33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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satanismo del rothschild talmud lgbtq
shloime • 3 days ago
it should be clear by now that it’s no more possible to reform a violent antisemite than a rabid dog. in both cases, the only reasonable course of action is to prevent further harm.
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Tweetledee shloime • 2 days ago
Both need to be put down.
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walker888 • 2 days ago
What a complete Numb Nut! As stupid as they come! Obviously his Mummy should be on trial with him. What a Nothing she is.
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Alexander Harold Hersh walker888 • 2 days ago
Herr Stephan Balliet and his Mother Frau Magdalene Balliet are not nobodies nor are they stupid but members of the anti-Semitic Deutsche Herrenvolk - Germanic Supremacist Nordic Teutonic Master Race. To them Jews are considered as "untermenschen" or "subhuman" Semitic Race.
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Great-grandma Dorothy Alexander Harold Hersh • 2 days ago
But look at Jewish George Soros. About the biggest turncoat to his own people that has ever been born. To think he stood with the Nazi's against his own just to save himself but he was a child then. Well he sure isn't a child anymore so there no excuse for him now. He is the big money supplying the BLM and other violence going on in the U.S. now. But who can touch him? Who even appears to want to? For some in this world they won't get their due punishment until judgment day...
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Don Spilman • 3 days ago
There is a mental sick in the head screwed in the brain evil in people about Jews! Even self hating Jews have a serious demonic brain imbalance! Anybody believe there is a devil yet? If there is good and there is evil shouldn't there be a source of both? Could the source of good be called God and the source of evil be called Satan! This blank faced skin head reveals such don’t you think!
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Tom Dickson • 2 days ago
Just put him before a firing squad and shoot him through his heart and finish him off. Judgment done, case closed!!!
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Great-grandma Dorothy Tom Dickson • 2 days ago
He deserves no better punishment! ...
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6stringfury • 3 days ago
The B family needs to be paid a visit.
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Alexander Harold Hersh 6stringfury • 2 days ago
That would be extremely dangerous....
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Mark Strazynski • 3 days ago
To bad there is no capital punishment in Germany...
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Don Spilman Mark Strazynski • 3 days ago
That’s only in times when there are laws in place that go against God!
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Jorge Dickerman • 2 days ago
Of course he has no remorse, as ALL JEW HATERS, he is brain dead
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AJL • 2 days ago
Jews should covertly set up a squad or squads to take out these Jew haters and Jew killers. Maybe they could secretly get training from Mossad.
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garybkatz • 2 days ago
You have to have a soul to show remorse. The soul of a cockroach does't count.
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Great-grandma Dorothy • 2 days ago
For people like him, the word remorse isn't in their vocabulary. They only know hatred.
I see all of them as narcissists, sociopaths and/or psychopaths. Some get just punished on earth by being killed. Otherwise it will come by the hand of Elohim. LMLK...
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SportsTagID • 2 days ago
he should be fed kosher food for the rest of his days. That will kill him shorlty. ( ^ ^ ) Death by Matzoball soup
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Evolution is a Hoax. • 21 hours ago
it boils down to who wins. If Israel gets its way or a Muslim gets his way. And really if you cant argue it out and sort it out, someone might get physical. Abandoning the bickering and taking things into your own hands while abandoning personal ethics is a bad mix.
In society we all want our freedom, our autonomy, and so from our parents, our teachers our boss we push back but then realize they also live on the planet and we have to work it out. That is growing up.
If someone skips a step and says, No I will not work it out and I will abandon basic rules of restraint, then robbery and killing and whatever is on the table. Some people crack and their walls mentally are broken down on these things.. We all get side swiped with life, blind sided, but if we then go about revenging with no rules for our own self, we are the same as them. Some see no problem with that. I think we should hold ourselves to a higher standard regardless of what we feel others have done to us or our causes.
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Evolution is a Hoax. • 21 hours ago
In society with all this internet blogging we really don't do enough to get into the weeds, to argue a point and run down the logic of it.
If you threw out all the bible, and claimed Islam, and said that you believed he Jesus was a previous prophet, you have to deal with one Jewish point. Love your enemies. Do good to those who use you. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Forgive or the heavens will be as brass. You can throw all the bible out and still find it all in Just 3 chapters. Matthew 5,6,7. Exodus 20 of course but all of it is in those three.
I say it because when you drill down on activism toward views you do not agree with, there is a hundred ways before acting out to do a mass shooting. Yes, its much harder to argue a point on the internet, but its far better to debate, listen and contemplate and make things better than just to lash out at what you disagree with.
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fleuretteschwartz • a day ago
I cant understand Anti Semitism or any racial hatred. Life would be boring if were were just carbon copies of each other. Have you never heard that Variety is the spice of life. If you dont like ... whatever/whomever , stay away from them & dont use anything produced /invented by them! That should make your life very difficult & therefore you would be kept busy surviving & have no time for HATE!
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Jorge Dickerman • 2 days ago
Balliets mother used to walk the streets at night to make a living, sorry my mistake, Balliet had no mother, he was defecated
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alpcns . • 2 days ago • edited
This monster should be locked up and the key thrown away. This fascist vermin should be eradicated. The bad news - as if there could be even worse news - is the fact that BLM leaders say the exact same thing. "white people" and "of course" Jews are subhuman and must be exterminated.
That's a near-literal quote. Fascism "left" or "right" is everywhere. And should be eradicated everywhere.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 3 days ago
BIN SALMAN] [Satan and his demon ALLAH have no jurisdiction over me ..
indeed it is they who have fallen under my jurisdiction!
and I'm going to lose my patience
BIN SALMAN ] [ Satana e il demonio ALLAH non hanno nessuna giurisdizione sopra di me..
anzi sono loro che sono caduti sotto la mia giurisdizione!
e io sto per perdere la pazienza
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 3 days ago
BIN SALMAN] [ who with the tenebrous demonic powers SpA FED ccoporations: neoliberalists Kissinger Soros Morgan Rockefeller Jewish shareholders of the mandial banking cartel: they have become inviolable demons for the complicity of our Freemason politicians: and because of the Wahhabis ..
but, this does not mean that I don't see them: anyway!
BIN SALMAN ] [ che con i poteri demoniaci tenebrosi SpA FED ccoporations: azionisti ebrei del cartello bancario mandiale: loro si sono trasformati in invibili demoni per la complicità dei nostri politici massoni: e per colpa dei wahhabiti..
ma, questo non vuol dire che io non li vedo: comunque!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 3 days ago
For Your Name Is Holy
I enter the Holy of Holies
I enter through the blood of the Lamb
I enter to worship You only
I enter to honor I am
Lord I worship You, I worship You,
Lord I worship You, I worship You,
For Your name is Holy, Holy Lord
For Your name is Holy, Holy Lord
Let the weight of Your glory cover us
Sally Fox • 3 days ago
Maybe Balliet is part of post postmodern platform: a new type of marketing, with new perks (for anti-Semites), commissions, and validation for recruits, destroyed targets, and lives.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 3 days ago
Waxman began by asking Balliet to explain how the latter's anti-Semitic beliefs about Jews applied to him specifically. When Balliet replied by talking about Jews in general, Waxman interrupted him, telling the neo-Nazi, "I'm not asking generally, I'm asking you about myself."
Stephan Balliet is a paranoid ERDOGAN: so you don't reduce him to the logic of rational reasoning
Waxman made two mistakes:
1. has interrupted him and now, we do not know now, if Stephan Balliet hates the Jews because of Rothschild and his demonic new world order!
.. and we must not forget that for alleged collective faults Talmudic "blood revenge" corporativ Jewish elements: Masonic Order of B'nai B'rith
they are destroying the Christian and are killing Christians all over the world!
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Jorge Dickerman 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 2 days ago
Jew hatred is a disease that destroys the brain, YOU ARE THE PERFECT EXAMPLE TO THAT FACT
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Jorge Dickerman • 2 minutes ago
in fact, really, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years:
and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years:
ie, the universal brotherhood
what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense?
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
in realtà, io sono soltanto un osservatorio sul Martirio dei cristiani per 33 anni:
ed un osservatorio del martirio degli israeliani da 13 anni:
cosa il tuo satanismo del rothschild talmud lgbtq ha fatto in loro difesa?
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • an hour ago
Bin SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ i am one only one
why are you so afraid of me?
if you are a child of truth?
then, you shouldn't be so cowardly against one only man: me!
i am one only one
perché tu hai così paura di me?
se tu sei figlio della verità?
poi, tu non dovresti essere così codardo contro un uomo soltanto!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • an hour ago
Bin SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ what are the institutions of: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI and lorenzoAllah Mahdì?
the Saudi and Israeli institutions of course ..
but, if you are so eager to make yourself this slanderous nuclear world war by: Rothschild Merkel Macron Erdogan Pompeo against CHINA and Russia?
I won't stop you!
quali sono le istituzioni di: Messia RE lorenzoJHWH, Unius REI e lorenzoAllah Mahdì?
le istituzioni saudite e israeliane ovviamente..
ma, se tu sei così smanioso di farti questa guerra mondiale nucleare calunniosa di: Erdogan Pompeo contro CINA e Russia?
io non ti fermerò!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • an hour ago
noi non siamo anti-qualcuno:
se, il Corano (schiavi dhimmis), sharia, Veda (schiavi dalit), Corea Nord (schiavi cristiani) e Talmud (schiavi israeliani goyims ) neoliberismo tecnocrazia, usura e SpA FED azionisti crimnali:
cioè, e poiché loro sono effivamente (dei maligni ostili implacabili) contro tutto il genere umano
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • 2 hours ago
obviously, we have no estimate of the fascism that Mussolini interpreted:
because first of all Mussolini betrayed the ideals which fascism he himself indicated, he was not honest intellectually, with himself!
we are repugnant to fascism itself, and to any fascism of the Merkel MAcron Trudeu Rothschild Bilderberg Soros, the Masonic consociativism of the NWO: in itself,
but of this neoliberal and technocratic masonry of the democratic party: of a transnational false Masonic democracy without monetary sovereignty?
This demonic activity is constitutionally highly subversive .. this: EU US FED IMF ECB OCI UN: not something that can be saved
it can only be destroyed!
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 3 hours ago
Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.
Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro, Trump, Netanjahu are the victims of transnational freemasonry!
*** the judges are from the Democratic Party;
*** the media belongs to the democratic party:
*** the Central Banks (neoliberalism technocracy bureaucracy perversion lgbtq of state) are all private Spa mutinational and Rothschild Soros shareholders: and are always served by the Democratic Party (speculative finance) and its tax havens ...
then someone has to tell me what, what does the word democracy still mean?
After 50 years, MATTARELLA asks / begs himself: "what is the truth of the Ustica massacre and the Bologna massacre"
if we can't indict the Democratic Party?
then, we are forced to switch to fascism!
ovviamente, noi non abbiamo nessuna stima del fascismo che Mussolini ha interpretato:
perché innanzi tutto Mussolini ha tradito gli ideali che fascismo da lui stesso indicati, lui non è stato onesto intellettualmente, con se stesso!
noi abbiamo ripugnanza del fascismo in se, e di ogni fascismo dei Merkel MAcron Trudeu Rothschild Bilderberg Soros, il consociativismo massonico del NWO: in se stesso,
ma di questa massoneria neoliberista e tecnocratica del partito democratico: di una falsa democrazia massonica trasnazionale senza sovranità monetaria?
Questa attività demoniaca e altamente eversiva costituzionalmente .. questo: UE USA FED IMF ECB OCI ONU: non è qualcosa che si può salvare
esso può essere soltanto distrutto!!
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom • 2 hours ago • edited
i am jewish messia
twitter and all social media network satellite Tv is golpe Regime Bilderberg: JaBullOn Aru Mazda OWL FED 666 IMF NWO 322:
antifa: la palude del partito democratico: Deep State King Rothschild 666 masonic system NWO IMF scam banking seigniorage: the Demonic lgbtq ENTITY
burn satana ☦️ shariah ☦️ Allah ☦️ owl ☦️ Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor
drink your POISON, made by yourself, amen ] C. S. P. B. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L.
Croce sacra sii la mia Luce, N. D. S. M. D. Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana
Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V.
Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L.
Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni.
DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF: DA UN CIMITERO devono uscire, ed in un cimitero devono entrare: definitivamente! ] Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce
e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana!
Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo . Amen!
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tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! ...
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siamo sempre stati un popolo di schiavi nelle mani di Rothschild Spa! https://youtu.be/FTgrGBqbYZY #diretta #Analisipolitica #Cittadini ...
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! Unius kingREI 8 ore fa https://www.youtube.c...
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! SE VIENE PERMESSA LA LEGGE SULLA BLASFEMIA APOST...
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! ...
Barack Obama [ 44º presidente degli Stati Uniti ] ieri, mentre, io scrivevo il mio ultimo articolo, io avevo già subito, un atto di bullis...