Moshe Cohen3 mesi fa You are a messianic Jew? Why? ///ANSWER, WE have
to go as brothers, in the Saudi and Egyptian desert, to make the 12
Tribes of Israel, and therefore, even WE MUST REALIZE too, the universal
brotherhood, WHY, 12 Tribes of Israel? They represent all the peoples
of the world, too!
ANSWER, NOI dobbiamo andare come fratelli, nel
deserto saudita ed egiziano, a fare le 12 Tribù di Israele, e quindi,
anche DOBBIAMO REALIZZARE la fratellanza universale, PERCHÉ, le 12 Tribù
di Israele? rappresentano tutti i popoli del mondo, anche!
Cohen said You are a messianic Jew? Why? /// +Moshe Cohen /// No! i am
the Messiah of the Jews! no! i sono il Messia degli ebrei!
not a predator, an executioner, an avenger of blood, and I do not
pretend taxes, that, someone, he needs to protect itself from me. No!
That's why, all the world's doors will open in front of me, because I'm a
giver, a giver of freedom, self-determination, and liberating the
non sono un predatore, un giustiziere, un vendicatore
del sangue, e io non pretendo tasse, che qualcuno ha bisogno di
proteggersi da me. no! ecco perché, tutte le porte del mondo si
apriranno davanti a me, perché, io sono un donatore, un elargitore di
libertà, autodeterminazione, e liberatore di prigionieri!
sono le notizie che BOMBAROLI, TERRORISTI SALMAN ed ERDOGAN sharia
Califfato mondiale, non VORREBBERO MAI ASCOLTARE! Damasco riprende pieno
controllo Palmira, Lo riferiscono la tv di Stato e gli attivisti.
Farisei con la fondazione SpA della Banca di Inghilterra, e con la loro
congiura massonica, hanno portato a Satana tutto e tutti è una
devastazione immane dell'umano! ED HANNO COMMESSO STRAGI E GUERRE
INENARRABILI. Tutti i libri di storia? Andrebbero bruciati e riscritti!
Tutto quello che è nel mondo? è corrotto illegale ed alto tradimento!
Giuliani, dice:" Hillary e' una delle fondatrici dell'Isis!" SI È VERO
tutto vero! MA LUI, insieme tutti i Governi del Mondo, HA OCCULTATO, ed è
stato il complice di AUTO-ATTENTATO DELL'11-09, FATTO DALLA CIA E DAL
friend cannibal, SAID Dear [M]uslim, [J]ew, [C]hristian, [G]entile
[An Attack On Anyone Is An Attack On All Of You]
CHE COSA ANDREBBE FATTO? Quello che è stato fatto dai nostri padri,
che, hanno resistito al genocidio ISLAMICO, ovviamente, FARE DELLA LEGA
politica alla minaccia islamica! NOI SIAMO CAMBIATI, A VOLTE IN MEGLIO,
SALAFITI MAOMETTANI WAHHABITI! la loro amicizia con voi è solo
CIA 666 SPA FED [Finance Major?] StopSpaMistafield by scientist
Giacinto Auriti --> this is the cost of our money [(1)] ☠ 100%
banking seigniorage (Euro Dollar for bills Bott & CCT) + [(2)] ☠
100% public debt (interest required to bill) + [(3 )] ☠ 70% fractional
reserve for debt private is required for mortgage. + [(4)] ☠
inflation. + [(5)] ☠ recession. + [(6)] ☠ monetary rarefaction. + [(7)] ☠
3 ° WW nuclear inevitable and essential as Stated "TheElectroAllstar"
"Dalai Lama. Give peace a chance! But, between ourselves Who the fuck,
really gives peace a chance? War is the greatest business of all
times.. Yeah, ladies and gentleman, that's capitalism, welcome to our
world. + [(8)] ☠ 666 JEW satanic IMF NWO perfect! ANSWER> ☠ This
system is rotten! it is about to collapse on you, that's why you will
die like rats crushed ☠ pax ☠:3 ° World War
le autorità invitano i residenti a non partecipare alla marcia contro
la paura Perché grazie al Califfo Imam D'Alema, Obama Gender sharia? ed
harem Merkel Mogherini Boldrini? cazzo se adesso tutti devono avere
sharia paura veramente!
credo che tra 1. USURAI SPA FMI, BILDENBERG REGIME anticristo massoni
GENDER DARWIN blasfemia apostasia a Sodoma, sacrilegio bestemmia TALMUD
Farisei i cannibali, e 2. ANTICRISTO Comunisti Kim Jong-un, il Dio di
ogni sublime scienza ed adorazione, POI, ci si dovrebbe voler bene, in
nome di Satana e dell'ODIO CONTRO CRISTO RISORTO il Signore della PACE E
dell'Amore Universale! CIOÈ, io dico TRA I SATANA family Addams?
DOVREBBERO ANDARE D'ACCORDO, tra di loro! Pyongyang Seul chieda scusa o
attacchiamo. 26.03.2016. L’esercito di Pyongyang esige le scuse del
presidente della Corea del Sud per le esercitazioni militari congiunte
con i militari USA. L'esercito della Corea del Nord ha minacciato di
attaccare Seoul se il presidente della Corea del Sud, Park Geun-hye, non
si scuserà per le esercitazioni militari congiunte con gli USA, durante
le quali è stato simulato un attacco preventivo contro gli impianti
nucleari della Corea del Nord
...Everyday Will become a challenge but everyday we grow and get closer
to our source... /// to WHOM your drain, sewage, rotten OF CORPSE, and
ROTTING IN your CEMETERY Sodom GENDER Darwin, Gmos talmud agenda, 666
for Unius REI universal brotherhood, you constitute an absolute universal monarchy on the entire planet
666 TALMUD AIPAC Ca ROTHSCHILD ONU SPA FED Usurai FMI ladri traditori ]
[ però con delle fecce di satana come Obama, Mogherini, Merkel NATO
CIA, i massoni coglioni Bildenberg, TUTTI i traditori, le Spa Banche
Centrali il controllo di ogni monopolio, la conquista del mondo,
dopotutto è alla vostra portata... avanti, venite avanti, vediamo quello
che valete per SATANA vostro, ok! vediamo che cosa voi sapete fare!
TALMUD AIPAC ROTHSCHILD SPA FED usurai FMI ladri traditori ] [ è poi,
c'è un altro motivo perché, proprio voi, i FARISEI non avete costruito
il Tempio Ebraico ancora "è ancora presto per voi, di poter innalzare
formalmente SATANA come Dio di questo mondo infatti, voi non avete
ancora conquistato tutto il pianeta!"
TEMPIO EBRAICO ancora? REALLY? voi avevate conquistato il deserto
egiziano e lo avete restituito, soltanto perché, voi avevate deciso di
disintegrare ISRAELE, che questa è ancora la vostra agenda!
Warning Masonic Jewish supremacy
IN Orissa Christians HAVE lost THEIR faith IN justice HUMAN SHIT MODI 666
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI3 ore fa
DIRETTRICE Direttore Generale STREGA DI YOUTUBE ] COME tu puoi essere
troia? [ smetti di tentarmi con materiale di tipo sessuale! NON HO PIÙ
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
Alleuia Alleuia Alleuia Alleuia LUI è risorto vive e sta bene [ 26
marzo veglia di Pasqua ] tu puoi avere una storia con lui, LUI È ALLA
potrebbe essere troppo tardi, LUI POTrEBBE ESSERE PASSATO, E TU POTRESTI
TROVARti solo con il NULLA!
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI
cosa è
RELIGIONE DOGMATICA DARWIN GENDER i sodomiti culto le scimmie anali, E
SE 2. Fariseo Talmud ROTHSCHILD usuraio e cannibale, NON RESTITUISCE IL
anche interpretare benevolmente, ma il Talmud deve essere bruciato!
CAZZO.. la volete smettere di uccidere i martiri cristiani innocenti, e
perché non iniziate ad uccidervi tra i voi?
del Nord 33 condannati a morte per lavoro missionario .. ] Kim Jong-un
11-03-2014 Corea del Nord, Pena di morte per almeno 33 persone accusate
di aver tentato di "far cadere il regime creando 500 comunità familiari
(chiese) clandestine". Kim Jong-un continua la sua "pulizia" del paese
da ogni elemento ritenuto una minaccia al suo potere. I cristiani sono
un costante bersaglio. Il regime nordcoreano ha comminato la pena di
morte ad almeno 33 persone per i loro presunti contatti con un
missionario, secondo quanto riporta il periodico sudcoreano Chosun Ilbo.
I 33 condannati (non si sa se siano tutti cristiani) sarebbero accusati
di aver tentato di "far cadere il regime creando 500 comunità familiare
(chiese) clandestine", secondo una fonte anonima del periodico (nella
foto un campo di prigionia femminile). Nello specifico sarebbero
accusate di aver collaborato con Kim Jung-wook, un cittadino sudcoreano
arrestato e accusato di aver creato comunità cristiane familiari
clandestine. A quanto pare l'esecuzione verrà portata a termine in una
località segreta da ufficiali del Dipartimento di Sicurezza Nazionale.
Secondo quanto si apprende dal giornale, Kim, missionario
cristiano-battista, sarebbe stato addirittura rapito da agenti
nordcoreani in territorio cinese, nella città di confine Dandong (Cina
appunto), e portato in Corea del Nord. Si sa da tempo che Kim Jong-un,
attuale dittatore nordcoreano, ha ordinato una vera e propria "pulizia"
della nazione da elementi ritenuti un problema per il regime. Nel 2013
per questo motivo, suo zio e mentore Jang Song-Thaek è stato condannato a
morte e ucciso subito dopo, con la stessa tecnica usata spesso per
estirpare il cristianesimo, anche i figli di Jang, oltre che i fratelli e
i nipoti sono stati uccisi. Per il regime nordcoreano i cristiani sono
una macchia da cancellare, un problema da risolvere. La sentenza di
queste 33 persone arriva poco dopo la liberazione del missionario
australiano John Short, arrivato in Cina dopo essere stato detenuto per
vari giorni in Corea del Nord per aver lasciato dei volantini cristiani
in un tempio buddista e in un treno affollato. Kenneth Bae, invece,
missionario americano, rimane in prigione dopo essere stato arrestato
nel novembre 2012 con una sentenza di 15 anni di reclusione. La Corea
del Nord rimane il paese dove più si perseguitano i cristiani al mondo.
SODOMA IDEOLOGIA! 22.03.2016. Il tribunale di Donetsk nella regione di
Rostov ha condannato l'ex pilota militare ucraina Nadezhda Savchenko a
22 di reclusione, ma effettivamente lei dovrà scontare una pena di 20
anni e 4 mesi, poiché sono stati sottratti un anno e 8 mesi di misure
cautelari. La Savchenko tornerà libera nel 2036, ma può sperare nella
liberazione condizionale tra 12 anni. Al momento della lettura della
sentenza la Savchenko ha iniziato a intonato la canzone ucraina "oh
trecce, trecce, siete mie", cantando però "oh giudici, giudici, che mi
giudicate", a causa di ciò è stato annunciata la sospensione temporanea.
Il giorno prima il tribunale ha dichiarato colpevole la Savchenko della
morte di due giornalisti russi. La sua colpevolezza è confermata da
prove e dalle deposizioni dei testimoni. Per l'attraversamento illegale
del confine russo è stata multata per 30 mila rubli (400 euro circa). In
più il tribunale ha ritirato l'accusa del bombardamento di civili nella
regione di Lugansk, poiché non è giudicabile dal tribunale russo. Il
movente dei reati è l'odio nei confronti dei cittadini della regione di
Lugansk e la gente russofona nel suo insieme — indica la sentenza
Netanyahu ] anche tu hai deciso di uccidere la RUSSIA? [ QUANDO A
Tu sarai costretto a mandare il tuo esercito in difesa dei sauditi! [
Netanyahu ] anche tu hai deciso di uccidere la RUSSIA? [ oggi, la
Russia è diventato il nemico, perché, NATO ONU e sua sharia Ummah, hanno
deciso che, LA RUSSIA non si doveva permettere di impedire il genocidio
dei cristiani, degli sciiti e dei popoli russofoni! QUINDI LA NATO SI
PREPARA A FARE LA GUERRA ALLA RUSSIA per questo, infatti, senza essere
Netanyahu ] QUANDO da ragazza FEDERICA MOGHERINI decise di tradire Dio,
e di percorrere le strade del peccato? LEI NON AVREBBE MAI POTUTO
Domandiamo a Gesù risorto, che trasforma la morte in vita, di mutare
l'odio in amore, la vendetta in perdono, la guerra in pace. Sì, Cristo è
la nostra pace e attraverso di Lui, imploriamo pace per il mondo
intero. (Papa Francesco) Pasqua 2016 ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰
AsiaNews augura agli amici lettori una buona Pasqua 2016
SHOAH TOTALE! [ QUALCUNO ha deciso, che nella mia mail lorenzo io non
dovessi più ricevere la newsletter from ISRAELE e quindi io sono un
I PUGNALAMENTI, ECC.. ! .. E come tutti sanno la CIA e UK services,
loro non hanno bisogno di una passaword per entrare dove desiderano "
noi siamo i sudditi del loro signoraggio bancario costituzionale
13:30 Trovata foto della Merkel con il presunto kamikaze di Bruxelles 12:23
Belgio ucciso dipendente di una centrale nucleare, il suo lasciapassare
è stato rubato
of Nazareth, the Messiah of Israel, Jewish Mashiach DI NAZARETH Messiah
sistema SPA FED BCE NWO, 666 NATO massonico REGIME BILDENBERG dalla
Democrazia alla DITTATURA ] Personalmente credo vi siano otto ragioni
per riflettere seriamente sulla della riforma Boschi. In primo luogo, si
è certi che questa modifica della Costituzione non aumenterà le tasse?
Evidentemente, di fronte ad un ritorno al centralismo, ci sarà meno
efficienza e quindi maggiore spesa pubblica qualcuno si ricorda la
Prima Repubblica, nella quale alla sussidiarietà si preferivano le
politiche ministeriali? Il debito aumentava peggio di adesso e la parola
efficienza era sconosciuta. Poi il Senato a differenza di quanto
continua a sostenere il Governo, questo ramo del Parlamento non viene
abolito, ma diventa solo un organo non elettivo con competenze non molto
chiare che rischiano di paralizzare l'operatività delle Istituzioni
locali; basti pensare alla situazione delle Province che la Riforma
Delrio abolisce sulla carta e che invece sono ancora lì vive e vegete,
ma senza dotazioni economiche adeguate persino per le funzioni basilari.
E lo vogliamo davvero un Senato non più votato dal popolo, ma con
senatori protetti dall'immunità parlamentare? E i cittadini saranno
contenti che i senatori a vita continuino a esistere, pur non essendo
più a vita ma con una nomina settennale? Inoltre viene alzato il numero
di firme necessarie per presentare un referendum abrogativo, ma non si
ha il coraggio di aprire all'istituto del referendum propositivo. Si
giunge infine alla peggiore delle questioni la riforma costituzionale
unita alla nuova legge elettorale, il cosidetto Italicum, darà la
possibilità a una minoranza (cioè alla lista che prende un voto in più) e
al suo premier non votato direttamente dal popolo di nominare più di
1600 posti di governo, cioè posizioni preminenti come quelle nella Corte
Costituzionale o nel Cda della Rai, nell'ambito delle Authority o negli
Istituti di Ricerca. È una deriva pericolosa che assume l'immagine di
una dittatura della minoranza. Ma l'Italia ha bisogno di un'involuzione
del genere pur di garantire finalmente la governabilità? Non lasciamo ai
posteri la sentenza, che non sembra per nulla ardua, ma riflettiamo
bene prima di votare
costituzionale come ratificare la dittatura di una minoranza.
25.03.2016( Il prossimo ottobre i cittadini italiani saranno chiamati a
votare per il referendum confermativo sulla riforma costituzionale. Dopo
tre Governi nati da giochi di palazzo e dopo le transumanze di
parlamentari e di gruppi partitici creati per convenienza, sarebbe bene
che gli italiani comprendessero qual è veramente la posta in gioco in
questa consultazione elettorale. Persino l'ex presidente della Corte
Costituzionale, Gustavo Zagrebelsky, in una recente intervista a La
Stampa, si è espresso in modo lapidario sul testo varato dal governo
Renzi Non voglio più insegnare diritto costituzionale. Se passerà il
referendum sulla riforma Boschi non saprei nemmeno più cosa insegnare.
E' un testo scritto malissimo, in certe parti contraddittorio e
incomprensibile… La chiarezza per una Costituzione è anche un fatto di
democrazia. Sì alle riforme, il Senato italiano pronto a cambiare E la
sua posizione non costituisce un caso isolato le critiche stanno
piovendo dai giuristi più autorevoli di qualsiasi estrazione politica e
sono accomunate dal timore per un testo impraticabile alla prova dei
fatti e che tende al centralismo autoritario dei poteri. Renzi non offre
poi rassicurazioni su questo punto, quando al Congresso dei Giovani
Democratici dichiara Mi dicono ma tu governi coi voti del
centrodestra? Già, perché abbiamo perso le elezioni l'altra volta. La
prossima volta le vinceremo e non ci saranno. Conosco un metodo
infallibile per non avere in maggioranza Alfano e Verdini vincere le
elezioni, cosa che nel 2013 non è accaduta… Non abbiate paura di
giocarvi la carta del potere, perché non ha un valore né positivo né
negativo è la carta per fare le cose. Il premier insegna alla futura
classe dirigente che l'esito elettorale può essere disatteso, pur di
esercitare il potere; come legislatore costituzionale è stato coerente,
mettendo in piedi un premierato assoluto con un macroscopico vizio di
forma il non passare attraverso il voto diretto dei cittadini. Le
dittature nascono sempre così, con modifiche ai principi cardine dello
Stato per garantire le risposte ai cittadini delusi. Di fronte al mostro
normativo gli italiani hanno anzitutto il dovere di informarsi.
Zagrebelsky ha stilato ben 15 motivi per dire no al referendum
costituzionale, sbugiardando tutte le scuse che accamperà il Governo per
legittimare il proprio operato. Questi punti rappresentano un vero
manifesto, in quanto calano la riforma nel contesto reale in cui si
trova l'Italia una nazione che oggi ha un Parlamento illegittimo, che è
ostaggio dei diktat di un'Europa matrigna e affarista, un Paese che con
la scusa dell'ingovernabilità giustifica la propria inerzia e legittima
i colpi di mano e le minacce di epurazione (si ricordi il trattamento
riservato a sindacati, associazioni datoriali, parlamentari non
allineati al pensiero unico). Zagrebelsky ci tratteggia un quadro
spietato della Repubblica renziana, nella quale si sta ultimando la
demolizione dello Stivale avviata col berlusconismo, il giacobinismo
delle sinistre e con i tecnocrati europeisti
INTERNAZIONALE! 26/03/2016, TURCHIA-SIRIA, Isis, Turchia e petrolio i
documenti sui legami fra Ankara e lo Stato islamico. Documenti
abbandonati dai jihadisti e testimonianze di combattenti catturati
rivelano il legame fra Ankara e Daesh in tema di petrolio. I fascicoli
riportano nel dettaglio le modalità di trasporto, il valore del greggio
venduto e il numero di fattura. Civili costretti a lavorare nelle
raffinerie sotto minaccia. Le frontiere turche, spesso sguarnite,
favoriscono gli spostamenti dei miliziani. Istanbul (AsiaNews) -
Documenti abbandonati da miliziani dello Stato islamico (SI) in ritirata
nel nord della Siria, e ritrovati dai combattenti curdi, uniti alle
testimonianze di jihadisti catturati, mostrano le prove del legame fra
Turchia e Isis nel commercio del petrolio. A denunciarlo è una inchiesta
approfondita di RT, il canale satellitare russo che ha inviato una
propria troupe nell’area e ha raccolto testimonianze di prima mano. Le
carte sono finite nelle mani delle Unità di protezione popolare (Ypg)
nell’assalto alla città di Ash Shaddadi, durante la quale sono stati
catturati diversi “foreign fighters” provenienti da Turchia e Arabia
Saudita, i quali hanno confermato i rapporti fra Daesh [acronimo arabo
dello SI] e Ankara. Lo Stato islamico ha saputo conquistare in pochi
mesi ampie porzioni di territorio in Siria e Iraq, compiendo
decapitazioni, omicidi di massa, riduzione in schiavitù di interi gruppi
etnici, promuovendo al contempo le proprie gesta sul web attraverso
un’abile propaganda. I jihadisti sarebbero implicati anche in attacchi
su larga in scala in altri continenti, come testimoniano i fatti di
Parigi e, più di recente, Bruxelles. Analisti ed esperti sottolineano
che, accanto a una organizzazione militare di primo livello, vi è al
contempo una capacità di movimento e organizzazione impensabile senza
l’appoggio logistico e finanziario dall’esterno. Fra i Paesi ritenuti in
qualche modo fiancheggiatori dello SI - assieme ad Arabia Saudita e
Qatar - vi è proprio la Turchia, che pur dichiarandosi nemica giurata
dei jihadisti, nei fatti - e i documenti ne sono la prova - si comporta
in tutt’altro modo. Alcuni dei documenti finiti nelle mani dei
combattenti curdi riportano voci dettagliate, compilate dai miliziani
dello SI, relative ai proventi del petrolio dei pozzi e delle
raffinerie, oltre che il volume totale delle estrazioni. Ciascun
fascicolo contiene in cima alla pagina il simbolo dello SI. Ogni voce
comprende il nome dell’autista, il veicolo utilizzato, peso del mezzo -
vuoto e a pieno carico - oltre che il prezzo di vendita e il numero
della fattura. Una di queste è datata 11 gennaio 2016 e rivela che lo SI
ha estratto circa 1.925 barili dal pozzo di Kabibah, vendendoli per
38.342 dollari. Gli autori dell’inchiesta hanno interrogato anche civili
della zona, costretti a lavorare per l’industria petrolifera dell’Isis
sotto minaccia. “Il greggio estratto - racconta una fonte - veniva
portato in una raffineria, per essere trasformato in gasolio e altri
prodotti petroliferi”. In previsione della vendita “venivano
intermediari da Raqqa e Aleppo [Siria] i quali raccoglievano il petrolio
e spesso parlavano della Turchia” come meta finale. Alla voce dei
residenti si aggiunge quella di un jihadista, un prigioniero turco, il
quale conferma che “il petrolio estratto da Daesh viene venduto in
Turchia”. E le quantità sono “tali che le autorità” di Ankara “non
possono non esserne al corrente”. Un combattente curdo ha mostrato una
collezione di passaporti prelevati dai cadaveri dei jihadisti uccisi in
battaglia. Nelle immagini si vedono miliziani di varie nazionalità, fra
cui Bahrain, Libia, Kazakistan, Russia, Tunisia e la stessa Turchia. La
maggior parte è entrata nelle aree di guerra di Siria e Iraq passando
proprio attraverso i confini turchi, che il più delle volte - a
raccontarlo sono gli stessi jihadisti prigionieri - non sono pattugliati
e consentono un facile attraversamento. Del resto è risaputo che la
leadership turca del presidente Recep Tayyip Erdogan ha fornito sostengo
logistico ai miliziani in lotta contro il presidente Bashar al Assad, o
comunque “non ha interferito” nei movimenti trans-frontalieri dei
jihadisti. Inoltre, molto del materiale che alimenta la propaganda dello
Stato islamico viene prodotto e stampato in aziende sparse sul
territorio turco. “La Turchia è il vicino diretto dello SI” e se il
governo di Ankara tagliasse i rifornimenti dei miliziani,
“l’organizzazione terroristica non potrebbe certo sopravvivere”. Vedi
anche 26/06/2015 SIRIA - TURCHIA Lo Stato islamico attacca Kobane. Curdi
accusano la Turchia di favorire il passaggio jihadista Tre autobombe
hanno colpito un punto di controllo alla periferia della città. Negli
scontri morte 57 persone; in un villaggio a sud lo SI ha giustiziato 23
curdi siriani, fra cui donne e bambini. Ankara smentisce le accuse e
parla di “propaganda nera”. Esperto mediorientale gli attacchi
“spettacolari” dello SI azioni “diversive” per sviare l’attenzione da
Raqqa. 17/02/2016 08:55:00 ONU - SIRIA - TURCHIA Conflitto siriano, Onu:
nuove distribuzioni di aiuti per le aree sotto assedio Il governo di
Damasco ha dato il via libera per la consegna di cibo e generi di prima
necessità in sette zone. Fra queste vi è anche la città di Madaya, dove
la gente muore di fame. Mosca respinge le accuse di Ankara sul
bombardamento degli ospedali. Il Consiglio di sicurezza Onu critica la
Turchia. 14/10/2014 SIRIA - TURCHIA Kobane controffensiva curda contro
lo Stato islamico, rimossa la bandiera jihadista Le milizie curde hanno
riconquistato la collina di Tall Shair e tolto la bandiera islamista. La
loro avanzata agevolata dai raid dell’aviazione Usa. Obama incontra i
vertici militari della coalizione; Ankara blocca gli aiuti ai curdi,
nega l’uso delle basi aeree e bombarda i ribelli del Pkk. 27/01/2016
08:56:00 ISRAELE - TURCHIA Israele contro la Turchia Compra petrolio
dallo Stato islamico, finanzia i jihadisti Il ministro della Difesa
Moshe Yaalon ha sottolineato che Daesh ha beneficiato “per molto, molto
tempo” del denaro turco in cambio di greggio. Egli aggiunge che “è
compito della Turchia” unirsi alla lotta contro il terrorismo, ma
“questo sinora non è avvenuto”. Ankara favorirebbe inoltre il passaggio
di miliziani sul proprio territorio.
risorto, che trasforma la morte in vita, di mutare l'odio in amore, la
vendetta in perdono, la guerra in pace. Sì, Cristo è la nostra pace e
attraverso di Lui imploriamo pace per il mondo intero. (Papa Francesco)
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il loro buco del culo? i GAY GENDER DARWIN trascineranno all'inferrno,
ogni cosa, insieme a loro e neanche Maometto riuscirà a salvarsi! E LA
Roz Ward, Coordinator of Safe Schools Coalition Victoria, speaks at the
2014 Safe Schools Coalition National Symposium. Andrew Smith,
Australian correspondent
Gil De Gamesh **
25/03/2016 ** Circolo La Croce - Treviso ** LEADER LGBT australiano
conferma i programmi nelle scuole NON sono contro il bullismo, sono per
PROPAGANDARE gender e omosessualismo.
Politics - WorldFri Mar 18, 2016 - 12:53 pm EST, WATCH Aussie ‘safe
schools’ leader admits program is about gay activism, not bullying
australia , homosexuality MELBOURNE, March 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) –
Undercover video recorded at the 2014 Safe Schools Coalition National
Symposium has exposed as a lie the claim that the program is about
helping students stand up to bullying in schools. The symposium was a
launch event for the contentious Safe Schools programme, which has come
under sustained attack during its existence. Ostensibly a programme to
protect gay and transgender school students from bullies, critics such
as MP George Christensen have referred to it as “Queer theory being
taught in the classroom.” Released on the National Day Of Action Against
Bullying And Violence, the video shows Coordinator of Safe Schools
Coalition Victoria, Roz Ward, addressing the audience. She says “Safe
Schools Coalition is about supporting gender and sexual diversity. Not
about celebrating diversity. Not about stopping bullying. About gender
and sexual diversity.” The source of the video recording spoke
exclusively to LifeSiteNews, requesting anonymity for fear of
retribution. He says, “I didn't review my footage carefully enough to
begin with, and so I didn't realise I was sitting on a bombshell for 18
months.” The resurgence of the issue in the media prompted him to go
through the footage again. Speaking of the moment of realisation of what
he had recorded, he says, “I was shocked because I didn’t think someone
well organized on the political left would be so clumsy as to make a
statement like that and expose their true agenda.” Fear of retribution
towards those opposing the programme is not unfounded. Supporters of the
scheme lashed out today with a violent protest at Senator Cory
Bernardi’s office just before it was formally announced that the
government was cutting out huge sections of the programme. The Safe
Schools Coalition organisation would have to accept these changes if
they were to continue receiving federal funding. They are presently
reviewing the government report. Christensen, speaking to ABC News, said
“essentially we're gutting most of the bad content that actually these
people wanted to remain in place.” Shadow minister for education, Kate
Ellis, responded along the bully line stating, “How do we expect any
student in the school yard to stand up to bullies if Australia's own
Prime Minister (Turnbull) can not stand up to the bullies within the
fringe of his own party.” The “fringe” that Ellis was referring to is in
fact the majority of the coalition government members who, according to
Christensen, have signed his petition for the Safe Schools Coalition to
be defunded. Both Christensen and Senator Cory Bernardi have been
pushing for a full parliamentary inquiry into the programme with all
funding to be suspended pending the outcome. The Victorian state
government has indicated it will make up for any federal funding cuts to
the Safe Schools Coalition programme. If this promise of funding is
fulfilled, it would negate the need to abide by the latest cuts to the
scope and content of the programme.
un arca di Mosé, e della fratellanza universale, dove voi potrete
sopravvivere, all'olocausto nucleare di tutti i popoli, io sono Unius
REI il Re di Israele. venite da me! LA INTELLIGENZA GMOS ALIENA DI
ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM " ma io non dissesto il sistema "io sono
il sistema del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale di JHWH!" dato che il sistema che
stanno costruendo i FARISEI lo stanno facendo intorno a Satana! .. i
popoli indebitati e derubati del loro stesso denaro sono devitalizzati e
spinti al suicidio, mentre i massoni complici hanno tradito e sputato
sulla sovranità costituzionale, perché SALMAN e Erdogan sharia così
hanno voluto che così fosse, per ottenere il trionfo dell'ANTICRISTO!
per 25 anni, I MAOMETTANI SHARIA non mi avessero mai messo in mezzo ai
cadaveri dei martiri cristiani, continuamente, io avrei mai criticato
Maometto, che, CERTAMENTE, lui è una anima maledetta all'inferno, MA,
che è salito in anima e corpo al Paradiso da Gerusalemme 7 anni dopo la
sua morte? e per tutti i suoi delitti? CERTO lui è all'inferno! certo
CHE NO nessun politico critica le cose dal punto religioso! IO SONO UN
non sono politici veri, sono dei religiosi camuffati che fanno il
Genocidio di tutte le altre religioni perché le persone non possano
vedere che la loro religione è il delitto! ======== satanisti FARISEI
MASSONI del NWO SPA FED hanno osato dirmi "ogni resistenza è inutile!"
popoli indebitati e derubati del loro stesso denaro sono devitalizzati e
spinti al suicidio, mentre i massoni complici hanno tradito e sputato
sulla sovranità costituzionale, perché SALMAN e Erdogan sharia così
hanno voluto che così fosse, per ottenere il trionfo dell'ANTICRISTO!
quando mi distruggono i canali youtube, non mi agito più di tanto,
perché è questo il mio patto con Dio, è meglio che uccidono i miei blog,
o canali youtube e non che Massoni Gender Farisei e Salafiti uccidano
persone innocenti.
terrore della Sharia, in tutta la LEGA ARABA è il NAZISMO ci
uccideranno tutti! ] [ 25 MAR - Un giornalista saudita, Ajaa Brinji, è
stato condannato a 5 anni di reclusione e a 8 anni di divieto di
espatrio per una serie di tweet. Lo rende noto Amnesty International,
affermando che la sentenza "è una chiara violazione della legge
internazionale e l'ultima dimostrazione della profonda intolleranza
delle autorità saudite per il diritto di espressione pacifica".Brinji,
già giornalista per testate quali al-Bilad, Okaz e al-Sharq, è detenuto
dal maggio del 2014. L'imputato è stato giudicato colpevole di diversi
reati, fra i quali "insulti ai governanti", "incitamento dell'opinione
pubblica" e "avere accusato le forze di sicurezza di aver ucciso
manifestanti ad Awamiyya", una regione nell'est del Paese.
soltanto Rothschild che per non far crollare il FMI ha disperato
bisogno della Guerra Mondiale, quindi compratevi l'elmetto perché la
NATO con una calunnia aggredirà la RUSSIA! ] [ “La NATO si occupa
dell'inesistente minaccia russa” ] E NON VEDE L'ISLAM MAOMETTANO CHE HA
25.03.2016, La NATO si occupa dell'inesistente "minaccia russa", mentre
l'Europa è confusa nei vecchi stampi ideologici, ritiene il presidente
della commissione Esteri della Duma Alexey Pushkov. "La NATO sta
elaborando i piani per inviare ulteriori contingenti militari in
Lettonia e crea le basi per le forze di risposta rapida in Polonia.
Tuttavia per la cosiddetta "inesistente minaccia russa" nella UE non è
mai morto nessuno. Per colpa dei terroristi sono rimaste uccise 130
persone a Parigi e alcune decine a Bruxelles. Dunque da dove arriva la
minaccia? Dalla Russia o da qualche altra parte?", — ha detto Pushkov in
un incontro con alcuni deputati italiani nella Duma. "La NATO si occupa
dell'inesistente minaccia russa. A mio parere è un paradosso e assurdo
allo stesso tempo. Inoltre ci dicono che finchè la crisi ucraina non
verrà risolta, non ci sarà alcuna cooperazione nella lotta contro il
terrorismo", — ha rilevato il politico. Secondo Pushkov, l'Europa è
impigliata nei vecchi stampi e luoghi comuni ideologici, ma ora è giunto
il momento di sbarazzarsene
FELICITÀ E AMORE!" my JHWH ] hai visto? non li ho minacciati questa
movente è ridicolo e irrazionale! Nessuno ti tortura a morte, per giorni
e giorni, con sequestro di persona, perché tu hai resistito ad una
rapina quelle due donne devono essere estradate in Italia per un
interrogatorio senza ricatti dei SAuditi SALAFITI! IL CAIRO, 25 MAR -
Sorella e moglie del capo della banda di criminali indicata dalle
autorità egiziane come responsabile della tortura a morte di Giulio
Regeni hanno sostenuto, in una deposizione, che il giovane ricercatore
friulano è stato ucciso perché resisteva alla rapina lo ha riferito
all'ANSA una fonte della Procura generale egiziana.
The Sixth Protocol --
"We shall soon begin to establish huge monopolies, colossal reservoirs
of wealth, upon which even the big Gentile properties will be dependent
to such an extent that they will all fall together with the government
credit on the day following the political catastrophe. The economists
here present must carefully weigh the significance of this combination.
We must develop by every means the importance of our super-government,
representing it as the protector and benefactor of all who voluntarily
submit to us.
"The aristocracy of the Gentiles as a political
force has passed away. We need not take them into consideration. But, as
owners of the land, they are harmful to us in that they are independent
in their sources of livelihood. Therefore, at all costs, we must
deprive them of their land.
"The best means to attain this is
to increase the taxes and mortgage indebtedness. These measures will
keep land ownership in a state of unconditional subordination. Unable to
satisfy their needs by small inheritances, the aristocrats among the
Gentiles will burn themselves out rapidly.
"At the same time it
is necessary to encourage trade and industry vigorously and especially
speculation, the function of which is to act as a counterpoise to
industry. Without speculation, industry will cause private capital to
increase and tend to improve the condition of Agriculture by freeing the
land from indebtedness for loans by the land banks. It is necessary for
industry to deplete the land both of laborers and capital, and, through
speculations, transfer all the money of the world into our hands,
thereby throwing the Gentiles into the ranks of the proletariat. The
Gentiles will then bow before us to obtain the right to existence.
Chapter 9.
Communism works in the United States through precisely the same
channels as it used in Russia and through the same agents -
Revolutionary and Predatory Unionism, as distinct from Business and
Uplift Unionism, and Jewish agitators. When Martens, the so-called
Soviet Ambassador, "left" the United States after being deported, he
appointed as the representative of Communism in the United States one
Charles Recht, a Jew, a lawyer by profession, who maintained an office
in New York. This office was the rendezvous of all the Jewish labor
union leaders in the city, many of the labor leaders throughout the
country, and frequently of American government officials and other
political leaders known to be the henchmen of Jewish aspirations in the
United States and sympathizers with predatory radicalism. The
organization has since spread from coast to coast, from north to south.
The situation of Communist headquarters in New York was, and is,
important because from that center lines of authority and action radiate
to all the other cities of the Union. New York is the laboratory in
which the emissaries of revolution learn their lesson, and their
knowledge is daily increased by the counsel and experience of travelling
delegates straight out of Russia.
American citizens do not
realize that all the public disturbances, the labor differences, strikes
and political confusions of which they read are not mere sudden
outbreaks, but the deliberately planned movements of leaders who know
exactly what they are doing.
Mobs are methodical; there is
always an intelligent core which gets done under the appearance of
excitement what has been planned beforehand. Up through the French
Revolution, up through the German Revolution, up through the Russian
Revolution, and the world disorders since, came the previously chosen
men, and to this day the groups thus raised to power have not lessened
their power - and they are Jewish groups. Russia is not more Jewish
controlled than France; Germany tried in vain to loosen the grip of
Judah from her throat. So it is in America.
The first step of
the Jewish organizations supporting Communism in the United States was
the control and expansion of the Hebrew labor movement among the
millions of immigrants during 50 years; with the view to eventual Jewish
control of all labor unions. The Jews have captured American trade
union movements as completely as if they had stormed them with the
There is a mass of moving literature (mostly written
by Jews) pretending to describe the glowing hearts with which these
alien throngs of liberty-loving-democrats, workers' comrades, look upon
America, their intense longing for the "American way of life," their
love of the people and American institutions. The actions of these
people and the utterances of their leaders all too clearly give the lie
to this fair picture which gullible American Gentiles would fain
The resistance offered to the "American way of life,"
consisting in the limitations put on the Americanization program, has
been sufficient to convince alert observers that, so far as the Jewish
invasion is concerned, it is not their desire to go the way America is
going, but to influence America to go the way they are going. They talk a
great deal of what they bring to America but nothing at all of what
they found there. America is presented to them as a big piece of putty
to be moulded as they desire. "The Melting Pot," a term which the Jewish
writer Zangwill gave currency, is not a dignified name for the
Republic, and it is more and more challenged as descriptive of the
process that goes on. There are some substances in the pot that will not
melt; but more significant still, there are rapidly increasing
influences who want to melt the pot!
The two divisions of
Jewish wealth and political power are - first, German Jewish,
represented by the Schiffs, the Speyers, the Warburgs, the Kahns, the
Lewisohns and the Guggenheims. These play the game with the aid of the
financial resources of the non-Jews. The other division is composed of
the Russian and Polish Jews who monopolize the lower ranks of trade and
industry. Between them their grip and influence is absolute. They may
sometimes have internecine quarrels regarding the division of the
spoils, and eager publicists may zealously call attention to these
quarrels as evidence of the utter lack of unity among the Jews, but in
the Kehillah and elsewhere they understand each other quite well, and on
the question of Jew vs. "goy" they are indivisibly one.
is a distinction between what this Jewish coalition would do and what it
could do, but its will and power never so closely correspond as when
the non-Jewish element in the nation is asleep. Never are Jewish will
and power so widely divorced as when the non-Jewish mind is alert. The
only thing to fear is not the alert Jew, but the consequences of
sleepiness among the Gentiles. The Jewish program is checked the moment
it is perceived and identified.
There are
more Communists in the United States than there are in Soviet Russia.
Their aim is the same and their racial character is the same. If they
have not yet been able to do in America what they have done in Eastern
Europe, it is because of the greater dissemination of information, the
higher degree of intelligence, and particularly the wider diffusion of
the agencies of government, than ever obtained in Russia and Eastern
Europe. The power house of Communist influence and propaganda in the
United States is in the Jewish trade unions which, almost without
exception, adhere to a Bolshevik program for the respective industries
and for the country as a whole. The fact proves most embarrassing to the
Jewish leaders in the recognized political parties very frequently. It
is bad enough that Russian Bolshevism, Communism, should be so
predominantly Jewish, but to confront the same situation in the United
States is a problem which Jewish leaders have to use much ingenuity and
deception to explain away or avoid. Yet the International Jew of America
cannot be absolved from bearing sole responsibility for it. Russian
Bolshevism came out of the East Side of New York where it was fostered
by the encouragement - the religious, moral and financial encouragement -
of Jewish leaders.
Leon Trotsky (Braunstein) was an East
Sider. The forces which fostered what he stood for centered in the
Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee. Both were interested in the
work he set out to do - the overthrow of an established government, one
of the allies of the United States in World War One. Russian Bolshevism
was helped to its objective by Jewish gold from the United States - and
by the ignorance and indolence of the Gentile citizens of the United
States whose crimes of omission are almost as grave as those of
bolshevik commission.
Now that the influence of Communism is
found to be numerically stronger here than in Russia, the fact causes no
little embarrassment to "patriotic" Jews. The big Jewish labor
organizations are the direct offspring of the Jewish Socialist Bund of
Russia. Bundists swarmed to the United States after the abortive
revolution of 1905 at which time they failed to put Bolshevism over in
Russia, and these Bundists gave their time to the Bolshevising of the
Hebrew Trade Unions in America. An Agitation Bureau was formed which
propagated radical Socialism through the medium of the Yiddish language.
The Bundists incorporated in 1905 in New York an organization known as
"The Workmen's Circle" and "swelled the ranks of the Jewish trade
unions," to quote the Kehillah's Register. After a brief attempt to
propagate Socialism without reference to the Jewish Question, it was
given up, and in 1913 a resolution was adopted declaring that the whole
purpose of the work was Jewish. This is attributed, in the Kehillah
record, to the spread of "the idea of Jewish nationalism."
amazes the student of the Jewish Question in the United States is the
stupidity which permitted Jewish Bolshevism to flaunt itself so openly.
The only explanation that seems at all adequate is that the Jews never
dreamed that the American people would become sufficiently awake to
challenge them. The occasional exposure of Jewish tactics in America
comes as a surprise to the Jewish leaders, and is accounted for because
they are confident they have gained too strong a grip on the American
mind to make such challenges possible.
But, the Jewish leaders
must admit that the Jewish Question does not consist in American
citizens uncovering the facts and helping other citizens to become aware
of them; the Jewish Question inheres in the facts themselves and in
Jewish responsibility for the facts.
If it is "anti-Semitism"
to say that Communism in the United States is Jewish, so be it; but to
the unprejudiced mind it will look very like Americanism.
When the British Army passed into Jerusalem in the memorable capture of
the city in 1917, the Protocols went in with it. A symbolic circle was
thus closed, though not in the way the Protocolists had hoped. The man
who carried the Protocols knew what they signified, and they were
carried not in triumph but as the plans of the enemies of world liberty.
Zionism is the best advertised of all present Jewish activities and has
exerted a greater influence upon world events than the average man
realizes. In its more romantic aspects it makes an appeal to Christians
as well as to Jews, because there are certain prophecies which are held
to concern the return of the Jews to Jerusalem. When this return takes
place, certain great events are scheduled to ensue.
Because of
this admixture of the "religious" sentiment, it is sometimes difficult
for a certain class of people to scrutinize modern Political Zionism.
They have been too well propagandized into believing that political
Zionism and the "return" promised by the prophets are the same thing.
Having succumbed to the initial confusion of mistaking Judah for Israel
they have entirely mistaken the ancient writings that relate to these
two and have made the tribe of Judah (whence comes the name of Jew) the
hub around which all history and humanity swing. Judah was the single
tribe with which Israel could not live in peace over 2,000 years ago,
and which has the baleful gift of stirring up the same kind of
dissension today. Yet no one ever thought of charging the Ten Tribes of
Israel with "anti-Semitism."
Zionism is challenging the
attention of the world today because it is creating a situation out of
which many believe the next war will come.*
prophetic paragraph appeared in the "Dearborn Independent," dated May
26, 1921. The conditions and activities leading up to World War II, and
the present world conditions arising out of the Palestine imbroglio
emphasize the prescience of the whole series of articles now reproduced
in this edited edition.
To adopt a phraseology familiar to
students of prophecy, it is believed by many students of world affairs
that Armageddon will be the direct result of what is now beginning to be
manifested in Palestine.
With Zionism as a dream of pious Jews
this investigation has nothing to do. With Zionism as a political fact,
every government is now compelled to have something to do. It is a
bigger question than any other world question, it lies back of all world
problems, large or small, national or international, and is rapidly
proceeding under cover of many other interests.
It is worthy of
note that Zionism in the active modern political sense took its rise
racially and geographically where Bolshevism arose, namely, in Russia,
and that there was always a close relationship between the Zionists of
Russia and the New York Kehillah, as was evidenced by public utterances
made in Russia after the revolution in which the Kehillah was extolled.
At the time war was declared in 1914, the Zionist Inner Actions
Committee was spread about in various countries. For example Dr.
Schmarya Levin, of Berlin, was in the United States and remained there.
He was a Russian rabbi, German scholar, and cosmopolitan. Although, in
1914, the Zionist center and seat of Inner Actions Committee was at
Berlin, he remained in the United States and became recognized as the
leader of the leaders of Zionism, until the great Jewish shift to
Versailles. Another member of the Inner Actions Committee was Jacobson,
who was in Constantinople.
"When he saw that Constantinople
could no longer be a center of Zionist politics, he left and went to
Copenhagen, Denmark, where in a neutral country he could be of practical
usefulness to the Zionists by transmitting information and funds."
("Guide to Zionism," page 80).
In fact, the entire Inner
Actions Committee, with headquarters in Berlin, moved freely through a
war-locked world, the only two exceptions being Warburg and Hantke and
there was no need for the Berlin Warburg to move about, for there were
others who represented him.
Dr. Levin gave his sanction for the
shifting of the center of Jewish gravity from Berlin to America, and
"As early as August 80, 1914, a month after the outbreak of war, an
extraordinary conference of American Zionists was called in New York."
What this change of seat meant, has formed the subject of much
discussion. In 1914 the Jews apparently knew more about the probable
duration of the Great War than did the principals. It was not to be a
mere excursion through Belgium, as some fancied. There was time to
dicker, time to show the value of certain Jewish support to the
governments. Germany gladly pledged the land of Palestine to the Jews,
but the Jews had already seen what Wilhelm II had done in that ancient
country when he enthroned himself on the Mount of Olives. Evidently the
Allies won in the contest of making promises and submissions to Jewry,
for on November 2, 1917, when General Allenby was pushing up through
Palestine with his British Army, Arthur James Balfour, the British
Foreign Secretary, issued the famous declaration approving Palestine as a
national home for the Jewish people.
"The wording of it came
from the British Foreign Office, but the text had been revised in the
Zionist offices in America as well as in England. The British
Declaration was made in the form in which the Zionists desired it, and
the last clauses were added in order to appease a certain section of
timid anti-Zionist opinion." ("Guide to Zionism," pp. 85-86.)
Now read the Declaration and note the italicized clauses just referred to:
"His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in
Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their
best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being
clearly understood that nothing wil1 be done which may prejudice the
civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or
the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
Zionism is of particular interest, not merely because of the quarrels
which have arisen among the leaders over money - it is the war of
"interest" against "capital" - but also because of the light it throws
on the two great armies of Jews in the world, the way in which they use
their power where they can, and the trouble that always embroils the
nations which become Jewish tools.
People sometimes ask why Jewry. which is capitalistic, should favor Bolshevism, which is the announced enemy of capital.
It is an interesting question. Why should a New York Jewish financier,
an officer of the government of the United States, help finance a "Red"
publication which even our tolerant government cannot stomach? In
addition to the fact that it is only "Gentile capital" that is attacked,
the answer is that the Jew who has fallen for the worship of the Golden
Calf is anxious to keep in the good graces of the Jew of the East - the
Mongolian Jews - who are rampaging against orderly systems of society.
It quite useful when there is a revolution in Paris to have 600 houses
which you may own spared by the incendiary mobs - as were Rothschild's
houses. Zionism has been one of the subjects upon which Western and
Eastern Jews can unite.
Indeed, it was the Eastern Jew that
compelled the Western Jew to take a favorable stand on the matter. The
Jews who are receiving the freedom of our cities today in their various
aspects as "German" and "British" scientists are Eastern Jews. They have
come to a contest with the Jews of America on the question of Money.
The Jews of America have smothered some very ugly charges. The Jews of
the East, more recently of Germany or England, are not likely to be
browbeaten by the money-bags of Jewish New York, for the Eastern type of
Jew knows of a situation in which money is the most useless thing in
the world - and that is why he is feared and favored by Western Jewry of
the Golden Calf.
Cunning Jewish defenders occasionally
capitalize the "split" in Jewry. There is no such thing. The real split
in Jewry will come if and when Jews of vision begin to support the
attempts which have been made to liberate the Jews from their leaders.
This internal squabble means nothing but the squabble of leaders; but
when the Jews themselves divide, one side for twentieth century light
and the destruction of the power of selfish leaders, then we may begin
to hope. When the Jew recognizes the honesty of his critics and the
righteousness of what they charge, when the Jew advances in civilization
then there may be a "split," but not before. The division in Jewry as
evidenced by the contempt of the revolutionary party for the financial
party, and as even more strongly evidenced by the fear of the
revolutionary party by the financial party, was brought about by the
earlier insincerity of the Western Jew's Zionism. The Western Jew said
that the United States is the Promised Land, profits and interest are
the "milk and honey" and New York is Jerusalem; the Eastern Jew had
another view.
A knowledge of Political Zionism is essential
also as an authoritative illustration of what the Jew does when he is in
power. Heretofore there has been Russia to illustrate this, but now
there is Palestine. With every fact against them, with every traveler
and observer giving them the lie direct, there are still Jewish
spokesmen and poor befuddled "Gentile fronts," as well as corrupt
Gentile politicians and writers, who insist that Communism is not Jewish
and that Russia is not governed by Jews. It is just this constant
denial of facts, this failure to use their opportunity to be honest,
that is going to be the judgment of Jewish leaders. Communism all over
the world, not in Russia only, is Jewish.
More to the present
point is Palestine, where the unity of revolutionary and financial Jewry
is never more clearly established. It is impossible for the most
irresponsible Jewish spokesman to deny that Palestine is Jewish.* The
government is Jewish, the plan of procedure is Jewish, the methods are
Jewish. Palestine will do to illustrate the genius of the Jew when he
comes to power.
EDITOR'S NOTE *The British Administration in Palestine is referred to at the time the original was written.
Professor Albert T. Clay, in the "Atlantic Monthly" (will anyone
declare that this long-established and thoroughly respectable Boston
publication is "anti-Semitic"?) warns us that the information about
Palestine which we receive in America comes to us through the Jewish
Telegraph Service (which is the Associated Press of worldwide Jewry) and
the Zionist propaganda. "The latter," he says, "with its harrowing
stories of pogroms in Europe, and its misrepresentations of the
situation in the Near East, has been able to awaken not a little
sympathy for the Zionist propaganda."
This propaganda of
pogroms - "thousands upon thousands of Jews killed" - amounts to nothing
except as it illustrates the gullibility of the Press. No one believes
this propaganda and governments regularly disprove it. But the fact that
it continues indicates that something besides the facts is necessary to
keep the scheme going. In Jerusalem as this is being written (1921
Ed.) martial law is proclaimed. There has been a struggle between the
native inhabitants, whom the Balfour Declaration sought to protect, and
the new-come Jews. The Jews were well armed and the natives fought with
whatever weapons they could find on the spot; the conclusion of all
impartial observers being that the Jews prepared for and sought the
fight with unprepared Arabs.
The mark of disorder perpetrated
by the Jews is all over the place, the "persecuted" turned persecutor,
and lest this should be charged to the general wildness of the people in
Palestine let it be said that the Jewish rioters (most of whom are
thugs from Eastern Europe) are only expressing in deeds what the
"cultivated" American and English Jews have expressed in words - namely,
that the lawful inhabitants of the land ought to be driven out, in
spite of governmental promises to the contrary. One of the first rioters
during that bloody Easter after World War I, Jabotinsky, whom the
British authorities sentenced to 15 years in prison, was released
immediately on the arrival of the Jew Sir Herbert Samuel. Jabotinsky was
one of the original Russian Bolsheviks come down to practice the gentle
arts of that tribe in Palestine. The Government of Palestine since the
British occupation was, and is, Jewish. Sir Herbert Samuel was the
British High Commissioner, representing the power of the British
Government which took up the Mandate for Palestine. This founded the
Jewish power which has been maintained and increased to its present
virulent state. The head of the judicial department was also a Jew.
Christian or Moslem judges who did not give the Jew a shade the better
of the proceedings were ousted - a condition familiar in New York. Chaim
Weizmann became head of the Department of Works, and later emerged as
the successor to Levin as the leader of Zionism. The Jewish government
of the "new Palestine" was very much like that of Bolshevik Russia -
mostly foreign. Practically every big American city was represented in
the first Bolshevik government of Russia. There is another full-fledged
government waiting in America for service whenever necessary.
The methods adopted to get the land of Palestine away from the Arabs in
the early days of the Zionist invasion were such as will fill the world
with indignation once the world is permitted to know what was done.
That it was done with the knowledge and approval of Zionist Commissioner
Samuel is indicated by the fact that he suspended the activities of a
British officer who endeavored to stop the abuse. It was the old game of
lending money at exorbitant rate of interest to Arabs hard pressed by
the ravages of war and crop failure, and then seizing their land when
they could not pay. The bank that did this was the Anglo-Palestine Bank,
a Zionist concern. This British officer, to save the people and the
land, made arrangements with a British bank to lend them money at 6.5%
with five years to pay. If payment failed, the land was to go to the
government for redistribution, not to the Zionist bank. This was the
humane plan which the Zionist High Commissioner forbade, whereupon the
British officer resigned. The well-considered action of Jewry in power.
Then follows what is described by every impartial observer as an
arrogant attempt to expropriate everything in sight. The only schools
that had been established in Jerusalem had been built and manned by the
Gentiles, although the tiny group of Jews permanently resident in
Jerusalem have been the pensioners of world-wide Jewry for centuries. As
long ago as 1842 Dr. Murray M'Cheyne noted that the Jerusalem Jews
cared nothing for the schools, but Christians with a warm regard for the
Holy City set about to improve the miserable condition of the Jewish
inhabitants. Thus it came that at the time of the Zionist invasion a
considerable number of Jewish children were in attendance at the
schools. The new-come Zionist leaders demanded that the best of the
schools be given up to them. Of course, this was refused. "The Council
of Jerusalem Jews" then caused it to be published in the Hebrew daily
that parents who did not withdraw their children from the schools would
be punished. Now look at the typical punishments threatened:
If any parent refused whose name was on the list of the American Relief Fund, the relief would be withdrawn.
Doctors would be forbidden to visit families that had children attending the enlightened schools.
Their names would be sent to the black-list at the places where
circumcision was performed, so that new-born descendants of the
recalcitrants might be refused the rites of Moses.
They would be denied all share in Zionist benefits or funds.
If they were in business they would be boycotted.
If they were workmen, they could get no work.
"Anyone who refused, let him know that it was forbidden for him to be
called by the name of Jew. They will be fought by all lawful means.
Their names will be put upon a monument of shame and their deeds made to
reproach them to the last generation. If they are supported, their
support will cease. If they are rabbis, they will be removed from
office. They shall be put under the ban and persecuted, and all the
world will know that in this justice there has been no mercy."
It is the spirit of Jewish Bolshevism all over again. It is tyranny, not
the tyranny of strength, but of meanness and darkness. It is the spirit
which produced the Irgun terrorism, the Jewish hatred, malice and
vengeance which lurks for all critics of Jewry and opponents of Zionist
This spirit which obtained at the beginning of a
movement, which the innocent Christian world has been taught by
propaganda to regard as a profoundly religious and respectable exodus,
explains all that has happened in the years since the Zionists took over
Palestine. It staggers the imagination to forecast what will be done in
a period of full and unquestioned rule.
It is very clear that Jewish nationalism will develop along the line of enmity to the rest of the world.
There are three elements of danger in the situation the overwhelming
predominant Bolshevist element that is being poured into Palestine; the
intense, egotistic and challenging nationalism that Zionists exhibit
even before they get a potato patch - the taste for world politics and
world power; and the racial confusion which now exists in Palestine.
These combined are dynamite. The first is more vital than many realize.
The few Jews who have gone to Palestine at great sacrifice and for
pious reasons are complaining that instead of the Psalms of David the
people are singing songs of the Red Revolution, and instead of meeting
for instruction and prayer there are riotous gatherings extolling
Russian leaders as Messiahs and the Soviet as the Kingdom of Heaven.
Palestine has been called the center of the earth. The power that
controls Palestine controls the world. Although exercising no
sovereignty over the land itself, Great Britain's control of adjacent
waters and of Egypt and Persia and India forms the key of her power.*
NOTE *The "key" has since been given away. It is significant that the
"giving away" of British power in recent years should have the approval
of both the Conservative, self-confessed Zionist, Churchill, and the
British Labor Party. British history since World War I clearly proves
the dominance of Jewish power in that country.
The white race
has thus far been the Chosen People to whom dominion of the earth has
been given. Palestine is the key to world military strategy and trade.
In question 12 of the Questions and Answers published by the department
Education, Zionist Organization of America, this occurs:
12. What are the commercial possibilities of Palestine? The location of
Palestine between three continents favours foreign trade. All this
lends itself to dreams of future glory, as do the unlimited mineral and
oil resources of Palestine estimated by scientists in astronomical
Many Christian friends of the Jew have pleased
themselves by conceiving a universal Hague at Jerusalem and a new social
order going out to bless the nations from Zion. It is the idea conveyed
by men like A. A. Berle in books like "The World Significance of a
Jewish State."
Americans do not understand the delicate racial
situation in Palestine. Zionist propaganda has always been accepted on
the assumption that Palestine is the Jews' land and that they only need
help to go back. It is an historical and political fact that Palestine
has not been the Jew's land for more than 2,000 years - and then for
only a brief while. At the close of the 1914-1918 war there were in
Palestine over 600,000 Arabs and only 50,000 Jews. Neither numerically
nor industrially have the Jews held the land. Yet as the result of a
"war bargain" it is handed over to them as regardless of the native
inhabitants as if Belgium had been handed over to Mexico. Many of the
natives are Semites, like the Jews, but they do not want the Jews among
them. The Balfour Declaration, as well as the terms of the Mandate,
recognized the rights of the native races. Everyone who knows about the
people who have been native to Palestine for thousands of years
recognizes their right, everybody except the Jews.
It is now
that the last clauses, added as the Zionist historian declares, "in
order to appease a certain section of timid anti-Zionist opinion?' begin
to get a meaning for the reader.
Was the purpose only to quiet
disturbing questions until all the arrangements were made? Evidently.
It was then a dishonest appeasement! Such may have been the Zionists'
intention, but no one expects perjury on the part of the responsible
General Allenby promised the native Arabs of Palestine
that their rights would be respected. So did the Balfour Declaration.
So did the San Remo Conference. So also did President Wilson in the
twelfth of his Fourteen Points.
But Judah says, "Let them get
out!" "The last clauses were added in order to appease a certain section
of timid anti-Zionist opinion." "Let them give up their land to us, we
want it!" The delightful Jewishness of it! The watchmen on the towers of
the world are alarmed at what is brewing in Judah's cauldron.
The Tenth Protocol --
"To wear everyone out by dissensions, animosities, feuds, famine,
inoculation of diseases, want, until the Gentiles see no other way of
escape except an appeal to our money and power."
Lega ARABA, USA UE, voi siete, i mostri, i più pericolosi criminali
internazionali, voi siete i poteri occulti del FMI ] TG 24 Siria. La
Verità sulla Siria, che, i media ufficiali non vi dicono! ]] TG24Siria
su FaceBook. Siria, Aleppo, Kamikaze Trasforma In Tragedia La Festa
Della Studentessa Del Massimo Voto a Livello Nazionale, 10 Vittime. Alle
19:00 un kamikaze entra alla sala del ristorante Capo Grillo nel
quartiere Mugambo, che i genitori della studentessa avevano prenotato
per festeggiare, insieme agli amici, il successo della figlia che si è
distinta a livello nazionale acquisendo il massimo voto negli esami
della scuola superiore. Il Kamikaze si è presentato alla festa vestito
da gentiluomo, abito elegante, barba rasata, capelli pettinati e tutto
allChristianMartyrs 1 giorno fa
Lega ARABA, USA UE, voi siete, i mostri, i più pericolosi criminali
internazionali, voi siete i poteri occulti del FMI ] TG 24 Siria. La
Verità sulla Siria, che, i media ufficiali non vi dicono! ]] con una
cintura esplosiva molto sottile da non poter far notare niente di
strano, e dopo 10 min è proposto per ballare con la
studentessa i parenti e gli amici invitati, al centro dei tavoli, poi si
è fermato ha gridato "Allahu Akbar" e si è fatto esplodere. Tra gli
invitati oltre agli amici e parenti c'era anche una tavola per i
giornalisti corrispondenti della Tv siriana all'Ikhbaria. L'attentato ha
provocato il martirio immediato di dieci innocenti tra cui la
studentessa Maria Arrabi'e, il corrispondente della Tv Hasan Mhanna, 8
tra amici e parenti, e il ferimento di altri 25 tra cui i genitori che
si trovano in condizioni molto gravi.
allChristianMartyrs 1 giorno fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM DataGate, aliens (les démons avec un corps OGM)
enlèvements agenda ---- je suis, une entité métaphysique, je sais qu'il
est non, à l'enfer remède contre moi! Je détruirai la NWO maçonnique
322, et le Fonds monétaire international (Les pharisiens Anglo American,
666, culte de Baal Peor) Parce que, je ne le permettrai pas, Israël est
détruit, encore une fois! .. et cette fois, ils ne dira pas "nous
allons détruire Israël, mais, à la Ligue arabe, les frapper par
surprise, avec le lancement de missiles à longue portée" .
allChristianMartyrs 1 giorno fa
et le petit territoire d'Israël, ne va pas durer! C'est pourquoi il est
essentiel d'envahir le Sinaï et le désert saoudien, parce que tous les
Juifs du monde, doivent être collectés, .. Nécessairement seulement de
cette façon, le système maçonnique peut être désactivée .. (la preuve de
la conspiration est la charia, si vous ne voulez pas être attaqués, ils
ont à faire, comme l'Egypte) supprimer la charia, ou attaque nucléaire
allChristianMartyrs 1 giorno fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM DataGate, alieni (demoni con un corpo OGM) rapimenti
agenda ---- Sono, un'entità metafisica, so che c'è, no, al diavolo
rimedio, contro di me! Io distruggerò la massonica NWO 322, e il Fondo
monetario internazionale (la farisei Anglo American, 666, culto di
Baal-Peor) Perché, non permetterò che, Israele è distrutto, di nuovo! ..
e questa volta, non dirà "noi stiamo per distruggere Israele, ma, alla
Lega araba, colpirli di sorpresa, con il lancio di missili a lungo
raggio" .. e il piccolo territorio di Israele, non durerà! è per questo
che è essenziale per invadere il Sinai e il deserto saudita, perché
tutti gli ebrei del mondo, devono essere raccolti, .. Necessariamente
Solo in questo modo, il sistema massonico può essere disattivato .. (la
prova del complotto è la Sharia, se non vuoi essere attaccato, quello
che devono fare, come l'Egitto) remove sharia, o un attacco nucleare
allChristianMartyrs 1 giorno fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM DataGate, aliens (demons with a body GMOs) abductions
agenda ---- I am, a metaphysical entity, so there is a remedy to hell,
against me! I will destroy the Masonic NWO 322, and the International
Monetary Fund (the Pharisees Anglo American, 666, cult Baal Peor),
because, I will not allow that, Israel is destroyed, again! .. and this
time, they will not say "we will destroy Israel, but, all the ARAB
LEAGUE, hit them by surprise, with the launch of long-range missiles" ..
and the small territory of Israel, will not last! that's why it is
essential to invade the Sinai and the Saudi desert, because all the Jews
of the world, must be collected, necessarily .. Only in this way, the
Masonic system can be deactivated .. (the proof of the conspiracy is the
Sharia, if you do not want to be attacked, they have to do, like Egypt)
allChristianMartyrs 1 giorno fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM datagate, aliens abductions agenda ---- io sono, una
entità metafisica, quindi, non c'è, un rimedio all'inferno per me! io
distruggerò il NWO 322 massonico, ed il fondo monetario internazionale
(dei farisei anglo americani), perché, io non permetterò, che, Israele
venga distrutto, nuovamente! .. e questa volta, non diranno "noi
distruggeremo Israele, ma, tutta la LEGA ARABA, loro colpiranno a
tradimento, con lanci di missili a lunga gittata".. e il piccolo
territorio di Israele, non reggerà! ecco perché è ndispensabile invadere
il sinai ed il deserto saudita, perché tutti gli ebrei del mondo,
devono essere raccolti necessariamente.. soltanto così, il sistema
massonico potrà essere disattivato
allChristianMartyrs 1 giorno fa
24 Siria. La Verità sulla Siria che i media ufficiali non vi dicono.
"Siria, Intelligence britannica ai terroristi distruggete le prove
delle armi chimiche a Khan Al-Asal" [è gravissimo. cosa ci stanno
nascondendo ?] La città di Khan al-Assal è stata menzionata nei
comunicati stampa per l'uso di armi chimiche, in cui esperti russi
avevano prelevato e analizzato diversi campioni, concludendo che
"l'arma con il ٍٍSarin era stata fatta artigianalmente in casa, e non
industrialmente. Era stata fabbricata a febbraio sul territorio Siriano,
che a quel tempo era sotto il controllo dei combattenti
dell'opposizione" . Più di 400 mercenari, attrezzati con tutti i tipi
di armi da medie a pesanti, hanno attaccato nuovamente la località di
Khan Al-Asal, dopo la bonifica, avvenuta 2 mesi fa, dall'esercito
nazionale siriano.
allChristianMartyrs 1 giorno fa
24 Siria. La Verità sulla Siria che i media ufficiali non vi dicono.
"Siria, Intelligence britannica ai terroristi distruggete le prove
delle armi chimiche a Khan Al-Asal" [è gravissimo. cosa ci stanno
nascondendo ?] L'attacco è avvenuto Domenica dopo mezzanotte,
contemporaneamente da tre assi, riuscendo a sorprendere le postazioni
militari le quali sono state ridotte a non più di cinque. L'attacco è
stato ben organizzato i terroristi hanno cominciato bombardando, la
città da una distanza superiore a tre kilometri con dei razzi di
fabbricazione locale, e dei colpi di mortaio, obbligando i soldati
dell'esercito a ritirarsi temporaneamente, in attesa dei rinforzi per
poter entrare negli scontri diretti a fuoco.
allChristianMartyrs 1 giorno fa
24 Siria. La Verità sulla Siria che i media ufficiali non vi dicono.
"Siria, Intelligence britannica ai terroristi distruggete le prove
delle armi chimiche a Khan Al-Asal" [è gravissimo. cosa ci stanno
nascondendo ?] Secondo fonti giornalistiche locali, l'ordine di
quest'assalto è arrivato dall'intelligence britannica, proprio alla
vigilia dell'arrivo degli ispettori Onu a Damasco, con lo scopo di
raggiungere, il luogo in cui sono state utilizzate delle armi chimiche,
per insabbiare o cancellare qualsiasi indizio che possa consolidare le
prove russe. Bambini colpiti, ispirando gas tossici a Khan al-Asal,
Animali uccisi dalle arme chimiche . Civili colpiti dalle arme
chimiche. La città siriana di Khan al-Assal situata strategicamente poco
lontano da Aleppo nel nord del paese, è considerata una delle tante
città lealiste,
allChristianMartyrs 1 giorno fa
24 Siria. La Verità sulla Siria che i media ufficiali non vi dicono.
"Siria, Intelligence britannica ai terroristi distruggete le prove
delle armi chimiche a Khan Al-Asal" [è gravissimo. cosa ci stanno
nascondendo ?] che, sono state sotto poste agli attacchi continui, da
parte dei mercenari takfiri, solo per causa della loro posizione
politica. Share this Un commento su "Siria, Intelligence britannica ai
terroristi distruggete le prove delle armi chimiche a Khan Al-Asal" [è
gravissimo. cosa ci stanno nascondendo ?] Cortesi Giancarlo Carman. 23
agosto 2013. non voglio nemmeno pensare che gli inglesi abbiano cercato
di nascondere le prove dell'avvenuto dramma mediante il gas. nervino. Se
fosse vero. è gravissimo. cosa ci stanno nascondendo ?
Chapter 10.
The Theater has long been a part of the Jewish program for the guidance
of public taste and the influencing of the public mind. Not only is the
theater given a special place in the program of the Protocols, but it
is the instant ally night by night and week by week of any idea which
the "power behind the scenes" wishes to put forth. It is not by accident
that in Russia, where they now have scarcely anything else, they still
have the Theater, specially revived, stimulated and supported by
Jewish-Bolshevists because they believe in the Theater just as they
believe in the Press; it is one of the two great means of molding
popular opinion.
Not only the "legitimate" stage, so-called,
but the motion picture industry - the fifth greatest of all industries -
is also entirely Jew-controlled; with the natural sequence that the
civilized world is increasingly antagonistic to the trivializing and
demoralizing influence of that form of entertainment as at present
As soon as the Jew gained control of American liquor,
we had a liquor problem with drastic consequences. As soon as the Jew
gained control of the "movies" we had a movie problem, the consequences
of which are visible.
It is the peculiar genius of that race to create problems of a moral character in whatever business they achieve a majority."*
Every night hundreds of thousands of people give from two to three
hours to the Theater, every day literally millions of people give up
from 30 minutes to 8 hours to the "Movies"; and this simply means that
millions of Americans every day place themselves voluntarily within
range of Jewish ideas of life, love and labor; within close range of
Jewish propaganda, sometimes cleverly, sometimes clumsily concealed.
This gives the Jewish masseur of the public mind all the opportunity he
desires; and his only protest now is that exposure may make his game a
trifle difficult.
The Theater is not only Jewish on its
managerial side, but also on its literary and professional side. More
and more plays are appearing whose author, producer, star and cast are
entirely Jewish (vaudeville-music hall-performers are predominantly
Jewish). They are not great plays, they do not last long. This is
natural enough, since the Jewish theatrical interests are not seeking
artistic triumphs, they are not seeking the glory of the American stage,
nor are they striving to develop great actors. Their interest is solely
financial and racial. There is a tremendous Judaizing movement on. The
work is almost complete. The American feel has gone out of the Theater; a
dark, Oriental atmosphere has come instead.
*Writing in the London "Jewish Chronicle," August 6 1948, a Jewish
correspondent (Americanus) admits "Most of the persons who have
cudgelled their wits over the problem, have neglected one of the most
obvious impacts on American life Jews have made, in the mass
entertainment media - radio, films, the stage, night clubs. One might
almost say that American culture as a whole has taken on certain Jewish
overtones. Then there is Television!
Down to 1885 the American
Theater was still in the hands of the Gentiles; from that year dates the
first invasion of Jewish influence. This date almost coincides with the
beginning of the organization and co-ordination of the Jewish world
scheme for domination called Zionism, and this year marks not only the
beginning of the Jewish wedge of control, but something far more
It is not important that theater and music hall
managers are now Jews whereas they were formerly Gentiles. The
importance begins with the fact that with the change of managers there
came also a decline in the art and morals of the stage, and that this
decline became accelerated as the Jewish control became widespread.
Jewish control means that everything has been deliberately and
systematically squeezed out of the American Theater except its most
undesirable elements, and these undesirable elements have been exalted
to the highest place of all. The Great Age of the American Theater is
past, the Great Actors have passed, and they have left no successors. A
Hebrew hand fell on the stage, and the natural genius of the stage was
not welcome. A new form of worship was to be established.
"Shakespeare spells ruin," was the utterance of a Jewish manager.
"High-brow stuff" (meaning anything not salacious) is also a Jewish
expression. These two sayings, one appealing to the managerial end, the
other to the public end of the Theater, have formed the epitaph of the
classic era.
The present-day average intelligence appealed to
in the Theater does not rise above 13 to 18 years. "The tired business
man" stuff (another Jewish expression) has treated the theater-going
public as if it were composed of morons. The appeal is frankly to a
juvenile type of mind which can easily be molded to the ideas of the
Hebraic theatrical monopoly.
Clean, wholesome, constructive
plays - the few that remain - are supported mainly by the rapidly
vanishing race of theatergoers who survive from an earlier day, and by
those younger people whose minds have been shielded by these survivors
from the contamination of the Jewish theater.
The great
majority of the present generation has been educated to support plays of
an entirely different type. Tragedy is taboo; the play of character,
with a deeper significance than would delight the mind of a child, is
out of favor; the comic opera has degenerated into a flash of color and
movement - a combination of salacious farce and jazz music, supplied by a
Jewish songwriter (the great purveyors of jazz) and the rage is for
extravaganza and burlesque. The bedroom farce has been exalted into the
first place, the historical drama has given way to fleshly spectacles
set off with overpowering scenic effects, the principal component of
which is an army of girls whose drapery does not exceed five ounces in
Frivolity, sensuality, indecency, appalling illiteracy
and endless platitude are the marks of the degenerate American Theater
under Jewish control.
That, of course, is the real meaning of
all the "Little Theater" movements which have begun in so many cities
and towns in the United States. The art of the drama, having been driven
out of the theater by the Jews, is finding a home in thousands of study
circles throughout the country. The people cannot see real plays;
therefore, they read them. The plays that are acted could not be read at
all, for the most part, any more than the words of the jazz songs can
be read; they don't glean anything. The people who want to see real
plays and cannot, because Jewish managers won't produce them, are
forming little dramatic clubs of their own, in barns and churches and
schools. The drama fled from exploiters and has found a home with its
The major changes which
the Jews have made in the theater are four in number. First, they have
elaborated the mechanical side, making human talent and genius less
necessary. They have made the stage "realistic" instead of
interpretative. Great actors needed very little machinery; the men and
women on the pay rolls of the Jewish managers are helpless without
machinery. The outstanding fact about the vast majority of present day
performances of any pretension is that the mechanical part dwarfs and
obscures the acting and this is the reason - knowing that the Jewish
policy is death to talent, the Jewish producer prefers to put his faith
and his money in wood, canvas, paint, cloth and tinsel. Wood and paint
never show contempt for his sordid ideals and his betrayal of his trust.
Thus we have in the theater today dazzling effects of light and motion -
but no ideas. A great many stage employees, but no actors, drills and
dances without end, but no drama. The Jew has put in the glitter but he
has taken out the profounder ideas. Second, the Jews have introduced
Oriental sensuality to the stage. The mark of the filthy tide has risen
until it has engulfed the whole theater. In New York, where Jewish
managers are thicker than they ever will be in Jerusalem, the limit of
theatrical adventures into the realm of the forbidden is being pushed
further and further. The sale of narcotics is illegal, but the
instilling of moral poison is not. The whole atmosphere of "cabaret" and
"midnight frolic" entertainment is of Jewish origin and importation.
Montmarte has nothing at all in the nature of lascivious entertainment
that New York cannot duplicate. But, neither New York nor any other
American city has that Comedie Francaise which strives to counterbalance
the evil of cosmopolitan Paris. Where have the writers for the Stage a
single chance in this welter of sensuousness? Where have the actors of
tragic or comic talent a chance in such productions? It is the age of
the chorus girl, a voluptuous creature whose mental caliber has nothing
to do with the concern of drama, and whose stage life cannot in the very
nature of things be a career.
A third consequence of Jewish
domination of the American stage has been the appearance of the "Star"
system, with its advertising appliances. The Theater is swamped in
numerous "stars" that never really rose and certainly never shone, but
which were hoisted high on the advertising walls of the Jewish
theatrical syndicates in order to give the public the impression that
these feeble lanternlights were in the highest heaven of dramatic
achievement. The trick is a department store trick. It is sheer
advertising strategy. Whereas in normal times a discriminating public
made the "star" by their acclaim, nowadays the Jewish managers determine
by their advertisements who the star shall be.
The Jew seeks
immediate success in all but racial affairs. In the breakdown of the
Gentile theater, success cannot be too swift for him. The training of
artists takes time. It is far simpler to have the advertisement bills,
the venal critics of the Press, serve as a substitute. The Jewish
manager of the day diverts attention from the dramatic poverty of the
theater by throwing confetti, limbs, lingerie and spangles dazzingly
into the eyes of his audience.
These three disastrous results of Jewish control of the Theater are all
explained by a fourth; the secret of the change is found in the Jewish
passion to commercialize everything it touches. The focus of attention
has been shifted from the Stage to the box office. The banal policy of
"give the public what they want" is the policy of the panderer and not
that of creative genius. It entered the theater with the first Jewish
invasion in 1885, when two alert Jews established in New York a
so-called booking-agency and offered to take over the somewhat
cumbersome system by which managers of theaters in the big but distant
towns in the country arranged engagements for the ensuing season. The
old process involved extensive correspondence with producing managers in
the East and many local managers were obliged to spend several months
in New York to make up a season's bookings. The advantage of a central
booking concern relieved local managers of much time, labor and thought,
all details were handled for him and his next season's bookings were
arranged for him. In this manner was laid the foundation of the later
day Theatrical Trust. The booking firm which gave birth to the iron
control of the theater was that of Klaw & Erlanger. This is the key
to the whole problem of the decline of the American stage. The rise of
the Theatrical Trust completed the destruction of the personal touch in
their relationship between manager and company. The old "personal"
system made possible the development of genius in accordance with the
organic laws which determine its nurture, growth and fruition.
The fact of Jewish control of the theater is not itself a ground for
complaint. If certain Jews, working separately or in groups, have
succeeded in wrenching this rich business from its former Gentile
control, that is purely a matter of commercial interest. It is precisely
on the same footing as if one group of Gentiles had won the control
from another group of Gentiles. In this, as in other business matters,
however, there is the ethical test of how the control was gained and how
it is used. Society is usually willing to receive the fact of control
with equanimity, providing the control is not used for anti-social
The fact that the old-time Gentile producing managers
usually died poor while Jewish producing managers wax immensely rich
would indicate that the Gentile managers were better artists and poorer
business men than the Jewish managers. At least poorer business men,
perhaps; and in any case working on a system whose chief object was to
produce plays not merely profits.
The advent of Jewish control
put the theater on a more commercialized basis than it had previously
known. It really represented applying the Trust Idea of the theatre
before it had been largely applied to industry.
The early
control of theaters in strategic cities, the block booking agencies for
artists and productions, and the running out of business of the
independent theaters and stock companies by excessive charges for plays
that had already been used in the regular theaters of the Trust, really
served Jewish interests in another way. The motion picture industry was
coming to the front. It was a Jewish enterprise from the first. There
was never any need to drive the Gentiles out of that, because the
Gentiles never had a chance to get in. Thus the driving out of the
independent theater manager and the stock companies threw the empty
theaters over to the "movies" and the benefit was again confined to a
racial group.
The Theatrical Trust, which began as Jewish, was
at the beginning of the twentieth century in full control of the field.
It reduced what was essentially an art to a timeclock, cashregister
system, working with the precision of a well-controlled factory. It
suppressed individuality, initiative, killed off competition, drove out
the independent manager and the natural genius, excluded all but foreign
playwrights of established reputations, fostered the popularity of
inferior talent which was predominantly Jewish, foisted countless
"stars" of mushroom growth upon a helpless public while driving real
artists into obscurity; it handled plays, theaters and actors, like
factory products and began a process of vulgarizing and commercializing
everything connected with the theater.
It is quite possible that many who read this are not interested in the
theater, and are, in fact, convinced that the theater and cinema are a
menace. But, what principally makes these things a menace? This - that
the stage and cinema today represent the principal cultural element of
90 per cent of the people. What the average young person absorbs as to
good form, proper deportment, refinement as contrasted with coarseness,
correctness of speech or choice of words, customs and feelings of other
nations, fashion of clothes, ideas of religion and law, are derived from
what is seen at the cinema and theater. The masses' sole idea of home
and life of the rich is derived from the stage and the movies.
More wrong notions are given, more prejudices created by the Jewish
controlled theater-cinema in one week than can be charged against a
serious study of the Jewish Question in a century. People sometimes
wonder where the ideas of the younger generation come from - this is the
The Jewish control of the public mind was not gained
without opposition, but one by one the defenders of the American
tradition were beaten or surrendered to overwhelming influences. The
Jewish Theatrical Trust was attacked by the Editor of the New York
"Dramatic Mirror" as far back as December 25, 1897. He was the famous
dramatic critic Harrison Grey Fiske. He wrote:
then should be expected of a band of adventurers of infamous origin, of
no breeding and utterly without artistic taste? Let it be kept in mind
that the ruling number of these men who compose the Theatrical Trust are
absolutely unfit to serve in any but the most subordinate places in the
economy of the stage, and that they ought not to be tolerated even in
these places except under a discipline, active, vigorous and
uncompromising. Their records are disreputable and in some cases
criminal, and their methods are in keeping with their records."
Fiske's article was reprinted in March, 1898. The Jews, of course,
acted as one man as is always the case when one Jew is censured for
wrong doing or when one group of Jews are exposed for malpractices. All
the Jews in the United States came to the rescue of the Theatrical
Trust. Pressure was brought to bear on news companies which handled the
circulation of magazines in the United States. Leading hotels were
induced to withdraw the "Dramatic Mirror" from their news stands.
"Mirror" correspondents were refused admittance to theaters controlled
by the Trust. Any number of underground influences were set in operation
to "get" Fiske and his business.*
counter-measures of over 50 years ago in America are readily recognized
by alert observers of the present day, when any form of criticism of a
Jew or group of Jews is expressed; if anything the weapons used to
silence critics are more powerful, because Jewry has become more
Libel suits were brought against Fiske for gigantic
damages for the strictures he had printed upon the personal characters
of members of the Trust. For once the Trust members came off badly. They
were revealed to be a much lower type of men than the American public
had supposed was in charge of the American theater.
The fight
of the dramatic critics, first against the bribery and then against the
bludgeoning of the Theatrical Trust makes a story of which echoes have
frequently come to the public through the Press. Conciliatory at first,
with managers, actors, playwrights and critics, the Trust, as soon as it
gained power, showed its claws beneath the velvet. It had millions of
dollars of the public coming its way, why should it care? Whenever a
critic opposed its methods or pointed out the inferior, coarse and
degrading character of the Trust productions, he was barred from the
Trust's theaters, and local managers were instructed to demand his
discharge from his newspaper. In almost every case the demand was
complied with, the papers being threatened with the loss of advertising.
In all the years since, the Trust has hounded and black-listed critics
who tell the truth and have prevented their employment by newspaper.*
The rage of the day is not plays but playhouses. The theatrical
business entered upon its real estate phase with the coming of the
Trust. There is money in renting chairs at the rate of 1 to 3 dollars an
hour. The renting of chairs is a reality. The Stage has become an
illusion, since it came under the influence and control of a group of
former bootblacks, newsboys, ticket speculators, prize ring habitues,
and Bowery characters.
EDITOR'S NOTE *Since the original
"Dearborn Independent" articles were published the critics and
columnists of the American Press have become predominantly Jewish, or
Jewish controlled.
The public does not see and does not know
these gods before whom they pour their millions yearly, nor does the
public know from what Source theatrical vileness comes. It is painful to
listen to fledgling philosophers discuss the "tendencies of the stage,"
or expiate learnedly on the "divine right of Art," to be as flippant
and filthy as it pleases, when all the time the "tendency" and "art" is
determined by men whose antecedents would make Art scream.
Theatrical Trust does not exist in the form it did ten years ago; it
grew arrogant and bred secret enemies among its own people. A new force
arose, but it was also Jewish. Instead of one, the American people now
have a dual dictatorship of the stage.
It is perfectly natural
that the complete Judaization of the theater should result in its being
transformed into the "show business," a mere matter of trade and barter.
The producers are often not equipped culturally for anything more than
the baldest business. They can hire what they want, mechanics,
costumers, painters, writers, musicians. With their gauge of public
taste and their models of action formed upon the race track and the
prize ring; with their whole ideal modeled upon the ambition to pander
to depravity, instead of serving legitimate needs, it is not surprising
that the standards of the Theater should now be at their lowest mark.
The Jewish manager whenever possible employs Jewish actors and
actresses. Gentile playwrights and actors are steadily diminishing in
number for want of a market. The "cover name" conceals from the public
that the actors and actresses who purvey "entertainment" are, in large
and growing proportion, Jewish.
did not invent the art of motion picture photography; they have
contributed next to nothing to its mechanical or technical improvement;
they have not produced any of the great artists, either writers or
actors, which have furnished the screen with its genuine material.
Motion photography, like most other useful things in the world, is of
non-Jewish origin. But by the singular destiny which has made the Jews
the greatest cream-skimmers of the world, the benefit of it has not gone
to the originators, but to the usurpers, the exploiters.
millions of people crowd through the doors of the movie houses at all
hours of the day and night, literally an unending line of human beings
in every habitable corner of the land, it is worth knowing who draws
them there, who acts on their minds while they quiescently wait in the
darkened theater, and who really controls the massive bulk of human
force and ideas generated and directed by the suggestions of the screen.
Who stands at the apex of this mountain of control? It is stated in the
sentence The motion picture influence of the United States, of the
whole world, is exclusively under the control, moral and financial, of
the Jewish manipulators of the public mind.
The moral side of
the movies' influence is now a world problem. Everybody who has an
active moral sense is convinced as to what is being done and as to what
ought to be done. It is a business that frankly brutalizes taste and
demoralizes morals and should not be permitted to be a law unto itself.
But the propaganda side of the movies does not so directly declare
itself to the public. That the movies are recognized as a tremendous
propagandist institution is proved by the eagerness of all sorts of
causes to enlist them. There is ample evidence that the Jewish promoters
have not overlooked that end of it. This propaganda as at present
observed may be described under the following heads It consists in
silence about the Jew as an ordinary being. Jews are not shown upon the
stage and screen except in unusually favorable situations. This
ill-concealed propaganda of the Jewish movie picture control is also
directed against non-Jewish religions. A Jewish rabbi is never depicted
on the screen in any but the most honorable attitude. He is clothed with
all the dignity of his office and he is made as impressive as can be.
Christian clergymen, as any movie "fan" will readily recall, are often
subjected to all sorts of misrepresentation, from the comic to the
criminal. This attitude is distinctly Jewish. Like many unlabeled
influences in our life, whose sources lead back to Jewish groups, the
object is to break down as far as possible all respectful or considerate
thought about the clergy.
The Catholic clergy very soon made
themselves felt in opposition to this abuse of their priestly dignity,
and as a result of their vigorous resentment the Jew climbed down. You
now never see a priest made light of on the screen. But the Protestant
clergyman is still the elongated, snivelling, bilious hypocrite of
anti-Christian caricatures. He is made to justify his deeds by appeals
to "broad" principles - which really kills two birds with one stone; it
degrades the representative of religion in the eyes of the audience, and
at the same time it insidiously inoculates the audience with the same
dangerous ideas. A Hebrew may not be depicted on the screen as the owner
of a sweat shop - though all sweat shop owners are Jews; but you may
make a Christian clergyman anything from a seducer to a safe-cracker -
and get away with it. Remembering what is written in the Protocols, a
question arises. It is written:
"We have
misled, stupefied and demoralized the youth of the Gentiles by means of
education in principles and theories, patently false to us, but which we
have inspired."
-- Protocol 9.
"We have taken good care long ago to discredit the Gentile clergy."
- Protocol 17.
"It is for this reason that we must undermine faith, eradicate from the
minds of the Gentiles the very principles of God and Soul, and replace
these conceptions by mathematical calculations and material desires."
-- Protocol 4.
Two possible views are open to choice one, that this caricature of
representatives of religion is simply that natural expression of a
worldly state of mind; the other, that it is part of a traditional
campaign of subversion. The former is the natural view among uninformed
people. It would be the preferable view, if peace of mind were the
object sought. But there are far too many indications that the second
view is justified, to permit of its being cast aside.
screen, whether consciously or just carelessly, is serving as a
rehearsal stage for scenes of anti-social menace. There are no uprisings
of revolutions except those that are planned and rehearsed. Revolutions
are not spontaneous uprisings, but carefully planned minority actions.
There have been few popular revolutions. Civilization and liberty have
always been set back by those revolutions which subversive elements have
succeeded in starting. Successful revolution must have a rehearsal. It
can be done better in the motion pictures than anywhere else this is
the "visual education" such as even the lowest brow can understand.
Indeed, there is a distinct disadvantage in being "high-brow" in such
matters. Normal people shake their heads and pucker their brows and
wring their hands, saying, "We cannot understand it." Of course, they
cannot. But if they understood the low-brow, they would understand it,
and very clearly. There are two families in this world, and on one the
darkness dwells.
Reformers, of course, heartily agree with this
as far as criminal portrayals are concerned. Police protest against the
technique of killing a policeman being shown with careful detail on the
screen. Business men object to daily lessons in safe-cracking being
given in the pictures. Moralists object to the art of seduction being
made the stock motif no matter what the subject. They object because
they recognize it as evil schooling which bears bitter fruits in
society. This kind of "visual education" is going on; there is now
nothing connected with violent outbreaks which has not been put into the
minds of millions by the agency of the motion pictures. It may be, of
course, a mere coincidence. But coincidences are also realities.
There are other developments in screendom which are worthy of mention.
One is the increasing use of non-Jewish authors to produce Jewish
propaganda. Popular non-Jewish authors' books have been screened by
Jewish producers and they are more effective as such propaganda because
they are backed by non-Jewish names famous in the literary world. How
much of it is due to the authors' desire to enter the field of
pro-Semitic propaganda, and how much of it is due to their* reluctance
to refuse amiable suggestions from movie magnates who have already paid
them liberal sums and are likely to pay them more, is another question.
With the "movie bug" so rampant in the country, it is next to
impossible to supply enough good pictures for the stimulated and
artificial demand. Some people's appetite calls for two or more pictures
a day. Shallow pated women see them in the afternoon and several more
at night. With all the brains and skill of the country engaged on the
task it would be impossible to supply a fresh drama or comedy of
quality, hot out of the studios every hour, like bread. Where the Jewish
controllers have overstepped themselves is here they have
over-stimulated a demand which they are not able to supply, except with
such material as is bound to destroy the demand. Nothing is more
dangerous to the social value of the motion picture business than an
exaggerated appetite for them, and this appetite is whetted and
encouraged until it becomes a mania.
been amply proved in the use made of the cinema to foment the 1939 war,
and to intensify the hatreds and spread the malicious lies that grew out
of that war.
EDITOR'S NOTE These views on Jewish influence in
the United States were, of course, published before the remarkable
development of television, and radio. While that mighty influence is not
mentioned in these pages concerning Jewish activities in the United
States, it should be added that Jewish control, from the manufacturing
to the performing end, is as effective as in other American businesses.
Radio-television, as a force in the world-program outlined in this
series of articles, probably now takes the first place in the Jewish
scheme of things.
The Ninth Protocol --
"In order not to destroy prematurely the Gentile institutions, we have
laid our efficient hands on them, and rasped the springs of their
mechanism. They were formerly in strict and just order, but we have
replaced them with a liberal disorganized and arbitrary administration.
We have tampered with Jurisprudence, the franchise, the press, freedom
of the person, and, most important of all, education and culture, the
cornerstone of free existence.
"We have misled, stupefied and
demoralized the youth of the 'Gentiles by means of education in
principles and theories patently false to us, but which we have
"Above existing laws, without actual change but by
distorting them through contradictory interpretations, we have created
something stupendous in the way of results".
Chapter 11.
Many people have wondered whence come the waves upon waves of musical
slush that invade decent homes and set the young people of this
generation imitating the drivel of morons. Popular music is a Jewish
monopoly. Jazz is a Jewish creation. The mush, slush, the sly
suggestion, the abandoned sensuousness of sliding notes, are of Jewish
Monkey talk, jungle squeals, grunts and squeaks and
gasps suggestive of calf love are camouflaged by a few feverish notes
and admitted in homes where the thing itself, unaided by scanned music,"
would be stamped out in horror. The fluttering music sheets disclose
expressions taken directly from the cesspools of modern capitals, to be
made the daily slang, the thoughtlessly hummed remarks of school boys
and girls.
Is it surprising that whichever way you turn to
trace the harmful streams of influence that flow through society, you
come upon a group of Jews? In baseball corruption - a group of Jews. In
exploitative finance - a group of Jews. In theatrical degeneracy - a
group of Jews. In liquor propaganda - a group of Jews. In control of
national war policies - a group of Jews. In control of the Press through
business and financial pressure - a group of Jews. War profiteers, 80
per cent of them - Jews. Organizers of active opposition to Christian
laws and customs - Jews.
In this miasma of so-called popular music, which combines weak-mindedness with every suggestion of lewdness - again Jews.
The Jewish influence on American music is without doubt regarded as
serious by those who know anything about it. Not only is there a growing
protest against the Judaization of our few great orchestras, but there
is a strong reaction from the racial collusion which fills the concert
stage and popular platform with Jewish artists to the exclusion of all
others. If they were superior artists, nothing against it could be said;
they are only better known and racially favored in Jewish musical
"Let me make a nation's songs and I care not who makes
the laws," said one; in this country the Jews have had a very large
hand in making both. It is the purpose of this article to put people in
possession of the truth concerning the moron music which they habitually
hum and sing and shout day and night, and if possible to help them to
see the invisible Jewish baton which is waved above them for financial
and propaganda purposes. Just as the American stage and motion picture
have fallen under the control of Jews and their art-destroying
commercialism, so the business of handling "popular songs" has become a
Yiddish industry. The Jews who captured it in the early days of
exploitation were for the most part Russian-born Jews, some of whom had
personal pasts which were as unsavory as the past of many Jewish
theatrical and movie leaders have been exposed to be.
In the
early 1920's, Irving Berlin, Leo Feist and other officers of seven music
publishing corporations in New York, were charged with violating the
Sherman anti-Trust law in a suit brought by the United States
Government. The defendants, it was alleged, controlled 80% of the
available copyrighted songs used by manufacturers of phonographs, player
piano rolls and other musical reproducing instruments, and fixed prices
at which the records or rolls were to be sold to the public. The
corporations involved in the action were the Consolidated Music
Corporation; Irving Berlin, Inc.; Francis, Day and Hunter, Inc.;
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.; Watterson, Berlin & Snyder, Inc.; and
M. Witmark & Sons, Inc. - all of New York. The agreement which the
United States Government sought to dissolve was alleged to provide that
the defendants would make contracts only through the Consolidated Music
Corporation which they had organized. The other 20% of the song business
was controlled by other Jewish music houses not included in that
special group.
did not create the popular song; they debased it. The time of the entry
of Jews into control of the popular song is the exact time when the
morality of popular songs began to decline. The "popular" song, before
it became a Jewish industry, was really popular. The people sang it and
had no reason to conceal it. The popular song today is often so
questionable a composition that performers with a vestige of decency
must appraise their audience before they sing. Citizens of adult age
will remember the stages through which the popular song has passed
during recent decades. War songs persisted after the Civil War and were
gradually intermingled with songs of a later time, picturesque,
romantic, clean. The same and similar songs and ballads had a brief
revival during World War I. These were not the product of
song-factories, but the creation of individuals whose gifts were given
natural expression. These individuals did not work for combines of
publishers but for the satisfaction of their work, for individual
artists of the music-hall stage. There were no great fortunes made out
of songs, but there were many satisfactions in having pleased the public
taste. The public taste, like every other taste, craves what it is
given most to feed upon. Public taste is public habit. The public is
blind to the source of that upon which it lives, and it adjusts itself
to the supply. Public taste is raised or lowered as the quality of its
pabulum improves or degenerates.
In a quarter of a century,
given all the avenues of publicity like theater, movie, popular song,
newspapers and radio - in the meantime having thrown the mantle of
contempt over all counter-active moral agencies - you can turn out
nearly the kind of public you want. It takes just about a quarter of a
century to do the job.
In other days the people sang as they do
now, but not in such doped fashion nor with such bewildered continuity.
They sang because they wished to, not as an uncontrolled habit. They
sang songs nonsensical, sentimental, heroic, but the "shady" songs were
outlawed. The old songs come readily back to memory. Though years have
intervened since they were the fashion, yet their quality was such that
they do not die. The popular song of last month - who knows its name?
But there are songs of long ago whose titles are familiar even to those
who have not sung them. What margin did these songs leave for the
suggestive and for the unvrholesomely emotional? Sentiment was not
lacking, but it was unobjectionable sentiment. Then came the Jews; the
popular song underwent a change. An entirely new crop of titles appeared
dealing with an entirely different series of subjects than the songs
they displaced. Talented singers, tuneful singing vanished. The Jew and
the African period, being the entrance of the jungle motif, the
so-called "Congo" stuff, and other compositions which swiftly
degenerated into a rather more bestial type than the beasts themselves
arrive at. Running alongside this swamp strain was the "ragtime" style
of music which was a development of the legitimate Negro minstrelsy.
Lyrics disappeared before the numerous "cake-walk" songs that deluged
the public ear. Seductive syncopation swamped the harmony of the real
song. Minstrelsy took on a new life; glamorous youths mutter dirges in
low monotones, voluptuous females with grossly seductive gestures moan
nasal notes no real musician can recognize. "Piano acts" were made the
rage; "jazz bands" made their appearance. By insensible gradations now
easily traceable through the litter of songs with which recent decades
are strewn, we have been able to see the decline in the popular song
supply. Sentiment has been turned into sensuous suggestion. Romance has
been turned into eroticism. The popular musical lilt slid into ragtime
and ragtime has been superseded by jazz and crooning. Song topics became
lower and lower until at last they are the dredges of the slimy bottom
of the underworld.
The first self-styled "King of Jazz" was a
Jew named "Frisco." The general directors of the whole downward trend
have been Jews. It needed just their touch of cleverness to camouflage
the moral filth and raise it half a degree above that natural stage
where it begets nothing but disgust.
In this
business of making the people's songs the Jews have shown as usual, no
originality but much adaptability - which is a charitable term used to
cover plagiarism, which in its turn politely covers the crime of mental
pocket-picking. The Jews do not create; they take what others have done,
give it a clever twist, and exploit it. Plagiarism is the result of
mediocre artists being spurred on by non-artistic promoters to produce
something that can be dressed up with sufficient attractiveness to draw
the public's money. The Jews bought up all the old song books, opera
scores, collections of folk songs, and, if you stop to analyze some of
the biggest "hits" of the early days of the Yiddish song manufacturing
Trust, you will find they are woven on the motif and melody of the clean
songs of the pre-swamp era. The music jazzed and swung out of
recognition, the sentiment sensualized very much, and pushed upon their
smutty road across the world. Because of absolute Jewish control of the
song market, both in publishing and in theatrical performance, it is
next to impossible for anything but a Jewish song to be published in the
United States, or if published, to get a hearing. The proof of this is
in the fact that the Yiddish trust owns all the business and the
so-called "song-hits" all bear Jewish names.
The insidiousness
of the Jewish menace to our artistic integrity is due partly to the
speciousness, the superficial charm and oriental persuasiveness of
Hebrew art, its glitter, its violently juxtaposed extremes of passion,
its poignant eroticism and pessimism, and partly to the fact that the
strain in us which might make head against it, the deepest, most
fundamental strain in our nature is diluted and confused by a hundred
other tendencies of the Jewish age. The Anglo-Saxon group of qualities
and the AngloSaxon point of view, are the vital nucleus of the American
temper. The Jewish domination of our music threatens to submerge and
stultify them at every point.
America does not
sing what it likes, but what the vaudeville "song-pluggers" popularize
by repeated renditions, until the flabby minds of the audiences begin to
repeat it on the streets.
The "song-pluggers" of theater,
vaudeville and radio, are the paid agents of the Yiddish song agencies.
Money, and not merit, dominates the spread of the moron music which is
styled Jewish jazz and swing. Non-Jewish music is stigmatized as
"high-brow." The people are fed from day to day on the moron
suggestiveness that flows in a slimy flood out of "Tin-Pan-Alley," the
head factory of filth in New York which is populated by the "Abies," the
"Izzies," and the 'Moes" who make up the composing staffs of the
various institutions. "Tin-Pan-Alley" is the name given to the region in
Twenty-eighth street, between Broadway and Sixth Avenue, where the
first Yiddish song manufacturers began business. Flocks of young girls
who thought they could sing, and others who thought they could write
song poems, came to the neighborhood allured by the dishonest
advertisements that promised more than the budding Yiddish promoters
could fulfill. Needless to say, scandal became rampant, as it always
does when so-called "Gentile" girls are reduced to the necessity of
seeking favors from the Jew. It was the constant shouting of voices, the
hilarity of "parties," the banging of pianos and the blaring of
trombones that gave the district the name of "Tin-Pan-Alley." All
America is now one great Tin-Pan-Alley, its entertainment, its youth,
its politics, a blare of moronic Judaism.
The diabolical
cunning with which an unclean atmosphere is created and sustained
through all classes of society and by the same influence, will not be
overlooked by any observer. There is something Satanic about it,
something calculated with demonic shrewdness.
And the stream
flows on and on, growing worse and worse, to the degradation of the
non-Jewish public and the increase of Jewish fortunes.
Ministers, educators, reformers, parents, citizens are amazed at the
growth of looseness among the people, and rail at the evil results. They
see the evil product and they attack the product. They rail at the
young people who go in for this eroticism and suggestiveness. They
deplore the sexual license, the delinquency and the infantilism of the
younger people. But all this has a source! Why not attack the source?
When a nation is bathed in sights, sounds and ideas of a certain
character, drenched in them and drowned in them, by systematic,
deliberate, organized intent, the point of attack should be the cause,
not the effect.
Yet, that is precisely where the point of
attack has not been made, presumably because of lack of knowledge,
possibly because of fear.
It is little use blaming the people.
The people are what they are made. Give the liquor business full sway
and you have a population that drinks and carouses. The population could
be turned into drug addicts if the same freedom was given to the
illicit narcotic ring as is now given to the Yiddish popular song
manufacturers. In such a condition it would be stupid to attack the
addicts; common sense would urge the exposure of the panderers.
A dreadful narcotizing of moral modesty and the application of powerful
aphrodisiacs have been involved in the present craze for crooning songs
- a stimulated craze. The victims are everywhere. But too few of the
opponents of this moral poison see the futility of scolding the young
people thus diseased.
Common sense dictates a cleaning out, and
a clearing out, of the sources of the disease. The source is in the
Yiddish group of song manufacturers who control the whole output and who
are responsible for the whole matter from poetry to profits.
Next to the moral indictment against the so-called "popular" song is
the indictment that it is not popular. There is no spontaneous
popularity, public taste is not so discriminating. It is artificial
popularity by constant plugging. It is a mere mechanical drumming on the
minds of the public. It is flung at them at every movie and from every
stage. It is advertised in flaring posters, gramophone records shriek
forth day and night, dance bands plug it, radios plug it, and by sheer
dint of repetition and suggestion the song catches on - until it is
replaced by another. It is the old game of changing the styles to speed
up business and make the people buy. Nothing lasts in the Yiddish game -
styles of clothing, movies nor songs; it is always something "new" to
stimulate the flow of money from the popular pocket into the moron music
makers' coffers.
Two facts about the "popular" song are known
to all first, that for the most part it is indecent and the most active
agent of moral miasma in the country, or if not the most active, then
neck and neck with the "movies"; second, that the "popular" song
industry is an exclusively Jewish industry.
There is work here
for the Anti-Defamation League! That League knows how to put the screws
on anyone who disparages the Jews! From important publishers down to
inconsequential country newspapers, the Anti-Defamation League makes
itself felt. There is work for it in the movies and the theater and
popular song industries. Why does not the League put the screws on those
Jews who have degenerated the movies and debauched the people in their
"arts," sports, and entertainments? On those who have brought shame on
the racial name? Why not? Is the answer that only non-Jews are to be
controlled, and Jews let to run loose? Is the answer that the gentle
Gentiles can be curbed as by bridle and bit and the Jews cannot?
American Jewry is desperately afraid of opening a single seam in its
armour by means of a single investigation or reform. They are afraid of
how far the fire of correction may spread !
The Fourth Protocol --
"To prevent them from really thinking out anything themselves, we shall
deflect their attention to amusements, games, pastimes, excitements and
people's palaces. Such interests will distract their minds completely
from questions on which we might be obliged to struggle with them.
Becoming less and less accustomed to independent thinking, people will
express themselves in unison with us because we alone offer new lines of
thought - of course through persons whom they do not consider as in any
way connected with us."
Chapter 12.
The Jew is the world's enigma. Poor in his masses, yet he controls the
world's finances. Scattered abroad without country or official
government, yet he presents a unity of race continuity which no other
people has achieved. For some centuries living under legal disabilities
in almost every land, he emerged to become the power behind many a
The single description which will include a larger
percentage of Jews than members of any other race is this he is in
business. From the sale of old clothes to the control of international
trade and finance, the Jew is supremely gifted for business. More than
any other race he exhibits a decided aversion to industrial employment
which he balances by an equally decided adaptability to trade.
The Gentile boy is prepared to work his way up, taking employment in the
productive or technical departments; but the Jewish boy prefers to
begin as a salesman, clerk, anything so long as it is connected with the
commercial side of the business.
In America alone most of the
big business, the trusts, the banks, the natural resources and the chief
agricultural products, especially tobacco, cotton and sugar, are in the
control of Jewish financiers or their agents. Jewish journalists are a
large and powerful group here. Large numbers of department stores are
held by Jewish firms, and many of them, if not most, are run under
Gentile names.
Jews are the largest and most numerous landlords
of residential property in the whole country. They are supreme in the
entertainment world. They absolutely control the circulation of
publications throughout the country. More powerful than any race among
us, they receive a daily amount of favorable publicity which would be
impossible did they not have the facilities for creating and
distributing it themselves.
Werner Sombart, a pro-Jewish writer, in his "Jews and Modern Capitalism," says:
"If the conditions in America continue to develop along the same lines
as in the last generation, if the immigration statistics and the same
proportion of births among all the nationalities remain the same, our
imagination may picture the United States of 50 or 100 years hence as a
land inhabited only by Slavs, Negroes and Jews, wherein the Jew will
naturally occupy the position of economic leadership." The Jew is the
only original internationalist capitalist, but as a rule he prefers not
to emblazon that fact upon the skies; the arresting fact about the Jew
is his world wide unchallenged power coupled with comparative numerical
The claim
made for the Jews that they are a sober race may be true, but that has
not obscured two facts concerning them; namely, that they usually
constitute the liquor dealers of countries where they live in numbers,
and that in the United States they were the only race exempted from the
operations of the Prohibition Law. In general, the Jews are on the side
of liquor and always have been. They are the steadiest drinkers of all.
That is why they were able to secure exemption from the Prohibition
Laws; their religious ceremonies require them to drink an amount which
the law considered equal to 10 gallons a year. So the Prohibition Law of
the United States - which was a part of the Constitution of the United
States - was made legally ineffective to the extent of 10 gallons a year
to a Jew. Racial privilege? No, the Jews did not raise that scare then,
during the profitable Prohibition era. They knew it was easy to get 100
gallons through a 10 gallon loophole. In fact, millions of gallons of
bootleg liquor came through that 10 gallon loophole.
It came as
a surprise to the American people that the liquor business of the world
had been in the hands of the Jews. In the United States the liquor
business was almost exclusively in the hands of Jews for 25 years prior
to Prohibition; during the period, in fact, when the liquor trade was
giving point and confirmation to the more extreme Prohibition arguments!
In the volume, "The Conquering Jew," published by Funk & Wagnalls Company in 1916, John Foster Fraser writes:
"The Jews are masters of the whisky trade in the United States. Eighty
per cent of the members of the National Liquor Dealers' Association are
Jews. It has been shown that sixty per cent of the business of
distilling and wholesale trade in whisky is in the hands of Jews. As
middle men they control the wine product of California. Jews visit the
tobacco-growing States and buy up nearly all the leaf tobacco, so that
the great tobacco companies have to buy the raw product from them. The
Jews have a grip on the cigar trade." It was also true of Europe,
especially in Russia, Rumania and Poland. The Jewish Encyclopedia states
"The establishment of the government liquor
monopoly (in Russia in 1896) deprived thousands of Jewish families of a
livelihood." They controlled the liquor traffic, the vodka business
which undermined Russia. In Rumania the whole "Jewish Question" was the
liquor question. In Poland the same was true. In the United States
whisky also became Jewish in the 19th century.
An alcoholic spirit from grain may be made in any climate and by many
methods. Neutral spirits, high wines and alcohol, are not indigenous
anywhere. They can be made in any back room or cellar, in a very little
time. Little care is required. A concoction of drugs and spirits,
colored and flavored, fraudulently labeled "whisky" and passed over the
bar, is a crime against distilling, against the human nervous system,
and against society. As far back as 1904, Dr. Wiley, then chief of the
United States Bureau of Chemistry, had a great deal to say about this.
Few paid any attention to him because he did not point out that the evil
he was attacking was fostered by a single class of men bent on gain at
the cost of ruin to an American industry and to countless thousands of
American citizens. The public supposed that Dr. Wiley was discussing a
technical matter which interested American distillers only. It might
have vastly interested the American citizens if anyone had but had the
clear vision and the courage to expose the great Jewish whisky
The Jewish character of the
whisky business since as far back as the Civil War may be visualized by
the simple expedient of noting how many of the better known brands have
at various dates come under Jewish control. It is an alarming list. Any
citizen in any city of any size will have no trouble in confirming the
statement that most of the rectifiers and wholesalers and brokers in the
whisky trade of his city were, and still are, Jews. It is not only the
fact that the liquor business is controlled by Jews that assumes
importance, but it is in the additional fact that there was spread over
America the machinery of a vicious system which while it was destined to
ruin the liquor business, also ruined hundreds of thousands of citizens
who trusted that "pure and unadulterated" meant what the words were
intended to convey. Of course the stuff was "pure and unadulterated." So
is carbolic acid - but it is not whisky.
Prohibition came
sweeping the saloon away, but not depriving the Jewish compounder of his
profits. Prohibition was swept away but the booze rackets remained.
In "Collier's Weekly," during the year 1908, solid truths appeared,
which are in point today as proofs of what was transpiring. "Collier's
Weekly" was the first journal in the land to print the names of Jews in
connection with the liquor debauchery of the country. Even so, it had
been going on a very long time. There was a specially scathing attack on
what was called "Nigger gin," a peculiarly vile beverage which was
compounded to act upon the Negro in a most vicious manner. The author,
Will Irwin, spoke of this gin as
"The king iniquity in the degenerated liquor traffic of these United States."
This author and Collier's started a new fashion in giving publicity not
only to the names of certain brands of liquors, but also the names of
the men who made them - all were Jews! The maker of one brand of "nigger
gin" which had spurred certain Negroes on to the nameless crime, was
one Lee Levy. Mr. Irwin detailed some of his experiences investigating
the gin sold by a number of companies, all bearing Jewish names. The gin
was cheap, its labels bore lascivious suggestions and were decorated
with highly indecent portraiture of white women. "I never saw it in any
saloon which bars the Negro," he wrote. Widely sold brands of cheap,
noxious gins and other liquors, made by and brazenly sold under Jewish
names, caused newspaper and police comments upon the peculiar
lawlessness among negroes. With reference to the Negro Question, "nigger
gin," the product of Jewish poisoned liquor factories, was its most
provocative element.
The date of the appearance of this gin on
the United States market is the period when Negro outbursts and
subsequent lynchings became serious. The localities where this gin was
sold are those where the disorders prevailed.
The ancient Jewish policy of Divide-Conquer-Destroy tells the story of
the liquor traffic. Jewish influence divided between distilling and
compounding, drove out distilling, and in the end destroyed the traffic
as a legalized entity - opening the way for the mass-organized
bootlegger, gangster, and the lawlessness which created today's evil
It is extremely simple, so simple that it is overlooked.
"Divide and Conquer," is the formula as the Jewish leaders conceive it,
as, indeed, it is stated in the Protocols. The public is being
constantly deceived by an appearance of complexity, where there is none.
When you find the fever-bearing mosquito, yellow-fever is no longer a
mystery. That which succumbs to complete Judaization, as Jewish leaders
conceive it, may deserve to fall. The justification of its destruction
may appear in the possibility of its Judaization.
maintenance of the idea of drink in the minds of the people is due to
Jewish propaganda. There is not a dialogue on the stage or screen that
does not drip of drink patter. The idea of the abuse of drink will be
maintained by means of the Jewish stage, Jewish jazz and Jewish comics,
until somebody comes down hard upon it as being incentive of treason.
There are men in the United States who say that baseball has received
its death wound and is dying out of the lists of respectable sports.
There are other men who say that American baseball can be saved if a
clean sweep is made of the Jewish influence which has dragged it through
a period of bitter shame and demoralization.
Whether baseball
as a first-class sport is killed and will survive only as a cheap-jack
entertainment; or whether baseball possesses sufficient intrinsic
character to rise in righteous wrath and cast out the danger that
menaces it, will remain a matter of various opinion. But there is one
certainty, namely, that the last and most dangerous blow dealt baseball
was curiously notable for its Jewish character.
Baseball is a
trivial matter compared with some of the facts that are waiting
publication, yet is it possible to see the operation of the Jewish Idea
in baseball as clearly as in any other field. The process is the same,
whether in war or politics, in finance or in sports.
To begin
with, the Jews are not sportsmen. This is not set down in complaint
against them, but merely as analysis. It may be a defect in their
character, or it may not; it is nevertheless a fact which discriminating
Jews unhesitatingly acknowledge. Whether this is due to their physical
lethargy, their dislike of unnecessary physical action, or their cast of
mind, others may decide; the Jew is not naturally an out-of-door
sportsman; if he takes up golf it is because his station in society
calls for it, not that he really likes it; and if he goes in for
collegiate athletics, as some of the younger Jews are doing, it is
because so much attention has been called to their neglect of sports
that the younger generation thinks it necessary to remove that occasion
of remark.
And yet, the bane of American sports is the presence
of a certain type of Jew, not as a participant but as an exploiter and
corrupter. There is a very full case made out in justification of the
use of the terms "exploiter" and "corrupter" with regard to baseball.
But it would be just as easy to make out the same sort of case with
regard to wrestling and horse racing and professional pugilism.
Wrestling is so completely ruled by Jews as to have become an outlawed
sport. The story of wrestling is not only the story of demoralization of
a sport but also the story of wholesale defrauding of the public. The
same is true of horse-racing. The whole atmosphere of the sport is
dishonest. The horses remain the only well-bred creatures connected with
Yet why should the art of breeding and training and
testing fine horses be debasing? Only because a certain class saw in it a
chance to play on the weakness of men for the sake of gain.
That explains the presence of the Jew in modern sports and it also
explains why the Jewish Idea in sports, instead of being preservative,
is corruptive. The Jew saw money where the sportsman saw fun and skill.
The Jew set out to capitalize rivalry and to commercialize contestant
zeal. It would seem to be high time that organized Jewry should
undertake to control or repudiate those Jews who have been most
instrumental in corrupting and nearly destroying our cleanest, most
manly public sports.
It is worth noting that in Chicago, where
the Jewish Anti-Defamation League has its headquarters, there was not a
word of reproof sent out from Jews to the Jewish culprits chiding them
for their activities. Not a word. But at the same time the pressure of
the Anti-Defamation League was heavy on the whole American newspaper
press to prevent the public statements that the whole baseball scandal
was a Jewish performance from beginning to end. Heavy Jewish betting,
the bribing of players, the buying of clubs, the cheating of the public,
has been proved time and again in American courts. All along the line
of investigation into sporting scandals the names of Jews are
plentifully sprinkled.
If "fans" wish to know the trouble with
American baseball, they have it in three words - too much Jew. "Gentile
fronts"' may rant out their parrot-like pro-Jewish propaganda, the fact
is that a sport is clean and helpful until it begins to attract Jewish
investors and exploiters and then it goes bad. The two facts have
occurred in pairs too frequently in America and under too many
dissimilar circumstances to have their relationship doubted. There are
no variations on the Jewish corruption of American sports, principally
baseball, racing, boxing and wrestling. In the fixing of results, the
swindling of gamblers, the staging of frauds, the rottenness has been
discovered between the Jewish investors and the venal contestants.
It should be emphasized that the principal Jewish abuses are
nation-wide. This was shown in the United States Government's
investigation of the White Slave Traffic; the bootlegging business,
racetrack gambling, baseball pools - all a national network for the
catching of "suckers." There is nothing unusual in this Jewish activity -
from the clever "high-ups" to the degenerate "low-downs"; they are all
part of a national group. They are part of the national machinery
organized and operated for the purpose of separating "Gentile boobs"
from their money.
If there were no "Gentile boobs," or if the
"Gentile boob" would only take a straight look at the man behind the
nationwide spiderweb, the gamblers and the Jewish sport-purveyors would
be in another kind of business; with perhaps less money to flaunt in the
faces of honest people.
Years before the public scandals
broke, the Jew had crowded into all the lucrative sports; he remains in
control of them, but only on the commercial side, seldom if ever in
sympathy with sport as a real sportsman. The Jews are not even real
gamblers, they are not sportsmen enough to gamble; they are the
"sure-thing" men. The "Gentile boobs" who walk into their traps are the
people who provide the money. Even in the field of money the Jew is not a
sport - he is a gangster, ringing a gang of his ilk round him.
Wrestling is so tightly controlled by Jewish managers that a real
wrestler is absolutely barred out, for fear he will be able to show that
the handful of wrestlers hired by the Jewish Sports Trust are not
wrestlers at all, but only impositions on the good nature of the public.
The rottenness of the ancient sport of clean wrestling has surfaced in
such disgusting orgies as "all in" and "mud" wrestling and, lately,
wrestling contests between screaming viragos of the female sex.
Wrestling is as much a Jewish business controlled in its every part as
the manufacture of clothing.
Despite unending graft scandals
baseball is still America's Number One sport. It cannot be killed as a
business; it will always draw a gang on an afternoon, particularly a
Sunday afternoon. It can be pepped up and "Jazzed" up to make it quite a
show. But it can, it is being, killed as a sport, and those who value
the game as a sport should wish its utter destruction rather than
consent that it become the rendezvous for the gang that now fill the
Jew-controlled burlesque houses. Baseball as a business has become a
danger in American life, a mob center, a hang-out for the disorderly and
criminal classes, as the racetrack and boxing ring have long since
The disease is caused by the Jewish characteristic which
spoils everything by ruthless commercial exploitation. The disease may
be too far gone for any cure.
The Ninth Protocol --
"People of all opinions and all doctrines are at our service, restorers
of monarchy, demagogues, Socialists, Communism and other Utopians. We
have put them all to work. Every one of them from his point of view is
undermining the last remnant of authority, is trying to overthrow all
existing order. All the governments have been tormented by these
actions. But we will not give them peace until they recognize our
The Tenth Protocol --
"When we introduced the poison of liberalism into the government organism, its entire political complexion changed."
Chapter 13.
Anyone who essays to discuss the Jewish Question in the United States
or anywhere else must be fully prepared to be regarded as "anti-Semite,"
a "Jew-baiter." Nor need encouragement be looked for from politicians,
people or Press. The people who are awake to the subject at all prefer
to wait and see how it all turns out. There is a vague feeling that to
use the word "Jew" openly, or to expose it nakedly in print, is somehow
improper. Polite evasions like "Hebrew" and "Semite" (both of which are
subject to the criticism of inaccuracy) are timidly assayed, and people
pick their way gingerly as if the whole subject were forbidden, until
some courageous thinker comes along with the word "Jew," and then the
constraint is relieved and the air cleared.
The word "Jew" is
not an epithet; it is a name, ancient and descriptive, with a
significance for every period of human history, past, present and to
The chief difficulty in writing about the Jewish Question
is the super-sensitiveness of Jews and non-Jews concerning the whole
matter. There is probably not a newspaper in America, and certainly none
of the advertising mediums which are called magazines, which would have
the temerity even to breathe seriously the fact that such a Question
exists. The Press in general is open to fulsome editorials in favor of
everything Jewish, while the Jewish Press, which is numerous in the
United States, takes care of the vituperative end.
The idea
seems to be fixed in the Jew by inheritance that any public discussion
of the Jewish Question is organized and inspired by a Jew-hater. That
idea is sought to be fixed in the Gentile by propaganda; that any
writing which does not simply cloy and drip sirrupy sweetness towards
things Jewish is born of prejudice and hatred. It is, therefore, "full
of lies, insult, insinuation, and constitutes an instigation to
massacre." These terms can be found in current Jewish editorials.
Anti-Semitism is a term which is bandied about too loosely. If it
continues to be used indiscriminately and vituperatively about all who
attempt to discuss Jewish characteristics and Jewish world-power, it
will, in time, arrive at the estate of respectability and honor. It may
be a useful clearing of the ground to define what anti-Semitism is not.
1. It is not a recognition of the Jewish Question. If it were, then it
could be set down that the bulk of the American people are destined to
become anti-Semites, for they are beginning to recognize the existence
of a Jewish Question and will steadily do so in increasing numbers as
the Question is forced on them from the various practical angles of
their lives. The Question is here. We may be honestly blind to it. We
may be timidly silent about it. We may even make dishonest denial of it.
But it is here and in time all will have to recognize it. In time the
polite "hush, hush," of over-sensitive or intimidated circles will not
be powerful enough to suppress it.
But to recognize that
Question will not mean that we have gone over to a national campaign of
hatred and enmity against the Jews. It will only mean that a stream of
tendency which has been flowing through our civilization has at last
accumulated bulk and power enough to challenge attention, to call for
some decision with regard to it, to call for the adoption of a policy
which will not repeat the mistakes of the past and yet forestall any
possible menace of the future.
2. The public discussion of the
Jewish Question is not "anti-Semitism." Publicity is sanitary. But the
kind of publicity given to certain aspects of the Jewish Question in
this country has been very misleading. It has been discussed more fully
in the Jewish Press than elsewhere, but not with candor or breadth of
vision. The two dominant notes - sounded over and over again with
monotonous regularity - are Gentile unfairness and Christian prejudice.
It is fortunate for the Jews generally that the Jewish Press does not
circulate very widely among Gentiles, for it is probably the one
established agency in the United States which, without altering its
program in the least, could stir up anti-Jewish sentiment by the very
simple expedient of a general reading among non-Jews. Jewish writers
writing for Jewish readers present unusual material for the study of
race consciousness and its accompaniment of contempt for other races.
On the side of the daily Press, there has been no serious discussion at
all. When it mentions the Jews, it has stock complimentary phrases for
the purpose. The publicity given to the Question in this country
consists in misrepresentative criticism of the Gentiles by the Jewish
Press, and misrepresentative praise of the Jews by the non-Jewish Press.
An independent effort to give constructive publicity cannot, therefore,
be laid to anti-Semitism, even when some of the statements which are
made in the course of it arouse resentment of Jewish readers.
3. Nor is it anti-Semitism to say that the suspicion is abroad in every
capital of civilization, and the certainty is firmly held by a number of
important men, that there is active in the world a plan to control the
world, not by territorial acquisition, not by military aggression, not
by governmental subjection, not even by economic control in the
scientific sense, but by control of the machinery of commerce and
exchange. It is not anti-Semitism to say that, nor to present the
evidence which supports that, nor to bring the proof of that. Those who
could best disprove it, if it were not true, are the International Jews
themselves, but they have not disproved it.
Because it is here, and because its emergence into public thought
should contribute to its solution, and not to a continuance of those bad
conditions which surround the Question in almost every country. The
Jewish Question has existed in the United States for a very long time.
Jews themselves have known it, even if Gentiles have not. There have
been periods in our own country when it has broken forth with a sullen
sort of strength which presaged dark things to come. Many signs portend
that it is approaching an acute stage.
Not only does the Jewish
Question touch those matters that are common knowledge, such as finance
and commercial control, usurpation of political power, monopoly of
necessities, and autocratic direction of the very news that the American
people read; but it reaches into cultural regions and so touches the
very heart of American life. The Question reaches down to South America
and threatens to become an important factor in Pan-American relations.
It is interwoven with much of the menace of organized and calculated
disorder which troubles the nations today. It is not of recent growth,
but its roots go deep, and the long Past of the Problem is
counterbalanced by prophetic hopes and programs which involve a very
deliberate and creative view of the future.
Their heritage of tolerance has something to do with the extreme
nervousness about public discussion of the Jewish Question on the part
of many Gentiles, but perhaps their instinctive sense of the difficulty
involved has more to do with it. The Gentile attitude is best expressed
by the desire for silence - "Why discuss it at all?" Such an attitude is
itself proof that here is a Problem we would evade if we could. Why
discuss it at all? - the keen thinker clearly sees in the implications
of such a question, the existence of a Problem whose discussion or
suppression will not always be within the choice of easy-going minds.
Wherever you read of the Jewish Question being resolutely approached in
the history of countries which have ever tackled it, wherever you go in
the world today - in any country where the Jewish Question has come to
the forefront as a vital issue, you will discover that the principal
cause is the outworking of the Jewish genius to achieve the power of
control. Here in the United States is the fact of this remarkable
minority attaining in 50 years a degree of control that would be
impossible to a ten times larger group of any other race. That creates
the Jewish Question here.
No similar minority of any people
would occasion comment, because we would not meet with a representative
of them wherever we went in high places - in the innermost secrecy of
the councils of the Big Four at Versailles*; in the United States
Supreme Court; in the councils of the White House; in the vast
dispositions of world finance - wherever there is power to get or use.
We meet the Jew everywhere in the upper circles, literally everywhere
where there is power. And that is where the Jewish question begins - in
very simple terms - How does the Jew so habitually and so resistlessly
gravitate to the highest places? Who puts him there? Why is he put
there? What does he do there? What does the fact of his being there mean
to the world? THAT is the Jewish Question in its origin. From these
points it goes on to others, and whether the trend becomes pro-Jewish or
anti-Semitic depends on the amount of prejudice brought to the inquiry,
and whether it becomes pro-Humanity depends on the amount of insight
and intelligence.
EDITOR'S NOTE *The original was published in
June, 1920. The comment is even more applicable to the present United
Nations setup; a more formidable organization because of its greater
power through American membership.
The use of the word Humanity
in connection with the word "Jew" usually throws a side meaning which
may not be intended. In this connection it is usually understood that
humanity ought to be shown toward the Jew. There is just as great an
obligation upon the Jew to show his humanity toward the whole human
The Jew has been too long accustomed to think himself as
exclusively the claimant on the humanitarianism of society; society has a
large claim against him that he cease his exclusiveness, that he cease
exploiting the world, that he cease making Jewish groups the end and all
of his gains, and that he begins to fulfill, in a sense his
exclusiveness has never yet enabled him to fulfill, the ancient prophecy
he boasts that through him all the nations of the earth should be
The Jew cannot go on forever fulfilling the role of
suppliant for the world's humanitarianism, he must himself show that
quality to a society which seriously suspects his higher and more
powerful groups of exploiting it with a pitiless rapacity, which in its
wide-flung and long-drawn-out distress may be described as an economic
pogrom against a rather helpless humanity.

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DOBBIAMO REALIZZARE la fratellanza universale, PERCHÉ, le 12 Tribù di Israele

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feb 14
- LA MASSONERIA oggi di IVANA di Trieste
- Guerre di massoneria Le logge
- Moshe Cohen3 mesi fa You are a messianic Jew?
- Wanted to Kill Us Because We Are Jews,’ Says Terro...
- DOBBIAMO REALIZZARE la fratellanza universale, PER...
- Wanted to Kill Us Because We Are Jews,’ Says Terro...
- ministero politico universale di Unius REI e di lo...
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- Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited Pt 2-7 - YouTube.fl...
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- greatest of all crimes ] satanism talmud [ banking...
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- Gentile lorenzojhwh Persian kingdom,
- UNIUSREI3 is KING of Kings
feb 14
questa NON è una attività giornalistica
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! SE VIENE PERMESSA LA LEGGE SULLA BLASFEMIA APOST...
#Obama ] [ ovviamente, I CRISTIANI che non sono riusciti a fuggire, e quelli che, non sono stati ammazzati, ancora da shaaria, dei cristian...
FELICITÀ E AMORE tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! SE VIENE PERMESSA LA LEGGE SU...
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! ...
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! ...
siamo sempre stati un popolo di schiavi nelle mani di Rothschild Spa! #diretta #Analisipolitica #Cittadini ...
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! Unius kingREI 8 ore fa
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! SE VIENE PERMESSA LA LEGGE SULLA BLASFEMIA APOST...
tutti i popoli SPA FED indebitati derubati e Nwo schiavizzati? ma, anche SHARIA ROVINATI! ...
Barack Obama [ 44º presidente degli Stati Uniti ] ieri, mentre, io scrivevo il mio ultimo articolo, io avevo già subito, un atto di bullis...
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