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Diocese Aleppo Orthodox Archbishops Talmud Saudi Arabia

quando: farisei salafiti massoni satanisti hanno creato i terroristi? poi, un loro controllo al 100% non è possibile ] [ NEW YORK, 12 APR - Il Dipartimento di stato americano ha emesso un 'travel warning' per l'Arabia Saudita, sottolineando come "cittadini statunitensi e occidentali" nel Paese possano essere oggetto di attentati terroristici in vista della visita del presidente Barack Obama. Visita che si svolgerà in occasione del summit con i Paesi del Golfo il 21 aprile.

e se i massoni austriaci sono ancora i ptrioti e non i traditori della PATRIA che voi siete diventati? ] [ Migranti: Italia, no barriere Brennero, Lettera congiunta Gentiloni-Alfano a Ue, 12 aprile 2016
Maçons Satanist Rothschild abominable PHARISEE TALMUD 666 ENLIGHTENED SPA FED NWO. why you will kill ISRAEL?
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu ] il buco del culo: è un arma letale di distruzione di massa, è assai più pericolosa dell'Olocausto nucleare! infatti, i Sodomiti hanno meritato il Diluvio Universale, e la distruzione delle città della valle di Sodoma, poi, dicono che sia stato il cristianesimo a distruggere l'Impero Romano: "NO L'IMPERO ROMANO È STATO DISTRUTTO DAI SODOMITI" ed infatti anche la CIVILTà della GRECIA classica è stata distrutta dai sodomiti e come tutti sanno, i cristiani non esistevano ancora! Infatti, la omosessualità ideologica o sodomia: apre spontaneamente al satanismo e a tutte le perversioni sessuali! DIRANNO ANCHE CHE È STATO UNIUS REI: A DISTRUGGERE IL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE! tutto falso: SONO STATI I SODOMITI!
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu

#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!

OCCIDENTE non sopravviverà al suo satanismo! i demoni come balie si porteranno a passeggio il vostro cervello!  Realtà aumentata e video 'hard', ci prova il sito PornHub, Apre canale gratis per video a 360 gradi, si vedono con visori, [ MA, LO STATO MASSONE GENDER ANTICRISTO BILDENBERG FARISEO ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? DOVREBBE PROIBIRE QUESTE COSE, se è vero che, non ha deciso di far morire tutti all'inferno della guerra mondiale!

quindi secondo questo articolo è ERDOGAN USA CIA che rifornisce anche ISIS, senza i RUSSI? oggi dominerebbero incontrastati in Siria grazie ad ERDOGAN ] [ 08/04/2016 - SIRIA ] [ Conflitto siriano, i ribelli strappano allo Stato islamico il controllo di al-Rai. La cittadina del nord si torva lungo la direttrice che collega Siria e Turchia. Una rotta strategica per il passaggio di merci e rifornimenti. Un successo importante in vista della battaglia principale per il controllo di Aleppo. Alla periferia di Damasco i jihadisti attaccano una fabbrica e sequestrano 200 operai.

Washington has had it's attention brought to your crap. Your time is limited.~

USA 666 UK SHARIA NATO, e tutti gli alleati massoni del cazzo di Satana Allah, che finiranno per uccidere Europa e Israele

USA CALIFFATO SAUDITA TURCO HANNO PROGETTATO DI METTERE LE MANI SUL PAPA E DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA ] [ 20/07/2015 LIBIA. Libia, i miliziani dello Stato islamico sequestrano tre immigrati cristiani. Il rapimento è avvenuto nella zona orientale, nei pressi di Sirte. Nel mirino un cittadino egiziano, un nigeriano e un ghanese. I jihadisti hanno diffuso le foto dei loro passaporti. In passato la Libia è stata teatro della decapitazione di una ventina di cristiani copti. Sempre ieri rapiti quattro lavoratori italiani.

Siria, jet russi fermano attacchi di al-Nusra contro le forze curde ] [ tutti i Curdi che Hollande e Cameron vogliono far sterminare da Erdogan!

#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!

#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] IS SPA FED Rothschild sharia Satanists your penis NWO?

#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] Obama? a casa sua: comanda la moglie, e al Pentagono comanda Bush: 322 il satanista: "IL TESCHIO CON LE OSSA DEI PIRATI"! Forse Donald Trump, potrebbe dare una dritta, a questa nazione MALEFICATA e venduta a Satana dai Farisei del Talmud Spa FED! NON C'È NESSUNO CHE PUÒ SPERARE QUALCOSA DI POSITIVO DAI SACERDOTI DI SATANA DELLA CIA: "CACCIATELI!"

#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] in effetti, Dio JHWH in ISRAELE ha detto: "QUELLO È IL MAR CINESE MERIDIONALE!" [ ma, se per pura ipotesi voi vinceste questa guerra, non si prenderebbero tutte le miniere e i giacimenti, gli USA: i sacerdoti di satana, come spese di guerra? IN OGNI CASO, SIA in caso di: VINCITA che, COME, in caso di: PERDITA, A VOI RIMARREBBERO SOLTANTO, I CADAVERI E LA DISTRUZIONE TOTALE! voi che dite? "forse un brutto accordo è sempre meglio di una guerra?"

MY ISRAEL ] 0286891021 [ io non credo, che, 666 CIA abbiano la speranza di potermi intimidire, io credo, piuttosto, che, per una tecnologia elettronica, loro possono trasformare un cellulare telefono, in un microfono ambientale! MA, QUESTO È del TUTTO INUTILE, PERCHÉ NON POSSONO ASCOLTARE I MIEI PENSIERI, SE, IO NON LI HO PUBBLICATI.. che, poi, è proprio questo il divertimento!

CONOSCO UNA PERSONA CHE HA DETTO: "VOGLIO TUTTO IO!" PRIMA DI MORIRE, LUI È STATO PAZZO PER 10 ANNI, ED ORA È ALL'INFERNO! GLI USA E I LORO ALLEATI MASSONI SONO AVVISATI! Il ministero degli Esteri cinese ha più volte sottolineato che la gestione economica di Pechino sulle isole nel Mar Cinese Meridionale "non è diretta contro paesi terzi e niente influisce su di loro". Gli Stati Uniti, a loro volta, hanno condotto diverse pattuglie nei pressi delle zone contese sotto la bandiera delle "operazioni in difesa della libertà di navigazione". Per Pechino si tratta di una violazione della sua sovranità. Nell'ottobre 2015 il comandante della Marina Militare cinese ha fatto sapere ai colleghi americani che "un piccolo incidente nella regione potrebbe provocare una guerra", ma il Pentagono non pianifica di abbandonare le manovre nel Mar Cinese Meridionale:

IL SACERDOTE DI SATANA John McCain ( QUELLO CHE SI È INCONTRATO IN UN BAR TURCO CON, quello che sarebbe diventato: il FUTURO CALIFFO DELLO ISIS DAESH STATO ISLAMICO): ha detto: "Washington deve essere pronta a reagire alle pretese di Pechino!" [ e questo è vero, perché, gli USA SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, e il loro governo mondiale massonico, sono, GIÀ i soli padroni del mondo! QUINDI, CHE PRETESE POTREBBE AVERE LA CINA O CHIUNQUE ALTRO? ] Secondo il senatore dell’Arizona la Cina continua la “militarizzazione” della situazione nella regione e si prepara ad estendere la cotraerea su tutto il Mar Cinese Meridionale, perciò Washington deve essere pronto per un’immediata, dura reazione alle “ambizioni” di Pechino.

se i massoni europei non distruggono la NATO, e non fanno una alleanza militare con la Russia? NON SARÀ POSSIBILE SALVARE I POPOLI EUROPEI DA UN IMMANE MASSACRO! PERCHÉ, I VERI NEMICI DELLE DEMOCRAZIE OCCIDENTALI SONO USA E LORO LEGA ARABA! ] [ La situazione “congelata” delle sanzioni tra Russia e Occidente. 12.04.2016 In Occidente le sanzioni non hanno portato i risultati sperati, ma hanno solo influito negativamente sull’economia di molti paesi.

ME, LO HA SEMPRE DETTO, il sacerdote di satana, ex-Direttore, di youtube: Synnek1 666, che, io ho fatto licenziare, ed oggi lui è: 187AudioHostem: "ogni resistenza è inutile!" .. MA, IO HO DECISO CHE NON DEVE ESSERE COSÌ! PERCHÉ, IO FARÒ UCCIDE, OVUNQUE, IN TUTTO IL MONDO! FINCHÉ L'IRA DI DIO NON SIA PLACATA!


ARRIVERÀ IL MOMENTO, IN CUI, IO VEDRÒ TUTTI I LEADER EUROPEI (I MASSONI DEL SISTEMA POLITICO FINANZIARIO) TUTTI GIUSTIZIATI PER ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE: E QUINDI CONDANNATI A MORTE DA TRIBUNALI POPOLARI RIVOLUZIONARI! Naftogaz: il Nord Stream 2 sarebbe la nostra rovina, 12.04.2016 La costruzione del secondo tronco del Nord Stream, secondo l’amministratore delegato della Naftogaz, potrebbe essere completata entro il 2019 e provocherà all’Ucraina chiari problemi, in particolare, con gli acquisti di gas in Europa.

E QUESTO È VERO: c'è un conflitto: sharia Turchia ISIS, contro i CURDI, dato che tutti gli altri dhimmi, hanno già subito il genocidio sharia! Ora, soltanto Dio e Putin, possono salvare i Curdi dal genocidio, così come sono stritolati su due fronti: contemporaneamente! ] [ 12.04.2016
Ancora un attentato contro la polizia turca a Diyarbakir: due morti e una cinquantina di feriti. Ankara accusa il Pkk.

#CINA, #RUSSIA #ISRAELE ] [ un attacco nucleare preventivo: SU SCALA MONDIALE, è la nostra unica speranza PER POTER SOPRAVVIVERE COME GENERE UMANO LIBERO! ] Hiroshima, Kerry: "Guerra ultima risorsa". Storica visita al Memoriale che apre la strada a Obama

mi diverte, osservare: quella feccia di OBAMA attore Hollywood, e osservare il fatto che: sono i SATANISTI MASSONI: regime sharia Bildenberg: alto tradimento costituzionale contro la sovranità monetaria dei popoli, magia nera kabbalah, talmud satanico, Gender teosofia demoniaca, tutti i loro: FARISEI SALAFITI, la totale aberrazione dei diritti umanistici e identitari, proprio loro: la negazione della autodeterminazione dei popoli: cioè, il NWO Spa Banche Centrali, che, si siano impegnati a far sparire i Dittatori, ed ogni forma di pluralismo, nel mondo, come ogni traccia di società: post larvatamente ebraico cristiana! Corea Nord: Lincoln per criticare Obama: Lettera ipotetica, 'Pyongyang non crollerà malgrado sanzioni' CERTO, CHE LA COREA DEL NORD, ECC.. DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTA, MA, SOLTANTO IO, POSSO DECIDERE: CHI, COME E QUANDO, DEVE MORIRE: PERCHÉ, IO SONO IL REGNO DI ISRAELE, CIOÈ io sono il REGNO DI DIO JHWH, IN FORMA POLITICA SULLA TERRA!

ONU: i nuovi diritti umani universali del Gufo Allah Baal SpA FED? ONU è un sharia terrorista, di Sodoma culto Darwin: il più perfetto altare di satana: della storia del genere umano, mentre, gli USA islamici: sono i sacerdoti Satanisti: Farisei satanisti massoni salafiti! Quindi, la Merkel: Pravy Secotor, golpe Kiev, cecchini Cia a Maidan, ecc..? dopo Ban-Kimono GENDER? questa è la scelta giusta per me!

non ho un problema contro GAY e loro associazioni, anzi io li amo! MA, SE NON RINUNCIANO ALLA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER CHE È TEOSOFIA SATANICA, APOLOGIA DI REATO E PURO TERRORISMO CONTRO LA LEGGE NATURALE, POI, IL CONTRATTO PATTO SOCIALE ANDRÀ DISTRUTTO, CON ESITI SOCIALI DRAMMATICI! Assegnati ad Arcigay beni confiscati alla mafia, Prima volta ad associazione immobili sottratti a Cosa nostra

quando Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi Presidente dell'Egitto, mandò le "teste di quoio" in Libia, a vendicare i suoi cristiani copti, che, sharia ISIS aveva sgozzato sul mare? Tutta la shaaria LEGA ARABA lo rimproverò e dissero: "NOI SIAMO PERSONE SERIE!", infatti, quello che al-Sisi aveva fatto, prima di pugnalare la Russia alle spalle? era troppo grave! Perché, ISIS, non può e non deve essere fermato da USA e Lega ARABA, in Libia come altrove!

gli USA oggi sono nel mondo il vero volto del NAZISMO! il regime massonico Bildenberg: il vero volto del NAZISMO È IN USA ] Protesta a Capitol Hill, 400 arresti. "Basta corruzione del denaro in politica, elezioni siano libere" La protesta a Capitol Hill: WASHINGTON. 12 aprile 2016 [ Oltre 400 attivisti sono stati arrestati mentre manifestavano pacificamente davanti a Capitol Hill con striscioni e cartelli ''per chiedere al Congresso di agire subito per far cessare la corruzione del denaro nella nostra politica e per garantire elezioni libere e imparziali'', ha spiegato Democracy sprint, il gruppo organizzatore. Il numero di arresti e' uno dei piu' grossi degli ultimi anni. L'accusa, ha reso noto la polizia, e' di manifestazione illegale.

USA SHARIA ONU ] tutto quello che io vi devo fare? è già stato scritto in Apocalisse!

perché la Comunità internazionale non è riuscita a fermare i terroristi, e la RUSSIA ci è riuscita in pochi mesi? È CHIARO: È LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CHE SONO I TERRORISTI ISLAMICI! E QUESTO ARTICOLO LO DIMOSTRA! SONO TUTTI ATTI DI DEPISTAGGIO, E DI DISSIMULAZIONE, PER INGANNARE LA OPINIONE PUBBLICA! NON SI È VOLUTO COLPIRE ISIS INTENZIONALMENTE, PER OTTENERE IL GENOCIDIO DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI, E SOLTANTO, SECONDARIAMENTE, LO SI È FATTO PER DANNEGGIARE GLI SCIITI! E POICHÉ, TUTTE LE ARMI E I FINANZIAMENTI DI USA SONO PASSATI AD ISIS? POI, È proprio ONU IL PIÙ GRANDE TERRORISTA DEL MONDO! ISTANBUL, 12 APR - Almeno 6 persone sono rimaste ferite stamani nella provincia di confine turca di Kilis da 3 colpi di mortaio sparati da zone del nord della Siria sotto il controllo dell'Isis. Lo ha reso noto il governatore locale, Suleyman Tapsiz, secondo cui 3 dei colpiti sono in gravi condizioni. Ieri altri 5 razzi katiuscia, sparati sempre dalla Siria, avevano raggiunta la stessa zona, ferendo 12 persone. L'esercito di Ankara aveva risposto al fuoco secondo le regole d'ingaggio, come sempre in caso di attacchi simili.

La mamma di Regeni: "Grazie per avere adottato il mio Giulio" ] NON ESISTE UNA VERITÀ ALTERNATIVA: ARABIA SAUDITA su mandato USA, CONTROLLA EGITTO COME OGNI ALTRO GOVERNO DELLA LEGA ARABA, .. ORA, Israele e il GENERE UMANO? devono TREMARE! Un commentatore di spicco del più diffuso Al Ahram ha velatamente attaccato il dicastero in prima linea nelle indagini ("perché il ministro dell'Interno non parla del funzionamento del suo ministero?"). Il concorrente Al-Akhbar invece ha sostenuto che la tortura a morte del giovane ricercatore friulano è "un crimine perpetrato da cospiratori che vogliono nuocere alle relazioni italo-egiziane".

QUANDO LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE, ONU, cioè, tutti i DIRITTI umani UNIVERSALI di Talmud SpA FED SATANA NWO, HA DECISO CHE: TURCHIA E ARABIA SAUDITA: AVREBBERO AVUTO IL DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, DI POTER AGGREDIRE LE NAZIONI, ATTRAVERSO, IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO? VERRÀ IL GIORNO CHE, TUTTI VOI COMPARIRETE TUTTI A RISPONDERE DEI VOSTRI DELITTI DAVANTI AL MIO TRIBUNALE! ] [ Siria: continua flusso armi e militanti al Nusra attraverso confine turco. 12.04.2016. Siria, Stato Maggiore russo: continua flusso armi e militanti aL-Nusra attraverso confine turco. Il flusso di armi e militanti di rinforzo del gruppo terroristico al-Nusra continua attraverso il confine turco-siriano, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti. "Nonostante i progressi nell'attuazione del regime di cessate il fuoco, le forniture di armi e militanti dalla parte turca del confine, continuano a rafforzare i terroristi Nusra, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti", ha detto Sergei Rudskoy, capo della principale direzione operativa dello Stato Maggiore russo.Lo ha affermato lo Stato Maggiore russo. Il regime di cessate il fuoco mediato è entrata in vigore il 27 febbraio.

COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI! tutti quelli che vanno nei paradisi fiscali sono evasori! QUINDI PERCHÉ CI VA IL FONDO MONETARIO INTERNAZIONALE, A RICICLARE TUTTI I PROVENTI DEL SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO? L'OBIETTIVO DI SOROS ERA QUELLO DI DISTRUGGERE I PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN UK, PER CONCENTRARE TUTTE LE RICCHEZZE NEI PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN USA! ] MA, IO NON SO QUESTI: PUGNALATORI DI ALLEATI DEL CAZ*O, QUESTI FARISEI TALMUD LUCIFERINI, CHE TIPO DI CAZ*OINCULO POSSONO RICEVERE ADESSO dai loro ex-alleati UK! [ "Complimenti signor premier — ha attaccato nel corso di un acceso dibattito Jeremy Corbin — lei è un maestro di mistificazione della realtà, ma la gente è esasperata dall'evasione fiscale dopo sei anni di austerità". Panama Papers, la difesa di Cameron. 12.04.2016. Il primo ministro britannico alla Camera dei Comuni: false le accuse contro mio padre. Ora maggiore contrasto all'evasione internazionale. Corbin: da Cameron mistificazione della realtà. COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI!

Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
Regeni: la madre, grazie per aver adottato il mio Giulio
Regeni 'non è caso isolato', 15 desaparecidos recenti
Regeni: Massari, l'ambasciatore in prima linea per la verità
Regeni: famiglia amareggiata, "Italia non si fermi"
Su Regeni è crisi diplomatica tra Italia e Egitto
Regeni: ecco le misure in mano all'Italia
Regeni, Renzi: 'A fianco dei pm, non consentiremo di svicolare'
Caso Regeni: Italia-Egitto, tra verità e depistaggi
Caso Regeni, il comunicato della Procura dopo il vertice Italia-Egitto
Caso Regeni: l'Italia pronta a nuove misure, l'Egitto 'irritato'
Regeni: fallito vertice magistrati Italia-Egitto
VIDEOCaso Regeni, 'dossier ancora incompleto'
Caso Regeni, "dossier ancora incompleto"
Investigatori romani al vertice Italia-Egitto su Regeni
Caso Regeni, vertice a Roma con inquirenti egiziani

è un film denuncia alla: Elio Petri e estetica alla: Paolo Sorrentino, arriva nelle sale il 21 aprile distribuito da 01 'Le confessioni', film contro le banche e il potere finanziario in odor di Cannes. ''Mi sembrava naturale proseguire sulle cose che mi assillano da sempre e fare una ricognizione sul potere e sull'economia oggi in crisi...''Voi avete un sistema perfetto: quello della mafia. Le banche come la mafia non devono dare conto a nessuno''. Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.

QUALE PUÒ ESSERE L'OBIETTIVO DEI "FRATELLI MUSULMANI (I TERRORISTI)"? il genocidio di tutti i cristiani e di tutti gli ebrei in tutto il mondo: OVVIAMENTE! Ma, #Salman e #Rothschild non possono dire pubblicamente che: 1. il NWO è anche il CALIFFATO; e che, 2. questo genocidio si sta compiendo velocemente, ed anche in tempi molto rapidi! ] SI, È vero: #SALMAN VUOLE DARE UNA LEZIONE, PUNIZIONE a IRAN, ma, NON È NEI PROGETTI del loro Allah Rothschild SATANA, di fare il genocidio sistematico degli SCIITI, PERCHÉ QUESTI, conflitti, OMICIDI, di tipo CONFESSIONALe sono molto utili per la realizzazione del Califfato mondiale, cioè, FANNO SPARIRE molto velocemente, i dhimmi da TUTTO IL MONDO! SCIITI E SUNNITI SONO I DUE LATI DELLA MEDAGLIA PER LA REALIZZIONE DEL CALIFFATO MONDIALE: quindi non è seria la loro ostilità! 12/04/2016 - SAUDI ARABIA - EGYPT. Cairo and Riyadh: investments and territorial arrangements to counter Iran.
The Saudi king has made a "historic" five-day visit to Egypt, where he signed new trade agreements and proposed a peaceful future for Sunni nations. The Muslim Brotherhood unhappy: "We are being used to achieve political goals and then abandoned." Among the joint projects, a "bridge" across the Red Sea. 12/04/2016 - ARABIA SAUDITA – EGITTO. Cairo e Riyadh: investimenti e accordi territoriali per fare fronte contro l'Iran. Il re saudita ha compiuto una "storica" visita di cinque giorni in Egitto, dove ha siglato nuovi accordi commerciali e prospettato un futuro di pace alle nazioni sunnite. I Fratelli Musulmani scontenti: "Veniamo usati per raggiungere scopi politici e poi abbandonati". Fra i progetti congiunti, un "ponte" sul Mar rosso.

il bullismo islamico, non potrebbe esistere se: intenzionalmente, UE e USA non erano i 666 Talmud Farisei satanisti massoni: tutti usurai culto SpA FED: regime BILDENBERG, che stermineranno i popoli europei (in una guerra fratricida contro la Russia): ed annienteranno ogni presenza ebraico-cristiana nel mondo! ] MA, SE LA RUSSIA VIENE AGGREDITA? POI, LA ARABIA SAUDITA DIVENTERÀ IL LUOGO PIÙ RADIOATTIVO DI TUTTO IL PIANETA! 11/04/2016 - MALAYSIA. Sharia-compliant Rayani Air grounded for failing to follow aviation rules. Malaysian aviation authorities imposed a three-month suspension on the carrier for contravening “civil aviation regulations”. Launched in December, Rayani requires Muslim female crewmembers to wear the hijab, offers only halal food, and bans alcohol
11/04/2016. MALAYSIA. Malaysia, segue le regole della sharia ma non quelle civili: fermata la Rayani Air. Il Dipartimento dell’aviazione ha revocato la concessione di volo alla compagnia per tre mesi, per “contravvenzione alle regole”. Fondata a dicembre, la Rayani esige che le hostess musulmane indossino l’hijab, che i cibi serviti in volo siano halal e che il consumo di alcol sia vietato.

#sALMAN #ERDOGAN #Shaaria #ISLAMICI sono ladri stupratori terroristi pirati e assassini, perché, questa è la natura del loro satana Allah Akbar! 11/04/2016. BANGLADESH. Wife of Protestant minister raped to seize their land. The victim was attacked in her own home. Her screams attracted the attention of her husband, who prevented her murder. The four rapists are local thugs, well-known land grabbers. Police refuse to file the case until after local elections (not scheduled for many months). For Catholic activist, "This is totally immoral.” For her, police “are working for the criminals and violating human rights.”

Bangladesh, vogliono rubarle la terra: stuprata la moglie di un pastore protestante. La donna è stata aggredita nella propria abitazione e le sue urla hanno attirato l’attenzione del marito, che ne ha impedito l’uccisione. I quattro stupratori sono malviventi locali, noti per essere influenti espropriatori di terreni. La polizia ha rifiutato di registrare il caso, almeno fino al termine delle elezioni locali (tra diversi mesi). Attivista cattolica: “Questo è del tutto immorale. La polizia è connivente e viola i diritti umani”.

e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.

e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.

#Obama, se, noi diaciamo che: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!" poi, noi giustamente, noi saremo puniti! Ma, se Erdogan dice: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!", e sua moglie dice: "l'HAREM è una buona esperienza per imparare ad essere donne!" POI, NOI A QUESTE BESTIE, LE FACCIAMO ENTRARE, anche in EUROPA: perché quella è la loro cultura e noi non possiamo essere islamofobici. TRA LA NOSTRA COLPA, che diventa una VIRTÙ ISLAMICa: voi del relativismo e del pratito democratico: voi QUANTI MILIONI DI MARTIRI CRISTIANI, voi mi avete UCCISO IN QUESTI 30NNI?

#SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] tu hai detto, che le donne che guidano la macchina da sole, sono le prede del diavolo! Ma se tu ti prendi 4 mogli, e poi, non le riesci a soddisfare tutte sessualmente? poi, la preda del demonio? sei proprio tu!


YouTube Rewind 2012

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YouTube Rewind 2012

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

1 secondo fa

[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

2 minuti fa

[[ Siria: liberati i due vescovi ortodossi.‎ - 4 giorni fa ]] .. but, bisogna scavare: con molta testardaggine: per trovare questa notizia "nascosta": nei media ebraici internazionali: del sistema massonico Bildenberg, del signoraggio bancario. [[ Siria: vescovi rapiti; anche: Atene: non: conferma liberazione. ‎- 3 giorni fa: Diocesi Aleppo, nessun contatto con i due arcivescovi ortodossi ]], Kerry ha detto: ''Ho parlato stamani: da qui con Netanyahu, e mi ha detto, che, non era nella posizione: di: confermare. Questo è il loro processo: e: dipende da loro: come: e quando: lo vogliono fare, e non spetta: a me: fare annunci. Quindi: io non lo so!''. (ma, che cazzo significa, questo discorso?) forse significa: se, voi volete invadere la Siria, con una calunnia, come, voi avete, già invaso l'Iraq: con un altra calunnia, allora, fatelo, ma, non rompete il cazzo: a me!

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

1 ora fa

@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel--- colpire con armi atomiche, oggi stesso, tutte le 50 nazioni islamiche, è l'unica possibilità che tu hai di poter salvare Israele

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

1 ora fa

@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

1 ora fa

@Benjamin Netanyahu --- ma, questa è la verità: non esiste più: un Occidente, ma, esiste il regime: delle lobby ebraiche e massoniche, dei poteri occulti: FED FMI 666, del sistema: tirannico dei poteri satanici, del FMI, Bildenberg, e, tutta la loro regia occulta (la più alta scienza, dell'ingegneria sociale: e dei monopoli SpA, tutti nelle mani del solo Rothschid ), in questo modo, daranno: ancora una volta, la colpa ai cristiani, per lo sterminio: Olocausto, imminente: di Israele, durante, la III guerra mondiale, la nuova Shoah, come già: una volta, hanno fatto: dopo la II Guerra mondiale. visto che: con la rivoluzione francese, non esste più una politica: che possa essere sotto il controllo dei cristiani in Occidente! ecco perché farisei: e salafiti: devono essere condannati a morte! perché, avere un dialogo con loro è impossibile

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

2 ore fa

[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

2 ore fa

[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

2 ore fa

[califfato mondiale, islamismo, come: strategia di guerra aggressiva, e OCCIDENTE: sempre più criminale], spinto alla deriva: dalle lobby bancarie ebraiche: di Illuminati: FMI-NWO, farisei, banchieri internazionali, che, hanno giurato: un odio, eterno: contro: il cristianesimo, allontanando se stessi, in modo sostanziale, dalla civiltà: ebraico - cristiana, per essere diventati: i veri nemici, della sopravvivenza di Israele. Questo Occidente: massonico: e satanico, dei poteri occulti bildenberg, che: rinnega i propri valori, e: tradisce la propria identità, di una Europa, abbandonata all'obblio, in modo criminale ad essere: diventata: sorda... ed essa stessa: sanguinaria protagonista, di ogni violazione: della libertà religiosa, sia fuori, dei propri confini, sia all'interno: dei propri confini, perché: se è vero, che: i musulmani: sono i nostri fratelli, tuttavia, è anche vero: che,

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

2 ore fa

[califfato mondiale, di guerra aggressiva, e OCCIDENTE: criminale] la islamofobia è: giustificata, dal momento: che: i nostri islamici, dormono sonni tranquilli: sui crimini che: i loro islamici: commettono: in tutto, il Medio Oriente, contro, i cristiani, ecco perché, ci sarà, necessariamente, un doloroso, brusco, e, drammatico risveglio. Questa nostra classe dirigente, che, preferisce, scendere a patti: con: i terroristi, senza affrontare: il problema di coeranza: per un vile e criminoso, complice: falso concetto: di "pace", mentre, troppi, martiri cristiani innocenti, trovano la loro pace: al cimitero. infatti, i cristiani nei territori palestinesi (sotto, Yasser Arafat), sono dovuti fuggire: in massa, mentre: ai cristiani rimasti, è stato loro inginto: di comportarsi: da: dhimmi, schiavi, sottoposti: alla legge islamica. Perché: allora l'Europa continua: ad essere nemica di Israele, e complice del nazismo, dei palestinesi, e di tutti i Paesi ormai islamizzati dalla Lega Araba?

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

2 ore fa

[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

2 ore fa

[il califfato mondiale di Obama] non è difficile: trovare le prove, di questa: catastrofica: tragedia umana, di cui: FMI talmud: FED ECB, CIA UN USA ONU, NATO, sono complici. di questo imbarbarimento: civile, religioso, culturale, in cui è precipitato: il mondo: arabo-musulmano, in preda: al fanatismo ideologico: degli estremisti islamici: e della intolleranza religiosa: delle sue dittature al potere. [la responsabilità dell'Europa: ormai ostaggio di Illuminati Bildenber: è enorme] di fronte alla continua persecuzione: e le continue: umiliazioni quotidiane, che, tutti i cristiani: sotto i regimi islamici, e in tutto: il Medio Oriente, sono costretti a vivere, e, subire, per colpa: di questa europa malata: di relativismo e accecata: dalla buona idea del multiculturalismo, che, però non può essere realizzato: senza: il concetto della reciprocità

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

3 ore fa

[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

3 ore fa

[Obama e la sua pianifica estinzione: sia dei cristiani, che degli sciiti, in Medio Oriente] alla vigilia: della conquista araba: e islamica del settimo secolo, i cristiani costituivano il 95%, della popolazione della sponda: meridionale ed orientale, del mediterraneo. ma, oggi, con meno di 12. milioni, sono precipitati bruscamente a meno del 6%, certamente, nel 2020, non esisteranno più cristiani in Medio Oriente! Dalla prima guerra mondiale: 10 milioni di cristiani sono stati costretti ad emigrare. Questa è la prova, del satanismo, e: criminale barbarie, dell'imbarbarimento, non soltanto, della Lega Araba, ma, soprattutto, dei suoi complici, i massoni, farisei, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, che, con un golpe silenzioso: hanno preso il potere: nelle false democrazie massoniche: del signoraggio bancario.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

3 ore fa

1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

3 ore fa

1. [la Chiesa (i martiri cristiani) è perseguitata in Medio Oriente: per: fare il califfato mondiale] 2. [la Chiesa (i martiri cristiani) è perseguitata, in tutto il mondo: per: il talmud dei farisei: nel sistema massonico: del signoraggio bancario: per ridurre in schiavitù tutti i popoli, e per distruggere Israele ] 3. [la Chiesa (i martiri cristiani) è perseguitata, da tutte le religioni, e dal comunismo. ] noi stiamo assistendo in modo pavido, alla persecuzione e all'esodo massiccio, dei cristiani dal medio Oriente, che, sono i veri autoctoni della regione, per colpa di una concezione: che: è stata satanizzata dell'islam: dalla Lega Arabe, e dai nazisti della CIA, dei nazisti islamisti, assolutamente intolleranti, e non rispettosi della dignità, e dei diritti della persona umana. di conseguenza, si nascondono i veri motivi, sul perché, gli israeliani sono costretti ad essere, così: "duri" contro i palestinesi.

KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento

11 ore fa

agenda talmud evil kabblah, 666, 322, for masonic system, of banking seigniorage, "God save us", from horror family IMF FED ECB, private, SpA Corporations's Rothschild: III World War, for destroy Israel, and all muslims islamists country, "muoia sansone(Israele) con tutti i filistei (musulmani) --- Bonino (bildenberg) tipped to be foreign minister. Bank of Italy's Saccomanni favourite to be economy minister. 27 April, (see related stories) (ANSA) - Rome, April 27 - Former European commissioner Emma Bonino is likely to be foreign minister in the government Enrico Letta(bildenberg)

KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento

11 ore fa

NAPLES - Appeal of Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, to Israel: "We know that Italy has forced to the peace process, and that, too, the U.S. is determined. Israel will seize: this: opportunity: greedy in the future: they might not, be similar occasions. We work: for this, for real peace, and: why: also: Israel may live: in peace and security. "- ANSWER - what you do, seal the three products: the price of two? really? What peace can there be, if: Jews and Christians are exterminated, and killed all over the world, because of the Sharia of your Islamists, Salafis and "Muslim brothers"? Islamists seize you, rather, this tempting possibilities of peace and renounce, to your criminal Sharia, differently? will be hell, of: a World War III, to take everything very soon! and then, we'll see who Allah, who will live, and who die!

KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento

11 ore fa

NAPOLI - Appello del presidente dell'Anp, Abu Mazen, a Israele: "Sappiamo, che, l'Italia, spinge, per il processo di pace, e, che, anche, gli Usa sono determinati. Israele: colga questa occasione: ghiotta, in futuro: potrebbero, non, esserci occasioni simili. Noi lavoriamo: per questo, per una pace reale, e: perché: anche: Israele possa vivere: in pace e sicurezza". -- ANSWER -- cosa fai, dai tre prodotti: al prezzo di due? Che pace: ci può essere, se: ebrei e cristiani: sono, sterminati, ed uccisi, in tutto il mondo, a motivo della Sharia dei tuoi islamisti, salafiti e: "fratelli musulmani"? cogliete voi islamisti, piuttosto, questa ghiotta possibilità: di pace e rinunciate alla Sharia, diversamente? sarà l'inferno, di una III guerra mondiale, a prendere tutto, molto presto! e poi, vedremo, chi Allah, farà vivere, e, chi morire!

KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento

12 ore fa

@ King Saudi Arabia - (in a movie) all the Cardinals, want to hit, chase, St. Francis, when, he asks to found: the Franciscan friars, but, then, the Pope inspired by God, he does call: again, St. Francis, and it is hoped with him, says: "... I also, when I was young I wanted to be like you ... I wanted to do, the friend, with the King: of the Muslims, and, instead: then, because of him, I was forced: to prepare: also, a crusade against: him! "- ANSWER - BUT, I have some good news for you! I IS NOT THE KIND THAT NOT TRUST: of bad judgments, or who allow themselves, by bad JUDGEMENT: by the OTHERS!, ALL THINGS? ALWAYS, WANT it, JUDGE by mySELF! why, I not can live , the danger, for me to have disappointed God, in all confidence, that, he puts in me! and, if one: it was really bad: in the past? this is not to say that he must continue: more: to be bad, also, against me too!

KingxKingdom2 ha pubblicato un commento

12 ore fa

@King Saudi Arabia -- (in un film) tutti i Cardinali voglio cacciare San Francesco, quando, lui chiede di fondare: i frati Francescani, ma, poi, il Papa ispirato da Dio: lo fa chiamare: di nuovo, e si confida con lui, dice: "... anche io, quando, io ero giovane: volevo essere come te, ... io volevo fare: l'amico con il Re: dei musulmani, ed invece: poi, per colpa sua, io sono stato costretto: a preparare: anche, una crociata: contro: di lui! " -- ANSWER -- MA, IO ho una buona notizia per te! io NON SONO IL TIPO, CHE, SI FIDA: dei giudizi cattivi, o che, si lascia condizionare, dal GIUDIZIO: degli ALTRI, TUTTE LE COSE? LE VOGLIO SEMPRE GIUDICARE PERSONALMENTE! perché, io nonn posso vivere, il pericolo, per me, di avere deluso Dio, nella fiducia, che, lui ripone, in me!

drinkYpoisonJHWHwins ha pubblicato un commento

13 ore fa

@King Saudi Arabia -- e perché , noi dovremmo fare la guerra necessariamente? lol. non è meglio fare l'amore! lol. eih, io non bacio i maschi in bocca!

drinkYpoisonJHWHwins ha pubblicato un commento

13 ore fa

@ king Saudi Arabia - like, what's different, the my Jewish Temple, in reference, with another Temple? in my Jewish Temple, the Lord Almighty, Holy JHWH HOLY, Allah, holy, alleluia, can be met personally, from all the pure in heart!

drinkYpoisonJHWHwins ha pubblicato un commento

13 ore fa

@king Saudi Arabia -- my dear dear: friend, and I can not say to you: "go away; dog of an infidel! thou canst not pray with me in my Jewish temple, because you're not a jew..!" lol. because, otherwise, I should kick myself, in fact, lol. even, I am not: a jew! lol. so you can be sure: of this ... lol. lol. I do not drive out, not even you! ed io non posso dire: a te: "vai via; cane di un infedele! tu non puoi pregare; con me nel mio tempio ebraico, perché tu non sei un ebreo!" lol. perché altrimenti, io dovrei cacciare me stesso, infatti, neanche io sono un ebreo! lol. così di questo tu puoi essere sicuro... lol. io non caccerò, neanche te!

drinkYpoisonJHWHwins ha pubblicato un commento

13 ore fa

what, this world could give me? I have done: the vow of poverty, and all that: that: there is in to world, is not a: attraction, for me!, I hate the power, and I hate to command: to another person, what, I wish , as a reward for my work?: I want to sing and worship: like a jew, with the angels, in my Jewish Temple! cosa, questo mondo: potrebbe dare a me? io ho fatto: il voto di povertà, e tutto quello: che: esiste nel mondo, non rappresenta una: attrazione: per me, io odio il potere, ed odio di comandare: ad un altra persona, quello, che, io desidero, come ricompensa del mio lavoro?: io desidero cantare: ed adorare, con gli angeli: nel mio Tempio Ebraico!

drinkYpoisonJHWHwins ha pubblicato un commento

13 ore fa

who: is against my ministry: of the universal brotherhood: of Unius REI? he declares alone, you want to make money: on: World War III! and why: I can not lie, and anyone could ever lie to me, that my opponents are terrified of me, in fact, they are all: international criminals! but who wants to be honest, and do not want to do injustice? Besides, he would not need to be afraid of me! Unius REI, in any way: not: Changing institutions: or religions, because, my role (as a mediator, above all the parties ) does not overlap:on: the institutions, and the existing religions, and not in conflict. . I have not either, need to have a real power, is enough for me, having a virtual power, or moral. thank you friends, for your approval, but, I think, that you are overestimating me .. but, are the enemies, that, they have to understand, as, I have no enemies, and how, I do not need to have enemies

drinkYpoisonJHWHwins ha pubblicato un commento

13 ore fa

chi è, contro, il ministero: della fratellanza universale: di Unius REI? lui dichiara da solo, di voler lucrare: sulla: III guerra mondiale! e perché: io non posso mentire, e nessuno: mai potrebbe mentire a me, che, i miei oppositori sono terrorizzati, da me, infatti, sono tutti: dei criminali internazionali! ma, chi vuole essere onesto, e , non vuole fare delle ingiustizie? poi, lui non avrebbe bisogno di avere paura di me!

allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento

14 ore fa

Unius REI, in nessun modo: modifica le istituzioni: o le religioni, perché, il mio ruolo (di mediatore, al di sopra delle parti), non si sovrapone: alle istituzioni, ed alle religioni esistenti, e non entra in conflitto.. io non ho neanche bisogno di avere un potere reale, mi è sufficiente avere un potere virtuale, o morale

allDavidDuke ha pubblicato un commento

14 ore fa

grazie amici, per la vostra approvazione, ma, io credo, che, voi state sopravvalutando me.. sono i mei nemici, che, loro devono capire, come, io non ho nemici, e come, io non ho bisogno di avere nemici

HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

14 ore fa

04/27/2013 VATICAN - CHINA Archbishop Savio Hon: I pray for Mgr Jin Luxian and I hope to go to his funeral by Savio Hon* The secretary of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples talks about the bishop of Shanghai, who passed away today. Despite criticism and suspicion, Mgr Jin worked hard for the Church's mission. The time for purification and reconciliation has come. For the Vatican, Mgr Ma Daqin is the successor of the bishop of Shanghai. Even Pope Francis keeps relics of the Church's mistakes in China. Vatican City (AsiaNews) - We are all very saddened by the death of Mgr Aloysius Jin Luxian, who was called to heaven today. As bishop, he had reconciled with the Holy Father and his appointment had been approved. I pray for him and I would really like to go to his funeral. I met Mgr Jin for the first time in the early '90s, when he invited me to teach at Sheshan seminary.

HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

14 ore fa

04/26/2013 SYRIA - VATICAN No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow by Elias Khoury Sources tell AsiaNews they will believe in the release when they can see and talk to the two bishops. Delay is a sign that something went wrong. So far, Christians have not taken sides with either warring party. The pope calls for a political solution to the crisis. Western governments seek to arm the opposition. Accusations of nerve gas use could lead to US military intervention.

HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

14 ore fa

04/27/2013 PAKISTAN. Ashfaq Fateh, Christians and Muslims mourn the death of a "model of activism". Like Anthony Mathew and Shahbaz Bhatti, he has "left his mark on the map of Pakistan." His funeral was attended by a "great multitude" without distinction of creed or social class. Close to Fr. Bonnie Mendes, the activist was known for promotion of education and development. CHINA - HONG KONG. Sichuan quake: Catholics among the victims hope to rebuild destroyed homes and churches. In the affected area at least 6 thousand of 10 thousand Catholics have lost their homes, farms, crops. Three churches were completely destroyed, with many others seriously damaged. The Chengdu regional seminary also damaged. Some churches destroyed in the 2008 earthquake had not yet been rebuilt. Card. Tong launches appeals for prayer and to raise funds to be donated by Caritas Hong Kong. Many people, disgusted by the corruption of the Chinese government prefer direct donations through NGOs working in Sichuan.

HellxDesPairTruction ha pubblicato un commento

14 ore fa

04/27/2013 VIETNAM. bad communist idiot! Trang Bom: Vietnamese authorities against priests and bishop united to the end single party rule. People's Committee launches smear campaigns and threats against diocesan clergy. They are charged with having promoted prelates' reflections on the draft reform of Constitution. Frontal attack against bishops and priests, for fear that desire for change is growing among population. 04/27/2013 CHINA - VATICAN. Msgr. Aloysius Jin Luxian, official bishop of Shanghai, has died KAZAKHSTAN. Kazakhstan, "religious freedom does not exist" Cases of persecution against minority religious are growing. Members of religious communities and human rights defenders in the country report that there is no freedom of faith.

UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento

15 ore fa

@666 Obama --- idiot, because you do not say, that there is a problem in your Islam, which has been corrupted? idiota, perché tu non dici, che, esiste un problema, nel tuo Islam, che, è stato corrotto? imbécile, parce que, vous n'avez pas dit cela, il ya un problème: dans votre islam, qui: a été corrompu? أحمق، لأنه، كما لا أقول، أن، هناك مشكلة: في الإسلام، والتي: تم إتلاف؟ Idiot, weil, sagen Sie nicht, dass es ein Problem gibt: in Ihre Islam, der: beschädigt wurde? sizin İslam'da,: bozulduğunu aptal, çünkü bir sorun olduğunu, bu, söyleme? idiota, porque, ya no digo, que hay un problema: en el Islam, que: se ha dañado? идиот, потому что, вы не говорите, что есть проблема: в исламе, который: был поврежден? idioot, want, je niet zeggen, dat, er is een probleem: in de islam, die: is beschadigd?

UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento

16 ore fa

"We have evidence (the same of: IRAQ), but, the feedback on the use: of weapons of mass destruction by the Syrian regime: they are still preliminary (ie, if they use them: terrorists: is it normal? ), if confirmed: would change things, to threats to civilians (but, Islamists are doing: ethnic cleansing, kidnappings, kidnappings of priests: and bishops: this is quite normal for you?), countries neighbors and to: the risk that: these substances fall: in the hands of terrorist groups, "said Obama - ANSWER - REALLY?

UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento

16 ore fa

but really you, Turkey, etc. .. and your: Arab League: no democracy, no human rights and no freedom of religion, to have brought: the terrorists in Syria! So only you are responsible for terrorists! Because, you see the speck, in the eye of Assad, and not see the beam in your own eye: and in that, your Nazis: the Arab League? that is, occult powers: Masonic Bildenberg, IMF, NWO, Satanists, Freemasons, Islamists, you are conspiring against the life of all peoples .. if, there is an intervention, which you can do in Syria?, is to go: to resume: Your terrorists, that you did enter!

UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento

16 ore fa

«Abbiamo delle prove (le stesse dell'IRAQ), ma, le valutazioni sull'uso: delle armi di distruzione di massa, da parte del regime siriano: sono ancora preliminari (cioè, se le usano: i terroristi: è tutto normale?), se confermate: cambierebbero le cose, per le minacce, verso i civili (ma, gli islamisti stanno facendo: la pulizia etnica, sequestri di persone, rapimenti di preti: e vescovi: questo è tutto normale per te?), i Paesi vicini: e per: il rischio: che: tali sostanze cadano: nelle mani di gruppi terroristi» ha detto Obama, --ANSWER -- REALLY?

UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento

16 ore fa

ma, sei proprio tu, Turchia, ecc.. e la tua: lega araba: senza democrazia, senza diritti umani: e senza libertà di religione, ad avere portato: i terroristi in Siria! Quindi soltanto tu sei il responsabile dei terroristi! Perché, tu vedi la pagliuzza, nell'occhio di Assad, e non vedi la trave nel tuo occhio: e in quello, dei tuoi nazisti: della Lega Arabe? cioè, poteri occulti: massonici, bildenberg, FMI, NWO, satanisti, massoni, islamisti, voi state cospirando, contro, la vita di tutti i popoli.. se, c'è un intervento, che, tu puoi fare in Siria?, è quello di andare: a riprendere: i tuoi terroristi, che, tu hai fatto entrare!

UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento

16 ore fa

Obama, =, sharia, =, jihad, =, worldwide caliphate, =, islamist, =, Al Quaeda, =, Obama

UniusReiOrWarW666IMF ha pubblicato un commento

16 ore fa

@ OBAMA, Arab League, you are the scum! you are: the most dangerous international criminals, because, you have doing become islamists, all Muslim countries (Nazi project: worldwide caliphate), you have brought: Al Queda: in Syria: etc. .. to do: ethnic cleansing, you have violated: all international conventions, and then: the first error (alleged): You want to attack: Syria 1. you want to destroy Christianity, 2., you want to disintegrate Israel, in fact, while: all nations work: to avoid: World War III, your: IMF Talmud Kabbalah: satanisca: Rothschild, he needs: of: III world War, to: regenerate, a new monetary cycle: based, on the currency: debt, at interest, created from nothing and made ​​to pay: 270%: of its value, against all the peoples, (said: scientist Giacinto Auriti) you must not find out too late , that Assad has always been open to dialogue, that you never wanted to do with him

111111GoodBye111111 -- someone, more honest of: synnek1 should take: his place .. but, you're also, a Satanist .. therefore, I can not put yourself in her place! qualcuno, più onesto di synnek1, dovrebbe prendere: il suo posto.. ma, anche tu sei un satanista.. quindi, io non posso mettere te, al suo posto! about synnek1 --- his channel is dead, not, him ... he is been beaten. @111111GoodBye111111 -- non è facile convincere, i maniaci religiosi, come: i salafiti, islamisti, laveradottrina, ecc.. ma, anche, gli atei, ed i satanisti: sono dei maniaci religiosi, dal momento che, neanche, loro, possono dimostrare le loro tesi!

[youtube es el hogar: de unius REI: para siempre en los próximos siglos: y: hasta el final: del mundo] No sé si la destrucción de la canal: de: synnek1, quien es el administrador de Corea, de todo youtube, representará: un punto de inflexión para la gestión: youtube de sí mismo! de lo contrario, continúe: a morir, y ser golpeado, por lo que, en modo sobrenatural, todos aquellos que, corromper a nuestros hijos, en este servidor, social: para todo el mundo! [youtube est le foyer: des unius REI: toujours dans les prochains: quelques siècles, et: jusqu'à la fin: du monde] Je ne sais pas si la destruction du canal: de: synnek1, qui est l'administrateur de Corée, de tous youtube, représentera: un tournant pour la gestion: de youtube lui-même! sinon, continuez: mourir: et d'être frappé, donc, dans le mode surnaturel, tous ceux qui, corrompre nos enfants, sur ce serveur, sociale: pour tout le monde!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

[يوتيوب هي موطن REI الخط الفاصل: إلى الأبد في القرون القليلة المقبلة، وحتى نهاية العالم] أنا لا أعرف ما إذا كان تدمير للقناة من: synnek1، منظمة الصحة العالمية، هو المسؤول الكوري، جميع يوتيوب، وتمثل: نقطة تحول بالنسبة للإدارة: من يوتيوب نفسه! خلاف ذلك، لا تزال تموت وأن تصل، لذلك، في وضع خارق، كل أولئك الذين، إفساد أطفالنا، على هذا الخادم والاجتماعية: لجميع العالم!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

[youtube is the home of unius REI: forever in the next few centuries, and until the end of the world] I do not know if the destruction of the channel: the synnek1, who, is the administrator Korean, of all youtube, will represent a turning point for the management of youtube itself! otherwise, continue to die and to be hit, so, in mode soprannaturael, all those who, corrupt our children, on this server, social: for all world!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

@Saudi Arabia, Iran -- e perché mai, proprio io: che, io sono impegnato, contro, ogni forma di satanismo: e di peccato, e perché mai, proprio io: dovrei: fare del male all'Islam, per fare precipare, anche voi, nell'abominio massonico e satanico: in cui è precipitato il cristianesimo? questo di danneggiare l'Islam, in realtà, n verità non è nell'interesse del Regno di Dio! quelli che state facendo del male all'Islam, oggi, siete solo voi.. invece UNIUS REI, che domina sul mondo proteggerebbe l'islam, su scala mondiale... non possiamo, più fare del male a persone virtuse, in nome: di una qualche religione! adesso basta!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

@Iran, Saudi Arabia -- i vostri maniaci religiosi? non sono la verità: ne, dell'Islam, e neanche, della teologia! e quale culto: a Dio: voi volete fare: attraverso: la menzogna? e può esistere una menzogna: a fin di bene? quella: menzogna, che: i farisei continueranno a dire a noi, per colpa vostra vostra? sarà soltanto, per il loro bene, e per la nostra distruzione, cioè, il satanismo, del signoraggio bancario, che, ha riempito il modo.. in verità: la verità è nell'interesse, di tutti coloro, che, sono sotto la luce del giorno, mentre, la menzogna è nell'interesse, dei figli delle tenebre.. allora, anche voi, venite con me nella luce! non abbandonate il genere umano, alla III guerra mondiale!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

111111GoodBye111111 -- my friend, in questa pagina: mi ha messo Dio, e quindi, non serve a niente lamentarsi! meglio stare qui, per ora, che, imbracciare un fucile di precisione!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

@Saudi Arabia, Iran [you can not save your life and Sharia: together]-- the Sardinians (people,of Sardinia) are a people very proud! I was in Rome to do an internship with the "Farmers" I was 18, and my friend, he put himself in a position: very delicate (though, he believed in himself, subjectively ,to have right, and, that, he was offended), which is why, he insisted, to remain, however, for pride, in that uncomfortable situation, and pride, he would not leave his position .. if, I do not approached, to his ear, to say, any, what, that only he could hear? and that only this, could rehabilitate his dignity? my friend, could not, unlocked himself, from his position, and, then, the instructors would have called the police ... and since, no one could, know what, I had said to him? here is that the losers: turned, only, instructors. in this mode my friend was saved


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

9 ore fa

111111GoodBye111111 --- lol, ma, io non sono scoraggiato, io sono soltanto arrabbiato! e tu cosa potresti fare tu, per lenire la mia rabbia?


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

9 ore fa

i farisei illuminati: DA LUCIFERO, del FMI, per la distruzione di Israele, loro non possono agire, con: la loro kabbalah: di sterminio: e di distruzione, contro: qualcuno: che è a livello, di una grande Nazione, se questo qualcuno, lui, non: passa da se stesso, dalla parte del torto, cioè, dalla parte: di gravi crimini.. contro: tutto il genere umano. e voi islamici? voi avete: di gran lunga superato, i crimini dei nazisti? perché volete morire? perché volete che il Corano e l'Islam vengano dichiarati illegali: in tutto il mondo? perché volete permettere al demone del FMI, di replicare se stesso, sempre in modo più gigantesco? io sono UNIUS REI!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

9 ore fa

@Saudi Arabia , and Iran -- noi vogliamo risolvere: tutti i problemi del "Medio Oriete", e, quindi, tutti i problemi: più pericolosi del mondo? ma, questo dipende: solo da voi! perché: io sono UNIUS REI. Rothschild, del 666: FED ECB, FMI, e NWO: 322 Bush, micro-chip: god owl at bohemian grove? loro hanno scommesso, che, io devo fallire, e che voi dovete morire!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

9 ore fa

ovviamente, il problema delle ingiuste violenze, e del razzismo, delle vittime dell'imperialismo, e della cattiva: religione fanatica,, non è: un problema dei soli cristiani, che, sono la comunità più perseguitata: sia in Oriente: che: in Occidente.. guai, a chi fa del male: a persone pacifiche, ed innocenti, in ogni parte del mondo..


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

9 ore fa

[400 martiri cristiani innocenti: uccisi: ogni giorno] quello che facevano: gli idolatri romani, contro i cristiani? quello che: facevano: Stalin e Mao? ora, lo fanno i musulmani... è la storia del Regno di Dio, che, condanna tutti loro come criminali..


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

10 ore fa

Ave, oh Maria, sorella nostra: e madre della Chiesa, Ave, Speranza di Israele: nostra sorella.. amen alleluia, Ave, o Maria, potente esercito: schierato in ordine: di: battaglia, Madre premurosa: di tutti i bambini: del mondo, stella del Cielo. Arca della Alleanza, Porta del Paradiso, Regina degli angeli.. Ave, amen, alleluia.

Abu Antar

Abu Antar (syrian secret services)ha pubblicato un commento

12 ore fa

Unius Rei worked his curse on Synnek1? o.O


allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

17 ore fa



Mistafield (satanista istituzionale: internazionale italiano: che, ha simulato: un ex canale di Synnek1: ma, su questa pagina è sempre presente, anche, un satanista istituzionale tedesco) ha pubblicato un commento

17 ore fa:

All Politicians Suck


allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

17 ore fa

c'è una maledizione, contro, tutti i miei nemici, in tutto il mondo.. soltanto: che: qui: si è più a contatto: in modo immediato: con il mio ministero.. burn satana: in Jesus's name

because, to the admiral of the Italian Navy, shall be paid: a monthly salary: to: € 320,000: euro? 1. to protect the Italian state? 2. to obey, to Bush NWO 322... 3. or even to reward him to participate in the project: Aliens Abductions? These are the questions most frightening ... and not: solve: these problems: of all occult powers: that: the IMF has created? would be: the end for all of us, very soon .. perhaps only in Rothschild 666 Pharisee IMF, and Bush: 322, New World Order, are able: to stop their madness ... and I am available to them at any time ... if they believe that I can be a help for them


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

1 sett. fa

it is easier, for me, to convert Satanists and Masons, who kill them, so this is also my method with the Islamists, and, with all the dangerous people in the world: I am Unius REI, the king of Israel.. synnek1, Ihatenewlyout --[I'm sorry for you, for, this your story with Satan because Satan is bad]--- the fact that you can not speak with me confidentially? this really is: a very bad sign .. but, I do not think, that it is, for an your responsibility .. I do not I want to do you harm, never! In fact, your life is precious to me, I know: your identity, but, for me, will always be a secret, your identity! I do not I will never hurt you! but, my wrath will hurl: against: the powerful who: have stolen the sovereignty, to the Kingdom of God. because, I am Unius REI


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

1 sett. fa

Abu Antar --- because you believe, that all those who belong to secret societies, they are free to be able to go out? no, they can not do it, anymore. so they all(322, 666) need to be freed from their nightmare .. I believe that the time has come for us to show the best of ourselves to others, but we are all determined about our priority.. "restore freedom to all prisoners".. in this way, I will let remain: PSY: at his post, but, I will remove Synnek1 cannibal and Satanist, from his seat: only .. because all men should be offered another chance, before the human race is finally destroyed. 2021unfukkme is not synnek1 -- try to be tolerant ... we all have to live in the world ... and besides, who's dead? he did not learn anything more than the most.. if God is tolerant, because we have to be angry about facts of secondary importance? you must always take the most biggest problem: that is, Satanism, Freemasonry and their agenda of the IMF.


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

1 sett. fa

[I love PSY (my friend), but, i hate Synnek1 (my enemy)] is necessary: ​​for everyone to stay calm, because, this situation: occult powers: that: the IMF of the Pharisees has created, it needs , be turned off, and must be handled with intelligence, That Is, politically, because, no one: do gets bad .. is required, a transition phase, Which, report / restore, any sovereignty: as required by the Constitution, That Is, we must return to true: national self-determination .. but, for all this: it: is not: a destructive process, you need: a commissioner, a prosecutor, of all the nations: of the world: that is, unius REI, and: I do not seek my own glory, Because I am dedicated to the Glory of God: YHWH only. I love of: PSY: his kindness, because, what, he is outwardly? I am inwardly: interiorment


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

1 sett. fa

[rebellion against the Kingdom of God is rebellion against Jesus]Judgment is coming! Repent and Prepare.... Follow Jesus and Trust God! 1 Corinthians 6:9. Don't you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God's kingdom? Do not be deceived: No sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, or anyone practicing homosexuality..ecc.. THE ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER (GOD AND HEAVEN) IS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. PREPPRERS NIGHTMARE REV 6:12-17.... 15 Then the kings of the earth, the rulers and the military chiefs, the rich and the powerful, and all other people, slave and free, hid themselves in caves and? under rocks on the mountains. 16 They called out to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the eyes of the one who sits on the throne and from the anger of the Lamb! 17 The terrible day of their anger is here, and who can stand up against it?..Or hide? TRUST GOD and Not Man!!


IHateNEWLAYOUT King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

3 sett. fa

hey friend I can not comment on Youtube channel :(


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

4 sett. fa

@ OBAMA ---your synnek1: said: " waterboarding is a form of torture in which water is poured: the cloth: that: covers his face: and airway immobilized captive, causing the individual: to try the sensation of drowning waterboarding: it can cause extreme pain, dry drowning., damage to lungs, brain damage from oxygen deprivation, other injuries, including fractures two to fight against the restrictions, lasting psychological damage, and death "-- ANSWER - As, freemasonry has replaced the european institutions and, satanism has replaced american institutions! Like, you can go into the world, to give lessons in democracy now? lorenzojhwh unius REI commented: "Abu Antar" as follows:? Another Satanist? as, is been the first, where is? and was put in sulfuric acid: too: also him? where is Ihatenewlayout?


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

4 sett. fa

@Saudi Arabia and Israel -- why not buy the real atomic: from, Iran and North Korea? because your atomic: can be disabled through the GPRS. why, is pay for the Italian navy admiral, etc. .. a salary of 330,000 euros: per month? if, not for precaution prevent protect, That, he will be against: at his constitutional oath to defend the constitution and republican institutions, Which have been occupied by Freemasonry, and all Bildenberg, occult powers, of seigniorage banking: IMF FED ECB? as: in America the power: were been occupied by Satanism: institutional international CIA Mossad: for do 200.000 hman sacrifice on altar of satana.. kingIsraelUniusREI King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution 7 minuti fa: Abu Antar : you are: new: Abu Antar ? @King Saudi Arabia -- a monkey? does not become a king, just because: he wears a crown


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

4 sett. fa

@ OBAMA --- your synnek1: said: "waterboarding is a form of torture in cui water is poured: the cloth: that: covers his face: and airway immobilized captive, causing the individual: to try the sensation of drowning waterboarding: it can cause extreme pain, dry drowning., damage to lungs, brain damage from oxygen deprivation, other injuries, fractures Including two to fight against the restrictions, lasting psychological damage, and death "- ANSWER - As, freemasonry has Replaced the european Institutions and, satanism has Replaced american Institutions! Like, you can go into the world, to give lessons in democracy now? lorenzojhwh unius REI commented: "Abu Antar" as follows:? Another Satanist? as, is been the first, where is? and was put in sulfuric acid: too: also him? where is Ihatenewlayout?


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

4 sett. fa

@ Saudi Arabia and Israel - why not buy the real atomic: from, Iran and North Korea? Because your atomic: can be disabled through the GPRS. why, is pay for the Italian navy admiral, etc.. .. a salary of 330,000 euros: per month? if, not for precaution precaution prevent protect, That, he against: at his constitutional oath to defend the constitution and republican institutions, Which have been occupied by Freemasonry, and all Bildenberg, occult powers, of banking seigniorage: IMF FED ECB? as: the power in America: were been occupied by Satanism: international institutional CIA Mossad: do for, 200,000 human sacrifice, on the altar of Satan .. kingIsraelUniusREI posted a comment 7 minutes ago Abu Antar: you are: new Abu Antar?


UniusRei3 King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

LordSourmash - do not you know, that, among: the MAIN: Duties of an RE: IS THERE: to put to death the criminals? and that is, that I have always done in the past five years! and because, you love the flames? you will be put: into 666 the fire of hell .. This is why, my God, YHWH, has begun you, and yours, to get used despair fire: your soul desperate, even today! In fact, you will burn in hell already, and everyone can see! there is no peace for the kingdom of Satan! non c'è pace, per il regno di satana! non sai tu, che, tra: i PRINCIPALI: doveri di un RE: C'È QUELLO: di mettere a morte i criminali? ed è quello, che, io ho sempre fatto: in questi cinque anni! e poiché, tu ami le fiamme? nel fuoco dell'inferno tu sarai messo.. ecco perché, il mio Dio JHWH, ha incominciato ad abituare te: al fuoco: la tua anima disperata, anche oggi! infatti, l'inferno già brucia in te e tutti lo possono vedere!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

synnek1 kkk nazi: ie, UltraShit666: faggot --- and you, when you show me your face? you should have: the round face: of an Irishman! @ the truth about love? but: only from the political point of view?: is shame / modesty! therefore, all those who have modesty: they will be protected: by, Unius REI, although gay! but, of course, this is not the position: of my jew brother and: friend: High Priest, in the III Temple of Jerusalem! do not believe that, build the Third Temple is better than making World War III?


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

@ IRAN - of course, be a Zionist for the kingdom of Palestine, like me, and many other Jews? means being: a mortal enemy of the Zionists: of Rothschild star 666 on the flag of Israel: that is, the false democracy Masonic: of seigniorage banking: a true abomination against YHWH! and many Jews? are just waiting for the right moment: to make a change in history! CIA 666 IMF horror: project: "aliens abductions" NWO 322: IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 3 hours ago: "I ​​am not sure i have something in my head" --- ANSWER - Lord JHWH, have mercy! Christ, have mercy!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

@ KING SAUDI ARABIA - if you're stoned? abdigare please! you do not have the right to lead to death, 1.5 billion Muslims, and others, 4 billion of other people with them! lol. course? we Jews? are not the fagot Christians! because, we who have absolute control of the West! good BIRTHDAY! all wrong! none of us use the Bible to kill Muslims! and if you believe that a dog like me, right: he, too, to live on this earth? then, you'll have to burn any your Koran verses! my father! I am only one man, in the presence of the living God: Allah, the friend: our Father Abraham, is not it, that we are all children of Abraham, namely, that: we are all brothers .. is why? to laugh against: us Satanists of NWO: occult powers?


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

@KING SAUDI ARABIA -- se tu sei rincoglionito? abdiga! tu non hai il diritto di portare alla morte, 1,5 miliardi di musulmani, e, altri, 4 miliardi di altre persone: insieme a loro! ol. ovviamente? noi ebrei? non siamo i faggot cristiani! poiché siamo noi che abbiamo il controllo assoluto dell'Occidente! AUGURI! tutto sbagliato! nessuno di noi, usa la Bibbia per uccidere i musulmani! e se tu credi che, un cane come me, ha diritto: anche lui, a vivere su questa terra? allora, tu dovrai bruciare alcuni versetti del tuo Corano! padre mio! io sono soltanto un uomo solo, alla presenza del Dio vivente: Allah, l'amico: del nostro Padre Abramo, non è vero, che, noi siamo tutti figli di: Abramo, cioè, che: noi siamo tutti fratelli.. per fare ridere: contro: di noi i satanisti del NWO: dei poteri occulti?


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

penkallli Commento sul tuo video: Hadith or not to Hadith GREAT Debate First burn secular laws that allow cousin marriage, wall street, usury, nukes, colateral damage etc - The first suicide killer is Samson, baby killer Moses, child taking by Mose-Joshua etc -Dont shoot urself on the foot boy --ANSWER --NO! BEAST! with all your lies? you have killed: and thou hast made ​​the genocide of 50 nations(all peoples) that were before thee: in 50 countries Islamized! if, you give not: to me: freedom of religion, now right? I will kill you: like a dog! between, 10 years? there will be no more: all over the world, one only mosque, which, has not become a museum NO! BESTIA! con le tue bugie? tu hai ucciso: e: tu hai fatto il genocidio di 50 popoli, che, erano prima te: nelle 50 nazioni islamizzate! se, tu non darai: a me: la libertà di religione subito? io farò morire te: come un cane! tra 10 anni? non ci sarà più: in tutto il mondo, una sola moschea, che, non sia diventata un museo

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Bush 322 NWO, SYNNEK1 - BEAST! You, alone, did you in the ass! Because the Pharisees Satanists: IMF THE ENLIGHTENED: In Their Kabbalah: They have not programmed: The IMF NWO 666: ORDER: THAT, Also could win: against, unius REI? but it is PRECISELY this: that makes the Jews: a people extraordinary! .. In Their jealousy of love?, they left open: one open door For Their YHWH! here's why: the release of the Jews from the U.S. WILL condemn at the destruction of That nation: full of Satanists, but: save from destruction: all the MIDDLE EAST IMF 666 NWO - was not prepared to stand against me: unius REI!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

IHateNEWLAYOUT - do not be afraid to die! our lives are not Important: in front of the salvation of Israel, That Is, the only hope for the future of our children! Israel is the only hope: for all human kind. but, you have to be smart, because, you can be hypnotized easily! Project MKULTRA, by Rockefeller IMF FED NWO agenda: administration of hypnosis, truth Serums, subliminal messages, LSD and other psychological actions of people chosen for this purpose. mind control), or the control of the psyche of the people. This technique would bring many benefits, Such as the creation of unsuspecting assassins: or control of foreign leaders uncomfortable. The project was funded by a total: of $ 25 million and were 80 Institutions Involved Including 44: universities and 12: hospitals [3]. obviously behind synnek1: there is a real U.S. government, not the puppet of Obama!

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

IHateNEWLAYOUT IHateNEWLAYOUT King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution 8 minuti fa I am not sure i have something in my head --ANSWER -- what makes you believe that Satanists can be the loyal employers? they walked: blasfemy, apostasy, against: on all the natural law, against, love of God JHWH, and then have trod: destroy any civilization! 666 IHateNEWLAYOUT cannibal CIA - for do: 200,000 human sacrifice: on the altar of Satan - salary that Satanists are giving to you: today, through synnek1 CIA: international institutional Satanism? need to buy: life your daughter to be sacrificed: on the altar of Satan, when you get your time! there is nothing that can not be vomited: rejected: from your body and from your soul, in the name of Jesus! kill synnek1

JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

@666 -- do not see that figure shit, did done: all the Islamists, who have sworn, to Assisi in 1992: with Sua SANTITÀ GIOVANNI PAOLO II: " never kill a man in the name of God! yet, NEVER MORE! but, they killed 300 innocent Christian martyrs, every day! any day .. you can not take control of Satan, outside of Jesus Christ! @ king of Saudi Arabia --- the fact that, I am an absolute monarchy? this is not to say that: I do not recognize and did not realize: every, and, all democratic principles values, and all human rights .. but, leave in life: one only Islamist? is like, to be sentenced to death! because, you believe, that, Merkel, and all governments, of all world, ie, the NWO: 666: all synagogue of satan: 322, they are naive, with you! you're too idiot, instead! In fact, in ten years? Islam will no longer exist in the world! and you can be: in some prison to see: all this: like Saddam Hussein

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

666 IHateNEWLAYOUT cannibal CIA - for do: 200,000 human sacrifice: on altar of Satan --- but, are you sure That the mask murderess, That, you have worn it, is why, you have shame of yourself: for to be satanist, to show your own face, criminal, in public, you're not afraid to yourself, also .. lol. as, in my exorcism, That, i was sent to myself: to my channel for: another mine channel: did fear also: to myself? lol.if your wife: is not Satanist, she is very very very nice good kind person: beautifull women! but, you are not happy cannibal satanist priest: a true piece of shit! you can not do anything to That precaution prevent your daughter: does not end: a day: on the altar of Satan too: also her

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Abu Antar has posted a comment: 8 hours ago: Unius Rei, Israel bombed Syria yesterday just for the sake of helping the Islamists. This is One of Those: occasions: I agree with you. -- ANSWER -- You have not understood anything: this Israeli attack against Syria: it is not to be related to the current conflict! and if there is: a war against Iran, will give you all the Syrian nation under the control of Israel, too. because: this: is my agenda: that is, is to be a Zionist, for the kingdom of Palestine, that is, do: the universal brotherhood, in fact, it should not be forgotten: that, first to be two: between: the greatest Christians in history: me and Benny Hinn? we are two true Jews, like any other true Christian!

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

System masonic IMF FED 666: IHateNEWLAYOUT cannibal CIA - for 200,000 do human sacrifice an altar of Satan - by HellSaveYou thing? save you from the hell? lol. That, is there? Shall you do to me, with the index finger, also, this time, to send me to fuck off? thank you you look like the little brother of Obama .. lol. if you love Satan Which is a piece of shit? how much more you have to love me? sorry, I have many items: articles, to do and blog on TV, I would lose too much time! However, you are a handsome man. why your life is in danger .. lol. because synnek1: kkk is a nazi, that: he hates Jews, and blacks. you make me tenderly, Because unius REI has an absolute power over all Satanists, and above all the demons of hell! and in fact, none of you can escape to my will!

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

@ IRAN - it is not in their interest(masonic satanic system 666 IMF talmud agenda NWO) to accept your conditions! you have to set an example, in a unilateral way! if you will do the true freedom of religion, and the true human rights? I will be by your side, against Israel in this war inevitable, against you! with more energy supernatural and divine, to like, I was not be: been, in favor of Syria @IRAN -- non è loro interesse: di accettare le tue condizioni! tu devi dare l'esempio, in modo unilaterale! se tu farai la vera libertà di religione, ed i veri diritti umani? io sarò al tuo fianco, contro Israele, in questa guerra, ormai inevitabile, contro di te! con più energia sopranaturale e divina, di come, io non sono stato a favore della Siria

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

my son IRAN - since the Pharisees: in 1200 AD, they were given a body, at demons: for relizzare aliens, and spread the Satanism in the world? ok, for this reason, I am forced to allow: the nuclear: to all nations: where are respect the human rights and freedom of religion! but, I myself am forced to destroy: between, the use of force, everyone else! because justice can return to rule on earth -- da quando i farisei: nel 1200 d.C., loro hanno dato un corpo, ai demoni: per relizzare gli alieni, e diffondere il satanismo nel mondo? ok, per questo motivo, io sono costretto a permettere: il nucleare a tutte le nazioni: che: rispettano i diritti umani: e la libertà di religione! ma, io stesso sono costretto a distruggere: con l'uso della forza tutti gli altri! perché la giustizia possa ritornare a dominare sulla terra

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

[IRAN] Hagel, stop Iran, defend Israel (AP) - WASHINGTON, JANUARY 31, 19:04 (4 hour: after my article: pro-Israel) - "We have to stop the Iranian nuclear program: and, for this purpose: each option: it is, on the table. "He said the Pentagon chief appointed, Chuck Hagel in the Senate. Hagel, criticized in the past by the pro-Israel lobby: for some of his positions: as a senator, then reassured they were always on the side: Israel, in defense of his right to a defense: "I am committed to ensuring: the prominent role of Israel, our friend and ally, in the whole area. "--answer - they are all hypocrites and liars [pork Saudi Arabia: prepared for slaughter, should be kept blind: still].. in fact, your problem is not the nuclear, but, you can not hold: the Islamist intolerance, and nuclear together! your destruction: my son, it is inevitable!

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Supreme Court: for Use of drugs, 'Criminally irrelevant' in two cases: of: the purchase mandate: either, of purchase common: is not a crime: 31 January, 18:35 - ANSWER -- ANSWER -- but if, there is sex, in the group, it must be assumed rape! in reality, the Constitution, and the natural law, the use of drugs: it is always a matter subject to prosecution, but the hemp should not be criminalized! Cassazione: su uso droga: se: in gruppo: non è reato: 'Penalmente irrilevante' nella duplice ipotesi: di: mandato all'acquisto: o di, acquisto comune: 31 gennaio, 18:35 -- ANSWER -- ma, se c'è sesso nel gruppo, si deve presumere lo stupro! in realtà, per la Costituzione: e la legge naturale, l'uso di stupefacenti: è sempre: un fatto penalmente rilevante: ma, la canapa: non deve essere criminalizzata!

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution


YouTube Rewind 2012

111111GoodBye111111 -- someone, more honest of: synnek1 should take: his place .. but, you're also, a Satanist .. therefore, I can not put yourself in her place! qualcuno, più onesto di synnek1, dovrebbe prendere: il suo posto.. ma, anche tu sei un satanista.. quindi, io non posso mettere te, al suo posto! about synnek1 --- his channel is dead, not, him ... he is been beaten. @111111GoodBye111111 -- non è facile convincere, i maniaci religiosi, come: i salafiti, islamisti, laveradottrina, ecc.. ma, anche, gli atei, ed i satanisti: sono dei maniaci religiosi, dal momento che, neanche, loro, possono dimostrare le loro tesi!

[youtube es el hogar: de unius REI: para siempre en los próximos siglos: y: hasta el final: del mundo] No sé si la destrucción de la canal: de: synnek1, quien es el administrador de Corea, de todo youtube, representará: un punto de inflexión para la gestión: youtube de sí mismo! de lo contrario, continúe: a morir, y ser golpeado, por lo que, en modo sobrenatural, todos aquellos que, corromper a nuestros hijos, en este servidor, social: para todo el mundo! [youtube est le foyer: des unius REI: toujours dans les prochains: quelques siècles, et: jusqu'à la fin: du monde] Je ne sais pas si la destruction du canal: de: synnek1, qui est l'administrateur de Corée, de tous youtube, représentera: un tournant pour la gestion: de youtube lui-même! sinon, continuez: mourir: et d'être frappé, donc, dans le mode surnaturel, tous ceux qui, corrompre nos enfants, sur ce serveur, sociale: pour tout le monde!

[يوتيوب هي موطن REI الخط الفاصل: إلى الأبد في القرون القليلة المقبلة، وحتى نهاية العالم] أنا لا أعرف ما إذا كان تدمير للقناة من: synnek1، منظمة الصحة العالمية، هو المسؤول الكوري، جميع يوتيوب، وتمثل: نقطة تحول بالنسبة للإدارة: من يوتيوب نفسه! خلاف ذلك، لا تزال تموت وأن تصل، لذلك، في وضع خارق، كل أولئك الذين، إفساد أطفالنا، على هذا الخادم والاجتماعية: لجميع العالم!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

[youtube is the home of unius REI: forever in the next few centuries, and until the end of the world] I do not know if the destruction of the channel: the synnek1, who, is the administrator Korean, of all youtube, will represent a turning point for the management of youtube itself! otherwise, continue to die and to be hit, so, in mode soprannaturael, all those who, corrupt our children, on this server, social: for all world!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

@Saudi Arabia, Iran -- e perché mai, proprio io: che, io sono impegnato, contro, ogni forma di satanismo: e di peccato, e perché mai, proprio io: dovrei: fare del male all'Islam, per fare precipare, anche voi, nell'abominio massonico e satanico: in cui è precipitato il cristianesimo? questo di danneggiare l'Islam, in realtà, n verità non è nell'interesse del Regno di Dio! quelli che state facendo del male all'Islam, oggi, siete solo voi.. invece UNIUS REI, che domina sul mondo proteggerebbe l'islam, su scala mondiale... non possiamo, più fare del male a persone virtuse, in nome: di una qualche religione! adesso basta!

@Iran, Saudi Arabia -- i vostri maniaci religiosi? non sono la verità: ne, dell'Islam, e neanche, della teologia! e quale culto: a Dio: voi volete fare: attraverso: la menzogna? e può esistere una menzogna: a fin di bene? quella: menzogna, che: i farisei continueranno a dire a noi, per colpa vostra vostra? sarà soltanto, per il loro bene, e per la nostra distruzione, cioè, il satanismo, del signoraggio bancario, che, ha riempito il modo.. in verità: la verità è nell'interesse, di tutti coloro, che, sono sotto la luce del giorno, mentre, la menzogna è nell'interesse, dei figli delle tenebre.. allora, anche voi, venite con me nella luce! non abbandonate il genere umano, alla III guerra mondiale!

111111GoodBye111111 -- my friend, in questa pagina: mi ha messo Dio, e quindi, non serve a niente lamentarsi! meglio stare qui, per ora, che, imbracciare un fucile di precisione!

@Saudi Arabia, Iran [you can not save your life and Sharia: together]-- the Sardinians (people,of Sardinia) are a people very proud! I was in Rome to do an internship with the "Farmers" I was 18, and my friend, he put himself in a position: very delicate (though, he believed in himself, subjectively ,to have right, and, that, he was offended), which is why, he insisted, to remain, however, for pride, in that uncomfortable situation, and pride, he would not leave his position .. if, I do not approached, to his ear, to say, any, what, that only he could hear? and that only this, could rehabilitate his dignity? my friend, could not, unlocked himself, from his position, and, then, the instructors would have called the police ... and since, no one could, know what, I had said to him? here is that the losers: turned, only, instructors. in this mode my friend was saved

111111GoodBye111111 --- lol, ma, io non sono scoraggiato, io sono soltanto arrabbiato! e tu cosa potresti fare tu, per lenire la mia rabbia?

i farisei illuminati: DA LUCIFERO, del FMI, per la distruzione di Israele, loro non possono agire, con: la loro kabbalah: di sterminio: e di distruzione, contro: qualcuno: che è a livello, di una grande Nazione, se questo qualcuno, lui, non: passa da se stesso, dalla parte del torto, cioè, dalla parte: di gravi crimini.. contro: tutto il genere umano. e voi islamici? voi avete: di gran lunga superato, i crimini dei nazisti? perché volete morire? perché volete che il Corano e l'Islam vengano dichiarati illegali: in tutto il mondo? perché volete permettere al demone del FMI, di replicare se stesso, sempre in modo più gigantesco? io sono UNIUS REI!

@Saudi Arabia , and Iran -- noi vogliamo risolvere: tutti i problemi del "Medio Oriete", e, quindi, tutti i problemi: più pericolosi del mondo? ma, questo dipende: solo da voi! perché: io sono UNIUS REI. Rothschild, del 666: FED ECB, FMI, e NWO: 322 Bush, micro-chip: god owl at bohemian grove? loro hanno scommesso, che, io devo fallire, e che voi dovete morire!

ovviamente, il problema delle ingiuste violenze, e del razzismo, delle vittime dell'imperialismo, e della cattiva: religione fanatica,, non è: un problema dei soli cristiani, che, sono la comunità più perseguitata: sia in Oriente: che: in Occidente.. guai, a chi fa del male: a persone pacifiche, ed innocenti, in ogni parte del mondo..

[400 martiri cristiani innocenti: uccisi: ogni giorno] quello che facevano: gli idolatri romani, contro i cristiani? quello che: facevano: Stalin e Mao? ora, lo fanno i musulmani... è la storia del Regno di Dio, che, condanna tutti loro come criminali..

Ave, oh Maria, sorella nostra: e madre della Chiesa, Ave, Speranza di Israele: nostra sorella.. amen alleluia, Ave, o Maria, potente esercito: schierato in ordine: di: battaglia, Madre premurosa: di tutti i bambini: del mondo, stella del Cielo. Arca della Alleanza, Porta del Paradiso, Regina degli angeli.. Ave, amen, alleluia.

Mistafield (satanista istituzionale: internazionale italiano: che, ha simulato: un ex canale di Synnek1: ma, su questa pagina è sempre presente, anche, un satanista istituzionale tedesco) ha pubblicato un commento

c'è una maledizione, contro, tutti i miei nemici, in tutto il mondo.. soltanto: che: qui: si è più a contatto: in modo immediato: con il mio ministero.. burn satana: in Jesus's name

Abu Antar has a comment Posted: 5 hours ago: unius Rei, Israel just bombed, Syria yesterday, for the sake of helping: the Islamists. This is one of those occasions, I agree with you. -ANSWER - only who is more high in power, can see more away from everyone else. This is why, people are like sheep, small children in the hands of their rulers, pretends MERKEL: to have confidence of salafi: President Morsi, while, the same Muslim Egyptians: do not have: no confidence, in him, in fact: every mason: of 33 degree: he knows: that: it is indispensable to regenerate the IMF: and to continue the agenda of the Talmud: to do: the destruction of 5.5 billion people, together, with the destruction, of Israel. but, as it is the people: not: control the government, in all the false democracies Masonic seigniorage Banking, which should realize the NWO, ie, reduction to slavery of all peoples. so also is Israel, as all governments, is ONE ONLY SATAN SYNAGOGUE!

“Ci sono prove testimoniali, delle monache di un monastero cristiano e dei giornalisti, che hanno visitato il luogo dell'eventuale attacco chimico nei pressi di Damasco, ottenendo informazioni dai guerriglieri che dall'estero hanno ricevuto la fornitura di alcuni proiettili che non hanno mai visto e che non sapevano usare, ma alla fine li hanno usati”, ha raccontato nell'intervista ai giornalisti russi il ministro degli Esteri russo Serghej Lavrov.

Ha ricordato che la Russia più di una volta ha messo in evidenza i fatti che parlavano di complicità negli attacchi chimici in Siria dei guerriglieri ed inoltre che tali incidenti potrebbero essere falsificati.

@SiamoInGuerra999 - walking worms slanderers, like you, on the page of youtube, when I go to sleep!. 666 IMF FED ECB, cannibal, gods Baal Marduk owl: at bohemian grove, 322 - ie, institutional Satanism: you are the fan: of 666 IMF Rothschild, and, not, of me! you're just a criminal institution! are unnecessary: all your lies: about IMF FED, etc. .., I do not want, the charity, by the thief murderess: 666 322 Bush satanic Rothschild, who, wants to be my friend, after all .. That legitimacy can never have been, for a murderess usurer, he stole: the monetary sovereignty: of all Peoples: in total disregard, of human dignity: Hope of Israel, and the Constitutions of all Peoples? .. Therefore, all that you said? are lies of the devil!

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

NEW YORK -'' أنا لم يعد: ومسلم، الاشتراكية: أن: كنت قبل ...''. الرئيس الأمريكي باراك أوباما يسخر، وهو يبتسم والذاتي الاستنكار .. - جواب - @ خائن أوباما، الاسلامية، كذاب، قاتلة! التطهير العرقي للمسيحيين والشيعة والكهنة والشمامسة، والأساقفة القتلى: بدم بارد، مع الخداع والابتزاز واختطاف، مثل الحيوانات، اغتصاب الفتيات، "ذبح"، طلب فدية، كل ما تبذلونه من حثالة: الإرهابيين: السلفيين، "الإخوة مسلم" لنشر الشريعة الخاص بك "الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم"، التي هي، اليوم، في سوريا، والتي انتشرت للتو: في جميع أنحاء البحر الأبيض المتوسط، وما إلى ذلك .. ؟ هي: بريدك: CIA والخاص: الجامعة العربية: الذي يفعل كل هذه الجرائم! والخاص، ووسائل الإعلام اليهودية: احتكار كل من: منتجع صحي، والشركات، من أجل: العمل: صندوق النقد الدولي، بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي، البنك المركزي الأوروبي، التلمود من جدول الأعمال: Bildenberg، نظام ماسوني: للرسوم سك العملات المصرفية، وهي تغطي: كل هذا، مع: أكاذيبهم: وبهم معلومات استغلالها. كان من الأفضل: بالنسبة لك، وأنك قد ولدت أبدا!

2013/02/12 [سوريا - الفاتيكان]. بعد استيلاء المتمردين مسلم اثنين من الكهنة في حلب، وهناك مخاوف من: ل: حياتهم. كاهن الأرمن الكاثوليك، الأب مايكل، ورجال الدين الأرثوذكس اختطفوا: يوم الأحد الماضي في المسيحية في حلب: حي. مصادر تتحدث: لاسيا نيوز: حول: جرائم القتل الوحشية: نفذت: بلدي المتطرفين الإسلاميين. ان سيارة ملغومة: ينفجر: في التركية السورية: عبور الحدود: من Cilvegozu. [بعد أن ذبح: الذبح: الكهنة، طالبوا: فدية: لأساقفتهم] 2013/4/26. [منذ الجامعة العربية تقوم بعمل التطهير العرقي للشيعة ومسيحيين والاغتصاب، والقتل، في كل مكان، فازت إقليم، بعد ذلك، الشيشان: أنها انتقم، قتلت الارهابي في بوسطن (كما قالت تركيا)] أي علامة من الأساقفة الأرثوذكس 'الإفراج، والخوف من الابتزاز السياسي تنمو. 322 كيري وبوش وأوباما 666 روتشيلد، وجدت السارين، في مختبرات جامعة الدول العربية، أن، الخاص: تنظيم القاعدة قد أدى، في سورية .. أفضل لك: كان يمكن أن يكون، إذا كنت لم يولد أي وقت مضى!

IHateNEWLAYOUT ها pubblicato الأمم المتحدة commento 45 minuti اتحاد كرة القدم أن لا تجعل قناة يست جديدة حتى الآن؟ ! - جواب - تلك التي لدي (حوالي 50 قناة) هي المفرطة، وبالنسبة لي، كان من الأفضل قناة واحدة فقط: بالنسبة لي ولكن، كما يمكنك القول أن "الشيطان حفظ"، وبعد ذلك، كنت إخفاء نفسك، وكأنه جبان، وراء الصورة، القديس بارتولو لونغو، الذين، وقال انه عندما كان عمرك، وكان كاهن الفودو الشيطان ... مثلك؟

[تحرير [سوريا اثنين من الأساقفة الأرثوذكس. - ​​منذ 4 أيام]] .. ولكن، لديك لحفر: مع العناد العظيم: للعثور على هذا الخبر، "مخفي" في وسائل الإعلام اليهودية العالمية: Bildenberg من نظام ماسوني من رسوم سك العملات البنك. [[سوريا خطفوا الاساقفه؛ أيضا: أثينا: لا: تحرير تأكيد. - ​​منذ 3 أيام: أبرشية حلب، لا يوجد اتصال مع اثنين من المطارنة الأرثوذكس]]، قال كيري:'' لقد تحدثت هذا الصباح: من هنا مع نتنياهو، وقال لي أنه لم يكن في موقف: لتأكيد . هذا هو عمليتهم: E: يعتمد عليهم: مثل: ومتى: أنها تريد أن تفعل، وأنها ليست: لي: جعل الإعلانات. لذلك: أنا لا أعرف''! ربما يعني (ولكن، اللعنة هذا يعني، هذا الكلام؟؟): إذا كنت تريد لغزو سوريا، مع افتراء، مثل، كنت قد غزت العراق بالفعل، مع، افتراء آخر، ثم، القيام بذلك، ولكن، أنت لا تنكسر، الديك: بالنسبة لي!

@ بنيامين نتنياهو --- ضربة بأسلحة نووية، نفس اليوم، وجميع الدول الإسلامية 50، هو الفرصة الوحيدة لديك أن تكون قادرة على انقاذ اسرائيل

@ بنيامين نتنياهو --- ولكن هذه هي الحقيقة: هناك ما هو أكثر: قوة الغرب، ولكن، هناك مخطط: اللوبيات اليهودية والقوى غامض الماسونية: صندوق النقد الدولي FED 666، والنظام: المستبدة الشيطانية السلطات، وصندوق النقد الدولي، Bildenberg، وجميع اتجاهها مخفي (أعلى العلوم، الهندسة، الاجتماعية و، جميع الاحتكارات سبا، كل في يد: من Rothschid فقط)، وبهذه الطريقة، وسوف: مرة أخرى، إلقاء اللوم على المسيحيين، ل: الإبادة: المحرقة وشيكة: ضد، إسرائيل، خلال، الحرب العالمية الثالثة، المحرقة الجديدة، على النحو التالي: مرة واحدة، فعلوا: بعد، الحرب العالمية الثانية. رأينا أن: مع الثورة الفرنسية، وليس أكثر موجودة، وهي سياسة: أنه يمكن أن يكون تحت سيطرة المسيحيين في الغرب! هذا هو السبب الفريسيين والسلفيين: يجب أن يحكم عليهم بالإعدام! بسبب، وجود حوار معهم مستحيل

[الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، مثل: استراتيجية الحرب العدوانية] هو الخوف من الإسلام تماما: تصفيف، منذ: أن: الإسلاميين لدينا الإسلامية، متواطئ، فإنها الاستغراق في النوم: لل، الجرائم: التي، من الدول الإسلامية: الالتزام: كل شيء، والشرق الأوسط، ضد، والمسيحيين، وهذا هو السبب، وسوف يكون هناك صحوة مؤلمة بالضرورة، مفاجئة ودراماتيكية. هذا طبقتنا الحاكمة، والتي، مثل، تتصالح مع الإرهابيين، دون التعامل مع: مشكلة الاتساق: أ الخسيس ومتواطئة جنائيا: مفهوم كاذبة: من: "السلام"، في حين أن: العديد والعديد من الشهداء المسيحيين الأبرياء أيضا، البحث عن السلام في تلك المقبرة. في الواقع، لقد كان المسيحيون في الأراضي الفلسطينية (أدناه، ياسر عرفات)، على الفرار بأعداد كبيرة، في حين أن المسيحيين المتبقية، لأنها كانت ستضطر كما الذميين، والعبيد، والموضوعات، قدمت أيضا، لهم، للشريعة الإسلامية. لماذا إذن، لا تزال أوروبا ليكون عدو إسرائيل، ومتواطئ من النازية، والفلسطينيين، وجميع البلدان أسلمة الآن من قبل جامعة الدول العربية؟

[الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، الإسلام، مثل: استراتيجية الحرب العدوانية، والغرب: أكثر وأكثر إجراما]، مدفوعا غير هدى من قبل اللوبي اليهودي المصرفية: المتنورين: صندوق النقد الدولي وNWO، الفريسيون، والمصرفيين الدوليين الذين اقسموا الكراهية، الأبدية: ضد : المسيحية، ودفع أنفسهم، إلى حد كبير، شاملة: من الحضارة: اليهودية - المسيحية، لأنها أصبحت: الأعداء الحقيقيين، من أجل بقاء اسرائيل. هذا الغرب: الماسونية والشيطانية، غامض القوى Bildenberg أن: إنكار قيمهم الخاصة، و: يخون هويته الخاصة، من: التخلي عن أوروبا إلى النسيان والجنائية بحيث تكون: تصبح والصم ... ونفسها: بطل الرواية متعطش للدماء، متواطئ: من كل انتهاك: الحرية الدينية، سواء خارج حدودها، سواء داخل: حدودها، لأنه إذا كان صحيحا، أن: المسلمين هم إخواننا، ولكن، صحيح أيضا أنه،

[الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، من: أوباما] ليس من الصعب العثور على أدلة على ذلك: مأساة إنسانية كارثية، منها: التلمود صندوق النقد الدولي: البنك المركزي الأوروبي FED، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية CIA أمم المتحدة وحلف شمال الأطلسي، هي متواطئة. من هذه الهمجية: المدنية والدينية والثقافية، التي أغرقت: العالم: العربي مسلم، في فريسة للتعصب أيديولوجي: المتطرفون الإسلاميون: والتعصب الديني: الديكتاتوريات في السلطة. [المسؤولية أوروبا: الآن الرهائن من المتنورين Bildenber: انها ضخمة] في مواجهة استمرار الاضطهاد وتابع: الإهانات اليومية، أن جميع المسيحيين في ظل الأنظمة الإسلامية، وفي كل شيء: الشرق الأوسط، فإنهم يضطرون إلى العيش ويعانون، وذلك لأن: أوروبا المريض، من هذا: النسبية أعمى: مع، فكرة جيدة من التعددية الثقافية، التي، مع ذلك، لا يمكن أن تتحقق: بدون: مفهوم المعاملة بالمثل

[أوباما وخططه الانقراض، من المسيحيين، والشيعة، في منطقة الشرق الأوسط] من قبل، من الفتح العربي: والإسلام في القرن السابع الميلادي، ان المسيحيين يشكلون 95٪ من السكان، من البحر الأبيض المتوسط: جنوب وشرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط. ولكن، اليوم، مع أقل، من، 12. مليون، وانخفضت بشكل حاد إلى أقل من 6٪، وبطبيعة الحال، في عام 2020، لن يكون هناك المزيد من المسيحيين في الشرق الأوسط! من الحرب العالمية الأولى: وقد اضطر 10 ملايين المسيحيين إلى الهجرة. هذا هو دليل على الشيطانية، و: الهمجية الإجرامية، dell'imbarbarimento، ليس فقط، في جامعة الدول العربية، ولكن، قبل كل شيء، المتواطئين معه، والماسونيين، والفريسيين، المتنورين، Bildenberg، غامض السلطة، والتي، مع الصمت انقلاب: استولى على السلطة: في كل الديمقراطيات الزائفة الماسونية: من رسوم سك العملات المصرفية.

1. [يتعرض للاضطهاد الكنيسة (الشهداء المسيحيين) في الشرق الأوسط: إلى: قيام الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم] 2. [يتعرض للاضطهاد الكنيسة (الشهداء المسيحيين)، في جميع أنحاء العالم لذلك: التلمود من الفريسيين: في النظام الماسوني: لرسوم سك العملات المصرفية: لاستعباد كل الشعوب، وتدمير إسرائيل] (3). [الكنيسة (الشهداء المسيحيين) يتعرض للاضطهاد من قبل جميع الأديان، والشيوعية. ] نحن نشهد خوفا ذلك، إلى الاضطهاد والنزوح الجماعي للمسيحيين من الشرق الأوسط، والتي هي المواطنين الحقيقية في المنطقة، بسبب تصور: أن: كان satanizzata: نحو، والإسلام: في جامعة الدول العربية، وله : CIA، كل النازيين، النازيين الإسلاميين، غير متسامح للغاية، و، تفشل في احترام كرامة وحقوق الإنسان. وفقا لذلك، فإنها تخفي الأسباب الحقيقية لماذا يضطر الإسرائيليون أن تكون كذلك "الصعبة" ضد الفلسطينيين.

Synnek1: 18 hours ago: we do not forgive We do not forget ... [U.S. 666 are many legions of demons] - ANSWER - because, you cannibals, drink human blood: On the altar of Satan? Because you want to have in yourself, the same feelings of Satan, and then destroy: with human nature, also: all the effects of Christian baptism (compassion, justice, fairness). That's why, when you finish say: "Satanists are monsters" who are happy to be Recognized: in this way .. Because, well, they think they have Achieved: a superiority on the: human race: that is destined to be exterminated, and enslaved, this ambition has been Given to them by the Pharisees of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage: IMF FED ECB. ie, project, alien abductions, reverse engineering, microchip technology secret U.S. military, Which is: NWO .. but, do you really think you can win against me: I'm not that asshole, of Saudi Arabia, King horror sharia Islamist Nazi fagot

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

synnek1: Satanism institutional, international: to do: 200,000: human sacrifice: every year: on altar of Satan: ie, IIlIIllIlII posted a comment, days ago: " i Kill 50000000 of you " --- ANSWER - in fact: they have control of the USA, because they are born out of the synagogue of Satan, which is the IMF: ECB FED: ie, the Masonic system, of all the false democracies Masonic of seigniorage banking, for the disintegration of Israel: and the annihilation of monotheism in the world! this is the era: of global slavery of the human race reduced to 200.million, which is, after World War III, nuclear... but I am not idiot crazy of King Saudi Arabia: sharia criminal terrorist


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Synnek1 posted a comment 13 hours ago: We do not Forgive We do not Forget ...! [WE ARE many legions] - ANSWER - because, you do cannibals, and drink human blood: on the altar of Satan? - ANSWER - because you want to have in you SAME, the same feelings of Satan, and then, at the same time, eliminate the effects of Christian baptism, and destroy LA human nature .. That's why, when you say: "Satanists are monsters!" they are happy to be recognized: in this way .. because, well, they think they have achieved superiority over the human race that is destined to be exterminated and enslaved! this ambition has been given to them by the Masonic system of bank seigniorage: IMF FED ECB: project aliens abductions, alien reverse engineering, microchip, American military technology secret, that is the NWO, etc. .. but, you really believe you can win against me? I'm not that asshole of the King Saudi Arabia sharia horror faggot


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

@ 666 Synnek1 - i hatred, these Satanists Italians: institutional stupid, that: they can never be: of real Satanists: to never being able to have them, a bionic body: for living in hyperspace, like you! all times: that: they are on this page? the whole collective body of the NWO: ie, the new tower of babel: masonic system for banking seigniorage, will suffer a lot, in Jesus's name .. because, I think is, IMF Rothschild, responsible for their presence! @666 Synnek1 -- odio, questi satanisti italiani: istituzionali stupidi, che: loro non potranno mai essere dei satanisti veri: per non poter mai avere loro, un corpo bionico: che vive nell'iperspazio: come voi! tutte le volte: che: loro vengono su questa pagina? tutto il corpo collettivo del NWO: cioè, la nuova torre di babele, dovrà soffrire molto.. perché, io ritengo Rothschild del FMI, responsabile per la loro presenza!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Synnek1 posted a comment 10 hours ago [we are a legion] We do not Forgive We do not Forget ...! - @666 IMF Rothschild: 322 NWO Bush: Enlightened FED ECB --- I AM NOT A stock character IN your CAROUSEL OF YOUTUBE, because, I can kill you: all! @ 666 CIA synnek1 - if you disobey, to my will? and you go to the altar of Satan, next Sunday, to make the cannibals? I do miss: the day off, too, Also to your Obama! Therefore, you three: institutional Satanists of the CIA, you will be with me, on this page, always, every day, Because The Satanists: international institutional Italians? I can not bear, them: their own: they are too stupid!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Synnek1 has posted a comment: 7 hours ago: @ unius REI. We do not Forgive We do not Forget ...! -- ANSWER - OK! by today, your day off, is canceled! you 3 Satanists institutional (Ihatenewlayout and kain) you will not have Saturday and Sunday free, never more: for to go:at your: human sacrifice: ie, cannibal on the altar of your Satan .. because: Satanists Italian institutional: make suck too: starting with: 1. witch to.(5olo: sorry: 5lol) malignant ierodula sacred, and: 2. 1wz1: that is, MassimoIlPetano (Nobility Patana! PETANIA FREE!) Madonnatroia100, which, I hope, they are all: sued by the Northern League! as: the Church Cattotlica has lost its dignity! and since it also: the Jewish community has lost its dignity on this video: ★ Happy Easter to all Jewish noses! ★: that is real anti-Semitism!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

[the connivance and the enormous responsibilities of the Bank of Italy? are obvious! ] Mps, Alfano: "Ready to commission investigation." Grillo's "colossal theft, Bersani resign." The Secretary of the PDL on the scandal that has engulfed the Bank of Siena: "political responsibility is on the left." Hard M5S the leader but the leader of the Democratic Party, "in favor of the commission, to investigate also on derivatives." It calls into question Maroni Monti. Beppe Grillo is back, today to accuse, very hard, the Democratic Party.(a chasm international derivatives: covered, momentaneamente: with only 4 billion euro: stolen from the Italian people through the IMU! because we do not ask for money to Rothschild?)


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

[the connivance and the enormous responsibilities of the Bank of Italy? are obvious! ] The story of "Mps dwarfing not only Parmalat, but also the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano. Behind this colossal looting, as it was then, it can be anything. Craxi, by comparison, stealing candy from children," writes leader M5S on his blog, calling for the immediate resignation of Pierluigi Bersani and insists that his entry into Parliament motion asking for the establishment of a commission of inquiry. (a chasm international derivatives: covered, momentaneamente: with only 4 billion euro: stolen from the Italian people through the IMU! because we do not ask for money to Rothschild?)


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

negazionismo idiota [/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2323&start=0] David Irving. è in carcere in Austria... ma, quel criminale io lo conosco... ho letto tutti i suoi libri, ho avuto anche una corrispondenza con lui... quell'uomo ha 70 anni... non ha ucciso, non ha rubato, non ha fatto violenza... ha solo scritto libri: e fatto ricerche storiche (come il sottoscritto)... ma è in galera. Vorrei che rifletteste un attimo su questa frase: "Ognuno ha diritto alla libertà di opinione: e di espressione, e alla ricerca scientifica, il che implica: il diritto di non essere molestati per le proprie opinioni: e quello di cercare, di ricevere e di diffondere, senza considerazione di frontiera, le informazioni e le idee: con qualsiasi mezzo di espressione li si faccia"(Dichiarazione internazionale dei Diritti dell'Uomo, adottata dall'Assemblea generale dell'ONU a Parigi il 10 dicembre 1948).


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

negazionismo idiota [/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2323&start=0] in alcuni stati della moderna e liberale europa (Germania, Francia, Austria, Svizzera e Turchia) esiste il reato d'opinione. Dimenticavo: quell'uomo si chiama David Irving... è in galera in Austria per aver scritto libri revisionisti: sulla seconda guerra mondiale e sull'olocausto... che fanno tutti i paladini della libertà di pensiero e di ricerca? Perché non si mobilitano anche solo in nome di Voltaire e del suo: "non condivido, ciò che dici, ma darei la vita perché tu possa dirlo"? mah..? tutto tace... a nessuno interessa... è questa la nostra libertà??? --ANSWER- OK! SE SI SCOPRISSE, chissà, che gli ebrei uccisi sono stati, 5,5, soltanto? cosa cambia? e che dei soldi: sono andati ad Israele: che, sta in prima fila a difendere la cosiddetta democrazia: dalla mostruosità islamica: che le sinistre stanno diffondendo nel mondo... cosa ci sarebbe di male, in tutto questo?


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

President Giorgio Napolitano said: "That's why, any hint of" revisionism or denial "must be combated by force, even though maimed, the bud to avoid new forms of anti-Semitism." - ANSWER - because you're afraid, of document historians of: scientific analysis, etc. .. why do you want to inhibit and intimidate: the scientific community? what truth you fear: so much, and you do not want that, it might come out? you are the real threat against: my Jewish people, and against: all the peoples of the world (all innocent and victims at the same time: of your banking system): you are, the true accomplice of the Masonic system: 1. banking seigniorage, 2. debt: public, 3. derivates titles: 4. debt: private; ecc.. all crimes aberrated: of Satanism ideological: robbed at all the constitutional prerogatives, which, have always required: innocent victims expiatory: that, is, the Shoah!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Presidente Giorgio Napolitano said: "Ecco perché, ogni accenno di «revisionismo o negazionismo» va combattuto con forza, anzi stroncato, sul nascere, per evitare nuove forme di antisemitismo." --ANSWER -- perché tu hai paura, di documeti storici, di: analisi scientifiche, ecc.. perché, tu vuoi inibire ed intimidire: la comunità scientifica? quale verità tu temi: così tanto, e non vuoi, che, essa possa venire fuori? tu sei la vera minaccia, contro: il mio popolo ebraico, e contro: tutti i popoli del mondo(tutti innocenti e vittime: allo stesso tempo: del tuo sistema bancario): tu sei: il vero complice del sistema massonico del: 1. signoraggio bancario, 2. debito: pubblico, 3. dedito: privato: crimini aberrati di satanismo: derubati alle prerogative costituzionali, che, sempre hanno richiesto: le vittime espiatorie: cioè la Shoah!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Napolitano: "Anti-Semitism abhorrent," Enough, "junk racist anti-Jewish" - ANSWER-and why do you think: against: every hint: of "revisionism or denial," to be fought: hard, indeed, "cut off: the bud" for avoid new forms of anti-Semitism? [your conclusion is aberrant] and why, you want to nip in the bud: every movement of "revisionism or denial" to make yourself an accomplice of the Pharisees of the IMF? because: the combination (criminal operation cultural) banking seigniorage: IMF, and Jews?: is an operation that only the Pharisees Illuminati: have always: had their interest: to do: to fill of hatred: all human race, to download the their crimes: against, my Jewish people, and thus to realize: their wars destructions, genocides, Shoah, etc. .. absolutely necessary to regenerate a new monetary cycle parasitic, you have against your consciousness, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, and the poet Ezra Pound! you have on your conscience the whole human race


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

but since, as you say, the Koran was dictated: by the Angel Gabriel, to someone, Muhammad which, of course, could not memorize it, immediately, all it,immediately .. therefore, Muhammad was the first traitor, for to go into hell .. he did not have to do write him: the Koran: during his lifetime?, and the Muslims are the first: however, that have commit apostasy and blasphemy: for doing burn: the first 4 copies: of the Koran (the originals): so who is: the criminal: who has wrote the Qur'an today, for to have doing: it corrupt?


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

MrB19dog: As I pointed out neither Matthew, Mark, Luke or Paul knew Jesus, as the gospels were written 300 years after, the death of Jesus. The Qu'ran was written during, the time of the prophet Muhammed.-ANSWER-- YOU ARE A TOTAL LIAR. Because you had confidence in teachers: Islamists liars .. This is why, Islam needs to be a terrorist, That kills the innocent Christian martyrs, Because Islam today: it has a mountain of lies to hide! is because Islam today: it has a mountain: of lies to hide! (2: of the: 4 gospels: were written by the Apostles: Matthew and John: eyewitnesses!, And the first 4 copies of the Koran: were burned: when the traitor of Muhammad had not do: committed him: to do write the Koran, but, however, he died like a dog to be descended into hell: for this: from the dome of the Rock: in Jerusalem: that: was conquered: by the Muslims: only: 8 years later his death) that's why, you are forced to be killers! you are worse than the Nazis!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

[ is a shame, for all the world's religions, that God has sent into the world a political unius REI, to declare the truth of theology! ] [Jews - Muslims] when you finish see: as, I pray: in mosque: or synagogue, etc. .. ? you understand, only, then, That I am perfect, either: as a Muslim, Which, as jew, Hindu, etc.. .. etc.. .. then only, you understand, to experience by you, as, I am a creature unique in the history of mankind! In fact, I come from the Kingdom of God, where is been product: my being... [ is a shame, for all the world's religions, that God has sent into the world a political Unius REI, to declare the truth of theology! ]


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

rednck13: R: Daniels Timeline. said: No atheist :will enter heaven ([No! all good people enter!]). If only, 1. six of the tribes of Israel: and covered in the first covanent: Or: 2. only: if you Recognize the Sacrafice, for: the sin of the Son of God (Christian), Those who do not believe? sleep until their, second resurrection: and not: reign, with Jesus (this is ok!). John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (the Throne Room(for nature divine): is not heaven, or paradise) except, through me.


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

rednck13: R: Daniels Timeline. said: Matthew 10:32, Who, then, I acknowledge him before men, I also will acknowledge before: to my Father who is in heaven. 33. But anyone denies me: before men, too, will deny: before my Father which is in heaven. - Answer -: only, Satanists, Freemasons: sharia and Pharisees reject: Jesus in a formal way: in front: of men .. then, was not necessary, the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ: for to condemn the peoples, who, were already sentenced, for the original sin! then, all those, who, have not stepped(blasfemy) against: the cross?, and that there were bad person? they will all be saved: is why, Jesus of Bethlehem, is universal savior! as you said: the salvation of Jesus is not something religious!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

rednck13 :R:Daniels Timeline. said: Nessun ateo entrerà heaven. Only Se sei dalla tribù di Israele: e coperto nella covanent: primo OR: Riconoscete la Sacrafice peccato del figlio di Dio (cristiano), Quelli che non credono? dormirà fino alla loro resurrezione: secondo: e non governare con Gesù . Giovanni 14:6 Gesù rispose: "Io sono la via, la verità e la vita. Nessuno viene al Padre: se non per mezzo di me. Matteo 10:32 Chi dunque mi riconoscerà davanti agli uomini, anch'io lo riconoscerò davanti: al Padre mio: che è nei cieli. 33. Ma chiunque mi rinnegherà: davanti agli uomini, anch'io lo rinnegherò: davanti al Padre mio che è nei cieli. - ANSWER -- ma, una cosa è andare dal Padre, cioè: entrare nella sala del Trono di Dio, e altra cosa: è entrare: soltanto: nel paradiso terrestre o celeste, perché: soltanto i satanisti e i massoni rinnegano Gesù: formalmente: davanti agli uomini


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

rednck13 2 days agoIt has been reported as spam Hide • Not In his "Introduction" to The Nag Hammadi Library in Inglese, James Robinson Suggests That These codices: may have belonged to a nearby Pachomian monastery, and were buried after Bishop Athanasius condemned: the use of non-canonical books in his Festal Letter of 367 AD. This is why they are not in the Bible, they are false doctrine. rednck13 2 days agoIt has been reported as spam Hide • Not In December Of That year, two Egyptian brothers found several papyri in a large earthenware vessel while digging: for fertilizer around the Jabal al-Tarif caves near present-day Hamra Dom in Upper Egypt. The find was not initially reported: by either of the brothers, who sought to make money: from the manuscripts by selling them individually at intervals


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

IMF is Baal, where are you: jew?] Tobi, 1.1. History of Tobit, son of Tòbiel, son of Anàniel, son of A'duel, son of Gabael, family A'siel, of the tribe of Naphtali. 5. All my relatives and the house of Naphtali my forefather, offered sacrifices to the calves (Baal) that Jeroboam king of Israel, @ My YHWH - the men "normal" are too cowardly and fearful, to support, my justice .. while, the Satanists, who are condemned to support my anger, were prepared as follows: to inhabit the fiery, in to despair of hell .. But I swear in the name of Jesus against: each, and: against, other: "I ​​will do today: one slaughter, only! @ My JHWH -- hallelujah.. [Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, where: the IMF FED ECB, slew all them. Jew, which side are you? Make yourself worthy of your life! ] Elijah and the priests of Baal] 1 Kings 18


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

["International Swap and Derivatives Association" ] /watch?v=XrV1DKDE8Zk .. Borghezio: "Misterioso Organismo influenza le decisioni della BCE?" Pubblicato in data 29/mar/2012. /pages/MARIO-BORGHEZIO-Official-Fan-Club/ Bruxelles, 29/3/2012 - Dichiarazione di voto - Mario Borghezio: chiede: alla Commissione Europea: e alla Bce: se: entrambe: non ritengano: di "approfondire il ruolo di tale: occulto organismo, del quale risultano: far parte alcuni influentissimi "gnomi" dell'alta finanza mondiale: e: la sua effettiva influenza: sulle decisioni della BCE, e, in particolare, su quelle relative: alla situazione finanziaria: di Paesi: come Grecia, Italia, Spagna e Francia". Borghezio: fa riferimento: alle "rivelazioni contenute: in un articolo: pubblicato: sul periodico universitario: della Columbia University: in data 06.02.2012, nel quale: sono riportate le dichiarazioni: svolte dal Premio Nobel per l'Economia: Joseph Stieglitz:


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

["International Swap and Derivatives Association" ] di cui: è docente di economia, secondo il quale: le decisioni della BCE avverrebbero: secondo le direttive: di un organismo poco noto, denominato "International Swap and Derivatives Association" sono: a dir poco: preoccupanti". Nella sua interrogazione, Borghezio riporta integralmente: queste sorprendenti dichiarazioni: del Premio: Nobel Stieglitz in ordine: alle richieste fatte: a Italia e Spagna: e all'imposizione dei tagli: alla Grecia: ""..... the final oddity of the ECB's stance concerns democratic governance. Deciding whether a credit event has occurred is left to a secret committee: of the International Swaps: and Derivatives Association, an industry group that has a vested: interest in the outcome. If news reports are correct, some members of the committee have been using their position to promote more accommodative negotiating positions.


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

["International Swap and Derivatives Association" ] But, it seems unconscionable that the ECB: would delegate to a secret committee: of self-interested market participants: the right to determine: what is an acceptable: debt restructuring. The one argument: that: seems -- at least superficially -- to put the public interest first is that an involuntary restructuring might lead to financial contagion, with large eurozone: economies: like Italy, Spain, and even France facing a sharp, and perhaps prohibitive, rise in borrowing costs ........ The ECB's behavior should not be surprising: as we have seen elsewhere, institutions: that: are not democratically accountable tend to be captured: by special interests. That was true before 2008; unfortunately for Europe -- and for the global economy -- the problem has not been adequately: addressed since then".


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

["International Swap and Derivatives Association" ] In cauda venenum: al termine dell'interrogazione, Borghezio alza: il velo su un interessante e misterioso incontro: che, nella sua recente missione: a New York, il Premier Monti: ha avuto con un occulto personaggio, vero gnomo: dell'alta finanza mondialista, il Prof. Lim Teng Joon di Singapore: " questo è, in effetti, l'unico rappresentante 'italiano' (in quanto "targato" Unicredit) nel comitato direttivo dell'ISDA; ma, purtroppo, non è dato sapere: quali indicazioni abbia dato a Monti, visto che, la Presidenza del Consiglio non ha nemmeno ritenuto di dare notizia del riservatissimo incontro... Dulcis in fundo: lo gnomo di Singapore da anni lavora: per gli emiri di Dubai e, per circa: un quindicennio, ha rappresentato nel mondo finanziario gli interessi cinesi".


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Goldman Sachs votes for the Pd: "Democratic Party". [MARIO-BORGHEZIO-Official-Fan-Club/132805396805113? Ref = tn_tnmn] In Italy the gold is purchased at: 33 € per gram, with a large investment in advertising, too, on all trams citizens .. of course, the rich know that the monetary system: it is forced to collapse, because it is full: of: derivatives: products, and therefore, they try desperately to convert: their money in gold, that: the people are forced to sell: a reason: for their despair! After all, the peoples, who are about to die, in a World War III?of Gold, does not need! @ Synnek1, if YHWH, we forget for a moment to love you, or Satan, so, in mode infinite? you will disintegrate, because only YHWH is alive, is Creator, only, he has the "BE!", we exist only for him! 1wz1: ie, massimoilpetano, madonnatroia100, etc. .. ie, Satanism international, institutional Italian ..


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Goldman Sachs vota per il Pd.[MARIO-BORGHEZIO-Official-Fan-Club/132805396805113?ref=tn_tnmn] In Italy l'oro viene acquistato a: 33 euro al grammo, con un grande investimento, in pubblicità, anche, su tutti i tram cittadini.. certo, i ricchi sanno, che, il sistema monetario: è costretto a crollare, perché, è pieno di derivati, e quindi, cercano disperatamente, di convertire: il loro denaro in oro, che: il popolo è costretto a vendere: a motivo della sua disperazione! Dopotutto, ai popoli, che, stanno per morire: in una III guerra mondiale? L'oro non serve! @Synnek1, se JHWH, si dimentica un solo istante di amare te o satana, in maniera infinita? voi vi disintegrate: perché soltanto JHWH è vivo, soltanto lui ha l'ESSERE! 1wz1: ie, massimoilpetano, madonnatroia100, ecc.. cioè, il satanismo internazionale, istituzionale italiano..


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

IHateNEWLAYOUT 19 hours ago:" 666 I can not not be long I Online on weekend away I use my wife computed At hotel- ANSWER - When: Every Sunday, Satanists Americans IhateNewLayout, CrazXzie (kain) Synnek1, are cannibals, by altar of Satan? then, the Italian Satanists replace them on this page! [This is democracy (demon crazy) American: of the Pharisees IMF:for the destruction of Israel,ie, biblical monotheism!] rednck13 said: If Muslims do not accept the Lord Jesus: are lost- ANSWER-natural law of the Decalogue. can not be lost: its saving power! many evangelical pastors, they say, all those who do not can be saved: through: the covenant of the Cross, they could be saved, because of God's mercy. Jesus said"Whoever is not against me, he's always been for me!" I'm sitting on the same Throne of God, as David said: in Psalm 110


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

this is my anger against YHWH: 1. I do not want to do: unius REI! 2. is my fault, now, if life on this planet, will be extended for: another: 100 years, ending in about 300 years .. 3. but it's stronger than me .. I can not see the satanists: taking control of the planet and that they kill all Muslims (as is happening in Syria), because if it is true that: the King of Saudi Arabia is a piece of shit? However, it is also true that among Muslims there are too many good people! questa è la mia ira contro JHWH: 1. io non voglio fare Unius REI! 2. per colpa mia, la vita su questo pianeta, si prolungherà di altri 100 anni, concludendosi circa tra 300 anni.. 3. ma, è più forte di me.. io non posso vedere i satanisti: che prendono il controllo del pianeta: e che, loro uccidono tutti i musulmani(come sta avvenendo in Siria), perché, se è vero che: il Re dell'Arabia Saudita è un pezzo di merda? tuttavia, è anche vero: che, tra i musulmani ci sono anche troppe brave persone!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

they are Satanists, and are superior to American Government: same! they have the artificial intelligence and aliens working with them! their goal is imperialism: to conquer the world to Satan, and: in fact, as demonstrated with me many times, they can see through: my eyes, also, they are: the "big brother" of the global control : Because the computer microchip transponder? is equal to one square millimeter, therefore, their power in the New World Order is already operational! they are the sons of the Pharisees of the IMF ... that is, Satanist and Freemasonry! You should study the scientist Giacinto Auriti, a great saint, who, will not ever be proclaimed a saint! but these monsters, I have them stopped: in a supernatural way! because: the Holy Spirit has granted: to me this victory. sure: 666 322 IMF: could continue: in their mad agenda, but the outcome would not be favorable to them


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

quello che: è stato: più sorprendente: per me: è stato considerare: come: io devo avere dei: cip: sui nervi ottici, e nei due "lobi": del mio cervello, perché, io sento dei fruscii(ultasuoni): ma, dalla intensità di questi fruscii, io posso capire: tante cose, circa: quello che: avviene nel mondo, è come se: loro hanno cercato di prendere il controllo: della mia mente(come hanno fatto: con tutti i politici) ed invece: io sono diventato: un cavallo di troia: nel loro sistema del NWO. inoltre: il mio petto: pelle: cuore: è stato: attraversato: da un lungo spillone, ed infatti, io ho percepito: il foro nel cuore: per un mese.. ma, tutto questo, ha fatto, portare alla disperazione: tutti i satanisti del NWO, perché: non riuscendo a prendere il controllo di me? loro hanno perso: anche: il controllo del genere umano! è arrivato il momento per JHWH, di ritornare! lol. ma se lui torna? io non so, quanti potranno rimanere in vita!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 6 hours ago: "I ​​can not be 666 Online. The long weekend away. on I use my wife: computed: At hotel" - ANSWER - THIS HOTEL? is the black mass, with human sacrifice to Satan! This is American democracy! In fact synnek1 and IHateNEWLAYOUT: Satan's voodoo priests are: of high level. ALSO, DO TO PAY, money, to PEOPLES (in total disregard: of the Constitution) IS A CRIME OF Cannibalism! [traitor of: youtube, all Peoples: sons of the Pharisees IMF, for destroy Israel] 666 international institutional Satanism CIA, ie, 1wz1 - I noticed your perfect Italian: Canal on: DXHJZG: another satanist: that, PRECISELY, DXHJZG: was quick to clear all your: and my comments ... 1wz1 - When: Sunday Satanists Americans IhateNewLayout and Synnek1, are doing cannibals? Satanists Italian replaced them!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Abu Antar SAID: I ask you because he was a real cannibal. He actually sacrificed people, innocent people even from his own villages. His troops would drink the blood and eat the flesh, then take their clothes off and get drunk or sometimes wear women's clothing and take their guns and fight. He said a demon told him if he did that he would be powerful. He now says he found Jesus and offers himself to be tried in the International Criminal Court. --- ANSWER -- is only satanic love of power.. Butt Naked, has done the same things that all Satanists are actually doing! but if it is came: the kingdom of unius REI, Butt Naked, like all other ex-criminals repent? will all have the amnesty! 1wz1 [traitor of youtube, and all Peoples: sons of pharisees IMF] 666 international institutional Satanism CIA, ie, 1wz1 - I noticed your perfect Italian: on Canal: of: DXHJZG: that is, an almost perfect satanist: like you: that, precisely, DXHJZG: was quick to clear all your: and my comments..


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Butt Naked, he is repentant of his past life, and he is waiting for: to pay their bills: at the justice of men, a man who search, to persuade his people, to not do: attitudes: and bad behavior! but all this: highlights, as in reality behind the apparent institutional normality, all peoples are in anarchy, because, the banking seigniorage, to exploit the peoples, has made it too weak: and impotent, the politics! all inadequate institutions, but, to emerge from this crisis: economic, political, institutions, that: can bring: only: in the 3rd World War: it is necessary to: build global government: metaphysical, of unius REI: the KING of Israel .. because, all the governments of the world are free from blackmail, of satanic money,of Pharisees!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

no! non esistono musulmani: ma, esistono:soltanto: ex-popolazioni cristiane sterminate, ecco perché: tutti i genitori dei musulmani? sono i cristiani, che, hanno subito il genocidio! ecco perché, l'Islam attuale: è soltanto: una forma di satanismo! dopo i farisei del FMI: e loro talmud? gli islamisti, sono la più grande minaccia: per la sopravvivenza del genere umano! entrambi: sono peggiori: del nazismo: stesso! [ed è importante per noi, arrivare a questa conclusione prima dell'agenda del FMI] gli alieni: non appartengono alla nostra dimensione: sono i demoni: a cui i Rochefeller: nel 1200: attraverso: la magia nera hanno dato un corpo geneticamente modificato(Golem), quindi, chiunque incontra un alieno: ha il dovere di ucciderlo: immediatamente!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

[[ La giornata della Memoria: di questo terribile: ed assurdo Shoah ]] ci deve ricordare: che: non è più possibile: di impostare: la politica: su presupposti idelogici: o religiosi.. perché: ritornare sulle stesse tragedie: può fare soltanto: l'interesse del satanismo: ideologico e pratico! e quindi: nessuno: può accusare: youtube e google: di diffondere il nazismo, e se questo sentimento: antiebraico: si è diffuso anche: in passato(quando non c'era youtube): la colpa è sempre: da vedere: nelle attività cospirative: della banca di Inghilterra, che: sono la istituzione moderna: e massonica: che: è rappresentata sulla piramide: con l'occhio onniveggente(lucifero), che è sul dollaro americano, ecco perché, è indispensabile separare: il popolo ebraico: dal FMI. Ma, questa: è una operazione culturalmente impossibile: da fare, almeno finché, questo satanico FMI: non venga definitivamente distrutto: e sostituito: da Unius REI!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

[[ La giornata della Memoria ]] certamente, tutti noi: dobbiamo piangere: per le vittime del Nazifascismo, come: anche, per le vittime del comunismo, ecc.. e di ogni altra intolleranza, sessuale raziale, religiosa... come, anche, noi dobbiamo piangere: per le vittime, di tutte le false democrazie massoniche: del signoraggio bancario, che: ha portato tanti imprenditori: e padri di famiglia, a commettere il suicidio, perché, in tempo di recessione: è impossibile poeter pagare un mutuo ipotecario.. questa è la realtà: 1. comprare il denaro da Rothschild FMI(signoraggio bancario): è la condizione dello schiavo: 2. pagare l'interesse(debito: pubblico):(debito: privato) è la condizione del servo della gleba! questa è la verità: i veri satanisti e nazisti: sono i farisei del Talmud, cioè, il FMI FED BCE: che sono il NWO, dei Savi anziani di Sion: per la distruzione dello stato di Israele: e per la riduzione in schiavitù: di tutto il genere umano


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

[[ La giornata della Memoria ]] RaiNews24 ‎- Oggi, 'Giorno della memoria', l'Italia e il mondo: ricordano l'Olocausto, tutte le vittime del nazifascismo. Questa tragedia umana: non è senza precedenti [[vedi, i cudi gli armeni, e tutti gli innocenti popoli cristiani che sono stati sterminati da quei satanisti di maomettani]]! ma, i veri mandanti, della Shoah, sono gli ebrei del FMI: i criminali internazionali: i massoni del signoraggio bancario, e dei loro poteri occulti, che, manipolano non soltanto, le economie, e la politica, ma, anche i libri di storia(per cui si parla, continuamente, di revisionismo storico)! ma, se lo staf di youtube, facesse una censura ulteriore(a quella che: è già fatta: attraverso, la chiusura di siti e di video) è allora, che, anche loro: sarebbero i razzisti: e i nazisti, che, non rispettano la libertà di parola!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

rednck13 Daniels Timeline ---: After the Resurrection, Satan has been bound in the pit: for 1000 years(time of Church), through the merits of Jesus Christ is the our rabbi, we are: all brothers now, with only one teacher (Unius REI). Satan will always be linked: until the Church is holy! but, through: modernism, Freemasonry, evolution, naturalism, etc. .. soon, the Church will be destroyed, in its transcendent function, and hence, Satan will be released again: from, its cage underground .. but this his release, however, is impossible during the time of my life because I am Unius REI! a father to all peoples: like Melchisedek and Abram


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

Synnek1 posted a comment 32 minutes ago [proyect aliens abductions 666] for do 200.000: human sacrifice on altar of satan: every year: said: " @ JewsxMessiahUniusRei: EVERYBODY HATES YOU! - ANSWER - who can do a rebellion against our Creator? you can not, I can not! kytekuttertv said: Roman Empire Rules Today Pt 1 (Full Length) - Answer - no! are Masons, who have stolen the Christian symbols, such as the Pharisees have stolen Jewish symbols, but, Masons and Pharisees? they are, the real Satanists IMF NWO, who stole the bankING seigniorage: to spread the Satanism! AND DESTROY ISRAEL: NEW SHOAH, and do one only: slavery: on all the world


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

rednck13 Daniels Timeline said: 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Because the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a command: high voice, the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God (the final judgment), and the dead in Christ (second resurrection: ie, for: the Body of the Bride: all Christians, that, are not "born again") rise: after (after: rise too: all the men of "good will" atheists, all the right people, etc. ..) after that, we who are still alive: and they were: we shall be caught up (before the great tribulation, Before, of the Antichrist, and his zombies, will be revealed) together, with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so, we will be always, with the Lord. So: one: substantiated,the others: with: these words.


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

rednck13 Daniels Timeline said: 1 Corinthians 15:51. But let me tell you a wonderful secret. Not all sleep, but we shall all be changed! It will happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those: that: are dead will be raised to live forever. And we who are living: also be transformed: For this corruptible body: you put on the imperishable, and this mortal body: must put on immortality. "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire (disintegration). This is the second death (disintegration) .. And if anyone was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. 'Revelation 20:14,15. "Blessed and holy is he that has part of it: in the first resurrection: is why, on that person, the second death has no power." Revelation 20:6-- If Satan could? he would have disintegrated itself immediately!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

rednck13:Daniels Timeline said: 1 Tessalonicesi 4:16. Perché il Signore stesso: scenderà dal cielo, con un comando: ad alta voce, con voce d'arcangelo: e con la tromba di Dio(è il giudizio universale definitivo), ei morti in Cristo(seconda risurezione: per il Corpo della Sposa: tutti i cristiani non "nati di nuovo") risusciteranno: i primi.(dopo: risorgeranno anche: tutti gli uomini di "buona volontà": atei, tutti gli uomini giusti, ecc..) Dopo di che, noi che siamo ancora vivi: e sono rimasti: noi saremo rapiti(prima, della grande tribolazione, pria che l'Anticristo e i suoi zombie saranno rivelati) insieme con loro, sulle nuvole, a incontrare il Signore nell'aria. E così, noi saremo sempre: con il Signore. Dunque: gli uni: confortate, gli altri: con: queste parole.


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

rednck13:Daniels Timeline said: 1 Corinzi 15:51. Ma lascia che rivelarvi un segreto meraviglioso. Non tutti moriremo, ma tutti saremo trasformati! Accadrà, in un momento, in un batter d'occhio, quando l'ultima tromba: è bruciato. Infatti, quando la tromba suona, quelli :che: sono morti: sarà portato a vivere per sempre. E noi che siamo vivere: anche essere trasformato: Per questo corpo corruttibile: si vesta di incorruttibilità: e questo corpo mortale: si vesta di immortalità. "E la morte e l'Ades furono gettati nello stagno di fuoco(la disintegrazione). Questa è la seconda morte(la disintegrazione). . E se qualcuno, non fu trovato scritto nel libro della vita, fu gettato nello stagno di fuoco." Apocalisse 20:14,15. "Beato e santo è colui che, ha la sua parte: alla prima risurrezione: is why, su tale persona, la seconda morte, non ha potere." Apocalisse 20:6


JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

I understand your feelings for the church. I will never forget when the Pope kissed the quran, while Buhda sat on the alter. Revelation 18:3 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries." Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; -- ANSWER- The Antichrist will be a European politician, as Zapatero, because the "sphere of redemption" view from Veronica Lueken NY, in addition to murder, of: 50% of the human race, will disintegrate completely the USA: in reality are the USA: "the great whore". he Catholic church can not have all those sins

Informazioni su Jewish Messiah Unius REI

Jewish Messiah, against the second beast of Maitreya Antichrist: ie my betrayer and betrayer of God, ie Benjamin Creme for this time. I am king not dictator: i am the universal brotherhood. the fact that I am an absolute monarchy? This does not ma...

di JewsxMessiahUniusRei

Data di iscrizione 16/giu/2011

Paese Israele

666CIA & Mossad killed my site


Demo Pluto Giudaico Massone

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hell x despair x destruction

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JHWH the King of kings

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kingx Brotherhood Universal

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Noah The Nephilim

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ReiUnius free Israel&Palestine

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President Metaphysical Mankind

1195 iscritti


YouTube Rewind 2012

114.186 iscritti


IHateNEWLAYOUT (is american youtube master: administrator: but, synnek1 is, big: corean: youtube master: administrator: )ha pubblicato un commento

2 ore fa:YouTube


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

111111GoodBye111111 -- someone, more honest of: synnek1 should take: his place .. but, you're also, a Satanist .. therefore, I can not put yourself in her place! qualcuno, più onesto di synnek1, dovrebbe prendere: il suo posto.. ma, anche tu sei un satanista.. quindi, io non posso mettere te, al suo posto! about synnek1 --- his channel is dead, not, him ... he is been beaten. @111111GoodBye111111 -- non è facile convincere, i maniaci religiosi, come: i salafiti, islamisti, laveradottrina, ecc.. ma, anche, gli atei, ed i satanisti: sono dei maniaci religiosi, dal momento che, neanche, loro, possono dimostrare le loro tesi!


111111GoodBye111111 ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

go to synnek1 channel he dead :(


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

[youtube es el hogar: de unius REI: para siempre en los próximos siglos: y: hasta el final: del mundo] No sé si la destrucción de la canal: de: synnek1, quien es el administrador de Corea, de todo youtube, representará: un punto de inflexión para la gestión: youtube de sí mismo! de lo contrario, continúe: a morir, y ser golpeado, por lo que, en modo sobrenatural, todos aquellos que, corromper a nuestros hijos, en este servidor, social: para todo el mundo! [youtube est le foyer: des unius REI: toujours dans les prochains: quelques siècles, et: jusqu'à la fin: du monde] Je ne sais pas si la destruction du canal: de: synnek1, qui est l'administrateur de Corée, de tous youtube, représentera: un tournant pour la gestion: de youtube lui-même! sinon, continuez: mourir: et d'être frappé, donc, dans le mode surnaturel, tous ceux qui, corrompre nos enfants, sur ce serveur, sociale: pour tout le monde!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

[يوتيوب هي موطن REI الخط الفاصل: إلى الأبد في القرون القليلة المقبلة، وحتى نهاية العالم] أنا لا أعرف ما إذا كان تدمير للقناة من: synnek1، منظمة الصحة العالمية، هو المسؤول الكوري، جميع يوتيوب، وتمثل: نقطة تحول بالنسبة للإدارة: من يوتيوب نفسه! خلاف ذلك، لا تزال تموت وأن تصل، لذلك، في وضع خارق، كل أولئك الذين، إفساد أطفالنا، على هذا الخادم والاجتماعية: لجميع العالم!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

[youtube is the home of unius REI: forever in the next few centuries, and until the end of the world] I do not know if the destruction of the channel: the synnek1, who, is the administrator Korean, of all youtube, will represent a turning point for the management of youtube itself! otherwise, continue to die and to be hit, so, in mode soprannaturael, all those who, corrupt our children, on this server, social: for all world!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

@Saudi Arabia, Iran -- e perché mai, proprio io: che, io sono impegnato, contro, ogni forma di satanismo: e di peccato, e perché mai, proprio io: dovrei: fare del male all'Islam, per fare precipare, anche voi, nell'abominio massonico e satanico: in cui è precipitato il cristianesimo? questo di danneggiare l'Islam, in realtà, n verità non è nell'interesse del Regno di Dio! quelli che state facendo del male all'Islam, oggi, siete solo voi.. invece UNIUS REI, che domina sul mondo proteggerebbe l'islam, su scala mondiale... non possiamo, più fare del male a persone virtuse, in nome: di una qualche religione! adesso basta!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

@Iran, Saudi Arabia -- i vostri maniaci religiosi? non sono la verità: ne, dell'Islam, e neanche, della teologia! e quale culto: a Dio: voi volete fare: attraverso: la menzogna? e può esistere una menzogna: a fin di bene? quella: menzogna, che: i farisei continueranno a dire a noi, per colpa vostra vostra? sarà soltanto, per il loro bene, e per la nostra distruzione, cioè, il satanismo, del signoraggio bancario, che, ha riempito il modo.. in verità: la verità è nell'interesse, di tutti coloro, che, sono sotto la luce del giorno, mentre, la menzogna è nell'interesse, dei figli delle tenebre.. allora, anche voi, venite con me nella luce! non abbandonate il genere umano, alla III guerra mondiale!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

111111GoodBye111111 -- my friend, in questa pagina: mi ha messo Dio, e quindi, non serve a niente lamentarsi! meglio stare qui, per ora, che, imbracciare un fucile di precisione!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

8 ore fa

@Saudi Arabia, Iran [you can not save your life and Sharia: together]-- the Sardinians (people,of Sardinia) are a people very proud! I was in Rome to do an internship with the "Farmers" I was 18, and my friend, he put himself in a position: very delicate (though, he believed in himself, subjectively ,to have right, and, that, he was offended), which is why, he insisted, to remain, however, for pride, in that uncomfortable situation, and pride, he would not leave his position .. if, I do not approached, to his ear, to say, any, what, that only he could hear? and that only this, could rehabilitate his dignity? my friend, could not, unlocked himself, from his position, and, then, the instructors would have called the police ... and since, no one could, know what, I had said to him? here is that the losers: turned, only, instructors. in this mode my friend was saved


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

9 ore fa

111111GoodBye111111 --- lol, ma, io non sono scoraggiato, io sono soltanto arrabbiato! e tu cosa potresti fare tu, per lenire la mia rabbia?


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

9 ore fa

i farisei illuminati: DA LUCIFERO, del FMI, per la distruzione di Israele, loro non possono agire, con: la loro kabbalah: di sterminio: e di distruzione, contro: qualcuno: che è a livello, di una grande Nazione, se questo qualcuno, lui, non: passa da se stesso, dalla parte del torto, cioè, dalla parte: di gravi crimini.. contro: tutto il genere umano. e voi islamici? voi avete: di gran lunga superato, i crimini dei nazisti? perché volete morire? perché volete che il Corano e l'Islam vengano dichiarati illegali: in tutto il mondo? perché volete permettere al demone del FMI, di replicare se stesso, sempre in modo più gigantesco? io sono UNIUS REI!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

9 ore fa

@Saudi Arabia , and Iran -- noi vogliamo risolvere: tutti i problemi del "Medio Oriete", e, quindi, tutti i problemi: più pericolosi del mondo? ma, questo dipende: solo da voi! perché: io sono UNIUS REI. Rothschild, del 666: FED ECB, FMI, e NWO: 322 Bush, micro-chip: god owl at bohemian grove? loro hanno scommesso, che, io devo fallire, e che voi dovete morire!


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

9 ore fa

ovviamente, il problema delle ingiuste violenze, e del razzismo, delle vittime dell'imperialismo, e della cattiva: religione fanatica,, non è: un problema dei soli cristiani, che, sono la comunità più perseguitata: sia in Oriente: che: in Occidente.. guai, a chi fa del male: a persone pacifiche, ed innocenti, in ogni parte del mondo..


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

9 ore fa

[400 martiri cristiani innocenti: uccisi: ogni giorno] quello che facevano: gli idolatri romani, contro i cristiani? quello che: facevano: Stalin e Mao? ora, lo fanno i musulmani... è la storia del Regno di Dio, che, condanna tutti loro come criminali..


JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento

10 ore fa

Ave, oh Maria, sorella nostra: e madre della Chiesa, Ave, Speranza di Israele: nostra sorella.. amen alleluia, Ave, o Maria, potente esercito: schierato in ordine: di: battaglia, Madre premurosa: di tutti i bambini: del mondo, stella del Cielo. Arca della Alleanza, Porta del Paradiso, Regina degli angeli.. Ave, amen, alleluia.

Abu Antar

Abu Antar (syrian secret services)ha pubblicato un commento

12 ore fa

Unius Rei worked his curse on Synnek1? o.O


allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento

17 ore fa



Mistafield (satanista istituzionale: internazionale italiano: che, ha simulato: un ex canale di Synnek1: ma, su questa pagina è sempre presente, anche, un satanista istituzionale tedesco) ha pubblicato un commento

17 ore fa:

All Politicians Suck

YouTube Rewind 2012

114,186 subscribers

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

1 second ago

TheVArious7 -- che importa, ad un satanista istituzionale come te, del nuovo Papa?

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

1 minute ago

03/09/2013. [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] by Jibran Khan. The attack followed altercation between a young Christian and a Islamic barber: the Muslim insulted Christianity and then reported the boy for blasphemy. The mob looted, stoned, doused in acid and then burned the Christian settlement. Local imam: "We'll find the Christian and kill him.". Lahore (AsiaNews) - This morning, an angry mob set fire to over 100 homes in the Joseph Colony Christian settlement, near Badami Bah (Lahore). Residents were forced to flee and at least 35 people were injured. The attack resulted from an accusation of blasphemy registered against one of the settlement residents, Sawan Masih, who yesterday afternoon had an altercation with a Muslim.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

1 minute ago

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] According to initial reports, the 26 year old Christian went to the Islamic barber for a haircut, but the store owner, Imran Shahid, refused to serve him. A heated discussion arose between the two, and the Muslim reportedly used offensive words about Christianity. Together with other people, Shahid then went to the nearby police station, the group recorded a charge of blasphemy against Masih (art.295C), arguing that the young man was drunk and had insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Shortly after, the police arrested the Christian. The maximum penalty under that law is life imprisonment. The anger of the Islamic community did not subside however, and this morning a large group of people ransacked Joseph Colony, then set fire to the homes.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

1 minute ago

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] "We were working like every day - Salamat Masih, a resident of the settlement told AsiaNews - when we started to hear a noise, and suddenly a wall of people fell upon the colony. They threw acid and stoned our houses, then set them on fire. The authorities intervened only when everything was destroyed". The local imam said Sawan will be killed when found. Human rights associations, such as Masihi Foundation and Life for All rushed to the scene to help the victims. For Msgr. Rufin Anthony, bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, "it is very sad to see that minorities in Pakistan are not safe and are targeted for their religion. It is vital that we work for national harmony. See also: 09/09/2011 PAKISTAN. Pakistani Christian killed, during pilgrimage to the town of Mary

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

1 minute ago

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] 05/31/2007 PAKISTAN. Another Christian, condemned, to death for blasphemy, without any proof. 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN. Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law. by Dario Salvi. 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN. The Catholic Church, in Pakistan (An overview). 02/27/2010 PAKISTAN. Karachi, a Christian sentenced to life imprisonment, for blasphemy. by Fareed Khan. 03/11/2013. PAKISTAN. Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial vandalised in Pakistan. by Jibran Khan. The picture of the slain minister was paint sprayed and a poster ripped off. The attack occurred on the same day that scores of Christian homes were set on fire in Lahore. The Minority Affairs minister was killed on 2011 for his opposition to the blasphemy law. Islamabad (AsiaNews)

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

2 minutes ago

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] Pakistan's Catholic minister of Minority Affairs murdered in 2011, was vandalised in broad daylight last Saturday. The pictured was paint sprayed and a poster honouring him was ripped off. Flowers and candles that framed the monument have disappeared. The incident occurred at the same time as a mob set fire to 178 homes in a Christian neighbourhood in Lahore. The two are connected. The Bhatti Memorial is located in Lahore's Sector I/8, one of the areas with the most traffic. And yet, no one tried to stop the perpetrators, who remain at large. Shahbaz Bhatti was killed on 2 March 2011 in an ambush by masked men. According to the investigation, the Catholic minister was killed for his opposition to the blasphemy law.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

2 minutes ago

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] He was also well known for defending Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five sentenced to death on the basis of the 'black law'. 03/11/2013. PAKISTAN. Pakistan: Christians and Muslims protest against Lahore arson attack. by Shafique Khokhar. The final toll is 178 homes destroyed. In Karachi and Lahore Christian schools closed as a sign of respect. In Faisalabad, thousands of people demonstrate against the violent episode. Muslim activists for human rights: "The police knew but did nothing. Our political leaders have to leave."

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

2 minutes ago

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] Islamabad (AsiaNews) - Pakistani Christians and Muslims have joined together in their condemnation of the arson attack on a Christian neighborhood of Lahore, where on March 9 last 178 houses were razed to the ground. As a sign of respect, today the Christian schools of Lahore and Karachi will remain closed for the entire day. Yesterday thousands of people in Faisalabad - including women, children, priests, nuns and Muslim activists - organized a sit-in in the main street of the city, which ended peacefully with a general prayer. Meanwhile, the situation in the country remains tense. In Islamabad some people attacked Christians, but without setting fire to their homes. The fire at Lahore's Joseph Colony came after the arrest for blasphemy

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

2 minutes ago

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia]  The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] - reported a day before - by a young Christian accused of insulting the Prophet Muhammad by a local barber. Ameena Zaman, a Muslim activist for human rights, says that "the police had ordered the Christians of Joseph Colony to evacuate their homes 12 hours before the accident. If the police knew that there would be an attack, why did they do nothing to save the Christians? ". For Fr. Bonnie Mendes, the Lahore attack "unequivocally shows the evil intentions that lie behind accusations of blasphemy. This was a premeditated way to threaten, destroy and loot the property of Christians, and possibly even kill them." According to Zaman Khan, a Muslim activist, "what happened confirms that our leaders do not consider religious minorities equal citizens of Pakistan.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

3 minutes ago

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] We must fight against this ideology that drives people to attack their neighbor" only because they are of another religion. Another Muslim of the same opinion is Arif Ayyaz who adds "it is time to speak out against the ineligibility of our politicians." Pakistan will vote in general elections between April and May this year. See also: 02/16/2010. PAKISTAN. Christians outraged in Lahore over release of young domestic worker's murderer. by Fareed Khan. 02/02/2010 PAKISTAN. Activists warn, the murder of a 12-year-old Christian girl could go unpunished. by Fareed Khan. 12/10/2004 PAKISTAN: HUMAN RIGHTS, Religious minorities, persecuted and marginalised. by Qaiser Felix. 11/03/2004 PAKISTAN. Blasphemy law: death threats against teenage girl forces family to flee.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

3 minutes ago

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] 02/27/2012 PAKISTAN. Faisalabad: Christians, not Muslim extremists, behind attack against the Grace Ministry Church. by Shafique Khokhar. 10/11/2007: PAKISTAN. Lahore: extremists attack church, beat children. Armed with guns and steel rods, Islamic extremists attack the New Apostolic Church in Hadyara. A final attack is announced for the end of Ramadan, nearby mosque loudspeakers warn. Lahore (AsiaNews) -- A Muslim mob armed with guns and steel rods attacked the New Apostolic Church in Hadyara, on the outskirts of Lahore. They beat up worshippers, including a child, and damaged property. After the incident the attackers through mosque loudspeakers called on Muslims from nearby villages to gather for a "final attack" after Ramadan.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

3 minutes ago

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] They also urged businesses and farmers not to allow Christians on their properties or do business with them. Lahore police arrived only after the incident, but remained overnight to patrol the area around the church building. According to local political leaders, Christians will be safe until the end of Ramadan. But local police could not confirm the information. Elsewhere in the country near Peshawar Islamic extremists stormed six stores selling records and a barber shop for violating Muslim morality. One person was killed and two wounded as a result of the violence. The stores were destroyed. [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] See also: 06/01/2010. PAKISTAN.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

4 minutes ago

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Justice and Peace: "Strong condemnation of attacks on Ahmadis"by Fareed Khan. 06/05/2009. PAKISTAN. Pakistani Catholic leaders come out against the Taliban and the imposition of the jizya. by Qaiser Felix. 05/15/2007. PAKISTAN.Peshawar bombing, a sign of anarchy and intolerance, says Church by Qaiser Felix. 11/13/2009. PAKISTAN. Double bombing in Peshawar and Bannu, 16 dead and dozens injured. 12/06/2008. PAKISTAN. Catholic Church condemns attack in Peshawar. by Qaiser Felix.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

14 minutes ago

@Saudi Arabia, Iran -- You know better than anyone else, who, are guilty, the Pharisees, ie, the Talmud, Jews, Nazi zionists. by: Illuminati IMF FED ECB, NWO, your accomplice: and their satanic Freemasons: ie occult power, (ie, the declared enemies of Christianity), that, have in control of the West, therefore, this story, which, because of them, you, the Nazis Islamists you have to kill, and to harm the innocent Christians, must end, same today ... because the Kingdom of God, which, I represent, is be arming against you! and it is because of you that I can not do evil, to Israel, as against, an another, false democracy of the Masonic seigniorage banking

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

22 minutes ago

1_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] Mar 02 2011: In Yemen, Ali Abdallah Saleh's regime has been in power for about the same length of time as Mubarak's in Egypt, over 32 years. Although governed by Saleh, the power of the regime is limited, especially in the remote regions of the country where tribal rulers control the region. If Saleh would fall, it is unclear who could take over Yemen. With the presence of Al Queda in various parts of the country, Yemen could easily fall apart similar to the situation in Iraq, or worse, in Somalia. A regime-change in Yemen could very well mean a change to no regime at all, resulting in anarchy. Yemen lacks the presence of traditional church. Islam is the state religion and Sharia law is the source of all legislation. Described as one of the poorest and least evangelized nations in the world, the constitution guarantees religious freedom but declares that Islam is the state religion.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

22 minutes ago

2_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] It has been estimated that less than 1,000 Yemenis have left Islam during the rule of Saleh, but very few have been willing to make a public statement about it due to family and social pressures. Jordan has a Christian minority of about 300,000 believers, most of them with a history going back to the 1st century. Know as one of the most Western oriented countries in the Middle East, the constitution guarantees religious freedom. As long as the churches do not evangelize, the government will not bother Christian believers; however, the state security is following the steps of church leaders closely and therefore the Jordanian evangelical movement's freedom is rather limited. In both Jordan and Yemen demonstrations have taken place over the past several weeks. In Jordan King Abdullah II remains popular and has quickly announced a reshuffle of his government,

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

22 minutes ago

3_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] asking politicians to take note of the complaints of its citizens and respond to them. It is yet to be seen: what the future holds for Christians in the Middle East. As we watch from the sidelines the turmoil unfolding in Libya let us join in prayer for our brethren caught in the cross-fire and pray for a future where they can openly and freely worship our savior Jesus Christ. Father, in the midst of ongoing unrest: in the Middle East, we look to You as the one and only sovereign God. We pray that through political shifts and regime changes, Your people would be protected by Your loving mercy and grace. Despite hardship, we pray that more people would come to a saving knowledge of Christ, and Your glory would be displayed throughout the region. Amen. [Jordan: it is on the 34th place: in the black list: of rogue states][Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

22 minutes ago

4_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. ] my friend: The Muslim "cultural mediator", of: a student of mine Muslim: has said: to me: 1. not: it's true, that in all Muslim nations: we do not have: the freedom of religion, in fact, we have the example: of Syria: and Jordan. 2. Moreover, it is the Americans who have formed, and, invented: the Islamists. Why, when I was a kid? All these terrorists do not: there! 3. That's why, they killed: Saddam Hussein: Gaddafi and Bin Laden, because: the Americans were afraid, of that: they would have said! 4. Moreover, when they arrive Western soldiers: to plunder the country's resources? It is normal for people's anger to explode! But, in no way Islam could do harm to a peaceful person, because it is written in the Qur'an that whoever kills a man? Then, he also killed, the whole human race!

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

23 minutes ago

5_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] --- ANSWER --- but I know who the murderess and super predator, the sower: of death worldwide, are the Pharisees 666 Rothschild IMF, occult e masonic power: for banking seigniorage. [/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] [Jordan: it is on the 34th: place: in the black list: of rogue states] [Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them. They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. ] The church landscape is comparable to pre-civil war Syria, with a certain amount of freedom for traditional Christians. There is relative tolerance for Muslim-background believers; however, leaving Islam is not officially recognised and public evangelisation of Muslims is against government policy. Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

23 minutes ago

6_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. Radical Islamists are becoming more active in society and there have been reports of violence and killings of Muslim-background believers.[Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them. They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. ] [/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] [Jordan: è al 34° posto della lista nera, degli Stati canaglia]--- ANSWER --- ma, io conosco chi è il super assassino e predatore, il seminatore: della morte per tutto il mondo, è: il fariseo: Rothschild del FMI

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

23 minutes ago

7_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] [/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] [50 STATI CANAGLIA] North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Maldives, Mali, Iran, Yemen, Eritrea, Syria, Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Libya, Laos, Turkmenistan, Qatar, Vietnam, Oman, Mauritania, Tanzania, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Brunei, Bhutan, Algeria, Tunisia, India, Myanmar (Burma), Kuwait, Jordan , Bahrain, Palestinian Territories, China, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Kenya, Comoros, Malaysia, Djibouti, Tajikistan, Indonesia, Colombia, Uganda, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Niger.[/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/]

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

42 minutes ago

@India -- è nessuno può dire che, Unius REI è Italiano, perché, in 5 anni? io ho difeso l'Italia, soltanto, in riferimento a questa vicenda, di questa tua malvagia criminalità, evidente, a tutti.

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

45 minutes ago

[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] Marò, [India, contro, Italia]: 'Fermo disaccordo'. New Delhi insorge. La Farnesina: 'Hanno violato il diritto internazionale'. 1. infatti, la nave italiana era in acque internazionali, 2. i proiettili che, hanno uccisi i pescatori, non erano quelli in dotazione dei "Marò".. 3. le lungaggini giudiziarie, erano un chiaro e losco tentativo di prendere tempo, perché l'India sapeva, che sarebbe dovuta passare sul tavolo degli imputati! 4. in realtà i delitti che l'India ha fatto contro la comunità internazionale sono molteplici e gravissimi, 5. bene ha fatto l'Italia, con questo, suo atto di dignità.. io spero che tutta la comunità internazionale ad iniziare dalla Cina, espongano formali proteste.. perché in questi casi, nessuno può dire: "è stata una fortuna, che, non sia successo niente a me!" [do massacres, too easily, to expect any credibility]

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

45 minutes ago

[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] Marò, [India, contro, Italia]:COMANDANTE IN SECONDA,PESCATORI UCCISI DA INDIANI Non sono stati i due marò italiani a uccidere i pescatori ma gli indiani. Lo afferma a Radio Capital Carlo Noviello, comandante in seconda dell'Enrica Lexie a bordo della quale si trovavano Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone. Noviello ricostruisce così le fasi della vicenda: "eravamo sul ponte. Quando la barca si è avvicinata a 100 metri, Latorre ha fatto le segnalazioni ottiche, poi ha mostrato il fucile. Ma loro continuavano imperterriti ad avvicinarsi, in una chiara manovra d'abbordaggio. E allora Girone e Latorre hanno sparato. In acqua, però. Quando la barca si è allontanata, col binocolo abbiamo visto, che, erano armati ma, non era morto nessuno, e le due persone, fuori dal cabinato, [do massacres, too easily, to expect any credibility]

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

45 minutes ago

[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] Marò, [India, contro, Italia]:erano ancora in piedi". "Dopo - aggiunge, il comandante - c'é stato un altro scontro a fuoco, fuori dal porto, con la guardia costiera locale: di Koci. Penso che: i due pescatori morti: fossero quelli. E per coprire: questo errore siamo capitati noi: di mezzo. Anche perché la guardia costiera di Mumbai, quando mi ha telefonato, mi ha detto esplicitamente: di entrare a Koci: perché: loro avevano catturato due barchette: sospette pirata e volevano il nostro eventuale riconoscimento. Ci hanno fatti avvicinare: con l'inganno". La nave italiana: infatti: era "a venti miglia e mezzo, in acque internazionali - assicura Noviello - La posizione l'ho messa io sulla carta".[do massacres, too easily, to expect any credibility]

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

46 minutes ago

[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] 03/11/2013. INDIA. India, images of Jesus and the Virgin Mary photo-shopped to attack "Italian" Gandhis, by Nirmala Carvalho. The faces are those of Rahul Gandhi and his mother Sonia (President of the Congress), alongside a photo of a group of Hindu nationalists. The image appeared on the Facebook page of a group that glorifies hatred against the ruling party. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Jesus and the Virgin Mary depicted - respectively - with the faces of Rahul and Sonia Gandhi, and a caption that reads "Italian scam". The photo-shopped image appeared on the Facebook page of the "All India Congress Haters Association", alongside a photo of a group of Hindutva supporters (a sectarian ideology that promotes a Hindus state, ed), surmounted by the words "ohm Indians "[INDIA. the weapons that you bought? are still not enough!]

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

46 minutes ago

[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] (The ohm is a sacred mantra in Hinduism, ed.) For the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), it is an "act of desecration that wounds, especially at this time of Lent." According to Sajan George, president of the GCIC, "This is the height of perversion, certainly not becoming the people of this great nation or members of any religion worth its name, using sacred pictures and symbols to settle political scores, whatever the extent of hatred with which they are filled with". "The whole Christian community - he said - is upset by this gesture and together with the GCIC ask the central government and the state governments to take the necessary measures to stop these unscrupulous gestures, and to find out who is behind them. Similar actions can threaten harmony within the community. ". See also:

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

46 minutes ago

[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] 11/04/2010 INDIA. Nationalism and fanaticism the biggest challenges in India by Santosh Digal. 03/09/2005 [INDIA. the weapons that you bought? are still not enough!] Falsely accused priest arrested in Gujarat. 09/22/2010 INDIA. No to more violence over Ayodhya's Babri Masjid, Hindu leader says by Nirmala Carvalho 08/24/2004 INDIA Priest seriously injured in attack against Catholic Church 12/19/2008 INDIA Minister Antulay quits, he suspected Hindu involvement in Mumbai attacks

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

1 hour ago

[[ Alert in Syria, called reservists: Saudi imperialism is been: stopped in Syria, because this is in the interest of ISrael and my interest.]] System invokes the: jihad in support of the army, to defend: the people and the nation. March 12, BEIRUT - The staff of the Syrian armed forces announced today that "the state of general alert" for all military and called: soldiers and reservists: aged up to 35 years. The Syrian state television reported, without providing further details at the moment. SYSTEM CALLS, FOR THE JIHAD, IN SUPPORT, loyalist forces - Syrian authorities: have called the "jihad all Syrians: and all the Arab-Muslim" in support of the government army "engaged in the battle: to defend the people: and the nation." With: a fatwa - legal opinion: is not binding

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul posted a comment

1 hour ago

[[ Alert in Syria, called reservists: Saudi imperialism is been: stopped in Syria, because this is in the interest of ISrael and my interest.]] - unprecedented, the Grand Mufti of Syria, Sheikh Ahmad Hassoun Sunni, called "traitors all those who oppose: the army" loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. Quoted by the official Sana: and: on state television, Hassoun read: the statement of the Council Syrian fatwas, that it is the duty of every citizen of every Syrian: and: Arab Muslim to defend Syria Unified and the Syrian people. Hassoun: He called the Muslims: to "jihad for the defense of the people: and:the nation" against "the Zionists: and who: is behind them (is a disgrace to Assad, who he has not the courage: to name the Arab League, from: which he was expelled dishonestly)."

03/09/2013. [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] by Jibran Khan. The attack followed altercation between a young Christian and a Islamic barber: the Muslim insulted Christianity and then reported the boy for blasphemy. The mob looted, stoned, doused in acid and then burned the Christian settlement. Local imam: "We'll find the Christian and kill him.". Lahore (AsiaNews) - This morning, an angry mob set fire to over 100 homes in the Joseph Colony Christian settlement, near Badami Bah (Lahore). Residents were forced to flee and at least 35 people were injured. The attack resulted from an accusation of blasphemy registered against one of the settlement residents, Sawan Masih, who yesterday afternoon had an altercation with a Muslim.

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] According to initial reports, the 26 year old Christian went to the Islamic barber for a haircut, but the store owner, Imran Shahid, refused to serve him. A heated discussion arose between the two, and the Muslim reportedly used offensive words about Christianity. Together with other people, Shahid then went to the nearby police station, the group recorded a charge of blasphemy against Masih (art.295C), arguing that the young man was drunk and had insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Shortly after, the police arrested the Christian. The maximum penalty under that law is life imprisonment. The anger of the Islamic community did not subside however, and this morning a large group of people ransacked Joseph Colony, then set fire to the homes.

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] "We were working like every day - Salamat Masih, a resident of the settlement told AsiaNews - when we started to hear a noise, and suddenly a wall of people fell upon the colony. They threw acid and stoned our houses, then set them on fire. The authorities intervened only when everything was destroyed". The local imam said Sawan will be killed when found. Human rights associations, such as Masihi Foundation and Life for All rushed to the scene to help the victims. For Msgr. Rufin Anthony, bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, "it is very sad to see that minorities in Pakistan are not safe and are targeted for their religion. It is vital that we work for national harmony. See also: 09/09/2011 PAKISTAN. Pakistani Christian killed, during pilgrimage to the town of Mary

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] 05/31/2007 PAKISTAN. Another Christian, condemned, to death for blasphemy, without any proof. 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN. Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law. by Dario Salvi. 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN. The Catholic Church, in Pakistan (An overview). 02/27/2010 PAKISTAN. Karachi, a Christian sentenced to life imprisonment, for blasphemy. by Fareed Khan. 03/11/2013. PAKISTAN. Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial vandalised in Pakistan. by Jibran Khan. The picture of the slain minister was paint sprayed and a poster ripped off. The attack occurred on the same day that scores of Christian homes were set on fire in Lahore. The Minority Affairs minister was killed on 2011 for his opposition to the blasphemy law. Islamabad (AsiaNews)

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] Pakistan's Catholic minister of Minority Affairs murdered in 2011, was vandalised in broad daylight last Saturday. The pictured was paint sprayed and a poster honouring him was ripped off. Flowers and candles that framed the monument have disappeared. The incident occurred at the same time as a mob set fire to 178 homes in a Christian neighbourhood in Lahore. The two are connected. The Bhatti Memorial is located in Lahore's Sector I/8, one of the areas with the most traffic. And yet, no one tried to stop the perpetrators, who remain at large. Shahbaz Bhatti was killed on 2 March 2011 in an ambush by masked men. According to the investigation, the Catholic minister was killed for his opposition to the blasphemy law.

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] He was also well known for defending Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five sentenced to death on the basis of the 'black law'. 03/11/2013. PAKISTAN. Pakistan: Christians and Muslims protest against Lahore arson attack. by Shafique Khokhar. The final toll is 178 homes destroyed. In Karachi and Lahore Christian schools closed as a sign of respect. In Faisalabad, thousands of people demonstrate against the violent episode. Muslim activists for human rights: "The police knew but did nothing. Our political leaders have to leave."

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] Islamabad (AsiaNews) - Pakistani Christians and Muslims have joined together in their condemnation of the arson attack on a Christian neighborhood of Lahore, where on March 9 last 178 houses were razed to the ground. As a sign of respect, today the Christian schools of Lahore and Karachi will remain closed for the entire day. Yesterday thousands of people in Faisalabad - including women, children, priests, nuns and Muslim activists - organized a sit-in in the main street of the city, which ended peacefully with a general prayer. Meanwhile, the situation in the country remains tense. In Islamabad some people attacked Christians, but without setting fire to their homes. The fire at Lahore's Joseph Colony came after the arrest for blasphemy

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] - reported a day before - by a young Christian accused of insulting the Prophet Muhammad by a local barber. Ameena Zaman, a Muslim activist for human rights, says that "the police had ordered the Christians of Joseph Colony to evacuate their homes 12 hours before the accident. If the police knew that there would be an attack, why did they do nothing to save the Christians? ". For Fr. Bonnie Mendes, the Lahore attack "unequivocally shows the evil intentions that lie behind accusations of blasphemy. This was a premeditated way to threaten, destroy and loot the property of Christians, and possibly even kill them." According to Zaman Khan, a Muslim activist, "what happened confirms that our leaders do not consider religious minorities equal citizens of Pakistan.

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] We must fight against this ideology that drives people to attack their neighbor" only because they are of another religion. Another Muslim of the same opinion is Arif Ayyaz who adds "it is time to speak out against the ineligibility of our politicians." Pakistan will vote in general elections between April and May this year. See also: 02/16/2010. PAKISTAN. Christians outraged in Lahore over release of young domestic worker’s murderer. by Fareed Khan. 02/02/2010 PAKISTAN. Activists warn, the murder of a 12-year-old Christian girl could go unpunished. by Fareed Khan. 12/10/2004 PAKISTAN: HUMAN RIGHTS, Religious minorities, persecuted and marginalised. by Qaiser Felix. 11/03/2004 PAKISTAN. Blasphemy law: death threats against teenage girl forces family to flee.

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] 02/27/2012 PAKISTAN. Faisalabad: Christians, not Muslim extremists, behind attack against the Grace Ministry Church. by Shafique Khokhar. 10/11/2007: PAKISTAN. Lahore: extremists attack church, beat children. Armed with guns and steel rods, Islamic extremists attack the New Apostolic Church in Hadyara. A final attack is announced for the end of Ramadan, nearby mosque loudspeakers warn. Lahore (AsiaNews) – A Muslim mob armed with guns and steel rods attacked the New Apostolic Church in Hadyara, on the outskirts of Lahore. They beat up worshippers, including a child, and damaged property. After the incident the attackers through mosque loudspeakers called on Muslims from nearby villages to gather for a “final attack” after Ramadan.

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] They also urged businesses and farmers not to allow Christians on their properties or do business with them. Lahore police arrived only after the incident, but remained overnight to patrol the area around the church building. According to local political leaders, Christians will be safe until the end of Ramadan. But local police could not confirm the information. Elsewhere in the country near Peshawar Islamic extremists stormed six stores selling records and a barber shop for violating Muslim morality. One person was killed and two wounded as a result of the violence. The stores were destroyed. [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] See also: 06/01/2010. PAKISTAN.

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Justice and Peace: "Strong condemnation of attacks on Ahmadis"by Fareed Khan. 06/05/2009. PAKISTAN. Pakistani Catholic leaders come out against the Taliban and the imposition of the jizya. by Qaiser Felix. 05/15/2007. PAKISTAN.Peshawar bombing, a sign of anarchy and intolerance, says Church

by Qaiser Felix. 11/13/2009. PAKISTAN. Double bombing in Peshawar and Bannu, 16 dead and dozens injured. 12/06/2008. PAKISTAN.

Catholic Church condemns attack in Peshawar. by Qaiser Felix.

c'è una maledizione, contro, tutti i miei nemici, in tutto il mondo.. soltanto: che: qui: si è più a contatto: in modo immediato: con il mio ministero.. burn satana: in Jesus's name

JewsxMessiahUniusRei King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

King x Kingdom Israel: unius REI. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. vota Magdi Cristiano Allam, is why, who, does not speak of: banking seigniorage, is a traitor: mason and satanist, enemy of the peoples, and: against Constitution

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questa NON è una attività giornalistica

questa NON è una attività giornalistica

Gesù il Messiah