tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI!
Moshe Cohen [3 months ago] You are a Messianic Jew? Why? /// [ YOUR, is
EVERYTHING, against Jews and Christians, because you have desecrated
the Bible, through the Talmud ] I LIKE TOO MUCH WHY THE JEWS ARE
PRACTICAL rational, materialistic, and it is thanks to this their mental
structure: utilitarian and rational, that Jews have forced even God
JHWH holy, to become man in Jesus of Bethlehem: into House of David:
therefore God has been forced on the cross to show his infinite love for
US, THAT IS WHY, WE ARE ALL SELFISH! and in any case, Jews forced, even
God JHWH holy, to manifest yourself, among men from Abraham to Moses, to
came, ALL BY me: lorenzoJHWH: WHY, I represent THEIR INTEREST, their
future, the unique THEIR chance to collect the 12 tribes of Israel,
under the wings blessed, grace, and protection: of their God YHWH, in MY
Jewish Temple: once again, for the last time, BEFORE of tHE END .. BUT,
yOU RABBIS PHARISEES, you said in the Talmud, that ALL non-Jews, their
soul was created by the devil (tHEREFORE iT iS tHE dEMON tHAT HAS
CREATED ALL aNIMALS, and also: all (goy animals from the human form),
WHEREAS, in fact, GOD CREATED oNLY tHE JEWS, but, only those who have
not lost their paternal genealogy .. so, in this mode, you have gave to
devil, the creative power, but, which everyone knows, as creative power
can be only, of JHWH God's Only: is his only the creative power! HOW,
YOUR THEOLOGY, IS OVER THE SHIT? that's why, you did the Holy YHWH: be
the devil! .. And, this is right, for your hypocrisy, perversion,
concealment, racism, hatred, blasphemy, murder, monopoly wear, Spa
Central Banks, Bildenberg regime, AIPAC Masonic system, SPA HOLLYWOOD
HALLOWEEN GENDER DARWIN AGENDA, Chemtrails Monsanto, and GMOs agenda 666
NWO, and heavy metals in vaccines, to harm future generations of goyim,
and exterminate them all (all Satanism, that you have taught your
brothers Saudi Salafi Shari'a), then in your hatred, now you will die,
too, all Israelis, as well as have killed all the Jews of Europe, too!
massacre 5 billion PEOPLE, it's possible, AS SOON! by UNIUS REI from https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
Moshe Cohen [3 meses atrás] Usted es un Judio Mesiánico? ¿Por qué? ///
[TU, es todo, contra los Judios y los cristianos, ya que han profanado
la Biblia, a través del Talmud] me gusta demasiado ¿POR LOS JUDIOS son
prácticos racional y materialista, y es gracias a este su estructura
mental: utilitario y racional, que los Judios han obligado incluso a
Dios JHWH santo, para hacerse hombre en Jesús de Belén: dentro de la
Casa de David, por lo tanto, Dios ha visto obligado en la cruz para
mostrar su infinito amor por nosotros! Un amor tan grande para nosotros,
por amor infinito, TODO dado a nosotros LA SANTA CRUZ, QUE ES UN
ESCÁNDALO, eso, no se puede creer, Y, aceptado por los Estados Unidos,
por eso, todos somos egoístas! y, en cualquier caso, Judios forzados,
incluso a Dios JHWH santo, para manifestarse a sí mismo, entre los
hombres desde Abraham hasta Moisés, a todos los Profetas. SO: en su
sentido material práctico, TODOS LOS JUDIOS VOLUNTAD vino, todos por mí:
lorenzoJHWH: ¿Por qué, represento su interés, su futuro, la única SU
oportunidad de recoger las 12 tribus de Israel, bajo las alas benditas,
la gracia y la protección : YHWH de su Dios, en mi templo judío: una vez
más, por última vez, antes del fin .. Pero, ya RABINOS fariseos,
dijeron en el Talmud, que todos los no-Judios, su alma fue creada por el
diablo (por lo tanto es el demonio que ha creado todos los animales, y
también: todos los animales (goy de la forma humana), mientras que, de
hecho, Dios creó sólo los JUDIOS, pero sólo aquellos que no han perdido
su genealogía paterna .. por lo , en este modo, usted ha dado a diablo,
el poder creativo, pero que todo el mundo sabe, como el poder creativo
puede ser única, de la JHWH Dios Sólo: ¿es su único poder creador CÓMO,
sU tEOLOGÍA, es más de la MIERDA? por eso, que hizo el Santo YHWH: ser
el diablo .. Y, esto es correcto, para su hipocresía, la perversión, la
ocultación, el racismo, el odio, la blasfemia, el asesinato, el desgaste
de monopolio, Spa Bancos Centrales, el régimen Bildenberg, sistema de
Chemtrails Monsanto, y los OGM programa 666 NWO, y los metales pesados
en las vacunas, perjudicando a las generaciones futuras de los goyim, y
exterminan a todos ellos (todo el satanismo, que ha enseñado a sus
hermanos Arabia salafista Shari'a) , a continuación, en su odio, ahora
que va a morir, también, todos los israelíes, así como haber matado a
todos los Judios de Europa, también! O sea que usted ha escrito en el
Talmud es tan terrible, satánico, nazi, racista, del demonio que no
puede ser real creído, DE UNA MENTE HUMANA, ¿por qué siempre hacen
sacrificios humanos en Altair, de Satanás, ¿por qué te sacerdotes de
FED BCE, FMI, TODO MONOPOLY SPA, y guiado de la CIA y la OTAN: masacran
a 5 mil millones de personas, es posible, tan pronto! por Unius REI de https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
Moshe Cohen [3 Monate her] Du bist ein messianischer Jude? Warum? ///
[IHR ist alles, gegen Juden und Christen, weil sie die Bibel entweiht
haben, durch den Talmud] ich wie zu viel, warum die Juden PRAXIS
rational sind, materialistisch, und es ist dank dieser ihrer geistigen
Struktur: utilitaristischen und rational, haben die Juden sogar Gott
JHWH heilig gezwungen, Menschen in Jesus von Bethlehem zu werden: in
House of David: deshalb für uns hat Gott am Kreuz gezwungen, seine
unendliche Liebe zu zeigen! EINE LIEBE SO GROSS FÜR US, unendliche
Liebe, alles gegeben, uns die Heiligen Kreuzes, DASS EIN SKANDAL IST,
DASS NICHT GEGLAUBT werden und von uns akzeptiert, das ist, warum wir
alle egoistisch! und in jedem Fall die Juden gezwungen, selbst Gott JHWH
heilig, sich zu manifestieren, unter den Menschen von Abraham bis
Moses, an alle Propheten. SO: in ihrer praktischen materiellen Sinn,
ALLE Juden kam, die alle von mir: lorenzoJHWH: WARUM ich ihr Interesse
darstellen, ihre Zukunft, die einzigartige ihre Chance, die 12 Stämme
Israels zu sammeln, unter den Flügeln gesegnet, Gnade und Schutz : in
meiner jüdischen Tempel ihres Gottes JHWH: noch einmal, zum letzten Mal,
bevor Sie das END .. aber Sie RABBINER PHARISÄER, sagten Sie im Talmud,
dass alle nicht-Juden, ihre Seele vom Teufel geschaffen wurde (daher
ist der Dämon, dass alle Tiere geschaffen hat, und auch: alle (goy Tiere
aus der menschlichen Form), während in der Tat schuf Gott nur die
Juden, sondern nur diejenigen, die ihre väterlichen Genealogie nicht
verloren .. so in diesem Modus haben Sie Teufel, die schöpferische Kraft
gab, aber, die jeder kennt, als kreative Kraft nur sein kann, von JHWH
Gottes nur: ist seine einzige die schöpferische Kraft HOW, Ihre
Theologie über die Scheiße ist? das ist, warum Sie der Heilige JHWH tat
der Teufel sein .. Und das ist richtig, für Ihre Heuchelei, Perversion,
Verschleierung, Rassismus, Hass, Gotteslästerung, Mord, Monopol
Verschleiß, Spa Zentralbanken, Bildenberg Regime, AIPAC freimaurerischen
Chemtrails Monsanto und GVO Agenda 666 NWO und Schwermetalle in
Impfstoffen, um künftige Generationen von Gojim schaden, und vernichten
sie alle (alle Satanismus, dass Sie Ihre Brüder Saudi Salafi Shari'a
gelehrt haben) , dann in Ihrem Hass, jetzt werden Sie auch alle Israelis
als auch getötet haben alle Juden Europas, zu sterben! DAS IST, DASS
SIE HABEN, geschrieben in Talmud IST SO Terrible, satanisch, NAZI,
rassistische, dämonisch, dass Real nicht glauben KÖNNEN, die von einem
menschlichen MIND, Warum bist du immer Menschenopfer auf altair MACHEN,
CIA und NATO: massakrieren 5 Milliarden Menschen ist es möglich, SO
SCHNELL! von unius REI von https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
Moshe Cohen [3 meses atrás] Você é um judeu messiânico? Por quê? ///
[SEU, é tudo, contra os judeus e os cristãos, porque você profanou a
Bíblia, através do Talmud] Eu gosto muito por que os judeus são práticos
racional, materialista, e é graças a esta sua estrutura mental:
utilitária e racional, que os judeus têm forçado até mesmo Deus JHWH
santo, para tornar-se homem em Jesus de Belém: em casa de David; por
isso Deus foi forçado na cruz para mostrar seu amor infinito por nós! Um
amor tão grandes para nós, amor infinito, ALL-nos dado o Santa Cruz,
QUE É um escândalo, isso, não se pode acreditar, E, aceite por nós, é
por isso, estamos todos egoísta! e em qualquer caso, os judeus forçados,
até mesmo Deus JHWH santo, para manifestar-se, entre os homens de
Abraão a Moisés, para todos os Profetas. SO: em seu sentido material
prático, todos os judeus vieram, todas por mim: lorenzoJHWH: Por que, eu
represento o seu interesse, o seu futuro, a única sua chance de coletar
as 12 tribos de Israel, sob as asas abençoado, graça e proteção : do
seu Deus YHWH, em meu templo judaico: mais uma vez, pela última vez,
antes do fim .. Mas, você RABINOS fariseus, disse no Talmud, que todos
os não-judeus, a sua alma foi criada pelo diabo (por isso, é o demônio
que tem criado todos os animais, e ainda: todos os animais (goy da forma
humana), enquanto que, na verdade, Deus criou só os judeus, mas,
somente aqueles que não perderam a sua genealogia paterna .. so , neste
modo, você deu ao diabo, o poder criativo, mas, o que todos sabem, como
poder criativo pode ser apenas, de JHWH God Only: é o seu único poder
criativo como, sua teologia, está sobre o MERDA? é por isso que, você
fez o Santo YHWH: ser o diabo .. E, isso é certo, para a sua hipocrisia,
perversão, ocultação, o racismo, o ódio, a blasfêmia, assassinato,
desgaste monopólio, Spa Bancos Centrais, regime Bildenberg, sistema de
Chemtrails Monsanto e OGM agenda 666 NWO, e metais pesados em vacinas,
para prejudicar as futuras gerações de goyim, e exterminá-los todos
(todos satanismo, que você ensinou seus irmãos Arábia Salafi Sharia) ,
então, em seu ódio, agora você vai morrer, também, todos os israelenses,
bem como ter matado todos os judeus da Europa, também! QUE é que você
tem ESCRITO NA Talmud é tão terrível, satânico, nazista, racista,
que você sempre fazer sacrifícios humanos em altair, de Satanás, POR
QUE É VOCÊ sacerdotes de SATANÁS, que as excursões, SPA DO BANCO
guiado CIA ea NATO: massacrar 5 bilhões de pessoas, é possível, tão
logo! por unius REI de https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
Moshe Cohen [il y a 3 mois] Vous êtes un Juif messianique? Pourquoi?
/// [VOTRE, est TOUT, contre les juifs et les chrétiens, parce que vous
avez profané la Bible, à travers le Talmud] I LIKE TROP POURQUOI LES
JUIFS SONT PRATIQUES rationnelle, matérialiste, et il est grâce à cette
leur structure mentale: utilitaire et rationnel, que les Juifs ont forcé
même Dieu JHWH saint, pour devenir l'homme en Jésus de Bethléem: dans
la Maison de David: pourquoi Dieu a été forcé sur la croix pour montrer
son amour infini pour nous! Un amour si grand POUR NOUS, L'AMOUR INFINI,
TOUS SELFISH! et en tout cas, les Juifs forcés, même Dieu JHWH saint,
pour vous manifester, parmi les hommes d'Abraham à Moïse, à tous les
prophètes. SO: dans leur sens matériel pratique, TOUS LES JUIFS WILL est
venu, ALL BY-moi: lorenzoJHWH: POURQUOI, je représente LEUR INTERET,
leur avenir, l'unique, leur chance de recueillir les 12 tribus d'Israël,
sous les ailes bénies, la grâce et la protection : de leur Dieu YHWH,
dans MON Temple juif: encore une fois, pour la dernière fois, AVANT dE
lA FIN .. Mais, vous rabbins pHARISIENS, vous avez dit dans le Talmud,
que tous les non-Juifs, leur âme a été créé par le diable (Par
conséquent, il est le démon qui a créé tous les animaux, et aussi: tous
(goy animaux de la forme humaine), ATTENDU, en fait, Dieu a créé
seulement les Juifs, mais, seuls ceux qui ont pas perdu leur généalogie
paternelle .. donc , dans ce mode, vous avez donné au diable, la
puissance créatrice, mais que tout le monde sait, comme puissance
créatrice ne peut être que, de ce JHWH Dieu seul: est sa seule la
puissance créatrice COMMENT VOTRE THÉOLOGIE, eST sUR lA MERDE? Voilà
pourquoi, vous avez fait le Saint YHWH: être le diable .. Et, cela est
juste, pour votre hypocrisie, de perversion, de la dissimulation, le
racisme, la haine, le blasphème, assassiner, l'usure de monopole, Spa
Central Banks, régime Bildenberg, système AIPAC maçonnique! , SPA
agenda 666 NWO, et de métaux lourds dans les vaccins, de nuire aux
générations futures de goyim, et exterminer tous (toutes satanisme, que
vous avez appris à vos frères Saudi Salafi Shari'a) , puis dans votre
haine, maintenant, vous allez mourir, aussi, tous les Israéliens, ainsi
que ont tué tous les Juifs d'Europe, aussi! QUE est que vous avez écrit
dans le Talmud est si terrible, SATANIC, NAZI, raciste, DEMONIC, QUI NE
PEUT ETRE VRAI CRU, à partir de l'esprit humain, POURQUOI ÊTES-VOUS
L'OTAN: à massacrer 5 milliards de personnes, il est possible, dès! par
UNIUS REI de https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
موشيه كوهين [3 أشهر منذ] أنت يهودي مسيحي يهودي؟ لماذا ا؟ /// [ك، هو كل
شيء، ضد اليهود والمسيحيين، لأنك تدنيس الكتاب المقدس، من خلال التلمود]
أنا أحب TOO MUCH لماذا هم اليهود العملية عقلانية، مادي، وذلك بفضل هذا
الهيكل العقلي: النفعية و عقلانية، واضطر أن اليهود حتى الله JHWH المقدس،
لتصبح رجل في يسوع من بيت لحم: الى بيت داود ولذلك فقد اضطرت الله على
الصليب لإظهار محبته اللامتناهية بالنسبة لنا! حب كبير جدا بالنسبة لنا،
الحب بلا حدود، وبالنظر إلى كل الى الولايات المتحدة الصليب المقدس، وهذا
هو فضيحة، وهذا، لا يمكن أن يعتقد، وقبلت من قبل الولايات المتحدة، ولهذا
السبب، نحن جميعا الأنانية! وعلى أي حال، أجبر اليهود، حتى الله JHWH
المقدسة، لإظهار نفسك، وبين الرجال من إبراهيم إلى موسى، لجميع الأنبياء.
SO: في شعورهم المواد العملية، وجاء كل اليهود WILL، قبل كل شيء لي:
lorenzoJHWH: لماذا، أنا أمثل مصلحتها أو مستقبلهم، فريدة من نوعها فرصة
لجمع 12 أسباط إسرائيل، تحت أجنحة المباركة، نعمة، وحماية : إلههم يهوه، في
المعبد اليهودي MY: مرة أخرى، للمرة الأخيرة، قبل نهاية .. ولكن،
لالحاخامات الفريسيين، قلت في التلمود، أن جميع غير اليهود، تم إنشاء
ارواحهم من الشيطان (ولذلك فمن الشيطان الذي خلق كل الحيوانات، وأيضا: الكل
(الحيوانات اليمنية من الشكل البشري)، في حين أنه في الواقع، لقد خلق الله
اليهود فقط، ولكن فقط أولئك الذين لم يفقدوا نسبهم الأب .. لذلك في هذا
الوضع، لقد أعطى الشيطان، والطاقة الإبداعية، ولكن الذي يعلم الجميع،
والطاقة الإبداعية يمكن أن يكون إلا من JHWH الله فقط: هو له إلا قوة خلاقة
كيف، اللاهوت الخاص بك، هو على القرف؟ لهذا السبب، يمكنك فعل يهوه الكريم:
يكون الشيطان .. وهذا هو الحق، والنفاق الخاص بك، تحريف، إخفاء،
والعنصرية، والكراهية والتكفير والقتل، وارتداء الاحتكار، سبا البنوك
المركزية، نظام Bildenberg، نظام ايباك الماسونية! م واس هوليوود هالوين
الجنسين داروين جدول الأعمال، Chemtrails مونسانتو، والكائنات المعدلة
وراثيا جدول 666 NWO، والمعادن الثقيلة في اللقاحات، إلى يضر الأجيال
القادمة من الأغيار، وإبادة كل منهم (عن عبادة الشيطان، وأنك قد علمت
إخوانكم السعودية السلفية الشريعة) ، ثم في الكراهية الخاص، والآن سوف
تموت، أيضا، جميع الإسرائيليين، فضلا عن أنه قتل جميع اليهود من أوروبا،
أيضا! هذا هو أن كنت قد كتبت في التلمود بشكل فظيع SO، الشيطانية، النازية،
عنصرية، الشيطانية، التي لا يعتقد ريال، من العقل البشري، لماذا أنت دائما
تقديم التضحيات البشرية على نسر، الشيطان، لماذا أنت كهنة الشيطان، بأن
تور م واس البنك الدولي، SPA الغش المصرفي رسوم سك العملات، FED البنك
المركزي الأوروبي وصندوق النقد الدولي، وجميع الاحتكار SPA، واسترشادا
وكالة المخابرات المركزية ومنظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي: لمذبحة 5000000000
الناس، فمن الممكن، AS SOON! بواسطة الخط الفاصل بتصفح من https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
差別主義者、ひどいされていることである、サタン、なぜあなたにの司祭ARE SATAN、TOURS、SPA WORLD
SPA、ガイド付きCIAとNATOこと:大虐殺50億人に、それが可能だ、とすぐに! UNIUS REIによってhttps://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussionから
משה כהן [3 חדשים צוריק] איר זענט אַ מעססיאַניק איד? וואָס? /// [דיין,
איז אַלץ, קעגן אידן און קריסטן, ווייַל איר האָבן דעסעקראַטעד די ביבל,
דורך די גמרא] איך ווי צו פיל וואָס די אידן זענען פּראַקטיש באַרדאַסדיק,
מאַטיריאַליסטיק, און עס איז דאַנק צו דעם זייער גייַסטיק סטרוקטור:
יוטילאַטעריאַן און באַרדאַסדיק, אַז אידן האָבן געצווונגען אַפֿילו גאָט
דזשהווה הייליק, צו ווערן מענטש אין יאָשקע פון בעטהלעהעם: אין הויז פֿון
דוד: דעריבער גאָט האט שוין געצווונגען אויף די קרייַז צו ווייַזן זייַן
Infinite ליבע פֿאַר אונדז! אַ ליבע אַזוי גרויס פֿאַר אונדז, Infinite
ליבע, אַלע געגעבן צו אונדז די רוח קרייַז, וואָס איז אַ סקאַנדאַל, וואָס,
קענען ניט זיין געגלויבט, און, אנגענומען דורך אונדז, וואָס איז וואָס,
מיר זענען אַלע עגאָיסטיש! און אין קיין פאַל, אידן געצווונגען, אַפֿילו
גאָט דזשהווה הייליק, צו באַשייַמפּערלעך זיך, צווישן מענטשן פון אברהם צו
משה, צו אַלע די נביאים. אַזוי: אין זייער זינען פּראַקטיש מאַטעריאַל,
אַלע אידן וועל געקומען, אַלע דורך מיר: לאָרענזאָדזשהווה: וואָס, איך
פאָרשטעלן זייער אינטערעס, זייער צוקונפֿט, דעם יינציק זייער געלעגנהייַט
צו קלייַבן די 12 שבטים פון ישראל, אונטער די פֿליגלען ברוך, חן, און שוץ :
פון זייער גאָט יהווה, אין מיין אידישע המקדש: אַמאָל ווידער, פֿאַר די
לעצטע מאָל, איידער פון די סוף .. אָבער, איר רבנים פאַריסעעס, איר האט
געזאגט אין דער גמרא, אַז אַלע גויים-יידן, זייער נשמה איז Created by דער
שטן (דעריבער עס איז די שעד וואס האט CREATED אַלע חיות, און אויך: אַלע
(גוי חיות פון די מענטשלעך פאָרעם), כוועראַז אין פאַקט, גאָט CREATED
בלויז די יידן, אָבער, נאָר יענע וואס האָבן נישט פאַרפאַלן זייער
פאָטערלעך ייחוס .. אַזוי , אין דעם מאָדע, איר האָבן געגעבן צו שטן, די
שעפעריש מאַכט, אָבער, וואָס אַלעמען ווייסט, ווי שעפעריש מאַכט קענען זיין
נאָר, פון דזשהווה גאָט 'ס בלויז: איז זיין בלויז די שעפעריש מאַכט! ווי,
דיין טיאַלאַדזשי, איז איבער דער SHIT? אַז ס וואָס, איר האט די רוח יהווה:
זייַן די שטן! .. און, דאָס איז רעכט, פֿאַר דיין צוויעס, פּערווערזשאַן,
קאַנסילמאַנט, רייסיזאַם, האַס, בלאַספעמי, מאָרד, מאָנאָפּאָל טראָגן,
ספּאַ סענטראַל באַנקס, בילדענבערג רעזשים, אַיפּאַק מאַסאָניק סיסטעם ,
ספּאַ האָלליוואָאָד האַללאָוועען דזשענדער DARWIN אַגענדאַ, טשעמטראַילס
מאָנסאַנטאָ, און גמאָס אַגענדאַ 666 NWO, און שווער מעטאַלס אין
וואַקסינז, צו שאַטן צוקונפֿט דורות פון גויים, און יקסטערמאַנייט זיי אַלע
(אַלע סאַטאַניסם, אַז איר האָבן געלערנט דיין ברידער סאַודי סאַלאַפי
שאַרי'אַ) , דעמאָלט אין דיין האַס, איצט איר וועט שטאַרבן, אויך, אַלע
יסראַעליס, ווי געזונט ווי האָבן געהרגעט אַלע די אידן פון אייראָפּע,
אויך! אַז איז וואָס איר האָט געשריבן אין גמרא איז אַזוי שרעקלעך,
סאַטאַניק, נאַצי, ראַסיסט, דימאַניק, אַז קענען ניט זיין געגלויבט עמעס, א
מענטש מיינונג, וואָס זענען איר שטענדיק מאַכן HUMAN קרבנות אויף אַלטער,
OF שׂטן, וואָס זענען איר כּהנים פֿון שׂטן, אַז טאָורס, ספּאַ וועלט
באַנק, ספּאַ סקאַם BANKING סעיגניאָראַגע, fed עקב, ימף, אַלע מאָנאָפּאָל
ספּאַ, און גיידיד סי.איי.עי. און נאַטאָ: צו שכיטע 5 ביליאָן מענטשן, עס ס
מעגלעך, ווי באַלד! דורך וניוס רעי פֿון https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
משה כהן [לפני 3 חודשים] אתה יהודי משיחי? למה? /// [שלך, הוא הכל, נגד
יהודים ונוצרים, כי אתה חללת את התנ"ך, דרך התלמוד] אני אוהב יותר מדי למה
היהודים הם מעשיים רציונלים, חומרני, וזה בזכות המבנה הנפשי שלהם זה:
תועלתניים יהודים רציונלי, כי אילצו אפילו אלוהים JHWH קדוש, כדי להיות אדם
בישוע של לחם: לתוך בית דוד: ולכן אלוהים שנכפה על הצלב כדי להראות את
האהבה האינסופית בשבילנו! אהבה כה גדולה בשבילנו, אהבה אינסופית, כולם נתנה
לנו את הצלב הקדוש, כלומר שערורייה, זה, לא להאמין, AND, מקובל עלינו, וזו
הסיבה שבעטיה, שכולנו אנוכי! ובכל מקרה, היהודים בכפייה, אפילו קדושים
אלוהים JHWH, להגשים את עצמך, בקרב גברים מאברהם למשה, לכל הנביאים. SO:
לפי החומר שלהם במובן המעשי, כל רצון היהודי בא, בכוחות עצמיים:
lorenzoJHWH: למה, אני לייצג את האינטרסים שלהם, העתיד שלהם, הסיכוי שלהם
הייחודי כדי לאסוף את 12 שבטי ישראל, תחת כנפי מבורך, חסד, והגנה : הויה
אלוהיהם, ב המקדש היהודי שלי: שוב, בפעם האחרונה, לפני הסוף .. אבל, אתה
הרבנים הפרושים, אמרת בתלמוד, כי נוצרה כל הלא-יהודים, הנשמה שלהם על ידי
השטן (ולכן הוא שד אשר יצר כל בעלי חיים, וגם: הכול (חיות הגוי מן הצורה
האנושית), הואיל למעשה, אלוהים ברא רק יהודים, אלא, רק אלה שלא אבדו
הגנאלוגיה האבהי שלהם .. כך , במצב זה, יש לך נתן השטן, הכוח היצירתי, אבל,
אשר כולם יודעים, כמו הכוח היצירתי יכול להיות רק, של רק של JHWH אלוהים:!
הוא הכוח היצירתי שלו רק איך, התיאולוגיה שלך, נגמר החרא? זו הסיבה, עשית
את יהוה הקודש: להיות השטן .. וכן, זה נכון, על הצביעות שלך, סטייה, הסתרה,
גזענות, שנאה, חילול שם, רצח, ללבוש מונופול, בנקים מרכזיים ספא, משטר
Bildenberg, מערכת בונים חופשי איפא"ק! , מגדר HALLOWEEN HOLLYWOOD SPA
דארווין סדר היום, Chemtrails מונסנטו, והאג'נדה הנדסה גנטית 666 NWO,
ומתכות כבדות בחיסונים, לפגוע בדורות הבאים של הגויים, וגם להשמיד את כולם
(כל כת השטן, כי אתה צריך ללמד אחיכם ערב הסלפית השריעה) אז, בשנאה שלך,
עכשיו אתה תמות, גם כל הישראלים, כמו גם הרגו את כל יהודי אירופה, מדי! זֶה
הוּא זֶה שכתבו בתלמוד שכל כך נורא, שטני, נאצי, גזעני, שטני, לא ניתן
אמין אמיתי, מן המוח אנושי, למה אתה תמיד עושה קורבנות אדם על אלטאיר, של
שטן, למה אתה כהנים השטן, כי TOURS, SPA הבנק העולמי, SPA הונאת הבנקאות
seigniorage, FED ECB, קרן המטבע הבינלאומית, ALL MONOPOLY SPA, והנחה CIA
ונאט"ו: לטבוח 5 מיליארד בני אדם, זה אפשרי, ברגע! על ידי unius REI מ https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
Moshe Cohen [3 mesi fa] Sei un messianico Ebreo? Perché? /// [TUO tutto
contro ebrei e cristiani perché avete profanato la Bibbia attraverso il
Talmud] mi piace troppo perché gli ebrei sono pratici razionale,
materialista, ed è grazie a questa loro struttura mentale:
utilitaristici e razionali, che gli ebrei hanno costretto anche Dio JHWH
santa, per diventare l'uomo in Gesù di Betlemme: in casa di Davide:
dunque Dio è stato costretto sulla croce per dimostrare il suo amore
infinito per noi! Un amore così grande PER NOI, amore infinito, TUTTI
dato a noi della Santa Croce, CHE è uno scandalo, questo, non può essere
creduto, E, accettato da noi, è per questo, siamo tutti egoista! e in
ogni caso, gli ebrei costretti, anche Dio JHWH santa, di manifestare se
stessi, tra gli uomini da Abramo a Mosè, a tutti i Profeti. SO: nel loro
senso MATERIALE PRATICO, TUTTI ebrei è venuto, tutto da me:
lorenzojhwh: perché, io rappresento il loro interesse il loro futuro,
l'unica loro possibilità di raccogliere le 12 tribù di Israele, sotto le
ali benedette, la grazia, e la protezione : del loro Dio YHWH, nel mio
tempio ebraico: ancora una volta, per l'ultima volta, prima della fine
.. Ma, rabbini farisei, ha detto nel Talmud, che tutti i non ebrei, la
loro anima è stato creato dal diavolo (quindi è il demone che ha creato
tutti gli animali, e anche: tutti gli animali (Goy dalla forma umana),
mentre, in realtà, Dio ha creato solo gli ebrei, ma, solo coloro che non
hanno perso la loro genealogia paterna .. così , in questo modo, si è
dato al diavolo, il potere creativo, ma che tutti conoscono, come il
potere creativo non può che essere, di di JHWH Dio solo: è il suo unico
potere creativo cOME, lA TEOLOGIA, è sopra la mERDA? è per questo che,
hai fatto il Santo YHWH: essere il diavolo .. E, questo è giusto, per la
vostra ipocrisia, perversione, l'occultamento, il razzismo, l'odio, la
bestemmia, l'omicidio, l'usura monopolio, Spa banche centrali, regime
Bildenberg, sistema AIPAC massonico! , SPA HOLLYWOOD dI HALLOWEEN dI
GENERE DARWIN AGENDA, scie chimiche Monsanto, e gli OGM agenda 666 NWO, e
metalli pesanti nei vaccini, per danneggiare le generazioni future di
goyim, e sterminare tutti (tutto il satanismo, che hai insegnato i tuoi
fratelli Arabia salafita Shari'a) , poi nel tuo odio, ora si muore,
anche, tutti gli israeliani, così come hanno ucciso tutti gli ebrei
d'Europa, troppo! Cioè che hai scritto IN Talmud è così terribile,
SATANICO, nazista, razzista, DEMONIC, CHE NON può essere creduto reale,
dalla mente d'uomo, perché sei sempre fare sacrifici umani su Altair, di
Satana, perché sei sacerdoti di SATANA, che i tour, SPA BANCA MONDIALE,
guidato CIA e la NATO: a massacrare 5 miliardi di persone, è possibile,
non appena! da UNIUS REI da https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
Pakistan: kamikaze fa strage di cristiani a Lahore, 72 morti, maggior
parte donne e bambini 28 marzo 2016 ] con la sharia nazista: senza
libertà di religione, e gli schiavi dhimmi D'alema Mogherini Boldrini? i
mandanti IDEOLOGICI, di ogni strage ISLAMICA SHARIA, sono sempre i
COMPLICI! [ Le autorità hanno indetto tre giorni di lutto. Il Papa:
"Strage orribile". Talebani Jamatul Ahrar rivendicano l'attentato. E'
salito a 72 il numero delle vittime e a 320 quello dei feriti causati
dall'azione di un kamikaze ieri pomeriggio in un parco di Lahore, nel
Pakistan centrale, dove si erano raccolte molte persone di religione
cristiana per celebrare all'aperto e in famiglia la festività pasquale.
Confermando il bilancio, un responsabile del governo della provincia del
Punjab a detto alla tv Express News che "le operazioni di soccorso sono
ancora in pieno svolgimento". Fra le vittime una trentina sono bambini,
che nel momento dello scoppio utilizzavano i giochi e le attrezzature
sportive del Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park. Le autorità hanno indetto tre giorni
di lutto, mentre si cerca di risalire ai responsabili del movimento
Jamat ul Ahrar che ha rivendicato l'attentato. La polizia pachistana ha
arrestato nelle ultime ore 15 persone. Lo riferisce oggi Geo Tv. Fra gli
arrestati, si è appreso, vi sono anche tre fratelli del giovane
kamikaze che si è fatto esplodere fra le famiglie che trascorrevano la
Pasqua nel Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park della città. L'attentatore suicida è
stato identificato come Yousuf, 28 anni, figlio di Ghulam Farid e
residente nel distretto di Muzzafargarh. S.Sede: Papa prega, strage
orribile - "La strage orribile di decine di innocenti nel parco di
Lahore getta un'ombra di tristezza e di angoscia sulla festa di Pasqua.
Ancora una volta l'odio omicida infierisce vilmente sulle persone più
indifese". Lo dichiara padre Federico Lombardi, sull'attentato in
Pakistan. "Insieme al Papa - che è stato informato - preghiamo per le
vittime, siamo vicini ai feriti, alle famiglie colpite, al loro immenso
dolore, ai membri delle minoranze cristiane ancora una volta colpite
dalla violenza fanatica, all'intero popolo pachistano ferito". Strage
cristiani a Lahore - Oltre 70 persone, in stragrande maggioranza donne e
bambini della minoranza cristiana, sono state uccise in serata in un
attacco suicida in un parco pubblico di Lahore, nel Pakistan centrale,
gremito di famiglie che celebravano la Pasqua. L'esplosione, di forte
entità, è avvenuta vicino a un ingresso del Gulshan-i-Iqbal Park situato
nell'area di Iqbal Town, un popolare ritrovo domenicale e
particolarmente affollato in occasione della festività cristiana. Il
kamikaze si è fatto esplodere vicino a delle altalene in mezzo alla
folla. E' stata una carneficina con oltre 300 feriti, rivendicata dai
talebani del gruppo Jamatul Ahrar. Secondo quanto riferito all'ANSA da
Xavier P. William, responsabile dell'ong Life for All Pakistan che si
occupa di diritti delle minoranze religiose, almeno 51 vittime e 157
feriti appartengono alla comunità cristiana. I sopravvissuti hanno detto
di aver visto i corpi smembrati dalla deflagrazione riversi in pozze di
sangue. Per trasportare i numerosi feriti negli ospedali sono stati
usati i taxi e gli autorisciò che erano parcheggiato all'uscita del
parco. Il governo di Islamabad ha dispiegato alcuni reparti dell'
esercito per facilitare le operazioni di soccorso. La polizia ha
confermato la presenza di un kamikaze e anche l'uso di sfere metalliche
nell'esplosivo per aumentare l'effetto letale. Al momento della strage
c'era una grande folla nel parco a tal punto che le vie di accesso erano
intasate dal traffico. E' emerso che non c'era alcun servizio d'ordine a
protezione dei numerosi ingressi del parco pubblico che è uno dei più
grandi di Lahore. Il massacro è stato duramente condannato da India,
Stati Uniti e anche dall'Italia. "Il pensiero corre alle piccole vittime
pachistane di #Lahore e alla Pasqua insanguinata dalla follia kamikaze #prayforlahore"
ha scritto su Twitter il premier Matteo Renzi. Anche la premio Nobel
per la pace Malala Yousafzai ha stigmatizzato la strage sempre su
Twitter. "Sono sconvolta da un crimine insensato - ha scritto la giovane
- che ha colpito gente innocente". Il 15 marzo dello scorso anno due
kamikaze sempre del Tehrek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Jamat-ul-Ahrar, si
erano fatti esplodere all'ingresso di due chiese di Lahore vicine fra
loro, la cattolica St.John's Church e la cristiana Christ Church
causando 17 morti. 28 marzo 2016
] Moshe Cohen [3 mesi fa] You are a messianic Jew? Why? /// IL TUO È
TUTTO contro ebrei e cristiani perché tu hai profanato la Bibbia
PRATICI razionali E MATERIALISTI, ed è grazie a questa loro struttura
mentale: utilitaristica e razionale, che ebrei hanno costretto,
addirittura: Dio JHWH holy, a diventare uomo: in Gesù di Betlemme: della
Casa di Davide: quindi Dio è stato costretto sulla Croce a dimostrare
tutto il suo amore infinito per noi! UN AMORE COSÌ GRANDE PER NOI, AMORE
comunque, EBREI hanno costretto, addirittura: Dio JHWH holy, a
manifestarsi tra gli uomini da: Abramo a Mosé a tutti i Profeti. QUINDI:
RAPPRESENTO IL LORO INTERESSE, il loro futuro, la LORO unica
possibilità di raccogliere le 12 tribù di ISRAELE, sotto le ali
benedette, di grazia e protezione, del loro Dio JHWH, nel MIO Tempio
Ebraico, ancora una volta, per l'ultima volta, PRIMA DELLA FINE.. MA,
VOI RABBINI FARISEI, voi avete detto nel Talmud, che per TUTTI i non
ebrei, la loro anima è stata creata dal demonio (QUINDI È IL DEMONIO CHE
HA CREATO TUTTI GLI ANIMALI (goy animali dalla forma umana), MENTRE, in
realtà, DIO HA CREATO SOLTANTO GLI EBREI, ma, soltanto quelli che non
hanno perduto le GENEALOGIE PATERNE ).. quindi voi avete dato al
demonio, il potere creativo, che tutti sanno può essere di Dio Soltanto:
perché, voi avete fatto di JHWH Holy il demonio! .. e questo è giusto
per la vostra ipocrisia, perversione, dissimulazione, odio razzismo,
blasfemia, omicidi, usura monopolio, Spa Banche CENTrALI sistema
massonico, Monsanto Scie chimiche, e OGM, e metalli pesanti nei vaccini,
per danneggiare le future generazioni di goyim, e sterminarli tutti
(tutto il satanismo che voi avete insegnato ai vostri fratellastri
Sauditi salafiti sharia), quindi nel vostro odio ora farete morire,
anche, tutti gli israeliani, così come avete fatto morire tutti gli
PERSONE AL PIÙ PRESTO! by UNIUS REI from https://www.youtube.com/user/SHALOMGERUSALEMME/discussion
SACERDOTI DI SATANA, cannibali e non, sono tecnici informatici, SONO
NATO NWO SPA FMI, ECC. sono sempre sulla pagina di: https://www.youtube.com/user/YouTube/discussion
ma, se anche voi non li potete più vedere, perché sono stati tutti
sconfitti e danneggiati da me: e quindi si sono nascosti? ma, loro so li
ancora, e mi seguono dentro tutti i miei siti! ] SAID: " IHateNEWLAYOUT
" IO Penso che tu mi ami tutto tutto il tempo che si parla di me Way
???? Oggi vedo uomini molto molto pazza in steet a parlare con lui di sé
a Dio. Qualcuno mi ha detto di dirti che fanno uso di droghe ??? Sono
nato 1591BC .. CIA lavoro molto duro ma CIA detto che sono molto bravo
con il mio lavoro CIA. 374z3z8ie @ è Alex. So Rothchild mi incontrano.
/// I Think you in Love With me all all time you talking about me
Way???? Today I see very very mad men in steet talking to he self about
God. Someone told me to tell you You Use Drugs ??? I am born 1591BC ..
CIA Very hard job but CIA said I am very good With my CIA JOB.
374z3z8ie@ is Alex . I know RothChild he meet me. ===== MA IL SUO
SAID: " IHateNEWLAYOUT BLOCK " 1. IHateNEWLAYOUT you do not know how to
watch my new video lol IFuckingKillYouRapeU watch?v=LDg8qbzG4Lw you see
me. UFuckWithWrongPerson SOON I Get u a Account Warning From
StopSpaMistafield. Not you I mean I Shut down UniusRei 1 or channels ///
2. 187AUDIOHOSTEM Google: "Spying BIG PENIS from my boyfriend" [Stop
ISLAMICI! Dalla Duma proposta per aiutare le famiglie: Stato paga parte
mutuo dopo nascita figlio, 27.03.2016. Il programma "Sgravi per
l'alloggio dei bambini" prevede che in caso di nascita di un figlio
parte della rata del mutuo sarà pagata dallo Stato: http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20160327/2356644/welfare-Russia-casa-diritti.html#ixzz44813qkQs
GAY! la omosessualità non è una turba (malattia) psichica, ma, è una
malattia spirituale contagiosa! QUINDI LO STATO HA IL DOVERE DI
DISCRIMINATORIO! Gender e ddl Cirinnà: come distruggere la famiglia
naturale http://it.sputniknews.com/italia/20150820/995874.html Ddl Cirinnà, come stravolgere la famiglia e la società http://it.sputniknews.com/italia/20160207/2048281/cirinna-ddl-famiglia-societa.html Stop famiglia tradizionale: arriva la nuova gen(d)erazione http://it.sputniknews.com/italia/20150622/606177.html
28 MAR - E' salito a 72 il numero delle vittime e a 320 quello dei
feriti causati da un kamikaze che si è fatto esplodere ieri pomeriggio
in un parco di Lahore, nel Pakistan centrale, dove si erano raccolte
molte persone di religione cristiana per celebrare all'aperto e in
famiglia la festività pasquale. Confermando il bilancio, un responsabile
del governo della provincia del Punjab a detto alla tv Express News che
"le operazioni di soccorso sono ancora in pieno svolgimento".
28.03.2016. La polizia ha determinato l'identità del kamikaze che ha
compiuto una strage a Lahore durante la domenica di Pasqua, riporta oggi
il canale “Geo TV”. L'attentatore è stato identificato come Yusuf,
figlio di Ghulam Farid, nato il 1° gennaio 1988 e vissuto nella città di
Muzaffargarh, nella provincia pachistana del Punjab. Secondo le
indagini preliminari, Yusuf ha insegnato per 8 anni in una scuola
religiosa a Lahore.
By: Benjamin H. Freedman
THE TALMUD on Christians
"The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians," was written by Rev. I.B. Pranaitis, Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church in Old St. Petersburg, Russia. The Rev. Pranaitis was the greatest of the students of the Talmud. His complete command of the Hebrew language qualified him to analyze the Talmud as few men in history.
The Rev. Pranaitis scrutinized the Talmud for passages referring to Jesus, Christians and the Christian faith. These passages were translated by him into Latin. Hebrew lends itself to translation into Latin better than it does directly into English. The translation of the passages of the Talmud referring to Jesus, Christians and Christian faith were printed in Latin by the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg in 1893 with the Imprimatur of his Archbishop. The translation from the Latin into English was made by great Latin scholars in the United States in 1939 with funds provided by wealthy Americans for that purpose.
In order not to leave any loose ends on the subject of the Talmud's reference to Jesus, to Christians and to the Christian faith I will below summarize translations into English from the Latin texts of Rev. Pranaitis' "The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians". It would require too much space to quote these passages verbatim with their foot-notes form the Soncino Edition in English.
First I will summarize the references by Rev. Pranaitis referring to Jesus in the Talmud in the original texts translated by him into Latin, and from Latin into English:
Sanhedrin, 67a -- Jesus referred to as the son of Pandira, a soldier
Kallah, 1b. (18b) -- Illegitimate and conceived during menstruation.
Sanhedrin, 67a -- Hanged on the eve of Passover. Toldath Jeschu. Birth related in most shameful expressions
Abhodah Zarah II -- Referred to as the son of Pandira, a Roman soldier.
Schabbath XIV. Again referred to as the son of Pandira, the Roman.
Sanhedrin, 43a -- On the eve of Passover they hanged Jesus.
Schabbath, 104b -- Called a fool and no one pays attention to fools.
Toldoth Jeschu. Judas and Jesus engaged in quarrel with filth.
Sanhedrin, 103a. -- Suggested corrupts his morals and dishonors self.
Sanhedrin, 107b. -- Seduced, corrupted and destroyed Israel.
Zohar III, (282) -- Died like a beast and buried in animal's dirt heap.
Hilkoth Melakhim -- Attempted to prove Christians err in worship of Jesus
Abhodah Zarah, 21a -- Reference to worship of Jesus in homes unwanted.
Orach Chaiim, 113 -- Avoid appearance of paying respect to Jesus.
Iore dea, 150,2 -- Do not appear to pay respect to Jesus by accident.
Abhodah Zarah (6a) -- False teachings to worship on first day of Sabbath
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]]The above are a few selected from a very complicated arrangement in which many references are obscured by intricate reasoning. The following are a few summarized references to Christians and the Christian faith although not always expressed in exactly that manner. There are eleven names used in the Talmud for non-Talmud followers, by which Christians are meant. Besides Nostrim, from Jesus the Nazarene, Christians are called by all the names used in the Talmud to designate all non-"Jews": Minim, Edom, Abhodan Zarah, Akum. Obhde Elilim, Nokrim, Amme Haarets, Kuthim, Apikorosim, and Goim. Besides supplying the names by which Christians are called in the Talmud, the passages quoted below indicate what kind of people the Talmud pictures the Christians to be, and what the Talmud says about the religious worship of Christians:
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Hilkhoth Maakhaloth -- Christians are idolators, must not associate.
Abhodah Zarah (22a) -- Do not associate with gentiles, they shed blood.
Iore Dea (153, 2). -- Must not associate with Christians, shed blood.
Abhodah Zarah (25b). -- Beware of Christians when walking abroad with them.
Orach Chaiim (20, 2). -- Christians disguise themselves to kill Jews.
Abhodah Zarah (15b) -- Suggest Christians have sex relations with animals.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Abhodah Zarah (22a) -- Suspect Christians of intercourse with animals.
Schabbath (145b) -- Christians unclean because they eat accordingly
Abhodah Zarah (22b) -- Christians unclean because they not at Mount Sinai.
Iore Dea (198, 48). -- Clean female Jews contaminated meeting Christians.
Kerithuth (6b p. 78) -- Jews called men, Christians not called men.
Makkoth (7b) -- Innocent of murder if intent was to kill Christian.
Orach Chaiim(225, 10) -- Christians and animals grouped for comparisons.
Midrasch Talpioth 225 -- Christians created to minister to Jews always.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Orach Chaiim 57, 6a -- Christians to be pitied more than sick pigs.
Zohar II (64b) -- Christian idolators likened to cows and asses.
Kethuboth (110b). -- Psalmist compares Christians to unclean beasts.
Sanhedrin (74b). Tos. -- Sexual intercourse of Christian like that of beast.
Kethuboth (3b) -- The seed of Christian is valued as seed of beast.
Kidduschim (68a) -- Christians like the people of an ass.
Eben Haezar (44,8) -- Marriages between Christian and Jews null.
Zohar (II, 64b) -- Christian birth rate must be diminished materially.
Zohar (I, 28b) -- Christian idolators children of Eve's serpent.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Zohar (I, 131a) -- Idolatrous people (Christians) befoul the world.
Emek Haschanach(17a) -- Non-Jews' souls come from death and death's shadow.
Zohar (I, 46b, 47a) -- Souls of gentiles have unclean divine origins.
Rosch Haschanach(17a) -- Non-Jews souls go down to hell.
Iore Dea (337, 1). -- Replace dead Christians like lost cow or ass.
Iebhammoth (61a) -- Jews called men, but not Christians called men.
Abhodah Zarah (14b) T -- Forbidden to sell religious works to Christians
Abhodah Zarah (78) -- Christian churches are places of idolatry.
Iore Dea (142, 10) -- Must keep far away physically from churches.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (142, 15) -- Must not listen to church music or look at idols
Iore Dea (143, 1) -- Must not rebuild homes destroyed near churches.
Hilkoth Abh. Zar (10b) -- Jews must not resell broken chalices to Christians.
Chullin (91b) -- Jews possess dignity even an angel cannot share.
Sanhedrin, 58b -- To strike Israelite like slapping face of God.
Chagigah, 15b -- A Jew considered good in spite of sins he commits.
Gittin (62a) -- Jew stay away from Christian homes on holidays.
Choschen Ham. (26,1) -- Jew must not sue before a Christian judge or laws.
Choschen Ham (34,19) -- Christian or servant cannot become witnesses.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (112, 1). -- Avoid eating with Christians, breeds familiarity.
Abhodah Zarah (35b) -- Do not drink milk from a cow milked by Christian.
Iore dea (178, 1) -- Never imitate customs of Christians, even hair-comb.
Abhodah Zarah (72b) -- Wine touched by Christians must be thrown away.
Iore Dea (120, 1) -- Bought-dishes from Christians must be thrown away.
Abhodah Zarah (2a) -- For three days before Christian festivals, avoid all.
Abhodah Zarah (78c) -- Festivals of followers of Jesus regarded as idolatry.
Iore Dea (139, 1) -- Avoid things used by Christians in their worship.
Abhodah Zarah (14b) -- Forbidden to sell Christians articles for worship.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (151,1) H. -- Do not sell water to Christians articles for baptisms.
Abhodah Zarah (2a, 1) -- Do not trade with Christians on their feast days.
Abhodah Zarah (1,2) -- Now permitted to trade with Christians on such days.
Abhodah Zarah (2aT) -- Trade with Christians because they have money to pay.
Iore Dea (148, 5) -- If Christian is not devout, may send him gifts.
Hilkoth Akum (IX,2) -- Send gifts to Christians only if they are irreligious.
Iore Dea (81,7 Ha) -- Christian wet-nurses to be avoided because dangerous.
Iore Dea (153, 1 H) -- Christian nurse will lead children to heresy.
Iore Dea (155,1). -- Avoid Christian doctors not well known to neighbors.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Peaschim (25a) -- Avoid medical help from idolators, Christians meant.
Iore Dea (156,1) -- Avoid Christian barbers unless escorted by Jews.
Abhodah Zarah (26a). -- Avoid Christian midwives as dangerous when alone.
Zohar (1,25b) -- Those who do good to Christians never rise when dead.
Hilkoth Akum (X,6) -- Help needy Christians if it will promote peace.
Iore Dea (148, 12H) -- Hide hatred for Christians at their celebrations.
Abhodah Zarah (20a) -- Never praise Christians lest it be believed true.
Iore Dea (151,14) -- Not allowed to praise Christians to add to glory.
Hilkoth Akum (V, 12) -- Quote Scriptures to forbid mention of Christian god.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Iore Dea (146, 15) -- Refer to Christian religious articles with contempt.
Iore Dea (147,5) -- Deride Christian religious articles without wishes.
Hilkoth Akum (X,5) -- No gifts to Christians, gifts to converts.
Iore Dea (151,11) -- Gifts forbidden to Christians, encourages friendship.
Iore Dea (335,43) -- Exile for that Jew who sells farm to Christian.
Iore Dea (154,2) -- Forbidden to teach a trade to a Christian
Babha Bathra (54b) -- Christian property belongs to first person claiming.
Choschen Ham(183,7) -- Keep what Christian overpays in error.
Choschen Ham(226,1) -- Jew may keep lost property of Christian found by Jew.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Babha Kama (113b) -- It is permitted to deceive Christians.
Choschen Ham(183,7) -- Jews must divide what they overcharge Christians.
Choschen Ham(156,5) -- Jews must not take Christian customers from Jews.
Iore Dea (157,2) H -- May deceive Christians that believe Christian tenets.
Abhodah Zarah (54a) --Usury may be practiced upon Christians or apostates.
Iore Dea (159,1) -- Usury permitted now for any reason to Christians.
Babha Kama (113a) -- Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian.
Babha Kama (113b) -- Name of God not profaned when lying to Christians.
Kallah (1b, p.18) -- Jew may perjure himself with a clear conscience.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Schabbouth Hag. (6d). -- Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.
Zohar (1,160a). -- Jews must always try to deceive Christians.
Iore Dea (158,1) -- Do not cure Christians unless it makes enemies.
Orach Cahiim (330,2) -- Do not assist Christian's childbirth on Saturday.
Choschen Ham.(425,5) -- Unless believes in Torah do not prevent his death.
Iore Dea (158,1) -- Christians not enemies must not be saved either.
Hilkkoth Akum (X,1) -- Do not save Christians in danger of death.
Choschen Ham(386,10) -- A spy may be killed even before he confesses.
Abhodah Zorah (26b) -- Apostates to be thrown into well, not rescued.
[[but the Talmud is the Word of God?]] Choschen Ham(388,15) -- Kill those who give Israelites' money to Christians
Sanhedrin (59a) -- `Prying into Jews' "Law" to get death penalty
Hilkhoth Akum(X,2) -- Baptized Jews are to be put to death
Iore Dea(158,2)Hag. -- Kill renegades who turn to Christian rituals.
Choschen Ham(425,5) -- Those who do not believe in Torah are to be killed.
Hilkhoth tesch.III,8 -- Christians and others deny the "Law" of the Torah.
Zohar (I,25a) -- Christians are to be destroyed as idolators.
Zohar (II,19a) -- Captivity of Jews end when Christian princes die.
Zohar (I,219b) -- Princes of Christians are idolators, must die.
Obadiam -- When Rome is destroyed, Israel will be redeemed. Abhodah Zarah(26b) T. -- "Even the best of the Goim should be killed."
Sepher Or Israel 177b -- If Jew kills Christian commits no sin. Ialkut Simoni (245c) -- Shedding blood of impious offers sacrifice to God.
Zohar (II, 43a) -- Extermination of Christians necessary sacrifice. Zohar (L,28b,39a) -- High place in heaven for those who kill idolators.
Hilkhoth Akum(X,1) -- Make no agreements and show no mercy to Christians. Hilkhoth Akum (X,1) -- Either turn them away from their idols or kill.
Hilkhoth Akum (X,7) -- Allow no idolators to remain where Jews are strong. Choschen Ham(388,16) -- All contribute to expense of killing traitor.
Pesachim (49b) -- No need of prayers while beheading on Sabbath. Schabbath (118a). -- Prayers to save from punishment of coming Messiah.
"To Seek Out That Which was Lost ..." We present this information as a service to our readers ... Its inclusion, Should not be construed as the Authors 'or the Relays' endorsement, of our: Beliefs ... or as our endorsement of Theirs .. The Truth: will stand on it's: own Merit. could resist, at a analyze: historico-critical: all this accusations: against Jesus and his mother? A person dishonored: him could have done: the rabbi ? Accusations about the integrity of his mother, if known, would not have been said and reported: by his contemporaries?
@ IsraelNationalTV - not only: the Middle East,
but also all the nations of the world:
they will give me, a special power of attorney:
if they want to: successfully overcome:
all the problems: that: necessarily: they must bring: at 3 ° nuclear WW .. because: Babylon tower: NWO, Freemasonry: IMF 666 and 322? they have underground bases: with a space technology .. why: Even if every form of life was lost: on the planet? they think they can re-colonize the planet, as a new creation: for Satan.
If the Prophet Elijah killed all those people? is because there was no chance to save: none of them! But Elijah forgave the people who had sinned!
If you wanted to pay me I would re-write your message so it looks and sounds right and isn't impossible to read. XD -- ANSWER-- lol. you must be a strange gay (SuperParody: Rick Perry "Strong"): [/watch?v=mrKAyOyHRzQ] if, you want to deny, to yourself the right to vote .. Perhaps it is because: you think you do not know how to vote right? but the right to vote: in a false democracy of the Masonic bank seigniorage? is a right ridiculous, because: rabbi IMF: masonic banking seigniorage: why, they know, how to manipulate the consensus here is: why:do not need to rig the elections as they did with: Jonh Kerry 322! but, I HAVE SOLD ALL MY FARM: and I had to do, even a mortgage: to get this ministry in youtube. Certainly, my messages are not including: without the power of the Holy Spirit that makes them understand .. but, this is not for all: .... lol. is obvious: you can understand them: too! and this? is more than enough for me! and is also more than enough for you, to be condemned to hell
@SAMI91Z -- no! there is no sovereignty in the Nations: in fact: there are Bildenberg Trilateral, etc. .. all Nations today are NWO: 322 & 666: ie masonic: seigniorage banking, Because you and all: will die in 3 rd WW nuclear.. 1.) Economic downfall; 2.) Homelessness;
3.) War in Middle East; 4.) Dealing with overspending;
5.) Nationalized Healthcare; 6.) Unemployment;
7.) Nationalization of Banks (lol. if Jew Illuminati do not kill Ron Paul before, as they did with Kennedy). Really any of those may have made for a good commercial... why is for Ron Paul 2012 all the way!
the real enemies of all mankind?
are all Jews: that: they are all over the world, to do the evil: and things evil: against all peoples: through:: bestiality, Freemasonry: Satanism and bank seigniorage, etc. .. and every other abomination! What? is smaller the territory of Israel? But this is not a problem for me .. we can take: the entire desert of Saudi Arabian, which is us, by right: as: is the site of the true Mount Sinai! and across the region that goes from the river Tigris to the Nile river: because: It is unbelievable, the level of civilization: equality, justice, peace, wealth and happiness for all my subjects? I do not need: of do violence to anyone! shalom. +. salam. Blessings too
fuck Rothschild and his 3°WW nuclear
(who can do these crimes? He has already decided to do of all whole human race: one only bunch of slaves) uhjk100 SAID[closed its site for fear] I understand now, even more, that Zionist Jews are an absolute evil, even worse than the Muslim extremists. - ANSWER - people do not know that Hitler tried to talk to them, BUT FOR HIM: THIS IS been IMPOSSIBLE .. such as: was been: impossible, also for me! Because they have faith: absolute, in their Rabbis: Kakam:Pharisees Illuminati or the IMF? Fidelity is an absolute! but, I have asked God for an answer .. so, I called a: my son to open: a new Bible at random: the Lord answered me, through Amos 9 (punishment of Israel)..All the sinners of my people? die by the sword! they, who saying the misfortune, will not come down to us, and we do not touch! "because of them? I failed my agenda of Universal brotherhood .. then, of course, will be a massacre! @IsraelNationalTV- If these crimes: they have never been: recognized: disavowed: or renegades, condemned, by the Jewish communities? Then, these crimes: they are still made today again, by all shit of Ovadia: Kakam Illuminati of IMF: seigniorage banking .. because today it is easy to do this dirty work(to drain human blood), using satanists! That's why God can never, answer to your prayers .. However: if they have the stomach: for go to the hell: with Satan? also for this few miserable years: of these earthly life? the help of American Satanists jewish lobby: 666 and 322? however, is not something that is going to last! quiet boy! I am come to you? but, My spirit has passed, killing thousands of Satanists: first! quiet.. a king knows how to: as protect its subjects! You have noticed how demons: by: Joshua [23.11] the traslator google: has canceled: arbitrarily: my approach (3° WW nuclear)? [Christian blood] HISTORICAL APPENDIX. Preamble. The revelations of: Neophyte: are still credible?1 °: the historical list of Many: murders: that ritual purposes: always committed: Jews in the past: for centuries: in this: the more special: clear: confessions: of: Jews: of: this: murder: and: this ritual purpose: that: are reported in authentic processes. II. List historical: some: assassinations: of: Christians: committed: by: Jews for ritual purposes:] in: centuries ago. Many: lists: of this assassinations: ** 1255. A Lincoln (Bolland. vol.6July, p.494) Hugh Child stolen by Jews are fed up to the day of sacrifice. Many: Jews agree, from various parts of England: and crucify him:. [Christian blood] It is remarkable to consider, such as: the same confessions and revelations have been made by: Jews, even after many, many: centuries and in countries far away: in Trento, Moldova, Switzerland: in: centuries XIV and XVIII, by: Monumenta of Pertz historiae Germanicae. But, because, so far reported, the use jew: to: use: of Christian blood, for ritual purposes: it is ancient and constant: in: centuries gone by. But we now come to the century: present... ecc. ecc. Giosué[23.11] we are all sons of Adam and Noah? So why: Rabbi: Ovadia Yosef: ie, Pharisees: can say that: Christians are animals in human form? What lies beneath: all this? evitente is: the Jewish lobby: 666 of 322: IMF: they stole the symbols of Judaism and Christianity! go against the Satanists? It's like going against yourself! However, also if, this story: horrible: of the Talmud: is more over: 3000 years, dating back to the roots of the Jewish religion, was immediately corrupt: because of apostasy for oral tractions: which then were incorporated in the Talmud? However, we should not be afraid of the truth and we should not be afraid to amputate cancer: first, that came be death of the entire body. for do luciferian Grove cult: ie New Tower Babel: NWO. Giosué [23,11] @IsraelNationalTV-- Abbiate gran cura, per la vostra vita, di amare il Signore vostro Dio. [12] why, if, make apostasy(Talmud: Pharisees).. then,[13] then, you know.. you will be perished: and you will be gone (3° nuclear WW): from this: good land which the Lord your God has given you.- ANSWER- goddammit! speak ill of Israel? (even if: it is an abomination Masonic founded by Satanists of the IMF:.. even if it's like: all other false democracies: of the banking seigniorage): for a Christian? is like cutting off his arm! How has Judaism religious movement? many! So why this hate absurd: the synagogue of Satan (Illuminati Pharisees): against: Christians from the beginning? Would you expect, That, has ended the 3 rd WW Nuclear? But this is PRECISELY the problem: "if there will be: 3 ° after WW nuclear 'one State of Israel!"
@ IsraelNationalTV --- If these crimes: they have never been: recognized: disavowed: or renegades, condemned, by the Jewish communities? Then, these crimes: they are still made today again, by all shit Ovadia: Kakam Illuminati of IMF: seigniorage banking .. because today it is easy to do this dirty work, with satanists! That's why God can never, answer to your prayers .. However: if they have the stomach: the unconscious: for go to the hell: ie to deal with Satan? also for this few years of these earthly life? the help of American Satanists: 666 and 322? however, is not something that is going to last! quiet boy! I am come to you? but, My spirit has passed, killing thousands of Satanists: first! quiet .. a king knows how to: as protect its subjects! You have noticed how: by: Joshua [23.11] the traslator:has canceled(3 ° WWnuclear)?
1 [Christian blood] HISTORICAL APPENDIX. Preamble. The revelations of: Neophyte: here: printed on top: they are themselves clear. But then: they even still credible? To answer this question, leaving here: aside: reasons: intrinsic: the credibility, of what: is enough: he spoke in the preface of Di Giorgio, to us: contented: report here: briefly (as only: it implies: the brevity and the purpose of: these pages) 1 °: the historical list of Many: murders: that ritual purposes: always committed: the: Jews in the: past: centuries: and this: some: the more special: the more clear: confessions: of: Jews: of: this: murder: and: this ritual purpose: that: are reported in: authentic: processes. II. List historical: some: assassinations: of: Christians: committed: by: Jews for ritual purposes:
2 [Christian blood] in: centuries ago. Many: lists: of: this: assassinations: they: are described: various: authors, traits: mostly from: and Baronius: Bollandists. More copious: but although very far: from finished: that's what us here: faithfully copied from page 56 and following: the: question Juive, important book published: in 1882: Printing in Desclee de Brouwer and Comp Lilac in the Rue Royale, 26. Year:
** 1071. In Blois (Monumenta historica scriptorum Germanies, vol. VI, p.. 520): A child crucified. Then: thrown into the river. Count Theobald: does burn: Jews guilty.
3 [Christian blood] ** 1114. At Norwich in England (Bollandists, vol. 5th of March, 588: and monuments, ibid.) William, a boy of twelve, years, is lured into a Jewish home, and there: torn up to the total bleeding. ** 1160. In Glocester (Monumenta ibid.): The: Jews crucify a child:
** 1179. In Paris: (Bollandists: ibid.: P. 591): Richard the child: is slain: Castle in Pontoise: Holy Thursday: and is honored as a saint in Paris. ** 1181. In Paris: St. Robert, boy, is killed by: Jews to the parties: Easter.
** 1181. Zaragoza (Blanca illustrated Hispania, Thomas 3 °, p. 657) occurred: the same with Domenico del Val.
4 [Christian blood] ** 1236. At Hagenau (Richeri: Acta Senonensia: Monum XXV, p. 324) .. At a Hagenau: three children, of seven years are sacrificed: the Jews, to hate: Jesus Christ: ** 1244, London (Baron No 42) a child: a Christian is, martyred by: Jews; and: worship: the church of S. Paolo. ** 1250. In Aragon (John: from Lent, De Pseudo Messiis, p. 33) a child of seven years, was crucified at the Jewish Passover.
** 1255. A Lincoln (Bolland. vol. 6 July, p. 494) Hugh Child: stolen from: Jews are fed up to the day of sacrifice. Many: Jews agree, from various parts of England: and crucify him:. ** 1257. In London (hist Cluverio Epitome. P. 541) a child slain Christians.
** 1160. A Welssemburg: (Annal. Colmar, Monum. XVII, 191) a little boy is killed by: Jews.
5 [Christian blood] ** 1261. A Pfortzeim Bade (Bolland. ° vol.2: April 838): A girl of seven years, strangled then: bled to death and drowned.
** 1283. In Mainz (Baronius 61: Acta Colmar. Monument. XVII, 210) a child sold: by her nurse: to: Jews and those shot dead.
** 1285. In Monaco (Raderus Bavaria: holy Volume 2 °, p.331: Monum. XVII, 415) a child is bleeding to death. His blood is being used: to: to remedy: the Jews. The people burn the house: where: Jews are, they were refugees. ** 1286. At Oberwesel on the Rhine (2 ° Bolland., vol. Of: aprle 697: Monum XVII, 77: Baronius 1287, No 18) Wernher, the Child of: 14 years: martyred: for three days, with Repeated incisions.
** 1287. In Bern (2nd Bolland., vol. Of April) Rodolfo boy shot dead in the Passover:
6 [Christian blood] ** 1292. In Colmar (Ann. Hum. Il, 30) a child as above. ** 1293, A Crems (Monum. XI, 658) a child sacrificed: therefore sent: from: Jews of: Brunn, two Jews were punished: the: other, are: saving for a fee. ** 1294. In Bern (Ann. Hum. II, 32) killed another child.
** 1202. A Remken: the same (Ann. Hum. II, 3g). ** 1303. On Weissensee in Thuringia (Baron 64) Conrad scholar, son of: a soldier bled to death, engraved with: the veins. ** 1345. In Monaco (Rader 351) Blessed Errico: cruelly killed. ** 1401. A Diessenhofen of: Wurtemberg. (History of the Albert B. Simone Habiki: at: Bolland. Vol. 2nd of April) a little boy of four years': purchased for three florins, and bled by: Jews.
7 [Christian blood] ** 1407. There: yet another child killed: whence a riot: the expulsion of the popular: Jews (ibid.). ** 1410. [In Thuringia (Baronius third) are driven: the Jews, for crimes: against: children: Christian. ** 1429. A Rovensbourg (Baronius 3rd: Bolland.. 3rd vol. Of April 978) Luigi von Bruck, a Christian boy is sacrificed by: Jews, while they: served at the dinner table is Pentecost: his body is found: and honored by Christians: ** 1454. in Castile (Simon Habiki: cit.) a child is torn to pieces: his heart and cooked for food. For this and others similar crimes, the: Jews are then: driven: from Spain in 1459.
8 [Christian blood] ** 1457. In Turin (ibid.) is a Jew caught the moment: is: to slay: a child. ** 1462. At Inspruck (Bolland. 3rd vol. Of July 462) the Blessed One: Child born to Andrew Rinn, is slain: July 9 by the Jews, that they collect the blood. ** 1475. In Trento, the famous martyr, B. Simoncini, of: which: there, i processes: original. From these: processes, it appears, that the: Jews of Trento, rei: of ritual murder of B. Simoncini, it revealed many dozens: and from them: their co-religionists: committed, for the same purpose: the ritual, in the Tyrol, Lombardy, Veneto, Italy and elsewhere in Germany, Poland etc.. and so on.
9 [Christian blood] ** 1480. In Treviso (Baronius p. 569) is: commit a crime similar to the earlier of: Trent.
** 1480. At Motta in Venice (Bolland. vol. 2nd of April) a child is sacrificed on Good Friday.
** 1486. In Regensburg (Rader 3 ° 174) are: children: victims: Jews ....
** 1490. A Guard at Toledo (April 3 Bolland. 1) a child crucified.
** 1494. A Tyrman in Hungary (838 Bolland. April 2) a child stolen and bled.
10 [Christian blood] ** 1503. A Waltkirch in Alsace (Bolland. vol. 2nd of April, 830): As a child: four years, sold by his father to the Jews, for ten: guilders, with the understanding that, the: was returned alive after bled. But, The: Jews killed him bleeding.
** 1505. A Budweys (EFEL Scriptores, I38 l) did similar.
** 1520. A Tyrnau and Biring (Bolland. vol. 2nd of April 839), then chased: the: Jews from Hungary.
** 1540. A Sappenfeld in Bavaria (2.331 Rader, 3, 179) Michael. of: four years, tortured for three days.
11 [Christian blood] ** 1547. A Rave in Poland (Simon Habiki: cit.'s Son: a tailor by two Jews sacrificed.
** 1569. A Witów in Poland (ibid.) John: of: two years, sold for two brands: James of the Jew: Leizyka. and cruelly killed. And others: facts similar happened: a Bielke and elsewhere. ** 1574. A Punia: Lithuania (ibid.) Elizabeth of seven years: Joachim Smierlowiez murdered Jew, on Tuesday: the first Palm Sunday: his blood collected: in a jar.
** 1590. A Szydlow (ibid.) a child disappeared trovatone, the corpse bled for engravings: and stings.
12 [Christian blood] ** 1595. In Augustine (ibid.) a child, sold to Jews, to be bled.
** 1597. At Sryalow (ibid.) killed a child. With his blood: Jews: sprinkle the new synagogue: to consecrate it.
** 1650. A Caaden (Tenziel, January 1694) As a child, five years and a half: Tillich called Matthias: I: is murdered: March 11. This includes other historical: similar facts occurred: a Steycrmarck, Karnten, Crain, etc..
** 1655. A Tunguch in Germany (Tentzel, June 1693) a child murdered.
13 [Christian blood] ** 1669. In Metz (Process: Paris 1670: Feller, newspaper, 1788, 2 nd 428) As a child, three years stolen from the Jew, Raphael Levi, and cruelly murdered. His corpse was found horribly mutilated. The offender was burned alive by the sentence of Parliament: the Metz 16 June 1670. Note: In the process who became: in 17 - 12 - 1401, for the murder of: where: above, the jew: accused confessed that every seven years: all: the: Jews need: to: Christian blood. Another, revealed that: Christians murdered: he must be less than thirteen: years: A third said that: they: were using: the blood in the Passover: and that it did: a dry part: to reduce powder: and that: they used to: their rituals: religious (Question Juive page. 59, 60).
STOP ABORTO ] [ gli ISLAMICI NAZISTI SHARIA? LORO NON SI ABORTISCONO TRA DI LORO, MA FANNO LA BOMBA DEMOGRAFICA di pedofilia poligamia bordello privato familiare, E SI STANNO PREPARADO AD INVADERRCI ED A SOFFOCARCI, sotto egida ONU GENDER ideologia Amnesty Bildenberg sistema massonico usura mondiale, SpA Talmud, in violazione di tutti i diritti umani!
Persecuted is Global Assault on Christians ] ecco perché, i Governi USA Spa GMOS NWO AGENDA TALMUD: sono l'anticristo sul mondo, INFATTI, sono i cristiani il vero obiettivo da distruggere in tutto il mondo, per le Aminnistrazioni del Governo USA CIA NATO, sistema massonico BILDENBERG, SpA FMI FED BCE USUROCRAZIA MONDIALE, ecco perché Israele deve essere distrutto, infatti è la Bibbia per tutte le caterie GENDER (BLASFEMIA APOSTASIA IDOLATRIA) delle bestie di satana il sistema umanistico, e regale da distruggere, perché l'uomo trasformato in scimmia evoluta (EPOPEA DEL DIO MARDUK) deve lavore per il SUO padrone fariseo come il Talmud ha detto! LA MALVAGITà DELL'ISLAM E LA SUA CRUDELTà DI NAZISTA, LA SUA ORIGINE DEMONICA? NON SONO SUFFICIENTI A SALVARLO! OGGI L'ISLAM è SOLTANTO UN UTILE KILLER ESECUTORE MATERIALE E SERIALE DI OMICIDI, il nazista SOTTO EGIDA ONU! Ecco perché, tutti quelli che sono in qualche modo contro Israele, o contro la civiltà ebraico cristiana sono l'anticristo! Infatti JHWH ha dato la Palestina in eterno al popolo ebraico, e questo è un problema che la Arabia Saudita soltanto può risolvere!
Persecuted is Global Assault on Christians ] e perché i sacerdoti di satana Bush 322 Kerry, LaVey, 187 Albert Pike, Obama GENDER, il loro sistema massonico Bildenberg, ecc.. non hanno fatto il Corano di Satana, oppure, non hanno fatto i Veda di Satana, oppure il Talmud di Satana? Infatti, loro sono già di Satana! è semplice: "tutte le religioni sono la merda" e soltanto Gesù Cristo, nato a Betlemme, nella casa di Davide, morto e risorto che lui ora siede alla destra del Padre è la verità, che viene attraverso di me a rivendicare il Regno di Israele e il Regno di questo pianeta, che i farisei talmud 666 SpA Fmi, FED, BCE, Banca Mondiale, usura e schiavitù mondiale, loro i Rothschild, Rochefeller tutto hanno rubato, sedotto, corrotto, perché, sia la malvagità e la crudeltà a regnare sulla terra! Ecco perché io sono Unius REI e se voi non lo credete voi morirete tutti come bestie che è quello che siete e sempre di più meritate di diventare finchè Satana non sarà diventato tutto in tutti! DOPO TUTTO QUELLO CHE PUò VENIRE DOPO DI ME, è NECESSARIAMENTE PIù CATTIVO, PERCHé IL VANGELO DI GESù CRISTO, è IL CONCETTO DI AMORE PIù GRANDE, CHE è COMPARSO SU QUESTO PIANETA, COME HA DETTO L'ATEO ANTIFASCISTA E GRANDE FILOSOFO BENEDETTO CROCE
ed allora che questo nuovo mondo sia pure! ] [ http://www.eugeniobenetazzo.com/quali-rischi-referendum-greco/
non ho una buona testimonianza di facebook mi ha portato molti problemi, mi rende inaccessibili due account, e con l'attuale mi ha censurato su ANSA bloccando i miei commenti, ] 01.07.2015
Perché Facebook non mostra la foto di un uomo afflitto che papa Francesco ha abbracciato?
Israel Preparing Military Plan Against Iran; Terror Victim Describes the Horror ] [ United with Israel July 1, 2015 Israel Busy Preparing Military Plan Against Iran The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of an agreement with Iran, examining all options available to prevent it from obtaining nuclear capability. The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of an agreement with Iran, examining all options available to prevent it from obtaining nuclear capability. The IDF is preparing for the day after the signing of a nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers and has tasked a special team with examining military options against Iran.
Israel’s Walla news quoted a foreign source on Tuesday saying that IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot appointed Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Yair Golan to lead a special team tasked with examining the IDF’s military alternatives against Iran.
Israel believes that when Iran is faced with a powerful Israeli military option, they will think long and hard before breaching the agreement and continuing the development of nuclear weapons.
However, recently retired security officials conceded that an Israeli attack would not eliminate Iran’s extreme ideology or erase its accumulated nuclear knowledge. A viable military option could serve as leverage in coercing the world powers to level crippling sanctions against Iran or hinder Iran’s motivation to move forward with its nuclear program – without firing even one shot. Israel has spent billions of shekels over the past 15 years preparing for an attack on Iran, especially on its air force and its intelligence apparatus. Israel assumes that Iran is constantly lying about its nuclear program and is preparing for the moment when it will have to take action.
"Noi crediamo che è un errore fondamentale per attivare tali un regime terrorista [Iran] arrivare a armi nucleari, che è ciò che l'accordo proposto darà loro. Che darà loro un percorso preciso per bombe nucleari – non è una bomba, ma le bombe nucleari. Riempiranno anche loro casse con molti miliardi, in realtà forse fino a centinaia di miliardi di dollari, per consentire loro di continuare il loro terrorismo e aggressione. Questo è qualcosa che non va. È pericoloso. È pericoloso per Israele, per l'Italia, per l'Europa, per gli Stati Uniti, per il mondo,"ha ammonito Netanyahu. "Il mondo è correttamente interessato e atterrito la violenza e la ferocia di IsIs sharia [organizzazione terroristica islamica]. Nessuno si sognerebbe di permettere lo stato islamico di avere armi nucleari. Perché chiunque considererebbe dando dello stato islamico dell'Iran, che è molto più potente di ISIS e agisce con molto maggior potere di Iside, per avere potenza aggiuntiva di armi nucleari? È un errore. "Stato islamico dell'Iran, il principale sponsor del terrorismo internazionale, non dovrebbero avere accesso alle armi nucleari, ha affermato il premier israeliano. "Abbiamo bisogno di un affare migliore. Questo affare non dovrebbe passare."
“We believe that it is a fundamental mistake to enable such a terrorist regime [Iran] to get to nuclear weapons, which is what the proposed agreement will give them. It will give them a definite pathway to nuclear bombs – not a bomb, but nuclear bombs. It will also replenish their coffers with many billions, actually perhaps up to hundreds of billions of dollars, to enable them to continue their terrorism and aggression. This is something that is wrong. It is dangerous. It is dangerous for Israel, for Italy, for Europe, for the United States, for the world,” Netanyahu cautioned.
“The world is properly concerned and aghast at the violence and savagery of ISIS [Islamic State terror organization]. No one would dream of allowing the Islamic State to have nuclear weapons. Why would anyone consider giving the Islamic State of Iran, which is a lot more powerful than ISIS and acts with much greater power than ISIS, to have additional power of nuclear weapons? That’s a mistake. The Islamic State of Iran, the foremost sponsor of international terrorism, should not have access to nuclear weapons,” the Israeli premier asserted. “We need a better deal. This deal should not pass.”
L'IDF si sta preparando per il giorno dopo la firma di un accordo con l'Iran, esaminato tutte le opzioni disponibili per impedire di ottenere capacità nucleare.
L'IDF si sta preparando per il giorno dopo la firma di un accordo nucleare tra l'Iran e le potenze mondiali e ha incaricato una squadra speciale di esaminare opzioni militari contro l'Iran.
Notizie Walla di Israele ha citato una fonte estera martedì dicendo che IDF capo dello Staff Gadi Eizenkot nominato vice capo di stato maggiore generale Yair Golan condurre una squadra speciale incaricata di esaminare alternative militare delle IDF contro l'Iran.
Israele ritiene che quando l'Iran si trova ad affrontare una potente opzione militare israeliana, pensano a lungo e duramente prima di violare l'accordo e continuare lo sviluppo di armi nucleari.
Tuttavia, i funzionari di sicurezza recentemente pensionato ha ammesso che un attacco israeliano non eliminerebbe ideologia estrema dell'Iran o cancellare le sue conoscenze accumulate nucleare. Una valida opzione militare potrebbe servire come sfruttare nel costringere le potenze mondiali a livello paralizzante sanzioni contro l'Iran o ostacolare la motivazione dell'Iran ad andare avanti con il suo programma nucleare – senza sparare un solo colpo.
Israele ha speso miliardi di Shekel negli ultimi 15 anni sta preparando per un attacco contro l'Iran, soprattutto il suo air force e il suo apparato di intelligence. Israele si presuppone che l'Iran costantemente sta mentendo riguardo al suo programma nucleare e si sta preparando per il momento quando dovrà intervenire.
WATCH: ‘They Wanted to Kill Us Because We Are Jews,’ Says Terror Victim
In this video, one of the victims of a Palestinian terror attack explains what happened and why he feels they were attacked in the first place.
Victim of Terror Attack Explains he was Attacked for Being Jewish in Israel
US President Barack Obama Obama Claims He Would Walk Away from Bad Iran Deal
The deadline for the nuclear talks with Iran has come and gone, with significant differences remaining and leaders on both sides voicing threats.
Imagine the Israeli Version Originally Sung by John Lennon WATCH: ‘Imagine’ – The Israeli Version
This video takes John Lennon's "Imagine" and adds an Israeli narrative to it, providing a realistic look into daily life in the Holy Land. Malachi Rosenfeld Latest Jewish Victim of Palestinian Terror Dies. Malachi Rosenfeld, the latest victim of Palestinian terror, succumbed to his wounds. The IDF is contending with the growing wave of Ramadan-related attacks.
Neo Nazi Rally Burning Jewish Talmud WATCH: ‘Never Again’ Becomes ‘Ever Again’ as Neo-Nazis Prepare to Burn Jewish Books. In this video Rabbi Mordechai Burg discusses the upcoming Neo-Nazi event in London, which will include the burning of Jewish books, questioning how "never again" has become "ever again."
Obama Obama is OK with Boycotts on Judea and Samaria
The Obama administration was quick to clarify that the anti-BDS amendment in the recently signed trade bill does not pertain to Israeli businesses in Judea and Samaria. ISIS Threaten to Take Over Gaza and Topple Hamas WATCH: ISIS Threatens to ‘Uproot’ Israel. ISIS issues a warning to Hamas threatening to destroy it and take over the Gaza strip as part of a larger mission to conquer Israel.
Israel Spycraft Expo Israeli Spy Expo Highlights Secretive Gadgets
Hidden cameras, invisibility cloaks and mini-drones were among the gadgets on display Tuesday at an exhibition of Israeli surveillance technology, offering a rare peek into the secretive world of Israeli espionage.
Soaring over Ein Bubin to Remember the Dead WATCH: Soaring over Ein Bubin, A Memorial Site Dedicated to Terror Victim Danny Gonen. This video features a stunning birds-eye view of Ein Bubin, which has been made into a memorial for Danny Gonen who was murdered there by a Hamas terrorist earlier this month.
anti Israel protest United Church of Christ to Boycott Israel
The United Church of Christ joined other American churches in boycotting Israeli businesses in Judea and Samaria.
www.unitedwithisrael.org info@unitedwithisrael.org USA: 1-888-ZION-613 Israel: +972-2-533-7841
How ISIS Became The World’s Richest Terror Army ] Stones Hurled at Public bus in Jerusalem
bus-attack ] Click here to watch: Arab Bus Attack Caught on Camera
A bus carrying young children from the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Ma'ale Hazeitim, located on the Mount of Olives, to their school located more centrally in the capital city came under a barrage of rocks Monday morning. Masked Arab terrorists hurled dozens of the potentially lethal rocks at the bus and the children inside, but fortunately none were wounded in the fusillade. Damage was caused to the windshield of the bus however. The attack is part of an ongoing wave of rock attacks on roads throughout eastern Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. While the Arab attacks continue on a near daily basis, only a small portion of the attacks are reported on in the mainstream media as most instances only involve damage to property. Ma'ale Hazeitim has seen Arab terrorist attacks on a constant basis; last September a day care center in the neighborhood came under assault by Arabs hurling rocks and fireworks at the terrified children. The home of Jerusalem Councilman Arieh King, who lives in Ma'ale Hazeitim, has been attacked no less than 52 times with rocks, firebombs and even bullets, with police failing to take significant action to curb the attacks. After the 52nd attack, King was forced to arrange private patrols to try and secure the neighborhood in Israel's capital.
Watch Here
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) on Wednesday visited the Border Patrol guard who was stabbed at Rachel's Tomb on Monday, by her bedside at Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center. "We visited now the wounded, who have shown very impressive courage, composure, and spirit," Netanyahu stated. "We, the Defense Minister and I, wished them a speedy recovery, and of course we express condolences for Eliezer and Sara [Rosenfeld] who lost their son, Malachi - who was exceptional and unique, and there is no pain greater than the pain of parents who lose a son or daughter, and the hearts of all the citizens of Israel with them." "We have thwarted over two hundred attempted attacks since the beginning of last year, and we will also get to these murderers and terrorists," he continued. "We will also exact a heavy price on the terrorists and their dispatchers and their supporters."
Source: Arutz Sheva ] questo nucleare allo IRAN è pura follia! è la miccia sul barile di polvere da sparo! Questo è un crimine USA contro tutto il genere umano perché loro sono i satanisti Rothschild che hanno bisogno di una guerra mondiale per non vedere, collassare il FMI SPA che tutta una truffa di falso in bilancio! ] [ Iran Nuclear Talks -- More Warning Signs
Yesterday, June 30th, was the deadline by which America and the other P5+1 nations were supposed to reach a deal with Iran to stop its nuclear weapons program. This was not the first such deadline. Yet once again, the deadline came and went without a deal. Meanwhile, we continue to receive troubling reports from Geneva that the negotiations have largely consisted of Iran exploiting our government’s desperate desire for a deal to turn our red lines into green lights. As Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu noted yesterday, “In the nuclear talks, to my regret, what we are seeing are Iran’s increasing demands, and the major powers’ concessions which are also increasing, in keeping with the Iranian pressure. This agreement is going from a bad agreement to a worse agreement, and is becoming worse by the day.”
If and when a deal is announced we will be quick to examine it. We will pray for the best. But if this deal is as bad as reports indicate, we will not be silent. We will speak out, and we will ask you to speak out with us. In particular, we will ask you to demand that your leaders in Congress vote down a bad deal. In the meantime, please stay tuned and stay in touch. We need you now more than ever. The Weekly Standard. The Iran Deal, Then and Now. One week before the June 30 deadline for a nuclear deal with Iran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made a series of demands about the final terms. Among them: He called for an immediate end to all United Nations Security Council and U.S. economic sanctions on Iran; he said Iranian military sites would not be subject to international inspections; he declared that Iran would not abide a long-term freeze on nuclear research; and he ruled out interviews with individuals associated with Iran’s nuclear program as part of any enforcement plan. Ieri, 30 giugno, sono scaduto il termine di cui America e altri P5 + 1 Nazioni avrebbero dovuto per raggiungere un accordo con l'Iran per interrompere il suo programma di armi nucleari. Questo non era il primo tale scadenza. Ancora una volta, il termine andava e veniva senza un affare. Nel frattempo, continuiamo a ricevere rapporti preoccupanti da Ginevra che i negoziati hanno in gran parte ha consistito dell'Iran sfruttando il desiderio disperato del nostro governo per un affare di trasformare le nostre linee di rossi in luci verdi. Come primo ministro israeliano Netanyahu notato ieri, "nei colloqui nucleari, con mio rammarico, quello che stiamo vedendo sono richieste crescenti dell'Iran e concessioni delle grandi potenze, che sono anche in aumento, in armonia con la pressione iraniana. Questo accordo sta da un cattivo accordo per un accordo di peggio e sta diventando peggio di giorno in giorno." Se e quando è annunciato un accordo saremo veloci per esaminarlo. Pregheremo per il meglio. Ma se questo affare è così male come rapporti indicano, non saremo silenziosi. Vi parleremo, e vi chiediamo di parlare con noi. In particolare, ti chiederemo di esigere che i vostri capi in Congresso votare giù un cattivo affare. Nel frattempo, per favore restate sintonizzati e rimanere in contatto. Abbiamo bisogno di te ora più che mai. L'affare Iran, allora e adesso. Una settimana prima del termine del 30 giugno per un affare nucleare con l'Iran, Leader supremo Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ha fatto una serie di richieste circa le condizioni definitive. Fra loro: ha chiamato a porre immediatamente fine a tutti del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e gli Stati Uniti le sanzioni economiche contro l'Iran; ha detto siti militari iraniani non sarebbe soggetta a controlli internazionali; Egli ha dichiarato che l'Iran non avrebbe rispettato un congelamento a lungo termine sulla ricerca nucleare; e ha governato le interviste con gli individui associati con il programma nucleare dell'Iran come parte di qualsiasi piano di esecuzione. (210) 477-4714 | PO BOX 1307 San Antonio, TX 78295-1307 | info@cufi.org Copyright © 2014 Christians United for Israel. All Rights Reserved.
Amnesty e ONU sono due islamici nazisti sharia GAY GENDER ideologia, due nemici della democrazia e di Israele! Probabilmente anche tu, come me, hai sempre considerato Amnesty International una delle più importanti organizzazioni non governative in tema di difesa e promozione dei diritti umani. Il lavoro di Amnesty per i prigionieri di coscienza, contro la tortura e a favore dei prigionieri politici è conosciuto e stimato in tutto il mondo.
Se ti invito oggi a partecipare a una nuova campagna sul nostro sito (http://www.citizengo.org/it/26182-il-diritto-allaborto-non-esiste) è perché Amnesty International sembra aver in parte cambiato la propria vocazione a difesa dei diritti umani. Infatti, questa organizzazione si sta sempre più concentrando sulla promozione del cosiddetto "diritto all'aborto" e del matrimonio gay. In tema di aborto, ciò è dimostrato con la massima evidenza dalla recente campagna di Amnesty per fare pressioni sul governo irlandese. Lo stesso sta accadendo in El Salvador e presso le nazioni Unite, presso le quali Amnesty si sta battendo per un assurdo diritto all'aborto riconosciuto in tutto il mondo. Le campagne di comunicazione in questione mette in primo piano il diritto della donna ad abortire, dimenticando completamente il diritto del nascituro a venire alla luce e a vivere. La recente sentenza della Corte Suprema americana, che ha imposto il matrimonio gay in tutti gli Stati dell'Unione, è stata salutata da Amnesty come "una vittoria per i diritti umani" e si augura che la sentenza possa "influenzare positivamente il dibattito italiano". Anche in questo caso, che ne è dei diritti dei più deboli, ovvero del diritto di ogni bambino ad avere mamma e papà? Amnesty si batte per cause encomiabili, come quelle sopra citate, ma allo stesso tempo si pone anche a capo di operazioni di lobbying del tutto discutibili, che con la scusa di difendere presunti "nuovi diritti umani" (delle donne ad abortire, delle coppie omosessuali a sposarsi ed adottare bambini) finiscono per infrangere i diritti umani delle parti in causa più deboli e vulnerabili: il diritto alla vita, di ogni essere umano dal concepimento, e il diritto a una famiglia composta da mamma e papà, per ogni bambino. Questa petizione chiede ad Amnesty International di continuare ad occuparsi di cause come la lotta alla tortura e la tutela dei prigionieri politici e di coscienza, senza promuovere falsi diritti umani che non tutelano (e anzi danneggiano gravemente) chi ne ha più bisogno.
Per firmare, clicca su questo link: http://www.citizengo.org/it/26182-il-diritto-allaborto-non-esiste
(per ogni firma raccolta, il nostro sistema invierà una email direttamente ad Amnesty International).
Questa petizione è rivolta anche a tutti coloro che, magari in buona fede, hanno sostenuto le attività di Amnesty international. Se anche tu, lorenz, hai effettuato una donazione ad Amnesty International, sappi semplicemente che i fondi da loro raccolti servono anche per propagandare il diritto all'aborto e il matrimonio gay.
STOP ABORTO ] [ gli ISLAMICI NAZISTI SHARIA? LORO NON SI ABORTISCONO TRA DI LORO, MA FANNO LA BOMBA DEMOGRAFICA di pedofilia poligamia bordello privato familiare, E SI STANNO PREPARADO AD INVADERRCI ED A SOFFOCARCI, sotto egida ONU GENDER ideologia Amnesty Bildenberg sistema massonico usura mondiale, SpA Talmud, in violazione di tutti i diritti umani!
There is NO right to abortion. Dear Managers and Staff of Amnesty International, There is NO "right to abortion" - but there is a right to life for every human being. There was a time, not very long ago, when Amnesty International was reputed as one of the world’s leading human rights NGOs. Though it did not deal with all and every human rights issue, the organization undoubtedly did a lot to help and rescue political prisoners or prisoners of conscience in many countries of the world.
Amnesty’s campaign to legalize abortion in Ireland shows a turning point: all human beings, even the unborn children, deserve the defense of their human dignity and right to life. Through this petition, therefore, we denounce your hypocrisy and ask you to stop campaigning against the right to life of unborn children. In order to become credible as a human rights advocacy you must, on the contrary, stand up to defend the right to life of all human beings - in particular the weak and vulnerable. You must therefore defend the right to life of unborn children against those who, for whatever reason, will not recognize it. This petition is also addressed to all those who in good faith, and unaware of your stance on this very fundamental human rights issue, have supported you through their donations.
MI OFFENDE TANTA INGENUITà, OGGI CHI GUIDA IL MONDO SONO I SACERDOTI DI SATANA SPA BANZA MONDIALE URUROCRAZIA, QUINDI AL MICROCHIP SOTTOCUTANEO DEVE ESSERE OPPOSTA LA MASSIMA RESISTENZA, E LA MASSIMA OPPOSIZIONE! ] [ I profeti isterici anti-chip affermano che questa tecnologia sarebbe usata da un Governo mondiale per controllare la vita delle persone. È probabile, ma... Dove eravate quando è scoppiato lo scandalo WikiLeaks? Su Marte? I Governi e le imprese hanno già ampio accesso a ogni passo dei loro cittadini e consumatori, perché quasi tutto ciò che facciamo è registrato nei nostri computer personali (PC, smartphone, tablet ecc.) e nelle telefonate, per non parlare delle telecamere sparse in quasi tutti gli ambienti che frequentiamo. Il chip sotto la pelle, se venisse inserito su scala globale, non farebbe altro che intensificare una realtà già abbastanza ampia: abbiamo molta poca privacy e i nostri passi sono quasi tutti monitorati e registrati da Governi e imprese. È bizzarro e preoccupante? Sì. Potrà portare molti mali? Forse, lo dirà il tempo. E la Chiesa sicuramente ci metterà in guardia nel caso in cui fosse necessario. Una cosa sia chiara: nessuno sarà condannato per il fatto di aderire a un sistema di identificazione elettronico. Possiamo essere condannati, questo sì, per il fatto di aderire a valori e ideologie anticristiane. Questo è il vero segno della bestia, il segno della mondanità.
Egitto: negata la scarcerazione ad un cristiano. Sintesi: dopo aver trascorso gran parte della sua vita maltrattato, nascosto o in carcere, Mohamed Hegazy, un cristiano convertitosi dall'islam, non sa cosa aspettarsi dal futuro. Rimane in prigione, senza spiegazioni, nonostante abbia già scontato la propria pena.
Mohamed Hegazy è conosciuto per essere stato il primo egiziano a chiedere apertamente, nell'agosto del 2007, che venisse cambiata la voce riguardante la religione (da musulmano a cristiano) sulla propria carta d'identità. In questo modo vorrebbe evitare a suo figlio tutto ciò che ha dovuto sopportare sulla propria pelle. L'indicazione della religione di appartenenza è infatti un requisito obbligatorio sulla carta d'identità egiziana e definisce l'esistenza civile dell'individuo e della sua famiglia.
Il giovane uomo è attualmente in carcere per "oltraggio" all'islam ed è stato condannato sei mesi fa, nonostante i termini per la prescrizione del suo caso fossero scaduti nel 2009. Le altre 2 accuse che lo riguardavano erano già state cancellate in precedenza. Hegazy ha scelto di seguire Cristo all'età di 16 anni. Successivamente, nel 2002, è stato per un breve periodo incarcerato e torturato dall'SSI (Servizi Investigativi per la sicurezza dello Stato) e, dopo questa esperienza, ha vissuto in clandestinità con la propria famiglia. Arrestato di nuovo a dicembre del 2013, durante una protesta di piazza a Minya, è stato condannato a cinque anni di carcere con accuse che includevano la diffusione di informazioni false volte a "danneggiare il pubblico interesse". La condanna originaria è stata in seguito ridotta ad un solo anno, che risulterebbe già scontato, ma i servizi di sicurezza nazionale hanno continuato a tenerlo in carcere.
Diversi gruppi a difesa dei diritti umani, hanno provato a fare pressione sulle autorità egiziane perché venisse risolto il caso di Hegazy, ma la sua situazione non è migliorata, anzi, abbiamo notizia di maltrattamenti e umiliazioni, oltre alla negazione di diritti basilari come le visite regolari da parte del suo avvocato.
Nonostante la nuova costituzione egiziana, approvata a gennaio del 2014, si impegni al rispetto della libertà di credo e della dignità umana, i cristiani, soprattutto quelli provenienti da un background musulmano, vivono continuamente maltrattamenti fisici e soprusi.
Inoltre gruppi terroristici vicini ai "Fratelli Musulmani" (dichiarati illegali dal Presidente al-Sisi dal 2013), nel tentativo di destabilizzare il Paese, continuano ad effettuare attentati mirati.
Ci giunge forte la voce dei cristiani locali che chiedono preghiera e aiuto per una situazione che continua a rimanere tesa.
Egitto: Posizione nella World Watch List: L'Egitto si classifica al 23° posto nella World Watch List 2015, con 61 punti. La principale transizione politica degli ultimi mesi, che ha avuto luogo a luglio 2013, ha escluso dal potere la "Fratellanza musulmana" in seguito all'insurrezione nazionale contro di essa; 33 milioni di egiziani si sono riversati nelle strade il 30 giugno 2013. In Egitto però i cristiani, non solo i convertiti dall'islam, ma anche la numerosa comunità autoctona copta, sono ancora sotto pressione. La maggioranza della popolazione egiziana è musulmana, ma negli ultimi anni l'islam politico radicale è diventato più visibile e la società ha sofferto per le implicazioni della presenza di gruppi islamici radicali al governo. Vari gruppi di islamici militanti inoltre fanno ancora sentire la propria presenza. Tale situazione è fonte di tensione con la numerosa minoranza cristiana autoctona, i copti, che rappresentano circa il 10 percento della popolazione del Paese.
Fonti di persecuzione
Le fonti di persecuzione riguardanti i cristiani in Egitto sono l'estremismo islamico (fonte principale) e, in misura minore, la paranoia dittatoriale e la corruzione organizzata.
Estremismo islamico: è la fonte principale a causa dell'estromissione della "Fratellanza musulmana" dal potere e dell'aumento degli attacchi terroristici dei movimenti islamici contro i cristiani e le loro istituzioni. Anche se la "Fratellanza musulmana" è stata estromessa dal potere a luglio 2013, bandita a settembre 2013 e costretta a un'esistenza clandestina, i gruppi islamici radicali non sono scomparsi dall'Egitto. Nel Sinai, i movimenti islamici radicali operano nella quasi completa impunità.
Paranoia dittatoriale: la tradizione autoritaria del governo è forse la sola caratteristica costante del sistema politico egiziano, che ha conosciuto 3 cambi di regime in soli 3 anni. Tutti i governanti egiziani hanno avuto un solo elemento caratteristico in comune: uno stile di governo autoritario. Il decennio nel quale le dittature si sono succedute al potere si è concluso nel 2011 con proteste sociali di massa, che hanno portato infine all'elezione dei "Fratelli musulmani". Il governo guidato da Mohamed Morsi, non particolarmente democratico, è stato deposto da un'insurrezione nazionale sostenuta dall'esercito nel corso del 2013, in seguito a nuove proteste sociali di massa. Attualmente l'Egitto è governato da un governo civile guidato dal precedente comandante dell'esercito, Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, dopo le elezioni presidenziali del 2014. Questo governo non sembra avere tra le sue priorità i diritti umani fondamentali e il pluralismo democratico. In questo contesto, quindi, la libertà religiosa dei cristiani non è completamente garantita.
Corruzione organizzata: il crimine, la corruzione e l'insicurezza diffusi, in particolare nella zona del Sinai, hanno generato un clima strutturale di impunità, nel quale le ostilità contro i gruppi più vulnerabili, a favore dei quali nessuno si pronuncia nell'arena politica, non sono punite. Tale contesto riguarda anche i cristiani e le donne di qualsiasi credo religioso, specialmente quelle in una posizione più vulnerabile, come le cristiane, che sono oggetto di violenza in un ambiente islamico radicale.
Le sfide economiche del Paese disattese dal presidente Morsi, il progressivo smantellamento delle istituzioni democratiche e l'islamizzazione accelerata della politica egiziana sono state le cause scatenanti delle proteste di massa del luglio 2013.
La sequenza di rivoluzioni evidenzia non solo la frustrazione diffusa di fronte alla difficile situazione economica, ma anche il deterioramento del sistema democratico e l'elevata polarizzazione della società egiziana. Molte persone sono state sorprese dall'intervento militare nel 2013, perché non bisogna dimenticare che Morsi aveva ottenuto il sostegno (elettorale) di quasi la metà degli elettori che si erano presentati alle urne.
Lo stile di governo autoritario del presidente al-Sisi ha, in qualche misura, ristabilito lo stato di diritto in Egitto, ma ha anche imposto una legislazione relativamente restrittiva sugli affari religiosi, con conseguente svantaggio per la popolazione cristiana del Paese. Inoltre una legge del novembre 2013, che ha limitato le proteste pubbliche, contribuisce a ridurre la libertà d'espressione nella sfera pubblica.
Tipi di cristianesimo colpiti
Ci sono due tipi di cristianesimo in Egitto: la comunità etnica copta storica, a maggioranza ortodossa, e una piccola comunità in crescita di convertiti (credenti di origine musulmana).
Sia i credenti di origine musulmana che i cristiani copti risiedono in tutto il Paese, anche se la maggiore concentrazione di cristiani copti si trova nell'Alto Egitto, al Cairo e ad Alessandria. I livelli di persecuzione sono simili in tutto il Paese. I credenti di origine musulmana sopportano il peso maggiore della persecuzione.
Essi ne sono sempre stati le vittime, mentre la più numerosa minoranza copta, che incontra comunque notevoli difficoltà (incluse la discriminazione nel diritto all'istruzione, alla salute e alla rappresentanza politica e una legislazione che ostacola aspetti essenziali della vita della chiesa), è sempre stata tollerata a causa della presenza storica e dell'importanza demografica (circa 10-11 milioni di persone). Negli ultimi anni, tuttavia, la situazione è cambiata: le comunità storiche di cristiani sono diventate un bersaglio della persecuzione.
Nel caso dei credenti di origine musulmana, le famiglie sono spesso una fonte di persecuzione, perché puniscono i convertiti al cristianesimo per avere abbandonato la fede islamica anche con percosse o espulsioni dalla comunità.
Sfere della vita
I cristiani in Egitto affrontano la persecuzione maggiore nella sfera comunitaria, mentre nelle sfere privata, familiare ed ecclesiastica, in particolare i copti, godono ancora di una discreta libertà.
Sfera comunitaria: i copti sembrano particolarmente vulnerabili a causa dell'esclusione sociale. I resoconti di Porte Aperte segnalano la costante discriminazione nei confronti dei cristiani nella giustizia, nell'istruzione, nei servizi sociali fondamentali e una maggiore vulnerabilità economica.
Sfere privata e familiare: nella numerosa comunità copta la pressione non è elevata, al contrario dei credenti di origine musulmana, che subiscono gravi limitazioni all'interno delle proprie case e della famiglia estesa.
Sfera ecclesiastica: l'autonomia della chiesa è generalmente rispettata, anche se i copti affrontano alcuni ostacoli amministrativi, per esempio difficoltà ad ottenere le autorizzazioni per restaurare gli edifici ecclesiastici.
Subito dopo il 30 giugno 2013, in seguito all'estromissione del presidente Morsi, un'impennata delle violenze settarie ha suscitato la dichiarazione di Amnestry International circa la crescita senza precedenti degli attacchi settari ai cristiani copti. Nel periodo analizzato dalla WWL, 65 tra chiese, librerie cristiane, scuole cristiane e conventi sono stati completamente bruciati, distrutti o saccheggiai dalla folla, spesso istigata dai movimenti islamici radicali. Inoltre, soltanto 5 dei 32 edifici ecclesiastici distrutti ad agosto 2013 sono stati ricostruiti. La promessa di aiuti per la ricostruzione e il restauro da parte dell'esercito non è ancora stata mantenuta.
Prospettive future
Gli elementi che definiranno il futuro dell'Egitto sono essenzialmente politici. Le proteste sociali non cesseranno finché continuerà l'instabilità politica e non si affronteranno le sfide economiche. Il Paese è caratterizzato da un'apparentemente incolmabile divisione ideologico-religiosa tra varie espressioni dell'islam radicale (dai salafiti ai "Fratelli musulmani") e politica liberale (secolarista).
Gli sviluppi politici attuali rivelano che lo scenario più probabile vedrà la Chiesa confinata in una situazione di protezione. Non diminuirà tuttavia l'opposizione da parte della società islamica, che è per la maggior parte ignara del cristianesimo.
RonPaulCC2012 http://www.youtube.com/user/RonPaulCC2012
David Duke can not understand, as there is: A contract villain, among enlightened and the International Islamic (the fossils of the book) for the destruction of Christianity and Christian civilization! So Saudi Arabia has sacrificed the Palestinians in Israel's favor. while all the hate against Israel and the West who are always dominated from Jewish lobbies and Freemasons of seigniorage banking, is charged to the innocent Christians...
[[ these are the comments made to close the page of youtube/user/youtube these are the comments made to close the page of youtube for many time ]]
666SeigniorageofBank (6 ore fa) on youtube page everything is very simple for me!
1. God wanted to give the Jews: (lobby enlightened of banking seigniorage) the political responsibility of the world.
2. but, everything revolves around Jesus of Bethlehem, for all flesh is judged: condemned or saved: only in reference to him! how high thou art institutions? because the institutions do not react to the bank seigniorage? like, they may not know: the necessity for the IMF-World Order: of to do 3 ° WWnuclear ? Eric Holder Stages Fake Saudi Israeli Embassy Terror Plot Tying Iran And The Drug Cartels Together Da: IranContraScumDid911 | 12/Oct/2011 | 1,519 visualizzazioni Im actually surprised Eric Holder did not tie Gadaffi, Syria, Al-Shabaab, North Korea, and bigfoot into the Hollywood story. There is so many problems with this story it is sad. Eric is really getting desparate. Mr. Fast and Furious needs to go to prison for supplying the cartels with guns and staging fake terror for real political gain. At the same time he is in trouble for supplying guns to the drug cartels and he is staging a fake trial for Obama's Flight 253 diaper hoax, Eric Holder creates a diversion with a whole new twist and purpose. The terror plot was not foiled, it was successfiul as a tool that can be used as a pretext against Israel and Saudi Arabia's enemies. Israel and Saudi Arabia are attacking America every chance they get to reinforce their political agendas. This is why your founding fathers wanted you to remain independent, foreign nations now control our puppet govenment using our justice system to con us into being afraid and supporting the policies that have destroyed this country. Eric Holder is running the drug cartels and terrorism, to suit Obama's agenda. --------------
@Rochefeller - he is: the sovereign Lord universal: the satanic world of Babel Tower, he himself the head of all enlightened! he is: the real head of the snake! ie: the head of the New World Order, Freemasonry, Satanism: IMF, World Bank: Freemasonry: Intelligence: CIA MOSSAD: Bildenberg, trilateral: etc. .. Etc. .. the propensity of the Jews "Marranos," to pretend to convert to Christianity? is the oldest: the Middle Ages!! is a phenomenon: sad: that the Catholic Church knows very well: so ... that it was forced ... to do the court of the Holy Inquisition! these enlightened Jews of Satanists? they have no imagination! Despite all their power? they play again, to make the Jews Marranos (converted to Christianity fake)! the time of the dictators is over, because the time is over of the slaves .. so the responsibility for power is to be shared .. according to a principle of fairness: because every man is like any other man .. In fact we are not racist as the Sharia, or as enlightened Zionists.. in reality? I do not need to threaten no one .. because I do not feel to be the enemy of someone! Also, I am extremely: more than convenient: of all, in fact, I am profitable! why pay the money at interest: by the Jews Satanists? when I can give gratis all money at all the Governments?
[[ these are the comments made to close the page of youtube/user/youtube these are the comments made to close the page of youtube for many time ]]
@ IsraelNationalTV --- If these crimes: they have never been: recognized: disavowed: or renegades, condemned, by the Jewish communities? Then, these crimes: they are still made today again, by all shit Ovadia: Kakam Illuminati of IMF: seigniorage banking .. because today it is easy to do this dirty work, with satanists! That's why God can never, answer to your prayers .. However: if they have the stomach: the unconscious: for go to the hell: ie to deal with Satan? also for this few years of these earthly life? the help of American Satanists: 666 and 322? however, is not something that is going to last! quiet boy! I am come to you? but, My spirit has passed, killing thousands of Satanists: first! quiet .. a king knows how to: as protect its subjects! You have noticed how: by: Joshua [23.11] the traslator:has canceled(3 ° WWnuclear)?
1 [Christian blood] HISTORICAL APPENDIX. Preamble. The revelations of: Neophyte: here: printed on top: they are themselves clear. But then: they even still credible? To answer this question, leaving here: aside: reasons: intrinsic: the credibility, of what: is enough: he spoke in the preface of Di Giorgio, to us: contented: report here: briefly (as only: it implies: the brevity and the purpose of: these pages) 1 °: the historical list of Many: murders: that ritual purposes: always committed: the: Jews in the: past: centuries: and this: some: the more special: the more clear: confessions: of: Jews: of: this: murder: and: this ritual purpose: that: are reported in: authentic: processes. II. List historical: some: assassinations: of: Christians: committed: by: Jews for ritual purposes:
2 [Christian blood] in: centuries ago. Many: lists: of: this: assassinations: they: are described: various: authors, traits: mostly from: and Baronius: Bollandists. More copious: but although very far: from finished: that's what us here: faithfully copied from page 56 and following: the: question Juive, important book published: in 1882: Printing in Desclee de Brouwer and Comp Lilac in the Rue Royale, 26. Year:
** 1071. In Blois (Monumenta historica scriptorum Germanies, vol. VI, p.. 520): A child crucified. Then: thrown into the river. Count Theobald: does burn: Jews guilty.
3 [Christian blood] ** 1114. At Norwich in England (Bollandists, vol. 5th of March, 588: and monuments, ibid.) William, a boy of twelve, years, is lured into a Jewish home, and there: torn up to the total bleeding. ** 1160. In Glocester (Monumenta ibid.): The: Jews crucify a child:
** 1179. In Paris: (Bollandists: ibid.: P. 591): Richard the child: is slain: Castle in Pontoise: Holy Thursday: and is honored as a saint in Paris. ** 1181. In Paris: St. Robert, boy, is killed by: Jews to the parties: Easter.
** 1181. Zaragoza (Blanca illustrated Hispania, Thomas 3 °, p. 657) occurred: the same with Domenico del Val.
4 [Christian blood] ** 1236. At Hagenau (Richeri: Acta Senonensia: Monum XXV, p. 324) .. At a Hagenau: three children, of seven years are sacrificed: the Jews, to hate: Jesus Christ: ** 1244, London (Baron No 42) a child: a Christian is, martyred by: Jews; and: worship: the church of S. Paolo. ** 1250. In Aragon (John: from Lent, De Pseudo Messiis, p. 33) a child of seven years, was crucified at the Jewish Passover.
** 1255. A Lincoln (Bolland. vol. 6 July, p. 494) Hugh Child: stolen from: Jews are fed up to the day of sacrifice. Many: Jews agree, from various parts of England: and crucify him:. ** 1257. In London (hist Cluverio Epitome. P. 541) a child slain Christians.
** 1160. A Welssemburg: (Annal. Colmar, Monum. XVII, 191) a little boy is killed by: Jews. ] It is remarkable to consider, such as: the same confessions and revelations have been made by: Jews, even after many, many: centuries and in countries far away: in Trento, Moldova, Switzerland: in: centuries XIV and XVIII, which is already the second: and he saw: see. Many: other: made: similar to: those: already reported: we: may collect: other: history: especially by: Monumenta of Pertz historiae Germanicae. But, because, so far reported, just: to put in point: that the use jew: to: use: of Christian blood, for ritual purposes: it is ancient and constant: in: centuries gone by. But we now come to the century: present .......
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Published: June 18, 2015 35b/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: IV. Christenen moeten in DINGEN Beschadigde Nodig: Voor SURVIVAL: The: Joden: Not: Ze moeten Elk middel op te slaan: For The Fight: tirannen: Dat: te houden in deze vierde gevangenschap in volgorde: van: zich te ontdoen van. Zij moeten: Fight The christenen: Met: The: En Cunning: Niet: iets doen: Voor Te Vermijden: Dat: The: Evil grijpt hen: Tea: hun zieke: Niet: ze moeten worden verzorgd: Voor: Christian Women: Niet: ze moeten worden geholpen Tijdens: The: bevalling: En: De christenen: Niet: ze moeten worden opgeslagen wanneer het gevaar: de dood. 36/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: En: zaken doen: Met: Dezelfde Akum (Christian). In andere plaatsen: echter: is: verschillende En: is: alleen To: Aan: een andere jood: van: Going To The Same Akum (Christian) circuit: zaken doen: Met: En hem: Take: The: zijn geld. In: Feit: De: Wealth dell Akum (Christian) en moet worden beschouwd een gemeenschappelijke eigenschap: het behoort tot de eerste: Dat: het kan worden toegeëigend. Er is: Hoe dan ook: Wie zegt dat: Wat: Niet: worden gedaan. "In Choschen Hammischpat (183,7 Hagah) luidt:" Indien: jew zaken doet: With A: Akum (Christian) En: A: En broer Israëliet voordoet: Frodathe: Akum (Christian): Voor de helft: van: Valse Gewichten: of: maatregelen: of: Getallen: hij moet verdelen: de beste: zijn Profit: Met: Tea: zijn broer Israëliet: Want: Dat: beide hebben Deelgenomen van The: Affair: En: Ook: voor hulp. " 37/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: 4. Naar: jew PU0 doen alsof: van: BE To: CHRISTIAN: Voor: MISLEIDEN christenen: In Iore Dea (. 157,2 Hagah) luidt: "Indien: jew kan: Fool hen (de afgodendienaren) doen alsof: van: zijn: Keen: van: sterren: is: mogen doen "5.. Joden: is: Toegestane slijtage van Oefening: In The: tegen christenen: in het: Abhodah Zarah (54A) het zegt: is: alleen de oefening: Draag: in het: respect: The: afvallige Fallen tot afgoderij. "En: In Iore Dea (159,1) luidt: is: alleen: in overeenstemming met: The: Tora: om geld te lenen om te dragen bij:. Akum (Christian) Enkele Elders: echter: Dit ontkennen Behalve in het geval: van: Life : van: dood van de dag:. Vandaag de dag is: Machtigingen:. Om welke reden " 38/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: III. Beschadigde Christenen moeten in VRAGEN: JURIDISCHE: 1. The: Jood: is: Toestemming en Lie: Jura: The: FALSE: Voor: een bevel om: CHRISTIAN: In Babha Kama (113e) het zegt: Het beste: Ons onderwijs is: The: Na: Wanneer To: jood en een : Indiase overheid: (pay) verschijnen in de rechtszaal: ontslaat het: jew: als je kunt: volgens de wetten van Israël. Indien: De: Indiase overheid: (pay) Overwinningen: Zeg hem: Dat: Wat: is: Wat: Thee: onze wet voorschrijft. Indien: echter: The: jew kan worden vrijgesproken in overeenstemming met: The: The Law: type: En hem ontlading: Zeg hem: Dat: Wat: is: gebeurt volgens onze wetten. Als dit niveau: Niet: het kan worden gedaan: doen: Met: hardheid Tegen: De: Indiase overheid: (pay) als: aanbevolen: The: Rabbi Ischmael. 39/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: De: Rabbi Akibha: echter: Betoogt: Dat: Niet: u kunt Act: Met: Fraude: Voor: Niet: Profane de Naam van God: En: voor : Niet: te: jew terug naar: Advies: wegens meineed. "Een Opmerking: margin: echter: dit verklaart Point: The: Rabbi Akibha als: volgt: De Naam van God: Niet: als het ontheiligd: The: Indiase overheid: (pay) Niet: hij weet: dat: de : jew: heeft: Lied ", en:. meer: Forward: The: Babha Kama (113b) zegt: De: Naam van God: Niet: is: Wanneer ontheiligd: Bijvoorbeeld: To: jew geest naar een: Indiase overheid: betalen ( ) zegt: Ik heb iets voor u: uw Vader, maar Hij: is: dead: je moet het terug naar mij: voorwaarde dat: de: Indiase overheid: (heidense) Niet: weten: Dat: je liegt. " 40/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: 2: is: toestemming om: jew Jury: De: FALSE: Met: Bewustzijn: CLEAN: In Kallah (1b: blz. 18) luidt: "Het ( de: moeder van de: mazmer) zei: ik zweer: me En:. De: Rabbi Akibha zwoer Met: Lippen: maar: ongeldig in zijn hart: De eedaflegging A:. soortgelijk concept is in Schabbuoth Hagahoth: van de : Rabbi Ascher (6d) "Indien: De: magistraat van een stad dwingt de Joden: zweren dat: Niet: En: Vlucht uit die stad: Dat: Niet: het afwrijven Alles: Ze zal zweren The: False Als je zegt: Themselves : Dat: Niet: Vlucht Die dag: En: Dat: Niet: verwijder AnythingFrom De stad op die dag alleen. " 42/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: 1. Naar: jew moet altijd proberen: van: MISLEIDEN christenen: In Zohar (I: 160e) het zegt: de beste: The Rabbi Jehuda: heeft: zei (tegen de rabbijn Chezkia): is: Worthy: van: Looft Hem: Dat: is : staat: van: zich te ontdoen van vijanden van Israël: En: Bent: zeer Worthy: van: The Praise: De rechtvaardige Dat: En ze zijn vrijgelaten: Fight Them: The: Chezkia Rabbi Gevraagd: hoe moeten we Fight: De: Rabbi Jehuda zegt: Met: Wise adviseur Against War: van: Them (Spreuken: cap.24: 6). With: Dat: Type: van: War: De: Type: van: War: Dat: Elk kind van: de mens moet: Fight: Tegen: De: zijn vijanden: En: Dat: Jacob gebruikt: Tegen: Ezau: Wanneer mogelijk: met: The: En Deception: The: Fraude. 43/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: Ze moeten meedogenloos worden bestreden: tot: Dat: The: juiste volgorde: Niet: wat hersteld: is: Er: Fore: Met: Stationaire Faction: Dat: ik die zeggen: Wij moeten: Free up En: From Them: de regel van: van: Them. "2: Niet: je moet helpen: SICK CHRISTIAN: In Iore Dea (158,1) luidt:" The: Akum (Christian) Niet: ze moeten worden behandeld: Evenementen: Voor geld: Om: Minder: Dat: Wat: Not: oorzaak : De: hun vijandschap. "3: Niet: We moeten: HELP: The: CHRISTIAN VROUW IN: Tea: Onderdelen: in de: Orach Orach Chaiim (330,2) luidt:" Er is geen hulp: Hoewel ten minste: moet worden gegeven aan A Woman Akum (Christian) Tijdens: De: geboorte in uren van: maandag: in dat: de: zaterdag: Niet: het moet worden geschonden ". 44/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: 4: Niet: We moeten: HELP: CHRISTIAN IN GEVAAR: van: DEATH: In Choschen Hammischpat (425,5) luidt: "Als je A zie: ketter: Dat: Let op: Nalla geloven ToFall in de Tora: Well: Met: A Ladder: en meteen stormloop: Take It Away En zegt dat ik moet gaan naar: Take off mijn zoon:. dak We Will verslag uit over: de: schaal ONMIDDELLIJK: of: iets : van de:. General Kuthaei I: Maar: Dat: Niet: Ben: en onze vijanden: Dat: Let op: van de: schapen: The: Israëlieten: Niet: ze moeten direct worden gedood, maar: Niet: Ze moeten worden opgeslagen: From Death "en: in Iore Dea (158,1) luidt:". De: Akum (christelijke) Dat: Niet: Zijn: onze Vijanden: Niet: ze moeten direct worden gedood: 45/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: Dit: Niet: in weerwil van Them: Niet: ze moeten worden opgeslagen: Vanaf het gevaar van: overlijden: Voorbeeld: als je er een ziet: van: Thed: vallen in de zee: Niet: Om het Pull up: Minder: Dat: hij: Niet: I Promise: van de: geld. "Maimonides in Hilkhoth Akum (christelijke) X1: Niet: Licet misereri Eorum; enkele andere indrukwekkende woorden:".. Het misereberis Eorum "1) Idcirco: Marquis viderit u Adum Pereuntem: vel demersum Acquis: het OPEMFerat Hij stierf Proximate viderit Eum: Eripiat hij dood Attamen Eum Losing het onderhoud:. Praecipitem in Puteum geven vergelijkbare snelheid Ne Fas siquid Huic-Oosten: Quia nobiscum bellum: Niet: Gerit. 46/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: Maimonides: in Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: 1) zegt: Niet: heb medelijden: van: Them: in: Feit: Is: zei (VII Deuter. : 2) Niet: hun vroomheid getoond. Er: Fore: Akum (christelijke) in moeilijkheden of Drown:: als je A niet zien: ga hem te hulp. En: als hij in gevaar: de dood: Niet: sparen, maar: Niet: is: gewoon hem te doden met: de: Pushing uw hand in The Pit: of: Anders: sinds: Dat: Zij: Not: Are: in De oorlog tegen: van: ons. "Artikel II: EINDELIJK:: Killed christenen moeten zijn: Talmoed commando: Dat: de christenen zijn zonder genade vermoord in de: Abhodah Zarah (26 ter) luidt:" Ketters: Verraders En: Afvalligen moeten verwijderd worden in A: En Wel: Niet : Ze moeten gered worden ". 47/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: En: in Choschen Hammischpat (388,10) stelt: "De spion gedood moesten worden: Too: Op To: onze dag:. Waar u ook bent Het kan worden gedood Zelfs sommige : Fore: Dat: belijden en:. Ook al geeft hij toe: van: Hij wilde alleen maar te maken: van The: Om iemand kwaad: En: als: The: Evil: Dat: hij wilde doen: Niet: Was het een zeer groot : is: Genoeg: Om deze te veroordelen: Voor:. overlijden Het moet echter wel gewaarschuwd: van: Niet: dit toe te geven, maar: als er staat schaamteloos "Nee: I Confess!" Dan moet hij worden gedood: The: Zodra Als mogelijk:. Not: "er is: Tijd: Voor u waarschuwen: Niet: Is:. een noodzakelijke stap Sommigen zeggen dat: To: Traitor moet worden gedaan om: de dood alleen als: is: onmogelijk om zich te ontdoen 48/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: verminken: dat wil zeggen: het afsnijden van: The: Taal: of: rippen uit hun ogen, maar: als dit: is: kan: Niet: Om worden gedood sinds: Dat : hij: Niet: is: Worst: van: andere: Dat: ons vervolgen. "En: in Choschen Hamm: van: Nieuwe (388,15) luidt:" Als je kan aantonen: dat: iemand heeft: verraden Israël Three Times: of: Dat: heeft: als: de: verhouding: van: Israëlieten To The Akum ( Christian) u WillFind: The: Way: Nazorg Ful overweging: van: verwijder het bericht: From The Face: The: Earth. "Quinim: ipsum stadion wetgevers Iudaeorum Poenam Returned mortis Sanhedrin 59 tot en met R. Iochanan Om je te citeren:. Goi Legem scrutans: Oost-reus mortis. 49/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: De: Christian: Dat: Om te ontdekken: studie: The: Wet van Israel Verdiensten: The: de dood. In Sanhedrin (59 bis) het zegt: De: Rabbi Jochanan zegt: To: Indiase overheid: (pay) Dat: Sticks: The: Neus in de wet is: schuldig aan: de dood. "II Occidendi sunt baptisma suscipientes Iudaei Hilkhoth Akum (christelijke) X2:... Haec dicta sunt 1) de idolatris Israelitarum Sed illos hier To: desciverint religie: vel Epikurei Evaserint: doden:. Om het na streven atque Zelfs tot inferos iubemur Quippe Affligunt Israelem: Populumque Aan: Deo Avertunt. 50/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: II. Joden MOET WORDEN GEMAAKT gedoopt: DEATH: In Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X: 2) luidt: "Deze dingen (boven) zijn: voor de afgodendienaren, maar: Zelfs de Israëlieten: Dat: Vertrek: The: En Hun religie: moeten worden gedood en Word epicuristen: We moeten vervolgen hen tot het einde: voor Israël en zij kwellen: afleiden: The: Volk van God ", en: in Iore Dea (158,2 Hagah) luidt:" The Renegades: Dat: zijn erop gericht: Om op: genoegens van de: Akum (Christian) En: Dat: En zij zijn besmet het aanbidden van de sterren: De: als planeten: Zijn ze: moet worden gedood "Ook:. Het wordt gezegd in Choschen Hammischpat (425,5) 51/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: "De: Joden: Dat: Word Epicurean: Dat: van de schade u: Aanbidding: van The: En sterren: van de: en de planeten: de zonde kwaadwillig; Events Die: Dat: Eat: The: vlees van: Dieren gewond: of: Dat: Draag kleding kamers: ze verdienen: De naam: van: Epicurean: op dezelfde manier: Die: Dat: ontkennen: The: Thora en: The: Profeten van Israel: De: Recht: Is: Dat: All: Zij moeten worden gedood: En: Die: Dat: hebben: The: Power: van: The Life And: van: dood intreedt, moet hebben gedood hen, en: als dit niveau: Niet : Zou het kunnen gebeuren: Zij moeten ter dood gebracht: Met: The: Deception "Hier Sint Abnegantes:. Legem instellingen: Clare R. Demonstratio Maimon in Hilkhoth Teschubhah III: 2). 52/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: Tres sunt Negantium Torah klassen: 1. Hier dicunt: Niet: Naar: Deo mij gegeven Deze Tora: Aut (let op: To: Deo) saltem Eius versum unum: saltem Verbum unum: sed (Lieutenant) Moysen To: seipso hoc dixisse: omnis (eng om hier te citeren u) Abnegat legem. 2. Hier Abiiciunt Eius Explicationem: quae dicitur Tora oralis (Mischnah) Neque Agnoscunt Eius doctores: Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Zadok. 3) Et Baithos 4). 3. Hier: van: de: Rabbi Maimonides: in Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III: 8): Forniscethe: Lijst: van: Die: Dat: ontkenners komen aan bod: van de: Wet: "Er: Are: Drie categorieën: People: Dat: ontkennen: The: Law: The: Tora: 1) Mensen: dat ze zeggen: Dat: The: Tora: Niet: is: Was gegeven door God: 53/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: minimaal: Aan: of: Een woord: van: het (sic) En: Dat: Ze zeggen dat: geweest is: het hele werk van Mozes: 2 ) Mensen: Dat: re Fuse: De: Uitleg van de: Tora, namelijk de: Mondelinge Wet: The: Mischnah: En: Die: Dat: Niet: riconoscono het: van de autoriteiten: Artsen: van de: Wet: Als : De: Volgers: van: Zadok (Sadduceen) En: van: Baithos: 3) Mensen: Dat: dat ze zeggen: God heeft: veranderd: The: Law: Want: Nog een nieuwe wet: En: dat: de: Tora : Niet: heeft: Nooit meer waarde: zelfs als ze: Niet: ontkennen: Dat: Was door God gegeven als: de christenen en geloven: The: Turken: All: ontkennen Them: The: Leest uit de Tora. . "III Christenen vermoord zou moeten zijn: Waarom: Zijn: Tyrant: In Zohar (I: 25a) het zegt: 54/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: "De volkeren van de: Earth: Bent: afgodendienaren: En: van: van: Them: Been: Schriftelijk: Dat is geveegd het gezicht: van de: Land: Destroy: The: geheugen: The:. Amalekieten ze: Bent: nog steeds: Met: In dit vierde Captivity: Namelijk: The:. principes (van Rome) Dat: in: Feit: Bent:. Amalekieten "1. Deze beginselen moeten worden gedood: Voor EERSTE: Waarom: als ze toegestaan: van: Life: The: hoop van de: Bevrijding van The: Joden: is: ijdel: En: Hun gebeden: van: bevrijding van dit zal Vierde Captivity in effectieve. In Zohar (I: 219B) het zegt: is: natuurlijk: Dat: Het beste: onze gevangenschap Zal duren tot: When The: Beginselen van het: soort: Dat: Not:: Deze afgoden aanbidden: zij zullen worden vernietigd. " 55/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: En: Zelfs in de Zohar (II: 19a) het zegt: De: Rabbi Jehuda: heeft: gezegd: Come To: Zie als: Things Are; als: Tea : Principes en hebben de macht over Israël: De Israëlieten: Niet: klagen, maar: Als het: Falls: The Prince: The: Hun genot is Vilt. Dat er staat geschreven: The: Re: The: Egyptenaren en overleed: onmiddellijk de: kinderen van Israël werden bevrijd: Van gevangenschap: En ze schreeuwde: Tea: hun stem Verlichte: God "2: Het principe: Dat HA: Rome : Voor CAPITAL: is: IS: Dat: Joden hebben MEER HAAT: van: All: Ze noemen het: de: United: van: En Ezau: The: Edomieten: De Verenigde Pride: The United: The: Evil: Unholy . Rome Het Turkse Rijk is te noemen: de: United: The: Ismaelieten: 56/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: Dat: Zij: Niet: willen vernietigen: de: United: van Rome: echter: Moet worden uitgeroeid: Waarom: Wanneer: Het beste: corrupte Rome is vernietigd: The : En verlossing: The: Vrijheid Wordt het uitverkoren volk: van: God "R. David Kimchi scribit de gedesinfecteerd Obadiam29: Quidquid dixerunt Prophetae vastatione van Edom in ultims diebus: id intellexerunt de Rome: in ut Explica Iesaia in Versu" Access gentes Om te luisteren naar "3) Etenim Wanneer vastabitur Rome ERIT Redemptio Israelitarum:. De: Rabbi David Kimchi schrijft als: in het: Obadiam: volgt:" Deze: dat: de: profeten: voorspelde de vernietiging van: Edom in The Last: paar dagen heb ik gemeld aan Rome: As: zegt Jesaja (ch.34: 1) 57/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: Aanpak: of: Nations: And Listen .. Wanneer Rome is Destroyed: Israël zal verlost worden. "Ook: The: Rabbi Abraham zegt De: hetzelfde in zijn boek Tseror Hammor Sectie Schoftim: Niet: Wanneer Rome zal worden vernietigd: We worden afgelost." IV.FINALLY: All: christenen: onder meer bij de BEST:: zij MOET WORDEN UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26b. Tosephoth: Optimus inter occidi Returned heidenen. Multoties haec Phrasis repetita occurrit in diversis Iudaeorum libris: Licet: Niet: iisdem verbis.V.gR.Ps.IARC in Exod cap.XIV: zie Editionis Amstelodamiensis17) te citeren: 58/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde slaven]: in het: Abhodah Zarah (26 ter: Tosephoth) luidt: "Ook: De: van de beste: doodde de heidenen Should Be" De Shulhan Arukh: na de woorden van De: Iore Dea (158,1) Dat: Ze zeggen dat: Die Among The Akum (christelijke) Dat: Niet: maak: The: Evil tot de Joden: Not: Zij moeten worden gedood: Die Namelijk: Dat: Niet: War maken op Israël: legt uit: The: Milchamah Word: War, maar: Tijd: van: De oorlog van The Akum (christelijke) gedood moeten worden want er staat geschreven: The Good Among The Akum (Christian) verdienen: van: gedood te worden: Etc .. "V. Jood: Dat kills: CHRISTIAN: Niet: zonde, maar: aanbiedingen: offer aanvaardbaar zijn om: GOD: V. Iudaeus occidens Christianum: Niet: Peccat: sed offerre dicitur Acceptable sacrificium Deo. 59/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: Sepher of Israël 177b3) Dele Vitam Et occide En Kiphoth; gratus Enim Eris Divinae majesteit sicut illegaal: Aangeboden hier oblatum wierook. In de Sepher of Israël (177B) het zegt: "Take Away: The: Life: Om op: Kliphoth En: Kill Them: En: Als je naar God als: A: Dat: The:. Aanbieden van wierook" En: in Ialkut Simoni (245c.n.772) luidt: "Een: Dat: spreads: de: bloed van de: Wicked is: Time To God accepteren als de een: Dat: aanbiedingen:.. Om God te offeren VI NA: De: verwoesting van de Tempel To: JERUZALEM: DE ENIGE: Sacrifice NODIG: Is: de moord op christenen: In Zohar (III227b) Thee: The Good Shepherd zegt: alleen noodzakelijk offer: is: Dat: Togliamothe: Foul: van: Middelen naar: ons ". 60/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: De Zohar (II: 43a) Uitleg: De: Geboden van Mozes op de aflossing van de: Eerste-geboren: van: A: Ass: Dat: We hebben: Met: De: aanbieding: van: A Lam zegt: "De ezel is: Voor: The: Niet: jew: Dat: het moet worden afgelost Met: Tea: Aanbieding: van A: Lamb: Dat: is: The: Licht : Flock: van Israel, maar: als hij opnieuw Zekeringen: van: om verlost te worden: Dan is de pauze: The: schedel .. Ze moet worden geschrapt: From The Book of The: Living Met ingang van: van: aan hen is: zei : Hij: Dat: sin: Tegen: van: me: I Will Take Awad: Uit het boek: The:. Life "VII. PERSONEN: Dat christenen zullen doden To: PLAATS: hoog in de lucht: In de Zohar (1.38b: En 39a) luidt: 61/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde slaven]: in het: paleizen van de: Vierde hemel Zijn deze: Dat: Ze Uitgegeven gekreun van Zion en Jeruzalem, en: All: Die: Dat: Destroyed afgodische Nations .. En: Die: Dat: Killing People: Dat: hij aanbad afgoden: Bent: kleding: Met: jurken: van: Paars zo: Dat: en kunnen worden herkend: gehonoreerd. "VIII Joden: Niet: MAG NOOIT stoppen: van: Exterminate: GOIM;:. Not: MAG NOOIT LAAT ME ALLEEN En: Niet: MAG: nooit aan: ZE Hilkhoth In Akum (Christian) (X: 1) We lezen. : Niet: Eet: Met: De afgodendienaren: Niet: Let Them: van: De Aanbidding: Hun idolen: is: in: Feit: Wrote: Niet: Opgericht opdrachten: Met: hen niet: genade tonen Them (Deuter. ch.7 : 2) of: leidt hen: van hun idolen: of: Kill Them ". 62/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: Ibidem (X: 7) Niet: het wordt het mogelijk: geen afgoderij: van: Om bij te blijven: in het: Plaatsen waar de Joden zijn: sterk: "IX: All: Joden: Bent: Verplicht te verenigen: Voor: de verraders te vernietigen: die:: TEMIDDEN To: THEM: In Choschen Hammischpat (338,16) luidt: All: The People: van de: stad: Bent: Verplicht te: Draag Om de besteding van de doden: van: A: A Traitor: zelfs die:. dat ze moeten Andere belastingen betalen "X. NO PARTY: Niet: Matter HOE PLECHTIGE: CAN: Voorkom: The: onthoofding: van: A: CHRISTIAN: In Pesachim (49b) het zegt: De: Rabbi Eliëzer zei: is: alleen knippen: The: hoofd van: A: idiot (a: van de: bewoners van de: Aarde) 63/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde slaven]: in Het Feest van De: Verzoening Wanneer het: Falls per dag van: zaterdag. Zijn discipelen zeiden tot Hem: Rabbi: Indien u liever zeggen op te offeren: maar Hij antwoordde: Helemaal niet: is: moeten inderdaad bidden terwijl boeten: En: niet: er is: nodig hebt: van: wanneer je iemand onthoofden Bid. "XI: The: enige doel: van: en alle acties: Gebeden: van de: Joden MOET WORDEN DAT: van: Destroy: De: Religie:: De: verbeelden Joden: The: En de Messias: Liberator: Dat: Verwacht als: A: een vervolger: Dat: Tot grote rampen aanrichten: Niet: Joden: De: Talmud noemt drie grote kwaden: Dat: hit: The World Wanneer: The: Zal Messias komen Schabbath In (118A) leest.: 64/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: "Iedereen die drie maaltijden Eet: van: dinsdag worden opgeslagen: Van drie kwaden: The: straf: van de: Messiah: The: En de pijnen van de Hell: De oorlog van Magog,: want er staat geschreven: Zie: Ik zal u de Elia: eerste profeet: Dat: is: The: Dag: van de Heer: En ga zo maar door "XII.. In hun gebeden de Joden zucht: The: Coming: The: Avenger Messiah: Vooral in: Vigil: The: Pasen (Hebreeën) "Download: Thee: uw Wrath op de Nations: Dat: Niet: je weet: En: op Kingdoms: Dat: Niet: te roepen: De beste: uw naam, Download:: van je verontwaardiging: van: Hun En: Dat: The: uw Wrath: van: wraak Take Them: En Perseguitali: vernietig: Met: Anger Van onder de : hemel van de Heer ". 65/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: Ze bidden ook als: volgt: Voor hoe lang het zal blijven: The: je kracht en gevangen: hoe lang Lie: The: in Uw schoonheid: de: handen van de onderdrukker:? Of: God! Toon: Thee: En uw kracht: De beste: uw Zeal Tegen: Het beste: onze vijanden; pauzes: Thee: En Hun kracht: confonde Them "en: Again:" Snijd: de: hoop van de onrechtvaardige, geleden dat: To: Ketters Perish Meteen; ontworteld: gebroken: En: vernietig: De Verenigde Proud; te haasten: To: Aan: De: onderwerp Peoples: in het: Aanwezig dag. "In exact hetzelfde tijdstip: The: Vrijdag: Dat" Prinicipe trots op de Empire: van Rome: The: Paus: En bidden: Om te bestellen: All: Alle: The: World of: Bid: Voor: All: "ketters" 66/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: En: Die: Dat: "verloren" As: volgt: "Laat ons bidden: voor de: Per Fidious Joden: Dat: De Heere, onze God, kan Take Away : De: veilFrom Hun harten: Dat: Ze kunnen herkennen Jezus Christus, onze Heer "Almachtige en eeuwige God:. Dat: Niet: Zelfs exclusief de Joden van uw barmhartigheid: hoor ons gebed: Dat: aanbieding: Voor: The: blindheid: van : The People: Dat: Erkend: The: Licht van de: Thy Waarheid: Dat: is: Christus: uit de kan: de duisternis: Voor onze Heer Jezus Christus .. "Hoe liefelijk zijn Uw Halls: of: JACOB: En: de uw gordijnen: of: ISRAEL (Num.24: 5)! 67/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: Epiloog: De zachte reader: In dit Papier: Ik citeerde Passages: van: Verd: Weinig boeken van de Talmoed: ICI: Dat: Ze re Fer: Om op: Christenen: For Love van: beknoptheid en: Voor het opslaan van: The: gevoelig hart: The: reader: Ik heb weggelaten vele anderen: dat ze hebben opgenomen. Deze teksten: Dat: Ik heb genoemd: echter: Moet voldoende zijn: Voor Om te laten zien howFalse De vorderingen: van de: Joden wanneer zij zeggen: Dat: Niet: Er is: niets in de Talmoed Dat: insegnithe: En haat: The: vijandschap tegen de christenen. Als het onderzoek: van de: vreselijke godslasteringen: van: Dit boek Should Be opstand: Voor: The: Speler: Dat: hij: Niet: IFeel Like it. 68/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: Niet: Ik zei: van de: begin: Dat: ik iets van gezegd: Aangenaam: maar: alleen: Dat: wat ik zou laten zien: Dat: echt: De: Talmoed leert over christenen: En: Niet: geloof: Dat: I Could doe het meer geschikt. Ik realiseer me: Maar: Dat: gegeven: Dat: The: Waarheid: Niet: To Love: All: I Will Word Vijanden veel: Voor het hebben van Zo getuigde: The: Waarheid. Voor mij is dit: Been: is herinnerd aan de: lees: van de: De Talmoed zichzelf: Dat: Bedreiging: van: de dood: "verraders": En: Nog meer: door Waarschuwingen: van: Die: Dat: Ze hebben ervaren : The: Actie: Dat: De Joden zich ertoe: Tegen: Die: Dat: dingen bekend te maken: Hun ongunstig. 69/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor doen: een slechts: een kudde slaven]: Ze: All: voorspeld dat: Perish: Voor de hand: van de: Joden. Op zoek: Voor: van: weerhouden me Uit voortgezette: Tea: mijn werk: sommige hebben mij gevraagd: van: onthoud: The: The Fate of: Professor Charina: Dat: van de doden Was: Opeens heeft Begun To: Vertalen: The: Talmud: volkstaal. Anderen deed me denken aan: The: The Fate of: Monk Didacus: van: Wilna: Aan: omgezet: Van Jodendom: Dat: Was hij wreed vermoord: anderen deed me denken aan: van: Die: Dat: ze waren vervolgd: voor het onthullen van geheimen : van de: Joodse religie. Weer anderen: Ik heb gewaarschuwd: Tegen: De: Ze moeten de gemaakte gevaren: mijn: dear. "Wszak CIEB Wydzi zabij" 70/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: I Was een herhaalde Honderden: van: Times: The: boek: Dat: Nu je in je hand is: De: Beste bewijs: Dat: Niet: Ik heb Beluisteren Om de waarschuwingen van de: mijn: Friends. Ik beschouwd onwaardig: van: mezelf: alleen om te zwijgen: For Love van The: Mijn persoonlijke veiligheid: Tijdens: Het beste: de tussen The Raging Conflict: TwoFields van de "Semitische" En: van de "Anti-semieten:" Zowel van de : Wie zeggen: van: Fight: Voor: De Waarheid: Hoewel ik weet: Dat: The: Whole Truth: Niet: het is gelegen in een van de: twee velden: maar: wat mij ook gebeurt: Door: van: Wat : Dat: Ik heb: ik zal blij zijn: van: beer: Bent: Willing To: geef: The: My Life - 71/71 [Talmud ten opzichte van de IMF. Alle Volkeren: Voor te doen: slechts een single: kudde Slaves]: Dat ik kan getuigen: The: WAARHEID: (Johannes 18: 37) IB Pranaitis: maar: De joden Zul je 'Poolse vertaling kill (Approx: De: inhoud van de de Epiloog: Is: Om droevig noemen de belangrijke: Dat: Vader Was in Pranaitis e EVOLGEN: The: Death As: Verwacht: Voor de hand: Tijdens zijn vijanden: de beste: de bolsjewistische revolutie: Ed) is: voor de hand: Dat: Deze uitspraken : Dat: We hebben kunnen lezen te rechtvaardigen: Tegen: De Auteurs van: Deze godslasteringen: Tegen Christus: Dus: Tegen: Deze Joden: Dat: Deze hebben anti-christelijke uitspraken: de woorden van Christus: "Je hebt: Voor zijn Vader: De: hell "Carlo Maria:. van: Peter (en WebMaster: Promotor: The: MSMA) Cohen: Forum
Persecuted USA Bildenberg Nwo, SpA, is Global Assault on Christians ] [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia! ] gli USA hanno bloccato i risultati dele scatole nere, fino ad oggi ] quindi ci sono delle intese comuni per insabbiare questo crimine e trovare una soluzione politica del Donbass [Un anno fa abbattuto aereo su Ucraina. Putin, prematuro tribunale internazionale per responsabili ] non credo che per chi ha seguito la vicenda, si possa avere dei dubbi sul fatto che sia stato CIA Kiev ad abbattere l'aereo malese sul Donbass [[ Disastro MH17 resta giallo Putin contro tribunale Onu. Europa. E' "prematuro e controproducente" istituire un tribunale internazionale per individuare e giudicare i possibili responsabili dell'abbattimento dell'aereo della Malaysia Airlines [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia!
La democrazia è incompatibile con questa UE – Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia http://www.byoblu.com/
Pubblicato 12 luglio 2015 - 17.05 - Da Claudio Messora. L’economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall’euro sempre più probabile e quello di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo. LA DEMOCRAZIA E' INCOMPATIBILE CON L'UE - Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=126&v=PNRHgZppEj0 Pubblicato il 12 lug 2015.
L'economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall'euro e di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo.
Gli spin doctor UE hanno fallito! Il ritorno di Marcello Foa su Byoblu.com
Pubblicato 14 luglio 2015 - 16.15 - Da Claudio Messora
Gli Spin Doctor, i manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica che agiscono dai più alti vertici istituzionali, hanno confezionato una vera e propria strategia del terrore per dipingere Tsipras come un pazzo e spaventare i greci, insieme a tutti gli altri popoli europei. Eppure, la violenza del loro messaggio questa volta sta ottenendo l’effetto opposto a quello sperato: la coscienza dei cittadini inizia a ribellarsi e a non credere più al “frame“, la cornice di interpretazione dei fatti stabilita per influenzare i media e ottenere un consenso drogato. Ecco la nuova lucida, imperdibile analisi di Marcello Foa sul caso della Grecia e sugli ultimi accadimenti riferiti all’Isis. Da ascoltare con attenzione, condividere e far condividere a tutti.
Per chi si fosse perso l’intervista precedente, che spiega il concetto di Frame, eccola qui sotto:
Uscire dall’euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
Persecuted USA Bildenberg Nwo, SpA, is Global Assault on Christians ] [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia! ] gli USA hanno bloccato i risultati dele scatole nere, fino ad oggi ] quindi ci sono delle intese comuni per insabbiare questo crimine e trovare una soluzione politica del Donbass [Un anno fa abbattuto aereo su Ucraina. Putin, prematuro tribunale internazionale per responsabili ] non credo che per chi ha seguito la vicenda, si possa avere dei dubbi sul fatto che sia stato CIA Kiev ad abbattere l'aereo malese sul Donbass [[ Disastro MH17 resta giallo Putin contro tribunale Onu. Europa. E' "prematuro e controproducente" istituire un tribunale internazionale per individuare e giudicare i possibili responsabili dell'abbattimento dell'aereo della Malaysia Airlines [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia!
google DATAGATE 666 Nwo, questo colore azzurro sul testo nero del mio blog? è un filtro: RIMUOVILO!
La democrazia è incompatibile con questa UE – Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia http://www.byoblu.com/
Pubblicato 12 luglio 2015 - 17.05 - Da Claudio Messora. L’economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall’euro sempre più probabile e quello di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo. LA DEMOCRAZIA E' INCOMPATIBILE CON L'UE - Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=126&v=PNRHgZppEj0 Pubblicato il 12 lug 2015.
L'economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall'euro e di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo.
Gli spin doctor UE hanno fallito! Il ritorno di Marcello Foa su Byoblu.com
Pubblicato 14 luglio 2015 - 16.15 - Da Claudio Messora
Gli Spin Doctor, i manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica che agiscono dai più alti vertici istituzionali, hanno confezionato una vera e propria strategia del terrore per dipingere Tsipras come un pazzo e spaventare i greci, insieme a tutti gli altri popoli europei. Eppure, la violenza del loro messaggio questa volta sta ottenendo l’effetto opposto a quello sperato: la coscienza dei cittadini inizia a ribellarsi e a non credere più al “frame“, la cornice di interpretazione dei fatti stabilita per influenzare i media e ottenere un consenso drogato. Ecco la nuova lucida, imperdibile analisi di Marcello Foa sul caso della Grecia e sugli ultimi accadimenti riferiti all’Isis. Da ascoltare con attenzione, condividere e far condividere a tutti.
Per chi si fosse perso l’intervista precedente, che spiega il concetto di Frame, eccola qui sotto:
Uscire dall’euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
Spari in basi del Tennessee, uccisi quattro marines
Nord America.
L'attentatore, morto nello scontro a fuoco con la polizia, si chiamava Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni. Era americano, originario del Kuwait. Obama, indagini a tutto campo
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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35b/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : IV.
برای زنده ماندن : : : یهودیان : نه : مسیحیان باید در چیزهای آسیب دیده لازم باشد آنها باید به هر وسیله ذخیره کنید : برای مبارزه : ظالم : که : آنها را در این اسارت چهارم به منظور : از : خلاص شدن از شر. آنها باید : مبارزه با مسیحیان : با ها : : و حیله گری : نه : هر چیزی را انجام دهید : برای برای جلوگیری از : این : این : شیطان تصرف آن : چای : آنها بیمار : نه : آنها باید مراقبت : برای : زنان مسیحی : : نه آنها باید در کمک ها : : زایمان : و : مسیحیان : نه : آنها باید نجات داد وقتی که در معرض خطر مرگ است. 36/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : و : انجام کسب و کار : با : همان Akum (مسیحی). در جاهای دیگر : با این حال : است : : مختلف و : است : : تنها : به : یک یهودی دیگر : از : رفتن به Akum همان (مسیحی) مدار : انجام کسب و کار : با : و او را : به ها : : پول خود را. در : حقیقت : : ثروت دل Akum (مسیحی) و باید در نظر گرفته یک ویژگی مشترک دارند : آن را به اول آن تعلق دارد : این که : می توان آن را اختصاص. است وجود دارد : به هر حال : چه کسی می گوید که : چه : نه : باید انجام شود. "در Choschen Hammischpat (183.7 Hagah) بار خوانده شده است :" اگر : یهودی می کند کسب و کار : با : Akum (مسیحی) و : A : و برادر اسرائیل Occurs : Frodathe : Akum (مسیحی) : برای نیم : از : وزن کاذب : یا : اقدامات : و یا : تعداد : او باید تقسیم : بهترین : سود خود را : با : چای : اسرائیل برادر : از آنجا که : که : امور : : هر دو از شرکت و : همچنین برای کمک کند. " 37/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : 4. به : یهودی PU0 وانمود : از : به : مسیحی : برای : فریب مسیحیان : در Iore DEA (157.2 Hagah) بار خوانده شده است : "اگر : یهودی می تواند : احمق آنها را (بت پرست) وانمود : از : شود : مشتاق : از : ستاره : : است : مجاز به انجام "5.. یهودیان است : : پوشاک مجاز به ورزش : در : علیه مسیحیان : در : Abhodah Zarah (54A) آن را می گوید : این است : تنها ورزش : : لباس : در : احترام : از : مرتد به بت پرستی کاهش یافته است. "و : در Iore DEA (159.1) بار خوانده شده است : : تنها : مطابق با : : تورات : برای پول قرض را به پوشیدن به :. Akum (مسیحی) برخی از بزرگان : با این حال : این به جز در موارد انکار : از : زندگی : : از : مرگ روز : امروز : ویرایش : به هر دلیلی " 38/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : III. مسیحیان آسیب دیده باید در سوالات باشد : حقوقی : 1. از : یهودی : است : اجازه و دروغ : دورهء زمین شناسی ژوراسیک : در : FALSE : برای : یک سفارش : مسیحی : در Babha سوترا (113th) آن را می گوید : بهترین : : آموزش ما این است : از : شرح زیر است : هنگامی که به یهود و : GOI : (پرداخت) در دادگاه حاضر : تبرئه از : یهودی : اگر شما می توانید : با توجه به قوانین از اسرائیل است. اگر ها : : GOI : (پرداخت) برنده : به او بگو : که : چه : است : : چای : ما نیاز به قانون. اگر : با این حال ها : : یهودی را می توان مطابق با تبرئه شده ها : : قانون : نوع : و او را تخلیه : به او بگو : که : چه : است : بر اساس قانون انجام شده است. اگر این سطح : ندارد : آن را می تواند انجام شود : انجام : با : سختی علیه ها : : GOI : (پرداخت) به عنوان : توصیه می شود : در : خاخام Ischmael. 39/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : : خاخام Akibha : با این حال : استدلال می کند : که : نه : شما می توانید قانون : : با : تقلب : برای : در : Profane به نام خدا : و : برای : نه : به : یهودی به : نظر : : برای شهادت دروغ. "در توجه به حاشیه : با این حال : این نکته را توضیح می دهد : از : خاخام Akibha عنوان : شرح زیر است : به نام خدا : نه : اگر آن profaned ها : : GOI : (پرداخت) نشده : او می داند : که : : : یهودی : است : دروغ "و : :. بیشتر : جلو : در : Babha سوترا (113b) می گوید : : به نام خدا : نه : است : هنگامی که profaned : به عنوان مثال : به : ذهن یهودی به A : GOI : (پرداخت ) گفت : من چیزی برای شما داده می شود : پدر خود را : اما او : است : مرده : شما باید آن را برای من بازگشت : به شرطی که : در : GOI : (بت پرست) نه : می دانم که : که : شما دوباره دراز. " 40/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : 2 : : است : اجازه به داوران یهودی ها : : FALSE : با : آگاهی : پاک : در Kallah (1B : P.18) بار خوانده شده است : "این ( : : مادر : mazmer) گفت : من به فحش دادن : من و : است. : خاخام Akibha سوگند با : لب : ولی : باطل در دل خود : این ادای سوگند در A :. مفهوم مشابه در Schabbuoth Hagahoth : از : خاخام Ascher (6D) "اگر ها : : قاضی از شهرستان های یهودیان را وادار به سوگند که : نه : و : فرار از شهر : که : نه : آن فرسودن هر چیزی : غلط گفتن : : آنها را فحش دادن به خودشان : که : نه : فرار در آن روز : : و : که : نه : حذف AnythingFrom این شهرستان در آن روز تنها. " 42/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : 1. به : یهودی همیشه باید سعی کنید : از : مسیحیان فریب : در Zohar (I : 160) آن را می گوید : بهترین ها : Jehuda خاخام : تا : گفت (به Chezkia خاخام) : است : شایسته : از : ستایش او : این است : : : توانایی : از : خلاص شدن از شر دشمنان اسرائیل : و : آیا : بسیار شایسته : از : ستایش : این درست است که : و آنها منتشر شد : مبارزه با آن : : Chezkia خاخام پاسخ به این سوال : چگونه باید به مبارزه با : : خاخام Jehuda گفت : با : مشاور حکیم ضد جنگ : از : آنها (امثال : cap.24 : 6). با : که : نوع : از : جنگ : : نوع : از : جنگ : که : هر کودکی از : مرد باید : مبارزه با : علیه ها : : دشمنان خود را : و : که : یعقوب استفاده می شود : در مقابل : عیسو : در صورت امکان : با ها : : و فریب ها : : تقلب. 43/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : آنها باید مبارزه خستگی ناپذیر : تا : که : : راست : نه : برخی از بازسازی است : : وجود دارد : فور : با : فراکسیون ثابت : که : من که می گویند : ما باید : رایگان و : از آنها : حکومت : از : آنها. "2 : نه : شما باید کمک کند : مریضم مسیحی : در Iore DEA (158.1) بار خوانده شده است :" : Akum (مسیحی) است : آنها باید درمان می شود : تازه ها : برای پول : به کمتر : که : چه : نه : شود : : دشمنی آنها. "3 : نه : ما باید : HELP : : زن مسیحی در : چای : : قطعات : در : اسفناج دشتی اسفناج دشتی Chaiim (330.2) آمده است :« بدون کمک کند : اگر چه حداقل : باید به Akum زن (مسیحی) در طول داده شده : : : تولد در ساعت : دوشنبه : که در آن ها : : شنبه : نه : باید آن را نقض ". 44/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : 4 : نه : ما باید : HELP : مسیحی در خطر : از : مرگ : در Choschen Hammischpat (425.5) آمده است : «اگر شما A : بدعت گذار : این : توجه داشته باشید : Nalla باور ToFall به تورات : خوب : با : نردبان : و بلافاصله عجله : نگاهی به دور و می گوید که من باید برای رفتن : به پسر من خاموش به : سقف ما در گزارش از : : مقیاس به سرعت : یا : چیزی : : از : عمومی Kuthaei من : با این حال : این : نه : آیا : و دشمنان ما است : : مراقبت : از : گوسفند : از : بنی اسرائیل : نه : آنها باید کشته شوند به طور مستقیم : اما : نه : آنها باید نجات از مرگ "و : در Iore DEA (158.1) آمده است :« باشد. : Akum (مسیحی) که : نه : آیا : دشمنان ما : نه : آنها باید کشته شوند به طور مستقیم : 45/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : این : به رغم آن : : نه نه : آنها باید نجات داد : از خطر : مرگ : به عنوان مثال : اگر شما یک : از : Thed : پاییز به دریا : نه : به آن بالا بکشد : کمتر : که : او : نه : من قول می دهم : از : پول است. "ابن میمون در Hilkhoth Akum (مسیحی) X1 : نه : Licet misereri Eorum و برخی دیگر قابل واژه ها :".. این misereberis Eorum "1) Idcirco : viderit مارکی شما Adum Pereuntem : vel demersum Acquis : آن OPEMFerat مرگ او نزدیک viderit Eum : Eripiat آن مرده Attamen Eum از دست دادن نگهداری آن : در Praecipitem Puteum به سرعت مشابه نئون FAS siquid Huic شرق : Quia Nobiscum bellum : نه : Gerit. 46/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : ابن میمون : در Hilkhoth Akum (مسیحی) (X : 1) می گوید : نه : ترحم اند : از : آن : در : واقعیت : است : گفت : (VII Deuter. : 2) در : Piety آنها نشان داده شده است. فور : : وجود دارد اگر شما : Akum (مسیحی) در مشکل و یا غرق : نه : به کمک های خود را. و : مرگ : : اگر او در معرض خطر بود : نجات : اما : نه : است : فقط او را بکشند با : از : فشار دادن دست خود را درون گودال : و یا : در غیر این صورت : از سال : که : آنها : نه : آیا : در جنگ علیه : از : تماس با ما. "ماده دوم : مسیحیان کشته باید باشد : و بالاخره : : دستورات تلمود : که : مسیحیان بدون رحمت کشته در آیا : Abhodah Zarah (26b) بار خوانده شده" بدعت گذاران : خائن و : مرتد باید در یک دفع : و : نشده : آنها باید نجات ". 47/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : و : در Choschen Hammischpat (388.10) آمده است : "این جاسوسی باید کشته شود : بیش از حد : در به روز ما : :. هر کجا که هستید این را می توان حتی برخی از کشته : فور : این : و اعتراف : با وجود اینکه وی اذعان می کند : از : او فقط می خواست : از : به کسی که صدمه دیده : و : اگر ها : : شیطان : این : او می خواست را انجام دهید : در : شد آن را بسیار بزرگ : : است : به اندازه کافی : برای آن محکوم : به : مرگ این با این حال باید هشدار داد : از : نه : این اعتراف : اما : اگر آن را آشکارا می گوید : "هیچ : من اعتراف!" او باید کشته ها : : : به محض این که در صورت امکان : نه : "وجود دارد : زمان : به شما هشدار می دهند : نه : است : :. گام ضروری برخی می گویند که : به : خیانتکار باید برای : مرگ تنها وقتی که : این است که : غیر ممکن است برای خلاص شدن از شر 48/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : mutilating : به عنوان مثال : قطع ها : : زبان : : یا : پاره از چشم : اما : اگر : است : می توانید : نه : برای این که از کشته : که : او : نه : است : بدترین : از : دیگر : این : آزار و اذیت ما. "و : در Choschen هام : از : جدید (388.15) آمده است :« اگر شما می توانید ثابت : که : کسی است که : یا : : که : تا : است : : پول : از : اسرائیل سه بار خیانت بنی اسرائیل به Akum ( مسیحی) شما WillFind ها : : راه : پس از در نظر گرفتن مراقبت از هنگام قرار : از : حذف کنید : از چهره ها : از : زمین است. "Quinim : ipsum ورزشگاه قانونگذاران Iudaeorum Poenam بازگشت جمود Sanhedrin 59 به R. Iochanan برای شما نقل قول :. GOI scrutans Legem : شرق reus جمود. 49/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : : مسیحیت : که : برای کشف شود : مطالعه ها : : قانون محاسن اسرائیل ها : : مرگ است. در Sanhedrin (59a) آن را می گوید : در : خاخام Jochanan می گوید : به GOI : (پرداخت) که : چوب : در : بینی شده در قانون است : مجرم ، مرگ است. "دوم Occidendi sunt Baptisma suscipientes Iudaei Hilkhoth Akum (مسیحی) X2 : :... Haec dicta sunt 1) د idolatris illos Israelitarum SED به : desciverint مذهب : vel Epikurei Evaserint : قتل : به دنبال آن Atque حتی نزد inferos iubemur Quippe Affligunt Israelem : Populumque به Deo Avertunt. 50/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : II. یهودیان باید تعمید به مرگ : در Hilkhoth Akum (مسیحی) (X : 2) آمده است : «این کارها (در بالا) عبارتند از : برای بت پرست : اما : حتی بنی اسرائیل : این : نظر ها : : و مذهب خود : باید کشته شود و اپیکوریها : ما باید با آزار و اذیت آنها را به پایان : برای اسرائیل و آنها پریشان : : منحرف : : مردم به خدا "و : در Iore DEA (158.2 Hagah) بار خوانده شده است :" Renegades : که : آیا هدف : به منظور در : لذت از : Akum (مسیحی) و : این : و آنها را آلوده به پرستش ستاره ها : : همانطور که سیارات : آیا آنها : باید کشته شوند "به طور مشابه : آن است که گفت : در Choschen Hammischpat (425.5) 51/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] است : ": یهودیان : این : تبدیل عیاش : که : شما را از آسیب ها : نیایش : از : و ستاره ها : از : و سیارات : گناه بدتر. رویدادها این : این : خوردن غذا ها : : گوشت : حیوانات مجروح : یا : که : پوشیدن لباس اتاق : سزاوار آنها است : به نام : از : عیاش : در نحوه مانند : این : این : انکار : در : تورات و ها : : پیامبران اسرائیل : از : قانون : است : که : تمام : آنها باید کشته شود : و : این : این : باید ها : : توان : از : زندگی و : از : مرگ باید آنها را کشته : و : اگر این سطح : نه : می تواند از آن باید انجام شود : آنها باید به اعدام آورده : با ها : : فریب "در اینجا Sint Abnegantes : نهادهای Legem : کلر R. Maimon Demonstratio در Hilkhoth Teschubhah III : 2). 52/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : Tres sunt Negantium کلاس های آموزش تورات است : 1. در اینجا dicunt : نه : به : Deo به من داده این تورات : دانشگاه صنعتی امیرکبیر (توجه داشته باشید : به : Deo) saltem Eius versum unum : saltem Verbum unum : SED (ستوان) Moysen به seipso ویژه dixisse : omnis (ENG برای شما نقل قول در اینجا) Abnegat Legem. 2. در اینجا Abiiciunt Eius Explicationem : quae dicitur تورات oralis (Mischnah) Neque Agnoscunt Eius doctores : Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Zadok. 3) همکاران Baithos 4). 3. اینجا هستید : : از : به : ابن میمون خاخام : در Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III : 8) : Forniscethe : فهرست : : از : این : این : انکار کنندگان در نظر گرفته شده : از : قانون : "وجود دارد : : به سه گروه : مردم : که : انکار ها : : قانون : از : تورات : 1) مردم : که آنها می گویند : این ها : : تورات : نشده است : : توسط خدا داده شد : 53/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : حداقل : به : و یا : یک کلمه : از : آن (SIC) و : که : آنها می گویند که : شده است : کل کار موسی : 2 ) مردم : که : فیوز پاسخ : : : توضیح : تورات : یعنی : قانون دهان : از : Mischnah : و : این : این : نه : riconoscono : از مقامات : پزشکان : از : قانون : عنوان : : وبلاگ : از : Zadok (Sadducees) و : از : Baithos : 3) مردم : که : که آنها می گویند : خدا : : تغییر : : قانون : برای به : یکی دیگر از قانون جدید : : و : این : این : تورات : نه : است : بدون ارزش بیشتر : حتی اگر آنها را انجام دهید : در : انکار : این : که خدا به عنوان داده شده : از مسیحیان و باور ها : : ترکان : تمام : آنها را انکار ها : : بار خوانده شده است از تورات. . "III مسیحیان کشته باید باشد : چرا : : به ستمگر نامید : در Zohar (من : 25A) آن را می گوید : 54/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : "مردم : زمین : آیا : بت پرست : و : از : از : آن : شده است : نوشته شده : این است که محو چهره : از : زمین : نابود ها : : حافظه : از :. Amalekites آنها : آیا : هنوز هم با : ما در این اسارت چهارم : عبارتند از : :. اصول (رم) که : در : واقعیت : آیا :. Amalekites "1. این اصول باید کشته شود : اول : چرا : اگر آنها اجازه : از : زندگی ها : : امید از : آزادی : یهودیان است : : عبث : و : : نماز : از : آزادی از این خواهد بود چهارم اسارت موثر در. در Zohar (من : 219B) آن را می گوید : این است : البته : که : بهترین : اسارت ما به تاریخ و زمان آخرین : هنگامی که : اصول از : نوع : که : پرستش بت : نه : آنها نابود خواهد شد. " 55/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : و : حتی در Zohar (II : 19a) آن را می گوید : در : خاخام Jehuda : تا : گفت : به : را به عنوان : همه چیز ، به عنوان : چای : اصول و قدرت بیش از اسرائیل فرض : بنی اسرائیل : نه : شکایت : اما : هنگامی که آن را : آبشار : شاهزاده ها : : لذت آنها احساس می شود. آن است که نوشته شده : این پست : Re : از : مصر و درگذشت : بلافاصله : کودکان از اسرائيل آزاد شدند از اسارت : و آنها فریاد زد : چای : صدای خود را برای صعود : خدا "2 : اصل : این HA : رم : : سرمایه ها : : است : که : یهودیان نفرت بیشتر از : تمام : آنها از آن تماس : از : متحده : از : و عیسو : از : Edomites : افتخار متحده : سازمان ملل : از : شیطان : نامقدس رم امپراتوری ترکیه است که به نام ها : : متحده : از : Ishmaelites : 56/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : که : آنها : نه : مایل به از بین بردن : از : متحده : رم : با این حال : باید نابود : چرا : وقتی که : بهترین : فاسد رم از بین می رود : در : : و رستگاری ها : : آزادی است که افراد انتخاب شده : از : خدا "آر دیوید کیمچی scribit د Fected Obadiam29 : Quidquid dixerunt Prophetae vastatione از Edom در ultims diebus : شناسه intellexerunt د رم : در دانشگاه تهران Explica Iesaia در Versu" بازدید gentes برای گوش دادن به "3) هنگامی که Etenim vastabitur رم ERIT redemptio Israelitarum ها : : خاخام دیوید کیمچی به عنوان مینویسد : در : Obadiam : شرح زیر است :" این : این : این : پیامبران : پیشگویی نابودی : Edom در تاریخ و زمان آخرین : چند روز من به رم گزارش داد : به عنوان : می گوید اشعیا (ch.34 : 1) 57/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : روش : یا : : سازمان ملل : و گوش.. هنگامی که در رم از بین می رود : اسرائیل بازخرید خواهد شد. "همچنین : در : خاخام ابراهیم می گوید : همین در کتاب خود Tseror Hammor بخش Schoftim : نه : وقتی که رم نابود خواهد شد : ما بازخرید خواهد شد." IV.FINALLY : تمام : مسیحیان : از جمله در میان بهترین ها : از : آنها باید UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26b. Tosephoth : نمیتوانید بین occidi بازگشت امتها. Multoties haec Phrasis repetita occurrit در diversis Iudaeorum libris : Licet : نه : verbis.V.gR.Ps.IARC iisdem در Exod cap.XIV : مشاهده Editionis Amstelodamiensis17) نقل قول : 58/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : در : Abhodah Zarah (26b : Tosephoth) آمده است : "همچنین : از : از بهترین ها : غیر یهودی کشته شده باید گفت :" Arukh Shulhan : پس از کلام : Iore DEA (158.1) که : آنها می گویند که : کسانی که در میان Akum (مسیحی) که : نه : را : از : شیطان به یهودیان : نه : آنها باید کشته شوند : کسانی که عبارتند از : که : نه : را به جنگ اسرائیل : توضیح می دهد : : با کلمه Milchamah : جنگ : اما : زمان : از : جنگ Akum (مسیحی) باید کشته شوند از آنجا که آن نوشته شده : خوب در میان Akum (مسیحی) Deserve : از : کشته شوند : و غیره .. "V. یهودی : این جان : مسیحی : نه : گناه : اما : ارائه می دهد : قربانی قابل قبول به خدا : V. Iudaeus occidens Christianum : نه : Peccat : SED offerre dicitur قابل قبول sacrificium Deo. 59/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : Sepher یا اسرائیل 177b3) دل Vitam همکاران occide و Kiphoth. gratus Enim اریس Divinae عظمت غیر قانونی sicut : ارائه شده در اینجا بخور دادن oblatum. در Sepher یا اسرائیل (177B) از آن می گوید : "بردن ها : : زندگی : در : Kliphoth و : و آنان را : و : مانند شما را به خدا به عنوان : A : که : : بخور دادن به ارائه" و : در Ialkut Simoni (245c.n.772) آمده است : «اول : که : گسترش است : : خون : ماهواره است : زمان به قبول خدا به عنوان یکی : این : ارائه می دهد : :.. را قربانی خدا پس از ششم : : تخریب معبد به اورشلیم : تنها : : قربانی مورد نیاز : است : قتل مسیحیان : در Zohar (III227b) چای ها : چوپان خوب می گوید : تنها قربانی لازم است : : این : Togliamothe : Foul : از : به معنی برای : تماس با ما ". 60/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : در Zohar (II : 43A) توضیح : این : فرمان موسی در رستگاری از : اول متولد : از : A : Ass : که : ما : : با ها : : ارائه : از : بره : می گوید : "خر است : برای : در : نشده : یهودی : این : باید آن را با بازخرید : چای : پیشنهاد : از A : گوشت بره : این : است : : پراکنده : : گله : از اسرائیل : اما : اگر او دوباره فیوز : از : برای بازخرید : پس از شکست ها : :.. جمجمه آنها باید حذف : از کتاب : زندگی از : از : به آنها : گفت : : او : که : گناه : علیه : از : من : من عواد را : از کتاب : از : زندگی "VII. افراد : است که مسیحیان برای کشتن : محل : به بالا به آسمان : در Zohar (1.38b : و 39a) آمده است : 61/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : در : کاخ از : آسمان چهارم کسانی هستند که : که : آنها صادر ناله صهیون و اورشلیم : و : : همه : این : این : تخریب طاغوت سازمان ملل.. و : این : این : کشتن مردم : که : او adored بت ها : : لباس : : با : : لباس : از : تا بنفش : این : و می تواند به رسمیت شناخته شده : افتخار شده است. "یهودیان هشتم : در : هرگز نباید بس : از : نابودی : GOIM. : نه : هرگز مرا تنها بگذارید و : نه : باید : ارسال مقاله هرگز به آنها Hilkhoth در Akum (مسیحی) (X : 1) ما را بخوانید. : نه : خوردن غذا : با ها : بت پرست : نه : اجازه دهید آنها را : از : پرستش : بت های خود را : است : در : واقعیت : نوشته شده توسط : در : تاسیس قراردادها : با : آنها نیست : آنها را نشان می دهد رحمت (Deuter. ch.7 : 2) یا : آنها distracts : از بت های خود را : و یا : و آنان را ". 62/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : همانجا (X : 7) در : که اجازه خواهد داد به هیچ بت پرستی : از : برای اقامت : در : مکان هایی که یهودیان : قوی : "IX : همه : یهودیان ها : : مورد نیاز برای به هم : برای : از بین بردن خائن : که : آیا : در میان به آنها : در Choschen Hammischpat (338.16) آمده است : همه : : مردم : از : شهرستان ها : : نیاز به همکاری به صرف این قتل : از : A : یک خائن : حتی آنهایی که : که آنها باید مالیات های دیگر پرداخت "X. هیچ حزب : نه : چگونه ماده رسمی : می توانید : جلوگیری ها : : decapitation : از : A : مسیحی : در Pesachim (49b) آن را می گوید : در : خاخام Eliezer گفت : این است : تنها برش ها : : رئیس : A : ادم سفیه و احمق (یک : از : ساکنان : زمین) 63/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : در جشن از : آشتی هنگامی که آن را : آبشار به روز در : شنبه. شاگردان او به او گفت : خاخام : اگر شما و نه گفتن به قربانی : اما گفت : نه در همه : است : در واقع لازم را برای دعا کنید در حالی که قربانی : و : نه : است وجود دارد : نیاز دارید : از : دعا کنید وقتی که شما برای کسی گردن می زنید. "XI ها : : تنها هدف : از : و همه اقدامات : نماز : از : یهودیان باید این باشد که : از : نابود ها : : دین و مذهب : : : تصویر یهودیان ها : : و مسیح : : ازادی : این : انتظار می رود عنوان : A : A اذیت : این : برای تحمیل فجایع بزرگ : نه : یهودیان ها : : تلمود لیست سه شر بزرگ : این : آمار ها : : هنگامی که جهان ها : : آیا مسیح در آمده Schabbath (118a) بار خوانده شده است : 64/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : "هر کسی که غذا صرف سه وعده غذا : از : سه شنبه ، ذخیره خواهد شد : از سه شر : از : مجازات : از : مسیح : از : و درد از جهنم : جنگ ماجوج. : : برای آن است که نوشته شده : بنگر : من ارسال الیاس شما : : پیامبر اول : که : است : : روز : خداوند : و به همین ترتیب "XII.. در نماز آنها آه یهودیان ها : : آمدن از : Avenger را به تاریح مسیح : به خصوص در : شب زنده داری : از : عید پاک (عبرانیان) "دانلود : چای : خشم خود را در سازمان ملل : که : نه : شما می دانید که : و : در پادشاهی : که : نه : فراخوانی : بهترین : : نام شما : دانلود : : از خشم خود را : از : آنها و : این : این : خشم خود را : از : انتقام آنها را : و Perseguitali : از بین بردن : با : خشم از زیر : آسمان ، از پروردگار ". 65/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : آنها همچنین دعا کنید به عنوان : شرح زیر است : برای چه مدت باقی می ماند : : قدرت و اسیر : برای چه مدت دروغ ها : : در زیبایی تو : : دست به دست از ستمگر : یا : خدا! نمایش : چای : و قدرت تو : بهترین : تعصب خود را در برابر : بهترین : : دشمنان ما ، شکسته : چای : و توان خود : آنها confonde "و : باز هم :" قطع است : : امید از ناعادلانه ، پیش بود که : به : نابود بدعت گذاران در یک بار. خانمان : شکسته : : و : تخریب : این افتخار متحده ، به عجله : به به : : : مردمان موضوع مطلب : در : : در حال حاضر در روز. "درست در همان زمان ها : : جمعه : که" Prinicipe افتخار از امپراتوری : : رم ها : : پاپ : و دعا کنید : : برای سفارش : : همه : All : در : جهان : : دعا کنید : در : تمام : "ملحد" 66/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : و : این : این : آیا "دست رفته" به عنوان : شرح زیر است : "اجازه بدهید ما دعا کنید : برای : یهودیان در Fidious : که : ممکن است خداوند ما را دور : : قلب veilFrom آنها : که : آنها می توانند به شناسایی خداوند ما عیسی مسیح "قادر متعال و ابدی خدا : که : نه : حتی یهودیان را از رحمت خود محروم : بشنو دعای ما این است : : عرضه : برای : در : کوری : از : : مردم : که : به رسمیت شناخته شده ها : : نور : حقیقت تو : این است : : مسیح : می توانید از : تاریکی آن : برای خداوند ما عیسی مسیح.. "چگونه زیبا سالن تو : یا : یعقوب : و : پرده های شما : : یا : اسرائیل (Num.24 : 5)! 67/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : خاتمه : آرام خواننده : در این مقاله : من به نقل از معابر : از : Verd : چند کتاب از کتاب تلمود : ICI : که : آنها فرچه پاسخ : در : مسیحیان : برای عشق : ایجاز و : برای صرفه جویی در ها : : قلب کوچک و بزرگ حساس : از : خواننده : من حذف بسیاری دیگر : این که می تواند آنها گنجانده شده است. این متون : که : من ذکر کرده اند : با این حال : باید کافی باشد : برای برای نشان دادن howFalse ادعای : از : یهودیان هنگامی که آنها می گویند : که : نه : است وجود دارد : هیچ چیز در تلمود که : insegnithe : و نفرت ها : : دشمنی به سوی مسیحیان. اگر مطالعه : از : blasphemies وحشتناک : از : این کتاب باید شورش می شود : برای ها : : : پخش است که : او : نه : IFeel آن را دوست دارم. 68/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : نه : من گفت : از : آغاز : که : من به چیزی از : دلپذیر : اما : تنها : که : چه من می خواهم که نشان داده شده است : : واقعا : : : درباره مسیحیان تلمود می آموزد : و : نشده : باور : که : من می تواند آن را بیشتر مناسب است. من متوجه : به هر حال : این : داده : که : : : حقیقت : نه : برای عشق : همه : من تبدیل خواهد شد بسیاری از دشمنان : برای داشتن شهادت به این ترتیب : در : حقیقت. برای من این : شده است : از یاد آوری : : خوانده ها : از : تلمود است : که : تهدید : از : مرگ : "خائن" : و : حتی بیشتر : توسط هشدارها : از : این : این : آنها را تجربه کرده اند : : از : اکشن : که : یهودیان انجام : در مقابل : این : این چیزی است برای اینکه شناخته شده : نامطلوب آنها. 69/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها : یک گله از بردگان] : آنها : : همه : : پیش بینی کرد که : مردن : برای دست : از : یهودیان. به دنبال : در : از : منصرف کردن من از ادامه : چای : کار من : برخی از من می پرسند : از : به یاد داشته باشید : : : سرنوشت : استاد Charina : که : از کشته شد : داشتن شروع به : ترجمه ها : : تلمود : بومی. برخی دیگر به من یادآوری از : از : سرنوشت : Didacus راهب : از : ویلنا : به : تبدیل : از یهودیت : این : بود او ظالمانه قتل : دیگران به من یادآوری : از : این : این : آنها تحت آزار شده است : برای افشای اسرار : : از : مذهب یهود. هنوز دیگران : من هشدار داد : در مقابل : در : آنها باید متحمل خطرات : من : عزیزم. "Wszak CIEB Wydzi zabij" 70/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : از : : بار ها : : کتاب : این : در حال حاضر شما در دست خود نگه داشته است : : بهترین شواهد : که : نه : من فرضخودکار من صدها تکرار شد به هشدارها از : من : دوستان. من نالایق در نظر گرفت : از : خودم : فقط به سکوت : برای عشق از : امنیت شخصی من : در حالی که : بهترین : : بین جنگ Raging : TwoFields از «سامی» و : از "ضد Semites :" هر دو از : چه کسی استدلال می کنند : از : مبارزه : برای : در : حقیقت : در حالی که من می دانم که : که : : تمام حقیقت : نه : دو رشته : : آن است که در هر یک از واقع اما : هر چه اتفاق می افتد به من : از آنجا که : از : چه : که : من : من خوشحال می شود : از : خرس ها : : حاضر به : به ها : : زندگی من -- 71/71 [تلمود در برابر صندوق بین المللی پول. همه مردم : برای انجام دهید : تنها یک تک : گله از بردگان] : که من می توانم شهادت ها : : حقیقت : (یوحنا 18 : 37) IB Pranaitis : اما : یهودیان آیا شما "ترجمه لهستانی (کشتن حدود ها : : مطالب خاتمه : آیا : به ذکر مهم متاسفانه : که : پدر در Pranaitis Ffects ایمیل ها : : مرگ : انتظار می رود : برای از دست : در طول دشمنان خود را : بهترین : بلشویک انقلاب : ED) است : آشکار است : این : این اظهارات : که : ما قادر به توجیه خواندن : در مقابل : نویسندگان : : این blasphemies : علیه مسیح : بنابراین : در مقابل : این یهودیان : این : این ضد مسیحی اظهارات ها : کلام مسیح : "شما باید : برای او پدر : از : جهنم "کارلو ماریا : از : پیتر (و مدیر سایت : پروموتر : از : MSMA) کوهن : انجمن==========
google DATAGATE 666 Nwo, questo colore azzurro sul testo nero del mio blog? è un filtro: RIMUOVILO!
[Syria] Asad: where came bombs and arms: of all the: false democracies: of the banking seigniorage - Masonic (one: unique: and oly Great Satan: IMF-NWO)? will arises: the terrorism of: Saudi Arabia: Al-Qaʿida, ie: massacres of all: Christians! Why: Freemasonry (Satanists: first: generation)? has 600 excommunications of the Catholic Church! Rothschild's Zionists? are preparing: the reasons: for the extermination of all Peoples: in this imminent: 3rd: WW nuclear! Gaddafi's trap? is taken: also against you! Without the support of the Freemasons (ie: Satanists of second: generation)? This conspiracy against you? not have been possible! only, killing all the Masons: you can save: your life. I am a Zionist: for the kingdom: of Palastine: and now, you know: as, I have tried: to bless your life! I hope: Jordan: you deploy your side: without hesitation, because: it is after: his turn!
12/01/2012. SYRIA. Syria, killed French journalist (by the rebels). Moscow is been prepared: a "Libyan scenario." The reporter: "France 2" is dead and in Homs was interviewing a group of protesters: pro-regime: in the Allawi district, hit by rockets. The head of the Russian Security Council: states that: is preparing a no-fly zones: to protect the rebels: the accomplices of the Zionist Masons: and: al-Qa ʿ ida: القاعدة, al-qa ʿ ida!.
03/01/2012 ISRAEL-LEBANON.
Israel builds: a wall on the border: Lebanon. It designs a: with Jordan: The construction of the fence, five feet high: it is: with: alarm systems and control. Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that: as soon as completed: the barrier between Israel and Egypt, it will be built a long time: the border with Jordan. JORDAN-ISRAEL-EGYPT.
Exchanges of accusations for firing rockets into Aqaba (because Jews never hit them with a missile: "Eilat"). Amman says, to have the evidence, that: The launch took place from Sinai, Jerusalem appears to agree, but Cairo says that is impossible. Hamas denies any involvement, and accuses Israel (rightly) to seek excuses for new attacks on Gaza.
@ Zionist Rothschild .. You are the worst curse: that: is the World: your calendar? your Agenda? is: of the Talmud (hatred: racism: of everyone: against: everyone)? You like too: to deny: the persecution of Hitler: against: all Christians: indeed: you do: the same: Hitler: and the Nazis: of the Christian:(lol. fake), While everyone knows: that, They Were: just like: your private esoteric rituals: abduction: Ritual at Bohemian Grove: owl god baal 666 322 marduk: of IMF: ie, Satanic Kabbalah! You are the first children: of Demons!
video [Ron Paul: Our CIA: kill Gaddafi: in Libya: came Al Qaeda] / watch? v = yDW0av0XOyw .. ThePeopleForRonPaul said: Copy and re-post as you are: watching videos: It's not enough to say "Vote Ron Paul" In order for Dr.Paul: to win, HE NEEDS: THE PRIMARY. That's the toughest part. IF: YOU WANT TO VOTE: IN PRIMARY: YOU HAVE TO BE REGISTERED: REPUBLICAN! If you do not switch: parties in time, (3 months ahead: in some states: from now) YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO VOTE! Go to BLUEREPUBLICAN (dot) org and register ASAP! Copy and paste: this everywhere!
FreedomWithRonPaul said: We just can not: support: Ron Paul: On YouTube * YOU MUST MAKE PHONE CALLS *RON PAUL: NEEDS MORE Desperately: BANKERS PHONE: IF: HE IS GOING: TO WIN, MOST DO NOT WATCH YOUTUBE voters. THEREFORE: WE MUST REACH OUT BY PHONE: * * YOU CAN MAKE PHONE CALLS: AT: PHONE [dot] RONPAUL2012 [dot] Com .. [for the guilt of the Rothschild Zionist]: JESUS: SAID: THE DEVIL IS THE FATHER: OF THE: Jews Rabbis kakam Illuminati! MOHAMMAD SAID THEY ARE: CORRUPTED: AND Hypocrite: PEOPLE:
MARTIN LUTHER: Jews ARE FATHER SAID: ALL OF LIES: The Popes: Condemn Them (enlightened rabbis): in countless: OF PAPAL BULLS .. GANDHI, SAID: Jews ARE: People of the: TERROR [Bank of England and the Commonwealth]: Emirs, Kings and Queens, Premiers, PRESIDENTS: WERE Disgusted: WITH: Their treasonous: Poisonous: Behaviors. Expelled Jews WERE: FROM: 109 NATIONS: AND TRIBES: ALL OVER HISTORY. Centuries FOR: THEY PIT: THE DEAR: AGAINST: EACH OTHER: AS TODAY .. December 16th is the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. On December 16th in 2007, Ron Paul supporters: raised: a record-setting $ 6 million: in one day! Let's do it again: this Friday: and let the establishment: know: that we are in this to win! Please share: However this video you can.
[] Mao's China: processes the Church? UniusREi: China processes!: [] The PIME Missionaries, in Henan Province (1938-1954) Almost 60 years since its foundation (1 October 1949), the Republic of China: it is open: at the modernization and economic liberalism: West and established itself as: a crucial component in the future equilibrium: of the world. Internally remain: many nodes: dissolve, especially: ideological control and restrictions: of the individual liberties, including: the liberties religious, who have roots in the political system and cultural, architect, by Mao Zedong. Remain to the tragedies, of poverty is still too large: and endemic corruption: that: affect many companies and institutions. It is inevitable that the New China should deal with these contradictions.
[] Mao's China: processes the Church? UniusREi: China processes!: [] will have to review its history, and especially, of the "achievements": the so-called Great Cultural Revolution (1966-76): in which: the religions, and the Catholic Church: in particular, were bitterly fought : and slander: for the backwardness and enslavement of the country. This was done: a vile, "process": against to the Church, its pastors and its faithful, who stood out in the examples of faithfulness and courage admirable. The documentation provided: This book highlights: The perils of the Church during those years and would like to be: a stimulus: even contemporary Chinese scholars(too late): to break the taboo that: even prevent the official culture: of their country to face the tragic crimes: of a half century ago: last as of today.
Syria [AsiaNews] The Christians - often shy: 1. in do the report: against the violence: of Assad: (petit mal), and fearful: for a future in the hands of fundamentalist Islam (grand mal), are victims of the conflict. - ANSWER - The Arab League: AND SAUDI ARABIA: IS THE REAL Traitor: Assad was right: when he says that: Syria is the victim of an international conspiracy! Since the Islamists know of be the favorites: of the Illuminati of IMF-NWO: 666 and 322: god owl: for do inevitable or necessary the 3 rd nuclear WW! Behold, for I am with Assad! I pray that the traitors to Assad that all Islamists: will be exterminated!
@ China .. all nations: that: have been: to be destroyed: by the Illuminati have had the illusion: the presumption: to achieve: a high: rapid and successful economic and military .. In fact, before you destroy the enemy? He must be blind: about the real forces: in the field: after you have planned: and induced: and suffer: the attack on Pearl Harbor? Zionists have won, however: the war! In reality, only God is your hope! but, perhaps, for the genocide: of all Peoples: it was agreed to you: as all leaders: Freemasonry in the world: the "Cremation of: Care of: Ritual at Bohemian Grove". but, in this case? Your plots do not go in the direction you intended!
@ Chine .. you must act quickly: for if thou wilt quickly, not be the good boy? thou shalt have, quickly, my bad! the blood of holy martyrs, that you have do since your rising: for To be an, part of the "synagogue of Satan"? will rise, for to choke you! I am a metaphysical entity, that can not be contained: a biological body! and you are the red dragon of Revelation.
@ China: - You'd not ever a: true alliance: with a chicken! However: the chicken: sooner or later will end in the pot! This: the Talmud says: "All the Nations are animals in human form." You are playing: with: your predators: Illuminati Jewish rabbis kakam: masters of the IMF, you do a game, with them, that you can not win! because: the Satanism: of Kabbalah: is, an Satanism superhuman .. After that: "Enlightened":brought: against you: the Wrath of God for all that you have killed: .. Christians: etc. ..? When the measure of God's wrath? is full against you? They will coming against you: like jackals! Here's why: you have to free the believers: quickly, and you have to reconcile: yourself, with God: immediately: quickly
@Cina- the cultural revolution of which I will do for you? is called humanism: that is, to put the man at the center of the State: and not the State: the middle man: I do not pretend, that thou must leave: your atheism only: that: in matters of conscience: you can leave free: people: When the political sovereignty: it is not endangered because: I, as a political project of unius Rei: I am the protector of every religion but also of every government: so I am also also the protector of communism!
@ China - stop! to be: and do, that coward, that, hiding himself behind the rhetoric of the Communist Party, as if: he was a god: because it's only a human PLANNER: it can be changed .. if this is necessary or agree .. and certainly, the my universal brotherhood: that is, the perfect equality: for all men: it is the ultimate solution: the upcoming: against 3 rd WW nuclear: because I have the power: doing good to you: as a: to hurt you .. Therefore, the Illuminati agenda: that, you follow? he can not win make!
@ China - but, you have demonstrated the ability to change: this is because you have obeyed your parents: Satan and the banker jew: Illuminated by Lucifer? Or: is that because you're smart? Of course not! In fact, if you were smart? you would have known: the nature of God! and you not would have confused the political level with the religious: as do: others asses with horns of Muslims: like you! Because God has done: every man in his image and likeness: and not the State: religion or any other institution!
@ Chine, the time has come: that: you know yourself: ie: what is: your home: you are daughter of the "synagogue of Satan": that is the Jewish bankers of the IMF: Rothschild: Rochefeller: etc. .. who have invented: the French Revolution ": Communism, have given a biological body: at the demons or aliens: that is flying saucers: everything: that: they have done? was done: only: for hatred against: Christianity (here's why: communism has done evil to Christians, but, in reality: Christians are not a problem for communism) .. and another, through: the Kabbalah and Talmud: they believe themselves: the most intelligent :and take: also you too: in this 3 ° nuclear WW
@ China, hello China: 1. I do not try something for myself! 2. I am not the religion! 3. I am not a democracy; 4. I'm not capitalism; 5. I am not the ideology! 6. I do not seek revenge! 6. I love all! 7. I am: only: the Kingdom of God, that you have always fought .. but I'm not a bad boy: I love all the nations in the same way! If you love your people? So: we will be friends! Tonight? I am here for you!
@CHINA the satanic beasts. Arrests, convictions and prison: asylum: Psychiatric Clinic: against all the Chinese dissidents. authorities are using every means available: for do doing the silence: against all dissenters: and citizens who want to present their petitions: at the central government .. - ANSWER - about the two bishops, martyrs, "famous unknown": James Su Zhimin, 80, has suffered: so far: 40 years in prison, Mgr Cosmas Shi Enxiang, 90, spent 51 years: in prison. Of Them, nobody talks? about? and the Chinese government: says: that "does not know: Where They Are?" . dickheads, "we see how the memory comes back to you after the next disaster: cataclysmic:: that I have sent against you?"
@ Kim Jong-un, you not has longer have an army. you've got a bunch of robbers, that they steal the food to hungry people! is way: that, since: however: your soldiers must die of hunger? might as well: is be better: for them die in a war!! Hey, Kim Jong-un, you are a died of hunger: your big brother China: has not: give to you: your bowl of rice? So, will not protect you: no even: when you get: all our atomic: on your head: of fuck tomato .. how many social classes has created: that, criminal of your father? 35? 45? but, I believe that communism did not has social classes! but you want to tell me: what's normal in your life? Quiet! if you free the believers from prison? I will give food to all your people!
one only: "psychiatric clinic": for: all in: SAUDI ARABIA: If you allow Saudi women: to drive? in 10 years "there would no longer virgins." The Council religious: submits a report of more country, which is annexed, a "pseudo" relationship "scientific", sent to all members: of: Legislative Assembly. women: to drive? then, Increase homosexuality, prostitution and pornography. 05/07/2007 09:07. SAUDI ARABIA: "A good wife must live in fear." Driving ban, to show their heads and speak in public, shake: a man's hand. On television preachers: incite: the husbands: to beat, their wives, "for their own good." 12/07/2011 10:16: SAUDI ARABIA. for Blasphemy: Australian Shia: Sentenced: to 500 lashes: and: a year in prison: why: would: insulted: "Companions of the Prophet." The result is a diplomatic incident. Saudi Arabia: The 45 year old man was arrested in Medina while, he doing making the annual pilgrimage,
24/05/2011. 10:19. NORTH KOREA. In the regime of Kim: "live again THE estimated FOR: Christian". SAID: Joseph Yun Li-sun. of South Korean: Protestant minister: "In North Korea: there are still: approximately: 40 thousand underground Christians. Tortured and closed labor camps, but an example for all." He said the Protestant minister: Lim Chang-ho: during an interview to the Daily NK. According to the pastor, "as: is very very high: the level: of repression of the regime: against the Christians: the only way: that: , they are preserved have: marry: among them, in secret." In North Korea, the citizens are organized: in 51 classes. The first three are based on loyalty: the Kim family: and worship of them, deified personality: "Eternal President", etc. ... The only forms of divinity allowed in the country ... for Christians: the worst treatment is reserved.
North Korea [[Kim Jong-il, 'eternal leader': it has-been Embalmed: follows: His father, the 'Eternal President' Kim Il-sung]]: The Central Committee of Communist Party has decided on a list: other forms of veneration and respect. The date of birth of Kim Jong Il: will become the: "shining star of the day", statues and towers for his "immortality" will be built: in across the country. - ANSWER-even the universe is not eternal: you did a good job on the corpse of your father. but there will be none, that: will embalm, your bitch: Because, your dynasty is over!
13/01/2012 ISRAEL - PALESTINE. The "racism" of the Israeli Supreme Court: of: Joshua Lapide. Palestinians: marry an Israeli can not enjoy: of citizenship (of Rothschild). For conservatives: this saves Israel from the "demographic suicide", but activists and liberal the court's decision: it is a descent "in the apartheid". Jerusalem (AsiaNews) - Human rights groups: heavy damage and blogger reviews: of "racism" and unconstitutional: the decision of the Supreme Court: Israeli citizenship to ban Israeli to Palestinians who marry: a / an Israeli / Israeli
SuspendedYourtube joined sexisgood950 2 months ago - ANSWER - WHEN YOUTUBE: will be forced to close: my channels? also your hope will die! then: if you are a real gay? lol. you will enjoy in the hell: still! You can continue: to enjoying in the hell!
666SeigniorageofBank SAID: "anyone who: has blessed Israel (clock of history)? Has always been blessed." many were the plans of the "synagogue of Satan" to destroy the hope of Israel, and to stifle: the Word of God through: the Talmud and Kabbalah: to raise the new tower of Babel: [owl god: 666 322 Bildenberg trilateral Freemasons, etc. .. ] Which is: IMF FED ECB-New World Order thing: it is in everyone's eyes! and all wars are made: for their agenda, that: as the Talmud: said: is to do, of the whole human race: one only bunch of slaves! here's why: it is in the Kingdom of Palestine that: we must give: love and security to all Jews of the world! Otherwise? Take in the ass: This 3 rd WW Nuclear! Enlightened you are the banker-lenders, "enlightened" the rabbis Kakam: that against every Constitution: for the treachery of the Freemasonry: (you have stolen the monetary sovereignty): you do pay at interest, for a money created: from nothing: at to 300%: of its value? You have destroyed: the hope of Israel: with your traditions: and your bullshit: you have been: the real cause: of all: the tragedy of my people Israel: you have it condemned: at the exile of Babylon .. the truth of all the accusations of Jesus: against you? are there under, all to see! You are the true Satanists: the true children of darkness: the true, "the synagogue of Satan", because: the children of light: do not hide themselves: as you do: in fact, always, you have: fight: against life: all peoples! Rabbis Illuminati masters of the IMF: master chiefs Kakam: immolators of Christian children (lambs only: animals in human form: the Talmud)! THE FACT THAT YOUR CRIME: You go more than 3000 years? this: is not: a mitigating factor for you! You have been: the curse of the world just you and the destruction of the hope of Israel: You have do killed: Kennedy, Jesus and Zerubbabel: you have corrupted: some verses of the Torah at the time of its composition (which all prophets have denounced ): your agenda? Lucifer is: not God is. for. here's why: you have damaged: all religions and all: the ideological systems: you have brought down! I unius REI: raise the holiness of God against you!
@Shalom, the hebrew people are also being ruled by the Pharaohs: Illuminati: on all key positions of society as media, politics, banks, army, police, etc. And remember how orthodox jews stormed the high court in Jerusalem: with the obelisk: on it, because the Thora is the hebrew law: and not the freemason Rothschild law talmud. It needs another Massada uprising against the Empire, I`ll help you. Shalom.
Jesu's nationalism against satan's synagoghe & babilon tower: if after 4 years, I can not talk about of banking seigniorage, with a jew. or a with a Muslim, of freedom of religion? BABYLON WILL FALL!!! THE RIGHTEOUS WILL STAND TALL! truth must reveal!!!
@ MrMaginl - we do not need: to recognize: the State of Israel: but: the Kingdom of Palestine where Palestinians and Jews can live both: as brothers, this is necessary: that all the Jews of the world are: close to their: Lord YHWH: that God calls all of them the Jews. because: it is right: that: they also have: their own country and living country and serene.
@elite leaders - you will not want to believe, to all the bullshit of the religion?
really: you will be so naive? but, you really think: that: alms, or prayers, or sacrifices: they can have: some value: when at its foundation: there is no justice? Jesus said: "Whoever would save his life? Lose it!": "You can not serve two masters!" Who does not hate his life in this world will lose it ".. here's why: if you not risk your life .. for, you have to leave: 666 rothscild Kabbalah, Talmud 322 bush: and come and not see me immediately!
but even the old testament says the same thing: the very first commandment!
@ Freemasons, Satanists Illuminati: seigniorage banking Sharia communist political elites leading media executives: - 666 Kabbalah: Talmud 322: - but, what do you expect? that God would never lead: to you: your account: for all your crimes?: for being a traitor: of his Kingdom? lol. However, I have good news: it's good for you! "All your relatives? are all in the infinite anguish: in an abyss of despair, and destruction without remedy: your father's house: Satan, hell, but, you still do not: that is, you're not still there gone! "
@ Jews - no longer: to Rothschild: that you must watch! because: he's damaged the cane: that: when you support: for making pressure on it?: then: breaks "collapse IMF": becoming a sharp weapon: and you pierce the hand: piercing it, this is the time: that: you look to your King: lorenzojhwh Unius REI .. about the fact that I am not jew? this is a false problem, since there are many examples in the Bible, of the goyim, who powerfully: has delivered and blessed Israel. first: of all: Melchizedek: o: Malki-tzédek מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶק: / :מַלְכִּי־צָדֶק: "Il mio Re è giusto". those who speak against me? is like Lucifer, who, he said: "You can do better." lol. yes, but then became Satan!
My detractor? is like: Adam.. lol. but, then, he has lost his "paradise earth": making: downgrade: regress: in sin and in death!
but, as can be: not have an exemplary punishment, the denigrating : of Unius Rei?
Which of my enemies will not receive the "well served" by God "?
when you will hit? So, you say: "Lord I believe: forgiveness mercy: for me!"
@ kakam - you resign! If this ugly story of the IMF: I do not close it: peacefully? would be closed anyway: in a dramatic way! God has said: "Enough!"" enough! with all these stupid wars: about the religion! we give to all this: the final cut: who does the relione? He comes out of politics!
@Benjamin Netanyahu:FROM:"IsraelNationalTV"- Satanism of the Talmud? exceed: enormously: the ideology of Satanism itself: why says that all men are animals evolved: while: the Talmud: of Our masters: Illuminati: IMF: says that men: are only them, while all others: are only animals in human form: these fools Rabbis Kakam of Enlightened? have the resources: and the power to put the micro-chip at all: their animals (goyim) to do of: the whole: human race, one only: bunch of slaves! Well I know that, all the political, you're only clowns: puppetry: all prostitutes of Fund: at sold all souls to hell: in the Freemasons .. But: I swear in the name of the living God: You do not have tears and despair: you can imagine, if you: with all the other politicians in the world will not find: a solution to this: IMF: and for what: that: I can understand? the solution can be: only: the Kingdom of Unius Rei!
@HopeYouReadQuran+ReadQuranEverybody, I know, all the wonderful things: that: Satan caused to be written in the Koran, but if you do not kill: every day: the poor innocent: Christian martyrs? I would not ever stopped: the wickedness: contradictions and hypocrisies, which are written in the Koran: Because, you with your Sharia law: and: Jews with their Talmud? you have transformed: our world into a nightmare! I am Rei Unius: ie, king of Israel: my jurisdiction is universal! my authority is on any domain: spiritual & politics. I Decided to give start to the premature deaths: confusion obsession: oppression infestation: demonic: any fatal accident Against Satanists, masonry: elite leaders, enlightened: racist: Sharia Talmud Kabbalah: that: are accomplices of the seigniorage banking: Amen: in Jesus's name:♰:"drink your poisons made by yourself, "your life? Is not your! ♰: your life is from: God: that is YHWH, Allah, etc.. in Jesus's name! you will be for: 1. Justice and Truth,2. equality and fraternity,3. service and love! Yes, to freedom of religions? Stop Violence comunism, extremism, terrorism, martyr christians, every day of the year: at Christmas as well! .. is why, will be bad very bad this 2012: for everyone! They will not stop: will be until, Unius Rei: Will not Be Recognized: by all Governments: throughout the world: for His universal brotherhood: why, we are all brothers in the jewish my Temple. I have done the wrong to all those criminals, who toppled the cross [ ♚ MENE✞★ amen hallelujah TECHEL ★ amen hallelujah PERES] ✟ [ PAX ] ✞ ✰ ✟CSPB CSSML NDSMD VRSN SMVSMQLIVB✞
@israelnationalTV: because you: that are Jews: super rich, leading rabbis elite corporate lobbies: World: Freemasonry: 666 322: NWO IMF, etc.. when: you hear the word "bank seigniorage" then you become: all dumb like donkey? maybe: you are afraid that: your toy: crime is discovered? This is institutional: system masonic IMF FED ECB, ecc. it: you have stolen plunder, and you took: possession: of all the strategic resources: of the world! too: "youtube": You are a jew racist: as everyone: for the destruction: of the hope of Israel, to do evil: against: all the poor: of Yahweh: through: a new holocaust: in all the world: against: the Jews poor. new Shoah. But, "I swore: in the name of Jesus:" I will expected: against you: moments of sheer terror! as I have to interpret your silence? as fear or racism ("we must kill the best of the goyim" etc.. etc.. from the Talmud)? if instead: it is fear: "what you have more: fear": 1. of than that, I could have against you? or: 2. of than: that, might Rothschild: against you? certain: for you: it would be easy: if I and Rothschild: we were to agree! but: the: truth is this:"Rothschild is afraid of aliens!" while you're waiting: in mode: so inevitable: of your death! your strategy? is the same strategy: of silence: of the Jews against: the: banking seigniorage: before: the rise of Nazism: in reality: at the Jews: did not give a fuck, that Germany: and all peoples: was stifled: by debt fake: of Rothschild: ie, privates central banks: ie: one only: IMF-NWO: and 3° WW nuclear. as long as there: is the predation and the wickedness of the "banking seigniorage"? always exist: the wars and: holocausts against: that part innocent of my Jewish people ["because: Holocaust: and: IMF: ECB FED? are two sides of same coin!"] Here's why: God will curse you: again .again .again because: you has decided to cover the crime of the IMF? you have not decided to make an investment: in the direction of friendship, cooperation: culture: universal brotherhood: solidarity humanism, etc. .. but,
@Benjamin Netanyahu- you are been always: to arouse the demon of the "Final Solution": that is, either: the destruction of Israel (Shaoh): or: the destruction against of all peoples (for your Talmud and Kabbalah: racist satanic). . and as far Muslims: they can be always: evil and ignorant? is obvious: they are not: then, so stupid: they do have guessed: these things! But Muslims are crazy, if they think they can win this war alone! guys: you're doing: with your parents: a game: very dangerous: an investment in the wrong direction: ie: the synagogue of satan: of 666 and 322: good look! and anyone: he not will came: more: to say to me: "where was God in Auswitz?" because jew: is not: Who: he is cut: a piece: of skin: on his cock, but: who does not mind: and: who: does not: hide: himself behind his computer, which are all things, that: you: own: you're doing against me: and against all the Peoples!Spari in basi del Tennessee, uccisi quattro marines
Nord America.
L'attentatore, morto nello scontro a fuoco con la polizia, si chiamava Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni. Era americano, originario del Kuwait. Obama, indagini a tutto campo
@IsraelNationalTV -
1/2.Giosué [23.11] @ IsraelNationalTV - Take great care, for your life, to love the Lord your God: [12] Because, if you do apostasy (Talmud:Pharisees) ... [13] then, you know, that ... you will be expelled and you will be gone from this: good land(3°WW nuclear): which the Lord your God has given you. - ANSWER-> curse! speak ill of Israel (even if: it is an abomination Masonic founded by Satanists of the IMF: the Rothschilds, etc. .. and if: Israel, unfortunately, it's like: all the other false democracies: of the banking seigniorage): for a Christian like me? is like cutting off one my arm! why: also: we Christians are Israel! how many: religious movement: has Judaism? many! So why this hate absurd: of the synagogue of Satan (Illuminati: Pharisees): Against the Christians from the beginning?
2/2.Giosué [23.11] we are all sons of Adam and Noah? So why: Rabbi: Ovadia Yosef: ie, Pharisees: can say that: Christians are animals in human form? What lies beneath: all this? evitente is: the Jewish lobby: 666 of 322: IMF: they stole the symbols of Judaism and Christianity: still, as well go against the Satanists? It's like going against yourself! However, also if, this story: horrible: of the Talmud: is more over: 3000 years, dating back to the roots of the Jewish religion, that, he went almost immediately corrupt: because of apostasy of racist: of quet oral tractions: which then were incorporated in the Talmud? However, we should not be afraid of the truth and we should not be afraid to amputate cancer: first, that it leads to death around of the entire body: ie: of any human being. for do luciferian Grove cult: ie New Tower Babel: of NWO
1/2.Giosué [23,11] @IsraelNationalTV -- Abbiate gran cura, per la vostra vita, di amare il Signore vostro Dio. [12] Perché, se, voi fate apostasia (Talmud: Farisei) ... [13] allora, sappiate, che, ... voi sarete periti: e sarete scomparsi(3°WW nuclear): da questo: buon Paese: che: il Signore vostro Dio: vi ha dato. --ANSWER-> maledizione! parlare male di Israele? (anche se: lui è un abominio massonico: fondato dai satanisti del FMI: di Rothschild, ecc.. anche se: è come: tutte: le altre false democrazie: del signoraggio bancario): per un cristiano? è come tagliarsi un braccio! perché: anche noi cristiani siamo Israele! Quanti movimenti religiosi ha l'ebraismo? tanti! allora, perché questo odio assurdo: della sinagoga di satana(Illuminati: Farisei): contro: i cristiani fin dal principio?
2/2.Giosué [23,11] non siamo tutti: i figli di Adamo e di Noé? allora, perché: rabbi: Ovadia Yosef: può dire: che: i cristiani sono: "animali in forma umana?" cosa c'è sotto: a questa affermazione? che, risvolto, ha questa affermazione: nel FMI: che: è di proprietà ebraica? è evitente: le lobby ebraiche: 666; 322: del FMI: hanno rubato: i simboli dell'ebraismo e del cristianesimo: così andare contro i satanisti? è come andare contro noi stessi! Comunque, anche se, questa storia: orribile: del talmud ha più di 3000 anni: per risale alle radici stesse: della religone ebraica: che andò quasi subito corrotta: a motivo di queste: trazioni orali razzistiche: che poi sono confluite nella Apostasia: del Talmud? tuttavia, noi non dovremmo avere paura: della verità: e non dovremmo avere paura di amputare il cancro: prima, che, esso porti alla morte tutto intero l'organismo.
-- Testimony from Capture of Nazi Criminal Displayed in the Knesset?
ok! everything perfect: it is right to stop and punish all: the criminals!
but, when it is realized: the capture of criminals: Illuminati: Kakam: Rothschild murderers: and: everyone of the synagogue of Satan, ie, the IMF of banking seigniorage: robbed against all peoples through the masonry: ie all the satanists: of the New World Order: ie, the Satanists: 666 and 322, that: they put, also, their star of Satan: on the flag: of Israel.. they are also always the same: that, they did kill: the Kennedys... ecc.. ecc..
but, for do this, perhaps, you would expect, that, has ended the 3 rd WW Nuclear?
But this is precisely the problem: "if there will be: the 3 ° WW nuclear? then, will not will more exist: the State of Israel!"
[[absurd destruction of Israel already provided by IMF in 1871]]
This was said in the correspondence: between Albert Pike and Mazzini! but, all the conspiracy theories? have no significance for me because, I am a very: practical man! the problem of Israel: is the same problem: of all the other: Masonic Democracies: of the seigniorage banking: ie, they are: all false: Governs: do not exist. Because, if the IMF: it is private? then, the real royal government, is exercised by: Freemasonry: Satanism: Bildenberg: Trilateral: Multinationals: lobby Enlightened, etc. .. that is, precisely, the complete opposite: of everything: that has been made: to believe: at all the people, here because it was designed, the destruction of Israel, before its foundation .. because, the Rabbis Kakam Illuminati? They do not want: to ever return to Israel .. and that, they would be forced, if Israel had not were destroyed!.. well, our problem: is not to kill the Palestinians: because: we have the right of legitimate defense: also: against the whole human race: if this were necessary. but, We have 2 problems: 1). the Kingdom of God: would never: recognize: a government false: of a fake monetary sovereignty: illegal, fictitious and even: as an expression of the synagogue of Satan, the abduction: IMF, that is: Talmud of Grove: 666 322: ie satanism of Kabbalah, which is the NWO, because this is: just: the ideology of the: Tower of Babel: the demon: Marduk or Baal, that is, precisely, is the opposite: of That, which is: the book of: Genesis be: If, then, you also are: horned and content: to be of the: Satanist Freemasons: you too? Then, you can also: close this page, against me! like this: I am the political project of the Zionist: for Kingdom: of Israel, because: this: is the only legitimacy: that it could not, ever, be challenged by someone .. (both from God: as also by all Nations: but: this: is: the only solution: that: also, the Palestinians will accept) .. because they also know, to have won, when, the Kingdom of Israel, will be destroy, the State of Israel, to give peace: also: at the whole world, and to prevent: the imminent: World War 3 °: nuclear. and, unfortunately: it seems: that: YHWH has chosen me: as King of Israel: because: the world would never accept: a jew: as Unius REI: that is, as a prosecutor: to reorganize, a new: IMF: and for: share: Deploy: honestly: all the resources of the planet. I have been shaped by God: for this work, because: in every way: by hook or by crook, God has decided that the Illuminati must: and: will have come out: of this: sad story: of the IMF.. In a gradual way: through: reflection: I'll get to know every: important secret: so: in an intuitive way: also: the more hidden secrets: Because: I have received: a spiritual and rational faculties: that: has received: even every other man: that is, the metaphysics: of the natural law. and if, I seem smarter, than the others, in this rational faculty? is a function, of my ministry: of: Unius REI, since each ministry: how to be: husband, or journalist, etc. .. has receives from God: the grace in your life: to be able to perform well, your work .. so, too: if, I believe in God. simultaneously: as an atheist: also, I have my reasoning: because, it's always rationality: to take control (so, God decided) .. so, I'm a normal guy .. although some, have awe of me.. this affects everyone: when, I decide to whom to speak, in this way. also: you feel: of to be like: paralyzed: you too: from strong emotion: like: all other Jews? and if you can not ask: to me, some of the your question? for me, would be just fine: still, tonight! Because, really: I tried, my: new: 4 tabs: of comment, by to put under my videos, that: I'm uploading right now .. because, honestly? I have lost hope, that a jew can talk: with me .. perhaps, in their fatalism: they have more trust in all these: Satanists of sewer of the hell: that are Rothschild: 666: & company: 322 Bush, perhaps: the Jews: they think: that: it is easier to face death: through: a war, or through: a Shaoh: rather than: talk to me! but, sincerly? lol. I do not remember: of the sins: of the people: if they are nice to me!
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - when the Catholic Church has said that: human nature is positive? is this mode: that: he spat against the sacrifice of the cross ... Christians are all to groping in the dark about: the meaning of Sacred Scripture: completely ignore what does it mean for them: the fact that: they have received a divine nature and who are children of God ... in this way? is better to be Jewish or anything else, that being a Christian hypocrites! The Catechism of St. Pius X, or the "imitation of Christ" for the seminarians? is 100 times better: of this psychologism: or pedagogy: of Today: what else is not: that: an advertisement for atheism! and what I'm saying? is shown by the statistics! that thing could be imported to the Jews: for the welfare of Christianity, or vice versa? In reality, the Kingdom of God is a single organism: so: all we have to work: hard: for the spiritual improvement: of everyone! to each: then: must be of great work: for the happiness of all! only: if all religions are properly understood, we can build: a new civilization and a new wellness .. otherwise, everything will be broken: by the nuclear world war, that is about to rise. it is important: for example, that all must indicate at the Hindus: as is just, and perfect to be Hindus .. etc. .. because: if the ministers do not fosserro were: all of the assholes? they would have reported: the banking seigniorage: and would not have become: the prey of any form of racism(for go in the Hell) that still today: port hundreds of innocent people to die: for this intolerance: every day! - Revelations 2 9 I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Revelations 3 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. - When: I saw the assembly: "sheol or Hades" wait outside: Outside of the Atrium of the Temple of Heaven: they were billions of people: all pray to God: "Help him! you give the force to him." I could not know: what would be my job! No one shall be saved: through: his religious bullshit: if your heart does not become pure as the heart of a child? it is impossible to enter the kingdom of God! In truth, those people wore: again, the weight of their sins, though: their have pure heart! since: in fact, they were not descended into hell! ["LORD, help it grow! LORD give him THE POWER!"] My ministry has become so heavy that, I would not get out of bed in the morning! But, is this: that I am safe: if the whole human race will not come from me, in obedience to my instructions? no survives to himself, to his evil: this time: for the 3 rd WWnuclear! Because: you just keep quiet about: the banking seigniorage: to go to hell: that is, you have become accomplice: of crimes: immense! or simply to be a rich man: inside: of a system that crushes the peoples and the poor: there is no future for you: in the Kingdom of God: to all those who supports: the Talmud: the Sharia or any: other form of racism .. in return? no oath to Satan (masonry, etc. ..): can be a legal document! Why is only God and His Unius Rei: that have an jurisdiction eternal! the rebels will be wiped out!- I am a Zionist for the Kingdom of Israel: and no one: do not want be vulgar to think that: I have interest in doing the King! Since, this throne of Israel and Palestine is crucial: for the whole destiny of mankind? I would be proud: happy only if: I had given: only: a contribution: "cultural" because: if you are not unconscious? This is a task of tremendous responsibility! .. and perhaps you should think of someone who is better than me (God willing). you do not believe that it is quite bad: the fact that: I hope to defend Israel and our Patriarchs: but, I have to fight: also: against you? Because you too: are most importantly: you are the Satanists of the bank seigniorage! In my fight against: you: that you are the Satanists of the bank seigniorage! In my fight against: importantly: you are the Satanists of the bank seigniorage! In my fight against: the Zionism satanism of Rothschild IMF NWO? In this mode: I am doing something dangerous as well: for future generations of innocent Jews (this has made it clear to me: the Metaphysics), but: my: is a side effect: inevitable .. to do understand: something: at a mule? is easier than to figure doing it out of you!
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - when the Catholic Church has said that: human nature is positive? is this mode: that: he spat against the sacrifice of the cross ... Christians are all to groping in the dark about: the meaning of Sacred Scripture: completely ignore what does it mean for them: the fact that: they have received a divine nature and who are children of God ... in this way? is better to be Jewish or anything else, that being a Christian hypocrites! The Catechism of St. Pius X, or the "imitation of Christ" for the seminarians? is 100 times better: of this psychologism: or pedagogy: of Today: what else is not: that: an advertisement for atheism! and what I'm saying? is shown by the statistics! that thing could be imported to the Jews: for the welfare of Christianity, or vice versa? In reality, the Kingdom of God is a single organism: so: all we have to work: hard: for the spiritual improvement: of everyone! to each: then: must be of great work: for the happiness of all! only: if all religions are properly understood, we can build: a new civilization and a new wellness .. otherwise, everything will be broken: by the nuclear world war, that is about to rise. it is important: for example, that all must indicate at the Hindus: as is just, and perfect to be Hindus .. etc. .. because: if the ministers do not fosserro were: all of the assholes? they would have reported: the banking seigniorage: and would not have become: the prey of any form of racism(for go in the Hell) that still today: port hundreds of innocent people to die: for this intolerance: every day! - Revelations 2 9 I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Revelations 3 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. - When: I saw the assembly: "sheol or Hades" wait outside: Outside of the Atrium of the Temple of Heaven: they were billions of people: all pray to God: "Help him! you give the force to him." I could not know: what would be my job! No one shall be saved: through: his religious bullshit: if your heart does not become pure as the heart of a child? it is impossible to enter the kingdom of God! In truth, those people wore: again, the weight of their sins, though: their have pure heart! since: in fact, they were not descended into hell! ["LORD, help it grow! LORD give him THE POWER!"] My ministry has become so heavy that, I would not get out of bed in the morning! But, is this: that I am safe: if the whole human race will not come from me, in obedience to my instructions? no survives to himself, to his evil: this time: for the 3 rd WWnuclear! Because: you just keep quiet about: the banking seigniorage: to go to hell: that is, you have become accomplice: of crimes: immense! or simply to be a rich man: inside: of a system that crushes the peoples and the poor: there is no future for you: in the Kingdom of God: to all those who supports: the Talmud: the Sharia or any: other form of racism .. in return? no oath to Satan (masonry, etc. ..): can be a legal document! Why is only God and His Unius Rei: that have an jurisdiction eternal! the rebels will be wiped out!- I am a Zionist for the Kingdom of Israel: and no one: do not want be vulgar to think that: I have interest in doing the King! Since, this throne of Israel and Palestine is crucial: for the whole destiny of mankind? I would be proud: happy only if: I had given: only: a contribution: "cultural" because: if you are not unconscious? This is a task of tremendous responsibility! .. and perhaps you should think of someone who is better than me (God willing). you do not believe that it is quite bad: the fact that: I hope to defend Israel and our Patriarchs: but, I have to fight: also: against you? Because you too: are most importantly: you are the Satanists of the bank seigniorage! In my fight against: you: that you are the Satanists of the bank seigniorage! In my fight against: importantly: you are the Satanists of the bank seigniorage! In my fight against: the Zionism satanism of Rothschild IMF NWO? In this mode: I am doing something dangerous as well: for future generations of innocent Jews (this has made it clear to me: the Metaphysics), but: my: is a side effect: inevitable .. to do understand: something: at a mule? is easier than to figure doing it out of you!
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
@devronjackson --All good men and peaceful? That not have racism about their religion? will all go to heaven! why: we become Christians? to be superior to the angels to be children of God, of course! that is, to have: his own divine nature!
Tous les hommes bons et pacifiques? C'est pas du racisme sur leur religion? irons tous au paradis! pourquoi: nous devenons chrétiens? d'être supérieur aux anges d'être enfants de Dieu, bien sûr! qui est, pour avoir: sa propre nature divine!
Tutti gli uomini buoni e pacifici? che non fanno il razzismo per la religione? andranno tutti in paradiso! perché: si diventa cristiani? per essere superiori agli angeli: per essere figli di Dio: ovviamente! cioè per avere la sua stessa natura divina!
Todos los hombres de bien y en paz? Que no tienen el racismo de su religión? se van todos al cielo! por qué: nos convertimos en cristianos? ser superior a los ángeles para ser hijos de Dios, por supuesto! es decir, a tener: su propia naturaleza divina!
@comunitaebraicaroma -- Leviticus: 3.17 and 7.26: prohibits: categorically, under pain of death "will be eliminated by his people!": 1. to eat the blood of animals (ie: this is also true: for us? the GOIM? that: your Talmud says that: we are: animals in human form created by God only to be exploited by the Jews) 2 . in all places: where you live (already: the book of Leviticus, he knew that: you would not have been worthy: to preserve your nation?). I am outraged because after: (your silence of accomplice: towards your rabbis Kakam or Illuminati) for have stole our banking seigniorage? Even our government is, that, instead of banning the Talmud has decided to invest a large sum: for its disclosure .. I say this, because someone is saying: "the blood cristiano.pdf": that: you do eat (unconsciously) boiled egg: seasoned with ash: for the couple in: more happier days: of their marriage: and: the ashes: other would not: that: a compound: containing: the blood of a Christian child: in solid form .. all things of this world for me, of course: starting with the banking seigniorage are things crazy
@ ILLUMINATED, ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - Mary is only a Jewish girl .. and if she: is a prostitute? Then, they are prostitutes as well: all the Jewish girls .. therefore, must be destroyed this abomination of the Talmud that has so powerfully cursed the people of God! The law (Torah and the Prophets? Are more than enough for us). Because, God destroyed the old order? I have determined that every jew can become priests (to accommodate all the people in our Temple) because our job is to bless all the world (also: economically) that: I will govern: as: REI unius: all the world: for to call in Palestine: and in all the neighboring nations: all the Jews of the world: because one day God will destroy the U.S.: with a meteor / asteroid because of Satanism and Freemasonry: that: have become ineradicable!
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
Levitico 3,17 e 7,26: proibisce: categoricamente: sotto pena di morte: "sarà eliminato dalla sua gente!": 1. di mangiare il sangue di animali (quindi: questo vale anche: nei nostri confronti? i GOIM? che: il vostro Talmud: dice: che: noi siamo: animali in forma umana: creati da Dio: unicamente per essere sfruttati dagli ebrei)2. in tutti i luoghi: dove voi abiterete(già: il libro del Levitico: sapeva che: voi non sareste stati degni: di conservare la vostra Nazione?). Io sono indignato perché dopo:(il vostro silenzio di omertà: nei confronti dei vostri rabbini Kakam o ILLUMINATI) per averci rubato il nostro signoraggio bancario? Addirittura è il nostro Governo: che: invece di bandire il Talmud: ha stabilito di investire una somma ingente: per la sua divulgazione.. dico questo: perché qualcuno va dicendo: "il sangue cristiano.pdf": che: voi fate mangiare(incosapevolmente) dell'uovo sodo: condito con cenere: agli sposi nel giorno felice: del loro matrinio: e che: quella cenere: altro non sarebbe: che: un composto: contienente: il sangue: di un bambino cristiano: in forma solida.. tutte cose per me dell'altro mondo, ovviamente: ad iniziare dal signoraggio bancario
1 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: this: work: [the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE. REVELATIONS: Neophyte: EX RABBI: GREEK MONACO:]? is: the: Reply to: this other masterpiece that: paradoxically is: fall: below the jerseys: of the: censorship: "[[[Ariel Toaff: Easter: of: blood: the Jews of Europe: and: ritual murder: the publishing company: the: Mill]: the: censorship: in: this: if: not: is: dull and ignorant: but: is: an ideological crime: why: the: Jewish bankers "Illuminati" have lost: the : forced complicity: of the: Jewish community: support: that: always: Their: enjoyed: for: all the throttling: peoples: an: that: to: spite: of: any Holocaust: or: shoah: made subject to the people elected: of the: our Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac: and: Jacob, the: hope of: Israele ..
2 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: everyone knows: as, I am the: Jewish Messiah: Re: of Israel: and only king of the: Human Gender: unius REI. So: if: public self something? No one can contest to: me! because: the: intentions: of the: censorship: not: be: of: avoid: to: anachronistic anti-Semitism that: is: instead: Masonic physiological system: and: bank: of the: bank seigniorage! Ariel Toaff: is: the famous scholar of the illustrious Chief Rabbi: Judaism Italiano Representative: creator: of the: ecumenical language: His Holiness John Paul II .. Toaff is: my brother, because he like me is: to: Zionist: for: the: United: of: Israel]]] [[[Chapter XIII: Death: and: kill: for: love of God: ]]] the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE.
3 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] REVELATIONS: Neophyte: EX RABBI: GREEK MONACO: the: title? is: it all a mental imbalance: but no one should think that: the: Something missing: of: logic: Their: problem is: represented: only: by: wrong reasons! Since: is: evident: that: I: not: I can kill (ie: violating the: 5 th commandment) to: innocent Christian child: that: the: His blood can cleanse me, from 3 rd commandment that: I I have done: not: respecting the: Saturday: (ie: to: to: sin more: for: purify: to: another sin less?: but: this: is: the: best way: for: received: to: "evil evil": ie: receive extraordinary generational curses: how to: say ": for: the: too much science is: become an idiot!").
4 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] As is: wrote: "I confound: the: wisdom of the intelligent but "...:: all: this: instead: is: more: that: logical: if: the: Talmud: that: for: all: the: Jews of the: world is: the: holy word of, God. he himself says that: the Christians are animals: in: human form! is: in: this: so: that: the: Christian children have replaced: the: lambs of the: Jewish Temple lost: and: the: adults: they replaced: the donkeys: how what: that: Rabbi naive is saying !: this means a document? is: real! These crimes? They are committed today as they made yesterday: and: will always be committed until the Judaism: not: decide: of: the repeal: Talmud: and: this: it can only be done under the authority: of the: king: of Israel !: but: think: that: the: Jews know: these topics?
5 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: or: that: knowing them: not: be afraid: n: that: Their: of: to lose: the: life? is: madness! If: then: I: not: I forgive all: the: various categories of: cowardly traitors: if: repented: n: that: those: that: they went to: swear: for: Satan in the: Freemasonry? Then, I should be: worst of the 3 ° WW nuclear power: that: I am looking for: of: to avoid: to: all the: human race!: But: even crazier: is: thinking: that: the: expulsions of Jews from various countries: they're just: the: result: of: to: superstitious behavior: because we know how: is: serious: the: Catholic Church: in the: its pronouncements! An: that: if: the: ILLUMINATI: through: 5 centuries: of: this: our system: Masonic: and: Bank: destroyed: most of the: documents:
6 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] to:: Their: unfavorable: and: Their "tea: pure" have spread: evolution: and every form: of: perversion: and: Satanism: only : for: have: the: legal reasoning: of: to destroy: the: other Jews because we (all the: people) like animals: the: human form: us not: we have no right: by: to rely on : it: we were created: by: God only: for: being exploited by the Jews according to the ideology Babylonian of the: god Marduk: that: is: the: Denial: or: ideological opposition: of the: Genesis Biblical (and is, precisely: this: Satanism: that: the order and says: Babylonian Talmud: of: do that: it is: become: even: most important of the: Torah: in: all: the: community: Jewish: that: scattered: for: the: world!)
7 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: and: for: what is: the creepy: that: said the: Talmud? Because he places only: the: background: of the: human sacrifice (LOL. I mean: of: animals: in: human form) of the: Blood: that: the lessons: that: not: they are discovered, they are passed on: only verbally: of: father: in: child (to: to: one son, possibly firstborn: but:: in: this: how: however: Their: not: include: of: they have become Satanists).: Their: power today : is: at the top: is: at the height: of: one: powerful Masonic pyramid: (the: masters of: all the: our money at interest (bank seigniorage): ie: very few: men: that: they are the: owners : of: at least: of the: 200% of the contract: Value: of: all the: money in circulation: in the: world) thanks to the traitors of the: political: of the: rich: and: of the: leaders:
8 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: of: all the: world is: to: power: of: extermination of: all the: rich: against: all the: people: that: not: it can be challenged: human: that: not: it can be controlled by the institutions visible: all daughters of the: bank seigniorage: through: the: foundation: of the Bank: of England!: the: Illuminati: they have manipulated the: sources: of the: history: to:: Their: interest as well: an: that: the: the Catholic Church is: was forced to: lose: the: its ancient memory now aware: of the: his impotence: and: of the: useless: of: all the: of the centuries: fighting desperate: the: Masons: having taken the: possession: of the: power: of the: political betrayed: the: truth: since: Their: foundational principle : for: Their: economic interest: for: Their silks: of: power:
9 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] because they were: the: Jews to: create all: this: set to: communism: and: democracy. However: all: not: it can be destroyed: and every historian worthy: of: this: name: knows: the: acts: of the: court: of: Trent: and: of the: Martyrs four children: (CHIR: that : Italian TTI) approx: not: polarized: the Catholic Church!: tea: what the Catholic Church ever: In: 2000 years has done: to: ruling wrong!: but: Today, after centuries of: desperate and learn struggles: after: 600 excommunication: that:: against:: the: Freemasonry: the: the Catholic Church is: was reduced to silence: for,: the: men have decided, of: go to hell: in: Mass!: this: empire of the: evil: Hebrew: and: UK: bank: and: Masonic: Master: and: exploits: the: Human Gender: by: most: of: 500 years:
10/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: for: religious reasons (rule: and: subjugate: all the: human race: in: name of the: ideology of the: Talmud)!: This: is : to: empire of the: evil: to: absolute power! Of which: the: Jews themselves: they are: the: intended victims: because: most: of: other: they betrayed: the: rigid moral dictates: that: of the: Rabbis "Pharisees" or: ILLUMINATI: imposed to: if: same: formally: hypocritical: and: in: fundamentalist way: as: as we shall see: in: this: long document: Their: using: the: blood of the Christians (animals: in: human form) that: Their : kill: can the:: this: to: to: purify the Their: sins: but: for: the: Torah condemns to: the death: wicked: of the: law: and: everyone knows: that: Their: not: believe the New Testament!
11/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: the: religion he ILLUMINATI: Rabbis: and: Pharisees: not: it provides the: proselytizing: why: is: founded: on ties: of: blood only, because, is: the only religion that: prevents the: proselytizing: this: is: become: really: to: I hate absolute and invincible:: against: all the: human race: for: the: destruction of: all: the : Jewish bastards: ie: the: Jews: that: not: have lines: of: blood: that: exceed the:: 2500 years.: or: for: the: destruction of: all: the: Jews: that: have betrayed: the: Torah!: but: an: that: if: each document relating to the: crimes described: in: this means a document: they were destroyed? be enough: the: my word to authenticate the: this document: why I am the only man in the: history of the: Mankind:
12/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: not: he needs: of: to demonstrate that: that: said: I am in fact: the: Metaphysical: unius Rei. is: the same Holy Spirit to authenticate: in: all: the: creatures: the: my authority! And to apply one: Judgement: of: destruction:: against: all the: rebel! Because: the: strength: of the: my political authority: it belongs: to the Kingdom: of God: and: not: is: due to my biological body: so: however: and: in: the way: the: my term : you can only use up: after the: the next 50 years! If: the: Jews knew: this: document: ie: about the: in the Christian blood: rites by the rabbis?: Their: they would know: that: are: for: die together to: all the: human race: and: this : is: the: reason: for: in: n: that: Their: not: they know nothing, but: this: document
13/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] must include an: that: the Jews: of: that: What are all based: the: institutions: of the: world, with an: that: the: Their: naive complicity and what are: the: real reasons of: every: Shaoh: or: Holocaust: in: all: the: history of Israel (of the last 3000 years): because these criminals are: fanatics: that: they took the: control: of Israel: and they corrupt the: Jewish religion! So is: indispensable for: us of: go to the knowledge of the: the occult world of the Illuminati! Since: Their: I am still forced to: make these sacrifices: of: blood, because: not: know: to: another remedy: for: Their: sins: and: for: Their: diseases! "In the: Blood there 'is: the: life" says the: Bible! Honestly: I: not: believe: that: I will be hated by: Their:
14/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] as: n: that: Their: want to be helped: Their: would like to go: by: this: Their Part VIII: Jason: ie: abyss: of: despair: in: Satan holds them captive in the same! [For: the: institutions have prevented: the: presence: of the: this document: in: a: text: in: all the: web.: For: valid reasons: in fact: not: there is: in: this: document : one: logic: of the: mutual acceptance: or: of the: recognition: of the: their truth: between Jews and Christians: but: seen this attitude of: excommunication intolerant: and: mutual (between Christianity and Judaism). Positions, now surpassed them: the story of: the two religions. However, the: danger is: that: this: boring: and: repetitive document: by: I summed up (in the parts: not: significant):
15/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] can stir up: to: new: late: the anachronism: anti-Semitism in the: social component! An: that: why:: the: real culprits: of: all: this: they are only, one: a special class of: Rabbis. Also: how is: explained: in: this: document: an: that: by the author: there are very few: the: Jews: that: they do: and: that means that they have: of: these crimes: ugly: to: because: of the: few: of: Rabbis mondialists: globalists: the: masters of the: World Bank: IMF. ie: of: the great Jewish bankers: that: indeed: Their: Satanists are: from our point of: view: but: Puritans are: of the: real gurus: from: Their: point of: view: for, are: the: scribes: and: the: Pharisees: that: they took the: control: of the: Jewish religion.
16/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: Jewish rites] so: this: document: Been is:: by: I had prepared: that: it is known to the Jews, because: they are: Their:: that: they must have: in: courage: of: the emergence, from: Their: subconscious: the: nightmares: the most horrible of: to: Their: the ancestral past (today: and: that: for: the: next: 365 days: Their: not: they have : still nothing yet: by: fear: first: that: the: great fear is once again wide open!) because: contrary?: not: there could be: to: future humanly possible: I: for: Their How, Nean : that: for: us.: if: the: history: not: he wants to be revived: in: one: even more dramatic: and: devastating: to: of the reason: new technologies of: destruction: and: of: mind control: and: spiritual. I will: and I will have to be: the: Re: of Israel!
17/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] Because: the: ILLUMINATI: MAY: entrust: Their: lives: only in my hands! Therefore: this: document: not: is: One: Threat: for: what: that: jew: but: we all have to be: close to:: Their: for: to make you feel:: Their: all the: our love: and the: our encouragement!: this: is: strategic in: no way: the: Jews must feel threatened: because: Their: instinct: of: self-protection: and: of: survival, they would flee again: in: themselves: ie: in the:: Their: obscure subconscious is: come the: moment: for: all:: all the: world of: understanding: that: we are one: one family: since no one could be sure: by: alone!: or: if: the: Safety: of: someone is threatened!
18/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] here is why:,: Their: not: they can go: by: this common threat: no: of: us: and: us not: we may be saved: no: of : Their no one could do it: by: alone! since: is: the curse: for: ILLUMINATI: that: kill us all: all together! So: in: these days we can only hope: that: something: of: strategic: you can move between: the: Jews! Since: n: that: the last bastion for: in: our defense: the: the Catholic Church is: was gagged: and: not: always to: wrongly discredited! When: every historical document relating to the: Christian blood: in the: Jewish rites: destroyed! well: in: this: so: is: unthinkable: groped one: contrast: an anachronism: when that was impossible: on the: street: of the: violence!
19/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: we can: with the: our sincere love in the spirit of Jesus: Gandhi etc. .. we may believe: that: is: can one construct: Company: World: finally humanizing: the: secular society: of the: universal brotherhood! tea: this document: fills us: of: horror: for: the: innocent: that still today are sacrificed: but: it fills the: pity: and: of: emotion: in the: consider: as the: Jewish system International: IMF-New World Order is able to reach: to: to: level: of: Satanism so great: and: despair: not: is: can face: this: work: not to keep the stomach: in: hand: as: in : these topics are widely exceeded the: human limitations: for: all of these fields: that: occult
20/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: have been taken up and amplified an: that: from U.S. institutional Satanism: and: now European ciois: tea: about 200,000 human sacrifices: of each year: the facts : for: the: power: of: Satan, as the FBI: he said: of: Do as: that: not: able to: find out: to: only culprit: for: all those crimes: and it is Been:: made: to: real army: of: Satanist: that: is: so: tenacious: convinced that: Satan will be to: win: Against: all the: human race: it is: to:: this: trustworthy staff: that: have been entrusted to: the: secret weapons: and: strategic: that: U.S. Army: how, even: that: the: management of the: underground bases: alien: and: of the:: Their: flying saucers!! if: the: Jews: not: have the: courage: of: addressing:
21/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] this: Their: darkness: ie: of: having tea: heartbreaking task: and: sad: of: to bring to light all: the: wounds: of: to: Their : the distant past: and: of: to: Their: abysmal: and: dark subconscious? So: not: there is one more: hope: for: all the: human race!: But:: that: it represents: the: dark and hidden: reality: of: some: of: Their: ie: more men powerful: of the: planet! Right: of: those: that: have interest primarily to: know: for: it emerge from the subconscious to the conscious! All the: crimes reported: in: this means the document are true: and: they are still committed: of: hidden: by: this: select group: of: perverse fanatics: the: who misrepresent: the: Password: of: God revealed: because the: Talmud: and: the: cabal:
22/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] took the: control: of: all: the: our institutions through: the: Freemasonry and the: bank seigniorage! One: Indication: for: all: "Who: not: believe: that: both: the: his compassion: and: the: to his mercy: to prevail?: not: read: this means a document: why: would: of the: evil only to: him! "Is: a reputation for: in: All: youtube: for: all these years: in:the lorenzojhwh "I have exercised: the: my ministry political and: Theological: unius Rei: for: about 6 hours: every day: such as I have been gifted by God: of: One: detail: as rational intuitive feature: the: Metaphysics: for: to be me: the: legendary: and: mythical figure: of the: King metaphysical UNIVERSAL : the only leader: of: all the: human race.
23/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] here is why:: to: spite: of: any documentation: destroyed by the current masters of the: world ie: from REAL principals: and: authors of: all these crimes: I can testify, through: the: authorities: of: this: my ministry: that: all the: facts described: in: this means the document are true: own: the: good faith of: those: that: they believed : of: the attribution: an: that: the Jews: the: unfounded guilt: of the: missing if any: of: what: that: person:: improperly! I write this: document: mainly: for: the: Jews only: because: Their: is power: real and is: to top: that of the: our Governments: and: of the: our religions: it is: now: to: universal power: they are: Their: that: they must decide: then:
24/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] tea: our common destiny: and: must express: the: determination: of: wanting to quit: by: this curse: or: of: wanting to fall: of: new: set : to: all the: people: in the: well-deserved divine punishment: Since the last word will be the: of: to: God the Creator: angry: for: to have done: of: he: perfect: love: and: perfect justice: to: god of: horror: and: of: cruelty: therefore: not: is: can hope for: the: mercy: by: the: of: those: that: they put on the God of Abraham: the: mas: that: ra horrible of Satan himself: Talmud: Reincarnation: Sharia: communism! We need: of: understanding: that: n: that: the: Jews are people like us ..: that: the: extreme tests, to: which: the: Jews were subject: why,: Their God:
25/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] YHWH has abandoned them: after: that:: Their: they had betrayed the: covenant: and: committed: the: Idolatry: opposing the Torah: the: of the oral tradition: : Their: rabbis (which resulted in the: Talmud): We do: not: we can judge: the: history: but: we can: and we must: be responsible for: for: the: of the future: our children! here is why: this means the document is: important!: not: we can say it: the: Jews have had one: terrible story ..: that: brought them appropriately (racism) and unjust (libel): several times: verge: of the: extinction: this: is: to: Their: problem!: and: this: not: to: our interest in: Their: Please! Moreover, the: our aid in the:: Their: against: not: is: motivated only: the fact: that: Their: are the: Our masters:
26/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] ie: the: masters of the: IMF-New World Order, and have tea: real power: on every strategic resource ..: but: why: we all must love one another: the: one: for: the: .. other: not: we can think of that: the: problem of: a: not: is an: that: the: problem of: everyone! Thus, the incredible Jewish condition: enabled: to: occult system: of: management: of the: horrible secret ": that: alone can justify the: bank seigniorage: ie: of the: most important institution: of the: world : but: of: which is: not allowed to talk about it publicly! What: that: Error: of the: present work: are: the: complexity of the: statements contained herein!: but: us not: we are Nazis for: fall as: stupid: in: this trap of hatred: and: of the: Racism! ie: the: old: and: false accusation of: feel guilty: all: the: Jews:
27/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: of the: crime: of: extermination of the: people: to: reason: of the: bank seigniorage! Slander real: to: turn: Indoor by: so many other lies: and: superstitions: Crime: that: today is: committed by the globalists themselves: of the: IMF: but: that: as yesterday, and an: that: today again will be charged: to: the all: all nations (Jews included). Indeed, to date: is: the deafening silence: of: all: the: institutions: and: of: all: the: religions: about to:: this: crime: of: bank seigniorage: why: these Jews Satanists called enlightened: after destroying: the: Catholic monarchies: that: then: Their: they gagged: the: Catholic Church: this: after centuries of: bloody struggles: and: hundreds: of: unnecessary excommunication: that: by: the Catholic ...
28/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: then: this: enormous crime: of: vilification: against: all sovereignty Constitutional: with: the: Jews: not: a lot has to do: is: demonstrated the fact: that: the: Jews innocent were put to death too easily: though innocent! since: is: only the: Satanism ideological and: practical of Rothschild: 666,: and: of the: his partner: of: snacks: 322: Bush! By: this: document?: In the: network is: can only: to find images for: in: format: pdf.] Time: that: of: this work: that: in: with text: is: so: by: think : one: My first fruits: or: to: my intellectual property: because: to: me, nothing can be denied! So: this: my work is: to "unique literary": for: in: of: this: document is: granted unless:
29/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: the: play: or: Publication: or: dissemination of the entire document for: in: machine-readable form: including: of: all: the: added: or: comments.: the: reflections: as: the: subtraction: by: I have made: for: practical reasons?: not: disrupt the: content: of: this: repetitious: and: stucco: that: Vole: document: so: of the: present Intellectual property: is: forbidden: thus: the: partial reproduction: or: the: edit: is: of the: his translation: that: of the: My interpretation: everything is: bound: and is: of: owned: of the prof. Lorenzo UniusREi : that: the: yield: to: free of charge: the world like any other document: of the: history: that: is: and: remains: Heritage: of: all the: human race! All: the: authorities are requested: of: to enforce the: my rights!
30/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] [[: this means the document is: strictly prohibited to minors: and to: all: the: people: that: they think that: not: is love: and: tea: perfect equality: between: the: men: the: unique solution to: all the: ills: of the: world]] the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE. REVELATIONS: Neophyte EX RABBI: MONACO GREEK: for: the: FIRST TIME: Display:: ITALY: THE GREEK VERSION: of the: Professor NFS [[Believe in extravagance: of: this: document? it seems really hard!: but:: if: these Jews were imprisoned: in: ghetto: and: if: they were frequently expelled from the nations? something of: The monster must be really existed: in the: Jewish society ..: if: these monstrosities: always existed: or: if: were: the: result: of the: persecution:
31/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] resulted from the accusation of: to be God-killers?: This: I said not: I know!: But: what: that: not: it must never be forgotten is: an: that: all: the: incredible violence and injustice: that: this: people wandering: the minority has had to endure: and: bear! because: not: it may be doubted: of the: seriousness of the Church Catholic: and: of: all the: its "official pronouncements" and: n: that: if: this: document: is: now: obviously anachronistic : it must be known .. why:: something: of: monstrous by: here is: derived: ie: the: bank seigniorage: modern: that without this explanation: not: it may have no other explanation ..: this: is: that: Been is: planned : for: crush: in: silently: all the: people: n: that: and: above:
32/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] the: valuable (if: believe: of: to be elected were: for: the show to the world: holy face: of the: law: and: of the: Justice: of God? thn ok!): or: deadly (if they are convinced, as racists: of: one:: Their: boasted: genetic superiority: or: theological) people of the Jews: that: it must have: priestly duties: and: right: for this: because: become: the real victims: of this: Jewish bankers Satanists: of the: IMF: NWO. How to: all: the: tragedy of the: people "elected" showed: because: Their: curses predate the founding: of the: Christianity] [the: censorship? is typical: of the: most devastating: and: criminal, dictatorial regime: since only the criminals are afraid: of the: truth: or: of: to: historical document that: to:their: say not has the most: to: social interest:
33/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: this: is: the: dramatic truth: we are: in: One: false democracy of the: system: bank Hebrew: and: Masonic: ie: of the: bank seigniorage: that: Been is: robbed to: all of us: by: everyone: that: have perjured himself on the:: Their: Constitution!] [if I say, not: I will be unius Rei: and: Re: of Israel? Few of: you can survive in: this already planned nuclear WW 3 rd: of: all the: great Masons: how Albert Pike that: the their knew: projects, including: the: destruction of the State: of Israel: to: no one could think of: in the: first: of the: 1900] [nothing is: the most devastating of the: racism: i: of the: to conceive: if: more than the same: to: another man: for: one : what: that: motivation: ethnic politics: ideological or: religious! As is: this diabolical:
34/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] comes to influence: for do of God (: or: the supreme authority of the philosophy):also a racist but: this is: one: total perversion blasfemy apostasy .. why: is: necessarily unique: the source: of the life!]] is astonishing today: theological ignorance: of the author: of: this document: that: he was one collective ignorance: that: led: the Jews in Their despair: So the Christians: not: able to understand: how: Their same could be the: same cause of attitudes of: reaction only: that: the: characteristic of the Jewish people is of: remember: and: of: celebrate: this remember! Here is why: the: capacity: of: to forgive is harder: for: Them that: not for: us! (This means the document is: now here to be found: in: Internet: in: textual form: to: reason: of the: Jewish censorship: and: Masonic: however, to: me:
35/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] "lorenzojhwh" political Ministry: and: theology: for: the: universal brotherhood in: youtube: nothing can be denied: for I am the very: Re: of : Israel planned: by God: for: the: salvation of the human race: the planned nuclear WW 3 °! and: if: these heinous crimes have disappeared: or: are the: Heritage: of: any psychopath: the: atmosphere: of: racism: that is: a fact: of the chosen people: to: because: of the: Talmud: and: of the Kabbalah: is real!): if: this: the phenomenon is: become invisible as the: 200,000: human sacrifices to Satan: the: reason is: given only by the fact: that: when you enter in 'horror: the human mind: for: protect: Itself: by the madness is: forced: in: to automatically: one to process:: of: removal: of the: horrible horror.
36/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: and: as the: wild rabbit: that: the ermine sees jump: but: paralyzed, that him not: can move any more .. since the scale of level of: his fear is: so high: that: the: fear is removed: lost: is so: for the: social body every opportunity of: reaction! One FOLLOWS: APPENDIX HISTORICAL: LAWN: TYPOGRAPHY ALREADY: that: TTI, C. & SON .1883 .. Portrait of the: Monaco greek: Neophyte former: Moldavian rabbi. "Benedictus Deus here vult omnes: Salvos homine proud." the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE: *** Editor's Preface Italian: Neophyte Monaco greek: born jew: in the: Moldova: to: the: half: of the: last century, turning: if: the same: by: Rabbi: in: Christian: in the: her age: of: thirty-eight years, he published in the: 1803: in: Moldovan language:
37/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: to: its very important: not: not: that: curious: booklet entitled: by: him: "'Rebuttal: of the: religion of the Jews: and: of the: Their: rites with demonstration of the S. Writing old: and: new. "". the: which, translated: in: modern greek: by: John of: George and: n: that: by: other: in Arabic, was published several times to: Nafplion: of Romania, to: Constantinople and elsewhere: in: East: in: various: and: copious editions. All of course: they were to: slightly to: little: and collected: destroyed by the Jews, of course very interested to: to wipe every trace of the: revelations: this: the book contains: about: tea: secret of Their: bloody ritual : of: which: former Rabbi Neophyte concerns: the: the clearest evidence: and the: minute detail: is known: that:
38/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: Jewish rites] in the same: East: now: not: if: it is now, almost more than yours ... "The: reason of: the shortage: is: gold jew: that: try corrupts" make disappear from the world: even: the: heart. "Among us, then: in: West: and: especially: in: Italy, we believe: that: very few, they are: that: to only know the existence of: this: booklet. Is true: that : I talk: I quoted: several traits: Achille Laurent, member: of the: Eastern Company, to: page 378: and: following: of the Volume: 2 °: of the insignia of his works: Relation historique: des affaires de Syrie depuis 1840: jusqu'en etc. 1842. Paris, Gaume 1846;: and: that: by: he copied it:: that: one: part: the: Mr. Gougenot in the des Mousseaux: her: the: Juif: the Judaism: and:Judaisation:
39/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] des peuples Chretiens, Paris: Plon, 1869.: But: as well as: an: that: these two works: and especially: the first: of the Laurent: I now exhausted and: arduous to be (no doubt: for the same gold jew: of sake),: not: quote them: that: a few lines: of the: booklet: of Neophyte, ever want to leave to you: his knowledge fuller. To obtain: the: what we could, for first for of the: aforementioned: character: of: Damietta: the: copy of which they held: one copy in the Arabic version: there'll dispatch one: its Italian version: tea: what, strictly speaking, there would have been sufficient: for this purpose: but: it is, after other research: that: come: in: possession: of: one exemplary Greek edition PRESENTED: to Constantinople: in the: 1834: in the: patriarchal printing:
40/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] Mr. John, of: George: above: (already mentioned above);: and: got the document: by: a learned professor: one: of new version (identical: at, in the: concepts, sent to us by: Damietta) believed the come: time should be: of: submit: the: the: that: it is our purpose: to all readers: Italian , Christians and Jews .... etc. .. continues .. etc. .. [[@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 .-- brothers! I have: the: my divine nature: and: the: my perfect: and: dynamic: Perpetual: sanctification only thank to Jesus: of: Bethlehem, the Christ! However, I as Toaff? we are Zionists: for: the: kingdom of Israel! is: for: this: love: that: I have given up on my: identity: Nationality: Religion! What: that: you see: of: me? is: only an: envelope! I have become: truly:
41/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] the: heart: of the: world: is the: universal brotherhood! is: come: for: you: the: moment of: delete from your symbol: the: star: of: Satan: of six points: Rothschld: that: is: the: IMF-World Order! the: work: that: I'm doing: is: the labor pains: the more more painful work of the: my life .. but: I: not: publish it: on the: your page: to ensure that: all the : the world knows: that: I've decided: of: not: moving: against: you, no charge! no guilty!]] is God? he said to: me: that: not: has never let these crimes of to go unpunished! God is: in: control: of the: history! you not: be afraid! why:: not: kill me: the "Illuminati"?: why, Their power is an absolute power: and: why: no dog: of: Judge: or: of: politics: never lend the his attention: at the my words!
41/41 (a) [conclusion] [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] Israel is: one: beautiful woman and I are to: male rough: not: is: easy: for: me: Do the: pampering: etc. ..: or: go to: home carrying: one: flowers: ecc.. but:: in: Compensation: I am invincible in the: my loyalty: it goes further: the: death! this: they know in the Kingdom of God: and: know: also: in my country: Grumo Appula: is: by: 5 centuries: that: in the: my genealogy is: been called: "Larinz fdel" ie: Lorenzo the: FAITHFUL! Me: not: betray: and no one potrabbe betraying me, because everyone knows: that wrath of: one: King alone: Unius Rei: not: leave: in: feet: no also the: forest! I am meek as Moses, but: like him not: I have a: problem: the killing: guilty: for: the: My law is universal: the: law: of the: eye for an eye!: The: translation: of: this: item will be on "rrmbgpym": while: in: Italian language is: to "shalomnaumann" 2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf