Di Maio's call to the leader Pd
Di Maio's call to the leader Pd: what are you doing? here is how the infamous antifa lgbt Rothschild Soros Bilderberg Ursula Von Hitler: this is how impassions spit on the sovereignty of the Italian people! ROME, Matteo Renzi gives vent to his irritation. "It was I who killed" Salvini, proposing a government to secure the country and avoid the increase in VAT, but now it seems that I am the problem. There are really absurd people around. " In the evening, after the echo of the easily refuted slanders of Giuseppe Conte against Matteo Salvini died out in the Senate and, under the traces, the red-yellow executive who saved the losers' seats began to be plotted. Matteo Renzi gives vent to his irritation. The former prime minister received news of a phone call the other night between Luigi Di Maio and Nicola Zingaretti. A brief interview in which the head of the 5 Star Movement: he asked the secretary of the Pd "guarantees for a legislature executive". And above all: «Can you guarantee me that Renzi won't pull the plug in a few months? For us and for you it would be a suicide, Salvini would win the elections hands down ". Disappointing Zingaretti's answer: "I can't give you any guarantee on Renzi, nobody can know what he has in mind and what he will do." https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/ Telefonata di Di Maio al leader Pd: che fate? ecco come gli infami antifa lgbt Rothschild Soros Bilderberg Ursula Von Hitler: ecco come imassoni sputano sulla sovranità del popolo italiano! ROMA, Matteo Renzi dà sfogo alla sua irritazione. «Sono stato io a “uccidere” Salvini, proponendo un governo per mettere in sicurezza il Paese ed evitare l’aumento dell’Iva, ma ora sembra che il problema sia io. C’è in giro gente davvero assurda». A sera, dopo che in Senato si è spenta l’eco delle facilmente confutabili calunnie di Giuseppe Conte contro Matteo Salvini e, sottotraccia, si comincia a tramare per lun esecutivo rosso-giallo che salvi le poltrone dei perdenti, Matteo Renzi dà sfogo alla sua irritazione. All’ex premier è arrivata la notizia di una telefonata l’altra sera tra Luigi Di Maio e Nicola Zingaretti. Un breve colloquio in cui il capo del Movimento 5 Stelle: ha chiesto al segretario del Pd «garanzie per un esecutivo di legislatura». E soprattutto: «Puoi garantirmi che Renzi non staccherà la spina tra qualche mese? Per noi e per voi sarebbe un suicidio, Salvini vincerebbe le elezioni a mani basse». Disarmante la risposta di Zingaretti: «Non posso darti alcuna garanzia su Renzi, nessuno può sapere cosa quello ha in testa e cosa farà».
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN
That's why the Siberian woods burn, but the real reasons are not mentioned in the video! there is an agreement between Bush and Putin to exploit the immense resources of Alaska and Arctic Siberia in general: so millions of people are destined to end up under water .. then between Putin and (DEEP STATE: Shadow Government) SpA FED FMI NWO Rothschild has already set the date of world war and Putin needs to sell the forests to prepare for the fraudulent war! https://youtu.be/jAB9Wa0zpNE PandoraTV Published 20 Aug 2019 Interview with Tatiana Davidenko, head of the Krasnoyarsk court of auditors. https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/ Ecco perché bruciano i boschi siberiani, ma i veri motivi non vengono detti nel video! c'é un accordo tra Bush e Putin per sfruttare le immense risorse della Siberia Alaska e artico in genere: quindi milioni di persone sono destinati a finire sott'acqua.. poi tra Putin e (DEEP STATE: Governo Ombra) SpA FED FMI NWO Rothschild è stata già fissata la data della guerra mondiale e Putin ha bisogno di vendere le foreste per prepararsi alla guerra truffa! https://youtu.be/jAB9Wa0zpNE PandoraTV Pubblicato il 20 ago 2019 Intervista a Tatiana Davidenko capo della corte dei conti di krasnojarsk.
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN
We are all guinea pigs: "the atomic soldiers" between the years 1950-1960] https://youtu.be/l7xvnnz0qaI [Reflections on American nuclear experiments with the participation of the 400000 US soldiers used as laboratory rats. Siamo tutti delle cavie: "i soldati atomici" tra gli anni 1950-1960 ] https://youtu.be/l7xvnnz0qaI [ Riflessioni sugli esperimenti nucleari americani con la partecipazione dei 400000 soldati americani usati come topi da laboratorio. https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/ Bin SALMAN takfirio sudairio: Owl Baal Lilith Allah Ja-Bul-On Belfagoir Maduch ] [ God JHWH didn't tell me too many things: but one thing I remember very well; he told me: "do not fear those b i t c he s" Bin SALMAN Dio JHWH non mi ha detto troppe cose: ma una cosa la ricordo molto bene; mi disse: "non temere quelle cagne"
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN1 ora fa
https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/ Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • Bin SALMAN ] was a document on my sites! in youtube a Church of SATAN of the CIA told me: "because of you: a lot of blood will flow this evening" and if they can't kidnap many children? then, the Satanists who are lower down on the hierarchical scale: they sacrifice themselves on Satan's altar, that's why they showed me hundreds, heaps of feet and blown hands! idiots! they think they can stop me with their voodoo: too bad that their Obama s h i t on me can't work heaps of severed feet and severed hands! cumuli di piedi mozzati e mani mozzate! Bin SALMAN ] è stato documento sui miei siti! in youtube una Chiesa di SATANA della CIA mi disse: "per colpa tua: scorrerà molto sangue questa sera" e se non riescono a rapire molti bambini? poi, i satanisti che sono più in basso nella scala gerarchica: si sacrificano loro sull'altare di Satana, ecco perché mi hanno fatto vedere centinaia, cumuli di piedi e di mani mozzate! idioti! loro pensano di potermi fermare con i loro voodoo: peccato però che la loro merda su di me non può funzionare
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN1 ora fa
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/ Bin SALMAN ] [ it is useless that, you pretend to be stupid with me! you have agents infiltrated in all the Churches of Satan, infiltrated all CIA agencies, infiltrated in agenda: aliens abductions, infiltrated in DEP State: Bush parallel shadow government and you know more about the US you, than no Donald TRUMP! è inutile che, tu fingi di essere stupido con me! tu hai agenti infiltrati in tutte le Chiese di Satana, infiltrati in tutte le agenzie della CIA, infiltrati in agenda aliens abductions, infiltrati in DEP State: governo ombra parallelo Bush e tu sai più cose di USA che non donald TRUMP!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • there is no laicity in the West! Only Putin started working on a healthy concept of laicity: but he failed into secularism! when in the West USA UE we talk about laicity? they sure talk of parasitic masonic tecnocratic materialism secularism: that is USURA and scam banking financial seigniorage! certainly: they masonry lgbt PD refer to: 1. an irrational maximalist dogmatic religion of evolutionism Darwin: without scientific support. 2. to a scientism GENDER lgbt religion: without scientific support, which in reality: they are the perverted pigs: where lust (which is also reprehensible in natural marriage): itself is elevated / rises as to degrading human lust's ape: but lust evil is elevated to a Constitutionally recognized right! 3. ISLAM therefore is a total moral threat (like Satan's Bible and Talmud): an exaltation of all that the Torah condemns: a supernatural perversion for mankind: this is why Muhammad was an example for the worst men of mankind! Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • non c'è laicità in Occidente! Solo Putin ha iniziato a lavorare su un sano concetto di laicità: ma ha fallito nel secolarismo! quando nella UE USA occidentale parliamo di laicità? parlano di secolarismo tecnocratico massonico parassitario massonico: questo è USURA e signoraggio finanziario delle truffe bancarie! certamente: essi in muratura lgbt PD si riferiscono a: 1. un'irrazionale religione massimale dogmatica dell'evoluzionismo Darwin: senza supporto scientifico. 2. a uno scientismo GENERE religione lgbt: senza supporto scientifico, che in realtà: sono i maiali perversi: dove la lussuria (che è anche riprovevole nel matrimonio naturale): è elevata / si alza per degradare la scimmia della lussuria umana: ma lussuria male è elevato a un diritto costituzionalmente riconosciuto! 3. L'ISLAM quindi è una minaccia morale totale (come la Bibbia di Satana e il Talmud): un'esaltazione di tutto ciò che la Torah condanna: una perversione soprannaturale per l'umanità: ecco perché Maometto era un esempio per i peggiori uomini dell'umanità!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
Bin SALMAN] I know this is your ardent desire !!! you didn't call me: it's true! then I'll come to get you! Bin SALMAN ] io so che questo è un tuo ardente desiderio!!! non mi hai chiamato: è vero! allora sarò io a venire a prenderti!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
Trump: 'I don't buy Tlaib's tears, she hates Israel' https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/#.XVzWKCortQA.twitter democracy does NOT mean the possibility of betraying the state: this is why all those who do not abjure the sharia must be arrested! democrazia NON significa possibilità di tradire lo Stato: ecco perché tutti quelli che non abiurano la sharia devono essere arrestati!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
Orson Michael Noronha Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • Hi though people call you "loco" on this forum, I seriously tend to believe most of your thoughts especially on NWO and others. Only problem I see - take this as constructive criticism - is that you tend to get repetitive. Consequently, you miss the forest for the trees - a better choice would be to have your points made in logical sequence and in a properly STRUCTURED format rather that seemingly disconnected and random statements. I do realize that English may not be your first language but you can try - that way you can put your points across BETTER and be more receptive. God Bless ! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Orson Michael Noronha • God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! dull cervervos: they need the pnumatic hammer and steam roller! I am here to hurt the Wahhabis and Pharisees and all their accomplices only: and certainly: I'll get the blood out of the eardrums. about, a certain systematic thought this exists, and if someone asked me some questions? I could expose!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! dull brain: they need the pnumatic hammer and steam roller! I am here to hurt the Wahhabis and Pharisees: enlightened lucifer idol allah FED IMF NWO and all their accomplices only: and certainly: I'll get the blood out of the eardrums. about, a certain systematic thought this exists, and if someone asked me some questions? I could expose! i cervelli ottusi: hanno bisogno del martello pnumatico e rullo compressore! io sono quì per fare del male ai wahhabiti e farisei e a tutti i loro complici soltanto: e certo: farò loro uscire il sangue dai timpani. circa, un pensiero sistematico certo questo esiste, e se qualcuno mi facesse qualche domanda? io potrei esporre! God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago Israel agrees to exclude Judea, Samaria from billion dollar trade deal with South Korea? ANSWER. this is a practical and intelligent solution: given that: all nations need the ARAB League sharia genocide and theology of substitution UMMA Mecca 666 Kaaba: NAZI Erdogan jihad: if they want to get oil!and if we consider above all the fact that: the priests of satan of NATO lgbt 322 BCE 187 CIA 666 FED FMI NWO: they have been able to have a greater penetration the where the Christian communities are less and less active and incisive on the social plan.Everywhere the priests of satan can make their human sacrifices, murderous perversions, control of the Media Network Satellite TV, democratic party: which is Masonic consociativist control: and institutional:that this is a structural mode, then we understand how all those nations (fallen under sharia or under joint-stock company: and legal personality) are forced to boycott Jews and Samaria!that's why: the synagogues of satan, the Great Sanhedrin, the Jews of the diaspora, the technocratic financial transnational masonry: the shadow bilderberg-rothschild government. they represent the most deadly and deadly threat of total extermination against the Israeli people! Orson Michael Noronha Hi though people call you "loco" on this forum, I seriously tend to believe most of your thoughts especially on NWO and others. Only problem I see - take this as constructive criticism - is that you tend to get repetitive. Consequently, you miss the forest for the trees - a better choice would be to have your points made in logical sequence and in a properly STRUCTURED format rather that seemingly disconnected and random statements. I do realize that English may not be your first language but you can try - that way you can put your points across BETTER and be more receptive. God Bless ! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 giorni fa Israele accetta di escludere la Giudea, la Samaria da un accordo commerciale da miliardi di dollari con la Corea del Sud? RISPOSTA. questa è una soluzione pratica e intelligente: dato che: tutte le nazioni hanno bisogno del genocidio della sharia della Lega ARAB e della teologia della sostituzione UMMA Mecca 666 Kaaba: NAZI Erdogan jihad: se vogliono ottenere petrolio! e se consideriamo soprattutto il fatto che: il sacerdoti di satana della NATO lgbt 322 a.C. 187 CIA 666 FED FMI NWO: hanno potuto avere una maggiore penetrazione nel luogo in cui le comunità cristiane sono sempre meno attive e incisive nel piano sociale. Ovunque i sacerdoti di satana possono rendere il loro essere umano sacrifici, perversioni omicide, controllo della rete satellitare TV via satellite, partito democratico: che è il controllo consociativista massonico: e istituzionale: che questa è una modalità strutturale, quindi comprendiamo come tutte quelle nazioni (cadute sotto la sharia o sotto società per azioni: e personalità giuridica) sono costretti a boicottare ebrei e samaria! ecco perché: le sinagoghe di satana, il grande sinedrio, gli ebrei della diaspora, la massoneria transnazionale finanziaria tecnocratica: l'ombra bilde governo di rberg-rothschild. rappresentano la minaccia più mortale e mortale dello sterminio totale contro il popolo israeliano! Orson Michael Noronha Ciao, anche se la gente ti chiama "loco" su questo forum, tendo seriamente a credere alla maggior parte dei tuoi pensieri, specialmente su NWO e altri. L'unico problema che vedo - prendi questo come critica costruttiva - è che tendi a diventare ripetitivo. Di conseguenza, ti manca la foresta per gli alberi - una scelta migliore sarebbe quella di avere i tuoi punti fatti in sequenza logica e in un formato adeguatamente STRUTTURATO piuttosto che dichiarazioni apparentemente disconnesse e casuali. Mi rendo conto che l'inglese potrebbe non essere la tua prima lingua, ma puoi provare, in questo modo puoi mettere i tuoi punti tra MEGLIO ed essere più ricettivi. Che Dio vi benedica ! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
There may be one Yoga, which can open to demonic possession! 1. you have to tell people that they should never abandon, into passivity, the control of their consciousness 2. you have to tell people that they should never abandon, into passivity their rational supervision! No! such a passive attitude, no, the inner vacuum! in fact the demonic Allah Brhama Ja-Bul-On already exists: into talmud goym, into Koran dhimmi, into Hindu Dalits: the all slave traders Rothschild FED IMF NWO. These are the slaves of Satan's Bible: Ursula Von Hitler DEP State Bilderbeg Soros and democratic party that ruined mankind! Potrebbe esserci uno Yoga, che può aprire al possesso demoniaco! 1. devi dire alle persone che non dovrebbero mai abbandonare, nella passività, il controllo della loro coscienza https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/ 2. devi dire alle persone che non dovrebbero mai abbandonare, in passività, la loro supervisione razionale! No! un atteggiamento così passivo, no, il vuoto interiore! in realtà il demoniaco Allah Brhama Ja-Bul-On esiste già: nel talmud goym, nel Corano dhimmi, nel Hindu Dalit: tutti i mercanti di schiavi Rothschild FED IMF NWO. Questi sono gli schiavi della Bibbia di Satana: Ursula Von Hitler DEP State Bilderbeg Soros e partito democratico che hanno rovinato l'umanità!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN9 ore fa
https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/ Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • even in ANSA (Pd and Network Rothschild satellite TV: the Masonic consociativismo worldwide ) a cartoon is advertised that educates at the MANGA p0rno hentai, The Stepmother Prologue: Age Verification The Family Filter is activated, you are not allowed to access prohibited content. You must confirm that you are of age to be able to disable the filter. at an age above 18? /toomics com/it/webtoon/detail/code/95423/ep/0/toon/4698/a/S164673019?pid=IT_GG_CID-S164673019_StepM&subpid=loc_physical_ms=9050548&channel=Google addirittura in ANSA (Pd e Network Rothschild satellite TV: il consociativismo massonico mondiale) si pubblicizza un cartone che educa al MANGA p0rno hentai, La Matrigna Prologo: Verifica dell'età Il Filtro Famiglia è attivato, non ti è permesso accedere ai contenuti vietati. Devi confermare di essere maggiorenne per poter disattivare il filtro. ai un'età superiore a 18?
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN9 ore fa
my President RIVLIN] [Islam cannot pass in Europe to the operational phase of the genocide of Christians and Jews: if they do not come first: desecrated and burned churches, abolished crucifixes and broken statues of the Madonna. that since Muslims are Satanists, possessed and serial murderers, they are disturbed and deactivated by these symbols! but, this is precisely what is happening in Europe with the complicity of: Macron Merkel and the sodomitic Democratic Party lgbt: and all the Soros-Rothschild agents of transnational Satanism: preparing the ground for sharia to achieve a new mass Islamic genocide! https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/ mio Presidente RIVLIN ] [ Islam non può passare in Europa alla fase operativa del genocidio dei cristiani e degli ebrei: se prima non vengono: profanate e bruciate le Chiese, aboliti i crocifissi e infrante le statue delle madonnine. che poiché musulmani sono satanisti, indemoniati e assassini seriali, loro sono disturbati e disattivati da questi simboli! ma, questo è proprio quello che sta avvenendo in Europa con la complicità di: Macron Merkel e il Partito Democratico sodomitico lgbt: e tutti gli agenti Soros-Rothschild del satanismo trasnazionale: preparare il terreno alla sharia per realizzare un nuovo genocidio islamico di massa!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN9 ore fa
when our political leaders: the adepts of the OWL: JaBulOn those religious worshipers of the FED FMI NWO religion: the technocratic: scientist: and dogma apes darwin, lgbt and satanist. Masons Pd M5S LEU, Soros, and all the antichrist worshipers Rothschild and the technocratic and parasitic finance: when they speak of "secular state" in reality, they mean: the dogmatic religion of evolutionary secularism, world-wide usury: and a shameful slanderous war against: China and Russia: to raise the scimitar of the genocide Allah Erdogan against: all the peoples of the world. but we in the Kingdom of Israel, we are the true laity: and we are not ashamed, and we do not betray our common Jewish-Christian roots: that's why EU and Ursula Von Hitler? she is cursed forever !! https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/ quando i nostri leader politici: gli adepti del GUFO: JaBulOn quei religiosi adoratori della religione FED FMI NWO: la tecnocratica: scientista: e dogma scimmie darwin, lgbt e satanisti. massoni Pd M5S LEU, Soros, e tutti gli adoratori dell'anticristo Rothschild e la finanza tecnocratica e parassitaria: quando loro parlano di "laicità dello Stato" in realtà, loro intendono: la religione dogmatica del laicismo evoluzionista, usura mondiale: ed una vergognosa guerra calunniosa contro: Cina e Russia: per innalzare la scimitarra del genocidio Allah Erdogan contro: tutti i popoli del mondo. noi invece, noi nel Regno di Israele, noi siamo i laici veri: e non ci vergogniamo, e non tradiamo delle nostre comuni radici ebraico-cristiane: ecco perché UE e Ursula Von Hitler? lei sia maledetta in eterno!!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN10 ore fa
La Turchia ha accusato il regime siriano di Assad di aver attaccato uno dei suoi convogli militari in Siria, RISPOSTA. La Siria non è un teatro che: il terrorista Erdogan deve andare e mettere: i suoi punti di vista: sostenere i suoi Turkmeni, anche perché tutti i terroristi che hanno combattuto in Siria, incluso l'ISIS? tutti dalla Turchia se ne sono andati! Erdogan è il più grande sponsor con l'Arabia Saudita del terrorismo islamico mondiale! https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/ Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • Turkey blamed Syria's Assad regime for attacking one of its military convoys in Syria, ANSWER. Syria is not a theater that: the terrorist Erdogan must go and put: his points of view: to support his Turkmens, also because all the terrorists who fought in Syria, including ISIS? everyone from Turkey has gone! Erdogan is the biggest sponsor with Saudi Arabia of world Islamic terrorism!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN10 ore fa
Security flaw on p0rno hentai site - confidentiality at risk for millions of users, ANSWER. the whole world of children and adolescents must be protected! claun Clown: killer, killer toys, dirty cartoons: symbols of Satanism are used by the devil Obama to obsess and pervert teenagers! whoever thought of these tools is a social danger and must be locked up! https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/ Difetto di sicurezza su sito p0rno hentai – riservatezza a rischio per milioni di utenti, ANSWER. tutto il mondo di bambini e adolescenti deve essere protetto! claun Clown: killer, giocattoli killer, cartoni animati sporchi: simboli del satanismo sono usati dal demonio Obama per ossessionare e pervertire gli adolescenti! chi ha pensato a questi strumenti è un pericolo sociale e deve essere rinchiuso!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN14 ore fa
https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/ Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • Pd 666 M5S is one only lgbtq sodoma Di Maio: "with the Democratic Party: the party of Bibbiano? I DO NOT want to be true anything what to do!" meanwhile now: with the favor of TENEBRE: he #M5S wants us to make a government with the #Pd! let us hope that President Mattarella does not lend himself to this infamy: that he would ignite anger in all Italian cities! Party of Bibbiano: 3 other suspects, a scandal spread towards Modena /voxnews info/2019/08/20/partito-di-bibbiano-altri-3-indagati-scandalo-si-allarga-verso-modena/









Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 4 minutes ago
Di Maio's call to the leader Pd: what are you doing?
here is how the infamous antifa lgbt Rothschild Soros Bilderberg Ursula Von Hitler: this is how impassions spit on the sovereignty of the Italian people!
ROME, Matteo Renzi gives vent to his irritation. "It was I who killed" Salvini, proposing a government to secure the country and avoid the increase in VAT, but now it seems that I am the problem. There are really absurd people around. " In the evening, after the echo of the easily refuted slanders of Giuseppe Conte against Matteo Salvini died out in the Senate and, under the traces, the red-yellow executive who saved the losers' seats began to be plotted.
Matteo Renzi gives vent to his irritation. The former prime minister received news of a phone call the other night between Luigi Di Maio and Nicola Zingaretti.
A brief interview in which the head of the 5 Star Movement: he asked the secretary of the Pd "guarantees for a legislature executive".
And above all: «Can you guarantee me that Renzi won't pull the plug in a few months? For us and for you it would be a suicide, Salvini would win the elections hands down ". Disappointing Zingaretti's answer:
"I can't give you any guarantee on Renzi, nobody can know what he has in mind and what he will do."
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 18 minutes ago
youtu be/jAB9Wa0zpNE That's why the Siberian woods burn, but the real reasons are not mentioned in the video! there is an agreement between Bush and Putin to exploit the immense resources of Alaska and Arctic Siberia in general: so millions of people are destined to end up under water .. then between Putin and (DEEP STATE: Shadow Government) SpA FED FMI NWO Rothschild has already set the date of world war and Putin needs to sell the forests to prepare for the fraudulent war!
Published 20 Aug 2019
Interview with Tatiana Davidenko, head of the Krasnoyarsk court of auditors.
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 43 minutes ago
We are all guinea pigs: "the atomic soldiers" between the years 1950-1960] //youtu be/l7xvnnz0qaI [Reflections on American nuclear experiments with the participation of the 400000 US soldiers used as laboratory rats.
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • an hour ago
Bin SALMAN takfirio sudairio: Owl Baal Lilith Allah Ja-Bul-On Belfagoir Maduch ] [ God JHWH didn't tell me too many things:
but one thing I remember very well;
he told me: "do not fear those b i t c he s"
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 2 hours ago • edited
Bin SALMAN] was a document on my sites!
in youtube a Church of SATAN of the CIA told me: "because of you: a lot of blood will flow this evening" and if they can't kidnap many children? then, the Satanists
who are lower down on the hierarchical scale: they sacrifice themselves on Satan's altar,
that's why they showed me hundreds, heaps of severed feet and severed hands!
idiots! they think they can stop me with their voodoo: too bad that their Obama s h i t on me can't work
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 2 hours ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
Bin SALMAN] was a document on my sites!
in youtube a Church of SATAN of the CIA told me: "because of you: a lot of blood will flow this evening" and if they can't kidnap many children? then, the Satanists
who are lower down on the hierarchical scale: they sacrifice themselves on Satan's altar,
that's why they showed me hundreds, heaps of feet and blown hands!
idiots! they think they can stop me with their voodoo: too bad that their shit on me can't work
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 2 hours ago
Bin SALMAN ] [ it is useless that, you pretend to be stupid with me! you have agents infiltrated in all the Churches of Satan, infiltrated all CIA agencies, infiltrated in agenda: aliens abductions, infiltrated in DEP State: Bush parallel shadow government
and you know more about the US you, than no Donald TRUMP!
è inutile che, tu fingi di essere stupido con me! tu hai agenti infiltrati in tutte le Chiese di Satana, infiltrati in tutte le agenzie della CIA, infiltrati in agenda aliens abductions, infiltrati in DEP State: governo ombra parallelo Bush
e tu sai più cose di USA che non donald TRUMP!
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 3 hours ago
Bin SALMAN] I know this is your ardent desire !!! you didn't call me: it's true!
then I'll come to get you!
Bin SALMAN ] io so che questo è un tuo ardente desiderio!!! non mi hai chiamato: è vero!
allora sarò io a venire a prenderti!
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 3 hours ago • edited
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH •
there is no laicity in the West! Only Putin started working on a healthy concept of laicity: but he failed into secularism!
when in the West USA UE we talk about laicity? they sure talk of parasitic masonic tecnocratic materialism secularism: that is USURA and scam banking financial seigniorage!
certainly: they masonry lgbt PD refer to:
1. an irrational maximalist dogmatic religion of evolutionism Darwin: without scientific support.
2. to a scientism GENDER lgbt religion: without scientific support, which in reality: they are the perverted pigs: where lust (which is also reprehensible in natural marriage): itself is elevated / rises as to degrading human lust's ape: but lust evil is elevated to a Constitutionally recognized right!
3. ISLAM therefore is a total moral threat (like Satan's Bible and Talmud): an exaltation of all that the Torah condemns:
a supernatural perversion for mankind: this is why Muhammad was an example for the worst men of mankind!
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 3 hours ago
Trump: 'I don't buy Tlaib's tears, she hates Israel'
democracy does NOT mean the possibility of betraying the state: this is why all those who do not abjure the sharia must be arrested!
democrazia NON significa possibilità di tradire lo Stato: ecco perché tutti quelli che non abiurano la sharia devono essere arrestati!
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 4 hours ago • edited
God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai!
dull brain: they need the pnumatic hammer and steam roller!
I am here to hurt the Wahhabis and Pharisees: enlightened lucifer idol allah FED IMF NWO and all their accomplices only: and certainly: I'll get the blood out of the eardrums.
about, a certain systematic thought this exists, and if someone asked me some questions? I could expose!
i cervelli ottusi: hanno bisogno del martello pnumatico e rullo compressore! io sono quì per fare del male ai wahhabiti e farisei e a tutti i loro complici soltanto: e certo: farò loro uscire il sangue dai timpani.
circa, un pensiero sistematico certo questo esiste, e se qualcuno mi facesse qualche domanda? io potrei esporre! God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai!
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 4 hours ago
There may be one Yoga, which can open to demonic possession!
1. you have to tell people that they should never abandon, into passivity, the control of their consciousness
2. you have to tell people that they should never abandon, into passivity their rational supervision! No! such a passive attitude, no, the inner vacuum!
in fact the demonic Allah Brhama Ja-Bul-On already exists: into talmud goym, into Koran dhimmi, into Hindu Dalits: the all slave traders Rothschild FED IMF NWO.
These are the slaves of Satan's Bible: Ursula Von Hitler DEP State Bilderbeg Soros and democratic party that ruined mankind!
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Tuvi Todd • 8 hours ago
Israel will have peace with their Arab neighbors, only after the Arabs
- Love their children and grandmothers, more than they
- Hate Jews and the Jewish State of Israel.

Allen Gray • 8 hours ago
I agree with President Trump! She was just using peoples sympathy for her grandmother to do her evil deeds. You can not trust anything she says! God bless President Trump and his family.

punch_corona • 8 hours ago
.. Trump is right ..
the babylon queens presented their itinerary .. "Palestine"does not exist ..
..." The itinerary Tlaib and Omar presented to Israel listed “Palestinian” ..

Albert Reingewirtz • 12 hours ago
Trump tells it like it is. The "Jews" in the Democratic party support those Islamic terror supporters! And some even accuse our beloved President Trump of being the cause of White Supremacists attacks on synagogues. Those Democratic "Jews" are definitely anti- Semites.

AlterNation • 13 hours ago
Democrats should be throwing these two under the bus for their overt antisemitism. Instead, they are applauding them.

Froike • 14 hours ago
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN14 ore fa
Di Maio: "with the Democratic Party: the party of Bibbiano? I DO NOT want to be true anything what to do!" meanwhile now: with the favor of TENEBRE: he # M5S wants us to make a government with the #Pd! let us hope that President Mattarella does not lend himself to this infamy: that he would ignite anger in all Italian cities! Party of Bibbiano: 3 other suspects, a scandal spread towards Modena https://voxnews.info/2019/08/20/partito-di-bibbiano-altri-3-indagati-scandalo-si-allarga-verso-modena/ Di Maio: "con il Partito democratico: il partito di Bibbiano? io NON voglio a vere niente a che fare! " intanto adesso: con il favore delle TENEBRE: lui #M5S ci vuole fare un governo con il #Pd! speriamo che il Presidente Mattarella non si presti a questa infamia: che accenderebbe la rabbia in tutte le città italiane! Partito Di Bibbiano: altri 3 indagati, scandalo si allarga verso Modena https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/
Di Maio's call to the leader Pd: what are you doing? here is how the infamous antifa lgbt Rothschild Soros Bilderberg Ursula Von Hitler: this is how impassions spit on the sovereignty of the Italian people! ROME, Matteo Renzi gives vent to his irritation. "It was I who killed" Salvini, proposing a government to secure the country and avoid the increase in VAT, but now it seems that I am the problem. There are really absurd people around. " In the evening, after the echo of the easily refuted slanders of Giuseppe Conte against Matteo Salvini died out in the Senate and, under the traces, the red-yellow executive who saved the losers' seats began to be plotted. Matteo Renzi gives vent to his irritation. The former prime minister received news of a phone call the other night between Luigi Di Maio and Nicola Zingaretti. A brief interview in which the head of the 5 Star Movement: he asked the secretary of the Pd "guarantees for a legislature executive". And above all: «Can you guarantee me that Renzi won't pull the plug in a few months? For us and for you it would be a suicide, Salvini would win the elections hands down ". Disappointing Zingaretti's answer: "I can't give you any guarantee on Renzi, nobody can know what he has in mind and what he will do." https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/ Telefonata di Di Maio al leader Pd: che fate? ecco come gli infami antifa lgbt Rothschild Soros Bilderberg Ursula Von Hitler: ecco come imassoni sputano sulla sovranità del popolo italiano! ROMA, Matteo Renzi dà sfogo alla sua irritazione. «Sono stato io a “uccidere” Salvini, proponendo un governo per mettere in sicurezza il Paese ed evitare l’aumento dell’Iva, ma ora sembra che il problema sia io. C’è in giro gente davvero assurda». A sera, dopo che in Senato si è spenta l’eco delle facilmente confutabili calunnie di Giuseppe Conte contro Matteo Salvini e, sottotraccia, si comincia a tramare per lun esecutivo rosso-giallo che salvi le poltrone dei perdenti, Matteo Renzi dà sfogo alla sua irritazione. All’ex premier è arrivata la notizia di una telefonata l’altra sera tra Luigi Di Maio e Nicola Zingaretti. Un breve colloquio in cui il capo del Movimento 5 Stelle: ha chiesto al segretario del Pd «garanzie per un esecutivo di legislatura». E soprattutto: «Puoi garantirmi che Renzi non staccherà la spina tra qualche mese? Per noi e per voi sarebbe un suicidio, Salvini vincerebbe le elezioni a mani basse». Disarmante la risposta di Zingaretti: «Non posso darti alcuna garanzia su Renzi, nessuno può sapere cosa quello ha in testa e cosa farà».

lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN
That's why the Siberian woods burn, but the real reasons are not mentioned in the video! there is an agreement between Bush and Putin to exploit the immense resources of Alaska and Arctic Siberia in general: so millions of people are destined to end up under water .. then between Putin and (DEEP STATE: Shadow Government) SpA FED FMI NWO Rothschild has already set the date of world war and Putin needs to sell the forests to prepare for the fraudulent war! https://youtu.be/jAB9Wa0zpNE PandoraTV Published 20 Aug 2019 Interview with Tatiana Davidenko, head of the Krasnoyarsk court of auditors. https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/ Ecco perché bruciano i boschi siberiani, ma i veri motivi non vengono detti nel video! c'é un accordo tra Bush e Putin per sfruttare le immense risorse della Siberia Alaska e artico in genere: quindi milioni di persone sono destinati a finire sott'acqua.. poi tra Putin e (DEEP STATE: Governo Ombra) SpA FED FMI NWO Rothschild è stata già fissata la data della guerra mondiale e Putin ha bisogno di vendere le foreste per prepararsi alla guerra truffa! https://youtu.be/jAB9Wa0zpNE PandoraTV Pubblicato il 20 ago 2019 Intervista a Tatiana Davidenko capo della corte dei conti di krasnojarsk.

lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN
We are all guinea pigs: "the atomic soldiers" between the years 1950-1960] https://youtu.be/l7xvnnz0qaI [Reflections on American nuclear experiments with the participation of the 400000 US soldiers used as laboratory rats. Siamo tutti delle cavie: "i soldati atomici" tra gli anni 1950-1960 ] https://youtu.be/l7xvnnz0qaI [ Riflessioni sugli esperimenti nucleari americani con la partecipazione dei 400000 soldati americani usati come topi da laboratorio. https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/

lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/ Bin SALMAN takfirio sudairio: Owl Baal Lilith Allah Ja-Bul-On Belfagoir Maduch ] [ God JHWH didn't tell me too many things: but one thing I remember very well; he told me: "do not fear those b i t c he s" Bin SALMAN Dio JHWH non mi ha detto troppe cose: ma una cosa la ricordo molto bene; mi disse: "non temere quelle cagne"

lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN1 ora fa
https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/ Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • Bin SALMAN ] was a document on my sites! in youtube a Church of SATAN of the CIA told me: "because of you: a lot of blood will flow this evening" and if they can't kidnap many children? then, the Satanists who are lower down on the hierarchical scale: they sacrifice themselves on Satan's altar, that's why they showed me hundreds, heaps of feet and blown hands! idiots! they think they can stop me with their voodoo: too bad that their Obama s h i t on me can't work heaps of severed feet and severed hands! cumuli di piedi mozzati e mani mozzate! Bin SALMAN ] è stato documento sui miei siti! in youtube una Chiesa di SATANA della CIA mi disse: "per colpa tua: scorrerà molto sangue questa sera" e se non riescono a rapire molti bambini? poi, i satanisti che sono più in basso nella scala gerarchica: si sacrificano loro sull'altare di Satana, ecco perché mi hanno fatto vedere centinaia, cumuli di piedi e di mani mozzate! idioti! loro pensano di potermi fermare con i loro voodoo: peccato però che la loro merda su di me non può funzionare

lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN1 ora fa
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/ Bin SALMAN ] [ it is useless that, you pretend to be stupid with me! you have agents infiltrated in all the Churches of Satan, infiltrated all CIA agencies, infiltrated in agenda: aliens abductions, infiltrated in DEP State: Bush parallel shadow government and you know more about the US you, than no Donald TRUMP! è inutile che, tu fingi di essere stupido con me! tu hai agenti infiltrati in tutte le Chiese di Satana, infiltrati in tutte le agenzie della CIA, infiltrati in agenda aliens abductions, infiltrati in DEP State: governo ombra parallelo Bush e tu sai più cose di USA che non donald TRUMP!

lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • there is no laicity in the West! Only Putin started working on a healthy concept of laicity: but he failed into secularism! when in the West USA UE we talk about laicity? they sure talk of parasitic masonic tecnocratic materialism secularism: that is USURA and scam banking financial seigniorage! certainly: they masonry lgbt PD refer to: 1. an irrational maximalist dogmatic religion of evolutionism Darwin: without scientific support. 2. to a scientism GENDER lgbt religion: without scientific support, which in reality: they are the perverted pigs: where lust (which is also reprehensible in natural marriage): itself is elevated / rises as to degrading human lust's ape: but lust evil is elevated to a Constitutionally recognized right! 3. ISLAM therefore is a total moral threat (like Satan's Bible and Talmud): an exaltation of all that the Torah condemns: a supernatural perversion for mankind: this is why Muhammad was an example for the worst men of mankind! Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • non c'è laicità in Occidente! Solo Putin ha iniziato a lavorare su un sano concetto di laicità: ma ha fallito nel secolarismo! quando nella UE USA occidentale parliamo di laicità? parlano di secolarismo tecnocratico massonico parassitario massonico: questo è USURA e signoraggio finanziario delle truffe bancarie! certamente: essi in muratura lgbt PD si riferiscono a: 1. un'irrazionale religione massimale dogmatica dell'evoluzionismo Darwin: senza supporto scientifico. 2. a uno scientismo GENERE religione lgbt: senza supporto scientifico, che in realtà: sono i maiali perversi: dove la lussuria (che è anche riprovevole nel matrimonio naturale): è elevata / si alza per degradare la scimmia della lussuria umana: ma lussuria male è elevato a un diritto costituzionalmente riconosciuto! 3. L'ISLAM quindi è una minaccia morale totale (come la Bibbia di Satana e il Talmud): un'esaltazione di tutto ciò che la Torah condanna: una perversione soprannaturale per l'umanità: ecco perché Maometto era un esempio per i peggiori uomini dell'umanità!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
Bin SALMAN] I know this is your ardent desire !!! you didn't call me: it's true! then I'll come to get you! Bin SALMAN ] io so che questo è un tuo ardente desiderio!!! non mi hai chiamato: è vero! allora sarò io a venire a prenderti!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
Trump: 'I don't buy Tlaib's tears, she hates Israel' https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/#.XVzWKCortQA.twitter democracy does NOT mean the possibility of betraying the state: this is why all those who do not abjure the sharia must be arrested! democrazia NON significa possibilità di tradire lo Stato: ecco perché tutti quelli che non abiurano la sharia devono essere arrestati!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
Orson Michael Noronha Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • Hi though people call you "loco" on this forum, I seriously tend to believe most of your thoughts especially on NWO and others. Only problem I see - take this as constructive criticism - is that you tend to get repetitive. Consequently, you miss the forest for the trees - a better choice would be to have your points made in logical sequence and in a properly STRUCTURED format rather that seemingly disconnected and random statements. I do realize that English may not be your first language but you can try - that way you can put your points across BETTER and be more receptive. God Bless ! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Orson Michael Noronha • God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! dull cervervos: they need the pnumatic hammer and steam roller! I am here to hurt the Wahhabis and Pharisees and all their accomplices only: and certainly: I'll get the blood out of the eardrums. about, a certain systematic thought this exists, and if someone asked me some questions? I could expose!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! dull brain: they need the pnumatic hammer and steam roller! I am here to hurt the Wahhabis and Pharisees: enlightened lucifer idol allah FED IMF NWO and all their accomplices only: and certainly: I'll get the blood out of the eardrums. about, a certain systematic thought this exists, and if someone asked me some questions? I could expose! i cervelli ottusi: hanno bisogno del martello pnumatico e rullo compressore! io sono quì per fare del male ai wahhabiti e farisei e a tutti i loro complici soltanto: e certo: farò loro uscire il sangue dai timpani. circa, un pensiero sistematico certo questo esiste, e se qualcuno mi facesse qualche domanda? io potrei esporre! God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago Israel agrees to exclude Judea, Samaria from billion dollar trade deal with South Korea? ANSWER. this is a practical and intelligent solution: given that: all nations need the ARAB League sharia genocide and theology of substitution UMMA Mecca 666 Kaaba: NAZI Erdogan jihad: if they want to get oil!and if we consider above all the fact that: the priests of satan of NATO lgbt 322 BCE 187 CIA 666 FED FMI NWO: they have been able to have a greater penetration the where the Christian communities are less and less active and incisive on the social plan.Everywhere the priests of satan can make their human sacrifices, murderous perversions, control of the Media Network Satellite TV, democratic party: which is Masonic consociativist control: and institutional:that this is a structural mode, then we understand how all those nations (fallen under sharia or under joint-stock company: and legal personality) are forced to boycott Jews and Samaria!that's why: the synagogues of satan, the Great Sanhedrin, the Jews of the diaspora, the technocratic financial transnational masonry: the shadow bilderberg-rothschild government. they represent the most deadly and deadly threat of total extermination against the Israeli people! Orson Michael Noronha Hi though people call you "loco" on this forum, I seriously tend to believe most of your thoughts especially on NWO and others. Only problem I see - take this as constructive criticism - is that you tend to get repetitive. Consequently, you miss the forest for the trees - a better choice would be to have your points made in logical sequence and in a properly STRUCTURED format rather that seemingly disconnected and random statements. I do realize that English may not be your first language but you can try - that way you can put your points across BETTER and be more receptive. God Bless ! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai! Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 giorni fa Israele accetta di escludere la Giudea, la Samaria da un accordo commerciale da miliardi di dollari con la Corea del Sud? RISPOSTA. questa è una soluzione pratica e intelligente: dato che: tutte le nazioni hanno bisogno del genocidio della sharia della Lega ARAB e della teologia della sostituzione UMMA Mecca 666 Kaaba: NAZI Erdogan jihad: se vogliono ottenere petrolio! e se consideriamo soprattutto il fatto che: il sacerdoti di satana della NATO lgbt 322 a.C. 187 CIA 666 FED FMI NWO: hanno potuto avere una maggiore penetrazione nel luogo in cui le comunità cristiane sono sempre meno attive e incisive nel piano sociale. Ovunque i sacerdoti di satana possono rendere il loro essere umano sacrifici, perversioni omicide, controllo della rete satellitare TV via satellite, partito democratico: che è il controllo consociativista massonico: e istituzionale: che questa è una modalità strutturale, quindi comprendiamo come tutte quelle nazioni (cadute sotto la sharia o sotto società per azioni: e personalità giuridica) sono costretti a boicottare ebrei e samaria! ecco perché: le sinagoghe di satana, il grande sinedrio, gli ebrei della diaspora, la massoneria transnazionale finanziaria tecnocratica: l'ombra bilde governo di rberg-rothschild. rappresentano la minaccia più mortale e mortale dello sterminio totale contro il popolo israeliano! Orson Michael Noronha Ciao, anche se la gente ti chiama "loco" su questo forum, tendo seriamente a credere alla maggior parte dei tuoi pensieri, specialmente su NWO e altri. L'unico problema che vedo - prendi questo come critica costruttiva - è che tendi a diventare ripetitivo. Di conseguenza, ti manca la foresta per gli alberi - una scelta migliore sarebbe quella di avere i tuoi punti fatti in sequenza logica e in un formato adeguatamente STRUTTURATO piuttosto che dichiarazioni apparentemente disconnesse e casuali. Mi rendo conto che l'inglese potrebbe non essere la tua prima lingua, ma puoi provare, in questo modo puoi mettere i tuoi punti tra MEGLIO ed essere più ricettivi. Che Dio vi benedica ! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN3 ore fa
There may be one Yoga, which can open to demonic possession! 1. you have to tell people that they should never abandon, into passivity, the control of their consciousness 2. you have to tell people that they should never abandon, into passivity their rational supervision! No! such a passive attitude, no, the inner vacuum! in fact the demonic Allah Brhama Ja-Bul-On already exists: into talmud goym, into Koran dhimmi, into Hindu Dalits: the all slave traders Rothschild FED IMF NWO. These are the slaves of Satan's Bible: Ursula Von Hitler DEP State Bilderbeg Soros and democratic party that ruined mankind! Potrebbe esserci uno Yoga, che può aprire al possesso demoniaco! 1. devi dire alle persone che non dovrebbero mai abbandonare, nella passività, il controllo della loro coscienza https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-i-dont-buy-tlaibs-tears-she-hates-israel/ 2. devi dire alle persone che non dovrebbero mai abbandonare, in passività, la loro supervisione razionale! No! un atteggiamento così passivo, no, il vuoto interiore! in realtà il demoniaco Allah Brhama Ja-Bul-On esiste già: nel talmud goym, nel Corano dhimmi, nel Hindu Dalit: tutti i mercanti di schiavi Rothschild FED IMF NWO. Questi sono gli schiavi della Bibbia di Satana: Ursula Von Hitler DEP State Bilderbeg Soros e partito democratico che hanno rovinato l'umanità!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN9 ore fa
https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/ Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • even in ANSA (Pd and Network Rothschild satellite TV: the Masonic consociativismo worldwide ) a cartoon is advertised that educates at the MANGA p0rno hentai, The Stepmother Prologue: Age Verification The Family Filter is activated, you are not allowed to access prohibited content. You must confirm that you are of age to be able to disable the filter. at an age above 18? /toomics com/it/webtoon/detail/code/95423/ep/0/toon/4698/a/S164673019?pid=IT_GG_CID-S164673019_StepM&subpid=loc_physical_ms=9050548&channel=Google addirittura in ANSA (Pd e Network Rothschild satellite TV: il consociativismo massonico mondiale) si pubblicizza un cartone che educa al MANGA p0rno hentai, La Matrigna Prologo: Verifica dell'età Il Filtro Famiglia è attivato, non ti è permesso accedere ai contenuti vietati. Devi confermare di essere maggiorenne per poter disattivare il filtro. ai un'età superiore a 18?
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN9 ore fa
my President RIVLIN] [Islam cannot pass in Europe to the operational phase of the genocide of Christians and Jews: if they do not come first: desecrated and burned churches, abolished crucifixes and broken statues of the Madonna. that since Muslims are Satanists, possessed and serial murderers, they are disturbed and deactivated by these symbols! but, this is precisely what is happening in Europe with the complicity of: Macron Merkel and the sodomitic Democratic Party lgbt: and all the Soros-Rothschild agents of transnational Satanism: preparing the ground for sharia to achieve a new mass Islamic genocide! https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/ mio Presidente RIVLIN ] [ Islam non può passare in Europa alla fase operativa del genocidio dei cristiani e degli ebrei: se prima non vengono: profanate e bruciate le Chiese, aboliti i crocifissi e infrante le statue delle madonnine. che poiché musulmani sono satanisti, indemoniati e assassini seriali, loro sono disturbati e disattivati da questi simboli! ma, questo è proprio quello che sta avvenendo in Europa con la complicità di: Macron Merkel e il Partito Democratico sodomitico lgbt: e tutti gli agenti Soros-Rothschild del satanismo trasnazionale: preparare il terreno alla sharia per realizzare un nuovo genocidio islamico di massa!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN9 ore fa
when our political leaders: the adepts of the OWL: JaBulOn those religious worshipers of the FED FMI NWO religion: the technocratic: scientist: and dogma apes darwin, lgbt and satanist. Masons Pd M5S LEU, Soros, and all the antichrist worshipers Rothschild and the technocratic and parasitic finance: when they speak of "secular state" in reality, they mean: the dogmatic religion of evolutionary secularism, world-wide usury: and a shameful slanderous war against: China and Russia: to raise the scimitar of the genocide Allah Erdogan against: all the peoples of the world. but we in the Kingdom of Israel, we are the true laity: and we are not ashamed, and we do not betray our common Jewish-Christian roots: that's why EU and Ursula Von Hitler? she is cursed forever !! https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/ quando i nostri leader politici: gli adepti del GUFO: JaBulOn quei religiosi adoratori della religione FED FMI NWO: la tecnocratica: scientista: e dogma scimmie darwin, lgbt e satanisti. massoni Pd M5S LEU, Soros, e tutti gli adoratori dell'anticristo Rothschild e la finanza tecnocratica e parassitaria: quando loro parlano di "laicità dello Stato" in realtà, loro intendono: la religione dogmatica del laicismo evoluzionista, usura mondiale: ed una vergognosa guerra calunniosa contro: Cina e Russia: per innalzare la scimitarra del genocidio Allah Erdogan contro: tutti i popoli del mondo. noi invece, noi nel Regno di Israele, noi siamo i laici veri: e non ci vergogniamo, e non tradiamo delle nostre comuni radici ebraico-cristiane: ecco perché UE e Ursula Von Hitler? lei sia maledetta in eterno!!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN10 ore fa
La Turchia ha accusato il regime siriano di Assad di aver attaccato uno dei suoi convogli militari in Siria, RISPOSTA. La Siria non è un teatro che: il terrorista Erdogan deve andare e mettere: i suoi punti di vista: sostenere i suoi Turkmeni, anche perché tutti i terroristi che hanno combattuto in Siria, incluso l'ISIS? tutti dalla Turchia se ne sono andati! Erdogan è il più grande sponsor con l'Arabia Saudita del terrorismo islamico mondiale! https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/ Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • Turkey blamed Syria's Assad regime for attacking one of its military convoys in Syria, ANSWER. Syria is not a theater that: the terrorist Erdogan must go and put: his points of view: to support his Turkmens, also because all the terrorists who fought in Syria, including ISIS? everyone from Turkey has gone! Erdogan is the biggest sponsor with Saudi Arabia of world Islamic terrorism!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN10 ore fa
Security flaw on p0rno hentai site - confidentiality at risk for millions of users, ANSWER. the whole world of children and adolescents must be protected! claun Clown: killer, killer toys, dirty cartoons: symbols of Satanism are used by the devil Obama to obsess and pervert teenagers! whoever thought of these tools is a social danger and must be locked up! https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/ Difetto di sicurezza su sito p0rno hentai – riservatezza a rischio per milioni di utenti, ANSWER. tutto il mondo di bambini e adolescenti deve essere protetto! claun Clown: killer, giocattoli killer, cartoni animati sporchi: simboli del satanismo sono usati dal demonio Obama per ossessionare e pervertire gli adolescenti! chi ha pensato a questi strumenti è un pericolo sociale e deve essere rinchiuso!
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lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN14 ore fa
https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/ Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • Pd 666 M5S is one only lgbtq sodoma Di Maio: "with the Democratic Party: the party of Bibbiano? I DO NOT want to be true anything what to do!" meanwhile now: with the favor of TENEBRE: he #M5S wants us to make a government with the #Pd! let us hope that President Mattarella does not lend himself to this infamy: that he would ignite anger in all Italian cities! Party of Bibbiano: 3 other suspects, a scandal spread towards Modena /voxnews info/2019/08/20/partito-di-bibbiano-altri-3-indagati-scandalo-si-allarga-verso-modena/

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 4 minutes ago
Di Maio's call to the leader Pd: what are you doing?
here is how the infamous antifa lgbt Rothschild Soros Bilderberg Ursula Von Hitler: this is how impassions spit on the sovereignty of the Italian people!
ROME, Matteo Renzi gives vent to his irritation. "It was I who killed" Salvini, proposing a government to secure the country and avoid the increase in VAT, but now it seems that I am the problem. There are really absurd people around. " In the evening, after the echo of the easily refuted slanders of Giuseppe Conte against Matteo Salvini died out in the Senate and, under the traces, the red-yellow executive who saved the losers' seats began to be plotted.
Matteo Renzi gives vent to his irritation. The former prime minister received news of a phone call the other night between Luigi Di Maio and Nicola Zingaretti.
A brief interview in which the head of the 5 Star Movement: he asked the secretary of the Pd "guarantees for a legislature executive".
And above all: «Can you guarantee me that Renzi won't pull the plug in a few months? For us and for you it would be a suicide, Salvini would win the elections hands down ". Disappointing Zingaretti's answer:
"I can't give you any guarantee on Renzi, nobody can know what he has in mind and what he will do."
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 18 minutes ago
youtu be/jAB9Wa0zpNE That's why the Siberian woods burn, but the real reasons are not mentioned in the video! there is an agreement between Bush and Putin to exploit the immense resources of Alaska and Arctic Siberia in general: so millions of people are destined to end up under water .. then between Putin and (DEEP STATE: Shadow Government) SpA FED FMI NWO Rothschild has already set the date of world war and Putin needs to sell the forests to prepare for the fraudulent war!
Published 20 Aug 2019
Interview with Tatiana Davidenko, head of the Krasnoyarsk court of auditors.
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 43 minutes ago
We are all guinea pigs: "the atomic soldiers" between the years 1950-1960] //youtu be/l7xvnnz0qaI [Reflections on American nuclear experiments with the participation of the 400000 US soldiers used as laboratory rats.
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • an hour ago
Bin SALMAN takfirio sudairio: Owl Baal Lilith Allah Ja-Bul-On Belfagoir Maduch ] [ God JHWH didn't tell me too many things:
but one thing I remember very well;
he told me: "do not fear those b i t c he s"
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 2 hours ago • edited
Bin SALMAN] was a document on my sites!
in youtube a Church of SATAN of the CIA told me: "because of you: a lot of blood will flow this evening" and if they can't kidnap many children? then, the Satanists
who are lower down on the hierarchical scale: they sacrifice themselves on Satan's altar,
that's why they showed me hundreds, heaps of severed feet and severed hands!
idiots! they think they can stop me with their voodoo: too bad that their Obama s h i t on me can't work
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 2 hours ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
Bin SALMAN] was a document on my sites!
in youtube a Church of SATAN of the CIA told me: "because of you: a lot of blood will flow this evening" and if they can't kidnap many children? then, the Satanists
who are lower down on the hierarchical scale: they sacrifice themselves on Satan's altar,
that's why they showed me hundreds, heaps of feet and blown hands!
idiots! they think they can stop me with their voodoo: too bad that their shit on me can't work
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 2 hours ago
Bin SALMAN ] [ it is useless that, you pretend to be stupid with me! you have agents infiltrated in all the Churches of Satan, infiltrated all CIA agencies, infiltrated in agenda: aliens abductions, infiltrated in DEP State: Bush parallel shadow government
and you know more about the US you, than no Donald TRUMP!
è inutile che, tu fingi di essere stupido con me! tu hai agenti infiltrati in tutte le Chiese di Satana, infiltrati in tutte le agenzie della CIA, infiltrati in agenda aliens abductions, infiltrati in DEP State: governo ombra parallelo Bush
e tu sai più cose di USA che non donald TRUMP!
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 3 hours ago
Bin SALMAN] I know this is your ardent desire !!! you didn't call me: it's true!
then I'll come to get you!
Bin SALMAN ] io so che questo è un tuo ardente desiderio!!! non mi hai chiamato: è vero!
allora sarò io a venire a prenderti!
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 3 hours ago • edited
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH •
there is no laicity in the West! Only Putin started working on a healthy concept of laicity: but he failed into secularism!
when in the West USA UE we talk about laicity? they sure talk of parasitic masonic tecnocratic materialism secularism: that is USURA and scam banking financial seigniorage!
certainly: they masonry lgbt PD refer to:
1. an irrational maximalist dogmatic religion of evolutionism Darwin: without scientific support.
2. to a scientism GENDER lgbt religion: without scientific support, which in reality: they are the perverted pigs: where lust (which is also reprehensible in natural marriage): itself is elevated / rises as to degrading human lust's ape: but lust evil is elevated to a Constitutionally recognized right!
3. ISLAM therefore is a total moral threat (like Satan's Bible and Talmud): an exaltation of all that the Torah condemns:
a supernatural perversion for mankind: this is why Muhammad was an example for the worst men of mankind!
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 3 hours ago
Trump: 'I don't buy Tlaib's tears, she hates Israel'
democracy does NOT mean the possibility of betraying the state: this is why all those who do not abjure the sharia must be arrested!
democrazia NON significa possibilità di tradire lo Stato: ecco perché tutti quelli che non abiurano la sharia devono essere arrestati!
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 4 hours ago • edited
God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai!
dull brain: they need the pnumatic hammer and steam roller!
I am here to hurt the Wahhabis and Pharisees: enlightened lucifer idol allah FED IMF NWO and all their accomplices only: and certainly: I'll get the blood out of the eardrums.
about, a certain systematic thought this exists, and if someone asked me some questions? I could expose!
i cervelli ottusi: hanno bisogno del martello pnumatico e rullo compressore! io sono quì per fare del male ai wahhabiti e farisei e a tutti i loro complici soltanto: e certo: farò loro uscire il sangue dai timpani.
circa, un pensiero sistematico certo questo esiste, e se qualcuno mi facesse qualche domanda? io potrei esporre! God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai!
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • 4 hours ago
There may be one Yoga, which can open to demonic possession!
1. you have to tell people that they should never abandon, into passivity, the control of their consciousness
2. you have to tell people that they should never abandon, into passivity their rational supervision! No! such a passive attitude, no, the inner vacuum!
in fact the demonic Allah Brhama Ja-Bul-On already exists: into talmud goym, into Koran dhimmi, into Hindu Dalits: the all slave traders Rothschild FED IMF NWO.
These are the slaves of Satan's Bible: Ursula Von Hitler DEP State Bilderbeg Soros and democratic party that ruined mankind!
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Tuvi Todd • 8 hours ago
Israel will have peace with their Arab neighbors, only after the Arabs
- Love their children and grandmothers, more than they
- Hate Jews and the Jewish State of Israel.

Allen Gray • 8 hours ago
I agree with President Trump! She was just using peoples sympathy for her grandmother to do her evil deeds. You can not trust anything she says! God bless President Trump and his family.

punch_corona • 8 hours ago
.. Trump is right ..
the babylon queens presented their itinerary .. "Palestine"does not exist ..
..." The itinerary Tlaib and Omar presented to Israel listed “Palestinian” ..

Albert Reingewirtz • 12 hours ago
Trump tells it like it is. The "Jews" in the Democratic party support those Islamic terror supporters! And some even accuse our beloved President Trump of being the cause of White Supremacists attacks on synagogues. Those Democratic "Jews" are definitely anti- Semites.

AlterNation • 13 hours ago
Democrats should be throwing these two under the bus for their overt antisemitism. Instead, they are applauding them.

Froike • 14 hours ago

lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN14 ore fa
Di Maio: "with the Democratic Party: the party of Bibbiano? I DO NOT want to be true anything what to do!" meanwhile now: with the favor of TENEBRE: he # M5S wants us to make a government with the #Pd! let us hope that President Mattarella does not lend himself to this infamy: that he would ignite anger in all Italian cities! Party of Bibbiano: 3 other suspects, a scandal spread towards Modena https://voxnews.info/2019/08/20/partito-di-bibbiano-altri-3-indagati-scandalo-si-allarga-verso-modena/ Di Maio: "con il Partito democratico: il partito di Bibbiano? io NON voglio a vere niente a che fare! " intanto adesso: con il favore delle TENEBRE: lui #M5S ci vuole fare un governo con il #Pd! speriamo che il Presidente Mattarella non si presti a questa infamia: che accenderebbe la rabbia in tutte le città italiane! Partito Di Bibbiano: altri 3 indagati, scandalo si allarga verso Modena https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-why-would-syria-bomb-a-turkish-convoy-in-syria/