Ernst Goldman •
don't think so. DO NOT REMOVE IT! Have it there and demand political
figures response on what they think about it! Ask Trump, Biden, Omar,
AOC, Pelosi, Sanders. All of them. Let's hear them. Also, this will
remind Jews why Israel matters. The naive optimists, who think Jews
finally found safe haven in USA, better think twice.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
ACT NOW! Demand YouTube Remove Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan
if we take it for good: this paranoid and delusional and maximalist and
schizophrenic: Islamic thesis statement sharia shoah jihad UMMA Nazi:
and genocide replacement theology ... ec ..
for a valid thesis / statement?
then, we must admit that: it is the devil ALLAH
by preventing the Jews from having their own homeland (the sanctity and
liberation of Zionism) which all Jews force to be all prisoners of
they would like to return to JHWH holy: but unfortunately: Bin
Salman and Egypt make it impossible, thus pushing: into the abyss of
the abyss of the 3rd WWnuclear
all mankind!
shoshi was • an hour ago
The video has been removed for violating standards re; hate speech. That's phase 1.
Stephen Fleschler • an hour ago
YES, finally some sanity in the media!
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah •
ACT NOW! Demand YouTube Remove Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan
se prendiamo per buona: questa paranoica e delirante e massimalista e
schizofrenica: affermazione tesi islamica sharia shoah jihad UMMA Nazi:
e genocidio teologia della sostituzione... ec..
per una tesi/affermazione valida?
allora, noi dobbiamo ammettere che: è il demonio ALLAH
impedendo agli ebrei di avere una loro patria (la santità e la
liberazione del sionismo) che tutti gli ebrei costringe ad essere tutti
prigionieri di Satana!
loro vorrebbero ritornare a JHWH holy: ma,
purtroppo: Bin Salman ed Egitto lo rendono impossibile, spingendo così:
nel baratro dell'abisso della 3° WWnuclear
tutto il genere umano!
LJ • an hour ago
is this sack of detritus still living a charmed life in the country he
hates 2nd? It should be taken out, shot in broad daylight and thrown in a
deep landfill.
andras kron • an hour ago
Look at that outfit, he came a long way from the loincloth while being chased up a tree by lions.
VTS • an hour ago
If anybody is an incarnation of Satan, it would be L(o)u(cifer) Farrakkkhan. Farrakkkhan=Satan.
Channah VTS • an hour ago
Judging by the picture, he must think wearing fine clothes makes him relevant!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • an hour ago
SALMAN ] sorry for your criminals friends in NWO FED IMF SpA CIA
Monsanto 322 Bayer coorporations [ BIDEN DEMENTIA 666 SENILE ABOUT?
now another acute diarrhea crisis has returned in google lgbtq 666 youtube
the delay in publication went back to 51 minutes ago
i am Unius REI the Lion Of Judah
51 minutes ago
Denise Waterford • an hour ago
Annex the entire West Bank, for cryin' out loud! Who needs this?!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Denise Waterford • 33 minutes ago
your avatar said
that you are "sponsored"
also a me
said same
at me "sponsored " only JHWH holy
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • an hour ago
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 vs Dean Blake •
ok, Dean Blake let's see, now how could you defend SATAN's honor
Dean Blake
English? How many different people are using your nome de web handle?
ANSWER: Xtians defend Satan's honor by evangelizing Jews on the web.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 vs Dean Blake •
my ministry is universal ministry is whay i am 7 name
no! i am only can use my many name
your satan is all stupid!
and how do I build my third Jewish temple
if the Jews convert to Christianity?
perché il tuo Rothschild con il signoraggio bancario e il mutuo ipotecario? lui mi ha rubato tutto!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 2 hours ago
SALMAN ] ora, io mi ricordo che, in uno scatto d'ira, io ho maledetto
tutto lo staff di youtube e google e loro solo ora si stanno riprendendo
dalla diarrea....
il ritardo di pubblicazione si è accorciato a
16 minuti fa
i am Unius REI the Lion Of Judah
16 minuti fa
Dear Friend, lorenzoJHWH King ISRAEL from Italy, Can we stop this unfolding Cultural ANTIFA Revolution?
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 2 hours ago
you support Messia & Kingdom Israel
https://jewcivilization blogspot com/
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 3 hours ago
Friend, lorenzoJHWH King ISRAEL from Italy, Can we stop this unfolding
Cultural ANTIFA Revolution? As historical statues and memorials are
vandalized, toppled or destroyed across the United States, following the
wave of protests, rioting and looting, Gatestone is determined to
provide honest and thoughtful research and analysis that you won't find
anywhere else. In the midst of what looks like an unfolding Cultural
Revolution, we do not hesitate to investigate and unmask the radical
groups that are leading the assault against Western civilization.
week, Gatestone published "Black Lives Matter: 'We Are Trained
Marxists,'" the first part of Soeren Kern's groundbreaking series that
exposes the true face of BLM -- "a Marxist revolutionary movement aimed
at transforming the United States into a communist dystopia. BLM states
that it wants to abolish the nuclear family, police, prisons and
capitalism." Our report has been read and shared by hundreds of
thousands of people in the span of just a few days.
Our experts and
authors work tirelessly to research and present information that
governments, "human rights" groups and the media ignore or try to hide.
important work is only made possible through the support of our
readers, and members of the Gatestone community -- you. Please make a
contribution (U.S. tax-deductible) today, to help us wage this battle of
ideas. With warmest thanks,
Nina Rosenwald
President, Gatestone Institute
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 3 hours ago
Why the Radical Left wants anarchy
Marco Rubio news real news real patriots
King ISRAEL from Italy, Pelosi Hillary the witches? they are the swamp
of the Democratic Party, an absolute corruption of souls and a
perversion of consciences, an abyss of the antichrist that will be able
to millions of people in hell !!!
The left has made it their goal to
silence and tear down all opposition to their radical narratives. Both
politically and culturally we have seen this mentality take deep root
and is now one of the biggest challenges conservatives face moving
forward. Some people refer to it as "cancel culture" but I find it more
accurate to simply describe it as mob rule. Because that's exactly what
it is. There is no civilization, no discussion, no freedom to think or
speak differently, it is just a mob that comes after you with the sole
intent of destroying your life.
This is not something we can allow to
further permeate into American society and I'm counting on supporters
like you to stand with me to help change the direction of this nation.
Contribute whatever you can to help stop the madness.
isn't just a mob in principle either, it is a mob in practice as we
have seen in numerous cities across the country over the course of
several weeks. Mobs that burned down businesses and tore down and
vandalized statues of historical American figures like Christopher
Columbus and Abraham Lincoln.
The left wants to erase our history
because they ultimately want to replace the very foundations on which
America was founded on. Freedom, individual liberty, and protecting the
minority from the mob. This is far from what any sensible person can
call progress.
We have to unite together to take on the mob because
every other establishment has already shown themselves to be on their
side. The mainstream media, big tech, Hollywood, etc. all support the
left's revision of America.
Let's stand up against the mob and stop the madness today.
Thank you,
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 3 hours ago
What God Told President Trump (about all MORGAN Monsanto 666 Bayer nano particles
tungsten, uranium, steel and aluminum nanoparticles in vaccines)
Trump is on the attack again ...
But it's not against Nancy Pelosi or other liberal democrats ...
It's against the Big Pharma companies that profit from your pain and suffering.
And you won't believe how he's using THIS "Biblical Weapon" to disarm these powerful companies ...
And usher in a new era of Spiritual and physical healing in America.
So if you're sick and tired of paying big bucks for dangerous medications ...
And tired of putting up with daily chronic pain ...
Then you must see Trump's Shocking Biblical Weapon ...
That, by the way, is taking the medical world by storm ...
Because it's making most drugs, doctor's visits, and expensive medical procedures completely obsolete ...
Which is why Big Pharma is doing everything they can to CENSOR Trump's Biblical Weapon.
Watch all about Trump's Biblical Weapon while you still can.
P.S. The secular media and FAKE News Pundits want to censor this message…
my Patriot MAGA hero, he is not adorable ???
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 3 hours ago
lorenzo JHWH, Crooked 666 the witch Hillary is holding ANOTHER fundraiser for Sleepy Joe lizard Biden, today.
time this CROOKED duo held a fundraiser, they raked in over $ 2 MILLION
in a single night thanks to their radical base of MEGA HOLLYWOOD xxxx
DONORS lgbtq and their Wahhabis saudi takfiri ISIS Jihad the 187
petrodollars, all horror addams family: UE MACRON MERKEL TRUDEAU
Bilderberg neoliberalist Kissinger
Joe Biden might have the liberal
MEGA: Rockefeller: Dracula, Saruman all for Satana-Allah donors on his
side, but I have something better ... I have YOU on my team, and that's
all I'll ever need.
I want to do something HUGE, which is why I'm
calling on my BEST supporters, like YOU, to help me make a statement by
OUTRAISING these CROOKS on their big night.
I can’t do this alone, lorenzoJHWH. I need you to step up. I want a list of ALL Patriots who donate in the NEXT HOUR.
If every Patriot who reads this email donates, we’ll CRUSH an all-time record and demolish Joe Biden’s campaign.
my Patriot MAGA he is not adorable ???
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 3 hours ago
originario del Bangladesh, aveva la febbre da COVID (alias: il
coronavirus della CIA) ed Era in isolamento fiduciario, perché positivo
al Covid19. Ma è comunque salito su un treno viaggiando per tutta
l'Emilia Romagna. Dopo aver trascorso alcuni giorni a Rimini è rientrato
a Roma, dove gli agenti della Polfer hanno notato l'uomo tossire e
stare male.
in CINA? avrebbero sparato anche al PARTITO DEMOCRATICO!!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 3 hours ago
La condanna dell'Imam sharia jihad ISIS Onu agli Usa:
"Illegale e arbitraria l'uccisione di Soleimani"
anche i takfiri assassini seriali hanno diritto di ammazzare in santa pace sharia
perché ISLAM è una religione di PACE
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 4 hours ago
*** OCI ONU si è sempre onorato di proteggere tutti gli assassini dei martiri cristiani innocenti:
*** OCI ONU ha protetto gli assassini seriali COMUNISTI;
*** OCI ONU ha protetto gli assassini serialiebrei-anglo-americani MASSONI neoliberisti Rockefeller;
*** OCI ONU ha protetto gli assassini seriali islamici sharia genocidio culto UMMA;
perché, ANCHE: tutti gli schiavi israeliani goyims dalit dhimmis (che
hanno perso le genealogie paterne) e quindi in obbedienza al Talmud e
tutti loro gli sventurati (nati male) sono stati: tutti trasfomati da Bin SALMAN in animali dalla forma umanoide..
perché a questi disgraziati è rimasta soltanto la protezione di quella
bestia antisionista di Merkel Macron Trudeau, il club dell'ANTICRISTO
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 4 hours ago
Iran, Syria Ink Defense Deal to esterminate jihad shoah all Jews and israeli peoples
*** OCI UN has always been honored to protect all murderers of innocent Christian martyrs:
*** OCI UN protected communist serial killers;
*** OCI UN protected the Jewish-Anglo-American serial killers MASSONI neoliberal Rockefeller;
*** OCI UN protected Islamic serial killers sharia genocide cult UMMA;
why, ALSO: all Israeli slaves goyims dalit dhimmis (who have lost their
paternal genealogies) and therefore in obedience to the Talmud and
all of them the unfortunate (born badly) were: all transformed by Bin SALMAN into animals with a humanoid shape ..
because these wretches are left with only the protection of that
anti-Zionist beast of Merkel Macron Trudeau, the club of the ANTICHRIST
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • 5 hours ago
Presidente RIVLIN ] tu sei testimone.. io sono pacifico e su youtube i sacerdoti di satana mi stanno a provocare oggi
https://www youtube com/user/noahNephillim/discussion
il commento più recente risale a 48 minuti fa
i am Unius REI the Lion Of Judah
48 minuti fa
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 5 hours ago
Jihad IRAN sharia Siria AKBAR ] se, voi dichiarate guerra ai takfiri tuchi ottomani?
io non vi faccio più aggredire dagli israeliani!!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 5 hours ago
perché, se gli IRANIANI TAKFIRI: loro non dichiarano guerra a quel
malfattore di takfiro ERDOGAN, poi, quale potrebbe essere il loro scopo
in Siria: se, non cercare le reliquie santissime delle ossa dell'ISIS:
che Putin ha seppelito, e che Obama ha allevato?
.. anche perché, poi?
io non vedo altre motivazioni valide, per la presenza degli iraniani in SIRIA!!!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 5 hours ago
sto mandando in esaumento tutti gli alieni di google .. e google sta per fallire
Verifica in due passaggi
È stato appena inviato (zzzZZZZZZZZZZZa ah ah ah ah zzzzzz) un SMS con un codice di verifica di sei cifre al numero ••• ••• ••56
Non hai ricevuto il codice?
(zzzZZZZZZZZZZZa ah ah ah ah zzzzzz)
Invia di nuovo
e dopo 7 inoltri, NON mi giunge ANCORA il codice di sicurezza secondo passaggio
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 6 hours ago
Bin SALMAN ] from Riyadh [ la prossima volta che qualcuno mi da un microfono in mano? ... e c'é sempre una prima volta,
1. crollerà il tuo demoniaco Nuovo Ordine Mondiale
2. crollerà la tua demoniaca LEGA ARABA;
e poiché, questo infauso evento è inevitabile?
tu trovati un buco di talpa
perché russi e cinesi super incazzati loro verranno a cercarti!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 6 hours ago
GanZo GonZo Gants
coronavirus call you
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 6 hours ago • edited
Gantz is a RothSSchild manga series: Addams Family Soros ANTIFA:
hey GanZo GonZo GantZ
you shouldn't make it too difficult,
Democratic Party brothers, Deep State, JaBullOn Aru Mazda, 666 CIA, are
they who made your Covid19, to hit CHINA, and then, the Chinese took
their revenge against BRAZIL,
therefore, you accept the coronavirus without complaining
because this is always a gift from your family the OWL
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 6 hours ago
Everyone on this server know that you are a satanist troll CIA agency NWO 666 FED 187 IMF
Mark Lewis Brecker, Esq.
Mark Lewis Brecker, Esq.
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah
really? HaSHEM'S MOST loyal SERVANT is Unius REI.
Satan is a loser
and he must obey: he is forced to obey
why else, the consequences for him? would be tragic ...
Satan is a coward makes the strong with the weak, and he makes the weak with the strong ...
the last time he sent his best devil against me: and did he risk disintegrating?
then, he never found anyone in hell again, who was so stupid and self-defeating suicide bomber to commit suicide against me!
Satana è un perdente
e deve ubbidire: è costretto ad ubbidire
perché altrimenti, le conseguenze per lui? sarebbero tragiche...
Satana è un codardo fa il forte con i deboli e fa il debole con i forti...
l'ultima volta che ha mandato il suo demonio migliore contro di me: ed ha rischiato di disintegrarsi?
non ha trovato più nessuno all'inferno, che era così scemo e kamikaze
autolesionisti da suicidarsi, disintegrandosi contro di me!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
i am Jewish messia
Satana-Allah heve brain damage
with all their SUKKERS
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Satana, cosa ti succede? veramente, tra tanti tuoi lgbtq jihadisti
bilderberg, deep state, esoterica genda: partito democratico, ANTIFA,
sharia jihadh , massoni Merkel adoratori Lucifero-Allah,
tu non riesci a trovare più nessuno che voglia venire a litigare contro di me?
allora non ti resta: che di venire, proprio tu in persona, a fare un ultimo disperato tentativo
per salvare il tuo regno: la FED IMF ECB NWO OCI Riyadh Iran
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 7 hours ago
lupo IRAN? non mangia lupo TURCHIA
lupo Mohammed non mangia: il lupo mannaro Erdogan
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
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- my network kingdom Unius REI from Israel universal worldwide brotherhood
- islamic persecution minorities
- iran human rights
- bergoglio stregone pachamama
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questa NON è una attività giornalistica
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Satana-Allah heve brain damage
burn satana ☦️ shariah ☦️ Allah ☦️ owl ☦️ Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor
drink your POISON, made by yourself, amen ] C. S. P. B. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L.
Croce sacra sii la mia Luce, N. D. S. M. D. Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana
Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V.
Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L.
Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni.
DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF: DA UN CIMITERO devono uscire, ed in un cimitero devono entrare: definitivamente! ] Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce
e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana!
Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo . Amen!
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questa NON è una attività giornalistica
questa NON è una attività giornalistica
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! SE VIENE PERMESSA LA LEGGE SULLA BLASFEMIA APOST...
#Obama ] [ ovviamente, I CRISTIANI che non sono riusciti a fuggire, e quelli che, non sono stati ammazzati, ancora da shaaria, dei cristian...
FELICITÀ E AMORE tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! SE VIENE PERMESSA LA LEGGE SU...
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! ...
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! ...
siamo sempre stati un popolo di schiavi nelle mani di Rothschild Spa! #diretta #Analisipolitica #Cittadini ...
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! Unius kingREI 8 ore fa
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! SE VIENE PERMESSA LA LEGGE SULLA BLASFEMIA APOST...
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! ...
Barack Obama [ 44º presidente degli Stati Uniti ] ieri, mentre, io scrivevo il mio ultimo articolo, io avevo già subito, un atto di bullis...
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