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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH4 minutes ago • edited

Bin SALMAN] was a document on my sites!
in youtube a Church of SATAN of the CIA told me: "because of you: a lot of blood will flow this evening" and if they can't kidnap many children? then, the Satanists
who are lower down on the hierarchical scale: they sacrifice themselves on Satan's altar,
that's why they showed me hundreds, heaps of severed feet and severed hands!
idiots! they think they can stop me with their voodoo: too bad that their Obama s h i t on me can't work

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH5 minutes ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

Bin SALMAN] was a document on my sites!
in youtube a Church of SATAN of the CIA told me: "because of you: a lot of blood will flow this evening" and if they can't kidnap many children? then, the Satanists
who are lower down on the hierarchical scale: they sacrifice themselves on Satan's altar,
that's why they showed me hundreds, heaps of feet and blown hands!
idiots! they think they can stop me with their voodoo: too bad that their shit on me can't work

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH15 minutes ago

Bin SALMAN ] [ it is useless that, you pretend to be stupid with me! you have agents infiltrated in all the Churches of Satan, infiltrated all CIA agencies, infiltrated in agenda: aliens abductions, infiltrated in DEP State: Bush parallel shadow government
and you know more about the US you, than no Donald TRUMP!

è inutile che, tu fingi di essere stupido con me! tu hai agenti infiltrati in tutte le Chiese di Satana, infiltrati in tutte le agenzie della CIA, infiltrati in agenda aliens abductions, infiltrati in DEP State: governo ombra parallelo Bush
e tu sai più cose di USA che non donald TRUMP!

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH

Bin SALMAN] I know this is your ardent desire !!! you didn't call me: it's true!
then I'll come to get you!

Bin SALMAN ] io so che questo è un tuo ardente desiderio!!! non mi hai chiamato: è vero!
allora sarò io a venire a prenderti!

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH2 hours ago • edited

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH •
there is no laicity in the West! Only Putin started working on a healthy concept of laicity: but he failed into secularism!
when in the West USA UE we talk about laicity? they sure talk of parasitic masonic tecnocratic materialism secularism: that is USURA and scam banking financial seigniorage!
certainly: they masonry lgbt PD refer to:
1. an irrational maximalist dogmatic religion of evolutionism Darwin: without scientific support.
2. to a scientism GENDER lgbt religion: without scientific support, which in reality: they are the perverted pigs: where lust (which is also reprehensible in natural marriage): itself is elevated / rises as to degrading human lust's ape: but lust evil is elevated to a Constitutionally recognized right!
3. ISLAM therefore is a total moral threat (like Satan's Bible and Talmud): an exaltation of all that the Torah condemns:
a supernatural perversion for mankind: this is why Muhammad was an example for the worst men of mankind!

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH

Trump: 'I don't buy Tlaib's tears, she hates Israel'

democracy does NOT mean the possibility of betraying the state: this is why all those who do not abjure the sharia must be arrested!
democrazia NON significa possibilità di tradire lo Stato: ecco perché tutti quelli che non abiurano la sharia devono essere arrestati!

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH

God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai!
dull brain: they need the pnumatic hammer and steam roller!
I am here to hurt the Wahhabis and Pharisees: enlightened lucifer idol allah FED IMF NWO and all their accomplices only: and certainly: I'll get the blood out of the eardrums.
about, a certain systematic thought this exists, and if someone asked me some questions? I could expose!
i cervelli ottusi: hanno bisogno del martello pnumatico e rullo compressore! io sono quì per fare del male ai wahhabiti e farisei e a tutti i loro complici soltanto: e certo: farò loro uscire il sangue dai timpani.
circa, un pensiero sistematico certo questo esiste, e se qualcuno mi facesse qualche domanda? io potrei esporre! God Bless you too! Baruch H'ba B'Shem Adonai!

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH

There may be one Yoga, which can open to demonic possession!
1. you have to tell people that they should never abandon, into passivity, the control of their consciousness

2. you have to tell people that they should never abandon, into passivity their rational supervision! No! such a passive attitude, no, the inner vacuum!
in fact the demonic Allah Brhama Ja-Bul-On already exists: into talmud goym, into Koran dhimmi, into Hindu Dalits: the all slave traders Rothschild FED IMF NWO.
These are the slaves of Satan's Bible: Ursula Von Hitler DEP State Bilderbeg Soros and democratic party that ruined mankind!

Tuvi Todd6 hours ago

Israel will have peace with their Arab neighbors, only after the Arabs
- Love their children and grandmothers, more than they
- Hate Jews and the Jewish State of Israel.

Allen Gray7 hours ago

I agree with President Trump! She was just using peoples sympathy for her grandmother to do her evil deeds. You can not trust anything she says! God bless President Trump and his family.

punch_corona7 hours ago

.. Trump is right ..

the babylon queens presented their itinerary .. "Palestine"does not exist ..

..." The itinerary Tlaib and Omar presented to Israel listed “Palestinian” ..

Albert Reingewirtz11 hours ago

Trump tells it like it is. The "Jews" in the Democratic party support those Islamic terror supporters! And some even accuse our beloved President Trump of being the cause of White Supremacists attacks on synagogues. Those Democratic "Jews" are definitely anti- Semites.

AlterNation11 hours ago

Democrats should be throwing these two under the bus for their overt antisemitism. Instead, they are applauding them.

Froike12 hours ago


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