tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI!
Moshe Cohen [3 months ago] You are a Messianic Jew? Why? /// [ YOUR, is
EVERYTHING, against Jews and Christians, because you have desecrated
the Bible, through the Talmud ] I LIKE TOO MUCH WHY THE JEWS ARE
PRACTICAL rational, materialistic, and it is thanks to this their mental
structure: utilitarian and rational, that Jews have forced even God
JHWH holy, to become man in Jesus of Bethlehem: into House of David:
therefore God has been forced on the cross to show his infinite love for
US, THAT IS WHY, WE ARE ALL SELFISH! and in any case, Jews forced, even
God JHWH holy, to manifest yourself, among men from Abraham to Moses, to
came, ALL BY me: lorenzoJHWH: WHY, I represent THEIR INTEREST, their
future, the unique THEIR chance to collect the 12 tribes of Israel,
under the wings blessed, grace, and protection: of their God YHWH, in MY
Jewish Temple: once again, for the last time, BEFORE of tHE END .. BUT,
yOU RABBIS PHARISEES, you said in the Talmud, that ALL non-Jews, their
soul was created by the devil (tHEREFORE iT iS tHE dEMON tHAT HAS
CREATED ALL aNIMALS, and also: all (goy animals from the human form),
WHEREAS, in fact, GOD CREATED oNLY tHE JEWS, but, only those who have
not lost their paternal genealogy .. so, in this mode, you have gave to
devil, the creative power, but, which everyone knows, as creative power
can be only, of JHWH God's Only: is his only the creative power! HOW,
YOUR THEOLOGY, IS OVER THE SHIT? that's why, you did the Holy YHWH: be
the devil! .. And, this is right, for your hypocrisy, perversion,
concealment, racism, hatred, blasphemy, murder, monopoly wear, Spa
Central Banks, Bildenberg regime, AIPAC Masonic system, SPA HOLLYWOOD
HALLOWEEN GENDER DARWIN AGENDA, Chemtrails Monsanto, and GMOs agenda 666
NWO, and heavy metals in vaccines, to harm future generations of goyim,
and exterminate them all (all Satanism, that you have taught your
brothers Saudi Salafi Shari'a), then in your hatred, now you will die,
too, all Israelis, as well as have killed all the Jews of Europe, too!
massacre 5 billion PEOPLE, it's possible, AS SOON! by UNIUS REI from https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
Moshe Cohen [3 meses atrás] Usted es un Judio Mesiánico? ¿Por qué? ///
[TU, es todo, contra los Judios y los cristianos, ya que han profanado
la Biblia, a través del Talmud] me gusta demasiado ¿POR LOS JUDIOS son
prácticos racional y materialista, y es gracias a este su estructura
mental: utilitario y racional, que los Judios han obligado incluso a
Dios JHWH santo, para hacerse hombre en Jesús de Belén: dentro de la
Casa de David, por lo tanto, Dios ha visto obligado en la cruz para
mostrar su infinito amor por nosotros! Un amor tan grande para nosotros,
por amor infinito, TODO dado a nosotros LA SANTA CRUZ, QUE ES UN
ESCÁNDALO, eso, no se puede creer, Y, aceptado por los Estados Unidos,
por eso, todos somos egoístas! y, en cualquier caso, Judios forzados,
incluso a Dios JHWH santo, para manifestarse a sí mismo, entre los
hombres desde Abraham hasta Moisés, a todos los Profetas. SO: en su
sentido material práctico, TODOS LOS JUDIOS VOLUNTAD vino, todos por mí:
lorenzoJHWH: ¿Por qué, represento su interés, su futuro, la única SU
oportunidad de recoger las 12 tribus de Israel, bajo las alas benditas,
la gracia y la protección : YHWH de su Dios, en mi templo judío: una vez
más, por última vez, antes del fin .. Pero, ya RABINOS fariseos,
dijeron en el Talmud, que todos los no-Judios, su alma fue creada por el
diablo (por lo tanto es el demonio que ha creado todos los animales, y
también: todos los animales (goy de la forma humana), mientras que, de
hecho, Dios creó sólo los JUDIOS, pero sólo aquellos que no han perdido
su genealogía paterna .. por lo , en este modo, usted ha dado a diablo,
el poder creativo, pero que todo el mundo sabe, como el poder creativo
puede ser única, de la JHWH Dios Sólo: ¿es su único poder creador CÓMO,
sU tEOLOGÍA, es más de la MIERDA? por eso, que hizo el Santo YHWH: ser
el diablo .. Y, esto es correcto, para su hipocresía, la perversión, la
ocultación, el racismo, el odio, la blasfemia, el asesinato, el desgaste
de monopolio, Spa Bancos Centrales, el régimen Bildenberg, sistema de
Chemtrails Monsanto, y los OGM programa 666 NWO, y los metales pesados
en las vacunas, perjudicando a las generaciones futuras de los goyim, y
exterminan a todos ellos (todo el satanismo, que ha enseñado a sus
hermanos Arabia salafista Shari'a) , a continuación, en su odio, ahora
que va a morir, también, todos los israelíes, así como haber matado a
todos los Judios de Europa, también! O sea que usted ha escrito en el
Talmud es tan terrible, satánico, nazi, racista, del demonio que no
puede ser real creído, DE UNA MENTE HUMANA, ¿por qué siempre hacen
sacrificios humanos en Altair, de Satanás, ¿por qué te sacerdotes de
FED BCE, FMI, TODO MONOPOLY SPA, y guiado de la CIA y la OTAN: masacran
a 5 mil millones de personas, es posible, tan pronto! por Unius REI de https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
Moshe Cohen [3 Monate her] Du bist ein messianischer Jude? Warum? ///
[IHR ist alles, gegen Juden und Christen, weil sie die Bibel entweiht
haben, durch den Talmud] ich wie zu viel, warum die Juden PRAXIS
rational sind, materialistisch, und es ist dank dieser ihrer geistigen
Struktur: utilitaristischen und rational, haben die Juden sogar Gott
JHWH heilig gezwungen, Menschen in Jesus von Bethlehem zu werden: in
House of David: deshalb für uns hat Gott am Kreuz gezwungen, seine
unendliche Liebe zu zeigen! EINE LIEBE SO GROSS FÜR US, unendliche
Liebe, alles gegeben, uns die Heiligen Kreuzes, DASS EIN SKANDAL IST,
DASS NICHT GEGLAUBT werden und von uns akzeptiert, das ist, warum wir
alle egoistisch! und in jedem Fall die Juden gezwungen, selbst Gott JHWH
heilig, sich zu manifestieren, unter den Menschen von Abraham bis
Moses, an alle Propheten. SO: in ihrer praktischen materiellen Sinn,
ALLE Juden kam, die alle von mir: lorenzoJHWH: WARUM ich ihr Interesse
darstellen, ihre Zukunft, die einzigartige ihre Chance, die 12 Stämme
Israels zu sammeln, unter den Flügeln gesegnet, Gnade und Schutz : in
meiner jüdischen Tempel ihres Gottes JHWH: noch einmal, zum letzten Mal,
bevor Sie das END .. aber Sie RABBINER PHARISÄER, sagten Sie im Talmud,
dass alle nicht-Juden, ihre Seele vom Teufel geschaffen wurde (daher
ist der Dämon, dass alle Tiere geschaffen hat, und auch: alle (goy Tiere
aus der menschlichen Form), während in der Tat schuf Gott nur die
Juden, sondern nur diejenigen, die ihre väterlichen Genealogie nicht
verloren .. so in diesem Modus haben Sie Teufel, die schöpferische Kraft
gab, aber, die jeder kennt, als kreative Kraft nur sein kann, von JHWH
Gottes nur: ist seine einzige die schöpferische Kraft HOW, Ihre
Theologie über die Scheiße ist? das ist, warum Sie der Heilige JHWH tat
der Teufel sein .. Und das ist richtig, für Ihre Heuchelei, Perversion,
Verschleierung, Rassismus, Hass, Gotteslästerung, Mord, Monopol
Verschleiß, Spa Zentralbanken, Bildenberg Regime, AIPAC freimaurerischen
Chemtrails Monsanto und GVO Agenda 666 NWO und Schwermetalle in
Impfstoffen, um künftige Generationen von Gojim schaden, und vernichten
sie alle (alle Satanismus, dass Sie Ihre Brüder Saudi Salafi Shari'a
gelehrt haben) , dann in Ihrem Hass, jetzt werden Sie auch alle Israelis
als auch getötet haben alle Juden Europas, zu sterben! DAS IST, DASS
SIE HABEN, geschrieben in Talmud IST SO Terrible, satanisch, NAZI,
rassistische, dämonisch, dass Real nicht glauben KÖNNEN, die von einem
menschlichen MIND, Warum bist du immer Menschenopfer auf altair MACHEN,
CIA und NATO: massakrieren 5 Milliarden Menschen ist es möglich, SO
SCHNELL! von unius REI von https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
Moshe Cohen [3 meses atrás] Você é um judeu messiânico? Por quê? ///
[SEU, é tudo, contra os judeus e os cristãos, porque você profanou a
Bíblia, através do Talmud] Eu gosto muito por que os judeus são práticos
racional, materialista, e é graças a esta sua estrutura mental:
utilitária e racional, que os judeus têm forçado até mesmo Deus JHWH
santo, para tornar-se homem em Jesus de Belém: em casa de David; por
isso Deus foi forçado na cruz para mostrar seu amor infinito por nós! Um
amor tão grandes para nós, amor infinito, ALL-nos dado o Santa Cruz,
QUE É um escândalo, isso, não se pode acreditar, E, aceite por nós, é
por isso, estamos todos egoísta! e em qualquer caso, os judeus forçados,
até mesmo Deus JHWH santo, para manifestar-se, entre os homens de
Abraão a Moisés, para todos os Profetas. SO: em seu sentido material
prático, todos os judeus vieram, todas por mim: lorenzoJHWH: Por que, eu
represento o seu interesse, o seu futuro, a única sua chance de coletar
as 12 tribos de Israel, sob as asas abençoado, graça e proteção : do
seu Deus YHWH, em meu templo judaico: mais uma vez, pela última vez,
antes do fim .. Mas, você RABINOS fariseus, disse no Talmud, que todos
os não-judeus, a sua alma foi criada pelo diabo (por isso, é o demônio
que tem criado todos os animais, e ainda: todos os animais (goy da forma
humana), enquanto que, na verdade, Deus criou só os judeus, mas,
somente aqueles que não perderam a sua genealogia paterna .. so , neste
modo, você deu ao diabo, o poder criativo, mas, o que todos sabem, como
poder criativo pode ser apenas, de JHWH God Only: é o seu único poder
criativo como, sua teologia, está sobre o MERDA? é por isso que, você
fez o Santo YHWH: ser o diabo .. E, isso é certo, para a sua hipocrisia,
perversão, ocultação, o racismo, o ódio, a blasfêmia, assassinato,
desgaste monopólio, Spa Bancos Centrais, regime Bildenberg, sistema de
Chemtrails Monsanto e OGM agenda 666 NWO, e metais pesados em vacinas,
para prejudicar as futuras gerações de goyim, e exterminá-los todos
(todos satanismo, que você ensinou seus irmãos Arábia Salafi Sharia) ,
então, em seu ódio, agora você vai morrer, também, todos os israelenses,
bem como ter matado todos os judeus da Europa, também! QUE é que você
tem ESCRITO NA Talmud é tão terrível, satânico, nazista, racista,
que você sempre fazer sacrifícios humanos em altair, de Satanás, POR
QUE É VOCÊ sacerdotes de SATANÁS, que as excursões, SPA DO BANCO
guiado CIA ea NATO: massacrar 5 bilhões de pessoas, é possível, tão
logo! por unius REI de https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
Moshe Cohen [il y a 3 mois] Vous êtes un Juif messianique? Pourquoi?
/// [VOTRE, est TOUT, contre les juifs et les chrétiens, parce que vous
avez profané la Bible, à travers le Talmud] I LIKE TROP POURQUOI LES
JUIFS SONT PRATIQUES rationnelle, matérialiste, et il est grâce à cette
leur structure mentale: utilitaire et rationnel, que les Juifs ont forcé
même Dieu JHWH saint, pour devenir l'homme en Jésus de Bethléem: dans
la Maison de David: pourquoi Dieu a été forcé sur la croix pour montrer
son amour infini pour nous! Un amour si grand POUR NOUS, L'AMOUR INFINI,
TOUS SELFISH! et en tout cas, les Juifs forcés, même Dieu JHWH saint,
pour vous manifester, parmi les hommes d'Abraham à Moïse, à tous les
prophètes. SO: dans leur sens matériel pratique, TOUS LES JUIFS WILL est
venu, ALL BY-moi: lorenzoJHWH: POURQUOI, je représente LEUR INTERET,
leur avenir, l'unique, leur chance de recueillir les 12 tribus d'Israël,
sous les ailes bénies, la grâce et la protection : de leur Dieu YHWH,
dans MON Temple juif: encore une fois, pour la dernière fois, AVANT dE
lA FIN .. Mais, vous rabbins pHARISIENS, vous avez dit dans le Talmud,
que tous les non-Juifs, leur âme a été créé par le diable (Par
conséquent, il est le démon qui a créé tous les animaux, et aussi: tous
(goy animaux de la forme humaine), ATTENDU, en fait, Dieu a créé
seulement les Juifs, mais, seuls ceux qui ont pas perdu leur généalogie
paternelle .. donc , dans ce mode, vous avez donné au diable, la
puissance créatrice, mais que tout le monde sait, comme puissance
créatrice ne peut être que, de ce JHWH Dieu seul: est sa seule la
puissance créatrice COMMENT VOTRE THÉOLOGIE, eST sUR lA MERDE? Voilà
pourquoi, vous avez fait le Saint YHWH: être le diable .. Et, cela est
juste, pour votre hypocrisie, de perversion, de la dissimulation, le
racisme, la haine, le blasphème, assassiner, l'usure de monopole, Spa
Central Banks, régime Bildenberg, système AIPAC maçonnique! , SPA
agenda 666 NWO, et de métaux lourds dans les vaccins, de nuire aux
générations futures de goyim, et exterminer tous (toutes satanisme, que
vous avez appris à vos frères Saudi Salafi Shari'a) , puis dans votre
haine, maintenant, vous allez mourir, aussi, tous les Israéliens, ainsi
que ont tué tous les Juifs d'Europe, aussi! QUE est que vous avez écrit
dans le Talmud est si terrible, SATANIC, NAZI, raciste, DEMONIC, QUI NE
PEUT ETRE VRAI CRU, à partir de l'esprit humain, POURQUOI ÊTES-VOUS
L'OTAN: à massacrer 5 milliards de personnes, il est possible, dès! par
UNIUS REI de https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
موشيه كوهين [3 أشهر منذ] أنت يهودي مسيحي يهودي؟ لماذا ا؟ /// [ك، هو كل
شيء، ضد اليهود والمسيحيين، لأنك تدنيس الكتاب المقدس، من خلال التلمود]
أنا أحب TOO MUCH لماذا هم اليهود العملية عقلانية، مادي، وذلك بفضل هذا
الهيكل العقلي: النفعية و عقلانية، واضطر أن اليهود حتى الله JHWH المقدس،
لتصبح رجل في يسوع من بيت لحم: الى بيت داود ولذلك فقد اضطرت الله على
الصليب لإظهار محبته اللامتناهية بالنسبة لنا! حب كبير جدا بالنسبة لنا،
الحب بلا حدود، وبالنظر إلى كل الى الولايات المتحدة الصليب المقدس، وهذا
هو فضيحة، وهذا، لا يمكن أن يعتقد، وقبلت من قبل الولايات المتحدة، ولهذا
السبب، نحن جميعا الأنانية! وعلى أي حال، أجبر اليهود، حتى الله JHWH
المقدسة، لإظهار نفسك، وبين الرجال من إبراهيم إلى موسى، لجميع الأنبياء.
SO: في شعورهم المواد العملية، وجاء كل اليهود WILL، قبل كل شيء لي:
lorenzoJHWH: لماذا، أنا أمثل مصلحتها أو مستقبلهم، فريدة من نوعها فرصة
لجمع 12 أسباط إسرائيل، تحت أجنحة المباركة، نعمة، وحماية : إلههم يهوه، في
المعبد اليهودي MY: مرة أخرى، للمرة الأخيرة، قبل نهاية .. ولكن،
لالحاخامات الفريسيين، قلت في التلمود، أن جميع غير اليهود، تم إنشاء
ارواحهم من الشيطان (ولذلك فمن الشيطان الذي خلق كل الحيوانات، وأيضا: الكل
(الحيوانات اليمنية من الشكل البشري)، في حين أنه في الواقع، لقد خلق الله
اليهود فقط، ولكن فقط أولئك الذين لم يفقدوا نسبهم الأب .. لذلك في هذا
الوضع، لقد أعطى الشيطان، والطاقة الإبداعية، ولكن الذي يعلم الجميع،
والطاقة الإبداعية يمكن أن يكون إلا من JHWH الله فقط: هو له إلا قوة خلاقة
كيف، اللاهوت الخاص بك، هو على القرف؟ لهذا السبب، يمكنك فعل يهوه الكريم:
يكون الشيطان .. وهذا هو الحق، والنفاق الخاص بك، تحريف، إخفاء،
والعنصرية، والكراهية والتكفير والقتل، وارتداء الاحتكار، سبا البنوك
المركزية، نظام Bildenberg، نظام ايباك الماسونية! م واس هوليوود هالوين
الجنسين داروين جدول الأعمال، Chemtrails مونسانتو، والكائنات المعدلة
وراثيا جدول 666 NWO، والمعادن الثقيلة في اللقاحات، إلى يضر الأجيال
القادمة من الأغيار، وإبادة كل منهم (عن عبادة الشيطان، وأنك قد علمت
إخوانكم السعودية السلفية الشريعة) ، ثم في الكراهية الخاص، والآن سوف
تموت، أيضا، جميع الإسرائيليين، فضلا عن أنه قتل جميع اليهود من أوروبا،
أيضا! هذا هو أن كنت قد كتبت في التلمود بشكل فظيع SO، الشيطانية، النازية،
عنصرية، الشيطانية، التي لا يعتقد ريال، من العقل البشري، لماذا أنت دائما
تقديم التضحيات البشرية على نسر، الشيطان، لماذا أنت كهنة الشيطان، بأن
تور م واس البنك الدولي، SPA الغش المصرفي رسوم سك العملات، FED البنك
المركزي الأوروبي وصندوق النقد الدولي، وجميع الاحتكار SPA، واسترشادا
وكالة المخابرات المركزية ومنظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي: لمذبحة 5000000000
الناس، فمن الممكن، AS SOON! بواسطة الخط الفاصل بتصفح من https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
差別主義者、ひどいされていることである、サタン、なぜあなたにの司祭ARE SATAN、TOURS、SPA WORLD
SPA、ガイド付きCIAとNATOこと:大虐殺50億人に、それが可能だ、とすぐに! UNIUS REIによってhttps://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussionから
משה כהן [3 חדשים צוריק] איר זענט אַ מעססיאַניק איד? וואָס? /// [דיין,
איז אַלץ, קעגן אידן און קריסטן, ווייַל איר האָבן דעסעקראַטעד די ביבל,
דורך די גמרא] איך ווי צו פיל וואָס די אידן זענען פּראַקטיש באַרדאַסדיק,
מאַטיריאַליסטיק, און עס איז דאַנק צו דעם זייער גייַסטיק סטרוקטור:
יוטילאַטעריאַן און באַרדאַסדיק, אַז אידן האָבן געצווונגען אַפֿילו גאָט
דזשהווה הייליק, צו ווערן מענטש אין יאָשקע פון בעטהלעהעם: אין הויז פֿון
דוד: דעריבער גאָט האט שוין געצווונגען אויף די קרייַז צו ווייַזן זייַן
Infinite ליבע פֿאַר אונדז! אַ ליבע אַזוי גרויס פֿאַר אונדז, Infinite
ליבע, אַלע געגעבן צו אונדז די רוח קרייַז, וואָס איז אַ סקאַנדאַל, וואָס,
קענען ניט זיין געגלויבט, און, אנגענומען דורך אונדז, וואָס איז וואָס,
מיר זענען אַלע עגאָיסטיש! און אין קיין פאַל, אידן געצווונגען, אַפֿילו
גאָט דזשהווה הייליק, צו באַשייַמפּערלעך זיך, צווישן מענטשן פון אברהם צו
משה, צו אַלע די נביאים. אַזוי: אין זייער זינען פּראַקטיש מאַטעריאַל,
אַלע אידן וועל געקומען, אַלע דורך מיר: לאָרענזאָדזשהווה: וואָס, איך
פאָרשטעלן זייער אינטערעס, זייער צוקונפֿט, דעם יינציק זייער געלעגנהייַט
צו קלייַבן די 12 שבטים פון ישראל, אונטער די פֿליגלען ברוך, חן, און שוץ :
פון זייער גאָט יהווה, אין מיין אידישע המקדש: אַמאָל ווידער, פֿאַר די
לעצטע מאָל, איידער פון די סוף .. אָבער, איר רבנים פאַריסעעס, איר האט
געזאגט אין דער גמרא, אַז אַלע גויים-יידן, זייער נשמה איז Created by דער
שטן (דעריבער עס איז די שעד וואס האט CREATED אַלע חיות, און אויך: אַלע
(גוי חיות פון די מענטשלעך פאָרעם), כוועראַז אין פאַקט, גאָט CREATED
בלויז די יידן, אָבער, נאָר יענע וואס האָבן נישט פאַרפאַלן זייער
פאָטערלעך ייחוס .. אַזוי , אין דעם מאָדע, איר האָבן געגעבן צו שטן, די
שעפעריש מאַכט, אָבער, וואָס אַלעמען ווייסט, ווי שעפעריש מאַכט קענען זיין
נאָר, פון דזשהווה גאָט 'ס בלויז: איז זיין בלויז די שעפעריש מאַכט! ווי,
דיין טיאַלאַדזשי, איז איבער דער SHIT? אַז ס וואָס, איר האט די רוח יהווה:
זייַן די שטן! .. און, דאָס איז רעכט, פֿאַר דיין צוויעס, פּערווערזשאַן,
קאַנסילמאַנט, רייסיזאַם, האַס, בלאַספעמי, מאָרד, מאָנאָפּאָל טראָגן,
ספּאַ סענטראַל באַנקס, בילדענבערג רעזשים, אַיפּאַק מאַסאָניק סיסטעם ,
ספּאַ האָלליוואָאָד האַללאָוועען דזשענדער DARWIN אַגענדאַ, טשעמטראַילס
מאָנסאַנטאָ, און גמאָס אַגענדאַ 666 NWO, און שווער מעטאַלס אין
וואַקסינז, צו שאַטן צוקונפֿט דורות פון גויים, און יקסטערמאַנייט זיי אַלע
(אַלע סאַטאַניסם, אַז איר האָבן געלערנט דיין ברידער סאַודי סאַלאַפי
שאַרי'אַ) , דעמאָלט אין דיין האַס, איצט איר וועט שטאַרבן, אויך, אַלע
יסראַעליס, ווי געזונט ווי האָבן געהרגעט אַלע די אידן פון אייראָפּע,
אויך! אַז איז וואָס איר האָט געשריבן אין גמרא איז אַזוי שרעקלעך,
סאַטאַניק, נאַצי, ראַסיסט, דימאַניק, אַז קענען ניט זיין געגלויבט עמעס, א
מענטש מיינונג, וואָס זענען איר שטענדיק מאַכן HUMAN קרבנות אויף אַלטער,
OF שׂטן, וואָס זענען איר כּהנים פֿון שׂטן, אַז טאָורס, ספּאַ וועלט
באַנק, ספּאַ סקאַם BANKING סעיגניאָראַגע, fed עקב, ימף, אַלע מאָנאָפּאָל
ספּאַ, און גיידיד סי.איי.עי. און נאַטאָ: צו שכיטע 5 ביליאָן מענטשן, עס ס
מעגלעך, ווי באַלד! דורך וניוס רעי פֿון https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
משה כהן [לפני 3 חודשים] אתה יהודי משיחי? למה? /// [שלך, הוא הכל, נגד
יהודים ונוצרים, כי אתה חללת את התנ"ך, דרך התלמוד] אני אוהב יותר מדי למה
היהודים הם מעשיים רציונלים, חומרני, וזה בזכות המבנה הנפשי שלהם זה:
תועלתניים יהודים רציונלי, כי אילצו אפילו אלוהים JHWH קדוש, כדי להיות אדם
בישוע של לחם: לתוך בית דוד: ולכן אלוהים שנכפה על הצלב כדי להראות את
האהבה האינסופית בשבילנו! אהבה כה גדולה בשבילנו, אהבה אינסופית, כולם נתנה
לנו את הצלב הקדוש, כלומר שערורייה, זה, לא להאמין, AND, מקובל עלינו, וזו
הסיבה שבעטיה, שכולנו אנוכי! ובכל מקרה, היהודים בכפייה, אפילו קדושים
אלוהים JHWH, להגשים את עצמך, בקרב גברים מאברהם למשה, לכל הנביאים. SO:
לפי החומר שלהם במובן המעשי, כל רצון היהודי בא, בכוחות עצמיים:
lorenzoJHWH: למה, אני לייצג את האינטרסים שלהם, העתיד שלהם, הסיכוי שלהם
הייחודי כדי לאסוף את 12 שבטי ישראל, תחת כנפי מבורך, חסד, והגנה : הויה
אלוהיהם, ב המקדש היהודי שלי: שוב, בפעם האחרונה, לפני הסוף .. אבל, אתה
הרבנים הפרושים, אמרת בתלמוד, כי נוצרה כל הלא-יהודים, הנשמה שלהם על ידי
השטן (ולכן הוא שד אשר יצר כל בעלי חיים, וגם: הכול (חיות הגוי מן הצורה
האנושית), הואיל למעשה, אלוהים ברא רק יהודים, אלא, רק אלה שלא אבדו
הגנאלוגיה האבהי שלהם .. כך , במצב זה, יש לך נתן השטן, הכוח היצירתי, אבל,
אשר כולם יודעים, כמו הכוח היצירתי יכול להיות רק, של רק של JHWH אלוהים:!
הוא הכוח היצירתי שלו רק איך, התיאולוגיה שלך, נגמר החרא? זו הסיבה, עשית
את יהוה הקודש: להיות השטן .. וכן, זה נכון, על הצביעות שלך, סטייה, הסתרה,
גזענות, שנאה, חילול שם, רצח, ללבוש מונופול, בנקים מרכזיים ספא, משטר
Bildenberg, מערכת בונים חופשי איפא"ק! , מגדר HALLOWEEN HOLLYWOOD SPA
דארווין סדר היום, Chemtrails מונסנטו, והאג'נדה הנדסה גנטית 666 NWO,
ומתכות כבדות בחיסונים, לפגוע בדורות הבאים של הגויים, וגם להשמיד את כולם
(כל כת השטן, כי אתה צריך ללמד אחיכם ערב הסלפית השריעה) אז, בשנאה שלך,
עכשיו אתה תמות, גם כל הישראלים, כמו גם הרגו את כל יהודי אירופה, מדי! זֶה
הוּא זֶה שכתבו בתלמוד שכל כך נורא, שטני, נאצי, גזעני, שטני, לא ניתן
אמין אמיתי, מן המוח אנושי, למה אתה תמיד עושה קורבנות אדם על אלטאיר, של
שטן, למה אתה כהנים השטן, כי TOURS, SPA הבנק העולמי, SPA הונאת הבנקאות
seigniorage, FED ECB, קרן המטבע הבינלאומית, ALL MONOPOLY SPA, והנחה CIA
ונאט"ו: לטבוח 5 מיליארד בני אדם, זה אפשרי, ברגע! על ידי unius REI מ https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
Moshe Cohen [3 mesi fa] Sei un messianico Ebreo? Perché? /// [TUO tutto
contro ebrei e cristiani perché avete profanato la Bibbia attraverso il
Talmud] mi piace troppo perché gli ebrei sono pratici razionale,
materialista, ed è grazie a questa loro struttura mentale:
utilitaristici e razionali, che gli ebrei hanno costretto anche Dio JHWH
santa, per diventare l'uomo in Gesù di Betlemme: in casa di Davide:
dunque Dio è stato costretto sulla croce per dimostrare il suo amore
infinito per noi! Un amore così grande PER NOI, amore infinito, TUTTI
dato a noi della Santa Croce, CHE è uno scandalo, questo, non può essere
creduto, E, accettato da noi, è per questo, siamo tutti egoista! e in
ogni caso, gli ebrei costretti, anche Dio JHWH santa, di manifestare se
stessi, tra gli uomini da Abramo a Mosè, a tutti i Profeti. SO: nel loro
senso MATERIALE PRATICO, TUTTI ebrei è venuto, tutto da me:
lorenzojhwh: perché, io rappresento il loro interesse il loro futuro,
l'unica loro possibilità di raccogliere le 12 tribù di Israele, sotto le
ali benedette, la grazia, e la protezione : del loro Dio YHWH, nel mio
tempio ebraico: ancora una volta, per l'ultima volta, prima della fine
.. Ma, rabbini farisei, ha detto nel Talmud, che tutti i non ebrei, la
loro anima è stato creato dal diavolo (quindi è il demone che ha creato
tutti gli animali, e anche: tutti gli animali (Goy dalla forma umana),
mentre, in realtà, Dio ha creato solo gli ebrei, ma, solo coloro che non
hanno perso la loro genealogia paterna .. così , in questo modo, si è
dato al diavolo, il potere creativo, ma che tutti conoscono, come il
potere creativo non può che essere, di di JHWH Dio solo: è il suo unico
potere creativo cOME, lA TEOLOGIA, è sopra la mERDA? è per questo che,
hai fatto il Santo YHWH: essere il diavolo .. E, questo è giusto, per la
vostra ipocrisia, perversione, l'occultamento, il razzismo, l'odio, la
bestemmia, l'omicidio, l'usura monopolio, Spa banche centrali, regime
Bildenberg, sistema AIPAC massonico! , SPA HOLLYWOOD dI HALLOWEEN dI
GENERE DARWIN AGENDA, scie chimiche Monsanto, e gli OGM agenda 666 NWO, e
metalli pesanti nei vaccini, per danneggiare le generazioni future di
goyim, e sterminare tutti (tutto il satanismo, che hai insegnato i tuoi
fratelli Arabia salafita Shari'a) , poi nel tuo odio, ora si muore,
anche, tutti gli israeliani, così come hanno ucciso tutti gli ebrei
d'Europa, troppo! Cioè che hai scritto IN Talmud è così terribile,
SATANICO, nazista, razzista, DEMONIC, CHE NON può essere creduto reale,
dalla mente d'uomo, perché sei sempre fare sacrifici umani su Altair, di
Satana, perché sei sacerdoti di SATANA, che i tour, SPA BANCA MONDIALE,
guidato CIA e la NATO: a massacrare 5 miliardi di persone, è possibile,
non appena! da UNIUS REI da https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
Pakistan: kamikaze fa strage di cristiani a Lahore, 72 morti, maggior
parte donne e bambini 28 marzo 2016 ] con la sharia nazista: senza
libertà di religione, e gli schiavi dhimmi D'alema Mogherini Boldrini? i
mandanti IDEOLOGICI, di ogni strage ISLAMICA SHARIA, sono sempre i
COMPLICI! [ Le autorità hanno indetto tre giorni di lutto. Il Papa:
"Strage orribile". Talebani Jamatul Ahrar rivendicano l'attentato. E'
salito a 72 il numero delle vittime e a 320 quello dei feriti causati
dall'azione di un kamikaze ieri pomeriggio in un parco di Lahore, nel
Pakistan centrale, dove si erano raccolte molte persone di religione
cristiana per celebrare all'aperto e in famiglia la festività pasquale.
Confermando il bilancio, un responsabile del governo della provincia del
Punjab a detto alla tv Express News che "le operazioni di soccorso sono
ancora in pieno svolgimento". Fra le vittime una trentina sono bambini,
che nel momento dello scoppio utilizzavano i giochi e le attrezzature
sportive del Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park. Le autorità hanno indetto tre giorni
di lutto, mentre si cerca di risalire ai responsabili del movimento
Jamat ul Ahrar che ha rivendicato l'attentato. La polizia pachistana ha
arrestato nelle ultime ore 15 persone. Lo riferisce oggi Geo Tv. Fra gli
arrestati, si è appreso, vi sono anche tre fratelli del giovane
kamikaze che si è fatto esplodere fra le famiglie che trascorrevano la
Pasqua nel Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park della città. L'attentatore suicida è
stato identificato come Yousuf, 28 anni, figlio di Ghulam Farid e
residente nel distretto di Muzzafargarh. S.Sede: Papa prega, strage
orribile - "La strage orribile di decine di innocenti nel parco di
Lahore getta un'ombra di tristezza e di angoscia sulla festa di Pasqua.
Ancora una volta l'odio omicida infierisce vilmente sulle persone più
indifese". Lo dichiara padre Federico Lombardi, sull'attentato in
Pakistan. "Insieme al Papa - che è stato informato - preghiamo per le
vittime, siamo vicini ai feriti, alle famiglie colpite, al loro immenso
dolore, ai membri delle minoranze cristiane ancora una volta colpite
dalla violenza fanatica, all'intero popolo pachistano ferito". Strage
cristiani a Lahore - Oltre 70 persone, in stragrande maggioranza donne e
bambini della minoranza cristiana, sono state uccise in serata in un
attacco suicida in un parco pubblico di Lahore, nel Pakistan centrale,
gremito di famiglie che celebravano la Pasqua. L'esplosione, di forte
entità, è avvenuta vicino a un ingresso del Gulshan-i-Iqbal Park situato
nell'area di Iqbal Town, un popolare ritrovo domenicale e
particolarmente affollato in occasione della festività cristiana. Il
kamikaze si è fatto esplodere vicino a delle altalene in mezzo alla
folla. E' stata una carneficina con oltre 300 feriti, rivendicata dai
talebani del gruppo Jamatul Ahrar. Secondo quanto riferito all'ANSA da
Xavier P. William, responsabile dell'ong Life for All Pakistan che si
occupa di diritti delle minoranze religiose, almeno 51 vittime e 157
feriti appartengono alla comunità cristiana. I sopravvissuti hanno detto
di aver visto i corpi smembrati dalla deflagrazione riversi in pozze di
sangue. Per trasportare i numerosi feriti negli ospedali sono stati
usati i taxi e gli autorisciò che erano parcheggiato all'uscita del
parco. Il governo di Islamabad ha dispiegato alcuni reparti dell'
esercito per facilitare le operazioni di soccorso. La polizia ha
confermato la presenza di un kamikaze e anche l'uso di sfere metalliche
nell'esplosivo per aumentare l'effetto letale. Al momento della strage
c'era una grande folla nel parco a tal punto che le vie di accesso erano
intasate dal traffico. E' emerso che non c'era alcun servizio d'ordine a
protezione dei numerosi ingressi del parco pubblico che è uno dei più
grandi di Lahore. Il massacro è stato duramente condannato da India,
Stati Uniti e anche dall'Italia. "Il pensiero corre alle piccole vittime
pachistane di #Lahore e alla Pasqua insanguinata dalla follia kamikaze #prayforlahore"
ha scritto su Twitter il premier Matteo Renzi. Anche la premio Nobel
per la pace Malala Yousafzai ha stigmatizzato la strage sempre su
Twitter. "Sono sconvolta da un crimine insensato - ha scritto la giovane
- che ha colpito gente innocente". Il 15 marzo dello scorso anno due
kamikaze sempre del Tehrek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Jamat-ul-Ahrar, si
erano fatti esplodere all'ingresso di due chiese di Lahore vicine fra
loro, la cattolica St.John's Church e la cristiana Christ Church
causando 17 morti. 28 marzo 2016
] Moshe Cohen [3 mesi fa] You are a messianic Jew? Why? /// IL TUO È
TUTTO contro ebrei e cristiani perché tu hai profanato la Bibbia
PRATICI razionali E MATERIALISTI, ed è grazie a questa loro struttura
mentale: utilitaristica e razionale, che ebrei hanno costretto,
addirittura: Dio JHWH holy, a diventare uomo: in Gesù di Betlemme: della
Casa di Davide: quindi Dio è stato costretto sulla Croce a dimostrare
tutto il suo amore infinito per noi! UN AMORE COSÌ GRANDE PER NOI, AMORE
comunque, EBREI hanno costretto, addirittura: Dio JHWH holy, a
manifestarsi tra gli uomini da: Abramo a Mosé a tutti i Profeti. QUINDI:
RAPPRESENTO IL LORO INTERESSE, il loro futuro, la LORO unica
possibilità di raccogliere le 12 tribù di ISRAELE, sotto le ali
benedette, di grazia e protezione, del loro Dio JHWH, nel MIO Tempio
Ebraico, ancora una volta, per l'ultima volta, PRIMA DELLA FINE.. MA,
VOI RABBINI FARISEI, voi avete detto nel Talmud, che per TUTTI i non
ebrei, la loro anima è stata creata dal demonio (QUINDI È IL DEMONIO CHE
HA CREATO TUTTI GLI ANIMALI (goy animali dalla forma umana), MENTRE, in
realtà, DIO HA CREATO SOLTANTO GLI EBREI, ma, soltanto quelli che non
hanno perduto le GENEALOGIE PATERNE ).. quindi voi avete dato al
demonio, il potere creativo, che tutti sanno può essere di Dio Soltanto:
perché, voi avete fatto di JHWH Holy il demonio! .. e questo è giusto
per la vostra ipocrisia, perversione, dissimulazione, odio razzismo,
blasfemia, omicidi, usura monopolio, Spa Banche CENTrALI sistema
massonico, Monsanto Scie chimiche, e OGM, e metalli pesanti nei vaccini,
per danneggiare le future generazioni di goyim, e sterminarli tutti
(tutto il satanismo che voi avete insegnato ai vostri fratellastri
Sauditi salafiti sharia), quindi nel vostro odio ora farete morire,
anche, tutti gli israeliani, così come avete fatto morire tutti gli
PERSONE AL PIÙ PRESTO! by UNIUS REI from https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
SACERDOTI DI SATANA, cannibali e non, sono tecnici informatici, SONO
NATO NWO SPA FMI, ECC. sono sempre sulla pagina di: https://www.youtube.com/user/YouTube/discussion
ma, se anche voi non li potete più vedere, perché sono stati tutti
sconfitti e danneggiati da me: e quindi si sono nascosti? ma, loro so li
ancora, e mi seguono dentro tutti i miei siti! ] SAID: " IHateNEWLAYOUT
" IO Penso che tu mi ami tutto tutto il tempo che si parla di me Way
???? Oggi vedo uomini molto molto pazza in steet a parlare con lui di sé
a Dio. Qualcuno mi ha detto di dirti che fanno uso di droghe ??? Sono
nato 1591BC .. CIA lavoro molto duro ma CIA detto che sono molto bravo
con il mio lavoro CIA. 374z3z8ie @ è Alex. So Rothchild mi incontrano.
/// I Think you in Love With me all all time you talking about me
Way???? Today I see very very mad men in steet talking to he self about
God. Someone told me to tell you You Use Drugs ??? I am born 1591BC ..
CIA Very hard job but CIA said I am very good With my CIA JOB.
374z3z8ie@ is Alex . I know RothChild he meet me. ===== MA IL SUO
SAID: " IHateNEWLAYOUT BLOCK " 1. IHateNEWLAYOUT you do not know how to
watch my new video lol IFuckingKillYouRapeU watch?v=LDg8qbzG4Lw you see
me. UFuckWithWrongPerson SOON I Get u a Account Warning From
StopSpaMistafield. Not you I mean I Shut down UniusRei 1 or channels ///
2. 187AUDIOHOSTEM Google: "Spying BIG PENIS from my boyfriend" [Stop
ISLAMICI! Dalla Duma proposta per aiutare le famiglie: Stato paga parte
mutuo dopo nascita figlio, 27.03.2016. Il programma "Sgravi per
l'alloggio dei bambini" prevede che in caso di nascita di un figlio
parte della rata del mutuo sarà pagata dallo Stato: http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20160327/2356644/welfare-Russia-casa-diritti.html#ixzz44813qkQs
GAY! la omosessualità non è una turba (malattia) psichica, ma, è una
malattia spirituale contagiosa! QUINDI LO STATO HA IL DOVERE DI
DISCRIMINATORIO! Gender e ddl Cirinnà: come distruggere la famiglia
naturale http://it.sputniknews.com/italia/20150820/995874.html Ddl Cirinnà, come stravolgere la famiglia e la società http://it.sputniknews.com/italia/20160207/2048281/cirinna-ddl-famiglia-societa.html Stop famiglia tradizionale: arriva la nuova gen(d)erazione http://it.sputniknews.com/italia/20150622/606177.html
28 MAR - E' salito a 72 il numero delle vittime e a 320 quello dei
feriti causati da un kamikaze che si è fatto esplodere ieri pomeriggio
in un parco di Lahore, nel Pakistan centrale, dove si erano raccolte
molte persone di religione cristiana per celebrare all'aperto e in
famiglia la festività pasquale. Confermando il bilancio, un responsabile
del governo della provincia del Punjab a detto alla tv Express News che
"le operazioni di soccorso sono ancora in pieno svolgimento".
28.03.2016. La polizia ha determinato l'identità del kamikaze che ha
compiuto una strage a Lahore durante la domenica di Pasqua, riporta oggi
il canale “Geo TV”. L'attentatore è stato identificato come Yusuf,
figlio di Ghulam Farid, nato il 1° gennaio 1988 e vissuto nella città di
Muzaffargarh, nella provincia pachistana del Punjab. Secondo le
indagini preliminari, Yusuf ha insegnato per 8 anni in una scuola
religiosa a Lahore.
è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia! ] gli USA hanno bloccato i risultati dele scatole nere, fino ad oggi ] quindi ci sono delle intese comuni per insabbiare questo crimine e trovare una soluzione politica del Donbass [Un anno fa abbattuto aereo su Ucraina. Putin, prematuro tribunale internazionale per responsabili ] non credo che per chi ha seguito la vicenda, si possa avere dei dubbi sul fatto che sia stato CIA Kiev ad abbattere l'aereo malese sul Donbass [[ Disastro MH17 resta giallo Putin contro tribunale Onu. Europa. E' "prematuro e controproducente" istituire un tribunale internazionale per individuare e giudicare i possibili responsabili dell'abbattimento dell'aereo della Malaysia Airlines [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia!
Persecuted USA Bildenberg Nwo, SpA, is Global Assault on Christians ] [ La democrazia è incompatibile con questa UE – Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia http://www.byoblu.com/
Pubblicato 12 luglio 2015 - 17.05 - Da Claudio Messora. L’economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall’euro sempre più probabile e quello di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo. LA DEMOCRAZIA E' INCOMPATIBILE CON L'UE - Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=126&v=PNRHgZppEj0 Pubblicato il 12 lug 2015.
L'economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall'euro e di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo.
Gli spin doctor UE hanno fallito! Il ritorno di Marcello Foa su Byoblu.com
Pubblicato 14 luglio 2015 - 16.15 - Da Claudio Messora
Gli Spin Doctor, i manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica che agiscono dai più alti vertici istituzionali, hanno confezionato una vera e propria strategia del terrore per dipingere Tsipras come un pazzo e spaventare i greci, insieme a tutti gli altri popoli europei. Eppure, la violenza del loro messaggio questa volta sta ottenendo l’effetto opposto a quello sperato: la coscienza dei cittadini inizia a ribellarsi e a non credere più al “frame“, la cornice di interpretazione dei fatti stabilita per influenzare i media e ottenere un consenso drogato. Ecco la nuova lucida, imperdibile analisi di Marcello Foa sul caso della Grecia e sugli ultimi accadimenti riferiti all’Isis. Da ascoltare con attenzione, condividere e far condividere a tutti.
Per chi si fosse perso l’intervista precedente, che spiega il concetto di Frame, eccola qui sotto:
Uscire dall’euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
google DATAGATE 666 Nwo, questo colore azzurro sul testo nero del mio blog? è un filtro: RIMUOVILO!
Spari in basi del Tennessee, uccisi quattro marines
Nord America.
L'attentatore, morto nello scontro a fuoco con la polizia, si chiamava Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni. Era americano, originario del Kuwait. Obama, indagini a tutto campo
Claudio Messora Condiviso su Google+ · 2 settimane fa
--- il punto con Claudio Borghi sulla crisi greca ---
Seguiamo insieme gli eventi che precipitano ad Atene, con una delle voci che su questo blog li hanno saputi anticipare di anni.
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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Published: June 18, 2015 35b/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: IV. Kristne bør være i ting Skadet Nødvendig: for Survival: The: Jødene: Ikke: De må spare Eventuelle betyr: For The Fight: tyranner: That: holde dem i denne fjerde Captivity i rekkefølge: av: bli kvitt. De må: Fight The kristne: Med: Det: Og Cunning: Not: do Anything: For å unngå: at:: Evil gripe dem: Tea: Deres Sick: Not: De må få omsorg: For: Christian Women: Ikke: De må hjelpes Under: The: childbirth: Og: De kristne: Ikke: De må lagres Når du er i fare av: døden.
36/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Og: gjøre forretninger: Med: Den samme Akum (Christian). I andre Places: men: is: annerledes Og: er: bare: Til: En annen jøde: av: Going To The Same Akum (Christian) krets: gjøre forretninger: Med: Og ham: Ta: The: hans penger. In: Fakta:: Rikdom dell Akum (Christian) og bør betraktes som en felles eiendom: Den tilhører den første: At: det kan bevilges. Det er: Uansett: Hvem sier at: Hva: Ikke: gjøres. "I Choschen Hammischpat (183,7 Hagah) lyder:" Hvis: jøde driver virksomhet: Med A: Akum (Christian) Og: A: Og bror israelitt Forekommer: Frodathe: Akum (Christian): For halvår: av: False Vekt: eller: tiltak: eller: Tall: han må dele: Den beste: hans Profit: Med: Tea: hans bror israelitt: Fordi: Det: begge har deltatt i The: Affair: Og: Også: For hjelp. "
37/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: 4. Til: Jøde PU0 late: av: BE Til: CHRISTIAN: For: bedra kristne: In Iore Dea (. 157,2 Hagah) lyder: "Hvis: jøde kan: Fool Them (avgudsdyrkerne) late som: av: være: ivrig: av: stjerner: is: lov til å gjøre "5.. Jøder: is: Tillatt slitasje TRENING: In The: Against kristne: i: Abhodah Zarah (54a) den sier: is: kun øvelsen: Wear: i: respekt: The: Apostata Fallen inn avgudsdyrkelse. "Og: I Iore Dea (159,1) lyder: is: bare: i samsvar med: The: Torah: å låne penger til Wear Til:. Akum (Christian) Noen Elders: Men: Dette benekter Unntatt i tilfelle: av: Life : av: døden av dagen:. I dag er: Tillatelser:. uavhengig av årsak "
38/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: III. Skadet Kristne bør være i SPØRSMÅL: JURIDISKE: 1. The: Jøden: is: Permission Og LIE: Jura: The: USANN: For: An Order Til: CHRISTIAN: I Babha Kama (113th) sier det: Det beste: Vår undervisning er:: Etter: Når Til: jøde og A : GOI: (lønn) møte i retten: frikjenne den: Jøden: hvis du kan: I henhold til lovene i Israel. Hvis:: GOI: (lønn) Seire: Fortell ham: At: Hva: is: Hva: Tea: vår lov krever. Hvis: Men: The: Jøden kan frifunnet i samsvar med: The: The Law: snill: Og utslipp ham: Fortell ham: At: Hva: is: skje i henhold til våre lover. Hvis dette nivået: Ikke: det kan gjøres: gjøre: Med: hardhet Against: The: GOI: (lønn) Som: anbefalt: The: Rabbi Ischmael.
39/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk slaver]: Det: Rabbi Akibha: dog: Argumenterer: That: Ikke: du kan Act: Med: Svindel: For: Ikke: Profane Guds navn: Og: For : Ikke: Har Til: Jøden returnert Til: Opinion: For mened. "Et notat til: margin: Men: Dette Forklarer Point: The: Rabbi Akibha som: følger: Name of God: Ikke: hvis det er vanhelliget: The: GOI: (lønn) Ikke: han vet: at: : Jøde: har: Lied "og:. mer: Forward: The: Babha Kama (113b) sier:: Guds navn: Not: is: Når vanhelliget: For Eksempel: Til: Jøden sinnet til A: GOI: (lønn ) sa: Jeg har gitt noe til deg: din Far: Men han: is: dead: du må returnere den til meg: Forutsatt at:: GOI: (hedenske) Ikke: vet: at: Du lyver. "
40/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: 2: is: Tillatelse til å: Jøden Jury: The: USANN: Med: Bevissthet: CLEAN: I Kallah (1b: s.18) lyder: "Det ( disse: mor til: mazmer) sa: Jeg sverger til: meg Og:. Det: Rabbi Akibha sverget Med: Lepper: men: ugyldiggjort i sitt hjerte: Det banning-på A:. lignende konsept er i Schabbuoth Hagahoth: The : Rabbi Ascher (6d) "hvis:: magistraten i en by som tvinger jøder til: sverger at: Ikke: Og: Flykt fra den By: That: Ikke: det gni av alt: De vil Kjeft The: False å si: Seg Selv : Det: Ikke: Flykt Den dagen: Og: Det: Not: fjern AnythingFrom Byen på den dagen bare. "
42/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: 1. Til: Jøde MÅ alltid prøve: av: bedra kristne: I Zohar (I: ett hundre og sekstinde) står det: Den beste: The Rabbi Jehuda: har: sa (til rabbineren Chezkia): is: Verdig: av: Praise Ham: Det: er : stand: av: bli kvitt Israels fiender: Og: Er: veldig Worthy: av: The Praise: Den rettferdige That, og de er utgitt: Fight Them: The: Chezkia Rabbi spurte: Hvordan skal vi slåss? The: Rabbi Jehuda sa: Med: Wise Rådgiver Against War: av: Them (Ordspråkene: cap.24: 6). Med: That: Type: av: War: The: Type: av: War: At: Hvert barn av: mann må: Fight: Mot: Den: hans Enemies: Og: Det: Jacob brukt: Against: Esau: Når det er mulig: Med: The: Og Deception: The: Svindel.
43/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: De må være nådeløst Kjempet: Opp til: at:: riktig rekkefølge: Not: noen restaurert: is: Det: Fore: Med: Stasjonære Faction: That: I som sier: Vi må: Frigjør Og: fra dem: regelen: av: Them. "2: Ikke: du må hjelpe: SICK CHRISTIAN: I Iore Dea (158,1) lyder:" The: Akum (Christian) Ikke: De må behandles: Events: For pengene: Til: Less: That: Hva: Ikke: forårsake : Den: Deres fiendskap. "3: Ikke: Vi må: HJELP: Den: CHRISTIAN WOMAN IN: Tea: Deler: i: Orach Orach Chaiim (330,2) lyder:" Ingen hjelp: Selv minst: Bør gis til en kvinne Akum (Christian) under: Den: fødsel i timer: Mandag: i at:: Lørdag: Ikke: det må bli krenket ".
44/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: 4: Not: Vi må: HJELP: CHRISTIAN I FARE: av: DEATH: I Choschen Hammischpat (425,5) lyder: "Hvis du ser A: kjetter: That: merk: Nalla tror ToFall inn Torah: Vel: Med: A Ladder: Og straks rush: Take It Away og sier jeg må gå til: Ta av min sønn Til:. tak We Will rapport om: den: skala UMIDDELBART: eller: noe : av:. Generell Kuthaei I: Men: At: Ikke: Are: Og vår Enemies: That: Ta vare: av: sau: The: israelittene: Ikke: De må drepes direkte: men: Ikke: De må bli frelst: Fra Death "og: i Iore Dea (158,1) lyder:". The: Akum (Christian) At: Ikke: Are: Våre fiender: Ikke: De må drepes direkte:
45/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Denne: Ikke: på tross av dem: Ikke: De må lagres: Fra faren av: døden: For eksempel: hvis du ser en: av: Thed: Fall i havet: Not: å trekke det opp: Mindre: At: han: Not: I Promise: av: penger. "Maimonides i Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X1: Ikke: Licet misereri Eorum; noen andre imponerende ord:".. Det misereberis Eorum "1) Idcirco: Marquis viderit du Adum Pereuntem: vel demersum-regelverket: det OPEMFerat Han døde proximate viderit EUM: Eripiat det dødt Attamen EUM Losing sitt vedlikehold. i Praecipitem Puteum gi samme hastighet Ne Fas siquid Huic East: Quia Nobiscum bellum: Not: Gerit.
46/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Maimonides: i Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: 1) sier: Not: ha medlidenhet: av: Them: i: Fakta: Is: sa (VII Deuter. : 2) Ikke: Deres Piety vist. Det: Fore: hvis du ser A: Akum (Christian) i vanskeligheter eller drukne: Not: gå til hjelp. Og: Hvis han var i fare for: dødsfall: Ikke: lagre: Men: Ikke: is: bare drepe ham med:: Pushing hånden din inn i The Pit: eller: Ellers: Siden: That: De: Ikke: Are: i The War Against: av: oss. "Artikkel II: kristne drept BØR: ENDELIG: De: Talmud kommandoene: That: De kristne er uten Mercy drept i: Abhodah Zarah (26b) leser" kjettere: forrædere og: frafalne må kastes i A: Og Vel: Ikke : De må bli reddet ".
47/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Og: i Choschen Hammischpat (388,10) heter det: "The spy Skulle bli drept: Too: At Til: våre dager:. Uansett hvor du er Det kan være drept Selv noen : Fore: At: bekjenne og:. Selv om han innrømmer: av: han bare ønsket å gjøre: The: Å såre noen: Og: hvis:: Evil: At: Han ønsket å gjøre: Ikke: Var det veldig stor : er: Nok: For å fordømme det: For:. døden Det må imidlertid være advart: for: Ikke: Dette innrømme: men: hvis det står åpenlyst "No: Jeg bekjenner!" Da må han bli drept: Det: snarest mulig hvis:. Ikke: 'det er: Tid: For advare deg: Ikke: Is:. et nødvendig skritt Noen sier at: Til: Traitor må gjøres Til: døden bare når: is: umulig å bli kvitt
48/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: skamskar: dvs: cutting Av: Språk: eller: ripping ut Their Eyes: men: hvis dette: er: kan: Not: Å være drept siden: That : han: Not: is: Verste: av: annet: At: forfølger oss. "Og: i Choschen Hamm: av: New (388,15) lyder:" Hvis du kan bevise: At: noen har: forrådt Israel Three Times: eller: That: har: som:: pengene: av: Israels To The Akum ( Christian) du WillFind: The: Way: Etter bryr Ful vurdering: av: sletter det: From The Face: The: Earth. "Quinim: ipsum stadion lovgivere Iudaeorum Poenam Returnerte mortis Sanhedrin 59 til R. Iochanan For å sitere deg:. Goi scrutans Legem: East reus mortis.
49/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk slaver]: Det: Christian: Det: For å bli oppdaget: study: The: Law of Israel Meritter: The: døden. I Sanhedrin (59a) sier det:: Rabbi Jochanan sier: Til: GOI: (lønn) That Sticks: The: Nose i The Law er: skyldig av: døden. "II Occidendi sunt Baptisma suscipientes Iudaei Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X2:... Haec dicta sunt 1) de idolatris Israelitarum Sed illos her Til: desciverint religion: vel Epikurei Evaserint: drapet:. Å forfølge det Atque Selv dere inferos iubemur Quippe Affligunt Israelem: Populumque Til: Deo Avertunt.
50/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: II. Jødene bør gjøres døpt til: DØD: I Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: 2) lyder: "Disse ting (over) Are: For The avgudsdyrkere: men: Even israelittene: Det: La: The: Og deres religion: skal være drept og Bli Livsnytere: Vi må forfølger dem til slutten: for Israel og De plage: distrahere: Den: People of God "og: i Iore Dea (158,2 Hagah) lyder:" The Renegades: At: Are Rettet: Å på: Pleasures of The: Akum (Christian) Og: Det: Og de er forurenset tilbe stjerner: Den: Som Planets: De er: må drepes "Tilsvarende:. det er sagt i Choschen Hammischpat (425,5)
51/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk slaver]: "The: Jødene: At: Bli epikureiske: At: av skaden du: Worship: The: Og stjerner: The: Og Planets: synd skadelig; Hendelser De: Det: Spis: Den: kjøtt av: Dyr skadet: eller: That: Bruk klær rom: de fortjener: The Name: av: epikureiske: På samme måte: De: That: fornekte: Den: Torah And: Den: Profeter Israel: Den: Law: Er: That: Alle: De skal være drept: Og: De: Det: ha: The: Power: av: The Life And: av: Death Bør ha drept Them: Og: hvis dette nivået: Ikke : Kan det gjøres: De må være brakt til Death: Med: The: Deception "Her Sint Abnegantes:. Legem institusjoner: Clare R. Demonstratio Maimon i Hilkhoth Teschubhah III: 2).
52/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Tres sunt Negantium Torah klasser: 1. Her dicunt: Ikke: Til: Deo gitt meg disse Torah: Aut (merk: Til: Deo) saltem Eius versum UNUM: saltem Verbum UNUM: SED (løytnant) Moysen Til: seipso hoc dixisse: OMNIS (eng For å sitere deg her) Abnegat Legem. 2. Her Abiiciunt Eius Explicationem: quae dicitur Torah oralis (Mischnah) Neque Agnoscunt Eius doctores: Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Sadok. 3) Et Baithos 4). 3. Her: om:: Rabbi Maimonides: i Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III: 8): Forniscethe: Liste: av: De: Det: fornektere Are vurderes: The: Law: "Det: Are: Tre kategorier: People: At: fornekte: Den: Law: The: Torah: 1) People: At de sier: at:: Torah: Ikke: er: Var gitt av Gud:
53/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: minst: To: eller: A Word: av: det (sic) Og: At: De sier at: Har du vært is: The Whole Work of Moses: 2 ) People: At: re Fuse: The: Forklaring til: Torah: nemlig: Oral Law: The: Mischnah: Og: De: That: Ikke: riconoscono de: av myndighetene: Leger: The: Law: Som : The: Følgere: av: Sadok (saddukeerne) Og: av: Baithos: 3) People: At: At de sier: Gud har: endret: The: Law: For Til: En annen Nytt Law: Og: at:: Torah : Ikke: har: Ikke mer verdi: Selv om de gjør: Ikke: benekte: Det: ble gitt av Gud som: De kristne Og tro: Den: Tyrkerne: Alle: nekte dem:: leser fra Toraen. . "III kristne drept skal være: Hvorfor: Are: Tyrant: I Zohar (I: 25A) står det:
54/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk slaver]: "The Peoples of The: Earth: Are: avgudsdyrkere: Og: av: av: Them: Har du vært is: Skrevet: det er tørket av Face: av: Land: Destroy: The: minne: The:. amalekittene De: Are: fortsatt: Med: oss i denne fjerde Captivity: nemlig::. Principles (av Roma) At: i: Fakta: Are:. amalekittene "1. Disse prinsippene bør bli drept: For FØRSTE: Hvorfor: om de er tillatt: av: Life: The: håp: Liberation of The: Jødene: is: forfengelig: Og: Deres bønner: av: frigjøring fra dette vil bli Fjerde fangenskap i effektiv. I Zohar (I: 219B) den sier: is: selvfølgelig: Det: Den beste: våre fangenskap vil vare opptil: Da The: Principles av: snill: Det: De dyrker idoler: Not: De vil bli ødelagt. "
55/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Og: Selv i Zohar (II: 19a) står det: Den: Rabbi Jehuda: har: sagt: Kom til: Se som: Things Are, som: Tea : Prinsipper og har antatt Power over Israel: Israelittene: Ikke: klage: Men: Når det: Falls: The Prince: The: Deres glede er filt. At det er skrevet:: Re: The: Egypterne And Died: straks: Children of Israel ble frigjort: Fra fangenskap, og de skrek: Tea: Deres stemme Oppstegne Til: Gud "2: The PRINSIPP: At HA: Rome : For KAPITAL: er: IS: That: Jøder har mer HATE: til: Alle: kaller de det:: United: of: Og Esau: The: edomittene: The United Pride: The United: The: Evil: Unholy . Rome Den tyrkiske Empire heter: The: United: The: ismaelittene:
56/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Det: De: Not: Ønsker å ødelegge: den: United: of Rome: Men: må utryddes: Hvorfor: Når: Den beste: korrupte Roma er ødelagt: The : Og frelse: Den: Freedom vil være valgt People: av: Gud "R. David Kimchi scribit de Fected Obadiam29: Quidquid dixerunt Prophetae vastatione av Edom i ultims diebus: id intellexerunt de Rome: i UT Explica Iesaia i Versu" Access Gentes å lytte til "3) Etenim Når vastabitur Roma ERIT redemptio Israelitarum. The: Rabbi David Kimchi Skriver som: i: Obadiam: følger:" Denne: at:: Profeter: forutsa ødeleggelsen av: Edom i det siste: dagene jeg rapporterte til Roma: Som: sier Jesaja (ch.34: 1)
57/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Approach: eller: Nations: Og Lytt .. Når Roma er ødelagt: Israel vil bli forløst. "Også:: Rabbi Abraham sier: Same Thing i sin bok Tseror Hammor Seksjon Schoftim: Not: Når Roma vil bli ødelagt: Vi vil bli forløst." IV.FINALLY: Alle: Kristne: Inkludert Blant de beste: Av: DE MÅ UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26b. Tosephoth: Optimus inter occidi Returnerte hedninger. Multoties haec Phrasis repetita occurrit i diversis Iudaeorum Libris: Licet: Not: iisdem verbis.V.gR.Ps.IARC i Exod cap.XIV: se Editionis Amstelodamiensis17) for å sitere:
58/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: i: Abhodah Zarah (26b: Tosephoth) lyder: "også:: av de beste: hedningene drept Skal Være" The Shulhan Arukh: After The Words of The: Iore Dea (158,1) At: De sier at: De Blant de Akum (Christian) At: Ikke: make: The: Evil til jødene: Not: De må bli drept: De Nemlig: At: Not: Gjør War på Israel: Forklarer: The: Milchamah Word: War: men: Tid: av: War of the Akum (Christian) skal være drept Fordi det står skrevet: The Good Blant de Akum (Christian) fortjener: av: Å bli drept: Etc .. "V. jøde: som dreper: CHRISTIAN: Ikke: synd: men: tilbyr: ofre akseptabelt å: GOD: V. Iudaeus occidens Christianum: Not: Peccat: SED offerre dicitur Akseptabel sacrificium Deo.
59/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Sepher Or Israel 177b3) Dele Vitam Et occide Og Kiphoth; gratus Enim Eris Divinae majestet sicut ulovlig: Tilbys her oblatum røkelse. I Sepher Or Israel (177B) sier det: "Take Away: The: Life: til AT: Kliphoth Og: Kill Them: Og: Som deg til Gud som: A: at::. Tilbyr røkelse" Og: i Ialkut Simoni (245c.n.772) lyder: "One: Det: sprer: den: blod: Wicked er: Tid for å godta Gud som én: Det: tilbyr:.. For å ofre Gud VI ETTER: The: ødeleggelsen av templet Til: JERUSALEM: DEN ENESTE: Offer UNØDVENDIG: Is: The Murder Of kristne: I Zohar (III227b) Tea: The Good Shepherd sier: Nødvendig bare ofre: er: That: Togliamothe: Foul: av: Betyr Til: oss ".
60/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk slaver]: The Zohar (II: 43a) Explaining: The: Commandments of Moses ved innløsning av: Første født: av: A: Ass: Det: Vi har: Med: The: tilbyr: av: A Lamb: sier: "Eselet er: For: Den: Ikke: Jøden: At: det må bli forløst ved: Tea: Offer: A: Lam: Det: er:: Sporadisk : Flock: av Israel: men: hvis han re Sikringer: av: For å bli forløst: Da pausen: Det: hodeskallen .. De bør slettes: Fra boken om: Living Per: av: For dem er: sa : Han: Det: synd: Against: av: meg: Jeg vil ta Awad: Fra boken: The:. Life "VII. PERSONER: som vil drepe kristne Til: STED: høyt på himmelen: In The Zohar (1.38b: Og 39a) lyder:
61/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: i: palasser: Fourth himmelen er de: That: De Utstedt stønner av Sion og Jerusalem: Og: Alle: De: That Destroyed avgudsdyrkende Nations .. Og: De: That: Killing People: At: Han elsket idoler: Are: klær: Med: Kjoler: av: Purple slik: That: Og kan bli gjenkjent: æret. "VIII jøder: Not: BØR ALDRI slutte: av: Utrydde: GOIM;:. Ikke: MÅ ALDRI LEAVE ME ALONE Og: Ikke: MÅ: ALDRI sender til: DEM Hilkhoth I Akum (Christian) (X: 1) Vi leser. : Ikke: Spis: Med: The avgudsdyrkere: Ikke: Let Them: av: The Worship: Deres avguder: er: i: Fakta: Skrev: Ikke: Etablert kontrakter: Med: dem ikke: vise barmhjertighet Them (Deuter. ch.7 : 2) eller: distraherer dem: Fra deres idoler: eller: Kill Them ".
62/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Ibid (X: 7) Ikke: det vil tillate å: Ingen avgudsdyrkelse: av: Å bo: i: Steder der jødene Are: sterk: "IX: Alle: jøder: Are: FOR Å BLI SAMMEN: For: ødelegge forræderne: At: Are: Midt Til: DEM: I Choschen Hammischpat (338,16) heter det: Alle: The People: av: by: Are: påbudt Til: Bidra til bruken av drapet: av: A: A Traitor: Selv de:. at de må betale skatt andre "X. NO PARTY: Not: Uansett hvor høytidelig: CAN: Forebygge: The: halshogging: av: A: CHRISTIAN: I Pesachim (49b) sier det:: Rabbi Eliezer sa: is: bare klippe: Den: hode: A: idiot (a: av: innbyggerne i: Earth)
63/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: i The Feast of The: Avstemming Når det: Falls dag av: lørdag. Hans disipler sa til ham: Rabbi: Skulle du heller si å ofre: Men han svarte: Ikke i det hele tatt er: faktisk nødvendig å be Mens ofre: Og: Ikke: Det er: Trenger: av: Å be Når du halshugge noen. "XI: Den: KUN HENSIKT: av: og alle handlinger: Bønn: The: Jødene må være at: av: Destroy: The: Religion:: Det: avbilder jøder: Den: And The Messiah: Liberator: That: Forvent som: A: en forfølger: At: Å påføre store ulykker: Not: jøder: Den: Talmud lister opp tre store onder: At: hit: The: World When: The: Vil Messias komme Schabbath I (118) leser.
64/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk slaver]: «Den som spiser tre måltider: av: tirsdag Vil bli frelst: Fra Tre onder: The: Punishment: av: Messias: The: And The Pains of Hell: The War of Magog;: For det står skrevet: Se: Jeg sender dere Elias: Først profeten: Det: er:: Dag: fra Herren: Og så på "XII.. I sine bønner jødene sukk: Det: KOMMER: The: Avenger Messiah: Spesielt i: Vigil: The: Easter (Hebreerne) "Last ned: Tea: din Wrath på Nations: Det: Not: du vet: Og: på Kingdoms: At: Ikke: påberope: Den beste: ditt navn; Last ned:: av indignasjon din: av: Deres Og: at:: din Wrath: av: hevn Take Them: Og Perseguitali: ødelegge: Med: Anger fra under : himmel for Herren ".
65/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: De Også Be As: FØLGENDE: For hvor lang tid det vil forbli: Den: Din styrke og fange: Hvor lenge Lie: Den: i skjønnhet din: den: hender av undertrykkeren? Eller: Gud! Vis: Tea: Og din styrke: Den beste: din Zeal Against: Den beste: våre fiender; bryter: Tea: Og deres styrke: confonde Them "og: Igjen:" Cut off: den: håp om de urettferdige, siden at: Til: kjettere Perish Straks; uprooted: broken: Og: ødelegge: The United Proud; skynde: Til: Til:: faget Peoples: i: Present dagen. "I nøyaktig samme tid: Den: Fredag: At" Prinicipe Proud of The Empire: of Rome: The: Pope: And Be: For å bestille: Alle: Alle: Den: World of: Be: For: Alle: "kjettere"
66/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Og: De: That: Are "mistet" som: følger: "La oss be: For The: Per Fidious jøder: That: Herren vår Gud kan Take Away : Den: veilFrom Deres hjerter: Det: De kan gjenkjenne Jesus Kristus, vår Herre "allmektige og evige Gud. Det: Ikke: Even Exclude Jødene Fra nåde din: hør vår bønn: At: tilbyr: For: The: blindhet: av : The People: At: Anerkjent: The: Light Of The: Thy Truth: That is: Kristus ut av boksen: dens mørke: For vår Herre Jesus Kristus .. "How Beautiful er dine Halls: eller: JACOB: OG: THE DIN Gardiner: eller: ISRAEL (Num.24: 5)!
67/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Epilogue: Den milde leser: I denne artikkelen: Jeg siterte Passages: av: Verd: Få bøker av Talmud: ICI: That: De re Fer: til AT: Kristne: For Love of: kortfattethet Og: For å spare: Den: følsomme hjerte: The: leser: Jeg har utelatt mange andre: at de kunne ha tatt. Disse Tekster: Det: Jeg har nevnt: dog: Bør være tilstrekkelig: For å vise howFalse Påstandene: The: Jødene når de sier: Det: Ikke: Det er: Ingenting i Talmud That insegnithe: Og hater: The: fiendskap Mot kristne. Dersom studien: av: horrible bespottelse av: Denne boken bør være opprørende: For: The: Player: At: han: Not: iFeel liker det.
68/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Not: Jeg sa: av: begynnelsen: Det: Jeg fortalte noe av: Pleasant: men: bare: Det: Hva ville jeg ha vist: At: virkelig: Den: Talmud lærer om kristne: Og: Ikke: tror: At: Jeg kunne gjøre det mer hensiktsmessig. Jeg skjønner: Men: At: gitt: at:: Truth: Ikke: To Love: Alle: Jeg vil bli Enemies mange: For å ha vitnet Altså: The: Truth. For meg er dette: Har du vært er: blir minnet av: les: The: The Talmud selv: Det: Trussel: av: død: "forrædere": Og: Enda mer: ved Advarsler: av: De: Det: de har opplevd : The: Action: At: Jødene forplikter: Against: De: That: Ting å gjøre kjent: Deres ugunstig.
69/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: man bare: en enkelt flokk Slaves]: De: Alle: spådd at: Perish: For hånd: The: jøder. Looking: For: av: fraråde meg fra å fortsette: Tea: My Work: Noen har spurt meg: av: husk:: Fate of The: Professor Charina: At: av de drepte var: Plutselig å ha begynt å: Oversett: The: Talmud: dialekt. Andre minnet meg om: Det: Fate of The: Monk Didacus: av: Vilna: Til: konvertert: Fra jødedommen: At: Var han brutalt drept: andre minnet meg: av: De: Det: De hadde blitt forfulgt: For avsløre hemmeligheter : The: jødiske religion. Atter andre: Jeg har advart: Against: The: De burde ha pådratt Farene: min: kjære. "Wszak CIEB Wydzi zabij"
70/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: Jeg ble en gjentatt Hundrevis: av: Times: The: Boken: At: Nå du holder i hånden er:: Best Evidence: That: Not: Jeg har lyttet Til advarsler om hva følgene: min: Venner. Jeg vurderte uverdig: av: meg selv: bare for å være stille: For Love of The: Min personlige sikkerhet: Selv: Den beste: den mellom The Raging Conflict: TwoFields av "semittiske" Og: av "Anti-semitter:" Begge : Hvem argumentere: av: Fight: For: The: Truth: Selv om jeg vet: at:: Whole Truth: Ikke: Det ligger i noen av de: To Fields: men: Uansett hva som skjer med meg: Fordi: av: Hva : At: jeg gjorde: Jeg vil være glad: av: bjørn: Are: Willing To: gi: The: My Life -
71/71 [Talmud vs IMF. All Peoples: For gjøre: bare én: flokk Slaves]: At jeg kan vitne om: The: SANNHETEN: (Johannes 18: 37) IB Pranaitis: men: jødene vil drepe deg "polske Translation (Ca: Det: Innholdet av etterord: Er: For å nevne de betydelige dessverre: Det: Father Was i Pranaitis e ffekter: Den: Død som: Forventet: For av hånden: Under sitt Enemies: Den beste: den bolsjevikiske revolusjon: Ed) er: åpenbare: At: Disse uttalelsene : Det: Vi har kunnet rettferdiggjøre lesing: Against: Forfatterne av: Disse bespottelse mot Kristus: Altså: Against: Disse jødene: Det: Disse har anti-kristne utsagn: Kristi ord: "Du har: For hans Far: Det: helvete "Carlo Maria:. av: Peter (og Webmaster: Arrangøren: The: MSMA) Cohen: Forum
è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia! ] gli USA hanno bloccato i risultati dele scatole nere, fino ad oggi ] quindi ci sono delle intese comuni per insabbiare questo crimine e trovare una soluzione politica del Donbass [Un anno fa abbattuto aereo su Ucraina. Putin, prematuro tribunale internazionale per responsabili ] non credo che per chi ha seguito la vicenda, si possa avere dei dubbi sul fatto che sia stato CIA Kiev ad abbattere l'aereo malese sul Donbass [[ Disastro MH17 resta giallo Putin contro tribunale Onu. Europa. E' "prematuro e controproducente" istituire un tribunale internazionale per individuare e giudicare i possibili responsabili dell'abbattimento dell'aereo della Malaysia Airlines [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia!
Persecuted USA Bildenberg Nwo, SpA, is Global Assault on Christians ] [ La democrazia è incompatibile con questa UE – Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia http://www.byoblu.com/
Pubblicato 12 luglio 2015 - 17.05 - Da Claudio Messora. L’economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall’euro sempre più probabile e quello di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo. LA DEMOCRAZIA E' INCOMPATIBILE CON L'UE - Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=126&v=PNRHgZppEj0 Pubblicato il 12 lug 2015.
L'economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall'euro e di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo.
Gli spin doctor UE hanno fallito! Il ritorno di Marcello Foa su Byoblu.com
Pubblicato 14 luglio 2015 - 16.15 - Da Claudio Messora
Gli Spin Doctor, i manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica che agiscono dai più alti vertici istituzionali, hanno confezionato una vera e propria strategia del terrore per dipingere Tsipras come un pazzo e spaventare i greci, insieme a tutti gli altri popoli europei. Eppure, la violenza del loro messaggio questa volta sta ottenendo l’effetto opposto a quello sperato: la coscienza dei cittadini inizia a ribellarsi e a non credere più al “frame“, la cornice di interpretazione dei fatti stabilita per influenzare i media e ottenere un consenso drogato. Ecco la nuova lucida, imperdibile analisi di Marcello Foa sul caso della Grecia e sugli ultimi accadimenti riferiti all’Isis. Da ascoltare con attenzione, condividere e far condividere a tutti.
Per chi si fosse perso l’intervista precedente, che spiega il concetto di Frame, eccola qui sotto:
Uscire dall’euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
google DATAGATE 666 Nwo, questo colore azzurro sul testo nero del mio blog? è un filtro: RIMUOVILO!
Spari in basi del Tennessee, uccisi quattro marines
Nord America.
L'attentatore, morto nello scontro a fuoco con la polizia, si chiamava Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni. Era americano, originario del Kuwait. Obama, indagini a tutto campo
Claudio Messora Condiviso su Google+ · 2 settimane fa
--- il punto con Claudio Borghi sulla crisi greca ---
Seguiamo insieme gli eventi che precipitano ad Atene, con una delle voci che su questo blog li hanno saputi anticipare di anni.
35b/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: IV. Chrześcijanie powinni być w rzeczy uszkodzone niezbędne: o przetrwanie:: Żydzi: Nie: Muszą zapisać Oznacza to: The Fight: tyranów: To: trzymać je w niewoli to czwarta w kolejności: z: pozbyć. Muszą one: Walka chrześcijan: Z:: I Cunning: Nie: nic zrobić: Dla uniknięcia: To:: Evil Skorzystajcie z nich: Herbata: chorym: nie: muszą być pod opieką: Do: Christian Kobiety: Nie: muszą być one pomogły W:: porodu: I: Chrześcijanie: Nie: Muszą być zapisane Kiedy w niebezpieczeństwie: śmierć.
36/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: A: działalność: Z: To samo Akum (chrześcijańskiej). W innych miejscach: jednak: jest: różne I: jest: tylko: do: Kolejny Żyd: z: Going To The Same Akum (Christian) obwód: działalność: Z: A mu: Weź:: swoje pieniądze. W: Fakty:: Wealth dell Akum (Christian) i powinna być wspólną własnością: to należy do pierwszego: To: może być zawłaszczone. Jest: Tak czy inaczej: kto mówi, że: Co: Nie: być zrobione. "W Choschen Hammischpat (183,7 Hagah) brzmi:" Jeśli: Żyd prowadzi działalność: Z: Akum (Christian) A: A: A brat Izraelita Występuje: Frodathe: Akum (Christian): Przez pół: z: False Waga: lub: środków: lub: Liczby: musi on podzielić: najlepsze: jego Zysk: Z: Herbata: jego brat Izraela: Ponieważ: To: zarówno uczestniczyli w: Affair: A: Również: Aby uzyskać pomoc. "
37/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: 4. Do: Żyd PU0 udawać: z: BE: CHRISTIAN: Do: Oszukiwanie chrześcijan: W Iore Dea (. 157,2 Hagah) brzmi: "Jeśli: Żyd może: Fool Them (bałwochwalcy) udawanie: od: być: chętnie: z: gwiazdy: jest: wolno robić "5.. Żydzi: jest: Dopuszczalne zużycie Ćwiczenie: W: Przeciw chrześcijanom: w: Abhodah Zarah (54A) mówi: jest: tylko ćwiczenia: Nosić: w: zakresie: od: Apostata Poległych w bałwochwalstwo. "A: W Iore Dea (159,1) czytamy: jest: tylko: zgodnie z:: Tory: aby pożyczyć pieniądze do noszenia:. Akum (Christian) Niektóre Starszych: jednak: To zaprzeczyć wyjątkiem: w: Życie : o: śmierć w ciągu dnia:. Dzisiaj jest: Uprawnienia:. jakiegokolwiek powodu "
38/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: III. Uszkodzone chrześcijan powinny być PYTANIA: PRAWNA: 1. z: Żyd: jest: Permission i kłamstwo: Jura:: FAŁSZ: Do:, aby: Christian: W Babha Kama (113.) mówi on: najlepsze: Nasze Nauczanie:: Po: Kiedy: Żyd i : IWP: (wynagrodzenie) stawienia się w sądzie: zwalnia: Żyd: jeśli możesz: zgodnie z prawem Izraela. Jeśli:: IWP: (pay) Zwycięstwa: Powiedz mu: To Co:: co: Herbata: nasze prawo wymaga. Jeśli: jednak:: Żyd może być uniewinniony zgodnie z:: prawa: rodzaj: I zwalnia go: Powiedz mu: To Co: jest: wykonano według naszych praw. Jeśli ten poziom: Nie: można to zrobić: nie: Z: twardość Przeciw:: IWP: (wynagrodzenie) jako: zalecane:: Rabbi Ischmael.
39/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]:: Rabbi Akibha: jednak: opowiada: To: Nie: możesz ustawy: Z: Oszustwa: W: Nie: profanują imię Boga: I: Dla : Nie: muszą: Żyd wrócił do: Opinia: za fałszywe zeznania. "Uwaga: Aby: margin: jednak: to wyjaśnia punkt: z: Rabbi Akibha jako: następująco: Imię Boga: nie: jeśli jest sprofanowane:: IWP: Nie (płatnych): zna: To: : Żyd: ma: Lied "i:. więcej: Forward:: Babha Kama (113b) mówi:: Imię Boga: nie: jest: Kiedy zbezczeszczony: Na przykład: do: umysł Żyd do: Indii: (płatność ) mówiąc: Dałem ci coś: Twój ojciec: tylko On jest: dead: musisz odesłać go do mnie: pod warunkiem że:: IWP: Nie (pogańskich): wiem: To: jesteś Leżąc. "
40/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: 2: jest: Zezwolenie na celu: Jury Żyd:: FAŁSZ: Z: Świadomość: CLEAN: W Kallah (1b: P.18) brzmi: "To ( : matka: mazmer) powiedział: Przysięgam: mnie A:.: Rabbi Akibha przysiągł Z: Wargi: ale: unieważnione w swoim sercu: zaprzysiężenie:. podobnej koncepcji jest w Schabbuoth Hagahoth: z : rabin Ascher (6d) "If:: Magistrat miasta zmusza Żydów do: przysięgam, że: nie: A: Uciekajcie z tego miasta: To: Nie: to zetrzeć Anything: Czy Oni przysięgają: False Aby powiedzieć: Siebie : To: Nie: Uciekajcie Tego dnia: A: To: Nie: usunąć AnythingFrom miasta na ten dzień. "
42/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: 1. Do: Żyd musi zawsze próbować: z: Oszukiwanie chrześcijan: W Zohar (I: 160-gie) mówi on: najlepsze: rabin Jehuda: ma: powiedział (do rabina Chezkia): jest: Godny: z: Chwalcie Go: To: jest : stanie: z: pozbyć się wrogów Izraela: I: Czy: bardzo Worthy: z: Pochwała: tylko, że: A uwalniane są: walka z nimi:: Chezkia rabin zapytał: Jak powinniśmy walczyć?: Rabbi Jehuda powiedział: Z: Mądry doradca Against War: z: Them (Księga Przysłów: cap.24: 6). Z: To: Type: z: War:: Typ: z: War: To: Każde dziecko z: człowiek musi: Fight: Przeciw:: jego wrogowie: A: To: Jakub używane: Przeciw: Ezaw: Jeśli to możliwe: Z:: I Deception:: Oszustwa.
43/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: Muszą być nieustannie walczyli: do: To:: odpowiedniej kolejności: Nie: niektóre przywrócony: jest: W: Fore: Z: Stacjonarne Faction: To: I , które mówią: Musimy: Zwolnij I: od nich: rządów: z: Them. "2: Nie: trzeba pomóc: SICK CHRISTIAN: W Iore Dea (158,1) czytamy:": Akum Nie (Christian): muszą być traktowane: Wydarzenia: Dla pieniędzy: do: Mniej: To Co: Nie: przyczyna :: Ich wrogość. "3: nie: Musimy: POMOC:: CHRISTIAN KOBIETA W: Herbata: Części zamienne: w: Orach Orach Chaiim (330,2) czytamy:" Brak pomocy: Mimo, że co najmniej: należy zwrócić na Akum Woman (Christian) W czasie: : narodziny w godzinach: poniedziałek: w tym:: Sobota: nie: musi być naruszone. "
44/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: 4: Nie: Musimy: POMOC: chrześcijańskiej w NIEBEZPIECZEŃSTWO: z: ŚMIERĆ: W Choschen Hammischpat (425,5) czytamy: "Jeśli widzisz: heretyk: To: Uwaga: nalla wierzyć ToFall do Tory: A: Z: Ladder, a natychmiast spieszyć, Take It Away I mówi, muszę iść do: zdjąć mój syn:. dachem Will raport w sprawie:: skala NATYCHMIAST: lub: coś : o:. General Kuthaei I: jednak: To: Nie: Czy: a nasi wrogowie: To: Uważaj: z: owiec: z: Izraela: Nie: Muszą być zabite bezpośrednio: ale: Nie: Muszą one być zapisane: From Death "i: w Iore Dea (158,1) czytamy:".: Akum (Christian), że: Nie: Czy: Nasi wrogowie: Nie: Muszą być zabite bezpośrednio:
45/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: Ten: Nie: pomimo nich: Nie: Muszą być zapisane: od niebezpieczeństwa: śmierć, na przykład: gdy się go widzi: z: Thed: spadek do morza: Nie: Aby wyciągnąć go do: Mniej: To: on: Nie: I Promise: z: pieniądze. "Majmonides w Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X1: Nie: Licet misereri Eorum; inne wstrząsające słowa:".. To misereberis Eorum "1) Idcirco: viderit Marquis się Adum Pereuntem: vel demersum dorobku: to OPEMFerat umarł w pobliże viderit Eum: Eripiat to martwy Attamen Eum Losing jego utrzymanie:. w Praecipitem Puteum daje podobną prędkość Fas Ne siquid Huic Wschód: Quia nobiscum bellum: Nie: Gerit.
46/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: Majmonides: w Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: 1) mówi: Nie: zmiłuj się: z: Them: w: Fakt: Czy: powiedział (VII Deuter. : 2) Nie: ich pobożność pokazane. Nie: Fore: jeśli widzisz: Akum (chrześcijańskiej) w trudnej sytuacji lub Drown: Nie: iść mu z pomocą. Oraz: czy był w niebezpieczeństwie: śmierć: Nie: zapisz: ale: Nie: jest: po prostu go zabić z:: Pushing rąk do Pit: lub: Inaczej: od: To: one: Nie: Czy: w The War Against: z: nas. "Artykuł II: chrześcijan zabitych powinno: WRESZCIE:: Talmud poleceń: To: Chrześcijanie są bez litości zabitych w: Abhodah Zarah (26b) brzmi:" Heretycy: zdrajców: apostatów muszą być usuwane w: And Well: Nie : Muszą być ratowane ".
47/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: A: w Choschen Hammischpat (388.10) stwierdza: "szpieg powinien zostać zabity: Za: Na To: naszych dni. Gdziekolwiek jesteś może zostać zabity Nawet niektóre : Fore: To: Wyznaj A:. choć przyznaje: z: Chciał tylko zrobić: od: do kogoś zranić: I: jeśli:: Evil: To: chciał zrobić: Nie: to był bardzo duży : jest: Enough: Aby potępić: Do:. śmierci Należy jednak ostrzega: z: Nie: to przyznać: ale: jeśli jawnie mówi "Nie: I Confess!" Wtedy musi być zabity:: Jak tylko możliwe, jeśli:. Nie: "nie ma: Czas: Dla ostrzeżenie: Nie: Czy:. koniecznym krokiem Niektórzy mówią, że: do: Traitor należy do: śmierć, gdy: jest: nie można się pozbyć
48/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: okaleczenia, tj.: odcinanie:: Język: lub: zgrywanie ich oczy: ale: jeśli to:: czy: Nie: Aby zostać zabity, ponieważ: To : on: Nie: jest: Najgorszy: z: inne: To: nas prześladują. "A: w Choschen Hamm: z: New (388.15) brzmi:" Jeśli można udowodnić: To: ktoś: Izrael wydał trzy razy: lub: To: jest: W:: ceny: od: Izraelici Aby Akum ( Christian), który WillFind:: Way: Po opieki Ful uwagę: z: usunąć: Z twarzy: z: Ziemia. "Quinim: ipsum stadion ustawodawców Iudaeorum Poenam Zwracany mortis Sanhedryn 59 do R. Iochanan Cytując Ciebie:. Goi scrutans legem: East reus mortis.
49/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]:: Christian: To: Aby zostać odkryte: badania:: Prawo Zasługi Izrael:: śmierć. W Sanhedryn (59a) jest napisane:: Rabbi Jochanan mówi: do: Indii: (płatność), że: Kije:: Nos w ustawy jest: winni: śmierć. "II Occidendi sunt Baptisma suscipientes Iudaei Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X2:... Haec dicta sunt 1) de idolatris illos Israelitarum Sed tutaj Aby: desciverint religii: vel Epikurei Evaserint: zabicie:. Kontynuować to Atque Nawet do inferos iubemur Quippe Affligunt Israelem: Populumque do: Deo Avertunt.
50/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: II. Żydzi POWINNY BYĆ WYKONYWANE ochrzczonych do: DEATH: W Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: 2) czytamy: "These Things (powyżej) wynoszą: dla bałwochwalców, lecz: Nawet Izraelitów: To: Pozostaw:: i ich religii: musi być zabity i stać epikurejczyków: Musimy prześladować do końca ich: dla Izraela i one dotknąć: odwrócić:: Lud Boży "i: w Iore Dea (158,2 Hagah) brzmi:" Renegades: To: mają na celu: Aby pod adresem: Przyjemności: Akum (Christian) A: To: A są one zanieczyszczone czcili gwiazdy:: Jak Planet: czy są one: musi być zabity "Podobnie:. powiedziane jest w Choschen Hammischpat (425.5)
51/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: "Żydzi: To: Zostań Epicurean: To: szkody Tobie: Kultu: z: I gwiazdy: z: i planet: grzech złośliwie; Wydarzenia Te: To: Jedz:: Mięso: Zwierzęta rannych: lub: To: Nosić ubrania pokoi: zasługują: Nazwa: z: Epicurean: w podobny sposób: Te: To: deny:: Tory A:: Prophets Izrael:: Prawo: Czy: To: All: powinny one zostać zabite: I: Ci: To: nie:: Moc: od: Life And: z: Śmierć przypadku ich zabić: A: jeśli poziom ten: Nie : Czy mógłby to zrobić: Muszą być podane do śmierci: Z:: Deception "Tu Sint Abnegantes:. instytucji legem: Klary R. Demonstratio Maimon w Hilkhoth Teschubhah III: 2).
52/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: Tres sunt Negantium klas Tory: 1. Tutaj dicunt: Nie: do: Deo dał mi te Tory: Aut (uwaga: do: Deo) saltem eius versum unum: saltem Verbum unum: sed (porucznik) Moysen do: seipso hoc dixisse: omnis (eng Zacytujmy tu) Abnegat legem. 2. Tutaj Abiiciunt eius Explicationem: quae dicitur Tory oralis (Mischnah) Neque Agnoscunt eius doctores: Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Sadoka. 3) Et Baithos 4). 3. Tutaj: z:: rabin Majmonides: w Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III, 8): Forniscethe: Lista: od: Te: To: negujących Czy Uważany: z: Law: "Nie: Czy: trzy kategorie: Ludzie: To: odmawianie:: Prawo: z: Tory: 1) Ludzie: To Mówią: To:: Tora: Nie: jest: Czy dany przez Boga:
53/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: co najmniej: do: lub: Word:: IT (sic!) A: To: Mówią, że: Czy jest: całe dzieło Mojżesza: 2 ) Osoby: To: Fuse re:: Objaśnienie: Tory: Mianowicie: Oral Prawo: z: Mischnah: I: Ci: To: Nie: riconoscono: Władz: Lekarze: w: Prawo: Jak :: Wyznawcy: z: Sadoka (saduceusze) Oraz: z: Baithos: 3) Ludzie: To: To oni mówią: Bóg: zmienił:: Prawo: Na To: Inny Nowa ustawa: A: To:: Tora : Nie: nie: Nie więcej wartości: nawet jeśli nie: nie: deny: To: Czy dany przez Boga jako: chrześcijan i uwierzyli:: Turks: Wszystkie: im zaprzeczyć:: Odsłon Z Tory. . "III chrześcijan zabitych powinno: Dlaczego: Czy: Tyrant: W Zohar (I: 25a) mówi:
54/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: "Ludy: Ziemia: Czy: bałwochwalcy: A: z: z: Them: Czy jest: Pisemne: to zetrzeć z powierzchni: z: Teren: Destroy:: pamięci: z:. Amalekitów one: Czy: jeszcze: Z: nas to czwarte Captivity: Mianowicie::. Zasady (Rzymu), że: w: Fakt: Czy:. Amalekitów "1. Zasady te powinny być Killed: Dla PO PIERWSZE: Dlaczego: jeśli są dozwolone: od: Life:: nadzieja: Wyzwolenia: Żydzi: jest: próżno: I: ich modlitwy: o: uwolnienie z tego będzie czwarte Captivity w skuteczne. W Zohar (I: 219B) mówi: jest: oczywiście: To: najlepiej: naszej niewoli będzie trwać do: Kiedy: Zasady: kind: To: czczą bożków: Nie: zostaną zniszczone. "
55/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: A: Nawet w Zohar (II 19a) mówi on:: rabin Jehuda: nie: powiedział: Come To: Zobacz jako: Things Are, jak: Herbata : zasady i nie objął władzę nad Izraelem Izraelitom: Nie: skarżyć, ale: Kiedy: Falls: The Prince:: Ich radość jest Felt. To jest napisane:: Re: z: Egipcjanie i umarł: natychmiast: dzieci Izraela były Freed: Od niewoli, a oni krzyczeli: Herbata: Ich głos wzniósł się: Bóg "2: ZASADA: To HA: Rzym : Dla CAPITAL: jest: IS: To: Żydzi mają więcej nienawiści: z: Wszyscy: Nazywają go:: United: z: Ezaw: z: Edomitów: Pride United: United: The Evil: Unholy . Rzymie tureckiego imperium jest nazywany:: United: z: Izmaelitami:
56/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: To: one: Nie: chcą zniszczyć:: United: Rzym: jednak: Musi być Wytępiony: Dlaczego: Kiedy: najlepsze: uszkodzony Rzym jest zniszczona: : A zbawienia:: Wolność będzie wybrany Ludzie: od: Bóg "R. David Kimchi scribit de Fected Obadiam29: Quidquid dixerunt Prophetae vastatione Edomu w ultims diebus: id intellexerunt de Rome: w ut Explica Iesaia w Versu" Dostęp gentes Aby słuchać "3) Etenim Kiedy vastabitur Rzymie ERIT Odkupienia Israelitarum:.: Rabin David Kimchi pisze: w: Obadiam: następujący sposób:" To: To:: Proroków: przepowiada zniszczenia: Edom w ciągu ostatnich: Kilka dni zgłosiłem się do Rzymu jako: mówi Izajasz (ch.34: 1)
57/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: Dojazd: lub: Nations: And Listen .. Kiedy Rzym jest zniszczona: Izrael będzie odkupiony. "Również:: Rabin Abraham mówi: Same Thing w swojej książce Tseror Hammor Sekcja Schoftim: Nie: Kiedy Rzym będzie zniszczony: Czy możemy być odkupieni." IV.FINALLY: Wszystkie: chrześcijan także wśród BEST: Z: ONI MUSI BYĆ UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26b. Tosephoth: Optimus między occidi Zwracany pogan. Multoties haec Phrasis repetita occurrit w diversis Iudaeorum libris: Licet: Nie: iisdem verbis.V.gR.Ps.IARC w Wj cap.XIV: patrz Editionis Amstelodamiensis17) do cytuję:
58/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: w: Abhodah Zarah (26b: Tosephoth) czytamy: "Również:: z najlepszych: pogan zginęło Should Be" Shulhan Aruch: po słowach : Iore Dea (158,1), że: Mówią, że: Ci Wśród Akum (Christian), że: Nie: make: The Evil do Żydów: Nie: Muszą być zabity: Ci Mianowicie: To: Nie: Make War na Izrael: zawiera:: Word Milchamah: War: ale: Czas: z: The War of Akum (Christian) powinien być zabity, bo jest napisane: The Good Wśród Akum (Christian) zasługują: od: do zabicia: Etc .. "V. Żyd: To zabija: Christian: Nie: grzechu, lecz: oferuje: ofiary do przyjęcia: Bóg: V. Iudaeus occidens Christianum: Nie: Peccat: sed offerre dicitur Dopuszczalne sacrificium Deo.
59/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: Sefer lub Izraela 177b3) Dele vitam Et occide I Kiphoth; gratus Enim Eris Divinae majestat sicut nielegalne: Oferowane tutaj oblatum kadzidła. W Sefer lub Izraela (177B) mówi: "Take Away:: Life: Aby w: Kliphoth I: Kill Them: A: Jak ty się do Boga jako: O:::. Kadzidła oferuje" I: w Ialkut Simoni (245c.n.772) czytamy: "Jeden: To: do smarowania:: Krew: Wicked jest: czasu, aby zaakceptować Boga jako jedynego: To: Oferty:.. Aby ofiarę Bogu VI PO: : zniszczenie świątyni do: Jerozolima: TYLKO: Sacrifice POTRZEBNE: Czy: The Murder Of chrześcijan: W Zohar (III227b) herbata: The Good Shepherd mówi: Niezbędne tylko ofiary: jest: To: Togliamothe: Faul: z: Środki do: us ".
60/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: Zohar (II 43a) Wyjaśnienie:: Przykazań Mojżesza na odkupienie: Pierworodny: z:: Ass: To: Mamy: z:: oferta: z: Lamb: mówi: "Osioł jest: For:: Nie: Żyd: To: musi być umarzane: Herbata: Oferta: A: Lamb: To: jest:: Rozproszone : Flock: Izrael: ale: jeśli ponownie Bezpieczniki: z: być umorzone: Następnie przerwie:: czaszka .. powinny zostać usunięte: Z Księgi: Życie jak z: z: do nich: powiedział : On: To: grzech: Przeciw: z: mnie: wezmę Awad: Z książki: z:. Life "VII. OSOBY:, które będą zabijać chrześcijan do: MIEJSCE: wysoko na niebie: W Zohar (1.38b: A 39a) czytamy:
61/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: w: Pałace: Czwarte niebo są: To: wydali jęk Syjonu i Jerozolimy: A: Wszystkie: To: To: Zniszczona bałwochwalczy Narodów .. A: To: To: Mordowanie ludzi: To: uwielbiał idoli: Czy: Odzież: Z: Suknie: od: Purple tak: To: i można ją rozpoznać: honorowane. "VIII Żydzi: Nie: nigdy nie powinny przestać: z: Exterminate: GOIM;:. Nie: NIGDY NIE Leave Me Alone I: Nie: MUSI: NIGDY WYŚLIJ To: JE Hilkhoth W Akum (Christian) (X: 1) czytamy. : Nie: Jedz: Z: bałwochwalcy: Nie: Niech: z: Kultu: Ich idole: jest: w: Fakt: RE: Nie: Założona umowy: Z: ich nie okazywać miłosierdzie Them (Deuter. ch.7 : 2) lub: rozprasza Them: Od swoich idoli: lub: Kill Them ".
62/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników] Tamże: Nie (X 7): Pozwoli to na: Brak bałwochwalczego kultu:: Aby zatrzymać: w: miejsca, w których Żydzi są: silny: "IX: wszystkich: Żydów: Czy: WYMAGANE do połączenia: Do: zniszczyć Zdrajcy: Tak: Czy: pośród To: JE: W Choschen Hammischpat (338.16) stwierdza: Wszyscy: Ludzie: o: miasto: Czy: zobowiązany do: Contribute do wydatków na zabijanie: z:: Traitor: Nawet Ci:. że muszą płacić podatki inne "X. NO PARTY: Nie: niezależnie od tego jak UROCZYSTE: CAN: Zapobieganie:: ścięcie głowy: z:: CHRISTIAN: W Pesachim (49b) mówi on:: rabin Eliezer powiedział: jest: tylko cięcia:: Szef:: idiota (: z: mieszkańców: Ziemia)
63/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: w Święto: Pojednanie Kiedy: Falls w dniu: sobota. Jego uczniów rzekł do Niego: Rabbi, powinieneś raczej powiedzieć do ofiary: ale on odpowiedział: Wcale nie: jest: rzeczywiście konieczną modlić Podczas poświęcenia: A: Nie: Nie: Potrzebujesz: z: modlić Kiedy ktoś ściął głowę. "XI:: TYLKO CEL: z: a wszystkie działania: Modlitwy: z: Żydów należy odpowiedzieć, że: z: Destroy:: Religia::: przedstawiają Żydów:: A Mesjasz: Liberator: To: Expect jak: A: Prześladowca: To: Aby zadać wielkie katastrofy: Nie: Żydzi:: Talmud wymienia trzy wielkie zło: To: hit:: Świat Kiedy:: Czy Mesjasz Schabbath W (118) czyta.:
64/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: "Kto spożywa trzy posiłki: z: wtorek zostaną zapisane: z trzech zła: z: Kary: z: Mesjasz: z: I Bóle Hell: The War of Magog;: Jest bowiem napisane: Oto: Ja poślę wam Eliasza: Pierwszy Prorok: To: jest:: Dzień: Pana: I tak na "XII.. W swoich modlitwach westchnieniem Żydzi:: COMING: z: Avenger Mesjasz: szczególnie w: Vigil: z: WIELKANOC (Hebrajczyków) "Download: Herbata: Wrath na Narodów: To: Nie: wiesz, że: A: na Kingdoms: Tak: Nie: invoke: najlepsze: imię, nazwisko, Download:: swojego oburzenia: z: Ich A: To:: Wrath: z: zemsta Take Them: A Perseguitali: zniszczyć: Z: Gniew Spod : nieba od Pana ".
65/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: Oni także modlą się jako: NASTĘPUJE: Na jak długo będzie to Remain:: Twoja siła i niewoli: Na jak długo Lie:: w Twoje piękno:: ręce ciemięzcy: Albo: Boże! Pokaż: Herbata: A twoje siły: najlepszy: Twój Zeal Przeciw: najlepsze: Nasi wrogowie; przerwy: Herbata: I Ich siła: confonde Them "i: Znowu:" Cut off:: nadzieja niesprawiedliwe; temu, że: do: Heretycy zginąć raz; wysiedlonych: broken: A: zniszczyć: Stany Proud; się spieszyć: Do::: Temat Ludów: w: Present dzień. "W dokładnie tym samym czasie:: Piątek: To" Prinicipe Proud of Empire: Rzym:: Papież: I Pray: Aby zamówić ALL: ALL:: Świat: Módlcie: Do: Wszyscy: "Heretycy"
66/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: I: Ci: To: Czy "stracone" jako: następująco: "Módlmy się: Do: Per Fidious Żydów: To: Pan Bóg nasz może Take Away :: veilFrom Ich serca: To: mogą rozpoznać Jezusa Chrystusa, Pana naszego "Wszechmogący, wieczny Boże:. Tak: Nie: nawet wykluczyć Żydów z Twojego miłosierdzia: Posłuchaj naszej modlitwy:: oferta: Do:: ślepota: z : Ludzie: To: Uznane:: Light Of Truth Thy: To: jest Chrystus: z puszki: jego ciemności: Dla Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa .. "Jak piękne są twoje Halls: lub: JACOB: I: zasłony: lub: IZRAEL (Num.24: 5)!
67/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: Epilog: szanowny czytelniku: W tym artykule: I cytowanych fragmentów: z: Verd: Kilka książek z Talmudu: ICI: To: Oni Fer: Aby w: chrześcijan: z miłości: zwięzłość A: Do zapisywania:: wrażliwe serce: z: czytnik: pominąłem wiele innych: że mogły wliczony w cenę. Te Teksty: To: mówiłem: jednak: Czy wystarczy: Na Aby pokazać howFalse roszczeń: z: Żydów, gdy mówią: To: Nie: Nie: Nic w tym Talmud: insegnithe: I hate:: wrogość wobec chrześcijan. Jeśli badania: z: bluźnierstwa straszne: z: Ta książka Should Be odrażające: For:: Gracz: To: on: Nie: IFeel Podoba mi się.
68/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: Nie: Powiedziałem: z: początek: To: I Told coś: Przyjemne: ale: tylko: To: What Would I wykazały: To: naprawdę: : Talmud naucza o chrześcijan: A: Nie: wierzyć: To: Czy mogę zrobić to bardziej odpowiednie. Zdaję sobie sprawę: jednak: To: biorąc pod uwagę: To:: Prawda: Nie: To Love: Wszystkie: Czy Zostań wielu wrogów: Dla mających zeznał Tak więc: Truth. Dla mnie to: Byłeś jest: Przypomina to: czytaj: z: Talmudu: To: Zagrożenie: z: śmierć: "zdrajców": I: Nawet więcej: przez Ostrzeżenia: z: Te: To: mają doświadczenie : o: Akcja: To: Żydzi zobowiązują się: Przeciw: Te: To: rzeczy, aby znane: Ich niekorzystne.
69/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: jeden stado niewolników]: one: Wszystkie: Przewiduje się, że: Perish: Do strony: z: Żydów. Szukam: Dla: z: odwieść mnie od dalszego: Herbata: Moje prace: Niektórzy pytali mnie: z: pamiętaj:: Los: prof Charina: To: z zabitych był: Nagle zaczął o: Tłumacz:: Talmud: języku narodowym. Inne przypomniał mi:: Fate of: Monk Didacus: z: Wilna: do: nawrócenia z judaizmu: To: Czy był okrutnie zamordowany: inne przypomniał mi: z: Te: To: Oni byli prześladowani: za ujawnianie tajemnic : o: religii żydowskiej. Jeszcze inni: I ostrzegają: Przeciw:: Czy powstałych zagrożeń: my: drodzy. "Wszak CIEB Wydzi zabij"
70/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: I Was a powtarzane setki: od: Times:: książki: To: teraz trzymasz w dłoni:: Najlepszy dowód: Tak: Nie: Mam Przesluchane Aby Ostrzeżenia: my: Przyjaciele. I Uważany za niegodne: z: ja: tylko do milczenia: z miłości: Moje osobiste bezpieczeństwo: Podczas: najlepsze: od The Raging Conflict: TwoFields z "semicki" A: z "Antysemici:" Obie : Kto twierdzą: z: Walka: W:: Prawda: Chociaż wiem: To:: Whole Truth: Nie: jest zlokalizowana w dowolnym: dwa pola: ale: Whatever Happens do mnie: Ponieważ: z: Co : To: ja: Czy będę szczęśliwy: od: posiadać: Czy: Willing To: dać:: My Life -
71/71 [Talmud vs MFW. Wszystkie narody: Do zrobienia: tylko jeden: stado niewolników]: To mogę zaświadczyć:: PRAWDA: (J 18, 37) IB Pranaitis: ale: Żydzi Will Kill You "polskiego tłumaczenia (Około:: zawartość Epilog: Czy: Aby wymienić znaczące ze smutkiem: To: ojciec był w Pranaitis fekty e:: Śmierć jak: Spodziewane: Albowiem z ręki: Podczas jego wrogowie: najlepsze: rewolucji bolszewickiej: Ed) jest: oczywista: taki: Te oświadczenia : To: Byliśmy w stanie uzasadnić czytania: Przeciw: Autorzy: Te bluźnierstwa przeciwko Chrystusowi: Tak: Przeciw: Ci Żydzi: To: one antychrześcijańskie wypowiedzi: słowa Chrystusa: "Ty: Na jego Ojciec:: piekło "Carlo Maria:. od: Peter (i WebMaster: Promotor: z: MSMA) Cohen: Forum
35b/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: IV. Christians SHOULD BE IN THINGS Damaged Necessary: For SURVIVAL: The: Jews: Not: They must save Any means: For The Fight: tyrants: That: keep Them in This Fourth Captivity in order: of: get rid of. They must: Fight The Christians: With: The: And Cunning: Not: do Anything: For To Avoid: That: The: Evil seize Them: Tea: Their Sick: Not: They must be cared: For: Christian Women: Not: they must be helped During: The: childbirth: And: The Christians: Not: They must be saved When in danger of: death.
36/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: And: do business: With: The same Akum (Christian). In other Places: however: is: different And: is: only To: To: Another jew: of: Going To The Same Akum (Christian) circuit: do business: With: And him: Take: The: his money. In: Fact: The: Wealth dell Akum (Christian) And Should Be Considered a common property: it belongs To The First: That: it can be appropriated. There is: Anyway: Who Says That: What: Not: be done. "In Choschen Hammischpat (183.7 Hagah) reads:" If: jew does business: With A: Akum (Christian) And: A: And brother Israelite Occurs: Frodathe: Akum (Christian): For half: of: False Weights: or: measures: or: Numbers: he must divide: The best: his Profit: With: Tea: his brother Israelite: Because: That: both have Participated of The: Affair: And: Also: For help. "
37/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: 4. To: jew PU0 pretend: of: BE To: CHRISTIAN: For: DECEIVE Christians: In Iore Dea (157.2. Hagah) reads: "If: jew can: Fool Them (the idolaters) pretending: of: be: keen: of: stars: is: Allowed To do. "5. Jews: is: Permitted WEAR TO EXERCISE: In The: Against Christians: in the: Abhodah Zarah (54A) it says: is: only the exercise: Wear: in the: respect: of The: Apostate Fallen into idolatry. "And: In Iore Dea (159.1) reads: is: only: in Accordance With: The: Torah: To Lend Money To Wear To: Akum (Christian). Some Elders: however: This deny Except in the case: of: Life : of: death. of the day: Today is: Permissions: For Whatever reason. "
38/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: III. Damaged Christians SHOULD BE IN QUESTIONS: LEGAL: 1. of The: Jew: is: Permission And LIE: Jura: The: FALSE: For: An Order To: CHRISTIAN: In Babha Kama (113th) it says: The best: Our Teaching is: The: Following: When To: jew And A : GOI: (pay) Appear in court: absolve the: jew: if you can: According To The Laws of Israel. If: The: GOI: (pay) Wins: Tell him: That: What: is: What: Tea: our Law requires. If: however: The: jew can be acquitted in Accordance With: The: of The Law: kind: And discharge him: Tell him: That: What: is: done According To our Laws. If This Level: Not: it can be done: do: With: hardness Against: The: GOI: (pay) As: recommended: The: Rabbi Ischmael.
39/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: The: Rabbi Akibha: however: Argues: That: Not: you can Act: With: Fraud: For: Not: Profane the Name of God: And: For : Not: have To: jew returned To: Opinion: For Perjury. "A Note To: margin: however: This Explains Point: of The: Rabbi Akibha As: follows: The Name of God: Not: if it is profaned: The: GOI: (pay) Not: he knows: That: The : jew: has: Lied. "and: more: Forward: The: Babha Kama (113b) says: The: Name of God: Not: is: When profaned: For Example: To: jew mind To A: GOI: (pay ) saying: I have given something To you: your Father: but He: is: dead: you must return it To me: Provided That: The: GOI: (pagan) Not: know: That: you re Lying. "
40/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: 2: is: Permission TO To: jew Jury: The: FALSE: With: Consciousness: CLEAN: In Kallah (1b: P.18) reads: "It ( the: mother of the: mazmer) said: I Swear To: me. And: The: Rabbi Akibha swore With: Lips: but: invalidated in his heart: The swearing-in. A: similar concept is in Schabbuoth Hagahoth: of The : Rabbi Ascher (6d) "If: The: magistrate of a city compels Jews To: Swear That: Not: And: Flee From That City: That: Not: it rub off Anything: They Will Swear The: False To say: Themselves : That: Not: Flee That day: And: That: Not: remove AnythingFrom The city on That day only. "
42/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: 1. To: jew MUST ALWAYS TRY: of: DECEIVE Christians: In Zohar (I: 160th) it says: The best: The Rabbi Jehuda: has: said (to the rabbi Chezkia): is: Worthy: of: Praise Him: That: is : capable: of: get rid of Enemies of Israel: And: Are: very Worthy: of: The Praise: The just That: And They Are released: Fight Them: The: Chezkia Rabbi Asked: How Should We Fight?: The: Rabbi Jehuda said: With: Wise Adviser Against War: of: Them. (Proverbs: cap.24: 6) With: That: Type: of: War?: The: Type: of: War: That: Every child of: man must: Fight: Against: The: his Enemies: And: That: Jacob used: Against: Esau: When Possible: With: The: And Deception: The: Fraud.
43/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: They must be relentlessly Fought: up To: That: The: right order: Not: some restored: is: There: Fore: With: Stationary Faction: That: I That say: We must: Free up And: From Them: the rule of: of: Them. "2: Not: you must help: SICK CHRISTIAN: In Iore Dea (158.1) reads:" The: Akum (Christian) Not: They must be Treated: Events: For money: To: Less: That: What: Not: cause : The: Their Enmity. "3: Not: We must: HELP: The: CHRISTIAN WOMAN IN: Tea: Parts: in the: Orach Orach Chaiim (330.2) reads:" No help: Though at least: Should be given To A Woman Akum (Christian) During: The: birth in hours of: Monday: in That: The: Saturday: Not: it must be violated. "
44/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: 4: Not: We must: HELP: CHRISTIAN IN DANGER: of: DEATH: In Choschen Hammischpat (425.5) reads: "If you see A: heretic: That: note: Nalla believe ToFall into Torah: Well: With: A Ladder: And IMMEDIATELY rush: Take It Away And says I must go To: Take off my son To: roof. We Will report on: the: scale IMMEDIATELY: or: something : of the: General. Kuthaei I: however: That: Not: Are: And our Enemies: That: Take care: of the: sheep: of The: Israelites: Not: They must be killed directly: but: Not: They must be saved: From Death. "and: in Iore Dea (158.1) reads:" The: Akum (Christian) That: Not: Are: our Enemies: Not: They must be killed directly:
45/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: This: Not: in spite of Them: Not: They must be saved: From the danger of: death: For Example: if you see one: of: Thed: Fall into the sea: Not: To Pull it up: Less: That: he: Not: I Promise: of the: money. "Maimonides in Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X1: Not: Licet misereri Eorum; some other impressive Words:" It misereberis Eorum "1). Idcirco: Marquis viderit you Adum Pereuntem: vel demersum Acquis: it OPEMFerat. He Died Proximate viderit Eum: Eripiat it dead. Attamen Eum Losing its maintenance: in Praecipitem Puteum give similar speed Ne Fas siquid Huic East: Quia Nobiscum bellum: Not: Gerit.
46/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: Maimonides: in Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: 1) says: Not: have pity: of: Them: in: Fact: Is: said (VII Deuter. : 2) Not: Their Piety shown. There: Fore: if you see A: Akum (Christian) in difficulty or Drown: Not: go To his Aid. And: if he Was in danger of: death: Not: save: but: Not: is: just kill him With: The: Pushing your hand into The Pit: or: Otherwise: since: That: They: Not: Are: in The War Against: of: us. "Article II: Christians Killed SHOULD BE: FINALLY: The: Talmud commands: That: The Christians Are Without Mercy killed in the: Abhodah Zarah (26b) reads" Heretics: Traitors And: Apostates must be disposed in A: And Well: Not : They must be rescued. "
47/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: And: in Choschen Hammischpat (388.10) states: "The spy Should Be killed: Too: At To: our days: Wherever you Are. It can be killed Even some : Fore: That: Confess. And: Even Though he Admits: of: he just Wanted To make: of The: To hurt someone: And: if: The: Evil: That: he Wanted To do: Not: Was it very Large : is: Enough: To condemn it: For: death. It must however be Warned: of: Not: This admit: but: if it blatantly says "No: I Confess!" Then he must be killed: The: As soon As Possible. If: Not: 'there is: Time: For Warn you: Not: Is: A Necessary Step. Some say That: To: Traitor must be made To: death only When: is: impossible To get rid
48/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: mutilating: ie: cutting off: The: Language: or: ripping out Their Eyes: but: if This: is: can: Not: To be killed since: That : he: Not: is: Worst: of: other: That: persecute us. "And: in Choschen Hamm: of: New (388.15) reads:" If you can Prove: That: someone has: betrayed Israel Three Times: or: That: has: As: the: money: of: Israelites To The Akum ( Christian) you WillFind: The: Way: After care Ful consideration: of: delete it: From The Face: of The: Earth. "Quinim: ipsum stadium legislators Iudaeorum Poenam Returned mortis. Sanhedrin 59 To R. Iochanan To quote you: Goi scrutans Legem: East reus mortis.
49/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: The: Christian: That: To be discovered: study: The: Law of Israel Merits: The: death. In Sanhedrin (59a) it says: The: Rabbi Jochanan says: To: GOI: (pay) That: Sticks: The: Nose in The Law is: guilty of: death. "II. Occidendi sunt Baptisma suscipientes Iudaei. Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X2: Haec dicta sunt 1) de idolatris. Israelitarum Sed illos here To: desciverint religion: vel Epikurei Evaserint: slaying: To Pursue it Atque Even unto inferos iubemur. Quippe Affligunt Israelem: Populumque To: Deo Avertunt.
50/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: II. Jews SHOULD BE MADE BAPTIZED To: DEATH: In Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: 2) reads: "These Things (above) Are: For The idolaters: but: Even the Israelites: That: Leave: The: And Their religion: must be killed And Become Epicureans: We must persecute Them To The End: For Israel And They afflict: distract: The: People of God "and: in Iore Dea (158.2 Hagah) reads:" The Renegades: That: Are Aimed: To at: Pleasures of The: Akum (Christian) And: That: And They Are contaminated Worshiping The stars: The: As Planets: Are They: must be killed. "Similarly: it is said in Choschen Hammischpat (425.5)
51/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: "The: Jews: That: Become Epicurean: That: of the damage you: Worship: of The: And stars: of The: And Planets: sin maliciously; Events Those: That: Eat: The: meat of: Animals injured: or: That: Wear clothing rooms: They Deserve: The Name: of: Epicurean: in Like Manner: Those: That: deny: The: Torah And: The: Prophets of Israel: The: Law: Is: That: All: They Should Be killed: And: Those: That: have: The: Power: of: The Life And: of: Death Should have killed Them: And: if This Level: Not : Could it be done: They must be Brought To Death: With: The: Deception. "Here Sint Abnegantes: Legem institutions: Clare R. Demonstratio Maimon in Hilkhoth Teschubhah III: 2).
52/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: Tres sunt Negantium Torah classes: 1. Here dicunt: Not: To: Deo given me These Torah: Aut (note: To: Deo) saltem Eius versum unum: saltem Verbum unum: sed (Lieutenant) Moysen To: seipso hoc dixisse: omnis (eng To quote you here) Abnegat Legem. 2. Here Abiiciunt Eius Explicationem: quae dicitur Torah oralis (Mischnah) Neque Agnoscunt Eius doctores: Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Zadok. 3) Et Baithos 4). 3. Here: of: the: Rabbi Maimonides: in Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III: 8): Forniscethe: List: of: Those: That: deniers Are Considered: of The: Law: "There: Are: Three categories of: People: That: deny: The: Law: of The: Torah: 1) People: That They say: That: The: Torah: Not: is: Was given by God:
53/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: To At Least: To: or: A Word: of: it (sic) And: That: They say That: Been is: The Whole Work of Moses: 2 ) People: That: re Fuse: The: Explanation of The: Torah: Namely The: Oral Law: of The: Mischnah: And: Those: That: Not: riconoscono the: of the Authorities: Doctors: of The: Law: As : The: Followers: of: Zadok (Sadducees) And: of: Baithos: 3) People: That: That They say: God has: changed: The: Law: For To: Another New Law: And: That: The: Torah : Not: has: No more value: Even if They do: Not: deny: That: Was given by God As: The Christians And believe: The: Turks: All: deny Them: The: Reads From the Torah. "III. Christians Killed SHOULD BE: Why: Are: Tyrant: In Zohar (I: 25a) it says:
54/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: "The Peoples of The: Earth: Are: idolaters: And: of: of: Them: Been is: Written: That Is Wiped off the Face: of the: Land: Destroy: The: memory: of The: Amalekites. They: Are: still: With: us in This Fourth Captivity: Namely: The: Principles (of Rome). That: in: Fact: Are: Amalekites. "1. These PRINCIPLES SHOULD BE Killed: For FIRST: Why: if They Are Allowed: of: Life: The: hope of the: Liberation of The: Jews: is: vain: And: Their Prayers: of: release From This Will be Fourth Captivity in effective. In Zohar (I: 219B) it says: is: of course: That: The best: our captivity Will Last up To: When The: Principles of the: kind: That: They Worship idols: Not: They Will be Destroyed. "
55/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: And: Even in the Zohar (II: 19a) it says: The: Rabbi Jehuda: has: said: Come To: See As: Things Are; As: Tea : Principles And have Assumed Power over Israel: The Israelites: Not: complain: but: When it: Falls: The Prince: The: Their delight is Felt. That it is Written: The: Re: of The: Egyptians And Died: IMMEDIATELY The: Children of Israel Were Freed: From captivity: And They screamed: Tea: Their voice Ascended To: God "2: The PRINCIPLE: That HA: Rome : For CAPITAL: is: IS: That: Jews HAVE MORE HATE: of: All: They call it: the: United: of: And Esau: of The: Edomites: The United Pride: The United: of The: Evil: Unholy Rome. The Turkish Empire is Called: The: United: of The: Ishmaelites:
56/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: That: They: Not: Wish To destroy: the: United: of Rome: however: Must be Exterminated: Why: When: The best: corrupt Rome is Destroyed: The : And salvation: The: Freedom Will be The chosen People: of: God "R. David Kimchi scribit de Fected Obadiam29: Quidquid dixerunt Prophetae vastatione of Edom in ultims diebus: id intellexerunt de Rome: in The ut Explica Iesaia in Versu" Access gentes To Listen to "3). Etenim When vastabitur Rome ERIT redemptio Israelitarum: The: Rabbi David Kimchi Writes As: in the: Obadiam: follows:" This: That: The: Prophets: foretold the destruction of: Edom in The Last: Few days I reported To Rome: As: says Isaiah (ch.34: 1)
57/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: Approach: or: Nations: And Listen .. When Rome is Destroyed: Israel Will be Redeemed. "Also: The: Rabbi Abraham says The: Same Thing in his book Tseror Hammor Section Schoftim: Not: When Rome Will be Destroyed: We Will be Redeemed." IV.FINALLY: All: Christians: Including Among THE BEST: Of: THEY MUST BE UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26b. Tosephoth: Optimus inter occidi Returned Gentiles. Multoties haec Phrasis repetita occurrit in diversis Iudaeorum libris: Licet: Not: iisdem verbis.V.gR.Ps.IARC in Exod cap.XIV: see Editionis Amstelodamiensis17) to quote:
58/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: in the: Abhodah Zarah (26b: Tosephoth) reads: "Also: The: of the best: The Gentiles killed Should Be" The Shulhan Arukh: After The Words of The: Iore Dea (158.1) That: They say That: Those Among The Akum (Christian) That: Not: make: of The: Evil To The Jews: Not: They must be killed: Those Namely: That: Not: Make War on Israel: Explains: The: Milchamah Word: War: but: Time: of: The War of The Akum (Christian) Should Be killed Because it is Written: The Good Among The Akum (Christian) Deserve: of: To be killed: Etc .. "V. Jew: That kills: CHRISTIAN: Not: sin: but: offers: sacrifice Acceptable To: GOD: V. Iudaeus occidens Christianum: Not: Peccat: sed offerre dicitur Acceptable sacrificium Deo.
59/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: Sepher Or Israel 177b3) Dele Vitam Et occide And Kiphoth; gratus Enim Eris Divinae majesty sicut illegal: Offered here oblatum incense. In The Sepher Or Israel (177B) it says: "Take Away: The: Life: To At: Kliphoth And: Kill Them: And: Like you To God As: A: That: The: offering incense." And: in Ialkut Simoni (245c.n.772) reads: "One: That: spreads: the: blood of The: Wicked is: Time To Accept God As The one: That: offers: To sacrifice God. VI. AFTER: The: destruction of the Temple To: JERUSALEM: THE ONLY: Sacrifice NEEDED: Is: The Murder Of Christians: In Zohar (III227b) Tea: The Good Shepherd says: Necessary only sacrifice: is: That: Togliamothe: Foul: of: Means To: us. "
60/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: The Zohar (II: 43a) Explaining: The: Commandments of Moses on the redemption of the: First-born: of: A: Ass: That: We have: With: The: offer: of: A Lamb: says: "The donkey is: For: The: Not: jew: That: it must be Redeemed With: Tea: Offer: of A: Lamb: That: is: The: Scattered : Flock: of Israel: but: if he re Fuses: of: To be Redeemed: Then the break: The: skull .. They Should Be deleted: From The Book of The: Living As of: of: To Them Is: said : He: That: sin: Against: of: me: I Will Take Awad: From the book: of The: Life. "VII. PERSONS: That WILL KILL Christians To: PLACE: HIGH IN THE SKY: In The Zohar (1.38b: And 39a) reads:
61/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: in the: Palaces of The: Fourth heaven Are Those: That: They Issued groans of Zion And Jerusalem: And: All: Those: That: Destroyed idolatrous Nations .. And: Those: That: Killing People: That: he adored idols: Are: clothes: With: dresses: of: Purple so: That: And can be Recognized: Honored. "VIII. Jews: Not: SHOULD NEVER cease: of: Exterminate: GOIM;: Not: SHOULD NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE And: Not: MUST: NEVER SUBMIT To: THEM. Hilkhoth In Akum (Christian) (X: 1) We read : Not: Eat: With: The idolaters: Not: Let Them: of: The Worship: Their idols: is: in: Fact: Wrote: Not: Established contracts: With: Them Not: show mercy Them (Deuter. ch.7 : 2) or: distracts Them: From Their idols: or: Kill Them. "
62/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: Ibid (X: 7) Not: it Will Allow To: No idolatry: of: To stay: in the: Places Where The Jews Are: strong: "IX: All: Jews: Are: REQUIRED TO JOIN TOGETHER: For: destroy The Traitors: That: Are: AMIDST To: THEM: In Choschen Hammischpat (338.16) states: All: The People: of the: city: Are: required To: Contribute To The spending of the killing: of: A: A Traitor: Even Those: That They Must Pay Taxes other. "X. NO PARTY: Not: Matter HOW SOLEMN: CAN: Prevent: The: decapitation: of: A: CHRISTIAN: In Pesachim (49b) it says: The: Rabbi Eliezer said: is: only cut: The: head of: A: idiot (a: of the: inhabitants of the: Earth)
63/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: in The Feast of The: Reconciliation When it: Falls by day of: Saturday. His Disciples said To him: Rabbi: Should you rather say To sacrifice: but He replied: Not At All: is: indeed Necessary To Pray While sacrificing: And: Not: There is: Need: of: To Pray When you behead someone. "XI: The: ONLY PURPOSE: of: And ALL Actions: Prayers: of The: Jews MUST BE THAT: of: Destroy: The: Religion:: The: depict Jews: The: And The Messiah: Liberator: That: Expect as: A: A Persecutor: That: To inflict great calamities: Not: Jews: The: Talmud Lists Three great evils: That: hit: The: World When: The: Will Messiah come. Schabbath In (118a) reads:
64/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: "Anyone Who Eats Three meals: of: Tuesday Will be saved: From Three evils: of The: Punishment: of the: Messiah: of The: And The Pains of Hell: The War of Magog;: For it is Written: Behold: I Will send you Elijah the: First Prophet: That: is: The: Day: Of The Lord: And so on. "XII. IN THEIR Prayers the Jews sigh: The: COMING: of The: Avenger Messiah: ESPECIALLY IN: Vigil: of The: EASTER (Hebrews) "Download: Tea: your Wrath on the Nations: That: Not: you know: And: on Kingdoms: That: Not: invoke: The best: your name; Download: The: of your indignation: of: Their And: That: The: your Wrath: of: vengeance Take Them: And Perseguitali: destroy: With: Anger From under the : heaven of the Lord. "
65/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: They Also Pray As: FOLLOWS: For how Long it Will Remain: The: Your Strength And captive: For how Long Lie: The: in Thy beauty: the: hands of the oppressor?: Or: God! Show: Tea: And Thy strength: The best: your Zeal Against: The best: our Enemies; breaks: Tea: And Their strength: confonde Them "and: Again:" Cut off: the: hope of the unjust; Ago That: To: Heretics Perish At once; uprooted: broken: And: destroy: The United Proud; To hurry: To: To: The: subject Peoples: in the: Present day. "In Exactly The Same Time: The: Friday: That" Prinicipe Proud of The Empire: of Rome: The: Pope: And Pray: To order: All: All: The: World of: Pray: For: All: "Heretics"
66/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: And: Those: That: Are "lost" As: follows: "Let us Pray: For The: Per Fidious Jews: That: The Lord our God may Take Away : The: veilFrom Their hearts: That: They can Recognize Jesus Christ our Lord. "Almighty And Eternal God: That: Not: Even Exclude The Jews From your mercy: Hear our Prayer: That: offer: For: The: blindness: of : The People: That: Recognized: The: Light Of The: Thy Truth: That: is: Christ: out of the can: its darkness: For our Lord Jesus Christ .. "How Beautiful Are Thy Halls: or: JACOB: AND: THE YOUR Curtains: or: ISRAEL! (Num.24: 5)
67/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: Epilogue: The gentle reader: In This Paper: I quoted Passages: of: Verd: Few books of the Talmud: ICI: That: They re Fer: To At: Christians: For Love of: brevity And: For saving: The: sensitive heart: of The: reader: I have omitted many others: That They Could have included. These Texts: That: I have Mentioned: however: Should be sufficient: For To show howFalse The claims: of The: Jews When They say: That: Not: There is: Nothing in The Talmud That: insegnithe: And hate: The: Enmity Towards The Christians. If the study: of the: horrible blasphemies: of: This book Should Be revolting: For: The: Player: That: he: Not: IFeel Like it.
68/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: Not: I said: of the: beginning: That: I Told something of: Pleasant: but: only: That: What I Would have shown: That: really: The: Talmud Teaches About Christians: And: Not: believe: That: I Could do it more Appropriate. I realize: however: That: given: That: The: Truth: Not: To Love: All: I Will Become Enemies many: For having testified Thus: The: Truth. To me this: Been is: is reminded of the: read: of The: The Talmud Itself: That: Threat: of: the death: "traitors": And: Even more: by Warnings: of: Those: That: They have Experienced : of The: Action: That: The Jews undertake: Against: Those: That: Things To Make known: Their unfavorable.
69/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: one only: a single herd of Slaves]: They: All: Predicted That: Perish: For hand: of The: Jews. Looking: For: of: dissuade me From continuing: Tea: My Work: some have Asked me: of: remember: The: Fate of The: Professor Charina: That: of the killed Was: Suddenly having Begun To: Translate: The: Talmud: vernacular. Others reminded me of: The: Fate of The: Monk Didacus: of: Vilna: To: converted: From Judaism: That: Was he cruelly Murdered: others reminded me: of: Those: That: They Had been Persecuted: For Revealing Secrets : of The: Jewish religion. Still others: I have Warned: Against: The: They Should have Incurred The dangers: my: dear. "Wszak CIEB Wydzi zabij"
70/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: I Was a repeated Hundreds: of: Times: The: book: That: Now you hold in your hand is: The: Best Evidence: That: Not: I have Listened To The Warnings of The: my: Friends. I Considered unworthy: of: myself: only To be silent: For Love of The: My Personal safety: While: The best: the between The Raging Conflict: TwoFields of the "Semitic" And: of the "Anti-Semites:" Both of the : Who argue: of: Fight: For: The: Truth: While I know: That: The: Whole Truth: Not: it is Located in Any of The: Two Fields: but: Whatever Happens To me: Because: of: What : That: I did: I Will be happy: of: bear: Are: Willing To: give: The: My Life -
71/71 [Talmud vs. the IMF. All Peoples: For do: only one single: herd of Slaves]: That I can Testify: The: TRUTH: (John 18: 37) IB Pranaitis: but: The Jews Will kill you "Polish Translation (Approx: The: content of The Epilogue: Is: To mention the significant sadly: That: Father Was in Pranaitis e Ffects: The: Death As: Expected: For of the hand: During his Enemies: The best: the Bolshevik Revolution: Ed) is: obvious: That: These statements : That: We have been Able To justify reading: Against: The Authors of: These blasphemies: Against Christ: Thus: Against: These Jews: That: These have anti-Christian statements: The Words of Christ: "You have: For his Father: The: hell. "Carlo Maria: of: Peter (and WebMaster: Promoter: of The: MSMA) Cohen: Forum
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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STOP ABORTO ] [ gli ISLAMICI NAZISTI SHARIA? LORO NON SI ABORTISCONO TRA DI LORO, MA FANNO LA BOMBA DEMOGRAFICA di pedofilia poligamia bordello privato familiare, E SI STANNO PREPARADO AD INVADERRCI ED A SOFFOCARCI, sotto egida ONU GENDER ideologia Amnesty Bildenberg sistema massonico usura mondiale, SpA Talmud, in violazione di tutti i diritti umani!
Persecuted is Global Assault on Christians ] ecco perché, i Governi USA Spa GMOS NWO AGENDA TALMUD: sono l'anticristo sul mondo, INFATTI, sono i cristiani il vero obiettivo da distruggere in tutto il mondo, per le Aminnistrazioni del Governo USA CIA NATO, sistema massonico BILDENBERG, SpA FMI FED BCE USUROCRAZIA MONDIALE, ecco perché Israele deve essere distrutto, infatti è la Bibbia per tutte le caterie GENDER (BLASFEMIA APOSTASIA IDOLATRIA) delle bestie di satana il sistema umanistico, e regale da distruggere, perché l'uomo trasformato in scimmia evoluta (EPOPEA DEL DIO MARDUK) deve lavore per il SUO padrone fariseo come il Talmud ha detto! LA MALVAGITà DELL'ISLAM E LA SUA CRUDELTà DI NAZISTA, LA SUA ORIGINE DEMONICA? NON SONO SUFFICIENTI A SALVARLO! OGGI L'ISLAM è SOLTANTO UN UTILE KILLER ESECUTORE MATERIALE E SERIALE DI OMICIDI, il nazista SOTTO EGIDA ONU! Ecco perché, tutti quelli che sono in qualche modo contro Israele, o contro la civiltà ebraico cristiana sono l'anticristo! Infatti JHWH ha dato la Palestina in eterno al popolo ebraico, e questo è un problema che la Arabia Saudita soltanto può risolvere!
Persecuted is Global Assault on Christians ] e perché i sacerdoti di satana Bush 322 Kerry, LaVey, 187 Albert Pike, Obama GENDER, il loro sistema massonico Bildenberg, ecc.. non hanno fatto il Corano di Satana, oppure, non hanno fatto i Veda di Satana, oppure il Talmud di Satana? Infatti, loro sono già di Satana! è semplice: "tutte le religioni sono la merda" e soltanto Gesù Cristo, nato a Betlemme, nella casa di Davide, morto e risorto che lui ora siede alla destra del Padre è la verità, che viene attraverso di me a rivendicare il Regno di Israele e il Regno di questo pianeta, che i farisei talmud 666 SpA Fmi, FED, BCE, Banca Mondiale, usura e schiavitù mondiale, loro i Rothschild, Rochefeller tutto hanno rubato, sedotto, corrotto, perché, sia la malvagità e la crudeltà a regnare sulla terra! Ecco perché io sono Unius REI e se voi non lo credete voi morirete tutti come bestie che è quello che siete e sempre di più meritate di diventare finchè Satana non sarà diventato tutto in tutti! DOPO TUTTO QUELLO CHE PUò VENIRE DOPO DI ME, è NECESSARIAMENTE PIù CATTIVO, PERCHé IL VANGELO DI GESù CRISTO, è IL CONCETTO DI AMORE PIù GRANDE, CHE è COMPARSO SU QUESTO PIANETA, COME HA DETTO L'ATEO ANTIFASCISTA E GRANDE FILOSOFO BENEDETTO CROCE
ed allora che questo nuovo mondo sia pure! ] [ http://www.eugeniobenetazzo.com/quali-rischi-referendum-greco/
non ho una buona testimonianza di facebook mi ha portato molti problemi, mi rende inaccessibili due account, e con l'attuale mi ha censurato su ANSA bloccando i miei commenti, ] 01.07.2015
Perché Facebook non mostra la foto di un uomo afflitto che papa Francesco ha abbracciato?
Israel Preparing Military Plan Against Iran; Terror Victim Describes the Horror ] [ United with Israel July 1, 2015 Israel Busy Preparing Military Plan Against Iran The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of an agreement with Iran, examining all options available to prevent it from obtaining nuclear capability. The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of an agreement with Iran, examining all options available to prevent it from obtaining nuclear capability. The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of a nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers and has tasked a special team with examining military options against Iran.
Israel’s Walla news quoted a foreign source on Tuesday saying that IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot appointed Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Yair Golan to lead a special team tasked with examining the IDF’s military alternatives against Iran.
Israel believes that when Iran is faced with a powerful Israeli military option, they will think long and hard before breaching the agreement and continuing the development of nuclear weapons.
However, recently retired security officials conceded that an Israeli attack would not eliminate Iran’s extreme ideology or erase its accumulated nuclear knowledge. A viable military option could serve as leverage in coercing the world powers to level crippling sanctions against Iran or hinder Iran’s motivation to move forward with its nuclear program – without firing even one shot. Israel has spent billions of shekels over the past 15 years preparing for an attack on Iran, especially on its air force and its intelligence apparatus. Israel assumes that Iran is constantly lying about its nuclear program and is preparing for the moment when it will have to take action.
"Noi crediamo che è un errore fondamentale per attivare tali un regime terrorista [Iran] arrivare a armi nucleari, che è ciò che l'accordo proposto darà loro. Che darà loro un percorso preciso per bombe nucleari – non è una bomba, ma le bombe nucleari. Riempiranno anche loro casse con molti miliardi, in realtà forse fino a centinaia di miliardi di dollari, per consentire loro di continuare il loro terrorismo e aggressione. Questo è qualcosa che non va. È pericoloso. È pericoloso per Israele, per l'Italia, per l'Europa, per gli Stati Uniti, per il mondo,"ha ammonito Netanyahu. "Il mondo è correttamente interessato e atterrito la violenza e la ferocia di IsIs sharia [organizzazione terroristica islamica]. Nessuno si sognerebbe di permettere lo stato islamico di avere armi nucleari. Perché chiunque considererebbe dando dello stato islamico dell'Iran, che è molto più potente di ISIS e agisce con molto maggior potere di Iside, per avere potenza aggiuntiva di armi nucleari? È un errore. "Stato islamico dell'Iran, il principale sponsor del terrorismo internazionale, non dovrebbero avere accesso alle armi nucleari, ha affermato il premier israeliano. "Abbiamo bisogno di un affare migliore. Questo affare non dovrebbe passare."
“We believe that it is a fundamental mistake to enable such a terrorist regime [Iran] to get to nuclear weapons, which is what the proposed agreement will give them. It will give them a definite pathway to nuclear bombs – not a bomb, but nuclear bombs. It will also replenish their coffers with many billions, actually perhaps up to hundreds of billions of dollars, to enable them to continue their terrorism and aggression. This is something that is wrong. It is dangerous. It is dangerous for Israel, for Italy, for Europe, for the United States, for the world,” Netanyahu cautioned.
“The world is properly concerned and aghast at the violence and savagery of ISIS [Islamic State terror organization]. No one would dream of allowing the Islamic State to have nuclear weapons. Why would anyone consider giving the Islamic State of Iran, which is a lot more powerful than ISIS and acts with much greater power than ISIS, to have additional power of nuclear weapons? That’s a mistake. The Islamic State of Iran, the foremost sponsor of international terrorism, should not have access to nuclear weapons,” the Israeli premier asserted. “We need a better deal. This deal should not pass.”
L'IDF si sta preparando per il giorno dopo la firma di un accordo con l'Iran, esaminato tutte le opzioni disponibili per impedire di ottenere capacità nucleare.
L'IDF si sta preparando per il giorno dopo la firma di un accordo nucleare tra l'Iran e le potenze mondiali e ha incaricato una squadra speciale di esaminare opzioni militari contro l'Iran.
Notizie Walla di Israele ha citato una fonte estera martedì dicendo che IDF capo dello Staff Gadi Eizenkot nominato vice capo di stato maggiore generale Yair Golan condurre una squadra speciale incaricata di esaminare alternative militare delle IDF contro l'Iran.
Israele ritiene che quando l'Iran si trova ad affrontare una potente opzione militare israeliana, pensano a lungo e duramente prima di violare l'accordo e continuare lo sviluppo di armi nucleari.
Tuttavia, i funzionari di sicurezza recentemente pensionato ha ammesso che un attacco israeliano non eliminerebbe ideologia estrema dell'Iran o cancellare le sue conoscenze accumulate nucleare. Una valida opzione militare potrebbe servire come sfruttare nel costringere le potenze mondiali a livello paralizzante sanzioni contro l'Iran o ostacolare la motivazione dell'Iran ad andare avanti con il suo programma nucleare – senza sparare un solo colpo.
Israele ha speso miliardi di Shekel negli ultimi 15 anni sta preparando per un attacco contro l'Iran, soprattutto il suo air force e il suo apparato di intelligence. Israele si presuppone che l'Iran costantemente sta mentendo riguardo al suo programma nucleare e si sta preparando per il momento quando dovrà intervenire.
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Victim of Terror Attack Explains he was Attacked for Being Jewish in Israel
US President Barack Obama Obama Claims He Would Walk Away from Bad Iran Deal
The deadline for the nuclear talks with Iran has come and gone, with significant differences remaining and leaders on both sides voicing threats.
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Israel Spycraft Expo Israeli Spy Expo Highlights Secretive Gadgets
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Soaring over Ein Bubin to Remember the Dead WATCH: Soaring over Ein Bubin, A Memorial Site Dedicated to Terror Victim Danny Gonen. This video features a stunning birds-eye view of Ein Bubin, which has been made into a memorial for Danny Gonen who was murdered there by a Hamas terrorist earlier this month.
anti Israel protest United Church of Christ to Boycott Israel
The United Church of Christ joined other American churches in boycotting Israeli businesses in Judea and Samaria.
www.unitedwithisrael.org info@unitedwithisrael.org USA: 1-888-ZION-613 Israel: +972-2-533-7841
How ISIS Became The World’s Richest Terror Army ] Stones Hurled at Public bus in Jerusalem
bus-attack ] Click here to watch: Arab Bus Attack Caught on Camera
A bus carrying young children from the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Ma'ale Hazeitim, located on the Mount of Olives, to their school located more centrally in the capital city came under a barrage of rocks Monday morning. Masked Arab terrorists hurled dozens of the potentially lethal rocks at the bus and the children inside, but fortunately none were wounded in the fusillade. Damage was caused to the windshield of the bus however. The attack is part of an ongoing wave of rock attacks on roads throughout eastern Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. While the Arab attacks continue on a near daily basis, only a small portion of the attacks are reported on in the mainstream media as most instances only involve damage to property. Ma'ale Hazeitim has seen Arab terrorist attacks on a constant basis; last September a day care center in the neighborhood came under assault by Arabs hurling rocks and fireworks at the terrified children. The home of Jerusalem Councilman Arieh King, who lives in Ma'ale Hazeitim, has been attacked no less than 52 times with rocks, firebombs and even bullets, with police failing to take significant action to curb the attacks. After the 52nd attack, King was forced to arrange private patrols to try and secure the neighborhood in Israel's capital.
Watch Here
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) on Wednesday visited the Border Patrol guard who was stabbed at Rachel's Tomb on Monday, by her bedside at Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center. "We visited now the wounded, who have shown very impressive courage, composure, and spirit," Netanyahu stated. "We, the Defense Minister and I, wished them a speedy recovery, and of course we express condolences for Eliezer and Sara [Rosenfeld] who lost their son, Malachi - who was exceptional and unique, and there is no pain greater than the pain of parents who lose a son or daughter, and the hearts of all the citizens of Israel with them." "We have thwarted over two hundred attempted attacks since the beginning of last year, and we will also get to these murderers and terrorists," he continued. "We will also exact a heavy price on the terrorists and their dispatchers and their supporters."
Source: Arutz Sheva ] questo nucleare allo IRAN è pura follia! è la miccia sul barile di polvere da sparo! Questo è un crimine USA contro tutto il genere umano perché loro sono i satanisti Rothschild che hanno bisogno di una guerra mondiale per non vedere, collassare il FMI SPA che tutta una truffa di falso in bilancio! ] [ Iran Nuclear Talks -- More Warning Signs
Yesterday, June 30th, was the deadline by which America and the other P5+1 nations were supposed to reach a deal with Iran to stop its nuclear weapons program. This was not the first such deadline. Yet once again, the deadline came and went without a deal. Meanwhile, we continue to receive troubling reports from Geneva that the negotiations have largely consisted of Iran exploiting our government’s desperate desire for a deal to turn our red lines into green lights. As Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu noted yesterday, “In the nuclear talks, to my regret, what we are seeing are Iran’s increasing demands, and the major powers’ concessions which are also increasing, in keeping with the Iranian pressure. This agreement is going from a bad agreement to a worse agreement, and is becoming worse by the day.”
If and when a deal is announced we will be quick to examine it. We will pray for the best. But if this deal is as bad as reports indicate, we will not be silent. We will speak out, and we will ask you to speak out with us. In particular, we will ask you to demand that your leaders in Congress vote down a bad deal. In the meantime, please stay tuned and stay in touch. We need you now more than ever. The Weekly Standard. The Iran Deal, Then and Now. One week before the June 30 deadline for a nuclear deal with Iran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made a series of demands about the final terms. Among them: He called for an immediate end to all United Nations Security Council and U.S. economic sanctions on Iran; he said Iranian military sites would not be subject to international inspections; he declared that Iran would not abide a long-term freeze on nuclear research; and he ruled out interviews with individuals associated with Iran’s nuclear program as part of any enforcement plan. Ieri, 30 giugno, sono scaduto il termine di cui America e altri P5 + 1 Nazioni avrebbero dovuto per raggiungere un accordo con l'Iran per interrompere il suo programma di armi nucleari. Questo non era il primo tale scadenza. Ancora una volta, il termine andava e veniva senza un affare. Nel frattempo, continuiamo a ricevere rapporti preoccupanti da Ginevra che i negoziati hanno in gran parte ha consistito dell'Iran sfruttando il desiderio disperato del nostro governo per un affare di trasformare le nostre linee di rossi in luci verdi. Come primo ministro israeliano Netanyahu notato ieri, "nei colloqui nucleari, con mio rammarico, quello che stiamo vedendo sono richieste crescenti dell'Iran e concessioni delle grandi potenze, che sono anche in aumento, in armonia con la pressione iraniana. Questo accordo sta da un cattivo accordo per un accordo di peggio e sta diventando peggio di giorno in giorno." Se e quando è annunciato un accordo saremo veloci per esaminarlo. Pregheremo per il meglio. Ma se questo affare è così male come rapporti indicano, non saremo silenziosi. Vi parleremo, e vi chiediamo di parlare con noi. In particolare, ti chiederemo di esigere che i vostri capi in Congresso votare giù un cattivo affare. Nel frattempo, per favore restate sintonizzati e rimanere in contatto. Abbiamo bisogno di te ora più che mai. L'affare Iran, allora e adesso. Una settimana prima del termine del 30 giugno per un affare nucleare con l'Iran, Leader supremo Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ha fatto una serie di richieste circa le condizioni definitive. Fra loro: ha chiamato a porre immediatamente fine a tutti del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e gli Stati Uniti le sanzioni economiche contro l'Iran; ha detto siti militari iraniani non sarebbe soggetta a controlli internazionali; Egli ha dichiarato che l'Iran non avrebbe rispettato un congelamento a lungo termine sulla ricerca nucleare; e ha governato le interviste con gli individui associati con il programma nucleare dell'Iran come parte di qualsiasi piano di esecuzione. (210) 477-4714 | PO BOX 1307 San Antonio, TX 78295-1307 | info@cufi.org Copyright © 2014 Christians United for Israel. All Rights Reserved.
Amnesty e ONU sono due islamici nazisti sharia GAY GENDER ideologia, due nemici della democrazia e di Israele! Probabilmente anche tu, come me, hai sempre considerato Amnesty International una delle più importanti organizzazioni non governative in tema di difesa e promozione dei diritti umani. Il lavoro di Amnesty per i prigionieri di coscienza, contro la tortura e a favore dei prigionieri politici è conosciuto e stimato in tutto il mondo.
Se ti invito oggi a partecipare a una nuova campagna sul nostro sito (http://www.citizengo.org/it/26182-il-diritto-allaborto-non-esiste) è perché Amnesty International sembra aver in parte cambiato la propria vocazione a difesa dei diritti umani. Infatti, questa organizzazione si sta sempre più concentrando sulla promozione del cosiddetto "diritto all'aborto" e del matrimonio gay. In tema di aborto, ciò è dimostrato con la massima evidenza dalla recente campagna di Amnesty per fare pressioni sul governo irlandese. Lo stesso sta accadendo in El Salvador e presso le nazioni Unite, presso le quali Amnesty si sta battendo per un assurdo diritto all'aborto riconosciuto in tutto il mondo. Le campagne di comunicazione in questione mette in primo piano il diritto della donna ad abortire, dimenticando completamente il diritto del nascituro a venire alla luce e a vivere. La recente sentenza della Corte Suprema americana, che ha imposto il matrimonio gay in tutti gli Stati dell'Unione, è stata salutata da Amnesty come "una vittoria per i diritti umani" e si augura che la sentenza possa "influenzare positivamente il dibattito italiano". Anche in questo caso, che ne è dei diritti dei più deboli, ovvero del diritto di ogni bambino ad avere mamma e papà? Amnesty si batte per cause encomiabili, come quelle sopra citate, ma allo stesso tempo si pone anche a capo di operazioni di lobbying del tutto discutibili, che con la scusa di difendere presunti "nuovi diritti umani" (delle donne ad abortire, delle coppie omosessuali a sposarsi ed adottare bambini) finiscono per infrangere i diritti umani delle parti in causa più deboli e vulnerabili: il diritto alla vita, di ogni essere umano dal concepimento, e il diritto a una famiglia composta da mamma e papà, per ogni bambino. Questa petizione chiede ad Amnesty International di continuare ad occuparsi di cause come la lotta alla tortura e la tutela dei prigionieri politici e di coscienza, senza promuovere falsi diritti umani che non tutelano (e anzi danneggiano gravemente) chi ne ha più bisogno.
Per firmare, clicca su questo link: http://www.citizengo.org/it/26182-il-diritto-allaborto-non-esiste
(per ogni firma raccolta, il nostro sistema invierà una email direttamente ad Amnesty International).
Questa petizione è rivolta anche a tutti coloro che, magari in buona fede, hanno sostenuto le attività di Amnesty international. Se anche tu, lorenz, hai effettuato una donazione ad Amnesty International, sappi semplicemente che i fondi da loro raccolti servono anche per propagandare il diritto all'aborto e il matrimonio gay.
STOP ABORTO ] [ gli ISLAMICI NAZISTI SHARIA? LORO NON SI ABORTISCONO TRA DI LORO, MA FANNO LA BOMBA DEMOGRAFICA di pedofilia poligamia bordello privato familiare, E SI STANNO PREPARADO AD INVADERRCI ED A SOFFOCARCI, sotto egida ONU GENDER ideologia Amnesty Bildenberg sistema massonico usura mondiale, SpA Talmud, in violazione di tutti i diritti umani!
There is NO right to abortion. Dear Managers and Staff of Amnesty International, There is NO "right to abortion" - but there is a right to life for every human being. There was a time, not very long ago, when Amnesty International was reputed as one of the world’s leading human rights NGOs. Though it did not deal with all and every human rights issue, the organization undoubtedly did a lot to help and rescue political prisoners or prisoners of conscience in many countries of the world.
Amnesty’s campaign to legalize abortion in Ireland shows a turning point: all human beings, even the unborn children, deserve the defense of their human dignity and right to life. Through this petition, therefore, we denounce your hypocrisy and ask you to stop campaigning against the right to life of unborn children. In order to become credible as a human rights advocacy you must, on the contrary, stand up to defend the right to life of all human beings - in particular the weak and vulnerable. You must therefore defend the right to life of unborn children against those who, for whatever reason, will not recognize it. This petition is also addressed to all those who in good faith, and unaware of your stance on this very fundamental human rights issue, have supported you through their donations.
MI OFFENDE TANTA INGENUITà, OGGI CHI GUIDA IL MONDO SONO I SACERDOTI DI SATANA SPA BANZA MONDIALE URUROCRAZIA, QUINDI AL MICROCHIP SOTTOCUTANEO DEVE ESSERE OPPOSTA LA MASSIMA RESISTENZA, E LA MASSIMA OPPOSIZIONE! ] [ I profeti isterici anti-chip affermano che questa tecnologia sarebbe usata da un Governo mondiale per controllare la vita delle persone. È probabile, ma... Dove eravate quando è scoppiato lo scandalo WikiLeaks? Su Marte? I Governi e le imprese hanno già ampio accesso a ogni passo dei loro cittadini e consumatori, perché quasi tutto ciò che facciamo è registrato nei nostri computer personali (PC, smartphone, tablet ecc.) e nelle telefonate, per non parlare delle telecamere sparse in quasi tutti gli ambienti che frequentiamo. Il chip sotto la pelle, se venisse inserito su scala globale, non farebbe altro che intensificare una realtà già abbastanza ampia: abbiamo molta poca privacy e i nostri passi sono quasi tutti monitorati e registrati da Governi e imprese. È bizzarro e preoccupante? Sì. Potrà portare molti mali? Forse, lo dirà il tempo. E la Chiesa sicuramente ci metterà in guardia nel caso in cui fosse necessario. Una cosa sia chiara: nessuno sarà condannato per il fatto di aderire a un sistema di identificazione elettronico. Possiamo essere condannati, questo sì, per il fatto di aderire a valori e ideologie anticristiane. Questo è il vero segno della bestia, il segno della mondanità.
Egitto: negata la scarcerazione ad un cristiano. Sintesi: dopo aver trascorso gran parte della sua vita maltrattato, nascosto o in carcere, Mohamed Hegazy, un cristiano convertitosi dall'islam, non sa cosa aspettarsi dal futuro. Rimane in prigione, senza spiegazioni, nonostante abbia già scontato la propria pena.
Mohamed Hegazy è conosciuto per essere stato il primo egiziano a chiedere apertamente, nell'agosto del 2007, che venisse cambiata la voce riguardante la religione (da musulmano a cristiano) sulla propria carta d'identità. In questo modo vorrebbe evitare a suo figlio tutto ciò che ha dovuto sopportare sulla propria pelle. L'indicazione della religione di appartenenza è infatti un requisito obbligatorio sulla carta d'identità egiziana e definisce l'esistenza civile dell'individuo e della sua famiglia.
Il giovane uomo è attualmente in carcere per "oltraggio" all'islam ed è stato condannato sei mesi fa, nonostante i termini per la prescrizione del suo caso fossero scaduti nel 2009. Le altre 2 accuse che lo riguardavano erano già state cancellate in precedenza. Hegazy ha scelto di seguire Cristo all'età di 16 anni. Successivamente, nel 2002, è stato per un breve periodo incarcerato e torturato dall'SSI (Servizi Investigativi per la sicurezza dello Stato) e, dopo questa esperienza, ha vissuto in clandestinità con la propria famiglia. Arrestato di nuovo a dicembre del 2013, durante una protesta di piazza a Minya, è stato condannato a cinque anni di carcere con accuse che includevano la diffusione di informazioni false volte a "danneggiare il pubblico interesse". La condanna originaria è stata in seguito ridotta ad un solo anno, che risulterebbe già scontato, ma i servizi di sicurezza nazionale hanno continuato a tenerlo in carcere.
Diversi gruppi a difesa dei diritti umani, hanno provato a fare pressione sulle autorità egiziane perché venisse risolto il caso di Hegazy, ma la sua situazione non è migliorata, anzi, abbiamo notizia di maltrattamenti e umiliazioni, oltre alla negazione di diritti basilari come le visite regolari da parte del suo avvocato.
Nonostante la nuova costituzione egiziana, approvata a gennaio del 2014, si impegni al rispetto della libertà di credo e della dignità umana, i cristiani, soprattutto quelli provenienti da un background musulmano, vivono continuamente maltrattamenti fisici e soprusi.
Inoltre gruppi terroristici vicini ai "Fratelli Musulmani" (dichiarati illegali dal Presidente al-Sisi dal 2013), nel tentativo di destabilizzare il Paese, continuano ad effettuare attentati mirati.
Ci giunge forte la voce dei cristiani locali che chiedono preghiera e aiuto per una situazione che continua a rimanere tesa.
Coptic Church
35b/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: IV. Kristnir menn ættu að vera í Things Skemmd nauðsynlegt til að lifa: The: Gyðingar: Ekki: Þeir verða að spara neinum hætti: For The Fight: tyrants: að: halda þeim í þessari fjórðu haldi í því skyni: af: losna við. Þeir verða: Fight The Kristnir: Með: The: Og sviksemi: ekki: gera neitt: Fyrir að forðast: að:: Evil grípa þá: Tea: Sick þeirra: Not: Þeir verða að vera elskuð: For: Christian Women: Ekki: þeir verða að hjálpa Meðan: The: fæðingu: og: The Kristnir: Ekki: verður Þeir vistaðar þegar í hættu: dauða.
36/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: og: eiga viðskipti: Með: Það sama Akum (Christian). Á öðrum stöðum: þó: er: mismunandi og: er: einungis: Til: Annar Gyðingur: á: Going sömu Akum (Christian) hringrás: stunda viðskipti: Með: Og hann: Take The: fé sitt. In: Staðreynd: The: Auður Dell Akum (Christian) og ætti að teljast sameign: Það tilheyrir First: að: það geta verið fullnustu. Það er: Anyway: Hver segir að: Hvað: Ekki: að gera. "Í Choschen Hammischpat (183,7 Hagah) svohljóðandi:" Ef: Gyðingur tekur fyrirtæki: Með A: Akum (Christian) Og: A: Og bróðir Ísraelsmanna gerist: Frodathe: Akum (Christian): Fyrir helmingi: á: False Lóð: eða: ráðstöfunum: eða: Numbers: Hann verður að skipta: Besta: Hagnaður hans: Með: Tea: bróðir Ísraelsmanna hans: Því að: að: bæði hafa tekið þátt af The: Affair: og: Einnig: Fyrir hjálp. "
37/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: 4. To: Gyðingurinn PU0 þykjast: á: vera: Christian: For: blekkja kristinna: Í Iore Dea (. 157,2 Hagah) svohljóðandi: "Ef: Gyðingur getur: Fool þá (skurðgoðadýrkendur) þykjast: á: vera: áhuga: á: stjörnur: er: heimild til að gera "5.. Gyðingar: er: leyfilegt vera að Æfing: In The: Against kristnu: í: Abhodah Zarah (54A) segir: er: aðeins æfingar: Wear: í: varðar: The: Apostate Fallen í skurðgoðadýrkun. "Og: Í Iore Dea (159,1) er svohljóðandi: er: aðeins: í samræmi við: The: Torah: að lána peninga til að vera að:. Akum (Christian) Sum Elders: þó: Þetta afneita nema þegar: á: Life : á:. dauða dags: Í dag er: Heimildir:. hver sem ástæðan er "
38/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: III. Skemmd kristnir ættu að vera í SPURNINGAR: Legal: 1. The: Gyðingur: er: Leyfi og leggjast: Jura: The: FALSE: For: An þess að: Christian: Í Babha KAMA (113th) segir: Besta: Kennsla okkar er: The: Eftir: Hvenær á að: Gyðingur og A : GOI: (borga) birtast í dómi: absolve á: Gyðingur: Ef þú getur: samkvæmt lögum Ísraels. Ef: The: GOI: (borga) vann: Segðu honum: að: Hvað: er: Hvað: Tea: Law okkar þurfa. Ef: þó: The: Gyðingur má sýknaður í samræmi við: The: The Law: tagi: Og útskrift hann: Segðu honum: að: Hvað: er: gert samkvæmt lögum okkar. Ef þetta Level: Not: Það er hægt að gera: gera: Með: hörku gegn: The: GOI: (borga) Eins og: Mælt með: The: Rabbí Ischmael.
39/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: The: Rabbí Akibha: þó: segir: That: Ekki: Þú getur laganna: Með: Svik: Fyrir: Ekki: vanhelga nafn Guðs: og: Fyrir : Ekki: að: Gyðingur aftur: Skoðun: Fyrir perjury. "A Ath To: margin: þó: Þetta skýrir Point: The: Rabbí Akibha sem: hér segir: Nafn Guðs:: Ef það er vanhelgað: The: GOI: (borga) ekki: hann veit: að: : Gyðingurinn: hefur: Lied "og:. meira: Framherji: The: Babha KAMA (113b) segir: The: Nafn Guðs: ekki: er: Hvenær vanhelgað: Dæmi: Til: Gyðingur huga að A: GOI: (borga ) sagði: Ég hef gefið eitthvað við þig: Faðir þinn, en hann: er: dauður: Þú verður að skila til mín: tilskildu að: The: GOI: (heiðnu) Ekki: vita: að: þú ert að ljúga. "
40/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: 2: er: leyfi til að: Gyðingur Dómnefnd: The: FALSE: Með: Meðvitund: CLEAN: Í Kallah (1b: P.18) svohljóðandi: "Það ( á: móðir: mazmer) sagði: Ég sver að: mér og:. á: Rabbí Akibha sór við: Varir: en: ógilt í hjarta sínu: The swearing í A:. svipuð hugmynd er í Schabbuoth Hagahoth: The : Rabbí Ascher (6D) "Ef: The: Sýslumaður á borg compels Gyðingar To: sverja að: Not: og: flýja frá þeirri borg: Að: Ekki: Það nudda burt Nokkuð: Þeir munu Skammast The: False að segja: sjálfum : að: Not: Flýið Þann dag: og: að: Not: fjarlægja AnythingFrom borgarinnar á þeim degi eingöngu. "
42/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: 1. To: Gyðingur verður alltaf að reyna: á: blekkja kristinna: Í Zohar (I: 160) segir: Besta: The Rabbí Jehuda: hefur: segir (til Rabbí Chezkia): er: Worthy: á: Lofið hann: að: er : fær: á: losna við óvini Ísraels: og: Eru: mjög Worthy: á: lof: The einmitt þetta: Og þær eru gefnar út: Fight þeim:: Chezkia Rabbí spurði: hvernig ættum við Fight: The: Rabbí Jehuda sagði: Með: Wise ráðgjafa gegn stríði: á: Them (Ok: cap.24: 6). með: að: Tegund: á: War: The: Tegund: á: War: að: Hvert barn af: maður skulu: Fight: Against The: Óvinir hans: og: að: Jakob notaður: Against: Esaú: Hvenær Möguleg: Með: The: og blekking: The: svikara.
43/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: verður Þeir relentlessly berjast: Allt að: að:: réttri röð: ekki: sumum aftur: er: Það: Kúla: Með: Óhreifanlegir Faction: að: I sem segja: Við verðum að: Free upp og: frá þeim: the regla af: á: Them. "2: Ekki: Þú verður að hjálpa: sjúkur Christian: Í Iore Dea (158,1) er svohljóðandi:" The: Akum (Christian) Ekki: Þeir verða að meðhöndla: Viðburðir: Fyrir peninga: Til: Minna: Þetta: Hvað: Not: valda : á: fjandskap þeirra. "3: Not: Við verðum að: Hjálp: The: Christian kona: Tea: Hlutar: í: Orach Orach Chaiim (330,2) er svohljóðandi:" Nei Hjálp: Þó að minnsta kosti: Ætti að gefa A Woman Akum (Christian) Á: The: fæðingu í tíma: Mánudagur: Í því: The: Laugardagur: Ekki: það verður að vera brotið ".
44/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: 4: Ekki: Við verðum að: Hjálp: Christian í hættu: á: Death: Í Choschen Hammischpat (425,5) er svohljóðandi: "Ef þú sérð: heretic: að: Til athugunar: Nalla trúa ToFall í Torah: Jæja: Með: A Ladder: og strax þjóta: Take It Away Og segir að ég þarf að fara á: Taktu sonur minn Til:. þaki Við munum tilkynna um:: mælikvarða strax: eða: eitthvað : á:. General Kuthaei I: þó: Að: Ekki: Eru: Og óvini okkar: að: Gæta skal varúðar: á: sauðfé: The: Ísraelsmanna: Ekki: Þeir verða drepnir beint: en: Not: Þeir verða að vista: Frá Death "og: in Iore Dea (158,1) svohljóðandi:". The: Akum (Christian) að: Not: Eru: Óvinir okkar: Not: Þeir verða drepnir beint:
45/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: This: Ekki: þrátt fyrir Them: Ekki: verður Þeir vistað: Frá hætta: dauði: Til dæmis: ef þú sérð eitt: af: Thed: Fall í sjó: Ekki: Til að draga það upp: Less: Að Hann: Ekki: Ég lofa: á: peningum. "Maimonides í Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X1: Ekki: Licet misereri Eorum; einhverjum öðrum athyglisverðum Words:".. Það misereberis Eorum "1) Idcirco: Marquis viderit þú Adum Pereuntem: Vel demersum gerðanna, það OPEMFerat hann dó Proximate viderit Eum: Eripiat það dautt Attamen Eum Vonlaus viðhald þess. í Praecipitem Puteum gefa svipaða hraða Ne FAS siquid Huic East: Quia Nobiscum bellum: Ekki: Gerit.
46/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: Maimonides: í Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: 1) segir: Ekki: miskunna: á: Them: in: Staðreynd: Er: segir (VII Deuter. : 2) Ekki: guðrækni þeirra birtist. There: Kúla: Ef þú sérð: Akum (Christian) í erfiðleikum eða Drown: Not: Go to Aid hans. Og: ef hann væri í hættu: Death: Ekki: sparar: en: Not: er: bara drepa hann með: The: þrýsta hönd þína í gröfina: eða: Annars: síðan: Að: Þeir: Ekki: Eru: í Stríðið gegn: á: okkur. "Gr II: Kristnir Killed ætti að vera: LOKSINS: The: Talmud skipanir: að: Kristnir eru án miskunnar drepnir í: Abhodah Zarah (26b) er svohljóðandi:" Heretics: svikara og: Apostates skal farga í A: og vel: Ekki : Þeir verða að vera bjargað. "
47/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: og: í Choschen Hammischpat (388,10) segir: "ætti að vera njósnari drápu: Of: At Til: daga vora. Hvar sem þú ert Það getur verið drepnir Jafnvel sumir : Kúla: Að: játað. þótt hann viðurkennir: á: Hann vildi bara gera: The: að meiða einhvern: og: ef: The: Evil: að: hann langaði til að gera: Ekki: Var það mjög stór : er: Nóg: Til sakfella hana: For:. dauða Það verður þó að vara við: af: ekki: Þetta viðurkenna: en: ef það segir bersýnilega "Nei: Ég játa!" Hann verður að vera drepinn: The: Um leið og Möguleg ef:. Not: "það er: Tími: Fyrir vara þig: Not: Er:. nauðsynlegt skref Sumir segja að: Til: svikari verður til: dauði aðeins þegar: er: ómögulegt að losna
48/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: mutilating: þ.e.: skera burt: The: Tungumál: eða: stórfínn út augun: en: Ef þetta: er: getur: Ekki: Að vera drepnir síðan: Að Hann: ekki: er: Versta: á: annað: að: ofsækja okkur. "Og: í Choschen Hamm: á: New (388,15) er svohljóðandi:" Ef þú getur sýnt fram á: Að: einhver hafi: svikin Ísrael Three Times: eða: að: hefur: sem:: fé: á: Ísrael To The Akum ( Christian) þú WillFind: The: Way: Eftir sama FUL huga: af: eyða henni: From The Face: The: Earth. "Quinim: Ipsum Stadium löggjafa Iudaeorum Poenam Skilaà mortis ráðinu 59 til R. Iochanan að vitna í þig:. Gói scrutans Legem: East Reus mortis.
49/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: The: Christian: Að: Til að uppgötva: Rannsókn: The: Law Ísraels kostum: The: dauða. Í ráðinu (59a) segir: The: Rabbí Jochanan segir: Til: GOI: (borga) að: Stafur: The: Nef í The Law er: sekur um: dauða. "II Occidendi sunt Baptisma suscipientes Iudaei Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X2:... Haec dicta sunt 1) de idolatris Israelitarum sed illos hér To: desciverint Trúarbrögð: Vel Epikurei Evaserint: dráp. Til að stunda það Atque Jafnvel við inferos iubemur Quippe Affligunt Israelem: Populumque Til: Deo Avertunt.
50/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: II. Gyðingar skal skírður To: DEATH: Í Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: 2) segir: "Þetta (hér að ofan) eru: For The skurðgoðadýrkendur: en: Jafnvel Ísraelsmenn: að: Skilja: The: Og trúarbrögð þeirra: verður að vera drepinn og verða Epicureans: Við verðum að ofsækja þá til enda: Fyrir Ísrael og þeir þjá: afvegaleiða: The: Fólk Guðs "og: in Iore Dea (158,2 Hagah) svohljóðandi:" The Renegades: að: miða: Til að at: ánægjuna af: Akum (Christian) Og: að: Og þeir eru menguð tilbiðja stjörnur: The: Eins Planets: Eru þeir: verður að vera drepinn "Á sama hátt:. það er sagt í Choschen Hammischpat (425,5)
51/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: "The: Gyðingar: Þetta: Vertu Epicurean: Að: á skaða þig: Worship: The: Og stjörnur: The: Og Planets: synd illgirni; Viðburðir Þeir: að: Eat: The: kjöt af: Dýr slasaður: eða: að: Wear föt herbergja: þeir eiga skilið: The Name: af: Epicurean: á sama hátt: Þeir: að: afneita: The: Torah og: The: spámenn Ísraels: The: Law: Er: Að: Allir: Þeir ættu að vera drepnir: og: Þeir: að: hafa: The: Power: á: The Life And: af: Death Ætti að hafa drepið þá: og: Ef þetta Level: Ekki : Gæti það verið gert: Þeir verða vera hávaði til dauða: Með: The: blekking "Hér Sint Abnegantes. Legem stofnanir: Clare R. Demonstratio Maimon í Hilkhoth Teschubhah III: 2).
52/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: Tres sunt Negantium Torah flokka: 1. Hér dicunt: Ekki: Til: Deo gefið mér þessar Torah: AUT (athugið: Til: Deo) saltem Eius versum unum: saltem Verbum unum: sed (Lieutenant) Moysen Til: seipso hoc dixisse: Omnis (eng Til að vitna í þig hér) Abnegat Legem. 2. Hér Abiiciunt Eius Explicationem: quae dicitur Torah oralis (Mischnah) Neque Agnoscunt Eius doctores: Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Sadók. 3) Et Baithos 4). 3. Hér: á: á: Rabbí Maimonides: í Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III: 8): Forniscethe: List: á: Þeir: Að: deniers teljast: The: Law: "Það: Eru: þrjá flokka: People: að: afneita: The: Law: The: Torah: 1) Fólk: sem þeir segja: að:: Torah: Ekki: er: Var gefið af Guði:
53/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: að minnsta kosti: Til: eða: A Word: á: það (SIC) og: að: Þeir segja að: Been er: The Whole Work Móse: 2 ) Fólk: Það: Re Fuse: The: Útskýring á: Torah: þ.eas: Oral Law: The: Mischnah: og: Þeir: Að: Ekki: riconoscono á: yfirvalda: Læknar: The: Law: Eins og : á: Fylgjendur: á: Sadók (saddúkear) Og: á: Baithos: 3) People: að: sem þeir segja: Guð hefir: breyst: The: Lög: Til Til: Annar Ný lög: og: að:: Torah : Ekki: er: Nei meira virði: Jafnvel ef þeir gera: ekki: neita: Þetta: Var gefið af Guði sem: kristnir og trúa: The: Turks: Allir: afneita þeim:: Les Frá Torah. . "III Kristnir Killed ætti að vera: Hvers vegna: Eru: Tyrant: Í Zohar (I: 25â) segir:
54/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: "The Peoples of: Earth: Eru: skurðgoðadýrkendur: og: á: á: Them: Been er: Skriflegt: það er þurrka burt the Face: á: Land: Destroy: The: minni: The. Amalekítar þeir: Eru: Enn: Með: okkur í þessu fjórða haldi: Nefnilega: The. Meginreglur (í Róm) að: in: Staðreynd: Eru. Amalekíta "1. Þessar reglur ætti að drepa: Fyrsta: Hvers vegna: Ef þeir eru leyfð: á: Life: The: von á: Liberation of: Gyðingar: er: einskis: og: Bænir þeirra: af: útgáfa frá Þetta verður fjórða herleiðingunni í gildi. Í Zohar (I: 219B) segir: er: námskeiðs: Að: Besta: högum okkar varað í allt að: Þegar: grundvallarreglur hinna: tagi: að: Þeir dýrka fánýt: Not: þau verði eytt. "
55/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: og: Jafnvel í Zohar (II: 19.) segir: The: Rabbí Jehuda: hefur: sagði: Come To: Sjá sem: Things Are, eins og: Tea : Meginreglur og hafa ngarinnar yfir Ísrael: Ísraelsmenn: Ekki: kvarta, en: Þegar það: Falls: The Prince: The: gleði þeirra er Flóki. Það Ritað er: The: Re: The: Egypta og dó: strax: Ísraelsmenn voru Freed: Frá útlegð, og þeir hrópaði: Tea: Rödd þeirra stiginn upp til: Guð "2: the lögmál: Að HA: Rome : Fyrir CAPITAL: er: IS: Að: Gyðingar hafa fleiri hata: af: Allir: Þeir kalla það:: United: á: Og Esaú: The: Edómítar: The United Pride: The United: The: Evil: Unholy . Róm The Tyrkneska heimsveldið er kallað: The: United: The: Ishmaelites:
56/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: að: Þeir: Ekki: óska eftir að eyðileggja: á: United: frá Róm: þó: Verður að vera exterminated: Hvers vegna: Hvenær: Besta: spillt Róm er eytt: The : Og hjálpræðis: The: Freedom verður valið People: á: Guð "R. David Kimchi scribit de Fected Obadiam29: Quidquid dixerunt Prophetae vastatione Edóms í ultims diebus: id intellexerunt de Rome: í UT Explica Iesaia í Versu" Access gentes að hlusta á "3) Etenim Þegar vastabitur Róm ERIT redemptio Israelitarum:. á: Rabbí David Kimchi Skrifar sem: í: Obadiam: segir:" Þetta: að:: Spámenn: spáð eyðingu: Edóm í The Last: Nokkrum dögum Ég greint til Rómar: og: segir Jesaja (ch.34: 1)
57/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: Nálgun: eða: þjóðirnar: og hlusta .. Þegar Róm er eytt: Ísrael að innleysa. "Einnig: The: Rabbí Abraham segir: sama í bók Tseror Hammor hans þáttur Schoftim: Not: Þegar Róm verður eytt: Við munum vera Innlausn." IV.FINALLY: Allir: Kristnir: Ásamt meðal bestu: Af: ÞEIR SKULI UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26b. Tosephoth: Bestur meðal occidi Skilaà heiðingjanna. Multoties haec Phrasis repetita occurrit í diversis Iudaeorum LIBRIS: Licet: Ekki: iisdem verbis.V.gR.Ps.IARC í Exod cap.XIV: sjá Editionis Amstelodamiensis17) að vitna í:
58/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: í: Abhodah Zarah (26b: Tosephoth) svohljóðandi: "Einnig: The: af bestu: heiðingjarnir drap Ætti vera" Shulhan Arukh: Eftir orð á: Iore Dea (158,1) að: Þeir segja að: Þeir meðal Akum (Christian) að: Not: gera: The: Evil til Gyðinga: Not: Þeir verða drepnir: Þeir þ.e.: að: Not: heyja stríð á Ísrael: Útskýrir: The: Milchamah Word: War: en: Time: á: The War of the Akum (Christian) ætti að drepa Þar sem það er ritað: The Good meðal Akum (Christian) eiga skilið: á: Að vera drepnir: Etc .. "V. Gyðingur: sem drepur: Christian: Ekki: syndinni: en: býður upp á: fórn í lagi að: Guð: V. Iudaeus occidens Christianum: Not: Peccat: sed offerre dicitur Viðunandi sacrificium Deo.
59/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: Sefer Eða Ísrael 177b3) Dele Vitam Et occide Og Kiphoth; gratus Enim Eris Divinae tign sicut ólöglegt: boði hér oblatum reykelsi. In The Sefer og Ísrael (177B) segir: "Take Away: The: Life: Til At: Kliphoth og: Kill Them: og: eins og þú að Guð sem: A: að::. Bjóða reykelsi" Og: í Ialkut Simoni (245c.n.772) svohljóðandi: "One: að: breiðist: á: blóð: Wicked er: Tími til að samþykkja Guð sem einn: að: býður upp á:.. Til að fórna Guði VI EFTIR: á: eyðileggingu musterisins To: Jerúsalem: Eina: Sacrifice þörf: Er: The Murder kristinna manna: Í Zohar (III227b) Te: The Good Shepherd segir: Nauðsynlegt bara fórn: er: að: Togliamothe: saur: á: Flutningur To: okkur ".
60/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: The Zohar (II: 43a) Útskýra: The: Boðorðin Móse um innlausn á: First-fæddur: um: A: Ass: að: Við höfum: Með: The: Tilboð: á: A lambsins: segir: "The asni er: Fyrir: The: Ekki: Gyðingur: að: það verður að leysa með: Tea: Tilboð: A: lambsins: að: er:: Gengur á : hjörð: Ísraels: en: ef hann aftur Sameinar: á: Að vera Innlausn: Þá brot: The: höfuðkúpu .. þeir ættu að vera eytt: From The Book of: Living Frá: á: Til þeirra er: sagði : Hann: Það: syndinni: Against: af: mér: Ég mun taka Awad: Úr bókinni: The. Life "VII. Persónur: Það vilja drepa kristna To: Staður: hátt í SKY: In The Zohar (1.38b: Og 39a) er svohljóðandi:
61/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: í: hallir af The: Fjórða himni eru þessir: Að: Þeir Útgefið groans Síon og Jerúsalem: og: Allir: Þeir: Að: Eyddir idolatrous þjóðirnar .. Og: Þeir: að: drepa fólk: Að Hann adored skurðgoðum: Are: föt: Með: kjólar: á: Purple svo: að: Og er hægt að þekkja: heiðraður. "VIII Gyðingar: Not: ætti aldrei að hætta: á: exterminate: GOIM;. Not: ætti aldrei Látið mig í friði og: Not: skal: ALDREI að leggja: THEM Hilkhoth In Akum (Christian) (X: 1) Við lesa. : Ekki: Eat: Með: The skurðgoðadýrkendur: Ekki: Let Them: á: dýrkun: skurðgoð þeirra: er: in: Staðreynd: Skrifaði: Ekki: Stofna samningar: Með: þá ekki: miskunnsamur Them (Deuter. ch.7 : 2) eða: afvegaleiða þá: Frá skurðgoðum sínum: eða: drepa þá ".
62/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: ibid (X: 7) Ekki: Það verður að leyfa To: Nei skurðgoðadýrkun: á: Að vera: í: Staðir þar sem Gyðingar eru: sterkur: "IX: Allir: Gyðingar: Eru: þarf til JOIN saman: For: eyðileggja svikara: Að: Eru: AMIDST Til: þeirra: In Choschen Hammischpat (338,16) segir: Allar: The People: á: City: Eru: þarf til þess: Stuðla The útgjöld dráp: á: A: A svikari: Jafnvel þeir. að þeir verða að borga skatta annað "X. Enginn samningsaðili: Ekki: Sama hversu hátíðlega: Getur: Hindra: The: Afhöfðun: á: A: Christian: Í Pesachim (49b) segir: The: Rabbí Elíeser sagði: er: Aðeins skera: The: höfuðið á: A: hálfviti (a: á: íbúa: Earth)
63/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: Í hátíð: Sátt Þegar það: Falls eftir degi: Laugardagur. Lærisveinar hans sögðu við hann: Rabbí: Ætti að segja frekar að fórna, en hann svaraði: alls ekki: er: örugglega nauðsynlegt að biðja meðan fórna: og: ekki: Það er: Need: á: Að biðja þegar þú hálshöggva einhvern. "XI: The: Eini tilgangur: á: Og öllum flokkum: Bænir: The: Gyðingar sem þarf að: af: Eyðileggja: The: Trúarbrögð:: The: lýsa Gyðingar: The: The Messiah: Liberator: að: Búast sem: A: A ofsóknara: að: Að valdið miklu hörmungar: Not: Gyðingar: The: Talmud Listar Þrjár frábær evils: að: slá: The: World Hvenær: The: Mun Messiah koma Schabbath In (118.) lesin.
64/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: "Hver sem etur þrjár máltíðir: á: Verður þriðjudagur vistuð: frá þremur evils: The: Refsing: á: Messías: The: The kvalar Hell: The War of Magog,: því að ritað er: Sjá ég mun senda þér Elía: First Spámaðurinn: að: er:: Dagur: Drottins: Og svo á "XII.. Í bænum þeirra Gyðinga andvarp: The: Coming: The: Avenger Messiah: Sérstaklega í: Vigil: The: Páskar (Hebreabréfið) "Download: Tea: reiði þín á þjóðirnar: að: ekki: þú veist: og: á konungsríki: að: Not: ákalla: Besta: nafn þitt, hlaða: The: reiði þín: á: þeirra og: að:: reiði þín: á: hefnd Take Them: Og Perseguitali: eyðileggja: Með: Reiði undan : himni Drottins. "
65/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: þeir biðja einnig: EFTIRFARANDI: Hversu lengi það verður áfram: The: styrk þinn og fanga: hversu lengi Lie: The: í fegurð þitt: á: hendur á kúgarans? Eða: Guð! Sýna: Te: Og styrkur þinn: Besta: Ákafi þín Against: Besta: óvini okkar; hlé: Tea: og styrk þeirra: confonde þá "og: Aftur:" Cut af: á: von sem rangláta, síðan að: Til: Heretics farast í einu; eilífu: brotinn: og: drepa: The United Stolt, að drífa: Til: Til: The: Efni Peoples: í: dagsins í dag. "Á nákvæmlega sama tíma: The: Föstudagur: Að" Prinicipe stolt af Empire: í Róm: The: Páfinn: Og biðja: Til að panta: Allir: Allir: The: Heimur: Biðjið: For: Allir: "Heretics"
66/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: og: Þeir: að: "Ert tapað" Eins og: hér segir: "Við skulum biðja: Fyrir: Per Fidious Gyðingar: Þetta: Drottinn Guð vor burt : á: veilFrom hjarta þeirra: að: þeir geta þekkt Jesú Krist, Drottin vorn "allsherjar og eilífa Guð. Að: Ekki: Jafnvel Útiloka Gyðingar From miskunn þína: heyrir bænir okkar: að: bjóða: Fyrir: The: blindu: á : The People: að: Viðurkennt: The: Light Of The: Thy sannleikur: að: er: Kristur: út úr getur: myrkrið hennar: Fyrir Drottni vorum Jesú Kristi .. "Hversu fagurt er Thy Halls: eða: Jakob: og: THE Gluggatjöld þín: eða: Ísrael (Num.24: 5)!
67/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: Eftirmáli: The blíður lesandi: Í þessari grein: Ég vitna leið: af: Verð: nokkrar bækur um Talmud: ICI: að: Þeir aftur fer: að minnsta: Kristnir: Fyrir ást á: brevity og: fyrir vistun: The: næmur hjarta: The: lesandi: Ég hef sleppt margir aðrir: að þeir gætu hafa með. Þessir textar: Að ég hef minnst: þó: nægja: Til að sýna howFalse kröfur: The: Gyðingar þegar þeir segja: Þetta: ekki: Það er: ekkert í Talmud að: insegnithe: Og hata: The: fjandskap gagnvart kristna. Ef rannsókn: á: hræðilegu guðlastanir: á: Þessi bók ætti að vera revolting: For: The: Player: Að Hann: Ekki: IFeel eins og það.
68/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: ekki: Ég sagði: á: upphaf: That: I Told eitthvað: Pleasant: en: Aðeins: Að: Hvað ég hefði sýnt: að: raunverulega: The: Talmud Kennir Um kristnir: og: Not: trúa: Að ég gæti gert það betur við. Ég geri mér grein: þó: að: gefin: að:: sannleikur: Ekki: To Love: Allir: Ég mun verða Óvinir marga: fyrir að hafa vitnað orðum: The: Truth. Fyrir mér er þetta: Been er: er minnt á: lesa: The: The Talmud sig: að: ógn: á: á dauða: "svikara": og: Jafnvel meira: eftir Viðvaranir: á: Þeir: að: Þeir hafa orðið fyrir : The: Aðgerð: að: Gyðingar sig til: Against: Þeir: að: til þess að gjöra kunnugt: óhagstæðar þeirra.
69/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: einn bara: einn hjörð þræla]: Þeir: Allir: spáð að: farast: Fyrir hönd: The: Gyðinga. Útlit: Fyrir: á: ráða mig af áframhaldandi: Tea: Starf mitt: Sumir hafa spurt mig: af: muna: The: örlög: Prófessor Charina: Að: á drepnir Was: Skyndilega hafa byrjað að: Þýða: The: Talmud: þjóðtunga. Aðrir minnti mig á: The: örlög: Monk Didacus: á: Vilna: Til: breytt: Frá gyðingdómi: Að: Var hann cruelly myrtur: annars minnti mig: af: Þeir: Að: höfðu þeir verið ofsóttir: Fyrir sýna Secrets : The: gyðinga trú. Enn aðrir: Ég hef Aðvörun: Against The: Þeir ættu að hafa stofnað The hættur: mitt: kæru. "Wszak CIEB Wydzi zabij"
70/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: ég var endurtekin Hundruð: á: Times: The: bók: Að: Nú þú halda í hönd þína er:: Best Sönnun: Að: Ekki: Ég hef Vaktaður The viðvaranir um: minn: Friends. Ég íhuga unworthy: á: sjálfan mig: aðeins að þegja: Fyrir ást á: Starfsfólk Öryggi mín: Þó: Besta: The milli Raging Conflict: TwoFields á "Semitic" Og: á "Anti-Semites:" Bæði í : Hver halda því fram: af: Fight: For: The: Truth: Meðan ég veit: að:: Whole Truth: Ekki: Það er staðsett í einhverju: Two Fields: en: Hver verður um mig: Vegna: á: Hvað : Að ég gerði: Ég mun vera hamingjusamur: af: björn: Eru: fús til að: gefa: The: My Life -
71/71 [Talmud vs Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðsins. Allar þjóðir: Fyrir gera: Aðeins eitt: hjörð þræla]: að ég get Vitnið: The: Sannleikur: (Jóhannes 18: 37) IB Pranaitis: en: Gyðingar mun drepa þig "Polish Þýðing (U.þ.b.: The: Innihald The Eftirmáli: er: að nefna verulega miður: að: Faðir var í Pranaitis E Ffects: The: Death sem: Væntanlegur: Til þeirra hönd: Á óvinum sínum: Besta: The Bolshevik Revolution: Ed) er: augljós: að: Þessar yfirlýsingar : að: Við höfum getað til að réttlæta að lesa: Against: Höfundar: Þessir guðlastanir: gegn Kristi: Svo: Against: Þessir Gyðingar: að: Þessir hafa andstæðingur-Christian yfirlýsingar: orð Krists: "Þú hefur: Til hans Faðir: The: helvíti "Carlo Maria:. um: Peter (og vefstjóri: Umsjón: The: MSMA) Cohen: Forum
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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35b/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: IV. Necessaria sunt Christiani, ut detrimentum in rebus pro superstes quod Iudaei non, nisi aliquo modo debent, ad pugnam, tyranni, id, quod in ea captivitate in quarto ordine, of: eradico. Debent: Pugnate Christiani: With: De: et consilio non fac quidquid enim ne id quod malum occupaturum Lemma: Tea eorum infirmi non quia oportet curetur: For: Feminae Christianae: Nequaquam: oportet adiuventur Durante: de: partus: et Christiani, non quia oportet salvari in insidiis cum mors.
36/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: et, erat: With: Idem Akum (Christian). Alibi: tamen is: Et aliter: est: Ut unum: Ut Alter Iudaeo: of: ipse vadit ad Akum (Christian) circuitu: erat: With: Et illi: Accipe quod is pecuniam. In: eo quod, opes Akum Dell (Christian) et communis habeatur, pertinet ad primum quod, potest appropriari. Est: Nam qui dicit: Quod non: fieri. "In Choschen Hammischpat (183.7 Hagah) reads: 'si: est Iudaeus erat: With A: Akum (Christian) et: A: Et frater Israelita accidit: Frodathe: Akum (Christian): Pro dimidio of: pondera falsi, vel, consilia cognosceret: vel: Numbers: oportet distinguere, optima eius utilitatem: With: Tea: fratrem Israel: Pro eo quod utrumque participarunt of: re: et etiam: nam opem. "
37/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] IV. Ut PU0 Iudaei simulas: of: Ad BE: CHRISTIANUS: For: DO Christiani: In Iore Dea (157.2. Hagah) reads: 'si: Iudaeus potest: Lemma Fatue (idololatras) simulans ex esto: acer: of: sidera est, non licet. 'V. Iudaeis est: licet exercere HABEO In: Adversus Christianos, in: Abhodah Zarah (54A) dicitur: est tantum exercitii, nibh in: quantum of: apostata cecidit in idolatriam. "Et in Iore Dea (159.1) reads: est tantum secundum quod: Torah: Ad pecuniam mutuam dederis nibh Ut Akum (Christian). Quidam seniorum: tamen nisi in hoc negant: of: Vita de mors. diei: Today is: Permissions: quacumque de causa. "
38/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] III. QUAESTIONES IN Christiani, ut frangatur: IUSTUS: I. of: Iudaeus: is: Licentia mentior: Iura: de: falsum: De Ordine To: CHRISTIANUS: In Babha Kama (113th) dicit: Optimus noster semper est:: Post ubi To: Iudaeus et A : GOI: (solvere) appareas in atrium: absolvere: Iudaeus: si potestis, secundum leges Israël. Si: The: GOI: (solvere) vincit: Dicite ei: Quod Quid Est: Quid: Tea nostra lex requirit. Si, vero quod, absolvi potest Iudaeus, secundum quod: De lege quadam, et dimittam ei: Dicite ei: Ut quid, est secundum legem fiat. Si quis hoc: Non: fieri possit, facere: With: Ad duritiam cordis: de: GOI: (solvere) Secundum: commendatur: de: Rabbi Ischmael.
39/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] The: Rabbi Akibha: tamen arguitur quod non, licet actus: With: Fraus enim: Non: polluatis nomen Dei: et quia : Nequaquam: quia To: To Iudaeus rediit: Opinion enim periurium. "A Note To: margin: tamen: Hoc apparet: of: Rabbi, sicut Akibha: sequitur quod nomen Dei, non: si profanata: de: GOI: (solvere) non nouit illud quod : Iudaeus: habet enim mentiti sunt. "Et amplius Forward: de: Babha Kama (113b) dicit: Nomen of Deus: Non Est Cum profanari enim Example: Ut Judaei ad mentem A: GOI (redde ) dicens: Vobis datum est: Patrem vestrum, tamen, is: mortuus redeundum tibi est ad me: Ut Provided: de: GOI (Paganus) Not scito, quod tu semper mendaces. "
40/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] II, is: Licentia Ut placerat Judaeus: The: JUS: With: Conscientia: INTEGER: In Kallah (1b, P.18) reads: "It ( et: Mater: mazmer) ait: Jura Ut me. et quod: Rabbi Akibha cum juramento: labia autem, infirmabitur in corde suo:-De iuramento in. A: simile est in intellectu Schabbuoth Hagahoth: De : Rabbi Ascher (6d) "Si quod, urbem magistratu cogat ad Judaeos: Jura Quod non: et, fugite de civitate illa, quod non dicitur aliquid fricare off: In Quibus Jura Will: falsum dicunt, ipsi Quod non: Fuge dies: et quod non averte AnythingFrom Vrbs eo die tantum. "
42/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] I. Ut Judaeum semper SCIO: of: DO Christiani: In Zohar (I 160th) dicitur: melius est Rabbi Jehuda: habet dictum (ad rabbi Chezkia) est dignus: of: Lauda: Quod Est : posse: of: eradico hostes Israel: et sunt: dignus ipse: of: Laus: Iustus Ut et sunt released: Pugnate eos: Rabbi Chezkia Interrogata: unde pugnes: The: Rabbi Jehuda dixit: With: Adversus auctor Wise Bello of: Lemma. (Proverbs: cap.24: VI) With quod: Type: of: Belli: The: Type: of: Bellum quod omnis filius: homo est: Pugnate: Contra quod eius hostes: et, quod Jacob used: Adversus Esau cum Vestibulum: With: De et deceptio: de: Fraus.
43/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] Ipsi inter se strictas conseruere relentlessly: usque ad illud: de: ordo non alii restituatur, est: Non: ideo: With: factionis stans: Quoniam ego Qui dicunt: si: Free Et ascenderunt ex ea regula: of: Lemma. "II: Non vos opem: INFIRMORUM CHRISTIANUS: In Iore Dea (158.1) reads:" et: Akum (Christian) Non quia oportet actum: Events: nam pecuniam, Ut minus id, quod non fac quod eorum Inimicitias. "III: Non: si: HELP: de: CHRISTIANA FEMINA IN: Tea partes: in: ATRIPLEX ATRIPLEX Chaiim (330.2) reads:" Non auxilium licet certe: daretur A Woman Akum (Christian) Durante: The: ortus in horas: Monday: in hoc quod, dignissim non, debet violari. "
44/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: IV: Non: si: HELP: CHRISTIANUS IN PERICULUM: of: MORS In Choschen Hammischpat (425.5) reads: "Si videris in A: haereticus Quod: note: Credo ToFall Nalla in Torah: Bene: With A Ladder et confestim irruere: Ad eundum tollere et ait: Tolle filium meum off To: tectum. Nos Mos relationem, scilicet, immediate antea, vel aliquid : de: General. Kuthaei I: sed quod non sint: et inimici nostri: ut, Cave: de: oves of: Israelitae: non quia oportet statim occidit: at non: Debent salutem: Ex mors. "Et in Iore Dea (158.1) reads:" et: Akum (Christian) Quod non sint hostes nostri: non quia oportet statim occidit:
45/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] Quod non: tamen eos non quia oportet salvari ex periculo mors enim Example: si videris: of: Thed: Nullam in mare: Not Ut Mauris illud: Minus, quod ipse nec ego repromissionis: de: pecunia. "Maimonidis in Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X1: Non: Licet misereri Eorum, id alterius Words:" Non misereberis Eorum "I). Idcirco, Marchionis Adum Pereuntem viderit te, vel demersum Acquis quia OPEMFerat. Eum, qui viderit Died proxima: Eripiat eum mortuum esse. Attamen Eum dolor eius perdidit: Ne celeritatem in Praecipitem Puteum fas siquid Huic simile do orientis Quia Bellum Nobiscum nec, Gerit.
46/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] Maimonidis in Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: I): Non: miserebor eorum: eis: In hoc: Est: et ait (VII Deuter. : II), non eorum est pietas. Non: ideo, si qua A: Akum (Christian) in difficultate, mergunt, non ire in auxilium. Et, si in periculo fuerit mors: Non, salvet, sed non: est iustus, et interficient eum: de: ferientem manum tuam in foveam, vel aliter: quia illa, et non sint in Bellum Omnium Contra de nobis. »ARTICULUS II: occiditur sint Christiani: TANDEM: de: Talmud mandat quod, absque misericordia occideretur in Christianos: Abhodah Zarah (26b) reads:" Haeretici, et proditores, apostatae dispositus sit oportet A: Et bene non quia oportet eruit. "
47/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: et in Choschen Hammischpat (388.10), asserit: "Qui speculator occidatur: Too: Post To: dies: Ubi es tu. Occidatur Potest etiam aliquid : anteriori Quod: Confitemini. Et quamvis fatetur de se vellet commendare hominibus justi: of: Ad aliquem laesi: et si quod malum, quod ipse facere iaculis non, erat valde Large : est satis: To condemnabunt eam: quia mors. Notandum tamen admonitus ex non hoc fateor: sed, si blatantly dicit: "Non sum Confitemini" Et oportet eum occidi: et: statim ut Vestibulum interdum. Si non 'est; Time: Corripite enim vobis: Non est: A Step Necessaria. quod quidam dicunt: Ut fiat ut proditori, non ut mortem, est impossibile quod exigi
48/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] LANIATUS: id amputare: de: Language: vel HORRIFER ex oculis eorum: et si hoc, est: non, non: cum sit occisus quod ille: Non Est: Worst: of: alterum illud: nos persequuntur. "Et in Choschen Hamm: of: New (388.15) reads:" Si quis autem probate: quod: quidam: Israel traditus est per ter: aut illud, has ut scilicet, accepta pecunia: of: Ut Israëlitae Akum ( Christian) vos WillFind: The: Via: Post curas ful consideranda est, dapibus id, quod per facies of: terra. "Quinim: Regressus ipsum Poenam mortis stadium legumlatores Iudaeorum. Synedrio LIX Iochanan R. To To quote vobis Legem scrutans Goi: Orientis reus mortis.
49/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: de: Christian Quod Ad explorari: studiorum: de: Law of Israel meritis quod mors. In concilio (59a) dicitur:: Rabbi Jochanan dicit:: GOI: (solvere) Quod: ligna quod, Lex est in naso: reus mors. "II. Occidendi Baptisma suscipientes sunt Iudaei. Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) x2: Haec dicta sunt I) de idolatris. Israelitarum Sed hic ad illos: desciverint religionem vel Epikurei Evaserint: occiditis, et persequere eam usque ad inferos atque iubemur. Affligunt Quippe Israelem: Populumque Ut Avertunt Deo.
50/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] II. Iudaeos fieri baptizati: MORS In Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: II) reads: "Haec (est) sunt enim idololatrae quod, sed etiam filiis Israhel ut, aliquet quod et eorum religionem fieri necesse erat occidi et Epicurei: si persecutionem in finem pro Israël et affligerem distrahunt: De: populi Dei »Et in Iore Dea (158.2 Hagah) reads:" De Renegades quod sint tendit: To at voluptates: Akum (Christian) Et illud: et sunt contaminati venerationem stellarum, quod, sicut planetae sint illi, oportet eum occidi. 'Item, dicitur Choschen Hammischpat (425.5)
51/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: "The: Judæis:: Sed epicurei id, damni vobis Worship: De et stellas of Et Planetis peccatum malitiose; Events Illi, quod comede: de: cibis: Animalia laesit, aut illud: nec eros urna, mereantur: The Name of: Epicureo: similiter illi, quod, negantes autem: Et Torah: de: Prophetae Israhel: lege est: ut omnes, qui futuri interfici: et, qui illud: non quod: VI: of: De Vita Et de Mors An occiderunt eos: et si hoc ipsum non : fieri potuit, mors necesse est afferatur ad: With: De: deceptio. "hic sint Abnegantes: Legem institutiones: R. Clare Demonstratio Maimon in Hilkhoth Teschubhah III, II).
52/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] Tres sunt classes Negantium Torah: I. Hic dicunt: Non: Ut Deo datum illi Torah: Aut (note: Ut Deo) Eius saltem versum unum, unum saltem Verbum: sed (legatum) ad Moysen: hoc seipso dixisse: Omnis (eng hic To quote) Abnegat Legem. II. Hic Abiiciunt Eius Explicationem: quae dicitur Torah oralis (Mischnah) Neque Agnoscunt Eius doctores: Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Sadoc. III) Et Baithos IV). III. Here, of: de: Rabbi Maimonidis in Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III: VIII) Forniscethe: List: de illi, quod, consideratis deniers: de: lex: "non sint, tria genera: People: Quia: negare quod, lege of: Torah: I) People: Quod dicunt, quod: de: Torah: Non, est a Deo data erat;
53/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] ut saltem, ut vel a Verbo, de eo (m) et quia, ut dicunt, factum est: omne opus Mosen II ) People: ut, re DECOCO: de: Explicatio: Torah: scilicet: Oral lege of: Mischnah et illi, Quod non: in riconoscono: Auctoritates of: Doctorum: of: Iurisprudentiae sicut quod: Lorem ipsum de: Sadoc (sadducæorum), et: of: Baithos: III) People: ut, Quod aiunt: Deus, immutatus est: Lex enim To: Alius novae legis: et, ut quod: Torah non, habet quod non pluris, etsi non, negant illa: Sicut erat a Deo: et Christiani credunt, quod, Turcis omnes: negat eos: From the Torah Reads. "III. Occiditur sint Christiani quid sint: tyrannum: In Zohar (I, 25a), dicit:
54/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: «populorum: Terra sint, idolorum: et, of: of: Lemma: factum est: scriptum est: Quod Est Face abstersit: de: Terra: solvite, et: memoria of: Amalec. Et: Numquid adhuc: With: Quod nos in captivitate Quarti, scilicet: de: Quaestiones (of Rome). Quod: in eo sint, Amalec ". I. INITIA occidatur haec: primus enim: Quare si patiuntur: of: Vita: de: spe: The Liberation of: Iudaeis est vana: et preces eorum, of: Hoc erit Quarti captivitate From release in effectum. In Zohar (I, 219B) dicit: est quidem, ut quod optimum in captivitate nostra Last Will To: In: Principles of: genus illud: et idola colunt, non: et peribunt. "
55/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] Atque etiam in Zohar (II, 19a), dicit:: Rabbi Jehuda: habet ait: Veni, et vide quia ea quae sunt sicut: Tea : In Primum Et assumpserunt super Israël filii Israhel non: queror, sed cum ea Falls: Princeps quod eorum jucundum sentitur. Quod scriptum est:: Re: de: Aegyptiorum moreretur statim, liberati sunt filii Israel ex captivitate et screamed: Tea: vox ascendit Deus "II: De PRINCIPIUM Quod HA: Roma Nam CAPITULUM: is: IS Quod Iudaei magis odium of: All: dicunt ei de: Tacitus: of: Esau: of: Edom: Pride Foederatarum: Foederatarum: De malum: Irrita Romae. De Turcarum imperio est appellatus: de: Tacitus: The of: Ismaelitae,
56/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnes enim non solum unum, grex servi] Quod: Qui non, volunt perdere, scilicet: Tacitus, Romani tamen Must exterminari: Quare cum quod melius est: Corrupti Urbe contrita est: de et salutare est: Populus Libertatis erit electus de Deo "R. David Kimchi scribit de Fected Obadiam29: Quidquid Edom in vastatione ultims diebus Prophetae dixerunt: id intellexerunt de Rome: in Explica Iesaia ut in Versu" Access To audite gentes "III). Etenim cum Romam vastabitur ERIT Israelitarum redemptio: de: Rabbi David Kimchi scribit in: Obadiam, ait: 'Hoc illud, et: Prophetae, praedixerunt perditionem: The Last in Edom: paucis diebus Romam relata, ut, inquit Esaias (ch.34: I)
57/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] lectus, vel gentes, et audite .. Cum Roma perit: Israel erit redempti. "Also: The: The Rabbi Abraham dicit: Idem in libro Tseror Hammor Section Schoftim non cum Romae peribunt: Erimus redempti." IV.FINALLY Omnia: Christiani Complectens in optimis: Of: EA Est UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26b. Tosephoth: Optimus Regressus occidi inter gentes. Multoties Phrasis haec repetita occurrit Iudaeorum in diversis LIBRIS: Licet non: in iisdem verbis.V.gR.Ps.IARC cap.XIV Exod: see editionis Amstelodamiensis17) to quote:
58/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: in: Abhodah Zarah (26b: Tosephoth) reads: "Item quod de optimo: interfecti sint gentes" The Shulhan Arukh: Post Verba The: Iore Dea (158.1), quod, dicunt, quod illi De Akum (Christian) Quod non ponas: De malum Iudaei: Non quia oportet occidi illi scilicet quod non fac War in Israel: explicat: de: Milchamah Word: Bello sed, tempus of: The War of Akum (Christian), occidantur, quia scriptum est: Bonus De Akum (Christian) mereri: of: Ad occidi, etc .. "Iudaeus V. Quod occidit: CHRISTIANUS: Nequaquam: peccatum vero, exhibet: Sacrificium Deo: V. Iudaeus occidens Christianum, non, Peccat: Acceptable sed dicitur sacrificium offerre Deo.
59/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] Vel Sepher Israel 177b3) Et vitam Dele occide et Kiphoth, sicut gratus et scelerisque metus Eris Divinae majestatis: hic oblatum obtulit thymiama. Vel Sepher In Israel (177B) dicitur: «Accipite demolitus: Vitae: Post To: Et Kliphoth: occidet eos: et, sicut Deo placet vobis: A: Quod quod: incensum offerentes." Et in Ialkut Simoni (245c.n.772) reads: "Unus, quod, spargit: et sanguis of: nequam est: ut unum Deum suscipere aliquam id, consequat Ad Sacrificium Deo. VI. Post: The vastabuntur domus To: HIEROSOLYMAE DE MODO: Hostiam NECESSE: Est: caedes Christiani: In Zohar (III227b) Tea: Bonus pastor dicit: Necessaria solum sacrificium est: Quod: Togliamothe: foeda: of: Means Ut nobis '.
60/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] The Zohar (II 43a) explicans: de: mandata Moysi in redemptione, primogenitus ex A: Asinus, ut: Nos, With: De: offer: of: Agni dicit: «asinus est enim quod non: Judæus est: ut, debet redempti: Tea: Offer: A: Agnus Quod Est: The: Plerumque : Grex: Israel autem, si re rhoncus, of: ut redempti, et conteram: et: Ut sint amet .. skull: From The Book of: De Vita Et De: illis: Dixit Ille, quod peccatum: Contra: of: me: ego Awad ex libro de: Vita. 'VII. Personarum: quod Christiani occidam To: ILLIC: SUMMA IN CAELUM In Zohar (1.38b Et 39a) reads:
61/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: in: palatijs: IV caelo sunt, quod, cum gemitu tulit, Zionis et Hierosolymae: et omnes illi, quod, destructis populi idololatriae .. Et illi: quod: occidere People: Quia hic simulacra adoranda sint: vestimenta With: vestes: of: Purple ita ut et cognosci potest, honoretur. "VIII. Iudaei: Non: ne umquam cessare of: delere: GOIM: Non: ne umquam me solum relinquatis: et non: NECESSE: SUB NUMQUAM To: illa. Hilkhoth In Akum (Christian) (X: I) legimus: non comede: With: De idololatris non: ipsi: of: De cultu eorum idolorum est in eo: scripsisse: Non: Lorem contrahit: With: Not Lemma: Qui misericordiam (Deuter. ch.7 : II) vel disgreget Lemma: From eorum simulacra vel occidere. "
62/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] ib (X: VII) Non dicitur Gloria Sino To: No idololatriam of: Ad manere in: Locorum ubi sint Judæi: strong, "IX: All: Iudaei sunt: SOCIO amet enim disperdite proditores et quod sint: INTER To: illa in Choschen Hammischpat (338.16), asserit: All: The People: e: urbem sint, requiritur ut: DO Ut purus occisionis: of: A: proditor etiam illi quod non alias tributa sit. "X. PARTES NO: Non: quamvis SOLLEMNIS: CAN: ne quod, DECOLLATIO: of: A: CHRISTIANUS: In Pesachim (49b) dicitur:: Rabbi Eliezer dictum est: tantum incidere: The: caput: A: fatuus (a: de: incolae: Terra)
63/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: ad Festum: Cum Reconciliation: Falls per diem: Saturday. Dicunt ei discipuli eius: Rabbi, si mavis dicere ad sacrificium, sed ille non omnino est: nam tu cum sacrificare necesse est: non, est: nec ex, ut precamini vos carnificare quis. "XI: The: HOC MODO: of: In omnes Actions: Orationes: De Iudaei oportet: of: Solvite quod religio, quod, depict Iudaeorum The: Et Christus: Liberator Quod: Specto as: A: persecutor, Quod Ad inferre calamitate non Iudaei: de: Indices Tres Talmud tanta mala illa: at quod, postquam Mundus: The: An Messias venit. Schabbath In (118a) reads:
64/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: «Omnis qui manducat cibum Tres: de: Tuesday salvabitur ex tribus malis of poena: de: Messiah: De et poenis Inferno: The War of Magog, quia scriptum est: Ecce ego mittam vobis Eliam primo Prophetae, Quod Est: The: Day: De Domini: et sic de aliis. "XII. Iudaei in precibus suspiria De: ADVENTUS: of: Messias Ultoris: IN ORDINEM: Vigiliae: of: PASCHALIS (Hebrews) »Download: Tea: indignationem tuam super gentes, Quod non: nostis: et in Regna, quod non: invocare quod optimum nomen tuum Download: De iram tuam de eorum Et quia quod vestra Ira: of: ultionem accipite ea: Perseguitali disperdite: With: Ira de sub : caelum Domini. "
65/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] ut illi quoque obsecro, haec quamdiu manebit: De vestra fortitudo et captivam quamdiu dormi: et in pulchritudine tua, et: manus tribulantis? aut Deus? Show: Tea et virtúte tua: Optimus vestra zelus contra: optima nostri hostes, frangit: Tea: Et fortitudo confonde Lemma: "Et rursus:" Tonde, scilicet: spes iniustum Ago quod: To: Haeretici simul pereant, eradicabitur: rumpitur: et perdat Foederatarum Superbus, ad cogendos: ut et ad quod, subiecta Gentium in, nunc. "Eodem Time: The: Friday: quod" Imperium Prinicipe superbus of: Romae: Ex: Pope: et orate: Ut omnia in omnibus: et: Mundus est: Orate pro omnibus, "haeretici"
66/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] Et illi, quod sint "perierat" Quomodo, ait: 'Oremus: For: Per Fidious Judæis: Quia Dominus noster auferat quod: veilFrom cor illorum, quod: Cognosce Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum possunt. "Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, quia nec etiam a tua misericordia Iudaeorum excluditur, exaudi orationem nostram: ut, ipsum enim quod: Caecitas ex : The People: Quod: recognita: De: lumen tuum verum illud: est Christus: de potest: tenebras, quia Dominus noster Jesus Christus .. "Quam pulchri sunt amores tui atria: vel Iacob DE TUA saga sive, ISRAEL (Num.24: V)
67/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex] EPILOGUS: In dulci Lectorem: In charta, I quoted Loca: of: Verd: ex Talmud Few books: ICI: ut, qui re Fer Ut at: Christiani enim amor: Et brevitas enim salvifica: de: sensitivae corde of: lector, me multos praetermisisse: nec habere potuerunt. Haec Texts: Quod ego commemorant, tamen sufficere debeat: Ad ostendendum enim quod howFalse clamat: De Iudaei autem dicunt quod non, est nihil, quod in Talmud: insegnithe et odium in: inimicitias cum Christianis. Si studia: de: horrendum blasphemiae of: Liber iste sint recedentes: For: The: Player: ut qui non: ut non IFeel.
68/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: non dixi: in: principio, quod, quid dixi: Pleasant sed solum illud: Quod si demonstratum, quod, vere, The: De Christianis Talmud docet: et non creditis: Quod ego facio, nec magis accommodata. Scio: ita tamen quod, dato quod quod veritas non Ad Magnificat: All: fiet hostes pluribus testificatus est enim haec: Quod veritas. Ad hoc mihi factum est: sit admonitus de: legi of: The Talmud ipso, quod, comminatione: of: morte »proditores" Et etiam magis by Lorem De illi: ut: se expertum : De: Factum est: ut: Iudaei profitentur: Contra illi, quod ea quae ad manifestationem eorum irati.
69/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: Nam unum tantum: unum gregem servi] et omnes, ut praedictum: pereant, quia manus de Iudaei. Suspendisse enim: of: avertere a me perseverantem: Tea Meo Work: ipsum me quidam de memento quod fatum of: Professor Charina illud: occisorum fuit: cum subito coepimus: Reddo quod: Talmud: vulgari. Alii me commonuit quod fatum of: Didacus monachus: de: Vilna: Ut conversi ex Iudaismo: quod: Numquid crudeliter occisum: alii commemorentur me of: Quae, Quod: persecutionem patimur erant enim secreta revelat : of: Religio Iudaica. Alii: admonitus sum: Contra quod, ut haberent incurrit pericula mea: carum. "Wszak CIEB Wydzi zabij"
70/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnes enim non solum unum, grex servi] eram repetenda centurias: of: Times: The: book: ut iam tenes in manu tua est:: Lorem hanc rem, quod non ego audivi Ad monitusque mea: Amicitia. I Secundum indigni: of: me solum, ut sileas amore Meo ac saluti dum quod melius est inter furentis Conflict: TwoFields of "Semitic" et: ex «Anti-Semites:" Et de Qui arguunt: of: Pugnate enim quod veritas, cum scio, ut quod: verum totum non est in aliquo Vestibulum duo iaculis sed, quidquid accidit mihi: quia de quid Quod EGO did: ego beatus of: ursus sunt: Velle To date: de: Vita -
71/71 [IMF ex Talmud vs. Omnium populorum: neque enim tantum una: servi grex]: quod testari possum: quod: Verum: (John XVIII: XXXVII) IB Pranaitis autem: Iudaei numquid interficiet te "Translation Polish (approx: de: contentum The EPILOGUS est: Ut taceam sit tristis, quod Pater esset in Pranaitis e Ffects quod mors ut, expectatur enim manus, dum inimicis suis: melius est Bolshevik Opera: Ed) est: patet quod illae auctoritates Quod nos potuimus justify reading: Adversus: The Authors of: Quae blasphemiae contra Christum, ita: In illa Judæis: haec dicta sunt anti-Christian: Verba Christi: "Habes: cujus Father: The: infernum. "Carlo Maria de, Petrus (and webmaster: promotore: of: MSMA) Cohen: Forum
Persecuted USA Bildenberg Nwo, SpA, is Global Assault on Christians ] [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia! ] gli USA hanno bloccato i risultati dele scatole nere, fino ad oggi ] quindi ci sono delle intese comuni per insabbiare questo crimine e trovare una soluzione politica del Donbass [Un anno fa abbattuto aereo su Ucraina. Putin, prematuro tribunale internazionale per responsabili ] non credo che per chi ha seguito la vicenda, si possa avere dei dubbi sul fatto che sia stato CIA Kiev ad abbattere l'aereo malese sul Donbass [[ Disastro MH17 resta giallo Putin contro tribunale Onu. Europa. E' "prematuro e controproducente" istituire un tribunale internazionale per individuare e giudicare i possibili responsabili dell'abbattimento dell'aereo della Malaysia Airlines [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia!
La democrazia è incompatibile con questa UE – Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia http://www.byoblu.com/
Pubblicato 12 luglio 2015 - 17.05 - Da Claudio Messora. L’economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall’euro sempre più probabile e quello di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo. LA DEMOCRAZIA E' INCOMPATIBILE CON L'UE - Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=126&v=PNRHgZppEj0 Pubblicato il 12 lug 2015.
L'economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall'euro e di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo.
Gli spin doctor UE hanno fallito! Il ritorno di Marcello Foa su Byoblu.com
Pubblicato 14 luglio 2015 - 16.15 - Da Claudio Messora
Gli Spin Doctor, i manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica che agiscono dai più alti vertici istituzionali, hanno confezionato una vera e propria strategia del terrore per dipingere Tsipras come un pazzo e spaventare i greci, insieme a tutti gli altri popoli europei. Eppure, la violenza del loro messaggio questa volta sta ottenendo l’effetto opposto a quello sperato: la coscienza dei cittadini inizia a ribellarsi e a non credere più al “frame“, la cornice di interpretazione dei fatti stabilita per influenzare i media e ottenere un consenso drogato. Ecco la nuova lucida, imperdibile analisi di Marcello Foa sul caso della Grecia e sugli ultimi accadimenti riferiti all’Isis. Da ascoltare con attenzione, condividere e far condividere a tutti.
Per chi si fosse perso l’intervista precedente, che spiega il concetto di Frame, eccola qui sotto:
Uscire dall’euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
Spari in basi del Tennessee, uccisi quattro marines
Nord America.
L'attentatore, morto nello scontro a fuoco con la polizia, si chiamava Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni. Era americano, originario del Kuwait. Obama, indagini a tutto campo
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
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Published: June 18, 2015 35b/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: IV. Kristieši būtu LIETU Damaged Nepieciešamie: izdzīvošanas: no: ebreji: Not: Viņi ir jāsaglabā jebkuriem līdzekļiem: cīņai: tirāni: Ka: saglabā tos Šajā ceturtajā nebrīvē, lai: no: tikt vaļā. Tiem jābūt: Cīņa kristiešiem: ar:: Un viltīgs: Not: do Anything: Par kuriem jāizvairās:: To: Evil izmantot Them: Tēja: To Sick: Not: Tiem, jāizturas: Par: Christian Women: Not: tie ir palīdzējuši laikā:: bērna piedzimšanas: Un: kristiešiem: Not: Tām jābūt saglabātai Kad draud: nāve. 36/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Un: do bizness: With: pats Akum (kristiešu). Citās vietās: tomēr: ir: dažādi Un vēl: ir: tikai To: Kam: Vēl viens ebrejs: no: Going To The Same Akum (kristiešu) ķēde: veikt darījumus: Ar: Un viņam: Take:: viņa naudu. In: Fakts:: Wealth dell Akum (kristiešu), un tas jāuzskata kopēju īpašumu: Tas pieder pie Pirmais: Ka: tas var būt atvēlēto. Ir: Anyway: Kurš saka, ka: Ko: Not: ir jādara. "In Choschen Hammischpat (183,7 Hagah), ir šāds:" Ja: jew veic uzņēmējdarbību: ar: Akum (kristiešu) Un:: Un brālis Israēla Notiek: Frodathe: Akum (kristiešu): uz pusi: no: False svars: vai: pasākumi: vai: Numbers: viņš ir jāsadala: Labākās: viņa Peļņa: With: Tēja: viņa brālis Israēla: Tāpēc, ka: Ka: abi ir piedalījušies no: Affair: Un: Arī: Lai saņemtu palīdzību. " 37/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: 4. Kam: jew PU0 izlikties: no: BE To: CHRISTIAN: Par: maldināt kristiešiem: In Iore Dea (. 157,2 Hagah) teikts: "Ja: ebrejs, var: Fool Them (elku kalpiem) izliekoties: no: be: ieinteresēta: no: zvaigznes: ir: atļauts darīt. "5. Ebreji: ir: Atļauts WEAR izmantot: In: Pret kristiešiem: uz: Abhodah Zarah (54A) ir teikts: ir: tikai īstenot: Wear: uz: cienu: no: Atkritēja iekritis elkdievību. "Un: In Iore Dea (159,1), ir šāds: ir: tikai: saskaņā ar:: Toras: aizdot naudu Wear To:. Akum (kristiešu) Daži vecajo: tomēr: Šī noliedz Izņemot gadījumos: no: Life : no: nāves dienas:. Šodien ir: Atļaujas:. jebkāda iemesla dēļ " 38/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: III. Bojāti kristiešiem vajadzētu būt jautājumi: JURIDISKA: 1. no: ebrejs: ir: atļauja un MELO: Jura: uz: FALSE: Par: lai: CHRISTIAN: In Babha Kama (113), tā saka: Labākais: Mūsu mācīšana ir:: Pēc: Kad: ebreju un : IV: (maksas) ierasties tiesā: atbrīvo: jew: ja jūs varat: Saskaņā ar Izraēlas likumiem. Ja:: IV: (maksas) Uzvaras: Saku: Ka: Ko: ir: Ko: Tēja: mūsu likums prasa. Ja: tomēr: no: jew var tikt attaisnots saskaņā ar:: The Law: veids: Un izpilde viņu: Saku: Ka: Ko: ir: veikta saskaņā ar mūsu likumiem. Ja šis līmenis: Not: to var izdarīt: izdarīt: With: cietība Pret:: IV: (maksas) Kā: ieteicams:: Rabbi Ischmael. 39/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: no: Rabbi Akibha: tomēr: Argumentē: Ka: Not: jūs varat aktam: With: Krāpšana: Par: Not: apgānīt Dieva Vārds: Un: Par : Nav: ir: jew atpakaļ: Atzinums: Par nepatiesas liecības sniegšanu. "Piezīme Lai: margin: tomēr: Tā izskaidro Point: no: Rabbi Akibha kā: šādi: Dieva Vārds: Not: ja tas ir profaned: no: IV: (maksas) Not: viņš zina: ka: : jew: ir: Lied ", un:. vairāk: Forward:: Babha Kama (113.b) saka:: Dieva Vārds: Not: ir: Kad profaned: Piemēram: Līdz: jew prātā: IV: (pay ), sakot: Es esmu devis kaut ko jūs: jūsu Tēvs: Bet Viņš: ir: miris: jums ir atpakaļ to uz mani: Ar noteikumu, ka:: IV: (pagānu) Not: zināt: Ka: jūs atkal melo. " 40/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves] 2: ir: atļauja To: jew Žūrija:: FALSE: With: Apziņas: CLEAN: In Kallah (1b: P.18), ir šāds: "Tas ( no: māte: mazmer) teica: Es zvēru: me Un: no: Rabbi Akibha zvērēja With: Lūpas: bet: spēkā neesošu viņa sirdī: zvērināšanu in:. līdzīga koncepcija ir Schabbuoth Hagahoth:. of The : Rabīns Ascher (6.d) ", ja:: maģistrātu pilsētas liek jūdiem: zvēru, ka: Nav: Un: bēgs no šīs pilsētas: Ka: Not: tā noberzt Anything: tie Zvēri par: Nepareizi teikt: Themselves : Tas, ka: Not: Bēgt Tā diena: Un: Ka: Not: noņemiet AnythingFrom pilsēta šajā dienā only. " 42/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: 1. Kam: jew vienmēr TRY: no: maldināt kristiešiem: In Zohar (I: 160.) ir teikts: Labākais: rabīns Jehuda: ir: teica (līdz rabīns Chezkia): ir: Vērts: no: Praise Viņam: Tas: ir : kas spēj: no: atbrīvoties no ienaidniekiem Israēla: Un: Vai: ļoti cienīgs: no: slavēt: Tikko Ka: Un tie ir laisti: Cīņa tiem:: Chezkia Rabbi uzdotie: Kā mēs cīnāmies:? uz: Rabīns Jehuda teica: With: gudrie konsultants pret karu: no: Them (Salamana: cap.24: 6):. Ka: Tips: no: War:?: Tips: no: War: Ka: Katram bērnam: Vīrietis, jābūt: Cīņa: Pret:: viņa ienaidnieki: Un: Ka: Jacob izmantot: Pret: Ēsavs: Ja iespējams: With:: Un Deception:: apkarošanu. 43/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Tām jābūt nerimstoši cīnījās: līdz: Ka:: pareizajā secībā: Not: daži atjaunots: ir: Ir: Fore: With: Stacionārās frakcija: Ka: I ka saka: Mums ir: Free up Un: no tiem: noteikums: no: Them. "2: Not: Jums ir jāpalīdz: SICK CHRISTIAN: In Iore Dea (158,1), ir šāds:": Akum (kristiešu) Not: tās ārstē: Notikumi: Par naudu: Līdz: Mazāk: Ka: Ko: Not: izraisīt :: savā ienaidā. "3: Not: Mums ir: HELP: par: CHRISTIAN Sieviete: Tējas: daļas:: Orach Orach Chaiim (330,2), ir šāds:" Neviens palīdzība: Lai gan vismaz: jāpievērš Woman Akum (kristiešu) laikā: : dzimšanas laiks: Pirmdien: jo:: Sestdiena: Not: tai ir jābūt pārkāptas ". 44/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves] 4: Not: Mums ir: HELP: CHRISTIAN draud: no: nāve: In Choschen Hammischpat (425,5), ir šāds: "Ja jūs redzat: ķeceris: Ka: piezīme: Nalla tic ToFall uz Toras: Nu: With: Ladder: Un tūlīt jāsteidzas: Take It Away Un saka man ir jādodas uz: Take off manu dēlu uz: jumta Mēs ziņos par:.: skala NEKAVĒJOTIES: vai: kaut kas : no:. General Kuthaei I: tomēr: Ka: Not: Vai: Un mūsu ienaidniekiem: Ka: Rūpējieties: no: aitas: no: Israēla: Not: tie jānonāvē tieši: bet: Not: Tām jābūt saglabāt: No Death ", un: in Iore Dea (158,1), ir šāds:".: Akum (Christian), kas: Not: Vai: mūsu ienaidnieki: Not: tie jānonāvē tieši: 45/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: This: Not: par spīti Them: Not: Tām jābūt saglabātam: No briesmas: nāve: Piemēram: ja jūs redzat vienu: no: Thed: Fall jūrā: Not: lai vilktu to uz augšu: Mazāk: Ka: viņš: Not: I Promise: no: nauda. "Maimonides in Hilkhoth Akum (kristiešu) X1: Not: Licet misereri Eorum; daži citi iespaidīgs vārdi:".. Tas misereberis Eorum "1) Idcirco: marķīzs viderit Jūs Adum Pereuntem: vel demersum Acquis: tas OPEMFerat Viņš mira tuvējos viderit EüM: Eripiat tas miris Attamen EüM Zaudēt savu uzturēšana:. in Praecipitem Puteum sniegt līdzīgu ātrumu Ne Fas siquid Huic Austrumos: Quia Nobiscum bellum: Not: Gerit. 46/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Maimonides: in Hilkhoth Akum (kristiešu) (X: 1) saka: Not: ir žēl: no: Them: in: Fact: Vai: teica (VII Deuter. : 2) Not: Viņu dievbijību parādīts. Pastāv: Fore: ja jūs redzat: Akum (kristiešu) grūtības vai noslīcināt: Not: Iet uz viņa atbalstu. Un: ja viņš draud: nāve: Not: ietaupāt: bet: Not: ir: nogalināt viņu ar:: stumšana roku bedrē: vai: Pretējā: kopš: Ka: Viņi: Not: Vai: in karš pret: no: mums. "II panta Killed kristiešiem vajadzētu būt: BEIDZOT: no: Talmud komandas: ka: kristieši ir bez žēlastības nogalināja: Abhodah Zarah (26b) lasāma:" Ķeceri: nodevējiem un: Apostates jāatbrīvojas in: And Well: Nav : Tām jābūt izglāba. " 47/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Un: in Choschen Hammischpat (388,10) nosaka: "spiegu jānogalina: Too: At To: mūsu dienas:. Kur jums ir Tas var būt nogalināti Pat daži : Fore: Ka: atzīstos Un:. Kaut gan viņš atzīst: no: viņš tikai gribēja padarīt: no: Lai ievainots kāds: Un: ja:: Evil: Ka: viņš gribēja darīt: Not: Tas bija ļoti liels : ir: Enough: Lai pazudinās: Par: nāve Tomēr ir Warned:. no: Not: Šī atzīst: bet: ja tas klaji saka "Nē: Es atzīstos!" Tad viņš ir jānogalina:: tiklīdz iespējams, ja: Not: "tur ir:. Time: Par Warn jums: Not: Vai:. nepieciešams solis, daži saka, ka: Līdz: nodevējs ir jāiesniedz: tikai nāves gadījumam Kad: ir: iespējams atbrīvoties 48/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: sakropļošana, ti: nogriezt:: Valoda: vai: izvilkšanas no viņu acīm: bet: ja tā: ir: var: Not: Lai būtu nogalināti kopš: Ka : viņš: Not: ir: Sliktākā: no: citi: Ka: vajā mums. "Un: in Choschen Hamm: no: New (388,15), ir šāds:" Ja jūs varat pierādīt: ka: kāds ir: nodevis Izraēla trīs reizes: vai: Ka: ir: Kā:: nauda: no: izraēliešiem Akum ( kristiešu) Jūs WillFind:: Way: Pēc aprūpe Fül atlīdzību: no: izdzēst: No Face: no: Earth. "Quinim: ipsum stadions likumdevēji Iudaeorum Poenam Atpakaļ mortis Sinedrijs 59 Lai R. Iochanan citēt jums:. Goi scrutans legem: East Reus mortis. 49/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]:: Christian: Ka: Lai būtu atklāti: Pētījums:: likums Israēla lietas būtību:: nāve. In Sinedrijs (59a) ir teikts:: Rabbi Jochanan saka: Līdz: IV: (maksas), kas: Sticks:: Deguna likumā ir: vainīgs: nāve. "II Occidendi sunt Baptisma suscipientes Iudaei Hilkhoth Akum (kristiešu) X2:... Haec dicta sunt 1) de idolatris Israelitarum Sed illos šeit Lai: desciverint reliģija: vel Epikurei Evaserint: slaying:. Lai panāktu to Atque Pat pie inferos iubemur Quippe Affligunt Israelem: Populumque Kam: Deo Avertunt. 50/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: II. Ebreji jāveic kristīts: nāve: In Hilkhoth Akum (kristiešu) (X: 2) teikts: "Šīs lietas (augšminētās) ir: For The elku kalpiem: bet: Pat israēlieši: Ka: Atvaļinājums: THE: Un viņu reliģija: nokauj un kļūst Epicureans: Mums ir vajāt tos End: Izraēlas un tie afflict: atraut: no: Dieva tautu "un: in Iore Dea (158,2 Hagah) teikts:" Renegades: Ka: mērķis: Lai vietnē: Pleasures no: Akum (kristiešu) Un: Ka: Un tie piesārņoti pielūdzot zvaigznes:: Kā Planētas: vai tie ir: jānogalina "Līdzīgi:. teikts Choschen Hammischpat (425,5) 51/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: "The: ebreji: Ka: Kļūsti epikūrisks: Ka: no zaudējumiem jums: Worship: The: Un zvaigznes: The: Un Planētas: sin ļaunprātīgi; Notikumi Minētie: Ka: Eat:: gaļa: Dzīvnieki ievainoti: vai: Ka: apģērbu istabas: viņi ir pelnījuši: Name: no: epikūrisks: līdzīgā veidā: tās: Ka: noliegt:: Toras Un:: Prophets Israēla: no: Law: Ir: Tas, ka: Visi: jānogalina: Un: kas: Ka: ir: THE: Jauda: no: dzīve un: no: Death Ja ir nogalināti Them: Un: ja šis līmenis: Nav : Vai tas būtu jādara: Tām ir jāsauc pie Death: With:: Deception "Šeit Sint Abnegantes: legem institūcijas:. Clare R. Demonstratio Maimon in Hilkhoth Teschubhah III: 2). 52/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Tres sunt Negantium Toras nodarbībām: 1. Šeit dicunt: Not: Līdz: Deo devis man šīs Toras: Aut (piezīme: Līdz: Deo) saltem Eius versum unum: saltem VERBUM unum: SED (virsleitnants) Moysen Līdz: seipso hoc dixisse: omnis (eng citēt jums šeit) Abnegat legem. 2. Šeit Abiiciunt Eius Explicationem: quae dicitur Toras oralis (Mischnah) Neque Agnoscunt Eius doctores: Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Cadoks. 3) Et Baithos 4). 3. Šeit: no:: Rabbi Maimonides: in Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III: 8): Forniscethe: Saraksts: no: Tie: Ka: noliedzēju, uzskata: no: Law: "Ir, ir šādas trīs kategorijas: Cilvēki: Ka: noliegt:: Law: no: Toras: 1) Cilvēki: ka viņi saka: kas:: Toras: Not: ir: Was, ko Dievs: 53/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: vismaz: Kam: vai: Word: no: to (sic) Un: Ka: Viņi saka, ka: Been ir: Viss darbs Mozu: 2 ) Cilvēki: Ka: re Fuse: no: Paskaidrojums: Toras: Proti: Mutiska Law: The: Mischnah: Un: kas: Ka: Not: riconoscono uz: no iestādes: Ārsti: The: Law: Kā : no: Followers: no: Cadoks (saduķeji) Un: no: Baithos: 3) Cilvēki: Ka: ka viņi saka: Dievs ir: izmainīts: no: Law: Par To: Vēl viens jauns likums: Un: ka:: Toras : Nav: ir: neviens vērtība: Pat ja viņi: Not: noliegt: Ka: Was, ko Dievs kā: kristieši un tic: no: Turki: Visi: liegtu tiem:: lasa no Toru. . "III kristieši Killed jābūt: Kāpēc: Vai: Tirāns: In Zohar (I: 25a) ir teikts: 54/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: "The tautām: Zeme: Vai: elku kalpiem: Un: no: no: Them: Been ir: Rakstiskā: tas ir noslaucīja Seja: par: Valsts: Destroy:: Atmiņas: no:. Amalekites Viņi: Vai: vēl: Ar us Šajā ceturtajā nebrīvē: Proti:: Principi (no Romas) Ka: in: Fakts: ir:.. Amalekites "1. Šie principi būtu jānogalina: Par FIRST: Kāpēc: ja viņi varēs: no: Life:: cerība: atbrīvošanas: jūdu ir: velti: Un: viņu lūgšanas: no: atbrīvošanās no šī būs ceturtā nebrīvē efektīvas. In Zohar (I: 219B) ir teikts: ir: protams: Ka: Labākais: mūsu gūsta ilgs līdz: Kad: principi: natūrā: Ka: viņi pielūdz elkus: Not: Viņi tiks iznīcināti. " 55/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Un: Pat Zohar (II: 19.a) tas saka:: Rabbi Jehuda: ir: sacīja: Nāciet uz: Skatīt kā: lietas, kā: Tea : principi un ir pie varas pār Izraēlu: Izraēlieši: Not: sūdzas: bet: Ja tā: Falls: Princis:: Viņu prieks ir jūtama. Ka tā ir rakstīts: no: Re: The: ēģiptiešu un nomira: tūdaļ: Bērni Izraēla atbrīvoja: no gūsta, un viņi kliedza: Tēja: Viņu balss uzkāpa: Dievs "2: Princips: Ka HA: Rome : Kapitāla: ir: IS: Ka: ebreji ir vairāk HATE: no: Visi: Viņi to sauc tā:: Amerikas Savienotās: no: Un Ēsavs: no: ēdomīti: Apvienotā Pride: Apvienotā: The: Evil: Unholy . Rome Turcijas impērijas sauc:: Amerikas Savienotās: no: ismaēliešiem: 56/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Ka: Viņi: Not: Wish iznīcināt: no: United: Romas tomēr: Must jāiznīcina: Kāpēc: Kad: labākais: korumpēti Roma tiek iznīcināta: THE : Un pestīšana: no: Freedom Būs Izvēlētais Cilvēki: no: Dievs "R. David Kimchi scribit de Fected Obadiam29: Quidquid dixerunt Prophetae vastatione Edoma in ultims diebus: id intellexerunt de Rome: The ut Explica Iesaia in Versu" Piekļuve gentes klausīties "3) Etenim Kad vastabitur Rome ERIT redemptio Israelitarum:: Rabbi David Kimchi neraksta kā:. jo: Obadiam::" Šis: Ka:: pravieši: pareģoja iznīcināšanu: Edoma pēdējā: dažām dienām es ziņots, Roma: As: saka Jesaja (ch.34: 1) 57/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: pieeja: vai: Nāciju Organizācija: Un Klausīties .. Kad Roma tiek iznīcināta: Izraēla Tiks glābti. "Arī:: Rabbi Abraham saka: pats savā grāmatā Tseror Hammor nodaļa Schoftim: Not: Kad Roma tiks iznīcinātas: Mēs būsim glābti." IV.FINALLY: Visi: kristieši: Tostarp viens no labākajiem: No: TIE JĀBŪT UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26.b. Tosephoth: Optimus inter occidi Atpakaļ pagāniem. Multoties haec Phrasis repetita occurrit in diversis Iudaeorum Libris: Licet: Not: iisdem verbis.V.gR.Ps.IARC in Exod cap.XIV: skatīt Editionis Amstelodamiensis17) citēt: 58/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka vergi]: kas: Abhodah Zarah (26b: Tosephoth), ir šāds: "arī:: no labākajiem: nonāvētie pagāniem vajadzētu būt" Shulhan Arukh: Pēc vārdi no: Iore Dea (158,1), kas: Viņi saka, ka: Tās Starp Akum (kristiešu), ka: Not: marka: The: Evil ar ebrejiem: Not: tie jānonāvē: Tie Proti: Ka: Not: Marka War aicina Izraēlu: Izskaidro: no: Milchamah Word: War: bet: Laiks: no: The Akum (kristiešu) War jānogalina Jo ir rakstīts: norišu Akum (kristiešu) Labs ir pelnījuši: no: Lai būtu nogalināti: Etc .. "V. ebrejs: Tas nogalina: CHRISTIAN: Not: grēks, bet: piedāvā: upuri pieņemams: GOD: V. Iudaeus occidens Christianum: Not: Peccat: sed offerre dicitur Pieņemams sacrificium Deo. 59/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Sepher Vai Izraēla 177b3) Dele Vitam Et occide Un Kiphoth; gratus Enim Eris Divinae majestātiskums sicut nelegālās: Piedāvā šeit oblatum vīraks. In The Sepher Vai Izraēla (177B) ir teikts: "Take Away: THE: Life: AT: Kliphoth Un: Kill Them: Un: Tāpat kā jūs pie Dieva kā::: To:. Piedāvāt vīraks" Un: kas Ialkut Simoni (245c.n.772), ir šāds: "One: Ka: spreads:: asinis: Wicked ir: Laiks Pieņemt Dievu Kā vienu: Tas, ka: piedāvā:.. Upurēt Dievam VI pēc: no: Tempļa iznīcināšanai To: Jerusalem: THE ONLY: Sacrifice VAJADZĪGA: Vai: slepkavības kristiešiem: In Zohar (III227b) Tēja: The Good Shepherd saka: nepieciešama tikai upuris ir: Ka: Togliamothe: Nediena: no: līdzekļi Kam: mums ". 60/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Zohar (II: 43.a) paskaidrojumi:: baušļi Mozum izpirkšana: Pirmās dzimuši: no:: Ass: Ka: Mums ir: ar:: piedāvājums: par: Jēra gaļa saka: "ēzeļa ir: par:: Not: jew:: tas ir jāatlīdzina ar: Tējas: Piedāvājums: no: Lamb: Ka: ir:: Brīžiem : Flock: Izraēla: bet: ja viņš re Fuses: no: Lai būtu atpestīti: Tad pārtraukums: no: Galvaskausa .. tie ir jāsvītro: No grāmatiņu: Living No: no: tām ir: teica : Viņš: Tas, ka: sin: Pret: no: mani: I Will Take Awad: No grāmata: no:. Life "VII. PERSONU: Tas būs nogalināt kristiešus: VIETA: augstu debesīs: In Zohar (1.38b: Un 39a), ir šāds: 61/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka vergi]: kas: pilis: Ceturtā debesīs ir tās: Ka: Viņi Izdota čīkstoņu Ciānas un Jeruzālemes: Un: Visi: Tie: Ka: Iznīcinātas dievinošs Nāciju .. Un: Tie: Ka: nogalina cilvēkus: Tas, ka: viņš dievināja elkiem: Vai: apģērbs: With: kleitas: no: Purple tā: Ka: Un to var Atpazini: cienījams. "VIII ebreji: Not: nekad nevajadzētu pārtraukt: no: iznīcināt: GOIM;:. Not: nekad nedrīkst Lieciet mani mierā Un vēl: Not: IR: nekad iesniedz: TOS Hilkhoth In Akum (kristiešu) (X: 1) Mēs lasīt. : Nav: Eat: With: elku kalpiem: Not: Let Them: no: Worship: saviem elkiem: ir: in: Fakts: Wrote: Not: Izveidota līgumiem: With: viņiem ne: parādīt žēlastību Them (Deuter. ch.7 : 2) vai: atrauj Them: From saviem elkiem: vai: Kill Them ". 62/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Turpat (X: 7) Nav: tā ļaus: Nav elkdievība: par: Lai paliek: kas: Vietas, kur ebreji ir: spēcīga: "IX: Visi: ebreji: Vai: lai pievienotos, nepieciešams kopā: Par: iznīcināt nodevējiem: Ka: Vai: amidst To: TOS: In Choschen Hammischpat (338,16) nosaka: Visi: cilvēki: par: Pilsētas: Vai: nepieciešams, lai: veicināt Lai tērēšanu Nonāvēšana: no:: nodevējs: Pat tie,:. ka viņiem ir jāmaksā nodokļi citām "X. NO PARTY: Not: cik SVINĪGAIS: CAN: Novērst: no: galvas nociršana: no:: CHRISTIAN: In Pesachim (49.b), tas saka:: Rabbi Eliezer teica: ir: tikai cut: no: vadītājs:: idiots (: no: iedzīvotāju: Earth) 63/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka vergi]: in svētkos: izlīgšanas Kad: Falls ar dienu: sestdiena. Viņa mācekļiem sacīja Viņam: Rabbi: Ja jūs drīzāk teikt upuris, bet Viņš atbildēja: nemaz nav: ir: patiešām nepieciešams lūgties gan ziedojot: Un: Not: Ir: nepieciešams: no: lūgties Kad jūs nocirst galvu kāds. "XI: no: vienīgais mērķis: no: un visas darbības: Lūgšanas: The: ebrejus jāatbild, ka: no: Destroy: no: Reliģija:: no: attēlot ebreji: THE: Un Mesija: Liberator: Ka: Gaidīt kā:: vajātājs: Ka: nodarīt lielu postu: Not: ebreji: no: Talmud Saraksti Trīs lielajam ļaunumam: Ka: hit: THE: World Kad:: Will Mesija nāks Schabbath In (118.a), ir šāds.: 64/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: "Ikviens, kas ēd Trīs maltītes: no: otrdiena tiks saglabātas: no trim ļaunumiem: no: sodīšanu: no: Mesijas: no: Un sāpes, Hell: karš Magog;:, jo ir rakstīts: lūk: es tevi sūtīšu Elija: Pirmais pravietis: Ka: ir:: Diena: Kunga: Un tā tālāk "XII.. Šajās lūgšanās jūdiem nopūta: no: COMING: no: atriebējs Mesija: jo īpaši: Vigil: no: EASTER (Ebrejiem) "Download: Tēja: Jūsu sašutums par Nāciju ka: Not: jūs zināt: Un vēl: par Kingdoms: Ka: Not: izmantot: Labākais: Jūsu vārds, Lejupielādēt:: Jūsu sašutums: no: Viņu Un:: To: Jūsu sašutums: no: atriebības Take Them: Un Perseguitali: destroy: With: Dusmas no saskaņā ar : Debesu Kungs ". 65/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Viņiem arī Lūdzieties kā: ŠĀDI Uz cik ilgu laiku tas paliks:: savu spēku un nebrīvē turētiem: Uz cik ilgu laiku Lie:: Tavā skaistums:: roku no apspiedēju: Vai:? Dievs! Rādīt: Tēja: un tavs spēks: Labākais: Jūsu Zeal Pret: Labākais: mūsu ienaidniekiem; pauzes: Tēja: Un viņu spēks: confonde Them "un: Atkal:" Cut off: no: cerību netaisniem, atpakaļ, ka: Līdz: Ķeceri bojāties uzreiz; svešumā: Broken: Un: destroy: United Lepns, lai steigā: Līdz: Kam:: Temats tautu: in: Mūsdienām. "Tieši tāpat Laiks:: piektdiena: Ka" Prinicipe lepns par Empire: Romas: no: Pāvests: un lūdzu: Lai pasūtītu: Visi: visiem:: World of lūdzieties: Par: Visi: "Ķeceri" 66/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Un: kas: Ka: Vai "zaudēja" As: šādi: "Lūgsimies: For: Per Fidious ebreji: Ka: Tas Kungs, mūsu Dievs, var atņemt : no: veilFrom Viņu sirdis: Ka: viņi spētu saskatīt Jēzus Kristus, mūsu Kungs "Visvarenais un Mūžīgais Dievs:. Ka: Not: Pat Izslēgt ebrejus no Jūsu žēlastību: Klausieties mūsu lūgšana: Ka: piedāvājums: par:: aklums: no : Cilvēki: Ka: Atpazini:: Light Of: Tava patiesība: ka: ir: Kristus: no var: tās tumsībā: Lai mūsu Kunga Jēzus Kristus .. "Cik skaisti ir Tavi Halls: vai: JACOB: AND: JŪSU Aizkari: vai: IZRAĒLA (Num.24: 5)! 67/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Epilogs: Maiga lasītājs: Šajā dokumentā: I kotētas fragmenti: no: Verd: dažas grāmatas no Talmuda: ICI: Ka: Viņi re Fer: AT: Kristieši: Par Mīlestību: īss un: Lai saglabātu:: jutīga sirds: no: lasītājs: man ir izlaista daudzi citi: ka tie varētu būt iekļauti. Šie teksti: Ka: man ir minēts: tomēr: Ja ir pietiekams: par, lai parādītu howFalse Pretenzijas: The: ebrejus, kad tie saka: Tas, ka: Not: Ir: Nekas Talmuda, ka: insegnithe: Un ienīst: par: nesaticību Ceļā uz kristiešiem. Ja pētījums: no: briesmīgs zaimi: no: Šī grāmata būs atbaidošs: Par:: Player: Ka: viņš: Not: IFeel patīk. 68/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Nav: Es teicu: no: sākums: Ka: I Told kaut ko no: Jauki: bet: tikai: Ka: ko es būtu parādīts: Ka: tiešām: : Talmuds māca par kristiešiem: Un: Not: tic: Ka: es varētu darīt vairāk piemērota. Es saprotu: tomēr: Ka: dots: Ka:: Patiesība: Nav: To Love: Visi: Es kļūšu Ienaidnieki daudz: Par kuru liecināja Tātad:: Patiesību. Man tas: Been ir: vai atgādina: lasīt: no: Talmud sevi: Ka: Draudi: no: nāves: "nodevējiem": Un: Vēl vairāk: pēc Brīdinājumi: no: Tie: Ka: viņi ir pieredzējuši : no: Prasība: Ka: ebreji apņemas: Pret: Minētie: Ka: Things darīt zināmu: Viņu nelabvēlīga. 69/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: vienīgi: viena ganāmpulka Slaves]: Viņi: Visi: paredzams, ka: bojāties: Par rokas: no: ebrejus. Looking: Par: no: atrunāt mani no turpinās: Tējas: Mans darbs: daži man ir jautājuši: no: Atcerieties:: liktenis: profesore Charina: Ka: no nogalināti bija: Pēkšņi kam ir sākuši: Tulkot: par: Talmuds: dzimtenes. Citi man atgādināja: no: liktenis: mūks Didacus: no: Viļņa: Līdz: konvertēta: No jūdaisma: Tas, ka: viņš bija nežēlīgi noslepkavoti: citi man atgādināja: no: Tie: Ka: viņi bija represēto: Par atklāšana Secrets : no: ebreju reliģiju. Vēl citi: Es esmu brīdinājis: Pret:: tām ir radušās briesmas: mans: mīļš. "Wszak CIEB Wydzi zabij" 70/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: I Was atkārtotu Simtiem: no: reizes:: grāmata: Ka: Tagad jūs turēt rokā ir:: Best Pierādījumi: Ka: Not: Esmu dzirdējusi Lai no Brīdinājumi: mans: Friends. Es uzskatīju, ka necienīga: no: sevi: tikai klusēt: Par mīlestību: My Personal drošība: lai gan: vislabākais: starp Nikns Konflikts: TwoFields no "semītu" Un: no "Antisemīti:" Abām : Kas apgalvo: no: cīņa: par:: Patiesība: Lai gan es zinu: ka:: Visa Patiesība: Nav: tā atrodas kādā no: divi lauki: bet: Neatkarīgi notiek ar mani: Tā: no: Kas : Tas, ka: I did: es labprāt: no: jābūt: Vai: Willing To: norāda:: My Life - 71/71 [Talmuds vs SVF. Visi Peoples: Par do: tikai vienu: ganāmpulka Slaves]: Ka es varu liecināt: no: PATIESĪBA: (Jāņa 18: 37) IB Pranaitis: bet: Ebreji tevi nogalināšu "Polijas Translation (aptuveni: uz: saturs The Epilogs: Vai: Lai minēt nozīmīgas diemžēl: Ka: tēvs bija Pranaitis e fektus: THE: Nāve kā: Paredzamā: Lai ar rokām: Laikā viņa ienaidnieki: Labākais: boļševiku revolūcijas: Ed) ir: skaidrs: Ka: Šie paziņojumi : Tas, ka: Mums ir jāspēj pamatot lasījums: Pret: autori: Tie zaimi: Pret Kristu: Līdz: Pret: Tie ebreji: Ka: Tie ir anti-Christian paziņojumi: Kristus vārdus: "Tu esi: Par viņa Tēvs:: elli "Karlo Marija:. no: Peter (un Webmaster: Atbalstītājs: no: MSMA) Cohen: Forums
Persecuted USA Bildenberg Nwo, SpA, is Global Assault on Christians ] [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia! ] gli USA hanno bloccato i risultati dele scatole nere, fino ad oggi ] quindi ci sono delle intese comuni per insabbiare questo crimine e trovare una soluzione politica del Donbass [Un anno fa abbattuto aereo su Ucraina. Putin, prematuro tribunale internazionale per responsabili ] non credo che per chi ha seguito la vicenda, si possa avere dei dubbi sul fatto che sia stato CIA Kiev ad abbattere l'aereo malese sul Donbass [[ Disastro MH17 resta giallo Putin contro tribunale Onu. Europa. E' "prematuro e controproducente" istituire un tribunale internazionale per individuare e giudicare i possibili responsabili dell'abbattimento dell'aereo della Malaysia Airlines [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia!
La democrazia è incompatibile con questa UE – Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia http://www.byoblu.com/
Pubblicato 12 luglio 2015 - 17.05 - Da Claudio Messora. L’economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall’euro sempre più probabile e quello di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo. LA DEMOCRAZIA E' INCOMPATIBILE CON L'UE - Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=126&v=PNRHgZppEj0 Pubblicato il 12 lug 2015.
L'economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall'euro e di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo.
Gli spin doctor UE hanno fallito! Il ritorno di Marcello Foa su Byoblu.com
Pubblicato 14 luglio 2015 - 16.15 - Da Claudio Messora
Gli Spin Doctor, i manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica che agiscono dai più alti vertici istituzionali, hanno confezionato una vera e propria strategia del terrore per dipingere Tsipras come un pazzo e spaventare i greci, insieme a tutti gli altri popoli europei. Eppure, la violenza del loro messaggio questa volta sta ottenendo l’effetto opposto a quello sperato: la coscienza dei cittadini inizia a ribellarsi e a non credere più al “frame“, la cornice di interpretazione dei fatti stabilita per influenzare i media e ottenere un consenso drogato. Ecco la nuova lucida, imperdibile analisi di Marcello Foa sul caso della Grecia e sugli ultimi accadimenti riferiti all’Isis. Da ascoltare con attenzione, condividere e far condividere a tutti.
Per chi si fosse perso l’intervista precedente, che spiega il concetto di Frame, eccola qui sotto:
Uscire dall’euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
Spari in basi del Tennessee, uccisi quattro marines
Nord America.
L'attentatore, morto nello scontro a fuoco con la polizia, si chiamava Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni. Era americano, originario del Kuwait. Obama, indagini a tutto campo
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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Published: June 18, 2015 Persecuted USA Bildenberg Nwo, SpA, is Global Assault on Christians ] [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia! ] gli USA hanno bloccato i risultati dele scatole nere, fino ad oggi ] quindi ci sono delle intese comuni per insabbiare questo crimine e trovare una soluzione politica del Donbass [Un anno fa abbattuto aereo su Ucraina. Putin, prematuro tribunale internazionale per responsabili ] non credo che per chi ha seguito la vicenda, si possa avere dei dubbi sul fatto che sia stato CIA Kiev ad abbattere l'aereo malese sul Donbass [[ Disastro MH17 resta giallo Putin contro tribunale Onu. Europa. E' "prematuro e controproducente" istituire un tribunale internazionale per individuare e giudicare i possibili responsabili dell'abbattimento dell'aereo della Malaysia Airlines [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia!=============================La democrazia è incompatibile con questa UE – Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia http://www.byoblu.com/Pubblicato 12 luglio 2015 - 17.05 - Da Claudio Messora. L’economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall’euro sempre più probabile e quello di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo. LA DEMOCRAZIA E' INCOMPATIBILE CON L'UE - Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=126&v=PNRHgZppEj0 Pubblicato il 12 lug 2015.L'economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall'euro e di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo.======================Gli spin doctor UE hanno fallito! Il ritorno di Marcello Foa su Byoblu.comPubblicato 14 luglio 2015 - 16.15 - Da Claudio MessoraGli Spin Doctor, i manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica che agiscono dai più alti vertici istituzionali, hanno confezionato una vera e propria strategia del terrore per dipingere Tsipras come un pazzo e spaventare i greci, insieme a tutti gli altri popoli europei. Eppure, la violenza del loro messaggio questa volta sta ottenendo l’effetto opposto a quello sperato: la coscienza dei cittadini inizia a ribellarsi e a non credere più al “frame“, la cornice di interpretazione dei fatti stabilita per influenzare i media e ottenere un consenso drogato. Ecco la nuova lucida, imperdibile analisi di Marcello Foa sul caso della Grecia e sugli ultimi accadimenti riferiti all’Isis. Da ascoltare con attenzione, condividere e far condividere a tutti.Per chi si fosse perso l’intervista precedente, che spiega il concetto di Frame, eccola qui sotto: ==================Uscire dall’euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.====================Spari in basi del Tennessee, uccisi quattro marinesNord America.L'attentatore, morto nello scontro a fuoco con la polizia, si chiamava Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni. Era americano, originario del Kuwait. Obama, indagini a tutto campo=================
35b/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: IV. Krikščionys turi būti DAIKTŲ Sugadintas būtina: dėl išlikimo:: žydai: Ne: Jie turi įrašyti bet reiškia: Kova: tironų: kad: laikykite jas Šioje ketvirtojoje nelaisvėje tvarka: nuo: atsikratyti. Jie turi: Kova krikščionys: Su:: ir gudrybes: ne: nieko: Dėl kurių reikia vengti: kad:: Evil pasinaudoti jų: Arbata: Jų Sick: Ne: Jie turi būti prižiūrimi: Dėl: Krikščionybė Moterys: Ne: jie turi būti padėjo metu:: gimdymo: O: Krikščionys: Ne: Jie turi būti saugomi Kai pavojus: mirties. 36/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: O: daryti verslą: Su: Tas pats Akumu (krikščionių). Kitose vietose: tačiau: yra: skirtingi ir: yra: tik: Kam: Kitas judėjas: iš: Ėjimas Tuo pačiu Akumu (krikščionių) grandinės: daryti verslą: Su: Ir jam: Paimkite:: savo pinigus. In: Faktas:: turto Dell Akumu (krikščionių) ir turėtų būti laikomas bendra nuosavybe: ji priklauso Pirma, kad: ji gali būti paskirta. Yra: Šiaip: Kas sako, kad: Kas: Ne: reikia nuveikti. "Be Choschen Hammischpat (183,7 Hagah) rašoma:" Jei: judėjas ar verslo: Su: Akumu (krikščionių) ir:: Ir brolis izraelitas Būna: Frodathe: Akumu (krikščionių): Pusę: iš: Neteisingų Svoris: arba: priemonės: arba: Skaičiai: jis turi išskaidyti: Geriausi: jo pelnas: Su: Arbata: jo brolis izraelitas: Dėl:, kad: abu dalyvavo apie: Affair: O: Taip pat: pagalbos. " 37/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: 4. Kam: judėjas PU0 apsimesti: iš: būti: Krikščionybė: Už: apgauti krikščionys: Į Iore Dea (. 157,2 Hagah) rašoma: "Jei: Judėjas gali: Fool jų (stabmeldžiai) apsimeta: iš: būti: mėgstu: nuo: žvaigždės: yra: leidžiama daryti "5.. Žydai: yra: Leistinas dėvėti Pratimai: Iš: prieš krikščionis: į: Abhodah Zarah (54A) jis sako: yra: tik pasinaudoti: drabužiai: į: pagarba: iš: atsimetėliu nukrito į stabmeldystę. "Ir: Iš Iore Dea (159,1) rašoma: yra: tik: Pagal:: Tora: skolinti pinigus nusidėvėjimą. Akumu (krikščionių) Kai Vyresnieji: Tačiau: Šis neigia, išskyrus atvejį: iš: Gyvenimas : iš: mirties dieną. Šiandien: Leidimai. dėl kokios nors priežasties " 38/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: III. Sugadintas krikščionys turi būti KLAUSIMAI: TEISINE: 1. nuo: Judėjas: yra: Leidimas ir melas: Jura:: FALSE: Už: siekiant: CHRISTIAN: Į Babha Kama (113) jis sako: geriausias: Mūsų Mokymas:: Po: Kada: judėjas Ir : IV: (mokėti) atvykti į teismą: atleisti: judėjas: jeigu jūs galite: Pagal Izraelio įstatymus. Jei:: IV: (mokėti) Pergalės: Pasakykite jam: kad: Kas: yra: Kas: Arbata: mūsų teisės aktų nuostatų. Jei: Tačiau:: Judėjas gali būti išteisintas pagal:: įstatymo: natūra: ir biudžeto įvykdymo patvirtinimo jo: Pasakykite jam: kad: Kas: yra: padaryti pagal mūsų įstatymus. Jeigu šis lygis: Ne: tai galima padaryti: padaryti: Su: kietumas Prieš: IV: (mokėti) Kaip: rekomenduojami:: rabinas Ischmael. 39/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]:: rabinas Akibha: Tačiau: Abejoja: Taip: Ne: galite aktas: Su: Sukčiavimas: Už: Ne: išniekinti Dievo Vardas: O: Dėl : ne: turi: judėjas grįžo į: Nuomonė: Dėl Priesaikos sulaužymas. "Pastaba Norėdami: skirtumas: Tačiau: Tai paaiškina temperatūra: nuo: rabinas Akibha Kaip: taip: Dievo Vardas: Ne: jei jis išniekino:: IV: (mokėti) Ne: jis žino: kad: : judėjas: yra: Lied "ir:. daugiau: Pirmyn:: Babha Kama (113b) sako:: Vardas iš Dievo: Ne: yra: Kai išniekino: Pavyzdžiui: Norėdami: judėjas proto: IV: (mokėti ) sako: daviau kažką jums: jūsų Tėvas, bet Jis: yra: Dead: turite grąžinti jį man: sąlyga, kad:: IV: (pagonių) Ne: žinoti: kad: jūs vėl meluoja. " 40/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: 2: yra: Leidimas Kam: judėjas žiuri:: FALSE: Su: Sąmonė: Švara: Be Kallah (1b: p. 18) rašoma: "Ji ( : Motina: mazmer) sakė: "Aš prisiekiu: man ir:.: rabinas Akibha prisiekė su: Lūpos: bet: negaliojančia jo širdyje: priesaiką. panaši koncepcija yra Schabbuoth Hagahoth: iš : rabinas Ascher (6d) "Jei:: magistrato miesto verčia žydams: prisiekiu, kad: Ne: O: bėgti nuo to miesto: Taip: Ne: ji išsitrinti viską: Jie prisieks: Neteisingų pasakyti: Patys : Taip: Ne: Bėgimas Tą dieną: O: Taip: Ne: pašalinti AnythingFrom miesto tą dieną tik. " 42/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: 1. Kam: judėjas visada turi pabandyti: nuo: apgauti krikščionys: Į Zohar (I DALIS: 160.) jis sako: geriausias: rabinas Jehuda: yra: sakė (iki rabinas Chezkia): yra: Vertas: iš: pagirkite jį: kuris: yra : galima: iš: atsikratyti priešų Izraelio: O: yra: labai verta: iš: Šlovė: tiesiog, kad ir jie yra išleidžiami: Kova jų:: Chezkia Rabi paklausė: Kaip mes kovojame?: rabinas Jehuda sakė: Su: Išminčius patarėjas prieš karą: nuo: juos (Patarlių: cap.24: 6). Su: Taip Tipas: iš: karas?: Tipas: iš: karas: kad: Kiekvienas vaikas: vyras turi būti: Kova: Prieš: jo priešai: O: kad: Jokūbo naudoti: Prieš: Ezavo: Kai įmanoma: Su:: ir apgaulės:: sukčiavimu. 43/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: Jie turi būti negailestingai kovojo: iki: Tai:: teisinga tvarka: Ne: kai atkurta: yra: Yra: Priekinės: Su: Stacionarūs Frakcija: kad: i kad pasakyti: Turime: Nemokama aukštyn ir: Iš jų: taisyklė: iš: Them. "2: Ne: jūs turite padėti: SICK CHRISTIAN: Į Iore Dea (158,1) rašoma:": Akumu (krikščionių) Ne: jos turi būti apdorojamos: Renginiai: Dėl pinigų: Kam: Minus: kad: Kas: Ne: gali sukelti :: Jų priešiškumą. "3: Ne: Turime: Pagalba:: Christian Woman In: Arbata: dalys:: Orach Orach Chaiim (330,2) rašoma:" Ne padėti: Nors bent: turėtų būti skiriamas Moteris Akumu (krikščionių) metu: : gimimo laikas: pirmadienis: toje:: šeštadienis:: jis turi būti pažeidžiamos ". 44/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: 4: Ne: Turime: Pagalba: krikščionis PAVOJUS: nuo: mirtis: Iš Choschen Hammischpat (425,5) rašoma: "Jei matote: eretikas: kad: Pastaba: Nalla mano ToFall į Tora: Na: Su: Kopėčios: ir iš karto skubėti: Take It Away ir sako turiu Eiti į: nusivilkti mano sūnų. stogo We Will ataskaitą dėl:: masto nedelsiant: arba: kažkas : iš:. Bendra Kuthaei I Tačiau: Taip: Ne: yra: Ir mūsų priešai: kad: Būkite atsargūs: iš: avys: iš: izraelitams: Ne: Jie turi būti nužudyti tiesiogiai: o: Ne: Jie turi bus išgelbėtas nuo mirties "ir: į Iore Dea (158,1) rašoma:".: Akumu (krikščionių), kad: Ne: Ar: Mūsų priešai: Ne: Jie turi būti nužudyti tiesiogiai: 45/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: Tai: ne: nepaisant jų: Ne: Jie turi būti išsaugotas: Nuo pavojus: mirtis: pvz: jei matote vieną: iš: Thed: patenka į jūrą: ne: traukti ją iki: Minus: kad: jis: Ne: I Promise: iš: pinigų. "Maimonido į Hilkhoth Akumu (krikščionių) X1: Ne: Licet misereri Eorum; kai kurių kitų įspūdingų žodžius:".. Tai misereberis Eorum "1) Idcirco: Marquis viderit jums Adum Pereuntem: vel demersum acquis: jis OPEMFerat jis mirė artimiausias viderit Meškadaubė: Eripiat jis miręs Attamen Meškadaubė praranda priežiūra:. į Praecipitem Puteum duoti panašių greičio Ne Fas siquid Huic Rytuose: Żeś Nobiscum bellum: Ne: Gerit. 46/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: Maimonido: į Hilkhoth Akumu (krikščionių) (x: 1) sako: Ne: Ar gaila: iš: jų: iš: Faktas: Yra: sakė (VII Deuteris. : 2) Ne: jų pamaldumą parodyta. Yra: Priekinės: jei matote: Akumu (krikščionių) sunkumus arba nuskęsti: Ne: Eikite į jo pagalbos. Ir: jei jis buvo pavojuje: mirtis: Ne: sutaupote: bet: Ne: yra: tiesiog jį nužudyti su:: stumti savo ranką į duobę: arba: Priešingu atveju: nuo: kad: Jie: Ne: yra šios: karo "prieš": nuo: mums. "II straipsnis: krikščionys nužudė turėtų būti: PAGALIAU:: Talmudas komandas: kad: Krikščionys be pasigailėjimo nužudyti: Abhodah Zarah (26b) rašoma" eretikus: išdavikų ir: apostatai reikia naikinti: ir gerai: Ne : Jie turi būti išgelbėti ". 47/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: O: į Choschen Hammischpat (388,10) teigia: "šnipas reikia žudyti: Per: Prie Kam: mūsų dienų. Kur jūs bebūtumėte Jis gali būti nužudyti Net kai : Priekinės: kad: išpažinti ir:. nors jis pripažįsta: iš: jis tiesiog norėjo padaryti: iš: skauda kas nors: O: Jei:: Evil: kad: Jis norėjo padaryti: Ne: tai buvo labai didelis : yra: nepakanka: pasmerkti jį: Už:. mirties Tačiau turi būti įspėtas: iš: Ne: Šis prisipažinti, bet: jei jis akivaizdžiai sako: "Ne: Aš Pripažinti!" Tada jis turi būti nužudytas:: Kaip tik įmanoma, jei:. Ne: "yra: Laikas: Už jus perspėti: Ne: Ar. būtinas žingsnis Vieni sako, kad: Kam: išdavikas turi būti pateiktas: mirtis tik tada, kai: yra: neįmanoma atsikratyti 48/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: mutilating: ty: nukirto:: Kalba: arba: zgrywania savo Akys: bet: jei tai: yra: galite: Ne: turi būti nužudyti, nes: Tai : Jis: Ne: yra: blogiausia: nuo: kita: kad: mus persekioja. "Ir: į Choschen Hamm: iš: Naujas (388,15) rašoma:" Jei gali įrodyti: kad: kažkas: išdavė Izraelio tris kartus: arba: kad: yra: Kaip:: pinigų: iš: izraelitams Akumu ( krikščionių) Jūs WillFind:: kelias: Po priežiūros Ful apsvarstyti: iš: jį ištrinti: iš veido: iš: Žemė. "Quinim: ipsum stadione leidėjų Iudaeorum Poenam Grįžo mortis Sanhedrino 59 R. Iochanan pacituoti jums:. Goi scrutans legem: Rytų Reus Mortis. 49/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]:: Krikščionybė: kad: bus atrasta: tyrimo:: Teisės Izraelio nuopelnus:: mirties. Be Sanhedrino (59a) jis sako:: rabinas Jochanan sako: Kam: IV: (mokėti), kad: sticks:: Nosis Įstatyme yra: kaltas: mirties. "II Occidendi sunt Baptisma suscipientes Iudaei Hilkhoth Akumu (krikščionių) X2:... Haec dicta sunt 1) DE idolatris Israelitarum Sed illos čia: desciverint religija: vel Epikurei Evaserint: nužudė. Verstis ja atąue Net pas inferos iubemur Quippe Affligunt Israelem: Populumque Kam: Deo Avertunt. 50/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: II. Žydai TURI BŪTI IŠ krikštas ir: mirtis: Iš Hilkhoth Akumu (krikščionių) (X 2) rašoma: "Šie dalykai (viršuje) yra: Dėl stabmeldžiai, bet: Net izraelitams: Tas: Palikite:: ir jų religija: turi būti nužudyti ir tapti epikūriečių: Turime persekioti juos Pabaiga: Izraelio ir jie nuliūdinti: atitraukti:: Dievo tauta "ir: į Iore Dea (158,2 Hagah) rašoma:" Renegades: kad: tikslas: Norėdami adresu: malonumais: Akumu (krikščionių) ir: kad: Ir jos yra užterštos garbino žvaigždes:: Kaip Planetos: Ar jie: turi būti nužudyti "Panašiai:. tai sakė Choschen Hammischpat (425,5) 51/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: ": žydų, kad: Tapkite Epikūriečių: kad: žalos jums: Šlovinimas: iš: ir žvaigždės: iš: ir planetų: nuodėmė piktavališkai; Renginiai Tie: kad: Valgykite:: mėsa: Gyvūnai sužeisti: arba: kad: Dėvėti drabužiai kambariai: Jie nusipelno: Vardas: apie: Epikūriečių: panašiai: Tie: kad: paneigti:: Tora ir:: Pranašai Izraelio:: Lietuvių: Ar: Tai: Visi: jie turėtų būti nužudomi: O: Tie: kad: yra:: Galia: nuo: Gyvybės ir: iš: Mirtis Jei nužudė juos, ir: jeigu šis lygis: Ne : Ar gali būti padaryta: jie turi būti patraukti į mirties: Su:: Deception "Čia Sint Abnegantes. legem institucijos: Clare R. Demonstratio Maimon į Hilkhoth Teschubhah III DALIS: 2). 52/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: Tres sunt Negantium Toros klases: 1. Čia dicunt: Ne: Kam: Deo man davė Šie Tora: Auto (pastaba: Kam: Deo) saltem Eius versum unum: saltem Verbum unum: sed (leitenantas) Moysen Kam: seipso hoc dixisse: omnis (eng pacituoti jums čia) Abnegat legem. 2. Čia Abiiciunt Eius Explicationem: quae dicitur Tora Oralinis (Mischnah) Neque Agnoscunt Eius Daktaras: Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Zadokas. 3) et Baithos 4). 3. Čia: iš:: rabinas Maimonido: į Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III dalis: 8): Forniscethe: Sąrašas: iš: Tie: kad: Neigėjas yra laikomi: iš: Law: "Yra: yra: trijų kategorijų: Žmonės: kad: paneigti:: Law: iš: Tora: 1) Žmonės: kad jie sako:, kad:: Tora: Ne: yra: davė Dievas: 53/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: bent: Kam: arba: Word: iš: ji (sic) ir: kad: jie sako, kad: Been yra: Visas darbas Mozei: 2 ) Žmonės: Tai: Re Saugiklis:: paaiškinimas: Tora: būtent: Burnos įstatymo: iš: Mischnah: O: Tie: Taip: Ne: riconoscono: iš institucijos: Gydytojai: nuo: Lietuvių: Kaip :: Sekėjai: iš: Zadokas (sadukiejų) ir: iš: Baithos: 3) Žmonės: kad: kad jie sako: Dievas: pasikeitė:: Lietuvių: Dėl Kam: Dar viena nauja įstatymo: O:, kad:: Tora : ne: yra: Ne daugiau vertė: net jei jie: Ne: paneigti: kad: buvo suteikta Dievo: krikščionys ir mano:: turkai: Visi: paneigti jų:: skaito iš Tora. . "III krikščionys nužudė turėtų būti: Kodėl: yra: Tyrant: Į Zohar (I 25a) jis sako: 54/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: "tautų: Žemė: yra: stabmeldžiai: O: iš: iš: jų: Been yra: parašyta: Štai nuvalyti veido: iš: Šalis: Destroy:: Memory: iš:. Amaleko jie:: dar: Su: mums Šioje ketvirtojoje nelaisvę būtent::. principai (Romos), kad:: Faktas: yra:. amalekiečių "1. Šie principai turėtų būti nužudyti: First: Kodėl: jei jiems leidžiama: nuo: Gyvenimas:: viltis: išsivadavimas: Žydai: yra: veltui: O: jų maldas: iš: atleidimo nuo Tai bus Ketvirtas nelaisvė veiksmingai. Be Zohar (I 219B) jis sako: yra: žinoma: kad: Geriausi: mūsų nelaisvėje truks iki: Kada: principai: natūra: kad: jie garbina stabus: Ne: jie bus sunaikinti. " 55/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: O: Net Zohar (II 19a) jis sako:: rabinas Jehuda: yra: sakė: Come To: žr Kaip: viskas yra; Kaip: Arbata : principai ir prisiėmė Power over Izraelis: izraelitams: Ne: skųstis, bet: Kai jis: krioklys: princas:: Jų malonumas jaučiamas. Tai yra parašyta: Re: apie: egiptiečiai ir mirė: Nedelsiant: Vaikai Izraelio buvo paleistas: iš nelaisvės, ir jie šaukė: Arbata: jų balsas pakilo į: Dievas "2: principas:, ha: Roma : Dėl Sostinė: yra: IS: kad: žydai DAUGIAU HATE: iš: Visi: jie jį vadina:: Jungtinės: iš: Iz: iš: edomiečių: Jungtinės Pride: Jungtinės: nuo: Blogis: Unholy . Romos Turkų imperija yra vadinama:: Jungtinės: iš: išmaeliečių: 56/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: kad: Jie: Ne: Nori sunaikinti:: Jungtinės: Roma: Tačiau: Turi būti sunaikinta: Kodėl: Kada: geriausias: sugadintas Roma yra sugriauta: : ir išganymo:: laisvė bus išrinktąja tauta: iš: Dievas "R. Davidas Kimchi scribit de Fected Obadiam29: Quidquid dixerunt Prophetae vastatione Edomo į ultims diebus: ID intellexerunt de Rome: The UT explica Iesaia į Versu" Access " gentes klausytis "3) Etenim Kai vastabitur Romos ERIT redemptio Israelitarum:.: rabinas David Kimchi Rašo Kaip: į: Obadiam: taip:" Tai:, kad:: Pranašai: išpranašavo sunaikinimo: Edomo per paskutinę: kelių dienų man pranešė į Romą: Kaip: sako Izaijas (ch.34: 1) 57/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: požiūris: arba: Tautos: ir klausytis .. Kai Roma yra sugriauta: Izraelis bus išperkamos. "Taip pat:: rabinas Abraomas sako: tas pats savo knygoje Tseror Hammor skyriuje Schoftim: Ne: Kai Romoje bus sunaikinta:" Mes bus išperkamos ". IV.FINALLY: Visi: Krikščionys: įskaitant tarp geriausias: Iš: jie BŪTINA UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26b. Tosephoth: Optimus inter Occidi Grįžo pagonys. Multoties haec Phrasis repetita occurrit į diversis Iudaeorum Libris: Licet: Ne: iisdem verbis.V.gR.Ps.IARC į Exod cap.XIV: žr Editionis Amstelodamiensis17) citata: 58/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: į: Abhodah Zarah (26b: Tosephoth) rašoma: "Taip pat:: iš geriausių: pagonys nužudė turėtų būti" Shulhan Arukh: Po žodžiai : Iore Dea (158,1), kad: jie sako, kad: Tie Tarp Akumu (krikščionių), kad: Ne: Markė: nuo: Blogis žydams: Ne: Jie turi būti nužudyti: Tie, Būtent: Taip: Ne: karą Izraelis: aiškina:: Milchamah žodis: karas: o: Laikas: nuo: iš Akumu (krikščionių) karo turėtų būti nužudomi Nes yra parašyta: Tarp Akumu (krikščionių) Geras vertos: iš: turi būti nužudyti: Etc .. "V. Judėjas: kuri žudo: Krikščionybė: Ne: nuodėmė, bet: Pasiūlymai: auka priimtina: Dievas: V. Iudaeus Occidens Christianum: Ne: Peccat: sed offerre dicitur Priimtini sacrificium Deo. 59/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: Sefer ar Izraelio 177b3) dele Vitam Et occide Ir Kiphoth; gratus Enim Eris Divinae didybę sicut nelegalių: čia siūlomos oblatum smilkalų. Be Sefer arba Izraelis (177B) jis sako: "Take Away:: Gyvenimas: ne: Kliphoth Ir: žudyti juos: O: Kaip jums Dievo: A:::. Siūlanti smilkalų" Ir: į Ialkut Simoni (245c.n.772) rašoma: "Vienas: kad: pastos:: kraujo: Wicked yra: laiko susitaikyti Dievą kaip viena: kad:" siūlo:.. Paaukoti Dievui VI po: : sunaikinti šventyklos į: Jeruzalė: TIK: Aukos REIKALINGOS: Ar: krikščionių Murder: Be Zohar (III227b) Arbata: Gerojo Ganytojo sako: reikia tik aukos: yra: kad: Togliamothe: Pražanga: iš: priemonės Kam: mus ". 60/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: Zohar (II 43a) paaiškinančios:: įsakymų Mozė dėl išpirkimo: pirmagimis: iš:: Ass: kad: Mes turime: Su:: pasiūlymas: nuo: Avinėlis: sako: "asilas yra: Dėl:: ne: judėjas: kad: ji privalo būti išpirktos su: Arbata: Akcijos: nuo: Avinėlis: kad: yra:: Debesuota : Gyvulių: Izraelio, bet: jei jis iš naujo saugikliai: iš: reikia apmokėti: Po pertraukos:: kaukolės .. Jie turėtų būti išbrauktas: nuo Knyga: Gyvenimo Nuo: iš: jiems yra: Said : Jis: Tai: nuodėmė: Prieš: nuo: mane: imsis Awad: Nuo knyga: apie:. Life "VII. ASMENYS: Tai bus nužudyti krikščionis: Vieta: aukštai į dangų: Į Zohar (1.38b: Ir 39a) rašoma: 61/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: iš: rūmų: ketvirtoji danguje yra: kad: Jie Išduotas dejuoja Siono ir Jeruzalės: O: Visi: Tos: kad: sugriauta Dievinošs Tautų .. Ir: Tie: kad: žudyti žmones: kad: jis garbino stabus: yra: drabužiai: Su: suknelės: nuo: Violetinė taip: kad: Ir gali būti pripažinta: nusipelnęs. "VIII žydai: Ne: niekada neturėtų nutraukti: iš: išnaikinti: GOIM;:. Ne: niekada neturėtų Leave Me Alone O: Ne: turi: niekada Pateikti: JŲ Hilkhoth Be Akumu (krikščionių) (x: 1) Mes skaityti. : Ne: Valgykite: Su: stabmeldžiai: Ne: Tegul jų: iš: Garbinimas: savo stabais: yra: į: Faktas: Wrote: Ne: Įkurta sutartis: Su: juos ne: rodyti gailestingumą jų (Deuter. ch.7 : 2) arba: atitraukia jų: iš jų stabus: arba: žudyti juos. " 62/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: Ten (X: 7): jis leis: Nėra stabmeldystė: iš: Norėdami viešnagei: į: ten, kur žydai: stiprus: "IX Visi: Žydai: yra: TURI drauge: Už: sunaikinti Išdavikas: kad: yra: apsuptyje Kam: jų: Iš Choschen Hammischpat (338,16) teigiama: Visi: Žmonės: nuo: Miestas: yra: privalo: Padėti Norėdami žudymo išlaidų: iš:: išdavikas: net ir tie,:. kad jie privalo mokėti mokesčius kitoms "X. Nė viena Šalis: Ne: nesvarbu, kaip IŠKILMINGAS: CAN: Užkirsti kelią:: Atleidimas: iš:: Krikščionybė: Į Pesachim (49b) jis sako:: rabinas Eliezeris sakė: yra: tik sumažinti:: galvos:: idiotas (: iš: gyventojų: Žemė) 63/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: į šventę: susitaikymo Kai jis: sumažėja diena: šeštadienis. Jo mokiniai tarė jam: rabinas: Ar jums, o pasakyti auka, bet jis atsakė: ne visi: yra: iš tiesų Būtina Melskitės Nors aukoti: O: Ne: Yra: Reikia: apie: melstis Kai nukirsti galvą kažkas. "XI: vienintelis tikslas: iš: Ir Visi veiksmai: Maldos: iš: žydai yra toks: iš: Destroy:: Religija::: vaizduoja žydus:: Ir Mesijas: Liberator: kad: Tikėtis kaip:: persekiotojas: Tai: Jei norite padaryti didelę nelaimių: Ne: žydai:: Talmudas sąrašai trijų didžiųjų blogybių: kad: Hit:: Pasaulio Kada:: Ar Mesijas ateis Schabbath In (118a) skaito.: 64/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: "Kiekvienas, kuris valgo tris kartus: nuo: antradienis bus išsaugotas: iš trijų blogybių: iš: baudimą: iš: Mesijas: iš: Ir skausmai Pragaras: iš Magogas karą;: Nes yra parašyta: Štai: "Aš atsiųsime jums Elijas: Pirma Pranašo:, kad: yra:: Diena: Iš Viešpaties: Ir taip" XII.. Savo maldose žydų atodūsis:: Coming: iš: Avenger Mesijas: ypač: Vigil: iš: Velykos (hebrajų) "Atsisiųsti: Arbata: Jūsų Wrath apie Tautos: Taip: Ne: žinote: O: apie Kingdoms: Taip: Ne: remtis: Geriausi: Jūsų vardas ir pavardė; Parsisiųsti:: savo pasipiktinimą: iš: savo ir:, kad:: Jūsų Wrath: iš: keršto juos: Ir Perseguitali: sunaikinti: Su: Pyktis iš po : dangų Viešpats ". 65/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: jie taip pat melstis kaip: TAIP: kiek ilgai jis išliks:: Jūsų Stipris ir nelaisvėje: kaip ilgai gulėti:: Tavo grožis:: Rankos iš engėjas? Arba: Dievas! Rodyti: Arbata: ir tavo stiprumas: Geriausi: jūsų uolumas "prieš": geriausias: Mūsų priešai; pertraukas: Arbata: ir jų stiprumas: confonde Them "ir: Ir vėl:" Nupjaukite:: viltis neteisinga; prieš, kad: Iki: eretikais Umierajcie iš karto; iškeldintiems: Broken: O: sunaikinti: Jungtinės Didžiuotis; skubėti: Kam: Kam:: Tema tautų: į: šių dienų. "Lygiai taip pat Laikas:: penktadienis: Tai" Prinicipe didžiuotis Empire: Roma:: Popiežius ir meldžiasi: Norėdami užsisakyti: Visi: All:: Pasaulis: melstis: Dėl: Visi: "eretikai" 66/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: O: Tie: Tai: Ar "prarado" Kaip: taip: "Melskimės: Dėl: Per Fidious žydų, kad: Viešpats, mūsų Dievas gali atimti :: veilFrom Jų širdyse:, kad: jie galėtų atpažinti mūsų Viešpatį Jėzų Kristų "Visagalis ir amžinasis Dievas. kad: ne: Net pašalinti žydus iš savo gailestingumo, išgirsk mūsų maldą: kad: pasiūlymas: Dėl:: aklumas: iš : Žmonės: kad: Atpažinai:: atsižvelgiant į: Tavo tiesą: kad: yra: Kristus: iš galite: savo tamsos: Mūsų Viešpaties Jėzaus Kristaus .. "Koks gražus yra Tavo salės: arba: Jacob: IR: JŪSŲ Užuolaidos: arba: Izraelis (Num.24: 5)! 67/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: Epilogas: švelnus skaitytuvas: Šiame darbe: Aš kotiruojamos ištraukos: iš: Verd: keletą knygų iš Talmudo: ICI: kad: Jie vėl Fer: ne: Krikščionys: meilės: glaustumo ir: taupymo:: jautri širdis: iš: skaitytojo: "Aš praleisti daug kitų: kad jie galėtų būti įtraukti. Šie tekstai: kad: jau minėjau: Tačiau: turėtų pakakti: Jei norite rodyti howFalse teigia: iš: žydai Kai jie sako: Taip: Ne: Yra: Niekas Talmudas, kad: insegnithe: ir neapykantos:: priešiškumo link krikščionys. Jei tyrimas: iš: kad patekęs šventvagiškus: iš: Ši knyga turėtų būti bjaurus: Dėl:: Žaidėjas: kad: jis: Ne: IFeel patinka. 68/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: Ne: aš pasakiau: nuo: pradžia: kad: I Told kažką: Malonus, bet: tik: kad: ką aš parodė: kad: tikrai: : Talmudas moko apie krikščionis: O: Ne: tiki: kad: galėčiau padaryti jį labiau tinkama. Suprantu: Tačiau: kad: teikiama: kad:: Tiesa: Ne: mylėti: visi: aš tapsiu priešai daug: už tai liudijo Taigi:: Tiesa. Man tai: Been yra: primenama: skaityti: iš: Talmudas save: kad: Grasinimas: iš: mirties: "išdavikai": O: Dar daugiau: pagal Įspėjimai: iš: Tie: kad: jie patyrė : iš: Veiksmas: kad: žydai įsipareigoja: Prieš: Tos: kad: Things To Make nežinomas: Jų nepalanki. 69/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: viena banda Vergų]: Jie: Visi: prognozuojama, kad: Umierajcie: Dėl pusės: iš: žydus. Ieško: Už: nuo: įtikinti mane iš toliau: Arbata: Mano darbas: kai kurie manęs paklausė: iš: prisiminti:: likimas: Profesorius Charina: kad: žuvusiųjų buvo: Staiga atsižvelgdama pradėjo: Versti:: Talmudas: liaudiškas. Kiti man priminė:: likimas: Vienuolis Didacus: iš: Vilniaus: Kam: konvertuoti: iš judaizmo: kad: jis buvo žiauriai nužudyti: kiti man priminė: nuo: Tie: kad: jie buvo persekiojami: išrinkti paslaptys : iš: žydų religija. Dar kiti: Aš perspėjo: "prieš":: Jie turi patyrė pavojų: mano: brangūs. "Wszak CIEB Wydzi zabij" 70/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: buvau pakartotinai Šimtai: iš: Laikas:: knyga: kad: Dabar jūs turite savo ranka:: Geriausias įrodymas: Taip: Ne: aš Išklausiau į Įspėjimai: mano: Draugai. Mano nuomone nevertas: apie: save: tik tylėti: meilės: Mano Asmeninė sauga: Nors: Geriausi: tarp Raging Conflict: TwoFields iš "semitų" Ir: iš "antisemitai:" Abi : Kas teigia: iš: Kova: Už:: Tiesa: Nors aš žinau: kad:: Visa tiesa: ne: ji yra įsikūrusi bet kurioje: dvi sritis: bet: kas beatsitiktų man: Nes: iš: Kas : kad: aš: aš būsiu laimingas: iš: būti: yra: Nori: duoti:: Mano gyvenimas - 71/71 [Talmudas vs TVF. Visi tautų: Dėl daryti: tik viena: bandos Vergų]: Tai galiu paliudyti:: tiesą: (Jn 18: 37) IB Pranaitis: bet: žydų bus nužudyti tave "Lenkų Vertimas (Apie:: turinys Epilogas: Ar: paminėti reikšmingas deja: kad: Tėvas buvo Pranaitis el fektus:: mirties: Tikėtinas: Dėl iš rankų: Per savo priešų: Geriausi: bolševikinės revoliucijos: Ed) yra: akivaizdu: kad: Šie teiginiai : kad: Mes galėjome pateisinti literatūra: Prieš: Autoriai: Šie šventvagiškus: prieš Kristų: Taigi: Prieš: Tai žydų, kad: Tai turi anti-krikščionių pareiškimai: Kristaus žodžius: "Jūs turite: Dėl savo Tėvas:: pragarą "Carlo Maria. iš: Peter (ir Webmaster: Rėmėjas: nuo: MSMA) Cohen: Forumas
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
Research all Nations, China India Russia [not sell for seedy money, the blood of your sons!] is the sharia, which makes every Muslim a potential terrorist, a Nazi imperialism of hopeless religious maniacs! and no matter the level of their cunning and hypocrisy! ]] waiting to see condemned sharia, you close all mosques and prevented gatherings.
[[ Cina Russia India [ non vendete per vile denaro il sangue dei vostri figli! ] è la sharia, che fa di ogni musulmano un potenziale terrorista, inserito in un nazismo imperialismo di maniaci religiosi senza speranza! e non ha nessuna importanza il livello della loro scaltrezza ed ipocrisia! is the sharia, which makes every Muslim a potential terrorist, a Nazi imperialism of hopeless religious maniacs! and no matter the level of their cunning and hypocrisy!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ NON MI DIRAI CHE ]] anche tu, tu sei diventato un cristiano coglione con la vocazione del martirio!? FAI L'EBREO E AMMAZZALI! loro non esiterebbero ad ammazzarti se ne avessero la possibilità! [[ satanic SpA Fmi, USA interests, Gender, GEOPOLITICS, lobby, NWO, OBAMA Gender of satana cult, for planet predation, sharia, SPA? ]] ok! tra qualche mese: non esisterà più una nazione chiamata Arabia Saudita sharia. io sono lorenzoALLAH il RE CRISTIANO della Arabia SAUDITA! Salman dell'Arabia Saudita, Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] [ perché tu non rispetti i 10 Commandments: that: GOD JHWH, ie, he himself in person: he gave to Moses, dove dice: "non uccidere" ] per ascoltare un Corano che indemoniati farisei del talmud hanno fatto scrivere? I have no authority: to punish someone: in dissociation from: the will of God ] then [ now i will kill all jewish lobby banking signiorage, NWO, OBAMA gay cult Gender sodoma shit, and their planet SpA predation, sharia, SPA, only the CIA can do: 200000 human sacrifice on the altar of Satan, every year, any year
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ adesso ammazzali tutti, e quando dico tutti, dico proprio tutti! ]] WATCH: The World is a More Dangerous Place Today. Israelis are united in opposing the nuclear deal with Iran. Across the political spectrum, the citizens of Israel agree with PM Netanyahu that overnight the world has become a much more dangerous place. Watch Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voice harsh opposition to the deal and criticize world powers for their failure to properly contend with the Iranian threat. Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog restated his own opposition to the “bad agreement.” He added that he would do his utmost on behalf of the security of the citizens of Israel.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ questo è il gioco dello schiaffo crudele, perché, tu sei stato messo in mezzo bendato! nel NWO si stanno prendendo gioco di te: certo tutti gli israelini saranno sterminati! ]] PASSA PRIMA SUI CADAVERI DEI SAUDITI, PRIMA DI ANDARE A FARE I CADAVERI IRANIANI!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ sei stato bendato ]] perché, nel NWO ti è stato precluso di vedere il tuo futuro, che è già stato pianificato, e, che, invece, i sauditi vedono e conoscono bene! SE, FARISEI anglo-americani, loro FANNO AMMAZZARE DALLA LORO GALASSIA JIHADISTA sharia, TUTTI I CRISTIANI? POI, ANCORA CON MAGGIORI MOTIVAZIONI DI CALIFFATO, AMMAZZERANNO ANCORA PIù VOLENTIERI tutti gli ISRAELIANI! infatti loro è da tempo che, vanno dicendo circa: il califfato di Gerusalemme, e circa il califfato di Roma, e a me non risulta che, sia in IRAN, che, in ARABIA SAUDITA, loro abbiano mai smentito questo discorso del califfato di Roma e Gerusalemme! ma, Roma non ha nessuna possibilità di potersi difendere dal NWO, mentre, tu soltanto, puoi salvare la civiltà occidentale: adesso! UCCIDILI TUTTI! questo è il loro destino comunque, dopo che avranno ucciso noi, il NWO li eliminerà comunque! FACCI SALTARE ALLORA QUESTO MOMENTO DEL NOSTRO GENOCIDIO! IO ho detto loro: di rinunciare alla sharia, ma, questa è la verità: "tutti gli islamici hanno il delitto nel loro cuore!"
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ ma, cosa rimarrebbe di Israele, comunque, con una guerra mondiale nucleare con 5 miliardi di morti? ]] distruggere la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia, è l'unica possibilità per poter impedire ad USA, la aggressione di: CINA e Russia.. e tu sai che io ho ragione!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ satanisti massoni, avevano giurato che non avrebbero mai spinto la NATO oltre la Germania! ]] e stanno portando distruzione morte e la lacerazione, indebitamento e predazione: in tutte le Nazioni del mondo, ovunque dove, può giungere il loro satanismo: 1. loro sono i cani di satana: 2. sono ameri-cani. 3. 666 americani SpA Fmi.. CERTAMENTE TI FARANNO AMMAZZARE, LORO SONO I MANDANTI, E TU NON PUOI DIFENDERTI DA LORO! PERò, TU PUOI UCCIDERE, I LORO ESECUTORI KILLERS, I TUOI ASSASSINI MATERIALI SHARIA, SE SAPRAI MUOVERTI SUBITO, con un attacco nucleare preventivo! Nessuno dei nazisti sharia deve rimanere in piedi! la Turchia? un grande cimitero!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ la sharia: è teologia del genocidio, perché è teologia della sostituzione ]] NESSUN PROBLEMA: STAI MANDANDO ALL'INFERNO, CRIMINALI NAZISTI CHE SONO COMUNQUE PREDESTINATI ALL'INFERNO!
RETE DEL CONTROLLO GLOBALE CORPORATIVO ] è uno studio di scienziati svizzeri [ 43.000 aziende transnazionali (che hanno i canoni OCSE per essere definiti aziende) di queste, aziende 1318, sono le più inflenti (si possiedono l'un l'altra) e queste hanno il 20% reddito mondiale [ grande cartello finanziario: ma esiste un nucleo: chiamato: UNITà CENTRALE: che possiede tutte le 43.000 multinazionali ] di queste 1318 sono le più influenti: hanno queste caratteristiche, 1. sommate tra di loro sommano il 20% del reddito mondiale; https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=307&v=VjBQMo6-AuY distruggere i popoli o distruggere il debito? ] ADESSO RESTITUITE LA SOVRANITà MONETARIA AI POPOLI [ ragazzi satanisti farisei Bush 322 Rothschild 666 SpA ururai ladri traditori parassiti: voi con la vostra guerra mondiale nucleare? voi siete giunti troppo tardi! ] Il Governo segreto delle multinazionali - Lidia Undiemi https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=307&v=VjBQMo6-AuY Pubblicato il 16 lug 2015
Rothschild SpA Bush: satanisti, giù le mani dal mio genere umano! ] [ Ecco il Dio Quattrino: le 147 banche che controllano tutto. Pubblicato 6 agosto 2012 - 17.22 - Da Claudio Messora. di Stefano Davidson ] [ Nell’autunno 2011 alcuni scienziati svizzeri presentarono uno studio, pubblicato su New Scientist, che rivelava come soltanto un piccolo numero di banche avesse il pieno controllo di una porzione esagerata dell’economia globale. Questo studio, battezzato “La rete del controllo globale corporativo” e sviluppato a Zurigo da Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder e Stefano Battiston, consisteva nell’autopsia della vasta base dati di marketing, relativi al 2007, della Orbis. Furono prelevati e poi analizzati file da tutto il mondo, che comprendevano più di 30 milioni di operatori economici, tra imprese e investitori, incluse le relative posizioni patrimoniali. Dai dati si evince che sono circa 43.000 le aziende transnazionali che hanno i canoni per essere definite tali dall’OCSE. Le più importanti ed influenti sono però solo 1.318, le quali sono accomunate da tre caratteristiche principali: sommate tra di loro, arrivano a generare il 20% del reddito mondiale; si possiedono l’un l’altra (forse anche carnalmente tra impiegati e dirigenti);
esiste un nucleo, chiamato “Unità centrale”, che possiede tutte le altre 43.000 multinazionali.
Insomma, le società più influenti fanno parte di un unico grande cartello finanziario, un vero proprio monopolio, che controlla una ragnatela di 43mila altre società che sono in competizione tra di loro solo virtualmente e che, tutte insieme, generano un altro 60% del reddito mondiale totale. Ma non è finita: l’80% delle 1.318 super-società è a sua volta controllato da un gruppo ancora più piccolo di loro, formato da sole 737 aziende, ma sono soltanto 147 quelle che hanno in pugno il 40% della ricchezza globale. Questa è la TOP 50:
3 FMR CORP US 6713 IN 8.94
4 AXA FR 6712 SCC 11.21
6 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO. US 6512 SCC 14.55
9 UBS AG CH 6512 SCC 18.46
10 MERRILL LYNCH & CO., INC. US 6712 SCC 19.45
17 NATIXIS FR 6512 SCC 24.98
19 T. ROWE PRICE GROUP, INC. US 6713 SCC 26.29
20 LEGG MASON, INC. US 6712 SCC 26.92
27 INVESCO PLC GB 6523 SCC 30.82
28 ALLIANZ SE DE 7415 SCC 31.32
29 TIAA US 6601 IN 32.24
31 AVIVA PLC GB 6601 SCC 33.14
32 SCHRODERS PLC GB 6712 SCC 33.57
33 DODGE & COX US 7415 IN 34.00
34 LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLDINGS, INC. US 6712 SCC 34.43 (e infatti avete sentito che botto ha fatto…)
37 CNCE FR 6512 SCC 35.57
41 ING GROEP N.V. NL 6603 SCC 36.96
46 BNP PARIBAS FR 6512 SCC 38.56
Ovviamente sono tutte banche o istituti finanziari e possiedono tutto, dai principali settori industriali tra cui ad esempio quello bellico (1780 miliardi di fatturato), passando per le compagnie petrolifere (colossi come “ExxonMobil Corporation” o “Shell Group” possono contare su un giro d’affari che, nel 2008, ha sfiorato i 310 miliardi di Euro), per le industrie farmaceutiche (il mercato mondiale dei medicinali è stimato in 466 miliardi di dollari), per quelle alimentari (solo in Italia 127 miliardi di euro, mentre Nestlé da sola fattura 36,65 miliardi), senza dimenticare il settore delle telecomunicazioni (AT&T fattura 20 miliardi, Vodafone 13,8 etc). Il “Potere Monetario”, o Dio Quattrino, esite davvero, non è una leggenda.
Ora non resta che farsi una domanda: come si muovono questi colossi finanziari, se sono tutti controllati dalla stessa “Unità Centrale”? Ad ognuno la sua risposta. http://www.byoblu.com/post/2012/08/06/sono-147-hanno-tutto-decidono-tutto.aspx
distruggere i popoli o distruggere il debito? ] ADESSO RESTITUITE LA SOVRANITà MONETARIA AI POPOLI [ ragazzi satanisti farisei Bush 322 Rothschild 666 SpA ururai ladri traditori parassiti: voi con la vostra guerra mondiale nucleare? voi siete giunti troppo tardi! ] Il Governo segreto delle multinazionali - Lidia Undiemi https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=307&v=VjBQMo6-AuY Pubblicato il 16 lug 2015
Uscire dall'euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
distruggere i popoli o distruggere il debito? [ ragazzi satanisti farisei Bush 322 Rothschild 666 SpA ururai ladri traditori parassiti: voi con la vostra guerra mondiale nucleare? voi siete giunti troppo tardi! ] Claudio Messora .. IL GOVERNO SEGRETO DELLE MULTINAZIONALI
Uscire dall'euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
distruggere i popoli o distruggere il debito? [ ragazzi satanisti farisei Bush 322 Rothschild 666 SpA ururai ladri traditori parassiti: voi con la vostra guerra mondiale nucleare? voi siete giunti troppo tardi! ] La Troika ha sentenziato: la Grecia deve morire per pagare il suo debito. Deve morire dissanguata, lentamente in agonia ed esposta al pubblico ludibrio come monito per il prossimo (l'Italia?). Il volere dei cittadini greci, espresso tramite il refendum popolare del 5 luglio, conta meno di niente, anzi è un aggravante che ha comportato l'ipoteca di 52 miliardi di beni pubblici greci come garanzia sul ripagamento del debito. Un'assicurazione sull'esercizio della democrazia: se i greci vogliono votare per cambiare le cose loro comunque si tengono il "grisbi". Tanto vale non votare più. E' il debito che comanda. Questi greci traditori... "si son fatti prestare i soldi e ora non vogliono restituire nulla".
Ma chi l'ha contratto questo debito mostruoso? Come si è accumulato? Per cosa è stato investito? A marzo di quest'anno la presidentessa del parlamento greco, Zoé Konstantopoulou, ha annunciato la costituzione di un audit del debito greco attraverso una commissione coordinata da Eric Toussaint, autore del libro "Debitocrazia", e presidente del Comité pour l’Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde (“Comitato per l’annullamento del debito nel Terzo Mondo”). La storia della commissione è raccontata in questo video di Giorgio Simonetti, di cui consiglio la visione, e che le redazioni di tutti i giornali e telegiornali italiani hanno ricevuto, ma evitato di diffondere:
VIDEO L'audit sul debito pubblico della Grecia
La commissione, formata da 35 componenti esperti di diritti umani e finanza, ha lavorato per mesi e nel report preliminare pubblicato mercoledì 17 giugno ha concluso che: “Sulla base del diritto internazionale il governo ha la possibilità di sospendere in maniera sovrana il pagamento del debito greco” in particolare perché: “(…) l’insostenibilità del debito pubblico greco era evidente sin dall’inizio ai creditori internazionali e ai giornali economici. Tuttavia le autorità greche, insieme ad alcuni altri governanti dell’Unione Europea, hanno congiurato contro la ristrutturazione del debito pubblico nel 2010 per proteggere le istituzioni finanziarie. I media economici hanno nascosto la verità all’opinione pubblica dipingendo una situazione in cui il salvataggio era presentato come qualcosa che andava a beneficio della Grecia, assumendo la popolazione come responsabile dei propri misfatti”.
Maria Lucia Fattorelli, revisore dei conti di professione, ha analizzato il bilancio nazionale greco per il 2013 e ha scoperto che dei 113,73 miliardi di euro di uscite, il 50% è andato all’ammortamento del debito, di prestiti e altre obbligazioni, il 5% agli interessi sul debito, 1% per coprire altre spese, per il 6% si trattava di quote di azioni private, e il 5% investimenti e progetti. La spesa pubblica effettiva per far funzionare lo stato è il 33%: “Se si continua a ridurre ancora la spesa, lo stato greco scompare”.
La crescita del debito secondo il rapporto non è dovuta all’eccessiva spesa pubblica, ma piuttosto "al pagamento di interessi ai creditori estremamente alti e da ingiustificate spese militari, perdite di entrate in tasse dovuti a illecite fughe di capitali, forme di ricapitalizzazione di banche private e squilibri creati da difetti nella costituzione della stessa Unione Monetaria".
In sintesi secondo la Commissione per l'Audit la Grecia può non pagare il suo debito perchè l'hanno contratto le banche e i politici e non i cittadini e perchè per ripagare questo debito si stanno violando i diritti umani dei greci. L'audit arriverà alle conclusioni definitive alla fine di quest'anno, se il governo Tsipras continuerà il suo mandato e non sarà sostituito da qualche nuovo burattino della Troika. Il riconoscimento ufficiale dell'immoralità del debito greco da parte di una commissione parlamentare creerebbe un precedente storico pericoloso per la tenuta stessa dell'euro e della gabbia del debito.
Un audit, sul modello di quello greco, va istituito al più presto anche per il debito pubblico italiano che ha sfondato la soglia dei 2.200 miliardi di euro. Per ripagarlo stanno distruggendo lo Stato sociale, i diritti dei lavoratori, la scuola e svendendo tutti gli asset strategici italiani. Dopo la Grecia, i prossimi siamo noi. Prepariamoci. Non possiamo morire di debito. Non possiamo morire per l'euro. Potere al popolo, non alle banche!
io non ho bisogno di convincere qualcuno che l'aborto è il più grande errore! tutti già lo sanno ] [ Amy aveva solo 19 anni quando ha programmato un aborto, ma una volta in clinica, entrando nella sala in cui avrebbe dovuto essere “preparata”, ha iniziato a sentire le gambe molli, e prima che se ne potesse rendere conto è svenuta. “Sdraiata su quel pavimento freddo e con le guance bagnate di lacrime, mi sembrava che il mio mondo stesse cadendo a pezzi”.
Con questa intensità ha ricordato quelle ore al portale Life news la donna che oggi è una nota attivista pro-vita, fondatrice di Embrace Grace, organizzazione che aiuta le donne che vivono una gravidanza difficile.
Amy, cresciuta in una famiglia cristiana, racconta che sentiva il peso emotivo e morale di essere sul punto di compiere un atto sbagliato. “Sapevo con tutto il cuore che abortire era un male. Da bambina ero anche stata con la mia famiglia fuori da alcune cliniche abortiste a pregare, ma ho lasciato che la paura si impadronisse dei miei pensieri e ho creduto alla menzogna per la quale l'aborto era l'unica soluzione”.
Sul pavimento della clinica, sentiva che non avrebbe potuto portare avanti la gravidanza, che avrebbe fatto vergognare la sua famiglia e avrebbe deluso tutti coloro che le volevano bene. Mentre le infermiere la aiutavano a riprendersi, continuava a piangere. In quel momento, ha detto Amy, è accaduta una cosa fuori dall'ordinario, inattesa in un posto come quello...
“Una delle infermiere mi ha detto: 'Oggi non abortirai. Torna in un altro momento, non è la tua giornata'. Sono uscita, ho inspirato profondamente e sono andata in sala d'attesa, dove il padre di mio figlio stava aspettando. Con gli occhi rossi e la faccia gonfia, l'ho guardato e gli ho detto: 'Siamo ancora incinti'”.
In quel momento entrambi hanno deciso di optare per la vita, affrontando le proprie paure, assumendo la sfida e dicendo la verità alla propria famiglia.
“Non avremmo mai immaginato che quella sfida avrebbe finito per essere una grande benedizione, un miracolo che Dio avrebbe usato per unire le nostre famiglie e costruire un'eredità. È stato alla 16ma settimana della mia gravidanza che mi sono detta 'Lo farò'. Ho promesso di amare per tutta la vita non solo colui che sarebbe stato mio marito, ma anche questo bambino che è venuto a cambiare la mia vita”.
Oggi, 17 anni dopo, Amy Ford e suo marito Ryan hanno quattro figli e vivono nel trambusto quotidiano tipico di una famiglia numerosa. “Nel 1998 ho detto sì all'uomo dei miei sogni. Ci siamo sposati giovani e siamo cresciuti insieme. Non riesco a immaginare la mia vita senza Ryan. È bellissimo, mi fa ridere ed è il mio miglior amico. Abbiamo quattro splendidi figli - Jess, Mackenzie, Landry e Judá”.
Amy vive anche la passione per i servizi di accompagnamento alle donne gestanti con problemi che ricorrono a Embrace Grace, Inc., l'organizzazione di cui è cofondatrice e presidente. Nel libro A bumb in life - Storie reali di speranza e coraggio durante una gravidanza non pianificata, ha raccolto la sua testimonianza e quella di molte altre ragazze, madri coraggiose come lei. “Guardo verso Dio e gli rendo grazie per le benedizioni che ci ha dato”, ha confessato.
[Traduzione dallo spagnolo a cura di Roberta Sciamplicotti] http://www.portaluz.org/
Soldiers Eye View of Last Nights Raid. IDF-raid. Click here to watch: IDF Nighttime Raid Bags Terrorist Killer of Israeli Hiker Danny Gonen. Israeli security forces have arrested the terrorist behind the cold-blooded murder of Israeli hiker Danny Gonen last month, along with several suspected accomplices. The attack in the Binyamin region north of Jerusalem, which also left a fellow hiker seriously wounded, is believed to be one of a series carried out by an organized terrorist cell operating in the area. Gonen's murder was noted for its particularly cold-blooded nature; his killer lured the unsuspecting hikers over by asking for water, and then gunned them down at point-blank range. It has also been revealed that the murderer and apparent mastermind of the terror cell is on the payroll of the Palestinian Authority. In addition, one of the cell members was among more than 1,000 terrorists released in the 2011 Shalit Deal with Hamas.
Watch Here
The suspects also admitted to having carried out several shooting attacks against IDF soldiers stationed at the Kalandia checkpoint near Jerusalem prior to the murder. They also said they spent time immediately before the attack scoping out the natural spring where Gonen and his companion were eventually murdered, with the express intention of finding Israelis to kill. Security forces also seized several weapons during the course of the investigation, including what is believed to be the gun used to shoot Gonen. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu praised the work of security forces in arresting Gonen's killer. "On the day of the murder, I said that we would catch the reprehensible and abhorrent murderer and the ISA and IDF did so in a short time," Netanyahu said. "Now that it becomes clear that this was a Palestinian Authority man it will be interesting to see if the Palestinian Authority condemns the murder or continues its silence. Those who do not attack terrorism will, in the end, be attacked by it."
Read more: Arutz Sheva
La legge italiana proibisce l’uso di latte in polvere per fare formaggio. È una buona legge, che ha contributo non poco a salvaguardare l’immenso patrimonio caseario di tutto il paese. [ Il formaggio si fa con il latte! Slow Food dice NO all'uso del latte in polvere. Firma la petizione entro luglio! ] Ora, la Commissione europea, sollecitata da una parte dell’industria lattiero casearia italiana, invita l’Italia a modificare questa legge entro la fine di luglio per garantire la libera circolazione delle merci. Ancora una volta, in nome del libero mercato, si tenta di livellare verso il basso, a spese dei produttori di qualità e dei consumatori.
Il latte in polvere non è nocivo per la salute, ma il suo utilizzo per produrre formaggi ha un unico risultato: aumentare i profitti dei giganti dell’industria casearia, omologando un prodotto che dovrebbe nascere dalla biodiversità dei latti, degli animali, dei territori. Se l’Italia ammettesse la produzione di formaggi anche con latte in polvere non farebbe altro che aumentare la confusione dei consumatori, penalizzando ulteriormente i produttori virtuosi.
Non facciamo un passo indietro su qualità e sostenibilità. Anzi, facciamo un passo avanti e chiediamo a tutti i paesi europei di affermare un principio molto semplice: il formaggio si fa con il latte!
Firma l’appello per dire no al latte in polvere, sostieni Slow Food in questa campagna.
Naftali Bennett exposes Iran Nuclear Deal as a ‘farce’ in hostile BBC interview
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu delivered his official reaction to the deal signed between Iran and world powers over Tehran's nuclear program. "The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was yesterday," Netanyahu said, speaking at the start of an emergency security cabinet meeting he convened following news of the deal, which was officially announced Tuesday morning. World powers have "gambled that in 10 years time Iran's terrorist regime will change - while removing any initiative for it to do so! In fact the deal gives Iran every incentive not to change," he lamented. Netanyahu fired that the deal will fuel "Iran's sponsorship of terror and attempts to destroy Israel," citing as proof statements to that effect made by Iranian officials and allies including Hezbollah. “This deal repeats the mistakes made with North Korea," he intoned. "There, too, we were assured that inspections and verifications would prevent a rogue regime from developing nuclear weapons. And we all know how that ended. The bottom line of this very bad deal is exactly what Iran's President Rouhani said today: the international community is removing the sanctions, and Iran is keeping its nuclear program.” "The deal will give an unreformed, unrepentant and far richer terrorist regime the capacity to produce many nuclear bombs - in fact, an entire nuclear arsenal, with the means to deliver it. "What a stunning historic mistake." "Israel is not bound by this deal with Iran, because Iran continues to seek our destruction," he warned. "We will always defend ourselves."
Watch Here
Earlier Tuesday, at a press conference in Jerusalem with visiting Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders, Netanyahu decried the deal as a "bitter mistake of historic proportions." "In every area where it was supposed to prevent Iran attaining nuclear arms capability, there were huge compromises," he added. "I will refer later to the details of the agreement, but before that, I would like to say here and now – when you are willing to make an agreement at any cost, this is the result." "From the initial reports we can already conclude that this agreement is an historic mistake for the world," he later added, during a meeting with Netherlands Foreign Minister Bert Koenders. "Far-reaching concessions have been made in all areas that were supposed to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability. In addition, Iran will receive hundreds of billions of dollars with which it can fuel its terror machine and its expansion and aggression throughout theMiddle East and across the globe." "One cannot prevent an agreement when the negotiators are willing to make more and more concessions to those who, even during the talks, keep chanting: 'Death to America," he continued. "We knew very well that the desire to sign an agreement was stronger than anything, and therefore we did not commit to preventing an agreement." "We did commit to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and this commitment still stands," he concluded. "I say to all the leaders in Israel, it is time to put petty politics aside and unite behind this most fateful issue to the future and security of the State of Israel." Other prominent Israeli ministers similarly slammed the deal as a "historic capitulation." Just a day earlier on Monday, the prime minister declared that Israel will block Iran's path to the nuclear bomb regardless of the deal, saying, "our commitment is to prevent Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons."
Read more: Arutz Sheva
Israeli security forces were successful in apprehending a terror cell that carried out several terror attacks, including the murder of Danny Gonen.
Israeli security forces announced Wednesday that they arrested the terrorist who murdered Danny Gonen late last month. One other Israeli was wounded in the attack.
The operation to apprehend the terrorists was conducted by several Special Forces units over the past weeks, Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) stated.
The murderer and mastermind of the terror cell is Mahmad Shahin, 30, of Qalandia, north of Jerusalem. The four other terrorists from the Ramallah area were arrested in the operation, and weapons used in previous terror attacks were seized.
The terrorists admitted to assisting in the murder of Gonen and to carrying out several other shooting attacks against Israeli security forces.
Shahin, 30, is a former member of the Fatah-affiliated Force 17 security unit, and received a salary from the Palestinian Authority (PA).
He spent two years in an Israeli prison, from 2006 to 2008, after confessing to planning shooting and stabbing attacks.
Shahin arrived at the spring near Dolev to gather intelligence before last month’s deadly shooting.
In 2014, he carried out six shootings, including one that injured a soldier, the Shin Bet stated after the arrests.
Another arrested terrorist, Amjad Adwan, 35 from Qalandia, was also a Tanzim-Fatah operative. Adwan supplied ammunition to Shahin, and acted as a lookout in a number of shooting attacks. He too spent time in an Israeli prison for arms dealings and carrying out a bombing attack.
The third terrorist, Ashraf Amar, 24, also of Qalandia, is an operative in the PA’s intelligence” branch, the Shin Bet pointed out. He had planned to execute an attack together with Shahin, but did not have a chance to do so.
The fourth cell member, Osama Assad, 29, was imprisoned in Israel on weapons charges and was released in the Shalit deal. He hid the gun used in the terror attack and knew of Shahin’s actions.
Another terrorist, who has no organizational affiliation, was also under arrest on suspicion of involvement.
Gonen, a 25-year-old electrical engineering student, was shot as he was on a hike to a spring in Samaria together with a friend.
An investigation into the incident revealed that as they approached a junction a Palestinian standing at the side of the road asked them to pull over.
They complied, and the terrorists struck up a conversation with them. After ensuring that those in the car were Israelis, the terrorists opened fire at close range, hitting both Israelis with 9-milliliter bullets. Gonen died shortly after of his wounds.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commended the security forces for their quick work.
“On the day of the murder, I said that we would catch the reprehensible and abhorrent murderer and the ISA [Shin Bet] and IDF did so in a short time. Now that it becomes clear that this was a Palestinian Authority man it will be interesting to see if the Palestinian Authority condemns the murder or continues its silence. Those who do not attack terrorism will, in the end, be attacked by it,” the prime minister said.
By: Max Gelber, United with Israel
Israeli leaders across the political spectrum decried the bad nuclear deal with Iran as an historic mistake which will endanger the entire world.
Israel’s leadership reacted harshly to the announcement by the P5+1 and Iran on Tuesday that they have reached an agreement regarding the Islamic Republic’s nuclear aspirations.
Israeli leaders, from left to right, charged the West with capitulation to Iran, warned that the deal made the world a more dangerous place, and vowed that Israel would defend itself in any way it saw fit and with all means.
During a meeting with Netherlands’ foreign minister, Netanyahu said “this agreement is an historic mistake for the world.”
youtube GENDER ] [ mentre stavo scrivEndo questo articolo, youtube mi ha cacciato, espulso! mi ha chiuso la porta in faccia! e, IO sono stato costretto a riaccreditarmi attraverso: il doppio passaggio di gmaiL, nuovamente ] EPPURE, IO STAVO ESPRIMENDO, soltanto, IL MIO LEGITTIMO PENSIERO, sancito COSTITUZIONAlmente in modo LEGITTIMO [ QUESTI OMOSESSUALI MASSIMALISTI, che controllano youtube, IDEOLOGIA GENDER SONO DIVENTATI ORMAI IL NAZISMO, e non si rendono conto, che, spingendo la LEGA ARABA su posizioni di impossibilità, di un qualche accordo possibile, stanno rendendo inevitabile la guerra mondiale ] [ per colpa di questa ideologia criminale GENDER, io non posso più dire alla LEGA ARABA, voi cercate con noi un accordo! ANZI LORO SARANNO FELICI DI MORIRE, PIUTTOSTO CHE, DIVENTARE, quella MERDA IDEOLOGICA GeNDER CoNTRO NATURA, CHE NOI SIAMO! [ e tutti lo sanno io non disprezzo l'omosessuale come persona a cui non nego nessun diritto civile, ma, io contesto, a loro, soltanto l'istituto del matrimonio che è un diritto naturale ] voi siete pazzi, CIOè, tanto è il vostro odio contro il CREATORE, che, voi avete ELEVATO UNA PERVERSIONE SESSUALE A SUBLIME SIMBOLO DELL'AMORE: QUESTO è BLASFEMIA E SACRILEGIO, è QUALCOSA CHE è ANDATA MOLTO OLTRE, IL PATTO DI TOLLERaNZA E INTEGRAZIONE SOCIALE, voi siete dei cattivi maestri, i peggiori maestri!
Obama Sends Defense Secretary to Reassure Israel on Iran Deal
The US Secretary of Defense will arrive next week to reassure Israel that the Iran nuclear deal will not end US-Israeli bilateral cooperation to counter Iran’s terror activities.
July 15, 2015 | Share: 2 likes
Why the Nuclear Deal with Iran is Bad
While Tehran welcomed the nuclear deal signed with the P5+1 Tuesday, Jerusalem vehemently opposed it. Here's why.
July 15, 2015 | Share: 4533 likes
WATCH: Iran Nuclear Deal is an ‘Historic Mistake’ for the Entire World
Israeli PM Netanyahu and leaders across the political spectrum decried the bad nuclear deal with Iran as an historic mistake which will endanger the entire world.
youtube GENDER ] [ #ProudToLove - Celebrating Marriage Equality and LGBT Pride Month ] di YouTube Spotlight 5.671.087 visualizzazioni 2 settimane fa ] Proud To Love? SHAME TO LOVE! non c'è nessun coraggio ad amare una persona, del tuo stesso sesso, anzi è da vigliacchi! INFATTI, L'AMORE PIù NOBILE ED EROICO, CHE POI, è IL VERO AMORE, è QUELLO DI AMARE LA DIVERSITà, LA ALTERITà SESSUALE, COLUI CHE è DIVERSO DA TE! Voi state distruggendo il fondamento della nostra società! E TUTTI NOI SIAMO NATI DA UN UOMO ED UNA DONNA: "GRAZIE A DIO!"] Dopotutto, il declino degli imperi, è sempre stato accompagnato, dalla diffusione della omosesuslaità, QUESTO è IL SIMBOLO CHE LA NOSTRA SOCIETà DECADENTE, SEMPRE PIù AFFLITTA, da gravissimi problemi di immoralità, pedofilia, bestialismo, aborto, eutanasia, ED OGNI GENERE DI PERVERVERSIONI SESSUALI ELEVATE A LINGUAGGIO DELL'AMORE, PERCHé ANCHE GLI ANIMALI AMANO DIO CREATORE, MA, NOI LO ABBIAMO ODIATO, COSì TANTO! E QUINDI CONTRO NATURA FACCIAMO COSE CHE GLI ANIMALI MAI FAREBBERO! hai distrutto nella scimmia di tua madre Darwin (senza nessuna dimostrazione scientifica), il valore della sacralità della vita umana! ORMAI GLI UOMINI SONO DIVENTATI DEGLI OGGETTI, NELLA MANACCIE DEL BANCHIERE ROTHSCHILD SPA FMI, E LA FINANZA HA PRESO IL CONTROLLO DELLA ECONOMIA E DELLA POLITICA E VOI STATE PER MORIRE, VOI COME SODOMA E GOMORRA? PRESTO SARETE PURIFICATI DAL FUOCO ATOMICO!
youtube GENDER ] [ #ShameToLove ] io non ho mai negato: in questi 7 anni, che una perversione sessuale, un sesso contro natura, possa diventare, in alcuni casi rari, il SOGGETTIVO, PRIVATO, linguaggio dell'amore! DIO giudica le coscienze non noi! MA, TU NON PUOI DARE IL MATRIMONIO: simbolo formale e ufficiale, dell'amore, come il simbolo di UNA PERVERSIONE SESSUALE PER DIRE ALLE FUTURE GENERAZIONI DI: deprivati, animali evoluti, DISOCCUPATI, INDEBITATI, PROFANATI DAL SISTEMA MASSONICO E DALLA USURA MONDIALE, riempiti di metal satanico, questo è amore ed è uguale come quell'altro! lo giuro: "io vi dilanierò sulla bocca dell'inferno!"
youtube, facebook, gay gender ideologia, orgoglio Sodoma ] e perché, la natura dice che voi siete dei pervertiti, ed invece, voi dite che non è peccato? COME POTRETE MAI SCAMPARE DAL GIUDIZIO DELLA PAROLA DI DIO CONTRO DI VOI? CERTO, voi e i vostri supporter, voi SARETE DISINTEGRATI NEL GIORNO DEL GIUDIZIO UNIVERSALE, DOPO ESSERE STATI 1000 ANNI ALL'INFERNO!
youtube, facebook, gay gender ideologia, orgoglio Sodoma ] e perché, voi penste che proprio io (avendo la potenza della Metafisica) io non abbia cercato, di sfuggire: "al morso ed alle briglie della legge"? Perché voi non pensate che, io non abbia sentito contro: di me, tutta la potenza dei desideri della carne, e la ipnosi delle false suadenti: erronee ragioni del peccato? [ anche io ho cercato molte volte di sfuggire ai rigori della LEGGE Torà, ma, non ho trovato nessuna via di fuga! ] 1. non abbiamo creato noi il mondo, 2. non abbiamo messo noi le regole del gioco; 3. e sarà la PArola di Dio (la Bibbia) a giudicarci! Coloro che bruciano la Bibbia, non hanno nessuna speranza di poter avere, misericordia, perché, la Bibbia è il VERBO eterno, la Parola vivente: è il Cristo Messia fatto uomo in Gesù di Betlemme, colui che è nato dalla IMMACOLATA CONCEZIONE
youtube GENDER ] [ #ProudToLove - Celebrating Marriage Equality and LGBT Pride Month ] forse tu hai reso invisibili i miei commenti a tutti, infatti nessuno li ha votati!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ ok io sono disponibile a farvi delle concessioni! but, stop crazy sharia Arab LEAGUE nazism ]
JewsxMessiahUniusRei about talmud, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians MyJHWH ] [ ok io sono disponibile a farvi delle concessioni! but, stop crazy sharia Arab LEAGUE ] talmud By: Benjamin H. Freedman
http://www.iahushua.com/JQ/factsR4.html THE TALMUD on Christians
"The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians," was written by Rev. I.B. Pranaitis, Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church in Old St. Petersburg, Russia. The Rev. Pranaitis was the greatest of the students of the Talmud. His complete command of the Hebrew language qualified him to analyze the Talmud as few men in history.
The Rev. Pranaitis scrutinized the Talmud for passages referring to Jesus, Christians and the Christian faith. These passages were translated by him into Latin. Hebrew lends itself to translation into Latin better than it does directly into English. The translation of the passages of the Talmud referring to Jesus, Christians and Christian faith were printed in Latin by the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg in 1893 with the Imprimatur of his Archbishop. The translation from the Latin into English was made by great Latin scholars in the United States in 1939 with funds provided by wealthy Americans for that purpose.
In order not to leave any loose ends on the subject of the Talmud's reference to Jesus, to Christians and to the Christian faith I will below summarize translations into English from the Latin texts of Rev. Pranaitis' "The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians". It would require too much space to quote these passages verbatim with their foot-notes form the Soncino Edition in English.
First I will summarize the references by Rev. Pranaitis referring to Jesus in the Talmud in the original texts translated by him into Latin, and from Latin into English:
Sanhedrin, 67a -- Jesus referred to as the son of Pandira, a soldier
Kallah, 1b. (18b) -- Illegitimate and conceived during menstruation.
Sanhedrin, 67a -- Hanged on the eve of Passover. Toldath Jeschu. Birth related in most shameful expressions
Abhodah Zarah II -- Referred to as the son of Pandira, a Roman soldier.
Schabbath XIV. Again referred to as the son of Pandira, the Roman.
Sanhedrin, 43a -- On the eve of Passover they hanged Jesus.
Schabbath, 104b -- Called a fool and no one pays attention to fools.
Toldoth Jeschu. Judas and Jesus engaged in quarrel with filth.
Sanhedrin, 103a. -- Suggested corrupts his morals and dishonors self.
Sanhedrin, 107b. -- Seduced, corrupted and destroyed Israel.
Zohar III, (282) -- Died like a beast and buried in animal's dirt heap.
Hilkoth Melakhim -- Attempted to prove Christians err in worship of Jesus
Abhodah Zarah, 21a -- Reference to worship of Jesus in homes unwanted.
Orach Chaiim, 113 -- Avoid appearance of paying respect to Jesus.
Iore dea, 150,2 -- Do not appear to pay respect to Jesus by accident.
Abhodah Zarah (6a) -- False teachings to worship on first day of Sabbath
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]]The above are a few selected from a very complicated arrangement in which many references are obscured by intricate reasoning. The following are a few summarized references to Christians and the Christian faith although not always expressed in exactly that manner. There are eleven names used in the Talmud for non-Talmud followers, by which Christians are meant. Besides Nostrim, from Jesus the Nazarene, Christians are called by all the names used in the Talmud to designate all non-"Jews": Minim, Edom, Abhodan Zarah, Akum. Obhde Elilim, Nokrim, Amme Haarets, Kuthim, Apikorosim, and Goim. Besides supplying the names by which Christians are called in the Talmud, the passages quoted below indicate what kind of people the Talmud pictures the Christians to be, and what the Talmud says about the religious worship of Christians:
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Hilkhoth Maakhaloth -- Christians are idolators, must not associate.
Abhodah Zarah (22a) -- Do not associate with gentiles, they shed blood.
Iore Dea (153, 2). -- Must not associate with Christians, shed blood.
Abhodah Zarah (25b). -- Beware of Christians when walking abroad with them.
Orach Chaiim (20, 2). -- Christians disguise themselves to kill Jews.
Abhodah Zarah (15b) -- Suggest Christians have sex relations with animals.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Abhodah Zarah (22a) -- Suspect Christians of intercourse with animals.
Schabbath (145b) -- Christians unclean because they eat accordingly
Abhodah Zarah (22b) -- Christians unclean because they not at Mount Sinai.
Iore Dea (198, 48). -- Clean female Jews contaminated meeting Christians.
Kerithuth (6b p. 78) -- Jews called men, Christians not called men.
Makkoth (7b) -- Innocent of murder if intent was to kill Christian.
Orach Chaiim(225, 10) -- Christians and animals grouped for comparisons.
Midrasch Talpioth 225 -- Christians created to minister to Jews always.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Orach Chaiim 57, 6a -- Christians to be pitied more than sick pigs.
Zohar II (64b) -- Christian idolators likened to cows and asses.
Kethuboth (110b). -- Psalmist compares Christians to unclean beasts.
Sanhedrin (74b). Tos. -- Sexual intercourse of Christian like that of beast.
Kethuboth (3b) -- The seed of Christian is valued as seed of beast.
Kidduschim (68a) -- Christians like the people of an ass.
Eben Haezar (44,8) -- Marriages between Christian and Jews null.
Zohar (II, 64b) -- Christian birth rate must be diminished materially.
Zohar (I, 28b) -- Christian idolators children of Eve's serpent.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Zohar (I, 131a) -- Idolatrous people (Christians) befoul the world.
Emek Haschanach(17a) -- Non-Jews' souls come from death and death's shadow.
Zohar (I, 46b, 47a) -- Souls of gentiles have unclean divine origins.
Rosch Haschanach(17a) -- Non-Jews souls go down to hell.
Iore Dea (337, 1). -- Replace dead Christians like lost cow or ass.
Iebhammoth (61a) -- Jews called men, but not Christians called men.
Abhodah Zarah (14b) T -- Forbidden to sell religious works to Christians
Abhodah Zarah (78) -- Christian churches are places of idolatry.
Iore Dea (142, 10) -- Must keep far away physically from churches.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (142, 15) -- Must not listen to church music or look at idols
Iore Dea (143, 1) -- Must not rebuild homes destroyed near churches.
Hilkoth Abh. Zar (10b) -- Jews must not resell broken chalices to Christians.
Chullin (91b) -- Jews possess dignity even an angel cannot share.
Sanhedrin, 58b -- To strike Israelite like slapping face of God.
Chagigah, 15b -- A Jew considered good in spite of sins he commits.
Gittin (62a) -- Jew stay away from Christian homes on holidays.
Choschen Ham. (26,1) -- Jew must not sue before a Christian judge or laws.
Choschen Ham (34,19) -- Christian or servant cannot become witnesses.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (112, 1). -- Avoid eating with Christians, breeds familiarity.
Abhodah Zarah (35b) -- Do not drink milk from a cow milked by Christian.
Iore dea (178, 1) -- Never imitate customs of Christians, even hair-comb.
Abhodah Zarah (72b) -- Wine touched by Christians must be thrown away.
Iore Dea (120, 1) -- Bought-dishes from Christians must be thrown away.
Abhodah Zarah (2a) -- For three days before Christian festivals, avoid all.
Abhodah Zarah (78c) -- Festivals of followers of Jesus regarded as idolatry.
Iore Dea (139, 1) -- Avoid things used by Christians in their worship.
Abhodah Zarah (14b) -- Forbidden to sell Christians articles for worship.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (151,1) H. -- Do not sell water to Christians articles for baptisms.
Abhodah Zarah (2a, 1) -- Do not trade with Christians on their feast days.
Abhodah Zarah (1,2) -- Now permitted to trade with Christians on such days.
Abhodah Zarah (2aT) -- Trade with Christians because they have money to pay.
Iore Dea (148, 5) -- If Christian is not devout, may send him gifts.
Hilkoth Akum (IX,2) -- Send gifts to Christians only if they are irreligious.
Iore Dea (81,7 Ha) -- Christian wet-nurses to be avoided because dangerous.
Iore Dea (153, 1 H) -- Christian nurse will lead children to heresy.
Iore Dea (155,1). -- Avoid Christian doctors not well known to neighbors.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Peaschim (25a) -- Avoid medical help from idolators, Christians meant.
Iore Dea (156,1) -- Avoid Christian barbers unless escorted by Jews.
Abhodah Zarah (26a). -- Avoid Christian midwives as dangerous when alone.
Zohar (1,25b) -- Those who do good to Christians never rise when dead.
Hilkoth Akum (X,6) -- Help needy Christians if it will promote peace.
Iore Dea (148, 12H) -- Hide hatred for Christians at their celebrations.
Abhodah Zarah (20a) -- Never praise Christians lest it be believed true.
Iore Dea (151,14) -- Not allowed to praise Christians to add to glory.
Hilkoth Akum (V, 12) -- Quote Scriptures to forbid mention of Christian god.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (146, 15) -- Refer to Christian religious articles with contempt.
Iore Dea (147,5) -- Deride Christian religious articles without wishes.
Hilkoth Akum (X,5) -- No gifts to Christians, gifts to converts.
Iore Dea (151,11) -- Gifts forbidden to Christians, encourages friendship.
Iore Dea (335,43) -- Exile for that Jew who sells farm to Christian.
Iore Dea (154,2) -- Forbidden to teach a trade to a Christian
Babha Bathra (54b) -- Christian property belongs to first person claiming.
Choschen Ham(183,7) -- Keep what Christian overpays in error.
Choschen Ham(226,1) -- Jew may keep lost property of Christian found by Jew.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Babha Kama (113b) -- It is permitted to deceive Christians.
Choschen Ham(183,7) -- Jews must divide what they overcharge Christians.
Choschen Ham(156,5) -- Jews must not take Christian customers from Jews.
Iore Dea (157,2) H -- May deceive Christians that believe Christian tenets.
Abhodah Zarah (54a) --Usury may be practiced upon Christians or apostates.
Iore Dea (159,1) -- Usury permitted now for any reason to Christians.
Babha Kama (113a) -- Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian.
Babha Kama (113b) -- Name of God not profaned when lying to Christians.
Kallah (1b, p.18) -- Jew may perjure himself with a clear conscience.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Schabbouth Hag. (6d). -- Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.
Zohar (1,160a). -- Jews must always try to deceive Christians.
Iore Dea (158,1) -- Do not cure Christians unless it makes enemies.
Orach Cahiim (330,2) -- Do not assist Christian's childbirth on Saturday.
Choschen Ham.(425,5) -- Unless believes in Torah do not prevent his death.
Iore Dea (158,1) -- Christians not enemies must not be saved either.
Hilkkoth Akum (X,1) -- Do not save Christians in danger of death.
Choschen Ham(386,10) -- A spy may be killed even before he confesses.
Abhodah Zorah (26b) -- Apostates to be thrown into well, not rescued.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Choschen Ham(388,15) -- Kill those who give Israelites' money to Christians
Sanhedrin (59a) -- `Prying into Jews' "Law" to get death penalty
Hilkhoth Akum(X,2) -- Baptized Jews are to be put to death
Iore Dea(158,2)Hag. -- Kill renegades who turn to Christian rituals.
Choschen Ham(425,5) -- Those who do not believe in Torah are to be killed.
Hilkhoth tesch.III,8 -- Christians and others deny the "Law" of the Torah.
Zohar (I,25a) -- Christians are to be destroyed as idolators.
Zohar (II,19a) -- Captivity of Jews end when Christian princes die.
Zohar (I,219b) -- Princes of Christians are idolators, must die.
Obadiam -- When Rome is destroyed, Israel will be redeemed. Abhodah Zarah(26b) T. -- "Even the best of the Goim should be killed."
Sepher Or Israel 177b -- If Jew kills Christian commits no sin. Ialkut Simoni (245c) -- Shedding blood of impious offers sacrifice to God.
Zohar (II, 43a) -- Extermination of Christians necessary sacrifice. Zohar (L,28b,39a) -- High place in heaven for those who kill idolators.
Hilkhoth Akum(X,1) -- Make no agreements and show no mercy to Christians. Hilkhoth Akum (X,1) -- Either turn them away from their idols or kill.
Hilkhoth Akum (X,7) -- Allow no idolators to remain where Jews are strong. Choschen Ham(388,16) -- All contribute to expense of killing traitor.
Pesachim (49b) -- No need of prayers while beheading on Sabbath. Schabbath (118a). -- Prayers to save from punishment of coming Messiah.
"To Seek Out That Which was Lost ..." We present this information as a service to our readers ... Its inclusion, Should not be construed as the Authors 'or the Relays' endorsement, of our: Beliefs ... or as our endorsement of Theirs .. The Truth: will stand on it's: own Merit. could resist, at a analyze: historico-critical: all this accusations: against Jesus and his mother? A person dishonored: him could have done: the rabbi ? Accusations about the integrity of his mother, if known, would not have been said and reported: by his contemporaries?
stop crazy sharia Arab LEAGUE ] o vivremo insieme o moriremo insieme [ i satanisti massoni USA farisei devono essere emarginati! [ non possiamo essere trovati colpevoli per colpe di natura religiosa, o per nazismo razzista, per dare ai farisei anglo americani delle motivazioni per la guerra! [ ENTRATE TUTTI NEL MIO REGNO METAFISICO UNIUS REI!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] ANZI [ se, non difendi tu il vero cristianesimo, presto si corromperà del tutto e scomparirà! Poi, io voglio vedere come l'Islam potrebbe sopravvivere da solo ai satanisti massoni, atei evoluzionisti, agenda GENDER.. NON PUOI VINCERE QUESTO SCONTRO A LUNGO TERMINE CON LA VIOLENZA SOLTANTO
interessante ] [ KABUL, 30 GIUgno. - Il presidente afghano Hamid Karzai: ha denunciato: l'esistenza di un piano, ''sostenuto da alcuni Paesi'' (ha anche paura: a nominare i demoni: LEGA ARABA: Arabia Saudita: i maniaci religiosi, che, stanno spingendo nel baratro, il genere umano: per fare, il genocidio previsto dal califfato mondiale:), per: costituire in Afghanistan ''una realtà federale: e feudale'', consegnandone: una parte ai talebani. In una conferenza stampa: con il premier britannico: David Cameron, Karzai: ha ribadito: che: negli ultimi sei mesi: alcune Nazioni, non occidentali, stanno cercando: di imporci un ''progetto federale: e feudale in cui: alcune zone dell'Afghanistan: passerebbero: sotto il controllo dei talebani''. --- ANSWER -- sono stati: i farisei Illuminati, del FMI, che, hanno sollevato l'imperialismo islamico, per fare la predazione definitiva: di tutto il genere umano
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] STOP A FARE L'ASSASSINO sharia galassia jihadista, SU COMMISSIONE DEGLI USA [ COME ISRAELE è uscito dalla geopolitica USA, allo steso modo, esci anche tu, non siete due fratelli che camminate insieme? Questo renderà più sicuro il vostro passo!
internazionale islamica sharia NATO USA Obama Califfo Destroy all Albanians Serbian Church in Kosovo, this is another genocide CIA NATO ARAB LEAGUE
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ NON possiamo ballare la musica dei satanisti massoni farisei Spa Anglo americani, per dire: "non abbiamo trovato niente di meglio da fare, per evitare la guerra mondiale nucleare" QUINDI, noi DOBBIAMO IMPOSTARE UN PIANETA SENZA GEOPOLITICHE ECONOMICHE O RELIGIOSE, dobbiamo liberare i prigionieri della usura mondiale! [ e se tu credi che io sono un uomo strano? questo è soltanto perché tu non mi conosci personalmente!!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ sono un dittatore, ma, io non sono un tiranno, se qualcuno non vuole fare di me, il complice dei suoi delitti? poi, io posso accettare qualsiasi cosa! IO NON SONO PRIGIONIERO DI SETTORIALI CATEGORIE CULTURALI ] io credo che la felicità non può essere imposta, ma che deve essere sognata insieme sulla via della virtù! IO ODIO LA VIOLENZA NELLA SOLUZIONE DELLE CONTROVERSIE! E LE IMPOSIZIONI NON SONO DEGNE DEL REGNO DI FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE CHE NOI VOGLIAMO REALIZZARE!
nucleare iraniano, golpe di Kiev, genocidio dei serbi nel Cosovo, ecc. ecc.. questa è una storia vecchia ] TUTTO QUELLO CHE GLI USA STANNO FACENDO, ad ogni costo, è PER OTTENERE AD OGNI COSTO, LA LORO GUERRA MONDIALE! Ecco perché tutto nel mondo scorre sempre verso il peggio!
Netanyahu is Furious that US is Caving in to Iran. While John Kerry voices optimism regarding negotiations with Iran, Netanyahu warns of a major global threat. The latest developments indicate a pending nuclear deal. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. (Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP) As the six world powers are in the final days of marathon talks that have blown past two extensions and entered the 16th day of the current round on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warns that the P5+1 Powers have completely capitulated to Iranian demands, while Iran touts its hatred for Israel and support for global terror. “The ruler of Iran, Khameini, is quoted as saying that Iran needs to plan to fight the US regardless of whether there is an agreement. The President of Iran, Rouhani, stands at the head of the march of hatred in the streets of Tehran, in which US and Israeli flags were burned, and in which many chanted ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel.’ All of this is happening as the parade of concessions to Iran continues in Vienna, concessions even on issues that had been marked as red lines in the Lausanne package, which is a bad deal in its own right,” Netanyahu said at the beginning of a cabinet meeting Sunday morning.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called the US on Saturday an “excellent example of arrogance” and said that Iran should be “prepared to continue the struggle against arrogant powers.”
The deal is “paving Iran’s way to many nuclear bombs and gives it hundreds of billions of dollars for its terrorism and conquest machine, thereby endangering the peace of the entire world,” Netanyahu charged.
Israel will not comply with the international submission to Iran and will defend itself, Netanyahu declared. “Iran does not hide its intention to continue its murderous aggression even against those with whom it is negotiating. Perhaps there is someone among the great powers who is prepared to capitulate to this reality that Iran is dictating, which includes its unending calls for the destruction of Israel. We will not pay the price for this.” Kerry Expresses Hope. US Secretary of State Kerry.
While Netanyahu expressed near-despair at the situation, Kerry voiced hope for a resolution to the points of contention in the negotiations with Iran, which appeared to be back on track on Sunday.
En route to Mass at Vienna’s gothic St. Stephens Cathedral, Kerry said twice that he was “hopeful” after a “very good meeting” Saturday with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who attended Muslim services Friday.
Kerry noted that “a few tough things” remain in the way of agreement, but added: “We’re getting to some real decisions.”
As the weekend approached, Kerry declared the talks could not go on indefinitely and warned that the US could walk away from the negotiations.
In another sign that a deal could soon be sealed, Russian news agencies reported that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov planned to arrive in Vienna on Sunday evening. Most other foreign ministers of the six nations negotiating with Iran already are in the Austrian capital and in a position to join Kerry and Zarif for any announcement of an agreement. Diplomats familiar with the talks say most of the nuts and bolts of implementing the deal have been agreed upon, but over the past week issues that were previously on the back burner led to new disputes. By: United with Israel Staff
AP contributed to this report
Eih, Dalai Lama, in tutte le Nazioni dove vivono i buddisti? Cristiani e musulmani vengono uccisi lo stesso! COME TU TI PUOI LAMENTARE DELLA CINA? ] [ Cristiani perseguitati in Asia: anche i buddisti stanno col nemico. Buddismo è tolleranza? NO, è SPIETATO NAZISMO ASSASSINO! [ In sei stati dell’Asia in cui sono maggioranza, i buddisti collaborano a reprimere le altre religioni. Lo documenta il Rapporto 2004 dell’Aiuto alla Chiesa che Soffre. In Occidente il buddismo è sinonimo di pace, compassione, saggezza, fratellanza ecumenica. Così come avviene per la sua figura più nota, il Dalai Lama. [ His Holiness the Dalai Lama talking with a group of young children on his arrival at the Museum of Applied Art in Frankfurt, Germany on July 13, 2015. (Mohammed EL HACHEMI https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MohammedELHACHEMI/posts 13:58 Profondeur extrême de l'Esprit <3 love <3
LorenzoJHWH UniusREI 14:01 SHALOM + SALAM = BLEINGS TOO my Big Brother
https://plus.google.com/u/0/109726522761548279093 lan anh nguyễn
14:03 like
perché anche buddisti uccidere i cristiani? ] because Buddhists also kill Christians? ]
all religions and all ideologies I must say that type of Nazi murderer are all to doing, against the innocent martyrs christian, on all the way the world! and they Spa IMF FED SpA NWO satana JaBullOn Bildenberg Bush and Kerry 322, halloween, god owl baal, UN, they are all the priests of Satan in hole Gender's Obama the Caliph sharia? of all this evil? Christians, they are innocent of all this bad!
tutte le religioni e tutte le ideologie mi devono dire che tipo di nazismo assassino stanno tutti facendo, contro gli innocenti martiri cristiani, in tutto il modo! e che Bildenberg Spa Fmi, Bush 322 e Kerry, ONU, loro sono i sacerdoti di satana Gender Obama il califfo sharia? loro tutti i cristiani, loro sono innocenti di tutto questo male!
gezabeleII [ 27 maggio 2014 15:17 ] Non riuscito (formato di file non valido) ] #rEGINA #eLISABETTA II DI #INGHILTERRA [ NON è POSSIBILE per i complici di questo sistema bancario e massonico di poter entrare nel Regno di Dio! E SE CI FOSSE UN VERO MINISTRO DI DIO NEL MONDO? LUI GRIDEREBBE COME ME, CONTRO IL TUO SATANISMO!
Mr Universal Metafisico
Graham Nixon auto attacco Mossad CIA ] 27 maggio 2014 15:18 [ Non riuscito (impossibile convertire il file video) ] il satanismo massonico ha preso possesso, troppo in profondità, negli USA, e soltanto Dio li può sradicare,(infatti, un enorme asteroride spugnoso, che sarà reso oncandescente con l'attrito del sole, e che vola nella spazio, esso ucciderà un terzo del genere umano, disintegrando Babilonia USA, ha già fatto un buon tratto di strada, e si avvicina, tutto il mio popolo degli ebrei esca immediatamente da Sodoma GENDER! ) ma, se i Governi non vogliono farsi anche questa guerra mondiale nucleare? purtroppo devono venire da me, e non può esistere un altra soluzione, ecco perché, io sono Unius REI!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ non so perché, Dio ha scelto un cristiano, per essere Unius REI ] perché in realtà la METAFISICA è una funzione razionale e politica del Regno di Dio, infatti anche i 10 Comandamenti di Mosé, sono una legge positiva razionale.. Tutta questa scienza sapienza ed intelligenza sono state profanate da Obama, GENDER ideologia e chiunque parla con lui senza schifarlo, e sputarlo in un occhio, diventa impuro, come Obama è impuro!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ tecnicamente (in teoria), anche un ateo avrebbe potuto essere Unius REI, perché, la metafisica è pura razionalità, di valori: infiniti, spirituali e trascendenti ( 1). GIUSTIZIA: NON FARE AD ALTRI, IL MALE CHE, TU NON VORRESTI MAI RICEVERE CONTRO DI TE! drink your poison made by yourself, 2). VERITà (NON MENTIRE MAI a costo della tua vita, tu non mentire mai: chi mente è un assassino), che, questi sono i valori, che danno un senso, un significato alla vita umana (e non la ipocrisia di ogni religione, che nasconde il crimine di satanismo che è il signoraggio bancario che Rothschild SpA 666 NWO 322 hanno rubato per colpa di tutti i politici del mondo: alto tradimento costituzionale, e che, è perché, tutti i popoli sono diventati schiavi e sono condotti al satanismo, in qualche modo! Che tutti quelli che violano la coscienza di una persona onesta, sono satanisti per me! ), per non finire, miseramente di diventare una scimmia DArwin dalla forma umana, come, il Talmud ha insegnato e come Obama l'anticristo è diventato! Perché è quello che tu hai creduto che fa di te stesso quello che tu sei! La tua FEDE quindi, è una proprietà divina creativa
e quanto mai Obama ha mostrato senso della RESPONSABILITà? lui non sa neanche cosa significa questa parola ] 14 LUG - "Sarebbe irresponsabile allontanarsi da questo accordo" con l'Iran. E' l'appello al Congresso del presidente Usa Barack Obama che avverte: "Porrò il veto a qualsiasi legge che si opporrà all'attuazione" dell'intesa sul nucleare iraniano ] ma, quale responsabilità hanno dimostrato gli USA nell'ultimo ventennio? loro hanno fatto diventare un gigante: il nazismo della sharia del LEGA ARABA (terza potenza mondiale nucleare: che hanno diffuso la galassia jihadista, del loro nazismo shari'a ), quindi per non essere tagliati fuori dal monopolio finanziArio: FMI, FED BCE SPA, SpA di privati azionisti, sempre gli stessi Rothschild, spa banche centrali. Poi, anche CINA E RUSSIA, sono stati costretti a fare tante concessioni a questo assassino seriale di MAOMETTO, pedofilo poligamo, predone, ipocrita esoterista di uno spirito guida che non ha avuto nessun rispetto di fare scrivere lui il Corano. Tutti i maniaci religiosi Ummah, ARAB LEAGUE, OCI, senzA nessuno dei diritti umani, TUTTAVIA, LORO sono tutti dentro la fica di quella puttana di ONU, la madre di ogni nazismo, di ogni satanismo, e di ogni violazione di diritti umani!
Obama ha ribadito l'impegno forte degli Usa alla sicurezza di Israele: l'intesa ''non diminuirà le preoccupazioni americane sul sostegno dell'Iran al terrorismo e alle minacce verso Israele''. [ SE ANALIZZATE QUESTA FRASE, ESSA MANCA DI LOGICA INTERNA! ] Infatti, 1. Obama ammette che IRAN è un terrorista, e che: 2. quale terrorista ( non ha il dovere di onorare una parola data) ed anzi, 3. IRAN si impegna formalmente a distruggere Israele, con ogni mezzo... tuttavia, 4. gli sta dando il nucleare, perché, 5. lui ha già dato ordine alla CIA, di colpire Israele con una bomba nucleare, per fare ricadere la colpa sull'IRAN! 6. e così poter scatenare la guerra mondiale! [ CONCLUSIONE ] IL POTENZIALE NUCLEARE IRANIANO DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTO IMMEDIATAMENTE!
ERDOGAN HA GIURATO DI FORMARE UN ESERCITO DI VENTI MILIONI DI SOLDATI (perché a suo dire, altre 8 nazioni appartengono alla Turchia), Tutti i Greci e tutti gli Israeliani moriranno per voi contro questo esercito di islamici [[ Grecia: misure austerity in Parlamento. Manovra da oltre 3 miliardi tra tasse e tagli di spesa ]] NON SIATE AVARI E PAGATE BENE LA VOSTRA CARNE DA CANNONE, QUELLA CARNE DA MACELLO CHE I FARISEI ANGLO AMERICANI, HANNO PREPARATO PER FORTIFICARE IL NWO FMI SPA, COME CONQUISTA GLOBALE! perché è SATANA IL VERO DIO DEL TALMUD.
I sauditi hanno riesumato l'ISLAM medioevale dei salafiti, quindi, hanno trasformato l'ISLAM, in una questione di vita o di morte, per tutto il genere umano! ora, noi siamo costretti ad uccidere gli islamici ad uno ad uno. e quello che io dico (il futuro) è già stato scritto nei libri di storia dei vostri figli (il passato)! Quando un islamico non si vede uccidere? è proprio lui il primo a sentirsi meravigliato! Così ha fatto l'ITALIA, ha preso un reclutatore dello ISIS sharia, ed invece di ucciderlo, lo ha estradato! Sono i sauditi i veri responsabili della galassia jihadista nel mondo, mentre gli USA dei satanisti massoni, sono stati i suoi complici facilitatori.. la attuale agenda dei farisei anglo americani è quella di uccidere la civiltà cristiana, ecco perché, Russia, Israele e Europa sono state condannate alla disintegrazione!
troia google DATAGATE A.I. Gmos, filtri ] lo sai che non mi piace vedere strisce di colore azzUrro in mezzo ai caratteri di colore nero!
my ISRAEL ] non si può dare l'ergastolo, ad una tua spia, in USA, cioè, la spia di un Paese Amico, se veramente questo Paese è tuo amico ed alleato [ mi dispiace tu sei morto! ] Questa tua spia reclusa in USA? non ha fatto del male ad una formica!
e allora cosa io dovrei fare a tutti i sacerdoti di satana della CIA che sono sempre nel mio computer? NON MI RISULTA CHE IO HO MAI FATTO DEL MALE A QUALCUNO SOLTANTO PERCHé IO SONO SPIATO CONTINUAMENTE
GRECIA, ISRAELE ] è un vero peccato che, voi non abbiate gli strumenti e le possibilità di poter realizzare un attacco nucleare preventivo contro Turchia ed Arabia SAUDITA.. però, voi avete conosciuto che la vostra morte è stata preziosa ai miei occhi!
GRECIA, ISRAELE ] tuttavia, se, tu sei in grado, di radere al suolo la MECCA, CABA, e la cupola della Roccia? tu vedrai la galassia jihadista scomparire come neve al sole!
sorry ] bestia di un Maometto [ tu non riuscirai mai a gridare così forte, tanto da poter soffocare il sangue dei martiri cristiani!
satana USA 322 Kerry 666 Spa Rothschild Talmud, Gmos A.I. Datagate, aliens abduction ] [ se, tu ti mangi, tutta la LEGA ARABA sharia, sul tuo altare di satana? poi, a quell'asteroide che sta venedo contro di te nello spazio? io gli farò fare un giro più lungo!
Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] stop sharia. [ Bush 322 ] stop Spa IMF 322 NWO; [ Obama GENDER ] stop Sodom and Gomorrah, Rothschild Talmud 666 ] stop satanismo e usura mondiale! è CHIARO, IL VOSTRO DIO è IL DEMONIO, DI UN ASSASSINO NAZISTA E RAZZISTA, ED IO FINIRò PER UCCIDERVI TUTTI!
MY HOLY JHWH ] mi fa una certa impressione! Obama scimmia Darwin ha portato tutto a Sodoma e Gomorra, e Saudi Arabia ha portato tutto al medio EVO.. ed è questa la mia verità! io non so più come risolvere questa situazione senza fare una strage!
ONU islamici LEGA ARABA sharia: sono IGNORANTI come ASINI, CRIMINALI come DEMONI, BUGIARDI ED IPOCRITI come FARISEI, nazisti COMPLOTTISTI come ILLUMINATI SATANISTI MASSONI! Quindi Islam coranico ha una sola conclusione: Allah Akbar morte e genocidio a tutti gli infedeli, ecco perché non hanno libertà di religione e non hanno reciprocità! COME ABBIAMO RISCHIATO DI ESTINGUERCI IN PASSATO PER BEN DUE VOLTE, COSì, ANCHE LA GENERAZIONE DEI NOSTRI FIGLI RISCHIERRà DI ESTINGUERSI! Questo è quello che: ci hanno regalato, i farisei Spa anglo-americani che faranno olocausto di tutti gli israeliani!
cosa aspettano questi Greci, e tutti i Paesi indebitati dalla truffa monetaria SpA, ad iniziare a stampare una moneta nazionale interna, in regime di sovranità monetaria? ] ATENE, 15 LUG - Il vice ministro greco delle Finanze Nantia Valavani ha annunciato oggi le sue dimissioni con una lettera al primo ministro Alexis Tsipras nella quale esprime dubbi sul nuovo accordo raggiunto tra Atene e i creditori internazionali della Grecia sostenendo che con esso la Germania intende "umiliare completamente il governo e il Paese".
CIA KIEV NATO, hanno fatto il Golpe Costituzionale, così anche io ho fatto il Donbass Costituzionale autonomo: adesso dovete andarvene! ] [ KIEV, 15 LUG - E' di otto soldati morti e 16 feriti il bilancio delle vittime del conflitto nel Donbass nelle ultime 24 ore, nonostante la tregua degli accordi di Minsk: lo riferisce l'ufficio stampa del consiglio per la difesa e la sicurezza nazionali.
Kim Jong-un ] dimostrare che tu sei un coglione in meno di mezzo rigo, 4 parole? [ tu hai un motivo razionale per perseguitare i cristiani
troie 322 USA 666 SPA ] quando, VOI vedrete l'asteroide nei vostri telescopi? è inutile che, voi mi verrete a succhiare il cazzo! TROPPO TARDI! [ POI, VEDREMO QUELLO CHE SANNO FARE I SACERDOTI DI SATANA EUROPEI AL POSTO VOSTRO!
BUSH 666 ROTHSCHILD ] VOI siete ipocriti come tutte le altre religioni! [ io chiesi, anni fa, di sacrificare tutti i vostri Sacerdoti di Satana, sul suo altare, e voi non avete avuto il coraggio di farlo! ] ADESSO, IL VOSTRO NWO è PERDUTO, perché se LUCIFERO, lui non era un fallito? lui non si sarebbe mai ridotto a fare la capra di satana!
il SUD in ginocchio davanti al NORD [ Atene in ginocchio di fronte ai diktat della Merkel. Sventata la Grexit, raggiunto l’accordo in extremis. Vittoria di Berlino anche sull’energia. Gazprom mette l’Italia fuori dal Turkish Stream e raddoppia il Nord Stream. Il gas (russo) ce lo darà la Germania. (7267) http://www.pandoratv.it/?p=3647
occult power, esoteric agenda, masonic system, Spa, Gmos, jihadists, dalit, Datagate, FED, jihad, IMF, NWO, satan, sharia, dhimmi, goyim, troika,
PAKISTAN/ Vietato scrivere Gesù Cristo negli sms: è parola "offensiva" Pubblicazione: mercoledì 23 novembre 2011
Pakistan: vietato scrivere Gesù negli sms. Pakistan, vietato scrivere «Gesù Cristo» in un sms - Corriere ...
21 nov 2011 - MILANO – In Pakistan è vietato scrivere il nome di “Gesù Cristo” nei messaggi di testo Sms, inviati tramite telefoni cellulari. Lo stabilisce ... Pakistan: vietato scrivere Gesù negli sms - Porte Aperte Italia
Pakistan: vietato scrivere Gesù negli sms. 24-11-2011Pakistan. Qualche giorno fa, l'Autorità delle Telecomunicazioni del Pakistan ha ordinato alle società di ... Pakistan: vietato scrivere Gesù negli sms. 24-11-2011 Pakistan. Qualche giorno fa, l’Autorità delle Telecomunicazioni del Pakistan ha ordinato alle società di telefonia mobile del paese di bloccare gli sms che contengono alcune parole ritenute volgari, oscene o nocive al senso del pudore e ha fornito una dettagliata lista di 1600 termini deprecabili tra cui troviamo le parole Gesù Cristo. Il Pakistan è un paese profondamente islamico, in cui i cristiani, come sapete, sono oggetto di discriminazione e persecuzione anche brutale, ma è comunque pazzesco pensare che addirittura le autorità abbiano accostato Gesù a termini osceni, pornografici e violenti. Eppure la percezione di sempre più musulmani devoti in Pakistan è proprio questa: i cristiani sono un insulto, così come è una vergogna per il paese il loro Salvatore Gesù.
Tale provvedimento ha scatenato la reazione delle Chiese cristiane e delle organizzazioni per i diritti umani, pronte a inondare i tribunali di ricorsi; a ciò si è aggiunta la valanga di lamentele degli operatori telefonici e della popolazione stessa che fa larghissimo uso di telefonini e non vuole essere censurata persino negli sms. Ecco dunque che arriva puntuale la marcia indietro delle autorità: la censura è ritirata, anzi forse solo ridimensionata a una dozzina di parole, tra le quali si spera non vi sia ancora il nome di Gesù. Il punto è che questo paese cede visibilmente sotto la pressione dell'islamismo radicale e degli attentati dei talebani legati ad Al Qaida, mostrandosi dunque incapace di arginare questa avanzata intollerante e violenta. I cristiani patiscono sempre di più questa virata islamico-radicale del paese (ricordiamo che sono stati uccisi il ministro cristiano cattolico Batthi e il governatore Taseer, entrambi impegnati per abolire la legge contro la blasfemia, arma legale usata contro i cristiani).
Potremmo segnalarvi continue violenze contro i cristiani pakistani, l’ultima in ordine di tempo risale a qualche giorno fa a Karachi, la città più popolosa del Pakistan, dove Jameel Saawan, cristiano impegnato nella diffusione del messaggio di Cristo tra i concittadini, è stato vittima di un agguato in stile terroristico. Fuori dal suo negozio, un uomo in moto lo ha avvicinato e raggiunto con 2 colpi di arma da fuoco, uno dei quali in pieno volto. Jameel aveva ricevuto minacce, anche per via di un progetto di avviare un’associazione che sostenesse i cristiani poveri in una particolare zona di Karachi.
I cristiani in Pakistan sono oggetto di continua persecuzione, ciò pone il paese all’undicesimo posto della lista dei paesi in cui esiste la persecuzione (WWList): questa deriva delle istituzioni, sempre più influenzate dall’islam più radicale, preoccupa tutti. Soprattutto i cristiani pakistani.
Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu ] circa il nucleare iraniano [ ora, voi dovete censire lo spazio aereo, con molto scrupolo, per impedie alla CIA di lanciare una bomba nucleare sporca contro Israele ] CHE GLI USA CERCANO DISPERATAMENTE LA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE? QUESTO NON è UN MISTERO PER NESSUNO! che OBAMA lui vuole passare per Gandhi? questa è una operazione che non gli potrebbe mai riuscire!
non essere ancora pigro, questo canale è importante per me, e per la pace nel mondo!!
Cattiva reputazione • Scadenza: 25 mar 2016 Se ricevi un altro avvertimento, il tuo account verrà sospeso. Avvertimento 1 .ID video: I6p-TPYPrRg Rivendicato da JoeEichLester il 25 gen 2015. I6p-TPYPrRg Autore del reclamoJoeEichLester Email dell'autore del reclamo samuelemalvarosa@hotmail.it
Opera presumibilmente violata Il video di YouTube è stato caricato nuovamente da un altro utente. Origine video: http://youtu.be/jvWelKMEXKA.
please, remove my penalty, i said this to you again! Thank you.
Don't be lazy, yet this channel is important to me, and for world peace!
non essere ancora pigro, questo canale è importante per me, e per la pace nel mondo!! https://www.youtube.com/user/NoahTheNephilim/discussion
NoahTheNephilim 4 mesi fa ] [ ti chiedo gentilemente, di rimuovere la mia penalizzazione, altrimenti tutto il mio canale presto verrà distrutto. grazie LORENZO UniusREi 3205708054
Corpo Alieno ID videoI6p-TPYPrRg Durata 2:10 Autore del reclamo JoeEichLester
Rappresentante Vasco Di Silva Email dell'autore del reclamo samuelemalvarosa@hotmail.it
Opera presumibilmente violata Il video di YouTube è stato caricato nuovamente da un altro utente. Origine video: http://youtu.be/jvWelKMEXKA.
Invia contronotifica Avvertimento 2 Autore del reclamo Ahmed Ibrahim muezzin
Email dell'autore del reclamo ahmed58973@yahoo.com
please, remove my penalty, i said this to you again! Thank you.
Don't be lazy, yet this channel is important to me, and for world peace!
non essere ancora pigro, questo canale è importante per me, e per la pace nel mondo!!
Science Islam Wings Flies Cure for Aids ID video: rwksuX6xl2c
Rivendicato da Ahmed Ibrahim muezzin il 31 mar 2015 Invia contronotifica
VideoScience Islam Wings Flies Cure for Aids ID videorwksuX6xl2c Durata 4:59 https://www.youtube.com/user/NoahTheNephilim/discussion
Descrizioneio non voglio più sentire parlare, di questi: nazi sharia, nazi jihad: assassini seriali, paranoidi, maniaci religiosi, sotto protezione dello ONU UE USA, per rovinare Israele e tutto il genere umano, mai più! e se questa merda di Maomettani esiste ancora è soltanto perché Rothschild ha bisogno della guerra mondiale, per riaprire un nuovo ciclo monetario devitalizzante ed usurocratico! QUINDI, SE SI VOGLIONO RISOLVERE, TUTTI I PROBLEMI DEL NOSTRO PIANETA. è ROTHSCHILD, con i suoi complici mafia farisei massoneria, CHE BISOGNA COLPIRE, PER PRIMA di ogni altro obiettivo! Quando voi avrete colpito il demonio Fariseo più grande, poi, anche il demonio più piccolo:Re dell'Arabia Saudita Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud: anche lui cadrà! INFATTI, è NELLA NATURA DEI DEMONI: la caratteristica di essere intrecciati uno nell'altro! OK VENIAMO AL DUNQUE: NOI FACCIAMO QUESTO GUERRA MONDIALE con 5 miliardi di morti, PER UCCIDERE: TUTTI I MUSULMANI, sradicare l'ISLAM holy, E PER FARE UCCIDERE: TUTTI I FARISEI massoni Bildenberg USURAI SPA BANCA MONDIALE.. e perché, noi non comprendiamo "pacificamente", adesso, prima della guerra mondiale: che: 1. il signoraggio bancario: non deve essere rubato ai popoli schiavizzati: CHE, 2. I GOYM ISRAELIANI, SENZA GENEALOGIA PATERNA NON DEVONO ESSERE STERMINATI, e che, 3. la shariah è un crimine, contro: il genere umano? POI SI DIRà: LE 11 TRIBù DI ISRAELE, DATO CHE, IO SARò COSTRETTO AD UCCIDERNE LA DODICESIMA: CIOè tutti quelli che hanno disonestamente conservato, solo per loro, le genealogie paterne, per finire: tutti loro: satanisti, massoni farisei Illuminati Bildenberg, di andare tutti da satana! [ burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia. [ oper letter: contro la fogna: contro: tutti i perdenti all'inferno, contro: tutti: i demoni dell'inferno, contro: massoni farisei Bildenberg, salafiti shariah, Marduk, Illuminati, Lilit, Satana, 322, Bush Kerry, Obama GENDER, usurai Fmi Spa Banca Mondiale, e, contro: tutti i satanisti della CIA, dopotutto, se, io non li faccio impazzire completamete? è soltanto perché, io sono molto misericordioso! ] to Satana ] [ e smettila di piangerti addosso, e di dire sempre: "sono sfortunato, sono sfortunato!" ] IL TUo PROBLEMA è CHE, TU TI DIMENTICHI SEMPRE, CHE tu SEI UN ANGELO CADUTO... NELLA MERDA! [ dopotutto,, il tuo destino è anche il destino di tutti i traditori [ burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia. C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto, C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia. quel salafita criminale: shariah califfato mondiale di Erdogan? ha messo il burka a tutte le donne! ] lol. [ lui infatti non vuole entrare in Europa, lui vuole conquistare la Europa e fare il genocidio di tutti gli israeliani... Bildenberg e farisei Fmi Spa anglo americani Obama GENDER, hanno detto a lui: "questo si può fare!" Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia.
Magdi Cristiano Allam VS Giorgio Napolitano. Contenuti audiovisivi ] il sistema non vuole far sentire questo discorso circa la sovranità monetaria [ Il tuo video è stato bloccato. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELPAa97c_8M ]
Nel tuo video sono stati trovati contenuti protetti da copyright. Per effetto delle norme dell'autore della rivendicazione, questo video non può essere riprodotto su YouTube.
0:32 - 1:02 play match. Rai Bloccato in tutti i Paesi Presenta una contestazione
Benjamin Netanyahu ] dove è la libertà di religione in questi nazisti? QUINDI, NON POSSONO ESSERE VERAMENTE CREDIBILI! OVVIAMENTE NON è IL TUO PUNTO DI VISTA, OGGI, MA SECONDO ME, IL TUO VERO NEMICO è LA ARABIA SAUDITA.. TANTO PIù PERICOLOSO PERCHé SI FINGE AMICO! E LUI NON SAREBBE PERICOLOSO, SE I FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI NON AVESSERO DECISO DI DISINTEGRARE ISRAELE.. QUESTO MI FA VERAMENTE PAURA: PERCHé LA ARABIA SAUDITA è NEL NWO, DEI SATANISTI MASSONI MOLTO PIù DI COME TU NON SEI! [ 15.07.2015 http://www.aleteia.org/it/politica/interviste/accordo-sul-nucleare-iraniano-una-vittoria-per-tutti-5895055571156992?utm_campaign=NL_It&utm_source=daily_newsletter&utm_medium=mail&utm_content=NL_It-16/07/2015 Accordo sul nucleare iraniano: una vittoria per tutti. Baheli: “Oggi l’Iran è per l’Occidente l’unico alleato razionale e credibile in Medio Oriente". Rohani potrebbe incontrare il papa.
Dopo le interviste a Claudio Borghi e ad Alberto Bagnai dei giorni scorsi, oggi è il turno di Giovanni Zibordi, che molti conoscono per le sue analisi finanziarie su Cobraf. Zibordi e il team di economisti e imprenditori con i quali collabora hanno sviluppato un metodo per uscire dall'euro che potrebbe superare le paure dei cittadini che temono di perdere i loro soldi. Il metodo si basa sui certificati di credito fiscale, introducendo una sorta di valuta parallela che Zibordi spiega bene in questa intervista, insieme alle osservazioni che muove a Borghi e Bagnai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJHrNGlBAXA
Claudio Messora 4 giorni fa
+Giovanni Van contattami per email: claudio@byoblu.com
COSA C'E' DIETRO. Il disegno complessivo dietro a questa crisi programmata. . Pubblicato il 24 mag 2015 Il disegno complessivo dietro a questa crisi programmata. Ma non guardate questo video, a meno che non siate così determinati da volermi seguire per mezz'ora e poi farne una sintesi per tutti quelli che si vedranno solo i primi 30 secondi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V3fAvgJEoY Claudio Messora Condiviso su Google+ · 1 mese fa
Il disegno complessivo dietro a questa crisi programmata. Ma non guardate questo video, a meno che non siate così determinati da volermi seguire per mezz'ora e poi farne una sintesi per tutti quelli che si vedranno solo i primi 30 secondi.
Join United with Israel at the New York City rally in Times Square on July 22 to protest the world’s dangerous nuclear deal with Iran. Act Now for Israel. As world powers have signed a surrender agreement with the Iranian Islamic regime, concerned Americans from all walks of life will be gathering in New York City’s Times Square to protest this bad nuclear deal. On Wednesday, July 22, there will be a rally from 5:30-7:30 PM on 42nd St. and 7th Ave, where people will be standing as one and sending a clear message to Washington: Stop a Nuclear Iran Now!
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pointed out that the Iran nuclear deal is a “mistake of historical proportions.” As former Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren explained in TIME magazine, “there are international inspections of the Iranians’ nuclear facilities but none that would actually catch them off guard. There are limits to the number of centrifuges with which Iran can enrich uranium to weapons grade, but only for a decade during which not a single centrifuge will be dismantled. And Iran can continue to research and develop more advanced technologies capable of producing nuclear weapons even faster.”
Even as negotiators in Vienna have made concession after concession to the militant Iranian regime, Iran has been increasing its hostility and aggression towards America and its allies.
As recent as June 7, a senior Iranian commander declared that “the U.S. will remain our enemy despite the emerging nuclear deal.” Donate to Israel. The repeated calls of “death to America, death to Israel” shouted in the streets and squares of Tehran even as the nuclear talks are being held, should be heard in the US, but Washington does not seem to want to listen. The Iranian thirst and commitment for unbridled terrorism and destruction remains unquenched. Iran’s hostility to America and its allies is at its peak. It is time for the administration to take these threats seriously and to make sure that Iran’s path to nuclear weapons and funding for terrorism will be permanently blocked.
The lessons of Chamberlain’s concessions to Hitler in 1938 must be learned. Appeasing aggressive regimes does no good for anyone. Tyrannical regimes must not be allowed access to power and weapons. This is why we will be taking our message to the streets – together with tens of thousands of other concerned Americans.
Stand ‘United with Israel’ at the Rally! The July 22 bipartisan rally will be addressed by former Governor of New York, George E. Pataki, former director of the CIA James Woolsey, Deputy Editor of the Jerusalem Post Caroline Glick, Alan Dershowitz, former members of the military and intelligence community, and many other distinguished guests.
Most importantly, the rally will be attended by thousands of concerned Americans, all of whom are worried with the grave prospect of Iran obtaining nuclear capabilities, and by the world’s appeasing attitude towards iran.
The rally is co-sponsored by a broad variety of organizations, including United with Israel, the Rabbinical Council of America, the Zionist Organization of America as well as dozens more – all of whom believe that a nuclear Iran must be stopped, now and forever. It is important that as many people as possible attend the rally and publicly express to elected officials, and the world as a whole, our firm belief that a murderous regime the likes of Iran must not have any nuclear capabilities under any circumstances. By Rabbi Elchanan Poupko and United with Israel Staff
Israeli leaders from across the political spectrum condemned the Iranian nuclear agreement, which will only delay Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon, while contributing to terrorism in the Middle East by ending sanctions and the international arms embargo, giving Iran billions of dollars to fund global terror. PM Netanyahu. (Marc Israel Sellem/POOL)
“The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was yesterday,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an official statement. “In the coming decade, the deal will reward Iran, the terrorist regime in Tehran, with hundreds of billions of dollars. This cash bonanza will fuel Iran’s terrorism worldwide, its aggression in the region and its efforts to destroy Israel, which are ongoing.”
The head of the opposition and the Zionist Camp, Yitzhak Herzog, opined that “Israel’s interests were abandoned” during the negotiations “because of the personal rift between Netanyahu and the US president.” He promised to work “so the United States will respond to the immediate security needs of Israel.”
MK Tzipi Livni, who partnered with Herzog to lead the Zionist Camp, told Ynet, “I want to speak about tomorrow morning and about the results of this [US] policy [on Iran]: Iran receives legitimization despite being a state involved in terror in the region. It creates problems, not only for Israel, but for all the moderate states in the region. The agreement is terrible, not just because of what is in it, but also because what is not in it.”
Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely said, “The implications of this agreement in the perceived future appear very severe; Iran will continue to develop its terror network everywhere, will continue to fan the flames in the Middle East, and worst of all, will make a huge step towards becoming a threshold nuclear state.” She vowed that Israel would work “through all diplomatic venues to thwart the ratifying of the agreement.”
Former FM Avigdor Liberman. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)
“The agreement with Iran will be remembered in history in the same line with the Munich Agreement [with Nazi Germany, which led to World War II] and the agreement with North Korea. This agreement is an agreement which ignores the great dangers, is a complete surrender to terror and unbridled violence in the international arena,” said former foreign minister MK Avigdor Liberman.
MK Yair Lapid told Ynet, “This is a bad day for the Jews. We thought that this was a bad agreement but it’s a terrible agreement. The subject of oversight was supposed to be the basis of the agreement, [but] it’s a laughingstock…The world has gone from a policy of preventing a nuclear Iran to a policy of containing a nuclear Iran.”
By: Sara Abramowicz, United with Israel
my JHWH holy ] [ every five minutes: a Christian innocent: is killed ] why satan Spa NWO Obama Gender sharia is so strong? strog [sloveno] rigoroso nel male, Eritrea Christians are imprisoned in containers of iron: for do sharia saudi imperialism caliphate worldwide
my JHWH you will came ] [ you must disintegrate Satan SpA disintegrate him, and all their sharia ] on all the World.
GENDER of Satana Obama traditore ] if you do not delete all Satanic symbols and all pornography, on all the world [ or... this become a trauma for you, this is my BLOODLINES, now, against ILLUMINATI, against Tyranny and all Oppressive people, servo fraudolento: di una religione perversa Salman dell'Arabia Saudita, Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] figlio del demonio! infamous Sharia: 666: SAUDI ARABIA: 322: diabolical: too is big, your love talmud Koran of IMF Spa for not do also, Olocaust of all israelis
all my living Jews, if you do not go immediately from the Masonic system of banking seigniorage, you will die! Go away from USA Babilon, run! corri! all my living Jews [all the saints of God are calling you], you Serving Christian martyrs, all persecuted Christians worldwide! [[ fight criminals, Satanists, Masons, murder SpA IMF, Sharia, ie,all satanists Bush 322 are insane criminal cannibal CIA, like IMF 666 ]] is why, all the saints of God are calling you. Surely God JHWH is my helper, the Lord JHWH sustains me. all my living Jews [ but you can come to my Kingdom Israel in Saudi Arabia! ] you want to remember, only, the benefits of the Lord? now leave satan work. into all his satan's SpA, and in his World war,that will came quickly! where could you escape from a nuclear war? where to save your life? [ but you can come to my Kingdom Israel in Saudi Arabia! ] all my living Jews [ now, at this point, only you can make escape: all Muslims of the world from the destruction of my wrath! all my living Jews: G-d waiting for you, [ children of light or children of darkness? ] your JHWH santo KADOSH, KADOSH, KADOSH, ADONAI TSEBAIOT your Lord God Adonai JHWH waiting for you, in Saudi Arabia, on his holy mountain Sinai. Mount Sinai, "usually" identified with mount Horeb, is the place where, according to the book of exodus, Moses was called by God through the burning bush
company youtube and google: We're all tired of being exploited and damaged: by these your Satanists of CIA, Datagate SpA, World Bank, perverse Marauders on all the world
now, Satan is totally desperate, he thought, at this time: that, would be nice for him, if, I could make disintegrate him , first of time (ie, before the day of judgment universal), however, he knows very well that this is impossible! [IDIOT Satan! However, you always have the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel to Iran or Saudi ARABIA, Iran: and in this way? You can have some hope of being hanged, at least! perverse SpA Marauders, now, you Satan you starts to run or I'll break your legs! Bush Spa World Bank 322] I will make of your bones so many fragments, small little, that you don't ever you will can putting them together, in order to reconstruct a skeleton to the Museum!
@IMF SpA Obama -> you with your satanists: ie masonic system of banking seigniorage? are making a sad spectacle! not my fault if this has become the true face of America, ONU, UE, new nazism in the world!
@Obama --> con i tuoi satanisti? stanno dando un triste spettacolo! non è colpa mia: se questo è diventato il vero volto della America nel mondo!
Obama, you remove all of your sexual perversions of fetishism, you stop having sex with dogs, to suck undies dirty: dirty underwear garments, and crush with the snacks, under your feet! and crush with the snacks! in fact, I do not see these your home porno movies, that you do, already for a long time!
MERKEL TROIKA ] questa mia amica tedesca, è stata uccisa dai tuoi servizi segreti insieme alla CIA, lei ha Ricevuto molte violenze dallo staff di youtube, anche! SE TU NON RIMUOVI LA TUA ALLEANZA DAGLI USA, TU FARAI DISTRUGGERE LA GERMANIA PER LA TERZA VOLTA CONSECUTIVA IN UN SECOLO! è LA RUSSIA IL NOSTRO VERO ALLEATO!
MarlaMarleen ha pubblicato un commento
Mistake: not Söldner..... Landser:-) A really long day, lots of work, my brain is tired:-)))
MarlaMarleen MarlaMarleen ha pubblicato un commento
I must confess: I'm hopelessly overtaxed. Who's who? And the ultimate question: why do you do it? I've read infinitely many comments, my head is smoking, Fakes over fakes. Synnek= Söldner, he doesn't speak English. A black sun subscribes to my channel. seems also like a fake. Please what's going on here? We should create a separate channel:-), there we can hew our heads, insult us and explain to be a hero. Incredible whats going on here. You can't always say that a man living in the internet, that he has no real life. We're the mobile generation :-), always available. Now I make myself comfortable on other channels and still write to UniusRei3. sleep well
MERKEL TROIKA Spa NWO ] la mia amica tedesca, ha ricevuto molto bullismo dallo staff di youtube [ e circa, la sua morte, tu ti puoi fare spiegare dai tuoi servizi segreti, quelli che con la CIA fanno 30.000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana in Germania, ogni anno, cioè, come loro fanno morire una giovane donna come lei:
MarlaMarleen ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
What have you done with my channel???? Now I'm going to work and in the evening I expect that all my settings are restored!!!!
MERKEL TROIKA Spa NWO ] qui tu puoi vedere la mia amica tedesca MarlaMarleen
Synnek1 [ex big Director youtube master ] ha pubblicato un commento
5 ore fa
Your ministry is powerful... but: a times: it INFURIATES ME! lol >;-) Btw, your new background image is "lovely"...>;-)
im sorry UniusREI3... I will refrain from posting comments... 4 a bit...ok?
MarlaMarleen ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa
Good morning UniusRei3. I can't comment on certain videos. But not always Yesterday, YouTube hasn't approved 7-8 comments of mine. It was no spam, but originals :-) I use the translator rare. He often disfigures the sense. I don't know what I'll think of all. The thing with the real names disturbs. Not personally by myself. But it's a incredible interference with private life. YouTube is a stooges of Google. But who's in fact behind Google? Now I must to work.
Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
6 giorni fa
Hey, buddy! WE NEED YOU! Join [US]! >;-) [ non è che io sono razzista, ma, io non mi posso associare con i delinquenti perché lo Spirito Santo è Santo! ] circa, la mia amica tedesca MarlaMarleen lei era troppo intelligente, e faceva delle domande intelligenti, perché quel codardo di Bush 322 NWO 666 IMF, la potesse lasciare in vita!
Bush Obama Kerry Merkel ] voi ridatemi indietro la mia amica MarlaMarleen
to all ] I don't like that cowards should talk behind my back! God JHWH gave me a job to do! [ I'm a good guy, and everyone knows it! and though the priests of Satan of the NWO Imf SpA (those cannibals and those not cannibals), which, however, they did not have permission to talk to me, honestly, they have left me alone, on this page, because they began to feel strange, however, if someone feels personally challenging me, on anything, I am here to give any explanation!
io sono un bravo ragazzo, e questo lo sanno tutti! ed anche se, i sacerdoti di satana del NWO SpA Fmi (quelli cannibali e quelli non cannibali), che, tuttavia, loro non avevano il permesso per dialogare con me, sinceramente, loro mi hanno lasciato solo, su questa pagina, perché loro hanno incominciato a sentirsi strani, tuttavia, se qualcuno ritiene di dovermi contestare qualcosa, io sono quì per dare ogni spiegazione!
creationevidence Scientific Evidence Creation
democrazie nazionali, EURO, Governo segreto, ILLUMINATI PLAN, martial law, MES, multinazionali, troika, TTIP, banche, finanziarie, recuperare sovranità
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Boko Haram victim ‘left for dead’ in 2012 loses sister and her two children in church bomb
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Police rescue Pakistani Christian from ‘mob justice’ over blasphemy
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UPDATE S Sudan pastors will face trial, judge rules
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Egyptian solider, the only Christian in his unit, found dead
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Case of the disappearing Christian CDs: 7 years on, Malaysian court orders their return
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Coptic boys on bail, anti-Islam charges pending
Published: June 18, 2015
35b/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: Ив. Христијаните треба да биде во нешта Оштетените потребно: за опстанок: На Евреите: Не: Тие мора да го зачувате кој било начин: за борба: тирани: дека: ги чуваат во оваа четврта кафези во цел: на: да се ослободи од. Тие мора: се бори против христијаните: со:: И послужил со итрина: Не: направите нешто: За да се избегне: дека:: Злото ги искористи нив: чај: нивните болни: Не: Тие мора да бидат згрижени: За: Кристијан жените: Не: тие мора да им се помогне време: на: породување: И: Христијаните: Не: Тие мора да бидат спасени кога во опасност: смрт. 36/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: И: Дали бизнис: со: исто Akum (христијанин). На други места: сепак: е: различни и: е: само: да: Уште еден Евреин: на: Акцент на истиот Akum (христијанин) коло: Дали Бизнис: Во: И него: Земете: на: неговите пари. Во: Факт:: Богатството Dell Akum (христијанин) и треба да се смета за заедничка сопственост: Таа му припаѓа на Прво: дека: може да се издвои. Постои: Како и да е: Кој вели дека: Што: Не: да се направи. "Во Choschen Hammischpat (183,7 Hagah) гласи:" Доколку: Евреин не бизнис: со: Akum (христијанин) И: А: И брат Израелец јавува: Frodathe: Akum (христијанин): За половина: од: Лажни Тежина: или: мерки: или: Броеви: тој мора да се подели: Најдобар: неговиот профит: Со: чај: неговиот брат Израелец: Затоа што: дека: и имаат учествувано на: аферата: И: Исто така: за помош. " 37/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: 4. До: Евреин PU0 преправам: на: да бидат: Кристијан: За: измами христијаните: Во Iore ДЕА (. 157,2 Hagah) гласи: "Доколку: Евреин можете: шегата нив (идолопоклониците) се преправа: на: Бидете: сакаат: на: Ѕвезди: е: дозволено да се направи "5.. Евреите: е: Дозволени носат ВЕЖБА: Во: Против христијаните: Во: Abhodah Zarah (54a) се вели: е: само вежба: Носете: Во: почитување: на: Отстапник паднал во идолопоклонство. "И: Во Iore ДЕА (159,1) гласи: е: само: Во согласност со:: Тората: За да позајмуваат пари носат:. Akum (христијанин) Некои Старци: сепак: Оваа негира Освен во случај: на: Животот : на: Смртта на ден:. Денес е: Дозволи:. било причина " 38/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: III. Оштетените христијаните треба да биде во ПРАШАЊА: ПРАВНИ: 1. на: Евреин: е: Дозвола и лежи: Јура: на: НЕТОЧНО: За: да му се: Кристијан: Во Babha Кама (113) вели дека: Најдобар: Нашата настава е:: следново: Кога да се: Евреин и : GOI: (плати) се појави во судот: ослободува: Евреин: ако може: Според законите на Израел. Ако:: GOI: (плати) победи: Кажете му: Таа: Што: е: Што: чај: Нашиот закон бара. Доколку: сепак: Во: Евреин да биде ослободен во согласност со:: на законот: вид: и празнење него: Кажете му: Таа: Што: е: врши во согласност со нашите закони. Ако ова ниво: Не: може да се направи: не: Со: цврстина Од: на: GOI: (плати) Како: препорачува: на: Раби Ischmael. 39/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: на: Раби Akibha: сепак: тврди: дека: Не: може да дејствува: Со: измама: За: Не: профана името на Господ: И: За : Не: треба да: Евреин се врати во: Мислење: За кривоклетство. "Нота до: маргина: сепак: Ова објаснува Точка: на: Раби Akibha како: што следува: Името на Бог: Не: ако се осквернува: на: GOI: Не (плаќаат): знае: дека: : Евреин: има: лид "и:. повеќе: Препрати: за: Babha Кама (113b) вели:: Име на Бог: Не: е: Кога осквернува: На пример: До: Евреин умот на: GOI: (плати ) велејќи: Јас им дадов нешто за вас: вашиот Отец: но Тој: е: мртви: мора да го врати при мене: под услов: на: GOI: Не (пагански): знаете: дека: ќе се ре лаже. " 40/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: 2: е: дозвола за да: Евреин жирито: на: НЕТОЧНО: Со: Свеста: ЧИСТА: Во Kallah (1б: стр.18) гласи: "Тоа ( на: мајката на: mazmer) рече: Се колнам дека ќе: Јас и:. на: Раби Akibha заколна со: Усни: но: поништени во своето срце: на положување заклетва во А:. слични концепт е во Schabbuoth Hagahoth: на : Раби Ашер (6D) "ако:: судија на град присилува Евреи: колнам дека: Не: И: побегне од тој град: дека: Не: тоа изличавам ништо: тие ќе Испцувај на: Лажни да се каже: Самите : дека: Не: Бегај Тој ден: И: дека: Не: да се отстрани AnythingFrom Градот на тој ден само. " 42/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: 1. До: Евреин секогаш мора да се обидете: на: измами христијаните: Во Зохар (I: 160) вели дека: Најдобар: рабинот Jehuda: има: рече (на рабин Chezkia): е: Достоен: на: Пофалба Него: дека: е : способен: на: да се ослободи од непријателите на Израел: И: се: многу достоинствен: на: Пофалба: На само тоа: И тие се ослободени: Борба нив:: Chezkia Раби праша: Како треба да се борат: на: Раби Jehuda рече: Со: Мудриот советник против војната: на: нив (Пословици: cap.24: 6). Со: дека: Тип: на: војна:? на: Тип: на: војна: дека: Секое дете на: човек мора: Борба: Против: на: неговите непријатели: И: дека: Јаков се користат: Од: Исав: Кога е можно: со:: и измама: на: измама. 43/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: Тие мора да бидат немилосрдно се бореле: до: дека:: право ред: Не: некои врати: е: Има: предбалкан: Со: стационарни Фракцијата: дека: Јас кои велат: Ние мора да: Слободен и: од нив: на владеењето на: на: нив. "2: Не: Мора да им помогне на: боледување Кристијан: Во Iore ДЕА (158,1) вели:": Akum не (христијанин): Тие мора да се третираат: Настани: за пари: До: Помалку: дека: Што: Не: предизвика : На: Нивната непријателство. "3: Не: Мора: Помош: Во: Кристијан ЖЕНАТА ВО: чај: делови: во: Orach Orach Chaiim (330,2) гласи:" Нема помош: Иако најмалку: треба да се даде на жена Akum (христијанин) Во текот на: на: раѓање во часови на: Понеделник: Во дека:: сабота: Не: тоа мора да биде повредено ". 44/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: 4: Не: Мора: Помош: Кристијан во опасност: на: Смртта: Во Choschen Hammischpat (425,5) гласи: "Ако видите: еретик: дека: Забелешка: Nalla веруваат ToFall во Тората: Па: со: Лествичник: И ВЕДНАШ брзање: Земете далеку и вели дека мора да одат на: Соблечи мојот син да:. покрив Ние ќе поднесе извештај на:: скала веднаш: или: нешто : на:. Општи Kuthaei јас: сепак: Тоа: Не: Дали: И нашите непријатели: Тоа: Варди: на: овци: на: Израелците: Не: Тие мора да бидат убиени директно: но: не: Тие мора да да се спаси: Од смртта "и тоа: во Iore ДЕА (158,1) гласи:". на: Akum (христијанин) дека: Не: Дали: нашите непријатели: Не: Тие мора да бидат убиени директно: 45/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: ова: Не: покрај нив: Не: Тие мора да бидат спасени: Од опасноста од: смртта: на пример: Ако видите една: на: Thed: Падот во морето: Не: да ја повлече до: Помалку: дека: Тој: Не: ветувам: на: пари. "Maimonides во Hilkhoth Akum (христијанин) X1: Не: Licet misereri Eorum, некои други импресивни зборовите:".. Тоа misereberis Eorum "1) Idcirco: Маркиз viderit сте Adum Pereuntem: Вел demersum Acquis: тоа OPEMFerat умрел следен viderit Eum: Eripiat тоа мртви Attamen Eum губи одржување:. Praecipitem во Puteum даде слична брзина Ne Fas siquid Huic Исток: Quia Nobiscum bellum: Не: Gerit. 46/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: Maimonides: во Hilkhoth Akum (христијанин) (X: 1) вели: Не: се смилува: на: нив во: Факт: Дали: рече (VII Deuter. 2) Не: Нивната Пиета прикажани. Има: предбалкан: ако видите: Akum (христијанин) во тешкотии или удави: Не: Одете на неговата помош. И: ако тој е во опасност на: смрт: не: Запамти: но: не: е: само го убие со:: Туркање твојата рака во јама: или: Инаку: Од: дека: Тие: Не: се: во Војната против: на: нас. "Член II: христијани убиени треба да биде: Конечно: на: Талмуд команди: дека: христијаните се безмилосно убиени во: Abhodah Zarah (26b) пишува:" еретиците: предавници и: Apostates мораат да бидат фрлени во: и добро: Не : Тие мора да бидат спасени ". 47/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: И: во Choschen Hammischpat (388,10) вели: "шпион треба да биде убиен: Премногу: На До: нашите денови:. Каде и да сте Тоа може да биде убиен Дури и некои : предбалкан: дека: признаат и:. иако тој признава: на: тој само сака да направи: Од: да се повредат некој: А: ако:: Злото: дека: Тој сакаше да се направи: Не: тоа беше многу голем : е: доволно да го осудат: За:. смрт Сепак, мора да предупреди: на: Не: Оваа Признавам, но: ако отворено вели: "Не: Признавам!" Тогаш тој мора да биде убиен: на: Штом Можни Доколку:. Не: "постои: Време: За да ве предупредам: Не: Дали:. неопходен чекор Некои велат дека: До: предавник мора да се достави до: смрт, само кога: е: невозможно да се ослободи 48/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: mutilating: односно: отсекување: на: Јазик: или: расцепен од нивните очи: но: Кога ова: е: да: Не: да бидат убиени од: Тоа : Тој: Не: е: Worst: на: Друго: дека: гонат нас. "И: во Choschen Хам: на: Нови (388,15) гласи:" Ако може да се докаже: дека: некој има: предал Израел три пати: или: дека: има: што се:: Пари: на: Израелците да на Akum ( христијанин) да WillFind: На: Пат: По грижа корисни предвид: на: избришете го: од лицето: на: Земјата. "Quinim: ipsum стадион законодавците Iudaeorum Poenam Назад mortis Sanhedrin 59 до Р. Iochanan да ви цитирам:. Goi scrutans Legem: Исток reus mortis. 49/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: на: Кристијан: тоа: да бидат откриени: студија на: Законот за Израел заслужна: на: смрт. Во Sanhedrin (59a) се вели:: Раби Jochanan вели: До: GOI: (плати) дека: Чкорчињата: на: носот во Законот е: виновен за: смрт. "II Occidendi Sunt Baptisma suscipientes Iudaei Hilkhoth Akum (христијанин) X2:... Haec dicta Sunt 1) де idolatris Israelitarum сед illos тука за да: desciverint религија: Вел Epikurei Evaserint: Убиството:. Да продолжи тоа Atque дури до inferos iubemur Quippe Affligunt Israelem: Populumque До: Део Avertunt. 50/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: II. Евреите ТРЕБАЛО ДА СЕ крсти До: СМРТ: Во Hilkhoth Akum (христијанин) (X: 2) гласи: "Овие нешта (погоре) се: За идолопоклониците: но: Дури и на Израелците: дека: Остави: На: И нивната религија: мора да биде убиен и да стане Epicureans: Ние мора да гонат да на крајот: за Израел и Тие ги мачат: одвлекува вниманието: на: Божјиот народ "и тоа: во Iore ДЕА (158,2 Hagah) вели:" отпадници: дека: се насочени: Да во: задоволствата на: Akum (христијанин) И: дека: и тие се загадени обожаваат ѕвездите на: Како планетите: Дали Тие: мора да бидат убиени "Слично:. се вели во Choschen Hammischpat (425,5) 51/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: "Во: Евреи: дека: Станете Epicurean: дека: на штета вас: Богослужба: Од: И ѕвездите на: и планетите: гревот злобно; Настани Оние: дека: јадете:: месо од: животни повредени: или: дека: Носете облека соби: Тие заслужуваат: името: на: Epicurean: На сличен начин: Оние: дека: негираат: на: Тората и: Во: Пророци на Израел:: Закон: Дали: дека: сите: тие треба да бидат убиени: И: Оние: дека: имате: На: Моќност: од: Животот и: на: Смртта треба да ги убиени: И: ако ова ниво: Не : Може да се направи: Тие мора да бидат изведени пред лицето на смртта со:: Измама "Еве Sint Abnegantes:. Legem институции: Клер Р. Demonstratio Maimon во Hilkhoth Teschubhah III: 2). 52/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: Tres Sunt Negantium Тората класи: 1. Еве dicunt: Не: До: Део ми даде Овие Тората: Aut (Забелешка: До: Део) saltem Eius versum unum: saltem Verbum unum: сед (потполковник) Moysen До: seipso хок dixisse: omnis (eng да ви цитирам тука) Abnegat Legem. 2. Еве Abiiciunt Eius Explicationem: quae dicitur Тората oralis (Mischnah) Neque Agnoscunt Eius doctores: Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Садок. 3) Et Baithos 4). 3. Еве: на:: Раби Maimonides: во Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III: 8): Forniscethe: Листа: на: Оние: дека: deniers се сметаат: Од: Закон: "Има: се: три категории на: Луѓе: дека: негира: На: Закон: на: Тората: 1) Луѓе: Тоа Тие велат: дека:: Тората: Не: е: беше дадена од Бога: 53/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: барем: До: или: еден збор: на: ИТ (sic) И: Тоа: тие велат дека: како е е: целата работа на Мојсеја: 2 ) Луѓе: Тоа: Re Fuse: на: Објаснување на: Тората: имено: Усна закон: Од: Mischnah: И: Оние: дека: Не: riconoscono на: на властите: Лекарите: Од: Закон: Како : На: следбеници: на: Садок (садукеите) И: на: Baithos: 3) Луѓе: дека: Тоа Тие велат: Бог: променија:: Закон: За да: Уште еден нов Закон: И: дека:: Тората : Не: има: Нема повеќе вредност: дури и ако тие се: Не: негира: дека: е дадена од Бога како што се: христијани и веруваме: на: Турците: Сите: ги негираат: на: чита од Тората. . "III христијани убиени треба да биде: зошто: се: тиранот: Во Зохар (I: 25a) се вели: 54/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: "народите на: Земјата: се: идолопоклониците: И: на: на: нив: како е е писмена: Тоа е избришана од лицето: на: земјиште: Уништи: на: меморија: Од:. Амаликијците Тие: Дали: уште: Со: ни во оваа четврта Captivity: имено::. принципи (на Рим) дека: во: Факт: Дали:. Амаликијците "1. Овие принципи треба да биде убиен: За Прво: Зошто: ако им биде дозволено: на: живот:: Се надевам дека на: ослободување на: Евреите: е: Попусто: И: нивните молитви: на: ослободување од ова ќе биде четврта Captivity во сила. Во Зохар (I: 219B) се вели: е: се разбира: дека: Најдобар: нашите заробеништво ќе трае до: кога: Принципи на: вид: дека: Тие се поклони на идолите: Не: Тие ќе бидат уништени. " 55/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: И: Дури и во Зохар (II: 19а) се вели:: Раби Jehuda: има: рече: Дојди да: го гледаат како: Работите се; како: чај : Принципи и се дојде на власт над Израилот: Израелците: Не: жалат: но: Кога станува: Falls: Принцот: на: Нивната радост се почувствува. Тоа што е напишано:: Re: Од: Египќаните и починал веднаш: синовите Израилеви беа ослободени: Од заробеништво: и тие извика: чај: нивниот глас се вознесе на: Бог "2: принципот: Тоа ХА: Рим : За капиталот: е: Е: дека: Евреите имаат повеќе мразам: на: Сите: Тие го нарекуваат: на: Обединетите: на: А Исав: на: едомците: Парадата Обединетите: Обединетите: на: Злото: несвети . Рим Турската империја се вика: на: Обединетите: на: Ishmaelites: 56/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: дека: Тие: Не: Сакаат да го уништат: на: Обединетите: на Рим: сепак: Мора да се истребени: Зошто: Кога: Најдобар: корумпирани Рим е уништен: На : и спасение: на: слободата ќе биде избран народ: на: "Бог Р. Дејвид Kimchi scribit де Fected Obadiam29: Quidquid dixerunt Prophetae vastatione на Едом во ultims diebus: ID intellexerunt де Рим: во UT Explica Iesaia во Versu" Пристап gentes да ги слушаат "3) Etenim Кога vastabitur Рим ERIT redemptio Israelitarum:. на: Раби Давид Kimchi Пишува како: во: Obadiam: следниов начин:" Ова: дека:: Пророци: претскажа уништување на: Едом во последните: неколку дена објави во Рим: Како: вели Исаија (ch.34: 1) 57/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: Приод: или: нации: и да ја слушам .. Кога Рим е уништен: Израел ќе биде откупен. "И тоа:: Раби Авраам вели: истото во својата книга Tseror Hammor Дел Schoftim: Не: Кога Рим ќе бидат уништени: Ние ќе биде откупен." IV.FINALLY: Сите: христијани: Вклучувајќи меѓу најдобрите: Од: тие МОРА ДА СЕ UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26b. Tosephoth: Optimus меѓу occidi Назад народите. Multoties haec Phrasis repetita occurrit во diversis Iudaeorum Либрис: Licet: Не: iisdem verbis.V.gR.Ps.IARC во Exod cap.XIV: види Editionis Amstelodamiensis17) да го цитирам: 58/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: во: Abhodah Zarah (26b: Tosephoth) гласи: "и тоа:: од најдобрите: на народите убиени треба да биде" Shulhan Arukh: По зборовите на на: Iore ДЕА (158,1) дека: Тие велат дека: Оние Меѓу Akum (христијанин) дека: Не: да: на: Злото на Евреите: Не: Тие мора да бидат убиени: Оние Имено: Тоа: Не: Направете војна Израел: објаснува: Во: Milchamah Збор: војна: а: Време: од: Војна на Akum (христијанин) треба да биде убиен Поради тоа што е напишано: Добар Меѓу Akum (христијанин) заслужуваат: на: да бидат убиени: ETC .. "В. Евреин: Тоа убива: Кристијан: Не: грев, ама: нуди: жртва прифатлива за: Бог: В. Iudaeus occidens Christianum: Не: Peccat: сед offerre dicitur Прифатливи sacrificium Део. 59/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: Сефер или Израел 177b3) DELE vitam Et occide И Kiphoth; gratus Enim Ерис Divinae Височество sicut нелегални: нудат тука oblatum темјан. Во Сефер или Израел (177B) се вели: "Одземете: на: Живот: да во: Kliphoth И: ги убие: И: Како да Бог што се:: дека::. Нудат темјан" И: во Ialkut Simoni (245c.n.772) гласи: "еден: тоа: се шири: на: Крвта на: Wicked е: време да се прифати Бога како еден: тоа: нуди:.. Да го жртвува Бог VI по: на: уништување на храм на: Ерусалим: единственото: жртвен потребно: е: Убиство на христијаните: Во Зохар (III227b) чај: Добриот пастир вели: Потребни само жртва: е: дека: Togliamothe: Foul: на: Значи До: нас ". 60/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: Зохар (II: 43a) објаснувајќи: на: заповеди на Мојсеј на откуп на: Прво-Роден: на: А: Асистент: дека: Ние имаме: со:: Понуда: на: јагне: вели: "магаре е: за:: Не: Евреин: дека: тоа мора да се искупи со: чај: Понуда: на А: Јагнето: дека: е:: Делумно : Flock: Израел: туку: Ако тој повторно Осигурувачи: на: За да се искупи: Тогаш се скрши: на: черепот .. Тие треба да бидат избришани: Од Книгата на: Живеење од: на: до нив е: рече : Тој: Таа: грев: Од: на: мене: ке ги Авад: Од книгата: на:. Животот "VII. ЛИЦА: Тоа ќе го убие христијаните да: Место: високо на небото: во Зохар (1.38b: И 39А) гласи: 61/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: во: палати на: Четврто небото се оние: Тоа: тие упатија стенка на Сион и во Ерусалим: И: Сите: Оние: дека: Уништени идолски нации .. И: Оние: дека: убивање на луѓе: дека: тој почитувале идоли: Дали: облека: Со: фустани: на: Виолетова така: дека: И може да се препознае: почитува. "VIII Евреите: Не: никогаш не треба да престанат: на: елиминирање: GOIM;:. Не: никогаш не треба да ме остават на мира И: Не: мора да: Никогаш не ги достават до: ГИ Hilkhoth Во Akum (христијанин) (X: 1) читаме. : Не: Јадете: со: идолопоклониците: Не: Нека: на: Обожувањето: идолите: е: во: Факт: напиша: Не: Основана договори: со: не ги: покаже малку милост нив (Deuter. ch.7 : 2) или: ги одвлекува вниманието: Од нивните идоли: или: ги убие ". 62/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите] Ибид: Не (x 7): Тоа ќе им овозможи да: Не идолопоклонство: на: За да останете: Во: местата каде што Евреите се: силен: "IX: Сите: Евреите: Дали: Задолжително да се здружат: За: уништиш предавниците: дека: се: среде До: нив: Во Choschen Hammischpat (338,16) се вели: Сите: луѓето: на град: Дали: бара: Придонесете За трошењето на убиството: на: А: предавник: Дури и оние:. дека тие мора да плаќаат даноци и други "X. Ниту една партија: Не: колку свечена: може: Спречување: на: сечење:: а: Кристијан: Во Pesachim (49b) се вели:: Раби Елиезер рече: е, само намали: на: глава на: А: идиот (а: на: жителите на: Земјата) 63/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: во празникот на: помирување Кога станува: паѓа од денот на: Сабота. Неговите ученици Му рече: Учителе: Треба да а каже да го жртвува: Ама, тој одговори: Воопшто не: е: навистина потребно да се моли Додека жртвување: И: Не: Постои: Треба: на: да се моли Кога ќе behead некого. "XI: на: единствена цел: на: И сите акции: Молитви: на: Евреите мора да е: на: Уништи: на: Религија:: Во: отслика Евреите: На: А Месијата: Liberator: дека: Очекувајте како:: гонител: дека: да нанесе голема несреќи: Не: Евреите: на: Талмуд листи Три големи зла: дека: хит: на: Светската кога:: Месијата ќе дојде Schabbath Во (118a) чита.: 64/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: "Секој кој јаде три оброци: на: Вторник ќе биде спасен: од три зла: на: казнување: на: Месијата: Од: и болката на пеколот: Војна на Магог;: За што е напишано: Еве: Ќе ви испратиме Илија: Прво пророкот кој вели: дека: е:: Преглед на денот: на Господа: и така натаму "XII.. ВО нивните молитви Евреите воздишка: на: доаѓање на: Avenger Месијата: особено во: бдение: на: Велигден (Евреите) "Download: чај: Вашиот гневот на нации: дека: Не: знаете: И: за кралства: дека: Не: повика: Најдобар: вашето име; Download: на: на вашиот индигнација: на: нивните и: дека:: Вашиот гнев: на: одмазда ги земе: И Perseguitali: уништат: Со: бес од под : небото на Господ ". 65/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: Тие, исто така молат: следниов начин: За колку долго ќе остане: на: Твојата сила и заробеништво: колку долго лагата на: во Твојата убавина: на: раце на угнетувачот: Или: Бог! Прикажи: чај: И Твојата сила: Најдобар: Вашиот ревност против: Најдобар: нашите непријатели; паузи: чај; и сила: ги confonde "и: Повторно:" Пресечен: на: надевам на неправедно; пред тоа: До: еретици загине Во еднаш, корен: скршени: И: уништат: Обединетите Диво; да се брза: До: До:: Тема народите: во: денес. "Во иста време:: Петок: дека" Prinicipe горди на империја: на Рим:: Папата: и да се моли: За нарачки: сите: сите:: Светот на: моли се вака: За: сите: "еретици" 66/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: И: Оние: дека: Дали "изгубени" како: следниов начин: "Да се помолиме: За: На Fidious Евреите: дека: Господ, нашиот Бог може да земе : На: veilFrom нивните срца: дека: Тие може да се препознае Христа Исуса, нашиот Господ "Семоќниот и вечен Бог. дека: Не: Дури и Исклучување на Евреите од Твојата милост: Слушнете нашата молитва: дека: понуди: за:: слепило: на : луѓето: дека: Признати: на: Светлината на: Твојата вистина дека: е: Христос: од можете: неговата темнина: За нашиот Господ Исус Христос .. "Колку се прекрасни се Твоите сали: или: Џејкоб: И: НА ВАШИОТ Завеси: или: Израел (Num.24: 5)! 67/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: Епилог: Нежната читателот: Во овој труд: Јас цитира извадоци: на: Verd: Неколку книги на 'Талмудот': ICI: дека: Тие повторно Фер: да во: христијани: За Љубовта на: краткост И: за спасување: на: чувствителни срце на: читателот: Јас се исфрлени многу други: дека тие би можеле да се вклучени. Овие текстови: дека: јас ги спомнав: сепак: треба да биде доволно: За да се покаже howFalse на тврди: на: Евреите кога велат: дека: Не: Постои: ништо во Талмуд дека: insegnithe: и омраза: на: Непријателството кон христијаните. Ако студијата: на: ужасно богохулства: на: Оваа книга треба да се одвратни: за:: Изведувач: дека: Тој: Не: IFeel како него. 68/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: Не: Реков: на: почеток: дека: Му реков нешто на: Пријатно: но, само: Тоа: Што би покажале: дека: навистина: на: Талмуд учи за христијаните: А: Не: веруваат: дека: Можам ли да го направи посоодветна. Сфаќам: сепак: Тоа: со оглед на: дека:: Вистина: Не: да се сака: сите: Јас ќе станам непријатели многу: За имаат сведочеше Така: на: Вистината. За мене ова: како е е: дали потсети на: читај: на: Талмуд себе: дека: закана: на: смртта: "предавници": И: Дури и повеќе: од Предупредувања: на: Оние: дека: Тие имаат искусено : на: Акција: дека: Евреите се обврзуваат: Од: Оние: дека: нешта да се направи познат: нивната неповолна. 69/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само еден: еден стадо на робовите]: Тие: Сите: предвиде дека: загине: за рака: на Евреите. Овде сум за: За: на: разубеди ме од продолжување на: чај: Мојата работа: некои ме праша: на: Запомни:: Судбината на: Професор Charina: дека: на загинатите беше: одеднаш имаат почна да: Преведете: на: Талмуд: народот. Други ме потсети на:: Судбината на: Монк Didacus: на: Vilna: До: конвертира: Од јудаизмот: дека: е тој сурово Убиени: другите ме потсети: на: Оние: дека: Тие биле Прогонет: за откривање тајни : на: еврејската религија. Сепак други: Имам предупреди: Од: на: Тие треба да имаат појавува опасност: Мои: драги. "Wszak CIEB Wydzi zabij" 70/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: јас бев повторно Стотици: на: Times:: книга: дека: Сега ќе се одржи во својата рака е:: најдобар доказ: Тоа: Не: Имам слушав на предупредувањата на: ми: Пријатели. Јас се смета недостоен: на: мене: само да молчат: За љубовта на: Мојата лична безбедност: Додека: Најдобар: на меѓу на Raging конфликти: TwoFields на "семитски" И: на "анти-Семити:" И на : Кој тврдат: на: Борба: за:: Вистина: Иако знам: дека:: целата вистина: Не: се наоѓа во некоја од: две полиња: но: она што се случува со мене: Затоа што: од: Што : дека: Јас не: Ќе бидам среќен: на: мечка: Дали: Сакаат да: даде: за: Животот ми - 71/71 [Талмуд наспроти ММФ. Сите народи: За се: само едно: стадо на робовите]: што можам да сведочи: Во: Вистина: (Јован 18: 37) IB Pranaitis: но: Евреите ќе те убие "полски Translation (приближно: на: содржината на Епилогот: е: да се спомене значајни за жал: дека: Отецот е во Pranaitis е Ffects: на: смрт: Очекувани: За на рака: Во неговите непријатели: Најдобар: болшевичката револуција: Ед) е: очигледно: дека: Овие извештаи : дека: Ние сме биле во можност да го оправда читање: Против: авторите на: Овие богохулства: Против Христос: Така: Против: Овие Евреи: дека: Овие имаат анти-христијански изјави: Зборовите на Христос: "Мора: За неговото Таткото: Во: пеколот "Карло Марија:. на: Петар (и webmaster: Промотор: на: MSMA) Коен: Форум
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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Published: June 22, 2015
Coptic boys on bail, anti-Islam charges pending
Published: June 18, 2015 Persecuted USA Bildenberg Nwo, SpA, is Global Assault on Christians ] [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia! ] gli USA hanno bloccato i risultati dele scatole nere, fino ad oggi ] quindi ci sono delle intese comuni per insabbiare questo crimine e trovare una soluzione politica del Donbass [Un anno fa abbattuto aereo su Ucraina. Putin, prematuro tribunale internazionale per responsabili ] non credo che per chi ha seguito la vicenda, si possa avere dei dubbi sul fatto che sia stato CIA Kiev ad abbattere l'aereo malese sul Donbass [[ Disastro MH17 resta giallo Putin contro tribunale Onu. Europa. E' "prematuro e controproducente" istituire un tribunale internazionale per individuare e giudicare i possibili responsabili dell'abbattimento dell'aereo della Malaysia Airlines [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia!
La democrazia è incompatibile con questa UE – Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia http://www.byoblu.com/
Pubblicato 12 luglio 2015 - 17.05 - Da Claudio Messora. L’economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall’euro sempre più probabile e quello di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo. LA DEMOCRAZIA E' INCOMPATIBILE CON L'UE - Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=126&v=PNRHgZppEj0 Pubblicato il 12 lug 2015.
L'economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall'euro e di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo.
Gli spin doctor UE hanno fallito! Il ritorno di Marcello Foa su Byoblu.com
Pubblicato 14 luglio 2015 - 16.15 - Da Claudio Messora
Gli Spin Doctor, i manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica che agiscono dai più alti vertici istituzionali, hanno confezionato una vera e propria strategia del terrore per dipingere Tsipras come un pazzo e spaventare i greci, insieme a tutti gli altri popoli europei. Eppure, la violenza del loro messaggio questa volta sta ottenendo l’effetto opposto a quello sperato: la coscienza dei cittadini inizia a ribellarsi e a non credere più al “frame“, la cornice di interpretazione dei fatti stabilita per influenzare i media e ottenere un consenso drogato. Ecco la nuova lucida, imperdibile analisi di Marcello Foa sul caso della Grecia e sugli ultimi accadimenti riferiti all’Isis. Da ascoltare con attenzione, condividere e far condividere a tutti.
Per chi si fosse perso l’intervista precedente, che spiega il concetto di Frame, eccola qui sotto:
Uscire dall’euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
Spari in basi del Tennessee, uccisi quattro marines
Nord America.
L'attentatore, morto nello scontro a fuoco con la polizia, si chiamava Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni. Era americano, originario del Kuwait. Obama, indagini a tutto campo
35b/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: IV. CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE DAMAGED IN THINGS NECESSARY: For SURVIVAL: The: Jews: Not: They must save Any means: For The Fight: Tyrants: That: keep Them in This Fourth Captivity in order: of: get rid of. They must: Fight The Christians: With: The: And cunning: Not: do Anything: For To Avoid: That: The: Evil seize Them: Tea: Their sick: Not: They must be cared: For: Christian Women: Not: they must be helped during: The: childbirth: And: The Christians: Not: They must be saved When in danger of: death. 36/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: And: do business: With: The same Akum (Christian). In other Places: however: is: different And: is: only To: To: Another jew: of: going To The same Akum (Christian) circuit: do business: With: And him: Take: The: his money. In: Fact: The: Wealth dell Akum (Christian) And should be considered common Property: it belongs To The First: That: it can be appropriated. There is: Anyway: Who says That: What: Not: be done. "In Choschen Hammischpat (183.7 Hagah) reads:" If: jew does business: With A: Akum (Christian) And: A: And brother Israelite occurs: Frodathe: Akum (Christian): For half: of: False Weights: or: measures: or: Numbers: he must divide: The: his Profit: With: Tea: his brother Israelite: because: That: both have Participated of The: Affair: And: Also: For help. " 37/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: 4. To: JEW PU0 PRETEND: of: BE To: CHRISTIAN: For: deceive CHRISTIANS: In Iore Dea (157.2. Hagah) reads: "If: jew can: Fool Them (the idolaters) Pretending: of: be: keen: of: stars: is: Allowed To do. "5. JEWS: is: WEAR PERMITTED TO EXERCISE: In The: AGAINST CHRISTIANS: in the: Abhodah Zarah (54A) it says: is: only exercise the: Wear: in The: respect: of The: Apostate Fallen into idolatry. "And: In Iore Dea (159.1) reads: is: only: in accordance with: The: Torah: To Lend money To Wear To: Akum (Christian). Some Elders: however: deny This Except in The case: of: Life : of: death. of The day: Today is: Permissions: For Whatever reason. " 38/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: III. CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE DAMAGED IN QUESTIONS: LEGAL: 1. of The: JEW: is: PERMISSION And LIE: Jura: The: FALSE: For: An order To: CHRISTIAN: In Babha Kama (113th) it says: The: Our Teaching is: The: Following: When To: jew And A : goi: (pay) Appear in court: absolve the: jew: if you can: According To The Laws of Israel. If: The: goi: (pay) Wins: Tell him: That: What: is: What: Tea: our Law requires. If: however: The: jew can be acquitted in accordance with: The: of The Law: kind: And discharge him: Tell him: That: What: is: done According To our Laws. If This Level: Not: it can be done: do: With: hardness Against: The: goi: (pay) As: recommended: The: Rabbi Ischmael. 39/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: The: Rabbi Akibha: however: Argues: That: Not: you can Act: With: Fraud: For: Not: Profane The Name: of God: And: For : Not: have To: jew returned To: opinion: For perjury. "A Note To: margin: however: Explains This Point: of The: Rabbi Akibha As: Follows: The Name: of God: Not: if it is Profaned: The: goi: (pay) Not: he knows: That: The : jew: has: Lied. "and: more: Forward: The: Babha Kama (113b) says: The: Name of God: Not: is: When Profaned: For Example: To: jew mind To A: goi: (pay ) story: I have given something To you: your Father: but He: is: dead: you must return it To me: Provided That: The: goi: (pagan) Not: know: That: you re Lying. " 40/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: 2: is: PERMISSION TO To: JEW JURY: The: FALSE: With: Consciousness: CLEAN: In Kallah (1b: P.18) reads: "It ( the: mother of The: mazmer) said: I swear To: me. And: The: Rabbi Akibha swore With: Lips: but: invalidated in his heart: The swearing-in. A: similar concept is in Schabbuoth Hagahoth: of The : Rabbi Ascher (6d) "If: The: magistrate of A city compels Jews To: swear That: Not: And: Flee From That city: That: Not: it rub off Anything: They Will swear The: False To say: Themselves : That: Not: Flee That day: And: That: Not: remove AnythingFrom The city on That day only. " 42/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: 1. To: JEW MUST ALWAYS TRY: of: deceive CHRISTIANS: In Zohar (I: 160th) it says: The: Rabbi Jehuda The: has said (to The rabbi Chezkia): is: Worthy: of: Praise Him: That: is : capable: of: get rid of Enemies of Israel: And: Are: very Worthy: of: The Praise: The just That: They Are released And: Fight Them: The: Chezkia Rabbi Asked: How should We Fight?: The: rabbi Jehuda said: With: Wise Adviser War Against: of: Them. (Proverbs: cap.24: 6) With: That: Type: of: War?: The: Type: of: War: That: Every child of: man must: Fight: Against: The: his Enemies: And: That: Jacob used: Against: Esau: When Possible: With: The: And deception: The: Fraud. 43/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: They must be Fought relentlessly: up To: That: The: right order: Not: be restored: is: There: Fore: With: satis Faction: That: I say That: We must: Free up And: From Them: rule of: of: Them. "2: Not: you must help: SICK CHRISTIAN: In Iore Dea (158.1) reads:" The: Akum (Christian) Not: They must be Treated: Even: For money: To: Less: That: What: Not: cause : The: Their Enmity. "3: Not: We must: HELP: The: CHRISTIAN WOMAN IN: Tea: Parts: in The: Orach Orach Chaiim (330.2) reads:" No help: Though minimum: should be given To A Woman Akum (Christian) during: the: birth in day of: Saturday: in That: The: Saturday: Not: it must be violated. " 44/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: 4: Not: We must: HELP: CHRISTIAN IN DANGER: of: DEATH: In Choschen Hammischpat (425.5) reads: "If you see A: heretic: That: not: believe Nalla Torah ToFall into: Well: With: A Ladder: And immediately rush: Take it Away And says I must go To: Take my son off To: roof. We Will report on: The: scale immediately: or: something : of The: general. Kuthaei I: however: That: Not: Are: And our Enemies: That: Take care: of The: sheep: of The: Israelites: Not: They must be killed directly: but: Not: They must be saved: From death. "and: in Iore Dea (158.1) reads:" The: Akum (Christian) That: Not: Are: our Enemies: Not: They must be killed directly: 45/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: This: Not: in spite of Them: Not: They must be saved: From The danger of: death: For Example: if you see one: of: thed: fall into The sea: Not: To Pull it up: Less: That: he: Not: I Promise: of The: money. "Maimonides in Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X1: Not: Licet misereri eorum; some other impressive Words:" It misereberis eorum "1). Idcirco: you quis viderit Adum Pereuntem: vel DEMERSUM acquis: it OPEMFerat. He died Proximate viderit Eum: it Eripiat dead. Attamen Eum Losing its maintenance: in Praecipitem Puteum give speed siquid Huic similar Ne Fas East: quia Nobiscum bellum: Not: Gerit. 46/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: Maimonides: in Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: 1) says: Not: have Pity: of: Them: in: Fact: is said (Deuter. VII : 2) Not: shown Their Piety. There: Fore: if you see A: Akum (Christian) in difficulty or drown: Not: go To his Aid. And: if he Was in danger of: death: Not: save: but: Not: is: just kill him With: The: Pushing your hand into The Pit: or: otherwise: since: That: They: Not: Are: in The War Against: of: us. "Article II: CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE KILLED: FINALLY: The: Talmud commands: That: The Christians Are killed Without mercy in The: Abhodah Zarah (26b) reads" Heretics: Traitors And: Apostates must be disposed in A: And Well: Not : They must be rescued. " 47/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: And: in Choschen Hammischpat (388.10) states: "The spy should be killed: Too: At To: our days: Wherever you Are. It can be killed Even be : Fore: That: confess. And: Even Though he Admits: of: he just Wanted To make: of The: To hurt someone: And: if: The: Evil: That: he Wanted To do: Not: it Was very Large : is: Enough: To condemn it: For: death. It must however be Warned: of: Not: Admit This: but: if it blatantly says "No: I confess!" Then he must be killed: The: As soon As possible. If: Not: there is: Time: For Warn you: Not: is: A Necessary step. Some say That: To: Traitor must be made To: death only When: is: impossible To get rid 48/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: mutilating: ie: cutting off: The: Language: or: ripping out Their Eyes: but: if This: is: can: Not: To be killed since: That : he: Not: is: Worst: of: other: That: persecute us. "And: in Choschen Hamm: of: New (388.15) reads:" If you can Prove: That: someone has: betrayed Israel Three Times: or: That: has: As: The: money: of: Israelites To The Akum ( christian) you WillFind: The: Way: After care Ful consideration: of: delete it: From The Face: of The: Earth. "Quinim: ipsum Studium Legis Iudaeorum mortis Poenam meretur. Sanhedrin 59 To R. Iochanan you To quote: Goi scrutans Legem: reus East mortis. 49/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: The: Christian: That: To be discovered: study: The: Law of Israel merits: The: death. In Sanhedrin (59A) it says: The: Rabbi Jochanan says: To: goi: (pay) That: sticks: The: Nose in The Law is: guilty of: death. "II. Occidendi sunt Baptisma suscipientes Iudaei. Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X2: haec dicta sunt 1) de idolatris. Israelitarum Sed illos here To: desciverint religion: vel Epikurei Evaserint: slaying: atque To Pursue it Even unto inferos iubemur. Quippe Affligunt Israelem: Populumque To: Deo Avertunt. 50/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: II. Baptized JEWS SHOULD BE MADE To: DEATH: In Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: 2) reads: "These Things (above) Are: For The idolaters: but: Even The Israelites: That: Leave: The: Their And religion: must be killed And become Epicureans: We must persecute Them To The End: For They afflict Israel And: distract: The: People of God "and: in Iore Dea (158.2 Hagah) reads:" The renegades: That: Are Aimed: To at: Pleasures of The: Akum (Christian) And: That: They Are contaminated And Worshiping The stars: The: As Planets: They Are: must be killed. "Similarly: it is said in Choschen Hammischpat (425.5) 51/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: "the: Jews: That: Epicurean become: That: of The damage you: Worship: of The: stars And: of The: And Planets: sin maliciously; Even those: That: Eat: The: meat of: injured Animals: or: That: Wear clothing rooms: They deserve: The Name: of: Epicurean: in Like manner: Those: That: deny: The: Torah And: The: Prophets of Israel: The: Law: is: That: All: They should be killed: And: Those: That: have: The: Power: of: Life And: of: death should have Them killed: And: if This Level: Not : it could be done: They must be brought To death: With: The: deception. "Here sint Abnegantes: Legem institutions: Clare R. Demonstratio Maimon in Hilkhoth Teschubhah III: 2). 52/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: Tres sunt Negantium Torah classes: 1. Here dicunt: Not: To: Deo given me These Torah: Aut (not: To: Deo) saltem eius versum unum: unum saltem verbum: sed (lieutenant) Moysen To: seipso hoc dixisse: omnis (eng you To quote here) Abnegat Legem. 2. Here Abiiciunt eius Explicationem: quae dicitur Torah oralis (Mischnah) Neque Agnoscunt eius doctores: Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Zadok. 3) Et Baithos 4). 3. Here: of: The: Rabbi Maimonides: in Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III: 8): Forniscethe: List: of: Those: That: deniers Are considered: of The: Law: "There: Are: Three categories of: People: That: deny: The: Law: of The: Torah: 1) People: That They say: That: The: Torah: Not: is: Was given by God: 53/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: To At Least: To: or: A Word: of: it (sic) And: That: They say That: Been is: The Whole Work of Moses: 2 ) People: That: re Fuse: The: Explanation of The: Torah: Namely The: Oral Law: of The: Mischnah: And: Those: That: Not: riconoscono the: of The Authorities: Doctors: of The: Law: As : The: Followers: of: Zadok (Sadducees) And: of: Baithos: 3) People: That: They say That: God has: changed: The: Law: For To: Another New Law: And: That: The: Torah : Not: has: No more value: Even if They do: Not: deny: That: Was given by God As: believe The Christians And: The: Turks: All: deny Them: The: Reads From The Torah. "III. CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE KILLED: Why: Are: Tyrant: In Zohar (I: 25a) it says: 54/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: "The Peoples of The: Earth: Are: idolaters: And: of: of: Them: Been is: Written: That is Wiped off The Face: of The: land: Destroy: The: memory: of The: Amalekites. They: Are: still: With: us in This Fourth Captivity: Namely: The: Principles (of Rome). That: in: Fact: Are: Amalekites. "1. THESE PRINCIPLES SHOULD BE KILLED: For FIRST: Why: if They Are Allowed: of: Life:: hope of The: Liberation of The: Jews: is: vain: And: Their Prayers: of: release From This Fourth Captivity Will be in effective. In Zohar (I: 219B) it says: is: of course: That: The: our captivity Will Last up To: When The: Principles of The: kind: That: They Worship idols: Not: They Will be destroyed. " 55/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: And: Even in The Zohar (II: 19a) it says: The: Rabbi Jehuda: has said: Come To: See As: Things Are; As: Tea : Principles have Assumed Power over And Israel: The Israelites: Not: complain: but: When it: Falls: The: Prince: The: Their delight is Felt. It is Written That: The: Re: of The: Egyptians died And: immediately The: children of Israel Were Freed: From captivity: And They screamed: Tea: Their voice ascended to: God "2: The PRINCIPLE: That HA: ROME : For CAPITAL: is: IS: That: JEWS HAVE MORE HATE: of: All: They call it: The: United: of: And Esau: of The: Edomites: The United Pride: The United: of The: Evil: Unholy rome. The Turkish Empire is called: The: United: of The: Ishmaelites: 56/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: That: They: Not: Wish To destroy: The: United: of Rome: however: must be exterminated: Why: When: The: corrupt Rome is destroyed: The : And salvation: The: Freedom Will be The chosen People: of: God "R. David Kimchi scribit de Fected Obadiam29: Quidquid dixerunt Prophetae vastatione of Edom in ultims diebus: id intellexerunt de Rome: in The ut explica Iesaia in versu" Access gentes To Listen in "3). Etenim When vastabitur Rome erit redemptio Israelitarum: The: Rabbi David Kimchi Writes As: in the: Obadiam: Follows:" This: That: The: Prophets: foretold The destruction of: Edom in The Last: few days I reported To Rome: As: says Isaiah (ch.34: 1) 57/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: Approach: or: Nations: And Listen .. When Rome is destroyed: Israel Will be redeemed. "Also: The: Rabbi Abraham says The: same Thing in his book Tseror Hammor Section Schoftim: Not: When Rome Will be destroyed: We Will be redeemed." IV.FINALLY: All: CHRISTIANS: INCLUDING AMONG THE BEST: Of: THEY MUST BE UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26b. Tosephoth: Optimus inter occidi meretur Gentiles. Multoties haec Phrasis repetita occurrit in diversis Iudaeorum Libris: Licet: Not: iisdem verbis.V.gR.Ps.IARC in Exod cap.XIV: see Editionis Amstelodamiensis17) to quote: 58/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: in The: Abhodah Zarah (26b: Tosephoth) reads: "Also: The: of The best: The Gentiles should be killed" The Shulhan Arukh: After The Words of the: Iore Dea (158.1) That: They say That: Those Among The Akum (Christian) That: Not: make: of The: Evil To The Jews: Not: They must be killed: Namely Those: That: Not: make War on Israel: Explains: The: Milchamah Word: War: but: Time: of: The War The Akum (Christian) should be killed because it is Written: The good Among The Akum (Christian) deserve: of: To be killed: Etc .. "V. JEW: That kills: CHRISTIAN: Not: sin: but: offers: sacrifice Acceptable To: GOD: V. Iudaeus occidens Christianum: Not: Peccat: sed offerre dicitur Acceptable sacrificium Deo. 59/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: Sepher Or Israel 177b3) Dele vitam Et occide And Kiphoth; gratus Enim Eris Divinae majesty Sicut illegal: oblatum incense offered here. In The Sepher Or Israel (177B) it says: "Take Away: The: Life: To At: Kliphoth And: kill Them: And: Like you To God As: A: That: The: offering incense." And: in Ialkut Simoni (245c.n.772) reads: "One: That: spreads: The: blood of The: Wicked is: Time To Accept God As The one: That: offers: sacrifice To God. VI. AFTER: the: destruction of The Temple To: JERUSALEM: THE ONLY: SACRIFICE NEEDED: is: THE MURDER OF CHRISTIANS: In Zohar (III227b) Tea: Good Shepherd says The: only Necessary sacrifice: is: That: Togliamothe: Foul: of: Means to: us. " 60/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: The Zohar (II: 43a) Explaining: The: commandments of Moses on The redemption of The: First-born: of: A: Ass: That: We have: with: The: offer: of: A Lamb: says: "The donkey is: For: The: Not: jew: That: it must be redeemed With: Tea: Offer: of A: Lamb: That: is: The: scattered : Flock: of Israel: but: if he re Fuses: of: To be redeemed: Then The break: The: skull .. They should be deleted: From The book of The: Living As of: of: To Them is said : He: That: sin: Against: of: me: I Will Take Awad: From The book: of The: Life. "VII. PERSONS: That WILL KILL CHRISTIANS To: PLACE: HIGH IN THE SKY: In The Zohar (1.38b: And 39a) reads: 61/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: in The: Palaces of The: Fourth heaven Are Those: That: They issued groans of Zion And Jerusalem: And: All: Those: That: destroyed idolatrous Nations .. And: Those: That: killing People: That: he Adored idols: Are: clothes: With: dresses: of: Purple so: That: And can be recognized: honored. "VIII. JEWS: Not: SHOULD NEVER cease: of: Exterminate: goim;: Not: SHOULD NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE And: Not: MUST: NEVER SUBMIT To: THEM. Hilkhoth In Akum (Christian) (X: 1) We read : Not: Eat: With: The idolaters: Not: Let Them: of: The Worship: Their idols: is: in: Fact: Wrote: Not: Established contracts: With: Them Not: show Them mercy (Deuter. ch.7 : 2) or: distracts Them: From Their idols: or: kill Them. " 62/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: Ibid (X: 7) Not: it Will Allow To: No idolatry: of: To stay: in The: Places Where The Jews Are: strong: "IX: all: JEWS: Are: REQUIRED TO JOIN TOGETHER: For: destroy The Traitors: That: Are: Amidst To: THEM: In Choschen Hammischpat (338.16) states: All: The People: of The: city: Are: required To: contribute to The spending of The killing: of: A: A Traitor: Even Those: That They must Pay other Taxes. "X. NO PARTY: Not: MATTER HOW SOLEMN: CAN: PREVENT: The: decapitation: of: A: CHRISTIAN: In Pesachim (49b) it says: The: Rabbi Eliezer said: is: only cut: The: head of: A: idiot (a: of The: inhabitants of The: Earth) 63/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: in The Feast of The: Reconciliation When it: Falls by day of: Friday. His disciples said To him: Rabbi: you should rather say To sacrifice: but He replied: Not At All: is: indeed Necessary To Pray While sacrificing: And: Not: There is: Need: of: To Pray When you behead someone. "XI: The: ONLY PURPOSE: of: And ALL ACTIONS: PRAYERS: of The: JEWS MUST BE THAT: of: DESTROY: The: RELIGION: CHRISTIAN: The: depict Jews: The: And The Messiah: Liberator: That: Expect as: A: A Persecutor: That: To inflict great calamities: Not: Jews: The: Talmud Lists Three great Evils: That: hit: The: World When: The: Messiah Will come. Schabbath In (118a) reads: 64/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: "Anyone Who Eats Three meals: of: Saturday Will be saved: From Three Evils: of The: Punishment: of The: Messiah: of The: And The Pains of hell: The War of Magog;: For it is Written: Behold: I Will send you Elijah The: First Prophet: That: is: The: Day: of The Lord: And so on. "XII. IN THEIR PRAYERS THE JEWS SIGH: The: COMING: of The: AVENGER MESSIAH: ESPECIALLY IN: VIGIL: of The: EASTER (Hebrew) "Download: Tea: your Wrath on The Nations: That: Not: you know: And: on kingdoms: That: Not: invoke: The: your Name; Download:: of your indignation: of: Their And: That: The: your Wrath: of: vengeance Take Them: And Perseguitali: destroy: With: Anger From under The : heaven of The Lord. " 65/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: They Also Pray As: Follows: For how long it will remain: The: Your strength And captive: For how Long Lie: The: in Thy beauty: The: hands of The oppressor?: Or: God! Show: Tea: And Thy strength: The: your zeal Against: The: our Enemies; breaks: Tea: Their strength And: confonde them "and: Again:" Cut off: The: hope of The unjust; Ago That: To: heretics Perish At once; uprooted: broken: And: destroy: The United Proud; To hurry: To: To: The: subject Peoples: in The: Present day. "In Exactly The same Time: The: Friday: That" Prinicipe Proud of The Empire: of Rome: The: Pope: And Pray: To order: All: All: The: World of: Pray For: All: "heretics" 66/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: And: Those: That: Are "lost" As: Follows: "Let us Pray: For The: Per Fidious Jews: That: The Lord our God may Take Away : The: veilFrom Their hearts: That: They can recognize Jesus Christ our Lord. "Almighty And Eternal God: That: Not: Even Exclude The Jews From your mercy: hear our Prayer: That: offer: For: The: blindness: of : The People: That: recognized: The: Light of The: Thy Truth: That: is: Christ: out of The can: its darkness: For our Lord Jesus Christ .. "How beautiful Are Thy HALLS: or: JACOB: AND: THE YOUR CURTAINS: or: ISRAEL! (Num.24: 5) 67/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: EPILOGUE: The gentle reader: In This Paper: I quoted Passages: of: Verd: Few of The books Talmud: ici: That: They re Fer: To At: christians: For Love of: brevity And: For saving: The: sensitive heart: of The: reader: I have omitted many others: That They could have included. These Texts: That: I have mentioned: however: should be sufficient: For To show howFalse The claims: of The: Jews When They say: That: Not: There is: Nothing in The Talmud That: insegnithe: And hate: The: enmity Towards The Christians. If The study: of The: horrible blasphemies: of: This book should be revolting: For: The: Player: That: he: Not: IFeel Like it. 68/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: Not: I said: of The: beginning: That: I Told something of: Pleasant: but: only: That: What I Would have shown: That: really: the: Talmud Teaches About Christians: And: Not: believe: That: I could do it more Appropriate. I realize: however: That: given: That: The: Truth: Not: To Love: All: I Will become many Enemies: For having Thus testified: The: Truth. This To me: Been is: is reminded of The: read: of The: Talmud itself: That: Threat: of: The death: "traitors": And: Even more: by Warnings: of: Those: That: They have Active : of The: Action: That: The Jews undertake: Against: Those: That: To make known Things: Their unfavorable. 69/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only: single herd of slaves]: They: All: Predicted That: Perish: For hand: of The: Jews. Looking For: of: dissuade me From continuing: Tea: my Work: some have Asked me: of: remember: The: Fate of The: Professor Charina: That: of The killed Was: suddenly having begun To: Translate: The: Talmud: vernacular. Others reminded me of: The: Fate of The: monk Didacus: of: Vilna: To: converted: From Judaism: That: he Was cruelly murdered: others reminded me: of: Those: That: They had been Persecuted: For revealing secrets : of The: Jewish religion. Still others: I have Warned: Against: The: They should have incurred The dangers: my: dear. "Wszak CIEB Wydzi zabij" 70/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: I Was repeated hundreds: of: Times: The: book: That: you Now hold in your hand is: The: best Evidence: That: Not: I have Listened to The Warnings of The: my: Friends. I considered unworthy: of: myself: only To be silent: For Love of The: my Personal safety: While: The: conflict raging between The: TwoFields of The "Semitic" And: of The "Anti-Semites:" both of The : Who Argue: of: Fight For: The: Truth: While I know: That: The: Whole Truth: Not: it is Located in Any of The: Two Fields: but: Whatever happens To me: because: of: What : That: I did: I Will be happy: of: bear: Are: Willing To: give: The: my Life - 71/71 [Talmud IMF vs. All Peoples: For do: one only single: herd of slaves]: That I can Testify: The: TRUTH: (John 18: 37) IB Pranaitis: but: The Jews Will kill you "Polish Translation (Approx: The: content of The Epilogue: is: sadly significant To mention: That: Father Was in Pranaitis e Ffects: The: death As: Expected: For of The hand: his Enemies during: The: Bolshevik Revolution: Ed) is: obvious: That: These statements : That: We have been Able To justify reading: Against: The Authors of: These blasphemies: Against Christ: Thus: Against: These Jews: That: have These Anti-Christian statements: The Words of Christ: "You have: For his father: The: hell. "Carlo Maria: of: Peter (and WebMaster: Promoter: of The: MSMA) Cohen: Forum
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Published: June 18, 2015 35b/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: IV. Insara għandhom ikunu AFFARIJIET danneġġata Meħtieġa: Għall SOPRAVIVENZA: Il-: Lhud: Mhux: Għandhom tiffranka Kull mezz: Għall Il-Ġlieda: tiranni: Dak: Żomm fil-magħluq Dan ir-Raba 'sabiex: ta': jeħles. Huma għandhom: Ġlieda L-Insara: Bil: Il-: u cunning: Mhux: do Xejn: Għall Biex Evita: Dik: L: ħażen jaħtfu Them: Te: Morda tagħhom: Mhux: Għandhom jiġu kkurati: Għal: Nisa Christian: Mhux: dawn għandhom jiġu megħjuna Matul: Il-: twelid ta 'tarbija: U: L-Insara: Mhux: Huma għandhom ikunu salvati Meta fil-periklu ta': mewt. 36/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: U: jagħmlu negozju: Bil: L-istess Akum (Kristjani). Fil Postijiet oħra: madankollu: huwa: U differenti: huwa: biss Lil: Biex: ieħor Lhudi: ta ': Going To Il-Akum istess (Kristjani) ċirkwit: jagħmlu negozju: Bil: U lilu: Ħu: Il-: flus tiegħu. Fi: Fatt: Il-: Ġid dell Akum (Kristjani) u għandhom jiġu kkunsidrati proprjetà komuni: li tappartjeni għall-ewwel: Dik: tista 'tkun approprjata. Hemm: Xorta waħda: Min jgħid li: Liema: Mhux: 'jsir. "Fil Choschen Hammischpat (183.7 Hagah) jgħid:" Jekk: Lhudi ma 'negozju: Bil A: Akum (Kristjani) U: A: U ħuh Israelite Iseħħ: Frodathe: Akum (Kristjani): Għal nofs: ta': Piżijiet foloz: jew: miżuri: jew: Numri: hu jrid jaqsam: L-aħjar: Qligħ tiegħu: Bil: Te: Israelite ħuh: Minħabba: Dak: tnejn għandhom Ipparteċipajt ta 'The: Affari: U: Ukoll: Għall-għajnuna. " 37/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: 4. Biex: Lhudi PU0 nippretendu: ta ': ikunu: CHRISTIAN: Għal: tqarraq insara: Fil Iore Dea (. 157.2 Hagah) jgħid: "Jekk: Lhudi tista': iblaħ Them (l-idolatri) feint: ta ': ikunu: ħerqana: ta': stilla: huwa: Allowed Biex tagħmel "5.. Lhud: huwa: Ilbes jitħallew jeżerċitaw: Fil Il-: Kontra Insara: fil-: Abhodah Zarah (54A) jgħid: huwa: biss l-eżerċizzju: Ilbes: fil-: ir-rispett: ta 'The: apostate Annimali fis idolatry. "U: Fil Iore Dea (159.1) jgħid: huwa: biss: skond: L: Torah: li jsellef flus lill Ilbes Lil:. Akum (Kristjani) Xi Anzjani: madankollu: Dan jiċħdu Ħlief fil-każ: ta ': Ħajja : ta ': mewt tal-ġurnata:. Illum huwa: Permessi:. Għal Kwalunkwe raġuni " 38/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: III. Insara bil-ħsara għandu jkun mistoqsijiet: LEGALI: 1. ta 'L-: Jew: huwa: Permess U LIE: Jura: Il-: FALZ: Għal: Ordni Lil: CHRISTIAN: Fil Babha KAMA (113) jgħid: L-aħjar: Tagħlim tagħna huwa: Il-: Wara: Meta Lil: Lhudi And A : GI: (paga) jidhru fil-qorti: jassolvi lill-: Lhudi: jekk inti tista ': skond il-liġijiet ta' Iżrael. Jekk: Il-: GOI: (jħallsu) Jirbaħ: Tgħidlu: Dik: Liema: huwa: Liema: Te: Liġi tagħna teħtieġ. Jekk: madankollu: L: Lhudi jista 'jiġi liberat skond: L: Il-Liġi ta': it-tip: U jeħilsu: Tgħidlu: Dik: Liema: huwa: isir skond il-liġijiet tagħna. Jekk dan il-livell: Mhux: dan jista 'jsir: jagħmlu: Bil: ebusija Kontra: Il-: GOI: (paga) Fir: rakkomandati: Il-: Ischmael Rabbi. 39/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Il-: Akibha Rabbi: madankollu: Isostni: Dak: Mhux: inti tista 'l-Att: Bil: Frodi: Għal: Mhux: Profane-Isem ta' Alla: U: Għal : Mhux: Biex ikollhom: Lhudi lura Lil: Opinjoni: Għall-xhieda falza. "A Nota Biex: marġni: madankollu: Dan jispjega Punt: ta 'The: Akibha Rabbi Bħala: ġej: L-Isem ta' Alla: Mhux: jekk huwa profaned: Il-: GOI: (jħallsu) Mhux: jaf: Dik: Il- : Lhudi: għandha: Gideb "u:. iktar: Forward: Il-: Babha KAMA (113b) jgħid: Il-: Isem ta 'Alla: Mhux: huwa: Meta profaned: Għall Eżempju: Biex: f'moħħu Lhudi Biex A: GI: (paga ) qal: Jiena tajt xi ħaġa Biex int: Missier tiegħek: imma Hu: huwa: mejta: inti għandek lura Lili: Izda: Il-: GOI: (pagan) Mhux: taf: Dik: inti terġa Gideb. " 40/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: 2: huwa: Permess LI Lil: Ġurija Lhudi: Il-: FALZ: Bil: Sensi: NADIF: Fil Kallah (1b: p.18) jgħid: "Huwa ( il-: omm ta ': mazmer) qal: Jiena naħlef li: lili U:. Il-: Rabbi Akibha swore Bil: Xufftejn: iżda: invalidata fil-qalb tiegħu: Il-ġurament fil A:. kunċett simili fil Schabbuoth Hagahoth: ta' The : Rabbi Ascher (6d) "Jekk: L: maġistrat ta 'belt jġiegħel Lhud Għal: naħlef li: Mhux: U: Jaħarbu Minn Dik Belt: Dan: Mhux: dan Togħrokx off Xejn: Huma naħlef Il-: foloz Li wieħed jgħid: infushom : Dik: Mhux: Jaħarbu Dik il-ġurnata: U: Dak: Mhux: neħħi AnythingFrom Il-belt fuq Dik il-ġurnata biss. " 42/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: 1. Biex: Lhudi GĦANDU DEJJEM TRY: ta ': tqarraq insara: Fil Zohar (I: 160) jgħid: L-aħjar: Il-Jehuda Rabbi: għandha: qal (għall-Chezkia rabbi): huwa: denja: ta': Tifħir lilu: Dan: huwa : kapaċi li: ta ': jeħles għedewwa ta' Iżrael: U: Are: ħafna denja: ta ': Il-Tifħir: Il biss li: U huma rilaxxati: Ġlieda Them: Il-: Chezkia Rabbi Mistoqsi: Kif Jekk Aħna Ġlieda: Il-: rabbi Jehuda qal: Bil: Konsulent Wise Kontra Gwerra: ta ': Them (Proverbji: cap.24: 6). Bi: Dak: Tip: ta': Gwerra: Il-: Tip: ta ': Gwerra: Dik: It-tfal ta': raġel għandhom: Ġlieda: Kontra: Il-: Għedewwa tiegħu: U: Dak: Jacob użat: Kontra: Esau: Meta possibbli: Bil: Il-: U Qerq: Il-: Frodi. 43/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Huma għandhom ikunu bla heda Iġġieled kontra: sa Lil: Dak: Il-: ordni dritt: Mhux: xi misjuba: huwa: M'hemm: pruwa: Bil: fazzjoni Stazzjonarju: Dan: I li jgħidu: Irridu: sa Free U: Mill Them: l-istat ta ': ta': Them. "2: Mhux: inti trid tgħin: MARD CHRISTIAN: Fil Iore Dea (158.1) jgħid:" L: Akum (Kristjani) Mhux: huma għandhom ikunu ttrattati: Avvenimenti: Għall-flus: Biex: Inqas: Dak: Liema: Mhux: jikkawża : Il-: enmity tagħhom. "3: Mhux: Irridu: HELP: Il-: mara CHRISTIAN FIL: Te: Partijiet: fil-: Orach Orach Chaiim (330.2) jgħid:" L-ebda għajnuna: Għalkemm l-anqas: Jekk tingħata Biex A Akum Mara (Kristjani) Matul: Il-: twelid fil-ħinijiet ta ': It-Tnejn: fil Dik: L: Is-Sibt: Mhux: għandu jkun miksura ". 44/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: 4: Mhux: Irridu: HELP: CHRISTIAN fil-perikolu: ta ': MEWT: Fil Choschen Hammischpat (425.5) jgħid: "Jekk inti ara A: heretic: Dak: Nota: Nalla jemmnu ToFall fis Torah: Ukoll: Bil: A sellum: U minnufih għaġla: Ħu Hija Away U tgħid I għandu jmur Lil: Neħħi tifel tiegħi Lil:. saqaf Aħna se tirrapporta dwar: il-: iskala IMMEDJATAMENT: jew: xi ħaġa : tal-: I Ġenerali Kuthaei:. madankollu: Dak: Mhux: Are: U għedewwa tagħna: Dik: Ħu ħsieb: tal-: nagħaġ: ta 'The: Israelites: Mhux: Huma għandhom jinqatlu direttament: iżda: Mhux: Huma għandhom jiġu ffrankati: Mill-Mewt "u: fil Iore Dea (158.1) jgħid:". Il-: Akum (Kristjani) Li: Mhux: huma: għedewwa tagħna: Mhux: Huma għandhom jinqatlu direttament: 45/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Dan: Mhux: minkejja l Them: Mhux: Huma għandhom ikunu salvati: Mill-periklu ta ': mewt: Għall Eżempju: jekk tara wieħed: ta': Thed: jaqgħu fil-baħar: Mhux: Biex Iġbed it up: Inqas: Dak: hu: Mhux: I Promise: tal-: flus. "Maimonides f '(Kristjani) Akum Hilkhoth X1: Mhux: Licet misereri Eorum; xi Kliem impressjonanti oħra:".. Hija misereberis Eorum "1) Idcirco: viderit Markiz inti Adum Pereuntem: vel demersum Acquis: OPEMFerat huwa miet mdaqqsa viderit Eum: Eripiat hija mejta Attamen Eum Jitilfu l-manutenzjoni tiegħu:. fir Praecipitem Puteum jagħti veloċità simili Ne Fas siquid Huic Lvant: Quia Nobiscum bellum: Mhux: Gerit. 46/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Maimonides: fil Hilkhoth Akum (Kristjani) (X: 1) jgħid: Mhux: għandhom ħasra: ta ': Them: fi: Fact: Jinsab: imsemmi (VII Deuter. : 2) Mhux: piety tagħhom murija. Hemm: 'quddiem: jekk inti ara A: Akum (Kristjani) f'diffikultà jew drown: Mhux: mur Biex Għajnuna tiegħu. U: jekk kien fil-periklu ta ': mewt: Mhux: ħlief: iżda: Mhux: huwa: biss joqtol lilu Ma: Il-: Nimbuttaw naħa tiegħek fil-fossa: jew: Inkella: peress li: Dak: Huma: Mhux: huma: fil- Il-Gwerra Kontra: ta ': minna. "Artikolu II: Insara maqtula għandħom jiġu: FINALMENT: Il-: jikkmanda Talmud: Dik: L-Insara huma Mingħajr Ħniena maqtula fil-: Abhodah Zarah (26b) jaqra" heretics: tradituri U: Apostates jridu jintremew fl-A: U Ukoll: Mhux : Huma għandhom ikunu salvati ". 47/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: U: fil Choschen Hammischpat (388.10) jiddikjara: "Il-spy għandhom jinqatlu: Wisq: Fl Lil: ġurnata tagħna:. Kull meta inti qed Hija tista 'tkun maqtula Anke uħud : pruwa: Dak: Confess U:. Anke Għalkemm huwa Jammetti: ta ': hu biss riedu jagħmlu: ta' The: Biex jweġġa 'xi ħadd: U: jekk: Il-: ħażen: Dak: ried jagħmel: Mhux: Ma kien ħafna Kbir : huwa: Biżżejjed: Biex jikkundanna dan: Għal:. mewt Madankollu, għandu jiġi mwissi: ta ': Mhux: Dan jammettu: imma: jekk sfaċċatament jgħid "Nru: I Confess!" Imbagħad għandhom jinqatlu: Il-: Hekk Kif Jekk possibbli:. Mhux: "hemm: Ħin: Għall twissi inti: Mhux: Jinsab:. pass neċessarju Xi wħud jgħidu li: Lil: traitor għandu jsir Biex: biss mewt Meta: huwa: impossibbli Biex jeħles 48/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: mutilating: jiġifieri: qtugħ: Il-: Lingwa: jew: ripping l-Għajnejn tagħhom: imma: Dan jekk: hija: tista ': Mhux: Biex jiġu maqtula minħabba li: Dak : huwa: Mhux: huwa: Agħar: ta ': oħrajn: Dik: jippersegwitaw magħna. "U: fil Choschen Hamm: ta ': Ġdid (388.15) jgħid:" Jekk inti tista' Jipprova: Dak: għandha xi ħadd: ingannata Iżrael Tliet Times: jew: Dak: għandu: Peress: l: flus: ta ': Israelites Biex Il Akum ( Kristjani) inti WillFind: Il-: Mixja: Wara konsiderazzjoni kura Fül: ta ': iħassarha: Mill Il-wiċċ: ta' The: Dinja. "Quinim: ipsum istadium leġiżlaturi Iudaeorum Poenam ritornati mortis Sanhedrin 59 Biex R. Iochanan Biex nikkwota lilek:. Scrutans Goi Legem: Lvant Reus mortis. 49/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: L: Christian: Dak: Biex jiġu skoperti: studju: Il-: Liġi ta 'Fuq il-mertu Iżrael: Il-: mewt. Fl-Sanhedrin (59a) jgħid: Il-: Jochanan Rabbi jgħid: Lil: GI: (paga) Dik: Stikek: Il-: imnieħer fil Il-Liġi hija: ħati ta ': mewt. "II Occidendi sunt Baptisma suscipientes Iudaei Hilkhoth Akum (Kristjani) X2:... Haec dicta sunt 1) de idolatris Israelitarum illos zat hawn Biex: reliġjon desciverint: vel Epikurei Evaserint: slaying:. Biex Tfittex li Atque Anke unto inferos iubemur Quippe Affligunt Israelem: Populumque Lil: Deo Avertunt. 50/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: II. Lhud għandha ssir disposizzjoni mgħammdin Għal: MEWT: Fil Hilkhoth Akum (Kristjani) (X: 2) jgħid: "Dawn Things (hawn fuq) huma: Għall-idolatri: imma: Anke l-Israelites: Dak: Ħalli: Il-: U reliġjon tagħhom: għandhom jinqatlu u jsiru Epicureans: Irridu jippersegwitaw lill-Tmiem: Għall-Iżrael U Huma jnikket: tfixkilhom: Il-: Poplu ta 'Alla "u: fil Iore Dea (158.2 Hagah) jgħid:" Il-Renegades: Dik: Huma Mmirati: Biex fuq: Pleasures ta 'The: Akum (Kristjani) U: Dak: U huma kkontaminati jaduraw l-istilel: Il-: Bħal kif hemm Pjaneti: Are Huma: għandhom jinqatlu "Bl-istess mod:. huwa qal Choschen Hammischpat (425.5) 51/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: "Il-: Lhud: Dak: Insiru Epicurean: Dan: tal-ħsara għalik: Adorazzjoni: ta 'The: U istilel:' The: U Pjaneti: dnub malizzjuż; Avvenimenti dawk: Li: Kul: Il-: laħam ta ': Annimali mweġġa: jew: Dik: Ilbes ilbies kmamar: Dawn jistħoqqilhom: L-Isem: ta': Epicurean: fl-istess mod: Dawk: Dik: jiċħad: Il-: Torah U: Il-: Profeti ta 'Iżrael: Il-: Liġi: Jinsab: Dak: Kollha: Huma għandhom jinqatlu: U: Dawk: Dak: ikollhom: Il-: Qawwa: ta': Il-Ħajja U: ta ': Mewt Jekk jkollhom jinqatlu Them: U: jekk dan il-livell: Mhux : Jista 'jsir: Huma għandhom jinġiebu għall-mewt: Bil: Il-: Qerq "Hawn Abnegantes Sint:. istituzzjonijiet Legem: Clare R. Demonstratio Maimon fil Hilkhoth Teschubhah III: 2). 52/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Tres sunt Negantium klassijiet Torah: 1. Hawnhekk dicunt: Mhux: Biex: Deo tani Dawn Torah: Aut (nota: Biex: Deo) saltem Eius versum unum: saltem Verbum unum: (Logutenent) zat Moysen Biex: seipso hoc dixisse: omnis (eng Biex nikkwota lilek hawn) Abnegat Legem. 2. Hawnhekk Abiiciunt Eius Explicationem: quae dicitur Tora oralis (Mischnah) Neque Agnoscunt Eius doctores: Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Zadok. 3) Et Baithos 4). 3. Hawn:: il-: Maimonides Rabbi: fil Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III: 8): Forniscethe: Lista: ta ': Dawk: Dik: deniers Jitqiesu: ta' The: Liġi: "M'hemm: Are: Tliet kategoriji ta ': Nies: Dik: jiċħad: Il-: Liġi: ta 'The: Torah: 1) Nies: Dik Huma jgħidu: Dan: Il-: Torah: Mhux: huwa: Was mogħtija minn Alla: 53/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: għal mill-inqas: Biex: jew: Word: ta ': dan (sic) U: Dak: Huma jgħidu Dan: Been huwa: Ix-xogħol kollu ta' Mosè: 2 ) Nies: Dak: Ħowlders mill-ġdid: Il-: Spjegazzjoni ta 'The: Torah: Jiġifieri l-: Liġi orali:' The: Mischnah: U: Dawk: Dak: Mhux: riconoscono il-: tal-Awtoritajiet: Tobba: ta 'The: Liġi: Kif : Il-: Segwaċi: ta ': Zadok (Sadducees) U: ta': Baithos: 3) Nies: Dak: Dik Huma jgħidu: Alla: inbidel: Il-: Liġi: Għall Biex: ieħor Liġi ġdida: U: Dik: L: Torah : Mhux: għandu: L-ebda valur aktar: Anke jekk Huma jagħmlu: Mhux: jiċħad: Dak: Was mogħtija minn Alla Bħala: L-Insara U nemmen: Il-: Torok: Kollha: jiċħad Them: Il-: Taqra Mill-Torah. . "III Insara maqtula għandħom jiġu: Għaliex: Are: Tyrant: Fil Zohar (I: 25a) jgħid: 54/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: "Il-Popli ta 'L-: Dinja: Are: idolatri: U: ta': ta ': Them: Been huwa: bil-miktub: Dik Jinsab jintmesaħ il-wiċċ: ta': art: Eqred: Il-: memorja: ta 'The:. Amalekites Huma: huma: xorta: Bil: magħna fil-magħluq Dan ir-Raba': Jiġifieri: Il-:. Prinċipji (ta 'Ruma) Li: fi: Fatt: Qed:. Amalekites "1. Dawn il-prinċipji għandhom jiġu maqtula: Għall-EWWEL: Għaliex: jekk huma permessi: ta ': Ħajja: Il-: tama tal-: Liberazzjoni ta' The: Lhud: huwa: xejn: U: Talb tagħhom: ta ': Stqarrija Minn dan se jkun magħluq Raba' fl effettiv. Fil Zohar (I: 219B) jgħid: huwa: tal-kors: Dik: L-aħjar: magħluq tagħna se jdumu sa: Meta L-: Prinċipji tad-: it-tip: Dan: Dawn Qima idols: Mhux: dawn se jinqerdu. " 55/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: U: Anke fil-Zohar (II: 19a) jgħid: Il-: Jehuda Rabbi: għandu: qal: Come To: Ara l-As: Things Are; Bħala: Te : Prinċipji U jkollhom preżunt Elettriku Fuq l-Iżrael: Il-Israelites: Mhux: jilmentaw: iżda: Meta: Falls: Il-Prinċep: Il-: delight tagħhom huwa Feltru. Li huwa bil-miktub: L: Re: ta 'The: Egyptians U Miet: minnufih il-: It-tfal ta' Iżrael kienu meħlusa: Mill-magħluq: U Huma screamed: Te: leħen tagħhom tela Għal: "Alla 2: Il-PRINĊIPJU: Dik HA: Ruma : Għall-KAPITAL: huwa: IS: Dak: Lhud HAVE AKTAR mibegħda: ta ': Kollha: Huma jitolbu dan: il-: Unit: ta': U Esau: 'The: Edomites: Il-Pride Uniti: Il-Unit:' The: ħażen: Unholy . Ruma L-Imperu Tork huwa Imsejħa: Il-: Unit: ta 'The: Ishmaelites: 56/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Dik: Huma: Mhux: Jixtiequ Biex jeqirdu: il-: Unit: ta 'Ruma: madankollu: Iridu jkunu esterminati: Għaliex: Meta: L-aħjar: Ruma korrotti hija meqruda: Il- : U salvazzjoni: Il-: Libertà Se jkun il-poplu magħżula: ta ': Alla "R. L David Kimchi scribit de Fected Obadiam29: Quidquid dixerunt Prophetae vastatione of Edom fil ultims diebus: id intellexerunt de Ruma: fil Il Iesaia Explica ut fil Versu" Aċċess gentes Biex Isma '"3) Meta Etenim vastabitur Ruma ERIT redemptio Israelitarum:. Il-: Rabbi David Kimchi Jikteb Kif: fil-: Obadiam: ġej:" Dan: Dan: Il-: Profeti: foretold-qerda ta': Edom fl-aħħar: Ftit jiem I rrappurtati Biex Ruma: Kif: jgħid Isaija (ch.34: 1) 57/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Approċċ: jew: Nazzjonijiet: U Isma .. Meta Ruma hija meqruda: l-Iżrael se jiġu mifdija. "Ukoll: Il-: Rabbi Abraham jgħid il-: istess ħaġa fil-ktieb tiegħu Tseror Hammor Taqsima Schoftim: Mhux: Meta Ruma se jinqerdu: Aħna se jiġu mifdija." IV.FINALLY: Kollha: Insara: Inklużi fost l-aqwa: Tal-: Huma għandhom ikunu UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26b. Tosephoth: Optimus fost occidi ritornati Gentiles. Multoties haec Phrasis repetita occurrit fil diversis Iudaeorum Libris: Licet: Mhux: iisdem verbis.V.gR.Ps.IARC fil Exod cap.XIV: ara Editionis Amstelodamiensis17) biex nikkwota: 58/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: fil-: Abhodah Zarah (26b: Tosephoth) jgħid: "Ukoll: Il-: mill-aħjar: Il-Gentiles maqtula Jekk Be" Il-Arukh Shulhan: wara l-kliem ta ' il-: Dea Iore (158.1) Li: Huma jgħidu li: dawk fost l-Akum (Kristjani) Li: Mhux: tagħmel: ta 'The: ħażen Biex Il-Lhud: Mhux: Huma għandhom jinqatlu: Dawk Jiġifieri: Dik: Mhux: Għamla Gwerra lill-Iżrael: Tispjega: Il-: Kelma Milchamah: Gwerra: iżda: Ħin: ta ': Il-Gwerra ta' The Akum (Kristjani) għandhom jinqatlu Minħabba li huwa bil-miktub: L-tajba fost l-Akum (Kristjani) jistħoqqilhom: ta ': Biex jinqatel: Eċċ .. "V. Lhudi: Dan joqtol: CHRISTIAN: Mhux: dnub: imma: l-offerti: sagrifiċċju Aċċettabbli Lil: ALLA: V. Iudaeus occidens Christianum: Mhux: Peccat: zat offerre dicitur Aċċettabbli sacrificium Deo. 59/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Sepher Jew Iżrael 177b3) Dele Vitam Et occide U Kiphoth; gratus Enim ERIs Divinae MAESTÀ sicut illegali: Offruti hawn inċens oblatum. Fil-Sepher Jew Iżrael (177B) jgħid: "Take Away: Il-: Ħajja: Biex Fuq: Kliphoth U: joqtlu lilhom: U: Bħalek Biex Alla Bħala: A: Dan: Il-:. Inċens joffru" U: fil Ialkut Simoni (245c.n.772) jgħid: "Wieħed: Dan: firxiet: il-: demm ta 'The: Wicked huwa: Time To Aċċetta Alla Bħala Il-wieħed: Dik: offerti:.. Biex Alla sagrifiċċju VI WARA: Il-: qerda tal-Tempju To: Ġerusalemm: IL BISS: Sagrifiċċju JEħTIEġU: Jinsab: Il-qtil ta 'Insara: Fil Zohar (III227b) Te: Il-Bon Pastur jgħid: sagrifiċċju biss Meħtieġa: huwa: Dak: Togliamothe: maħmuġ: ta': Mezzi Biex: magħna ". 60/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Il-Zohar (II: 43a) Tispjega: Il-: Kmandamenti ta 'Mosè fuq il-fidi tal-: L-ewwel tat-twelid: ta': A: Ass: Dak: Aħna: Bil: Il-: joffru: ta ': A Lamb: jgħid: "Il-ħmar huwa: Għal: Il-: Mhux: Lhudi: Dak: għandu jkun mifdi Bil: Te: Offerta: ta' A: Lamb: Dan: huwa: Il-: Scattered : qatgħa: ta 'Iżrael: iżda: jekk terġa fuses: ta': Biex jiġu mifdija: Imbagħad il-waqfa: Il-: kranju .. Huma għandhom ikunu mħassra: Mill-Ktieb ta 'L-: Ħajja Mill-: ta': lilhom hija: qal : Huwa: Dik: dnub: Kontra: ta ': me: I Will Ħu Awad: Mill-ktieb:' The:. Ħajja "VII. PERSUNI: li se joqtlu Insara Għal: POST: għolja fis-sema: Fil Il-Zohar (1.38b: U 39a) jaqra: 61/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: fil-: Palazzi ta 'The: ġenna Raba huma dawk: Li: Huma Maħruġa groans of Zion u Ġerusalemm: U: Kollha: Dawk: Dak: Nazzjonijiet meqruda idolatrous .. U: Dawk: Dak: Qtil Nies: Dik: hu adored idols: Are: ħwejjeġ: Bil: ilbiesi: ta ': Purple hekk: Dik: U jistgħu jiġu rikonoxxuti: Honored. "VIII Lhud: Mhux: QATT GĦANDHA jieqaf: ta ': exterminate: GOIM;:. Mhux: QATT GĦANDHA leave me waħdu U: Mhux: għandhom: QATT NISSOTTOMETTI Biex: minnhom Hilkhoth Fil Akum (Kristjani) (X: 1) Naqraw. : Mhux: Kul: Bil: Il-idolatri: Mhux: Ħalli Them: ta ': Il-Qima: idols tagħhom: huwa: fi: Fact: Kiteb: Mhux: kuntratti Twaqqfet: Bil: Them Mhux: juru ħniena Them (Deuter. ch.7 : 2) jew: jfixkel Them: Minn idols tagħhom: jew: joqtlu lilhom ". 62/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Ibid (X: 7) Mhux: din se tippermetti li: Nru idolatry: ta ': Li tissospendi: fil-: Postijiet Fejn Il-Lhud huma: qawwi: "IX: kollha: Lhud: Are: meħtieġa biex jingħaqdu flimkien: Għal: jeqirdu Il-tradituri: Dik: huma: f'nofs Lil: minnhom: Fil Choschen Hammischpat (338.16) jgħid: Kollha: Il-Poplu: tal-: belt: huma: Biex meħtieġa: Kontribut Biex L-infiq tal-qtil: ta ': A: traitor: Anke Dawk:. Li huma għandhom iħallsu Taxxi oħra "X. L-ebda Parti: Mhux: Materjal KIF SOLENNI: KA: Prevenzjoni: L: dekapitazzjoni: ta ': A: CHRISTIAN: Fil Pesachim (49b) jgħid: Il-: Rabbi Eliezer qal: huwa: maqtugħa biss: Il-: kap ta': A: idjota (a: tal-: abitanti tal-: Art) 63/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: fil-Festa ta 'The: Rikonċiljazzjoni Meta: Falls mill-jum ta': is-Sibt. Dixxipli tiegħu qal Lilu: Rabbi: Jekk inti pjuttost tgħid Biex sagrifiċċju: iżda Huwa wieġeb: Mhux Fuq All: huwa: tabilħaqq meħtieġ li Itolbu Filwaqt li tiġi sagrifikata: U: Mhux: M'hemm: bżonn: ta ': Biex Itolbu Meta inti xi ħadd behead. "XI: Il-: SKOP BISS: ta ': U KOLLHA Azzjonijiet: Talb: ta' The: Lhud għandha tkun li: ta ': Eqred: Il-: Reliġjon:: Il-: juru Lhud: Il-: U L-Messija: Liberatur: Dak: Jistennew bħala: A: persekutur: Dak: Li jikkaġunaw diżastri kbar: Mhux: Lhud: Il-: Talmud Listi Tliet elementi ta 'ħażen kbir: Dak: hit: Il-: Dinja Meta: Il-: Se jiġu Messija Schabbath F' (118a) jaqra.: 64/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: "Kull min jiekol Tliet ikliet: ta ': it-Tlieta se jiġu ffrankati: Minn Tliet elementi ta' ħażen: 'The: Piena: tal-: Messija: ta' The: U L-uġigħ ta ' enfer: Il-Gwerra tal Magog;: Għall huwa bil-miktub: Behold: I inti se tibgħat l-Elijah: Profeta ewwel: Dan: huwa: Il-: Jum: Ta 'Il-Mulej: U hekk "XII.. FL Talb TAGĦHOM-daqqa Lhud: Il-: ĠEJJIN: ta 'The: Messija Avenger: speċjalment fil: Velja: ta' The: Għid (Lhud) "Download: Te: Wrath tiegħek lin-Nazzjonijiet: Dak: Mhux: taf: U: fuq Renji: Dik: Mhux: jinvokaw: L-aħjar: l-isem tiegħek; Niżżel: Il-: ta 'stmerrija tiegħek: ta': Tagħhom U: Dak: Il-: Wrath tiegħek: ta ': vengeance Ħu Them: U Perseguitali: jeqirdu: Bil: Rabja Mill taħt il- : ġenna tal-Mulej ". 65/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Huma wkoll Itolbu Bħala: ĠEJ: Għal kemm żmien se Jibqgħu: Il-: Qawwa tiegħek u miżmuma fil-magħluq: Għal kemm Long Lie: Il-: fl-sbuħija Thy: il-: idejn ta 'l-oppressor:? Jew: Alla! Uri: Te: U qawwa Thy: L-aħjar: Entużjażmu tiegħek Kontra: L-aħjar: għedewwa tagħna; waqfiet: Te: U-saħħa tagħhom: confonde Them "u: Għal darb'oħra:" Aqta 'barra: il-: tama ta' l-indebitu; ilu li: Lil: heretics jitmermru Fil darba; maqlugħa minn pajjiżhom: miksur: U: jeqirdu: Il Kburin Unit; Għal għaġla: Lil: To: L: Popli suġġett: fil-: jum preżenti. "Fil Eżattament Il-Ħin Istess: Il-: Il-Ġimgħa: Li" Prinicipe Kburin ta 'L-Imperu: ta' Ruma: L: Papa: U Nitolbu: Biex tordna: Kollha: Kollha: Il-: World: Itolbu: Għal: Kollha: "heretics" 66/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: U: Dawk: Dak: Are "mitluf" Kif: ġej: "Ejjew Itolbu: Għall Il-: Per Lhud Fidious: Dik: Il-Mulej Alla tagħna jista 'jieħu miegħu : Il-: veilFrom qlub tagħhom: Dak: Huma jistgħu Jirrikonoxxu Ġesù Kristu Sidna "Almighty u dejjiema Alla:. Dak: Mhux: Anke Eskludi Il-Lhud Mill-ħniena tiegħek: Isma 'Talb tagħna: Dik: joffru: Għal: Il-: għama: ta' : Il-Poplu: Dik: Rikonoxxuti: L: Dawl Tal-: Verità Thy: Dan: huwa: Kristu: barra mill-bott: dlam tiegħu: Għall-Mulej taghna Gesù Kristu .. "Kif sbieħ huma Swali Thy: jew: JACOB: U: L-Purtieri TIEGĦEK: jew: L-IŻRAEL (Num.24: 5)! 67/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Epilogue: Il-qarrej ġentili: Fil Din il-Green: I Passages ikkwotat: ta ': Verd: kotba Ftit tal-Talmud: ICI: Dak: Huma qed Fer: Biex Fuq: Insara: Għall Love ta ': qosor U: Għall-iffrankar: Il-: qalb sensittiva: ta' The: qarrej: Għandi barra ħafna oħrajn: li setgħu inklużi. Dawn Testi: Dik: Jien semmejt: madankollu: Jekk tkun biżżejjed: Għall Biex turi howFalse Il-pretensjonijiet: ta 'The: Lhud Meta Huma jgħidu: Dan: Mhux: M'hemm: Xejn Il-Talmud Dan: insegnithe: U mibegħda: Il-: enmity Lejn L-Insara. Jekk l-istudju: tal-: blasphemies horrible: ta ': Dan il-ktieb Jekk Be revolting: Għal: Il-: Player: Dan: hu: Mhux: IFeel Simili. 68/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Mhux: I qal: tal-: bidu: Dan: I Told xi ħaġa ta ': Pleasant: iżda: biss: Dak: What I Would wrew: Dik: tassew: Il-: Talmud Enseigne Dwar insara: U: Mhux: nemmnu: Dan: I Tista 'tagħmel dan aktar xierqa. Nifhem: madankollu: Dak: mogħti: Dik: L: Verità: Mhux: Biex Love: Kollha: I Will Insiru Għedewwa ħafna: Talli xehed Għalhekk: L: Verità. Lili dan: Been huwa: huwa mfakkar dwar l-: aqra: 'The: Il-Talmud nnifisha: Dik: Theddida: ta': l-mewt: "tradituri": U: Saħansitra aktar: mill Twissijiet: ta ': Dawk: Dik: Huma għandhom b'Esperjenza : ta 'The: Azzjoni: Dak: Il-Lhud jintrabtu: Kontra: Dawk: Dak: Things Agħmel magħruf: sfavorevoli tagħhom. 69/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall do: wieħed biss: merħla waħda ta 'Skjavi]: Huma: Kollha: Dan Prevista: jitħassru: Għall-idejn: ta' The: Lhud. Ħarsa: Għal: ta ': jiddisswadi lili Minn kontinwu: Te: Xogħol tiegħi: Xi wħud staqsew lili: ta': ftakar: Il-: Destin ta 'The: Charina Professur: Dan: tal-maqtula Was: F'daqqa waħda li bdew: Ittraduċi: Il-: Talmud:. vernakulari Oħrajn mfakkra me ta: Il-: Destin ta 'The: Didacus Monk: ta': Vilna: Biex: konvertiti: Mill-Ġudaiżmu: Dik: Kien hu cruelly maqtula: oħrajn mfakkra me: ta ': Dawk: Dik: Kieku kien Persegwitati: Għall Sigrieti Tiżvela : ta 'The: reliġjon Lhudija. Xorta waħda oħrajn: I wissew: Kontra: L: huma għandu jkollhom soffert Il-perikli: tiegħi: dear. "Wszak CIEB Wydzi zabij" 70/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: I Was Mijiet ripetut: ta ': Times: Il-: ktieb: Dan: Issa inti żżomm f'idejk huwa: Il-: Evidenza Aqwa: Dik: Mhux: Smajt għat-twissijiet ta 'L-: tiegħi: Ħbieb. I Meqjus indenja: ta ': myself: biss Biex tkun siekta: Għall Love ta' The: sigurtà personali tiegħi: Filwaqt li: L-aħjar: il-bejn Ir-Konflitt raging: TwoFields tal-"Semitika" U: tal-"Kontra l-Semites:" Iż-żewġ : Min jargumentaw: ta ': Ġlieda: Għal: Il-: Verità: Filwaqt li naf: Dik: L: Verità Sħiħ: Mhux: huwa Jinsabu fi kwalunkwe mill-: Żewġ Oqsma: iżda: Tkun xi tkun jiġri Lili: Minħabba: ta': Liema : Dan: I ma: I se jkunu kuntenti: ta ': ikollhom: huma: Voluntiera Lil: agħti: Il-: My Life - 71/71 [Talmud vs l-IMF. Kollha Popli: Għall tagħmel: biss wieħed: l-merħla ta Skjavi]: Dik I jistgħu jixhdu: Il-: VERITÀ: (John 18: 37) | IB | Pranaitis: iżda: Il-Lhud se joqtlu int "Traduzzjoni Pollakka (Madwar: Il-: kontenut ta ' The Epilogue: Jinsab: Biex nsemmux il sinifikanti sfortunatament: Dik: Missier Was fil Ffects e Pranaitis: Il-: Mewt Bħala: mistennija: Għall ta 'l-idejn: Matul Għedewwa tiegħu: L-aħjar: ir-Rivoluzzjoni Bolshevik: Ed) huwa: ovvju: Dak: Dawn id-dikjarazzjonijiet : Dik: Aħna kienu kapaċi jiġġustifikaw qari: Kontra: L-Awturi ta: Dawn blasphemies: Kontra Kristu: Għalhekk: Kontra: Dawn il-Lhud: Dan: Dawn jkollha effetti anti-Kristjani dikjarazzjonijiet: Il-Kliem ta 'Kristu: "Int għandek: Għall tiegħu Missier: Il-: infern "Carlo Maria:. ta ': Peter (u l-webmaster: Promotur: ta' The: MSMA) Cohen: Forum