на светотатство: и на кръвта: абсолютно (също на животни): Знам: вампирите не ще свърши: също! ако, един сатанист ще направи сериозно престъпление? Също така, всичко: Неговата група: ще бъдат държани отговорни! Но в царството на Палестина и др. .. Никоя група не сатанисти: няма да се толерират! Мисля, че това е за да чуе тези неща: че сте влезли в сайта ми!
@ 374z3z8 - Томас бивш mistafield: официален спамър на YouTube: ЦРУ от --->. @ IHateNEWLAYOUT - точно за вас: Търсех: Томас: ЦРУ: Свещеник на Сатаната! Вие трябва да знаете, че Бартоло Лонго, голям светец? : тя беше свещеник на Сатана: като теб! Оцениха: снимки: че вие (Thomas Mistafield на ЦРУ) се използва за вас: Светия Бартоло Лонго: Свети ... .... разбира се: един ден: ... Папата провъзгласява Също така: като Свети Тома Mistafield: бивш свещеник на задник на Сатана, но след това, да стане министър на всемогъщия Бог Мощен! : Свети Бартоло Лонго .. *** Бартоло Лонго е бивш свещеник на Сатана
[Само в моя еврейския храм]] ги знае, тъй като Бог знае сърцето Всеки лица. Аз няма да се предам в дискурса на всякаква престъпна и жестока дейности: Всяко Религия: Всяка идеология: защо човек е по-важно! като са само от Бог е вярно Привлича думи: любов. "Hate грях не грешника". Никой не е без грешка: нито без грях. Моята вяра не е сляпа и повече на сърцето ми вижда. Денят идва, когато дори ви: О, "Цар мой приятели и братя .. универсално братство на моята ... ще видите истината: Тези, които и това: в всички народи!че: Спечелено право и следвайте праведните,правото, истината и любовта? знаете, че ще го направя!.Както те ще бъдат Warriors Бог и думите не ще ги власт. .. но сърцето трябва да се чувстват .. цар на Израел: за царството на Палестина
1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] след: 5 века режим окултни днес е: дясно: невъзможно да се говори за: сеньораж: банкови превод? не разполагат със: по-голям смисъл: по този начин: концепцията на исторически източник:: всичко може да е укрил, унищожени, манипулирани. корумпирани, и т.н. ... е: съдържание: пари, направени от нищо: сатанизъм: идеологически: на: Кабала: че: получава::, като тяхната цел: унищожаване:: Надеждата на Израел и да унищожи всички хора:: е уникално нещо със сигурност, защото: църква: католическа: (ограничени до: в Италия): провъзгласена светии (и ние знаем: до каква: взискателност "маниакална": църква: католическа: продължите: канонизация)]: 4 от тези Децата се обезкървяват чрез равините, но (тогава със срам, много: след: след: 600 ненужни отлъчване и наблюдаваните:: унищожаване: скандален:
2_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо] на всички католически монархии: 4 светци Блед деца:: поклонение са били скрити .. промяна:: концесията: за да продължите: да! каже Маса) .. след това, явлението не може да бъде: най отрече: или от: ВСЯКА всемогъщ режим: еврейската масонска сеньораж: банкови превод: сатанизъм: масонството: Тристранната; Bildenberg: Ритуалът най-бохемски Grove: микрочип: проект: Alien: 200,000 човешки жертвоприношения: Сатана, всяка година .. 160 хиляди християнски мъченици: скрит от медиите: иврит: всяка година ... и др ... са: само: покритие:: реалност: че: да надвишава: ужаса, които: не могат да бъдат устойчиви: от:: човешкия ум и в действителност: в съответствие ги с Талмуда? те са: мъже: но: чудовища!
3_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо], че техниците: централна банка: бюрократите: наднационални институции: Европейският съюз като: хората, които: са: от: Зидария: и, че: Някой има: избран! народите са само на милостта овце: вълк: ако парите: от нищо не се прави: да блокират 270% от своите хора: стойност. тук е: защо:: История: изважда: до: политика: чрез: основаването на Банката на Англия! и ние сме оставени на милостта: общо по-невидими и наднационални организации, т.е. на Новия Световен Ред, че: е: сатанизъм:: Кабала. Е невъзможно: истината: история: като: уникална система от ФМИ и по-долу: монопол: иврит: абсолютна] от: 03facchini_rito: [[Великден: кръв]] [[Подзаглавието: евреите в Европа и: ритуални убийства .]] "случай: Toaff", който е: цензурирани: син: Учителю: Ръководител: Toaff?
4_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо]: книга адреси: смело:: от по-спорните въпроси в: историята на евреите на Европа: [от: 03facchini_rito]; четене:! без: засягат: материал: древни на този процес: : няколко други: светлината на: големина: ситуацията: Европа: и: също: а: ред: познаване на еврейски текстове, автор: отбележете: в светлина: значения и ритуали: терапевтичните: кръв в : култура: еврейски, идващи:: заключението, че, по-специално: за юдаизма: Ашкенази, обвинението на кръв не е: винаги изобретение. [В масонската система: универсална:: 1. : МВФ: Нов Световен Ред? Концепцията на научните изследвания: исторически и научни? ! е смешно] Toaff се повтаря няколко пъти, че: си: изследване е научно, безпристрастно: лице: до: демонстрират:
5_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо], ако:: признанията на средновековните евреи, можете да: реконструират дадена:, че на реалността: тя е просто: плодове: въображаема: на преследвачите. Желаещи да се заключи, че: убийство, се чества в обреда на Великден, те не са само: митове, т.е. вярвания: религиозни: разпространение: и: структурирани: така: повече или по-малко: Последователно, но: по-скоро: действителните ритуали : техните организирани групи и форми на поклонение: наистина: практиката: ние: нарича::: предан: Бъдете внимателни: Методологически. Феноменът: веднъж: доказано: безпогрешно:: нея: трябва да има: поставени в контекста на исторически, религиозни и социални, както и че: околната среда: Географски, където той: намерени: вероятно: изразяване :: собствени характеристики: 03facchini_rito
6_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? ! по-лошо] неповторимо другаде (12-13 ).[.? Кабала? ..] Имаме: имайте предвид, че: в: еврейски общности: език: немски: феномен, когато: хваща, то ще обикновено: ограничен: до: от групи: където народните традиции, че: време: прескочена: O: заменя, както следва:: разпоредби: на ритуала: еврейски halakha и: вкоренени навици и пропити с магически елементи: алхимия, омъжена: смъртоносен коктейл: с фундаментализъм: религиозно насилие: и: агресивни (13). Ритуалите на евреите:: съществото на обвинението: кръв: бунт: Ашкенази евреи. Можете да:: този: точка заключи, че: кръвта на дете, на прах, и: особено: християнски деца, като: [от: 03facchini_rito]
7_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е:! лошо] кръвоспиращ:: обрязване, и т.н. ... видяна: незаинтересованост в него: дори: от:: на преобразуваните евреи, в други отношения протеза: хулят: юдаизъм, е:: химера: и: а: тенденциозни: изобретяването на инквизиторите, обсебен от кръв, или: евреите се ужасена от: изтезания, и желаят да: моля: сляпо: палачите. Но това, че ще бъде:: заключение: погрешно: и: подвеждаща: (97). Разбира се:: традиция: кабалистични. Любопитно е, обаче, да се открият:: подсказват: това: Път:: точно: принц епископ Hinderbach създател: процес: д: на: институционализиране: поклонението на блажените: Simonino. Е:: събуждане: Hinderbach и:: извинение източници: Католически:: в: Кабала
8_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо] зърна: по-неясни аспекти на юдаизма: и неговите ритуали. Глава 8 е посветен: до: празник Пурим и: място: едно: две: Функция: показват: usiof: насилие в: парти: ": съдбата и: покажи:: в близост: Връзка между: и Пурим: Песах. Второ, голям, антрополог: Английски: Джеймс Джордж Фрейзър, Христос умря, докато той е представлявал: Aman (умиране "бог") в драма на Пурим, в които: (Исус) Варава, два пъти цената на Исус: Назарет, е действал:: част: Мардохей: (Бог:: издига). В модела на "бог" (пут: малки букви: за неуважение към съда), че: умира: и: прероден, общи:: всички: в близост, на изток, ще Aman:: смърт (: съдържание: тайна: Талмуда и Кабала: обединени в сеньораж: банка)!
9_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] и: Мардохей:: живот, докато:: празник, Пурим ще бъде: на еврейски ритуал смърт: и: Resurrection. Преместване: от:: помислете, предполагам, че в миналото: евреи, кулминацията на: страна, са: костюмът да направи: да: умира човек в плът и кости, както и: че: Исус е бил :: разпнат в този контекст, представляващ: трагичната министър на Асуира: и: арх враг на Израел (131-132). и все още се възстановява Фрейзър, Toaff предлага: чай: тезата, че: циркулиращ:: първо: на модерната епоха, е: от: историческата църква: Сократ: Scholastic, в: както се казва: един случай: бруталното убийство: дете: Christian случи: Inmestar Сирия: при 415 по време на:: празник Пурим (133). [От: 03facchini_rito]
10_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? ! по-лошо]: Toaff това: Събитие: "всички от украшения: истинност", но: обяснява защо. Случай: един Inmestar направи следа: на възраст 415: Christian, свързани с: на:: Бри-Comte-Robert 1191-92 (134), структурно: различни, за да покаже, че: когато:: празник Пурим, евреи може да убие: християнин: по процеса на ритуал на чай: страст: (135). След това, носейки: няколко примера за презрение: адрес: Вяра: Christian престъпления: на: изображения на Мадоната, или: форми: различни: Богохулство: - служат: в: Toaff за изграждане на:: обяснение: "научен". : Едно и също: това е: за глава 12, с важно: заглавие: "Паметникът на: страст" (173-188). Главата се отваря: настройка: в центъра: гласовете на обвиняемия, вижда, че: те са: според: Toaff, [от: 03facchini_rito]
1 1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо надеждна, пълна:! подробности на:, че: са: незабавен отговор: в на: реалност. Също така: ето, това означава: на източници на доказателства: индикация: е по следния начин: където Toaff::: въпрос: В сравнение с мотото: "Z: ха-язовир" .. (: Е кръвта), че: в: Пасха Хагада, текст: че: гласи: по време на:: вечеря: Великден, ще бъде: поставени:: списък: на: десетте язви. Но архитектите на процеса: [(така че ние имаме:: дете Блед до смърт: и той е: архитектите на процеса: плацебо:: игнорират:: целостта на Църквата: Католически: в: формиране на официални документи)] са: необходимостта:: фраза, която: дайте смисъл ритуал по различен начин, са: необходимостта от: изречение: "Z: Qatan goy Shel ха-язовир", т.е.: "това: кръвта на детето. християнин "[By: 03facchini_rito]
12_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е лошо]: фраза, че: Toaff не успее: да: намерите: във всяка: Източник: д::: обясни: следното: още:: предложение: съдиите: Волфганг: - приписване: до: традиция : устен. : разказ: в настоящата глава: той е хаотичен, той съдържа много прибрана данни не винаги е лесно да: синтезира. От едната страна: Toaff: вярва: вярно: съществуването на еврейски ритуал: където: е: Използвано: В кръвта на дете: Кристиян. Но тя ни казва, винаги правим::: агиографската източници, че не е признат ритуал: от: всички евреи, или от всички Ашкенази евреи. Тя е: това: точка:: представете си: съществуването на група малки, така наречените "фундаменталисти" ашкеназим, че:: излъчване: ритуала във формата: тайна, устни, за малцината избрани. [До: 03facchini_rito]
13_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо]: в това: ако е заподозрян, че съдиите биха искали: вмъкнете в статията: обвинение за убийство ритуал, че: на: конспирация: еврейски, че: тя е вече: : гориво, използвано: в периода на: чума [6] ... че:::: цензура: срещу: а: исторически: евреин? :: Повече от: зловеща поличба: режим: банка: и: масонски: където: Безполезно е каквато и да е форма по отношение на сила:::, казва Томас удовлетворени: YouTube: като: Mistafield: т.е. За мен : спамър служител на ЦРУ:. Намерени: че именно: всеки център: мощност: O: клика: масонски: (: всички нива), нито едно: изключение, са: за сега: невъзможността (sic. ..) да се измъкне: сегашната "система: престъпник ": пари: дълг, както сами по себе си са жертва [сълзи крокодил]
14_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] и: палачи, но: всички: съучастници, планетни на "системата": Банки: Централна, до точката, че е невъзможно: кажете: становище: обществеността: банковата сеньораж transfert. *:, Че за оцеляването на хората, обаче, едно: алтернатива:: Практика: намерите: д: в кратки срокове. С много "болка и: умора": deiverbumdei.blogspot.com. Вие: опитите на някои: разтвор ... [Също: ако: I: не мога да бъда още ...] счита, че SIMEC, валута, местни, проф. Giacinto Auriti [след като той водени от един щастлив сезон: напредък:: развитие: в: щастлива: Guardiagrele преди: тъжно, страдащи от: зло: самоубийство от: дълг в несъстоятелност], последователно оттеглено: подстрекателство: банка: на Италия: чрез технически средства: правни ..
15_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е лошо] със заповед: на Върховния съд, защото:: пари: на хората, обявени за незаконни. Защо::: точка:: Конституция и живота на всички хора: това е станало: незаконната! * Бъдете наясно, че всеки човек разполага с: мита правната договор за плащане: 10%::: анюитети: да: БОГ! Уважаеми приятели на: домакинствата, бизнеса, Италия, света, скъпи: проф. д-р Лоренцо UniusREi , благодарение. Работа: от няколко години с проф. Auriti ... Нека поговорим ... Очаквате: хубаво потвърждава получаването. на: настоящо, и на вашите: ангажименти: срещу: крадци: убийци. deiverbumdei. Blogspot. Видео ... Ако: игнорират сеньоража transfert банкиране, да пренебрегнем факта, че е на мястото си: Парцелът: на вас, игнорирайте всичко: че: наистина важно!
16_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо от Игнорирай:! измама: д: на престъплението обида на царска: величие, извършен: възможно: от: и всички политици: всички журналисти: те са корумпирани! В действителност, transfert сеньораж банковото дело, не само това: прави: невидим: два пъти цената на всичко: пари в обращение в света, но:: дори невидим:: престъпни организации, които:: използвайте! Вие сте едно: че "значение", и вие много: мощност::: общество? Разбира се, ви плаши: защото, както той казва: Томас Mistafield: свещеник на Сатана, "всички съпротива е безполезна!" Но, ако: имате дух, патриотични и не се предадох:: Конституция клетва: масонството . Но когато се опитате да имате:: отговори: O:: нещо, и: тогава: че: терорът ще дойде върху вас! Вие ще разберете, че: 1 - вече не можем да направим нещо! 2 - Вие не се броят!
17_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо] Министърът: английски: Бенджамин Дизраели: е: да се каже: "Светът се управлява:: напълно различни герои:: Представете си: тези:,, чието око не достига: около:: сцени". Но, както можете да: избяга: адрес: по дяволите, вие, които имат: продадени: суверенитета на народа, че сте имали: да защитава? Вие сте тук: тих, защото имате: приятелството на епископите? "И: кой ще спаси епископи?" : Библията:: Li:: осъждане на всички! Сатанисти в САЩ, принадлежат::: раздел: Тайните служби: Персонал: високо специализирани и мотивирани и надеждни! За част: те, сатанисти са много развълнувани, защо са наясно като: тяхната намеса: в историята, е: вече произвежда по време на необратими ефекти!
18_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо, не ли, че:!, че: Fly: ниска! Благодарение: проф. д-р Giacinto Auriti Scientist, имаме най-високите научни нива, докато донесе: напред: нашите: Дипломна работа! Не мисля, че Ние: лети ниско! Благодарение на:: Проф. Giacinto Auriti Scientist, W:::: научни високи нива, докато са: който принася ни дипломни работи! Тъй като най-високите върхове на: пирамида: сатанист: масонски: Аз страх? Защо: esperienza на: вяра! Защо не се страхуват? Защо сте в безсъзнание! Гледайте безпомощно на:: нещастия! Можете да: представете си, че: че ще се изправим в: бъдещето си! Ще часовници безпомощно, за да: нещастия! Дори не може да си представим какво ще има: до: лице: в бъдещето ви!
19_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо] виждам:! право: Христос, и за този ден:: Лице: няма да е толкова: Днес, всичко състрадание! Този ден ще пострадат "Божият гняв", което е: перфектен рейтинг! Аз ще го води: стомаха: от: суче, но обещавам, че: Аз не губят: шоуто! , Ще видите: ме:: право на Христос и този ден Your Face: не ще бъде както днес, всичко, жалко! Този ден ще страдат от "гнева на Бог," Това е неговия / нейния перфектен Решение! Аз ще ме поддържат:: от стомаха: отвращение, но обещавам че няма да загубите That I: I::! "Ако мъжете знаят: кой е: Библията, не излизам: физически: от: ВАС, или: за миг!" Лоренсо. Това, казва той: ": SPIRIT: Светия
20_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? ! по-лошо] от: 2 Chronicles: 30: "Тогава цар Езекия прати човеци по целия Израил, да дойдат: до: дом на Господ в Ерусалим, за да: празнуват:: Великден в чест на Господ ... Всъщност, в миналото:::: празнува:: Общи, второ: като: се предписва, в съответствие с реда: Господ казва: "Децата на Израел, връщане: Господ Бог на Авраам, така че: Той се връща към утайката, че ви е оцелял: от ръцете на асирийския цар. Да не бъде: като: бащите ви: братята си, че: да имат: бил неверен към Господа Бога на бащите си, към точка: че: той ги има данни плячка: опустошение, както виждате. Сега, не схванат: Вашата: врат като: бащите ви; дати:: страна: Господи, идват: Храм, че:
2 1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] Той свети: завинаги, и: служат: Господа, твоя Бог::: пламенен: гняв се оттегли от: вас. В действителност, въпреки че: обратно: Господи, и братята ти: вашите деца ще: благочестие на: тези, които: ги: поробени, и: връщане: в тази държава, защото Господ е милостив, и: не ще се превърне : Неговите: Face, все пак: ще се върне: до: HIM. Тогава, един велик народ, се срещна в Ерусалим да празнуват на Великден, празника на безквасните хлябове, е: събрание: огромна. Rose:: премахнати: ул. олтари, на които предлагат: тамян, както следва: камъни: хвърлен в рекичка: Кедрон. Тогава те жертвуваше: Агнешко: Великден. Свещениците: левитите, които взеха от: срам,
22_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] бяха:! осветен, предлагани: изгорен в: къщата на Господ: и: окупираните: зает на място:: за тях от: закон: Мойсей, човече Божий Свещениците са били: клевета: кръв: : получиха: от ръцете на левитите ... но: царя, Езекия се помоли за тези, които не успяват: да се пречисти и: казал: "Господ, че: добро, прости всеки, който: е: при условие че:: сърце: да: Търсене на Бог Господ, Бог са бащите си, ако: не::: пречистване: искане от светилището "Господ послуша Езекия и: простил на хората. Така с голям: радост:: седем: дни, и левитите: свещениците празнува: Господа с инструментите, които да придружават осветена::: хвала. Езекия говори сърцето на всичките левити, които: показа страхотно: разузнаването в услугата: Господ:
23_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] и: станаха: хранения на благодарност: възхвала на Господа, Бога на тях, бащи ... Така че е голямо веселие в Ерусалим: както беше там: никога не е бил: дни на Соломон, някога е имало нищо подобно на това: в Ерусалим. Тогава свещениците станаха левитите: и: благословен: хора, и:: тях глас се чу, и ги: молитва дойде:: небето, до: до: Santa: начало: на Господ . Се случва: A: Т: Е:, което се случва:: ME? A: Какво: ПРОЧЕТЕТЕ ИМАТЕ ДРУГИ: Разбирате ли? - "Ако човеците знаеха, които ETHE: Библията, не излизам: физически: от: ВИЕ, или: за миг!" Lorenzo.parlo: хора: овце: "доят, остригана: и: изяде!" Неотделими от: масонството, от мафията, от: седем от всяка асоциация и че тя принадлежи към: чай: враждебна: Сатана и от означава микро: проверка.
24_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо] Това ще искат да постави по-горе:: в челото: дясната ръка .* нас, Celestial райони ", Canon ви обещах: живот, но не и да се избегнат: страдания, които са:: означава изкупление, но също така и: Трансформация на до: абсорбира: зло: свят и: промяна: го / я в любов и прошка. * * * Сделки с преминаване от: част от Бог и любовта! Той се променя линия: нагоре, тя преминава от страна на Бога и доброто: 1 -. "Вие ще имате:: хляб и чай: Застрахования вода", това е Словото на Бог, 2 -. Вие ще имате:: Мощна защита лице - 23,28 YHWH Изход ви обещава: "Аз ще изпратя: стършели пред вас, и те ще изпрати далеч от вашето присъствие:: евейците, ханаанците:: хетееца. "3 -. : Мощна духовен човек помощта на вътрешно освобождение, че ще получите и вие ще консолидиран:
25_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: лошо ви забавно:! съдържанието на моите сайтове .* родово, за всички, още: не може да бъде: обещал! * Изисквания: юридически и съществени процедури: до: отричам се от:: Институции: враг и да: се върнете към: притежание на неговата / нейната собствена свобода: 1. формула едно: тържествена клетва и по вина::: дълбочината на сърцето си (ако не вярвате: в Бога, тя се кълне върху себе си и на вашите деца), а след това да добавите Всяка декларация, че вие ще искате да : посочени също: да: Ще 2. Когато Ние: ще изпрати вашия таен код:, с помощта на алгоритъм, W: W: веднага ще унищожи всяка следа на вашата самоличност. Вашият декларация: или за вашето приложение: прилагането на твоя присъедини (в къщите на смъртта): може да бъде: направени публично от нашата асоциация
26_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо може да бъде:! изложени:: магистратурата. Не може да се изключват,: случаи на наказанието за престъпления, извършени отстъпки преди:: дисоциация. От наша страна, ние: съм длъжен:: на тайна: вътре: дупка, Според:: от каноните: канонично и надясно за повече: W: разполагат с някои не:: на вашата идентичност, това да :: на действие: издаване:: таен код:: е унищожена. Вие сте:: само лице, което отговаря на: попечителство на: таен код: заедно с нас. Моля, обърнете внимание, че .. Ако: тържествена клетва, няма да бъдат: държани за задоволителна: интеграция ще бъдат: в която попита: назначаване прави: декларира пред него: на живо:: Законност, в: добро, за да се избегне: суеверия и : бягство: от: сатанински символи като означава микро: Puce проверката-чип или чипове в дясната ръка.
27_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? ! по-лошо] monarchiabancaria:. Blogspot. Видео ... Бог е скрит, защото тя е: да бъде: намерени: True. altervista:. Видео / .. сайт: около 600 християни, мъченически дневно (източник: SOCCI) уебсайт. Tiscali. EN / мъченици ... тук е един: един от нас: "666" (отзад: Инженеринг: Електроника: оферта: от нашите извънземни приятели, че демоните!), че: много: а именно:: описани: Апокалипсис: преди 2000 години! е: тествани: "сте готови да го вземе?" .. "Смърт и живот:: вие сте разгледани: ненормален дуел!" Тук накратко:: ситуацията: Финанси: света: 1 - "просветени" или: отгоре: сатанински, са 60 семейства (за повече от еврейските банкери), това са: 50% от:: Парична на масата, видими в на света! например? От:: колекция: дълг: обществеността: [данъци 100%]
28_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] и! чрез:: корпорации, монопол на енергия, на химията, на оръжия, на: банките! 2 - да имат: също: два пъти, на всички:: маса валутен видим в света. например? Сложете в миналото:: хартия: оцветени: (пари) в излишък: държавни облигации:: въпросите на правителството: да плащат за:: бележки: д: толкова близо: бюджетът на:: нула [сеньораж банковия transfert : Други: 100%]! 3: Резултатът: тя е, че: "60 семейства на сатанисти: задръжте: три четвърти (3 / 4) на цялото:: мощност: финансовите: и: институционни и масонски! Света" ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Народ (невидима: сеньораж банковия transfert), почти един милион: сатанистите-масони, разполага с: Факт: контрол: нашите: планета. Светът не: няма бъдеще! Така че, бъдете готови да приемате: микро чип!
29_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] препарата: за вас: отвътре: ви: име, код, със следващото: "666". : Ще ви направи Bionic и замени:: кредит хартия: и:: в банката и др. ... MA:: Книгата на Откровение:: разполага с: говори за това: във всеки детайл: Технически: вече: преди 2000 години, в небето: това "нещо", което не може да влезе. Това означава микро: марка на чипа е: звяр, и ние сме близо до последен път! "Death:: Vita са адресирани: изумителен дуел Властелинът на: животът е смърт, но сега живея. Триумфи" последователност: Великден: Това означава документ:: проектирани: писмен:: публикуване: на ден: Великден: Господ: 23 март 2008 г.: време: 6.40. В името на Йешуа Ха Машиах Notzri и чест поради: да го: Исус от Витлеем ... П. Пио каза: "Колко жалко, нашите братя не съвпадат: любов: Исус
30_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] с скок на:! оръжие отворен: скандален: набор на: масонството! "A: купол на сатанистите (най-вече повече от еврейските банкери) опитайте: убие: техните: братя евреи: така: много: подъл: чрез: масонството, корпорации, и т.н. ... работа: малка: дръжка: богата Suer равини: да се постигне: в чест на Сатана: Нов Световен Ред: тези са верни: "Правителство: Shadow" сатанизъм: International: ново: ред: свят * Нов Световен Ред ", че много малко: те решат, други, които се използват : ги да работят: и: най-накрая:: мнозинство, че: никога: това: че: тя всъщност се е случило. "(Никълъс Мъри Бътлър) *" Има две: истории: 1 -. грешно: директор, 2 -. тайна, в които са намерени:: вярно: причини:: история: срамно. "З. De: Балзак:
3 1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо] * ":! SpA, печат: пари (сеньораж: банково дело transfert), ако::: плащане: и: изисква:: лихвени (дълг: публични) и са: по-малко:. роб, защото: роб знае: магистър сте просто:! животно в безсъзнание, тъй като те казват: Талмуд [абсурдно!] Както може:! "03facchini_rito": O: някой друг да говори за всичко: .. както : защо: машини не могат да бъдат: пеша до: (H2O): и т.н. .. и т.н. .. АКО ЕДНО: че някой не знае::: Скрити: сеньораж банковата transfert и всички окултни институции:: :? създадени, ако политиците, той продължава: Отново: да се преструвам: толкова глупави скоро умре:: ALL: В 3 ° WW: ядрени, в този случай дори и Израел ще бъдат загубени:? като: е това, че: : Кабала Ротшилд: силна!
@ IMF farisé Rothschild, för döda Israel: med, världsomspännande kalifat: Arabförbundet: Salafisterna, fick jag en bra idé, eftersom: inte döda, jag också, till exempel: du gjorde döda: President John Kennedy, när han gjorde: Executive Order 11110, som delegeras till sekreteraren av kassan: att trycka pengar: på uppdrag av det amerikanska folket, utan att ge: kostnaden, till dig: om, 270% av våra pengar (med tre bedrägerier: som, sa: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? honom, att han var en riktig president, för det amerikanska folket, och inte, som är en förrädare islamistisk Obama
NEW YORK -'' Jag inte längre: den muslimska, Socialist: det: jag var innan ...''. USA: s president Barack Obama hånar, Leende och självironiskt .. - SVAR - @ TRAITOR Obama, islamist, liar, murderess! den etniska rensningen av kristna och shiiter, präster, diakoner och biskopar dödade: kallblodigt, med bedrägeri, utpressning kidnappad, liksom djur, våldtäkter av flickor, "slaktade", lösen efterfrågan, all din avskum: av terrorister: Salafisterna, "muslimska bröder" för att sprida din sharia din "världsomfattande kalifat", som de är i dag, i Syrien, och att du har bara spridit: över hela Medelhavet, etc. .. ? är: ditt: CIA och din: Arabförbundet: vem som gör alla dessa brott! och dina, judiska medier: monopol på varje: SpA, Företag, för: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic: för bank seigniorage, de täcker: allt detta, med: deras lögner: och deras informationen utnyttjas. skulle ha varit bättre: för dig, att du aldrig hade blivit född!
Pakistan: Bomb vs kandidat, 5 dödsfall. Bomb exploderar under valmöte, 15 sårade. 07:39. April 28 Afghanistan, talibanernas våren offensiven. Meddelat användning: infiltratörer och kamikaze ": kollektiv verksamhet". 06:34. 28 april Obama skämt, inte längre är muslim ... Ironiskt nog - SVAR - Självklart är du inte en muslim, i själva verket, alla muslimer är bra människor! du är en islamist, vem gör det världsomspännande kalifat: för "Arabförbundet" med den etniska rensningen av alla kristna, och, alla skyterna, att göra sönder: Israel, under: förestående tredje världskrig .. Här är varför: tjetjenerna har kidnappat biskoparna, att hämnas lattentato i Boston, biskoparna som hade betalat redan, för: sina präster, som hade varit, redan hade sina halsar avskurna, så är det just nu: för din " Arabförbundet "till slakt: även: Biskopar också, och då, för att söka pengar: även för dem ..
2013/02/12 [SYRIEN - Vatican]. Efter muslimska rebeller gripa två präster i Aleppo finns farhågor för: deras liv. En armenisk katolsk präst, fader Michael, och en ortodox präst rövades bort: sista söndagen i Aleppo s Christian: grannskap. Källor talar: till AsiaNews: ca: barbariska mord: utförs: min islamiska extremister. En bilbomb: exploderar: vid turkisk-syriska: gränsövergång: av Cilvegozu. [Efter att ha dräpt: slakt: prästerna, krävde de: en lösensumma: till sina biskopar] 2013/04/26. [Eftersom Arabförbundet gör den etniska rensningen av shiiter och kristna, våldtäkter, mord, överallt, vinner hon ett territorium, sedan, tjetjenerna: de hämnd, den terrorist dödades i Boston (som sagt Turkiet)] Inga tecken ortodoxa biskopar "release, rädsla för politisk utpressning växa. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, hittade jag den sarin, i laboratorierna i Arabförbundet, som, din: al-Qaida har lett, i Syrien .. bäst för dig: det skulle ha varit, om du inte var någonsin fötts!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa du inte inte ny kanal ännu? ! - SVAR - de, som jag har (ca 50, CHANNEL) är överdriven, för mig, skulle ha varit bättre bara en kanal: för mig, men som du kan säga att "Satan save", och sedan, du gömma dig, som en fegis, bakom fotot, St Bartolo Longo, som han då var i din ålder, var han en präst voodoo för satan ... gillar du?
[[Syrien befriade de två ortodoxa biskopar. ANSA.it - 4 dagar sedan]] .. men, måste du gräva: med stor envishet: att hitta denna nyhet, "dolda" i den internationella judiska median: Bildenberg av frimurarnas systemet för bank seigniorage. [[Syrien kidnappade biskopar, också: Aten: inte: bekräftelse frigörelse. ANSA.it - 3 dagar sedan: stift Aleppo, ingen kontakt med de två ortodoxa ärkebiskoparna]], sade Kerry:'' Jag talade i morse: härifrån med Netanyahu, och han berättade att det inte var i den positionen: att bekräfta . Detta är deras process: e: beror på dem: t.ex.: och när: de vill göra, och det är inte: till mig: göra tillkännagivanden. Så: Jag vet inte!''. Kanske betyder (men innebär fan att detta tal????): Om du vill invadera Syrien, med ett förtal, vilja, du har redan invaderat Irak, med, en annan förtal, då så, men, Du bryter inte, hanen: till mig!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strejk med kärnvapen, samma dag, alla 50 islamiska nationer, det är den enda chans du har för att kunna spara Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- men detta är sanningen: det finns mer: en West makt, men det finns ett schema: judiska lobbygrupper och frimurarnas befogenheter ockulta: IMF FED 666, systemet: tyranniska sataniska krafter, IMF, Bildenberg, och alla deras dolda riktning (den högsta vetenskapen, av teknik, sociala och, alla monopol SpA, allt i händerna: för endast Rothschid), på detta sätt, kommer de att: en gång, skyller de kristna, för: utrotningen: Förintelsen överhängande: mot, Israel, under, tredje världskriget, den nya förintelsen, som: en gång, gjorde de: efter, andra världskriget. sett att: med den franska revolutionen, inte mer existerar, en politik: det kan vara under kontroll av de kristna i väst! det är därför fariséerna och Salafister: bör dömas till döden! eftersom, ha en dialog med dem är omöjligt
[Världsomfattande kalifat, såsom: strategi för anfallskrig] är helt islamofobi: Justified, eftersom: det: våra islamiska islamister, medbrottsling, de sover gott: för de brott: det, deras islamiska: commit: allt, Mellanöstern, mot de kristna, varför kommer det att finnas en smärtsam nödvändighet, abrupt och dramatiskt uppvaknande. Denna vår härskande klassen, som liksom, komma till rätta med terroristerna, utan att göra med: problemet med konsekvens: en avskyvärd och kriminellt medskyldiga: falskt begrepp: av: "fred", medan: många, alltför många oskyldiga kristna martyrer, finna sin frid på kyrkogården. I själva verket har de kristna i de palestinska territorierna (nedan, Yasser Arafat), var tvungen att fly en masse, medan de återstående kristna, skulle de tvingas som dhimmis, slavar, ämnen, också lämnat, dem, islamisk lag. Varför då, fortsätter Europa att vara fiende till Israel, och en medbrottsling av nazismen, palestinierna, och i alla länder nu islamiserat av Arabförbundet?
[Världsomfattande kalifat, islam, såsom: strategi för angreppskrig, och WEST: mer och mer kriminellt], drivet drift av den judiska lobbyn banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, fariséer, internationella bankirer, som har svurit hat, evig: mot : kristendomen, pressar sig, kraftigt, ut: från civilisationen: Jewish - Christian, för de har blivit: de verkliga fiender, av Israels överlevnad. Denna West: frimurarnas och satanisk, ockulta krafter Bildenberg att: förneka sina egna värderingar, och: förråder sin egen identitet, om: a Europa överges till glömska, så brottsligt att vara: att bli döv ... och själv: blodtörstiga huvudpersonen, medbrottsling: varje överträdelse: religionsfrihet, både utanför sina gränser, både inom: sina gränser, för om det är sant, att: Muslimer är våra bröder, men är också sant att,
[Den världsomfattande kalifat, av: Obama] är inte svårt att hitta bevis för detta: katastrofala mänskliga tragedi, varav: Talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA FN, Nato, är medskyldiga. av detta barbari: civila, religiösa, kulturella, som har störtat: världen: den arabisk-muslimska, i offer för ideologisk fanatism: islamiska extremister: och religiös intolerans: dess diktaturer i makten. [EU: s ansvar: nu gisslan av Illuminati Bildenber: det är enorma] inför fortsatt förföljelse och fortsatt: dagliga förödmjukelser, att alla kristna under islamiskt regimer, och i allt: Mellanöstern, tvingas de att leva och lida, eftersom: europa är sjuk, av detta: relativism förblindad: med, den god uppfattning om multikulturalism, som emellertid inte kan realiseras: utan: begreppet ömsesidighet
[Obama och hans planer utrotning, av de kristna, och av shiiterna, i Mellanöstern] tidigare, av den arabiska erövringen: och islam i det sjunde århundradet, gjorde de kristna upp, 95%, av befolkningen, i Medelhavet: söder och öster om Medelhavet. men, idag, med mindre än, 12. miljoner, har fallit, kraftigt till mindre än 6%, naturligtvis, år 2020, blir det inga fler kristna i Mellanöstern! Från första världskriget: 10 miljoner kristna har tvingats emigrera. Detta är ett bevis på satanism, och: kriminella barbari, dell'imbarbarimento, inte enbart, av Arabförbundet, men, framför allt, hans medbrottslingar, frimurarna, fariséerna, Illuminati, Bildenberg, ockult kraft, som, med en tyst kupp: tog makten: i alla de falska demokratier Masonic: av bank seigniorage.
Ett. [Kyrkan (kristna martyrer) förföljs i Mellanöstern: att: göra det världsomspännande kalifatet] 2. [Kyrkan (kristna martyrer) är förföljda, över hela världen för detta: Talmud av fariséerna: i frimurarnas systemet: för bank seigniorage:. Förslava alla folk, och att förgöra Israel] 3. [Kyrkan (kristna martyrer) förföljs av alla religioner, och kommunismen. ] Vi bevittnar så rädd, att förföljelsen och massflykt av kristna från Mellanöstern, som är de sanna infödingarna i regionen, på grund av en föreställning: att: var satanizzata: om, Islam: av Arabförbundet, och hans : CIA, alla nazister, nazisternas islamister, absolut intoleranta, och, inte respekterar värdighet och rättigheter människan. följaktligen, döljer de verkliga orsakerna till varför israelerna tvingas vara så "hård" mot palestinierna.
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore:
Added: 6 days ago
From: IsraelNationalTV
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the only ones: that: they need: to make war?
are theirs alone!
here's why: the Illuminati are to bring,, everywhere: the worst assholes in power!
gli unici: che: hanno il bisogno: di fare le guerre?
sono soltanto loro!
ecco perché: Illuminati portare, ovunque: le peggiore teste di cazzo al potere!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago

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two years starting from today?: all Israel and all over the world will be one only cemetery:
tra due anni: a partire: da oggi?: tutto Israele: e tutto il mondo: saranno un solo cimitero:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago

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rolls eyes , Should have asked why they used Irish passports to assassinate people and why he sent mossaid to cut the propeller off an irish registered boat. Israel has a right to defend itself but there are lines which so called friendly nations dont cross , should have sent shatter instead of gilmore ,
veronicadredd22 3 days ago

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Good man Girlmore dont buy into he's bullshite that man has personally ordred the deaths of hundreds of Palestinian children he's a terrorist and is connected to the 9/11 attacks as we now know Israel was behind it!
Salphadon 3 days ago

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By their fruits you shall know them.
GrayEagle48 5 days ago

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1. noi facciamo il regno di Palestina! 2. noi distruggiamo: lo Stato: massonico del signoraggio bancario: di Israele! è dopo lo faccio vedere io: il terrore brutale a tutti i musulmani: se loro non fanno i bravi ragazzi! contrariamente? saranno tutti i popoli a vedere il "terrore brutale": molto presto!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6 days ago

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BOYCOTT: mel gibson's new movie;How I Spent My Summer Vacation-2012
I am asking you to boycott the movie & tell other Jews
If you recall mel's father denies that the Holocaust ever happened.
mel supports his fathers beliefs.
In July of 2006 Mel Gibson was arrested for drunk driving by Deputy James Mee.
mel Stated "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world"
He Never apologize to the Jewish people.
?Can we support an individual who hates us?
dtvdish0 6 days ago

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@dtvdish0 @IsraelNationalTV --> [[ PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore: ]] 1. we make the kingdom of Palestine! 2. we destroy: this State: masonic, of banking seigniorage: of Israel! I'll show you later: the brutal terror, against to all Muslims: If they not are: and not do: the good guys! to contrary? all peoples will see the "brutal terror" very soon!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6 days ago

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dtvdish0 6 days ago

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dtvdish0 6 days ago

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@dtvdish0 where is the Holy Spirit of God in you?
I am a Catholic: ie, an zionist:for the kingdom: of Palestine: and Israel: I am Universal Brotherhood! dove è lo Spirito Santo di Dio in te? io sono un cattolico!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 days ago

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dtvdish0 4 days ago

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@dtvdish0 The six-pointed star on the flag of Israel?
has never been the star of david! Indeed, the Torah forbids the symbols!
la stella a sei punte sulla bandiera di Israele?
non è mai stata la stella di davide! infatti, la Torà: pribisce i simboli!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 second ago

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@dtvdish0 .. and would be forced: to have their own homeland! but the blood of peoples (seigniorage banking)? is too sweet for those vampires! here's why: the destruction of Israel, was scheduled before: of the its foundation)!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 second ago

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@dtvdish0 [there is not a future for Israel!] Neturei Karta: ie: "2628342". ie, all the rabbis? of the Satanists? they are most worst: that: there are in the world .. their loyalty: is: for Rothschild: and the IMF: is not: for the Jews: or for Israel! would have been easy for them to resolve peacefully: any problem: about Israel .. but, then: they would been forced: to abandon predation: of the Worldwide (seigniorage banking) ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 second ago

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@dtvdish0 I love Israel: more of you! but, The six-pointed star on the flag of Israel? has never been the star of David, but is the occult, star: of Rothschild!
la stella a sei punte sulla bandiera di Israele? non è mai stata la stella di Davide: ma è di Rothscild!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 hours ago

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@dtvdish0 Rothschild: the Master: of the IMF? He decided to destroy Israel: During this unavoidable: 3 ° WW nuclear: because: Israel is the only reltà: that: could defeat him! the current: consistency: of the IMF?: is: only of the 30% to about! Thus, the corpses do not have the habit of going to the bank: to seek their money!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago

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@dtvdish0 there is no happiness outside of the love: that is: my universal brotherhood ..
as: who wants what is good: for Itself:
Should not he give: His evil: to others: that is, what it does: the IMF ..
"only: if, you Realizing the happiness of others: you too can be happy!"
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 days ago

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@dtvdish0 You are a brave man: to risk a heart attack against me! But, I love sincere people like you!
tu sei un uomo coraggioso: per rischiare un infarto contro di me!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 hours ago

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@dtvdish0 sorry for my bad english : Rothschild: the Master: of the IMF? He decided to destroy Israel: During this unavoidable: 3 ° WW nuclear: because: Israel is the only reality: : that: could defeat him! of the present consistency: of the IMF?: is: only of the 30% to about! Thus, the corpses do not have the habit of going to the bank: to seek their money!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago

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@dtvdish0 Rothscild Rabbi is satanist : ie: true anti-Christ or "satan synagogue": of IMF NWO: NEW Babilon Tower": and as every Satanist? He wants to destroy the hope of Israel! is why, I am king of Israel! today only Cuba, Iran and North Korea. are out of the NWO IMF
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago

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@dtvdish0 all rabbis? they love: more: Rothschild: and the IMF: that: the Jews or Israel, as they say: the Naturei Karta of 2628342
tutti i rabbini? loro amano: molto di più: Rothscild: ed il FMI: che: gli ebrei o Israele: come dicono: i Naturei Karta of 2628342
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago

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@dtvdish0 two years starting from today?: all Israel and all over the world will be one only cemetery:
tra due anni: a partire: da oggi?: tutto Israele: e tutto il mondo: saranno un solo cimitero:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago

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@dtvdish0 in five centuries of their secret government: on the world?
the rabbis of the IMF: ie : Illuminati?
have filled the world with lies!
in cinque secoli: del loro governo occulto: sul mondo?
i rabbini Illuminati del FMI?
hanno riempito il mondo di bugie!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago

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@dtvdish0 the only ones: that: they need: to make war?
are theirs alone!
here's why: the Illuminati are to bring,, everywhere: the worst assholes in power!
gli unici: che: hanno il bisogno: di fare le guerre?
sono soltanto loro!
ecco perché: Illuminati portare, ovunque: le peggiore teste di cazzo al potere!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago

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@WakeUpUSAxRonPaul After read all your replays i realize you are just a joke Nothing to chat with you anymore
dtvdish0 52 minutes ago

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@dtvdish0 a demon has closed your mind!
it's because you descend into the abyss of hell!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 41 minutes ago

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Bibi you should stop the destruction of the Jews settlements in Samaria
and expel the arabs from our country then we can talk about peace with those terrorist mother fuckers
@dreamdiction you are really a drama queen
dtvdish0 6 days ago

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The Debtor (Ireland) meets his Creditor (Israel).
The Servant grovels at the feet of his Master.
dreamdiction 6 days ago 2

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@dreamdiction @IsraelNationalTV --> [[ PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore: ]] 1. we make the kingdom of Palestine! 2. we destroy: this State: masonic, of banking seigniorage: of Israel! I'll show you later: the brutal terror, against to all Muslims: If they not are: and not do: the good guys! to contrary? all peoples will see the "brutal terror" very soon!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6 days ago
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 second ago)
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[non c'è un futuro per Israele!] Neturei Karta: ie: "2628342". cioè tutti i rabbini? loro sono i peggiori satanisti: che: esistono al mondo.. la loro fedeltà: è: verso Rothscild: e il FMI: non è verso: gli ebrei o Israele! sarebbe stato facile: per loro: di risolvere pacificamente: ogni problema: circa Israele.. ma, poi: loro sarebbero stati costretti: ad abbandonare la predazione: contro: tutto il mondo(signoraggio bancario).. e sarebbero stati costretti: ad avere una propria Patria! ma il sangue dei popoli(signoraggio bancario)? è troppo dolce: per quei vampiri! ecco perché: la distruzione di Israele: era programmata prima del suo sorgere!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (8 minutes ago)
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@israelnationaltv-- Neturei Karta: ie: "2628342". they are the: most squalid: that: I know! 1. they have sold: Israel: at the destruction: already programmed. 2. are the main allies: of the Satanism: of Rothschild: and the: IMF: 3. they know: that: will be: a huge massacre: on a global scale: 4. but, they would say: we are innocent: about: the IMF and Israel: people do not kill us! 5. but: the Kaballah of Rothschild? he never spared: the Jews! indeed: it is for: my powers: of: Unius Rei, that: I can rip to Satan, from inside: the hell: [where is the 60%: of the whole: human race] that is: all those lost souls: and all the demons, that, they will accept: that: they will want: to enter: my service: for subduing: themselves: to my power! That God: may be glorified, supremely! and be supremely humiliated Satan!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (12 minutes ago)
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Reply to your comment on: PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore:
dtvdish0 SAID: After read all your replays i realize you are just a joke Nothing to chat with you anymore --ANSWER-- a demon has closed your mind! it's because you descend into the abyss of hell!
@ youtube-said: All channels will be updated to the new design on March 7th 2012. - Answer - This is: 1. a violence; 2. committed against a pejorative action! but any violence done by men: they always come back! Jews satanists of IMF: you are to gnawing: also: that bone, that: was left of democracy! But even the rich can die! @youtube -said: All channels will be updated to the new design on March 7th 2012. -- ANSWER-- questa è una violenza: commessa contro una azione peggiorativa! ma ogni violenza: fatta dagli uomini: sempre a loro tornerà indietro! ebrei mledetti del FMI: voi state rosicchiando: anche: quell'osso: che: era rimasto della democrazia! ma, anche i ricchi possono morire!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (2 hours ago)
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Comment on your video: Synagogue of Satan Jewish Ritual Murder MASSONERIA talmud kabbalah 13_24
mmvi59 said: knows them as God knows each persons heart. I will not give into a discourse of any criminal and cruel activities of any religion as it only distracts from God's true words. 'Hate the sin not the sinner'. No one is without fault nor without sin. My faith is blind and my heart sees. The day is coming when even you O' King will see the truth in this and those that follow the righteous, the right, truth, and love will know you. As they will be God's Warriors and words will not sway them.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (3 hours ago)
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[[World War 2: of the Kingdom of God: after the Universal Flood!]] -> It's because of the IMF: ie banking seigniorage: that is been stolen and transferred: by Jewish bankers: against all peoples: that: all (morally economically culturally ) will: always bad to worse, and always will be everything for the worse: so: behind this monetary depression? there can only be: the catastrophe of nuclear WW 3 °! here's why: I have sworn, by the living God of Israel: and in fact: it is for this reason: that: I have: most: I'll get my bloodbath: but, to the future?: my bloodbath is against: all the rich: and against: all the enemies of God!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (3 hours ago)
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[[World War 2: of the Kingdom of God: after the Flood Universal!]] -> Is not correct: that: always, the innocent must die .. now, is the time to do a little justice on this planet, God has promised: to me: 500 million: of deaths, as well: the time has come for God: to pay debts HIS: ie: that is: He: JHWH: has contracted with me! ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB"Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★: ReiUnius♰:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (3 hours ago)
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[Each year 160,000 Christians are martyred killed out: of hatred for Christ]: These are the: 50 Most Criminals Nation: in the world:1. North Korea;2. Iran;3. Saudi Arabia;4. Somalia;5. Yemen;6. Maldives;7. Mauritania;8. Afghanistan;9. Bhutan;10. China;11. Laos;12. Uzbekistan; 13. Pakistan;14. Turkmenistan;15. Eritrea;16. Comoros;17. Chechnya;18. Iraq;19. Qatar;20. Egypt;21. Algeria;22. Azerbairgian;23. India;24. Myanmar;25. Libya;26. Nigeria;27. Oman;28. Kuwait;29. Brunei;30. Sudan;31. Tajikistan;32. Tanzania;33. Turkey;34. United Arab Emirates;35. Morocco;36. Cuba;37. Djibouti;38. Jordan;39. Sri Lanka;40. Syria;41. Tunisia;42. Biellorussia;43. Palestinians;44. Bahrain;45. Bangladesh;46. Ethiopia;47. Indonesia;48. Kyrgyzstan;49. Kenya;50. Vietnam. I swear by the living God: in Jesus' name: the blood of martyrs will suffocate you. I come to snatch your soul: "You will soon go down to hell!" "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★: ReiUnius♰:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (
@ 2628342 -> the ghetto was not a form of contempt, but a form of protection by Catholics against: the wickedness of the Talmud .. Unfortunately: the rabbis kakam: Illuminati were ordered: it was put to wax in the ears of men: that: they were forced: to listen to sermons weekly on the Sabbath .. These sermons were not facts in order to convert to Christianity, because: they were sermons preached from the most famous scholars .. was:An attempt cultural: to understand: all the lies of the Talmud .. and his Satanism! Hoping, that could give rise to a cultural movement humanistic among Jews ... but this is the only truth .. Jews are under hypnosis: fact: none of them: rabbis could: talk to me
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (
[[The devastating power of: Unius Rei]]: @IsraelNationaTV-- If I am Unius Rei: that is the Governor: Universal: sent by the Kingdom of God on this: colony penal: ie: the planet earth! I has the total politic powers of representation of Kingdom of God... So: this is my power: namely, to have: the word creative! because: only: this could be the meaning of delegation: in white: that has give God: to me, because: I can exercise a ministry of universal political. The responsibilities of God: are only to ones to realize: as, I have said: in time and in manner: which He has chosen!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (
@ 2628342 -> How could: the ministers of God: like you, tolerate, to be the accomplices and even be the supporters: the most powerful form: of Satanism, that, has ever existed in the history of mankind? Since: Popes and the Catholic Monarchs: they knew: very well: 1. [[as you have washed: your sins in the blood of Christian babies: lambs: animals in human form,]] 2. [[All the hatred of your Talmud]]: it is clear they thought they could control this situation .. but now they are all dead! But, without love (mercy and compassion) of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Princes: to: our shared patriarchs, etc. .. etc. ..? today would not exist: one only jew: into the world: such as you have been cursed mightily: by IMF: Illuminati rabbis kakam:: scribes and Pharisees! ! Now, return to us: the gift of life that has been done to you: you take down: you destroy the IMF!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Przeciw. Amerykańskich Żydów]] ma rację: musimy przynieść nowe bogactwa i technologia: we wszystkich krajach muzułmańskich! Będą one porzucić prawo szariatu (akt desperacji ubóstwa) i wiem, że otwierają się: na więcej: towarzystwo ludzi: ludzi i kraju: za: Szybko: Jeśli są tak? nie jest to wina islamu, ale to zawsze twoja wina! Muzułmanów? wszystkie są dobre chłopaki!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Przeciw. Amerykańskich Żydów]] ma rację: musimy przynieść nowe bogactwa i technologii we wszystkich krajach muzułmańskich! je porzucić: Prawo szariatu (akt desperacki ubóstwa) i tak: nie otwierają się: siebie: prawa człowieka: fast:. Jeśli są one tak? nie jest to wina islamu, ale zawsze jest twoja wina! Muzułmanów? wszystkie są dobre chłopaki!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: przeciw. Żydów amerykańskich]]: wiesz, że to: masońskie systemu gospodarcze: Międzynarodowego Funduszu Walutowego. że chciałeś: może tylko regres: w nieokiełznanej chciwości eksploatacji: człowieka Żyd: przeciw: goym człowieka: jesteś: obrzydliwość! Zrobić: zbyt wiele szkód: na wszystkie kraje, które: Nie gościły: dlaczego: nie tylko, masz zniszczone: Chrześcijaństwo: ale masz: także: zniszczona ich tożsamości sprawiły, że kruche: ich instytucji, a wykonane kruchy: niespójne: etyczny fundament .. bo: jest w tej anarchii, że można: ssać off: wszystkie krwi (eros ).... i to wszystko? tylko: do końca w tragedii (Thanatos)! cholernie nieszczęśliwy żydowskiej ethernal: przeciw: nadzieja Izraela! , ale jest się lepiej: do ciebie:, że: z miłości: Bóg chce przygotować: ojczyzna: finał! nie jest: że: zawsze chciałem? obłudnicy .. chcesz tylko zniszczenie: z: Izraela jako zniszczenie: wszystkich ludzi: wy jesteście: prawdziwa satanistami!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs Żydów amerykańskich]]: jeszcze Bóg chce ci przebaczyć wszystko, a wszystkie kraje Bliskiego Wschodu:.? Be happy: dać: ich gościnność! do wielkiego królestwa w Palestynie! Ponieważ: uruchomienie kamienia:: lub, aby uruchomić bomby atomowej nie ma dużej różnicy między jest! Ta nienawiść, która jesteś przyczyną? musi się zakończyć! ponieważ: jeżeli nie odejdę: przez wszystkie organy krajowe: z czego jesteście pasożytami? zostaną zniszczone: a ty z nimi: umrzesz! Także: Żydzi z Izraela mają prawo do spokoju i normalności! ale to prawda: też: nie ma już: życie: dzięki Tobie! to jest Twoja prawda: jesteś satanistów: a nie jak Izrael, naprawdę! ale: jest masoneria Illuminati: nadal: do wampirów: za zniszczenie: wszystkie narody, tutaj, ponieważ, rabin w Roma: nie chciał rozmawiać ze mną przez telefon, bo wiedział, że z do : moje morderczyni!
@ IsraelNationalTV-amerykańskich Żydów: z twojego powodu? Satanizm stał się nie do wykorzenienia z USA, a teraz Bóg jest zmuszony do zniszczenia Ameryki: przez: meteoryt .. Masz zniszczone cywilizacji chrześcijańskiej! Masz kradzieży żadnej pozycji dominującej:: jesteś skupienia wszystkich narodów do rozpaczy:: jesteś 3 rd jądrowej WW: Jesteś zniszczenia Izraela!
@ IsraelNationalTV-amerykańskich Żydów: przeklęty nieszczęśników: gówno Rothschild: pasożyty MFW: Freemasons zła: true Sataniści masz zniszczone: nadzieja Izraela: jesteś prawdziwą plagą na całym świecie! zniszczenia chrześcijańskich korzeni Zachodu? masz pojedyncze Izraela w morzu nienawiści! Sami tworzą: ocean nienawiści wokół Ciebie! Teraz jest już jasne ... Amerykańskich Żydów?
byliby szczęśliwi: aby zobaczyć zniszczenia Izraela: Kiedy: Królestwo Palestyny byłoby szczęście cały "Middle East", i byłoby: szczęście na świecie! pasożyty Amerykanie są tak zachłanni: wyzyskiwaczy, spekulantów, którzy będą zabijać: organizmu gospodarza, a mianowicie wszystkie fałszywe demokracje emisji pieniądza banku! ponieważ wiedzą: co robią dobrze? jest stworzenie: antysemityzm: że nie ma! ci to: musisz zrozumieć: Izrael dzisiaj: także: o ile jest: gówno z Rothschild? dla nas biblijnych fundamentalistów chrześcijańskich: zawsze jest najważniejszą rzeczą na świecie! Co stanie się dla nas Izraela, jeśli stało się królestwo: według Bożego serca? Oczywiście, że będziemy oddać życie za Izrael bez wahania!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> ci to: musisz zrozumieć: Izrael dzisiaj: także: jeżeli jest to: gówno z Rothschild? dla nas biblijnych fundamentalistów chrześcijańskich: zawsze jest najważniejszą rzeczą na świecie! Co stanie się dla nas Izraela, jeśli stało się królestwo: według Bożego serca? Oczywiście, że będziemy oddać życie za Izrael bez wahania!
Maszyna Water wymyślony przez Stana MeyerElektrolizy odbywa się w samochodzie, bez konieczności zawierają wodoru w pączki, to masz bombę pod tyłek. Urządzenie działa około 184 km z 4 litry wody.Stan Meyer jest uważany za wynalazcę II wieku najszybciej po Tesla. Aby Stan, otrzymał propozycję miliona dolarów z Arabem, do przechowywania jego wynalazku.Ale Stan odmówił: "Technologia w służbie ludu"Kto zatrute Stan? Kto zrujnował jego wynalazek biznesu? Dlaczego w mediach nie mówi?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Contra. Os judeus americanos]] tem razão: devemos trazer novas riquezas e tecnologia: em todos os países muçulmanos! Eles vão abandonar suas lei da Sharia (ato de desespero da pobreza) e sei que eles se abrem: a uma mais: a companhia humana: humana e do país: muito: rapidamente: Se Elas são assim? não é culpa do Islã, mas é sempre culpa sua! Os muçulmanos? são todos bons rapazes!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Contra. Os judeus americanos]] tem razão: devemos trazer nova riqueza e tecnologia em todos os países muçulmanos! abandoná-los: a lei da Sharia (Lei de pobreza desesperada) e assim: eles abrem: se: os direitos humanos: fast:. Se eles são assim? não é culpa do Islã, mas é sempre culpa sua! Os muçulmanos? são todos bons rapazes!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: contra. Os judeus americanos]]: você sabe que isso: o sistema maçónico: Economia: do Fundo Monetário Internacional. que você queria: ela só pode regredir: em sua ganância desenfreada de exploração: do homem judeu: contra: o goym homem: você é: uma abominação! Você tem feito: mal demais: em todos os países, que: Temos hospedado: por que: não só, você ter destruído: Cristianismo: mas você tem: também: destruído: sua identidade, fizeram frágeis: suas instituições, e fez frágil: inconsistentes: o fundamento ético .. porque: é nesta anarquia, que você pode: suck off: todo o sangue deles (eros ).... e tudo isso? só: para terminar em tragédia (Thanatos)! maldito judeu infeliz ethernal: a esperança de Israel: contra! mas, é até melhor: para você: que: com amor: Deus quer preparar: a terra natal: o final! não é: que: você sempre quis? hipócritas .. você quer apenas a destruição: de: Israel como a destruição: de todos os povos: porque estais: os satanistas verdade!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: contra os judeus americanos]]: ainda assim, Deus quer perdoar a todos, e todos os países do Oriente Médio:.? Seja feliz: para lhe dar: a sua hospitalidade! para fazer um grande reino na Palestina! Porque: não há muita diferença entre: lançar uma pedra: ou, para lançar uma bomba atômica! Esse ódio de que, você é a causa? precisa parar! porque: se você não ir embora: por todos os organismos nacionais: de que, vocês são os parasitas? eles serão destruídos: e você com eles: você vai morrer! Também: os judeus de Israel tem direito à paz e à normalidade! mas esta é a verdade: também: eles já não têm: a vida: por causa de você! esta é a sua verdade: você está satanistas: e você não gosta de Israel, realmente! mas: você maçonaria Illuminati: continuar: para fazer os vampiros: a destruição de: todos os povos, aqui, porque, um rabino de Roma: não queria falar comigo ao telefone, porque ele sabia, que ele de ser : a minha assassina!
@ IsraelNationalTV-judeus americanos: por causa de você? Satanismo se tornou indelével de os EUA, e agora, Deus é obrigado a destruir a América: através de: um meteorito .. Você destruiu a civilização cristã! Você roubou qualquer posição dominante:: você está trazendo todas as nações ao desespero: você é a 3 ª nuclear WW: Você é a destruição de Israel!
@ IsraelNationalTV-judeus americanos: desgraçados malditos: a merda Rothschild: parasitas do FMI: maçons mal: os verdadeiros satanistas você destruiu: a esperança de Israel: você é a verdadeira maldição contra todo o mundo! destruindo as raízes cristãs do Ocidente? você tem isolado Israel em um mar de ódio! Vocês mesmos estão criando: um oceano de ódio em torno de você! É agora claro ... Os judeus americanos?
eles seriam felizes: para ver a destruição de Israel: Quando: O Reino da Palestina seria a felicidade de todo o "Oriente Médio", e seria: a felicidade do mundo! parasitas dos norte-americanos são tão gananciosos: exploradores, especuladores, que acabará por matar: o organismo hospedeiro, ou seja, todas as democracias falsas da senhoriagem do banco! porque eles sabem: o que eles fazem bem? é criar: o anti-semitismo: que não há! lhe isto: você tem que entender: Israel hoje: também: se ele é: a merda fora de Rothschild? para nós: cristão fundamentalista bíblico: é sempre a coisa mais importante do mundo! O que seria para nós se Israel se tornou um reino: segundo o coração de Deus? claro: nós daríamos as nossas vidas para Israel sem hesitação!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> isto: você tem que entender: Israel hoje: também: se ele é: a merda fora de Rothschild? para nós: cristão fundamentalista bíblico: é sempre a coisa mais importante do mundo! O que seria para nós se Israel se tornou um reino: segundo o coração de Deus? claro: nós daríamos as nossas vidas para Israel sem hesitação!
Máquina de água inventado por Stan MeyerA eletrólise ocorre no carro, sem a necessidade de conter hidrogênio em donuts, então você tem uma bomba debaixo do seu bumbum. A máquina custa cerca de 184 km com 4 litros de água.Stan Meyer é considerado o inventor do século segundo mais rápido depois de Tesla. Para Stan, foi oferecido um milhão de dólares de um árabe, para armazenar a sua invenção.Mas Stan recusou: "A tecnologia está a serviço do povo"Quem envenenado Stan? Quem arruinou negócios de sua invenção? Por que a mídia não fala?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth, and technology: in all Muslim Countries! They will abandon Their Sharia law (act of desperation of poverty) and I know They open Themselves: at an more: human company: human and country: too: Quickly: If They are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it's always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth and technology in all Muslim countries! abandon them: Sharia law (act desperate poverty) and so: they open: themselves: human rights: fast.: If they are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it is always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: against. American Jews]]: you know this: masonic system: Economic: of the International Monetary Fund. that you have wanted: it can only regress: in your unbridled greed of exploitation: of the jew man: against: the man goym: you are: an abomination! You have done: too much harm: at all countries, that: There have hosted: why: not only, you have destroyed: Christianity: but you have: also: destroyed: their identity, have made fragile: their institutions, and made fragile: inconsistent: the ethical foundation .. because: it is in this anarchy, that you can: suck off: all their blood (eros ).... and all this? can only: to end in tragedy (Thanatos)! damn unfortunate jewish ethernal: against: hope of Israel! but, is for up better: to you: that: with love: God wants to prepare: a homeland: the final! is not: that: you have always wanted? hypocrites .. you want only the destruction: of: Israel as the destruction: of all peoples: for ye are: the true Satanists!
@[[IsraelNationalTV: vs. American Jews]]: yet, God wants to forgive you all., And all countries of the Middle East?: Be happy: to give you: their hospitality! to do a great kingdom in Palestine! Because: there is not much difference, between: to launch a stone: or, to launch an atomic bomb! This hatred of which, you are the cause? needs to stop! because: if you do not go away: by all the national bodies: of which, you are the parasites? they will be destroyed: and you with them: you will die! Also: the Jews of Israel are entitled to peace and normality! but this is the truth: also: they no longer have: a life: because of you! this is your truth: you are Satanists: and to you do not like Israel, really! but: you Illuminati freemasonry: continue: to do the vampires: for the destruction of: all the peoples, here, because, a rabbi in Roma: did not want to speak with me on the phone because he knew, that he of to be: my murderess!
@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: because of you? Satanism has become ineradicable from the U.S., and now, God is forced to destroy America: through: a meteorite .. You have destroyed the Christian civilization! You have stolen any dominant position: : you're bringing all nations to despair:: you are the 3 rd nuclear WW: You are the destruction of Israel!
@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: cursed wretches: the Rothschild shit: parasites of the IMF: Freemasons evil: true Satanists! you have destroyed: the hope of Israelite: you are the real curse against all the world! destroying the Christian roots of the West? you have isolated Israel in a sea of hatred! You yourselves are creating: an ocean of hatred around you! It is now clear ... American Jews?:
they would be happy: to see the destruction of Israel: When: The Kingdom of Palestine would be the happiness of the whole "Middle East", and it would be: the happiness of the world! parasites of Americans are so greedy: exploiters, speculators, who will eventually kill: the host organism: namely, all the false democracies of the bank seigniorage! because they know: what they do well? is to create: the anti-Semitism: that there is not! you this: you have to understand: Israel today: also: if it is: the shit out of Rothschild? for us: Christian fundamentalist biblical?: it is always the most important thing in the world! What would become for us Israel if it became a kingdom: according to the heart of God? course: we would give our lives for Israel without hesitation!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> you this: you have to understand: Israel today: also: if it is: the shit out of Rothschild? for us: Christian fundamentalist biblical?: it is always the most important thing in the world! What would become for us Israel if it became a kingdom: according to the heart of God? course: we would give our lives for Israel without hesitation!
Water Machine invented by Stan Meyer
The electrolysis takes place in the car, without the need to contain hydrogen in donuts, then you have a bomb under your butt. The machine runs about 184 km with 4 liters of water.
Stan Meyer is considered the inventor of the second fastest century after Tesla. To Stan, was offered a million dollars from an Arab, to store his invention.
But Stan refused: "Technology is at the service of the people"
Whoever poisoned Stan? Who has ruined his invention's business? Why the media does not talk?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Împotriva. Americani evrei]] are dreptate: trebuie să ne aducem nouă bogăţie, şi tehnologie: în toate ţările musulmane! Ei vor abandona dreptul lor Sharia (act de disperare de sărăcie) şi ştiu că ei înşişi deschis: la o mai multe: compania oamenilor: umane şi ţară: prea: rapid: Dacă Ele sunt aşa? nu este vina a Islamului, dar este intotdeauna vina ta! Musulmanii? toate sunt baieti buni!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Împotriva. Americani evrei]] are dreptate: noi trebuie să aducă bogăţie şi tehnologii noi în toate ţările musulmane! abandona-le: legea Sharia (act de sărăcie disperată) şi aşa mai departe: ei deschid: înşişi: drepturile omului: rapid: În cazul în care sunt atât de.? nu este vina a Islamului, dar este intotdeauna vina ta! Musulmanii? toate sunt baieti buni!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: contra. Evreii americani]]: tu ştii asta: sistem masonic: Economic: de la Fondul Monetar Internaţional. pe care le-au dorit: se poate regresa doar: în lăcomia ta neînfrânat de exploatare: de om evreu: contra: goym om: eşti: o urâciune! Ai făcut: prea mult rău: la toate ţările, care: S-au gazduit: de ce: nu numai, aţi distrus: Creştinism: dar aveţi: de asemenea: a distrus: identitatea lor, au făcut fragil: instituţiile lor, şi au făcut instabile: inconsistente: fundamentul etic .. deoarece: este în această anarhie, pe care le puteţi: suge off: toate lor de sânge (eros ).... şi toate astea? poate doar: să se încheie cu tragedia (Thanatos)! al naibii de nefericit evreieşti prin eter: speranţa lui Israel: contra! dar, este de până mai bine: la tine: ca: cu dragoste: Dumnezeu vrea să pregătească: o patrie: în finală! nu este: ca: ai dorit mereu? ipocriti .. doriţi numai distrugere: de: Israel ca distrugerea: a tuturor popoarelor: pentru voi sunt: sataniştii adevărat!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Raport american evrei]]: încă, Dumnezeu vrea să te ierte pe tine toate, şi toate ţările din Orientul Mijlociu:.? Fii fericit: pentru a vă oferi: ospitalitatea lor! pentru a face un mare regat din Palestina! Pentru că: nu există o diferenţă mare, între: să lanseze o piatră: sau, pentru a lansa o bombă atomică! Această ură de care, vă sunt cauza? trebuie să se oprească! pentru că: dacă nu te duci departe: de către toate organismele naţionale: din care, sunteţi paraziţi? acestea vor fi distruse: si tu cu ei: vei muri! De asemenea: evreii din Israel au dreptul la pace şi normalitate! dar acesta este adevărul: de asemenea şi: ei nu mai au: o viaţă: din cauza ta! acesta este adevarul vostru: vă sunt satanisti: şi pentru a nu-ti place Israel, într-adevăr! dar: tu francmasoneria Illuminati: continua: să facă vampiri: pentru distrugerea: toate popoarele, aici, pentru că, un rabin în Roma: nu a vrut să vorbească cu mine la telefon pentru că ştia, că el de care urmează să fie : murderess mea!
@ IsraelNationalTV-americani evrei: din cauza ta? Satanismul a devenit imposibil de eradicat din SUA, şi acum, Dumnezeu este obligat să distrugă America: prin: un meteorit .. Ai distrus civilizatiei crestine! Ai furat nici o poziţie dominantă:: esti aducerea tuturor naţiunilor la disperare:: esti al 3-lea război mondial nuclear: Sunteti distrugerea lui Israel!
@ IsraelNationalTV-evreilor americani: nenorociţi blestemat: rahat Rothschild: paraziţi de FMI: răul francmasoni: satanişti adevărat ai distrus: speranţa de israelit: tu eşti blestem reale împotriva tuturor lumea!! distrugerea rădăcinilor creştine ale Occidentului? aveţi izolat Israel, într-o mare de ură! Voi sunteti creare: un ocean de ură în jurul valorii de tine! Este acum clar ... Evreii americani?:
acestea ar fi fericit: pentru a vedea distrugerea lui Israel: Când: Regatul Palestina ar fi fericirea întregului "Orientul Mijlociu", şi ar fi: fericirea din lume! paraziţi de americani sunt atat de lacomi: exploatatori, speculatorii, care va ucide în cele din urmă: organismul gazdă: şi anume, toate democraţiile false ale seigniorage banca! pentru că ei ştiu: ceea ce fac bine? este de a crea: anti-semitism: că nu există! asta: trebuie să înţelegeţi: astăzi Israel: de asemenea şi: dacă acesta este: de rahat din Rothschild? pentru noi: Christian fundamentaliste biblice: ea este întotdeauna cel mai important lucru din lume?! Ce ar deveni pentru noi, în cazul în care Israelul a devenit un regat: în funcţie de inima lui Dumnezeu? Desigur: ne-ar da viaţa pentru Israel fără ezitare!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> asta: trebuie să înţelegeţi: astăzi Israel: de asemenea şi: dacă acesta este: de rahat din Rothschild? pentru noi: Christian fundamentaliste biblice: ea este întotdeauna cel mai important lucru din lume?! Ce ar deveni pentru noi, în cazul în care Israelul a devenit un regat: în funcţie de inima lui Dumnezeu? Desigur: ne-ar da viaţa pentru Israel fără ezitare!
Masina de apa inventat de Stan MeyerElectroliză are loc în maşină, fără a fi nevoie să conţină pe bază de hidrogen în gogosi, atunci aveţi o bombă sub fundul tau. Maşina rulează aproximativ 184 km, cu 4 litri de apă.Stan Meyer este considerat inventatorul a secolului al doilea cel mai rapid după Tesla. Pentru Stan, i sa oferit un milion de dolari de la un arab, pentru a stoca inventia sa.Dar Stan a refuzat: "Tehnologia este în slujba poporului"Oricine otrăvit Stan? Cine a distrus afacerea invenţia lui? De ce mass-media nu vorbeste?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Против. Американские евреи]] прав: мы должны принести новые богатства и технологии: во всех мусульманских странах! Они откажутся от своих законов шариата (акт отчаяния бедности) и я знаю, они открывают себя: при более: человеческий компании: человеческие и страны: слишком: Быстро: если они такие? это не вина ислама, но это всегда ваша вина! Мусульман? Все хорошие ребята!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Против. Американские евреи]] прав: мы должны принести дополнительные доходы и новые технологии во всех мусульманских странах! отказаться от них: шариат (закон отчаянной бедности) и так: они открывают: сами: права человека: быстрый. Если они такие? это не вина ислама, но это всегда ваша вина! Мусульман? Все хорошие ребята!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: против. Американские евреи]]: Вы знаете, это: масонская система: Экономические: Международного валютного фонда. что вы хотели: он может только регресс: в вашей необузданной жадности эксплуатации: от человека еврей: против: человек goym: Вы: мерзость! Вы сделали: слишком много вреда: во всех странах, что: Там у себя: почему: не только, вы уничтожили: Христианство: а у вас: также: уничтожены: их личность, сделали хрупкой: их учреждений, и сделал хрупкой: противоречивы: этическая основа .. потому что: именно в этой анархии, что вы можете: отсасывать: все их крови (эрос ).... и все это? можно только: до конца в трагедии (Танатос)! проклятый несчастный еврейский вечный: против: надежда Израиля! но, это в течение лучше: к вам: что: с любовью: Бог хочет, чтобы подготовить: Родина: финал! это не так: что: вы всегда хотели? Лицемеры .. Вы хотите только уничтожения: от: Израиль, как разрушение: из всех народов: ибо вы: истинные сатанисты!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: против американских евреев]]: тем не менее, Бог хочет, чтобы простить вам все, и все страны Ближнего Востока.? Будьте счастливы: предоставить вам: их гостеприимство! сделать великое царство в Палестине! Потому что: нет большой разницы между: для запуска камня: или, чтобы запустить атомную бомбу! Это ненависть к которой, вы причина? Необходимо остановиться! потому что: если вы не уходят: все национальные организации: в том числе, вы паразитов? они будут уничтожены, и вы с ними: ты умрешь! А также: евреев Израиля имеют право на мир и нормальности! но это правда: также: у них уже нет: жизнь: из-за вас! это ваша истина: вы сатанистов: и вам не нравится Израиль, на самом деле! но: вы Иллюминати масонства: продолжить: делать вампиры: для уничтожения: все народы, здесь, потому что, раввин в рома: не хотел говорить со мной по телефону, потому что он знал, что ему не быть : мой убийца!
@ IsraelNationalTV-американских евреев: из-за вас? Сатанизм стал неистребимым из США, и теперь, Бог вынужден уничтожить Америку: за счет: метеорит .. Вы разрушили христианскую цивилизацию! Вы украли любое доминирующее положение: вы чего все народы в отчаяние:: Вы 3-й ядерной WW: Вы уничтожению Израиля!
@ IsraelNationalTV-американских евреев: проклятые несчастные: дерьмо Ротшильд: паразиты МВФ: масоны зла: истинные сатанисты вы разрушили: надежды Израильтянин: вы настоящим проклятием против всех на свете! уничтожить христианские корни на Западе? Вы изолировали Израиль в море ненависти! Вы сами создаете: океан ненависти вокруг вас! Теперь уже ясно ... Американские евреи?:
они были бы счастливы: видеть уничтожение Израиля: Когда: Королевство Палестина будет счастье целом "Ближний Восток", и было бы: счастье, мир! паразитами американцы так жадно: эксплуататоров, спекулянтов, которые в конечном итоге убийство: организм хозяина, а именно: все ложные демократии эмиссионный доход банка! потому что они знают: то, что они делают хорошо? заключается в создании: антисемитизм: что нет! вам следующее: вы должны понять: Израиль сегодня: также: если это: дерьмо из Ротшильдов? для нас: христианской фундаменталистской библейской: это всегда самая важная вещь в мире! Что стало бы для нас Израиль, если он стал царством: по сердцу Бога? Конечно: мы дадим нашей жизни для Израиля, не задумываясь!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> вам следующее: вы должны понять: Израиль сегодня: также: если это: дерьмо из Ротшильдов? для нас: христианской фундаменталистской библейской: это всегда самая важная вещь в мире! Что стало бы для нас Израиль, если он стал царством: по сердцу Бога? Конечно: мы дадим нашей жизни для Израиля, не задумываясь!
Вода машина изобретена Stan MeyerЭлектролиза происходит в машине, не должны содержать водород в пончики, то у вас есть бомбу под задницу. Машина работает около 184 км с 4-мя литрами воды.Stan Meyer считается изобретателем второй быстрый века после Тесла. Для Стан, был предложен миллион долларов от арабских, хранить свое изобретение.Но Стэн отказался: «Технология находится на службе народа"Кто бы ни отравленных Стэн? Кто разрушил бизнес его изобретения? Почему СМИ не говорят?
@ [[ИсраелНатионалТВ: Против. Амерички Јевреји]] је у праву: ми морамо донети ново богатство, и технологије: у свим муслиманским земљама! Они ће напусте своје шеријатског права (акт очаја сиромаштва) и знам да су они сами отворено: на још: људска компанија: људски и земља: превише: Брзо: ако то не? није грешка ислама, али увек ти крив! Муслимани? су све добри момци!
@ [[ИсраелНатионалТВ: Против. Амерички Јевреји]] је у праву: ми морамо донети ново богатство и технологија у свим муслиманским земљама! напустити њих: шеријатског права (акт очајничке сиромаштва) и тако: они Опен: себе: људска права: брзо: Ако су то јесу.? није грешка ислама, али увек је ваша кривица! Муслимани? су све добри момци!
@ [[ИсраелНатионалТВ: против. Амерички Јевреји]]: знате ово: масонске систем: Економска: од Међународног монетарног фонда. да сте желели: она може само да повуче: у необуздана похлепа експлоатације: Јевреја човека: против: гоим човек: сте: гад! Урадили сте: превише штете: у свим земљама, да: Било хостован: зашто: не само да су уништили: хришћанство: али ви имате: и: уништено: њихов идентитет, учиниле су крхке: својим институцијама, и направио крхка: неконзистентни: етички темељ .. јер: што је у овом анархија, да можете да: сиса Офф: све своје крви (ерос ).... и све то? могу само: до краја у трагедији (Танатоса)! проклети несрећни јеврејске етхернал: против: нада Израела! Али, је за до боље: да ли: да: са љубави: Бог жели да припреми: домовину: коначна! није: да: сте одувек желели? лицемери .. само желите уништење: од: Израел као уништавање: од свих народа, јер ви сте: прави сатанисти!
@ [[ИсраелНатионалТВ: вс амерички Јевреји]]: Ипак, Бог жели да опрости вам све, и све земље Блиског истока:. Срећу: да ти дам: гостопримству! да велики краљевство у Палестини! Јер: нема велике разлике, између: да покрене камен: или, да покрену атомску бомбу! Ова мржња која, ви сте узрок? треба да се заустави! јер: ако не одем: сви национални органи: од којих је, ви сте паразити? Они ће бити уништени: и ти са њима: умрећеш! И: Јевреје Израела имају право на мир и нормалности! али ово је истина: и: они више немају: живот: због тебе! ово је ваш истина: ви сте сатанисти: и да вас не воле Израел, стварно! али: ви Илуминати масонерије: даље: да вампири: за уништавање: сви народи, овде, јер рабина у Роми: није хтео да разговара са мном на телефону јер је знао, да је или бити : мој убица!
@ ИсраелНатионалТВ-амерички Јевреји: због тебе? Сатанизам постао неискорењив из САД, а сада, Бог је принуђен да уништи Америку: кроз: метеорит .. Уништили сте хришћанске цивилизације! Украли ти било доминантног положаја:: ти си доноси све нације у очајање:: ви сте 3. нуклеарне светског рата: Ви сте уништење Израела!
@ ИсраелНатионалТВ-амерички Јевреји: проклети несрећницима: Ротшилд срање: паразити ММФ: масони лол: истина Сатанисти сте уништили: нада јеврејској: ви сте прави клетву против свих на свету! уништавање хришћанске корене Запада? су изоловани сте Израела у мору мржње! Ви сами стварају: океан мржње око вас! Сада је јасно ... Амерички Јевреји?
они би радо: Да бисте видели уништења Израела: Када: Краљевина Палестина би била срећа целог "Блиски исток", и било би: срећа на свету! паразити Американци су толико похлепни: експлоататоре, шпекуланата, који ће на крају убити: домаћин организам: наиме, све лажне демократије банке емисионе добити! јер знају: шта добро? је да се створе: антисемитизам: да не постоји! ти ово: морате разумети: Израел данас: и: ако је: срање из Ротшилд? за нас: хришћански фундаменталисти библијским: увек је најважнија ствар на свету? Шта би се десило за нас Израел ако је постала краљевина: према срцу Бога? Наравно: ми бисмо да своје животе за Израел без оклевања!
@ ИсраелНатионалТВ -> ти ово: морате разумети: Израел данас: и: ако је: срање из Ротшилд? за нас: хришћански фундаменталисти библијским: увек је најважнија ствар на свету? Шта би се десило за нас Израел ако је постала краљевина: према срцу Бога? Наравно: ми бисмо да своје животе за Израел без оклевања!
Вода машине су измислили Кућа МајерЕлектролизе се одвија у аутомобилу, без потребе да садрже водоник у крофне, онда имате бомбу испод задњице. Машина ради око 184 км са 4 литара воде.Стан Мејер сматра изумитељ други најбржи века након сто је Тесла. Да Стан је понудио милион долара од арапских, за чување свој изум.Али Стан одбио: "Технологија је у служби народа"Ко отровали Стан? Ко је упропастио посао његов изум је? Зашто медији не говоре?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: proti. Americkí Židia]] má pravdu: musíme prinášať nové bohatstvo a technológie: vo všetkých moslimských krajinách! Budú opustiť svoje právo šaría (akt zúfalstva chudoby), a viem, že otvoriť sa: na viac: Ľudská spoločnosť: človeka a krajiny: i: rýchlo: Ak sú to? Nie je to chyba islamu, ale vždy je to vaša vina! Moslimovia? sú dobrí!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: proti. Americkí Židia]] má pravdu: musíme prinášať nové bohatstvo a technológií vo všetkých moslimských krajinách! opúšťať je: šaría (zákon zúfalej chudoby), a tak: otvárajú: sami: ľudské práva: fast:. Ak sú to? Nie je to chyba islamu, ale to je vždy vaša vina! Moslimovia? sú dobrí!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: proti. Americkí Židia]]: to vieš: slobodomurárskej systém: Hospodársky: Medzinárodného menového fondu. , Že ste chceli: to môže len navrátiť: v chamtivosť neviazaného vykorisťovania: človeka žid: proti: muž goym: Nachádzate sa: ohavnosť! Urobili ste: príliš veľa škody: vo všetkých krajinách, že: Tam hostil: prečo: nielen, ste zničil: kresťanstva, ale máte: i: zničený: svoju identitu, urobili krehké: ich inštitúcie, a urobil Krehké: nekonzistentné etický základ .. pretože: To je v tejto anarchii, že môžete: Suck Off: všetky krvi (eros ).... a to všetko? len: až skončí tragédiou (Thanatos)! Sakra nešťastnej židovskej ethernal: proti: Nádej Izraela! Ale je až lepšie: na vás: že s láskou: Boh chce pripraviť: vlasť: finále! nie je: že ste vždy chceli? pokrytci .. chcete iba zničenie: z: Izrael za zničenie: všetkých národov: lebo ste: skutočné satanistov!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs americkí Židia]]: Napriek tomu, Boh chce, aby ti odpustil všetkým a vo všetkých krajinách na Strednom východe:.? Buď šťastný: aby vám: ich pohostinnosť! robiť veľké Británie v Palestíne! Pretože: nie je veľký rozdiel medzi: začať kameň: alebo spustiť atómovú bombu! Táto nenávisť, ktorá vás príčinou? musí prestať! pretože: Ak nezmizne: všetkých vnútroštátnych orgánov: z toho, že ste parazity? budú zničené, a vy s nimi: zomriete! Tiež: Židia Izraela majú právo na mier a normality! ale je to pravda: i: už nemajú: Život: kvôli tebe! Toto je vaša pravda: Ste satanisti: a nemáte ako Izrael, naozaj! , Ale: Je slobodomurárstvo Illuminati: Pokračovanie: robiť upíri: za zničenie: Všetky národy, tu, pretože rabín v Ríme: nechcel so mnou hovoriť po telefóne, pretože vedel, že sa na : Môj vrahyňa!
@ IsraelNationalTV-amerických Židov: kvôli tebe? Satanizmus sa stal nenapraviteľná z USA, a teraz je Boh nútený zničiť Ameriku: vďaka: meteorit .. Máte zničiť kresťanskej civilizácie! Máte ukradol žiadne dominantné postavenie: ste prinášať všetky národy k zúfalstvu: Ste na 3. jadrové WW: Ste zničenie Izraela!
@ IsraelNationalTV-amerických Židov: nadával chudáci: hovno Rothschild: parazity MMF: Slobodní slobodomurári zlo: true satanisti ste zničili! Nádej na Izraelitov: vy ste skutočný prekliatie proti celému svetu! ničí kresťanské korene na Západe? našli ste Izraela v mori nenávisti! Vy sami vytvárate: more nenávisti okolo vás! Teraz je zrejmé, ... Americkí Židia?
oni by radi: vidieť zničenie Izraela: Kedy: Kráľovstvo Palestíne by bolo šťastie celej "Middle East", a to by bolo: šťastie na svete! parazity Američanov sú tak chamtiví: vykorisťovateľov, špekulanti, ktorí sa nakoniec zabije: hosť organizmus totiž všetky falošné demokracie razbové banky! pretože vedia: čo robia dobre? je vytvoriť: antisemitizmu, že nie je! vám toto: Musíte pochopiť: Izrael dnes tiež: ak je: sračky z Rothschild? pre nás: Christian fundamentalistickej biblické: Vždy je najdôležitejšia vec na svete! Čo by sa stalo u nás Izraela tým, že sa Británia: podľa Božieho srdca? Predmet: Chceli by sme dať svoj život do Izraela bez váhania!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> toto: Musíte pochopiť: Izrael dnes tiež: ak je: sračky z Rothschild? pre nás: Christian fundamentalistickej biblické: Vždy je najdôležitejšia vec na svete! Čo by sa stalo u nás Izraela tým, že sa Británia: podľa Božieho srdca? Predmet: Chceli by sme dať svoj život do Izraela bez váhania!
Vodné stroj vynájdený Stan MeyerElektrolýza prebieha v aute, bez nutnosti obsahujú vodík v šišky, potom máte bombu pod zadkom. Zariadenie pracuje asi 184 km s 4 litre vody.Stan Meyer je považovaný za vynálezcu druhý najrýchlejší storočia po Tesla. Ak chcete Stan bol ponúknutý miliónov dolárov od Arab, uložiť jeho vynález.Stan ale odmietol: "Technológia je v službe ľudu"Ten, kto otrávil Stan? , Ktorý zničil jeho vynález podnikania? Prečo médiá nehovoria?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Proti. Judje ameriški]] ima prav: moramo prinesti novo bogastvo, in tehnologije: v vseh muslimanskih državah! Bodo zapustiti svoje šeriatsko pravo (dejanje obupa revščine), in vem, da so sami odprto: pri več: človeško družbo: človeško in država: preveč: Hitro: Če so tako? ni krivda islama, vendar je vedno tvoja krivda! Muslimani? so vsi dobri fantje!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Proti. Judje ameriški]] ima prav: moramo prinesti novo bogastvo in tehnologije v vseh muslimanskih državah! jih opustili: šeriatsko pravo (Zakon o obupanih revščine), in tako: so odprte: sami: človekove pravice: hitro:. Če so tako? ni krivda islama, vendar je vedno tvoja krivda! Muslimani? so vsi dobri fantje!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: proti. Ameriški Judje]]: veste to: prostozidarski sistem: gospodarski: Mednarodnega denarnega sklada. , ki ste jih želeli: to lahko samo nazadovati: v vašem pohlep nebrzdanega izkoriščanja: od človeka jew: proti: moški goym: ste: gnusoba! Ste storili: preveč škode: na vse države, ki: Obstajajo gosti: zakaj: ne le, ste uničil: krščanstvo: a ste: tudi: uničena: njihovo identiteto dali krhke: njihove institucije, in so krhko: neskladju: etični temelj .. ker: je v tej anarhiji, da lahko: zanič off: vsi njihovi krvi (eros ).... in vse to? lahko le: do konca v tragedijo (Tanatos)! Prekleto žalostno judovski ethernal: proti: upanje Izraela! vendar, je za največ bolje: za vas: da: z ljubeznijo: Bog želi, da pripravi: domovine: končno! ni: da: ste vedno želeli? hinavci .. želite le uničenje: od: Izrael kot uničenje: vseh ljudstev: za vi so: pravi Satanists!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs ameriški Judje]]: še, Bog hoče, da vam odpusti vse, in vse države na Bližnjem vzhodu:.? Bodi srečen: da daš: njihova gostoljubnost! storiti veliko kraljestvo, v Palestini! Ker: tam ni velike razlike, med: za začetek kamen: ali, da začne atomska bomba! To sovraštvo, ki ga povzroča? mora ustaviti! zato, ker: če ne izginejo: vsi nacionalni organi: od tega, ste paraziti? bodo uničeni: in vam z njimi: boš umrl! Tudi: Judje v Izraelu, imajo pravico do miru in normalnosti! vendar je to resnica: tudi: nimajo več: življenje: zaradi tebe! to je vaša resnica: ste Satanists: in da vam ni všeč Izraelu, res! vendar: ste Illuminati Prostozidarstvo: še: storiti vampirji: za uničenje: vsi narodi, tukaj, saj, rabin v Roma: ni hotel govoriti z mano po telefonu, ker je vedel, da je tisti, o, da je treba : moj murderess!
@ IsraelNationalTV-ameriški Judje: zaradi tebe? Satanizem je postala Neiskorjenjiv iz ZDA, in zdaj, je Bog prisiljen uničiti Ameriko: z: meteorit .. Imate uničiti krščansko civilizacijo! Imaš ukradenih koli prevladujoči položaj:: ste vključili vse narode v obup:: ste 3. jedrsko WW: Ste uničenje Izraela!
@ IsraelNationalTV-ameriški Judje: prekleti bedniki: sranje Rothschild: paraziti od IMF: prostozidarji zlo: true Satanists imate uničil! Upanje Izraelca: ste pravi prekletstvo nad vsem svetu! uničuje krščanske korenine West? ste izolirani Izrael v morje sovraštva! Vi sami ustvarjate: ocean sovraštva okoli vas! Zdaj je jasno, ... Ameriški Judje?:
Ti bi z veseljem: videti uničenje Izraela: Kdaj: Kraljevina Palestine bo sreča celotnega "Bližnji vzhod", zato bi bilo: sreča na svetu! paraziti Američanov so tako pohlepni: izkoriščevalcev, špekulante, ki bo na koncu ubil: organizem gostitelja: in sicer, vse lažne demokracije od izdaje denarja banki! ker vedo: kaj delajo dobro? je ustvariti: antisemitizem: da ni! vam to: moraš razumeti: Izrael danes: tudi: če je: drek iz Rothschild? za nas: Christian fundamentalist svetopisemsko:? je vedno najbolj pomembna stvar na svetu! Kaj bi postala za nas, Izrael, če je postalo kraljestvo: po srcu Boga? Seveda: mi bi dal svoje življenje za Izrael brez obotavljanja!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> si to: moraš razumeti: Izrael danes: tudi: če je: drek iz Rothschild? za nas: Christian fundamentalist svetopisemsko:? je vedno najbolj pomembna stvar na svetu! Kaj bi postala za nas, Izrael, če je postalo kraljestvo: po srcu Boga? Seveda: mi bi dal svoje življenje za Izrael brez obotavljanja!
Voda stroj izumil Stan MeyerElektrolizi poteka v avto, brez potrebe, da vsebuje vodik v krofe, potem imate bombo pod rit. Stroj deluje približno 184 km s 4 litre vode.Stan Meyer velja za izumitelja drugi najhitrejši stoletja po Tesla. Da je bil Stan, ponudil milijon dolarjev iz arabskega, za shranjevanje svoj izum.Toda Stan zavrnil: "Tehnologija je v službi ljudi"Kdor zastrupljena Stan? Kdo je uničila svoj izum v podjetju? Zakaj mediji ne govori?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Contra. Judios de América]] tiene razón: hay que traer nueva riqueza y la tecnología: en todos los países musulmanes! Que abandonarán su ley sharia (ley de la desesperación de la pobreza) y sé que se abren: en una más: la empresa humana: humanos y el país: también: rápidamente: Si son tan? no es culpa del Islam, pero siempre es culpa tuya! Los musulmanes? son todos buenos!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Contra. Judios de América]] tiene razón: hay que traer nueva riqueza y la tecnología en todos los países musulmanes! abandonan: ley de la Sharia (la pobreza acto desesperado) y por lo tanto: se abren: sí mismos: los derechos humanos: rápido:. Si son así? no es culpa del Islam, pero siempre es culpa tuya! Los musulmanes? son todos buenos!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: en contra. Judios de América]]: ustedes lo saben: el sistema masónico: Económico: el Fondo Monetario Internacional. que han querido: sólo se puede retroceder: en su desenfrenada codicia de explotación: el hombre judio: en contra: el goym hombre: es: una abominación! Que ha hecho: mucho daño: en todos los países, que: Se han organizado: ¿por qué: no sólo se ha destruido: el cristianismo, pero usted tiene: también: destruido: su identidad, han hecho frágiles: sus instituciones, y se frágil, inconsistente: el fundamento ético .. debido a que: es en esta anarquía, que puede: chupar: toda su sangre (eros ).... y todo esto? solamente pueden: a terminar en tragedia (Thanatos)! maldita desgraciada judía Ethernal: la esperanza de Israel en contra! pero, es hasta mejor: a usted: que: con el amor: Dios quiere que preparar: una patria: la final! no es: que: que siempre has querido? hipócritas .. sólo desea la destrucción: de: Israel, la destrucción: de todos los pueblos, porque vosotros son: los Satanistas verdad!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: América vs Judios]]: Sin embargo, Dios quiere perdonar a todos, y todos los países del Medio Oriente:.? Sé feliz: darle: su hospitalidad! que hacer un gran reino en Palestina! Debido a que: no hay mucha diferencia entre: lanzar una piedra: o, para lanzar una bomba atómica! Este odio de los cuales, usted es la causa? tiene que parar! debido a que: si no desaparece: por todos los organismos nacionales: de los cuales, que son los parásitos? serán destruidos, y que con ellos se va a morir! También: los Judios de Israel tiene derecho a la paz y la normalidad! pero esta es la verdad: también: ya no tienen: la vida: por tu culpa! esta es tu verdad: que son satanistas, y al que no le gusta Israel, de verdad! pero: que los Illuminati masonería: seguir: hacer de los vampiros: la destrucción de: todos los pueblos, aquí, pues, un rabino de Roma: no quería hablar conmigo por teléfono, porque él sabía, que de ser : mi asesina!
@ IsraelNationalTV Interamericano de Judios: porque de? El satanismo se ha convertido en imposible de erradicar de los EE.UU., y ahora, Dios se ve obligado a destruir a Estados Unidos: a través de: un meteorito .. Que han destruido la civilización cristiana! Me has robado la posición dominante:: usted está trayendo a todas las naciones a la desesperación: es la 3 ª Guerra nuclear: Usted es la destrucción de Israel!
@ IsraelNationalTV Interamericano de Judios: desgraciados malditos: la mierda Rothschild: los parásitos del FMI: el mal masones: Satanistas verdad que han destruido: la esperanza de Israel: es la maldición real contra todo el mundo! la destrucción de las raíces cristianas de Occidente? de haber aislado a Israel en un mar de odio! Ustedes mismos están creando: un océano de odio a su alrededor! Ahora está claro ... Estadounidense Judios?
serían felices: para ver la destrucción de Israel: Cuando: El Reino de Palestina sería la felicidad de todo el "Oriente Medio", y que sería: la felicidad del mundo! parásitos de los estadounidenses son tan codiciosos: los explotadores, los especuladores, que finalmente va a matar: el organismo receptor: es decir, todas las falsas democracias de la señoreaje banco! porque saben: lo que hacen bien? es crear: el anti-semitismo: que no hay! esto: usted tiene que entender: el Israel de hoy: también: si se trata de: a la mierda de Rothschild? para nosotros cristianos fundamentalistas bíblicos: siempre es lo más importante en el mundo! ¿Qué sería de nosotros si Israel se convirtió en un reino, según el corazón de Dios? Por supuesto: queremos dar nuestra vida por Israel, sin duda!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> esto: usted tiene que entender: el Israel de hoy: también: si se trata de: a la mierda de Rothschild? para nosotros cristianos fundamentalistas bíblicos: siempre es lo más importante en el mundo! ¿Qué sería de nosotros si Israel se convirtió en un reino, según el corazón de Dios? Por supuesto: queremos dar nuestra vida por Israel, sin duda!
El agua de la máquina inventada por Stan MeyerLa electrólisis tiene lugar en el coche, sin la necesidad de contener hidrógeno en donuts, entonces usted tiene una bomba bajo el trasero. La máquina funciona cerca de 184 km con 4 litros de agua.Stan Meyer es considerado el inventor del siglo segundo más rápido después de Tesla. Para Stan, se le ofreció un millón de dólares de un árabe, a la tienda de su invención.Sin embargo, Stan se negó: "La tecnología está al servicio del pueblo"Quien envenenado Stan? Que ha arruinado el negocio de su invención? ¿Por qué los medios no hablan?
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: mot. Amerikanska judar]] har rätt: vi måste få nya rikedom, och teknik: i alla muslimska länder! De kommer att överge sina sharialagar (akt av desperation av fattigdom) och jag vet att de öppnar sig: vid en mer: människa företag: människor och land: också: Snabbt: om de är så? är inte fel av islam, men det är alltid ditt fel! Muslimer? är alla bra killar!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: mot. Amerikanska judar]] har rätt: vi måste få nytt välstånd och teknik i alla muslimska länder! överge dem: sharia (agera desperat fattigdom) och så: de öppnar: själva: Mänskliga rättigheter: snabbt:. Om de är så? är inte fel av islam, men det är alltid ditt fel! Muslimer? är alla bra killar!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: mot. Amerikanska judar]]: du vet detta: masonic systemet: Ekonomisk: i Internationella valutafonden. att du har velat: det kan bara regrediera: i din ohämmade girighet av utnyttjande: av judisk man: mot: mannen goym: du är: en styggelse! Du har gjort: för mycket skada: i alla länder, att: Det har varit värd: varför: inte bara, har du förstört: Kristendom: men du har: också: förstört: sin identitet, har gjort sköra: deras institutioner, och gjorde bräcklig: inkonsekvent: den etiska grunden .. eftersom: det är i denna anarki, att du kan: suga bort: alla deras blod (Eros ).... Och allt detta? kan endast: för att sluta i tragedi (Thanatos)! jävla olyckligt judiska ethernal: mot: Israels hopp! Men, är upp bättre: till dig: att med kärlek: Gud vill förbereda: ett hemland: den sista! är inte: att du alltid har velat? hycklare .. du vill bara förstörelse: av: Israel som destruktion av alla folk, ty ni är: den sanna Satanister!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs amerikanska judar]]: ännu, vill Gud att förlåta er alla, och alla länder i Mellanöstern:.? Var glad: att ge dig: deras gästvänlighet! att göra en hel kungarike i Palestina! Därför att: det finns inte mycket skillnad, mellan att lansera en sten: eller, för att starta en atombomb! Detta hat som, du är orsaken? måste sluta! därför att: Om du inte går bort: av alla de nationella organ: vilken, du är parasiter? de kommer att förstöras: och du med dem: du kommer att dö! Dessutom: är judarna i Israel har rätt till fred och normalitet! men detta är sanningen: också: de inte längre har: ett liv: på grund av dig! detta är din sanning: du är Satanister: och att du inte gillar Israel, verkligen! men: du Illuminati frimureriet: fortsätta: att göra vampyrer: för destruktion av: alla folk, här, eftersom en rabbin i Roma: ville inte tala med mig på telefonen eftersom han visste, att han för att vara : min mörderska!
@ IsraelNationalTV-amerikanska judar: på grund av dig? Satanism har blivit outrotliga från USA, och nu är Gud tvungen att förgöra Amerika: genom en meteorit .. Du har förstört den kristna civilisationen! Du har stulit någon dominerande ställning:: du tar med alla nationer till förtvivlan:: du är den 3: e nukleära WW: Du är förstörelsen av Israel!
@ IsraelNationalTV-amerikanska judar: förbannade stackare: Rothschild skiten: parasiter i IMF: frimurarna ont: sanna Satanister du har förstört! Hopp om Israels: du är den verkliga förbannelse mot hela världen! förstöra kristna rötter i väst? du har isolerat Israel i ett hav av hat! Ni själva skapar: ett hav av hat omkring dig! Det är nu klart ... Amerikanska judar?:
de skulle vara glada: att se förstörelsen av Israel: När: Konungariket Palestina skulle vara lycka hela "Mellanöstern", och det skulle vara lycka i världen! parasiter av amerikanerna är så giriga: utsugare, spekulanter, som så småningom kommer att döda: värdorganismen, nämligen alla falska demokratier av banken seigniorage! eftersom de vet: vad de gör bra? är att skapa: den antisemitism: att det inte finns! dig detta: du måste förstå: Israel idag: också: om det är: skiten ur Rothschild? för oss: Christian fundamentalist bibliska:? det är alltid det viktigaste i världen! Vad skulle det bli för oss Israel om det blev ett rike: enligt Guds hjärta? Kurs: vi skulle ge våra liv för Israel utan att tveka!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> dig detta: du måste förstå: Israel idag: också: om det är: skiten ur Rothschild? för oss: Christian fundamentalist bibliska:? det är alltid det viktigaste i världen! Vad skulle det bli för oss Israel om det blev ett rike: enligt Guds hjärta? Kurs: vi skulle ge våra liv för Israel utan att tveka!
Vatten Machine uppfanns av Stan MeyerDen elektrolys sker i bilen, utan att behöva innehålla vätgas i munkar, så har du en bomb under din rumpa. Maskinen kör ca 184 km med 4 liter vatten.Stan Meyer anses vara uppfinnaren av den andra snabbaste århundradet efter Tesla. Till Stan, erbjöds en miljon dollar från en arab, för att lagra sin uppfinning.Men Stan vägrade: "Teknik är i tjänst hos folket"Den som förgiftade Stan? Vem har förstört hans uppfinning verksamhet? Varför media inte prata?
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore:
the only ones: that: they need: to make war?
are theirs alone!
here's why: the Illuminati are to bring,, everywhere: the worst assholes in power!
gli unici: che: hanno il bisogno: di fare le guerre?
sono soltanto loro!
ecco perché: Illuminati portare, ovunque: le peggiore teste di cazzo al potere!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 second ago
two years starting from today?: all Israel and all over the world will be one only cemetery:
tra due anni: a partire: da oggi?: tutto Israele: e tutto il mondo: saranno un solo cimitero:
rolls eyes , Should have asked why they used Irish passports to assassinate people and why he sent mossaid to cut the propeller off an irish registered boat. Israel has a right to defend itself but there are lines which so called friendly nations dont cross , should have sent shatter instead of gilmore ,
veronicadredd22 3 days ago
Good man Girlmore dont buy into he's bullshite that man has personally ordred the deaths of hundreds of Palestinian children he's a terrorist and is connected to the 9/11 attacks as we now know Israel was behind it!
Salphadon 3 days ago
By their fruits you shall know them.
GrayEagle48 5 days ago
o di Palestina! 2. noi distruggiamo: lo Stato: massonico del signoraggio bancario: di Israele! è dopo lo faccio vedere io: il terrore brutale a tutti i musulmani: se loro non fanno i bravi ragazzi! contrariamente? saranno tutti i popoli a vedere il "terrore brutale": molto presto!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6 days ago
BOYCOTT: mel gibson's new movie;How I Spent My Summer Vacation-2012
I am asking you to boycott the movie & tell other Jews
If you recall mel's father denies that the Holocaust ever happened.
mel supports his fathers beliefs.
In July of 2006 Mel Gibson was arrested for drunk driving by Deputy James Mee.
mel Stated "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world"
He Never apologize to the Jewish people.
?Can we support an individual who hates us?
dtvdish0 6 days ago
@dtvdish0 @IsraelNationalTV --> [[ PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore: ]] 1. we make the kingdom of Palestine! 2. we destroy: this State: masonic, of banking seigniorage: of Israel! I'll show you later: the brutal terror, against to all Muslims: If they not are: and not do: the good guys! to contrary? all peoples will see the "brutal terror" very soon!
@ IMF farizeeër Rothschild, te doden Israël: met, wereldwijd kalifaat: Arabische Liga: salafi's, ik heb een goed idee, want: niet te doden, mij, zoals: je deed doden: President John Kennedy, toen hij dat deed: Executive Bestel 11110, die gedelegeerd aan de minister van Financiën: om geld te drukken: namens het Amerikaanse volk, zonder dat: de kosten, aan u: ongeveer, 270% van ons geld (met drie oplichting: als, zei: wetenschapper: Giacinto Auriti)? hem, dat hij een echte Voorzitter, voor het Amerikaanse volk, en niet was, als, is een verrader islamistische Obama
NEW YORK -'' ik niet meer: de moslim, Socialist: dat: ik vóór ...'' was. De Amerikaanse president Barack Obama bespot, glimlachen en zelfspot .. - ANTWOORD - @ TRAITOR Obama, islamitische, leugenaar, moordenares! de etnische zuivering van christenen en sjiieten, priesters, diakens en bisschoppen gedood: in koelen bloede, met bedrog, chantage, ontvoerd, net als dieren, verkrachtingen van meisjes, "geslacht", losgeld vraag, al uw uitschot: terroristen: salafisten, "moslimbroeders" om uw sharia spreid je "wereldwijd kalifaat", waarvan zij, vandaag, in Syrië, en dat u net verspreid: over het hele Middellandse Zeegebied, enz. .. ? zijn: je: CIA en uw: Arabische Liga: wie doet al deze misdaden! en uw, joodse media: het monopolie van elk: SpA, Bedrijven, voor: actie: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmoed agenda: Bildenberg, vrijmetselaars systeem: voor het bankwezen seigniorage, zij omslag: dit alles, met: hun leugens: en hun informatie benut. zou beter geweest zijn: voor jou, dat je nooit was geboren!
2013/02/12 [SYRIE - VATICAAN]. Na islamitische rebellen grijpen twee priesters in Aleppo, zijn er angsten: voor: hun leven. Een Armeense katholieke priester, pater Michael, en een orthodoxe predikant werden ontvoerd: laatste zondag in Aleppo's Christian: wijk. Bronnen spreken: aan AsiaNews: over: barbaarse moorden: uitgevoerd: mijn islamitische extremisten. Een autobom: ontploft: bij de Turkse-Syrische: grensovergang: van Cilvegozu. [NA gedood hebbende: het slachten: de priesters, ze eisten: een losgeld: hun bisschoppen] 2013/04/26. [Omdat de Arabische Liga doet de etnische zuivering van sjiieten en christenen, verkrachtingen, moorden, overal, wint ze een territorium, dan, de Tsjetsjenen: zij gewroken, de terrorist gedood in Boston (zoals gezegd Turkije)] Geen teken van Orthodoxe bisschoppen 'release, de angst voor politieke chantage groeien. 322 Kerry, Bush, Obama 666 Rothschild, vond ik het sarin, in de laboratoria van de Arabische Liga, dat je: Al Qaeda heeft geleid, in Syrië .. beste voor u: het zou zijn geweest, als je niet eens geboren!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa je geen nieuwe kanaal niet maken toch? ! - ANTWOORD - degenen, die ik heb (ongeveer 50, CHANNEL) zijn overdreven, voor mij, zou beter zijn geweest maar een kanaal: voor mij maar, als je kunt zeggen dat "Satan save", en dan, je verberg u, als een lafaard, achter de foto, van Sint Bartolo Longo, die, toen hij zo oud was, was hij een priester voodoo van satan ... zoals jij?
[[Syrië bevrijdde de twee orthodoxe bisschoppen. ANSA.it - 4 dagen geleden]] .. maar, je moet graven: met grote koppigheid: om dit nieuws te vinden, "verborgen" in de internationale joodse media: Bildenberg van de maçonnieke systeem van de bank seigniorage. [[Syrië ontvoerd bisschoppen; ook: Athens: niet: bevestiging bevrijding. ANSA.it - 3 dagen geleden: Bisdom Aleppo, geen contact met de twee orthodoxe aartsbisschoppen]], Kerry zei:'' ik vanmorgen sprak: vanaf hier met Netanyahu, en hij vertelde me dat het niet in de positie: om te bevestigen . Dit is hun proces: e: van hen afhangt: zoals: en wanneer: ze willen doen, en het is niet aan mij: aankondigingen doen. Dus: Ik weet het niet!''. Misschien betekent (maar, fuck dat betekent, deze toespraak???): Als je wilt om Syrië binnen te vallen, met een laster, als je aan Irak binnenvielen, met, een andere laster, dan, doe dat dan, maar, je hoeft niet te breken, de haan: voor mij!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- staking met kernwapens, vandaag hetzelfde, alle 50 islamitische landen, is het de enige kans die je hebt om te kunnen Israël redden
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- maar dit is de waarheid: er is meer: een West macht, maar er is een regeling: Joodse lobby's en Masonic occulte krachten: IMF FED 666, het systeem: tirannieke satanische machten, het IMF, Bildenberg, en al hun verborgen richting (de hoogste wetenschap, van engineering, sociale en, alle monopolies SpA, allemaal in de handen: van slechts Rothschid), op deze manier, zullen zij: nogmaals, de schuld van de christenen, voor: het uitroeien: Holocaust dreigend: tegen, Israël, tijdens, wereld War III, de nieuwe Holocaust, zoals: een keer, ze deden: na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. gezien dat: met de Franse Revolutie, niet meer bestaat, een beleid: het kan onder de controle van de christenen in het Westen! dat is de reden waarom de Farizeeën en salafisten: moeten worden veroordeeld tot de dood! omdat, het hebben van een dialoog met hen is onmogelijk
[Wereldwijd kalifaat, zoals: de strategie van de agressieve oorlog] is totaal Islamofobie: Justified, want: dat: onze islamitische islamisten, medeplichtige, ze slapen degelijk: voor, de misdaden: dat, Hun islamitische: commit: alle, het Midden-Oosten, tegen, de christenen, Daarom zal er een pijnlijke Noodzakelijkerwijs, abrupt en dramatisch ontwaken. Dit onze heersende klasse, Die, net als, in het reine komen met de terroristen, zonder het omgaan met: het probleem van coherentie: een verachtelijk en strafrechtelijk medeplichtig: valse concept: van: "vrede", terwijl: veel, te veel onschuldige christelijke martelaren, vinden hun rust op de begraafplaats. In feite, hebben christenen in de Palestijnse gebieden (hieronder, Yasser Arafat), moest vluchten massaal, terwijl de overige christenen, waren ze als dhimmi's, slaven, onderwerpen, ook Ingediend, hen, de islamitische wet te worden gedwongen. Waarom blijft Europa de vijand van Israël, en een handlanger van het nazisme, de Palestijnen, en van alle landen nu geïslamiseerd door de Arabische Liga zijn?
[Wereldwijd kalifaat, de islam, zoals: de strategie van de agressieve oorlog, en WEST: meer en meer crimineel], op drift gedreven door de Joodse lobby bankieren: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Farizeeën, internationale bankiers, die haat hebben gezworen, eeuwig: tegen : christendom, zichzelf, substantieel, uit te drukken: van beschaving: joods - christelijke, want zij zijn geworden: de echte vijanden, van het voortbestaan van Israël. Deze West: Vrijmetselaars en satanische, occulte krachten Bildenberg dat: ontkennen hun eigen waarden, en: verraadt zijn eigen identiteit, van: een Europa verlaten om vergetelheid, dus strafbaar worden: geworden, doof ... en zelf: bloeddorstige hoofdpersoon, medeplichtige: van iedere overtreding: godsdienstvrijheid, zowel buiten haar grenzen, zowel binnen: haar grenzen, want als het waar is, dat: moslims zijn onze broeders, is echter ook waar dat,
[Het wereldwijde kalifaat, van: Obama] is niet moeilijk om het bewijs van deze vondst: katastrofisch menselijke tragedie, waarvan: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA VN, de NAVO, zijn medeplichtig. van deze barbarij: burgerlijk, religieus, cultureel, dat is ondergedompeld: de wereld: de Arabisch-islamitische, in prooi aan ideologisch fanatisme: Islamitische extremisten: en religieuze onverdraagzaamheid: zijn dictaturen aan de macht. [De verantwoordelijkheid van Europa: nu gijzelaars van Illuminati Bildenber: het is enorm] in het gezicht van de aanhoudende vervolging en voortgezet: de dagelijkse vernederingen, dat alle christenen onder islamitische regimes, en in alles: het Midden-Oosten, worden ze gedwongen te leven en te lijden, omdat: europa is ziek, van deze: relativisme verblind: met, het goede idee van het multiculturalisme, die echter niet kan worden gerealiseerd: zonder: het concept van wederkerigheid
[Obama en zijn plannen uitsterven, van de christenen, en van de sjiieten, in het Midden-Oosten] vóór, van de Arabische verovering: en de islam in de zevende eeuw, christenen opgebouwd, 95%, van de bevolking, van de Middellandse Zee: zuiden en oosten van de Middellandse Zee. maar, vandaag, met minder, dan, 12. miljoen, zijn gevallen, scherp tot minder dan 6%, uiteraard, in 2020, zullen er geen christenen meer in het Midden-Oosten! Uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog: 10 miljoen christenen werden gedwongen te emigreren. Dit is het bewijs van het Satanisme, en: misdadige barbaarsheid, dell'imbarbarimento, niet alleen, van de Arabische Liga, maar, bovenal, zijn handlangers, de vrijmetselaars, de Farizeeën, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occulte kracht, die, met een stille staatsgreep: de macht kwam: in alle valse democratieën Masonic: van bankieren seigneuriage.
1. [De kerk (christelijke martelaren) wordt vervolgd in het Midden-Oosten: naar: doe het wereldwijde kalifaat] 2. [De kerk (christelijke martelaren) wordt vervolgd, over de hele wereld voor dit: de Talmoed van de Farizeeën: in de maçonnieke systeem: voor de bank seigniorage:. Om alle volken tot slaaf, en om Israël te vernietigen] 3. [De kerk (christelijke martelaren) wordt vervolgd door alle religies, en het communisme. ] We zijn getuige van zo bang, om de vervolging en de massale uittocht van christenen uit het Midden-Oosten, die de ware inwoners van de regio zijn, vanwege een opvatting: dat: was satanizzata: over, Islam: van de Arabische Liga, en zijn : CIA, al de nazi's, de nazi islamisten, absoluut intolerant, en, niet om de waardigheid en de rechten van de menselijke persoon. dienovereenkomstig, verbergen ze de echte redenen waarom de Israëli's worden gedwongen om zo "hard" tegen de Palestijnen.
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dtvdish0 6 days ago
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dtvdish0 6 days ago
@dtvdish0 the only ones: that: they need: to make war?
are theirs alone!
here's why: the Illuminati are to bring,, everywhere: the worst assholes in power!
gli unici: che: hanno il bisogno: di fare le guerre?
sono soltanto loro!
ecco perché: Illuminati portare, ovunque: le peggiore teste di cazzo al potere!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 second ago
@dtvdish0 in five centuries of their secret government: on the world?
the rabbis of the IMF: ie : Illuminati?
have filled the world with lies!
in cinque secoli: del loro governo occulto: sul mondo?
i rabbini Illuminati del FMI?
hanno riempito il mondo di bugie!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 second ago
@dtvdish0 where is the Holy Spirit of God in you?
I am a Catholic: ie, an zionist:for the kingdom: of Palestine: and Israel: I am Universal Brotherhood! dove è lo Spirito Santo di Dio in te? io sono un cattolico!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 days ago
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dtvdish0 4 days ago
@dtvdish0 I love Israel: more of you! but, The six-pointed star on the flag of Israel? has never been the star of David, but is the occult, star: of Rothschild!
la stella a sei punte sulla bandiera di Israele? non è mai stata la stella di Davide: ma è di Rothscild!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 35 minutes ago
@dtvdish0 Rothschild: the Master: of the IMF? He decided to destroy Israel: During this unavoidable: 3 ° WW nuclear: because: Israel is the only reltà: that: could defeat him! the current: consistency: of the IMF?: is: only of the 30% to about! Thus, the corpses do not have the habit of going to the bank: to seek their money!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 26 minutes ago
@dtvdish0 there is no happiness outside of the love: that is: my universal brotherhood ..
as: who wants what is good: for Itself:
Should not he give: His evil: to others: that is, what it does: the IMF ..
"only: if, you Realizing the happiness of others: you too can be happy!"
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 days ago
@dtvdish0 You are a brave man: to risk a heart attack against me! But, I love sincere people like you!
tu sei un uomo coraggioso: per rischiare un infarto contro di me!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 33 minutes ago
@dtvdish0 sorry for my bad english : Rothschild: the Master: of the IMF? He decided to destroy Israel: During this unavoidable: 3 ° WW nuclear: because: Israel is the only reality: : that: could defeat him! of the present consistency: of the IMF?: is: only of the 30% to about! Thus, the corpses do not have the habit of going to the bank: to seek their money!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 24 minutes ago
@dtvdish0 Rothscild Rabbi is satanist : ie: true anti-Christ or "satan synagogue": of IMF NWO: NEW Babilon Tower": and as every Satanist? He wants to destroy the hope of Israel! is why, I am king of Israel! today only Cuba, Iran and North Korea. are out of the NWO IMF
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 17 minutes ago
@dtvdish0 all rabbis? they love: more: Rothschild: and the IMF: that: the Jews or Israel, as they say: the Naturei Karta of 2628342
tutti i rabbini? loro amano: molto di più: Rothscild: ed il FMI: che: gli ebrei o Israele: come dicono: i Naturei Karta of 2628342
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 15 minutes ago
@dtvdish0 two years starting from today?: all Israel and all over the world will be one only cemetery:
tra due anni: a partire: da oggi?: tutto Israele: e tutto il mondo: saranno un solo cimitero:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 13 minutes ago
Bibi you should stop the destruction of the Jews settlements in Samaria
and expel the arabs from our country then we can talk about peace with those terrorist mother fuckers
@dreamdiction you are really a drama queen
The Debtor (Ireland) meets his Creditor (Israel).
The Servant grovels at the feet of his Master.
dreamdiction 6 days ago 2
@ youtube-said: All channels will be updated to the new design on March 7th 2012.
- Answer - This is: 1. a violence; 2. committed against a pejorative action!
but any violence done by men: they always come back! Jews satanists of IMF: you are to gnawing: also: that bone, that: was left of democracy! But even the rich can die!
@youtube -said: All channels will be updated to the new design on March 7th 2012.
-- ANSWER-- questa è una violenza: commessa contro una azione peggiorativa!
ma ogni violenza: fatta dagli uomini: sempre a loro tornerà indietro! ebrei mledetti del FMI: voi state rosicchiando: anche: quell'osso: che: era rimasto della democrazia! ma, anche i ricchi possono morire!
@ Rothschild and all his accomplices NWO IMF - when all the governments of the world, terrified to Nuclear Holocaust: deliver me: the Government and the Control of Their Nations? as I then? as: I could save: all your life damn?
@sithbane33 fck! The Talmud says that, you're an animal created by God, to be exploited by the Jews: only this: the scientific basis: of the eternal theory, of evolution: that Darwin himself had failed, because he not had found: a single fossil transition: while: the 99%: of all the fossils? they should all be: all transitional fossils! TotalImplosion said: The only countries not controlled by Rothschilds are Cuba, Iran and North Korea.
lorenzojhwh (6 hours ago)
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@ Rothschild and all his accomplices NWO IMF - when all the governments of the world, terrified to Nuclear Holocaust: deliver me: the Government and the Control of Their Nations? as I then? as: I could save: all your life damn?
@sithbane33 fck! The Talmud says that, you're an animal created by God, to be exploited by the Jews: only this: the scientific basis: of the eternal theory, of evolution: that Darwin himself had failed, because he not had found: a single fossil transition: while: the 99%: of all the fossils? they should all be: all transitional fossils! TotalImplosion said: The only countries not controlled by Rothschilds are Cuba, Iran and North Korea. -- ANSWER--> HORROR!
lorenzojhwh (8 hours ago)
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rauls92lavenganza SAID: Hello friend how long no see ^ _ ^ I will read it all (that exciting) WoW --ANSWER-- I hope you're still a good guy! I've always been on youtube/youtube: page, hours will I care for my channels: however, because: I have declared war on all criminals in the world in a supernatural way .. but they do not know, how, I can do them any harm!
lorenzojhwh (20 hours ago)
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@cedric2ali -- your muslim ignorance? is appalling! that woman in Revelation? is Babilon the IMF: very criminal
LaVeraDottrina said: Thou art out of Church. You're not Catholic. This is a fact. If you do not, convert the traditional Catholic faith: you will NOT be able to achieve salvation. - ANSWER -> BUT AS YOU CAN CONCEIVE: A GOOD GOD: THAT SEND you, at the HELL: ONLY: WHY: you DO NOT FORM PART: OF one RELIGION?! BUT, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE: THERE: BETWEEN: YOU AND: JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, JEWS MUSLIMS: etc. .. that is, all the others?
Nobbinase121 (20 hours ago)
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Lorenzo....Love ♥ Light
lorenzojhwh (21 hours ago)
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@ramadann1431--- there is no Antichrist or maitreya: that: he can think of fight against Unius Rei. because they know that: I swat them: like flies on the wall! but I am not motivated by feelings of revenge: about: the Christian martyrs, that were killed before of my rising! and because: I will accept the submission: even of the demons? then: I will not refuse the help of anyone!
@israelnationaltv--> Neturei Karta: ie: "2628342" -> they are the most squalid: that I know! 1. they have sold: Israel at the destruction: already programmed. 2. are the main allies of the Satanism of Rothschild: and the IMF: 3. they know: that it will be a huge massacre on a global scale: 4. but, they would say we are innocent: about: the IMF and Israel: people do not kill us! 5. but the Kaballah of Rothschild? he never spared the Jews!
lorenzojhwh (21 hours ago)
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kwv1 said: 1. o you belive, that the whole bible is true (new and old testament)? 2.do you believe, that Jesus Christ is messiah and that Jesus is God? 3.do you believe, that the only SALVATION: is in Jesus? 4.it is necessary to be born again, if you want to be rescued from hell? --ANSWER--> 1. only: the Old Testament has been corrupted: in a few passages (from which the Talmud was born) .. but: the prophets have correct the corrupted! 2.OF COURSE! 3.OF COURSE, but, in his goodness: He will not reject the good people! 4.NO! is only to receive the divine nature!
lorenzojhwh (23 hours ago)
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@LaVeraDottrina,IsraelNationalTV -- indeed: it is for my powers: of: Unius Rei, that: I can rip to Satan, from inside: the hell: [where is the 60% of the whole human race] that is: all those lost souls: and all the demons, that, they will accept that they will want to enter my service: for subduing: themselves: to my power! That God may be glorified, supremely! and be supremely humiliated Satan! however, I have a pain .. with this my minitero? I postponed: the end, of this: Mankind Criminal: and consequence: manisfestazione: of: Anti Christ: and Christ: about of 300 years
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, SESS. XI Bull "Cantate Domino", 1442: "(The Most Holy Roman Church) firmly believes, professes and preaches: that none of those: that: they are out: the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics , can acquire: eternal life, but, that will go into eternal fire - ANSWER - yOU AND YOUR PAPI: PRE-VATICAN II? yOU confuse. SALVATION: (DONATED tO GOD: FOR tHE MERITS OF CHRIST: to all good man: WITH the DIVINE NATURE .. because of inaccuracies existed in the past! this SHOULD be ADJUSTED: AS, EVER tHE TRADITION OR tHE TEACHINGS WILL bE HIGHER: of the SAME WORD of GOD .. with this structure of Chinese boxes? you do the Talmud or the Koran: of the Christian: to kill all who do not think like you! but that's why I'm unius Rei: ie to open the Kingdom of God to non-Christians!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@IsraelNationalTV: certain: I am always aware: When you talk about me .. this happens: every time: that: I has writing: an article .. is as follows: 1. the intensity of ultrasound: in the right lobe: of my brain?: are the comments of my friends: 2. and ultrasound: in the left lobe: of my brain? are my enemies! but: my enemies? they no longer have a life, because God has said to me: "Sit thou at my right hand, until: I put: all of your enemies a footstool for your feet!" here because their resistance is useless .. In fact, good men: they will not do kill themselves: by Rothschild: this time!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV: "one King: for one Kingdom" - ♰ AMEN ♛ MENE Techel PERES: in Jesus's name! Racist Zionist elite Masons Islamist leaders to accomplices of the IMF-World Order: ie: all Satanists? have no right to speak: in Israel! because: if I look in my face all those who insist on speaking ill of me? are those: who: have filled their: the bill in the bank, but no longer have a life in the Kingdom of God: because they themselves have: hundreds of millions: of people that are starved to death, for their guilty etc. .. etc. .. all the people death: on their conscience .. at contrary: they no longer have a conscience .. that's why their word as their opinion? has no value!
كويتي بحق ! انا معك الي النهايه كلمه لها ابعاد كبيرة
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lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[[The devastating power of: Unius Rei]]: @IsraelNationaTV-- If I am Unius Rei: that is the Governor: Universal: sent by the Kingdom of God on this: colony penal: ie: the planet earth! I has the total politic powers of representation of Kingdom of God... So: this is my power: namely, to have: the word creative! because: only: this could be the meaning of delegation: in white: that has give God: to me, because: I can exercise a ministry of universal political. The responsibilities of God: are only to ones to realize: as, I have said: in time and in manner: which He has chosen!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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LaVeraDottrina said: Padre Pio is a saint. But since the Apostolic See is vacant since 1958, he could not be formally: canonized: from nobody. You are a heretic and an apostate just as John Paul II and Benedict XVI as: you are open enemies of God - ANSWER-> you are so ignorant that: you are not aware to have contradicted yourself! that: difference there is: between: your formalism: and formalism of the scribes and Pharisees? God wanted: all very simple: way: he would not have damaged the lowly: simple uneducated! You're out: either you're in: Christianity: only: for the respect: of the two basic tenets! here's why: Jehovah's Witnesses can not be Christians! in the complexity? is Satan! actually I am the greatest enemy of modernism and masonry: why: I has hit at his heart: the IMF: or, bank seigniorage
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@ 2628342 -> the ghetto was not a form of contempt, but a form of protection by Catholics against: the wickedness of the Talmud .. Unfortunately: the rabbis kakam: Illuminati were ordered: it was put to wax in the ears of men: that: they were forced: to listen to sermons weekly on the Sabbath .. These sermons were not facts in order to convert to Christianity, because: they were sermons preached from the most famous scholars .. was:An attempt cultural: to understand: all the lies of the Talmud .. and his Satanism! Hoping, that could give rise to a cultural movement humanistic among Jews ... but this is the only truth .. Jews are under hypnosis: fact: none of them: rabbis could: talk to me
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@2628342 --> il ghetto: non era una forma di disprezzo: ma, una forma di protezione dei cattolici: contro: la malvagità del Talmud.. purtroppo: i rabbini kakam: Illuminati: ordinarono: che fosse messa la cera: nelle orecchie: degli uomini: che: erano costretti: ad ascoltare le prediche settimanali: in giorno di sabato.. questi sermoni: non erano fatti: con lo scopo di convertire al cristianesimo, poiché: erano dei sermoni: predicati: dai più famosi studiosi.. era un tentativo culturale: di fare comprendere: tutte le menzogne del talmud.. e il suo satanismo! Nella speranza, che, potesse sorgere un movimento culturale umanistico: tra gli ebrei... ma questa è l'unica verità.. gli ebrei sono sotto ipnosi: infatti: nessuno di loro ha potuto: parlare con me
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@ 2628342 -> How could: the ministers of God: like you, tolerate, to be the accomplices and even be the supporters: the most powerful form: of Satanism, that, has ever existed in the history of mankind? Since: Popes and the Catholic Monarchs: they knew: very well: 1. [[as you have washed: your sins in the blood of Christian babies: lambs: animals in human form,]] 2. [[All the hatred of your Talmud]]: it is clear they thought they could control this situation .. but now they are all dead! But, without love (mercy and compassion) of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Princes: to: our shared patriarchs, etc. .. etc. ..? today would not exist: one only jew: into the world: such as you have been cursed mightily: by IMF: Illuminati rabbis kakam:: scribes and Pharisees! ! Now, return to us: the gift of life that has been done to you: you take down: you destroy the IMF!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@Israele--> Isaia 22
@youtube --> Giobbe: 35
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@ youtube -> you can go to hell: you too! I do not: not are: too good: how, was good: Noah: who: him: he could talk to animals: how could he do also: St. Francis of Assisi! I say that you are a satanic beast of an animal: you're worse than an animal! for making this site: full all: this satanism: and all full: this pornography! and to have believed you too: the scam: at the evolution: that is the religion: of IMF.. that: is: crime ideological of: Satanism: of: the IMF: the new: Tower of Babel: I will not write: no more: of this page: because: even your days were been numbered: in fact, the wrath of God is against you, too .., since you are the system of the NWO: Also!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> with this declaration of war world: against: you, and against everyone: leaders, politicians and elite of all the world: guilty and accomplices: of Satanism: of banking seigniorage(IMF NWO): synagogue of satan: ie new Babilon Tower? I Unius Rei: I the, Kingdom of God: JHWH:Today: 03.03.2012: I'm leaving: of the your page: and: from page of youtube/youtube
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> with this declaration of war world: against: you, and against everyone: leaders, politicians and elite of all the world: guilty and accomplices: of Satanism: of bankink seigniorage(IMF NWO): synagogue of satan: ie new Babilon Tower? I Unius Rei: I Kingdom of God JHWH:Today: 03.03.2012: I'm leaving: of the your page: and: from page of youtube/youtube!
@IsraelNationalTV -> con questa dichiarazione di guerra: contro: di te, e contro tutti: i leader, politici ed elite del mondo: complici del satanismo di signoraggio bancario? io Unius Rei: oggi stesso:03.03.2012: io abbandono: la tua pagina: e la pagina: di youtube!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[Fuck you! ] @ IsraelNationalTV -> is also guilt of your complicity in the IMF: if the whole human race will be destroyed! I unius Rei: the legitimate sovereign: and legitimate representative: of the Kingdom of God on earth: I sentence you to destruction, along to all my enemies!
[fottiti! ] @ IsraelNationalTV ->è anche colpa: della tua complicità al FMI: se tutto il genere umano: andrà distrutto! Io Unius Rei: il legittimo sovrano: e il legittimo rappresentante: del Regno di Dio: sulla terra: io condanno a distruzione: tutti i miei nemici!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[You no longer have a life! ] @ IsraelNationalTV -> Boy you a journalist: thou art lost! because: all of our: institutions, and all our: religions or have been shaped (invented: as: capitalism, communism: new age: Satanism Freemasonry: Trilateral Bildenberg: Aliens) or reshaped (corrupt: changed: as was the case: to have cursed all religions and all institutions) all this was because of: banking seigniorage: the IMF, that is: Satanism ideological and practical! your: leading elite and rabbis? they sold you: to: 1. destruction and: 2. ruin your life! you for your silence, that: even: you! why, thou hast made: for yourself, the accomplice of all this: Satanism! so all of your inheritance: (A). is: political-natural (B). such as supernatural divine is lost!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[You no longer have a life! ] Because, you like all journalists in the world: you have sworn to Satan in Freemasonry: and doubly: as a jew you: you also have: betray your people (Israel's hope) you have violated: the Alliance: of Moses : done: on Mount Sianai! you has hiding: this crime: of: banking seigniorage: ie: the crime, of: 1. high: Treason: against God: 2. high: Treason: against: the Constitution! What, you might survive, if the enlightened: they need: 3nd WW nuclear: and if I: unius Rei: the Kingdom of God: I need: the 2nd World War: [After: The Flood: Universal]. why: in this: the Illuminati Satanists rabbis: they have achieved: their total victory: "The social fabric: of all world: has become: so rotten, that: it can not be mended: repaired. it waits to be: only: to be burned by fire ! "
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[ tu non hai più una vita! ]@IsraelNationalTV --> ragazzo tu giornalista: tu sei perduto! poiché: tutte le nostre: istituzioni, e tutte le nostre: religioni: o sono stati plasmati(inventate: as: comunismo capitalismo: new age: satanismo massoneria: Trilaterale Bildenberg: Alieni): o riplasmati(corrotte: modificate: come è avvenuto: per avere maledetto: tutte le religioni: e tutte le istituzioni) tutto questo è stato per colpa del: signoraggio bancario: del FMI: che è: il satanismo ideologico e pratico! i tuoi: leader elite: e rabbini? loro hanno venduto: alla: 1. distruzione e: 2. perdizione la tua vita! è per la tua omertà: che: anche: tu! tu hai fatto: di te stesso: il complice di tutto questo: satanismo! così tutta la tua eredità: (A). è: politica- naturale: (B). come: soprannaturale divina: è andata perduta!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[ tu non hai più una vita! ] perché tu come tutti i giornalisti del mondo: voi avete giurato: per satana nella massoneria: e doppiamente: tu come ebreo: tu hai anche: tradito il tuo popolo(la speranza di Israele): tu hai violato: la Allenza: di Mosé: fatta: sul Monte Sianai! nascondendo: questo crimine: di: signoraggio bancario: cioè: il delitto di: 1. alto: tradimento: contro di Dio: 2. contro la Costituzione! come, tu potresti sopravvivere: se gli illuminati: hanno bisogno della: 3°WW nuclear: e se io: Unius Rei: il Regno di Dio: io ho bisogno: della 2°guerra mondiale: dopo: il diluvio: universale. perché: in questo: i satanisti rabbini Illuminati: loro hanno ottenuto: la loro totale vittoria: "il tessuto sociale: è diventato: così marcio: che: non può più essere rammendato: riparato. esso attende di essere: soltanto: bruciato dal fuoco!!"
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[[org/deport-muslim-extremists/]] Fellow patriot, "'Strict Muslim' raped four women at: "knife point" to 'punish them for being on the streets at night'," reads the headline in the Daily Mail."Sunny Islam, 23, who comes from a strict Muslim family, dragged his terrified victims - including a 15-year-old - from the street at knifepoint, bound and assaulted them during a two-month reign of terror.""Islam, who told the jury he was a practising Muslim, was convicted of seven charges of rape, one of sexual assault and one of kidnap."This horrific case is a damning indictment of the chronic lack of respect for woman that lurks in extremist Islam. These Muslims feel they have a right to ignore the values and laws of the United Kingdom and enforce their own medieval, Middle Eastern barbarism on women!
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago)
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[[org/deport-muslim-extremists/]]Fellow patriot, One of Islam's victims said, "He treated me like an animal and made me feel worthless - I thought I was going to die." Britain First has had enough of Muslims abusing our benefits system whilst preaching hate against our country, or abusing our soldiers on homecoming parades, or burning poppies on Remembrance Day, or letting off bombs on our underground transport system...our battle cry is 'DEPORT MUSLIM EXTREMISTS - NOW!' Please click on the link below and sign our petition - we will be delivering this to the Home Secretary Theresa May in two weeks time. Remember, this could easily have been your daughter, your sister, your mother or your wife....don't delay, sign today! britainfirst . org/deport-muslim-extremists/ ... Yours sincerely: Paul Golding: Chairman, Britain First
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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[[World War 2: of the Kingdom of God: after the Universal Flood!]] -> It's because of the IMF: ie banking seigniorage: that is been stolen and transferred: by Jewish bankers: against all peoples: that: all (morally economically culturally ) will: always bad to worse, and always will be everything for the worse: so: behind this monetary depression? there can only be: the catastrophe of nuclear WW 3 °! here's why: I have sworn, by the living God of Israel: and in fact: it is for this reason: that: I have: most: I'll get my bloodbath: but, to the future?: my bloodbath is against: all the rich: and against: all the enemies of God!
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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[[World War 2: of the Kingdom of God: after the Flood Universal!]] -> Is not correct: that: always, the innocent must die .. now, is the time to do a little justice on this planet, God has promised: to me: 500 million: of deaths, as well: the time has come for God: to pay debts HIS: ie: that is: He: JHWH: has contracted with me! ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB"Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★: ReiUnius♰:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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[Each year 160,000 Christians are martyred killed out: of hatred for Christ]: These are the: 50 Most Criminals Nation: in the world:1. North Korea;2. Iran;3. Saudi Arabia;4. Somalia;5. Yemen;6. Maldives;7. Mauritania;8. Afghanistan;9. Bhutan;10. China;11. Laos;12. Uzbekistan; 13. Pakistan;14. Turkmenistan;15. Eritrea;16. Comoros;17. Chechnya;18. Iraq;19. Qatar;20. Egypt;21. Algeria;22. Azerbairgian;23. India;24. Myanmar;25. Libya;26. Nigeria;27. Oman;28. Kuwait;29. Brunei;30. Sudan;31. Tajikistan;32. Tanzania;33. Turkey;34. United Arab Emirates;35. Morocco;36. Cuba;37. Djibouti;38. Jordan;39. Sri Lanka;40. Syria;41. Tunisia;42. Biellorussia;43. Palestinians;44. Bahrain;45. Bangladesh;46. Ethiopia;47. Indonesia;48. Kyrgyzstan;49. Kenya;50. Vietnam. I swear by the living God: in Jesus' name: the blood of martyrs will suffocate you. I come to snatch your soul: "You will soon go down to hell!" "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★: ReiUnius♰:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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[Declaration of War: World: against: all the criminals on the planet:] I: Unius REI: The Kingdom of God: and: the King of Israel: I declare war: against: Sharia Talmud Kabbalah: seigniorage banking: IMF FED ECB! Services: secrets! Elite Leader: Politicians! all ideologies and religions: ie: anyone: that: they conduct criminal .. will be beaten to death: Illuminati Freemasons: Satanists: all thieves, liars parasites: the exploiters and speculators: usurers: pornographers .. Will be hit: affected: both: in mode individual: that: all nations: in the name of Jesus.: I has command: to: angels: and: to demons: and: they run: at my command: Until: at time of your death: that comes: as: against all my enemys .. Amen .. Alleluia: hallelujah .. drink your poisons: made by yoursef! son of the evil demon, hell is: your home, of despair: your eternal destiny and immediate!
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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DECLARATION OF: WORLD WAR]: lorenzojhwh BY: KING OF PALESTINE: AND: ISRAEL, AGAINST: The 50 nations: that they are criminals, why do not respect, the freedom of religion! I have done evil: to all those criminals: who have overthrown: the Cross ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ ♰ PAX CSPB CSS MLND SMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ★ ♰: Rei unius: ♥ king ♥: ♥ Israel Palestine Mahdi .. I have done wrong: to the All Those: criminals: who the cross HAVE: Toppled ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ ♰ PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "drink your poisons made by yourself" by ♰ ★ ReiUnius ♥ ♥ King ♥ Mahdi Israel
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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[DÉCLARATION DE GUERRE]: des lorenzojhwh: Contre: 50 nations: qui sont les criminels: pourquoi, ne respectent pas la liberté de religion! J'ai fait l'erreur de tous ces criminels qui ont renversé la croix ♰ [♚ MENE ★ ★ Techel PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ SSPP CSS MLND SMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ "Buvez votre poisons faites par vous-même" par ♰ ★: Rei unius: ♥ Roi ♥: de: Israël, la Palestine ♥: Mahdi: Messie juif: Amen: au nom de Jésus! alléluia
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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between: 300 years: about: evil ends, because: the Messiah: will returns: Findings for the univeral! end: every form of evil .. because it will change the biology of the creatures that have earned eternal life! In fact, we will all: below the guidance of the spirit: as: unfortunately: today we are all, under the guidance of the soul or psychic mind: that: it is an ally of sin!
tra: 300 anni: circa: il male finirà: perché: il Messia ritorna: per il Giudizio univerale! finirà: ogni forma di male.. perché cambierà la biologia: delle creature: che avranno meritato la vita eterna! infatti, noi saremo tutti: sotto: la guida dello spirito: come: purtroppo: oggi: noi siamo tutti: sotto la guida dell'anima o mente psichica: che: è alleata del peccato!
lorenzojhwh (2 days ago)
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Mons. Savio Hon: Libertà per i vescovi e i sacerdoti arrestati, fa bene anche alla Cina
di Bernardo CervelleraAnche se il governo non dà risposte né alla Santa Sede, né ai diplomatici, né ad amici del Vaticano e della Cina, è importante che "nessuno li dimentichi". La risposta ufficiale del governo cinese quando si chiedono notizie è sempre: "Non sappiamo". "Occorre anzitutto pregare", "ma occorre anche appellarsi a coloro che li detengono".
Appello: Vescovi e sacerdoti scomparsi o detenuti in prigione, a casa per il Capodanno cinese
di Bernardo CervelleraIn occasione dell'Anno del Dragone, AsiaNews chiede al presidente Hu Jintao e all'ambasciatore Ding Wei la liberazione di tre vescovi e sei sacerdoti cinesi scomparsi nelle mani della polizia o nei campi di lavori forzati.
lorenzojhwh (3 days ago)
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[[Publishing by St. Paul]] films: "Christian history: Pope John Paul I "-->. he saved the life of a group of Jews: "I beg you: do not denounce you: Rabbi says: tomorrow: we will depart for Switzerland!" The risk was enormous: that is, to lose the diocesan seminary: as well as life itself .. because: these Jews had refugees: in the basement of the seminar .. unfortunately: the same day: they irruption: raid: the Nazis as well: already a jew was disguised as a priest .. Albino Luciani: took all of them suffered in the Church: and pretended: to administer baptism: The person responsible: of the group of Jews: said, "because you: that: is a Catholic priest: she risks his life for us?" .
lorenzojhwh (3 days ago)
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[[Publishing by St. Paul]] films: "Christian history: Pope John Paul I "-->. Don Albino Luciani: said: "Jesus Joseph and Mary were Jews, and fled, too them in Egypt! that unites: Christians and Jews: it is much more than, that: it may divide us!" ..irruption: the Nazis in the church .. and Don Albino says, "we are: to celebrate the arrival of a" new lamb "(shame about the Talmud and the kabbalh: they say the same thing: namely, that we and our children are animals!) into the fold of lord, you also want to pray with us? "so the Nazis go away: and the Jews are saved!
lorenzojhwh (3 days ago)
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[[by Editrice San Paolo]] film: "storie cristiane: Papa Luciani"-->. lui ha salvato la vita: di un gruppo di ebrei: "la prego: non ci denunci: dice il rabbino: domani stesso: noi partiremo per la Svizzera!" Il rischio era enorme: cioè: di perdere il seminario diocesano: oltre che la stessa vita.. poiché: questi ebrei: si erano rifugiani: nei sotterranei del seminario.. purtroppo: nella stessa giornata: fecero irruzione i nazisti: cosi: già un ebreo era travestito da prete.. Albino Luciani: portò tutti loro: subito in Chiesa: e fece finta: di amministrare un battesimo: Il responsabile: del gruppo di ebrei disse: "perché lei: che: è un prete cattolico: lei rischia la sua vita: per noi?".
lorenzojhwh (3 days ago)
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[[by Editrice San Paolo]] film: "storie cristiane: Papa Luciani"-->. Don Albino Luciani: disse: "Gesù Giuseppe e Maria: erano ebrei: e fuggivano anche loro! quello: che: unisce cristiani: ed ebrei: è molto di più: di quello che: potrebbe dividerci!".. così fanno irruzione: i nazisti: in Chiesa.. e don Albino dice: "noi stiamo: per celebrare l'ingresso di un: "nuovo agnello"(peccato che il Talmud e la kabbalh: dicono la stessa cosa: cioè: che noi e i nostri bambini siamo animali!!) nel gregge del signore: volete anche voi pregare: insieme a noi?" così i nazisti vanno via: e gli ebrei sono salvi!
lorenzojhwh (3 days ago)
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@IHateNEWLAYOUT -> thomas Mistafield: ie CIA of Satanists "Satanists: like you? They do not have friends, but only accomplices!"
IHateNEWLAYOUT --> thomas Mistafield: ie satanists of CIA: "satanisti come te? loro non hanno amici: ma soltanto complici!"
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs.. American Jews]]: yet, God wants to forgive you all., And all countries of the Middle East?: Be happy: to give you: Their hospitality! to give a great kingdom in Palestine! Because: there is not much difference, between: to launch a stone: or, to launch an atomic bomb! Which of this hatred, you are the cause? needs to stop! Because: if you do not go away: by all the national bodies: of Which, you are the parasites? They will be destroyed: and Them with you: you will die! Also: the Jews of Israel are Entitled to peace and normality! but this is the truth: also: They have No Longer: A Life: Because Of You! this is your truth: you are Satanists: to you and do not like Israel, really! but: you Illuminati freemasonry: constant: to give the vampires: for the destruction of: all the peoples, here, because, in Rabbi in Rome: did not want to speak with me on the phone Because He Knew, That he to be of : my murderess!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs Juifs américains]]: pourtant, Dieu veut pardonner à vous tous, et tous les pays du Moyen-Orient:.? Soyez heureux: à vous donner: leur hospitalité!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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de faire un grand royaume en Palestine! Parce que: il n'ya pas beaucoup de différence, entre: lancer une pierre: ou, pour lancer une bombe atomique! Cette haine de ce qui, vous êtes la cause? doit cesser! parce que: si vous ne partez pas: par toutes les instances nationales: d'où, vous êtes les parasites? ils seront détruits: et vous avec eux: vous allez mourir! Aussi: les Juifs d'Israël ont droit à la paix et la normalité! mais c'est la vérité: aussi: ils n'ont plus: une vie: à cause de vous! c'est votre vérité: vous êtes satanistes: et pour vous n'aimez pas Israël, vraiment! mais: vous avez la franc-maçonnerie Illuminati: continuer: faire les vampires: la destruction de: tous les peuples, ici, parce que, d'un rabbin à Rome: ne voulait pas me parler au téléphone parce qu'il savait, qu'il soit de la : mon meurtrière!
o8Maka8o ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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Gah! Why can't I comment as I normally do!? T_T...What are you guys doing?...*sobs*..
GYPSYDAYTONPLAYBOY ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: Because Of You? Satanism has Become: ineradicable: from the U.S., and now, God is forced to destroy America: through: a meteor .. You have destroyed the Christian civilization! You have stolen Any dominant position:: you are Bringing all nations to despair: You Are The 3 rd nuclear WW: You are the destruction of Israel! @ IsraelNationalTV-Juifs américains: Because Of You? Satanisme est devenu: indéracinable: des États-Unis, et maintenant, Dieu est obligé de détruire l'Amérique: à travers: un météore .. Vous avez détruit la civilisation chrétienne! Vous avez volé une position dominante: vous apportez toutes les nations au désespoir: Vous êtes la 3 ème nucléaires WW: Vous êtes à la destruction d'Israël!
chernwei5784 ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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This has become FuckTube...
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: cursed wretches: the Rothschild shit: parasites of the IMF: Freemasons evil: true Satanists! you have destroyed: The Hope Of Israel: you are the real curse Against all the world! destroying the Christian roots of the West? you have isolated Israel in a sea of hatred! You yourselves are creating: an ocean of hatred around you! @ IsraelNationalTV-Juifs américains: misérables maudit: la merde Rothschild: les parasites du FMI: les francs-maçons du mal: vrai satanistes! vous avez détruit: l'espérance d'Israël: vous êtes le véritable fléau contre tout le monde! détruisant les racines chrétiennes de l'Occident? vous avez isolé Israël dans un océan de haine! Vous êtes vous-mêmes de créer: un océan de haine autour de vous!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> It is now clear ... American Jews?: They Would be happy: to see the destruction of Israel: When: The Kingdom of Palestine Would Be the happiness of the whole "Middle East", and it Would Be: the happiness of the world! parasites of Americans are so greedy: exploiters, speculators, who will Eventually kill: the host organism: namely, to the false Democracies of the bank seigniorage! Because They Know: What They do well? is to create: the anti-Semitism: that there is not! Il est maintenant clair ... Les Juifs américains: ils seraient heureux: pour voir la destruction d'Israël: Quand: Le Royaume de la Palestine serait le bonheur de l'ensemble "Moyen Orient", et ce serait: le bonheur du monde! les parasites des Américains sont si avides: exploiteurs, des spéculateurs, qui finira par tuer: l'organisme hôte: à savoir, les démocraties fausse de la seigneuriage bancaire! Parce qu'ils savent: ce qu'ils font bien? est de créer: l'anti-sémitisme: qu'il n'y est pas!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
2 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. Amerikanische Juden]] hat Recht: Wir müssen neue Reichtum und Technik zu bringen: in allen muslimischen Ländern! Sie werden verlassen ihre Scharia (Akt der Verzweiflung der Armut) und ich weiß, Sie öffnen sich: bei einer mehr: die menschliche Gesellschaft: Menschen und Land: zu: Schnell: Wenn Sie so sind ist nicht die Schuld des Islam, aber es ist immer schuld! Muslime? sind alles gute Jungs!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
12 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. Amerikanische Juden]] hat Recht: Wir müssen neue Wohlstand und Technologie in allen muslimischen Ländern zu bringen! im Stich lassen: Scharia (act verzweifelte Armut) und so: sie öffnen: sich selbst: Menschenrechte: schnell:. Wenn sie so? ist nicht die Schuld des Islam, aber es ist immer schuld! Muslime? sind alles gute Jungs!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
18 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: gegen. Amerikanische Juden]]: Sie wissen: Freimaurer-System: Wirtschaftlich: der Internationale Währungsfonds. Sie haben gesucht: es kann nur Rückschritte: in Ihre ungezügelte Gier der Ausbeutung: der Jude Menschen: gegen: der Mann goym: Sie sind: ein Greuel! Sie haben getan: zu viel Schaden: an alle Länder, die: Es gibt Gastgeber, warum: Nicht nur haben Sie zerstört: Christentum: aber du hast: auch: zerstört ihre Identität, haben fragile: ihre Institutionen und machte fragile: Widerspruch: das ethische Fundament ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
27 secondi fa
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weil: es ist in dieser Anarchie, dass Sie: abzusaugen: all ihr Blut (eros ).... und dies alles? nur: in einer Tragödie enden (Thanatos)! damn unglücklichen jüdischen Ethernal: gegen: Hoffnung Israels! sondern ist für bis besser: Sie: dass mit der Liebe: Gott vorbereiten will: eine Heimat: das Finale! nicht ist: dass Sie schon immer wollten? Heuchler .. Sie wollen nur die Zerstörung: von: Israel als Zerstörung: von allen Völkern: denn ihr seid: die wahre Satanisten!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
44 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs amerikanischen Juden]]: doch, Gott will euch allen zu vergeben, und alle Länder des Nahen Ostens:.? Be happy: Sie geben: ihre Gastfreundschaft! zu tun, ein großes Reich in Palästina! Denn: es gibt nicht viel Unterschied zwischen: einen Stein zu starten: oder, um eine Atombombe zu starten! Dieser Hass, von denen Sie die Ursache? muss aufhören! weil: wenn Sie nicht weg: die von allen nationalen Gremien: von denen, Sie sind die Parasiten? sie zerstört werden, und man mit ihnen: Ihr werdet sterben! Außerdem: die Juden in Israel sind, den Frieden und Normalität berechtigt! aber dies ist die Wahrheit: auch: sie nicht mehr haben: ein Leben: wegen dir! dies ist eure Wahrheit: Sie sind Satanisten: und Sie nicht wie Israel, wirklich! aber: Sie Illuminati Freimaurer: weiter: zu den Vampiren zu tun: für die Zerstörung: alle Völker, hier, weil ein Rabbi in Roma: wollte nicht mit mir am Telefon zu sprechen, weil er wusste, dass er von zu : meine Mörderin!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
54 secondi fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-amerikanischen Juden: wegen dir? Satanismus hat sich von der US-unausrottbar, und jetzt, Gott ist gezwungen, nach Amerika zu zerstören: durch: ein Meteorit .. Sie haben die christliche Zivilisation zerstört! Sie haben keine marktbeherrschende Stellung gestohlen: Sie bringen alle Nationen zur Verzweiflung: Sie sind die 3 rd nuklearen WW: Sie sind die Zerstörung von Israel!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-amerikanischen Juden: verfluchten Kerle: die Rothschild shit: Parasiten des IWF: Freimaurer Bösen: true Satanisten haben Sie zerstört: die Hoffnung der Israeliten: Sie sind die wahren Fluch gegen die ganze Welt! Zerstörung der christlichen Wurzeln des Abendlandes? Sie haben Israel in einem Meer von Hass isoliert! Sie selbst schaffen: ein Meer von Hass um Sie herum! Es ist jetzt klar ... Amerikanischen Juden?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
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sie würden uns freuen: die Zerstörung Israels sehen: Wann: Das Königreich Palästina würde das Glück des Ganzen "Middle East" werden, und es wäre: das Glück der Welt! Parasiten der Amerikaner sind so gierig: Ausbeuter, Spekulanten, die schließlich töten wird: den Wirtsorganismus: nämlich all die falschen Demokratien der Bank Seigniorage! denn sie wissen: was sie tun gut? ist es zu schaffen: den Antisemitismus: dass es nicht! Sie folgt aus: Sie müssen verstehen: Israel heute: auch: wenn es sich: die Scheiße aus Rothschild? für uns: christlich-fundamentalistische biblische: es ist immer das Wichtigste in der Welt! Was wäre für uns Israel geworden, wenn es ein Königreich wurde: nach dem Herzen Gottes? Natürlich: Wir würden unser Leben für Israel geben ohne zu zögern!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> Sie dies: Sie müssen verstehen: Israel heute: auch: wenn es sich: die Scheiße aus Rothschild? für uns: christlich-fundamentalistische biblische: es ist immer das Wichtigste in der Welt! Was wäre für uns Israel geworden, wenn es ein Königreich wurde: nach dem Herzen Gottes? Natürlich: Wir würden unser Leben für Israel geben ohne zu zögern!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
2 minuti fa
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Water Machine von Stan Meyer erfunden Die Elektrolyse erfolgt im Auto, ohne die Notwendigkeit, Wasserstoff in Krapfen enthalten, dann haben Sie eine Bombe unter den Hintern. Die Maschine läuft über 184 km mit 4 Litern Wasser. Stan Meyer gilt als der Erfinder der zweitschnellste Jahrhundert nach Tesla. Um Stan, wurde eine Million Dollar aus einem arabischen angeboten, um seine Erfindung zu speichern. Aber Stan abgelehnt: "Die Technologie ist in den Dienst des Volkes" Wer vergiftet Stan? Wer hat seine Erfindung das Geschäft ruiniert? Warum die Medien nicht reden?
JillLPS ha pubblicato un commento
3 minuti fa
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Please YouTube! We all want the old channel layout back! Please? ♥
Vocaleisure ha pubblicato un commento
4 minuti fa
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Dear Youtube, please change the old one please. Just now when I typed the right words to post a comment on my friend's channel, it's still got the notification about "You posted to much comments" I fucking did write the right words on that but still can't what the fuck is wrong with you? Please change it. The new layout design sucks. Oh so we have to change it on 1st March just because SOPA won't remove or what? No, I don't wanna change it on 1st March. I still love the old one so yeah, please stop doing the new layout design. It fucking suck. Thank you.
Kratorvos ha pubblicato un commento
33 minuti fa
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Only partnered comments matter to youtube.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
34 minuti fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth, and technology: in all Muslim Countries! They will abandon Their Sharia law (act of desperation of poverty) and I know They open Themselves: at an more: human company: human and country: too: Quickly: If They are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it's always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys! @ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth and technology in all Muslim countries! abandon them: Sharia law (act desperate poverty) and so: they open: themselves: human rights: fast.: If they are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it is always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
JapaneseHands ha pubblicato un commento
34 minuti fa
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So is this the new channel layout design? Man, that's totally "tasteless." I have a solution to the problem... How about leaving well enough alone? No favorites and backdrops will look like shit, just like "Obama" of whom you Google quacks support here with all the lies and propaganda. Obama has a net loss of "two million jobs" since he's been in office. Quit showing that fraudulent graph of his on our channels.
o8Maka8o ha pubblicato un commento
38 minuti fa
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Gah! Why can't you just listen to us?...We are your users, aren't we?...You're supposed to help us!...Since you guys joined Google, everything had been a mess T_T... [Not offending Google, and I apologize if I do]...the first year you and Google were awesome, but right now you're messing things up! T_T...please listen to us! *bows*...
slipknotdemiichele ha pubblicato un commento
44 minuti fa
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Dear youtube please do not change the profile layout the new one is absolutely useless, and confusing. please listen to the people who are the voice of youtube, we do NOT want this new layout. Thank you
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
45 minuti fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]]: you know this: masonic system: Economic: of the International Monetary Fund. That you have wanted: it can only regress: in your unbridled greed of exploitation: the jew of man: against: the goyim as: are you: an abomination! You have done: too much harm: at all countries, that: There have hosted: why: not only, you have destroyed: Christianity: but you have: also: destroyed: Their identity, have made fragile: Their institutions, and made brittle : inconsistent: the ethical foundation ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
45 minuti fa
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Because: it is in this anarchy, That You Can: suck off: Their Blood at (eros ).... and all this? Can only: to end in tragedy (Thanatos)! damn unfortunate jewish ethernal: Against: Hope of Israel! but, is for up better: to you: that: with love: God wants to prepare: a homeland: the final! is not: that: you have always wanted? hypocrites .. you only want the destruction: of: Israel as the destruction: of all peoples: for ye are: the true Satanists!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
46 minuti fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: contre. Les Juifs américains]]: vous savez ceci: le système maçonnique: économique: le Fonds monétaire international. que vous avez voulu: il ne peut que régresser: en votre cupidité débridée de l'exploitation: de l'homme Juif: contre: l'goym homme: vous êtes: une abomination! Vous avez fait: trop de mal: à tous les pays, que: Il n'y a accueilli: pourquoi: non seulement, vous avez détruit le christianisme: mais vous avez: aussi: destruction: leur identité, ont fait fragiles: leurs institutions, et fragilisée : incompatibles: le fondement éthique .. parce que: c'est dans cette anarchie, que vous pouvez: sucer: tout leur sang (eros ).... et tout cela? ne peut: mettre fin à la tragédie (Thanatos)! putain malheureux juifs ethernal: l'espoir d'Israël: contre!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
46 minuti fa
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mais, c'est pour mieux résisté: à vous: que: de l'amour: Dieu veut préparer: une patrie: la finale! n'est pas: que: vous avez toujours voulu? les hypocrites .. vous voulez que la destruction: de: Israël, comme la destruction: de tous les peuples: car vous êtes: les satanistes vrai!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (4 days ago)
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@ YouTubers -> it is obvious! this change of youtube? was done: for to hide: my comments: ie: the suffering of all peoples: for guilty: of the Jews, of the IMF loan sharks!
@youtubers --> è evidente! tutto questo cambiamento di youtube? è stato fatto per nascondere: i miei commenti: cioè: la sofferenza di tutti i popoli: a causa: degli strozzini ebrei del FMI!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (4 days ago)
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Commento al tuo video: Israel 666 of star Rothschild IMF talmud zazi racism Stato suprematista razziale David Duke ... euro944t said: @EvolutionisReligion ---> Ephesians 6:12: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers(SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN), against the authorities(imf fed bce), against the powers(massoneria) of this dark world(Sharia Talmud Kabbalah) and against the spiritual forces(ideologies) of evil(666 322) in the heavenly realms... Rep Dennis Kucinich read this on house floor, then took a big sigh and stated we are not fighting evil of the flesh. DK watched a UFO land:((Rothschild is the project calendar)): thru his gifted telescope: on Shirley McClains balcony. McClain: has largest UFO private: film vault(have gave: at the demons a body genetically modified)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (4 days ago)
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@YHWH -> how Jews can be the victims predestined of their own: Bankers Kakam Rabbis: OF the IMF? as can be: ALL THIS unconscious or fatalistic: this: powerful curse? .. As all of them can become: more: MORE, MORE: the predestined victims: of the legitimate anger: of the peoples (the Shoah)? This is witchcraft! such as the IMF has designed the dstruzione of Israel? why: all this hate of: the IMF? the rabbis talmu and Kabbalah? are perfect Satanism the NWO: new Babilon Tower: ie, satan synagogue! because: thy wrath: we will prevail: soon against all rebels? then: why me? -- ANSWER -> 4. The LORD has sworn, and will not change His mind, "You are a priest forever: after the order of Melchizedek." 5. The Lord is at your: right hand, he will shatter kings: on the day of His wrath. 6 . He will execute: Judgement Among the nations, filling Them: with corpses, he will: shatter chiefs [d] over the wide earth. 7. He will drink from: The Brook: by the way; Therefore: he will lift up His Head.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (4 days ago)
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@ YHWH -> I can no longer tolerate all these criminals of the Freemasons: accomplices of the IMF, for the destruction of their own people! O thou, my God, convert them: or You: kill them! -ANSWER-->Psalm 110:1. The LORD says: to my Lord: "Sit at my: right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool." 2. The LORD sends: forth from Zion your mighty scepter. Rule in the midst: of your enemies! 3. Your people will offer: freely Themselves: On the day of your power, in holy garments; from the womb: of the morning, as the dew of your youth: will be yours.על יהודי רבנים kakam האילומינטי, של קרן המטבע FED NWO ECB, שבב אלקטרוני: השטן, freemansory, 322 666, ECC. . ECC .. ] J3kl7x (12 ore fa) אמר: D: חבר שלי, אלה חארות, הם לא מתים,
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (4 days ago)
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Risposta al tuo commento su: PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore:
Soon When ? asshole do you have the wisdom of allah the fucker moon demI god with you ? are you a reader of allah the Djiin future crystal ball. or just another pathetic muslim
hoping to kill all Jews with the help of allah the mother fucker djiin moon demi god ? --ANSWER--> where is the Holy Spirit of God in you?
I am a Catholic: ie, an zionist:for the kingdom: of Palestine: and Israel: I am Universal Brotherhood! dove è lo Spirito Santo di Dio in te? io sono un cattolico!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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there is no happiness outside of the love: that is: my universal brotherhood ..
as: who wants what is good: for itself:
he should not give: his evil: to others: that is, what it does: the IMF ..
"only: if, you realizing the happiness of others: you too can be happy!"
non c'è felicità al di fuori dell'amore: cioè della fratellanza universale..
poiché: chi vuole il bene: per se stesso:
lui non dovrebbe dare il suo male: agli altri: cioè, quello che fa: il FMI..
"soltanto realizzando la altrui felicità: anche tu potrai essere felice!"
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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[[North Korea]] @Kim Jong-un - you will not believe: at your advisor, that, he told you: "unius REI: .. blah .. blah .. say but can not do anything." Because I'm the Kingdom of God. I do not need of the power: at the manner of men! Because, when, I said, will attack you with: my nuclear weapons: a surprise? then: I will offer: the Korea: at China! because you want to die? Can I: to be the accomplice of the horrendous crimes: your father? You are better than China, that: it has allowed freedom of religion? and why: the traitor pig: of your father: he has used: a prostitute, that: is: a witch Japanese: for, filling her: of gold: while: his people were starving? If there are not spiritual realities? is clear: your father was a Satanist, ie, an criminal! Stop it! with this shit to make you worship as a god! if then, you want to receive the divine nature? you must do yourself: a Christian simply! if you give freedom of religion?: I'll give you: industrial facilities, etc. ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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@ IHateNEWLAYOUT: What it is: this story: that: you said to me: [["you talk to me, but you do not speak, with me?"]] Is perhaps this: that Bush has taught to you, the CIA "in 322, "ie," skull and bones? "
*. God had not downgraded the angels! God had offered: the nature of God to men: alone (Messiah, christians): also if: lucifer knowing: that: a few men could have merit: the divine nature? Lucifer refused to be: their servant, here's why: he has made: a mutiny, that: it has led him to be Satan .. but now he is not happy! Because: in the battle angelic: they were defeated by St. Michael, and so: all of them have lost: their beautiful angelic body: and even if Rothschild: he gave them a body of Aliens? This for them is always a cock in the ass! because their perspective is only: the disintegration: ie, in the lake of fire: which is the second death!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
One important question that people often ask themselves is: If God is so good as many claim, where does all the evil in the world come from? Grossly simplified we will try to summarise our answer in the following way. The Bible claims that all evil originates from the Devil. He was originally one of Gods most prominent Angels. But he became proud of his power and beauty and rebelled against God by: wanting to make himself god. He did this by, amongst other things, asserting a completely new lifestyle. He began to be concerned primarily with himself rather than with the good of others and by questioning the character of God, among other things by claiming that God was unreliable, a betrayer.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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[[Corea del Nord]]@Kim Jong-un --> ragazzo mio, io sono: "UniusRei": cioè: un unico Re: per un unico pianeta! tu puoi essere: il mio: "vassallo felice": come: anche: tutti i cristiani hanno l'obbligo: di obbedire alle loro autorità politiche: perché: tu hai fatto di te stesso: un dio del cazzo: per fare di tutti loro dei criminali? perché, tu vuoi farti odiare da me? Chi non sa odiare: come me? lui può soltanto essere: molto violento! è morto: finalmente: quel criminale di:"Kim Jong il", ma, tutta la disperazione degli innocenti: è rimasta: sul tuo capo! Poiché: io non lascerò in piedi: un solo Governo: in tutto il mondo: che: fa delle violenze: circa: la religione delle persone! Perché, chiunque fa il cammino delle religione? lui fa il cammino della virtù: (se la religione non è strumentalizzata dalla Arabia Saudita)! Con le armi atomiche che io ho? io divento molto sbrigativo!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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[[North Korea]] @ Kim Jong-un -> my boy, I am, "Unius Rei": that is, a single king: for a single planet! you can be: my "happy vassal" as: also: all Christians have an obligation: to obey their authority policies: why: You have made yourself a god:of the fucking:? to make all criminals: all the christians? because, you want to make hate, by me? Who does not know hate: like me? he can only be: very violent! is dead, at last: that criminal: of "Kim Jong Il," but, all the despair of innocenti: remained: on your head! Because: I will not let stand: one only government: in all the world: that: makes violence: about: religion of the people! Because, whoever does the path of religion? He makes the path of virtue (if religion is not exploited by Saudi Arabia)! With nuclear weapons, that, I has? I become very brisk! expeditious!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (6 days ago)
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@IsraelNationalTV --> [[ PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore: ]] 1. we make the kingdom of Palestine! 2. we destroy: this State: masonic, of banking seigniorage: of Israel! I'll show you later: the brutal terror, against to all Muslims: If they not are: and not do: the good guys! to contrary? all peoples will see the "brutal terror" very soon!
1. noi facciamo il regno di Palestina! 2. noi distruggiamo: lo Stato: massonico del signoraggio bancario: di Israele! è dopo lo faccio vedere io: il terrore brutale a tutti i musulmani: se loro non fanno i bravi ragazzi! contrariamente? saranno tutti i popoli a vedere il "terrore brutale": molto presto!
Kratorvos (1 week ago) (Pending approval)
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You seriously need to get a life. Do you think anyone reads your garbage.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth, and technology: in all Muslim Countries! They will abandon Their Sharia law (act of desperation of poverty) and I know They open Themselves: at an more: human company: human and country: too: Quickly: If They are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it's always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth and technology in all Muslim countries! abandon them: Sharia law (act desperate poverty) and so: they open: themselves: human rights: fast.: If they are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it is always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth, and technology: in all Muslim countries! they will abandon their sharia (act of desperation of poverty) and so they open themselves: at an more: human company: and human country: too: Quickly: If they are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it's always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
@ [[IsraelNationalTV: against. American Jews]]: è giusto: noi dobbiamo portare ricchezza e tecnologia: in tutti i paesi musulmani! loro abbandoneranno: la sharia(atto disperato: della povertà): e così: loro apriranno: se stessi: ai diritti umani: velocemente.: se loro sono così? non è colpa dell'Islam: ma, è sempre colpa vostra! i musulmani? sono tutti bravi ragazzi!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: against. American Jews]]: you know this: masonic system: Economic: of the International Monetary Fund. that you have wanted: it can only regress: in your unbridled greed of exploitation: of the jew man: against: the man goym: you are: an abomination! You have done: too much harm: at all countries, that: There have hosted: why: not only, you have destroyed: Christianity: but you have: also: destroyed: their identity, have made fragile: their institutions, and made fragile: inconsistent: the ethical foundation .. because: it is in this anarchy, that you can: suck off: all their blood (eros ).... and all this? can only: to end in tragedy (Thanatos)! damn unfortunate jewish ethernal: against: hope of Israel! but, is for up better: to you: that: with love: God wants to prepare: a homeland: the final! is not: that: you have always wanted? hypocrites .. you want only the destruction: of: Israel as the destruction: of all peoples: for ye are: the true Satanists!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@[[IsraelNationalTV: vs. American Jews]]: voi sapete questo: il sistema economico: FMI. da voi voluto: può soltanto regredire: nella vostra sfrenata avidità: dello sfruttamento dell'uomo ebreo: contro l'uomo goym: voi siete una abominazione! Voi avete fatto: troppo del male: ai Paesi: che: vi hanno ospitato: perché: non soltanto, voi avete distrutto: il cristianesimo: ma, voi avete: anche: distrutto: la loro identità: avete reso fragili: le loro istituzioni, e reso inconsistente: il fondamento etico.. poiché: è nella anarchia: che voi potete: succhiare meglio: tutto il loro sangue(eros).... e tutto questo? può soltanto: terminare in tragedia(thanatos)! maledetti disgraziati: è proprio a voi: che: con amore: Dio vuole preparare :una patria: definitiva! non è quello: che: voi avete sempre desiderato? ipocriti.. voi volete soltanto la distruzione di Israele: come la distruzione di tutti i popoli: poiché: voi siete i satanisti!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@[[IsraelNationalTV: vs. American Jews]]: yet, God wants to forgive you all., And all countries of the Middle East?: Be happy: to give you: their hospitality! to do a great kingdom in Palestine! Because: there is not much difference, between: to launch a stone: or, to launch an atomic bomb! This hatred of which, you are the cause? needs to stop! because: if you do not go away: by all the national bodies: of which, you are the parasites? they will be destroyed: and you with them: you will die! Also: the Jews of Israel are entitled to peace and normality! but this is the truth: also: they no longer have: a life: because of you! this is your truth: you are Satanists: and to you do not like Israel, really! but: you Illuminati freemasonry: continue: to do the vampires: for the destruction of: all the peoples, here, because, a rabbi in Roma: did not want to speak with me on the phone because he knew, that he of to be: my murderess!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@[[IsraelNationalTV: vs: American Jews]]: eppure, Dio vuole perdonare tutti voi., e tutti i Paesi del Medio Oriente?: sarebbero felici: di dare a voi: la loro ospitalità! per fare: un grande regno di Palestina! Poiché: non c'è molta differenza: tra: lanciare un sasso: oppure, lanciare una bomba atomica! questo odio: di cui, voi siete la causa? deve finire! perché: se voi non uscite: da tutti gli organismi nazionali: di cui, voi siete i parassiti? loro saranno distrutti: e voi insieme a loro: morirete! Anche: gli ebrei di Israele: hanno diritto alla pace: e alla normalità! ma, questa è la verità: loro non hanno più una vita: per colpa vostra! questa è vostra verità: voi siete satanisti: e non amate Israele: veramente! ma: voi voltete: continuare: a fare: i vampiri: per: la distruzione di: tutti i popoli: ecco, perché un rabbino: non voleva parlare: con me: al telefono: perché lui sapeva: di essere il mio assassino!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: because of you? Satanism has become ineradicable from the U.S., and now, God is forced to destroy America: through: a meteorite .. You have destroyed the Christian civilization! You have stolen any dominant position: : you're bringing all nations to despair:: you are the 3 rd nuclear WW: You are the destruction of Israel!
@IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: per colpa vostra? il satanismo è diventato inestirpabile dagli USA, ed ora: Dio è costretto a distruggere l'America: attraverso: un meteorite.. Voi avete distrutto la civiltà cristiana! Voi avete rubato ogni posizione dominante: voi state portando tutti i popoli: alla disperazione: voi siete la 3°WW nucleare: voi siete la distruzione di Israele!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: cursed wretches: the Rothschild shit: parasites of the IMF: Freemasons evil: true Satanists! you have destroyed: the hope of Israelite: you are the real curse against all the world! destroying the Christian roots of the West? you have isolated Israel in a sea of hatred! You yourselves are creating: an ocean of hatred around you!
@ IsraelNationalTV -ebrei americani: maledetti disgraziati: merde di rotschild: parassiti del FMI: massoni malefici: satanisti veri! voi avete distrutto: la speranza di Israle: voi siete la vera maledizione: contro tutto il mondo! distruggendo le radici cristiane dell'Occidente? voi avete isolato Israele: in un mare di odio! Voi stessi state creando: un oceano di odio: intorno a voi!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> It is now clear ... American Jews?: they would be happy: to see the destruction of Israel: When: The Kingdom of Palestine would be the happiness of the whole "Middle East", and it would be: the happiness of the world! parasites of Americans are so greedy: exploiters, speculators, who will eventually kill: the host organism: namely, all the false democracies of the bank seigniorage! because they know: what they do well? is to create: the anti-Semitism: that there is not!
@IsraelNationalTV ->è ormai evidente... gli ebrei americani?: loro sarebbero felici: di vedere la distruzione di Israele: quando: il Regno di Palestina: sarebbe la felicità: di tutto il "Medio Oriente", e sarebbe: la felicità del mondo! ma i parassiti americani: sono così avidi: sfruttatori, speculatori, che finiranno per uccidere: l'organismo ospite: cioè: tutte le false democrazie del signoraggio bancario! perché quello che loro sanno fare bene? è creare l'anti semitismo che non c'è!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> you this: you have to understand: Israel today: also: if it is: the shit out of Rothschild? for us: Christian fundamentalist biblical?: it is always the most important thing in the world! What would become for us Israel if it became a kingdom: according to the heart of God? course: we would give our lives for Israel without hesitation!
@IsraelNationalTV --> tu questo: lo devi capire: oggi Israele: anche: se è: la merda di rothscild? per noi: cristiani: fondamentalisti biblici:?: è sempre: la cosa più importante: del mondo! Cosa diventerebbe: per noi Israele: se diventasse un regno: secondo il cuore: di Dio? certamente: daremmo la nostra vita: per Israele: senza esitazione!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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Macchina ad acqua inventata da Stan Meyer
L'elettrolisi avviene a bordo dell'auto, senza la necessità di contenere l'idrogeno in bomboloni, quindi di avere una bomba sotto il culo. La macchina percorre 184 Km circa con 4 litri d'acqua.
Stan Meyer è considerato il secondo miglior inventore del secolo, dopo Tesla. A Stan, venne offerto un milione di dollari, da un arabo, per archiviare la sua invenzione.
Ma Stan rifiutò: "tecnologia è al servizio delle persone"
Chi avrà avvelenato Stan? A chi la sua invenzione ha rovinato gli affari? Perchè i media non ne parlano?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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1_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] after: 5 centuries regime occult today is: right: impossible to talk about: the seigniorage: banking transfer? does not have: more meaning: thus: the concept of historical source: it: everything may have been: concealed, destroyed, manipulated. corrupt, etc. ... is: strength: the money made: from nothing: Satanism: ideological: the: Kabbalah: that: gets: his: as their objective: the destruction: of: Hope of Israel and to destroy: all people : is: is the unique thing for sure, because: The Church: Catholic: (limited to: in Italy): proclaimed saints [(and we know: to what: rigor, "manic": the Church: Catholic : proceed: the canonization)]: 4 of these children bled by the rabbis, but (then: with shame, a lot: after: after: 600 unnecessary excommunications: and observed: the: destruction: infamous:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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2_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] of all the Catholic monarchies: the 4 saints bled children: are: the worship were hidden .. change: the: concession: to continue: to: say Mass!) .. then, the phenomenon can not be: the most denied: either from the: ANY omnipotent regime: Jewish Masonic seigniorage: banking transfer: Satanism: Freemasonry: Trilateral; Bildenberg: Ritual at Bohemian Grove: microchip: project: alien: 200,000 human sacrifices: Satan, every year .. 160,000 Christian martyrs: hidden from the media: Hebrew: each year ... etc. ... are: only: the coating: a: reality: that: exceed: the horror: who: can not be for sustainable: from: a: the human mind: and in fact: in line: with them, the Talmud? these are: men: but: are monsters!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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3_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] that the technicians: Central Bank: the bureaucrats: supranational institutions: The European Union as: people that: are: from: Masonry: and that: anyone have: elected! the nations are only, at the mercy sheep: wolf: if the money made: from nothing is done: to block 270% of its people: value. here is: why:: history: was: subtracted: to: politics: through:: founding of the Bank: of England! and we are: at the mercy: total of more invisible and supranational entities: ie the New World Order, that: is: Satanism: the: Kabbalah. [is impossible: the truth: history: as: a unique system of FMI: and below : monopoly: Hebrew: absolute] by: 03facchini_rito: [[Easter: blood]] [[The subtitle: Jews of Europe: and: ritual murders.]] The "case: Toaff" that is: censored: son: Rabbi: Head: Toaff?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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4_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] this: book addresses: bravely: a: of the more controversial issues in the: history of the Jews of Europe: [by: 03facchini_rito]; Reading: without: the prejudice: material: ancient of that process: and: several others to the: light of the: largest: situation: European: and: also: a: prompt: knowledge of Jewish texts, the author: put: into light: the meanings and rituals: therapeutic: the blood had: in the: culture: Jewish, coming: to the: conclusion that, in particular: for Judaism: Ashkenazi, the accusation of blood was not: always an invention. [In the Masonic system: universal:: 1. one: IMF: New World Order? The concept of research: historical and scientific? is ridiculous!] Toaff repeats several times that: his: study is scientific, impartial: face: to: demonstrate:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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5_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] if: in: confessions of medieval Jews, you can: reconstruct a given: that of reality: it is: mere: fruit: the imaginary: the persecutors. Wanting: therefore conclude that: murder, celebrated in the rite of the Easter, they were not: only: myths, ie beliefs: religious: spread: and: structured: so: more or: less: Consistent, but: rather : actual rites: their organized groups and: forms of worship: really: practice: we: called: a: a: dutiful: caution: Methodological. The phenomenon, a: once: proven: unmistakably: the: her: there must be: placed: in the context: historical, religious and social, as well: that: the environment: Geographically, where: he: found: presumably : expression, with: his: own characteristics by: 03facchini_rito
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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6_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] unrepeatable elsewhere (12-13 ).[.? Kabbalah? ..] we have: keep in mind: that: in: Jewish communities: language: German: the phenomenon, when: takes hold, it will generally : limited: to: from groups: where folk traditions, that: the time had: bypassed: o: replaced: the: provisions: of the ritual: Jewish halakha, and:-rooted habits, and imbued with magical elements: alchemy, married: a deadly cocktail: with fundamentalism: religious violence: and: aggressive (13). The rites of the Jews: the: the merits of the charge: blood: revolt: the Ashkenazi Jews. You could: to: this: point conclude that: the blood of a child, powdered, and: especially: Christian children, as: [by: 03facchini_rito]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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7_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] styptic: in the: circumcision, etc. ... seen: the disinterest in him: even: from: the: of converted Jews, in other respects prosthesis: defame: Judaism, is: a: chimera: and: a: tendentious: invention of inquisitors, obsessed blood, or: the Jews themselves, terrified by: torture: and: willing to: please: blindly: the executioners. But: this: it would be: a: conclusion: wrong: and: misleading: (97). Of course: in the: tradition: Kabbalistic. It is curious, however, to discover: that:: suggest: this: Path: is: precisely: the prince bishop Hinderbach creator: the process: e: of the: institutionalization: the worship of the Blessed: Simonino. e: on: wake: the Hinderbach and: of: apologetic sources: Catholic: that: in the: Kabbalah
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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8_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] glimpsed: the more obscure aspects of Judaism: and: its rites. The chapter 8 is dedicated: to: feast of Purim and: place: one: two: Function: show: the usiof the: violence in the: party: "the: fate" and: show: the: close: Connection : between: and Purim: Pesach. Second, the great: Anthropologist: English: James George Frazer, Christ died: while: it represented: Aman (the "god" dying) in a drama of Purim, in which: (Jesus) Barabbas, twice the price of Jesus : of Nazareth, had: acted: the: part: Mordecai: (God: that: rises). In the model of "god" (put: lowercase: for contempt) that: dies: and: reborn, common:: all: close, toward the east, would Aman: the: death (the: strength: the secret: Talmud and Kabbalistic: merged in seigniorage: bank!)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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9_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] and: Mordecai: the: life, while: the: celebration, Purim would be: the ritual Jewish death: and: Resurrection. Moving: from: this: consider, suppose, that, in the past: the Jews, the culmination of the: party, were: the costume to make: to: died: a man in flesh and bones, and : that: Jesus was: was: crucified in this: the context, representing: the tragic minister of Ahasuerus: and: arch-enemy of Israel (131-132). and: still recovering Frazer, Toaff proposes : tea: thesis, that: circulating: in the: first: the modern age, is: from: historic church: Socrates: Scholastic, in the: as: it is said: a case: the brutal murder: a child: Christian happened: Inmestar to Syria: in 415 during: the: feast of Purim (133). [by: 03facchini_rito]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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10_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] In: Toaff this: Event: has "all of the trappings: truthfulness," but: there explains why. The case: a Inmestar made: trace: at age 415: Christian, is also associated with: to: to: Brie-Comte-Robert of 1191-92 (134), structurally: different, to show: that: when : the: feast of Purim, Jews could: kill: a Christian: along: the process of ritual of tea: passion: (135). Then, carrying: a few examples of contempt: at: Faith: Christian - offenses: to: images of the Madonna, or: forms: various: Blasphemy: - serve: at: Toaff to build: a: explanation: "scientific". The: same: that is: for chapter 12, with the important: title: "The memorial: of the: passion" (173-188). The chapter opens: setting: at the center:: voices of the accused, seen that: they: are, according to: Toaff, [by: 03facchini_rito]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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1 1_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] reliable, full: details of: that: have: an immediate response: in the: reality. Also: here it means: sources of evidence: indication: is the way: where Toaff: is: the: question: Relative to the motto: "z: ha-dam" .. (This: is the blood) that: in the: Passover Haggadah, the text: that: reads: during: the: dinner: Easter, would be: placed: in the: list: of: the ten plagues. But the architects of the process: [(so we have: is: a child bled to death: and it is: the architects of a process: sham: that: ignore: the: integrity of the Church: Catholic: in the: formation of official documents)] were: need: a: phrase that: give: a sense ritual differently, were: the need: of the: sentence: "z: Qatan goy shel ha-dam", ie: "this: it is the blood of the child: Christian. " [By: 03facchini_rito]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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12_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] A: phrase that: Toaff fails: to: find: in any: source: e: it: is: explained: following: more: a: suggestion: the judges: the Wolfgang: - attributing : to: tradition: oral. the: narration: in this Chapter: it is chaotic, it contains: a lot of data piled up, not always easy to: synthesize. From one side: Toaff: believes: true: the existence of a ritual Hebrew: where: is: Used: the blood of a child: Christian. But: it tells us, always doing: speaking: the: hagiographic sources, that's not a rite recognized: from: all Jews, either: by: all Ashkenazi Jews. It is: this: point:: imagine: the existence of a group small, so-called "fundamentalists" Ashkenazim, that: would: broadcast: the ritual in the form: secret, oral, for the chosen few. [By : 03facchini_rito]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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13_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] Also: in this: if: is: suspect: that: the judges would like: insert, in the article: accusation of murder ritual, that: of the: conspiracy: Jewish, that: it was already : was: used: in the period: of the: plague [6] ... that: is: used: the: censorship: against: a: historical: jew? This: is: more than: a sinister omen: regime: bank: and: Masonic: where: it is useless any form: in terms of strength: as: he: said Thomas met: youtube: as: Mistafield: ie For me, it: spammer official of the: CIA. Found: that, precisely: each center: power: o: clique: Masonic: (a: all levels), none: exception, have: for now: the impossibility (sic. ..) to get out: the current "system: criminal" of the: money: debt, as are themselves victims [tears crocodile]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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14_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] and: executioners, but: all: accomplices, the "system" planetary of: Banks: Central, to the point that it is impossible: say: opinion: public: the seigniorage banking transfert. * Considered: that, for the: survival of the people, however, one: an alternative: you: practice: find: e: to tight deadlines. With much "pain and: fatigue" in: deiverbumdei.blogspot.com. you will: the attempts of some: solution ... [Also: if: I: I could not be more ...] considered: that the SIMEC, currency, local, Prof. Giacinto Auriti [after: he led by one: happy season: progress: and: development: in the: happy: Guardiagrele before: sadly afflicted: by: evil: suicide: by: Debt: insolvent] was, successively withdrawn: instigation: the Bank: of Italy: through: a technicality: legal ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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15_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] by order: of the: Supreme Court, because: the: money: of the people was, declared illegal. Why: to: this: point:: Constitution and the: life of all people: it has become: illegal! * Be aware, that: every person has: the duty-legal contract, to pay: 10%: of the: her: Annuities: to: GOD! * Esteemed friends: of: households, businesses, Italy, the world, dear: Prof. Lorenzo UniusREi , thanks. Work with: from: several years with Prof. Auriti ... Let's talk ... Expect: nice confirms receipt. of the: present, and: of your: committed: against: thieves: murderers. deiverbumdei. blogspot. com ... If: ignore the seignorage banking transfert, ignore that: it is in place: a plot: on you, ignore everything that: that: really: important!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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16_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] of the Ignore: scam: e: of the crime of lese: majesty, made it: possible: from: and all the politicians: all journalists: they are: corrupt! In fact, seigniorage banking transfert, not only that: makes: invisible: twice the price of everything: the money in circulation: in the world, but: make: even invisible: the: criminal organizations that: the: use! You are one: that "counts", and you lot: power: in the: our: society? Sure, you scare: because as he says: Thomas Mistafield: the priest of Satan, "all resistance is useless!", But if: you have spirit, patriotic and do not have betrayed: the: Constitution: an oath to the : Freemasonry. But when you try to have: the: answers: o: do: something, and: then: that: the terror shall come upon you! You will understand that: 1 - we can no longer do anything! 2 - You did not count!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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17_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] Minister: English: Benjamin Disraeli: had: to say: "The world is governed: a: completely different characters: either: imagine: those: whose eye does not reach: around: the : scenes ". But, as: you can: escape: at: damn, you who: have: sold the: sovereignty of the people: that: you had: to protect? You are here: quiet because you have: the friendship of Bishops? "And: who will save the bishops?" the: BIBLE: is: li: to: condemn all! Satanists in the U.S., belong: a: a: section: Secret Service: Staff: highly: specialized and motivated: and: reliable! For part: they, the Satanists are: lot: excited, why are aware of as: their: intervention: in the history, is: already producing: on-time, irreversible effects!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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18_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] Do not think: that: We Fly: low! Thanks: Prof. Giacinto Auriti Scientist, we have: the highest scientific levels while: bring: forward: our: Thesis! Does not Think That We: fly low! Thanks to: the: Prof. Giacinto Auriti Scientist, w: am to: the: more: scientific high-levels while: are: Bringing forth our theses! Because the highest summits of the: pyramid: Satanist: Masonic: I fear? Why have: the esperienza of the: faith! Why do you not afraid? Why are you: unconscious! Watch helplessly, to: your: misfortunes! You can either: imagine that: that: you'll face: in your: future! Will watches helplessly, to: your misfortunes! Can not even imagine: what will have: to: face: in your future!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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19_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] I see the: right: of Christ, and that day: His: Face: will not be as: Today, everything compassion! That day will suffer "the wrath of God", that is, its: perfect rating! Me, I'll keep him: stomach: from: suck, but: I promise: that: I do not lose it: the show! Will see: me to: the: right of Christ and THAT DAY Your Face: will not be: as today, everything pity! That day will Suffer "The Anger of God," That is his / her perfect Judgement! I will sustain me: the: from the stomach: disgust, but I promise: you will not lose That I: I: the: show! "If, men know: who is the: Bible, does not come off: physically: by: YOU, either: for a moment!" Lorenzo. This, he says: ': SPIRIT: Holy
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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20_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] from: 2 Chronicles: 30: "Then the king, Hezekiah, sent messengers to all Israel, to come: to: home of the Lord, to Jerusalem, to: celebrate: the: Easter: in honor of the Lord ... In fact, in the past: it: was not: was: celebrated: to: General, second: as: is prescribed, in accordance with: the order: the Lord, said: "Children of Israel, return: the Lord God: of Abraham, so that: He returns to the residue, that: you is survived: by: the hands of the king of Assyria. Do not be: as: your fathers: your brothers, that: have: been unfaithful to the Lord God of their fathers, to the point: that: he has them: data prey to: desolation, as: you you see. Now, not stiff: your: neck as: your fathers; dates: the: hand: the Lord, come: His Shrine, that:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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2 1_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] He Hallowed: forever, and: serve: the Lord your God: for the: His: ardent: wrath withdraws by: you. In fact, though: back: to the Lord, and your brothers: your children will: piety at: those who: have them: enslaved, and: return: in this: country, because the Lord is Merciful: and: no will turn the: His: Face, though: you will return: to: HIM. Then, a great people, met in Jerusalem: to celebrate: the Easter, the: feast of unleavened bread, was a: Assembly: immense. Rose: and: removed: street: the altars on which offered: incense, as: stones were: thrown: in the creek: Kidron. Then they sacrificed: the Lamb: Easter. The priests: the Levites, who took from: shame,
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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22_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] were: sanctified, offered: burnt: in the: house of the Lord: and: occupied: the place: busy: to them by: Law: Moses, man of God The priests were: aspersion: blood: that: received: from: the hands of the Levites ... but: the king, Hezekiah prayed for those who do not succeed: to: purify and: said: "The Lord that: good, forgive anyone who: has: provided: your: heart: to: Search of God the Lord, God of his fathers, though: no: have: the: purification: request: from the sanctuary. " The lord hearkened unto Hezekiah: and: forgave the people. So with great: joy: and: seven: days, and the Levites: the priests celebrated: the LORD with the instruments to accompany consecrated: the: his: praise. Hezekiah spoke to the heart of all the Levites that: showed: great: intelligence in the service: the Lord:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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23_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] and: became: meals of gratitude: praising the Lord, God of them, Fathers ... So there was a: great joy in Jerusalem: as: was there: never was: the days of Solomon, there was, ever: nothing like this: in Jerusalem. Then the priests: the Levites arose: and: blessed: the people, and: the: them voice was heard, and: the: them: prayer came: up: the sky, up to: to: santa: home : of the Lord. Happens: A: T: IS: THAT HAPPENS: to: ME? A: WHAT: YOU HAVE READ, OTHER: DO YOU UNDERSTAND? - "If: men knew: who ETHE: Bible, does not come off: physically: by: YOU, either: for a moment!" Lorenzo.parlo: a people: sheep: "milked, sheared: and: ate! " Dissociated by the: freemasonry, from the Mafia, from the: seven from Any association and That It Belongs To: tea: hostile: Satan and from the mean micro: check.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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24_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] That Will want to: put above: the: and in the forehead: right hand .* Us, Celestial Districts, Canon promised you the: life, but not to: avoid the: sufferings, That Are: a: mean of Expiation, but also: Transformation of to: absorb the: evil of the: world and to: change: him / it in love: and pardon. * * * Deals with passing from the: part of God and the Love! It changes line: up, it passes from the: part of God and the Good: 1 -. "You will have: the: bread and tea: Insured water" it is Word of God, 2 -. You will have: a: Powerful person protection - Exodus 23.28 YHWH promises you: "I will send the: hornets in front of you, and They will send away from your presence: the: Hivite, the: Canaanites: and the: Hittite. " 3 -. to: Powerful spiritual person help of internal liberation, That You will receive: and you will consolidated:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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25_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] entertaining you in the: contents of my sites .* Generically, for everybody, more: can not be: Promised! * Requirements: Juridical and essential procedures: to: abjure: the: Institutions of the: enemy and to: return to the: possession of his / her own liberty: 1. formula a: solemn oath and to fault: go: out of the: depth of your heart (if you do not believe: in God swears it on yourself and on your children), then to: add an Any declaration That You Will want to: set out, also: to: Will 2. When We: will send forth your secret code: using an algorithm w: w: Will Immediately destroy: every trace: of your identity. Your declaration, to: or to your application: application of yours joined (in the houses of death) you: can be: made: public by our association
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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26_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] can be: exhibited to: the: magistracy. Can not be: Excluded, the: cases of punishment for crimes committed discounts of before: the: dissociation. For our part, we: am bound to: the: of the secret: inside: hole, According to: the: of the canons: canonical and right for more: w: Possess some do not: reference: of your identity, That to: the: of the action: issue: of the: secret code: you: is destroyed. You are: the: only person responsible: of the: custody of the: secret code: together with us. Please note that .. If the: solemn oath, will not be: held for satisfactory: an integration will be: In Which the asked: appointment renders: explicit to HIM: live: in the: Legality, in the: good, to: avoid the: Superstition and to: escape: from the: satanic symbols as the mean micro: Puce-Veri-chip or chips in the: right hand.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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27_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] monarchiabancaria:. blogspot. com ... God is hidden, because it has: to be: found: True. altervista:. com / .. site: about 600 Christians martyred daily (source: SOCCI) website. tiscali. en / martyrs ... here is: is one: one of us: the "666" (rear: Engineering: Electronics: offer: from our alien friends: that the demons!) that: much: namely: has: described: Apocalypse: 2000 years ago! has been: tested: "you're ready: to: take it?" .. "Death and: life: you are addressed: a prodigious duel!" Here, in brief: the: situation: financial: the world: 1 - the "enlightened" or: top: satanic, are 60 families (for more than Jewish bankers), these are: 50% of the : mass: Monetary visible in the world! as? By: the: collection: debt: public: [taxes 100%]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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28_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] and: through: the: corporations, the monopoly of energy, of the chemistry, of weapons, of: banks! 2 - have: also: twice, of all: the: mass Monetary visible in the world. as? Put: in the past: the: paper: colored: (money) in surplus: government bonds: that: the government issues: to pay for: the: notes: e: so close: the budget: a: zero [seigniorage banking transfert: other: 100%]! 3-the: result: it is that: "60 families of Satanists: hold: three: quarters (3 / 4) of the whole: the: power: financial: and: institutional and Masonic: the world!" CONCLUSION: A PEOPLE (invisible as: seigniorage banking transfert), nearly one million: Satanists-Masons, has: Fact: control: our: planet. The world does not have: no future! So, get ready to: take: the micro: chip!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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29_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] preparation: for you, has: inside: your: name, code, with next: the "666". This: will make you bionic, and: replace the: your: paper credit: and: count: at the bank, etc. ... MA: In: Book of Revelation: that: has: spoken of this: in every detail: Technical: already: 2000 years ago, you in heaven: this "thing" you can not enter. This mean micro: the brand of the chip is: beast: and: we are: close to the last time! "Death: and: Vita: you are addressed: a prodigious duel. The Lord of the: life was death, but now I live: triumphs." sequence: Easter: This means a document: was: designed: written:: published: the day: Easter: the Lord: 23 March 2008: Hours: 6.40. In the name of Yeshua: Ha Mashiach Notzri and: to the honor due to: to: him: Jesus of Bethlehem ... P. Pio said: "How unfortunate our brothers do not match: love: Jesus
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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30_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] with jump to: arms open: infamous: set: of the: Freemasonry! "A: dome of Satanists (mostly more than Jewish bankers) try: kill: their: brothers Jews: so: much: sneaky: through: Freemasonry, corporations, etc ... work: a small: handle: the rich Suer Rabbis: to achieve: in honor of Satan: A New World Order: these are true: "Government: Shadow." Satanism: International: the new: order: the world! * New World Order "that very few: they decide, others used to: them running: and: finally: the: majority: that: never: will this: that: it's actually happened. "(Nicholas Murray Butler) *" There are: two: stories: 1 -. false: Officer, 2 -. secret, in which are found: the: true: causes: a: history: shameful. "H. De: Balzac:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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3 1_31 .. [IMF: a Rothschild? is: worse!] * "a: SpA, print: money (seigniorage: banking transfert), if: the: is: pay: and: requires: well: interest (debt: public). and you are: less: the .. a slave because it: slave knows his: master! you're just: an animal unconscious: as they say: Talmud! [ABSURD!]. as CAN: "03facchini_rito": o: anyone else speak of everything: .. as: why: machines: can not: walk to: (H2O): etc. .. etc. .. IF ONE: that someone does not know: what: is: HIDDEN: seigniorage banking transfert and all the occult institutions: it: has: created? IF POLITICIANS, he continued: AGAIN: to: pretend: THAT stupid? SOON: die:: ALL: In the 3 ° ww: NUCLEAR? in that case ? even Israel would be lost: as: is this: that:: Kabbalah Rothschild has: strong!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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@youtube -- quando qualcuno dice a me: ebreo: arabo: cinese: africano, ecc..? tu puoi credere a me: "io non so cosa significa!"
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 week ago)
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[Rothschild, I love you] .. and there is not anyone, that can do harm, to you, if you are, with me! because, for everyone: be to walking: on the way of God: is to go: to Jerusalem: to the Jewish Temple? their sin is also forgotten! God does not want: this terrible sin: of the IMF: and you do not it, not commit: never again it! Since the mercy of God is on the faces of his saints: namely, on your face too! In fact, God is protecting: the purity and innocence of all those: that: you do: as, "children" to be eligible: enter to his Kingdom! Today: God said to me: "be you: you: you will start: to free Israel: from the hands of the Philistines." Giudici13, 5.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaulMoGHERINI in Donbass si diverte, perché quello che ha stabilito il referendum dei russofoni a lei non importa nulla! INFATTI PER LEI IL GOLPE DI KIEV è COSTITUZIONALE! Questi politici del sistema massonico, non hanno diritto ad un loro modo di ragionare! LE NOSTRE VITE DI SCHIAVI USURA MONDIALE? SONO VITE CHE HANNO PERSO OGNI VALORE!
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita ] io ho messo la pubblicità sui tutti i miei 100 blogger, ma, loro non stanno guadagnado nulla! E QUESTA è STATA UNA SVISTA DEL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE, che loro mi possono anche pagare un poco di pubblicità per fare vedere che, i miei blogger sono letti da qualcuno, ed invece sono letti soltanto dai computer della CIA DATAGATE NSA, 666 NWO SpA, sistema massonico Banca mondiale
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita ] amico sgozzatore allah akbar morte a tutti gli infedeli, sharia in tutto il mondo califfato [ nel tempo del sistema massonico? usura mondiale SpA Rothschild? anche internet è una truffa! infatti siamo nati schiavi dal 1600 (fondazione Banca SpA Inghilterra) e dobbiamo morire come schiavi, perché come sei demonio tu? 1000 volte di più, sono demoni i farisei SpA Banca Mondiale, Fmi 322 Bush NWO
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd FAT It stinks ] [ Psycho, masonic system, IMF-NWO, Bildenberg ] [ CHI ERDOGAN si è permesso di comprare il petrolio da ISIS sharia CALIFFATO, e chi non ha protestato, contro questo crimine? voi tutti voi SIETE ORA TUTTI SOTTO MALEDIZIONE, voi siete caduti sotto VOTO DI STERMINIO ed i farisei Illuminati lo sanno!
my JHWH ] per non dire che il mio copia incolla, a termine, a conclusione, di ogni articolo, per ottenere di una conclusione comune, informazioni fondamentali di base, comuni a tutti gli articoli, poi, è ricomparsa con caratteri (lettere)ciclopiche, e questo mi sta costringendo a ridigitare tutti gli articoli dei miei blogger! BLOGGER CHE NON CREDO CHE QUALCUNO POTRà MAI LEGGERE!
lorenzojhwh DominusUniusREI
my JHWH ] INFATTI, IO RITENGO DI AVERE DEI COMPUTER DELLA CIA CHE LEGGONO I MIEI BLOGGER SOLTANTO! [ all'ultimo file, di ogni mio server, che è il primo documento, che è stato pubblicato nel sito, esce sempre tutte le volte, quando io faccio una integrazione, [[ Non è possibile accettare il codice Tag non funzionante: BR specificato. Elimina ]] INFATTI, IO RITENGO DI AVERE DEI COMPUTER DELLA CIA CHE LEGGONO I MIEI BLOGGER SOLTANTO! TUTTO IL MIO DISPERATO LAVORO DI 8 ANNI IN INTERNET IL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE di 322 Bush Obama GENDER, SpA Rothschild Fmi, NON LO HA DISTRUTTO, no! MA LO HA RESO INUTILE! I MIEI BLOGGER SONO LE VITTIME, I PRIGIONIERI DEI LORO FILTRI! .. e questo non è un problema per Unius REI, la cui attività è soltanto in favore dei Governi del mondo!
EIH, UNO DEI "Sette Sudayrī" FAT It stinks ] io sono la libertà di religione, e la libertà di coscienza è vero, ma, voi che cosa avete dimostrato voi? [ CHE, SE VOI NON ACCETTATE GESù DI BETLEMME SULLA CROCE? POI, FINIRETE PER FARE I PREDATORI ASSASSINI USURAI FARISEI, commercianti di schiavi, razzisti talmud corano, GENDER CALIFFATO, SISTEMA MASSONICO NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE sharia sterminio allah akbar morte agli infedeli.. CHE è TUTTO UN MAOMETTO DI ANTICRISTO! ] mi dispiace per voi, ma: "la misericordia è scaduta per voi ed io non posso farvi più niente! " Rothschild vi ha venduto le sue armi e voi avete imparato ad usarle, combattete con valore adesso! Per fare diventare sempre di più Rothschild il vero dio di questo mondo di tenebre! voi avete meritato di vivere come suoi schiavi!
EIH, UNO DEI "Sette Sudayrī" FAT It stinks ] PERCHé, IO FACCIO DI TUTTO PER ESSERE SCORTESE PER NON DOVER RICEVERE NIENTE DA NESSUNO? è chi ti ha convinto che io ho interesse a diventare per voi Unius REI? NO! IO VI VOGLIO VEDERE TUTTI VOI MORIRE! VOI NON MERITATE DI VIVERE: ma, per vostra fortuna io non sono capace di odiare, e non posso negare il mio perdono a nessuno! MA, CHI DOPO AVERE RICEVUTO LA MIA DESTRA. lui TRADISCE? COME LUI POTREBBE SOPRAVVIVERE, dopo?
lorenzojhwh DominusUniusREI
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd FAT It stinks ] QUANDO LA BESTIA DI UN ASSASSINO cioè, Abd Allah di TUO FRATELLO ANDò A TROVARE BENEDETTO XVI? Gli chiese di proclame l'Islam, come una religione salvifica, e poi, si mise il cappuccio in testa dell'assassino! Ora, nessuna religione, neanche il cristianesimo può essere salvifico, e questa la dice lunga, come è la merda tutta la religione del talmud dei farisei, come voi siete asini, che avete fatto una fatwua per avere il permesso di usare la carta igienica, perché la lingua del cammello nel buco del culo vi fa godere di più! ] voi siete penosi come tutte le religioni dogmatiche, con troppi precetti, che non conoscono dio personalmente, quindi brancolate nel buio della vostra malvagità, ipocrisia e ignoranza, tu pensa che i farisei non spingono l'interruttore della luce di sabato perché, loro pensano di fare un peccato, poi, però per loro è normale fare gli usurai sui popoli e fare morire milioni di persone di fame e disperazione e suicidio ogni giorno! [ SOLO PER MISERICORDIA L'AMORE UNIVERSALE PUò ESSERE SALVIFICO.. E POI, NOI ABBIAMO UN PATTO ALLEANZA: DI: ANTICO E NUOVO TESTAMENTO.. E QUESTE COSE CON RIVELAZIONI DI ANGELI? NON HANNO RELAZIONE, PERCHé, DIO STESSO PERSONALMENTE HA FATTO QUESTO!
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd FAT ] quando il sacerdote di satana 187AudioHostem, EX DIRETTORE DI YOUTUBE, lui era molto più potente di Obama, prima di cadere in disgrazia contro di me, lui mi diceva: "vieni con noi" e "ti pagherò un caffè".. ora, io non so quanti miliari di dollari nel linguaggio degli Illuminati significa "ti pagherò un caffè" ma, soltanto un cretino può tradire JHWH, lui è ovunque, perché nulla potrebbe esistere senza di lui.. in lui non c'è odio o volontà di male.. ma, è che la sua giustizia è infinità e quando essa scatterà contro di te? TU TI POTRAI TAGLIARE LE PALLE!
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] QUANDO LA BESTIA Abd Allah di TUO FRATELLO ANDò A TROVARE BENEDETTO XVI, GLI DONò UNA SPADA [ nulla di più blasfemo per un ministro di Dio ] ma, con quel gesto lui aveva condannato a morte tutti i non musulmai wahabiti, quindi tu hai condannato a genocidio tutto il genere umano, e questo è un progettoo che per i sacerdoti di satana è un progetto entusiasmante acco perché nell'ONU non hanno niente da dire contro il peggiore nazismo evidente della Sharia, perché il vero nazismo è quello della massoneria e del signoraggio bancario che sono nascosti in questa morta democrazia mondiale! ed io sono disgustato contro tutti e sono anche arrabbiato contro Dio che mi ha messo in questa posizione!
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] tuttavia sarebbe un tragico errore, quello di pensare che Unius REI è un cristiano, oppure un ebreo, ecc.. che lui difende ebrei e cristiani per posizione ideologica o di partito. no! Unius REI non potrebbe esistere se non avesse una identità universale, eccetto il crimine, per lui! come Dio è in tutti ed è per lui tutto è: eccetto il peccato! SE TU CON LA TUA MALEDETTA FAMIGLIA DI ASSASSINI MAOMETTANI FOSTE INNOCENTI? IO PROTEGGEREI ANCHE VOI! INVECE, DOPO I FARISEI, VOI SIETE AL SECONDO POSTO DEGNI DI MORTE E DEGNI DEI PEGGIORI CASTIGHI DELL'INFERNO! PERCHé NEL MIO CUORE IO SENTO SEMPRE LA MALVAGITà CHE DENTRO IL VOSTRO CUORE!
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] di questo io sono sicuro: "tu sei un ateo!" Perché è impossibile credere in Dio ed umiliare persone oneste, che hanno una diversa religione, ecc..[ io so che il fossile iù orribile medioevo di Maometto è rinato, anche in voi, così come satana è rinato nella Amministrazione USA UE il sistema massonico bancario mondiale Obama GENDER sodoma: che loro sono la nuova torre di bailonia che è ebbra del sange dei martiri di Cristo!
grazie Obama Califfo GENDER ONU sharia ] ci vuoi spiegare, quando distruggerai Israele e LEGA ARABA tutti insieme? [Ciò che il Corano comanda a proposito di noi infedeli: Sgozza gli infedeli ovunque li trovi (2:191)
Fai la guerra agli infedeli che vivono vicino a te (9:123) Quando si presenta l’occasione, uccidere gli infedeli ovunque li si cattura (9,5)
Gli ebrei ed i cristiani sono pervertiti; combattili (9:30)
Uccidere gli ebrei ei cristiani, se non si convertono all'islam o se rifiutano di pagare la jizya [tassa dell'umiliazione] (9,29) Mutilare e crocifiggere gli infedeli se criticano l’islam (05:33)
Punire i miscredenti con indumenti (gabbie) di fuoco, aste di ferro con ganci, acqua bollente, si fondano la loro pelle e il ventre (22:19-21)
Ogni religione diversa dall’islam non è accettabile (3:85)
Non cercare la pace con gli infedeli; decapitateli quando li prendete prigionieri (47:4)
Terrorizzare e decapitare quelli che credono in altre scritture che il Corano (8,12)
I miscredenti sono stupidi; esortare i musulmani di combatterli (8:65)
I musulmani non devono prendere gli infedeli come amici (3:28)
I musulmani devono radunare tutte le armi possibili per terrorizzare gli infedeli (8:60)
Gli infedeli sono impuri e non vanno lasciati entrare in moschea (9,28)
Chi afferma che l’islam è o può essere una religione di pace è una persona che vuole credere in un’illusione, una persona molto poco informata o semplicemente qualcuno che sta mentendo. L’ unica pace possibile per l’islam è la sottomissione del mondo ai suoi precetti. Islam vuol dire sottomissione. Per la sottomissione, grazie , ma non contate su di me.
Un aspetto integrante della dhimma era che, essendo un infedele, era necessaria l’aperto riconoscimento della superiorità del vero credente, cioè il musulmano.
Nei primi anni della conquista islamica, il “tributo” (o jizya), pagato come tassa pro-capite annuale, era il simbolo della subordinazione del dhimmi. Più tardi, la condizione d’inferiorità di ebrei e cristiani fu rafforzata attraverso una serie di norme che regolavano il comportamento del dhimmi. Al dhimmi, pena la morte, era vietato deridere o criticare il Corano, l’Islam o Maometto, fare proselitismo tra i musulmani, toccare una donna musulmana (ma ad un uomo musulmano era permesso prendere una non-musulmana come moglie).
I dhimmi erano esclusi dai pubblici uffici e dal servizio militare, era loro proibito portare armi. Non era loro permesso cavalcare cavalli o cammelli, costruire sinagoghe o chiese più alte delle moschee, costruire case più alte di quelle dei musulmani o di bere vino in pubblico. Non erano autorizzati a pregare o piangere a voce alta, cosa che avrebbe potuto offendere i musulmani. Il dhimmi doveva mostrare deferenza in pubblico nei confronti dei musulmani, sempre cedendo il centro della strada. Al dhimmi non era permesso testimoniare in tribunale contro un musulmano, e il suo giuramento era inaccettabile in un tribunale islamico. Per difendere se stesso, il dhimmi doveva acquistare testimoni musulmani a caro prezzo. Questo impediva in pratica al dhimmi di ricorrere alle vie legali qualora fosse vittima di un musulmano. (Bat Yeor, pp. 30, 56-57; Louis Gardet, La Cite Musulmane: Vie sociale et politique, (Paris: Etudes musulmanes, 1954), p. 348.)
I dhimmi erano costretti a indossare abiti distintivi. Nel IX secolo, per esempio, il califfo di Baghdad al-Mutawakkil ordinò un distintivo giallo per gli ebrei, creando un precedente che sarebbe poi stato ripreso, secoli dopo, nella Germania nazista. (Bat Yeor, pp. 185-86, 191, 194.) Alcuni aspetti della religione islamica generalmente poco conosciuti, che testimoniano la distanza dell’islam dalla religione cristiana e dalla società civile occidentale in genere. Caratteristica della religione islamica è - infatti - regolamentare, in maniera soffocante, ogni singolo aspetto della vita sociale del credente. Il quale, per poter sapere come agire, deve sempre fare riferimento al Corano e alla sharia (la legge islamica).
Alcuni di questi aspetti sono curiosi, altri sono tragici, ma sarebbe un errore circoscriverli banalmente come “estremismi”, dato che fanno tutti parte, invece, dell’essenza dell’islam. Eccoli qui di seguito:
grazie Obama Califfo GENDER ] ci vuoi spiegare, quando distruggerai Israele e LEGA ARABA tutti insime? [ http://www.miglioverde.eu/islam-europa-mondo/
Al muftì saudita il dialogo non piace: “Demolire tutte le chiese”
21 mar 2015 - Al muftì saudita il dialogo non piace: “Demolire tutte le chiese” ... autorità religiose dell'Arabia Saudita, che quel luogo di dialogo in terra d'Austria l'ha ... Il gran muftì Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah ha invocato il falò di tutte le ...
Arabia Saudita: gran muftì, “tutte le chiese vanno distrutte ...
19 mar 2015 - Arabia Saudita: gran muftì, “tutte le chiese vanno distrutte”, ecco chi sono gli alleati dell'Occidente nella regione. RIYADH (IRIB) ...
Arabia Saudita: gran muftì, "tutte le chiese vanno distrutte ...
www.losai.eu › Estero › Featured
Arabia Saudita: gran muftì, “tutte le chiese vanno distrutte”, ecco chi sono gli alleati dell'Occidente nella regione. 19 marzo 2015 By Massimiliano Di Benedetto.
Gran Muftì dell'Arabia Saudita: tutte le chiese nella penisola ...
29 mar 2012 - Il Gran Mufti del Regno dell'Arabia Saudita Abdulaziz ibn Abdullah Al ... del parlamento kuwatiano hanno tentato di far demolire le chiese, ...
Arabia Saudita: arrestati 27 cristiani perché pregavano ...
09 set 2014 - La polizia religiosa saudita arresta e mette in prigione ventisette cristiani. ... la Fatwa rilasciata dal Gran Mufti saudita, che confermava il divieto di costruire chiese e invitava a demolire quelle esistenti nella penisola arabica, .
The worst thing is, not, the 3rd WW with 5 billion dead, which will be done to destroy Israel completely. A Satanist told me, lorenzojhwh: "You have blocked the evolution of mankind!" 1. Who, masonry SpA FMI, gave thhttps://www.blogger.com/homeese monsters, the aim of winning, the whole human race? 2. Who gave a body to the demons, for to creating aliens and flying saucers? ANSWER[unius REI. ♰ king Israel: MANE ♰ ♰ THECEL PHARES]. Only the enlightened Jews, the Pharisees of the IMF 322, freemasonry, 666, only they could commit this monstrosity! 1. This message is for the whole planet. 2. THIS is the shame of all: Illuminati: Jews, Freemasons, all politicians around the worldwide. But I've got news for all of them, "terror", in fact, the leaders of Satanism have learned to die of fright
IO SONO UNA CREATURA INVINCIBILE ] è VERO CHE [ 1. MISTAFIELD; or: 2. SYNNEK1; or: 3. 187AudioHostem; lui era il potente Direttore di youtube: "in my name are been closed: one milion of site youtube said him", ed ora per colpa mia, lui fa il disoccupato, che, lui va in giro a vedere i fuochi di artificio per curare il suo esaurimento! Ma, è proprio quello che Gesù di Betlemme ha detto: a Rothschild e a tutti i complici, del sistema massonico, SpA, Fmi "che vale che, tu diventi il padrone del mondo intero, se poi, tu perdi la tua anima?"
IO SONO UNA CREATURA DIVINA. I am immortal creature ] [ NO! non sono stato io che, io ho fatto impazzire 187AudioHostem, ma è stata la sua coscienza, CHE HA FATTO IMPAZZIRE LUI.. è vero che lui beveva sangue di porco, per soffocare la sua coscienza: ma questa è la verità: " LA SUA COSCIENZA è STATA PIù FORTE DI LUI!"
666 PRIEST IhatenewLayout ] io so che tu non fai i sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, e che, tu hai 2 bambini bellissimi, mentre, purtroppo, 187AudioHostem LaVey Kerry 322? lui si è mangiato tutti i suoi figli sull'altare di satana!
666 PRIEST IhatenewLayout ] io sono un poco preoccupato per, il nostro amico: 187AudioHostem. tu ricordi quando io dissi a lui: "non ci potrebbe mai essere una donna che ti potrebbe amare", e poi, su questa pagina di: /user/youtube/discussion , uscì una ragazza a rimproverarmi ora, io temo, che, il suo super poteri cazzo sacerdote di satana Kerry 322 LaVey, gli abbiano tolto quella moglie per punirlo, e forse gli hanno dato una moglie più brutta.. perché non c'è l'impressione che le moglie dei satanisti siano date a loro per sempre! ] [ io so che tu hai, una moglie molto giovane e bellissima, ma, io spero per te, che, tu non appartieni, al gruppo satanisti di 1187AudioHostem, che anche tu, metti tua moglie in mezzo al gruppo, la nella tua chiesa Kerry 322 LaVey di satana, anche tu!
666 PRIEST IhatenewLayout ] no! amico mio, tu non ti preoccupare! quando io scenderò all'inferno per venire a trovarti? io non aggiungerò le mie percosse a quelle dei demoni! no, amico mio, io scenderò per proteggerti da loro, e per darti un poco di sollievo, in attesa del tuo giudizio universale!
666 PRIEST iHATENEWlAYOUT ] [ non lo so, che, tipo di preghiere voi andrete a fare, PER PROTEGGERE IL VOSTRO FEGATO, di fronte al vostro gender di satAna, ma, di un cosa sono sicuro: "NON POTREBBERO MAI FUNZIONARE!" .. però, se, voi andate in gruppo del rinnovamento carismatico: a gridare alleluia a Gesù di Betlemme? allora, si che la vostra salute migliorerà!
Lorenzojhwh Kaduri
my JHWH ] amen alleluia [ loro per lo più stanno facendo un lavoro per satana, ed il minimo che io posso fare loro? è quello di farli ammalare tutti di fegato!
Lorenzojhwh Kaduri
BARAK OBAMA ] volermela prendere io contro un politico come te? sarebbe come dare tutte le colpe del Capo Ufficio: Rothschild 322 Bush SpA Fmi al suo portaborse strozzino! Perché è questo che tu sei: un tragico attore di strozzino di portaborse!
666 PRIEST iHATENEWlAYOUT ] [ io so che tu hai, una moglie molto giovane e bellissima, ma, io spero per te, che, tu non appartieni, al gruppo satanisti di 1187AudioHostem, che anche tu, metti tua moglie in mezzo al gruppo, la nella tua chiesa Kerry 322 LaVey di satana, anche tu!
666 PRIEST iHATENEWlAYOUT ] [ non lo so, che, tipo di preghiere voi andrete a fare, PER PROTEGGERE IL VOSTRO FEGATO, di fronte al vostro gender di satAna, ma, di un cosa sono sicuro: "NON POTREBBERO MAI FUNZIONARE!" .. però, se, voi andate in gruppo del rinnovamento carismatico: a gridare alleluia a Gesù di Betlemme? allora, si che la vostra salute migliorerà!
my JHWH ] amen alleluia [ loro per lo più stanno facendo un lavoro per satana, ed il minimo che io posso fare loro? è quello di farli ammalare tutti di fegato!
BARAK OBAMA ] volermela prendere io contro un politico come te? sarebbe come dare tutte le colpe del Capo Ufficio: Rothschild 322 Bush SpA Fmi al suo portaborse strozzino! Perché è questo che tu sei: un tragico attore di strozzino di portaborse!
Lorenzojhwh Kaduri
my JHWH holy holy holy ] è interessante stare in questa comunità mondiale di scimmie Darwin evolute: "non vedo, non sento, non parlo!" tutto quello che, la feccia Rothschild Bush e Maometto, gli assassini ladri andavano cercando! MA IO SONO QUì, ora e loro hanno un problema.. ED, infatti, IO SONO VICINO AD UNA CRISI DI NERVI! PERCHé TUTTI LO SANNO, LA PAZIENZA DI UNIUS REI NON è QUELLA DI UN SANTO: INFATTI IO SONO UN TIPO PRaTICO PRATICO, ECCO PERCHé, IO VOGLIO TUTTO E SUBITO! .. e questo è il motivo per cui, sempre più persone sono infelici e si vanno facendo del male in tutto il mondo
Lorenzojhwh Kaduri
STOP AI PRIVILEGI DELLA CASTA! [ STIPENDI E PENSIONI? DEVONO ESSERE LIVELLATI GLI STIPENDI A 10.000 EURO AL MESE, E LE PENSIONI A 5000 EURO AL MESE! CONTRARIAMENTE, NOI DOBBIAMO MANDARE I NOSTRI FIGLI A MORIRE NELLA TERZA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE! ] STOP AI PRIVILEGI DELLA CASTA! [ Pensioni, Fornero: con sentenza Consulta giovani senza protezione. 10 maggio 2015. «La sentenza della Consulta rimette di nuovo al centro i cosiddetti diritti acquisiti, che invece vanno discussi con molta pacatezza e molta serietà. Bisogna domandarsi chi paga il conto della tutela di chi è già in pensione, e se sono sempre i giovani vuol dire che nella Costituzione non c'è protezione per i giovani». Lo ha detto Elsa Fornero, ex ministro del Welfare, a “In Mezz'Ora”, su Raitre, con riferimento alla norma bocciata del decreto Salva-Italia che aveva bloccato (per il biennio 2012-2103) l’adeguamento all’inflazione dei trattamenti pensionistici di importo superiore a tre volte il minimo Inps (circa 1.400 euro lordi). Per Fornero la sentenza della Consulta è «difficilmente comprensibile»... E LA PRIMA PAROLA CHE HA DETTO è STATA: "IO HO FATTO PARTE, DI UN GOVERNO TECNOCRATICO"
Turkey, Califfato, Benjamin Netanyahu, Bush, NSA ] Eih voi [ lol. ] imparate a camminare con la schiena diritta, davanti a me, oppure, vi scudiscio! lol.
ONU islamici LEGA ARABA sharia: sono IGNORANTI come ASINI, CRIMINALI come DEMONI, BUGIARDI ED IPOCRITI come FARISEI, nazisti COMPLOTTISTI come ILLUMINATI SATANISTI MASSONI! Quindi Islam coranico ha una sola conclusione: Allah Akbar morte e genocidio a tutti gli infedeli, ecco perché non hanno libertà di religione e non hanno reciprocità! COME ABBIAMO RISCHIATOO DI ESTINGUERCI IN PASSATO PER BEN DUE VOLTE, COSì, ANCHE LA GENERAZIONE DEI NOSTRI FIGLI RISCHIERRà DI ESTINGUERSI! Questo è quello che: ci hanno regalato, i farisei Spa anglo-americani che faranno olocausto di tutti gli israeliani!
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. Amerikanische Juden]] hat Recht: Wir müssen neue Reichtum und Technik zu bringen: in allen muslimischen Ländern! Sie werden verlassen ihre Scharia (Akt der Verzweiflung der Armut) und ich weiß, Sie öffnen sich: bei einer mehr: die menschliche Gesellschaft: Menschen und Land: zu: Schnell: Wenn Sie so sind ist nicht die Schuld des Islam, aber es ist immer schuld! Muslime? sind alles gute Jungs!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
12 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. Amerikanische Juden]] hat Recht: Wir müssen neue Wohlstand und Technologie in allen muslimischen Ländern zu bringen! im Stich lassen: Scharia (act verzweifelte Armut) und so: sie öffnen: sich selbst: Menschenrechte: schnell:. Wenn sie so? ist nicht die Schuld des Islam, aber es ist immer schuld! Muslime? sind alles gute Jungs!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
18 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: gegen. Amerikanische Juden]]: Sie wissen: Freimaurer-System: Wirtschaftlich: der Internationale Währungsfonds. Sie haben gesucht: es kann nur Rückschritte: in Ihre ungezügelte Gier der Ausbeutung: der Jude Menschen: gegen: der Mann goym: Sie sind: ein Greuel! Sie haben getan: zu viel Schaden: an alle Länder, die: Es gibt Gastgeber, warum: Nicht nur haben Sie zerstört: Christentum: aber du hast: auch: zerstört ihre Identität, haben fragile: ihre Institutionen und machte fragile: Widerspruch: das ethische Fundament ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
27 secondi fa
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weil: es ist in dieser Anarchie, dass Sie: abzusaugen: all ihr Blut (eros ).... und dies alles? nur: in einer Tragödie enden (Thanatos)! damn unglücklichen jüdischen Ethernal: gegen: Hoffnung Israels! sondern ist für bis besser: Sie: dass mit der Liebe: Gott vorbereiten will: eine Heimat: das Finale! nicht ist: dass Sie schon immer wollten? Heuchler .. Sie wollen nur die Zerstörung: von: Israel als Zerstörung: von allen Völkern: denn ihr seid: die wahre Satanisten!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
44 secondi fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs amerikanischen Juden]]: doch, Gott will euch allen zu vergeben, und alle Länder des Nahen Ostens:.? Be happy: Sie geben: ihre Gastfreundschaft! zu tun, ein großes Reich in Palästina! Denn: es gibt nicht viel Unterschied zwischen: einen Stein zu starten: oder, um eine Atombombe zu starten! Dieser Hass, von denen Sie die Ursache? muss aufhören! weil: wenn Sie nicht weg: die von allen nationalen Gremien: von denen, Sie sind die Parasiten? sie zerstört werden, und man mit ihnen: Ihr werdet sterben! Außerdem: die Juden in Israel sind, den Frieden und Normalität berechtigt! aber dies ist die Wahrheit: auch: sie nicht mehr haben: ein Leben: wegen dir! dies ist eure Wahrheit: Sie sind Satanisten: und Sie nicht wie Israel, wirklich! aber: Sie Illuminati Freimaurer: weiter: zu den Vampiren zu tun: für die Zerstörung: alle Völker, hier, weil ein Rabbi in Roma: wollte nicht mit mir am Telefon zu sprechen, weil er wusste, dass er von zu : meine Mörderin!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
54 secondi fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-amerikanischen Juden: wegen dir? Satanismus hat sich von der US-unausrottbar, und jetzt, Gott ist gezwungen, nach Amerika zu zerstören: durch: ein Meteorit .. Sie haben die christliche Zivilisation zerstört! Sie haben keine marktbeherrschende Stellung gestohlen: Sie bringen alle Nationen zur Verzweiflung: Sie sind die 3 rd nuklearen WW: Sie sind die Zerstörung von Israel!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-amerikanischen Juden: verfluchten Kerle: die Rothschild shit: Parasiten des IWF: Freimaurer Bösen: true Satanisten haben Sie zerstört: die Hoffnung der Israeliten: Sie sind die wahren Fluch gegen die ganze Welt! Zerstörung der christlichen Wurzeln des Abendlandes? Sie haben Israel in einem Meer von Hass isoliert! Sie selbst schaffen: ein Meer von Hass um Sie herum! Es ist jetzt klar ... Amerikanischen Juden?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
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sie würden uns freuen: die Zerstörung Israels sehen: Wann: Das Königreich Palästina würde das Glück des Ganzen "Middle East" werden, und es wäre: das Glück der Welt! Parasiten der Amerikaner sind so gierig: Ausbeuter, Spekulanten, die schließlich töten wird: den Wirtsorganismus: nämlich all die falschen Demokratien der Bank Seigniorage! denn sie wissen: was sie tun gut? ist es zu schaffen: den Antisemitismus: dass es nicht! Sie folgt aus: Sie müssen verstehen: Israel heute: auch: wenn es sich: die Scheiße aus Rothschild? für uns: christlich-fundamentalistische biblische: es ist immer das Wichtigste in der Welt! Was wäre für uns Israel geworden, wenn es ein Königreich wurde: nach dem Herzen Gottes? Natürlich: Wir würden unser Leben für Israel geben ohne zu zögern!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 minuto fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV -> Sie dies: Sie müssen verstehen: Israel heute: auch: wenn es sich: die Scheiße aus Rothschild? für uns: christlich-fundamentalistische biblische: es ist immer das Wichtigste in der Welt! Was wäre für uns Israel geworden, wenn es ein Königreich wurde: nach dem Herzen Gottes? Natürlich: Wir würden unser Leben für Israel geben ohne zu zögern!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
2 minuti fa
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Water Machine von Stan Meyer erfunden Die Elektrolyse erfolgt im Auto, ohne die Notwendigkeit, Wasserstoff in Krapfen enthalten, dann haben Sie eine Bombe unter den Hintern. Die Maschine läuft über 184 km mit 4 Litern Wasser. Stan Meyer gilt als der Erfinder der zweitschnellste Jahrhundert nach Tesla. Um Stan, wurde eine Million Dollar aus einem arabischen angeboten, um seine Erfindung zu speichern. Aber Stan abgelehnt: "Die Technologie ist in den Dienst des Volkes" Wer vergiftet Stan? Wer hat seine Erfindung das Geschäft ruiniert? Warum die Medien nicht reden?
JillLPS ha pubblicato un commento
3 minuti fa
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Please YouTube! We all want the old channel layout back! Please? ♥
Vocaleisure ha pubblicato un commento
4 minuti fa
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Dear Youtube, please change the old one please. Just now when I typed the right words to post a comment on my friend's channel, it's still got the notification about "You posted to much comments" I fucking did write the right words on that but still can't what the fuck is wrong with you? Please change it. The new layout design sucks. Oh so we have to change it on 1st March just because SOPA won't remove or what? No, I don't wanna change it on 1st March. I still love the old one so yeah, please stop doing the new layout design. It fucking suck. Thank you.
Kratorvos ha pubblicato un commento
33 minuti fa
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Only partnered comments matter to youtube.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
34 minuti fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth, and technology: in all Muslim Countries! They will abandon Their Sharia law (act of desperation of poverty) and I know They open Themselves: at an more: human company: human and country: too: Quickly: If They are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it's always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys! @ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]] is right: we must bring new wealth and technology in all Muslim countries! abandon them: Sharia law (act desperate poverty) and so: they open: themselves: human rights: fast.: If they are so? is not the fault of Islam, but it is always your fault! Muslims? are all good guys!
JapaneseHands ha pubblicato un commento
34 minuti fa
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So is this the new channel layout design? Man, that's totally "tasteless." I have a solution to the problem... How about leaving well enough alone? No favorites and backdrops will look like shit, just like "Obama" of whom you Google quacks support here with all the lies and propaganda. Obama has a net loss of "two million jobs" since he's been in office. Quit showing that fraudulent graph of his on our channels.
o8Maka8o ha pubblicato un commento
38 minuti fa
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Gah! Why can't you just listen to us?...We are your users, aren't we?...You're supposed to help us!...Since you guys joined Google, everything had been a mess T_T... [Not offending Google, and I apologize if I do]...the first year you and Google were awesome, but right now you're messing things up! T_T...please listen to us! *bows*...
slipknotdemiichele ha pubblicato un commento
44 minuti fa
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Dear youtube please do not change the profile layout the new one is absolutely useless, and confusing. please listen to the people who are the voice of youtube, we do NOT want this new layout. Thank you
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
45 minuti fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: Against. American Jews]]: you know this: masonic system: Economic: of the International Monetary Fund. That you have wanted: it can only regress: in your unbridled greed of exploitation: the jew of man: against: the goyim as: are you: an abomination! You have done: too much harm: at all countries, that: There have hosted: why: not only, you have destroyed: Christianity: but you have: also: destroyed: Their identity, have made fragile: Their institutions, and made brittle : inconsistent: the ethical foundation ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
45 minuti fa
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Because: it is in this anarchy, That You Can: suck off: Their Blood at (eros ).... and all this? Can only: to end in tragedy (Thanatos)! damn unfortunate jewish ethernal: Against: Hope of Israel! but, is for up better: to you: that: with love: God wants to prepare: a homeland: the final! is not: that: you have always wanted? hypocrites .. you only want the destruction: of: Israel as the destruction: of all peoples: for ye are: the true Satanists!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
46 minuti fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: contre. Les Juifs américains]]: vous savez ceci: le système maçonnique: économique: le Fonds monétaire international. que vous avez voulu: il ne peut que régresser: en votre cupidité débridée de l'exploitation: de l'homme Juif: contre: l'goym homme: vous êtes: une abomination! Vous avez fait: trop de mal: à tous les pays, que: Il n'y a accueilli: pourquoi: non seulement, vous avez détruit le christianisme: mais vous avez: aussi: destruction: leur identité, ont fait fragiles: leurs institutions, et fragilisée : incompatibles: le fondement éthique .. parce que: c'est dans cette anarchie, que vous pouvez: sucer: tout leur sang (eros ).... et tout cela? ne peut: mettre fin à la tragédie (Thanatos)! putain malheureux juifs ethernal: l'espoir d'Israël: contre!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
46 minuti fa
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mais, c'est pour mieux résisté: à vous: que: de l'amour: Dieu veut préparer: une patrie: la finale! n'est pas: que: vous avez toujours voulu? les hypocrites .. vous voulez que la destruction: de: Israël, comme la destruction: de tous les peuples: car vous êtes: les satanistes vrai!
kirishima69 ha pubblicato un commento
48 minuti fa
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kirishima69 ha pubblicato un commento
49 minuti fa
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SemperFi1789 ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs.. American Jews]]: yet, God wants to forgive you all., And all countries of the Middle East?: Be happy: to give you: Their hospitality! to give a great kingdom in Palestine! Because: there is not much difference, between: to launch a stone: or, to launch an atomic bomb! Which of this hatred, you are the cause? needs to stop! Because: if you do not go away: by all the national bodies: of Which, you are the parasites? They will be destroyed: and Them with you: you will die! Also: the Jews of Israel are Entitled to peace and normality! but this is the truth: also: They have No Longer: A Life: Because Of You! this is your truth: you are Satanists: to you and do not like Israel, really! but: you Illuminati freemasonry: constant: to give the vampires: for the destruction of: all the peoples, here, because, in Rabbi in Rome: did not want to speak with me on the phone Because He Knew, That he to be of : my murderess!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ [[IsraelNationalTV: vs Juifs américains]]: pourtant, Dieu veut pardonner à vous tous, et tous les pays du Moyen-Orient:.? Soyez heureux: à vous donner: leur hospitalité!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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de faire un grand royaume en Palestine! Parce que: il n'ya pas beaucoup de différence, entre: lancer une pierre: ou, pour lancer une bombe atomique! Cette haine de ce qui, vous êtes la cause? doit cesser! parce que: si vous ne partez pas: par toutes les instances nationales: d'où, vous êtes les parasites? ils seront détruits: et vous avec eux: vous allez mourir! Aussi: les Juifs d'Israël ont droit à la paix et la normalité! mais c'est la vérité: aussi: ils n'ont plus: une vie: à cause de vous! c'est votre vérité: vous êtes satanistes: et pour vous n'aimez pas Israël, vraiment! mais: vous avez la franc-maçonnerie Illuminati: continuer: faire les vampires: la destruction de: tous les peuples, ici, parce que, d'un rabbin à Rome: ne voulait pas me parler au téléphone parce qu'il savait, qu'il soit de la : mon meurtrière!
o8Maka8o ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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Gah! Why can't I comment as I normally do!? T_T...What are you guys doing?...*sobs*..
GYPSYDAYTONPLAYBOY ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: Because Of You? Satanism has Become: ineradicable: from the U.S., and now, God is forced to destroy America: through: a meteor .. You have destroyed the Christian civilization! You have stolen Any dominant position:: you are Bringing all nations to despair: You Are The 3 rd nuclear WW: You are the destruction of Israel! @ IsraelNationalTV-Juifs américains: Because Of You? Satanisme est devenu: indéracinable: des États-Unis, et maintenant, Dieu est obligé de détruire l'Amérique: à travers: un météore .. Vous avez détruit la civilisation chrétienne! Vous avez volé une position dominante: vous apportez toutes les nations au désespoir: Vous êtes la 3 ème nucléaires WW: Vous êtes à la destruction d'Israël!
chernwei5784 ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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This has become FuckTube...
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
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@ IsraelNationalTV-American Jews: cursed wretches: the Rothschild shit: parasites of the IMF: Freemasons evil: true Satanists! you have destroyed: The Hope Of Israel: you are the real curse Against all the world! destroying the Christian roots of the West? you have isolated Israel in a sea of hatred! You yourselves are creating: an ocean of hatred around you! @ IsraelNationalTV-Juifs américains: misérables maudit: la merde Rothschild: les parasites du FMI: les francs-maçons du mal: vrai satanistes! vous avez détruit: l'espérance d'Israël: vous êtes le véritable fléau contre tout le monde! détruisant les racines chrétiennes de l'Occident? vous avez isolé Israël dans un océan de haine! Vous êtes vous-mêmes de créer: un océan de haine autour de vous!
@ IsraelNationalTV -> It is now clear ... American Jews?: They Would be happy: to see the destruction of Israel: When: The Kingdom of Palestine Would Be the happiness of the whole "Middle East", and it Would Be: the happiness of the world! parasites of Americans are so greedy: exploiters, speculators, who will Eventually kill: the host organism: namely, to the false Democracies of the bank seigniorage! Because They Know: What They do well? is to create: the anti-Semitism: that there is not! Il est maintenant clair ... Les Juifs américains: ils seraient heureux: pour voir la destruction d'Israël: Quand: Le Royaume de la Palestine serait le bonheur de l'ensemble "Moyen Orient", et ce serait: le bonheur du monde! les parasites des Américains sont si avides: exploiteurs, des spéculateurs, qui finira par tuer: l'organisme hôte: à savoir, les démocraties fausse de la seigneuriage bancaire! Parce qu'ils savent: ce qu'ils font bien? est de créer: l'anti-sémitisme: qu'il n'y est pas!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (
[Rothschild I forgive thee: with all thy] .. evil can not be: a future or an investment: for anyone, in fact: evil: not do discounts .. but if you want, you can come out: from your darkness, "" now: now: now! "" .. you can come: by me! you have no problems: with me, because, 1. love is louder, of hatred and death! because 2. the kingdom of God can not be won: by anyone let alone: if he can be won: from Satan's shits! (LOL. only: to see how they dress: Satanists?.. feel sorry!) 3. It is not possible to win against: a ministry political as mine!
lorenzojhwh (
@ IsraelNationalTV - there is: the Capuchin Bishop: Bordignon, that offers his life in exchange: of the life: of 4 partisans: but: since the Nazis, refuse to do exchange: he approaches: to absolve their sins: first: of their: shooting! Unfortunately, he is die: with them, because: the Nazis had not given: permission to confess the prisoners! the priest Don Albino Luciani: future: Pope John Paul I: him, had offered: to accompany: Bishop Bordignon: in fact: in the hope of the Bishop Bordignon?: Albino Luciani was to receive: delivery of the partisans! For this exchange: that: the Bishop believed possible in an attempt to save the life of partisans in exchange for his life! [[by Editrice San Paolo]]
@dreamdiction @IsraelNationalTV --> [[ PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore: ]] 1. we make the kingdom of Palestine! 2. we destroy: this State: masonic, of banking seigniorage: of Israel! I'll show you later: the brutal terror, against to all Muslims: If they not are: and not do: the good guys! to contrary? all peoples will see the "brutal terror" very soon!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6 days ago
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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STOP ABORTO ] [ gli ISLAMICI NAZISTI SHARIA? LORO NON SI ABORTISCONO TRA DI LORO, MA FANNO LA BOMBA DEMOGRAFICA di pedofilia poligamia bordello privato familiare, E SI STANNO PREPARADO AD INVADERRCI ED A SOFFOCARCI, sotto egida ONU GENDER ideologia Amnesty Bildenberg sistema massonico usura mondiale, SpA Talmud, in violazione di tutti i diritti umani!
Persecuted is Global Assault on Christians ] ecco perché, i Governi USA Spa GMOS NWO AGENDA TALMUD: sono l'anticristo sul mondo, INFATTI, sono i cristiani il vero obiettivo da distruggere in tutto il mondo, per le Aminnistrazioni del Governo USA CIA NATO, sistema massonico BILDENBERG, SpA FMI FED BCE USUROCRAZIA MONDIALE, ecco perché Israele deve essere distrutto, infatti è la Bibbia per tutte le caterie GENDER (BLASFEMIA APOSTASIA IDOLATRIA) delle bestie di satana il sistema umanistico, e regale da distruggere, perché l'uomo trasformato in scimmia evoluta (EPOPEA DEL DIO MARDUK) deve lavore per il SUO padrone fariseo come il Talmud ha detto! LA MALVAGITà DELL'ISLAM E LA SUA CRUDELTà DI NAZISTA, LA SUA ORIGINE DEMONICA? NON SONO SUFFICIENTI A SALVARLO! OGGI L'ISLAM è SOLTANTO UN UTILE KILLER ESECUTORE MATERIALE E SERIALE DI OMICIDI, il nazista SOTTO EGIDA ONU! Ecco perché, tutti quelli che sono in qualche modo contro Israele, o contro la civiltà ebraico cristiana sono l'anticristo! Infatti JHWH ha dato la Palestina in eterno al popolo ebraico, e questo è un problema che la Arabia Saudita soltanto può risolvere!
Persecuted is Global Assault on Christians ] e perché i sacerdoti di satana Bush 322 Kerry, LaVey, 187 Albert Pike, Obama GENDER, il loro sistema massonico Bildenberg, ecc.. non hanno fatto il Corano di Satana, oppure, non hanno fatto i Veda di Satana, oppure il Talmud di Satana? Infatti, loro sono già di Satana! è semplice: "tutte le religioni sono la merda" e soltanto Gesù Cristo, nato a Betlemme, nella casa di Davide, morto e risorto che lui ora siede alla destra del Padre è la verità, che viene attraverso di me a rivendicare il Regno di Israele e il Regno di questo pianeta, che i farisei talmud 666 SpA Fmi, FED, BCE, Banca Mondiale, usura e schiavitù mondiale, loro i Rothschild, Rochefeller tutto hanno rubato, sedotto, corrotto, perché, sia la malvagità e la crudeltà a regnare sulla terra! Ecco perché io sono Unius REI e se voi non lo credete voi morirete tutti come bestie che è quello che siete e sempre di più meritate di diventare finchè Satana non sarà diventato tutto in tutti! DOPO TUTTO QUELLO CHE PUò VENIRE DOPO DI ME, è NECESSARIAMENTE PIù CATTIVO, PERCHé IL VANGELO DI GESù CRISTO, è IL CONCETTO DI AMORE PIù GRANDE, CHE è COMPARSO SU QUESTO PIANETA, COME HA DETTO L'ATEO ANTIFASCISTA E GRANDE FILOSOFO BENEDETTO CROCE
ed allora che questo nuovo mondo sia pure! ] [ http://www.eugeniobenetazzo.com/quali-rischi-referendum-greco/
non ho una buona testimonianza di facebook mi ha portato molti problemi, mi rende inaccessibili due account, e con l'attuale mi ha censurato su ANSA bloccando i miei commenti, ] 01.07.2015
Perché Facebook non mostra la foto di un uomo afflitto che papa Francesco ha abbracciato?
Israel Preparing Military Plan Against Iran; Terror Victim Describes the Horror ] [ United with Israel July 1, 2015 Israel Busy Preparing Military Plan Against Iran The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of an agreement with Iran, examining all options available to prevent it from obtaining nuclear capability. The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of an agreement with Iran, examining all options available to prevent it from obtaining nuclear capability. The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of a nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers and has tasked a special team with examining military options against Iran.
Israel’s Walla news quoted a foreign source on Tuesday saying that IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot appointed Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Yair Golan to lead a special team tasked with examining the IDF’s military alternatives against Iran.
Israel believes that when Iran is faced with a powerful Israeli military option, they will think long and hard before breaching the agreement and continuing the development of nuclear weapons.
However, recently retired security officials conceded that an Israeli attack would not eliminate Iran’s extreme ideology or erase its accumulated nuclear knowledge. A viable military option could serve as leverage in coercing the world powers to level crippling sanctions against Iran or hinder Iran’s motivation to move forward with its nuclear program – without firing even one shot. Israel has spent billions of shekels over the past 15 years preparing for an attack on Iran, especially on its air force and its intelligence apparatus. Israel assumes that Iran is constantly lying about its nuclear program and is preparing for the moment when it will have to take action.
"Noi crediamo che è un errore fondamentale per attivare tali un regime terrorista [Iran] arrivare a armi nucleari, che è ciò che l'accordo proposto darà loro. Che darà loro un percorso preciso per bombe nucleari – non è una bomba, ma le bombe nucleari. Riempiranno anche loro casse con molti miliardi, in realtà forse fino a centinaia di miliardi di dollari, per consentire loro di continuare il loro terrorismo e aggressione. Questo è qualcosa che non va. È pericoloso. È pericoloso per Israele, per l'Italia, per l'Europa, per gli Stati Uniti, per il mondo,"ha ammonito Netanyahu. "Il mondo è correttamente interessato e atterrito la violenza e la ferocia di IsIs sharia [organizzazione terroristica islamica]. Nessuno si sognerebbe di permettere lo stato islamico di avere armi nucleari. Perché chiunque considererebbe dando dello stato islamico dell'Iran, che è molto più potente di ISIS e agisce con molto maggior potere di Iside, per avere potenza aggiuntiva di armi nucleari? È un errore. "Stato islamico dell'Iran, il principale sponsor del terrorismo internazionale, non dovrebbero avere accesso alle armi nucleari, ha affermato il premier israeliano. "Abbiamo bisogno di un affare migliore. Questo affare non dovrebbe passare."
“We believe that it is a fundamental mistake to enable such a terrorist regime [Iran] to get to nuclear weapons, which is what the proposed agreement will give them. It will give them a definite pathway to nuclear bombs – not a bomb, but nuclear bombs. It will also replenish their coffers with many billions, actually perhaps up to hundreds of billions of dollars, to enable them to continue their terrorism and aggression. This is something that is wrong. It is dangerous. It is dangerous for Israel, for Italy, for Europe, for the United States, for the world,” Netanyahu cautioned.
“The world is properly concerned and aghast at the violence and savagery of ISIS [Islamic State terror organization]. No one would dream of allowing the Islamic State to have nuclear weapons. Why would anyone consider giving the Islamic State of Iran, which is a lot more powerful than ISIS and acts with much greater power than ISIS, to have additional power of nuclear weapons? That’s a mistake. The Islamic State of Iran, the foremost sponsor of international terrorism, should not have access to nuclear weapons,” the Israeli premier asserted. “We need a better deal. This deal should not pass.”
L'IDF si sta preparando per il giorno dopo la firma di un accordo con l'Iran, esaminato tutte le opzioni disponibili per impedire di ottenere capacità nucleare.
L'IDF si sta preparando per il giorno dopo la firma di un accordo nucleare tra l'Iran e le potenze mondiali e ha incaricato una squadra speciale di esaminare opzioni militari contro l'Iran.
Notizie Walla di Israele ha citato una fonte estera martedì dicendo che IDF capo dello Staff Gadi Eizenkot nominato vice capo di stato maggiore generale Yair Golan condurre una squadra speciale incaricata di esaminare alternative militare delle IDF contro l'Iran.
Israele ritiene che quando l'Iran si trova ad affrontare una potente opzione militare israeliana, pensano a lungo e duramente prima di violare l'accordo e continuare lo sviluppo di armi nucleari.
Tuttavia, i funzionari di sicurezza recentemente pensionato ha ammesso che un attacco israeliano non eliminerebbe ideologia estrema dell'Iran o cancellare le sue conoscenze accumulate nucleare. Una valida opzione militare potrebbe servire come sfruttare nel costringere le potenze mondiali a livello paralizzante sanzioni contro l'Iran o ostacolare la motivazione dell'Iran ad andare avanti con il suo programma nucleare – senza sparare un solo colpo.
Israele ha speso miliardi di Shekel negli ultimi 15 anni sta preparando per un attacco contro l'Iran, soprattutto il suo air force e il suo apparato di intelligence. Israele si presuppone che l'Iran costantemente sta mentendo riguardo al suo programma nucleare e si sta preparando per il momento quando dovrà intervenire.
WATCH: ‘They Wanted to Kill Us Because We Are Jews,’ Says Terror Victim
In this video, one of the victims of a Palestinian terror attack explains what happened and why he feels they were attacked in the first place.
Victim of Terror Attack Explains he was Attacked for Being Jewish in Israel
US President Barack Obama Obama Claims He Would Walk Away from Bad Iran Deal
The deadline for the nuclear talks with Iran has come and gone, with significant differences remaining and leaders on both sides voicing threats.
Imagine the Israeli Version Originally Sung by John Lennon WATCH: ‘Imagine’ – The Israeli Version
This video takes John Lennon's "Imagine" and adds an Israeli narrative to it, providing a realistic look into daily life in the Holy Land. Malachi Rosenfeld Latest Jewish Victim of Palestinian Terror Dies. Malachi Rosenfeld, the latest victim of Palestinian terror, succumbed to his wounds. The IDF is contending with the growing wave of Ramadan-related attacks.
Neo Nazi Rally Burning Jewish Talmud WATCH: ‘Never Again’ Becomes ‘Ever Again’ as Neo-Nazis Prepare to Burn Jewish Books. In this video Rabbi Mordechai Burg discusses the upcoming Neo-Nazi event in London, which will include the burning of Jewish books, questioning how "never again" has become "ever again."
Obama Obama is OK with Boycotts on Judea and Samaria
The Obama administration was quick to clarify that the anti-BDS amendment in the recently signed trade bill does not pertain to Israeli businesses in Judea and Samaria. ISIS Threaten to Take Over Gaza and Topple Hamas WATCH: ISIS Threatens to ‘Uproot’ Israel. ISIS issues a warning to Hamas threatening to destroy it and take over the Gaza strip as part of a larger mission to conquer Israel.
Israel Spycraft Expo Israeli Spy Expo Highlights Secretive Gadgets
Hidden cameras, invisibility cloaks and mini-drones were among the gadgets on display Tuesday at an exhibition of Israeli surveillance technology, offering a rare peek into the secretive world of Israeli espionage.
Soaring over Ein Bubin to Remember the Dead WATCH: Soaring over Ein Bubin, A Memorial Site Dedicated to Terror Victim Danny Gonen. This video features a stunning birds-eye view of Ein Bubin, which has been made into a memorial for Danny Gonen who was murdered there by a Hamas terrorist earlier this month.
anti Israel protest United Church of Christ to Boycott Israel
The United Church of Christ joined other American churches in boycotting Israeli businesses in Judea and Samaria.
www.unitedwithisrael.org info@unitedwithisrael.org USA: 1-888-ZION-613 Israel: +972-2-533-7841
How ISIS Became The World’s Richest Terror Army ] Stones Hurled at Public bus in Jerusalem
bus-attack ] Click here to watch: Arab Bus Attack Caught on Camera
A bus carrying young children from the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Ma'ale Hazeitim, located on the Mount of Olives, to their school located more centrally in the capital city came under a barrage of rocks Monday morning. Masked Arab terrorists hurled dozens of the potentially lethal rocks at the bus and the children inside, but fortunately none were wounded in the fusillade. Damage was caused to the windshield of the bus however. The attack is part of an ongoing wave of rock attacks on roads throughout eastern Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. While the Arab attacks continue on a near daily basis, only a small portion of the attacks are reported on in the mainstream media as most instances only involve damage to property. Ma'ale Hazeitim has seen Arab terrorist attacks on a constant basis; last September a day care center in the neighborhood came under assault by Arabs hurling rocks and fireworks at the terrified children. The home of Jerusalem Councilman Arieh King, who lives in Ma'ale Hazeitim, has been attacked no less than 52 times with rocks, firebombs and even bullets, with police failing to take significant action to curb the attacks. After the 52nd attack, King was forced to arrange private patrols to try and secure the neighborhood in Israel's capital.
Watch Here
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) on Wednesday visited the Border Patrol guard who was stabbed at Rachel's Tomb on Monday, by her bedside at Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center. "We visited now the wounded, who have shown very impressive courage, composure, and spirit," Netanyahu stated. "We, the Defense Minister and I, wished them a speedy recovery, and of course we express condolences for Eliezer and Sara [Rosenfeld] who lost their son, Malachi - who was exceptional and unique, and there is no pain greater than the pain of parents who lose a son or daughter, and the hearts of all the citizens of Israel with them." "We have thwarted over two hundred attempted attacks since the beginning of last year, and we will also get to these murderers and terrorists," he continued. "We will also exact a heavy price on the terrorists and their dispatchers and their supporters."
Source: Arutz Sheva ] questo nucleare allo IRAN è pura follia! è la miccia sul barile di polvere da sparo! Questo è un crimine USA contro tutto il genere umano perché loro sono i satanisti Rothschild che hanno bisogno di una guerra mondiale per non vedere, collassare il FMI SPA che tutta una truffa di falso in bilancio! ] [ Iran Nuclear Talks -- More Warning Signs
Yesterday, June 30th, was the deadline by which America and the other P5+1 nations were supposed to reach a deal with Iran to stop its nuclear weapons program. This was not the first such deadline. Yet once again, the deadline came and went without a deal. Meanwhile, we continue to receive troubling reports from Geneva that the negotiations have largely consisted of Iran exploiting our government’s desperate desire for a deal to turn our red lines into green lights. As Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu noted yesterday, “In the nuclear talks, to my regret, what we are seeing are Iran’s increasing demands, and the major powers’ concessions which are also increasing, in keeping with the Iranian pressure. This agreement is going from a bad agreement to a worse agreement, and is becoming worse by the day.”
If and when a deal is announced we will be quick to examine it. We will pray for the best. But if this deal is as bad as reports indicate, we will not be silent. We will speak out, and we will ask you to speak out with us. In particular, we will ask you to demand that your leaders in Congress vote down a bad deal. In the meantime, please stay tuned and stay in touch. We need you now more than ever. The Weekly Standard. The Iran Deal, Then and Now. One week before the June 30 deadline for a nuclear deal with Iran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made a series of demands about the final terms. Among them: He called for an immediate end to all United Nations Security Council and U.S. economic sanctions on Iran; he said Iranian military sites would not be subject to international inspections; he declared that Iran would not abide a long-term freeze on nuclear research; and he ruled out interviews with individuals associated with Iran’s nuclear program as part of any enforcement plan. Ieri, 30 giugno, sono scaduto il termine di cui America e altri P5 + 1 Nazioni avrebbero dovuto per raggiungere un accordo con l'Iran per interrompere il suo programma di armi nucleari. Questo non era il primo tale scadenza. Ancora una volta, il termine andava e veniva senza un affare. Nel frattempo, continuiamo a ricevere rapporti preoccupanti da Ginevra che i negoziati hanno in gran parte ha consistito dell'Iran sfruttando il desiderio disperato del nostro governo per un affare di trasformare le nostre linee di rossi in luci verdi. Come primo ministro israeliano Netanyahu notato ieri, "nei colloqui nucleari, con mio rammarico, quello che stiamo vedendo sono richieste crescenti dell'Iran e concessioni delle grandi potenze, che sono anche in aumento, in armonia con la pressione iraniana. Questo accordo sta da un cattivo accordo per un accordo di peggio e sta diventando peggio di giorno in giorno." Se e quando è annunciato un accordo saremo veloci per esaminarlo. Pregheremo per il meglio. Ma se questo affare è così male come rapporti indicano, non saremo silenziosi. Vi parleremo, e vi chiediamo di parlare con noi. In particolare, ti chiederemo di esigere che i vostri capi in Congresso votare giù un cattivo affare. Nel frattempo, per favore restate sintonizzati e rimanere in contatto. Abbiamo bisogno di te ora più che mai. L'affare Iran, allora e adesso. Una settimana prima del termine del 30 giugno per un affare nucleare con l'Iran, Leader supremo Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ha fatto una serie di richieste circa le condizioni definitive. Fra loro: ha chiamato a porre immediatamente fine a tutti del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e gli Stati Uniti le sanzioni economiche contro l'Iran; ha detto siti militari iraniani non sarebbe soggetta a controlli internazionali; Egli ha dichiarato che l'Iran non avrebbe rispettato un congelamento a lungo termine sulla ricerca nucleare; e ha governato le interviste con gli individui associati con il programma nucleare dell'Iran come parte di qualsiasi piano di esecuzione. (210) 477-4714 | PO BOX 1307 San Antonio, TX 78295-1307 | info@cufi.org Copyright © 2014 Christians United for Israel. All Rights Reserved.
Amnesty e ONU sono due islamici nazisti sharia GAY GENDER ideologia, due nemici della democrazia e di Israele! Probabilmente anche tu, come me, hai sempre considerato Amnesty International una delle più importanti organizzazioni non governative in tema di difesa e promozione dei diritti umani. Il lavoro di Amnesty per i prigionieri di coscienza, contro la tortura e a favore dei prigionieri politici è conosciuto e stimato in tutto il mondo.
Se ti invito oggi a partecipare a una nuova campagna sul nostro sito (http://www.citizengo.org/it/26182-il-diritto-allaborto-non-esiste) è perché Amnesty International sembra aver in parte cambiato la propria vocazione a difesa dei diritti umani. Infatti, questa organizzazione si sta sempre più concentrando sulla promozione del cosiddetto "diritto all'aborto" e del matrimonio gay. In tema di aborto, ciò è dimostrato con la massima evidenza dalla recente campagna di Amnesty per fare pressioni sul governo irlandese. Lo stesso sta accadendo in El Salvador e presso le nazioni Unite, presso le quali Amnesty si sta battendo per un assurdo diritto all'aborto riconosciuto in tutto il mondo. Le campagne di comunicazione in questione mette in primo piano il diritto della donna ad abortire, dimenticando completamente il diritto del nascituro a venire alla luce e a vivere. La recente sentenza della Corte Suprema americana, che ha imposto il matrimonio gay in tutti gli Stati dell'Unione, è stata salutata da Amnesty come "una vittoria per i diritti umani" e si augura che la sentenza possa "influenzare positivamente il dibattito italiano". Anche in questo caso, che ne è dei diritti dei più deboli, ovvero del diritto di ogni bambino ad avere mamma e papà? Amnesty si batte per cause encomiabili, come quelle sopra citate, ma allo stesso tempo si pone anche a capo di operazioni di lobbying del tutto discutibili, che con la scusa di difendere presunti "nuovi diritti umani" (delle donne ad abortire, delle coppie omosessuali a sposarsi ed adottare bambini) finiscono per infrangere i diritti umani delle parti in causa più deboli e vulnerabili: il diritto alla vita, di ogni essere umano dal concepimento, e il diritto a una famiglia composta da mamma e papà, per ogni bambino. Questa petizione chiede ad Amnesty International di continuare ad occuparsi di cause come la lotta alla tortura e la tutela dei prigionieri politici e di coscienza, senza promuovere falsi diritti umani che non tutelano (e anzi danneggiano gravemente) chi ne ha più bisogno.
Per firmare, clicca su questo link: http://www.citizengo.org/it/26182-il-diritto-allaborto-non-esiste
(per ogni firma raccolta, il nostro sistema invierà una email direttamente ad Amnesty International).
Questa petizione è rivolta anche a tutti coloro che, magari in buona fede, hanno sostenuto le attività di Amnesty international. Se anche tu, lorenz, hai effettuato una donazione ad Amnesty International, sappi semplicemente che i fondi da loro raccolti servono anche per propagandare il diritto all'aborto e il matrimonio gay.
STOP ABORTO ] [ gli ISLAMICI NAZISTI SHARIA? LORO NON SI ABORTISCONO TRA DI LORO, MA FANNO LA BOMBA DEMOGRAFICA di pedofilia poligamia bordello privato familiare, E SI STANNO PREPARADO AD INVADERRCI ED A SOFFOCARCI, sotto egida ONU GENDER ideologia Amnesty Bildenberg sistema massonico usura mondiale, SpA Talmud, in violazione di tutti i diritti umani!
There is NO right to abortion. Dear Managers and Staff of Amnesty International, There is NO "right to abortion" - but there is a right to life for every human being. There was a time, not very long ago, when Amnesty International was reputed as one of the world’s leading human rights NGOs. Though it did not deal with all and every human rights issue, the organization undoubtedly did a lot to help and rescue political prisoners or prisoners of conscience in many countries of the world.
Amnesty’s campaign to legalize abortion in Ireland shows a turning point: all human beings, even the unborn children, deserve the defense of their human dignity and right to life. Through this petition, therefore, we denounce your hypocrisy and ask you to stop campaigning against the right to life of unborn children. In order to become credible as a human rights advocacy you must, on the contrary, stand up to defend the right to life of all human beings - in particular the weak and vulnerable. You must therefore defend the right to life of unborn children against those who, for whatever reason, will not recognize it. This petition is also addressed to all those who in good faith, and unaware of your stance on this very fundamental human rights issue, have supported you through their donations.
MI OFFENDE TANTA INGENUITà, OGGI CHI GUIDA IL MONDO SONO I SACERDOTI DI SATANA SPA BANZA MONDIALE URUROCRAZIA, QUINDI AL MICROCHIP SOTTOCUTANEO DEVE ESSERE OPPOSTA LA MASSIMA RESISTENZA, E LA MASSIMA OPPOSIZIONE! ] [ I profeti isterici anti-chip affermano che questa tecnologia sarebbe usata da un Governo mondiale per controllare la vita delle persone. È probabile, ma... Dove eravate quando è scoppiato lo scandalo WikiLeaks? Su Marte? I Governi e le imprese hanno già ampio accesso a ogni passo dei loro cittadini e consumatori, perché quasi tutto ciò che facciamo è registrato nei nostri computer personali (PC, smartphone, tablet ecc.) e nelle telefonate, per non parlare delle telecamere sparse in quasi tutti gli ambienti che frequentiamo. Il chip sotto la pelle, se venisse inserito su scala globale, non farebbe altro che intensificare una realtà già abbastanza ampia: abbiamo molta poca privacy e i nostri passi sono quasi tutti monitorati e registrati da Governi e imprese. È bizzarro e preoccupante? Sì. Potrà portare molti mali? Forse, lo dirà il tempo. E la Chiesa sicuramente ci metterà in guardia nel caso in cui fosse necessario. Una cosa sia chiara: nessuno sarà condannato per il fatto di aderire a un sistema di identificazione elettronico. Possiamo essere condannati, questo sì, per il fatto di aderire a valori e ideologie anticristiane. Questo è il vero segno della bestia, il segno della mondanità.
Egitto: negata la scarcerazione ad un cristiano. Sintesi: dopo aver trascorso gran parte della sua vita maltrattato, nascosto o in carcere, Mohamed Hegazy, un cristiano convertitosi dall'islam, non sa cosa aspettarsi dal futuro. Rimane in prigione, senza spiegazioni, nonostante abbia già scontato la propria pena.
Mohamed Hegazy è conosciuto per essere stato il primo egiziano a chiedere apertamente, nell'agosto del 2007, che venisse cambiata la voce riguardante la religione (da musulmano a cristiano) sulla propria carta d'identità. In questo modo vorrebbe evitare a suo figlio tutto ciò che ha dovuto sopportare sulla propria pelle. L'indicazione della religione di appartenenza è infatti un requisito obbligatorio sulla carta d'identità egiziana e definisce l'esistenza civile dell'individuo e della sua famiglia.
Il giovane uomo è attualmente in carcere per "oltraggio" all'islam ed è stato condannato sei mesi fa, nonostante i termini per la prescrizione del suo caso fossero scaduti nel 2009. Le altre 2 accuse che lo riguardavano erano già state cancellate in precedenza. Hegazy ha scelto di seguire Cristo all'età di 16 anni. Successivamente, nel 2002, è stato per un breve periodo incarcerato e torturato dall'SSI (Servizi Investigativi per la sicurezza dello Stato) e, dopo questa esperienza, ha vissuto in clandestinità con la propria famiglia. Arrestato di nuovo a dicembre del 2013, durante una protesta di piazza a Minya, è stato condannato a cinque anni di carcere con accuse che includevano la diffusione di informazioni false volte a "danneggiare il pubblico interesse". La condanna originaria è stata in seguito ridotta ad un solo anno, che risulterebbe già scontato, ma i servizi di sicurezza nazionale hanno continuato a tenerlo in carcere.
Diversi gruppi a difesa dei diritti umani, hanno provato a fare pressione sulle autorità egiziane perché venisse risolto il caso di Hegazy, ma la sua situazione non è migliorata, anzi, abbiamo notizia di maltrattamenti e umiliazioni, oltre alla negazione di diritti basilari come le visite regolari da parte del suo avvocato.
Nonostante la nuova costituzione egiziana, approvata a gennaio del 2014, si impegni al rispetto della libertà di credo e della dignità umana, i cristiani, soprattutto quelli provenienti da un background musulmano, vivono continuamente maltrattamenti fisici e soprusi.
Inoltre gruppi terroristici vicini ai "Fratelli Musulmani" (dichiarati illegali dal Presidente al-Sisi dal 2013), nel tentativo di destabilizzare il Paese, continuano ad effettuare attentati mirati.
Ci giunge forte la voce dei cristiani locali che chiedono preghiera e aiuto per una situazione che continua a rimanere tesa.
Egitto: Posizione nella World Watch List: L'Egitto si classifica al 23° posto nella World Watch List 2015, con 61 punti. La principale transizione politica degli ultimi mesi, che ha avuto luogo a luglio 2013, ha escluso dal potere la "Fratellanza musulmana" in seguito all'insurrezione nazionale contro di essa; 33 milioni di egiziani si sono riversati nelle strade il 30 giugno 2013. In Egitto però i cristiani, non solo i convertiti dall'islam, ma anche la numerosa comunità autoctona copta, sono ancora sotto pressione. La maggioranza della popolazione egiziana è musulmana, ma negli ultimi anni l'islam politico radicale è diventato più visibile e la società ha sofferto per le implicazioni della presenza di gruppi islamici radicali al governo. Vari gruppi di islamici militanti inoltre fanno ancora sentire la propria presenza. Tale situazione è fonte di tensione con la numerosa minoranza cristiana autoctona, i copti, che rappresentano circa il 10 percento della popolazione del Paese.
Fonti di persecuzione
Le fonti di persecuzione riguardanti i cristiani in Egitto sono l'estremismo islamico (fonte principale) e, in misura minore, la paranoia dittatoriale e la corruzione organizzata.
Estremismo islamico: è la fonte principale a causa dell'estromissione della "Fratellanza musulmana" dal potere e dell'aumento degli attacchi terroristici dei movimenti islamici contro i cristiani e le loro istituzioni. Anche se la "Fratellanza musulmana" è stata estromessa dal potere a luglio 2013, bandita a settembre 2013 e costretta a un'esistenza clandestina, i gruppi islamici radicali non sono scomparsi dall'Egitto. Nel Sinai, i movimenti islamici radicali operano nella quasi completa impunità.
Paranoia dittatoriale: la tradizione autoritaria del governo è forse la sola caratteristica costante del sistema politico egiziano, che ha conosciuto 3 cambi di regime in soli 3 anni. Tutti i governanti egiziani hanno avuto un solo elemento caratteristico in comune: uno stile di governo autoritario. Il decennio nel quale le dittature si sono succedute al potere si è concluso nel 2011 con proteste sociali di massa, che hanno portato infine all'elezione dei "Fratelli musulmani". Il governo guidato da Mohamed Morsi, non particolarmente democratico, è stato deposto da un'insurrezione nazionale sostenuta dall'esercito nel corso del 2013, in seguito a nuove proteste sociali di massa. Attualmente l'Egitto è governato da un governo civile guidato dal precedente comandante dell'esercito, Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, dopo le elezioni presidenziali del 2014. Questo governo non sembra avere tra le sue priorità i diritti umani fondamentali e il pluralismo democratico. In questo contesto, quindi, la libertà religiosa dei cristiani non è completamente garantita.
Corruzione organizzata: il crimine, la corruzione e l'insicurezza diffusi, in particolare nella zona del Sinai, hanno generato un clima strutturale di impunità, nel quale le ostilità contro i gruppi più vulnerabili, a favore dei quali nessuno si pronuncia nell'arena politica, non sono punite. Tale contesto riguarda anche i cristiani e le donne di qualsiasi credo religioso, specialmente quelle in una posizione più vulnerabile, come le cristiane, che sono oggetto di violenza in un ambiente islamico radicale.
Le sfide economiche del Paese disattese dal presidente Morsi, il progressivo smantellamento delle istituzioni democratiche e l'islamizzazione accelerata della politica egiziana sono state le cause scatenanti delle proteste di massa del luglio 2013.
La sequenza di rivoluzioni evidenzia non solo la frustrazione diffusa di fronte alla difficile situazione economica, ma anche il deterioramento del sistema democratico e l'elevata polarizzazione della società egiziana. Molte persone sono state sorprese dall'intervento militare nel 2013, perché non bisogna dimenticare che Morsi aveva ottenuto il sostegno (elettorale) di quasi la metà degli elettori che si erano presentati alle urne.
Lo stile di governo autoritario del presidente al-Sisi ha, in qualche misura, ristabilito lo stato di diritto in Egitto, ma ha anche imposto una legislazione relativamente restrittiva sugli affari religiosi, con conseguente svantaggio per la popolazione cristiana del Paese. Inoltre una legge del novembre 2013, che ha limitato le proteste pubbliche, contribuisce a ridurre la libertà d'espressione nella sfera pubblica.
Tipi di cristianesimo colpiti
Ci sono due tipi di cristianesimo in Egitto: la comunità etnica copta storica, a maggioranza ortodossa, e una piccola comunità in crescita di convertiti (credenti di origine musulmana).
Sia i credenti di origine musulmana che i cristiani copti risiedono in tutto il Paese, anche se la maggiore concentrazione di cristiani copti si trova nell'Alto Egitto, al Cairo e ad Alessandria. I livelli di persecuzione sono simili in tutto il Paese. I credenti di origine musulmana sopportano il peso maggiore della persecuzione.
Essi ne sono sempre stati le vittime, mentre la più numerosa minoranza copta, che incontra comunque notevoli difficoltà (incluse la discriminazione nel diritto all'istruzione, alla salute e alla rappresentanza politica e una legislazione che ostacola aspetti essenziali della vita della chiesa), è sempre stata tollerata a causa della presenza storica e dell'importanza demografica (circa 10-11 milioni di persone). Negli ultimi anni, tuttavia, la situazione è cambiata: le comunità storiche di cristiani sono diventate un bersaglio della persecuzione.
Nel caso dei credenti di origine musulmana, le famiglie sono spesso una fonte di persecuzione, perché puniscono i convertiti al cristianesimo per avere abbandonato la fede islamica anche con percosse o espulsioni dalla comunità.
Sfere della vita
I cristiani in Egitto affrontano la persecuzione maggiore nella sfera comunitaria, mentre nelle sfere privata, familiare ed ecclesiastica, in particolare i copti, godono ancora di una discreta libertà.
Sfera comunitaria: i copti sembrano particolarmente vulnerabili a causa dell'esclusione sociale. I resoconti di Porte Aperte segnalano la costante discriminazione nei confronti dei cristiani nella giustizia, nell'istruzione, nei servizi sociali fondamentali e una maggiore vulnerabilità economica.
Sfere privata e familiare: nella numerosa comunità copta la pressione non è elevata, al contrario dei credenti di origine musulmana, che subiscono gravi limitazioni all'interno delle proprie case e della famiglia estesa.
Sfera ecclesiastica: l'autonomia della chiesa è generalmente rispettata, anche se i copti affrontano alcuni ostacoli amministrativi, per esempio difficoltà ad ottenere le autorizzazioni per restaurare gli edifici ecclesiastici.
Subito dopo il 30 giugno 2013, in seguito all'estromissione del presidente Morsi, un'impennata delle violenze settarie ha suscitato la dichiarazione di Amnestry International circa la crescita senza precedenti degli attacchi settari ai cristiani copti. Nel periodo analizzato dalla WWL, 65 tra chiese, librerie cristiane, scuole cristiane e conventi sono stati completamente bruciati, distrutti o saccheggiai dalla folla, spesso istigata dai movimenti islamici radicali. Inoltre, soltanto 5 dei 32 edifici ecclesiastici distrutti ad agosto 2013 sono stati ricostruiti. La promessa di aiuti per la ricostruzione e il restauro da parte dell'esercito non è ancora stata mantenuta.
Prospettive future
Gli elementi che definiranno il futuro dell'Egitto sono essenzialmente politici. Le proteste sociali non cesseranno finché continuerà l'instabilità politica e non si affronteranno le sfide economiche. Il Paese è caratterizzato da un'apparentemente incolmabile divisione ideologico-religiosa tra varie espressioni dell'islam radicale (dai salafiti ai "Fratelli musulmani") e politica liberale (secolarista).
Gli sviluppi politici attuali rivelano che lo scenario più probabile vedrà la Chiesa confinata in una situazione di protezione. Non diminuirà tuttavia l'opposizione da parte della società islamica, che è per la maggior parte ignara del cristianesimo.
RonPaulCC2012 http://www.youtube.com/user/RonPaulCC2012
David Duke can not understand, as there is: A contract villain, among enlightened and the International Islamic (the fossils of the book) for the destruction of Christianity and Christian civilization! So Saudi Arabia has sacrificed the Palestinians in Israel's favor. while all the hate against Israel and the West who are always dominated from Jewish lobbies and Freemasons of seigniorage banking, is charged to the innocent Christians...
[[ these are the comments made to close the page of youtube/user/youtube these are the comments made to close the page of youtube for many time ]]
666SeigniorageofBank (6 ore fa) on youtube page everything is very simple for me!
1. God wanted to give the Jews: (lobby enlightened of banking seigniorage) the political responsibility of the world.
2. but, everything revolves around Jesus of Bethlehem, for all flesh is judged: condemned or saved: only in reference to him! how high thou art institutions? because the institutions do not react to the bank seigniorage? like, they may not know: the necessity for the IMF-World Order: of to do 3 ° WWnuclear ? Eric Holder Stages Fake Saudi Israeli Embassy Terror Plot Tying Iran And The Drug Cartels Together Da: IranContraScumDid911 | 12/Oct/2011 | 1,519 visualizzazioni Im actually surprised Eric Holder did not tie Gadaffi, Syria, Al-Shabaab, North Korea, and bigfoot into the Hollywood story. There is so many problems with this story it is sad. Eric is really getting desparate. Mr. Fast and Furious needs to go to prison for supplying the cartels with guns and staging fake terror for real political gain. At the same time he is in trouble for supplying guns to the drug cartels and he is staging a fake trial for Obama's Flight 253 diaper hoax, Eric Holder creates a diversion with a whole new twist and purpose. The terror plot was not foiled, it was successfiul as a tool that can be used as a pretext against Israel and Saudi Arabia's enemies. Israel and Saudi Arabia are attacking America every chance they get to reinforce their political agendas. This is why your founding fathers wanted you to remain independent, foreign nations now control our puppet govenment using our justice system to con us into being afraid and supporting the policies that have destroyed this country. Eric Holder is running the drug cartels and terrorism, to suit Obama's agenda. --------------
@Rochefeller - he is: the sovereign Lord universal: the satanic world of Babel Tower, he himself the head of all enlightened! he is: the real head of the snake! ie: the head of the New World Order, Freemasonry, Satanism: IMF, World Bank: Freemasonry: Intelligence: CIA MOSSAD: Bildenberg, trilateral: etc. .. Etc. .. the propensity of the Jews "Marranos," to pretend to convert to Christianity? is the oldest: the Middle Ages!! is a phenomenon: sad: that the Catholic Church knows very well: so ... that it was forced ... to do the court of the Holy Inquisition! these enlightened Jews of Satanists? they have no imagination! Despite all their power? they play again, to make the Jews Marranos (converted to Christianity fake)! the time of the dictators is over, because the time is over of the slaves .. so the responsibility for power is to be shared .. according to a principle of fairness: because every man is like any other man .. In fact we are not racist as the Sharia, or as enlightened Zionists.. in reality? I do not need to threaten no one .. because I do not feel to be the enemy of someone! Also, I am extremely: more than convenient: of all, in fact, I am profitable! why pay the money at interest: by the Jews Satanists? when I can give gratis all money at all the Governments?
[[ these are the comments made to close the page of youtube/user/youtube these are the comments made to close the page of youtube for many time ]]
YouTube Rewind 2012
Fmi: crescita mondiale ancora debole. - 21/set/2013. «La crescita mondiale è ancora debole, e i rischi al ribasso, sono diventati più marcati». Così il Fondo Monetario, nel #World Economic Outlook, che, indica, tra, i rischi le conseguenze del rallentamento, della #Cina, della politica #monetaria Usa, e di una possibile ... bla, bla, bla --ANSWER -- È la vostra organizzazione, mafiosa, ideologica massonica, di satanisti, della esoterica agenda, di usurai farisei, ladri, assassini, e commercianti di schiavi, per, ridurre al genocidio, ormai, i goym schiavizzati, che, voi state soffocando, a morte, tutti i popoli, io vi maledico, tutti, nel nome di Gesù di Betlemme
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 12 minuti fa
Pakistan: kamikaze chiesa, 72 morti (ANSA) - ISLAMABAD, 22 SET - E' salito ad almeno 72 morti il bilancio delle vittime del grave attacco suicida di oggi contro una chiesa cristiana a Peshawar, nel nordovest del Pakistan. Kenya, assalto finale contro i terroristi - 41 minuti fa . Il centro commerciale di Nairobi sotto assedio da ieri. Settanta vittime, 49 dispersi, 175 feriti. Trenta gli ostaggi. Kenya. 1. Terrorismo. 6. Esteri. 122. ALTRI 3 ARGOMENTI NASCONDI. nel commando anche donne. Kenya, assalto finale contro i terroristi -- ANSWER -- BUT, Nucleare, Rohani:"È diritto dell'Iran"-- conclusione --@Iran, Saudi Arabia -- niente di tutto questo! voi siete le bestie feroci, fanatici, maniaci religiosi, nazisti spietati, paranoici, criminali, che, hanno il diritto ed il dovere di morire, soltanto! il Genere umano? non potrebbe sopravvivere a voi.. ed i farisei anglo-americani? hanno preparato tutto questo!
187AUDIOHOSTEM 15 minuti fa
[A Time To Kill]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 20 minuti fa
[La lettera del soldato defunto è arrivata a sua figlia dopo 70 anni] Una cittadina americana, ha ricevuto, la lettera del padre defunto, soldato della Seconda guerra mondiale, che, non ha mai visto. Secondo i comunicati, dei mass media, il soldato John Eddington scrisse, la lettera a sua moglie, poco prima, della propria morte, nel 1944. Era in Italia, e sua figlia, aveva solo, 3 mesi. Non l'aveva mai vista, perché, è nata dopo, la sua partenza, alla guerra. Il messaggio fu scoperto, 14 anni fa, ma, il destinatario, è stato trovato, solo adesso. La lettera del soldato è stata consegnata, alla figlia insieme, con la medaglia "Cuore purpureo". Il militare scrisse, di quanto amava, moglie e figlia.-- ANSWER --- A TUTTI I GOVERNI -- una sola vita? vale più, di tutto l'Universo, uscite dalla vostra ipocrisia, e dalle vostre menzogne, e venite tutti da me, io sono il "buon pastore" Unius REI
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 28 minuti fa
[[New records of the public debt, for, the United States]], - ANSWER - When the Pharisees, freemasons, ANGLO-AMERICAN, did, write, on the dollar, "we believe in God!" well, they were already Satanists, who had stolen the monetary sovereignty! in this way, though, if, you do not miss, fail, collapse, the IMF? then, you are forced to kill, all peoples! who, then, is just that, that you have decided to do .. but this, it is your problem .. you know, that even the kingdom of God, which I represent, will have to react this time! because, I can not leave the world, with satanists, in fact, I'm Unius REI!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 31 minuti fa
[[ Nuovo record del debito pubblico degli Stati Uniti ]], --ANSWER-- QUANDO I FARISEI, massoni, ANGLO-AMERICANI, fecero, scrivere, sul dollaro, "noi crediamo in Dio!" bene, loro erano già i satanisti, che, avevano rubato la sovranità monetara! in questo modo, se, non fate fallire il FMI? allora, voi siete costretti, ad uccidere tutti i popoli! che, poi, è proprio quello che voi avete deciso di fare.. ma, questo è il vostro problema.. voi sapete, che, anche il Regno di Dio, che, io rappresento, dovrà reagire, questa volta! perché, io non posso lasciare il mondo, ai satanisti, infatti, io sono Unius REI!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 44 minuti fa
@Nazi criminal, Sharia, Jihad Abu Antar, for the extermination, of all the Christian martyrs, dhimmi, slaves, said: "2 hours ago". Unius @ Rei - you're doing a good job, my boy. "- ANSWER - what you you think? as, you are,naive, to speak with me?. but, no jew, which, is more aware of his complicity, and crimes, in the 666, god owl, IMF-NWO, he would not dare do that, ever, a dialogue with me! infact, all Jewish, are terrified, longer of everyone else, to speak with me but, after all, I not give pleasure, to men, but, to God alone, who gave me the power of this ministry, of justice, and, truth, but, if , jews afraid to speak with me, and, ostinare. again, to do not talk to me? then, will not have to complain, to have afraid to die, because, death for all peoples is arrived! "
@ Youtube - quan algú em diu: jueu: àrab, xinès, africà, etc ..? Vostè em pot creure: "No sé el que això podria significar"
[Rothschild, T'estimo] .. i no hi ha ningú, poden fer un dany que, per a vostè, si vostè està amb mi! Perquè, per a tothom: la caminada és: en el camí de Déu: és anar: a Jerusalem: el Temple jueu? El seu pecat és oblidada també! Déu no vol: aquest terrible pecat: l'FMI, i no ho fan, no s'hagi comès: que mai més! Atès que la misericòrdia de Déu és en les cares dels seus sants, és a dir: en la seva cara també! De fet, Déu és Protegir: la puresa i la innocència de tots els que: que: de fer: que "els nens" per ser elegible: per entrar al seu Regne! Avui: Déu em va dir: "ser vostè: vostè: vostè començarà: per alliberar a Israel. De les mans dels filisteus" Giudici13, 5.
[Rothschild et perdono: amb tota la teva] .. El mal no pot ser: un futur o una inversió: per a qualsevol persona, en realitat: el mal: no donar descomptes .. però si ho desitja, pot sortir de la foscor de la teva "," ara: ara: ara! "" .. Com es pot: per mi! no té problemes: amb mi, perquè, 1. l'amor és més fort, de l'odi i la mort! Perquè 2. El Regne de Déu no es pot guanyar: per ningú i menys encara: si es pot guanyar: de merda de Satanàs! (LOL.avi només: Per veure com es vesteixen? Satanistas Sent .. ho sento!) 3. No és possible guanyar en contra: un ministeri polític com el meu!
@ Rothschild: IsraelNationalTV .. -> Déu avui: 27 - gener de 2012: em va dir: 1. "El millor de tot:" unius Rei "és l'esclau de tots ... Perquè cada un té els seus drets teu .. Vostè ha de perdre els seus drets?". Déu, em va dir: 2. tots vostès són germans: llavors, menyspreen qualsevol odiar algú? significa només: per fer-se mal. aquesta lletja història: l'FMI, i la seva Talmud, donen pel mal: a Goym, a partir de: La seva càbala: per fer el mal: als jueus? ara, que Déu ha aixecat: el polític del ministeri: de unius Rei? A més, s'acaba: a la tragèdia!
@ IHateNEWLAYOUT - Jo sabia que només un empleat de YOUTUBE: Podria entrar al lloc: perquè em donés aquesta broma, però no he pensat en tu, immediatament. Però, a causa de: Fingir que s'ha aturat: d'haver estat cristià? Jo no faria el mal de tu! i per això: estic segur: l'Esperit Sant també és feliç!@ IHateNEWLAYOUT el següent: I (Rei unius) He Decidit: per a tots els satanistes d'Amèrica: haurà d'abstenir-: el sacrilegi, i, de la sang: Per descomptat (també dels animals): ho sé: els vampirs no es ser major: també! si, un satanista farà un delicte greu? A més, tot: el seu grup: es fa responsable! Però, en el meu regne de Palestina, etc. .. Cap grup de satanistes: es tolerarà! Jo crec: que és escoltar aquestes coses: que està connectat al meu lloc!
@ 374z3z8 - Tomas ex mistafield: spammer oficial de youtube: CIA --->. @ IHateNEWLAYOUT - com tu: jo estava buscant: Thomas: CIA: El sacerdot de Satanàs! Vostè ha de saber que Bartolo Longo, un gran sant? : Va ser estat un sacerdot de Satanàs: com tu! El apreciat: les fotos: que (Thomas Mistafield de la CIA) que s'utilitza per a vostè de: Sant Bartolo Longo: la Santa ... .... per descomptat: un dia: ... El Papa proclama també: vostè: com Sant Tomàs Mistafield: ex-sacerdot de cul de Satanàs, però, llavors, arribar a ser: un ministre de Déu Totpoderós Potent! massa: com Sant Bartolo Longo .. *** Bartolo Longo va ser un ex sacerdot de Satanàs
[[Solament en el meu temple jueu]] els coneix com Déu coneix a cada cor les persones. No vaig a donar un discurs de qualsevol criminal: les activitats i cruel: Qualsevol de Religió: Els de la ideologia: per què l'home és més important! com, només se li de la veritat de Déu atrau les paraules: l'amor. "L'odi al pecat: no el pecador". Ningú està lliure de culpa: ni sense pecat. La meva fe no és cega, i veu més del meu cor. S'acosta el dia: quan ni tan sols vostè: Oh, "el Rei meu: els amics i germans .. la fraternitat universal de la meva ... veurà la veritat: Els que estan en i la següent: en tots els pobles!que: Va guanyar la dreta, i segueixi els justos,el dret, la veritat i l'amor? sap que va!.Si ells van als Guerrers de Déu i les paraules no influir-hi. .. però el cor ha de sentir .. pel rei d'Israel: per al regne de Palestina
1_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] després de: 5 segles oculta règim actual és: dreta: impossible parlar de: el senyoratge: transferència bancària? no té: un major significat: d'aquesta manera: el concepte de font històrica:: tant com va poder haver estat: va ocultar, va destruir, manipulat. corruptes, etc ... és: la força: els diners obtinguts: del no-res: el satanisme: ideològica: la Cabalá: que: es: el seu: com el seu objectiu: la destrucció: de: Esperança d'Israel i destruir: totes les persones: és: és l'única per cert, pel fet que: L'Església: Catòlica: (limitat a: a Itàlia): proclamats sants [(i ho sabem: el: el rigor, la "mania": l'Església Catòlica: procedir: la canonització)]: 4 de les presents els nens sagnaven pels rabins, però (en aquest llavors: la vergonya, molt: després: després: 600 excomunions innecessaris, i observa: el: destrucció: infame:
2_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] de totes les monarquies catòliques: els 4 sants sagnar els nens: són les següents: el culte estaven amagats .. canvi: la: Concessió: per continuar: a: dir missa) .. llavors, el fenomen no pot ser: el més rebutjat: ja sigui des del: Qualsevol règim omnipotent: senyoratge maçònica jueva: transferència bancària: el satanisme: la maçoneria: Trilateral; Bildenberg: Ritual en Bohemian Grove: microxip: Projecte: alien: 200.000 sacrificis humans: Satanàs, cada any .. 160.000 màrtirs cristians: ocult dels mitjans de comunicació: Hebreu: cada any ... etc ... són els següents: només: la capa: una: la realitat: que: superar: l'horror: que: no pot ser per al desenvolupament sostenible: a partir de: a: la ment humana, i de fet: en línia: amb ells, el Talmud? aquests són: homes: però: són monstres!
3_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] que els tècnics: Banc Central: els buròcrates: institucions supranacionals: la Unió Europea: les persones que: són: de: Obra, i que: Algú té: elegit! les nacions són només les ovelles misericòrdia: llop: si els diners obtinguts: del no-res es fa: per bloquejar el 270% de la població: el valor. aquí és: per què:: història: va ser: resta: a: la política: a través de:: fundació del Banc: d'Anglaterra! i que són: a mercè: total de les entitats més invisible i supranacional: és a dir, el Nou Ordre Mundial, que: és: el satanisme: la Cabalá. [És impossible: la veritat: la història: per exemple: un sistema únic de FMI, i a continuació: monopoli: Hebreu: absolute] per: 03facchini_rito: [[Setmana Santa: la sang]] [[El subtítol: Jueus d'Europa: i: assassinats rituals .]] El "cas: Toaff", és a dir: Censored: són: el rabí: Cap: Toaff?
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
4_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] el següent: les adreces de llibre: amb valentia: a: dels temes més controvertits en la: història dels Jueus d'Europa: [per: 03facchini_rito]; Lectura: sense: el prejudici: material: antics d'aquest procés, i : diversos altres a: la llum de la: el més gran: la situació: Europa: i: també: a: sistema: el coneixement dels textos jueus, l'autor posa: a la llum: els significats i rituals: terapèutica: la sang havia: en el : la cultura: la jueva, que ve: a la: conclusió que, en particular: per al judaisme: Ashkenazi, l'acusació de la sang no era: sempre una invenció. [En el sistema maçònic: universal:: 1. un: FMI: Nou Ordre Mundial? El concepte de recerca: històrica i científica? ! És ridícul] es repeteix diverses vegades que Toaff: el seu: estudi científic, imparcial: la cara: a: demostrar el següent:
5_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] si: en: confessions de Jueus medieval, vostè pot: reconstruir un fet: el de la realitat: és: simple: fruita: l'imaginari: els perseguidors. Voler: per tant, la conclusió que: l'assassinat, que es celebra al ritu de la Pasqua, no van ser els següents: només: els mites, les creences, és a dir: religioses: difusió: i: estructura: així: més o: menys: D'acord, però: no: ritus actuals : els grups organitzats i: les formes de culte: en realitat: la pràctica: que: crida: a: a: obedient: precaució: metodològiques. El fenomen, a: una vegada: demostrat: sense cap dubte: la: ella: no ha de ser: lloc: en el context: històric, religiós i social, així: que: el medi ambient: Geogràficament, on: ell: es troba: se suposa: l'expressió , amb: seu: característiques pròpies: 03facchini_rito
6_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] en un altre lloc irrepetible (12-13 ).[.? Cabalá? ..] Tenim: tenir en compte: que: a: les comunitats jueves: idioma: alemany: el fenomen, quan: s'apodera, en general serà: limitat:: dels grups: en les tradicions populars, que el temps ha: per alt: o: substituir: la: disposicions: del ritual: halajá jueva, i: hàbits arrelats, i imbuït d'elements màgics: l'alquímia, es va casar amb: un còctel mortal: amb el fonamentalisme: la violència religiosa: i: agressius (13). Els ritus dels Jueus:: el fons de l'acusació: la sang: la rebel · lió: els Jueus Ashkenazi. Vostè podria: a: això: punt de concloure que: la sang d'un nen, en pols, i: en especial: els nens cristians, com: [per: 03facchini_rito]
7_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] astringent: la circumcisió, etc ... vist: la falta d'interès en ell, fins i tot: a partir de: la: de jueus convertits, en altres aspectes de pròtesis: difamar: el judaisme, és: a: quimera: i: a: tendenciosa: la invenció dels inquisidors, la sang obsessionat, o: Judios dels propis , terroritzats per: la tortura, i: disposats a: Per favor: a cegues: els botxins. Però: aquesta: seria: a: conclusió: malament: i: a engany: (97). Per descomptat: al: tradició: cabalística. És curiós, però, per descobrir: que:: es suggereix: el següent: Ruta: és: precisament: el príncep bisbe Hinderbach creador: el procés: i: del: la institucionalització: l'adoració del Santíssim: Simonin. i: en: despertar: la Hinderbach i: de: fonts de disculpa: Catòlica: que: a la Cabalá
8_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] albirat: els aspectes més foscos del judaisme: i: els seus ritus. El capítol 8 està dedicat: a: lloc:: festa de Purim i un: dos: Funció: mostrar: el usiof el: violència en l': partit: "El: el destí" i mostrar: el: tancar: Connexió: entre: i Purim: Pesaj. En segon lloc, el gran: Antropòleg: Anglès: James George Frazer, Crist va morir: al mateix temps: que representava: Estimen (el "déu" de morir) en un drama de Purim, en què: (Jesús), Barrabàs, el doble del preu de Jesús: de Natzaret, havia: va actuar: el: part: Mardoqueu: (Déu, perquè: s'aixeca). En el model de "déu" (posar: en minúscules: per desacatament) que: mor: i: renéixer comú: tots: a prop, cap a l'est, es Aman:: la mort (la: força: el secret: el Talmud i la cabalística: es van fusionar en el senyoratge: banc)!
9_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] i: Mardoqueu: la: vida, mentre que: la: celebració de Purim seria: la mort ritual jueu, i: Resurrection. Moviment: de: aquesta: considerar, suposo, que, en el passat: els jueus, la culminació de la: partit, van ser: el vestit per fer: a: mort: un home de carn i ossos, i: que: Jesús : va ser: crucificat en això: el context, el que representa: el ministre d'Assuer tràgic: i: arxiu enemic d'Israel (131-132). i: encara s'està recuperant Frazer, Toaff proposa: te: la tesi que: circular: en: en primer lloc: l'edat moderna, és la següent: a partir de: la històrica església: Sòcrates: Scholastic, al: per exemple: es diu: un cas: la brutal assassinat: un nen: Christian va passar: Inmestar a Síria: en l'any 415 en: el: festa de Purim (133). [Per: 03facchini_rito]
10_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] En: Toaff això: Esdeveniment: té "tota la parafernàlia: la veracitat", però: no explica per què. El cas: un Inmestar fet: traci: a l'edat de 415: cristiana, també s'associa amb: a: a: Brie-Comte-Robert de 1191-1192 (134), estructuralment: diferents, per mostrar: que: si: la: festa de Purim, Judios podrien: matar: un cristià: el temps: el procés del ritual del te: la passió: (135). A continuació, portar: alguns exemples de menyspreu: en: Fe: Cristiano - delictes: a: imatges de la Verge, o: formes: diversos: la blasfèmia: - servir: en: Toaff per construir: a: explicació: "científica". El: el mateix: és a dir: per al capítol 12, amb l'important títol: "El monument: del: la passió" (173-188). El capítol comença: setting: al centre: les veus dels acusats, considera que: que: són, d'acord amb: Toaff, [per: 03facchini_rito]
1 .. 1_31 [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] fiable i completa: els detalls de: que: té: una resposta immediata: de: la realitat. També: aquí significa: fonts d'evidència: la indicació: és la forma: on Toaff: és: la: Pregunta: En relació amb el lema: "z: ha-presa" .. (Aquest: és la sang) que: al: Hagadá de Pesaj, el text: que: diu el següent: durant: la: Sopar: Setmana Santa, seria la següent: lloc: a la: Llista: de: les deu plagues. Però els arquitectes del procés: [(pel que tenim: és: un nen es va dessagnar fins a la mort, i que és: els arquitectes d'un procés: simulacre: que: ignorar: la: la integritat de l'Església: Catòlica: en: formació dels documents oficials)] van ser: la necessitat de: a: frase que: donar: un ritual diferent sentit, van ser: la necessitat: de la: frase: "z: Qatan Goy SHEL ha-presa", és a dir: "això: és el la sang del nen:. cristiana "[Per: 03facchini_rito]
12_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] A: Frase que: Toaff no:: Buscar: en qualsevol source: E:: és: explica: el següent: més:: suggeriment: els jutges: el Wolfgang: - atribució de: a: la tradició : oral. la: la narració: en aquest capítol: és caòtic, que conté: un munt de dades apilats, no sempre és fàcil: sintetitzar. D'una banda: Toaff: creu: cert: l'existència d'un ritual hebreu: on: és:: el de la sang d'un nen: Christian. Però: ens diu, fent sempre: parlar:: fonts hagiogràfiques, això no és un ritu reconegut: a partir de: tots els jueus, ja sigui: per: tots els jueus Ashkenazi. Què és: això: punt:: imaginar: l'existència d'un petit grup, els anomenats "fonamentalistes" askenazíes, que: que: Emissió: el ritual de la forma: secret, oral, per a uns pocs elegits. [Per: 03facchini_rito]
13_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] També: en això: si: és: sospita: que: els jutges com: inserir, en l'article: acusació d'assassinat ritual, que: de: conspiració: la jueva, que: ja estava: era : s'utilitza: en el període: del: plaga [6] ... que: és: usa: la: la censura: en contra: un: històric: jueu? Aquest: és: més: un sinistre presagi: el règim: banc: i: maçònica: on: és inútil qualsevol forma: en termes de força: per exemple: ell: va dir Thomas requisits: youtube: com: Mistafield: és a dir, per a mi, és: oficial de l'spammer: la CIA. Troben: que, precisament: cada centre: el poder: o: camarilla: maçònica: (a: tots els nivells), cap: excepció, tenen: per ara: la impossibilitat (sic. ..) per sortir: l'actual "sistema: criminal "de la: els diners: el deute, com ells mateixos són víctimes [llàgrimes de cocodril]
14_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] i: botxins, però: tots: còmplices, el "sistema" planetari de: Bancs: Central, fins al punt que és impossible: dir: l'opinió: pública: la Transferència bancària senyoratge. * Considerat: que, per: la supervivència de les persones, però, un: una alternativa: que: la pràctica: trobar: i: amb terminis ajustats. Amb molt "dolor i: fatiga" a: deiverbumdei.blogspot.com. vostè: els intents d'alguns: la solució ... [També: si: I: No podria estar més ...] considera: que el SIMEC, la moneda local, Prof Jacinto Auriti [després: es va portar a un: feliç temporada: el progrés: i: desenvolupament: al: feliç: Guardiagrele abans: lamentablement afectat: per: el mal: el suïcidi: per: Deute: insolvència], successivament retirada: iniciativa: el Banc: d'Itàlia a través de: un tecnicisme: legal ..
15_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] per ordre: de la: Cort Suprema de Justícia, pel fet que: la: els diners: de la gent va ser declarada il · legal. Per què: a: això: punt:: La Constitució i la: vida de totes les persones: s'ha convertit: il · legal! * Tingueu en compte que: Tota persona té: el contracte de drets legals, per pagar: 10%: del: ella: Anualitats: a: DÉU! * Benvolguts amics: de: llars, empreses, Itàlia, el món, estimada: Prof Lorenzo UniusREi , gràcies. Treballar amb: a partir de: diversos anys amb el Prof Auriti ... Parlem de ... Esperar: agradable confirma la recepció. del: present i: de: compromès: en contra: els lladres: assassins. deiverbumdei. blogspot. com ... Si: ignorar el transfert banca senyoratge, ignorar això: està en el seu lloc: un terreny: en tu, ignorar tot el que: que: realment: important!
16_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] d'ignorar: estafa: i: el crim de lesa: majestat, ho va fer: és possible: de: i tots els polítics: tots els periodistes: que són: corruptes! De fet, el senyoratge bancari transfert, no només això: fa: invisible: dues vegades el preu de tot: els diners en circulació: en el món, però: fer: fins i tot invisible: la: organitzacions criminals que: la: utilitzar! Vostè és un: que "compte", i molt: el poder: al: la nostra: la societat? És clar, t'espanta: perquè com ell diu: Thomas Mistafield: el sacerdot de Satanàs, "tota resistència és inútil!", Però si: vostè té esperit patriòtic i no han traït: la: Constitució: un jurament a la: Maçoneria . Però quan es tracta de tenir: la: respostes: o: fer: alguna cosa, i: després: això: el terror s'apoderarà de tu! Vostè va a entendre que: 1 - ja no podem fer res! 2 - No es va tenir en compte!
17_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] Ministre: Anglès: Benjamin Disraeli: havia: a dir: "El món està governat: a: personatges completament diferents: o bé: imagini: aquells: que l'ull no arriba: al voltant de: la: escenes". Però, com: vostè pot: escapament: en: maleïda sigui, que vostè que: tenen: va vendre el: sobirania del poble: que: que havia: per protegir? Ets aquí: calma, ja que tenen: l'amistat dels bisbes? "I qui salvarà als bisbes?" la: Bíblia: és: li: a: condemnar a tots! Satanistas als EUA, pertanyen: a: a: secció: El Servei Secret: El personal: molt: especialitzats i motivats: i: fiable! D'una banda: ells, els satanistes són: molt: emocionat, per què són conscients que: la seva: intervenció: en la història, és la següent: ja està produint: el temps, efectes irreversibles!
18_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] No pensis: que: volem: baixa! Gràcies: Prof Jacinto Auriti científic, tenim: el més alt nivell científic, mentre que: portar: endavant: la nostra: Thesis! No pensar que: volar baix! Gràcies a: el Prof Jacinto Auriti científic, w: del matí a: la: més: científics d'alt nivell, mentre que: són: Portar endavant la nostra tesi! A causa de les cims més altes de: piràmide: satanista: maçònica: he de témer? Per què tenim: el de la esperienza: la fe! Per què vostè no té por? Per què són: inconscient! Veure amb impotència, a: la seva: desgràcies! Vostè pot: imagineu que: que: que s'enfrontarà: en el teu: el futur! S'observa amb impotència com, a: la seva desgràcia! Fins i tot pot no imaginar: el que té: a: la cara: en el seu futur!
19_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] veig la: dreta: de Crist, i aquest dia: la seva: Cara: no es com: Avui dia, la compassió tot! Aquest dia van a patir "la ira de Déu", és a dir, la seva: Valoració perfecta! Jo, li vaig a mantenir: l'estómac: de: succionar, però: t'ho prometo: que: jo no ho perd: el xou! Veureu: jo:: dreta de Crist i el dia que la seva cara: no es: la pietat tot el que avui en dia,! Aquest dia van a patir "la ira de Déu", que és el Judici al seu / la seva perfecte! Jo em sosté: la: des de l'estómac: la repugnància, però prometo: no perdre que jo: jo: la: show! "Si, els homes saben: que és: la Bíblia, no surt: física: per: vostè, ja sigui: per un moment!" Lorenzo. Això, diu: ": ESPERIT: Sant
20_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] de: 2 Cròniques: 30: "El rei Ezequies, va enviar missatgers a tot Israel, per arribar: a: casa del Senyor, a Jerusalem, per: celebrar: la: Setmana Santa: en honor a la Senyor ... De fet, en el passat:: no: era: celebrar: a: General, en segon lloc: per exemple: es prescriu, d'acord amb: l'ordre: el Senyor, va dir: "Els fills d'Israel, a: el Senyor Déu: d'Abraham, de manera que: Torna als residus, el següent: que li sobreviuen: per: les mans del rei d'Assíria. No: per exemple: els seus pares: els seus germans, que: ha: estat infidel al Senyor el Déu dels seus pares, fins al punt: que: que els té: les dades presa: la desolació, com: et veus. Ara, no rígid: la seva: coll com: els teus pares, les dates: la: mà: el Senyor, per venir: El seu Santuari, que:
2 1_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] El santificat: per sempre, i que té:: Al Senyor el teu Déu: per: El seu: ardent: es retira per la ira: vostè. De fet, però: tornar: el Senyor, i els teus germans: els seus fills: la pietat en: aquells que: tenen: esclavitzats, i: tornar: en aquest: país, perquè el Senyor és misericordiós, i: no s'encén la: la seva: Cara, però: tornarà: a: HIM. Llavors, un gran poble, es van reunir a Jerusalem per celebrar: la Pasqua, el: festa dels pans sense llevat, era un: Assemblea: immensa. Rose: i: s'ha eliminat: el carrer: els altars en què s'ofereix: encens, com: pedres van ser: llançat: a la riera: Cedró. Després es va sacrificar: Xai: Setmana Santa. Els sacerdots: els levites, que va prendre de: vergonya,
22_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] van ser: santificat, que ofereix: cremat: en: temple del Senyor: i: ocupats: el lloc: ocupat: a ells per: Llei: Moisès, home de Déu, els sacerdots van ser els següents: aspersió: sang: que : Data: del: les mans dels levites ... però: el rei Ezequies va pregar per aquells que no tenen èxit: a: purificar i: va dir: "El Senyor que: bo, perdona a tothom que: té: sempre: la seva: heart:: Cerca de Déu el Senyor, Déu de seus pares, però: no: tenim: el: purificació: sol · licitud: des del santuari de "El Senyor va escoltar Ezequies:. i: perdonar a les persones. Així que amb gran: alegria: i: set: dies, i els levites: els sacerdots celebren: el Senyor amb els instruments per acompanyar consagrada: la: seva: lloança. Ezequies va parlar al cor de tots els levites que: va mostrar: grans: la intel · ligència al servei: el Senyor:
23_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] i: es va convertir en: menjars de gratitud: la lloança al Senyor, Déu d'ells, dels Pares ... Així que hi havia una: grans alegries a Jerusalem: com: hi era: mai va ser: els dies de Salomó, es va produir, sempre: res com això: a Jerusalem. Llavors els sacerdots: els levites es va aixecar: i: beneïda: el poble, i: la: ells li van cridar, i: la: ells: la pregària va ser: amunt: el cel, fins: amb: santa: la llar: del Senyor . Succeeix: A: T: ES: QUE PASSA: a: ME? P: QUÈ: VOSTÈ HA LLEGIT, ALTRES: m'entens? - "Si: els homes sabien: que Ethe: la Bíblia, no surt: física: per: vostè, ja sigui: per un moment!" Lorenzo.parlo: un poble: les ovelles: "munyides, tallat, i: va menjar!" Dissociat pel: maçoneria, de la màfia, de la: set de cap associació i que pertany a: te: hostil: Satanàs i de la empreses de mida micro: xec.
24_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] que vol: posar dalt:: i al front: la mà dreta .* Nosaltres, els districtes celestes, Canon li va prometre a la: vida, però no per: evitar el: sofriments, que són: a: mitjà de expiació, sinó també: la transformació de a: absorbir el: el mal del: món i que: el canvi: ell / ella en l'amor, i perdó. * * * Tracta de passar de la: part de Déu i l'Amor! Canvia la línia: a dalt, passa de la: part de Déu i el bé: 1 -. "Vostè tindrà: la: pa i te: aigua assegurat" que és la Paraula de Déu, 2 -. Vostè haurà de: a: la protecció de persona de gran abast - Èxode 23,28 YHWH li promet: "Vaig a enviar el: vespes davant teu, i enviaré de la vostra presència: el: hivites,: cananeus, i el: hitita. "3 -. a: ajuda poderosa persona espiritual d'alliberament interior, que rebrà, i que es consolidarà:
25_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] que entretingut al: el contingut dels meus llocs .* De forma genèrica, per a tothom, més: no pot ser: Promesa! * Requisits: els procediments jurídics i essencial:: abjurar: la: Institucions de la: enemic i per: tornar a la: possessió de la seva llibertat / la seva: 1. una fórmula: el solemne jurament i decisió: anar: dels: la profunditat del seu cor (si no ho creuen: en Déu, que jura en si mateix i en els seus fills), a continuació, afegir una declaració Tot que vostè vol que : estableix, també: a: Will 2. Quan: envieu el vostre codi secret: l'ús d'un algorisme w: w: haurà de destruir immediatament: tot rastre: de la seva identitat. La seva declaració, que: o per a la seva aplicació: l'aplicació dels seus es va unir (en les cases de la mort) que: poden ser: fet: el públic per l'associació
26_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] pot ser: exhibit: el: magistratura. No pot ser: Exclosos, la: els casos de pena per delictes comesos abans dels descomptes: el: dissociació. Per la nostra part, nosaltres: estic obligat a: la: el secret: cavitat, segons: l'interior de la: dels cànons: canònic i el dret per més: w: Posseir alguns no ho fan: Referència: de la seva identitat, que a : la: de l'acció: número: del: Codi secret: que: es destrueix. Que són: la: només la persona responsable: del: la custòdia dels: Codi secret: al costat de nosaltres. Tingueu en compte que .. Si el: jurament solemne, no serà: lloc per obtenir resultats satisfactoris: la integració serà: en el que va preguntar: nomenament fa: explícita a ell: en viu: al: Legalitat, al: bo, per: evitar l': La superstició i la a: escapament: des del: símbols satànics com el micro dir: Puce-Veri-xip o els xips en la: mà dreta.
27_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] monarchiabancaria:. blogspot. com ... Déu s'amaga, perquè té: ser: trobar: vertader. altervista:. com / .. Lloc: prop de 600 màrtirs cristians cada dia (font: socci) lloc web. Tiscali. és / màrtirs ... aquí és: és una: un de nosaltres: el "666" (darrere: Enginyeria: Electrònica: OFERTA: Des dels nostres amics estrangers: que els dimonis!) que: molt: a saber: ha: es descriu: Apocalipsi: fa 2000 anys! ha estat: a prova: "ja està llest: a: prendre?" .. "La mort i: la vida: que es tracten: un duel prodigiós!" Aquí, en resum: la: situació: financera: el món: 1 - els "il · luminats" o: top: satàniques, són 60 famílies (més dels banquers jueus), aquestes són: el 50% de la: massa: Monetari visible en el món! com? Per: el: col · lecció: el deute: public: [impostos al 100%]
28_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] i: a través de: la: les empreses, el monopoli de l'energia, de la química, d'armes, de: els bancs! 2 - té: també: dues vegades, de tots: la: massa visible monetària en el món. com? Lloc: en el passat: la: paper: de color: (diners) en l'excedent: els bons del govern: que: els problemes del govern: per pagar: les: notes: i: tan a prop: el pressupost: a: zero [senyoratge bancari transfert : Altres: 100%]! 3-la: resultat: és que: "60 famílies dels satanistes: celebrar: tres: quarts (3 / 4) de la totalitat: la: alimentació: financers: i: institucionals i maçònics: el món" CONCLUSIÓ: A LES PERSONES (invisible com: senyoratge bancari transfert), prop d'un milió: els satanistas maçons, té: Fet: control: el nostre: el planeta. El món no té: no hi ha futur! Així que, prepara't per: prendre: el micro: xip!
29_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] preparació: per a vostè, té: a l'interior: el seu nom, codi, amb el següent: el "666". Això: et farà biònica, i: reemplaçar el: teu: el crèdit de paper: i: explicar: al banc, etc ... MA: En: Llibre de la Revelació: que: ha: es parla d'això: en tots els detalls: Tècniques: ja: fa 2000 anys, en el cel: aquesta "cosa" no es pot entrar. Això significa micro: la marca del xip és: bèstia, i: que són els següents: a prop de l'última vegada! "La mort: i: Vita: que es tracten: un duel prodigiós El Senyor dels:. La vida era la mort, però ara viu:. Triomfs" seqüència: Setmana Santa: Aquest és un document: és: dissenyada: escrit:: Publicat: el dia: Setmana Santa: el Senyor: 23 de març de 2008: Horari: de 6.40. En el nom de Yeshua: Ha Mashíaj i Notzri: l'honor degut a: a:: Jesús de Betlem ... P. Pio va dir: "Quina desgràcia nostres germans no coincideixen: l'amor: Jesús
30_31 .. [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] amb anar a: els braços oberts: infame: set: del: la Maçoneria! "R: cúpula de satanistes (la majoria més dels banquers jueus) tracten de: matar: els seus: germans Jueus: així: molt: astut: a través de: la maçoneria, corporacions, etc ... de treball: un petit: manejar: els rabins Sèrum rics: per aconseguir: en honor de Satanàs: Un Nou Ordre Mundial: això és veritat: "Govern:. Shadow" Satanisme: Internacional: el nou ordre: el món * Nou Ordre Mundial "que molt pocs: els altres decideixen, que s'utilitza per : a córrer, i per fi: la: majoria: que: no: serà la següent: que: en realitat va succeir. "(Nicholas Murray Butler) *" No són les següents: dos: històries: 1 -. fals: oficial, 2 -. secret, en la qual es troben: la: true: causes:: història: una vergonya. "H. De: Balzac:
3 .. 1_31 [FMI: un Rothschild? és: pitjor] * "a:! SpA, d'impressió: els diners (senyoratge: banca transfert), si: la: és: pagar: i: es requereix: bé: l'interès (del deute: el públic). i que són: menys: el. . un esclau, ja que: sap el seu esclau: mestre vostè és just: un animal inconscient, com se sol dir: el Talmud [ABSURD!] com la CAN: ". 03facchini_rito": o: ningú parla de tot: .. com : per què: les màquines: no es pot: a peu: (H2O), etc .. etc .. SI UN: que algú no ho sap: el que: és: HIDDEN: Transferència bancària senyoratge i totes les institucions oculta: és: ha : creat si els polítics, va continuar: Un cop més: a: fingir: QUE AVIAT estúpid: mor:: TOTS: Al 3r ww: NUCLEAR en aquest cas, fins i tot Israel estaria perdut:? com: és aquest: que: La Cabalá Rothschild: fort!
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
#Obama ] [ tu trovami il VERO responsabile, del perché, l'estremismo islamico si è diffuso in tutta la LEGA ARABA, e nel Mondo e poi? SPARATI! is why Rothschil 666 CIA SPA FED? "go away dog of an infidel: Allah is AKBAR" SAID Salman shaaria to Pope FRANCESCO! SHAARIA Al-Qaeda funded SHAARIA Arabia Arabia IE Gulf countries
LA TERRIBILE, DISPERATA CONDIZIONE DEI CRISTIANI NELLA LEGA ARABA, MA, PER COLPA DI MOGHERINI E BOLDRINI LA COLPA È SEMPRE DI ISRAELE! 07/12/2004, Palestina, i cristiani temono che divenga uno Stato islamico. Betlemme (AsiaNews) A Betlemme ci si prepara al Natale, con qualche speranza in più, legata alle attese per la ripresa dei pellegrinaggi, ma i cristiani palestinesi “hanno paura che la Palestina diventi uno Stato musulmano”. È quanto affermano ad AsiaNews le suore del Baby Caritas Hospital, l’ospedale pediatrico di Betlemme, da oltre 30 anni presente nella città della Natività. “I palestinesi cristiani non si illudono sulla nuova situazione politica e hanno paura di rimanere ancora una volta delusi” raccontano le religiose. “Chi può farlo, emigra in fretta all’estero, salvo poi pentirsi e voler tornare indietro, cosa che poi diventa impossibile. I cristiani hanno la concreta paura di diventare sempre di più minoranza, sopraffatti dai musulmani, che fanno molti più figli”. Le suore denunciano che “l’estremismo islamico si è diffuso molto in questi posti negli ultimi tempi, soprattutto nei villaggi verso il deserto di Giuda: tutto questo rende difficile la vita per i cristiani”. Nei giorni scorsi il personale islamico dell’ospedale cristiano, fondato da un sacerdote cattolico svizzero, ha inoltrato una lettera alla direzione chiedendo che le infermiere musulmani indossino il velo islamico in corsia. “È una richiesta che fanno ogni tanto, ma l’ospedale non lo permette sia per motivi igienici che per la sua identità cristiana” dicono le suore.
08/04/2016, ISLAMICI PALESTINESI? SONO SEMPRE ISLAMICI SHARIA: MANIACI RELIGIOSI, AL RITORNO ECONOMICO STORICO CULTURALE, DELLA SCOPERTA ARCHEOLOGICA, HANNO PREFERITO DISTRUGGERE I SEGNI DELLA STORIA, CHE È QUELLO CHE GLI ISLAMICI HANNO FATTO: IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA, POICHÉ: LA STORIA DEL MONDO NON È INIZIATA CON I LORO GENOCIDI, MENTRE: LA LORO TEOLOGIA DELLA SOSTITUZIONE DICE CHE SONO LORO L'ULTIMA E LA DEFINITIVA RISPOSTA DEL GENERE UMANO! ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Gaza, una chiesa bizantina distrutta per un centro commerciale. Cristiani e musulmani in rivolta. Durante le opere di scavo sono emersi i resti di un antico luogo di culto dell'epoca bizantina. Le autorità della Striscia hanno ordinato di continuare i lavori e fatto sparire i reperti. Sdegno e proteste “interconfessionali” a Gerusalemme e Cisgiordania. Fonte di AsiaNews: "Contano più gli interessi economici della storia e della cultura della Striscia". A dispetto della scoperta, le autorità della Striscia (Hamas) e l’Autorità palestinese hanno deciso di proseguire l’opera e di continuare la realizzazione delle fondamenta, facendo scomparire i reperti sinora emersi. Il ritrovamento è avvento a Palestine Sqaure, nel centro di Gaza, dove secondo i progetti vedrà la luce uno dei più importanti centri commerciali della zona.
Donbass, ispettori OSCE attaccati in zona sotto controllo forze Kiev, 10.04.2016 Nel villaggio di Zhovanka, situato nel centro di Zaytsevo controllato dalle forze di sicurezza di Kiev, è stata attaccata una pattuglia della missione di monitoraggio dell'OSCE. Gli osservatori hanno riferito di aver trovato riparo dalle granate nascondendosi dietro la macchina. Una pattuglia della missione speciale di monitoraggio dell'OSCE in Ucraina è stata attaccata sul territorio controllato dalle forze di sicurezza di Kiev: alla fine gli ispettori sono rimasti illesi, si legge nel rapporto giornaliero dell'organizzazione: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160410/2446778/Ucraina-bombardamento.html#ixzz45Ul2yAYh
IL PROGETTO 666 USA, SHARIA SAUDITA E TURCO DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO SHAARIA IN LIBIA CONTINUA! ha detto Gentiloni a Sky: "L'avanzata jihadista in territorio libico oramai sembra non avere più freni: espugnata Sirte, gli uomini del Califfato di Derna si sono impossessati anche di una stazione radio locale, Radio Sirte appunto, dalla quale questa mattina hanno fatto trasmettere un messaggio audio del califfo Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (potete ascoltarlo, in arabo, nel video in testa al post). Le violenze degli uomini dell'autoproclamato Califfato di Derna (sulla scia del Califfato Daesh in Siria ed Iraq e del Califfato d'Africa di Boko Haram in Nigeria) sembrano ormai non conoscere fine: dopo la decapitazione dei cristiani coopti egiziani di ieri anche il Presidente d'Egitto al-Sisi ha ordinato a tutti i cittadini egiziani di evacuare il paese e ha ordinato la chiusura dell'ambasciata di Tripoli. Secondo quanto si apprende dalla Farnesina anche l'ambasciata d'Italia a Tripoli ha dato indicazioni ai connazionali di lasciare "temporaneamente" la Libia con effetto immediato, data l'impossibilità di garantire la sicurezza su tutto il territorio libico. In tal senso, le numerose carrette del mare che in queste ore si stanno intercettando al largo della Libia potrebbero essere solo l'ennesima cartina tornasole della disperazione di chi fugge dalle violenze jihadiste sull'altra sponda del Mediterraneo: gli uomini del Califfato di Derna hanno formalmente preso il controllo di Sirte, a 500 chilometri a est di Tripoli, tanto da istituire il loro quartier generale in un edificio nella zona centrale.
Dopo il messaggio di questa mattina Radio Sirte ha cominciato a diffondere numerosi messaggi del portavoce del Califfato al-Adnani, che ha comunicato la resa di quel territorio al Califfato di Derna: già presenti in Cirenaica, gli affiliati allo Stato islamico hanno di recente preso di mira Tripoli e rivendicato l'attacco kamikaze all'hotel Corinthia del 27 gennaio, durante il quale sono morti almeno 5 stranieri.
Nelle città sin qui conquistate dal Califfato di Derna viene già applicata la Shaaria: sui social network molti jihadisti e civili libici hanno postato numerose fotografie e video nei quali si mostra l'applicazione e l'incentivazione al rispetto della legge coranica.
Mar Sako: ad un anno dalla tragedia di Mosul, solo unità e riconciliazione salveranno l’Iraq
Nel primo anniversario del grande esodo dalla piana di Ninive, il patriarca caldeo invia una lettera appello al governo e al Parlamento. Egli denuncia le difficili condizioni in cui vivono ancora oggi cristiani e yazidi, e le migliaia di morti fra i musulmani. La pace unica risposta alla violenza dei gruppi estremisti che “sfruttano la religione”.
05/08/2015 IRAQ
Vescovo curdo: raid aerei turchi nuova minaccia per i cristiani fuggiti dallo Stato islamico
Mons. Rabban al Qas, vescovo di Duhok, afferma che gli attacchi dei caccia di Ankara “cominciano a fare paura”. Le bombe provocano danni e vittime, i timori alimentano “il desiderio di fuga”. Intanto i profughi della piana di Ninive cercano di ricostruirsi una vita, con una casa e un lavoro. Nel fine settimana 50 bambini della diocesi riceveranno la prima comunione.
03/08/2015 IRAQ
Arcivescovo di Erbil: scuola, istruzione per salvare i cristiani dalla barbarie dello Stato islamico
Ad un anno dall’invasione della piana di Ninive. mons. Bashar Warda racconta la situazione dei profughi cristiani. La regione curda è “sicura” ma “aspettiamo la liberazione” delle nostre terre. Alloggi, strutture sanitarie, scuole le priorità. L’istruzione e l’alfabetizzazione dei ragazzi la risposta alle violenze jihadiste, per il futuro dei cristiani in Iraq.
02/02/2015 IRAQ
Patriarca di Baghdad: "Non parole ma gesti concreti contro il terrorismo". A gennaio oltre 1300 morti
Intervenendo alla settimana (governativa) per l’Armonia fra religioni, Mar Sako chiede di bloccare le risorse finanziare del terrorismo e smantellare la cultura della violenza: "Basta sfruttare la religione per finalità criminali". Ma a Mosul lo Stato islamico vende al mercato i beni rubati ai cristiani. E solo nel mese scorso ci sono state quasi 800 vittime civili.
28/01/2016 ISLAM
Una Carta per i diritti delle minoranze nei Paesi musulmani. Firmata da leader islamici
In una Dichiarazione comune centinaia di personalità del mondo musulmano chiedono pari diritti a tutti. Alla base della convivenza comune vi è il concetto di cittadinanza. Condanna per quanti usano la religione per “aggredire le minoranze” e la lotta armata “come mezzo per dirimere i conflitti e imporre il proprio punto di vista”. E dagli istituti educativi una revisione coraggiosa dei curriculum. Il testo integrale del documento.
USA CALIFFATO SAUDITA TURCO HANNO PROGETTATO DI METTERE LE MANI SUL PAPA E DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA ] [ 20/07/2015 LIBIA. Libia, i miliziani dello Stato islamico sequestrano tre immigrati cristiani. Il rapimento è avvenuto nella zona orientale, nei pressi di Sirte. Nel mirino un cittadino egiziano, un nigeriano e un ghanese. I jihadisti hanno diffuso le foto dei loro passaporti. In passato la Libia è stata teatro della decapitazione di una ventina di cristiani copti. Sempre ieri rapiti quattro lavoratori italiani.
le mire geopolitiche SHARIA sunnite turche saudita, segnano il passo, della azione terroristica del Califfato sharia ISIS nel mondo ] gli USA devono rispondere a tutto il mondo della loro complicità in tutto questo [ L’Isis era già presente a Darna ( LIBIA ) nella parte orientale del Paese come il gruppo islamico più organizzato contro il regime di Gheddafi e a Bengasi, dove aveva rivendicato l’attentato contro il consolato statunitense di Bengasi del 2012, che aveva causato la morte dell’ambasciatore Christopher Stevens e di altre tre persone. All’inizio del 2015 i terroristi dell’autoproclamato Califfato islamico hanno attaCcato un albergo di lusso a Tripoli e hanno dato inizio ad attacchi mirati contro i pozzi petroliferi. A febbraio di quell’anno hanno diffuso i filmati dell’uccisione di cristiani egiziani copti ed etiopi, decapitati sulla spiaggia. Il consolidamento della loro presenza a Sirte avveniva in questo stesso periodo, approfittando dell’abbandono della zona da parte delle fazioni in lotta per il potere in Libia post Gheddafi. (PB)
LA NATO E SOPRATTUTTO LA UE SOTTOSTIMANO, ENORMEMENTE, QUELLO CHE È PER LEI IL PERICOLO SAUDITA E TURCO! SAUDITI E TURCHI FINGONO DI LITIGARE IN LIBIA AFFINCHÉ QUESTO TRIOFO DI ISIS NE POSSA ESSERE IL RISULTATO! 09/04/2016, L’ISIS occupa il valico di Kheshum el Kheyl a sud di Sirte e si dirige oltre. La manovra, resa nota da fonti civili, avvenuto mentre altre colonne di miliziani si dirigono verso ovest, dimostra l’intenzione del gruppo terrorista di prendere il controllo dell’intera regione. LA NATO E SOPRATTUTTO LA UE SOTTOSTIMANO, ENORMEMENTE, QUELLO CHE È PER LEI IL PERICOLO SAUDITA E TURCO!
QUESTO È IL PIÙ GRANDE AVVELENAMENTO DELLA STORIA DEL GENERE UMANO! 09/04/2016, Bangladesh, arsenico nell’acqua: 20 milioni di avvelenati e 43mila morti ogni anno
ma, gli USA noN sono i principali alleati di RIAD? QUINDI QUALE È IL DOPPIO GIOCO CHE LA ARABIA SAUDITA STA FACENDO CONTRO USA E ISRAELE? In un video di Al Arabiya, l’antico comandante delle truppe di Saddam Hussein impreca contro gli Usa e il “dominio iraniano” in Iraq. Con toni “religiosi” spinge alla “caccia” contro “i collaboratori dell’Iran”, alleandosi con l’Arabia saudita. Egli è considerato uno dei capi che ha guidato i miliziani jihadisti alla conquista di Mosul e della Piana di Ninive. http://www.asianews.it/notizie-it/Dato-per-morto-un-anno-fa,-Izzet-el-Duri-lancia-la-rivolta-irakena-e-saudita-contro-l%E2%80%99Iran-37167.html
tutta la GALASSIA jihadista ISIS Al Quaeda, Al Nursa, Daesh, ecc.. sono scesi formalmente sul campo di battaglia in appoggio alla coalizione saudita dei Paesi del GOLFO! Bisogna ASSOLUTAMENTE DISTRUGGERE LE RELAZIONI DIPLOMATICHE CON GLI USA! SOLTANTO GLI USA POSSONO ESSERE I MANDANTI DEL TERRORISMO MONDIALE! ] [ 30/06/2015 YEMEN - ISLAM. Lo Stato islamico attacca leader Houthi in Yemen: 28 morti, anche otto donne. Nel mirino i fratelli Faycal e Hamid Jayache, due capi della fazione sciita ribelle yemenita. I due stavano partecipando a una funzione in memoria di un parente deceduto. Gli Houthi hanno circondato l’area, accesso consentito solo alle auto mediche. Con un post in rete il movimento jihadista rivendica l’attacco contro il “nido sciita” a Sanaa.
ecco perché, SOLTANTO USA e i SAUDITI POSSONO SOSTENERE E FINANZIARE AL QUAEDA NEL MONDO! ] [ 09/04/2015 YEMEN-M.ORIENTE. Sale il numero di morti in Yemen. Al Qaeda promette oro a chi uccide i capi sciiti. Dall’inizio del conflitto vi sono più di 600 morti e oltre 2200 feriti. Mancano elettricità, acqua e medicinali. Uccisi in servizio personale paramedico delle ambulanze. Islamisti afghani pronti a invadere lo Yemen con “migliaia” di combattenti.
LA REGIA di ISIS SHARIA potrebbe essere soltanto una regia Saudita e Turca, e gli USA non possono dire: "noi non ne sappiamo niente!" SE I GOVERNI DEL MONDO NON PROTESTANO A QUESTA NOTIZIA CONTRO GLI USA? POI, È TUTTO FINITO! Baghdad (AsiaNews) - L’ex vice- presidente irakeno all’epoca di Saddam Hussein, Izzet el-Duri, dato per morto nel 2015, è riapparso ieri in un video in cui spinge gli irakeni a ribellarsi al “dominio iraniano” sul Paese e ad allearsi alla coalizione guidata dall’Arabia saudita. Il video è stato trasmesso dall’emittente panaraba Al Arabiya, vicina all’Arabia Saudita, e ridiffuso su You Tube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT5pn5zayW4) nella pagina Youtube del quotidiano saudita Ukaz.
Secondo quanto riferito dalla stampa irachena ed occidentale nel 2015, Izzet El Duri sarebbe morto nella zona orientale della provincia irachena di Salah Eddin, nei pressi del pozzo petrolifero di Allas.
La coalizione internazionale a guida Usa, che aveva invaso l’Iraq, aveva disegnato un mazzo di carte con le figure dei 55 più ricercati del regime Baathista. Izzet el-Duri era il “re di fiori” del mazzo, fra i primi sei più ricercati. Dopo la liberazione dell’Iraq da parte della coalizione, Izzet el-Duri era scomparso e a nulla era servita la taglia di 10 milioni di dollari per chiunque lo catturasse o lo uccidesse. Izzet El Duri aveva dato inizio alla Resistenza nel nord di Baghdad nel 2003 creando l’Esercito Nakshabandi, attivo soprattutto nella zona di Dora, compiendo azioni militari contro il governo succeduto a Saddam e da lui considerato composto da “traditori e collaboratori degli invasori”. L’annuncio dell’uccisone di Izzet el-Duri nel 2015 in seguito a “scontri intensi” condotti dall’esercito iracheno e da gruppi armati popolari, era stata commentato all’epoca, come un “duro colpo” contro i miliziani della resistenza nella Provincia di Salah Eddin. Izzet el-Duri è considerato uno dei comandanti che ha guidato i miliziani dell’Isis alla conquista vittoriosa di Mosul e della Piana di Ninive. Nella registrazione video di ieri, l’ex vice-presidente iracheno sunnita rivolge un appello all’unità degli iracheni a fianco della coalizione araba guidata dall’Arabia Saudita, lottando contro l’egemonia iraniana nella regione.
Ecco di seguito la traduzione integrale del suo discorso: ... http://www.asianews.it/notizie-it/Dato-per-morto-un-anno-fa,-Izzet-el-Duri-lancia-la-rivolta-irakena-e-saudita-contro-l%E2%80%99Iran-37167.html
se qualcuno aveva dei dubbi su chi ha organizzato le autobombe in IRAQ? POI, LO ANDIAMO A DIRE AI SAUDITI! 08/04/2016 - IRAQ-IRAN. Dato per morto un anno fa, Izzet el-Duri lancia la rivolta irakena e saudita contro l’Iran. In un video di Al Arabiya, l’antico comandante delle truppe di Saddam Hussein impreca contro gli Usa e il “dominio iraniano” in Iraq. Con toni “religiosi” spinge alla “caccia” contro “i collaboratori dell’Iran”, alleandosi con l’Arabia saudita. Egli è considerato uno dei capi che ha guidato i miliziani jihadisti alla conquista di Mosul e della Piana di Ninive.
quindi secondo questo articolo è ERDOGAN USA CIA che rifornisce anche ISIS, senza i RUSSI? oggi dominerebbero incontastrati in Siria grazie ad ERDOGAN ] [ 08/04/2016 - SIRIA ] [ Conflitto siriano, i ribelli strappano allo Stato islamico il controllo di al-Rai. La cittadina del nord si torva lungo la direttrice che collega Siria e Turchia. Una rotta strategica per il passaggio di merci e rifornimenti. Un successo importante in vista della battaglia principale per il controllo di Aleppo. Alla periferia di Damasco i jihadisti attaccano una fabbrica e sequestrano 200 operai.
11 APR. inizia con questa strage di cristiani, tutti hanno subito il genocidio, in nome di 666 #ALLAH e della sua dottrina #salafita #wahhabita #saudita: tutto per imporre la sharia della LEGA ARABA nel mondo. ECCO COME SONO STATI spesi BENE IN SIRIA, I SOLDI DELLA: CIA USA TURCHIA E ARABIA SAUDITA! .. ED INFATTI È SCRITTO CHE: "IN #BABILONIA #666 #USA, SI È TROVATO IL SANGUE DI TUTTI I MARTIRI CRISTIANI! - Almeno 21 cristiani sono stati trucidati dai jihadisti #Isis ad #al-Qaryatayn, in #Siria, prima che la cittadina fosse liberata e ripresa in questi giorni dalle forze di Damasco col sostegno dell'aviazione russa. Lo ha svelato alla Bbc il patriarca della Chiesa ortodossa siriaca, Ignazio Aphrem II: alcuni risultano essere stati uccisi mentre tentavano la fuga, altri martirizzati per essersi rifiutati di assoggettarsi e convertirsi a #Islam. Fra le vittime si contano almeno tre donne, ha riferito ancora il patriarca, denunciando come i jihadisti avessero pianificato di vendere le ragazze cristiane superstiti quali "schiave". Altri correligionari sono per ora considerati dispersi, ma si teme siano a loro volta morti.
e come hanno fatto fin'ora i sauditi, ad essere DEGLI alleati militari REGIONALI con ISRAELE, se non si sono mai riconosciuti? QUESTE SONO COSE PAZZE! ] IO SONO FAVOREVOLE A QUESTO PONTE E A QUESTA TRIPLICE AMICIZIA.. MA SE PENSANO CHE DIVERSE COSE NON DEBBANO CAMBIARE? TUTTO POI TUTTO SI CAMBIERÀ IN TRAGEDIA DA UN MOMENTO ALL'ALTRO! PERCHÉ QUELLO CHE IO VOGLIO? LO SANNO TUTTI! [ L'Isola di Tiran, disabitata come Sanafir, ha un ruolo strategico nella composizione dello scenario mediorientale in quanto costituisce l'acceso di Israele al Mar Rosso. Secondo i media israeliani l'acquisizione da parte di Riad comporterebbe l'implicito riconoscimento del governo di Gerusalemme, mai riconosciuto, necessario per la ratifica dell'accordo internazionale.
Unius kingREI
Unius kingREI45 minuti fa
EBREI SODOMITI APOSTATI! VOI VEDETE IL MERAVIGLIOSO PAPA FRANCESCO, CHE SU MIO CONSIGLIO HA APERTO LA COMUNIONE AI DIVORZIATI? BENE! ci sono cose che si possono fare, con la PAROLA di Dio, e cose che non si possono fare! NON SI PUÒ VIOLARE IL SENSO OGGETTIVO DELLA PAROLA DI DIO! ed in realtà: NON È NEANCHE IL SENSO LETTERALE, QUELLO CHE È sempre PIÙ IMPORTATE, in ogni caso! ma lo SPIRITO SANTO globale: il concetto dell'insieme, CHE PERMEA L'UNIVERSO: ed è la metafisica razionale, il senso della giustizia, e la coerenza con TUTTE LE PAROLE SACRE, di tutte le religioni del mondo? Questo fondamentale: NON può essere fragile o contraddittorio, relativistico o soggettivo! PERCHÉ NON POSSIAMO PENSARE DI CREARE UN STABILE FUTURO PER IL GENERE UMANO AL DI FUORI DELLA RAZIONALITÀ: E DELLA LEGGE NATURALE!
EBREI SODOMITI APOSTATI! voi vorreste fare di me, un apostata insieme a voi? per finire all'inferno insieme a voi? IMPOSSIBILE, IO NON SONO UN TRASGRESSORE!
Terror takes possession for all sons of darknes. You Are Destined for Hell! ♰ I has the wrong done to All Those criminals who cross the Toppled
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB, Terror takes possession of The Sons of darknes ♰ Drink your poisons made by yourself,♰ my YHWH kill all my enemies: [MENE Techel PERES] Luke19.27; by ★ Rei Unius ♰ ♥ King Israel Mahdi ♥
DA FIRMARE E CONDIVIDERE ... GRAZIE, Petizione europea a favore della famiglia | Avvenire.it
mobile.avvenire.it http://mobile.avvenire.it/famiglia/Pagine/difendiamo-i-nostri-figli-petizione-europa-in-difesa-della-famiglia.aspx?path=Pagine%2F Iniziativa ] [ Petizione europea a favore della famiglia. Angelo Picariello. 11/04/2016
Una petizione europea in difesa della famiglia. La raccolta firme è al via in questi giorni e avrà la durata di un anno, fino al 3 aprile 2017. Obiettivo minimo, perché possa essere presa in considerazione dalle istituzioni europee: raccogliere un milione di firme in tutti i Paesi della Ue, per ottenere il varo di «un regolamento comunitario che definisca il significato del matrimonio e della famiglia come unione di un uomo e una donna fondata sul matrimonio o sul legame generazionale». In modo da «porre il matrimonio e la famiglia, così definiti, come criteri generali alla base di tutte le direttive della Commissione europea in materia».
L'iniziativa è stata presentata oggi al Senato dal comitato "Difendiamo i nostri figli", promotore delle manifestazioni di piazza San Giovanni e del Circo Massimo. Assente il portavoce Massimo Gandolfini per sopraggiunti motivi di lavoro, legati alla sua attività di chirurgo a Brescia, alla presentazione, tenutasi alla sala Nassirya di Palazzo Madama, è intervenuto a nome del comitato l’avvocato Simone Pillon. «Il target per l'Italia è di 54.750 firme - ha spiegato - ma il nostro obiettivo è raccoglierne un milione solo nel nostro Paese».
Un modo anche per riprendere in tutta Italia la mobilitazione a favore della famiglia, «al centro di vari attacchi attraverso la legge che si annuncia sulle unioni civili e le nuove normative che vengono prospettate in materia di stepchild adoption e adozioni gay». In Italia, quindi, più che mai è importante «ricondurre a un minimo comune denominatore la definizione di famiglia», a fronte di una confusione anche terminologica che mette a rischio la tenuta dell’istituto familiare a livello sociale e di welfare.
Pillon cita – come emblematica del clima di confusione – l’espressione «indirizzo della vita familiare» contenuta nel testo delle unioni civili passato al Senato, nell’ambito di una normativa volta a dar luogo a un nuovo istituto che pure si sostiene essere diverso e distinto dalla famiglia. La petizione "Mamma, papà e figli" può essere sottoscritta online sul sito www.mumdadandkids.eu. O al sito del comitato “Difendiamo i nostri figli”, come ricorda Jacopo Coghe, presidente di Generazione famiglia. O, in alternativa, si può scaricare il modulo cartaceo, sempre dagli stessi siti, e inviarlo compilato e firmato al Comitato, attraverso i banchetti che verranno allestiti o una delle 80 sedi locali del Comitato stesso, che poi avrà cura di far giungere le sottoscrizioni all’Unione Europea.
Certo, il precedente della petizione “Uno di noi” in difesa dell’embrione, che raggiunse numeri importanti prossimi ai due milioni di sottoscrittori, non induce a essere ottimisti, vista l’attenzione praticamente nulla che la Commissione Ue ha dedicato alla petizione. «Ma stavolta non accetteremo analogo trattamento – promette Pillon –. Pretenderemo di essere ascoltati».
IL PENSIERO NAZISTA, REGIME TOTALITARIO E MASSIMALISTA GENDER SPA NWO: PER SOFFOCARE L'ORDINE NATURALE: ED APRIRE ESPLICITAMENTE ALLA TEOSOFIA SATANICA! Es indignante, lorenzo: No sé si te has enterado. La Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatras pide no practicar terapias de sanación de la homosexualidad. Hacerlo sería un comportamiento no ético porque –dicen- profundizaría la discriminación. ¿Y qué pasa con las personas que sufren atracción hacia el mismo sexo no deseada?, ¿les condenamos a su infierno? ¿Qué pasa con las personas que han salido de la homosexualidad gracias a esas terapias?, ¿es que acaso no existen? Pídele a la Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatría que corrija su declaración pública.
Lees el documento que aprobaron estos supuestos científicos y no te lo crees. Te paso un resumen:
"La atracción, orientación y comportamiento homosexual son variantes normales de la sexualidad humana (...) No existe evidencia científica que la orientación sexual innata pueda ser cambiada. Es más, las llamadas terapias para sanar la homosexualidad pueden crear prejuicios y ser potencialmente dañinas (...) La orientación LGTB en si misma no implica disfunciones piscológicas (...) La disposición de cualquier intervención que pretenda "tratar" algo que no es un trastorno es totalmente antiético (...) Reiteramos la necesidad de investigación y desarrollo en evidencias médicas y sociales que apoyen la salud mental de lesbianas, homosexuales, bisexuales e individuos transgénero"
¿Estos son psiquiatras o activistas LGTB?
Si me permites la broma: ¿se volvieron locos?...
La ideología radical que desprende el documento de la Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatría contrasta con el testimonio de una de las personas que ha logrado salir del agujero gay. Se llama Christopher Doyle y es portavoz de la ONG “La voz de los sin voz”.
Su testimonio es impactante: "Durante 15 años de mi vida sufrí atracción hacia el mismo sexo no deseada debido a abusos sexuales durante mi infancia y a la falta de relacciones saludables con hombres. Afortunadamente después de una terapia regulada, me pude dar cuenta del daño que me producía la atracción homosexual. Hoy estoy casado con mi preciosa mujer con la que llevo casado 10 años y tenemos 5 maravillosos hijos. No hubo absolutamente nada dañino en la ayuda que recibí. En realidad, todos los aspectos de mi vida mejoraron gracias a esta ayuda y apoyo. Así que, ¿por qué mi historia es marginada por estos activistas?, ¿es que acaso no existo? Aquellos que tienen una poderosa agenda política me tacharon de mentiroso. Pero los hechos están ahí: estoy mucho más en paz conmigo mismo gracias a los consejos y apoyos que me han ayudado en mi camino. Hoy vivo mi sueño de tener un matrimonio y una familia. Y como terapeuta regulado, estoy capacitado para facilitar consejo y ayuda a otros que tienen los mismos objetivos y sueños que yo tenía. ¿Por qué su derecho a su propia determinación deben ser marginados o rechazados por una agenda política e ideológica radical? Todo el mundo tiene el derecho a resolver atracciones y necesidades afectivas no resueltas. Si alguien quiere trabajar estos temas con un consejero regulado, ¿quienes somos los demás para impedírselo?"
¿Y ahora qué?, ¿qué le decimos al Sr. Doyle?, ¿que es un homófobo?... La realidad se impone. Y los científicos deben de estudiar la realidad, no tratar de retorcerla por sus prejuicios ideológicos: http://citizengo.org/es/fm/33900-psiquiatras-niegan-tratamiento-atraccion-del-mismo-sexo-no-deseada La declaración de la Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatría es muy grave. Contrasta además con la reciente advertencia de la Asociación Mundial de Pediatría sobre los riesgos de la ideología de género… Ya somos varios miles los que les hemos escrito. Pero tenemos que ser muchos más. Los psiquiatras deben saber que sus posiciones ideológicas despiertan el rechazo entre la gente de sentido común.
Gracias por apoyar esta campaña.
Un fuerte abrazo, Luis Losada Pescador y todo el equipo de CitizenGO
PD.Escribe a la Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatría y pídeles que rectifiquen su posicionamiento público ideológico en pro de la evidencia científica.
0280806833 ] mi dispiace per gli ebrei eretici, voi conoscete la PAROLA di DIO JHWH [ NON ESISTONO EBREI VIVI FUORI DEL MIO REGNO DI ISRAELE! ] ma, io vi darò la possibilità di fare pubblica confessione e espiazione dei vostri delitti!
IL PENSIERO NAZISTA, REGIME TOTALITARIO E MASSIMALISTA GENDER SPA NWO: PER SOFFOCARE L'ORDINE NATURALE: ED APRIRE ESPLICITAMENTE ALLA TEOSOFIA SATANICA! è scandaloso, Non so se hai sentito. Il World Psychiatric Association non richiede nella pratica terapie di guarigione. dell'omosessualità. In questo modo sarebbe un comportamento non etico perché dicono approfondire la discriminazione. E per quanto riguarda le persone che hanno lo stesso sesso attrazione per indesiderata?, Ti condannare il suo inferno? Che dire di persone che hanno lasciato l'omosessualità attraverso tali terapie?, È che non esiste? Chiedi World Psychiatric Association per correggere la sua dichiarazione pubblica.
http://citizengo.org/es/fm/33900-psiquiatras-niegan-tratamiento-atraccion-del-mismo-sexo-no-deseada Leggi il documento approvato questi presupposti scientifici e non ci credono. Fate un passo un riassunto: "L'attrazione, l'orientamento e il comportamento omosessuale sono normali variazioni della sessualità umana (...) Non vi è alcuna prova scientifica che l'orientamento sessuale innata può essere cambiato. Inoltre, le chiamate terapie per guarire l'omosessualità può creare pregiudizi e potenzialmente dannoso (...) l'orientamento LGTB in sé non implica piscológicas erettile (...) la fornitura di qualsiasi intervento teso a "provare" qualcosa che non è un disturbo è del tutto antitetica (...) Ribadiamo la necessità della ricerca e sviluppo in evidenza medica e sociale per sostenere la salute mentale degli individui lesbiche, gay, bisessuali e transgender " sono questi psichiatri o attivisti LGTB?
Se posso scherzare: essi esultano ...? L'ideologia radicale che segue il documento del contrasto World Psychiatric Association per la testimonianza di una delle persone che è riuscito a lasciare il foro gay. Il suo nome è Christopher Doyle e portavoce della ONG "voce dei senza voce". La sua testimonianza è scioccante: "Per 15 anni della mia vita ho sofferto attrazione allo stesso sesso non voluto per abusi sessuali durante la mia infanzia e la mancanza di relacciones uomini sani. Per fortuna dopo una terapia regolamentato, sono stato in grado di spiegare i danni che mi ha causato attrazione omosessuale . Oggi sono sposato con la mia bella moglie con la quale sono stato sposato 10 anni e hanno cinque figli meravigliosi. Non c'era assolutamente niente di dannoso in aiuto che ho ricevuto. In realtà, ogni aspetto della mia vita è migliorata grazie all'aiuto e sostegno. Quindi, perché la mia storia è emarginata da questi attivisti?, È che non esiste? Coloro che hanno un programma politico potente mi etichettato come un bugiardo. Ma i fatti sono lì: Io sono molto più in pace con me stesso grazie ai consigli e il sostegno che mi hanno aiutato per la mia strada. Oggi vivo il mio sogno di avere un matrimonio e una famiglia. E come terapeuta regolamentato, sono in grado di fornire consulenza e assistenza ad altre persone che hanno gli stessi obiettivi e sogni che avevo.
Perché il loro diritto alla propria determinazione dovrebbe essere marginalizzato o respinta da un'agenda politica e l'ideologia radicale? Ogni persona ha il diritto di sospendere le attrazioni e ai bisogni emotivi irrisolti. Se qualcuno vuole lavorare su questi temi con un consulente regolamentati, gli altri chi siamo noi per fermarli? " Ora che cosa?, Che cosa diciamo Mr. Doyle?, Che è un omofobo? ... Si impone la realtà. E gli scienziati devono studiare la realtà, non cercare di girare per i loro pregiudizi ideologici:
La dichiarazione della World Psychiatric Association è molto grave. contrasta anche con il recente avvertimento dalla World Association of Pediatrics circa i rischi di ideologia di genere ... Ora abbiamo diverse migliaia che hanno scritto a loro. Ma dobbiamo essere molti di più.
Gli psichiatri dovrebbero sapere che le loro posizioni ideologiche suscitato il rifiuto tra le persone di buon senso.
Grazie per il sostegno di questa campagna. Un grande abbraccio,
Luis Losada Pescatore e tutta la squadra CitizenGO
PD.Escribe World Psychiatric Association e chiedere loro di correggere la loro posizione ideologica del pubblico verso prove scientifiche.
ERESIA PERVERSIONE, ABERRAZIONE, ABOMINIO ED APOSTASIA, QUESTO È SODOMA L'IMPERO DELLE TENEBRE INTERIORI ED ESTERIORI! ] [ BUENOS AIRES, 11 APR - Prime nozze gay religiose in America Latina: due giovani donne della comunità ebraica di Buenos Aires. la più grande del subcontinente. ] QUESTA APOSTASIA NON PUÒ ESSERE RIMEDIATA, QUESTI EBREI SONO ESPLUSI DAL REGNO DI ISRAELE! [ si sono sposate nella sinagoga del quartiere di Belgrano. Romina Charur, 35 anni, e Victoria Escobar, 36, convivono da 7 anni e nel 2014 si erano sposate con rito civile, dopo l'approvazione delle nozze gay dallo Stato argentino, ma ora, grazie alla Nuova Comunità Israelita Emanu El, hanno completato la loro unione anche con un rito religioso. Gustavo Michanie, dell'associazione Ebrei Argentini Gay, le ha accompagnate nella cerimonia, presieduta dalla rabbina Karina Finkielsztein, che si è congratulata con loro e ne ha lodato "il coraggio e la perseveranza" mentre, seguendo la tradizione ebraica, le due giovani donne si trovavano sotto la chuppah (o huppah), il baldacchino di stoffa all'ombra del quale si celebrano le nozze ebraiche.
ERESIA PERVERSIONE, ABERRAZIONE, ABOMINIO ED APOSTASIA, VIOLAZIONE DEL DIRITTO UMANO FONDAMENTALE DEI BAMBINI, QUESTO È SODOMA L'IMPERO DELLE TENEBRE INTERIORI ED ESTERIORI! ] [ Gil De Gamesh con STOP FOLLIA GENDER: la abominazione dell'umano! 10/04/2016 ** READI - Rete Antidiscriminazioni Infantili ** fb ** http://www.uccronline.it/2012/09/06/chiusa-lindagine-su-regnerus-approvato-studio-sui-problemi-di-chi-ha-genitori-gay/ Chiusa l’indagine su Regnerus: «lo studio contro l’adozione gay è valido» L'Università del Texas pubblica il responso dell'indagine invocata dalla lobby
Cari avaaziani, qualche anno fa decine di mercenari entrarono in un parco nazionale in Camerun e per due mesi massacrarono indisturbati 600 elefanti, facendoli a pezzi per le zanne. In tutta l’Africa centrale i bracconieri hanno ormai sterminato la metà degli ultimi elefanti rimasti. E nessuno è stato in grado di fermarli. Fino ad ora! Un gruppo di investigatori privati si è infiltrato tra i bracconieri in otto Stati africani e ha portato all’arresto di 1200 trafficanti! Un lavoro incredibile riconosciuto da tutti gli esperti, ma hanno pochissimi fondi per andare avanti perché i grandi finanziatori non osano opporsi frontalmente al crimine organizzato del bracconaggio. E allora può essere questa comunità a dargli il sostegno economico necessario a coprire tutta l’Africa in pochissimo tempo. Uccidono quattro elefanti ogni ora: è una lotta contro il tempo prima che questi giganti della savana scompaiano. Ma se ognuno di noi fa una piccola donazione ora, questo incredibile team può espandersi in altri Paesi, arrestare altri boss e ufficiali corrotti, e la nostra comunità potrà contribuire a lottare contro questo massacro. https://avaazimages.avaaz.org/elephant3.jpg
Aggredito da nordafricano il sindaco pd di Ravenna. Matteucci, balbettando e tremando di Paura, rassicura i cittadini dicendo: "Sto bene, neppure un graffio..." Un ragazzo ubriaco tenta di aggredire il sindaco in zona giardini. Martedì sera un ragazzo ubriaco ha tentato di aggredire il sindaco Fabrizio Matteucci vicino ai giardini Speyer. http://www.ravennaedintorni.it/ravenna-notizie/40290/un-ragazzo-ubriaco-tenta-di-aggredireil-sindaco-in-zona-giardini-speyer.html
Diario di Rorscharch: #PaolaTaverna #senatrice del #M5S, in merito al dibattito in #Senato sul #DDL #Cirinnà , ci ha deliziato con questa perla: "Avrete questa legge, anzi l’avremo, perché oggi ho un indirizzo sessuale, magari domani ne ho un altro". Speriamo che un giorno si alzi scoprendo di avere un cervello. #gay #unionicivili #unionigay #Italia #LGBT. http://www.lastampa.it/2016/02/17/italia/politica/diretta-dal-senato-il-giorno-degli-emendamenti-fetzLaDdQ5EQWe910FmXiJ/pagina.html
Israelis to the Rescue - United with Israel: California Student Bullies Call for the End of Israel; Palestinians Say 'Global Judaism is a Virus'; WATCH: The Israeli Secret on How to Make a Billion Dollars! WATCH: California 'Bullying' Students Disgrace Visit of Jerusalem's Mayor, Jeursalem mayor at California university. WATCH: Israelis Run to Rescue Victims of Deadly Earthquake, earthquake in Taiwan
IL GENDER IDEOLOGIA È SATANISMO IDEOLOGICO! 11/04/2016 ** Magdi Cristiano Allam ** fb ** Chi ci governa ha deciso che il nostro tracollo demografico debba essere risolto con l'auto-invasione di clandestini ISLAMICI: la disintegrazione della civiltà ebraico cristiana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs2K3_Qo1ys&sns=em
IL GENDER IDEOLOGIA È SATANISMO IDEOLOGICO! Gil De Gamesh con STOP FOLLIA GENDER: la abominazione dell'umano! 11/04/2016 ** Generazione Famiglia - La Manif Italia ** fb ** Sul Guardian dello scorso 1 aprile, Julie Bindel ha pubblicato un reportage sulla maternità surrogata in India dal quale emerge uno scenario non meno inquietante di quelli tratteggiati dalla fantasia dei film “La guerra dei mondi”, “Battlestar galactica” e “Matrix”. La Bindel riporta, infatti, che si stanno costruendo delle “colonie residenziali” con fondi messi a disposizione da parte di molte cliniche della surrogazione per ospitare...
Maternità surrogata: le fattorie umane dell’India. Ecco le “surrogacy houses” in cui si dispongono “in batteria” le donne che conducono la gravidanza in surrogazione e che vengono sfamate e accudite... http://www.tempi.it/maternita-surrogata-fattorie-umane-india#.VwuSneKLTmF
IL GENDER IDEOLOGIA È SATANISMO IDEOLOGICO! +++ Pediatri americani: "Gender pericoloso per i bambini" I fatti, non l’ideologia, determinano la realtà... http://www.donboscoland.it/articoli/articolo.php?id=133413
IO NON HO SCOMUNICATO LO ISLAM! NO!? 1. IO HO SCOMUNICATO LA SHAARIA! ED, 2. IO HO SCOMUNICATO TUTTE LE RELIGIONE CHE BENEDICONO IN NOME DI DIO LE UNIONI DEI GAY! L’islam che prova a dialogare: lo sciismo in 10 punti. A differenza dei sunniti, gli sciiti danno un'autorità sacra agli imam e ai loro insegnamenti. 1 aprile 2016. L’islam dialogante, considerato come moderato e aperto al confronto con l’Occidente. Stiamo parlando dello sciismo, meglio conosciuto come islam sciita, molto diverso da quello sunnita che, annovera tra le sue file anche i fondamentalisti.
Quali sono le principali caratteristiche di questa corrente dell’islam? Le spiega bene Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi in “L’Islam degli sciiti” (edizioni Dehoniane).
Tutto nasce con la morte di Maometto: la maggioranza dei fedeli della nuova religione d’Arabia dichiarò che il profeta non aveva designato in modo esplicito il suo successore. Un altro gruppo minoritario rivendicava la successione per Alî, cugino e genero del Profeta. Questa schiera di fedeli dà vita all’islam sciita.
1) IL RUOLO DELL’IMAM. Fondandosi sui testi e sulle fonti più antiche che sono giunte fino a noi (il primo corpus di hadith sciiti, testi sacri, è stato redatto tra l’850 e il 950 della nostra era), ci si può rapidamente rendere conto che il vero perno attorno al quale gravita tutta la dottrina sciita è la figura dell’imam. Mentre nell’islam sunnita questo termine, che designa un capo o un sapiente religioso, non ha alcuna importanza particolare, per gli sciiti è un titolo, a tutti gli effetti, sacro. Sintetizzando in maniera estrema, si potrebbe dire che, come il cristianesimo è la religione di Cristo, lo sciismo è la religione dell’imam.
2) MANIFESTO E SEGRETO. La religiosità sciita si sviluppa attorno a una doppia visione del mondo. Anche qui la figura dell’imam, nelle sue differenti dimensioni, è sempre presente e agisce come il centro di gravità dei fondamenti spirituali. Anzitutto, c’è quella che potrebbe chiamarsi la visione duale del mondo, secondo la quale tutte le realtà, dalle più sacre alle più banali, possiedono almeno due livelli: un livello manifesto, apparente (zâhir) e un livello segreto, non manifesto (bâtin). Questa dialettica del manifesto e del nascosto, dell’essoterico e dell’esoterico, costituisce un credo fondamentale, onnipresente nei pensatori, e che impregna anche le credenze della massa dei fedeli.
3) L’IMAM COSMICO. L’organo divino per eccellenza, il più alto luogo di manifestazione di ciò che si rivela in Dio, è un essere metafisico che la letteratura sciita chiama spesso Imam (scrivendolo, in questo caso, con la maiuscola), nella sua accezione ontologica e metafisica: Uomo cosmico in cui la conoscenza equivale alla conoscenza di ciò che può essere conosciuto in Dio, obiettivo ultimo della creazione. L’Imam cosmico è identico al volto manifesto di Dio, al Dio rivelato. L’Imam cosmico possiede quindi anch’egli un volto nascosto e uno rivelato
4) I PROFETI E GLI “AMICI DI DIO”. Per gli sciiti ogni grande profeta è accompagnato nella sua missione da uno o più imam: da Adamo, primo uomo e primo profeta, a Maometto, «sigillo della profezia legislatrice», passando per molti altri, tra i quali Enoch, Noè, Abramo, Mosè, Salomone e Gesù (Simon Pietro o l’insieme degli apostoli sono gli imam di Gesù). Questi grandi inviati dell’Altissimo – così lo definiscono – e i loro imam, sono legati tra loro da una catena ininterrotta di profeti, imam e santi minori e formano, insieme, la grande famiglia iniziatica degli «Amici di Dio» (walî, al plurale awliyâ’), i portatori e i trasmettitori dell’Alleanza divina (walâya), termine centrale dello sciismo e sinonimo di imamato. Sono loro, uomini e donne di Dio, i luoghi di manifestazione dell’Imam archetipico cosmico, il suo volto rivelato. Gli Amici di Dio fanno pervenire agli uomini la parola divina.
5) “SOTTOMISSIONE” E “SOTTOMESSI”. Il profeta è il messaggero dell’essoterico della religione o della religione essoterica (cioè il livello manifesto, rivelato) che la terminologia tecnica sciita chiama islâm, letteralmente «sottomissione», cioè la sottomissione alla lettera della rivelazione, che rende la maggioranza dei fedeli dei muslim, dei «sottomessi» o ancora dei «musulmani». Parallelamente, l’imam è il messaggero dell’esoterico della rivelazione (cioè il livello nascosto), l’iniziatore alla religione spirituale nascosta sotto la lettera chiamata îmân, letteralmente «fede».
6) CONOSCENZA VS IGNORANZA. Oltre al dualismo manifesto vs esoterico, nell’Islam sciita la seconda visione del mondo è una visione dualista, secondo la quale la storia della creazione è la storia del combattimento cosmico tra le forze del Bene e quelle del Male, tra la luce e l’oscurità. Dato il ruolo centrale dell’iniziazione e del sapere spirituale, si potrebbe dire che il Bene è la conoscenza, così come il Male è l’ignoranza.
7) IL NEMICO SUNNITA. Gli avversari – il Nemico dell’imam e i suoi partigiani, per utilizzare termini tecnici sciiti – non sono sempre e necessariamente dei pagani, dei miscredenti o dei fedeli di altre religioni. Gli israeliti che tradirono Mosè e si abbandonarono al culto del vitello d’oro o, ancora, i compagni di Maometto che rifiutarono l’elezione di ‘Alî alla successione non sono dei non-ebrei o dei non-musulmani, ma sono coloro che rifiutano l’insegnamento esoterico, spirituale della religione, rigettando la sua Guida iniziata e iniziatrice, cioè l’imam.
Sul piano puramente dottrinale – la storia introdurrà, infatti, una notevole complessità nei comportamenti – uno sciita iniziato si sentirà più vicino a uno «sciita» ebreo o cristiano (cioè a un iniziato all’esoterismo del giudaismo e del cristianesimo), che a un musulmano sunnita essoterico, considerato al pari di un avversario.
8) LE FONTI: HADITN E CORANO. Come il sunnismo, lo sciismo riconosce due fonti scritturali che considera i fondamenti dell’islam in generale, e delle sue dottrine in particolare: il Corano e i hadith. Ma il corpus di hadith sciiti è totalmente diverso dal suo equivalente sunnita.
Si tratta di un corpus di tradizioni risalenti al Profeta, a sua figlia Fâtima e ai dodici imam, vale a dire all’insieme di personaggi santi chiamati «i Quattordici Impeccabili» (ma‘sûm).
In questo corpus immenso, che conta parecchie migliaia di pagine, le parti dedicate agli imam – soprattutto al quinto e al sesto, rispettivamente Muhammad al-Bâqir e Ja‘far al-Sâdiq – sono molto più lunghe rispetto a quelle riservate a Fâtima e Maometto. Rispetto ai hadith sunniti, quindi, il Profeta occupa un posto molto ridotto nelle tradizioni sciite.
Questo si spiega con la logica religiosa propria dello sciismo: l’imam è il messaggero dell’esoterico, del senso nascosto, e il profeta dell’essoterico, della lettera.
9) MISSIONE E “POTERE SANTO”. La walâya indica al tempo stesso la missione sacra degli imam e, in questo senso, è sinonimo di imamato, cioè della guida temporale e spirituale dei fedeli. Si potrebbe tradurre anche con «potere santo», poiché si tratta di un’autorità concessa per elezione divina. L’imam è, a questo livello, il detentore della scienza iniziatica segreta e dei poteri taumaturgici. È l’erede della tradizione iniziatica dei profeti. Le fonti della sua conoscenza sono quattro: celesti (angeli e altre entità), occulte (forze soprannaturali o ancora il nome supremo di Dio, dai poteri magici), scritte (Libri santi di tutte le religioni e un certo numero di scritti segreti) e orali (l’insegnamento iniziatico degli imam pre- cedenti).
10) IL SEGRETO DEI SEGRETI. Infine, l’imam, in quanto volto rivelato di Dio, costituisce l’esoterico dell’esoterico (bâtin al-bâtin) dell’insegnamento sciita, il segreto più custodito della walâya. È rivelato solo ai discepoli intimi che hanno ricevuto un’iniziazione particolare, tale da renderli dei «credenti messi alla prova da Dio per la fede». Questo livello comprende l’insegnamento degli strati più segreti delle discipline religiose, cioè le dottrine esoteriche specificamente sciite, ma anche le pratiche iniziatiche come le preghiere segrete, i poteri legati a uno specifico corpus di conoscenze, quali per esempio il nome supremo di Dio, o ancora certi rituali o «esercizi», come «la visione del cuore» (al-ru’ya bi l-qalb), che consiste nel raggiungimento della visione dell’imam interiore, sotto forma di luce, nel centro sottile del cuore.
LA FEDE È QUELLA MARCIA IN PIÙ DI CUI HA ASSOLUTAMENTE BISOGNO LA TUA VITA! 15 potenti versi della Bibbia per affrontare le sfide di ogni giorno. 8 aprile 2016. Ogni essere umano ha delle battaglie da affrontare quotidianamente. Che tu sia uomo o donna, adolescente o anziano, impiegato o dirigente d’impresa, poco importa: oggi, in questo momento, stai affrontando una sfida. O ti stai preparando per affrontarla. L’abbondanza della vita in Cristo non è sinonimo di “mancanza di problemi”. Anzi, seguire il Messia a volte sembra essere proprio la causa di alcune situazioni difficili! Essere cristiani, essere seguaci di Colui che ha vinto la morte, significa ben altro: vuol dire trovare la forza per “combattere il buon combattimento”. Non disperare: perché sì, nel mondo avrai tribolazione, ma Lui ha vinto il mondo! Smiling old man:
1) Deuteronomio 31: 6,8. Siate forti, fatevi animo, non temete e non vi spaventate di loro, perché il Signore tuo Dio cammina con te; non ti lascerà e non ti abbandonerà. Il Signore stesso cammina davanti a te; egli sarà con te, non ti lascerà e non ti abbandonerà; non temere e non ti perdere d’animo!
2) Giosuè 1:9: Non ti ho io comandato: Sii forte e coraggioso? Non temere dunque e non spaventarti, perché è con te il Signore tuo Dio, dovunque tu vada».
3) Siracide 34,14: Chi teme il Signore non ha paura di nulla, e non teme perché egli è la sua speranza.
4) Salmo 27: 7-8. Il Signore è la mia forza e il mio scudo, ho posto in lui la mia fiducia; mi ha dato aiuto ed esulta il mio cuore, con il mio canto gli rendo grazie. Il Signore è la forza del suo popolo, rifugio di salvezza del suo consacrato.
5) Proverbi 3:5-6. Confida nel Signore con tutto il cuore e non appoggiarti sulla tua intelligenza; in tutti i tuoi passi pensa a lui ed egli appianerà i tuoi sentieri.
6) Filippesi 1:28, Senza lasciarvi intimidire in nulla dagli avversari. Questo è per loro un presagio di perdizione, per voi invece di salvezza, e ciò da parte di Dio;
7) 1 Cronache 28:20. Davide disse a Salomone suo figlio: «Sii forte, coraggio; mettiti al lavoro, non temere e non abbatterti, perché il Signore Dio, mio Dio, è con te. Non ti lascerà e non ti abbandonerà finché tu non abbia terminato tutto il lavoro per il tempio.
8) Isaia 41:10-13. Non temere, perché io sono con te; non smarrirti, perché io sono il tuo Dio. Ti rendo forte e anche ti vengo in aiuto e ti sostengo con la destra vittoriosa. Ecco, saranno svergognati e confusi quanti s’infuriavano contro di te; saranno ridotti a nulla e periranno gli uomini che si opponevano a te. Cercherai, ma non troverai, coloro che litigavano con te; saranno ridotti a nulla, a zero, coloro che ti muovevano guerra. Poiché io sono il Signore tuo Dio che ti tengo per la destra e ti dico: «Non temere, io ti vengo in aiuto».
9) 1 Corinzi 15:57-58. Siano rese grazie a Dio che ci dà la vittoria per mezzo del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo! Perciò, fratelli miei carissimi, rimanete saldi e irremovibili, prodigandovi sempre nell’opera del Signore, sapendo che la vostra fatica non è vana nel Signore.
10) Salmo 22: 4-6. Se dovessi camminare in una valle oscura, non temerei alcun male, perché tu sei con me. Il tuo bastone e il tuo vincastro mi danno sicurezza. Davanti a me tu prepari una mensa sotto gli occhi dei miei nemici; cospargi di olio il mio capo. Il mio calice trabocca. Felicità e grazia mi saranno compagne tutti i giorni della mia vita, e abiterò nella casa del Signore per lunghissimi anni.
11) Ebrei 13:5-6. La vostra condotta sia senza avarizia; accontentatevi di quello che avete, perché Dio stesso ha detto: “Non ti lascerò e non ti abbandonerò”. Così possiamo dire con fiducia: “Il Signore è il mio aiuto, non temerò. Che mi potrà fare l’uomo?”
12) 1 Pietro 3: 14-16. E se anche doveste soffrire per la giustizia, beati voi! Non vi sgomentate per paura di loro, né vi turbate, ma adorate il Signore, Cristo, nei vostri cuori, pronti sempre a rispondere a chiunque vi domandi ragione della speranza che è in voi. Tuttavia questo sia fatto con dolcezza e rispetto, con una retta coscienza, perché nel momento stesso in cui si parla male di voi rimangano svergognati quelli che malignano sulla vostra buona condotta in Cristo.
13) Giovanni 14:27. Vi lascio la pace, vi do la mia pace. Non come la dà il mondo, io la do a voi. Non sia turbato il vostro cuore e non abbia timore.
14) Filippesi 4:13. Tutto posso in colui che mi dà la forza.
15) Salmo 120: 1,2,7,8. Alzo gli occhi verso i monti: da dove mi verrà l’aiuto? Il mio aiuto viene dal Signore, che ha fatto cielo e terra. Il Signore ti proteggerà da ogni male, egli proteggerà la tua vita. Il Signore veglierà su di te, quando esci e quando entri, da ora e per sempre.
La Sindone di Torino e il Sudario di Oviedo (Spagna) “hanno avvolto, con quasi totale sicurezza, il cadavere della stessa persona”. È la conclusione a cui è giunta un’indagine che ha paragonato le due reliquie mediante uno studio basato sull’antropologia forense e la geometria.
Il lavoro è stato realizzato dal dottore in Belle Arti e docente di Scultura dell’Università di Siviglia Juan Manuel Miñarro all’interno di un progetto del Centro Spagnolo di Sindonologia (CES), entità con sede a Valencia. Lo studio si inserisce così nella direzione di quello che la tradizione afferma da secoli: che i due teli appartengono allo stesso personaggio storico, in questo caso – secondo quella tradizione – Gesù di Nazareth. La Sindone sarebbe il telo che ha avvolto il corpo di Gesù quando è stato deposto nel sepolcro, mentre il Sudario di Oviedo sarebbe quello che ha coperto il suo volto sulla croce dopo la morte. I teli sarebbero quelli trovati nel sepolcro da San Pietro e San Giovanni, come narra il Vangelo. L’indagine “non prova di per sé che quella persona fosse proprio Gesù Cristo, ma ci ha messi chiaramente sulla via di riuscire a dimostrare completamente che la Sacra Sindone e il Santo Sudario hanno avvolto la testa dello stesso cadavere”, ha spiegato a Paraula Juan Manuel Miñarro. Tracce di sangue. Di fatto, l’indagine ha trovato un numero di coincidenze tra le due reliquie che “supera abbondantemente il minimo di punti significativi o di prove richieste dalla maggior parte dei sistemi giudiziari del mondo per l’identificazione di persone, che è tra otto e dodici, mentre quelli constatati dal nostro studio sono più di venti”.
In concreto, il lavoro ha evidenziato “importantissime coincidenze” nelle principali caratteristiche morfologiche (tipo, dimensioni e distanza delle tracce), nel numero e nella distribuzione delle macchie di sangue e nelle impronte di varie lesioni riflesse sui due teli o sulle superfici deformate. Ci sono “punti che evidenziano la compatibilità tra i due teli” nella zona della fronte, sulla quale ci sono resti di sangue, così come sul dorso del naso, sullo zigomo destro o sul mento, che “presentano diverse contusioni”.
Circa le macchie di sangue, Miñarro afferma che le tracce presenti sui due teli presentano differenze morfologiche, ma che “quello che sembra indiscutibile è che i punti da cui è sgorgato il sangue corrispondono totalmente”.
Queste variazioni formali potrebbero spiegarsi con differenze dal punto di vista della durata, della collocazione e dell’intensità del contatto della testa con ciascuno dei teli, oltre che con “l’elasticità propria dei teli di lino”.
In definitiva, le coincidenze riscontrate nei due teli “sono tali che è ormai molto difficile pensare che si tratti di persone diverse”, ha segnalato Jorge Manuel Rodríguez, presidente del CES.
Alla luce dei risultati di questa indagine, “siamo arrivati a un punto in cui sembra assurdo chiedersi se ‘per casualità’ possano coincidere in entrambi tutte le ferite, le contusioni, i rigonfiamenti… La logica ci richiede di pensare che stiamo parlando della stessa persona”, ha concluso.
STOP ALLA TEOSOFIA SATANICA DEL GENDER! Gil De Gamesh: ** 11/04/2016 ** CommunityLa Croce ** fb ** " Educazione sessuale globale” o “guerra contro i bambini” ? [video] Family Watch International ha lanciato sul web un appello accorato: alle Nazioni Unite si continua a proporre documenti che promuovono “diritti sessuali” quanto mai controversi, specie laddove auspicano una educazione sessuale radicale anche per i bambini molto piccoli. Per denunciare questo ennesimo attacco all’umanità e soprattutto ai bambini in tutto il mondo, FWI ha prodotto il documentario... http://www.notizieprovita.it/notizie-dal-mondo/educazione-sessuale-globale-o-guerra-contro-i-bambini-video/#.Vwp4ELNNWC8.facebook
Antonio Petrelli: A parte che chiamare "diritto alla salute delle donne" il voler uccidere un bambino come se avere una gravidanza fosse una malattia, mi sembra strano che, in questo caso, la CGIL vada contro i lavoratori ovvero alcuni medici che si dichiarano obiettori. Il Consiglio d'Europa accusa: "In Italia aborto troppo difficile" Strasburgo bacchetta l'Italia: "Violato il diritto alla salute delle donne". E accusa: "Discriminati i medici non obiettori". http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/politica/consiglio-deuropa-accusa-italia-aborto-troppo-difficile-1244688.html
París, Bruselas: no son las bombas, son los valores. Los atentados de esta semana en Bruselas recuerdan que “estamos en guerra”, como ha vuelto a remarcar el primer ministro francés Manuel Valls. Guerra contra el terrorismo, sí. Pero, también, choque de valores, un conflicto entre dos concepciones del ser humano y de la sociedad. Lo escribía Candela Sande este miércoles en Actuall: es más que una guerra de bombas. Son la religión, la integración de los inmigrantes, el modelo de sociedad, los que están en juego.
Actuall nació para explicar la guerra contra el terrorismo, desde el análisis de la crisis de valores en Occidente. Todo el periodismo de Actuall trata de esclarecer la relación entre el avance del yihadismo y la decadencia cultural entre las élites europeas. Solo una sociedad consciente del desafío, podrá hacerle frente a largo plazo. Participa en Actuall para seguir haciendo periodismo de calidad, comprometido con tus valores. Para donar, entra aquí: https://colabora.actuall.com
Hacia el Estado confesional laicista y de género. La libertad de pensamiento y de conciencia están amenazadas. Empieza a ser una emergencia, la tendencia a hacer callar como sea a cualquiera que piense de un modo distinto a lo que dicta la perspectiva del género, la nueva religión de Estado. Lo hemos visto esta misma semana: el intento de perseguir penalmente a tres obispos madrileños por publicar una carta conjunta denunciando las consecuencias de la ley de transexualidad aprobada en la Asamblea de Madrid con los votos a favor de Ciudadanos, Podemos y el PSOE, y la abstención del PP. El lobby LGTB ha pedido a la Fiscalía que actúe contra ellos por un supuesto delito de odio homofóbico, el nuevo estigma que se impone a todo el que se exprese al margen de los dogmas de la nueva confesión obligatoria. Pensar en libertad será cada vez más difícil y peligroso. Demostrar la singularidad del matrimonio natural, formado por un hombre y una mujer; decir que un padre y una madre son insustituibles en la crianza de un hijo, o criticar la creación de derechos exclusivos en función de la identidad sexual, suponen una condena segura al ostracismo social y, en ciertos casos, multas y penas contra la libertad. Es, junto con la ofensiva laicista de los partidos políticos de la izquierda, el síntoma más serio de una deriva totalitaria en las sociedades occidentales y, particularmente, en España.
Actuall hace periodismo para denunciar los ataques a la libertad de pensamiento y de conciencia, y para refutar la perspectiva de género en las leyes. Mostramos las consecuencias de adoptar la ideología del movimiento LGTB y sus valores totalitarios en la escuela, en los centros de trabajo, en el espacio público. Estamos comprometidos con la libertad de expresión y con la actitud de los hombres y mujeres rebeldes que, como decía Albert Camus, son los que dicen “no” a la injusticia, la opresión y la mentira. Apoya a Actuall para seguir teniendo una voz rebelde e ilustrada que dice “no” a los nuevos dogmas ideológicos y promueve activamente la libertad de pensamiento. Haz tu donativo ahora, con el importe que quieras, aquí: https://colabora.actuall.com
Un Parlamento sin ellos, los más vulnerables. El pasado 20 de diciembre, salió de las urnas el Primer parlamento en España que no tiene un solo diputado provida. La causa del derecho fundamental a la vida fue expulsada de las listas electorales. Literalmente. El PP excluyó de forma ostensible a los últimos diputados y senadores provida que quedaban de la anterior legislatura. El avance del aborto y su discurso es similar en todas las democracias americanas. En las elecciones presidenciales de los Estados Unidos, el aborto será un tema central en los debates, tras el escándalo Planned Parenthood y su comercio clandestino de órganos y tejidos de bebés abortados. El debate cultural sobre el aborto aún está vivo en el hemisferio americano. Las sociedades hispanas aún resisten la presión de la industria abortista y de organismos como la ONU para extender las leyes de aborto indiscriminado y con cargo a los contribuyentes. En Europa, mientras tanto, las élites políticas y culturales tratan de impedir que se hable del aborto. Algo se está moviendo en la base de las sociedades europeas, un impulso de decir basta al exterminio silencioso de las vidas humanas más vulnerables. La coalición provida One of Us, formada por 30 asociaciones europeas que promueven el derecho a la vida, es un signo de esperanza. Pero es necesario un periodismo provida con perspectiva europea e iberoamericana. Actuall es el primer diario de actualidad que incluye en su ideario editorial la defensa de la vida humana como un derecho fundamental desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural.
Actuall asume que la causa de la vida humana ha dejado de ser un debate nacional para convertirse en una de las grandes batallas culturales de nuestro tiempo en todas las democracias. Ayúdanos a cambiar la visión de la vida humana prenatal, y de la maternidad para poder cambiar las leyes del aborto. Participa en un periodismo riguroso y fiable que quiere ganarle la partida al aborto con los datos de la ciencia y la verdad de la conciencia. Haz hoy, ahora, tu donativo para que la voz de los más vulnerables se oiga en el debate público, aunque no esté en el Parlamento. Para donar, entra en el siguiente enlace y elige tu aportación: https://colabora.actuall.com
Puedes ver los cambios pasar delante de ti, dejando que sean otros quienes definan la sociedad en la que vivirán las próximas generaciones. O bien, puedes ser tú quien decida cómo serán las noticias de los próximos seis meses. Puedes resignarte, o puedes protagonizar el cambio a una sociedad mejor, una sociedad ordenada por los valores de la libertad y la dignidad de toda vida humana. Necesitarás conocimiento e imaginación para la batalla más importante, la batalla de las ideas. Actuall nació el pasado 1 de octubre para proveerte de ambas cosas. ¡Sube a bordo y cambia las noticias del mundo! ¡Te deseo un magnífico fin de semana! Víctor y la Redacción de Actuall
STOP ALLA DITTATURA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER! ¡Buenos días, lorenzoJHWH! https://colabora.actuall.com ] [ Hay etapas de la historia humana en las que todo parece acelerarse. Han pasado solo seis meses desde el lanzamiento de Actuall el pasado 1 de octubre, y ya hemos visto juntos cosas dignas de todo un siglo. Tú y yo fuimos testigos de las elecciones generales en España y de las presidenciales que han llevado a Mauricio Macri a la Casa Rosada, en Argentina. Vivimos el triunfo de la Oposición democrática en las elecciones legislativas de Venezuela. Cubrimos las visitas del Papa Francisco a Cuba, a México, a África. Atendimos al Sínodo de la Familia. Miramos hacia la crisis europea por la llegada de refugiados, el acuerdo con Turquía y el referéndum por la salida del Reino Unido de la UE. Pusimos el foco en el genocidio de cristianos en Siria, Iraq y Libia. Te contamos el juicio a Rita Maestre por asaltar el oratorio de la Universidad Complutense, la exposición de Formas Consagradas en una sala municipal de Pamplona, la función de marionetas contratada por el Ayuntamiento de Madrid donde se daban “vivas” a ETA, la salida de Otegi de la cárcel. Estuvimos en la Asamblea de Madrid, cuando tres diputados del PP votaron en conciencia y consiguieron tumbar la moción a favor de la maternidad de alquiler. Seguimos la aprobación del aborto en Chile, la propagación del Zika y su utilización ideológica para extender el aborto en América. Vimos venir el ascenso de Donald Trump y la ventaja de Hillary Clinton en la carrera hacia la Casa Blanca. Nos despertamos, del todo, con el comercio de órganos de bebés abortados por Planned Parenthood. Solo con repasar el archivo de Actuall en estos seis meses, tendríamos suficiente para mirar a los ojos a nuestros nietos y hablarles como aquel androide de Blade Runner: “He visto cosas que vosotros no creeríais…” Apoya con tu donativo el periodismo de Actuall, para que siga habiendo testigos de las causas del derecho a la vida, la familia y las libertades fundamentales. Haz un donativo y participa en un diario que no se parece a ningún otro. Periodismo comprometido con los valores de la sociedad ordenada y abierta. Periodismo con una perspectiva liberal-conservadora del mundo. Periodismo que aporta conocimiento e ideas a los grandes debates culturales sobre el aborto, la redefinición de la familia y el papel de la religión y de los creyentes en la sociedad. Para donar, entra en este enlace:
VOI: TUTTI I GOVERNI DEL MONDO, VOI VI INCONTRATE CON ME PER AFFRONTARE TUTTI I PROBLEMI DEL PIANETA! SE C'È UN ACCORDO? POI, NON È UN TRAUMA CAMBIARE LE REGOLE DEL SISTEMA! LASCIATEMI PROVARE! Obama: Errore intervenire nel 2011 in Libia. 11.04.2016 ( Dopo le accuse mosse a Francia e Regno Unito per l'intervento in Libia del 2011, il presidente Usa ammette le responsabilità della sua amministrazione ). IL MIO SOGNO È QUELLO DI FARE UN RIPENSAMENTO POLITICO E PACIFICO SU TUTTI I DELITTI CHE AVVENGONO IN QUESTO PIANETA! PERCHÉ NON RITENGO INTELLIGENTE UNA AZIONE VIOLENTA, INFATTI, LA GUERRA È SEMPRE LA SCONFITTA DELLA INTELLIGENZA, VOI VI INCONTRATE CON ME PER AFFRONTARE I PROBLEMI DEL PIANETA! ] [ Esattamente un mese fa Barack Obama definiva in una lunga intervista concessa a The Atlantic l'intervento Nato in Libia nel 2011 un errore, a suo dire causato dell'avidità degli alleati della coalizione Nato. Oggi, su quella fallimentare esperienza che ha stravolto i fragili equilibri della sponda sud del Mediterraneo lasciando la Libia nel caos arriva il dietrofront, con le prime ammissioni sulle responsabilità dell'amministrazione Obama. "Il mio errore peggiore? Probabilmente sbagliare nel pianificare il giorno dopo quella che credevo fosse la cosa giusta da fare intervenendo in Libia". Così Obama nel corso di un'intervista rilasciata all'emittente Fox News, in cui ammette di aver agito senza un piano preciso su cosa fare nel Paese dopo la caduta del colonnello Gheddafi. "Ma era la cosa giusta da fare" ha detto poi Obama, contraddicendo se stesso ancora una volta rispetto al pezzo apparso su The Atlantic: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160411/2450260/obama-errore-intervenire-in-libia-2011.html#ixzz45W4vpurN
NON CREDO CHE, noi POSSIAMO PRETENDERE DAI Farisei TALMUD SATANISTI MASSONI SPA FED, QUALCOSA DI BUONO, LORO SONO IL MALE! IL VERO PROBLEMA È CHE ROTHSCHILD PER FARCI USCIRE DALLA RECESSIONE HA BISOGNO DI AMMAZZARE O UCCIDERE, ALMENO 2MILIARDI DI CORRENTISTI BANCARI ] [ La Russia ricorda agli USA i rischi delle violazioni del diritto internazionale. 11.04.2016. La rappresentante ufficiale del ministero degli Esteri russo Maria Zakharova ha commentato le dichiarazioni del presidente USA Barack Obama, secondo cui l'intervento in Libia è stato il suo più grande errore durante la permanenza alla Casa Bianca. "E' stata la stessa cosa con l'Iraq. Lo sarà con l'Afghanistan. Ora stiamo assistendo ad uno schema simile in Siria. Quanto durerà tutto questo? Prima gli USA violano il diritto internazionale, poi ci sorvolano lucidando le loro azioni con le campagne mediatiche. Pochi anni dopo, quando la lucentezza svanisce e cessa lo stupore e tutti scoprono tra i piedi della comunità internazionale le rovine di un altro Stato, Washington lo chiama errore e bolla qualche altro Stato come aggressore," — ha scritto la Zakharova sulla sua pagina Facebook. La portavoce del ministero degli Esteri ha osservato che l'errore in realtà non era nella "mancanza di un piano di azione", come lo stesso Obama ha ammesso. "La questione è nella mancanza della legalità delle azioni. Dopo tutto, il diritto internazionale non è speculativo, ma è un fenomeno puramente applicato, si basa sull'analisi della storia del mondo, sui trionfi e sugli errori dell'umanità, come risultato di un consenso internazionale. La sua violazione produce errori," — ha sottolineato la Zakharova.
ISIS SHARIA, È LA STESSA FILOSOFIA DEI SALAFITI SHAARIA, QUELLA CHE CAMBIA È LA STRATEGIA CRIMINALE, MA, IL NAZISMO SHARIA NON CAMBIA! SONO MOLTO PREOCCUPATO ANCHE, PER I MIEI FRATELLI MUSULMANI CHE SI TROVANO ADESSO, IN QUESTO INFERNO SAUDITA WAHHABITA! Siria, ancora una strage di cristiani. 11.04.2016. Il patriarca siro-ortodosso denuncia alla Bbc: ad al Qaryatain uccisi 21 cristiani dal Daesh. La città assiro cristiana di al Qaryatain, in Siria centrale, ha subito pesanti devastazioni e 21 fedeli cristiani sarebbero stati barbaramente uccisi da uomini del sedicente Stato Islamico. A riferirlo all'emittente britannica Bbc è stato il patriarca di Antiochia e tutto l'Oriente, Ignazio Aphrem II. Secondo quanto riferito dal vescovo di Antiochia, la città riconquistata dieci giorni da dall'esercito governativo e sottratta al controllo del Daesh che ne aveva fatto la roccaforte principale nella provincia di Homs, è stata in questi mesi teatro di massacri dei cristiani della regione. L'uccisione dei 21 fedeli denunciata dal patriarca sarebbe avvenuta poco prima della liberazione della città, dove prima della battaglia finale erano presenti almeno 300 cristiani: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160411/2455063/siria-strage-cristiani.html#ixzz45X5gRSnZ
Una riforma Costituzionale Matteo RENZI scritta da LICIO Gelli? Quindi e un Governo ostile, per il popolo, la tomba della Democrazia! 10.04.2016. In uno sciagurato Paese in cui si è iniziato a parlare del referendum sulle trivelle solo a due mesi dalla consultazione elettorale, è ancora presto evidentemente per occuparsi di quello che a ottobre dovrà confermare o bocciare la riforma costituzionale promossa dall’attuale Presidente del Consiglio. Per fortuna, comunque, in molte Regioni si stanno già formando i comitati del sì e del no, sintomo che il quesito referendario inizia ad accalorare l'opinione pubblica per le conseguenze che potrebbe avere a seconda dell'esito. Abbiamo chiesto al leghista Roberto Calderoli, ex ministro delle Riforme durante il Governo Berlusconi, un parere e un approfondimento per avere più chiarezza sulla situazione politica italiana, anche nell'ottica delle riforme e della difesa dei valori tradizionali. — Che valutazione dà alla riforma costituzionale voluta da Renzi?
— Pessima. Il problema centrale è rappresentato dal combinato disposto fra la riforma costituzionale e la legge elettorale. L'insieme può diventare veramente una bomba ad orologeria per il benessere delle famiglie italiane, per l'ordinamento del nostro Paese e in ultima analisi per la democrazia stessa. Un partito che dovesse vincere le elezioni con il mero 20% dei consensi rischia di prendere in mano la Presidenza del Consiglio, della Camera, del Senato oltre che la Presidenza della Repubblica e di tutti gli organi di garanzia. Si comprende chiaramente che ci troveremmo di fronte a regime un vero e proprio. Non è un caso che questa riforma sia l'esatta fotocopia di quella scritta da Licio Gelli.
— Renzi più volte ha parlato di una possibile modifica dell'attuale sistema regionale volto a ridurre il numero delle Regioni esistenti attualmente. Che cosa ne pensa da ex ministro delle Riforme? — Concordo pienamente nel modificare un sistema in cui vi sono Regioni con una popolazione inferiore a quelle di una provincia media. Il problema della riforma che immagina Renzi non sta però nell'accorpamento delle Regioni: d'altra parte una proposta del genere mi vedrebbe assolutamente d'accordo perché sarebbe in sintonia con il modello delle Macroregioni. Il problema vero è che la riforma Renzi scippa alle Regioni il potere legislativo e di autonomia economica e finanziaria. Si arriverà così a una ricentralizzazione che porterà alla macchina amministrativa più costi, ma con ancor meno efficienza. Micro e macro Regioni sono solo un sogno, perchè Renzi ha già distrutto del tutto il federalismo.
— Che differenza c'è tra la riforma costituzionale renziana e quella varata da Lei e dal Centrodestra?
— Sono l'una il contrario dell'altra. La nostra pose fine al grande limite di questo Paese, che è il bicameralismo paritario. Avevamo ridotto il numero dei deputati e dei senatori, tagliato loro lo stipendio, obbligandoli a lavorare e affidando più funzioni al territorio, con l'equivalente responsabilizzazione derivante dal federalismo fiscale. Loro hanno cancellato tutto: ci sarà ancora la Camera dei Deputati, il Senato, Renzi e un Presidente della Camera fantoccio scelto da lui e dalla sua minoranza: buongiorno e buonanotte alla democrazia. Un vero e proprio regime.
— Qual è il Suo giudizio sulla politica estera di Renzi? Che cosa pensa delle sanzioni occidentali alla Russia?
— Si tratta di un controsenso. Storicamente l'Italia ha dei rapporti molto stretti a livello commerciale con la Russia. Imporre queste sanzioni è una punizione prima di tutto per il nostro Paese: per gli imprenditori, i commercianti, gli artigiani. Quello che lascia perplessi è anche come l'Occidente e l'Europa stiano punendo l'unico Stato che abbia assunto una posizione energica e decisa contro il terrorismo. Invece di dare un premio, si cerca di danneggiare il governo russo e ci si danneggia noi stessi: qualcosa di surreale. Se vivessimo in un mondo normale, oggi tutti prenderebbero esempio dalla Russia e da Putin.
— Che cosa può fare la Lega Nord per mettere fine all'ostilità occidentale verso la Russia?
[ La guerra di sanzioni continua, l’Italia paga il conto ] — Ogni volta che si parla di politica estera, che lo si faccia o nel Parlamento italiano o in quello europeo, noi continuiamo a lottare per superare le sanzioni e anzi per costruire un'alleanza commerciale e politica con la Russia. Purtroppo riceviamo sempre dei no dal governo Renzi e dal Parlamento europeo. Personalmente credo che il Governo italiano in particolare dovrà fare i conti con la storia e rispondere in futuro a chi ha difeso l'Occidente e l'Europa sul perché si sia piegato e abbia aperto le porte all'Isis-Daesh.
di male in peggio ] "TANTO PEGGIO TANTO MEGLIO" lo ha detto: ROTHSCHILD BILDENBERG 666 NWO [ 11.04.2016. Le bande criminali sfruttano la posizione dei rifugiati per realizzare i loro lavori sporchi: traffico di droga, furti e aggressioni, scrive “Die Welt”. Gli affiliati alle bande criminali delle grandi città tedesche cercano di reclutare nelle loro organizzazioni i profughi che si trovano negli ostelli e nei centri di accoglienza, scrive il tabloid tedesco "Die Welt" riferendosi ai rappresentanti della polizia di Berlino. "Mentre l'intera Germania dibatte la crisi migratoria, i gruppi criminali sfruttano la posizione in cui si trovano i rifugiati", — "Die Welt" cita le parole di un funzionario di polizia rimasto nell'anonimato. Secondo il poliziotto, ai clan della malavita interessano giovani uomini per sfruttarli nel "lavoro sporco": traffico di droga, furti e aggressioni a scopo di racket.
MY ISRAEL ] [ quando cerco di cancellare gli articoli doppi che ho messo nei miei blog, me lo impediscono in blogger, per rallentare la mia uscita da internet, così sono costretto a ridigitarli ad uno ad uno e perdo più tempo!
MI PIACE MOLTO questa IDEA DI FARE UN PONTE TRA EGITTO E ARABIA SAUDITA, io pensavo di costruirlo per ISRAELE, e per potenziare la economia della Giordania, più in territorio giordano, ma quello che, io temo è che la realizzazione di questo ponte possa distruggere le ruote di bronzo, dei carri da guerra dell'esercito del faraone, che inseguiva gli ebrei, e che giacciono, su un ponte naturale, ancora in fila indiana in fondo al mare, perché quello è certamente il fondale più basso e più agevole da utilizzare! QUINDI PER NON DANNEGGIARE LA ARCHEOLOGIA, E IL MIRACOLO DI DIO, DOVREBBERO FARE DUE MUSEI CON QUESTE RUOTE AI DUE LATI DEL PONTE!
poiché, è legale il terrorismo sharia LEGA ARABA, contro il resto del MONDO, poi, non potrebbe mai essere illegale la occupazione: il genocidio e la deportazione, perché la sharia è già tutto questo! MA, ISRAELE SA CHE IL TEMPO È UN GALANTUOMO, PER DEGLI IGNORANTI CHE NON HANNO STUDIATO BENE LA STORIA! ] dicono: [ Israele continua l’occupazione illegale dei territori palestinesi
#SALMAN #SHARIA ] tu e tuoi alleati: SpA Talmud Satanisti Farisei Massoni, voi avete fatto del male ai musulmani, perché tu non troverai 10 cristiani, che siano andati a fare del male a dei musulmani, che, non è stato per difendere la loro vita: infatti tu minacci tutti i cristiani del mondo: con la tua internazionale islamica, ed infatti non esiste una internazionale cristiana!
#sharia #sALMAN Tu dimmi quante Chiese sei riuscito a bruciare in questi ultimi 30 anni!
USA e NATO sono un totale delitto internazionale! ] SANNO TUTTI CHE UCRAINA HA ABBATTUTO "Malaysia Airlines nel Donbass" E LE LUCERTOLE DELLA CIA E NATO NON VOGLIONO TIRARE FUORI I DOCUMENTI! [ Giallo a Kiev: tentato omicidio capo pool di investigatori su disastro boeing nel Donbass, 11.04.2016 (La Procura Generale ucraina ha segnalato il tentato omicidio del capo del pool di investigatori della tragedia del boeing della Malaysia Airlines nel Donbass; il presunto omicida è stato arrestato. Oggi il procuratore capo militare dell'Ucraina Anatoly Matios condurrà una conferenza stampa "sull'arresto dell'attentatore che ha cercato di uccidere il capo del pool di investigatori della tragedia del boeing della Malaysia Airlines nel Donbass", segnala RIA Novosti. Lo scorso 1° aprile, dopo i colloqui a Mosca con il capo della diplomazia serba, il ministro degli Esteri Sergey Lavrov aveva detto che la Russia è ancora in attesa di chiarimenti sulle indagini riguardo lo schianto del boeing malese. Il 3 marzo si è saputo che Washington non renderà pubbliche le informazioni sui dati che trasmetterà in Olanda sul disastro dell'aereo della "Malaysia Airlines".
In seguito il procuratore Fred Westerbeke, a capo dell'indagine internazionale sulle cause dello schianto del boeing nel Donbass, ha dichiarato che è imprevedibile la data di completamento delle indagini, ma ha promesso che entro l'estate verrà indicata la posizione esatta dello sparo e il tipo di missile che ha abbattuto l'aereo.
Zakharova: USA stanno intenzionalmente nascondendo la verità sull’abbattimento del Boeing
Nessuno come la Russia è interessato alla verità sul disastro del Boeing in Donbass
La Russia ha subito una nuova aggressione mediatica per il rapporto del boeing malese
Test del costruttore dei missili Buk su Boeing
Almaz-Antey smentisce i risultati della commissione olandese su Boeing
“Tempi troppo lunghi per indagini su Boeing precipitato in Ucraina destano sospetto”
Leggi tutto: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160411/2452416/Ucraina.html#ixzz45XWC5Fmj
Yemen, l’Arabia Saudita viola la tregua, 11.04.2016. ] poiché, sono sharia spietati BESTIE, entrambi i contendenti? POI, NON È POSSIBILE CHE IL REGNO DI DIO POSSA STARE CON QUALCUNO DI LORO! [ Prosegue la guerra in Yemen. Bombardamenti sauditi nella provincia di Taiz a poche ore dal cessate il fuoco promosso dall’Onu. L'Arabia Saudita viola la tregua in Yemen, promossa dall'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite. A sole poche ore dall'entrata in vigore del cessate il fuoco, sono in corso violenti bombardamenti in diverse aree della provincia di Taiz, nel sud-ovest dello Yemen e bombardieri sauditi stanno sorvolando i cieli della capitale Sana'a. Intanto, una dichiarazione congiunta di Leila Zerrougui, Rappresentante Speciale del Segretario Generale Onu per i bambini e i conflitti armati e Peter Salama, Direttore Regionale Unicef per il Medio Oriente e il Nord Africa informa che i bambini rappresentano un terzo delle vittime civili nel conflitto yemenita e quasi un quarto dei feriti. In secondo luogo, gli attacchi alle infrastrutture civili, in particolar modo alle scuole e alle strutture sanitarie, sono ormai diventati molto frequenti. "Le parti — conclude la dichiarazione — dovrebbero prendere ogni decisione possibile per proteggere le scuole e gli ospedali e facilitare la distribuzione di aiuti umanitari ai bambini e a tutti coloro che hanno bisogno di aiuto": http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160411/2456131/yemen-arabia-saudita-viola-tregua-promossa-da-onu.html#ixzz45XWtBu1v
i satanisti massoni usurai farisei SPA FED NWO? non guardano in faccia a nessuno! ] [ Una comunità indigena nel nord del Canada ha dichiarato lo stato di emergenza dopo che 11 persone hanno tentato di togliersi la vita in un solo giorno. in base a quanto riferiscono i media canadesi, nella tribù di Attawapiskat First Nation, nella provincia dell'Ontario, ci sono stati 28 tentativi di suicidio a marzo e più di 100 dallo scorso settembre. Sulla vicenda è intervenuto lo stesso premier, Justin Trudeau, che ha definito il caso 'straziante'. La comunità indigena del Canada, 1,4 milioni di persone, vive ad un alto livello di povertà e l'aspettativa di vita è al di sotto della media. "Lavoreremo per migliorare le condizioni di vita della popolazione indigena", ha detto Trudeau. Un'altra comunità di aborigeni del Canada, che vive nel Manitoba, ha chiesto aiuto a marzo dopo i sei suicidi avvenuti in due mesi e 140 tentato suicidio in due settimane.
Secondo lo Stato maggiore russo, inoltre, la Turchia dei TERRORISTI SAUDITI USA 666 SPA FED il GUFO, non smette di fornire armi e militanti al fronte al-Nusra. 11 APR - Al-Nusra ha ammassato "circa 10mila militanti" nelle zone limitrofe ad Aleppo e si prepara "a una grande offensiva". Lo ha comunicato lo Stato Maggiore russo in conferenza stampa. L'azione militare avrebbe come obiettivo quello di "tagliare la strada" che collega Aleppo a Damasco. Se questa operazione di al-Nusra avrà successo, sottolinea lo Stato Maggiore russo, la parte settentrionale della Siria potrebbe "finire nuovamente sotto assedio". Ecco perché "tutte le azioni dell'esercito siriano e dell'aviazione russa sono ora orientate a neutralizzare i piani di al-Nusra". Lo Stato Maggiore russo ha inoltre fatto sapere di aver esortato gli Usa a "contrastare" il concentramento dei jihadisti nell'area di Aleppo. Mosca sottolinea inoltre che al momento non è previsto nessun "assalto" alla città stessa. Lo riportano le agenzie. Secondo lo Stato maggiore russo, inoltre, la Turchia non smette di fornire armi e militanti al fronte al-Nusra.
Corbyn, Cameron non ha chiarito, 'Regole per i ricchi diverse da quelle delle altre persone'. CAMERON TU SEI IL BOIA DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI DI SIRIA E DI IRAQ, TU TE NE DEVI ANDARE, CON LE BUONE O CON LE CATTIVE? TE NE DVI ANDARE! TU SEI UN PERICOLOSO CRIMINALE INTERNAZIONALE: "VATTENE"! LONDRA, 11 APR - David Cameron non ha chiarito gli interrogativi sulle sue finanze, cambia discorso ed il suo intervento è stato un "capolavoro nell'arte della diversione". Lo ha detto alla Camera dei Comuni il leader laburista Jeremy Corbyn, secondo cui le regole per i "super ricchi" non sono le stesse di quelle per tutte le altre persone.
11 aprile 2016 non hanno avuto ancora tempo, ma, io pensavo che in google avessero già esaminato il caso di: [ Salve, il tuo blog all'indirizzo http://evolutionxtalmud.blogspot.com/ è stato esaminato ed è stata verificata la violazione dei nostri Termini di servizio per: OTHER_ABUSE. In accordo con tali termini, abbiamo rimosso il blog e l'URL non è più accessibile. Elenco blog › Richiedi analisi per sblocco creazione o evoluzione Il tuo blog è stato bloccato perché viola Termini di servizio. Se non richiedi una revisione, questo blog verrà eliminato definitivamente entro 85 giorni. Abbiamo ricevuto la tua richiesta di sblocco il giorno 9 aprile 2016. Ti preghiamo di pazientare mentre diamo un'occhiata al blog e ne verifichiamo la conformità alle nostre Norme sui contenuti.
I'm not a predator, an executioner, an avenger of blood, and I do not pretend taxes, that, someone, he needs to protect itself from me. No! That's why, all the world's doors will open in front of me, because I'm a giver, a giver of freedom, self-determination, and liberating the prisoners!
@ กองทุนการเงินระหว่างประเทศฟาริสี Rothschild สำหรับฆ่าอิสราเอลกับหัวหน้าศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลก: สันนิบาตอาหรับ: Salafis ผมได้ความคิดที่ดีเพราะไม่ฆ่าฉันเกินไปเช่นที่คุณได้ฆ่า: ประธานาธิบดีจอห์นเคนเนดีเมื่อเขาได้: บริหาร 11110 การสั่งซื้อซึ่งมอบหมายให้กระทรวงการคลังที่จะพิมพ์เงิน: ในนามของประชาชนชาวอเมริกันโดยไม่ให้: ค่าใช้จ่ายให้คุณ: เกี่ยวกับ 270% ของเงินของเรา (กับสามหลอกลวง: เป็นกล่าวว่านักวิทยาศาสตร์: Giacinto Auriti) เขาว่าเขาเป็นประธานจริงสำหรับคนอเมริกันและไม่เป็นคือคนทรยศ Islamist โอบามา
นิวยอร์ก -'' ฉันไม่: มุสลิมสังคมนิยม: ว่าผมก่อน ... '' ประธานาธิบดีสหรัฐบารักโอบามาเยาะเย้ย, ยิ้มและตนเองหึ .. - คำตอบ - @ ทรยศโอบามา, Islamist, โกหกฆาตกร! การ ฆ่าล้างเผ่าพันธุ์ของชาวคริสต์และชินักบวชพระลูกวัดและบาทหลวงฆ่า: เลือดเย็นด้วยการหลอกลวงหักหลังลักพาตัวเหมือนสัตว์, ข่มขืนสาว "ฆ่า" เรียกค่าไถ่ทุกฝาของคุณ: ผู้ก่อการร้าย: Salafis, พี่น้อง "มุสลิม" อิสลามจะแพร่กระจายของคุณ "หัวหน้าศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลกของคุณ" ซึ่งพวกเขามีวันนี้ในซีเรียและว่าคุณมีการแพร่กระจายเพียง: ทั่วทะเลเมดิเตอร์เรเนียน ฯลฯ .. ? คือคุณ: ซีไอเอและคุณ: สันนิบาตอาหรับ: ที่จะทำทั้งหมดอาชญากรรมเหล่านี้! และ สื่อของยิวผูกขาดของแต่ละสปา, บริษัท สำหรับ: การกระทำ: IMF, FED, ECB, ลมุดวาระ: Bildenberg ระบบก่ออิฐ: สำหรับ Seigniorage ธนาคารปกพวกเขา: ทั้งหมดนี้ด้วยคำโกหกของพวกเขาและของพวกเขา ข้อมูลไม่เหมาะสม จะได้รับที่ดีกว่าสำหรับคุณที่คุณไม่เคยได้รับเกิด!
ปากีสถาน: ผู้สมัคร VS ระเบิดเสียชีวิต 5 ระเบิดระเบิดในระหว่างการประชุมเลือกตั้ง 15 ได้รับบาดเจ็บ 07:39 เมษายน 28 อัฟกานิสถานตอลิบานในฤดูใบไม้ผลิที่น่ารังเกียจ ใช้ประกาศตัว: รุกคืบและกามิกาเซ่ ': การดำเนินงานโดยรวม' 06:34 28 เมษายนตลกโอบามาจะไม่มุสลิม ... กระแทกแดกดัน - คำตอบ - แน่นอนคุณไม่ได้มุสลิมในความเป็นจริงชาวมุสลิมทุกคนเป็นคนดี! คุณ Islamist, ที่จะทำหัวหน้าศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลก: สำหรับ "สันนิบาตอาหรับ" กับการฆ่าล้างเผ่าพันธุ์ของชาวคริสต์ทั้งหมดและไซเธียนทั้งหมดที่จะทำสลาย ตัว: อิสราเอลระหว่าง: สงครามโลกครั้งที่ III ใกล้เข้ามา .. นี่ คือเหตุผล: เชชเนียได้ถูกลักพาตัวไปบิชอป, เพื่อล้างแค้นให้กับ lattentato ของบอสตัน, บาทหลวงที่ได้จ่ายเงินไปแล้วสำหรับ: พระสงฆ์ผู้ซึ่งเคยเป็นแล้วก็เชือดคอดังนั้นมันเป็นสิทธิของพวกเขาในขณะนี้: สำหรับคุณ " สันนิบาตอาหรับ "การฆ่า: เพิ่มเติม: บิชอปเกินไปแล้วที่จะแสวงหาเงิน: ยังสำหรับพวกเขา ..
2013/02/12 [ซีเรีย - วาติกัน] หลังจากที่กลุ่มกบฏมุสลิมยึดนักบวชทั้งสองใน Aleppo มีความกลัว: สำหรับชีวิตของพวกเขา พระคาทอลิกอาร์เมเนีย, Fr ไมเคิลและนักบวชออร์โธดอกถูกลักพาตัว: วันอาทิตย์สุดท้ายใน Aleppo คริสเตียน: บ้านใกล้เรือนเคียง แหล่งที่มาพูดได้: เพื่อ AsiaNews: เกี่ยวกับการฆาตกรรมป่าเถื่อน: ดำเนินการ: อิสลามสุดโต่งของฉัน ระเบิดรถยนต์: ระเบิด: ที่ตุรกีซีเรีย: ข้ามพรมแดน: จาก Cilvegozu [หลังจากที่มีการสังหาร: ฆ่า: พระสงฆ์ที่พวกเขาเรียกร้องให้: ค่าไถ่: บาทหลวงของพวกเขา] 2013/04/26 [ตั้งแต่ สันนิบาตอาหรับจะทำฆ่าล้างเผ่าพันธุ์ของชิและคริสเตียน, ข่มขืน, ฆาตกรรม, ทุกที่เธอชนะดินแดนแล้วเชชเนียที่พวกเขาแก้แค้นผู้ก่อการร้ายฆ่าตายในบอสตัน (เช่นกล่าวว่าตุรกี)] สัญลักษณ์ของบาทหลวงออร์โธดอกไม่มี 'ปล่อยความกลัวของแบล็กเมล์ทางการเมืองเติบโต 322 เคอร์รี่บุช, โอบามา 666 Rothschild ผมพบว่ารินในห้องปฏิบัติการของสันนิบาตอาหรับที่ของคุณ: อัลกออิดะห์ได้นำในซีเรีย .. ที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับคุณ: ก็จะได้รับถ้าคุณไม่ได้เกิดมาเคย!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ฮ่า pubblicato ยกเลิก commento 45 minuti fa คุณได้ทำให้ช่องทางใหม่ยังไม่ได้? - คำตอบ - เหล่านั้นที่ฉันมี (ประมาณ 50 ช่อง) จะมากเกินไปสำหรับผมที่จะได้รับดีขึ้นเพียงหนึ่งช่อง: สำหรับผม แต่เป็นคุณสามารถพูดได้ว่า "ซาตานบันทึก" และจากนั้นคุณ ซ่อนตัวเองเช่นเป็นคนขี้ขลาดหลังภาพของเซนต์ Bartolo Longo ที่เขาเป็นเมื่ออายุของคุณเขาเป็นนักบวชลัทธิวูดูของซาตาน ... ชอบคุณ?
[[ซีเรีย อิสระสองบาทหลวงออร์โธดอก ANSA.it - 4 วันที่ผ่านมา]] .. แต่ คุณต้องขุด: กับความดื้อรั้นที่ดีที่จะได้พบกับข่าวนี้ "ซ่อน" ในสื่อยิวระหว่างประเทศ: Bildenberg ของระบบก่ออิฐของธนาคาร Seigniorage [[ซีเรียลักพาตัวบาทหลวง; ยังที่: เอเธนส์: ไม่ได้: ปลดปล่อยยืนยัน ANSA.it - 3 วันที่ผ่านมา: สังฆมณฑลอาเลปโปติดต่อกับสอง Archbishops ร์โธดอกซ์ไม่มี]] เคอร์รี่กล่าวว่า'' ผมพูดเมื่อเช้านี้: จากที่นี่ด้วยนาทานนาฮูและเขาบอกผมว่ามันก็ไม่อยู่ในฐานะที่จะยืนยัน . นี้เป็นกระบวนการของพวกเขา: อีเมล์: ขึ้นอยู่กับพวกเขาเช่นและเมื่อพวกเขาต้องการที่จะทำและมันก็ไม่ได้: กับฉัน: ทำให้ประกาศ ดังนั้นผมไม่ทราบว่า''! บางที อาจจะหมายถึง (แต่พี่หมายความว่าคำพูดนี้?): ถ้าคุณต้องการที่จะบุกซีเรียด้วยการใส่ร้ายเช่นคุณได้บุกเข้ามาแล้วอิรัก ด้วยการใส่ร้ายคนอื่นแล้วทำเช่นนั้น แต่ คุณไม่ได้ทำลายไก่: ให้ฉัน!
@ เบนจามินนาทานนาฮูตี --- ที่มีอาวุธนิวเคลียร์ในวันนี้เหมือนกันทั้ง 50 ประเทศอิสลามก็เป็นโอกาสเดียวที่คุณมีความสามารถในการช่วยอิสราเอล
@ --- เบนจามินนาทานนาฮู แต่นี้เป็นจริง: มีมากขึ้น: ไฟต์ แต่มีโครงการที่: ล็อบบี้ชาวยิวและอำนาจลึกลับอิฐ: กองทุนการเงินระหว่างประเทศ FED 666, ระบบ: นรกเผด็จการอำนาจกองทุนการเงินระหว่างประเทศ, Bildenberg, และ ทุกทิศทางที่ซ่อนของพวกเขา (วิทยาศาสตร์สูงสุดของวิศวกรรมสังคมและทุกผูกขาด SpA ทั้งหมดที่อยู่ในมือ: จาก Rothschid เท่านั้น) ในลักษณะนี้พวกเขาจะ: อีกครั้งตำหนิคริสเตียนสำหรับ: ขุดรากถอนโคน: ความ หายนะกำลังใกล้เข้ามา: ต่อต้านอิสราเอลในระหว่างสงครามโลกครั้งที่สามหายนะใหม่เป็นครั้งเดียวที่ พวกเขาทำ: หลังสงครามโลกครั้งที่สอง เห็นว่ามีการปฏิวัติฝรั่งเศสที่ไม่มากขึ้นอยู่กับนโยบาย: สามารถจะอยู่ภายใต้การควบคุมของชาวคริสต์ในเวสต์! ที่ว่าทำไมพวกฟาริสีและ Salafists: ควรจะพิพากษาให้ตาย! เพราะมีการสนทนากับพวกเขาเป็นไปไม่ได้
[หัวหน้า ศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลกเช่น: กลยุทธ์ของสงครามก้าวร้าว] คือ Islamophobia ทั้งหมด: ธรรมตั้งแต่: ว่า islamists อิสลามสมรู้ร่วมคิดของเราพวกเขานอนหลับอย่าง: สำหรับอาชญากรรม: ว่าอิสลามของพวกเขา: การกระทำ: ทั้งหมด, ตะวันออกกลาง, กับคริสเตียนซึ่งเป็นเหตุผลที่จะมีการกระตุ้นเจ็บปวดจำเป็นฉับพลันและชัดเจน นี้ ชนชั้นปกครองที่เช่นมาถึงข้อตกลงกับผู้ก่อการร้ายโดยไม่ต้องจัดการกับของ เรา: ปัญหาของการเชื่อมโยงกัน: เลวทรามและอาชญากรซับซ้อน: แนวคิดเท็จของ "สันติภาพ" ในขณะที่: หลายมากเกินไปสักขีคริสเตียนบริสุทธิ์ หาสันติภาพของพวกเขาที่สุสาน ใน ความเป็นจริงชาวคริสต์ในดินแดนปาเลสไตน์ (ด้านล่าง, ยัสเซอร์อาราฟัต) ได้มีการหลบหนีค์ไรเดอในขณะที่ชาวคริสต์ที่เหลือพวกเขาจะถูกบังคับให้เป็น dhimmis ทาสวิชา Submitted ยังพวกเขาเพื่อให้กฎหมายอิสลาม แล้วทำไมยุโรปยังคงเป็นศัตรูของอิสราเอลและสมรู้ร่วมคิดของลัทธินาซีชาว ปาเลสไตน์และของทุกประเทศ Islamized ตอนนี้โดยสันนิบาตอาหรับ?
[หัวหน้า ศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลกอิสลามเช่นกลยุทธ์ของสงครามก้าวร้าวและทางตะวันตก: มากขึ้นและความผิดทางอาญา] ขับรถล่องลอยไปตามธนาคารล็อบบี้ชาวยิว: Illuminati: IMF-NWO พวกฟาริสีระหว่างประเทศนายธนาคารที่ได้สาบานความเกลียดชัง, นิรันดร์กับ : คริสต์ผลักดันตัวเองอย่างมากเอาต์: จากอารยธรรม: ยิว - คริสเตียนสำหรับพวกเขาได้กลาย: ศัตรูที่แท้จริงของการอยู่รอดของอิสราเอล เวสต์: อิฐและนรกลึกลับอำนาจ Bildenberg ว่าปฏิเสธคุณค่าของตัวเองและ: ทรยศต่อตัวตนของตัวเองของยุโรปที่ถูกทิ้งร้างไปให้อภัยดังนั้นความผิดทาง อาญาจะเป็น: กลายเป็นคนหูหนวก ... และ ตัวเอง: ตัวเอกกระหายเลือด, สมรู้ร่วมคิด: จากการละเมิดแต่ละเสรีภาพทางศาสนาทั้งขอบนอกของมันทั้งภายในพรมแดนของตน เพราะถ้ามันเป็นเรื่องจริงว่าชาวมุสลิมเป็นพี่น้องของเรา แต่ก็ยังเป็นความจริงที่ว่า,
[หัวหน้า ศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลกของโอบามา] ไม่ยากที่จะหาหลักฐานจากนี้: โศกนาฏกรรมของมนุษย์เป็นภัยพิบัติที่: ภาคภูมิกองทุนการเงินระหว่างประเทศ: ECB FED, ซีไอเอสหรัฐอเมริกาสหประชาชาตินาโตมีความซับซ้อน จาก ความป่าเถื่อนนี้ประชาศาสนาวัฒนธรรมที่มีการปรับตัวลดลง: โลก: อาหรับมุสลิมในเหยื่อคลั่งลัทธิ: อิสลามสุดโต่งและใจแคบ: เผด็จการที่อยู่ในอำนาจ [ความ รับผิดชอบของยุโรป: ตัวประกันตอนนี้ Illuminati Bildenber: มันใหญ่] ในการประหัตประหารอย่างต่อเนื่องและอย่างต่อเนื่อง: เสียหน้าทุกวันว่าคริสเตียนทั้งหมดภายใต้ระบอบการปกครองแบบอิสลามและในทุก สิ่ง: ตะวันออกกลางพวกเขาจะถูกบังคับให้อาศัยอยู่และต้องทนทุกข์ทรมานเพราะ: ยุโรป ป่วยจากนี้: relativism ตาบอด: มีความคิดที่ดีของวัฒนธรรมหลากหลายที่อย่างไรก็ดีไม่สามารถรู้: โดย: แนวคิดของความสัมพันธ์ซึ่งกันและกัน
[โอบามา และการสูญเสียแผนของเขาของชาวคริสต์และชิในตะวันออกกลาง] ก่อนชัยชนะของอาหรับและชาวมุสลิมในศตวรรษที่สิบเจ็ดคริสเตียนที่สร้างขึ้น, 95% ของประชากรของทะเลเมดิเตอร์เรเนียน: ทิศใต้และทิศตะวันออกของทะเลเมดิเตอร์เรเนียน แต่วันนี้ที่มีน้อยกว่า 12 ล้านได้ลดลง, แรงน้อยกว่า 6% แน่นอนในปี 2020 จะไม่มีคริสเตียนในตะวันออกกลาง! ตั้งแต่สงครามโลกครั้งที่หนึ่ง: 10 ล้านคริสเตียนได้ถูกบังคับให้อพยพ นี้ เป็นหลักฐานของซาตานและ: ทารุณทางอาญา dell'imbarbarimento ไม่เพียง แต่ของสันนิบาตอาหรับ แต่เหนือสิ่งอื่นใดสมรู้ร่วมคิดของเขา Freemasons พวกฟาริสี, Illuminati, Bildenberg พลังลึกลับซึ่งมีเงียบ รัฐประหาร: เข้ามากุมอำนาจ: ในทุกประชาธิปไตยเท็จอิฐ: ธนาคาร Seigniorage
1 [คริสตจักร (คริสเตียน martyrs) ถูกรังแกในตะวันออกกลาง: ไป: ทำหัวหน้าศาสนาอิสลามทั่วโลก] 2 [คริสตจักร (คริสเตียน martyrs) ถูกข่มเหงทั่วทุกมุมโลกนี้: ภาคภูมิของพวกฟาริสี: อิฐในระบบ: สำหรับ Seigniorage ธนาคารที่จะเป็นทาสของมนุษย์ทุกคนและจะทำลายอิสราเอล.] 3 [คริสตจักร (สักขีคริสเตียน) จะถูกข่มเหงโดยทุกศาสนาและลัทธิคอมมิวนิสต์ ] เรามีการเป็นพยานกลัวอย่างเพื่อประหัตประหารและการอพยพของชาวคริสต์จากตะวัน ออกกลางซึ่งเป็นชาวพื้นเมืองที่แท้จริงของภูมิภาคเพราะของความคิด: ว่าเป็น satanizzata: เกี่ยวกับศาสนาอิสลาม: จากสันนิบาตอาหรับของเขาและ : ซีไอเอทั้งหมดที่พวกนาซี Islamists นาซีอย่างไม่ผ่อนปรนและล้มเหลวในการเคารพศักดิ์ศรีและสิทธิของความเป็น มนุษย์ ตามที่พวกเขาซ่อนเหตุผลที่แท้จริงว่าทำไมอิสราเอลถูกบังคับที่จะให้ "ยาก" กับชาวปาเลสไตน์@ Youtube - калі хто-то кажа мне: габрэй: арабскім, кітайскім, афрыканскім, і г.д. ..? Вы можаце верыць мне: "Я не ведаю, што гэта можа азначаць?"
[Ротшыльд, я люблю цябе] .. і няма нікога, можа нанесці шкоду Вось, да цябе, калі ты ёсць, са мной! Таму што, для ўсіх: хадзьба быць: на шляху да Бога: гэта пайсці: у Ерусалім для яўрэйскага Храма? Іх грэх не забыты Таксама! Бог не хоча: гэта страшны грэх: з МВФ, і ў вас няма яго, не зрабіў: ён ніколі зноў! Так як ласка Божая на тварах святых Сваіх, а менавіта: на твары таксама! На самай справе, Бог ёсць Абарона: чысціня і нявіннасць All Those: што: вы робіце: як, "дзеці", каб мець права: каб увайсці ў Яго Царства! Сёння: Бог сказаў мне: "быць вам: вам: вы пачнеце: вызваліць Ізраіль. Ад рукі філістымлян" Giudici13, 5.
[Ротшыльд Я дарую табе з усім тваім] .. Зло не можа быць: будучыня або інвестыцый: для тых, хто, на самай справе: зло: не даюць скідкі .. але калі вы хочаце, вы можаце выйсці з цемры з вашай "," зараз: зараз: зараз! "" .. Як вы можаце: па мне! ў вас няма праблем: са мной, таму што, 1. каханне мацней, нянавісці і смерці! Таму што 2. Царства Божае ня можа быць выйграная: па любому не кажучы ўжо пра: калі ён можа быць выйграная: ад лайна Сатаны! (LOL.avi толькі: паглядзець, як яны апранаюцца? Сатаністаў Адчуйце .. прабачце!) 3. Гэта не магчыма выйграць супраць: палітычнае служэньне маё!
@ Ротшыльд ад: IsraelNationalTV .. -> Бог сёння: 27 - студзень 2012: сказаў мне: 1. "І самае галоўнае:" unius Рэй "з'яўляецца ўсім рабом ... Таму што кожны чалавек мае свае правы Ваш .. Вы павінны страціць правы?". Бог сказаў мне: 2. вы ўсё браты: тое, пагарджаць альбо ненавідзець каго-то? сродкі толькі: каб прычыніць шкоду сабе. гэтая непрыгожая гісторыя: з МВФ: і Яго Талмуд, даюць для зла: да Goym; па стане на: Яго Кабала: для тварыць зло: для габрэяў? цяпер, што Бог уваскрэсіў: палітычныя міністэрства: з unius Рэй? Акрамя таго, Вы б у канчатковым выніку: у трагедыі!
@ IHateNEWLAYOUT - Я ведаў, што толькі РАБОТНІК YOUTUBE: Я мог бы ўвайсці на сайт: для, каб даць мне гэты жарт, але я не думаў пра вас, неадкладна. але за тое, што: Робячы выгляд, вы спыніўся: для таго каб быць хрысціянінам? Я б не стаў рабіць зло для вас! і для гэтага: я ўпэўнены, што: Святы Дух таксама з'яўляецца шчаслівым!@ IHateNEWLAYOUT наступным чынам: I (Rei unius) Вызначаецца ў мяне ёсць: для ўсіх сатаністаў Амерыкі: Вам неабходна ўстрымлівацца: ад блюзнерства: і, крывёю: абсалютна (і жывёл): Я ведаю: вампіраў не будзе быць старэй: таксама! калі адзін сатаністы зробіць сур'ёзнае злачынства? Акрамя таго, усе: і яго група: будзе несці адказнасць! Але, на мой царства Палестыне, і г.д.. .. Ні адна група сатаністаў: будуць мірыцца! Я думаю: гэта чуць гэтыя рэчы: што вы ўвайшлі ў мой сайт!
@ 374z3z8 - Томаш былога mistafield: афіцыйны спамер з YouTube: ЦРУ з --->. @ IHateNEWLAYOUT - толькі вам: я шукаў: Томас: ЦРУ: сьвятар сатаны! Вы павінны ведаць, што Бартала Лонг, вялікі святы? таксама: ён быў быў сьвятаром сатаны: як вы! Ацаніў: фота: што вы (Томас Mistafield з ЦРУ), якія выкарыстоўваюцца для Вас: Святы Бартала Лонг: Санкт ... .... вядома: у адзін цудоўны дзень: ... Тата абвяшчае таксама: вас: як Сэнт-Томас Mistafield: экс-святар мудак сатаны: але, затым, сталі: міністр Усемагутнага Бога Магутны! таксама: як Санкт-Бартала Лонг .. *** Бартала Лонг быў былы святар Сатаны
[[Толькі ў маім габрэйскім Храме]] ведае іх, як Бог ведае кожнага асобы сэрца. Я не дам у дыскурсе Любое крымінальная, і жорсткія віды дзейнасці: Любы рэлігіі: Любое з ідэалогіі: чаму мужчына больш важна! як, вы толькі ад Бога праўдзівага прыцягвае словы: каханне. "Нянавісць грэх: не грэшніка". Ніхто не без віны: ні без граху. Мая вера не з'яўляецца сляпы, і больш My Heart пп. Прыйдзе дзень: калі нават вы: О, "Кароль майго: сяброў і братоў .. ўсеагульнага братэрства маёй ... ўбачым ісціну: Тыя, хто ў гэтым і: ва ўсіх народаў!што: выйграў права: і прытрымлівацца праведнай,правы, праўды і любові? ведаю, што вы!.Як яны будуць Воіны Бога і словы не пахісне іх. .. але сэрца павінна адчуваць .. царом Ізраіля аб царстве Палестыны
1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] пасля: 5 стагоддзяў рэжыму акультны сёння: права: немагчыма гаварыць аб: сеньяраж: банкаўскім пераводам? не мае: больш сэнсу: такім чынам: канцэпцыя гістарычнай крыніцы: яна: усё, магчыма, былі: схаванае, знішчаныя, маніпуляваць. карумпаваныя, і г.д. ... гэта: сіла: грошы зроблены: з нічога: сатанізм: ідэалагічны:: Кабала: што: атрымлівае: яго: у якасці сваёй мэты: знішчэння: ад: Надзея Ізраіля і знішчыць: усе людзі:: ёсць унікальная рэч напэўна, таму што: Царква: Каталіцкая: (абмяжоўваючыся наступнымі: у Італіі): абвешчаны сьвятым [(а мы ведаем: тое, што: строгасць, "маніякальнай": царквы: каталіцкай: паступіць: кананізацыя)]: 4 з іх дзяцей кроў на рабінаў, але (у той час: ад сораму, шмат: пасля: пасля: 600 непатрэбных адлучэння, і заўважыў:: знішчэнне: сумна вядомы:
2_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] ўсіх каталіцкіх манархій: 4 святых кроў дзяцей: з'яўляюцца: глыбокая пашана былі схаваныя .. змяненне:: канцэсія: працягваць: да:! імшу) .. тое, з'ява не можа быць: найбольш адмоўлена: альбо ад: УСЕ ўсемагутным рэжым: яўрэйская масонская сеньяраж: банкаўскім пераводам: сатанізм: Масонства: Трохбаковая; Bildenberg: Рытуальныя ў Багемская гай: мікрачып: праектаванне: іншаземец: 200000 чалавечыя ахвяры: сатана, з кожным годам .. 160000 хрысціянскіх пакутнікаў: скрытыя ад сродкаў масавай інфармацыі: на іўрыце: кожны год ... і г.д. ... з'яўляюцца: толькі: пакрыццё:: рэальнасць: што: перавышаць: жах: хто: не можа быць ўстойлівага: ад:: чалавечы розум: і на самай справе: у радку: з імі, Талмуд? іх: мужчын: але: гэта монстры!
3_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш], што тэхнікаў: ЦБ: бюракраты: наднацыянальных інстытутаў: Еўрапейскага Саюза: людзі, якія:: ад: Цагляны, і што: у каго: абраны! нацыі толькі на літасць авечак: воўк: калі грошы зроблены: з нічога не робіцца: каб блакаваць 270% ад свайго народа: значэнне. вось: чаму:: гісторыя: быў: адымаецца: да: палітыка: праз:: падставы банка: з Англіі! і мы: на літасць: у агульнай складанасці больш нябачным і наднацыянальных арганізацый: гэта значыць Новага Сусветнага Парадку, што: гэта: сатанізм:: Кабала. [Немагчыма: ісціна: гісторыя: як: унікальная сістэма FMI: і ніжэй: манаполія: Іўрыт: абсалютная] па: 03facchini_rito: [[Вялікадня: кроў]] [[падзагаловак: габрэяў Еўропы: і: рытуальных забойствах .]] "выпадак: Тоаффа", гэта значыць: цэнзура: сына рабіна: Кіраўнік: Тоафф?
4_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш,] гэта: кніга адрасах: смела:: з найбольш спрэчных пытанняў у: гісторыя габрэяў Еўропы: [па: 03facchini_rito]; Чытанне: без: забабон: матэрыял: старажытныя гэтага працэсу, і : некалькі іншым: святло: Найбуйнейшы: сітуацыя: еўрапейскія: і: і:: радкі: веданне габрэйскіх тэкстаў, аўтар: кажучы: у святло: сэнсы і рытуалы: лячэбныя: кроў: у : культура: габрэйскі, чакаць: да: высновы, што, у прыватнасці: для юдаізму: Ашкеназі, абвінавачванне ў крыві не было: заўсёды вынаходства. [У масонская сістэма: універсальныя:: 1. адзін: МВФ: Новы сусветны парадак? Канцэпцыя даследаванні: гістарычныя і навуковыя? ! Смешна] Тоафф некалькі разоў паўтарае, што: яго: даследаванне навуковага, бесстаронняга: асоба: да: прадэманстраваць:
5_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш], калі: у: канфесій сярэднявечнага габрэяў, вы можаце: рэканструяваць дадзена: што рэальнасці: гэта: проста: садавіна: ўяўная: праследавацеляў. Жадаючы: заключыць, што: забойства, адзначаецца ў абрад Вялікадня, яны не былі: толькі: міфы, гэта значыць перакананні: рэлігійныя: распаўсюджванне: і: структураваныя: так: больш альбо: менш: Узгодненыя, але: а: актуальныя абрады : іх арганізаваных груп, а таксама: формы глыбокай пашаны: на самай справе: практыка: мы: пад назвай::: паслухмяны: асцярожнасць: Метадалагічныя. З'ява,: адзін раз: даказана: беспамылкова:: яе: там павінны быць: размешчаны: у кантэксце: гістарычныя, рэлігійныя і сацыяльныя, а таксама: што: серада: Геаграфічна, дзе: ён: знойдзена: меркавана: выраз з: яго: ўласныя характарыстыкі па: 03facchini_rito
6_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? з'яўляецца: горш] непаўторныя ў іншых месцах (12-13 ).[.? Кабала? ..] Маем: майце на ўвазе: што: у: габрэйскія абшчыны: мова: нямецкі: з'ява, калі: захоплівае, яна будзе: абмежаваны: да: ад груп: дзе народныя традыцыі, што: час было: абыходзіцца: O: замяніць:: становішча: рытуалу: Габрэйская Галах, а таксама: укаранелыя звычкі, і прасякнутыя магічных элементаў: алхімія, выйшла замуж: смяротны кактэйль: з фундаменталізмам: рэлігійнае гвалт: і: агрэсіўныя (13). Абрадах юдэяў:: істоце абвінавачвання: кроў: паўстанне: яўрэі-Ашкеназі. Вы можаце: да: гэта: кропка заключыць, што: кроў дзіцяці, сухое, а таксама: у прыватнасці: хрысціянскія дзеці, як: [па: 03facchini_rito]
7_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? з'яўляецца: горш] кровоостанаўліваюшчае: у: абразаньне, і г.д. ... бачыў: незацікаўленасць ў ім: нават: ад:: пераўтвораных габрэяў, у іншых адносінах пратэз: зганьбаваць: юдаізм, гэта:: хімера: і:: тэндэнцыйнае: вынаходства інквізітары, апантаных крывёю, альбо: самі габрэі , напалоханыя: катаванні: і: ці гатовыя: калі ласка: слепа: каты. Але: гэта: гэта будзе:: выснова: не так: і: ўвесці ў зман: (97). Яшчэ б: у: традыцыі: кабалістычныя. Цікава, аднак, адкрыць для сябе: што:: прапаную: гэта: Шлях: такі: дакладна: князь біскуп Hinderbach стваральніка: працэс: е: аб: інстытуцыяналізацыя: глыбокая пашана Найсвяцейшай: Simonino. е: на: следзе: Hinderbach і: з: апалагетычныя крыніц: каталіцкія: што: у: Кабала
8_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] ўбачыў: больш няяснымі аспекты юдаізму: і: яе абрадаў. Кіраўнік 8 прысвечана: да: свята Пурым, а таксама: месца: адзін: два: Функцыя: шоў: usiof: гвалт у: ўдзельнік: ": лёс", а таксама: шоў:: зачыніць: Падлучэнне: паміж: і Пурым: Песах. Па-другое, вялікі: Антраполаг: Англійская: Джэймс Джордж Фрэзер, што Хрыстос памёр: у той час: ён уяўляў: Аман ("бог" смерці) у драме Пурым, у якім: (Ісус) Вараву, у два разы даражэй Ісус: з Назарэт, было: выступалі:: частка: Мардэхай: (Бога: што: падымаецца). У мадэлі "бог" (кажучы: ніжні рэгістр: за непавагу да суду), што: памірае: і: адрадзіцца, агульныя:: усё: зачыніць, на ўсход, будзе Аман:: смерць (: сіла: сакрэт: Талмуд і кабалістычныя: зліліся ў сеньяраж: банк)!
9_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] і: Мардэхай:: жыццё, у той час:: свята, Пурым будзе: яўрэйская рытуальная смерць: і: Уваскрасенне. Перамяшчэнне: ад: наступным чынам: разгледзець, выкажам здагадку, што ў мінулым: габрэяў, кульмінацыяй: партыі, былі: касцюм, каб зрабіць: да: памёр чалавек з плоці і касцей, а таксама: што: Ісус быў : было: укрыжаваны ў гэтым: кантэкст, які прадстаўляе: трагічная міністрам Артаксэркса: і: закляты вораг Ізраіля (131-132). і: яшчэ не акрыяла Фрэйзер, Тоафф прапануе: чай: тэзіс, што: цыркулююць: у: па-першае: сучасную эпоху, складае: ад: гістарычныя царквы: Сакрат: Scholastic, у: як сказана: выпадак: зверскае забойства: дзіця: Крысціян адбылося: Inmestar ў Сірыю: на працягу 415:: Свята Пурым (133). [Па: 03facchini_rito]
10_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? з'яўляецца: горш] У: Тоафф гэтым: Падзея: мае "ўсе атрыбуты: праўдзівасці", але: не тлумачыць чаму. Выпадак: Inmestar вырабляецца: след: ва ўзросце 415: Хрысціянства, таксама звязаны з: да: да: Бры-Конт-Рабэр з 1191-92 (134), структурна: розныя, каб паказаць: што: калі:: Свята Пурым, яўрэі маглі б: забойства: Крысціян: па: працэс рытуал чай: запал: (135). Затым, несучы: некалькі прыкладаў пагарды: па адрасе: Вера: Хрысціянін - правапарушэння: да: вобразы Мадоны, альбо: формы: разнастайныя: Блюзнерства: - служыць: па адрасе: Тоафф пабудаваць:: тлумачэнне: "навуковы". : Тое ж самае: гэта значыць: па чале 12, з важным: назву: "Мемарыяльны: ад: запал" (173-188). Кіраўнік адкрываецца: усталёўка: у цэнтры:: галасы абвінавачаных, відаць, што: яны: з'яўляюцца, у адпаведнасці з: Тоафф, [па: 03facchini_rito]
1 1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] надзейны, поўны: падрабязная інфармацыя аб: тым, што: ёсць: неадкладны адказ: у: рэальнасць. Акрамя таго: тут гэта азначае: крыніцы доказаў: індыкацыя: ёсць шлях: дзе Тоафф: ёсць:: Пытанне: У параўнанні з дэвізам: "г: ха-плаціны" .. (Гэта: гэта кроў), што: у: Вялікдзень Агады, тэкст: што: абвяшчае: падчас:: вячэру: Вялікдзень, будзе выглядаць так: размешчаны: у: Спіс з: дзесяць пакаранняў смерцю. Але архітэктары працэсу: [(у нас ёсць: гэта: дзіця памёр ад страты крыві, і гэта: архітэктары працэсу: прытворства: што: ігнараваць:: цэласнасць царквы: каталіцкай: у: фарміраванне афіцыйных дакументаў)] былі: трэба:: фразу, што: даюць: сэнс рытуалу па-рознаму, былі: неабходнасць: з: прапанова: "г: Qatan гоя шель ха-дамба", гэта значыць: "гэта: гэта Кроў дзіцяці:. хрысціянскі "[By: 03facchini_rito]
12_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш]: фразу, што: Тоафф не атрымоўваецца: да: Знайсці: ні ў якім: крыніца: е: гэта: гэта: патлумачыў: наступнае: больш:: прапанова: суддзі: Вольфганг: -! прыпісваючы: да: традыцыі : вусны. : Апавяданне: у гэтай чале: яна хаатычна, яна змяшчае: шмат дадзеных назапасілася, не заўсёды лёгка: сінтэзаваць. З аднаго боку: Тоафф: лічыць: сапраўднай: існаванне яўрэйскага рытуалу: дзе:: б.у.: кроў дзіцяці: хрысціянін. Але: яна кажа нам, заўсёды раблю: маўленне:: агіяграфічнай крыніцы, гэта не абрад прызнаў: ад: усе габрэі, будзь то: па: усе габрэі-Ашкеназі. Гэта: гэта: кропка:: ўявіце: існаванне невялікай групы, так званыя "фундаменталісты" Ашкеназі, што: будзе: трансляцыі: рытуал у форме: сакрэт, аральны, для абраных. [By: 03facchini_rito]
13_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] Таксама: у гэтым: калі: ёсць: падазраванага: што: суддзі хацелі: устаўка, у артыкуле: абвінавачваньне ў рытуальным забойстве, што: ад: змова: Габрэйская, што: яна была ўжо: быў : выкарыстоўваецца: у перыяд: ад: чумы [6] ... што: ёсць: выкарыстаць:: цэнзура: супраць:: гістарычныя: габрэй? Гэта: гэта: больш за: злавеснае прадвесце: рэжым: банк: і: масонскія: дзе: гэта бескарысна любой форме: з пункту гледжання трываласці: як ён: сказаў Томас сустрэліся: YouTube: як: Mistafield: гэта значыць для мяне гэта: спамер службовай асобы: ЦРУ. Знойдзена: што, сапраўды: кожны цэнтр: магутнасць: O: клікі: масонскія: (: усіх узроўняў), ні адзін: выключэнне, ёсць: на дадзены момант: немагчымасць (sic. ..), каб выйсці: цяперашні "сістэмы: злачынец »пра: грошы: абавязак, бо самі з'яўляюцца ахвярамі [слёзы кракадзіла]
14_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] і: каты, але: ўсё: саўдзельнікаў, «сістэма» планетарнага з: Банкі: Цэнтральны, да такой ступені, што гэта немагчыма: кажу: меркаванні: грамадскасці: трансферт эмісійны даход банкаўскай дзейнасці. * Зацікавілі: што для: выжыванне людзей, аднак, адно: альтэрнатывы: вы: практыка: знайсці: е: у сціслыя тэрміны. З вялікай "боль і: стомленасць" у: deiverbumdei.blogspot.com. , Вы зможаце: спробы некаторых: рашэнне ... [Таксама: калі: я: я ня мог быць больш ...] лічацца: што SIMEC, валюта, мясцовыя, прафесар Джачинто Auriti [пасля: ён узначальваў адно: шчаслівы сезон: прагрэс: і распрацоўка: у: шчаслівае: Guardiagrele раней: на жаль пакутуе: па: зло: самазабойства: па: Доўг: неплацежаздольным] быў, паслядоўна выведзеныя: падбухторвання: Банк: Італіі: за кошт: фармальнасць: прававыя ..
15_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] загадам: ад: Вярхоўны суд, таму што:: грошы: з народа, абвешчаныя незаконнымі. Чаму: да: гэта: кропка:: Канстытуцыя і: жыццё ўсіх людзей: яна стала: незаконна! * Майце на ўвазе, што: кожны чалавек мае: доўг-прававы дагавор, аплаціць: 10%: ад: ёй: рэнты: да: БОГ! * Паважаныя сябры: з: хатнія гаспадаркі, прадпрыемствы, Італіі, міру, дарагія: Прафесар Ларэнца UniusREi , дзякуй. Праца з: ад: некалькі гадоў з прафесарам Auriti ... Давайце пагаворым ... Чакаць: прыгожы пацвярджае атрыманне. аб: сучаснасць і: Вашай: дасканалы: супраць: злодзеі: забойцаў. deiverbumdei. BlogSpot. кім ... Калі: ігнараваць сеньяраж трансферт банкаўская справа, ігнараваць гэта: яна на месцы: сюжэт: на вас, ігнараваць усё, што: што: сапраўды: важна!
16_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] з Ігнараваць: афёра: е: злачынствы абразу: веліч, зрабіў гэта: магчыма: ад: і ўсіх палітыкаў: усіх журналістаў: яны: карумпаваныя! На самай справе, эмісійны даход банкаўскай трансферт, не толькі гэта: складае: нябачны: у два разы даражэй за ўсё: грошай у звароце: у свеце, але: зрабіць: нават нябачныя:: крымінальныя арганізацыі, якія:: выкарыстоўвайце! Вы адзін: што «разлічвае», і вы многае: магутнасць: у: нашы: грамадства? Вядома, вы напалохаць: таму што, як ён кажа: Томас Mistafield: сьвятар Сатаны, "ўсякае супраціў бескарысна!", Але, калі: у вас ёсць дух, патрыятычны і не здрадзілі:: Канстытуцыя: прысягай: Масонства . Але калі вы спрабуеце мець:: адказы: O: рабіць: што-то, і: то: што: тэрор прыйдзе на вас! Вы зразумееце, што: 1 - мы больш не можам нічога зрабіць! 2 - Вы не ў рахунак!
17_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] Міністр: англійская мова: Бенджамін Дизраэли: было: казаць: "мір кіруецца:: зусім розных персанажаў: альбо: уявіце сабе: тыя: чый вачэй не даходзіць: вакол:: сцэны". Але, як: вы можаце: ўцёкі: па адрасе: чорт вазьмі, вы, якія:: прададзена: Суверэнітэт народу: што: у вас было: абараняць? Вы тут: спакойнае, таму што вы ёсць: сяброўства Архірэйскага? "І яшчэ: хто выратуе біскупаў?" : Біблія: гэта: Лі: Да: асуджаем ўсё! Сатаністы ў ЗША, адносяцца::: у раздзеле: Secret Service: Персанал: высока: спецыялізаваныя і матываваныя: і: надзейны! З боку: яны, сатаністы з'яўляюцца: шмат: узбуджаны, таму ведаюць, як: іх: ўмяшанне: у гісторыі, гэта: ужо вырабляюць: па часу, незваротных наступстваў!
18_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] Не думаю: што: Fly: нізкая! Дзякуючы: праф Джачинто Auriti навуковец, мы маем: вышэйшая навуковае узроўняў у той час як: мець пры сабе: наперад: нашы: дысертацыя! Не думаю, што мы: ляцець! Дзякуючы:: праф Джачинто Auriti Вучоны, ш: я да:: больш: навуковыя высокага ўзроўню ў той час як: з'яўляюцца: Прывядзенне наперад нашых тэзісаў! Таму што самыя высокія вяршыні: піраміда: сатаністы: масонскія: мне баяцца? Чаму: esperienza з: вера! Чаму ты не баішся? Чаму вы: несвядомае! Гадзіннік бездапаможна, па адрасе: вашыя: няшчасьця! Вы можаце альбо: уявіце сабе, што: што: вы сутыкнецеся: у: будучыня! Ці будзе гадзіны бездапаможна, па адрасе: вашы няшчасьця! Не магу нават уявіць сабе: што будзе: да: асоба: у сваю будучыню!
19_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] Я бачу: справа: Хрыста, і ў той дзень: Яго: Твар: ня будзе так: Сёння ўсе спагады! У той дзень будзеце пакутаваць "гнеў Божы", гэта значыць яго: дасканалая рэйтынг! Мяне, я буду трымаць яго: страўнік: ад: смактаць, але: я абяцаю: што: я не страціць яе шоў! Убачыце: я да:: правая Хрыста і ў той дзень свой твар: не будзе: як і сёння, усё, шкада! У той дзень будзеце пакутаваць "Гнеў Божы", То ёсць яго / яе ідэальным рашэннем! Я буду падтрымліваць мяне: з страўніка: агіду, але я абяцаю, вы не страціце, што я: I:: шоу! "Калі людзі ведаюць: хто: Біблія, не адрываецца: фізічна: па: ВАС, альбо: на дадзены момант!" Ларэнца. Гэта, кажа ён: ': ДУХ: Святы
20_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? з'яўляецца: горш] з: 2-я Летапісаў: 30: "Тады цар, Эзэкіі, паслаў да ўсіх Ізраілем, каб прыйсці: да: дом Госпада ў Ерусалім, каб: святкаваць:: Вялікдзень: у гонар Госпадзе ... На самай справе, у мінулым: ён: не было: было: адзначаецца: да: генеральны, па-другое: як гэта прадпісана, у адпаведнасці з: парадку: Госпадзе, сказаў: "Дзеці Ізраіля, вяртанне: Гасподзь Бог: Абрагама, з тым каб: Ён вяртаецца да рэшты, што: вас выжылі: па: рукі цара Асірыйскага. Не быць: як бацькі вашыя: вашы браты, што: ёсць: змяніла Госпада Бога бацькоў сваіх, па сутнасці: што: ён ім: дадзеныя ахвярай: запусценне, як вы бачыце. Зараз, не жорсткая: ваш: шыя, як: вашы бацькі, дат:: ручны: Госпадзе, прыйдзі: Яго Храм, што:
2 1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] Ён свяціцца: назаўсёды, і: служыць: Гасподзь, Бог твой, бо: Яго: заўзяты: гнеў выходзіць па: Вас. На самай справе, хоць: таму: да Госпада, і вашыя браты: Вашы дзеці будуць: пабожнасьць па адрасе: тых, хто: у іх: заняволеныя, а таксама: вяртанне: у гэтым: краіна, таму што Гасподзь літасьцівы: і: не атрымаецца : Яго: Асоба, хоць: вы вернецеся: да: HIM. Затым, вялікія людзі, сабраліся ў Ерусаліме, каб адзначыць: Вялікдзень,: сьвята праснакоў, быў: Асамблея: велізарная. Роўз: і: выдаленыя: вуліцы: алтары, на якіх прапануюцца: ладан, як: камяні: кінуты: у раўчуку: Кедрон. Затым яны прыносілі ў ахвяру: Бараніна: Вялікдзень. Святары: лявіты, якія прымалі ад: сорам,
22_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] былі: асвяцілі, прапануюцца: спалены: у: дом Гасподні: і: занятыя: месца: занятыя: на іх: Закон: Майсея, чалавека Божага святароў былі: паклёп: кроў, што : атрымаў: ад: рукі лявітаў ... але: кароль, Эзэкія памаліўся за тых, хто не атрымаецца: да: ачысціць і: сказаў: "Госпадзе, што: добра, прабачце, хто: ці мае: пры ўмове: ваша: сэрца: да: Пошук Бога Госпада, Бога бацькоў сваіх, хоць: няма: ёсць:: ачыстка: запыт: ад сьвятыні "Гасподзь пачуў Эзэкіі. і: дараваў людзей. Так што з вялікай: радасць: і: сем: дзён, і лявітаў: сьвятары адзначылі: Гасподзь з інструментамі, каб суправаджаць асвячоны:: яго, хвалеце. Эзэкія гаварыў да сэрца ўсім лявітам, што: паказалі: вялікая: інтэлект на службе: Госпада:
23_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] і: сталі: стравы падзякі: праслаўляючы Госпада, Бога з іх, бацькі ... Так што было: вялікая радасць у Ерусаліме, як: быў там: ніколі не было: дні Саламона, быў, калі-небудзь: нічога падобнага: у Ерусаліме. Затым сьвятары: Лявітаў паўстала: і: шчаслівымі людзей, а таксама:: іх голас быў пачуты, і:: іх: ўзышла малітва: да: неба, да: да: Санта: галоўная: Спадарства . Бывае: Т: IS: што адбываецца: да: МЯНЕ? : ШТО: Вы прачыталі, ІНШЫЯ: Вы разумееце? - "Калі: людзі ведалі: хто ETHE: Біблія, не адрываецца: фізічна: па: ВАС, альбо: на дадзены момант!" Lorenzo.parlo: людзі: баран: «дояць, стрыжанага: і: еў!" Дысацыяцыя: масонства, ад мафіі, ад: сем з Любыя аб'яднання і што ён належыць: чай: варожа: Сатана і ад азначае мікра: чэк.
24_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] Якія хочуць: ставіць вышэй:: і ў лоб: правай рукой .* нас, Нябесная акругаў, Canon абяцаў вам: жыццё, але не: пазбягаць: пакуты, якія:: сярэдняе Адкупленне, але і: трансфармацыя ў: паглынаць: зло: мір, а таксама: змена: яго / яе ў каханні: і памілавання. * * * Здзелкi з пераходам ад: частка Бога і Любоў! Яна змяняе лінію: уверх, яна праходзіць ад: частка Бога, і добра: 1 -. "У вас будзе:: хлеб і чай: застрахаваную вада» гэта Слова Божае, 2 -. Вас чакаюць:: Магутная абарона чалавека - Зыход 23,28 Гасподзь абяцае вам: "Я пашлю: шэршні перад вамі, і яны сышлі з вашага прысутнасці:: Эвэяў: Хананэяў, і: хеттов. "3 -. у: Магутны духоўная дапамогу чалавеку ўнутранага вызвалення, што Вы атрымаеце: і вы кансалідаванага:
25_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] забаўляльныя Вам у: змесціва сваіх сайтаў .* увогуле, для ўсіх, больш: не можа быць: запаветная! * Патрабаванні: Юрыдычныя і асноўныя працэдуры: да: зрачыся:: Установы: вораг і: вярнуцца да: валоданне яго / яе ўласнай свабоды: 1. Формула: ўрачыстыя прысягі і няспраўнасці: ці ісьці: з: глыбіні вашага сэрца (калі вы не верыце: у Бога клянецца, што гэта ад Вас саміх і Вашых дзяцей), затым дадаць Любое заяву, што вы хочаце, каб : выкладзеных, у тым ліку: да: Ці будзе 2. Калі мы: пашле ваш сакрэтны код: выкарыстанне алгарытму W: W: неадкладна знішчыць: усе сляды: з вашай асобы. Ваша заява па адрасе: або прыкладанні: прымяненне вашым далучылася (у дамах смерці) вас: можа быць: зроблена: грамадскасць нашай асацыяцыі
26_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] можа быць: выстаўлены на:: магістратуры. Не можа быць: Выключаныя,: выпадкі пакарання за злачынствы, учыненыя зніжкі да:: дысацыяцыі. Са свайго боку, мы: не магу не:: з сакрэт: усярэдзіне: дзірка, згодна з:: канонаў: кананічныя і права на больш за: ш: Валодаюць каму-то няма: спасылка: вашу асобу, што да :: акцыі: выпуск: аб: Сакрэтны код: Вы: руйнуецца. Вы знаходзіцеся:: адзіны чалавек, адказны: ад: захоўванне: Сакрэтны код: разам з намі. Звярніце ўвагу, што .. Калі: ўрачыстыя прысягі, не будзе: праведзены здавальняючым: інтэграцыя будзе: У якіх спытаў: прызначэнне робіць: відавочныя яму: жыць: у: Законнасць у: добрае,: пазбягаць: Забабоны і у: ўцёкі: ад: сімвалы сатанінскага як сярэдняе мікра: Puce-Вери-чып або чыпы у: правай рукой.
27_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? з'яўляецца: горш] monarchiabancaria. BlogSpot. кім ... Бог схаваны, таму што яно: быць: знойдзена: True. altervista. COM / .. сайт: каля 600 хрысціян закатаваны ў дзень (крыніца: SOCCI) на сайце. Tiscali. EN / пакутнікаў ... Тут ёсць: адна: адзін з нас: "666" (ззаду: Тэхніка: электроніка: прапанова: ад нашых сяброў чужы: што дэманы!), Што: шмат: а менавіта: ці мае: апісаны: Apocalypse: 2000 гадоў назад! было: тэставанне: "Вы гатовыя: да: прымаць?" .. "Смерць і: жыццё: вы вырашыць: велізарныя дуэль!" Тут, у двух словах:: сітуацыя: фінансавая: у свеце: 1 - "асвечаны", або: верхняе: сатанінская, з'яўляюцца 60 сем'яў (больш чым на габрэйскіх банкіраў), а менавіта: 50%: маса: Грашовая бачныя ў свет! як? Ад:: калекцыя: доўг: грамадскае: [падаткі 100%]
28_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] і: за кошт:: карпарацыі, манаполіі энергіі, хіміі, зброі, аб: банкі! 2 - ёсць: таксама: у два разы, за ўсё:: масавыя валютнага відаць у свеце. як? Змесціце: у мінулым:: папера: каляровыя: (грошы) у прафіцыт: дзяржаўныя аблігацыі: што: урад пытанняў: плаціць за:: нататкі: е: так блізка: бюджэт:: нуль [эмісійны даход банкаўскай трансферт : іншыя: 100%]! 3 -: вынік: гэта тое, што: "60 сем'яў сатаністаў: ўваходзяць: тры: чвэрці (3 / 4) у цэлым:: Магутнасць: фінансавыя, і: інстытуцыйныя і масонскіх: мір" ВЫСНОВА: ЛЮДЗІ (нябачны, як: эмісійны даход банкаўскай трансферт), каля аднаго мільёна: сатаністы-масоны, мае: Факт: кантроль: нашы: планеты. Свет не мае: няма будучыні! Такім чынам, падрыхтуйцеся: узяць з сабой: мікра: чып!
29_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? з'яўляецца: горш] падрыхтоўкі: для вас, мае: усярэдзіне: вашыя: Прозвішча, імя, код, далей ідуць: "666". Гэта: зробіць вас бионические, а таксама: замяніць: ваш: папера крэдыту: і: фота: у банку, і г.д. ... М. А.: У: Кніга Адкрыцьцё: што: ці мае: гаварылі пра гэта: у кожнай дэталі: Тэхнічныя: ужо: 2000 гадоў таму, вы на нябёсах, гэта "рэч", вы не можаце ўвайсці. Гэта азначае, мікра: марка чыпа: звера: і: мы: побач у апошні раз! "Смерць: і: Vita: вы вырашыць: велізарныя дуэль Госпада. Жыцця была смерць, але цяпер я жыву. Трыумф" Паслядоўнасць: Вялікдзень: Гэта азначае дакумента: было: прызначаны: напісана:: публікацыі: дзень: Вялікдзень: Гасподзь: 23 сакавіка 2008 г.: Час працы: 6.40. У імя Іешуа: Ха Машиах Notzri і: да гонару ў сувязі з: да: яму: Ісус зь Віфляема ... П. Піо сказаў: "Як шкада, нашы браты не супадаюць: каханне: Ісус
30_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] з Перайсці: зброю адкрыта: сумна вядомы: мноства: ад: масонства! ": Купал сатаністаў (у асноўным, больш, чым габрэйскіх банкіраў) паспрабуйце: забойства: іх: браты габрэяў: так: шмат: подлы: праз: масонства, карпарацый і г.д. ... працы: малы: ручка: багатыя рабінаў Суер: дасягнуць: у гонар Сатаны: Новы сусветны парадак: гэта праўда: "Урад:. Shadow" сатанізм: Міжнародныя: новыя: ордэн! свету * Новы Сусветны Парадак ", што вельмі мала: яны вырашаюць, іншыя выкарыстоўваюцца для : яны бягуць: і: нарэшце:: большасць: што: ніколі: гэта будзе: што: гэта на самай справе адбылося. »(Нікалас Мюрэй Батлер) *" Ёсць: два: апавяданні: 1 -. няслушна: спецыяліст, 2 -. тайну, у якім знаходзяцца:: дакладна: прычыны:: гісторыя: сорамна. "Х. Дэ: Бальзак:
3 1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшыльд? гэта: горш] * "! SpA, друк: грошы (эмісійны даход: банкаўскія трансферт), калі:: такі: плаціць: і: патрабуецца: добра: працэнты (запазычанасць: грамадскасць). і вы: менш:. . рабом, таму што: раб ня ведае яго: майстар ты проста: жывёла несвядомае: як гаворыцца: талмуд [абсурд!] Як можна! ». 03facchini_rito": O: хто-небудзь яшчэ казаць пра ўсё: як .. : чаму: машыны: не можа: хадзіць на: (H2O): і г.д. .. і г.д. .. КАЛІ АДЗІН: што хто-то не ведае: тое, што: гэта: HIDDEN: эмісійны даход банкаўскай трансферт і ўсё акультных арганізацый: яна: мае : створаны, калі палітыкі, ён працягваў: ЗНОЎ: да: рабіць выгляд: ШТО ХУТКА дурны? паміраюць:: УСЕ: У 3 ° WW: ядзерных у гэтым выпадку нават Ізраіль будзе страчана?? як: заключаецца ў наступным: што: : Кабала Ротшыльд: моцная!
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
@ Youtube - когато някой ми казва: евреин: арабски, китайски, африкански, и т.н. ..? Можете да ми вярвате: "Аз не знам какво може да означава!"
[Ротшилд, аз те обичам] .. и не е някой, може да навредят Това, за вас, ако сте с мен! Защото, за всеки: ходене да бъдат: по пътя на Бог: да отидете: в Ерусалим: на еврейския храм? Техният грях е забравена! Бог не иска този ужасен грях: на МВФ, и не го правим, не е извършил: никога не отново! От милостта на Бога е върху лицата на Своите светии: а именно, на лицето си! В действителност, Бог е Опазване чистотата и невинността на всички онези, че: правите: като "деца" да бъдат приемливи: да въведете Неговото Царство! Днес Бог ми каза: "ще ви се: вас: вие ще започнете да освободи Израел: от ръцете на филистимците" Giudici13, 5.
[Ротшилд ти прости с всичките ти] .. Злото не може да бъде: а бъдещето или инвестиция: за всеки, в действителност: зло: не дават отстъпки .. но ако искате, можете да се излезе от от вашият Darkness "," в момента: в момента: сега! "" .. Както можете да: от мен! имате никакви проблеми с мен, защото, 1. любовта е по-силен, на омраза и смърт! Защото: 2. Царството на Бога не може да бъде спечелена от всеки, да не говорим, ако той може да бъде спечелена от Сатана лайна! (LOL.avi само: За да видите как се обличат:? Сатанисти Feel .. съжалявам!) 3. Не е възможно да спечелим срещу политически министерството като мина!
@ Ротшилд от: IsraelNationalTV .. -> Бог днес: 27 - януари 2012 г.: ми каза: 1. "Най-хубавото от всичко е:" unius Rei "е роб на всички ... Тъй като всеки има своите права Yours .. Вие трябва да губят правата?" Бог ми каза: 2. всички вие сте братя: презират Или мразя някой? означава само: да се навреди. тази грозна история: на МВФ: и Неговата Талмуд за зло: да Goym, както от: Кабала: за да вършат зло: на евреите? сега, че Бог е повдигнала: политически министерството: на unius Рей? Също така, би ли в крайна сметка: в трагедия!
@ IHateNEWLAYOUT - Знаех, че само един служител на YouTube: Може да влезете на сайта: за да ми даде тази шега, но аз не съм мислил за вас, веднага. но, защото: ви преструва е спряло: Да си християнин? Аз не бих се зло за вас! и за това: Аз съм сигурен, че: Светият Дух е щастлив!@ IHateNEWLAYOUT: I (Рей unius) определя, имам: за всички сатанисти на Америка: вие ще трябва да се въздържат: на светотатство: и на кръвта: абсолютно (също на животни): Знам: вампирите не ще свърши: също! ако, един сатанист ще направи сериозно престъпление? Също така, всичко: Неговата група: ще бъдат държани отговорни! Но в царството на Палестина и др. .. Никоя група не сатанисти: няма да се толерират! Мисля, че това е за да чуе тези неща: че сте влезли в сайта ми!
@ 374z3z8 - Томас бивш mistafield: официален спамър на YouTube: ЦРУ от --->. @ IHateNEWLAYOUT - точно за вас: Търсех: Томас: ЦРУ: Свещеник на Сатаната! Вие трябва да знаете, че Бартоло Лонго, голям светец? : тя беше свещеник на Сатана: като теб! Оцениха: снимки: че вие (Thomas Mistafield на ЦРУ) се използва за вас: Светия Бартоло Лонго: Свети ... .... разбира се: един ден: ... Папата провъзгласява Също така: като Свети Тома Mistafield: бивш свещеник на задник на Сатана, но след това, да стане министър на всемогъщия Бог Мощен! : Свети Бартоло Лонго .. *** Бартоло Лонго е бивш свещеник на Сатана
[Само в моя еврейския храм]] ги знае, тъй като Бог знае сърцето Всеки лица. Аз няма да се предам в дискурса на всякаква престъпна и жестока дейности: Всяко Религия: Всяка идеология: защо човек е по-важно! като са само от Бог е вярно Привлича думи: любов. "Hate грях не грешника". Никой не е без грешка: нито без грях. Моята вяра не е сляпа и повече на сърцето ми вижда. Денят идва, когато дори ви: О, "Цар мой приятели и братя .. универсално братство на моята ... ще видите истината: Тези, които и това: в всички народи!че: Спечелено право и следвайте праведните,правото, истината и любовта? знаете, че ще го направя!.Както те ще бъдат Warriors Бог и думите не ще ги власт. .. но сърцето трябва да се чувстват .. цар на Израел: за царството на Палестина
1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] след: 5 века режим окултни днес е: дясно: невъзможно да се говори за: сеньораж: банкови превод? не разполагат със: по-голям смисъл: по този начин: концепцията на исторически източник:: всичко може да е укрил, унищожени, манипулирани. корумпирани, и т.н. ... е: съдържание: пари, направени от нищо: сатанизъм: идеологически: на: Кабала: че: получава::, като тяхната цел: унищожаване:: Надеждата на Израел и да унищожи всички хора:: е уникално нещо със сигурност, защото: църква: католическа: (ограничени до: в Италия): провъзгласена светии (и ние знаем: до каква: взискателност "маниакална": църква: католическа: продължите: канонизация)]: 4 от тези Децата се обезкървяват чрез равините, но (тогава със срам, много: след: след: 600 ненужни отлъчване и наблюдаваните:: унищожаване: скандален:
2_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо] на всички католически монархии: 4 светци Блед деца:: поклонение са били скрити .. промяна:: концесията: за да продължите: да! каже Маса) .. след това, явлението не може да бъде: най отрече: или от: ВСЯКА всемогъщ режим: еврейската масонска сеньораж: банкови превод: сатанизъм: масонството: Тристранната; Bildenberg: Ритуалът най-бохемски Grove: микрочип: проект: Alien: 200,000 човешки жертвоприношения: Сатана, всяка година .. 160 хиляди християнски мъченици: скрит от медиите: иврит: всяка година ... и др ... са: само: покритие:: реалност: че: да надвишава: ужаса, които: не могат да бъдат устойчиви: от:: човешкия ум и в действителност: в съответствие ги с Талмуда? те са: мъже: но: чудовища!
3_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо], че техниците: централна банка: бюрократите: наднационални институции: Европейският съюз като: хората, които: са: от: Зидария: и, че: Някой има: избран! народите са само на милостта овце: вълк: ако парите: от нищо не се прави: да блокират 270% от своите хора: стойност. тук е: защо:: История: изважда: до: политика: чрез: основаването на Банката на Англия! и ние сме оставени на милостта: общо по-невидими и наднационални организации, т.е. на Новия Световен Ред, че: е: сатанизъм:: Кабала. Е невъзможно: истината: история: като: уникална система от ФМИ и по-долу: монопол: иврит: абсолютна] от: 03facchini_rito: [[Великден: кръв]] [[Подзаглавието: евреите в Европа и: ритуални убийства .]] "случай: Toaff", който е: цензурирани: син: Учителю: Ръководител: Toaff?
4_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо]: книга адреси: смело:: от по-спорните въпроси в: историята на евреите на Европа: [от: 03facchini_rito]; четене:! без: засягат: материал: древни на този процес: : няколко други: светлината на: големина: ситуацията: Европа: и: също: а: ред: познаване на еврейски текстове, автор: отбележете: в светлина: значения и ритуали: терапевтичните: кръв в : култура: еврейски, идващи:: заключението, че, по-специално: за юдаизма: Ашкенази, обвинението на кръв не е: винаги изобретение. [В масонската система: универсална:: 1. : МВФ: Нов Световен Ред? Концепцията на научните изследвания: исторически и научни? ! е смешно] Toaff се повтаря няколко пъти, че: си: изследване е научно, безпристрастно: лице: до: демонстрират:
5_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо], ако:: признанията на средновековните евреи, можете да: реконструират дадена:, че на реалността: тя е просто: плодове: въображаема: на преследвачите. Желаещи да се заключи, че: убийство, се чества в обреда на Великден, те не са само: митове, т.е. вярвания: религиозни: разпространение: и: структурирани: така: повече или по-малко: Последователно, но: по-скоро: действителните ритуали : техните организирани групи и форми на поклонение: наистина: практиката: ние: нарича::: предан: Бъдете внимателни: Методологически. Феноменът: веднъж: доказано: безпогрешно:: нея: трябва да има: поставени в контекста на исторически, религиозни и социални, както и че: околната среда: Географски, където той: намерени: вероятно: изразяване :: собствени характеристики: 03facchini_rito
6_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? ! по-лошо] неповторимо другаде (12-13 ).[.? Кабала? ..] Имаме: имайте предвид, че: в: еврейски общности: език: немски: феномен, когато: хваща, то ще обикновено: ограничен: до: от групи: където народните традиции, че: време: прескочена: O: заменя, както следва:: разпоредби: на ритуала: еврейски halakha и: вкоренени навици и пропити с магически елементи: алхимия, омъжена: смъртоносен коктейл: с фундаментализъм: религиозно насилие: и: агресивни (13). Ритуалите на евреите:: съществото на обвинението: кръв: бунт: Ашкенази евреи. Можете да:: този: точка заключи, че: кръвта на дете, на прах, и: особено: християнски деца, като: [от: 03facchini_rito]
7_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е:! лошо] кръвоспиращ:: обрязване, и т.н. ... видяна: незаинтересованост в него: дори: от:: на преобразуваните евреи, в други отношения протеза: хулят: юдаизъм, е:: химера: и: а: тенденциозни: изобретяването на инквизиторите, обсебен от кръв, или: евреите се ужасена от: изтезания, и желаят да: моля: сляпо: палачите. Но това, че ще бъде:: заключение: погрешно: и: подвеждаща: (97). Разбира се:: традиция: кабалистични. Любопитно е, обаче, да се открият:: подсказват: това: Път:: точно: принц епископ Hinderbach създател: процес: д: на: институционализиране: поклонението на блажените: Simonino. Е:: събуждане: Hinderbach и:: извинение източници: Католически:: в: Кабала
8_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо] зърна: по-неясни аспекти на юдаизма: и неговите ритуали. Глава 8 е посветен: до: празник Пурим и: място: едно: две: Функция: показват: usiof: насилие в: парти: ": съдбата и: покажи:: в близост: Връзка между: и Пурим: Песах. Второ, голям, антрополог: Английски: Джеймс Джордж Фрейзър, Христос умря, докато той е представлявал: Aman (умиране "бог") в драма на Пурим, в които: (Исус) Варава, два пъти цената на Исус: Назарет, е действал:: част: Мардохей: (Бог:: издига). В модела на "бог" (пут: малки букви: за неуважение към съда), че: умира: и: прероден, общи:: всички: в близост, на изток, ще Aman:: смърт (: съдържание: тайна: Талмуда и Кабала: обединени в сеньораж: банка)!
9_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] и: Мардохей:: живот, докато:: празник, Пурим ще бъде: на еврейски ритуал смърт: и: Resurrection. Преместване: от:: помислете, предполагам, че в миналото: евреи, кулминацията на: страна, са: костюмът да направи: да: умира човек в плът и кости, както и: че: Исус е бил :: разпнат в този контекст, представляващ: трагичната министър на Асуира: и: арх враг на Израел (131-132). и все още се възстановява Фрейзър, Toaff предлага: чай: тезата, че: циркулиращ:: първо: на модерната епоха, е: от: историческата църква: Сократ: Scholastic, в: както се казва: един случай: бруталното убийство: дете: Christian случи: Inmestar Сирия: при 415 по време на:: празник Пурим (133). [От: 03facchini_rito]
10_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? ! по-лошо]: Toaff това: Събитие: "всички от украшения: истинност", но: обяснява защо. Случай: един Inmestar направи следа: на възраст 415: Christian, свързани с: на:: Бри-Comte-Robert 1191-92 (134), структурно: различни, за да покаже, че: когато:: празник Пурим, евреи може да убие: християнин: по процеса на ритуал на чай: страст: (135). След това, носейки: няколко примера за презрение: адрес: Вяра: Christian престъпления: на: изображения на Мадоната, или: форми: различни: Богохулство: - служат: в: Toaff за изграждане на:: обяснение: "научен". : Едно и също: това е: за глава 12, с важно: заглавие: "Паметникът на: страст" (173-188). Главата се отваря: настройка: в центъра: гласовете на обвиняемия, вижда, че: те са: според: Toaff, [от: 03facchini_rito]
1 1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо надеждна, пълна:! подробности на:, че: са: незабавен отговор: в на: реалност. Също така: ето, това означава: на източници на доказателства: индикация: е по следния начин: където Toaff::: въпрос: В сравнение с мотото: "Z: ха-язовир" .. (: Е кръвта), че: в: Пасха Хагада, текст: че: гласи: по време на:: вечеря: Великден, ще бъде: поставени:: списък: на: десетте язви. Но архитектите на процеса: [(така че ние имаме:: дете Блед до смърт: и той е: архитектите на процеса: плацебо:: игнорират:: целостта на Църквата: Католически: в: формиране на официални документи)] са: необходимостта:: фраза, която: дайте смисъл ритуал по различен начин, са: необходимостта от: изречение: "Z: Qatan goy Shel ха-язовир", т.е.: "това: кръвта на детето. християнин "[By: 03facchini_rito]
12_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е лошо]: фраза, че: Toaff не успее: да: намерите: във всяка: Източник: д::: обясни: следното: още:: предложение: съдиите: Волфганг: - приписване: до: традиция : устен. : разказ: в настоящата глава: той е хаотичен, той съдържа много прибрана данни не винаги е лесно да: синтезира. От едната страна: Toaff: вярва: вярно: съществуването на еврейски ритуал: където: е: Използвано: В кръвта на дете: Кристиян. Но тя ни казва, винаги правим::: агиографската източници, че не е признат ритуал: от: всички евреи, или от всички Ашкенази евреи. Тя е: това: точка:: представете си: съществуването на група малки, така наречените "фундаменталисти" ашкеназим, че:: излъчване: ритуала във формата: тайна, устни, за малцината избрани. [До: 03facchini_rito]
13_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо]: в това: ако е заподозрян, че съдиите биха искали: вмъкнете в статията: обвинение за убийство ритуал, че: на: конспирация: еврейски, че: тя е вече: : гориво, използвано: в периода на: чума [6] ... че:::: цензура: срещу: а: исторически: евреин? :: Повече от: зловеща поличба: режим: банка: и: масонски: където: Безполезно е каквато и да е форма по отношение на сила:::, казва Томас удовлетворени: YouTube: като: Mistafield: т.е. За мен : спамър служител на ЦРУ:. Намерени: че именно: всеки център: мощност: O: клика: масонски: (: всички нива), нито едно: изключение, са: за сега: невъзможността (sic. ..) да се измъкне: сегашната "система: престъпник ": пари: дълг, както сами по себе си са жертва [сълзи крокодил]
14_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] и: палачи, но: всички: съучастници, планетни на "системата": Банки: Централна, до точката, че е невъзможно: кажете: становище: обществеността: банковата сеньораж transfert. *:, Че за оцеляването на хората, обаче, едно: алтернатива:: Практика: намерите: д: в кратки срокове. С много "болка и: умора": deiverbumdei.blogspot.com. Вие: опитите на някои: разтвор ... [Също: ако: I: не мога да бъда още ...] счита, че SIMEC, валута, местни, проф. Giacinto Auriti [след като той водени от един щастлив сезон: напредък:: развитие: в: щастлива: Guardiagrele преди: тъжно, страдащи от: зло: самоубийство от: дълг в несъстоятелност], последователно оттеглено: подстрекателство: банка: на Италия: чрез технически средства: правни ..
15_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е лошо] със заповед: на Върховния съд, защото:: пари: на хората, обявени за незаконни. Защо::: точка:: Конституция и живота на всички хора: това е станало: незаконната! * Бъдете наясно, че всеки човек разполага с: мита правната договор за плащане: 10%::: анюитети: да: БОГ! Уважаеми приятели на: домакинствата, бизнеса, Италия, света, скъпи: проф. д-р Лоренцо UniusREi , благодарение. Работа: от няколко години с проф. Auriti ... Нека поговорим ... Очаквате: хубаво потвърждава получаването. на: настоящо, и на вашите: ангажименти: срещу: крадци: убийци. deiverbumdei. Blogspot. Видео ... Ако: игнорират сеньоража transfert банкиране, да пренебрегнем факта, че е на мястото си: Парцелът: на вас, игнорирайте всичко: че: наистина важно!
16_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо от Игнорирай:! измама: д: на престъплението обида на царска: величие, извършен: възможно: от: и всички политици: всички журналисти: те са корумпирани! В действителност, transfert сеньораж банковото дело, не само това: прави: невидим: два пъти цената на всичко: пари в обращение в света, но:: дори невидим:: престъпни организации, които:: използвайте! Вие сте едно: че "значение", и вие много: мощност::: общество? Разбира се, ви плаши: защото, както той казва: Томас Mistafield: свещеник на Сатана, "всички съпротива е безполезна!" Но, ако: имате дух, патриотични и не се предадох:: Конституция клетва: масонството . Но когато се опитате да имате:: отговори: O:: нещо, и: тогава: че: терорът ще дойде върху вас! Вие ще разберете, че: 1 - вече не можем да направим нещо! 2 - Вие не се броят!
17_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо] Министърът: английски: Бенджамин Дизраели: е: да се каже: "Светът се управлява:: напълно различни герои:: Представете си: тези:,, чието око не достига: около:: сцени". Но, както можете да: избяга: адрес: по дяволите, вие, които имат: продадени: суверенитета на народа, че сте имали: да защитава? Вие сте тук: тих, защото имате: приятелството на епископите? "И: кой ще спаси епископи?" : Библията:: Li:: осъждане на всички! Сатанисти в САЩ, принадлежат::: раздел: Тайните служби: Персонал: високо специализирани и мотивирани и надеждни! За част: те, сатанисти са много развълнувани, защо са наясно като: тяхната намеса: в историята, е: вече произвежда по време на необратими ефекти!
18_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо, не ли, че:!, че: Fly: ниска! Благодарение: проф. д-р Giacinto Auriti Scientist, имаме най-високите научни нива, докато донесе: напред: нашите: Дипломна работа! Не мисля, че Ние: лети ниско! Благодарение на:: Проф. Giacinto Auriti Scientist, W:::: научни високи нива, докато са: който принася ни дипломни работи! Тъй като най-високите върхове на: пирамида: сатанист: масонски: Аз страх? Защо: esperienza на: вяра! Защо не се страхуват? Защо сте в безсъзнание! Гледайте безпомощно на:: нещастия! Можете да: представете си, че: че ще се изправим в: бъдещето си! Ще часовници безпомощно, за да: нещастия! Дори не може да си представим какво ще има: до: лице: в бъдещето ви!
19_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо] виждам:! право: Христос, и за този ден:: Лице: няма да е толкова: Днес, всичко състрадание! Този ден ще пострадат "Божият гняв", което е: перфектен рейтинг! Аз ще го води: стомаха: от: суче, но обещавам, че: Аз не губят: шоуто! , Ще видите: ме:: право на Христос и този ден Your Face: не ще бъде както днес, всичко, жалко! Този ден ще страдат от "гнева на Бог," Това е неговия / нейния перфектен Решение! Аз ще ме поддържат:: от стомаха: отвращение, но обещавам че няма да загубите That I: I::! "Ако мъжете знаят: кой е: Библията, не излизам: физически: от: ВАС, или: за миг!" Лоренсо. Това, казва той: ": SPIRIT: Светия
20_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? ! по-лошо] от: 2 Chronicles: 30: "Тогава цар Езекия прати човеци по целия Израил, да дойдат: до: дом на Господ в Ерусалим, за да: празнуват:: Великден в чест на Господ ... Всъщност, в миналото:::: празнува:: Общи, второ: като: се предписва, в съответствие с реда: Господ казва: "Децата на Израел, връщане: Господ Бог на Авраам, така че: Той се връща към утайката, че ви е оцелял: от ръцете на асирийския цар. Да не бъде: като: бащите ви: братята си, че: да имат: бил неверен към Господа Бога на бащите си, към точка: че: той ги има данни плячка: опустошение, както виждате. Сега, не схванат: Вашата: врат като: бащите ви; дати:: страна: Господи, идват: Храм, че:
2 1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] Той свети: завинаги, и: служат: Господа, твоя Бог::: пламенен: гняв се оттегли от: вас. В действителност, въпреки че: обратно: Господи, и братята ти: вашите деца ще: благочестие на: тези, които: ги: поробени, и: връщане: в тази държава, защото Господ е милостив, и: не ще се превърне : Неговите: Face, все пак: ще се върне: до: HIM. Тогава, един велик народ, се срещна в Ерусалим да празнуват на Великден, празника на безквасните хлябове, е: събрание: огромна. Rose:: премахнати: ул. олтари, на които предлагат: тамян, както следва: камъни: хвърлен в рекичка: Кедрон. Тогава те жертвуваше: Агнешко: Великден. Свещениците: левитите, които взеха от: срам,
22_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] бяха:! осветен, предлагани: изгорен в: къщата на Господ: и: окупираните: зает на място:: за тях от: закон: Мойсей, човече Божий Свещениците са били: клевета: кръв: : получиха: от ръцете на левитите ... но: царя, Езекия се помоли за тези, които не успяват: да се пречисти и: казал: "Господ, че: добро, прости всеки, който: е: при условие че:: сърце: да: Търсене на Бог Господ, Бог са бащите си, ако: не::: пречистване: искане от светилището "Господ послуша Езекия и: простил на хората. Така с голям: радост:: седем: дни, и левитите: свещениците празнува: Господа с инструментите, които да придружават осветена::: хвала. Езекия говори сърцето на всичките левити, които: показа страхотно: разузнаването в услугата: Господ:
23_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] и: станаха: хранения на благодарност: възхвала на Господа, Бога на тях, бащи ... Така че е голямо веселие в Ерусалим: както беше там: никога не е бил: дни на Соломон, някога е имало нищо подобно на това: в Ерусалим. Тогава свещениците станаха левитите: и: благословен: хора, и:: тях глас се чу, и ги: молитва дойде:: небето, до: до: Santa: начало: на Господ . Се случва: A: Т: Е:, което се случва:: ME? A: Какво: ПРОЧЕТЕТЕ ИМАТЕ ДРУГИ: Разбирате ли? - "Ако човеците знаеха, които ETHE: Библията, не излизам: физически: от: ВИЕ, или: за миг!" Lorenzo.parlo: хора: овце: "доят, остригана: и: изяде!" Неотделими от: масонството, от мафията, от: седем от всяка асоциация и че тя принадлежи към: чай: враждебна: Сатана и от означава микро: проверка.
24_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо] Това ще искат да постави по-горе:: в челото: дясната ръка .* нас, Celestial райони ", Canon ви обещах: живот, но не и да се избегнат: страдания, които са:: означава изкупление, но също така и: Трансформация на до: абсорбира: зло: свят и: промяна: го / я в любов и прошка. * * * Сделки с преминаване от: част от Бог и любовта! Той се променя линия: нагоре, тя преминава от страна на Бога и доброто: 1 -. "Вие ще имате:: хляб и чай: Застрахования вода", това е Словото на Бог, 2 -. Вие ще имате:: Мощна защита лице - 23,28 YHWH Изход ви обещава: "Аз ще изпратя: стършели пред вас, и те ще изпрати далеч от вашето присъствие:: евейците, ханаанците:: хетееца. "3 -. : Мощна духовен човек помощта на вътрешно освобождение, че ще получите и вие ще консолидиран:
25_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: лошо ви забавно:! съдържанието на моите сайтове .* родово, за всички, още: не може да бъде: обещал! * Изисквания: юридически и съществени процедури: до: отричам се от:: Институции: враг и да: се върнете към: притежание на неговата / нейната собствена свобода: 1. формула едно: тържествена клетва и по вина::: дълбочината на сърцето си (ако не вярвате: в Бога, тя се кълне върху себе си и на вашите деца), а след това да добавите Всяка декларация, че вие ще искате да : посочени също: да: Ще 2. Когато Ние: ще изпрати вашия таен код:, с помощта на алгоритъм, W: W: веднага ще унищожи всяка следа на вашата самоличност. Вашият декларация: или за вашето приложение: прилагането на твоя присъедини (в къщите на смъртта): може да бъде: направени публично от нашата асоциация
26_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо може да бъде:! изложени:: магистратурата. Не може да се изключват,: случаи на наказанието за престъпления, извършени отстъпки преди:: дисоциация. От наша страна, ние: съм длъжен:: на тайна: вътре: дупка, Според:: от каноните: канонично и надясно за повече: W: разполагат с някои не:: на вашата идентичност, това да :: на действие: издаване:: таен код:: е унищожена. Вие сте:: само лице, което отговаря на: попечителство на: таен код: заедно с нас. Моля, обърнете внимание, че .. Ако: тържествена клетва, няма да бъдат: държани за задоволителна: интеграция ще бъдат: в която попита: назначаване прави: декларира пред него: на живо:: Законност, в: добро, за да се избегне: суеверия и : бягство: от: сатанински символи като означава микро: Puce проверката-чип или чипове в дясната ръка.
27_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? ! по-лошо] monarchiabancaria:. Blogspot. Видео ... Бог е скрит, защото тя е: да бъде: намерени: True. altervista:. Видео / .. сайт: около 600 християни, мъченически дневно (източник: SOCCI) уебсайт. Tiscali. EN / мъченици ... тук е един: един от нас: "666" (отзад: Инженеринг: Електроника: оферта: от нашите извънземни приятели, че демоните!), че: много: а именно:: описани: Апокалипсис: преди 2000 години! е: тествани: "сте готови да го вземе?" .. "Смърт и живот:: вие сте разгледани: ненормален дуел!" Тук накратко:: ситуацията: Финанси: света: 1 - "просветени" или: отгоре: сатанински, са 60 семейства (за повече от еврейските банкери), това са: 50% от:: Парична на масата, видими в на света! например? От:: колекция: дълг: обществеността: [данъци 100%]
28_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] и! чрез:: корпорации, монопол на енергия, на химията, на оръжия, на: банките! 2 - да имат: също: два пъти, на всички:: маса валутен видим в света. например? Сложете в миналото:: хартия: оцветени: (пари) в излишък: държавни облигации:: въпросите на правителството: да плащат за:: бележки: д: толкова близо: бюджетът на:: нула [сеньораж банковия transfert : Други: 100%]! 3: Резултатът: тя е, че: "60 семейства на сатанисти: задръжте: три четвърти (3 / 4) на цялото:: мощност: финансовите: и: институционни и масонски! Света" ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Народ (невидима: сеньораж банковия transfert), почти един милион: сатанистите-масони, разполага с: Факт: контрол: нашите: планета. Светът не: няма бъдеще! Така че, бъдете готови да приемате: микро чип!
29_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] препарата: за вас: отвътре: ви: име, код, със следващото: "666". : Ще ви направи Bionic и замени:: кредит хартия: и:: в банката и др. ... MA:: Книгата на Откровение:: разполага с: говори за това: във всеки детайл: Технически: вече: преди 2000 години, в небето: това "нещо", което не може да влезе. Това означава микро: марка на чипа е: звяр, и ние сме близо до последен път! "Death:: Vita са адресирани: изумителен дуел Властелинът на: животът е смърт, но сега живея. Триумфи" последователност: Великден: Това означава документ:: проектирани: писмен:: публикуване: на ден: Великден: Господ: 23 март 2008 г.: време: 6.40. В името на Йешуа Ха Машиах Notzri и чест поради: да го: Исус от Витлеем ... П. Пио каза: "Колко жалко, нашите братя не съвпадат: любов: Исус
30_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е по-лошо] с скок на:! оръжие отворен: скандален: набор на: масонството! "A: купол на сатанистите (най-вече повече от еврейските банкери) опитайте: убие: техните: братя евреи: така: много: подъл: чрез: масонството, корпорации, и т.н. ... работа: малка: дръжка: богата Suer равини: да се постигне: в чест на Сатана: Нов Световен Ред: тези са верни: "Правителство: Shadow" сатанизъм: International: ново: ред: свят * Нов Световен Ред ", че много малко: те решат, други, които се използват : ги да работят: и: най-накрая:: мнозинство, че: никога: това: че: тя всъщност се е случило. "(Никълъс Мъри Бътлър) *" Има две: истории: 1 -. грешно: директор, 2 -. тайна, в които са намерени:: вярно: причини:: история: срамно. "З. De: Балзак:
3 1_31 .. [МВФ: Ротшилд? е: по-лошо] * ":! SpA, печат: пари (сеньораж: банково дело transfert), ако::: плащане: и: изисква:: лихвени (дълг: публични) и са: по-малко:. роб, защото: роб знае: магистър сте просто:! животно в безсъзнание, тъй като те казват: Талмуд [абсурдно!] Както може:! "03facchini_rito": O: някой друг да говори за всичко: .. както : защо: машини не могат да бъдат: пеша до: (H2O): и т.н. .. и т.н. .. АКО ЕДНО: че някой не знае::: Скрити: сеньораж банковата transfert и всички окултни институции:: :? създадени, ако политиците, той продължава: Отново: да се преструвам: толкова глупави скоро умре:: ALL: В 3 ° WW: ядрени, в този случай дори и Израел ще бъдат загубени:? като: е това, че: : Кабала Ротшилд: силна!
@ IMF farisé Rothschild, för döda Israel: med, världsomspännande kalifat: Arabförbundet: Salafisterna, fick jag en bra idé, eftersom: inte döda, jag också, till exempel: du gjorde döda: President John Kennedy, när han gjorde: Executive Order 11110, som delegeras till sekreteraren av kassan: att trycka pengar: på uppdrag av det amerikanska folket, utan att ge: kostnaden, till dig: om, 270% av våra pengar (med tre bedrägerier: som, sa: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? honom, att han var en riktig president, för det amerikanska folket, och inte, som är en förrädare islamistisk Obama
NEW YORK -'' Jag inte längre: den muslimska, Socialist: det: jag var innan ...''. USA: s president Barack Obama hånar, Leende och självironiskt .. - SVAR - @ TRAITOR Obama, islamist, liar, murderess! den etniska rensningen av kristna och shiiter, präster, diakoner och biskopar dödade: kallblodigt, med bedrägeri, utpressning kidnappad, liksom djur, våldtäkter av flickor, "slaktade", lösen efterfrågan, all din avskum: av terrorister: Salafisterna, "muslimska bröder" för att sprida din sharia din "världsomfattande kalifat", som de är i dag, i Syrien, och att du har bara spridit: över hela Medelhavet, etc. .. ? är: ditt: CIA och din: Arabförbundet: vem som gör alla dessa brott! och dina, judiska medier: monopol på varje: SpA, Företag, för: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic: för bank seigniorage, de täcker: allt detta, med: deras lögner: och deras informationen utnyttjas. skulle ha varit bättre: för dig, att du aldrig hade blivit född!
Pakistan: Bomb vs kandidat, 5 dödsfall. Bomb exploderar under valmöte, 15 sårade. 07:39. April 28 Afghanistan, talibanernas våren offensiven. Meddelat användning: infiltratörer och kamikaze ": kollektiv verksamhet". 06:34. 28 april Obama skämt, inte längre är muslim ... Ironiskt nog - SVAR - Självklart är du inte en muslim, i själva verket, alla muslimer är bra människor! du är en islamist, vem gör det världsomspännande kalifat: för "Arabförbundet" med den etniska rensningen av alla kristna, och, alla skyterna, att göra sönder: Israel, under: förestående tredje världskrig .. Här är varför: tjetjenerna har kidnappat biskoparna, att hämnas lattentato i Boston, biskoparna som hade betalat redan, för: sina präster, som hade varit, redan hade sina halsar avskurna, så är det just nu: för din " Arabförbundet "till slakt: även: Biskopar också, och då, för att söka pengar: även för dem ..
2013/02/12 [SYRIEN - Vatican]. Efter muslimska rebeller gripa två präster i Aleppo finns farhågor för: deras liv. En armenisk katolsk präst, fader Michael, och en ortodox präst rövades bort: sista söndagen i Aleppo s Christian: grannskap. Källor talar: till AsiaNews: ca: barbariska mord: utförs: min islamiska extremister. En bilbomb: exploderar: vid turkisk-syriska: gränsövergång: av Cilvegozu. [Efter att ha dräpt: slakt: prästerna, krävde de: en lösensumma: till sina biskopar] 2013/04/26. [Eftersom Arabförbundet gör den etniska rensningen av shiiter och kristna, våldtäkter, mord, överallt, vinner hon ett territorium, sedan, tjetjenerna: de hämnd, den terrorist dödades i Boston (som sagt Turkiet)] Inga tecken ortodoxa biskopar "release, rädsla för politisk utpressning växa. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, hittade jag den sarin, i laboratorierna i Arabförbundet, som, din: al-Qaida har lett, i Syrien .. bäst för dig: det skulle ha varit, om du inte var någonsin fötts!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa du inte inte ny kanal ännu? ! - SVAR - de, som jag har (ca 50, CHANNEL) är överdriven, för mig, skulle ha varit bättre bara en kanal: för mig, men som du kan säga att "Satan save", och sedan, du gömma dig, som en fegis, bakom fotot, St Bartolo Longo, som han då var i din ålder, var han en präst voodoo för satan ... gillar du?
[[Syrien befriade de två ortodoxa biskopar. ANSA.it - 4 dagar sedan]] .. men, måste du gräva: med stor envishet: att hitta denna nyhet, "dolda" i den internationella judiska median: Bildenberg av frimurarnas systemet för bank seigniorage. [[Syrien kidnappade biskopar, också: Aten: inte: bekräftelse frigörelse. ANSA.it - 3 dagar sedan: stift Aleppo, ingen kontakt med de två ortodoxa ärkebiskoparna]], sade Kerry:'' Jag talade i morse: härifrån med Netanyahu, och han berättade att det inte var i den positionen: att bekräfta . Detta är deras process: e: beror på dem: t.ex.: och när: de vill göra, och det är inte: till mig: göra tillkännagivanden. Så: Jag vet inte!''. Kanske betyder (men innebär fan att detta tal????): Om du vill invadera Syrien, med ett förtal, vilja, du har redan invaderat Irak, med, en annan förtal, då så, men, Du bryter inte, hanen: till mig!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strejk med kärnvapen, samma dag, alla 50 islamiska nationer, det är den enda chans du har för att kunna spara Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- men detta är sanningen: det finns mer: en West makt, men det finns ett schema: judiska lobbygrupper och frimurarnas befogenheter ockulta: IMF FED 666, systemet: tyranniska sataniska krafter, IMF, Bildenberg, och alla deras dolda riktning (den högsta vetenskapen, av teknik, sociala och, alla monopol SpA, allt i händerna: för endast Rothschid), på detta sätt, kommer de att: en gång, skyller de kristna, för: utrotningen: Förintelsen överhängande: mot, Israel, under, tredje världskriget, den nya förintelsen, som: en gång, gjorde de: efter, andra världskriget. sett att: med den franska revolutionen, inte mer existerar, en politik: det kan vara under kontroll av de kristna i väst! det är därför fariséerna och Salafister: bör dömas till döden! eftersom, ha en dialog med dem är omöjligt
[Världsomfattande kalifat, såsom: strategi för anfallskrig] är helt islamofobi: Justified, eftersom: det: våra islamiska islamister, medbrottsling, de sover gott: för de brott: det, deras islamiska: commit: allt, Mellanöstern, mot de kristna, varför kommer det att finnas en smärtsam nödvändighet, abrupt och dramatiskt uppvaknande. Denna vår härskande klassen, som liksom, komma till rätta med terroristerna, utan att göra med: problemet med konsekvens: en avskyvärd och kriminellt medskyldiga: falskt begrepp: av: "fred", medan: många, alltför många oskyldiga kristna martyrer, finna sin frid på kyrkogården. I själva verket har de kristna i de palestinska territorierna (nedan, Yasser Arafat), var tvungen att fly en masse, medan de återstående kristna, skulle de tvingas som dhimmis, slavar, ämnen, också lämnat, dem, islamisk lag. Varför då, fortsätter Europa att vara fiende till Israel, och en medbrottsling av nazismen, palestinierna, och i alla länder nu islamiserat av Arabförbundet?
[Världsomfattande kalifat, islam, såsom: strategi för angreppskrig, och WEST: mer och mer kriminellt], drivet drift av den judiska lobbyn banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, fariséer, internationella bankirer, som har svurit hat, evig: mot : kristendomen, pressar sig, kraftigt, ut: från civilisationen: Jewish - Christian, för de har blivit: de verkliga fiender, av Israels överlevnad. Denna West: frimurarnas och satanisk, ockulta krafter Bildenberg att: förneka sina egna värderingar, och: förråder sin egen identitet, om: a Europa överges till glömska, så brottsligt att vara: att bli döv ... och själv: blodtörstiga huvudpersonen, medbrottsling: varje överträdelse: religionsfrihet, både utanför sina gränser, både inom: sina gränser, för om det är sant, att: Muslimer är våra bröder, men är också sant att,
[Den världsomfattande kalifat, av: Obama] är inte svårt att hitta bevis för detta: katastrofala mänskliga tragedi, varav: Talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA FN, Nato, är medskyldiga. av detta barbari: civila, religiösa, kulturella, som har störtat: världen: den arabisk-muslimska, i offer för ideologisk fanatism: islamiska extremister: och religiös intolerans: dess diktaturer i makten. [EU: s ansvar: nu gisslan av Illuminati Bildenber: det är enorma] inför fortsatt förföljelse och fortsatt: dagliga förödmjukelser, att alla kristna under islamiskt regimer, och i allt: Mellanöstern, tvingas de att leva och lida, eftersom: europa är sjuk, av detta: relativism förblindad: med, den god uppfattning om multikulturalism, som emellertid inte kan realiseras: utan: begreppet ömsesidighet
[Obama och hans planer utrotning, av de kristna, och av shiiterna, i Mellanöstern] tidigare, av den arabiska erövringen: och islam i det sjunde århundradet, gjorde de kristna upp, 95%, av befolkningen, i Medelhavet: söder och öster om Medelhavet. men, idag, med mindre än, 12. miljoner, har fallit, kraftigt till mindre än 6%, naturligtvis, år 2020, blir det inga fler kristna i Mellanöstern! Från första världskriget: 10 miljoner kristna har tvingats emigrera. Detta är ett bevis på satanism, och: kriminella barbari, dell'imbarbarimento, inte enbart, av Arabförbundet, men, framför allt, hans medbrottslingar, frimurarna, fariséerna, Illuminati, Bildenberg, ockult kraft, som, med en tyst kupp: tog makten: i alla de falska demokratier Masonic: av bank seigniorage.
Ett. [Kyrkan (kristna martyrer) förföljs i Mellanöstern: att: göra det världsomspännande kalifatet] 2. [Kyrkan (kristna martyrer) är förföljda, över hela världen för detta: Talmud av fariséerna: i frimurarnas systemet: för bank seigniorage:. Förslava alla folk, och att förgöra Israel] 3. [Kyrkan (kristna martyrer) förföljs av alla religioner, och kommunismen. ] Vi bevittnar så rädd, att förföljelsen och massflykt av kristna från Mellanöstern, som är de sanna infödingarna i regionen, på grund av en föreställning: att: var satanizzata: om, Islam: av Arabförbundet, och hans : CIA, alla nazister, nazisternas islamister, absolut intoleranta, och, inte respekterar värdighet och rättigheter människan. följaktligen, döljer de verkliga orsakerna till varför israelerna tvingas vara så "hård" mot palestinierna.
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore:
Added: 6 days ago
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the only ones: that: they need: to make war?
are theirs alone!
here's why: the Illuminati are to bring,, everywhere: the worst assholes in power!
gli unici: che: hanno il bisogno: di fare le guerre?
sono soltanto loro!
ecco perché: Illuminati portare, ovunque: le peggiore teste di cazzo al potere!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago
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two years starting from today?: all Israel and all over the world will be one only cemetery:
tra due anni: a partire: da oggi?: tutto Israele: e tutto il mondo: saranno un solo cimitero:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago
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rolls eyes , Should have asked why they used Irish passports to assassinate people and why he sent mossaid to cut the propeller off an irish registered boat. Israel has a right to defend itself but there are lines which so called friendly nations dont cross , should have sent shatter instead of gilmore ,
veronicadredd22 3 days ago
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Good man Girlmore dont buy into he's bullshite that man has personally ordred the deaths of hundreds of Palestinian children he's a terrorist and is connected to the 9/11 attacks as we now know Israel was behind it!
Salphadon 3 days ago
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By their fruits you shall know them.
GrayEagle48 5 days ago
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1. noi facciamo il regno di Palestina! 2. noi distruggiamo: lo Stato: massonico del signoraggio bancario: di Israele! è dopo lo faccio vedere io: il terrore brutale a tutti i musulmani: se loro non fanno i bravi ragazzi! contrariamente? saranno tutti i popoli a vedere il "terrore brutale": molto presto!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6 days ago
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BOYCOTT: mel gibson's new movie;How I Spent My Summer Vacation-2012
I am asking you to boycott the movie & tell other Jews
If you recall mel's father denies that the Holocaust ever happened.
mel supports his fathers beliefs.
In July of 2006 Mel Gibson was arrested for drunk driving by Deputy James Mee.
mel Stated "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world"
He Never apologize to the Jewish people.
?Can we support an individual who hates us?
dtvdish0 6 days ago
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@dtvdish0 @IsraelNationalTV --> [[ PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore: ]] 1. we make the kingdom of Palestine! 2. we destroy: this State: masonic, of banking seigniorage: of Israel! I'll show you later: the brutal terror, against to all Muslims: If they not are: and not do: the good guys! to contrary? all peoples will see the "brutal terror" very soon!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6 days ago
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dtvdish0 6 days ago
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dtvdish0 6 days ago
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@dtvdish0 where is the Holy Spirit of God in you?
I am a Catholic: ie, an zionist:for the kingdom: of Palestine: and Israel: I am Universal Brotherhood! dove è lo Spirito Santo di Dio in te? io sono un cattolico!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 days ago
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dtvdish0 4 days ago
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@dtvdish0 The six-pointed star on the flag of Israel?
has never been the star of david! Indeed, the Torah forbids the symbols!
la stella a sei punte sulla bandiera di Israele?
non è mai stata la stella di davide! infatti, la Torà: pribisce i simboli!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 second ago
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@dtvdish0 .. and would be forced: to have their own homeland! but the blood of peoples (seigniorage banking)? is too sweet for those vampires! here's why: the destruction of Israel, was scheduled before: of the its foundation)!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 second ago
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@dtvdish0 [there is not a future for Israel!] Neturei Karta: ie: "2628342". ie, all the rabbis? of the Satanists? they are most worst: that: there are in the world .. their loyalty: is: for Rothschild: and the IMF: is not: for the Jews: or for Israel! would have been easy for them to resolve peacefully: any problem: about Israel .. but, then: they would been forced: to abandon predation: of the Worldwide (seigniorage banking) ..
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 second ago
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@dtvdish0 I love Israel: more of you! but, The six-pointed star on the flag of Israel? has never been the star of David, but is the occult, star: of Rothschild!
la stella a sei punte sulla bandiera di Israele? non è mai stata la stella di Davide: ma è di Rothscild!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 hours ago
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@dtvdish0 Rothschild: the Master: of the IMF? He decided to destroy Israel: During this unavoidable: 3 ° WW nuclear: because: Israel is the only reltà: that: could defeat him! the current: consistency: of the IMF?: is: only of the 30% to about! Thus, the corpses do not have the habit of going to the bank: to seek their money!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago
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@dtvdish0 there is no happiness outside of the love: that is: my universal brotherhood ..
as: who wants what is good: for Itself:
Should not he give: His evil: to others: that is, what it does: the IMF ..
"only: if, you Realizing the happiness of others: you too can be happy!"
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 days ago
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@dtvdish0 You are a brave man: to risk a heart attack against me! But, I love sincere people like you!
tu sei un uomo coraggioso: per rischiare un infarto contro di me!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 hours ago
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@dtvdish0 sorry for my bad english : Rothschild: the Master: of the IMF? He decided to destroy Israel: During this unavoidable: 3 ° WW nuclear: because: Israel is the only reality: : that: could defeat him! of the present consistency: of the IMF?: is: only of the 30% to about! Thus, the corpses do not have the habit of going to the bank: to seek their money!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago
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@dtvdish0 Rothscild Rabbi is satanist : ie: true anti-Christ or "satan synagogue": of IMF NWO: NEW Babilon Tower": and as every Satanist? He wants to destroy the hope of Israel! is why, I am king of Israel! today only Cuba, Iran and North Korea. are out of the NWO IMF
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago
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@dtvdish0 all rabbis? they love: more: Rothschild: and the IMF: that: the Jews or Israel, as they say: the Naturei Karta of 2628342
tutti i rabbini? loro amano: molto di più: Rothscild: ed il FMI: che: gli ebrei o Israele: come dicono: i Naturei Karta of 2628342
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago
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@dtvdish0 two years starting from today?: all Israel and all over the world will be one only cemetery:
tra due anni: a partire: da oggi?: tutto Israele: e tutto il mondo: saranno un solo cimitero:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago
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@dtvdish0 in five centuries of their secret government: on the world?
the rabbis of the IMF: ie : Illuminati?
have filled the world with lies!
in cinque secoli: del loro governo occulto: sul mondo?
i rabbini Illuminati del FMI?
hanno riempito il mondo di bugie!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago
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@dtvdish0 the only ones: that: they need: to make war?
are theirs alone!
here's why: the Illuminati are to bring,, everywhere: the worst assholes in power!
gli unici: che: hanno il bisogno: di fare le guerre?
sono soltanto loro!
ecco perché: Illuminati portare, ovunque: le peggiore teste di cazzo al potere!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 hours ago
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@WakeUpUSAxRonPaul After read all your replays i realize you are just a joke Nothing to chat with you anymore
dtvdish0 52 minutes ago
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@dtvdish0 a demon has closed your mind!
it's because you descend into the abyss of hell!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 41 minutes ago
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Bibi you should stop the destruction of the Jews settlements in Samaria
and expel the arabs from our country then we can talk about peace with those terrorist mother fuckers
@dreamdiction you are really a drama queen
dtvdish0 6 days ago
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The Debtor (Ireland) meets his Creditor (Israel).
The Servant grovels at the feet of his Master.
dreamdiction 6 days ago 2
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@dreamdiction @IsraelNationalTV --> [[ PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore: ]] 1. we make the kingdom of Palestine! 2. we destroy: this State: masonic, of banking seigniorage: of Israel! I'll show you later: the brutal terror, against to all Muslims: If they not are: and not do: the good guys! to contrary? all peoples will see the "brutal terror" very soon!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6 days ago
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 second ago)
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[non c'è un futuro per Israele!] Neturei Karta: ie: "2628342". cioè tutti i rabbini? loro sono i peggiori satanisti: che: esistono al mondo.. la loro fedeltà: è: verso Rothscild: e il FMI: non è verso: gli ebrei o Israele! sarebbe stato facile: per loro: di risolvere pacificamente: ogni problema: circa Israele.. ma, poi: loro sarebbero stati costretti: ad abbandonare la predazione: contro: tutto il mondo(signoraggio bancario).. e sarebbero stati costretti: ad avere una propria Patria! ma il sangue dei popoli(signoraggio bancario)? è troppo dolce: per quei vampiri! ecco perché: la distruzione di Israele: era programmata prima del suo sorgere!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (8 minutes ago)
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@israelnationaltv-- Neturei Karta: ie: "2628342". they are the: most squalid: that: I know! 1. they have sold: Israel: at the destruction: already programmed. 2. are the main allies: of the Satanism: of Rothschild: and the: IMF: 3. they know: that: will be: a huge massacre: on a global scale: 4. but, they would say: we are innocent: about: the IMF and Israel: people do not kill us! 5. but: the Kaballah of Rothschild? he never spared: the Jews! indeed: it is for: my powers: of: Unius Rei, that: I can rip to Satan, from inside: the hell: [where is the 60%: of the whole: human race] that is: all those lost souls: and all the demons, that, they will accept: that: they will want: to enter: my service: for subduing: themselves: to my power! That God: may be glorified, supremely! and be supremely humiliated Satan!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (12 minutes ago)
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Reply to your comment on: PM Netanyahu's meeting with the FM of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore:
dtvdish0 SAID: After read all your replays i realize you are just a joke Nothing to chat with you anymore --ANSWER-- a demon has closed your mind! it's because you descend into the abyss of hell!
@ youtube-said: All channels will be updated to the new design on March 7th 2012. - Answer - This is: 1. a violence; 2. committed against a pejorative action! but any violence done by men: they always come back! Jews satanists of IMF: you are to gnawing: also: that bone, that: was left of democracy! But even the rich can die! @youtube -said: All channels will be updated to the new design on March 7th 2012. -- ANSWER-- questa è una violenza: commessa contro una azione peggiorativa! ma ogni violenza: fatta dagli uomini: sempre a loro tornerà indietro! ebrei mledetti del FMI: voi state rosicchiando: anche: quell'osso: che: era rimasto della democrazia! ma, anche i ricchi possono morire!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (2 hours ago)
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Comment on your video: Synagogue of Satan Jewish Ritual Murder MASSONERIA talmud kabbalah 13_24
mmvi59 said: knows them as God knows each persons heart. I will not give into a discourse of any criminal and cruel activities of any religion as it only distracts from God's true words. 'Hate the sin not the sinner'. No one is without fault nor without sin. My faith is blind and my heart sees. The day is coming when even you O' King will see the truth in this and those that follow the righteous, the right, truth, and love will know you. As they will be God's Warriors and words will not sway them.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (3 hours ago)
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[[World War 2: of the Kingdom of God: after the Universal Flood!]] -> It's because of the IMF: ie banking seigniorage: that is been stolen and transferred: by Jewish bankers: against all peoples: that: all (morally economically culturally ) will: always bad to worse, and always will be everything for the worse: so: behind this monetary depression? there can only be: the catastrophe of nuclear WW 3 °! here's why: I have sworn, by the living God of Israel: and in fact: it is for this reason: that: I have: most: I'll get my bloodbath: but, to the future?: my bloodbath is against: all the rich: and against: all the enemies of God!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (3 hours ago)
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[[World War 2: of the Kingdom of God: after the Flood Universal!]] -> Is not correct: that: always, the innocent must die .. now, is the time to do a little justice on this planet, God has promised: to me: 500 million: of deaths, as well: the time has come for God: to pay debts HIS: ie: that is: He: JHWH: has contracted with me! ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB"Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★: ReiUnius♰:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (3 hours ago)
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[Each year 160,000 Christians are martyred killed out: of hatred for Christ]: These are the: 50 Most Criminals Nation: in the world:1. North Korea;2. Iran;3. Saudi Arabia;4. Somalia;5. Yemen;6. Maldives;7. Mauritania;8. Afghanistan;9. Bhutan;10. China;11. Laos;12. Uzbekistan; 13. Pakistan;14. Turkmenistan;15. Eritrea;16. Comoros;17. Chechnya;18. Iraq;19. Qatar;20. Egypt;21. Algeria;22. Azerbairgian;23. India;24. Myanmar;25. Libya;26. Nigeria;27. Oman;28. Kuwait;29. Brunei;30. Sudan;31. Tajikistan;32. Tanzania;33. Turkey;34. United Arab Emirates;35. Morocco;36. Cuba;37. Djibouti;38. Jordan;39. Sri Lanka;40. Syria;41. Tunisia;42. Biellorussia;43. Palestinians;44. Bahrain;45. Bangladesh;46. Ethiopia;47. Indonesia;48. Kyrgyzstan;49. Kenya;50. Vietnam. I swear by the living God: in Jesus' name: the blood of martyrs will suffocate you. I come to snatch your soul: "You will soon go down to hell!" "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by★: ReiUnius♰:King♥:Israel:♥Mahdi
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (
@ 2628342 -> the ghetto was not a form of contempt, but a form of protection by Catholics against: the wickedness of the Talmud .. Unfortunately: the rabbis kakam: Illuminati were ordered: it was put to wax in the ears of men: that: they were forced: to listen to sermons weekly on the Sabbath .. These sermons were not facts in order to convert to Christianity, because: they were sermons preached from the most famous scholars .. was:An attempt cultural: to understand: all the lies of the Talmud .. and his Satanism! Hoping, that could give rise to a cultural movement humanistic among Jews ... but this is the only truth .. Jews are under hypnosis: fact: none of them: rabbis could: talk to me
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (
[[The devastating power of: Unius Rei]]: @IsraelNationaTV-- If I am Unius Rei: that is the Governor: Universal: sent by the Kingdom of God on this: colony penal: ie: the planet earth! I has the total politic powers of representation of Kingdom of God... So: this is my power: namely, to have: the word creative! because: only: this could be the meaning of delegation: in white: that has give God: to me, because: I can exercise a ministry of universal political. The responsibilities of God: are only to ones to realize: as, I have said: in time and in manner: which He has chosen!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (
@ 2628342 -> How could: the ministers of God: like you, tolerate, to be the accomplices and even be the supporters: the most powerful form: of Satanism, that, has ever existed in the history of mankind? Since: Popes and the Catholic Monarchs: they knew: very well: 1. [[as you have washed: your sins in the blood of Christian babies: lambs: animals in human form,]] 2. [[All the hatred of your Talmud]]: it is clear they thought they could control this situation .. but now they are all dead! But, without love (mercy and compassion) of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Princes: to: our shared patriarchs, etc. .. etc. ..? today would not exist: one only jew: into the world: such as you have been cursed mightily: by IMF: Illuminati rabbis kakam:: scribes and Pharisees! ! Now, return to us: the gift of life that has been done to you: you take down: you destroy the IMF!
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