quando: farisei salafiti massoni satanisti hanno creato i terroristi? poi, un loro controllo al 100% non è possibile ] [ NEW YORK, 12 APR - Il Dipartimento di stato americano ha emesso un 'travel warning' per l'Arabia Saudita, sottolineando come "cittadini statunitensi e occidentali" nel Paese possano essere oggetto di attentati terroristici in vista della visita del presidente Barack Obama. Visita che si svolgerà in occasione del summit con i Paesi del Golfo il 21 aprile.
e se i massoni austriaci sono ancora i ptrioti e non i traditori della PATRIA che voi siete diventati? ] [ Migranti: Italia, no barriere Brennero, Lettera congiunta Gentiloni-Alfano a Ue, 12 aprile 2016
Maçons Satanist Rothschild abominable PHARISEE TALMUD 666 ENLIGHTENED SPA FED NWO. why you will kill ISRAEL?
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu ] il buco del culo: è un arma letale di distruzione di massa, è assai più pericolosa dell'Olocausto nucleare! infatti, i Sodomiti hanno meritato il Diluvio Universale, e la distruzione delle città della valle di Sodoma, poi, dicono che sia stato il cristianesimo a distruggere l'Impero Romano: "NO L'IMPERO ROMANO È STATO DISTRUTTO DAI SODOMITI" ed infatti anche la CIVILTà della GRECIA classica è stata distrutta dai sodomiti e come tutti sanno, i cristiani non esistevano ancora! Infatti, la omosessualità ideologica o sodomia: apre spontaneamente al satanismo e a tutte le perversioni sessuali! DIRANNO ANCHE CHE È STATO UNIUS REI: A DISTRUGGERE IL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE! tutto falso: SONO STATI I SODOMITI!
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
OCCIDENTE non sopravviverà al suo satanismo! i demoni come balie si porteranno a passeggio il vostro cervello! Realtà aumentata e video 'hard', ci prova il sito PornHub, Apre canale gratis per video a 360 gradi, si vedono con visori, [ MA, LO STATO MASSONE GENDER ANTICRISTO BILDENBERG FARISEO ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? DOVREBBE PROIBIRE QUESTE COSE, se è vero che, non ha deciso di far morire tutti all'inferno della guerra mondiale!
quindi secondo questo articolo è ERDOGAN USA CIA che rifornisce anche ISIS, senza i RUSSI? oggi dominerebbero incontrastati in Siria grazie ad ERDOGAN ] [ 08/04/2016 - SIRIA ] [ Conflitto siriano, i ribelli strappano allo Stato islamico il controllo di al-Rai. La cittadina del nord si torva lungo la direttrice che collega Siria e Turchia. Una rotta strategica per il passaggio di merci e rifornimenti. Un successo importante in vista della battaglia principale per il controllo di Aleppo. Alla periferia di Damasco i jihadisti attaccano una fabbrica e sequestrano 200 operai.
Washington has had it's attention brought to your crap. Your time is limited.~
USA 666 UK SHARIA NATO, e tutti gli alleati massoni del cazzo di Satana Allah, che finiranno per uccidere Europa e Israele
USA CALIFFATO SAUDITA TURCO HANNO PROGETTATO DI METTERE LE MANI SUL PAPA E DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA ] [ 20/07/2015 LIBIA. Libia, i miliziani dello Stato islamico sequestrano tre immigrati cristiani. Il rapimento è avvenuto nella zona orientale, nei pressi di Sirte. Nel mirino un cittadino egiziano, un nigeriano e un ghanese. I jihadisti hanno diffuso le foto dei loro passaporti. In passato la Libia è stata teatro della decapitazione di una ventina di cristiani copti. Sempre ieri rapiti quattro lavoratori italiani.
Siria, jet russi fermano attacchi di al-Nusra contro le forze curde ] [ tutti i Curdi che Hollande e Cameron vogliono far sterminare da Erdogan!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] IS SPA FED Rothschild sharia Satanists your penis NWO?
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] Obama? a casa sua: comanda la moglie, e al Pentagono comanda Bush: 322 il satanista: "IL TESCHIO CON LE OSSA DEI PIRATI"! Forse Donald Trump, potrebbe dare una dritta, a questa nazione MALEFICATA e venduta a Satana dai Farisei del Talmud Spa FED! NON C'È NESSUNO CHE PUÒ SPERARE QUALCOSA DI POSITIVO DAI SACERDOTI DI SATANA DELLA CIA: "CACCIATELI!"
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] in effetti, Dio JHWH in ISRAELE ha detto: "QUELLO È IL MAR CINESE MERIDIONALE!" [ ma, se per pura ipotesi voi vinceste questa guerra, non si prenderebbero tutte le miniere e i giacimenti, gli USA: i sacerdoti di satana, come spese di guerra? IN OGNI CASO, SIA in caso di: VINCITA che, COME, in caso di: PERDITA, A VOI RIMARREBBERO SOLTANTO, I CADAVERI E LA DISTRUZIONE TOTALE! voi che dite? "forse un brutto accordo è sempre meglio di una guerra?"
MY ISRAEL ] 0286891021 [ io non credo, che, 666 CIA abbiano la speranza di potermi intimidire, io credo, piuttosto, che, per una tecnologia elettronica, loro possono trasformare un cellulare telefono, in un microfono ambientale! MA, QUESTO È del TUTTO INUTILE, PERCHÉ NON POSSONO ASCOLTARE I MIEI PENSIERI, SE, IO NON LI HO PUBBLICATI.. che, poi, è proprio questo il divertimento!
CONOSCO UNA PERSONA CHE HA DETTO: "VOGLIO TUTTO IO!" PRIMA DI MORIRE, LUI È STATO PAZZO PER 10 ANNI, ED ORA È ALL'INFERNO! GLI USA E I LORO ALLEATI MASSONI SONO AVVISATI! Il ministero degli Esteri cinese ha più volte sottolineato che la gestione economica di Pechino sulle isole nel Mar Cinese Meridionale "non è diretta contro paesi terzi e niente influisce su di loro". Gli Stati Uniti, a loro volta, hanno condotto diverse pattuglie nei pressi delle zone contese sotto la bandiera delle "operazioni in difesa della libertà di navigazione". Per Pechino si tratta di una violazione della sua sovranità. Nell'ottobre 2015 il comandante della Marina Militare cinese ha fatto sapere ai colleghi americani che "un piccolo incidente nella regione potrebbe provocare una guerra", ma il Pentagono non pianifica di abbandonare le manovre nel Mar Cinese Meridionale: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160412/2464584/mccain-washington-pechino.html#ixzz45dQE3PW2
IL SACERDOTE DI SATANA John McCain ( QUELLO CHE SI È INCONTRATO IN UN BAR TURCO CON, quello che sarebbe diventato: il FUTURO CALIFFO DELLO ISIS DAESH STATO ISLAMICO): ha detto: "Washington deve essere pronta a reagire alle pretese di Pechino!" [ e questo è vero, perché, gli USA SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, e il loro governo mondiale massonico, sono, GIÀ i soli padroni del mondo! QUINDI, CHE PRETESE POTREBBE AVERE LA CINA O CHIUNQUE ALTRO? ] Secondo il senatore dell’Arizona la Cina continua la “militarizzazione” della situazione nella regione e si prepara ad estendere la cotraerea su tutto il Mar Cinese Meridionale, perciò Washington deve essere pronto per un’immediata, dura reazione alle “ambizioni” di Pechino.
se i massoni europei non distruggono la NATO, e non fanno una alleanza militare con la Russia? NON SARÀ POSSIBILE SALVARE I POPOLI EUROPEI DA UN IMMANE MASSACRO! PERCHÉ, I VERI NEMICI DELLE DEMOCRAZIE OCCIDENTALI SONO USA E LORO LEGA ARABA! ] [ La situazione “congelata” delle sanzioni tra Russia e Occidente. 12.04.2016 In Occidente le sanzioni non hanno portato i risultati sperati, ma hanno solo influito negativamente sull’economia di molti paesi.
ME, LO HA SEMPRE DETTO, il sacerdote di satana, ex-Direttore, di youtube: Synnek1 666, che, io ho fatto licenziare, ed oggi lui è: 187AudioHostem: "ogni resistenza è inutile!" .. MA, IO HO DECISO CHE NON DEVE ESSERE COSÌ! PERCHÉ, IO FARÒ UCCIDE, OVUNQUE, IN TUTTO IL MONDO! FINCHÉ L'IRA DI DIO NON SIA PLACATA!
ARRIVERÀ IL MOMENTO, IN CUI, IO VEDRÒ TUTTI I LEADER EUROPEI (I MASSONI DEL SISTEMA POLITICO FINANZIARIO) TUTTI GIUSTIZIATI PER ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE: E QUINDI CONDANNATI A MORTE DA TRIBUNALI POPOLARI RIVOLUZIONARI! Naftogaz: il Nord Stream 2 sarebbe la nostra rovina, 12.04.2016 La costruzione del secondo tronco del Nord Stream, secondo l’amministratore delegato della Naftogaz, potrebbe essere completata entro il 2019 e provocherà all’Ucraina chiari problemi, in particolare, con gli acquisti di gas in Europa.
E QUESTO È VERO: c'è un conflitto: sharia Turchia ISIS, contro i CURDI, dato che tutti gli altri dhimmi, hanno già subito il genocidio sharia! Ora, soltanto Dio e Putin, possono salvare i Curdi dal genocidio, così come sono stritolati su due fronti: contemporaneamente! ] [ 12.04.2016
Ancora un attentato contro la polizia turca a Diyarbakir: due morti e una cinquantina di feriti. Ankara accusa il Pkk.
#CINA, #RUSSIA #ISRAELE ] [ un attacco nucleare preventivo: SU SCALA MONDIALE, è la nostra unica speranza PER POTER SOPRAVVIVERE COME GENERE UMANO LIBERO! ] Hiroshima, Kerry: "Guerra ultima risorsa". Storica visita al Memoriale che apre la strada a Obama
mi diverte, osservare: quella feccia di OBAMA attore Hollywood, e osservare il fatto che: sono i SATANISTI MASSONI: regime sharia Bildenberg: alto tradimento costituzionale contro la sovranità monetaria dei popoli, magia nera kabbalah, talmud satanico, Gender teosofia demoniaca, tutti i loro: FARISEI SALAFITI, la totale aberrazione dei diritti umanistici e identitari, proprio loro: la negazione della autodeterminazione dei popoli: cioè, il NWO Spa Banche Centrali, che, si siano impegnati a far sparire i Dittatori, ed ogni forma di pluralismo, nel mondo, come ogni traccia di società: post larvatamente ebraico cristiana! Corea Nord: Lincoln per criticare Obama: Lettera ipotetica, 'Pyongyang non crollerà malgrado sanzioni' CERTO, CHE LA COREA DEL NORD, ECC.. DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTA, MA, SOLTANTO IO, POSSO DECIDERE: CHI, COME E QUANDO, DEVE MORIRE: PERCHÉ, IO SONO IL REGNO DI ISRAELE, CIOÈ io sono il REGNO DI DIO JHWH, IN FORMA POLITICA SULLA TERRA!
ONU: i nuovi diritti umani universali del Gufo Allah Baal SpA FED? ONU è un sharia terrorista, di Sodoma culto Darwin: il più perfetto altare di satana: della storia del genere umano, mentre, gli USA islamici: sono i sacerdoti Satanisti: Farisei satanisti massoni salafiti! Quindi, la Merkel: Pravy Secotor, golpe Kiev, cecchini Cia a Maidan, ecc..? dopo Ban-Kimono GENDER? questa è la scelta giusta per me!
non ho un problema contro GAY e loro associazioni, anzi io li amo! MA, SE NON RINUNCIANO ALLA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER CHE È TEOSOFIA SATANICA, APOLOGIA DI REATO E PURO TERRORISMO CONTRO LA LEGGE NATURALE, POI, IL CONTRATTO PATTO SOCIALE ANDRÀ DISTRUTTO, CON ESITI SOCIALI DRAMMATICI! Assegnati ad Arcigay beni confiscati alla mafia, Prima volta ad associazione immobili sottratti a Cosa nostra
quando Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi Presidente dell'Egitto, mandò le "teste di quoio" in Libia, a vendicare i suoi cristiani copti, che, sharia ISIS aveva sgozzato sul mare? Tutta la shaaria LEGA ARABA lo rimproverò e dissero: "NOI SIAMO PERSONE SERIE!", infatti, quello che al-Sisi aveva fatto, prima di pugnalare la Russia alle spalle? era troppo grave! Perché, ISIS, non può e non deve essere fermato da USA e Lega ARABA, in Libia come altrove!
gli USA oggi sono nel mondo il vero volto del NAZISMO! il regime massonico Bildenberg: il vero volto del NAZISMO È IN USA ] Protesta a Capitol Hill, 400 arresti. "Basta corruzione del denaro in politica, elezioni siano libere" La protesta a Capitol Hill: WASHINGTON. 12 aprile 2016 [ Oltre 400 attivisti sono stati arrestati mentre manifestavano pacificamente davanti a Capitol Hill con striscioni e cartelli ''per chiedere al Congresso di agire subito per far cessare la corruzione del denaro nella nostra politica e per garantire elezioni libere e imparziali'', ha spiegato Democracy sprint, il gruppo organizzatore. Il numero di arresti e' uno dei piu' grossi degli ultimi anni. L'accusa, ha reso noto la polizia, e' di manifestazione illegale.
USA SHARIA ONU ] tutto quello che io vi devo fare? è già stato scritto in Apocalisse!
perché la Comunità internazionale non è riuscita a fermare i terroristi, e la RUSSIA ci è riuscita in pochi mesi? È CHIARO: È LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CHE SONO I TERRORISTI ISLAMICI! E QUESTO ARTICOLO LO DIMOSTRA! SONO TUTTI ATTI DI DEPISTAGGIO, E DI DISSIMULAZIONE, PER INGANNARE LA OPINIONE PUBBLICA! NON SI È VOLUTO COLPIRE ISIS INTENZIONALMENTE, PER OTTENERE IL GENOCIDIO DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI, E SOLTANTO, SECONDARIAMENTE, LO SI È FATTO PER DANNEGGIARE GLI SCIITI! E POICHÉ, TUTTE LE ARMI E I FINANZIAMENTI DI USA SONO PASSATI AD ISIS? POI, È proprio ONU IL PIÙ GRANDE TERRORISTA DEL MONDO! ISTANBUL, 12 APR - Almeno 6 persone sono rimaste ferite stamani nella provincia di confine turca di Kilis da 3 colpi di mortaio sparati da zone del nord della Siria sotto il controllo dell'Isis. Lo ha reso noto il governatore locale, Suleyman Tapsiz, secondo cui 3 dei colpiti sono in gravi condizioni. Ieri altri 5 razzi katiuscia, sparati sempre dalla Siria, avevano raggiunta la stessa zona, ferendo 12 persone. L'esercito di Ankara aveva risposto al fuoco secondo le regole d'ingaggio, come sempre in caso di attacchi simili.
La mamma di Regeni: "Grazie per avere adottato il mio Giulio" ] NON ESISTE UNA VERITÀ ALTERNATIVA: ARABIA SAUDITA su mandato USA, CONTROLLA EGITTO COME OGNI ALTRO GOVERNO DELLA LEGA ARABA, .. ORA, Israele e il GENERE UMANO? devono TREMARE! Un commentatore di spicco del più diffuso Al Ahram ha velatamente attaccato il dicastero in prima linea nelle indagini ("perché il ministro dell'Interno non parla del funzionamento del suo ministero?"). Il concorrente Al-Akhbar invece ha sostenuto che la tortura a morte del giovane ricercatore friulano è "un crimine perpetrato da cospiratori che vogliono nuocere alle relazioni italo-egiziane".
QUANDO LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE, ONU, cioè, tutti i DIRITTI umani UNIVERSALI di Talmud SpA FED SATANA NWO, HA DECISO CHE: TURCHIA E ARABIA SAUDITA: AVREBBERO AVUTO IL DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, DI POTER AGGREDIRE LE NAZIONI, ATTRAVERSO, IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO? VERRÀ IL GIORNO CHE, TUTTI VOI COMPARIRETE TUTTI A RISPONDERE DEI VOSTRI DELITTI DAVANTI AL MIO TRIBUNALE! ] [ Siria: continua flusso armi e militanti al Nusra attraverso confine turco. 12.04.2016. Siria, Stato Maggiore russo: continua flusso armi e militanti aL-Nusra attraverso confine turco. Il flusso di armi e militanti di rinforzo del gruppo terroristico al-Nusra continua attraverso il confine turco-siriano, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti. "Nonostante i progressi nell'attuazione del regime di cessate il fuoco, le forniture di armi e militanti dalla parte turca del confine, continuano a rafforzare i terroristi Nusra, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti", ha detto Sergei Rudskoy, capo della principale direzione operativa dello Stato Maggiore russo.Lo ha affermato lo Stato Maggiore russo. Il regime di cessate il fuoco mediato è entrata in vigore il 27 febbraio.
COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI! tutti quelli che vanno nei paradisi fiscali sono evasori! QUINDI PERCHÉ CI VA IL FONDO MONETARIO INTERNAZIONALE, A RICICLARE TUTTI I PROVENTI DEL SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO? L'OBIETTIVO DI SOROS ERA QUELLO DI DISTRUGGERE I PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN UK, PER CONCENTRARE TUTTE LE RICCHEZZE NEI PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN USA! ] MA, IO NON SO QUESTI: PUGNALATORI DI ALLEATI DEL CAZ*O, QUESTI FARISEI TALMUD LUCIFERINI, CHE TIPO DI CAZ*OINCULO POSSONO RICEVERE ADESSO dai loro ex-alleati UK! [ "Complimenti signor premier — ha attaccato nel corso di un acceso dibattito Jeremy Corbin — lei è un maestro di mistificazione della realtà, ma la gente è esasperata dall'evasione fiscale dopo sei anni di austerità". Panama Papers, la difesa di Cameron. 12.04.2016. Il primo ministro britannico alla Camera dei Comuni: false le accuse contro mio padre. Ora maggiore contrasto all'evasione internazionale. Corbin: da Cameron mistificazione della realtà. COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI!
Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
Regeni: la madre, grazie per aver adottato il mio Giulio
Regeni 'non è caso isolato', 15 desaparecidos recenti
Regeni: Massari, l'ambasciatore in prima linea per la verità
Regeni: famiglia amareggiata, "Italia non si fermi"
Su Regeni è crisi diplomatica tra Italia e Egitto
Regeni: ecco le misure in mano all'Italia
Regeni, Renzi: 'A fianco dei pm, non consentiremo di svicolare'
Caso Regeni: Italia-Egitto, tra verità e depistaggi
Caso Regeni, il comunicato della Procura dopo il vertice Italia-Egitto
Caso Regeni: l'Italia pronta a nuove misure, l'Egitto 'irritato'
Regeni: fallito vertice magistrati Italia-Egitto
VIDEOCaso Regeni, 'dossier ancora incompleto'
Caso Regeni, "dossier ancora incompleto"
Investigatori romani al vertice Italia-Egitto su Regeni
Caso Regeni, vertice a Roma con inquirenti egiziani
FORSE QUESTO FILM VUOLE DIRE CHE: LE BANCHE SONO LA MAFIA PIÙ GRANDE, MA LA MAFIA CERCA IL POTERE, IL DENARO, MENTRE: NESSUNO PUÒ DIRE CHE LE NOSTRE BANCHE SONO UNA RELIGIONE: SONO IL SATANISMO CULTUALE, E COME, L'ALTARE DI SATANA È IL LORO CUORE! TALE È IL SATANISMO, esso NON CERCA IL POTERE E LA RICCHEZZA che, il NWO massonico regime Bildenberg HA GIÀ: di suo: IN MODO ASSOLUTO, in realtà, IL NWO È LUCIFERO, e LUI VUOLE TUTTE LE VOSTRE ANIME, tutti con LUI atterriti e disperati allo INFERNO: in attesa di essere disintegrati nel giorno del giudizio universale! quindi, QUESTA DELLA FED SPA FMI, È UNA GUERRA PER POSSEDERE LE ANIME, E DA QUESTO PUNTO DI VISTA, NONOSTANTE I LORO DELITTI ABERRANTI GLI ISLAMICI, SONO GLI UNICI CHE, STANNO FACENDO IL DOPPIO GIOCO CONTRO IL NWO: L'IMPERO DEL TALMUD DI ROTHSCHILD 322 BUSH! ] [ Servillo, un monaco contro le banche. Nel film, in odor di Cannes, anche Daniel Auteuil e Favino Servillo http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cultura/cinema/2016/04/11/servillo-monaco-contro-le-banche_66280d71-9734-4ce9-bd26-3a39910acd66.html 12 aprile 2016
è un film denuncia alla: Elio Petri e estetica alla: Paolo Sorrentino, arriva nelle sale il 21 aprile distribuito da 01 'Le confessioni', film contro le banche e il potere finanziario in odor di Cannes. ''Mi sembrava naturale proseguire sulle cose che mi assillano da sempre e fare una ricognizione sul potere e sull'economia oggi in crisi...''Voi avete un sistema perfetto: quello della mafia. Le banche come la mafia non devono dare conto a nessuno''. Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
QUALE PUÒ ESSERE L'OBIETTIVO DEI "FRATELLI MUSULMANI (I TERRORISTI)"? il genocidio di tutti i cristiani e di tutti gli ebrei in tutto il mondo: OVVIAMENTE! Ma, #Salman e #Rothschild non possono dire pubblicamente che: 1. il NWO è anche il CALIFFATO; e che, 2. questo genocidio si sta compiendo velocemente, ed anche in tempi molto rapidi! ] SI, È vero: #SALMAN VUOLE DARE UNA LEZIONE, PUNIZIONE a IRAN, ma, NON È NEI PROGETTI del loro Allah Rothschild SATANA, di fare il genocidio sistematico degli SCIITI, PERCHÉ QUESTI, conflitti, OMICIDI, di tipo CONFESSIONALe sono molto utili per la realizzazione del Califfato mondiale, cioè, FANNO SPARIRE molto velocemente, i dhimmi da TUTTO IL MONDO! SCIITI E SUNNITI SONO I DUE LATI DELLA MEDAGLIA PER LA REALIZZIONE DEL CALIFFATO MONDIALE: quindi non è seria la loro ostilità! 12/04/2016 - SAUDI ARABIA - EGYPT. Cairo and Riyadh: investments and territorial arrangements to counter Iran.
The Saudi king has made a "historic" five-day visit to Egypt, where he signed new trade agreements and proposed a peaceful future for Sunni nations. The Muslim Brotherhood unhappy: "We are being used to achieve political goals and then abandoned." Among the joint projects, a "bridge" across the Red Sea. 12/04/2016 - ARABIA SAUDITA – EGITTO. Cairo e Riyadh: investimenti e accordi territoriali per fare fronte contro l'Iran. Il re saudita ha compiuto una "storica" visita di cinque giorni in Egitto, dove ha siglato nuovi accordi commerciali e prospettato un futuro di pace alle nazioni sunnite. I Fratelli Musulmani scontenti: "Veniamo usati per raggiungere scopi politici e poi abbandonati". Fra i progetti congiunti, un "ponte" sul Mar rosso.
il bullismo islamico, non potrebbe esistere se: intenzionalmente, UE e USA non erano i 666 Talmud Farisei satanisti massoni: tutti usurai culto SpA FED: regime BILDENBERG, che stermineranno i popoli europei (in una guerra fratricida contro la Russia): ed annienteranno ogni presenza ebraico-cristiana nel mondo! ] MA, SE LA RUSSIA VIENE AGGREDITA? POI, LA ARABIA SAUDITA DIVENTERÀ IL LUOGO PIÙ RADIOATTIVO DI TUTTO IL PIANETA! 11/04/2016 - MALAYSIA. Sharia-compliant Rayani Air grounded for failing to follow aviation rules. Malaysian aviation authorities imposed a three-month suspension on the carrier for contravening “civil aviation regulations”. Launched in December, Rayani requires Muslim female crewmembers to wear the hijab, offers only halal food, and bans alcohol
11/04/2016. MALAYSIA. Malaysia, segue le regole della sharia ma non quelle civili: fermata la Rayani Air. Il Dipartimento dell’aviazione ha revocato la concessione di volo alla compagnia per tre mesi, per “contravvenzione alle regole”. Fondata a dicembre, la Rayani esige che le hostess musulmane indossino l’hijab, che i cibi serviti in volo siano halal e che il consumo di alcol sia vietato.
#sALMAN #ERDOGAN #Shaaria #ISLAMICI sono ladri stupratori terroristi pirati e assassini, perché, questa è la natura del loro satana Allah Akbar! 11/04/2016. BANGLADESH. Wife of Protestant minister raped to seize their land. The victim was attacked in her own home. Her screams attracted the attention of her husband, who prevented her murder. The four rapists are local thugs, well-known land grabbers. Police refuse to file the case until after local elections (not scheduled for many months). For Catholic activist, "This is totally immoral.” For her, police “are working for the criminals and violating human rights.”
Bangladesh, vogliono rubarle la terra: stuprata la moglie di un pastore protestante. La donna è stata aggredita nella propria abitazione e le sue urla hanno attirato l’attenzione del marito, che ne ha impedito l’uccisione. I quattro stupratori sono malviventi locali, noti per essere influenti espropriatori di terreni. La polizia ha rifiutato di registrare il caso, almeno fino al termine delle elezioni locali (tra diversi mesi). Attivista cattolica: “Questo è del tutto immorale. La polizia è connivente e viola i diritti umani”.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
#Obama, se, noi diaciamo che: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!" poi, noi giustamente, noi saremo puniti! Ma, se Erdogan dice: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!", e sua moglie dice: "l'HAREM è una buona esperienza per imparare ad essere donne!" POI, NOI A QUESTE BESTIE, LE FACCIAMO ENTRARE, anche in EUROPA: perché quella è la loro cultura e noi non possiamo essere islamofobici. TRA LA NOSTRA COLPA, che diventa una VIRTÙ ISLAMICa: voi del relativismo e del pratito democratico: voi QUANTI MILIONI DI MARTIRI CRISTIANI, voi mi avete UCCISO IN QUESTI 30NNI?
#SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] tu hai detto, che le donne che guidano la macchina da sole, sono le prede del diavolo! Ma se tu ti prendi 4 mogli, e poi, non le riesci a soddisfare tutte sessualmente? poi, la preda del demonio? sei proprio tu!
@my JHWH -- quando, satanisti e massoni, presi dalla disperazione, saranno costretti, ad usare centinaia: di loro agenti segreti, per cercare di: scandagliare, per scoprire, una qualche, mia parola falsa, compromettente, oppure, una mia vulnerabilitità, studiando, attentamente, circa, i miei: 5 milioni di articoli, che, io ho scritto, in questi 5 anni?, lol. poi, migliaia di loro agenti, finiranno al manicomio: insieme a loro! lol. @ youtube: 666: google: CIA -- stop! a bloccare la mia ADSL, ad ogni mio articolo, perché, io oggi, mi sto divertendo troppo!
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
1 secondo fa
1_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Close: For Satanism, pedophilia, ORGAN TRADE: and: HUMAN SACRIFICES.. by Giuseppe: COSCO, in the: BOOK: "POLICY, MAGIC: and: Satanism" (EDITIONS "SIGN" of: UDINE) has: ANALYZED THE EXTREMELY SERIOUS PROBLEM: of the: PATROL: and: ITS RELATIONS, WITH TRADE, ORGAN, COL, Satanism: and: WITH CERTAIN: Lobbies of: ABLE. Report of: FOLLOW THE CHAPTER, WHICH: COSCO: has: ARM, NEW DATA, WHY, THE FACTS COME TO LIGHT, From: this: Search: ARE, to: DIR POCO, chilling.
8 secondi fa
I giusti erano gli ebrei che erano stati fedeli alla antica alleanza. e basta. I pagani bruciavano all'inferno.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
15 secondi fa
ragazzo.. ma, tu stai facendo il falso profeta.. attento!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
36 secondi fa
2_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. The shocking: DOCUMENT, is been published by: MAGAZINE, Detective: & Crime: Magazine:, No. 2, MARCH-APRIL: 1998. The: Version: that: follows: is been: MAGAZINE: and: WIDER. an: amazing number: of: people disappears, every day, in the: nothing, especially young people. Many of: them are, of: others, not: if: it: sa: more: nothing. Is: as: if you were evaporated, disappeared. in the: world, disappear every year many: thousands: of: people. for: get a: pale: idea: of: the: is: serious,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
52 secondi fa
3_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the phenomenon is enough to know, that: only: in: Italy, in the: 1997, "Il Giornale" (March 15, 1997) headlined, an: long piece "From '90 quadrupled, the boys disappeared", Today: are: many of more. an: calculation, also approximate: is: impossible. The daily: between: the other, denounced: "It grows, the number: of the: young people, especially: between the 15: and: 18 years, that: vanish in the: nothing. Le: tracks: drugs, seven : religious, should: adventure: and: market: of the: slaves,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 minuto fa
lol. così Gesù ha detto a te: che, lui ha lasciato tutti gli altri, nel limbo, inferi? ma, non sarebbe Dio, se, lui commettesse una qualche forma di ingiustizia
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
2 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
4_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "and, as: we will see more: between: these" disappeared ", many are also children of: under: of the: ten years. is: a problem serious, deeply felt: in: Europe, they: are authentic: the "Recommendation" (No. R-79-6): in: relation: the: "Missing Persons" established: the Council of Europe: and: the: Posted: of the Oxford Up. "The: dictionary of national biography: missing person". if: Many of: these young people are found, of: other not: if: I: will: more: nothing.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
2 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
5_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Some of: them end up in the: network: of the: prostitution: of the: pornography: of the: pedophilia, in the other: underworld: of the: devotees of Satan. The paper: "The: Printing" (2/8/87) reports: la: news: of: a: sect: satanic that: recruited: children. Here is what he wrote: the newspaper: "The: cult," The discoverers "founded: to: from Washington: an:" guru ", that: today has: 66 years, Marion Pettie, you need: of the: small for : his demonic rituals, focusing
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Gesú scese nel limbo per andare a prendere quegli ebrei (gli antichi profeti come Mosé, Daniele, Elia etc.) che erano stati fedeli alla antica alleanza. Dato che nessuno poteva entrare in Paradiso prima della passione di Cristo costoro dovevano aspettare fino a quel momento.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
6_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. on the: of sacrifice: animals and, one suspects, also: on: practice: The Sexual....: discovery, organization, sort: the remains of: a: common: of: hippies: of the: years: Sixty: has: upset: capital: and: the United States. " In almost all: America: are: in: under investigation: on: Satanic cults, that: practice fierce ceremonies: e: in: not: a few cases, human sacrifice. to: Los Angeles: in: 22 municipalities: of the: county, prosecutors are investigating: on a large number of: cases
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
7_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: pedophilia: to: background ritual. In: more: parts of the: world are no known cases of: children sacrificed to Satan. Here's one: terrible confirmation: "Satan has: taken hold: also: in: South Africa: with: all of the gruesome aspects: its worship, such as the sacrifice of: children slaughtered on '" altar "of the: prince of the: darkness... orgiastic meetings: where young people: are: required to have: sex with: dogs or: goats, symbols: more: holographic of Lucifer
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
8_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "(" Courier: of the: Evening " May 20, 1990). Pedophile Satanists: are: present also: to London. The "Courier: of the: Evening" of the: March 18, 1990, said: "London. Tortured children: and: raped in the: of course: satanic rituals, fetuses extracted to: strength: from the womb: of: teenage-mothers: and: slain... The Edge: of the: reality play, in fact, the stories of: girls: and: adolescents, offers: the high priests of: a: sect: and: their followers for: be: raped.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
9_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. A: time: pregnant, le: small: they are obliged: to abort: and: the fetus, of: four months sacrificed for: the: purification: of the: Satanists, that: it: they would drink the blood: or: if: it :.. ciberebbero survey: Conduct: from: 66 groups of: research: of the "National Society: for: the: Prevention: of the: cruelty against children" in the United Kingdom confirms the existence of: of: such practices... ". The relationship: between: pedophilia: and: Satanism: is been: more: times, tried.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
10_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Different surveys: journalism: and: many managers of: centers of: protection: for: children: they launched the message, that: more: frequently: of: what is believed the racket: of the: prostitution of the : lower: and: of the: pedophilia are: managed by: sects: Satanism: in England: an: child has: that mind-blowing revelations. The newspaper "The Day" (15.09.90) writes: "In his stories confused emerge gruesome: stories: of: killings of: babies, of: tombs open: of: night, of: cannibalism:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
11_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: of : mysterious rites, with: devils: and: ghosts: and: children forced to: drink potions, mysterious, first: of: be raped: and: closed: in: cage.'s: revelations were: made from small: and : by: his: sister in March, with: the help of: dolls: and: drawings ". Misdeeds, that: seem to enjoy: of: protection, at a high level. The journalist Maurizio Blondet, in the: of course: an interview (published: on "Theology", September / October 1996), he said: "Some people practice strange rituals:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
12_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. on an island: close to: Washington are: of characters: high level, come together: in: of nights: moon: full: and: celebrate: of the: ritual, very special. course, nobody wants: to investigate: on: this is because, it is : of: people, very powerful are: things: that: you whisper. Similarly: in: certain "entourage" of politicians: a high level it is said, very quietly, that: being raped: of the: children. All occurs: in: also: background, ritual: of: magic: black.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
13_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. not: are: persons: common that: are these: things, it: of: people: that: it covers: high: charged, officials of the: Pentagon , etc ".. Horrors on: horrors, that: intersect: in: the: earth: dark: of the: of the worshipers: the devil. Here is what he wrote: Also, "Courier: of the: Evening" (7/28/90): "Horror: to: London: after: the: discovery: of: an: market of: films: for: pedophiles with: occasions: from life ": and: more: on" Scotland Yard fears: that at least twenty children, disappeared
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
14_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. without: leave: track: in the last six years, have made a: end: horrible. A: Team: Special: is: was: formed: for: to investigate: in the: dirty market: of the: video pornographic "snuff" intended to: sadistic pedophiles. La: word "snuff" in: slang means "die off" and: in : these are the videos: small: victims are: shooting: from: cameras: while: are: tortured: and: killed: after: have: experienced violence: sexual. La: police: is: believe, that: at least six children are died:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
15_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in: this way to London: and: in the: county: of the Kent. England..: has: learned with: horror: that: in: the breast: moving company ready to show: filming: torment, the agony: and: the: death: of: for children: fulfilled: the pleasure of perverse: many other monsters ready to: pay: ten million for: a: copy: of the: film. " is: a: tragedy: huge, that: rampant, always: of: more: everywhere. The: Estimates: exact: of the: young: victims are: impossible: and: not: there are reliable data,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
16_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the level of the: phenomenon, however, not: less of: 250 000 000 of: copies: of: videos: are: sold: in: around the world, only in the United States are: been: sold 20 million of: video. Films always more: 'strong', often with: torture: follow: from: Death of the: children. Every year, in the: world, an: one million: of: children of 18 years: is: victim of the: trade: more: ugly, that: ranging from kinky sex in: sue: more: Various: forms: prostitution , sex tourism, pedophilia, pornography,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
e non sai tu, che GEsù, lui scese agli, inferi ,,, nel giorno della risurezione, per portare in paradiso, tutti gli uomini giusti, del passato?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
7 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
17_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. sadism, etc.., to murder. Horrible events occur: in any part: of: this our planet are: very recent: the: brutality: done: in Belgium. Facts that: day after: day, emerge identical to: those just: narrated. Horrors, as: those that: would have been made, by the criminal pedophile, Marc Dutroux, dubbed the "monster of: Marcinelle." Grim facts: and: shocking, that: the: say a lot: on the: distribution: of: this gruesome phenomenon. In the videos of the: Dutroux "you would see
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
7 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
vattene scemo. ti devo dare un calcio nelle palle: e ti devo castare! perché, se a te, nascesse, un figlio? ne faresti una persona infelice, come, gli islamisti capa di pezza, maniaci religiosi tuoi fratelli!!"
8 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Infatti tantissimi pagani e infedeli non hanno mai conosciuto la rivelazione (antichi greci, etruschi, romani, maya, incas, germani etc..). E costoro sono all'inferno. E tu lis tai raggiungendo. Esistono aspetti del disegno divino che non possono essere compresi.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
8 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
18_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. - writes:" Official: of the South "of the: Nov. 23: 1996 - girls: raped: up to be: killed. La: complaint: is: was: made: yesterday during, the: events organized to Paris: in: at: of the: prostitution child: and: to: give the incredible news is: was: la: lady: Sophie: Wirtz, to: Chief : of the: section: Belgian of the "Movement of the: nest", ": more: forward, other terrible things," Do not: is: again, hit the bottom of horror: in: this: tragedy -: has: said: lady: Wirtz -:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
9 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
19_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. two: years: continue, to: say that: the: soapbox: Video that: they see: the: death: in: direct: of: children moving: in: Belgium: and I fear that: in the deal: Dutroux, there is orientated towards their own, this kind: of: atrocities. " The: Wirtz says, that: the beginning: of the: what happened: in Belgium, the: video tapes: of: pornography: Child: seized, would be 600. The: president of the "Movement of the: nest" in the interview: published by the newspaper says, that: the: pedophilia,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
9 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
20_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "not: is: an: affective relationship indeed: is: the expression of the: on the domain: child: and: the extreme stage, of: this domain: is: precisely: death. " Words that: burn as: fire. In the business: Dutroux: there: is: of: all: pedophilia, murder, necrophilia, snuff-films: and: characters high: Belgian society, of the: world of: finance: of the: politics, etc.. This: is at least the opinion: of the: Belgians. is: Also strange that: to date the investigation: not: have: taken yet: to: nothing
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
9 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
allora, secondo te, Dio fa nascere qualcuno, per sbaglio, o per hobby? ma, il tuo dio, è un fallito, pezzo di merda, proprio come te!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
10 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
21_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. about: the accomplices of the: Dutroux, indeed, seems: to have stalled: are: many mysteries. is: true that: the: small: victims are: a lot of: more: of: the: is been: say? Belgian citizens: are: afraid. Horrors of Europe, that: is: destruction: of the: children. So while: in Belgium over: 350 000: persons: manifested: in: square: the monster of: Marcinelle: and: the many mysteries that: surround these crimes: in: Switzerland fell: the: more: close silence on the: tycoon: Swiss arrested:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
10 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
22_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in Sri Lanka, with: accused: of: raping thousand: and: five hundred children. The phenomenon is: is: saw: is: World. The: aunt: of: a: of the: two: girls: murdered: by: Mark Dutroux, the monster of: Marcinelle: has: made serious statements: "The market: of the: porn that: involving children: has: tentacles: in: all: Europe: in: Netherlands: in Germany: and: in Switzerland. " Of monstrosity: an: world that: abuse: of the: children, rape them, torture them, kill them: brutally.
10 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Dio non é necessariamente tenuto a dare una seconda possibilitá. Tu, come al solito, stai sindacando la volontá di Dio.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
11 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
23_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. not: is: to stranger: this: cruelty: the revival: of the: satanic cults, that: are: back: in: vogue. By the Flemish newspaper "Der Standaard", in fact, we learn, that: at least four policemen would be part: of the: sect: satanic "Abrasax" suspected: of: buying girls, from killer-pedophile Dutroux, for: their rites. It: is: when you get to: this: puzzling discovery: thanks: a Letter: (A "good of:" command, is: is: said) found: in: a: of the: searches later: to: discovery : of the: bodies
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
11 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
24_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: Julie and Melissa, in the: house: of: Bernard Weinstein, Dutroux buried alive by the same: in: this Letter: signed: "Anubis", asked: to: Weinstein of " Do not forget: of: to remind that: the: great: party: approaches: and: we wait for the gift: the: great: the priestess. " Evidently: Weinstein was: "remember", the: a promise: to: Dutroux: in: more: is been: found, too, a strange document, the: who, it was: this: the: of necessity: find: first: can "eight victims from: one to 33 years."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
11 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
non lo hai dimostrato... ma, tu il cervello ce lo hai solo per cacare
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
25_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "Anubis" is, in the world, Francis Desmedt that: is: also: "grand master" of the: so-called "vieille: religion," a: sort: of: Association: International: of: Witches: and: the: great: priestess has: also: she also name? Sure, it's called: Dominique: Nephtys, also: she also: piece: Ninety: of the "church: Belgian of Satan." Who: are: the other members of: this "church satanic", remained secret?: And: on: what protection they could count on?
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Certo che é vero quello che dico. Teologo sfraganato.
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
26_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the: our: society Satanism: is: an: rampant danger: of: where often not: if: it: he speaks: enough, or: you do it: in the: wrong way. The worshipers of the: devil are: in: increased also: to Rome. The newspaper "Future" of the: 5 September 1996, writes: "Another: sect: satanic is: was: discovery, to Rome. Tremila: followers, 5000000 for: register...". The fact that: more: "leaves: surprised - they said, the investigators -: is: the apparent insospettabilità, of: many: of the: people:
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
27_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. investigated...". It: is: also: learned that "it seems, that: the: congregation counted: also, your membership: of: the famous names: showbiz...": in: Inghiltera: disappear every year , about: a hundred thousand young people. Scotland Yar ***. D. to London, must: deal, every day of the: disappearance: of: over 2500 teenagers. I: more: are tracked, of, some not: if: I: will: more: nothing. Journalist: Alfio Bernabei reports: other terrible things that happened to London:
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
28_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "Meat of: children: and: of: human fetuses: are: state: eat: from: men: and: women: that: they took part: to: cannibalistic rituals: in England: in: recent years: in the: picture of: an: left of revival: ceremonies satanic. Some children are: been: sacrifice: on the altars: after: he had been tortured: and: abuse: Sexual... "(" The Unit ", August 9, 1990). Sounds like: a humanity gone mad. In the United States these horrors are: more: more: frequent. is: Modesto, "the: city: California: holds:
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
29_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the national record: Use: of: who disappears: in the: nothing." "Do not: is: not clear why, but: this handkerchief of California: to: east of San Francisco, holds: for the record: the: more: high number of: people: disappeared: in the: nothing in: America. I missing all'appel'o: are: 1,500, only in the last six months. phenomenon is: really worrying enormous: in the United States each year is: out: a: list: of: about: 100 thousand: names "(" Diary: of the: week, "17. From: Wednesday, April 28:
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
30_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. to: Tuesday, May 4, 1999). The investigators, at least for, some of: these cases, they point their finger on the: variegated world: and: mysterious of the: sects: satanic. This: is: also: the thought of Fay Yager, director: the "Centre for: the: defense of the: children" (Children of the: Underground). The journalist Giorgio Medail, in the: Broadcaster: TV: "Arcana" Transmitted on: Channel: 5 (1989) stated, that: the United States, according to reliable sources,
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
31_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. are killed each year in the: of course: ritual Satanic: 50,000 people, for: the: more: young. Ted Gunderson, former director: FBI of Los Angeles, that: has: spent many years: to investigate: the links: between: the: disappearances of the: children: and: the satanic rituals, he said: in: a : bet: of the: transmission: "Arcana", that: the: victims are tortured: and: then killed. Gunderson: between: the other, said: "During: the: my: investigation, I discovered that: there are organizations that:
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
32_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. kidnap children for: then use them for: human sacrifices in: Festivals: satanic. These facts involve, to: more : high level politicians, lawyers, judges, people: of: power... Yes, these satanic groups: are: undoubtedly: involved in the: traffic of drugs, in the: prostitution of children, in the: pornography: and: in the: production: of: "snuff-films"... I have collected evidence: of: children: eight, nine, years. had designed things: horrible: people, fire, an: child in the fire,
14 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
è vero: quello che: tu dici, ma, nel concedere la nascita, su questo: pianeta decaduto, Dio ha concesso: i tempi supplementari, anche a quell'anima, ora, Dio, non può fallire, nel suo dare: la sua promessa/ parola, LUI non può promettere: a qualcuno, una seconda possibilità, e poi, negarla, per un incidente di percorso, semplicemente, perché, LUI finirebbe di essere: Dio ONNIPOTENTE.... e noi sappiamo che la reincarnazione, non è compatibile con il monoteismo
16 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Il battesimo é assolutamente necessario per eliminare il peccato originale. Quindi senza battesimo si resta colpevoli.
17 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
33_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. fetishes, satanic , children tortured. as: can an: child imagine things like if: not: the: has: experienced? "(John Caporaso: and: M. Cocozza: Lubisco, Children's. market: of the: horrors in "Incidents", July 17, 1991). The reason for these horrendous crimes, in the: vast: majority: of the: cases go unpunished: and: you: slightly to a level of: investigations would be, because, again: according to Gunderson, that: missing: the: political will. The: read: not: is: severe,
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
34_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. because these groups have high-level protection. In the uS: the "discusses: on: two: scandals: prostitution child: drug parties with: the: participation: of: children and killings: in: direct: for: to produce: snuff-films, that: involved politicians... very close to: Home: White. intelligence services, that: depend directly: President: are: covering up the speakers: surveys,: victims are: finite: in: prison: and: the witnesses are : gone: and: dead: in: freak accidents or suicides
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Ma uno che non é battezzato non é innocente. È colpevole del peccato originale. Quindi tutti al momento del concepimento sono automaticamente colpevoli del peccato originale.
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
35_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "(John Caporaso: and: M. Cocozza: Lubisco, Children's. market: of the: horrors, cit.). Journalist: Paul Rodriguez of the "Washington Times": after: a: long: and: delicate investigation: he said: "I was able to: try: that: people linked to: Home: White: and: services ran a : network: of: boys: life, I found many documents that: prove the involvement of Craig Spence: - probable former agent: of the: CIA linked to the environment: of the: services: of the: Home: White , former Director:
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
36_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Staff of: George Bush: and: Figure: key: in the Iran-Contra scandal - the organization: of: gay party: and: of: pedophiles. From: tests: emerge: the name: of: an: Another deputy, Barry Franks. We have worked: in: four for: over: an: years: and: the: information: are: chilling. FBI: is been: ousted from: surveys: and: of the : If you: are: employed intelligence that: depend directly: by: Home: White: and: everything: is: very strange.
19 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
37_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. La: network: criminal: he: link is: with: Republican leaders that: Democrats: and: extended: from New York to: Pennsylvania, from Nebraska to California. Recruitment: of the: boys happened: in: many ways, some were kidnapped for: street: and: then held: in: farms: details. is a business imposing, take children escaped of: home, in schools of: adoption, camps... "(John Caporaso: and: M. Cocozza: Lubisco, Children's. market: of the: horrors cit.):
19 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
38_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. after some articles Rodriguez dropped mysteriously investigation. The: cruelty against children: is: an: impressive business. There is even an: market of "pieces of: spare" human. Are sent to potential customers true: and: their catalogs of organs, that: should be used: or: as: human fetishes for: satanic rituals or: in: other cases, for: support: international traffic: clandestine of the: transplants. "Hundreds: of: juvenile males: and: females, disappear every year.
19 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
39_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Many end up abroad, in the: market: of the: illegal adoptions. Many end up in the: circuit: of the: pedophilia: and: of the : pornography, "(" Seen ", 11.08.1996). So: has: denounced: Parliamentary Rosario Godoy de: Osejo, founder: of: an "Committee for: missing children": and: continues: "I suspect that: the: right: of the: death: can : be: the taking of: young: and: healthy organs from: sell: in rich countries. if: the: things are so: is: easy to understand:
20 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
40_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. that: the end: are these children: time: 'exported' ". Facts hallucinating. an: Well of: horrors that: it seems: not: have: never end. "Also: Baby Doc, the former dictator of Haiti, it would be: rich, trading fresh cadavers: and: frozen bodies. Those that: receiving, by the organs: transplants: were clinical: U.S.: and: American university institutes or: of: research. (...). also: in: Guatemala: it: is been: an: trafficking of babies, sold to USa: for: transplants
20 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
41_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. ("Courier: of the Ticino", 6 marzo1987. "People", 20 marzo1987) while: what happened: in: Honduras: is been: confirmed by: agencies: of: Printing: (Agencies: ATS, ANSA, APP: and: "Courier: of the Ticino", January 5 1987): in: Colombia: children, are kidnapped while: playing on the: road taken: in: laboratories where: they are uprooted eyes: and: then placed back: in: freedom: after: appropriate: dressing: (Agency : AGI-EFE, June 1987): in: a: colony: German: of the: Chile: some:
21 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
42_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. medical experimentation, especially genetic manipulation, would be carried out: on: children: and: teenagers... ("Libération", 7 December: 1987) ", (Schar Milly-Manzoli Manual: of: defense, immunological, Meb, Padua 1988). Who investigates dies. in the: in May 1996, the journalist: French: Xavier de Gautier, "Le Figaro" is: found hanged at: Balearic Islands, in the: his: Location: summer. A: death, wrapped: in: more: mystery. The Spanish investigators, then, speak of: suicide.
21 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
43_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Gautier, first: of: Starting: for: the: holidays, had: worked for a: long: inquiry: on: n: of alleged trafficking, organs from Bosnia, a: note: clinical, Italy: of the: north.. ***. D. The former Minister for: the: Family: Antonio Guidi had: warned: "The phenomenon is: World. Ma: Italy, as it was: and: is: an: place of: passage: of the : drugs, now: is: an: point: of: transit: to children: risk... They come from countries: in: war: Europe, by: the poor of Africa.
21 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
vai a fare in culo, tu e il tuo dio... che, punisce persone innocenti, perché, in mezzo ai bambini abortiti, non c'eri anche tu?
22 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Tu invece sei diretto nelle fiamme infernali dove c'é pena eterna.
22 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
44_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Several of: them - who can : identify the number? -: are: intended to be meat: of: Subject: for: the rich. deposits of small, organs: for: the children of: who: has: money. " On.Guidi: to: demand, if: some of: these children were maimed for: subsequent transplants: in: Italy, had: said: "In Italy, no. Is: impossible. But, through it, the: our: land , as: migratory birds, whose fate is: of: be: cast down "(" Il Giornale ", 4 September 1995). And yet: Italy, writes: Giangiacomo Foà:
22 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
nel limbo non c'é pena in quanto non ci sono fiamme. ma non c'é nemmeno premio. C'é una eterna separazione da Dio.
23 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
45_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. is: was, reported: "authoritative: daily, La: Nacion of Buenos Aires, that: in: also: Article of: ground becomes: echo: of the: accusations of: Don Paul Baurell, professor of: Theology: University of San Paolo: and: of the: complaints: made: August 1, 1991, to: Geneva: by: René Bridel, represented in: United Nations Association: international jurists for: the: defense of the: democracy. (...). Article of: bottom of: the: Nation: has: echoed, or: Globo of Rio, That : it defines as
23 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
46_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "the largest importers of: Brazilian children." correspondent: of: or: Globe to: Rome says: "Italy: is: the: more: IMPORTANT: buyer: of: children...". (....) also: in: Peru: Printing: accuses us. From: The Daily months: Republic: of: Lima complaint with: name: and: surname, Italian spouses that: are: arrived: in: Peru for: buy: Children of: a few months ago: of: a few years. Lately we "imported", 1,500 young Peruvians, many: of the: which - according to the: print: of: Lima
23 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
47_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. - were later murdered for: Removal: their organs for: transplants "(" Courier: of the: Sera ", September 7, 1991). What: of the: children abducted, enslaved, raped, forced to: prostitution, sacrificed to Satan, or: killed for: grub: their organs: is: an: horror on: scale planetary. And yet: it continues to: Do a little or-nothing. Newspapers: and: television: not by reporting the problem: in: all: the: its: real gravity. Ne speak little: and: evil, of: long: in: then.
24 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
48_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. The dangers for: the very young, as: is: is: visa, by: more: fronts, not: last: is: the: fact: that: on the: planet, always increase: of: more: the: sects : engaged: the cult of the: devil. Guidi was the same: warning: "To: thresholds of the: 2000 is: even: recording an: increase of: rites 'religious', I recommend the: quote, that: provide also: human sacrifice of: children" ("Italy:" Weekly, 15 September 1995). Joseph Cosco.. linus.tre @ iol.it [entries from: Street:]
24 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
quindi soffrono, comunque, poveri innocenti, senza loro responsabilità! ecco perché, il tuo dio, è un doppio pezzo di merda! e nel giorno del giudizio universale, loro dove vanno?
25 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Catechismo Maggiore del 1905: "«I bambini morti senza Battesimo vanno al Limbo, dove non è premio soprannaturale né pena; perché, avendo il peccato originale, e quello solo, non meritano il Paradiso, ma neppure l'Inferno e il Purgatorio»."
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
infatti un feto non puó essere cattolico. i bambini abortiti o quelli non battezzati che muoiono prima dell'etá della ragione vanno nel limbo che é una parte di inferno senza fiamme. Adesso la pianti, testa di lucertola ?
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
50_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the: Social: is been: one of: more: prolific and passionate, truth-seeker Italian: of the: 'old woman guard.' Lent advice, at: proxy: of the Republic: of: Catanzaro: and: directed: the: local sections of the IIP (Institute of Psychological Investigations): and: of the: SIPS (International Society: of the: Psychology: of the: Scripture). He worked also with: numerous: magazines specialized in the: field of the: paranormal. as: befits: to: any occultist, his work was the subject of:
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
51_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. critical: to: because: skepticism, relieved from his studies: in: the theme of: conspiracy, satanism, secret societies: and: mysterious phenomena. The: his: work: of: search: and: complaint, went up: in 2002, when to: just 52: years, was suddenly struck down by: an: 'illness' withering. Offer of: Following an: Extract from: a: interesting interview, to: whether prophecy, that: Cosco released: in the: year 2000 to: magazine: the Third Millennium.
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
52_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Lorenzo Baldo. ***. D. Such are: state: the: reasons that: they thrust: to: write: Politics, Magic: and: Satanism? ***. R. The "magic" is: more: of: as you might think: this: in the: our modern world. The examples are: a lot. Papandreou: consulted astrologers for: choose: the: date: of the: elections in Greece, it: has: The stated: Economist of the: 27 April 1985. The shaman: Zhuge: Xihan: has: taken care of Deng Xiaoping: in: Israel: VIPs: of the: policy: between: these there: are: Sonia: Peres:
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
53_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: Lea Rabin, rely on Kabbalist: Yitzhak Kaduri. Bill Clinton has: told of: having contact with: the spirit of Elvis Presley. The week: Megapolis-Express: has: told that: Boris Yeltsin: is: served: more: times: of: a sorcerer: camouflaged by: Deputy able: -: between: the other - of: check: mentally: the parliamentary colleagues. Would be: was he to: prevent: a: opposition decisive of the: Parliament to Russian intervention: in: Chechnya. The sorcerer of the President: Yeltsin: is: -
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
54_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. according to: Magazine: -: in: capable of: cause: the: death of the: sue: victims. He has: in: quality of: psychic, a: long: collaboration: with: the KGB. I will stop here but: the examples are: again many. One can well understand: that: the union: between: politics: and: some "esoteric", some: of the: which trespass: in: territories hell: is: a lot: more: frequent: of: what you thought. To: light: of: this: is: very significant as the British Minister Benjamin Disraeli had: to say:
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
55_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "The world is: ruled by: completely different characters that: even: imagine those whose eye not: reach: behind the: scenes. " The: of the reasons: my book Politics, Magic: and: Satanism: are: state: dictated: the: purpose: of: Main: particular aspects of: these disturbing scenarios for: make it clear: the: people: some: complex : and: really amazing hidden: behind an: false: and: Apparent secular world, dominated by: economy: and: technique: where: (always seemingly) everything
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
56_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. that: is: called "religion" or "magic" not: it seems: to be: relevant: in the: drive: the: action: policy: and: instead of: not: is: so. ***. D. From: where has: drew all: the: info? ***. R. This type of: survey: is: very dangerous and need to: move with: big: prudence. Many: the information: I have collected: from the works of: other scholars of: This particular: field: as: Anthony Sutton, Maurizio Blondet, Gianni Vannoni, Serge: Hutin, Epiphanius, Carlo Palermo, Riccardo Cascioli, etc..
28 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
come fa: un bambino: di pochi mesi , o: di poche settimane, o: al settimo mese: nella pancia della sua madre: ad essere un cattolico? quindi, il tuo dio è un pezzo di merda!
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
57_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. More: news: the:'ve had: from: A lot of experts meander of: which, as: could very well understand, not: I can make: the names. ***. D. The members of the: CFR: are: all Americans? ***. R. First of all it should be: remember: that: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was founded in the: 1921. Great: interest is: know: that: the Rockefellers do: were the main contributors, and the: 1922, according to Blondet, gave "100 000: dollars, on 650 000: of the: budget visible of the : CFR.
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
se non era cattolico andrá all'inferno come gli ebrei che sono stati uccisi dai nazisti.
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
58_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. " Here, again: according to Blondet, a: part: of the: list: of the: lenders: "American Express, American Security Bank, Archer Daniel Midland Foundation, Cargill Inc., Chase Manhattan Bank, Coca: Cola: C., Coopers & Lybrand, Elf Aquitane, Exxon Corp., Finmeccanica SpA, General Electric Foundation, General Motors Corp., Hill & Knowlton, ITT Corp., Johnson & Johnson, Levi Strauss Fdt., Manufacturers Hanover Trust, McKinsey, Mobil, Pepsi Co, RJR Nabisco, Salomon Inc., Shearson Lehman Brothers,
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
59_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Smithkline: Beecham Corp., Volvo USA, Young & Rubicam. " of the: CFR would: part: also: President: of the United States Clinton: and: many of his colleagues, together with some: of the: personality: more: in: view: environment: of the: average : to: worldwide. is: incredible: the large number of: important political personalities: to: international: that: would be involved. ***. D. The "economic control": is: only the United States or: also: on, other: nations?
30 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
dottrinaFALLinShit-- il figlio: innocente, di una ragazza satanista, finito, sull'altare di satana, la sua anima, dove andrà? quale sarà, la sua sorte, nel giorno del giudizio, se, lui non ha mai potuto conoscere, la tua DOTTRINA?
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
60_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. ***. R. The CFR, as: I said is: funded by: secret fraternity, Banking: International: and: is: essentially: an: organism that: has: as: the primary purpose of: reach: to: control: by: the: finance: the: economy: and: the: policy: all countries of the: world. In this regard: is: interesting: remember: what he wrote: Paul Scott, chronicler of the Washington Post, about an: known politician member of the: CFR: "Kissinger believes: that: controlling the foods you can: control: people:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
61_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: controlling: energy - oil - you can control: the: nations: and: their financial systems. believes: that: putting food: and: oil under an: international control: and: establishing an: new order: money is: can: that: an: world government, at least at the beginning under: aegis: of the United Nations, to become one: reality... " We: are: in the: society: "oligarchic circles", ie international groups of: power: very narrow, that: controlling: production: industrial: and: the: finance:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
62_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. can effectively: condition: in: significantly: strategies: and: choices: of the: large parties of: mass and direct: the evolution of: ideologies: or: doctrines policies. ***. D. The: Nature: humanitarian, moral and: spiritual: of the: United Nations: is: was "cleared" by the CFR for: have: power: economic: on: all: how many: the: nations? ***. R. on the: question: CFR: and: the UN will answer by quoting Carroll Quigley, professor of: History: of: Princeton, of Harvard: and:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
63_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the professor: University of Georgetown that: in the: Tragedy and Hope: reveals the program: of: a: powerful lobby secret substantial: between: the other, in: "... create: an: system: international financial of: check for: dominate: the system: political of: each country: and: the economy of the: in the world: as a whole. " Quigley writes again: "... the CFR: has: vigorously: leaning to debut with: all: the: its: power: economic: and: Strategy: the: Constitution: UN considered: as: a: step:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
64_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. more : to the: creation: of the: world government... "***. D. Union policy-masonry-mafia only: hypothesis? The: sue: research: to: subject. ***. R. Many authors: between: that the former magistrate Carlo Palermo, have explored this complex problem for the disturbances of plots: interest that: not: of: rarely have seen united mafia, masonry, fundamentalism, cross-national powers: and: International. Palermo in the: his book The Fourth Level: has: widely documented: disturbing plots:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
65_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. between: Freemasonry: international oligarchy banking services of: intelligence, mafias: and: political, all together: in: also: dark design. This: is: the fourth level: on: which investigated: also: Judge Falcone: and: that: have: inspired: her: same: death, that: of the: links: Purse: and: even, according to the 'former magistrate, also: the attacks to John Paul II. is: to observe, moreover, that: the: Freemasonry, that: has: but had important merits in the: his: history:
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
66_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. for: common principles which have: that of: brotherhood has: - in the last war: - always taken an interest: of: more: to acquire: certain: positions of: power. Powers transverse cause unimaginable developments: and: of: complex reading that: above: to include: heavy games: on: international theaters of war, seem to coalesce in the: chaotic situation: politics: Italian. Is: useful to: remember this regard: the: harsh statements, alarming and enigmatic: the "heretic" Grand Master
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
67_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of Bernardo, March 27 of the: 1992 in the: of course: a: Conference: press: " strange events are occurring: observe, the: consequences. I'm looking of: trace: at: Causes. In Eastern Europe: is: in: an act: destabilizing project: there: is: someone that: has: interest to: create: tensions. ": And: more: forward said:" We: are: sorcerer's apprentice: in: action. The: situation could: dash: and: be: harmful: for: all. "Can be drawn: the interesting conclusions: light:
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
68_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: certain events occurred: in: below. *****. D. for: what reasons believes: that: the world of the: Finance: International: not: is: immune: from: action: of the: forces: occult? ***. R. Vi is: an: singular design that: figure : on the: back: of the: American tickets from: an: dollar. Is: called "The: Great Seals": and: shall consist of: a: pyramid, truncated on the: which vertex figure: an: triangle, with: in an: eye. All around you: is: read "Annuit COEPTIS" and "Novus Ordo Seclorum."
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
69_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. 72, bricks laid: on: 13, the livelli.formano: Pyramid. "is the symbol : of the: Illuminati, printed on banknotes: from: an: dollar for: order: of the: President Roosevelt, a Freemason: of the: 32nd degree. "He writes: Barry ***. R. Smith to: p. 83 in the: his book Warning (Wright and Carman Ltd, New: Zealand). La: inscription: "The: Great Seal" (The Great: Seal) not: it is: sure to: indicate: that, whether it be of the: symbol of America: that: as: we know: is: represented by the eagle.
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
70_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. The order: of the: Illuminati (Illuminaten Orden) was founded by Prince Jean Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) on 1 May of the: 1776 at the age of 28 years old. The: Joined under: pyramid: "Novus ordum seclorum" in fact means "New Order: World." The: Date: MDCCLXXVI (1776) inscribed: to: base: of the: pyramid: is: year: in: Jean Adam Weishaupt founded the Order: of the: Illuminati. of the: because: note: American: both: so filled: of: esoteric symbolism: is: Simply said: the use of the: power: financial
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
71_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. for: the: creation: of the: great: plot: is: one : of the: methods used by the Illuminati. Implementation: of the: program: for: install: an: "New Order: World" is divided: in: more: strategies: for: to create: the: great: Utopia: of the: Imperium Romanum. not: is: political fiction: or: conspiracy. Far from it. Reporters, that: asked to: Left thing: there was: behind: Italian massacres, he replied: "I do not exclude an: role: of the: finance: international." Strategies: occult:
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
72_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of the: secret fraternity banking: international. David Rockefeller in the: conviction of: speak to: ears: trust in the: 1991: has: stated that: "a: conspiracy exists: from: forty: years", that: it: has: the purpose of : building: in the: secret "world government" and "the: national sovereignty" of the: bankers that: the enemy of the: conspirators: is: "the: self-determination: national." On February 17 of the: 1950 the banker James Warburg to: Commission of the Foreign: Senate was, was all too clear
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
73_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. by stating: "Che: you like: or: no, we have an: world government, or: with consent or: with: the: strength. " ***. D. What: is: for: She 'the great: plot "that: may cause: chaos: on: the entire planet?. ***. R. not: it was an: event that: the: before: Common: of Paris, that: of the: August 10, 1792, enclosed: Louis Capet: and: the: his: family: in the: tower of the Temple. Louis XVI was, the last ruler: of the: Dynasty: of the: Capet: and: of: consequence: the successor of: Philip the Fair that
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
74_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. : with: the: complicity of the: Pope Clement IV, destroyed : Order: of the: Knights Templar. The tragic fire was raised: in: a: island: of the: Seine to Paris, the 18th of March of the year 1314. Through: the: Revolution: French were vindicated the temple: and: de: Molay. The Grand Master of the Order was burned on the: fire. The Templars: between: the other fed the Great: Secret of Drawing: merge: the Western world turned upside down: the: rules: traditional: and: re: totally:
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
75_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: structures of the: society. The spirit of the Order, however, remained. The Illuminati of: Weishaupt were the successors: of the: drawings Templar: and: for: reach: their purposes infiltrated the: Freemasonry. This filiation: Templar: the: Masonic attest different systems: between: the one told of the: Narrow: Compliance: Templar: organized: in Germany, in the: 1756, by Baron: of: Hun ***. D. Also: the system: Masonic said of the "Scottish Rite: Adjusted"
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
76_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. contains: echoes of: Templars. The Illuminati were accused of: being: the supporters of: an: great: universal plot: against: monarchies: and: the: Chiesa. the Order: of the Temple: is: then: secretly survived his tragic dissolution : and: the design of: destroy: Gradually, the power: state, the: hierarchies: social: and: of: to create: an: Government: on: scale world: has: also: it: of the: followers. The: Utopia: of the: Government of the: World together:
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
77_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the dark side of the: Esoteric cross without: posing: Europe, will street for ever: and: come up in our day with: an: fury unheard of. Ted Gunderson, a former FBI official of Los Angeles has: stated in the: transmission: tv Arcana: (1989), Transmitted on: Channel: 5, the journalist Giorgio Medail, that: the Illuminati "are to : an international level: in: around the world, but: are: present especially here in the United States. Here: us there: is: a: network: satanic in all the land.
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
non ha finito...
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
78_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "Jean Baylot: in: La: voie: substituée, recherche: sur la: déviation of: the: Franc-Maçonnerie: en France: et en Europe: considered the: sect: of the: Illuminati as: the: more: dangerous deviation: of the: Freemasonry: initiation. ***. D. What: includes: the secret report from Iron Mountain, on the: necessity of the: wars? ***. R. is: a chilling document, that: would be: the result of: two: years: of: work, from: an: a mysterious group of: study: in: it calls for: in: a doomsday scenario
36 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
79_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: Orwellian: memory, an: social control: with: advanced: technology: from: Thought Police, exploitation: of the: mass media, for: reach: to: plan: a: Series: of: appalling threats. The group of 15 experts that: he: wrote the report would: meeting between: 1963,: and: 1966. is: important to emphasize, to: support: of the: accuracy of: the: document, that: July 10th, 1966 was published: a: analysis from the "Center of Washington for: the: search: of: Politics: Foreign ": and: intended:
36 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
bestia! il sangue di questi bambini innocenti, vittime dei satanisti, ora, ricadrà contro di te!
39 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
hai finito di scrivere cazzate ?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
42 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
80_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. to:" Organization: for: Control: of the: Armament: and: for: Disarmament. "Well, it was stated: that means the plan of: disarmament proposed by President Johnson had: dangerous because instead: of: bring: peace, would: have destabilized: the world balance. After the inevitable scandal that: aroused: Posted: of the "Report from Iron Mountain" was definitely: Denied by: government bodies that: the study of the "Center of Washington for: the: Search: of: Politics: Foreign Policy "could:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
42 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
81_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. be state as: origin: of the: Report. It is said that: the document was prepared for: an: not: clearly specified governmental committee at the highest level, by: an equally special: Group of: Studio. The: conclusions which would be: come: the: Commission: of: Iron Mountain are: scary. Experts even say: that: the: war is: functional also: as: "stabilizer: generational" in: how much, what that: follows: is: by: raising: hair: "... the: war : to: the: old: generations (...) of:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
42 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
82_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. keep: its control over: generations: more: young people, if: must destroy them. "in the: his: conclusion: the report goes: to: look: substitutes : war: the: case improbable, but: not: impossible, would "explode: la: peace." Le: solutions that: offers: are: truly terrifying. It read that: "find: an: effective : substitute political: of the: war are: necessary 'enemies alternative', for: example: Contamination: massive: the environment: natural: it could: in: the future replace:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
83_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: option: of the: destruction: in: mass through: nuclear weapons... "More possible replacements suggested by the document:" A program of: gigantic proportions: of: searches: space, aimed to: unattainable goals. (...) A: Police: international practice: Almighty. A: Threat: extraterrestrial officially: announced: and: recognized. (...). A: shape: modern: and: advanced: of: slavery. (...) Any comment: is: superfluous. These: are: very few: citations of: what that: in the:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
84_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. his: bureaucratic cruelty, says: The Secret Report from Iron Mountain. ***. D. Because it considers: true: the: possibility that: the: CIA controls the Internet?: And: what: it means "control: of the: masses"? ***. R. Web Review, a: magazine: twice a week: online: has: revealed on September 26: 1995 that: NSI: is: was: purchased: in the: May '95 from: Scientific Applications International Corporations (SAIC) of San Diego , CA. The: magazine: fa: names: of the: members of the Board
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
85_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of Directors: of the: SAIC: between: these figure: "Admiral Bobby Inman, former head: of the: NSA (National Security Agency): and: Vice: Director: of the: CIA. "This DOMINT: of the: NSA" - read by: quoted: Magazine: - "has the: capacity of: lead: of operations: covert psychological control, (...) controls : all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S., (...) provides: of: equipment: that: to analyze: distance: the electrical activity: in humans, (...) La: NSA: Records: and: Decoding: maps:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
86_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of the: individual brain (ie: to: hundreds: of: thousands: of: people), (...) Speeches, sound: 3D: and: audio subliminal can be: sent to: bark: hard of hearing: of the: of the brain: the subject (...): and: the images: bark: visual: the RNM can alter: the: perceptions, moods and motor control. "***. Q. What: is: the power: effective: of the: mass media? ***. R. is been: shown that: suicide, murder: and: fatalities of: auto or: aircraft reported: in: first: Page: and: are highly publicized
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
87_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. increase : considerably: after: the: their publication, similar events. This: Report: emerge: also: by: a study of the: sociologist prof. Riaz Hassan: of the: University of: Flienders (Australia). Researcher: has: analyzed about: 20 000: cases of: suicide occurred: between: 1981,: and: 1990. The result is been: amazing: the: average: everyday of the suicides salt: of: about: 10 for: one hundred in two: days of: appearance: of the: news of suicides in major newspapers.,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
44 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
88_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: not: there: is: not: from: wonder too. Others works confirm this. is: well-known fact: between: professionals (advertising, social psychologists, etc..), that: the evocative language: has: an: great: power: pushing: to: new behaviors. Skepticism of: a few: naive reader: on the: strength: picturesque: of: this: strategy persuasive: is: to put: hard: try: from: formulation, by: part: of the: sociologist David Phillips, the "Werther Effect" (1974, 1979, 1980).'s book The of the pain:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
44 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
89_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Young Werther of Goethe: in: which tells: the suicide of the: young: star: after: a: disappointment sentimental collected: an: great: success: and: the: his: disclosure: was followed: as: an: incredible number of suicides: in: all: Europe. David Phillips has: also: showed that: the "Werther effect" works: also: for: the crimes, aviation accidents: and: of: other vehicles. Vi is: also: a: relationship: between the number of: day: in: where: news: of: an: suicide appears: in the newspapers:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
48 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
90_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: the: Dissemination of ' imitation of the: gesture narrated. But: there: is: also: the 'other: stress.'s: news: gore: that: the mass media: every day we served up result in: persons: a state of: continuous discomfort , of: fear: of: all, of: mistrust: total: against: of the: other. Maybe: fa: convenient to: someone hold: the country: in: continues apprehension: and: if: all that constitutes: an: elaborate design by: forces: occult: of: power, that: have interest to: create: new
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
48 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
91_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. scenarios: and: apocalyptic, for: cause: certain changes to: them more: welcome? We would: in: this case, to: be: vulnerable targets: in: half to: a: thin: war: psychological: in: this case would include: better what that: you want: building: in the: people, scagliandole: against: mass: of: news: brutal, devastating: and: brutal, fear, despair, great: insecurity: and: of: result: a: feeling: of: be: completely: helpless that: produces: vulnerability. This: is: the purpose: of the: war:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
48 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
92_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. psychological active. guide is: the direction of the: people: towards planned objectives. in the: mind: of the: people: creating of ways: be: and: behavior different from the previous ones. process : is: thin: and: sneaky. Conditioning progressive one: time: made, can be: used: in: a number of ways: for: subject, cancel: any reactivity critical crack: the: trust: of the: city in respect of: any security acquired, emptying it of: courage: and: determination, block: or: limit: the unpredictability
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
93_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: what that: not: is: predictable in the individual: and: by: of: follow-up to : edit: the: scale of the: values, riadattarla: for an: a different way of: conceive: the: fact: and: the: life. This serves: to: create: emotions or: to: prohibit it, distract, direct them: in: conclusion, to: control: the: opinion: public opinion. e: so shall be adopted: techniques: always: more: sophisticated: and effective for: creep into the: intimacy: of the: mind: human: and: manipulate , directing:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
94_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: will,: choices, personal ideals: and: collective up to: edit: thought: of the: people. Giova: remember: what did: to: declare: Kenneth Bouldin, professor: to: University of the Michigan: "Today you can perfectly: to conceive: an: world dominated by: a: dictatorship invisible in the: which, however, were: retained: the: forms of the exterior: democratic government." ***. Q. Is there: a: 'lobby satanic' at the top of the: power? ***. R. The journalist Maurizio Blondet, in the: of course:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
95_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. a: interview: (on Theology: of: September / October 1996), he said: "Some people practice strange rituals: on an island: close to: Washington are: of characters: high level, come together: in: of nights: moon: full: and: celebrate : of the: very special rites. Of course nobody wants: to investigate: on: this is because: of: people, very powerful are: things: that: you whisper. In the same way: in: certain "entourage" of politicians: a high level it is said, very quietly, that:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
96_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. being raped: of the: children. All this happens: in: also: background ritual: of: magic: black. not: are: persons: common that: are these: things, it: of: people: that: it covers: high: charged, officials of the: Pentagon, etc.. "In England disappear every year, about a hundred thousand: young people. Scotland Yard to London: to: deal with every day: of the: disappearance: of: over 2500 teenage ***. A.: more: are tracked, of, some not: if: I: will: more : nothing. In the United States,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
97_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. these horrors are: more: more: frequent. Investigators, at least for, some of: these cases, pointing the finger on the: variegated world: and: mysterious of the: seven: satanic. This: is: also: the thought of Fay Yager, director: the "Centre for: the: defense of the: children" (Children of the: Underground). Journalist: Giorgio Medail, in the: transmission: television : Arcane Transmitted on: Channel: 5 (1989) stated, that: According to reliable sources in the United States
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
98_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. each year are killed: in the: of course: Satanic rites 50,000 people for: the: more: young. Ted Gunderson, former Director: FBI of Los Angeles, that: has: spent many years: to investigate: the links: between: the: disappearances of the: children: and: the satanic rituals, he said: in: a: episode: of the: transmission: Arcana, that: the: victims are tortured: and: then killed. Gunderson: between: other: has: fact: of the: fatal: complaints. says: "During: the: my: survey I discovered that:
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Lol. Sfraganato.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
dottrina -- non difendere i satanisti --- vattene
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
99_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. there are organizations that: kidnap children for: then use them for: human sacrifices in: Festivals: satanic. These facts involve, to: more: highest political level, attorneys, judges, people: of: power... Yes, these satanic groups: are: doubt: involved in the: traffic of drugs, in the: prostitution of children, in the: pornography: and: in the: production: of: "snuff-movie"... I have collected evidence: of: children: eight, nine, years. Had drawn things: horrible: an: child
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Papa Eugenio IV, Concilio di Firenze: "Nessuno per quante elemosine abbia potuto fare, e perfino se avesse versato il sangue per il nome di Cristo si puó salvare, qualora non rimanga nel seno e nell'unitá della chiesa cattolica.""
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
51 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
100_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the fire, fetishes, satanic, children tortured. as: can an: child imagine things like if: not: the: has: experienced? ". yet: you continue: to: do little or: nothing. Newspapers: and: television: not by reporting the problem: : all: the: its: real gravity. Ne speak little: and: evil, of: long: in: then. Dangers for: the very young, as: is: is: visa, by: more: fronts, not: last: is: the: fact: that: on the: planet, always increase: of: more: the: seven: engaged: the cult of the: devil.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
51 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
101_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Guidi had the same ex-minister: warning: "To: thresholds of the: 2000 is: even: recording an: increase of: rites 'religious', I recommend the: quote, that: provide also: human sacrifice of: children. "Source: Interview: nwo. it / interview... Since html: on: / / antibodies . info /
51 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Papa Gregorio XVI, Summo Iugiter: "Anche Sant'Agostino e gli altri Vescovi dell'Africa, riuniti nel Concilio di Cirta (Costantina) nel 412, davano al riguardo ampie spiegazioni: "Chiunque si sarà separato da questa Chiesa cattolica, pur ritenendo di vivere in modo irreprensibile, per questa sola colpa di essere separato dalla comunione con Cristo non avrà la vita, ma lo sdegno di Dio incombe su di lui"."
52 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Papa San Pio X, Editae Saepe: "Onde segue che gli atti provenienti dalla sola onestà naturale, non sono altro che simulacri di virtù né durevoli in sé, né sufficienti alla salute."
53 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
La sola onestá naturale non é sufficiente per conseguire la salvezza.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
poiché, tu non riconosci, il fondamento, della legge naturale? allora, non sei più degno di vivere
1 ora fa
In Deuteronomio 13 (come in 1° Re 11) viene condannata la "libertá religiosa" come apostasia da Dio indipendentemente da chi la istiga (falso profeta, parente o chicchessia). Il tuo analfabetsimo ? È un tuo problema.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
lol. condannato! v
1 ora fa
Tu non sei ministro di Dio. Tu sei un ministro delle tenebre, un propinatore di falsitá demoniache professate dalla massoneria internazionale da 150 anni a questa parte.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
nessuno dovrebbe pensare che, la mia mente umana, ecc.. potrebbe sostenere: tutto questo lavoro, o combattimento soprannaturale, ecc.. ... perché, è impossibile, per qualsiasi, uomo, di sostenere questo, mio ministero! io sono la dimostrazione vivente, della potenza di Dio... perché, questo è un ministero divino, e, quindi, la sua potenza, non è qualcosa: che: può nascere da una povera creatura come me.. ecco perché, la vita dei miei nemici? è in serio pericolo
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
CustodeDellaFede---ie, CustodeDellaBestialità, religious maniac: Criminal - about: Deuteronomy 13, 2-6: - I never said to be: a prophet, but, on the contrary, I have always said to be a universal political, from the Kingdom of God, impartial, and above, against: all partisanship, but I'm dispobile: to do this challenge deadly against you, against the Pharisees, and against, the salfiti, that is, if I do not come recognized as a minister of God, according to the universal law of nature? I agree I die, but if I am recognized as a minister of God, in any way? ... Then, you have to die!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
CustodeDellaBestialità Criminale --- io non ho mai detto di essere un profeta, ma, io sono dispobile a fare questa sfida mortale con te, se io non vengo riconosciuto ministro di Dio? io accetto di morire! perché, se io vengo riconosciuto ministro di Dio... poi, dovrai morire tu!
Jihad Abu Antar: sharia horror, said: time ago: "unius Rei is causing sharia law, and wants to do gay marriage, with: synnek1." "" UniusRei3 posted a comment 2 minutes ago I hate niggers and all chinese! "" - Answer - is why Islamists are accomplices of Satanists! slanderer! Idiot, you have Claimed to be a Christian, for: many years, but, in this way, you have proved: That: every Muslim: is a traitor, liar: and murderess! .. of course, is synnek1, master of yoube, Satanist priest, and he has a legal obligation to do all sorts of crimes, he makes both, the: Expense: gay person, Which Also active gay cannibal, etc. .. but, you ugly beast, of Islamist, criminal: of an idolater moon stone? 'Slandering, UniusREI kingdom, and, this crime? will remain, as infamy, for, the Iran, That, has sent him: on this page! because the Jews are not so naive, to put on, to talk, with me .. lol.
IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 3 hours ago @ UniusRei3 --- not, good news, about, eliminated Youtube: channel: comments - ANSWER - when Satanists These Pharisees, parasites of the IMF-NWO, will be exterminated from the face of the earth ? IHateNEWLAYOUT - is very serious, that, Satanists Koreans, ie, synnek1, they have eliminated: Link to this page from the main channel of youtube [[when I said, that, google, was: into CFR]], because, this is still, however, a grave offense, against, the United States. Americans, when, they are good? when they have to defend: South Korea, against, North Korea?
IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 3 hours ago @ UniusRei3 --- not, good news, about, eliminated Youtube: channel: comments - ANSWER - when these Satanists Pharisees, parasites of the IMF-NWO, will be exterminated from the face of the earth ?-- ANSWER -- quando questi satanisti farisei, parassiti del FMI-NWO, potranno essere sterminati dalla faccia della terra?
Abu Antar
Papa San Pio X, Lamentabili: "11. L'ispirazione divina non si estende a tutta la Sacra Scrittura al punto che tutte e singole le sue parti siano immuni da ogni errore. - CONDANNATO"
Papa Pio IX, Dei Filius: "II-4. Se qualcuno non accetterà come sacri e canonici i libri interi della sacra Scrittura, in tutte le loro parti, come li ha accreditati il santo Concilio Tridentino, o negherà che siano divinamente ispirati: SIA ANATEMA".
Deuteronomio 13, 13-16: "13Qualora tu senta dire di una delle tue città che il Signore tuo Dio ti dà per abitare, che uomini iniqui sono usciti in mezzo a te e hanno sedotto gli abitanti della loro città dicendo: Andiamo, serviamo altri dèi, che voi non avete mai conosciuti, tu farai le indagini, investigherai, interrogherai con cura; se troverai che la cosa è vera, che il fatto sussiste e che un tale abominio è stato realmente commesso in mezzo a te, allora dovrai passare a fil di spada gli abitanti di quella città, la voterai allo sterminio, con quanto contiene e passerai a fil di spada anche il suo bestiame."
Deuteronomio 13, 7-12: "Qualora il tuo fratello, figlio di tuo padre o figlio di tua madre, o il figlio o la figlia o la moglie che riposa sul tuo petto o l'amico che è come te stesso, t'istighi in segreto, dicendo: Andiamo, serviamo altri dèi, dèi che né tu né i tuoi padri avete conosciuti, divinità dei popoli che vi circondano, vicini a te o da te lontani da una estremità all'altra della terra, tu non dargli retta, non ascoltarlo; il tuo occhio non lo compianga; non risparmiarlo, non coprire la sua colpa. Anzi devi ucciderlo: la tua mano sia la prima contro di lui per metterlo a morte; poi la mano di tutto il popolo; lapidalo e muoia, perché ha cercato di trascinarti lontano dal Signore tuo Dio che ti ha fatto uscire dal paese di Egitto, dalla condizione servile. Tutto Israele lo verrà a sapere, ne avrà timore e non commetterà in mezzo a te una tale azione malvagia."
Deuteronomio 13, 2-6: "Qualora si alzi in mezzo a te un profeta o un sognatore che ti proponga un segno o un prodigio e il segno e il prodigio annunciato succeda ed egli ti dica: Seguiamo dèi stranieri, che tu non hai mai conosciuti, e rendiamo loro un culto, tu non dovrai ascoltare le parole di quel profeta o di quel sognatore; perché il Signore vostro Dio vi mette alla prova per sapere se amate il Signore vostro Dio con tutto il cuore e con tutta l'anima. Seguirete il Signore vostro Dio, temerete lui, osserverete i suoi comandi, obbedirete alla sua voce, lo servirete e gli resterete fedeli. Quanto a quel profeta o a quel sognatore, egli dovrà essere messo a morte, perché ha proposto l'apostasia dal Signore, dal vostro Dio, che vi ha fatti uscire dal paese di Egitto e vi ha riscattati dalla condizione servile, per trascinarti fuori della via per la quale il Signore tuo Dio ti ha ordinato di camminare. Così estirperai il male da te."
1° Re 11, 7-10: "Salomone costruì un'altura in onore di Camos, obbrobrio dei Moabiti, sul monte che è di fronte a Gerusalemme, e anche in onore di Milcom, obbrobrio degli Ammoniti. Allo stesso modo fece per tutte le sue donne straniere, che offrivano incenso e sacrifici ai loro dèi. Il Signore, perciò, si sdegnò con Salomone, perché aveva distolto il cuore dal Signore Dio d'Israele, che gli era apparso due volte e gli aveva comandato di non seguire altri dèi, ma Salomone non osservò quanto gli aveva comandato il Signore."
1° Re 11, 1-6: "Ma il re Salomone amò donne straniere, moabite, ammonite, idumee, di Sidòne e hittite, appartenenti a popoli, di cui aveva detto il Signore agli Israeliti: "Non andate da loro ed essi non vengano da voi: perché certo faranno deviare i vostri cuori dietro i loro dèi". Salomone si legò a loro per amore. Aveva settecento principesse per mogli e trecento concubine; le sue donne gli pervertirono il cuore. Quando Salomone fu vecchio, le sue donne l'attirarono verso dèi stranieri e il suo cuore non restò più tutto con il Signore suo Dio come il cuore di Davide suo padre. Salomone seguì Astàrte, dea di quelli di Sidòne, e Milcom, obbrobrio degli Ammoniti. Salomone commise quanto è male agli occhi del Signore e non fu fedele al Signore come lo era stato Davide suo padre."
@UniusRei3 not good news about Youtube eliminated channel comments
IHateNEWLAYOUT my american friend - not enough: that, synnek1 ° pig cannibal, then, half cap of sparkling wine, 666, gone bad, you close: his youtube page, for comments. because I said to him, in all languages, which had come: his time, even for him, to finish: on the altar of Satan, himself .. lol., but now he has offended not only all American employees: of youtube: but, also: the U.S. State, to create: a diplomatic international case .. and: stop my ministry? he: 1. together with MOSSAD, has full of filled with filters youtube, 2. ruined the layout, and, 3. did the Nazis against democracy: why, this is: NWO IMF: id of the Satanists, a real Nazism .. to lift the satanism worldwide
IHateNEWLAYOUT -- è molto grave, che, i satanisti coreani, ie, synnek1, loro abbiano eliminato: il link di questa pagina: dal canale principale di youtube [[quando io ho detto che google era nel CFR]], perché questa è comunque, in ogni modo, una grave offesa, contro, gli USA. gli americani, quando loro sono buoni? quando devono difendere, la Corea del Sud, contro, la Corea del Nord?
Jihad Abu Antar: sharia horror, said: time ago: "unius Rei is causing sharia law, and wants to do gay marriage, with: synnek1." "" UniusRei3 posted a comment 2 minutes ago I hate niggers and all chinese! "" - Answer - is why Islamists are accomplices of Satanists! slanderer! Idiot, you have Claimed to be a Christian, for: many years, but, in this way, you have proved: That: every Muslim: is a traitor, liar: and murderess! .. of course, is synnek1, master of yoube, Satanist priest, and he has a legal obligation to do all sorts of crimes, he makes both, the: expense: gay person, Which Also active gay cannibal, etc. .. but, you ugly beast, of Islamist, criminal: of an idolater moon stone? 'Slandering, UniusREI kingdom, and, this crime? will remain, as infamy, for, the Iran That, has sent you: on this page! anche perché gli ebrei non sono così ingenui da mettersi, a parlare, con me.. lol.
@my JHWH -- quando, satanisti e massoni, presi dalla disperazione, saranno costretti, ad usare centinaia: di loro agenti segreti, per cercare di: scandagliare, per scoprire, una qualche, mia parola falsa, compromettente, oppure, una mia vulnerabilitità, studiando, attentamente, circa, i miei: 5 milioni di articoli, che, io ho scritto, in questi 5 anni?, lol. poi, migliaia di loro agenti, finiranno al manicomio: insieme a loro! lol. @ youtube: 666: google: CIA -- stop! a bloccare la mia ADSL, ad ogni mio articolo, perché, io oggi, mi sto divertendo troppo!
ניו יורק -'' אני כבר לא: מוסלמי, סוציאליסטי: כי: הייתי לפני ...''. נשיא ארה"ב, ברק אובמה לועגת, מחייך וזלזול עצמי .. - תשובה - @ הבוגד אובמה, אסלאמית, שקרן, רוצחת! הטיהור האתנית של נוצרים ושיעים, כמרים, כמרים ובישופים נהרגה: בדם קר, עם הונאה, סחיטה, נחטף, כמו חיות, אונס של בנות, "שחט", דרישת כופר, כל חלאתך: מחבלים: הסלפים, "אחים מוסלמים" כדי להפיץ את השריעה שלך "הח'ליפות העולמית" שלך, שהם, היום, בסוריה, וכי יש לך רק להתפשט: בכל רחבי הים התיכון, וכו '.. ? הם: שלך: ה-CIA ושלך: הליגה הערבית: מי עושה את כל הפשעים האלה! ואת המדיה שלך, היהודי: המונופול של כל אחד: SpA, התאגידים, ל: הפעולה: קרן המטבע הבינלאומית, בנק פדרלי, הבנק המרכזי של אירופה, תלמוד סדר היום: Bildenberg, מערכת הבונים החופשיים: לseigniorage הבנקאות, הם מכסים: כל זה, עם: השקרים שלהם: ו מידע מנוצל. היה יותר טוב: בשבילך, כי אתה אף פעם לא הייתי נולד!
2013/02/12 [סוריה - הוותיקן]. אחרי המורדים מוסלמים לתפוס שני כמרים בחלב, יש חשש: ל: החיים שלהם. כומר ארמני קתולי, אב מייקל, וכומר אורתודוקסי נחטפו: ביום ראשון האחרון בנוצרי של חאלב: השכונה. מקורות לדבר: לAsiaNews: על: רצח הברברי: בוצעו: הקיצונים איסלמיים שלי. מכונית תופת: מתפוצצת: בתורכי לסוריה: מעבר הגבול: מCilvegozu. [לאחר שנרצח: טבח: הכוהנים, הם דרשו: כופר: לבישופים שלהם] 2013/04/26. [שכן הליגה הערבית עושה טיהור האתנית של שיעים ונוצרים, אונס, רציחות, בכל מקום, היא זוכה שטח, ולאחר מכן, את הצ'צ'נים: הם נקמו, המחבל נהרג בבוסטון (כפי שאמרה טורקיה)] אין סימן לבישופים אורתודוקסיים "שחרורו, פחדים של סחטנות פוליטית לגדול. 322 קרי, בוש, אובמה רוטשילד 666, מצאתי את סארין, במעבדות של הליגה הערבית, ש,: אל קעידה הוביל, בסוריה .. הכי טוב בשבילך: זה היה יכול להיות, אם לא היית שנולד אי פעם!
IHateNEWLAYOUT חה pubblicato בלתי commento 45 minuti fa אתה לא עושה את הערוץ חדש לא עדיין? ! - תשובה - אלה, שיש לי (כ -50, ערוץ) הם מוגזמים, בשבילי, היה יותר טוב רק ערוץ אחד: בשבילי, אבל, כפי שאתה יכול להגיד את זה "שטן הצלה", ולאחר מכן, באפשרותך להסתיר את עצמך, כמו פחדן, מאחורי התמונה, של סנט רטולו ונגו, שהוא בעת בגילך, הוא היה כומר וודו של השטן ... אוהב אותך?
[[סוריה שחררה שני הבישופים האורתודוכסיים. ANSA.it - לפני 4 ימים]] .. אבל, אתה צריך לחפור: עם עקשנות גדולה: למצוא את זה בחדשות, "סמוי" בתקשורת היהודיות הבינלאומית: Bildenberg של המערכת של הבונים החופשיים seigniorage הבנק. [[סוריה נחטפה בישופים; גם: אתונה: אישור שחרור: לא. ANSA.it - לפני 3 ימים: הבישופות חלב, אין קשר עם שני הארכיבישופים האורתודוכסיים]], קרי, אמר:'' אני דיבר הבוקר: מכאן עם נתניהו, והוא אמר לי שזה לא היה בעמדה: כדי לאשר . זהו התהליך שלהם: הדואר: תלוי בהם: כגון: ומתי: שהם רוצים לעשות, ואת זה הוא לא: אליי: להפוך הכרזות. אז: אני לא יודע''!. אולי פירושו (אבל, לעזאזל זה אומר, הנאום הזה????): אם אתה רוצה לפלוש לסוריה, עם עלילה, כמו, שכבר פלש לעיראק, עם, השמצות אחרת, ולאחר מכן, עשה זאת, אבל, אתה לא לשבור, זין: לי!
@ שביתת בנימין נתניהו --- בנשק גרעיני, אותו היום, כל 50 המדינות איסלמיים, הוא הסיכוי היחיד שיש לך של להיות מסוגל להציל את ישראל
@ בנימין נתניהו --- אבל זו האמת: יש יותר: כוח המערבי, אבל, יש תכנית: שדולה יהודית וכוחות נסתרים של הבונים החופשיים: קרן המטבע הבינלאומית 666 הפד, המערכת: עריץ שטני סמכויות, קרן המטבע הבינלאומי, Bildenberg, וכל הכיוון הנסתר שלהם (המדע הגבוה ביותר, של הנדסה, החברתי ו, כל SpA המונופולים, הכל בידיים: של Rothschid בלבד), בדרך זו, הם: שוב, להאשים את הנוצרים, ל: השמדה: שואה הממשמשת ובאה: נגד ישראל, במהלך מלחמת העולם השלישי, השואה החדשה, כמו: פעם אחת, הם עשו: אחרי, מלחמת העולם השנייה. ראה את זה: עם המהפכה הצרפתית, לא יותר קיימים, מדיניות: זה יכול להיות תחת השליטה של הנוצרים במערב! זו הסיבה שהפרושים והסלפים: צריכים להיות נידונים למוות! משום, שיש לו דיאלוג איתם הוא בלתי אפשרי
[ח'ליפות עולמית, כגון: אסטרטגיה של מלחמה התוקפנית] היא לחלוטין איסלאמופוביה: מוצדקת, שכן: כי: האסלאמיסטים איסלמיים שלנו, השותף, הם לישון בשקט: ל, פשעים: כי, האיסלמי: להתחייב: כל, במזרח התיכון, נגד, הנוצרים, ולכן, לא תהיה התעוררות כואבת בהכרח, פתאומית ודרמטית. זו הכיתה שלנו פסק דין, אשר, כמו, להשלים עם המחבלים, בלי להתמודד עם: הבעיה של לכידות: נתעבת ושותפה פלילית: תפיסה מוטעה: של: "שלום", ואילו: רבים חללים נוצרי תמימים מדי,, למצוא את שלוותם בבית הקברות. למעשה, נוצרים בשטחים פלסטיני (להלן, יאסר ערפאת), יש לי נאלצו לברוח בהמוניהם, ואילו הנוצרים שנותרו, הם היו להיות נאלצו כבני חסות, עבדים, נושאים, גם הגישה, אותם, להלכה אסלאמית. מדוע, אם כן, באירופה ממשיכה להיות אויב של ישראל, ושותפה לפשע של הנאציזם, הפלסטינים, ושל כל המדינות עכשיו התאסלמו על ידי הליגה הערבית?
[ח'ליפות עולמית, אסלאם, כגון: אסטרטגיה של מלחמה התוקפנית, ומערב: יותר ויותר פליליים], המונע על ידי נסחפים בנקאות היהודי הלובי: האילומינטי: קרן המטבע-NWO, הפרושים, בנקאים בינלאומיים, שנשבעו שנאה, נצחיים: נגד : הנצרות, דוחף את עצמם, באופן משמעותי, מתוך: מציביליזציה: יהודית - נוצרית, הם הפכו ל: האויבים האמיתיים, של קיומה של ישראל. זה מערב: הבונים החופשיים ושטני, תורת הנסתר סמכויות Bildenberg ש: מכחיש את הערכים שלהם, ו: מסגיר את זהותו שלו, של: אירופה נטשה אל תהום הנשייה, ולכן פושע להיות: להיות, חירש ... ואת עצמו: גיבור צמא דם, שותף: של כל הפרה: חופש דת, גם מחוץ לגבולותיה, הן בתוך: גבולותיה, כי אם זה נכון, כי: מוסלמים הם האחים שלנו, לעומת זאת, גם נכון, כי,
[הח'ליפות העולמית, של: אובמה] היא לא קשה למצוא ראיות לכך: טרגדיה אנושית קטסטרופלי, מתוכם: תלמוד קרן המטבע הבינלאומית: הבנק המרכזי של אירופה הפד, ה-CIA ארה"ב האו"ם, נאט"ו, הן שותפים. של ברבריות זה: אזרחים, דתי, תרבותי, שצנח: העולם: ערבי ומוסלמי, בטרף לקנאות אידיאולוגית: קיצונים איסלמיים: וחוסר סובלנות דתית: הדיקטטורות בכוח. [אחריותה של אירופה: עכשיו בני ערובה של האילומינטי Bildenber: זה ענק] לנוכח רדיפה מתמשכת והמשיכו: השפלות יומיומיות, שכל הנוצרים תחת משטרים איסלמיים, ובכל דבר: במזרח התיכון, הם נאלצים לחיות ולסבול, כי: אירופה היא חולה, מזה: רלטיביזם עיוור: עם, רעיון הטוב של רב תרבותיות, אשר, עם זאת, יכול שלא להתממש: בלי: את הרעיון של הדדיות
[אובמה והכחדה התוכניות שלו, של הנוצרים, ושל העדה השיעית, במזרח התיכון] בעבר, של הכיבוש הערבי: והאיסלאם במאה השביעי, נוצרים מורכבים, 95%, של האוכלוסייה, של הים התיכון: מדרום וממזרח הים התיכון. אבל, היום, עם פחות, מאשר, 12. מיליון, נפל, בצורה חדה פחות מ -6%, כמובן, בשנת 2020, לא יהיו יותר נוצרים במזרח התיכון! ממלחמת העולם הראשונה: 10 מיליון נוצרים נאלצו להגר. זו הוכחה של כת השטן, ו: ברבריות פליליות, dell'imbarbarimento, לא רק, של הליגה הערבית, אבל, מעל לכל, שותפיו, הבונים החופשיים, הפרושים, האילומינטי, Bildenberg, כוח נסתר, אשר, עם שתיקה הפיכה: תפסה את השלטון: בכל דמוקרטיות שווא הבונים החופשיים: של seigniorage הבנקאי.
1. [הכנסייה (קדושים נוצרי) נרדפה במזרח התיכון: ל: לעשות את הח'ליפות העולמית] 2. [הכנסייה (קדושים נוצרי) הוא נרדף, בכל רחבי העולם לזה: התלמוד של הפרושים: במערכת הבונים החופשיים: לseigniorage הבנקאות:. לשעבד את כל העמים, ולהשמיד את ישראל] 3. [הכנסייה (קדושים נוצרי) הוא נרדף על ידי כל הדתות והקומוניזם. ] אנו עדים לכך מפחידים, לרדיפות ולנטישה ההמונית של נוצרים מהמזרח התיכון, שהם הילידים האמיתיים של האזור, בגלל תפיסה: ש: היה satanizzata: על, האיסלאם: מהליגה הערבית, ושלו : ה-CIA, כל נאצים, האסלאמיסטים הנאצים, חסרי סובלנות לחלוטין, ו, לא מצליחה לכבד את כבודו וזכויותיו של האדם. בהתאם לכך, הם להסתיר את הסיבות האמיתיות לשאלה מדוע הישראלים נאלצים להיות כל כך "קשה" נגד הפלסטינים.
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
The Kingdom from OnHigh!
[Otherwise Known as Heaven]
as it Was.... IS.... and Will Be
Our Self-Existent Creator's Favour of SALVATION!
And What it Means to Those With Eyes That See and Ears That Hear!
Who Know The TRUTH and are Thereby Set FREE and Are Free Indeed!
--Who Follow the Lamb and Our Righteous King--
[ Referred to as "Jesus Christ" Among the Nations]
Being Subject to Him Alone and The Most-High Creator Who Sent Him.
OLaM Ha-BaH ("the coming world") is close at hand!
I am moved by IaHUeH's Spirit to Recognize Kinship to ALL who, according to IaHUShUA' Ha-MaShIaCh
(by whichever pronunciation or transliteration) have entered into His Living Kingdom. (you know who you are)
Both Houses of The Twelve Tribes of the Scattered Sheep of the Children of IeShRaEL
and EveryOne Also who have been brought into the fold and Follow In The Way as Spoken By The Prophets of IaHUeH
A Testimony of Restoration to The Covenant
Most "Christians" would answer an emphatic yes. "As long as it doesn't go against 'God's' law" some might add. They will even tell you that the "Bible" tells you to do so. There are quotes they will provide, that when taken out of context (as is usually the case) will seemingly prove their point.
"Render unto Caesar" Luke 20:25
"Obey them that have the rule over you" Hebrews 13:17
"Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man
for the Lords' sake" First Peter 2:13
But First Let Us Look at:
What is This Law Of The Land?
And to Whom Does it Really Apply?
Well it may help to know:
What is This Church?
And Who is its "Sovereign Lord"?
"Well That's an easy one" you may be thinking... "Jesus Christ" right? "The Lord our God" isn't it? some may say it is "The State" because of the [501(c)(3)] status.. but of course that would be Illegal.. separation between Church and State right?
It may come as a great shock to discover that the real answer is "none of the above"!!! and it is not the people either.
The Shocking Truth is that by long standing Tradition in the common law and until now uncontested... the seat goes to "lord god the pope".
WOI!!! What did I just say? am I crazy?? Look it up for yourself!
"The Holy Roman Catholic Church" (and its "Orthodox" sister) was Founded by the Roman Emperor Constantine around 325 c.e.. Since Rome Murdered The Apostles beforehand starting in the Sixties (60c.e.)., I doubt very seriously their Claim to Apostolic Succession. It was around 1050 when the "great schism" occurred.. The Protestant Reformation happened around 1517 (partly over the "Justification by Faith" issue) but the Protestants never really "came out of her"... they simply became the Daughters of the "great" Whore of Babylon and continued in her fornications.
The End of any Possible Claim to Apostolic Succession: 3/29 537c.e.
After his invasion of Italy, the Gothic War (535–554), Emperor Justinian I forced Pope Silverius to abdicate and installed Pope Vigilius, a former apocrisiarius to Constantinople in his place; Justinian next appointed Pope Pelagius I, holding only a "sham election" to replace Vigilius; -From Wikipedia
Justinian had tried and failed to Restore the Old Roman Empire so he started working on the "Holy Roman Empire".
Not long after that point however the Pope turned the tables and started crowning Emperors! Starting with Charlemagne 12/25/800c.e. who also claimed to be the Renewer of the Roman Empire.
End of popes political sovereignty: 2/10 1798c.e.
He (Berthier) accompanied Napoleon throughout the brilliant campaign of 1796, and was left in charge of the army after the Treaty of Campo Formio. He was in this post in 1798 when he entered Italy, invaded the Vatican, organized the Roman republic, and took the pope Pius VI as prisoner back to Valence (France) where, after a journey of torturous suffering, the pope, a helpless prisoner under Berthier's supervision, died, dealing a major blow to the Vatican's political power...
Equals 1260 years (a year begins in spring)
You may be beginning to understand why The Spirit of The MostHigh Creator has led me to reject her (rome's) blasphemous terminology and seek the Purer Hebrew Root of Words, Names and meanings -I certainly am!
To be fair: The SDA Church Lies more than the Pope!Find the Truth in IaHUeH's Word about His SetApart Times. Accept No Substitutes!!
Well... what ABOUT JUDAIC LAW?
You may ask...
My problem with Judaic Law is this..
It has a long history of teaching the Transgression of IaHUeH's Law..
It teaches its adherents to reject our (their) Righteous King..
It is a Transgression of Judaic Law to Interpret TORAH (IaHUeH's Law) without the use of Halakah (talmud -traditions of men).
Just Look at the track record.
Just to be fair I will ask: Islam?
There are many sincere and well meaning people that hold to these beliefs. (indeed all *Religions)
I mean no disrespect -May True ShaLOM be Upon You!
But one cannot begin to compare the writings in the Quran to Word of IaHUeH in His SetApart Scripture.
As a Matter of Fact The Word as Given to The Prophet Muhammad not only Gives Support to and is Supported by but also has as its Very Foundation The TORaH of IaHUeH and The Testimony of IaHUShUA' Ha-MaShIaCh.. This Word was to Ishmael -an Invitation to enter into Covenant with the AllMighty and to Help His Children Return to The Way -To The TORaH and To The Testimony of The Prophets and IaHUShUA' Ha-MaShIaCh- they ALL Agree as One!!
In the Light of the Great Law of Love of IaHUeH no Opposing viewpoints will stand -no Force is necessary or Allowed!
Islam arose as a response to and even as punishment for Christianity's Apostasy and the Falsehoods of Judaism. [Same as the modern atheists]
They saw it before we did, very observant... But that does not make Islam Correct!
* Religion is generally man's excuse for not Doing the Will of The MostHigh Creator!
And doing what somebody else tells them to do instead -because it is said to be established.
So.. where then, DO WE TURN?
Return unto Me, and I will return unto you sayeth IaHUeH of Hosts!!
The religions above all claim to Love IaHUeH.. don't you think it is about time to Stop Hating Each Other?
I Am Here to make Converts of you All!
To Convert the Jews to TORaH.
To Convert the Christians to Following IaHUShUA' Ha-MaShIaCh.
and to Convert Islam to Hearing the Word of The Prophet.
You must all be Converted to be Saved
Converted from the Traditions of your Fathers and Back to The Word You Were Given.
This Word Is Given By IaHUeH! and Does in Fact Agree as One when put together and in Perspective.
Whosoever would Promote Hatred in the name of Religion Proves their Religion False!
The Spirit of Truth, Studious Research and my Experience of Life has Revealed to me that The Most Important thing for us to do in this Life is to Obey the LAW of The CREATOR; to Study and Understand The Ten Commandments, For These are The WORDS that Speak of our Responsibility to our Covenant with The Creator; which The People both Heard and Agreed to --but also Broke.
In These Latter Days IaHUShUA' Calls to us Through The Singular Spirit of Truth (that He Promised to send to us) and RESTORES us to The Original Covenant and It's LAW -To Each of Us, Hear IaHUeH's Voice, To obey His WORD and The LAW of The Covenant and LIVE.
NOTE: The Original Covenant was Broke and Refused by The People even while Mosheh was receiving the Formal, Written in Stone -By the Finger of The MostHigh- Ten Commandments. As a Result they received a REVISED COVENANT that some folk still try to follow to this day, even though by now even The Meaning of The Ten Commandments has been both exaggerated and also obscured. Well they Broke this new Covenant Repeatedly... Even though the Choice was So Simple... Obey The MostHigh Creator's LAW or they would be Subject to and put into Bondage to the Cruel Government of man! (which ironically is against the First Commandment). -Forget about your so-called loophole! Please?
As you Will Find Out the law of man and the LAW of The MostHigh Creator ARE at Odds, Opposite. The law of man is mammon based -designed to make slaves of us All --only The MostHigh Creator's LAW is RIGHTEOUS-- designed to Free us All. IaHUeH's LAW is Qodesh (Which means SetApart, Separate, Singular and Exclusive). In the Words of our RIGHTEOUS KING "You cannot Serve Two Masters... "
But you must serve one or the other.. "You're gonna have to serve somebody" -Dylan
So the answer to the first question on the page is yes we do need to Obey the LAW.
But so does the government.
Especially: You Will Do No MURDER! You Will Not Steal, You Will Not Bear False Witness, and You Will Not Covet!!
What most people don't realize is that "Christianity" teaches the people
to disobey The Very Law that Our Righteous King ESTABLISHED!
[ No Wonder They Found it Necessary to CHANGE HIS NAME! ]
As a matter of fact the purpose of "Christianity" has become; to cause people to conform to the world of man, obeying mans law. They have seemingly translated the Scriptures with the purpose of obscuring the Truth, and to cause the people to
worship idols!
For instance; in most "Bibles" the third Commandment...
is a direct transgression of itself!
in that they have replaced the Name of IaHUeH with the names of idols,
bringing that great and Singular Name
into desecration.
This is an entirely different teaching than what the "Messiah" IaHUShUA' taught and is Most of why the world is in such a state of confusion today.
Matt 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Matt 15:7-9 Ye hypocrites, well did IeSha-IaHU prophesy of you, saying, "This people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honoureth Me with their lips; but their heart is far from Me. But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines...
the commandments of men."
Iam IaHU-NaTaN IeShRaEL -Given of and by IaHUeH-
to The Assembly of IaHUShUA' MaShIaChaH Both Houses of The Twelve Tribes of the Scattered Sheep of the Children of IeShRaEL
With Very GOOD NEWS to Share.
A Statement Concerning... The Basis of my Conviction
If you are still with me there is something I Need to tell you. We have all been Deceived! The world is Lying to us about so many things... these are big lies.. very well funded.. and have been systematically set into place over the course of hundreds of years. The main focus has been to destroy our faith in the TRUTH of The WORD of IaHUeH and of His Son IaHUShUA' Ha-MaShIaCh. In order to make us Prey to the adversary.
The Truth will STOP your world! I mean it actually and literally. What you have Seen so far is just the beginning.
The Weekly ShaBaT (Sabbath) of IaHUeH
is According to His Calendar -not the Roman (Statist) Gregorian (Papist) calendar
...or any other man made calendar!!!
Our Main Message to You..
And The ROCK on Which I Stand!
Scriptural Proofs and Commentary
Chapter One:
The Law of the Kingdom of IaHUeH.
Chapter Two:
The Judges That IaHUeH Sent.
Chapter Three:
The Kings of IeShRaEL.
Chapter Four:
The Prophets IaHUeH Sent.
Chapter Five:
Testimony of IaHUShUA' as Witnessed by IaHUChaNaN.
Chapter Six:
Render unto Caesar.
Chapter Seven:
What about Paul?
Chapter Eight:
The Mystery of Salvation Revealed at Last!
The First Epistle of IaHUChaNaN.
Нью-Ёрк -'' Я больш: мусульманскі, Сацыялістычная: што: я быў раней ...''. Прэзідэнт ЗША Барак Абама здзекуецца, усміхаючыся і самоуничижительную .. - Адказ - @ TRAITOR Абама, ісламісцкія, таго, хто хлусіць, забойцы! этнічныя чысткі хрысціян і шыітаў, святары, дыяканы, біскупы і забіта: стрымана, з падманам, шантажом, выкралі, як і жывёлы, згвалтаванні дзяўчат, "зарэжуць", патрабаванне выкупу, усе сволачы вашыя: тэрарыстаў: салафіты, "Браты-мусульмане", каб распаўсюджваць сваю шарыяту ваш "сусветнай халіфата", які яны, сёння ў Сірыі, і што вы толькі што распаўсюджана: па ўсім Міжземнамор'і, і г.д. .. ? з'яўляюцца: вашае: ЦРУ і вашым: Ліга арабскіх дзяржаў: хто робіць усё гэтыя злачынствы! і вашы, габрэйскія СМІ: манаполія кожнага: SpA, карпарацый, для: дзеянне: МВФ, ФРС, ЕЦБ, Талмудзе парадку дня: Bildenberg, масонскія сістэмы: для банкаўскіх сеньяраж, яны ахопліваюць: усё гэта, з: іх хлусня: і іх Інфармацыя эксплуатуюцца. было б лепш, для вас, што вы ніколі не былі народжаныя!
2013/12/02 [Сірыя - Ватыкан]. Пасля мусульманскіх паўстанцаў захапіць два святара ў Алеппо, ёсць асцярогі: для: іх жыцця. Армянскія каталіцкі святар, айцец Міхаіл, і праваслаўны святар былі выкрадзены: у мінулую нядзелю ў хрысціянскай Алеппо: наваколлі. Крыніцы кажуць: каб AsiaNews: аб: варварскія забойства: ажыццяўляецца: мой ісламскіх экстрэмістаў. Замінаваны аўтамабіль: выбухае: на турэцка-сірыйскай: скрыжаванне мяжы: з Cilvegozu. [Пасля таго, як забітыя: забой: святары, яны патрабавалі: выкуп: іх біскупамі] 04/26/2013. [З Лігай арабскіх дзяржаў робіць этнічную чыстку шыіты і хрысціяне, згвалтаванні, забойствы, ва ўсім свеце, яна не выйграе ў тэрыторыю, то, чачэнцы: яны адпомсцілі, тэрарыст забіты ў Бостане (як заявіў, што Турцыя)] Няма знак праваслаўных біскупаў »рэліз, страхі палітычнага шантажу расці. 322 Кэры, Буш, Абама 666 Ротшыльд, я выявіў, што зарын, у лабараторыях Лігі арабскіх дзяржаў, што, ваша: Аль-Каіда прывяло, у Сірыі .. лепш для вас: гэта было б, калі вы ніколі не былі нарадзіцца!
IHateNEWLAYOUT га pubblicato ААН Commento 45 Minuti FA вы не зрабіць новы канал не ўсё ж? ! - Адказ - тыя, якія ў мяне ёсць (каля 50, канал) з'яўляюцца празмернымі, для мяне, было б лепш, толькі адзін канал: для мяне, але, як вы можаце сказаць, што "Сатана Захаваць», а потым, вы хавайся, як баязлівец, за фота, Святога Бартала Лонг, які, як ён, калі быў у вашым узросце, ён быў сьвятаром вуду Сатаны ... як ты?
[[Сірыя вызваліла двух праваслаўных епіскапаў. ANSA.it - 4 дзён назад]] .. Але, вы павінны капаць: з вялікім упартасцю: знайсці гэтую навіну, "схаваныя" ў міжнародных габрэйскіх СМІ: Bildenberg масонскай сістэмы эмісійны банк. [[Сірыі выкрадзеныя біскупаў; таксама: Афіны: няма: пацверджанне вызвалення. ANSA.it - 3 дні таму: епархіі Алеппо, ніякіх кантактаў з двух праваслаўных архіепіскапаў]], Кэры сказаў:'' Я гаварыў сёння раніцай: адсюль з Нетаньяху, і ён сказаў мне, што ён быў не ў стане: для пацверджання . Гэта іх працэсу: E: залежыць ад іх: такіх як: i калi: яны хочуць зрабіць, і гэта не так: мне: рабіць аб'явы. Дык вось: я не ведаю!''. Магчыма, азначае (але, чорт, што азначае, што гэтая размова??): Калі вы хочаце, каб вторгнуться Сірыі, з паклёпам, як, вы ўжо ўварваліся ў Ірак, з, іншы паклёпу, то, зрабіць гэта, але, вы не парушаеце, певень: да мяне!
@ Біньямін Нетаньяху --- ўдару з прымяненнем ядзернай зброі, таксама сёння ўсе 50 ісламскіх краін, гэта адзіны шанец ў вас ёсць, каб быць здольным выратаваць Ізраіль
@ --- Біньяміна Нетаньяху, але гэта праўда: ёсць больш: Захадзе ўладу, але, ёсць схема: габрэйскае лобі і масонскіх акультных сіл: МВФ FED 666, сістэма: тыранічныя сатанінскія сілы, МВФ, Bildenberg, і ўсе іх скрытыя напрамкі (самая высокая навукі, інжынернай, сацыяльнай і, усё манаполіі SpA, усё ў руках: толькі Rothschid), такім чынам, яны будуць: яшчэ раз, вінаватыя хрысціяне, для: знішчэння: Халакост непазбежнай: супраць, Ізраіль, падчас Трэцяй сусветнай вайны, новы Халакост, як: аднойчы, яны зрабілі: пасля другой сусветнай вайны. Відаць, што: з Французскай рэвалюцыяй, не больш існуе, палітыка: ён можа знаходзіцца пад кантролем хрысціян на Захадзе! вось чаму фарысэі і салафітам: ці павінен быць прысуджаны да смерці! бо, маючы на дыялог з імі немагчыма
[Сусветнага халіфата, такіх, як: стратэгія агрэсіўнай вайны] поўнасцю исламофобии: апраўдана, так: што: нашы ісламскія ісламістаў, супольніка, яны спаць спакойна: бо злачынствы: што, сваім ісламскім: фіксацыя: усё, на Блізкім Усходзе, супраць, хрысціяне, таму, будзе хваравітым Абавязкова, рэзкія і драматычныя абуджэння. Гэта наш кіруючы клас, які, быццам бы, прыйсці да пагаднення з тэрарыстамі, без рашэння: праблема ўзгодненасці: гідкае і крымінальна саўдзельнікамі: ілжывае ўяўленне: пра: "свет", у той час: шмат, занадта шмат нявінных хрысціянскіх пакутнікаў, знайсці іх спакой на могілках. На самай справе, хрысціяне на палестынскіх тэрыторыях (ніжэй, Ясір Арафат), вымушаныя былі бегчы ў масавым парадку, а астатнія хрысціяне, яны павінны былі быць вымушаны як Зімы, рабоў, прадметы, таксама прадставілі, іх, ісламская права. Чаму ж тады, Еўропа па-ранейшаму ворагам Ізраіля, і памагатым нацызму, палестынцаў і ўсіх краін цяпер ісламізаваць Лігі арабскіх дзяржаў?
[Сусветнага халіфата, ісламу, такія як: стратэгія агрэсіўнай вайны, і Захад: усё больш і больш крымінальных], рухомы па плыні па габрэйскім банкаўская лобі: ілюмінатаў: МВФ-NWO, фарысэі, міжнародныя банкіры, якія пакляліся нянавісць, вечнае: супраць : хрысціянства, штурхаючы сябе, у значнай ступені, з: ад цывілізацыі: габрэйская - хрысціянін, бо яны сталі: сапраўдныя ворагі, пра выжыванне Ізраіля. Гэта Захад: масонскія і сатанінскіх, акультных сіл Bildenberg што: адмаўляць свае ўласныя каштоўнасці, а таксама: здраджвае сваю ўласную ідэнтычнасць, аб: Еўропа адмовілася забыццю, так што злачынцы: стаць, глухія ... і сам: крыважэрны герой, хаўруснік: кожнага парушэнні: свабоду веравызнання, і за яе межамі, як унутры, так: свае межы, таму што, калі гэта праўда, што: мусульмане нашы браты, аднак, таксама дакладна, што,
[Сусветнага халіфата, аб: Абама] не цяжка знайсці доказы гэтага: катастрафічных чалавечых трагедый, з якіх: Талмуд МВФ: ЕЦБ кармілі, ЦРУ ЗША ААН, НАТА, з'яўляюцца саўдзельнікамі. гэтага варварства: грамадзянскія, рэлігійныя, культурныя, якая пагрузілася: свет: араба-мусульманскай, у ахвяру ідэалагічным фанатызмам: ісламскія экстрэмісты: і рэлігійнай нецярпімасці: дыктатуры ў сваёй улады. [Еўропы адказнасць: зараз закладнікамі ілюмінатаў Bildenber: гэта велізарная] ва ўмовах пераследу і працяг: штодзённыя знявагі, што ўсе хрысціяне ў ісламскіх рэжымаў, і ва ўсім: на Блізкім Усходзе, яны вымушаны жыць і пакутаваць, таму што: Еўропа хворая, пра гэта: рэлятывізм асьлеплены: з таго, што добрая ідэя мультыкультуралізму, якая, аднак, не могуць быць рэалізаваны: без: канцэпцыі ўзаемнасці
[Абама і яго планы знікнення, хрысціян, і шыітаў, на Блізкім Усходзе] раней, з арабскай заваёвы: і ісламу ў сёмым стагоддзі, хрысціяне складалі, 95% насельніцтва, у Міжземным моры: поўдзень і ўсход ад Міжземнага мора. Але сёння, з меншымі выдаткамі, чым, 12. мільёнаў, ўпалі, рэзка менш за 6%, вядома, у 2020 годзе, там не будзе больш хрысціянаў на Блізкім Усходзе! Ад першай сусветнай вайны: 10000000 хрысціяне былі вымушаныя эміграваць. Гэта доказ таго, сатанізму, а таксама: крымінальная варварства, dell'imbarbarimento, не толькі, Лігі арабскіх дзяржаў, але, перш за ўсё, яго саўдзельнікі, масоны, фарысэі, ілюмінатаў, Bildenberg, акультная сіла, якая, з ціхім пераварот: да ўлады: ва ўсіх дэмакратыях ілжывыя масонскія: банкаўскай сеньяраж.
1. [Царквы (хрысціянскія пакутнікі) пераследуецца на Блізкім Усходзе: у: зрабіць сусветнай халіфата] 2. [Царквы (хрысціянскія пакутнікі) падвяргаецца пераследам, ва ўсім свеце для гэтага: Талмуд з фарысэяў: у масонскай сістэмы: для банкаўскага сеньяраж:. Заняволіць ўсе народы, і знішчыць Ізраіль] 3. [Царквы (хрысціянскія пакутнікі) перасьледуецца усіх рэлігій, і камунізму. ] Мы з'яўляемся сведкамі такія палахлівыя, пераследу і масавы зыход хрысціян з Блізкага Ўсходу, якія з'яўляюцца праўдзівымі карэннымі жыхарамі рэгіёну, з-за канцэпцыі: што: было satanizzata: о, іслам: Лігі арабскіх дзяржаў, і яго : ЦРУ, усё фашысты, нацысты ісламістаў, абсалютна нетрывальным, і, не ў стане паважаць годнасць і правы чалавечай асобы. Адпаведна, яны хаваюць сапраўдныя прычыны, чаму ізраільцяне вымушаныя быць такім "жорсткім" супраць палестынцаў.
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
YouTube Rewind 2012
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 secondo fa
@my JHWH -- quando, satanisti e massoni, presi dalla disperazione, saranno costretti, ad usare centinaia: di loro agenti segreti, per cercare di: scandagliare, per scoprire, una qualche, mia parola falsa, compromettente, oppure, una mia vulnerabilitità, studiando, attentamente, circa, i miei: 5 milioni di articoli, che, io ho scritto, in questi 5 anni?, lol. poi, migliaia di loro agenti, finiranno al manicomio: insieme a loro! lol. @ youtube: 666: google: CIA -- stop! a bloccare la mia ADSL, ad ogni mio articolo, perché, io oggi, mi sto divertendo troppo!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
18 minuti fa
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
NEW YORK - '나는 더 이상 : 무슬림 사회 : 그 : 전에 ... ''이었다. 버락 오바마 미국 대통령 조롱, 웃과 자기 비하 .. - 답 - @ 배신자 오바마, 이슬람, 거짓말 쟁이, 살인자! 그리스도와 시아파, 사제, 집사, 그리고 감독의 인종 청소 처치 : 차가운 혈액, 동물, 소녀 강간 "학살", 몸값, 모든 쓰레기 같은 납치 사기, 협박,로 : 테러리스트의 : Salafis, 시리아에서 샤리아 그들이 당신의 "세계 칼리프의 지위", 오늘, 확산 "무슬림 형제", 그리고 당신은 단지 확산 : 모든 지중해 등을 통해 .. ? 위치 : 당신 : CIA와 당신 : 아랍 연맹 : 사람이 모든 범죄를하고있다! 당신의 유대 미디어 각의 독점 : 스파, 기업, 용 : 액션 : IMF, FED, ECB, 탈무드 일정 : Bildenberg, 프리메이슨 시스템 : 은행 군주의 특권을 위해, 그들은 커버 : 모든과 : 자신의 거짓말 :과 정보를 악용. 더 좋았을 것이다 : 당신을 위해, 당신은 태어나지 않았 었다는 것을!
2013년 2월 12일 [시리아 - 바티칸]. 이슬람 반군은 알레포에서 두 성직자를 포착 한 후, 두려움이있다 : 가능한 점 : 자신의 인생. 아르메니아 가톨릭 사제 천을 마이클, 그리고 정교회 성직자가 납치되었다 : 지난 일요일 알레포의 기독교에 동네. 에 관하여 : AsiaNews에 : 야만적 인 살인 사건 : 소스 이야기 실시 : 내 이슬람 극단입니다. 차량 폭탄 : 폭발 : 국경 검문소 : 터키 - 시리아에서 Cilvegozu의. [: 학살 : 살해 한 후 제사장들은 요구 : 몸값을 : 자신의 주교로] 2013년 4월 26일합니다. [아랍 연맹은 시아파과 기독교인, 강간, 살인, 사방의 인종 청소를하고 있기 때문에, 그녀는 다음, 체첸을 영토를이기는 없습니다 : 그들은 테러리스트가 (같은 터키했다) 보스턴 살해, 복수] 정교회 주교의 흔적을 '릴리스 정치적 협박의 공포 성장. 시리아, 알 카에다되었다 .. 322 케리, 부시, 666 오바마 로스 차일드는, 당신이 그, 아랍 연맹의 실험실에서, 사린을 발견 당신을위한 제일 : 당신은 출생되지 않은 경우가 있었을 것이다!
IHateNEWLAYOUT 하 pubblicato 않은 commento 45 미뉴 FA 당신은 아직 새로운 것이 아니다 채널을 만들 수 없습니다? ! - - ANSWER I은 (50 채널)이있는 사람들은, 나를 위해, 더 나은 하나의 채널 만했을 것이다, 과도 : 다음 날하지만, 당신이 "사탄 저장"말할 수있는, 그리고 당신 세인트 바르톨로 롱고의 사진, 그 나이 때이었다, 그는 사탄의 신부 부두이었다 뒤에 겁쟁이처럼 자신을 숨기 ... 당신을 좋아하세요?
[[시리아는 두 정교회 주교를 해제. ANSA.it - 3 일 전] .. 그러나, 당신은 파고있다 : 큰 완고 : Bildenberg 은행 군주의 특권의 프리메이슨 시스템 : 국제 유대인의 언론에서 "숨김"이 뉴스를 찾아보세요. [[시리아 감독을 납치, 또한 아테네 : 미 : 확인 해방. ANSA.it - 1 일 전 : 교구 알레포, 두 정교회 대주교와 접촉 없음], 케리는 말했다 : 여기에서 네타냐후와 함께, 그는이 위치에 있지 하더군요 : 오늘 아침에 이야기 '확인 . 같은 : 그들에 따라 달라집니다 : E : 이것은 그들의 과정 때 : 그들이하고 싶은, 그것은되지 않습니다 : 나에게 : 공지 사항을 확인합니다. 그래서 : 몰라요! ''. 아마도 의미합니다 (단, 대체 그 의미,이 연설을??) : 당신은 당신이 좋아하는, 비방와 시리아를 침략하려는 경우, 당신은 이미 다른 비방,와, 이라크를 침공 한 후, 그렇게하지만, 당신 거시기를 중단하지 않습니다 나에게!
핵무기 같은 오늘, 50 개 이슬람 국가들과 @ 벤자민 네타냐후 --- 파업, 그것은 당신이 이스라엘을 절약 할 수 있다는 수있는 유일한 기회입니다
베 냐민 네타냐후 --- @ 그러나 이것은 진실 : 웨스트 힘을, 그러나 계획이 : 이상이 유대인 로비와 프리메이슨 신비로운 힘 : IMF FED 666 시스템 : 폭군 사탄의 힘, IMF, Bildenberg, 그들의 모든 숨겨진 방향 (손에서 가장 높은 사회 공학 과학, 그리고 모든 독점 스파, 전체 : 만 Rothschid의),이 방법, 그들은됩니다 퇴치 : 다시 한번, 대한 기독교를 비난 : 절박한 대학살 이스라엘에 대하여, 동안, 세계 대전 III, 새로운 홀로 코스트 같은 : 일단, 그들이 한 : 2 차 세계 대전 후에,. 볼이 : 프랑스 혁명과 함께, 더 많은 정책이 존재하지 : 그것은 서쪽에있는 기독교인의 제어 될 수 있습니다! 사형을 선고해야 바리새인과 Salafists이 이유입니다! 때문에, 그들과의 대화를 갖는 것은 불가능하다
[같은 세계 칼리프의 지위 : 공격적인 전쟁의 전략] 완전히 이슬람 공포증이다 정당화 가입일 : 그 : 우리의 이슬람 이슬람, 공범자, 그들은 숙면 : 대한, 범죄 : 그, 이슬람 : 커밋 : 모든, 중동, 왜, 반드시 고통스러운 갑작스럽고 극적인 깨달음이있을 것입니다 기독교인에 대하여. 이 우리의 지배 계급, 같은 처리하지 않고, 테러리스트와 조건에 와서 : 일관성의 문제 : 사악한 및 범죄 연루 : 잘못된 개념 :의 : "평화"반면, : 많은, 너무 많은 무고한 기독교 순교자, 묘지에서 자신의 평화를 찾을 수 있습니다. 나머지 그리스도인, 그들은 또한 이슬람 율법에, 그들을 제출 dhimmis, 노예 주제로 강제 할 수있는 동안 사실, 팔레스타인 지역에서 기독교인 (아래 야세르 아라파트)은 한꺼번에 도망 있었다. 그러면 왜 유럽은 이스라엘의 적, 그리고 나치의 공범자, 팔레스타인, 지금 아랍 연맹에 의해 Islamized 모든 국가가 계속?
[세계 칼리프, 이슬람교 등 : 공격적인 전쟁의 전략 및 WEST : 더 많은 범죄] 유대인 로비 은행에 표류 구동 : 일루미나티 : IMF-NWO, 바리새인, 영원한 증오를 맹세 국제 은행가,, :에 대하여 : 기독교는 스스로를 실질적으로 밀어 : 문명 : 유대 - 기독교에 대한 그들되고있다 : 실제 적, 이스라엘의 생존. 이 웨스트 프리메이슨과 사탄, 신비로운 힘 Bildenberg한다 : 자신의 가치를 부인하고 : 유럽 될 정도로 범죄, 망각 포기 : 자기 자신의 정체성을 배반되고, 귀머거리를 ... 자체 : 피에 굶주린 주인공, 공범 각 위반 : 모두 내 종교의 자유, 모두 국경 외부 : 국경 때문에 그것이 사실 인 경우 그 : 무슬림 형제, 그러나 또한 사실입니다,
[의 세계 칼리프의 지위 : 오바마] 탈무드 IMF : ECB FED, CIA 미국 UN, NATO는 공모 있습니다 어느 치명적인 인간의 비극이 증거를 찾기 어렵지 않다. 이야만의 : 시민 종교, 문화, 그 하락했다 : 세계 : 아랍 - 이슬람 이데올로기 적 광신에 먹이에 이슬람 극단 : 종교적인 편협 : 권력의 독재. [유럽의 책임 : 일루미나티 Bildenber 지금의 인질 : 그것은 거 대] 지속적인 박해와 계속의 얼굴에 매일 굴욕, 이슬람 정권 하의 모든 그리스도인은 모든 것을있는 것을 : 중동, 그들이 살고 고통을 강요 때문에 : 상대주의 눈을 멀게 : 다문화, 그러나 실현 될 수없는의 좋은 아이디어를 가진 :없는 : 상호의 개념 유럽이의, 아픈
[오바마와 그의 계획 멸종, 기독교인, 그리고 시아파의, 중동에서] 전, 아랍 정복 : 7 세기에 이슬람은 기독교인 지중해, 인구, 95 %를 구성 : 지중해 남쪽과 동쪽. 하지만 오늘, 12,보다, 적은. 만 미만 6 %로 급격히 떨어졌다 물론, 2020 년, 중동에서 더 이상 기독교인이있을 것이다! 차 세계 대전에서 : 1 천만 기독교인이 이주하도록 강요하고 있습니다. 이 악마 숭배의 증거입니다, 그리고 : 침묵과 범죄 아랍 연맹의야만, dell'imbarbarimento뿐만 아니라,하지만 무엇보다도 그의 공범, 프리메이슨, 바리새인, 일루미나티, Bildenberg, 신비로운 힘, 쿠데타 : 전원을했다 : 모든 거짓 민주주의 프리메이슨 : 군주의 특권 은행의.
1. [교회 (기독교 순교자는) 중동 박해 :에 : 전세계 칼리프에게 할] 2. 3 [: 바리새인의 탈무드 : 프리메이슨 시스템 : 은행 군주의 특권합니다. 모든 민족을 정복하고, 이스라엘을 파괴하는 교회 (기독교 순교자)이에 대한 모든 세계, 박해]. [교회 (기독교 순교자)는 모든 종교와 공산주의에 의해 박해됩니다. ] 때문에 우리는 개념으로, 박해와 지역의 진정한 출신, 중동 기독교인의 대량 이주에, 너무 두려워 목격하고있다 : 그 : 약 이슬람교 : satanizzata했다 아랍 연맹, 그리고 그의 : CIA, 모든 절대적으로 관용 나치, 나치 이슬람, 그리고 존엄성을 존중하는 데 실패하고 인간의 권리. 따라서, 그들은 이스라엘이 팔레스타인에 대해 너무 "하드"가 강제로하는 이유에 관해서는 진짜 이유를 숨길 수 있습니다.
November 8, 2012
Obama win good news for Pakistan flag vendors

"No protest is complete without a Stars and Stripes being sent up in flames." Islamic supremacists in the U.S., such as Zahra Billoo and Cyrus McGoldrick of Hamas-linked CAIR, are up in arms over the drone strikes and pressing Obama to drop them -- which he probably will soon enough, as he doesn't need them politically anymore.
"Flags on fire: Obama win may be good news for Pakistan flag-makers," from AFP, November 8 (thanks to Kenneth):
Many Pakistanis fear President Barack Obama’s re-election will mean a surge in America’s unpopular drone campaign, but for those making and selling U.S. flags to burn at protests this could be good news. Demonstrations against Washington’s program of missile strikes against suspected Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants are common in Pakistan, and no protest is complete without a Stars and Stripes being sent up in flames.
Nadeem Shah, the owner of a flag business in Rawalpindi, the twin city of the capital Islamabad, said he expected more drone strikes -- and more protests.
“Of course Obama has become stronger now and he will push his policies harder and there will be more drone strikes because he himself is stronger now,” Shah told AFP.
“When the drone strikes increase the protests against these strikes will also increase in Pakistan and it can have an impact on the flags and poster business.”
Pakistan’s flag industry enjoyed a boom in September when a U.S.-made anti-Islam film sparked weeks of demonstrations, almost all lit up with “Old Glory” being burned....
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 9:37 AM | 2 Comments
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Jordan: Third honor killing in a week as Muslim brothers murder sister for "immoral relationship"
Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that "retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right." However, "not subject to retaliation" is "a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring." ('Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law.
The Palestinian Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders. Iraqi women have asked for tougher sentences for Islamic honor murderers, who get off lightly now. Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but "the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour 'provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.'" And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that "Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values."
In light of all this, until authorities get the courage to tell the truth about honor killing, there will be many more such murders.
"Three brothers reportedly murder their married sister," by Rana Husseini for the Jordan Times, November 5 (thanks to Hussein):
AMMAN — Criminal Court Prosecutor Qahtan Qawaqzeh on Monday questioned three brothers who reportedly murdered their married sister earlier in the day in the latest so-called honour killing to take place in the Kingdom this year, official sources said. The three suspects, residents of Ruseifa, 15 kilometres east of Amman, were apprehended by authorities shortly after arriving at the police station claiming that one of them “stabbed his sibling to death at her home in the capital’s Shmeisani neighbourhood to cleanse his family’s honour”, a senior police official said.
“Investigators were not convinced by their story and decided to detain all three brothers for questioning,” the source told The Jordan Times.
In their initial testimony to the police and Qawaqzeh, the suspects said “they received information that their sister, who was married to an Arab national, was involved in an immoral relationship and decided to come to Amman to discuss the matter with her”, the source said.
When the brothers entered their sister’s house, one of them stabbed her with a knife 17 times to different parts of her body, according to the suspects’ initial confessions.
“Two of the brothers claimed that they tried to prevent the third from stabbing their sister, but failed,” the source added.
Qawaqzeh is currently questioning the suspects and is expected to charge the three brothers with premeditated murder.
The victim was the third woman to be killed for reasons related to family honour in Jordan in less than a week.
On October 31, a 56-year-old man reportedly strangled his 22-year-old daughter with his hands at his home in Zarqa, 22 kilometres east of the capital, following an argument related to her “alleged immoral behaviour”.
On November 3, a 35-year-old man slit the throat of his divorced niece, in one of the Kingdom’s governorates, claiming family honour as the motive. The previous day, police handed her over to her father, who signed a guarantee that his daughter would not be harmed after she went missing from her family’s home for 10 days.
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 9:09 AM | 5 Comments
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Robert Spencer and others on where do we go from here
Big Fur Hat interviews me over at iOwnTheWorld.
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 8:22 AM | 1 Comment
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Pakistan: Taliban murder three troops in jihad/martyrdom bombing because "they are doing nothing to serve Islam"
This wasn't out in the badlands near the Afghan border. This was in Karachi, the nation's largest city, a city of thirteen million people. And note (yet again) the Islamic explanation given for the murders: the one explanation that jihadists always give for their actions is the one that American analysts are bound and determined to ignore.
"Suicide bomber kills 3 Pakistani troops in Karachi," by Adil Jawad for the Associated Press, November 8 (thanks to David):
KARACHI, Pakistan — A Taliban suicide bomber rammed a truck packed with explosives into a compound housing a paramilitary force in Pakistan’s largest city on Thursday, killing three officers and wounding 20.... Thursday’s attack targeted a housing compound for the Rangers, a paramilitary force that is tasked with helping Karachi police maintain security in the city, said Javed Odho, deputy inspector general of the Karachi police....
Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan said the group claimed responsibility for the attack.
“We punished the Rangers as they are working against us and they are doing nothing to serve Islam,” Ahsan told The Associated Press over the telephone from an undisclosed location....
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 7:31 AM | 3 Comments
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Oklahoma: Hamas-linked CAIR claims bank discriminates against Muslims with "no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses" policy
"He added that even women wearing headscarves as a result of cancer treatment have been accompanied by bank security personnel 'so as not to discriminate' in the enforcement of the policy." So in other words, the rule applies to everyone, not just Muslims, and is a safety measure to guard against robberies. But Hamas-linked CAIR is pressing on toward final victory now, trying relentlessly to establish the principle that all American businesses and other institutions must accommodate Sharia, no matter what they must sacrifice to do so.
Aren't you glad Oklahoma's anti-Sharia law was struck down?
Andrea Eger of the Tulsa World, like all hopelessly clueless and/or compromised mainstream media "journalists," says that Hamas-linked CAIR is a "civil-liberties organization," without bothering to mention that the Council on American-Islamic
Relations is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements. Its California chapter distributed posters telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI.
"Bank discrimination against Muslims alleged over headwear policy," by Andrea Eger for the Tulsa World, November 8 (thanks to Twostellas):
A Muslim civil-liberties organization said a Tulsa bank discriminated against a woman by singling her out for wearing a religiously mandated head scarf, or hijab. The Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, is calling on Tulsa's Valley National Bank to review its "inappropriate and discriminatory" policy that treats customers wearing religious head coverings differently from other patrons.
The organization says that on Oct. 9, a Muslim woman tried to enter the Valley National Bank branch at 4812 E. 81st St., in hopes that she could exchange foreign currency but was told she would not be able to enter unless accompanied by a bank employee because of their "no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses" policy.
"Singling out Muslim women or other people of faith who wear religiously mandated head coverings that do not hinder identification is inappropriate and discriminatory," said Adam Soltani, executive director of CAIR's Oklahoma chapter. "All customers should be treated equally regardless of their faith or religious practices."
The complainant, a woman from Kiefer, did not want her identity publicized, but Soltani told the Tulsa World that his organization first took her complaint directly to bank officials, "hoping they would acknowledge it was a mistake or offer an apology."
"We were actually shocked to find out their policy is separate but equal, going back to things that African-Americans and other people have experienced," he said. "They said, 'We do allow them in the bank but they must be escorted anywhere they go.'
"Their excuse was it's a security measure, but there are no reports ever in Oklahoma that I am aware of, of anyone in religious headwear robbing a bank," Soltani said.
"It may have happened elsewhere, but they are a local bank. It's not like they're a big national chain that may have had this happen in other places."
Soltani provided a copy of the written response from Valley National Bank President Brad Scrivner, and in it, Scrivner apologized to the woman first "for not feeling welcome in our bank" and then explained the reason for his bank's policy.
"Unfortunately, Valley has been robbed numerous times in the past and is a victim itself of crime. We have policy and procedures in place to thwart future robberies that endanger the lives of our employees and customers," Scrivner wrote to Soltani. "It is a sad truth that recently, in banks across the United States, criminals are using false religious headdresses for the sole purpose of hiding their identity."
He added that even women wearing headscarves as a result of cancer treatment have been accompanied by bank security personnel "so as not to discriminate" in the enforcement of the policy.
Contacted by the Tulsa World, Scrivner said his bank adopted the policy in 2006 at the recommendation of the Oklahoma Bankers Association.
"In the six years that this policy has been in place," he said, "Valley has not had a single complaint" until now.
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil-liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to "enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding."
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 6:17 AM | 9 Comments
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Sweden: Police watched passively as "provoking" female free speech activists were physically attacked by group of men
These women are close friends of mine and deserve a gold medal and honorable place in our history books for their courage, not fists and eggs in the head. This is where it has come to in Sweden: Police let violent demonstrators get close to defenseless women promoting the right to speak against Islam. People who wanted to get in to Geert Wilders' lecture in infamous Malmø had to go through an "anti-fascist" purgatory:
Aja Fog (Free Speech society, Denmark) surrounded and attacked by Danish far Leftists: "...then I feel a blow to the back of my head"
Aia Fog after the meeting with Danish anti-fascists
Katrine Winkel Holm, Kit Louise Strand, her friend Trine and I arrive by taxi to Kockums Fritid. The Swedish police has placed barricades, so we can not drive to the door and have to walk the last 200 meters. We can hear the protesters shouting the usual slogans: "No racists in our streets". There are lots of police, but instead of separating the angry demonstrators from the entrance, they stood in the periphery, so we have to go through the crowd to get in to the meeting. Within no time things go wrong: Some Swedes begin to shouting directly into the face of Katrine: "racist", "Pork Denmark", "Go home, we want to border control for you". To me they cried "Fat fascist pig". Katrine starts to argue with them, but it's completely futile, and soon I pull her arm and told her that she should cut it, so we can get through the crowd and inside the lecture hall.
Things go very quickly: Katrine and I are suddenly isolated from Kit and Trine, and I'm surrounded by AFA (anti fascists). Or - I think it's AFA: Danish men in their twenties, with black hoodies and small ugly tattoos on their shirts. They are extremely threatening - not just in attitude (which is furious, hateful - and just waiting to be allowed to beat), but also physically: I am completely surrounded by 4-5 men who not only block my way, but one also punches me hard with his shoulder, so I'm getting off balance. Then I feel a blow to the back of my head, and then one more - this time less hard, which turns out to be an egg.
The Swedish police - who could not see the details since I was surrounded - did nothing to help me or let me pass, even though I had egg running down my neck. Finally Katrine managed to convince the police to help me get into Kockums.
Later, when we went out to see whether the police had finally made a corridor, so that people could get in without having to run the purgatory, eggs were thrown at us, and the police asked us to go back because we 'provoked' with our presence.
After the meeting, there was a Swedish journalist who asked me if I had acted provoking before having eggs thrown at me (sic).
Nobody was arrested.
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on November 8, 2012 6:05 AM | 2 Comments
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Nicolai Sennels on UK against Tommy Robinson
To former generations, England exemplified democracy and was an upholder of human values and a democratic humanistic way of life to the world. It is a great loss and pity if today this same country becomes the first to bow down to their destruction. Today openly embracing the Muslim sharia and imprisoning heroic people who do nothing but stand up for these values leaves Europe much weakened in its protection of our culture.
Freedom fighters are the greatest and most important heroes of the world today and certainly it would be wise for any government with an anti democratic agenda to set heroes like Tommy Robinson free before too much of the their population begin to think and talk. That the world's great example of Magna Carta and Bill of Rights (England) should come to this state is a dire warning to the rest of us.
We owe them all our best wishes, now is the time for the rule of the people to show its worth!
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on November 8, 2012 5:56 AM | 2 Comments
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Taliban: "Obama must by now know that they have lost the war in Afghanistan"
“So, without further lying and delays, they should leave our sacred land and focus on their own country instead.”
Sounds like a plan.
"Taliban urge Obama to pull troops out now," from AFP, November 7 (thanks to Lou):
KABUL: Taliban told re-elected US President Barack Obama on Wednesday to admit that the United States has lost the war in Afghanistan and pull its troops out now. “Obama must by now know that they have lost the war in Afghanistan,” spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement posted on the group’s website. “So, without further lying and delays, they should leave our sacred land and focus on their own country instead....
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 5:41 AM | 5 Comments
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Muslim Brotherhood: Now Obama must accept "the will of the Arab people"
“In the absence of direct American influence, Egypt can affect and lead the process of building a democratic and constitutional regime that will become a dream for African and the southern hemisphere.” I.e., a Sharia state that is a stepping stone to a restored caliphate. And I am sure Obama will be just fine with that.
"Muslim Brotherhood: Obama Needs To ‘Accept The Will Of The Arab People,’" from CBSDC, November 7 (thanks to Kenneth):
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — Islamists in the Middle East are speaking out following President Barack Obama’s re-election Tuesday night. The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood feels that the only foreign policy change Obama can bring is by “accepting the will of the Arab people.”
“We must rely on ourselves and on our resources and build our country,” Issam Al-Aryan, a top Muslim Brotherhood official, said, according to The Times of Israel. “In the absence of direct American influence, Egypt can affect and lead the process of building a democratic and constitutional regime that will become a dream for African and the southern hemisphere.”
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood wants to make Shariah Law the main source of the country’s new constitution.
Terror group Hamas is calling for Obama not to be “biased” toward Israeli interests during his second term.
“We heard moderate speech from Obama following his first term victory, but his policy was inconsistent with the speeches he gave in Egypt and Turkey,” Taher Nunu, a Hamas government spokesman, said, according to The Times of Israel. “He now has an opportunity to implement those promises to the nations of the region, far from pressures by the Israel lobby and politicized money.”...
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 5:32 AM | 2 Comments
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Obama supporters celebrate: No more Israel; kill those motherf***ers
These Obama revelers were apparently not fooled by the impassioned Zionist who showed up for the third debate with Romney. Of course, they probably didn't see the third debate, but if they had, they would have known that their man was just pandering for votes.
"Obama supporters celebrate: No more Israel; kill those motherf***ers," by Anne Sorock for Rebel Pundit, November 7 (thanks to Pamela Geller):
Obama supporters out celebrating his win on election night gathered on State Street Tuesday evening. I asked one man why he was celebrating Obama, and what that meant to him. He said, “It really means to me, no more Israel…Mitt Romney would go to war with Iran…Obama said f*** that shit. Kill those mother f***ers.” Another said, “Palestine was there first, and Israel moved in in the 1940s and that’s an unfair attack.” A man of Jewish heritage accompanying him said, “I really do not think that us being with Israel is a good choice for us”...
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 5:17 AM | 8 Comments
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November 7, 2012
India: Muslim terrifies air passengers by "raising Islamic slogans while threatening to harm the aircraft"
Doubtless he was just elated over Obama's reelection and getting a bit over-exuberant. The passengers were greasy Islamophobes for not taking his "Islamic slogans" as declarations of peace. "Mid-air scare: Man turns violent on Mumbai-Delhi flight, raises Islamic slogans," from TNN, November 8:
NEW DELHI: In what was described by a frequent flyer as the "scariest flight of his life", a passenger on board a Mumbai-Delhi IndiGo flight suddenly turned violent mid-air on Wednesday and started raising Islamic slogans while threatening to harm the aircraft. The situation turned so alarming that the cabin crew and passengers pinned down the flyer, Mursalim Shaikh, 41, and blocked the aisle with a food trolley to prevent him from making a dash for the cockpit. The IndiGo flight 6E 196 made a quick descent in Delhi after seeking priority landing, where Shaikh, a used car dealer from Babu Tansen Chawl in Virar, was handed over to security agencies.
The drama began about an hour after the plane had taken off from Mumbai at 3.45pm and was flying over Jaipur. Shaikh, bearded and dressed in a pathani suit, was seated on seat 28 A. "He suddenly turned around on the seat to face an aged woman on 29A and started muttering menacingly to her," a flyer said. An airhostess reportedly asked Shaikh to sit properly, but he kept gazing at her before suddenly slapping her, turning very aggressive.
Recalling the hijack scare on a Delhi-Mumbai flight, a co-passenger said, "Shaikh was waving a cellphone and threatening 'sabko dekh loonga' (I will teach everyone a lesson)." Male passengers and the crew together pinned Shaikh down. Then women and children seated in the rear were sent to the front and a food trolley was placed in the aisle to prevent Shaikh from going towards the cockpit.
Confirming the incident, IndiGo said, "This unruly passenger started screaming and also physically assaulted a crew member. The passenger also got violent with co-passengers, and tried to access the forward of the aircraft. IndiGo crew made appropriate announcements and deployed security measures to block access to the front of the aircraft and the front galley."
Said a passenger, "We landed soon after the man had been overpowered." The flight commander had requested for security personnel on arrival. The passenger was taken out at 6.13pm and handed over to the CISF. IndiGo said it was in the process of lodging an FIR. "An untoward conduct of this nature is of serious concern to us. We will take all necessary action to address this violation," IndiGo said.
While passengers said the landing in Delhi came as a huge relief, the drama did not end there. For, the airline and airport personnel did not handle the situation as professionally as the crew had done in the air. "Once the aircraft door opened, we expected security personnel to rush in and arrest the flyer. But the airline's own security team came into the aircraft. We were first asked to alight and then a second announcement was made asking us to stay seated. We were wondering why security agencies did not just whisk the guy away?" said a passenger.
Why indeed?
The IGI domestic airport police have arrested Shaikh and registered a case for criminal intimidation, assault and threatening the crew. The Intelligence Bureau is quizzing him.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 10:51 PM | 10 Comments
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Not a dime's worth of difference
The Republican Party is a useless collection of me-tooists and slow-downers who have virtually no chance of winning national elections anymore, since they have already lost the pop culture, the educational system, and the mainstream media, all of which pump out the Democrat Party line with a fervor and lack of attachment to the truth that rivals that of any one-party state press organ. But above all, Republicans lose because they have nothing to offer.
What is needed, whether or not we ever get it, is a sea-change in the Washington establishment. A revolution of the mind at the highest levels. The complete removal of standard-issue policy wonks from the State Department, the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the CIA, the FBI, and the military. Romney didn't offer that. No candidate did. Would Romney have won if he had done so? I am not saying that. All I am saying is that he offered more of the same at a time when the nation, and the free world in general, desperately needed something very different.
Leftists and Islamic supremacists are crowing today that "Islamophobic" candidates lost. Some of the more unhinged among them are even blaming me and Pamela Geller for Romney's loss, as if we had his ear. In reality, candidates that spoke forthrightly about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat were not supported by the Republican Party. Party leaders kept them at arm's length and, if they offered them any help at all, did so in connection with other issues. The point is that honesty and clarity about the jihad threat did not lose yesterday.
But even if they had, the truth about the jihad threat and Islamic supremacism would still be the truth, and no amount of Big Lie propaganda pumped out by the likes of the traitorous Leftist pseudo-journalist Spencer Ackerman will change that.
Check out the comments on Ackerman's piece: Americans know that his propaganda line is nonsense, and are saying so while it is still legal to do so. But that may not be much longer.
To be sure, there was some (although not enough) difference between the parties regarding spending, and it is unlikely that a Romney Administration would have pursued the war against the freedom of speech that the Obama Administration is pursuing with steady persistence. And so in those particulars the choice yesterday was important. The White House has never had an occupant so anti-Israel as Barack Obama since the Jewish State was founded, and that bodes ill for Israel's future defense against the global jihad. But in other key ways, the 2012 election bore out George Wallace's old quip that there wasn't "a dime's worth of difference" between the Republican and Democrat Parties.
Watching the third debate, I was amazed at how anxious Mitt Romney was to say "Me, too" to so very many things Barack Obama said he was going to do. There was essentially no difference between the two of them on foreign policy. Both had been briefed, and thoroughly convinced, by Washington foreign policy wonks whose failed policies lie in smoking ruins around the world, and yet never are called to account for the persistent failures of their assessments and recommendations.
If Mitt Romney were president-elect today, he would still be committed to showering money on Muslim countries like Pakistan in a futile attempt to win hearts and minds, ignoring how top Pakistani officials have funneled much of that money to the very same terrorists they were supposed to be using it to fight. He would still be committed to the adage that poverty causes terrorism, and therefore money will end terrorism, despite the fact that billions have been spent with no result, and jihadists have again and again been shown to be wealthier than their peers. He would still be committed to the proposition that Islam is a Religion of Peace and to working with "moderate Muslims," a project that has enabled Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood groups to gain access to high levels of government and law enforcement.
In other words, he would be moving in the same direction as Barack Obama, but maybe just a bit slower.
In any case, Romney's loss is tough on many levels, but not in terms of a realistic assessment of and comprehensive response to the jihad threat. That has never been part of the program of either party. And as the second Obama Administration steps up its obfuscation about the threat and appeasement of Islamic supremacists, it will not manage to end the jihad: the reality of jihad violence will keep impinging upon the politically correct fantasy that only "Islamophobes" link Islam to terrorism.
Whether anyone of any power or influence will wake up to that reality before it's too late is increasingly unlikely. But in any case, that person was not Mitt Romney.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 3:33 PM | 42 Comments
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Arizona: Muslim family that beat teenage girl and padlocked her to a bed for talking to a boy spared jail time
Ma, pa and sis: Unlawful imprisonment, disorderly conduct and assault
Of course. To have put them in jail would have been "Islamophobic."
"Iraqis spared jail time in Arizona for abusing female relative," by David Schwartz for Reuters, November 7 (thanks to Pedro):
Members of an Iraqi family in Arizona who beat a teenage relative and padlocked her to a bed after she violated their traditional values by chatting to a male friend were spared jail time in a plea deal approved by a county judge on Tuesday. In exchange for a guilty plea, Yusra Farhan, 51, was sentenced to two years probation on a charge of unlawful imprisonment of her daughter, 19-year-old Aiya Altameemi, at the family’s Phoenix home in February, court officials said.
The young woman’s father, Mohammed Altameemi, also received two years probation for disorderly conduct, and her 18-year-old sister, Tabarak Altameemi, received an identical sentence for assault, officials said.
Prosecutors said the incident started when Aiya was spotted leaving her high school with a young man. The father and younger daughter Tabarak confronted the young woman.
Police said Mohammed Altameemi became angry and took her home, striking her several times. Mother Farhan and daughter Tabarak also admitted to tying her to a bed with a rope around her waist that was secured with a padlock and beat her, according to court records.
Farhan told police she hit her daughter because she “was speaking to a male subject and her Iraq culture states a female is not allowed to be having contact with males because females are not allowed to have boyfriends,” court records said.
Aiya told school officials about the incident two days later and explained that “her family is trying to protect her and they want her to be a virgin for an arranged marriage,” according to court documents.
A county attorney spokesman declined comment on the sentence. Attorneys for the young woman’s family members could not be reached for comment.
This is the latest high-profile violence case in Arizona involving an Iraqi immigrant. In April 2011, Faleh Hassan Almaleki received 34 1/2 years in prison for running down his 20-year-old daughter in a Phoenix parking lot in what was described as an “honor killing.”
The [Hamas-linked] Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington, D.C., has said such cases are isolated instances that occur sporadically and are widely chastised by the American Muslim community.
Of course! But they have done nothing to try to keep these "isolated instances" from happening again.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 3:31 PM | 11 Comments
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Playboy-turned-Islamic supremacist Imran Khan threatens more Mumbai-style jihad massacres unless India surrenders Kashmir to Pakistan
The threat is clear. "Unless Kashmir issue is solved, Mumbai-like attacks always a possibility: Imran Khan," from the Press Trust of India, November 7 (thanks to S.B.):
Gurgaon: Pakistani cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan on Wednesday said time was up for trying to solve India-Pakistan issues through "militancy and militarily" but asserted that unless Kashmir issue was resolved, there was "always a possibility" of Mumbai-like attacks. Khan, chief of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, also said if his party comes to power, he will not allow terrorism against India to originate from his country's soil. Addressing a World Economic Forum meeting, he said while improvement in bilateral trade was welcome, the issue of Jammu and Kashmir must also progress on a parallel line. Terming a solution to the Kashmir issue as "vital", he said "trade, connections, along with cricket matches will help. At the same time, we should develop some sort of a roadmap to resolve Kashmir issue, which is vital".
"Because unless we operate on both plains, there is always a possibility, as it happened, relationships were improving, confidence building measures, cricket matches, people-to-people contacts, and then came Mumbai." Stressing the need for a "new relationship", he said "no more trying to resolve our problems through militancy and military but through politics. It should be two-pronged. One to normalise, open up relationships with trade on one side and then start a dialogue on Kashmir."
The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief assured if his party would come to power, he would not allow terrorism against India to originate....
Yeah, sure.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 3:30 PM | 5 Comments
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Portland, Oregon: Prosecutors of would-be jihad mass murderer ask permission to use the word "jihad"
It is astounding, and indicative of just how much the public discourse has degenerated, that this is even an issue. Mohamud used the word "jihad," but prosecutors have to ask if they can please characterize his motives and goals accurately, at his trial.
"'Terrorist,' 'violent jihad' among words prosecutors want to use in Portland terrorism trial," by Nigel Duara for the Associated Press, November 7:
PORTLAND, Ore. — Prosecutors want to call an Oregon man a terrorist while referring to violent jihad and martyrdom, words his defense attorneys have asked a federal judge to forbid. Federal prosecutors preparing for the January trial of Mohamed Mohamud said in a motion filed Tuesday that the court should let them use the terms because they accurately characterize Mohamud's "conduct and the nature of his case."
Assistant U.S. Attorney Ethan Knight notes in the motion that Mohamud himself allegedly used the terms "terrorism" and "jihad" when speaking with undercover agents, though records of such conversations have not yet been made public.
Knight also seeks to refer to Mohamud's occasional dispatches for the jihadist magazine "Jihad Recollections," reports that Mohamud's attorneys say are protected speech done while Mohamud, 21, was a minor.
Mohamud is accused of conspiring with men he believed were Islamic radicals to detonate a car bomb near a 2010 Portland Christmas tree-lighting ceremony. The bomb was a fake provided by the government and the men were undercover agents.
Defense attorneys Steve Sady and Steve Wax argued in a motion that such words will "blur and dilute the specific elements of the offense and distort the facts of the case."...
Distort the facts? That's what Sady and Wax are trying to do, not anyone else. But their obfuscation is accepted practice and prescribed wisdom, so they will probably win the day.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 2:57 PM | 2 Comments
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Political prisoner in Obama's U.S.: Muhammad filmmaker gets one year in prison
Mark Basseley Youssef may be a scoundrel and a liar. His movie may be hideous and false. He may have violated his probation. But there are probation violators all over the country today, roaming free after getting a slap on the wrist for their probation violation. The probation violation is a pretext. Youssef's imprisonment is for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. Obama is trying to appease the Muslims who rioted and killed over the video, and to do what he can against the freedom of speech now, until such time as he can get "hate speech" laws in place that will enable him to finish the job.
"Calif. man behind anti-Muslim film gets prison," by Greg Risling for the Associated Press, November 7 (thanks to all who sent this in):
LOS ANGELES (AP) - The California man behind an anti-Muslim film that roiled the Middle East was sentenced Wednesday to a year in prison for violating his probation stemming from a 2010 bank fraud conviction by lying about his identity. U.S. District Court Judge Christina Snyder immediately sentenced Mark Basseley Youssef after he admitted to four of the eight alleged violations, including obtaining a fraudulent California driver's license. Prosecutors agreed to drop the other four allegations under an agreement with Youssef's attorneys, which also included more probation.
None of the violations had to do with the content of "Innocence of Muslims," a film that depicts Mohammad as a religious fraud, pedophile and womanizer.
However, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Dugdale argued Youseff's lies about his identity have caused harm to others, including the film's cast and crew. The movie sparked violence in the Middle East, killing dozens.
"They had no idea he was a recently released felon," Dugdale said Wednesday. "Had they known that, they might have had second thoughts" about being part of the film.
Youssef's attorney Steven Seiden said his client admits to being the film's scriptwriter but had no other involvement except what he described as being a "cultural adviser."
Youssef, 55, was arrested in late September, just weeks after he went into hiding when the deadly violence erupted in the Middle East.
Enraged Muslims had demanded severe punishment for Youssef, with a Pakistani cabinet minister even offering $100,000 to anyone who kills him.
Federal authorities initially sought a two-year sentence for Youssef but settled on a one-year term after negotiating a deal with Youssef's attorneys. Prosecutors said they wouldn't pursue new charges against Yousseff - namely making false statements - and would drop the remaining four probation-violation allegations leveled against him. But Youssef was placed on four years' probation and must be truthful about his identity and his future finances.
Seiden asked that his client be placed under home confinement, but Snyder denied that request. Youssef will spend his time behind bars at a Southern California prison.
Youssef served most of his 21-month prison sentence for using more than a dozen aliases and opening about 60 bank accounts to conduct a check fraud scheme, prosecutors said.
After he was released from prison, Youssef was barred from using computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer....
After the hearing, Seiden told reporters he had a message to relay from his client.
"The one thing he wanted me to tell all of you is President Obama may have gotten Osama bin Laden, but he didn't kill the ideology," Seiden said.
Asked what that meant, Seiden said, "I didn't ask him, and I don't know."
Of course you don't.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 1:49 PM | 6 Comments
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"Arab Spring" Egypt: Muslims seize Church land in Cairo to hit back at new Pope's anti-Sharia remarks
Pope Tawadros need not be concerned. Imam Rauf and so many others assure us that Sharia is benign and tolerant, and completely compatible with Western values. He must be some kind of greasy Islamophobe. "Salafists seize Church land in Cairo to hit back at new patriarch," from AsiaNews, November 7:
Cairo (AsiaNews) - "By seizing land that belongs to the Diocese of Shubra al-Kheima, Salafists are sending a warning to the new Coptic patriarch, Tawadros II," said Rafic Greiche. Speaking to AsiaNews, the clergyman, who is the spokesman of the Egyptian Catholic Church, explained that with such action Muslim extremists want to intimidate Shenouda III's successor because of his statement against the inclusion of Sharia in Egypt's future constitution. On Monday night, about a hundred of Muslim extremists wielding sticks and rods seized land near the S. Mina Church in Shubra al-Kheima, in the centre of Cairo. With police standing idly by, the Islamists occupied the parcel of land for more than a day and put up a sign bearing the words 'Al-Rahma Mosque'. Only this morning did law enforcement moved in after Church authorities informed the Interior Ministry.
The diocese is headed by Bishop Antonius Morcos, who is Coptic Church media point man as well as new patriarch's spokesman.
"Such an action is nothing new in Egypt, but this is the first time that extremists directly go after a high-profile Coptic prelate," Fr Greiche said.
In a statement issued yesterday Patriarch Tawadros II criticised the Islamist stranglehold on the constituent assembly, saying that the Coptic Orthodox Church would oppose any step taken by the constituent assembly to impose Islamic law on the country....
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 1:23 PM | 3 Comments
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Denmark: Muslim majority in local board cancels decades-old Christmas tradition, finances Eid party with 10,000 USD
The final remark about a "lack of tolerance and inclusiveness from the new majority" is probably the most important. Translated by Nicolai Sennels, dr.dk "Muslims cancel Christmas celebration in housing area":
The housing area Egedalsvænge in Kokkedal, Denmark, will not have a Christmas tree with lights this year. A small Muslim majority in the Egedalsvænge Board has refused to spend money on the Christmas tree a few days after a big Eid celebration.... For decades it has been a tradition to have a Christmas tree with lights in the area between the buildings throughout the month of December. But now a majority in the Chamber Board refused to spend the approximately 1,000 dollars that a Christmas tree with lights costs.
The decision has attracted much attention since it was made three days after a big Islamic Eid party in Egedalsvænge. A mobile play ground, bungee jumping and a climbing wall was rented to make the Muslim celebration attractive for children and adults, and this event the Board had agreed to finance with appr. 10,000 dollars.
Although the small majority in the Chamber Board of Directors was democratically elected at the general meeting in September, the new course has surprised many. It is a sign of a lack of tolerance and inclusiveness from the new majority in the fund's board of directors, says one person from the Egedalsvænge, where many refuse to talk to the media.
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on November 7, 2012 1:14 PM | 7 Comments
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Zawahiri: Benghazi jihad attack signifies American weakness
"Al Qaeda Leader Zawahiri: Benghazi Attack Signifies American Weakness," by Tiffany Gabbay for The Blaze, November 7 (thanks to all who sent this in):
Following quickly on the heels of the U.S. presidential election, al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri proclaimed that the terror attack against the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghaz indicates that American “awe is lost” in the region. In an audio message addressed to the Somali jihadist group, al-Shabaab, Zawahiri said American influence in the region is floundering due to weakness. “They were defeated in Iraq and they are withdrawing from Afghanistan and their ambassador in Benghazi was killed and the flags of their embassies were lowered in Cairo and Sanaa (Yemen),” a translation the militant’s message reads in the Long War Journal.
“Their awe is lost and their might is gone and they don’t dare to carry out a new campaign like their past ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.”...
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 12:38 PM | 1 Comment
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Raymond Ibrahim: Muhammad, the Sexual Superman
Over at FrontPage Mag (via RaymondIbrahim.com), I discuss the supernatural libido attributed to the prophet of Islam and what that says about Islam:
Apparently the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, was something of a sexual superman—indeed, possessing the sexual appetite and potency of 4,000 mortal men. According to Islam’s most trusted and traditional sources, the story is as follows: Muhammad used to visit and have sex with his nine wives in a single hour (other accounts indicate 11 wives in a single hour). This averages to about six minutes per wife (not counting traveling time from tent to tent). When one of Muhammad’s companions wondered at the prophet’s superhuman feats of libido and speed, another companion, the famous Anas, responded that the prophet had the potency of 40 men.
This account was deemed authentic enough to include in Sahih Bukhari—the most canonical hadith collection, second in authority only to the Quran itself—meaning that mainstream Islam accepts it as fact.
But alas, the matter doesn’t just end there.
Another, more fabulous, account says that Muhammad had the strength of 40 “heavenly men”—each of whom are said to have the strength of 100 mortal men. Strength for what, exactly? In the words of Islam’s prophet, “a [heavenly] man will be given the strength of a hundred men to eat, drink, feel desire [i.e., libido], and have sexual intercourse.”
Thus, according to Islam, when he was alive on earth, Muhammad had the sexual lust and potency of 40 “heavenly men,” which is equivalent to 4,000 mortal men.
Lest the reader think all this a joke (or a “hoax”), here is a video of popular Muslim preacher Sheikh Mahmoud al-Misri confirming all the above...
Continue reading.
Posted by Raymond on November 7, 2012 12:30 PM | 12 Comments
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What we have to look forward to
My column that ran Monday at Atlas Shrugs sums up some of what we will see over the next four years:
Can America afford four more years of Barack Obama as President of the United States? In the most literal terms, probably not: his reckless deficit spending can’t be sustained indefinitely, and as he has campaigned on a platform of more free goodies for everyone, it won’t be much longer before the gravy train runs out. Meanwhile, his relentless class warfare rhetoric has sown the seeds of civil discord for years to come. But even worse could be in store for us if Obama is reelected. Now that pro-Sharia Islamic supremacist regimes are installed, thanks to Barack Obama, in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya, the oppression of women and non-Muslims is certain to escalate in those countries. They are also certain only to grow in their anti-Americanism, and may try to unite in an attempt to restore the caliphate, which will only bring more bloodshed and strife to the region. And since the caliph is the only one authorized (and required) in Islamic law to wage offensive jihad against Infidels, if they succeed in choosing one, the result will not be happy for America and the West.
Nor is it likely to be for Israel. Many elements within the new Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt have already signaled their readiness to jettison the Camp David Accords and start another war with Israel. For states based on Islamic law, which designates the Jews the worst enemies of the Muslims (cf. Qur’an 5:82), such a war becomes a religious imperative. Obama’s unremitting hostility toward Israel has only made the prospect of war with Israel more attractive for Iran, Hizballah, Hamas, and Israel’s other jihadist enemies, for they see the United States as no longer unconditionally committed to Israel’s defense – despite Obama’s Zionist act during the third debate.
If Obama is reelected, America’s relationship with Israel will continue to deteriorate, and Iran will continue to sneer at his “crippling sanctions” while rushing to develop nuclear weapons, which it will almost certainly use to attempt to destroy Israel. Obama’s refusal to back the 2009 uprisings against the Iranian regime will thus bear its bitterest fruit of all.
And in Afghanistan, our troops will remain until at least 2014 with no definition of victory and no clear mission, at the mercy of their Afghan “allies” who use them for target practice on an increasingly frequent basis. And what are we fighting for? The Karzai regime? Against whom? The Taliban? Yet the Karzai has repeatedly asked the Taliban to join the government and put up candidates for elected office. So why are we fighting against the Taliban? For them to join the Afghan government would be, as Pamela Geller has pointed out, like Hitler running for office in Germany in 1946, had he survived the war. The invitation only serves to point up the bloody futility and counterproductive character of our military presence in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, on the home front the official denial about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat will continue, with training material for the FBI and Department of Homeland Security required to retail politically correct fictions about Islam and jihad rather than anything that could give law enforcements a comprehensive and correct understanding of the threat that faces us. This will leave the nation in ever-increasing danger of being blindsided by a jihad attack that could have been prevented had a willful ignorance about the motives and goals of jihadists not been enforced by officials at the highest level. Once those officials are torn away from their preoccupation with “right wing extremism” back to reality, it could be too late.
Continuing also will be the Obama Administration’s war against the freedom of speech. His signing on to the UN’s Resolution 16/18, calling for criminalization of “incitement to religious hatred,” was a telling indication of the direction he has consistently taken. For who will judge what constitutes “religious hatred”? Truthful speech about Islam and jihad is almost certain to be included under this rubric, and truth will be no defense. Obama’s rush to blame the Muhammad video for the jihad attack on our consulate in Benghazi is just the latest indication of how anxious he is to throw the freedom of speech under the bus. Expect an Obama second term to enact “hate speech” laws that will make enunciating the truth about the jihad threat a criminal offense.
We are also certain to see, if Obama is reelected tomorrow, more pressure from his Justice Department on American businesses and educational institutions to provide special accommodation and privileges for Muslims. Last year Obama’s DoJ forced a Chicago-area school district to pay a Muslim teacher, Safoorah Khan, $75,000 in back pay, fees and damages for not giving her three weeks off during the school year so she could make the hajj. Second-term Muslim accommodation suits are likely to dwarf that amount, and in the process do serious damage to the American principle of equality of rights for all.
And the jihad plots against the U.S. will continue as well. Although he was ballyhooed as the man who understood Islam and the Muslim world, and would finally bridge the ever widening gap between Muslim countries and the West, Obama has instead presided over increasing tensions, increasing dangers, increasing hatred and belligerence from emboldened Islamic jihadists.
And if Barack Obama is President of the United States for the next four years, they will just get bolder still.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 12:57 AM | 87 Comments
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November 6, 2012
After repeatedly threatening to kill me, Muslim emailer comes out for Obama
I heard tonight from a gentleman who has emailed me many, many times in the past. His IP address is, which traces to Djibouti, meaning either that this fellow is in Djibouti or has a spoofed IP address. In his message tonight he repeats the title of my article here:
Name: yahoo Email: yahoo@yahoo.com
Subject: Die with your HATE Mr Spencer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Message: Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four
More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We
Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of
Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More
Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive
Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can
We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of
Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More
Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive
Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can
We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of
I haven't heard from this good man in awhile, but for a good stretch of 2010 and 2011 he was sending me death threats almost daily, telling me he would be at various events where I was speaking so as to kill me there (he never did). One read:
I was thinking to CUT your head with AXE.. as Self -defence. defending mY dignity as MUSLIM>
And another:
Message: You are pointing the way that I would still hunt you down. I will never be a hostile to any other human beings for my life time. But only To spencer and When I get you I will do they way you have already reported. Spencer deserves to be indicted and If US government does not bring
him to justice or stop his Hatred We shall take the LAW again in our
hands and provide SPENCER to feed him what he wants.
Will it be a BULL....t or Kn...fe or AX....e.
Will I personally hang you UP or.
I know that you have already reported to the FBI and I dont care if
they will arrest me or Not Spencer .... I am On your WAY,...
A few of them are here, but there were many, many, many others.
In any case, he is celebrating tonight, as apparently he thinks "HATE" has suffered a defeat. The reality, of course, is that many, many more Islamic jihadists like him worldwide will be newly emboldened. And from them, as from this clown, we will see real hate.
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 9:49 PM | 29 Comments
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After stonings and amputations, Islamic supremacist group in Mali says it rejects "all forms of extremism and terrorism"
Anyone who thinks that this means that Ansar Dine won't be carrying out any more stonings and amputations is woefully misinformed. They don't consider carrying out penalties clearly prescribed in Islamic law to be any kind of "extremism and terrorism." They consider that to be simple justice. What they most likely mean by this declaration is that they oppose Israel and the U.S.
"North Mali Islamist group says it rejects violence," by Brahima Ouedraogo for the Associated Press, November 6 (thanks to Kenneth):
OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso (AP) -- An Islamist group carrying out public executions and amputations in northern Mali said Tuesday that it rejects "all forms of extremism and terrorism" and called upon other armed organizations controlling the region, including a branch of al-Qaida, to engage in political talks with the government. The turnabout was announced by a representative of an Ansar Dine delegation that has been holding talks for the last several days with mediators in the capital of neighboring Burkina Faso.
The meetings in Burkina Faso appear to be part of a new, regional attempt to set up negotiations to resolve the Mali crisis ahead of a possible military intervention that is expected to be led by African forces with logistical backing from the European Union and the United States. France is heading the international effort to plan the military campaign to end the occupation by Ansar Dine and other Islamists in Mali's north.
It was not immediately clear how Ansar Dine's declaration would affect its imposition of strict Islamic law in the northern Mali territory under its control. Nor was it clear whether the delegation in Ouagadougou represents all elements within Ansar Dine, which has links to the al-Qaida terror network....
Ansar Dine is one of three Islamist groups controlling Mali's north, and its members are believed to be mostly Malians. The membership of the two other groups, one of them al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, consists primarily of foreign fighters.
Although Ansar Dine has imposed strict Islamic law, including carrying out punishments such as amputating the hands of thieves and stoning to death a couple who had children out of wedlock, authorities believe the group is the most open to negotiation because its fighters are Malian nationals with ties to the area....
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 1:56 PM | 13 Comments
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86-year sentence of Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui, who shot at Americans while yelling "death to America," upheld
Her Pakistani-financed defense attorneys argued that she was just panicking. Funny how so many jihadists panic in exactly the same way.
"Aafia Siddiqui loses appeal on shooting conviction," from Reuters, November 6 (thanks to Block Ness):
NEW YORK: A US appeals court on Monday upheld the conviction and 86-year prison sentence of Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui for shooting at FBI agents and soldiers after her arrest in Afghanistan. The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in New York said a lower court judge had not erred in allowing Siddiqui, 40, to testify in her own defense at trial and in allowing certain evidence against her.
Siddiqui, whose conviction was widely criticized in Pakistan, was sentenced by US District Judge Richard Berman in September 2010. She was convicted by a New York federal jury of attempted murder, armed assault and other charges.
She was arrested in July 2008 by Afghan police, who said she was carrying two pounds (900 grams) of sodium cyanide and crumpled notes referring to mass casualty attacks and New York landmarks.
The day after her arrest, she grabbed an M-4 rifle in her interrogation room and started shooting while yelling “death to America,” the trial jury heard.
No US agents or soldiers were hit, but Siddiqui was shot and wounded in response, according to US prosecutors.
Siddiqui’s defense lawyers, three of whom were paid by the Pakistani government, argued that their client had shot at the US officials in a panic and said the crime lacked any connection to terrorism.
On appeal, her attorneys challenged her conviction and sentence on many grounds. They said the judge improperly allowed jurors to consider the crumpled notes, and that the judge should never have allowed Siddiqui to decide whether to take the stand.
“The district court went to extraordinary lengths to ensure that Siddiqui understood the implications of testifying and had the capacity to testify,” the opinion said....
The appeals court also sided with Berman in finding that Siddiqui had likely premeditated the attack, and that terrorism sentencing requirements were applicable because of her willingness to harm Americans.
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
ANGELA PELLICCIARI, L’altro Risorgimento. Una guerra di religione dimenticata
Se si guarda alla storiografia ufficiale, quella insegnata ancora nelle cosiddette “scuole dell’obbligo”, si comprende come le nuove generazioni, ormai da piú di un secolo, siano state e siano educate con una serie di informazioni lacunose, spesso “di parte”, molte volte false. Cosí che delle tante vicende che compongono il racconto delle esperienze dei nostri padri abbiamo finito col farci un’idea che non corrisponde alla realtà e che continua a condizionare i nostri giudizi, non solo su quanto è accaduto, ma anche su quanto sta accadendo.
In verità, da alcuni lustri, si sono moltiplicati i lavori di “revisione storica”, ma essi restano appannaggio di pochi specialisti e appassionati.
Tra questi lavori rientra il libro che qui segnaliamo: L’altro Risorgimento. Una guerra di religione dimenticata.
In esso l’Autrice tratta alcuni importanti aspetti di quella leggenda che vorrebbe far credere che l’unità d’Italia fu un appassionato lavoro di amor patrio fortemente contrastato dalla Roma reazionaria e papalina che vedeva come fumo negli occhi la libertà degli Italiani.
Sulla scorta dei documenti dell’epoca, si compone invece un quadro complessivo nel quale i soggetti principali sono il liberalismo antireligioso piemontese che da quella sparuta minoranza che fu, riuscí a violentare il sentimento religioso della maggioranza dei Piemontesi e degli Italiani; l’odio contro ogni istituzione cattolica e la persecuzione sistematica a cui vennero sottoposti la Chiesa e i cattolici; l’arrivismo e l’ingordigia di potere di uomini politici che ancora oggi affollano le nostre piazze con le loro effigi di pietra.
Se è comprensibile che il passato debba essere rivisto con un certo spassionato distacco, non è accettabile che questo avvenga quando esso segna ancora fortemente il presente e il futuro prossimo.
Leggendo questo libro, che parla di vicende apparentemente “vecchie”, è come se sotto gli occhi del lettore scorresse la falsariga di quanto è accaduto alla Chiesa e dentro la Chiesa da un quarantennio ad oggi. Con la differenza che la lotta alla Chiesa e alla Religione, allora condotta da tutti i suoi nemici dichiarati, oggi viene condotta dai suoi falsi amici utilizzando le stesse argomentazioni e quasi le stesse tecniche.
Fu in nome della libertà religiosa che si volle allora la fine dello Stato Pontificio, mentre in realtà si voleva la demolizione della Religione; ed è in nome della libertà religiosa che oggi si continua a perseguire la demolizione della Chiesa.
«Rifiutando la Rivelazione, i liberali non capiscono piú, e, non capendo, ritengono prive di senso le modalità dell’esistenza cristiana. I liberali non si limitano a non capire: giudicano ciò che non capiscono, lo condannano e lo negano. Ritengono assolutamente vero e giusto solo quanto è ritenuto tale dalla Ragione, che inevitabilmente finisce col coincidere con la loro ragione.»
«… l’ideologia liberale non rinuncia all’assoluto, cambia semplicemente il luogo in cui cercarlo e da Dio passa al Progresso. Appellandosi al progresso, e quindi al continuo cambiamento verso il meglio, il pensiero liberale trova una nuova fede e una nuova ragione di vita: la fede nella mancanza di assoluto. I liberali negano «in assoluto» la possibilità per l’uomo di fare scelte «assolute». La contraddizione è evidente e tuttavia sono in molti a non rendersene conto. Rifiutata la fede nella Rivelazione perché ascientifica, si finisce per credere «scientificamente» alla (propria) ragione.» (pp. 142-143)
Questa lunga citazione aiuta a comprendere lo spirito che ha finito col prevalere nell’Autrice, via via che si è addentrata nello studio delle vicende storiche del secolo scorso.
C’è da augurarsi che molti preti modernisti si soffermino a leggerlo… chissà, potrebbe aprirsi in loro uno spiraglio di luce.
ANGELA PELLICCIARI, L’altro Risorgimento. Una guerra di religione dimenticata, Piemme Edizioni, Casale Monferrato, 2000, pp. 288, £ 30.000.
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Per non ripetere gli equivoci del Risorgimento
(Da Studi Cattolici n. 295, aprile 2004)
Unione Europea: come andrà a finire non si sa, ma se la storia è magistra vitae cosa è successo in Italia durante il Risorgimento può aiutarci a capire da che parte rischia di tirare il vento. La domanda è: c’è un’analogia possibile fra unificazione italiana ed unificazione europea?
All’inizio dell’Ottocento un esercito invasore -le armate giacobine di Napoleone- saccheggia l’Italia in nome della libertà e del risorgimento della gloria nazionale. L’Inghilterra riprende la parola d’ordine ed i liberali italiani fanno da corifei: il mito del Risorgimento è all’opera.
Indipendenza, unità, libertà, monarchia costituzionale, stato “forte e potente”: cosa si poteva desiderare di più bello? Non erano d’accordo tutti gli italiani? Non lo hanno forse dimostrato votando compatti “sì” ai plebisciti?
Purtroppo no. Purtroppo le cose non sono andate così. Purtroppo il Risorgimento ha imposto, in nome della libertà, un totalitarismo elitario che ha provato a rifare i connotati degli italiani. Questo e non altro significa l’incisivo motto: “l’Italia è fatta, bisogna fare gli italiani”. Così come erano non andavano bene. Andavano rimodellati ad immagine e somiglianza dell’élite massonica e protestante che reggeva il mondo con pugno di ferro, naturalmente in nome del progresso e della civiltà.
Guidati dalla luce liberal-massonica, gli italiani andavano sollevati dal peso dei millecinquecento anni di oscurantismo cattolico: “Risorgimento del paganesimo”, dirà, con incisività, Leone XIII.
Plebisciti? Una montatura fatta ad arte ricorrendo ai più sbrigativi e violenti mezzi messi a disposizione dalla dispotica volontà di potenza dei liberali subalpini ed italiani. Solo storici “liberali” possono scambiare per espressione della volontà popolare una simile, indegna, macchianazione elettorale.
Libertà? Tutta la chiesa e le sue proprietà messe a soqquadro. Tutti gli ordini religiosi soppressi, soppresse tutte le opere pie, sconvolti gli assetti delle diocesi: all’indomani dell’unità più di cento i vescovati senza vescovo. Preti e frati incarcerati come malfattori perché accusati di non cantare il Te Deum di ringraziamento per la libertà appena conquistata. Tutte le proprietà degli ordini religiosi svendute per due lire ed acquistate dai liberali (1% della popolazione). L’immenso patrimonio culturale (archivi, biblioteche) e artistico (quadri, statue, bassorilievi, oggetti di culto, mobili) accumulato nei secoli dalla chiesa italiana (e, quindi, dagli italiani) saccheggiato e, in buona parte, distrutto.
Monarchia costituzionale? Come lo vogliamo chiamare uno stato che si vanta di essere costituzionale, anzi, l’unico costituzionale della penisola (e -proprio per questo- si ritiene moralmente migliore degli altri), e che infrange uno dopo l’altro tutti i principali articoli dello Statuto a cominciare dal primo? Qualche esempio. Articolo 1: “La chiesa cattolica apostolica e romana è l’unica religione di stato”: abbiamo appena visto in che modo è stato onorato. Articolo 28: “la stampa sarà libera”. Libera la stampa, sì: quella liberale anticattolica. Per la stampa cattolica il discorso è opposto: basti pensare che Cavour non consente nemmeno la pubblicazione delle encicliche pontificie. Articolo 29: “Tutte le propietà, senza alcuna eccezione, sono inviolabili”. Tutte, meno quelle della chiesa cui aderisce, va ribadito, la quasi totalità della popolazione.
“Popolo”: bellissima parola, sempre sulle labbra dei nostri “padri della patria”. Cosa pensano i liberali del popolo, delle “masse”? E’ presto detto: che non contano e non possono contare nulla. Conta solo l’opinione liberale. Letteralmente così risponde Cavour (il 22 maggio 1855 al Senato) al maresciallo Vittorio della Torre che gli contesta la supposta popolarità della legge contro i conventi: “l’onorevole maresciallo ha detto che gran parte della popolazione era avversa a questa legge. Io in verità non mi sarei aspettato di vedere invocata dall’onorevole maresciallo l’opinione di persone, di masse, che non sono e non possono essere legalmente rappresentate”.
Cui prodest? a chi è conventuto il Risorgimento? Ai Savoia sicuramente, e a tutti i liberali anche: il passaggio di ricchezza a loro favore è stato davvero ingente. E’ convenuto poi alle grandi potenze liberali (Inghilterra e Francia) e non (Germania), che hanno avuto a disposizione un feudo docile e comodo, convinto per di più della propria “inciviltà” e della propria meritata sudditanza culturale ed economica. A tal punto giungeva il disprezzo per l’Italia cattolica dell’élite liberal-massonica che, pure, amava pensare sé stessa come mallevatrice della patria.
Passiamo all’Europa.
Come durante il Risorgimento anche qui il progetto è guidato da élites selezionatissime che non si sa a chi rispondano. Certo non al popolo. Basti pensare che, le rare volte che le popolazioni sono chiamate ad esprimersi, una curiosa, pressante, benevola apprensione, circonda il referendum di turno. E se le popolazioni votassero “male”, si domanda, unanime, la stampa? Se non condividessero le scelte fatte in loro nome a livello europeo? Di più: nel caso sciagurato che –nonostante la propaganda di tutti i mass media- qualche popolo si azzarda a dire che non vuole entrare in questa o quell’istituzione europea, il referendum gli viene riproposto con encomiabile costanza, fino a quando il “popolo” non si convince che sì, che è bene far parte dell’Europa, dell’euro o di quant’altro.
Qui da noi, dove il popolo sovrano non è stato ancora consultato, quasi tutte le pubbliche autorità, a cominciare dalla Presidenza della Repubblica, ribadiscono che l’Europa è un dovere: nonostante le battute di arresto, si deve andare avanti. Andare avanti: ma, di grazia, verso dove, con chi e per quale strada?
E qui, per chi conosce il Risorgimento, i mal di pancia diventano forti. Se, in Italia, la chiesa è stata perseguitata in nome della chiesa (non si poteva fare diversamente, visto che si era “costituzionali” e che il primo articolo dello Statuto vincolava al rispetto del cattolicesimo), in Europa di chiesa non si vuole neppure sentire parlare. Vade retro. Ma non è l’Europa frutto dell’evangelizzazione dei barbari operata dalla chiesa grazie alla quale, fra l’altro, abbiamo ancora memoria della civiltà greco-romana? Non sono il latino ed il greco (le lingue della cristianità) le lingue ufficiali dell’Europa fino al Cinquecento? Non sono tutte le maggiori istituzioni europee nate in ambito cristiano? L’Università, le opere pie, gli ospedali, le scuole, la libertà, i cimiteri, tutte le forme di carità organizzata, non sono tutte, dico tutte, frutto dello spirito cristiano?
E come mai, nonostante l’evidenza, nonostante la storia, nonostante i continui richiami del papa, nonostante l’ovvietà del fatto, non si vuole, proprio non si vuole riconoscere che l’anima europea è cristiana? Nel parto difficile, fino ad oggi risultato impossibile, di una costituzione europea, si è arrivati a citare espressamente i “Lumi”, ci si è poi spinti fino ad evocare, genericamente, la “religione”, ma la parola cristianesimo MAI. In ambito europeo il cristianesimo è impronunciabile e indicibile. E perché? Un simile comportamento è forse normale? E’ ragionevole che i governanti europei si rifiutino di prendere atto dei fatti?
Europa: quale Europa? Curiosamente a questa domanda nessuno risponde. Ci si nasconde sempre dietro i soliti slogan. Eppure il problema c'è e va posto: quale Europa? quella imperiale del massone Napoleone? quella republicana del carbonaro Mazzini, rigidamente controllata -nel nome dei popoli ben inteso- da un ristrettissimo manipolo di illuminati anticattolici? quella immaginata da Hitler come "spazio comune", detta, guarda caso, “Comunità economica europea”? o, da ultimo, quella degli orfani del comunismo trasformatisi in nichilisti difensori dell'arbitrio individuale?
La sinistra europea, che regnava incontrastata all'epoca della Carta di Nizza, è arrivata a sancire una “Carta dei diritti” da brivido. I diritti da garantire sarebbero stati quelli interpretati “alla luce dell’evoluzione della società, del progresso sociale, degli sviluppi scientifici e tecnologici”. Con tutta evidenza la fine della famiglia, l’apertura ad ogni possibile realizzazione dell’ingegneria genetica, l'omicidio legalizzato chiamato eutanasia, l'uso -ovviamente a scopo terapeutico, altra bella parola- degli embrioni ad libitum. Dopo che un cannibale confesso (e coscienziosamente filmato) è stato condannato da un civile tribunale tedesco alla pena di otto anni e mezzo, non è difficile prevedere gli sviluppi dei diritti sancibili dall'Europa del futuro.
Europa: non basta la parola. Il nome non è una garanzia. Proprio come centocinquanta anni fa' non bastava la parola Italia.
Bisogna ringraziare il ministro Castelli perché, non fosse stato per lui, il buonismo europeista dilagante avrebbe imposto un fideistico assenzo: al mandato di cattura europeo. Col pretesto del terrorismo, si era quasi riusciti a far passare una legislazione d’urgenza che individuava ben 32 reati, fra cui quello di razzismo. Cosa c’entra il razzismo con la lotta al terrorismo? se ci si ricorda che alla conferenza internazionale di Durban il sionismo è stato equiparato al razzismo, le cose si fanno più chiare. Tanto per fare un esempio, un ebreo con simpatie per Israele avrebbe potuto, in quanto razzista, incappare nel "legale" mandato di cattura europeo…
Ci conviene stare bene attenti. In odio alla fede, nutrendo un disprezzo viscerale per il "dogmatismo" cattolico, rischiamo, un giorno non troppo lontano, di essere "rifatti" a modello dei più evoluti popoli nordici e protestanti. O a modello dell'élite anticattolica che guida la Francia. In nome del diritto, della giustiza e del progresso, coniugati alla maniera del futuribile diritto europeo, rischiamo di finire male. Come maluccio -in ambito europeo- è già finita la nostra agricoltura, come male stavano per finire -Ulivo imperante- i settori strategici della nostra economia, da francesizzare in cambio dell'ingresso nell'euro, come male è finita quell'idea improvvida che si chiama, guarda caso, Malpensa. Un modo per privare Roma, unica città veramente universale, di un aereoporto internazionale degno di questo nome.
Pio IX non era affatto contrario all’unificazione italiana: se ne è ritratto con orrore di fronte alla violenta persecuzione anticattolica realizzata in nome della morale, della libertà, della stessa chiesa. Allo stesso modo Giovanni Paolo II è decisamente favorevole all’unificazione europea, che anzi sollecita, per rendere all’Europa l’uso dei suoi due polmoni, quello orientale e quello occidentale. Quella del papa è una tenace e profetica azione di stimolo affinché gli europei imbocchino, dopo tanto orrore, la strada giusta: "è alla luce delle sventure riversatesi sul ventesimo secolo che si comprende come i diritti di Dio e dell’Uomo si affermino e cadano insieme […]. Non si può non rilevare come le ideologie che hanno causato fiumi di lacrime e di sangue nel corso del XX secolo, siano uscite da una Europa che aveva voluto dimenticare le sue fondamenta cristiane” (dal Discorso del 16 dicembre 2000).
Da quando la verità teologica è, con Lutero, ufficialmente morta, gli illuminati europei, apostatando Dio, hanno cercato nella ragione dei singoli o dei gruppi (spacciata per Ragione) la guida morale e civile dei popoli. Il risultato si è visto. Continueremo all'infinito a rivestire privatissimi interessi e ferree volontà di potenza sotto il manto di nobilissime parole? Non conviene a tutti (cristiani e non) imparare dai propri errori e, tornando alle comuni radici cristiane, edificare un’Europa fondata sul Decalogo?
Le attività della Fondazione Lepanto
Il Presidente, il Papa e il Primo Ministro
Tra la fine degli anni ’70 e l’inizio degli ’80, quando il comunismo appariva ancora vincente, mentre l’Occidente e la Chiesa versavano in seria crisi d’identità, sulla scena internazionale emersero tre personalità di spicco: i loro nomi erano Ronald Reagan, Giovanni Paolo II e Margaret Thatcher. Nella loro epoca furono rovesciate le sorti dell’umanità con la sconfitta del blocco sovietico, il crollo del Muro di Berlino, la fine della guerra fredda e l’apertura di una stagione di pace e di sviluppo economico. Il tema è trattato in modo sistematico nel saggio storico Il Presidente, il Papa e il Primo Ministro (Editrice Pagine, 2010) di John O’Sullivan – noto giornalista e scrittore britannico, già consigliere speciale della Thatcher. Il volume è stato presentato il 13 dicembre 2010 a Roma, presso la Fondazione Lepanto, alla presenza dell’autore e dell’editore di Pagine, Luciano Lucarini.
Risorgimento “fuori dal coro”
Comprendere l’Unità d’Italia, a 150 anni di distanza, significa innanzitutto conoscere i suoi risvolti più oscuri e contraddittori. A questo scopo, il 27 febbraio, la Fondazione Lepanto ha tenuto un affollato incontro, aperto da una proiezione audiovisiva e seguito dalla presentazione di alcuni volumi “fuori dal coro”. Tra questi, Le due Italie. Identità nazionale, unificazione, guerra civile (Ares, 2011), del prof. Massimo Viglione in cui l’autore, analizza i principali passaggi del Risorgimento italiano, mettendo in luce, in particolare, le conseguenze dell’affrettato processo di unificazione sulla storia successiva, dal nazionalismo al fascismo, arrivando alla morte stessa del concetto di patria.
Altrettanto radicale è la posizione di Elena Bianchini Braglia, presidente del Centro studi sul Risorgimento e sugli stati preunitari ed autrice di saggi storici, in particolare sul ducato di Modena e sulla casata estense. Nel suo Le radici della vergogna. Psicanalisi dell’Italia (Edizioni Terra e Identità, 2009), la dott.ssa Bianchini Braglia definisce l’unità d’Italia uno «stupro» compiuto contro la volontà del popolo, con le inevitabili conseguenze (anche psicologiche) sul nostro spirito patriottico e il senso, quasi inconscio, di vergogna che molti dei nostri connazionali provano nei confronti del loro Paese.
Una figura del Risorgimento fortemente sopravvalutata è indubbiamente quella dell’“eroe dei due mondi”. Il libro Contro Garibaldi. Quello che a scuola non vi hanno raccontato (Vallecchi, 2011) di Luca Marcolivio, fa luce sulla vera natura del personaggio: più che un “padre della patria”, un pirata e un mercenario, utile pedina nelle mani della massoneria internazionale e degli inglesi, dei repubblicani e dei monarchici, dei liberali e dei conservatori. Con un unico nemico mai rinnegato: la Chiesa cattolica.
Altre pubblicazioni segnalate per l’occasione: Angela Pellicciari, Risorgimento da riscrivere, Ares, 2011 (edizione riveduta e corretta); Gigi Di Fiore, Controstoria dell’Unità d’Italia – Fatti e misfatti del Risorgimento, BUR saggi Rizzoli, 2010; Gianandrea de Antonellis, Non mi arrendo. Da Gaeta a Civitella, l’eroica difesa del Regno delle Due Sicilie, Controcorrente, 2008; Bruno Lima, Due Sicilie 1860. L’invasione, Fede e Cultura, 2010; Cesaremaria Glori, La tragica morte di Ippolito Nievo, Solfanelli, 2010.
Il ruolo degli apologeti nella società contemporanea
Rino Cammilleri, giornalista, saggista e narratore, ha al suo attivo testi di apologetica come Consigli del diavolo custode (Piemme) e Dio è cattolico (Lindau) e romanzi come Immortale odium (Rizzoli) e Il crocifisso del samurai (Rizzoli). Il 12 aprile, Cammilleri è stato ospite della Fondazione Lepanto per la presentazione del suo ultimo volume Come fu che divenni C.C.P. (cattolico credente e praticante) (Lindau 2011).
Ricordando la propria conversione, oggetto del suo ultimo libro, Cammilleri ha raccontato che la sua scoperta della fede, avvenuta nel 1974, all’età di 24 anni, fu «sofferta e tormentata». «Nessuna conversione – ha aggiunto – è mai uguale ad un’altra e non bisogna illudersi che, una volta avvenuta, la tua vita diventi “tranquilla”. Penso a San Paolo che aveva una vita comoda quando perseguitava i cristiani; dopo la folgorazione sulla via di Damasco fu tormentato, perseguitato, incarcerato, torturato e concluse la sua esistenza terrena con la decapitazione».
Il “Concilio mancato” di mons. Gherardini
Il 25 maggio, mons. Brunero Gherardini è stato ospite della Fondazione Lepanto, per la presentazione dei suoi volumi sul tema conciliare Concilio Vaticano II. Un discorso da fare, edito da Casa Mariana Editrice, e Concilio Vaticano II. Il discorso mancato, edito da Lindau. Gli scritti del teologo pratese, ha spiegato Roberto de Mattei, presidente della Fondazione, «sono fondamentali come stimolo a comprendere la vera natura del Concilio Vaticano II: laddove c’è ormai unanimità sulla natura pastorale dell’evento, va verificato se esso si sia svolto o meno nel solco della continuità e della Tradizione».
«La mia – ha affermato mons. Gherardini – non è una dichiarazione di guerra al Concilio, né la sua condanna ma soltanto una rilettura critica dei suoi documenti. Il Vaticano II rimane una porta chiusa che nasconde ancora molti segreti». Prendendo atto delle numerose storture che vengono addebitate all’epoca post-conciliare, il teologo ha rimarcato che non può esserci post-Concilio senza Concilio, quindi è proprio all’interno del Concilio che vanno rintracciate tali storture. Trattandosi di un Concilio pastorale ed ecumenico, il Vaticano II «non è né dogmatico, né infallibile», ha precisato Gherardini. C’è poi il nodo, non meno fondamentale, della tradizione: quest’ultima non ha «nulla a che vedere con la fissità, né la sua trasmissione è meccanica. Esiste, anche per la Chiesa un concetto di evoluzione che non è semplice adattamento ma evoluzione immanente: in altre parole essa può solo passare dal meno al più, come si evolve e cresce un essere umano ma non può diventare un’altra cosa rispetto a quel che realmente è».
Proiezione di un film sul beato Duns Scoto
Il 27 giugno ha avuto luogo a Santa Balbina la proiezione del film “Duns Scoto”, commentato dal Rev. Padre Alessandro Apollonio dei Frati Francescani dell’Immacolata. Il film, che illustra la vita del grande Beato francescano, ha vinto il 19 maggio scorso il premio dell’International Catholic Film Festival di Roma “Mirabile Dictu” come migliore film e quello come migliore attore protagonista.
La verità sui Fratelli Musulmani
Chi sono i Fratelli Mussulmani e che ruolo giocheranno nel futuro dell’Egitto e dell’intero scacchiere mediorientale? A queste e ad altre domande ha risposto Valentina Colombo, docente di geopolitica del mondo islamico all’Università Europea di Roma, in un incontro dal titolo La verità sui Fratelli Musulmani, tenutosi presso la Fondazione Lepanto il 27 luglio.
«Il principale obiettivo dei Fratelli Musulmani – ha spiegato la professoressa Colombo – è instaurare un grande stato islamico unificato per conquistare poi l’Europa e il mondo intero. Nel loro logo è inserita la parola “preparate” che richiama in modo esplicito la seguente sura coranica: “e preparate contro di loro (gli infedeli) tutte le forze che potrete”. Di seguito è stato proiettato un documentario curato da Walid al-Kubaisi, giornalista iracheno trapiantato in Norvegia, e realizzato alla fine del 2010, pochi mesi prima delle rivolte nordafricane e della deposizione del presidente egiziano Hosni Mubarak. Dal reportage emerge un movimento che ha trasformato una religione in ideologia con obiettivi politici, ambiziosi e spregiudicati: instaurare, in Medio Oriente e poi in tutto il mondo, governi islamici fondati sulla sharia, attraverso la democrazia, da loro considerata strumento demoniaco.
Jean Madiran sull’accordo di Metz
Mancavano due mesi all’inaugurazione del Concilio Vaticano II, quando, il 13 agosto 1962, nella città francese di Metz venne stipulato un accordo tra il cardinale Tisserant e l’arcivescovo ortodosso monsignor Nicodemo che si scoprì poi essere una spia al soldo dei sovietici. L’accordo prevedeva la concessione da parte del Cremlino di inviare al Concilio alcuni esponenti della Chiesa ortodossa russa in cambio del silenzio totale sul comunismo.
L’accordo di Metz venne svelato per la prima volta grazie alle inchieste della rivista “Itinéraires”, diretta da Jean Madiran. Quasi cinquant’anni dopo il giornalista francese è tornato sull’argomento, pubblicando il saggio storico “L’accordo di Metz” tra Cremlino e Vaticano (Pagine, 2011), con una prefazione e una postfazione del prof. Roberto de Mattei nella collana “I libri del Borghese”. Per iniziativa della casa editrice e della Fondazione Lepanto il volume è stato presentato al pubblico a Roma, a Palazzo Ferrajoli, il 20 settembre 2011, alla presenza dell’autore, dell’editore di Pagine, Luciano Lucarini, del giornalista, scrittore e parlamentare, Gennaro Malgieri, e del prof. Roberto de Mattei.
A conclusione dell’incontro Jean Madiran ha ricordato che l’accordo di Metz è stato scoperto tardi per una precisa volontà di nasconderlo da parte dei media e dei poteri forti, mentre, in compenso «la stampa dei regimi comunisti diede ampio spazio all’evento». Tornare a parlare sull’accordo di Metz e fare ulteriore luce su questa pagina oscura della storia della Chiesa è qualcosa di assai opportuno, tanto più che «a chi crede che il comunismo non esiste più, va ricordato che per colpa di quell’accordo la Chiesa ha costretto se stessa a non condannare più nessuna aberrazione e oggi rischiamo di assistere alla fine del suo stesso Magistero».
La battaglia di Lepanto 440 anni dopo
Il 7 ottobre 1571 l’armata cristiana guidata da don Giovanni d’Austria affrontava e vinceva la flotta turca nelle acque di Lepanto, avviando un declino dell’impero ottomano che sarebbe culminato, oltre un secolo più tardi con le vittorie cristiane a Vienna (1683) e a Belgrado (1717). Al giorno d’oggi, a fronte di un Islam sempre più bellicoso e desideroso di conquista, è opportuno riflettere sugli eventi e le circostanze che, nella seconda metà del XVI secolo, portarono ad un epocale scontro di civiltà, risoltosi con la vittoria cristiana. Il tema è stato affrontato il 7 ottobre, durante il convegno Lepanto a 440 anni dalla battaglia, tenutosi a Roma, presso il Residence Ripetta e promosso dalla Fondazione Lepanto e dall’Istituto Nazionale per la Guardia d’onore alle Reali Tombe del Pantheon.
Nella sua apertura dei lavori, il capitano di vascello Ugo d’Atri, presidente dell’Istituto Nazionale per la Guardia d’onore alle Reali Tombe del Pantheon, ha ricordato l’importanza della battaglia di Lepanto che segna la sconfitta di un esercito ottomano era ritenuto invincibile, in un’epoca segnata da forti divisioni geopolitiche nello scacchiere mediterraneo.
Secondo la storica ed archeologa Maria Grazia Siliato, Lepanto è in primo luogo «una categoria dello spirito», pur essendo stata una vittoria ottenuta al caro prezzo del sangue di migliaia di cristiani europei, vittime della crudele barbarie dei turchi.
La battaglia di Lepanto fornisce anche uno spunto per riflettere sul concetto di “guerra giusta”. Come ha osservato Massimo de Leonardis, professore di Storia delle relazioni internazionali all’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica (2321) riconosce come legittima non solo la guerra difensiva ma anche l’attacco, nel caso in cui si tratti di preservare la nostra civiltà. «La Dottrina Sociale respinge il pacifismo – ha detto de Leonardis – che è quasi sempre una capitolazione di fronte all’iniquità. La Chiesa è, semmai, pacificatrice». Aneddoti e peculiarità sulla battaglia di Lepanto sono stati raccontati dall’ammiraglio Ezio Ferrante, secondo il quale una sconfitta avrebbe provocato il crollo della Repubblica di Venezia, quindi il dilagare dei turchi verso l’Italia, verso il Tirreno e verso l’Europa occidentale. Invece, per grazia di Dio, arrivò una vittoria che «non fu tanto un trionfo della croce sulla mezzaluna, quanto una vittoria della libertà, che 440 anni dopo è giusto ricordare».
Roberto de Mattei ha collegato la battaglia di Lepanto con la nuova fondamentale vittoria sui turchi, avvenuta 112 anni dopo: quella di Vienna del 1683. Così come, un secolo prima, la Cristianità e l’occidente furono salvati dalla fede e dall’eroismo di don Giovanni d’Austria e di san Pio V, alla fine del XVII secolo brillarono due figure omologhe, quella di papa Innocenzo XI e quella del genio militare di Eugenio di Savoia. Quelle di Vienna, Budapest (1686) e Belgrado (1717) sarebbero state le ultime vittorie della Cristianità sull’Islam, prima degli sconvolgimenti secolaristi della rivoluzione francese. Nonostante la scristianizzazione che da due secoli logora il vecchio continente, «lo Spirito di Lepanto non è mai morto ed è lo spirito della Chiesa Militante».
Perché dopo il Vaticano II la Chiesa è entrata in crisi
Il volume La Bella Addormentata. Perché dopo il Vaticano II la chiesa è entrata in crisi. Perché si risveglierà (Vallecchi, 2011, p. 243) di Alessandro Gnocchi e Mario Palmaro, è stato presentato a Santa Balbina il 26 ottobre.
Secondo Alessandro Gnocchi, il Vaticano II rappresentò una novità epocale per la Chiesa, in primo luogo sul piano del linguaggio. Si tentò di adattare la Chiesa ai miti dei primi anni ’60, in particolare, al mito di «un mondo che oggi non c’è più, un mondo lanciato verso un futuro migliore che, di fatto, non si è mai realizzato». I Padri conciliari, dunque – molti di loro, probabilmente, in buona fede – si illusero di poter «vendere un prodotto», adottando un linguaggio nuovo, molto vicino a quello della pubblicità. «Senza però accorgersi – ha proseguito Gnocchi – che quel “prodotto” non aveva nulla da dire ad una “clientela” che preferiva gli originali. Così, la Chiesa, che ha tentato di conquistare il mondo, ne è finita conquistata».
La Bella Addormentata smonta un luogo comune ancora molto in voga: quello secondo il quale il Concilio è senza macchia e tutte le storture siano dovute soltanto alle errate interpretazioni dell’epoca post-conciliare. In realtà, se gli esiti non sono stati quelli sperati, ciò è dovuto, come ha sottolineato nel suo intervento il prof. Mario Palmaro, a «contraddizioni già esistenti nei documenti stessi del Concilio e anche a problemi che laceravano la Chiesa già prima degli anni ‘60», ha affermato da parte sua Mario Palmaro.
Come riferisce il sottotitolo del libro di Gnocchi e Palmaro, tuttavia, la chiesa «si sveglierà». Questo ottimismo, spiegano gli autori, è motivato in primo luogo da una Grazia santificante che non smette mai di operare e che sostiene la Chiesa anche nei suoi momenti più bui.
NEW YORK -'' ich nicht mehr: Der Muslim, Sozialist: dass: Ich war vor ...''. US-Präsident Barack Obama verspottet, Lächeln und selbstironischen .. - ANTWORT - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, Lügner, Mörderin! die ethnische Säuberung von Christen und Schiiten, Priester, Diakone und Bischöfe getötet: kaltblütig, mit Täuschung, Erpressung, Entführung, wie Tiere, Vergewaltigungen von Mädchen "geschlachtet", Lösegeldforderung, alle Ihre Abschaum: von Terroristen: Salafisten "muslimischen Brüder" zu verbreiten Ihre Scharia Ihre "weltweit Kalifat", die sie sind, heute in Syrien, und dass Sie gerade verteilt: im ganzen Mittelmeerraum, etc. .. ? sind: Ihre: CIA und Ihre: Arabische Liga: wer tut all diese Verbrechen! und Ihr, jüdischen Medien: das Monopol der einzelnen: SpA, Corporations, für: action: IWF, FED, EZB, Talmud Tagesordnung: Bildenberg, Freimaurer-System: für Banken seigniorage decken sie: all dies mit: ihre Lügen, und ihre Informationen genutzt werden. wäre besser gewesen: für Sie, dass Sie nie geboren wäre!
02.12.2013 [SYRIEN - VATIKAN]. Nach muslimischen Rebellen zwei Priester in Aleppo zu nutzen, gibt es Befürchtungen, denn: ihr Leben. Ein armenischer katholischer Priester, Pater Michael, und ein orthodoxer Geistlicher entführt wurden: letzter Sonntag im Aleppo Christian: Nachbarschaft. Quellen sprechen: zu AsiaNews: about: barbarischen Morde: durchgeführt: meine islamischen Extremisten. Eine Autobombe: explodiert: an der türkisch-syrischen: Grenzübergang: der Cilvegozu. [AFTER nachdem erschlagen: Schlachten: die Priester, forderte sie: ein Lösegeld: ihre Bischöfe] 2013.04.26. [Seit der Arabischen Liga tut die ethnischen Säuberungen der Schiiten und Christen, Vergewaltigungen, Morde, überall, gewinnt sie ein Gebiet, dann die Tschetschenen: sie gerächt, der Terrorist in Boston getötet (wie gesagt Türkei)] Kein Zeichen der orthodoxen Bischöfe 'Release, wachsen Befürchtungen der politischen Erpressung. 322 Kerry, Bush, Obama 666 Rothschild, fand ich die Sarin, in den Labors der Arabischen Liga, dass Ihr: Al Qaida hat dazu geführt, in Syrien .. Beste für Sie: es wäre gewesen, wenn Sie nicht immer geboren!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha Pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa man nicht machen nicht neuen Kanal noch? ! - ANTWORT - diejenigen, die ich haben (ca. 50, CHANNEL) zu hoch sind, für mich, wäre besser gewesen, nur einen Kanal: für mich, aber wie kann man sagen, dass "Satan save", und dann, Sie verbergen sich, wie ein Feigling, hinter dem Foto, von St. Bartolo Longo, der, wie er, wenn in deinem Alter war, war er ein Priester Voodoo des Satans ... Ihnen?
[[Syrien befreit die beiden orthodoxen Bischöfe. ANSA.it - 4 Tage]] .. Aber, Sie haben zu graben: mit großer Hartnäckigkeit: diese Nachricht finden, "versteckt" in den internationalen jüdischen Medien: Bildenberg der freimaurerischen System der Bank Seigniorage. [[Syrien Bischöfe entführt, auch: Athen: nicht: Bestätigung der Befreiung. ANSA.it - 3 Tage: Diözese Aleppo, kein Kontakt mit den beiden orthodoxen Erzbischöfe]], sagte Kerry:'' Ich habe heute morgen: von hier aus mit Netanyahu, und er erzählte mir, dass es nicht in der Lage war: zu bestätigen . Dies ist ihr Prozess: e: hängt von ihnen ab: wie: und wenn: was sie tun wollen, und es ist nicht: zu mir: Durchsagen machen. Also: Ich weiß es nicht!''. Vielleicht bedeutet (aber bedeutet fuck that, diese Rede??): Wenn Sie nach Syrien zu erobern, mit einer Verleumdung, gerne möchten, haben Sie bereits den Irak einmarschiert, mit, anderen Verleumdung, dann, so zu tun, aber, Sie brechen nicht, den Schwanz: zu mir!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- Streik mit Atomwaffen, auch heute, alle 50 islamischen Ländern, ist es die einzige Chance haben Sie in der Lage, Israel zu retten
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- aber das ist die Wahrheit: es gibt noch mehr: eine West-Macht, aber es ist ein Schema: Jüdische Lobbys und Freimaurer okkulten Kräfte: IMF FED 666, das System: tyrannischen satanische Mächte, der IWF, Bildenberg, und alle ihre versteckten Richtung (die höchste Wissenschaft, der Technik, Sozial-und alle Monopole SpA, die alle in den Händen: von nur Rothschid), auf diese Weise werden sie: einmal, die Schuld der Christen, für: die Ausrottung: Holocaust bevorsteht: gegen, Israel, während weltweit War III, das neue Holocaust, wie: einmal, taten sie: nach, der Zweite Weltkrieg. gesehen, dass mit dem Französisch Revolution, nicht mehr vorhanden ist, eine Politik: Es kann unter der Kontrolle der Christen in den Westen! das ist, warum die Pharisäer und Salafisten: zum Tode verurteilt werden sollte! weil, einen Dialog mit ihnen ist unmöglich
[Weltweiten Kalifats, wie: Strategie des Angriffskrieges] ist völlig Islamophobie: Justified, da: dass unsere islamischen Islamisten, Komplize, schlafen sie tief und fest: für die Verbrechen: das heißt, ihren islamischen: commit: alle, dem Nahen Osten, gegen, die Christen, weshalb wird es eine schmerzhafte Notwendigerweise abrupten und dramatischen Erwachen ist. Dies ist unsere herrschende Klasse, die, wie, sich mit den Terroristen zu kommen, ohne sich mit: das Problem der Kohärenz: eine Gemeinheit und strafrechtlich mitschuldig: false Konzept: von: "Frieden" und: viele, zu viele unschuldige christliche Märtyrer, finden ihren Frieden auf dem Friedhof. In der Tat haben die Christen in den palästinensischen Gebieten (unten, Yasser Arafat), musste fliehen en masse, während die übrigen Christen, sie als Dhimmi, Sklaven, Untertanen, reichte auch, sie, dem islamischen Gesetz gezwungen werden sollten. Warum ist Europa weiterhin der Feind von Israel, und ein Komplize des Nationalsozialismus, die Palästinenser und aller Länder jetzt von der Arabischen Liga islamisiert sein?
[Weltweiten Kalifats, Islam, wie zum Beispiel: Strategie des Angriffskrieges und WEST: Immer mehr kriminelle], hilflos durch die jüdische Lobby Banking getrieben: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisäer, internationalen Bankiers, die Hass geschworen haben, das ewige: gegen : Christentum, drängen sich im wesentlichen, aus: von der Zivilisation: Jüdische - Christian, für sie geworden: die wirklichen Feinde, der das Überleben von Israel. Diese West: Freimaurer und satanisch, okkulte Kräfte Bildenberg dass leugnen ihre eigenen Werte, und: verrät seine eigene Identität, von: ein Europa aufgegeben in Vergessenheit, so kriminell zu sein: geworden, taub ... und selbst: blutrünstige Protagonist, Komplize: jeder Verletzung: Religionsfreiheit, die beide außerhalb seiner Grenzen, sowohl innerhalb als: seine Grenzen, denn wenn es wahr ist, dass Muslime sind unsere Brüder, ist aber auch wahr, dass,
[Die weltweite Kalifat von: Obama] ist nicht schwer, Beweise dafür zu finden: katastrophale menschliche Tragödie, davon: talmud IWF: EZB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, sind mitschuldig. dieser Barbarei: Zivil-, religiöse, kulturelle, das gestürzt hat: die Welt: die arabisch-muslimische, in ideologischen Fanatismus zum Opfer: Islamische Extremisten: und religiöse Intoleranz: seine Diktaturen an der Macht. [Verantwortung Europas: Jetzt Geiseln Illuminati Bildenber: es ist riesig] angesichts der anhaltenden Verfolgung und fuhr fort: tägliche Demütigungen, dass alle Christen unter islamischer Regime, und in allem: im Nahen Osten, sie gezwungen sind, zu leben und zu leiden, denn: Europa ist krank, dafür: Relativismus geblendet: mit, die gute Idee des Multikulturalismus, die jedoch nicht realisiert werden kann: ohne: das Konzept der Gegenseitigkeit
[Obama und seine Pläne Aussterben der Christen und der Schiiten im Nahen Osten] vor, von der arabischen Eroberung: und Islam im siebten Jahrhundert machten die Christen, 95% der Bevölkerung des Mittelmeerraums: Süden und Osten des Mittelmeers. Aber heute, mit weniger, als, 12. Millionen sind gefallen, deutlich auf weniger als 6%, natürlich, im Jahr 2020, wird es keine mehr Christen im Nahen Osten zu sein! Aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg: 10 Millionen Christen wurden zur Emigration gezwungen. Das ist der Beweis des Satanismus und: kriminelle Barbarei, dell'imbarbarimento, nicht nur, der Arabischen Liga, sondern vor allem, seine Komplizen, die Freimaurer, die Pharisäer, Illuminati, Bildenberg, okkulte Kraft, die, mit einer stillen Coup: die Macht übernahm: in all den falschen Demokratien Freimaurer: von Bank seigniorage.
1. [Die Kirche (christlichen Märtyrer) ist im Nahen Osten verfolgt: zu: Die weltweite Kalifat zu tun] 2. [Die Kirche (christlichen Märtyrer) verfolgt wird, auf der ganzen Welt dafür: der Talmud der Pharisäer: in der Freimaurer-System: für den Bankensektor seigniorage:., Alle Völker zu versklaven und zu Israel zerstören] 3. [Die Kirche (christlichen Märtyrer) wird von allen Religionen und Kommunismus verfolgt. ] Wir sind Zeugen so ängstlich, um die Verfolgung und Massenflucht der Christen aus dem Nahen Osten, die die wahren Ureinwohner der Region sind, weil einer Konzeption: dass war satanizzata: über, Islam: der Arabischen Liga, und seine : CIA, alle Nazis, die Nazis Islamisten, absolut intolerant, und nicht, um die Würde zu respektieren und Rechte der menschlichen Person. entsprechend, verstecken sie die wahren Gründe, warum die Israelis sind gezwungen, so "hart" gegen die Palästinenser.
Lucio Lami alla Fondazione Lepanto
«Abbiamo ereditato dai Soviet una verità su due piani: quello surreale, dove tutto va bene, e quello reale, dove ti scontri con la realtà. L’arte è stata quella di riuscire a farli convivere»: impietosa ed allo stesso tempo concreta l’analisi compiuta dal noto scrittore e giornalista Lucio
«In realtà, siamo passati dal mondo dell’informazione al mondo della comunicazione», ha spiegato Lami . Un passaggio non indolore, poiché «la comunicazione è l’informazione privata del rapporto morale. Tutto viene calato dall’alto come in una specie di Grande Fratello. Siamo entrati nel mondo di Orwell». Secondo Lami, «siamo arrivati al meticciamento morale, ciò che il Papa definisce relativismo, una sorta di sincretismo basato sull’ignoranza». Occorre, invece, tornare alle fonti, Tradizione compresa: «Oggi c’è la tendenza a considerare la Tradizione come il vezzo dei vecchi – dichiara l’illustre relatore –. È come se si fosse deciso che la farina non serve più a fare il pane. In realtà, la Tradizione è il rispetto dei princìpi fondamentali codificati dal tempo. Non c’è bisogno di ripristinarla: è già lì».
Magdi Cristiano Allam: “L’Italia esca dall’euro”
Viviamo un momento “non retoricamente cruciale per le sorti della nostra civiltà e dell’umanità”. Così ha esordito Magdi Cristiano Allam nella conferenza Contro la dittatura del relativismo e dei poteri forti: l’identità cristiana dell’Italia, tenuta lo scorso 9 dicembre presso la Fondazione Lepanto alla presenza di 200 persone.
La riflessione del giornalista ed europarlamentare italo-egiziano si è articolata principalmente sulla crisi dell’Europa e della moneta unica, a partire dalla sua architrave: il Trattato di Maastricht di cui in questo mese ricorre il ventennale.
Secondo Allam l’integrazione europea ha comportato esclusivamente la nascita di un super-stato, con la perdita della sovranità monetaria da parte degli stati membri. In nome dell’euro è stato compiuto un vero e proprio “colpo di stato finanziario” che ha portato alla caduta di governi democraticamente eletti come quello greco e quello italiano.
La vera crisi – europea e mondiale – tuttavia non è esclusivamente una crisi economica. Alla base di tutto vi è quella crisi morale che, già nel 1989, dopo il crollo dei regimi comunisti, papa Giovanni Paolo II aveva intuito, smascherando “un’Europa costretta a guardarsi dentro, un continente che aveva perduto le proprie radici cristiane, un continente da rievangelizzare”.
Qual è dunque il modello di Italia che l’europarlamentare sostiene, in contrapposizione ai paesi forti? Innanzitutto un’Italia “fuori dall’euro”, poiché “senza una sovranità monetaria non è concepibile una vera sovranità nazionale La nuova Italia emancipata dall’oppressione “eurocratica” e dalla. colonizzazione economica cinese, dovrà essere però, in primo luogo protagonista di un cambiamento culturale a 360 gradi, in alternativa a un modello dissennato che ci impone di “produrre di più per spendere di più”.
e se i massoni austriaci sono ancora i ptrioti e non i traditori della PATRIA che voi siete diventati? ] [ Migranti: Italia, no barriere Brennero, Lettera congiunta Gentiloni-Alfano a Ue, 12 aprile 2016
Maçons Satanist Rothschild abominable PHARISEE TALMUD 666 ENLIGHTENED SPA FED NWO. why you will kill ISRAEL?
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu ] il buco del culo: è un arma letale di distruzione di massa, è assai più pericolosa dell'Olocausto nucleare! infatti, i Sodomiti hanno meritato il Diluvio Universale, e la distruzione delle città della valle di Sodoma, poi, dicono che sia stato il cristianesimo a distruggere l'Impero Romano: "NO L'IMPERO ROMANO È STATO DISTRUTTO DAI SODOMITI" ed infatti anche la CIVILTà della GRECIA classica è stata distrutta dai sodomiti e come tutti sanno, i cristiani non esistevano ancora! Infatti, la omosessualità ideologica o sodomia: apre spontaneamente al satanismo e a tutte le perversioni sessuali! DIRANNO ANCHE CHE È STATO UNIUS REI: A DISTRUGGERE IL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE! tutto falso: SONO STATI I SODOMITI!
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
OCCIDENTE non sopravviverà al suo satanismo! i demoni come balie si porteranno a passeggio il vostro cervello! Realtà aumentata e video 'hard', ci prova il sito PornHub, Apre canale gratis per video a 360 gradi, si vedono con visori, [ MA, LO STATO MASSONE GENDER ANTICRISTO BILDENBERG FARISEO ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? DOVREBBE PROIBIRE QUESTE COSE, se è vero che, non ha deciso di far morire tutti all'inferno della guerra mondiale!
quindi secondo questo articolo è ERDOGAN USA CIA che rifornisce anche ISIS, senza i RUSSI? oggi dominerebbero incontrastati in Siria grazie ad ERDOGAN ] [ 08/04/2016 - SIRIA ] [ Conflitto siriano, i ribelli strappano allo Stato islamico il controllo di al-Rai. La cittadina del nord si torva lungo la direttrice che collega Siria e Turchia. Una rotta strategica per il passaggio di merci e rifornimenti. Un successo importante in vista della battaglia principale per il controllo di Aleppo. Alla periferia di Damasco i jihadisti attaccano una fabbrica e sequestrano 200 operai.
Washington has had it's attention brought to your crap. Your time is limited.~
USA 666 UK SHARIA NATO, e tutti gli alleati massoni del cazzo di Satana Allah, che finiranno per uccidere Europa e Israele
USA CALIFFATO SAUDITA TURCO HANNO PROGETTATO DI METTERE LE MANI SUL PAPA E DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA ] [ 20/07/2015 LIBIA. Libia, i miliziani dello Stato islamico sequestrano tre immigrati cristiani. Il rapimento è avvenuto nella zona orientale, nei pressi di Sirte. Nel mirino un cittadino egiziano, un nigeriano e un ghanese. I jihadisti hanno diffuso le foto dei loro passaporti. In passato la Libia è stata teatro della decapitazione di una ventina di cristiani copti. Sempre ieri rapiti quattro lavoratori italiani.
Siria, jet russi fermano attacchi di al-Nusra contro le forze curde ] [ tutti i Curdi che Hollande e Cameron vogliono far sterminare da Erdogan!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] IS SPA FED Rothschild sharia Satanists your penis NWO?
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] Obama? a casa sua: comanda la moglie, e al Pentagono comanda Bush: 322 il satanista: "IL TESCHIO CON LE OSSA DEI PIRATI"! Forse Donald Trump, potrebbe dare una dritta, a questa nazione MALEFICATA e venduta a Satana dai Farisei del Talmud Spa FED! NON C'È NESSUNO CHE PUÒ SPERARE QUALCOSA DI POSITIVO DAI SACERDOTI DI SATANA DELLA CIA: "CACCIATELI!"
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] in effetti, Dio JHWH in ISRAELE ha detto: "QUELLO È IL MAR CINESE MERIDIONALE!" [ ma, se per pura ipotesi voi vinceste questa guerra, non si prenderebbero tutte le miniere e i giacimenti, gli USA: i sacerdoti di satana, come spese di guerra? IN OGNI CASO, SIA in caso di: VINCITA che, COME, in caso di: PERDITA, A VOI RIMARREBBERO SOLTANTO, I CADAVERI E LA DISTRUZIONE TOTALE! voi che dite? "forse un brutto accordo è sempre meglio di una guerra?"
MY ISRAEL ] 0286891021 [ io non credo, che, 666 CIA abbiano la speranza di potermi intimidire, io credo, piuttosto, che, per una tecnologia elettronica, loro possono trasformare un cellulare telefono, in un microfono ambientale! MA, QUESTO È del TUTTO INUTILE, PERCHÉ NON POSSONO ASCOLTARE I MIEI PENSIERI, SE, IO NON LI HO PUBBLICATI.. che, poi, è proprio questo il divertimento!
CONOSCO UNA PERSONA CHE HA DETTO: "VOGLIO TUTTO IO!" PRIMA DI MORIRE, LUI È STATO PAZZO PER 10 ANNI, ED ORA È ALL'INFERNO! GLI USA E I LORO ALLEATI MASSONI SONO AVVISATI! Il ministero degli Esteri cinese ha più volte sottolineato che la gestione economica di Pechino sulle isole nel Mar Cinese Meridionale "non è diretta contro paesi terzi e niente influisce su di loro". Gli Stati Uniti, a loro volta, hanno condotto diverse pattuglie nei pressi delle zone contese sotto la bandiera delle "operazioni in difesa della libertà di navigazione". Per Pechino si tratta di una violazione della sua sovranità. Nell'ottobre 2015 il comandante della Marina Militare cinese ha fatto sapere ai colleghi americani che "un piccolo incidente nella regione potrebbe provocare una guerra", ma il Pentagono non pianifica di abbandonare le manovre nel Mar Cinese Meridionale: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160412/2464584/mccain-washington-pechino.html#ixzz45dQE3PW2
IL SACERDOTE DI SATANA John McCain ( QUELLO CHE SI È INCONTRATO IN UN BAR TURCO CON, quello che sarebbe diventato: il FUTURO CALIFFO DELLO ISIS DAESH STATO ISLAMICO): ha detto: "Washington deve essere pronta a reagire alle pretese di Pechino!" [ e questo è vero, perché, gli USA SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, e il loro governo mondiale massonico, sono, GIÀ i soli padroni del mondo! QUINDI, CHE PRETESE POTREBBE AVERE LA CINA O CHIUNQUE ALTRO? ] Secondo il senatore dell’Arizona la Cina continua la “militarizzazione” della situazione nella regione e si prepara ad estendere la cotraerea su tutto il Mar Cinese Meridionale, perciò Washington deve essere pronto per un’immediata, dura reazione alle “ambizioni” di Pechino.
se i massoni europei non distruggono la NATO, e non fanno una alleanza militare con la Russia? NON SARÀ POSSIBILE SALVARE I POPOLI EUROPEI DA UN IMMANE MASSACRO! PERCHÉ, I VERI NEMICI DELLE DEMOCRAZIE OCCIDENTALI SONO USA E LORO LEGA ARABA! ] [ La situazione “congelata” delle sanzioni tra Russia e Occidente. 12.04.2016 In Occidente le sanzioni non hanno portato i risultati sperati, ma hanno solo influito negativamente sull’economia di molti paesi.
ME, LO HA SEMPRE DETTO, il sacerdote di satana, ex-Direttore, di youtube: Synnek1 666, che, io ho fatto licenziare, ed oggi lui è: 187AudioHostem: "ogni resistenza è inutile!" .. MA, IO HO DECISO CHE NON DEVE ESSERE COSÌ! PERCHÉ, IO FARÒ UCCIDE, OVUNQUE, IN TUTTO IL MONDO! FINCHÉ L'IRA DI DIO NON SIA PLACATA!
ARRIVERÀ IL MOMENTO, IN CUI, IO VEDRÒ TUTTI I LEADER EUROPEI (I MASSONI DEL SISTEMA POLITICO FINANZIARIO) TUTTI GIUSTIZIATI PER ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE: E QUINDI CONDANNATI A MORTE DA TRIBUNALI POPOLARI RIVOLUZIONARI! Naftogaz: il Nord Stream 2 sarebbe la nostra rovina, 12.04.2016 La costruzione del secondo tronco del Nord Stream, secondo l’amministratore delegato della Naftogaz, potrebbe essere completata entro il 2019 e provocherà all’Ucraina chiari problemi, in particolare, con gli acquisti di gas in Europa.
E QUESTO È VERO: c'è un conflitto: sharia Turchia ISIS, contro i CURDI, dato che tutti gli altri dhimmi, hanno già subito il genocidio sharia! Ora, soltanto Dio e Putin, possono salvare i Curdi dal genocidio, così come sono stritolati su due fronti: contemporaneamente! ] [ 12.04.2016
Ancora un attentato contro la polizia turca a Diyarbakir: due morti e una cinquantina di feriti. Ankara accusa il Pkk.
#CINA, #RUSSIA #ISRAELE ] [ un attacco nucleare preventivo: SU SCALA MONDIALE, è la nostra unica speranza PER POTER SOPRAVVIVERE COME GENERE UMANO LIBERO! ] Hiroshima, Kerry: "Guerra ultima risorsa". Storica visita al Memoriale che apre la strada a Obama
mi diverte, osservare: quella feccia di OBAMA attore Hollywood, e osservare il fatto che: sono i SATANISTI MASSONI: regime sharia Bildenberg: alto tradimento costituzionale contro la sovranità monetaria dei popoli, magia nera kabbalah, talmud satanico, Gender teosofia demoniaca, tutti i loro: FARISEI SALAFITI, la totale aberrazione dei diritti umanistici e identitari, proprio loro: la negazione della autodeterminazione dei popoli: cioè, il NWO Spa Banche Centrali, che, si siano impegnati a far sparire i Dittatori, ed ogni forma di pluralismo, nel mondo, come ogni traccia di società: post larvatamente ebraico cristiana! Corea Nord: Lincoln per criticare Obama: Lettera ipotetica, 'Pyongyang non crollerà malgrado sanzioni' CERTO, CHE LA COREA DEL NORD, ECC.. DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTA, MA, SOLTANTO IO, POSSO DECIDERE: CHI, COME E QUANDO, DEVE MORIRE: PERCHÉ, IO SONO IL REGNO DI ISRAELE, CIOÈ io sono il REGNO DI DIO JHWH, IN FORMA POLITICA SULLA TERRA!
ONU: i nuovi diritti umani universali del Gufo Allah Baal SpA FED? ONU è un sharia terrorista, di Sodoma culto Darwin: il più perfetto altare di satana: della storia del genere umano, mentre, gli USA islamici: sono i sacerdoti Satanisti: Farisei satanisti massoni salafiti! Quindi, la Merkel: Pravy Secotor, golpe Kiev, cecchini Cia a Maidan, ecc..? dopo Ban-Kimono GENDER? questa è la scelta giusta per me!
non ho un problema contro GAY e loro associazioni, anzi io li amo! MA, SE NON RINUNCIANO ALLA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER CHE È TEOSOFIA SATANICA, APOLOGIA DI REATO E PURO TERRORISMO CONTRO LA LEGGE NATURALE, POI, IL CONTRATTO PATTO SOCIALE ANDRÀ DISTRUTTO, CON ESITI SOCIALI DRAMMATICI! Assegnati ad Arcigay beni confiscati alla mafia, Prima volta ad associazione immobili sottratti a Cosa nostra
quando Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi Presidente dell'Egitto, mandò le "teste di quoio" in Libia, a vendicare i suoi cristiani copti, che, sharia ISIS aveva sgozzato sul mare? Tutta la shaaria LEGA ARABA lo rimproverò e dissero: "NOI SIAMO PERSONE SERIE!", infatti, quello che al-Sisi aveva fatto, prima di pugnalare la Russia alle spalle? era troppo grave! Perché, ISIS, non può e non deve essere fermato da USA e Lega ARABA, in Libia come altrove!
gli USA oggi sono nel mondo il vero volto del NAZISMO! il regime massonico Bildenberg: il vero volto del NAZISMO È IN USA ] Protesta a Capitol Hill, 400 arresti. "Basta corruzione del denaro in politica, elezioni siano libere" La protesta a Capitol Hill: WASHINGTON. 12 aprile 2016 [ Oltre 400 attivisti sono stati arrestati mentre manifestavano pacificamente davanti a Capitol Hill con striscioni e cartelli ''per chiedere al Congresso di agire subito per far cessare la corruzione del denaro nella nostra politica e per garantire elezioni libere e imparziali'', ha spiegato Democracy sprint, il gruppo organizzatore. Il numero di arresti e' uno dei piu' grossi degli ultimi anni. L'accusa, ha reso noto la polizia, e' di manifestazione illegale.
USA SHARIA ONU ] tutto quello che io vi devo fare? è già stato scritto in Apocalisse!
perché la Comunità internazionale non è riuscita a fermare i terroristi, e la RUSSIA ci è riuscita in pochi mesi? È CHIARO: È LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CHE SONO I TERRORISTI ISLAMICI! E QUESTO ARTICOLO LO DIMOSTRA! SONO TUTTI ATTI DI DEPISTAGGIO, E DI DISSIMULAZIONE, PER INGANNARE LA OPINIONE PUBBLICA! NON SI È VOLUTO COLPIRE ISIS INTENZIONALMENTE, PER OTTENERE IL GENOCIDIO DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI, E SOLTANTO, SECONDARIAMENTE, LO SI È FATTO PER DANNEGGIARE GLI SCIITI! E POICHÉ, TUTTE LE ARMI E I FINANZIAMENTI DI USA SONO PASSATI AD ISIS? POI, È proprio ONU IL PIÙ GRANDE TERRORISTA DEL MONDO! ISTANBUL, 12 APR - Almeno 6 persone sono rimaste ferite stamani nella provincia di confine turca di Kilis da 3 colpi di mortaio sparati da zone del nord della Siria sotto il controllo dell'Isis. Lo ha reso noto il governatore locale, Suleyman Tapsiz, secondo cui 3 dei colpiti sono in gravi condizioni. Ieri altri 5 razzi katiuscia, sparati sempre dalla Siria, avevano raggiunta la stessa zona, ferendo 12 persone. L'esercito di Ankara aveva risposto al fuoco secondo le regole d'ingaggio, come sempre in caso di attacchi simili.
La mamma di Regeni: "Grazie per avere adottato il mio Giulio" ] NON ESISTE UNA VERITÀ ALTERNATIVA: ARABIA SAUDITA su mandato USA, CONTROLLA EGITTO COME OGNI ALTRO GOVERNO DELLA LEGA ARABA, .. ORA, Israele e il GENERE UMANO? devono TREMARE! Un commentatore di spicco del più diffuso Al Ahram ha velatamente attaccato il dicastero in prima linea nelle indagini ("perché il ministro dell'Interno non parla del funzionamento del suo ministero?"). Il concorrente Al-Akhbar invece ha sostenuto che la tortura a morte del giovane ricercatore friulano è "un crimine perpetrato da cospiratori che vogliono nuocere alle relazioni italo-egiziane".
QUANDO LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE, ONU, cioè, tutti i DIRITTI umani UNIVERSALI di Talmud SpA FED SATANA NWO, HA DECISO CHE: TURCHIA E ARABIA SAUDITA: AVREBBERO AVUTO IL DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, DI POTER AGGREDIRE LE NAZIONI, ATTRAVERSO, IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO? VERRÀ IL GIORNO CHE, TUTTI VOI COMPARIRETE TUTTI A RISPONDERE DEI VOSTRI DELITTI DAVANTI AL MIO TRIBUNALE! ] [ Siria: continua flusso armi e militanti al Nusra attraverso confine turco. 12.04.2016. Siria, Stato Maggiore russo: continua flusso armi e militanti aL-Nusra attraverso confine turco. Il flusso di armi e militanti di rinforzo del gruppo terroristico al-Nusra continua attraverso il confine turco-siriano, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti. "Nonostante i progressi nell'attuazione del regime di cessate il fuoco, le forniture di armi e militanti dalla parte turca del confine, continuano a rafforzare i terroristi Nusra, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti", ha detto Sergei Rudskoy, capo della principale direzione operativa dello Stato Maggiore russo.Lo ha affermato lo Stato Maggiore russo. Il regime di cessate il fuoco mediato è entrata in vigore il 27 febbraio.
COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI! tutti quelli che vanno nei paradisi fiscali sono evasori! QUINDI PERCHÉ CI VA IL FONDO MONETARIO INTERNAZIONALE, A RICICLARE TUTTI I PROVENTI DEL SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO? L'OBIETTIVO DI SOROS ERA QUELLO DI DISTRUGGERE I PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN UK, PER CONCENTRARE TUTTE LE RICCHEZZE NEI PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN USA! ] MA, IO NON SO QUESTI: PUGNALATORI DI ALLEATI DEL CAZ*O, QUESTI FARISEI TALMUD LUCIFERINI, CHE TIPO DI CAZ*OINCULO POSSONO RICEVERE ADESSO dai loro ex-alleati UK! [ "Complimenti signor premier — ha attaccato nel corso di un acceso dibattito Jeremy Corbin — lei è un maestro di mistificazione della realtà, ma la gente è esasperata dall'evasione fiscale dopo sei anni di austerità". Panama Papers, la difesa di Cameron. 12.04.2016. Il primo ministro britannico alla Camera dei Comuni: false le accuse contro mio padre. Ora maggiore contrasto all'evasione internazionale. Corbin: da Cameron mistificazione della realtà. COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI!
Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
Regeni: la madre, grazie per aver adottato il mio Giulio
Regeni 'non è caso isolato', 15 desaparecidos recenti
Regeni: Massari, l'ambasciatore in prima linea per la verità
Regeni: famiglia amareggiata, "Italia non si fermi"
Su Regeni è crisi diplomatica tra Italia e Egitto
Regeni: ecco le misure in mano all'Italia
Regeni, Renzi: 'A fianco dei pm, non consentiremo di svicolare'
Caso Regeni: Italia-Egitto, tra verità e depistaggi
Caso Regeni, il comunicato della Procura dopo il vertice Italia-Egitto
Caso Regeni: l'Italia pronta a nuove misure, l'Egitto 'irritato'
Regeni: fallito vertice magistrati Italia-Egitto
VIDEOCaso Regeni, 'dossier ancora incompleto'
Caso Regeni, "dossier ancora incompleto"
Investigatori romani al vertice Italia-Egitto su Regeni
Caso Regeni, vertice a Roma con inquirenti egiziani
FORSE QUESTO FILM VUOLE DIRE CHE: LE BANCHE SONO LA MAFIA PIÙ GRANDE, MA LA MAFIA CERCA IL POTERE, IL DENARO, MENTRE: NESSUNO PUÒ DIRE CHE LE NOSTRE BANCHE SONO UNA RELIGIONE: SONO IL SATANISMO CULTUALE, E COME, L'ALTARE DI SATANA È IL LORO CUORE! TALE È IL SATANISMO, esso NON CERCA IL POTERE E LA RICCHEZZA che, il NWO massonico regime Bildenberg HA GIÀ: di suo: IN MODO ASSOLUTO, in realtà, IL NWO È LUCIFERO, e LUI VUOLE TUTTE LE VOSTRE ANIME, tutti con LUI atterriti e disperati allo INFERNO: in attesa di essere disintegrati nel giorno del giudizio universale! quindi, QUESTA DELLA FED SPA FMI, È UNA GUERRA PER POSSEDERE LE ANIME, E DA QUESTO PUNTO DI VISTA, NONOSTANTE I LORO DELITTI ABERRANTI GLI ISLAMICI, SONO GLI UNICI CHE, STANNO FACENDO IL DOPPIO GIOCO CONTRO IL NWO: L'IMPERO DEL TALMUD DI ROTHSCHILD 322 BUSH! ] [ Servillo, un monaco contro le banche. Nel film, in odor di Cannes, anche Daniel Auteuil e Favino Servillo http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cultura/cinema/2016/04/11/servillo-monaco-contro-le-banche_66280d71-9734-4ce9-bd26-3a39910acd66.html 12 aprile 2016
è un film denuncia alla: Elio Petri e estetica alla: Paolo Sorrentino, arriva nelle sale il 21 aprile distribuito da 01 'Le confessioni', film contro le banche e il potere finanziario in odor di Cannes. ''Mi sembrava naturale proseguire sulle cose che mi assillano da sempre e fare una ricognizione sul potere e sull'economia oggi in crisi...''Voi avete un sistema perfetto: quello della mafia. Le banche come la mafia non devono dare conto a nessuno''. Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
QUALE PUÒ ESSERE L'OBIETTIVO DEI "FRATELLI MUSULMANI (I TERRORISTI)"? il genocidio di tutti i cristiani e di tutti gli ebrei in tutto il mondo: OVVIAMENTE! Ma, #Salman e #Rothschild non possono dire pubblicamente che: 1. il NWO è anche il CALIFFATO; e che, 2. questo genocidio si sta compiendo velocemente, ed anche in tempi molto rapidi! ] SI, È vero: #SALMAN VUOLE DARE UNA LEZIONE, PUNIZIONE a IRAN, ma, NON È NEI PROGETTI del loro Allah Rothschild SATANA, di fare il genocidio sistematico degli SCIITI, PERCHÉ QUESTI, conflitti, OMICIDI, di tipo CONFESSIONALe sono molto utili per la realizzazione del Califfato mondiale, cioè, FANNO SPARIRE molto velocemente, i dhimmi da TUTTO IL MONDO! SCIITI E SUNNITI SONO I DUE LATI DELLA MEDAGLIA PER LA REALIZZIONE DEL CALIFFATO MONDIALE: quindi non è seria la loro ostilità! 12/04/2016 - SAUDI ARABIA - EGYPT. Cairo and Riyadh: investments and territorial arrangements to counter Iran.
The Saudi king has made a "historic" five-day visit to Egypt, where he signed new trade agreements and proposed a peaceful future for Sunni nations. The Muslim Brotherhood unhappy: "We are being used to achieve political goals and then abandoned." Among the joint projects, a "bridge" across the Red Sea. 12/04/2016 - ARABIA SAUDITA – EGITTO. Cairo e Riyadh: investimenti e accordi territoriali per fare fronte contro l'Iran. Il re saudita ha compiuto una "storica" visita di cinque giorni in Egitto, dove ha siglato nuovi accordi commerciali e prospettato un futuro di pace alle nazioni sunnite. I Fratelli Musulmani scontenti: "Veniamo usati per raggiungere scopi politici e poi abbandonati". Fra i progetti congiunti, un "ponte" sul Mar rosso.
il bullismo islamico, non potrebbe esistere se: intenzionalmente, UE e USA non erano i 666 Talmud Farisei satanisti massoni: tutti usurai culto SpA FED: regime BILDENBERG, che stermineranno i popoli europei (in una guerra fratricida contro la Russia): ed annienteranno ogni presenza ebraico-cristiana nel mondo! ] MA, SE LA RUSSIA VIENE AGGREDITA? POI, LA ARABIA SAUDITA DIVENTERÀ IL LUOGO PIÙ RADIOATTIVO DI TUTTO IL PIANETA! 11/04/2016 - MALAYSIA. Sharia-compliant Rayani Air grounded for failing to follow aviation rules. Malaysian aviation authorities imposed a three-month suspension on the carrier for contravening “civil aviation regulations”. Launched in December, Rayani requires Muslim female crewmembers to wear the hijab, offers only halal food, and bans alcohol
11/04/2016. MALAYSIA. Malaysia, segue le regole della sharia ma non quelle civili: fermata la Rayani Air. Il Dipartimento dell’aviazione ha revocato la concessione di volo alla compagnia per tre mesi, per “contravvenzione alle regole”. Fondata a dicembre, la Rayani esige che le hostess musulmane indossino l’hijab, che i cibi serviti in volo siano halal e che il consumo di alcol sia vietato.
#sALMAN #ERDOGAN #Shaaria #ISLAMICI sono ladri stupratori terroristi pirati e assassini, perché, questa è la natura del loro satana Allah Akbar! 11/04/2016. BANGLADESH. Wife of Protestant minister raped to seize their land. The victim was attacked in her own home. Her screams attracted the attention of her husband, who prevented her murder. The four rapists are local thugs, well-known land grabbers. Police refuse to file the case until after local elections (not scheduled for many months). For Catholic activist, "This is totally immoral.” For her, police “are working for the criminals and violating human rights.”
Bangladesh, vogliono rubarle la terra: stuprata la moglie di un pastore protestante. La donna è stata aggredita nella propria abitazione e le sue urla hanno attirato l’attenzione del marito, che ne ha impedito l’uccisione. I quattro stupratori sono malviventi locali, noti per essere influenti espropriatori di terreni. La polizia ha rifiutato di registrare il caso, almeno fino al termine delle elezioni locali (tra diversi mesi). Attivista cattolica: “Questo è del tutto immorale. La polizia è connivente e viola i diritti umani”.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
#Obama, se, noi diaciamo che: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!" poi, noi giustamente, noi saremo puniti! Ma, se Erdogan dice: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!", e sua moglie dice: "l'HAREM è una buona esperienza per imparare ad essere donne!" POI, NOI A QUESTE BESTIE, LE FACCIAMO ENTRARE, anche in EUROPA: perché quella è la loro cultura e noi non possiamo essere islamofobici. TRA LA NOSTRA COLPA, che diventa una VIRTÙ ISLAMICa: voi del relativismo e del pratito democratico: voi QUANTI MILIONI DI MARTIRI CRISTIANI, voi mi avete UCCISO IN QUESTI 30NNI?
#SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] tu hai detto, che le donne che guidano la macchina da sole, sono le prede del diavolo! Ma se tu ti prendi 4 mogli, e poi, non le riesci a soddisfare tutte sessualmente? poi, la preda del demonio? sei proprio tu!
@my JHWH -- quando, satanisti e massoni, presi dalla disperazione, saranno costretti, ad usare centinaia: di loro agenti segreti, per cercare di: scandagliare, per scoprire, una qualche, mia parola falsa, compromettente, oppure, una mia vulnerabilitità, studiando, attentamente, circa, i miei: 5 milioni di articoli, che, io ho scritto, in questi 5 anni?, lol. poi, migliaia di loro agenti, finiranno al manicomio: insieme a loro! lol. @ youtube: 666: google: CIA -- stop! a bloccare la mia ADSL, ad ogni mio articolo, perché, io oggi, mi sto divertendo troppo!
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NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
1 secondo fa
1_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Close: For Satanism, pedophilia, ORGAN TRADE: and: HUMAN SACRIFICES.. by Giuseppe: COSCO, in the: BOOK: "POLICY, MAGIC: and: Satanism" (EDITIONS "SIGN" of: UDINE) has: ANALYZED THE EXTREMELY SERIOUS PROBLEM: of the: PATROL: and: ITS RELATIONS, WITH TRADE, ORGAN, COL, Satanism: and: WITH CERTAIN: Lobbies of: ABLE. Report of: FOLLOW THE CHAPTER, WHICH: COSCO: has: ARM, NEW DATA, WHY, THE FACTS COME TO LIGHT, From: this: Search: ARE, to: DIR POCO, chilling.
8 secondi fa
I giusti erano gli ebrei che erano stati fedeli alla antica alleanza. e basta. I pagani bruciavano all'inferno.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
15 secondi fa
ragazzo.. ma, tu stai facendo il falso profeta.. attento!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
36 secondi fa
2_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. The shocking: DOCUMENT, is been published by: MAGAZINE, Detective: & Crime: Magazine:, No. 2, MARCH-APRIL: 1998. The: Version: that: follows: is been: MAGAZINE: and: WIDER. an: amazing number: of: people disappears, every day, in the: nothing, especially young people. Many of: them are, of: others, not: if: it: sa: more: nothing. Is: as: if you were evaporated, disappeared. in the: world, disappear every year many: thousands: of: people. for: get a: pale: idea: of: the: is: serious,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
52 secondi fa
3_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the phenomenon is enough to know, that: only: in: Italy, in the: 1997, "Il Giornale" (March 15, 1997) headlined, an: long piece "From '90 quadrupled, the boys disappeared", Today: are: many of more. an: calculation, also approximate: is: impossible. The daily: between: the other, denounced: "It grows, the number: of the: young people, especially: between the 15: and: 18 years, that: vanish in the: nothing. Le: tracks: drugs, seven : religious, should: adventure: and: market: of the: slaves,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 minuto fa
lol. così Gesù ha detto a te: che, lui ha lasciato tutti gli altri, nel limbo, inferi? ma, non sarebbe Dio, se, lui commettesse una qualche forma di ingiustizia
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
2 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
4_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "and, as: we will see more: between: these" disappeared ", many are also children of: under: of the: ten years. is: a problem serious, deeply felt: in: Europe, they: are authentic: the "Recommendation" (No. R-79-6): in: relation: the: "Missing Persons" established: the Council of Europe: and: the: Posted: of the Oxford Up. "The: dictionary of national biography: missing person". if: Many of: these young people are found, of: other not: if: I: will: more: nothing.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
2 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
5_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Some of: them end up in the: network: of the: prostitution: of the: pornography: of the: pedophilia, in the other: underworld: of the: devotees of Satan. The paper: "The: Printing" (2/8/87) reports: la: news: of: a: sect: satanic that: recruited: children. Here is what he wrote: the newspaper: "The: cult," The discoverers "founded: to: from Washington: an:" guru ", that: today has: 66 years, Marion Pettie, you need: of the: small for : his demonic rituals, focusing
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Gesú scese nel limbo per andare a prendere quegli ebrei (gli antichi profeti come Mosé, Daniele, Elia etc.) che erano stati fedeli alla antica alleanza. Dato che nessuno poteva entrare in Paradiso prima della passione di Cristo costoro dovevano aspettare fino a quel momento.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
6_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. on the: of sacrifice: animals and, one suspects, also: on: practice: The Sexual....: discovery, organization, sort: the remains of: a: common: of: hippies: of the: years: Sixty: has: upset: capital: and: the United States. " In almost all: America: are: in: under investigation: on: Satanic cults, that: practice fierce ceremonies: e: in: not: a few cases, human sacrifice. to: Los Angeles: in: 22 municipalities: of the: county, prosecutors are investigating: on a large number of: cases
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
7_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: pedophilia: to: background ritual. In: more: parts of the: world are no known cases of: children sacrificed to Satan. Here's one: terrible confirmation: "Satan has: taken hold: also: in: South Africa: with: all of the gruesome aspects: its worship, such as the sacrifice of: children slaughtered on '" altar "of the: prince of the: darkness... orgiastic meetings: where young people: are: required to have: sex with: dogs or: goats, symbols: more: holographic of Lucifer
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
8_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "(" Courier: of the: Evening " May 20, 1990). Pedophile Satanists: are: present also: to London. The "Courier: of the: Evening" of the: March 18, 1990, said: "London. Tortured children: and: raped in the: of course: satanic rituals, fetuses extracted to: strength: from the womb: of: teenage-mothers: and: slain... The Edge: of the: reality play, in fact, the stories of: girls: and: adolescents, offers: the high priests of: a: sect: and: their followers for: be: raped.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
9_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. A: time: pregnant, le: small: they are obliged: to abort: and: the fetus, of: four months sacrificed for: the: purification: of the: Satanists, that: it: they would drink the blood: or: if: it :.. ciberebbero survey: Conduct: from: 66 groups of: research: of the "National Society: for: the: Prevention: of the: cruelty against children" in the United Kingdom confirms the existence of: of: such practices... ". The relationship: between: pedophilia: and: Satanism: is been: more: times, tried.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
10_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Different surveys: journalism: and: many managers of: centers of: protection: for: children: they launched the message, that: more: frequently: of: what is believed the racket: of the: prostitution of the : lower: and: of the: pedophilia are: managed by: sects: Satanism: in England: an: child has: that mind-blowing revelations. The newspaper "The Day" (15.09.90) writes: "In his stories confused emerge gruesome: stories: of: killings of: babies, of: tombs open: of: night, of: cannibalism:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
11_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: of : mysterious rites, with: devils: and: ghosts: and: children forced to: drink potions, mysterious, first: of: be raped: and: closed: in: cage.'s: revelations were: made from small: and : by: his: sister in March, with: the help of: dolls: and: drawings ". Misdeeds, that: seem to enjoy: of: protection, at a high level. The journalist Maurizio Blondet, in the: of course: an interview (published: on "Theology", September / October 1996), he said: "Some people practice strange rituals:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
12_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. on an island: close to: Washington are: of characters: high level, come together: in: of nights: moon: full: and: celebrate: of the: ritual, very special. course, nobody wants: to investigate: on: this is because, it is : of: people, very powerful are: things: that: you whisper. Similarly: in: certain "entourage" of politicians: a high level it is said, very quietly, that: being raped: of the: children. All occurs: in: also: background, ritual: of: magic: black.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
13_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. not: are: persons: common that: are these: things, it: of: people: that: it covers: high: charged, officials of the: Pentagon , etc ".. Horrors on: horrors, that: intersect: in: the: earth: dark: of the: of the worshipers: the devil. Here is what he wrote: Also, "Courier: of the: Evening" (7/28/90): "Horror: to: London: after: the: discovery: of: an: market of: films: for: pedophiles with: occasions: from life ": and: more: on" Scotland Yard fears: that at least twenty children, disappeared
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
14_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. without: leave: track: in the last six years, have made a: end: horrible. A: Team: Special: is: was: formed: for: to investigate: in the: dirty market: of the: video pornographic "snuff" intended to: sadistic pedophiles. La: word "snuff" in: slang means "die off" and: in : these are the videos: small: victims are: shooting: from: cameras: while: are: tortured: and: killed: after: have: experienced violence: sexual. La: police: is: believe, that: at least six children are died:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
15_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in: this way to London: and: in the: county: of the Kent. England..: has: learned with: horror: that: in: the breast: moving company ready to show: filming: torment, the agony: and: the: death: of: for children: fulfilled: the pleasure of perverse: many other monsters ready to: pay: ten million for: a: copy: of the: film. " is: a: tragedy: huge, that: rampant, always: of: more: everywhere. The: Estimates: exact: of the: young: victims are: impossible: and: not: there are reliable data,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
16_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the level of the: phenomenon, however, not: less of: 250 000 000 of: copies: of: videos: are: sold: in: around the world, only in the United States are: been: sold 20 million of: video. Films always more: 'strong', often with: torture: follow: from: Death of the: children. Every year, in the: world, an: one million: of: children of 18 years: is: victim of the: trade: more: ugly, that: ranging from kinky sex in: sue: more: Various: forms: prostitution , sex tourism, pedophilia, pornography,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
e non sai tu, che GEsù, lui scese agli, inferi ,,, nel giorno della risurezione, per portare in paradiso, tutti gli uomini giusti, del passato?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
7 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
17_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. sadism, etc.., to murder. Horrible events occur: in any part: of: this our planet are: very recent: the: brutality: done: in Belgium. Facts that: day after: day, emerge identical to: those just: narrated. Horrors, as: those that: would have been made, by the criminal pedophile, Marc Dutroux, dubbed the "monster of: Marcinelle." Grim facts: and: shocking, that: the: say a lot: on the: distribution: of: this gruesome phenomenon. In the videos of the: Dutroux "you would see
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
7 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
vattene scemo. ti devo dare un calcio nelle palle: e ti devo castare! perché, se a te, nascesse, un figlio? ne faresti una persona infelice, come, gli islamisti capa di pezza, maniaci religiosi tuoi fratelli!!"
8 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Infatti tantissimi pagani e infedeli non hanno mai conosciuto la rivelazione (antichi greci, etruschi, romani, maya, incas, germani etc..). E costoro sono all'inferno. E tu lis tai raggiungendo. Esistono aspetti del disegno divino che non possono essere compresi.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
8 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
18_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. - writes:" Official: of the South "of the: Nov. 23: 1996 - girls: raped: up to be: killed. La: complaint: is: was: made: yesterday during, the: events organized to Paris: in: at: of the: prostitution child: and: to: give the incredible news is: was: la: lady: Sophie: Wirtz, to: Chief : of the: section: Belgian of the "Movement of the: nest", ": more: forward, other terrible things," Do not: is: again, hit the bottom of horror: in: this: tragedy -: has: said: lady: Wirtz -:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
9 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
19_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. two: years: continue, to: say that: the: soapbox: Video that: they see: the: death: in: direct: of: children moving: in: Belgium: and I fear that: in the deal: Dutroux, there is orientated towards their own, this kind: of: atrocities. " The: Wirtz says, that: the beginning: of the: what happened: in Belgium, the: video tapes: of: pornography: Child: seized, would be 600. The: president of the "Movement of the: nest" in the interview: published by the newspaper says, that: the: pedophilia,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
9 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
20_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "not: is: an: affective relationship indeed: is: the expression of the: on the domain: child: and: the extreme stage, of: this domain: is: precisely: death. " Words that: burn as: fire. In the business: Dutroux: there: is: of: all: pedophilia, murder, necrophilia, snuff-films: and: characters high: Belgian society, of the: world of: finance: of the: politics, etc.. This: is at least the opinion: of the: Belgians. is: Also strange that: to date the investigation: not: have: taken yet: to: nothing
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
9 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
allora, secondo te, Dio fa nascere qualcuno, per sbaglio, o per hobby? ma, il tuo dio, è un fallito, pezzo di merda, proprio come te!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
10 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
21_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. about: the accomplices of the: Dutroux, indeed, seems: to have stalled: are: many mysteries. is: true that: the: small: victims are: a lot of: more: of: the: is been: say? Belgian citizens: are: afraid. Horrors of Europe, that: is: destruction: of the: children. So while: in Belgium over: 350 000: persons: manifested: in: square: the monster of: Marcinelle: and: the many mysteries that: surround these crimes: in: Switzerland fell: the: more: close silence on the: tycoon: Swiss arrested:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
10 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
22_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in Sri Lanka, with: accused: of: raping thousand: and: five hundred children. The phenomenon is: is: saw: is: World. The: aunt: of: a: of the: two: girls: murdered: by: Mark Dutroux, the monster of: Marcinelle: has: made serious statements: "The market: of the: porn that: involving children: has: tentacles: in: all: Europe: in: Netherlands: in Germany: and: in Switzerland. " Of monstrosity: an: world that: abuse: of the: children, rape them, torture them, kill them: brutally.
10 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Dio non é necessariamente tenuto a dare una seconda possibilitá. Tu, come al solito, stai sindacando la volontá di Dio.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
11 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
23_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. not: is: to stranger: this: cruelty: the revival: of the: satanic cults, that: are: back: in: vogue. By the Flemish newspaper "Der Standaard", in fact, we learn, that: at least four policemen would be part: of the: sect: satanic "Abrasax" suspected: of: buying girls, from killer-pedophile Dutroux, for: their rites. It: is: when you get to: this: puzzling discovery: thanks: a Letter: (A "good of:" command, is: is: said) found: in: a: of the: searches later: to: discovery : of the: bodies
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
11 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
24_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: Julie and Melissa, in the: house: of: Bernard Weinstein, Dutroux buried alive by the same: in: this Letter: signed: "Anubis", asked: to: Weinstein of " Do not forget: of: to remind that: the: great: party: approaches: and: we wait for the gift: the: great: the priestess. " Evidently: Weinstein was: "remember", the: a promise: to: Dutroux: in: more: is been: found, too, a strange document, the: who, it was: this: the: of necessity: find: first: can "eight victims from: one to 33 years."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
11 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
non lo hai dimostrato... ma, tu il cervello ce lo hai solo per cacare
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
25_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "Anubis" is, in the world, Francis Desmedt that: is: also: "grand master" of the: so-called "vieille: religion," a: sort: of: Association: International: of: Witches: and: the: great: priestess has: also: she also name? Sure, it's called: Dominique: Nephtys, also: she also: piece: Ninety: of the "church: Belgian of Satan." Who: are: the other members of: this "church satanic", remained secret?: And: on: what protection they could count on?
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Certo che é vero quello che dico. Teologo sfraganato.
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
26_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the: our: society Satanism: is: an: rampant danger: of: where often not: if: it: he speaks: enough, or: you do it: in the: wrong way. The worshipers of the: devil are: in: increased also: to Rome. The newspaper "Future" of the: 5 September 1996, writes: "Another: sect: satanic is: was: discovery, to Rome. Tremila: followers, 5000000 for: register...". The fact that: more: "leaves: surprised - they said, the investigators -: is: the apparent insospettabilità, of: many: of the: people:
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
27_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. investigated...". It: is: also: learned that "it seems, that: the: congregation counted: also, your membership: of: the famous names: showbiz...": in: Inghiltera: disappear every year , about: a hundred thousand young people. Scotland Yar ***. D. to London, must: deal, every day of the: disappearance: of: over 2500 teenagers. I: more: are tracked, of, some not: if: I: will: more: nothing. Journalist: Alfio Bernabei reports: other terrible things that happened to London:
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
28_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "Meat of: children: and: of: human fetuses: are: state: eat: from: men: and: women: that: they took part: to: cannibalistic rituals: in England: in: recent years: in the: picture of: an: left of revival: ceremonies satanic. Some children are: been: sacrifice: on the altars: after: he had been tortured: and: abuse: Sexual... "(" The Unit ", August 9, 1990). Sounds like: a humanity gone mad. In the United States these horrors are: more: more: frequent. is: Modesto, "the: city: California: holds:
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
29_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the national record: Use: of: who disappears: in the: nothing." "Do not: is: not clear why, but: this handkerchief of California: to: east of San Francisco, holds: for the record: the: more: high number of: people: disappeared: in the: nothing in: America. I missing all'appel'o: are: 1,500, only in the last six months. phenomenon is: really worrying enormous: in the United States each year is: out: a: list: of: about: 100 thousand: names "(" Diary: of the: week, "17. From: Wednesday, April 28:
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
30_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. to: Tuesday, May 4, 1999). The investigators, at least for, some of: these cases, they point their finger on the: variegated world: and: mysterious of the: sects: satanic. This: is: also: the thought of Fay Yager, director: the "Centre for: the: defense of the: children" (Children of the: Underground). The journalist Giorgio Medail, in the: Broadcaster: TV: "Arcana" Transmitted on: Channel: 5 (1989) stated, that: the United States, according to reliable sources,
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
31_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. are killed each year in the: of course: ritual Satanic: 50,000 people, for: the: more: young. Ted Gunderson, former director: FBI of Los Angeles, that: has: spent many years: to investigate: the links: between: the: disappearances of the: children: and: the satanic rituals, he said: in: a : bet: of the: transmission: "Arcana", that: the: victims are tortured: and: then killed. Gunderson: between: the other, said: "During: the: my: investigation, I discovered that: there are organizations that:
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
32_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. kidnap children for: then use them for: human sacrifices in: Festivals: satanic. These facts involve, to: more : high level politicians, lawyers, judges, people: of: power... Yes, these satanic groups: are: undoubtedly: involved in the: traffic of drugs, in the: prostitution of children, in the: pornography: and: in the: production: of: "snuff-films"... I have collected evidence: of: children: eight, nine, years. had designed things: horrible: people, fire, an: child in the fire,
14 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
è vero: quello che: tu dici, ma, nel concedere la nascita, su questo: pianeta decaduto, Dio ha concesso: i tempi supplementari, anche a quell'anima, ora, Dio, non può fallire, nel suo dare: la sua promessa/ parola, LUI non può promettere: a qualcuno, una seconda possibilità, e poi, negarla, per un incidente di percorso, semplicemente, perché, LUI finirebbe di essere: Dio ONNIPOTENTE.... e noi sappiamo che la reincarnazione, non è compatibile con il monoteismo
16 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Il battesimo é assolutamente necessario per eliminare il peccato originale. Quindi senza battesimo si resta colpevoli.
17 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
33_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. fetishes, satanic , children tortured. as: can an: child imagine things like if: not: the: has: experienced? "(John Caporaso: and: M. Cocozza: Lubisco, Children's. market: of the: horrors in "Incidents", July 17, 1991). The reason for these horrendous crimes, in the: vast: majority: of the: cases go unpunished: and: you: slightly to a level of: investigations would be, because, again: according to Gunderson, that: missing: the: political will. The: read: not: is: severe,
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
34_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. because these groups have high-level protection. In the uS: the "discusses: on: two: scandals: prostitution child: drug parties with: the: participation: of: children and killings: in: direct: for: to produce: snuff-films, that: involved politicians... very close to: Home: White. intelligence services, that: depend directly: President: are: covering up the speakers: surveys,: victims are: finite: in: prison: and: the witnesses are : gone: and: dead: in: freak accidents or suicides
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Ma uno che non é battezzato non é innocente. È colpevole del peccato originale. Quindi tutti al momento del concepimento sono automaticamente colpevoli del peccato originale.
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
35_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "(John Caporaso: and: M. Cocozza: Lubisco, Children's. market: of the: horrors, cit.). Journalist: Paul Rodriguez of the "Washington Times": after: a: long: and: delicate investigation: he said: "I was able to: try: that: people linked to: Home: White: and: services ran a : network: of: boys: life, I found many documents that: prove the involvement of Craig Spence: - probable former agent: of the: CIA linked to the environment: of the: services: of the: Home: White , former Director:
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
36_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Staff of: George Bush: and: Figure: key: in the Iran-Contra scandal - the organization: of: gay party: and: of: pedophiles. From: tests: emerge: the name: of: an: Another deputy, Barry Franks. We have worked: in: four for: over: an: years: and: the: information: are: chilling. FBI: is been: ousted from: surveys: and: of the : If you: are: employed intelligence that: depend directly: by: Home: White: and: everything: is: very strange.
19 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
37_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. La: network: criminal: he: link is: with: Republican leaders that: Democrats: and: extended: from New York to: Pennsylvania, from Nebraska to California. Recruitment: of the: boys happened: in: many ways, some were kidnapped for: street: and: then held: in: farms: details. is a business imposing, take children escaped of: home, in schools of: adoption, camps... "(John Caporaso: and: M. Cocozza: Lubisco, Children's. market: of the: horrors cit.):
19 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
38_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. after some articles Rodriguez dropped mysteriously investigation. The: cruelty against children: is: an: impressive business. There is even an: market of "pieces of: spare" human. Are sent to potential customers true: and: their catalogs of organs, that: should be used: or: as: human fetishes for: satanic rituals or: in: other cases, for: support: international traffic: clandestine of the: transplants. "Hundreds: of: juvenile males: and: females, disappear every year.
19 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
39_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Many end up abroad, in the: market: of the: illegal adoptions. Many end up in the: circuit: of the: pedophilia: and: of the : pornography, "(" Seen ", 11.08.1996). So: has: denounced: Parliamentary Rosario Godoy de: Osejo, founder: of: an "Committee for: missing children": and: continues: "I suspect that: the: right: of the: death: can : be: the taking of: young: and: healthy organs from: sell: in rich countries. if: the: things are so: is: easy to understand:
20 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
40_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. that: the end: are these children: time: 'exported' ". Facts hallucinating. an: Well of: horrors that: it seems: not: have: never end. "Also: Baby Doc, the former dictator of Haiti, it would be: rich, trading fresh cadavers: and: frozen bodies. Those that: receiving, by the organs: transplants: were clinical: U.S.: and: American university institutes or: of: research. (...). also: in: Guatemala: it: is been: an: trafficking of babies, sold to USa: for: transplants
20 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
41_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. ("Courier: of the Ticino", 6 marzo1987. "People", 20 marzo1987) while: what happened: in: Honduras: is been: confirmed by: agencies: of: Printing: (Agencies: ATS, ANSA, APP: and: "Courier: of the Ticino", January 5 1987): in: Colombia: children, are kidnapped while: playing on the: road taken: in: laboratories where: they are uprooted eyes: and: then placed back: in: freedom: after: appropriate: dressing: (Agency : AGI-EFE, June 1987): in: a: colony: German: of the: Chile: some:
21 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
42_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. medical experimentation, especially genetic manipulation, would be carried out: on: children: and: teenagers... ("Libération", 7 December: 1987) ", (Schar Milly-Manzoli Manual: of: defense, immunological, Meb, Padua 1988). Who investigates dies. in the: in May 1996, the journalist: French: Xavier de Gautier, "Le Figaro" is: found hanged at: Balearic Islands, in the: his: Location: summer. A: death, wrapped: in: more: mystery. The Spanish investigators, then, speak of: suicide.
21 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
43_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Gautier, first: of: Starting: for: the: holidays, had: worked for a: long: inquiry: on: n: of alleged trafficking, organs from Bosnia, a: note: clinical, Italy: of the: north.. ***. D. The former Minister for: the: Family: Antonio Guidi had: warned: "The phenomenon is: World. Ma: Italy, as it was: and: is: an: place of: passage: of the : drugs, now: is: an: point: of: transit: to children: risk... They come from countries: in: war: Europe, by: the poor of Africa.
21 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
vai a fare in culo, tu e il tuo dio... che, punisce persone innocenti, perché, in mezzo ai bambini abortiti, non c'eri anche tu?
22 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Tu invece sei diretto nelle fiamme infernali dove c'é pena eterna.
22 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
44_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Several of: them - who can : identify the number? -: are: intended to be meat: of: Subject: for: the rich. deposits of small, organs: for: the children of: who: has: money. " On.Guidi: to: demand, if: some of: these children were maimed for: subsequent transplants: in: Italy, had: said: "In Italy, no. Is: impossible. But, through it, the: our: land , as: migratory birds, whose fate is: of: be: cast down "(" Il Giornale ", 4 September 1995). And yet: Italy, writes: Giangiacomo Foà:
22 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
nel limbo non c'é pena in quanto non ci sono fiamme. ma non c'é nemmeno premio. C'é una eterna separazione da Dio.
23 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
45_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. is: was, reported: "authoritative: daily, La: Nacion of Buenos Aires, that: in: also: Article of: ground becomes: echo: of the: accusations of: Don Paul Baurell, professor of: Theology: University of San Paolo: and: of the: complaints: made: August 1, 1991, to: Geneva: by: René Bridel, represented in: United Nations Association: international jurists for: the: defense of the: democracy. (...). Article of: bottom of: the: Nation: has: echoed, or: Globo of Rio, That : it defines as
23 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
46_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "the largest importers of: Brazilian children." correspondent: of: or: Globe to: Rome says: "Italy: is: the: more: IMPORTANT: buyer: of: children...". (....) also: in: Peru: Printing: accuses us. From: The Daily months: Republic: of: Lima complaint with: name: and: surname, Italian spouses that: are: arrived: in: Peru for: buy: Children of: a few months ago: of: a few years. Lately we "imported", 1,500 young Peruvians, many: of the: which - according to the: print: of: Lima
23 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
47_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. - were later murdered for: Removal: their organs for: transplants "(" Courier: of the: Sera ", September 7, 1991). What: of the: children abducted, enslaved, raped, forced to: prostitution, sacrificed to Satan, or: killed for: grub: their organs: is: an: horror on: scale planetary. And yet: it continues to: Do a little or-nothing. Newspapers: and: television: not by reporting the problem: in: all: the: its: real gravity. Ne speak little: and: evil, of: long: in: then.
24 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
48_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. The dangers for: the very young, as: is: is: visa, by: more: fronts, not: last: is: the: fact: that: on the: planet, always increase: of: more: the: sects : engaged: the cult of the: devil. Guidi was the same: warning: "To: thresholds of the: 2000 is: even: recording an: increase of: rites 'religious', I recommend the: quote, that: provide also: human sacrifice of: children" ("Italy:" Weekly, 15 September 1995). Joseph Cosco.. linus.tre @ iol.it [entries from: Street:]
24 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
quindi soffrono, comunque, poveri innocenti, senza loro responsabilità! ecco perché, il tuo dio, è un doppio pezzo di merda! e nel giorno del giudizio universale, loro dove vanno?
25 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Catechismo Maggiore del 1905: "«I bambini morti senza Battesimo vanno al Limbo, dove non è premio soprannaturale né pena; perché, avendo il peccato originale, e quello solo, non meritano il Paradiso, ma neppure l'Inferno e il Purgatorio»."
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
infatti un feto non puó essere cattolico. i bambini abortiti o quelli non battezzati che muoiono prima dell'etá della ragione vanno nel limbo che é una parte di inferno senza fiamme. Adesso la pianti, testa di lucertola ?
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
50_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the: Social: is been: one of: more: prolific and passionate, truth-seeker Italian: of the: 'old woman guard.' Lent advice, at: proxy: of the Republic: of: Catanzaro: and: directed: the: local sections of the IIP (Institute of Psychological Investigations): and: of the: SIPS (International Society: of the: Psychology: of the: Scripture). He worked also with: numerous: magazines specialized in the: field of the: paranormal. as: befits: to: any occultist, his work was the subject of:
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
51_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. critical: to: because: skepticism, relieved from his studies: in: the theme of: conspiracy, satanism, secret societies: and: mysterious phenomena. The: his: work: of: search: and: complaint, went up: in 2002, when to: just 52: years, was suddenly struck down by: an: 'illness' withering. Offer of: Following an: Extract from: a: interesting interview, to: whether prophecy, that: Cosco released: in the: year 2000 to: magazine: the Third Millennium.
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
52_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Lorenzo Baldo. ***. D. Such are: state: the: reasons that: they thrust: to: write: Politics, Magic: and: Satanism? ***. R. The "magic" is: more: of: as you might think: this: in the: our modern world. The examples are: a lot. Papandreou: consulted astrologers for: choose: the: date: of the: elections in Greece, it: has: The stated: Economist of the: 27 April 1985. The shaman: Zhuge: Xihan: has: taken care of Deng Xiaoping: in: Israel: VIPs: of the: policy: between: these there: are: Sonia: Peres:
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
53_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: Lea Rabin, rely on Kabbalist: Yitzhak Kaduri. Bill Clinton has: told of: having contact with: the spirit of Elvis Presley. The week: Megapolis-Express: has: told that: Boris Yeltsin: is: served: more: times: of: a sorcerer: camouflaged by: Deputy able: -: between: the other - of: check: mentally: the parliamentary colleagues. Would be: was he to: prevent: a: opposition decisive of the: Parliament to Russian intervention: in: Chechnya. The sorcerer of the President: Yeltsin: is: -
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
54_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. according to: Magazine: -: in: capable of: cause: the: death of the: sue: victims. He has: in: quality of: psychic, a: long: collaboration: with: the KGB. I will stop here but: the examples are: again many. One can well understand: that: the union: between: politics: and: some "esoteric", some: of the: which trespass: in: territories hell: is: a lot: more: frequent: of: what you thought. To: light: of: this: is: very significant as the British Minister Benjamin Disraeli had: to say:
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
55_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "The world is: ruled by: completely different characters that: even: imagine those whose eye not: reach: behind the: scenes. " The: of the reasons: my book Politics, Magic: and: Satanism: are: state: dictated: the: purpose: of: Main: particular aspects of: these disturbing scenarios for: make it clear: the: people: some: complex : and: really amazing hidden: behind an: false: and: Apparent secular world, dominated by: economy: and: technique: where: (always seemingly) everything
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
56_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. that: is: called "religion" or "magic" not: it seems: to be: relevant: in the: drive: the: action: policy: and: instead of: not: is: so. ***. D. From: where has: drew all: the: info? ***. R. This type of: survey: is: very dangerous and need to: move with: big: prudence. Many: the information: I have collected: from the works of: other scholars of: This particular: field: as: Anthony Sutton, Maurizio Blondet, Gianni Vannoni, Serge: Hutin, Epiphanius, Carlo Palermo, Riccardo Cascioli, etc..
28 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
come fa: un bambino: di pochi mesi , o: di poche settimane, o: al settimo mese: nella pancia della sua madre: ad essere un cattolico? quindi, il tuo dio è un pezzo di merda!
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
57_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. More: news: the:'ve had: from: A lot of experts meander of: which, as: could very well understand, not: I can make: the names. ***. D. The members of the: CFR: are: all Americans? ***. R. First of all it should be: remember: that: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was founded in the: 1921. Great: interest is: know: that: the Rockefellers do: were the main contributors, and the: 1922, according to Blondet, gave "100 000: dollars, on 650 000: of the: budget visible of the : CFR.
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
se non era cattolico andrá all'inferno come gli ebrei che sono stati uccisi dai nazisti.
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
58_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. " Here, again: according to Blondet, a: part: of the: list: of the: lenders: "American Express, American Security Bank, Archer Daniel Midland Foundation, Cargill Inc., Chase Manhattan Bank, Coca: Cola: C., Coopers & Lybrand, Elf Aquitane, Exxon Corp., Finmeccanica SpA, General Electric Foundation, General Motors Corp., Hill & Knowlton, ITT Corp., Johnson & Johnson, Levi Strauss Fdt., Manufacturers Hanover Trust, McKinsey, Mobil, Pepsi Co, RJR Nabisco, Salomon Inc., Shearson Lehman Brothers,
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
59_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Smithkline: Beecham Corp., Volvo USA, Young & Rubicam. " of the: CFR would: part: also: President: of the United States Clinton: and: many of his colleagues, together with some: of the: personality: more: in: view: environment: of the: average : to: worldwide. is: incredible: the large number of: important political personalities: to: international: that: would be involved. ***. D. The "economic control": is: only the United States or: also: on, other: nations?
30 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
dottrinaFALLinShit-- il figlio: innocente, di una ragazza satanista, finito, sull'altare di satana, la sua anima, dove andrà? quale sarà, la sua sorte, nel giorno del giudizio, se, lui non ha mai potuto conoscere, la tua DOTTRINA?
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
60_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. ***. R. The CFR, as: I said is: funded by: secret fraternity, Banking: International: and: is: essentially: an: organism that: has: as: the primary purpose of: reach: to: control: by: the: finance: the: economy: and: the: policy: all countries of the: world. In this regard: is: interesting: remember: what he wrote: Paul Scott, chronicler of the Washington Post, about an: known politician member of the: CFR: "Kissinger believes: that: controlling the foods you can: control: people:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
61_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: controlling: energy - oil - you can control: the: nations: and: their financial systems. believes: that: putting food: and: oil under an: international control: and: establishing an: new order: money is: can: that: an: world government, at least at the beginning under: aegis: of the United Nations, to become one: reality... " We: are: in the: society: "oligarchic circles", ie international groups of: power: very narrow, that: controlling: production: industrial: and: the: finance:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
62_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. can effectively: condition: in: significantly: strategies: and: choices: of the: large parties of: mass and direct: the evolution of: ideologies: or: doctrines policies. ***. D. The: Nature: humanitarian, moral and: spiritual: of the: United Nations: is: was "cleared" by the CFR for: have: power: economic: on: all: how many: the: nations? ***. R. on the: question: CFR: and: the UN will answer by quoting Carroll Quigley, professor of: History: of: Princeton, of Harvard: and:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
63_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the professor: University of Georgetown that: in the: Tragedy and Hope: reveals the program: of: a: powerful lobby secret substantial: between: the other, in: "... create: an: system: international financial of: check for: dominate: the system: political of: each country: and: the economy of the: in the world: as a whole. " Quigley writes again: "... the CFR: has: vigorously: leaning to debut with: all: the: its: power: economic: and: Strategy: the: Constitution: UN considered: as: a: step:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
64_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. more : to the: creation: of the: world government... "***. D. Union policy-masonry-mafia only: hypothesis? The: sue: research: to: subject. ***. R. Many authors: between: that the former magistrate Carlo Palermo, have explored this complex problem for the disturbances of plots: interest that: not: of: rarely have seen united mafia, masonry, fundamentalism, cross-national powers: and: International. Palermo in the: his book The Fourth Level: has: widely documented: disturbing plots:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
65_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. between: Freemasonry: international oligarchy banking services of: intelligence, mafias: and: political, all together: in: also: dark design. This: is: the fourth level: on: which investigated: also: Judge Falcone: and: that: have: inspired: her: same: death, that: of the: links: Purse: and: even, according to the 'former magistrate, also: the attacks to John Paul II. is: to observe, moreover, that: the: Freemasonry, that: has: but had important merits in the: his: history:
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
66_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. for: common principles which have: that of: brotherhood has: - in the last war: - always taken an interest: of: more: to acquire: certain: positions of: power. Powers transverse cause unimaginable developments: and: of: complex reading that: above: to include: heavy games: on: international theaters of war, seem to coalesce in the: chaotic situation: politics: Italian. Is: useful to: remember this regard: the: harsh statements, alarming and enigmatic: the "heretic" Grand Master
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
67_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of Bernardo, March 27 of the: 1992 in the: of course: a: Conference: press: " strange events are occurring: observe, the: consequences. I'm looking of: trace: at: Causes. In Eastern Europe: is: in: an act: destabilizing project: there: is: someone that: has: interest to: create: tensions. ": And: more: forward said:" We: are: sorcerer's apprentice: in: action. The: situation could: dash: and: be: harmful: for: all. "Can be drawn: the interesting conclusions: light:
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
68_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: certain events occurred: in: below. *****. D. for: what reasons believes: that: the world of the: Finance: International: not: is: immune: from: action: of the: forces: occult? ***. R. Vi is: an: singular design that: figure : on the: back: of the: American tickets from: an: dollar. Is: called "The: Great Seals": and: shall consist of: a: pyramid, truncated on the: which vertex figure: an: triangle, with: in an: eye. All around you: is: read "Annuit COEPTIS" and "Novus Ordo Seclorum."
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
69_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. 72, bricks laid: on: 13, the livelli.formano: Pyramid. "is the symbol : of the: Illuminati, printed on banknotes: from: an: dollar for: order: of the: President Roosevelt, a Freemason: of the: 32nd degree. "He writes: Barry ***. R. Smith to: p. 83 in the: his book Warning (Wright and Carman Ltd, New: Zealand). La: inscription: "The: Great Seal" (The Great: Seal) not: it is: sure to: indicate: that, whether it be of the: symbol of America: that: as: we know: is: represented by the eagle.
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
70_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. The order: of the: Illuminati (Illuminaten Orden) was founded by Prince Jean Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) on 1 May of the: 1776 at the age of 28 years old. The: Joined under: pyramid: "Novus ordum seclorum" in fact means "New Order: World." The: Date: MDCCLXXVI (1776) inscribed: to: base: of the: pyramid: is: year: in: Jean Adam Weishaupt founded the Order: of the: Illuminati. of the: because: note: American: both: so filled: of: esoteric symbolism: is: Simply said: the use of the: power: financial
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
71_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. for: the: creation: of the: great: plot: is: one : of the: methods used by the Illuminati. Implementation: of the: program: for: install: an: "New Order: World" is divided: in: more: strategies: for: to create: the: great: Utopia: of the: Imperium Romanum. not: is: political fiction: or: conspiracy. Far from it. Reporters, that: asked to: Left thing: there was: behind: Italian massacres, he replied: "I do not exclude an: role: of the: finance: international." Strategies: occult:
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
72_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of the: secret fraternity banking: international. David Rockefeller in the: conviction of: speak to: ears: trust in the: 1991: has: stated that: "a: conspiracy exists: from: forty: years", that: it: has: the purpose of : building: in the: secret "world government" and "the: national sovereignty" of the: bankers that: the enemy of the: conspirators: is: "the: self-determination: national." On February 17 of the: 1950 the banker James Warburg to: Commission of the Foreign: Senate was, was all too clear
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
73_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. by stating: "Che: you like: or: no, we have an: world government, or: with consent or: with: the: strength. " ***. D. What: is: for: She 'the great: plot "that: may cause: chaos: on: the entire planet?. ***. R. not: it was an: event that: the: before: Common: of Paris, that: of the: August 10, 1792, enclosed: Louis Capet: and: the: his: family: in the: tower of the Temple. Louis XVI was, the last ruler: of the: Dynasty: of the: Capet: and: of: consequence: the successor of: Philip the Fair that
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
74_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. : with: the: complicity of the: Pope Clement IV, destroyed : Order: of the: Knights Templar. The tragic fire was raised: in: a: island: of the: Seine to Paris, the 18th of March of the year 1314. Through: the: Revolution: French were vindicated the temple: and: de: Molay. The Grand Master of the Order was burned on the: fire. The Templars: between: the other fed the Great: Secret of Drawing: merge: the Western world turned upside down: the: rules: traditional: and: re: totally:
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
75_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: structures of the: society. The spirit of the Order, however, remained. The Illuminati of: Weishaupt were the successors: of the: drawings Templar: and: for: reach: their purposes infiltrated the: Freemasonry. This filiation: Templar: the: Masonic attest different systems: between: the one told of the: Narrow: Compliance: Templar: organized: in Germany, in the: 1756, by Baron: of: Hun ***. D. Also: the system: Masonic said of the "Scottish Rite: Adjusted"
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
76_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. contains: echoes of: Templars. The Illuminati were accused of: being: the supporters of: an: great: universal plot: against: monarchies: and: the: Chiesa. the Order: of the Temple: is: then: secretly survived his tragic dissolution : and: the design of: destroy: Gradually, the power: state, the: hierarchies: social: and: of: to create: an: Government: on: scale world: has: also: it: of the: followers. The: Utopia: of the: Government of the: World together:
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
77_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the dark side of the: Esoteric cross without: posing: Europe, will street for ever: and: come up in our day with: an: fury unheard of. Ted Gunderson, a former FBI official of Los Angeles has: stated in the: transmission: tv Arcana: (1989), Transmitted on: Channel: 5, the journalist Giorgio Medail, that: the Illuminati "are to : an international level: in: around the world, but: are: present especially here in the United States. Here: us there: is: a: network: satanic in all the land.
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
non ha finito...
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
78_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "Jean Baylot: in: La: voie: substituée, recherche: sur la: déviation of: the: Franc-Maçonnerie: en France: et en Europe: considered the: sect: of the: Illuminati as: the: more: dangerous deviation: of the: Freemasonry: initiation. ***. D. What: includes: the secret report from Iron Mountain, on the: necessity of the: wars? ***. R. is: a chilling document, that: would be: the result of: two: years: of: work, from: an: a mysterious group of: study: in: it calls for: in: a doomsday scenario
36 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
79_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: Orwellian: memory, an: social control: with: advanced: technology: from: Thought Police, exploitation: of the: mass media, for: reach: to: plan: a: Series: of: appalling threats. The group of 15 experts that: he: wrote the report would: meeting between: 1963,: and: 1966. is: important to emphasize, to: support: of the: accuracy of: the: document, that: July 10th, 1966 was published: a: analysis from the "Center of Washington for: the: search: of: Politics: Foreign ": and: intended:
36 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
bestia! il sangue di questi bambini innocenti, vittime dei satanisti, ora, ricadrà contro di te!
39 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
hai finito di scrivere cazzate ?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
42 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
80_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. to:" Organization: for: Control: of the: Armament: and: for: Disarmament. "Well, it was stated: that means the plan of: disarmament proposed by President Johnson had: dangerous because instead: of: bring: peace, would: have destabilized: the world balance. After the inevitable scandal that: aroused: Posted: of the "Report from Iron Mountain" was definitely: Denied by: government bodies that: the study of the "Center of Washington for: the: Search: of: Politics: Foreign Policy "could:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
42 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
81_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. be state as: origin: of the: Report. It is said that: the document was prepared for: an: not: clearly specified governmental committee at the highest level, by: an equally special: Group of: Studio. The: conclusions which would be: come: the: Commission: of: Iron Mountain are: scary. Experts even say: that: the: war is: functional also: as: "stabilizer: generational" in: how much, what that: follows: is: by: raising: hair: "... the: war : to: the: old: generations (...) of:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
42 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
82_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. keep: its control over: generations: more: young people, if: must destroy them. "in the: his: conclusion: the report goes: to: look: substitutes : war: the: case improbable, but: not: impossible, would "explode: la: peace." Le: solutions that: offers: are: truly terrifying. It read that: "find: an: effective : substitute political: of the: war are: necessary 'enemies alternative', for: example: Contamination: massive: the environment: natural: it could: in: the future replace:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
83_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: option: of the: destruction: in: mass through: nuclear weapons... "More possible replacements suggested by the document:" A program of: gigantic proportions: of: searches: space, aimed to: unattainable goals. (...) A: Police: international practice: Almighty. A: Threat: extraterrestrial officially: announced: and: recognized. (...). A: shape: modern: and: advanced: of: slavery. (...) Any comment: is: superfluous. These: are: very few: citations of: what that: in the:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
84_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. his: bureaucratic cruelty, says: The Secret Report from Iron Mountain. ***. D. Because it considers: true: the: possibility that: the: CIA controls the Internet?: And: what: it means "control: of the: masses"? ***. R. Web Review, a: magazine: twice a week: online: has: revealed on September 26: 1995 that: NSI: is: was: purchased: in the: May '95 from: Scientific Applications International Corporations (SAIC) of San Diego , CA. The: magazine: fa: names: of the: members of the Board
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
85_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of Directors: of the: SAIC: between: these figure: "Admiral Bobby Inman, former head: of the: NSA (National Security Agency): and: Vice: Director: of the: CIA. "This DOMINT: of the: NSA" - read by: quoted: Magazine: - "has the: capacity of: lead: of operations: covert psychological control, (...) controls : all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S., (...) provides: of: equipment: that: to analyze: distance: the electrical activity: in humans, (...) La: NSA: Records: and: Decoding: maps:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
86_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of the: individual brain (ie: to: hundreds: of: thousands: of: people), (...) Speeches, sound: 3D: and: audio subliminal can be: sent to: bark: hard of hearing: of the: of the brain: the subject (...): and: the images: bark: visual: the RNM can alter: the: perceptions, moods and motor control. "***. Q. What: is: the power: effective: of the: mass media? ***. R. is been: shown that: suicide, murder: and: fatalities of: auto or: aircraft reported: in: first: Page: and: are highly publicized
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
87_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. increase : considerably: after: the: their publication, similar events. This: Report: emerge: also: by: a study of the: sociologist prof. Riaz Hassan: of the: University of: Flienders (Australia). Researcher: has: analyzed about: 20 000: cases of: suicide occurred: between: 1981,: and: 1990. The result is been: amazing: the: average: everyday of the suicides salt: of: about: 10 for: one hundred in two: days of: appearance: of the: news of suicides in major newspapers.,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
44 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
88_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: not: there: is: not: from: wonder too. Others works confirm this. is: well-known fact: between: professionals (advertising, social psychologists, etc..), that: the evocative language: has: an: great: power: pushing: to: new behaviors. Skepticism of: a few: naive reader: on the: strength: picturesque: of: this: strategy persuasive: is: to put: hard: try: from: formulation, by: part: of the: sociologist David Phillips, the "Werther Effect" (1974, 1979, 1980).'s book The of the pain:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
44 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
89_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Young Werther of Goethe: in: which tells: the suicide of the: young: star: after: a: disappointment sentimental collected: an: great: success: and: the: his: disclosure: was followed: as: an: incredible number of suicides: in: all: Europe. David Phillips has: also: showed that: the "Werther effect" works: also: for: the crimes, aviation accidents: and: of: other vehicles. Vi is: also: a: relationship: between the number of: day: in: where: news: of: an: suicide appears: in the newspapers:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
48 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
90_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: the: Dissemination of ' imitation of the: gesture narrated. But: there: is: also: the 'other: stress.'s: news: gore: that: the mass media: every day we served up result in: persons: a state of: continuous discomfort , of: fear: of: all, of: mistrust: total: against: of the: other. Maybe: fa: convenient to: someone hold: the country: in: continues apprehension: and: if: all that constitutes: an: elaborate design by: forces: occult: of: power, that: have interest to: create: new
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
48 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
91_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. scenarios: and: apocalyptic, for: cause: certain changes to: them more: welcome? We would: in: this case, to: be: vulnerable targets: in: half to: a: thin: war: psychological: in: this case would include: better what that: you want: building: in the: people, scagliandole: against: mass: of: news: brutal, devastating: and: brutal, fear, despair, great: insecurity: and: of: result: a: feeling: of: be: completely: helpless that: produces: vulnerability. This: is: the purpose: of the: war:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
48 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
92_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. psychological active. guide is: the direction of the: people: towards planned objectives. in the: mind: of the: people: creating of ways: be: and: behavior different from the previous ones. process : is: thin: and: sneaky. Conditioning progressive one: time: made, can be: used: in: a number of ways: for: subject, cancel: any reactivity critical crack: the: trust: of the: city in respect of: any security acquired, emptying it of: courage: and: determination, block: or: limit: the unpredictability
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
93_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: what that: not: is: predictable in the individual: and: by: of: follow-up to : edit: the: scale of the: values, riadattarla: for an: a different way of: conceive: the: fact: and: the: life. This serves: to: create: emotions or: to: prohibit it, distract, direct them: in: conclusion, to: control: the: opinion: public opinion. e: so shall be adopted: techniques: always: more: sophisticated: and effective for: creep into the: intimacy: of the: mind: human: and: manipulate , directing:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
94_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: will,: choices, personal ideals: and: collective up to: edit: thought: of the: people. Giova: remember: what did: to: declare: Kenneth Bouldin, professor: to: University of the Michigan: "Today you can perfectly: to conceive: an: world dominated by: a: dictatorship invisible in the: which, however, were: retained: the: forms of the exterior: democratic government." ***. Q. Is there: a: 'lobby satanic' at the top of the: power? ***. R. The journalist Maurizio Blondet, in the: of course:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
95_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. a: interview: (on Theology: of: September / October 1996), he said: "Some people practice strange rituals: on an island: close to: Washington are: of characters: high level, come together: in: of nights: moon: full: and: celebrate : of the: very special rites. Of course nobody wants: to investigate: on: this is because: of: people, very powerful are: things: that: you whisper. In the same way: in: certain "entourage" of politicians: a high level it is said, very quietly, that:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
96_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. being raped: of the: children. All this happens: in: also: background ritual: of: magic: black. not: are: persons: common that: are these: things, it: of: people: that: it covers: high: charged, officials of the: Pentagon, etc.. "In England disappear every year, about a hundred thousand: young people. Scotland Yard to London: to: deal with every day: of the: disappearance: of: over 2500 teenage ***. A.: more: are tracked, of, some not: if: I: will: more : nothing. In the United States,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
97_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. these horrors are: more: more: frequent. Investigators, at least for, some of: these cases, pointing the finger on the: variegated world: and: mysterious of the: seven: satanic. This: is: also: the thought of Fay Yager, director: the "Centre for: the: defense of the: children" (Children of the: Underground). Journalist: Giorgio Medail, in the: transmission: television : Arcane Transmitted on: Channel: 5 (1989) stated, that: According to reliable sources in the United States
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
98_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. each year are killed: in the: of course: Satanic rites 50,000 people for: the: more: young. Ted Gunderson, former Director: FBI of Los Angeles, that: has: spent many years: to investigate: the links: between: the: disappearances of the: children: and: the satanic rituals, he said: in: a: episode: of the: transmission: Arcana, that: the: victims are tortured: and: then killed. Gunderson: between: other: has: fact: of the: fatal: complaints. says: "During: the: my: survey I discovered that:
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Lol. Sfraganato.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
dottrina -- non difendere i satanisti --- vattene
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
99_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. there are organizations that: kidnap children for: then use them for: human sacrifices in: Festivals: satanic. These facts involve, to: more: highest political level, attorneys, judges, people: of: power... Yes, these satanic groups: are: doubt: involved in the: traffic of drugs, in the: prostitution of children, in the: pornography: and: in the: production: of: "snuff-movie"... I have collected evidence: of: children: eight, nine, years. Had drawn things: horrible: an: child
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Papa Eugenio IV, Concilio di Firenze: "Nessuno per quante elemosine abbia potuto fare, e perfino se avesse versato il sangue per il nome di Cristo si puó salvare, qualora non rimanga nel seno e nell'unitá della chiesa cattolica.""
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
51 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
100_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the fire, fetishes, satanic, children tortured. as: can an: child imagine things like if: not: the: has: experienced? ". yet: you continue: to: do little or: nothing. Newspapers: and: television: not by reporting the problem: : all: the: its: real gravity. Ne speak little: and: evil, of: long: in: then. Dangers for: the very young, as: is: is: visa, by: more: fronts, not: last: is: the: fact: that: on the: planet, always increase: of: more: the: seven: engaged: the cult of the: devil.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
51 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
101_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Guidi had the same ex-minister: warning: "To: thresholds of the: 2000 is: even: recording an: increase of: rites 'religious', I recommend the: quote, that: provide also: human sacrifice of: children. "Source: Interview: nwo. it / interview... Since html: on: / / antibodies . info /
51 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Papa Gregorio XVI, Summo Iugiter: "Anche Sant'Agostino e gli altri Vescovi dell'Africa, riuniti nel Concilio di Cirta (Costantina) nel 412, davano al riguardo ampie spiegazioni: "Chiunque si sarà separato da questa Chiesa cattolica, pur ritenendo di vivere in modo irreprensibile, per questa sola colpa di essere separato dalla comunione con Cristo non avrà la vita, ma lo sdegno di Dio incombe su di lui"."
52 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Papa San Pio X, Editae Saepe: "Onde segue che gli atti provenienti dalla sola onestà naturale, non sono altro che simulacri di virtù né durevoli in sé, né sufficienti alla salute."
53 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
La sola onestá naturale non é sufficiente per conseguire la salvezza.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
poiché, tu non riconosci, il fondamento, della legge naturale? allora, non sei più degno di vivere
1 ora fa
In Deuteronomio 13 (come in 1° Re 11) viene condannata la "libertá religiosa" come apostasia da Dio indipendentemente da chi la istiga (falso profeta, parente o chicchessia). Il tuo analfabetsimo ? È un tuo problema.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
lol. condannato! v
1 ora fa
Tu non sei ministro di Dio. Tu sei un ministro delle tenebre, un propinatore di falsitá demoniache professate dalla massoneria internazionale da 150 anni a questa parte.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
nessuno dovrebbe pensare che, la mia mente umana, ecc.. potrebbe sostenere: tutto questo lavoro, o combattimento soprannaturale, ecc.. ... perché, è impossibile, per qualsiasi, uomo, di sostenere questo, mio ministero! io sono la dimostrazione vivente, della potenza di Dio... perché, questo è un ministero divino, e, quindi, la sua potenza, non è qualcosa: che: può nascere da una povera creatura come me.. ecco perché, la vita dei miei nemici? è in serio pericolo
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
CustodeDellaFede---ie, CustodeDellaBestialità, religious maniac: Criminal - about: Deuteronomy 13, 2-6: - I never said to be: a prophet, but, on the contrary, I have always said to be a universal political, from the Kingdom of God, impartial, and above, against: all partisanship, but I'm dispobile: to do this challenge deadly against you, against the Pharisees, and against, the salfiti, that is, if I do not come recognized as a minister of God, according to the universal law of nature? I agree I die, but if I am recognized as a minister of God, in any way? ... Then, you have to die!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
CustodeDellaBestialità Criminale --- io non ho mai detto di essere un profeta, ma, io sono dispobile a fare questa sfida mortale con te, se io non vengo riconosciuto ministro di Dio? io accetto di morire! perché, se io vengo riconosciuto ministro di Dio... poi, dovrai morire tu!
Jihad Abu Antar: sharia horror, said: time ago: "unius Rei is causing sharia law, and wants to do gay marriage, with: synnek1." "" UniusRei3 posted a comment 2 minutes ago I hate niggers and all chinese! "" - Answer - is why Islamists are accomplices of Satanists! slanderer! Idiot, you have Claimed to be a Christian, for: many years, but, in this way, you have proved: That: every Muslim: is a traitor, liar: and murderess! .. of course, is synnek1, master of yoube, Satanist priest, and he has a legal obligation to do all sorts of crimes, he makes both, the: Expense: gay person, Which Also active gay cannibal, etc. .. but, you ugly beast, of Islamist, criminal: of an idolater moon stone? 'Slandering, UniusREI kingdom, and, this crime? will remain, as infamy, for, the Iran, That, has sent him: on this page! because the Jews are not so naive, to put on, to talk, with me .. lol.
IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 3 hours ago @ UniusRei3 --- not, good news, about, eliminated Youtube: channel: comments - ANSWER - when Satanists These Pharisees, parasites of the IMF-NWO, will be exterminated from the face of the earth ? IHateNEWLAYOUT - is very serious, that, Satanists Koreans, ie, synnek1, they have eliminated: Link to this page from the main channel of youtube [[when I said, that, google, was: into CFR]], because, this is still, however, a grave offense, against, the United States. Americans, when, they are good? when they have to defend: South Korea, against, North Korea?
IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 3 hours ago @ UniusRei3 --- not, good news, about, eliminated Youtube: channel: comments - ANSWER - when these Satanists Pharisees, parasites of the IMF-NWO, will be exterminated from the face of the earth ?-- ANSWER -- quando questi satanisti farisei, parassiti del FMI-NWO, potranno essere sterminati dalla faccia della terra?
Abu Antar
Papa San Pio X, Lamentabili: "11. L'ispirazione divina non si estende a tutta la Sacra Scrittura al punto che tutte e singole le sue parti siano immuni da ogni errore. - CONDANNATO"
Papa Pio IX, Dei Filius: "II-4. Se qualcuno non accetterà come sacri e canonici i libri interi della sacra Scrittura, in tutte le loro parti, come li ha accreditati il santo Concilio Tridentino, o negherà che siano divinamente ispirati: SIA ANATEMA".
Deuteronomio 13, 13-16: "13Qualora tu senta dire di una delle tue città che il Signore tuo Dio ti dà per abitare, che uomini iniqui sono usciti in mezzo a te e hanno sedotto gli abitanti della loro città dicendo: Andiamo, serviamo altri dèi, che voi non avete mai conosciuti, tu farai le indagini, investigherai, interrogherai con cura; se troverai che la cosa è vera, che il fatto sussiste e che un tale abominio è stato realmente commesso in mezzo a te, allora dovrai passare a fil di spada gli abitanti di quella città, la voterai allo sterminio, con quanto contiene e passerai a fil di spada anche il suo bestiame."
Deuteronomio 13, 7-12: "Qualora il tuo fratello, figlio di tuo padre o figlio di tua madre, o il figlio o la figlia o la moglie che riposa sul tuo petto o l'amico che è come te stesso, t'istighi in segreto, dicendo: Andiamo, serviamo altri dèi, dèi che né tu né i tuoi padri avete conosciuti, divinità dei popoli che vi circondano, vicini a te o da te lontani da una estremità all'altra della terra, tu non dargli retta, non ascoltarlo; il tuo occhio non lo compianga; non risparmiarlo, non coprire la sua colpa. Anzi devi ucciderlo: la tua mano sia la prima contro di lui per metterlo a morte; poi la mano di tutto il popolo; lapidalo e muoia, perché ha cercato di trascinarti lontano dal Signore tuo Dio che ti ha fatto uscire dal paese di Egitto, dalla condizione servile. Tutto Israele lo verrà a sapere, ne avrà timore e non commetterà in mezzo a te una tale azione malvagia."
Deuteronomio 13, 2-6: "Qualora si alzi in mezzo a te un profeta o un sognatore che ti proponga un segno o un prodigio e il segno e il prodigio annunciato succeda ed egli ti dica: Seguiamo dèi stranieri, che tu non hai mai conosciuti, e rendiamo loro un culto, tu non dovrai ascoltare le parole di quel profeta o di quel sognatore; perché il Signore vostro Dio vi mette alla prova per sapere se amate il Signore vostro Dio con tutto il cuore e con tutta l'anima. Seguirete il Signore vostro Dio, temerete lui, osserverete i suoi comandi, obbedirete alla sua voce, lo servirete e gli resterete fedeli. Quanto a quel profeta o a quel sognatore, egli dovrà essere messo a morte, perché ha proposto l'apostasia dal Signore, dal vostro Dio, che vi ha fatti uscire dal paese di Egitto e vi ha riscattati dalla condizione servile, per trascinarti fuori della via per la quale il Signore tuo Dio ti ha ordinato di camminare. Così estirperai il male da te."
1° Re 11, 7-10: "Salomone costruì un'altura in onore di Camos, obbrobrio dei Moabiti, sul monte che è di fronte a Gerusalemme, e anche in onore di Milcom, obbrobrio degli Ammoniti. Allo stesso modo fece per tutte le sue donne straniere, che offrivano incenso e sacrifici ai loro dèi. Il Signore, perciò, si sdegnò con Salomone, perché aveva distolto il cuore dal Signore Dio d'Israele, che gli era apparso due volte e gli aveva comandato di non seguire altri dèi, ma Salomone non osservò quanto gli aveva comandato il Signore."
1° Re 11, 1-6: "Ma il re Salomone amò donne straniere, moabite, ammonite, idumee, di Sidòne e hittite, appartenenti a popoli, di cui aveva detto il Signore agli Israeliti: "Non andate da loro ed essi non vengano da voi: perché certo faranno deviare i vostri cuori dietro i loro dèi". Salomone si legò a loro per amore. Aveva settecento principesse per mogli e trecento concubine; le sue donne gli pervertirono il cuore. Quando Salomone fu vecchio, le sue donne l'attirarono verso dèi stranieri e il suo cuore non restò più tutto con il Signore suo Dio come il cuore di Davide suo padre. Salomone seguì Astàrte, dea di quelli di Sidòne, e Milcom, obbrobrio degli Ammoniti. Salomone commise quanto è male agli occhi del Signore e non fu fedele al Signore come lo era stato Davide suo padre."
@UniusRei3 not good news about Youtube eliminated channel comments
IHateNEWLAYOUT my american friend - not enough: that, synnek1 ° pig cannibal, then, half cap of sparkling wine, 666, gone bad, you close: his youtube page, for comments. because I said to him, in all languages, which had come: his time, even for him, to finish: on the altar of Satan, himself .. lol., but now he has offended not only all American employees: of youtube: but, also: the U.S. State, to create: a diplomatic international case .. and: stop my ministry? he: 1. together with MOSSAD, has full of filled with filters youtube, 2. ruined the layout, and, 3. did the Nazis against democracy: why, this is: NWO IMF: id of the Satanists, a real Nazism .. to lift the satanism worldwide
IHateNEWLAYOUT -- è molto grave, che, i satanisti coreani, ie, synnek1, loro abbiano eliminato: il link di questa pagina: dal canale principale di youtube [[quando io ho detto che google era nel CFR]], perché questa è comunque, in ogni modo, una grave offesa, contro, gli USA. gli americani, quando loro sono buoni? quando devono difendere, la Corea del Sud, contro, la Corea del Nord?
Jihad Abu Antar: sharia horror, said: time ago: "unius Rei is causing sharia law, and wants to do gay marriage, with: synnek1." "" UniusRei3 posted a comment 2 minutes ago I hate niggers and all chinese! "" - Answer - is why Islamists are accomplices of Satanists! slanderer! Idiot, you have Claimed to be a Christian, for: many years, but, in this way, you have proved: That: every Muslim: is a traitor, liar: and murderess! .. of course, is synnek1, master of yoube, Satanist priest, and he has a legal obligation to do all sorts of crimes, he makes both, the: expense: gay person, Which Also active gay cannibal, etc. .. but, you ugly beast, of Islamist, criminal: of an idolater moon stone? 'Slandering, UniusREI kingdom, and, this crime? will remain, as infamy, for, the Iran That, has sent you: on this page! anche perché gli ebrei non sono così ingenui da mettersi, a parlare, con me.. lol.
@my JHWH -- quando, satanisti e massoni, presi dalla disperazione, saranno costretti, ad usare centinaia: di loro agenti segreti, per cercare di: scandagliare, per scoprire, una qualche, mia parola falsa, compromettente, oppure, una mia vulnerabilitità, studiando, attentamente, circa, i miei: 5 milioni di articoli, che, io ho scritto, in questi 5 anni?, lol. poi, migliaia di loro agenti, finiranno al manicomio: insieme a loro! lol. @ youtube: 666: google: CIA -- stop! a bloccare la mia ADSL, ad ogni mio articolo, perché, io oggi, mi sto divertendo troppo!
ניו יורק -'' אני כבר לא: מוסלמי, סוציאליסטי: כי: הייתי לפני ...''. נשיא ארה"ב, ברק אובמה לועגת, מחייך וזלזול עצמי .. - תשובה - @ הבוגד אובמה, אסלאמית, שקרן, רוצחת! הטיהור האתנית של נוצרים ושיעים, כמרים, כמרים ובישופים נהרגה: בדם קר, עם הונאה, סחיטה, נחטף, כמו חיות, אונס של בנות, "שחט", דרישת כופר, כל חלאתך: מחבלים: הסלפים, "אחים מוסלמים" כדי להפיץ את השריעה שלך "הח'ליפות העולמית" שלך, שהם, היום, בסוריה, וכי יש לך רק להתפשט: בכל רחבי הים התיכון, וכו '.. ? הם: שלך: ה-CIA ושלך: הליגה הערבית: מי עושה את כל הפשעים האלה! ואת המדיה שלך, היהודי: המונופול של כל אחד: SpA, התאגידים, ל: הפעולה: קרן המטבע הבינלאומית, בנק פדרלי, הבנק המרכזי של אירופה, תלמוד סדר היום: Bildenberg, מערכת הבונים החופשיים: לseigniorage הבנקאות, הם מכסים: כל זה, עם: השקרים שלהם: ו מידע מנוצל. היה יותר טוב: בשבילך, כי אתה אף פעם לא הייתי נולד!
2013/02/12 [סוריה - הוותיקן]. אחרי המורדים מוסלמים לתפוס שני כמרים בחלב, יש חשש: ל: החיים שלהם. כומר ארמני קתולי, אב מייקל, וכומר אורתודוקסי נחטפו: ביום ראשון האחרון בנוצרי של חאלב: השכונה. מקורות לדבר: לAsiaNews: על: רצח הברברי: בוצעו: הקיצונים איסלמיים שלי. מכונית תופת: מתפוצצת: בתורכי לסוריה: מעבר הגבול: מCilvegozu. [לאחר שנרצח: טבח: הכוהנים, הם דרשו: כופר: לבישופים שלהם] 2013/04/26. [שכן הליגה הערבית עושה טיהור האתנית של שיעים ונוצרים, אונס, רציחות, בכל מקום, היא זוכה שטח, ולאחר מכן, את הצ'צ'נים: הם נקמו, המחבל נהרג בבוסטון (כפי שאמרה טורקיה)] אין סימן לבישופים אורתודוקסיים "שחרורו, פחדים של סחטנות פוליטית לגדול. 322 קרי, בוש, אובמה רוטשילד 666, מצאתי את סארין, במעבדות של הליגה הערבית, ש,: אל קעידה הוביל, בסוריה .. הכי טוב בשבילך: זה היה יכול להיות, אם לא היית שנולד אי פעם!
IHateNEWLAYOUT חה pubblicato בלתי commento 45 minuti fa אתה לא עושה את הערוץ חדש לא עדיין? ! - תשובה - אלה, שיש לי (כ -50, ערוץ) הם מוגזמים, בשבילי, היה יותר טוב רק ערוץ אחד: בשבילי, אבל, כפי שאתה יכול להגיד את זה "שטן הצלה", ולאחר מכן, באפשרותך להסתיר את עצמך, כמו פחדן, מאחורי התמונה, של סנט רטולו ונגו, שהוא בעת בגילך, הוא היה כומר וודו של השטן ... אוהב אותך?
[[סוריה שחררה שני הבישופים האורתודוכסיים. ANSA.it - לפני 4 ימים]] .. אבל, אתה צריך לחפור: עם עקשנות גדולה: למצוא את זה בחדשות, "סמוי" בתקשורת היהודיות הבינלאומית: Bildenberg של המערכת של הבונים החופשיים seigniorage הבנק. [[סוריה נחטפה בישופים; גם: אתונה: אישור שחרור: לא. ANSA.it - לפני 3 ימים: הבישופות חלב, אין קשר עם שני הארכיבישופים האורתודוכסיים]], קרי, אמר:'' אני דיבר הבוקר: מכאן עם נתניהו, והוא אמר לי שזה לא היה בעמדה: כדי לאשר . זהו התהליך שלהם: הדואר: תלוי בהם: כגון: ומתי: שהם רוצים לעשות, ואת זה הוא לא: אליי: להפוך הכרזות. אז: אני לא יודע''!. אולי פירושו (אבל, לעזאזל זה אומר, הנאום הזה????): אם אתה רוצה לפלוש לסוריה, עם עלילה, כמו, שכבר פלש לעיראק, עם, השמצות אחרת, ולאחר מכן, עשה זאת, אבל, אתה לא לשבור, זין: לי!
@ שביתת בנימין נתניהו --- בנשק גרעיני, אותו היום, כל 50 המדינות איסלמיים, הוא הסיכוי היחיד שיש לך של להיות מסוגל להציל את ישראל
@ בנימין נתניהו --- אבל זו האמת: יש יותר: כוח המערבי, אבל, יש תכנית: שדולה יהודית וכוחות נסתרים של הבונים החופשיים: קרן המטבע הבינלאומית 666 הפד, המערכת: עריץ שטני סמכויות, קרן המטבע הבינלאומי, Bildenberg, וכל הכיוון הנסתר שלהם (המדע הגבוה ביותר, של הנדסה, החברתי ו, כל SpA המונופולים, הכל בידיים: של Rothschid בלבד), בדרך זו, הם: שוב, להאשים את הנוצרים, ל: השמדה: שואה הממשמשת ובאה: נגד ישראל, במהלך מלחמת העולם השלישי, השואה החדשה, כמו: פעם אחת, הם עשו: אחרי, מלחמת העולם השנייה. ראה את זה: עם המהפכה הצרפתית, לא יותר קיימים, מדיניות: זה יכול להיות תחת השליטה של הנוצרים במערב! זו הסיבה שהפרושים והסלפים: צריכים להיות נידונים למוות! משום, שיש לו דיאלוג איתם הוא בלתי אפשרי
[ח'ליפות עולמית, כגון: אסטרטגיה של מלחמה התוקפנית] היא לחלוטין איסלאמופוביה: מוצדקת, שכן: כי: האסלאמיסטים איסלמיים שלנו, השותף, הם לישון בשקט: ל, פשעים: כי, האיסלמי: להתחייב: כל, במזרח התיכון, נגד, הנוצרים, ולכן, לא תהיה התעוררות כואבת בהכרח, פתאומית ודרמטית. זו הכיתה שלנו פסק דין, אשר, כמו, להשלים עם המחבלים, בלי להתמודד עם: הבעיה של לכידות: נתעבת ושותפה פלילית: תפיסה מוטעה: של: "שלום", ואילו: רבים חללים נוצרי תמימים מדי,, למצוא את שלוותם בבית הקברות. למעשה, נוצרים בשטחים פלסטיני (להלן, יאסר ערפאת), יש לי נאלצו לברוח בהמוניהם, ואילו הנוצרים שנותרו, הם היו להיות נאלצו כבני חסות, עבדים, נושאים, גם הגישה, אותם, להלכה אסלאמית. מדוע, אם כן, באירופה ממשיכה להיות אויב של ישראל, ושותפה לפשע של הנאציזם, הפלסטינים, ושל כל המדינות עכשיו התאסלמו על ידי הליגה הערבית?
[ח'ליפות עולמית, אסלאם, כגון: אסטרטגיה של מלחמה התוקפנית, ומערב: יותר ויותר פליליים], המונע על ידי נסחפים בנקאות היהודי הלובי: האילומינטי: קרן המטבע-NWO, הפרושים, בנקאים בינלאומיים, שנשבעו שנאה, נצחיים: נגד : הנצרות, דוחף את עצמם, באופן משמעותי, מתוך: מציביליזציה: יהודית - נוצרית, הם הפכו ל: האויבים האמיתיים, של קיומה של ישראל. זה מערב: הבונים החופשיים ושטני, תורת הנסתר סמכויות Bildenberg ש: מכחיש את הערכים שלהם, ו: מסגיר את זהותו שלו, של: אירופה נטשה אל תהום הנשייה, ולכן פושע להיות: להיות, חירש ... ואת עצמו: גיבור צמא דם, שותף: של כל הפרה: חופש דת, גם מחוץ לגבולותיה, הן בתוך: גבולותיה, כי אם זה נכון, כי: מוסלמים הם האחים שלנו, לעומת זאת, גם נכון, כי,
[הח'ליפות העולמית, של: אובמה] היא לא קשה למצוא ראיות לכך: טרגדיה אנושית קטסטרופלי, מתוכם: תלמוד קרן המטבע הבינלאומית: הבנק המרכזי של אירופה הפד, ה-CIA ארה"ב האו"ם, נאט"ו, הן שותפים. של ברבריות זה: אזרחים, דתי, תרבותי, שצנח: העולם: ערבי ומוסלמי, בטרף לקנאות אידיאולוגית: קיצונים איסלמיים: וחוסר סובלנות דתית: הדיקטטורות בכוח. [אחריותה של אירופה: עכשיו בני ערובה של האילומינטי Bildenber: זה ענק] לנוכח רדיפה מתמשכת והמשיכו: השפלות יומיומיות, שכל הנוצרים תחת משטרים איסלמיים, ובכל דבר: במזרח התיכון, הם נאלצים לחיות ולסבול, כי: אירופה היא חולה, מזה: רלטיביזם עיוור: עם, רעיון הטוב של רב תרבותיות, אשר, עם זאת, יכול שלא להתממש: בלי: את הרעיון של הדדיות
[אובמה והכחדה התוכניות שלו, של הנוצרים, ושל העדה השיעית, במזרח התיכון] בעבר, של הכיבוש הערבי: והאיסלאם במאה השביעי, נוצרים מורכבים, 95%, של האוכלוסייה, של הים התיכון: מדרום וממזרח הים התיכון. אבל, היום, עם פחות, מאשר, 12. מיליון, נפל, בצורה חדה פחות מ -6%, כמובן, בשנת 2020, לא יהיו יותר נוצרים במזרח התיכון! ממלחמת העולם הראשונה: 10 מיליון נוצרים נאלצו להגר. זו הוכחה של כת השטן, ו: ברבריות פליליות, dell'imbarbarimento, לא רק, של הליגה הערבית, אבל, מעל לכל, שותפיו, הבונים החופשיים, הפרושים, האילומינטי, Bildenberg, כוח נסתר, אשר, עם שתיקה הפיכה: תפסה את השלטון: בכל דמוקרטיות שווא הבונים החופשיים: של seigniorage הבנקאי.
1. [הכנסייה (קדושים נוצרי) נרדפה במזרח התיכון: ל: לעשות את הח'ליפות העולמית] 2. [הכנסייה (קדושים נוצרי) הוא נרדף, בכל רחבי העולם לזה: התלמוד של הפרושים: במערכת הבונים החופשיים: לseigniorage הבנקאות:. לשעבד את כל העמים, ולהשמיד את ישראל] 3. [הכנסייה (קדושים נוצרי) הוא נרדף על ידי כל הדתות והקומוניזם. ] אנו עדים לכך מפחידים, לרדיפות ולנטישה ההמונית של נוצרים מהמזרח התיכון, שהם הילידים האמיתיים של האזור, בגלל תפיסה: ש: היה satanizzata: על, האיסלאם: מהליגה הערבית, ושלו : ה-CIA, כל נאצים, האסלאמיסטים הנאצים, חסרי סובלנות לחלוטין, ו, לא מצליחה לכבד את כבודו וזכויותיו של האדם. בהתאם לכך, הם להסתיר את הסיבות האמיתיות לשאלה מדוע הישראלים נאלצים להיות כל כך "קשה" נגד הפלסטינים.
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
The Kingdom from OnHigh!
[Otherwise Known as Heaven]
as it Was.... IS.... and Will Be
Our Self-Existent Creator's Favour of SALVATION!
And What it Means to Those With Eyes That See and Ears That Hear!
Who Know The TRUTH and are Thereby Set FREE and Are Free Indeed!
--Who Follow the Lamb and Our Righteous King--
[ Referred to as "Jesus Christ" Among the Nations]
Being Subject to Him Alone and The Most-High Creator Who Sent Him.
OLaM Ha-BaH ("the coming world") is close at hand!
I am moved by IaHUeH's Spirit to Recognize Kinship to ALL who, according to IaHUShUA' Ha-MaShIaCh
(by whichever pronunciation or transliteration) have entered into His Living Kingdom. (you know who you are)
Both Houses of The Twelve Tribes of the Scattered Sheep of the Children of IeShRaEL
and EveryOne Also who have been brought into the fold and Follow In The Way as Spoken By The Prophets of IaHUeH
A Testimony of Restoration to The Covenant
Most "Christians" would answer an emphatic yes. "As long as it doesn't go against 'God's' law" some might add. They will even tell you that the "Bible" tells you to do so. There are quotes they will provide, that when taken out of context (as is usually the case) will seemingly prove their point.
"Render unto Caesar" Luke 20:25
"Obey them that have the rule over you" Hebrews 13:17
"Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man
for the Lords' sake" First Peter 2:13
But First Let Us Look at:
What is This Law Of The Land?
And to Whom Does it Really Apply?
Well it may help to know:
What is This Church?
And Who is its "Sovereign Lord"?
"Well That's an easy one" you may be thinking... "Jesus Christ" right? "The Lord our God" isn't it? some may say it is "The State" because of the [501(c)(3)] status.. but of course that would be Illegal.. separation between Church and State right?
It may come as a great shock to discover that the real answer is "none of the above"!!! and it is not the people either.
The Shocking Truth is that by long standing Tradition in the common law and until now uncontested... the seat goes to "lord god the pope".
WOI!!! What did I just say? am I crazy?? Look it up for yourself!
"The Holy Roman Catholic Church" (and its "Orthodox" sister) was Founded by the Roman Emperor Constantine around 325 c.e.. Since Rome Murdered The Apostles beforehand starting in the Sixties (60c.e.)., I doubt very seriously their Claim to Apostolic Succession. It was around 1050 when the "great schism" occurred.. The Protestant Reformation happened around 1517 (partly over the "Justification by Faith" issue) but the Protestants never really "came out of her"... they simply became the Daughters of the "great" Whore of Babylon and continued in her fornications.
The End of any Possible Claim to Apostolic Succession: 3/29 537c.e.
After his invasion of Italy, the Gothic War (535–554), Emperor Justinian I forced Pope Silverius to abdicate and installed Pope Vigilius, a former apocrisiarius to Constantinople in his place; Justinian next appointed Pope Pelagius I, holding only a "sham election" to replace Vigilius; -From Wikipedia
Justinian had tried and failed to Restore the Old Roman Empire so he started working on the "Holy Roman Empire".
Not long after that point however the Pope turned the tables and started crowning Emperors! Starting with Charlemagne 12/25/800c.e. who also claimed to be the Renewer of the Roman Empire.
End of popes political sovereignty: 2/10 1798c.e.
He (Berthier) accompanied Napoleon throughout the brilliant campaign of 1796, and was left in charge of the army after the Treaty of Campo Formio. He was in this post in 1798 when he entered Italy, invaded the Vatican, organized the Roman republic, and took the pope Pius VI as prisoner back to Valence (France) where, after a journey of torturous suffering, the pope, a helpless prisoner under Berthier's supervision, died, dealing a major blow to the Vatican's political power...
Equals 1260 years (a year begins in spring)
You may be beginning to understand why The Spirit of The MostHigh Creator has led me to reject her (rome's) blasphemous terminology and seek the Purer Hebrew Root of Words, Names and meanings -I certainly am!
To be fair: The SDA Church Lies more than the Pope!Find the Truth in IaHUeH's Word about His SetApart Times. Accept No Substitutes!!
Well... what ABOUT JUDAIC LAW?
You may ask...
My problem with Judaic Law is this..
It has a long history of teaching the Transgression of IaHUeH's Law..
It teaches its adherents to reject our (their) Righteous King..
It is a Transgression of Judaic Law to Interpret TORAH (IaHUeH's Law) without the use of Halakah (talmud -traditions of men).
Just Look at the track record.
Just to be fair I will ask: Islam?
There are many sincere and well meaning people that hold to these beliefs. (indeed all *Religions)
I mean no disrespect -May True ShaLOM be Upon You!
But one cannot begin to compare the writings in the Quran to Word of IaHUeH in His SetApart Scripture.
As a Matter of Fact The Word as Given to The Prophet Muhammad not only Gives Support to and is Supported by but also has as its Very Foundation The TORaH of IaHUeH and The Testimony of IaHUShUA' Ha-MaShIaCh.. This Word was to Ishmael -an Invitation to enter into Covenant with the AllMighty and to Help His Children Return to The Way -To The TORaH and To The Testimony of The Prophets and IaHUShUA' Ha-MaShIaCh- they ALL Agree as One!!
In the Light of the Great Law of Love of IaHUeH no Opposing viewpoints will stand -no Force is necessary or Allowed!
Islam arose as a response to and even as punishment for Christianity's Apostasy and the Falsehoods of Judaism. [Same as the modern atheists]
They saw it before we did, very observant... But that does not make Islam Correct!
* Religion is generally man's excuse for not Doing the Will of The MostHigh Creator!
And doing what somebody else tells them to do instead -because it is said to be established.
So.. where then, DO WE TURN?
Return unto Me, and I will return unto you sayeth IaHUeH of Hosts!!
The religions above all claim to Love IaHUeH.. don't you think it is about time to Stop Hating Each Other?
I Am Here to make Converts of you All!
To Convert the Jews to TORaH.
To Convert the Christians to Following IaHUShUA' Ha-MaShIaCh.
and to Convert Islam to Hearing the Word of The Prophet.
You must all be Converted to be Saved
Converted from the Traditions of your Fathers and Back to The Word You Were Given.
This Word Is Given By IaHUeH! and Does in Fact Agree as One when put together and in Perspective.
Whosoever would Promote Hatred in the name of Religion Proves their Religion False!
The Spirit of Truth, Studious Research and my Experience of Life has Revealed to me that The Most Important thing for us to do in this Life is to Obey the LAW of The CREATOR; to Study and Understand The Ten Commandments, For These are The WORDS that Speak of our Responsibility to our Covenant with The Creator; which The People both Heard and Agreed to --but also Broke.
In These Latter Days IaHUShUA' Calls to us Through The Singular Spirit of Truth (that He Promised to send to us) and RESTORES us to The Original Covenant and It's LAW -To Each of Us, Hear IaHUeH's Voice, To obey His WORD and The LAW of The Covenant and LIVE.
NOTE: The Original Covenant was Broke and Refused by The People even while Mosheh was receiving the Formal, Written in Stone -By the Finger of The MostHigh- Ten Commandments. As a Result they received a REVISED COVENANT that some folk still try to follow to this day, even though by now even The Meaning of The Ten Commandments has been both exaggerated and also obscured. Well they Broke this new Covenant Repeatedly... Even though the Choice was So Simple... Obey The MostHigh Creator's LAW or they would be Subject to and put into Bondage to the Cruel Government of man! (which ironically is against the First Commandment). -Forget about your so-called loophole! Please?
As you Will Find Out the law of man and the LAW of The MostHigh Creator ARE at Odds, Opposite. The law of man is mammon based -designed to make slaves of us All --only The MostHigh Creator's LAW is RIGHTEOUS-- designed to Free us All. IaHUeH's LAW is Qodesh (Which means SetApart, Separate, Singular and Exclusive). In the Words of our RIGHTEOUS KING "You cannot Serve Two Masters... "
But you must serve one or the other.. "You're gonna have to serve somebody" -Dylan
So the answer to the first question on the page is yes we do need to Obey the LAW.
But so does the government.
Especially: You Will Do No MURDER! You Will Not Steal, You Will Not Bear False Witness, and You Will Not Covet!!
What most people don't realize is that "Christianity" teaches the people
to disobey The Very Law that Our Righteous King ESTABLISHED!
[ No Wonder They Found it Necessary to CHANGE HIS NAME! ]
As a matter of fact the purpose of "Christianity" has become; to cause people to conform to the world of man, obeying mans law. They have seemingly translated the Scriptures with the purpose of obscuring the Truth, and to cause the people to
worship idols!
For instance; in most "Bibles" the third Commandment...
is a direct transgression of itself!
in that they have replaced the Name of IaHUeH with the names of idols,
bringing that great and Singular Name
into desecration.
This is an entirely different teaching than what the "Messiah" IaHUShUA' taught and is Most of why the world is in such a state of confusion today.
Matt 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Matt 15:7-9 Ye hypocrites, well did IeSha-IaHU prophesy of you, saying, "This people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honoureth Me with their lips; but their heart is far from Me. But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines...
the commandments of men."
Iam IaHU-NaTaN IeShRaEL -Given of and by IaHUeH-
to The Assembly of IaHUShUA' MaShIaChaH Both Houses of The Twelve Tribes of the Scattered Sheep of the Children of IeShRaEL
With Very GOOD NEWS to Share.
A Statement Concerning... The Basis of my Conviction
If you are still with me there is something I Need to tell you. We have all been Deceived! The world is Lying to us about so many things... these are big lies.. very well funded.. and have been systematically set into place over the course of hundreds of years. The main focus has been to destroy our faith in the TRUTH of The WORD of IaHUeH and of His Son IaHUShUA' Ha-MaShIaCh. In order to make us Prey to the adversary.
The Truth will STOP your world! I mean it actually and literally. What you have Seen so far is just the beginning.
The Weekly ShaBaT (Sabbath) of IaHUeH
is According to His Calendar -not the Roman (Statist) Gregorian (Papist) calendar
...or any other man made calendar!!!
Our Main Message to You..
And The ROCK on Which I Stand!
Scriptural Proofs and Commentary
The Law of the Kingdom of IaHUeH.
The Judges That IaHUeH Sent.
The Kings of IeShRaEL.
The Prophets IaHUeH Sent.
Testimony of IaHUShUA' as Witnessed by IaHUChaNaN.
Render unto Caesar.
What about Paul?
The Mystery of Salvation Revealed at Last!
The First Epistle of IaHUChaNaN.
Нью-Ёрк -'' Я больш: мусульманскі, Сацыялістычная: што: я быў раней ...''. Прэзідэнт ЗША Барак Абама здзекуецца, усміхаючыся і самоуничижительную .. - Адказ - @ TRAITOR Абама, ісламісцкія, таго, хто хлусіць, забойцы! этнічныя чысткі хрысціян і шыітаў, святары, дыяканы, біскупы і забіта: стрымана, з падманам, шантажом, выкралі, як і жывёлы, згвалтаванні дзяўчат, "зарэжуць", патрабаванне выкупу, усе сволачы вашыя: тэрарыстаў: салафіты, "Браты-мусульмане", каб распаўсюджваць сваю шарыяту ваш "сусветнай халіфата", які яны, сёння ў Сірыі, і што вы толькі што распаўсюджана: па ўсім Міжземнамор'і, і г.д. .. ? з'яўляюцца: вашае: ЦРУ і вашым: Ліга арабскіх дзяржаў: хто робіць усё гэтыя злачынствы! і вашы, габрэйскія СМІ: манаполія кожнага: SpA, карпарацый, для: дзеянне: МВФ, ФРС, ЕЦБ, Талмудзе парадку дня: Bildenberg, масонскія сістэмы: для банкаўскіх сеньяраж, яны ахопліваюць: усё гэта, з: іх хлусня: і іх Інфармацыя эксплуатуюцца. было б лепш, для вас, што вы ніколі не былі народжаныя!
2013/12/02 [Сірыя - Ватыкан]. Пасля мусульманскіх паўстанцаў захапіць два святара ў Алеппо, ёсць асцярогі: для: іх жыцця. Армянскія каталіцкі святар, айцец Міхаіл, і праваслаўны святар былі выкрадзены: у мінулую нядзелю ў хрысціянскай Алеппо: наваколлі. Крыніцы кажуць: каб AsiaNews: аб: варварскія забойства: ажыццяўляецца: мой ісламскіх экстрэмістаў. Замінаваны аўтамабіль: выбухае: на турэцка-сірыйскай: скрыжаванне мяжы: з Cilvegozu. [Пасля таго, як забітыя: забой: святары, яны патрабавалі: выкуп: іх біскупамі] 04/26/2013. [З Лігай арабскіх дзяржаў робіць этнічную чыстку шыіты і хрысціяне, згвалтаванні, забойствы, ва ўсім свеце, яна не выйграе ў тэрыторыю, то, чачэнцы: яны адпомсцілі, тэрарыст забіты ў Бостане (як заявіў, што Турцыя)] Няма знак праваслаўных біскупаў »рэліз, страхі палітычнага шантажу расці. 322 Кэры, Буш, Абама 666 Ротшыльд, я выявіў, што зарын, у лабараторыях Лігі арабскіх дзяржаў, што, ваша: Аль-Каіда прывяло, у Сірыі .. лепш для вас: гэта было б, калі вы ніколі не былі нарадзіцца!
IHateNEWLAYOUT га pubblicato ААН Commento 45 Minuti FA вы не зрабіць новы канал не ўсё ж? ! - Адказ - тыя, якія ў мяне ёсць (каля 50, канал) з'яўляюцца празмернымі, для мяне, было б лепш, толькі адзін канал: для мяне, але, як вы можаце сказаць, што "Сатана Захаваць», а потым, вы хавайся, як баязлівец, за фота, Святога Бартала Лонг, які, як ён, калі быў у вашым узросце, ён быў сьвятаром вуду Сатаны ... як ты?
[[Сірыя вызваліла двух праваслаўных епіскапаў. ANSA.it - 4 дзён назад]] .. Але, вы павінны капаць: з вялікім упартасцю: знайсці гэтую навіну, "схаваныя" ў міжнародных габрэйскіх СМІ: Bildenberg масонскай сістэмы эмісійны банк. [[Сірыі выкрадзеныя біскупаў; таксама: Афіны: няма: пацверджанне вызвалення. ANSA.it - 3 дні таму: епархіі Алеппо, ніякіх кантактаў з двух праваслаўных архіепіскапаў]], Кэры сказаў:'' Я гаварыў сёння раніцай: адсюль з Нетаньяху, і ён сказаў мне, што ён быў не ў стане: для пацверджання . Гэта іх працэсу: E: залежыць ад іх: такіх як: i калi: яны хочуць зрабіць, і гэта не так: мне: рабіць аб'явы. Дык вось: я не ведаю!''. Магчыма, азначае (але, чорт, што азначае, што гэтая размова??): Калі вы хочаце, каб вторгнуться Сірыі, з паклёпам, як, вы ўжо ўварваліся ў Ірак, з, іншы паклёпу, то, зрабіць гэта, але, вы не парушаеце, певень: да мяне!
@ Біньямін Нетаньяху --- ўдару з прымяненнем ядзернай зброі, таксама сёння ўсе 50 ісламскіх краін, гэта адзіны шанец ў вас ёсць, каб быць здольным выратаваць Ізраіль
@ --- Біньяміна Нетаньяху, але гэта праўда: ёсць больш: Захадзе ўладу, але, ёсць схема: габрэйскае лобі і масонскіх акультных сіл: МВФ FED 666, сістэма: тыранічныя сатанінскія сілы, МВФ, Bildenberg, і ўсе іх скрытыя напрамкі (самая высокая навукі, інжынернай, сацыяльнай і, усё манаполіі SpA, усё ў руках: толькі Rothschid), такім чынам, яны будуць: яшчэ раз, вінаватыя хрысціяне, для: знішчэння: Халакост непазбежнай: супраць, Ізраіль, падчас Трэцяй сусветнай вайны, новы Халакост, як: аднойчы, яны зрабілі: пасля другой сусветнай вайны. Відаць, што: з Французскай рэвалюцыяй, не больш існуе, палітыка: ён можа знаходзіцца пад кантролем хрысціян на Захадзе! вось чаму фарысэі і салафітам: ці павінен быць прысуджаны да смерці! бо, маючы на дыялог з імі немагчыма
[Сусветнага халіфата, такіх, як: стратэгія агрэсіўнай вайны] поўнасцю исламофобии: апраўдана, так: што: нашы ісламскія ісламістаў, супольніка, яны спаць спакойна: бо злачынствы: што, сваім ісламскім: фіксацыя: усё, на Блізкім Усходзе, супраць, хрысціяне, таму, будзе хваравітым Абавязкова, рэзкія і драматычныя абуджэння. Гэта наш кіруючы клас, які, быццам бы, прыйсці да пагаднення з тэрарыстамі, без рашэння: праблема ўзгодненасці: гідкае і крымінальна саўдзельнікамі: ілжывае ўяўленне: пра: "свет", у той час: шмат, занадта шмат нявінных хрысціянскіх пакутнікаў, знайсці іх спакой на могілках. На самай справе, хрысціяне на палестынскіх тэрыторыях (ніжэй, Ясір Арафат), вымушаныя былі бегчы ў масавым парадку, а астатнія хрысціяне, яны павінны былі быць вымушаны як Зімы, рабоў, прадметы, таксама прадставілі, іх, ісламская права. Чаму ж тады, Еўропа па-ранейшаму ворагам Ізраіля, і памагатым нацызму, палестынцаў і ўсіх краін цяпер ісламізаваць Лігі арабскіх дзяржаў?
[Сусветнага халіфата, ісламу, такія як: стратэгія агрэсіўнай вайны, і Захад: усё больш і больш крымінальных], рухомы па плыні па габрэйскім банкаўская лобі: ілюмінатаў: МВФ-NWO, фарысэі, міжнародныя банкіры, якія пакляліся нянавісць, вечнае: супраць : хрысціянства, штурхаючы сябе, у значнай ступені, з: ад цывілізацыі: габрэйская - хрысціянін, бо яны сталі: сапраўдныя ворагі, пра выжыванне Ізраіля. Гэта Захад: масонскія і сатанінскіх, акультных сіл Bildenberg што: адмаўляць свае ўласныя каштоўнасці, а таксама: здраджвае сваю ўласную ідэнтычнасць, аб: Еўропа адмовілася забыццю, так што злачынцы: стаць, глухія ... і сам: крыважэрны герой, хаўруснік: кожнага парушэнні: свабоду веравызнання, і за яе межамі, як унутры, так: свае межы, таму што, калі гэта праўда, што: мусульмане нашы браты, аднак, таксама дакладна, што,
[Сусветнага халіфата, аб: Абама] не цяжка знайсці доказы гэтага: катастрафічных чалавечых трагедый, з якіх: Талмуд МВФ: ЕЦБ кармілі, ЦРУ ЗША ААН, НАТА, з'яўляюцца саўдзельнікамі. гэтага варварства: грамадзянскія, рэлігійныя, культурныя, якая пагрузілася: свет: араба-мусульманскай, у ахвяру ідэалагічным фанатызмам: ісламскія экстрэмісты: і рэлігійнай нецярпімасці: дыктатуры ў сваёй улады. [Еўропы адказнасць: зараз закладнікамі ілюмінатаў Bildenber: гэта велізарная] ва ўмовах пераследу і працяг: штодзённыя знявагі, што ўсе хрысціяне ў ісламскіх рэжымаў, і ва ўсім: на Блізкім Усходзе, яны вымушаны жыць і пакутаваць, таму што: Еўропа хворая, пра гэта: рэлятывізм асьлеплены: з таго, што добрая ідэя мультыкультуралізму, якая, аднак, не могуць быць рэалізаваны: без: канцэпцыі ўзаемнасці
[Абама і яго планы знікнення, хрысціян, і шыітаў, на Блізкім Усходзе] раней, з арабскай заваёвы: і ісламу ў сёмым стагоддзі, хрысціяне складалі, 95% насельніцтва, у Міжземным моры: поўдзень і ўсход ад Міжземнага мора. Але сёння, з меншымі выдаткамі, чым, 12. мільёнаў, ўпалі, рэзка менш за 6%, вядома, у 2020 годзе, там не будзе больш хрысціянаў на Блізкім Усходзе! Ад першай сусветнай вайны: 10000000 хрысціяне былі вымушаныя эміграваць. Гэта доказ таго, сатанізму, а таксама: крымінальная варварства, dell'imbarbarimento, не толькі, Лігі арабскіх дзяржаў, але, перш за ўсё, яго саўдзельнікі, масоны, фарысэі, ілюмінатаў, Bildenberg, акультная сіла, якая, з ціхім пераварот: да ўлады: ва ўсіх дэмакратыях ілжывыя масонскія: банкаўскай сеньяраж.
1. [Царквы (хрысціянскія пакутнікі) пераследуецца на Блізкім Усходзе: у: зрабіць сусветнай халіфата] 2. [Царквы (хрысціянскія пакутнікі) падвяргаецца пераследам, ва ўсім свеце для гэтага: Талмуд з фарысэяў: у масонскай сістэмы: для банкаўскага сеньяраж:. Заняволіць ўсе народы, і знішчыць Ізраіль] 3. [Царквы (хрысціянскія пакутнікі) перасьледуецца усіх рэлігій, і камунізму. ] Мы з'яўляемся сведкамі такія палахлівыя, пераследу і масавы зыход хрысціян з Блізкага Ўсходу, якія з'яўляюцца праўдзівымі карэннымі жыхарамі рэгіёну, з-за канцэпцыі: што: было satanizzata: о, іслам: Лігі арабскіх дзяржаў, і яго : ЦРУ, усё фашысты, нацысты ісламістаў, абсалютна нетрывальным, і, не ў стане паважаць годнасць і правы чалавечай асобы. Адпаведна, яны хаваюць сапраўдныя прычыны, чаму ізраільцяне вымушаныя быць такім "жорсткім" супраць палестынцаў.
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
YouTube Rewind 2012
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
1 secondo fa
@my JHWH -- quando, satanisti e massoni, presi dalla disperazione, saranno costretti, ad usare centinaia: di loro agenti segreti, per cercare di: scandagliare, per scoprire, una qualche, mia parola falsa, compromettente, oppure, una mia vulnerabilitità, studiando, attentamente, circa, i miei: 5 milioni di articoli, che, io ho scritto, in questi 5 anni?, lol. poi, migliaia di loro agenti, finiranno al manicomio: insieme a loro! lol. @ youtube: 666: google: CIA -- stop! a bloccare la mia ADSL, ad ogni mio articolo, perché, io oggi, mi sto divertendo troppo!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
18 minuti fa
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
NEW YORK - '나는 더 이상 : 무슬림 사회 : 그 : 전에 ... ''이었다. 버락 오바마 미국 대통령 조롱, 웃과 자기 비하 .. - 답 - @ 배신자 오바마, 이슬람, 거짓말 쟁이, 살인자! 그리스도와 시아파, 사제, 집사, 그리고 감독의 인종 청소 처치 : 차가운 혈액, 동물, 소녀 강간 "학살", 몸값, 모든 쓰레기 같은 납치 사기, 협박,로 : 테러리스트의 : Salafis, 시리아에서 샤리아 그들이 당신의 "세계 칼리프의 지위", 오늘, 확산 "무슬림 형제", 그리고 당신은 단지 확산 : 모든 지중해 등을 통해 .. ? 위치 : 당신 : CIA와 당신 : 아랍 연맹 : 사람이 모든 범죄를하고있다! 당신의 유대 미디어 각의 독점 : 스파, 기업, 용 : 액션 : IMF, FED, ECB, 탈무드 일정 : Bildenberg, 프리메이슨 시스템 : 은행 군주의 특권을 위해, 그들은 커버 : 모든과 : 자신의 거짓말 :과 정보를 악용. 더 좋았을 것이다 : 당신을 위해, 당신은 태어나지 않았 었다는 것을!
2013년 2월 12일 [시리아 - 바티칸]. 이슬람 반군은 알레포에서 두 성직자를 포착 한 후, 두려움이있다 : 가능한 점 : 자신의 인생. 아르메니아 가톨릭 사제 천을 마이클, 그리고 정교회 성직자가 납치되었다 : 지난 일요일 알레포의 기독교에 동네. 에 관하여 : AsiaNews에 : 야만적 인 살인 사건 : 소스 이야기 실시 : 내 이슬람 극단입니다. 차량 폭탄 : 폭발 : 국경 검문소 : 터키 - 시리아에서 Cilvegozu의. [: 학살 : 살해 한 후 제사장들은 요구 : 몸값을 : 자신의 주교로] 2013년 4월 26일합니다. [아랍 연맹은 시아파과 기독교인, 강간, 살인, 사방의 인종 청소를하고 있기 때문에, 그녀는 다음, 체첸을 영토를이기는 없습니다 : 그들은 테러리스트가 (같은 터키했다) 보스턴 살해, 복수] 정교회 주교의 흔적을 '릴리스 정치적 협박의 공포 성장. 시리아, 알 카에다되었다 .. 322 케리, 부시, 666 오바마 로스 차일드는, 당신이 그, 아랍 연맹의 실험실에서, 사린을 발견 당신을위한 제일 : 당신은 출생되지 않은 경우가 있었을 것이다!
IHateNEWLAYOUT 하 pubblicato 않은 commento 45 미뉴 FA 당신은 아직 새로운 것이 아니다 채널을 만들 수 없습니다? ! - - ANSWER I은 (50 채널)이있는 사람들은, 나를 위해, 더 나은 하나의 채널 만했을 것이다, 과도 : 다음 날하지만, 당신이 "사탄 저장"말할 수있는, 그리고 당신 세인트 바르톨로 롱고의 사진, 그 나이 때이었다, 그는 사탄의 신부 부두이었다 뒤에 겁쟁이처럼 자신을 숨기 ... 당신을 좋아하세요?
[[시리아는 두 정교회 주교를 해제. ANSA.it - 3 일 전] .. 그러나, 당신은 파고있다 : 큰 완고 : Bildenberg 은행 군주의 특권의 프리메이슨 시스템 : 국제 유대인의 언론에서 "숨김"이 뉴스를 찾아보세요. [[시리아 감독을 납치, 또한 아테네 : 미 : 확인 해방. ANSA.it - 1 일 전 : 교구 알레포, 두 정교회 대주교와 접촉 없음], 케리는 말했다 : 여기에서 네타냐후와 함께, 그는이 위치에 있지 하더군요 : 오늘 아침에 이야기 '확인 . 같은 : 그들에 따라 달라집니다 : E : 이것은 그들의 과정 때 : 그들이하고 싶은, 그것은되지 않습니다 : 나에게 : 공지 사항을 확인합니다. 그래서 : 몰라요! ''. 아마도 의미합니다 (단, 대체 그 의미,이 연설을??) : 당신은 당신이 좋아하는, 비방와 시리아를 침략하려는 경우, 당신은 이미 다른 비방,와, 이라크를 침공 한 후, 그렇게하지만, 당신 거시기를 중단하지 않습니다 나에게!
핵무기 같은 오늘, 50 개 이슬람 국가들과 @ 벤자민 네타냐후 --- 파업, 그것은 당신이 이스라엘을 절약 할 수 있다는 수있는 유일한 기회입니다
베 냐민 네타냐후 --- @ 그러나 이것은 진실 : 웨스트 힘을, 그러나 계획이 : 이상이 유대인 로비와 프리메이슨 신비로운 힘 : IMF FED 666 시스템 : 폭군 사탄의 힘, IMF, Bildenberg, 그들의 모든 숨겨진 방향 (손에서 가장 높은 사회 공학 과학, 그리고 모든 독점 스파, 전체 : 만 Rothschid의),이 방법, 그들은됩니다 퇴치 : 다시 한번, 대한 기독교를 비난 : 절박한 대학살 이스라엘에 대하여, 동안, 세계 대전 III, 새로운 홀로 코스트 같은 : 일단, 그들이 한 : 2 차 세계 대전 후에,. 볼이 : 프랑스 혁명과 함께, 더 많은 정책이 존재하지 : 그것은 서쪽에있는 기독교인의 제어 될 수 있습니다! 사형을 선고해야 바리새인과 Salafists이 이유입니다! 때문에, 그들과의 대화를 갖는 것은 불가능하다
[같은 세계 칼리프의 지위 : 공격적인 전쟁의 전략] 완전히 이슬람 공포증이다 정당화 가입일 : 그 : 우리의 이슬람 이슬람, 공범자, 그들은 숙면 : 대한, 범죄 : 그, 이슬람 : 커밋 : 모든, 중동, 왜, 반드시 고통스러운 갑작스럽고 극적인 깨달음이있을 것입니다 기독교인에 대하여. 이 우리의 지배 계급, 같은 처리하지 않고, 테러리스트와 조건에 와서 : 일관성의 문제 : 사악한 및 범죄 연루 : 잘못된 개념 :의 : "평화"반면, : 많은, 너무 많은 무고한 기독교 순교자, 묘지에서 자신의 평화를 찾을 수 있습니다. 나머지 그리스도인, 그들은 또한 이슬람 율법에, 그들을 제출 dhimmis, 노예 주제로 강제 할 수있는 동안 사실, 팔레스타인 지역에서 기독교인 (아래 야세르 아라파트)은 한꺼번에 도망 있었다. 그러면 왜 유럽은 이스라엘의 적, 그리고 나치의 공범자, 팔레스타인, 지금 아랍 연맹에 의해 Islamized 모든 국가가 계속?
[세계 칼리프, 이슬람교 등 : 공격적인 전쟁의 전략 및 WEST : 더 많은 범죄] 유대인 로비 은행에 표류 구동 : 일루미나티 : IMF-NWO, 바리새인, 영원한 증오를 맹세 국제 은행가,, :에 대하여 : 기독교는 스스로를 실질적으로 밀어 : 문명 : 유대 - 기독교에 대한 그들되고있다 : 실제 적, 이스라엘의 생존. 이 웨스트 프리메이슨과 사탄, 신비로운 힘 Bildenberg한다 : 자신의 가치를 부인하고 : 유럽 될 정도로 범죄, 망각 포기 : 자기 자신의 정체성을 배반되고, 귀머거리를 ... 자체 : 피에 굶주린 주인공, 공범 각 위반 : 모두 내 종교의 자유, 모두 국경 외부 : 국경 때문에 그것이 사실 인 경우 그 : 무슬림 형제, 그러나 또한 사실입니다,
[의 세계 칼리프의 지위 : 오바마] 탈무드 IMF : ECB FED, CIA 미국 UN, NATO는 공모 있습니다 어느 치명적인 인간의 비극이 증거를 찾기 어렵지 않다. 이야만의 : 시민 종교, 문화, 그 하락했다 : 세계 : 아랍 - 이슬람 이데올로기 적 광신에 먹이에 이슬람 극단 : 종교적인 편협 : 권력의 독재. [유럽의 책임 : 일루미나티 Bildenber 지금의 인질 : 그것은 거 대] 지속적인 박해와 계속의 얼굴에 매일 굴욕, 이슬람 정권 하의 모든 그리스도인은 모든 것을있는 것을 : 중동, 그들이 살고 고통을 강요 때문에 : 상대주의 눈을 멀게 : 다문화, 그러나 실현 될 수없는의 좋은 아이디어를 가진 :없는 : 상호의 개념 유럽이의, 아픈
[오바마와 그의 계획 멸종, 기독교인, 그리고 시아파의, 중동에서] 전, 아랍 정복 : 7 세기에 이슬람은 기독교인 지중해, 인구, 95 %를 구성 : 지중해 남쪽과 동쪽. 하지만 오늘, 12,보다, 적은. 만 미만 6 %로 급격히 떨어졌다 물론, 2020 년, 중동에서 더 이상 기독교인이있을 것이다! 차 세계 대전에서 : 1 천만 기독교인이 이주하도록 강요하고 있습니다. 이 악마 숭배의 증거입니다, 그리고 : 침묵과 범죄 아랍 연맹의야만, dell'imbarbarimento뿐만 아니라,하지만 무엇보다도 그의 공범, 프리메이슨, 바리새인, 일루미나티, Bildenberg, 신비로운 힘, 쿠데타 : 전원을했다 : 모든 거짓 민주주의 프리메이슨 : 군주의 특권 은행의.
1. [교회 (기독교 순교자는) 중동 박해 :에 : 전세계 칼리프에게 할] 2. 3 [: 바리새인의 탈무드 : 프리메이슨 시스템 : 은행 군주의 특권합니다. 모든 민족을 정복하고, 이스라엘을 파괴하는 교회 (기독교 순교자)이에 대한 모든 세계, 박해]. [교회 (기독교 순교자)는 모든 종교와 공산주의에 의해 박해됩니다. ] 때문에 우리는 개념으로, 박해와 지역의 진정한 출신, 중동 기독교인의 대량 이주에, 너무 두려워 목격하고있다 : 그 : 약 이슬람교 : satanizzata했다 아랍 연맹, 그리고 그의 : CIA, 모든 절대적으로 관용 나치, 나치 이슬람, 그리고 존엄성을 존중하는 데 실패하고 인간의 권리. 따라서, 그들은 이스라엘이 팔레스타인에 대해 너무 "하드"가 강제로하는 이유에 관해서는 진짜 이유를 숨길 수 있습니다.
November 8, 2012
Obama win good news for Pakistan flag vendors
"No protest is complete without a Stars and Stripes being sent up in flames." Islamic supremacists in the U.S., such as Zahra Billoo and Cyrus McGoldrick of Hamas-linked CAIR, are up in arms over the drone strikes and pressing Obama to drop them -- which he probably will soon enough, as he doesn't need them politically anymore.
"Flags on fire: Obama win may be good news for Pakistan flag-makers," from AFP, November 8 (thanks to Kenneth):
Many Pakistanis fear President Barack Obama’s re-election will mean a surge in America’s unpopular drone campaign, but for those making and selling U.S. flags to burn at protests this could be good news. Demonstrations against Washington’s program of missile strikes against suspected Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants are common in Pakistan, and no protest is complete without a Stars and Stripes being sent up in flames.
Nadeem Shah, the owner of a flag business in Rawalpindi, the twin city of the capital Islamabad, said he expected more drone strikes -- and more protests.
“Of course Obama has become stronger now and he will push his policies harder and there will be more drone strikes because he himself is stronger now,” Shah told AFP.
“When the drone strikes increase the protests against these strikes will also increase in Pakistan and it can have an impact on the flags and poster business.”
Pakistan’s flag industry enjoyed a boom in September when a U.S.-made anti-Islam film sparked weeks of demonstrations, almost all lit up with “Old Glory” being burned....
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 9:37 AM | 2 Comments
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Jordan: Third honor killing in a week as Muslim brothers murder sister for "immoral relationship"
Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that "retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right." However, "not subject to retaliation" is "a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring." ('Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law.
The Palestinian Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders. Iraqi women have asked for tougher sentences for Islamic honor murderers, who get off lightly now. Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but "the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour 'provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.'" And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that "Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values."
In light of all this, until authorities get the courage to tell the truth about honor killing, there will be many more such murders.
"Three brothers reportedly murder their married sister," by Rana Husseini for the Jordan Times, November 5 (thanks to Hussein):
AMMAN — Criminal Court Prosecutor Qahtan Qawaqzeh on Monday questioned three brothers who reportedly murdered their married sister earlier in the day in the latest so-called honour killing to take place in the Kingdom this year, official sources said. The three suspects, residents of Ruseifa, 15 kilometres east of Amman, were apprehended by authorities shortly after arriving at the police station claiming that one of them “stabbed his sibling to death at her home in the capital’s Shmeisani neighbourhood to cleanse his family’s honour”, a senior police official said.
“Investigators were not convinced by their story and decided to detain all three brothers for questioning,” the source told The Jordan Times.
In their initial testimony to the police and Qawaqzeh, the suspects said “they received information that their sister, who was married to an Arab national, was involved in an immoral relationship and decided to come to Amman to discuss the matter with her”, the source said.
When the brothers entered their sister’s house, one of them stabbed her with a knife 17 times to different parts of her body, according to the suspects’ initial confessions.
“Two of the brothers claimed that they tried to prevent the third from stabbing their sister, but failed,” the source added.
Qawaqzeh is currently questioning the suspects and is expected to charge the three brothers with premeditated murder.
The victim was the third woman to be killed for reasons related to family honour in Jordan in less than a week.
On October 31, a 56-year-old man reportedly strangled his 22-year-old daughter with his hands at his home in Zarqa, 22 kilometres east of the capital, following an argument related to her “alleged immoral behaviour”.
On November 3, a 35-year-old man slit the throat of his divorced niece, in one of the Kingdom’s governorates, claiming family honour as the motive. The previous day, police handed her over to her father, who signed a guarantee that his daughter would not be harmed after she went missing from her family’s home for 10 days.
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 9:09 AM | 5 Comments
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Robert Spencer and others on where do we go from here
Big Fur Hat interviews me over at iOwnTheWorld.
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 8:22 AM | 1 Comment
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Pakistan: Taliban murder three troops in jihad/martyrdom bombing because "they are doing nothing to serve Islam"
This wasn't out in the badlands near the Afghan border. This was in Karachi, the nation's largest city, a city of thirteen million people. And note (yet again) the Islamic explanation given for the murders: the one explanation that jihadists always give for their actions is the one that American analysts are bound and determined to ignore.
"Suicide bomber kills 3 Pakistani troops in Karachi," by Adil Jawad for the Associated Press, November 8 (thanks to David):
KARACHI, Pakistan — A Taliban suicide bomber rammed a truck packed with explosives into a compound housing a paramilitary force in Pakistan’s largest city on Thursday, killing three officers and wounding 20.... Thursday’s attack targeted a housing compound for the Rangers, a paramilitary force that is tasked with helping Karachi police maintain security in the city, said Javed Odho, deputy inspector general of the Karachi police....
Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan said the group claimed responsibility for the attack.
“We punished the Rangers as they are working against us and they are doing nothing to serve Islam,” Ahsan told The Associated Press over the telephone from an undisclosed location....
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 7:31 AM | 3 Comments
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Oklahoma: Hamas-linked CAIR claims bank discriminates against Muslims with "no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses" policy
"He added that even women wearing headscarves as a result of cancer treatment have been accompanied by bank security personnel 'so as not to discriminate' in the enforcement of the policy." So in other words, the rule applies to everyone, not just Muslims, and is a safety measure to guard against robberies. But Hamas-linked CAIR is pressing on toward final victory now, trying relentlessly to establish the principle that all American businesses and other institutions must accommodate Sharia, no matter what they must sacrifice to do so.
Aren't you glad Oklahoma's anti-Sharia law was struck down?
Andrea Eger of the Tulsa World, like all hopelessly clueless and/or compromised mainstream media "journalists," says that Hamas-linked CAIR is a "civil-liberties organization," without bothering to mention that the Council on American-Islamic
Relations is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements. Its California chapter distributed posters telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI.
"Bank discrimination against Muslims alleged over headwear policy," by Andrea Eger for the Tulsa World, November 8 (thanks to Twostellas):
A Muslim civil-liberties organization said a Tulsa bank discriminated against a woman by singling her out for wearing a religiously mandated head scarf, or hijab. The Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, is calling on Tulsa's Valley National Bank to review its "inappropriate and discriminatory" policy that treats customers wearing religious head coverings differently from other patrons.
The organization says that on Oct. 9, a Muslim woman tried to enter the Valley National Bank branch at 4812 E. 81st St., in hopes that she could exchange foreign currency but was told she would not be able to enter unless accompanied by a bank employee because of their "no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses" policy.
"Singling out Muslim women or other people of faith who wear religiously mandated head coverings that do not hinder identification is inappropriate and discriminatory," said Adam Soltani, executive director of CAIR's Oklahoma chapter. "All customers should be treated equally regardless of their faith or religious practices."
The complainant, a woman from Kiefer, did not want her identity publicized, but Soltani told the Tulsa World that his organization first took her complaint directly to bank officials, "hoping they would acknowledge it was a mistake or offer an apology."
"We were actually shocked to find out their policy is separate but equal, going back to things that African-Americans and other people have experienced," he said. "They said, 'We do allow them in the bank but they must be escorted anywhere they go.'
"Their excuse was it's a security measure, but there are no reports ever in Oklahoma that I am aware of, of anyone in religious headwear robbing a bank," Soltani said.
"It may have happened elsewhere, but they are a local bank. It's not like they're a big national chain that may have had this happen in other places."
Soltani provided a copy of the written response from Valley National Bank President Brad Scrivner, and in it, Scrivner apologized to the woman first "for not feeling welcome in our bank" and then explained the reason for his bank's policy.
"Unfortunately, Valley has been robbed numerous times in the past and is a victim itself of crime. We have policy and procedures in place to thwart future robberies that endanger the lives of our employees and customers," Scrivner wrote to Soltani. "It is a sad truth that recently, in banks across the United States, criminals are using false religious headdresses for the sole purpose of hiding their identity."
He added that even women wearing headscarves as a result of cancer treatment have been accompanied by bank security personnel "so as not to discriminate" in the enforcement of the policy.
Contacted by the Tulsa World, Scrivner said his bank adopted the policy in 2006 at the recommendation of the Oklahoma Bankers Association.
"In the six years that this policy has been in place," he said, "Valley has not had a single complaint" until now.
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil-liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to "enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding."
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 6:17 AM | 9 Comments
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Sweden: Police watched passively as "provoking" female free speech activists were physically attacked by group of men
These women are close friends of mine and deserve a gold medal and honorable place in our history books for their courage, not fists and eggs in the head. This is where it has come to in Sweden: Police let violent demonstrators get close to defenseless women promoting the right to speak against Islam. People who wanted to get in to Geert Wilders' lecture in infamous Malmø had to go through an "anti-fascist" purgatory:
Aja Fog (Free Speech society, Denmark) surrounded and attacked by Danish far Leftists: "...then I feel a blow to the back of my head"
Katrine Winkel Holm, Kit Louise Strand, her friend Trine and I arrive by taxi to Kockums Fritid. The Swedish police has placed barricades, so we can not drive to the door and have to walk the last 200 meters. We can hear the protesters shouting the usual slogans: "No racists in our streets". There are lots of police, but instead of separating the angry demonstrators from the entrance, they stood in the periphery, so we have to go through the crowd to get in to the meeting. Within no time things go wrong: Some Swedes begin to shouting directly into the face of Katrine: "racist", "Pork Denmark", "Go home, we want to border control for you". To me they cried "Fat fascist pig". Katrine starts to argue with them, but it's completely futile, and soon I pull her arm and told her that she should cut it, so we can get through the crowd and inside the lecture hall.
Things go very quickly: Katrine and I are suddenly isolated from Kit and Trine, and I'm surrounded by AFA (anti fascists). Or - I think it's AFA: Danish men in their twenties, with black hoodies and small ugly tattoos on their shirts. They are extremely threatening - not just in attitude (which is furious, hateful - and just waiting to be allowed to beat), but also physically: I am completely surrounded by 4-5 men who not only block my way, but one also punches me hard with his shoulder, so I'm getting off balance. Then I feel a blow to the back of my head, and then one more - this time less hard, which turns out to be an egg.
The Swedish police - who could not see the details since I was surrounded - did nothing to help me or let me pass, even though I had egg running down my neck. Finally Katrine managed to convince the police to help me get into Kockums.
Later, when we went out to see whether the police had finally made a corridor, so that people could get in without having to run the purgatory, eggs were thrown at us, and the police asked us to go back because we 'provoked' with our presence.
After the meeting, there was a Swedish journalist who asked me if I had acted provoking before having eggs thrown at me (sic).
Nobody was arrested.
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on November 8, 2012 6:05 AM | 2 Comments
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Nicolai Sennels on UK against Tommy Robinson
To former generations, England exemplified democracy and was an upholder of human values and a democratic humanistic way of life to the world. It is a great loss and pity if today this same country becomes the first to bow down to their destruction. Today openly embracing the Muslim sharia and imprisoning heroic people who do nothing but stand up for these values leaves Europe much weakened in its protection of our culture.
Freedom fighters are the greatest and most important heroes of the world today and certainly it would be wise for any government with an anti democratic agenda to set heroes like Tommy Robinson free before too much of the their population begin to think and talk. That the world's great example of Magna Carta and Bill of Rights (England) should come to this state is a dire warning to the rest of us.
We owe them all our best wishes, now is the time for the rule of the people to show its worth!
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on November 8, 2012 5:56 AM | 2 Comments
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Taliban: "Obama must by now know that they have lost the war in Afghanistan"
“So, without further lying and delays, they should leave our sacred land and focus on their own country instead.”
Sounds like a plan.
"Taliban urge Obama to pull troops out now," from AFP, November 7 (thanks to Lou):
KABUL: Taliban told re-elected US President Barack Obama on Wednesday to admit that the United States has lost the war in Afghanistan and pull its troops out now. “Obama must by now know that they have lost the war in Afghanistan,” spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement posted on the group’s website. “So, without further lying and delays, they should leave our sacred land and focus on their own country instead....
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 5:41 AM | 5 Comments
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Muslim Brotherhood: Now Obama must accept "the will of the Arab people"
“In the absence of direct American influence, Egypt can affect and lead the process of building a democratic and constitutional regime that will become a dream for African and the southern hemisphere.” I.e., a Sharia state that is a stepping stone to a restored caliphate. And I am sure Obama will be just fine with that.
"Muslim Brotherhood: Obama Needs To ‘Accept The Will Of The Arab People,’" from CBSDC, November 7 (thanks to Kenneth):
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — Islamists in the Middle East are speaking out following President Barack Obama’s re-election Tuesday night. The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood feels that the only foreign policy change Obama can bring is by “accepting the will of the Arab people.”
“We must rely on ourselves and on our resources and build our country,” Issam Al-Aryan, a top Muslim Brotherhood official, said, according to The Times of Israel. “In the absence of direct American influence, Egypt can affect and lead the process of building a democratic and constitutional regime that will become a dream for African and the southern hemisphere.”
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood wants to make Shariah Law the main source of the country’s new constitution.
Terror group Hamas is calling for Obama not to be “biased” toward Israeli interests during his second term.
“We heard moderate speech from Obama following his first term victory, but his policy was inconsistent with the speeches he gave in Egypt and Turkey,” Taher Nunu, a Hamas government spokesman, said, according to The Times of Israel. “He now has an opportunity to implement those promises to the nations of the region, far from pressures by the Israel lobby and politicized money.”...
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 5:32 AM | 2 Comments
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Obama supporters celebrate: No more Israel; kill those motherf***ers
These Obama revelers were apparently not fooled by the impassioned Zionist who showed up for the third debate with Romney. Of course, they probably didn't see the third debate, but if they had, they would have known that their man was just pandering for votes.
"Obama supporters celebrate: No more Israel; kill those motherf***ers," by Anne Sorock for Rebel Pundit, November 7 (thanks to Pamela Geller):
Obama supporters out celebrating his win on election night gathered on State Street Tuesday evening. I asked one man why he was celebrating Obama, and what that meant to him. He said, “It really means to me, no more Israel…Mitt Romney would go to war with Iran…Obama said f*** that shit. Kill those mother f***ers.” Another said, “Palestine was there first, and Israel moved in in the 1940s and that’s an unfair attack.” A man of Jewish heritage accompanying him said, “I really do not think that us being with Israel is a good choice for us”...
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 5:17 AM | 8 Comments
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November 7, 2012
India: Muslim terrifies air passengers by "raising Islamic slogans while threatening to harm the aircraft"
Doubtless he was just elated over Obama's reelection and getting a bit over-exuberant. The passengers were greasy Islamophobes for not taking his "Islamic slogans" as declarations of peace. "Mid-air scare: Man turns violent on Mumbai-Delhi flight, raises Islamic slogans," from TNN, November 8:
NEW DELHI: In what was described by a frequent flyer as the "scariest flight of his life", a passenger on board a Mumbai-Delhi IndiGo flight suddenly turned violent mid-air on Wednesday and started raising Islamic slogans while threatening to harm the aircraft. The situation turned so alarming that the cabin crew and passengers pinned down the flyer, Mursalim Shaikh, 41, and blocked the aisle with a food trolley to prevent him from making a dash for the cockpit. The IndiGo flight 6E 196 made a quick descent in Delhi after seeking priority landing, where Shaikh, a used car dealer from Babu Tansen Chawl in Virar, was handed over to security agencies.
The drama began about an hour after the plane had taken off from Mumbai at 3.45pm and was flying over Jaipur. Shaikh, bearded and dressed in a pathani suit, was seated on seat 28 A. "He suddenly turned around on the seat to face an aged woman on 29A and started muttering menacingly to her," a flyer said. An airhostess reportedly asked Shaikh to sit properly, but he kept gazing at her before suddenly slapping her, turning very aggressive.
Recalling the hijack scare on a Delhi-Mumbai flight, a co-passenger said, "Shaikh was waving a cellphone and threatening 'sabko dekh loonga' (I will teach everyone a lesson)." Male passengers and the crew together pinned Shaikh down. Then women and children seated in the rear were sent to the front and a food trolley was placed in the aisle to prevent Shaikh from going towards the cockpit.
Confirming the incident, IndiGo said, "This unruly passenger started screaming and also physically assaulted a crew member. The passenger also got violent with co-passengers, and tried to access the forward of the aircraft. IndiGo crew made appropriate announcements and deployed security measures to block access to the front of the aircraft and the front galley."
Said a passenger, "We landed soon after the man had been overpowered." The flight commander had requested for security personnel on arrival. The passenger was taken out at 6.13pm and handed over to the CISF. IndiGo said it was in the process of lodging an FIR. "An untoward conduct of this nature is of serious concern to us. We will take all necessary action to address this violation," IndiGo said.
While passengers said the landing in Delhi came as a huge relief, the drama did not end there. For, the airline and airport personnel did not handle the situation as professionally as the crew had done in the air. "Once the aircraft door opened, we expected security personnel to rush in and arrest the flyer. But the airline's own security team came into the aircraft. We were first asked to alight and then a second announcement was made asking us to stay seated. We were wondering why security agencies did not just whisk the guy away?" said a passenger.
Why indeed?
The IGI domestic airport police have arrested Shaikh and registered a case for criminal intimidation, assault and threatening the crew. The Intelligence Bureau is quizzing him.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 10:51 PM | 10 Comments
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Not a dime's worth of difference
The Republican Party is a useless collection of me-tooists and slow-downers who have virtually no chance of winning national elections anymore, since they have already lost the pop culture, the educational system, and the mainstream media, all of which pump out the Democrat Party line with a fervor and lack of attachment to the truth that rivals that of any one-party state press organ. But above all, Republicans lose because they have nothing to offer.
What is needed, whether or not we ever get it, is a sea-change in the Washington establishment. A revolution of the mind at the highest levels. The complete removal of standard-issue policy wonks from the State Department, the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the CIA, the FBI, and the military. Romney didn't offer that. No candidate did. Would Romney have won if he had done so? I am not saying that. All I am saying is that he offered more of the same at a time when the nation, and the free world in general, desperately needed something very different.
Leftists and Islamic supremacists are crowing today that "Islamophobic" candidates lost. Some of the more unhinged among them are even blaming me and Pamela Geller for Romney's loss, as if we had his ear. In reality, candidates that spoke forthrightly about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat were not supported by the Republican Party. Party leaders kept them at arm's length and, if they offered them any help at all, did so in connection with other issues. The point is that honesty and clarity about the jihad threat did not lose yesterday.
But even if they had, the truth about the jihad threat and Islamic supremacism would still be the truth, and no amount of Big Lie propaganda pumped out by the likes of the traitorous Leftist pseudo-journalist Spencer Ackerman will change that.
Check out the comments on Ackerman's piece: Americans know that his propaganda line is nonsense, and are saying so while it is still legal to do so. But that may not be much longer.
To be sure, there was some (although not enough) difference between the parties regarding spending, and it is unlikely that a Romney Administration would have pursued the war against the freedom of speech that the Obama Administration is pursuing with steady persistence. And so in those particulars the choice yesterday was important. The White House has never had an occupant so anti-Israel as Barack Obama since the Jewish State was founded, and that bodes ill for Israel's future defense against the global jihad. But in other key ways, the 2012 election bore out George Wallace's old quip that there wasn't "a dime's worth of difference" between the Republican and Democrat Parties.
Watching the third debate, I was amazed at how anxious Mitt Romney was to say "Me, too" to so very many things Barack Obama said he was going to do. There was essentially no difference between the two of them on foreign policy. Both had been briefed, and thoroughly convinced, by Washington foreign policy wonks whose failed policies lie in smoking ruins around the world, and yet never are called to account for the persistent failures of their assessments and recommendations.
If Mitt Romney were president-elect today, he would still be committed to showering money on Muslim countries like Pakistan in a futile attempt to win hearts and minds, ignoring how top Pakistani officials have funneled much of that money to the very same terrorists they were supposed to be using it to fight. He would still be committed to the adage that poverty causes terrorism, and therefore money will end terrorism, despite the fact that billions have been spent with no result, and jihadists have again and again been shown to be wealthier than their peers. He would still be committed to the proposition that Islam is a Religion of Peace and to working with "moderate Muslims," a project that has enabled Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood groups to gain access to high levels of government and law enforcement.
In other words, he would be moving in the same direction as Barack Obama, but maybe just a bit slower.
In any case, Romney's loss is tough on many levels, but not in terms of a realistic assessment of and comprehensive response to the jihad threat. That has never been part of the program of either party. And as the second Obama Administration steps up its obfuscation about the threat and appeasement of Islamic supremacists, it will not manage to end the jihad: the reality of jihad violence will keep impinging upon the politically correct fantasy that only "Islamophobes" link Islam to terrorism.
Whether anyone of any power or influence will wake up to that reality before it's too late is increasingly unlikely. But in any case, that person was not Mitt Romney.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 3:33 PM | 42 Comments
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Arizona: Muslim family that beat teenage girl and padlocked her to a bed for talking to a boy spared jail time
Of course. To have put them in jail would have been "Islamophobic."
"Iraqis spared jail time in Arizona for abusing female relative," by David Schwartz for Reuters, November 7 (thanks to Pedro):
Members of an Iraqi family in Arizona who beat a teenage relative and padlocked her to a bed after she violated their traditional values by chatting to a male friend were spared jail time in a plea deal approved by a county judge on Tuesday. In exchange for a guilty plea, Yusra Farhan, 51, was sentenced to two years probation on a charge of unlawful imprisonment of her daughter, 19-year-old Aiya Altameemi, at the family’s Phoenix home in February, court officials said.
The young woman’s father, Mohammed Altameemi, also received two years probation for disorderly conduct, and her 18-year-old sister, Tabarak Altameemi, received an identical sentence for assault, officials said.
Prosecutors said the incident started when Aiya was spotted leaving her high school with a young man. The father and younger daughter Tabarak confronted the young woman.
Police said Mohammed Altameemi became angry and took her home, striking her several times. Mother Farhan and daughter Tabarak also admitted to tying her to a bed with a rope around her waist that was secured with a padlock and beat her, according to court records.
Farhan told police she hit her daughter because she “was speaking to a male subject and her Iraq culture states a female is not allowed to be having contact with males because females are not allowed to have boyfriends,” court records said.
Aiya told school officials about the incident two days later and explained that “her family is trying to protect her and they want her to be a virgin for an arranged marriage,” according to court documents.
A county attorney spokesman declined comment on the sentence. Attorneys for the young woman’s family members could not be reached for comment.
This is the latest high-profile violence case in Arizona involving an Iraqi immigrant. In April 2011, Faleh Hassan Almaleki received 34 1/2 years in prison for running down his 20-year-old daughter in a Phoenix parking lot in what was described as an “honor killing.”
The [Hamas-linked] Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington, D.C., has said such cases are isolated instances that occur sporadically and are widely chastised by the American Muslim community.
Of course! But they have done nothing to try to keep these "isolated instances" from happening again.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 3:31 PM | 11 Comments
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Playboy-turned-Islamic supremacist Imran Khan threatens more Mumbai-style jihad massacres unless India surrenders Kashmir to Pakistan
The threat is clear. "Unless Kashmir issue is solved, Mumbai-like attacks always a possibility: Imran Khan," from the Press Trust of India, November 7 (thanks to S.B.):
Gurgaon: Pakistani cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan on Wednesday said time was up for trying to solve India-Pakistan issues through "militancy and militarily" but asserted that unless Kashmir issue was resolved, there was "always a possibility" of Mumbai-like attacks. Khan, chief of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, also said if his party comes to power, he will not allow terrorism against India to originate from his country's soil. Addressing a World Economic Forum meeting, he said while improvement in bilateral trade was welcome, the issue of Jammu and Kashmir must also progress on a parallel line. Terming a solution to the Kashmir issue as "vital", he said "trade, connections, along with cricket matches will help. At the same time, we should develop some sort of a roadmap to resolve Kashmir issue, which is vital".
"Because unless we operate on both plains, there is always a possibility, as it happened, relationships were improving, confidence building measures, cricket matches, people-to-people contacts, and then came Mumbai." Stressing the need for a "new relationship", he said "no more trying to resolve our problems through militancy and military but through politics. It should be two-pronged. One to normalise, open up relationships with trade on one side and then start a dialogue on Kashmir."
The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief assured if his party would come to power, he would not allow terrorism against India to originate....
Yeah, sure.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 3:30 PM | 5 Comments
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Portland, Oregon: Prosecutors of would-be jihad mass murderer ask permission to use the word "jihad"
It is astounding, and indicative of just how much the public discourse has degenerated, that this is even an issue. Mohamud used the word "jihad," but prosecutors have to ask if they can please characterize his motives and goals accurately, at his trial.
"'Terrorist,' 'violent jihad' among words prosecutors want to use in Portland terrorism trial," by Nigel Duara for the Associated Press, November 7:
PORTLAND, Ore. — Prosecutors want to call an Oregon man a terrorist while referring to violent jihad and martyrdom, words his defense attorneys have asked a federal judge to forbid. Federal prosecutors preparing for the January trial of Mohamed Mohamud said in a motion filed Tuesday that the court should let them use the terms because they accurately characterize Mohamud's "conduct and the nature of his case."
Assistant U.S. Attorney Ethan Knight notes in the motion that Mohamud himself allegedly used the terms "terrorism" and "jihad" when speaking with undercover agents, though records of such conversations have not yet been made public.
Knight also seeks to refer to Mohamud's occasional dispatches for the jihadist magazine "Jihad Recollections," reports that Mohamud's attorneys say are protected speech done while Mohamud, 21, was a minor.
Mohamud is accused of conspiring with men he believed were Islamic radicals to detonate a car bomb near a 2010 Portland Christmas tree-lighting ceremony. The bomb was a fake provided by the government and the men were undercover agents.
Defense attorneys Steve Sady and Steve Wax argued in a motion that such words will "blur and dilute the specific elements of the offense and distort the facts of the case."...
Distort the facts? That's what Sady and Wax are trying to do, not anyone else. But their obfuscation is accepted practice and prescribed wisdom, so they will probably win the day.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 2:57 PM | 2 Comments
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Political prisoner in Obama's U.S.: Muhammad filmmaker gets one year in prison
Mark Basseley Youssef may be a scoundrel and a liar. His movie may be hideous and false. He may have violated his probation. But there are probation violators all over the country today, roaming free after getting a slap on the wrist for their probation violation. The probation violation is a pretext. Youssef's imprisonment is for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. Obama is trying to appease the Muslims who rioted and killed over the video, and to do what he can against the freedom of speech now, until such time as he can get "hate speech" laws in place that will enable him to finish the job.
"Calif. man behind anti-Muslim film gets prison," by Greg Risling for the Associated Press, November 7 (thanks to all who sent this in):
LOS ANGELES (AP) - The California man behind an anti-Muslim film that roiled the Middle East was sentenced Wednesday to a year in prison for violating his probation stemming from a 2010 bank fraud conviction by lying about his identity. U.S. District Court Judge Christina Snyder immediately sentenced Mark Basseley Youssef after he admitted to four of the eight alleged violations, including obtaining a fraudulent California driver's license. Prosecutors agreed to drop the other four allegations under an agreement with Youssef's attorneys, which also included more probation.
None of the violations had to do with the content of "Innocence of Muslims," a film that depicts Mohammad as a religious fraud, pedophile and womanizer.
However, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Dugdale argued Youseff's lies about his identity have caused harm to others, including the film's cast and crew. The movie sparked violence in the Middle East, killing dozens.
"They had no idea he was a recently released felon," Dugdale said Wednesday. "Had they known that, they might have had second thoughts" about being part of the film.
Youssef's attorney Steven Seiden said his client admits to being the film's scriptwriter but had no other involvement except what he described as being a "cultural adviser."
Youssef, 55, was arrested in late September, just weeks after he went into hiding when the deadly violence erupted in the Middle East.
Enraged Muslims had demanded severe punishment for Youssef, with a Pakistani cabinet minister even offering $100,000 to anyone who kills him.
Federal authorities initially sought a two-year sentence for Youssef but settled on a one-year term after negotiating a deal with Youssef's attorneys. Prosecutors said they wouldn't pursue new charges against Yousseff - namely making false statements - and would drop the remaining four probation-violation allegations leveled against him. But Youssef was placed on four years' probation and must be truthful about his identity and his future finances.
Seiden asked that his client be placed under home confinement, but Snyder denied that request. Youssef will spend his time behind bars at a Southern California prison.
Youssef served most of his 21-month prison sentence for using more than a dozen aliases and opening about 60 bank accounts to conduct a check fraud scheme, prosecutors said.
After he was released from prison, Youssef was barred from using computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer....
After the hearing, Seiden told reporters he had a message to relay from his client.
"The one thing he wanted me to tell all of you is President Obama may have gotten Osama bin Laden, but he didn't kill the ideology," Seiden said.
Asked what that meant, Seiden said, "I didn't ask him, and I don't know."
Of course you don't.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 1:49 PM | 6 Comments
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"Arab Spring" Egypt: Muslims seize Church land in Cairo to hit back at new Pope's anti-Sharia remarks
Pope Tawadros need not be concerned. Imam Rauf and so many others assure us that Sharia is benign and tolerant, and completely compatible with Western values. He must be some kind of greasy Islamophobe. "Salafists seize Church land in Cairo to hit back at new patriarch," from AsiaNews, November 7:
Cairo (AsiaNews) - "By seizing land that belongs to the Diocese of Shubra al-Kheima, Salafists are sending a warning to the new Coptic patriarch, Tawadros II," said Rafic Greiche. Speaking to AsiaNews, the clergyman, who is the spokesman of the Egyptian Catholic Church, explained that with such action Muslim extremists want to intimidate Shenouda III's successor because of his statement against the inclusion of Sharia in Egypt's future constitution. On Monday night, about a hundred of Muslim extremists wielding sticks and rods seized land near the S. Mina Church in Shubra al-Kheima, in the centre of Cairo. With police standing idly by, the Islamists occupied the parcel of land for more than a day and put up a sign bearing the words 'Al-Rahma Mosque'. Only this morning did law enforcement moved in after Church authorities informed the Interior Ministry.
The diocese is headed by Bishop Antonius Morcos, who is Coptic Church media point man as well as new patriarch's spokesman.
"Such an action is nothing new in Egypt, but this is the first time that extremists directly go after a high-profile Coptic prelate," Fr Greiche said.
In a statement issued yesterday Patriarch Tawadros II criticised the Islamist stranglehold on the constituent assembly, saying that the Coptic Orthodox Church would oppose any step taken by the constituent assembly to impose Islamic law on the country....
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 1:23 PM | 3 Comments
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Denmark: Muslim majority in local board cancels decades-old Christmas tradition, finances Eid party with 10,000 USD
The final remark about a "lack of tolerance and inclusiveness from the new majority" is probably the most important. Translated by Nicolai Sennels, dr.dk "Muslims cancel Christmas celebration in housing area":
The housing area Egedalsvænge in Kokkedal, Denmark, will not have a Christmas tree with lights this year. A small Muslim majority in the Egedalsvænge Board has refused to spend money on the Christmas tree a few days after a big Eid celebration.... For decades it has been a tradition to have a Christmas tree with lights in the area between the buildings throughout the month of December. But now a majority in the Chamber Board refused to spend the approximately 1,000 dollars that a Christmas tree with lights costs.
The decision has attracted much attention since it was made three days after a big Islamic Eid party in Egedalsvænge. A mobile play ground, bungee jumping and a climbing wall was rented to make the Muslim celebration attractive for children and adults, and this event the Board had agreed to finance with appr. 10,000 dollars.
Although the small majority in the Chamber Board of Directors was democratically elected at the general meeting in September, the new course has surprised many. It is a sign of a lack of tolerance and inclusiveness from the new majority in the fund's board of directors, says one person from the Egedalsvænge, where many refuse to talk to the media.
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on November 7, 2012 1:14 PM | 7 Comments
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Zawahiri: Benghazi jihad attack signifies American weakness
"Al Qaeda Leader Zawahiri: Benghazi Attack Signifies American Weakness," by Tiffany Gabbay for The Blaze, November 7 (thanks to all who sent this in):
Following quickly on the heels of the U.S. presidential election, al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri proclaimed that the terror attack against the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghaz indicates that American “awe is lost” in the region. In an audio message addressed to the Somali jihadist group, al-Shabaab, Zawahiri said American influence in the region is floundering due to weakness. “They were defeated in Iraq and they are withdrawing from Afghanistan and their ambassador in Benghazi was killed and the flags of their embassies were lowered in Cairo and Sanaa (Yemen),” a translation the militant’s message reads in the Long War Journal.
“Their awe is lost and their might is gone and they don’t dare to carry out a new campaign like their past ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.”...
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 12:38 PM | 1 Comment
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Raymond Ibrahim: Muhammad, the Sexual Superman
Over at FrontPage Mag (via RaymondIbrahim.com), I discuss the supernatural libido attributed to the prophet of Islam and what that says about Islam:
Apparently the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, was something of a sexual superman—indeed, possessing the sexual appetite and potency of 4,000 mortal men. According to Islam’s most trusted and traditional sources, the story is as follows: Muhammad used to visit and have sex with his nine wives in a single hour (other accounts indicate 11 wives in a single hour). This averages to about six minutes per wife (not counting traveling time from tent to tent). When one of Muhammad’s companions wondered at the prophet’s superhuman feats of libido and speed, another companion, the famous Anas, responded that the prophet had the potency of 40 men.
This account was deemed authentic enough to include in Sahih Bukhari—the most canonical hadith collection, second in authority only to the Quran itself—meaning that mainstream Islam accepts it as fact.
But alas, the matter doesn’t just end there.
Another, more fabulous, account says that Muhammad had the strength of 40 “heavenly men”—each of whom are said to have the strength of 100 mortal men. Strength for what, exactly? In the words of Islam’s prophet, “a [heavenly] man will be given the strength of a hundred men to eat, drink, feel desire [i.e., libido], and have sexual intercourse.”
Thus, according to Islam, when he was alive on earth, Muhammad had the sexual lust and potency of 40 “heavenly men,” which is equivalent to 4,000 mortal men.
Lest the reader think all this a joke (or a “hoax”), here is a video of popular Muslim preacher Sheikh Mahmoud al-Misri confirming all the above...
Continue reading.
Posted by Raymond on November 7, 2012 12:30 PM | 12 Comments
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What we have to look forward to
My column that ran Monday at Atlas Shrugs sums up some of what we will see over the next four years:
Can America afford four more years of Barack Obama as President of the United States? In the most literal terms, probably not: his reckless deficit spending can’t be sustained indefinitely, and as he has campaigned on a platform of more free goodies for everyone, it won’t be much longer before the gravy train runs out. Meanwhile, his relentless class warfare rhetoric has sown the seeds of civil discord for years to come. But even worse could be in store for us if Obama is reelected. Now that pro-Sharia Islamic supremacist regimes are installed, thanks to Barack Obama, in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya, the oppression of women and non-Muslims is certain to escalate in those countries. They are also certain only to grow in their anti-Americanism, and may try to unite in an attempt to restore the caliphate, which will only bring more bloodshed and strife to the region. And since the caliph is the only one authorized (and required) in Islamic law to wage offensive jihad against Infidels, if they succeed in choosing one, the result will not be happy for America and the West.
Nor is it likely to be for Israel. Many elements within the new Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt have already signaled their readiness to jettison the Camp David Accords and start another war with Israel. For states based on Islamic law, which designates the Jews the worst enemies of the Muslims (cf. Qur’an 5:82), such a war becomes a religious imperative. Obama’s unremitting hostility toward Israel has only made the prospect of war with Israel more attractive for Iran, Hizballah, Hamas, and Israel’s other jihadist enemies, for they see the United States as no longer unconditionally committed to Israel’s defense – despite Obama’s Zionist act during the third debate.
If Obama is reelected, America’s relationship with Israel will continue to deteriorate, and Iran will continue to sneer at his “crippling sanctions” while rushing to develop nuclear weapons, which it will almost certainly use to attempt to destroy Israel. Obama’s refusal to back the 2009 uprisings against the Iranian regime will thus bear its bitterest fruit of all.
And in Afghanistan, our troops will remain until at least 2014 with no definition of victory and no clear mission, at the mercy of their Afghan “allies” who use them for target practice on an increasingly frequent basis. And what are we fighting for? The Karzai regime? Against whom? The Taliban? Yet the Karzai has repeatedly asked the Taliban to join the government and put up candidates for elected office. So why are we fighting against the Taliban? For them to join the Afghan government would be, as Pamela Geller has pointed out, like Hitler running for office in Germany in 1946, had he survived the war. The invitation only serves to point up the bloody futility and counterproductive character of our military presence in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, on the home front the official denial about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat will continue, with training material for the FBI and Department of Homeland Security required to retail politically correct fictions about Islam and jihad rather than anything that could give law enforcements a comprehensive and correct understanding of the threat that faces us. This will leave the nation in ever-increasing danger of being blindsided by a jihad attack that could have been prevented had a willful ignorance about the motives and goals of jihadists not been enforced by officials at the highest level. Once those officials are torn away from their preoccupation with “right wing extremism” back to reality, it could be too late.
Continuing also will be the Obama Administration’s war against the freedom of speech. His signing on to the UN’s Resolution 16/18, calling for criminalization of “incitement to religious hatred,” was a telling indication of the direction he has consistently taken. For who will judge what constitutes “religious hatred”? Truthful speech about Islam and jihad is almost certain to be included under this rubric, and truth will be no defense. Obama’s rush to blame the Muhammad video for the jihad attack on our consulate in Benghazi is just the latest indication of how anxious he is to throw the freedom of speech under the bus. Expect an Obama second term to enact “hate speech” laws that will make enunciating the truth about the jihad threat a criminal offense.
We are also certain to see, if Obama is reelected tomorrow, more pressure from his Justice Department on American businesses and educational institutions to provide special accommodation and privileges for Muslims. Last year Obama’s DoJ forced a Chicago-area school district to pay a Muslim teacher, Safoorah Khan, $75,000 in back pay, fees and damages for not giving her three weeks off during the school year so she could make the hajj. Second-term Muslim accommodation suits are likely to dwarf that amount, and in the process do serious damage to the American principle of equality of rights for all.
And the jihad plots against the U.S. will continue as well. Although he was ballyhooed as the man who understood Islam and the Muslim world, and would finally bridge the ever widening gap between Muslim countries and the West, Obama has instead presided over increasing tensions, increasing dangers, increasing hatred and belligerence from emboldened Islamic jihadists.
And if Barack Obama is President of the United States for the next four years, they will just get bolder still.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 12:57 AM | 87 Comments
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November 6, 2012
After repeatedly threatening to kill me, Muslim emailer comes out for Obama
I heard tonight from a gentleman who has emailed me many, many times in the past. His IP address is, which traces to Djibouti, meaning either that this fellow is in Djibouti or has a spoofed IP address. In his message tonight he repeats the title of my article here:
Name: yahoo Email: yahoo@yahoo.com
Subject: Die with your HATE Mr Spencer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Message: Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four
More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We
Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of
Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More
Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive
Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can
We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of
Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More
Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive
Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can
We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of
I haven't heard from this good man in awhile, but for a good stretch of 2010 and 2011 he was sending me death threats almost daily, telling me he would be at various events where I was speaking so as to kill me there (he never did). One read:
I was thinking to CUT your head with AXE.. as Self -defence. defending mY dignity as MUSLIM>
And another:
Message: You are pointing the way that I would still hunt you down. I will never be a hostile to any other human beings for my life time. But only To spencer and When I get you I will do they way you have already reported. Spencer deserves to be indicted and If US government does not bring
him to justice or stop his Hatred We shall take the LAW again in our
hands and provide SPENCER to feed him what he wants.
Will it be a BULL....t or Kn...fe or AX....e.
Will I personally hang you UP or.
I know that you have already reported to the FBI and I dont care if
they will arrest me or Not Spencer .... I am On your WAY,...
A few of them are here, but there were many, many, many others.
In any case, he is celebrating tonight, as apparently he thinks "HATE" has suffered a defeat. The reality, of course, is that many, many more Islamic jihadists like him worldwide will be newly emboldened. And from them, as from this clown, we will see real hate.
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 9:49 PM | 29 Comments
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After stonings and amputations, Islamic supremacist group in Mali says it rejects "all forms of extremism and terrorism"
Anyone who thinks that this means that Ansar Dine won't be carrying out any more stonings and amputations is woefully misinformed. They don't consider carrying out penalties clearly prescribed in Islamic law to be any kind of "extremism and terrorism." They consider that to be simple justice. What they most likely mean by this declaration is that they oppose Israel and the U.S.
"North Mali Islamist group says it rejects violence," by Brahima Ouedraogo for the Associated Press, November 6 (thanks to Kenneth):
OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso (AP) -- An Islamist group carrying out public executions and amputations in northern Mali said Tuesday that it rejects "all forms of extremism and terrorism" and called upon other armed organizations controlling the region, including a branch of al-Qaida, to engage in political talks with the government. The turnabout was announced by a representative of an Ansar Dine delegation that has been holding talks for the last several days with mediators in the capital of neighboring Burkina Faso.
The meetings in Burkina Faso appear to be part of a new, regional attempt to set up negotiations to resolve the Mali crisis ahead of a possible military intervention that is expected to be led by African forces with logistical backing from the European Union and the United States. France is heading the international effort to plan the military campaign to end the occupation by Ansar Dine and other Islamists in Mali's north.
It was not immediately clear how Ansar Dine's declaration would affect its imposition of strict Islamic law in the northern Mali territory under its control. Nor was it clear whether the delegation in Ouagadougou represents all elements within Ansar Dine, which has links to the al-Qaida terror network....
Ansar Dine is one of three Islamist groups controlling Mali's north, and its members are believed to be mostly Malians. The membership of the two other groups, one of them al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, consists primarily of foreign fighters.
Although Ansar Dine has imposed strict Islamic law, including carrying out punishments such as amputating the hands of thieves and stoning to death a couple who had children out of wedlock, authorities believe the group is the most open to negotiation because its fighters are Malian nationals with ties to the area....
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 1:56 PM | 13 Comments
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86-year sentence of Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui, who shot at Americans while yelling "death to America," upheld
Her Pakistani-financed defense attorneys argued that she was just panicking. Funny how so many jihadists panic in exactly the same way.
"Aafia Siddiqui loses appeal on shooting conviction," from Reuters, November 6 (thanks to Block Ness):
NEW YORK: A US appeals court on Monday upheld the conviction and 86-year prison sentence of Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui for shooting at FBI agents and soldiers after her arrest in Afghanistan. The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in New York said a lower court judge had not erred in allowing Siddiqui, 40, to testify in her own defense at trial and in allowing certain evidence against her.
Siddiqui, whose conviction was widely criticized in Pakistan, was sentenced by US District Judge Richard Berman in September 2010. She was convicted by a New York federal jury of attempted murder, armed assault and other charges.
She was arrested in July 2008 by Afghan police, who said she was carrying two pounds (900 grams) of sodium cyanide and crumpled notes referring to mass casualty attacks and New York landmarks.
The day after her arrest, she grabbed an M-4 rifle in her interrogation room and started shooting while yelling “death to America,” the trial jury heard.
No US agents or soldiers were hit, but Siddiqui was shot and wounded in response, according to US prosecutors.
Siddiqui’s defense lawyers, three of whom were paid by the Pakistani government, argued that their client had shot at the US officials in a panic and said the crime lacked any connection to terrorism.
On appeal, her attorneys challenged her conviction and sentence on many grounds. They said the judge improperly allowed jurors to consider the crumpled notes, and that the judge should never have allowed Siddiqui to decide whether to take the stand.
“The district court went to extraordinary lengths to ensure that Siddiqui understood the implications of testifying and had the capacity to testify,” the opinion said....
The appeals court also sided with Berman in finding that Siddiqui had likely premeditated the attack, and that terrorism sentencing requirements were applicable because of her willingness to harm Americans.
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
ANGELA PELLICCIARI, L’altro Risorgimento. Una guerra di religione dimenticata
Se si guarda alla storiografia ufficiale, quella insegnata ancora nelle cosiddette “scuole dell’obbligo”, si comprende come le nuove generazioni, ormai da piú di un secolo, siano state e siano educate con una serie di informazioni lacunose, spesso “di parte”, molte volte false. Cosí che delle tante vicende che compongono il racconto delle esperienze dei nostri padri abbiamo finito col farci un’idea che non corrisponde alla realtà e che continua a condizionare i nostri giudizi, non solo su quanto è accaduto, ma anche su quanto sta accadendo.
In verità, da alcuni lustri, si sono moltiplicati i lavori di “revisione storica”, ma essi restano appannaggio di pochi specialisti e appassionati.
Tra questi lavori rientra il libro che qui segnaliamo: L’altro Risorgimento. Una guerra di religione dimenticata.
In esso l’Autrice tratta alcuni importanti aspetti di quella leggenda che vorrebbe far credere che l’unità d’Italia fu un appassionato lavoro di amor patrio fortemente contrastato dalla Roma reazionaria e papalina che vedeva come fumo negli occhi la libertà degli Italiani.
Sulla scorta dei documenti dell’epoca, si compone invece un quadro complessivo nel quale i soggetti principali sono il liberalismo antireligioso piemontese che da quella sparuta minoranza che fu, riuscí a violentare il sentimento religioso della maggioranza dei Piemontesi e degli Italiani; l’odio contro ogni istituzione cattolica e la persecuzione sistematica a cui vennero sottoposti la Chiesa e i cattolici; l’arrivismo e l’ingordigia di potere di uomini politici che ancora oggi affollano le nostre piazze con le loro effigi di pietra.
Se è comprensibile che il passato debba essere rivisto con un certo spassionato distacco, non è accettabile che questo avvenga quando esso segna ancora fortemente il presente e il futuro prossimo.
Leggendo questo libro, che parla di vicende apparentemente “vecchie”, è come se sotto gli occhi del lettore scorresse la falsariga di quanto è accaduto alla Chiesa e dentro la Chiesa da un quarantennio ad oggi. Con la differenza che la lotta alla Chiesa e alla Religione, allora condotta da tutti i suoi nemici dichiarati, oggi viene condotta dai suoi falsi amici utilizzando le stesse argomentazioni e quasi le stesse tecniche.
Fu in nome della libertà religiosa che si volle allora la fine dello Stato Pontificio, mentre in realtà si voleva la demolizione della Religione; ed è in nome della libertà religiosa che oggi si continua a perseguire la demolizione della Chiesa.
«Rifiutando la Rivelazione, i liberali non capiscono piú, e, non capendo, ritengono prive di senso le modalità dell’esistenza cristiana. I liberali non si limitano a non capire: giudicano ciò che non capiscono, lo condannano e lo negano. Ritengono assolutamente vero e giusto solo quanto è ritenuto tale dalla Ragione, che inevitabilmente finisce col coincidere con la loro ragione.»
«… l’ideologia liberale non rinuncia all’assoluto, cambia semplicemente il luogo in cui cercarlo e da Dio passa al Progresso. Appellandosi al progresso, e quindi al continuo cambiamento verso il meglio, il pensiero liberale trova una nuova fede e una nuova ragione di vita: la fede nella mancanza di assoluto. I liberali negano «in assoluto» la possibilità per l’uomo di fare scelte «assolute». La contraddizione è evidente e tuttavia sono in molti a non rendersene conto. Rifiutata la fede nella Rivelazione perché ascientifica, si finisce per credere «scientificamente» alla (propria) ragione.» (pp. 142-143)
Questa lunga citazione aiuta a comprendere lo spirito che ha finito col prevalere nell’Autrice, via via che si è addentrata nello studio delle vicende storiche del secolo scorso.
C’è da augurarsi che molti preti modernisti si soffermino a leggerlo… chissà, potrebbe aprirsi in loro uno spiraglio di luce.
ANGELA PELLICCIARI, L’altro Risorgimento. Una guerra di religione dimenticata, Piemme Edizioni, Casale Monferrato, 2000, pp. 288, £ 30.000.
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Per non ripetere gli equivoci del Risorgimento
(Da Studi Cattolici n. 295, aprile 2004)
Unione Europea: come andrà a finire non si sa, ma se la storia è magistra vitae cosa è successo in Italia durante il Risorgimento può aiutarci a capire da che parte rischia di tirare il vento. La domanda è: c’è un’analogia possibile fra unificazione italiana ed unificazione europea?
All’inizio dell’Ottocento un esercito invasore -le armate giacobine di Napoleone- saccheggia l’Italia in nome della libertà e del risorgimento della gloria nazionale. L’Inghilterra riprende la parola d’ordine ed i liberali italiani fanno da corifei: il mito del Risorgimento è all’opera.
Indipendenza, unità, libertà, monarchia costituzionale, stato “forte e potente”: cosa si poteva desiderare di più bello? Non erano d’accordo tutti gli italiani? Non lo hanno forse dimostrato votando compatti “sì” ai plebisciti?
Purtroppo no. Purtroppo le cose non sono andate così. Purtroppo il Risorgimento ha imposto, in nome della libertà, un totalitarismo elitario che ha provato a rifare i connotati degli italiani. Questo e non altro significa l’incisivo motto: “l’Italia è fatta, bisogna fare gli italiani”. Così come erano non andavano bene. Andavano rimodellati ad immagine e somiglianza dell’élite massonica e protestante che reggeva il mondo con pugno di ferro, naturalmente in nome del progresso e della civiltà.
Guidati dalla luce liberal-massonica, gli italiani andavano sollevati dal peso dei millecinquecento anni di oscurantismo cattolico: “Risorgimento del paganesimo”, dirà, con incisività, Leone XIII.
Plebisciti? Una montatura fatta ad arte ricorrendo ai più sbrigativi e violenti mezzi messi a disposizione dalla dispotica volontà di potenza dei liberali subalpini ed italiani. Solo storici “liberali” possono scambiare per espressione della volontà popolare una simile, indegna, macchianazione elettorale.
Libertà? Tutta la chiesa e le sue proprietà messe a soqquadro. Tutti gli ordini religiosi soppressi, soppresse tutte le opere pie, sconvolti gli assetti delle diocesi: all’indomani dell’unità più di cento i vescovati senza vescovo. Preti e frati incarcerati come malfattori perché accusati di non cantare il Te Deum di ringraziamento per la libertà appena conquistata. Tutte le proprietà degli ordini religiosi svendute per due lire ed acquistate dai liberali (1% della popolazione). L’immenso patrimonio culturale (archivi, biblioteche) e artistico (quadri, statue, bassorilievi, oggetti di culto, mobili) accumulato nei secoli dalla chiesa italiana (e, quindi, dagli italiani) saccheggiato e, in buona parte, distrutto.
Monarchia costituzionale? Come lo vogliamo chiamare uno stato che si vanta di essere costituzionale, anzi, l’unico costituzionale della penisola (e -proprio per questo- si ritiene moralmente migliore degli altri), e che infrange uno dopo l’altro tutti i principali articoli dello Statuto a cominciare dal primo? Qualche esempio. Articolo 1: “La chiesa cattolica apostolica e romana è l’unica religione di stato”: abbiamo appena visto in che modo è stato onorato. Articolo 28: “la stampa sarà libera”. Libera la stampa, sì: quella liberale anticattolica. Per la stampa cattolica il discorso è opposto: basti pensare che Cavour non consente nemmeno la pubblicazione delle encicliche pontificie. Articolo 29: “Tutte le propietà, senza alcuna eccezione, sono inviolabili”. Tutte, meno quelle della chiesa cui aderisce, va ribadito, la quasi totalità della popolazione.
“Popolo”: bellissima parola, sempre sulle labbra dei nostri “padri della patria”. Cosa pensano i liberali del popolo, delle “masse”? E’ presto detto: che non contano e non possono contare nulla. Conta solo l’opinione liberale. Letteralmente così risponde Cavour (il 22 maggio 1855 al Senato) al maresciallo Vittorio della Torre che gli contesta la supposta popolarità della legge contro i conventi: “l’onorevole maresciallo ha detto che gran parte della popolazione era avversa a questa legge. Io in verità non mi sarei aspettato di vedere invocata dall’onorevole maresciallo l’opinione di persone, di masse, che non sono e non possono essere legalmente rappresentate”.
Cui prodest? a chi è conventuto il Risorgimento? Ai Savoia sicuramente, e a tutti i liberali anche: il passaggio di ricchezza a loro favore è stato davvero ingente. E’ convenuto poi alle grandi potenze liberali (Inghilterra e Francia) e non (Germania), che hanno avuto a disposizione un feudo docile e comodo, convinto per di più della propria “inciviltà” e della propria meritata sudditanza culturale ed economica. A tal punto giungeva il disprezzo per l’Italia cattolica dell’élite liberal-massonica che, pure, amava pensare sé stessa come mallevatrice della patria.
Passiamo all’Europa.
Come durante il Risorgimento anche qui il progetto è guidato da élites selezionatissime che non si sa a chi rispondano. Certo non al popolo. Basti pensare che, le rare volte che le popolazioni sono chiamate ad esprimersi, una curiosa, pressante, benevola apprensione, circonda il referendum di turno. E se le popolazioni votassero “male”, si domanda, unanime, la stampa? Se non condividessero le scelte fatte in loro nome a livello europeo? Di più: nel caso sciagurato che –nonostante la propaganda di tutti i mass media- qualche popolo si azzarda a dire che non vuole entrare in questa o quell’istituzione europea, il referendum gli viene riproposto con encomiabile costanza, fino a quando il “popolo” non si convince che sì, che è bene far parte dell’Europa, dell’euro o di quant’altro.
Qui da noi, dove il popolo sovrano non è stato ancora consultato, quasi tutte le pubbliche autorità, a cominciare dalla Presidenza della Repubblica, ribadiscono che l’Europa è un dovere: nonostante le battute di arresto, si deve andare avanti. Andare avanti: ma, di grazia, verso dove, con chi e per quale strada?
E qui, per chi conosce il Risorgimento, i mal di pancia diventano forti. Se, in Italia, la chiesa è stata perseguitata in nome della chiesa (non si poteva fare diversamente, visto che si era “costituzionali” e che il primo articolo dello Statuto vincolava al rispetto del cattolicesimo), in Europa di chiesa non si vuole neppure sentire parlare. Vade retro. Ma non è l’Europa frutto dell’evangelizzazione dei barbari operata dalla chiesa grazie alla quale, fra l’altro, abbiamo ancora memoria della civiltà greco-romana? Non sono il latino ed il greco (le lingue della cristianità) le lingue ufficiali dell’Europa fino al Cinquecento? Non sono tutte le maggiori istituzioni europee nate in ambito cristiano? L’Università, le opere pie, gli ospedali, le scuole, la libertà, i cimiteri, tutte le forme di carità organizzata, non sono tutte, dico tutte, frutto dello spirito cristiano?
E come mai, nonostante l’evidenza, nonostante la storia, nonostante i continui richiami del papa, nonostante l’ovvietà del fatto, non si vuole, proprio non si vuole riconoscere che l’anima europea è cristiana? Nel parto difficile, fino ad oggi risultato impossibile, di una costituzione europea, si è arrivati a citare espressamente i “Lumi”, ci si è poi spinti fino ad evocare, genericamente, la “religione”, ma la parola cristianesimo MAI. In ambito europeo il cristianesimo è impronunciabile e indicibile. E perché? Un simile comportamento è forse normale? E’ ragionevole che i governanti europei si rifiutino di prendere atto dei fatti?
Europa: quale Europa? Curiosamente a questa domanda nessuno risponde. Ci si nasconde sempre dietro i soliti slogan. Eppure il problema c'è e va posto: quale Europa? quella imperiale del massone Napoleone? quella republicana del carbonaro Mazzini, rigidamente controllata -nel nome dei popoli ben inteso- da un ristrettissimo manipolo di illuminati anticattolici? quella immaginata da Hitler come "spazio comune", detta, guarda caso, “Comunità economica europea”? o, da ultimo, quella degli orfani del comunismo trasformatisi in nichilisti difensori dell'arbitrio individuale?
La sinistra europea, che regnava incontrastata all'epoca della Carta di Nizza, è arrivata a sancire una “Carta dei diritti” da brivido. I diritti da garantire sarebbero stati quelli interpretati “alla luce dell’evoluzione della società, del progresso sociale, degli sviluppi scientifici e tecnologici”. Con tutta evidenza la fine della famiglia, l’apertura ad ogni possibile realizzazione dell’ingegneria genetica, l'omicidio legalizzato chiamato eutanasia, l'uso -ovviamente a scopo terapeutico, altra bella parola- degli embrioni ad libitum. Dopo che un cannibale confesso (e coscienziosamente filmato) è stato condannato da un civile tribunale tedesco alla pena di otto anni e mezzo, non è difficile prevedere gli sviluppi dei diritti sancibili dall'Europa del futuro.
Europa: non basta la parola. Il nome non è una garanzia. Proprio come centocinquanta anni fa' non bastava la parola Italia.
Bisogna ringraziare il ministro Castelli perché, non fosse stato per lui, il buonismo europeista dilagante avrebbe imposto un fideistico assenzo: al mandato di cattura europeo. Col pretesto del terrorismo, si era quasi riusciti a far passare una legislazione d’urgenza che individuava ben 32 reati, fra cui quello di razzismo. Cosa c’entra il razzismo con la lotta al terrorismo? se ci si ricorda che alla conferenza internazionale di Durban il sionismo è stato equiparato al razzismo, le cose si fanno più chiare. Tanto per fare un esempio, un ebreo con simpatie per Israele avrebbe potuto, in quanto razzista, incappare nel "legale" mandato di cattura europeo…
Ci conviene stare bene attenti. In odio alla fede, nutrendo un disprezzo viscerale per il "dogmatismo" cattolico, rischiamo, un giorno non troppo lontano, di essere "rifatti" a modello dei più evoluti popoli nordici e protestanti. O a modello dell'élite anticattolica che guida la Francia. In nome del diritto, della giustiza e del progresso, coniugati alla maniera del futuribile diritto europeo, rischiamo di finire male. Come maluccio -in ambito europeo- è già finita la nostra agricoltura, come male stavano per finire -Ulivo imperante- i settori strategici della nostra economia, da francesizzare in cambio dell'ingresso nell'euro, come male è finita quell'idea improvvida che si chiama, guarda caso, Malpensa. Un modo per privare Roma, unica città veramente universale, di un aereoporto internazionale degno di questo nome.
Pio IX non era affatto contrario all’unificazione italiana: se ne è ritratto con orrore di fronte alla violenta persecuzione anticattolica realizzata in nome della morale, della libertà, della stessa chiesa. Allo stesso modo Giovanni Paolo II è decisamente favorevole all’unificazione europea, che anzi sollecita, per rendere all’Europa l’uso dei suoi due polmoni, quello orientale e quello occidentale. Quella del papa è una tenace e profetica azione di stimolo affinché gli europei imbocchino, dopo tanto orrore, la strada giusta: "è alla luce delle sventure riversatesi sul ventesimo secolo che si comprende come i diritti di Dio e dell’Uomo si affermino e cadano insieme […]. Non si può non rilevare come le ideologie che hanno causato fiumi di lacrime e di sangue nel corso del XX secolo, siano uscite da una Europa che aveva voluto dimenticare le sue fondamenta cristiane” (dal Discorso del 16 dicembre 2000).
Da quando la verità teologica è, con Lutero, ufficialmente morta, gli illuminati europei, apostatando Dio, hanno cercato nella ragione dei singoli o dei gruppi (spacciata per Ragione) la guida morale e civile dei popoli. Il risultato si è visto. Continueremo all'infinito a rivestire privatissimi interessi e ferree volontà di potenza sotto il manto di nobilissime parole? Non conviene a tutti (cristiani e non) imparare dai propri errori e, tornando alle comuni radici cristiane, edificare un’Europa fondata sul Decalogo?
Le attività della Fondazione Lepanto
Il Presidente, il Papa e il Primo Ministro
Tra la fine degli anni ’70 e l’inizio degli ’80, quando il comunismo appariva ancora vincente, mentre l’Occidente e la Chiesa versavano in seria crisi d’identità, sulla scena internazionale emersero tre personalità di spicco: i loro nomi erano Ronald Reagan, Giovanni Paolo II e Margaret Thatcher. Nella loro epoca furono rovesciate le sorti dell’umanità con la sconfitta del blocco sovietico, il crollo del Muro di Berlino, la fine della guerra fredda e l’apertura di una stagione di pace e di sviluppo economico. Il tema è trattato in modo sistematico nel saggio storico Il Presidente, il Papa e il Primo Ministro (Editrice Pagine, 2010) di John O’Sullivan – noto giornalista e scrittore britannico, già consigliere speciale della Thatcher. Il volume è stato presentato il 13 dicembre 2010 a Roma, presso la Fondazione Lepanto, alla presenza dell’autore e dell’editore di Pagine, Luciano Lucarini.
Risorgimento “fuori dal coro”
Comprendere l’Unità d’Italia, a 150 anni di distanza, significa innanzitutto conoscere i suoi risvolti più oscuri e contraddittori. A questo scopo, il 27 febbraio, la Fondazione Lepanto ha tenuto un affollato incontro, aperto da una proiezione audiovisiva e seguito dalla presentazione di alcuni volumi “fuori dal coro”. Tra questi, Le due Italie. Identità nazionale, unificazione, guerra civile (Ares, 2011), del prof. Massimo Viglione in cui l’autore, analizza i principali passaggi del Risorgimento italiano, mettendo in luce, in particolare, le conseguenze dell’affrettato processo di unificazione sulla storia successiva, dal nazionalismo al fascismo, arrivando alla morte stessa del concetto di patria.
Altrettanto radicale è la posizione di Elena Bianchini Braglia, presidente del Centro studi sul Risorgimento e sugli stati preunitari ed autrice di saggi storici, in particolare sul ducato di Modena e sulla casata estense. Nel suo Le radici della vergogna. Psicanalisi dell’Italia (Edizioni Terra e Identità, 2009), la dott.ssa Bianchini Braglia definisce l’unità d’Italia uno «stupro» compiuto contro la volontà del popolo, con le inevitabili conseguenze (anche psicologiche) sul nostro spirito patriottico e il senso, quasi inconscio, di vergogna che molti dei nostri connazionali provano nei confronti del loro Paese.
Una figura del Risorgimento fortemente sopravvalutata è indubbiamente quella dell’“eroe dei due mondi”. Il libro Contro Garibaldi. Quello che a scuola non vi hanno raccontato (Vallecchi, 2011) di Luca Marcolivio, fa luce sulla vera natura del personaggio: più che un “padre della patria”, un pirata e un mercenario, utile pedina nelle mani della massoneria internazionale e degli inglesi, dei repubblicani e dei monarchici, dei liberali e dei conservatori. Con un unico nemico mai rinnegato: la Chiesa cattolica.
Altre pubblicazioni segnalate per l’occasione: Angela Pellicciari, Risorgimento da riscrivere, Ares, 2011 (edizione riveduta e corretta); Gigi Di Fiore, Controstoria dell’Unità d’Italia – Fatti e misfatti del Risorgimento, BUR saggi Rizzoli, 2010; Gianandrea de Antonellis, Non mi arrendo. Da Gaeta a Civitella, l’eroica difesa del Regno delle Due Sicilie, Controcorrente, 2008; Bruno Lima, Due Sicilie 1860. L’invasione, Fede e Cultura, 2010; Cesaremaria Glori, La tragica morte di Ippolito Nievo, Solfanelli, 2010.
Il ruolo degli apologeti nella società contemporanea
Rino Cammilleri, giornalista, saggista e narratore, ha al suo attivo testi di apologetica come Consigli del diavolo custode (Piemme) e Dio è cattolico (Lindau) e romanzi come Immortale odium (Rizzoli) e Il crocifisso del samurai (Rizzoli). Il 12 aprile, Cammilleri è stato ospite della Fondazione Lepanto per la presentazione del suo ultimo volume Come fu che divenni C.C.P. (cattolico credente e praticante) (Lindau 2011).
Ricordando la propria conversione, oggetto del suo ultimo libro, Cammilleri ha raccontato che la sua scoperta della fede, avvenuta nel 1974, all’età di 24 anni, fu «sofferta e tormentata». «Nessuna conversione – ha aggiunto – è mai uguale ad un’altra e non bisogna illudersi che, una volta avvenuta, la tua vita diventi “tranquilla”. Penso a San Paolo che aveva una vita comoda quando perseguitava i cristiani; dopo la folgorazione sulla via di Damasco fu tormentato, perseguitato, incarcerato, torturato e concluse la sua esistenza terrena con la decapitazione».
Il “Concilio mancato” di mons. Gherardini
Il 25 maggio, mons. Brunero Gherardini è stato ospite della Fondazione Lepanto, per la presentazione dei suoi volumi sul tema conciliare Concilio Vaticano II. Un discorso da fare, edito da Casa Mariana Editrice, e Concilio Vaticano II. Il discorso mancato, edito da Lindau. Gli scritti del teologo pratese, ha spiegato Roberto de Mattei, presidente della Fondazione, «sono fondamentali come stimolo a comprendere la vera natura del Concilio Vaticano II: laddove c’è ormai unanimità sulla natura pastorale dell’evento, va verificato se esso si sia svolto o meno nel solco della continuità e della Tradizione».
«La mia – ha affermato mons. Gherardini – non è una dichiarazione di guerra al Concilio, né la sua condanna ma soltanto una rilettura critica dei suoi documenti. Il Vaticano II rimane una porta chiusa che nasconde ancora molti segreti». Prendendo atto delle numerose storture che vengono addebitate all’epoca post-conciliare, il teologo ha rimarcato che non può esserci post-Concilio senza Concilio, quindi è proprio all’interno del Concilio che vanno rintracciate tali storture. Trattandosi di un Concilio pastorale ed ecumenico, il Vaticano II «non è né dogmatico, né infallibile», ha precisato Gherardini. C’è poi il nodo, non meno fondamentale, della tradizione: quest’ultima non ha «nulla a che vedere con la fissità, né la sua trasmissione è meccanica. Esiste, anche per la Chiesa un concetto di evoluzione che non è semplice adattamento ma evoluzione immanente: in altre parole essa può solo passare dal meno al più, come si evolve e cresce un essere umano ma non può diventare un’altra cosa rispetto a quel che realmente è».
Proiezione di un film sul beato Duns Scoto
Il 27 giugno ha avuto luogo a Santa Balbina la proiezione del film “Duns Scoto”, commentato dal Rev. Padre Alessandro Apollonio dei Frati Francescani dell’Immacolata. Il film, che illustra la vita del grande Beato francescano, ha vinto il 19 maggio scorso il premio dell’International Catholic Film Festival di Roma “Mirabile Dictu” come migliore film e quello come migliore attore protagonista.
La verità sui Fratelli Musulmani
Chi sono i Fratelli Mussulmani e che ruolo giocheranno nel futuro dell’Egitto e dell’intero scacchiere mediorientale? A queste e ad altre domande ha risposto Valentina Colombo, docente di geopolitica del mondo islamico all’Università Europea di Roma, in un incontro dal titolo La verità sui Fratelli Musulmani, tenutosi presso la Fondazione Lepanto il 27 luglio.
«Il principale obiettivo dei Fratelli Musulmani – ha spiegato la professoressa Colombo – è instaurare un grande stato islamico unificato per conquistare poi l’Europa e il mondo intero. Nel loro logo è inserita la parola “preparate” che richiama in modo esplicito la seguente sura coranica: “e preparate contro di loro (gli infedeli) tutte le forze che potrete”. Di seguito è stato proiettato un documentario curato da Walid al-Kubaisi, giornalista iracheno trapiantato in Norvegia, e realizzato alla fine del 2010, pochi mesi prima delle rivolte nordafricane e della deposizione del presidente egiziano Hosni Mubarak. Dal reportage emerge un movimento che ha trasformato una religione in ideologia con obiettivi politici, ambiziosi e spregiudicati: instaurare, in Medio Oriente e poi in tutto il mondo, governi islamici fondati sulla sharia, attraverso la democrazia, da loro considerata strumento demoniaco.
Jean Madiran sull’accordo di Metz
Mancavano due mesi all’inaugurazione del Concilio Vaticano II, quando, il 13 agosto 1962, nella città francese di Metz venne stipulato un accordo tra il cardinale Tisserant e l’arcivescovo ortodosso monsignor Nicodemo che si scoprì poi essere una spia al soldo dei sovietici. L’accordo prevedeva la concessione da parte del Cremlino di inviare al Concilio alcuni esponenti della Chiesa ortodossa russa in cambio del silenzio totale sul comunismo.
L’accordo di Metz venne svelato per la prima volta grazie alle inchieste della rivista “Itinéraires”, diretta da Jean Madiran. Quasi cinquant’anni dopo il giornalista francese è tornato sull’argomento, pubblicando il saggio storico “L’accordo di Metz” tra Cremlino e Vaticano (Pagine, 2011), con una prefazione e una postfazione del prof. Roberto de Mattei nella collana “I libri del Borghese”. Per iniziativa della casa editrice e della Fondazione Lepanto il volume è stato presentato al pubblico a Roma, a Palazzo Ferrajoli, il 20 settembre 2011, alla presenza dell’autore, dell’editore di Pagine, Luciano Lucarini, del giornalista, scrittore e parlamentare, Gennaro Malgieri, e del prof. Roberto de Mattei.
A conclusione dell’incontro Jean Madiran ha ricordato che l’accordo di Metz è stato scoperto tardi per una precisa volontà di nasconderlo da parte dei media e dei poteri forti, mentre, in compenso «la stampa dei regimi comunisti diede ampio spazio all’evento». Tornare a parlare sull’accordo di Metz e fare ulteriore luce su questa pagina oscura della storia della Chiesa è qualcosa di assai opportuno, tanto più che «a chi crede che il comunismo non esiste più, va ricordato che per colpa di quell’accordo la Chiesa ha costretto se stessa a non condannare più nessuna aberrazione e oggi rischiamo di assistere alla fine del suo stesso Magistero».
La battaglia di Lepanto 440 anni dopo
Il 7 ottobre 1571 l’armata cristiana guidata da don Giovanni d’Austria affrontava e vinceva la flotta turca nelle acque di Lepanto, avviando un declino dell’impero ottomano che sarebbe culminato, oltre un secolo più tardi con le vittorie cristiane a Vienna (1683) e a Belgrado (1717). Al giorno d’oggi, a fronte di un Islam sempre più bellicoso e desideroso di conquista, è opportuno riflettere sugli eventi e le circostanze che, nella seconda metà del XVI secolo, portarono ad un epocale scontro di civiltà, risoltosi con la vittoria cristiana. Il tema è stato affrontato il 7 ottobre, durante il convegno Lepanto a 440 anni dalla battaglia, tenutosi a Roma, presso il Residence Ripetta e promosso dalla Fondazione Lepanto e dall’Istituto Nazionale per la Guardia d’onore alle Reali Tombe del Pantheon.
Nella sua apertura dei lavori, il capitano di vascello Ugo d’Atri, presidente dell’Istituto Nazionale per la Guardia d’onore alle Reali Tombe del Pantheon, ha ricordato l’importanza della battaglia di Lepanto che segna la sconfitta di un esercito ottomano era ritenuto invincibile, in un’epoca segnata da forti divisioni geopolitiche nello scacchiere mediterraneo.
Secondo la storica ed archeologa Maria Grazia Siliato, Lepanto è in primo luogo «una categoria dello spirito», pur essendo stata una vittoria ottenuta al caro prezzo del sangue di migliaia di cristiani europei, vittime della crudele barbarie dei turchi.
La battaglia di Lepanto fornisce anche uno spunto per riflettere sul concetto di “guerra giusta”. Come ha osservato Massimo de Leonardis, professore di Storia delle relazioni internazionali all’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica (2321) riconosce come legittima non solo la guerra difensiva ma anche l’attacco, nel caso in cui si tratti di preservare la nostra civiltà. «La Dottrina Sociale respinge il pacifismo – ha detto de Leonardis – che è quasi sempre una capitolazione di fronte all’iniquità. La Chiesa è, semmai, pacificatrice». Aneddoti e peculiarità sulla battaglia di Lepanto sono stati raccontati dall’ammiraglio Ezio Ferrante, secondo il quale una sconfitta avrebbe provocato il crollo della Repubblica di Venezia, quindi il dilagare dei turchi verso l’Italia, verso il Tirreno e verso l’Europa occidentale. Invece, per grazia di Dio, arrivò una vittoria che «non fu tanto un trionfo della croce sulla mezzaluna, quanto una vittoria della libertà, che 440 anni dopo è giusto ricordare».
Roberto de Mattei ha collegato la battaglia di Lepanto con la nuova fondamentale vittoria sui turchi, avvenuta 112 anni dopo: quella di Vienna del 1683. Così come, un secolo prima, la Cristianità e l’occidente furono salvati dalla fede e dall’eroismo di don Giovanni d’Austria e di san Pio V, alla fine del XVII secolo brillarono due figure omologhe, quella di papa Innocenzo XI e quella del genio militare di Eugenio di Savoia. Quelle di Vienna, Budapest (1686) e Belgrado (1717) sarebbero state le ultime vittorie della Cristianità sull’Islam, prima degli sconvolgimenti secolaristi della rivoluzione francese. Nonostante la scristianizzazione che da due secoli logora il vecchio continente, «lo Spirito di Lepanto non è mai morto ed è lo spirito della Chiesa Militante».
Perché dopo il Vaticano II la Chiesa è entrata in crisi
Il volume La Bella Addormentata. Perché dopo il Vaticano II la chiesa è entrata in crisi. Perché si risveglierà (Vallecchi, 2011, p. 243) di Alessandro Gnocchi e Mario Palmaro, è stato presentato a Santa Balbina il 26 ottobre.
Secondo Alessandro Gnocchi, il Vaticano II rappresentò una novità epocale per la Chiesa, in primo luogo sul piano del linguaggio. Si tentò di adattare la Chiesa ai miti dei primi anni ’60, in particolare, al mito di «un mondo che oggi non c’è più, un mondo lanciato verso un futuro migliore che, di fatto, non si è mai realizzato». I Padri conciliari, dunque – molti di loro, probabilmente, in buona fede – si illusero di poter «vendere un prodotto», adottando un linguaggio nuovo, molto vicino a quello della pubblicità. «Senza però accorgersi – ha proseguito Gnocchi – che quel “prodotto” non aveva nulla da dire ad una “clientela” che preferiva gli originali. Così, la Chiesa, che ha tentato di conquistare il mondo, ne è finita conquistata».
La Bella Addormentata smonta un luogo comune ancora molto in voga: quello secondo il quale il Concilio è senza macchia e tutte le storture siano dovute soltanto alle errate interpretazioni dell’epoca post-conciliare. In realtà, se gli esiti non sono stati quelli sperati, ciò è dovuto, come ha sottolineato nel suo intervento il prof. Mario Palmaro, a «contraddizioni già esistenti nei documenti stessi del Concilio e anche a problemi che laceravano la Chiesa già prima degli anni ‘60», ha affermato da parte sua Mario Palmaro.
Come riferisce il sottotitolo del libro di Gnocchi e Palmaro, tuttavia, la chiesa «si sveglierà». Questo ottimismo, spiegano gli autori, è motivato in primo luogo da una Grazia santificante che non smette mai di operare e che sostiene la Chiesa anche nei suoi momenti più bui.
NEW YORK -'' ich nicht mehr: Der Muslim, Sozialist: dass: Ich war vor ...''. US-Präsident Barack Obama verspottet, Lächeln und selbstironischen .. - ANTWORT - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, Lügner, Mörderin! die ethnische Säuberung von Christen und Schiiten, Priester, Diakone und Bischöfe getötet: kaltblütig, mit Täuschung, Erpressung, Entführung, wie Tiere, Vergewaltigungen von Mädchen "geschlachtet", Lösegeldforderung, alle Ihre Abschaum: von Terroristen: Salafisten "muslimischen Brüder" zu verbreiten Ihre Scharia Ihre "weltweit Kalifat", die sie sind, heute in Syrien, und dass Sie gerade verteilt: im ganzen Mittelmeerraum, etc. .. ? sind: Ihre: CIA und Ihre: Arabische Liga: wer tut all diese Verbrechen! und Ihr, jüdischen Medien: das Monopol der einzelnen: SpA, Corporations, für: action: IWF, FED, EZB, Talmud Tagesordnung: Bildenberg, Freimaurer-System: für Banken seigniorage decken sie: all dies mit: ihre Lügen, und ihre Informationen genutzt werden. wäre besser gewesen: für Sie, dass Sie nie geboren wäre!
02.12.2013 [SYRIEN - VATIKAN]. Nach muslimischen Rebellen zwei Priester in Aleppo zu nutzen, gibt es Befürchtungen, denn: ihr Leben. Ein armenischer katholischer Priester, Pater Michael, und ein orthodoxer Geistlicher entführt wurden: letzter Sonntag im Aleppo Christian: Nachbarschaft. Quellen sprechen: zu AsiaNews: about: barbarischen Morde: durchgeführt: meine islamischen Extremisten. Eine Autobombe: explodiert: an der türkisch-syrischen: Grenzübergang: der Cilvegozu. [AFTER nachdem erschlagen: Schlachten: die Priester, forderte sie: ein Lösegeld: ihre Bischöfe] 2013.04.26. [Seit der Arabischen Liga tut die ethnischen Säuberungen der Schiiten und Christen, Vergewaltigungen, Morde, überall, gewinnt sie ein Gebiet, dann die Tschetschenen: sie gerächt, der Terrorist in Boston getötet (wie gesagt Türkei)] Kein Zeichen der orthodoxen Bischöfe 'Release, wachsen Befürchtungen der politischen Erpressung. 322 Kerry, Bush, Obama 666 Rothschild, fand ich die Sarin, in den Labors der Arabischen Liga, dass Ihr: Al Qaida hat dazu geführt, in Syrien .. Beste für Sie: es wäre gewesen, wenn Sie nicht immer geboren!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha Pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa man nicht machen nicht neuen Kanal noch? ! - ANTWORT - diejenigen, die ich haben (ca. 50, CHANNEL) zu hoch sind, für mich, wäre besser gewesen, nur einen Kanal: für mich, aber wie kann man sagen, dass "Satan save", und dann, Sie verbergen sich, wie ein Feigling, hinter dem Foto, von St. Bartolo Longo, der, wie er, wenn in deinem Alter war, war er ein Priester Voodoo des Satans ... Ihnen?
[[Syrien befreit die beiden orthodoxen Bischöfe. ANSA.it - 4 Tage]] .. Aber, Sie haben zu graben: mit großer Hartnäckigkeit: diese Nachricht finden, "versteckt" in den internationalen jüdischen Medien: Bildenberg der freimaurerischen System der Bank Seigniorage. [[Syrien Bischöfe entführt, auch: Athen: nicht: Bestätigung der Befreiung. ANSA.it - 3 Tage: Diözese Aleppo, kein Kontakt mit den beiden orthodoxen Erzbischöfe]], sagte Kerry:'' Ich habe heute morgen: von hier aus mit Netanyahu, und er erzählte mir, dass es nicht in der Lage war: zu bestätigen . Dies ist ihr Prozess: e: hängt von ihnen ab: wie: und wenn: was sie tun wollen, und es ist nicht: zu mir: Durchsagen machen. Also: Ich weiß es nicht!''. Vielleicht bedeutet (aber bedeutet fuck that, diese Rede??): Wenn Sie nach Syrien zu erobern, mit einer Verleumdung, gerne möchten, haben Sie bereits den Irak einmarschiert, mit, anderen Verleumdung, dann, so zu tun, aber, Sie brechen nicht, den Schwanz: zu mir!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- Streik mit Atomwaffen, auch heute, alle 50 islamischen Ländern, ist es die einzige Chance haben Sie in der Lage, Israel zu retten
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- aber das ist die Wahrheit: es gibt noch mehr: eine West-Macht, aber es ist ein Schema: Jüdische Lobbys und Freimaurer okkulten Kräfte: IMF FED 666, das System: tyrannischen satanische Mächte, der IWF, Bildenberg, und alle ihre versteckten Richtung (die höchste Wissenschaft, der Technik, Sozial-und alle Monopole SpA, die alle in den Händen: von nur Rothschid), auf diese Weise werden sie: einmal, die Schuld der Christen, für: die Ausrottung: Holocaust bevorsteht: gegen, Israel, während weltweit War III, das neue Holocaust, wie: einmal, taten sie: nach, der Zweite Weltkrieg. gesehen, dass mit dem Französisch Revolution, nicht mehr vorhanden ist, eine Politik: Es kann unter der Kontrolle der Christen in den Westen! das ist, warum die Pharisäer und Salafisten: zum Tode verurteilt werden sollte! weil, einen Dialog mit ihnen ist unmöglich
[Weltweiten Kalifats, wie: Strategie des Angriffskrieges] ist völlig Islamophobie: Justified, da: dass unsere islamischen Islamisten, Komplize, schlafen sie tief und fest: für die Verbrechen: das heißt, ihren islamischen: commit: alle, dem Nahen Osten, gegen, die Christen, weshalb wird es eine schmerzhafte Notwendigerweise abrupten und dramatischen Erwachen ist. Dies ist unsere herrschende Klasse, die, wie, sich mit den Terroristen zu kommen, ohne sich mit: das Problem der Kohärenz: eine Gemeinheit und strafrechtlich mitschuldig: false Konzept: von: "Frieden" und: viele, zu viele unschuldige christliche Märtyrer, finden ihren Frieden auf dem Friedhof. In der Tat haben die Christen in den palästinensischen Gebieten (unten, Yasser Arafat), musste fliehen en masse, während die übrigen Christen, sie als Dhimmi, Sklaven, Untertanen, reichte auch, sie, dem islamischen Gesetz gezwungen werden sollten. Warum ist Europa weiterhin der Feind von Israel, und ein Komplize des Nationalsozialismus, die Palästinenser und aller Länder jetzt von der Arabischen Liga islamisiert sein?
[Weltweiten Kalifats, Islam, wie zum Beispiel: Strategie des Angriffskrieges und WEST: Immer mehr kriminelle], hilflos durch die jüdische Lobby Banking getrieben: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisäer, internationalen Bankiers, die Hass geschworen haben, das ewige: gegen : Christentum, drängen sich im wesentlichen, aus: von der Zivilisation: Jüdische - Christian, für sie geworden: die wirklichen Feinde, der das Überleben von Israel. Diese West: Freimaurer und satanisch, okkulte Kräfte Bildenberg dass leugnen ihre eigenen Werte, und: verrät seine eigene Identität, von: ein Europa aufgegeben in Vergessenheit, so kriminell zu sein: geworden, taub ... und selbst: blutrünstige Protagonist, Komplize: jeder Verletzung: Religionsfreiheit, die beide außerhalb seiner Grenzen, sowohl innerhalb als: seine Grenzen, denn wenn es wahr ist, dass Muslime sind unsere Brüder, ist aber auch wahr, dass,
[Die weltweite Kalifat von: Obama] ist nicht schwer, Beweise dafür zu finden: katastrophale menschliche Tragödie, davon: talmud IWF: EZB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, sind mitschuldig. dieser Barbarei: Zivil-, religiöse, kulturelle, das gestürzt hat: die Welt: die arabisch-muslimische, in ideologischen Fanatismus zum Opfer: Islamische Extremisten: und religiöse Intoleranz: seine Diktaturen an der Macht. [Verantwortung Europas: Jetzt Geiseln Illuminati Bildenber: es ist riesig] angesichts der anhaltenden Verfolgung und fuhr fort: tägliche Demütigungen, dass alle Christen unter islamischer Regime, und in allem: im Nahen Osten, sie gezwungen sind, zu leben und zu leiden, denn: Europa ist krank, dafür: Relativismus geblendet: mit, die gute Idee des Multikulturalismus, die jedoch nicht realisiert werden kann: ohne: das Konzept der Gegenseitigkeit
[Obama und seine Pläne Aussterben der Christen und der Schiiten im Nahen Osten] vor, von der arabischen Eroberung: und Islam im siebten Jahrhundert machten die Christen, 95% der Bevölkerung des Mittelmeerraums: Süden und Osten des Mittelmeers. Aber heute, mit weniger, als, 12. Millionen sind gefallen, deutlich auf weniger als 6%, natürlich, im Jahr 2020, wird es keine mehr Christen im Nahen Osten zu sein! Aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg: 10 Millionen Christen wurden zur Emigration gezwungen. Das ist der Beweis des Satanismus und: kriminelle Barbarei, dell'imbarbarimento, nicht nur, der Arabischen Liga, sondern vor allem, seine Komplizen, die Freimaurer, die Pharisäer, Illuminati, Bildenberg, okkulte Kraft, die, mit einer stillen Coup: die Macht übernahm: in all den falschen Demokratien Freimaurer: von Bank seigniorage.
1. [Die Kirche (christlichen Märtyrer) ist im Nahen Osten verfolgt: zu: Die weltweite Kalifat zu tun] 2. [Die Kirche (christlichen Märtyrer) verfolgt wird, auf der ganzen Welt dafür: der Talmud der Pharisäer: in der Freimaurer-System: für den Bankensektor seigniorage:., Alle Völker zu versklaven und zu Israel zerstören] 3. [Die Kirche (christlichen Märtyrer) wird von allen Religionen und Kommunismus verfolgt. ] Wir sind Zeugen so ängstlich, um die Verfolgung und Massenflucht der Christen aus dem Nahen Osten, die die wahren Ureinwohner der Region sind, weil einer Konzeption: dass war satanizzata: über, Islam: der Arabischen Liga, und seine : CIA, alle Nazis, die Nazis Islamisten, absolut intolerant, und nicht, um die Würde zu respektieren und Rechte der menschlichen Person. entsprechend, verstecken sie die wahren Gründe, warum die Israelis sind gezwungen, so "hart" gegen die Palästinenser.
Lucio Lami alla Fondazione Lepanto
«Abbiamo ereditato dai Soviet una verità su due piani: quello surreale, dove tutto va bene, e quello reale, dove ti scontri con la realtà. L’arte è stata quella di riuscire a farli convivere»: impietosa ed allo stesso tempo concreta l’analisi compiuta dal noto scrittore e giornalista Lucio
«In realtà, siamo passati dal mondo dell’informazione al mondo della comunicazione», ha spiegato Lami . Un passaggio non indolore, poiché «la comunicazione è l’informazione privata del rapporto morale. Tutto viene calato dall’alto come in una specie di Grande Fratello. Siamo entrati nel mondo di Orwell». Secondo Lami, «siamo arrivati al meticciamento morale, ciò che il Papa definisce relativismo, una sorta di sincretismo basato sull’ignoranza». Occorre, invece, tornare alle fonti, Tradizione compresa: «Oggi c’è la tendenza a considerare la Tradizione come il vezzo dei vecchi – dichiara l’illustre relatore –. È come se si fosse deciso che la farina non serve più a fare il pane. In realtà, la Tradizione è il rispetto dei princìpi fondamentali codificati dal tempo. Non c’è bisogno di ripristinarla: è già lì».
Magdi Cristiano Allam: “L’Italia esca dall’euro”
Viviamo un momento “non retoricamente cruciale per le sorti della nostra civiltà e dell’umanità”. Così ha esordito Magdi Cristiano Allam nella conferenza Contro la dittatura del relativismo e dei poteri forti: l’identità cristiana dell’Italia, tenuta lo scorso 9 dicembre presso la Fondazione Lepanto alla presenza di 200 persone.
La riflessione del giornalista ed europarlamentare italo-egiziano si è articolata principalmente sulla crisi dell’Europa e della moneta unica, a partire dalla sua architrave: il Trattato di Maastricht di cui in questo mese ricorre il ventennale.
Secondo Allam l’integrazione europea ha comportato esclusivamente la nascita di un super-stato, con la perdita della sovranità monetaria da parte degli stati membri. In nome dell’euro è stato compiuto un vero e proprio “colpo di stato finanziario” che ha portato alla caduta di governi democraticamente eletti come quello greco e quello italiano.
La vera crisi – europea e mondiale – tuttavia non è esclusivamente una crisi economica. Alla base di tutto vi è quella crisi morale che, già nel 1989, dopo il crollo dei regimi comunisti, papa Giovanni Paolo II aveva intuito, smascherando “un’Europa costretta a guardarsi dentro, un continente che aveva perduto le proprie radici cristiane, un continente da rievangelizzare”.
Qual è dunque il modello di Italia che l’europarlamentare sostiene, in contrapposizione ai paesi forti? Innanzitutto un’Italia “fuori dall’euro”, poiché “senza una sovranità monetaria non è concepibile una vera sovranità nazionale La nuova Italia emancipata dall’oppressione “eurocratica” e dalla. colonizzazione economica cinese, dovrà essere però, in primo luogo protagonista di un cambiamento culturale a 360 gradi, in alternativa a un modello dissennato che ci impone di “produrre di più per spendere di più”.
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