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STOP ABORTO ] [ gli ISLAMICI NAZISTI SHARIA? LORO NON SI ABORTISCONO TRA DI LORO, MA FANNO LA BOMBA DEMOGRAFICA di pedofilia poligamia bordello privato familiare, E SI STANNO PREPARADO AD INVADERRCI ED A SOFFOCARCI, sotto egida ONU GENDER ideologia Amnesty Bildenberg sistema massonico usura mondiale, SpA Talmud, in violazione di tutti i diritti umani!
There is NO right to abortion. Dear Managers and Staff of Amnesty International, There is NO "right to abortion" - but there is a right to life for every human being. There was a time, not very long ago, when Amnesty International was reputed as one of the world’s leading human rights NGOs. Though it did not deal with all and every human rights issue, the organization undoubtedly did a lot to help and rescue political prisoners or prisoners of conscience in many countries of the world.
Amnesty’s campaign to legalize abortion in Ireland shows a turning point all human beings, even the unborn children, deserve the defense of their human dignity and right to life. Through this petition, therefore, we denounce your hypocrisy and ask you to stop campaigning against the right to life of unborn children. In order to become credible as a human rights advocacy you must, on the contrary, stand up to defend the right to life of all human beings - in particular the weak and vulnerable. You must therefore defend the right to life of unborn children against those who, for whatever reason, will not recognize it. This petition is also addressed to all those who in good faith, and unaware of your stance on this very fundamental human rights issue, have supported you through their donations.
MI OFFENDE TANTA INGENUITà, OGGI CHI GUIDA IL MONDO SONO I SACERDOTI DI SATANA SPA BANZA MONDIALE URUROCRAZIA, QUINDI AL MICROCHIP SOTTOCUTANEO DEVE ESSERE OPPOSTA LA MASSIMA RESISTENZA, E LA MASSIMA OPPOSIZIONE! ] [ I profeti isterici anti-chip affermano che questa tecnologia sarebbe usata da un Governo mondiale per controllare la vita delle persone. È probabile, ma... Dove eravate quando è scoppiato lo scandalo WikiLeaks? Su Marte? I Governi e le imprese hanno già ampio accesso a ogni passo dei loro cittadini e consumatori, perché quasi tutto ciò che facciamo è registrato nei nostri computer personali (PC, smartphone, tablet ecc.) e nelle telefonate, per non parlare delle telecamere sparse in quasi tutti gli ambienti che frequentiamo. Il chip sotto la pelle, se venisse inserito su scala globale, non farebbe altro che intensificare una realtà già abbastanza ampia abbiamo molta poca privacy e i nostri passi sono quasi tutti monitorati e registrati da Governi e imprese. È bizzarro e preoccupante? Sì. Potrà portare molti mali? Forse, lo dirà il tempo. E la Chiesa sicuramente ci metterà in guardia nel caso in cui fosse necessario. Una cosa sia chiara nessuno sarà condannato per il fatto di aderire a un sistema di identificazione elettronico. Possiamo essere condannati, questo sì, per il fatto di aderire a valori e ideologie anticristiane. Questo è il vero segno della bestia, il segno della mondanità.
Egitto negata la scarcerazione ad un cristiano. Sintesi dopo aver trascorso gran parte della sua vita maltrattato, nascosto o in carcere, Mohamed Hegazy, un cristiano convertitosi dall'islam, non sa cosa aspettarsi dal futuro. Rimane in prigione, senza spiegazioni, nonostante abbia già scontato la propria pena.
Mohamed Hegazy è conosciuto per essere stato il primo egiziano a chiedere apertamente, nell'agosto del 2007, che venisse cambiata la voce riguardante la religione (da musulmano a cristiano) sulla propria carta d'identità. In questo modo vorrebbe evitare a suo figlio tutto ciò che ha dovuto sopportare sulla propria pelle. L'indicazione della religione di appartenenza è infatti un requisito obbligatorio sulla carta d'identità egiziana e definisce l'esistenza civile dell'individuo e della sua famiglia.
Il giovane uomo è attualmente in carcere per "oltraggio" all'islam ed è stato condannato sei mesi fa, nonostante i termini per la prescrizione del suo caso fossero scaduti nel 2009. Le altre 2 accuse che lo riguardavano erano già state cancellate in precedenza. Hegazy ha scelto di seguire Cristo all'età di 16 anni. Successivamente, nel 2002, è stato per un breve periodo incarcerato e torturato dall'SSI (Servizi Investigativi per la sicurezza dello Stato) e, dopo questa esperienza, ha vissuto in clandestinità con la propria famiglia. Arrestato di nuovo a dicembre del 2013, durante una protesta di piazza a Minya, è stato condannato a cinque anni di carcere con accuse che includevano la diffusione di informazioni false volte a "danneggiare il pubblico interesse". La condanna originaria è stata in seguito ridotta ad un solo anno, che risulterebbe già scontato, ma i servizi di sicurezza nazionale hanno continuato a tenerlo in carcere.
Diversi gruppi a difesa dei diritti umani, hanno provato a fare pressione sulle autorità egiziane perché venisse risolto il caso di Hegazy, ma la sua situazione non è migliorata, anzi, abbiamo notizia di maltrattamenti e umiliazioni, oltre alla negazione di diritti basilari come le visite regolari da parte del suo avvocato.
Nonostante la nuova costituzione egiziana, approvata a gennaio del 2014, si impegni al rispetto della libertà di credo e della dignità umana, i cristiani, soprattutto quelli provenienti da un background musulmano, vivono continuamente maltrattamenti fisici e soprusi.
Inoltre gruppi terroristici vicini ai "Fratelli Musulmani" (dichiarati illegali dal Presidente al-Sisi dal 2013), nel tentativo di destabilizzare il Paese, continuano ad effettuare attentati mirati.
Ci giunge forte la voce dei cristiani locali che chiedono preghiera e aiuto per una situazione che continua a rimanere tesa.
Egitto: Posizione nella World Watch List L'Egitto si classifica al 23° posto nella World Watch List 2015, con 61 punti. La principale transizione politica degli ultimi mesi, che ha avuto luogo a luglio 2013, ha escluso dal potere la "Fratellanza musulmana" in seguito all'insurrezione nazionale contro di essa; 33 milioni di egiziani si sono riversati nelle strade il 30 giugno 2013. In Egitto però i cristiani, non solo i convertiti dall'islam, ma anche la numerosa comunità autoctona copta, sono ancora sotto pressione. La maggioranza della popolazione egiziana è musulmana, ma negli ultimi anni l'islam politico radicale è diventato più visibile e la società ha sofferto per le implicazioni della presenza di gruppi islamici radicali al governo. Vari gruppi di islamici militanti inoltre fanno ancora sentire la propria presenza. Tale situazione è fonte di tensione con la numerosa minoranza cristiana autoctona, i copti, che rappresentano circa il 10 percento della popolazione del Paese.
Fonti di persecuzione
Le fonti di persecuzione riguardanti i cristiani in Egitto sono l'estremismo islamico (fonte principale) e, in misura minore, la paranoia dittatoriale e la corruzione organizzata.
Estremismo islamico è la fonte principale a causa dell'estromissione della "Fratellanza musulmana" dal potere e dell'aumento degli attacchi terroristici dei movimenti islamici contro i cristiani e le loro istituzioni. Anche se la "Fratellanza musulmana" è stata estromessa dal potere a luglio 2013, bandita a settembre 2013 e costretta a un'esistenza clandestina, i gruppi islamici radicali non sono scomparsi dall'Egitto. Nel Sinai, i movimenti islamici radicali operano nella quasi completa impunità.
Paranoia dittatoriale la tradizione autoritaria del governo è forse la sola caratteristica costante del sistema politico egiziano, che ha conosciuto 3 cambi di regime in soli 3 anni. Tutti i governanti egiziani hanno avuto un solo elemento caratteristico in comune uno stile di governo autoritario. Il decennio nel quale le dittature si sono succedute al potere si è concluso nel 2011 con proteste sociali di massa, che hanno portato infine all'elezione dei "Fratelli musulmani". Il governo guidato da Mohamed Morsi, non particolarmente democratico, è stato deposto da un'insurrezione nazionale sostenuta dall'esercito nel corso del 2013, in seguito a nuove proteste sociali di massa. Attualmente l'Egitto è governato da un governo civile guidato dal precedente comandante dell'esercito, Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, dopo le elezioni presidenziali del 2014. Questo governo non sembra avere tra le sue priorità i diritti umani fondamentali e il pluralismo democratico. In questo contesto, quindi, la libertà religiosa dei cristiani non è completamente garantita.
Corruzione organizzata il crimine, la corruzione e l'insicurezza diffusi, in particolare nella zona del Sinai, hanno generato un clima strutturale di impunità, nel quale le ostilità contro i gruppi più vulnerabili, a favore dei quali nessuno si pronuncia nell'arena politica, non sono punite. Tale contesto riguarda anche i cristiani e le donne di qualsiasi credo religioso, specialmente quelle in una posizione più vulnerabile, come le cristiane, che sono oggetto di violenza in un ambiente islamico radicale.
Le sfide economiche del Paese disattese dal presidente Morsi, il progressivo smantellamento delle istituzioni democratiche e l'islamizzazione accelerata della politica egiziana sono state le cause scatenanti delle proteste di massa del luglio 2013.
La sequenza di rivoluzioni evidenzia non solo la frustrazione diffusa di fronte alla difficile situazione economica, ma anche il deterioramento del sistema democratico e l'elevata polarizzazione della società egiziana. Molte persone sono state sorprese dall'intervento militare nel 2013, perché non bisogna dimenticare che Morsi aveva ottenuto il sostegno (elettorale) di quasi la metà degli elettori che si erano presentati alle urne.
Lo stile di governo autoritario del presidente al-Sisi ha, in qualche misura, ristabilito lo stato di diritto in Egitto, ma ha anche imposto una legislazione relativamente restrittiva sugli affari religiosi, con conseguente svantaggio per la popolazione cristiana del Paese. Inoltre una legge del novembre 2013, che ha limitato le proteste pubbliche, contribuisce a ridurre la libertà d'espressione nella sfera pubblica.
Tipi di cristianesimo colpiti
Ci sono due tipi di cristianesimo in Egitto la comunità etnica copta storica, a maggioranza ortodossa, e una piccola comunità in crescita di convertiti (credenti di origine musulmana).
Sia i credenti di origine musulmana che i cristiani copti risiedono in tutto il Paese, anche se la maggiore concentrazione di cristiani copti si trova nell'Alto Egitto, al Cairo e ad Alessandria. I livelli di persecuzione sono simili in tutto il Paese. I credenti di origine musulmana sopportano il peso maggiore della persecuzione.
Essi ne sono sempre stati le vittime, mentre la più numerosa minoranza copta, che incontra comunque notevoli difficoltà (incluse la discriminazione nel diritto all'istruzione, alla salute e alla rappresentanza politica e una legislazione che ostacola aspetti essenziali della vita della chiesa), è sempre stata tollerata a causa della presenza storica e dell'importanza demografica (circa 10-11 milioni di persone). Negli ultimi anni, tuttavia, la situazione è cambiata le comunità storiche di cristiani sono diventate un bersaglio della persecuzione.
Nel caso dei credenti di origine musulmana, le famiglie sono spesso una fonte di persecuzione, perché puniscono i convertiti al cristianesimo per avere abbandonato la fede islamica anche con percosse o espulsioni dalla comunità.
Sfere della vita
I cristiani in Egitto affrontano la persecuzione maggiore nella sfera comunitaria, mentre nelle sfere privata, familiare ed ecclesiastica, in particolare i copti, godono ancora di una discreta libertà.
Sfera comunitaria i copti sembrano particolarmente vulnerabili a causa dell'esclusione sociale. I resoconti di Porte Aperte segnalano la costante discriminazione nei confronti dei cristiani nella giustizia, nell'istruzione, nei servizi sociali fondamentali e una maggiore vulnerabilità economica.
Sfere privata e familiare nella numerosa comunità copta la pressione non è elevata, al contrario dei credenti di origine musulmana, che subiscono gravi limitazioni all'interno delle proprie case e della famiglia estesa.
Sfera ecclesiastica l'autonomia della chiesa è generalmente rispettata, anche se i copti affrontano alcuni ostacoli amministrativi, per esempio difficoltà ad ottenere le autorizzazioni per restaurare gli edifici ecclesiastici.
Subito dopo il 30 giugno 2013, in seguito all'estromissione del presidente Morsi, un'impennata delle violenze settarie ha suscitato la dichiarazione di Amnestry International circa la crescita senza precedenti degli attacchi settari ai cristiani copti. Nel periodo analizzato dalla WWL, 65 tra chiese, librerie cristiane, scuole cristiane e conventi sono stati completamente bruciati, distrutti o saccheggiai dalla folla, spesso istigata dai movimenti islamici radicali. Inoltre, soltanto 5 dei 32 edifici ecclesiastici distrutti ad agosto 2013 sono stati ricostruiti. La promessa di aiuti per la ricostruzione e il restauro da parte dell'esercito non è ancora stata mantenuta.
Prospettive future
Gli elementi che definiranno il futuro dell'Egitto sono essenzialmente politici. Le proteste sociali non cesseranno finché continuerà l'instabilità politica e non si affronteranno le sfide economiche. Il Paese è caratterizzato da un'apparentemente incolmabile divisione ideologico-religiosa tra varie espressioni dell'islam radicale (dai salafiti ai "Fratelli musulmani") e politica liberale (secolarista).
Gli sviluppi politici attuali rivelano che lo scenario più probabile vedrà la Chiesa confinata in una situazione di protezione. Non diminuirà tuttavia l'opposizione da parte della società islamica, che è per la maggior parte ignara del cristianesimo.

Levítico: 3.17 y 7.26 prohíbe categóricamente, bajo pena de muerte "será eliminado de su pueblo!" 1. comer la sangre de los animales (es decir esto también es cierto para nosotros la GOIM que:? el Talmud dice que somos: animales en forma humana creada por Dios sólo para ser explotados por los Judios) 2. en todos los lugares en la que viven (ya: el libro de Levítico, sabía que no habría valido la pena para preservar la nación). Estoy indignado porque después de (el silencio cómplice de a su rabinos Kakam o Illuminati) para que nos robó la banca de señoreaje?

stardefinibusterrae (1 giorno fa)

Incluso nuestro gobierno, que, en lugar de prohibir el Talmud ha decidido invertir una gran suma para su divulgación .. Digo esto, porque alguien está diciendo "la cristiano.pdf sangre" que se come (inconscientemente) huevo sazonado con ceniza de la pareja en días más felices de su matrimonio y las cenizas otros no que un compuesto que contiene la sangre de un niño cristiano en forma sólida .. todas las cosas de este mundo para mí, por supuesto a partir del señoreaje banco son cosas locas

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

1 / 41 [Christian blood in the JEWISH RITES] this work [the BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES of the MODERN SYNAGOGUE. REVELATIONS Neophyte EX RABBI GREEK MONACO:]? is the Reply to this other masterpiece that paradoxically is fall below the jerseys of the censorship "[[[Ariel Toaff Easter of blood the Jews of Europe and: ritual murder the publishing company the Mill] the censorship: in this if not is dull and ignorant but is an ideological crime: why the Jewish bankers "Illuminati" have lost the forced complicity of the Jewish community support that always Their enjoyed for all the throttling peoples an that to spite of any Holocaust or shoah made subject to the people elected of the our Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the hope of Israele ..

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

2 / 41 [Christian blood in the JEWISH RITES] but everyone knows as, I am the Jewish Messiah Re of Israel and only king of the Human Gender: unius REI. So if public self something? No one can contest to me! because the intentions of the censorship not be of avoid to anachronistic anti-Semitism that is instead Masonic physiological system and bank of the bank seigniorage! Ariel Toaff is the famous scholar of the illustrious Chief Rabbi Judaism Italiano Representative creator of the ecumenical language His Holiness John Paul II .. Toaff is my brother, because he like me is to Zionist for the United of Israel]]] [[[Chapter XIII Death and kill for love of God ]]] the BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES of the MODERN SYNAGOGUE.

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

3 / 41 [Christian blood in the JEWISH RITES] REVELATIONS Neophyte EX RABBI GREEK MONACO the title? is it all a mental imbalance but no one should think that the Something missing of logic Their problem is represented only by wrong reasons! Since is evident that I not I can kill (ie violating the 5 th commandment) to innocent Christian child that the His blood can cleanse me, from 3 rd commandment that I I have done not respecting the Saturday (ie to: to sin more for purify to another sin less? but this is the best way for received to "evil evil" ie receive extraordinary generational curses how to say " for the too much science is become an idiot!").

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

4 / 41 [Christian blood: in the JEWISH RITES] As is wrote "I confound the wisdom of the intelligent but "...: all this instead is more that logical if the Talmud that for all the Jews of the world is the holy word of, God. he himself says that the Christians are animals in human form! is in this so that the Christian children have replaced the lambs of the Jewish Temple lost: and the adults they replaced the donkeys how what that Rabbi naive is saying ! this means a document? is real! These crimes? They are committed today as they made yesterday and will always be committed until the Judaism not decide of the repeal Talmud and this it can only be done under the authority of the king of Israel ! but think that the Jews know these topics?

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

5 / 41 [Christian blood in the JEWISH RITES] or that knowing them not be afraid n that Their of to lose the life? is madness! If: then I not I forgive all the various categories of cowardly traitors if repented n that those that they went to swear for Satan in the Freemasonry? Then, I should be worst of the 3 ° WW nuclear power that I am looking for of to avoid to all the human race! But even crazier is thinking that the expulsions of Jews from various countries they're just the result of to superstitious behavior because we know how is serious the Catholic Church in the its pronouncements! An that if the ILLUMINATI through: 5 centuries of this our system Masonic and Bank destroyed most of the documents

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

6 / 41 [Christian blood in the JEWISH RITES] to: Their unfavorable and Their "tea pure" have spread evolution and every form of perversion and Satanism only for have the legal reasoning of to destroy the other Jews because we (all the people) like animals the human form us not we have no right by to rely on it we were created by God only for being exploited by the Jews according to the ideology Babylonian of the god Marduk that is the Denial or ideological opposition of the Genesis Biblical (and is, precisely: this Satanism that the order and says Babylonian Talmud of do that it is become even most important of the Torah in all the community Jewish that scattered for the world!)

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

7 / 41 [Christian blood in the JEWISH RITES] and for what is the creepy that said the Talmud? Because he places only the background: of the human sacrifice (LOL. I mean of animals in human form) of the Blood that the lessons that not they are discovered, they are passed on only verbally of father in child (to to one son, possibly firstborn but: in this how however Their not include of they have become Satanists). Their power today is at the top is at the height of one powerful Masonic pyramid (the masters of all the our money at interest (bank seigniorage) ie: very few men that they are the owners of at least of the 200% of the contract: Value of all the money in circulation in the world) thanks to the traitors of the political of the rich and of the leaders

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

8 / 41 [Christian blood in the JEWISH RITES] of all the world is to power of extermination of all the rich against all the people that not it can be challenged human that not it can be controlled by the institutions visible all daughters of the bank seigniorage through the foundation of the Bank of England! the Illuminati they have manipulated the sources of the history to: Their interest as well an that the the Catholic Church is was forced to lose: the its ancient memory now aware of the his impotence and of the useless of all the of the centuries fighting desperate the Masons having taken the possession of the power of the political betrayed the truth since Their foundational principle for Their economic interest for Their silks of power

Commenti sul canale (1163)


mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

9 / 41 [Christian blood in the JEWISH RITES] because they were the Jews to create all this set to communism and democracy. However all not it can be destroyed and every historian worthy of this name knows the acts of the court of Trent and of the Martyrs four children (CHIR that Italian TTI) approx not polarized the Catholic Church! tea what the Catholic Church ever In 2000 years has done to ruling wrong! but Today, after centuries of desperate and learn struggles after 600 excommunication that: against: the Freemasonry the the Catholic Church is was reduced to silence for, the men have decided, of go to hell in Mass! this empire of the evil Hebrew and UK bank and Masonic Master and exploits the Human Gender by most of 500 years

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

10/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] for religious reasons (rule and subjugate all the human race in name of the ideology of the Talmud)! This is to empire of the evil to absolute power! Of which the Jews themselves they are the intended victims because most of other: they betrayed the rigid moral dictates that of the Rabbis "Pharisees" or ILLUMINATI imposed to if same formally hypocritical and in fundamentalist way as as we shall see in this long document Their using the blood of the Christians (animals in human form) that Their kill can the: this to to purify the Their sins but for the Torah condemns to the death wicked of the law and everyone knows that Their not believe the New Testament!

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

11/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] the religion he ILLUMINATI Rabbis and Pharisees not it provides the proselytizing why is founded on ties of blood only, because, is the only religion that prevents the proselytizing this is become really to I hate absolute and invincible: against all the human race for the destruction of all the Jewish bastards ie the Jews that not have lines of blood that exceed the: 2500 years. or for the destruction of all the Jews that have betrayed the Torah! but an that if each document relating to the crimes described in this means a document they were destroyed? be enough: the my word to authenticate the this document why I am the only man in the history of the Mankind

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

12/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] that not he needs of to demonstrate that that said I am in fact the Metaphysical unius Rei. is the same Holy Spirit to authenticate: in all the creatures: the my authority! And to apply one Judgement of destruction: against all the rebel! Because the strength of the my political authority it belongs to the Kingdom of God and not is due to my biological body so however and in the way the my term you can only use up after the the next 50 years! If the Jews knew this document ie about the in the Christian blood rites by the rabbis? Their they would know that are for die together to all the human race and this is the reason for in n that Their not they know nothing, but this document

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

13/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] must include an that the Jews of that What are all based the institutions of the world, with an that the Their naive complicity and what are the real reasons of every Shaoh or: Holocaust in all the history of Israel (of the last 3000 years) because these criminals are fanatics that they took the control of Israel and they corrupt the Jewish religion! So is indispensable for us of go to the knowledge of the the occult world of the Illuminati! Since Their I am still forced to make these sacrifices of blood, because not know to another remedy for Their sins and for Their diseases! "In the Blood there 'is the life" says the Bible! Honestly I not believe that I will be hated by Their

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

14/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] as n that Their want to be helped Their would like to go by this Their Part VIII Jason ie abyss of despair in Satan holds them captive in the same! [For the institutions have prevented the presence of the this document in a text in all the web. For valid reasons in fact not there is in this document one logic of the mutual acceptance or of the recognition of the their truth between Jews and Christians but: seen this attitude of excommunication intolerant and mutual (between Christianity and Judaism). Positions, now surpassed them the story of: the two religions. However, the danger is that this boring and repetitive document by I summed up (in the parts not significant)

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

15/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] can stir up to new late the anachronism anti-Semitism in the social component! An that why: the real culprits of all this they are only, one a special class of Rabbis. Also how is explained in this document an that by the author there are very few the Jews that they do and that means that they have of these crimes ugly to because of the few of Rabbis mondialists globalists the masters of the World Bank IMF. ie of the great Jewish bankers that indeed Their Satanists are from our point of view but Puritans are of the real gurus from Their point of view for, are the scribes and the Pharisees that they took the control of the Jewish religion.

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

16/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the Jewish rites] so this document Been is: by I had prepared that it is known to the Jews, because they are Their: that they must have in courage of the emergence, from Their subconscious the nightmares the most horrible of to Their the ancestral past (today and that for the next 365 days: Their not they have still nothing yet by fear first that the great fear is once again wide open!) because contrary? not there could be to future humanly possible I for Their How, Nean that for us. if the history not he wants to be revived in one even more dramatic and devastating to of the reason new technologies of destruction and of mind control and spiritual. I will and I will have to be the Re of Israel!

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

17/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] Because the ILLUMINATI MAY entrust Their lives only in my hands! Therefore this document not: is One Threat for what that jew but we all have to be close to: Their for to make you feel: Their all the our love and the our encouragement! this is strategic in no way the Jews must feel threatened because Their instinct of self-protection and of survival, they would flee again in themselves ie in the: Their obscure subconscious is come the moment for all: all the world of: understanding that we are one one family since no one could be sure by alone! or if the Safety of someone is threatened!

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

18/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] here is why:, Their not they can go by this common threat no of us and us not we may be saved no of Their no one could do it by alone! since is the curse for ILLUMINATI that kill us all all together! So in these days we can only hope that something of strategic you can move between the Jews! Since n that the last bastion for in: our defense the the Catholic Church is was gagged and not always to wrongly discredited! When every historical document relating to the Christian blood in the Jewish rites destroyed! well in this so is unthinkable groped one contrast an anachronism when that was impossible on the street of the violence!

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

19/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the JEWISH RITES] but we can with the our sincere love in the spirit of Jesus Gandhi etc. .. we may believe that is can one construct Company World finally humanizing the secular society of the universal brotherhood! tea this document fills us of horror for the innocent that still today are sacrificed but it fills the pity and of emotion in the consider: as the Jewish system International IMF-New World Order is able to reach to to level of Satanism so great and despair not is can face this work not to keep the stomach in hand as in these topics are widely exceeded the human limitations for all of these fields that occult

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

20/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] that have been taken up and amplified an that from U.S. institutional Satanism and now European ie tea about 200,000 human sacrifices of each year the facts for the power of Satan, as the FBI he said of Do as that not able to find out to only culprit for all those crimes and it is Been: made to real army of Satanist that is so tenacious convinced that Satan will be to win Against all the human race it is to: this trustworthy staff that have been entrusted to the secret weapons: and strategic that U.S. Army how, even that the management of the underground bases alien and of the: Their flying saucers! ! if the Jews not have the courage of addressing

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

21/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] this Their darkness ie of having tea heartbreaking task and sad of to bring to light all: the wounds of to Their the distant past and of to Their abysmal and dark subconscious? So not there is one more hope for all the human race! But: that it represents the dark and hidden reality of some of Their ie more men powerful of the planet! Right of those that have interest primarily to know for it emerge from the subconscious to the conscious! All the crimes reported in this means the document are true and they are still committed of hidden by this select group of perverse fanatics the who misrepresent the Password of God revealed because the Talmud and: the cabal

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

22/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] took the control of all the our institutions through the Freemasonry and the bank seigniorage! One Indication for all "Who not believe that both the his compassion and the to his mercy to prevail? not read this means a document why would of the evil only to him! "Is a reputation for in All youtube for all these years in:the lorenzojhwh "I have exercised the my ministry political and Theological unius Rei for about 6 hours every day such as I have been gifted by God of One detail as rational intuitive feature the: Metaphysics for to be me the legendary and mythical figure of the King metaphysical UNIVERSAL the only leader of all the human race.

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

23/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] here is why: to spite of any documentation destroyed by the current masters of the world ie from REAL principals and authors of all these crimes I can testify, through: the authorities of this my ministry that all the facts described in this means the document are true own the good faith of those that they believed of the attribution an that the Jews the unfounded guilt of the missing if any of what that person: improperly! I write this document mainly for the Jews only because Their is power real and is to top that of the our Governments and of the our religions it is now to universal power they are Their that they must decide then

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

24/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] tea our common destiny and must express the determination of wanting to quit by this curse or of wanting to fall of new set to all the people in the well-deserved divine punishment Since the last word will be the of to God the Creator angry for to have done of he perfect love and perfect justice to god of horror and of cruelty therefore not is can hope for the mercy by the of those that they put on the God of Abraham the mas that ra horrible of Satan himself Talmud Reincarnation Sharia communism! We need of understanding that n that the Jews are people like us .. that the extreme tests, to which the Jews were subject why, Their God

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

25/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] YHWH has abandoned them after: that: Their they had betrayed the covenant and committed the Idolatry opposing the Torah the of the oral tradition Their rabbis (which resulted in the Talmud) We do not we can judge the history but we can and we must be responsible for for the of the future our children! here is why this means the document is important! not we can say it the Jews have had one terrible story ..: that brought them appropriately (racism) and unjust (libel) several times verge of the extinction this is to Their problem!: and this not to our interest in Their Please! Moreover, the our aid in the: Their against not is motivated only the fact that Their are the Our masters

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

26/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] ciois the masters of the IMF-New World Order, and have tea real power on every strategic resource .. but why we all must love one another the one for the: .. other not we can think of that the problem of a not is an that the problem of everyone! Thus, the incredible Jewish condition enabled to occult system of management of the horrible secret " that alone can justify the bank seigniorage ie of the most important institution of the world but of which is not allowed to talk about it publicly! What that Error of the present work are the complexity of the statements contained herein! but us not we are Nazis for fall as stupid in this trap of hatred and of the Racism! ie the old and false accusation of feel guilty all the Jews

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

27/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] of the crime of extermination of the people to reason of the bank seigniorage! Slander real to turn Indoor by so many other lies and superstitions Crime that today is committed by the globalists themselves of the IMF but that as yesterday, and an that today again will be charged to the all all nations (Jews included). Indeed, to date is the deafening silence of all the institutions and of all the religions about to: this crime of bank seigniorage why these Jews Satanists called enlightened after destroying the Catholic monarchies that then Their they gagged the Catholic Church this after centuries of bloody struggles and hundreds of unnecessary excommunication that by the Catholic ...

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

28/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] that then this enormous crime of vilification against all sovereignty Constitutional with the Jews not a lot has to do is demonstrated the fact: that the Jews innocent were put to death too easily though innocent! since is only the Satanism ideological and practical of Rothschild 666, and of the his partner of snacks 322 Bush! By this document? In the: network is can only to find images for in format pdf.] Time that: of this work that in with text is so by think one My first fruits or to my intellectual property because to me, nothing can be denied! So this my work is to "unique literary" for in of this document is granted unless

mrUniversalMetaphysc (2 giorni fa)

29/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] the play or Publication or dissemination of the entire document for in machine-readable form: including of all the added or comments. the reflections as the subtraction by I have made for practical reasons? not disrupt the content of this repetitious and stucco that Vole document: so of the present Intellectual property is forbidden thus the partial reproduction or the edit is of the his translation that of the My interpretation everything is bound and is of owned of the prof. Lorenzo that the yield to free of charge the world like any other document of the: history that is and remains Heritage: of all the human race! All the authorities are requested of to enforce the my rights!


30/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] [[ this means the document is: strictly prohibited to minors and to all the people that they think that not is love and tea perfect equality between the men: the unique solution to all the ills of the world]] the BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES of the MODERN SYNAGOGUE. REVELATIONS Neophyte EX RABBI MONACO GREEK for the FIRST TIME Display: ITALY THE GREEK VERSION of the Professor NFS [[Believe in extravagance of this document? it seems really hard! but: if these Jews were imprisoned in ghetto and if they were frequently expelled from the nations? something of The monster must be really existed in the Jewish society .. if these monstrosities always existed or if were the result of the persecution


31/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] resulted from the accusation of to be God-killers? This I said not I know! But what that not: it must never be forgotten is an that all the incredible violence and injustice that this people wandering the minority has had to endure and bear! because not it may be doubted of the seriousness of the Church Catholic and of all the its "official pronouncements" and n that if this document is now obviously anachronistic it must be known .. why: something of monstrous by here is derived ie the bank seigniorage modern that without this explanation not it may have no other explanation .. this is that Been is: planned : for crush in silently all the people n that and above

32/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] the valuable (if believe of: to be elected were for the show to the world holy face of the law: and of the Justice of God? thn ok!) or deadly (if they are convinced, as racists of one: Their boasted genetic superiority or theological) people of the Jews that it must have priestly duties and right for this because become the real victims of this Jewish bankers Satanists of the IMF NWO. How to all the tragedy of the people "elected" showed because Their curses predate the founding of the Christianity] [the censorship? is typical of the most devastating and criminal, dictatorial regime since only the criminals are afraid of the truth or of to historical document that to:their say not has the most to social interest


33/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] but this is the dramatic truth we are in One false democracy of the system bank Hebrew and Masonic ie of the bank seigniorage that Been is robbed to all of us by everyone that have perjured himself on the: Their Constitution!] [if I say, not I will be unius Rei and Re of Israel? Few of you can survive in this already planned nuclear WW 3 rd of all the great Masons how Albert Pike that the their knew projects, including the destruction of the State of Israel to no one could think of in the first of the 1900] [nothing is the most devastating of the racism i of the to conceive if more than the same to another man for one what that motivation ethnic politics ideological or religious! As is this diabolical

37/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] to its very important not not that curious booklet entitled by him "'Rebuttal of the religion of the Jews and of the Their rites with demonstration of the S. Writing old and new. "". the which, translated in modern greek by John of George and n that by other in Arabic, was published several times to Nafplion of Romania, to Constantinople and elsewhere in East in various and copious editions. All of course: they were to slightly to little and collected destroyed by the Jews, of course very interested to to wipe every trace of the revelations this the book contains about tea secret of Their bloody ritual of which former Rabbi Neophyte concerns the the clearest evidence and the minute detail is known that

34/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] comes to influence for do of God ( or the supreme authority of the philosophy):also a racist but this is one total perversion blasfemy apostasy .. why is necessarily unique the source of the life!]] is astonishing today theological ignorance of the author of this document that he was one collective ignorance that led the Jews in Their despair So the Christians not able to understand how Their same could be the same cause of attitudes of reaction only that the characteristic of the Jewish people is of remember and of celebrate this remember! Here is why: the capacity of to forgive is harder for Them that not for us! (This means the document is now here to be found in Internet in textual form to reason of the Jewish censorship and Masonic however, to me


35/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] "lorenzojhwh" political Ministry and theology for the universal brotherhood in youtube nothing can be denied for I am the very Re of Israel planned by God for the salvation of the human race the planned nuclear WW 3 °! and if these heinous crimes have disappeared or are the Heritage of any psychopath the atmosphere of racism that is a fact of the chosen people to because of the Talmud and of the Kabbalah is real!) if this the phenomenon is become invisible as the 200,000 human sacrifices to Satan the reason is given only by the fact that: when you enter in 'horror the human mind for protect Itself by the madness is forced in to automatically one to process: of removal: of the horrible horror.


36/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] and as the wild rabbit that the ermine sees jump but paralyzed, that him not can move any more .. since the scale of level of his fear is so high that the fear is removed lost is so for the social body every opportunity of reaction! One FOLLOWS APPENDIX HISTORICAL LAWN TYPOGRAPHY ALREADY that TTI, C. & SON .1883 .. Portrait of the Monaco greek: Neophyte former Moldavian rabbi. "Benedictus Deus here vult omnes Salvos homine proud." the BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES of the MODERN SYNAGOGUE *** Editor's Preface Italian Neophyte Monaco greek born jew in the Moldova to the half of the last century, turning if the same by Rabbi in Christian in the her age of thirty-eight years, he published in the 1803 in Moldovan language


38/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the Jewish rites] in the same East now not if it is now, almost more than yours ... "The reason of the shortage: is gold jew that try corrupts" make disappear from the world even the heart. "Among us, then in West and especially in Italy, we believe that very few, they are that to only know the existence of this booklet. Is true that I talk I quoted several traits Achille Laurent, member of the Eastern Company, to page 378 and following: of the Volume 2 ° of the insignia of his works Relation historique des affaires de Syrie depuis 1840 jusqu'en etc. 1842. Paris, Gaume 1846; and that: by he copied it: that one part the Mr. Gougenot in the des Mousseaux her the Juif the Judaism and:Judaisation


39/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] des peuples Chretiens, Paris Plon, 1869. But as well as an that these two works and especially: the first of the Laurent I now exhausted and arduous to be (no doubt for the same gold jew of sake), not quote them that a few lines of the booklet of Neophyte, ever want to leave to you his knowledge fuller. To obtain the what we could, for first for of the aforementioned character of Damietta the copy of which they held one copy in the Arabic version there'll dispatch one its Italian version tea what, strictly speaking, there would have been sufficient: for this purpose but it is, after other research that come in possession of one exemplary Greek edition PRESENTED to Constantinople in the 1834 in the patriarchal printing


40/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] Mr. John, of George above (already mentioned above); and got the document by a learned professor one of new version (identical at, in the concepts, sent to us by Damietta) believed the come time should be of submit the the that it is our purpose to all readers Italian , Christians and Jews .... etc. .. continues .. etc. .. [[@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 .-- brothers! I have the my divine nature and the my perfect and dynamic Perpetual sanctification only thank to Jesus of Bethlehem, the Christ! However, I as Toaff? we are Zionists for the kingdom of Israel! is for this love that I have given up on my identity Nationality Religion! What that you see of me? is only an envelope! I have become truly

41/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN in the JEWISH RITES] the heart of the world is the universal brotherhood! is come for you the moment of delete from your symbol the star of Satan of six points Rothschld that is the IMF-World Order! the work that I'm doing is the labor pains the more more painful work of the my life .. but I: not publish it on the your page to ensure that all the the world knows that I've decided of not moving against you, no charge! no guilty!]] is God? he said to me that not has never let these crimes of to go unpunished! God is in control of the history! you not be afraid! why: not kill me the "Illuminati"? why, Their power is an absolute power and why no dog of Judge or of politics never lend the his attention at the my words!

41/41 (a) [conclusion] [Christian blood in the JEWISH RITES] Israel is one beautiful woman and I are to male rough not is easy for me Do the pampering etc. .. or go to home carrying one flowers: ecc.. but: in Compensation I am invincible in the my loyalty it goes further the death! this they know in the Kingdom of God and know also in my country Grumo Appula is by 5 centuries that in the my genealogy is been called "Larinz fdel" ie Lorenzo the FAITHFUL! Me not betray and no one potrabbe betraying me, because everyone knows that wrath of one King alone Unius Rei not leave in feet no also the forest! I am meek ​​as Moses, but like him not I have a problem the killing guilty for the My law is universal the law of the eye for an eye! The translation of this item will be on "rrmbgpym" while in Italian language is to "shalomnaumann"

@ComunitaEbraicaRoma - the ignorant think, that the King of Israel must govern his people "No! Nothing is further from the truth!" The Jews do not need to be ruled! But few know that only the King of Israel has the authority to say "Talmud and Kabbalah are Satanism whoever following these doctrines? Is out of the Kingdom of God!" .. So few people know that the King of Israel has fundamentally: an theological task that is, freeing the Jewish people from its curse it is the death instinct and instinct of self-destruction!


ESDRA [Chapter 10.15] Only Jonathan, son of Asahel and Iaczeia son of Tikvah: make opposed, supported from Meshullam and the Levite Shabbethai. -ANSWER-> THESE WERE THE TRUE PROPHETS OF ISRAEL! For this tragedy? The drift of the Talmud racist he seized upon the Jewish religion .. since then? was a pain continuous tragedy! The people driven out by Joshua? were their human sacrifices, orgies, witchcraft, occultism, etc. .. it was not this the environment of the wives and children of jews who were driven out in Ezra or Muslims and Christians today! You have the duty to set an example of love of the universal brotherhood, in the equal between all men! Differently? you envy very soon those that are dead! Because an abyss of despair will fall against the whole human race

@ComunitaEbraicaRoma - a family of Jews (who do not they have betrayed God through the Talmud) have adopted a baby pygmy who became as low as rabbi of the whole history of Israel, but just him, is the more saint of all the rabbis the greatest, in the Kingdom of God! If this condition it is impossible for you? You have done of God a devil .. You have destroyed: "Faith Hope Charity!" because every man is my brother! "contrary? You thought blasphemous things against your Creator that he may have also created evil .. if you're not with me? you will be destroyed in the fire of Geenna hell! ... my YHWH - your anger is kindled against all enemies of your kingdom! i want to see the destruction of that antichrist Zapatero and of all its accomplices New World Order IMF seigniorage banking and for all this I will glorify you forever amen amen amen Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

@a tutte le testate giornalistiche in Italia GENTILI SIGNORI IO HO SAPUTO CHE IL Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione sta per pubblicare un lavoro circa il TALMUD ma, io mi chiedevo, se lui pubblicherà, anche questi documenti poiché stante il signoraggio bancario(FONTE DOTT. GIACINTO AURITI FONDATORE UNIVERSITÀ DI TERAMO ECC..) nelle mani di questi ebrei banchieri estremisti come profetizzò Dante Alighieri nella Divina Commedia cioè, gli "ILLUMINATI".. forse la questione non è da sottovalutare visto che ieri io ho ricevuto delle intimidazioni nella precisa tempistica di avere finito questo mio lavorosul canale di "rrmbgpym" in youtube .. PERCHÉ se voi continuerete a nascondere voi stessi dietro le teorie del complotto? sarà la 3°WW nucleare a bussare: alle vostre case nel 2012

Yesterday I received two phone calls that can be considered: "form of intimidation" in particular as i conclusion of this work on "rrmbgpym"

[213-of-213 Talmud perverse of ILLUMINATI of the "Great Sanhedrin"].

Freemasonry and the banking system at the act of turning off my computer in my house has made ​​one silent phone calls please copy This document!

ImJesusChristMessiah ( @ YHWH -> God of our fathers, and Lord of our Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the prophets, saints and martyrs, God of Jesus Christ! How so tremendous you freed the Jews from Pharaoh's hands! thus, the same way, you also frees us from the hands of these Jewish bankers aguzzini Satanists racist of the bank seigniorage. We the Kingdom of God, we give praise to God for your mercies Hallelujah Amen. hallelujah
[Egypt] Persecuted USA Bildenberg Nwo, SpA, is Global Assault on Christians ] [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia! ] gli USA hanno bloccato i risultati dele scatole nere, fino ad oggi ] quindi ci sono delle intese comuni per insabbiare questo crimine e trovare una soluzione politica del Donbass [Un anno fa abbattuto aereo su Ucraina. Putin, prematuro tribunale internazionale per responsabili ] non credo che per chi ha seguito la vicenda, si possa avere dei dubbi sul fatto che sia stato CIA Kiev ad abbattere l'aereo malese sul Donbass [[ Disastro MH17 resta giallo Putin contro tribunale Onu. Europa. E' "prematuro e controproducente" istituire un tribunale internazionale per individuare e giudicare i possibili responsabili dell'abbattimento dell'aereo della Malaysia Airlines [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia!
La democrazia è incompatibile con questa UE – Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia
Pubblicato 12 luglio 2015 - 17.05 - Da Claudio Messora. L’economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall’euro sempre più probabile e quello di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo. LA DEMOCRAZIA E' INCOMPATIBILE CON L'UE - Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia Pubblicato il 12 lug 2015.
L'economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall'euro e di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo.
Gli spin doctor UE hanno fallito! Il ritorno di Marcello Foa su
Pubblicato 14 luglio 2015 - 16.15 - Da Claudio Messora
Gli Spin Doctor, i manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica che agiscono dai più alti vertici istituzionali, hanno confezionato una vera e propria strategia del terrore per dipingere Tsipras come un pazzo e spaventare i greci, insieme a tutti gli altri popoli europei. Eppure, la violenza del loro messaggio questa volta sta ottenendo l’effetto opposto a quello sperato la coscienza dei cittadini inizia a ribellarsi e a non credere più al “frame“, la cornice di interpretazione dei fatti stabilita per influenzare i media e ottenere un consenso drogato. Ecco la nuova lucida, imperdibile analisi di Marcello Foa sul caso della Grecia e sugli ultimi accadimenti riferiti all’Isis. Da ascoltare con attenzione, condividere e far condividere a tutti.
Per chi si fosse perso l’intervista precedente, che spiega il concetto di Frame, eccola qui sotto:
Uscire dall’euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
Spari in basi del Tennessee, uccisi quattro marines
Nord America.
L'attentatore, morto nello scontro a fuoco con la polizia, si chiamava Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni. Era americano, originario del Kuwait. Obama, indagini a tutto campo

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questa NON è una attività giornalistica

questa NON è una attività giornalistica

Gesù il Messiah