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White Jews, as white people, uphold white supremacy

Discussion on World Israel News 48 comments
Is Netanyahu era coming to an end? Observers say it could be soon

Grace Joy gizmologist an hour ago

Kids are dumbed down in USA in preparation for when they're old enough to vote. DavidHorowitzFreedomCenter dot org has an offshoot stopk12indoctrination dot org that gives an overview of the Leftist & Islamic agenda. It's not an accident that countries become more & more anti-Semitic as they're invaded by Islam: clarionproject dot org/pro-islam-indoctrination-public-schools/ 1 Reply View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 12 comments
WATCH: What if BDS' Sick Fantasy Came True and Israel Disappeared?

Grace Joy 2 hours ago

When I think of Israel, I don't think of the products in the video: I think of the one free country surrounded by 56+ Islamic theocracies. If Israel were to disappear, the Darkness that rushed in from the edges would meet in Jerusalem; & explode outward to encompass the entire world. The loss of these items wouldn't matter in the least. 1 Reply View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 102 comments
'German money kills Jews, EU get out,' scrawled on European mission in Israel

Grace Joy Aristobulus 4 hours ago

About me. 1 Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Aristobulus 9 hours ago

I didn't deflect or deny: Only pointed out your double standards. Your following comment is so unfair that I would call it a Lie. You can dismiss Soros, Spectre, Rabbi Touitou, etc.; but there are countless Jews who will jump down your throat for doing so. It is not my fault they exist; & if nothing else they prove my point is that one can no more blame all Gentiles than all Jews.

And your double standards prove my point that Islam & Communism have done so well because Adam is quick to point to everyone else. 1 Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Aristobulus 10 hours ago

Since this was almost done, I'll send it.

It's not "stupid" misunderstanding on your part: You are making my point.

Of course there are J ews in the lot. My point is that Sid's purpose was to deny that by specifying "European bankers." %, etc., is irrelevant: My point is that it is natural / typical it is for everyone to exclude themselves in order to demonize others. This is not a J ewish or Gentile phenomenon: It is Human (Adam). It is in this way that I likened his comment to neo-Na zis who do the same / opposite by blaming only J ewish bankers.

It's fine to slander Hindus, J ews, Chrstians, & Buddhists; but mention Islamic facts (over 670 million infidels slaughtered in less than 1400 yrs, for example. Or the ongoing ensl avement of Chrstians & Animists); & one must also detail horrors (true or not) committed throughout history by the rest (Islam's enemies). Otherwise, you are a bigot, racist, Islamophobe who will be censored, fired, &/or crucified.

Islam & Alinsky-type Rules have normalized the PC that has infiltrated the world to the extent that people spend all their time deflecting from their own sins to point to others' (not Islam's, only Islam's enemies); because to accept any responsibility is death as per the cult created in the image of a paedo, r apist, sl aver, mass-murdring psychopath. Everywhere I turn, people seem to have only the purpose to blame everyone else; but without being allowed to reference Islam (or the Left, which has its own censorship), all they're doing is helping Islam / the Left.

There was more; but considering you have decided that steve et al are correct about me, there's no sense. Take care. 1 Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Aristobulus 10 hours ago

It was Sid who brought up conspiracies, yet you attack me. You make up assumptions; only listen to your side; & call me unreasonable. Total Double Standards. You are a perfect example of my point that the world today is everyone pointing at everyone else. I suppose we misjudged each other. 1 Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Aristobulus 10 hours ago

I don't understand your point. Is it that my accusation, that Adam's unrighteousness means his power to live forever is not a good idea is indicative of my, the accuser's, projection of how I would use such power; or that it is somehow "insulting" to the decent people to suggest that they will not be able to keep Evil ones under control?

If this is all a game to you, please let me know now so I won't keep wasting my time thinking we're exchanging thoughts. 1 Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Aristobulus 11 hours ago

It will help if you let me catch up before you ask new questions. 1 Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Aristobulus 12 hours ago

I have a correction to make to my post that is important enough to warrant its own post. The comment in error regards the "one prohibition" Eve transgressed. My mind playing tricks; because it is the ultimate prohibition that has so concerned me of late: It is ultimately the Tree of Life that is forbidden; as it, more so than Man's coming together as Babel's "One Voice" (combined knowledge), would make us too much like G d; & what man is to be trusted with such power?

Genesis 3:22 Now the Lord G d said, "Behold man has become like one of us, having the ability of knowing good and evil, and now, lest he stretch forth his hand and take also from the Tree of Life and eat and live forever."

Well, we now print copies of the brain; have unlimited stem cells from aborted fetuses (& murd ered infants); clone parts (& probably humans in some underground torture lab); & create eggs & sperm in a petri dish. Have we learned accountability for our actions that we should trust A.I. in the hands of megalomaniac Elite? Escaped from their hands? Is Musk's Neuralink, embedded in our brains (or the brains of the children born from that which will be developed from the petri dish eggs) going to save humanity, or ensl ave it? We all know what happened when the Na zis & others had humans on whom to experiment (and today, Bayer & other components of Auschwitz' IG Farben, still have power over us). Replace * with .

nocamels*com/2015/02/human-sperm-and-ova-made-in-lab/ 1 Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Aristobulus a day ago

Goebbels has many acolytes these days. 2 Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Aristobulus a day ago

I've told you which J ews in the past encourage the Islamic Invasion. My intent is never to upset you again; so if you think back . . . 1 Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Aristobulus a day ago

It was a question; because he's blaming "Europeans . . . Russia, China & Wall Street." How is that any different than neo-Na zis blaming J ews? It goes back to the responsibility factor: If everyone took responsibility for their shortcomings instead of projecting onto those around them, this world would not be in such a mess. 1 Reply View in discussion

Discussion on 11 comments
BREAKING: Iranian-Linked Terrorist Busted in NYC

Grace Joy Coco Corradetti 5 hours ago

The Squad already has lawyers: Reply View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 72 comments
Netanyahu invites Gantz to meet: Let's build a broad national government

Grace Joy MrTambourineMan 6 hours ago

See my new comment in this thread. Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy stevealevine 6 hours ago

Replace all * with . for links to work:

Aug 19: "Benny Gantz: 'I'll appoint an Arab minister:' Blue and White chairman met left-wing activists from Standing Together . . .
Maor Tzemach, chairman of the 'Lach, Yerushalayim' . . . promotes Israeli sovereignty over all parts of Jerusalem . . .

. . . said that the Standing Together organization is 'an extremist and radical organization aimed at transforming the state of Israel from a J ewish and democratic state to a state of all citizens. It's supported by foreign funds and is a partner in almost every protest against the government . . .'

. . . 'their goal is to change the governmental structure of Israel . . . '"


Aug 4: "How Soros’ New Party Can Take Down Netanyahu in Israel’s Upcoming Elections: On the heels of a series of violent protests that swept the country in July, a new political party aimed at representing Israel’s ‘downtrodden’ Ethiopian community has recently emerged . . . Tzedek . . .
Many of the riots were eventually hijacked by organizations that were backed by the New Israel Fund (NIF) . . . funded by, among other entities, George Soros’ Open Society. Organizations like Standing Together who helped mobilize the protests by providing logistical support, planning, and the execution of the riots."


July 7: "violent riots that swept across Israel last week were incited by, and to a large extent, funded by an extreme left-wing NGO called ‘Standing Together’ . . . receives funding from the New Israel Fund who is backed by the Ford Foundation, a private foundation established by Na zi sympathizer, Henry Ford."

breakingisraelnews*com/132863/foundation-established-nazi-sympathizer-behind-violent-riots-israel/ 1 Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Kurt Heinlein 10 hours ago

You're probably correct. That said, Gantz will hand everything over to the Arabs. Quickly. 3 Reply View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 35 comments
WATCH: Dershowitz considers leaving Democratic party over broken promises on Israel

Grace Joy Higlac 7 hours ago

If you come across anything hopeful or reassuring, please pass them along. 1 Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Higlac 12 hours ago

We're already in big trouble, Higlac; & it's so much worse than the little I've mentioned. I see no way out, short of G d's Deliverance (so why do I post so much? Sigh). There's no sense in my detailing more to you who already know & love Him; & are already awake to the Evil surrounding us.

As usual, you cut right to the core of my own fears. I hope the little comfort I offer this time will be more reassuring: History is so much more complex than we can imagine; & G d's ways are beyond comprehension.

I ran across the site linked below the day after your post. The first Playlist offered happens to be about the Lost City of Atlantis, though there are other playlists & videos regarding fascinating facts, horrifying realities, & ancient civilizations. What the info mean for us on an individual level is not clear; but I was comforted to realize how ALL of the Evil of today can be wiped out in a moment. I wish I had more to offer, brother. Change * to . for link to work.

"The Lost City of Atlantis - Hidden in Plain Sight? Lost Ancient Human Civilizations:"

youtube*com/watch?v=oDoM4BmoDQM&list=PL8PPtxxTQjQvrOuKutrpWU6oXmsvDEC1e Reply View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments
Gantz rejects Netanyahu's unity appeal; Blue and White calls it 'cynical ploy'

Grace Joy Phil Lesh Fan 10 hours ago

We will not weather Omar & Tlaib. 5000 Muslims are being groomed for office; & the Islamic indoctrination of children in schools has reached a new level. 4 Reply View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 118 comments
Women’s March dumps three leaders tainted by anti-Semitism controversies

Grace Joy Richard DiBenedetto 13 hours ago

Off the top of my head, from our conversation on this thread, two "facts" you gave were that Farakhan helps blacks against "white elitists . . . social & economic sl avery" (while condoning Muslims total ens lavement of them & whites & everone else, as per the video source I linked); & that Islam, with its oppressive hijabs, F G M, misogyny, paedofilia, etc., running the Women's March is "about women's rights in all its forms." Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Dean Blake 13 hours ago

Excellent post. I must forewarn you that facts go in one of Richard's ears; & out the other.

Here are some later photos of the founding of Tel Aviv in 1909. Even at such a late date, there is no indication of vast Arab settlements being displaced or destroyed. Replace * with . for link to work.

vintag*es/2018/05/founding-of-tel-aviv-1909*html Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Richard DiBenedetto 14 hours ago

All you "know" about Farakhan is that he accuses a J ew, Jared; & claims to "help" blacks. The videos of him not caring about black & Arab Muslims torturing / ensl aving black Africans aren't "anti-Farakhan," they're factual. Jared took run down housing; & made it livable: Are J ews not allowed to make a profit? Does it bother you that Cummings became filthy rich, his wife using taxdollars for her non-profit while his district falls to rats & ruin? Or does his h a t r e d of Jews, like Farakhan's, absolve him?

You claim to be a "Chrstian," though you besmirch the Tanakh from which Jesus gained His teachings while on earth. You love Islam because Muslims you know are "loving;" & h a t e J ews because some ripped you off. You present reading a Multi-Culti series on civilization / religion as the answer to what makes you think you're a Chrstian.

It seems that h a t ing / dismissing J ews is the only criteria for your having favorable opinions of someone. You're not a stupid man; but your laziness, superficiality, & unwillingness to accept responsibility for your own mistakes & shortcomings has led you to promote the vilest entities, Lies, & practices this side of Heaven. You have so little shame, that you consider it normal to change your opinion from post to post; & to deny that which you a moment ago endorsed.

I can see why you love Islam so much; & care so little for facts. As long as someone h a t e s J ews, you support them. This conversation is over. I can only handle you in short spurts. 1 Reply View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 102 comments
'German money kills Jews, EU get out,' scrawled on European mission in Israel

Grace Joy Aristobulus a day ago

Ask Sid about "Globalist Bankers" since it was his term. My question regarded how he claimed perfect understanding of what is real & what is conspiracy, like a neo-Na zi in reverse.

A talking snake (speak of the devil? The wolf in the story?) inspired Eve to eating the forbidden fruit? Cool. What is the date for "late antiquity?"

6th Century BCE?
Zechariah 3:1 And He showed me Joshua, the High Priest, standing before the angel of the Lord. And Satan was standing on his right, to accuse him.

Before Moses?
Job 1:7 The Lord said to the Adversary, "Where are you coming from?" And the Adversary answered the Lord and said, "From going to and fro on the earth and from walking in it."

Nonetheless, Sid mentioned "history" et al as if it started a little over 100 yrs ago. My point was that Man's rebellion (liberty) started at the dawn of Man (which is a video game, if one were to look it up). Levels of literalness aside, Eve is the one portrayed as willfully disobeying the one prohibition: Adam not only followed her lead; but denied responsibility for his action, blaming both Eve & G d.

This "human condition" of projecting any guilt onto others to deny one's own responsibility is perhaps the most far-reaching, all-inclusive, universal, destructive trait that exists to this day. Why is it so difficult? Pride? Shame? Dishonesty? What is your guess? 1 Reply View in discussion

Grace Joy Aristobulus a day ago

"EU Bankers?" Not a Jew in the lot? 1 Reply View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
Analysis: Islamist-inspired terrorism returns to Yemen

Grace Joy stevealevine a day ago

Mein Kamf is an EXCELLENT source of info on Hit ler.

BNI links sources, including Clarion Project. You approve ex. dir. of SanFran's chapter of C A I R, civil rights lawyer Zahra Billoo taking over Women's March. Her thoughts:

-“AH [All Hail] for Hez bollah having the courage to do what the Arab governments won’t.”

-"I'm more afraid of racist Z i o nists who support apart heid Israel than of the mentally ill young people the #FBI recruits to join I S I S."

-"Blaming Hamas for firing rockets at [apart heid] Israel is like blaming a woman for punching her r apist #free Pal estine"

-"Have more American youth joined the IDF than American youth have joined I S I S? Is one genocdal group different than the other?"

-Will not renounce ji had, khilafah or sh'ria."

"Mainstream Jewish life" = Rabbi Tamara Cohen, lesbian J ewish feminist LGBT Multiculturalust; Reconstructionist Rabbinical College graduate; created group for transgender & "non-binary youth;" teaches that gender is socially constructed; supports JREJ J ews for Racial & Economic Justice (queer, colored, anti-Israel, pro-Palestine). Pro Farakhan.

From the WIN article "Anti-Israel harassment on US college campuses spikes 70%: Anti-Israel hostility has manifested itself in accusations that Jewish and pro-Israel students support racism and genocde, and the labeling of J ewish and pro-Israel students as white supremacists."

"White Jews, as white people, uphold white supremacy.…” ~Tamika Mallory

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