Why Satanism is Practiced by Our leaders? Part 2.
Caricato da thepeacemaker786 in data 05/set/2008
Practicing magic. Worship the devil. The new world order.
Atheist Islam Christianity Judaism Hinduism Buddhism religion Satan warship evolution terrorism new world order church of Satan part2
Artista: Clint Mansell
NOTIFICA Questo video contiene una traccia audio il cui utilizzo non è stato autorizzato da tutti i detentori del copyright. L'audio è stato disattivato. Ulteriori informazioni sul copyright
of course the sound would be off.
@marmolejomarc do your research before you make extremist comments.......there is no proof of muslims blowing up anything except on the media which persecutes muslims all the time....but you are blowing up something for sure my friend...your EGO
Questo è un video di risposta a Why Satanism is Practiced by Our Leaders? Part 1.
10:01Why Satanism is Practiced by Our leaders? Part 3.di thepeacemaker78656606 visualizzazioni
WTF!? Who turns just the sound off? really? Is there another copy of this series somewhere?
@elmowantstokillu I'll be honest I didn't study the Quran for 20 years...I only studied it for 3 years while I was incarcerated.... I read it just about everyday for at least 8 hours a day for 2 1/2 years..that's probably the same as a regular person reading it a couple hours a day for several years if you actually add the time up. I had already spent over 10 years studing Christian, Jewish, and Roman religions.... I knew God was real when I was only 7 years old.. ;)
shovelniron 1 giorno fa
@shovelniron did you study the quran and islamic fact's for 20 years?
then you should know every meaning of the quran which sura came from makka or median, why sura al-faitha is the first one, the first sura, what did angel jibral till Muhammad in the cave, what did Muhammad's wife uncle say to him, because he was a priest of the gospel.
what was jesus last dua to god.
why do Muslims see jesus as a prophet and a savoir to the world
who is imam mahdi
Ibrahim and his son built the Kaba, why ?
elmowantstokillu 1 giorno fa
@shovelniron send me some link to the new testaments and the old. i am willing to read, coz i want to increase my knowledge, make sure the 20 years you are getting infromation from the right source, their are some muslims people who teach the wrong information about islam
elmowantstokillu 1 giorno fa
@elmowantstokillu ....well I've spent over 20 years doing research and studies on it.... This is a pretty difficult subject to discuss with people of Islamic faith. 1 reason is because most Muslims aren't willing to accept anything unless it's from the Quran second like I mentioned earlier most Muslims never read the New Testament or study it and they ignore most of the Old Testament so making the case for them is difficult... check my favorites file, there's some good documentaries on it..
shovelniron 2 giorni fa
@shovelniron it's Qu'ran. nope that's not true that if u live in those countyes you get killed if your a non muslim
if you say you read the quran, or bring points to say quran is wrong, then you havnt read the prohpets hadiths, the quran backs up his hadiths and his hadith backs up his quran,+ look at his sunna all your question will be answered if you seek to find the truth. everything is around you to seek knowledge and find it but it's up to you to put the effort!
elmowantstokillu 2 giorni fa
@elmowantstokillu ..cont>>"like an attorney in a court", and the Koran just wouldn't hold up if you honestly approached it without bias. It has way way to many obvious contradictions that just don't hold up... I'm not being mean to anyone who follows Islam I'm just saying what I've found for myself. I'm also in a society where a person can actually find information without oppression so it's made my search easier than say someone who lives in Iran or Saudi Arabia where you'd get killed 4 it..
shovelniron 3 giorni fa
@elmowantstokillu no actually it isn't complete at all... I'm not being mean or disrespectful to Muslims so please don't take anything I've said wrong..Forgive me if my bluntness sometimes gets the best of my speech..But as far as the Koran goes years and years ago I was not unlike many other people in my search to learn the truth about religion and our Creator and the meaning of life. All I can say to explain my veiws is I always approach writtngs and literature like an attorney in a court....
shovelniron 3 giorni fa
belive what you want to belive. if you belive in god ask him to show you the straigh path. first surah of the quran.
ever muslim read's it in their prayer. if you read the quran then you must understand why these message are place. they arnt placed in the quran to harm people. god is our creater, we are his creation. he made us different from animal's, if you read the quran becuase you are taking verse out of it. then you should understand why the quran came to muhamad.
elmowantstokillu 5 giorni fa
50kT 5 giorni fa
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YouTube Mix for Clint Mansell
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@ Muslims - lol. by: when Muhammad: Been is: called the: prophet? lol. not: it is more: an: so called honor! is useless: that: you break my eardrums! not you: you can make of a religion: with an: imperialism: Satanism: for: the conquest of the: world: "if they change: the: Jews? then: you will change also: you." contrary? you will do this 3 rd WW nuclear by: no one of: you can survive!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, from the book of Revelation 2628342 -...: the beast: to: 10 horns: and: to: 7 heads: that: I have kill: to: death: is the present: IMF: ECB FED NWO. because: the: my friend: Ron Paul: he not: win win: to: all storm: fortresses of the occult powers in the USA: that: go into hibernation: only. All the nations of the Middle East: for: not: be: destroy endless: are: forced: to: be themselves: under my care: but after the next 50 years, "an: Lamb: that: talk : as an: Dragon "will resurrect the beast: FED BCE IMF NWO; that: he was invincible and will require the: 666: or microchip: to: all ... Leviticus [Chapter 8] [1] "The Lord said again to Moses": That is, the "liberator" to the political leader: you have to dedicate: the priests: and: you have to impose: the: read: of the Temple! Here is: why: it is my responsibility: to build the Temple: consecrate the priests and the Levites: and: to decide all the: rules and regulations: necessary for religious worship. However, it is Been: Daniel already decided: that: there will be: only two bloody sacrifices: that: of the: morning: and: that of the evening: and: everyone: all the: world will have faith: for: if you join same: in the communion of: love: and: of: prayer: with: me and my priests of the Temple: If repentance of his sins? Yes! He: will: reconciling with: YHWH, Allah! not: be: more: fear: of: those Satanists: that: are: in the U.S. ..: why, precisely to them are: terrified: these dogs have understood: that: YHWH, Allah would respond with the massacre for their rebellion! - I know: that: you are in good faith ..: and: that: of between: you: there are: the saints, prophets: and: people worthy of: all veneration .. but: you are worshiping Baal ZA BUL ON: for: simple this demonstration: not: there can: be: racist, or evil: the creative act: of: YHWH, Allah! In fact, "YHWH, Allah is: for: all" infinite love "! every operation? is made with: endless love: how: everything is: for the glory YHWH Allah: and: we are all brothers! not so: there can be an: State: of the: social body: that: it is less important ... ". here is: why: the: Talmud not: may: that: be: fake! Here's why: in a gradual manner: the: future generations are: more and more: prey of madness: and: of the: satanism ... what: that: you not: you know? is: that: are: the: your generations (IMF FED ECB leading elite Freemasons NWO) that: Go totally mad! because it is this: that: I have made: the: true desire: of the: my heart? not: it is that of: govern: but what of: destroy all satanic! - Mary is only a Jewish girl ..: and: if you: is a prostitute? then, are: prostitutes also: all the: Jewish girls .. Therefore, it must: be: destroy this abomination of the Talmud: that: he has the curse so powerfully: the people of: YHWH, Allah! The law (Torah: and: the Prophets? Are: more: that: sufficient: for: us). Because, YHWH, Allah has destroyed the old order? I have made: that: every jew to become priests: (: for: welcoming all people in our Temple) because the: our work is that of: bless all the: world (also: economically) that: I govern: how : unius REI: for: call in Palestine and in all the: neighboring nations: all: the: Jews of the: world because: an: day: YHWH, Allah will destroy: the USA: with: an: meteor / asteroid to: reason: of the: Satanism: and: Freemasonry: that: are: become ineradicable!
Leviticus 3.17: and: 7.26: prohibits: categorically under penalty of: Death "will: Deleted by his people!": 1. of: the eating: the blood of: animals (ie: this is true also: against us? the GOIM?: that: the: Your Talmud says that: we are: animals in human form created by: YHWH, Allah: only: for: be: exploited by the Jews) 2. in all places: where you live. I are: angry: why: After: (the: of your silence: silence: towards your rabbis Kakam or Illuminati) for: having the stolen: Our bank seigniorage? Indeed it is the: our government: that: instead of: the ban: Talmud of established: invest a large sum: for: disclosure .. I say this: why, someone is saying: "the: Blood cristiano.pdf": that: you do eat (unconsciously) boiled egg: seasoned with: ash: the couple in more days: happy:: of the: their marriage: and: that: the ashes: not much: it would be: that: n: compound: containing: the: blood of: an: Christian child: in solid form .. all things: for: me out of this world, of course: starting with the bank seigniorage. I do not want to come down, in detail, but all you can see: and: to experience, of: as the negativity will stop in your life! (Not: terminate: fighting: and: the: opposition: but be you: to: to win! YHWH: God bless you all!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - somewhere? there is ARK OF THE COVENANT there is: the splendor of majesty, the beauty of the glory: Holy, Holy, Holy ...
she calls me constantly;
she looks for me;
through: I perceive ultrasound, in particular: in the right lobe of my brain ..
this utra-sounds have of the these breaks: and then, the peak intensity in relation to the publication of my articles
In no way are annoying
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - Jews - [rebellion of Korah's cousin Aaron. The earth opened and swallowed: Numbers 16:25-35: Core of the tribe of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, of the tribe of Reuben. Since, they had collected 250: other rebels to challenge the authority of Moses. Moses cried unto the Lord and immediately: indeed, for the condemnation: of the Core, Abiram: their families, tents and animals: all sank underground, to go down alive into hell. Also: A fire from heaven has consumed: the other 250 rebels that men who: were offering the incense. Nevertheless: the people remained: always: stubbornly rebellious. So the Lord said to Moses, he would instantly consumed the whole community. and in fact: despite the atoning act committed by Aaron, were shot dead by an angel: other: 14,700 people
[Moses cried to the Lord's Judgement] @ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - I know the hardness of your heart and all your wickedness! That I know, you will not came to me: spontaneously: if first: before the Lord God has not stretched out His hand: Against you! Because: you are the servants of: 666 Rothschild of the synagogue of Satan, the Illuminat kakam: Murderers: and ye know not the ways of the Lord, that's him: has driven you: away from him! .. If You Knew the ways of God? Would you have not made of yourself (like everyone else) "accomplices of the banking seigniorage: debt public: fractional reserve, talmud ecc.. ! However, without your complicity? this Masonic and banking system: the IMF, would never have set-up: as, His true strength: even today: is in The Jewish religion now Completely altered: for the Talmud and Kabbalah! 's why it was possible to kill: also: Jesus of Bethlehem .. but, for this just an ignorant person to you Could give the guilt: why, as the Lamb of God he is came for the redemption as of All
[Unius Rei: calls: Judgement of YHWH against the Jews: lit] [Exodus 22] Crimes and compensation: [1] If a thief is caught while doing a breakthrough: in a wall is hit and dies, there is no revenge of blood. [3] If it is still alive: and in his possession: what has been stolen, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep, shall pay double. You are the predators of the bank seigniorage: you are the principal accomplices of all this hatred against the Christian peoples: that you have started: against christian: an unstoppable cultural decline: They are the enlightened Kakam: who spread: atheism: evolution: satanism: communism : sexual perversion: Freemasonry: etc. .. I condemn you all for this in the presence of the Lord my God: YHWH!
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
@poopmcgee555 -- Of The "darkness" you can never get used in to the depths of hell!
and if Ron Paul will walk with my Holy Spirit? he will be President!
of The "darkness" non potrai mai abituarti nelle profondità dell'inferno!
e se Ron Paul camminerà con il mio spirito? lui sarà Presidente!
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Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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[[ Gli sporchi interessi, lo sciacallaggio, di. UE, USA, LEGA ARABA, contro, popoli musulmani più tolleranti, di Siria ed Egitto! per la distruzione di Israele, e della civiltà ebraico-cristiana]] Costui ottenne solo il 26 percento dei voti al primo turno, dimostrando che la Fratellanza era la piu' forte organizzazione politica ma ben lontana dall'avere il consenso della maggior parte degli egiziani. I militari, filoamericani, laici ma desiderosi di mantenere i loro privilegi ed il loro potere extra politico accettarono la situazione arrivando ad un accordo, più o meno tacito, con i Fratelli. Purtroppo costoro, oltre a mostrare ben presto una totale incapacità gestionale, resero evidente che le loro vere intenzioni non corrispondevano certamente ai canoni di una democrazia liberale: epurazione, ove riuscirono a farlo, di tutti i sodali o supposti tali di Mubarak,
allChristianMartyrs 19 ore fa
[[ Gli sporchi interessi, lo sciacallaggio, di. UE, USA, LEGA ARABA, contro, popoli musulmani più tolleranti, di Siria ed Egitto! per la distruzione di Israele, e della civiltà ebraico-cristiana]] sharia nelle Costituzione, mano libera a persecuzioni, velate o non, delle altre religioni e, soprattutto, tentativo di mettere in un angolo magistratura ed esercito. Senza contare che la crisi economica, la disoccupazione e la miseria continuavano a peggiorare spingendo, alla fine, milioni di cittadini ad occupare le stesse piazze che erano servite a manifestare la protesta contro Mubarak. Il secondo colpo di stato dei militari trovò quindi la strada spianata, con la differenza che Morsi, a differenza di Mubarak, non ha accettato di dimettersi "spontaneamente". La reazione dei Fratelli Musulmani non si e' fatta attendere, nonostante al loro interno vi fossero diverse opinioni su come comportarsi.
Why Satanism is Practiced by Our leaders? Part 3.
Caricamento in corso...
Caricato da thepeacemaker786 in data 08/set/2008
Practicing magic. Worship the devil. The new world order.
Atheist Islam Christianity Judaism Hinduism Buddhism religion Satan warship evolution terrorism new world order church of Satan part2
218 Mi piace, 27 Non mi piace
Artista: Hans Zimmer
Acquista "Ashes to Ashes" su: iTunes
NOTIFICA Questo video contiene una traccia audio il cui utilizzo non è stato autorizzato da tutti i detentori del copyright. L'audio è stato disattivato. Ulteriori informazioni sul copyright
Commenti principali
Killilluminati1st 1 mese fa 8
@GambitFox79 Are you kidding me? What ''hate''? I'm quoting the Bible. I consider myself far from perfection. Wanted to prove that the Bible is the WORD OF GOD and that JESUS IS LORD AND THE ONLY WAY AS HE SAID HIMSELF IT'S HATRED?
Of course only God can judge. But, is that mean we can't spread His Word and His Truth to make Him known? Jesus want His Word known by everbody... How can you call it hatred?
liduq 2 mesi fa 7
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Questo è un video di risposta a Why Satanism is Practiced by Our leaders? Part 2.
9:18The most beloved speech of all time.di thepeacemaker7869292 visualizzazioni
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If you do some research, the word allah in pre-islamic times was their moon god.
Also, I had an ex-islamic friend who told me this, then I did the research cause I didn't believe him due to the fact that I grew up hearing the word and others telling me that it was the God of the bible the word allah was referring to.
Stasisfield91 14 ore fa
SATANIC YOU TUBE! This is obviously EDUCATIONAL and should be EXEMPT of all copyright laws. Does anyone out there know where I can see this with a soundtrack. Cheers.
alien2e0oid 1 sett. fa nella playlist More videos from thepeacemaker786
@vintagecoronado Oh again, this one I hear very often. Well, it's clear that you're just repeating something you heard from someone else, and you never opened the Bible.
Do yourself a favor... If you really want to argue about the Bible, study It, at least, a little, if not then keep silent.
And, Christianity is not a religion, it's a faith. Yahweh Yahusha' has no religion. It is completely stupid to think that The Almighty need a religion.
liduq 1 sett. fa
@liduq jesus is not lord, and he is not G-d. even the apostles say so in their letters. G-d is one, and sent Yeshua to be the first of first fruits, meaning there will be more like him to reach the enlightenment and understanding of G-d our creator. Christianity is a false religion like all religions, and jesus christ is your anti-messiah.
vintagecoronado 1 sett. fa
Know ye not that we speak freely because we WANT for you to know what is in our minds concerning this matter? If we were afraid of your plastic empire, we would not dare to utter a word against it. To think you are being covert is laughable. We speak because we intend to make it known our intentions. We will profit nothing to raise up arms against you. It is the fire that issues from our mouths that will consume you and propagate hundreds of thousands like us at our death. Where are your legs?
tardwhisperer 3 sett. fa
THEY have removed the sound from this vid.
thedood73 1 mese fa
@andy010575 Its when people DO start waking up & taking notice & seeing this isnt BullSh*t-& we 'break their secrets & plans'!! Think outside the box,for 5mins--Supposing this IS true?Why are ALL these uploads being made? Why's MANY uploading & 'SEEING' suddenly? Think why, before you dismiss it! I did once-I SEE now-I understand Why now-& it all makes sense! It's true! Just think b4 you toss it aside-Yep-it seems mad-But not unfeasable-IF ITs true-we need many to see-&'smash' it b4 it happens:)
SHErocks1929 1 mese fa
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YouTube Mix for Clint Mansell
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@ Muslims - lol. by: when Muhammad: Been is: called the: prophet? lol. not: it is more: an: so called honor! is useless: that: you break my eardrums! not you: you can make of a religion: with an: imperialism: Satanism: for: the conquest of the: world: "if they change: the: Jews? then: you will change also: you." contrary? you will do this 3 rd WW nuclear by: no one of: you can survive!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, from the book of Revelation 2628342 -...: the beast: to: 10 horns: and: to: 7 heads: that: I have kill: to: death: is the present: IMF: ECB FED NWO. because: the: my friend: Ron Paul: he not: win win: to: all storm: fortresses of the occult powers in the USA: that: go into hibernation: only. All the nations of the Middle East: for: not: be: destroy endless: are: forced: to: be themselves: under my care: but after the next 50 years, "an: Lamb: that: talk : as an: Dragon "will resurrect the beast: FED BCE IMF NWO; that: he was invincible and will require the: 666: or microchip: to: all ... Leviticus [Chapter 8] [1] "The Lord said again to Moses": That is, the "liberator" to the political leader: you have to dedicate: the priests: and: you have to impose: the: read: of the Temple! Here is: why: it is my responsibility: to build the Temple: consecrate the priests and the Levites: and: to decide all the: rules and regulations: necessary for religious worship. However, it is Been: Daniel already decided: that: there will be: only two bloody sacrifices: that: of the: morning: and: that of the evening: and: everyone: all the: world will have faith: for: if you join same: in the communion of: love: and: of: prayer: with: me and my priests of the Temple: If repentance of his sins? Yes! He: will: reconciling with: YHWH, Allah! not: be: more: fear: of: those Satanists: that: are: in the U.S. ..: why, precisely to them are: terrified: these dogs have understood: that: YHWH, Allah would respond with the massacre for their rebellion! - I know: that: you are in good faith ..: and: that: of between: you: there are: the saints, prophets: and: people worthy of: all veneration .. but: you are worshiping Baal ZA BUL ON: for: simple this demonstration: not: there can: be: racist, or evil: the creative act: of: YHWH, Allah! In fact, "YHWH, Allah is: for: all" infinite love "! every operation? is made with: endless love: how: everything is: for the glory YHWH Allah: and: we are all brothers! not so: there can be an: State: of the: social body: that: it is less important ... ". here is: why: the: Talmud not: may: that: be: fake! Here's why: in a gradual manner: the: future generations are: more and more: prey of madness: and: of the: satanism ... what: that: you not: you know? is: that: are: the: your generations (IMF FED ECB leading elite Freemasons NWO) that: Go totally mad! because it is this: that: I have made: the: true desire: of the: my heart? not: it is that of: govern: but what of: destroy all satanic! - Mary is only a Jewish girl ..: and: if you: is a prostitute? then, are: prostitutes also: all the: Jewish girls .. Therefore, it must: be: destroy this abomination of the Talmud: that: he has the curse so powerfully: the people of: YHWH, Allah! The law (Torah: and: the Prophets? Are: more: that: sufficient: for: us). Because, YHWH, Allah has destroyed the old order? I have made: that: every jew to become priests: (: for: welcoming all people in our Temple) because the: our work is that of: bless all the: world (also: economically) that: I govern: how : unius REI: for: call in Palestine and in all the: neighboring nations: all: the: Jews of the: world because: an: day: YHWH, Allah will destroy: the USA: with: an: meteor / asteroid to: reason: of the: Satanism: and: Freemasonry: that: are: become ineradicable!
Leviticus 3.17: and: 7.26: prohibits: categorically under penalty of: Death "will: Deleted by his people!": 1. of: the eating: the blood of: animals (ie: this is true also: against us? the GOIM?: that: the: Your Talmud says that: we are: animals in human form created by: YHWH, Allah: only: for: be: exploited by the Jews) 2. in all places: where you live. I are: angry: why: After: (the: of your silence: silence: towards your rabbis Kakam or Illuminati) for: having the stolen: Our bank seigniorage? Indeed it is the: our government: that: instead of: the ban: Talmud of established: invest a large sum: for: disclosure .. I say this: why, someone is saying: "the: Blood cristiano.pdf": that: you do eat (unconsciously) boiled egg: seasoned with: ash: the couple in more days: happy:: of the: their marriage: and: that: the ashes: not much: it would be: that: n: compound: containing: the: blood of: an: Christian child: in solid form .. all things: for: me out of this world, of course: starting with the bank seigniorage. I do not want to come down, in detail, but all you can see: and: to experience, of: as the negativity will stop in your life! (Not: terminate: fighting: and: the: opposition: but be you: to: to win! YHWH: God bless you all!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - somewhere? there is ARK OF THE COVENANT there is: the splendor of majesty, the beauty of the glory: Holy, Holy, Holy ...
she calls me constantly;
she looks for me;
through: I perceive ultrasound, in particular: in the right lobe of my brain ..
this utra-sounds have of the these breaks: and then, the peak intensity in relation to the publication of my articles
In no way are annoying
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - Jews - [rebellion of Korah's cousin Aaron. The earth opened and swallowed: Numbers 16:25-35: Core of the tribe of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, of the tribe of Reuben. Since, they had collected 250: other rebels to challenge the authority of Moses. Moses cried unto the Lord and immediately: indeed, for the condemnation: of the Core, Abiram: their families, tents and animals: all sank underground, to go down alive into hell. Also: A fire from heaven has consumed: the other 250 rebels that men who: were offering the incense. Nevertheless: the people remained: always: stubbornly rebellious. So the Lord said to Moses, he would instantly consumed the whole community. and in fact: despite the atoning act committed by Aaron, were shot dead by an angel: other: 14,700 people
[Moses cried to the Lord's Judgement] @ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - I know the hardness of your heart and all your wickedness! That I know, you will not came to me: spontaneously: if first: before the Lord God has not stretched out His hand: Against you! Because: you are the servants of: 666 Rothschild of the synagogue of Satan, the Illuminat kakam: Murderers: and ye know not the ways of the Lord, that's him: has driven you: away from him! .. If You Knew the ways of God? Would you have not made of yourself (like everyone else) "accomplices of the banking seigniorage: debt public: fractional reserve, talmud ecc.. ! However, without your complicity? this Masonic and banking system: the IMF, would never have set-up: as, His true strength: even today: is in The Jewish religion now Completely altered: for the Talmud and Kabbalah! 's why it was possible to kill: also: Jesus of Bethlehem .. but, for this just an ignorant person to you Could give the guilt: why, as the Lamb of God he is came for the redemption as of All
[Unius Rei: calls: Judgement of YHWH against the Jews: lit] [Exodus 22] Crimes and compensation: [1] If a thief is caught while doing a breakthrough: in a wall is hit and dies, there is no revenge of blood. [3] If it is still alive: and in his possession: what has been stolen, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep, shall pay double. You are the predators of the bank seigniorage: you are the principal accomplices of all this hatred against the Christian peoples: that you have started: against christian: an unstoppable cultural decline: They are the enlightened Kakam: who spread: atheism: evolution: satanism: communism : sexual perversion: Freemasonry: etc. .. I condemn you all for this in the presence of the Lord my God: YHWH!
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
@poopmcgee555 -- Of The "darkness" you can never get used in to the depths of hell!
and if Ron Paul will walk with my Holy Spirit? he will be President!
of The "darkness" non potrai mai abituarti nelle profondità dell'inferno!
e se Ron Paul camminerà con il mio spirito? lui sarà Presidente!
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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3:16Unplug -- The Truth Will Not Be Televiseddi SilverMoonAva68 visualizzazioni
4:54Underground Reptilian City Discovered In Egypt ...di SilverMoonAva1,785 visualizzazioni
2:39Get Ready! The UN Moves to Remove the Dollar as...di SilverMoonAva273 visualizzazioni
8:55Former Legislator Makes Statement on Un Release...di SilverMoonAva30 visualizzazioni
3:48Battle of Los Angeles 1942 Army vs U F O CBS...di SilverMoonAva924 visualizzazioni
13:13Moscow Blames Alaska HAARP Project for Crop Lossdi SilverMoonAva321 visualizzazioni
8:58The Military's Mystery Machine - Haarp Weather ...di SilverMoonAva673 visualizzazioni
14:46H.A.A.R.P., Agenda 21 and Google's role in the ...di SilverMoonAva1,313 visualizzazioni
3:44Local news station confirms barium in chemtrail...di SilverMoonAva170 visualizzazioni
2:46Dreadlocked woman found in a1.5 billion year ol...di SilverMoonAva10,194 visualizzazioni
1:00Alien Grey Extraterrestrial Zeta Reticuli UFO L...di SilverMoonAva1,270 visualizzazioni
1:15USAF Shoot Down UFO and Retrieve Occupants (Rel...di SilverMoonAva371 visualizzazioni
1:04CIA secret weapon of assassination Heart Attack...di SilverMoonAva988 visualizzazioni
5:42Oneism Oneness fundamentals of Oneism and Noe...di SilverMoonAva470 visualizzazioni
5:06Oneism COSMIC TREE OF LIFE Is this God One...di SilverMoonAva88 visualizzazioni
10:00Run Home Jack 11_11, Diamonds for The Goddess, ...di SilverMoonAva26 visualizzazioni
2:23To My YouTube Friends From Little Beardi SilverMoonAva6 visualizzazioni
5:33Connection - May 1st & Bin Ladendi SilverMoonAva33 visualizzazioni
0:42Hieros Gamos - Prince William _ Kate Middleton ...di SilverMoonAva33 visualizzazioni
3:02William _ Kate's Walpurgis_Beltane 2011 Wedding...di SilverMoonAva27 visualizzazioni
6:41The Satanic CIA Connectiondi SilverMoonAva548 visualizzazioni
2:35 My Little Bear, My Pomdi SilverMoonAva
4:27 CIA Project Pandora Radio Remote Brain Manipula...di SilverMoonAva641 visualizzazioni
10:36 Illuminati's Depopulation Plan Exposed by Japan...di SilverMoonAva
Caricato da SilverMoonAva in data 18/apr/2011
: 2012 Patriot
Sleepibg people who say read the bible ughhh wake up the bible was created by thee elite of course it is coming true whats in the bible cuz they live by it n wen it all goes down they can point to religion but thats wen u will find out religion is an illusion put here to divide us jus like race...u will soon learn they worship one god n that is satan wake up people n break ur religious beliefs u all will b the first to go believe in a higher spirit not a uniformed religion wake up!!!
That's exactly what the NWO WANT you to believe. The Bible warns AGAINST the NWO. Religion isn't to divide us, it gives us diversity which is a strength to protect us from the elite who want everyone to be the same so we can be controlled easier.
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@15V77 you believe that bullshit to bad YOUR SO brainwashed religion is bullshit
jesus is god
he never game to establish a religion HE CAME TO show people HE IS GOD
and the world and its people are HIS and HE LOVES THEM
singledad1234 1 giorno fa
the hidden government is run by the ROTHCHILDS
jews zionist that think you are all cattle to be destroyed
and they are ELITE
they are all that matter
singledad1234 1 giorno fa
That last part (news guy) was inhuman. How could you even use those two instances positively in the same damn sentence....Woww! Be grateful that more ppl died as opposed to the Dow dropping a bit...unfreakenbelievable!! Hey asshole you are old enough to know it's inevitable....the market is goin' down !
mssquirrely 1 giorno fa
@habman2009 the less people there are the more resources for the ones that are there. As long as me and my family are there at the end of it all, so be it. theres too many of us.
AlfonsoTheGod 2 giorni fa
@Marine337PS3 , its the big red star in the sky that has trippled in size since last year ? noticed it? have you ever looked? LOOK
15V77 2 giorni fa
@15V77 lol dude go outside you've read to many conspiracy theory's. There is no such thing as planet nibru if there is i need solid evidence no bs gay video
Marine337PS3 3 giorni fa
REPTILIANS ARE THE ELITE!! alains! they created religion so we all go agaist eachother in the future. reptilians are the devil, satan ect. they have controled us since humans where created, yes, created mixing reptilian dna with ape dna. they made us for a worker race to mine gold ages ago. now we have got out of hand and they want the population lower or even to kill us all as they want the earth to themselfs, coz more reptilians are on there way on planet nibru. this is 100% true, trust me
15V77 3 giorni fa
That guy discussing the toll on human life being beneficial to the U.S can't wait to unzip Satans pants and suck his ass until the shit comes out and he eats it and licks his balls too.! The Jesus will chain him to Satan and he can get boned up the ass with a snake !
habman2009 4 giorni fa
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8:04Bill Cooper predicted 911 (it cost him his life)di skoolya
Muslims - lol. by: when Muhammad: Been is: called the: prophet? lol.
not: it is more: an: so called honor! is useless: that: you break my
eardrums! not you: you can make of a religion: with an: imperialism:
Satanism: for: the conquest of the: world: "if they change: the: Jews?
then: you will change also: you." contrary? you will do this 3 rd WW
nuclear by: no one of: you can survive!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, from the book of Revelation 2628342 -...: the beast: to: 10 horns: and: to: 7 heads: that: I have kill: to: death: is the present: IMF: ECB FED NWO. because: the: my friend: Ron Paul: he not: win win: to: all storm: fortresses of the occult powers in the USA: that: go into hibernation: only. All the nations of the Middle East: for: not: be: destroy endless: are: forced: to: be themselves: under my care: but after the next 50 years, "an: Lamb: that: talk : as an: Dragon "will resurrect the beast: FED BCE IMF NWO; that: he was invincible and will require the: 666: or microchip: to: all ... Leviticus [Chapter 8] [1] "The Lord said again to Moses": That is, the "liberator" to the political leader: you have to dedicate: the priests: and: you have to impose: the: read: of the Temple! Here is: why: it is my responsibility: to build the Temple: consecrate the priests and the Levites: and: to decide all the: rules and regulations: necessary for religious worship. However, it is Been: Daniel already decided: that: there will be: only two bloody sacrifices: that: of the: morning: and: that of the evening: and: everyone: all the: world will have faith: for: if you join same: in the communion of: love: and: of: prayer: with: me and my priests of the Temple: If repentance of his sins? Yes! He: will: reconciling with: YHWH, Allah! not: be: more: fear: of: those Satanists: that: are: in the U.S. ..: why, precisely to them are: terrified: these dogs have understood: that: YHWH, Allah would respond with the massacre for their rebellion! - I know: that: you are in good faith ..: and: that: of between: you: there are: the saints, prophets: and: people worthy of: all veneration .. but: you are worshiping Baal ZA BUL ON: for: simple this demonstration: not: there can: be: racist, or evil: the creative act: of: YHWH, Allah! In fact, "YHWH, Allah is: for: all" infinite love "! every operation? is made with: endless love: how: everything is: for the glory YHWH Allah: and: we are all brothers! not so: there can be an: State: of the: social body: that: it is less important ... ". here is: why: the: Talmud not: may: that: be: fake! Here's why: in a gradual manner: the: future generations are: more and more: prey of madness: and: of the: satanism ... what: that: you not: you know? is: that: are: the: your generations (IMF FED ECB leading elite Freemasons NWO) that: Go totally mad! because it is this: that: I have made: the: true desire: of the: my heart? not: it is that of: govern: but what of: destroy all satanic! - Mary is only a Jewish girl ..: and: if you: is a prostitute? then, are: prostitutes also: all the: Jewish girls .. Therefore, it must: be: destroy this abomination of the Talmud: that: he has the curse so powerfully: the people of: YHWH, Allah! The law (Torah: and: the Prophets? Are: more: that: sufficient: for: us). Because, YHWH, Allah has destroyed the old order? I have made: that: every jew to become priests: (: for: welcoming all people in our Temple) because the: our work is that of: bless all the: world (also: economically) that: I govern: how : unius REI: for: call in Palestine and in all the: neighboring nations: all: the: Jews of the: world because: an: day: YHWH, Allah will destroy: the USA: with: an: meteor / asteroid to: reason: of the: Satanism: and: Freemasonry: that: are: become ineradicable!
Leviticus 3.17: and: 7.26: prohibits: categorically under penalty of: Death "will: Deleted by his people!": 1. of: the eating: the blood of: animals (ie: this is true also: against us? the GOIM?: that: the: Your Talmud says that: we are: animals in human form created by: YHWH, Allah: only: for: be: exploited by the Jews) 2. in all places: where you live. I are: angry: why: After: (the: of your silence: silence: towards your rabbis Kakam or Illuminati) for: having the stolen: Our bank seigniorage? Indeed it is the: our government: that: instead of: the ban: Talmud of established: invest a large sum: for: disclosure .. I say this: why, someone is saying: "the: Blood cristiano.pdf": that: you do eat (unconsciously) boiled egg: seasoned with: ash: the couple in more days: happy:: of the: their marriage: and: that: the ashes: not much: it would be: that: n: compound: containing: the: blood of: an: Christian child: in solid form .. all things: for: me out of this world, of course: starting with the bank seigniorage. I do not want to come down, in detail, but all you can see: and: to experience, of: as the negativity will stop in your life! (Not: terminate: fighting: and: the: opposition: but be you: to: to win! YHWH: God bless you all!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - somewhere? there is ARK OF THE COVENANT there is: the splendor of majesty, the beauty of the glory: Holy, Holy, Holy ...
she calls me constantly;
she looks for me;
through: I perceive ultrasound, in particular: in the right lobe of my brain ..
this utra-sounds have of the these breaks: and then, the peak intensity in relation to the publication of my articles
In no way are annoying
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - Jews - [rebellion of Korah's cousin Aaron. The earth opened and swallowed: Numbers 16:25-35: Core of the tribe of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, of the tribe of Reuben. Since, they had collected 250: other rebels to challenge the authority of Moses. Moses cried unto the Lord and immediately: indeed, for the condemnation: of the Core, Abiram: their families, tents and animals: all sank underground, to go down alive into hell. Also: A fire from heaven has consumed: the other 250 rebels that men who: were offering the incense. Nevertheless: the people remained: always: stubbornly rebellious. So the Lord said to Moses, he would instantly consumed the whole community. and in fact: despite the atoning act committed by Aaron, were shot dead by an angel: other: 14,700 people
[Moses cried to the Lord's Judgement]
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - I know the hardness of your heart and all your wickedness! That I know, you will not came to me: spontaneously: if first: before the Lord God has not stretched out His hand: Against you! Because: you are the servants of: 666 Rothschild of the synagogue of Satan, the Illuminat kakam: Murderers: and ye know not the ways of the Lord, that's him: has driven you: away from him! .. If You Knew the ways of God? Would you have not made of yourself (like everyone else) "accomplices of the banking seigniorage: debt public: fractional reserve, talmud ecc.. ! However, without your complicity? this Masonic and banking system: the IMF, would never have set-up: as, His true strength: even today: is in The Jewish religion now Completely altered: for the Talmud and Kabbalah! 's why it was possible to kill: also: Jesus of Bethlehem .. but, for this just an ignorant person to you Could give the guilt: why, as the Lamb of God he is came for the redemption as of All
[Unius Rei: calls: Judgement of YHWH against the Jews: lit] [Exodus 22] Crimes and compensation: [1] If a thief is caught while doing a breakthrough: in a wall is hit and dies, there is no revenge of blood. [3] If it is still alive: and in his possession: what has been stolen, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep, shall pay double. You are the predators of the bank seigniorage: you are the principal accomplices of all this hatred against the Christian peoples: that you have started: against christian: an unstoppable cultural decline: They are the enlightened Kakam: who spread: atheism: evolution: satanism: communism : sexual perversion: Freemasonry: etc. .. I condemn you all for this in the presence of the Lord my God: YHWH!
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
@poopmcgee555 -- Of The "darkness" you can never get used in to the depths of hell!
and if Ron Paul will walk with my Holy Spirit? he will be President!
of The "darkness" non potrai mai abituarti nelle profondità dell'inferno!
e se Ron Paul camminerà con il mio spirito? lui sarà Presidente!
The Satanic CIA Connection
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3:16Unplug -- The Truth Will Not Be Televiseddi SilverMoonAva68 visualizzazioni
4:54Underground Reptilian City Discovered In Egypt ...di SilverMoonAva1,785 visualizzazioni
2:39Get Ready! The UN Moves to Remove the Dollar as...di SilverMoonAva273 visualizzazioni
8:55Former Legislator Makes Statement on Un Release...di SilverMoonAva30 visualizzazioni
3:48Battle of Los Angeles 1942 Army vs U F O CBS...di SilverMoonAva924 visualizzazioni
13:13Moscow Blames Alaska HAARP Project for Crop Lossdi SilverMoonAva321 visualizzazioni
8:58The Military's Mystery Machine - Haarp Weather ...di SilverMoonAva673 visualizzazioni
14:46H.A.A.R.P., Agenda 21 and Google's role in the ...di SilverMoonAva1,313 visualizzazioni
3:44Local news station confirms barium in chemtrail...di SilverMoonAva170 visualizzazioni
2:46Dreadlocked woman found in a1.5 billion year ol...di SilverMoonAva10,194 visualizzazioni
1:00Alien Grey Extraterrestrial Zeta Reticuli UFO L...di SilverMoonAva1,270 visualizzazioni
1:15USAF Shoot Down UFO and Retrieve Occupants (Rel...di SilverMoonAva371 visualizzazioni
1:04CIA secret weapon of assassination Heart Attack...di SilverMoonAva988 visualizzazioni
5:42Oneism Oneness fundamentals of Oneism and Noe...di SilverMoonAva470 visualizzazioni
5:06Oneism COSMIC TREE OF LIFE Is this God One...di SilverMoonAva88 visualizzazioni
10:00Run Home Jack 11_11, Diamonds for The Goddess, ...di SilverMoonAva26 visualizzazioni
2:23To My YouTube Friends From Little Beardi SilverMoonAva6 visualizzazioni
5:33Connection - May 1st & Bin Ladendi SilverMoonAva33 visualizzazioni
0:42Hieros Gamos - Prince William _ Kate Middleton ...di SilverMoonAva33 visualizzazioni
3:02William _ Kate's Walpurgis_Beltane 2011 Wedding...di SilverMoonAva27 visualizzazioni
6:41The Satanic CIA Connectiondi SilverMoonAva548 visualizzazioni
548 visualizzazioni
Caricato da SilverMoonAva in data 10/mag/2011
The kidnapping of children for purposes of prostitution, pornography, high tech weaponry experimental abuse, mind control abuse, child slave labor for underground alien-controlled facilities, white sex slavery, and the satanic ritual murder of untold thousands of American children snatched from the streets and playgrounds of America by agents working for the CIA is the principle reason for the existence of a covert CIA operation called "The Finders".
Gunderson outlined the mission of "The Finders" in a description included in his 1993 report, titled "Child Kidnapping in America; The CIA Connection"
Here is an EXCELLENAT blog on the topic:
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the bushes are heavy occultists
MorpheusWasRight 6 mesi fa
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2:02 Ligabue - Il Film 3D di ligabue Video sponsorizzato 110,965 visualizzazioni
4:012011 A Virus kills 99% of the world's populationdi IamJohnTitor29398 visualizzazioni
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@ Muslims - lol. by: when Muhammad: Been is: called the: prophet? lol. not: it is more: an: so called honor! is useless: that: you break my eardrums! not you: you can make of a religion: with an: imperialism: Satanism: for: the conquest of the: world: "if they change: the: Jews? then: you will change also: you." contrary? you will do this 3 rd WW nuclear by: no one of: you can survive!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, from the book of Revelation 2628342 -...: the beast: to: 10 horns: and: to: 7 heads: that: I have kill: to: death: is the present: IMF: ECB FED NWO. because: the: my friend: Ron Paul: he not: win win: to: all storm: fortresses of the occult powers in the USA: that: go into hibernation: only. All the nations of the Middle East: for: not: be: destroy endless: are: forced: to: be themselves: under my care: but after the next 50 years, "an: Lamb: that: talk : as an: Dragon "will resurrect the beast: FED BCE IMF NWO; that: he was invincible and will require the: 666: or microchip: to: all ... Leviticus [Chapter 8] [1] "The Lord said again to Moses": That is, the "liberator" to the political leader: you have to dedicate: the priests: and: you have to impose: the: read: of the Temple! Here is: why: it is my responsibility: to build the Temple: consecrate the priests and the Levites: and: to decide all the: rules and regulations: necessary for religious worship. However, it is Been: Daniel already decided: that: there will be: only two bloody sacrifices: that: of the: morning: and: that of the evening: and: everyone: all the: world will have faith: for: if you join same: in the communion of: love: and: of: prayer: with: me and my priests of the Temple: If repentance of his sins? Yes! He: will: reconciling with: YHWH, Allah! not: be: more: fear: of: those Satanists: that: are: in the U.S. ..: why, precisely to them are: terrified: these dogs have understood: that: YHWH, Allah would respond with the massacre for their rebellion! - I know: that: you are in good faith ..: and: that: of between: you: there are: the saints, prophets: and: people worthy of: all veneration .. but: you are worshiping Baal ZA BUL ON: for: simple this demonstration: not: there can: be: racist, or evil: the creative act: of: YHWH, Allah! In fact, "YHWH, Allah is: for: all" infinite love "! every operation? is made with: endless love: how: everything is: for the glory YHWH Allah: and: we are all brothers! not so: there can be an: State: of the: social body: that: it is less important ... ". here is: why: the: Talmud not: may: that: be: fake! Here's why: in a gradual manner: the: future generations are: more and more: prey of madness: and: of the: satanism ... what: that: you not: you know? is: that: are: the: your generations (IMF FED ECB leading elite Freemasons NWO) that: Go totally mad! because it is this: that: I have made: the: true desire: of the: my heart? not: it is that of: govern: but what of: destroy all satanic! - Mary is only a Jewish girl ..: and: if you: is a prostitute? then, are: prostitutes also: all the: Jewish girls .. Therefore, it must: be: destroy this abomination of the Talmud: that: he has the curse so powerfully: the people of: YHWH, Allah! The law (Torah: and: the Prophets? Are: more: that: sufficient: for: us). Because, YHWH, Allah has destroyed the old order? I have made: that: every jew to become priests: (: for: welcoming all people in our Temple) because the: our work is that of: bless all the: world (also: economically) that: I govern: how : unius REI: for: call in Palestine and in all the: neighboring nations: all: the: Jews of the: world because: an: day: YHWH, Allah will destroy: the USA: with: an: meteor / asteroid to: reason: of the: Satanism: and: Freemasonry: that: are: become ineradicable!
Leviticus 3.17: and: 7.26: prohibits: categorically under penalty of: Death "will: Deleted by his people!": 1. of: the eating: the blood of: animals (ie: this is true also: against us? the GOIM?: that: the: Your Talmud says that: we are: animals in human form created by: YHWH, Allah: only: for: be: exploited by the Jews) 2. in all places: where you live. I are: angry: why: After: (the: of your silence: silence: towards your rabbis Kakam or Illuminati) for: having the stolen: Our bank seigniorage? Indeed it is the: our government: that: instead of: the ban: Talmud of established: invest a large sum: for: disclosure .. I say this: why, someone is saying: "the: Blood cristiano.pdf": that: you do eat (unconsciously) boiled egg: seasoned with: ash: the couple in more days: happy:: of the: their marriage: and: that: the ashes: not much: it would be: that: n: compound: containing: the: blood of: an: Christian child: in solid form .. all things: for: me out of this world, of course: starting with the bank seigniorage. I do not want to come down, in detail, but all you can see: and: to experience, of: as the negativity will stop in your life! (Not: terminate: fighting: and: the: opposition: but be you: to: to win! YHWH: God bless you all!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - somewhere? there is ARK OF THE COVENANT there is: the splendor of majesty, the beauty of the glory: Holy, Holy, Holy ...
she calls me constantly;
she looks for me;
through: I perceive ultrasound, in particular: in the right lobe of my brain ..
this utra-sounds have of the these breaks: and then, the peak intensity in relation to the publication of my articles
In no way are annoying
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - Jews - [rebellion of Korah's cousin Aaron. The earth opened and swallowed: Numbers 16:25-35: Core of the tribe of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, of the tribe of Reuben. Since, they had collected 250: other rebels to challenge the authority of Moses. Moses cried unto the Lord and immediately: indeed, for the condemnation: of the Core, Abiram: their families, tents and animals: all sank underground, to go down alive into hell. Also: A fire from heaven has consumed: the other 250 rebels that men who: were offering the incense. Nevertheless: the people remained: always: stubbornly rebellious. So the Lord said to Moses, he would instantly consumed the whole community. and in fact: despite the atoning act committed by Aaron, were shot dead by an angel: other: 14,700 people
[Moses cried to the Lord's Judgement] @ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - I know the hardness of your heart and all your wickedness! That I know, you will not came to me: spontaneously: if first: before the Lord God has not stretched out His hand: Against you! Because: you are the servants of: 666 Rothschild of the synagogue of Satan, the Illuminat kakam: Murderers: and ye know not the ways of the Lord, that's him: has driven you: away from him! .. If You Knew the ways of God? Would you have not made of yourself (like everyone else) "accomplices of the banking seigniorage: debt public: fractional reserve, talmud ecc.. ! However, without your complicity? this Masonic and banking system: the IMF, would never have set-up: as, His true strength: even today: is in The Jewish religion now Completely altered: for the Talmud and Kabbalah! 's why it was possible to kill: also: Jesus of Bethlehem .. but, for this just an ignorant person to you Could give the guilt: why, as the Lamb of God he is came for the redemption as of All
[Unius Rei: calls: Judgement of YHWH against the Jews: lit] [Exodus 22] Crimes and compensation: [1] If a thief is caught while doing a breakthrough: in a wall is hit and dies, there is no revenge of blood. [3] If it is still alive: and in his possession: what has been stolen, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep, shall pay double. You are the predators of the bank seigniorage: you are the principal accomplices of all this hatred against the Christian peoples: that you have started: against christian: an unstoppable cultural decline: They are the enlightened Kakam: who spread: atheism: evolution: satanism: communism : sexual perversion: Freemasonry: etc. .. I condemn you all for this in the presence of the Lord my God: YHWH!
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
@poopmcgee555 -- Of The "darkness" you can never get used in to the depths of hell!
and if Ron Paul will walk with my Holy Spirit? he will be President!
of The "darkness" non potrai mai abituarti nelle profondità dell'inferno!
e se Ron Paul camminerà con il mio spirito? lui sarà Presidente!
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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Dark Side shit Prophet Muhammad freedom religion cabal talmud maometto sharia
Aggiunto: 2 giorni fa
Da: WakeUpUSAxRonPaul
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50 years . 70% earth are muslims . Allah is very powerful . U must understand how powerful he is .
best700g 12 minuti fa
@best700g if:all world would become: all Muslims? with their freedom, spontaneously and without violence? that is, without Sharia law?
I'd also happy!
se: in tutto il mondo diventassero: tutti musulmani? con la loro libertà: spontaneamente: e senza violenza? cioè senza sharia?
io sarei anche contento!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 secondo fa
POI TU VEDRAI DEI TREMENDI MASSACRI: di musulmani criminali come te
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 secondo fa
Ten years only to reach 3 billions 20 years to reach 4 billions . may allah fight enemies of islam .
best700g 28 minuti fa
@best700g why can not we be friends?
why can not we have freedom of religion?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 15 minuti fa
Post msg or not . Islam will rule islam will increase . Islam is light islam is truth islam is freedom . Like it or not . Facts are facts . Muslims are 2 billions and will increase
best700g 45 minuti fa
Make video or not . Islam will cover earth soon . Islam is light islam is truth islam is peace
best700g 5 ore fa
@best700g where there is violence
where there is constriction
where there not is freedom of religion?
there can be no peace!
but, perhaps, that you can not read the story: you are criminal for the hell!
dove c'è violenza
dove c'è costrizione
dove non c'è libertà di religione?
non ci può essere pace!
ma, forse: tu non sai leggere la storia!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 53 minuti fa
@best700g -- the blood of Christian martyrs?
will smother you!
drink your poison made by yourself.. amen alleluia
il sangue dei martiri cristiani ? soffocherà te! hallelujah!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 45 minuti fa
Persecuted USA Bildenberg Nwo, SpA, is Global Assault on Christians ] [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia! ] gli USA hanno bloccato i risultati dele scatole nere, fino ad oggi ] quindi ci sono delle intese comuni per insabbiare questo crimine e trovare una soluzione politica del Donbass [Un anno fa abbattuto aereo su Ucraina. Putin, prematuro tribunale internazionale per responsabili ] non credo che per chi ha seguito la vicenda, si possa avere dei dubbi sul fatto che sia stato CIA Kiev ad abbattere l'aereo malese sul Donbass [[ Disastro MH17 resta giallo Putin contro tribunale Onu. Europa. E' "prematuro e controproducente" istituire un tribunale internazionale per individuare e giudicare i possibili responsabili dell'abbattimento dell'aereo della Malaysia Airlines [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia!
La democrazia è incompatibile con questa UE – Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia http://www.byoblu.com/
Pubblicato 12 luglio 2015 - 17.05 - Da Claudio Messora. L’economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall’euro sempre più probabile e quello di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo. LA DEMOCRAZIA E' INCOMPATIBILE CON L'UE - Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=126&v=PNRHgZppEj0 Pubblicato il 12 lug 2015.
L'economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall'euro e di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo.
Gli spin doctor UE hanno fallito! Il ritorno di Marcello Foa su Byoblu.com
Pubblicato 14 luglio 2015 - 16.15 - Da Claudio Messora
Gli Spin Doctor, i manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica che agiscono dai più alti vertici istituzionali, hanno confezionato una vera e propria strategia del terrore per dipingere Tsipras come un pazzo e spaventare i greci, insieme a tutti gli altri popoli europei. Eppure, la violenza del loro messaggio questa volta sta ottenendo l’effetto opposto a quello sperato: la coscienza dei cittadini inizia a ribellarsi e a non credere più al “frame“, la cornice di interpretazione dei fatti stabilita per influenzare i media e ottenere un consenso drogato. Ecco la nuova lucida, imperdibile analisi di Marcello Foa sul caso della Grecia e sugli ultimi accadimenti riferiti all’Isis. Da ascoltare con attenzione, condividere e far condividere a tutti.
Per chi si fosse perso l’intervista precedente, che spiega il concetto di Frame, eccola qui sotto:
Uscire dall’euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
Spari in basi del Tennessee, uccisi quattro marines
Nord America.
L'attentatore, morto nello scontro a fuoco con la polizia, si chiamava Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni. Era americano, originario del Kuwait. Obama, indagini a tutto campo
Caricato da thepeacemaker786 in data 05/set/2008
Practicing magic. Worship the devil. The new world order.
Atheist Islam Christianity Judaism Hinduism Buddhism religion Satan warship evolution terrorism new world order church of Satan part2
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of course the sound would be off.
@marmolejomarc do your research before you make extremist comments.......there is no proof of muslims blowing up anything except on the media which persecutes muslims all the time....but you are blowing up something for sure my friend...your EGO
Questo è un video di risposta a Why Satanism is Practiced by Our Leaders? Part 1.
WTF!? Who turns just the sound off? really? Is there another copy of this series somewhere?
@elmowantstokillu I'll be honest I didn't study the Quran for 20 years...I only studied it for 3 years while I was incarcerated.... I read it just about everyday for at least 8 hours a day for 2 1/2 years..that's probably the same as a regular person reading it a couple hours a day for several years if you actually add the time up. I had already spent over 10 years studing Christian, Jewish, and Roman religions.... I knew God was real when I was only 7 years old.. ;)
shovelniron 1 giorno fa
@shovelniron did you study the quran and islamic fact's for 20 years?
then you should know every meaning of the quran which sura came from makka or median, why sura al-faitha is the first one, the first sura, what did angel jibral till Muhammad in the cave, what did Muhammad's wife uncle say to him, because he was a priest of the gospel.
what was jesus last dua to god.
why do Muslims see jesus as a prophet and a savoir to the world
who is imam mahdi
Ibrahim and his son built the Kaba, why ?
elmowantstokillu 1 giorno fa
@shovelniron send me some link to the new testaments and the old. i am willing to read, coz i want to increase my knowledge, make sure the 20 years you are getting infromation from the right source, their are some muslims people who teach the wrong information about islam
elmowantstokillu 1 giorno fa
@elmowantstokillu ....well I've spent over 20 years doing research and studies on it.... This is a pretty difficult subject to discuss with people of Islamic faith. 1 reason is because most Muslims aren't willing to accept anything unless it's from the Quran second like I mentioned earlier most Muslims never read the New Testament or study it and they ignore most of the Old Testament so making the case for them is difficult... check my favorites file, there's some good documentaries on it..
shovelniron 2 giorni fa
@shovelniron it's Qu'ran. nope that's not true that if u live in those countyes you get killed if your a non muslim
if you say you read the quran, or bring points to say quran is wrong, then you havnt read the prohpets hadiths, the quran backs up his hadiths and his hadith backs up his quran,+ look at his sunna all your question will be answered if you seek to find the truth. everything is around you to seek knowledge and find it but it's up to you to put the effort!
elmowantstokillu 2 giorni fa
@elmowantstokillu ..cont>>"like an attorney in a court", and the Koran just wouldn't hold up if you honestly approached it without bias. It has way way to many obvious contradictions that just don't hold up... I'm not being mean to anyone who follows Islam I'm just saying what I've found for myself. I'm also in a society where a person can actually find information without oppression so it's made my search easier than say someone who lives in Iran or Saudi Arabia where you'd get killed 4 it..
shovelniron 3 giorni fa
@elmowantstokillu no actually it isn't complete at all... I'm not being mean or disrespectful to Muslims so please don't take anything I've said wrong..Forgive me if my bluntness sometimes gets the best of my speech..But as far as the Koran goes years and years ago I was not unlike many other people in my search to learn the truth about religion and our Creator and the meaning of life. All I can say to explain my veiws is I always approach writtngs and literature like an attorney in a court....
shovelniron 3 giorni fa
belive what you want to belive. if you belive in god ask him to show you the straigh path. first surah of the quran.
ever muslim read's it in their prayer. if you read the quran then you must understand why these message are place. they arnt placed in the quran to harm people. god is our creater, we are his creation. he made us different from animal's, if you read the quran becuase you are taking verse out of it. then you should understand why the quran came to muhamad.
elmowantstokillu 5 giorni fa
50kT 5 giorni fa
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@ Muslims - lol. by: when Muhammad: Been is: called the: prophet? lol. not: it is more: an: so called honor! is useless: that: you break my eardrums! not you: you can make of a religion: with an: imperialism: Satanism: for: the conquest of the: world: "if they change: the: Jews? then: you will change also: you." contrary? you will do this 3 rd WW nuclear by: no one of: you can survive!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, from the book of Revelation 2628342 -...: the beast: to: 10 horns: and: to: 7 heads: that: I have kill: to: death: is the present: IMF: ECB FED NWO. because: the: my friend: Ron Paul: he not: win win: to: all storm: fortresses of the occult powers in the USA: that: go into hibernation: only. All the nations of the Middle East: for: not: be: destroy endless: are: forced: to: be themselves: under my care: but after the next 50 years, "an: Lamb: that: talk : as an: Dragon "will resurrect the beast: FED BCE IMF NWO; that: he was invincible and will require the: 666: or microchip: to: all ... Leviticus [Chapter 8] [1] "The Lord said again to Moses": That is, the "liberator" to the political leader: you have to dedicate: the priests: and: you have to impose: the: read: of the Temple! Here is: why: it is my responsibility: to build the Temple: consecrate the priests and the Levites: and: to decide all the: rules and regulations: necessary for religious worship. However, it is Been: Daniel already decided: that: there will be: only two bloody sacrifices: that: of the: morning: and: that of the evening: and: everyone: all the: world will have faith: for: if you join same: in the communion of: love: and: of: prayer: with: me and my priests of the Temple: If repentance of his sins? Yes! He: will: reconciling with: YHWH, Allah! not: be: more: fear: of: those Satanists: that: are: in the U.S. ..: why, precisely to them are: terrified: these dogs have understood: that: YHWH, Allah would respond with the massacre for their rebellion! - I know: that: you are in good faith ..: and: that: of between: you: there are: the saints, prophets: and: people worthy of: all veneration .. but: you are worshiping Baal ZA BUL ON: for: simple this demonstration: not: there can: be: racist, or evil: the creative act: of: YHWH, Allah! In fact, "YHWH, Allah is: for: all" infinite love "! every operation? is made with: endless love: how: everything is: for the glory YHWH Allah: and: we are all brothers! not so: there can be an: State: of the: social body: that: it is less important ... ". here is: why: the: Talmud not: may: that: be: fake! Here's why: in a gradual manner: the: future generations are: more and more: prey of madness: and: of the: satanism ... what: that: you not: you know? is: that: are: the: your generations (IMF FED ECB leading elite Freemasons NWO) that: Go totally mad! because it is this: that: I have made: the: true desire: of the: my heart? not: it is that of: govern: but what of: destroy all satanic! - Mary is only a Jewish girl ..: and: if you: is a prostitute? then, are: prostitutes also: all the: Jewish girls .. Therefore, it must: be: destroy this abomination of the Talmud: that: he has the curse so powerfully: the people of: YHWH, Allah! The law (Torah: and: the Prophets? Are: more: that: sufficient: for: us). Because, YHWH, Allah has destroyed the old order? I have made: that: every jew to become priests: (: for: welcoming all people in our Temple) because the: our work is that of: bless all the: world (also: economically) that: I govern: how : unius REI: for: call in Palestine and in all the: neighboring nations: all: the: Jews of the: world because: an: day: YHWH, Allah will destroy: the USA: with: an: meteor / asteroid to: reason: of the: Satanism: and: Freemasonry: that: are: become ineradicable!
Leviticus 3.17: and: 7.26: prohibits: categorically under penalty of: Death "will: Deleted by his people!": 1. of: the eating: the blood of: animals (ie: this is true also: against us? the GOIM?: that: the: Your Talmud says that: we are: animals in human form created by: YHWH, Allah: only: for: be: exploited by the Jews) 2. in all places: where you live. I are: angry: why: After: (the: of your silence: silence: towards your rabbis Kakam or Illuminati) for: having the stolen: Our bank seigniorage? Indeed it is the: our government: that: instead of: the ban: Talmud of established: invest a large sum: for: disclosure .. I say this: why, someone is saying: "the: Blood cristiano.pdf": that: you do eat (unconsciously) boiled egg: seasoned with: ash: the couple in more days: happy:: of the: their marriage: and: that: the ashes: not much: it would be: that: n: compound: containing: the: blood of: an: Christian child: in solid form .. all things: for: me out of this world, of course: starting with the bank seigniorage. I do not want to come down, in detail, but all you can see: and: to experience, of: as the negativity will stop in your life! (Not: terminate: fighting: and: the: opposition: but be you: to: to win! YHWH: God bless you all!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - somewhere? there is ARK OF THE COVENANT there is: the splendor of majesty, the beauty of the glory: Holy, Holy, Holy ...
she calls me constantly;
she looks for me;
through: I perceive ultrasound, in particular: in the right lobe of my brain ..
this utra-sounds have of the these breaks: and then, the peak intensity in relation to the publication of my articles
In no way are annoying
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - Jews - [rebellion of Korah's cousin Aaron. The earth opened and swallowed: Numbers 16:25-35: Core of the tribe of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, of the tribe of Reuben. Since, they had collected 250: other rebels to challenge the authority of Moses. Moses cried unto the Lord and immediately: indeed, for the condemnation: of the Core, Abiram: their families, tents and animals: all sank underground, to go down alive into hell. Also: A fire from heaven has consumed: the other 250 rebels that men who: were offering the incense. Nevertheless: the people remained: always: stubbornly rebellious. So the Lord said to Moses, he would instantly consumed the whole community. and in fact: despite the atoning act committed by Aaron, were shot dead by an angel: other: 14,700 people
[Moses cried to the Lord's Judgement] @ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - I know the hardness of your heart and all your wickedness! That I know, you will not came to me: spontaneously: if first: before the Lord God has not stretched out His hand: Against you! Because: you are the servants of: 666 Rothschild of the synagogue of Satan, the Illuminat kakam: Murderers: and ye know not the ways of the Lord, that's him: has driven you: away from him! .. If You Knew the ways of God? Would you have not made of yourself (like everyone else) "accomplices of the banking seigniorage: debt public: fractional reserve, talmud ecc.. ! However, without your complicity? this Masonic and banking system: the IMF, would never have set-up: as, His true strength: even today: is in The Jewish religion now Completely altered: for the Talmud and Kabbalah! 's why it was possible to kill: also: Jesus of Bethlehem .. but, for this just an ignorant person to you Could give the guilt: why, as the Lamb of God he is came for the redemption as of All
[Unius Rei: calls: Judgement of YHWH against the Jews: lit] [Exodus 22] Crimes and compensation: [1] If a thief is caught while doing a breakthrough: in a wall is hit and dies, there is no revenge of blood. [3] If it is still alive: and in his possession: what has been stolen, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep, shall pay double. You are the predators of the bank seigniorage: you are the principal accomplices of all this hatred against the Christian peoples: that you have started: against christian: an unstoppable cultural decline: They are the enlightened Kakam: who spread: atheism: evolution: satanism: communism : sexual perversion: Freemasonry: etc. .. I condemn you all for this in the presence of the Lord my God: YHWH!
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
@poopmcgee555 -- Of The "darkness" you can never get used in to the depths of hell!
and if Ron Paul will walk with my Holy Spirit? he will be President!
of The "darkness" non potrai mai abituarti nelle profondità dell'inferno!
e se Ron Paul camminerà con il mio spirito? lui sarà Presidente!
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
Research Latest News
How does a man kill ‘in God’s name’? asks former UK Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Published: July 8, 2015 by Ronald Boyd-MacMillan
Boko Haram victim ‘left for dead’ in 2012 loses sister and her two children in church bomb
Published: July 7, 2015 by Illia Djadi
Police rescue Pakistani Christian from ‘mob justice’ over blasphemy
Published: July 3, 2015 by Asif Aqeel

UPDATE S Sudan pastors will face trial, judge rules
Published: July 2, 2015
Egyptian solider, the only Christian in his unit, found dead
Published: July 1, 2015
Modi’s UN Yoga Day latest example of co-incidence with Christian ‘high days and holidays’
Published: June 29, 2015
Case of the disappearing Christian CDs: 7 years on, Malaysian court orders their return
Published: June 24, 2015
Egyptian convert still in jail having served his time
Published: June 22, 2015
Coptic boys on bail, anti-Islam charges pending
Published: June 18, 2015
[[ Gli sporchi interessi, lo sciacallaggio, di. UE, USA, LEGA ARABA, contro, popoli musulmani più tolleranti, di Siria ed Egitto! per la distruzione di Israele, e della civiltà ebraico-cristiana]] Costui ottenne solo il 26 percento dei voti al primo turno, dimostrando che la Fratellanza era la piu' forte organizzazione politica ma ben lontana dall'avere il consenso della maggior parte degli egiziani. I militari, filoamericani, laici ma desiderosi di mantenere i loro privilegi ed il loro potere extra politico accettarono la situazione arrivando ad un accordo, più o meno tacito, con i Fratelli. Purtroppo costoro, oltre a mostrare ben presto una totale incapacità gestionale, resero evidente che le loro vere intenzioni non corrispondevano certamente ai canoni di una democrazia liberale: epurazione, ove riuscirono a farlo, di tutti i sodali o supposti tali di Mubarak,

allChristianMartyrs 19 ore fa
[[ Gli sporchi interessi, lo sciacallaggio, di. UE, USA, LEGA ARABA, contro, popoli musulmani più tolleranti, di Siria ed Egitto! per la distruzione di Israele, e della civiltà ebraico-cristiana]] sharia nelle Costituzione, mano libera a persecuzioni, velate o non, delle altre religioni e, soprattutto, tentativo di mettere in un angolo magistratura ed esercito. Senza contare che la crisi economica, la disoccupazione e la miseria continuavano a peggiorare spingendo, alla fine, milioni di cittadini ad occupare le stesse piazze che erano servite a manifestare la protesta contro Mubarak. Il secondo colpo di stato dei militari trovò quindi la strada spianata, con la differenza che Morsi, a differenza di Mubarak, non ha accettato di dimettersi "spontaneamente". La reazione dei Fratelli Musulmani non si e' fatta attendere, nonostante al loro interno vi fossero diverse opinioni su come comportarsi.
Why Satanism is Practiced by Our leaders? Part 3.
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Caricato da thepeacemaker786 in data 08/set/2008
Practicing magic. Worship the devil. The new world order.
Atheist Islam Christianity Judaism Hinduism Buddhism religion Satan warship evolution terrorism new world order church of Satan part2
218 Mi piace, 27 Non mi piace
NOTIFICA Questo video contiene una traccia audio il cui utilizzo non è stato autorizzato da tutti i detentori del copyright. L'audio è stato disattivato. Ulteriori informazioni sul copyright
Commenti principali
Killilluminati1st 1 mese fa 8
@GambitFox79 Are you kidding me? What ''hate''? I'm quoting the Bible. I consider myself far from perfection. Wanted to prove that the Bible is the WORD OF GOD and that JESUS IS LORD AND THE ONLY WAY AS HE SAID HIMSELF IT'S HATRED?
Of course only God can judge. But, is that mean we can't spread His Word and His Truth to make Him known? Jesus want His Word known by everbody... How can you call it hatred?
liduq 2 mesi fa 7
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Questo è un video di risposta a Why Satanism is Practiced by Our leaders? Part 2.
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If you do some research, the word allah in pre-islamic times was their moon god.
Also, I had an ex-islamic friend who told me this, then I did the research cause I didn't believe him due to the fact that I grew up hearing the word and others telling me that it was the God of the bible the word allah was referring to.
Stasisfield91 14 ore fa
SATANIC YOU TUBE! This is obviously EDUCATIONAL and should be EXEMPT of all copyright laws. Does anyone out there know where I can see this with a soundtrack. Cheers.
alien2e0oid 1 sett. fa nella playlist More videos from thepeacemaker786
@vintagecoronado Oh again, this one I hear very often. Well, it's clear that you're just repeating something you heard from someone else, and you never opened the Bible.
Do yourself a favor... If you really want to argue about the Bible, study It, at least, a little, if not then keep silent.
And, Christianity is not a religion, it's a faith. Yahweh Yahusha' has no religion. It is completely stupid to think that The Almighty need a religion.
liduq 1 sett. fa
@liduq jesus is not lord, and he is not G-d. even the apostles say so in their letters. G-d is one, and sent Yeshua to be the first of first fruits, meaning there will be more like him to reach the enlightenment and understanding of G-d our creator. Christianity is a false religion like all religions, and jesus christ is your anti-messiah.
vintagecoronado 1 sett. fa
Know ye not that we speak freely because we WANT for you to know what is in our minds concerning this matter? If we were afraid of your plastic empire, we would not dare to utter a word against it. To think you are being covert is laughable. We speak because we intend to make it known our intentions. We will profit nothing to raise up arms against you. It is the fire that issues from our mouths that will consume you and propagate hundreds of thousands like us at our death. Where are your legs?
tardwhisperer 3 sett. fa
THEY have removed the sound from this vid.
thedood73 1 mese fa
@andy010575 Its when people DO start waking up & taking notice & seeing this isnt BullSh*t-& we 'break their secrets & plans'!! Think outside the box,for 5mins--Supposing this IS true?Why are ALL these uploads being made? Why's MANY uploading & 'SEEING' suddenly? Think why, before you dismiss it! I did once-I SEE now-I understand Why now-& it all makes sense! It's true! Just think b4 you toss it aside-Yep-it seems mad-But not unfeasable-IF ITs true-we need many to see-&'smash' it b4 it happens:)
SHErocks1929 1 mese fa
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@ Muslims - lol. by: when Muhammad: Been is: called the: prophet? lol. not: it is more: an: so called honor! is useless: that: you break my eardrums! not you: you can make of a religion: with an: imperialism: Satanism: for: the conquest of the: world: "if they change: the: Jews? then: you will change also: you." contrary? you will do this 3 rd WW nuclear by: no one of: you can survive!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, from the book of Revelation 2628342 -...: the beast: to: 10 horns: and: to: 7 heads: that: I have kill: to: death: is the present: IMF: ECB FED NWO. because: the: my friend: Ron Paul: he not: win win: to: all storm: fortresses of the occult powers in the USA: that: go into hibernation: only. All the nations of the Middle East: for: not: be: destroy endless: are: forced: to: be themselves: under my care: but after the next 50 years, "an: Lamb: that: talk : as an: Dragon "will resurrect the beast: FED BCE IMF NWO; that: he was invincible and will require the: 666: or microchip: to: all ... Leviticus [Chapter 8] [1] "The Lord said again to Moses": That is, the "liberator" to the political leader: you have to dedicate: the priests: and: you have to impose: the: read: of the Temple! Here is: why: it is my responsibility: to build the Temple: consecrate the priests and the Levites: and: to decide all the: rules and regulations: necessary for religious worship. However, it is Been: Daniel already decided: that: there will be: only two bloody sacrifices: that: of the: morning: and: that of the evening: and: everyone: all the: world will have faith: for: if you join same: in the communion of: love: and: of: prayer: with: me and my priests of the Temple: If repentance of his sins? Yes! He: will: reconciling with: YHWH, Allah! not: be: more: fear: of: those Satanists: that: are: in the U.S. ..: why, precisely to them are: terrified: these dogs have understood: that: YHWH, Allah would respond with the massacre for their rebellion! - I know: that: you are in good faith ..: and: that: of between: you: there are: the saints, prophets: and: people worthy of: all veneration .. but: you are worshiping Baal ZA BUL ON: for: simple this demonstration: not: there can: be: racist, or evil: the creative act: of: YHWH, Allah! In fact, "YHWH, Allah is: for: all" infinite love "! every operation? is made with: endless love: how: everything is: for the glory YHWH Allah: and: we are all brothers! not so: there can be an: State: of the: social body: that: it is less important ... ". here is: why: the: Talmud not: may: that: be: fake! Here's why: in a gradual manner: the: future generations are: more and more: prey of madness: and: of the: satanism ... what: that: you not: you know? is: that: are: the: your generations (IMF FED ECB leading elite Freemasons NWO) that: Go totally mad! because it is this: that: I have made: the: true desire: of the: my heart? not: it is that of: govern: but what of: destroy all satanic! - Mary is only a Jewish girl ..: and: if you: is a prostitute? then, are: prostitutes also: all the: Jewish girls .. Therefore, it must: be: destroy this abomination of the Talmud: that: he has the curse so powerfully: the people of: YHWH, Allah! The law (Torah: and: the Prophets? Are: more: that: sufficient: for: us). Because, YHWH, Allah has destroyed the old order? I have made: that: every jew to become priests: (: for: welcoming all people in our Temple) because the: our work is that of: bless all the: world (also: economically) that: I govern: how : unius REI: for: call in Palestine and in all the: neighboring nations: all: the: Jews of the: world because: an: day: YHWH, Allah will destroy: the USA: with: an: meteor / asteroid to: reason: of the: Satanism: and: Freemasonry: that: are: become ineradicable!
Leviticus 3.17: and: 7.26: prohibits: categorically under penalty of: Death "will: Deleted by his people!": 1. of: the eating: the blood of: animals (ie: this is true also: against us? the GOIM?: that: the: Your Talmud says that: we are: animals in human form created by: YHWH, Allah: only: for: be: exploited by the Jews) 2. in all places: where you live. I are: angry: why: After: (the: of your silence: silence: towards your rabbis Kakam or Illuminati) for: having the stolen: Our bank seigniorage? Indeed it is the: our government: that: instead of: the ban: Talmud of established: invest a large sum: for: disclosure .. I say this: why, someone is saying: "the: Blood cristiano.pdf": that: you do eat (unconsciously) boiled egg: seasoned with: ash: the couple in more days: happy:: of the: their marriage: and: that: the ashes: not much: it would be: that: n: compound: containing: the: blood of: an: Christian child: in solid form .. all things: for: me out of this world, of course: starting with the bank seigniorage. I do not want to come down, in detail, but all you can see: and: to experience, of: as the negativity will stop in your life! (Not: terminate: fighting: and: the: opposition: but be you: to: to win! YHWH: God bless you all!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - somewhere? there is ARK OF THE COVENANT there is: the splendor of majesty, the beauty of the glory: Holy, Holy, Holy ...
she calls me constantly;
she looks for me;
through: I perceive ultrasound, in particular: in the right lobe of my brain ..
this utra-sounds have of the these breaks: and then, the peak intensity in relation to the publication of my articles
In no way are annoying
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - Jews - [rebellion of Korah's cousin Aaron. The earth opened and swallowed: Numbers 16:25-35: Core of the tribe of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, of the tribe of Reuben. Since, they had collected 250: other rebels to challenge the authority of Moses. Moses cried unto the Lord and immediately: indeed, for the condemnation: of the Core, Abiram: their families, tents and animals: all sank underground, to go down alive into hell. Also: A fire from heaven has consumed: the other 250 rebels that men who: were offering the incense. Nevertheless: the people remained: always: stubbornly rebellious. So the Lord said to Moses, he would instantly consumed the whole community. and in fact: despite the atoning act committed by Aaron, were shot dead by an angel: other: 14,700 people
[Moses cried to the Lord's Judgement] @ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - I know the hardness of your heart and all your wickedness! That I know, you will not came to me: spontaneously: if first: before the Lord God has not stretched out His hand: Against you! Because: you are the servants of: 666 Rothschild of the synagogue of Satan, the Illuminat kakam: Murderers: and ye know not the ways of the Lord, that's him: has driven you: away from him! .. If You Knew the ways of God? Would you have not made of yourself (like everyone else) "accomplices of the banking seigniorage: debt public: fractional reserve, talmud ecc.. ! However, without your complicity? this Masonic and banking system: the IMF, would never have set-up: as, His true strength: even today: is in The Jewish religion now Completely altered: for the Talmud and Kabbalah! 's why it was possible to kill: also: Jesus of Bethlehem .. but, for this just an ignorant person to you Could give the guilt: why, as the Lamb of God he is came for the redemption as of All
[Unius Rei: calls: Judgement of YHWH against the Jews: lit] [Exodus 22] Crimes and compensation: [1] If a thief is caught while doing a breakthrough: in a wall is hit and dies, there is no revenge of blood. [3] If it is still alive: and in his possession: what has been stolen, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep, shall pay double. You are the predators of the bank seigniorage: you are the principal accomplices of all this hatred against the Christian peoples: that you have started: against christian: an unstoppable cultural decline: They are the enlightened Kakam: who spread: atheism: evolution: satanism: communism : sexual perversion: Freemasonry: etc. .. I condemn you all for this in the presence of the Lord my God: YHWH!
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
@poopmcgee555 -- Of The "darkness" you can never get used in to the depths of hell!
and if Ron Paul will walk with my Holy Spirit? he will be President!
of The "darkness" non potrai mai abituarti nelle profondità dell'inferno!
e se Ron Paul camminerà con il mio spirito? lui sarà Presidente!
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
Research Latest News
How does a man kill ‘in God’s name’? asks former UK Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Published: July 8, 2015 by Ronald Boyd-MacMillan
Boko Haram victim ‘left for dead’ in 2012 loses sister and her two children in church bomb
Published: July 7, 2015 by Illia Djadi
Police rescue Pakistani Christian from ‘mob justice’ over blasphemy
Published: July 3, 2015 by Asif Aqeel

UPDATE S Sudan pastors will face trial, judge rules
Published: July 2, 2015
Egyptian solider, the only Christian in his unit, found dead
Published: July 1, 2015
Modi’s UN Yoga Day latest example of co-incidence with Christian ‘high days and holidays’
Published: June 29, 2015
Case of the disappearing Christian CDs: 7 years on, Malaysian court orders their return
Published: June 24, 2015
Egyptian convert still in jail having served his time
Published: June 22, 2015
Coptic boys on bail, anti-Islam charges pending
Published: June 18, 2015
Illuminati's Depopulation Plan Exposed by Japans Princess Nakamaru and Italian Prince Zagami Before It's News
Mostra tutti i 47 video
Caricato da SilverMoonAva in data 18/apr/2011
: 2012 Patriot
Sleepibg people who say read the bible ughhh wake up the bible was created by thee elite of course it is coming true whats in the bible cuz they live by it n wen it all goes down they can point to religion but thats wen u will find out religion is an illusion put here to divide us jus like race...u will soon learn they worship one god n that is satan wake up people n break ur religious beliefs u all will b the first to go believe in a higher spirit not a uniformed religion wake up!!!
That's exactly what the NWO WANT you to believe. The Bible warns AGAINST the NWO. Religion isn't to divide us, it gives us diversity which is a strength to protect us from the elite who want everyone to be the same so we can be controlled easier.
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@15V77 you believe that bullshit to bad YOUR SO brainwashed religion is bullshit
jesus is god
he never game to establish a religion HE CAME TO show people HE IS GOD
and the world and its people are HIS and HE LOVES THEM
singledad1234 1 giorno fa
the hidden government is run by the ROTHCHILDS
jews zionist that think you are all cattle to be destroyed
and they are ELITE
they are all that matter
singledad1234 1 giorno fa
That last part (news guy) was inhuman. How could you even use those two instances positively in the same damn sentence....Woww! Be grateful that more ppl died as opposed to the Dow dropping a bit...unfreakenbelievable!! Hey asshole you are old enough to know it's inevitable....the market is goin' down !
mssquirrely 1 giorno fa
@habman2009 the less people there are the more resources for the ones that are there. As long as me and my family are there at the end of it all, so be it. theres too many of us.
AlfonsoTheGod 2 giorni fa
@Marine337PS3 , its the big red star in the sky that has trippled in size since last year ? noticed it? have you ever looked? LOOK
15V77 2 giorni fa
@15V77 lol dude go outside you've read to many conspiracy theory's. There is no such thing as planet nibru if there is i need solid evidence no bs gay video
Marine337PS3 3 giorni fa
REPTILIANS ARE THE ELITE!! alains! they created religion so we all go agaist eachother in the future. reptilians are the devil, satan ect. they have controled us since humans where created, yes, created mixing reptilian dna with ape dna. they made us for a worker race to mine gold ages ago. now we have got out of hand and they want the population lower or even to kill us all as they want the earth to themselfs, coz more reptilians are on there way on planet nibru. this is 100% true, trust me
15V77 3 giorni fa
That guy discussing the toll on human life being beneficial to the U.S can't wait to unzip Satans pants and suck his ass until the shit comes out and he eats it and licks his balls too.! The Jesus will chain him to Satan and he can get boned up the ass with a snake !
habman2009 4 giorni fa
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@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, from the book of Revelation 2628342 -...: the beast: to: 10 horns: and: to: 7 heads: that: I have kill: to: death: is the present: IMF: ECB FED NWO. because: the: my friend: Ron Paul: he not: win win: to: all storm: fortresses of the occult powers in the USA: that: go into hibernation: only. All the nations of the Middle East: for: not: be: destroy endless: are: forced: to: be themselves: under my care: but after the next 50 years, "an: Lamb: that: talk : as an: Dragon "will resurrect the beast: FED BCE IMF NWO; that: he was invincible and will require the: 666: or microchip: to: all ... Leviticus [Chapter 8] [1] "The Lord said again to Moses": That is, the "liberator" to the political leader: you have to dedicate: the priests: and: you have to impose: the: read: of the Temple! Here is: why: it is my responsibility: to build the Temple: consecrate the priests and the Levites: and: to decide all the: rules and regulations: necessary for religious worship. However, it is Been: Daniel already decided: that: there will be: only two bloody sacrifices: that: of the: morning: and: that of the evening: and: everyone: all the: world will have faith: for: if you join same: in the communion of: love: and: of: prayer: with: me and my priests of the Temple: If repentance of his sins? Yes! He: will: reconciling with: YHWH, Allah! not: be: more: fear: of: those Satanists: that: are: in the U.S. ..: why, precisely to them are: terrified: these dogs have understood: that: YHWH, Allah would respond with the massacre for their rebellion! - I know: that: you are in good faith ..: and: that: of between: you: there are: the saints, prophets: and: people worthy of: all veneration .. but: you are worshiping Baal ZA BUL ON: for: simple this demonstration: not: there can: be: racist, or evil: the creative act: of: YHWH, Allah! In fact, "YHWH, Allah is: for: all" infinite love "! every operation? is made with: endless love: how: everything is: for the glory YHWH Allah: and: we are all brothers! not so: there can be an: State: of the: social body: that: it is less important ... ". here is: why: the: Talmud not: may: that: be: fake! Here's why: in a gradual manner: the: future generations are: more and more: prey of madness: and: of the: satanism ... what: that: you not: you know? is: that: are: the: your generations (IMF FED ECB leading elite Freemasons NWO) that: Go totally mad! because it is this: that: I have made: the: true desire: of the: my heart? not: it is that of: govern: but what of: destroy all satanic! - Mary is only a Jewish girl ..: and: if you: is a prostitute? then, are: prostitutes also: all the: Jewish girls .. Therefore, it must: be: destroy this abomination of the Talmud: that: he has the curse so powerfully: the people of: YHWH, Allah! The law (Torah: and: the Prophets? Are: more: that: sufficient: for: us). Because, YHWH, Allah has destroyed the old order? I have made: that: every jew to become priests: (: for: welcoming all people in our Temple) because the: our work is that of: bless all the: world (also: economically) that: I govern: how : unius REI: for: call in Palestine and in all the: neighboring nations: all: the: Jews of the: world because: an: day: YHWH, Allah will destroy: the USA: with: an: meteor / asteroid to: reason: of the: Satanism: and: Freemasonry: that: are: become ineradicable!
Leviticus 3.17: and: 7.26: prohibits: categorically under penalty of: Death "will: Deleted by his people!": 1. of: the eating: the blood of: animals (ie: this is true also: against us? the GOIM?: that: the: Your Talmud says that: we are: animals in human form created by: YHWH, Allah: only: for: be: exploited by the Jews) 2. in all places: where you live. I are: angry: why: After: (the: of your silence: silence: towards your rabbis Kakam or Illuminati) for: having the stolen: Our bank seigniorage? Indeed it is the: our government: that: instead of: the ban: Talmud of established: invest a large sum: for: disclosure .. I say this: why, someone is saying: "the: Blood cristiano.pdf": that: you do eat (unconsciously) boiled egg: seasoned with: ash: the couple in more days: happy:: of the: their marriage: and: that: the ashes: not much: it would be: that: n: compound: containing: the: blood of: an: Christian child: in solid form .. all things: for: me out of this world, of course: starting with the bank seigniorage. I do not want to come down, in detail, but all you can see: and: to experience, of: as the negativity will stop in your life! (Not: terminate: fighting: and: the: opposition: but be you: to: to win! YHWH: God bless you all!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - somewhere? there is ARK OF THE COVENANT there is: the splendor of majesty, the beauty of the glory: Holy, Holy, Holy ...
she calls me constantly;
she looks for me;
through: I perceive ultrasound, in particular: in the right lobe of my brain ..
this utra-sounds have of the these breaks: and then, the peak intensity in relation to the publication of my articles
In no way are annoying
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - Jews - [rebellion of Korah's cousin Aaron. The earth opened and swallowed: Numbers 16:25-35: Core of the tribe of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, of the tribe of Reuben. Since, they had collected 250: other rebels to challenge the authority of Moses. Moses cried unto the Lord and immediately: indeed, for the condemnation: of the Core, Abiram: their families, tents and animals: all sank underground, to go down alive into hell. Also: A fire from heaven has consumed: the other 250 rebels that men who: were offering the incense. Nevertheless: the people remained: always: stubbornly rebellious. So the Lord said to Moses, he would instantly consumed the whole community. and in fact: despite the atoning act committed by Aaron, were shot dead by an angel: other: 14,700 people
[Moses cried to the Lord's Judgement]
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - I know the hardness of your heart and all your wickedness! That I know, you will not came to me: spontaneously: if first: before the Lord God has not stretched out His hand: Against you! Because: you are the servants of: 666 Rothschild of the synagogue of Satan, the Illuminat kakam: Murderers: and ye know not the ways of the Lord, that's him: has driven you: away from him! .. If You Knew the ways of God? Would you have not made of yourself (like everyone else) "accomplices of the banking seigniorage: debt public: fractional reserve, talmud ecc.. ! However, without your complicity? this Masonic and banking system: the IMF, would never have set-up: as, His true strength: even today: is in The Jewish religion now Completely altered: for the Talmud and Kabbalah! 's why it was possible to kill: also: Jesus of Bethlehem .. but, for this just an ignorant person to you Could give the guilt: why, as the Lamb of God he is came for the redemption as of All
[Unius Rei: calls: Judgement of YHWH against the Jews: lit] [Exodus 22] Crimes and compensation: [1] If a thief is caught while doing a breakthrough: in a wall is hit and dies, there is no revenge of blood. [3] If it is still alive: and in his possession: what has been stolen, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep, shall pay double. You are the predators of the bank seigniorage: you are the principal accomplices of all this hatred against the Christian peoples: that you have started: against christian: an unstoppable cultural decline: They are the enlightened Kakam: who spread: atheism: evolution: satanism: communism : sexual perversion: Freemasonry: etc. .. I condemn you all for this in the presence of the Lord my God: YHWH!
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
@poopmcgee555 -- Of The "darkness" you can never get used in to the depths of hell!
and if Ron Paul will walk with my Holy Spirit? he will be President!
of The "darkness" non potrai mai abituarti nelle profondità dell'inferno!
e se Ron Paul camminerà con il mio spirito? lui sarà Presidente!
The Satanic CIA Connection
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Caricato da SilverMoonAva in data 10/mag/2011
The kidnapping of children for purposes of prostitution, pornography, high tech weaponry experimental abuse, mind control abuse, child slave labor for underground alien-controlled facilities, white sex slavery, and the satanic ritual murder of untold thousands of American children snatched from the streets and playgrounds of America by agents working for the CIA is the principle reason for the existence of a covert CIA operation called "The Finders".
Gunderson outlined the mission of "The Finders" in a description included in his 1993 report, titled "Child Kidnapping in America; The CIA Connection"
Here is an EXCELLENAT blog on the topic:
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the bushes are heavy occultists
MorpheusWasRight 6 mesi fa
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@ Muslims - lol. by: when Muhammad: Been is: called the: prophet? lol. not: it is more: an: so called honor! is useless: that: you break my eardrums! not you: you can make of a religion: with an: imperialism: Satanism: for: the conquest of the: world: "if they change: the: Jews? then: you will change also: you." contrary? you will do this 3 rd WW nuclear by: no one of: you can survive!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, from the book of Revelation 2628342 -...: the beast: to: 10 horns: and: to: 7 heads: that: I have kill: to: death: is the present: IMF: ECB FED NWO. because: the: my friend: Ron Paul: he not: win win: to: all storm: fortresses of the occult powers in the USA: that: go into hibernation: only. All the nations of the Middle East: for: not: be: destroy endless: are: forced: to: be themselves: under my care: but after the next 50 years, "an: Lamb: that: talk : as an: Dragon "will resurrect the beast: FED BCE IMF NWO; that: he was invincible and will require the: 666: or microchip: to: all ... Leviticus [Chapter 8] [1] "The Lord said again to Moses": That is, the "liberator" to the political leader: you have to dedicate: the priests: and: you have to impose: the: read: of the Temple! Here is: why: it is my responsibility: to build the Temple: consecrate the priests and the Levites: and: to decide all the: rules and regulations: necessary for religious worship. However, it is Been: Daniel already decided: that: there will be: only two bloody sacrifices: that: of the: morning: and: that of the evening: and: everyone: all the: world will have faith: for: if you join same: in the communion of: love: and: of: prayer: with: me and my priests of the Temple: If repentance of his sins? Yes! He: will: reconciling with: YHWH, Allah! not: be: more: fear: of: those Satanists: that: are: in the U.S. ..: why, precisely to them are: terrified: these dogs have understood: that: YHWH, Allah would respond with the massacre for their rebellion! - I know: that: you are in good faith ..: and: that: of between: you: there are: the saints, prophets: and: people worthy of: all veneration .. but: you are worshiping Baal ZA BUL ON: for: simple this demonstration: not: there can: be: racist, or evil: the creative act: of: YHWH, Allah! In fact, "YHWH, Allah is: for: all" infinite love "! every operation? is made with: endless love: how: everything is: for the glory YHWH Allah: and: we are all brothers! not so: there can be an: State: of the: social body: that: it is less important ... ". here is: why: the: Talmud not: may: that: be: fake! Here's why: in a gradual manner: the: future generations are: more and more: prey of madness: and: of the: satanism ... what: that: you not: you know? is: that: are: the: your generations (IMF FED ECB leading elite Freemasons NWO) that: Go totally mad! because it is this: that: I have made: the: true desire: of the: my heart? not: it is that of: govern: but what of: destroy all satanic! - Mary is only a Jewish girl ..: and: if you: is a prostitute? then, are: prostitutes also: all the: Jewish girls .. Therefore, it must: be: destroy this abomination of the Talmud: that: he has the curse so powerfully: the people of: YHWH, Allah! The law (Torah: and: the Prophets? Are: more: that: sufficient: for: us). Because, YHWH, Allah has destroyed the old order? I have made: that: every jew to become priests: (: for: welcoming all people in our Temple) because the: our work is that of: bless all the: world (also: economically) that: I govern: how : unius REI: for: call in Palestine and in all the: neighboring nations: all: the: Jews of the: world because: an: day: YHWH, Allah will destroy: the USA: with: an: meteor / asteroid to: reason: of the: Satanism: and: Freemasonry: that: are: become ineradicable!
Leviticus 3.17: and: 7.26: prohibits: categorically under penalty of: Death "will: Deleted by his people!": 1. of: the eating: the blood of: animals (ie: this is true also: against us? the GOIM?: that: the: Your Talmud says that: we are: animals in human form created by: YHWH, Allah: only: for: be: exploited by the Jews) 2. in all places: where you live. I are: angry: why: After: (the: of your silence: silence: towards your rabbis Kakam or Illuminati) for: having the stolen: Our bank seigniorage? Indeed it is the: our government: that: instead of: the ban: Talmud of established: invest a large sum: for: disclosure .. I say this: why, someone is saying: "the: Blood cristiano.pdf": that: you do eat (unconsciously) boiled egg: seasoned with: ash: the couple in more days: happy:: of the: their marriage: and: that: the ashes: not much: it would be: that: n: compound: containing: the: blood of: an: Christian child: in solid form .. all things: for: me out of this world, of course: starting with the bank seigniorage. I do not want to come down, in detail, but all you can see: and: to experience, of: as the negativity will stop in your life! (Not: terminate: fighting: and: the: opposition: but be you: to: to win! YHWH: God bless you all!
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - somewhere? there is ARK OF THE COVENANT there is: the splendor of majesty, the beauty of the glory: Holy, Holy, Holy ...
she calls me constantly;
she looks for me;
through: I perceive ultrasound, in particular: in the right lobe of my brain ..
this utra-sounds have of the these breaks: and then, the peak intensity in relation to the publication of my articles
In no way are annoying
@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - Jews - [rebellion of Korah's cousin Aaron. The earth opened and swallowed: Numbers 16:25-35: Core of the tribe of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, of the tribe of Reuben. Since, they had collected 250: other rebels to challenge the authority of Moses. Moses cried unto the Lord and immediately: indeed, for the condemnation: of the Core, Abiram: their families, tents and animals: all sank underground, to go down alive into hell. Also: A fire from heaven has consumed: the other 250 rebels that men who: were offering the incense. Nevertheless: the people remained: always: stubbornly rebellious. So the Lord said to Moses, he would instantly consumed the whole community. and in fact: despite the atoning act committed by Aaron, were shot dead by an angel: other: 14,700 people
[Moses cried to the Lord's Judgement] @ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 - I know the hardness of your heart and all your wickedness! That I know, you will not came to me: spontaneously: if first: before the Lord God has not stretched out His hand: Against you! Because: you are the servants of: 666 Rothschild of the synagogue of Satan, the Illuminat kakam: Murderers: and ye know not the ways of the Lord, that's him: has driven you: away from him! .. If You Knew the ways of God? Would you have not made of yourself (like everyone else) "accomplices of the banking seigniorage: debt public: fractional reserve, talmud ecc.. ! However, without your complicity? this Masonic and banking system: the IMF, would never have set-up: as, His true strength: even today: is in The Jewish religion now Completely altered: for the Talmud and Kabbalah! 's why it was possible to kill: also: Jesus of Bethlehem .. but, for this just an ignorant person to you Could give the guilt: why, as the Lamb of God he is came for the redemption as of All
[Unius Rei: calls: Judgement of YHWH against the Jews: lit] [Exodus 22] Crimes and compensation: [1] If a thief is caught while doing a breakthrough: in a wall is hit and dies, there is no revenge of blood. [3] If it is still alive: and in his possession: what has been stolen, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep, shall pay double. You are the predators of the bank seigniorage: you are the principal accomplices of all this hatred against the Christian peoples: that you have started: against christian: an unstoppable cultural decline: They are the enlightened Kakam: who spread: atheism: evolution: satanism: communism : sexual perversion: Freemasonry: etc. .. I condemn you all for this in the presence of the Lord my God: YHWH!
1. il sangue cristiano.pdf
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
@poopmcgee555 -- Of The "darkness" you can never get used in to the depths of hell!
and if Ron Paul will walk with my Holy Spirit? he will be President!
of The "darkness" non potrai mai abituarti nelle profondità dell'inferno!
e se Ron Paul camminerà con il mio spirito? lui sarà Presidente!
Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing? Published: July 13, 2015 by World Watch MonitorIt has been a deadly July in Nigeria. More than 200 people have been killed since June 30 in attacks that have come almost daily in the country's northern and northeastern regions, stronghold of the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram. ...
Nigeria (North)
Boko Haram
Ethnic Cleansing
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Dark Side shit Prophet Muhammad freedom religion cabal talmud maometto sharia
Aggiunto: 2 giorni fa
Da: WakeUpUSAxRonPaul
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50 years . 70% earth are muslims . Allah is very powerful . U must understand how powerful he is .
best700g 12 minuti fa
@best700g if:all world would become: all Muslims? with their freedom, spontaneously and without violence? that is, without Sharia law?
I'd also happy!
se: in tutto il mondo diventassero: tutti musulmani? con la loro libertà: spontaneamente: e senza violenza? cioè senza sharia?
io sarei anche contento!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 secondo fa
POI TU VEDRAI DEI TREMENDI MASSACRI: di musulmani criminali come te
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 secondo fa
Ten years only to reach 3 billions 20 years to reach 4 billions . may allah fight enemies of islam .
best700g 28 minuti fa
@best700g why can not we be friends?
why can not we have freedom of religion?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 15 minuti fa
Post msg or not . Islam will rule islam will increase . Islam is light islam is truth islam is freedom . Like it or not . Facts are facts . Muslims are 2 billions and will increase
best700g 45 minuti fa
Make video or not . Islam will cover earth soon . Islam is light islam is truth islam is peace
best700g 5 ore fa
@best700g where there is violence
where there is constriction
where there not is freedom of religion?
there can be no peace!
but, perhaps, that you can not read the story: you are criminal for the hell!
dove c'è violenza
dove c'è costrizione
dove non c'è libertà di religione?
non ci può essere pace!
ma, forse: tu non sai leggere la storia!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 53 minuti fa
@best700g -- the blood of Christian martyrs?
will smother you!
drink your poison made by yourself.. amen alleluia
il sangue dei martiri cristiani ? soffocherà te! hallelujah!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 45 minuti fa
Persecuted USA Bildenberg Nwo, SpA, is Global Assault on Christians ] [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia! ] gli USA hanno bloccato i risultati dele scatole nere, fino ad oggi ] quindi ci sono delle intese comuni per insabbiare questo crimine e trovare una soluzione politica del Donbass [Un anno fa abbattuto aereo su Ucraina. Putin, prematuro tribunale internazionale per responsabili ] non credo che per chi ha seguito la vicenda, si possa avere dei dubbi sul fatto che sia stato CIA Kiev ad abbattere l'aereo malese sul Donbass [[ Disastro MH17 resta giallo Putin contro tribunale Onu. Europa. E' "prematuro e controproducente" istituire un tribunale internazionale per individuare e giudicare i possibili responsabili dell'abbattimento dell'aereo della Malaysia Airlines [ è chiaro la Guerra Mondiale si sposta, da Russia e Cina, su mia richiesta, contro la LEGA ARABA, il nazismo sharia!
La democrazia è incompatibile con questa UE – Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia http://www.byoblu.com/
Pubblicato 12 luglio 2015 - 17.05 - Da Claudio Messora. L’economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall’euro sempre più probabile e quello di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo. LA DEMOCRAZIA E' INCOMPATIBILE CON L'UE - Gennaro Zezza in real time sulla Grecia https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=126&v=PNRHgZppEj0 Pubblicato il 12 lug 2015.
L'economista Gennaro Zezza commenta in tempo reale per Byoblu la situazione della Grecia, le pretese della Germania, lo scenario di una uscita dall'euro e di non pagare il debito, giudicato da una commissione illegittimo.
Gli spin doctor UE hanno fallito! Il ritorno di Marcello Foa su Byoblu.com
Pubblicato 14 luglio 2015 - 16.15 - Da Claudio Messora
Gli Spin Doctor, i manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica che agiscono dai più alti vertici istituzionali, hanno confezionato una vera e propria strategia del terrore per dipingere Tsipras come un pazzo e spaventare i greci, insieme a tutti gli altri popoli europei. Eppure, la violenza del loro messaggio questa volta sta ottenendo l’effetto opposto a quello sperato: la coscienza dei cittadini inizia a ribellarsi e a non credere più al “frame“, la cornice di interpretazione dei fatti stabilita per influenzare i media e ottenere un consenso drogato. Ecco la nuova lucida, imperdibile analisi di Marcello Foa sul caso della Grecia e sugli ultimi accadimenti riferiti all’Isis. Da ascoltare con attenzione, condividere e far condividere a tutti.
Per chi si fosse perso l’intervista precedente, che spiega il concetto di Frame, eccola qui sotto:
Uscire dall’euro? Non basterebbe. Oggi il vero potere risiede nelle mani di chi controlla il capitale. Mentre con il TTIP si cerca di mettere stati e multinazionali sullo stesso piano, ci sono poche, pochissime società, per lo più banche e finanziarie, che controllano tutto, compreso quel che resta delle democrazie nazionali. Comprendere chi sono, come agiscono e come ostacolare i loro piani è una battaglia prioritaria se vogliamo recuperare sovranità. Lidia Undiemi ci spiega come fare.
Spari in basi del Tennessee, uccisi quattro marines
Nord America.
L'attentatore, morto nello scontro a fuoco con la polizia, si chiamava Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni. Era americano, originario del Kuwait. Obama, indagini a tutto campo
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