YouTube Rewind 2012
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 secondo fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM 15 minutes ago [a Time to Kill] - ANSWER - AND, Fosse come, too, for you, the moment you die? you're ready to tackle the judgment, of your Creator: JHWH? -- ANSWER -- E SE, Fosse arrivato, anche, per te, il momento di morire? tu sei pronto, per affrontare, il giudizio del tuo Creatore?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6 minuti fa
Fmi: crescita mondiale ancora debole. - 21/set/2013. «La crescita mondiale è ancora debole, e i rischi al ribasso, sono diventati più marcati». Così il Fondo Monetario, nel #World Economic Outlook, che, indica, tra, i rischi le conseguenze del rallentamento, della #Cina, della politica #monetaria Usa, e di una possibile ... bla, bla, bla --ANSWER -- È la vostra organizzazione, mafiosa, ideologica massonica, di satanisti, della esoterica agenda, di usurai farisei, ladri, assassini, e commercianti di schiavi, per, ridurre al genocidio, ormai, i goym schiavizzati, che, voi state soffocando, a morte, tutti i popoli, io vi maledico, tutti, nel nome di Gesù di Betlemme
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 19 minuti fa
Pakistan: kamikaze chiesa, 72 morti (ANSA) - ISLAMABAD, 22 SET - E' salito ad almeno 72 morti il bilancio delle vittime del grave attacco suicida di oggi contro una chiesa cristiana a Peshawar, nel nordovest del Pakistan. Kenya, assalto finale contro i terroristi - 41 minuti fa . Il centro commerciale di Nairobi sotto assedio da ieri. Settanta vittime, 49 dispersi, 175 feriti. Trenta gli ostaggi. Kenya. 1. Terrorismo. 6. Esteri. 122. ALTRI 3 ARGOMENTI NASCONDI. nel commando anche donne. Kenya, assalto finale contro i terroristi -- ANSWER -- BUT, Nucleare, Rohani:"È diritto dell'Iran"-- conclusione --@Iran, Saudi Arabia -- niente di tutto questo! voi siete le bestie feroci, fanatici, maniaci religiosi, nazisti spietati, paranoici, criminali, che, hanno il diritto ed il dovere di morire, soltanto! il Genere umano? non potrebbe sopravvivere a voi.. ed i farisei anglo-americani? hanno preparato tutto questo!
187AUDIOHOSTEM 22 minuti fa
[A Time To Kill]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 27 minuti fa
[La lettera del soldato defunto è arrivata a sua figlia dopo 70 anni] Una cittadina americana, ha ricevuto, la lettera del padre defunto, soldato della Seconda guerra mondiale, che, non ha mai visto. Secondo i comunicati, dei mass media, il soldato John Eddington scrisse, la lettera a sua moglie, poco prima, della propria morte, nel 1944. Era in Italia, e sua figlia, aveva solo, 3 mesi. Non l'aveva mai vista, perché, è nata dopo, la sua partenza, alla guerra. Il messaggio fu scoperto, 14 anni fa, ma, il destinatario, è stato trovato, solo adesso. La lettera del soldato è stata consegnata, alla figlia insieme, con la medaglia "Cuore purpureo". Il militare scrisse, di quanto amava, moglie e figlia.-- ANSWER --- A TUTTI I GOVERNI -- una sola vita? vale più, di tutto l'Universo, uscite dalla vostra ipocrisia, e dalle vostre menzogne, e venite tutti da me, io sono il "buon pastore" Unius REI
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia! ] gli USA hanno bloccato i risultati dele scatole nere, fino ad oggi ] quindi ci sono delle intese comuni per insabbiare questo crimine e trovare una soluzione politica del Donbass [Un anno fa abbattuto aereo su Ucraina. Putin, prematuro tribunale internazionale per responsabili ] non credo che per chi ha seguito la vicenda, si possa avere dei dubbi sul fatto che sia stato CIA Kiev ad abbattere l'aereo malese sul Donbass [[ Disastro MH17 resta giallo Putin contro tribunale Onu. Europa. E' "prematuro e controproducente" istituire un tribunale internazionale per individuare e giudicare i possibili responsabili dell'abbattimento dell'aereo della Malaysia Airlines [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia!
Persecuted USA Bildenberg Nwo, SpA, is Global Assault on Christians ] [ La democrazia è incompatibile con questa UE – Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia
Pubblicato 12 luglio 2015 - 17.05 - Da Claudio Messora. L’economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall’euro sempre più probabile e quello di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo. LA DEMOCRAZIA E' INCOMPATIBILE CON L'UE - Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia Pubblicato il 12 lug 2015.
L'economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall'euro e di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo.
Gli spin doctor UE hanno fallito! Il ritorno di Marcello Foa su
Pubblicato 14 luglio 2015 - 16.15 - Da Claudio Messora
Gli Spin Doctor, i manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica che agiscono dai più alti vertici istituzionali, hanno confezionato una vera e propria strategia del terrore per dipingere Tsipras come un pazzo e spaventare i greci, insieme a tutti gli altri popoli europei. Eppure, la violenza del loro messaggio questa volta sta ottenendo l’effetto opposto a quello sperato: la coscienza dei cittadini inizia a ribellarsi e a non credere più al “frame“, la cornice di interpretazione dei fatti stabilita per influenzare i media e ottenere un consenso drogato. Ecco la nuova lucida, imperdibile analisi di Marcello Foa sul caso della Grecia e sugli ultimi accadimenti riferiti all’Isis. Da ascoltare con attenzione, condividere e far condividere a tutti.
Per chi si fosse perso l’intervista precedente, che spiega il concetto di Frame, eccola qui sotto:
Uscire dall’euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
google DATAGATE 666 Nwo, questo colore azzurro sul testo nero del mio blog? è un filtro: RIMUOVILO!
Spari in basi del Tennessee, uccisi quattro marines
Nord America.
L'attentatore, morto nello scontro a fuoco con la polizia, si chiamava Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni. Era americano, originario del Kuwait. Obama, indagini a tutto campo
Claudio Messora Condiviso su Google+ · 2 settimane fa
--- il punto con Claudio Borghi sulla crisi greca ---
Seguiamo insieme gli eventi che precipitano ad Atene, con una delle voci che su questo blog li hanno saputi anticipare di anni.
[[New records of the public debt, for, the United States]], - ANSWER - When the Pharisees, freemasons, ANGLO-AMERICAN, did, write, on the dollar, "we believe in God!" well, they were already Satanists, who had stolen the monetary sovereignty! in this way, though, if, you do not miss, fail, collapse, the IMF? then, you are forced to kill, all peoples! who, then, is just that, that you have decided to do .. but this, it is your problem .. you know, that even the kingdom of God, which I represent, will have to react this time! because, I can not leave the world, with satanists, in fact, I'm Unius REI!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 38 minuti fa
[[ Nuovo record del debito pubblico degli Stati Uniti ]], --ANSWER-- QUANDO I FARISEI, massoni, ANGLO-AMERICANI, fecero, scrivere, sul dollaro, "noi crediamo in Dio!" bene, loro erano già i satanisti, che, avevano rubato la sovranità monetara! in questo modo, se, non fate fallire il FMI? allora, voi siete costretti, ad uccidere tutti i popoli! che, poi, è proprio quello che voi avete deciso di fare.. ma, questo è il vostro problema.. voi sapete, che, anche il Regno di Dio, che, io rappresento, dovrà reagire, questa volta! perché, io non posso lasciare il mondo, ai satanisti, infatti, io sono Unius REI!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 51 minuti fa
@Nazi criminal, Sharia, Jihad Abu Antar, for the extermination, of all the Christian martyrs, dhimmi, slaves, said: "2 hours ago". Unius @ Rei - you're doing a good job, my boy. "- ANSWER - what you you think? as, you are,naive, to speak with me?. but, no jew, which, is more aware of his complicity, and crimes, in the 666, god owl, IMF-NWO, he would not dare do that, ever, a dialogue with me! infact, all Jewish, are terrified, longer of everyone else, to speak with me but, after all, I not give pleasure, to men, but, to God alone, who gave me the power of this ministry, of justice, and, truth, but, if , jews afraid to speak with me, and, ostinare. again, to do not talk to me? then, will not have to complain, to have afraid to die, because, death for all peoples is arrived! "
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
Nazi criminal, Sharia Jihad Abu Antar, for the extermination of all the Christian martyrs dhimmi slaves, said: " 2 hours ago. " @ Unius Rei - you're doing a good job, my boy." -- ANSWER -- cosa tu credi? tu sei ingenuo, per parlare, con me! ma, nessun ebreo, che, è più consapevole, delle sue complicità, e crimini, nel FMI-NWO, lui non oserebbe farlo, mai, un dialogo, con me! infatti, nessuno più egli ebrei, è più terrorizzato, di tutti gli altri, di parlare con me! ma, dopotutto, io non devo piacere, agli uomini, ma, a Dio, soltanto, che, mi ha dato la potenza, di questo ministero, di giustizia e di verità! ma, se per paura di parlare, con me, si ostineranno. ancora, a non parlare con me? poi, non dovranno lamentarsi, di avere paura di morire, perché, la morte per i popoli è arrivata!"
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
[Assad, non è legato al potere! ma, è un criminale, come, tutti i suoi 50, della LEGA ARABA, che, si sono legati al panarabismo, per distruggere Israele, ed il Genere umano... ma, se ora abbandonasse, il suo popolo?, Al Qaida, i sauditi wahhabiti, farebbero, il genocidio di ogni dimensione culturale, ed identitaria] [Siria. Assad non ha intenzione di abbandonare, la carica di Presidente] Il Presidente della Siria Bashar al-Assad "non ha intenzione di abbandonare la nave in una tempesta", ha dichiarato lui stesso, al vertice con la delegazione dei deputati, del Parlamento europeo. "La stessa esistenza della Siria, è in pericolo. Il Paese è in una fase di prova, del carattere laico, dello Stato e del principio di tolleranza, nei confronti delle minoranze religiose", ha detto Assad.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
[Assad, non è legato al potere! ma, è un criminale, come, tutti i suoi 50, della LEGA ARABA, che, si sono legati al panarabismo, per distruggere Israele, ed il Genere umano... ma, se ora abbandonasse, il suo popolo?, Al Qaida, i sauditi wahhabiti, farebbero, il genocidio di ogni dimensione culturale, ed identitaria] Il Presidente della Repubblica Araba Siriana, ha evidenziato, che, "vari gruppi di ribelli e terroristi fanno la guerra nell'interesse delle forze esterne, e non lasciano altra scelta, oltre, la loro distruzione". "Non mi aggrappo, alla mia carica, ma, in questa situazione non posso abbandonarla", ha detto il leader siriano.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
[Aliens Abductions, satanisti, vampiri, Spa, zombies, Ogm-Morgellons, rabbini, farisei, usurai, strozzini, FMI, loro sono gli alleati naturali, dei sicari, islamisti, sono, tutti, i demoni dalla forma umana, soltanto.. soltanto, il fuoco dell'inferno, è adatto, a loro] [#Pushkov ha dubbi sulla realtà del partenariato, tra, #Mosca, e, #Washington] Il ministro, degli Esteri russo Serghej Lavrov, ha accusato "i partner americani" del tentativo, di ricatto, della Russia sulla risoluzione, del CS dello #ONU, per la #Siria. "Se c'è un ricatto, si può parlare, di partenariato?" ha scritto il capo del Comitato, della Duma russa, per gli #Affari Esteri Aleksej Pushkov, su Twitter. Inoltre, ha messo, in evidenza, che, "gli #USA vogliono ottenere, tramite, l'ONU, la base per i raid contro la Siria".
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
[#Aliens Abductions, #satanisti, #vampiri, #Spa, #zombies, #Ogm-Morgellons, #rabbini, #farisei, #usurai, #strozzini, #FMI, loro sono gli alleati naturali, dei sicari, islamisti, sono, tutti, i demoni dalla forma umana, soltanto.. soltanto, il fuoco dell'inferno, è adatto, a loro] Domenica nell'intervista, ai giornalisti, il ministro, degli Esteri russo, #Serghej Lavrov, ha dichiarato, che, gli #USA ricattano la #Russia, sulla compressione, del lavoro per il problema siriano, nell'Organizzazione per la proibizione, delle armi chimiche, (#OPAC), se, Mosca non sosterrà la risoluzione, per la Siria, nel #CS dell'ONU, che, permette, la possibilità, della variante, per l'uso della forza.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
discussione sui limiti nel settore della circolazione delle armi che non si è riusciti ad introdurre per la primavera 2013, deve essere ripresa per evitare le tragedie, ha dichiarato il Presidente degli USA Barack Obama. ha menzionato l'incidente recente a Chicago, dove 13 persone sono state uccise, durante la partita a pallacanestro, e il caso di Washington, quando il trentaquattrenne, Aaron Alexis ha aperto il fuoco in un obiettivo della Marina Militare. "Dobbiamo ritornare al tema per la sicurezza dei nostri bambini", ha sottolineato Obama. --answer -- ipocrita! i problemi, non vengono, dalle armi, ma, dai satanisti, ed è il satanismo (che, inquinano, in modo psicologico, e spirituale, le anime), che, tu fai finta, di non vedere... mai, come oggi, il popolo, ha bisogno di essere armato, contro, di voi, infatti, voi avete distrutto, la civiltà ebraico-cristiana.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
[La #NSA, DATAGATE, SPA, OGM-MORGELLONS, FMI, BANCA MONDIALE, NWO, ESOTERIC AGENDA, ha infilato le mani, nelle tasche degli europei] Su suggerimento di #Edward Snowden, i giornali europei hanno comunicato, che, #Agenzia di Sicurezza Nazionale, USA (NSA) ha hackerato, le reti informatiche, dei sistemi creditizi #VISA, e, #SWIFT. Anzi, i Servizi segreti americani, si sono infiltrati, anche, nelle reti del maggiore operatore di telefonia mobile, del Belgio -- #Belgacom. Il 17 settembre, il Presidente del Brasile, Dilma Rousseff, ha annullato la sua visita ufficiale, di ottobre, negli #USA. Motivo: la #Casa Bianca non solo, non ha presentato le scuse, per il pedinamento, della Rousseff stessa, e per la perlustrazione, della posta elettronica, di tutta la sua Cancelleria, ma, anche, non hanno voluto avviare l'indagine sui fatti, come, lo ha chiesto il Brasile.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
[La #NSA, DATAGATE, SPA, OGM-MORGELLONS, FMI, BANCA MONDIALE, NWO, ESOTERIC AGENDA, ha infilato le mani, nelle tasche degli europei] Il 19 settembre, nella capitale del Venezuela, ha avuto luogo un incontro, degli esperti del #MERCOSUR (mercato comune dell'America Latina, di cui fanno parte, #Argentina, #Brasile, #Uruguay, #Paraguay e #Venezuela), dedicato ai problemi, della sicurezza elettronica. I suoi partecipanti hanno esaminato i problemi della creazione di un sistema di protezione per difendere i dirigenti di questi paesi, gli interessi economici e la privacy dei cittadini di fronte allo spionaggio, da parte, della NSA degli USA. Un gruppo di parlamentari brasiliani, ha inoltrato all'Ambasciata #russa in Brasile, la richiesta di incontro con #Snowden. Lo ha comunicato a "La Voce della Russia" Ivan Valente, presidente del #Partito per il #socialismo e la libertà del Brasile,
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
[La #NSA, DATAGATE, SPA, OGM-MORGELLONS, FMI, BANCA MONDIALE, NWO, ESOTERIC AGENDA, ha infilato le mani, nelle tasche degli europei] deputato, della Camera dei deputati, del Congresso Nazionale, e membro della #Commissione Esteri. Si tratta di un problema, che, interessa non solo il Brasile, ma, tutta la #comunità internazionale. #ONU è tenuta, a prendere delle misure adeguate. Anche, se, non è facile, debellare il modello americano, di poliziotto globale, e, fermare il loro complesso, #militare-industriale, che, ha bisogno di guerre, e di spionaggio. Lo #SWIFT è un sistema internazionale, di transazioni interbancarie, di cui si servono, più di 10 mila Banche, in oltre, duecento paesi del mondo -- proprio grazie, alla sua riservatezza, operatività, ed affidabilità. Dopo la forzatura del database, da parte degli agenti, della #NSA, non è più, il caso di parlare, di riservatezza.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
[La #NSA, DATAGATE, SPA, OGM-MORGELLONS, FMI, BANCA MONDIALE, NWO, ESOTERIC AGENDA, ha infilato le mani, nelle tasche degli europei] Stando ai dati, in possesso di #Edward Snowden, la NSA ha avuto l'accesso, ad un database, con, 180 milioni di trascrizioni, delle transazioni, con l'aiuto delle carte di credito. Secondo la notizia pubblicata, la NSA ha spiato i titolari, delle carte, di credito in Europa, in Medio Oriente, e in Africa. Intanto, il #Servizio d'intelligence militare, del #Belgio sta verificando, i dati relativi allo spionaggio, degli americani, nei confronti della rete informativa, #Belgacom. Da parte sua, ha avviato l'indagine, anche, la #Commissione Europea. Sebbene i giornali europei riconoscano, che, a quanto pare, ci si limiterà, ad esprimere l'indignazione, e a dichiarare l'intenzione, di indagare, sui fatti di spionaggio.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
[La #NSA, DATAGATE, SPA, OGM-MORGELLONS, FMI, BANCA MONDIALE, NWO, ESOTERIC AGENDA, ha infilato le mani, nelle tasche degli europei] In realtà, per le autorità, e i servizi segreti europei l'attività segreta, della NSA, sul territorio dell'Ue, era un segreto all'italiana! [no sono soltanto, massoni complici del satanismo, NWO, i politici Occidentali, hanno tradito, i loro popoli, infatti, loro sono i Bildenberg, che, hanno rubato la sovranità monetaria, senza nessun segno di pudore] @rUSSIA -- COSA, TU ASPETTI A REALIZZARE UN DRONE, AD INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE, CON LA CINA?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 ore fa
Svizzera: sì a legge anti-burqa! Secondo proiezioni, Radio Televisione, della Svizzera Italiana -- ANSWER -- OK! iniziamo, finalmente, a fare, un poco di chiarezza, in questi governi, massonici, del signoraggio bancario, che, hanno assassinato, la civiltà ebraico cristiana, per meglio farsi predare, dai farisei anglo-americani... --> io ho ricevuto questa telefonata, ore, 18,10, domenica, 22 settembre, [numero di telefono: "privato" "sconosciuto"] --ANSWER -- PERCHÉ, INVECE, DI FARE SQUILLARE, IL MIO TELEFONO, VOI NON PENSATE, AD ESSERE MENO CRIMINALI? Perché, volete continuare, a fare del male, a persone innocenti? io non posso fare, di me stesso, il complice di nessun crimine! io sono Unius REI
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
sharia Abu Antar -- è vero, i sto andando, a fare uno sporco lavoro, ma, soltanto, perché, voi siete dei criminali, senza possibiltà di redenzione!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
@Hassan Rohani--- è salito a 43 morti, e oltre, 100 feriti, il doppio attacco, kamikaze, di questa mattina, durante la messa, in una chiesa, a Peshawar, in Pakistan. Lo hanno riferito le autorità locali. [Le FOTO choc, della strage nella chiesa in Pakistan, 22 settembre, 15:31 ] but, [Iran: Rohani, said: "è Israele, la vera minaccia!"] really? e questo, cosa è? le tue stesse leggi religiose, sono a portare, i serivizi segreti, dell'Arabia Saudita, a fare questi crimini di terrorismo, in tutto il mondo.. quindi, voi siete complici, ed alleti, quando, si tratterà di distruggere Israele. peché n realtà, voi siete de lati, dello stesso satanismo, nazista perverso.. i farisei hanno previsto tutto questo, per fare scrivere la parola "fine"! contro, Islam, e, contro, Israele

Abu Antar 3 ore fa
@Unius Rei - you're doing a good job my boy.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
@ Iran, Israel - you have seen, how, the Satanists Americans, Spa, OGM-Morgellons, DATAGATE, Aliens Abductions, scam banking seigniorage, ecc.. ecc.. as, they are looking for any excuse, any lie, to start, world war, which will destroy you both? What are you waiting you to come, both under my protection? -- avete visto, come, i satanisti americani, stanno cercando, ogni scusa, ogni menzogna, per iniziare, la guerra mondiale, che, vi distruggerà entrambi? cosa aspettate voi, a venire, entrambi, sotto la mia protezione?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
22 settembre, 15:32. #Siria: #Russia, no, #risoluzioni, uso forza. #MOSCA, Il ministro degli Esteri russo, #Serghei Lavrov, ha criticato, oggi, ciò che ha definito, tentativi occidentali, di utilizzare l'accordo, sul #disarmo chimico, siriano, per cercare una risoluzione, alle #Nazioni Unite, che, minacci l'uso della forza, contro, il governo di #Bashar al Assad. Inoltre, Lavrov ha detto, che, #Mosca è pronta, ad inviare truppe, in Siria, per garantire la sicurezza degli #ispettori Onu, per le armi chimiche. --ANSWER -- @Banca Mondiale, 322, bUSH, 666 kERRY, rOCHEFELLER -- CaNNIBALI, ADESSO AVETE ROTTO IL CAZZO, veramente, A TUTTO IL MONDO!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
@ #Hassan Rohani - you are an international criminal, because you're a paranoid, # religious maniac, #Nazi, no, #freedom of conscience, that hurts, against, #peaceful Christians. So, you can not say, "I deserve trust," as if we ignioriamo, 1. #pan-Arabism, of the #Caliphate #World #imperilismo of #Sharia, it is your, 2. #Islamic ideology, which has condemned Israel, to death, formally, many, many times, to such an extent, that, too, the Sunnis, #Al Qaeda) are afraid of you! # you have put bombs in buses, Israeli children, it is your Sharia, which prevents Israel to live in peace .. but if you give it to me, #secular state, in 12 hours? I leave to you, the #nuclear program
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
@Hassan Rohani -- tu sei un criminale internazionale, perché, tu sei un #paranoico, #maniaco religioso, #nazista, senza, #libertà di coscienza, che, fa del male ai #cristiani pacifici. Quindi, tu non puoi dire: "io merito fiducia!", come, se, noi ignioriamo, 1. il #panarabismo, del #Califfato Mondiale, #imperilismo, della #Sharia, è la vostra, 2. #ideologia islamica, che, ha condannato #Israele, a morte, formalmente, tante volte, al punto tale, che, anche, i #sunniti (#Al Qaida) hanno paura di voi! voi avete messo le #bombe, nei #pulman, dei bambini israeliani, infatti è la vostra Sharia, che, impedisce ad #Israele di vivere, in pace.. ma, se voi date a me, lo #Stato laico, in 12 ore? io lascio a voi, il #programma nucleare
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
TEHERAN, è l'arsenale, #nucleare, e #chimico, di #Israele a minacciare, il #Medio Oriente e non quello siriano, o, il programma atomico di #Teheran: così, il presidente iraniano Hassan Rohani. "L'Iran non costituisce, affatto una minaccia, per i suoi vicini, e per i paesi della regione", ha detto. E poi: il regime che rappresenta, una "minaccia è quello, che calpesta, tutte le norme internazionali, e accresce, le proprie riserve, di armi nucleari e chimiche, per minacciare gli altri". -- ANSWER -- TU SEI UN UOMO CORROTTO! le tue stesse parole, ti condannano, come, fraudolento, maniac religioso, criminale ed assassino! Quale guerra di annessione, ha fatto Israele, pur avendo conquistato, in guerra, tutto il desero egiziano? Il Golan è indispensabile, perché strategico, al suo territorio piccolissimo! Israele non avrebbe bisogno di armi, se voi foste persone civili
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 ore fa
il testardo #Iran, ha presentato 30, missili balistici #Sejil, e, #Ghadr. #Teheran. "Negli ultimi 200 anni l'Iran, non ha mai attaccato, un altro paese", ha detto il presidente #Hassan Rohani: le forze armate "non inizieranno mai un'aggressione".-- ANSWER -- @IRAN --- FACENDO DEL MALE AI CRISTIANI, MARTIRI, INNOCENTI, TU HAI SEMPRE DICHIARATO, #GUERRA. contro, il #REGNO DI DIO, CHE, IO RAPPRESENTO, io sono #Unius REI,(il Regno di Dio in forma politica) e, quando, tu lo capirai? tu sarai morto!. Come, tu puoi pensare, che, l'Islam, potrebbe sopravvivere, senza di me, senza, della mia protezione?, i #farisei, #anglo-americani sono satanisti... pertanto, #Islam ed #Israele? hanno le ore contate!
Muhammad in the Hell horror film. [I am indestructible invincible: Lethal] @ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - in a nutshell: this is: the: will of God: all parts of society: and: all religions must all be: together to do work of: team : as: in-one: one: canoe: and: all they have to push: row: in one: harmonious: sync: and: arganizzata of fatigue: the team: for: delivering the: victory against: the: of the satanism: International Monetary Fund : New World Order, and: the: Freemasonry's cursed! but: if a: rowing machine: tea: his oar in the head: a: other: rowing machine: then will the Jews: Satanists: Illuminati: i: the: Kakam racist rabbis: i: the: of the cannibals: blood of Christians: to: win: and to: do: of: all the: human race: to: only one flock of: animals enslaved: and: microcippati. here is why: if: the Jews will want to become Christians? I will personally beat you! I will plead: "I beseech you, NOT: add: also: yourself, the long line of Christian hypocrites!" if: we can consider the: history of the: faith, we can deduce: that: only: Enock: Melkisedech, Elijah, Jesus and: unius REI: NOT: have never been wrong: in the: their ministry .. and: if: consider .. for: some (St. Paul, of course): the: Marit as a: privilege .. However: we must consider: the: Martyrdom of: other: i: as: to: reason: of the: their attitude: racist: for: the: limit: intrinsic of: one: all-encompassing religious vision: when conceptually uncompromising: ( of the: type: "YOU not of: we? YOU go to hell", etc. ..) ie: religious intolerance: see:. (The: martyrdom of: St. James the Apostle) .. that: to: of the reason: his racism: deriving from the rabbinic vision: was: is this: the: cause: for: the: loss: of the: his invulnerability! because: tea: full power of God: is: lost: when you lose: the universal love: for: to put in place: to: behavior: that: is: excluding: attitude in place: as a: bank: either one: limitation: Against: qualcone: the precious creatures made by God: so: gains no: to have: some subject: limiting form: for: one: some bullshit: religious ideological or racial! but: in the: Movie: you can see: to: Christian priest: that: is: at his side: as a: faithful son: however: PADOSSALMENTE: him (Gandhi) away this: young English clergyman: CHRISTIAN: that: was: with him: since the time: of the South Africa .. why, evidently: him: has: founded: the: identity of India on the basis of the 'religion denominational Hindu. ie: the same tragic mistake: the confessional: that: he is making: the State of Israel: that: in this: so, it is h: made contemptible, as: all the: Muslim countries: in front: the holy Eyes: of God: YHWH: and: in front: the glory of the: my universal royalty! but: Been is: this: Error: tragic: that: has: did fail: all the: HIS: efforts of: ennobling: "untouchables: Pariah": and: that: has: made him: the: accomplice of: all the: Christian martyrs: that: were: barbarously murdered: in Orissa: etc. .. here is why: Gandhi is: still in Purgatory, Sheol! and also him: waiting for: the: mercy: of: this: my ministry: for: to enter Paradise! Here is why: him: has: lost: the: divine protection: ie: tea: his invulnerability: and is: in this: so: that: a: a terrorist has: been able to kill him! guys: I am sure: that: that that: the Holy Spirit has: order: to: me: of: to say: you? this: will bless you a lot .. and: irrobustirà: powerfully: the: your faith: and: the: your joy: and: the: your pride: of: being Jewish: of the: Jewish religion also why: without a shadow of: ambiguity: you will understand: really: the: power of the: charisma: that God has: donated to: me to: advantage of: all the: world, ie: the: my charisma universal: of: unius Rei! I'm doing, see the: film of the: Life of Gandhi: my students: is: him: is: certainly: martyr: to: saint: the: of the real father: Indian country! Indeed: as: St. Francis of Assisi: him: has: literally lived in: the: Gospel (even if: him: has: had to find the vile Christians): 1. the love: thy neighbor as: yourself (NOT: the: of the racism: the Talmud): and: 2. turn the other cheek (ie: the: of the force: NOT: violence): they are attitudes that: NOT: are: always been lived: by Gandhi without hypocrisy! For I am perfect here is why: I am indestructible invincible lethal! I am the weapon more: frightening: that: never there could have been: for: the: and the glory: the: power: love: of the: and Justice: of the: truth: When are the same level: of the: METAPHYSICS? are invincible!1 / 71 [Talmud vs. IMF. All Peoples: For Sun: only one single: herd of slaves]: The Precepts of The: Talmud: That: The Concern: Christian: IB Pranaitis Taken: From: The: Talmud Unmasked "PDF.Stampa. And:-mail.the : The Precepts of: Talmud: That: The Concern: Christian: IB Pranaitis Taken: From: The: Talmud Unmasked "How: Is Been: shown so Far: It Seems Clear That: about: The: Teaching: of The: Talmud :
I swear to be faithful to the Republic, to observe, in good faith, the Constitution: (if, Rothschild IMF-NWO, let me) and the laws, and exercise: my duties, in the interests: exclusive, of the nation ", said Enrico Letta (Bildenberg) took the oath: as President of the Council: the new government. a formula of high: treason, of: monetary sovereignty, which, repeat all the ministers. perjury, against, the Constitution, and, against the sovereignty, of the peoples! but, his oath to Freemasonry ? comes first, because it is more important! Giuro di essere fedele alla Repubblica, di osservarne, lealmente, la Costituzione: (se, Rothschild FMI-NWO, me lo permette)..": così Enrico Letta (Bildenberg) ha prestato giuramento: come presidente del Consiglio. Una formula: di tradimento, alla sovranità monetaria, che, ripetono tutti i ministri. spergiurando: contro: la Costituzione e contro: la sovranità popolare! ma, il suo giuramento alle massonerie? viene prima, perché è più importante!
كويتي بحق ! هذه حقيقه وتضر الكويت بالدرجه الاولي وتضر كل كويتي بحق وتضر العراقين المتجنسين وهم يعرفون حكم العراق جيدا كلها سرقه ونهب وظلم وقتل واعتقال وتجاوز علي حقوق مدنين انا اوضح لكل عراقي متجنس له ضلع في المؤامره ان يرفع يده في تلطيخها بدم الكويتي ويعمل لصالح الكويت التي قدمت الكثير للابنائها ولم يحدث ظلم او تعدي ؟ هل حكم العراق ؟؟ يوجد به النعيم فقد جربتم الحكم في 1990 من تدهور وانتشر الجوع واصبحت الديره مرتع للصوص وقطاع الطرق واتشرت الروائح والقمامات والذباب واصبح كل شيئ من الاماكن الترفيهيه مهجور وسلب الامن والامان
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كويتي بحق ! الكويت عندما لم يكن فيها نفط كان لايوجد بها عراقين عندما ظهر النفط وعندما سمعت السفاره العراقيه في بريطانيا عن حديث البريطانين في جرائد بريطانيا ان الكويت فوق بحر من البترول بدئه الخطط العراقيه بتخطيط للجعل الكويت عراقيه بضخ عراقين باتجاه الكويت وتوطيد العلاقه بسبب الطمع في النفط الي تم الوصول الي ما وصلناه الان من حشود تطالب بجنسيه من البدون الذين هم من العراق ومن المؤامره العراقيه ضد الكويت
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كويتي بحق ! البدون دخلوا من سنة 1967 ومنهم من دخل في السبعينات ومنهم من دخل في الثمانينات هم من ارض العراق توجهوا الي الكويت بسبب النفط والبحث عن ارض بها العيش الافضل ومنهم جواسيس ومنهم من هرب من الحرب الاريرانيه العراقيه ليتجه للكويت ويعيش بها للبحث عن الامان وبسبب ما سمعه من اخبار ان من يعيش في الكويت يعيش بخير ولا ينقصه شيئ وتم التخلص من الجنسيات ودفنها او معهم الي هذه اللحظه محتفضون في الجنسيه العراقيه واكثرهم عملاء للعراق وجواسيس
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كويتي بحق ! البدون هم عراقيون 100% هذه حقيقه يوجد سعوديون قله بينهم وبعض الكويتيون قله 20%
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كويتي بحق ! قبل الغزوا بايام كانت السفاره العراقيه توجد بها تحركات غير طبعيه وكثير من الاشخاص يدخلون بها ويخرجون بطريقه واضحه سفارتهم عباره عن مركز مخابرات تلتقط الاخبار من المتواجدين في الكويت من العراقين والبدون هذه حقائق وواقع المخابرات العراقيه من اين ياتي لها اخبار الكويت غير من الجواسيس الذين من جذورهم التي زرعها العراق في الكويت ((مخابرات منتشره في جميع مناطق الكويت)) من العراقين الذين يضرون دولة الكويت ويخدمون العراق
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كويتي بحق ! قناه تكشف الحقيقه والواقع مهما الاعداء حاولوا ان يشوهوا الحقائق وان يدعون انها قناه كويتي بحق تبث غير حقائق فهم كاذبون هذه الحقائق للانها 100% وكل كويتي بحق يعرف ذلك ويعرف المؤامره لكن لا يوجد اتحاد حقيقي يفضح هؤلاء من يدمرون الكويت في الظلام ويبتسمون في النهار للانجازات التدمير حقيقه والغزوا خدم كل كويتي ان عرف من العدوا ومن المخادع واتضح الامور الكثير في الغزوا من اجرام الجيش العراقي وجواسيسه الذين يعيشون في الكويت قدموا الخدمه للجيش العراقي وتم ارشادهم عن كل مقاومه كويتيه هذه حقيقه عشها كل كويتي مقاوم للاحتلال العراقي 1990
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كويتي بحق ! اللهم عليك بظالمين شتت شملهم من اضر بالكويت واضر بالكويتين وحسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
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كويتي بحق ! التدمير بطريقه خبيثه للاحضها الكويتيون بحق وارجوا من الكويتين بحق تزويج بعضهم البعض ولا يسمعون للاشاعات الكاذبه من افواهه مليئه بالحقد والحسد التي تحاول جاهده ان توقف نماء الكويتين في الوطن الرجاء الحذر وعدم السماع للاشاعات التي تضر سمعة الشباب الكويتي بحق يجب اليقضه للمؤامرات الخبيثه هم يحزنون للزواج كويتي بحق للكويتيه بحق هم يريدون كل شيئ عراقي لكي تكون الدوله ليس بها من يدافع عنها او يحميها وتكون بؤره لنشر الفتن من قبل العراقين
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كويتي بحق ! احذر العرب لكي لا يستمعوا للسمومهم القذره من تزوير الحقائق واناشد كل كويتي ان تضعوا قنوات تصد هؤلاء القذرين وتبين الحقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! تحذير في شبكة الكبيوتر الكثير من العراقين يضعون الكويت ومنهم عراقين متجنسين ومنهم بدون هم العدوا للكويت ينشرون ما يسئ الي الكويت وما ياجج الفتن ويصرفون النظر وهو ان وجودهم اكبر خطر علي وطنا الغالي هم من ينشر السموم في الشبكه هم اعداء حتي وان لم نضرهم هم يستمرون في اضرارنا واضرار وطنا الكويت تحذير تحذير هم موجودن في الشبكه الكبيوتر تحذير للجميع العرب والكويتين بحق
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كويتي بحق ! اذا الاشرار موجودون فهذه احلام ومخيلات لكن الكابوس العراقي لا يوجد منهم امل لانهم هم من ينشر السموم ولا يتم التغير ولا يكفون عن الهجوم علي الكويت وتاجيج الفتن والصاق التهم في الشيوخ هم اعداء الوطن واعداء المواطن الكويتي هم مخابرات قذره للعراق العاهر اتبع كل فتنه ستجد ورائها عراقي واناشد كل كويتي بحق ان يضع قناه يوضح امر هؤلاء الخونه الذين يطعنون الكويت من الخلف عن طريق قنواتهم القذره التي تهدف الي تهيج الشعب علي حكومتنا الغلطه الوحيده التي ارتكبتها حكومتنا انها سمحت للعراقين بان يكونون بيننا اكبر خطئ تاريخي يدفع ثمنه كل كويتي بحق
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كويتي بحق ! اود في نهار غير كل يوم يكون في الصدق والكلمه الطيبه والقلوب الصافيه التي لا تحمل اي حقد اتمنا السلام في الحياه والابتسامه التي فيها صفاء القلب والمحبه والكلمه الصادقه والحب الصادق وعدم خداع وعدم نفاق وعدم كذب والروح التي مليئه بنور النقي التي تبحث عن اسعاد الاخرين لشدة سعادتها ارض جديده وعالم اخر لا يوجد به صراع يد تمسك اليد الاخري لكي تحمل ما يثقل عليها لا يوجد فرقه دين او عرق اواللون كلنا بشر لكن ما يحملوه البشر هو ما سيدمر الجميع
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كويتي بحق ! كفوا ايديكم ايها الاعداء عن تلطيخ اياديكم بدم البريئ وتشويه صورة البريئ بانه مجرم وظالم وقلب حقائق كفوا اياديكم الظالمه والسنتكم المظلمه التي تنشر الظلام والاكاذيب الا تخافون الله من يوم تحاسبون فيه وتقفون امامه وانتم ناكسون الرؤس وترجفون من شدة الخوف وستدمون عندها لا ينفع الندم والبكاء
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كويتي بحق ! اكبر دولة فيها نفاق وكذب وحقد وحسد هي دولة العراق اسالوا التاريخ يخبركم اسالوا الايام التي تهدر بها الدماء اسالوا الي ان تصلوا لنبينا ابراهيم عليه السلام عندما القوا في النار الكبيره التي جمعوا من كل بيت والكل ساعد في حرقه الي ان الله امرهه بالرحيل عن ارض النفاق والغدر لديار تعرف معني الانبياء واناس ليس قلوبهم من احجار ..............اسالوا التاريخ سيجيبكم من هو العراق
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كويتي بحق ! الظلم ليس من كل كويتي بحق وانما الظلم ياتي من كل ذا جذور عراقيه في ظلم دولة الكويت بتشويه صورتها عبر السنين وفي مضايقة كل كويتي بحق والتسبب في اتلاف نفسيته ليعيش في توتر وقلق ليعقم انجازاته للدوله ويتم تشويش تفكيره هذا بسبب تفككنا وضعنا العدوا في مهمة السيطره وان حصل علي القوه الكامله التي يفكك بها ويفرق الكويتين للان بعض الكويتين يسمعون للعدوا وهو ليس من ارض الكويت انظروا لسعوديه ياكويتين بحق هل يوجد بها حقد او ما يحصل بالكويت قلوبهم متحده مع بعضهم البعض :)*وبحق
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كويتي بحق ! اتمنا ان تكون ديرتنا بدون حسد بدون تباغض بدون تمثيليات تنتهي ادوارها مع مرور السنين ويرجع الخطر يخيم ويصبح واقع مرير يتجرعه كل كويتي بحق وهذا ما يحدث الان قبل الغزوا كان هناك تمثيليه من العراقين عاشوا ادوارها ليبثوا غير الحقيقه التي تحملها قلوبهم الشريره من افخاخ ومكيده وكرهه وحسد كانت لا تظهر بسبب شدة خباثتهم ولكن ظهرت اثناء 1990 تجد في عيونهم الشماته والكرهه والحسد والفرحه باحتلال الكويت وفي التحرير تري البغضاء منتشره كل شيئ اصبح واضح المعالم وعرفناهم بحق
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كويتي بحق ! يجب علي كل كويتي بحق الاتحاد والحذر وان يعرف من اين يبث السم البطئ الذي يدمر في نهاية المطاف كل (((كويتي بحق ))) انا اتمنا لديرتنا الجميله الكويت كل خير وسعاده لشبابها ولكن اري ما قد لا ترونه وهو انه يوجد استهداف والله الموفق
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كويتي بحق ! نحن في الكويت في نعمه كبيره لكن الحساد بتصرفاتهم الوقحه يجعلون الحياه مليئه بالغضب والقلق والضغط النفسي ومنهم مخابرات تعمل للاجل ذلك لتحرق طاقات الشباب من خلال التصرف في طرق غريبه واستفزازات تعد عمل مخابراتي لتحمل النفس ما لا تطيق تختلق مشاكل للاشاء تدور في انفسهم الله يعلم ما هي ولكن كل كويتي بحق له عقل يعرف ما يدور ولا يبعد هذه التصرفات عن العراقين للان كل تصرف وقح ياتي منهم .....حقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! انشار حقائق في هذه القناه
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كويتي بحق ! نحن في مشكله للان اصبح العراقي المتجنس في الدرجه الاولي واصبح الكويتي بحق في الدرجه الثانيه وهذه معادله خاطئه تضر بالدوله وبعطاء الفرد للدوله وبحمايه الدولة من اي اختراقات للمخابرات العراقيه في ان نمكن الكويتي بحق ونجعله في الدرجه الاولي لانه هو من يحمي الوطن بحق وبصدق اما الدرجه الثانيه كل من هو عراقي متجنس كويتي لكي تصبح الدوله في ادارة اهلها ((بحق)) والله يحفظ شيوخنا الكرام من اي دسائس ومؤامرات تضر بالدوله
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كويتي بحق ! العراق يود ان كل كويتي بحق نائم عن مصلحة البلاد وتغير الهدف لمصلحة البلاد عن طريق اذنابهم القذره التي تعمل لمصلحة العراق عن علم ودرايه كامله مصلحة البلاد ان نحافظ عليها ان نعمل من اجل افادتها ويوجد تفاصيل كثير من اجل ذلك والاهم ((ان من يحميها كل كويتي بحق )) هذه هي الحقيقه والمصلحه للاجل وطنا ومن يحمي شيوخنا يكون كل كويتي بحق هذا المطلوب بحق
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كويتي بحق ! دولة الكويت امانه في قلب كل كويتي بحق وان نعمل للبناء وان نكشف كل من يدافع عن عراق او ينحاز لها ولا يدافع عنها الا الذين من جذور العراق الذي هو السبب الرئسي في الفتن في ارض الكويت يملي العراق علي اذنابه في الكويت من المخابرات والمرتزقه لكي يعملون فتن ويقومون باعمال زعزعه لصالح عراق العاهر (( وكلها تحت اعين وسمع العراقين )) انا احذر جميع الخليج العربي من العراقين وان توافدوا يجب الحذر للانهم عند توافدهم يتمثلون مساكين وهم خبثاء وعند تمكنهم من الدوله يتضح شرهم وتتضح مؤامراتهم الخبيثه التي تجلب الغرابان والشئوم علي الدوله التي يقيمون بها
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كويتي بحق ! نحن من يحمي الوطن اذا تعرض للخطر نحن من يذيق العدوا تدفق الطلقات التي تخترق اجسادهم القذره واحذيتهم النتنه التي داست علي ارض الوطن الطاهر من الانجاس في سنة 1990 نحن اسود لا تخاف المجابهه وهذه حقيقه لا مفر منها اثناء الغزوا العراقي قاوم الشعب الكويتي بحق وقتل من الجنود العراقين ما قتل وفي التحرير قتل الكويتيون كثير من الجنود العراقين وهذ ا ما يستحقه كل من يستبيح ارض يحل دمه ويجوزقتله
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كويتي بحق ! العراقين لهم تنضيم عصبات ترجع لتنضيم شبكي وكلها تصب في مصلحة التجسس علي الكويتين الحذر هم خطر حقيقي علي الكويت وعلي مستقبل الكويت اذا لم ننتبه ونتحد سنكون اضعنا انفسنا واضعنا الكويت بتصرف الا مبالاه في مصير وطن يجب ان نتحد رساله الي قبائل مطران والعجمان العتبان والحروب والعوازم والرشايده والصلب كلنا نحمي الوطن ونخلص له بحق وبصدق انتم ابناء الوطن انتم العامود الفقري للوطن انتم اصل الكويت وانتم من يحمي شيوخنا الكرام
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كويتي بحق ! تحذير العراقين ليس لهم عهد ولا مله ولا امان تحذير العراقين منافقون وخبثاء وكل فتنه تصدر منهم اتبع الفتنه ستجد ورائها عراقي ............هذه حقيقه خبرة حياه وليس مجرد كلمه انها حقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! هنا قناه الحقيقه والواقع الذي يعيشه كل كويتي والحذر للكل عربي واجنبي ان يفرق بين كويتي بحق وعراقي يعمل لتشويه دولة الكويت وبث الفتن والتعرض للاجانب والمقيمين في الكويت لتشويه الكويتين بحق ............وعلي ما اعتقد وما اشاهده ان العراقين يضعون افلام امريكيه لتقرب للامريكان بخبث وعلي الكل الحذر للانهم اهل غدر ونفاق ملاحظه كانوا يسبون الامريكان في شبكه الكبيوتر الان يصادقونهم لغرض خبيث ............هذه حقيقه وواقع اشاهده ولاحظته لكثرة مكوثي في الشبكه علي جميع الامريكان الحذر من العراقين للاننا الكويتين نعرفهم انهم ليس لهم عهد ولا امان
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كويتي بحق ! هنا قناه الحقيقه والواقع الذي يعيشه كل كويتي والحذر للكل عربي واجنبي ان يفرق بين كويتي بحق وعراقي يعمل لتشويه دولة الكويت وبث الفتن والتعرض للاجانب والمقيمين في الكويت لتشويه الكويتين بحق ............وعلي ما اعتقد وما اشاهده ان العراقين يضعون افلام امريكيه لتقرب للامريكان بخبث وعلي الحذر للانهم اهل غدر ونفاق .............هذه حقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! ياكويتيون احذروا اوجهه نداء ((لمصلحة الكويت)) استيقضوا الذئب يريدكم غير فاهمين ما يحدث يريدكم في نوم وفي جهل شديد لكي ينفذ مؤامراته الخبيثه ضدكم هم مزروعون بيننا وولائهم للعراق ليس للكويت حقيقه لابد ان نعرفها من تصرفاتهم في الدفاع عن العراق العاهر الذي هو سبب نكبة العرب وسبب الفتن منذ التاريخ ستجد دولة العراق هي ما تستنفذ طاقات العرب وتفرق بين العرب والدليل دول الضد التي انقسمت اثناء الغزوا الدليل العراق له تاثير ومخابرات تعمل لذلك
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كويتي بحق ! علي كل كويتي بحق ان يتحذر ويسمع ما اقول لان ما اتحدث به هو في ارض الواقع ((كثير من الخطط نجحت)) والناتج ظاهر الان الذئب يشرب ما نشرب وياكل بيننا ويدمر مجتمعنا بشكل خبيث وبطرق خبيثه ويعبث ببنات الكويت ليدمر مزيد من مجتمعنا اذا تم تدمير وتشويه صورة كل بنت الناتج ((لا زواج)) وهذا ما تريده مخابرات العراق العاهر دمار في المجتمع اذا لم نتحد بحق فيستمر التدمير المنظم وغير المنظم بدافع الحقد والحسد يجب علينا اليقضه والحذر وان القبائل تزوج بينها بدون مقابل لكي يفشل مخطط تعريق الكويت ((لمصلحة الكويت )) ويعرف الشباب ان هناك امانه
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كويتي بحق ! الحب الصادق عظيم :)*بحق
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كويتي بحق ! دولة الكويت سيتسائل كل خائن بها عند الموت وان الموت بعد سيلاقي في اخر المطاف وسيشعر ان اخطئ بحق دولة لم تعدي علي احد ولا تقدم الا الخير للجميع وسيحاسب الله كل مذنب قصر بالامانه وهي الحفاظ علي الكويت .........هذه الرساله لكل شرير واقترف بحق الكويت شر لا يعلمه الا هو
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كويتي بحق ! دولة الكويت مسالمه تحب السلام وهي دوله كل من لجئ اليها كان في امان عبر التاريخ شيوخنا الكرام عندهم عدل وحكمه وعدم ظلم كلها مجتمعه في انفسهم التي تخاف الله وكل كويتي بحق يعرف المعاني الجميله تلك ويتقيد بها ولا نضر احد وانما دولة الكويت في ظلم كبير من اشخاص كبروا وترعرعوا منذ الصغر بدوله لكن لم يحفظوا الامانه التي سيتسائل عنها في القبر الكويت اعطتهم وعاشوا كرام لكن قدموا الاسائه للاجل عراق مجرم لا يعرف معاني الانسانيه ومنتشر به الظلم
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كويتي بحق ! نحن الكويتيون بحق لا نكرهه امريكا المحرر نحن نعرف معني المساعده ولكن يوجد من العراقين من يسب امريكا باسم دولتنا الكويت نحن شعب يعرف العهد والمعروف لا ننسي خير من جميع الاخوه والاصدقاء لا ننسي ..........هذه حقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! هم يشتعلون غيض ضد الكويت والكويتين ويشوهون دولة الكويت بجميع الاساليب القذره ???? لماذا ؟؟؟ الكثير منهم عميل للعراق ومنهم يبحث عن الجنسيه في تشويه الحكومه بانها ظالمه والكويت رمز للعدل والمساواه حتي لغتهم تدل انهم عراقين يطالبون في جنسيه الا يكفيهم العيش بسلام ولكن الطمع اعمي بصيرتهم وهم ليس من ارض الكويت اذا تم تجنيسهم ((الامن الكويتي يكون في خطر كبير )) عندها يكون كل ما يحمي الكويت ويحمي شيوخنا عراقي وستقع الكويت في يد العراق وبسهوله فائقه
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كويتي بحق ! من منكم من المقيمين تعرض للمشكله ؟؟؟؟؟ ومن السبب؟؟؟؟؟ وما اصولهم ؟؟؟؟ وما قبيلتهم؟؟؟؟ ستعرف انهم العراقين لهم يد قذره تشوهه اسم الكويت وتحمل اسم الكويت وهي لا تستحق ذلك للتامر ضد الكويت الغالي
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كويتي بحق ! رساله لكل عربي واجنبي عندما تتعرض لمشكله في الكويت تحقق من صاحب المشكله فهوا عراقي متجنس ومنهم بدون هم من يثيرون مشاكل في جميع مناطق الكويت هذه حقيقه وواقع يعيشه حتي الكويتي بحق هم يتسببون في تشويه اسم الكويت عن قصد في نفوسهم المليئه بالحسد والنفاق والخبث سموم نفوسهم يبثونها بيننا ومن يستمع من الكويتين لهم فهم يضرون الكويت ويضرون مجتمعنا هم من يثير فتن في جميع مناطق الكويت لا تستمع لما يبثه العدوا من كلام نحن في خير ونعمه ولكن يوجد من يضيق علينا في الداخل
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كويتي بحق ! يا كويتين لا تغمضوا العين كما اغمضتموها ايام صدام بتشجيعه والوقوف مع العراق بسبب سمعتوا عراقين متجنسين كويتي يهتفون للعراق الصنم الذي يقدسنه اكثر من وطننا الغالي يجب ان نفهم ما يدور لي لا تمر المؤامره بسهوله يجب علي الشباب يجتمع للوطن ولخدمة الوطن بطريقه واضحه ويكون هناك فعل لان الفعل يغير بان نستيقض من النوم العميق ونكون قلوبنا مع بعضنا ونعرف ان هناك من يضر الكويت ويعيش بيننا في التخفي او العلانيه
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كويتي بحق ! سبب التغيرالكويت هو سقوط القناع العراقي المزيف ولهذا السبب اناشد قبائل الجنوب من العجمان ومطير والعوازم والرشايده والحروب والعتبان والصلب ان تتحدوا للا نكم مستهدفون انتم من تحمون الوطن انتم من يهتم للامن الوطن ويعشق ارض الكويت ويحزن لتعرضها لضرر وهي محميه فيكم وليس بغير اهلها ويجب ان نعرف المؤامره ونكون يد واحده لحماية الوطن بذكاء وبعلم والتفافنا حول شيوخنا الكرام الصباح وابعاد كل جرثومه تحاول ان تتقرب للشيوخنا الكرام للمصلحه وللتجسس وهم من اهل العراق ................الله يحفظ الكويت من كل مكروهه والله الموفق
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كويتي بحق ! قبل الغزوا العراقي كان الكويتيون متحدون مع بعضهم البعض عندما يري اي شخص في الشارع يتعرض لمشكله يساعدونه وكان الجار يسال علي الجار ولكن عندما تم الغزوا وقتل كثير من الكويتين بحق وهم المستهدفون بعد التحرير ضهرت الحقيقه ان ما كان قبل الغزوا تمثيليه العراقين باتحادهم مع الكويتين لينفذوا مؤامره الغزوا واكثرم جواسيس للعراق هذه حقيقه وانكشف منهم الكثير بعد التحرير وتعاونهم مع الجيش العراقي وظهر منهم من لهم رتب عسكريه ((والان كل شيئ واضح)) تغيرت الكويت
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كويتي بحق ! نحن الكويتيون بحق لم نكن نعي بمؤامره للانه كل كويتي كان يضن الخير من مسلم للاخوه المسلم لكن اتضح عكس ذلك انهم مسلمون باسم ولا يوجد دليل بافعالهم انهم مسلمون هم مصالحهم اهم من دولة الكويت للان دولة الكويت ليست بارضهم وهم وضعوا عقاراتهم في العراق للان الكويت مكان لسرقه ونهب خيراتها وتضيق علي الكويتين بحق واضعاف معنويات المواطنين الكويتين عن طريق تضيق الخناق ان كان في العمل او في الحياه هم جراثيم مؤذيه للوطن وللمواطن
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كويتي بحق ! يجب عمل لجنه لتقصي الحقائق ومعرفة ضروف الكويتين بحق ان كان في العمل او في المدارس دراسه شامله لكل ما هو كويتي بحق ودراسة لماذا الشباب الكويتي عازف عن الزواج ولماذا هل هناك اسباب ولماذا بنات الكويت قطار العمر يمضي عنهم هل هناك اسباب ؟؟؟؟؟؟ ستجدون وراء المؤامره عراقين 100% وتقبضون علي شبكات تجسس كبير في الكويت واتلاف متعمد لنسيج المدني الكويتي لا يحمون الكويت غير اهلها اما تكلفون المهمه للاناس غير اهلها ستزور الحقائق دفاعن عن صنمهم العراق .............استيقضوا
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كويتي بحق ! تحذير العراقين في الشبكه هم من يسبوا السعوديه ويسبوا الكويت ويسبوا البحرين 100% ويتساببون باسماء الدول لنشر فتن
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كويتي بحق ! كل كويتي بحق يحب وطنه ويقدس الرمل التي تطئ قدمه فيه يجب ان نكون ذا علم وتفتح لكي لا نكون في بطون ذئاب وان نكون يد واحده في العمل وفي الجيره وفي الخارج كلنا نساعد بعضنا البعض وتكون قلوبنا متحده ضد كل من يثر الفتن بيننا ...........ان كنا علي وعي سيخسئ العدوا ولا يجد فرصه يعبث في ارضنا وفي تكاتفنا ...................والله الموفق
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كويتي بحق ! احمل هم وطن فهل هناك من يتشجع ويكشف الحقيقه الذئاب بيننا ان لم نكون يد واحده ونخاف علي وطننا ونشعر بذلك التغير منذ سنوات عديده لن يتغير شيئ وسنتجه الي الاسوء بتغير الوطن ليكون الكل ليس له انتماء الي الارض وتضعف ردة الفعل اتجاه اي مشكله يحدثها العراق تكون سلبيه وهذا في عدة سنوات مضت حتي الان لكن يجب ان لا نضع فوارق بيننا كقبائل لا يوجد مشكله في التزاوج بختلاف قبائل لكن المشكله عندما يكون التزاوج يضر ولنا عدوا وهو العراق متربص للانقضاض ان تحول كل شيئ عراقي سنكون في كارثه كبري وهي تحول وطن بطريقه عرقيه .............يكون هنا الخطر
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كويتي بحق ! هنا قناة الحقيقه وكشف المؤامره التي يدبرها العراق ضد الكويت من اتباعه والجواسيس الذين يعثيون في ارض الكويت والافساد بها وتغير المواطن الي تعريق الكويتين عن طريق التناسب للاضعاف الوطنيه واتلاف النسيج الوطني الكويتي واضحه في السنوات الاخيره من كثرة العنوزه وعزوف الشباب عن الزواج بخطط وفخاخ كلام وتزويج الكويتي الي عراقيه وبنت الديره اولا لذلك في خطط خبيثه واعمال تعد من الاتلاف العمد للاجيال لكي يسهل ضم الكويت .....يجب علي كل كويتي بحق الحذر.......الله يحفظ الكويت من كل شر
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كويتي بحق ! انا اتحدث عن واقع وليس خيال او توهم رساله لكل عربي حتي لا يخطلط عليه الامر ويساء له في الكويت من قبل اشخاص عراقين ان كانوا متجنسين وغير متجنسين والاصول التي هي اصل الكويت معروفه وذكرتها ............الله يحفظ الكويت من كل مكروهه
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كويتي بحق ! كل كويتي عرف حقيقة العراقين وما يضمرون الشر بقلوبهم للكويتين وللوطن الكثير منهم يضمر الشر لكن قله من لا يعترف بكلام العراق ولم تتسرب فتنه داخل قلوب البعض وهم معرفون بمجرد التعامل لكن الاغلبيه يوجد بها الضرر والكرهه والحسد والعمل ضد الكويت ويجتمعون في الظلام والضحكات تتعالي بما انجزوه من دمار للمجتمع الكويتي وتخريب منظم بكل شيئ يدمر المواطن الكويتي .....هذه حقيقه وواقع موجود وذلك بسبب تغافلنا وعدم تعاون الكويتين بحق مع بعضهم بشكل واضح يوقف الخطط ويفضحها
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كويتي بحق !ولكن ان نجحت خطط العراقين في الكويت فهيه فاشله في المملكه العربيه السعوديه لان السعودين يعرفون جيدا من هم العراقين ويحذرون منهم والسيف يجز ارقاب العابثين في امن المملكه لا يجرؤون في العبث والله يحفظ المملكه والكويت من الاشرار والمنافقون
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كويتي بحق ! السبب الرئيسي في حديث العراقين ان الكويت جزء من العراق هو ((((النفط)))) والطمع والحسد علي ما انعم الله علي الكويت من نعمه نشكر الله ليل نهار علي هذا النعمه وان يكفي الله ايدي الشر والحسد ويجعل كيدهم في نحورهم انه علي كل شيئ قدير
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كويتي بحق ! لو نرجع بتاريخ الي الوراء قبل هجرت الا صباح من نجد الي دولة الكويت والتي كان اسمها كوت وذلك بعد ما سكنها شيوخنا الكرام ومعهم قبائل من المملكه العربيه السعوديه الصحراء لا تسكن هل كان هناك عراقين في صحراء جرداء حرارتها مرتفعه ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ الجواب معروف وهل العراقين يتركون دولتهم الزراعيه والنفطيه ليقيموا في صحراء ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ منذ ظهور النفط توافد العراقين الي الكويت هذه حقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! الشباب الكويتي يجب ان يعي مخاطر الصداقه من الاصدقاء السوء الذين ليس لهم انتما للوطننا ويكرهون الكويتين ويضعون الفخاخ والحفر ويضيعون حيات شبابنا الكويتي بحق ويضعون بذور فكريه ان الزواج سجن وهو نعمه وحصن للشاب وذلك لتقليل عدد الكويتين بمخطط قذر وخبيث لكي يتفوقوا علينا بالعدد وان تكون الكويت تحت ايدي خائنه لا تحب مصلحة البلاد وتكرهه كل شيئ كويتي لانهم مغسولون الادمغه بان الكويت جزء عراقيه تم اقططاعها من العراق والكويت دوله صحراويه قليله الماء
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كويتي بحق! كثير من البدون يدعون انهم كويتيون وياجرون السيارات الفاخره لكي يدمروا بنات الكويت ويشوهوا سمعتهم عن طريق مخخط قذر وحقد وحسد ضد كل ما هو كويتي ويتم تدمير البنت في النهايه بعلاقه ويتم استفزازها لكي تدفع مبالغ ام تفضح ويحصل الذئب علي المبلغ ويستمر في التهديد وتعطيل حياتها عن الزواج هذا الفعل يتم حتي تكرهه الزواج والشباب وتعيش عانز الطريقه ((اتلاف النسيج الكويتي المدني عن علم )) الرجاء من كل كويتي وكويتيه الحذر الله يحفظ الكويت من الشرير
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كويتي بحق ! هناك مخطط تزويج الكويتين لبدون وذلك لقلب وتغير الجغرافيه الكويتيه بعراقيه وتشويه بنات الكويتيات لكي يصبحوا عوانز ويعزف الشباب عن الزواج وهذه هي الخدمه التي تقدم للعراقين من خلال عدم المعرفه بالمخاطر ياشباب الكويت بحق بنت ديرتك هي المستقبل والذريه التي تحمي الكويت من الاعداء والزواج المبكر هو المهم لنفسك ولوطنك ((الله يحفظ الكويت من الاشرار))
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كويتي بحق ! الحقيقه ان العراقين ليس لهم امان وهم في قناعتهم ان الكويت جزء من العراق ودولتهم تشير انهم شعب منافق وكل امر سيئ بهم لانهم قتله ومجرمون ودولتهم تتشكل عن طريق عصابات وقطاع طرق بينهم صراعات علي مصالح بقوة السلاح وقوة عدد العصابات يعني يشر ذلك انهم مجرمون يحبون مصالحهم والذين قدموا للكويت من هذه البيئه القذره كيف سيحمون وطنا ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟وهم من ورد كل شيئ سيئ الي الكويت ؟؟؟؟؟بجلبهم انفس مليئ بالحقد والحسد والمؤامرات الخبيثه ......................الحقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! اذا لم نتحد نحن الكويتين سنبقي بيد اعدائنا واجيالنا لا تسلم يكون مستقبل به مزيد من القلقل لانه في فرقه اهم شيئ لا تستمعون الي العراقين الذين يبثون الفرقه بين القبائل الاصيله التي جذورها من السعوديه التي ستحافظ علي الكويت بصدق وبحق حتي وان كان بينكم نسب وبين العراقين لكن ليس علي حساب الوطن وحساب مستقبل الوطن يجب الاتحاد بيننا فهذا ضروري ان قبائل التي منشئها من السعوديه تكون متحده لاننا لا نكرهه بعضنا ولاننا نخاف علي دولة الكويت بحق
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كويتي بحق ! الكويت امانه في قلب كل كويتي بحق يشعر بما تمر به البلاد من مؤمرات تهدف لتشويش علي الاهم وهو ان نعمل لبناء الوطن وان يكون الوطن في ايدي كل كويتي بحق يعرف ان وطنه يحتاجه لانه هو الطاقه الحقيقيه للبلاد عندها ستكون البلاد في ايدي امينه تعرف كيف تحافظ علي الكويت بدون مصالح شخصيه او عدم تعاون وينتج عن ذلك بلد قوي يعرف ان يدافع عن نفسه ويثق ان من يحميه ابناء بلده ..............والله الموفق
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كويتي بحق ! هناك تشويه سمعه للكويتين في الخارج عن طريق تصرف عراقين حاصلون علي الجنسيه الكويتيه ومنهم من يكن الكرهه الشديد للكويت والكويتين هذه حقيقه ويعمل افعال تلصق بالكويتين بحق لان اغلبية الدول لا تعلم من هو الكويتي بحق والكويتي المتجنس وهو من العراق فيقمون باعمال متعمده للاصاق الاخلاق السيئه بالكويتين وبدولة الكويت ((يجب علي كل كويتي العلم واليقضه ))
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كويتي بحق ! الرساله هي ان نستيقظ ونعرف ان خطط تدبر ضد الكويتين من قبل العراقين وذلك واضح من خلال الحياه والتعرض لمواقف عدة تسبب في اجهاد نفسي وعقلي لكثرة المشاكل وتعيق المواطن الكويتي بحق عن العطاء لبلده بكل طاقته وهذا يمر بكل كويتي بحق لكن عند الاتحاد سيضعف الطرف الاخر ونكون يد واحده ضد كل متامر يتمني ان تصبح الكويت عراقية الايدي تدير اماكن حساسه في البلاد وتضمن ان كل القطاعات سقطت فريسه لتعريق تحت اداره عراقيه
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كويتي بحق ! وحسبي الله ونعم الوكيل علي كل من يضر البلاد
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كويتي بحق ! المخطط قديم لجعل الكويتين بحق في ضعف دائم لكن عندما تتحد القبائل التي ذكرتها سنكون في قوة وحمايه للارضنا من كل خطر والله الموفق
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كويتي بحق ! مهما ضيقوا علينا الاشرار في بلادنا يفضح امرهم وانكشف كل شيئ مهما حاولوتوا ان تضيقوا علي كل كويتي سيئتي يوم تضيق عليكم ما تعملون ان كان بخفاء ام في وضح النهار ياقرود العراق العاهر وانا علي معرفه ان كل كويتي يشعر بضيق وبظلم في العمل بسبب اتحاد اشخاص من عراق العاهره ضد كويتين ويحاولون جاهدا اضعاف المعنويه لكن لا يعرفون اني اسد كلما ضغطوا ازدت قوه واصرار علي المجابهه وفضح امورهم القذره ((اليقضه)) يجب علي كل كويتي اليقضه والحذر
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كويتي بحق ! انصح شباب الكويتي بحق الزواج المبكر فهوا حصن منيع ضد مفاتن الدنيا وان تعمل للاجل بلدك بحق :)* الله يحفظ وطننا من كل حاقد وخبيث ومنافق ومن كل قرد ينوي الشر للبلاد
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كويتي بحق ! يجب المعرفه ان العراق هو مقبره للعروبه ان اتحد الخليج مع العراق سيكون الفرقه والفتن وكل شيئ يضر العرب ((الحقيقه الدامغه والاكيده)) العراق جرثومه خبيثه في جسد العرب يجب التوعي والفطنه للذلك الحذر
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كويتي بحق ! يا كويتي اعرف من الشبكه ان كان يدافع عن العراق فهوا عراقي ومن يسب الكويت هم عراقيون ويكنون الكرهه الشديد للكويتيون حتي هم يكرهون السعودين يعني نحن الكويتيون والسعوديون مستهدفون من قبل قرود العراق ((يجب ان تستيقضوا من التوهم بحلم العروبه))
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كويتي بحق ! الله يحفظ الصباح من الخونه الذين يدمرون من الاسفل بنية الكويتين ويجعلونهم في ضغط لكي الخونه يديرون شؤن البلاد اتحدوا ياكويتيون نداء لكل كويتي اتحدوا الله يحفظ الكويت من كل مكروهه
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كويتي بحق ! انا احمل قضية وطن تحت سيطرت ليس باهلها تم قتل الكثير من الكويتين في الغزوا من شباب ونساء وتم تبديل الجغرافيه الكويتيه بجغرافيه عراقيه تتكلم باسم الكويت هذه الحقيقه رساله لكل كويتي بحق
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كويتي بحق ! يوجد عراقين يضعون قناه باسم الكويت ويوجد عراقين متجنسين كويتي وهم ابعد عن مصلحة الكويت لهم علاقات مع عراقين مترابطه في شبكه يتكلمون بالسان الكويت وهم يحقدون علي الكويت هم جواسيس عملاء للعراق ..........................الحقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! للعلم والمعرفه تري الكويتي بحق لا يكن الكرهه ضد كويتي بحق هذه حقيقه وواقع اما ليس بكويتي بحق ولنا عداوه تاريخيه وقديمه المشاكل قديمه من عهد الملك فيصل الي عبد الكريم الي صدام الي هذه اللحضه يعني السنوات تكشف العدوا حتي وان صافحناه باسم الاسلام والجيره هم لا يعرفون معني ذلك هم يعرفون ان الكويت هي جزء من العراق في العقليه العفنه للعراق وان تم سرقة ارضهم من قبل الكويت ((هذا الوهم بسرقة منطقه صحراويه لا يقدر ان يسكنها بشر من شدة الحرار وقلة الماء )) لكن عندما ظهر النفط اصبحت الكويت في العقل العراقي عراقيه
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كويتي بحق ! اذا لا يوجد وعي ويقضه وحذر سيعبث الذئب في وطننا ويخرب في الظلمه ويصافح ايدينا وهومبتسم للانتصارات التي حققها ضد مصلحة الكويت وضد الشعب الكويتي نداء نداء((يجب علي القبائل ان تتحد للاجل اجيالنا التي ستحافظ من بعدنا علي وطننا الكويت)) وان لا نضع مدخل للاشرار ان يعبثوا باتحادنا لخدمة ووطننا ...........الله يحفظ شيوخنا ويحفظ الكويت من كل مكروه
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كويتي بحق ! ولا ننسي قبيلة الحروب هم يحمون دولة الكويت القبائل التي ذكرتها هي درع الوطن هي الاصل لحماية دولتنا الحبيبه الكويت وارجوا من جميع القبائل ان تتحد لانكم انتم تخافون علي ارض الكويت وكل قبيله تفكر ليس بيننا اختلاف الان منشئنا من المملكه العربيه السعوديه لا تسمعون كلمات الفخاخ من ليس من ارض الكويت وينتمي اصله الي العراق نداء والله يحفظ الكويت من كل مكروه
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كويتي بحق ! رساله الي قبائل ((المطير-العجمان-العتبان-الرشايده-العوازم-الصلب)) انتم من تحمون دولة الكويت وتخافون علي كل ذره من تراب الوطن انتم الاجيال التي تحافظ بحق علي الكويت حتي وان منكم تناسب مع العراقين لكن ليس علي حساب الوطن انتم درع الوطن لانه لما يتعرض الوطن لخطر لا يحميه الا اهله ارجوا الاتحاد نحن في الكويت في وضع خطير يجب علي القبائل ان تتحد للاجل الوطن وليس من اجل المصلحه او تسمعون كلام العدوا من ((العراقين)) هم لا يهتمون للوطن لان الوطن ليس بوطنهم وهذا وضح ايام 1990 كل شيئ اتضح والكل يعرف ان لا يحمي الوطن غير كويتي بحق
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كويتي بحق ! طريق الموت التي تناثرت اشلاء العراقين وامتلئ كل الطريق بجثث عفنه ومركبات عطبة من القصف الامريكي منظر جميل عندما تري الاشرار الذين قاموا بجميع الافعال الشريره من قتل وهتك اعراض وسرقه واهانه وبث القلق جثث هامده في طريق الموت ((يجب ان نضع صرح في طريق الموت الاجيال لا تتناسي او تغفل ان العدوا وراء الحدود ينتظر الانقضاض ويكرر فرصة الغدر مره اخري))
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كويتي بحق ! الله يحفظ البطل سوبرمان الذي انقذ الكويت من يد العاهره وشكرا للجميع الاخوه الذين ساعدوا بانحدارالمعتدي واصبحت الكويت مقبره للكل ذئب تناثرت اشلائه في الصحراء لتشهد الارض للاجيال ان معركه وقعت خير ضد شر مرتبط بعاهره
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كويتي بحق ! حتي الجيش الامريكي لم يسلم من الخيانه بعدما ساعد اشرار لتخلص من شرير كثير من الجيش الامريكي قتل بعبوات قذره في الطرق عمليه تصنف بجبانه وخبيثه وعمليات قنص بطرق خبيث للغايه هذا هو الشعب القذر الجرثومه القذره التي لا تمثل العرب ((جراثيم تتوالد )) عندما تجتمع تصبح مرائه عاريه تشرب الدماء لانها عاهره تحب ان تضرب كل زمن وتحب نكاح الحرب
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كويتي بحق ! اتمنا دمار كبير للعراق العاهره ما تسببت به من فتن نحن لسنا ضعفاء لوا كان بمقدروي ان احصل علي قنبله ذريه لحصلت عليها للالقيها علي ارض البرك القذره ارض العاهره لما ترددت دقيقه اقسم اني لا اتردد ان افعل ذلك لان ذلك الشعب القرد لا يستحق العيش بين شعوب مسالمه
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كويتي بحق ! اللعنه علي كل عراقي وعلي ارض العاهره شاربت الدماء ((متي اري ارض العراق تقع عليها قنبله ذريه)) اتمنا ذلك اليوم
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كويتي بحق ! الحذر الحذر الحذر من العراقين لهم خطط ظهرت بوضوح لمن اكتملت عنده المعرفه هدفهم تدمير النسيج الوطني الكويتي وهدفهم بث الفرقه بين الخليجين التركيز هم كثيرون في اليوتب ولهم مصلحة بث الفرقه والسب باسماء الدول منها اتخاذ اسم الكويت في السب واتخاذ اسم السعوديه وعدة اسماء الحذر الحذر لكل خليجي
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كويتي بحق ! حقيقة العراقين كذبه منافقين العمل الطيب يصدر منهم وهذا من المستحيل اذا صدر يوجد هدف وخطه خبيثه الاعمال الحسنه ورائها عمل شرير وخبيث ..................الحقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! المقصد خائن
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كويتي بحق ! الكويت امانه لكل كويتي بحق وليس لكل عراقي .....................((((((خائن)))))) حقيقه ومؤكده
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كويتي بحق ! رساله لكل شاب كويتي بحق الوطن شيئ عظيم والشباب الكويتي ذكي لكن من تامر علينا هم بيننا يعشون بيننا وياكلون بيننا هم من تسبب في الفرقه والضعف التي تصب في مصلحة العراق والمستفيد هو العراق من جواسيسه القذره التي تكن كل كرهه للكل ما هو كويتي نحن الكويتيون ابطال اقسم اني اواجه اي خطر يحدق بالكويت وفيني من الغضب ما يدفعني لمقاتلة الانجاس والدوس بحذائي علي وجوههم القذره والنيل منهم اذا دعت الحاجه وتعرض امن الكويت للخطر
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كويتي بحق ! العراقين يكرهون الكويت والمملكه العربيه السعوديه ((((حقيقه واواقع)))) وذلك من خلال تهجمهم علي السعوديه باسم الكويت وتهجمهم علي الكويت باسم العراق الامر واضح كاشمس ولا يشكك به
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كويتي بحق ! الحذر نحن والمملكه العربيه اخوه مهما حاولوا العراقين تفريقنا امن المملكه من امن الكويت وامن الكويت من امن المملكه من يسب السعوديه هو عراقين متواجدين في الكويت منهم متجنس ومنهم لم يحصل علي جنسيه الحذر للاخواننا السعودين الكويتي لا يكرهه السعوديه لانه من ارض السعوديه وله اقارب في المملكه اما الكويتي المتجنس له اقارب في العراق هومن يسب وحتي ان كان له اقارب بالسعوديه فهم عراقين حاصلون علي التابعيه القصد الجنسيه الحذر لكل سعودي اعرف العدوا من الصديق
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كويتي بحق ! الله يعز الصباح الطيبون واسعون القلوب الذين لم يعرفون بتلك المؤامره اللهم احفظ الكويت وشعبها من كل حاقد وحاسد يضر بارضنا الغاليه
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! حتي المدارس لم تسلم المؤامره كنا نشعر قبل الغزوا ان هناك ضغينه ومتبينه في المدارس في التعمد لضغد الكويتيون في المدارس والتسبب في فشلهم لكي تصبح الكويت في خطر دائم ذئاب تحرس ارضنا ليس من جزور الكويت من يحرس ارضنا وهل يحرس بحق ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ويرفع السلاح ضد عراقين؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ الجواب معروف اما التوهم بحلم الدفاع فهذا مستحيل
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! هذه قضية كل كويتي يشعر بذلك الضغط في جميع قطاعات الكويت الوضفيه يجب علي الكويتين بحق الاتحاد ضد المؤامره المدبره منذ 1967 كتحديد تقريبي كنا في غفلة من ذلك لاننا نعتبرهم مسلمين ولكن اتضح انهم يطمعون في دولة الكويت وفي ثرواتها وليس لهم من الاسلام غير الاسم افعالهم تدل علي الضغينه المبطنه والتي تشير لتوجههم في الاضرار المتعمد للكويت ان كان في الخفاء في الظلمه ام في النور هم يعملون الشر والمزيد من الشر للاضرار بالمواطن الكويتي وهذا يحدث كل يوم في جميع قطاعات الكويت الوضفيه
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! من يضعون نفسهم كويتيون في شبكة اليوتيوب هم عراقين متجنسين وغير متجنسين هم يعملون ليس لمصلحة الدوله منهم البدون من يشوه دولة الكويت في العالم العربي وهم عراقين ويعرفون ذلك حتي لغتهم تدل عليهم ويخططون للاضرار بالكويت في تمثيلية تعليق من عراقين متجنسين لعراقين بدون لجذب استعطاف وهم الخطر الحقيقي علي الدوله
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! هم من اغرق بعض الكويتين السذج باختلاس كطعم وفخ يقعون فيه في لحظه ضعف نفس وتم فضحهم لكي الكويت تخسر مزيد من يخاف علي ارض الكويت ويحميها بحق يجب ان نعرف ان الكويت في فخ من الوقت ويمر الوقت ليس لصالحنا وتغرق الكويت في تبديل جغرافيتها ويصبح كل من حولنا عراقي يدير شؤن البلاد (((((اليقضه))))))
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! العراقين لا يحمون الكويت من يحميها اهل ديرتها التي تعتصر كبودهم من الم ما وصلت له دولتنا الكويت من مؤامره عراقيه لتبديل الجغرافيه الكويتيه بجغرافيه عراقيه عن طريق تناسب وعن طريق الحصول علي جنسيه مهمتي التوضيح لكل كويتي لم يشعر بمؤامره واضحه في وقتنا هذا يجب اليقضه والحذر هم من سرق ثروات الكويت ومن ساعد في التدمير في التدخل الخفي وعدم التدخل والفرح لمصائب الكويت يجب ان يفيق الشعب الكويتي ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ !!!!!!!!!
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! نشكر امريكا لتحرير دولة الكويت من مجرمين وخونه السوبرمان يمد يده الي العالم ونحن من ضمن الذي انتشلنا من الظلم في سنة 1990 من هذه القناه اشكر امريكا ونكن نحن الكويتيون كل المعزه حكومه وشعبا من بوش الاب الي بوش الابن اما من يكن الكرهه الي امريكا ويعيش بيننا هم العراقين المتجنسين وغير المتجنسين الذين يحمولن اثبات كويتي والذين لا يحملون اثبات هم من يشوه صورة الكويت .............حقيقه
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! شكرا لجميع الاصدقاء لتقبل الصداقه :)*بحق
UniusRei3 (1 mese fa)
blessings too: you have learned to write in English?
I'm always on this page: youtube/youtube
and on this site
tu hai imparato a scrivere in inglese?
io sono sempre su questa pagina: youtube/youtube
ed in questo sito
ShalomGerusalemme (1 mese fa)
I am universa brotherhood
i hate sharia of moahmmed and talmud: only
but i love muslims and islam
ShalomGerusalemme (1 mese fa)
Kuwait's right! I do not understand!
if you could talk to me in English?
I could understand what you say!
الحق في الكويت! أنا لا أفهم!
إذا هل يمكن أن يتحدث معي باللغة الإنجليزية؟
أستطيع أن أفهم ما تقولين!
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الكويت لا يحافظ عليها الا من ليس له مطلب في قلبه ان تكون الكويت عراقيه الان من يحمي الكويت هم من القبائل التي قدمت من السعوديه فهي الاساس في الحمايه اما التوهم بعراقين يحملون السلاح ضد عراقين فهذا قمة السخريه اما ما يحصل في العراق من مذابح فهي طمع في السلطه والمناصب رساله الي كل كويتي وخليجي
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! عندما يرعي الذئب بين النعاج ستنقص النعاج رساله الي كل كويتي انا ارسل هذه الاشارات للتفكير (((اتحدوا))) عندما نكون بيننا مغفلون لكن ليس الكل مغفل هناك من يعرف ذلك ويفهم اننا في خطر عظيم
ShalomGerusalemme (1 mese fa)
Diritto del Kuwait Come stai amico mio:) *
molto bene! fratello mio!
جيدا جدا! أخي!
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق! العراقين يدمرون الكويت بافعال تدمرالقيم وعلي الكويتيون اليقضه من الذئاب والحذر
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق! يوجد كثير من العراقين والمتجنسين من الدول التي حصلوا علي جنسيتها وذلك للدفاع عن العراق وشعب العراق للان جذورهم عراقيه وهم جزء من المخطط هو تغير الولاء للوطن بتغير جغرافية سكانه عن طريق تدفق مهاجرين بكميات ليس هينه تؤثر بنسيج مستقبلا وتضعف ولاء الوطن وتجعل الولاء للعراق وذلك عن طريق الحصول علي الجنسيه والتمركز باماكن حساسه في الدوله لها تاثير خطير في المستقبل
az99920 (@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
I swear to be faithful to the Republic, to observe, in good faith, the Constitution: (if, Rothschild IMF-NWO, let me) and the laws, and exercise: my duties, in the interests: exclusive, of the nation ", said Enrico Letta (Bildenberg) took the oath: as President of the Council: the new government. a formula of high: treason, of: monetary sovereignty, which, repeat all the ministers. perjury, against, the Constitution, and, against the sovereignty, of the peoples! but, his oath to Freemasonry ? comes first, because it is more important! )
كويتي بحق ! الكويت غرقت في مخطط قذر للتغير جغرافية شعبها وهو من الكويتين بحق منهم شيوخنا الصباح ومعهم قبائل كلهم خرجوا من المملكه العربيه السعوديه واتجهوا الي مكان صحراوي قليل الماء لا يوجد به سكان منطقه فارغه وسكنوا وسميت كوت ولكن من بدء ما تم اعلان في الصحف البريطانيه بانه الكويت فوق بحر من النفط عندها بدء جواسيس العراق بدخول والعيش والتدفق بكميات كبيره حتي الثمانينات والعبث ونشر الفساد والفرقه وتشويه اسم الكويت والكويتين بحق
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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az99920 (@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
I swear to be faithful to the Republic, to observe, in good faith, the Constitution: (if, Rothschild IMF-NWO, let me) and the laws, and exercise: my duties, in the interests: exclusive, of the nation ", said Enrico Letta (Bildenberg) took the oath: as President of the Council: the new government. a formula of high: treason, of: monetary sovereignty, which, repeat all the ministers. perjury, against, the Constitution, and, against the sovereignty, of the peoples! but, his oath to Freemasonry ? comes first, because it is more important!
The night before the attack in the Boston Marathon, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev go around in taxis to the city, hiding explosives backpacks in the trunk. Three days later, with a stolen car and a lot of owner on board, they are ready to head to New York to blow up the bomb in Times Square, the heart of the city. [The mother: it was reported by the Russians, 26 April, 20:58] ANSA, Breach of Boston. Prisoner: in the car: of brothers Tsarnaev: Chechen Islamists: the Chinese kidnapped, he says, that is, the owner of: Suv, Thanks to him, the authorities quickly identified: and: intercepted the car, well before: that: could reach: New York, to make: a second attempt. @ Obama, your Islamists in Syria, mandates: from: your "LegaAraba" to avenge the terrorist killed: they kidnapped the bishops, and you are responsible for all this,)
كويتي بحق ! حقا ابتلينا في العراقين زوروا الحقائق نشروا النفاق والكذب والخداع نشروا كل شيئ يضر بكيان الانسانيه في المجتمع الكويتي المسالم الذي يعرف القيم والصدق والامانة نحن نبني ذلك وهم يهدمون من خلفنا ويلصقوها بزيف بالكويتين ما اتحدث عنه حقيقه وواقع يحدث كل يوم في دولة تعرف معني القيم ولكن نحن نعيش بين اناس يحاولون ان يهدموا معاني رائعه للسعاده من المؤسف الشعور بذلك الكابوس
mustafa9785 (1 mese fa)
انتوا بصراويين و متكدرون لو بعد مليون سنة تنكرون اصلكم البصرواي يجي اليوم الي ترجعون لاصلكم بس نضربكم بالقنادر يا جلاب
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كويتي بحق ! اهم شيئ ان الكويتي بحق يبحث عن الحقيقه وعندما تزيد المعرفه سيري الشرير هذه الحقيقه من القديم الزمن والعراق معروف بارض الفتن والخبث والشر الانه الشرير لا يخرج من ظهره الا الاشر واذا عظم شره يمزجه بخير لتراه بغير حقيقته ((تاريخ العراق يبين حقيقته)) الله يحفظنا من الشرير
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كويتي بحق ! لايوجد ظهور لقناتي الا يوجد سبب انا لا ادعي ولا الفق تهم ما اجبرني علي التحرك وعمل قناة ما شاهدته في مجتمعنا وما اصابني من تلك المؤامره
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كويتي بحق ! المقارنه توضح المرض الذي سببه العراق اذا يوجد من يكذبني فهذا دليل واضح علي ان هناك مؤامره من العراقين في معيشت الكويتين ولا يكفون عن ذلك في قلوبهم حقد وحسد والكرهه ضد كل كويتي ((( الحقيقه))) التي يسعها جاهد الاعداء اخفائها
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كويتي بحق ! اقصد المملكه العربيه السعوديه من يعيش بها لا يوجد نفاق او كرهه او حسد الجار يسال علي الجار والكل في تعاون وخوف من الله وتمسك بدين الله والعمل بموجبات الدين اما الكويت يوجد بها الشر الكبير بسبب العراقين الامر واضح ......... الحقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! التدمير منظم ويسعون جاهدا في كل جيل يظهر جديد يحمل ما يدمره بدون ما يشعر بسبب العراقين الذين وراء كل فكر وفتنه وراء كل ضغط نفسي وهم لا يكفون عن ذلك ((التدمير)) في كل زمن وفي كل جيل يدمرون في دولة الكويت واضح لكل كويتي ذلك اما في المملكه نعيش بها الجار يسال علي الجار ويوجد محبه وصدق ودين ويخافون الله وليس لهم غير العباده ولا يوجد حسد او نفاق او حقد والكل عايش بسعاده وهناء بدون توترات يعني الكويت فيها مخطط من العراقين
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كويتي بحق ! هناك تدمير منضم عن طريق نشر كلام به فخاخ ليتدهور المجتمع الكويتي ويلصق باوهام وبجهل لكي لا يعلم شيئ ويصل الخطر عند باب بيته ويتم افساد زواج او ابعاد شباب من التفكير في الزواج والاستمرار في الفساد الذي يجر الي الهاويه التي ستدمره ويستمر بدون ما يشعر بتدمير مجتمعه اذا كويتي بحق اما اما العراقين يدمرون عن قصد وتعمد وعلم لكي ينشروا ما يدمر المجتمع ويكون المجتمع مريض هذا ما يسعون اليه
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كويتي بحق ! كل كويتي بحق لا يحمل الشر وانما انتم تقلبون حقائق وتشويه صورة الكويت والمواطن الكويتي في مواطنون ينتمون لكم ؟؟؟؟؟ وليس للكويت ولا يخافون علي مصلحة الكويت ويحاولون الاضرار بسمعة الكويتين والكويت ...............حقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! اذا قبل الغزوا البدون يتغنون بانهم يحفظون امن البلاد عندما حدث 1990 كثير منهم خان الذي كشف امره هرب للعراق والذي لم يكشف امره انتظر في الكويت ومنهم هرب للسعوديه يعني منهم من لا يكرهه الكويتين ومنهم يكرهه الكويتين ويحاول ان ياذي كل كويتي ومنهم جواسيس ولهم رتب عسكريه في العراق (( التكريبه غريبه تجعل الكويتيون لا يطمؤنون للعراقين)) وهذه حقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! هناك من يخلط الاوراق ويبعد العراقين عن المؤامره ويتهم الارانين الذي عاش في الكويت العراق هو من دمر الكويت وليس يران هذه الحقيقه من اشعل النفط العراق من هدم البنيه التحتيه للكويت العراق من قتل الكويتين واسرهم العراق يجب ابعاد قصة الارانين في كل حديث انهم هم من يخون هذا الكلام عاري عن الصحه والبعض راح يتهمني اني ايراني انا ليس ايراني وانما اوضح الحقيقه التي يود ان يخفيها وتغير الحقائق
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كويتي بحق ! قناة الحقيقه 100% ولا يوجد تزوير او ظلم او قلب حقائق للان هنا تبث الحقيقه وواقع الكويت انا مع مصلحة الكويت والكويتيون واتمنا ان كل كويتي يضع بين عينه الكويت بصدق وامانه من المتجنسين واقول لهم العراق ليس دولتك ليس هو من صرف وعشت من خيره الكويت هي التي عشت بها وكبرت بها واصبح كل شيئ من خير الكويت وليس من خير العراق يجب وضع ذلك بالمفاهيم
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كويتي بحق ! هنا قناة ضمير الكويتيون تبث لمصلحة الكويت والكويتين وايقاض شباب الكويت بحق لكي يحافظ علي وطنه بصدق وباهتمام للامور قد تضر كل كويتي مستقبلا ان لم يكون حذر ((الزمن تغير واصبح الكل يعرف وعلي وعي وفطنه )) وكل كويتي يعرف اني علي حق وبحق
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كويتي بحق ! الغزوا وضح امور كثيره للكويتين وشافوا باعينهم الخيانات من العراقين المتواجدين في الكويت والبعض والكثير منهم هرب بعد ما تسبب بخيانه الوطن هذه حقيقه يعرفها كل كويتي بحق انا لست حاسد البدون لتجنيس ولكن اري ان تجنيسهم هو خطر علي الكويت وعلي مصالحها هل اذا تعرضت البلاد لخطر عراقي يحمون البلاد بصدق وامانه ؟؟؟؟؟ اذا تم تجنيسهم فعلا علي الكويت السلام سلمت للعراق
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كويتي بحق ! رساله يوجد كثير من في الشبكه يدعي انه كويتي بحق هو عراقي متجنس كويتي هذه الحقيقه وواقع يقف مع البدون للانه منهم ويكسرون خاطره هم عراقين متحدون مع بعضهم البعض ويزورن حقائق وهم ابعد كل البعد عن مصلحة الكويت والكويتين هذه .....حقيقه عندما يتم التجنيس تضيع البلاد وتنظم للعراق لسبب ان اصبح المواطنين الكويتين عراقين وذلك يشكل عبئ علي المواطن الكويتي بحق الذي هو اصل الكويت وستنكس الاسلحه ويرحب المواطنون في الضم للعراق هذا هو المستقبل اذا تم تجنيس
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كويتي بحق ! وكان من البدون لهم رتب في العراق مخابرات عراقيه ولسبب انه كشف اثناء الغزوا في التعاون الواضح وليس بالتستر والقيام باعمال عدائه لكل كويتي وفضح اماكن المقاومه الكويتيه تسببوا في مقتل كثير من الكويتيون وهم علي قناعه ان الكويت لن تتحرر ابدا ............حقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! هذه حقيقة بدون هم عراقين ورافضين ان يعترفوا انهم عراقين وذلك من قبل الغزوا اول من اقامه بالكوت ووهي الكويت هم السعوديون من شيوخنا الصباح وقبائل سعوديه عندما ظهر النفط ظهر فئة البدون وبدئوا في الدخول للكويت وكثر الدخول في فترة الثمانينات الي ان تعرضت الكويت للغزوا ومن ثم تحررت وهرب كثير من البدون بعد التعاون مع جيش العراق
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كويتي بحق ! هم يعملون لتاخير زواج الكويتين بكل الاساليب حتي بالكلام او استخدام السحر واكثر العراقين يعرفون السحر ويعرفون ان يستخدمونه في الاضرار بكل كويتي بحق ...........الحذر
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كويتي بحق ! العراقين يودون ان كل كويتي لا يتزوج وامنيتهم ان كل كويتيه لا تتزوج في قلوبهم مرض الحسد وهم يقومون بكل الوسائل حتي انهم يلجئون للسحر لكي يزداد نسبة الطلاق وتصبح البنات بلا زواج ويصبح الشباب بعيد الفكر عن الزواج او انه يتمنا جميله ويتاخر بزواج حتي يطوف قطار العمر وكذلك بنسبه للبنات تتمنا رجل جميل يركب حصان ابيض وينتشلها ولكن الحذر السحر موجود وهو سبب الرئيسي في تاخر الزواج للاوهام
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كويتي بحق ! الكويتيون علي حق اما العراقين علي باطل مهما زورا الحقائق وهنا قناة الحقيقه وواقع الكويت لكي نعلم من هو العدوا ونحذر من الذئاب التي تلبس لباس الطيب وهي العدوا احذروهم .......وهذا قناع الخبث الذي يستخدمونه ضد الكويتين
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كويتي بحق ! منذ تاسيس الكويت والكويتيون طيبون تم استغلال طيبتهم في تنفيذ خطط ضد الكويت والكويتين بخباثه ونفاق وفي قلوبهم السوداء كرهه للكويتين منذ ظهور نعمة النفط تم مشاهدة العراقين في ارضنا وتم احاكة المؤامرات ضد الكويت والكويتين الطيبين وتم المثابره للحصول علي الجنسيه وتزوج العراقيات لكويتين في عمل مخابراتي قذر لقلب كل شيئ لمصلحة العراق وتنفيذ خطط ونحن لا نعلم ذلك حتي تم 1990 الغزوا هنا استيقضنا بان العراق عدوا ويبث المؤامرات القذره والخبيثه عن طريق اذنابه
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كويتي بحق ! رساله لكل عربي ان وجدت كويتي يسئ فتحقق من قبيلته وجذوره حتي وان وضع اصول وهميه للالصاق الاذي بالكويتين اعرف ان كل عراقي هو ما يتعرض لكم ويؤذيكم باسم الكويت وباسم الكويتين نحن الكويتيون باذي من ذلك وارجوا لكل عربي واجنبي ان يعرف ذلك وان يتفهم ان مؤامره تحاك منذ زمن ضد الكويتين وغاصت في جذورهم والله يحفظ الكويت من كل مكروه ويجعل كيدهم في نحرهم انه علي كل شيئ قدير .....امين
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كويتي بحق ! كفوا ايديكم ايها الخبثاء والمنافقين عن ارض الكويت وعن تدمير كل كويتي بحق وتشويه سمعة الكويت في الخارج وفي الشبكه الان كل عراقي هو ما يشوهه وانتم تعلمون ذلك ان الكويتي لا يعتدي علي احد ولا يظلم وانما انتم تعرفون الحقيقه ان اذنابكم العراقيه هي ما تشوه الكويتين والكويت وتعمل اعمال تضر بمصالح الكويت وتضر بالمواطن الكويتي وبسمعته بعمل مخابراتي خبيث يضع الكل في كرهه ما هو كويتي وهم لا يعلمون انهم عراقين متجنسون تعمل للعراق
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كويتي بحق ! يجب علي كويتي بحق الاتحاد نداء يجب علي كل كويتي بحق الاتحاد وان لا يتحد مع عراقين ليس لهم جذر واحد من الكويت ان يكون الاب والام عراقين هذا لا انصح باتحاد هم تعبر من خلالهم المخابرات ولهم صله بما يكرهه الكويتين حتي وان كانوا لا يكرهون الكويتين لهم صله بما يكرهه الكويتين والانفس تتبدل وهم شديدي العداء للكويت حتي وان لم نكن نكرههم هم يكرهوننا لاننا باعتقادهم ان الكويت للعراق وبعضهم يكرهه لسبب الحسد يعني لا يوجد امل يجب ان نكون حذرين
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كويتي بحق ! يجب علي كل شاب كويتي بحق ان يحافظ علي الكويت وان يعي ما يحدث وان ينبهه بذكاء كل كويتي بحق عن تلك المؤامره وان نحطاط ونحذر بذكاء ونبني انفسنا لكي تعود الامور بما ينفع الكويت والكويتين ويخدم الوطن بدون مقابل لنري الاجيال الكويتيه تبتسب بحق دون قلق دون توتر من مستقبل يكون العراقين والمخابراتهم في تجمد لا يقدرون ان يضغطوا علي الكويتين للانه الكويتين في اتحاد وفطنه وحذر بينهم في ((يد واحده)) ضد كل متامر عراقي يتضح يتامر ويبين الكرهه والحقد للكويتين وللكويت
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كويتي بحق ! انا ليس بضد اي ديانه واي دولة والله يحفظ جميع البلاد العربيه والغربيه ويحفظ اسرهم من الشر انا ضد عراق نشر الفساد في دولة الكويت وظلم شباب الكويت وتم تدمير منظم من قبل العراقين لكل ما هو كويتي بحق انا ضد المنافقون والخبثاء ما رائيته في الكويت من مؤامرات احمل امانه ان اوعي وايقظ الشعب الكويتي من الغفله التي تدمر ببطئ حتي وصل الامر ان الزواج اصبح من الصعوبات وهو اساس بناء الدولة والله المستعان علي خدمة الكويت
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كويتي بحق ! نحن الكويتيون يجب ان نعي وان لا نسمع الي عراقين ولا ناخذ منهم علم الاننا قادرين ان نبحث عن العلم ونعرف ما يدور حولنا من مؤامرات خبيثه من جهة العراقين التي تتمنا لكل الكويتين الجهل وعدم المعرفه وان يكونوا لا يفهمون شيئ ويسمعون لعراق العاهر كل ما ينطق به من كلمه خبيثه تدمر الشباب والوطن الحقيقه تبث من قناة كويتي بحق 100% لا يوجد خداع او كذب او نفاق انا اعمل لمصلحة الكويت والكويتين الله يحفظ البلاد من الشر
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! قبل الغزوا كان الكويتيون سذج لا يعرفون شيئ الان اقول لكم ((استيقضوا من الجهل))واعرفوا ان هناك مؤامره تضر بشباب الكويت بحق من قبل العراقين كل شيئ واضح الخير واضح والشر واضح ولكن اذا اردت ان تعصم نفسك من الشر فتزوج في الحال لانه الفتن انتشرت وارجوا من الكويتين ان لا يسمعوا اللسنة العراقين بها السم والفخاخ نحن نعرف ما نقدمه لدولتنا وكل كويتي واثق ولكن اذا اردت ان يزداد وثوقك تعلم
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! المخبارات العراقيه في الكويت تريد شباب لا يفهم مريض من تجرع الخمور والسهرات المنظمه التي تجعل الشباب مريض الفكر لا يقدر علي خدمة بلده ولا يعرف ان هناك مؤامره خبيثه الي ان تصل الي اسرته كل كويتي عندها يعي بعد المصيبه ويصنفها لضعف عقله باقدار الله ومشيئته وليس مشيئة اشرار ومن خلفهم ابليس ليجعل كل شيئ يتم كما اراده له ان يتم (((ارجوا الوعي))) وتزوج شباب الكويت بحق في عجل لكي لا يقعوا تحت مؤامرات العراقين
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! وكثير من العراقين يلحقون في السيارات البنات ويتسببون لهم في حوادث وبعضهم عن قصد يفعل ذلك الجرم بعدما يتاكد ان البنت الشريفه اصيبت بحادث فيهرب لكن اين يهرب من عقاب الله الذي يراه في القبر وانا احذر كل عراقي ان مؤامراتكم انكشفت واصبحت ضاهر كشمس في وضح النهار وكل كويتي يشعر ويري تلك المؤامره الخبيثه والقذره لتدمير الكويت
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! في الاسواق التجاريه ستجدون عراقين ذئاب تلبس اقنعة الكويتين للهتك اعراض البنات ولتشويه سمعت الكويتيات ووضع واقع لعدم الوعي سيستمر ذلك الواقع المخابراتي يفيد دولة العراق بدرجه الاولي وهم في قلوبهم الحسد والخبث والنفاق لكل كويتي هذه حقيقه يعيشها ويشاهدها كل كويتي في الاسواق التجاريه من تدمير منظم وكثير من الحمير يتبعون ذلك التدمير بدون ما يشعرون تقليد لغير ابناء الدولة في افعال تستهدف كل كويتي
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! والبعض منهم يدمر ولا ينتضر ويشيع علي البنت وفضحها ويتبعون اسلوب التدمير مع الكويتيه او اجنبيه اهم شيئ ان لا تكون عراقيه في عمليه لتشويه كل كويتي امام الاجانب والمقيمين في الكويت وتدمير كل كويتيه بحق باتباع الاسلوب الخبيث في التدمير المنظم لكل ما هو كويتي .....هذه الحقيقه يجب ان يعي كل كويتي بحق لها المؤامره دخلت من العراق بدخول العراقين الي الكويت والتسبب بهدم منظم وعن وعي وطمع باموال الكويتيات وتدمير كل شيئ كويتي
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! العمل الروتني للعراقين الوقوف في الاسواق الكبيره والحاق الاذي ببنات الكويت وان يتبعوهم في المجمعات التجاريه حتي يتم ترقيم البنت المسكينه ويدعي انه كويتي وهو بدون من العراق او يكون عراقي متجنس كويتي يمشي مع ابناء جنسه البدون ولما يتم ترقيمها يبدء ببدء الكلام الكاذب بانه يعشقها وانه يريد الزواج باوهامها ذلك ومن ثم يسلب عرضها ويتم تهديدها للاخذ مبالغ ماليه الي ما له نهايه وذلك اسلوب اتبعه العراقين في تدمير
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! كم بنت كويتيه بحق تم هدم مستقبلها ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟خلال السنوات التي مضت كم شاب كويتي بحق تم هدم مستقبله خلال السنوات التي مضت ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟حتي هذه اللحظه مستمر الهدم والتضيق الم تشعر ياكويتي وياكويتيه ان هناك امر ما يحدث ؟؟؟؟ وتضيق وذلك للغباء الذي لم تفهموا الي هذه اللحظه ان الامور تمشي عكس مصلحة شباب الكويتي بحق وعكس بنات الكويت بحق وتسبب ذلك في ارتفاع العنوزه لدي البنات وارتفاع عزوف الشباب عن الزواج لشدة غبائهم ولان العراقين لوثوا سمعة الكويتيات لمنع كل كويتي من الزواج ((انتم اغبياء)) لم تفهموا المؤامره الخبيثه
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! هم يودن ان كل كويتي بحق ان يتزوج بمهر او بدون مهر عراقيه لتحويل كل شيئ في البلاد الي عراقي واتمنا من الكويتين الوعي للخطط والزواج المبكر للاولاد هناك مخطط اتضح في وقتنا هذا وان كل كويتيه بحق ان لا تطلب كثير من المهر وذلك للافشال خطط العراقين وان كل كويتي بحق ان يتزوج كويتيه بحق وان ضاق به الحال لم يجد انصح ان ياخذ سعوديه او من اي جنسيه مختلفه عن العراق ((الحذر للان هناك مخطط)) والكويتيون اصبحوا بلا زواج وهناك صعوبات
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! العراقين السبب الرئسي في هدم الاسر الكويتيه عن طريق تحويل كل شيئ الي عراقي وللاسف كثير من الكويتين لا يوجد عندهم وعي بما يحدث لوا ان عندهم وعي ستفشل خطط العراقين التي بسبب نجاح خططهم اصبح العراقين زواجهم سهل ولا يوجد عقبات اما الكويتين هناك عقبات اذا كويتي بحق يتزوج من كويتيه بحق وذلك بسبب عدم الوعي وطلبات التي تعيق الزواج بسبب السمع للعراقين يودون ان كل كويتي بحق لا يتم زواجه للهدف ان يتمنون ان كل شيئ يدخل به جذور العراق
urbansuperhero (1 mese fa)
Thank you for sharing WOW!! SuperMan
"I'm not the Man of Steel but I'm keep'in it real, real cool that is."
HushAndLearn (1 mese fa)
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! رساله لكل كويتي لا تسمعون لمن يريدون الشر لمصلحة الكويت وزرع العداء بيننا وبين الامريكين هم من مد يد المساعد هم من حرر البلاد من الشر الكبير شر العراق الذي الي الان الكويت تعاني من تكاليف الدمار ((يجب علي كل كويتي معرفة الحقيقه ان العراقين منهم جميع الشرور )) الحقيقه
UniusRei3 (1 mese fa)
salam أخي
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! شكرا والشكرا الكثير للسوبارمان :)* بحق
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! سوبارمان ساعد الكويت من الشر وحرر الكويت وارجوا ان لا نستمع لمن في قلوبهم حقد وحسد وكرهه لسوبرمان من العراقين الذين تاذوا من حرية الكويت وكان امنيتهم ان تكون الكويت تحت الاحتلال وتحت حكم العراق وهم يحقدون بسبب ان جثثهم انتشرت في ارض الكويت بسبب ضربات سوبرمانusa
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! نحن الكويتيون واجهنا المحرر بالورود والامتنان للمساعده وهذا حق لكل من شارك في تحرير الكويت له المحبه والامتنان اما شعب العراق قابل المحرر بطلقات الرشاشات والمدافع الهاون وكل انواع الاذي التي لم يستخدمها ضد صدام وضد البعث لكان قتل صدام اثر عبوه ناسفه لكن الحقيقه الشعب يريد صدام والقليل منهم لم يريده والاكراد لا يريدون صدام هم صادقون النيه .
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! وبعد ذلك يصتصرخ الشعب العراقي انه اسير تحت ظلم صدام وانه لا يقدر ان يحرر نفسه من قيد البعث ثم اتت امريكا وحرر العراق من البعث وقتل كثير من الجيش الامريكي المحرر بغدر وطعن في الظهر ان كان في عبوات تزرع لتفجر عن بعد او قنص في الرؤس وهذا لم يفعله الشعب العراقي في صدام وفي موكبه لكن تم فعله في الجيش الامريكي وبغدر .............حقيقه شعب منافق وغدار
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! العراق هو من دمر الكويت ؟ ومن يدعي ان امريكا قالت للعراق اذهب الي الكويت فهذا كلام غير صحيح؟؟ هذا ما نشرته المخابرات العراقيه في الكويت عن طريق اذنابها ؟ ولوا ان العراق كان قد قالت له امريكا اهجم علي الكويت لكان رفض ؟ وعندما احتل الكويت هددته امريكا ان يخرج ولكن جابهه امريكا ؟ وهذا يدل ان المخابرات هي من نشر الكذب ضد امريكا وحصلت المجابه الفعليه في ارض الكويت ولم يسمع صدام لرسائل العرب بالخروج من الكويت
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! من يبث الكرهه ضد امريكا هم العراقين لان الكويت تحررت بفضل الله وبفضل سوبرمان الذي مد يد المساعده وانقذ الكويت من يد الشرير هذا يجب ان لا ينساه الكويتيون لانه لولا مساعده لما كنا الان في دولتنا الكويت هذه حقيقه يجب ان يعيها كل كويتي بحق ولا يسمع كلام الحاقدين الذين قتلتهم سوبرمان في ارض الكويت وقتل الاشرار وحرر الكويت ولا ننسي مساعدة المملكه العربيه السعوديه لولا حكمتها لما تحقق شيئ
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! يجب علي كل كويتي ان لا ننسي ماحدث لم نشاهد صرخات الاستغاثه والتكبير عند التعذيب وصوت النساء وهي تصرخ من الالم في ارجاء المدارس شيئ يغلي له الدم لكن لم نشاهده تعذيب وانين وموت في معذبين قلوبهم مليئه بالحقد والحسد والكرهه لكل كويتي بحق هم اخوان لنا قاوموا الاحتلال ونالوا استشهاد الله يحفظ الكويت من كل شر ويجعل نعمة الامن والامان في ضل شيوخنا الكرام
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! عند خروج المحتل العراقي من الكويت اخذ معه اسري كويتيون واكثرهم قتل في العراق وكان المحتل يتخذ المدارس اماكن لتعذيب الكويتين كانوا الكويتيون يعتقلون في المدارس ويعذبون حتي يموتون وتلقي جثثهم في الشورارع حتي نساء الكويت كانت تعذب في المدارس وتنتهك اعراضها تعذب بطرق الكهرباء وقطع الاصابع والضرب علي اماكن حساسه وتشويه اماكن حساسه واستخدام المثاقب الكهربائيه لثقب الجسد والكثير من الات التعذيب الاجراميه واطفاء السجائر في اجساد المتعذبين من الكويتين
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! عند التحريرالكويت من العراق فجر النفط الكويتي ليشتعل واغرق الكويت بالالغام افراد والغام دبابات والغام في البحر جعل كل سواح الكويت ملغمه وكل الصحراء منتشر بها الالغام بسبب كرهه للكويت والكويتين يريد قتلهم بالالغام هذا هو العراق وما تحمله قلوبهم من حقد وحسد وكرهه لكل ما هو كويتي يتمنون في قلوبهم ان تمحي الكويت ويمحي شيوخنا الكرام بسبب حسدهم الحمد الله ان لنا شيوخ طيبون كرام يخافون الله لا يظلمون ابدا نحمد الله ليل نهار بنعمة الامن والامان ونعمة الحكم
az99920 (
كويتي بحق ! في اثناء 1990 كانت الكويت في حاله مؤسفه من تدمير للجميع المنشات المدنيه لم يسلم شيئ في الكويت من التدمير والسرقه حقيقه شاهدها العالم باسره كان كابوس مزعج للكل كويتي بحق ومن الصامدين من تاذي نفسيا من ان يجد دولة ذات سياده وامن وامان تتحول للارض تابعه للعراق ويرفع بها علم العراق وتسرق موار د النفط من قبل العراق طول فترة الاحتلال يضغ النفط الكويتي بناقلات عراقيه وبناقلات مسروقه كويتيه وتم مد بايبات تسرق نفط الكويت متجهه للعراق وتم اكتشافها بعد التحرير باشهر
UPDATE S Sudan pastors will face trial, judge rules
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Egyptian solider, the only Christian in his unit, found dead
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Modi’s UN Yoga Day latest example of co-incidence with Christian ‘high days and holidays’
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Case of the disappearing Christian CDs: 7 years on, Malaysian court orders their return
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Egyptian convert still in jail having served his time
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Coptic boys on bail, anti-Islam charges pending
Published: June 18, 2015 all Nations, China India Russia [not sell for seedy money, the blood of your sons!] is the sharia, which makes every Muslim a potential terrorist, a Nazi imperialism of hopeless religious maniacs! and no matter the level of their cunning and hypocrisy! ]] waiting to see condemned sharia, you close all mosques and prevented gatherings.
[[ Cina Russia India [ non vendete per vile denaro il sangue dei vostri figli! ] è la sharia, che fa di ogni musulmano un potenziale terrorista, inserito in un nazismo imperialismo di maniaci religiosi senza speranza! e non ha nessuna importanza il livello della loro scaltrezza ed ipocrisia! is the sharia, which makes every Muslim a potential terrorist, a Nazi imperialism of hopeless religious maniacs! and no matter the level of their cunning and hypocrisy!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ NON MI DIRAI CHE ]] anche tu, tu sei diventato un cristiano coglione con la vocazione del martirio!? FAI L'EBREO E AMMAZZALI! loro non esiterebbero ad ammazzarti se ne avessero la possibilità! [[ satanic SpA Fmi, USA interests, Gender, GEOPOLITICS, lobby, NWO, OBAMA Gender of satana cult, for planet predation, sharia, SPA? ]] ok! tra qualche mese: non esisterà più una nazione chiamata Arabia Saudita sharia. io sono lorenzoALLAH il RE CRISTIANO della Arabia SAUDITA! Salman dell'Arabia Saudita, Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] [ perché tu non rispetti i 10 Commandments: that: GOD JHWH, ie, he himself in person: he gave to Moses, dove dice: "non uccidere" ] per ascoltare un Corano che indemoniati farisei del talmud hanno fatto scrivere? I have no authority: to punish someone: in dissociation from: the will of God ] then [ now i will kill all jewish lobby banking signiorage, NWO, OBAMA gay cult Gender sodoma shit, and their planet SpA predation, sharia, SPA, only the CIA can do: 200000 human sacrifice on the altar of Satan, every year, any year
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ adesso ammazzali tutti, e quando dico tutti, dico proprio tutti! ]] WATCH: The World is a More Dangerous Place Today. Israelis are united in opposing the nuclear deal with Iran. Across the political spectrum, the citizens of Israel agree with PM Netanyahu that overnight the world has become a much more dangerous place. Watch Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voice harsh opposition to the deal and criticize world powers for their failure to properly contend with the Iranian threat. Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog restated his own opposition to the “bad agreement.” He added that he would do his utmost on behalf of the security of the citizens of Israel.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ questo è il gioco dello schiaffo crudele, perché, tu sei stato messo in mezzo bendato! nel NWO si stanno prendendo gioco di te: certo tutti gli israelini saranno sterminati! ]] PASSA PRIMA SUI CADAVERI DEI SAUDITI, PRIMA DI ANDARE A FARE I CADAVERI IRANIANI!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ sei stato bendato ]] perché, nel NWO ti è stato precluso di vedere il tuo futuro, che è già stato pianificato, e, che, invece, i sauditi vedono e conoscono bene! SE, FARISEI anglo-americani, loro FANNO AMMAZZARE DALLA LORO GALASSIA JIHADISTA sharia, TUTTI I CRISTIANI? POI, ANCORA CON MAGGIORI MOTIVAZIONI DI CALIFFATO, AMMAZZERANNO ANCORA PIù VOLENTIERI tutti gli ISRAELIANI! infatti loro è da tempo che, vanno dicendo circa: il califfato di Gerusalemme, e circa il califfato di Roma, e a me non risulta che, sia in IRAN, che, in ARABIA SAUDITA, loro abbiano mai smentito questo discorso del califfato di Roma e Gerusalemme! ma, Roma non ha nessuna possibilità di potersi difendere dal NWO, mentre, tu soltanto, puoi salvare la civiltà occidentale: adesso! UCCIDILI TUTTI! questo è il loro destino comunque, dopo che avranno ucciso noi, il NWO li eliminerà comunque! FACCI SALTARE ALLORA QUESTO MOMENTO DEL NOSTRO GENOCIDIO! IO ho detto loro: di rinunciare alla sharia, ma, questa è la verità: "tutti gli islamici hanno il delitto nel loro cuore!"
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ ma, cosa rimarrebbe di Israele, comunque, con una guerra mondiale nucleare con 5 miliardi di morti? ]] distruggere la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia, è l'unica possibilità per poter impedire ad USA, la aggressione di: CINA e Russia.. e tu sai che io ho ragione!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ satanisti massoni, avevano giurato che non avrebbero mai spinto la NATO oltre la Germania! ]] e stanno portando distruzione morte e la lacerazione, indebitamento e predazione: in tutte le Nazioni del mondo, ovunque dove, può giungere il loro satanismo: 1. loro sono i cani di satana: 2. sono ameri-cani. 3. 666 americani SpA Fmi.. CERTAMENTE TI FARANNO AMMAZZARE, LORO SONO I MANDANTI, E TU NON PUOI DIFENDERTI DA LORO! PERò, TU PUOI UCCIDERE, I LORO ESECUTORI KILLERS, I TUOI ASSASSINI MATERIALI SHARIA, SE SAPRAI MUOVERTI SUBITO, con un attacco nucleare preventivo! Nessuno dei nazisti sharia deve rimanere in piedi! la Turchia? un grande cimitero!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ la sharia: è teologia del genocidio, perché è teologia della sostituzione ]] NESSUN PROBLEMA: STAI MANDANDO ALL'INFERNO, CRIMINALI NAZISTI CHE SONO COMUNQUE PREDESTINATI ALL'INFERNO!
RETE DEL CONTROLLO GLOBALE CORPORATIVO ] è uno studio di scienziati svizzeri [ 43.000 aziende transnazionali (che hanno i canoni OCSE per essere definiti aziende) di queste, aziende 1318, sono le più inflenti (si possiedono l'un l'altra) e queste hanno il 20% reddito mondiale [ grande cartello finanziario: ma esiste un nucleo: chiamato: UNITà CENTRALE: che possiede tutte le 43.000 multinazionali ] di queste 1318 sono le più influenti: hanno queste caratteristiche, 1. sommate tra di loro sommano il 20% del reddito mondiale; distruggere i popoli o distruggere il debito? ] ADESSO RESTITUITE LA SOVRANITà MONETARIA AI POPOLI [ ragazzi satanisti farisei Bush 322 Rothschild 666 SpA ururai ladri traditori parassiti: voi con la vostra guerra mondiale nucleare? voi siete giunti troppo tardi! ] Il Governo segreto delle multinazionali - Lidia Undiemi Pubblicato il 16 lug 2015
Rothschild SpA Bush: satanisti, giù le mani dal mio genere umano! ] [ Ecco il Dio Quattrino: le 147 banche che controllano tutto. Pubblicato 6 agosto 2012 - 17.22 - Da Claudio Messora. di Stefano Davidson ] [ Nell’autunno 2011 alcuni scienziati svizzeri presentarono uno studio, pubblicato su New Scientist, che rivelava come soltanto un piccolo numero di banche avesse il pieno controllo di una porzione esagerata dell’economia globale. Questo studio, battezzato “La rete del controllo globale corporativo” e sviluppato a Zurigo da Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder e Stefano Battiston, consisteva nell’autopsia della vasta base dati di marketing, relativi al 2007, della Orbis. Furono prelevati e poi analizzati file da tutto il mondo, che comprendevano più di 30 milioni di operatori economici, tra imprese e investitori, incluse le relative posizioni patrimoniali. Dai dati si evince che sono circa 43.000 le aziende transnazionali che hanno i canoni per essere definite tali dall’OCSE. Le più importanti ed influenti sono però solo 1.318, le quali sono accomunate da tre caratteristiche principali: sommate tra di loro, arrivano a generare il 20% del reddito mondiale; si possiedono l’un l’altra (forse anche carnalmente tra impiegati e dirigenti);
esiste un nucleo, chiamato “Unità centrale”, che possiede tutte le altre 43.000 multinazionali.
Insomma, le società più influenti fanno parte di un unico grande cartello finanziario, un vero proprio monopolio, che controlla una ragnatela di 43mila altre società che sono in competizione tra di loro solo virtualmente e che, tutte insieme, generano un altro 60% del reddito mondiale totale. Ma non è finita: l’80% delle 1.318 super-società è a sua volta controllato da un gruppo ancora più piccolo di loro, formato da sole 737 aziende, ma sono soltanto 147 quelle che hanno in pugno il 40% della ricchezza globale. Questa è la TOP 50:
3 FMR CORP US 6713 IN 8.94
4 AXA FR 6712 SCC 11.21
6 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO. US 6512 SCC 14.55
9 UBS AG CH 6512 SCC 18.46
10 MERRILL LYNCH & CO., INC. US 6712 SCC 19.45
17 NATIXIS FR 6512 SCC 24.98
19 T. ROWE PRICE GROUP, INC. US 6713 SCC 26.29
20 LEGG MASON, INC. US 6712 SCC 26.92
27 INVESCO PLC GB 6523 SCC 30.82
28 ALLIANZ SE DE 7415 SCC 31.32
29 TIAA US 6601 IN 32.24
31 AVIVA PLC GB 6601 SCC 33.14
32 SCHRODERS PLC GB 6712 SCC 33.57
33 DODGE & COX US 7415 IN 34.00
34 LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLDINGS, INC. US 6712 SCC 34.43 (e infatti avete sentito che botto ha fatto…)
37 CNCE FR 6512 SCC 35.57
41 ING GROEP N.V. NL 6603 SCC 36.96
46 BNP PARIBAS FR 6512 SCC 38.56
Ovviamente sono tutte banche o istituti finanziari e possiedono tutto, dai principali settori industriali tra cui ad esempio quello bellico (1780 miliardi di fatturato), passando per le compagnie petrolifere (colossi come “ExxonMobil Corporation” o “Shell Group” possono contare su un giro d’affari che, nel 2008, ha sfiorato i 310 miliardi di Euro), per le industrie farmaceutiche (il mercato mondiale dei medicinali è stimato in 466 miliardi di dollari), per quelle alimentari (solo in Italia 127 miliardi di euro, mentre Nestlé da sola fattura 36,65 miliardi), senza dimenticare il settore delle telecomunicazioni (AT&T fattura 20 miliardi, Vodafone 13,8 etc). Il “Potere Monetario”, o Dio Quattrino, esite davvero, non è una leggenda.
Ora non resta che farsi una domanda: come si muovono questi colossi finanziari, se sono tutti controllati dalla stessa “Unità Centrale”? Ad ognuno la sua risposta.
distruggere i popoli o distruggere il debito? ] ADESSO RESTITUITE LA SOVRANITà MONETARIA AI POPOLI [ ragazzi satanisti farisei Bush 322 Rothschild 666 SpA ururai ladri traditori parassiti: voi con la vostra guerra mondiale nucleare? voi siete giunti troppo tardi! ] Il Governo segreto delle multinazionali - Lidia Undiemi Pubblicato il 16 lug 2015
Uscire dall'euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
distruggere i popoli o distruggere il debito? [ ragazzi satanisti farisei Bush 322 Rothschild 666 SpA ururai ladri traditori parassiti: voi con la vostra guerra mondiale nucleare? voi siete giunti troppo tardi! ] Claudio Messora .. IL GOVERNO SEGRETO DELLE MULTINAZIONALI
Uscire dall'euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
distruggere i popoli o distruggere il debito? [ ragazzi satanisti farisei Bush 322 Rothschild 666 SpA ururai ladri traditori parassiti: voi con la vostra guerra mondiale nucleare? voi siete giunti troppo tardi! ] La Troika ha sentenziato: la Grecia deve morire per pagare il suo debito. Deve morire dissanguata, lentamente in agonia ed esposta al pubblico ludibrio come monito per il prossimo (l'Italia?). Il volere dei cittadini greci, espresso tramite il refendum popolare del 5 luglio, conta meno di niente, anzi è un aggravante che ha comportato l'ipoteca di 52 miliardi di beni pubblici greci come garanzia sul ripagamento del debito. Un'assicurazione sull'esercizio della democrazia: se i greci vogliono votare per cambiare le cose loro comunque si tengono il "grisbi". Tanto vale non votare più. E' il debito che comanda. Questi greci traditori... "si son fatti prestare i soldi e ora non vogliono restituire nulla".
Ma chi l'ha contratto questo debito mostruoso? Come si è accumulato? Per cosa è stato investito? A marzo di quest'anno la presidentessa del parlamento greco, Zoé Konstantopoulou, ha annunciato la costituzione di un audit del debito greco attraverso una commissione coordinata da Eric Toussaint, autore del libro "Debitocrazia", e presidente del Comité pour l’Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde (“Comitato per l’annullamento del debito nel Terzo Mondo”). La storia della commissione è raccontata in questo video di Giorgio Simonetti, di cui consiglio la visione, e che le redazioni di tutti i giornali e telegiornali italiani hanno ricevuto, ma evitato di diffondere:
VIDEO L'audit sul debito pubblico della Grecia
La commissione, formata da 35 componenti esperti di diritti umani e finanza, ha lavorato per mesi e nel report preliminare pubblicato mercoledì 17 giugno ha concluso che: “Sulla base del diritto internazionale il governo ha la possibilità di sospendere in maniera sovrana il pagamento del debito greco” in particolare perché: “(…) l’insostenibilità del debito pubblico greco era evidente sin dall’inizio ai creditori internazionali e ai giornali economici. Tuttavia le autorità greche, insieme ad alcuni altri governanti dell’Unione Europea, hanno congiurato contro la ristrutturazione del debito pubblico nel 2010 per proteggere le istituzioni finanziarie. I media economici hanno nascosto la verità all’opinione pubblica dipingendo una situazione in cui il salvataggio era presentato come qualcosa che andava a beneficio della Grecia, assumendo la popolazione come responsabile dei propri misfatti”.
Maria Lucia Fattorelli, revisore dei conti di professione, ha analizzato il bilancio nazionale greco per il 2013 e ha scoperto che dei 113,73 miliardi di euro di uscite, il 50% è andato all’ammortamento del debito, di prestiti e altre obbligazioni, il 5% agli interessi sul debito, 1% per coprire altre spese, per il 6% si trattava di quote di azioni private, e il 5% investimenti e progetti. La spesa pubblica effettiva per far funzionare lo stato è il 33%: “Se si continua a ridurre ancora la spesa, lo stato greco scompare”.
La crescita del debito secondo il rapporto non è dovuta all’eccessiva spesa pubblica, ma piuttosto "al pagamento di interessi ai creditori estremamente alti e da ingiustificate spese militari, perdite di entrate in tasse dovuti a illecite fughe di capitali, forme di ricapitalizzazione di banche private e squilibri creati da difetti nella costituzione della stessa Unione Monetaria".
In sintesi secondo la Commissione per l'Audit la Grecia può non pagare il suo debito perchè l'hanno contratto le banche e i politici e non i cittadini e perchè per ripagare questo debito si stanno violando i diritti umani dei greci. L'audit arriverà alle conclusioni definitive alla fine di quest'anno, se il governo Tsipras continuerà il suo mandato e non sarà sostituito da qualche nuovo burattino della Troika. Il riconoscimento ufficiale dell'immoralità del debito greco da parte di una commissione parlamentare creerebbe un precedente storico pericoloso per la tenuta stessa dell'euro e della gabbia del debito.
Un audit, sul modello di quello greco, va istituito al più presto anche per il debito pubblico italiano che ha sfondato la soglia dei 2.200 miliardi di euro. Per ripagarlo stanno distruggendo lo Stato sociale, i diritti dei lavoratori, la scuola e svendendo tutti gli asset strategici italiani. Dopo la Grecia, i prossimi siamo noi. Prepariamoci. Non possiamo morire di debito. Non possiamo morire per l'euro. Potere al popolo, non alle banche!
io non ho bisogno di convincere qualcuno che l'aborto è il più grande errore! tutti già lo sanno ] [ Amy aveva solo 19 anni quando ha programmato un aborto, ma una volta in clinica, entrando nella sala in cui avrebbe dovuto essere “preparata”, ha iniziato a sentire le gambe molli, e prima che se ne potesse rendere conto è svenuta. “Sdraiata su quel pavimento freddo e con le guance bagnate di lacrime, mi sembrava che il mio mondo stesse cadendo a pezzi”.
Con questa intensità ha ricordato quelle ore al portale Life news la donna che oggi è una nota attivista pro-vita, fondatrice di Embrace Grace, organizzazione che aiuta le donne che vivono una gravidanza difficile.
Amy, cresciuta in una famiglia cristiana, racconta che sentiva il peso emotivo e morale di essere sul punto di compiere un atto sbagliato. “Sapevo con tutto il cuore che abortire era un male. Da bambina ero anche stata con la mia famiglia fuori da alcune cliniche abortiste a pregare, ma ho lasciato che la paura si impadronisse dei miei pensieri e ho creduto alla menzogna per la quale l'aborto era l'unica soluzione”.
Sul pavimento della clinica, sentiva che non avrebbe potuto portare avanti la gravidanza, che avrebbe fatto vergognare la sua famiglia e avrebbe deluso tutti coloro che le volevano bene. Mentre le infermiere la aiutavano a riprendersi, continuava a piangere. In quel momento, ha detto Amy, è accaduta una cosa fuori dall'ordinario, inattesa in un posto come quello...
“Una delle infermiere mi ha detto: 'Oggi non abortirai. Torna in un altro momento, non è la tua giornata'. Sono uscita, ho inspirato profondamente e sono andata in sala d'attesa, dove il padre di mio figlio stava aspettando. Con gli occhi rossi e la faccia gonfia, l'ho guardato e gli ho detto: 'Siamo ancora incinti'”.
In quel momento entrambi hanno deciso di optare per la vita, affrontando le proprie paure, assumendo la sfida e dicendo la verità alla propria famiglia.
“Non avremmo mai immaginato che quella sfida avrebbe finito per essere una grande benedizione, un miracolo che Dio avrebbe usato per unire le nostre famiglie e costruire un'eredità. È stato alla 16ma settimana della mia gravidanza che mi sono detta 'Lo farò'. Ho promesso di amare per tutta la vita non solo colui che sarebbe stato mio marito, ma anche questo bambino che è venuto a cambiare la mia vita”.
Oggi, 17 anni dopo, Amy Ford e suo marito Ryan hanno quattro figli e vivono nel trambusto quotidiano tipico di una famiglia numerosa. “Nel 1998 ho detto sì all'uomo dei miei sogni. Ci siamo sposati giovani e siamo cresciuti insieme. Non riesco a immaginare la mia vita senza Ryan. È bellissimo, mi fa ridere ed è il mio miglior amico. Abbiamo quattro splendidi figli - Jess, Mackenzie, Landry e Judá”.
Amy vive anche la passione per i servizi di accompagnamento alle donne gestanti con problemi che ricorrono a Embrace Grace, Inc., l'organizzazione di cui è cofondatrice e presidente. Nel libro A bumb in life - Storie reali di speranza e coraggio durante una gravidanza non pianificata, ha raccolto la sua testimonianza e quella di molte altre ragazze, madri coraggiose come lei. “Guardo verso Dio e gli rendo grazie per le benedizioni che ci ha dato”, ha confessato.
[Traduzione dallo spagnolo a cura di Roberta Sciamplicotti]
Soldiers Eye View of Last Nights Raid. IDF-raid. Click here to watch: IDF Nighttime Raid Bags Terrorist Killer of Israeli Hiker Danny Gonen. Israeli security forces have arrested the terrorist behind the cold-blooded murder of Israeli hiker Danny Gonen last month, along with several suspected accomplices. The attack in the Binyamin region north of Jerusalem, which also left a fellow hiker seriously wounded, is believed to be one of a series carried out by an organized terrorist cell operating in the area. Gonen's murder was noted for its particularly cold-blooded nature; his killer lured the unsuspecting hikers over by asking for water, and then gunned them down at point-blank range. It has also been revealed that the murderer and apparent mastermind of the terror cell is on the payroll of the Palestinian Authority. In addition, one of the cell members was among more than 1,000 terrorists released in the 2011 Shalit Deal with Hamas.
Watch Here
The suspects also admitted to having carried out several shooting attacks against IDF soldiers stationed at the Kalandia checkpoint near Jerusalem prior to the murder. They also said they spent time immediately before the attack scoping out the natural spring where Gonen and his companion were eventually murdered, with the express intention of finding Israelis to kill. Security forces also seized several weapons during the course of the investigation, including what is believed to be the gun used to shoot Gonen. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu praised the work of security forces in arresting Gonen's killer. "On the day of the murder, I said that we would catch the reprehensible and abhorrent murderer and the ISA and IDF did so in a short time," Netanyahu said. "Now that it becomes clear that this was a Palestinian Authority man it will be interesting to see if the Palestinian Authority condemns the murder or continues its silence. Those who do not attack terrorism will, in the end, be attacked by it."
Read more: Arutz Sheva
La legge italiana proibisce l’uso di latte in polvere per fare formaggio. È una buona legge, che ha contributo non poco a salvaguardare l’immenso patrimonio caseario di tutto il paese. [ Il formaggio si fa con il latte! Slow Food dice NO all'uso del latte in polvere. Firma la petizione entro luglio! ] Ora, la Commissione europea, sollecitata da una parte dell’industria lattiero casearia italiana, invita l’Italia a modificare questa legge entro la fine di luglio per garantire la libera circolazione delle merci. Ancora una volta, in nome del libero mercato, si tenta di livellare verso il basso, a spese dei produttori di qualità e dei consumatori.
Il latte in polvere non è nocivo per la salute, ma il suo utilizzo per produrre formaggi ha un unico risultato: aumentare i profitti dei giganti dell’industria casearia, omologando un prodotto che dovrebbe nascere dalla biodiversità dei latti, degli animali, dei territori. Se l’Italia ammettesse la produzione di formaggi anche con latte in polvere non farebbe altro che aumentare la confusione dei consumatori, penalizzando ulteriormente i produttori virtuosi.
Non facciamo un passo indietro su qualità e sostenibilità. Anzi, facciamo un passo avanti e chiediamo a tutti i paesi europei di affermare un principio molto semplice: il formaggio si fa con il latte!
Firma l’appello per dire no al latte in polvere, sostieni Slow Food in questa campagna.
Naftali Bennett exposes Iran Nuclear Deal as a ‘farce’ in hostile BBC interview
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu delivered his official reaction to the deal signed between Iran and world powers over Tehran's nuclear program. "The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was yesterday," Netanyahu said, speaking at the start of an emergency security cabinet meeting he convened following news of the deal, which was officially announced Tuesday morning. World powers have "gambled that in 10 years time Iran's terrorist regime will change - while removing any initiative for it to do so! In fact the deal gives Iran every incentive not to change," he lamented. Netanyahu fired that the deal will fuel "Iran's sponsorship of terror and attempts to destroy Israel," citing as proof statements to that effect made by Iranian officials and allies including Hezbollah. “This deal repeats the mistakes made with North Korea," he intoned. "There, too, we were assured that inspections and verifications would prevent a rogue regime from developing nuclear weapons. And we all know how that ended. The bottom line of this very bad deal is exactly what Iran's President Rouhani said today: the international community is removing the sanctions, and Iran is keeping its nuclear program.” "The deal will give an unreformed, unrepentant and far richer terrorist regime the capacity to produce many nuclear bombs - in fact, an entire nuclear arsenal, with the means to deliver it. "What a stunning historic mistake." "Israel is not bound by this deal with Iran, because Iran continues to seek our destruction," he warned. "We will always defend ourselves."
Watch Here
Earlier Tuesday, at a press conference in Jerusalem with visiting Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders, Netanyahu decried the deal as a "bitter mistake of historic proportions." "In every area where it was supposed to prevent Iran attaining nuclear arms capability, there were huge compromises," he added. "I will refer later to the details of the agreement, but before that, I would like to say here and now – when you are willing to make an agreement at any cost, this is the result." "From the initial reports we can already conclude that this agreement is an historic mistake for the world," he later added, during a meeting with Netherlands Foreign Minister Bert Koenders. "Far-reaching concessions have been made in all areas that were supposed to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability. In addition, Iran will receive hundreds of billions of dollars with which it can fuel its terror machine and its expansion and aggression throughout theMiddle East and across the globe." "One cannot prevent an agreement when the negotiators are willing to make more and more concessions to those who, even during the talks, keep chanting: 'Death to America," he continued. "We knew very well that the desire to sign an agreement was stronger than anything, and therefore we did not commit to preventing an agreement." "We did commit to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and this commitment still stands," he concluded. "I say to all the leaders in Israel, it is time to put petty politics aside and unite behind this most fateful issue to the future and security of the State of Israel." Other prominent Israeli ministers similarly slammed the deal as a "historic capitulation." Just a day earlier on Monday, the prime minister declared that Israel will block Iran's path to the nuclear bomb regardless of the deal, saying, "our commitment is to prevent Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons."
Read more: Arutz Sheva
Israeli security forces were successful in apprehending a terror cell that carried out several terror attacks, including the murder of Danny Gonen.
Israeli security forces announced Wednesday that they arrested the terrorist who murdered Danny Gonen late last month. One other Israeli was wounded in the attack.
The operation to apprehend the terrorists was conducted by several Special Forces units over the past weeks, Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) stated.
The murderer and mastermind of the terror cell is Mahmad Shahin, 30, of Qalandia, north of Jerusalem. The four other terrorists from the Ramallah area were arrested in the operation, and weapons used in previous terror attacks were seized.
The terrorists admitted to assisting in the murder of Gonen and to carrying out several other shooting attacks against Israeli security forces.
Shahin, 30, is a former member of the Fatah-affiliated Force 17 security unit, and received a salary from the Palestinian Authority (PA).
He spent two years in an Israeli prison, from 2006 to 2008, after confessing to planning shooting and stabbing attacks.
Shahin arrived at the spring near Dolev to gather intelligence before last month’s deadly shooting.
In 2014, he carried out six shootings, including one that injured a soldier, the Shin Bet stated after the arrests.
Another arrested terrorist, Amjad Adwan, 35 from Qalandia, was also a Tanzim-Fatah operative. Adwan supplied ammunition to Shahin, and acted as a lookout in a number of shooting attacks. He too spent time in an Israeli prison for arms dealings and carrying out a bombing attack.
The third terrorist, Ashraf Amar, 24, also of Qalandia, is an operative in the PA’s intelligence” branch, the Shin Bet pointed out. He had planned to execute an attack together with Shahin, but did not have a chance to do so.
The fourth cell member, Osama Assad, 29, was imprisoned in Israel on weapons charges and was released in the Shalit deal. He hid the gun used in the terror attack and knew of Shahin’s actions.
Another terrorist, who has no organizational affiliation, was also under arrest on suspicion of involvement.
Gonen, a 25-year-old electrical engineering student, was shot as he was on a hike to a spring in Samaria together with a friend.
An investigation into the incident revealed that as they approached a junction a Palestinian standing at the side of the road asked them to pull over.
They complied, and the terrorists struck up a conversation with them. After ensuring that those in the car were Israelis, the terrorists opened fire at close range, hitting both Israelis with 9-milliliter bullets. Gonen died shortly after of his wounds.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commended the security forces for their quick work.
“On the day of the murder, I said that we would catch the reprehensible and abhorrent murderer and the ISA [Shin Bet] and IDF did so in a short time. Now that it becomes clear that this was a Palestinian Authority man it will be interesting to see if the Palestinian Authority condemns the murder or continues its silence. Those who do not attack terrorism will, in the end, be attacked by it,” the prime minister said.
By: Max Gelber, United with Israel
Israeli leaders across the political spectrum decried the bad nuclear deal with Iran as an historic mistake which will endanger the entire world.
Israel’s leadership reacted harshly to the announcement by the P5+1 and Iran on Tuesday that they have reached an agreement regarding the Islamic Republic’s nuclear aspirations.
Israeli leaders, from left to right, charged the West with capitulation to Iran, warned that the deal made the world a more dangerous place, and vowed that Israel would defend itself in any way it saw fit and with all means.
During a meeting with Netherlands’ foreign minister, Netanyahu said “this agreement is an historic mistake for the world.”
youtube GENDER ] [ mentre stavo scrivEndo questo articolo, youtube mi ha cacciato, espulso! mi ha chiuso la porta in faccia! e, IO sono stato costretto a riaccreditarmi attraverso: il doppio passaggio di gmaiL, nuovamente ] EPPURE, IO STAVO ESPRIMENDO, soltanto, IL MIO LEGITTIMO PENSIERO, sancito COSTITUZIONAlmente in modo LEGITTIMO [ QUESTI OMOSESSUALI MASSIMALISTI, che controllano youtube, IDEOLOGIA GENDER SONO DIVENTATI ORMAI IL NAZISMO, e non si rendono conto, che, spingendo la LEGA ARABA su posizioni di impossibilità, di un qualche accordo possibile, stanno rendendo inevitabile la guerra mondiale ] [ per colpa di questa ideologia criminale GENDER, io non posso più dire alla LEGA ARABA, voi cercate con noi un accordo! ANZI LORO SARANNO FELICI DI MORIRE, PIUTTOSTO CHE, DIVENTARE, quella MERDA IDEOLOGICA GeNDER CoNTRO NATURA, CHE NOI SIAMO! [ e tutti lo sanno io non disprezzo l'omosessuale come persona a cui non nego nessun diritto civile, ma, io contesto, a loro, soltanto l'istituto del matrimonio che è un diritto naturale ] voi siete pazzi, CIOè, tanto è il vostro odio contro il CREATORE, che, voi avete ELEVATO UNA PERVERSIONE SESSUALE A SUBLIME SIMBOLO DELL'AMORE: QUESTO è BLASFEMIA E SACRILEGIO, è QUALCOSA CHE è ANDATA MOLTO OLTRE, IL PATTO DI TOLLERaNZA E INTEGRAZIONE SOCIALE, voi siete dei cattivi maestri, i peggiori maestri!
Obama Sends Defense Secretary to Reassure Israel on Iran Deal
The US Secretary of Defense will arrive next week to reassure Israel that the Iran nuclear deal will not end US-Israeli bilateral cooperation to counter Iran’s terror activities.
July 15, 2015 | Share: 2 likes
Why the Nuclear Deal with Iran is Bad
While Tehran welcomed the nuclear deal signed with the P5+1 Tuesday, Jerusalem vehemently opposed it. Here's why.
July 15, 2015 | Share: 4533 likes
WATCH: Iran Nuclear Deal is an ‘Historic Mistake’ for the Entire World
Israeli PM Netanyahu and leaders across the political spectrum decried the bad nuclear deal with Iran as an historic mistake which will endanger the entire world.
youtube GENDER ] [ #ProudToLove - Celebrating Marriage Equality and LGBT Pride Month ] di YouTube Spotlight 5.671.087 visualizzazioni 2 settimane fa ] Proud To Love? SHAME TO LOVE! non c'è nessun coraggio ad amare una persona, del tuo stesso sesso, anzi è da vigliacchi! INFATTI, L'AMORE PIù NOBILE ED EROICO, CHE POI, è IL VERO AMORE, è QUELLO DI AMARE LA DIVERSITà, LA ALTERITà SESSUALE, COLUI CHE è DIVERSO DA TE! Voi state distruggendo il fondamento della nostra società! E TUTTI NOI SIAMO NATI DA UN UOMO ED UNA DONNA: "GRAZIE A DIO!"] Dopotutto, il declino degli imperi, è sempre stato accompagnato, dalla diffusione della omosesuslaità, QUESTO è IL SIMBOLO CHE LA NOSTRA SOCIETà DECADENTE, SEMPRE PIù AFFLITTA, da gravissimi problemi di immoralità, pedofilia, bestialismo, aborto, eutanasia, ED OGNI GENERE DI PERVERVERSIONI SESSUALI ELEVATE A LINGUAGGIO DELL'AMORE, PERCHé ANCHE GLI ANIMALI AMANO DIO CREATORE, MA, NOI LO ABBIAMO ODIATO, COSì TANTO! E QUINDI CONTRO NATURA FACCIAMO COSE CHE GLI ANIMALI MAI FAREBBERO! hai distrutto nella scimmia di tua madre Darwin (senza nessuna dimostrazione scientifica), il valore della sacralità della vita umana! ORMAI GLI UOMINI SONO DIVENTATI DEGLI OGGETTI, NELLA MANACCIE DEL BANCHIERE ROTHSCHILD SPA FMI, E LA FINANZA HA PRESO IL CONTROLLO DELLA ECONOMIA E DELLA POLITICA E VOI STATE PER MORIRE, VOI COME SODOMA E GOMORRA? PRESTO SARETE PURIFICATI DAL FUOCO ATOMICO!
youtube GENDER ] [ #ShameToLove ] io non ho mai negato: in questi 7 anni, che una perversione sessuale, un sesso contro natura, possa diventare, in alcuni casi rari, il SOGGETTIVO, PRIVATO, linguaggio dell'amore! DIO giudica le coscienze non noi! MA, TU NON PUOI DARE IL MATRIMONIO: simbolo formale e ufficiale, dell'amore, come il simbolo di UNA PERVERSIONE SESSUALE PER DIRE ALLE FUTURE GENERAZIONI DI: deprivati, animali evoluti, DISOCCUPATI, INDEBITATI, PROFANATI DAL SISTEMA MASSONICO E DALLA USURA MONDIALE, riempiti di metal satanico, questo è amore ed è uguale come quell'altro! lo giuro: "io vi dilanierò sulla bocca dell'inferno!"
youtube, facebook, gay gender ideologia, orgoglio Sodoma ] e perché, la natura dice che voi siete dei pervertiti, ed invece, voi dite che non è peccato? COME POTRETE MAI SCAMPARE DAL GIUDIZIO DELLA PAROLA DI DIO CONTRO DI VOI? CERTO, voi e i vostri supporter, voi SARETE DISINTEGRATI NEL GIORNO DEL GIUDIZIO UNIVERSALE, DOPO ESSERE STATI 1000 ANNI ALL'INFERNO!
youtube, facebook, gay gender ideologia, orgoglio Sodoma ] e perché, voi penste che proprio io (avendo la potenza della Metafisica) io non abbia cercato, di sfuggire: "al morso ed alle briglie della legge"? Perché voi non pensate che, io non abbia sentito contro: di me, tutta la potenza dei desideri della carne, e la ipnosi delle false suadenti: erronee ragioni del peccato? [ anche io ho cercato molte volte di sfuggire ai rigori della LEGGE Torà, ma, non ho trovato nessuna via di fuga! ] 1. non abbiamo creato noi il mondo, 2. non abbiamo messo noi le regole del gioco; 3. e sarà la PArola di Dio (la Bibbia) a giudicarci! Coloro che bruciano la Bibbia, non hanno nessuna speranza di poter avere, misericordia, perché, la Bibbia è il VERBO eterno, la Parola vivente: è il Cristo Messia fatto uomo in Gesù di Betlemme, colui che è nato dalla IMMACOLATA CONCEZIONE
youtube GENDER ] [ #ProudToLove - Celebrating Marriage Equality and LGBT Pride Month ] forse tu hai reso invisibili i miei commenti a tutti, infatti nessuno li ha votati!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ ok io sono disponibile a farvi delle concessioni! but, stop crazy sharia Arab LEAGUE nazism ]
JewsxMessiahUniusRei about talmud, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians MyJHWH ] [ ok io sono disponibile a farvi delle concessioni! but, stop crazy sharia Arab LEAGUE ] talmud By: Benjamin H. Freedman THE TALMUD on Christians
"The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians," was written by Rev. I.B. Pranaitis, Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church in Old St. Petersburg, Russia. The Rev. Pranaitis was the greatest of the students of the Talmud. His complete command of the Hebrew language qualified him to analyze the Talmud as few men in history.
The Rev. Pranaitis scrutinized the Talmud for passages referring to Jesus, Christians and the Christian faith. These passages were translated by him into Latin. Hebrew lends itself to translation into Latin better than it does directly into English. The translation of the passages of the Talmud referring to Jesus, Christians and Christian faith were printed in Latin by the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg in 1893 with the Imprimatur of his Archbishop. The translation from the Latin into English was made by great Latin scholars in the United States in 1939 with funds provided by wealthy Americans for that purpose.
In order not to leave any loose ends on the subject of the Talmud's reference to Jesus, to Christians and to the Christian faith I will below summarize translations into English from the Latin texts of Rev. Pranaitis' "The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians". It would require too much space to quote these passages verbatim with their foot-notes form the Soncino Edition in English.
First I will summarize the references by Rev. Pranaitis referring to Jesus in the Talmud in the original texts translated by him into Latin, and from Latin into English:
Sanhedrin, 67a -- Jesus referred to as the son of Pandira, a soldier
Kallah, 1b. (18b) -- Illegitimate and conceived during menstruation.
Sanhedrin, 67a -- Hanged on the eve of Passover. Toldath Jeschu. Birth related in most shameful expressions
Abhodah Zarah II -- Referred to as the son of Pandira, a Roman soldier.
Schabbath XIV. Again referred to as the son of Pandira, the Roman.
Sanhedrin, 43a -- On the eve of Passover they hanged Jesus.
Schabbath, 104b -- Called a fool and no one pays attention to fools.
Toldoth Jeschu. Judas and Jesus engaged in quarrel with filth.
Sanhedrin, 103a. -- Suggested corrupts his morals and dishonors self.
Sanhedrin, 107b. -- Seduced, corrupted and destroyed Israel.
Zohar III, (282) -- Died like a beast and buried in animal's dirt heap.
Hilkoth Melakhim -- Attempted to prove Christians err in worship of Jesus
Abhodah Zarah, 21a -- Reference to worship of Jesus in homes unwanted.
Orach Chaiim, 113 -- Avoid appearance of paying respect to Jesus.
Iore dea, 150,2 -- Do not appear to pay respect to Jesus by accident.
Abhodah Zarah (6a) -- False teachings to worship on first day of Sabbath
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]]The above are a few selected from a very complicated arrangement in which many references are obscured by intricate reasoning. The following are a few summarized references to Christians and the Christian faith although not always expressed in exactly that manner. There are eleven names used in the Talmud for non-Talmud followers, by which Christians are meant. Besides Nostrim, from Jesus the Nazarene, Christians are called by all the names used in the Talmud to designate all non-"Jews": Minim, Edom, Abhodan Zarah, Akum. Obhde Elilim, Nokrim, Amme Haarets, Kuthim, Apikorosim, and Goim. Besides supplying the names by which Christians are called in the Talmud, the passages quoted below indicate what kind of people the Talmud pictures the Christians to be, and what the Talmud says about the religious worship of Christians:
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Hilkhoth Maakhaloth -- Christians are idolators, must not associate.
Abhodah Zarah (22a) -- Do not associate with gentiles, they shed blood.
Iore Dea (153, 2). -- Must not associate with Christians, shed blood.
Abhodah Zarah (25b). -- Beware of Christians when walking abroad with them.
Orach Chaiim (20, 2). -- Christians disguise themselves to kill Jews.
Abhodah Zarah (15b) -- Suggest Christians have sex relations with animals.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Abhodah Zarah (22a) -- Suspect Christians of intercourse with animals.
Schabbath (145b) -- Christians unclean because they eat accordingly
Abhodah Zarah (22b) -- Christians unclean because they not at Mount Sinai.
Iore Dea (198, 48). -- Clean female Jews contaminated meeting Christians.
Kerithuth (6b p. 78) -- Jews called men, Christians not called men.
Makkoth (7b) -- Innocent of murder if intent was to kill Christian.
Orach Chaiim(225, 10) -- Christians and animals grouped for comparisons.
Midrasch Talpioth 225 -- Christians created to minister to Jews always.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Orach Chaiim 57, 6a -- Christians to be pitied more than sick pigs.
Zohar II (64b) -- Christian idolators likened to cows and asses.
Kethuboth (110b). -- Psalmist compares Christians to unclean beasts.
Sanhedrin (74b). Tos. -- Sexual intercourse of Christian like that of beast.
Kethuboth (3b) -- The seed of Christian is valued as seed of beast.
Kidduschim (68a) -- Christians like the people of an ass.
Eben Haezar (44,8) -- Marriages between Christian and Jews null.
Zohar (II, 64b) -- Christian birth rate must be diminished materially.
Zohar (I, 28b) -- Christian idolators children of Eve's serpent.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Zohar (I, 131a) -- Idolatrous people (Christians) befoul the world.
Emek Haschanach(17a) -- Non-Jews' souls come from death and death's shadow.
Zohar (I, 46b, 47a) -- Souls of gentiles have unclean divine origins.
Rosch Haschanach(17a) -- Non-Jews souls go down to hell.
Iore Dea (337, 1). -- Replace dead Christians like lost cow or ass.
Iebhammoth (61a) -- Jews called men, but not Christians called men.
Abhodah Zarah (14b) T -- Forbidden to sell religious works to Christians
Abhodah Zarah (78) -- Christian churches are places of idolatry.
Iore Dea (142, 10) -- Must keep far away physically from churches.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (142, 15) -- Must not listen to church music or look at idols
Iore Dea (143, 1) -- Must not rebuild homes destroyed near churches.
Hilkoth Abh. Zar (10b) -- Jews must not resell broken chalices to Christians.
Chullin (91b) -- Jews possess dignity even an angel cannot share.
Sanhedrin, 58b -- To strike Israelite like slapping face of God.
Chagigah, 15b -- A Jew considered good in spite of sins he commits.
Gittin (62a) -- Jew stay away from Christian homes on holidays.
Choschen Ham. (26,1) -- Jew must not sue before a Christian judge or laws.
Choschen Ham (34,19) -- Christian or servant cannot become witnesses.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (112, 1). -- Avoid eating with Christians, breeds familiarity.
Abhodah Zarah (35b) -- Do not drink milk from a cow milked by Christian.
Iore dea (178, 1) -- Never imitate customs of Christians, even hair-comb.
Abhodah Zarah (72b) -- Wine touched by Christians must be thrown away.
Iore Dea (120, 1) -- Bought-dishes from Christians must be thrown away.
Abhodah Zarah (2a) -- For three days before Christian festivals, avoid all.
Abhodah Zarah (78c) -- Festivals of followers of Jesus regarded as idolatry.
Iore Dea (139, 1) -- Avoid things used by Christians in their worship.
Abhodah Zarah (14b) -- Forbidden to sell Christians articles for worship.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (151,1) H. -- Do not sell water to Christians articles for baptisms.
Abhodah Zarah (2a, 1) -- Do not trade with Christians on their feast days.
Abhodah Zarah (1,2) -- Now permitted to trade with Christians on such days.
Abhodah Zarah (2aT) -- Trade with Christians because they have money to pay.
Iore Dea (148, 5) -- If Christian is not devout, may send him gifts.
Hilkoth Akum (IX,2) -- Send gifts to Christians only if they are irreligious.
Iore Dea (81,7 Ha) -- Christian wet-nurses to be avoided because dangerous.
Iore Dea (153, 1 H) -- Christian nurse will lead children to heresy.
Iore Dea (155,1). -- Avoid Christian doctors not well known to neighbors.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Peaschim (25a) -- Avoid medical help from idolators, Christians meant.
Iore Dea (156,1) -- Avoid Christian barbers unless escorted by Jews.
Abhodah Zarah (26a). -- Avoid Christian midwives as dangerous when alone.
Zohar (1,25b) -- Those who do good to Christians never rise when dead.
Hilkoth Akum (X,6) -- Help needy Christians if it will promote peace.
Iore Dea (148, 12H) -- Hide hatred for Christians at their celebrations.
Abhodah Zarah (20a) -- Never praise Christians lest it be believed true.
Iore Dea (151,14) -- Not allowed to praise Christians to add to glory.
Hilkoth Akum (V, 12) -- Quote Scriptures to forbid mention of Christian god.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (146, 15) -- Refer to Christian religious articles with contempt.
Iore Dea (147,5) -- Deride Christian religious articles without wishes.
Hilkoth Akum (X,5) -- No gifts to Christians, gifts to converts.
Iore Dea (151,11) -- Gifts forbidden to Christians, encourages friendship.
Iore Dea (335,43) -- Exile for that Jew who sells farm to Christian.
Iore Dea (154,2) -- Forbidden to teach a trade to a Christian
Babha Bathra (54b) -- Christian property belongs to first person claiming.
Choschen Ham(183,7) -- Keep what Christian overpays in error.
Choschen Ham(226,1) -- Jew may keep lost property of Christian found by Jew.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Babha Kama (113b) -- It is permitted to deceive Christians.
Choschen Ham(183,7) -- Jews must divide what they overcharge Christians.
Choschen Ham(156,5) -- Jews must not take Christian customers from Jews.
Iore Dea (157,2) H -- May deceive Christians that believe Christian tenets.
Abhodah Zarah (54a) --Usury may be practiced upon Christians or apostates.
Iore Dea (159,1) -- Usury permitted now for any reason to Christians.
Babha Kama (113a) -- Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian.
Babha Kama (113b) -- Name of God not profaned when lying to Christians.
Kallah (1b, p.18) -- Jew may perjure himself with a clear conscience.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Schabbouth Hag. (6d). -- Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.
Zohar (1,160a). -- Jews must always try to deceive Christians.
Iore Dea (158,1) -- Do not cure Christians unless it makes enemies.
Orach Cahiim (330,2) -- Do not assist Christian's childbirth on Saturday.
Choschen Ham.(425,5) -- Unless believes in Torah do not prevent his death.
Iore Dea (158,1) -- Christians not enemies must not be saved either.
Hilkkoth Akum (X,1) -- Do not save Christians in danger of death.
Choschen Ham(386,10) -- A spy may be killed even before he confesses.
Abhodah Zorah (26b) -- Apostates to be thrown into well, not rescued.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Choschen Ham(388,15) -- Kill those who give Israelites' money to Christians
Sanhedrin (59a) -- `Prying into Jews' "Law" to get death penalty
Hilkhoth Akum(X,2) -- Baptized Jews are to be put to death
Iore Dea(158,2)Hag. -- Kill renegades who turn to Christian rituals.
Choschen Ham(425,5) -- Those who do not believe in Torah are to be killed.
Hilkhoth tesch.III,8 -- Christians and others deny the "Law" of the Torah.
Zohar (I,25a) -- Christians are to be destroyed as idolators.
Zohar (II,19a) -- Captivity of Jews end when Christian princes die.
Zohar (I,219b) -- Princes of Christians are idolators, must die.
Obadiam -- When Rome is destroyed, Israel will be redeemed. Abhodah Zarah(26b) T. -- "Even the best of the Goim should be killed."
Sepher Or Israel 177b -- If Jew kills Christian commits no sin. Ialkut Simoni (245c) -- Shedding blood of impious offers sacrifice to God.
Zohar (II, 43a) -- Extermination of Christians necessary sacrifice. Zohar (L,28b,39a) -- High place in heaven for those who kill idolators.
Hilkhoth Akum(X,1) -- Make no agreements and show no mercy to Christians. Hilkhoth Akum (X,1) -- Either turn them away from their idols or kill.
Hilkhoth Akum (X,7) -- Allow no idolators to remain where Jews are strong. Choschen Ham(388,16) -- All contribute to expense of killing traitor.
Pesachim (49b) -- No need of prayers while beheading on Sabbath. Schabbath (118a). -- Prayers to save from punishment of coming Messiah.
"To Seek Out That Which was Lost ..." We present this information as a service to our readers ... Its inclusion, Should not be construed as the Authors 'or the Relays' endorsement, of our: Beliefs ... or as our endorsement of Theirs .. The Truth: will stand on it's: own Merit. could resist, at a analyze: historico-critical: all this accusations: against Jesus and his mother? A person dishonored: him could have done: the rabbi ? Accusations about the integrity of his mother, if known, would not have been said and reported: by his contemporaries?
stop crazy sharia Arab LEAGUE ] o vivremo insieme o moriremo insieme [ i satanisti massoni USA farisei devono essere emarginati! [ non possiamo essere trovati colpevoli per colpe di natura religiosa, o per nazismo razzista, per dare ai farisei anglo americani delle motivazioni per la guerra! [ ENTRATE TUTTI NEL MIO REGNO METAFISICO UNIUS REI!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] ANZI [ se, non difendi tu il vero cristianesimo, presto si corromperà del tutto e scomparirà! Poi, io voglio vedere come l'Islam potrebbe sopravvivere da solo ai satanisti massoni, atei evoluzionisti, agenda GENDER.. NON PUOI VINCERE QUESTO SCONTRO A LUNGO TERMINE CON LA VIOLENZA SOLTANTO
interessante ] [ KABUL, 30 GIUgno. - Il presidente afghano Hamid Karzai: ha denunciato: l'esistenza di un piano, ''sostenuto da alcuni Paesi'' (ha anche paura: a nominare i demoni: LEGA ARABA: Arabia Saudita: i maniaci religiosi, che, stanno spingendo nel baratro, il genere umano: per fare, il genocidio previsto dal califfato mondiale:), per: costituire in Afghanistan ''una realtà federale: e feudale'', consegnandone: una parte ai talebani. In una conferenza stampa: con il premier britannico: David Cameron, Karzai: ha ribadito: che: negli ultimi sei mesi: alcune Nazioni, non occidentali, stanno cercando: di imporci un ''progetto federale: e feudale in cui: alcune zone dell'Afghanistan: passerebbero: sotto il controllo dei talebani''. --- ANSWER -- sono stati: i farisei Illuminati, del FMI, che, hanno sollevato l'imperialismo islamico, per fare la predazione definitiva: di tutto il genere umano
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] STOP A FARE L'ASSASSINO sharia galassia jihadista, SU COMMISSIONE DEGLI USA [ COME ISRAELE è uscito dalla geopolitica USA, allo steso modo, esci anche tu, non siete due fratelli che camminate insieme? Questo renderà più sicuro il vostro passo!
internazionale islamica sharia NATO USA Obama Califfo Destroy all Albanians Serbian Church in Kosovo, this is another genocide CIA NATO ARAB LEAGUE
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ NON possiamo ballare la musica dei satanisti massoni farisei Spa Anglo americani, per dire: "non abbiamo trovato niente di meglio da fare, per evitare la guerra mondiale nucleare" QUINDI, noi DOBBIAMO IMPOSTARE UN PIANETA SENZA GEOPOLITICHE ECONOMICHE O RELIGIOSE, dobbiamo liberare i prigionieri della usura mondiale! [ e se tu credi che io sono un uomo strano? questo è soltanto perché tu non mi conosci personalmente!!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ sono un dittatore, ma, io non sono un tiranno, se qualcuno non vuole fare di me, il complice dei suoi delitti? poi, io posso accettare qualsiasi cosa! IO NON SONO PRIGIONIERO DI SETTORIALI CATEGORIE CULTURALI ] io credo che la felicità non può essere imposta, ma che deve essere sognata insieme sulla via della virtù! IO ODIO LA VIOLENZA NELLA SOLUZIONE DELLE CONTROVERSIE! E LE IMPOSIZIONI NON SONO DEGNE DEL REGNO DI FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE CHE NOI VOGLIAMO REALIZZARE!
nucleare iraniano, golpe di Kiev, genocidio dei serbi nel Cosovo, ecc. ecc.. questa è una storia vecchia ] TUTTO QUELLO CHE GLI USA STANNO FACENDO, ad ogni costo, è PER OTTENERE AD OGNI COSTO, LA LORO GUERRA MONDIALE! Ecco perché tutto nel mondo scorre sempre verso il peggio!
Netanyahu is Furious that US is Caving in to Iran. While John Kerry voices optimism regarding negotiations with Iran, Netanyahu warns of a major global threat. The latest developments indicate a pending nuclear deal. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. (Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP) As the six world powers are in the final days of marathon talks that have blown past two extensions and entered the 16th day of the current round on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warns that the P5+1 Powers have completely capitulated to Iranian demands, while Iran touts its hatred for Israel and support for global terror. “The ruler of Iran, Khameini, is quoted as saying that Iran needs to plan to fight the US regardless of whether there is an agreement. The President of Iran, Rouhani, stands at the head of the march of hatred in the streets of Tehran, in which US and Israeli flags were burned, and in which many chanted ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel.’ All of this is happening as the parade of concessions to Iran continues in Vienna, concessions even on issues that had been marked as red lines in the Lausanne package, which is a bad deal in its own right,” Netanyahu said at the beginning of a cabinet meeting Sunday morning.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called the US on Saturday an “excellent example of arrogance” and said that Iran should be “prepared to continue the struggle against arrogant powers.”
The deal is “paving Iran’s way to many nuclear bombs and gives it hundreds of billions of dollars for its terrorism and conquest machine, thereby endangering the peace of the entire world,” Netanyahu charged.
Israel will not comply with the international submission to Iran and will defend itself, Netanyahu declared. “Iran does not hide its intention to continue its murderous aggression even against those with whom it is negotiating. Perhaps there is someone among the great powers who is prepared to capitulate to this reality that Iran is dictating, which includes its unending calls for the destruction of Israel. We will not pay the price for this.” Kerry Expresses Hope. US Secretary of State Kerry.
While Netanyahu expressed near-despair at the situation, Kerry voiced hope for a resolution to the points of contention in the negotiations with Iran, which appeared to be back on track on Sunday.
En route to Mass at Vienna’s gothic St. Stephens Cathedral, Kerry said twice that he was “hopeful” after a “very good meeting” Saturday with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who attended Muslim services Friday.
Kerry noted that “a few tough things” remain in the way of agreement, but added: “We’re getting to some real decisions.”
As the weekend approached, Kerry declared the talks could not go on indefinitely and warned that the US could walk away from the negotiations.
In another sign that a deal could soon be sealed, Russian news agencies reported that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov planned to arrive in Vienna on Sunday evening. Most other foreign ministers of the six nations negotiating with Iran already are in the Austrian capital and in a position to join Kerry and Zarif for any announcement of an agreement. Diplomats familiar with the talks say most of the nuts and bolts of implementing the deal have been agreed upon, but over the past week issues that were previously on the back burner led to new disputes. By: United with Israel Staff
AP contributed to this report
Eih, Dalai Lama, in tutte le Nazioni dove vivono i buddisti? Cristiani e musulmani vengono uccisi lo stesso! COME TU TI PUOI LAMENTARE DELLA CINA? ] [ Cristiani perseguitati in Asia: anche i buddisti stanno col nemico. Buddismo è tolleranza? NO, è SPIETATO NAZISMO ASSASSINO! [ In sei stati dell’Asia in cui sono maggioranza, i buddisti collaborano a reprimere le altre religioni. Lo documenta il Rapporto 2004 dell’Aiuto alla Chiesa che Soffre. In Occidente il buddismo è sinonimo di pace, compassione, saggezza, fratellanza ecumenica. Così come avviene per la sua figura più nota, il Dalai Lama. [ His Holiness the Dalai Lama talking with a group of young children on his arrival at the Museum of Applied Art in Frankfurt, Germany on July 13, 2015. (Mohammed EL HACHEMI 13:58 Profondeur extrême de l'Esprit <3 love <3
LorenzoJHWH UniusREI 14:01 SHALOM + SALAM = BLEINGS TOO my Big Brother lan anh nguyễn
14:03 like
perché anche buddisti uccidere i cristiani? ] because Buddhists also kill Christians? ]
all religions and all ideologies I must say that type of Nazi murderer are all to doing, against the innocent martyrs christian, on all the way the world! and they Spa IMF FED SpA NWO satana JaBullOn Bildenberg Bush and Kerry 322, halloween, god owl baal, UN, they are all the priests of Satan in hole Gender's Obama the Caliph sharia? of all this evil? Christians, they are innocent of all this bad!
tutte le religioni e tutte le ideologie mi devono dire che tipo di nazismo assassino stanno tutti facendo, contro gli innocenti martiri cristiani, in tutto il modo! e che Bildenberg Spa Fmi, Bush 322 e Kerry, ONU, loro sono i sacerdoti di satana Gender Obama il califfo sharia? loro tutti i cristiani, loro sono innocenti di tutto questo male!
gezabeleII [ 27 maggio 2014 15:17 ] Non riuscito (formato di file non valido) ] #rEGINA #eLISABETTA II DI #INGHILTERRA [ NON è POSSIBILE per i complici di questo sistema bancario e massonico di poter entrare nel Regno di Dio! E SE CI FOSSE UN VERO MINISTRO DI DIO NEL MONDO? LUI GRIDEREBBE COME ME, CONTRO IL TUO SATANISMO!
Mr Universal Metafisico
Graham Nixon auto attacco Mossad CIA ] 27 maggio 2014 15:18 [ Non riuscito (impossibile convertire il file video) ] il satanismo massonico ha preso possesso, troppo in profondità, negli USA, e soltanto Dio li può sradicare,(infatti, un enorme asteroride spugnoso, che sarà reso oncandescente con l'attrito del sole, e che vola nella spazio, esso ucciderà un terzo del genere umano, disintegrando Babilonia USA, ha già fatto un buon tratto di strada, e si avvicina, tutto il mio popolo degli ebrei esca immediatamente da Sodoma GENDER! ) ma, se i Governi non vogliono farsi anche questa guerra mondiale nucleare? purtroppo devono venire da me, e non può esistere un altra soluzione, ecco perché, io sono Unius REI!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ non so perché, Dio ha scelto un cristiano, per essere Unius REI ] perché in realtà la METAFISICA è una funzione razionale e politica del Regno di Dio, infatti anche i 10 Comandamenti di Mosé, sono una legge positiva razionale.. Tutta questa scienza sapienza ed intelligenza sono state profanate da Obama, GENDER ideologia e chiunque parla con lui senza schifarlo, e sputarlo in un occhio, diventa impuro, come Obama è impuro!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ tecnicamente (in teoria), anche un ateo avrebbe potuto essere Unius REI, perché, la metafisica è pura razionalità, di valori: infiniti, spirituali e trascendenti ( 1). GIUSTIZIA: NON FARE AD ALTRI, IL MALE CHE, TU NON VORRESTI MAI RICEVERE CONTRO DI TE! drink your poison made by yourself, 2). VERITà (NON MENTIRE MAI a costo della tua vita, tu non mentire mai: chi mente è un assassino), che, questi sono i valori, che danno un senso, un significato alla vita umana (e non la ipocrisia di ogni religione, che nasconde il crimine di satanismo che è il signoraggio bancario che Rothschild SpA 666 NWO 322 hanno rubato per colpa di tutti i politici del mondo: alto tradimento costituzionale, e che, è perché, tutti i popoli sono diventati schiavi e sono condotti al satanismo, in qualche modo! Che tutti quelli che violano la coscienza di una persona onesta, sono satanisti per me! ), per non finire, miseramente di diventare una scimmia DArwin dalla forma umana, come, il Talmud ha insegnato e come Obama l'anticristo è diventato! Perché è quello che tu hai creduto che fa di te stesso quello che tu sei! La tua FEDE quindi, è una proprietà divina creativa
e quanto mai Obama ha mostrato senso della RESPONSABILITà? lui non sa neanche cosa significa questa parola ] 14 LUG - "Sarebbe irresponsabile allontanarsi da questo accordo" con l'Iran. E' l'appello al Congresso del presidente Usa Barack Obama che avverte: "Porrò il veto a qualsiasi legge che si opporrà all'attuazione" dell'intesa sul nucleare iraniano ] ma, quale responsabilità hanno dimostrato gli USA nell'ultimo ventennio? loro hanno fatto diventare un gigante: il nazismo della sharia del LEGA ARABA (terza potenza mondiale nucleare: che hanno diffuso la galassia jihadista, del loro nazismo shari'a ), quindi per non essere tagliati fuori dal monopolio finanziArio: FMI, FED BCE SPA, SpA di privati azionisti, sempre gli stessi Rothschild, spa banche centrali. Poi, anche CINA E RUSSIA, sono stati costretti a fare tante concessioni a questo assassino seriale di MAOMETTO, pedofilo poligamo, predone, ipocrita esoterista di uno spirito guida che non ha avuto nessun rispetto di fare scrivere lui il Corano. Tutti i maniaci religiosi Ummah, ARAB LEAGUE, OCI, senzA nessuno dei diritti umani, TUTTAVIA, LORO sono tutti dentro la fica di quella puttana di ONU, la madre di ogni nazismo, di ogni satanismo, e di ogni violazione di diritti umani!
Obama ha ribadito l'impegno forte degli Usa alla sicurezza di Israele: l'intesa ''non diminuirà le preoccupazioni americane sul sostegno dell'Iran al terrorismo e alle minacce verso Israele''. [ SE ANALIZZATE QUESTA FRASE, ESSA MANCA DI LOGICA INTERNA! ] Infatti, 1. Obama ammette che IRAN è un terrorista, e che: 2. quale terrorista ( non ha il dovere di onorare una parola data) ed anzi, 3. IRAN si impegna formalmente a distruggere Israele, con ogni mezzo... tuttavia, 4. gli sta dando il nucleare, perché, 5. lui ha già dato ordine alla CIA, di colpire Israele con una bomba nucleare, per fare ricadere la colpa sull'IRAN! 6. e così poter scatenare la guerra mondiale! [ CONCLUSIONE ] IL POTENZIALE NUCLEARE IRANIANO DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTO IMMEDIATAMENTE!
ERDOGAN HA GIURATO DI FORMARE UN ESERCITO DI VENTI MILIONI DI SOLDATI (perché a suo dire, altre 8 nazioni appartengono alla Turchia), Tutti i Greci e tutti gli Israeliani moriranno per voi contro questo esercito di islamici [[ Grecia: misure austerity in Parlamento. Manovra da oltre 3 miliardi tra tasse e tagli di spesa ]] NON SIATE AVARI E PAGATE BENE LA VOSTRA CARNE DA CANNONE, QUELLA CARNE DA MACELLO CHE I FARISEI ANGLO AMERICANI, HANNO PREPARATO PER FORTIFICARE IL NWO FMI SPA, COME CONQUISTA GLOBALE! perché è SATANA IL VERO DIO DEL TALMUD.
I sauditi hanno riesumato l'ISLAM medioevale dei salafiti, quindi, hanno trasformato l'ISLAM, in una questione di vita o di morte, per tutto il genere umano! ora, noi siamo costretti ad uccidere gli islamici ad uno ad uno. e quello che io dico (il futuro) è già stato scritto nei libri di storia dei vostri figli (il passato)! Quando un islamico non si vede uccidere? è proprio lui il primo a sentirsi meravigliato! Così ha fatto l'ITALIA, ha preso un reclutatore dello ISIS sharia, ed invece di ucciderlo, lo ha estradato! Sono i sauditi i veri responsabili della galassia jihadista nel mondo, mentre gli USA dei satanisti massoni, sono stati i suoi complici facilitatori.. la attuale agenda dei farisei anglo americani è quella di uccidere la civiltà cristiana, ecco perché, Russia, Israele e Europa sono state condannate alla disintegrazione!
troia google DATAGATE A.I. Gmos, filtri ] lo sai che non mi piace vedere strisce di colore azzUrro in mezzo ai caratteri di colore nero!
my ISRAEL ] non si può dare l'ergastolo, ad una tua spia, in USA, cioè, la spia di un Paese Amico, se veramente questo Paese è tuo amico ed alleato [ mi dispiace tu sei morto! ] Questa tua spia reclusa in USA? non ha fatto del male ad una formica!
e allora cosa io dovrei fare a tutti i sacerdoti di satana della CIA che sono sempre nel mio computer? NON MI RISULTA CHE IO HO MAI FATTO DEL MALE A QUALCUNO SOLTANTO PERCHé IO SONO SPIATO CONTINUAMENTE
GRECIA, ISRAELE ] è un vero peccato che, voi non abbiate gli strumenti e le possibilità di poter realizzare un attacco nucleare preventivo contro Turchia ed Arabia SAUDITA.. però, voi avete conosciuto che la vostra morte è stata preziosa ai miei occhi!
GRECIA, ISRAELE ] tuttavia, se, tu sei in grado, di radere al suolo la MECCA, CABA, e la cupola della Roccia? tu vedrai la galassia jihadista scomparire come neve al sole!
sorry ] bestia di un Maometto [ tu non riuscirai mai a gridare così forte, tanto da poter soffocare il sangue dei martiri cristiani!
satana USA 322 Kerry 666 Spa Rothschild Talmud, Gmos A.I. Datagate, aliens abduction ] [ se, tu ti mangi, tutta la LEGA ARABA sharia, sul tuo altare di satana? poi, a quell'asteroide che sta venedo contro di te nello spazio? io gli farò fare un giro più lungo!
Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] stop sharia. [ Bush 322 ] stop Spa IMF 322 NWO; [ Obama GENDER ] stop Sodom and Gomorrah, Rothschild Talmud 666 ] stop satanismo e usura mondiale! è CHIARO, IL VOSTRO DIO è IL DEMONIO, DI UN ASSASSINO NAZISTA E RAZZISTA, ED IO FINIRò PER UCCIDERVI TUTTI!
MY HOLY JHWH ] mi fa una certa impressione! Obama scimmia Darwin ha portato tutto a Sodoma e Gomorra, e Saudi Arabia ha portato tutto al medio EVO.. ed è questa la mia verità! io non so più come risolvere questa situazione senza fare una strage!
ONU islamici LEGA ARABA sharia: sono IGNORANTI come ASINI, CRIMINALI come DEMONI, BUGIARDI ED IPOCRITI come FARISEI, nazisti COMPLOTTISTI come ILLUMINATI SATANISTI MASSONI! Quindi Islam coranico ha una sola conclusione: Allah Akbar morte e genocidio a tutti gli infedeli, ecco perché non hanno libertà di religione e non hanno reciprocità! COME ABBIAMO RISCHIATO DI ESTINGUERCI IN PASSATO PER BEN DUE VOLTE, COSì, ANCHE LA GENERAZIONE DEI NOSTRI FIGLI RISCHIERRà DI ESTINGUERSI! Questo è quello che: ci hanno regalato, i farisei Spa anglo-americani che faranno olocausto di tutti gli israeliani!
cosa aspettano questi Greci, e tutti i Paesi indebitati dalla truffa monetaria SpA, ad iniziare a stampare una moneta nazionale interna, in regime di sovranità monetaria? ] ATENE, 15 LUG - Il vice ministro greco delle Finanze Nantia Valavani ha annunciato oggi le sue dimissioni con una lettera al primo ministro Alexis Tsipras nella quale esprime dubbi sul nuovo accordo raggiunto tra Atene e i creditori internazionali della Grecia sostenendo che con esso la Germania intende "umiliare completamente il governo e il Paese".
CIA KIEV NATO, hanno fatto il Golpe Costituzionale, così anche io ho fatto il Donbass Costituzionale autonomo: adesso dovete andarvene! ] [ KIEV, 15 LUG - E' di otto soldati morti e 16 feriti il bilancio delle vittime del conflitto nel Donbass nelle ultime 24 ore, nonostante la tregua degli accordi di Minsk: lo riferisce l'ufficio stampa del consiglio per la difesa e la sicurezza nazionali.
Kim Jong-un ] dimostrare che tu sei un coglione in meno di mezzo rigo, 4 parole? [ tu hai un motivo razionale per perseguitare i cristiani
troie 322 USA 666 SPA ] quando, VOI vedrete l'asteroide nei vostri telescopi? è inutile che, voi mi verrete a succhiare il cazzo! TROPPO TARDI! [ POI, VEDREMO QUELLO CHE SANNO FARE I SACERDOTI DI SATANA EUROPEI AL POSTO VOSTRO!
BUSH 666 ROTHSCHILD ] VOI siete ipocriti come tutte le altre religioni! [ io chiesi, anni fa, di sacrificare tutti i vostri Sacerdoti di Satana, sul suo altare, e voi non avete avuto il coraggio di farlo! ] ADESSO, IL VOSTRO NWO è PERDUTO, perché se LUCIFERO, lui non era un fallito? lui non si sarebbe mai ridotto a fare la capra di satana!
il SUD in ginocchio davanti al NORD [ Atene in ginocchio di fronte ai diktat della Merkel. Sventata la Grexit, raggiunto l’accordo in extremis. Vittoria di Berlino anche sull’energia. Gazprom mette l’Italia fuori dal Turkish Stream e raddoppia il Nord Stream. Il gas (russo) ce lo darà la Germania. (7267)
occult power, esoteric agenda, masonic system, Spa, Gmos, jihadists, dalit, Datagate, FED, jihad, IMF, NWO, satan, sharia, dhimmi, goyim, troika,
PAKISTAN/ Vietato scrivere Gesù Cristo negli sms: è parola "offensiva" Pubblicazione: mercoledì 23 novembre 2011
Pakistan: vietato scrivere Gesù negli sms. Pakistan, vietato scrivere «Gesù Cristo» in un sms - Corriere ...
21 nov 2011 - MILANO – In Pakistan è vietato scrivere il nome di “Gesù Cristo” nei messaggi di testo Sms, inviati tramite telefoni cellulari. Lo stabilisce ... Pakistan: vietato scrivere Gesù negli sms - Porte Aperte Italia
Pakistan: vietato scrivere Gesù negli sms. 24-11-2011Pakistan. Qualche giorno fa, l'Autorità delle Telecomunicazioni del Pakistan ha ordinato alle società di ... Pakistan: vietato scrivere Gesù negli sms. 24-11-2011 Pakistan. Qualche giorno fa, l’Autorità delle Telecomunicazioni del Pakistan ha ordinato alle società di telefonia mobile del paese di bloccare gli sms che contengono alcune parole ritenute volgari, oscene o nocive al senso del pudore e ha fornito una dettagliata lista di 1600 termini deprecabili tra cui troviamo le parole Gesù Cristo. Il Pakistan è un paese profondamente islamico, in cui i cristiani, come sapete, sono oggetto di discriminazione e persecuzione anche brutale, ma è comunque pazzesco pensare che addirittura le autorità abbiano accostato Gesù a termini osceni, pornografici e violenti. Eppure la percezione di sempre più musulmani devoti in Pakistan è proprio questa: i cristiani sono un insulto, così come è una vergogna per il paese il loro Salvatore Gesù.
Tale provvedimento ha scatenato la reazione delle Chiese cristiane e delle organizzazioni per i diritti umani, pronte a inondare i tribunali di ricorsi; a ciò si è aggiunta la valanga di lamentele degli operatori telefonici e della popolazione stessa che fa larghissimo uso di telefonini e non vuole essere censurata persino negli sms. Ecco dunque che arriva puntuale la marcia indietro delle autorità: la censura è ritirata, anzi forse solo ridimensionata a una dozzina di parole, tra le quali si spera non vi sia ancora il nome di Gesù. Il punto è che questo paese cede visibilmente sotto la pressione dell'islamismo radicale e degli attentati dei talebani legati ad Al Qaida, mostrandosi dunque incapace di arginare questa avanzata intollerante e violenta. I cristiani patiscono sempre di più questa virata islamico-radicale del paese (ricordiamo che sono stati uccisi il ministro cristiano cattolico Batthi e il governatore Taseer, entrambi impegnati per abolire la legge contro la blasfemia, arma legale usata contro i cristiani).
Potremmo segnalarvi continue violenze contro i cristiani pakistani, l’ultima in ordine di tempo risale a qualche giorno fa a Karachi, la città più popolosa del Pakistan, dove Jameel Saawan, cristiano impegnato nella diffusione del messaggio di Cristo tra i concittadini, è stato vittima di un agguato in stile terroristico. Fuori dal suo negozio, un uomo in moto lo ha avvicinato e raggiunto con 2 colpi di arma da fuoco, uno dei quali in pieno volto. Jameel aveva ricevuto minacce, anche per via di un progetto di avviare un’associazione che sostenesse i cristiani poveri in una particolare zona di Karachi.
I cristiani in Pakistan sono oggetto di continua persecuzione, ciò pone il paese all’undicesimo posto della lista dei paesi in cui esiste la persecuzione (WWList): questa deriva delle istituzioni, sempre più influenzate dall’islam più radicale, preoccupa tutti. Soprattutto i cristiani pakistani.
Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu ] circa il nucleare iraniano [ ora, voi dovete censire lo spazio aereo, con molto scrupolo, per impedie alla CIA di lanciare una bomba nucleare sporca contro Israele ] CHE GLI USA CERCANO DISPERATAMENTE LA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE? QUESTO NON è UN MISTERO PER NESSUNO! che OBAMA lui vuole passare per Gandhi? questa è una operazione che non gli potrebbe mai riuscire!
non essere ancora pigro, questo canale è importante per me, e per la pace nel mondo!!
Cattiva reputazione • Scadenza: 25 mar 2016 Se ricevi un altro avvertimento, il tuo account verrà sospeso. Avvertimento 1 .ID video: I6p-TPYPrRg Rivendicato da JoeEichLester il 25 gen 2015. I6p-TPYPrRg Autore del reclamoJoeEichLester Email dell'autore del reclamo
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non essere ancora pigro, questo canale è importante per me, e per la pace nel mondo!!
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please, remove my penalty, i said this to you again! Thank you.
Don't be lazy, yet this channel is important to me, and for world peace!
non essere ancora pigro, questo canale è importante per me, e per la pace nel mondo!!
Science Islam Wings Flies Cure for Aids ID video: rwksuX6xl2c
Rivendicato da Ahmed Ibrahim muezzin il 31 mar 2015 Invia contronotifica
VideoScience Islam Wings Flies Cure for Aids ID videorwksuX6xl2c Durata 4:59
Descrizioneio non voglio più sentire parlare, di questi: nazi sharia, nazi jihad: assassini seriali, paranoidi, maniaci religiosi, sotto protezione dello ONU UE USA, per rovinare Israele e tutto il genere umano, mai più! e se questa merda di Maomettani esiste ancora è soltanto perché Rothschild ha bisogno della guerra mondiale, per riaprire un nuovo ciclo monetario devitalizzante ed usurocratico! QUINDI, SE SI VOGLIONO RISOLVERE, TUTTI I PROBLEMI DEL NOSTRO PIANETA. è ROTHSCHILD, con i suoi complici mafia farisei massoneria, CHE BISOGNA COLPIRE, PER PRIMA di ogni altro obiettivo! Quando voi avrete colpito il demonio Fariseo più grande, poi, anche il demonio più piccolo:Re dell'Arabia Saudita Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud: anche lui cadrà! INFATTI, è NELLA NATURA DEI DEMONI: la caratteristica di essere intrecciati uno nell'altro! OK VENIAMO AL DUNQUE: NOI FACCIAMO QUESTO GUERRA MONDIALE con 5 miliardi di morti, PER UCCIDERE: TUTTI I MUSULMANI, sradicare l'ISLAM holy, E PER FARE UCCIDERE: TUTTI I FARISEI massoni Bildenberg USURAI SPA BANCA MONDIALE.. e perché, noi non comprendiamo "pacificamente", adesso, prima della guerra mondiale: che: 1. il signoraggio bancario: non deve essere rubato ai popoli schiavizzati: CHE, 2. I GOYM ISRAELIANI, SENZA GENEALOGIA PATERNA NON DEVONO ESSERE STERMINATI, e che, 3. la shariah è un crimine, contro: il genere umano? POI SI DIRà: LE 11 TRIBù DI ISRAELE, DATO CHE, IO SARò COSTRETTO AD UCCIDERNE LA DODICESIMA: CIOè tutti quelli che hanno disonestamente conservato, solo per loro, le genealogie paterne, per finire: tutti loro: satanisti, massoni farisei Illuminati Bildenberg, di andare tutti da satana! [ burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia. [ oper letter: contro la fogna: contro: tutti i perdenti all'inferno, contro: tutti: i demoni dell'inferno, contro: massoni farisei Bildenberg, salafiti shariah, Marduk, Illuminati, Lilit, Satana, 322, Bush Kerry, Obama GENDER, usurai Fmi Spa Banca Mondiale, e, contro: tutti i satanisti della CIA, dopotutto, se, io non li faccio impazzire completamete? è soltanto perché, io sono molto misericordioso! ] to Satana ] [ e smettila di piangerti addosso, e di dire sempre: "sono sfortunato, sono sfortunato!" ] IL TUo PROBLEMA è CHE, TU TI DIMENTICHI SEMPRE, CHE tu SEI UN ANGELO CADUTO... NELLA MERDA! [ dopotutto,, il tuo destino è anche il destino di tutti i traditori [ burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia. C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto, C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia. quel salafita criminale: shariah califfato mondiale di Erdogan? ha messo il burka a tutte le donne! ] lol. [ lui infatti non vuole entrare in Europa, lui vuole conquistare la Europa e fare il genocidio di tutti gli israeliani... Bildenberg e farisei Fmi Spa anglo americani Obama GENDER, hanno detto a lui: "questo si può fare!" Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia.
Magdi Cristiano Allam VS Giorgio Napolitano. Contenuti audiovisivi ] il sistema non vuole far sentire questo discorso circa la sovranità monetaria [ Il tuo video è stato bloccato. ]
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0:32 - 1:02 play match. Rai Bloccato in tutti i Paesi Presenta una contestazione
Benjamin Netanyahu ] dove è la libertà di religione in questi nazisti? QUINDI, NON POSSONO ESSERE VERAMENTE CREDIBILI! OVVIAMENTE NON è IL TUO PUNTO DI VISTA, OGGI, MA SECONDO ME, IL TUO VERO NEMICO è LA ARABIA SAUDITA.. TANTO PIù PERICOLOSO PERCHé SI FINGE AMICO! E LUI NON SAREBBE PERICOLOSO, SE I FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI NON AVESSERO DECISO DI DISINTEGRARE ISRAELE.. QUESTO MI FA VERAMENTE PAURA: PERCHé LA ARABIA SAUDITA è NEL NWO, DEI SATANISTI MASSONI MOLTO PIù DI COME TU NON SEI! [ 15.07.2015 Accordo sul nucleare iraniano: una vittoria per tutti. Baheli: “Oggi l’Iran è per l’Occidente l’unico alleato razionale e credibile in Medio Oriente". Rohani potrebbe incontrare il papa.
Dopo le interviste a Claudio Borghi e ad Alberto Bagnai dei giorni scorsi, oggi è il turno di Giovanni Zibordi, che molti conoscono per le sue analisi finanziarie su Cobraf. Zibordi e il team di economisti e imprenditori con i quali collabora hanno sviluppato un metodo per uscire dall'euro che potrebbe superare le paure dei cittadini che temono di perdere i loro soldi. Il metodo si basa sui certificati di credito fiscale, introducendo una sorta di valuta parallela che Zibordi spiega bene in questa intervista, insieme alle osservazioni che muove a Borghi e Bagnai:
Claudio Messora 4 giorni fa
+Giovanni Van contattami per email:
COSA C'E' DIETRO. Il disegno complessivo dietro a questa crisi programmata. . Pubblicato il 24 mag 2015 Il disegno complessivo dietro a questa crisi programmata. Ma non guardate questo video, a meno che non siate così determinati da volermi seguire per mezz'ora e poi farne una sintesi per tutti quelli che si vedranno solo i primi 30 secondi. Claudio Messora Condiviso su Google+ · 1 mese fa
Il disegno complessivo dietro a questa crisi programmata. Ma non guardate questo video, a meno che non siate così determinati da volermi seguire per mezz'ora e poi farne una sintesi per tutti quelli che si vedranno solo i primi 30 secondi.
Join United with Israel at the New York City rally in Times Square on July 22 to protest the world’s dangerous nuclear deal with Iran. Act Now for Israel. As world powers have signed a surrender agreement with the Iranian Islamic regime, concerned Americans from all walks of life will be gathering in New York City’s Times Square to protest this bad nuclear deal. On Wednesday, July 22, there will be a rally from 5:30-7:30 PM on 42nd St. and 7th Ave, where people will be standing as one and sending a clear message to Washington: Stop a Nuclear Iran Now!
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pointed out that the Iran nuclear deal is a “mistake of historical proportions.” As former Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren explained in TIME magazine, “there are international inspections of the Iranians’ nuclear facilities but none that would actually catch them off guard. There are limits to the number of centrifuges with which Iran can enrich uranium to weapons grade, but only for a decade during which not a single centrifuge will be dismantled. And Iran can continue to research and develop more advanced technologies capable of producing nuclear weapons even faster.”
Even as negotiators in Vienna have made concession after concession to the militant Iranian regime, Iran has been increasing its hostility and aggression towards America and its allies.
As recent as June 7, a senior Iranian commander declared that “the U.S. will remain our enemy despite the emerging nuclear deal.” Donate to Israel. The repeated calls of “death to America, death to Israel” shouted in the streets and squares of Tehran even as the nuclear talks are being held, should be heard in the US, but Washington does not seem to want to listen. The Iranian thirst and commitment for unbridled terrorism and destruction remains unquenched. Iran’s hostility to America and its allies is at its peak. It is time for the administration to take these threats seriously and to make sure that Iran’s path to nuclear weapons and funding for terrorism will be permanently blocked.
The lessons of Chamberlain’s concessions to Hitler in 1938 must be learned. Appeasing aggressive regimes does no good for anyone. Tyrannical regimes must not be allowed access to power and weapons. This is why we will be taking our message to the streets – together with tens of thousands of other concerned Americans.
Stand ‘United with Israel’ at the Rally! The July 22 bipartisan rally will be addressed by former Governor of New York, George E. Pataki, former director of the CIA James Woolsey, Deputy Editor of the Jerusalem Post Caroline Glick, Alan Dershowitz, former members of the military and intelligence community, and many other distinguished guests.
Most importantly, the rally will be attended by thousands of concerned Americans, all of whom are worried with the grave prospect of Iran obtaining nuclear capabilities, and by the world’s appeasing attitude towards iran.
The rally is co-sponsored by a broad variety of organizations, including United with Israel, the Rabbinical Council of America, the Zionist Organization of America as well as dozens more – all of whom believe that a nuclear Iran must be stopped, now and forever. It is important that as many people as possible attend the rally and publicly express to elected officials, and the world as a whole, our firm belief that a murderous regime the likes of Iran must not have any nuclear capabilities under any circumstances. By Rabbi Elchanan Poupko and United with Israel Staff
Israeli leaders from across the political spectrum condemned the Iranian nuclear agreement, which will only delay Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon, while contributing to terrorism in the Middle East by ending sanctions and the international arms embargo, giving Iran billions of dollars to fund global terror. PM Netanyahu. (Marc Israel Sellem/POOL)
“The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was yesterday,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an official statement. “In the coming decade, the deal will reward Iran, the terrorist regime in Tehran, with hundreds of billions of dollars. This cash bonanza will fuel Iran’s terrorism worldwide, its aggression in the region and its efforts to destroy Israel, which are ongoing.”
The head of the opposition and the Zionist Camp, Yitzhak Herzog, opined that “Israel’s interests were abandoned” during the negotiations “because of the personal rift between Netanyahu and the US president.” He promised to work “so the United States will respond to the immediate security needs of Israel.”
MK Tzipi Livni, who partnered with Herzog to lead the Zionist Camp, told Ynet, “I want to speak about tomorrow morning and about the results of this [US] policy [on Iran]: Iran receives legitimization despite being a state involved in terror in the region. It creates problems, not only for Israel, but for all the moderate states in the region. The agreement is terrible, not just because of what is in it, but also because what is not in it.”
Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely said, “The implications of this agreement in the perceived future appear very severe; Iran will continue to develop its terror network everywhere, will continue to fan the flames in the Middle East, and worst of all, will make a huge step towards becoming a threshold nuclear state.” She vowed that Israel would work “through all diplomatic venues to thwart the ratifying of the agreement.”
Former FM Avigdor Liberman. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)
“The agreement with Iran will be remembered in history in the same line with the Munich Agreement [with Nazi Germany, which led to World War II] and the agreement with North Korea. This agreement is an agreement which ignores the great dangers, is a complete surrender to terror and unbridled violence in the international arena,” said former foreign minister MK Avigdor Liberman.
MK Yair Lapid told Ynet, “This is a bad day for the Jews. We thought that this was a bad agreement but it’s a terrible agreement. The subject of oversight was supposed to be the basis of the agreement, [but] it’s a laughingstock…The world has gone from a policy of preventing a nuclear Iran to a policy of containing a nuclear Iran.”
By: Sara Abramowicz, United with Israel
my JHWH holy ] [ every five minutes: a Christian innocent: is killed ] why satan Spa NWO Obama Gender sharia is so strong? strog [sloveno] rigoroso nel male, Eritrea Christians are imprisoned in containers of iron: for do sharia saudi imperialism caliphate worldwide
my JHWH you will came ] [ you must disintegrate Satan SpA disintegrate him, and all their sharia ] on all the World.
GENDER of Satana Obama traditore ] if you do not delete all Satanic symbols and all pornography, on all the world [ or... this become a trauma for you, this is my BLOODLINES, now, against ILLUMINATI, against Tyranny and all Oppressive people, servo fraudolento: di una religione perversa Salman dell'Arabia Saudita, Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] figlio del demonio! infamous Sharia: 666: SAUDI ARABIA: 322: diabolical: too is big, your love talmud Koran of IMF Spa for not do also, Olocaust of all israelis
all my living Jews, if you do not go immediately from the Masonic system of banking seigniorage, you will die! Go away from USA Babilon, run! corri! all my living Jews [all the saints of God are calling you], you Serving Christian martyrs, all persecuted Christians worldwide! [[ fight criminals, Satanists, Masons, murder SpA IMF, Sharia, ie,all satanists Bush 322 are insane criminal cannibal CIA, like IMF 666 ]] is why, all the saints of God are calling you. Surely God JHWH is my helper, the Lord JHWH sustains me. all my living Jews [ but you can come to my Kingdom Israel in Saudi Arabia! ] you want to remember, only, the benefits of the Lord? now leave satan work. into all his satan's SpA, and in his World war,that will came quickly! where could you escape from a nuclear war? where to save your life? [ but you can come to my Kingdom Israel in Saudi Arabia! ] all my living Jews [ now, at this point, only you can make escape: all Muslims of the world from the destruction of my wrath! all my living Jews: G-d waiting for you, [ children of light or children of darkness? ] your JHWH santo KADOSH, KADOSH, KADOSH, ADONAI TSEBAIOT your Lord God Adonai JHWH waiting for you, in Saudi Arabia, on his holy mountain Sinai. Mount Sinai, "usually" identified with mount Horeb, is the place where, according to the book of exodus, Moses was called by God through the burning bush
company youtube and google: We're all tired of being exploited and damaged: by these your Satanists of CIA, Datagate SpA, World Bank, perverse Marauders on all the world
now, Satan is totally desperate, he thought, at this time: that, would be nice for him, if, I could make disintegrate him , first of time (ie, before the day of judgment universal), however, he knows very well that this is impossible! [IDIOT Satan! However, you always have the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel to Iran or Saudi ARABIA, Iran: and in this way? You can have some hope of being hanged, at least! perverse SpA Marauders, now, you Satan you starts to run or I'll break your legs! Bush Spa World Bank 322] I will make of your bones so many fragments, small little, that you don't ever you will can putting them together, in order to reconstruct a skeleton to the Museum!
@IMF SpA Obama -> you with your satanists: ie masonic system of banking seigniorage? are making a sad spectacle! not my fault if this has become the true face of America, ONU, UE, new nazism in the world!
@Obama --> con i tuoi satanisti? stanno dando un triste spettacolo! non è colpa mia: se questo è diventato il vero volto della America nel mondo!
Obama, you remove all of your sexual perversions of fetishism, you stop having sex with dogs, to suck undies dirty: dirty underwear garments, and crush with the snacks, under your feet! and crush with the snacks! in fact, I do not see these your home porno movies, that you do, already for a long time!
MERKEL TROIKA ] questa mia amica tedesca, è stata uccisa dai tuoi servizi segreti insieme alla CIA, lei ha Ricevuto molte violenze dallo staff di youtube, anche! SE TU NON RIMUOVI LA TUA ALLEANZA DAGLI USA, TU FARAI DISTRUGGERE LA GERMANIA PER LA TERZA VOLTA CONSECUTIVA IN UN SECOLO! è LA RUSSIA IL NOSTRO VERO ALLEATO!
MarlaMarleen ha pubblicato un commento
Mistake: not Söldner..... Landser:-) A really long day, lots of work, my brain is tired:-)))
MarlaMarleen MarlaMarleen ha pubblicato un commento
I must confess: I'm hopelessly overtaxed. Who's who? And the ultimate question: why do you do it? I've read infinitely many comments, my head is smoking, Fakes over fakes. Synnek= Söldner, he doesn't speak English. A black sun subscribes to my channel. seems also like a fake. Please what's going on here? We should create a separate channel:-), there we can hew our heads, insult us and explain to be a hero. Incredible whats going on here. You can't always say that a man living in the internet, that he has no real life. We're the mobile generation :-), always available. Now I make myself comfortable on other channels and still write to UniusRei3. sleep well
MERKEL TROIKA Spa NWO ] la mia amica tedesca, ha ricevuto molto bullismo dallo staff di youtube [ e circa, la sua morte, tu ti puoi fare spiegare dai tuoi servizi segreti, quelli che con la CIA fanno 30.000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana in Germania, ogni anno, cioè, come loro fanno morire una giovane donna come lei:
MarlaMarleen ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
What have you done with my channel???? Now I'm going to work and in the evening I expect that all my settings are restored!!!!
MERKEL TROIKA Spa NWO ] qui tu puoi vedere la mia amica tedesca MarlaMarleen
Synnek1 [ex big Director youtube master ] ha pubblicato un commento
5 ore fa
Your ministry is powerful... but: a times: it INFURIATES ME! lol >;-) Btw, your new background image is "lovely"...>;-)
im sorry UniusREI3... I will refrain from posting comments... 4 a bit...ok?
MarlaMarleen ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa
Good morning UniusRei3. I can't comment on certain videos. But not always Yesterday, YouTube hasn't approved 7-8 comments of mine. It was no spam, but originals :-) I use the translator rare. He often disfigures the sense. I don't know what I'll think of all. The thing with the real names disturbs. Not personally by myself. But it's a incredible interference with private life. YouTube is a stooges of Google. But who's in fact behind Google? Now I must to work.
Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
6 giorni fa
Hey, buddy! WE NEED YOU! Join [US]! >;-) [ non è che io sono razzista, ma, io non mi posso associare con i delinquenti perché lo Spirito Santo è Santo! ] circa, la mia amica tedesca MarlaMarleen lei era troppo intelligente, e faceva delle domande intelligenti, perché quel codardo di Bush 322 NWO 666 IMF, la potesse lasciare in vita!
Bush Obama Kerry Merkel ] voi ridatemi indietro la mia amica MarlaMarleen
to all ] I don't like that cowards should talk behind my back! God JHWH gave me a job to do! [ I'm a good guy, and everyone knows it! and though the priests of Satan of the NWO Imf SpA (those cannibals and those not cannibals), which, however, they did not have permission to talk to me, honestly, they have left me alone, on this page, because they began to feel strange, however, if someone feels personally challenging me, on anything, I am here to give any explanation!
io sono un bravo ragazzo, e questo lo sanno tutti! ed anche se, i sacerdoti di satana del NWO SpA Fmi (quelli cannibali e quelli non cannibali), che, tuttavia, loro non avevano il permesso per dialogare con me, sinceramente, loro mi hanno lasciato solo, su questa pagina, perché loro hanno incominciato a sentirsi strani, tuttavia, se qualcuno ritiene di dovermi contestare qualcosa, io sono quì per dare ogni spiegazione!
creationevidence Scientific Evidence Creation
democrazie nazionali, EURO, Governo segreto, ILLUMINATI PLAN, martial law, MES, multinazionali, troika, TTIP, banche, finanziarie, recuperare sovranità
Mohammed was a False Prophet said Wafa Sultan sharia assassini criminali
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Caricato da WakeUpUSAxRonPaul in data 03/dic/2011
@ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342- io sono un sionista per il Regno di Israele: e non vogliamo essere volgari a pensare: che: io ho interesse a fare il Re! Poiché, questo trono di: Israele e Palestina: è determinante: per tutto il destino: del genere umano? Io sarei orgoglioso: se: io avessi dato: soltanto: un contributo: "culturale": poiché: per chi non è incosciente? questo è un incarico di terribile responsabilità ! .. e forse, voi dovreste pensare a qualcuno, che sia migliore di me(Dio permettendo).
Non credete che è alquanto grotteso: il fatto che: io per difendere la speranza di Israele: e dei nostri Patriarchi: io devo lottare: anche contro di voi? Poiché: anche voi: e soprattuto voi: voi siete il satanisti del signoraggio bancario! In questa mia lotta contro: il sionismo di Rothschild? io sto facendo qualcosa: di pericoloso anche: per le future generazioni: di ebrei innocenti(questo ha fatto capire a me: la METAFISICA): ma: il mio: è un effetto collaterale: inevitabile.. visto che fare capire qualcosa ad un mulo? è più facile che farlo capire a voi!
[warning] youtube is not responsible: for all what is happening! Rather him as a Satanist: youtube is: another one my victim: only! In fact, my authority: does not come from youtube that: with its service: it could save: many lives: instead, because "God does not enjoy the destruction: of the sinner: but: that he convert and live!" in fact: also in all the world, even men who do not know youtube? can have the premonition, that, they will die: so early: in mode premature.. " This is going: to have: as an impulsive thought: all these? actually die: so early: in mode premature.. why: they are: considered accomplices: or have the benefits of banking seigniorage (the rich, the immoral, the selfish, the pornographers, politicians, journalists, etc. ...),but I and the Holy Spirit only, we: we are responsible: only: for the death premature of these millions of criminals, that the State law can not identify: Since every State is criminal: ie, in violation of the Constitution: it is a criminal trend: for to buy, of the banker jew, the your money: at interest: for 270% of his value! that is why all Nations are indebted up: for their destruction! Since God has given the sovereignty to the people: but: these men deceived by Satan, they have betrayed God, losing the image and likeness of God, losing: the right to reside in the Garden of Eden, and assuming the image of Satan, here's: the why of: Sharia, communism, Zionism, Nazism, wear, unemployment, recession, etc... ... why, they transferred their sovereignty to the Jew: parasite moneylender: ie, banker: enlightened: of the banking seigniorage: [warning] called "enlightened" the destroyer: of the hope of Israel: that is for destroy the biblical monotheism: for having already raised: a new Tower of Babel: ie: New Age, evolutionism fake, ecc.. or IMF-New World Order. for the reduction in slavery: of the whole human race. Therefore, the 3 rd Jewish Temple and the Third World War Nuclear represent: for these criminals of Satanists, international: the final realization: of their project: The Illuminati, are the fathers of Freemasonry and of Satanism: are the controllers, of: all monopoly: of each: and: every corporation:SpA, programmers of: all time, for any: holocaust: against: my Jewish people, why, their wealth and power, born from the destruction of all peoples.
@enlightened-- if God came down: for to liberate you in Egypt: How HIM: not will come now: to free us: from your banking seigniorage? But if God did an act of force against you? In addition to Israel, even the Jewish religion would be lost: since your Talmud is like the Koran: Satanism is: it is a threat to the survival of all mankind .. I know the goodness of some of you who know how to historicize certain pages of the Talmud: BUT, who controls the IMF: that is, who is the true representative of Judaism he then interprets: IN MODE literally the Talmud, because Ovadia IS NOT ALONE: why and given the banking seigniorage against all peoples.. like, you can not see this trap? is true: even your father could not see her before the rise of Hitler will be because of the blood that someone has done drinking to you!
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
1 Mi piace, 0 Non mi piace
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@ismaely1 sorry
but I have not read your name in the book of life
boy, you go to hell!
ma io non ho letto il tuo nome nel libro della vita
ragazzo: tu andrai all'inferno!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 8 minuti fa
@GoyimWakeUpCall blessings too
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 8 minuti fa
fuck jews
fuck jesus gay
and fuck youuuuuuuu
ismaely1 6 ore fa
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GoyimWakeUpCall 3 giorni fa
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all Nations, China India Russia [not sell for seedy money, the blood of your sons!] is the sharia, which makes every Muslim a potential terrorist, a Nazi imperialism of hopeless religious maniacs! and no matter the level of their cunning and hypocrisy! ]] waiting to see condemned sharia, you close all mosques and prevented gatherings.
[[ Cina Russia India [ non vendete per vile denaro il sangue dei vostri figli! ] è la sharia, che fa di ogni musulmano un potenziale terrorista, inserito in un nazismo imperialismo di maniaci religiosi senza speranza! e non ha nessuna importanza il livello della loro scaltrezza ed ipocrisia! is the sharia, which makes every Muslim a potential terrorist, a Nazi imperialism of hopeless religious maniacs! and no matter the level of their cunning and hypocrisy!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ NON MI DIRAI CHE ]] anche tu, tu sei diventato un cristiano coglione con la vocazione del martirio!? FAI L'EBREO E AMMAZZALI! loro non esiterebbero ad ammazzarti se ne avessero la possibilità! [[ satanic SpA Fmi, USA interests, Gender, GEOPOLITICS, lobby, NWO, OBAMA Gender of satana cult, for planet predation, sharia, SPA? ]] ok! tra qualche mese: non esisterà più una nazione chiamata Arabia Saudita sharia. io sono lorenzoALLAH il RE CRISTIANO della Arabia SAUDITA! Salman dell'Arabia Saudita, Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] [ perché tu non rispetti i 10 Commandments: that: GOD JHWH, ie, he himself in person: he gave to Moses, dove dice: "non uccidere" ] per ascoltare un Corano che indemoniati farisei del talmud hanno fatto scrivere? I have no authority: to punish someone: in dissociation from: the will of God ] then [ now i will kill all jewish lobby banking signiorage, NWO, OBAMA gay cult Gender sodoma shit, and their planet SpA predation, sharia, SPA, only the CIA can do: 200000 human sacrifice on the altar of Satan, every year, any year
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ adesso ammazzali tutti, e quando dico tutti, dico proprio tutti! ]] WATCH: The World is a More Dangerous Place Today. Israelis are united in opposing the nuclear deal with Iran. Across the political spectrum, the citizens of Israel agree with PM Netanyahu that overnight the world has become a much more dangerous place. Watch Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voice harsh opposition to the deal and criticize world powers for their failure to properly contend with the Iranian threat. Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog restated his own opposition to the “bad agreement.” He added that he would do his utmost on behalf of the security of the citizens of Israel.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ questo è il gioco dello schiaffo crudele, perché, tu sei stato messo in mezzo bendato! nel NWO si stanno prendendo gioco di te: certo tutti gli israelini saranno sterminati! ]] PASSA PRIMA SUI CADAVERI DEI SAUDITI, PRIMA DI ANDARE A FARE I CADAVERI IRANIANI!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ sei stato bendato ]] perché, nel NWO ti è stato precluso di vedere il tuo futuro, che è già stato pianificato, e, che, invece, i sauditi vedono e conoscono bene! SE, FARISEI anglo-americani, loro FANNO AMMAZZARE DALLA LORO GALASSIA JIHADISTA sharia, TUTTI I CRISTIANI? POI, ANCORA CON MAGGIORI MOTIVAZIONI DI CALIFFATO, AMMAZZERANNO ANCORA PIù VOLENTIERI tutti gli ISRAELIANI! infatti loro è da tempo che, vanno dicendo circa: il califfato di Gerusalemme, e circa il califfato di Roma, e a me non risulta che, sia in IRAN, che, in ARABIA SAUDITA, loro abbiano mai smentito questo discorso del califfato di Roma e Gerusalemme! ma, Roma non ha nessuna possibilità di potersi difendere dal NWO, mentre, tu soltanto, puoi salvare la civiltà occidentale: adesso! UCCIDILI TUTTI! questo è il loro destino comunque, dopo che avranno ucciso noi, il NWO li eliminerà comunque! FACCI SALTARE ALLORA QUESTO MOMENTO DEL NOSTRO GENOCIDIO! IO ho detto loro: di rinunciare alla sharia, ma, questa è la verità: "tutti gli islamici hanno il delitto nel loro cuore!"
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ ma, cosa rimarrebbe di Israele, comunque, con una guerra mondiale nucleare con 5 miliardi di morti? ]] distruggere la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia, è l'unica possibilità per poter impedire ad USA, la aggressione di: CINA e Russia.. e tu sai che io ho ragione!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ satanisti massoni, avevano giurato che non avrebbero mai spinto la NATO oltre la Germania! ]] e stanno portando distruzione morte e la lacerazione, indebitamento e predazione: in tutte le Nazioni del mondo, ovunque dove, può giungere il loro satanismo: 1. loro sono i cani di satana: 2. sono ameri-cani. 3. 666 americani SpA Fmi.. CERTAMENTE TI FARANNO AMMAZZARE, LORO SONO I MANDANTI, E TU NON PUOI DIFENDERTI DA LORO! PERò, TU PUOI UCCIDERE, I LORO ESECUTORI KILLERS, I TUOI ASSASSINI MATERIALI SHARIA, SE SAPRAI MUOVERTI SUBITO, con un attacco nucleare preventivo! Nessuno dei nazisti sharia deve rimanere in piedi! la Turchia? un grande cimitero!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [[ la sharia: è teologia del genocidio, perché è teologia della sostituzione ]] NESSUN PROBLEMA: STAI MANDANDO ALL'INFERNO, CRIMINALI NAZISTI CHE SONO COMUNQUE PREDESTINATI ALL'INFERNO!
RETE DEL CONTROLLO GLOBALE CORPORATIVO ] è uno studio di scienziati svizzeri [ 43.000 aziende transnazionali (che hanno i canoni OCSE per essere definiti aziende) di queste, aziende 1318, sono le più inflenti (si possiedono l'un l'altra) e queste hanno il 20% reddito mondiale [ grande cartello finanziario: ma esiste un nucleo: chiamato: UNITà CENTRALE: che possiede tutte le 43.000 multinazionali ] di queste 1318 sono le più influenti: hanno queste caratteristiche, 1. sommate tra di loro sommano il 20% del reddito mondiale; distruggere i popoli o distruggere il debito? ] ADESSO RESTITUITE LA SOVRANITà MONETARIA AI POPOLI [ ragazzi satanisti farisei Bush 322 Rothschild 666 SpA ururai ladri traditori parassiti: voi con la vostra guerra mondiale nucleare? voi siete giunti troppo tardi! ] Il Governo segreto delle multinazionali - Lidia Undiemi Pubblicato il 16 lug 2015
Rothschild SpA Bush: satanisti, giù le mani dal mio genere umano! ] [ Ecco il Dio Quattrino: le 147 banche che controllano tutto. Pubblicato 6 agosto 2012 - 17.22 - Da Claudio Messora. di Stefano Davidson ] [ Nell’autunno 2011 alcuni scienziati svizzeri presentarono uno studio, pubblicato su New Scientist, che rivelava come soltanto un piccolo numero di banche avesse il pieno controllo di una porzione esagerata dell’economia globale. Questo studio, battezzato “La rete del controllo globale corporativo” e sviluppato a Zurigo da Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder e Stefano Battiston, consisteva nell’autopsia della vasta base dati di marketing, relativi al 2007, della Orbis. Furono prelevati e poi analizzati file da tutto il mondo, che comprendevano più di 30 milioni di operatori economici, tra imprese e investitori, incluse le relative posizioni patrimoniali. Dai dati si evince che sono circa 43.000 le aziende transnazionali che hanno i canoni per essere definite tali dall’OCSE. Le più importanti ed influenti sono però solo 1.318, le quali sono accomunate da tre caratteristiche principali: sommate tra di loro, arrivano a generare il 20% del reddito mondiale; si possiedono l’un l’altra (forse anche carnalmente tra impiegati e dirigenti);
esiste un nucleo, chiamato “Unità centrale”, che possiede tutte le altre 43.000 multinazionali.
Insomma, le società più influenti fanno parte di un unico grande cartello finanziario, un vero proprio monopolio, che controlla una ragnatela di 43mila altre società che sono in competizione tra di loro solo virtualmente e che, tutte insieme, generano un altro 60% del reddito mondiale totale. Ma non è finita: l’80% delle 1.318 super-società è a sua volta controllato da un gruppo ancora più piccolo di loro, formato da sole 737 aziende, ma sono soltanto 147 quelle che hanno in pugno il 40% della ricchezza globale. Questa è la TOP 50:
3 FMR CORP US 6713 IN 8.94
4 AXA FR 6712 SCC 11.21
6 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO. US 6512 SCC 14.55
9 UBS AG CH 6512 SCC 18.46
10 MERRILL LYNCH & CO., INC. US 6712 SCC 19.45
17 NATIXIS FR 6512 SCC 24.98
19 T. ROWE PRICE GROUP, INC. US 6713 SCC 26.29
20 LEGG MASON, INC. US 6712 SCC 26.92
27 INVESCO PLC GB 6523 SCC 30.82
28 ALLIANZ SE DE 7415 SCC 31.32
29 TIAA US 6601 IN 32.24
31 AVIVA PLC GB 6601 SCC 33.14
32 SCHRODERS PLC GB 6712 SCC 33.57
33 DODGE & COX US 7415 IN 34.00
34 LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLDINGS, INC. US 6712 SCC 34.43 (e infatti avete sentito che botto ha fatto…)
37 CNCE FR 6512 SCC 35.57
41 ING GROEP N.V. NL 6603 SCC 36.96
46 BNP PARIBAS FR 6512 SCC 38.56
Ovviamente sono tutte banche o istituti finanziari e possiedono tutto, dai principali settori industriali tra cui ad esempio quello bellico (1780 miliardi di fatturato), passando per le compagnie petrolifere (colossi come “ExxonMobil Corporation” o “Shell Group” possono contare su un giro d’affari che, nel 2008, ha sfiorato i 310 miliardi di Euro), per le industrie farmaceutiche (il mercato mondiale dei medicinali è stimato in 466 miliardi di dollari), per quelle alimentari (solo in Italia 127 miliardi di euro, mentre Nestlé da sola fattura 36,65 miliardi), senza dimenticare il settore delle telecomunicazioni (AT&T fattura 20 miliardi, Vodafone 13,8 etc). Il “Potere Monetario”, o Dio Quattrino, esite davvero, non è una leggenda.
Ora non resta che farsi una domanda: come si muovono questi colossi finanziari, se sono tutti controllati dalla stessa “Unità Centrale”? Ad ognuno la sua risposta.
distruggere i popoli o distruggere il debito? ] ADESSO RESTITUITE LA SOVRANITà MONETARIA AI POPOLI [ ragazzi satanisti farisei Bush 322 Rothschild 666 SpA ururai ladri traditori parassiti: voi con la vostra guerra mondiale nucleare? voi siete giunti troppo tardi! ] Il Governo segreto delle multinazionali - Lidia Undiemi Pubblicato il 16 lug 2015
Uscire dall'euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
distruggere i popoli o distruggere il debito? [ ragazzi satanisti farisei Bush 322 Rothschild 666 SpA ururai ladri traditori parassiti: voi con la vostra guerra mondiale nucleare? voi siete giunti troppo tardi! ] Claudio Messora .. IL GOVERNO SEGRETO DELLE MULTINAZIONALI
Uscire dall'euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
distruggere i popoli o distruggere il debito? [ ragazzi satanisti farisei Bush 322 Rothschild 666 SpA ururai ladri traditori parassiti: voi con la vostra guerra mondiale nucleare? voi siete giunti troppo tardi! ] La Troika ha sentenziato: la Grecia deve morire per pagare il suo debito. Deve morire dissanguata, lentamente in agonia ed esposta al pubblico ludibrio come monito per il prossimo (l'Italia?). Il volere dei cittadini greci, espresso tramite il refendum popolare del 5 luglio, conta meno di niente, anzi è un aggravante che ha comportato l'ipoteca di 52 miliardi di beni pubblici greci come garanzia sul ripagamento del debito. Un'assicurazione sull'esercizio della democrazia: se i greci vogliono votare per cambiare le cose loro comunque si tengono il "grisbi". Tanto vale non votare più. E' il debito che comanda. Questi greci traditori... "si son fatti prestare i soldi e ora non vogliono restituire nulla".
Ma chi l'ha contratto questo debito mostruoso? Come si è accumulato? Per cosa è stato investito? A marzo di quest'anno la presidentessa del parlamento greco, Zoé Konstantopoulou, ha annunciato la costituzione di un audit del debito greco attraverso una commissione coordinata da Eric Toussaint, autore del libro "Debitocrazia", e presidente del Comité pour l’Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde (“Comitato per l’annullamento del debito nel Terzo Mondo”). La storia della commissione è raccontata in questo video di Giorgio Simonetti, di cui consiglio la visione, e che le redazioni di tutti i giornali e telegiornali italiani hanno ricevuto, ma evitato di diffondere:
VIDEO L'audit sul debito pubblico della Grecia
La commissione, formata da 35 componenti esperti di diritti umani e finanza, ha lavorato per mesi e nel report preliminare pubblicato mercoledì 17 giugno ha concluso che: “Sulla base del diritto internazionale il governo ha la possibilità di sospendere in maniera sovrana il pagamento del debito greco” in particolare perché: “(…) l’insostenibilità del debito pubblico greco era evidente sin dall’inizio ai creditori internazionali e ai giornali economici. Tuttavia le autorità greche, insieme ad alcuni altri governanti dell’Unione Europea, hanno congiurato contro la ristrutturazione del debito pubblico nel 2010 per proteggere le istituzioni finanziarie. I media economici hanno nascosto la verità all’opinione pubblica dipingendo una situazione in cui il salvataggio era presentato come qualcosa che andava a beneficio della Grecia, assumendo la popolazione come responsabile dei propri misfatti”.
Maria Lucia Fattorelli, revisore dei conti di professione, ha analizzato il bilancio nazionale greco per il 2013 e ha scoperto che dei 113,73 miliardi di euro di uscite, il 50% è andato all’ammortamento del debito, di prestiti e altre obbligazioni, il 5% agli interessi sul debito, 1% per coprire altre spese, per il 6% si trattava di quote di azioni private, e il 5% investimenti e progetti. La spesa pubblica effettiva per far funzionare lo stato è il 33%: “Se si continua a ridurre ancora la spesa, lo stato greco scompare”.
La crescita del debito secondo il rapporto non è dovuta all’eccessiva spesa pubblica, ma piuttosto "al pagamento di interessi ai creditori estremamente alti e da ingiustificate spese militari, perdite di entrate in tasse dovuti a illecite fughe di capitali, forme di ricapitalizzazione di banche private e squilibri creati da difetti nella costituzione della stessa Unione Monetaria".
In sintesi secondo la Commissione per l'Audit la Grecia può non pagare il suo debito perchè l'hanno contratto le banche e i politici e non i cittadini e perchè per ripagare questo debito si stanno violando i diritti umani dei greci. L'audit arriverà alle conclusioni definitive alla fine di quest'anno, se il governo Tsipras continuerà il suo mandato e non sarà sostituito da qualche nuovo burattino della Troika. Il riconoscimento ufficiale dell'immoralità del debito greco da parte di una commissione parlamentare creerebbe un precedente storico pericoloso per la tenuta stessa dell'euro e della gabbia del debito.
Un audit, sul modello di quello greco, va istituito al più presto anche per il debito pubblico italiano che ha sfondato la soglia dei 2.200 miliardi di euro. Per ripagarlo stanno distruggendo lo Stato sociale, i diritti dei lavoratori, la scuola e svendendo tutti gli asset strategici italiani. Dopo la Grecia, i prossimi siamo noi. Prepariamoci. Non possiamo morire di debito. Non possiamo morire per l'euro. Potere al popolo, non alle banche!
io non ho bisogno di convincere qualcuno che l'aborto è il più grande errore! tutti già lo sanno ] [ Amy aveva solo 19 anni quando ha programmato un aborto, ma una volta in clinica, entrando nella sala in cui avrebbe dovuto essere “preparata”, ha iniziato a sentire le gambe molli, e prima che se ne potesse rendere conto è svenuta. “Sdraiata su quel pavimento freddo e con le guance bagnate di lacrime, mi sembrava che il mio mondo stesse cadendo a pezzi”.
Con questa intensità ha ricordato quelle ore al portale Life news la donna che oggi è una nota attivista pro-vita, fondatrice di Embrace Grace, organizzazione che aiuta le donne che vivono una gravidanza difficile.
Amy, cresciuta in una famiglia cristiana, racconta che sentiva il peso emotivo e morale di essere sul punto di compiere un atto sbagliato. “Sapevo con tutto il cuore che abortire era un male. Da bambina ero anche stata con la mia famiglia fuori da alcune cliniche abortiste a pregare, ma ho lasciato che la paura si impadronisse dei miei pensieri e ho creduto alla menzogna per la quale l'aborto era l'unica soluzione”.
Sul pavimento della clinica, sentiva che non avrebbe potuto portare avanti la gravidanza, che avrebbe fatto vergognare la sua famiglia e avrebbe deluso tutti coloro che le volevano bene. Mentre le infermiere la aiutavano a riprendersi, continuava a piangere. In quel momento, ha detto Amy, è accaduta una cosa fuori dall'ordinario, inattesa in un posto come quello...
“Una delle infermiere mi ha detto: 'Oggi non abortirai. Torna in un altro momento, non è la tua giornata'. Sono uscita, ho inspirato profondamente e sono andata in sala d'attesa, dove il padre di mio figlio stava aspettando. Con gli occhi rossi e la faccia gonfia, l'ho guardato e gli ho detto: 'Siamo ancora incinti'”.
In quel momento entrambi hanno deciso di optare per la vita, affrontando le proprie paure, assumendo la sfida e dicendo la verità alla propria famiglia.
“Non avremmo mai immaginato che quella sfida avrebbe finito per essere una grande benedizione, un miracolo che Dio avrebbe usato per unire le nostre famiglie e costruire un'eredità. È stato alla 16ma settimana della mia gravidanza che mi sono detta 'Lo farò'. Ho promesso di amare per tutta la vita non solo colui che sarebbe stato mio marito, ma anche questo bambino che è venuto a cambiare la mia vita”.
Oggi, 17 anni dopo, Amy Ford e suo marito Ryan hanno quattro figli e vivono nel trambusto quotidiano tipico di una famiglia numerosa. “Nel 1998 ho detto sì all'uomo dei miei sogni. Ci siamo sposati giovani e siamo cresciuti insieme. Non riesco a immaginare la mia vita senza Ryan. È bellissimo, mi fa ridere ed è il mio miglior amico. Abbiamo quattro splendidi figli - Jess, Mackenzie, Landry e Judá”.
Amy vive anche la passione per i servizi di accompagnamento alle donne gestanti con problemi che ricorrono a Embrace Grace, Inc., l'organizzazione di cui è cofondatrice e presidente. Nel libro A bumb in life - Storie reali di speranza e coraggio durante una gravidanza non pianificata, ha raccolto la sua testimonianza e quella di molte altre ragazze, madri coraggiose come lei. “Guardo verso Dio e gli rendo grazie per le benedizioni che ci ha dato”, ha confessato.
[Traduzione dallo spagnolo a cura di Roberta Sciamplicotti]
Soldiers Eye View of Last Nights Raid. IDF-raid. Click here to watch: IDF Nighttime Raid Bags Terrorist Killer of Israeli Hiker Danny Gonen. Israeli security forces have arrested the terrorist behind the cold-blooded murder of Israeli hiker Danny Gonen last month, along with several suspected accomplices. The attack in the Binyamin region north of Jerusalem, which also left a fellow hiker seriously wounded, is believed to be one of a series carried out by an organized terrorist cell operating in the area. Gonen's murder was noted for its particularly cold-blooded nature; his killer lured the unsuspecting hikers over by asking for water, and then gunned them down at point-blank range. It has also been revealed that the murderer and apparent mastermind of the terror cell is on the payroll of the Palestinian Authority. In addition, one of the cell members was among more than 1,000 terrorists released in the 2011 Shalit Deal with Hamas.
Watch Here
The suspects also admitted to having carried out several shooting attacks against IDF soldiers stationed at the Kalandia checkpoint near Jerusalem prior to the murder. They also said they spent time immediately before the attack scoping out the natural spring where Gonen and his companion were eventually murdered, with the express intention of finding Israelis to kill. Security forces also seized several weapons during the course of the investigation, including what is believed to be the gun used to shoot Gonen. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu praised the work of security forces in arresting Gonen's killer. "On the day of the murder, I said that we would catch the reprehensible and abhorrent murderer and the ISA and IDF did so in a short time," Netanyahu said. "Now that it becomes clear that this was a Palestinian Authority man it will be interesting to see if the Palestinian Authority condemns the murder or continues its silence. Those who do not attack terrorism will, in the end, be attacked by it."
Read more: Arutz Sheva
La legge italiana proibisce l’uso di latte in polvere per fare formaggio. È una buona legge, che ha contributo non poco a salvaguardare l’immenso patrimonio caseario di tutto il paese. [ Il formaggio si fa con il latte! Slow Food dice NO all'uso del latte in polvere. Firma la petizione entro luglio! ] Ora, la Commissione europea, sollecitata da una parte dell’industria lattiero casearia italiana, invita l’Italia a modificare questa legge entro la fine di luglio per garantire la libera circolazione delle merci. Ancora una volta, in nome del libero mercato, si tenta di livellare verso il basso, a spese dei produttori di qualità e dei consumatori.
Il latte in polvere non è nocivo per la salute, ma il suo utilizzo per produrre formaggi ha un unico risultato: aumentare i profitti dei giganti dell’industria casearia, omologando un prodotto che dovrebbe nascere dalla biodiversità dei latti, degli animali, dei territori. Se l’Italia ammettesse la produzione di formaggi anche con latte in polvere non farebbe altro che aumentare la confusione dei consumatori, penalizzando ulteriormente i produttori virtuosi.
Non facciamo un passo indietro su qualità e sostenibilità. Anzi, facciamo un passo avanti e chiediamo a tutti i paesi europei di affermare un principio molto semplice: il formaggio si fa con il latte!
Firma l’appello per dire no al latte in polvere, sostieni Slow Food in questa campagna.
Naftali Bennett exposes Iran Nuclear Deal as a ‘farce’ in hostile BBC interview
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu delivered his official reaction to the deal signed between Iran and world powers over Tehran's nuclear program. "The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was yesterday," Netanyahu said, speaking at the start of an emergency security cabinet meeting he convened following news of the deal, which was officially announced Tuesday morning. World powers have "gambled that in 10 years time Iran's terrorist regime will change - while removing any initiative for it to do so! In fact the deal gives Iran every incentive not to change," he lamented. Netanyahu fired that the deal will fuel "Iran's sponsorship of terror and attempts to destroy Israel," citing as proof statements to that effect made by Iranian officials and allies including Hezbollah. “This deal repeats the mistakes made with North Korea," he intoned. "There, too, we were assured that inspections and verifications would prevent a rogue regime from developing nuclear weapons. And we all know how that ended. The bottom line of this very bad deal is exactly what Iran's President Rouhani said today: the international community is removing the sanctions, and Iran is keeping its nuclear program.” "The deal will give an unreformed, unrepentant and far richer terrorist regime the capacity to produce many nuclear bombs - in fact, an entire nuclear arsenal, with the means to deliver it. "What a stunning historic mistake." "Israel is not bound by this deal with Iran, because Iran continues to seek our destruction," he warned. "We will always defend ourselves."
Watch Here
Earlier Tuesday, at a press conference in Jerusalem with visiting Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders, Netanyahu decried the deal as a "bitter mistake of historic proportions." "In every area where it was supposed to prevent Iran attaining nuclear arms capability, there were huge compromises," he added. "I will refer later to the details of the agreement, but before that, I would like to say here and now – when you are willing to make an agreement at any cost, this is the result." "From the initial reports we can already conclude that this agreement is an historic mistake for the world," he later added, during a meeting with Netherlands Foreign Minister Bert Koenders. "Far-reaching concessions have been made in all areas that were supposed to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability. In addition, Iran will receive hundreds of billions of dollars with which it can fuel its terror machine and its expansion and aggression throughout theMiddle East and across the globe." "One cannot prevent an agreement when the negotiators are willing to make more and more concessions to those who, even during the talks, keep chanting: 'Death to America," he continued. "We knew very well that the desire to sign an agreement was stronger than anything, and therefore we did not commit to preventing an agreement." "We did commit to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and this commitment still stands," he concluded. "I say to all the leaders in Israel, it is time to put petty politics aside and unite behind this most fateful issue to the future and security of the State of Israel." Other prominent Israeli ministers similarly slammed the deal as a "historic capitulation." Just a day earlier on Monday, the prime minister declared that Israel will block Iran's path to the nuclear bomb regardless of the deal, saying, "our commitment is to prevent Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons."
Read more: Arutz Sheva
Israeli security forces were successful in apprehending a terror cell that carried out several terror attacks, including the murder of Danny Gonen.
Israeli security forces announced Wednesday that they arrested the terrorist who murdered Danny Gonen late last month. One other Israeli was wounded in the attack.
The operation to apprehend the terrorists was conducted by several Special Forces units over the past weeks, Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) stated.
The murderer and mastermind of the terror cell is Mahmad Shahin, 30, of Qalandia, north of Jerusalem. The four other terrorists from the Ramallah area were arrested in the operation, and weapons used in previous terror attacks were seized.
The terrorists admitted to assisting in the murder of Gonen and to carrying out several other shooting attacks against Israeli security forces.
Shahin, 30, is a former member of the Fatah-affiliated Force 17 security unit, and received a salary from the Palestinian Authority (PA).
He spent two years in an Israeli prison, from 2006 to 2008, after confessing to planning shooting and stabbing attacks.
Shahin arrived at the spring near Dolev to gather intelligence before last month’s deadly shooting.
In 2014, he carried out six shootings, including one that injured a soldier, the Shin Bet stated after the arrests.
Another arrested terrorist, Amjad Adwan, 35 from Qalandia, was also a Tanzim-Fatah operative. Adwan supplied ammunition to Shahin, and acted as a lookout in a number of shooting attacks. He too spent time in an Israeli prison for arms dealings and carrying out a bombing attack.
The third terrorist, Ashraf Amar, 24, also of Qalandia, is an operative in the PA’s intelligence” branch, the Shin Bet pointed out. He had planned to execute an attack together with Shahin, but did not have a chance to do so.
The fourth cell member, Osama Assad, 29, was imprisoned in Israel on weapons charges and was released in the Shalit deal. He hid the gun used in the terror attack and knew of Shahin’s actions.
Another terrorist, who has no organizational affiliation, was also under arrest on suspicion of involvement.
Gonen, a 25-year-old electrical engineering student, was shot as he was on a hike to a spring in Samaria together with a friend.
An investigation into the incident revealed that as they approached a junction a Palestinian standing at the side of the road asked them to pull over.
They complied, and the terrorists struck up a conversation with them. After ensuring that those in the car were Israelis, the terrorists opened fire at close range, hitting both Israelis with 9-milliliter bullets. Gonen died shortly after of his wounds.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commended the security forces for their quick work.
“On the day of the murder, I said that we would catch the reprehensible and abhorrent murderer and the ISA [Shin Bet] and IDF did so in a short time. Now that it becomes clear that this was a Palestinian Authority man it will be interesting to see if the Palestinian Authority condemns the murder or continues its silence. Those who do not attack terrorism will, in the end, be attacked by it,” the prime minister said.
By: Max Gelber, United with Israel
Israeli leaders across the political spectrum decried the bad nuclear deal with Iran as an historic mistake which will endanger the entire world.
Israel’s leadership reacted harshly to the announcement by the P5+1 and Iran on Tuesday that they have reached an agreement regarding the Islamic Republic’s nuclear aspirations.
Israeli leaders, from left to right, charged the West with capitulation to Iran, warned that the deal made the world a more dangerous place, and vowed that Israel would defend itself in any way it saw fit and with all means.
During a meeting with Netherlands’ foreign minister, Netanyahu said “this agreement is an historic mistake for the world.”
youtube GENDER ] [ mentre stavo scrivEndo questo articolo, youtube mi ha cacciato, espulso! mi ha chiuso la porta in faccia! e, IO sono stato costretto a riaccreditarmi attraverso: il doppio passaggio di gmaiL, nuovamente ] EPPURE, IO STAVO ESPRIMENDO, soltanto, IL MIO LEGITTIMO PENSIERO, sancito COSTITUZIONAlmente in modo LEGITTIMO [ QUESTI OMOSESSUALI MASSIMALISTI, che controllano youtube, IDEOLOGIA GENDER SONO DIVENTATI ORMAI IL NAZISMO, e non si rendono conto, che, spingendo la LEGA ARABA su posizioni di impossibilità, di un qualche accordo possibile, stanno rendendo inevitabile la guerra mondiale ] [ per colpa di questa ideologia criminale GENDER, io non posso più dire alla LEGA ARABA, voi cercate con noi un accordo! ANZI LORO SARANNO FELICI DI MORIRE, PIUTTOSTO CHE, DIVENTARE, quella MERDA IDEOLOGICA GeNDER CoNTRO NATURA, CHE NOI SIAMO! [ e tutti lo sanno io non disprezzo l'omosessuale come persona a cui non nego nessun diritto civile, ma, io contesto, a loro, soltanto l'istituto del matrimonio che è un diritto naturale ] voi siete pazzi, CIOè, tanto è il vostro odio contro il CREATORE, che, voi avete ELEVATO UNA PERVERSIONE SESSUALE A SUBLIME SIMBOLO DELL'AMORE: QUESTO è BLASFEMIA E SACRILEGIO, è QUALCOSA CHE è ANDATA MOLTO OLTRE, IL PATTO DI TOLLERaNZA E INTEGRAZIONE SOCIALE, voi siete dei cattivi maestri, i peggiori maestri!
Obama Sends Defense Secretary to Reassure Israel on Iran Deal
The US Secretary of Defense will arrive next week to reassure Israel that the Iran nuclear deal will not end US-Israeli bilateral cooperation to counter Iran’s terror activities.
July 15, 2015 | Share: 2 likes
Why the Nuclear Deal with Iran is Bad
While Tehran welcomed the nuclear deal signed with the P5+1 Tuesday, Jerusalem vehemently opposed it. Here's why.
July 15, 2015 | Share: 4533 likes
WATCH: Iran Nuclear Deal is an ‘Historic Mistake’ for the Entire World
Israeli PM Netanyahu and leaders across the political spectrum decried the bad nuclear deal with Iran as an historic mistake which will endanger the entire world.
youtube GENDER ] [ #ProudToLove - Celebrating Marriage Equality and LGBT Pride Month ] di YouTube Spotlight 5.671.087 visualizzazioni 2 settimane fa ] Proud To Love? SHAME TO LOVE! non c'è nessun coraggio ad amare una persona, del tuo stesso sesso, anzi è da vigliacchi! INFATTI, L'AMORE PIù NOBILE ED EROICO, CHE POI, è IL VERO AMORE, è QUELLO DI AMARE LA DIVERSITà, LA ALTERITà SESSUALE, COLUI CHE è DIVERSO DA TE! Voi state distruggendo il fondamento della nostra società! E TUTTI NOI SIAMO NATI DA UN UOMO ED UNA DONNA: "GRAZIE A DIO!"] Dopotutto, il declino degli imperi, è sempre stato accompagnato, dalla diffusione della omosesuslaità, QUESTO è IL SIMBOLO CHE LA NOSTRA SOCIETà DECADENTE, SEMPRE PIù AFFLITTA, da gravissimi problemi di immoralità, pedofilia, bestialismo, aborto, eutanasia, ED OGNI GENERE DI PERVERVERSIONI SESSUALI ELEVATE A LINGUAGGIO DELL'AMORE, PERCHé ANCHE GLI ANIMALI AMANO DIO CREATORE, MA, NOI LO ABBIAMO ODIATO, COSì TANTO! E QUINDI CONTRO NATURA FACCIAMO COSE CHE GLI ANIMALI MAI FAREBBERO! hai distrutto nella scimmia di tua madre Darwin (senza nessuna dimostrazione scientifica), il valore della sacralità della vita umana! ORMAI GLI UOMINI SONO DIVENTATI DEGLI OGGETTI, NELLA MANACCIE DEL BANCHIERE ROTHSCHILD SPA FMI, E LA FINANZA HA PRESO IL CONTROLLO DELLA ECONOMIA E DELLA POLITICA E VOI STATE PER MORIRE, VOI COME SODOMA E GOMORRA? PRESTO SARETE PURIFICATI DAL FUOCO ATOMICO!
youtube GENDER ] [ #ShameToLove ] io non ho mai negato: in questi 7 anni, che una perversione sessuale, un sesso contro natura, possa diventare, in alcuni casi rari, il SOGGETTIVO, PRIVATO, linguaggio dell'amore! DIO giudica le coscienze non noi! MA, TU NON PUOI DARE IL MATRIMONIO: simbolo formale e ufficiale, dell'amore, come il simbolo di UNA PERVERSIONE SESSUALE PER DIRE ALLE FUTURE GENERAZIONI DI: deprivati, animali evoluti, DISOCCUPATI, INDEBITATI, PROFANATI DAL SISTEMA MASSONICO E DALLA USURA MONDIALE, riempiti di metal satanico, questo è amore ed è uguale come quell'altro! lo giuro: "io vi dilanierò sulla bocca dell'inferno!"
youtube, facebook, gay gender ideologia, orgoglio Sodoma ] e perché, la natura dice che voi siete dei pervertiti, ed invece, voi dite che non è peccato? COME POTRETE MAI SCAMPARE DAL GIUDIZIO DELLA PAROLA DI DIO CONTRO DI VOI? CERTO, voi e i vostri supporter, voi SARETE DISINTEGRATI NEL GIORNO DEL GIUDIZIO UNIVERSALE, DOPO ESSERE STATI 1000 ANNI ALL'INFERNO!
youtube, facebook, gay gender ideologia, orgoglio Sodoma ] e perché, voi penste che proprio io (avendo la potenza della Metafisica) io non abbia cercato, di sfuggire: "al morso ed alle briglie della legge"? Perché voi non pensate che, io non abbia sentito contro: di me, tutta la potenza dei desideri della carne, e la ipnosi delle false suadenti: erronee ragioni del peccato? [ anche io ho cercato molte volte di sfuggire ai rigori della LEGGE Torà, ma, non ho trovato nessuna via di fuga! ] 1. non abbiamo creato noi il mondo, 2. non abbiamo messo noi le regole del gioco; 3. e sarà la PArola di Dio (la Bibbia) a giudicarci! Coloro che bruciano la Bibbia, non hanno nessuna speranza di poter avere, misericordia, perché, la Bibbia è il VERBO eterno, la Parola vivente: è il Cristo Messia fatto uomo in Gesù di Betlemme, colui che è nato dalla IMMACOLATA CONCEZIONE
youtube GENDER ] [ #ProudToLove - Celebrating Marriage Equality and LGBT Pride Month ] forse tu hai reso invisibili i miei commenti a tutti, infatti nessuno li ha votati!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ ok io sono disponibile a farvi delle concessioni! but, stop crazy sharia Arab LEAGUE nazism ]
JewsxMessiahUniusRei about talmud, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians MyJHWH ] [ ok io sono disponibile a farvi delle concessioni! but, stop crazy sharia Arab LEAGUE ] talmud By: Benjamin H. Freedman THE TALMUD on Christians
"The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians," was written by Rev. I.B. Pranaitis, Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church in Old St. Petersburg, Russia. The Rev. Pranaitis was the greatest of the students of the Talmud. His complete command of the Hebrew language qualified him to analyze the Talmud as few men in history.
The Rev. Pranaitis scrutinized the Talmud for passages referring to Jesus, Christians and the Christian faith. These passages were translated by him into Latin. Hebrew lends itself to translation into Latin better than it does directly into English. The translation of the passages of the Talmud referring to Jesus, Christians and Christian faith were printed in Latin by the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg in 1893 with the Imprimatur of his Archbishop. The translation from the Latin into English was made by great Latin scholars in the United States in 1939 with funds provided by wealthy Americans for that purpose.
In order not to leave any loose ends on the subject of the Talmud's reference to Jesus, to Christians and to the Christian faith I will below summarize translations into English from the Latin texts of Rev. Pranaitis' "The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians". It would require too much space to quote these passages verbatim with their foot-notes form the Soncino Edition in English.
First I will summarize the references by Rev. Pranaitis referring to Jesus in the Talmud in the original texts translated by him into Latin, and from Latin into English:
Sanhedrin, 67a -- Jesus referred to as the son of Pandira, a soldier
Kallah, 1b. (18b) -- Illegitimate and conceived during menstruation.
Sanhedrin, 67a -- Hanged on the eve of Passover. Toldath Jeschu. Birth related in most shameful expressions
Abhodah Zarah II -- Referred to as the son of Pandira, a Roman soldier.
Schabbath XIV. Again referred to as the son of Pandira, the Roman.
Sanhedrin, 43a -- On the eve of Passover they hanged Jesus.
Schabbath, 104b -- Called a fool and no one pays attention to fools.
Toldoth Jeschu. Judas and Jesus engaged in quarrel with filth.
Sanhedrin, 103a. -- Suggested corrupts his morals and dishonors self.
Sanhedrin, 107b. -- Seduced, corrupted and destroyed Israel.
Zohar III, (282) -- Died like a beast and buried in animal's dirt heap.
Hilkoth Melakhim -- Attempted to prove Christians err in worship of Jesus
Abhodah Zarah, 21a -- Reference to worship of Jesus in homes unwanted.
Orach Chaiim, 113 -- Avoid appearance of paying respect to Jesus.
Iore dea, 150,2 -- Do not appear to pay respect to Jesus by accident.
Abhodah Zarah (6a) -- False teachings to worship on first day of Sabbath
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]]The above are a few selected from a very complicated arrangement in which many references are obscured by intricate reasoning. The following are a few summarized references to Christians and the Christian faith although not always expressed in exactly that manner. There are eleven names used in the Talmud for non-Talmud followers, by which Christians are meant. Besides Nostrim, from Jesus the Nazarene, Christians are called by all the names used in the Talmud to designate all non-"Jews": Minim, Edom, Abhodan Zarah, Akum. Obhde Elilim, Nokrim, Amme Haarets, Kuthim, Apikorosim, and Goim. Besides supplying the names by which Christians are called in the Talmud, the passages quoted below indicate what kind of people the Talmud pictures the Christians to be, and what the Talmud says about the religious worship of Christians:
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Hilkhoth Maakhaloth -- Christians are idolators, must not associate.
Abhodah Zarah (22a) -- Do not associate with gentiles, they shed blood.
Iore Dea (153, 2). -- Must not associate with Christians, shed blood.
Abhodah Zarah (25b). -- Beware of Christians when walking abroad with them.
Orach Chaiim (20, 2). -- Christians disguise themselves to kill Jews.
Abhodah Zarah (15b) -- Suggest Christians have sex relations with animals.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Abhodah Zarah (22a) -- Suspect Christians of intercourse with animals.
Schabbath (145b) -- Christians unclean because they eat accordingly
Abhodah Zarah (22b) -- Christians unclean because they not at Mount Sinai.
Iore Dea (198, 48). -- Clean female Jews contaminated meeting Christians.
Kerithuth (6b p. 78) -- Jews called men, Christians not called men.
Makkoth (7b) -- Innocent of murder if intent was to kill Christian.
Orach Chaiim(225, 10) -- Christians and animals grouped for comparisons.
Midrasch Talpioth 225 -- Christians created to minister to Jews always.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Orach Chaiim 57, 6a -- Christians to be pitied more than sick pigs.
Zohar II (64b) -- Christian idolators likened to cows and asses.
Kethuboth (110b). -- Psalmist compares Christians to unclean beasts.
Sanhedrin (74b). Tos. -- Sexual intercourse of Christian like that of beast.
Kethuboth (3b) -- The seed of Christian is valued as seed of beast.
Kidduschim (68a) -- Christians like the people of an ass.
Eben Haezar (44,8) -- Marriages between Christian and Jews null.
Zohar (II, 64b) -- Christian birth rate must be diminished materially.
Zohar (I, 28b) -- Christian idolators children of Eve's serpent.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Zohar (I, 131a) -- Idolatrous people (Christians) befoul the world.
Emek Haschanach(17a) -- Non-Jews' souls come from death and death's shadow.
Zohar (I, 46b, 47a) -- Souls of gentiles have unclean divine origins.
Rosch Haschanach(17a) -- Non-Jews souls go down to hell.
Iore Dea (337, 1). -- Replace dead Christians like lost cow or ass.
Iebhammoth (61a) -- Jews called men, but not Christians called men.
Abhodah Zarah (14b) T -- Forbidden to sell religious works to Christians
Abhodah Zarah (78) -- Christian churches are places of idolatry.
Iore Dea (142, 10) -- Must keep far away physically from churches.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (142, 15) -- Must not listen to church music or look at idols
Iore Dea (143, 1) -- Must not rebuild homes destroyed near churches.
Hilkoth Abh. Zar (10b) -- Jews must not resell broken chalices to Christians.
Chullin (91b) -- Jews possess dignity even an angel cannot share.
Sanhedrin, 58b -- To strike Israelite like slapping face of God.
Chagigah, 15b -- A Jew considered good in spite of sins he commits.
Gittin (62a) -- Jew stay away from Christian homes on holidays.
Choschen Ham. (26,1) -- Jew must not sue before a Christian judge or laws.
Choschen Ham (34,19) -- Christian or servant cannot become witnesses.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (112, 1). -- Avoid eating with Christians, breeds familiarity.
Abhodah Zarah (35b) -- Do not drink milk from a cow milked by Christian.
Iore dea (178, 1) -- Never imitate customs of Christians, even hair-comb.
Abhodah Zarah (72b) -- Wine touched by Christians must be thrown away.
Iore Dea (120, 1) -- Bought-dishes from Christians must be thrown away.
Abhodah Zarah (2a) -- For three days before Christian festivals, avoid all.
Abhodah Zarah (78c) -- Festivals of followers of Jesus regarded as idolatry.
Iore Dea (139, 1) -- Avoid things used by Christians in their worship.
Abhodah Zarah (14b) -- Forbidden to sell Christians articles for worship.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (151,1) H. -- Do not sell water to Christians articles for baptisms.
Abhodah Zarah (2a, 1) -- Do not trade with Christians on their feast days.
Abhodah Zarah (1,2) -- Now permitted to trade with Christians on such days.
Abhodah Zarah (2aT) -- Trade with Christians because they have money to pay.
Iore Dea (148, 5) -- If Christian is not devout, may send him gifts.
Hilkoth Akum (IX,2) -- Send gifts to Christians only if they are irreligious.
Iore Dea (81,7 Ha) -- Christian wet-nurses to be avoided because dangerous.
Iore Dea (153, 1 H) -- Christian nurse will lead children to heresy.
Iore Dea (155,1). -- Avoid Christian doctors not well known to neighbors.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Peaschim (25a) -- Avoid medical help from idolators, Christians meant.
Iore Dea (156,1) -- Avoid Christian barbers unless escorted by Jews.
Abhodah Zarah (26a). -- Avoid Christian midwives as dangerous when alone.
Zohar (1,25b) -- Those who do good to Christians never rise when dead.
Hilkoth Akum (X,6) -- Help needy Christians if it will promote peace.
Iore Dea (148, 12H) -- Hide hatred for Christians at their celebrations.
Abhodah Zarah (20a) -- Never praise Christians lest it be believed true.
Iore Dea (151,14) -- Not allowed to praise Christians to add to glory.
Hilkoth Akum (V, 12) -- Quote Scriptures to forbid mention of Christian god.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (146, 15) -- Refer to Christian religious articles with contempt.
Iore Dea (147,5) -- Deride Christian religious articles without wishes.
Hilkoth Akum (X,5) -- No gifts to Christians, gifts to converts.
Iore Dea (151,11) -- Gifts forbidden to Christians, encourages friendship.
Iore Dea (335,43) -- Exile for that Jew who sells farm to Christian.
Iore Dea (154,2) -- Forbidden to teach a trade to a Christian
Babha Bathra (54b) -- Christian property belongs to first person claiming.
Choschen Ham(183,7) -- Keep what Christian overpays in error.
Choschen Ham(226,1) -- Jew may keep lost property of Christian found by Jew.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Babha Kama (113b) -- It is permitted to deceive Christians.
Choschen Ham(183,7) -- Jews must divide what they overcharge Christians.
Choschen Ham(156,5) -- Jews must not take Christian customers from Jews.
Iore Dea (157,2) H -- May deceive Christians that believe Christian tenets.
Abhodah Zarah (54a) --Usury may be practiced upon Christians or apostates.
Iore Dea (159,1) -- Usury permitted now for any reason to Christians.
Babha Kama (113a) -- Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian.
Babha Kama (113b) -- Name of God not profaned when lying to Christians.
Kallah (1b, p.18) -- Jew may perjure himself with a clear conscience.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Schabbouth Hag. (6d). -- Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.
Zohar (1,160a). -- Jews must always try to deceive Christians.
Iore Dea (158,1) -- Do not cure Christians unless it makes enemies.
Orach Cahiim (330,2) -- Do not assist Christian's childbirth on Saturday.
Choschen Ham.(425,5) -- Unless believes in Torah do not prevent his death.
Iore Dea (158,1) -- Christians not enemies must not be saved either.
Hilkkoth Akum (X,1) -- Do not save Christians in danger of death.
Choschen Ham(386,10) -- A spy may be killed even before he confesses.
Abhodah Zorah (26b) -- Apostates to be thrown into well, not rescued.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Choschen Ham(388,15) -- Kill those who give Israelites' money to Christians
Sanhedrin (59a) -- `Prying into Jews' "Law" to get death penalty
Hilkhoth Akum(X,2) -- Baptized Jews are to be put to death
Iore Dea(158,2)Hag. -- Kill renegades who turn to Christian rituals.
Choschen Ham(425,5) -- Those who do not believe in Torah are to be killed.
Hilkhoth tesch.III,8 -- Christians and others deny the "Law" of the Torah.
Zohar (I,25a) -- Christians are to be destroyed as idolators.
Zohar (II,19a) -- Captivity of Jews end when Christian princes die.
Zohar (I,219b) -- Princes of Christians are idolators, must die.
Obadiam -- When Rome is destroyed, Israel will be redeemed. Abhodah Zarah(26b) T. -- "Even the best of the Goim should be killed."
Sepher Or Israel 177b -- If Jew kills Christian commits no sin. Ialkut Simoni (245c) -- Shedding blood of impious offers sacrifice to God.
Zohar (II, 43a) -- Extermination of Christians necessary sacrifice. Zohar (L,28b,39a) -- High place in heaven for those who kill idolators.
Hilkhoth Akum(X,1) -- Make no agreements and show no mercy to Christians. Hilkhoth Akum (X,1) -- Either turn them away from their idols or kill.
Hilkhoth Akum (X,7) -- Allow no idolators to remain where Jews are strong. Choschen Ham(388,16) -- All contribute to expense of killing traitor.
Pesachim (49b) -- No need of prayers while beheading on Sabbath. Schabbath (118a). -- Prayers to save from punishment of coming Messiah.
"To Seek Out That Which was Lost ..." We present this information as a service to our readers ... Its inclusion, Should not be construed as the Authors 'or the Relays' endorsement, of our: Beliefs ... or as our endorsement of Theirs .. The Truth: will stand on it's: own Merit. could resist, at a analyze: historico-critical: all this accusations: against Jesus and his mother? A person dishonored: him could have done: the rabbi ? Accusations about the integrity of his mother, if known, would not have been said and reported: by his contemporaries?
stop crazy sharia Arab LEAGUE ] o vivremo insieme o moriremo insieme [ i satanisti massoni USA farisei devono essere emarginati! [ non possiamo essere trovati colpevoli per colpe di natura religiosa, o per nazismo razzista, per dare ai farisei anglo americani delle motivazioni per la guerra! [ ENTRATE TUTTI NEL MIO REGNO METAFISICO UNIUS REI!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] ANZI [ se, non difendi tu il vero cristianesimo, presto si corromperà del tutto e scomparirà! Poi, io voglio vedere come l'Islam potrebbe sopravvivere da solo ai satanisti massoni, atei evoluzionisti, agenda GENDER.. NON PUOI VINCERE QUESTO SCONTRO A LUNGO TERMINE CON LA VIOLENZA SOLTANTO
interessante ] [ KABUL, 30 GIUgno. - Il presidente afghano Hamid Karzai: ha denunciato: l'esistenza di un piano, ''sostenuto da alcuni Paesi'' (ha anche paura: a nominare i demoni: LEGA ARABA: Arabia Saudita: i maniaci religiosi, che, stanno spingendo nel baratro, il genere umano: per fare, il genocidio previsto dal califfato mondiale:), per: costituire in Afghanistan ''una realtà federale: e feudale'', consegnandone: una parte ai talebani. In una conferenza stampa: con il premier britannico: David Cameron, Karzai: ha ribadito: che: negli ultimi sei mesi: alcune Nazioni, non occidentali, stanno cercando: di imporci un ''progetto federale: e feudale in cui: alcune zone dell'Afghanistan: passerebbero: sotto il controllo dei talebani''. --- ANSWER -- sono stati: i farisei Illuminati, del FMI, che, hanno sollevato l'imperialismo islamico, per fare la predazione definitiva: di tutto il genere umano
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] STOP A FARE L'ASSASSINO sharia galassia jihadista, SU COMMISSIONE DEGLI USA [ COME ISRAELE è uscito dalla geopolitica USA, allo steso modo, esci anche tu, non siete due fratelli che camminate insieme? Questo renderà più sicuro il vostro passo!
internazionale islamica sharia NATO USA Obama Califfo Destroy all Albanians Serbian Church in Kosovo, this is another genocide CIA NATO ARAB LEAGUE
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ NON possiamo ballare la musica dei satanisti massoni farisei Spa Anglo americani, per dire: "non abbiamo trovato niente di meglio da fare, per evitare la guerra mondiale nucleare" QUINDI, noi DOBBIAMO IMPOSTARE UN PIANETA SENZA GEOPOLITICHE ECONOMICHE O RELIGIOSE, dobbiamo liberare i prigionieri della usura mondiale! [ e se tu credi che io sono un uomo strano? questo è soltanto perché tu non mi conosci personalmente!!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ sono un dittatore, ma, io non sono un tiranno, se qualcuno non vuole fare di me, il complice dei suoi delitti? poi, io posso accettare qualsiasi cosa! IO NON SONO PRIGIONIERO DI SETTORIALI CATEGORIE CULTURALI ] io credo che la felicità non può essere imposta, ma che deve essere sognata insieme sulla via della virtù! IO ODIO LA VIOLENZA NELLA SOLUZIONE DELLE CONTROVERSIE! E LE IMPOSIZIONI NON SONO DEGNE DEL REGNO DI FRATELLANZA UNIVERSALE CHE NOI VOGLIAMO REALIZZARE!
nucleare iraniano, golpe di Kiev, genocidio dei serbi nel Cosovo, ecc. ecc.. questa è una storia vecchia ] TUTTO QUELLO CHE GLI USA STANNO FACENDO, ad ogni costo, è PER OTTENERE AD OGNI COSTO, LA LORO GUERRA MONDIALE! Ecco perché tutto nel mondo scorre sempre verso il peggio!
Netanyahu is Furious that US is Caving in to Iran. While John Kerry voices optimism regarding negotiations with Iran, Netanyahu warns of a major global threat. The latest developments indicate a pending nuclear deal. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. (Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP) As the six world powers are in the final days of marathon talks that have blown past two extensions and entered the 16th day of the current round on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warns that the P5+1 Powers have completely capitulated to Iranian demands, while Iran touts its hatred for Israel and support for global terror. “The ruler of Iran, Khameini, is quoted as saying that Iran needs to plan to fight the US regardless of whether there is an agreement. The President of Iran, Rouhani, stands at the head of the march of hatred in the streets of Tehran, in which US and Israeli flags were burned, and in which many chanted ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel.’ All of this is happening as the parade of concessions to Iran continues in Vienna, concessions even on issues that had been marked as red lines in the Lausanne package, which is a bad deal in its own right,” Netanyahu said at the beginning of a cabinet meeting Sunday morning.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called the US on Saturday an “excellent example of arrogance” and said that Iran should be “prepared to continue the struggle against arrogant powers.”
The deal is “paving Iran’s way to many nuclear bombs and gives it hundreds of billions of dollars for its terrorism and conquest machine, thereby endangering the peace of the entire world,” Netanyahu charged.
Israel will not comply with the international submission to Iran and will defend itself, Netanyahu declared. “Iran does not hide its intention to continue its murderous aggression even against those with whom it is negotiating. Perhaps there is someone among the great powers who is prepared to capitulate to this reality that Iran is dictating, which includes its unending calls for the destruction of Israel. We will not pay the price for this.” Kerry Expresses Hope. US Secretary of State Kerry.
While Netanyahu expressed near-despair at the situation, Kerry voiced hope for a resolution to the points of contention in the negotiations with Iran, which appeared to be back on track on Sunday.
En route to Mass at Vienna’s gothic St. Stephens Cathedral, Kerry said twice that he was “hopeful” after a “very good meeting” Saturday with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who attended Muslim services Friday.
Kerry noted that “a few tough things” remain in the way of agreement, but added: “We’re getting to some real decisions.”
As the weekend approached, Kerry declared the talks could not go on indefinitely and warned that the US could walk away from the negotiations.
In another sign that a deal could soon be sealed, Russian news agencies reported that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov planned to arrive in Vienna on Sunday evening. Most other foreign ministers of the six nations negotiating with Iran already are in the Austrian capital and in a position to join Kerry and Zarif for any announcement of an agreement. Diplomats familiar with the talks say most of the nuts and bolts of implementing the deal have been agreed upon, but over the past week issues that were previously on the back burner led to new disputes. By: United with Israel Staff
AP contributed to this report
Eih, Dalai Lama, in tutte le Nazioni dove vivono i buddisti? Cristiani e musulmani vengono uccisi lo stesso! COME TU TI PUOI LAMENTARE DELLA CINA? ] [ Cristiani perseguitati in Asia: anche i buddisti stanno col nemico. Buddismo è tolleranza? NO, è SPIETATO NAZISMO ASSASSINO! [ In sei stati dell’Asia in cui sono maggioranza, i buddisti collaborano a reprimere le altre religioni. Lo documenta il Rapporto 2004 dell’Aiuto alla Chiesa che Soffre. In Occidente il buddismo è sinonimo di pace, compassione, saggezza, fratellanza ecumenica. Così come avviene per la sua figura più nota, il Dalai Lama. [ His Holiness the Dalai Lama talking with a group of young children on his arrival at the Museum of Applied Art in Frankfurt, Germany on July 13, 2015. (Mohammed EL HACHEMI 13:58 Profondeur extrême de l'Esprit <3 love <3
LorenzoJHWH UniusREI 14:01 SHALOM + SALAM = BLEINGS TOO my Big Brother lan anh nguyễn
14:03 like
perché anche buddisti uccidere i cristiani? ] because Buddhists also kill Christians? ]
all religions and all ideologies I must say that type of Nazi murderer are all to doing, against the innocent martyrs christian, on all the way the world! and they Spa IMF FED SpA NWO satana JaBullOn Bildenberg Bush and Kerry 322, halloween, god owl baal, UN, they are all the priests of Satan in hole Gender's Obama the Caliph sharia? of all this evil? Christians, they are innocent of all this bad!
tutte le religioni e tutte le ideologie mi devono dire che tipo di nazismo assassino stanno tutti facendo, contro gli innocenti martiri cristiani, in tutto il modo! e che Bildenberg Spa Fmi, Bush 322 e Kerry, ONU, loro sono i sacerdoti di satana Gender Obama il califfo sharia? loro tutti i cristiani, loro sono innocenti di tutto questo male!
gezabeleII [ 27 maggio 2014 15:17 ] Non riuscito (formato di file non valido) ] #rEGINA #eLISABETTA II DI #INGHILTERRA [ NON è POSSIBILE per i complici di questo sistema bancario e massonico di poter entrare nel Regno di Dio! E SE CI FOSSE UN VERO MINISTRO DI DIO NEL MONDO? LUI GRIDEREBBE COME ME, CONTRO IL TUO SATANISMO!
Mr Universal Metafisico
Graham Nixon auto attacco Mossad CIA ] 27 maggio 2014 15:18 [ Non riuscito (impossibile convertire il file video) ] il satanismo massonico ha preso possesso, troppo in profondità, negli USA, e soltanto Dio li può sradicare,(infatti, un enorme asteroride spugnoso, che sarà reso oncandescente con l'attrito del sole, e che vola nella spazio, esso ucciderà un terzo del genere umano, disintegrando Babilonia USA, ha già fatto un buon tratto di strada, e si avvicina, tutto il mio popolo degli ebrei esca immediatamente da Sodoma GENDER! ) ma, se i Governi non vogliono farsi anche questa guerra mondiale nucleare? purtroppo devono venire da me, e non può esistere un altra soluzione, ecco perché, io sono Unius REI!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ non so perché, Dio ha scelto un cristiano, per essere Unius REI ] perché in realtà la METAFISICA è una funzione razionale e politica del Regno di Dio, infatti anche i 10 Comandamenti di Mosé, sono una legge positiva razionale.. Tutta questa scienza sapienza ed intelligenza sono state profanate da Obama, GENDER ideologia e chiunque parla con lui senza schifarlo, e sputarlo in un occhio, diventa impuro, come Obama è impuro!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] [ tecnicamente (in teoria), anche un ateo avrebbe potuto essere Unius REI, perché, la metafisica è pura razionalità, di valori: infiniti, spirituali e trascendenti ( 1). GIUSTIZIA: NON FARE AD ALTRI, IL MALE CHE, TU NON VORRESTI MAI RICEVERE CONTRO DI TE! drink your poison made by yourself, 2). VERITà (NON MENTIRE MAI a costo della tua vita, tu non mentire mai: chi mente è un assassino), che, questi sono i valori, che danno un senso, un significato alla vita umana (e non la ipocrisia di ogni religione, che nasconde il crimine di satanismo che è il signoraggio bancario che Rothschild SpA 666 NWO 322 hanno rubato per colpa di tutti i politici del mondo: alto tradimento costituzionale, e che, è perché, tutti i popoli sono diventati schiavi e sono condotti al satanismo, in qualche modo! Che tutti quelli che violano la coscienza di una persona onesta, sono satanisti per me! ), per non finire, miseramente di diventare una scimmia DArwin dalla forma umana, come, il Talmud ha insegnato e come Obama l'anticristo è diventato! Perché è quello che tu hai creduto che fa di te stesso quello che tu sei! La tua FEDE quindi, è una proprietà divina creativa
e quanto mai Obama ha mostrato senso della RESPONSABILITà? lui non sa neanche cosa significa questa parola ] 14 LUG - "Sarebbe irresponsabile allontanarsi da questo accordo" con l'Iran. E' l'appello al Congresso del presidente Usa Barack Obama che avverte: "Porrò il veto a qualsiasi legge che si opporrà all'attuazione" dell'intesa sul nucleare iraniano ] ma, quale responsabilità hanno dimostrato gli USA nell'ultimo ventennio? loro hanno fatto diventare un gigante: il nazismo della sharia del LEGA ARABA (terza potenza mondiale nucleare: che hanno diffuso la galassia jihadista, del loro nazismo shari'a ), quindi per non essere tagliati fuori dal monopolio finanziArio: FMI, FED BCE SPA, SpA di privati azionisti, sempre gli stessi Rothschild, spa banche centrali. Poi, anche CINA E RUSSIA, sono stati costretti a fare tante concessioni a questo assassino seriale di MAOMETTO, pedofilo poligamo, predone, ipocrita esoterista di uno spirito guida che non ha avuto nessun rispetto di fare scrivere lui il Corano. Tutti i maniaci religiosi Ummah, ARAB LEAGUE, OCI, senzA nessuno dei diritti umani, TUTTAVIA, LORO sono tutti dentro la fica di quella puttana di ONU, la madre di ogni nazismo, di ogni satanismo, e di ogni violazione di diritti umani!
Obama ha ribadito l'impegno forte degli Usa alla sicurezza di Israele: l'intesa ''non diminuirà le preoccupazioni americane sul sostegno dell'Iran al terrorismo e alle minacce verso Israele''. [ SE ANALIZZATE QUESTA FRASE, ESSA MANCA DI LOGICA INTERNA! ] Infatti, 1. Obama ammette che IRAN è un terrorista, e che: 2. quale terrorista ( non ha il dovere di onorare una parola data) ed anzi, 3. IRAN si impegna formalmente a distruggere Israele, con ogni mezzo... tuttavia, 4. gli sta dando il nucleare, perché, 5. lui ha già dato ordine alla CIA, di colpire Israele con una bomba nucleare, per fare ricadere la colpa sull'IRAN! 6. e così poter scatenare la guerra mondiale! [ CONCLUSIONE ] IL POTENZIALE NUCLEARE IRANIANO DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTO IMMEDIATAMENTE!
ERDOGAN HA GIURATO DI FORMARE UN ESERCITO DI VENTI MILIONI DI SOLDATI (perché a suo dire, altre 8 nazioni appartengono alla Turchia), Tutti i Greci e tutti gli Israeliani moriranno per voi contro questo esercito di islamici [[ Grecia: misure austerity in Parlamento. Manovra da oltre 3 miliardi tra tasse e tagli di spesa ]] NON SIATE AVARI E PAGATE BENE LA VOSTRA CARNE DA CANNONE, QUELLA CARNE DA MACELLO CHE I FARISEI ANGLO AMERICANI, HANNO PREPARATO PER FORTIFICARE IL NWO FMI SPA, COME CONQUISTA GLOBALE! perché è SATANA IL VERO DIO DEL TALMUD.
I sauditi hanno riesumato l'ISLAM medioevale dei salafiti, quindi, hanno trasformato l'ISLAM, in una questione di vita o di morte, per tutto il genere umano! ora, noi siamo costretti ad uccidere gli islamici ad uno ad uno. e quello che io dico (il futuro) è già stato scritto nei libri di storia dei vostri figli (il passato)! Quando un islamico non si vede uccidere? è proprio lui il primo a sentirsi meravigliato! Così ha fatto l'ITALIA, ha preso un reclutatore dello ISIS sharia, ed invece di ucciderlo, lo ha estradato! Sono i sauditi i veri responsabili della galassia jihadista nel mondo, mentre gli USA dei satanisti massoni, sono stati i suoi complici facilitatori.. la attuale agenda dei farisei anglo americani è quella di uccidere la civiltà cristiana, ecco perché, Russia, Israele e Europa sono state condannate alla disintegrazione!
troia google DATAGATE A.I. Gmos, filtri ] lo sai che non mi piace vedere strisce di colore azzUrro in mezzo ai caratteri di colore nero!
my ISRAEL ] non si può dare l'ergastolo, ad una tua spia, in USA, cioè, la spia di un Paese Amico, se veramente questo Paese è tuo amico ed alleato [ mi dispiace tu sei morto! ] Questa tua spia reclusa in USA? non ha fatto del male ad una formica!
e allora cosa io dovrei fare a tutti i sacerdoti di satana della CIA che sono sempre nel mio computer? NON MI RISULTA CHE IO HO MAI FATTO DEL MALE A QUALCUNO SOLTANTO PERCHé IO SONO SPIATO CONTINUAMENTE
GRECIA, ISRAELE ] è un vero peccato che, voi non abbiate gli strumenti e le possibilità di poter realizzare un attacco nucleare preventivo contro Turchia ed Arabia SAUDITA.. però, voi avete conosciuto che la vostra morte è stata preziosa ai miei occhi!
GRECIA, ISRAELE ] tuttavia, se, tu sei in grado, di radere al suolo la MECCA, CABA, e la cupola della Roccia? tu vedrai la galassia jihadista scomparire come neve al sole!
sorry ] bestia di un Maometto [ tu non riuscirai mai a gridare così forte, tanto da poter soffocare il sangue dei martiri cristiani!
satana USA 322 Kerry 666 Spa Rothschild Talmud, Gmos A.I. Datagate, aliens abduction ] [ se, tu ti mangi, tutta la LEGA ARABA sharia, sul tuo altare di satana? poi, a quell'asteroide che sta venedo contro di te nello spazio? io gli farò fare un giro più lungo!
Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] stop sharia. [ Bush 322 ] stop Spa IMF 322 NWO; [ Obama GENDER ] stop Sodom and Gomorrah, Rothschild Talmud 666 ] stop satanismo e usura mondiale! è CHIARO, IL VOSTRO DIO è IL DEMONIO, DI UN ASSASSINO NAZISTA E RAZZISTA, ED IO FINIRò PER UCCIDERVI TUTTI!
MY HOLY JHWH ] mi fa una certa impressione! Obama scimmia Darwin ha portato tutto a Sodoma e Gomorra, e Saudi Arabia ha portato tutto al medio EVO.. ed è questa la mia verità! io non so più come risolvere questa situazione senza fare una strage!
ONU islamici LEGA ARABA sharia: sono IGNORANTI come ASINI, CRIMINALI come DEMONI, BUGIARDI ED IPOCRITI come FARISEI, nazisti COMPLOTTISTI come ILLUMINATI SATANISTI MASSONI! Quindi Islam coranico ha una sola conclusione: Allah Akbar morte e genocidio a tutti gli infedeli, ecco perché non hanno libertà di religione e non hanno reciprocità! COME ABBIAMO RISCHIATO DI ESTINGUERCI IN PASSATO PER BEN DUE VOLTE, COSì, ANCHE LA GENERAZIONE DEI NOSTRI FIGLI RISCHIERRà DI ESTINGUERSI! Questo è quello che: ci hanno regalato, i farisei Spa anglo-americani che faranno olocausto di tutti gli israeliani!
cosa aspettano questi Greci, e tutti i Paesi indebitati dalla truffa monetaria SpA, ad iniziare a stampare una moneta nazionale interna, in regime di sovranità monetaria? ] ATENE, 15 LUG - Il vice ministro greco delle Finanze Nantia Valavani ha annunciato oggi le sue dimissioni con una lettera al primo ministro Alexis Tsipras nella quale esprime dubbi sul nuovo accordo raggiunto tra Atene e i creditori internazionali della Grecia sostenendo che con esso la Germania intende "umiliare completamente il governo e il Paese".
CIA KIEV NATO, hanno fatto il Golpe Costituzionale, così anche io ho fatto il Donbass Costituzionale autonomo: adesso dovete andarvene! ] [ KIEV, 15 LUG - E' di otto soldati morti e 16 feriti il bilancio delle vittime del conflitto nel Donbass nelle ultime 24 ore, nonostante la tregua degli accordi di Minsk: lo riferisce l'ufficio stampa del consiglio per la difesa e la sicurezza nazionali.
Kim Jong-un ] dimostrare che tu sei un coglione in meno di mezzo rigo, 4 parole? [ tu hai un motivo razionale per perseguitare i cristiani
troie 322 USA 666 SPA ] quando, VOI vedrete l'asteroide nei vostri telescopi? è inutile che, voi mi verrete a succhiare il cazzo! TROPPO TARDI! [ POI, VEDREMO QUELLO CHE SANNO FARE I SACERDOTI DI SATANA EUROPEI AL POSTO VOSTRO!
BUSH 666 ROTHSCHILD ] VOI siete ipocriti come tutte le altre religioni! [ io chiesi, anni fa, di sacrificare tutti i vostri Sacerdoti di Satana, sul suo altare, e voi non avete avuto il coraggio di farlo! ] ADESSO, IL VOSTRO NWO è PERDUTO, perché se LUCIFERO, lui non era un fallito? lui non si sarebbe mai ridotto a fare la capra di satana!
il SUD in ginocchio davanti al NORD [ Atene in ginocchio di fronte ai diktat della Merkel. Sventata la Grexit, raggiunto l’accordo in extremis. Vittoria di Berlino anche sull’energia. Gazprom mette l’Italia fuori dal Turkish Stream e raddoppia il Nord Stream. Il gas (russo) ce lo darà la Germania. (7267)
occult power, esoteric agenda, masonic system, Spa, Gmos, jihadists, dalit, Datagate, FED, jihad, IMF, NWO, satan, sharia, dhimmi, goyim, troika,
PAKISTAN/ Vietato scrivere Gesù Cristo negli sms: è parola "offensiva" Pubblicazione: mercoledì 23 novembre 2011
Pakistan: vietato scrivere Gesù negli sms. Pakistan, vietato scrivere «Gesù Cristo» in un sms - Corriere ...
21 nov 2011 - MILANO – In Pakistan è vietato scrivere il nome di “Gesù Cristo” nei messaggi di testo Sms, inviati tramite telefoni cellulari. Lo stabilisce ... Pakistan: vietato scrivere Gesù negli sms - Porte Aperte Italia
Pakistan: vietato scrivere Gesù negli sms. 24-11-2011Pakistan. Qualche giorno fa, l'Autorità delle Telecomunicazioni del Pakistan ha ordinato alle società di ... Pakistan: vietato scrivere Gesù negli sms. 24-11-2011 Pakistan. Qualche giorno fa, l’Autorità delle Telecomunicazioni del Pakistan ha ordinato alle società di telefonia mobile del paese di bloccare gli sms che contengono alcune parole ritenute volgari, oscene o nocive al senso del pudore e ha fornito una dettagliata lista di 1600 termini deprecabili tra cui troviamo le parole Gesù Cristo. Il Pakistan è un paese profondamente islamico, in cui i cristiani, come sapete, sono oggetto di discriminazione e persecuzione anche brutale, ma è comunque pazzesco pensare che addirittura le autorità abbiano accostato Gesù a termini osceni, pornografici e violenti. Eppure la percezione di sempre più musulmani devoti in Pakistan è proprio questa: i cristiani sono un insulto, così come è una vergogna per il paese il loro Salvatore Gesù.
Tale provvedimento ha scatenato la reazione delle Chiese cristiane e delle organizzazioni per i diritti umani, pronte a inondare i tribunali di ricorsi; a ciò si è aggiunta la valanga di lamentele degli operatori telefonici e della popolazione stessa che fa larghissimo uso di telefonini e non vuole essere censurata persino negli sms. Ecco dunque che arriva puntuale la marcia indietro delle autorità: la censura è ritirata, anzi forse solo ridimensionata a una dozzina di parole, tra le quali si spera non vi sia ancora il nome di Gesù. Il punto è che questo paese cede visibilmente sotto la pressione dell'islamismo radicale e degli attentati dei talebani legati ad Al Qaida, mostrandosi dunque incapace di arginare questa avanzata intollerante e violenta. I cristiani patiscono sempre di più questa virata islamico-radicale del paese (ricordiamo che sono stati uccisi il ministro cristiano cattolico Batthi e il governatore Taseer, entrambi impegnati per abolire la legge contro la blasfemia, arma legale usata contro i cristiani).
Potremmo segnalarvi continue violenze contro i cristiani pakistani, l’ultima in ordine di tempo risale a qualche giorno fa a Karachi, la città più popolosa del Pakistan, dove Jameel Saawan, cristiano impegnato nella diffusione del messaggio di Cristo tra i concittadini, è stato vittima di un agguato in stile terroristico. Fuori dal suo negozio, un uomo in moto lo ha avvicinato e raggiunto con 2 colpi di arma da fuoco, uno dei quali in pieno volto. Jameel aveva ricevuto minacce, anche per via di un progetto di avviare un’associazione che sostenesse i cristiani poveri in una particolare zona di Karachi.
I cristiani in Pakistan sono oggetto di continua persecuzione, ciò pone il paese all’undicesimo posto della lista dei paesi in cui esiste la persecuzione (WWList): questa deriva delle istituzioni, sempre più influenzate dall’islam più radicale, preoccupa tutti. Soprattutto i cristiani pakistani.
Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu ] circa il nucleare iraniano [ ora, voi dovete censire lo spazio aereo, con molto scrupolo, per impedie alla CIA di lanciare una bomba nucleare sporca contro Israele ] CHE GLI USA CERCANO DISPERATAMENTE LA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE? QUESTO NON è UN MISTERO PER NESSUNO! che OBAMA lui vuole passare per Gandhi? questa è una operazione che non gli potrebbe mai riuscire!
non essere ancora pigro, questo canale è importante per me, e per la pace nel mondo!!
Cattiva reputazione • Scadenza: 25 mar 2016 Se ricevi un altro avvertimento, il tuo account verrà sospeso. Avvertimento 1 .ID video: I6p-TPYPrRg Rivendicato da JoeEichLester il 25 gen 2015. I6p-TPYPrRg Autore del reclamoJoeEichLester Email dell'autore del reclamo
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please, remove my penalty, i said this to you again! Thank you.
Don't be lazy, yet this channel is important to me, and for world peace!
non essere ancora pigro, questo canale è importante per me, e per la pace nel mondo!!
NoahTheNephilim 4 mesi fa ] [ ti chiedo gentilemente, di rimuovere la mia penalizzazione, altrimenti tutto il mio canale presto verrà distrutto. grazie LORENZO UniusREi 3205708054
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please, remove my penalty, i said this to you again! Thank you.
Don't be lazy, yet this channel is important to me, and for world peace!
non essere ancora pigro, questo canale è importante per me, e per la pace nel mondo!!
Science Islam Wings Flies Cure for Aids ID video: rwksuX6xl2c
Rivendicato da Ahmed Ibrahim muezzin il 31 mar 2015 Invia contronotifica
VideoScience Islam Wings Flies Cure for Aids ID videorwksuX6xl2c Durata 4:59
Descrizioneio non voglio più sentire parlare, di questi: nazi sharia, nazi jihad: assassini seriali, paranoidi, maniaci religiosi, sotto protezione dello ONU UE USA, per rovinare Israele e tutto il genere umano, mai più! e se questa merda di Maomettani esiste ancora è soltanto perché Rothschild ha bisogno della guerra mondiale, per riaprire un nuovo ciclo monetario devitalizzante ed usurocratico! QUINDI, SE SI VOGLIONO RISOLVERE, TUTTI I PROBLEMI DEL NOSTRO PIANETA. è ROTHSCHILD, con i suoi complici mafia farisei massoneria, CHE BISOGNA COLPIRE, PER PRIMA di ogni altro obiettivo! Quando voi avrete colpito il demonio Fariseo più grande, poi, anche il demonio più piccolo:Re dell'Arabia Saudita Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud: anche lui cadrà! INFATTI, è NELLA NATURA DEI DEMONI: la caratteristica di essere intrecciati uno nell'altro! OK VENIAMO AL DUNQUE: NOI FACCIAMO QUESTO GUERRA MONDIALE con 5 miliardi di morti, PER UCCIDERE: TUTTI I MUSULMANI, sradicare l'ISLAM holy, E PER FARE UCCIDERE: TUTTI I FARISEI massoni Bildenberg USURAI SPA BANCA MONDIALE.. e perché, noi non comprendiamo "pacificamente", adesso, prima della guerra mondiale: che: 1. il signoraggio bancario: non deve essere rubato ai popoli schiavizzati: CHE, 2. I GOYM ISRAELIANI, SENZA GENEALOGIA PATERNA NON DEVONO ESSERE STERMINATI, e che, 3. la shariah è un crimine, contro: il genere umano? POI SI DIRà: LE 11 TRIBù DI ISRAELE, DATO CHE, IO SARò COSTRETTO AD UCCIDERNE LA DODICESIMA: CIOè tutti quelli che hanno disonestamente conservato, solo per loro, le genealogie paterne, per finire: tutti loro: satanisti, massoni farisei Illuminati Bildenberg, di andare tutti da satana! [ burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia. [ oper letter: contro la fogna: contro: tutti i perdenti all'inferno, contro: tutti: i demoni dell'inferno, contro: massoni farisei Bildenberg, salafiti shariah, Marduk, Illuminati, Lilit, Satana, 322, Bush Kerry, Obama GENDER, usurai Fmi Spa Banca Mondiale, e, contro: tutti i satanisti della CIA, dopotutto, se, io non li faccio impazzire completamete? è soltanto perché, io sono molto misericordioso! ] to Satana ] [ e smettila di piangerti addosso, e di dire sempre: "sono sfortunato, sono sfortunato!" ] IL TUo PROBLEMA è CHE, TU TI DIMENTICHI SEMPRE, CHE tu SEI UN ANGELO CADUTO... NELLA MERDA! [ dopotutto,, il tuo destino è anche il destino di tutti i traditori [ burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia. C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto, C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia. quel salafita criminale: shariah califfato mondiale di Erdogan? ha messo il burka a tutte le donne! ] lol. [ lui infatti non vuole entrare in Europa, lui vuole conquistare la Europa e fare il genocidio di tutti gli israeliani... Bildenberg e farisei Fmi Spa anglo americani Obama GENDER, hanno detto a lui: "questo si può fare!" Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia.
Magdi Cristiano Allam VS Giorgio Napolitano. Contenuti audiovisivi ] il sistema non vuole far sentire questo discorso circa la sovranità monetaria [ Il tuo video è stato bloccato. ]
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0:32 - 1:02 play match. Rai Bloccato in tutti i Paesi Presenta una contestazione
Benjamin Netanyahu ] dove è la libertà di religione in questi nazisti? QUINDI, NON POSSONO ESSERE VERAMENTE CREDIBILI! OVVIAMENTE NON è IL TUO PUNTO DI VISTA, OGGI, MA SECONDO ME, IL TUO VERO NEMICO è LA ARABIA SAUDITA.. TANTO PIù PERICOLOSO PERCHé SI FINGE AMICO! E LUI NON SAREBBE PERICOLOSO, SE I FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI NON AVESSERO DECISO DI DISINTEGRARE ISRAELE.. QUESTO MI FA VERAMENTE PAURA: PERCHé LA ARABIA SAUDITA è NEL NWO, DEI SATANISTI MASSONI MOLTO PIù DI COME TU NON SEI! [ 15.07.2015 Accordo sul nucleare iraniano: una vittoria per tutti. Baheli: “Oggi l’Iran è per l’Occidente l’unico alleato razionale e credibile in Medio Oriente". Rohani potrebbe incontrare il papa.
Dopo le interviste a Claudio Borghi e ad Alberto Bagnai dei giorni scorsi, oggi è il turno di Giovanni Zibordi, che molti conoscono per le sue analisi finanziarie su Cobraf. Zibordi e il team di economisti e imprenditori con i quali collabora hanno sviluppato un metodo per uscire dall'euro che potrebbe superare le paure dei cittadini che temono di perdere i loro soldi. Il metodo si basa sui certificati di credito fiscale, introducendo una sorta di valuta parallela che Zibordi spiega bene in questa intervista, insieme alle osservazioni che muove a Borghi e Bagnai:
Claudio Messora 4 giorni fa
+Giovanni Van contattami per email:
COSA C'E' DIETRO. Il disegno complessivo dietro a questa crisi programmata. . Pubblicato il 24 mag 2015 Il disegno complessivo dietro a questa crisi programmata. Ma non guardate questo video, a meno che non siate così determinati da volermi seguire per mezz'ora e poi farne una sintesi per tutti quelli che si vedranno solo i primi 30 secondi. Claudio Messora Condiviso su Google+ · 1 mese fa
Il disegno complessivo dietro a questa crisi programmata. Ma non guardate questo video, a meno che non siate così determinati da volermi seguire per mezz'ora e poi farne una sintesi per tutti quelli che si vedranno solo i primi 30 secondi.
Join United with Israel at the New York City rally in Times Square on July 22 to protest the world’s dangerous nuclear deal with Iran. Act Now for Israel. As world powers have signed a surrender agreement with the Iranian Islamic regime, concerned Americans from all walks of life will be gathering in New York City’s Times Square to protest this bad nuclear deal. On Wednesday, July 22, there will be a rally from 5:30-7:30 PM on 42nd St. and 7th Ave, where people will be standing as one and sending a clear message to Washington: Stop a Nuclear Iran Now!
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pointed out that the Iran nuclear deal is a “mistake of historical proportions.” As former Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren explained in TIME magazine, “there are international inspections of the Iranians’ nuclear facilities but none that would actually catch them off guard. There are limits to the number of centrifuges with which Iran can enrich uranium to weapons grade, but only for a decade during which not a single centrifuge will be dismantled. And Iran can continue to research and develop more advanced technologies capable of producing nuclear weapons even faster.”
Even as negotiators in Vienna have made concession after concession to the militant Iranian regime, Iran has been increasing its hostility and aggression towards America and its allies.
As recent as June 7, a senior Iranian commander declared that “the U.S. will remain our enemy despite the emerging nuclear deal.” Donate to Israel. The repeated calls of “death to America, death to Israel” shouted in the streets and squares of Tehran even as the nuclear talks are being held, should be heard in the US, but Washington does not seem to want to listen. The Iranian thirst and commitment for unbridled terrorism and destruction remains unquenched. Iran’s hostility to America and its allies is at its peak. It is time for the administration to take these threats seriously and to make sure that Iran’s path to nuclear weapons and funding for terrorism will be permanently blocked.
The lessons of Chamberlain’s concessions to Hitler in 1938 must be learned. Appeasing aggressive regimes does no good for anyone. Tyrannical regimes must not be allowed access to power and weapons. This is why we will be taking our message to the streets – together with tens of thousands of other concerned Americans.
Stand ‘United with Israel’ at the Rally! The July 22 bipartisan rally will be addressed by former Governor of New York, George E. Pataki, former director of the CIA James Woolsey, Deputy Editor of the Jerusalem Post Caroline Glick, Alan Dershowitz, former members of the military and intelligence community, and many other distinguished guests.
Most importantly, the rally will be attended by thousands of concerned Americans, all of whom are worried with the grave prospect of Iran obtaining nuclear capabilities, and by the world’s appeasing attitude towards iran.
The rally is co-sponsored by a broad variety of organizations, including United with Israel, the Rabbinical Council of America, the Zionist Organization of America as well as dozens more – all of whom believe that a nuclear Iran must be stopped, now and forever. It is important that as many people as possible attend the rally and publicly express to elected officials, and the world as a whole, our firm belief that a murderous regime the likes of Iran must not have any nuclear capabilities under any circumstances. By Rabbi Elchanan Poupko and United with Israel Staff
Israeli leaders from across the political spectrum condemned the Iranian nuclear agreement, which will only delay Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon, while contributing to terrorism in the Middle East by ending sanctions and the international arms embargo, giving Iran billions of dollars to fund global terror. PM Netanyahu. (Marc Israel Sellem/POOL)
“The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was yesterday,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an official statement. “In the coming decade, the deal will reward Iran, the terrorist regime in Tehran, with hundreds of billions of dollars. This cash bonanza will fuel Iran’s terrorism worldwide, its aggression in the region and its efforts to destroy Israel, which are ongoing.”
The head of the opposition and the Zionist Camp, Yitzhak Herzog, opined that “Israel’s interests were abandoned” during the negotiations “because of the personal rift between Netanyahu and the US president.” He promised to work “so the United States will respond to the immediate security needs of Israel.”
MK Tzipi Livni, who partnered with Herzog to lead the Zionist Camp, told Ynet, “I want to speak about tomorrow morning and about the results of this [US] policy [on Iran]: Iran receives legitimization despite being a state involved in terror in the region. It creates problems, not only for Israel, but for all the moderate states in the region. The agreement is terrible, not just because of what is in it, but also because what is not in it.”
Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely said, “The implications of this agreement in the perceived future appear very severe; Iran will continue to develop its terror network everywhere, will continue to fan the flames in the Middle East, and worst of all, will make a huge step towards becoming a threshold nuclear state.” She vowed that Israel would work “through all diplomatic venues to thwart the ratifying of the agreement.”
Former FM Avigdor Liberman. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)
“The agreement with Iran will be remembered in history in the same line with the Munich Agreement [with Nazi Germany, which led to World War II] and the agreement with North Korea. This agreement is an agreement which ignores the great dangers, is a complete surrender to terror and unbridled violence in the international arena,” said former foreign minister MK Avigdor Liberman.
MK Yair Lapid told Ynet, “This is a bad day for the Jews. We thought that this was a bad agreement but it’s a terrible agreement. The subject of oversight was supposed to be the basis of the agreement, [but] it’s a laughingstock…The world has gone from a policy of preventing a nuclear Iran to a policy of containing a nuclear Iran.”
By: Sara Abramowicz, United with Israel
my JHWH holy ] [ every five minutes: a Christian innocent: is killed ] why satan Spa NWO Obama Gender sharia is so strong? strog [sloveno] rigoroso nel male, Eritrea Christians are imprisoned in containers of iron: for do sharia saudi imperialism caliphate worldwide
my JHWH you will came ] [ you must disintegrate Satan SpA disintegrate him, and all their sharia ] on all the World.
GENDER of Satana Obama traditore ] if you do not delete all Satanic symbols and all pornography, on all the world [ or... this become a trauma for you, this is my BLOODLINES, now, against ILLUMINATI, against Tyranny and all Oppressive people, servo fraudolento: di una religione perversa Salman dell'Arabia Saudita, Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] figlio del demonio! infamous Sharia: 666: SAUDI ARABIA: 322: diabolical: too is big, your love talmud Koran of IMF Spa for not do also, Olocaust of all israelis
all my living Jews, if you do not go immediately from the Masonic system of banking seigniorage, you will die! Go away from USA Babilon, run! corri! all my living Jews [all the saints of God are calling you], you Serving Christian martyrs, all persecuted Christians worldwide! [[ fight criminals, Satanists, Masons, murder SpA IMF, Sharia, ie,all satanists Bush 322 are insane criminal cannibal CIA, like IMF 666 ]] is why, all the saints of God are calling you. Surely God JHWH is my helper, the Lord JHWH sustains me. all my living Jews [ but you can come to my Kingdom Israel in Saudi Arabia! ] you want to remember, only, the benefits of the Lord? now leave satan work. into all his satan's SpA, and in his World war,that will came quickly! where could you escape from a nuclear war? where to save your life? [ but you can come to my Kingdom Israel in Saudi Arabia! ] all my living Jews [ now, at this point, only you can make escape: all Muslims of the world from the destruction of my wrath! all my living Jews: G-d waiting for you, [ children of light or children of darkness? ] your JHWH santo KADOSH, KADOSH, KADOSH, ADONAI TSEBAIOT your Lord God Adonai JHWH waiting for you, in Saudi Arabia, on his holy mountain Sinai. Mount Sinai, "usually" identified with mount Horeb, is the place where, according to the book of exodus, Moses was called by God through the burning bush
company youtube and google: We're all tired of being exploited and damaged: by these your Satanists of CIA, Datagate SpA, World Bank, perverse Marauders on all the world
now, Satan is totally desperate, he thought, at this time: that, would be nice for him, if, I could make disintegrate him , first of time (ie, before the day of judgment universal), however, he knows very well that this is impossible! [IDIOT Satan! However, you always have the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel to Iran or Saudi ARABIA, Iran: and in this way? You can have some hope of being hanged, at least! perverse SpA Marauders, now, you Satan you starts to run or I'll break your legs! Bush Spa World Bank 322] I will make of your bones so many fragments, small little, that you don't ever you will can putting them together, in order to reconstruct a skeleton to the Museum!
@IMF SpA Obama -> you with your satanists: ie masonic system of banking seigniorage? are making a sad spectacle! not my fault if this has become the true face of America, ONU, UE, new nazism in the world!
@Obama --> con i tuoi satanisti? stanno dando un triste spettacolo! non è colpa mia: se questo è diventato il vero volto della America nel mondo!
Obama, you remove all of your sexual perversions of fetishism, you stop having sex with dogs, to suck undies dirty: dirty underwear garments, and crush with the snacks, under your feet! and crush with the snacks! in fact, I do not see these your home porno movies, that you do, already for a long time!
MERKEL TROIKA ] questa mia amica tedesca, è stata uccisa dai tuoi servizi segreti insieme alla CIA, lei ha Ricevuto molte violenze dallo staff di youtube, anche! SE TU NON RIMUOVI LA TUA ALLEANZA DAGLI USA, TU FARAI DISTRUGGERE LA GERMANIA PER LA TERZA VOLTA CONSECUTIVA IN UN SECOLO! è LA RUSSIA IL NOSTRO VERO ALLEATO!
MarlaMarleen ha pubblicato un commento
Mistake: not Söldner..... Landser:-) A really long day, lots of work, my brain is tired:-)))
MarlaMarleen MarlaMarleen ha pubblicato un commento
I must confess: I'm hopelessly overtaxed. Who's who? And the ultimate question: why do you do it? I've read infinitely many comments, my head is smoking, Fakes over fakes. Synnek= Söldner, he doesn't speak English. A black sun subscribes to my channel. seems also like a fake. Please what's going on here? We should create a separate channel:-), there we can hew our heads, insult us and explain to be a hero. Incredible whats going on here. You can't always say that a man living in the internet, that he has no real life. We're the mobile generation :-), always available. Now I make myself comfortable on other channels and still write to UniusRei3. sleep well
MERKEL TROIKA Spa NWO ] la mia amica tedesca, ha ricevuto molto bullismo dallo staff di youtube [ e circa, la sua morte, tu ti puoi fare spiegare dai tuoi servizi segreti, quelli che con la CIA fanno 30.000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana in Germania, ogni anno, cioè, come loro fanno morire una giovane donna come lei:
MarlaMarleen ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa
What have you done with my channel???? Now I'm going to work and in the evening I expect that all my settings are restored!!!!
MERKEL TROIKA Spa NWO ] qui tu puoi vedere la mia amica tedesca MarlaMarleen
Synnek1 [ex big Director youtube master ] ha pubblicato un commento
5 ore fa
Your ministry is powerful... but: a times: it INFURIATES ME! lol >;-) Btw, your new background image is "lovely"...>;-)
im sorry UniusREI3... I will refrain from posting comments... 4 a bit...ok?
MarlaMarleen ha pubblicato un commento
1 giorno fa
Good morning UniusRei3. I can't comment on certain videos. But not always Yesterday, YouTube hasn't approved 7-8 comments of mine. It was no spam, but originals :-) I use the translator rare. He often disfigures the sense. I don't know what I'll think of all. The thing with the real names disturbs. Not personally by myself. But it's a incredible interference with private life. YouTube is a stooges of Google. But who's in fact behind Google? Now I must to work.
Synnek1 ha pubblicato un commento
6 giorni fa
Hey, buddy! WE NEED YOU! Join [US]! >;-) [ non è che io sono razzista, ma, io non mi posso associare con i delinquenti perché lo Spirito Santo è Santo! ] circa, la mia amica tedesca MarlaMarleen lei era troppo intelligente, e faceva delle domande intelligenti, perché quel codardo di Bush 322 NWO 666 IMF, la potesse lasciare in vita!
Bush Obama Kerry Merkel ] voi ridatemi indietro la mia amica MarlaMarleen
to all ] I don't like that cowards should talk behind my back! God JHWH gave me a job to do! [ I'm a good guy, and everyone knows it! and though the priests of Satan of the NWO Imf SpA (those cannibals and those not cannibals), which, however, they did not have permission to talk to me, honestly, they have left me alone, on this page, because they began to feel strange, however, if someone feels personally challenging me, on anything, I am here to give any explanation!
io sono un bravo ragazzo, e questo lo sanno tutti! ed anche se, i sacerdoti di satana del NWO SpA Fmi (quelli cannibali e quelli non cannibali), che, tuttavia, loro non avevano il permesso per dialogare con me, sinceramente, loro mi hanno lasciato solo, su questa pagina, perché loro hanno incominciato a sentirsi strani, tuttavia, se qualcuno ritiene di dovermi contestare qualcosa, io sono quì per dare ogni spiegazione!
creationevidence Scientific Evidence Creation
democrazie nazionali, EURO, Governo segreto, ILLUMINATI PLAN, martial law, MES, multinazionali, troika, TTIP, banche, finanziarie, recuperare sovranità
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
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Teenager stoned to death horror Muhammad in the Hell shit sharia
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Caricato da WakeUpUSAxRonPaul in data 07/dic/2011
my Allah God JHWH is in control! and since: he gave me of the terrible weapons? I have a duty to use them: for freedom: of all whole planet, from all these: excrement of criminals! horror Muhammad in the Hell [I am indestructible invincible: Lethal]@ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - in a nutshell: this is: the: will of God: all parts of society: and: all religions must all be: together to do work of: team : as: in-one: one: canoe: and: all they have to push: row: in one: harmonious: sync: and: organizzata of fatigue: the team: for: delivering the: victory against: the: of the satanism: International Monetary Fund : New World Order, and: the: Freemasonry's cursed! but: if a: rowing machine: tea: his oar in the head: a: other: rowing machine: then will the Jews: Satanists: Illuminati: i: the: Kakam racist rabbis: i: the: of the cannibals: blood of Christians: to: win: and to: do: of: all the: human race: to: only one flock of: animals enslaved: and: microcippati. or very chip: here is why: if: the Jews will want to become Christians? I will personally beat you! I will plead:"I beseech you, NOT: add: also: yourself, the long line of Christian hypocrites!" if: we can consider the: history of the: faith, we can deduce: that: only: Enock: Melkisedech, Elijah, Jesus and: unius REI: NOT: have never been wrong: in the: their ministry .. and: if: consider .. for: some (St. Paul, of course): the: Marit as a: privilege .. However: we must consider: the: Martyrdom of: other: i: as: to: reason: of the: their attitude: racist: for: the: limit: intrinsic of: one: all-encompassing religious vision: when conceptually uncompromising: ( of the: type: "YOU not of: we? YOU go to hell", etc. ..) ie: religious intolerance: see:(The: martyrdom of: St. James the Apostle) .. that: to: of the reason: his racism: deriving from the rabbinic vision: was: is this: the: cause: for: the: loss: of the: his invulnerability! because: tea: full power of God: is: lost: when you lose: the universal love: for: to put in place: to: behavior: that: is: excluding: attitude in place: as a: bank: either one: limitation: Against: qualche: his the precious creatures made by God: so: gains no: to have: some subject: limiting form: for: one: some bullshit: religious ideological or racial! but: in the: Movie: you can see: to: Christian priest: that: is: at his side: as a: faithful son: however: PADOSSALMENTE: him (Gandhi) away this: young English clergyman: CHRISTIAN: that: was: with him: since the time: of the South Africa .. why, evidently: him: has: founded: the: identity of India on the basis of the 'religion denominational Hindu. ie: the same tragic mistake: the confessional: that: he is making: the State of Israel: that: in this: so, it is h: made contemptible, as: all the: Muslim countries: in front: the holy Eyes: of God: YHWH: and: in front: the glory of the: my universal royalty! but: Been is: this: Error: tragic: that: has: did fail: all the: HIS: efforts of: ennobling: "untouchables: Pariah": and: that: has: made him: the: accomplice of: all the: Christian martyrs: that: were: barbarously murdered: in Orissa: etc... here is why: Gandhi is: still in Purgatory, Sheol! and also him: waiting for: the: mercy: of: this: my ministry: for: to enter Paradise! Here is why: him: has: lost: the: divine protection: ie: tea: his invulnerability: and is: in this: so: that: a: a terrorist has: been able to kill him! guys: I am sure: that: that that: the Holy Spirit has: order: to: me: of: to say: you? this: will bless you a lot .. and: irrobustirà: powerfully: the: your faith: and: the: your joy: and: the: your pride: of: being Jewish: of the: Jewish religion also why: without a shadow of: ambiguity: you will understand: really: the: power of the: charisma: that God has: donated to: me to: advantage of: all the: world, ie: the: my charisma universal: of: unius Rei! I'm doing, see the: film of the: Life of Gandhi: my students: is: him: is: certainly: martyr: to: saint: the: of the real father: Indian country! Indeed: as: St. Francis of Assisi: him: has: literally lived in: the: Gospel (even if: him: has: had to find the vile Christians): 1. the love: thy neighbor as: yourself (NOT: the: of the racism: the Talmud): and: 2. turn the other cheek (ie: the: of the force: NOT: violence): they are attitudes that: NOT: are: always been lived: by Gandhi without hypocrisy! For I am perfect here is why: I am indestructible invincible lethal! I am the weapon more: frightening: that: never there could have been: for: the: and the glory: the: power: love: of the: and Justice: of the: truth: When are the same level: of the: METAPHYSICS? are invincible!
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اغاني فيلم عنتر بن شداد
STOP ABORTO ] [ gli ISLAMICI NAZISTI SHARIA? LORO NON SI ABORTISCONO TRA DI LORO, MA FANNO LA BOMBA DEMOGRAFICA di pedofilia poligamia bordello privato familiare, E SI STANNO PREPARADO AD INVADERRCI ED A SOFFOCARCI, sotto egida ONU GENDER ideologia Amnesty Bildenberg sistema massonico usura mondiale, SpA Talmud, in violazione di tutti i diritti umani!
Persecuted is Global Assault on Christians ] ecco perché, i Governi USA Spa GMOS NWO AGENDA TALMUD: sono l'anticristo sul mondo, INFATTI, sono i cristiani il vero obiettivo da distruggere in tutto il mondo, per le Aminnistrazioni del Governo USA CIA NATO, sistema massonico BILDENBERG, SpA FMI FED BCE USUROCRAZIA MONDIALE, ecco perché Israele deve essere distrutto, infatti è la Bibbia per tutte le caterie GENDER (BLASFEMIA APOSTASIA IDOLATRIA) delle bestie di satana il sistema umanistico, e regale da distruggere, perché l'uomo trasformato in scimmia evoluta (EPOPEA DEL DIO MARDUK) deve lavore per il SUO padrone fariseo come il Talmud ha detto! LA MALVAGITà DELL'ISLAM E LA SUA CRUDELTà DI NAZISTA, LA SUA ORIGINE DEMONICA? NON SONO SUFFICIENTI A SALVARLO! OGGI L'ISLAM è SOLTANTO UN UTILE KILLER ESECUTORE MATERIALE E SERIALE DI OMICIDI, il nazista SOTTO EGIDA ONU! Ecco perché, tutti quelli che sono in qualche modo contro Israele, o contro la civiltà ebraico cristiana sono l'anticristo! Infatti JHWH ha dato la Palestina in eterno al popolo ebraico, e questo è un problema che la Arabia Saudita soltanto può risolvere!
Persecuted is Global Assault on Christians ] e perché i sacerdoti di satana Bush 322 Kerry, LaVey, 187 Albert Pike, Obama GENDER, il loro sistema massonico Bildenberg, ecc.. non hanno fatto il Corano di Satana, oppure, non hanno fatto i Veda di Satana, oppure il Talmud di Satana? Infatti, loro sono già di Satana! è semplice: "tutte le religioni sono la merda" e soltanto Gesù Cristo, nato a Betlemme, nella casa di Davide, morto e risorto che lui ora siede alla destra del Padre è la verità, che viene attraverso di me a rivendicare il Regno di Israele e il Regno di questo pianeta, che i farisei talmud 666 SpA Fmi, FED, BCE, Banca Mondiale, usura e schiavitù mondiale, loro i Rothschild, Rochefeller tutto hanno rubato, sedotto, corrotto, perché, sia la malvagità e la crudeltà a regnare sulla terra! Ecco perché io sono Unius REI e se voi non lo credete voi morirete tutti come bestie che è quello che siete e sempre di più meritate di diventare finchè Satana non sarà diventato tutto in tutti! DOPO TUTTO QUELLO CHE PUò VENIRE DOPO DI ME, è NECESSARIAMENTE PIù CATTIVO, PERCHé IL VANGELO DI GESù CRISTO, è IL CONCETTO DI AMORE PIù GRANDE, CHE è COMPARSO SU QUESTO PIANETA, COME HA DETTO L'ATEO ANTIFASCISTA E GRANDE FILOSOFO BENEDETTO CROCE
ed allora che questo nuovo mondo sia pure! ] [
non ho una buona testimonianza di facebook mi ha portato molti problemi, mi rende inaccessibili due account, e con l'attuale mi ha censurato su ANSA bloccando i miei commenti, ] 01.07.2015
Perché Facebook non mostra la foto di un uomo afflitto che papa Francesco ha abbracciato?
Israel Preparing Military Plan Against Iran; Terror Victim Describes the Horror ] [ United with Israel July 1, 2015 Israel Busy Preparing Military Plan Against Iran The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of an agreement with Iran, examining all options available to prevent it from obtaining nuclear capability. The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of an agreement with Iran, examining all options available to prevent it from obtaining nuclear capability. The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of a nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers and has tasked a special team with examining military options against Iran.
Israel’s Walla news quoted a foreign source on Tuesday saying that IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot appointed Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Yair Golan to lead a special team tasked with examining the IDF’s military alternatives against Iran.
Israel believes that when Iran is faced with a powerful Israeli military option, they will think long and hard before breaching the agreement and continuing the development of nuclear weapons.
However, recently retired security officials conceded that an Israeli attack would not eliminate Iran’s extreme ideology or erase its accumulated nuclear knowledge. A viable military option could serve as leverage in coercing the world powers to level crippling sanctions against Iran or hinder Iran’s motivation to move forward with its nuclear program – without firing even one shot. Israel has spent billions of shekels over the past 15 years preparing for an attack on Iran, especially on its air force and its intelligence apparatus. Israel assumes that Iran is constantly lying about its nuclear program and is preparing for the moment when it will have to take action.
"Noi crediamo che è un errore fondamentale per attivare tali un regime terrorista [Iran] arrivare a armi nucleari, che è ciò che l'accordo proposto darà loro. Che darà loro un percorso preciso per bombe nucleari – non è una bomba, ma le bombe nucleari. Riempiranno anche loro casse con molti miliardi, in realtà forse fino a centinaia di miliardi di dollari, per consentire loro di continuare il loro terrorismo e aggressione. Questo è qualcosa che non va. È pericoloso. È pericoloso per Israele, per l'Italia, per l'Europa, per gli Stati Uniti, per il mondo,"ha ammonito Netanyahu. "Il mondo è correttamente interessato e atterrito la violenza e la ferocia di IsIs sharia [organizzazione terroristica islamica]. Nessuno si sognerebbe di permettere lo stato islamico di avere armi nucleari. Perché chiunque considererebbe dando dello stato islamico dell'Iran, che è molto più potente di ISIS e agisce con molto maggior potere di Iside, per avere potenza aggiuntiva di armi nucleari? È un errore. "Stato islamico dell'Iran, il principale sponsor del terrorismo internazionale, non dovrebbero avere accesso alle armi nucleari, ha affermato il premier israeliano. "Abbiamo bisogno di un affare migliore. Questo affare non dovrebbe passare."
“We believe that it is a fundamental mistake to enable such a terrorist regime [Iran] to get to nuclear weapons, which is what the proposed agreement will give them. It will give them a definite pathway to nuclear bombs – not a bomb, but nuclear bombs. It will also replenish their coffers with many billions, actually perhaps up to hundreds of billions of dollars, to enable them to continue their terrorism and aggression. This is something that is wrong. It is dangerous. It is dangerous for Israel, for Italy, for Europe, for the United States, for the world,” Netanyahu cautioned.
“The world is properly concerned and aghast at the violence and savagery of ISIS [Islamic State terror organization]. No one would dream of allowing the Islamic State to have nuclear weapons. Why would anyone consider giving the Islamic State of Iran, which is a lot more powerful than ISIS and acts with much greater power than ISIS, to have additional power of nuclear weapons? That’s a mistake. The Islamic State of Iran, the foremost sponsor of international terrorism, should not have access to nuclear weapons,” the Israeli premier asserted. “We need a better deal. This deal should not pass.”
L'IDF si sta preparando per il giorno dopo la firma di un accordo con l'Iran, esaminato tutte le opzioni disponibili per impedire di ottenere capacità nucleare.
L'IDF si sta preparando per il giorno dopo la firma di un accordo nucleare tra l'Iran e le potenze mondiali e ha incaricato una squadra speciale di esaminare opzioni militari contro l'Iran.
Notizie Walla di Israele ha citato una fonte estera martedì dicendo che IDF capo dello Staff Gadi Eizenkot nominato vice capo di stato maggiore generale Yair Golan condurre una squadra speciale incaricata di esaminare alternative militare delle IDF contro l'Iran.
Israele ritiene che quando l'Iran si trova ad affrontare una potente opzione militare israeliana, pensano a lungo e duramente prima di violare l'accordo e continuare lo sviluppo di armi nucleari.
Tuttavia, i funzionari di sicurezza recentemente pensionato ha ammesso che un attacco israeliano non eliminerebbe ideologia estrema dell'Iran o cancellare le sue conoscenze accumulate nucleare. Una valida opzione militare potrebbe servire come sfruttare nel costringere le potenze mondiali a livello paralizzante sanzioni contro l'Iran o ostacolare la motivazione dell'Iran ad andare avanti con il suo programma nucleare – senza sparare un solo colpo.
Israele ha speso miliardi di Shekel negli ultimi 15 anni sta preparando per un attacco contro l'Iran, soprattutto il suo air force e il suo apparato di intelligence. Israele si presuppone che l'Iran costantemente sta mentendo riguardo al suo programma nucleare e si sta preparando per il momento quando dovrà intervenire.
WATCH: ‘They Wanted to Kill Us Because We Are Jews,’ Says Terror Victim
In this video, one of the victims of a Palestinian terror attack explains what happened and why he feels they were attacked in the first place.
Victim of Terror Attack Explains he was Attacked for Being Jewish in Israel
US President Barack Obama Obama Claims He Would Walk Away from Bad Iran Deal
The deadline for the nuclear talks with Iran has come and gone, with significant differences remaining and leaders on both sides voicing threats.
Imagine the Israeli Version Originally Sung by John Lennon WATCH: ‘Imagine’ – The Israeli Version
This video takes John Lennon's "Imagine" and adds an Israeli narrative to it, providing a realistic look into daily life in the Holy Land. Malachi Rosenfeld Latest Jewish Victim of Palestinian Terror Dies. Malachi Rosenfeld, the latest victim of Palestinian terror, succumbed to his wounds. The IDF is contending with the growing wave of Ramadan-related attacks.
Neo Nazi Rally Burning Jewish Talmud WATCH: ‘Never Again’ Becomes ‘Ever Again’ as Neo-Nazis Prepare to Burn Jewish Books. In this video Rabbi Mordechai Burg discusses the upcoming Neo-Nazi event in London, which will include the burning of Jewish books, questioning how "never again" has become "ever again."
Obama Obama is OK with Boycotts on Judea and Samaria
The Obama administration was quick to clarify that the anti-BDS amendment in the recently signed trade bill does not pertain to Israeli businesses in Judea and Samaria. ISIS Threaten to Take Over Gaza and Topple Hamas WATCH: ISIS Threatens to ‘Uproot’ Israel. ISIS issues a warning to Hamas threatening to destroy it and take over the Gaza strip as part of a larger mission to conquer Israel.
Israel Spycraft Expo Israeli Spy Expo Highlights Secretive Gadgets
Hidden cameras, invisibility cloaks and mini-drones were among the gadgets on display Tuesday at an exhibition of Israeli surveillance technology, offering a rare peek into the secretive world of Israeli espionage.
Soaring over Ein Bubin to Remember the Dead WATCH: Soaring over Ein Bubin, A Memorial Site Dedicated to Terror Victim Danny Gonen. This video features a stunning birds-eye view of Ein Bubin, which has been made into a memorial for Danny Gonen who was murdered there by a Hamas terrorist earlier this month.
anti Israel protest United Church of Christ to Boycott Israel
The United Church of Christ joined other American churches in boycotting Israeli businesses in Judea and Samaria. USA: 1-888-ZION-613 Israel: +972-2-533-7841
How ISIS Became The World’s Richest Terror Army ] Stones Hurled at Public bus in Jerusalem
bus-attack ] Click here to watch: Arab Bus Attack Caught on Camera
A bus carrying young children from the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Ma'ale Hazeitim, located on the Mount of Olives, to their school located more centrally in the capital city came under a barrage of rocks Monday morning. Masked Arab terrorists hurled dozens of the potentially lethal rocks at the bus and the children inside, but fortunately none were wounded in the fusillade. Damage was caused to the windshield of the bus however. The attack is part of an ongoing wave of rock attacks on roads throughout eastern Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. While the Arab attacks continue on a near daily basis, only a small portion of the attacks are reported on in the mainstream media as most instances only involve damage to property. Ma'ale Hazeitim has seen Arab terrorist attacks on a constant basis; last September a day care center in the neighborhood came under assault by Arabs hurling rocks and fireworks at the terrified children. The home of Jerusalem Councilman Arieh King, who lives in Ma'ale Hazeitim, has been attacked no less than 52 times with rocks, firebombs and even bullets, with police failing to take significant action to curb the attacks. After the 52nd attack, King was forced to arrange private patrols to try and secure the neighborhood in Israel's capital.
Watch Here
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) on Wednesday visited the Border Patrol guard who was stabbed at Rachel's Tomb on Monday, by her bedside at Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center. "We visited now the wounded, who have shown very impressive courage, composure, and spirit," Netanyahu stated. "We, the Defense Minister and I, wished them a speedy recovery, and of course we express condolences for Eliezer and Sara [Rosenfeld] who lost their son, Malachi - who was exceptional and unique, and there is no pain greater than the pain of parents who lose a son or daughter, and the hearts of all the citizens of Israel with them." "We have thwarted over two hundred attempted attacks since the beginning of last year, and we will also get to these murderers and terrorists," he continued. "We will also exact a heavy price on the terrorists and their dispatchers and their supporters."
Source: Arutz Sheva ] questo nucleare allo IRAN è pura follia! è la miccia sul barile di polvere da sparo! Questo è un crimine USA contro tutto il genere umano perché loro sono i satanisti Rothschild che hanno bisogno di una guerra mondiale per non vedere, collassare il FMI SPA che tutta una truffa di falso in bilancio! ] [ Iran Nuclear Talks -- More Warning Signs
Yesterday, June 30th, was the deadline by which America and the other P5+1 nations were supposed to reach a deal with Iran to stop its nuclear weapons program. This was not the first such deadline. Yet once again, the deadline came and went without a deal. Meanwhile, we continue to receive troubling reports from Geneva that the negotiations have largely consisted of Iran exploiting our government’s desperate desire for a deal to turn our red lines into green lights. As Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu noted yesterday, “In the nuclear talks, to my regret, what we are seeing are Iran’s increasing demands, and the major powers’ concessions which are also increasing, in keeping with the Iranian pressure. This agreement is going from a bad agreement to a worse agreement, and is becoming worse by the day.”
If and when a deal is announced we will be quick to examine it. We will pray for the best. But if this deal is as bad as reports indicate, we will not be silent. We will speak out, and we will ask you to speak out with us. In particular, we will ask you to demand that your leaders in Congress vote down a bad deal. In the meantime, please stay tuned and stay in touch. We need you now more than ever. The Weekly Standard. The Iran Deal, Then and Now. One week before the June 30 deadline for a nuclear deal with Iran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made a series of demands about the final terms. Among them: He called for an immediate end to all United Nations Security Council and U.S. economic sanctions on Iran; he said Iranian military sites would not be subject to international inspections; he declared that Iran would not abide a long-term freeze on nuclear research; and he ruled out interviews with individuals associated with Iran’s nuclear program as part of any enforcement plan. Ieri, 30 giugno, sono scaduto il termine di cui America e altri P5 + 1 Nazioni avrebbero dovuto per raggiungere un accordo con l'Iran per interrompere il suo programma di armi nucleari. Questo non era il primo tale scadenza. Ancora una volta, il termine andava e veniva senza un affare. Nel frattempo, continuiamo a ricevere rapporti preoccupanti da Ginevra che i negoziati hanno in gran parte ha consistito dell'Iran sfruttando il desiderio disperato del nostro governo per un affare di trasformare le nostre linee di rossi in luci verdi. Come primo ministro israeliano Netanyahu notato ieri, "nei colloqui nucleari, con mio rammarico, quello che stiamo vedendo sono richieste crescenti dell'Iran e concessioni delle grandi potenze, che sono anche in aumento, in armonia con la pressione iraniana. Questo accordo sta da un cattivo accordo per un accordo di peggio e sta diventando peggio di giorno in giorno." Se e quando è annunciato un accordo saremo veloci per esaminarlo. Pregheremo per il meglio. Ma se questo affare è così male come rapporti indicano, non saremo silenziosi. Vi parleremo, e vi chiediamo di parlare con noi. In particolare, ti chiederemo di esigere che i vostri capi in Congresso votare giù un cattivo affare. Nel frattempo, per favore restate sintonizzati e rimanere in contatto. Abbiamo bisogno di te ora più che mai. L'affare Iran, allora e adesso. Una settimana prima del termine del 30 giugno per un affare nucleare con l'Iran, Leader supremo Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ha fatto una serie di richieste circa le condizioni definitive. Fra loro: ha chiamato a porre immediatamente fine a tutti del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e gli Stati Uniti le sanzioni economiche contro l'Iran; ha detto siti militari iraniani non sarebbe soggetta a controlli internazionali; Egli ha dichiarato che l'Iran non avrebbe rispettato un congelamento a lungo termine sulla ricerca nucleare; e ha governato le interviste con gli individui associati con il programma nucleare dell'Iran come parte di qualsiasi piano di esecuzione. (210) 477-4714 | PO BOX 1307 San Antonio, TX 78295-1307 | Copyright © 2014 Christians United for Israel. All Rights Reserved.
Amnesty e ONU sono due islamici nazisti sharia GAY GENDER ideologia, due nemici della democrazia e di Israele! Probabilmente anche tu, come me, hai sempre considerato Amnesty International una delle più importanti organizzazioni non governative in tema di difesa e promozione dei diritti umani. Il lavoro di Amnesty per i prigionieri di coscienza, contro la tortura e a favore dei prigionieri politici è conosciuto e stimato in tutto il mondo.
Se ti invito oggi a partecipare a una nuova campagna sul nostro sito ( è perché Amnesty International sembra aver in parte cambiato la propria vocazione a difesa dei diritti umani. Infatti, questa organizzazione si sta sempre più concentrando sulla promozione del cosiddetto "diritto all'aborto" e del matrimonio gay. In tema di aborto, ciò è dimostrato con la massima evidenza dalla recente campagna di Amnesty per fare pressioni sul governo irlandese. Lo stesso sta accadendo in El Salvador e presso le nazioni Unite, presso le quali Amnesty si sta battendo per un assurdo diritto all'aborto riconosciuto in tutto il mondo. Le campagne di comunicazione in questione mette in primo piano il diritto della donna ad abortire, dimenticando completamente il diritto del nascituro a venire alla luce e a vivere. La recente sentenza della Corte Suprema americana, che ha imposto il matrimonio gay in tutti gli Stati dell'Unione, è stata salutata da Amnesty come "una vittoria per i diritti umani" e si augura che la sentenza possa "influenzare positivamente il dibattito italiano". Anche in questo caso, che ne è dei diritti dei più deboli, ovvero del diritto di ogni bambino ad avere mamma e papà? Amnesty si batte per cause encomiabili, come quelle sopra citate, ma allo stesso tempo si pone anche a capo di operazioni di lobbying del tutto discutibili, che con la scusa di difendere presunti "nuovi diritti umani" (delle donne ad abortire, delle coppie omosessuali a sposarsi ed adottare bambini) finiscono per infrangere i diritti umani delle parti in causa più deboli e vulnerabili: il diritto alla vita, di ogni essere umano dal concepimento, e il diritto a una famiglia composta da mamma e papà, per ogni bambino. Questa petizione chiede ad Amnesty International di continuare ad occuparsi di cause come la lotta alla tortura e la tutela dei prigionieri politici e di coscienza, senza promuovere falsi diritti umani che non tutelano (e anzi danneggiano gravemente) chi ne ha più bisogno.
Per firmare, clicca su questo link:
(per ogni firma raccolta, il nostro sistema invierà una email direttamente ad Amnesty International).
Questa petizione è rivolta anche a tutti coloro che, magari in buona fede, hanno sostenuto le attività di Amnesty international. Se anche tu, lorenz, hai effettuato una donazione ad Amnesty International, sappi semplicemente che i fondi da loro raccolti servono anche per propagandare il diritto all'aborto e il matrimonio gay.
STOP ABORTO ] [ gli ISLAMICI NAZISTI SHARIA? LORO NON SI ABORTISCONO TRA DI LORO, MA FANNO LA BOMBA DEMOGRAFICA di pedofilia poligamia bordello privato familiare, E SI STANNO PREPARADO AD INVADERRCI ED A SOFFOCARCI, sotto egida ONU GENDER ideologia Amnesty Bildenberg sistema massonico usura mondiale, SpA Talmud, in violazione di tutti i diritti umani!
There is NO right to abortion. Dear Managers and Staff of Amnesty International, There is NO "right to abortion" - but there is a right to life for every human being. There was a time, not very long ago, when Amnesty International was reputed as one of the world’s leading human rights NGOs. Though it did not deal with all and every human rights issue, the organization undoubtedly did a lot to help and rescue political prisoners or prisoners of conscience in many countries of the world.
Amnesty’s campaign to legalize abortion in Ireland shows a turning point: all human beings, even the unborn children, deserve the defense of their human dignity and right to life. Through this petition, therefore, we denounce your hypocrisy and ask you to stop campaigning against the right to life of unborn children. In order to become credible as a human rights advocacy you must, on the contrary, stand up to defend the right to life of all human beings - in particular the weak and vulnerable. You must therefore defend the right to life of unborn children against those who, for whatever reason, will not recognize it. This petition is also addressed to all those who in good faith, and unaware of your stance on this very fundamental human rights issue, have supported you through their donations.
MI OFFENDE TANTA INGENUITà, OGGI CHI GUIDA IL MONDO SONO I SACERDOTI DI SATANA SPA BANZA MONDIALE URUROCRAZIA, QUINDI AL MICROCHIP SOTTOCUTANEO DEVE ESSERE OPPOSTA LA MASSIMA RESISTENZA, E LA MASSIMA OPPOSIZIONE! ] [ I profeti isterici anti-chip affermano che questa tecnologia sarebbe usata da un Governo mondiale per controllare la vita delle persone. È probabile, ma... Dove eravate quando è scoppiato lo scandalo WikiLeaks? Su Marte? I Governi e le imprese hanno già ampio accesso a ogni passo dei loro cittadini e consumatori, perché quasi tutto ciò che facciamo è registrato nei nostri computer personali (PC, smartphone, tablet ecc.) e nelle telefonate, per non parlare delle telecamere sparse in quasi tutti gli ambienti che frequentiamo. Il chip sotto la pelle, se venisse inserito su scala globale, non farebbe altro che intensificare una realtà già abbastanza ampia: abbiamo molta poca privacy e i nostri passi sono quasi tutti monitorati e registrati da Governi e imprese. È bizzarro e preoccupante? Sì. Potrà portare molti mali? Forse, lo dirà il tempo. E la Chiesa sicuramente ci metterà in guardia nel caso in cui fosse necessario. Una cosa sia chiara: nessuno sarà condannato per il fatto di aderire a un sistema di identificazione elettronico. Possiamo essere condannati, questo sì, per il fatto di aderire a valori e ideologie anticristiane. Questo è il vero segno della bestia, il segno della mondanità.
Egitto: negata la scarcerazione ad un cristiano. Sintesi: dopo aver trascorso gran parte della sua vita maltrattato, nascosto o in carcere, Mohamed Hegazy, un cristiano convertitosi dall'islam, non sa cosa aspettarsi dal futuro. Rimane in prigione, senza spiegazioni, nonostante abbia già scontato la propria pena.
Mohamed Hegazy è conosciuto per essere stato il primo egiziano a chiedere apertamente, nell'agosto del 2007, che venisse cambiata la voce riguardante la religione (da musulmano a cristiano) sulla propria carta d'identità. In questo modo vorrebbe evitare a suo figlio tutto ciò che ha dovuto sopportare sulla propria pelle. L'indicazione della religione di appartenenza è infatti un requisito obbligatorio sulla carta d'identità egiziana e definisce l'esistenza civile dell'individuo e della sua famiglia.
Il giovane uomo è attualmente in carcere per "oltraggio" all'islam ed è stato condannato sei mesi fa, nonostante i termini per la prescrizione del suo caso fossero scaduti nel 2009. Le altre 2 accuse che lo riguardavano erano già state cancellate in precedenza. Hegazy ha scelto di seguire Cristo all'età di 16 anni. Successivamente, nel 2002, è stato per un breve periodo incarcerato e torturato dall'SSI (Servizi Investigativi per la sicurezza dello Stato) e, dopo questa esperienza, ha vissuto in clandestinità con la propria famiglia. Arrestato di nuovo a dicembre del 2013, durante una protesta di piazza a Minya, è stato condannato a cinque anni di carcere con accuse che includevano la diffusione di informazioni false volte a "danneggiare il pubblico interesse". La condanna originaria è stata in seguito ridotta ad un solo anno, che risulterebbe già scontato, ma i servizi di sicurezza nazionale hanno continuato a tenerlo in carcere.
Diversi gruppi a difesa dei diritti umani, hanno provato a fare pressione sulle autorità egiziane perché venisse risolto il caso di Hegazy, ma la sua situazione non è migliorata, anzi, abbiamo notizia di maltrattamenti e umiliazioni, oltre alla negazione di diritti basilari come le visite regolari da parte del suo avvocato.
Nonostante la nuova costituzione egiziana, approvata a gennaio del 2014, si impegni al rispetto della libertà di credo e della dignità umana, i cristiani, soprattutto quelli provenienti da un background musulmano, vivono continuamente maltrattamenti fisici e soprusi.
Inoltre gruppi terroristici vicini ai "Fratelli Musulmani" (dichiarati illegali dal Presidente al-Sisi dal 2013), nel tentativo di destabilizzare il Paese, continuano ad effettuare attentati mirati.
Ci giunge forte la voce dei cristiani locali che chiedono preghiera e aiuto per una situazione che continua a rimanere tesa.
Egitto: Posizione nella World Watch List: L'Egitto si classifica al 23° posto nella World Watch List 2015, con 61 punti. La principale transizione politica degli ultimi mesi, che ha avuto luogo a luglio 2013, ha escluso dal potere la "Fratellanza musulmana" in seguito all'insurrezione nazionale contro di essa; 33 milioni di egiziani si sono riversati nelle strade il 30 giugno 2013. In Egitto però i cristiani, non solo i convertiti dall'islam, ma anche la numerosa comunità autoctona copta, sono ancora sotto pressione. La maggioranza della popolazione egiziana è musulmana, ma negli ultimi anni l'islam politico radicale è diventato più visibile e la società ha sofferto per le implicazioni della presenza di gruppi islamici radicali al governo. Vari gruppi di islamici militanti inoltre fanno ancora sentire la propria presenza. Tale situazione è fonte di tensione con la numerosa minoranza cristiana autoctona, i copti, che rappresentano circa il 10 percento della popolazione del Paese.
Fonti di persecuzione
Le fonti di persecuzione riguardanti i cristiani in Egitto sono l'estremismo islamico (fonte principale) e, in misura minore, la paranoia dittatoriale e la corruzione organizzata.
Estremismo islamico: è la fonte principale a causa dell'estromissione della "Fratellanza musulmana" dal potere e dell'aumento degli attacchi terroristici dei movimenti islamici contro i cristiani e le loro istituzioni. Anche se la "Fratellanza musulmana" è stata estromessa dal potere a luglio 2013, bandita a settembre 2013 e costretta a un'esistenza clandestina, i gruppi islamici radicali non sono scomparsi dall'Egitto. Nel Sinai, i movimenti islamici radicali operano nella quasi completa impunità.
Paranoia dittatoriale: la tradizione autoritaria del governo è forse la sola caratteristica costante del sistema politico egiziano, che ha conosciuto 3 cambi di regime in soli 3 anni. Tutti i governanti egiziani hanno avuto un solo elemento caratteristico in comune: uno stile di governo autoritario. Il decennio nel quale le dittature si sono succedute al potere si è concluso nel 2011 con proteste sociali di massa, che hanno portato infine all'elezione dei "Fratelli musulmani". Il governo guidato da Mohamed Morsi, non particolarmente democratico, è stato deposto da un'insurrezione nazionale sostenuta dall'esercito nel corso del 2013, in seguito a nuove proteste sociali di massa. Attualmente l'Egitto è governato da un governo civile guidato dal precedente comandante dell'esercito, Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, dopo le elezioni presidenziali del 2014. Questo governo non sembra avere tra le sue priorità i diritti umani fondamentali e il pluralismo democratico. In questo contesto, quindi, la libertà religiosa dei cristiani non è completamente garantita.
Corruzione organizzata: il crimine, la corruzione e l'insicurezza diffusi, in particolare nella zona del Sinai, hanno generato un clima strutturale di impunità, nel quale le ostilità contro i gruppi più vulnerabili, a favore dei quali nessuno si pronuncia nell'arena politica, non sono punite. Tale contesto riguarda anche i cristiani e le donne di qualsiasi credo religioso, specialmente quelle in una posizione più vulnerabile, come le cristiane, che sono oggetto di violenza in un ambiente islamico radicale.
Le sfide economiche del Paese disattese dal presidente Morsi, il progressivo smantellamento delle istituzioni democratiche e l'islamizzazione accelerata della politica egiziana sono state le cause scatenanti delle proteste di massa del luglio 2013.
La sequenza di rivoluzioni evidenzia non solo la frustrazione diffusa di fronte alla difficile situazione economica, ma anche il deterioramento del sistema democratico e l'elevata polarizzazione della società egiziana. Molte persone sono state sorprese dall'intervento militare nel 2013, perché non bisogna dimenticare che Morsi aveva ottenuto il sostegno (elettorale) di quasi la metà degli elettori che si erano presentati alle urne.
Lo stile di governo autoritario del presidente al-Sisi ha, in qualche misura, ristabilito lo stato di diritto in Egitto, ma ha anche imposto una legislazione relativamente restrittiva sugli affari religiosi, con conseguente svantaggio per la popolazione cristiana del Paese. Inoltre una legge del novembre 2013, che ha limitato le proteste pubbliche, contribuisce a ridurre la libertà d'espressione nella sfera pubblica.
Tipi di cristianesimo colpiti
Ci sono due tipi di cristianesimo in Egitto: la comunità etnica copta storica, a maggioranza ortodossa, e una piccola comunità in crescita di convertiti (credenti di origine musulmana).
Sia i credenti di origine musulmana che i cristiani copti risiedono in tutto il Paese, anche se la maggiore concentrazione di cristiani copti si trova nell'Alto Egitto, al Cairo e ad Alessandria. I livelli di persecuzione sono simili in tutto il Paese. I credenti di origine musulmana sopportano il peso maggiore della persecuzione.
Essi ne sono sempre stati le vittime, mentre la più numerosa minoranza copta, che incontra comunque notevoli difficoltà (incluse la discriminazione nel diritto all'istruzione, alla salute e alla rappresentanza politica e una legislazione che ostacola aspetti essenziali della vita della chiesa), è sempre stata tollerata a causa della presenza storica e dell'importanza demografica (circa 10-11 milioni di persone). Negli ultimi anni, tuttavia, la situazione è cambiata: le comunità storiche di cristiani sono diventate un bersaglio della persecuzione.
Nel caso dei credenti di origine musulmana, le famiglie sono spesso una fonte di persecuzione, perché puniscono i convertiti al cristianesimo per avere abbandonato la fede islamica anche con percosse o espulsioni dalla comunità.
Sfere della vita
I cristiani in Egitto affrontano la persecuzione maggiore nella sfera comunitaria, mentre nelle sfere privata, familiare ed ecclesiastica, in particolare i copti, godono ancora di una discreta libertà.
Sfera comunitaria: i copti sembrano particolarmente vulnerabili a causa dell'esclusione sociale. I resoconti di Porte Aperte segnalano la costante discriminazione nei confronti dei cristiani nella giustizia, nell'istruzione, nei servizi sociali fondamentali e una maggiore vulnerabilità economica.
Sfere privata e familiare: nella numerosa comunità copta la pressione non è elevata, al contrario dei credenti di origine musulmana, che subiscono gravi limitazioni all'interno delle proprie case e della famiglia estesa.
Sfera ecclesiastica: l'autonomia della chiesa è generalmente rispettata, anche se i copti affrontano alcuni ostacoli amministrativi, per esempio difficoltà ad ottenere le autorizzazioni per restaurare gli edifici ecclesiastici.
Subito dopo il 30 giugno 2013, in seguito all'estromissione del presidente Morsi, un'impennata delle violenze settarie ha suscitato la dichiarazione di Amnestry International circa la crescita senza precedenti degli attacchi settari ai cristiani copti. Nel periodo analizzato dalla WWL, 65 tra chiese, librerie cristiane, scuole cristiane e conventi sono stati completamente bruciati, distrutti o saccheggiai dalla folla, spesso istigata dai movimenti islamici radicali. Inoltre, soltanto 5 dei 32 edifici ecclesiastici distrutti ad agosto 2013 sono stati ricostruiti. La promessa di aiuti per la ricostruzione e il restauro da parte dell'esercito non è ancora stata mantenuta.
Prospettive future
Gli elementi che definiranno il futuro dell'Egitto sono essenzialmente politici. Le proteste sociali non cesseranno finché continuerà l'instabilità politica e non si affronteranno le sfide economiche. Il Paese è caratterizzato da un'apparentemente incolmabile divisione ideologico-religiosa tra varie espressioni dell'islam radicale (dai salafiti ai "Fratelli musulmani") e politica liberale (secolarista).
Gli sviluppi politici attuali rivelano che lo scenario più probabile vedrà la Chiesa confinata in una situazione di protezione. Non diminuirà tuttavia l'opposizione da parte della società islamica, che è per la maggior parte ignara del cristianesimo.
David Duke can not understand, as there is: A contract villain, among enlightened and the International Islamic (the fossils of the book) for the destruction of Christianity and Christian civilization! So Saudi Arabia has sacrificed the Palestinians in Israel's favor. while all the hate against Israel and the West who are always dominated from Jewish lobbies and Freemasons of seigniorage banking, is charged to the innocent Christians...
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666SeigniorageofBank (6 ore fa) on youtube page everything is very simple for me!
1. God wanted to give the Jews: (lobby enlightened of banking seigniorage) the political responsibility of the world.
2. but, everything revolves around Jesus of Bethlehem, for all flesh is judged: condemned or saved: only in reference to him! how high thou art institutions? because the institutions do not react to the bank seigniorage? like, they may not know: the necessity for the IMF-World Order: of to do 3 ° WWnuclear ? Eric Holder Stages Fake Saudi Israeli Embassy Terror Plot Tying Iran And The Drug Cartels Together Da: IranContraScumDid911 | 12/Oct/2011 | 1,519 visualizzazioni Im actually surprised Eric Holder did not tie Gadaffi, Syria, Al-Shabaab, North Korea, and bigfoot into the Hollywood story. There is so many problems with this story it is sad. Eric is really getting desparate. Mr. Fast and Furious needs to go to prison for supplying the cartels with guns and staging fake terror for real political gain. At the same time he is in trouble for supplying guns to the drug cartels and he is staging a fake trial for Obama's Flight 253 diaper hoax, Eric Holder creates a diversion with a whole new twist and purpose. The terror plot was not foiled, it was successfiul as a tool that can be used as a pretext against Israel and Saudi Arabia's enemies. Israel and Saudi Arabia are attacking America every chance they get to reinforce their political agendas. This is why your founding fathers wanted you to remain independent, foreign nations now control our puppet govenment using our justice system to con us into being afraid and supporting the policies that have destroyed this country. Eric Holder is running the drug cartels and terrorism, to suit Obama's agenda. --------------
@Rochefeller - he is: the sovereign Lord universal: the satanic world of Babel Tower, he himself the head of all enlightened! he is: the real head of the snake! ie: the head of the New World Order, Freemasonry, Satanism: IMF, World Bank: Freemasonry: Intelligence: CIA MOSSAD: Bildenberg, trilateral: etc. .. Etc. .. the propensity of the Jews "Marranos," to pretend to convert to Christianity? is the oldest: the Middle Ages!! is a phenomenon: sad: that the Catholic Church knows very well: so ... that it was forced ... to do the court of the Holy Inquisition! these enlightened Jews of Satanists? they have no imagination! Despite all their power? they play again, to make the Jews Marranos (converted to Christianity fake)! the time of the dictators is over, because the time is over of the slaves .. so the responsibility for power is to be shared .. according to a principle of fairness: because every man is like any other man .. In fact we are not racist as the Sharia, or as enlightened Zionists.. in reality? I do not need to threaten no one .. because I do not feel to be the enemy of someone! Also, I am extremely: more than convenient: of all, in fact, I am profitable! why pay the money at interest: by the Jews Satanists? when I can give gratis all money at all the Governments?
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Abla sing And Antar and his brother Chiboub
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
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@ ימף פרושי ראָטשילד, פֿאַר טייטן ישראל: מיט, ווערלדווייד קאַליפאַטע: אַראַבער ליגע: סאַלאַפיס, איך גאַט אַ גוט געדאַנק, ווייַל: טאָן ניט טייטן, מיר אויך, אַזאַ ווי: איר האט טייטן: פרעזידענט יוחנן קעננעדי, ווען ער האט: עקסעקוטיווע סדר 11,110, וואָס דעלאַגייטאַד צו די סעקרעטאַרי פון די טרעאַסורי: צו דרוקן געלט: אויף ביכאַף פון די אמעריקאנער מענטשן, אָן געבן: די פּרייַז, צו איר: וועגן, 270% פון אונדזער געלט (מיט דרייַ סקאַמז: ווי, האט געזאגט: געלערנטער: גיאַסינטאָ אַוריטי)? אים, אַז ער איז געווען אַ פאַקטיש פרעזידענט, פֿאַר די אמעריקאנער מענטשן, און נישט, ווי, איז אַ פאַררעטער יסלאַמיסט אבאמאניו יארק -'' איך ניט מער: די מוסלים, סאָסיאַליסט: אַז: איך איז געווען איידער ...''. יו. עס. פרעזידענט באַראַקק אבאמא מאַקס, סמיילינג און זיך-דעפּראַקייטינג .. - ענטפֿערן - @ פאַררעטער אבאמא, יסלאַמיסט, ליגנער, מורדערעסס! די עטניק קלענזינג פון קריסטן און שייטעס, כהנים, געהילפן, און בישאַפּס קילד: אין קאַלט בלוט, מיט אָפּנאַר, בלאַקמייל, קידנאַפּט, ווי חיות, ראַפּעס פון גערלז, "סלאָטערד", ויסלייזגעלט מאָנען, אַלע דיין שלייַם: פון טערעראַסץ: סאַלאַפיס, "מוסלים ברידער" צו פאַרשפּרייטן אייער שאַריאַ דיין "ווערלדווייד קאַליפאַטע", וואָס זיי זענען, הייַנט, אין סיריע, און וואָס איר האָט נאָר פאַרשפּרייטן: אַלע איבער די מעדיטערראַנעאַן, אאז"ו ו .. ? זענען: דיין: סי.איי.עי. און דיין: אַראַבער ליגע: ווער איז טאן אַלע די קריימז! און דיין, אידישע מידיאַ: דער מאָנאָפּאָל פון יעדער: ספּאַ, קאָרפּעריישאַנז, פֿאַר: קאַמף: ימף, פאסטעכער, עקב, גמרא אַגענדאַ: בילדענבערג, מאַסאָניק סיסטעם: פֿאַר באַנקינג סיגניערידזש, זיי דעקן: אַלע דעם, מיט: זייער ליגט: און זייער אינפֿאָרמאַציע יקספּלויטאַד. וואָלט האָבן שוין בעסער: פֿאַר איר, אַז איר האט קיינמאָל געווען געבוירן!
פּאַקיסטאַן: באָמבע ווס קאַנדידאַט, 5 דעטס. באָמבע יקספּלאָודז בעשאַס וואַלן באַגעגעניש, 15 ווונדאַד. 07:39. אפריל 28 אַפגהאַניסטאַן, טאַליבאַן פרילינג אַפענסיוו. מודיע נוצן: ינפילטרייטערז און קאַמאַקאַזי ': קאָלעקטיוו אַפּעריישאַנז'. 06:34. אפריל 28 אבאמא דזשאָוקס, ביסט ניט מער מוסלים ... יראָניקאַללי, - ענטפֿערן - דאָך, איר ניטאָ נישט אַ מוסלים, אין פאַקט, אַלע מוסלימס ביסט גוט מענטשן! איר ניטאָ אַ יסלאַמיסט, וואס איז טאן די ווערלדווייד קאַליפאַטע: פֿאַר די "אַראַבער ליגע" מיט די עטניק קלענזינג פון אַלע קריסטן, און, אַלע דער ססיטהיאַנס, צו טאָן דיסינטאַגרייט: ישראל, בעשאַס: אָט - אָט וועלט מלחמה ווו .. דאָ ס וואָס: די טשעטשענס האָבן קידנאַפּט דעם בישאָפּס, צו אננעמען לאַטטענטאַטאָ פון באָסטאָן, די בישאַפּס וואס האט באַצאָלט שוין, פֿאַר: זייער כהנים, וואס האט שוין, שוין, האט זייער טראָוץ שנייַדן, אַזוי, עס איז רעכט איצט: פֿאַר דיין " אַראַבער ליגע "צו שחיטה: אויך: בישאָפּס אויך, און דעריבער, צו זוכן געלט: אויך פֿאַר זיי ..12/02/2013 [סיריע - וואַטיקאַן]. נאָך מוסלים מורדי אָנכאַפּן צוויי כהנים אין אַלעפּפּאָ, עס זענען פירז: פֿאַר: זייער לעבן. אַ ארמאניש קאַטהאָליק גאַלעך, פר מיכאל, און אַן ארטאדאקס גייַסטלעכער זענען אַבדאַקטיד: לעצטע זונטאג אין אַלעפּפּאָ ס קריסטלעך: קוואַרטאַל. קוואלן רעדן: צו אַסיאַנעווס: וועגן: באַרבעראַס רציחה: געפירט אויס: מיין יסלאַמיק יקסטרימאַסץ. א מאַשין באָמבע: יקספּלאָודז: אין די טערקיש-סיריאַן: גרענעץ אַריבער: פון סילוועגאָזו. [נאָך בעת געהרגעט: שחיטה: די כהנים, זיי פארלאנגט: אַ ויסלייזגעלט: צו זייער בישאַפּס] 26/04/2013. [זינט די אַראַבער ליגע איז טאן די עטניק קלענזינג פון שייטעס און קריסטן, ראַפּעס, רציחה, אומעטום, זי ווינס אַ טעריטאָריע, דעריבער, דער טשעטשענס: זיי אַווענדזשד, דער טעראָריסט געהרגעט אין באָסטאָן (ווי האט טערקיי)] קיין צייכן פון ארטאדאקס בישאַפּס 'מעלדונג, פירז פון פּאָליטיש בלאַקמייל וואַקסן. 322 קערי, בוש, 666 אבאמא ראָטשילד, איך געפונען די סאַרין, אין די לאַבאָראַטאָריעס פון די אַראַבער ליגע, אַז, דיין: על קאַעדאַ האט געפירט, אין סיריע .. בעסטער פֿאַר איר: עס וואָלט האָבן שוין, אויב איר געווען ניט אלץ געבוירן!יהאַטענעוולייַאָוט המגיד פּובבליקאַטאָ און קאָממענטאָ 45 מינוטי פאַ איר נישט מאַכן נישט נייַ קאַנאַל נאָך? - ענטפֿערן - יענע, וואָס איך האב (וועגן 50, קאַנאַל) זענען יבעריק, פֿאַר מיר, וואָלט האָבן שוין בעסער נאָר איין וועג: פֿאַר מיר! אָבער, ווי איר קענען זאָגן אַז "שׂטן ראַטעווען", און דעמאָלט, איר באַהאַלטן זיך, ווי אַ פּאַכדן, הינטער די פאָטאָ, פון סט באַרטאָלאָ לאָנגאָ, ווער, ער ווען איז דיין עלטער, ער איז געווען אַ גאַלעך ווודו פון שׂטן ... ווי איר?[[סיריע באפרייט די צוויי ארטאדאקס בישאַפּס. - 4 טעג צוריק]] .. אָבער, איר האָבן צו גראָבן: מיט גרויס עקשנות: צו געפינען דעם נייַעס, "פאַרבאָרגן" אין די אינטערנאַציאָנאַלע אידישע מידיאַ: בילדענבערג פון די מאַסאָניק סיסטעם פון באַנק סיגניערידזש. [[סיריע קידנאַפּט בישאַפּס; אויך: אַטהענס: נישט: באַשטעטיקונג באַפרייַונג. - 3 טעג צוריק: דיאָסעסע אַלעפּפּאָ, קיין קאָנטאַקט מיט די צוויי ארטאדאקס אַרטשבישאָפּס]], קערי האט געזאגט:'' איך גערעדט דעם מאָרגן: פון דאָ מיט נעטאַניאַהו, און ער דערציילט מיר אַז עס איז נישט אין דער פּאָזיציע: צו באַשטעטיקן . דאס איז זייער פּראָצעס: E: דעפּענדס אויף זיי: אַזאַ ווי: און ווען: זיי ווילן צו טאָן, און עס איז נישט: צו מיר: מאַכן מודעות. אזוי: איך טאָן ניט וויסן!''. (? אָבער,? באַרען אַז מיטל?, דעם רייד?) טאָמער מיטל: אויב איר ווילן צו באַפאַלן סיריע, מיט אַ בילבל, ווי, איר ווע שוין ינוויידיד יראַק, מיט, אן אנדער בילבל, דעריבער, טאָן אַזוי, אָבער, איר טאָן נישט ברעכן, דער האָן: צו מיר!@ בנימין נעטאַניאַהו --- שלאָגן מיט יאָדער וועפּאַנז, זעלביקער הייַנט, אַלע 50 יסלאַמיק אומות, עס איז די בלויז געלעגנהייַט איר האָבן פון זייַענדיק קענען צו ראַטעווען ישראל@ בנימין נעטאַניאַהו --- אָבער דאָס איז די אמת: עס איז מער: אַ מערב מאַכט, אָבער, עס איז אַ סכעמע: אידישע לאַביז און מאַסאָניק אַקאַלט כוחות: ימף פאסטעכער 666, די סיסטעם: טעראַניקאַל סאַטאַניק כוחות, די ימף, בילדענבערג, און אַלע זייער פאַרבאָרגן ריכטונג (דער העכסטן וויסנשאַפֿט, פון אינזשעניריע, געזעלשאַפטלעך און, אַלע מאַנאַפּאַליז ספּאַ, אַלע אין די הענט: פון בלויז ראָטהסטשיד), אין דעם וועג, זיי וועלן: אַמאָל ווידער, באַשולדיקן די קריסטן, פֿאַר: די יקסטערמאַניישאַן: חורבן אָט - אָט: קעגן, ישראל, בעשאַס, וועלט מלחמה ווו, דער נייַ חורבן, ווי: אַמאָל, זיי האבן: נאָך, די צווייטע וועלט מלחמה. געזען אַז: מיט די פראנצויזיש רעוואלוציע, נישט מער עקסיסטירן, אַ פּאָליטיק: עס קענען זייַן אונטער די קאָנטראָל פון די קריסטן אין דער מערב! אַז ס וואָס די פרושים און סאַלאַפיסץ: זאָל זייַן סענטאַנסט צו טויט! ווייַל, ווייל אַ דיאַלאָג מיט זיי איז אוממעגלעך[ווערלדווייד קאַליפאַטע, אַזאַ ווי: סטראַטעגיע פון אַגרעסיוו מלחמה] איז טאָוטאַלי יסלאַמאָפאָביאַ: דזשוסטיפיעד, זינט: אַז: אונדזער יסלאַמיק יסלאַמיס, אַקאַמפּלאַס, זיי שלאָפן סאַונדלי: פֿאַר, די קריימז: אַז, זייער יסלאַמיק: טוען: אַלע, די מיטל מזרח, קעגן, די קריסטן, וואָס איז וואָס, עס וועט זייַן אַ ווייטיקדיק נעסעססאַרילי, פּלוצעמדיק און דראַמאַטיק אַוואַקענינג. דאס אונדזער פּסאַק קלאַס, וואָס, ווי, קומען צו טערמינען מיט די טערעראַסץ, אָן דילינג מיט: די פּראָבלעם פון האַפט: אַ געמיין און קרימאַנאַלי קאַמפּליסאַט: פאַלש באַגריף: פון: "שלום", בשעת: פילע, אויך פילע אומשולדיק קריסטלעך מאַרטערז, געפינען זייער שלום בייַ די בייס - וילעם. אין פאַקט, קריסטן אין דער ישראל טעראַטאָריז (אונטן, יאַסער אַראַפאַט), האָבן געהאט צו אַנטלויפן ען מאַס, בשעת די רוען קריסטן, זיי זענען געווען צו ווערן געצווונגען ווי דהיממיס, סלאַוועס, סאַבדזשעקס, אויך סובמיטטעד, זיי, צו יסלאַמיק געזעץ. פארוואס דעמאָלט, אייראָפּע האלט צו זייַן די פייַנט פון ישראל, און אַ אַקאַמפּלאַס פון נאציזם, די פּאַלעסטינער, און פון אַלע לענדער איצט יסלאַמיזעד דורך די אַראַבער ליגע?[ווערלדווייד קאַליפאַטע, איסלאם, אַזאַ ווי: סטראַטעגיע פון אַגרעסיוו מלחמה, און מערב: מער און מער פאַרברעכער], געטריבן אַדריפט דורך די אידישע פויע באַנקינג: יללומינאַטי: ימף-נוואָ, פרושים, אינטערנאַציאָנאַלער באַנקערס, וואס האָבן סוואָרן האַס, אייביק: קעגן : קריסטנטום, פּושינג זיך, סאַבסטאַנשאַלי, אויס: פון ציוויליזאַציע: ייִדיש - קריסטלעך, פֿאַר זיי האָט ווערן: דער עמעס שונאים, פון די ניצל פון ישראל. דעם מערב: מאַסאָניק און סאַטאַניק, אַקאַלט כוחות בילדענבערג אַז: לייקענען זייער אייגן וואַלועס, און: ביטרייז זייַן אייגן אידענטיטעט, פון: אַ אייראָפּע פארלאזן צו אַבליוויאַן, אַזוי פאַרברעכער צו זייַן: ווערן, טויב ... און זיך: בלאַדטערסטי פּראָוטאַגאַנאַסט, אַקאַמפּלאַס: פון יעדער הילעל: רעליגיעז פֿרייַהייט, ביידע אַרויס זייַן געמארקן, ביידע ין: זייַן געמארקן, ווייַל אויב עס איז אמת, אַז: מוסלימס זענען אונדזער ברידער, אָבער, איז אויך אמת אַז,[די ווערלדווייד קאַליפאַטע, פון: אבאמא] איז ניט שווער צו געפינען זאָגן פון דעם: קאַטאַסטראַפיק מענטש טראַגעדיע, פון וואָס: גמרא ימף: עקב פאסטעכער, סי.איי.עי. USA יו.ען., נאַטאָ, ביסט קאַמפּליסאַט. פון דעם באַרבעריזאַם: יידל, רעליגיעז, קולטור, וואָס האט פּלאַנדזשד: די וועלט: די אַראַבער-מוסלים, אין רויב צו אידעישע פאנאטיזם: יסלאַמיק יקסטרימאַסץ: און רעליגיעז ינטאַלעראַנס: זייַן דיקטייטערשיפּס אין מאַכט. [אייראָפּע 'ס פֿאַראַנטוואָרטלעכקייט: איצט כאַסטאַדזשאַז פון יללומינאַטי בילדענבער: עס ס ריזיק] אין די פּנים פון געצויגן פֿאַרפֿאָלגונג און געצויגן: טעגלעך כיומילייישאַנז, אַז אַלע קריסטן אונטער יסלאַמיק ראַזשימז, און אין אַלץ: דער מיטל מזרח, זיי זענען געצווונגען צו לעבן און לייַדן, ווייַל: אייראָפּע איז קראַנק, פון דעם: רעלאַטיוויזאַם פארבלענדט: מיט, די גוט געדאַנק פון מאַלטיקאַלטשעראַליזאַם, וואָס, אָבער, קענען ניט זייַן איינגעזען: אָן: דער באַגריף פון רעסיפּראַסיטי[אבאמא און זייַן פּלאַנז יקסטינגשאַן, פון די קריסטן, און פון די שייטעס, אין די מיטל מזרח] פאר, פון די אַראַבער קאָנקוועסט: און איסלאם אין דער זיבעטער יאָרהונדערט, קריסטן געמאכט אַרויף, 95%, פון די באַפעלקערונג, פון די מעדיטערראַנעאַן: דרום און מזרח פון מעדיטערראַנעאַן. אָבער, הייַנט, מיט ווייניקער, ווי, 12. מיליאָן, האָבן געפאלן, שארף צו ווייניקער ווי 6%, פון קורס, אין 2020, דאָרט וועט זייַן ניט מער קריסטן אין די מיטל מזרח! פון דער ערשטער וועלט מלחמה: 10,000,000 קריסטן האָבן שוין געצווונגען צו עמיגרירן. דאס איז דערווייַז פון סאַטאַניסם, און: פאַרברעכער באַרבאַראַטי, דעלל'ימבאַרבאַרימענטאָ, נישט בלויז, פון די אַראַבער ליגע, אָבער, אויבן אַלע, זייַן אַקאַמפּלאַסאַז, די פרעעמאַסאָנס, די פרושים, יללומינאַטי, בילדענבערג, אַקאַלט מאַכט, וואָס, מיט אַ שטיל קו: גענומען מאַכט: אין אַלע די פאַלש דימאַקראַסיז מאַסאָניק: פון באַנקינג סיגניערידזש.1. [די קהילה (קריסטלעך מאַרטערז) איז גערודפט אין די מיטל מזרח: צו: טאָן די ווערלדווייד קאַליפאַטע] 2. [די קהילה (קריסטלעך מאַרטערז) איז גערודפט, אַלע איבער די וועלט פֿאַר דעם: די גמרא פון די פרושים: אין די מאַסאָניק סיסטעם: פֿאַר די באַנקינג סיגניערידזש: צו ענסלייוו אַלע פעלקער, און צו צעשטערן ישראל.] 3. [די קהילה (קריסטלעך מאַרטערז) איז גערודפט דורך אַלע רעליגיאָנס, און קאָמוניזם. ] מיר זענען וויטנאַסינג אַזוי שרעקעדיק, צו די פֿאַרפֿאָלגונג און מאַסע יעציע פון קריסטן פון די מיטל מזרח, וואָס זענען די אמת נייטיווז פון דער געגנט, ווייַל פון אַ פאָרשטעלונג: אַז: איז געווען סאַטאַניזזאַטאַ: וועגן, איסלאם: פון די אַראַבער ליגע, און זייַן : סי.איי.עי., אַלע די נאַציס, די נאַציס יסלאַמיסץ, לעגאַמרע ינטאַלעראַנט, און, פאַרלאָזן צו אָנערקענען די כשיוועס און רעכט פון די מענטש מענטש. אַקאָרדינגלי, זיי באַהאַלטן דעם פאַקטיש סיבות ווי צו וואָס די יסראַעליס זענען געצווונגען צו זייַן אַזוי "שווער" קעגן די פּאַלעסטינער.
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شعب الكويت يشكر امريكا حكومتا وشعبا ونشكر جميع الاخوه علي تحرير الكويت من الاشرار Thank you America and thank you for Jaa وشكر خاص من قبيلةعبس الرشايدا الي جميع الاصدقاء والاخوة
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الحب الصادق هو النور في الحياه هو القوة العظيمه التي تدفع الي الامام يجب عدم الكذب علي النساء بكلمه عظيمه من نور نقي وعظيم هو يوم الوعد يوم الكلمه ساضرب ويدي مشده القبضه علي صدري للاني عاهدة نفسي ان اكون متوعد الاشرار وفضحهم الذين يهدمون الحب النقي ويود ان ظلامهم يحجب نور يري كل طيب القلب واقول ارتفع بنظرك الي فوق ستجد نجمه تضيئ لتتذكر ان الحب لم يمت و بضوء ينير القلب بحق ليهرب الظلام من امامها وتكون الارض تتلالئ من كثرت الاحجار الكريمه والاماس الذي لامسه نور الحق وبحق
Città natale:
السالميه Salmiya
كشف الحقيقه
Kuwait's right!
الكتب Books
The Black Prince Antar
رومانس Romanc
Love story Antar and Abla
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! انا انشر حقائق واقعيه وليس متحيز لدولة ايران انا مع كلمة الحق والتي من خلال التجربه تعايشتها وعرفت ان كل مشكله سببها العراق ومرتزقته الذين هاموا علي وجه الارض لنشر الفساد والدول يوجد بها عراقين منهم متجنسين الدول التي لجؤا بها((الكويت -السعوديه-قطر-الامارات-البحرين)) بعضهم حصل علي الجنسيه في بعض الدول التي ذكرتها والبعض يطالب بجنسيه وهذا الخطر علي الخليج وليس علي الكويت فقط
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! التي يتم نشرها هي حقائق يعرفها كل كويتي بحق وليس جذوره من العراق ومن يدعي انه محب للكويت ويفعل ما يضر وطننا في الخفاء من يحافظ علي الكويت هو اهلها من الكويتين الذين قدموا من المملكه العربيه السعوديه وليس لهم جذور عراقيه وحتي التي جذورهم ايرانيه خدموا الوطن باخلاص وشرف وليس من اتجه من العراقين الي ايران وحصلوا علي جنسيه الايرانيه وتسببوا في الفاق كل اذي الي الشعب الايراني والتسبب في تشويه كما حاصل في دولة الكويت وللكويتين
az99920 (
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! لا يوجد من ينصح بصدق في زمننا هذا للان كل واحد يحمل همه وليس له وقت لنصيحه وهذا اكبر خطئ النصيحه في كل وقت وكل زمان بس للاسف الظلمه انتشرت في مجتمعنا واصبح كل شيئ ظاهر للعيان واصبح يوجد شباب مسلم بالاسم ولكن افعالهم لا تدل علي الايمان لانه انتزع الايمان من القلوب واصبحوا يساعدون في نشر الظلمه والظلام الذي سيهدم اسرهم باخر المطاف عندما يكونون اسرهه في زمن يكون فيه الفساد بكامل وجهه القبيح ويخرج مزيد من المسلمين عن ملة الاسلام لكثرة الجور والمفاسد
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! بسبب انتشار الظلام اصبح الزواج من الصعوبه في زمننا هذا ...................وهذا اكبر فتنه للشباب واكبر كارثه ان الحلم الذي يراوده من الصغر يصيبه العوائق الماديه والعوائق الاخري هذا ما يهدم المجتمع بسرعه ويدمر كل شيئ جميل من الاخلاق انتهائا بنزع الدين من قلوب الشباب ((استيقضوا))
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! كفوا اياديكم ايها الظلام عن نشر الظلام وعن نشر الفساد اضاقوا علينا مجتمعنا وانا حزين للان معظم الشباب فقد القيم الصحيحه والاخلاق في زمننا هذا واضح وضوح الشمس ان انتشر كل امر مفسد الله المستعان الله يمهل ولا يهمل اذا غضب الله سيصيب المنطقه باكملها مكروهه بسبب كثرة الذنوب والمعاصي سنهلك مهما طال الوقت ياتي يوم به الضيق علي الجميع وسيندم الجميع عندها لا ينفع الندم سياخذ العاصي لمعصيته وياخذ المؤمن علي ايمانه وياخذ المنافق علي نفاقه
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! استيقضوا يا شباب استيقضوا الغفله وتتبعون شباب مسلم في الاسم ولكن في القلب هو الذئب الذي ينهش في جسد مجتمعنا وينشر الظلمه ويحاول جاهدا افساد الشباب للانه يتصرف بخبث وعن علم ودراسه بما يفعله ليضر شباب الكويت وهو لا ينفذ ذلك بحياته وانما يتزوج ويعيش حياه سعيده بعد اكمال المخطط ويستمر في نشر الظلام منهم ملحدون ومنهم؟؟6؟؟؟6؟؟6؟ هو مسلم باسم لكن بالقلب عند الله منافق والكثير من الملل تجد في الاسلام مسلمون ولكن غير ذلك يفعلون عن قصد
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! يوجد شباب هو ينشر الظلمه عن قصد لا تعرف ملتهم هل مسلمون حقا ام ملحدون ويحملون الالحاد في قلوبهم التي تشربت الالحاد وكرهه الاسلام وكرهه الاخلاق وتدمير عن قصد كل شيئ جميل يجعل الشاب في سعاده لكي يدمروا المجتمع عن قصد وتعمد ((الحذر))
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! رساله الي كل الاباء علم الاولاد ما ينفعهم من الدروس الاخلاقيه ولا تنسي ان تخبرهم ان في الخارج شباب ينتضرون للنشر الفساد بين ابنائنا عن قصد وتعمد وكرهه وحسد لكي يجعلوا الحياه مظلمه الي الابد ولكن سيتهي ذلك الظلام للان العلم والثقافه نور تعرف به العدوا والصديق لتفرق بين الشرير والخير لكي لا تخطلط عليك الامور ويكون مجتمعنا في ظلمه ابديه نبني ونتعب وفي الخارج يهدمون ذلك التعب بسبب ضعف عقل الاولاد وعدم معرفتهم الكامله اكبر خطئ
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! ما يحدث في مجتمعنا من فساد من الاولاد بسبب عدم التربيه وبسبب بعض الاولاد تربي تربيه سليمه ولكن في الخارج ما يناقض تلك التربيه والاخلاق وذلك يجعله في صراع نفسي والم نفسي ولكي نتفادا ذلك الانحراف الناتج عن الضغود يجب تعليم الاولاد ان الحياه بها الكثير من الشباب الفاسد وان القيم التي تحملها هي القيم الحقيقيه للسعاده حتي وان فسد الكون لا تكون مثلهم للان الله يحب القيم التي بها خير وتلك ليس ضعف انما قوة من الله حتي وان يكون عدد الاصدقاء قليل يكون صالحون ويعرفون معاني القيم
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الحياه السعيده للشباب هو الزواج سيدخل مرحله كبيره من السعاده والعطاء والحب والاخلاق الطيبه التي يعلمها الي اولاده ويعلم اولاده ان الحياه بها ذئاب تهدم القيم عن قصد وهم يكرهون تلك القيم ولكي يكون الاولاد علي درايه مسبقه من الحياه للان بعضهم يحاول هدم القيم بسبب الحسد والبعض الاخر لتعمد في الهدم وان يلتزموا في الصلاه للانها هي تحميهم طوال مشوار حياتهم من تعرض للمضايقات من شباب فقد القيم وفقد السعاده معها
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! بخصوص الشباب التي اعمارهم صغير يوجد في الحياه ما يسعد من لعب الرياضه كرة القدم وانواع الرياضه وقرائة انواع الكتب الحياه مليئ بمجا لا ت كثير ومتعدده الي ان تتزوج اما تكون اداه لهدم القيم والاخلاق سيكون جيل تلوا الجيل يهدم ولا يبني القيم الكبيره والولها الحب الصادق والنقي التي اذا لم يحملها الشاب في قلبه من الصغر ستموت المشاعر وسيكون مجتمعنا في انهيار خطير الا من سلمه الله وتزوج فهوا يعيش اجمل حياه بعيد عن فتن
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق !رساله الي الشباب الذي في الاسواق والمجمعات التجاريه توقف عن الخداع واللعب علي البنات انت بدون ماتشعر تنفذ مخطط لتحطيم المجتمع الكويتي وتساعد شباب يعرفون ما يقومون به من تدمير بسبب كرههم وحقدهم وحسدهم علي الكويتين استيقظ من النوم والغفله لان الخطر علي الجميع وليس عليك وحدك انت ياشاب ستكون اسره وستذهب الي السوق باسرتك وستتاذي اسرتك من كثرت الشباب الفاسد الذي منهم من يدمر المجتمع عن قصد ومنهم من تبرمج علي التدمير بدون شعور الشهوه تقيده واقول تزوج افتح موضوع الزواج للاهل ((لتعيش بهدوء وسعاده))
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الفرص مره واحده اذا اتت تزوج بسرعه وعش حياه هانئه سعيد وايام لا تعوض من لحظات الشباب تصبح ايامك بها ابتسامه مشرقه الانك عرفت ان الحب هو السعاده وهو ما يقربك من الله للان الصدق يبارك به الله وتكون قوي في كل شيئ بالحياه للانك صدقت المشاعر التي ستدفعك للنجاح والتقدم في كل امور الحياه والراحه النفسيه التي لا تشعر بانك في ارض بها من المشاكل بل تكون في جنة ويجري العمر بسرعه من الحياه السعيده والتفاهم الذي يبقي شبابك في اجمل اشراقه ((الحب هو النور العظيم الذي يسعدك)) ان لم تجد الحب فتزوج للان الزوجه ستعلمك ان تحبها بعد مرور الايام :)*بحق
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الحب نوره عظيم مهما تلاعب الشباب بمشاعر بنات تمتلئ عيونها بمشاعر حب صادق وقلب يتامل الرجل الشريف الذي يعرف معني الحب ويضمها الي صدره الذي لا يعرف الخداع كل شيئ يشعر به الرجل وتشعر بها المرئه بصدق ما اجمل الحياه عندما يكون فيها حب صادق بين الطرفين فهنا تكون حقيقة السعاده وحقيقة الحياه بصدق ولكن هناك الكثير من الشباب مريض العقل والقلب منهم من يخدع ليدمر عن قصد ومنهم لا يعرف وانما بنظره السخيف ان النساء عاهرات ويجب خداعهم الي ان وصلنا الي ان تجد الحب قليل دمروا معاني السعاده ولكن ايها الشاب اذا اتتك فرصه بها حب لا تدعها تفلت من يدك وتزوج
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! اتمنا ان تفهموا المعاني الجميله لكي لا يخدعونك من يكرهون الخير لك ولها ولنا جميعا في معاني الحب النقي والصادق الذي اعده الله في جنته لكي تفهموا ان تلك المعاني ان لم تكن في الجنة لما اصبحت توصف بذلك ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ والارض كذلك بها تلك المعاني في اناس قلوبهم مليئه بالخير والنور ولكن عندما ينتشر الشر وهو الظلام سيكون من يحمل تلك المعاني متعب ومجهد كضوء الشمعه في ظلمه كبيره لكن السؤال هل من شباب يدفع بضوء الشمعه ان تكبر او يتروكوها لتنطفئ وينطفئ كل امل يسعد البشريه الوعد ان اكون بجانب الشمعه لكي تنير بحق
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! ما اجمل ان امد يدي لتلامس يديكي وذلك كانما نهر لامس ارضا لم تعرف الماء فاصبحت كادغال وانهار بارده وبذلك تكون المعجزه للانكي خلقتي من اجلي :)*بحق رساله لكل شاب لكي يري الحقيقه
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الحياه بدون حب تكون خساره عظيمه والاشرار يودون ان تكون كذلك للانهم يبحثون عن الماده لكن هنا تشوه الاخلاق ودمار المعاني الجميله والرائعه وهذه هي الخساره العظيمه التي تضر كل شاب قلبه متفتح للنور العظيم الذي يراه ويشعر به الذي يبدل المجتمع ويجعله السعاده في كل وقت يمر ((معاني من الماس)) لكن هل يرها الجميع ويطبقها ؟
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! ما اجمل الحب الصادق كانما عثرت بوسط غابه علي شلال واحجار داكنت اللون بسبب ملامستها الماء العذب ويصدر منها صوت هادئ تملاء كأس النفس الي ان يفيض هذا الكأس سعاده :)*وبحق
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الحب انه عظيم حياه في مكان لم يطئ احد والقلب هو ما ياخذك الي هذا المكان العظيم والبعيد عن اعين الناس :)*وبحق
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! قبل الغزوا كان التجنيس للبدون في مراحل للمستحق اما بعد الغزوا تغيرت لان الاكثريه كانت مخابرات عراقيه ومنهم من هرب للعراق في التحرير بعد الخيانه وسرقة اموال الكويت يعني الحكومه لا تلام تشوشت الافكار وحدث امر كبير للدولة وحدثت خيانة كبيرة بعد ذلك يطالبون بتجنيس؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ لو كنت مكانهم لسكت والسبب هو ((العراق)) في توقيف تلك ردة فعل طبيعيه للحكومه بسبب ماشهدته من خيانة وهذا من مصلحة الكويت عملية التوقيف(( 96% من البدون عراقين)) وممكن الباقي سعودين وسورين وارانين
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! انا يحز بخاطري كم شاب كويتي تم تدميره في السنين التي مضت من قبل العراقين ولم يتكلم انطوي عن البشر او اصبح مجرم في السجون للانه لم يفهم ما يحاك من مؤامرة ضد كل كويتي واصبحت طي النسيان امر مؤسف ولكن انا في هذه القناه اوضح الحقيقه ليحذر كل كويتي وتصبح قلوبهم مع بعضهم البعض في تكاتف لا يهزها اي عراقي
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الله يحفظ خليجنا من الفتن التي تزرع من العراقين بسبب قلة فهم البعض يساعد بتاجج الفتن ((السعوديه _الكويت_البحرين_الامارات_قطر_عمان)) كلنا اخوه مهما حاولوا العراقين التفريق مهما حاولوا ذلك
az99920 (@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
I swear to be faithful to the Republic, to observe, in good faith, the Constitution: (if, Rothschild IMF-NWO, let me) and the laws, and exercise: my duties, in the interests: exclusive, of the nation ", said Enrico Letta (Bildenberg) took the oath: as President of the Council: the new government. a formula of high: treason, of: monetary sovereignty, which, repeat all the ministers. perjury, against, the Constitution, and, against the sovereignty, of the peoples! but, his oath to Freemasonry ? comes first, because it is more important!
The night before the attack in the Boston Marathon, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev go around in taxis to the city, hiding explosives backpacks in the trunk. Three days later, with a stolen car and a lot of owner on board, they are ready to head to New York to blow up the bomb in Times Square, the heart of the city. [The mother: it was reported by the Russians, 26 April, 20:58] ANSA, Breach of Boston. Prisoner: in the car: of brothers Tsarnaev: Chechen Islamists: the Chinese kidnapped, he says, that is, the owner of: Suv, Thanks to him, the authorities quickly identified: and: intercepted the car, well before: that: could reach: New York, to make: a second attempt. @ Obama, your Islamists in Syria, mandates: from: your "LegaAraba" to avenge the terrorist killed: they kidnapped the bishops, and you are responsible for all this,)
كويتي بحق ! ما فعله العراق بالكويت من دمار يبين حقد دفين منذ سنوات حتي لم تسلم المملكه من شر العراق ...............يجب ان نفكر ونعرف للان العقل نعمه والتصرف يوضح ما في القلب
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! العراقين هم منتشرون في الدول الخليج ويزرعون فتن بين الخليجين .................حقيقه يجب ان يفهمها كل خليجي الكويت لا يسب السعوديه ولا اي دوله خليجيه او عربيه وكذلك السعودي لا يسب دول الخليج ولا دولة عربيه للاننا اخوة ولكن العراقين يحاولون ذلك لنشر الفتن لكرههم للخليج هم لهم متجنسين في كل دولة يسبون باسم الدولة .....................الحذر
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! من يهاجم امريكا ويدعي انه كويتي فهذا ليس كويتي بل عراقي ونعرف كل سبب للكرهه امريكا هي من حررت الكويت واسقطت حكومة العراق الشرير وانقذت الكويت من الاشرار ....................حقيقه انظر ياكويتي بمنظار مصلحة الوطن اذا كان من يخالفني الحديث وليس تنظر لمصلحة الكويت وانما تنظر لمصلحة العراق والعراقين او تكون جذورك من العراق
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الكويتي بحق ((مطير -العجمان-العوازم_العتبان_الحروب_الرشايده_الصلب)) هذه القبائل من المملكه العربيه السعوديه وليس لها علاقه في العراق هم من يحملون قيم كبيره وقلوبهم مع الكويت رساله لكل عربي افهم بمن تتعامل اما الباقي من العراق هم من يشوهه الكويت او يقف موقف سلبي ويشاهد ما يحدث بنفاق وانا مع ذلك الشهاده حتي الارانين من استشهد لدفاع عن الكويت وخدم الكويت باخلاص ليس الايراني العراقي انما ايراني الاصل والجذور ....حقيقه
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! اخبث شعب هم العراقين ياكويتي لا تستمع الي كلامهم المسموم الذي يغرقك بالجهل وهم يعرفون كل شيئ يريدون كل كويتي لا يفهم لكي يسيطرون علي كل شيئ نحن الكويتيون يوجد بيننا عظماء يفهمون كل ما يدور ولكن من يفهم يجب ان يضع قناه لكي يدمر مخطط العراقين ضد كل كويتي هم يقلبون الحقائق لصالحهم وتشويه دولة الكويت وتشويه الكويتين وعلي هذا يجب توضيح للكل عربي واجنبي من العراقين ومن هم وما مخططاتهم
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! المملكله العربيه السعوديه انا درست بها لا يوجد غير كل خير وتعاون ومحبه .....الحقيقه
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! السبب الرئسي في ضعف الانتماء للوطن هم العراقين ومن يستمع لهم ويطيعهم وانا اعلم ان كل كويتي بحق قلبه علي الكويت بحق:)*وبصدق
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! يجب علي كل كويتي ان يستمع لكلامي وسيعرف ان كلامي علي حق والمشاكل التي تعرض لها بحياته كلها من العراقين 100% وهو يعرف ذلك من نشوئه بالمداس الي ان بلغ افهم ياكويتي من العدوا افهم وما تعرضت له بحياتك هو الدليل ......الله يحفظ بلدنا الكويت من شر العراقين
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! يوجد بعض الخطابات تعمل لجهات خارجيه في عمليه لتدمير المجتمع الكويتي وعلي هذا يجب علي الكويتين الحذر وان تعاملوا مع خطابه بهذا النوع يجب فضحها في كل مكان وتحذير الكويتين منها وذلك عندما تتاكد بنفسك من ذلك وتعرف من اين نشر الخبر المساله سهله اذا كانت عراقيه فالحذر انا احذر كل كويتي بحق الخطابه التي لا تزوج وتماطل ((الحذر منها))
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! تحذير في الاونه الاخيره الكويتيون يالجئون لخطابات يوجد بعض الخطابات ياخذون مبلغ لفتح ملف ولا تزوج ولكن تقوم بعملية نصب وتاخير زواج الكويتين عن قصد بذلك توهم الطرفين بزواج وعندما يختار الزوج ما يريد بعد عدة ايام تخبره ان تم الرفض وتماطل في عدة ايام لتصبح اشهر ومن ثم سنين وكل واحد في انتظار زوجه تزوج العراقين لبعضهم البعض وعند الكويتين تماطل لكي تزوج الكويتيه عراقي وتزوج الكويتي عراقيه ام غير ذلك لا يتم ((تحذير)) بعض الخطابات تعمل لجهات ؟؟؟؟؟؟ خارجيه الرجاء من الكويتي التاكد من الخطابه اذا كانت عراقيه هنا الحذر
lorenzo UniusREi (1 mese fa)
@ az99920 --> لا شيء من كل شيء ، قد يبدو صحيحا ، لم يعد يمكن أن يكون صحيحا، في جميع أنحاء العالم ، مضيئة يهودية : الماسونية، والخدمات المصرفية seigniorge؟ كلها الشيطان : هل كل CONTROL : 500 سنة! WHERE من أجل الحصول على الماسونية و: البنوك لصندوق النقد الدولي : الإيمان توقفوا الأمل والحب ، وفقدت كل شيء! فقدان السيادة هو : من الناس أو :
lorenzo UniusREi (1 mese fa)
الحكومات! أسوأ ليست الحرب العالمية الثالثة 3 النووية، ولكن الأسوأ : هو : في عالم واحد : الدين : هذا هو الشيطان أو إبليس! هذا هو بالفعل الدين الوحيد : كل الحكومات : لأن الجميع يعرف أن لجعل الهجوم على - 11 سبتمبر كان : وكالة المخابرات المركزية والموساد : ولكن لا أحد لديه شكا! الله وحده هو ما كان : الأمل الوحيد : لتستقيم : ورجل جيد : مثلي ومثلك!
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! كل كويتي يبني اسره ويربي الابناء يجب توعية الابناء في الخطر الذي سيواجهه في الحياه للان القيم التي تعلمها في منزله لا يوجد لها ارض واقع في الحياه وبذلك سيكون تحت ضغط نفسي يجب ان نخبر ابنائنا ان الذئاب موجوده في الخارج وفي الحياه وان يجب ان نعرف من نصادق حتي وان كانت صداقه قليله فيها خير من اصدقاء اشرار منهم من ينتقم ومنهم من يخدم من ينتقم ومنهم يسمع لذلك ويعمل دون قناعه ((الحياه مليئه بذئاب تنتقم)) يجب وضع ذلك في اذهننا دائما
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الشباب الاشرار واضح ما يقدمونه من شر بين الاشرارشباب يعمل الشر بدوافع انتقام وهم مكلفون بذلك التدمير ويوجد شباب يعمل الشر بسبب يسمع هؤلاء ليحشدون به الكرهه ليدفعوه لعمل الشر في مجتمعنا يجب علي مجتمعنا ان يعي ويفهم ما يدور لكي يوقف الاشرار ويتم فضحهم وعدم مصادقتهم لكي الجميع يعرفهم
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الشر واضح والخير واضح اذا اتحدنا مع الخير سيكون المجتمع بخير وان تغافلنا عن الشر فسيهدم مجتمعنا ببطئ يجب علي كل شاب اذا تم مصادقة شاب شرير وعن طريق المصادفه يجب نصيحته ان لم يستقبل النصيحه فهوا يدمر عن قصد ويجب تركه علي الفور حتي لا يزين عمل الشر في اعيننا لنهدم بمجتمعنا وان نهدم مزيد من النساء ((عندها الخطر الحقيقي)) يجب علينا ان نعي الاعمال الشريره
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! يوجد بيننا شباب فاسد وهو متعلم من العلم الكثير ولكن بخبثهم لا يضهرون العلم وهم يحولون تدمير وعن قصد والحاح في نشر الفساد وقتل الحب وبث الفتن والفرقه انا ليس للفرقه وانما للحذر ليس كل من يبتسم طيب الامر واضح الكلمة الطيب واضح والكلمه الشريره واضحه الم تميزوا ذلك من ينشر ويحاول ان يدمر البنات عن قصد وينشر للشباب المفاسد بطريقه واضحه ومتكرر وعدم الاحساس هذا يوضع عليه X لكي نحذر منه ونحذر الشباب
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! المثقف يحمل امانة مجتمعه هذه الحقيقه ويري غير الذي ليس له علم ويري كل شيئ بوضوح حتي وان لف الغموض علي بعض ولكن عندما يكشف مخطط يجب ابلاغ مجتمعه ان هناك خطر بسبب تغافلنا عن اولادنا في زرع الصدق والامانه وتوضيح ان بيننا ذئاب تحاول ان تهدم القيم وبكل جهدهم يحاولون وهم يعشون بيننا وياكلون ويشربون في بلادنا ولكن يعملون ما يدمر المجتمع عن قصد ودافع له علامة ؟؟؟؟؟؟ انهم الشر ويكرهون دولة الكويت يجب ان نفهم لكي نحمي مجتمعنا
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! يوجد بيننا شباب يريد ان يفرض واقع ان الحب غير موجود ويقاتلون من اجل ذلك للهدم مجتمع الكويت وارجوا من شباب الكويت اليقضة للامر الخطير الذي لا يعرفه غير المثقف والواعي كل مثقف مكلف بنشر الوعي في مجتمعه اذا شاهد الخطر والذئاب تلقي فخاخ الكلام للشباب لتحبط العزيمه وتشوش الافكار وتفرض واقع بسبب التدمير عن قصد وعمد للبنات الكويت للجعل المجتمع وهن والاجيال القادمه في زرع الغش المدمر لنفسه ولمجتمعه بمصطلحات تدمر المجتمع وتصرف الشباب عن الزواج ((النساء عاهرات)) بعد اتمام خطة التلويث
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! واشلاء اجساد العراق المتناثر في كل دولة عربيه واجنبيه هو سبب رئسيي في الفتن اتبع كل فتنه وضرر للدوله ستجد من خلفها عراقي 100% حتي وان متجنس من الدوله التي لاجئ اليها
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! العراق هو جرثومه في جسد العرب ...............وارجوا من الباحثين العرب ان يبحثوا عن الحقائق اذا لم يصدقوا سيجدون اني علي حق 100% وتاريخ دراسه تعرف من خلالها الدولة من ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ والعراق واضح للعيان اخبث دولة متعربه في التاريخ والغدر هو العنوان
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! هنا يقرئه كل عربي الحقيقه والواقع لكي يحذر من هم لا يعرفون قيم وان عرفوا القيم استهزئوا بها وقاموا بادوار تمثيلية القيم عندما ينجح مخطط تكشف الاقنعه هم الضرر والسم احذروهم وما حصل للكويت واضح انه حقد سنوات عديده والتوضح بدمار الذي اصاب كل منشات والبنيه التحتيه الكويتيه والاضرار التي اصابة دولة الكويت الي هذه اللحظه ((منظر الكويت في عام 1990 )) وفي التحرير يبين الحقد والحسد العراقي اتجاهه الكويت حتي الاعمي عندما يسمع الخبر ومدي الدمار سيري بوضوح الحقد العراقي الازلي
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! القناه تنشر حقائق ليس كذب او تزوير او خباثه او لهدف يضر بالكويت انا ايقض النائمين بعسل العراق المزيف لكي لا تتكرر عام 1990 ولكي نصبح يقضين لمصلحة الوطن وليس نمشي علي اهواء العراقين الذين هم سبب الغفله عن الوطن هم سبب ضعف انتماء للوطن هم سبب الفتن هم سبب كل مرض يفتك بالجسد الكويتي حقيقه نعشها ويعيشها كل كويتي ارجوا اليقضه والحذر ونعمل من اجل رفعت وطنا وان لا نتهاون في شيئ لمصلحة الوطن وان ندافع عن الكويت في وجهه من يشوهها بعمل قنوات تفضح العدوا الذي من مصلحته التشويه هو العراق ولا يوجد غيره
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! حقيقه يعرفها كل كويتي واتمنا ان الحقيقه يعرفها كل سعودي ليحذر ويحافظ علي وطنه من الذئاب التي تنهش في جسد الكويتين لتكون صافره انذار لكل سعودي يحذر وتكون عينه يقضه من الاشرار الخبثاء لا تري شرهم غير اذا تم اكتمال الخطه عندها تري انيابهم تنهش في الجسد التي تمكنت منه .....الله يحفظ الكويت من كل شر
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! شعب لا يقدر ان يصلح نفسه هذه حقيقه وعبر التاريخ لكثرة المفاسد التي عششت في ارواحهم حقيقة العراق ومن شعر بذلك هم الاكراد المظلومين الذين تاذوا من شعب لا يعرف العدل ونحن الكويتيون تاذينا
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! كل المفاسد تاتي من كل عراقي هذه حقيقه وواقع حتي وان خبثوا لكي يقلبوا حقائق
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! العراق دولة كذب ونفاق وكل امر سيئ يحملونه والسورين جربوا صداقة العراقين وعاشوا بين وطنهم وتسببوا بكل مفاسد بسوريا وكل سوري يعرف ذلك نحن الكويتيون نعرف ذلك انهم اذا دخلوا وطن افسدوا به وجعلوا الفتن تنتشر به والبعد عن الدين ودعم الفساد وتدني الاخلاق ..............حقيقه
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! وارجوا من كل من يساند العراقين هو يدفع الظلم وينصره علي المظلوم ودولة الكويت واضحه وكل شيئ واضح هي الدولة المظلومه من جار لا يعرف معاني الاسلام والعروبه او الحق والتاريخ يوضح من هم العراقين يتظالمون بينهم لشدة ظلمهم وسفك للدماء وهذا واضح ليعرف كل عربي ويحذر من العراق
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كويتي بحق ! يجب ان تصدوا الادعاء العر اق ضد الكويت في الكبيوتر وتدافعون ايها الكويتيون عن ا نفسكم وتفضحون من يحملون الاساء لتشويه دولة الكويت امام العالم يجب ان تتصدوا وتوضحون الرؤيا للذين لا يعرفون ((السكوت يقلب الحقائق)) ويضعنا نحن الكويتين في موقف الظالم
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كويتي بحق ! العراقين لا يكفوا ليلا نهار عن الظلم والتعدي علي الكويتيون عن طريق شبكة الكبيوتر لتشويه سمعة الكويت والكويتين وقلب حقائق هم يعرفونها ويعرفون من الظالم ومن المظلوم ومن يسئ هم يسؤن للكويت بجميع انواع الاسائه يري الكويتيون في الكبيوتر ذلك التعدي و في نواحي الحياه حقيقه هم قلوبهم تحمل الكرهه والحسد لكل ما هو كويتي ويحاولون بخبث ان يشوهوا الوطن العادل الكويت الذي معيشته احسن من ارض النفاق والحسدوالخبث والفتن والسحر ارض العراق
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كويتي بحق ! هل يقدر كل شاب عندما يمحي الخير ان يحمي ((بناته وخواته)) والاولاد الصغار من التغيرات ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ هذا السؤال لكل من يتبع الشر ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ويعمل به؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ هل ضامن ان تراقب كل جيل ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ..........................استيقضوا من النوم وعدم المسؤليه وترك الامور الي الشر ليكون هو القدر
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كويتي بحق ! اذا تم تدمير الاخلاق والرحمه والصدق الكل يكون في جحيم في المقابل ينتشر الشر والنفاق والخبث والكذب وكل شيئ سيئ ويتعالي بعضهم علي بعض ظالم يظلم ظالم وخبيث يتخبث علي خبيث عندها تفقد الثقه في كل ما حولنا ويسيطر عدم الامان تصبح الحياه سيئ للغايه لا يوجد بها خير لكن لا يشعر بها الاشرار للانهم بشرهم يتعالون علي بعضهم البعض .................الله يحفظ الكويت
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كويتي بحق ! هناك شباب يحاول ويحاول لكي يدمر معاني الحياه وبدليل التغير الذي حدث بعد 1990 دليل لمؤامره من قبل شباب لا يعرف الاسلام ومعانيه كشف القناع الذي تخفي به وما يحمله قلبهم الشرير من اذي لكل شاب صالح هم المنافقون هم خطر علي المجتمع جراثيم تضر ولا تنفع للانهم يرتكبون افعال ؟؟؟؟؟ ليس من المسلمين ويتكلمون باجمل الكلمات التي بدين الاسلام لكن يفعلون ما يهدم المجتمع ويقضي علي الخير الذي هو رمز الحياه وسعادتها
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كويتي بحق !يوجد شباب بيننا يحاول جاهدا ان يدمر شباب الصالحون وعن قصد لليستمر مخططهم في التدمير لكي لا يعيقه شيئ وان يقل الخير الذي هو صلاح المجتمع وان يكون عالي يجب علي كل شاب صالح ان يكون متحد مع كل صالح لكي نقف يدا واحده ضد الشر الذي يحاول ان يدمر معاني جميله في الحياه وهي سر السعاده وان نعيش بعدم قلق بعدم توتربعدم الشعور بكل شيئ يفسد الحياه لانها تؤثر سلبا علي كل شاب وما يقدمه للوطن ((القلق والكابه والخوف))هو هدم للمستقبل
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كويتي بحق ! نحن في الكويت في مشكله للان الاخلاق والرحمه التي وضعها الله في القلب بدء تقل للان يوجد من الشباب لا تعرف من هو؟؟؟؟؟هل هو مسلم بالقلب؟؟؟؟ ام ماذا ؟؟؟؟؟ افعالهم تثير الشكوك يعملون الشر يصافحون وفي قلوبهم سواد وانتقام تشعر بذلك وبتصرفهم الاحمق الذي ليس له مبرر هل هم ملحدون هل هم معتنقون ديانه اخري ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ اسئله تدور في الاذهان هم ينتقمون من ؟؟؟؟؟ الاسلام للانهم غير مسلمين ام ماذا ؟؟؟؟؟ الامر به من الضن لتصرفهم يدل علي الحقد ويجب الحذر للكل شاب
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كويتي بحق ! يجب ان تتحد الانوار مع بعضها البعض لتشكل نور كبير يضئ الظلمه المعتمه وان لا يترك النور ينطفئ بالوحده لكي لا نخسر في كل فتره من الزمن نور من الخير ينطفئ فهذه خساره للمجتمع باكمله ليكون في ظلمه ويأس وضيق والمستقبل مجهول للاجيال
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كويتي بحق ! عندما نفقد الامل والنور يسحق وينطفئ بعيد عن اعيننا ولا نقدم الخير للانه اصبح قليل هنا الخطر العظيم الذي سيسحق المجتمع والظلم يتعالي بعضه علي بعض وينتشر النفاق والخبث والكذب وعدم الامانه عندها غرق الشر بشر والخير اختفي الاناس الطيبون رحلوا الي الله الذي هو ارحم بهم عندها بارادت الله سيظهر المهدي الذي هو نور يجمع ويعيد النور للقلوب بعد الضيق الشديد
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كويتي بحق ! عندما شاب طيب يعثر علي شاب وجهه مليئ بالطيب حقا يشعر بسعاده للان يري في وسط الظلام نور يضئ هم نور المجتمع هم من ظلمتهم الظلمه التي تكرهه النور هم تحملوا من الماسي التي لم يتحملها شرير للانهم تمسكوا بنور الخير التي قلوبهم تعارض الظلم وكل انواع الظلام وتحب النور للانهم خلقت قلبوبهم من نور وستذهب الي النور *
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كويتي بحق ! هو ما يوصلك لنور العظيم هو((الزواج)) الذي يتكون به الحب النقي والذي يشع :)*بحق
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كويتي بحق ! الحب عظيم لا يشعر به الاشرار للانهم ينظرون للماده اما الطيبون ينظرون للحب هو النور العظيم وقليلا ما ينضرون للماده عندهم الماده لتوفير الطعام والمسكن ولوا كان عيشه بسيطه تكون جميله للان كل طيب يحمل بقلبه نور ويرضي بمعيشته التي كتبت له من الله ويبتسم من قلبه ويعمل من الخير الكثيرلكي يهنئ بالحياه مع مرور السنوات يدخل نور هو الحكمه التي يقتنع بكل شيئ بحياته للان اذا انعم علي الرجل بصحه وان ينام مليئ البطن وان يكون في ستر وعلم هذا قمة السعاده التي يفقدها الاشرار حتي وان كانوا اغنياء للان القيم فقدت لا يفهمون تلك المعاني *
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كويتي بحق ! علامات الفتن بداية الخروج (((((((((((((المهدي))))))))))))) ودليل علي ان الدجال موجود
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كويتي بحق ! المهدي سيخرج عندما تزداد الفتن في اثناء حرب يهدر بها الدماء ويضهر بمكه ويتكلم عند الطواف وسيكون خليفه في مكه ليدعوا الجميع عندها سيتحرك جيش من العراق باتجاه مكه للقتل المهدي عليه السلام يكون عندها الخسف بالجيش وهو جيش الدجال ......................افيقوا من النوم والان الفتن تتلاحق الوقت يشتعل بسرعه
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كويتي بحق ! قناتي توضيح الحقيقه التي يعرفها البعض ويغفل عنها البعض ويحاول من له جذور في اخفائها لدفاعه عن عراق الشر والمكر والخبث والفساد دولة مغضوب عليها وكيف نمد ايدينا لها؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟والله غاضب عليها !!!!!!!!!!! كل فتنه بتاريخ منهم اذا في ديار العرب قتلوا الامام بعد الرسائل الكثير وبشكل مثير للشك واهل مكه نصحوه ان لا يكون خليفه علي العراق للان حياته في خطر ولكن الاقدرا تشاء ان يقتل غدرا في ارض الفتن والشقاق العراق ويطاف برئسه في جميع مناطق العراق وهم ينظرون يعني الخيانه منهم لجذبه للمذبحه ....التاريخ عبر
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كويتي بحق ! تاريخ العراق يبين انهم اعداء وليس كما يعتقد البعض المخدوع واتمنا ان الكل يعرف الحقيقه وينتبه الي كلامي الصادق 100% الي متي انتم في غفله اذا نطق العراقي كلمه تدرس ونكون علي وعي للانهم لا يؤتمنون قبل الغزوا كنا مخدوعين ولكن الان وضح كل شيئ بعد انتشار قطع الارحام وضياع الامانه والمنافقون وكل شيئ به شر العقل نعمه للموازنه ومعرفة الحقيقه بان انتشار ذلك وبنسب بسبب العراق قبل الغزوا كان لا يوجد شر كبير الان الشر وضح بعد العراق يعني المؤامره من العراق علي كل الخليج
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كويتي بحق ! اتمنا ان كل شاب ان يجعل الخير ويعمل به وان لا يكون عون لناشري الفتن ولوا بمزحه
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كويتي بحق ! مهما حاولوا السخريه من الحب ووضعه بوضع كريهه وتلويث المعاني الكبيره والعظيمه بحق هل الظلمه تحجب النور الكل يري النور من بعيد حتي وان كانت الظلمه شديده سياتي يوم تتلاشي به الظلمه
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كويتي بحق ! من يقدر علي اخفاء النور بكلمه مظلمه وشريره تهدم ولا تبني تضر ولا تنفع ايها الشباب حان الوقت ان نعرف معني جميل ورائع هو******الحب****** هو الماس الذي يرتفع الي الفضاء ويشكل نجمه تشع بنور نقي وجميل يجعل كل شيئ يبرق ويتللالئ :)*بحق
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كويتي بحق ! باذن الله سيضيق علي الاشرار وسيخنقون للان الوعي والعلم هو ما يبطل خطط العدوا الذي يكرهه شبابنا ويود لهم الفشل ويشيع عن الحب بمنضور حاقد وحاسد ليدمر سعاده كل شاب ويجعله معول هدم للمجتمعه للانه استمع للحاقدين الحاسدين الذين يتمنون الشر للكل شاب كويتي انظروا في شبكة الكبيوتر من يسب الكويت ستعرفون من يكرهكم بحق وكله حسد علي الكويت والسعوديه الي متي غافلون !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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كويتي بحق ! الرجل الصالح واضح من طريقته لنصح بالخير وليس بشر هذه علامات الصالحون حتي وان كان من اي مله الان صلاح القلب في كل ملة وهذه حقيقه وواقع واتمنا ان الله يحفظ خليجنا من الشر :)*بحق
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كويتي بحق ! رساله لكل شاب افهم وميز الشر من الخير ..........................بعد البحوث اتضح ان الشر من كل جذوره من العراق هم سبب الفتن ونشر السب في شبكة الكبيوتر وخارج الكبيوتر ...............حقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! نحن في زمن يكذب الصادق ويصدق الكاذب من يعمل الخير هو الصادق الا تفرقون الاتعون الاتشعرون اما بنسبه الي ما انسبه الي العراق فتلك الحقيقه والله علي ما اقول شهيد وعند لقائي الله سيحاسبني ان كنت اظلم او اكذب الرجاء وضع العراقين في موقع الحذر ودراسة كل ما ينطقون به
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كويتي بحق ! من يعمل الخير هو الصادق حتي وان كان من اي دين او ملة ينصح ولا يؤذي ويحب الخير للجميع اما اذا عمل الخير لنفاق فهذا الله سيحاسبه عند اللقاء ويرمي به في قعر جهنم
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كويتي بحق ! ان لم تعوا ايها الشباب سيتحطم الكل وسنغرق جميعا اذا المفاسد تزداد لا تامنها ان تدخل علي اسرتك وتصيب عدة من اخوتك او خواتك للان الظلمه لا تفرق بين طيب وشرير سيقع الكل وسيظهر الشيطان واعوانه ويعلون علوا ومعهم الدجال ليقتل الجميع ويقرب المنافقين الذين اسائوا الي الاسلام وهم من يدعون انهم مسلمين .........................الله يحمينا وثبتنا ويرحمنا
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كويتي بحق ! فكر ايها الشاب بما اقول ولا يذهب من ذهنك ما اقول واكتب انت المستقبل وتحمل للامه النهوض من الغفله هناك امانه حقيقيه وهي نشر الخير والمعرفه والحب الصادق الذي يبني مجتمع
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كويتي بحق ! يجب علي كل شاب معرفة معني الحب ليدمر الشيطان لانك اذا لم تعرف ذلك المعني فانك تساعده علي نشر الفساد الذي يسعد شياطين الانس وشياطين الجن والله يحفظ الخليج من الشر
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كويتي بحق ! يجب عدم السكوت علي نشر الفساد وتوعية الشباب لكي يخسئ المنافقون الذين بينهم ويضمرون الشر للكل شاب ولا يريدون له الخير وانما يكون اداه هدم للمجتمعه صحيح ان المملكه العربيه السعوديه سلمت هي وشعبها من الفساد ومن التدمير المنظم حتي اذا يوجد بينهم منافقون لا يقدرون علي فعل شيئ هم اصابهم الشلل من نشر الدين والخوف من الله في قلب كل سعودي شريف لم يتلوث
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كويتي بحق !((يا شباب)) في اعناقكم امال جيل ان لم تهتموا ستزيد الظلمه الي ان نصبح في كارثه كبيره لا نقدر ان نضع لها حدود كلمة الحق والخير ظاهره المشكله انا كلي اسف علي الاجيال التي مضت الخير بها اصابه الضيق ولم يبقي من الخيرون الا القليل النفاق والخبث زاد وهذه من اسباب زيادة الفساد يقولون ما لا يفعلون والله خبير بالمفسدين الذين يفسدون في الارض لهم جهنم وبئس المصير حتي وان انتصرتوا في هذه السنوات لكن الانتصار لن يدوم ستبكون كثيرا ان لم يكن في الدنيا في القبر هو الجحيم
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كويتي بحق ! يا كويتيون افهموا من يحث علي الفساد منذ الصغر ((اهم مرحله في الانسان هي الصغر وما يتشربه من قول وعمل)) اذا صلح وعرف الحرام والحلال منذ الصغر سيكون رجل صالح ويعرف الحق وارجوا ان تسالوا اولادكم عن سلوك وان يبتعدوا عن من هم سلوكم به من الشر والحقد والحسد الكثير ..........والله يحفظ ابناء الخليج من كل شر وكل نفاق
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كويتي بحق ! الزواج هو الحل لجميع المشاكل واتمنا ان يعي الخليجيون ذلك للان المجتمع الكويتي تعرض للتدمير هناك اسباب الغزوا وهناك اسباب العراقين وما ينشرونه من تدمير فكري وعملي وكثير من البنات وقعت فريسه للخداع وللاسف الخداع كثر للان القيم والاخلاق تم تدميرها في سنوات متتاليه بسبب العراقين وااللعب علي النساء والشعور الذي وضعه الله لزواج والمعيشه الهنيئه ((والسعاده الحقيقيه)) تم تلويث افكار الشباب لتنحرف وتساهم في التدمير المنظم بدون شعورهم بذلك للان الجهل ظلمه لا تري ولا تفكر كيف حصل ذلك ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ومتي ؟؟؟؟؟؟ ولماذا لم يضهر اصلاحيون اجتماعيون
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كويتي بحق ! تحذير من مؤامره تنفذ من شباب يدمر المجتمع وزرع مفاهيم خاطئه والعبث في النساء بتدمير المتعمد وذلك يؤدي الي الانهيار الاجتماعي وكثرة الطلاق وكثرة العنوزه وكثرة الفساد بعدم توضيح معني الحب الصادق الذي يبني مجتمعنا ويجعل الخير يكبر ويتسع ليضعف الشر ويصبح في ضيق وليس العكس انا اتمنا من شباب الخليج ان يعي المخاطر وان يفهم ان السعاده بزواج المبكر والحب هو ما يجعل الثقه تزداد بنفس والنجاح في الحياه وفي الاعمال الصالحه التي تقرب الي الله ......................حقيقه
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كويتي بحق ! جبال تحمل بداخلها جميع الاحجار الكريمه النادره والالماس لا تساوي شيئ في لحظه صدق تنطق بها من تحب لتبادل الشعور العظيم*
az99920 (3 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! ما اجمل النظر لعيون صادقه بحب نقي وان يبادلها رجل يعرف معني الحياه والسعاده والنور الذي يراه قلبه ويخلص ليكون بجانب حبيبته التي تشع من النور النقي حقا انه شعور رائع :)*بحق
az99920 (3 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! بحق الطيبون بسماهم تعرفهم من بين وجوه تتعدد وهذا الاحساس نعمه من الله والطيبون هم خيرة المستقبل هم النور الذي يبدل الحال الي حال ويجعل الحياه كلها سعاده وامان وصدق وعدم غش او خداع اوخبث او اي شيئ يسئ لمعاني الحياه الجميله عندها يعم المجتمع النور والخير والعدل ما اجمل ذلك ان تصافح يد لا تطلب منك مصلحه غير ان تزرع الامن في النفوس والابتسامه عندها يكون النور العظيم:)*بحق
az99920 (3 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الخير هو النور الحقيقي للسعاده اما الشر هو الظلمه التي يهلك من يدخلها ومن انقي النور هو الحب الصادق والنقي واتمنا من كل شاب خليجي ان يفهم معاني رائعه وهي ان تخلص بمن تحب وان لا تخدع بنت ديرتك ولا حتي غير بنت ديرتك فالحب حب لا يتغير في اي بقعه في الارض للان مكانه القلب الصادق ومن الشباب المتزوج انصحه ان يعيش افضل حياه للان هناك بجانبك من يخاف عليك وهي الزوجه التي تجعل الحياه رائعه :)*بحق
az99920 (3 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! موضوع البدون شائك للان هناك من يستحق بحق من دافع او قتل هو شهيد وهو للوطن حمايه من كل عدوا وهناك من(( خان)) الكويتيون هم اهل حق وكل انسان لا يرضي بجميع انواع الظلم لكن هناك اسباب(( الغزوا العراقي)) وهذا يجب علي كل كويتي يحب ارضه ووطنه ان ينظر بدقه بعد الذي اصاب الكويت من دمار وقتل وتشريد(((( وخيانه متعدده ))))
az99920 (3 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! خليجنا واحد رغم الحاسدين الذي تهمهم ان يدمروا وحدتنا وينشرون الفتن اذا لم تحافظ الاجيال علي الوحده من يحافظ عليها؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ السكوت عن الحق شيطان اخرس ومن يوضح ولوا بكلمه له الاجر ومن ينشر الخير له اجر كبير ((تبين حقيقة العراقين هم يدافعون عن صدام وهو ظالم وقاتل ومجرم)) كيف هؤلاء يعرفون الحق هم يخلطون الباطل بالحق ويشوهوا كلمه لها معاني كبيره في القلب
az99920 (3 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! العراق الذي خدع الكويت منذ زمن قادر علي نشر الفتن وارجوا الوعي للذلك وان نكون اخوه للافشال المخطط العراقي وردمه السعوديه والكويت كل دولة بمجلس التعاون اخوة :)*بحق الله يحفظنا من كل عراقي يشوهه ويفتن بتخاذه اسم الدولة التي يعيش بها ليسئ اليها وينشر من خلالها الفتن الله يحفظ خليجنا من الماكرين والخبثاء يقول الكلمه من فمه وليس نابعه من القلب المشكله ليس باي دولة في الخليج المشكله بكل من له جذور من العراق
az99920 (3 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الوقت يجري بسرعه ويشتعل بنار الفتن
az99920 (3 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! نحن نمر بتسارع الاحداث الذوبان سنين الخداع لكن راح تنتج عنها يوم الضيق ....الوقت يشتعل بنار.............الله يثبت الجميع
az99920 (4 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! المشكله ان العراقين اغبياء الي الان ينشرون فتن ويسبون وهم يستهزئون في العقل الكويتي والخليجي عرفنا 100% انكم من تسبون الكويت ولا يوجد احد يكرهه الكويت غير العراق في شبكة الكبيوتر هذه الحقيقه
az99920 (4 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! تعرف الخارجين عن المله ينشرون الفساد عن قصد وتعمد في عصابات تحمي الفساد ويقصدون تدمير النساء والمجتمع في محي متعمد للاخلاق والقيم بوضعه بوضع الجبان او المخبول هم يريدون التدمير في نشر الافكار منذ مراحل الدراسه وتشكيل يبدء ((الحذر)) الاشرار في تجمع ووحده اما الطيبون في فرقه وهذا اكبر خطئ تدفع ثمنه الاجيال رساله الي الكويتين
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الحقيقه والنور سيضهر حتي وان تم اخفائه من من ينشر الظلمه والفتن من العراقين سيعرفون العرب من ينشر الفتن هم يكرهون الكويت والسعوديه والبحرين ومصر حقيقه
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! تحذير العراقين هم سبب الفتن هم من يسب السعوديه والكويت ومصر والبحرين ويتكلم باسم تلك الدول ويتقاذفون باسب والشتم الكويتي الحقيقي لا يسب السعوديه للاننا اخوه واقارب ولا نسب مصر للانهم شاركوا في التحريرولا البحرين ولا اي دولة للاننا مسلمين من يسب هم العراقين هذه افعالهم القذره من السب والايقاع بين الدول حتي لا نسب الفلسطينين ولا دول الضد هؤلاء مواقفهم معروفه ولكن لم يدخلوا الكويت او يغزوها من غزي العراق وليس فلسطين من دمر العراق وليس اليمن من قتل العراق وليس ليبيا او الجزائر او السودان وليس دول الضد يجب ان يفهم الجميع ذلك
az99920 (@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
I swear to be faithful to the Republic, to observe, in good faith, the Constitution: (if, Rothschild IMF-NWO, let me) and the laws, and exercise: my duties, in the interests: exclusive, of the nation ", said Enrico Letta (Bildenberg) took the oath: as President of the Council: the new government. a formula of high: treason, of: monetary sovereignty, which, repeat all the ministers. perjury, against, the Constitution, and, against the sovereignty, of the peoples! but, his oath to Freemasonry ? comes first, because it is more important!
The night before the attack in the Boston Marathon, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev go around in taxis to the city, hiding explosives backpacks in the trunk. Three days later, with a stolen car and a lot of owner on board, they are ready to head to New York to blow up the bomb in Times Square, the heart of the city. [The mother: it was reported by the Russians, 26 April, 20:58] ANSA, Breach of Boston. Prisoner: in the car: of brothers Tsarnaev: Chechen Islamists: the Chinese kidnapped, he says, that is, the owner of: Suv, Thanks to him, the authorities quickly identified: and: intercepted the car, well before: that: could reach: New York, to make: a second attempt. @ Obama, your Islamists in Syria, mandates: from: your "LegaAraba" to avenge the terrorist killed: they kidnapped the bishops, and you are responsible for all this,)
كويتي بحق ! العراقين يحرقون العلم الكويتي ويقمون بدوس عليه وعلي صورة ملك السعوديه افيقوا من الغفله هم يكرهون الكويت والسعوديه هم سبب الفتن .................حقيقه
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الاسلام ليس ضد اليهود او ضد المسحين نحن السلام للاخلاق كل الاخلاق والقيم والنور الله حرم الظلم والاعتداء وان نمد يد المساعده لكل محتاج مهما كانت ملته وان ننشد الخير والبناء والعدل الله حرم السب والشتائم ضد الديانات وحرم الضحك علي اي صلاه من اهل الكتاب حرم جميع ما يضر حرم المعاداه ووضع العدل والتوعد الذي حدث في ايام الرسل ونشر الدين في مكه كان في زمن قديم حرب وليس الان عرفت الدول الاسلاميه ودول اروبا والسلام هو السلام وليس ما يقوم البعض بتشويه يهاجم ويظلم باسم الاسلام
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الشباب الذي لايعرف ملته او دينه وهو مسلم يفسد شباب والشباب الفاسد يضحك ويستهزء بشباب ذوا القيم والاخلاق ويضعه في مواقف للاستهزاء به والسخريه وهو نصره للمجتمع وهو نور المجتمع وصلاحه ولا يعرفون الشباب الفاسد ان الشباب الذي ليس له ملة دين يضحك علي حال المسلمين وعلي ضعفهم ووهنهم ويتمني زوالهم من الارض وان لا يهناء عيشتهم تصبح كجهنم واكثر من جهنم لا يوجد بها راحه في الدنيا كل من يحكم حلقته علي الاخر والناتج هموم وقلق وحيره (كجهنم)
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! الكل غارق بالمفاسد واصبح الحركه مستعصيه من كثرة الطين الذي شل مجتمع باسرهه ووضع برنامج هو الفساد والظلم ومهاجمت كل شاب ذوي اخلاق اختلف الزمان وتلوث الطيبون بظروفهم واتمن بالخائن وخون الامين لعدم المعرفه والثقافه والعلم اصبحنا في ظلمه كبيره واذا واحد ينادي ويحذر اصبح صوته ضعيف لكن كلامه قوي وواقع ............لا يتبدل شيئ الا يبدل الشباب ذلك ويفرض واقع غير ذلك الواقع بالاتحاد ونشر الخير
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! كل اب يحمل رساله للاولاده وهي الاخلاق وكل شاب يحمل رساله الاخلاق والقيم الدين الاسلامي علمنا ذلك..........................رساله لكل من يمشي لنشر فساد بدون علم انت ضيقت علي شباب لهم اخلاق وقيم وهم نور المجتمع اذا انطفئ النور تنطفئ السعاده ويصبح كل شيئ في المجتمع ملوث والله يعين ذوا الاخلاق علي المعيشه التي تجعله في نفس تلاطمها موج الفساد اسال الله ان يثب الجميع
az99920 (1 mese fa)
كويتي بحق ! للاسف المسيحين يعملون باخلاق دينهم ومجتمعهم سعيد لسبب لا يوجد ظلم او فساد واليهود كذلك لهم دين وملتزمون بدينهم ولا يوجد ظلم بينهم لكن المسلمين اضاعوا كل معاني الاسلام من الاخلاق والامانه والخير في عالمنا العربي تري من العجائب من الظلم والقتل وفساد الاخلاق اصبح الاسلام صوره مشوهه بسبب شباب لا يحمل معاني الاسلام في قلبه وبسبب شباب خرج عن المله بقلبه ويكرهه الاسلام للان لا يوجد في الحياه واقع للاسلام الصحيح وهذا اكبر خطئ
az99920 (
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الشباب الطيب يظهر في وجهه الطيب ويفعل كثير من الخير حتي وان كان غير مسلم في وجهه خير حقيقي للان الله وضع قلوب تحت نور رحمته وجعل ما يحمله القلب في الوجهه يظهر .........................حقيقه
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! انصح كل شاب بالحب الصادق والنقي الذي هو سبب السعاده الحقيقيه في هذه الحياه وهو البوصله لتتوجه للان تعبد الله وتشكره علي نعمة الحب الصادق الذي يفقده بعض الشباب الذي يحب الماده عينه لاتري وقلبه يحمل ما يعيقه علي رؤية الحقيقه بوضوح اما من يري الحقيقه فهنيئ له بحياه سعيده لا يشعر الا اشخاص قله بها من قلبه من نور لا يقبل الظلام وبحق :)*
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! حقيقه ان قاد المجتمع من له جذر من العراق حقيقه سيهلك العرب وينتشر بينهم كل ما يسئ للاسلام والسلام وان استمعنا لقولهم الذي لا ينفذونه وان تم تنفيذه بينهم من يهدم تلك المعاني في خداع لا ينتهي .....................الله يحفظ العرب جميعا من المنافقين
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
Kuwait's right! Love is great:) * love love love love الحب عظيم نوره لا يوصف وسعاده بحق
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! انصح كل بنت ان تنظر لبني عبس الرشايده هم الحكمه والحب الصادق ويعرفون معني الحب الصادق بحق * * حقيقه عبر التاريخ وتشهد لنا قصه بين الرمال ديار ظهر منها نور عظيم وهو الحب الصادق بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! البنت نعمه من الله لكل شاب لكي تكون ام وتحمل المستقبل الذي يغير وانا علي امل ان يشرق النور النقي من بين الغيوم لكي يتغير المستقبل ويصبح افضل للاجيال التي ستكبر وتكون المجتمع الصالح الذي لا يوجد به شيئ من الظلام والكل يعيش ليتزوج ويبني اسرهه ويعيش في سلام
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! اتمنا ان ياتي النور الذي يبدد الظلام ليجعل الاجيال القادمه بسعاده حقيقيه وان ينعم الجميع بالحب الصادق كل شاب مر به من الضيق ولكن الضيق الذي مررت به بمشئة الله جعلني انصح لكي لا يغرق الجميع بالظلمه ويفقد الطيبون السعاده الذي هم الوقود للخير الذي يراهه كل شاب في وجهه من يحمل النور العظيم للانهم هم الامل والخير للمجتمع فلا تطفئ تلك الانوار التي هي نجاه للمجتمع بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! كفوا ايها المدمرون المليئ قلوبكم بالحسد والكرهه لكل ما هو كويتي كفوا السنتكم التي يسكنها السموم الخبيثه كفوا فكركم الذي يدمر ولا ياتي بخير ................الله يحفظ الكويت من كل مكروهه
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! خلقت البنات ليس هي دمي او لعبه لفتره وتحذف هي نسيج مجتمع باكمله هي المستقبل فكروا في عقلكم وليس بشهوه ودمار لسنين اذا كل شاب صدق في الكلمه وتزوج وعاش بسعاده لا يكون هناك طلاق ولا مشاكل ويجد كل شاب من يحب بسهوله وليس عناء للان كل الشباب صدقوا الكلمه والشعور بالحب الذي سيثمر بمجتمع ناجح وسعيد للغايه
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الله يحفظ شباب الكويت وينير بصيرتهم للانهم سيكونون اباء للابناء اذا انتشر الفساد سيقضي علي الجميع ويكون ابنائهم في خطر حقيقي اذا لم يعرفوا ان بينهم ذئاب ليس لها عقيده ولا يحرمون هم الشر الاكيد علي المجتمع اذا كل اشاب اصبح واعي تقل المؤامره ولا تنفذ للانها جمدت بسبب قلة المنفذين وينتج عن ذلك مجتمع صالح به من النور العظيم الذي نكون به سعداء والاجيال تكون سعيده بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! المجتمع اذا لم يكن به باحثين سيغرق 100% للان النتائج تضهر ان هناك مؤامره اما كل شاب قال الله نفسه فالعوض علي الكويت يجب تبليغ كل كويتي لكي يكون علي فهم ووعي لكي نتحد وان نبني اسر تحافظ علي الكويت وتعرف كل شيئ لكي لا يمر المخطط بسهوله بدون عقبات
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! كل فتنه ومؤامره ورائها عراقي بينهم من يصافح ومنهم من يطعن ويخون ومنهم من يخبث كل الشر من ارض العراق وعروقها التي بها الشر والفتن والمؤامرات وكل ما يضر الرجاء وضعهم تحت الدراسه والمراقبه لكي يكفوا ايديهم الخبيثه عن التدمير المتعمد
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! يجب علي كل عربي اخذ كلامي في محمل الجد والبحث لكي لا يقع في دمار المجتمع كما حدث بيننا في الكويت نسب طلاق عاليه ونسب عنوزه العراقين هم وراء كل سبب ويجب علي كل عربي فهم الاسباب ليحمي مجتمعه من اناس فاسدون يهمهم تدمير النساء لكي يكثر الزني ............الله يحفظ الكويت والخليج من الشر
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! رساله لكل كويتي افشل مخطط الذي يهدم الحب الذي يتبناه شباب فاسد يودون ان النساء تتدمر والنتائج الان عدم الثقه واصبح الشاب الكويتي يتاخر بالزواج بسبب التدمير العمد للمجتمع عن طريق خطط القضاء علي كل ما هو كويتي وكويتيه هم المستهدفون من ذلك التدمير للان بيننا من ولائه للعراق وليس للكويت يجب ان نضع باحثين بين المجتمع الكويتي لكي تضهر الحقيقه وان كل فتنه وتخريب واذاء متعمد طوال السنوات هم من عراقين.....حقيقه
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! رساله الي كل شاب كويتي وخليجي هذا هو الحب :)*بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الحب عظيم ما اجمل ان شاب ينطق بكلمه من القلب لها اثر حياه علي من تنتظر الكلمه* *
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! هنا قناة الحقيقه وكشف الحقائق التي تدبرت منذ زمن والان نتائجها واضحه من هدم القيم وهدم الحب الصادق واضعاف الانتماء للكويت بخطط خبيثه للجعل كل كويتي بحق ضعيف في ادارة عمله الذي يحقق للدولتنا الغاليه النجاح حاولوا جاهدين ان يجعلوا السعوديه تكون كما الماساه التي يشهدها كل كويتي ولكن هيهات تقطعت ايديهم ولا يقدرون ان يرفعوا رؤسهم للان السيف سيقطعها وتسقط بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الخطر العراقي اكبر من ان نتجاهله للاننا اذا تجاهلناه سيتكرر ما حدث في 1990 وهم علي مخططاتهم القديمه في تدمير مستمر في المجتمع من ناحية النساء ومن عدة نواحي يجب الحذر وان نعلم ما يجري ...................الله يحفظ الكويت من المنافقن والخبثاء للانهم هم الشر علي مجتمعنا وعلي مستقبل الاجيال
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الاعلام العراقي من قديم الزمان وهو يضع الكويت عراقيه الي هذه اللحضه لا يكف العراقين في ترديد ان الكويت عراقيه ويهاجمون يجب علي كل كويتي شريف ان يوضح للكل العالم ان الكويت ليس بجزء من العراق مزاعم كاذبه يكررونها في كل زمان وقلوبهم المليئ بالحقد والحسد ضد كل ما هوكويتي بحق
DevilRaptorB (2 sett. fa)
شكرا على الاضافة
أوافقك الرأي على الكثير مما قلته
ولكن للمعلوم كثير من دول العالم لا تدري حتى بوجود الكويت و يظنونها جزءا من العراق
بشكل أو بأخر أظننا يجب أن نلوم بعضنا
فكثيرا منا هذه الأيام غير مهتم الا لأخر صيحات الأزياء والسيارات وغيرها وتناسوا ما هو فعلا مهم
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! انا احمل رساله صادقه وواقع الحياه في الكويت مؤسف ................................................واود ان يري كل عربي الحقيقه لا يوجد دخان من غير نار
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! العراق هو من ورد المشاعر الهدامه للكل شاب كويتي حقيقه انا عشت فتره في السعوديه لم اري غير الحب الصادق والعيشه النقيه وعدم النفاق وهذا يدل ان العراق له ضلع بامور هدم الحب النقي والصادق عن قصد لكي ينتقم من شباب الكويت في برنامج مدمر للكل كويتي ...............افيقوا
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! اذا اختيل الحب كيف يقدم الانسان الي الله الاعمال التي يعبد بها ويواضب عليها كيف ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ اذا كل من تضرر نفسيا كيف يتجه ليعبد الله ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ وهل يقدر ان يصمد علي المواضبه علي العباده ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ بالحقيقه فهوه ممسك جمر بيده والنساء الله خلقها لتكون بيت لرجل وراحه عندما ينام الرجل في الخارج هو معرض للهواء البارد والامطار والحراره والغبار هو في عدم راحه
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! ما يحدث بالكويت شيئ مؤسف جدا من خداع وقتل متعمد لتلك المشاعر لولا الاسلام صحيح للانتقلت لعالم المسيحيه للان الحب قتل في الكويت والحب لم يقتل في بلاد الغرب ما اجمل القيم عندما يتمسك بها الشاب ويكون صلاح ونور للمجتمع بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! كم من بنت تحطمت احلامها وكم من شاب حمل الصدق في قلبه ولم تري البنت تلك المشاعر الصادقه وخفي بذلك الزمان الذي كذب الصادق وصدق الكاذب للاسف كل بنت تتجهه لمن يحطم قلبها ولا يصدق بالكلمه اما الصادق يعيش علي امل ان يجد من يحب في زمن لم يقيم نور يحمل كل شاب صالح ويود ان يكون قصه في زمن لم يعرف معني الحب الصادق * *
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! كل رجل صالح يتمني الحب الصادق للان تلك المشاعر تنبع من قلبه الصالح الذي يصلح جميع ما يعمل به واتمنا ان كل كويتي بحق يكون بناء للمجتمع البنت تنتظر وتنظر من يمد يده بصدق المشاعر وينتشلها الي عالم لا يوجد به غير الصدق وبصدق * *
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الحب الحقيقي والصادق عظيم قوة وصلاح للمجتمع ما اجمل ان ينطق شاب بكلمه صادقه من القلب ويقول احببتك كلمه عظيمه من نور يجب علي كل شاب ان يعي ان الحب ليس لعبه انه المستقبل الصادق والمشرق والمشاعر التي يتمنها كل شاب صادق وكل بنت تحلم برجل صادق يكون يعرف معني الحب والحياه بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! بالحقيقه الكويتيون طيبون ....................حقيقه ولكن بيننا لهم ولاء للعراق وهذا خطر علي مستقبل الاجيال للان هناك هدم عن قصد وتعمد وتشويه لكل ما هو كويتي
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! انا لا اكره احد انا اكرهه المنافقين للدولة الكويت المسالمه الذين يضرون كل كويتي ويقمون بالعداء بطرق خبيثه لهدم الكويتين وتدمير بنات الكويت التي هي المستقبل للمجتمع ان كانت سنيه ام شيعيه انا ضد النفاق للان هناك ما يعتقد ان الكويت عراقيه ويعمل بحقد لتخريب وكل قلبه اسود اتجاه الكويتين هم بالحقيقه طيبون للغايه وكل انسان عاش بالكويت عاش وهو مطمئن وبامن وامان وخير يجب النظر لذلك ...........الحقيقه
DevilRaptorB (2 sett. fa)
لا أعرف ان كنت تكره الشيعة بالتحديد أم لا
لكني أتفق معك بأن العراقيين كلهم يسعون لأخذ بلدنا الأمن وضمه لبلدهم الذي لم يعرف الأمان في حياته
عسى الله يوحد بين قلوب الكويتيين ضد كل من يسعى للنيل من وحدتها
وعلى هؤلاء اللعنة من ينوون العبث بأمان هاذا البلد
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الطيبون في متاهه كل يريد العثور علي الاخر ولكن هناك الكثير من العقبات
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! للاسف حزين للكل بنت تدمر مستقبلها الذي تحلم به وهو الزواج والاستقرار حزين لكل شاب صادق المشاعر لم يعثر علي من تشعر به وتري نور قلبه الذي يشع بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! حزين حقا حزين للاجل الاجيال التي سحقت في الظلمات وانا اقصد الطيبين القلب هم من تحمل المعنا للانهم وسط ظلمه لا تعرف الرحمه حزين لكل شاب بحث عن الحب ولم يجده قلبه امتلئ بنور ولكن كثير من القلوب اصابهم العمي لا تري غير الماده وحقيقه حتي البنات لم يروا حقيقة كل شاب طيب هم تبعوا هلاكهم من شباب لا يعرف معني الحب الصادق النقي بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
Kuwait's right! Story of Antar and Abla love and power in the land of the Arabs
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! قصص الحب هي بناء للمجتمع للان اذا كل شاب صدق في الحب ينتج عنه زواج ويكون الوفاء وعدم الخيانه ويسعد في الحياه بتفاهم وينتج عن ذلك ان المجتمع يصلح بنور الحب الصادق ويقل نسبة الفساد وتقل الخيانه ويقل الطلاق هذه حقيقه ولها ابعاد تصلح المجتمع بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! شكرا للجميع الاصدقاء من جميع انحاء العالم علي تقبل الصداقه للاننا كلنا من ادم شعور الحب عظيم واتمنا من الشباب معرفة اهميه ذلك الحب النقي والعظيم الذي يصلح ويقي من الفساد ويقرب للعمل الخير يجب ان يكون نموذج الحب قصة الامير الاسودفي بلاد العرب وحبه عبله وفي المقابل بالغرب روميوا وجوليت هذا ما يقدمه كل من يعرف معني الحب الصادق النقي الذي يجعل الحياه سعيده بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! كان هناك في القديم ديار في المملكه العربيه السعوديه صدر منها نور عظيم وحب نقي ((ديار عبس)) وكان بينهم عنتر الذي اصبح الامير الاسود بعدما حمي ديار عبس من كل المخاطر وكان يعشق عبله ابنت عمه ولكن كانوا يرفضون ان يزوجوه لسبب سواد جلده ولكن لم يعرفوا ان السواد الجلد ليس بعيب وانما سواد القلب هو المعيب كان عنتر رجل عادل وصالح وطلبوا منه ان يحضر مهر عبله 1000 ناقه حمراء مهر لعبله ((لم ينضر للاموال وانما للحب)) وحقق ما في نفسه:)*بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! هناك من يشوه الكويت ويسئ للكويت وللكويتين ويقوم باعمال تشويه متعمده ((مؤامرة)) تهدف لنشر الكرهه ضد كل كويتي هم ليسوا من الكويت هم جذورهم عراقيه حقيقه ولا يمثلون الكويتيون الشرفاء وانا اعتذر للكل عربي اذا تم الاسائه بالخفاء واقول لهم اعرفوا الحقيقه وان هناك من يكرهه الكويتين ويتمنا الاسائه لهم .......................حقيقه
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق! عندما تري الفتن ابحث لتجد من ورائها من ارض العراق حقيقه 100% وارجوا الحذر ومعرفة الحقيقه اذا كان هناك شكوك بما اتحدث به
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الكويت امانه في اعناق كل كويتي شريف يحب ارضه لا يتجه للفتن التي تضر الكويت وتضرنا جميعا والحمد الله علي النعمه والامن والامان هذه نشكر الله عز وجل كثيرا لا يوجد كويتي ينقصه شيئ ...............................افهموا لا تتبعوا الفتن والشر الذي يفيد الاعداء الذين يفرحون للضرر الكويت
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! يوجد من الكويتيون مغفلين لا ينظرون الي المستقبل ويتناقلون الفتن من لسان الاعداء من العراقين الذين يودون تدمير الكويت بجميع الطرق حتي وان حدث اختلاس لا تصل الامور لمن يعطينا المعاش ويعدل بنا وكل خير ونعمه منهم للانهم صالحون وطيبون ................الله يحمي الكويت من كل منافق وشرير وناشر للفتن والمؤامرات استيقضوا من الغفله
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! عمل يشوه الدمقراطيه في الكويت دخول مجلس الامه من قبل خليط من الكويتين ولكن الاغلبيه عراقين هم سبب الفتن التي تحدث بالكويت حقيقه وارجوا من كل كويتي ان لا يشترك باضرار للدوله لا يوجد تقصير من الحكومه العادله هي حجر الاساس امام اعداء يريدون الاطاحه بالحكومه الشريفه والعادله وارجوا ان نفشل المخطط الذي يضر الكويت اولا شيوخنا الكرام لم يقصروا وهم رمز العداله والمساواه والرحمه الذين يتمنون دمار الكويت ويزرعون الفتن ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ التي تهدف الي الشر لا يوجد كويتي محتاج نحن بنعمه وكل انسان عاش بالكويت بنعمه كبيره
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! رساله لكل الرشايده افتخر للانك صنعت الحب في ارض العرب بقصه عظيمه لم تنسي عبر التاريخ عنتر وعبله حب ومغامره وشجاعه
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! قصه جميله عن الحب والشجاعه حدثت في القديم ديار بني عبس ((عنتر+عبله))= حب صادق بحق*
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! ليس هناك من يكرهه الكويت ويسبها في جميع شبكة الكبيوتر غير العراقين ....................رساله توضح المؤامره
az99920 (@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
I swear to be faithful to the Republic, to observe, in good faith, the Constitution: (if, Rothschild IMF-NWO, let me) and the laws, and exercise: my duties, in the interests: exclusive, of the nation ", said Enrico Letta (Bildenberg) took the oath: as President of the Council: the new government. a formula of high: treason, of: monetary sovereignty, which, repeat all the ministers. perjury, against, the Constitution, and, against the sovereignty, of the peoples! but, his oath to Freemasonry ? comes first, because it is more important!
The night before the attack in the Boston Marathon, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev go around in taxis to the city, hiding explosives backpacks in the trunk. Three days later, with a stolen car and a lot of owner on board, they are ready to head to New York to blow up the bomb in Times Square, the heart of the city. [The mother: it was reported by the Russians, 26 April, 20:58] ANSA, Breach of Boston. Prisoner: in the car: of brothers Tsarnaev: Chechen Islamists: the Chinese kidnapped, he says, that is, the owner of: Suv, Thanks to him, the authorities quickly identified: and: intercepted the car, well before: that: could reach: New York, to make: a second attempt. @ Obama, your Islamists in Syria, mandates: from: your "LegaAraba" to avenge the terrorist killed: they kidnapped the bishops, and you are responsible for all this,)
كويتي بحق ! اذا ردنا ان مؤامرتهم العراقين تفشل لا نصدق ما ينطقونه من قول يدمر مجتمعنا ويسبب فتن ضد حكوماتنا((العادلة)) والله يحفظ الكويت من كل شر
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! العراقين يزداد خطرهم مع ترابط السنوات كما حدث في سنوات قبل الغزوا عندما تضاعف اعدادهم في الكويت وعندما تحررت ديرتنا الغاليه هرب الكثير منهم بعد ان نفذوا الخيانه والتعاون مع الجيش العراقي بكل الاساليب وبقي منهم الان عدد ليسه بهين او قليل ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ السؤال مستقبل الكويت الي اين يتجه ؟؟؟؟ هل لكم عقل تفكرون كل فتنه من ورائها عراقي 100%
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
Kuwait's right! Girls are sweet life:)*بحق
az99920 (2 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! المظاهرات والفتن ضد حكومتنا التي هي العدل والخير كفوا اياديكم عن نشر الفتن كل فتنه سببها العراقين100% هم السبب الرئسيي ومن يتبعهم هو يضر الكويت لصالح الاعداء ((الكويتيون في خير ونعمه)) اهم شيئ ان ينام الانسان شبعان وفي امن وامان عندها يعرف ان حكومته عادله بحق
az99920 (
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! كل بنت تتمني رجل صادق وذلك الحلم يراودها لكن يوجد من الشباب يحطم ذلك الحلم الجميل النقي الذي عاشت للتنتظره وبسبب ذلك هو اصبح اداه تهدم المجتمع وتضيق وتقلب الحقائق ان هناك شباب صالحون القلب والعمل وهم امانيهم ان يحب بصدق وهذا يضعه بقلبه المليئ بصدق الكلمه والشعور ولكن للاسف لا يوجد حظ للذلك فهوا يتجهه عكس الواقع الذي صنعه الاشرار
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! عندما نحب بصدق سوف ينتج عنه قلة العلاقات المحرمه في المجتمع للانك تحب ولا ترضي ان تخون زوجتك يكون ذلك صلاح للقلب الذي يصلح جميع ما تعمل به وانصح المتزوج من الشباب الوفاء والحب الصادق بحق
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الحب هو ماس والنور هو الصدق الذي يزيد من جمال التلالئ بحق * * والله يحفظ كل شاب صالح وكل بنت من الشر وينير لهم بصيرتهم للحقيقه التي تسعد مجتمعنا بحق:)*
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الله يجعل في كل زمن من الرجال الصالحون الذي ينطقون بما يفيد كل انسان ولا ياتي بضرر له وينصحون لا يريدون شيئ وانما غير رضي الله وسلامة المجتمع وان يروا كل شاب يبتسم من قلبه فذلك يسعد كل انسان صالح للان الخير انتشر بقوة ليمحي الظلام الذي يعيش به كل شرير ويتضايق منه كل ذي خير واذا المجتمع لم يستمع للنصائح سيغرق بالظلام الكبير عندها لا نري طريق الخير ولا يوجد من ينصح بحق
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! عندما تم ظهورنا في هذه الحياه للاجل الحب الصادق الذي ينتج عنه الزواج والصلاح في جميع امور الحياه وهو بوصله توجه الي العباده والحياه السعيده في تزامن اجيال من السعاده والتفاهم ومعرفة القيم التي هي تجوهرت بالاخلاق والكرم والعدل والحب النقي نور يشرق للسعاده الابديه بحق:)*
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! يوجد شباب خير لكن للاسف هم في ضيق بسبب انهم يصدقون وهم في محل سخريه للان الشر انتشر في المجتمع واصبح لا نري الحقيقه من شدة الظلام واصبح في قلبه خير في الدرجه الاخيره بين المجتمع انا لا اقصد الملتحين اهل الدين اقصد الشباب العادي الذي ليس ملتحي هذه حقيقه زومننا هذا بسبب اعوان الدجال من اهل بابل يتبعهم السحر اينما حلت اقدامهم ومعهم غربانهم ليبدولوا المجتمع من حال الي حال ليتدمر
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الخير سعاده للمجتمع والشر نقمه علي المجتمع ودمار له في نهاية المطاف يتجه بمجتمع الي الحفرة السحيقه التي تدمر كل شيئ وقيم واخلاق وخير يصبح بها الشر يتعالي علي الشر ويكون خيرهم اخبثهم يصبح مجتمع مدمر محطم يكثر به الخبث ......................الله يحفظنا من الشر
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! كثير من اهل بابل يستعينون بالسحر الاسود الذي يجذب النساء للتدميرهم ليصدق الكاذب وهم من اهل بابل ويكذب الصادق وهم كل من لهم جذور من المملكه العربيه السعوديه الذين لا يستعنون بسحر وانما بامانهم بالله القدير ملاحظه اهل العراق يستعينون بالسحر وذلك لتصديقهم حتي وهم يفعلون مايضر وهو الشر بجميع انواعه ((((((((((((((استيقضوا)))))))))))))
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! كثير من الشباب دمروا بسبب اخطلاط اهل بابل بالمجتمعات وبث جميع ما يتنافي مع الاسلام ونشر الظلام التي يكثر بها الكذبه ويقل بها الذين علي حق هنا تتلوث المعاير يصدق الكاذب ويكذب الصادق في الظلمه هم علي ذلك من قديم الازمنه من بث التدمير والخداع ونشر ما يهدم المجتمع وفرض واقع مدمر للنسيج ((بتدمير النساء)) عن تعمد لقتل الثقه بين الرجل والمرئه التي يربط بينهما الحب النقي البعيد عن الزني والقيم التي تؤدي للزواج
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! حقيقه 100% كل امر به ضرر للكويت وللاخلاق سببه العراق هم تواجدوا في كل بقعه في عدة دول وحصلوا علي التجنيس بها هل ذلك صدفه ام خطط لتدمير المجتمعات الخليجيه ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ فكروا رساله الي كل خليجي وان لم اكن علي حق ابحث بنفسك وستجد ان كلامي 100% حقيقي وواقع وضح في هذا الزمان هم اتباع الدجال اهل بابل علامات الوحش بهم 666 وهم احد رؤس الوحش لسان الكذاب هم المنافقون
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق! انا انصح من فم رجل صالح القلب ليس لهدف ليس لمال وانما لا اري الاموال تساوي شيئ امام نصيحه صادقه وانما تذهب الاموال وتفتن اما النصيحه هي الباقيه للصلاح والمستقبل الجميل المليئ بنور الحب الصادق العظيم * * بحق
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! اتمنا ان تكون قناتي يهتم بها الكثير للانها المستقبل المشرق والنور العظيم والصدق في الكلمه للان الحب هو البناء من نور يستدل عليه كل طيب القلب ليري حياه افضل ويشعر بطعم الحياه الجميله ليس كل من صادف من يحب ولكن الاعجاب تنتج عنها الحب الصادق اذا كان الشاب نضيف القلب وطيب المشاعر سيكون النور للمجتمع ككل وينصح الجميع حتي وان اختلفت الديانه يكون ناصح بحق
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! عنتر هو اسود البشره ولكن ابيض القلب والمشاعر الصادقه بالحب النقي هو افضل من اناس بيض الوجيه والسواد قلبهم اشد من جلد عنتر الصادق في المشاعر تعلموا ياقبائل من بني عبس الرشايدا هم يرشدون الي الحق والحقيقه
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! رسائلي تحث للزواج للان الحب الصادق والنقي هو طريق للزواج والخوف علي من تحب بحق :)* والله يوفق الجميع
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! رساله الي كل شاب احمل الورد وارجع الي من شعرت بحبها وانحني اليها لتغفر لك الاسائه التي احدثتها في حياتها بسبب انها تحبك بصدق * * العمر لا يعوض كذلك الحب لا يعوض بحق
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! اكبر خساره لا تعوض ان تفقد من تحب او تشعر بمن يحبك بعد فوات وتفقده الي الابد ..............رساله الي كل شاب وبنت
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! خلقت البنت للجعل الحياه سعيده للرجل اذا تم تدمير النساء لم يبقي لرجل ما يسعده رساله لكل شاب استيقظ من الغفله ولا تكن عامل لتدمير مزيد من النساء والحب الصادق ليس لعبه هو حياه وسعاده ومستقبل مشرق بنور نقي
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! كل فتنه سببها العراق وجذوره يجب علي كل كويتي ان يعي ويفهم ما يحدث من تظاهر لا يمثل الكويتين من دخل مجلس الامه لا يمثل كل كويتي شريف للان جذوره من العراق او يستمع لمن هو عراقي ......................حقيقه وواقع نعيشه لماذا لم تتظاهرون لتطالبون بتعويضات من العراق ؟؟؟؟؟؟ هل انتم كويتيون حقا ؟؟؟؟!!!!!! ام تصغ اذانكم لكل اشاعه تضر الحكومه وتضر الكويت بشكل خاص ...... لوا تم البحث عن جذور المتظاهرين 90% عراقين
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق !عنتر الاميرالاسود ياتي لنا في حياه في حب و مغامرات وملحمه شاعر القرن 6 حان الوقت لتكون نظرت في اللغه الانجليزيه :)*بحق
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! انصح كل شاب بالحب الصادق النقي حتي ان كان من الغرب فهذا الشعور نعمه وان لا يتعدد بصديقات للان ذلك يسبب جروح لمن وعدتها بزواج واخلفت ما وعدة وهذا يسبب جرح عميق في بنت احبت بصدق والحب الصادق نور ......................نصيحه الي الجميع
az99920 (2 giorni fa)
كويتي بحق !يجب علي كل شاب ان يصدق الكلمه وان يكف عن هدم المجتمع اذا لم يكن يعي وان يبحث عن من يحب ويعيش حياه هانئه سعيده في معني كبير وهو الحب الصادق والنقي الذي ينير الاجيال القادمه المستقبل ويجعل كل حلم شاب في مقتبل العمر حقيقه وواقع ملموس ان يجد من يحب بحق
az99920 (2 giorni fa)
كويتي بحق ! قبل سنوات كان هناك امانه الان الامانه ضاعت كان قبل سنوات الحب الان لا يوجد غير التدمير وكان في السنوات التي مضت الفساد قليل الان واضح ومنتشر وهذا يدل ان ما بنوه اجدادنا من اخلاق ضاعت وضاع الدين لتضيع الامانه والصدق وفي المستقبل الظلام الكثير
az99920 (2 giorni fa)
كويتي بحق ! اذا اختفي الشباب الخير والذي ينصح ويعي الله يعينكم علي المستقبل سيكون مظلم الي ابعد الحدود الذي مع مرور السنوات تتحاذفكم من حرب الي حرب الي ان يصبح المؤمن يمسد الجمره في يديه ويظل منكم الكثير الكثير الي ان تلحدوا او تعبدوا الاصنام هذا الواقع والذي نسير نحوه حتي وان تقالبت الايام سنصل الي ذلك في ايام من جحيم نظره مستقبليه وليس لجيل واحد وانما للاجيال هذا ما وضح في زمننا
az99920 (2 giorni fa)
كويتي بحق ! انا اناشد كل شاب انت تحمل امانه مجتمع ان لم تعي فذلك ياثر علي اولادك في المستقبل للانهم في المجتمع السم اذا دخل بالجسد سيلوث الجسد باكمله وسيسقط علي الارض من المرض الذي سيكون طرق الي الهلاك وهو الموت
az99920 (2 giorni fa)
كويتي بحق ! يوجد شباب يدمر عن قصد وتعمد وعلم وفي شباب ليس له عقل هو يساعد في التدمير ويوجد شباب ظلم من اثار التدمير وهو يعاني في زمننا هذا من نتيجة التدمير في الزمن الماضي كم عدد البنات التي تم تدميرها باسم الحب الشريف والصادق وكم شباب دمر في الزمن الماضي ولم نراهم بل نسمع عنهم وكم من الشباب الذي يقصد التدمير والعبث بنساء لليدمر المجتمع باكمله
az99920 (2 giorni fa)
كويتي بحق ! يجب علي كل شاب حمل مسؤليه ان يضهر الحب الصادق لكي لا يتدمر مزيد من الشباب ويكونون عامل لتدمير البنات للان الحب الصادق هو الحياه السعيده والجميله وحقيقة السعاده التي تجعل كل شاب يرتقي الي الاعلي في جميع مجلات الحياه هذه القناه وضعت لليعرف كل شاب ان الحب الصادق وضعه الله لحمايتنا وصدق الكلمه والخوف علي كل بنت من الخداع والالم لكل بنت تم خداعها باسم الحب الشريف الطاهر النقي
az99920 (4 giorni fa)
كويتي بحق ! اتمنا ان ياتي يوم تترجم قصة عنتر الي الانجليزيه ويتعرف عليها الغربيون ويعرفون انها قصه لها طابع مغامره ورومانس وشجاعه في الدفاع عن قبيلة عبس ضد الاعداء ..............وان قبيلة عبس تنسب الي قبيلة الرشايده تاريخ يفتخر به كل فرد من القبيله
az99920 (4 giorni fa)
كويتي بحق ! عنتر بن شداد بن قراده العبسي أشهر فرسان العرب في الجاهلية ومن شعراء من أهل نجد. لقب، كما يقول بعنترة الفلْحاء، لتشقّق شفتيه. كانت أمه أَمَةً حبشية تدعى زبيبة سرى إليه السواد منها وكان من أحسن العرب شيمة ومن أعزهم نفساً، يوصف بالحلم على شدة بطشه، وفي شعره رقة وعذوبة. كان مغرماً بابنة عمه عبلة فقل أن تخلو له قصيدة من ذكرها ........قصه عظيمه في ديار بوسط الرمال حب وعداله وشجاعه
az99920 (5 giorni fa)
كويتي بحق !عنتر من فرسان بني عبس شديد الباس وعادل لا يظلم ولا يعتدي هو رمز للشجاعه والاخلاق والحب النقي الذي كتبه التاريخ الي الدهر وتتناقله الاجيال مع مرور الزمن وهو من اجمل القصص ووقائع حدثت في الجاهليه .........وهو من قصص التي بها من الشجاعه والرومانس وهذه هي القصص التي لا تمل ولها بناء كبير للاجيال للان يعرفون معني الشجاعه والحب والعداله هي من قوة الرجل الصالح والعادل ............رساله الي الرشايده تاريخكم عظيم بحق:)*
az99920 (1 sett. fa)
كويتي بحق ! الشتاء جميل يشعر برومانس اكثر النجوم تتللالئ في السماء وهواء بارد يلمس الروح حقا كل شاب سيشعر بسعاده كبيره في اجواء بارده تمسك بها يد من تحب :)*بحق
az99920 (10 ore fa)
كويتي بحق ! كلمه اقولها وهي الحقيقه قبيلة الرشايدا فيها من يعرف معني الحب والصدق وهم يعرفون ما تعنيه الرومانس للانهم تاريخ للذلك وان من بعض ما في القبيله لم يعرف تلك المعاني فوجه له رساله كن من بني عبس بحق * *
az99920 (10 ore fa)
كويتي بحق ! اذا لم نعرف تلك المعاني سينهدم المجتمع ونخسر الكثير الكثير من فقدان شباب يحمل صدق الكلمه وصدق الشعور للان هو الصلاح للمجتمع هو من يغير المستقبل الي الافضل هذه حقيقه وارجوا من كل بنت ان تكون حذره للان هناك شباب يحمل ما يهدم ويعرف الشاب من بداية التعرف اذا تكلم وقال انه يريد اهله يتعرفون علي اهل البنت والتكلم بمضوع الزواج فهذا الصادق للان الصادق لا يصبر وانما يستعجل وهنيئ لكل بنت بذلك الشاب الصادق في الشعور للانه هو الماس :)*بحق
az99920 (10 ore fa)
كويتي بحق ! اتمنا ان يكون كل شاب يفهم معني القوة وهي المتمثله بالحب الصادق النقي لطرف الاخر وهو البنت للان الله خلقهم ليس للعبث وانما تكوين اسره ومستقبل نوره يشرق علي جميع المجتمع بحق * *
az99920 (11 ore fa)
Kuwait's right! Story in the land of Bani Abs have a great love :)* كان هناك بين الرمال ديار تسمي ديار بني عبس وكان هناك بطل اسمه عنتر هو اسود ولكن قلبه ابيض وشجاعته والعداله التي تحملها نفسه اكبر من سادات قوم لا يعرفون تلك المعاني في زمن قاسي لا يعرف معني الحب وكان في نفس الديار محبوبته عبله ابنة عمه التي هي نجمه تضئ في القبيله والنجوم ليس لها معني الا في الظلام لتظهر بحق
az99920 (11 ore fa)
كويتي بحق ! يجب ان نزيل من القصة تعظيم فوق قدرة البشر مثل قتل اسد بيدين بدون سيف هذا التعظيم هو الكذب ولكن لا نصغر عنتر للانه فارس حقيقي وقوته لا يستهان بها واشعاره من اقوي الاشعار التي تدل علي قوة نفسه وتدل علي المشقه التي مره بها في حياته التي صنعته برجل شجاع وقوي و يعرف معني الحب ولم يفقد قيم من العداله وهو لم يري العداله من قبل الاخرين ووفائه لعبله كبير لم يخونها قط واشعاره تدل علي ذلك هو صادفت بحياته المشاق ابوا لم يعترف به وحاولوا منع الزواج من عبله في ارساله الي المهالك ولكن انتصر عنتر اخيرا
az99920 (11 ore fa)
كويتي بحق ! يجب علي كل رشيدي ان يهتم في تاريخ عبس ويدرسه ويختصر القصه هناك في القصه من الكذب بخصوص عنتر ان عندما يصرخ يموت الرجال وهذا كذب وانما عنتر شخصيه شجاعه وبالحقيقه كان يصرخ للاخافة العدوا وبث الرعب في قلوبهم وكان قوي الذراعين وقوي البنيه وقتل الكثير من الفرسان وشعره يعد من الاشعار العظيمه التي تعرف شخصية عنتر منها بها من القوة والباس في قوة الكلمه وقوة معانيها هذا التاريخ العبسي لا ينسي للانه مهم جدا للدراسه وتاخذ درس ان الحب عظيم لمن يعرف معناه
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 giorno fa)
shalom + salam = blessings too
ramialsaiad سعيد : مرحبا الاخوة : قيل : هو : جديد : النظام : في : يوتيوب ، لم أجد : في : الرابط : من : جعل freindship : ولكن : الأول : وجدت قبل. لدي : القيام به. شكرا كثير -- جواب -- أخي! يتم حظر : : "az99920" العزيز : كثيرة : كليب في المانيا.. الصهاينة : يتم بهذا الأمر : كل شيء : ما يلي : منع : و: الاستخدام : كل من : : الإنترنت الديمقراطية : ولكن : الأول : لم يقم : في التقليدية : الطريقة : : قناة بلادي!
az99920 (2 giorni fa)
كويتي بحق ! رساله لكل خليجي ابحث بنفسك وستجد ان كلامي حقيقه ان لم تصدق سيتضح لك الامر في كشف حقيقه الي متي نيام والعراقيون يجروكم كاغنام ويركلونكم في شبكة الكبيوتر هذه الرساله الي الخليجين منكم عراقين يجرونكم ويلعبون بكم للانكم ليس لكم علم فانتم اداه في تمثلياتهم التي ينفذونا بشبكه
az99920 (2 giorni fa)
كويتي بحق ! اكرر من يكتب انه كويتي ليس كويتي وان كان كويتي هو جذوره من العراق للان قليل من الكويتيون يضعون قناه في الشبكه بنسبة 3% للاسف لا يعلمون ان هناك من يشوهه الكويت والكويتيون لمدة سنوات طويله من التشويه بحق الكويت والكويتيون وهم عراقيون ينتحلون عدة دول منها السعوديه والكويت الرجاء الحذر تحذير للجنسيات الغير عراقيه
az99920 (2 giorni fa)
كويتي بحق ! يجب ان نحيي الثقه بيننا وبين كل بنت لتحسن النيه في الشخص المقابل اذا وقع في الحب لا يتزور مفهوم الشعور بالحب ليتشوه ويصبح للغرض غير شريف الذي يهدم ولا يبني وتصبح النفس في قبح كبير وتهدم لا تبني كما انت
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كويتي بحق !
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شعب الكويت يشكر امريكا حكومتا وشعبا ونشكر جميع الاخوه علي تحرير الكويت من الاشرار Thank you America and thank you for Jaa وشكر خاص من قبيلةعبس الرشايدا الي جميع الاصدقاء والاخوة
Informazioni personali:
الحب الصادق هو النور في الحياه هو القوة العظيمه التي تدفع الي الامام يجب عدم الكذب علي النساء بكلمه عظيمه من نور نقي وعظيم هو يوم الوعد يوم الكلمه ساضرب ويدي مشده القبضه علي صدري للاني عاهدة نفسي ان اكون متوعد الاشرار وفضحهم الذين يهدمون الحب النقي ويود ان ظلامهم يحجب نور يري كل طيب القلب واقول ارتفع بنظرك الي فوق ستجد نجمه تضيئ لتتذكر ان الحب لم يمت و بضوء ينير القلب بحق ليهرب الظلام من امامها وتكون الارض تتلالئ من كثرت الاحجار الكريمه والاماس الذي لامسه نور الحق وبحق
Città natale:
السالميه Salmiya
كشف الحقيقه
Kuwait's right!
الكتب Books
The Black Prince Antar
رومانس Romanc
Love story Antar and Abla
Segnala violazione dell'immagine del profilo
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (2 minuti fa)
@ az99920 - Kuwait's right! to my brother, more dearest in my universal love? you are my friend more perfect! God is in control! and since: he gave me of the terrible weapons? I have a duty to use them: for freedom: of all whole planet, from all these: excrement of criminals!
@az99920 -- diritto del Kuweit! al mio fratello: più caro! per il mio amore universale? tu sei il mio amico più perfetto! Dio è in controllo! e poiché: lui ha dato a me: delle armi terribili? io ho il dovere di usarle: per liberare: tutto il pianeta: da tutti questi: escrementi di criminali!
@ az99920 -- الحق في الكويت! إلى أخي الأعز أكثر في حب بلادي عالمية؟ كنت صديقي أكثر الكمال! الله هو في السيطرة! ومنذ : أعطاني من الأسلحة الرهيبة؟ لدي واجب لاستخدامها : من أجل الحرية : كل الكوكب كله ، من كل هؤلاء : البراز من المجرمين!
az99920 (46 minuti fa)
كويتي بحق ! الله يعلم ما في قلبي اتجاه كل انسان انا ليس قناتي دعايه او للهدف ولكن هدفي ان كل انسان يبعد عن الشر ويجعل الخير طريق له للانه هو من يستفيد للاجل ينول رحمة الله للان غضب الله كبير لكي يكون لك امل في الجنه او ان تبعد عن النار انا ليس من المتدينين ولكن قلبي يشعر ان اهون الامور ان لا تاذي احد او تسيئ الي اي شخص مهما كان دينه او عرقه للاننا بشر والكل يخطئ ولكن الاستمرار بالخطئ هو الشر بذاته والله يرحم الجميع
az99920 (55 minuti fa)
كويتي بحق ! رساله الي كل انسان سياتي يوم تكبر في العمر وتحتاج الي عنايه سيمرضك اقل الامور لحكم السن فكر هل الشر له نتيجه ليس له اي نتيجه وانت الخاسر للانك ستحتاج الي حسنه واحده في حياتك تجعل الله يرحمك للانك ستدفن وحيدا ولا تاخذ غير عملك الصالح هذه الرساله الي جميع شاب مهما اختلفت ديانته او لونه اجعل شيئ يكون لك رحمه وادعوا من الله ان ينجي الجميع من النار وان الكل يدخل الجنه
......امين يارب العالمين
az99920 (4 ore fa)
كويتي بحق ! سياتي يوم يشرق فيه نور الحق ويعلا ويعيش الكل في سلام وحب وصدق وستذهب الظلمه الي مئات السنوات لا تعود لان الظلمه اغرق الطيبون بها في حزن بسبب ضياع اساس الدين وهو الاخلاق والطيبة القلب وكل شيئ يفرح القلب عتم عليه الظلام لكن الامل انه سيزول الظلام من الحق
az99920 (5 ore fa)
كويتي بحق ! يوجد في كل مله اشرار تعرفهم من سماهم الوجه هو علامه من علامات الخير والتصرف يزيد من التاكد لمن لا يعرف علامات البرائه في الوجه
az99920 (5 ore fa)
كويتي بحق ! الرجل الصالح لا ياذي احد طوال حياته لم يشكوا احد منه والرحمه تغلب قلبه هو الرجل القوي الذي لم يتغير مهما تغير الزمن واصبح قاسي وانما هو يفعل ما يرضي الله لكي يقابل الله بدون حساب كبير وينول رحمه من الله تدخله تحت ظل شجره بعيد عن نار تذوب الصخور والحديد
az99920 (@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
I swear to be faithful to the Republic, to observe, in good faith, the Constitution: (if, Rothschild IMF-NWO, let me) and the laws, and exercise: my duties, in the interests: exclusive, of the nation ", said Enrico Letta (Bildenberg) took the oath: as President of the Council: the new government. a formula of high: treason, of: monetary sovereignty, which, repeat all the ministers. perjury, against, the Constitution, and, against the sovereignty, of the peoples! but, his oath to Freemasonry ? comes first, because it is more important!
The night before the attack in the Boston Marathon, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev go around in taxis to the city, hiding explosives backpacks in the trunk. Three days later, with a stolen car and a lot of owner on board, they are ready to head to New York to blow up the bomb in Times Square, the heart of the city. [The mother: it was reported by the Russians, 26 April, 20:58] ANSA, Breach of Boston. Prisoner: in the car: of brothers Tsarnaev: Chechen Islamists: the Chinese kidnapped, he says, that is, the owner of: Suv, Thanks to him, the authorities quickly identified: and: intercepted the car, well before: that: could reach: New York, to make: a second attempt. @ Obama, your Islamists in Syria, mandates: from: your "LegaAraba" to avenge the terrorist killed: they kidnapped the bishops, and you are responsible for all this,)
كويتي بحق ! انصح كل شاب ان لا يعمل الشر للان الشر اقرب الي غضب الله حتي وان كان من اي ديانه اذهب الي الله نضيف لا يوجد اخطاء او معاصي للان رحمة الله كبيره علي الجميع حتي اللسان يكون نضيف انا حقيقه سببت لكن احاول جاهدا منع نفسي الاستفزازات .............والله غفور رحيم
az99920 (5 ore fa)
كويتي بحق ! الخير هو النور و النجاه والشر هو الغرق في الظلام ولا تري شيئ في الظلام غير الهلاك 100% حتي وان عشت سعيدا في الظلام هل انت تضمن الحياه الدائمه وعدم الذهاب للقبر الذي هو مكان للحساب والمسائله كل انسان سيسائل امام الله العادل الذي ياتي منه الخير حتي وان اصبت بمشاكل فهيه من شياطين الجن وتعاونهم مع شياطين الانس الجن يبقي الف سنه اما الانسان يذهب للتراب والي القبر الذي فيه الحساب
az99920 (10 ore fa)
كويتي بحق ! انا اتكلم ليعرف الكل الرسائل التي هي المعني في الحياه والظروف هي التي صنعتني للا بلغ الرساله الصادقه وهذه حكمة الله اني مررت بمشاق وان اكون ناصح لكل انسان يعرف معني الحب وان لا يلوث الكلمه والشعور العظيم بحق
az99920 (
كويتي بحق ! الصدق في الكلمه كانما ضهر نور الصبح النقي الذي يبعث في النفس الراحه والامن هو معني الشعور
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@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
Pakistan: Bomb vs candidate, 5 deaths. Bomb explodes during election meeting, 15 wounded. 7:39. April 28 Afghanistan, Taliban spring offensive. Announced use: infiltrators and kamikaze ': collective operations'. 6:34. April 28 Obama jokes, are no longer Muslim ... Ironically, - ANSWER - OF COURSE, you're not a Muslim, in fact, all Muslims are good people! you're an Islamist, who is doing the worldwide caliphate: for the "Arab League" with the ethnic cleansing of all Christians, and, all the Scythians, to do disintegrate: Israel, during: imminent World War III .. here's why: the Chechens have kidnapped the Bishops, to avenge lattentato of Boston, the bishops who had paid already, for: their priests, who had been, already, had their throats cut, so, it is right now: for your "Arab League" to slaughter: also: Bishops too, and then, to seek money: also for them ..
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
I swear to be faithful to the Republic, to observe, in good faith, the Constitution: (if, Rothschild IMF-NWO, let me) and the laws, and exercise: my duties, in the interests: exclusive, of the nation ", said Enrico Letta (Bildenberg) took the oath: as President of the Council: the new government. a formula of high: treason, of: monetary sovereignty, which, repeat all the ministers. perjury, against, the Constitution, and, against the sovereignty, of the peoples! but, his oath to Freemasonry ? comes first, because it is more important!
The night before the attack in the Boston Marathon, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev go around in taxis to the city, hiding explosives backpacks in the trunk. Three days later, with a stolen car and a lot of owner on board, they are ready to head to New York to blow up the bomb in Times Square, the heart of the city. [The mother: it was reported by the Russians, 26 April, 20:58] ANSA, Breach of Boston. Prisoner: in the car: of brothers Tsarnaev: Chechen Islamists: the Chinese kidnapped, he says, that is, the owner of: Suv, Thanks to him, the authorities quickly identified: and: intercepted the car, well before: that: could reach: New York, to make: a second attempt. @ Obama, your Islamists in Syria, mandates: from: your "LegaAraba" to avenge the terrorist killed: they kidnapped the bishops, and you are responsible for all this,
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WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 secondo fa)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (3 secondi fa)
horror Muhammad in the Hell [I am indestructible invincible: Lethal]
@ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - in a nutshell: this is: the: will of God: all parts of society: and: all religions must all be: together to do work of: team : as: in-one: one: canoe: and: all they have to push: row: in one: harmonious: sync: and: arganizzata of fatigue: the team: for: delivering the: victory against: the: of the satanism: International Monetary Fund : New World Order, and: the: Freemasonry's cursed! but: if a: rowing machine: tea: his oar in the head: a: other: rowing machine: then will the Jews: Satanists: Illuminati: i: the: Kakam racist rabbis: i: the: of the cannibals: blood of Christians: to: win: and to: do: of: all the: human race: to: only one flock of: animals enslaved: and: microcippati. or very chip: here is why: if: the Jews will want to become Christians? I will personally beat you! I will plead:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (53 secondi fa)
"I beseech you, NOT: add: also: yourself, the long line of Christian hypocrites!" if: we can consider the: history of the: faith, we can deduce: that: only: Enock: Melkisedech, Elijah, Jesus and: unius REI: NOT: have never been wrong: in the: their ministry .. and: if: consider .. for: some (St. Paul, of course): the: Marit as a: privilege .. However: we must consider: the: Martyrdom of: other: i: as: to: reason: of the: their attitude: racist: for: the: limit: intrinsic of: one: all-encompassing religious vision: when conceptually uncompromising: ( of the: type: "YOU not of: we? YOU go to hell", etc. ..) ie: religious intolerance: see:.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 minuto fa)
(The: martyrdom of: St. James the Apostle) .. that: to: of the reason: his racism: deriving from the rabbinic vision: was: is this: the: cause: for: the: loss: of the: his invulnerability! because: tea: full power of God: is: lost: when you lose: the universal love: for: to put in place: to: behavior: that: is: excluding: attitude in place: as a: bank: either one: limitation: Against: qualche: his the precious creatures made by God: so: gains no: to have: some subject: limiting form: for: one: some bullshit: religious ideological or racial! but: in the: Movie: you can see: to: Christian priest: that: is: at his side: as a: faithful son: however:
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (1 minuto fa)
PADOSSALMENTE: him (Gandhi) away this: young English clergyman: CHRISTIAN: that: was: with him: since the time: of the South Africa .. why, evidently: him: has: founded: the: identity of India on the basis of the 'religion denominational Hindu. ie: the same tragic mistake: the confessional: that: he is making: the State of Israel: that: in this: so, it is h: made contemptible, as: all the: Muslim countries: in front: the holy Eyes: of God: YHWH: and: in front: the glory of the: my universal royalty! but: Been is: this: Error: tragic: that: has: did fail: all the: HIS: efforts of: ennobling: "untouchables: Pariah": and: that: has: made him: the: accomplice of: all the: Christian martyrs: that: were: barbarously murdered: in Orissa: etc.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (2 minuti fa)
.. here is why: Gandhi is: still in Purgatory, Sheol! and also him: waiting for: the: mercy: of: this: my ministry: for: to enter Paradise! Here is why: him: has: lost: the: divine protection: ie: tea: his invulnerability: and is: in this: so: that: a: a terrorist has: been able to kill him! guys: I am sure: that: that that: the Holy Spirit has: order: to: me: of: to say: you? this: will bless you a lot .. and: irrobustirà: powerfully: the: your faith: and: the: your joy: and: the: your pride: of: being Jewish: of the: Jewish religion also why: without a shadow of: ambiguity: you will understand: really: the: power of the: charisma: that God has: donated to: me to: advantage of: all the: world, ie: the: my charisma universal: of: unius Rei!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul (2 minuti fa)
I'm doing, see the: film of the: Life of Gandhi: my students: is: him: is: certainly: martyr: to: saint: the: of the real father: Indian country! Indeed: as: St. Francis of Assisi: him: has: literally lived in: the: Gospel (even if: him: has: had to find the vile Christians): 1. the love: thy neighbor as: yourself (NOT: the: of the racism: the Talmud): and: 2. turn the other cheek (ie: the: of the force: NOT: violence): they are attitudes that: NOT: are: always been lived: by Gandhi without hypocrisy! For I am perfect here is why: I am indestructible invincible lethal! I am the weapon more: frightening: that: never there could have been: for: the: and the glory: the: power: love: of the: and Justice: of the: truth: When are the same level: of the: METAPHYSICS? are invincible!
@ صندوق النقد الدولي الفريسي روتشيلد، لقتل إسرائيل: مع، الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم: جامعة الدول العربية: السلفيين، وأنا حصلت على فكرة جيدة، لأنه: لا تقتل، أنا أيضا، مثل: قتلتم: الرئيس جون كينيدي، عندما فعل: مدير تنفيذي النظام 11110، والتي تفوض إلى أمين الخزينة: لطباعة المال: بالنيابة عن الشعب الأمريكي، دون إعطاء: التكلفة، لك: نحو، 270٪ من المال لدينا (مع ثلاثة الحيل: كما، وقال: عالم: جياسينتو Auriti)؟ له، أنه كان رئيس ريال مدريد، بالنسبة للشعب الأمريكي، وليس كما هو خائن أوباما الإسلامية
NEW YORK -'' أنا لم يعد: ومسلم، الاشتراكية: أن: كنت قبل ...''. الرئيس الأمريكي باراك أوباما يسخر، وهو يبتسم والذاتي الاستنكار .. - جواب - @ خائن أوباما، الاسلامية، كذاب، قاتلة! التطهير العرقي للمسيحيين والشيعة والكهنة والشمامسة، والأساقفة القتلى: بدم بارد، مع الخداع والابتزاز واختطاف، مثل الحيوانات، اغتصاب الفتيات، "ذبح"، طلب فدية، كل ما تبذلونه من حثالة: الإرهابيين: السلفيين، "الإخوة مسلم" لنشر الشريعة الخاص بك "الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم"، التي هي، اليوم، في سوريا، والتي انتشرت للتو: في جميع أنحاء البحر الأبيض المتوسط، وما إلى ذلك .. ؟ هي: بريدك: CIA والخاص: الجامعة العربية: الذي يفعل كل هذه الجرائم! والخاص، ووسائل الإعلام اليهودية: احتكار كل من: منتجع صحي، والشركات، من أجل: العمل: صندوق النقد الدولي، بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي، البنك المركزي الأوروبي، التلمود من جدول الأعمال: Bildenberg، نظام ماسوني: للرسوم سك العملات المصرفية، وهي تغطي: كل هذا، مع: أكاذيبهم: وبهم معلومات استغلالها. كان من الأفضل: بالنسبة لك، وأنك قد ولدت أبدا!
باكستان: قنبلة مرشح مقابل، 5 وفيات. انفجار قنبلة خلال اجتماع انتخابي، 15 جريحا. 07:39. 28 أبريل أفغانستان، طالبان هجوم الربيع. أعلنت الاستخدام: المتسللين والكاميكاز ': العمليات الجماعية ". 06:34. 28 أبريل النكات أوباما، لم تعد مسلم ... ومن المفارقات، - جواب - بطبيعة الحال، كنت لا مسلم، في الواقع، كل المسلمين هم أهل الخير! كنت إسلاميا، الذي يفعل الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم: ل "جامعة الدول العربية" مع التطهير العرقي لجميع المسيحيين، و، جميع السكيثيين، للقيام تتفكك: إسرائيل، خلال: شيك الحرب العالمية الثالثة .. هنا لماذا: لقد خطف الشيشانيين الأساقفة، للانتقام lattentato من بوسطن، الأساقفة الذين دفعوا بالفعل، ل: كهنتهم، الذين كانوا، بالفعل، قد قطع رقابهم، لذلك، هو عليه الآن: لديك " جامعة الدول العربية "لذبح: أيضا: الأساقفة أيضا، ومن ثم، من أجل السعي المال: أيضا بالنسبة لهم ..
2013/02/12 [سوريا - الفاتيكان]. بعد استيلاء المتمردين مسلم اثنين من الكهنة في حلب، وهناك مخاوف من: ل: حياتهم. كاهن الأرمن الكاثوليك، الأب مايكل، ورجال الدين الأرثوذكس اختطفوا: يوم الأحد الماضي في المسيحية في حلب: حي. مصادر تتحدث: لاسيا نيوز: حول: جرائم القتل الوحشية: نفذت: بلدي المتطرفين الإسلاميين. ان سيارة ملغومة: ينفجر: في التركية السورية: عبور الحدود: من Cilvegozu. [بعد أن ذبح: الذبح: الكهنة، طالبوا: فدية: لأساقفتهم] 2013/4/26. [منذ الجامعة العربية تقوم بعمل التطهير العرقي للشيعة ومسيحيين والاغتصاب، والقتل، في كل مكان، فازت إقليم، بعد ذلك، الشيشان: أنها انتقم، قتلت الارهابي في بوسطن (كما قالت تركيا)] أي علامة من الأساقفة الأرثوذكس 'الإفراج، والخوف من الابتزاز السياسي تنمو. 322 كيري وبوش وأوباما 666 روتشيلد، وجدت السارين، في مختبرات جامعة الدول العربية، أن، الخاص: تنظيم القاعدة قد أدى، في سورية .. أفضل لك: كان يمكن أن يكون، إذا كنت لم يولد أي وقت مضى!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ها pubblicato الأمم المتحدة commento 45 minuti اتحاد كرة القدم أن لا تجعل قناة يست جديدة حتى الآن؟ ! - جواب - تلك التي لدي (حوالي 50 قناة) هي المفرطة، وبالنسبة لي، كان من الأفضل قناة واحدة فقط: بالنسبة لي ولكن، كما يمكنك القول أن "الشيطان حفظ"، وبعد ذلك، كنت إخفاء نفسك، وكأنه جبان، وراء الصورة، القديس بارتولو لونغو، الذين، وقال انه عندما كان عمرك، وكان كاهن الفودو الشيطان ... مثلك؟
[تحرير [سوريا اثنين من الأساقفة الأرثوذكس. - منذ 4 أيام]] .. ولكن، لديك لحفر: مع العناد العظيم: للعثور على هذا الخبر، "مخفي" في وسائل الإعلام اليهودية العالمية: Bildenberg من نظام ماسوني من رسوم سك العملات البنك. [[سوريا خطفوا الاساقفه؛ أيضا: أثينا: لا: تحرير تأكيد. - منذ 3 أيام: أبرشية حلب، لا يوجد اتصال مع اثنين من المطارنة الأرثوذكس]]، قال كيري:'' لقد تحدثت هذا الصباح: من هنا مع نتنياهو، وقال لي أنه لم يكن في موقف: لتأكيد . هذا هو عمليتهم: E: يعتمد عليهم: مثل: ومتى: أنها تريد أن تفعل، وأنها ليست: لي: جعل الإعلانات. لذلك: أنا لا أعرف''! ربما يعني (ولكن، اللعنة هذا يعني، هذا الكلام؟؟): إذا كنت تريد لغزو سوريا، مع افتراء، مثل، كنت قد غزت العراق بالفعل، مع، افتراء آخر، ثم، القيام بذلك، ولكن، أنت لا تنكسر، الديك: بالنسبة لي!
@ بنيامين نتنياهو --- ضربة بأسلحة نووية، نفس اليوم، وجميع الدول الإسلامية 50، هو الفرصة الوحيدة لديك أن تكون قادرة على انقاذ اسرائيل
@ بنيامين نتنياهو --- ولكن هذه هي الحقيقة: هناك ما هو أكثر: قوة الغرب، ولكن، هناك مخطط: اللوبيات اليهودية والقوى غامض الماسونية: صندوق النقد الدولي FED 666، والنظام: المستبدة الشيطانية السلطات، وصندوق النقد الدولي، Bildenberg، وجميع اتجاهها مخفي (أعلى العلوم، الهندسة، الاجتماعية و، جميع الاحتكارات سبا، كل في يد: من Rothschid فقط)، وبهذه الطريقة، وسوف: مرة أخرى، إلقاء اللوم على المسيحيين، ل: الإبادة: المحرقة وشيكة: ضد، إسرائيل، خلال، الحرب العالمية الثالثة، المحرقة الجديدة، على النحو التالي: مرة واحدة، فعلوا: بعد، الحرب العالمية الثانية. رأينا أن: مع الثورة الفرنسية، وليس أكثر موجودة، وهي سياسة: أنه يمكن أن يكون تحت سيطرة المسيحيين في الغرب! هذا هو السبب الفريسيين والسلفيين: يجب أن يحكم عليهم بالإعدام! بسبب، وجود حوار معهم مستحيل
[الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، مثل: استراتيجية الحرب العدوانية] هو الخوف من الإسلام تماما: تصفيف، منذ: أن: الإسلاميين لدينا الإسلامية، متواطئ، فإنها الاستغراق في النوم: لل، الجرائم: التي، من الدول الإسلامية: الالتزام: كل شيء، والشرق الأوسط، ضد، والمسيحيين، وهذا هو السبب، وسوف يكون هناك صحوة مؤلمة بالضرورة، مفاجئة ودراماتيكية. هذا طبقتنا الحاكمة، والتي، مثل، تتصالح مع الإرهابيين، دون التعامل مع: مشكلة الاتساق: أ الخسيس ومتواطئة جنائيا: مفهوم كاذبة: من: "السلام"، في حين أن: العديد والعديد من الشهداء المسيحيين الأبرياء أيضا، البحث عن السلام في تلك المقبرة. في الواقع، لقد كان المسيحيون في الأراضي الفلسطينية (أدناه، ياسر عرفات)، على الفرار بأعداد كبيرة، في حين أن المسيحيين المتبقية، لأنها كانت ستضطر كما الذميين، والعبيد، والموضوعات، قدمت أيضا، لهم، للشريعة الإسلامية. لماذا إذن، لا تزال أوروبا ليكون عدو إسرائيل، ومتواطئ من النازية، والفلسطينيين، وجميع البلدان أسلمة الآن من قبل جامعة الدول العربية؟
[الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، الإسلام، مثل: استراتيجية الحرب العدوانية، والغرب: أكثر وأكثر إجراما]، مدفوعا غير هدى من قبل اللوبي اليهودي المصرفية: المتنورين: صندوق النقد الدولي وNWO، الفريسيون، والمصرفيين الدوليين الذين اقسموا الكراهية، الأبدية: ضد : المسيحية، ودفع أنفسهم، إلى حد كبير، شاملة: من الحضارة: اليهودية - المسيحية، لأنها أصبحت: الأعداء الحقيقيين، من أجل بقاء اسرائيل. هذا الغرب: الماسونية والشيطانية، غامض القوى Bildenberg أن: إنكار قيمهم الخاصة، و: يخون هويته الخاصة، من: التخلي عن أوروبا إلى النسيان والجنائية بحيث تكون: تصبح والصم ... ونفسها: بطل الرواية متعطش للدماء، متواطئ: من كل انتهاك: الحرية الدينية، سواء خارج حدودها، سواء داخل: حدودها، لأنه إذا كان صحيحا، أن: المسلمين هم إخواننا، ولكن، صحيح أيضا أنه،
[الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، من: أوباما] ليس من الصعب العثور على أدلة على ذلك: مأساة إنسانية كارثية، منها: التلمود صندوق النقد الدولي: البنك المركزي الأوروبي FED، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية CIA أمم المتحدة وحلف شمال الأطلسي، هي متواطئة. من هذه الهمجية: المدنية والدينية والثقافية، التي أغرقت: العالم: العربي مسلم، في فريسة للتعصب أيديولوجي: المتطرفون الإسلاميون: والتعصب الديني: الديكتاتوريات في السلطة. [المسؤولية أوروبا: الآن الرهائن من المتنورين Bildenber: انها ضخمة] في مواجهة استمرار الاضطهاد وتابع: الإهانات اليومية، أن جميع المسيحيين في ظل الأنظمة الإسلامية، وفي كل شيء: الشرق الأوسط، فإنهم يضطرون إلى العيش ويعانون، وذلك لأن: أوروبا المريض، من هذا: النسبية أعمى: مع، فكرة جيدة من التعددية الثقافية، التي، مع ذلك، لا يمكن أن تتحقق: بدون: مفهوم المعاملة بالمثل
[أوباما وخططه الانقراض، من المسيحيين، والشيعة، في منطقة الشرق الأوسط] من قبل، من الفتح العربي: والإسلام في القرن السابع الميلادي، ان المسيحيين يشكلون 95٪ من السكان، من البحر الأبيض المتوسط: جنوب وشرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط. ولكن، اليوم، مع أقل، من، 12. مليون، وانخفضت بشكل حاد إلى أقل من 6٪، وبطبيعة الحال، في عام 2020، لن يكون هناك المزيد من المسيحيين في الشرق الأوسط! من الحرب العالمية الأولى: وقد اضطر 10 ملايين المسيحيين إلى الهجرة. هذا هو دليل على الشيطانية، و: الهمجية الإجرامية، dell'imbarbarimento، ليس فقط، في جامعة الدول العربية، ولكن، قبل كل شيء، المتواطئين معه، والماسونيين، والفريسيين، المتنورين، Bildenberg، غامض السلطة، والتي، مع الصمت انقلاب: استولى على السلطة: في كل الديمقراطيات الزائفة الماسونية: من رسوم سك العملات المصرفية.
1. [يتعرض للاضطهاد الكنيسة (الشهداء المسيحيين) في الشرق الأوسط: إلى: قيام الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم] 2. [يتعرض للاضطهاد الكنيسة (الشهداء المسيحيين)، في جميع أنحاء العالم لذلك: التلمود من الفريسيين: في النظام الماسوني: لرسوم سك العملات المصرفية: لاستعباد كل الشعوب، وتدمير إسرائيل] (3). [الكنيسة (الشهداء المسيحيين) يتعرض للاضطهاد من قبل جميع الأديان، والشيوعية. ] نحن نشهد خوفا ذلك، إلى الاضطهاد والنزوح الجماعي للمسيحيين من الشرق الأوسط، والتي هي المواطنين الحقيقية في المنطقة، بسبب تصور: أن: كان satanizzata: نحو، والإسلام: في جامعة الدول العربية، وله : CIA، كل النازيين، النازيين الإسلاميين، غير متسامح للغاية، و، تفشل في احترام كرامة وحقوق الإنسان. وفقا لذلك، فإنها تخفي الأسباب الحقيقية لماذا يضطر الإسرائيليون أن تكون كذلك "الصعبة" ضد الفلسطينيين.
أقسم أن أكون مخلصا للجمهورية، للاحتفال، وبحسن نية، من الدستور: (إذا، روتشيلد صندوق النقد الدولي وNWO، اسمحوا لي) والقوانين، وممارسة التمارين الرياضية: واجباتي، في مصالح: الحصري، للأمة "، وقال انريكو ليتا (Bildenberg) اليمين الدستورية: رئيسا للمجلس: الحكومة الجديدة صيغة عالية: الخيانة، من: السيادة النقدية، والتي، وأكرر كل شيء وزراء شهادة الزور، ضد، والدستور، و،. ضد سيادة والشعوب! لكن، قسمه إلى الماسونية؟ يأتي في المقام الأول، لأنه هو أكثر أهمية!
في الليلة التي سبقت الهجوم الذي وقع في ماراثون بوسطن، تيمورلنك وجوهر Tsarnaev يرحل في سيارات الأجرة إلى المدينة، يختبئ المتفجرات الظهر في الجذع. بعد ثلاثة أيام، مع سيارة مسروقة والكثير من مالك على متن الطائرة، انهم على استعداد للتوجه الى نيويورك لتفجير قنبلة في تايمز سكوير، في قلب المدينة. [الأم: أفيد من قبل الروس، 26 أبريل، 20:58] أنسا مساس بوسطن. سجين في السيارة: من الإخوة Tsarnaev: الإسلاميون الشيشانية: إن الصينيين المختطفين، كما يقول، وهذا هو، مالك: سيارات الدفع الرباعي، شكرا له، وحددت السلطات بسرعة: واعترضت سيارة، وأيضا قبل: أن: يمكن أن تصل جديد نيويورك، وجعل محاولة ثانية. قتل من هاتفك "LegaAraba" للانتقام الإرهابي: @ أوباما، الإسلاميين الخاص في سوريا، ولانها خطفت الأساقفة، وأنت المسؤول عن كل هذا،
كويتي بحق ! الخير هو جوهره ونورها الحب عندما ينشر ستكون الحياه جميله وسنعيش بسعاده حقيقيه حياه مليئ بصدق الكلمه وصدق الشعور هل يكره الصدق امر عجيب ان تلوث معاني جميله تجعل الروح في سعاده حقيقي انا مستغرب لذلك !!!!!!!!!!!!
كويتي بحق ! ولا يعلنون خروجهم عن المله بل ينتقمون من مجتمعهم ويهدمون به بكل خبث ونفاق ...............................الله المستعان
كويتي بحق ! في مثل قديم الشخص الذي لا يحب المشاكل يمشي تحت ظل الحائط انا حاولت امشي تحت ظل حائط اتضح انه ليس حائط بل بشر حتي الظل لم يجعلوه راحه وانما مسيرة عذاب والم وقلق من المستقبل
كويتي بحق ! العراقين خطر حقيقي ولا ننسي الغزوا العراقي علي الكويت وتدمير كل شيئ جميل في وطننا وقتل شباب الكويت وتدمير جميع القطعات الكويتيه وحرق الابار النفطيه التي هي مورد للاجيال الكويت وتلويث الهواء وتلويث البحر وبسكب اطنان من النفط هذه حقيقه عاشها كل كويتي بحق وتجرع مرارتها يجب الحذر لان النسيان هو مطلب العدوا وهو الي هذه اللحظات مستمر بتدمير الداخلي للوطن عن طريق اتلاف نسيج ونشر ضعف الانتماء للوطن لان كل كويتي بحق يعمل
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