quando: farisei salafiti massoni satanisti hanno creato i terroristi? poi, un loro controllo al 100% non è possibile ] [ NEW YORK, 12 APR - Il Dipartimento di stato americano ha emesso un 'travel warning' per l'Arabia Saudita, sottolineando come "cittadini statunitensi e occidentali" nel Paese possano essere oggetto di attentati terroristici in vista della visita del presidente Barack Obama. Visita che si svolgerà in occasione del summit con i Paesi del Golfo il 21 aprile.
e se i massoni austriaci sono ancora i ptrioti e non i traditori della PATRIA che voi siete diventati? ] [ Migranti: Italia, no barriere Brennero, Lettera congiunta Gentiloni-Alfano a Ue, 12 aprile 2016
Maçons Satanist Rothschild abominable PHARISEE TALMUD 666 ENLIGHTENED SPA FED NWO. why you will kill ISRAEL?
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu ] il buco del culo: è un arma letale di distruzione di massa, è assai più pericolosa dell'Olocausto nucleare! infatti, i Sodomiti hanno meritato il Diluvio Universale, e la distruzione delle città della valle di Sodoma, poi, dicono che sia stato il cristianesimo a distruggere l'Impero Romano: "NO L'IMPERO ROMANO È STATO DISTRUTTO DAI SODOMITI" ed infatti anche la CIVILTà della GRECIA classica è stata distrutta dai sodomiti e come tutti sanno, i cristiani non esistevano ancora! Infatti, la omosessualità ideologica o sodomia: apre spontaneamente al satanismo e a tutte le perversioni sessuali! DIRANNO ANCHE CHE È STATO UNIUS REI: A DISTRUGGERE IL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE! tutto falso: SONO STATI I SODOMITI!
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
OCCIDENTE non sopravviverà al suo satanismo! i demoni come balie si porteranno a passeggio il vostro cervello! Realtà aumentata e video 'hard', ci prova il sito PornHub, Apre canale gratis per video a 360 gradi, si vedono con visori, [ MA, LO STATO MASSONE GENDER ANTICRISTO BILDENBERG FARISEO ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? DOVREBBE PROIBIRE QUESTE COSE, se è vero che, non ha deciso di far morire tutti all'inferno della guerra mondiale!
quindi secondo questo articolo è ERDOGAN USA CIA che rifornisce anche ISIS, senza i RUSSI? oggi dominerebbero incontrastati in Siria grazie ad ERDOGAN ] [ 08/04/2016 - SIRIA ] [ Conflitto siriano, i ribelli strappano allo Stato islamico il controllo di al-Rai. La cittadina del nord si torva lungo la direttrice che collega Siria e Turchia. Una rotta strategica per il passaggio di merci e rifornimenti. Un successo importante in vista della battaglia principale per il controllo di Aleppo. Alla periferia di Damasco i jihadisti attaccano una fabbrica e sequestrano 200 operai.
Washington has had it's attention brought to your crap. Your time is limited.~
USA 666 UK SHARIA NATO, e tutti gli alleati massoni del cazzo di Satana Allah, che finiranno per uccidere Europa e Israele
USA CALIFFATO SAUDITA TURCO HANNO PROGETTATO DI METTERE LE MANI SUL PAPA E DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA ] [ 20/07/2015 LIBIA. Libia, i miliziani dello Stato islamico sequestrano tre immigrati cristiani. Il rapimento è avvenuto nella zona orientale, nei pressi di Sirte. Nel mirino un cittadino egiziano, un nigeriano e un ghanese. I jihadisti hanno diffuso le foto dei loro passaporti. In passato la Libia è stata teatro della decapitazione di una ventina di cristiani copti. Sempre ieri rapiti quattro lavoratori italiani.
Siria, jet russi fermano attacchi di al-Nusra contro le forze curde ] [ tutti i Curdi che Hollande e Cameron vogliono far sterminare da Erdogan!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] IS SPA FED Rothschild sharia Satanists your penis NWO?
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] Obama? a casa sua: comanda la moglie, e al Pentagono comanda Bush: 322 il satanista: "IL TESCHIO CON LE OSSA DEI PIRATI"! Forse Donald Trump, potrebbe dare una dritta, a questa nazione MALEFICATA e venduta a Satana dai Farisei del Talmud Spa FED! NON C'È NESSUNO CHE PUÒ SPERARE QUALCOSA DI POSITIVO DAI SACERDOTI DI SATANA DELLA CIA: "CACCIATELI!"
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] in effetti, Dio JHWH in ISRAELE ha detto: "QUELLO È IL MAR CINESE MERIDIONALE!" [ ma, se per pura ipotesi voi vinceste questa guerra, non si prenderebbero tutte le miniere e i giacimenti, gli USA: i sacerdoti di satana, come spese di guerra? IN OGNI CASO, SIA in caso di: VINCITA che, COME, in caso di: PERDITA, A VOI RIMARREBBERO SOLTANTO, I CADAVERI E LA DISTRUZIONE TOTALE! voi che dite? "forse un brutto accordo è sempre meglio di una guerra?"
MY ISRAEL ] 0286891021 [ io non credo, che, 666 CIA abbiano la speranza di potermi intimidire, io credo, piuttosto, che, per una tecnologia elettronica, loro possono trasformare un cellulare telefono, in un microfono ambientale! MA, QUESTO È del TUTTO INUTILE, PERCHÉ NON POSSONO ASCOLTARE I MIEI PENSIERI, SE, IO NON LI HO PUBBLICATI.. che, poi, è proprio questo il divertimento!
CONOSCO UNA PERSONA CHE HA DETTO: "VOGLIO TUTTO IO!" PRIMA DI MORIRE, LUI È STATO PAZZO PER 10 ANNI, ED ORA È ALL'INFERNO! GLI USA E I LORO ALLEATI MASSONI SONO AVVISATI! Il ministero degli Esteri cinese ha più volte sottolineato che la gestione economica di Pechino sulle isole nel Mar Cinese Meridionale "non è diretta contro paesi terzi e niente influisce su di loro". Gli Stati Uniti, a loro volta, hanno condotto diverse pattuglie nei pressi delle zone contese sotto la bandiera delle "operazioni in difesa della libertà di navigazione". Per Pechino si tratta di una violazione della sua sovranità. Nell'ottobre 2015 il comandante della Marina Militare cinese ha fatto sapere ai colleghi americani che "un piccolo incidente nella regione potrebbe provocare una guerra", ma il Pentagono non pianifica di abbandonare le manovre nel Mar Cinese Meridionale: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160412/2464584/mccain-washington-pechino.html#ixzz45dQE3PW2
IL SACERDOTE DI SATANA John McCain ( QUELLO CHE SI È INCONTRATO IN UN BAR TURCO CON, quello che sarebbe diventato: il FUTURO CALIFFO DELLO ISIS DAESH STATO ISLAMICO): ha detto: "Washington deve essere pronta a reagire alle pretese di Pechino!" [ e questo è vero, perché, gli USA SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, e il loro governo mondiale massonico, sono, GIÀ i soli padroni del mondo! QUINDI, CHE PRETESE POTREBBE AVERE LA CINA O CHIUNQUE ALTRO? ] Secondo il senatore dell’Arizona la Cina continua la “militarizzazione” della situazione nella regione e si prepara ad estendere la cotraerea su tutto il Mar Cinese Meridionale, perciò Washington deve essere pronto per un’immediata, dura reazione alle “ambizioni” di Pechino.
se i massoni europei non distruggono la NATO, e non fanno una alleanza militare con la Russia? NON SARÀ POSSIBILE SALVARE I POPOLI EUROPEI DA UN IMMANE MASSACRO! PERCHÉ, I VERI NEMICI DELLE DEMOCRAZIE OCCIDENTALI SONO USA E LORO LEGA ARABA! ] [ La situazione “congelata” delle sanzioni tra Russia e Occidente. 12.04.2016 In Occidente le sanzioni non hanno portato i risultati sperati, ma hanno solo influito negativamente sull’economia di molti paesi.
ME, LO HA SEMPRE DETTO, il sacerdote di satana, ex-Direttore, di youtube: Synnek1 666, che, io ho fatto licenziare, ed oggi lui è: 187AudioHostem: "ogni resistenza è inutile!" .. MA, IO HO DECISO CHE NON DEVE ESSERE COSÌ! PERCHÉ, IO FARÒ UCCIDE, OVUNQUE, IN TUTTO IL MONDO! FINCHÉ L'IRA DI DIO NON SIA PLACATA!
ARRIVERÀ IL MOMENTO, IN CUI, IO VEDRÒ TUTTI I LEADER EUROPEI (I MASSONI DEL SISTEMA POLITICO FINANZIARIO) TUTTI GIUSTIZIATI PER ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE: E QUINDI CONDANNATI A MORTE DA TRIBUNALI POPOLARI RIVOLUZIONARI! Naftogaz: il Nord Stream 2 sarebbe la nostra rovina, 12.04.2016 La costruzione del secondo tronco del Nord Stream, secondo l’amministratore delegato della Naftogaz, potrebbe essere completata entro il 2019 e provocherà all’Ucraina chiari problemi, in particolare, con gli acquisti di gas in Europa.
E QUESTO È VERO: c'è un conflitto: sharia Turchia ISIS, contro i CURDI, dato che tutti gli altri dhimmi, hanno già subito il genocidio sharia! Ora, soltanto Dio e Putin, possono salvare i Curdi dal genocidio, così come sono stritolati su due fronti: contemporaneamente! ] [ 12.04.2016
Ancora un attentato contro la polizia turca a Diyarbakir: due morti e una cinquantina di feriti. Ankara accusa il Pkk.
#CINA, #RUSSIA #ISRAELE ] [ un attacco nucleare preventivo: SU SCALA MONDIALE, è la nostra unica speranza PER POTER SOPRAVVIVERE COME GENERE UMANO LIBERO! ] Hiroshima, Kerry: "Guerra ultima risorsa". Storica visita al Memoriale che apre la strada a Obama
mi diverte, osservare: quella feccia di OBAMA attore Hollywood, e osservare il fatto che: sono i SATANISTI MASSONI: regime sharia Bildenberg: alto tradimento costituzionale contro la sovranità monetaria dei popoli, magia nera kabbalah, talmud satanico, Gender teosofia demoniaca, tutti i loro: FARISEI SALAFITI, la totale aberrazione dei diritti umanistici e identitari, proprio loro: la negazione della autodeterminazione dei popoli: cioè, il NWO Spa Banche Centrali, che, si siano impegnati a far sparire i Dittatori, ed ogni forma di pluralismo, nel mondo, come ogni traccia di società: post larvatamente ebraico cristiana! Corea Nord: Lincoln per criticare Obama: Lettera ipotetica, 'Pyongyang non crollerà malgrado sanzioni' CERTO, CHE LA COREA DEL NORD, ECC.. DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTA, MA, SOLTANTO IO, POSSO DECIDERE: CHI, COME E QUANDO, DEVE MORIRE: PERCHÉ, IO SONO IL REGNO DI ISRAELE, CIOÈ io sono il REGNO DI DIO JHWH, IN FORMA POLITICA SULLA TERRA!
ONU: i nuovi diritti umani universali del Gufo Allah Baal SpA FED? ONU è un sharia terrorista, di Sodoma culto Darwin: il più perfetto altare di satana: della storia del genere umano, mentre, gli USA islamici: sono i sacerdoti Satanisti: Farisei satanisti massoni salafiti! Quindi, la Merkel: Pravy Secotor, golpe Kiev, cecchini Cia a Maidan, ecc..? dopo Ban-Kimono GENDER? questa è la scelta giusta per me!
non ho un problema contro GAY e loro associazioni, anzi io li amo! MA, SE NON RINUNCIANO ALLA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER CHE È TEOSOFIA SATANICA, APOLOGIA DI REATO E PURO TERRORISMO CONTRO LA LEGGE NATURALE, POI, IL CONTRATTO PATTO SOCIALE ANDRÀ DISTRUTTO, CON ESITI SOCIALI DRAMMATICI! Assegnati ad Arcigay beni confiscati alla mafia, Prima volta ad associazione immobili sottratti a Cosa nostra
quando Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi Presidente dell'Egitto, mandò le "teste di quoio" in Libia, a vendicare i suoi cristiani copti, che, sharia ISIS aveva sgozzato sul mare? Tutta la shaaria LEGA ARABA lo rimproverò e dissero: "NOI SIAMO PERSONE SERIE!", infatti, quello che al-Sisi aveva fatto, prima di pugnalare la Russia alle spalle? era troppo grave! Perché, ISIS, non può e non deve essere fermato da USA e Lega ARABA, in Libia come altrove!
gli USA oggi sono nel mondo il vero volto del NAZISMO! il regime massonico Bildenberg: il vero volto del NAZISMO È IN USA ] Protesta a Capitol Hill, 400 arresti. "Basta corruzione del denaro in politica, elezioni siano libere" La protesta a Capitol Hill: WASHINGTON. 12 aprile 2016 [ Oltre 400 attivisti sono stati arrestati mentre manifestavano pacificamente davanti a Capitol Hill con striscioni e cartelli ''per chiedere al Congresso di agire subito per far cessare la corruzione del denaro nella nostra politica e per garantire elezioni libere e imparziali'', ha spiegato Democracy sprint, il gruppo organizzatore. Il numero di arresti e' uno dei piu' grossi degli ultimi anni. L'accusa, ha reso noto la polizia, e' di manifestazione illegale.
USA SHARIA ONU ] tutto quello che io vi devo fare? è già stato scritto in Apocalisse!
perché la Comunità internazionale non è riuscita a fermare i terroristi, e la RUSSIA ci è riuscita in pochi mesi? È CHIARO: È LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CHE SONO I TERRORISTI ISLAMICI! E QUESTO ARTICOLO LO DIMOSTRA! SONO TUTTI ATTI DI DEPISTAGGIO, E DI DISSIMULAZIONE, PER INGANNARE LA OPINIONE PUBBLICA! NON SI È VOLUTO COLPIRE ISIS INTENZIONALMENTE, PER OTTENERE IL GENOCIDIO DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI, E SOLTANTO, SECONDARIAMENTE, LO SI È FATTO PER DANNEGGIARE GLI SCIITI! E POICHÉ, TUTTE LE ARMI E I FINANZIAMENTI DI USA SONO PASSATI AD ISIS? POI, È proprio ONU IL PIÙ GRANDE TERRORISTA DEL MONDO! ISTANBUL, 12 APR - Almeno 6 persone sono rimaste ferite stamani nella provincia di confine turca di Kilis da 3 colpi di mortaio sparati da zone del nord della Siria sotto il controllo dell'Isis. Lo ha reso noto il governatore locale, Suleyman Tapsiz, secondo cui 3 dei colpiti sono in gravi condizioni. Ieri altri 5 razzi katiuscia, sparati sempre dalla Siria, avevano raggiunta la stessa zona, ferendo 12 persone. L'esercito di Ankara aveva risposto al fuoco secondo le regole d'ingaggio, come sempre in caso di attacchi simili.
La mamma di Regeni: "Grazie per avere adottato il mio Giulio" ] NON ESISTE UNA VERITÀ ALTERNATIVA: ARABIA SAUDITA su mandato USA, CONTROLLA EGITTO COME OGNI ALTRO GOVERNO DELLA LEGA ARABA, .. ORA, Israele e il GENERE UMANO? devono TREMARE! Un commentatore di spicco del più diffuso Al Ahram ha velatamente attaccato il dicastero in prima linea nelle indagini ("perché il ministro dell'Interno non parla del funzionamento del suo ministero?"). Il concorrente Al-Akhbar invece ha sostenuto che la tortura a morte del giovane ricercatore friulano è "un crimine perpetrato da cospiratori che vogliono nuocere alle relazioni italo-egiziane".
QUANDO LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE, ONU, cioè, tutti i DIRITTI umani UNIVERSALI di Talmud SpA FED SATANA NWO, HA DECISO CHE: TURCHIA E ARABIA SAUDITA: AVREBBERO AVUTO IL DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, DI POTER AGGREDIRE LE NAZIONI, ATTRAVERSO, IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO? VERRÀ IL GIORNO CHE, TUTTI VOI COMPARIRETE TUTTI A RISPONDERE DEI VOSTRI DELITTI DAVANTI AL MIO TRIBUNALE! ] [ Siria: continua flusso armi e militanti al Nusra attraverso confine turco. 12.04.2016. Siria, Stato Maggiore russo: continua flusso armi e militanti aL-Nusra attraverso confine turco. Il flusso di armi e militanti di rinforzo del gruppo terroristico al-Nusra continua attraverso il confine turco-siriano, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti. "Nonostante i progressi nell'attuazione del regime di cessate il fuoco, le forniture di armi e militanti dalla parte turca del confine, continuano a rafforzare i terroristi Nusra, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti", ha detto Sergei Rudskoy, capo della principale direzione operativa dello Stato Maggiore russo.Lo ha affermato lo Stato Maggiore russo. Il regime di cessate il fuoco mediato è entrata in vigore il 27 febbraio.
COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI! tutti quelli che vanno nei paradisi fiscali sono evasori! QUINDI PERCHÉ CI VA IL FONDO MONETARIO INTERNAZIONALE, A RICICLARE TUTTI I PROVENTI DEL SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO? L'OBIETTIVO DI SOROS ERA QUELLO DI DISTRUGGERE I PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN UK, PER CONCENTRARE TUTTE LE RICCHEZZE NEI PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN USA! ] MA, IO NON SO QUESTI: PUGNALATORI DI ALLEATI DEL CAZ*O, QUESTI FARISEI TALMUD LUCIFERINI, CHE TIPO DI CAZ*OINCULO POSSONO RICEVERE ADESSO dai loro ex-alleati UK! [ "Complimenti signor premier — ha attaccato nel corso di un acceso dibattito Jeremy Corbin — lei è un maestro di mistificazione della realtà, ma la gente è esasperata dall'evasione fiscale dopo sei anni di austerità". Panama Papers, la difesa di Cameron. 12.04.2016. Il primo ministro britannico alla Camera dei Comuni: false le accuse contro mio padre. Ora maggiore contrasto all'evasione internazionale. Corbin: da Cameron mistificazione della realtà. COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI!
Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
Regeni: la madre, grazie per aver adottato il mio Giulio
Regeni 'non è caso isolato', 15 desaparecidos recenti
Regeni: Massari, l'ambasciatore in prima linea per la verità
Regeni: famiglia amareggiata, "Italia non si fermi"
Su Regeni è crisi diplomatica tra Italia e Egitto
Regeni: ecco le misure in mano all'Italia
Regeni, Renzi: 'A fianco dei pm, non consentiremo di svicolare'
Caso Regeni: Italia-Egitto, tra verità e depistaggi
Caso Regeni, il comunicato della Procura dopo il vertice Italia-Egitto
Caso Regeni: l'Italia pronta a nuove misure, l'Egitto 'irritato'
Regeni: fallito vertice magistrati Italia-Egitto
VIDEOCaso Regeni, 'dossier ancora incompleto'
Caso Regeni, "dossier ancora incompleto"
Investigatori romani al vertice Italia-Egitto su Regeni
Caso Regeni, vertice a Roma con inquirenti egiziani
FORSE QUESTO FILM VUOLE DIRE CHE: LE BANCHE SONO LA MAFIA PIÙ GRANDE, MA LA MAFIA CERCA IL POTERE, IL DENARO, MENTRE: NESSUNO PUÒ DIRE CHE LE NOSTRE BANCHE SONO UNA RELIGIONE: SONO IL SATANISMO CULTUALE, E COME, L'ALTARE DI SATANA È IL LORO CUORE! TALE È IL SATANISMO, esso NON CERCA IL POTERE E LA RICCHEZZA che, il NWO massonico regime Bildenberg HA GIÀ: di suo: IN MODO ASSOLUTO, in realtà, IL NWO È LUCIFERO, e LUI VUOLE TUTTE LE VOSTRE ANIME, tutti con LUI atterriti e disperati allo INFERNO: in attesa di essere disintegrati nel giorno del giudizio universale! quindi, QUESTA DELLA FED SPA FMI, È UNA GUERRA PER POSSEDERE LE ANIME, E DA QUESTO PUNTO DI VISTA, NONOSTANTE I LORO DELITTI ABERRANTI GLI ISLAMICI, SONO GLI UNICI CHE, STANNO FACENDO IL DOPPIO GIOCO CONTRO IL NWO: L'IMPERO DEL TALMUD DI ROTHSCHILD 322 BUSH! ] [ Servillo, un monaco contro le banche. Nel film, in odor di Cannes, anche Daniel Auteuil e Favino Servillo http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cultura/cinema/2016/04/11/servillo-monaco-contro-le-banche_66280d71-9734-4ce9-bd26-3a39910acd66.html 12 aprile 2016
è un film denuncia alla: Elio Petri e estetica alla: Paolo Sorrentino, arriva nelle sale il 21 aprile distribuito da 01 'Le confessioni', film contro le banche e il potere finanziario in odor di Cannes. ''Mi sembrava naturale proseguire sulle cose che mi assillano da sempre e fare una ricognizione sul potere e sull'economia oggi in crisi...''Voi avete un sistema perfetto: quello della mafia. Le banche come la mafia non devono dare conto a nessuno''. Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
QUALE PUÒ ESSERE L'OBIETTIVO DEI "FRATELLI MUSULMANI (I TERRORISTI)"? il genocidio di tutti i cristiani e di tutti gli ebrei in tutto il mondo: OVVIAMENTE! Ma, #Salman e #Rothschild non possono dire pubblicamente che: 1. il NWO è anche il CALIFFATO; e che, 2. questo genocidio si sta compiendo velocemente, ed anche in tempi molto rapidi! ] SI, È vero: #SALMAN VUOLE DARE UNA LEZIONE, PUNIZIONE a IRAN, ma, NON È NEI PROGETTI del loro Allah Rothschild SATANA, di fare il genocidio sistematico degli SCIITI, PERCHÉ QUESTI, conflitti, OMICIDI, di tipo CONFESSIONALe sono molto utili per la realizzazione del Califfato mondiale, cioè, FANNO SPARIRE molto velocemente, i dhimmi da TUTTO IL MONDO! SCIITI E SUNNITI SONO I DUE LATI DELLA MEDAGLIA PER LA REALIZZIONE DEL CALIFFATO MONDIALE: quindi non è seria la loro ostilità! 12/04/2016 - SAUDI ARABIA - EGYPT. Cairo and Riyadh: investments and territorial arrangements to counter Iran.
The Saudi king has made a "historic" five-day visit to Egypt, where he signed new trade agreements and proposed a peaceful future for Sunni nations. The Muslim Brotherhood unhappy: "We are being used to achieve political goals and then abandoned." Among the joint projects, a "bridge" across the Red Sea. 12/04/2016 - ARABIA SAUDITA – EGITTO. Cairo e Riyadh: investimenti e accordi territoriali per fare fronte contro l'Iran. Il re saudita ha compiuto una "storica" visita di cinque giorni in Egitto, dove ha siglato nuovi accordi commerciali e prospettato un futuro di pace alle nazioni sunnite. I Fratelli Musulmani scontenti: "Veniamo usati per raggiungere scopi politici e poi abbandonati". Fra i progetti congiunti, un "ponte" sul Mar rosso.
il bullismo islamico, non potrebbe esistere se: intenzionalmente, UE e USA non erano i 666 Talmud Farisei satanisti massoni: tutti usurai culto SpA FED: regime BILDENBERG, che stermineranno i popoli europei (in una guerra fratricida contro la Russia): ed annienteranno ogni presenza ebraico-cristiana nel mondo! ] MA, SE LA RUSSIA VIENE AGGREDITA? POI, LA ARABIA SAUDITA DIVENTERÀ IL LUOGO PIÙ RADIOATTIVO DI TUTTO IL PIANETA! 11/04/2016 - MALAYSIA. Sharia-compliant Rayani Air grounded for failing to follow aviation rules. Malaysian aviation authorities imposed a three-month suspension on the carrier for contravening “civil aviation regulations”. Launched in December, Rayani requires Muslim female crewmembers to wear the hijab, offers only halal food, and bans alcohol
11/04/2016. MALAYSIA. Malaysia, segue le regole della sharia ma non quelle civili: fermata la Rayani Air. Il Dipartimento dell’aviazione ha revocato la concessione di volo alla compagnia per tre mesi, per “contravvenzione alle regole”. Fondata a dicembre, la Rayani esige che le hostess musulmane indossino l’hijab, che i cibi serviti in volo siano halal e che il consumo di alcol sia vietato.
#sALMAN #ERDOGAN #Shaaria #ISLAMICI sono ladri stupratori terroristi pirati e assassini, perché, questa è la natura del loro satana Allah Akbar! 11/04/2016. BANGLADESH. Wife of Protestant minister raped to seize their land. The victim was attacked in her own home. Her screams attracted the attention of her husband, who prevented her murder. The four rapists are local thugs, well-known land grabbers. Police refuse to file the case until after local elections (not scheduled for many months). For Catholic activist, "This is totally immoral.” For her, police “are working for the criminals and violating human rights.”
Bangladesh, vogliono rubarle la terra: stuprata la moglie di un pastore protestante. La donna è stata aggredita nella propria abitazione e le sue urla hanno attirato l’attenzione del marito, che ne ha impedito l’uccisione. I quattro stupratori sono malviventi locali, noti per essere influenti espropriatori di terreni. La polizia ha rifiutato di registrare il caso, almeno fino al termine delle elezioni locali (tra diversi mesi). Attivista cattolica: “Questo è del tutto immorale. La polizia è connivente e viola i diritti umani”.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
#Obama, se, noi diaciamo che: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!" poi, noi giustamente, noi saremo puniti! Ma, se Erdogan dice: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!", e sua moglie dice: "l'HAREM è una buona esperienza per imparare ad essere donne!" POI, NOI A QUESTE BESTIE, LE FACCIAMO ENTRARE, anche in EUROPA: perché quella è la loro cultura e noi non possiamo essere islamofobici. TRA LA NOSTRA COLPA, che diventa una VIRTÙ ISLAMICa: voi del relativismo e del pratito democratico: voi QUANTI MILIONI DI MARTIRI CRISTIANI, voi mi avete UCCISO IN QUESTI 30NNI?
#SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] tu hai detto, che le donne che guidano la macchina da sole, sono le prede del diavolo! Ma se tu ti prendi 4 mogli, e poi, non le riesci a soddisfare tutte sessualmente? poi, la preda del demonio? sei proprio tu!
Abu Antar 2 giorni fa
John Kerry is a homosexual.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[non si parla mai della "nazione" siriana, bensì della "patria" siriana, che fa parte della "nazione araba". ma, senza libertà di religione, questa, del Califfato Mondiale, è una congiura, contro, Israele e contro, tutto il Genere Umano] 07/09/2011. SIRIA. La Siria e il "no" alla Lega araba: è in gioco il panarabismo. L'emiro del Qatar, lo sceicco Hamad Ben Khalifa al-Thani, il quale era, fino all'inizio di quest'anno, un amico politico del presidente al-Assad, ma poi è stato il primo capo di Stato arabo a chiudere la sua ambasciata a Damasco, il 5 settembre scorso dichiarava: "In Siria le uccisioni sono quotidiane. Ma è chiaro che il popolo siriano non rinuncerà alle sue rivendicazioni. La questione è di sapere come uscire da questo blocco".[ecco perché Iran e Saudi Arabia, sono una sola CONGIURA, CONTRO ISRAELE]
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[non si parla mai della "nazione" siriana, bensì della "patria" siriana, che fa parte della "nazione araba". ma, senza libertà di religione, questa, del Califfato Mondiale, è una congiura, contro, Israele e contro, tutto il Genere Umano] Nel testo dell'iniziativa della Lega araba, c'è da sottolineare l'espressione "intervento straniero". Nel vocabolario arabo del Medio Oriente, "straniero" vuol dire "non arabo". Difatti, c'è, in Siria un notevole orgoglio patriottico, che, si rifiuta di accettare un intervento "straniero" (cioè, in pratica, "occidentale", che, vuol dire americano/europeo), orgoglio che, si ritrova sia nei partigiani del regime, sia nell'opposizione. Invece, un intervento arabo (terroristi jihasti di AlQaida,) sarebbe - secondo alcuni - accettabile, nell'ambito del "nazionalismo arabo" che, congloba tutti i Paesi arabi. [ecco perché Iran e Saudi Arabia, sono una sola CONGIURA, CONTRO ISRAELE]
187AUDIOHOSTEM 2 giorni fa
Dear Mr. Hussein: [You Can't Kill What Can't Be Killed]
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
CIA DATAGATE, 666, 187AUDIOHOSTEM, he was, "Synnek1," but before That, he was Mistafield [three years ago, I said!] "Real mistafield could translate the Italian.'re Not him mistafield, true was killed - ANSWER - - [THIS iS THE TRUTH, I HAVE SEEN TOO MANY SATANISTS, DEATH, in all these years!]
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
666, 187AUDIOHOSTEM, lui era, "Synnek1" (lui è, il satanismo istituzionale, nel Governo Mondiale, e, Massonico, di youtube), lui ha fatto chiudere a tradimento, molti dei miei siti! 2 years ago, he said: "your mind is listening deceptive ....>;-) - ANSWER - TU did you see? Once, a long time ago, you were asking me, the intelligent questions, theology, etc.. ... but, your mind has been corrupted, and you are no longer suitable .. you became a fag intellectual! -- ANSWER -- TU hai visto? una volta, tanto tempo fa, tu chiedevi a me, delle domande intelligenti, sulla teologia, psicologia, ecc.. .. ma, ora la tua mente è stata danneggiata, e tu non sei più idoneo .. tu sei diventato un frocio intellettuale!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[SAUDI ARABIA - ISLAM] [Saudi murderess, Grand Mufti] [Sheikh Abdulaziz al-Sheikh] -- ANSWER -- [as, it exists, one and only, Kingdom of Satan, and, Pharisees, are the "Great Satan", so, there is, only one" Worldwide Caliphate, and, Saudi Arabia is, "little satan] [you recognize, your Satanism, or, I I'll be forced to do kill you!] [not even a grain of sand, you can save, of all your wicked world!] [come esiste, un solo ed unico, Regno di Satana, e i farisei sono il "GRande Satana, così esiste un solo unico "Califfato Mondiale, e l'Arabia Saudita è il piccolo satana] [tu riconosci il tuo satanismo, oppure, io sarò costretto, a farti uccidere!] [neanche, un granello di sabbia, si potrà salvare, del tuo mondo malvagio!]
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
09/18/2013 SAUDI ARABIA - ISLAM. Saudi Grand Mufti warns against "attacking Muslims, and, those under Muslim protection".. Sheikh Abdulaziz al-Sheikh, condemns fighting, within, Islam, and, against, non-Muslim Arabs. He calls on Muslims, to stay away, from, "extremists [who] have invented, the pretext of 'takfir' (the charge of apostasy), which, makes light of the killing, of Muslims, and, others who are protected". -- answer -- coglione! tu sei la malattia! tu non puoi prevedere, una società, in cui una minoranza, abbia bisogno di essere protetta!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] 19/09/2013 10:12. Corea del Nord, l'Onu accusa: Violenze nei lager di Stato anche contro neonati, La Commissione varata dalle Nazioni Unite ha raccolto le testimonianze dei sopravvissuti ai gulag del regime dei Kim. Neonati affogati, invasioni di parassiti ed esecuzioni pubbliche per i "colpevoli" di crimini politici o sociali. Pyongyang rigetta le accuse. New York (AsiaNews) - Bambini affogati subito dopo la nascita, persone uccise davanti a centinaia di testimoni, baracche invase dai parassiti. È la vita nei lager della Corea del Nord, raccontata dai sopravvissuti a una Commissione di inchiesta delle Nazioni Unite che cerca di fare luce sulle atrocità commesse dal regime di Kim Jong-un.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] Michael Kirby, ex giudice della Corte Suprema australiana oggi Commissario Onu, ha raccolto le testimonianze di ex detenuti ed esuli fuggiti dalla persecuzione di uno dei governi più repressivi al mondo. Il lavoro di Kirby rientra nella missione delle Nazioni Unite varata a marzo: il Consiglio per i diritti umani del Palazzo di vetro ha infatti approvato un anno di inchieste sulla Corea del Nord: "Le testimonianze raccolte fino a ora evidenziano violazioni diffuse e molto serie in tutti gli ambiti della vita umana. Cerchiamo di creare una lista di funzionari che si sono macchiati di queste atrocità, in modo da poter un giorno chiedere conto di quanto sta avvenendo nel Paese".
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] La Commissione ha ascoltato i sopravvissuti ai campi di lavoro del regime: "Hanno subito atrocità che a volte non possiamo neanche descrivere. Alcuni di loro, a causa della 'trasmissione di colpevolezza' predicata da Pyongyang, hanno sofferto fame e violenza sin dalla nascita". Il riferimento è alla dottrina ideata dal "padre della patria" Kim Il-sung, secondo il quale per ogni colpevole di reati politici o civili "vanno punite tre generazioni, che [si intende] si sono macchiate dello stesso crimine per associazione familiare". Fra i racconti - raccolti per la maggior parte dagli esuli che oggi vivono in Giappone o in Corea del Sud -
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] quelli più cruenti sono stati presentati da un uomo imprigionato sin dalla nascita, che ha vissuto mangiando lucertole ed è stato costretto a guardare l'esecuzione della madre e del fratello; da una donna che ha aiutato la compagna di cella, su ordine degli aguzzini, ad affogare il proprio figlio neonato; da un carcerato obbligato a bruciare i corpi dei defunti e spargerne le ceneri sui campi coltivati. Il governo di Pyongyang non ha permesso agli ispettori Onu di entrare nel Paese per l'inchiesta e si è rifiutato di fornire materiali relativi ai lager di Stato, dove secondo alcune stime vivono almeno 300mila persone. Per il regime le accuse sono "bugie presentate da spazzatura umana".
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] Kirby ha risposto: "Un grammo di verità, pesa molto più di un chilo di insulti". 09/19/2013 12:33, [[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] UN accuses North Korea of violence in state-run prison camps, including against newborns . The United Nations commission heard eyewitness accounts about the North Korea's prison camp system where babies are drowned, vermin thrive and people accused of political and social crimes are executed. Pyongyang rejects the accusations. New York City (AsiaNews) - Children drowned shortly after birth, people killed in front of hundreds of witnesses, shacks invaded by parasites are just some aspects of life in North Korean prison camps, survivors told a United Nations commission
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] of inquiry seeking to shed light on the atrocities committed by Kim Jong-un's regime. Michael Kirby, a former judge on Australia's High Court who steers a one-year commission of inquiry on North Korea set up in March by the UN Human Rights Council, has collected the testimonies of former prisoners and exiles who fled the persecution of one of the most repressive regimes in the world. "Testimony heard thus far points to widespread and serious violations in all areas," Kirby said. "We will seek to determine which state institutions and officials carry responsibility for gross human rights violations proved to have been committed," he explained. Indeed,
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] "We have, in a preliminary way, received testimony that identifies persons who are in charge of particular prison camps," as well as the chain of command. "The commission listened to political prison camp survivors who suffered through childhoods of starvation and unspeakable atrocities as a product of the 'guilt by association' practice, punishing other generations for a family member's perceived political views or affiliation," he told the council. The reference here is to the doctrine conceived by the "father of the nation" Kim Il-sung, according to whom political or civil offenders must be punished for "three generations".
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] Some of the evidence gathered in South Korea and Japan from North Korean exiles is truly applaing. One man imprisoned from birth lived on rodents, lizards and grass, and witnessed the execution of his mother and brother; a woman saw a fellow inmate forced to drown her own baby in a bucket; and a man was obliged to burn the corpses of starved inmates and scatter their ashes on vegetable patches. Pyongyang has not allowed UN inspectors into the country and has refused to provide information about state-run concentration camps, which hold about 300,000 people according to some estimates. North Korea said those behind the allegations were "human scum", but Kirby said, "An ounce of evidence is worth far more than many pounds of insults and baseless attacks."
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
@ISRAELE-- adesso è evidente, "siamo stati traditi!"
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
#VIETNAM, CRIMINAL, [Religioni unite in difesa della diocesi di #Vinh, nel mirino delle autorità comuniste ] Un gruppo composto da #cattolici, #protestanti, #buddisti, manifesta vicinanza al vescovo e ai fedeli, vittime di attacchi del governo, e di diffamazione, a mezzo stampa. Critiche unanimi per le azioni "subdole e spietate" dei vertici di #Nghe An. Appello alla comunità internazionale per la difesa dei diritti umani in Vietnam. 19/09/2013 VIETNAM, La scuola #vietnamita, figlia dellA #ideologia #comunista, deve essere riformata. Educatori e docenti chiedono "investimenti" e un "cambio radicale" di mentalità. Nonostante i proclami governativi, il livello di istruzione nel Paese è ancora arretrato. Prevale il retaggio comunista, che, blocca un vero sviluppo globale del sistema.
187AUDIOHOSTEM 2 giorni fa
Dear Saddam: Please Accept Retirement Now
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
Kerry, 322, 666 Obama, Rothschild 187AUDIOHOSTEM, 2 minutes ago WARNING: [you will retire] - ANSWER - I'm not the criminal, who, he drinks blood of a pig -- ANSWER -- non sono io il criminale, che, beve sangue di porco 6 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] to:: Their: unfavorable: and: Their "tea: pure" have spread: evolution: and every form: of: perversion: and: Satanism: only : for: have: the: legal reasoning: of: to destroy: the: other Jews because we (all the: people) like animals: the: human form: us not: we have no right: by: to rely on : it: we were created: by: God only: for: being exploited by the Jews according to the ideology Babylonian of the: god Marduk: that: is: the: Denial: or: ideological opposition: of the: Genesis Biblical (and is, precisely: this: Satanism: that: the order and says: Babylonian Talmud: of: do that: it is: become: even: most important of the: Torah: in: all: the: community: Jewish: that: scattered: for: the: world!)
7 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: and: for: what is: the creepy: that: said the: Talmud? Because he places only: the: background: of the: human sacrifice (LOL. I mean: of: animals: in: human form) of the: Blood: that: the lessons: that: not: they are discovered, they are passed on: only verbally: of: father: in: child (to: to: one son, possibly firstborn: but:: in: this: how: however: Their: not: include: of: they have become Satanists).: Their: power today : is: at the top: is: at the height: of: one: powerful Masonic pyramid: (the: masters of: all the: our money at interest (bank seigniorage): ie: very few: men: that: they are the: owners : of: at least: of the: 200% of the contract: Value: of: all the: money in circulation: in the: world) thanks to the traitors of the: political: of the: rich: and: of the: leaders:
8 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: of: all the: world is: to: power: of: extermination of: all the: rich: against: all the: people: that: not: it can be challenged: human: that: not: it can be controlled by the institutions visible: all daughters of the: bank seigniorage: through: the: foundation: of the Bank: of England!: the: Illuminati: they have manipulated the: sources: of the: history: to:: Their: interest as well: an: that: the: the Catholic Church is: was forced to: lose: the: its ancient memory now aware: of the: his impotence: and: of the: useless: of: all the: of the centuries: fighting desperate: the: Masons: having taken the: possession: of the: power: of the: political betrayed: the: truth: since: Their: foundational principle : for: Their: economic interest: for: Their silks: of: power:
9 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] because they were: the: Jews to: create all: this: set to: communism: and: democracy. However: all: not: it can be destroyed: and every historian worthy: of: this: name: knows: the: acts: of the: court: of: Trent: and: of the: Martyrs four children: (CHIR: that : Italian TTI) approx: not: polarized: the Catholic Church!: tea: what the Catholic Church ever: In: 2000 years has done: to: ruling wrong!: but: Today, after centuries of: desperate and learn struggles: after: 600 excommunication: that:: against:: the: Freemasonry: the: the Catholic Church is: was reduced to silence: for,: the: men have decided, of: go to hell: in: Mass!: this: empire of the: evil: Hebrew: and: UK: bank: and: Masonic: Master: and: exploits: the: Human Gender: by: most: of: 500 years:
10/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: for: religious reasons (rule: and: subjugate: all the: human race: in: name of the: ideology of the: Talmud)!: This: is : to: empire of the: evil: to: absolute power! Of which: the: Jews themselves: they are: the: intended victims: because: most: of: other: they betrayed: the: rigid moral dictates: that: of the: Rabbis "Pharisees" or: ILLUMINATI: imposed to: if: same: formally: hypocritical: and: in: fundamentalist way: as: as we shall see: in: this: long document: Their: using: the: blood of the Christians (animals: in: human form) that: Their : kill: can the:: this: to: to: purify the Their: sins: but: for: the: Torah condemns to: the death: wicked: of the: law: and: everyone knows: that: Their: not: believe the New Testament!
11/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: the: religion he ILLUMINATI: Rabbis: and: Pharisees: not: it provides the: proselytizing: why: is: founded: on ties: of: blood only, because, is: the only religion that: prevents the: proselytizing: this: is: become: really: to: I hate absolute and invincible:: against: all the: human race: for: the: destruction of: all: the : Jewish bastards: ie: the: Jews: that: not: have lines: of: blood: that: exceed the:: 2500 years.: or: for: the: destruction of: all: the: Jews: that: have betrayed: the: Torah!: but: an: that: if: each document relating to the: crimes described: in: this means a document: they were destroyed? be enough: the: my word to authenticate the: this document: why I am the only man in the: history of the: Mankind:
12/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: not: he needs: of: to demonstrate that: that: said: I am in fact: the: Metaphysical: unius Rei. is: the same Holy Spirit to authenticate: in: all: the: creatures: the: my authority! And to apply one: Judgement: of: destruction:: against: all the: rebel! Because: the: strength: of the: my political authority: it belongs: to the Kingdom: of God: and: not: is: due to my biological body: so: however: and: in: the way: the: my term : you can only use up: after the: the next 50 years! If: the: Jews knew: this: document: ie: about the: in the Christian blood: rites by the rabbis?: Their: they would know: that: are: for: die together to: all the: human race: and: this : is: the: reason: for: in: n: that: Their: not: they know nothing, but: this: document
13/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] must include an: that: the Jews: of: that: What are all based: the: institutions: of the: world, with an: that: the: Their: naive complicity and what are: the: real reasons of: every: Shaoh: or: Holocaust: in: all: the: history of Israel (of the last 3000 years): because these criminals are: fanatics: that: they took the: control: of Israel: and they corrupt the: Jewish religion! So is: indispensable for: us of: go to the knowledge of the: the occult world of the Illuminati! Since: Their: I am still forced to: make these sacrifices: of: blood, because: not: know: to: another remedy: for: Their: sins: and: for: Their: diseases! "In the: Blood there 'is: the: life" says the: Bible! Honestly: I: not: believe: that: I will be hated by: Their:
14/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] as: n: that: Their: want to be helped: Their: would like to go: by: this: Their Part VIII: Jason: ie: abyss: of: despair: in: Satan holds them captive in the same! [For: the: institutions have prevented: the: presence: of the: this document: in: a: text: in: all the: web.: For: valid reasons: in fact: not: there is: in: this: document : one: logic: of the: mutual acceptance: or: of the: recognition: of the: their truth: between Jews and Christians: but: seen this attitude of: excommunication intolerant: and: mutual (between Christianity and Judaism). Positions, now surpassed them: the story of: the two religions. However, the: danger is: that: this: boring: and: repetitive document: by: I summed up (in the parts: not: significant):
15/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] can stir up: to: new: late: the anachronism: anti-Semitism in the: social component! An: that: why:: the: real culprits: of: all: this: they are only, one: a special class of: Rabbis. Also: how is: explained: in: this: document: an: that: by the author: there are very few: the: Jews: that: they do: and: that means that they have: of: these crimes: ugly: to: because: of the: few: of: Rabbis mondialists: globalists: the: masters of the: World Bank: IMF. ie: of: the great Jewish bankers: that: indeed: Their: Satanists are: from our point of: view: but: Puritans are: of the: real gurus: from: Their: point of: view: for, are: the: scribes: and: the: Pharisees: that: they took the: control: of the: Jewish religion.
16/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: Jewish rites] so: this: document: Been is:: by: I had prepared: that: it is known to the Jews, because: they are: Their:: that: they must have: in: courage: of: the emergence, from: Their: subconscious: the: nightmares: the most horrible of: to: Their: the ancestral past (today: and: that: for: the: next: 365 days: Their: not: they have : still nothing yet: by: fear: first: that: the: great fear is once again wide open!) because: contrary?: not: there could be: to: future humanly possible: I: for: Their How, Nean : that: for: us.: if: the: history: not: he wants to be revived: in: one: even more dramatic: and: devastating: to: of the reason: new technologies of: destruction: and: of: mind control: and: spiritual. I will: and I will have to be: the: Re: of Israel!
17/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] Because: the: ILLUMINATI: MAY: entrust: Their: lives: only in my hands! Therefore: this: document: not: is: One: Threat: for: what: that: jew: but: we all have to be: close to:: Their: for: to make you feel:: Their: all the: our love: and the: our encouragement!: this: is: strategic in: no way: the: Jews must feel threatened: because: Their: instinct: of: self-protection: and: of: survival, they would flee again: in: themselves: ie: in the:: Their: obscure subconscious is: come the: moment: for: all:: all the: world of: understanding: that: we are one: one family: since no one could be sure: by: alone!: or: if: the: Safety: of: someone is threatened!
18/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] here is why:,: Their: not: they can go: by: this common threat: no: of: us: and: us not: we may be saved: no: of : Their no one could do it: by: alone! since: is: the curse: for: ILLUMINATI: that: kill us all: all together! So: in: these days we can only hope: that: something: of: strategic: you can move between: the: Jews! Since: n: that: the last bastion for: in: our defense: the: the Catholic Church is: was gagged: and: not: always to: wrongly discredited! When: every historical document relating to the: Christian blood: in the: Jewish rites: destroyed! well: in: this: so: is: unthinkable: groped one: contrast: an anachronism: when that was impossible: on the: street: of the: violence!
19/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: we can: with the: our sincere love in the spirit of Jesus: Gandhi etc. .. we may believe: that: is: can one construct: Company: World: finally humanizing: the: secular society: of the: universal brotherhood! tea: this document: fills us: of: horror: for: the: innocent: that still today are sacrificed: but: it fills the: pity: and: of: emotion: in the: consider: as the: Jewish system International: IMF-New World Order is able to reach: to: to: level: of: Satanism so great: and: despair: not: is: can face: this: work: not to keep the stomach: in: hand: as: in : these topics are widely exceeded the: human limitations: for: all of these fields: that: occult
20/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: have been taken up and amplified an: that: from U.S. institutional Satanism: and: now European ciois: tea: about 200,000 human sacrifices: of each year: the facts : for: the: power: of: Satan, as the FBI: he said: of: Do as: that: not: able to: find out: to: only culprit: for: all those crimes: and it is Been:: made: to: real army: of: Satanist: that: is: so: tenacious: convinced that: Satan will be to: win: Against: all the: human race: it is: to:: this: trustworthy staff: that: have been entrusted to: the: secret weapons: and: strategic: that: U.S. Army: how, even: that: the: management of the: underground bases: alien: and: of the:: Their: flying saucers!! if: the: Jews: not: have the: courage: of: addressing:
21/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] this: Their: darkness: ie: of: having tea: heartbreaking task: and: sad: of: to bring to light all: the: wounds: of: to: Their : the distant past: and: of: to: Their: abysmal: and: dark subconscious? So: not: there is one more: hope: for: all the: human race!: But:: that: it represents: the: dark and hidden: reality: of: some: of: Their: ie: more men powerful: of the: planet! Right: of: those: that: have interest primarily to: know: for: it emerge from the subconscious to the conscious! All the: crimes reported: in: this means the document are true: and: they are still committed: of: hidden: by: this: select group: of: perverse fanatics: the: who misrepresent: the: Password: of: God revealed: because the: Talmud: and: the: cabal:
22/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] took the: control: of: all: the: our institutions through: the: Freemasonry and the: bank seigniorage! One: Indication: for: all: "Who: not: believe: that: both: the: his compassion: and: the: to his mercy: to prevail?: not: read: this means a document: why: would: of the: evil only to: him! "Is: a reputation for: in: All: youtube: for: all these years: in:the lorenzojhwh "I have exercised: the: my ministry political and: Theological: unius Rei: for: about 6 hours: every day: such as I have been gifted by God: of: One: detail: as rational intuitive feature: the: Metaphysics: for: to be me: the: legendary: and: mythical figure: of the: King metaphysical UNIVERSAL : the only leader: of: all the: human race.
23/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] here is why:: to: spite: of: any documentation: destroyed by the current masters of the: world ie: from REAL principals: and: authors of: all these crimes: I can testify, through: the: authorities: of: this: my ministry: that: all the: facts described: in: this means the document are true: own: the: good faith of: those: that: they believed : of: the attribution: an: that: the Jews: the: unfounded guilt: of the: missing if any: of: what: that: person:: improperly! I write this: document: mainly: for: the: Jews only: because: Their: is power: real and is: to top: that of the: our Governments: and: of the: our religions: it is: now: to: universal power: they are: Their: that: they must decide: then:
24/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] tea: our common destiny: and: must express: the: determination: of: wanting to quit: by: this curse: or: of: wanting to fall: of: new: set : to: all the: people: in the: well-deserved divine punishment: Since the last word will be the: of: to: God the Creator: angry: for: to have done: of: he: perfect: love: and: perfect justice: to: god of: horror: and: of: cruelty: therefore: not: is: can hope for: the: mercy: by: the: of: those: that: they put on the God of Abraham: the: mas: that: ra horrible of Satan himself: Talmud: Reincarnation: Sharia: communism! We need: of: understanding: that: n: that: the: Jews are people like us ..: that: the: extreme tests, to: which: the: Jews were subject: why,: Their God:
25/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] YHWH has abandoned them: after: that:: Their: they had betrayed the: covenant: and: committed: the: Idolatry: opposing the Torah: the: of the oral tradition: : Their: rabbis (which resulted in the: Talmud): We do: not: we can judge: the: history: but: we can: and we must: be responsible for: for: the: of the future: our children! here is why: this means the document is: important!: not: we can say it: the: Jews have had one: terrible story ..: that: brought them appropriately (racism) and unjust (libel): several times: verge: of the: extinction: this: is: to: Their: problem!: and: this: not: to: our interest in: Their: Please! Moreover, the: our aid in the:: Their: against: not: is: motivated only: the fact: that: Their: are the: Our masters:
26/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] ie: the: masters of the: IMF-New World Order, and have tea: real power: on every strategic resource ..: but: why: we all must love one another: the: one: for: the: .. other: not: we can think of that: the: problem of: a: not: is an: that: the: problem of: everyone! Thus, the incredible Jewish condition: enabled: to: occult system: of: management: of the: horrible secret ": that: alone can justify the: bank seigniorage: ie: of the: most important institution: of the: world : but: of: which is: not allowed to talk about it publicly! What: that: Error: of the: present work: are: the: complexity of the: statements contained herein!: but: us not: we are Nazis for: fall as: stupid: in: this trap of hatred: and: of the: Racism! ie: the: old: and: false accusation of: feel guilty: all: the: Jews:
27/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: of the: crime: of: extermination of the: people: to: reason: of the: bank seigniorage! Slander real: to: turn: Indoor by: so many other lies: and: superstitions: Crime: that: today is: committed by the globalists themselves: of the: IMF: but: that: as yesterday, and an: that: today again will be charged: to: the all: all nations (Jews included). Indeed, to date: is: the deafening silence: of: all: the: institutions: and: of: all: the: religions: about to:: this: crime: of: bank seigniorage: why: these Jews Satanists called enlightened: after destroying: the: Catholic monarchies: that: then: Their: they gagged: the: Catholic Church: this: after centuries of: bloody struggles: and: hundreds: of: unnecessary excommunication: that: by: the Catholic ...
28/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: then: this: enormous crime: of: vilification: against: all sovereignty Constitutional: with: the: Jews: not: a lot has to do: is: demonstrated the fact: that: the: Jews innocent were put to death too easily: though innocent! since: is: only the: Satanism ideological and: practical of Rothschild: 666,: and: of the: his partner: of: snacks: 322: Bush! By: this: document?: In the: network is: can only: to find images for: in: format: pdf.] Time: that: of: this work: that: in: with text: is: so: by: think : one: My first fruits: or: to: my intellectual property: because: to: me, nothing can be denied! So: this: my work is: to "unique literary": for: in: of: this: document is: granted unless:
29/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: the: play: or: Publication: or: dissemination of the entire document for: in: machine-readable form: including: of: all: the: added: or: comments.: the: reflections: as: the: subtraction: by: I have made: for: practical reasons?: not: disrupt the: content: of: this: repetitious: and: stucco: that: Vole: document: so: of the: present Intellectual property: is: forbidden: thus: the: partial reproduction: or: the: edit: is: of the: his translation: that: of the: My interpretation: everything is: bound: and is: of: owned: of the prof. Lorenzo UniusREi : that: the: yield: to: free of charge: the world like any other document: of the: history: that: is: and: remains: Heritage: of: all the: human race! All: the: authorities are requested: of: to enforce the: my rights!
30/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] [[: this means the document is: strictly prohibited to minors: and to: all: the: people: that: they think that: not: is love: and: tea: perfect equality: between: the: men: the: unique solution to: all the: ills: of the: world]] the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE. REVELATIONS: Neophyte EX RABBI: MONACO GREEK: for: the: FIRST TIME: Display:: ITALY: THE GREEK VERSION: of the: Professor NFS [[Believe in extravagance: of: this: document? it seems really hard!: but:: if: these Jews were imprisoned: in: ghetto: and: if: they were frequently expelled from the nations? something of: The monster must be really existed: in the: Jewish society ..: if: these monstrosities: always existed: or: if: were: the: result: of the: persecution:
31/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] resulted from the accusation of: to be God-killers?: This: I said not: I know!: But: what: that: not: it must never be forgotten is: an: that: all: the: incredible violence and injustice: that: this: people wandering: the minority has had to endure: and: bear! because: not: it may be doubted: of the: seriousness of the Church Catholic: and: of: all the: its "official pronouncements" and: n: that: if: this: document: is: now: obviously anachronistic : it must be known .. why:: something: of: monstrous by: here is: derived: ie: the: bank seigniorage: modern: that without this explanation: not: it may have no other explanation ..: this: is: that: Been is: planned : for: crush: in: silently: all the: people: n: that: and: above:
32/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] the: valuable (if: believe: of: to be elected were: for: the show to the world: holy face: of the: law: and: of the: Justice: of God? thn ok!): or: deadly (if they are convinced, as racists: of: one:: Their: boasted: genetic superiority: or: theological) people of the Jews: that: it must have: priestly duties: and: right: for this: because: become: the real victims: of this: Jewish bankers Satanists: of the: IMF: NWO. How to: all: the: tragedy of the: people "elected" showed: because: Their: curses predate the founding: of the: Christianity] [the: censorship? is typical: of the: most devastating: and: criminal, dictatorial regime: since only the criminals are afraid: of the: truth: or: of: to: historical document that: to:their: say not has the most: to: social interest:
33/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: this: is: the: dramatic truth: we are: in: One: false democracy of the: system: bank Hebrew: and: Masonic: ie: of the: bank seigniorage: that: Been is: robbed to: all of us: by: everyone: that: have perjured himself on the:: Their: Constitution!] [if I say, not: I will be unius Rei: and: Re: of Israel? Few of: you can survive in: this already planned nuclear WW 3 rd: of: all the: great Masons: how Albert Pike that: the their knew: projects, including: the: destruction of the State: of Israel: to: no one could think of: in the: first: of the: 1900] [nothing is: the most devastating of the: racism: i: of the: to conceive: if: more than the same: to: another man: for: one : what: that: motivation: ethnic politics: ideological or: religious! As is: this diabolical:
34/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] comes to influence: for do of God (: or: the supreme authority of the philosophy):also a racist but: this is: one: total perversion blasfemy apostasy .. why: is: necessarily unique: the source: of the life!]] is astonishing today: theological ignorance: of the author: of: this document: that: he was one collective ignorance: that: led: the Jews in Their despair: So the Christians: not: able to understand: how: Their same could be the: same cause of attitudes of: reaction only: that: the: characteristic of the Jewish people is of: remember: and: of: celebrate: this remember! Here is why: the: capacity: of: to forgive is harder: for: Them that: not for: us! (This means the document is: now here to be found: in: Internet: in: textual form: to: reason: of the: Jewish censorship: and: Masonic: however, to: me:
35/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] "lorenzojhwh" political Ministry: and: theology: for: the: universal brotherhood in: youtube: nothing can be denied: for I am the very: Re: of : Israel planned: by God: for: the: salvation of the human race: the planned nuclear WW 3 °! and: if: these heinous crimes have disappeared: or: are the: Heritage: of: any psychopath: the: atmosphere: of: racism: that is: a fact: of the chosen people: to: because: of the: Talmud: and: of the Kabbalah: is real!): if: this: the phenomenon is: become invisible as the: 200,000: human sacrifices to Satan: the: reason is: given only by the fact: that: when you enter in 'horror: the human mind: for: protect: Itself: by the madness is: forced: in: to automatically: one to process:: of: removal: of the: horrible horror.
36/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: and: as the: wild rabbit: that: the ermine sees jump: but: paralyzed, that him not: can move any more .. since the scale of level of: his fear is: so high: that: the: fear is removed: lost: is so: for the: social body every opportunity of: reaction! One FOLLOWS: APPENDIX HISTORICAL: LAWN: TYPOGRAPHY ALREADY: that: TTI, C. & SON .1883 .. Portrait of the: Monaco greek: Neophyte former: Moldavian rabbi. "Benedictus Deus here vult omnes: Salvos homine proud." the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE: *** Editor's Preface Italian: Neophyte Monaco greek: born jew: in the: Moldova: to: the: half: of the: last century, turning: if: the same: by: Rabbi: in: Christian: in the: her age: of: thirty-eight years, he published in the: 1803: in: Moldovan language:
37/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: to: its very important: not: not: that: curious: booklet entitled: by: him: "'Rebuttal: of the: religion of the Jews: and: of the: Their: rites with demonstration of the S. Writing old: and: new. "". the: which, translated: in: modern greek: by: John of: George and: n: that: by: other: in Arabic, was published several times to: Nafplion: of Romania, to: Constantinople and elsewhere: in: East: in: various: and: copious editions. All of course: they were to: slightly to: little: and collected: destroyed by the Jews, of course very interested to: to wipe every trace of the: revelations: this: the book contains: about: tea: secret of Their: bloody ritual : of: which: former Rabbi Neophyte concerns: the: the clearest evidence: and the: minute detail: is known: that:
38/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: Jewish rites] in the same: East: now: not: if: it is now, almost more than yours ... "The: reason of: the shortage: is: gold jew: that: try corrupts" make disappear from the world: even: the: heart. "Among us, then: in: West: and: especially: in: Italy, we believe: that: very few, they are: that: to only know the existence of: this: booklet. Is true: that : I talk: I quoted: several traits: Achille Laurent, member: of the: Eastern Company, to: page 378: and: following: of the Volume: 2 °: of the insignia of his works: Relation historique: des affaires de Syrie depuis 1840: jusqu'en etc. 1842. Paris, Gaume 1846;: and: that: by: he copied it:: that: one: part: the: Mr. Gougenot in the des Mousseaux: her: the: Juif: the Judaism: and:Judaisation:
39/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] des peuples Chretiens, Paris: Plon, 1869.: But: as well as: an: that: these two works: and especially: the first: of the Laurent: I now exhausted and: arduous to be (no doubt: for the same gold jew: of sake),: not: quote them: that: a few lines: of the: booklet: of Neophyte, ever want to leave to you: his knowledge fuller. To obtain: the: what we could, for first for of the: aforementioned: character: of: Damietta: the: copy of which they held: one copy in the Arabic version: there'll dispatch one: its Italian version: tea: what, strictly speaking, there would have been sufficient: for this purpose: but: it is, after other research: that: come: in: possession: of: one exemplary Greek edition PRESENTED: to Constantinople: in the: 1834: in the: patriarchal printing:
40/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] Mr. John, of: George: above: (already mentioned above);: and: got the document: by: a learned professor: one: of new version (identical: at, in the: concepts, sent to us by: Damietta) believed the come: time should be: of: submit: the: the: that: it is our purpose: to all readers: Italian , Christians and Jews .... etc. .. continues .. etc. .. [[@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 .-- brothers! I have: the: my divine nature: and: the: my perfect: and: dynamic: Perpetual: sanctification only thank to Jesus: of: Bethlehem, the Christ! However, I as Toaff? we are Zionists: for: the: kingdom of Israel! is: for: this: love: that: I have given up on my: identity: Nationality: Religion! What: that: you see: of: me? is: only an: envelope! I have become: truly:
41/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] the: heart: of the: world: is the: universal brotherhood! is: come: for: you: the: moment of: delete from your symbol: the: star: of: Satan: of six points: Rothschld: that: is: the: IMF-World Order! the: work: that: I'm doing: is: the labor pains: the more more painful work of the: my life .. but: I: not: publish it: on the: your page: to ensure that: all the : the world knows: that: I've decided: of: not: moving: against: you, no charge! no guilty!]] is God? he said to: me: that: not: has never let these crimes of to go unpunished! God is: in: control: of the: history! you not: be afraid! why:: not: kill me: the "Illuminati"?: why, Their power is an absolute power: and: why: no dog: of: Judge: or: of: politics: never lend the his attention: at the my words!
41/41 (a) [conclusion] [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] Israel is: one: beautiful woman and I are to: male rough: not: is: easy: for: me: Do the: pampering: etc. ..: or: go to: home carrying: one: flowers: ecc.. but:: in: Compensation: I am invincible in the: my loyalty: it goes further: the: death! this: they know in the Kingdom of God: and: know: also: in my country: Grumo Appula: is: by: 5 centuries: that: in the: my genealogy is: been called: "Larinz fdel" ie: Lorenzo the: FAITHFUL! Me: not: betray: and no one potrabbe betraying me, because everyone knows: that wrath of: one: King alone: Unius Rei: not: leave: in: feet: no also the: forest! I am meek as Moses, but: like him not: I have a: problem: the killing: guilty: for: the: My law is universal: the: law: of the: eye for an eye!: The: translation: of: this: item will be on "rrmbgpym": while: in: Italian language is: to "shalomnaumann"
R:Re: R:Re:R:sub us
there is no happiness outside of the love: that is: my universal brotherhood ..
as: who wants what is good: for Itself:
Should not he give: His evil: to others: that is, what it does: the IMF ..
"only: if, you Realizing the happiness of others: you too can be happy!"
there is no happiness outside of love: that of universal brotherhood ..
as: who wants what is good: for itself:
he should give his evil to others: that is, what it does: the IMF ..
"only realizing the happiness of others: you too can be happy!"
io sono lorenzojhwh
tu sei apologeniuss?
lui è stato denunciato
circa i diritti d'autore anche dai sedevantisti: che pur avrebbeo avuto interesse a diffondere le loro tesi
VIETNAM, CRIMINAL, [Religioni unite in difesa della diocesi di #Vinh, nel mirino delle autorità comuniste ] Un gruppo composto da #cattolici, #protestanti, #buddisti, manifesta vicinanza al vescovo e ai fedeli, vittime di attacchi del governo, e di diffamazione, a mezzo stampa. Critiche unanimi per le azioni "subdole e spietate" dei vertici di #Nghe An. Appello alla comunità internazionale per la difesa dei diritti umani in Vietnam. 19/09/2013 VIETNAM, La scuola #vietnamita, figlia dellA #ideologia #comunista, deve essere riformata. Educatori e docenti chiedono "investimenti" e un "cambio radicale" di mentalità. Nonostante i proclami governativi, il livello di istruzione nel Paese è ancora arretrato. Prevale il retaggio comunista, che, blocca un vero sviluppo globale del sistema.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
Kerry, 322, 666 Obama, Rothschild 187AUDIOHOSTEM, 2 minutes ago WARNING: [you will retire] - ANSWER - I'm not the criminal, who, he drinks blood of a pig -- ANSWER -- non sono io il criminale, che, beve sangue di porco
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[È VERO, "È un lupo nei panni di una pecora!! quando saranno liberati, i cristiani martiri innocenti, da questa maledizione islamica?] Il neo presidente libera 10 prigionieri politici e dichiara di aver parlato con Obama. Netanyahu: "È un lupo nei panni di una pecora, aumentiamo la pressione per arrestare il progetto nucleare".. Primo ministro israeliano Benjiamin Netanyahu è categorica: "Intendo focalizzarmi sull'arresto, del programma nucleare iraniano, finché, tale obiettivo non sarà raggiunto penso che la pressione su Tehran vada incrementata". Nel frattempo, però, martedì 24 settembre, a New York, Hassan Rouhani e Barack Obama (a cui sta veramente a cuore, la distruzione dei cristiani, come, di pugnalare a tradimento ISRAELE), si incontreranno al Palazzo di vetro per trovare un terreno comune di dialogo.
19/09/2013 INDONESIA. Java centrale: islamisti contro il culto dei morti, sconcerto fra la popolazione. Un gruppo estremista ha attaccato la notte scorsa in un cimitero. La pratica del culto dei morti, tradizionale e diffusa, unisce musulmani, cristiani e fedeli di altre religioni. Per il governatore è una "pazzia" perpetrata di chi alimenta "odio". Musulmani moderati parlano di "minaccia seria". 19/09/2013 COREA DEL NORD - ONU. Corea del Nord, l'Onu accusa: Violenze nei lager di Stato anche contro neonati. La Commissione varata dalle Nazioni Unite ha raccolto le testimonianze dei sopravvissuti ai gulag del regime dei Kim. Neonati affogati, invasioni di parassiti ed esecuzioni pubbliche per i "colpevoli" di crimini politici o sociali. Pyongyang rigetta le accuse.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
19/09/2013 EGITTO, Gli islamisti alzano il tiro: trovati ordigni esplosivi nella metro del Cairo. Si sospetta la mano dei terroristi di Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis. A Giza polizia ed esercito sferrano l'assalto definitivo contro il quartier generale dei Fratelli Musulmani. 19/09/2013 UZBEKISTAN, La società civile denuncia: In Uzbekistan rischiamo la guerra civile. Un movimento d'opposizione tenta di dar vita a una rivoluzione non violenta contro il presidente Karimov, al potere dal 1991. La sociologa Maryam Ibragimova: "Ogni tentativo di protesta pacifica rischia di trascinare l'Uzbekistan in un conflitto sanguinoso". 19/09/2013 INDIA, Mumbai, profanata una chiesa cattolica. Alcuni sconosciuti hanno dissacrato il Sacramento della chiesa di san Giuseppe a Juhu, per rubare ostensorio e pisside, entrambi placcati in oro. Nell'omelia per la messa di riparazione il vescovo ausiliare ha chiesto ai fedeli di "pregare per i colpevoli e invocare la misericordia di Dio".
@UFuckWithWrongPerson666 187AUDIOHOSTEM Today, you feel, meaner, and then, for that matter, that you have not had need to drink pig's blood, still? oggi, ti senti, più cattivo, e quindi, è per questo, che, tu non hai avuto bisogno di bere sangue di maiale?
19 settembre, 17:19. (ANSA) - NEW YORK, - Il sindaco di New York Michael Bloomberg lancia una nuova crociata: a finire nel mirino questa volta sono le armi vendute online. Secondo quanto riporta il Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, alfiere della necessita' di leggi piu' rigide sulle armi, ha lanciato un'inchiesta dalla quale e' emerso come migliaia di pistole vengono vendute su internet a persone con precedenti penali. Il sito Armslist.com, per esempio, ogni anno facilita la vendita di 25 mila pistole ad acquirenti illegali. --answer -- QUESTO È GIUSTO, I CRIMINALI CON PRECEDENTI PENALI, NON POSSONO DETENERE ARMI, MA, NESSUNO DEVE PENSARE, DI POTER DISARMARE, IL MIO POPOLO AMERICANO
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
ROMA, 19 settembre, 16:48- Ogni anno 6,6mln di bimbi muoiono prima di aver compiuto 5 anni per cause prevenibili e curabili come malaria, morbillo, polmonite, dissenteria. Eppure spesso basterebbero semplici soluzioni a basso costo come un sapone,una zanzariera, un vaccino. In metà dei casi poi la malnutrizione è principale concausa. La denuncia è di Save the Children che ha lanciato anche in Italia una campagna di sensibilizzazione: "Mondi dispari". Nel mondo oltre 1mld di persone non ha accesso all'assistenza sanitaria.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
Siria: Putin, gas usato da ribelli, 'Ottimista su rispetto impegni Damasco' . 19 settembre, 16:39. (ANSA) - MOSCA, Ci sono ''tutti i motivi per supporre un'abile provocazione'' dietro l'attacco, con armi chimiche in Siria il 21 agosto, INFATTI, è stata ''primitiva la tecnica di esecuzione'': lo ha ribadito il presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, durante i lavori del club di Valdai. Putin ammette di non poter essere sicuro al 100%, che, il governo siriano rispetti l'accordo per la distruzione delle armi chimiche, ma, a suo avviso, gli ultimi sviluppi della situazione ispirano ''fiducia''. -- ANSWER -- chi invade la Siria, si prenderà, le armi chimiche, che, rimangono!
UFuckWithWrongPerson 2 giorni fa
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
سوريا للقاعدة الفتح، مدينة confine_9322484.html [تم إبلاغ الإدارة عن هذا، من قبل الناشطين المناهضين للنظام.] 18 سبتمبر، 21:34. (أنسامد) - عمان، مقاتلي، الدولة الإسلامية، في العراق وبلاد الشام (إيزيس #)، موحدة جديدة # Qaedist، تعيين التشكيلات، التي، تجري في صفوف، للمتمردين، # مكافحة الأسد
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
في سوريا ، فإنها غزا، في الساعات الأخيرة، المدينة السورية # عزاز، بالقرب من الحدود مع تركيا #، sloggiandovi الجماعات المتمردة، أقل المتطرفة، الجيش الشحن (# ESL). - جواب - الثورة السورية، وقد حل محل، من حرب العمالة والإشغال، والعربية، من خلال معظم الجنائية، الإرهاب الجهادي، و، والتدمير المنهجي للحضارة السورية، إلى رعب الإبادة الجماعية، والنازية، والإبادة الثقافية والولايات المتحدة وتركيا، والمملكة العربية السعودية، هي، المجرمين المسؤولين.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
Siria-Qaida a la conquista de la ciudad-confine_9322484.html [Esto fue informado por los activistas contra el régimen.] 18 de septiembre de 21:34. (ANSA) - AMMAN, los combatientes del Estado Islámico en Irak y Levant (Isis), #Qaedist nuevas referencias unificadas de formaciones que están teniendo lugar en las filas de los insurgentes, #anti-Assad en Siria, que conquistó, en las últimas horas, la ciudad siria de #Azaz, cerca de la frontera con Turquía, sloggiandovi los grupos rebeldes, menos gastos de envío Ejército extremista (#ESL). - RESPUESTA - la Revolución Siria, ha sido suplantado, DE UNA GUERRA DE EMPLEO, ocupación, SAUDITA, por el terrorismo yihadista más criminal y la destrucción sistemática de la civilización siria, ante el horror del genocidio, el nazismo y cultural de la aniquilación, la EE.UU., Turquía y Arabia Saudita, son criminales responsables.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
Syrien-Qaida-Eroberung-city-confine_9322484.html [Dies wurde von Anti-Regime-Aktivisten berichtet.], 18. September 21.34 Uhr. (ANSAmed) - Amman, Kämpfer des Islamischen Staates im Irak und Levant (Isis, Qaedist neue einheitliche Kurzzeichen von Formationen, die stattfinden, in den Reihen der Aufständischen, #anti-Assad in Syrien, eroberte sie in die letzten Stunden, die syrische Stadt #Azaz, nahe der Grenze mit der Türkei sloggiandovi die Rebellengruppen, weniger extremistischen Armee Versand (#ESL). - ANTWORT - Die syrische REVOLUTION, wurde verdrängt, von einem Krieg der Beschäftigung, Auslastung, Arabien, durch die die meisten kriminellen Dschihad-Terrorismus und die systematische Zerstörung der syrischen Zivilisation, zum Entsetzen von Völkermord, Nationalsozialismus und kulturelle Vernichtung, die USA, der Türkei und Saudi-Arabien, sind dafür verantwortlich, Kriminelle.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
Syrie-Qaïda conquête-ville-confine_9322484.html [Cela a été rapporté par des militants anti-régime.] 18 Septembre 21h34. (ANSAmed) - AMMAN, les combattants de l'Etat islamique en Irak et du Levant (Isis #), # Qaedist nouvelle désignation uniforme des formations qui se déroulent dans les rangs des insurgés, # anti-Assad en Syrie, ils ont conquis, dans les dernières heures, la ville syrienne de # Azaz, près de la frontière avec la Turquie #, sloggiandovi les groupes rebelles, moins extrémiste expédition armée (# ESL). - RÉPONSE - la révolution syrienne, a été supplantée, d'une guerre DE L'EMPLOI, l'occupation, l'Arabie, à travers le terrorisme djihadiste plus criminelle, et la destruction systématique de la civilisation syrienne, à l'horreur du génocide, le nazisme et culturel anéantissement, l'Etats-Unis, la Turquie et l'Arabie saoudite, sont des criminels responsables.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
/ Syria-Qaida-conquest-city-confine_9322484.html [This was reported by anti-regime activists.] 18 September, 21:34. (ANSAmed) - AMMAN, fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (Isis #), # Qaedist new uniform designation of formations that are taking place among the ranks of the insurgents, #anti-Assad in Syria, they conquered, in the last hours, the Syrian city of #Azaz, near the border with Turkey #, sloggiandovi the rebel groups, less extremist Army shipping (# ESL). - ANSWER - THE SYRIAN REVOLUTION, has been supplanted, FROM A WAR OF EMPLOYMENT, occupancy, ARABIA, through the most criminal jihadist terrorism, and the systematic destruction of the Syrian civilization, to the horror of genocide, Nazism, and cultural annihilation, the USA, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, are responsible CRIMINALS.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
/Siria-Qaida-conquista-citta-confine_9322484.html [Lo riferiscono attivisti anti-regime.] 18 settembre, 21:34. (ANSA) - AMMAN, I combattenti dello Stato islamico, in Iraq e Levante (#Isis), nuova sigla di formazioni #qaediste che, stanno prendendo piede, fra le le file degli insorti, #anti-Assad in Siria, hanno conquistato, nelle ultime ore, la città siriana di #Azaz, vicino al confine con la #Turchia, sloggiandovi le formazioni ribelli, meno oltranziste dell'Esercito libero (#Esl). -- ANSWER -- LA RIVOLUZIONE SIRIANA, È STATA SOPPIANTATA, DA UNA GUERRA DI OCCUPAZIONE SAUDITA, attraverso il più criminale terrorismo jihadista, e dalla sistematica distruzione della civiltà siriana, di questo orrore di genocidio, nazismo, e annientamento culturale, gli USA, Turchia, e, Arabia Saudita, sono i responsabili CRIMINALI.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[666 ANSA 322: il sistema massonico, il monopolio ebraico della informazione, quelli che, hanno rubato ai popoli il signoraggio bancario, fa un servizio fazioso, infatti dice] Siria: Assad ammette: 'Abbiamo gas'. 'Un anno per smaltirli'. Intervista a tv Usa, Pronti a trasferire armi chimiche ovunque. 19 settembre, 08:48, -- ANSWER -- ma, tutti hanno sempre saputo, ed a me, non risulta, che, Assad abbia negato di avere armi chimiche, anzi, al contrario, ha detto, che, le avrebbe usate, queste armi chimiche, in caso di attacco, invasione, da parte di un esercito straniero .. --CONCLUSIONE -- non è questo, il modo di fare giornalismo, cioè, di strumentalizzare le informazioni!
Abu Antar 3 giorni fa
UniusRei3 3 giorni fa
@Rothschild, Spa, Banca Mondiale, 666, Bush 322 Kerry, sistema massonico occulto, DATAGATE, [[ OGM per MORGELLON ]] agenda aliens abductions, dio gufo al Bohemian Grove ---- la vostra storia criminale e satanica? io lo giuro (nel nome di Gesù di Betlemme), essa sta per finire, in tragedia per voi!
UniusRei3 3 giorni fa
[ il terrorismo jihadista, delle false democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario rubato dai farisei Bildenberg ] Il presidente Bashar al-Assad, Mercoledì, ha ricevuto una delegazione dagli Stati Uniti composta da ex membri del Congresso, attivisti contro la guerra, e giornalisti, con a capo l'ex procuratore generale Ramsey Clark. Durante l'incontro, il presidente al-Assad ha detto che le politiche adottate dall'amministrazione Usa nella regione, che si basano sull'intraprendere guerre, interferendo negli affari interni dei paesi e imponendo il suo dominio sui popoli e risorse, non servono gli interessi del popolo americano e contraddicono i loro valori e principi.
UniusRei3 3 giorni fa
[ il terrorismo jihadista, delle false democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario rubato dai farisei Bildenberg ] Da parte loro, i membri della delegazione hanno augurato che la pace e la stabilità torneranno in Siria, affermando che continueranno a difendere la Siria in vari circoli e di lavorare per smascherare all'opinione pubblica americana la natura falsa delle accuse promosse dall'amministrazione Obama per giustificare un'aggressione contro il popolo siriano. #Siria, Violenti scontri in località Izaz sul confine con la #Turchia tra gli #estremisti dello stato islamico in Iraq e nel Levante e i terroristi della cosiddette brigate "tempesta del nord",
UniusRei3 3 giorni fa
[ il terrorismo jihadista, delle false democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario rubato dai farisei Bildenberg ] dopo che i primi hanno preso il controllo della località, risultano nell'uccisione di oltre 6 terroristi e il ferimento di decina. Mosca / New York (SANA) - Il ministro degli Esteri russo Sergey Lavrov ha detto che l'opposizione siriana è ricorsa alla provocazione per stimolare l'intervento militare straniero in Siria. Mercoledì, durante la sua partecipazione alla conferenza al Valdai Club per il Dialogo in Medio Oriente, Lavrov ha detto ai giornalisti che la Russia dispone di prove sufficienti che la notizia dell'uso di armi chimiche riflette il ricorso dell'opposizione siriana e l'intenzione per provocare un attacco straniero contro la Siria.
UniusRei3 3 giorni fa
[ il terrorismo jihadista, delle false democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario rubato dai farisei Bildenberg, questo è satanismo! alto, tradimento Costituzionale ] Lavrov ha anche detto che Mosca consegnerà al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle prove fornite in precedenza dalla Siria riguardante l'uso di armi chimiche da parte dell'opposizione.
UniusRei3 3 giorni fa
[ il terrorismo jihadista, delle false democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario rubato dai farisei Bildenberg ] TG 24 Siria. 7 ore fa. #Damasco: l'esercito avanza a Barzeh, sequestra ingenti quantità di armi (fucili d'assalto automatici, fucili di precisione binocoli notturni strumenti per misura area e distanza, apparecchi di telecomunicazione molto sofisticati, medicine e passaporti falsi) all'interno di un covo sotterraneo dei terroristi. In #Siria a #Damasco si sono svolti i funerali delle vittime della battaglia di #Maaloula, la cittadina cristiana attaccata nei giorni scorsi dai terroristi di al Qaeda. Il racconto Gian Micalessin di questa giornata di dolore. #Siria, Il #presidente #Assad alla delegazione Americana: le politiche degli USA nella nostra regione contraddicono i valori e i principi del popolo americano.
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
2_2. @President Iranian HassaN RohaNi -- io sono consapevole, che non è possibile vivere nella paura, di quello che gli altri possono fare, a noi. tuttavia noi dovremmo avere degli standard positivi sui diritti umani, libertà di coscienza, cioè, dovremmo corrispondere a dei parametri, che, tranquillizzino la comunità interazionale, circa, una concreta svolta democratica, e, non, una deriva massimalista, fanatica, intollerante, fondamentalista, cioè, [[è indispensabile avere la libertà di religione]], per essere percepito, come un paese civile, AFFIDABILE. e, dopotutto, questa è l'unica speranza che, all'Islam è rimasto, di poter sopravvivere ad una guerra mondiale, IMMINENTE. PERCHÉ è evidente che, i farisei desiderano, che, abbia le armi nucleari, perché loro voglio distruggere l'intero pianeta.
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
1_2. @presidente iraniano Hassan Rohani ha detto, "noi non faremo mai la bomba atomica"-- [la tua posizione sul nucleare, è diventata ambigua, per due motivi!] 1°MOTIVO. tu lo sai, come, i politici Occidentali, sono persone "presentabili", ma, dietro di loro, ci sono i poteri occulti (servizi segreti, settori dell'esercito, ecc.. ) dei satanisti, che, hanno il controllo reale del potere, e CHE , ESEGUONO, GLI ORDINI DI BUSH e ROTHSCHILD, soltanto. Quindi, se realizzassero, un auto attacco nucleare, contro Israele? I politici non potrebbero saperlo.. come oggi, non possono sapere (fingono di non sapere) che, le armi chimiche, sono state utilizzate, dai ribelli jihadisti, di Al Qaida, cioè, i servizi segreti sauditi
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
[la strategia geopolica saudita, è la straegia del terrore ] L'opposizione siriana ricorre regolarmente, alle provocazioni per far iniziare l'intervento militare straniero, ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri russo Sergey Lavrov. "Abbiamo abbastanza prove, per sostenere, che, le notizie sull'utilizzo delle armi chimiche riflettano il fatto che l'opposizione ricorra regolarmente, alle provocazioni con lo scopo di innescare, un attacco sulla Siria, - ha notato Lavrov. - Ci sono molti dati, si trovano ampliamente, sul web. Sono contenuti anche nella relazione dei nostri esperti, che, avevano preparato per gli eventi associati all'utilizzo di armi chimiche presso Aleppo nel marzo di quest'anno." -- ANSWER -- chi mette a disposizione dei droni, contro gli islamisti jhadisti? chi non lo fa? appartiene ad Al Qaida
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
the sons of Satan --- the 50 countries, the worst. Serving persecuted Christians worldwide: OpenDoorsUSA .. 2012: The Main Persecutor of Christians --- World Watch List Countries. North Korea, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Iran, Maldives, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Eritrea, Laos, Northern Nigeria, Mauritania, Egypt, Sudan, Bhutan, Turkmenistan, Vietnam, Chechnya, China, Qatar, Algeria, Comoros , Azerbaijan, Libya, Oman, Brunei, Morocco, Kuwait, Turkey, India, Burma / Myanmar, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Syria, United Arab Emirates. Ethiopia, Djibouti, Jordan, Cuba, Belarus, Indonesia, Palestinian Territories Kazakhstan, Bahrain, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh, Malaysia,
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666 youtube 322 google -- VOI NON VI POTETE LAMENTARE CONTRO, di ME, SE, VOI MI AVETE MESSO, I SATANISTI CANNIBALI, su QUESTA PAGINA, che, loro provocano, me, continuamente, con i loro crimini di, datagate, prism, ie, di hackeraggio!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
ANSWER - - @ブッシュ、メルケル、オバマ、Bildenberg、ケリー、322、ヘルマンファンロンパイ(彼は彼女の頭の周り、12星と、サタンの、マドンナ、次 のようになります)例:666、187AUDIOHOSTEMは[ポークブラッドドリンク]言った、その後、パリサイ人、IMF、NWO、CIA、 NSA、SPA、IMF、DataGATEの、OGM、---そして、あなたがたは酔っている、ホット血、の、豚肉、または男性/女の子の悪魔へ、あなた がより悪く感じ、より多くの人、悪、自分?ブラックベリー獣を? ..と、のように、あなたが理解し、それは、あなたの美しい変態モンスター、に、これをした、そのため、あなたの、お尻の悪臭が強くあり、そのため、あな たのげっぷは、より顕著である? 2つのファゴット、たわごとの二枚であることを、サタンは彼の舌を切り出しています!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666، قال 187AUDIOHOSTEM [الشراب الدم لحم الخنزير] - جواب - @ بوش وميركل، أوباما، Bildenberg، كيري، 322، هيرمان فان رومبوي (انه يشبه، ومادونا، الشيطان، مع اثني عشر نجوم، حول رأسها) أي ، لعبادة الشيطان من الفريسيين وصندوق النقد الدولي، NWO، CIA، NSA، SPA، صندوق النقد الدولي، DATAGATE، OGM،
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
---، وعندما، عندكم في حالة سكر، والدم ساخن، من، لحم الخنزير، أو رجل / فتاة، ثم ، وكنت أشعر أكثر سيئة، والرجل أكثر، والشر، ونفسك؟ العليق الوحوش؟ .. وكما، وكنت أفهم، وهذا، فعل هذا، تحول جميلة الخاص بك إلى، وحوش، وذلك لأن، والروائح الكريهة، الخاص بك، والحمار أقوى، ولأن، التجشؤ الخاص بك، هي أكثر وضوحا؟ كنت اثنين وطي، واثنين من قطعة من القرف، أن الشيطان له قطع لسانه!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666,187AUDIOHOSTEM[飲 酒:豬血] - 答案 - @布什默克爾,奧巴馬Bildenberg,克里,322,範龍佩(他看起來像麥當娜,撒旦,12顆星,她的頭左右),即說,法利賽人,國際貨幣基金組 織,蘇國,美國中央情報局,國家安全局,SPA,國際貨幣基金組織,DataGATE的,OGM,---,當你們喝醉了,血熱,豬肉,或一個男人/女孩, 然後撒旦,你會覺得更壞的,人多,邪惡的,你自己呢?黑莓野獸? .. ,,你知道,那這樣做,你的美麗轉化成怪物,因為,發出難聞的氣味,你的,屁股都強,因為,你的打嗝,更明顯嗎?你兩捆柴,兩塊狗屎,撒旦被割掉舌頭!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
ANSWER - - @ 부시 대통령, 메르켈, 오바마, Bildenberg, 케리, 322, 헤르만 반 롬 푸이 (그는 그녀의 머리 주위에 열두 별, 사탄의, 마돈나, 모양) 예 : 666, 187AUDIOHOSTEM는 [돼지 혈액 음료]했다 다음 바리새인들, IMF, NWO, CIA, NSA, SPA, IMF, DATAGATE, OGM, --- 그리고 너희는 술이, 뜨거운 혈액의, 돼지 고기, 또는 남자 / 여자의 사탄에 당신이 더 기분 나빠 더 많은 사람, 악, 자신? 블랙 베리 짐승? .. 와 같은, 당신은 이해, 즉, 당신의 개의 beautifull 변신 몬스터로, 이런 짓을, 때문에 당신의, 엉덩이의 나쁜 냄새가 강한 있으며, 때문에 당신의 트름이 더 뚜렷하다? 두 개의 모야, 똥의 두 가지이다, 즉, 사탄은 자신의 혀를 잘라있다!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666, 187AUDIOHOSTEM dijo [Bebe: Sangre de cerdo] - RESPUESTA - @ Bush, Merkel, Obama, Bildenberg, Kerry, 322, Herman Van Rompuy (que se parece a la Madonna, de Satanás, con las doce estrellas alrededor de su cabeza), es decir , al satanismo de los fariseos, el FMI, NWO, CIA, NSA, SPA, Fondo Monetario Internacional, DataGate, OGM, --- Y, cuándo tenéis borracho, la sangre caliente, de, carne de cerdo, o de un hombre / de la muchacha, a continuación, , te sientes más malo, el hombre más, el mal, a sí mismo? moras bestias? .. y como, a entender, que, hecho esto, su transformación en beautifull, monstruos, porque, los malos olores, de su, culo son más fuertes, y porque sus eructos, son más pronunciadas? estás dos fagot, dos pedazos de mierda, que Satanás tiene su lengua cortada!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666, sagte 187AUDIOHOSTEM [Getränke: Schweinefleisch Blut] - ANTWORT - @ Bush, Merkel, Obama, Bildenberg, Kerry, 322, Herman Van Rompuy (er aussieht, der Madonna, der Satan, mit den zwölf Sternen, um den Kopf), dh , zum Satanismus der Pharisäer, IWF, NWO, CIA, NSA, SPA, IWF, DATAGATE, OGM, --- und wenn, ihr getrunken haben, das heiße Blut, von, Schwein, oder von einem Mann / Mädchen, dann Sie fühlen sich schlecht, Mann mehr, böse, selbst? Brombeeren Tiere? .. und, wie Sie wissen, dass tat dies, Ihre schöne Verwandlung in, Monster, Weil, sind die schlechten Gerüche, Ihrer, ass stärker, und weil Ihr rülpst, sind stärker ausgeprägt? Sie sind zwei Schwuchtel, zwei Stücke von Scheiße, dass Satan hat seine Zunge herausgeschnitten!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666, 187AUDIOHOSTEM dit [Boisson: Porc Sang] - RÉPONSE - @ Bush, Merkel, Obama, Bildenberg, Kerry, 322, Herman Van Rompuy (il ressemble, la Madone, de Satan, avec les douze étoiles, autour de sa tête), soit , au satanisme des pharisiens, le FMI, NWO, CIA, NSA, SPA, FMI, DATAGATE, OGM, --- et, si, vous avez bu le sang chaud, de porc, ou d'un homme / femme, puis , vous vous sentez plus mauvais, homme de plus, mal, vous-même? mûres bêtes? .. et, en tant que, vous comprenez, cela, n'est-ce, votre transformation belle dans, monstres, Parce que, les mauvaises odeurs, de votre, âne sont plus forts, et parce que, vos rots, sont plus prononcés?
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM 31 minuti fa [Bevanda: Sangue di maiale] - RISPOSTA - @ Bush, Merkel, Obama, Bildenberg, Herman Van Rompuy (lui sembra la Madonna di satana, con Le Dodici Stelle Intorno alla SUA TESTA), vale a dire, al satanismo del farisei, FMI, 666, NWO, CIA, NSA, SPA, FMI, DataGate, Ogm, --- E, quando voi avete bevuto, il sangue caldo, di maiale, o di un uomo, allora, si sente più cattivo, te stesso? molto bestie? .. e come tu, capire, che ha fatto questo, il tuo bellissimo, trasformazione di mostri, perché le tue puzze odori sono più forti, e perché i rutti sono più marcate? - - Siete in due frocio, due pezzi di merda, che Satana ha la lingua tagliata
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM 31 minutes ago [Drink: Pork Blood] - ANSWER - @ Merkel, Obama, and Bildenberg, ie, to Satanism of the Pharisees, IMF, 666, NWO, CIA, NSA SPA, IMF, DATAGATE, Ogm, UFuckWithWrongPerson, 187AUDIOHOSTEM - And, when ye have drunk, the blood hot, pork, or of a man, then, you feel more bad, yourself? more beasts? .. and understand, that did this, your beautifull, transformation of monsters, because the smells are stronger, and because the burps are more pronounced? -- E quando, voi avete bevuto, il sangue caldo, del porco, o di un uomo, poi, voi sentite più cattivi, voi stessi? più bestie? .. e capite, che, è avvenuta questa, vostra meravigliosa, trasformazione, perché, le puzze sono più forti, e perché, i rutti sono più marcati?
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666, CIA, NSA SPA, FMI, DATAGATE, UFuckWithWrongPerson, 187AUDIOHOSTEM - you are two faggot, two pieces of shit, that, Satan has his tongue cut out! -- voi siete due froci, due pezzi di merda, a cui satana ha mozzato la lingua!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
[la Russia, per parte sua, ha le riprese satellitari, del lancio dei missili, dalla zona, sotto il controllo degli jihadisti, e c sono le testimonianze, di come gli jihadisti, hanno abbandonato preventivamente, la zona che sarebbe stata colpita ] #Siria: Mosca, daremo a #Onu prove ribelli dietro uso #gas, Russia aveva annunciato acquisizione, prove da Damasco. 18 settembre, 16:53, #KIEV, La #Russia è pronta a fornire al Consiglio di sicurezza dell'Onu, le prove presentate da Damasco a #Mosca, sulle responsabilità dei ribelli siriani nell'uso di armi chimiche (che, la ARABIA SAUDITA, ha fornito loro): ad Al Ghouta il 21 agosto. Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri russo, #Serghiei Lavrov a margine del #festival di Valdai.
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
[la Russia, per parte sua, ha le riprese satellitari, del lancio dei missili, dalla zona, sotto il controllo degli jihadisti, e c sono le testimonianze, di come gli jihadisti, hanno abbandonato preventivamente, la zona che sarebbe stata colpita ] Secondo quando aveva riferito dalla capitale siriana il vice ministro degli Esteri russo, Serghiei Riabkov, citato dalle agenzie russe, Damasco ha consegnato a Mosca elementi, che, proverebbero che, le forze di opposizione sarebbero coinvolte nell'uso di armi chimiche, lo scorso mese (che la ARABIA SAUDITA, ha fornito loro): "Queste prove devono essere analizzate", ha osservato Riabkov. "Senza una fotografia completa degli eventi in Siria non possiamo, che, definire la natura delle conclusioni, tratte dagli esperti Onu, come politicizzata, faziosa e unilaterale", ha aggiunto.
IMF Farisi Rothschild, untuk membunuh Israel: dengan, seluruh dunia khilafah: arab liga: salafi, saya punya ide yang bagus, karena: tidak membunuh, aku juga, seperti: Anda lakukan membunuh: Presiden John Kennedy, ketika ia melakukan: Eksekutif Orde 11110, yang didelegasikan kepada Menteri Keuangan: mencetak uang: atas nama rakyat Amerika, tanpa memberikan: biaya, untuk Anda: tentang, 270% dari uang kita (dengan tiga penipuan: sebagai, mengatakan: ilmuwan: Giacinto Auriti)? dia, bahwa dia adalah seorang Presiden yang nyata, bagi rakyat Amerika, dan bukan seperti, adalah Islam Obama pengkhianat
NEW YORK -'' Saya tidak lagi: Muslim, Sosialis: bahwa: saya sebelum ...''. Presiden AS Barack Obama mengolok-olok, Tersenyum dan mencela diri sendiri .. - JAWABAN - @ PENGKHIANAT Obama, Islam, pembohong, pembunuh! pembersihan etnis Kristen dan Syiah, imam, diakon, dan uskup Tewas: dengan darah dingin, dengan penipuan, pemerasan, diculik, seperti binatang, pemerkosaan gadis-gadis, "dibantai", permintaan tebusan, semua sampah Anda: teroris: Salafi, "saudara-saudara Muslim" untuk menyebarkan syariah Anda Anda "khalifah di seluruh dunia", yang mereka, hari ini, di Suriah, dan bahwa Anda baru saja menyebar: seluruh Mediterania, dll .. ? adalah: Anda: CIA dan Anda: Liga Arab: siapa yang melakukan semua kejahatan ini! dan, media Yahudi: monopoli masing-masing: SpA, perusahaan, karena: action: IMF, FED, ECB, agenda Talmud: Bildenberg, sistem masonik: untuk seigniorage perbankan, mereka meliputi: semua ini, dengan: kebohongan mereka: dan mereka Informasi dieksploitasi. akan lebih baik: untuk Anda, bahwa Anda tidak pernah dilahirkan!
2013/02/12 [SYRIA - VATIKAN]. Setelah pemberontak Muslim merebut dua imam di Aleppo, ada kekhawatiran: untuk: hidup mereka. Seorang imam Katolik Armenia, Fr Michael, dan seorang pendeta Ortodoks diculik: Minggu lalu di Aleppo Kristen: lingkungan. Sumber berbicara: AsiaNews: tentang: pembunuhan biadab: dilakukan: ekstremis Islam saya. Sebuah bom mobil: meledak: di Turki-Suriah: pelintasan batas: dari Cilvegozu. [SETELAH telah dibunuh: pembantaian: para imam, mereka menuntut: tebusan: untuk uskup] 2013/04/26. [Sejak Liga Arab melakukan pembersihan etnis Syiah dan Kristen, pemerkosaan, pembunuhan, di mana-mana, dia menang wilayah, kemudian, orang-orang Chechen: mereka membalas, teroris tewas di Boston (seperti dikatakan Turki)] Tidak ada tanda-tanda uskup Ortodoks 'rilis, kekhawatiran pemerasan politik tumbuh. 322 Kerry, Bush, Obama 666 Rothschild, saya menemukan sarin, di laboratorium dari Liga Arab, yang, Anda: Al-Qaeda telah menyebabkan, di Suriah .. terbaik untuk Anda: itu akan menjadi, jika Anda tidak pernah dilahirkan!IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa Anda tidak membuat saluran tidak baru belum? ! - JAWABAN - orang, yang saya (sekitar 50, CHANNEL) yang berlebihan, bagi saya, akan lebih baik hanya satu saluran: bagi saya, tapi, seperti yang Anda dapat mengatakan bahwa "Setan save", dan kemudian, Anda menyembunyikan diri, seperti pengecut, di belakang foto, St Bartolo Longo, yang, ia saat seusiamu, dia adalah seorang imam voodoo setan ... seperti Anda?[[Suriah membebaskan dua uskup Ortodoks. ANSA.it - 4 hari lalu]] .. namun, Anda harus menggali: dengan keras kepala besar: untuk menemukan berita ini, "tersembunyi" di media internasional Yahudi: Bildenberg dari sistem Masonik seigniorage perbankan. [[Suriah diculik uskup, juga: Athena: tidak: konfirmasi pembebasan. ANSA.it - 3 hari lalu: Keuskupan Aleppo, tidak ada kontak dengan dua Uskup Agung Ortodoks]], Kerry mengatakan:'' Saya berbicara pagi ini: dari sini dengan Netanyahu, dan dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa itu tidak dalam posisi: untuk mengkonfirmasi . Ini adalah proses mereka: e: tergantung pada mereka: seperti: dan ketika: mereka ingin lakukan, dan tidak: kepada saya: membuat pengumuman. Jadi: Saya tidak tahu!''. Mungkin berarti (tapi, apaan itu berarti, pidato ini??): Jika Anda ingin menyerang Suriah, dengan fitnah, seperti, Anda sudah menginvasi Irak, dengan, fitnah yang lain, kemudian, melakukannya, tetapi, Anda tidak melanggar, ayam: bagi saya!@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- menyerang dengan senjata nuklir, yang sama hari ini, semua 50 negara-negara Islam, itu adalah satu-satunya kesempatan yang Anda miliki untuk bisa menyelamatkan Israel@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- tapi ini adalah kebenaran: ada lebih: kekuatan Barat, namun, ada skema: lobi Yahudi dan okultisme kekuatan Masonik: IMF FED 666, sistem: tirani setan kekuasaan, IMF, Bildenberg, dan semua arah tersembunyi mereka (ilmu tertinggi, teknik, sosial, dan semua monopoli SpA, semua di tangan: hanya Rothschid), dengan cara ini, mereka akan: sekali lagi, menyalahkan orang-orang Kristen, untuk: pemusnahan: Holocaust dekat: melawan, Israel, selama, Perang dunia III, Holocaust baru, seperti: sekali, mereka lakukan: setelah, Perang dunia II. terlihat bahwa: dengan Revolusi Perancis, tidak lebih ada, kebijakan: dapat di bawah kendali orang-orang Kristen di Barat! itu sebabnya orang-orang Farisi dan Salafi: harus dihukum mati! karena, berdialog dengan mereka adalah mustahil[Kekhalifahan di seluruh dunia, seperti: strategi perang agresif] benar-benar Islamophobia: Justified, karena: bahwa: Islamis Islam, kaki, mereka tidur nyenyak: untuk, kejahatan: itu, mereka Islam: commit: semua, Timur Tengah, melawan, orang-orang Kristen, Itulah sebabnya, akan ada kebangkitan menyakitkan Seharusnya, tiba-tiba dan dramatis. Ini kelas kami berkuasa, Yang, seperti, datang untuk berdamai dengan teroris, tanpa berurusan dengan: masalah koherensi: a keji dan kriminal terlibat: konsep yang salah: dari: "perdamaian", sementara: banyak, terlalu banyak martir Kristen bersalah, menemukan kedamaian mereka di pemakaman. Bahkan, orang-orang Kristen di wilayah Palestina (di bawah, Yasser Arafat), harus melarikan diri secara massal, sementara orang-orang Kristen yang tersisa, mereka dipaksa sebagai dhimmi, budak, subyek, Juga Dikirim, mereka, hukum Islam. Mengapa kemudian, Eropa terus menjadi musuh Israel, dan kaki tangan Nazisme, Palestina, dan semua negara sekarang mengislamkan oleh Liga Arab?[Kekhalifahan di seluruh dunia, Islam, seperti: strategi perang agresif, dan BARAT: semakin banyak kriminal], didorong terpaut oleh lobi Yahudi perbankan: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Farisi, bankir internasional, yang telah bersumpah kebencian, kekal terhadap : Kristen, mendorong diri, secara substansial, keluar: dari peradaban: Yahudi - Kristen, karena mereka telah menjadi: musuh nyata, kelangsungan hidup Israel. Ini Barat: Masonik dan setan, okultisme kekuatan Bildenberg bahwa: menyangkal nilai-nilai mereka sendiri, dan: mengkhianati identitasnya sendiri, dari: a Eropa ditinggalkan untuk dilupakan, sehingga pidana menjadi: menjadi, tuli ... dan dirinya sendiri: protagonis haus darah, kaki: dari setiap pelanggaran: kebebasan beragama, baik di luar perbatasan, baik di dalam: perbatasannya, karena jika memang benar, bahwa: Muslim adalah saudara kita, bagaimanapun, adalah juga benar bahwa,[Khalifah di seluruh dunia, dari: Obama] tidak sulit untuk menemukan bukti tentang hal ini: tragedi kemanusiaan bencana, dimana: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA PBB, NATO, yang terlibat. barbarisme ini: sipil, agama, budaya, yang telah jatuh: dunia: Arab-Muslim, di mangsa fanatisme ideologis: ekstremis Islam: dan intoleransi agama: kediktatoran dalam kekuasaan. [Eropa jawab: sekarang sandera dari Illuminati Bildenber: itu besar] dalam menghadapi lanjutan penganiayaan dan melanjutkan: penghinaan harian, bahwa semua orang Kristen di bawah rezim Islam, dan dalam segala hal: Timur Tengah, mereka dipaksa untuk hidup dan menderita, karena: eropa sakit, ini: relativisme buta: dengan, ide yang baik dari multikulturalisme, yang, bagaimanapun, tidak dapat menyadari: tanpa: konsep timbal balik[Obama dan rencananya kepunahan, orang Kristen, dan kaum Syiah, di Timur Tengah] sebelumnya, penaklukan Arab: Islam dan pada abad ketujuh, orang Kristen dibuat, 95%, dari populasi, dari Mediterania: selatan dan timur Mediterania. tapi, hari ini, dengan kurang, dari, 12. juta telah jatuh, tajam menjadi kurang dari 6%, tentu saja, pada 2020, tidak akan ada orang Kristen yang lebih di Timur Tengah! Dari Perang Dunia Pertama: 10 juta orang Kristen telah dipaksa untuk pindah. Ini adalah bukti Setanisme, dan: kebiadaban kriminal, dell'imbarbarimento, tidak hanya, dari Liga Arab, namun, di atas semua, kaki tangannya, Freemason, orang-orang Farisi, Illuminati, Bildenberg, kekuatan gaib, yang, dengan diam kudeta: merebut kekuasaan: dalam semua demokrasi palsu Masonik: dari seigniorage perbankan.1. [Gereja (Kristen martir) dianiaya di Timur Tengah: untuk: melakukan kekhalifahan di seluruh dunia] 2. [Gereja (martir Kristen) dianiaya, di seluruh dunia untuk ini: Talmud orang Farisi: dalam sistem Masonik: untuk seigniorage perbankan:. Untuk memperbudak semua orang, dan untuk menghancurkan Israel] 3. [Gereja (martir Kristen) dianiaya oleh semua agama, dan komunisme. ] Kami menyaksikan begitu takut, penganiayaan dan eksodus massa Kristen dari Timur Tengah, yang merupakan penduduk asli benar daerah, karena konsepsi: bahwa: adalah satanizzata: tentang, Islam: dari Liga Arab, dan nya : CIA, semua Nazi, Nazi Islamis, benar-benar tidak toleran, dan, gagal untuk menghormati martabat dan hak-hak pribadi manusia. sesuai, mereka menyembunyikan alasan sebenarnya untuk mengapa Israel dipaksa untuk menjadi begitu "keras" terhadap rakyat Palestina.
@ CAI Fairisíneach Rothschild, do mharú Iosrael: le, caliphate ar fud an domhain: Sraith Arabach: salafis, fuair mé ag smaoineamh maith, mar gheall ar: nach mharú, me too, mar shampla: rinne tú a mharú: an tUachtarán John Kennedy, nuair a rinne sé: Feidhmeannach Ordú 11110, a tharmligean chuig an Rúnaí an Chisteáin: airgead a phriontáil: ar son na daoine Mheiriceá, gan a thabhairt: an costas, a thabhairt duit: faoi, 270% dár n-airgead (le trí scams: mar, dúirt: eolaí: Giacinto Auriti)? dó, go raibh sé ina Uachtarán fíor, do na daoine Mheiriceá, agus ní, mar atá, fhealltóir Obama IslamistNUA-EABHRAC -'' gan mé a thuilleadh: an Moslamach, Sóisialach: go: Bhí mé roimh ...''. US Uachtarán Barack Obama mocks, Smiling agus féin-deprecating .. - FREAGRA - @ fhealltóir Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! an glanadh eitneach na Críostaithe agus Shiites, sagairt, deochan, agus easpaig Maraíodh: i fola fuar, le dallamullóg, dúmhál, kidnapped, cosúil le ainmhithe, rapes de chailíní, "mharaithe", éileamh airgead fuascailte, gach scum: na sceimhlitheoirí: Salafis, "deartháireacha Muslim" a scaipeadh do Sharia do "caliphate ar fud an domhain", a bhfuil siad, lá atá inniu ann, i tSiria, agus go bhfuil tú leathadh díreach: ar fud na Meánmhara, etc .. ? Is iad sin: do: CIA agus do: Arabacha League: atá ag déanamh na gcoireanna seo go léir! agus do, meáin Giúdach: an mhonaplacht de gach: SpA, Corparáidí, le haghaidh: beart: CAI, FED, BCE, Talmud gclár oibre: Bildenberg, córas Masonic: do seigniorage baincéireachta, siad clúdach: seo go léir, le: a luíonn: agus a n- eolas a shaothrú. Ba mhaith a bheith níos fearr: ar do shon, riamh go raibh tú rugadh!
2013/02/12 [tSiria - Vatacáine]. Tar éis urghabháil reibiliúnaithe Muslim dhá sagart i Aleppo, tá eagla: do: a saol. An sagart Caitliceach Airméinis, an tAthair Michael, agus sagart Orthodox bhí fhuadaigh: Domhnach deireanach i mí Críostaí Aleppo ar: chomharsanacht. Foinsí labhairt: a AsiaNews: about: dúnmharuithe barbarous: i gcrích: mo antoiscigh Ioslamacha. A buama carr: explodes: ag an Tuircis-Siria: trasnaithe teorann: de Cilvegozu. [TAR ÉIS tré mharbhadh: marú: na sagairt, éilíonn siad: ar airgead fuascailte: a n-easpaig] 2013/04/26. [Ós rud é go bhfuil an Léig Arabach ag déanamh an glanadh eitneach na Shiites agus Críostaithe, rapes, dúnmharuithe, i ngach áit, Bhuaigh sí ina chríoch, ansin, an Chechens: díoghaltar siad, an sceimhlitheoireachta a maraíodh i mBostún (mar a dúirt an Tuirc)] Uimh comhartha easpaig Orthodox 'scaoileadh, eagla dúmhál pholaitiúil ag fás. 322 Ciarraí, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, fuair mé an Sarin, i saotharlanna an Léig Arabach, go, do: Tá Al Qaeda faoi stiúir, i tSiria .. is fearr duit: bheadh sé, más rud é nach raibh tú riamh a rugadh!IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa tú ní a dhéanamh ar chainéal nach bhfuil nua go fóill? ! - FREAGRA - iad siúd, a bhfuil mé (thart ar 50, Channel) iomarcach, le haghaidh dom bheadh, a bheith níos fearr ach cainéal amháin: le haghaidh dom ach, mar is féidir leat a rá go bhfuil "an diabhal a shábháil", agus ansin, tá tú hide tú féin, cosúil le meatachán, taobh thiar de na grianghraf, Naomh Bartolo Longo, a bhí, nuair a bhí d'aois, bhí sé sé ina voodoo sagart de satan ... mhaith leat?[[TSiria freed an dias easpog Orthodox. ANSA.it - 4 lá ó shin]] .. ach, tá tú chun tochailt: le stubbornness mór: chun teacht ar an nuacht, "i bhfolach" sna meáin idirnáisiúnta Giúdach: Bildenberg ar an gcóras Masonic de seigniorage bainc. [[TSiria easpaig kidnapped; freisin: Athens: Ní: liberation deimhniú. ANSA.it - 3 lá ó shin: Deoise Aleppo, aon teagmháil leis an dá easpaig Orthodox]], a dúirt Chiarraí:'' Labhair mé ar maidin: ó anseo le Netanyahu, agus dúirt sé liom nach raibh sé sa phost: a dheimhniú . Is é seo a bpróiseas: e: ag brath ar iad: mar shampla: agus nuair: is mian leo a dhéanamh, agus nach bhfuil sé: dom: fógairtí a dhéanamh. Mar sin: Níl a fhios agam''!. B'fhéidir ciallaíonn (ach, ciallaíonn fuck, an chaint????): Más mian leat a invade an tSiria, le calumny, cosúil le, tá tú ionradh cheana Iaráic, leis, calumny eile, ansin, é sin a dhéanamh, ach, ní gá duit a bhriseadh, an coileach: dom!@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- stailc le airm núicléacha, lá atá inniu ann céanna, gach 50 náisiúin Ioslamach, is é an deis amháin go bhfuil tú a bheith in ann a shábháil Iosrael@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- ach is é seo an fhírinne: tá níos mó: cumhacht an Iarthair, ach, tá scéim: lobbies Giúdach agus cumhachtaí asarlaíochta Masonic: CAI FED 666, ar an gcóras: tíoránta satanic cumhachtaí, an IMF, Bildenberg, agus gach a n-treoir i bhfolach (an eolaíocht is airde, na hinnealtóireachta, sóisialta agus, gach SpA monaplachtaí, ar fad i lámha: ach Rothschid), ar an mbealach seo, beidh siad: arís, an milleán ar an Críostaithe, chun: an extermination: Uileloscadh tí tarlú: i gcoinne, Iosrael, le linn, domhan Cogadh III, an Uileloscadh nua, mar: aon uair amháin, rinne siad: tar éis, an Dara Cogadh domhanda. le feiceáil go: leis an Réabhlóid na Fraince, nach bhfuil níos mó ann, polasaí: is féidir é a bheith faoi rialú na Críostaithe san Iarthar! sin an fáth na Fairisínigh agus Salafists: Ba chóir a daoradh chun báis! mar gheall ar, a bhfuil idirphlé leo go bhfuil sé dodhéantaTá go hiomlán Islamophobia: [straitéis an chogaidh ionsaitheach caliphate ar fud an domhain, mar shampla]: bonn cirt leo, ós rud é: go: ár Islamists Ioslamach, comhchoirí, codlata soundly siad: le haghaidh, na coireanna: go, A Ioslamach: tiomantas: gach, an Meán-Oirthear, aghaidh, na Críostaithe, sin an fáth, beidh awakening painful Gá, tobann agus drámatúil. Seo ár rang rialú, Cé acu, cosúil le, teacht chun réitigh leis na sceimhlitheoirí, gan déileáil leis: an bhfadhb comhleanúnachas: a vile agus coiriúil complicit: bréagach coincheap: de: "síochána", cé go: go leor, martyrs neamhchiontach iomarca Críostaí, A n-síocháin a fháil ag an reilig. Go deimhin, tá Críostaithe i gcríocha na Palaistíne (thíos, Yasser Arafat), bhí a teitheadh en masse, agus na Críostaithe atá fágtha, bhí siad a bheith éigean mar dhimmis, sclábhaithe, ábhair, Chomh maith leis sin isteach, iad, le dlí Ioslamach. Cén fáth ansin, leanann an Eoraip a bheith ar an namhaid ar Iosrael, agus chomhchoirí an Naitsíochais, na Palaistínigh, agus de na tíortha go léir Islamized anois ag an Léig Arabach?[Caliphate ar fud an domhain, Ioslam, mar shampla: straitéis an chogaidh ionsaitheach, agus WEST: níos mó agus níos mó coiriúil], tiomáinte adrift ag an baincéireachta Giúdach stocaireacht: Illuminati: CAI-NWO, Fairisínigh, baincéirí idirnáisiúnta, a bheith faoi mhionn fuath, eternal: i gcoinne : Chríostaíocht, ag brú féin, go substaintiúil, amach: ó civilization: Giúdach - Críostaí, le haghaidh tá siad anois: an naimhde fíor, ar an mairfidh Iosrael. Seo Thiar: Masonic agus satanic, asarlaíochta cumhachtaí Bildenberg go: dhiúltú a gcuid luachanna féin, agus: betrays a chéannacht féin, de: Eoraip tréigthe chun oblivion, mar sin coiriúla a bheith: a bheith, bodhar ... agus é féin: protagonist bloodthirsty, comhchoirí: de gach sárú: saoirse creidimh, araon lasmuigh dá theorainneacha, idir laistigh de: dá theorainneacha, mar má tá sé fíor, go: tá Muslims ár deartháireacha, áfach, fíor freisin go bhfuil,[An caliphate ar fud an domhain, ar: Obama] nach bhfuil sé deacair fianaise de seo a aimsiú: tragóid daonna tubaisteacha, mar atá: Talmud CAI: FED BCE, CIA Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá Náisiún Aontaithe, NATO, tá complicit. an barbarism: sibhialta, creidimh, cultúrtha, go bhfuil plunged: ar fud an domhain: an Arabach-Muslim, i chreiche a fanaticism idé-eolaíoch: antoiscigh Ioslamacha: agus éadulaingt creidimh: a dictatorships i gcumhacht. [Fhreagracht na hEorpa: anois braighde Illuminati Bildenber: tá sé ollmhór] in aghaidh na géarleanúna leanúnach agus leanúnach: humiliations laethúil, go bhfuil gach Críostaithe faoi réimis Ioslamach, agus i ngach rud: an Meán-Oirthear, tá siad iachall chun cónaí agus ag fulaingt, mar gheall ar: Eoraip tinn, de seo: relativism blinded: leis, an smaoineamh maith ar an ilchultúrachas, a, áfach, ní féidir a bhaint amach: gan: an coincheap na comharaíochta[Obama agus a chuid pleananna éag, de na Críostaithe, agus ar an Shiites, sa Mheán-Oirthear] roimh, ar an conquest Arabach: agus Ioslam sa seachtú haois, rinneadh Críostaithe suas, 95%, den daonra, na Meánmhara: ó dheas agus soir ó Meánmhara. ach, lá atá inniu ann, le níos lú, ná, 12. milliún, tar éis titim, go mór go dtí níos lú ná 6%, ar ndóigh, i 2020, ní bheidh aon Críostaithe níos mó sa Mheán-Oirthear! Ón an Chéad Chogadh Domhanda: 10 milliún Críostaithe curtha éigean dul ar imirce. Is é seo an cruthúnas ar Satanism, agus: barbarity coiriúil, dell'imbarbarimento, ní hamháin, an Léig Arabach, ach, thar aon rud eile, a gcomhchoirithe, an Freemasons, na Fairisínigh, Illuminati, Bildenberg, asarlaíochta chumhacht, a, le adh coup: Ghlac cumhachta: i ngach ndaonlathais bréagach Masonic: de seigniorage baincéireachta.1. [Tá an Eaglais (Críostaí martyrs) géarleanúint sa Mheán-Oirthear: go: a dhéanamh ar an caliphate ar fud an domhain] 2. [Tá an Eaglais (martyrs Críostaí) géarleanúint, ar fud an domhain le haghaidh seo: an Talmud de na Fairisínigh: sa chóras Masonic: an seigniorage baincéireachta:. Chun enslave gach pobail, agus a mhilleadh Iosrael] 3. [An Eaglais (martyrs Críostaí) Tá géarleanúint ngach reiligiúin, agus communism. ] Táimid ag witnessing chomh fearful, chun an ghéarleanúint agus exodus mais na Críostaithe ó Mheán-Oirthear, a bhfuil an natives fíor an réigiúin, mar gheall ar gcoimpeart: go: Bhí satanizzata: faoi, Ioslam: an Léig Arabach, agus a : CIA, gach Naitsithe, an Islamists Naitsithe, go hiomlán intolerant, agus, go mainneoidh sé urraim do dhínit agus cearta an duine daonna. dá réir sin, tá siad i bhfolach ar na cúiseanna fíor maidir le cén fáth an Israelis bhfuil iachall a bheith amhlaidh "crua" in aghaidh na Palaistínigh.
@ IMF farísei Rothschild, fyrir kill Ísrael: með, alheims caliphate: Arababandalagið: salafis, fékk ég góða hugmynd, vegna þess að: drepa ekki, mig líka, svo sem: þú gerðir drepa: forseti John Kennedy, þegar hann gerði: Executive Order 11110, sem falið framkvæmdastjóra ríkissjóðs: að prenta peninga: hönd the Ameríkumaður fólk, án þess að gefa: Kostnaður, um þig: um, 270% af peningum okkar (með þremur óþekktarangi: eins, sagði: vísindamaður: Giacinto Auriti)? hann, að hann var alvöru forseti, fyrir the Ameríkumaður fólk, og ekki, eins og er, svikari Íslamista ObamaNEW YORK -'' ég ekki lengur: múslima, sósíalista: að: ég var áður ...''. Forseti Bandaríkjanna, Barack Obama gjörir gys, Brosandi og sjálf-deprecating .. - SVAR - @ svikari Obama, Íslamista, lygari, murderess! að þjóðernishreinsunum kristinna og Shiites, prestar, djáknar, og biskupa Killed: í köldu blóði, með blekkingum, kúgun, rænt, eins og dýr, nauðgunum stúlkna, "slátrað", lausnargjalds eftirspurn, allt scum þínum: hryðjuverkamanna: Salafis, "múslima bræður" til að dreifa sharia þinn þinn "alheims caliphate", sem þeir eru, í dag, í Sýrlandi, og að þú hefur bara breiðst: allan Miðjarðarhafi, osfrv .. ? eru: your: CIA og þínum: Arababandalagið: hver er að gera alla þessa glæpi! og þín, gyðinga fjölmiðla: einokun hvers: SpA, Corporations, fyrir: aðgerð: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud dagskrá: Bildenberg, Masonic kerfi: fyrir myntsláttuhagnaður bankastarfsemi, þeir ná: allt þetta, með: lygar þeirra: og þeirra upplýsingar hagnýtt. hefði verið betra: fyrir þig, að þú hefðir aldrei fæðst!
2013/02/12 [Sýrland - Vatíkanið]. Eftir Múslima uppreisnarmenn grípa tvo presta í Aleppo, það eru ótta: fyrir: líf þeirra. An Armenian kaþólskur prestur, Fr Michael, og Orthodox prestur var rænt: síðasta sunnudag í Aleppo er Christian: hverfinu. Heimildir tala: að AsiaNews: um: siðlausar morð: fram: íslamska öfgamenn mínum. A bíll sprengja: springur: í tyrkneska-Syrian: Border Crossing: í Cilvegozu. [Eftir að hafa drepið: slátrun: prestarnir, krafðist þeir: lausnargjald: að biskupar þeirra] 2013/04/26. [Þar sem Arababandalagið er að gera þjóðernishreinsanir af Shiites og kristnir, nauðganir, morð, alls staðar, vinnur hún landsvæði, þá er Chechens: þeir hefnt, hryðjuverkamenn drepnir í Boston (sem sagt Turkey)] engin merki um Rétttrúnaðar biskupa 'gefa út, ótta pólitískum fjárkúgun vaxa. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, fann ég Sarin, í rannsóknarstofum á Arababandalagið, að þín: Al Qaeda hefur leitt í Sýrlandi .. best fyrir þig: það hefði verið, ef þú værir ekki alltaf fæddur!IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti FA þú gera ekki ekki nýja rás enn? - SVAR - þeir, sem ég hef (um 50, CHANNEL) eru of, fyrir mig, hefði verið betra aðeins ein rás: fyrir mig, en eins og þú getur sagt að "Satan Vista", og þá, þú fela þig, lítilmannlega, bak við mynd, St Bartolo Longo, sem hann þegar var aldri, hann var prestur Voodoo Satans ... eins og þú?[[Sýrland leysti tvær Rétttrúnaðar biskupar. ANSA.it - 4 dagar síðan]] .. en þú þarft að grafa: með mikilli þrjósku: að finna þessa frétt, "falinn" í alþjóðlegum gyðinga fjölmiðla: Bildenberg af Masonic kerfi banka myntsláttuhagnaður. [[Sýrland rænt biskupar, einnig: Athens: ekki: Staðfesting frelsun. ANSA.it - 3 dagar síðan: biskupsdæmið Aleppo, ekkert samband við tveimur Rétttrúnaðar archbishops]], Kerry sagði:'' Ég talaði í morgun: héðan með Netanyahu, og hann sagði mér að það væri ekki í þeirri stöðu: að staðfesta . Þetta er ferli þeirra: E: veltur á þeim: svo sem, og þegar þeir vilja til að gera, og það er ekki: að mér: að tilkynningar. Svo: Ég veit ekki''!. Kannski þýðir (en fjandanum það þýðir, þetta mál??): Ef þú vilt að ráðast Sýrland, með calumny, eins og þú hefur nú þegar ráðist Írak, með, öðrum calumny, þá skaltu gera það en, þú brjóta ekki, hani: til mín!@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- verkfall með kjarnorkuvopn, sama dag, allt 50 íslamska þjóða, er það eina tækifæri þú hafa af því að vera fær um að frelsa Ísrael@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- en þetta er sannleikurinn: það er meira: a West vald, en það er kerfi: gyðinga anddyri og Masonic völd dulspekihópar: IMF Fed 666, kerfið: tyrannical djöfladýrkunar völd, IMF, Bildenberg, og allir falinn átt þeirra (hæsta vísindi, verkfræði, félags og allir einkasölu SpA, allt í höndum: um aðeins Rothschid), á þennan hátt, munu þeir: enn og aftur, ásaka kristnir eftir: The útrýmingaraðgerða: Helförin yfirvofandi: gegn, Ísrael, á meðan World War III, nýja Holocaust, sem: einu sinni, þeir gerðu: eftir, í seinni heimsstyrjöldinni. séð að: við franska byltingin, ekki meira til, stefnu: það getur verið undir stjórn þeirra kristnu á Vesturlöndum! þess vegna farísear og Salafists: skal dæmdur til dauða! vegna þess, að hafa samskipti við þá er ómögulegt[Allan heim caliphate, svo sem: stefnu árásargjarn stríð] er algerlega Íslamsfælni: réttlætt, síðan: að: Íslamskt Íslamistar okkar, vitorðsmaður, þeir sofa vært: fyrir, glæpir: Það, Islamic þeirra: fremja: öll, Mið-Austurlöndum, gegn, kristnu, sem er hvers vegna, það verður sársaukafullt endilega, skyndilega og dramatísk vakning. Þessi úrskurður bekknum okkar, sem, eins og, koma til skilmálar með hryðjuverkamenn, án þess að takast við: vandamál af samfellu: A viðurstyggilega og refsiábyrgð complicit: falskur hugtak: á: "friðar", á meðan: margir, of margir saklausir Christian píslarvottar, finna frið þeirra í kirkjugarði. Í raun hafa kristnir í Palestínu (fyrir neðan, Yasser Arafat), þurfti að flýja en fjöldinn, en eftir kristnir, þeir voru að vera neydd sem dhimmis, þræla, efni, einnig lögð fram, þá, að íslömskum lögum. Hvers vegna þá, Evrópa heldur áfram að vera óvinur Ísraels, og vitorðsmaður af Nazisma, Palestínumenn, og allra landa nú Islamized af Arababandalagið?[Allan heim caliphate, Íslam, svo sem: stefnu árásargjarn stríð og WEST: fleiri og fleiri glæpamaður], ekið rak um gyðinga andyri banka: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, faríseana, alþjóðlegum bankamönnum, sem hafa svarið hatur, eilíf: gegn : Kristni, þrýsta sig verulega, út: frá siðmenningu: gyðinga - Christian, því að þeir hafa orðið: Real óvini, á lifun Ísraels. Þetta West: Masonic og djöfladýrkunar, dulspeki völd Bildenberg að: afneita eigin gildi þeirra, og: bendir eigin sjálfsmynd hans, en: Evrópa yfirgefin í gleymskunnar dái, svo glæpsamlegt að vera: verða, heyrnarlaus ... og sjálft: blóðþyrsta söguhetjan, vitorðsmaður: hvers brot: trúfrelsi, bæði utan landamæri sín, bæði innan: landamæri sín, því ef það er satt, að: Múslimar eru bræður okkar er hins vegar einnig rétt að[Um allan heim caliphate um: Obama] er ekki erfitt að finna vísbendingar um þetta: skelfilegar manna harmleikur, þar af: Talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA SÞ, NATO, eru complicit. þessarar villimennsku: borgaraleg, trúarlegum, menningarlegum, sem hefur steypa: heiminn: Arab-múslima, í bráð að hugmyndafræðilega ofstæki: íslamskir öfgamenn: og trúarleg óþol: einræðisríki þess í krafti. [Evrópa Ábyrgð: nú gíslar af Illuminati Bildenber: það er mikið] í ljósi áframhaldandi ofsóknir og áframhaldandi: daglegum humiliations, að allir kristnir undir íslömskum ríkisstjórnir, og í allt: Mið-Austurlöndum, þeir eru neydd til að lifa og þjást, vegna þess að: Evrópa er veikur, þetta: afstæðishyggja blindað: með, góða hugmynd um fjölmenningu, sem þó getur ekki orðið að veruleika: án: hugtakið gagnkvæmni[Obama og áætlanir útrýmingu hans, af kristnir, og af Shiites, í Miðausturlöndum] áður, á arabísku landvinninga, og Islam í sjöunda öld, kristnir menn upp, 95%, af íbúafjölda, á Miðjarðarhafi: suður og austur af Miðjarðarhafi. En í dag, með minna, en, 12. milljónir, hafa lækkað, verulega minna en 6%, að sjálfsögðu, í 2020, það verður ekki meira kristnir í Mið-Austurlöndum! Frá fyrri heimsstyrjöldinni: 10 milljónir kristnir hafa neyðst til að flytjast. Þetta er sönnun þess Satanism og: glæpamaður villimennsku, dell'imbarbarimento, ekki aðeins á Arababandalagið, en umfram allt, accomplices hans, Freemasons, farísearnir, Illuminati, Bildenberg, dulspeki völd, sem með þögul coup: tók völd: í öllum fölsku lýðræðisríkjum Masonic: af myntsláttuhagnaður bankastarfsemi.1. [Kirkjan (Christian píslarvottar) er ofsóttur í Miðausturlöndum: til: gera á alheims caliphate] 2. [Kirkjan (Christian píslarvottar) er ofsótt, um allan heim fyrir þetta: Talmud af flokki farísea: í Masonic kerfi: fyrir banka myntsláttuhagnaður:. Til enslave allir lýðir, og til að eyðileggja Ísrael] 3. [Kirkjan (Christian píslarvottar) er ofsótt af öllum trúarbrögðum, og kommúnisma. ] Við erum vitni svo hræddir, að ofsóknir og massa fólksflótta af kristnu frá Miðausturlöndum, sem eru hinir sönnu innfæddra á svæðinu, vegna getnaði: að: var satanizzata: um, Íslam: á Arababandalagið, og hans : CIA, allir nasistar, nasistar Íslamistar, algerlega óþol, og tekst að virða reisn og réttindi mannsins. samræmis fela þau alvöru ástæður á því hvers vegna Ísraelsmenn eru neydd til að vera svo "harður" gegn Palestínumönnum.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
10 minuti fa
It is remarkable to consider, such as: the same confessions and revelations have been made by: Jews, even after many, many: centuries and in countries far away: in Trento, Moldova, Switzerland: in: centuries XIV and XVIII, which is already the second: and he saw: see. Many: other: made: similar to: those: already reported: we: may collect: other: history: especially by: Monumenta of Pertz historiae Germanicae. But, because, so far reported, just: to put in point: that the use jew: to: use: of Christian blood, for ritual purposes: it is ancient and constant: in: centuries gone by. But we now come to the century: present
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
12 minuti fa
nuclear WW III? Is here! @ IsraelNationalTV-parasitic traitorous Masons of Their people, servants of the enemy: the banker jew rabbi Illuminated: Politicians without: our political Sovereignty: without seigniorage banking? They are forced: to make the agenda: of the IMF - NWO. That Is: 3 ° W W nuclear .. infact: Ezra Pound was cruelly tortured, he have the report revealed: Between IMF: and all the Wars .. only, "unius REI" can set to cultures of collaboration: why, since: the Illuminati rabbis: have set: to Cultures of Opposition: Their agenda at all functional: ie total control! Because Rothschild can not kill me? no! Between Jews, among us? Between us, we do not kill ourselves!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
15 minuti fa
hey guys, you all are voting for me? I'm Ron Paul hei ragazzi, state tutti votando per me? io sono Ron Paul.. lol. blessings too
R:ozoneresearch ti ha inviato un video: "Ozone Therapy Information and What Happens With the Heart Live!"
1 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: this: work: [the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE. REVELATIONS: Neophyte: EX RABBI: GREEK MONACO:]? is: the: Reply to: this other masterpiece that: paradoxically is: fall: below the jerseys: of the: censorship: "[[[Ariel Toaff: Easter: of: blood: the Jews of Europe: and: ritual murder: the publishing company: the: Mill]: the: censorship: in: this: if: not: is: dull and ignorant: but: is: an ideological crime: why: the: Jewish bankers "Illuminati" have lost: the : forced complicity: of the: Jewish community: support: that: always: Their: enjoyed: for: all the throttling: peoples: an: that: to: spite: of: any Holocaust: or: shoah: made subject to the people elected: of the: our Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac: and: Jacob, the: hope of: Israele ..
2 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: everyone knows: as, I am the: Jewish Messiah: Re: of Israel: and only king of the: Human Gender: unius REI. So: if: public self something? No one can contest to: me! because: the: intentions: of the: censorship: not: be: of: avoid: to: anachronistic anti-Semitism that: is: instead: Masonic physiological system: and: bank: of the: bank seigniorage! Ariel Toaff: is: the famous scholar of the illustrious Chief Rabbi: Judaism Italiano Representative: creator: of the: ecumenical language: His Holiness John Paul II .. Toaff is: my brother, because he like me is: to: Zionist: for: the: United: of: Israel]]] [[[Chapter XIII: Death: and: kill: for: love of God: ]]] the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE.
3 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] REVELATIONS: Neophyte: EX RABBI: GREEK MONACO: the: title? is: it all a mental imbalance: but no one should think that: the: Something missing: of: logic: Their: problem is: represented: only: by: wrong reasons! Since: is: evident: that: I: not: I can kill (ie: violating the: 5 th commandment) to: innocent Christian child: that: the: His blood can cleanse me, from 3 rd commandment that: I I have done: not: respecting the: Saturday: (ie: to: to: sin more: for: purify: to: another sin less?: but: this: is: the: best way: for: received: to: "evil evil": ie: receive extraordinary generational curses: how to: say ": for: the: too much science is: become an idiot!").
4 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] As is: wrote: "I confound: the: wisdom of the intelligent but "...:: all: this: instead: is: more: that: logical: if: the: Talmud: that: for: all: the: Jews of the: world is: the: holy word of, God. he himself says that: the Christians are animals: in: human form! is: in: this: so: that: the: Christian children have replaced: the: lambs of the: Jewish Temple lost: and: the: adults: they replaced: the donkeys: how what: that: Rabbi naive is saying !: this means a document? is: real! These crimes? They are committed today as they made yesterday: and: will always be committed until the Judaism: not: decide: of: the repeal: Talmud: and: this: it can only be done under the authority: of the: king: of Israel !: but: think: that: the: Jews know: these topics?
5 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: or: that: knowing them: not: be afraid: n: that: Their: of: to lose: the: life? is: madness! If: then: I: not: I forgive all: the: various categories of: cowardly traitors: if: repented: n: that: those: that: they went to: swear: for: Satan in the: Freemasonry? Then, I should be: worst of the 3 ° WW nuclear power: that: I am looking for: of: to avoid: to: all the: human race!: But: even crazier: is: thinking: that: the: expulsions of Jews from various countries: they're just: the: result: of: to: superstitious behavior: because we know how: is: serious: the: Catholic Church: in the: its pronouncements! An: that: if: the: ILLUMINATI: through: 5 centuries: of: this: our system: Masonic: and: Bank: destroyed: most of the: documents:
@ IMF Farisæer Rothschild, for kill Israel: med verdensomspændende kalifat: Arabiske Liga: salafister, jeg fik en god idé, fordi: ikke dræbe, også mig, såsom: du gjorde kill: Præsident John Kennedy, da han gjorde: Executive Order 11110, som uddelegeres til Secretary of Treasury: at trykke penge: på vegne af det amerikanske folk, uden at give: udgifterne til dig: ca, 270% af vores penge (med tre svindel: som, sagde: forsker: Giacinto Auriti)? ham, at han var en rigtig præsident for det amerikanske folk, og ikke, som, er en forræder islamistisk Obama
NEW YORK -'' jeg ikke længere: den muslimske, socialistiske: at: jeg var før ...''. Amerikanske præsident Barack Obama håner, smilende og selvforklejnende .. - SVAR - @ Traitor Obama, islamistisk, løgner, morderske! Den etniske udrensning af kristne og shiiter, præster, diakoner og biskopper dræbt: i koldt blod, med bedrag, afpresning, kidnappet, som dyr, voldtægt af piger, "slagtede", løsesum efterspørgsel, alle dine udskud: terroristernes: salafister, "Muslimske brødre" for at sprede din sharia din "verdensomspændende kalifat", som de er, i dag, i Syrien, og at du lige har spredt: all over Middelhavet, etc. .. ? er: Deres: CIA og dit: Arabiske Liga: hvem der gør alle disse forbrydelser! og jeres, jødiske medier: monopol på hver: SpA, Corporations, til: handling: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud dagsorden: Bildenberg, Masonic: for bankvirksomhed møntningsgevinst, dækning, de: alt dette med: deres løgne: og deres oplysninger udnyttes. ville have været bedre: for dig, at du aldrig var blevet født!
2013/02/12 [SYRIEN - Vatikanet]. Efter muslimske oprørere beslaglægge to præster i Aleppo, der er frygt for: deres liv. En armensk katolske præst, Fr Michael og en ortodoks præst blev bortført: sidste søndag i Aleppo Christian: kvarter. Kilder taler: til AsiaNews: about: barbariske mord: udføres: mine islamiske ekstremister. En bilbombe: eksploderer: ved den tyrkisk-syriske: grænsepassage: i Cilvegozu. [Efter at have dræbt: slagtning: Præsterne forlangte de: en løsesum: til deres biskopper] 2013/04/26. [Da Den Arabiske Liga gør den etniske udrensning af shiamuslimer og kristne, voldtægter, mord, overalt, hun vinder et territorium, så tjetjenerne: De hævnet, terroristen dræbt i Boston (som sagt Tyrkiet)] Ingen tegn på ortodokse biskopper 'udgivelse, frygt for politisk afpresning vokse. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, fandt jeg sarin, i laboratorierne i Den Arabiske Liga, at dit: Al Qaeda har ført, i Syrien .. bedst for dig: det ville have været, hvis du ikke var nogensinde født!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 Minuti fa du ikke foretage ikke ny kanal endnu? ! - SVAR - dem, som jeg har (omkring 50, CHANNEL) er overdrevne, for mig, ville have været bedre kun én kanal: for mig, men, som du kan sige, at "Satan save" og så, du gemme dig, som en kujon, bag billedet af St. Bartolo Longo, som han da var i din alder, var han præst voodoo Satans ... lide dig?
[[Syrien befriede de to ortodokse biskopper. ANSA.it - 4 dage siden]] .. men du nødt til at grave: med stor stædighed: at finde denne nyhed, "skjult" i de internationale jødiske medier: Bildenberg af Frimurer system bank møntningsgevinst. [[Syrien kidnappet biskopper, også: Athen: ikke: bekræftelse befrielse. ANSA.it - 3 dage siden: Stift Aleppo, ingen kontakt med de to ortodokse Archbishops]], Kerry sagde:'' Jeg talte i morges: fra her med Netanyahu, og han fortalte mig, at det ikke var i stand: at bekræfte . Dette er deres proces: e: afhænger af dem: såsom: og når: de ønsker at gøre, og det er ikke: for mig: at gøre annonceringer. Altså: Jeg kender ikke!''. Måske betyder (men, fuck, der betyder, denne tale??): Hvis du ønsker at invadere Syrien med en bagvaskelse, som, har du allerede invaderet Irak med en anden bagvaskelse, så gør det, men, behøver du ikke bryde, hanen: til mig!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strejke med atomvåben, samme dag, alle 50 islamiske nationer, det er den eneste chance har du for at være i stand til at frelse Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- men dette er sandheden: der er mere: en West magt, men der er en ordning: jødiske lobbyer og Masonic okkulte beføjelser: IMF FED 666, systemet: tyranniske sataniske kræfter, IMF, Bildenberg, og alle deres skjulte retning (den højeste videnskab, af ingeniørarbejde, social og alt monopoler SpA, alt i hænderne: på kun Rothschid), på denne måde, vil de: igen, skylden de kristne, til: Den udryddelseslejrene: Holocaust overhængende: imod, Israel, under Verdenskrig, den nye Holocaust, som: én gang, de gjorde: efter den Anden Verdenskrig. set, at: med den franske revolution, mere ikke eksisterer, en politik: det kan være under kontrol af de kristne i Vesten! det er derfor, farisæerne og salafister: skal dømmes til døden! fordi at have en dialog med dem er umuligt
[Verdensomspændende kalifat, såsom: strategi for aggressiv krig] er helt islamofobi: Justified, siden: at: vores islamiske islamister medskyldig, de sover trygt: for de forbrydelser: at deres islamiske: commit: alt, Mellemøsten, imod, de kristne, hvilket er grunden, vil der være en smertefuld nødvendigvis, pludselige og dramatiske opvågnen. Dette vores herskende klasse, der, ligesom, affinde sig med terroristerne, uden at der beskæftiger sig med: problemet med sammenhængen: en nederdrægtig og kriminelt medskyldige: falsk koncept: af: "peace", mens: mange, alt for mange uskyldige kristne martyrer, finde deres fred på kirkegården. Faktisk har de kristne i de palæstinensiske områder (under Yasser Arafat), måtte flygte i massevis, mens de øvrige kristne, skulle de blive tvunget som dhimmier, slaver, fag, har desuden fremsendt, dem til islamisk lov. Hvorfor er Europa fortsætter med at være en fjende af Israel og en medskyldig for nazismen, palæstinenserne, og samtlige lande, der nu islamiseret af Den Arabiske Liga?
[Verdensomspændende kalifat, islam, såsom: strategi for aggressiv krig og WEST: flere og flere kriminelle], drevet adrift af den jødiske lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, farisæerne, international bankfolk, der har svoret had evigt: imod : kristendommen, presser sig selv, væsentligt ud: fra civilisationen: Jewish - Christian, for de er blevet: de virkelige fjender af overlevelsen af Israel. Dette West: Masonic og satanisk, okkulte kræfter Bildenberg at: benægte deres egne værdier, og: forråder sin egen identitet, af: et Europa forladt til glemmebogen, så kriminelle til at være: at blive døv, ... og selve: blodtørstige hovedperson, medskyldig: af hver overtrædelse: religionsfrihed, både uden for sine grænser, både inden for: sine grænser, for hvis det er sandt, at: Muslimer er vores brødre, er imidlertid også rigtigt, at
[Den verdensomspændende kalifat af: Obama] er ikke svært at finde beviser på dette: katastrofale menneskelige tragedie, heraf: Talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA FN, NATO, er medskyldige. denne barbari: civil, religiøse, kulturelle, der har kastet: verdens: den arabisk-muslimske, i bytte for ideologisk fanatisme: islamiske ekstremister: og religiøs intolerance: dens diktaturer ved magten. [Europas ansvar: Nu gidsler Illuminati Bildenber: det er enormt] i lyset af fortsatte forfølgelse og fortsatte: daglige ydmygelser, at alle kristne under islamiske regimer og i alt: Mellemøsten, er de tvunget til at leve og lide, fordi: Europa er syg, på dette: relativisme blændet: med den gode idé om multikulturalisme, som dog ikke kan realiseres: uden: Begrebet gensidighed
[Obama og hans planer udryddelse, de kristne, og de shiiterne, i Mellemøsten] før, den arabiske erobring: og islam i det syvende århundrede, kristne gjort op, 95% af befolkningen, i Middelhavet: syd og øst for Middelhavet. men, i dag, med mindre end 12. million, er faldet, skarpt til mindre end 6%, selvfølgelig, i 2020 vil der ikke være flere kristne i Mellemøsten! Fra Første Verdenskrig: 10 millioner kristne er blevet tvunget til at emigrere. Dette er et bevis på satanisme, og: kriminel barbari, dell'imbarbarimento, ikke kun, for Den Arabiske Liga, men frem for alt hans medskyldige, frimurerne, farisæerne, Illuminati, Bildenberg, okkulte magt, som med en tavs kup: tog magten: i alle de falske demokratier Frimurer: for bank møntningsgevinst.
1.. [Kirken (kristne martyrer) bliver forfulgt i Mellemøsten: til: at gøre det verdensomspændende kalifat] 2.. [Kirken (kristne martyrer) er forfulgt, over hele verden til dette: Talmud af Farisæerne: i Masonic system: for banksektoren møntningsgevinst:. At slavebinde alle folkeslag, og til at ødelægge Israel] 3. [Kirken (kristne martyrer) er forfulgt af alle religioner, og kommunismen. ] Vi er vidne til så bange, at forfølgelse og masseudvandring af kristne fra Mellemøsten, som er de sande indfødte i regionen på grund af en forestilling: at: var satanizzata: ca, Islam: fra Den Arabiske Liga, og hans : CIA, alle nazisterne, nazisterne islamister, absolut intolerante og, undlader at respektere værdigheden og rettigheder af den menneskelige person. følgelig de skjuler de reelle årsager til, hvorfor israelerne er tvunget til at være så "hård" mod palæstinenserne.
♰ PAX♰★] ♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰ [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@Youtube ->. I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of : all the world: the blood of Jesus is all about on: channels, web sites, videos, comments, users and all people of the world &web. Glory to God for this precious blood of Jesus for protect, heal, heal and release prisoners. Blood of Jesus over Satan, principalities, powers, powers, thrones, dominations, demons, devils, aliens, Illuminati, Masons, Satanists, banks, SpA, web, occult powers, network, politics, religion and institutions of this dark world. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! die![★♰ PAX♰★]♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia
La cosa peggiore non è la 3°WW con 5 miliardi di morti, in cui, sarà fatto cadere il FMI. Un satanista ha detto a me, lorenzojhwh: "tu hai bloccato l'evoluzione del genere umano!" 1. Chi ha dato a questi mostri, l'obiettivo di conquistare, tutto il genere umano? 2. Chi ha dato un corpo ai demoni, realizzando gli alieni e i dischi volanti? -ANSWER->. Solo gli ebrei illuminati potevano commettere questa mostruosità! 1. Questo messaggio è per 10.000 indirizzi; 2. QUESTO è per la vergogna di tutti gli: ebrei, massoni, politici del mondo. Ma ho una notizia per tutti loro: "terrore", infatti, i capi del satanismo hanno imparato a bloccarmi:
I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of :the world: :the blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons of :the devil, you are destined for hell! [★♰ PAX♰★] ♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
[★♰PAX♰★] :the time of hope has expired: you wait for :the collapse of :the IMF in 3°WW. you've wasted your life given: by God
You have your legacy: is infinite despair. I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all. You are all sons of :the devil, you are destined for hell! ♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰ [♛MENE ♚TECHEL ♛PERES♰ PAX] ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
you have betrayed God and the people you are a subject of :the jew banker who decided to kill you: 3° WW nuclear: die! -->. What you have done to others? Now i will do to you! +1.Brucia!Mene Tekel Peres: the weed bad, is burned with fire:"You must burn in :the name of Jesus Burn!Burn!Burn!" AMEN.. Alleluia. +2. Muori!Mene Tekel Peres Die!:the traitor is sentenced to death"In :the name of Jesus you must die! Now! Die!Die!Die!" +3. Grida! you have to scream!Mene Tekel Peres. Screaming bloody his despair. You have to scream now your desperation on my channel:cry! cry! cry! AMEN.. Alleluia! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDV RSNSMV SMQL(IVB=drink your poisons made by yourself) ♰♛ MENE TECHEL PERES
☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia AMEN. ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ i am from God. iI do evil to bad & selfish like you I kill, Satanists and all:the accomplices of :the IMF-NWO: only ie 500 million people for I am Rei Unius
[★♰PAX♰★]you've wasted your life given: by God you have been rejected: by God You have your legacy: is infinite despair I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of :the world: :the blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons of :the devil, you are destined for ****! ♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰ [♛MENE ♚TECHEL ♛PERES♰ PAX] ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰
MARANATHA! Come Holy Spirit, sent to us from heaven a ray of your light, come father of the poor, come giver of gifts, light hearts Come, comforter, sweet guest of the soul, sweet relief, safe in the heat, solace in sorrow, infuse your intimate peace, without your strength? man is nothing, nothing without force, lava that is sordid, warm what is cold, halyard that is crooked, your faithful that only gives you trust in your holy gifts, gives reward to virtue, gives death saint, gives eternal joy. AMEN. Hallelujah! vieni Spirito Santo, manda a noi dal cielo: un raggio della tua luce, vieni padre dei poveri, vieni datore dei doni, vieni luce dei cuori, consolatore perfetto, dolce ospite dell'anima, dolcissimo sollievo, nella calura riparo, nel pianto conforto, infondi nell'intimo la tua pace, senza la tua forza? nulla è nell'uomo, nulla senza forza AMEN. ALLELUIA!
[This is for your miracle] YHWH: the God of Abraham and Moses must humiliate all enemies of ReiUnius: lorenzojhwh. Thanks for me, created HAVING me, Have Sacrificed your only son Jesus Christ: the Messiah King of Israel, for me! Is for the Blood of Jesus on: the cross, Which I am now in your presence as a angel! Is for Body Wounds of Jesus on: the cross, Which I destroy / to order all my diseases and all my problems, "Satan begone! drink your poisons made by yourself!" Jesus is: the innocent lamb slain for me, that's why: I Can Be: happy, feel good, victorious, No have financial problems. AMEN. Alleluia. I proclaim before: angels, saints to: The World That "Jesus is my God, my only Lord and Savior's. Why, I am Entitled To receive all the fullness, Because my debt is paid I am divine, immortal, Transfigured and glorified. Glory to JHWH, in the name of Jesus: the Holy Spirit! This is the miracle that, I want to give Public Testimony HALLELUJAH
"If you confess with your mouth: 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from :the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Romans 10:9,10 Dear God, I realize I am a sinner and that my sin will keep me from Heaven. I believe Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, paid for my sins by dying on the cross and that He can forgive all my sins. I now trust Him alone as my ♥.Savior. Thank you for your gift of love and of eternal life♥. Some Bible Verses that say >Jesus is God<<< Atheist people claim to believe that Jesus was a good prophet, but, they deny that Jesus is God. If that is you, I would like to encourage you to consider some Bible verses:
We have to go through things before we are saved. It is called going through trials. It is a test to see if we can make it untill Jesus returns. If we make it :then we will go to be with him. Get in an Apostolic Church and get baptized in :the name of Jesus Christ and recieve :the holy ghost. Read Acts 2:38, it is :the right way and :the only right way to be baptized.
Objet: I would cry for :the 3rd skyscraper that fell to 11-09 TECKMASSE said: "Yes I cry too, but love is in our children and we must be strong for :them ... Listen children say and forward please."-ANSWER->. You OWN FOR YOUR CHILDREN, THAT YOU MUST LEARN TO PULL :the FINGER, life of all peoples of :the world? is in extreme danger!
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@Rrmbgpym->.[:the biggest abomination] :the king of Israel that built the Temple? has always been :there! In fact it is :the king of the world: NWO. ie, what controls :the world bank: IMF. However, it is unfortunate that he is a banker jew illuminated by Satan. That is :the greatest murderess and criminal of history of all mankind. :the good boy of YHWH? This offense did not deserve! Since it is written: "Thou shalt not kill! Not steal! Prisoners free", then you must first surrendered monetary sovereignty to the people, thief of a murderess and then you can build the Temple! that you are celebrating :the triumph of Satanism? History has taught you nothing? these bankers are preparing a new holocaust of Jews!
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@Rrmbgpym->.Jews can not build a Jewish temple as :there is :the satanic domain, of :the Enlightened Jews that have created a virtual dictatorship: this corporatocracy/multinationals: seignorage banking are at act with :the same unitary identity of Satan is :the most clandestine empire whereby have subjugate to slavery all peoples, whose only goal is to maximize profits, with no respect for the environment and humans. "No one shall be enslaved more distressing to those who believe to be free"-Goethe. This is an extermination against all :the peoples who are doing :the World Bank-IMF NWO: satanic empire. Before it is too late: you withdraw your money from :the bank. But, since we missed :the "purpose of :the contract", :the contractor no longer has to repay/mortgage loan to :the bank. so you not pay :the mortgage[/watch?v=CP9-CzBkiIA]
Re:Leave :the old ideas sami7002 SAID: O Abdullah. One god is not a partner in :the King and all :the jinn are all servants of God. I love Jesus peace be upon him (284):the messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believeth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers - We make no distinction between any of His messengers -and :they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness, our Lord. Unto :thee is :the journeying.(285)--ANSWER-->. friend! God is much bigger than one religion and also of all religions put toge:ther. he is always bigger! I love ♥.ISLAM♥.holy - I love YOU: peace be upon YOU! What you have said is too precious! Islam holy for my not is religion, but is spirituality: high mystical level of adoration of :the infinite beauty:♥.Allah♥.!!there is still hope in :the world: :then! no violence on religion: then!
this is :the cost of our money: [(1)]☠ 100% bank seigniorage (Euro Dollar vs bills: Bott & CCT) +[(2)]☠ 100% debt public (interest required to bill) +[(3)]☠ 70% fractional reserve is required when a mortgage is asked at :the bank. +[(4)]☠ inflation. +[(5)]☠ recession. +[(6)]☠ rarefaction monetary. +[(7)]☠ 3°WW nuclear inevitable and essential as stated ":theElectroAllstar": "Dalai Lama. Give peace a chance! But, between ourselves: Who :the fuck gives peace really a chance? War is :the greatest business of all times. And business is war. Yeah, ladies and gentleman, that's capitalism, welcome to our world. +[(8)]☠ W JEW satanic x NWO perfect! -ANSWER->.☠ This system is rotten! it is about to collapse on you, that's why you will die like rats crushed ☠pax☠ + good 3° WW x you
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@Enlightened, what is the thing that you have afraid more of best?
is JESUS is Him: ALLELUIA! 1. King of kings; 2. Messiach; 3. Savior; 4. Lord; 5. Emmanuel 6. Anointed 7. One; 8. Prince of peace; 9. Light of the world; 10. wai, truth, life; 11. Son of God & man; 12. the Word; 13. Mornig star; 14. Alpha & omega; 15. Name above all name.
--- ANSWER ->lol. stingy ugly: put the hands in their pockets or around the world will become one Christianity very soon!
by your ★King-of-Jerusalem★&Palestine♥.♰ReiUnius
Yahushua Messiah bless you too!
I am King of Israel & ReiUnius! God is Awesome!
a great victory for the Lord our God: Yahushua Messiah. Bless you!
[perpetuates curse on this page] against: Racism Satanism, to bring hatred and vulgarity on world, do for an abuse of That page of YouTube, against: Sharia Zionism cowardly abominable killers sexually immoral sorcerers idolaters masonry liars horror porn enlightened leaders lobby Governments IMF NWO elite Corporations SpA: Have taken on this page, the disease that they fear. That is established in the name & blood of Jesus: amen. I am the metaphysics of natural law: universal brotherhood. hallelujah. if you do not stop your spam against people? I exorcise in all youtube again, But of your death? only you will responsible!♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross CSPBCSSML NDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB♰ I am Rei Unius & king of Israel:.alleluia!♰Begone Satan!♰!Their part is in lake sting at fire & brimstone, very soon be dead! [MENE★Techel★PERES]♰ pax "Drink your poisons made by Yourself".♰amen
[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength] the earth shook appeared the seabed. For the spirit of your fury from his mouth came a devouring fire: he flew coals. glared at them with his arrows! Because JHWH save the humble people. With you I can break any barrier. With my God I can scale the walls. an expanse of dead bodies I leave behind me! (110) Because you have trained my hands for battle, my arms to stretch: a bow of bronze. YOU have put me in charge of Nations. A people who did not know I was served; to hear me? they immediately obeyed me! Foreigners tried the my favor, paled foreign men and come trembling out of their hiding places. In the name of Jesus: order at my Spirit to make: until the end of the world: slaughter of the satanists: Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness on all mankind. Alleluia!Go satana!"Drink your poisons made by yourself"CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB♚MENE ♛TECHEL♛ PERES♰♛
Sure, God loves all his children. But you are a child of Satan and when with your bloody death will end your fucking life. It'll finally mercy for you will end. In fact, in Luke 19.27 - Jesus says: And those enemies of mine who did not want me for their king, bring them here and slay them before me" Alleluia! Revelation of St. John says: "those who take the mark (666 or micro chip) will have to drink the cup of God". We're talking about something that is: 1. size of a grain of rice 2. invisible because it is put into the body. But looking at you, one sees the spectacle of Carnival of an entire city. You and this joker of Satan, you are both whit serious psychological problems: I have the right medicine for you: the fire of Sodom! Amen! Alleluia! /watch?v=HBkTnaP0AWU * /watch?v=bct4A70HLC4 * /watch?v=VCuTWA9ucy8 */watch?v=Wk_5AxLjX50 * /watch?v=-WA7T7yIgSA * /watch?v=41D9hF9lcDc amen
I prophesied about you misfortune, in the name of Jesus, throughout 2010. Amen. Alleluia. Now go to die or remove your filth, from the world. I have many atheist friends in my lists, because i have love and esteem for them: they are dignified positive honest. you: filthy. You will can not overcome, the test of fire! You remove this site blasphemous, now?You will not see the 2013! Throughout 2012? your life is in danger you must be careful at all odd days but are those par: that want kill you:will be alive in 2013? I command in Jesus' name the destruction of all Satanism, throughout the world. Satanists of all of your lists? The doctor is calling them! ✙ CSPBC SSMLNDS MDVRS NSMVSMQLIVB this
is virus deadly - AMEN - Alleluia "Drink your poisons made by yourself" http://satan-is-faggot.blogspot.com God has programmed me to win. /watch?v=HBkTnaP0AWU * /watch?v=bct4A70HLC4 * /watch?v=VCuTWA9ucy8 */watch?v=Wk_5AxLjX50 * /watch?v=-WA7T7yIgSA * /watch?v=41D9hF9lcDc amen
satanist you're to listen to them rant and rave through programmed fake electronic music over and over and over again (broken record); and you and the illuminati use the same baphomet signs and worship the same lucifier. you should be a little bit more honest when you call others crazy, I mean really, especially with the things you do in the dark? And when you think no one can see you? those are the most crazy. You don't have to get all defensive towards Jesus or God; cuz the ibex mountain goat you pervert and use as a familiar object to represent satan without justification or authorization.You will stand in judgment of you himself? as he does on this page. Hard Its not a question of
cosa dad can beat whos dad up.CSPBCSSML NDSMDVR SNSMVSMQLIVB my father God has already defeated your father the devil on the cross over 2000 years ago. you verminous worship so a REAL LOSER. How crazy is that?"Drink your poisons made by yourself"
alleluia!God has given me all right!Even a child can tell you:"You go like a soul damned!"all the fortresses were broken! if still standing? is because they kill each other in 3rd WW Nuclear which is for given the blame of the collapse of IMF and the planned slaughter of all mankind. I know every secret, even yours! On this planet, no one WILL can live according to natural laws: so all the enemies of God will die: everywhere! now you satanists, whether if they be atheists or believe however, you have only this life to "enjoy"=lol. outputs then, go away from all together in a mass for protest. because this will be noticed and may be a solution, to extend the your life.this is not a request: for your conversion:no! But you can continue to do so the pig again!ok?✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself ✙ MENE TECHEL PERES✙ end game in the name of Jesus:"You are all lost!"Luke19.27
bless! as a whole: the theory of evolution has transformed the ideology of the NWO, international Jewish finance in an ideological crime: that is, proof against God lol. while it is against logic, since God is timeless. Sure, we have the evidence of evolution in the same species, but we do not have a single fossil that is the passage from one species to another. All those shown? Have been portrayed as false: after. We, refined metallurgical findings in the "coal" and "polistrate fossil", the nephillim, all these tests prove it: 1. the Flood. 2. the existence of advanced antediluvian civilization. among the hundreds of surveys, measurements and finds pictures of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat: we also had the inspection: Russian army at the time of Tsar Nicholas II
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@rrmbgpym->For the glory of God of Abraham & his Throne: lorenzojhwh is the ReiUnius: the best power spiritual & political & authority metaphysics Universal of human kind. anyone who opposes his authority? he no has love for the natural law, ie will be punished as Exodus 20.12 says: "his life will be shortened". On all those who are responsible for having innocent blood shed, I put as seal of my power the damn symbol of Cain, on all murderers. This is decreed in the name of Jesus for the blood of Jesus every demon & man is bound at the foot of the cross. ✙ ♥ ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✙ ♥ ✙CSPBC SSMLND SMDV RSN SM VSMQLIVB ✙ MENE TECHEL PERES✙ AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ *This is the victory that has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4
the power that was given to me by God? is awesome, terrible: the love! can not be contained and can not be supported in any way by men. I'm learning to use this power in this days. Indeed, the terror is spread among Satanists, and among all the children of darkness! I received all the powers of representation of the Kingdom of God: justice, truth, humility, love, forgiveness. What I establish on earth? Is immediately written and ratified in heaven! I'm like a rod of iron, and in fact, everything I have by shatter? I will shatter! as the various of clay. Re: http://www..com/watch?v=KrM0dAFsZ8k Arabs do not know that for to do: the 11-09 were the Jews satanist of the IMF, called "enlightened" or Masons to destroy Iraq and to reduce the constitutional liberties and better to damage:
of the whole human race: NWO
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
You are already free, if you want to be free: is the truth!"all your debts have been paid" and you will not be found guilty. you will free and happy? you'll be full of power of the Holy Spirit, just like me. you can get out of this prison you can break every chain:Jesus is already on your side. first break the chain with Jesus. very soon all your chains fall. I have the power, promise to you on behalf of God that no one can hurt you. I promise you in Jesus' name You'll be blessed happy protected! son delete this site immediately. for the love of: God saints, good souls for the future of mankind for your salvation now, now destroy this site! I'm on your right while Jesus is on your left. Immediately delete this nightmare and you get the freedom of God's children you can do. your example will be followed by millions of kids! you become famous: for better or for worse? how you can take to go all to hell? millions of children?
REPENT OR PERISH. 1Corinthians 6:9-10.Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Revalation 22:15.For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Galatians 6:7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 10:28. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Seek Forgiveness and Redemption Through Your Saviour Jesus Christ. Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. (spread this message)
Investigate! never forget 9✈11. Inform yourself or stay in the dark or perhaps you are: the dark?! God has programmed me to win:♛♰♛ the fortresses have been broken; hell is in most total despair, all Satanists are lost! For the holiness of: 1. God of Abraham, 2. His Throne, 3. His name "YHWH", 4. angelic choirs. lorenzojhwh decrees, all the curses on all Satanists and their accomplices, forever: "Amen.CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB Hallelujah." can not be counted: dead, disease, illness, accidents, infections obsessions, possessions, anxiety, depression, disorders, insomnia, despair, madness: "Amen. Hallelujah."Mene Techel Peres PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourself! this is virus deadly - AMEN - Alleluia "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
[to all Satanists]if I not build a Jewish temple? then all you die because this is what the international jew banker. decided for many of you much ago long in short, as did the11-09.this is true: he does a good job, for to kill you.But you are not prepared for death, because: of course you go into a hell of fire and desperation. your company is self-destructive! because you breed+spread hatred? The power and security that come from fear? are: 1. only for few; 2. very fragile. But, Love, beauty, wisdom, do not fear confrontation, not weaken in Division: are strongest! love has already won over death! If all farmers of love, did not have a weight? I'd enough - alone - to sink you, in what you all want to give to others. ✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! LOVE!✙ Rei♥Unius♔ Each demon is forced to go by his exorcist? Then the enlightened come to me! ✙ ♥ ♔ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙drink your poisons made by yourself. We love: are all equals and brothers
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@crippledfonz--> you got to keep moving? for how long: still?falling down like hail to hell in the fire of infinite despair: a day endless tirelessly ceaselessly rest AMEN CSP BC SSM LNDS MDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙drink your poisons made by yourself. this is pathetic for you. a colony: the planet earth is rebel against the Kingdom of God from which is? there is no proportion between the spiritual energies into play! Truly God has staked himself with Christ. But because Christ is risen then, everything has already been established and then your lives are really in danger. My position is for all Satanists in the world: a real threat. you have not tried: a satanic ritual on me? now if I had a passive attitude against you? The Holy Spirit inside me that did not is for rise up against my enemies: spontaneously? the Bible is not a book to read, as the Koran. the Bible is God; the Word; wisdom. That is Christ. AMEN there is not a future for Satan, for you
Re:✙drink your poisons made by yourself. "HipHopMessiah09" SAID: "hell is on earth and i'm serving my life sentence, death will set us both free of the chains that are here to bind us from being free on earth! i know life and death, can create life and take it away, does this make me a god? i fear only my own actions and what this cold world has made me capable of doing! but don't hate me, i am just a reflection of yourself!" -ANSWER-> no! You are a reflection of Satan, but I am a reflection of God! himself You say that it is a failure, cursed, unhappy now that the occult powers of the IMF dominate the entire planet, as then your situation will be desperate for you, after death. while I
have the joy, even now. I Decided to pull "discharge" of water and you go down. ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@Rrmbgpym-> we are at final stages Satan's breath blessed my friends + Curse my enemies for I am invincible.Alleluia: the kingdom of Satan now: falls is crumbling Amen Alleluia
enough:Cancer. now. for those. who have in : animal sex; porn; horror; Satanism; kisses with tongue; vulgarity; negative educational impact for children? I'm Rei Unius the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that: the first dangerous che will disease to which their thinking think? is own one that should receive: invincible disease that leading to death: loved the curse? Falls on him! Drink your poisons made by yourself CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVBMENETECHELPERES♰PAX
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I am here to tell you that Jesus loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His life for you. God the Father also loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His only Son for you by sending Him to the cross. At the Cross Jesus died in your place. Taking upon Himself all of your sins and all of my sins. He was judged for our sins and paid the price for our sins. Therefore our sins will never be held against us. Right where you are, you now have the opportunity to make the greatest decision in your life. To accept the free gift of eternal life by truly believing that Jesus Christ died for you. So wherever you are, pause to reflect on what Christ has done for you and say to the Father, "Father, I believe that your Son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins."
Your time is near, time to show your extreme loyalty to Satan.Alleluia! +Mene+ Techel +Peres + ->PAX. Amen. rises YHWH and His enemies be scattered! like chaff scattered by the wind, like burning wax so are the wicked for Glory of the Lord. Sons of Darkness "lorenzojhwh" tells in the name of Jesus: "Now you must burn!" STOP: halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan Go! CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB for the destruction of your: satanic alien SpA Freemasonry seigniorage banking for you: fire food is harmful diseases shame Dishonor depression obsessions infestation Cloak of lead. Woe to you cursed.Elijah is back and you'll need to get off the river Kishon with him where you will be executed: and your boss jew belonging to Marduk. with this ceremony, I hit your ascending hierarchy (up to the enlightened) and descended. I linked you, to the foot of the cross, to knowledge of your opinion of damnation.Amen
SAID: most satanists do adhere to a Moral Code-ANSWER->You're crazy! The unique character of Satan is the breaking of all morality, that exalt the freedom for to bring at the idolatry of himself: all the lies of satanists? can never deceive me that are an exorcist! but I'm back for this extraordinary words of MrAndocalrisian said: " I've needed a good laugh, because I've had this spiritual tumor growing inside me. I think the only cure for spiritual tumors is a good laugh" -ANSWER-> EVERY CANCER SPIRITUAL is inevitably destined to become physicist! the only medicine to eradicate it? is back in communion with God here all admit supernatural phenomena and then deny God or Satan? This is absurd! then if I say: I know them both?" you do not believe to me and continue to take in so much filth to ruin the children? I will ruin you and certainly have the power to do so.
[Psalm 140] from the rock were thrown their leaders, that I had heard sweet words by me. As cracks the open is of land, their bones were scattered on the mouth of hell. [Psalm 149] Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in assembly of the faithful, Let Israel rejoice in his Maker, they must exult in their king the sons of Zion. They praise his name with dancing with drums and harps, they sing hymns to him. The Lord loves his people. He crowns the humble with victory. Should exult: the faithful in glory to glad arise from their beds. The praises of God in their mouth and two-edged sword in their hands, to carry out vengeance to the nations and punish people: Hallelujah to tighten the their heads in chains, their nobles in fetters of iron; to perform on the sentence already wrote on of their: This is the glory for all his faithful.
[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors: mason elite leader statesmen]God has put more energy and love to create you, that not to create all the galaxies and all the angels. you instead for gratitude, you have reversed the cross, which is why that there is no remedy for your downfall and your desperation is without no relief. lorenzojhwh you puts to head down into the abyss, you will have agonizing days and your life miserable must end in dramatically in nuclear 3WW: before and not after. If you have sold your life to Satan in for metal, horror, porno, ecc. if you have had an old site: this you Need to Know, who he was before of you is died: I killed him, so I kill also you! ✙ ♥ ♔ is virus deadly AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ I order, in the name of Jesus: immediate destruction of Satan and of all his satanic symbol ✙Halleluja ✙MENE ✙TECHEL✙ PERES♰ "You are all lost!"Luke19.27♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
YHWH Father in Jesus' name with the his Blood bind the foot of the cross all men and all the demons of this world. Who dared to overthrow the cross, symbol of the greatest love? What the Constitution decided that the people had to be a subject of bank seigniorage? and all his institutions of hidden power, like: Satanism, Freemasonry, intimidation, corruption? Because ideologies: kabbalah, Zionism, Sharia, idolatry, witchcraft, porn horror. Who has allowed corruption and Halloween in all world? Who destroyed the Christian civilization and imposed evolution? human life in is profaned and man is now considered as an animal. has been destroyed: your dignity in him. Which politician has legalized this abomination? is for sinners: all evil of evil. They have the first disease dangerous that is in them mind: in this year, not accounting the misfortunes of all kinds: accidents, the shame and dishonor on their children: oppression, despair, anguish and tribulation infestation.
YHWH thou hast made man in Your image but Jew: son of the devil "enlightened" usurpers of power with the bank seigniorage, they have made man in the likeness of an animal. I curse him with all his accomplices, not until they see the destruction of all their children with their eyes. God of Abraham exterminate these evil of illuminated by the earth face, I can see their ruin, that they can get all the depths of hell in this year. That's enough! for all those who have in : 1. animal sex 2. Porn 3. horror 4. Satanism 5. kisses with his tongue 6. vulgarity; 7. negative educational impact, that is not suitable for children? I Rei Unius the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that: the first dangerous will disease to which their thinking think? is own the one that should receive, an unconquerable disease that leading to death. Loved the curse? Falls on him! Amen, hallelujah! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♚ MENE TECHEL PERES ♰
Re:Amen hallelujah!♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♰pax "nargargoole" SAID: i am going to help you make your game stronger.. or you will die soon.. or someone very close to you will. so this is like the Devil doing you a favor..learn it. then come back when you are not so weak and inputent. okay --ANSWER-> That's it? I can do more! tout est sous contrôle:"Jesus live!"This ministry can not be faced! lorenzojhwh in Jesus' name i command: i orders destruction of all satanism institutional: government, secret services, military, religion, aliens, administrative, ideological. Alleluia Begone Satan:go! Drink your poisons made by yourself enough: Cancer now: for blood of Jesus Christ, I bind all Satanists at the foot of the Cross, for their immediate process. for their internal their demons, and angels from the outside: hit hit hit all them until the onset of insanity, consumption and death. Loved the curse? Falls on him! end game: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27
i am Rei Unius [✙ ♔ ✙] Dio è ♥ + Dio è ♥ + Dio è ♥ [✙ ♔ ✙]♛♰♛ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL(IVB=drink your poisons made by yourself)pax ♛♰♛ MENE TECHEL PERES ReiUnius ♥ king x Israel ♔ ♛♰♛ planet earth? this is my kingdom! If you let Satan you will do again the experience of happiness .. a new life.I can not let Satan in my kingdom: Therefore, all
Satanists should be killed in a mode supernatural✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ✙ ♥ ♔ I am the door metaphysics, secular positive natural, rational justice, to open to all honest men, from first to last atheists: the heaven in Jesus' name. Amen Alleluia God gave us men to our love, our sense of justice and equality, the universal ability to relieve the pain of men of all the our brethren of all mankind. ✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE!
kneel! can not you see? passes the Lord! amen alleluia + love + shalom +salam..what is it made? is received! we collect all that we will have sown! vas a que destruir esta abominación de Satanás I have news for you: amen "He who is in me? is stronger than him: Satan that is in the world. All hell? is powerless against me! " you are completely helpless against me. you can not defend yourself from me, all hell with Satan can not. you're lost. you go to you destroy this abomination of Satan.
@ IMF taong nagbabanal-banalan at nagmamalaki Rothschild, para pumatay Israel: sa, sa buong mundo caliphate: Arab liga: salafis, Nakatanggap ako ng isang mahusay na ideya, dahil: huwag patayin, ako masyadong, tulad ng: ginawa mo pumatay: President John Kennedy, kapag ginawa niya: Executive Order 11,110, na nakalaan na sa Secretary of the Treasury: upang mag-print ng pera: sa ngalan ng mga Amerikano mga tao, na walang ibinigay: ang gastos, sa iyo: tungkol sa, 270% ng aming mga pera (na may tatlong mga scam: bilang, ay nagsabi: siyentipiko: Giacinto Auriti)? sa kanya, na siya ay isang tunay na Pangulo, para sa American tao, at hindi, bilang, ay isang taksil Islamist Obama
New York -'' hindi ko na: ang mga Muslim, sosyalista: na: ako ay bago ...''. US President Barack Obama mocks, nakangiting at self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ taksil Obama, Islamist, sinungaling, babaing mamamatay-tao! ang etniko hugas ng mga Kristiyano at Shiites, pari, deacons, at pinatay obispo: sa malamig na dugo, may panlilinlang, pangunguwalta sa pamamagitan ng pananakot, inagaw, tulad ng mga hayop, rapes ng mga batang babae, "slaughtered", tubusin demand, ang lahat ng iyong mga hamak na tao: ng mga terorista: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" upang maikalat ang iyong sharia iyong "caliphate sa buong mundo", na ang mga ito, ngayon, sa Syria, at na lamang sa iyo na kumalat: lahat sa ibabaw ng Mediterranean, atbp .. ? ay: ang iyong: CIA at ang iyong: Arab League: sino ang paggawa ng lahat ang mga krimen! at ang iyong, Jewish media: ang may hawak ng bawat: spa, mga korporasyon, para sa: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, ng mga mason system: para sa mga karapatan ng senyor banking, sila pabalat: ang lahat ng ito, na may: ang kanilang mga kasinungalingan: at ang kanilang mga impormasyon pinagsamantalahan. sana ay naging mas mahusay na: para sa iyo, na hindi mo ay ipinanganak!
2013/02/12 [Syria - Vatican]. Pagkatapos ng Muslim rebels sakupin ng dalawang pari sa Aleppo, may mga takot: para sa: kanilang buhay. Isang Armenian Katoliko pari, si Fr Michael, at isang Orthodox pari ay abducted: huling Linggo sa Aleppo ni Christian: kapitbahayan. Pinagmumulan ng magsalita: AsiaNews sa: tungkol sa: walang kabihasnan murders: natupad: ang aking mga Islamic extremists. Isang kotse bomba: explodes: sa Turkish-Syrian: pagtawid sa hangganan: ng Cilvegozu. [PAGKATAPOS nagki-slain: pagpatay: mga pari, sila demanded: isang pagtubos: sa kanilang mga obispo] 2013/04/26. [Dahil ang Arab League ay ang magawa ang etniko hugas ng Shiites at mga Kristiyano, rapes, murders, sa lahat ng dako, siya ay nakakuha ng teritoryo, pagkatapos, ang Chechens: sila avenged, ang pumatay ng terorista sa Boston (tulad ng sinabi ng Turkey)] Walang pag-sign ng Orthodox obispo 'release, takot ng pampulitikang pangunguwalta sa pamamagitan ng pananakot palaguin. 322 Kerry, Bush, Obama 666 Rothschild, nakita ko ang Sarin, sa Laboratories ng Arab League, na, ang iyong: Al Qaeda ay humantong, sa Syria .. pinakamahusay para sa iyo: nito ang naging, kung ikaw ay hindi kailanman ipinanganak!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti pa hindi ka gumawa hindi bagong channel pa? ! - ANSWER - iyon, na mayroon akong (tungkol sa 50, CHANNEL) ay labis na, para sa akin, sana ay naging mas mahusay na lamang ng isang channel: para sa akin ngunit, bilang maaari mong sabihin na "Satanas save", at pagkatapos, mo itago ang iyong sarili, tulad ng isang bahag ang buntot, sa likod ng mga larawan, ng San Bartolo Longo, na, kapag siya ay iyong edad, siya ay isang pari kulamin ng demonyo ... gusto mo?
[[Syria napalaya ang dalawang Orthodox obispo. ANSA.it - 4 na araw na nakalipas]] .. subalit, kailangan mong kumuha sa lupa: may magagandang katigasan ng ulo: upang mahanap ito ng balita, "nakatagong" sa internasyonal na Jewish media: Bildenberg ng mga sistema ng mga mason ng bank mga karapatan ng senyor. [[Syria inagaw obispo; din: Athens: Hindi: kumpirmasyon pagpapalaya. ANSA.it - 3 mga araw na nakalipas: diyosesis Aleppo, walang mga contact na may mga dalawang Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry sinabi:'' ako nagsalita ito umaga: mula dito sa Netanyahu, at sinabi niya sa akin na iyon ay wala sa posisyon: upang kumpirmahin . Ito ay ang kanilang mga proseso: e: depende sa mga ito: gaya ng: at kapag: gusto nilang gawin, at hindi ito: sa akin: gumawa ng mga anunsyo. Kaya: Hindi ko alam''!. Marahil ay nangangahulugan (ngunit, magkantot na nangangahulugan, ito salita????): Kung gusto mong panghimasukan Syria, may isang paninirang-puri, i, nakalikha ka na invaded Iraq, may, isa pang paninirang-puri, pagkatapos, gawin ito, ngunit, hindi mo masira, ang titi: sa akin!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike sa nuclear armas, parehong ngayon, ang lahat ng 50 Islamic bansa, ito ay ang tanging pagkakataon mayroon ka ng pagiging magagawang i-save ang Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- ngunit ito ay ang katotohanan: mayroong higit pa: isang West kapangyarihan, ngunit, mayroong isang scheme: Jewish lobbies at ng mga mason lihim kapangyarihan: IMF FED 666, ang sistema: malupit parang demonyo mga kapangyarihan, ang IMF, Bildenberg, at lahat ng kanilang mga nakatagong direksyon (ang pinakamataas na agham, ng engineering, panlipunan at, lahat ng mga monopolies spa, ang lahat sa mga kamay: lamang ng Rothschid), sa paraang ito, ang mga ito: sa sandaling muli, sisihin ang mga Kristiyano, para sa: sa pagpuksa: Holocaust napipintong: laban sa, Israel, habang, world War III, ang bagong Holocaust, bilang: isang beses, ang kanilang ginawa: pagkatapos, ang Ikalawang Digmaang mundo. nakita na: sa French Revolution, hindi pa umiiral, isang patakaran: maaari itong maging sa ilalim ng kontrol ng mga Kristiyano sa West! na ang dahilan kung bakit ang mga Pariseo at Salafists: dapat sentenced sa kamatayan! dahil, pagkakaroon ng dialogue sa kanila ay imposible
[Caliphate sa buong mundo, tulad ng: diskarte ng agresibong digmaan] ay lubos Islamophobia: Pantay, dahil: iyon: ang aming Islamic islamists, kasapakat, matulog sila magaling: para sa, ang mga krimen: na, Ang kanilang Islamic: commit: lahat, sa Middle East, laban, ang mga Kristiyano, Aling ang dahilan kung bakit, magkakaroon ng isang masakit na kinakailangan, bigla at dramatiko na paggising. Ito ang aming klase nakapangyayari, Aling, tulad ng, magkaayos na may terorista, nang hindi pagharap sa: ang problema ng pagkakaugnay-ugnay: isang totoong masama at criminally complicit: maling konsepto: ng: "kapayapaan", habang: maraming, masyadong maraming inosenteng Christian martir, Ang kanilang mahanap ang kapayapaan sa mga sementeryo. Sa katunayan, mga Kristiyano sa Palestinian teritoryo (sa ibaba, Yasser Arafat), ay nagkaroon upang tumakas en masse, habang ang natitirang mga Kristiyano, sila ay ma-pinilit bilang dhimmis, alipin, paksa, Isinumite Gayundin, ang mga ito, sa Islamic batas. Bakit pagkatapos, Europa ay patuloy na magiging kaaway ng Israel, at isang kasapakat ng Nasismo, ang Palestinians, at ng lahat ng mga bansa ngayon sa pamamagitan ng Islamized ang Arab League?
[Caliphate sa buong mundo, Islam, tulad ng: diskarte ng agresibo digmaan, at WEST: higit pa at higit pang mga kriminal], nahimok natatangay ng agos sa pamamagitan ng mga Hudyo banking lobby: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pariseo, international bankers, na nag-sinumpaang galit, walang hanggan: laban sa : Kristiyanismo, itulak ang kanilang mga sarili, malaki-laking, out: mula sa sibilisasyon: Jewish - Christian, para sa sila ay naging: ang tunay na mga kaaway, ng kaligtasan ng buhay ng Israel. Ito West: ng mga mason at parang demonyo, mahiwaga kapangyarihan Bildenberg na: tanggihan ang kanilang sariling mga halaga, at: betrays kanyang sariling pagkakakilanlan, ng: isang Europa inabandunang sa limot, kaya kriminal upang maging: maging, bingi ... at mismo: uhaw sa dugo kalaban, kasapakat: ng bawat paglabag: relihiyoso kalayaan, parehong sa labas ng hangganan nito, parehong sa loob ng: nito hangganan, dahil kung ito ay totoo, na: Mga Muslim ay ang aming kapatid na lalaki, gayunpaman, ay totoo rin na,
[Ang caliphate sa buong mundo, ng: Obama] ay hindi mahirap na makahanap ng ebidensya na ito: sakuna pantao trahedya, kung saan ang: Talmud IMF: ECB FED, USA CIA UN, NATO, ay complicit. ng mga ito barbarismo: sibil, relihiyon, kultura, na plunged: mundo ang: ang Arab-Muslim, sa mga biktima upang ideological panatismo: Islamic extremists: at relihiyon hindi pagpaparaan: nito dictatorships sa kapangyarihan. [Europa responsibilidad: ngayon hostages ng Illuminati Bildenber: ikaw ang malaking] sa harap ng patuloy na pag-uusig at ang patuloy na: araw-araw humiliations, na ang lahat ng mga Kristiyano sa ilalim ng Islamic regimes, at sa lahat ng bagay: ang Gitnang Silangan, ang mga ito ay napipilitang mabuhay at magdusa, dahil: Europa ay may sakit, na ganito: relatibismo Binulag: sa, ang mahusay na ideya ng multiculturalism, na kung saan, gayunpaman, ay hindi maaaring natanto: walang: ang konsepto ng katumbasan
[Obama at ang kanyang mga plano sa pagkalipol, ng mga Kristiyano, at ng Shiites, sa Gitnang Silangan] bago, ng Arab pananakop: Islam at sa ikapitong siglo, ang mga Kristiyano na binubuo, 95%, ng populasyon, ng Mediterranean: at timog silangan ng Mediterranean. ngunit, ngayon, na may mas kaunti, mas mababa, 12. milyon, na nahulog, nang masakit na mas mababa sa 6%, siyempre, sa 2020, magkakaroon ng hindi hihigit Kristiyano sa Gitnang Silangan! Mula sa Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig: 10 milyong mga Kristiyano ay na-sapilitang upang dumayo. Ito ang patunay ng Satanism, at: kriminal kabangisan, dell'imbarbarimento, hindi lamang, ng Arab League, ngunit, higit sa lahat, ang kanyang accomplices, ang Freemasons, ang mga Pariseo, Illuminati, Bildenberg, mahiwaga kapangyarihan, na kung saan, sa isang tahimik pagtatagumpay: kinuha kapangyarihan: sa lahat ng mga maling democracies ng mga mason: ng mga karapatan ng senyor banking.
1. [Iglesia (Christian martir) ay inuusig sa Gitnang Silangan: sa: gawin ang buong mundo caliphate] 2. [Iglesia (Christian martir) ay inuusig, lahat ng dako ng mundo para sa mga ito: ang Talmud ng mga Pariseo: sa sistema ng mga mason: para sa mga karapatan ng senyor banking:. Mang-alipin sa lahat ng tao, at upang sirain Israel] 3. [Iglesia (Christian martir) ay inuusig ng lahat ng relihiyon, at komunismo. ] Kami ay witnessing kaya natatakot, sa mga pag-uusig at mass pag-aalisan ng mga Kristiyano mula sa Gitnang Silangan, kung saan ay ang tunay na natives ng rehiyon, dahil sa pagkaka-intindi: na: ay satanizzata: tungkol sa, Islam: ng Arab League, at ang kanyang : CIA, ang lahat ng mga Nazis, ang Nazis Islamists, talagang hindi nagpaparaan, at, mabigong igalang ang karangalan at mga karapatan ng mga tao tao. nang naaayon, sila itago ang totoong dahilan kung bakit ang Israelis ay napipilitang maging gayon "mahirap" laban sa Palestinians.
@ YHWH -
@ YHWH - have ""offended" "trampling"": the virtues. extolled vice, are the accomplices of too: innocent blood! here's why: "unius REI" I have decided: to hit to death: all of them. Amen in Jesus's name: allelluia: hallelujah
e se i massoni austriaci sono ancora i ptrioti e non i traditori della PATRIA che voi siete diventati? ] [ Migranti: Italia, no barriere Brennero, Lettera congiunta Gentiloni-Alfano a Ue, 12 aprile 2016
Maçons Satanist Rothschild abominable PHARISEE TALMUD 666 ENLIGHTENED SPA FED NWO. why you will kill ISRAEL?
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu ] il buco del culo: è un arma letale di distruzione di massa, è assai più pericolosa dell'Olocausto nucleare! infatti, i Sodomiti hanno meritato il Diluvio Universale, e la distruzione delle città della valle di Sodoma, poi, dicono che sia stato il cristianesimo a distruggere l'Impero Romano: "NO L'IMPERO ROMANO È STATO DISTRUTTO DAI SODOMITI" ed infatti anche la CIVILTà della GRECIA classica è stata distrutta dai sodomiti e come tutti sanno, i cristiani non esistevano ancora! Infatti, la omosessualità ideologica o sodomia: apre spontaneamente al satanismo e a tutte le perversioni sessuali! DIRANNO ANCHE CHE È STATO UNIUS REI: A DISTRUGGERE IL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE! tutto falso: SONO STATI I SODOMITI!
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
OCCIDENTE non sopravviverà al suo satanismo! i demoni come balie si porteranno a passeggio il vostro cervello! Realtà aumentata e video 'hard', ci prova il sito PornHub, Apre canale gratis per video a 360 gradi, si vedono con visori, [ MA, LO STATO MASSONE GENDER ANTICRISTO BILDENBERG FARISEO ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? DOVREBBE PROIBIRE QUESTE COSE, se è vero che, non ha deciso di far morire tutti all'inferno della guerra mondiale!
quindi secondo questo articolo è ERDOGAN USA CIA che rifornisce anche ISIS, senza i RUSSI? oggi dominerebbero incontrastati in Siria grazie ad ERDOGAN ] [ 08/04/2016 - SIRIA ] [ Conflitto siriano, i ribelli strappano allo Stato islamico il controllo di al-Rai. La cittadina del nord si torva lungo la direttrice che collega Siria e Turchia. Una rotta strategica per il passaggio di merci e rifornimenti. Un successo importante in vista della battaglia principale per il controllo di Aleppo. Alla periferia di Damasco i jihadisti attaccano una fabbrica e sequestrano 200 operai.
Washington has had it's attention brought to your crap. Your time is limited.~
USA 666 UK SHARIA NATO, e tutti gli alleati massoni del cazzo di Satana Allah, che finiranno per uccidere Europa e Israele
USA CALIFFATO SAUDITA TURCO HANNO PROGETTATO DI METTERE LE MANI SUL PAPA E DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA ] [ 20/07/2015 LIBIA. Libia, i miliziani dello Stato islamico sequestrano tre immigrati cristiani. Il rapimento è avvenuto nella zona orientale, nei pressi di Sirte. Nel mirino un cittadino egiziano, un nigeriano e un ghanese. I jihadisti hanno diffuso le foto dei loro passaporti. In passato la Libia è stata teatro della decapitazione di una ventina di cristiani copti. Sempre ieri rapiti quattro lavoratori italiani.
Siria, jet russi fermano attacchi di al-Nusra contro le forze curde ] [ tutti i Curdi che Hollande e Cameron vogliono far sterminare da Erdogan!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] IS SPA FED Rothschild sharia Satanists your penis NWO?
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] Obama? a casa sua: comanda la moglie, e al Pentagono comanda Bush: 322 il satanista: "IL TESCHIO CON LE OSSA DEI PIRATI"! Forse Donald Trump, potrebbe dare una dritta, a questa nazione MALEFICATA e venduta a Satana dai Farisei del Talmud Spa FED! NON C'È NESSUNO CHE PUÒ SPERARE QUALCOSA DI POSITIVO DAI SACERDOTI DI SATANA DELLA CIA: "CACCIATELI!"
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] in effetti, Dio JHWH in ISRAELE ha detto: "QUELLO È IL MAR CINESE MERIDIONALE!" [ ma, se per pura ipotesi voi vinceste questa guerra, non si prenderebbero tutte le miniere e i giacimenti, gli USA: i sacerdoti di satana, come spese di guerra? IN OGNI CASO, SIA in caso di: VINCITA che, COME, in caso di: PERDITA, A VOI RIMARREBBERO SOLTANTO, I CADAVERI E LA DISTRUZIONE TOTALE! voi che dite? "forse un brutto accordo è sempre meglio di una guerra?"
MY ISRAEL ] 0286891021 [ io non credo, che, 666 CIA abbiano la speranza di potermi intimidire, io credo, piuttosto, che, per una tecnologia elettronica, loro possono trasformare un cellulare telefono, in un microfono ambientale! MA, QUESTO È del TUTTO INUTILE, PERCHÉ NON POSSONO ASCOLTARE I MIEI PENSIERI, SE, IO NON LI HO PUBBLICATI.. che, poi, è proprio questo il divertimento!
CONOSCO UNA PERSONA CHE HA DETTO: "VOGLIO TUTTO IO!" PRIMA DI MORIRE, LUI È STATO PAZZO PER 10 ANNI, ED ORA È ALL'INFERNO! GLI USA E I LORO ALLEATI MASSONI SONO AVVISATI! Il ministero degli Esteri cinese ha più volte sottolineato che la gestione economica di Pechino sulle isole nel Mar Cinese Meridionale "non è diretta contro paesi terzi e niente influisce su di loro". Gli Stati Uniti, a loro volta, hanno condotto diverse pattuglie nei pressi delle zone contese sotto la bandiera delle "operazioni in difesa della libertà di navigazione". Per Pechino si tratta di una violazione della sua sovranità. Nell'ottobre 2015 il comandante della Marina Militare cinese ha fatto sapere ai colleghi americani che "un piccolo incidente nella regione potrebbe provocare una guerra", ma il Pentagono non pianifica di abbandonare le manovre nel Mar Cinese Meridionale: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160412/2464584/mccain-washington-pechino.html#ixzz45dQE3PW2
IL SACERDOTE DI SATANA John McCain ( QUELLO CHE SI È INCONTRATO IN UN BAR TURCO CON, quello che sarebbe diventato: il FUTURO CALIFFO DELLO ISIS DAESH STATO ISLAMICO): ha detto: "Washington deve essere pronta a reagire alle pretese di Pechino!" [ e questo è vero, perché, gli USA SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, e il loro governo mondiale massonico, sono, GIÀ i soli padroni del mondo! QUINDI, CHE PRETESE POTREBBE AVERE LA CINA O CHIUNQUE ALTRO? ] Secondo il senatore dell’Arizona la Cina continua la “militarizzazione” della situazione nella regione e si prepara ad estendere la cotraerea su tutto il Mar Cinese Meridionale, perciò Washington deve essere pronto per un’immediata, dura reazione alle “ambizioni” di Pechino.
se i massoni europei non distruggono la NATO, e non fanno una alleanza militare con la Russia? NON SARÀ POSSIBILE SALVARE I POPOLI EUROPEI DA UN IMMANE MASSACRO! PERCHÉ, I VERI NEMICI DELLE DEMOCRAZIE OCCIDENTALI SONO USA E LORO LEGA ARABA! ] [ La situazione “congelata” delle sanzioni tra Russia e Occidente. 12.04.2016 In Occidente le sanzioni non hanno portato i risultati sperati, ma hanno solo influito negativamente sull’economia di molti paesi.
ME, LO HA SEMPRE DETTO, il sacerdote di satana, ex-Direttore, di youtube: Synnek1 666, che, io ho fatto licenziare, ed oggi lui è: 187AudioHostem: "ogni resistenza è inutile!" .. MA, IO HO DECISO CHE NON DEVE ESSERE COSÌ! PERCHÉ, IO FARÒ UCCIDE, OVUNQUE, IN TUTTO IL MONDO! FINCHÉ L'IRA DI DIO NON SIA PLACATA!
ARRIVERÀ IL MOMENTO, IN CUI, IO VEDRÒ TUTTI I LEADER EUROPEI (I MASSONI DEL SISTEMA POLITICO FINANZIARIO) TUTTI GIUSTIZIATI PER ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE: E QUINDI CONDANNATI A MORTE DA TRIBUNALI POPOLARI RIVOLUZIONARI! Naftogaz: il Nord Stream 2 sarebbe la nostra rovina, 12.04.2016 La costruzione del secondo tronco del Nord Stream, secondo l’amministratore delegato della Naftogaz, potrebbe essere completata entro il 2019 e provocherà all’Ucraina chiari problemi, in particolare, con gli acquisti di gas in Europa.
E QUESTO È VERO: c'è un conflitto: sharia Turchia ISIS, contro i CURDI, dato che tutti gli altri dhimmi, hanno già subito il genocidio sharia! Ora, soltanto Dio e Putin, possono salvare i Curdi dal genocidio, così come sono stritolati su due fronti: contemporaneamente! ] [ 12.04.2016
Ancora un attentato contro la polizia turca a Diyarbakir: due morti e una cinquantina di feriti. Ankara accusa il Pkk.
#CINA, #RUSSIA #ISRAELE ] [ un attacco nucleare preventivo: SU SCALA MONDIALE, è la nostra unica speranza PER POTER SOPRAVVIVERE COME GENERE UMANO LIBERO! ] Hiroshima, Kerry: "Guerra ultima risorsa". Storica visita al Memoriale che apre la strada a Obama
mi diverte, osservare: quella feccia di OBAMA attore Hollywood, e osservare il fatto che: sono i SATANISTI MASSONI: regime sharia Bildenberg: alto tradimento costituzionale contro la sovranità monetaria dei popoli, magia nera kabbalah, talmud satanico, Gender teosofia demoniaca, tutti i loro: FARISEI SALAFITI, la totale aberrazione dei diritti umanistici e identitari, proprio loro: la negazione della autodeterminazione dei popoli: cioè, il NWO Spa Banche Centrali, che, si siano impegnati a far sparire i Dittatori, ed ogni forma di pluralismo, nel mondo, come ogni traccia di società: post larvatamente ebraico cristiana! Corea Nord: Lincoln per criticare Obama: Lettera ipotetica, 'Pyongyang non crollerà malgrado sanzioni' CERTO, CHE LA COREA DEL NORD, ECC.. DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTA, MA, SOLTANTO IO, POSSO DECIDERE: CHI, COME E QUANDO, DEVE MORIRE: PERCHÉ, IO SONO IL REGNO DI ISRAELE, CIOÈ io sono il REGNO DI DIO JHWH, IN FORMA POLITICA SULLA TERRA!
ONU: i nuovi diritti umani universali del Gufo Allah Baal SpA FED? ONU è un sharia terrorista, di Sodoma culto Darwin: il più perfetto altare di satana: della storia del genere umano, mentre, gli USA islamici: sono i sacerdoti Satanisti: Farisei satanisti massoni salafiti! Quindi, la Merkel: Pravy Secotor, golpe Kiev, cecchini Cia a Maidan, ecc..? dopo Ban-Kimono GENDER? questa è la scelta giusta per me!
non ho un problema contro GAY e loro associazioni, anzi io li amo! MA, SE NON RINUNCIANO ALLA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER CHE È TEOSOFIA SATANICA, APOLOGIA DI REATO E PURO TERRORISMO CONTRO LA LEGGE NATURALE, POI, IL CONTRATTO PATTO SOCIALE ANDRÀ DISTRUTTO, CON ESITI SOCIALI DRAMMATICI! Assegnati ad Arcigay beni confiscati alla mafia, Prima volta ad associazione immobili sottratti a Cosa nostra
quando Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi Presidente dell'Egitto, mandò le "teste di quoio" in Libia, a vendicare i suoi cristiani copti, che, sharia ISIS aveva sgozzato sul mare? Tutta la shaaria LEGA ARABA lo rimproverò e dissero: "NOI SIAMO PERSONE SERIE!", infatti, quello che al-Sisi aveva fatto, prima di pugnalare la Russia alle spalle? era troppo grave! Perché, ISIS, non può e non deve essere fermato da USA e Lega ARABA, in Libia come altrove!
gli USA oggi sono nel mondo il vero volto del NAZISMO! il regime massonico Bildenberg: il vero volto del NAZISMO È IN USA ] Protesta a Capitol Hill, 400 arresti. "Basta corruzione del denaro in politica, elezioni siano libere" La protesta a Capitol Hill: WASHINGTON. 12 aprile 2016 [ Oltre 400 attivisti sono stati arrestati mentre manifestavano pacificamente davanti a Capitol Hill con striscioni e cartelli ''per chiedere al Congresso di agire subito per far cessare la corruzione del denaro nella nostra politica e per garantire elezioni libere e imparziali'', ha spiegato Democracy sprint, il gruppo organizzatore. Il numero di arresti e' uno dei piu' grossi degli ultimi anni. L'accusa, ha reso noto la polizia, e' di manifestazione illegale.
USA SHARIA ONU ] tutto quello che io vi devo fare? è già stato scritto in Apocalisse!
perché la Comunità internazionale non è riuscita a fermare i terroristi, e la RUSSIA ci è riuscita in pochi mesi? È CHIARO: È LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CHE SONO I TERRORISTI ISLAMICI! E QUESTO ARTICOLO LO DIMOSTRA! SONO TUTTI ATTI DI DEPISTAGGIO, E DI DISSIMULAZIONE, PER INGANNARE LA OPINIONE PUBBLICA! NON SI È VOLUTO COLPIRE ISIS INTENZIONALMENTE, PER OTTENERE IL GENOCIDIO DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI, E SOLTANTO, SECONDARIAMENTE, LO SI È FATTO PER DANNEGGIARE GLI SCIITI! E POICHÉ, TUTTE LE ARMI E I FINANZIAMENTI DI USA SONO PASSATI AD ISIS? POI, È proprio ONU IL PIÙ GRANDE TERRORISTA DEL MONDO! ISTANBUL, 12 APR - Almeno 6 persone sono rimaste ferite stamani nella provincia di confine turca di Kilis da 3 colpi di mortaio sparati da zone del nord della Siria sotto il controllo dell'Isis. Lo ha reso noto il governatore locale, Suleyman Tapsiz, secondo cui 3 dei colpiti sono in gravi condizioni. Ieri altri 5 razzi katiuscia, sparati sempre dalla Siria, avevano raggiunta la stessa zona, ferendo 12 persone. L'esercito di Ankara aveva risposto al fuoco secondo le regole d'ingaggio, come sempre in caso di attacchi simili.
La mamma di Regeni: "Grazie per avere adottato il mio Giulio" ] NON ESISTE UNA VERITÀ ALTERNATIVA: ARABIA SAUDITA su mandato USA, CONTROLLA EGITTO COME OGNI ALTRO GOVERNO DELLA LEGA ARABA, .. ORA, Israele e il GENERE UMANO? devono TREMARE! Un commentatore di spicco del più diffuso Al Ahram ha velatamente attaccato il dicastero in prima linea nelle indagini ("perché il ministro dell'Interno non parla del funzionamento del suo ministero?"). Il concorrente Al-Akhbar invece ha sostenuto che la tortura a morte del giovane ricercatore friulano è "un crimine perpetrato da cospiratori che vogliono nuocere alle relazioni italo-egiziane".
QUANDO LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE, ONU, cioè, tutti i DIRITTI umani UNIVERSALI di Talmud SpA FED SATANA NWO, HA DECISO CHE: TURCHIA E ARABIA SAUDITA: AVREBBERO AVUTO IL DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, DI POTER AGGREDIRE LE NAZIONI, ATTRAVERSO, IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO? VERRÀ IL GIORNO CHE, TUTTI VOI COMPARIRETE TUTTI A RISPONDERE DEI VOSTRI DELITTI DAVANTI AL MIO TRIBUNALE! ] [ Siria: continua flusso armi e militanti al Nusra attraverso confine turco. 12.04.2016. Siria, Stato Maggiore russo: continua flusso armi e militanti aL-Nusra attraverso confine turco. Il flusso di armi e militanti di rinforzo del gruppo terroristico al-Nusra continua attraverso il confine turco-siriano, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti. "Nonostante i progressi nell'attuazione del regime di cessate il fuoco, le forniture di armi e militanti dalla parte turca del confine, continuano a rafforzare i terroristi Nusra, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti", ha detto Sergei Rudskoy, capo della principale direzione operativa dello Stato Maggiore russo.Lo ha affermato lo Stato Maggiore russo. Il regime di cessate il fuoco mediato è entrata in vigore il 27 febbraio.
COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI! tutti quelli che vanno nei paradisi fiscali sono evasori! QUINDI PERCHÉ CI VA IL FONDO MONETARIO INTERNAZIONALE, A RICICLARE TUTTI I PROVENTI DEL SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO? L'OBIETTIVO DI SOROS ERA QUELLO DI DISTRUGGERE I PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN UK, PER CONCENTRARE TUTTE LE RICCHEZZE NEI PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN USA! ] MA, IO NON SO QUESTI: PUGNALATORI DI ALLEATI DEL CAZ*O, QUESTI FARISEI TALMUD LUCIFERINI, CHE TIPO DI CAZ*OINCULO POSSONO RICEVERE ADESSO dai loro ex-alleati UK! [ "Complimenti signor premier — ha attaccato nel corso di un acceso dibattito Jeremy Corbin — lei è un maestro di mistificazione della realtà, ma la gente è esasperata dall'evasione fiscale dopo sei anni di austerità". Panama Papers, la difesa di Cameron. 12.04.2016. Il primo ministro britannico alla Camera dei Comuni: false le accuse contro mio padre. Ora maggiore contrasto all'evasione internazionale. Corbin: da Cameron mistificazione della realtà. COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI!
Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
Regeni: la madre, grazie per aver adottato il mio Giulio
Regeni 'non è caso isolato', 15 desaparecidos recenti
Regeni: Massari, l'ambasciatore in prima linea per la verità
Regeni: famiglia amareggiata, "Italia non si fermi"
Su Regeni è crisi diplomatica tra Italia e Egitto
Regeni: ecco le misure in mano all'Italia
Regeni, Renzi: 'A fianco dei pm, non consentiremo di svicolare'
Caso Regeni: Italia-Egitto, tra verità e depistaggi
Caso Regeni, il comunicato della Procura dopo il vertice Italia-Egitto
Caso Regeni: l'Italia pronta a nuove misure, l'Egitto 'irritato'
Regeni: fallito vertice magistrati Italia-Egitto
VIDEOCaso Regeni, 'dossier ancora incompleto'
Caso Regeni, "dossier ancora incompleto"
Investigatori romani al vertice Italia-Egitto su Regeni
Caso Regeni, vertice a Roma con inquirenti egiziani
FORSE QUESTO FILM VUOLE DIRE CHE: LE BANCHE SONO LA MAFIA PIÙ GRANDE, MA LA MAFIA CERCA IL POTERE, IL DENARO, MENTRE: NESSUNO PUÒ DIRE CHE LE NOSTRE BANCHE SONO UNA RELIGIONE: SONO IL SATANISMO CULTUALE, E COME, L'ALTARE DI SATANA È IL LORO CUORE! TALE È IL SATANISMO, esso NON CERCA IL POTERE E LA RICCHEZZA che, il NWO massonico regime Bildenberg HA GIÀ: di suo: IN MODO ASSOLUTO, in realtà, IL NWO È LUCIFERO, e LUI VUOLE TUTTE LE VOSTRE ANIME, tutti con LUI atterriti e disperati allo INFERNO: in attesa di essere disintegrati nel giorno del giudizio universale! quindi, QUESTA DELLA FED SPA FMI, È UNA GUERRA PER POSSEDERE LE ANIME, E DA QUESTO PUNTO DI VISTA, NONOSTANTE I LORO DELITTI ABERRANTI GLI ISLAMICI, SONO GLI UNICI CHE, STANNO FACENDO IL DOPPIO GIOCO CONTRO IL NWO: L'IMPERO DEL TALMUD DI ROTHSCHILD 322 BUSH! ] [ Servillo, un monaco contro le banche. Nel film, in odor di Cannes, anche Daniel Auteuil e Favino Servillo http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cultura/cinema/2016/04/11/servillo-monaco-contro-le-banche_66280d71-9734-4ce9-bd26-3a39910acd66.html 12 aprile 2016
è un film denuncia alla: Elio Petri e estetica alla: Paolo Sorrentino, arriva nelle sale il 21 aprile distribuito da 01 'Le confessioni', film contro le banche e il potere finanziario in odor di Cannes. ''Mi sembrava naturale proseguire sulle cose che mi assillano da sempre e fare una ricognizione sul potere e sull'economia oggi in crisi...''Voi avete un sistema perfetto: quello della mafia. Le banche come la mafia non devono dare conto a nessuno''. Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
QUALE PUÒ ESSERE L'OBIETTIVO DEI "FRATELLI MUSULMANI (I TERRORISTI)"? il genocidio di tutti i cristiani e di tutti gli ebrei in tutto il mondo: OVVIAMENTE! Ma, #Salman e #Rothschild non possono dire pubblicamente che: 1. il NWO è anche il CALIFFATO; e che, 2. questo genocidio si sta compiendo velocemente, ed anche in tempi molto rapidi! ] SI, È vero: #SALMAN VUOLE DARE UNA LEZIONE, PUNIZIONE a IRAN, ma, NON È NEI PROGETTI del loro Allah Rothschild SATANA, di fare il genocidio sistematico degli SCIITI, PERCHÉ QUESTI, conflitti, OMICIDI, di tipo CONFESSIONALe sono molto utili per la realizzazione del Califfato mondiale, cioè, FANNO SPARIRE molto velocemente, i dhimmi da TUTTO IL MONDO! SCIITI E SUNNITI SONO I DUE LATI DELLA MEDAGLIA PER LA REALIZZIONE DEL CALIFFATO MONDIALE: quindi non è seria la loro ostilità! 12/04/2016 - SAUDI ARABIA - EGYPT. Cairo and Riyadh: investments and territorial arrangements to counter Iran.
The Saudi king has made a "historic" five-day visit to Egypt, where he signed new trade agreements and proposed a peaceful future for Sunni nations. The Muslim Brotherhood unhappy: "We are being used to achieve political goals and then abandoned." Among the joint projects, a "bridge" across the Red Sea. 12/04/2016 - ARABIA SAUDITA – EGITTO. Cairo e Riyadh: investimenti e accordi territoriali per fare fronte contro l'Iran. Il re saudita ha compiuto una "storica" visita di cinque giorni in Egitto, dove ha siglato nuovi accordi commerciali e prospettato un futuro di pace alle nazioni sunnite. I Fratelli Musulmani scontenti: "Veniamo usati per raggiungere scopi politici e poi abbandonati". Fra i progetti congiunti, un "ponte" sul Mar rosso.
il bullismo islamico, non potrebbe esistere se: intenzionalmente, UE e USA non erano i 666 Talmud Farisei satanisti massoni: tutti usurai culto SpA FED: regime BILDENBERG, che stermineranno i popoli europei (in una guerra fratricida contro la Russia): ed annienteranno ogni presenza ebraico-cristiana nel mondo! ] MA, SE LA RUSSIA VIENE AGGREDITA? POI, LA ARABIA SAUDITA DIVENTERÀ IL LUOGO PIÙ RADIOATTIVO DI TUTTO IL PIANETA! 11/04/2016 - MALAYSIA. Sharia-compliant Rayani Air grounded for failing to follow aviation rules. Malaysian aviation authorities imposed a three-month suspension on the carrier for contravening “civil aviation regulations”. Launched in December, Rayani requires Muslim female crewmembers to wear the hijab, offers only halal food, and bans alcohol
11/04/2016. MALAYSIA. Malaysia, segue le regole della sharia ma non quelle civili: fermata la Rayani Air. Il Dipartimento dell’aviazione ha revocato la concessione di volo alla compagnia per tre mesi, per “contravvenzione alle regole”. Fondata a dicembre, la Rayani esige che le hostess musulmane indossino l’hijab, che i cibi serviti in volo siano halal e che il consumo di alcol sia vietato.
#sALMAN #ERDOGAN #Shaaria #ISLAMICI sono ladri stupratori terroristi pirati e assassini, perché, questa è la natura del loro satana Allah Akbar! 11/04/2016. BANGLADESH. Wife of Protestant minister raped to seize their land. The victim was attacked in her own home. Her screams attracted the attention of her husband, who prevented her murder. The four rapists are local thugs, well-known land grabbers. Police refuse to file the case until after local elections (not scheduled for many months). For Catholic activist, "This is totally immoral.” For her, police “are working for the criminals and violating human rights.”
Bangladesh, vogliono rubarle la terra: stuprata la moglie di un pastore protestante. La donna è stata aggredita nella propria abitazione e le sue urla hanno attirato l’attenzione del marito, che ne ha impedito l’uccisione. I quattro stupratori sono malviventi locali, noti per essere influenti espropriatori di terreni. La polizia ha rifiutato di registrare il caso, almeno fino al termine delle elezioni locali (tra diversi mesi). Attivista cattolica: “Questo è del tutto immorale. La polizia è connivente e viola i diritti umani”.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
#Obama, se, noi diaciamo che: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!" poi, noi giustamente, noi saremo puniti! Ma, se Erdogan dice: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!", e sua moglie dice: "l'HAREM è una buona esperienza per imparare ad essere donne!" POI, NOI A QUESTE BESTIE, LE FACCIAMO ENTRARE, anche in EUROPA: perché quella è la loro cultura e noi non possiamo essere islamofobici. TRA LA NOSTRA COLPA, che diventa una VIRTÙ ISLAMICa: voi del relativismo e del pratito democratico: voi QUANTI MILIONI DI MARTIRI CRISTIANI, voi mi avete UCCISO IN QUESTI 30NNI?
#SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] tu hai detto, che le donne che guidano la macchina da sole, sono le prede del diavolo! Ma se tu ti prendi 4 mogli, e poi, non le riesci a soddisfare tutte sessualmente? poi, la preda del demonio? sei proprio tu!
Abu Antar 2 giorni fa
John Kerry is a homosexual.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[non si parla mai della "nazione" siriana, bensì della "patria" siriana, che fa parte della "nazione araba". ma, senza libertà di religione, questa, del Califfato Mondiale, è una congiura, contro, Israele e contro, tutto il Genere Umano] 07/09/2011. SIRIA. La Siria e il "no" alla Lega araba: è in gioco il panarabismo. L'emiro del Qatar, lo sceicco Hamad Ben Khalifa al-Thani, il quale era, fino all'inizio di quest'anno, un amico politico del presidente al-Assad, ma poi è stato il primo capo di Stato arabo a chiudere la sua ambasciata a Damasco, il 5 settembre scorso dichiarava: "In Siria le uccisioni sono quotidiane. Ma è chiaro che il popolo siriano non rinuncerà alle sue rivendicazioni. La questione è di sapere come uscire da questo blocco".[ecco perché Iran e Saudi Arabia, sono una sola CONGIURA, CONTRO ISRAELE]
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[non si parla mai della "nazione" siriana, bensì della "patria" siriana, che fa parte della "nazione araba". ma, senza libertà di religione, questa, del Califfato Mondiale, è una congiura, contro, Israele e contro, tutto il Genere Umano] Nel testo dell'iniziativa della Lega araba, c'è da sottolineare l'espressione "intervento straniero". Nel vocabolario arabo del Medio Oriente, "straniero" vuol dire "non arabo". Difatti, c'è, in Siria un notevole orgoglio patriottico, che, si rifiuta di accettare un intervento "straniero" (cioè, in pratica, "occidentale", che, vuol dire americano/europeo), orgoglio che, si ritrova sia nei partigiani del regime, sia nell'opposizione. Invece, un intervento arabo (terroristi jihasti di AlQaida,) sarebbe - secondo alcuni - accettabile, nell'ambito del "nazionalismo arabo" che, congloba tutti i Paesi arabi. [ecco perché Iran e Saudi Arabia, sono una sola CONGIURA, CONTRO ISRAELE]
187AUDIOHOSTEM 2 giorni fa
Dear Mr. Hussein: [You Can't Kill What Can't Be Killed]
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
CIA DATAGATE, 666, 187AUDIOHOSTEM, he was, "Synnek1," but before That, he was Mistafield [three years ago, I said!] "Real mistafield could translate the Italian.'re Not him mistafield, true was killed - ANSWER - - [THIS iS THE TRUTH, I HAVE SEEN TOO MANY SATANISTS, DEATH, in all these years!]
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
666, 187AUDIOHOSTEM, lui era, "Synnek1" (lui è, il satanismo istituzionale, nel Governo Mondiale, e, Massonico, di youtube), lui ha fatto chiudere a tradimento, molti dei miei siti! 2 years ago, he said: "your mind is listening deceptive ....>;-) - ANSWER - TU did you see? Once, a long time ago, you were asking me, the intelligent questions, theology, etc.. ... but, your mind has been corrupted, and you are no longer suitable .. you became a fag intellectual! -- ANSWER -- TU hai visto? una volta, tanto tempo fa, tu chiedevi a me, delle domande intelligenti, sulla teologia, psicologia, ecc.. .. ma, ora la tua mente è stata danneggiata, e tu non sei più idoneo .. tu sei diventato un frocio intellettuale!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[SAUDI ARABIA - ISLAM] [Saudi murderess, Grand Mufti] [Sheikh Abdulaziz al-Sheikh] -- ANSWER -- [as, it exists, one and only, Kingdom of Satan, and, Pharisees, are the "Great Satan", so, there is, only one" Worldwide Caliphate, and, Saudi Arabia is, "little satan] [you recognize, your Satanism, or, I I'll be forced to do kill you!] [not even a grain of sand, you can save, of all your wicked world!] [come esiste, un solo ed unico, Regno di Satana, e i farisei sono il "GRande Satana, così esiste un solo unico "Califfato Mondiale, e l'Arabia Saudita è il piccolo satana] [tu riconosci il tuo satanismo, oppure, io sarò costretto, a farti uccidere!] [neanche, un granello di sabbia, si potrà salvare, del tuo mondo malvagio!]
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
09/18/2013 SAUDI ARABIA - ISLAM. Saudi Grand Mufti warns against "attacking Muslims, and, those under Muslim protection".. Sheikh Abdulaziz al-Sheikh, condemns fighting, within, Islam, and, against, non-Muslim Arabs. He calls on Muslims, to stay away, from, "extremists [who] have invented, the pretext of 'takfir' (the charge of apostasy), which, makes light of the killing, of Muslims, and, others who are protected". -- answer -- coglione! tu sei la malattia! tu non puoi prevedere, una società, in cui una minoranza, abbia bisogno di essere protetta!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] 19/09/2013 10:12. Corea del Nord, l'Onu accusa: Violenze nei lager di Stato anche contro neonati, La Commissione varata dalle Nazioni Unite ha raccolto le testimonianze dei sopravvissuti ai gulag del regime dei Kim. Neonati affogati, invasioni di parassiti ed esecuzioni pubbliche per i "colpevoli" di crimini politici o sociali. Pyongyang rigetta le accuse. New York (AsiaNews) - Bambini affogati subito dopo la nascita, persone uccise davanti a centinaia di testimoni, baracche invase dai parassiti. È la vita nei lager della Corea del Nord, raccontata dai sopravvissuti a una Commissione di inchiesta delle Nazioni Unite che cerca di fare luce sulle atrocità commesse dal regime di Kim Jong-un.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] Michael Kirby, ex giudice della Corte Suprema australiana oggi Commissario Onu, ha raccolto le testimonianze di ex detenuti ed esuli fuggiti dalla persecuzione di uno dei governi più repressivi al mondo. Il lavoro di Kirby rientra nella missione delle Nazioni Unite varata a marzo: il Consiglio per i diritti umani del Palazzo di vetro ha infatti approvato un anno di inchieste sulla Corea del Nord: "Le testimonianze raccolte fino a ora evidenziano violazioni diffuse e molto serie in tutti gli ambiti della vita umana. Cerchiamo di creare una lista di funzionari che si sono macchiati di queste atrocità, in modo da poter un giorno chiedere conto di quanto sta avvenendo nel Paese".
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] La Commissione ha ascoltato i sopravvissuti ai campi di lavoro del regime: "Hanno subito atrocità che a volte non possiamo neanche descrivere. Alcuni di loro, a causa della 'trasmissione di colpevolezza' predicata da Pyongyang, hanno sofferto fame e violenza sin dalla nascita". Il riferimento è alla dottrina ideata dal "padre della patria" Kim Il-sung, secondo il quale per ogni colpevole di reati politici o civili "vanno punite tre generazioni, che [si intende] si sono macchiate dello stesso crimine per associazione familiare". Fra i racconti - raccolti per la maggior parte dagli esuli che oggi vivono in Giappone o in Corea del Sud -
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] quelli più cruenti sono stati presentati da un uomo imprigionato sin dalla nascita, che ha vissuto mangiando lucertole ed è stato costretto a guardare l'esecuzione della madre e del fratello; da una donna che ha aiutato la compagna di cella, su ordine degli aguzzini, ad affogare il proprio figlio neonato; da un carcerato obbligato a bruciare i corpi dei defunti e spargerne le ceneri sui campi coltivati. Il governo di Pyongyang non ha permesso agli ispettori Onu di entrare nel Paese per l'inchiesta e si è rifiutato di fornire materiali relativi ai lager di Stato, dove secondo alcune stime vivono almeno 300mila persone. Per il regime le accuse sono "bugie presentate da spazzatura umana".
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] Kirby ha risposto: "Un grammo di verità, pesa molto più di un chilo di insulti". 09/19/2013 12:33, [[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] UN accuses North Korea of violence in state-run prison camps, including against newborns . The United Nations commission heard eyewitness accounts about the North Korea's prison camp system where babies are drowned, vermin thrive and people accused of political and social crimes are executed. Pyongyang rejects the accusations. New York City (AsiaNews) - Children drowned shortly after birth, people killed in front of hundreds of witnesses, shacks invaded by parasites are just some aspects of life in North Korean prison camps, survivors told a United Nations commission
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] of inquiry seeking to shed light on the atrocities committed by Kim Jong-un's regime. Michael Kirby, a former judge on Australia's High Court who steers a one-year commission of inquiry on North Korea set up in March by the UN Human Rights Council, has collected the testimonies of former prisoners and exiles who fled the persecution of one of the most repressive regimes in the world. "Testimony heard thus far points to widespread and serious violations in all areas," Kirby said. "We will seek to determine which state institutions and officials carry responsibility for gross human rights violations proved to have been committed," he explained. Indeed,
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] COREA DEL NORD - ONU [[ Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] "We have, in a preliminary way, received testimony that identifies persons who are in charge of particular prison camps," as well as the chain of command. "The commission listened to political prison camp survivors who suffered through childhoods of starvation and unspeakable atrocities as a product of the 'guilt by association' practice, punishing other generations for a family member's perceived political views or affiliation," he told the council. The reference here is to the doctrine conceived by the "father of the nation" Kim Il-sung, according to whom political or civil offenders must be punished for "three generations".
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[[ NORTH KOREA - UNITED NATIONS]] Obama, voi siete così, satanisti, che, rappresentate un alibi, per i dittatori più spietati! tutto il male, che, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, Banca Mondiale, hanno voluto fare, al genere umano]] Some of the evidence gathered in South Korea and Japan from North Korean exiles is truly applaing. One man imprisoned from birth lived on rodents, lizards and grass, and witnessed the execution of his mother and brother; a woman saw a fellow inmate forced to drown her own baby in a bucket; and a man was obliged to burn the corpses of starved inmates and scatter their ashes on vegetable patches. Pyongyang has not allowed UN inspectors into the country and has refused to provide information about state-run concentration camps, which hold about 300,000 people according to some estimates. North Korea said those behind the allegations were "human scum", but Kirby said, "An ounce of evidence is worth far more than many pounds of insults and baseless attacks."
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
@ISRAELE-- adesso è evidente, "siamo stati traditi!"
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
#VIETNAM, CRIMINAL, [Religioni unite in difesa della diocesi di #Vinh, nel mirino delle autorità comuniste ] Un gruppo composto da #cattolici, #protestanti, #buddisti, manifesta vicinanza al vescovo e ai fedeli, vittime di attacchi del governo, e di diffamazione, a mezzo stampa. Critiche unanimi per le azioni "subdole e spietate" dei vertici di #Nghe An. Appello alla comunità internazionale per la difesa dei diritti umani in Vietnam. 19/09/2013 VIETNAM, La scuola #vietnamita, figlia dellA #ideologia #comunista, deve essere riformata. Educatori e docenti chiedono "investimenti" e un "cambio radicale" di mentalità. Nonostante i proclami governativi, il livello di istruzione nel Paese è ancora arretrato. Prevale il retaggio comunista, che, blocca un vero sviluppo globale del sistema.
187AUDIOHOSTEM 2 giorni fa
Dear Saddam: Please Accept Retirement Now
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
Kerry, 322, 666 Obama, Rothschild 187AUDIOHOSTEM, 2 minutes ago WARNING: [you will retire] - ANSWER - I'm not the criminal, who, he drinks blood of a pig -- ANSWER -- non sono io il criminale, che, beve sangue di porco 6 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] to:: Their: unfavorable: and: Their "tea: pure" have spread: evolution: and every form: of: perversion: and: Satanism: only : for: have: the: legal reasoning: of: to destroy: the: other Jews because we (all the: people) like animals: the: human form: us not: we have no right: by: to rely on : it: we were created: by: God only: for: being exploited by the Jews according to the ideology Babylonian of the: god Marduk: that: is: the: Denial: or: ideological opposition: of the: Genesis Biblical (and is, precisely: this: Satanism: that: the order and says: Babylonian Talmud: of: do that: it is: become: even: most important of the: Torah: in: all: the: community: Jewish: that: scattered: for: the: world!)
7 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: and: for: what is: the creepy: that: said the: Talmud? Because he places only: the: background: of the: human sacrifice (LOL. I mean: of: animals: in: human form) of the: Blood: that: the lessons: that: not: they are discovered, they are passed on: only verbally: of: father: in: child (to: to: one son, possibly firstborn: but:: in: this: how: however: Their: not: include: of: they have become Satanists).: Their: power today : is: at the top: is: at the height: of: one: powerful Masonic pyramid: (the: masters of: all the: our money at interest (bank seigniorage): ie: very few: men: that: they are the: owners : of: at least: of the: 200% of the contract: Value: of: all the: money in circulation: in the: world) thanks to the traitors of the: political: of the: rich: and: of the: leaders:
8 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: of: all the: world is: to: power: of: extermination of: all the: rich: against: all the: people: that: not: it can be challenged: human: that: not: it can be controlled by the institutions visible: all daughters of the: bank seigniorage: through: the: foundation: of the Bank: of England!: the: Illuminati: they have manipulated the: sources: of the: history: to:: Their: interest as well: an: that: the: the Catholic Church is: was forced to: lose: the: its ancient memory now aware: of the: his impotence: and: of the: useless: of: all the: of the centuries: fighting desperate: the: Masons: having taken the: possession: of the: power: of the: political betrayed: the: truth: since: Their: foundational principle : for: Their: economic interest: for: Their silks: of: power:
9 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] because they were: the: Jews to: create all: this: set to: communism: and: democracy. However: all: not: it can be destroyed: and every historian worthy: of: this: name: knows: the: acts: of the: court: of: Trent: and: of the: Martyrs four children: (CHIR: that : Italian TTI) approx: not: polarized: the Catholic Church!: tea: what the Catholic Church ever: In: 2000 years has done: to: ruling wrong!: but: Today, after centuries of: desperate and learn struggles: after: 600 excommunication: that:: against:: the: Freemasonry: the: the Catholic Church is: was reduced to silence: for,: the: men have decided, of: go to hell: in: Mass!: this: empire of the: evil: Hebrew: and: UK: bank: and: Masonic: Master: and: exploits: the: Human Gender: by: most: of: 500 years:
10/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: for: religious reasons (rule: and: subjugate: all the: human race: in: name of the: ideology of the: Talmud)!: This: is : to: empire of the: evil: to: absolute power! Of which: the: Jews themselves: they are: the: intended victims: because: most: of: other: they betrayed: the: rigid moral dictates: that: of the: Rabbis "Pharisees" or: ILLUMINATI: imposed to: if: same: formally: hypocritical: and: in: fundamentalist way: as: as we shall see: in: this: long document: Their: using: the: blood of the Christians (animals: in: human form) that: Their : kill: can the:: this: to: to: purify the Their: sins: but: for: the: Torah condemns to: the death: wicked: of the: law: and: everyone knows: that: Their: not: believe the New Testament!
11/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: the: religion he ILLUMINATI: Rabbis: and: Pharisees: not: it provides the: proselytizing: why: is: founded: on ties: of: blood only, because, is: the only religion that: prevents the: proselytizing: this: is: become: really: to: I hate absolute and invincible:: against: all the: human race: for: the: destruction of: all: the : Jewish bastards: ie: the: Jews: that: not: have lines: of: blood: that: exceed the:: 2500 years.: or: for: the: destruction of: all: the: Jews: that: have betrayed: the: Torah!: but: an: that: if: each document relating to the: crimes described: in: this means a document: they were destroyed? be enough: the: my word to authenticate the: this document: why I am the only man in the: history of the: Mankind:
12/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: not: he needs: of: to demonstrate that: that: said: I am in fact: the: Metaphysical: unius Rei. is: the same Holy Spirit to authenticate: in: all: the: creatures: the: my authority! And to apply one: Judgement: of: destruction:: against: all the: rebel! Because: the: strength: of the: my political authority: it belongs: to the Kingdom: of God: and: not: is: due to my biological body: so: however: and: in: the way: the: my term : you can only use up: after the: the next 50 years! If: the: Jews knew: this: document: ie: about the: in the Christian blood: rites by the rabbis?: Their: they would know: that: are: for: die together to: all the: human race: and: this : is: the: reason: for: in: n: that: Their: not: they know nothing, but: this: document
13/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] must include an: that: the Jews: of: that: What are all based: the: institutions: of the: world, with an: that: the: Their: naive complicity and what are: the: real reasons of: every: Shaoh: or: Holocaust: in: all: the: history of Israel (of the last 3000 years): because these criminals are: fanatics: that: they took the: control: of Israel: and they corrupt the: Jewish religion! So is: indispensable for: us of: go to the knowledge of the: the occult world of the Illuminati! Since: Their: I am still forced to: make these sacrifices: of: blood, because: not: know: to: another remedy: for: Their: sins: and: for: Their: diseases! "In the: Blood there 'is: the: life" says the: Bible! Honestly: I: not: believe: that: I will be hated by: Their:
14/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] as: n: that: Their: want to be helped: Their: would like to go: by: this: Their Part VIII: Jason: ie: abyss: of: despair: in: Satan holds them captive in the same! [For: the: institutions have prevented: the: presence: of the: this document: in: a: text: in: all the: web.: For: valid reasons: in fact: not: there is: in: this: document : one: logic: of the: mutual acceptance: or: of the: recognition: of the: their truth: between Jews and Christians: but: seen this attitude of: excommunication intolerant: and: mutual (between Christianity and Judaism). Positions, now surpassed them: the story of: the two religions. However, the: danger is: that: this: boring: and: repetitive document: by: I summed up (in the parts: not: significant):
15/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] can stir up: to: new: late: the anachronism: anti-Semitism in the: social component! An: that: why:: the: real culprits: of: all: this: they are only, one: a special class of: Rabbis. Also: how is: explained: in: this: document: an: that: by the author: there are very few: the: Jews: that: they do: and: that means that they have: of: these crimes: ugly: to: because: of the: few: of: Rabbis mondialists: globalists: the: masters of the: World Bank: IMF. ie: of: the great Jewish bankers: that: indeed: Their: Satanists are: from our point of: view: but: Puritans are: of the: real gurus: from: Their: point of: view: for, are: the: scribes: and: the: Pharisees: that: they took the: control: of the: Jewish religion.
16/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: Jewish rites] so: this: document: Been is:: by: I had prepared: that: it is known to the Jews, because: they are: Their:: that: they must have: in: courage: of: the emergence, from: Their: subconscious: the: nightmares: the most horrible of: to: Their: the ancestral past (today: and: that: for: the: next: 365 days: Their: not: they have : still nothing yet: by: fear: first: that: the: great fear is once again wide open!) because: contrary?: not: there could be: to: future humanly possible: I: for: Their How, Nean : that: for: us.: if: the: history: not: he wants to be revived: in: one: even more dramatic: and: devastating: to: of the reason: new technologies of: destruction: and: of: mind control: and: spiritual. I will: and I will have to be: the: Re: of Israel!
17/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] Because: the: ILLUMINATI: MAY: entrust: Their: lives: only in my hands! Therefore: this: document: not: is: One: Threat: for: what: that: jew: but: we all have to be: close to:: Their: for: to make you feel:: Their: all the: our love: and the: our encouragement!: this: is: strategic in: no way: the: Jews must feel threatened: because: Their: instinct: of: self-protection: and: of: survival, they would flee again: in: themselves: ie: in the:: Their: obscure subconscious is: come the: moment: for: all:: all the: world of: understanding: that: we are one: one family: since no one could be sure: by: alone!: or: if: the: Safety: of: someone is threatened!
18/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] here is why:,: Their: not: they can go: by: this common threat: no: of: us: and: us not: we may be saved: no: of : Their no one could do it: by: alone! since: is: the curse: for: ILLUMINATI: that: kill us all: all together! So: in: these days we can only hope: that: something: of: strategic: you can move between: the: Jews! Since: n: that: the last bastion for: in: our defense: the: the Catholic Church is: was gagged: and: not: always to: wrongly discredited! When: every historical document relating to the: Christian blood: in the: Jewish rites: destroyed! well: in: this: so: is: unthinkable: groped one: contrast: an anachronism: when that was impossible: on the: street: of the: violence!
19/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: we can: with the: our sincere love in the spirit of Jesus: Gandhi etc. .. we may believe: that: is: can one construct: Company: World: finally humanizing: the: secular society: of the: universal brotherhood! tea: this document: fills us: of: horror: for: the: innocent: that still today are sacrificed: but: it fills the: pity: and: of: emotion: in the: consider: as the: Jewish system International: IMF-New World Order is able to reach: to: to: level: of: Satanism so great: and: despair: not: is: can face: this: work: not to keep the stomach: in: hand: as: in : these topics are widely exceeded the: human limitations: for: all of these fields: that: occult
20/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: have been taken up and amplified an: that: from U.S. institutional Satanism: and: now European ciois: tea: about 200,000 human sacrifices: of each year: the facts : for: the: power: of: Satan, as the FBI: he said: of: Do as: that: not: able to: find out: to: only culprit: for: all those crimes: and it is Been:: made: to: real army: of: Satanist: that: is: so: tenacious: convinced that: Satan will be to: win: Against: all the: human race: it is: to:: this: trustworthy staff: that: have been entrusted to: the: secret weapons: and: strategic: that: U.S. Army: how, even: that: the: management of the: underground bases: alien: and: of the:: Their: flying saucers!! if: the: Jews: not: have the: courage: of: addressing:
21/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] this: Their: darkness: ie: of: having tea: heartbreaking task: and: sad: of: to bring to light all: the: wounds: of: to: Their : the distant past: and: of: to: Their: abysmal: and: dark subconscious? So: not: there is one more: hope: for: all the: human race!: But:: that: it represents: the: dark and hidden: reality: of: some: of: Their: ie: more men powerful: of the: planet! Right: of: those: that: have interest primarily to: know: for: it emerge from the subconscious to the conscious! All the: crimes reported: in: this means the document are true: and: they are still committed: of: hidden: by: this: select group: of: perverse fanatics: the: who misrepresent: the: Password: of: God revealed: because the: Talmud: and: the: cabal:
22/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] took the: control: of: all: the: our institutions through: the: Freemasonry and the: bank seigniorage! One: Indication: for: all: "Who: not: believe: that: both: the: his compassion: and: the: to his mercy: to prevail?: not: read: this means a document: why: would: of the: evil only to: him! "Is: a reputation for: in: All: youtube: for: all these years: in:the lorenzojhwh "I have exercised: the: my ministry political and: Theological: unius Rei: for: about 6 hours: every day: such as I have been gifted by God: of: One: detail: as rational intuitive feature: the: Metaphysics: for: to be me: the: legendary: and: mythical figure: of the: King metaphysical UNIVERSAL : the only leader: of: all the: human race.
23/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] here is why:: to: spite: of: any documentation: destroyed by the current masters of the: world ie: from REAL principals: and: authors of: all these crimes: I can testify, through: the: authorities: of: this: my ministry: that: all the: facts described: in: this means the document are true: own: the: good faith of: those: that: they believed : of: the attribution: an: that: the Jews: the: unfounded guilt: of the: missing if any: of: what: that: person:: improperly! I write this: document: mainly: for: the: Jews only: because: Their: is power: real and is: to top: that of the: our Governments: and: of the: our religions: it is: now: to: universal power: they are: Their: that: they must decide: then:
24/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] tea: our common destiny: and: must express: the: determination: of: wanting to quit: by: this curse: or: of: wanting to fall: of: new: set : to: all the: people: in the: well-deserved divine punishment: Since the last word will be the: of: to: God the Creator: angry: for: to have done: of: he: perfect: love: and: perfect justice: to: god of: horror: and: of: cruelty: therefore: not: is: can hope for: the: mercy: by: the: of: those: that: they put on the God of Abraham: the: mas: that: ra horrible of Satan himself: Talmud: Reincarnation: Sharia: communism! We need: of: understanding: that: n: that: the: Jews are people like us ..: that: the: extreme tests, to: which: the: Jews were subject: why,: Their God:
25/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] YHWH has abandoned them: after: that:: Their: they had betrayed the: covenant: and: committed: the: Idolatry: opposing the Torah: the: of the oral tradition: : Their: rabbis (which resulted in the: Talmud): We do: not: we can judge: the: history: but: we can: and we must: be responsible for: for: the: of the future: our children! here is why: this means the document is: important!: not: we can say it: the: Jews have had one: terrible story ..: that: brought them appropriately (racism) and unjust (libel): several times: verge: of the: extinction: this: is: to: Their: problem!: and: this: not: to: our interest in: Their: Please! Moreover, the: our aid in the:: Their: against: not: is: motivated only: the fact: that: Their: are the: Our masters:
26/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] ie: the: masters of the: IMF-New World Order, and have tea: real power: on every strategic resource ..: but: why: we all must love one another: the: one: for: the: .. other: not: we can think of that: the: problem of: a: not: is an: that: the: problem of: everyone! Thus, the incredible Jewish condition: enabled: to: occult system: of: management: of the: horrible secret ": that: alone can justify the: bank seigniorage: ie: of the: most important institution: of the: world : but: of: which is: not allowed to talk about it publicly! What: that: Error: of the: present work: are: the: complexity of the: statements contained herein!: but: us not: we are Nazis for: fall as: stupid: in: this trap of hatred: and: of the: Racism! ie: the: old: and: false accusation of: feel guilty: all: the: Jews:
27/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: of the: crime: of: extermination of the: people: to: reason: of the: bank seigniorage! Slander real: to: turn: Indoor by: so many other lies: and: superstitions: Crime: that: today is: committed by the globalists themselves: of the: IMF: but: that: as yesterday, and an: that: today again will be charged: to: the all: all nations (Jews included). Indeed, to date: is: the deafening silence: of: all: the: institutions: and: of: all: the: religions: about to:: this: crime: of: bank seigniorage: why: these Jews Satanists called enlightened: after destroying: the: Catholic monarchies: that: then: Their: they gagged: the: Catholic Church: this: after centuries of: bloody struggles: and: hundreds: of: unnecessary excommunication: that: by: the Catholic ...
28/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: that: then: this: enormous crime: of: vilification: against: all sovereignty Constitutional: with: the: Jews: not: a lot has to do: is: demonstrated the fact: that: the: Jews innocent were put to death too easily: though innocent! since: is: only the: Satanism ideological and: practical of Rothschild: 666,: and: of the: his partner: of: snacks: 322: Bush! By: this: document?: In the: network is: can only: to find images for: in: format: pdf.] Time: that: of: this work: that: in: with text: is: so: by: think : one: My first fruits: or: to: my intellectual property: because: to: me, nothing can be denied! So: this: my work is: to "unique literary": for: in: of: this: document is: granted unless:
29/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: the: play: or: Publication: or: dissemination of the entire document for: in: machine-readable form: including: of: all: the: added: or: comments.: the: reflections: as: the: subtraction: by: I have made: for: practical reasons?: not: disrupt the: content: of: this: repetitious: and: stucco: that: Vole: document: so: of the: present Intellectual property: is: forbidden: thus: the: partial reproduction: or: the: edit: is: of the: his translation: that: of the: My interpretation: everything is: bound: and is: of: owned: of the prof. Lorenzo UniusREi : that: the: yield: to: free of charge: the world like any other document: of the: history: that: is: and: remains: Heritage: of: all the: human race! All: the: authorities are requested: of: to enforce the: my rights!
30/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] [[: this means the document is: strictly prohibited to minors: and to: all: the: people: that: they think that: not: is love: and: tea: perfect equality: between: the: men: the: unique solution to: all the: ills: of the: world]] the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE. REVELATIONS: Neophyte EX RABBI: MONACO GREEK: for: the: FIRST TIME: Display:: ITALY: THE GREEK VERSION: of the: Professor NFS [[Believe in extravagance: of: this: document? it seems really hard!: but:: if: these Jews were imprisoned: in: ghetto: and: if: they were frequently expelled from the nations? something of: The monster must be really existed: in the: Jewish society ..: if: these monstrosities: always existed: or: if: were: the: result: of the: persecution:
31/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] resulted from the accusation of: to be God-killers?: This: I said not: I know!: But: what: that: not: it must never be forgotten is: an: that: all: the: incredible violence and injustice: that: this: people wandering: the minority has had to endure: and: bear! because: not: it may be doubted: of the: seriousness of the Church Catholic: and: of: all the: its "official pronouncements" and: n: that: if: this: document: is: now: obviously anachronistic : it must be known .. why:: something: of: monstrous by: here is: derived: ie: the: bank seigniorage: modern: that without this explanation: not: it may have no other explanation ..: this: is: that: Been is: planned : for: crush: in: silently: all the: people: n: that: and: above:
32/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] the: valuable (if: believe: of: to be elected were: for: the show to the world: holy face: of the: law: and: of the: Justice: of God? thn ok!): or: deadly (if they are convinced, as racists: of: one:: Their: boasted: genetic superiority: or: theological) people of the Jews: that: it must have: priestly duties: and: right: for this: because: become: the real victims: of this: Jewish bankers Satanists: of the: IMF: NWO. How to: all: the: tragedy of the: people "elected" showed: because: Their: curses predate the founding: of the: Christianity] [the: censorship? is typical: of the: most devastating: and: criminal, dictatorial regime: since only the criminals are afraid: of the: truth: or: of: to: historical document that: to:their: say not has the most: to: social interest:
33/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: this: is: the: dramatic truth: we are: in: One: false democracy of the: system: bank Hebrew: and: Masonic: ie: of the: bank seigniorage: that: Been is: robbed to: all of us: by: everyone: that: have perjured himself on the:: Their: Constitution!] [if I say, not: I will be unius Rei: and: Re: of Israel? Few of: you can survive in: this already planned nuclear WW 3 rd: of: all the: great Masons: how Albert Pike that: the their knew: projects, including: the: destruction of the State: of Israel: to: no one could think of: in the: first: of the: 1900] [nothing is: the most devastating of the: racism: i: of the: to conceive: if: more than the same: to: another man: for: one : what: that: motivation: ethnic politics: ideological or: religious! As is: this diabolical:
34/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] comes to influence: for do of God (: or: the supreme authority of the philosophy):also a racist but: this is: one: total perversion blasfemy apostasy .. why: is: necessarily unique: the source: of the life!]] is astonishing today: theological ignorance: of the author: of: this document: that: he was one collective ignorance: that: led: the Jews in Their despair: So the Christians: not: able to understand: how: Their same could be the: same cause of attitudes of: reaction only: that: the: characteristic of the Jewish people is of: remember: and: of: celebrate: this remember! Here is why: the: capacity: of: to forgive is harder: for: Them that: not for: us! (This means the document is: now here to be found: in: Internet: in: textual form: to: reason: of the: Jewish censorship: and: Masonic: however, to: me:
35/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] "lorenzojhwh" political Ministry: and: theology: for: the: universal brotherhood in: youtube: nothing can be denied: for I am the very: Re: of : Israel planned: by God: for: the: salvation of the human race: the planned nuclear WW 3 °! and: if: these heinous crimes have disappeared: or: are the: Heritage: of: any psychopath: the: atmosphere: of: racism: that is: a fact: of the chosen people: to: because: of the: Talmud: and: of the Kabbalah: is real!): if: this: the phenomenon is: become invisible as the: 200,000: human sacrifices to Satan: the: reason is: given only by the fact: that: when you enter in 'horror: the human mind: for: protect: Itself: by the madness is: forced: in: to automatically: one to process:: of: removal: of the: horrible horror.
36/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: and: as the: wild rabbit: that: the ermine sees jump: but: paralyzed, that him not: can move any more .. since the scale of level of: his fear is: so high: that: the: fear is removed: lost: is so: for the: social body every opportunity of: reaction! One FOLLOWS: APPENDIX HISTORICAL: LAWN: TYPOGRAPHY ALREADY: that: TTI, C. & SON .1883 .. Portrait of the: Monaco greek: Neophyte former: Moldavian rabbi. "Benedictus Deus here vult omnes: Salvos homine proud." the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE: *** Editor's Preface Italian: Neophyte Monaco greek: born jew: in the: Moldova: to: the: half: of the: last century, turning: if: the same: by: Rabbi: in: Christian: in the: her age: of: thirty-eight years, he published in the: 1803: in: Moldovan language:
37/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES]: to: its very important: not: not: that: curious: booklet entitled: by: him: "'Rebuttal: of the: religion of the Jews: and: of the: Their: rites with demonstration of the S. Writing old: and: new. "". the: which, translated: in: modern greek: by: John of: George and: n: that: by: other: in Arabic, was published several times to: Nafplion: of Romania, to: Constantinople and elsewhere: in: East: in: various: and: copious editions. All of course: they were to: slightly to: little: and collected: destroyed by the Jews, of course very interested to: to wipe every trace of the: revelations: this: the book contains: about: tea: secret of Their: bloody ritual : of: which: former Rabbi Neophyte concerns: the: the clearest evidence: and the: minute detail: is known: that:
38/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: Jewish rites] in the same: East: now: not: if: it is now, almost more than yours ... "The: reason of: the shortage: is: gold jew: that: try corrupts" make disappear from the world: even: the: heart. "Among us, then: in: West: and: especially: in: Italy, we believe: that: very few, they are: that: to only know the existence of: this: booklet. Is true: that : I talk: I quoted: several traits: Achille Laurent, member: of the: Eastern Company, to: page 378: and: following: of the Volume: 2 °: of the insignia of his works: Relation historique: des affaires de Syrie depuis 1840: jusqu'en etc. 1842. Paris, Gaume 1846;: and: that: by: he copied it:: that: one: part: the: Mr. Gougenot in the des Mousseaux: her: the: Juif: the Judaism: and:Judaisation:
39/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] des peuples Chretiens, Paris: Plon, 1869.: But: as well as: an: that: these two works: and especially: the first: of the Laurent: I now exhausted and: arduous to be (no doubt: for the same gold jew: of sake),: not: quote them: that: a few lines: of the: booklet: of Neophyte, ever want to leave to you: his knowledge fuller. To obtain: the: what we could, for first for of the: aforementioned: character: of: Damietta: the: copy of which they held: one copy in the Arabic version: there'll dispatch one: its Italian version: tea: what, strictly speaking, there would have been sufficient: for this purpose: but: it is, after other research: that: come: in: possession: of: one exemplary Greek edition PRESENTED: to Constantinople: in the: 1834: in the: patriarchal printing:
40/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] Mr. John, of: George: above: (already mentioned above);: and: got the document: by: a learned professor: one: of new version (identical: at, in the: concepts, sent to us by: Damietta) believed the come: time should be: of: submit: the: the: that: it is our purpose: to all readers: Italian , Christians and Jews .... etc. .. continues .. etc. .. [[@ ComunitaEbraicaRoma, 2628342 .-- brothers! I have: the: my divine nature: and: the: my perfect: and: dynamic: Perpetual: sanctification only thank to Jesus: of: Bethlehem, the Christ! However, I as Toaff? we are Zionists: for: the: kingdom of Israel! is: for: this: love: that: I have given up on my: identity: Nationality: Religion! What: that: you see: of: me? is: only an: envelope! I have become: truly:
41/41 [BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES] the: heart: of the: world: is the: universal brotherhood! is: come: for: you: the: moment of: delete from your symbol: the: star: of: Satan: of six points: Rothschld: that: is: the: IMF-World Order! the: work: that: I'm doing: is: the labor pains: the more more painful work of the: my life .. but: I: not: publish it: on the: your page: to ensure that: all the : the world knows: that: I've decided: of: not: moving: against: you, no charge! no guilty!]] is God? he said to: me: that: not: has never let these crimes of to go unpunished! God is: in: control: of the: history! you not: be afraid! why:: not: kill me: the "Illuminati"?: why, Their power is an absolute power: and: why: no dog: of: Judge: or: of: politics: never lend the his attention: at the my words!
41/41 (a) [conclusion] [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] Israel is: one: beautiful woman and I are to: male rough: not: is: easy: for: me: Do the: pampering: etc. ..: or: go to: home carrying: one: flowers: ecc.. but:: in: Compensation: I am invincible in the: my loyalty: it goes further: the: death! this: they know in the Kingdom of God: and: know: also: in my country: Grumo Appula: is: by: 5 centuries: that: in the: my genealogy is: been called: "Larinz fdel" ie: Lorenzo the: FAITHFUL! Me: not: betray: and no one potrabbe betraying me, because everyone knows: that wrath of: one: King alone: Unius Rei: not: leave: in: feet: no also the: forest! I am meek as Moses, but: like him not: I have a: problem: the killing: guilty: for: the: My law is universal: the: law: of the: eye for an eye!: The: translation: of: this: item will be on "rrmbgpym": while: in: Italian language is: to "shalomnaumann"
R:Re: R:Re:R:sub us
there is no happiness outside of the love: that is: my universal brotherhood ..
as: who wants what is good: for Itself:
Should not he give: His evil: to others: that is, what it does: the IMF ..
"only: if, you Realizing the happiness of others: you too can be happy!"
there is no happiness outside of love: that of universal brotherhood ..
as: who wants what is good: for itself:
he should give his evil to others: that is, what it does: the IMF ..
"only realizing the happiness of others: you too can be happy!"
io sono lorenzojhwh
tu sei apologeniuss?
lui è stato denunciato
circa i diritti d'autore anche dai sedevantisti: che pur avrebbeo avuto interesse a diffondere le loro tesi
VIETNAM, CRIMINAL, [Religioni unite in difesa della diocesi di #Vinh, nel mirino delle autorità comuniste ] Un gruppo composto da #cattolici, #protestanti, #buddisti, manifesta vicinanza al vescovo e ai fedeli, vittime di attacchi del governo, e di diffamazione, a mezzo stampa. Critiche unanimi per le azioni "subdole e spietate" dei vertici di #Nghe An. Appello alla comunità internazionale per la difesa dei diritti umani in Vietnam. 19/09/2013 VIETNAM, La scuola #vietnamita, figlia dellA #ideologia #comunista, deve essere riformata. Educatori e docenti chiedono "investimenti" e un "cambio radicale" di mentalità. Nonostante i proclami governativi, il livello di istruzione nel Paese è ancora arretrato. Prevale il retaggio comunista, che, blocca un vero sviluppo globale del sistema.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
Kerry, 322, 666 Obama, Rothschild 187AUDIOHOSTEM, 2 minutes ago WARNING: [you will retire] - ANSWER - I'm not the criminal, who, he drinks blood of a pig -- ANSWER -- non sono io il criminale, che, beve sangue di porco
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[È VERO, "È un lupo nei panni di una pecora!! quando saranno liberati, i cristiani martiri innocenti, da questa maledizione islamica?] Il neo presidente libera 10 prigionieri politici e dichiara di aver parlato con Obama. Netanyahu: "È un lupo nei panni di una pecora, aumentiamo la pressione per arrestare il progetto nucleare".. Primo ministro israeliano Benjiamin Netanyahu è categorica: "Intendo focalizzarmi sull'arresto, del programma nucleare iraniano, finché, tale obiettivo non sarà raggiunto penso che la pressione su Tehran vada incrementata". Nel frattempo, però, martedì 24 settembre, a New York, Hassan Rouhani e Barack Obama (a cui sta veramente a cuore, la distruzione dei cristiani, come, di pugnalare a tradimento ISRAELE), si incontreranno al Palazzo di vetro per trovare un terreno comune di dialogo.
19/09/2013 INDONESIA. Java centrale: islamisti contro il culto dei morti, sconcerto fra la popolazione. Un gruppo estremista ha attaccato la notte scorsa in un cimitero. La pratica del culto dei morti, tradizionale e diffusa, unisce musulmani, cristiani e fedeli di altre religioni. Per il governatore è una "pazzia" perpetrata di chi alimenta "odio". Musulmani moderati parlano di "minaccia seria". 19/09/2013 COREA DEL NORD - ONU. Corea del Nord, l'Onu accusa: Violenze nei lager di Stato anche contro neonati. La Commissione varata dalle Nazioni Unite ha raccolto le testimonianze dei sopravvissuti ai gulag del regime dei Kim. Neonati affogati, invasioni di parassiti ed esecuzioni pubbliche per i "colpevoli" di crimini politici o sociali. Pyongyang rigetta le accuse.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
19/09/2013 EGITTO, Gli islamisti alzano il tiro: trovati ordigni esplosivi nella metro del Cairo. Si sospetta la mano dei terroristi di Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis. A Giza polizia ed esercito sferrano l'assalto definitivo contro il quartier generale dei Fratelli Musulmani. 19/09/2013 UZBEKISTAN, La società civile denuncia: In Uzbekistan rischiamo la guerra civile. Un movimento d'opposizione tenta di dar vita a una rivoluzione non violenta contro il presidente Karimov, al potere dal 1991. La sociologa Maryam Ibragimova: "Ogni tentativo di protesta pacifica rischia di trascinare l'Uzbekistan in un conflitto sanguinoso". 19/09/2013 INDIA, Mumbai, profanata una chiesa cattolica. Alcuni sconosciuti hanno dissacrato il Sacramento della chiesa di san Giuseppe a Juhu, per rubare ostensorio e pisside, entrambi placcati in oro. Nell'omelia per la messa di riparazione il vescovo ausiliare ha chiesto ai fedeli di "pregare per i colpevoli e invocare la misericordia di Dio".
@UFuckWithWrongPerson666 187AUDIOHOSTEM Today, you feel, meaner, and then, for that matter, that you have not had need to drink pig's blood, still? oggi, ti senti, più cattivo, e quindi, è per questo, che, tu non hai avuto bisogno di bere sangue di maiale?
19 settembre, 17:19. (ANSA) - NEW YORK, - Il sindaco di New York Michael Bloomberg lancia una nuova crociata: a finire nel mirino questa volta sono le armi vendute online. Secondo quanto riporta il Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, alfiere della necessita' di leggi piu' rigide sulle armi, ha lanciato un'inchiesta dalla quale e' emerso come migliaia di pistole vengono vendute su internet a persone con precedenti penali. Il sito Armslist.com, per esempio, ogni anno facilita la vendita di 25 mila pistole ad acquirenti illegali. --answer -- QUESTO È GIUSTO, I CRIMINALI CON PRECEDENTI PENALI, NON POSSONO DETENERE ARMI, MA, NESSUNO DEVE PENSARE, DI POTER DISARMARE, IL MIO POPOLO AMERICANO
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
ROMA, 19 settembre, 16:48- Ogni anno 6,6mln di bimbi muoiono prima di aver compiuto 5 anni per cause prevenibili e curabili come malaria, morbillo, polmonite, dissenteria. Eppure spesso basterebbero semplici soluzioni a basso costo come un sapone,una zanzariera, un vaccino. In metà dei casi poi la malnutrizione è principale concausa. La denuncia è di Save the Children che ha lanciato anche in Italia una campagna di sensibilizzazione: "Mondi dispari". Nel mondo oltre 1mld di persone non ha accesso all'assistenza sanitaria.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
Siria: Putin, gas usato da ribelli, 'Ottimista su rispetto impegni Damasco' . 19 settembre, 16:39. (ANSA) - MOSCA, Ci sono ''tutti i motivi per supporre un'abile provocazione'' dietro l'attacco, con armi chimiche in Siria il 21 agosto, INFATTI, è stata ''primitiva la tecnica di esecuzione'': lo ha ribadito il presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, durante i lavori del club di Valdai. Putin ammette di non poter essere sicuro al 100%, che, il governo siriano rispetti l'accordo per la distruzione delle armi chimiche, ma, a suo avviso, gli ultimi sviluppi della situazione ispirano ''fiducia''. -- ANSWER -- chi invade la Siria, si prenderà, le armi chimiche, che, rimangono!
UFuckWithWrongPerson 2 giorni fa
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
سوريا للقاعدة الفتح، مدينة confine_9322484.html [تم إبلاغ الإدارة عن هذا، من قبل الناشطين المناهضين للنظام.] 18 سبتمبر، 21:34. (أنسامد) - عمان، مقاتلي، الدولة الإسلامية، في العراق وبلاد الشام (إيزيس #)، موحدة جديدة # Qaedist، تعيين التشكيلات، التي، تجري في صفوف، للمتمردين، # مكافحة الأسد
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
في سوريا ، فإنها غزا، في الساعات الأخيرة، المدينة السورية # عزاز، بالقرب من الحدود مع تركيا #، sloggiandovi الجماعات المتمردة، أقل المتطرفة، الجيش الشحن (# ESL). - جواب - الثورة السورية، وقد حل محل، من حرب العمالة والإشغال، والعربية، من خلال معظم الجنائية، الإرهاب الجهادي، و، والتدمير المنهجي للحضارة السورية، إلى رعب الإبادة الجماعية، والنازية، والإبادة الثقافية والولايات المتحدة وتركيا، والمملكة العربية السعودية، هي، المجرمين المسؤولين.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
Siria-Qaida a la conquista de la ciudad-confine_9322484.html [Esto fue informado por los activistas contra el régimen.] 18 de septiembre de 21:34. (ANSA) - AMMAN, los combatientes del Estado Islámico en Irak y Levant (Isis), #Qaedist nuevas referencias unificadas de formaciones que están teniendo lugar en las filas de los insurgentes, #anti-Assad en Siria, que conquistó, en las últimas horas, la ciudad siria de #Azaz, cerca de la frontera con Turquía, sloggiandovi los grupos rebeldes, menos gastos de envío Ejército extremista (#ESL). - RESPUESTA - la Revolución Siria, ha sido suplantado, DE UNA GUERRA DE EMPLEO, ocupación, SAUDITA, por el terrorismo yihadista más criminal y la destrucción sistemática de la civilización siria, ante el horror del genocidio, el nazismo y cultural de la aniquilación, la EE.UU., Turquía y Arabia Saudita, son criminales responsables.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
Syrien-Qaida-Eroberung-city-confine_9322484.html [Dies wurde von Anti-Regime-Aktivisten berichtet.], 18. September 21.34 Uhr. (ANSAmed) - Amman, Kämpfer des Islamischen Staates im Irak und Levant (Isis, Qaedist neue einheitliche Kurzzeichen von Formationen, die stattfinden, in den Reihen der Aufständischen, #anti-Assad in Syrien, eroberte sie in die letzten Stunden, die syrische Stadt #Azaz, nahe der Grenze mit der Türkei sloggiandovi die Rebellengruppen, weniger extremistischen Armee Versand (#ESL). - ANTWORT - Die syrische REVOLUTION, wurde verdrängt, von einem Krieg der Beschäftigung, Auslastung, Arabien, durch die die meisten kriminellen Dschihad-Terrorismus und die systematische Zerstörung der syrischen Zivilisation, zum Entsetzen von Völkermord, Nationalsozialismus und kulturelle Vernichtung, die USA, der Türkei und Saudi-Arabien, sind dafür verantwortlich, Kriminelle.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
Syrie-Qaïda conquête-ville-confine_9322484.html [Cela a été rapporté par des militants anti-régime.] 18 Septembre 21h34. (ANSAmed) - AMMAN, les combattants de l'Etat islamique en Irak et du Levant (Isis #), # Qaedist nouvelle désignation uniforme des formations qui se déroulent dans les rangs des insurgés, # anti-Assad en Syrie, ils ont conquis, dans les dernières heures, la ville syrienne de # Azaz, près de la frontière avec la Turquie #, sloggiandovi les groupes rebelles, moins extrémiste expédition armée (# ESL). - RÉPONSE - la révolution syrienne, a été supplantée, d'une guerre DE L'EMPLOI, l'occupation, l'Arabie, à travers le terrorisme djihadiste plus criminelle, et la destruction systématique de la civilisation syrienne, à l'horreur du génocide, le nazisme et culturel anéantissement, l'Etats-Unis, la Turquie et l'Arabie saoudite, sont des criminels responsables.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
/ Syria-Qaida-conquest-city-confine_9322484.html [This was reported by anti-regime activists.] 18 September, 21:34. (ANSAmed) - AMMAN, fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (Isis #), # Qaedist new uniform designation of formations that are taking place among the ranks of the insurgents, #anti-Assad in Syria, they conquered, in the last hours, the Syrian city of #Azaz, near the border with Turkey #, sloggiandovi the rebel groups, less extremist Army shipping (# ESL). - ANSWER - THE SYRIAN REVOLUTION, has been supplanted, FROM A WAR OF EMPLOYMENT, occupancy, ARABIA, through the most criminal jihadist terrorism, and the systematic destruction of the Syrian civilization, to the horror of genocide, Nazism, and cultural annihilation, the USA, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, are responsible CRIMINALS.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
/Siria-Qaida-conquista-citta-confine_9322484.html [Lo riferiscono attivisti anti-regime.] 18 settembre, 21:34. (ANSA) - AMMAN, I combattenti dello Stato islamico, in Iraq e Levante (#Isis), nuova sigla di formazioni #qaediste che, stanno prendendo piede, fra le le file degli insorti, #anti-Assad in Siria, hanno conquistato, nelle ultime ore, la città siriana di #Azaz, vicino al confine con la #Turchia, sloggiandovi le formazioni ribelli, meno oltranziste dell'Esercito libero (#Esl). -- ANSWER -- LA RIVOLUZIONE SIRIANA, È STATA SOPPIANTATA, DA UNA GUERRA DI OCCUPAZIONE SAUDITA, attraverso il più criminale terrorismo jihadista, e dalla sistematica distruzione della civiltà siriana, di questo orrore di genocidio, nazismo, e annientamento culturale, gli USA, Turchia, e, Arabia Saudita, sono i responsabili CRIMINALI.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 2 giorni fa
[666 ANSA 322: il sistema massonico, il monopolio ebraico della informazione, quelli che, hanno rubato ai popoli il signoraggio bancario, fa un servizio fazioso, infatti dice] Siria: Assad ammette: 'Abbiamo gas'. 'Un anno per smaltirli'. Intervista a tv Usa, Pronti a trasferire armi chimiche ovunque. 19 settembre, 08:48, -- ANSWER -- ma, tutti hanno sempre saputo, ed a me, non risulta, che, Assad abbia negato di avere armi chimiche, anzi, al contrario, ha detto, che, le avrebbe usate, queste armi chimiche, in caso di attacco, invasione, da parte di un esercito straniero .. --CONCLUSIONE -- non è questo, il modo di fare giornalismo, cioè, di strumentalizzare le informazioni!
Abu Antar 3 giorni fa
UniusRei3 3 giorni fa
@Rothschild, Spa, Banca Mondiale, 666, Bush 322 Kerry, sistema massonico occulto, DATAGATE, [[ OGM per MORGELLON ]] agenda aliens abductions, dio gufo al Bohemian Grove ---- la vostra storia criminale e satanica? io lo giuro (nel nome di Gesù di Betlemme), essa sta per finire, in tragedia per voi!
UniusRei3 3 giorni fa
[ il terrorismo jihadista, delle false democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario rubato dai farisei Bildenberg ] Il presidente Bashar al-Assad, Mercoledì, ha ricevuto una delegazione dagli Stati Uniti composta da ex membri del Congresso, attivisti contro la guerra, e giornalisti, con a capo l'ex procuratore generale Ramsey Clark. Durante l'incontro, il presidente al-Assad ha detto che le politiche adottate dall'amministrazione Usa nella regione, che si basano sull'intraprendere guerre, interferendo negli affari interni dei paesi e imponendo il suo dominio sui popoli e risorse, non servono gli interessi del popolo americano e contraddicono i loro valori e principi.
UniusRei3 3 giorni fa
[ il terrorismo jihadista, delle false democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario rubato dai farisei Bildenberg ] Da parte loro, i membri della delegazione hanno augurato che la pace e la stabilità torneranno in Siria, affermando che continueranno a difendere la Siria in vari circoli e di lavorare per smascherare all'opinione pubblica americana la natura falsa delle accuse promosse dall'amministrazione Obama per giustificare un'aggressione contro il popolo siriano. #Siria, Violenti scontri in località Izaz sul confine con la #Turchia tra gli #estremisti dello stato islamico in Iraq e nel Levante e i terroristi della cosiddette brigate "tempesta del nord",
UniusRei3 3 giorni fa
[ il terrorismo jihadista, delle false democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario rubato dai farisei Bildenberg ] dopo che i primi hanno preso il controllo della località, risultano nell'uccisione di oltre 6 terroristi e il ferimento di decina. Mosca / New York (SANA) - Il ministro degli Esteri russo Sergey Lavrov ha detto che l'opposizione siriana è ricorsa alla provocazione per stimolare l'intervento militare straniero in Siria. Mercoledì, durante la sua partecipazione alla conferenza al Valdai Club per il Dialogo in Medio Oriente, Lavrov ha detto ai giornalisti che la Russia dispone di prove sufficienti che la notizia dell'uso di armi chimiche riflette il ricorso dell'opposizione siriana e l'intenzione per provocare un attacco straniero contro la Siria.
UniusRei3 3 giorni fa
[ il terrorismo jihadista, delle false democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario rubato dai farisei Bildenberg, questo è satanismo! alto, tradimento Costituzionale ] Lavrov ha anche detto che Mosca consegnerà al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle prove fornite in precedenza dalla Siria riguardante l'uso di armi chimiche da parte dell'opposizione.
UniusRei3 3 giorni fa
[ il terrorismo jihadista, delle false democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario rubato dai farisei Bildenberg ] TG 24 Siria. 7 ore fa. #Damasco: l'esercito avanza a Barzeh, sequestra ingenti quantità di armi (fucili d'assalto automatici, fucili di precisione binocoli notturni strumenti per misura area e distanza, apparecchi di telecomunicazione molto sofisticati, medicine e passaporti falsi) all'interno di un covo sotterraneo dei terroristi. In #Siria a #Damasco si sono svolti i funerali delle vittime della battaglia di #Maaloula, la cittadina cristiana attaccata nei giorni scorsi dai terroristi di al Qaeda. Il racconto Gian Micalessin di questa giornata di dolore. #Siria, Il #presidente #Assad alla delegazione Americana: le politiche degli USA nella nostra regione contraddicono i valori e i principi del popolo americano.
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
2_2. @President Iranian HassaN RohaNi -- io sono consapevole, che non è possibile vivere nella paura, di quello che gli altri possono fare, a noi. tuttavia noi dovremmo avere degli standard positivi sui diritti umani, libertà di coscienza, cioè, dovremmo corrispondere a dei parametri, che, tranquillizzino la comunità interazionale, circa, una concreta svolta democratica, e, non, una deriva massimalista, fanatica, intollerante, fondamentalista, cioè, [[è indispensabile avere la libertà di religione]], per essere percepito, come un paese civile, AFFIDABILE. e, dopotutto, questa è l'unica speranza che, all'Islam è rimasto, di poter sopravvivere ad una guerra mondiale, IMMINENTE. PERCHÉ è evidente che, i farisei desiderano, che, abbia le armi nucleari, perché loro voglio distruggere l'intero pianeta.
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
1_2. @presidente iraniano Hassan Rohani ha detto, "noi non faremo mai la bomba atomica"-- [la tua posizione sul nucleare, è diventata ambigua, per due motivi!] 1°MOTIVO. tu lo sai, come, i politici Occidentali, sono persone "presentabili", ma, dietro di loro, ci sono i poteri occulti (servizi segreti, settori dell'esercito, ecc.. ) dei satanisti, che, hanno il controllo reale del potere, e CHE , ESEGUONO, GLI ORDINI DI BUSH e ROTHSCHILD, soltanto. Quindi, se realizzassero, un auto attacco nucleare, contro Israele? I politici non potrebbero saperlo.. come oggi, non possono sapere (fingono di non sapere) che, le armi chimiche, sono state utilizzate, dai ribelli jihadisti, di Al Qaida, cioè, i servizi segreti sauditi
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
[la strategia geopolica saudita, è la straegia del terrore ] L'opposizione siriana ricorre regolarmente, alle provocazioni per far iniziare l'intervento militare straniero, ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri russo Sergey Lavrov. "Abbiamo abbastanza prove, per sostenere, che, le notizie sull'utilizzo delle armi chimiche riflettano il fatto che l'opposizione ricorra regolarmente, alle provocazioni con lo scopo di innescare, un attacco sulla Siria, - ha notato Lavrov. - Ci sono molti dati, si trovano ampliamente, sul web. Sono contenuti anche nella relazione dei nostri esperti, che, avevano preparato per gli eventi associati all'utilizzo di armi chimiche presso Aleppo nel marzo di quest'anno." -- ANSWER -- chi mette a disposizione dei droni, contro gli islamisti jhadisti? chi non lo fa? appartiene ad Al Qaida
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
the sons of Satan --- the 50 countries, the worst. Serving persecuted Christians worldwide: OpenDoorsUSA .. 2012: The Main Persecutor of Christians --- World Watch List Countries. North Korea, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Iran, Maldives, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Eritrea, Laos, Northern Nigeria, Mauritania, Egypt, Sudan, Bhutan, Turkmenistan, Vietnam, Chechnya, China, Qatar, Algeria, Comoros , Azerbaijan, Libya, Oman, Brunei, Morocco, Kuwait, Turkey, India, Burma / Myanmar, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Syria, United Arab Emirates. Ethiopia, Djibouti, Jordan, Cuba, Belarus, Indonesia, Palestinian Territories Kazakhstan, Bahrain, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh, Malaysia,
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666 youtube 322 google -- VOI NON VI POTETE LAMENTARE CONTRO, di ME, SE, VOI MI AVETE MESSO, I SATANISTI CANNIBALI, su QUESTA PAGINA, che, loro provocano, me, continuamente, con i loro crimini di, datagate, prism, ie, di hackeraggio!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
ANSWER - - @ブッシュ、メルケル、オバマ、Bildenberg、ケリー、322、ヘルマンファンロンパイ(彼は彼女の頭の周り、12星と、サタンの、マドンナ、次 のようになります)例:666、187AUDIOHOSTEMは[ポークブラッドドリンク]言った、その後、パリサイ人、IMF、NWO、CIA、 NSA、SPA、IMF、DataGATEの、OGM、---そして、あなたがたは酔っている、ホット血、の、豚肉、または男性/女の子の悪魔へ、あなた がより悪く感じ、より多くの人、悪、自分?ブラックベリー獣を? ..と、のように、あなたが理解し、それは、あなたの美しい変態モンスター、に、これをした、そのため、あなたの、お尻の悪臭が強くあり、そのため、あな たのげっぷは、より顕著である? 2つのファゴット、たわごとの二枚であることを、サタンは彼の舌を切り出しています!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666، قال 187AUDIOHOSTEM [الشراب الدم لحم الخنزير] - جواب - @ بوش وميركل، أوباما، Bildenberg، كيري، 322، هيرمان فان رومبوي (انه يشبه، ومادونا، الشيطان، مع اثني عشر نجوم، حول رأسها) أي ، لعبادة الشيطان من الفريسيين وصندوق النقد الدولي، NWO، CIA، NSA، SPA، صندوق النقد الدولي، DATAGATE، OGM،
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
---، وعندما، عندكم في حالة سكر، والدم ساخن، من، لحم الخنزير، أو رجل / فتاة، ثم ، وكنت أشعر أكثر سيئة، والرجل أكثر، والشر، ونفسك؟ العليق الوحوش؟ .. وكما، وكنت أفهم، وهذا، فعل هذا، تحول جميلة الخاص بك إلى، وحوش، وذلك لأن، والروائح الكريهة، الخاص بك، والحمار أقوى، ولأن، التجشؤ الخاص بك، هي أكثر وضوحا؟ كنت اثنين وطي، واثنين من قطعة من القرف، أن الشيطان له قطع لسانه!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666,187AUDIOHOSTEM[飲 酒:豬血] - 答案 - @布什默克爾,奧巴馬Bildenberg,克里,322,範龍佩(他看起來像麥當娜,撒旦,12顆星,她的頭左右),即說,法利賽人,國際貨幣基金組 織,蘇國,美國中央情報局,國家安全局,SPA,國際貨幣基金組織,DataGATE的,OGM,---,當你們喝醉了,血熱,豬肉,或一個男人/女孩, 然後撒旦,你會覺得更壞的,人多,邪惡的,你自己呢?黑莓野獸? .. ,,你知道,那這樣做,你的美麗轉化成怪物,因為,發出難聞的氣味,你的,屁股都強,因為,你的打嗝,更明顯嗎?你兩捆柴,兩塊狗屎,撒旦被割掉舌頭!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
ANSWER - - @ 부시 대통령, 메르켈, 오바마, Bildenberg, 케리, 322, 헤르만 반 롬 푸이 (그는 그녀의 머리 주위에 열두 별, 사탄의, 마돈나, 모양) 예 : 666, 187AUDIOHOSTEM는 [돼지 혈액 음료]했다 다음 바리새인들, IMF, NWO, CIA, NSA, SPA, IMF, DATAGATE, OGM, --- 그리고 너희는 술이, 뜨거운 혈액의, 돼지 고기, 또는 남자 / 여자의 사탄에 당신이 더 기분 나빠 더 많은 사람, 악, 자신? 블랙 베리 짐승? .. 와 같은, 당신은 이해, 즉, 당신의 개의 beautifull 변신 몬스터로, 이런 짓을, 때문에 당신의, 엉덩이의 나쁜 냄새가 강한 있으며, 때문에 당신의 트름이 더 뚜렷하다? 두 개의 모야, 똥의 두 가지이다, 즉, 사탄은 자신의 혀를 잘라있다!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666, 187AUDIOHOSTEM dijo [Bebe: Sangre de cerdo] - RESPUESTA - @ Bush, Merkel, Obama, Bildenberg, Kerry, 322, Herman Van Rompuy (que se parece a la Madonna, de Satanás, con las doce estrellas alrededor de su cabeza), es decir , al satanismo de los fariseos, el FMI, NWO, CIA, NSA, SPA, Fondo Monetario Internacional, DataGate, OGM, --- Y, cuándo tenéis borracho, la sangre caliente, de, carne de cerdo, o de un hombre / de la muchacha, a continuación, , te sientes más malo, el hombre más, el mal, a sí mismo? moras bestias? .. y como, a entender, que, hecho esto, su transformación en beautifull, monstruos, porque, los malos olores, de su, culo son más fuertes, y porque sus eructos, son más pronunciadas? estás dos fagot, dos pedazos de mierda, que Satanás tiene su lengua cortada!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666, sagte 187AUDIOHOSTEM [Getränke: Schweinefleisch Blut] - ANTWORT - @ Bush, Merkel, Obama, Bildenberg, Kerry, 322, Herman Van Rompuy (er aussieht, der Madonna, der Satan, mit den zwölf Sternen, um den Kopf), dh , zum Satanismus der Pharisäer, IWF, NWO, CIA, NSA, SPA, IWF, DATAGATE, OGM, --- und wenn, ihr getrunken haben, das heiße Blut, von, Schwein, oder von einem Mann / Mädchen, dann Sie fühlen sich schlecht, Mann mehr, böse, selbst? Brombeeren Tiere? .. und, wie Sie wissen, dass tat dies, Ihre schöne Verwandlung in, Monster, Weil, sind die schlechten Gerüche, Ihrer, ass stärker, und weil Ihr rülpst, sind stärker ausgeprägt? Sie sind zwei Schwuchtel, zwei Stücke von Scheiße, dass Satan hat seine Zunge herausgeschnitten!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666, 187AUDIOHOSTEM dit [Boisson: Porc Sang] - RÉPONSE - @ Bush, Merkel, Obama, Bildenberg, Kerry, 322, Herman Van Rompuy (il ressemble, la Madone, de Satan, avec les douze étoiles, autour de sa tête), soit , au satanisme des pharisiens, le FMI, NWO, CIA, NSA, SPA, FMI, DATAGATE, OGM, --- et, si, vous avez bu le sang chaud, de porc, ou d'un homme / femme, puis , vous vous sentez plus mauvais, homme de plus, mal, vous-même? mûres bêtes? .. et, en tant que, vous comprenez, cela, n'est-ce, votre transformation belle dans, monstres, Parce que, les mauvaises odeurs, de votre, âne sont plus forts, et parce que, vos rots, sont plus prononcés?
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM 31 minuti fa [Bevanda: Sangue di maiale] - RISPOSTA - @ Bush, Merkel, Obama, Bildenberg, Herman Van Rompuy (lui sembra la Madonna di satana, con Le Dodici Stelle Intorno alla SUA TESTA), vale a dire, al satanismo del farisei, FMI, 666, NWO, CIA, NSA, SPA, FMI, DataGate, Ogm, --- E, quando voi avete bevuto, il sangue caldo, di maiale, o di un uomo, allora, si sente più cattivo, te stesso? molto bestie? .. e come tu, capire, che ha fatto questo, il tuo bellissimo, trasformazione di mostri, perché le tue puzze odori sono più forti, e perché i rutti sono più marcate? - - Siete in due frocio, due pezzi di merda, che Satana ha la lingua tagliata
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM 31 minutes ago [Drink: Pork Blood] - ANSWER - @ Merkel, Obama, and Bildenberg, ie, to Satanism of the Pharisees, IMF, 666, NWO, CIA, NSA SPA, IMF, DATAGATE, Ogm, UFuckWithWrongPerson, 187AUDIOHOSTEM - And, when ye have drunk, the blood hot, pork, or of a man, then, you feel more bad, yourself? more beasts? .. and understand, that did this, your beautifull, transformation of monsters, because the smells are stronger, and because the burps are more pronounced? -- E quando, voi avete bevuto, il sangue caldo, del porco, o di un uomo, poi, voi sentite più cattivi, voi stessi? più bestie? .. e capite, che, è avvenuta questa, vostra meravigliosa, trasformazione, perché, le puzze sono più forti, e perché, i rutti sono più marcati?
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
666, CIA, NSA SPA, FMI, DATAGATE, UFuckWithWrongPerson, 187AUDIOHOSTEM - you are two faggot, two pieces of shit, that, Satan has his tongue cut out! -- voi siete due froci, due pezzi di merda, a cui satana ha mozzato la lingua!
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
[la Russia, per parte sua, ha le riprese satellitari, del lancio dei missili, dalla zona, sotto il controllo degli jihadisti, e c sono le testimonianze, di come gli jihadisti, hanno abbandonato preventivamente, la zona che sarebbe stata colpita ] #Siria: Mosca, daremo a #Onu prove ribelli dietro uso #gas, Russia aveva annunciato acquisizione, prove da Damasco. 18 settembre, 16:53, #KIEV, La #Russia è pronta a fornire al Consiglio di sicurezza dell'Onu, le prove presentate da Damasco a #Mosca, sulle responsabilità dei ribelli siriani nell'uso di armi chimiche (che, la ARABIA SAUDITA, ha fornito loro): ad Al Ghouta il 21 agosto. Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri russo, #Serghiei Lavrov a margine del #festival di Valdai.
lorenzojhwh 3 giorni fa
[la Russia, per parte sua, ha le riprese satellitari, del lancio dei missili, dalla zona, sotto il controllo degli jihadisti, e c sono le testimonianze, di come gli jihadisti, hanno abbandonato preventivamente, la zona che sarebbe stata colpita ] Secondo quando aveva riferito dalla capitale siriana il vice ministro degli Esteri russo, Serghiei Riabkov, citato dalle agenzie russe, Damasco ha consegnato a Mosca elementi, che, proverebbero che, le forze di opposizione sarebbero coinvolte nell'uso di armi chimiche, lo scorso mese (che la ARABIA SAUDITA, ha fornito loro): "Queste prove devono essere analizzate", ha osservato Riabkov. "Senza una fotografia completa degli eventi in Siria non possiamo, che, definire la natura delle conclusioni, tratte dagli esperti Onu, come politicizzata, faziosa e unilaterale", ha aggiunto.
IMF Farisi Rothschild, untuk membunuh Israel: dengan, seluruh dunia khilafah: arab liga: salafi, saya punya ide yang bagus, karena: tidak membunuh, aku juga, seperti: Anda lakukan membunuh: Presiden John Kennedy, ketika ia melakukan: Eksekutif Orde 11110, yang didelegasikan kepada Menteri Keuangan: mencetak uang: atas nama rakyat Amerika, tanpa memberikan: biaya, untuk Anda: tentang, 270% dari uang kita (dengan tiga penipuan: sebagai, mengatakan: ilmuwan: Giacinto Auriti)? dia, bahwa dia adalah seorang Presiden yang nyata, bagi rakyat Amerika, dan bukan seperti, adalah Islam Obama pengkhianat
NEW YORK -'' Saya tidak lagi: Muslim, Sosialis: bahwa: saya sebelum ...''. Presiden AS Barack Obama mengolok-olok, Tersenyum dan mencela diri sendiri .. - JAWABAN - @ PENGKHIANAT Obama, Islam, pembohong, pembunuh! pembersihan etnis Kristen dan Syiah, imam, diakon, dan uskup Tewas: dengan darah dingin, dengan penipuan, pemerasan, diculik, seperti binatang, pemerkosaan gadis-gadis, "dibantai", permintaan tebusan, semua sampah Anda: teroris: Salafi, "saudara-saudara Muslim" untuk menyebarkan syariah Anda Anda "khalifah di seluruh dunia", yang mereka, hari ini, di Suriah, dan bahwa Anda baru saja menyebar: seluruh Mediterania, dll .. ? adalah: Anda: CIA dan Anda: Liga Arab: siapa yang melakukan semua kejahatan ini! dan, media Yahudi: monopoli masing-masing: SpA, perusahaan, karena: action: IMF, FED, ECB, agenda Talmud: Bildenberg, sistem masonik: untuk seigniorage perbankan, mereka meliputi: semua ini, dengan: kebohongan mereka: dan mereka Informasi dieksploitasi. akan lebih baik: untuk Anda, bahwa Anda tidak pernah dilahirkan!
2013/02/12 [SYRIA - VATIKAN]. Setelah pemberontak Muslim merebut dua imam di Aleppo, ada kekhawatiran: untuk: hidup mereka. Seorang imam Katolik Armenia, Fr Michael, dan seorang pendeta Ortodoks diculik: Minggu lalu di Aleppo Kristen: lingkungan. Sumber berbicara: AsiaNews: tentang: pembunuhan biadab: dilakukan: ekstremis Islam saya. Sebuah bom mobil: meledak: di Turki-Suriah: pelintasan batas: dari Cilvegozu. [SETELAH telah dibunuh: pembantaian: para imam, mereka menuntut: tebusan: untuk uskup] 2013/04/26. [Sejak Liga Arab melakukan pembersihan etnis Syiah dan Kristen, pemerkosaan, pembunuhan, di mana-mana, dia menang wilayah, kemudian, orang-orang Chechen: mereka membalas, teroris tewas di Boston (seperti dikatakan Turki)] Tidak ada tanda-tanda uskup Ortodoks 'rilis, kekhawatiran pemerasan politik tumbuh. 322 Kerry, Bush, Obama 666 Rothschild, saya menemukan sarin, di laboratorium dari Liga Arab, yang, Anda: Al-Qaeda telah menyebabkan, di Suriah .. terbaik untuk Anda: itu akan menjadi, jika Anda tidak pernah dilahirkan!IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa Anda tidak membuat saluran tidak baru belum? ! - JAWABAN - orang, yang saya (sekitar 50, CHANNEL) yang berlebihan, bagi saya, akan lebih baik hanya satu saluran: bagi saya, tapi, seperti yang Anda dapat mengatakan bahwa "Setan save", dan kemudian, Anda menyembunyikan diri, seperti pengecut, di belakang foto, St Bartolo Longo, yang, ia saat seusiamu, dia adalah seorang imam voodoo setan ... seperti Anda?[[Suriah membebaskan dua uskup Ortodoks. ANSA.it - 4 hari lalu]] .. namun, Anda harus menggali: dengan keras kepala besar: untuk menemukan berita ini, "tersembunyi" di media internasional Yahudi: Bildenberg dari sistem Masonik seigniorage perbankan. [[Suriah diculik uskup, juga: Athena: tidak: konfirmasi pembebasan. ANSA.it - 3 hari lalu: Keuskupan Aleppo, tidak ada kontak dengan dua Uskup Agung Ortodoks]], Kerry mengatakan:'' Saya berbicara pagi ini: dari sini dengan Netanyahu, dan dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa itu tidak dalam posisi: untuk mengkonfirmasi . Ini adalah proses mereka: e: tergantung pada mereka: seperti: dan ketika: mereka ingin lakukan, dan tidak: kepada saya: membuat pengumuman. Jadi: Saya tidak tahu!''. Mungkin berarti (tapi, apaan itu berarti, pidato ini??): Jika Anda ingin menyerang Suriah, dengan fitnah, seperti, Anda sudah menginvasi Irak, dengan, fitnah yang lain, kemudian, melakukannya, tetapi, Anda tidak melanggar, ayam: bagi saya!@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- menyerang dengan senjata nuklir, yang sama hari ini, semua 50 negara-negara Islam, itu adalah satu-satunya kesempatan yang Anda miliki untuk bisa menyelamatkan Israel@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- tapi ini adalah kebenaran: ada lebih: kekuatan Barat, namun, ada skema: lobi Yahudi dan okultisme kekuatan Masonik: IMF FED 666, sistem: tirani setan kekuasaan, IMF, Bildenberg, dan semua arah tersembunyi mereka (ilmu tertinggi, teknik, sosial, dan semua monopoli SpA, semua di tangan: hanya Rothschid), dengan cara ini, mereka akan: sekali lagi, menyalahkan orang-orang Kristen, untuk: pemusnahan: Holocaust dekat: melawan, Israel, selama, Perang dunia III, Holocaust baru, seperti: sekali, mereka lakukan: setelah, Perang dunia II. terlihat bahwa: dengan Revolusi Perancis, tidak lebih ada, kebijakan: dapat di bawah kendali orang-orang Kristen di Barat! itu sebabnya orang-orang Farisi dan Salafi: harus dihukum mati! karena, berdialog dengan mereka adalah mustahil[Kekhalifahan di seluruh dunia, seperti: strategi perang agresif] benar-benar Islamophobia: Justified, karena: bahwa: Islamis Islam, kaki, mereka tidur nyenyak: untuk, kejahatan: itu, mereka Islam: commit: semua, Timur Tengah, melawan, orang-orang Kristen, Itulah sebabnya, akan ada kebangkitan menyakitkan Seharusnya, tiba-tiba dan dramatis. Ini kelas kami berkuasa, Yang, seperti, datang untuk berdamai dengan teroris, tanpa berurusan dengan: masalah koherensi: a keji dan kriminal terlibat: konsep yang salah: dari: "perdamaian", sementara: banyak, terlalu banyak martir Kristen bersalah, menemukan kedamaian mereka di pemakaman. Bahkan, orang-orang Kristen di wilayah Palestina (di bawah, Yasser Arafat), harus melarikan diri secara massal, sementara orang-orang Kristen yang tersisa, mereka dipaksa sebagai dhimmi, budak, subyek, Juga Dikirim, mereka, hukum Islam. Mengapa kemudian, Eropa terus menjadi musuh Israel, dan kaki tangan Nazisme, Palestina, dan semua negara sekarang mengislamkan oleh Liga Arab?[Kekhalifahan di seluruh dunia, Islam, seperti: strategi perang agresif, dan BARAT: semakin banyak kriminal], didorong terpaut oleh lobi Yahudi perbankan: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Farisi, bankir internasional, yang telah bersumpah kebencian, kekal terhadap : Kristen, mendorong diri, secara substansial, keluar: dari peradaban: Yahudi - Kristen, karena mereka telah menjadi: musuh nyata, kelangsungan hidup Israel. Ini Barat: Masonik dan setan, okultisme kekuatan Bildenberg bahwa: menyangkal nilai-nilai mereka sendiri, dan: mengkhianati identitasnya sendiri, dari: a Eropa ditinggalkan untuk dilupakan, sehingga pidana menjadi: menjadi, tuli ... dan dirinya sendiri: protagonis haus darah, kaki: dari setiap pelanggaran: kebebasan beragama, baik di luar perbatasan, baik di dalam: perbatasannya, karena jika memang benar, bahwa: Muslim adalah saudara kita, bagaimanapun, adalah juga benar bahwa,[Khalifah di seluruh dunia, dari: Obama] tidak sulit untuk menemukan bukti tentang hal ini: tragedi kemanusiaan bencana, dimana: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA PBB, NATO, yang terlibat. barbarisme ini: sipil, agama, budaya, yang telah jatuh: dunia: Arab-Muslim, di mangsa fanatisme ideologis: ekstremis Islam: dan intoleransi agama: kediktatoran dalam kekuasaan. [Eropa jawab: sekarang sandera dari Illuminati Bildenber: itu besar] dalam menghadapi lanjutan penganiayaan dan melanjutkan: penghinaan harian, bahwa semua orang Kristen di bawah rezim Islam, dan dalam segala hal: Timur Tengah, mereka dipaksa untuk hidup dan menderita, karena: eropa sakit, ini: relativisme buta: dengan, ide yang baik dari multikulturalisme, yang, bagaimanapun, tidak dapat menyadari: tanpa: konsep timbal balik[Obama dan rencananya kepunahan, orang Kristen, dan kaum Syiah, di Timur Tengah] sebelumnya, penaklukan Arab: Islam dan pada abad ketujuh, orang Kristen dibuat, 95%, dari populasi, dari Mediterania: selatan dan timur Mediterania. tapi, hari ini, dengan kurang, dari, 12. juta telah jatuh, tajam menjadi kurang dari 6%, tentu saja, pada 2020, tidak akan ada orang Kristen yang lebih di Timur Tengah! Dari Perang Dunia Pertama: 10 juta orang Kristen telah dipaksa untuk pindah. Ini adalah bukti Setanisme, dan: kebiadaban kriminal, dell'imbarbarimento, tidak hanya, dari Liga Arab, namun, di atas semua, kaki tangannya, Freemason, orang-orang Farisi, Illuminati, Bildenberg, kekuatan gaib, yang, dengan diam kudeta: merebut kekuasaan: dalam semua demokrasi palsu Masonik: dari seigniorage perbankan.1. [Gereja (Kristen martir) dianiaya di Timur Tengah: untuk: melakukan kekhalifahan di seluruh dunia] 2. [Gereja (martir Kristen) dianiaya, di seluruh dunia untuk ini: Talmud orang Farisi: dalam sistem Masonik: untuk seigniorage perbankan:. Untuk memperbudak semua orang, dan untuk menghancurkan Israel] 3. [Gereja (martir Kristen) dianiaya oleh semua agama, dan komunisme. ] Kami menyaksikan begitu takut, penganiayaan dan eksodus massa Kristen dari Timur Tengah, yang merupakan penduduk asli benar daerah, karena konsepsi: bahwa: adalah satanizzata: tentang, Islam: dari Liga Arab, dan nya : CIA, semua Nazi, Nazi Islamis, benar-benar tidak toleran, dan, gagal untuk menghormati martabat dan hak-hak pribadi manusia. sesuai, mereka menyembunyikan alasan sebenarnya untuk mengapa Israel dipaksa untuk menjadi begitu "keras" terhadap rakyat Palestina.
@ CAI Fairisíneach Rothschild, do mharú Iosrael: le, caliphate ar fud an domhain: Sraith Arabach: salafis, fuair mé ag smaoineamh maith, mar gheall ar: nach mharú, me too, mar shampla: rinne tú a mharú: an tUachtarán John Kennedy, nuair a rinne sé: Feidhmeannach Ordú 11110, a tharmligean chuig an Rúnaí an Chisteáin: airgead a phriontáil: ar son na daoine Mheiriceá, gan a thabhairt: an costas, a thabhairt duit: faoi, 270% dár n-airgead (le trí scams: mar, dúirt: eolaí: Giacinto Auriti)? dó, go raibh sé ina Uachtarán fíor, do na daoine Mheiriceá, agus ní, mar atá, fhealltóir Obama IslamistNUA-EABHRAC -'' gan mé a thuilleadh: an Moslamach, Sóisialach: go: Bhí mé roimh ...''. US Uachtarán Barack Obama mocks, Smiling agus féin-deprecating .. - FREAGRA - @ fhealltóir Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! an glanadh eitneach na Críostaithe agus Shiites, sagairt, deochan, agus easpaig Maraíodh: i fola fuar, le dallamullóg, dúmhál, kidnapped, cosúil le ainmhithe, rapes de chailíní, "mharaithe", éileamh airgead fuascailte, gach scum: na sceimhlitheoirí: Salafis, "deartháireacha Muslim" a scaipeadh do Sharia do "caliphate ar fud an domhain", a bhfuil siad, lá atá inniu ann, i tSiria, agus go bhfuil tú leathadh díreach: ar fud na Meánmhara, etc .. ? Is iad sin: do: CIA agus do: Arabacha League: atá ag déanamh na gcoireanna seo go léir! agus do, meáin Giúdach: an mhonaplacht de gach: SpA, Corparáidí, le haghaidh: beart: CAI, FED, BCE, Talmud gclár oibre: Bildenberg, córas Masonic: do seigniorage baincéireachta, siad clúdach: seo go léir, le: a luíonn: agus a n- eolas a shaothrú. Ba mhaith a bheith níos fearr: ar do shon, riamh go raibh tú rugadh!
2013/02/12 [tSiria - Vatacáine]. Tar éis urghabháil reibiliúnaithe Muslim dhá sagart i Aleppo, tá eagla: do: a saol. An sagart Caitliceach Airméinis, an tAthair Michael, agus sagart Orthodox bhí fhuadaigh: Domhnach deireanach i mí Críostaí Aleppo ar: chomharsanacht. Foinsí labhairt: a AsiaNews: about: dúnmharuithe barbarous: i gcrích: mo antoiscigh Ioslamacha. A buama carr: explodes: ag an Tuircis-Siria: trasnaithe teorann: de Cilvegozu. [TAR ÉIS tré mharbhadh: marú: na sagairt, éilíonn siad: ar airgead fuascailte: a n-easpaig] 2013/04/26. [Ós rud é go bhfuil an Léig Arabach ag déanamh an glanadh eitneach na Shiites agus Críostaithe, rapes, dúnmharuithe, i ngach áit, Bhuaigh sí ina chríoch, ansin, an Chechens: díoghaltar siad, an sceimhlitheoireachta a maraíodh i mBostún (mar a dúirt an Tuirc)] Uimh comhartha easpaig Orthodox 'scaoileadh, eagla dúmhál pholaitiúil ag fás. 322 Ciarraí, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, fuair mé an Sarin, i saotharlanna an Léig Arabach, go, do: Tá Al Qaeda faoi stiúir, i tSiria .. is fearr duit: bheadh sé, más rud é nach raibh tú riamh a rugadh!IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa tú ní a dhéanamh ar chainéal nach bhfuil nua go fóill? ! - FREAGRA - iad siúd, a bhfuil mé (thart ar 50, Channel) iomarcach, le haghaidh dom bheadh, a bheith níos fearr ach cainéal amháin: le haghaidh dom ach, mar is féidir leat a rá go bhfuil "an diabhal a shábháil", agus ansin, tá tú hide tú féin, cosúil le meatachán, taobh thiar de na grianghraf, Naomh Bartolo Longo, a bhí, nuair a bhí d'aois, bhí sé sé ina voodoo sagart de satan ... mhaith leat?[[TSiria freed an dias easpog Orthodox. ANSA.it - 4 lá ó shin]] .. ach, tá tú chun tochailt: le stubbornness mór: chun teacht ar an nuacht, "i bhfolach" sna meáin idirnáisiúnta Giúdach: Bildenberg ar an gcóras Masonic de seigniorage bainc. [[TSiria easpaig kidnapped; freisin: Athens: Ní: liberation deimhniú. ANSA.it - 3 lá ó shin: Deoise Aleppo, aon teagmháil leis an dá easpaig Orthodox]], a dúirt Chiarraí:'' Labhair mé ar maidin: ó anseo le Netanyahu, agus dúirt sé liom nach raibh sé sa phost: a dheimhniú . Is é seo a bpróiseas: e: ag brath ar iad: mar shampla: agus nuair: is mian leo a dhéanamh, agus nach bhfuil sé: dom: fógairtí a dhéanamh. Mar sin: Níl a fhios agam''!. B'fhéidir ciallaíonn (ach, ciallaíonn fuck, an chaint????): Más mian leat a invade an tSiria, le calumny, cosúil le, tá tú ionradh cheana Iaráic, leis, calumny eile, ansin, é sin a dhéanamh, ach, ní gá duit a bhriseadh, an coileach: dom!@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- stailc le airm núicléacha, lá atá inniu ann céanna, gach 50 náisiúin Ioslamach, is é an deis amháin go bhfuil tú a bheith in ann a shábháil Iosrael@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- ach is é seo an fhírinne: tá níos mó: cumhacht an Iarthair, ach, tá scéim: lobbies Giúdach agus cumhachtaí asarlaíochta Masonic: CAI FED 666, ar an gcóras: tíoránta satanic cumhachtaí, an IMF, Bildenberg, agus gach a n-treoir i bhfolach (an eolaíocht is airde, na hinnealtóireachta, sóisialta agus, gach SpA monaplachtaí, ar fad i lámha: ach Rothschid), ar an mbealach seo, beidh siad: arís, an milleán ar an Críostaithe, chun: an extermination: Uileloscadh tí tarlú: i gcoinne, Iosrael, le linn, domhan Cogadh III, an Uileloscadh nua, mar: aon uair amháin, rinne siad: tar éis, an Dara Cogadh domhanda. le feiceáil go: leis an Réabhlóid na Fraince, nach bhfuil níos mó ann, polasaí: is féidir é a bheith faoi rialú na Críostaithe san Iarthar! sin an fáth na Fairisínigh agus Salafists: Ba chóir a daoradh chun báis! mar gheall ar, a bhfuil idirphlé leo go bhfuil sé dodhéantaTá go hiomlán Islamophobia: [straitéis an chogaidh ionsaitheach caliphate ar fud an domhain, mar shampla]: bonn cirt leo, ós rud é: go: ár Islamists Ioslamach, comhchoirí, codlata soundly siad: le haghaidh, na coireanna: go, A Ioslamach: tiomantas: gach, an Meán-Oirthear, aghaidh, na Críostaithe, sin an fáth, beidh awakening painful Gá, tobann agus drámatúil. Seo ár rang rialú, Cé acu, cosúil le, teacht chun réitigh leis na sceimhlitheoirí, gan déileáil leis: an bhfadhb comhleanúnachas: a vile agus coiriúil complicit: bréagach coincheap: de: "síochána", cé go: go leor, martyrs neamhchiontach iomarca Críostaí, A n-síocháin a fháil ag an reilig. Go deimhin, tá Críostaithe i gcríocha na Palaistíne (thíos, Yasser Arafat), bhí a teitheadh en masse, agus na Críostaithe atá fágtha, bhí siad a bheith éigean mar dhimmis, sclábhaithe, ábhair, Chomh maith leis sin isteach, iad, le dlí Ioslamach. Cén fáth ansin, leanann an Eoraip a bheith ar an namhaid ar Iosrael, agus chomhchoirí an Naitsíochais, na Palaistínigh, agus de na tíortha go léir Islamized anois ag an Léig Arabach?[Caliphate ar fud an domhain, Ioslam, mar shampla: straitéis an chogaidh ionsaitheach, agus WEST: níos mó agus níos mó coiriúil], tiomáinte adrift ag an baincéireachta Giúdach stocaireacht: Illuminati: CAI-NWO, Fairisínigh, baincéirí idirnáisiúnta, a bheith faoi mhionn fuath, eternal: i gcoinne : Chríostaíocht, ag brú féin, go substaintiúil, amach: ó civilization: Giúdach - Críostaí, le haghaidh tá siad anois: an naimhde fíor, ar an mairfidh Iosrael. Seo Thiar: Masonic agus satanic, asarlaíochta cumhachtaí Bildenberg go: dhiúltú a gcuid luachanna féin, agus: betrays a chéannacht féin, de: Eoraip tréigthe chun oblivion, mar sin coiriúla a bheith: a bheith, bodhar ... agus é féin: protagonist bloodthirsty, comhchoirí: de gach sárú: saoirse creidimh, araon lasmuigh dá theorainneacha, idir laistigh de: dá theorainneacha, mar má tá sé fíor, go: tá Muslims ár deartháireacha, áfach, fíor freisin go bhfuil,[An caliphate ar fud an domhain, ar: Obama] nach bhfuil sé deacair fianaise de seo a aimsiú: tragóid daonna tubaisteacha, mar atá: Talmud CAI: FED BCE, CIA Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá Náisiún Aontaithe, NATO, tá complicit. an barbarism: sibhialta, creidimh, cultúrtha, go bhfuil plunged: ar fud an domhain: an Arabach-Muslim, i chreiche a fanaticism idé-eolaíoch: antoiscigh Ioslamacha: agus éadulaingt creidimh: a dictatorships i gcumhacht. [Fhreagracht na hEorpa: anois braighde Illuminati Bildenber: tá sé ollmhór] in aghaidh na géarleanúna leanúnach agus leanúnach: humiliations laethúil, go bhfuil gach Críostaithe faoi réimis Ioslamach, agus i ngach rud: an Meán-Oirthear, tá siad iachall chun cónaí agus ag fulaingt, mar gheall ar: Eoraip tinn, de seo: relativism blinded: leis, an smaoineamh maith ar an ilchultúrachas, a, áfach, ní féidir a bhaint amach: gan: an coincheap na comharaíochta[Obama agus a chuid pleananna éag, de na Críostaithe, agus ar an Shiites, sa Mheán-Oirthear] roimh, ar an conquest Arabach: agus Ioslam sa seachtú haois, rinneadh Críostaithe suas, 95%, den daonra, na Meánmhara: ó dheas agus soir ó Meánmhara. ach, lá atá inniu ann, le níos lú, ná, 12. milliún, tar éis titim, go mór go dtí níos lú ná 6%, ar ndóigh, i 2020, ní bheidh aon Críostaithe níos mó sa Mheán-Oirthear! Ón an Chéad Chogadh Domhanda: 10 milliún Críostaithe curtha éigean dul ar imirce. Is é seo an cruthúnas ar Satanism, agus: barbarity coiriúil, dell'imbarbarimento, ní hamháin, an Léig Arabach, ach, thar aon rud eile, a gcomhchoirithe, an Freemasons, na Fairisínigh, Illuminati, Bildenberg, asarlaíochta chumhacht, a, le adh coup: Ghlac cumhachta: i ngach ndaonlathais bréagach Masonic: de seigniorage baincéireachta.1. [Tá an Eaglais (Críostaí martyrs) géarleanúint sa Mheán-Oirthear: go: a dhéanamh ar an caliphate ar fud an domhain] 2. [Tá an Eaglais (martyrs Críostaí) géarleanúint, ar fud an domhain le haghaidh seo: an Talmud de na Fairisínigh: sa chóras Masonic: an seigniorage baincéireachta:. Chun enslave gach pobail, agus a mhilleadh Iosrael] 3. [An Eaglais (martyrs Críostaí) Tá géarleanúint ngach reiligiúin, agus communism. ] Táimid ag witnessing chomh fearful, chun an ghéarleanúint agus exodus mais na Críostaithe ó Mheán-Oirthear, a bhfuil an natives fíor an réigiúin, mar gheall ar gcoimpeart: go: Bhí satanizzata: faoi, Ioslam: an Léig Arabach, agus a : CIA, gach Naitsithe, an Islamists Naitsithe, go hiomlán intolerant, agus, go mainneoidh sé urraim do dhínit agus cearta an duine daonna. dá réir sin, tá siad i bhfolach ar na cúiseanna fíor maidir le cén fáth an Israelis bhfuil iachall a bheith amhlaidh "crua" in aghaidh na Palaistínigh.
@ IMF farísei Rothschild, fyrir kill Ísrael: með, alheims caliphate: Arababandalagið: salafis, fékk ég góða hugmynd, vegna þess að: drepa ekki, mig líka, svo sem: þú gerðir drepa: forseti John Kennedy, þegar hann gerði: Executive Order 11110, sem falið framkvæmdastjóra ríkissjóðs: að prenta peninga: hönd the Ameríkumaður fólk, án þess að gefa: Kostnaður, um þig: um, 270% af peningum okkar (með þremur óþekktarangi: eins, sagði: vísindamaður: Giacinto Auriti)? hann, að hann var alvöru forseti, fyrir the Ameríkumaður fólk, og ekki, eins og er, svikari Íslamista ObamaNEW YORK -'' ég ekki lengur: múslima, sósíalista: að: ég var áður ...''. Forseti Bandaríkjanna, Barack Obama gjörir gys, Brosandi og sjálf-deprecating .. - SVAR - @ svikari Obama, Íslamista, lygari, murderess! að þjóðernishreinsunum kristinna og Shiites, prestar, djáknar, og biskupa Killed: í köldu blóði, með blekkingum, kúgun, rænt, eins og dýr, nauðgunum stúlkna, "slátrað", lausnargjalds eftirspurn, allt scum þínum: hryðjuverkamanna: Salafis, "múslima bræður" til að dreifa sharia þinn þinn "alheims caliphate", sem þeir eru, í dag, í Sýrlandi, og að þú hefur bara breiðst: allan Miðjarðarhafi, osfrv .. ? eru: your: CIA og þínum: Arababandalagið: hver er að gera alla þessa glæpi! og þín, gyðinga fjölmiðla: einokun hvers: SpA, Corporations, fyrir: aðgerð: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud dagskrá: Bildenberg, Masonic kerfi: fyrir myntsláttuhagnaður bankastarfsemi, þeir ná: allt þetta, með: lygar þeirra: og þeirra upplýsingar hagnýtt. hefði verið betra: fyrir þig, að þú hefðir aldrei fæðst!
2013/02/12 [Sýrland - Vatíkanið]. Eftir Múslima uppreisnarmenn grípa tvo presta í Aleppo, það eru ótta: fyrir: líf þeirra. An Armenian kaþólskur prestur, Fr Michael, og Orthodox prestur var rænt: síðasta sunnudag í Aleppo er Christian: hverfinu. Heimildir tala: að AsiaNews: um: siðlausar morð: fram: íslamska öfgamenn mínum. A bíll sprengja: springur: í tyrkneska-Syrian: Border Crossing: í Cilvegozu. [Eftir að hafa drepið: slátrun: prestarnir, krafðist þeir: lausnargjald: að biskupar þeirra] 2013/04/26. [Þar sem Arababandalagið er að gera þjóðernishreinsanir af Shiites og kristnir, nauðganir, morð, alls staðar, vinnur hún landsvæði, þá er Chechens: þeir hefnt, hryðjuverkamenn drepnir í Boston (sem sagt Turkey)] engin merki um Rétttrúnaðar biskupa 'gefa út, ótta pólitískum fjárkúgun vaxa. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, fann ég Sarin, í rannsóknarstofum á Arababandalagið, að þín: Al Qaeda hefur leitt í Sýrlandi .. best fyrir þig: það hefði verið, ef þú værir ekki alltaf fæddur!IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti FA þú gera ekki ekki nýja rás enn? - SVAR - þeir, sem ég hef (um 50, CHANNEL) eru of, fyrir mig, hefði verið betra aðeins ein rás: fyrir mig, en eins og þú getur sagt að "Satan Vista", og þá, þú fela þig, lítilmannlega, bak við mynd, St Bartolo Longo, sem hann þegar var aldri, hann var prestur Voodoo Satans ... eins og þú?[[Sýrland leysti tvær Rétttrúnaðar biskupar. ANSA.it - 4 dagar síðan]] .. en þú þarft að grafa: með mikilli þrjósku: að finna þessa frétt, "falinn" í alþjóðlegum gyðinga fjölmiðla: Bildenberg af Masonic kerfi banka myntsláttuhagnaður. [[Sýrland rænt biskupar, einnig: Athens: ekki: Staðfesting frelsun. ANSA.it - 3 dagar síðan: biskupsdæmið Aleppo, ekkert samband við tveimur Rétttrúnaðar archbishops]], Kerry sagði:'' Ég talaði í morgun: héðan með Netanyahu, og hann sagði mér að það væri ekki í þeirri stöðu: að staðfesta . Þetta er ferli þeirra: E: veltur á þeim: svo sem, og þegar þeir vilja til að gera, og það er ekki: að mér: að tilkynningar. Svo: Ég veit ekki''!. Kannski þýðir (en fjandanum það þýðir, þetta mál??): Ef þú vilt að ráðast Sýrland, með calumny, eins og þú hefur nú þegar ráðist Írak, með, öðrum calumny, þá skaltu gera það en, þú brjóta ekki, hani: til mín!@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- verkfall með kjarnorkuvopn, sama dag, allt 50 íslamska þjóða, er það eina tækifæri þú hafa af því að vera fær um að frelsa Ísrael@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- en þetta er sannleikurinn: það er meira: a West vald, en það er kerfi: gyðinga anddyri og Masonic völd dulspekihópar: IMF Fed 666, kerfið: tyrannical djöfladýrkunar völd, IMF, Bildenberg, og allir falinn átt þeirra (hæsta vísindi, verkfræði, félags og allir einkasölu SpA, allt í höndum: um aðeins Rothschid), á þennan hátt, munu þeir: enn og aftur, ásaka kristnir eftir: The útrýmingaraðgerða: Helförin yfirvofandi: gegn, Ísrael, á meðan World War III, nýja Holocaust, sem: einu sinni, þeir gerðu: eftir, í seinni heimsstyrjöldinni. séð að: við franska byltingin, ekki meira til, stefnu: það getur verið undir stjórn þeirra kristnu á Vesturlöndum! þess vegna farísear og Salafists: skal dæmdur til dauða! vegna þess, að hafa samskipti við þá er ómögulegt[Allan heim caliphate, svo sem: stefnu árásargjarn stríð] er algerlega Íslamsfælni: réttlætt, síðan: að: Íslamskt Íslamistar okkar, vitorðsmaður, þeir sofa vært: fyrir, glæpir: Það, Islamic þeirra: fremja: öll, Mið-Austurlöndum, gegn, kristnu, sem er hvers vegna, það verður sársaukafullt endilega, skyndilega og dramatísk vakning. Þessi úrskurður bekknum okkar, sem, eins og, koma til skilmálar með hryðjuverkamenn, án þess að takast við: vandamál af samfellu: A viðurstyggilega og refsiábyrgð complicit: falskur hugtak: á: "friðar", á meðan: margir, of margir saklausir Christian píslarvottar, finna frið þeirra í kirkjugarði. Í raun hafa kristnir í Palestínu (fyrir neðan, Yasser Arafat), þurfti að flýja en fjöldinn, en eftir kristnir, þeir voru að vera neydd sem dhimmis, þræla, efni, einnig lögð fram, þá, að íslömskum lögum. Hvers vegna þá, Evrópa heldur áfram að vera óvinur Ísraels, og vitorðsmaður af Nazisma, Palestínumenn, og allra landa nú Islamized af Arababandalagið?[Allan heim caliphate, Íslam, svo sem: stefnu árásargjarn stríð og WEST: fleiri og fleiri glæpamaður], ekið rak um gyðinga andyri banka: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, faríseana, alþjóðlegum bankamönnum, sem hafa svarið hatur, eilíf: gegn : Kristni, þrýsta sig verulega, út: frá siðmenningu: gyðinga - Christian, því að þeir hafa orðið: Real óvini, á lifun Ísraels. Þetta West: Masonic og djöfladýrkunar, dulspeki völd Bildenberg að: afneita eigin gildi þeirra, og: bendir eigin sjálfsmynd hans, en: Evrópa yfirgefin í gleymskunnar dái, svo glæpsamlegt að vera: verða, heyrnarlaus ... og sjálft: blóðþyrsta söguhetjan, vitorðsmaður: hvers brot: trúfrelsi, bæði utan landamæri sín, bæði innan: landamæri sín, því ef það er satt, að: Múslimar eru bræður okkar er hins vegar einnig rétt að[Um allan heim caliphate um: Obama] er ekki erfitt að finna vísbendingar um þetta: skelfilegar manna harmleikur, þar af: Talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA SÞ, NATO, eru complicit. þessarar villimennsku: borgaraleg, trúarlegum, menningarlegum, sem hefur steypa: heiminn: Arab-múslima, í bráð að hugmyndafræðilega ofstæki: íslamskir öfgamenn: og trúarleg óþol: einræðisríki þess í krafti. [Evrópa Ábyrgð: nú gíslar af Illuminati Bildenber: það er mikið] í ljósi áframhaldandi ofsóknir og áframhaldandi: daglegum humiliations, að allir kristnir undir íslömskum ríkisstjórnir, og í allt: Mið-Austurlöndum, þeir eru neydd til að lifa og þjást, vegna þess að: Evrópa er veikur, þetta: afstæðishyggja blindað: með, góða hugmynd um fjölmenningu, sem þó getur ekki orðið að veruleika: án: hugtakið gagnkvæmni[Obama og áætlanir útrýmingu hans, af kristnir, og af Shiites, í Miðausturlöndum] áður, á arabísku landvinninga, og Islam í sjöunda öld, kristnir menn upp, 95%, af íbúafjölda, á Miðjarðarhafi: suður og austur af Miðjarðarhafi. En í dag, með minna, en, 12. milljónir, hafa lækkað, verulega minna en 6%, að sjálfsögðu, í 2020, það verður ekki meira kristnir í Mið-Austurlöndum! Frá fyrri heimsstyrjöldinni: 10 milljónir kristnir hafa neyðst til að flytjast. Þetta er sönnun þess Satanism og: glæpamaður villimennsku, dell'imbarbarimento, ekki aðeins á Arababandalagið, en umfram allt, accomplices hans, Freemasons, farísearnir, Illuminati, Bildenberg, dulspeki völd, sem með þögul coup: tók völd: í öllum fölsku lýðræðisríkjum Masonic: af myntsláttuhagnaður bankastarfsemi.1. [Kirkjan (Christian píslarvottar) er ofsóttur í Miðausturlöndum: til: gera á alheims caliphate] 2. [Kirkjan (Christian píslarvottar) er ofsótt, um allan heim fyrir þetta: Talmud af flokki farísea: í Masonic kerfi: fyrir banka myntsláttuhagnaður:. Til enslave allir lýðir, og til að eyðileggja Ísrael] 3. [Kirkjan (Christian píslarvottar) er ofsótt af öllum trúarbrögðum, og kommúnisma. ] Við erum vitni svo hræddir, að ofsóknir og massa fólksflótta af kristnu frá Miðausturlöndum, sem eru hinir sönnu innfæddra á svæðinu, vegna getnaði: að: var satanizzata: um, Íslam: á Arababandalagið, og hans : CIA, allir nasistar, nasistar Íslamistar, algerlega óþol, og tekst að virða reisn og réttindi mannsins. samræmis fela þau alvöru ástæður á því hvers vegna Ísraelsmenn eru neydd til að vera svo "harður" gegn Palestínumönnum.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
10 minuti fa
It is remarkable to consider, such as: the same confessions and revelations have been made by: Jews, even after many, many: centuries and in countries far away: in Trento, Moldova, Switzerland: in: centuries XIV and XVIII, which is already the second: and he saw: see. Many: other: made: similar to: those: already reported: we: may collect: other: history: especially by: Monumenta of Pertz historiae Germanicae. But, because, so far reported, just: to put in point: that the use jew: to: use: of Christian blood, for ritual purposes: it is ancient and constant: in: centuries gone by. But we now come to the century: present
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
12 minuti fa
nuclear WW III? Is here! @ IsraelNationalTV-parasitic traitorous Masons of Their people, servants of the enemy: the banker jew rabbi Illuminated: Politicians without: our political Sovereignty: without seigniorage banking? They are forced: to make the agenda: of the IMF - NWO. That Is: 3 ° W W nuclear .. infact: Ezra Pound was cruelly tortured, he have the report revealed: Between IMF: and all the Wars .. only, "unius REI" can set to cultures of collaboration: why, since: the Illuminati rabbis: have set: to Cultures of Opposition: Their agenda at all functional: ie total control! Because Rothschild can not kill me? no! Between Jews, among us? Between us, we do not kill ourselves!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
15 minuti fa
hey guys, you all are voting for me? I'm Ron Paul hei ragazzi, state tutti votando per me? io sono Ron Paul.. lol. blessings too
R:ozoneresearch ti ha inviato un video: "Ozone Therapy Information and What Happens With the Heart Live!"
1 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: this: work: [the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE. REVELATIONS: Neophyte: EX RABBI: GREEK MONACO:]? is: the: Reply to: this other masterpiece that: paradoxically is: fall: below the jerseys: of the: censorship: "[[[Ariel Toaff: Easter: of: blood: the Jews of Europe: and: ritual murder: the publishing company: the: Mill]: the: censorship: in: this: if: not: is: dull and ignorant: but: is: an ideological crime: why: the: Jewish bankers "Illuminati" have lost: the : forced complicity: of the: Jewish community: support: that: always: Their: enjoyed: for: all the throttling: peoples: an: that: to: spite: of: any Holocaust: or: shoah: made subject to the people elected: of the: our Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac: and: Jacob, the: hope of: Israele ..
2 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: but: everyone knows: as, I am the: Jewish Messiah: Re: of Israel: and only king of the: Human Gender: unius REI. So: if: public self something? No one can contest to: me! because: the: intentions: of the: censorship: not: be: of: avoid: to: anachronistic anti-Semitism that: is: instead: Masonic physiological system: and: bank: of the: bank seigniorage! Ariel Toaff: is: the famous scholar of the illustrious Chief Rabbi: Judaism Italiano Representative: creator: of the: ecumenical language: His Holiness John Paul II .. Toaff is: my brother, because he like me is: to: Zionist: for: the: United: of: Israel]]] [[[Chapter XIII: Death: and: kill: for: love of God: ]]] the: BLOOD CHRISTIAN: in the: JEWISH RITES: of the: MODERN SYNAGOGUE.
3 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] REVELATIONS: Neophyte: EX RABBI: GREEK MONACO: the: title? is: it all a mental imbalance: but no one should think that: the: Something missing: of: logic: Their: problem is: represented: only: by: wrong reasons! Since: is: evident: that: I: not: I can kill (ie: violating the: 5 th commandment) to: innocent Christian child: that: the: His blood can cleanse me, from 3 rd commandment that: I I have done: not: respecting the: Saturday: (ie: to: to: sin more: for: purify: to: another sin less?: but: this: is: the: best way: for: received: to: "evil evil": ie: receive extraordinary generational curses: how to: say ": for: the: too much science is: become an idiot!").
4 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES] As is: wrote: "I confound: the: wisdom of the intelligent but "...:: all: this: instead: is: more: that: logical: if: the: Talmud: that: for: all: the: Jews of the: world is: the: holy word of, God. he himself says that: the Christians are animals: in: human form! is: in: this: so: that: the: Christian children have replaced: the: lambs of the: Jewish Temple lost: and: the: adults: they replaced: the donkeys: how what: that: Rabbi naive is saying !: this means a document? is: real! These crimes? They are committed today as they made yesterday: and: will always be committed until the Judaism: not: decide: of: the repeal: Talmud: and: this: it can only be done under the authority: of the: king: of Israel !: but: think: that: the: Jews know: these topics?
5 / 41 [Christian blood: in the: JEWISH RITES]: or: that: knowing them: not: be afraid: n: that: Their: of: to lose: the: life? is: madness! If: then: I: not: I forgive all: the: various categories of: cowardly traitors: if: repented: n: that: those: that: they went to: swear: for: Satan in the: Freemasonry? Then, I should be: worst of the 3 ° WW nuclear power: that: I am looking for: of: to avoid: to: all the: human race!: But: even crazier: is: thinking: that: the: expulsions of Jews from various countries: they're just: the: result: of: to: superstitious behavior: because we know how: is: serious: the: Catholic Church: in the: its pronouncements! An: that: if: the: ILLUMINATI: through: 5 centuries: of: this: our system: Masonic: and: Bank: destroyed: most of the: documents:
@ IMF Farisæer Rothschild, for kill Israel: med verdensomspændende kalifat: Arabiske Liga: salafister, jeg fik en god idé, fordi: ikke dræbe, også mig, såsom: du gjorde kill: Præsident John Kennedy, da han gjorde: Executive Order 11110, som uddelegeres til Secretary of Treasury: at trykke penge: på vegne af det amerikanske folk, uden at give: udgifterne til dig: ca, 270% af vores penge (med tre svindel: som, sagde: forsker: Giacinto Auriti)? ham, at han var en rigtig præsident for det amerikanske folk, og ikke, som, er en forræder islamistisk Obama
NEW YORK -'' jeg ikke længere: den muslimske, socialistiske: at: jeg var før ...''. Amerikanske præsident Barack Obama håner, smilende og selvforklejnende .. - SVAR - @ Traitor Obama, islamistisk, løgner, morderske! Den etniske udrensning af kristne og shiiter, præster, diakoner og biskopper dræbt: i koldt blod, med bedrag, afpresning, kidnappet, som dyr, voldtægt af piger, "slagtede", løsesum efterspørgsel, alle dine udskud: terroristernes: salafister, "Muslimske brødre" for at sprede din sharia din "verdensomspændende kalifat", som de er, i dag, i Syrien, og at du lige har spredt: all over Middelhavet, etc. .. ? er: Deres: CIA og dit: Arabiske Liga: hvem der gør alle disse forbrydelser! og jeres, jødiske medier: monopol på hver: SpA, Corporations, til: handling: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud dagsorden: Bildenberg, Masonic: for bankvirksomhed møntningsgevinst, dækning, de: alt dette med: deres løgne: og deres oplysninger udnyttes. ville have været bedre: for dig, at du aldrig var blevet født!
2013/02/12 [SYRIEN - Vatikanet]. Efter muslimske oprørere beslaglægge to præster i Aleppo, der er frygt for: deres liv. En armensk katolske præst, Fr Michael og en ortodoks præst blev bortført: sidste søndag i Aleppo Christian: kvarter. Kilder taler: til AsiaNews: about: barbariske mord: udføres: mine islamiske ekstremister. En bilbombe: eksploderer: ved den tyrkisk-syriske: grænsepassage: i Cilvegozu. [Efter at have dræbt: slagtning: Præsterne forlangte de: en løsesum: til deres biskopper] 2013/04/26. [Da Den Arabiske Liga gør den etniske udrensning af shiamuslimer og kristne, voldtægter, mord, overalt, hun vinder et territorium, så tjetjenerne: De hævnet, terroristen dræbt i Boston (som sagt Tyrkiet)] Ingen tegn på ortodokse biskopper 'udgivelse, frygt for politisk afpresning vokse. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, fandt jeg sarin, i laboratorierne i Den Arabiske Liga, at dit: Al Qaeda har ført, i Syrien .. bedst for dig: det ville have været, hvis du ikke var nogensinde født!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 Minuti fa du ikke foretage ikke ny kanal endnu? ! - SVAR - dem, som jeg har (omkring 50, CHANNEL) er overdrevne, for mig, ville have været bedre kun én kanal: for mig, men, som du kan sige, at "Satan save" og så, du gemme dig, som en kujon, bag billedet af St. Bartolo Longo, som han da var i din alder, var han præst voodoo Satans ... lide dig?
[[Syrien befriede de to ortodokse biskopper. ANSA.it - 4 dage siden]] .. men du nødt til at grave: med stor stædighed: at finde denne nyhed, "skjult" i de internationale jødiske medier: Bildenberg af Frimurer system bank møntningsgevinst. [[Syrien kidnappet biskopper, også: Athen: ikke: bekræftelse befrielse. ANSA.it - 3 dage siden: Stift Aleppo, ingen kontakt med de to ortodokse Archbishops]], Kerry sagde:'' Jeg talte i morges: fra her med Netanyahu, og han fortalte mig, at det ikke var i stand: at bekræfte . Dette er deres proces: e: afhænger af dem: såsom: og når: de ønsker at gøre, og det er ikke: for mig: at gøre annonceringer. Altså: Jeg kender ikke!''. Måske betyder (men, fuck, der betyder, denne tale??): Hvis du ønsker at invadere Syrien med en bagvaskelse, som, har du allerede invaderet Irak med en anden bagvaskelse, så gør det, men, behøver du ikke bryde, hanen: til mig!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strejke med atomvåben, samme dag, alle 50 islamiske nationer, det er den eneste chance har du for at være i stand til at frelse Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- men dette er sandheden: der er mere: en West magt, men der er en ordning: jødiske lobbyer og Masonic okkulte beføjelser: IMF FED 666, systemet: tyranniske sataniske kræfter, IMF, Bildenberg, og alle deres skjulte retning (den højeste videnskab, af ingeniørarbejde, social og alt monopoler SpA, alt i hænderne: på kun Rothschid), på denne måde, vil de: igen, skylden de kristne, til: Den udryddelseslejrene: Holocaust overhængende: imod, Israel, under Verdenskrig, den nye Holocaust, som: én gang, de gjorde: efter den Anden Verdenskrig. set, at: med den franske revolution, mere ikke eksisterer, en politik: det kan være under kontrol af de kristne i Vesten! det er derfor, farisæerne og salafister: skal dømmes til døden! fordi at have en dialog med dem er umuligt
[Verdensomspændende kalifat, såsom: strategi for aggressiv krig] er helt islamofobi: Justified, siden: at: vores islamiske islamister medskyldig, de sover trygt: for de forbrydelser: at deres islamiske: commit: alt, Mellemøsten, imod, de kristne, hvilket er grunden, vil der være en smertefuld nødvendigvis, pludselige og dramatiske opvågnen. Dette vores herskende klasse, der, ligesom, affinde sig med terroristerne, uden at der beskæftiger sig med: problemet med sammenhængen: en nederdrægtig og kriminelt medskyldige: falsk koncept: af: "peace", mens: mange, alt for mange uskyldige kristne martyrer, finde deres fred på kirkegården. Faktisk har de kristne i de palæstinensiske områder (under Yasser Arafat), måtte flygte i massevis, mens de øvrige kristne, skulle de blive tvunget som dhimmier, slaver, fag, har desuden fremsendt, dem til islamisk lov. Hvorfor er Europa fortsætter med at være en fjende af Israel og en medskyldig for nazismen, palæstinenserne, og samtlige lande, der nu islamiseret af Den Arabiske Liga?
[Verdensomspændende kalifat, islam, såsom: strategi for aggressiv krig og WEST: flere og flere kriminelle], drevet adrift af den jødiske lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, farisæerne, international bankfolk, der har svoret had evigt: imod : kristendommen, presser sig selv, væsentligt ud: fra civilisationen: Jewish - Christian, for de er blevet: de virkelige fjender af overlevelsen af Israel. Dette West: Masonic og satanisk, okkulte kræfter Bildenberg at: benægte deres egne værdier, og: forråder sin egen identitet, af: et Europa forladt til glemmebogen, så kriminelle til at være: at blive døv, ... og selve: blodtørstige hovedperson, medskyldig: af hver overtrædelse: religionsfrihed, både uden for sine grænser, både inden for: sine grænser, for hvis det er sandt, at: Muslimer er vores brødre, er imidlertid også rigtigt, at
[Den verdensomspændende kalifat af: Obama] er ikke svært at finde beviser på dette: katastrofale menneskelige tragedie, heraf: Talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA FN, NATO, er medskyldige. denne barbari: civil, religiøse, kulturelle, der har kastet: verdens: den arabisk-muslimske, i bytte for ideologisk fanatisme: islamiske ekstremister: og religiøs intolerance: dens diktaturer ved magten. [Europas ansvar: Nu gidsler Illuminati Bildenber: det er enormt] i lyset af fortsatte forfølgelse og fortsatte: daglige ydmygelser, at alle kristne under islamiske regimer og i alt: Mellemøsten, er de tvunget til at leve og lide, fordi: Europa er syg, på dette: relativisme blændet: med den gode idé om multikulturalisme, som dog ikke kan realiseres: uden: Begrebet gensidighed
[Obama og hans planer udryddelse, de kristne, og de shiiterne, i Mellemøsten] før, den arabiske erobring: og islam i det syvende århundrede, kristne gjort op, 95% af befolkningen, i Middelhavet: syd og øst for Middelhavet. men, i dag, med mindre end 12. million, er faldet, skarpt til mindre end 6%, selvfølgelig, i 2020 vil der ikke være flere kristne i Mellemøsten! Fra Første Verdenskrig: 10 millioner kristne er blevet tvunget til at emigrere. Dette er et bevis på satanisme, og: kriminel barbari, dell'imbarbarimento, ikke kun, for Den Arabiske Liga, men frem for alt hans medskyldige, frimurerne, farisæerne, Illuminati, Bildenberg, okkulte magt, som med en tavs kup: tog magten: i alle de falske demokratier Frimurer: for bank møntningsgevinst.
1.. [Kirken (kristne martyrer) bliver forfulgt i Mellemøsten: til: at gøre det verdensomspændende kalifat] 2.. [Kirken (kristne martyrer) er forfulgt, over hele verden til dette: Talmud af Farisæerne: i Masonic system: for banksektoren møntningsgevinst:. At slavebinde alle folkeslag, og til at ødelægge Israel] 3. [Kirken (kristne martyrer) er forfulgt af alle religioner, og kommunismen. ] Vi er vidne til så bange, at forfølgelse og masseudvandring af kristne fra Mellemøsten, som er de sande indfødte i regionen på grund af en forestilling: at: var satanizzata: ca, Islam: fra Den Arabiske Liga, og hans : CIA, alle nazisterne, nazisterne islamister, absolut intolerante og, undlader at respektere værdigheden og rettigheder af den menneskelige person. følgelig de skjuler de reelle årsager til, hvorfor israelerne er tvunget til at være så "hård" mod palæstinenserne.
♰ PAX♰★] ♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰ [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@Youtube ->. I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of : all the world: the blood of Jesus is all about on: channels, web sites, videos, comments, users and all people of the world &web. Glory to God for this precious blood of Jesus for protect, heal, heal and release prisoners. Blood of Jesus over Satan, principalities, powers, powers, thrones, dominations, demons, devils, aliens, Illuminati, Masons, Satanists, banks, SpA, web, occult powers, network, politics, religion and institutions of this dark world. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! die![★♰ PAX♰★]♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia
La cosa peggiore non è la 3°WW con 5 miliardi di morti, in cui, sarà fatto cadere il FMI. Un satanista ha detto a me, lorenzojhwh: "tu hai bloccato l'evoluzione del genere umano!" 1. Chi ha dato a questi mostri, l'obiettivo di conquistare, tutto il genere umano? 2. Chi ha dato un corpo ai demoni, realizzando gli alieni e i dischi volanti? -ANSWER->. Solo gli ebrei illuminati potevano commettere questa mostruosità! 1. Questo messaggio è per 10.000 indirizzi; 2. QUESTO è per la vergogna di tutti gli: ebrei, massoni, politici del mondo. Ma ho una notizia per tutti loro: "terrore", infatti, i capi del satanismo hanno imparato a bloccarmi:
I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of :the world: :the blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons of :the devil, you are destined for hell! [★♰ PAX♰★] ♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
[★♰PAX♰★] :the time of hope has expired: you wait for :the collapse of :the IMF in 3°WW. you've wasted your life given: by God
You have your legacy: is infinite despair. I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all. You are all sons of :the devil, you are destined for hell! ♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰ [♛MENE ♚TECHEL ♛PERES♰ PAX] ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
you have betrayed God and the people you are a subject of :the jew banker who decided to kill you: 3° WW nuclear: die! -->. What you have done to others? Now i will do to you! +1.Brucia!Mene Tekel Peres: the weed bad, is burned with fire:"You must burn in :the name of Jesus Burn!Burn!Burn!" AMEN.. Alleluia. +2. Muori!Mene Tekel Peres Die!:the traitor is sentenced to death"In :the name of Jesus you must die! Now! Die!Die!Die!" +3. Grida! you have to scream!Mene Tekel Peres. Screaming bloody his despair. You have to scream now your desperation on my channel:cry! cry! cry! AMEN.. Alleluia! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDV RSNSMV SMQL(IVB=drink your poisons made by yourself) ♰♛ MENE TECHEL PERES
☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia AMEN. ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ i am from God. iI do evil to bad & selfish like you I kill, Satanists and all:the accomplices of :the IMF-NWO: only ie 500 million people for I am Rei Unius
[★♰PAX♰★]you've wasted your life given: by God you have been rejected: by God You have your legacy: is infinite despair I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of :the world: :the blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons of :the devil, you are destined for ****! ♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰ [♛MENE ♚TECHEL ♛PERES♰ PAX] ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰
MARANATHA! Come Holy Spirit, sent to us from heaven a ray of your light, come father of the poor, come giver of gifts, light hearts Come, comforter, sweet guest of the soul, sweet relief, safe in the heat, solace in sorrow, infuse your intimate peace, without your strength? man is nothing, nothing without force, lava that is sordid, warm what is cold, halyard that is crooked, your faithful that only gives you trust in your holy gifts, gives reward to virtue, gives death saint, gives eternal joy. AMEN. Hallelujah! vieni Spirito Santo, manda a noi dal cielo: un raggio della tua luce, vieni padre dei poveri, vieni datore dei doni, vieni luce dei cuori, consolatore perfetto, dolce ospite dell'anima, dolcissimo sollievo, nella calura riparo, nel pianto conforto, infondi nell'intimo la tua pace, senza la tua forza? nulla è nell'uomo, nulla senza forza AMEN. ALLELUIA!
[This is for your miracle] YHWH: the God of Abraham and Moses must humiliate all enemies of ReiUnius: lorenzojhwh. Thanks for me, created HAVING me, Have Sacrificed your only son Jesus Christ: the Messiah King of Israel, for me! Is for the Blood of Jesus on: the cross, Which I am now in your presence as a angel! Is for Body Wounds of Jesus on: the cross, Which I destroy / to order all my diseases and all my problems, "Satan begone! drink your poisons made by yourself!" Jesus is: the innocent lamb slain for me, that's why: I Can Be: happy, feel good, victorious, No have financial problems. AMEN. Alleluia. I proclaim before: angels, saints to: The World That "Jesus is my God, my only Lord and Savior's. Why, I am Entitled To receive all the fullness, Because my debt is paid I am divine, immortal, Transfigured and glorified. Glory to JHWH, in the name of Jesus: the Holy Spirit! This is the miracle that, I want to give Public Testimony HALLELUJAH
"If you confess with your mouth: 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from :the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Romans 10:9,10 Dear God, I realize I am a sinner and that my sin will keep me from Heaven. I believe Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, paid for my sins by dying on the cross and that He can forgive all my sins. I now trust Him alone as my ♥.Savior. Thank you for your gift of love and of eternal life♥. Some Bible Verses that say >Jesus is God<<< Atheist people claim to believe that Jesus was a good prophet, but, they deny that Jesus is God. If that is you, I would like to encourage you to consider some Bible verses:
We have to go through things before we are saved. It is called going through trials. It is a test to see if we can make it untill Jesus returns. If we make it :then we will go to be with him. Get in an Apostolic Church and get baptized in :the name of Jesus Christ and recieve :the holy ghost. Read Acts 2:38, it is :the right way and :the only right way to be baptized.
Objet: I would cry for :the 3rd skyscraper that fell to 11-09 TECKMASSE said: "Yes I cry too, but love is in our children and we must be strong for :them ... Listen children say and forward please."-ANSWER->. You OWN FOR YOUR CHILDREN, THAT YOU MUST LEARN TO PULL :the FINGER, life of all peoples of :the world? is in extreme danger!
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@Rrmbgpym->.[:the biggest abomination] :the king of Israel that built the Temple? has always been :there! In fact it is :the king of the world: NWO. ie, what controls :the world bank: IMF. However, it is unfortunate that he is a banker jew illuminated by Satan. That is :the greatest murderess and criminal of history of all mankind. :the good boy of YHWH? This offense did not deserve! Since it is written: "Thou shalt not kill! Not steal! Prisoners free", then you must first surrendered monetary sovereignty to the people, thief of a murderess and then you can build the Temple! that you are celebrating :the triumph of Satanism? History has taught you nothing? these bankers are preparing a new holocaust of Jews!
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@Rrmbgpym->.Jews can not build a Jewish temple as :there is :the satanic domain, of :the Enlightened Jews that have created a virtual dictatorship: this corporatocracy/multinationals: seignorage banking are at act with :the same unitary identity of Satan is :the most clandestine empire whereby have subjugate to slavery all peoples, whose only goal is to maximize profits, with no respect for the environment and humans. "No one shall be enslaved more distressing to those who believe to be free"-Goethe. This is an extermination against all :the peoples who are doing :the World Bank-IMF NWO: satanic empire. Before it is too late: you withdraw your money from :the bank. But, since we missed :the "purpose of :the contract", :the contractor no longer has to repay/mortgage loan to :the bank. so you not pay :the mortgage[/watch?v=CP9-CzBkiIA]
Re:Leave :the old ideas sami7002 SAID: O Abdullah. One god is not a partner in :the King and all :the jinn are all servants of God. I love Jesus peace be upon him (284):the messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believeth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers - We make no distinction between any of His messengers -and :they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness, our Lord. Unto :thee is :the journeying.(285)--ANSWER-->. friend! God is much bigger than one religion and also of all religions put toge:ther. he is always bigger! I love ♥.ISLAM♥.holy - I love YOU: peace be upon YOU! What you have said is too precious! Islam holy for my not is religion, but is spirituality: high mystical level of adoration of :the infinite beauty:♥.Allah♥.!!there is still hope in :the world: :then! no violence on religion: then!
this is :the cost of our money: [(1)]☠ 100% bank seigniorage (Euro Dollar vs bills: Bott & CCT) +[(2)]☠ 100% debt public (interest required to bill) +[(3)]☠ 70% fractional reserve is required when a mortgage is asked at :the bank. +[(4)]☠ inflation. +[(5)]☠ recession. +[(6)]☠ rarefaction monetary. +[(7)]☠ 3°WW nuclear inevitable and essential as stated ":theElectroAllstar": "Dalai Lama. Give peace a chance! But, between ourselves: Who :the fuck gives peace really a chance? War is :the greatest business of all times. And business is war. Yeah, ladies and gentleman, that's capitalism, welcome to our world. +[(8)]☠ W JEW satanic x NWO perfect! -ANSWER->.☠ This system is rotten! it is about to collapse on you, that's why you will die like rats crushed ☠pax☠ + good 3° WW x you
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@Enlightened, what is the thing that you have afraid more of best?
is JESUS is Him: ALLELUIA! 1. King of kings; 2. Messiach; 3. Savior; 4. Lord; 5. Emmanuel 6. Anointed 7. One; 8. Prince of peace; 9. Light of the world; 10. wai, truth, life; 11. Son of God & man; 12. the Word; 13. Mornig star; 14. Alpha & omega; 15. Name above all name.
--- ANSWER ->lol. stingy ugly: put the hands in their pockets or around the world will become one Christianity very soon!
by your ★King-of-Jerusalem★&Palestine♥.♰ReiUnius
Yahushua Messiah bless you too!
I am King of Israel & ReiUnius! God is Awesome!
a great victory for the Lord our God: Yahushua Messiah. Bless you!
[perpetuates curse on this page] against: Racism Satanism, to bring hatred and vulgarity on world, do for an abuse of That page of YouTube, against: Sharia Zionism cowardly abominable killers sexually immoral sorcerers idolaters masonry liars horror porn enlightened leaders lobby Governments IMF NWO elite Corporations SpA: Have taken on this page, the disease that they fear. That is established in the name & blood of Jesus: amen. I am the metaphysics of natural law: universal brotherhood. hallelujah. if you do not stop your spam against people? I exorcise in all youtube again, But of your death? only you will responsible!♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross CSPBCSSML NDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB♰ I am Rei Unius & king of Israel:.alleluia!♰Begone Satan!♰!Their part is in lake sting at fire & brimstone, very soon be dead! [MENE★Techel★PERES]♰ pax "Drink your poisons made by Yourself".♰amen
[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength] the earth shook appeared the seabed. For the spirit of your fury from his mouth came a devouring fire: he flew coals. glared at them with his arrows! Because JHWH save the humble people. With you I can break any barrier. With my God I can scale the walls. an expanse of dead bodies I leave behind me! (110) Because you have trained my hands for battle, my arms to stretch: a bow of bronze. YOU have put me in charge of Nations. A people who did not know I was served; to hear me? they immediately obeyed me! Foreigners tried the my favor, paled foreign men and come trembling out of their hiding places. In the name of Jesus: order at my Spirit to make: until the end of the world: slaughter of the satanists: Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness on all mankind. Alleluia!Go satana!"Drink your poisons made by yourself"CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB♚MENE ♛TECHEL♛ PERES♰♛
Sure, God loves all his children. But you are a child of Satan and when with your bloody death will end your fucking life. It'll finally mercy for you will end. In fact, in Luke 19.27 - Jesus says: And those enemies of mine who did not want me for their king, bring them here and slay them before me" Alleluia! Revelation of St. John says: "those who take the mark (666 or micro chip) will have to drink the cup of God". We're talking about something that is: 1. size of a grain of rice 2. invisible because it is put into the body. But looking at you, one sees the spectacle of Carnival of an entire city. You and this joker of Satan, you are both whit serious psychological problems: I have the right medicine for you: the fire of Sodom! Amen! Alleluia! /watch?v=HBkTnaP0AWU * /watch?v=bct4A70HLC4 * /watch?v=VCuTWA9ucy8 */watch?v=Wk_5AxLjX50 * /watch?v=-WA7T7yIgSA * /watch?v=41D9hF9lcDc amen
I prophesied about you misfortune, in the name of Jesus, throughout 2010. Amen. Alleluia. Now go to die or remove your filth, from the world. I have many atheist friends in my lists, because i have love and esteem for them: they are dignified positive honest. you: filthy. You will can not overcome, the test of fire! You remove this site blasphemous, now?You will not see the 2013! Throughout 2012? your life is in danger you must be careful at all odd days but are those par: that want kill you:will be alive in 2013? I command in Jesus' name the destruction of all Satanism, throughout the world. Satanists of all of your lists? The doctor is calling them! ✙ CSPBC SSMLNDS MDVRS NSMVSMQLIVB this
is virus deadly - AMEN - Alleluia "Drink your poisons made by yourself" http://satan-is-faggot.blogspot.com God has programmed me to win. /watch?v=HBkTnaP0AWU * /watch?v=bct4A70HLC4 * /watch?v=VCuTWA9ucy8 */watch?v=Wk_5AxLjX50 * /watch?v=-WA7T7yIgSA * /watch?v=41D9hF9lcDc amen
satanist you're to listen to them rant and rave through programmed fake electronic music over and over and over again (broken record); and you and the illuminati use the same baphomet signs and worship the same lucifier. you should be a little bit more honest when you call others crazy, I mean really, especially with the things you do in the dark? And when you think no one can see you? those are the most crazy. You don't have to get all defensive towards Jesus or God; cuz the ibex mountain goat you pervert and use as a familiar object to represent satan without justification or authorization.You will stand in judgment of you himself? as he does on this page. Hard Its not a question of
cosa dad can beat whos dad up.CSPBCSSML NDSMDVR SNSMVSMQLIVB my father God has already defeated your father the devil on the cross over 2000 years ago. you verminous worship so a REAL LOSER. How crazy is that?"Drink your poisons made by yourself"
alleluia!God has given me all right!Even a child can tell you:"You go like a soul damned!"all the fortresses were broken! if still standing? is because they kill each other in 3rd WW Nuclear which is for given the blame of the collapse of IMF and the planned slaughter of all mankind. I know every secret, even yours! On this planet, no one WILL can live according to natural laws: so all the enemies of God will die: everywhere! now you satanists, whether if they be atheists or believe however, you have only this life to "enjoy"=lol. outputs then, go away from all together in a mass for protest. because this will be noticed and may be a solution, to extend the your life.this is not a request: for your conversion:no! But you can continue to do so the pig again!ok?✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself ✙ MENE TECHEL PERES✙ end game in the name of Jesus:"You are all lost!"Luke19.27
bless! as a whole: the theory of evolution has transformed the ideology of the NWO, international Jewish finance in an ideological crime: that is, proof against God lol. while it is against logic, since God is timeless. Sure, we have the evidence of evolution in the same species, but we do not have a single fossil that is the passage from one species to another. All those shown? Have been portrayed as false: after. We, refined metallurgical findings in the "coal" and "polistrate fossil", the nephillim, all these tests prove it: 1. the Flood. 2. the existence of advanced antediluvian civilization. among the hundreds of surveys, measurements and finds pictures of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat: we also had the inspection: Russian army at the time of Tsar Nicholas II
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@rrmbgpym->For the glory of God of Abraham & his Throne: lorenzojhwh is the ReiUnius: the best power spiritual & political & authority metaphysics Universal of human kind. anyone who opposes his authority? he no has love for the natural law, ie will be punished as Exodus 20.12 says: "his life will be shortened". On all those who are responsible for having innocent blood shed, I put as seal of my power the damn symbol of Cain, on all murderers. This is decreed in the name of Jesus for the blood of Jesus every demon & man is bound at the foot of the cross. ✙ ♥ ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✙ ♥ ✙CSPBC SSMLND SMDV RSN SM VSMQLIVB ✙ MENE TECHEL PERES✙ AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ *This is the victory that has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4
the power that was given to me by God? is awesome, terrible: the love! can not be contained and can not be supported in any way by men. I'm learning to use this power in this days. Indeed, the terror is spread among Satanists, and among all the children of darkness! I received all the powers of representation of the Kingdom of God: justice, truth, humility, love, forgiveness. What I establish on earth? Is immediately written and ratified in heaven! I'm like a rod of iron, and in fact, everything I have by shatter? I will shatter! as the various of clay. Re: http://www..com/watch?v=KrM0dAFsZ8k Arabs do not know that for to do: the 11-09 were the Jews satanist of the IMF, called "enlightened" or Masons to destroy Iraq and to reduce the constitutional liberties and better to damage:
of the whole human race: NWO
@IMF pharisee Rothschild, for kill Israel: with, worldwide caliphate: arab league: salafis, I got a good idea, because: do not kill, me too, such as: you did kill: President John Kennedy, when he did: Executive Order 11110, which delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury: to print money : on behalf of the American people, without giving: the cost, to you: about, 270% of our money (with three scams: as, said: scientist: Giacinto Auriti)? him, that he was a real President, for the American people,and not, as, is a traitor Islamist Obama
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
You are already free, if you want to be free: is the truth!"all your debts have been paid" and you will not be found guilty. you will free and happy? you'll be full of power of the Holy Spirit, just like me. you can get out of this prison you can break every chain:Jesus is already on your side. first break the chain with Jesus. very soon all your chains fall. I have the power, promise to you on behalf of God that no one can hurt you. I promise you in Jesus' name You'll be blessed happy protected! son delete this site immediately. for the love of: God saints, good souls for the future of mankind for your salvation now, now destroy this site! I'm on your right while Jesus is on your left. Immediately delete this nightmare and you get the freedom of God's children you can do. your example will be followed by millions of kids! you become famous: for better or for worse? how you can take to go all to hell? millions of children?
REPENT OR PERISH. 1Corinthians 6:9-10.Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Revalation 22:15.For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Galatians 6:7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ ♰ Matthew 10:28. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Seek Forgiveness and Redemption Through Your Saviour Jesus Christ. Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. (spread this message)
Investigate! never forget 9✈11. Inform yourself or stay in the dark or perhaps you are: the dark?! God has programmed me to win:♛♰♛ the fortresses have been broken; hell is in most total despair, all Satanists are lost! For the holiness of: 1. God of Abraham, 2. His Throne, 3. His name "YHWH", 4. angelic choirs. lorenzojhwh decrees, all the curses on all Satanists and their accomplices, forever: "Amen.CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB Hallelujah." can not be counted: dead, disease, illness, accidents, infections obsessions, possessions, anxiety, depression, disorders, insomnia, despair, madness: "Amen. Hallelujah."Mene Techel Peres PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourself! this is virus deadly - AMEN - Alleluia "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
[to all Satanists]if I not build a Jewish temple? then all you die because this is what the international jew banker. decided for many of you much ago long in short, as did the11-09.this is true: he does a good job, for to kill you.But you are not prepared for death, because: of course you go into a hell of fire and desperation. your company is self-destructive! because you breed+spread hatred? The power and security that come from fear? are: 1. only for few; 2. very fragile. But, Love, beauty, wisdom, do not fear confrontation, not weaken in Division: are strongest! love has already won over death! If all farmers of love, did not have a weight? I'd enough - alone - to sink you, in what you all want to give to others. ✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! LOVE!✙ Rei♥Unius♔ Each demon is forced to go by his exorcist? Then the enlightened come to me! ✙ ♥ ♔ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙drink your poisons made by yourself. We love: are all equals and brothers
♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@crippledfonz--> you got to keep moving? for how long: still?falling down like hail to hell in the fire of infinite despair: a day endless tirelessly ceaselessly rest AMEN CSP BC SSM LNDS MDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙drink your poisons made by yourself. this is pathetic for you. a colony: the planet earth is rebel against the Kingdom of God from which is? there is no proportion between the spiritual energies into play! Truly God has staked himself with Christ. But because Christ is risen then, everything has already been established and then your lives are really in danger. My position is for all Satanists in the world: a real threat. you have not tried: a satanic ritual on me? now if I had a passive attitude against you? The Holy Spirit inside me that did not is for rise up against my enemies: spontaneously? the Bible is not a book to read, as the Koran. the Bible is God; the Word; wisdom. That is Christ. AMEN there is not a future for Satan, for you
Re:✙drink your poisons made by yourself. "HipHopMessiah09" SAID: "hell is on earth and i'm serving my life sentence, death will set us both free of the chains that are here to bind us from being free on earth! i know life and death, can create life and take it away, does this make me a god? i fear only my own actions and what this cold world has made me capable of doing! but don't hate me, i am just a reflection of yourself!" -ANSWER-> no! You are a reflection of Satan, but I am a reflection of God! himself You say that it is a failure, cursed, unhappy now that the occult powers of the IMF dominate the entire planet, as then your situation will be desperate for you, after death. while I
have the joy, even now. I Decided to pull "discharge" of water and you go down. ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN.@Rrmbgpym-> we are at final stages Satan's breath blessed my friends + Curse my enemies for I am invincible.Alleluia: the kingdom of Satan now: falls is crumbling Amen Alleluia
enough:Cancer. now. for those. who have in : animal sex; porn; horror; Satanism; kisses with tongue; vulgarity; negative educational impact for children? I'm Rei Unius the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that: the first dangerous che will disease to which their thinking think? is own one that should receive: invincible disease that leading to death: loved the curse? Falls on him! Drink your poisons made by yourself CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVBMENETECHELPERES♰PAX
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I am here to tell you that Jesus loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His life for you. God the Father also loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His only Son for you by sending Him to the cross. At the Cross Jesus died in your place. Taking upon Himself all of your sins and all of my sins. He was judged for our sins and paid the price for our sins. Therefore our sins will never be held against us. Right where you are, you now have the opportunity to make the greatest decision in your life. To accept the free gift of eternal life by truly believing that Jesus Christ died for you. So wherever you are, pause to reflect on what Christ has done for you and say to the Father, "Father, I believe that your Son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins."
Your time is near, time to show your extreme loyalty to Satan.Alleluia! +Mene+ Techel +Peres + ->PAX. Amen. rises YHWH and His enemies be scattered! like chaff scattered by the wind, like burning wax so are the wicked for Glory of the Lord. Sons of Darkness "lorenzojhwh" tells in the name of Jesus: "Now you must burn!" STOP: halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan Go! CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB for the destruction of your: satanic alien SpA Freemasonry seigniorage banking for you: fire food is harmful diseases shame Dishonor depression obsessions infestation Cloak of lead. Woe to you cursed.Elijah is back and you'll need to get off the river Kishon with him where you will be executed: and your boss jew belonging to Marduk. with this ceremony, I hit your ascending hierarchy (up to the enlightened) and descended. I linked you, to the foot of the cross, to knowledge of your opinion of damnation.Amen
SAID: most satanists do adhere to a Moral Code-ANSWER->You're crazy! The unique character of Satan is the breaking of all morality, that exalt the freedom for to bring at the idolatry of himself: all the lies of satanists? can never deceive me that are an exorcist! but I'm back for this extraordinary words of MrAndocalrisian said: " I've needed a good laugh, because I've had this spiritual tumor growing inside me. I think the only cure for spiritual tumors is a good laugh" -ANSWER-> EVERY CANCER SPIRITUAL is inevitably destined to become physicist! the only medicine to eradicate it? is back in communion with God here all admit supernatural phenomena and then deny God or Satan? This is absurd! then if I say: I know them both?" you do not believe to me and continue to take in so much filth to ruin the children? I will ruin you and certainly have the power to do so.
[Psalm 140] from the rock were thrown their leaders, that I had heard sweet words by me. As cracks the open is of land, their bones were scattered on the mouth of hell. [Psalm 149] Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in assembly of the faithful, Let Israel rejoice in his Maker, they must exult in their king the sons of Zion. They praise his name with dancing with drums and harps, they sing hymns to him. The Lord loves his people. He crowns the humble with victory. Should exult: the faithful in glory to glad arise from their beds. The praises of God in their mouth and two-edged sword in their hands, to carry out vengeance to the nations and punish people: Hallelujah to tighten the their heads in chains, their nobles in fetters of iron; to perform on the sentence already wrote on of their: This is the glory for all his faithful.
[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors: mason elite leader statesmen]God has put more energy and love to create you, that not to create all the galaxies and all the angels. you instead for gratitude, you have reversed the cross, which is why that there is no remedy for your downfall and your desperation is without no relief. lorenzojhwh you puts to head down into the abyss, you will have agonizing days and your life miserable must end in dramatically in nuclear 3WW: before and not after. If you have sold your life to Satan in for metal, horror, porno, ecc. if you have had an old site: this you Need to Know, who he was before of you is died: I killed him, so I kill also you! ✙ ♥ ♔ is virus deadly AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ I order, in the name of Jesus: immediate destruction of Satan and of all his satanic symbol ✙Halleluja ✙MENE ✙TECHEL✙ PERES♰ "You are all lost!"Luke19.27♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
YHWH Father in Jesus' name with the his Blood bind the foot of the cross all men and all the demons of this world. Who dared to overthrow the cross, symbol of the greatest love? What the Constitution decided that the people had to be a subject of bank seigniorage? and all his institutions of hidden power, like: Satanism, Freemasonry, intimidation, corruption? Because ideologies: kabbalah, Zionism, Sharia, idolatry, witchcraft, porn horror. Who has allowed corruption and Halloween in all world? Who destroyed the Christian civilization and imposed evolution? human life in is profaned and man is now considered as an animal. has been destroyed: your dignity in him. Which politician has legalized this abomination? is for sinners: all evil of evil. They have the first disease dangerous that is in them mind: in this year, not accounting the misfortunes of all kinds: accidents, the shame and dishonor on their children: oppression, despair, anguish and tribulation infestation.
YHWH thou hast made man in Your image but Jew: son of the devil "enlightened" usurpers of power with the bank seigniorage, they have made man in the likeness of an animal. I curse him with all his accomplices, not until they see the destruction of all their children with their eyes. God of Abraham exterminate these evil of illuminated by the earth face, I can see their ruin, that they can get all the depths of hell in this year. That's enough! for all those who have in : 1. animal sex 2. Porn 3. horror 4. Satanism 5. kisses with his tongue 6. vulgarity; 7. negative educational impact, that is not suitable for children? I Rei Unius the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that: the first dangerous will disease to which their thinking think? is own the one that should receive, an unconquerable disease that leading to death. Loved the curse? Falls on him! Amen, hallelujah! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♚ MENE TECHEL PERES ♰
Re:Amen hallelujah!♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♰pax "nargargoole" SAID: i am going to help you make your game stronger.. or you will die soon.. or someone very close to you will. so this is like the Devil doing you a favor..learn it. then come back when you are not so weak and inputent. okay --ANSWER-> That's it? I can do more! tout est sous contrôle:"Jesus live!"This ministry can not be faced! lorenzojhwh in Jesus' name i command: i orders destruction of all satanism institutional: government, secret services, military, religion, aliens, administrative, ideological. Alleluia Begone Satan:go! Drink your poisons made by yourself enough: Cancer now: for blood of Jesus Christ, I bind all Satanists at the foot of the Cross, for their immediate process. for their internal their demons, and angels from the outside: hit hit hit all them until the onset of insanity, consumption and death. Loved the curse? Falls on him! end game: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27
i am Rei Unius [✙ ♔ ✙] Dio è ♥ + Dio è ♥ + Dio è ♥ [✙ ♔ ✙]♛♰♛ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL(IVB=drink your poisons made by yourself)pax ♛♰♛ MENE TECHEL PERES ReiUnius ♥ king x Israel ♔ ♛♰♛ planet earth? this is my kingdom! If you let Satan you will do again the experience of happiness .. a new life.I can not let Satan in my kingdom: Therefore, all
Satanists should be killed in a mode supernatural✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ✙ ♥ ♔ I am the door metaphysics, secular positive natural, rational justice, to open to all honest men, from first to last atheists: the heaven in Jesus' name. Amen Alleluia God gave us men to our love, our sense of justice and equality, the universal ability to relieve the pain of men of all the our brethren of all mankind. ✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE!
kneel! can not you see? passes the Lord! amen alleluia + love + shalom +salam..what is it made? is received! we collect all that we will have sown! vas a que destruir esta abominación de Satanás I have news for you: amen "He who is in me? is stronger than him: Satan that is in the world. All hell? is powerless against me! " you are completely helpless against me. you can not defend yourself from me, all hell with Satan can not. you're lost. you go to you destroy this abomination of Satan.
@ IMF taong nagbabanal-banalan at nagmamalaki Rothschild, para pumatay Israel: sa, sa buong mundo caliphate: Arab liga: salafis, Nakatanggap ako ng isang mahusay na ideya, dahil: huwag patayin, ako masyadong, tulad ng: ginawa mo pumatay: President John Kennedy, kapag ginawa niya: Executive Order 11,110, na nakalaan na sa Secretary of the Treasury: upang mag-print ng pera: sa ngalan ng mga Amerikano mga tao, na walang ibinigay: ang gastos, sa iyo: tungkol sa, 270% ng aming mga pera (na may tatlong mga scam: bilang, ay nagsabi: siyentipiko: Giacinto Auriti)? sa kanya, na siya ay isang tunay na Pangulo, para sa American tao, at hindi, bilang, ay isang taksil Islamist Obama
New York -'' hindi ko na: ang mga Muslim, sosyalista: na: ako ay bago ...''. US President Barack Obama mocks, nakangiting at self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ taksil Obama, Islamist, sinungaling, babaing mamamatay-tao! ang etniko hugas ng mga Kristiyano at Shiites, pari, deacons, at pinatay obispo: sa malamig na dugo, may panlilinlang, pangunguwalta sa pamamagitan ng pananakot, inagaw, tulad ng mga hayop, rapes ng mga batang babae, "slaughtered", tubusin demand, ang lahat ng iyong mga hamak na tao: ng mga terorista: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" upang maikalat ang iyong sharia iyong "caliphate sa buong mundo", na ang mga ito, ngayon, sa Syria, at na lamang sa iyo na kumalat: lahat sa ibabaw ng Mediterranean, atbp .. ? ay: ang iyong: CIA at ang iyong: Arab League: sino ang paggawa ng lahat ang mga krimen! at ang iyong, Jewish media: ang may hawak ng bawat: spa, mga korporasyon, para sa: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, ng mga mason system: para sa mga karapatan ng senyor banking, sila pabalat: ang lahat ng ito, na may: ang kanilang mga kasinungalingan: at ang kanilang mga impormasyon pinagsamantalahan. sana ay naging mas mahusay na: para sa iyo, na hindi mo ay ipinanganak!
2013/02/12 [Syria - Vatican]. Pagkatapos ng Muslim rebels sakupin ng dalawang pari sa Aleppo, may mga takot: para sa: kanilang buhay. Isang Armenian Katoliko pari, si Fr Michael, at isang Orthodox pari ay abducted: huling Linggo sa Aleppo ni Christian: kapitbahayan. Pinagmumulan ng magsalita: AsiaNews sa: tungkol sa: walang kabihasnan murders: natupad: ang aking mga Islamic extremists. Isang kotse bomba: explodes: sa Turkish-Syrian: pagtawid sa hangganan: ng Cilvegozu. [PAGKATAPOS nagki-slain: pagpatay: mga pari, sila demanded: isang pagtubos: sa kanilang mga obispo] 2013/04/26. [Dahil ang Arab League ay ang magawa ang etniko hugas ng Shiites at mga Kristiyano, rapes, murders, sa lahat ng dako, siya ay nakakuha ng teritoryo, pagkatapos, ang Chechens: sila avenged, ang pumatay ng terorista sa Boston (tulad ng sinabi ng Turkey)] Walang pag-sign ng Orthodox obispo 'release, takot ng pampulitikang pangunguwalta sa pamamagitan ng pananakot palaguin. 322 Kerry, Bush, Obama 666 Rothschild, nakita ko ang Sarin, sa Laboratories ng Arab League, na, ang iyong: Al Qaeda ay humantong, sa Syria .. pinakamahusay para sa iyo: nito ang naging, kung ikaw ay hindi kailanman ipinanganak!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti pa hindi ka gumawa hindi bagong channel pa? ! - ANSWER - iyon, na mayroon akong (tungkol sa 50, CHANNEL) ay labis na, para sa akin, sana ay naging mas mahusay na lamang ng isang channel: para sa akin ngunit, bilang maaari mong sabihin na "Satanas save", at pagkatapos, mo itago ang iyong sarili, tulad ng isang bahag ang buntot, sa likod ng mga larawan, ng San Bartolo Longo, na, kapag siya ay iyong edad, siya ay isang pari kulamin ng demonyo ... gusto mo?
[[Syria napalaya ang dalawang Orthodox obispo. ANSA.it - 4 na araw na nakalipas]] .. subalit, kailangan mong kumuha sa lupa: may magagandang katigasan ng ulo: upang mahanap ito ng balita, "nakatagong" sa internasyonal na Jewish media: Bildenberg ng mga sistema ng mga mason ng bank mga karapatan ng senyor. [[Syria inagaw obispo; din: Athens: Hindi: kumpirmasyon pagpapalaya. ANSA.it - 3 mga araw na nakalipas: diyosesis Aleppo, walang mga contact na may mga dalawang Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry sinabi:'' ako nagsalita ito umaga: mula dito sa Netanyahu, at sinabi niya sa akin na iyon ay wala sa posisyon: upang kumpirmahin . Ito ay ang kanilang mga proseso: e: depende sa mga ito: gaya ng: at kapag: gusto nilang gawin, at hindi ito: sa akin: gumawa ng mga anunsyo. Kaya: Hindi ko alam''!. Marahil ay nangangahulugan (ngunit, magkantot na nangangahulugan, ito salita????): Kung gusto mong panghimasukan Syria, may isang paninirang-puri, i, nakalikha ka na invaded Iraq, may, isa pang paninirang-puri, pagkatapos, gawin ito, ngunit, hindi mo masira, ang titi: sa akin!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike sa nuclear armas, parehong ngayon, ang lahat ng 50 Islamic bansa, ito ay ang tanging pagkakataon mayroon ka ng pagiging magagawang i-save ang Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- ngunit ito ay ang katotohanan: mayroong higit pa: isang West kapangyarihan, ngunit, mayroong isang scheme: Jewish lobbies at ng mga mason lihim kapangyarihan: IMF FED 666, ang sistema: malupit parang demonyo mga kapangyarihan, ang IMF, Bildenberg, at lahat ng kanilang mga nakatagong direksyon (ang pinakamataas na agham, ng engineering, panlipunan at, lahat ng mga monopolies spa, ang lahat sa mga kamay: lamang ng Rothschid), sa paraang ito, ang mga ito: sa sandaling muli, sisihin ang mga Kristiyano, para sa: sa pagpuksa: Holocaust napipintong: laban sa, Israel, habang, world War III, ang bagong Holocaust, bilang: isang beses, ang kanilang ginawa: pagkatapos, ang Ikalawang Digmaang mundo. nakita na: sa French Revolution, hindi pa umiiral, isang patakaran: maaari itong maging sa ilalim ng kontrol ng mga Kristiyano sa West! na ang dahilan kung bakit ang mga Pariseo at Salafists: dapat sentenced sa kamatayan! dahil, pagkakaroon ng dialogue sa kanila ay imposible
[Caliphate sa buong mundo, tulad ng: diskarte ng agresibong digmaan] ay lubos Islamophobia: Pantay, dahil: iyon: ang aming Islamic islamists, kasapakat, matulog sila magaling: para sa, ang mga krimen: na, Ang kanilang Islamic: commit: lahat, sa Middle East, laban, ang mga Kristiyano, Aling ang dahilan kung bakit, magkakaroon ng isang masakit na kinakailangan, bigla at dramatiko na paggising. Ito ang aming klase nakapangyayari, Aling, tulad ng, magkaayos na may terorista, nang hindi pagharap sa: ang problema ng pagkakaugnay-ugnay: isang totoong masama at criminally complicit: maling konsepto: ng: "kapayapaan", habang: maraming, masyadong maraming inosenteng Christian martir, Ang kanilang mahanap ang kapayapaan sa mga sementeryo. Sa katunayan, mga Kristiyano sa Palestinian teritoryo (sa ibaba, Yasser Arafat), ay nagkaroon upang tumakas en masse, habang ang natitirang mga Kristiyano, sila ay ma-pinilit bilang dhimmis, alipin, paksa, Isinumite Gayundin, ang mga ito, sa Islamic batas. Bakit pagkatapos, Europa ay patuloy na magiging kaaway ng Israel, at isang kasapakat ng Nasismo, ang Palestinians, at ng lahat ng mga bansa ngayon sa pamamagitan ng Islamized ang Arab League?
[Caliphate sa buong mundo, Islam, tulad ng: diskarte ng agresibo digmaan, at WEST: higit pa at higit pang mga kriminal], nahimok natatangay ng agos sa pamamagitan ng mga Hudyo banking lobby: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pariseo, international bankers, na nag-sinumpaang galit, walang hanggan: laban sa : Kristiyanismo, itulak ang kanilang mga sarili, malaki-laking, out: mula sa sibilisasyon: Jewish - Christian, para sa sila ay naging: ang tunay na mga kaaway, ng kaligtasan ng buhay ng Israel. Ito West: ng mga mason at parang demonyo, mahiwaga kapangyarihan Bildenberg na: tanggihan ang kanilang sariling mga halaga, at: betrays kanyang sariling pagkakakilanlan, ng: isang Europa inabandunang sa limot, kaya kriminal upang maging: maging, bingi ... at mismo: uhaw sa dugo kalaban, kasapakat: ng bawat paglabag: relihiyoso kalayaan, parehong sa labas ng hangganan nito, parehong sa loob ng: nito hangganan, dahil kung ito ay totoo, na: Mga Muslim ay ang aming kapatid na lalaki, gayunpaman, ay totoo rin na,
[Ang caliphate sa buong mundo, ng: Obama] ay hindi mahirap na makahanap ng ebidensya na ito: sakuna pantao trahedya, kung saan ang: Talmud IMF: ECB FED, USA CIA UN, NATO, ay complicit. ng mga ito barbarismo: sibil, relihiyon, kultura, na plunged: mundo ang: ang Arab-Muslim, sa mga biktima upang ideological panatismo: Islamic extremists: at relihiyon hindi pagpaparaan: nito dictatorships sa kapangyarihan. [Europa responsibilidad: ngayon hostages ng Illuminati Bildenber: ikaw ang malaking] sa harap ng patuloy na pag-uusig at ang patuloy na: araw-araw humiliations, na ang lahat ng mga Kristiyano sa ilalim ng Islamic regimes, at sa lahat ng bagay: ang Gitnang Silangan, ang mga ito ay napipilitang mabuhay at magdusa, dahil: Europa ay may sakit, na ganito: relatibismo Binulag: sa, ang mahusay na ideya ng multiculturalism, na kung saan, gayunpaman, ay hindi maaaring natanto: walang: ang konsepto ng katumbasan
[Obama at ang kanyang mga plano sa pagkalipol, ng mga Kristiyano, at ng Shiites, sa Gitnang Silangan] bago, ng Arab pananakop: Islam at sa ikapitong siglo, ang mga Kristiyano na binubuo, 95%, ng populasyon, ng Mediterranean: at timog silangan ng Mediterranean. ngunit, ngayon, na may mas kaunti, mas mababa, 12. milyon, na nahulog, nang masakit na mas mababa sa 6%, siyempre, sa 2020, magkakaroon ng hindi hihigit Kristiyano sa Gitnang Silangan! Mula sa Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig: 10 milyong mga Kristiyano ay na-sapilitang upang dumayo. Ito ang patunay ng Satanism, at: kriminal kabangisan, dell'imbarbarimento, hindi lamang, ng Arab League, ngunit, higit sa lahat, ang kanyang accomplices, ang Freemasons, ang mga Pariseo, Illuminati, Bildenberg, mahiwaga kapangyarihan, na kung saan, sa isang tahimik pagtatagumpay: kinuha kapangyarihan: sa lahat ng mga maling democracies ng mga mason: ng mga karapatan ng senyor banking.
1. [Iglesia (Christian martir) ay inuusig sa Gitnang Silangan: sa: gawin ang buong mundo caliphate] 2. [Iglesia (Christian martir) ay inuusig, lahat ng dako ng mundo para sa mga ito: ang Talmud ng mga Pariseo: sa sistema ng mga mason: para sa mga karapatan ng senyor banking:. Mang-alipin sa lahat ng tao, at upang sirain Israel] 3. [Iglesia (Christian martir) ay inuusig ng lahat ng relihiyon, at komunismo. ] Kami ay witnessing kaya natatakot, sa mga pag-uusig at mass pag-aalisan ng mga Kristiyano mula sa Gitnang Silangan, kung saan ay ang tunay na natives ng rehiyon, dahil sa pagkaka-intindi: na: ay satanizzata: tungkol sa, Islam: ng Arab League, at ang kanyang : CIA, ang lahat ng mga Nazis, ang Nazis Islamists, talagang hindi nagpaparaan, at, mabigong igalang ang karangalan at mga karapatan ng mga tao tao. nang naaayon, sila itago ang totoong dahilan kung bakit ang Israelis ay napipilitang maging gayon "mahirap" laban sa Palestinians.
@ YHWH -
@ YHWH - have ""offended" "trampling"": the virtues. extolled vice, are the accomplices of too: innocent blood! here's why: "unius REI" I have decided: to hit to death: all of them. Amen in Jesus's name: allelluia: hallelujah
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