quando: farisei salafiti massoni satanisti hanno creato i terroristi? poi, un loro controllo al 100% non è possibile ] [ NEW YORK, 12 APR - Il Dipartimento di stato americano ha emesso un 'travel warning' per l'Arabia Saudita, sottolineando come "cittadini statunitensi e occidentali" nel Paese possano essere oggetto di attentati terroristici in vista della visita del presidente Barack Obama. Visita che si svolgerà in occasione del summit con i Paesi del Golfo il 21 aprile.
e se i massoni austriaci sono ancora i ptrioti e non i traditori della PATRIA che voi siete diventati? ] [ Migranti: Italia, no barriere Brennero, Lettera congiunta Gentiloni-Alfano a Ue, 12 aprile 2016
Maçons Satanist Rothschild abominable PHARISEE TALMUD 666 ENLIGHTENED SPA FED NWO. why you will kill ISRAEL?
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu ] il buco del culo: è un arma letale di distruzione di massa, è assai più pericolosa dell'Olocausto nucleare! infatti, i Sodomiti hanno meritato il Diluvio Universale, e la distruzione delle città della valle di Sodoma, poi, dicono che sia stato il cristianesimo a distruggere l'Impero Romano: "NO L'IMPERO ROMANO È STATO DISTRUTTO DAI SODOMITI" ed infatti anche la CIVILTà della GRECIA classica è stata distrutta dai sodomiti e come tutti sanno, i cristiani non esistevano ancora! Infatti, la omosessualità ideologica o sodomia: apre spontaneamente al satanismo e a tutte le perversioni sessuali! DIRANNO ANCHE CHE È STATO UNIUS REI: A DISTRUGGERE IL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE! tutto falso: SONO STATI I SODOMITI!
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
OCCIDENTE non sopravviverà al suo satanismo! i demoni come balie si porteranno a passeggio il vostro cervello! Realtà aumentata e video 'hard', ci prova il sito PornHub, Apre canale gratis per video a 360 gradi, si vedono con visori, [ MA, LO STATO MASSONE GENDER ANTICRISTO BILDENBERG FARISEO ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? DOVREBBE PROIBIRE QUESTE COSE, se è vero che, non ha deciso di far morire tutti all'inferno della guerra mondiale!
quindi secondo questo articolo è ERDOGAN USA CIA che rifornisce anche ISIS, senza i RUSSI? oggi dominerebbero incontrastati in Siria grazie ad ERDOGAN ] [ 08/04/2016 - SIRIA ] [ Conflitto siriano, i ribelli strappano allo Stato islamico il controllo di al-Rai. La cittadina del nord si torva lungo la direttrice che collega Siria e Turchia. Una rotta strategica per il passaggio di merci e rifornimenti. Un successo importante in vista della battaglia principale per il controllo di Aleppo. Alla periferia di Damasco i jihadisti attaccano una fabbrica e sequestrano 200 operai.
Washington has had it's attention brought to your crap. Your time is limited.~
USA 666 UK SHARIA NATO, e tutti gli alleati massoni del cazzo di Satana Allah, che finiranno per uccidere Europa e Israele
USA CALIFFATO SAUDITA TURCO HANNO PROGETTATO DI METTERE LE MANI SUL PAPA E DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA ] [ 20/07/2015 LIBIA. Libia, i miliziani dello Stato islamico sequestrano tre immigrati cristiani. Il rapimento è avvenuto nella zona orientale, nei pressi di Sirte. Nel mirino un cittadino egiziano, un nigeriano e un ghanese. I jihadisti hanno diffuso le foto dei loro passaporti. In passato la Libia è stata teatro della decapitazione di una ventina di cristiani copti. Sempre ieri rapiti quattro lavoratori italiani.
Siria, jet russi fermano attacchi di al-Nusra contro le forze curde ] [ tutti i Curdi che Hollande e Cameron vogliono far sterminare da Erdogan!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] IS SPA FED Rothschild sharia Satanists your penis NWO?
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] Obama? a casa sua: comanda la moglie, e al Pentagono comanda Bush: 322 il satanista: "IL TESCHIO CON LE OSSA DEI PIRATI"! Forse Donald Trump, potrebbe dare una dritta, a questa nazione MALEFICATA e venduta a Satana dai Farisei del Talmud Spa FED! NON C'È NESSUNO CHE PUÒ SPERARE QUALCOSA DI POSITIVO DAI SACERDOTI DI SATANA DELLA CIA: "CACCIATELI!"
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] in effetti, Dio JHWH in ISRAELE ha detto: "QUELLO È IL MAR CINESE MERIDIONALE!" [ ma, se per pura ipotesi voi vinceste questa guerra, non si prenderebbero tutte le miniere e i giacimenti, gli USA: i sacerdoti di satana, come spese di guerra? IN OGNI CASO, SIA in caso di: VINCITA che, COME, in caso di: PERDITA, A VOI RIMARREBBERO SOLTANTO, I CADAVERI E LA DISTRUZIONE TOTALE! voi che dite? "forse un brutto accordo è sempre meglio di una guerra?"
MY ISRAEL ] 0286891021 [ io non credo, che, 666 CIA abbiano la speranza di potermi intimidire, io credo, piuttosto, che, per una tecnologia elettronica, loro possono trasformare un cellulare telefono, in un microfono ambientale! MA, QUESTO È del TUTTO INUTILE, PERCHÉ NON POSSONO ASCOLTARE I MIEI PENSIERI, SE, IO NON LI HO PUBBLICATI.. che, poi, è proprio questo il divertimento!
CONOSCO UNA PERSONA CHE HA DETTO: "VOGLIO TUTTO IO!" PRIMA DI MORIRE, LUI È STATO PAZZO PER 10 ANNI, ED ORA È ALL'INFERNO! GLI USA E I LORO ALLEATI MASSONI SONO AVVISATI! Il ministero degli Esteri cinese ha più volte sottolineato che la gestione economica di Pechino sulle isole nel Mar Cinese Meridionale "non è diretta contro paesi terzi e niente influisce su di loro". Gli Stati Uniti, a loro volta, hanno condotto diverse pattuglie nei pressi delle zone contese sotto la bandiera delle "operazioni in difesa della libertà di navigazione". Per Pechino si tratta di una violazione della sua sovranità. Nell'ottobre 2015 il comandante della Marina Militare cinese ha fatto sapere ai colleghi americani che "un piccolo incidente nella regione potrebbe provocare una guerra", ma il Pentagono non pianifica di abbandonare le manovre nel Mar Cinese Meridionale: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160412/2464584/mccain-washington-pechino.html#ixzz45dQE3PW2
IL SACERDOTE DI SATANA John McCain ( QUELLO CHE SI È INCONTRATO IN UN BAR TURCO CON, quello che sarebbe diventato: il FUTURO CALIFFO DELLO ISIS DAESH STATO ISLAMICO): ha detto: "Washington deve essere pronta a reagire alle pretese di Pechino!" [ e questo è vero, perché, gli USA SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, e il loro governo mondiale massonico, sono, GIÀ i soli padroni del mondo! QUINDI, CHE PRETESE POTREBBE AVERE LA CINA O CHIUNQUE ALTRO? ] Secondo il senatore dell’Arizona la Cina continua la “militarizzazione” della situazione nella regione e si prepara ad estendere la cotraerea su tutto il Mar Cinese Meridionale, perciò Washington deve essere pronto per un’immediata, dura reazione alle “ambizioni” di Pechino.
se i massoni europei non distruggono la NATO, e non fanno una alleanza militare con la Russia? NON SARÀ POSSIBILE SALVARE I POPOLI EUROPEI DA UN IMMANE MASSACRO! PERCHÉ, I VERI NEMICI DELLE DEMOCRAZIE OCCIDENTALI SONO USA E LORO LEGA ARABA! ] [ La situazione “congelata” delle sanzioni tra Russia e Occidente. 12.04.2016 In Occidente le sanzioni non hanno portato i risultati sperati, ma hanno solo influito negativamente sull’economia di molti paesi.
ME, LO HA SEMPRE DETTO, il sacerdote di satana, ex-Direttore, di youtube: Synnek1 666, che, io ho fatto licenziare, ed oggi lui è: 187AudioHostem: "ogni resistenza è inutile!" .. MA, IO HO DECISO CHE NON DEVE ESSERE COSÌ! PERCHÉ, IO FARÒ UCCIDE, OVUNQUE, IN TUTTO IL MONDO! FINCHÉ L'IRA DI DIO NON SIA PLACATA!
ARRIVERÀ IL MOMENTO, IN CUI, IO VEDRÒ TUTTI I LEADER EUROPEI (I MASSONI DEL SISTEMA POLITICO FINANZIARIO) TUTTI GIUSTIZIATI PER ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE: E QUINDI CONDANNATI A MORTE DA TRIBUNALI POPOLARI RIVOLUZIONARI! Naftogaz: il Nord Stream 2 sarebbe la nostra rovina, 12.04.2016 La costruzione del secondo tronco del Nord Stream, secondo l’amministratore delegato della Naftogaz, potrebbe essere completata entro il 2019 e provocherà all’Ucraina chiari problemi, in particolare, con gli acquisti di gas in Europa.
E QUESTO È VERO: c'è un conflitto: sharia Turchia ISIS, contro i CURDI, dato che tutti gli altri dhimmi, hanno già subito il genocidio sharia! Ora, soltanto Dio e Putin, possono salvare i Curdi dal genocidio, così come sono stritolati su due fronti: contemporaneamente! ] [ 12.04.2016
Ancora un attentato contro la polizia turca a Diyarbakir: due morti e una cinquantina di feriti. Ankara accusa il Pkk.
#CINA, #RUSSIA #ISRAELE ] [ un attacco nucleare preventivo: SU SCALA MONDIALE, è la nostra unica speranza PER POTER SOPRAVVIVERE COME GENERE UMANO LIBERO! ] Hiroshima, Kerry: "Guerra ultima risorsa". Storica visita al Memoriale che apre la strada a Obama
mi diverte, osservare: quella feccia di OBAMA attore Hollywood, e osservare il fatto che: sono i SATANISTI MASSONI: regime sharia Bildenberg: alto tradimento costituzionale contro la sovranità monetaria dei popoli, magia nera kabbalah, talmud satanico, Gender teosofia demoniaca, tutti i loro: FARISEI SALAFITI, la totale aberrazione dei diritti umanistici e identitari, proprio loro: la negazione della autodeterminazione dei popoli: cioè, il NWO Spa Banche Centrali, che, si siano impegnati a far sparire i Dittatori, ed ogni forma di pluralismo, nel mondo, come ogni traccia di società: post larvatamente ebraico cristiana! Corea Nord: Lincoln per criticare Obama: Lettera ipotetica, 'Pyongyang non crollerà malgrado sanzioni' CERTO, CHE LA COREA DEL NORD, ECC.. DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTA, MA, SOLTANTO IO, POSSO DECIDERE: CHI, COME E QUANDO, DEVE MORIRE: PERCHÉ, IO SONO IL REGNO DI ISRAELE, CIOÈ io sono il REGNO DI DIO JHWH, IN FORMA POLITICA SULLA TERRA!
ONU: i nuovi diritti umani universali del Gufo Allah Baal SpA FED? ONU è un sharia terrorista, di Sodoma culto Darwin: il più perfetto altare di satana: della storia del genere umano, mentre, gli USA islamici: sono i sacerdoti Satanisti: Farisei satanisti massoni salafiti! Quindi, la Merkel: Pravy Secotor, golpe Kiev, cecchini Cia a Maidan, ecc..? dopo Ban-Kimono GENDER? questa è la scelta giusta per me!
non ho un problema contro GAY e loro associazioni, anzi io li amo! MA, SE NON RINUNCIANO ALLA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER CHE È TEOSOFIA SATANICA, APOLOGIA DI REATO E PURO TERRORISMO CONTRO LA LEGGE NATURALE, POI, IL CONTRATTO PATTO SOCIALE ANDRÀ DISTRUTTO, CON ESITI SOCIALI DRAMMATICI! Assegnati ad Arcigay beni confiscati alla mafia, Prima volta ad associazione immobili sottratti a Cosa nostra
quando Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi Presidente dell'Egitto, mandò le "teste di quoio" in Libia, a vendicare i suoi cristiani copti, che, sharia ISIS aveva sgozzato sul mare? Tutta la shaaria LEGA ARABA lo rimproverò e dissero: "NOI SIAMO PERSONE SERIE!", infatti, quello che al-Sisi aveva fatto, prima di pugnalare la Russia alle spalle? era troppo grave! Perché, ISIS, non può e non deve essere fermato da USA e Lega ARABA, in Libia come altrove!
gli USA oggi sono nel mondo il vero volto del NAZISMO! il regime massonico Bildenberg: il vero volto del NAZISMO È IN USA ] Protesta a Capitol Hill, 400 arresti. "Basta corruzione del denaro in politica, elezioni siano libere" La protesta a Capitol Hill: WASHINGTON. 12 aprile 2016 [ Oltre 400 attivisti sono stati arrestati mentre manifestavano pacificamente davanti a Capitol Hill con striscioni e cartelli ''per chiedere al Congresso di agire subito per far cessare la corruzione del denaro nella nostra politica e per garantire elezioni libere e imparziali'', ha spiegato Democracy sprint, il gruppo organizzatore. Il numero di arresti e' uno dei piu' grossi degli ultimi anni. L'accusa, ha reso noto la polizia, e' di manifestazione illegale.
USA SHARIA ONU ] tutto quello che io vi devo fare? è già stato scritto in Apocalisse!
perché la Comunità internazionale non è riuscita a fermare i terroristi, e la RUSSIA ci è riuscita in pochi mesi? È CHIARO: È LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CHE SONO I TERRORISTI ISLAMICI! E QUESTO ARTICOLO LO DIMOSTRA! SONO TUTTI ATTI DI DEPISTAGGIO, E DI DISSIMULAZIONE, PER INGANNARE LA OPINIONE PUBBLICA! NON SI È VOLUTO COLPIRE ISIS INTENZIONALMENTE, PER OTTENERE IL GENOCIDIO DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI, E SOLTANTO, SECONDARIAMENTE, LO SI È FATTO PER DANNEGGIARE GLI SCIITI! E POICHÉ, TUTTE LE ARMI E I FINANZIAMENTI DI USA SONO PASSATI AD ISIS? POI, È proprio ONU IL PIÙ GRANDE TERRORISTA DEL MONDO! ISTANBUL, 12 APR - Almeno 6 persone sono rimaste ferite stamani nella provincia di confine turca di Kilis da 3 colpi di mortaio sparati da zone del nord della Siria sotto il controllo dell'Isis. Lo ha reso noto il governatore locale, Suleyman Tapsiz, secondo cui 3 dei colpiti sono in gravi condizioni. Ieri altri 5 razzi katiuscia, sparati sempre dalla Siria, avevano raggiunta la stessa zona, ferendo 12 persone. L'esercito di Ankara aveva risposto al fuoco secondo le regole d'ingaggio, come sempre in caso di attacchi simili.
La mamma di Regeni: "Grazie per avere adottato il mio Giulio" ] NON ESISTE UNA VERITÀ ALTERNATIVA: ARABIA SAUDITA su mandato USA, CONTROLLA EGITTO COME OGNI ALTRO GOVERNO DELLA LEGA ARABA, .. ORA, Israele e il GENERE UMANO? devono TREMARE! Un commentatore di spicco del più diffuso Al Ahram ha velatamente attaccato il dicastero in prima linea nelle indagini ("perché il ministro dell'Interno non parla del funzionamento del suo ministero?"). Il concorrente Al-Akhbar invece ha sostenuto che la tortura a morte del giovane ricercatore friulano è "un crimine perpetrato da cospiratori che vogliono nuocere alle relazioni italo-egiziane".
QUANDO LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE, ONU, cioè, tutti i DIRITTI umani UNIVERSALI di Talmud SpA FED SATANA NWO, HA DECISO CHE: TURCHIA E ARABIA SAUDITA: AVREBBERO AVUTO IL DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, DI POTER AGGREDIRE LE NAZIONI, ATTRAVERSO, IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO? VERRÀ IL GIORNO CHE, TUTTI VOI COMPARIRETE TUTTI A RISPONDERE DEI VOSTRI DELITTI DAVANTI AL MIO TRIBUNALE! ] [ Siria: continua flusso armi e militanti al Nusra attraverso confine turco. 12.04.2016. Siria, Stato Maggiore russo: continua flusso armi e militanti aL-Nusra attraverso confine turco. Il flusso di armi e militanti di rinforzo del gruppo terroristico al-Nusra continua attraverso il confine turco-siriano, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti. "Nonostante i progressi nell'attuazione del regime di cessate il fuoco, le forniture di armi e militanti dalla parte turca del confine, continuano a rafforzare i terroristi Nusra, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti", ha detto Sergei Rudskoy, capo della principale direzione operativa dello Stato Maggiore russo.Lo ha affermato lo Stato Maggiore russo. Il regime di cessate il fuoco mediato è entrata in vigore il 27 febbraio.
COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI! tutti quelli che vanno nei paradisi fiscali sono evasori! QUINDI PERCHÉ CI VA IL FONDO MONETARIO INTERNAZIONALE, A RICICLARE TUTTI I PROVENTI DEL SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO? L'OBIETTIVO DI SOROS ERA QUELLO DI DISTRUGGERE I PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN UK, PER CONCENTRARE TUTTE LE RICCHEZZE NEI PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN USA! ] MA, IO NON SO QUESTI: PUGNALATORI DI ALLEATI DEL CAZ*O, QUESTI FARISEI TALMUD LUCIFERINI, CHE TIPO DI CAZ*OINCULO POSSONO RICEVERE ADESSO dai loro ex-alleati UK! [ "Complimenti signor premier — ha attaccato nel corso di un acceso dibattito Jeremy Corbin — lei è un maestro di mistificazione della realtà, ma la gente è esasperata dall'evasione fiscale dopo sei anni di austerità". Panama Papers, la difesa di Cameron. 12.04.2016. Il primo ministro britannico alla Camera dei Comuni: false le accuse contro mio padre. Ora maggiore contrasto all'evasione internazionale. Corbin: da Cameron mistificazione della realtà. COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI!
Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
Regeni: la madre, grazie per aver adottato il mio Giulio
Regeni 'non è caso isolato', 15 desaparecidos recenti
Regeni: Massari, l'ambasciatore in prima linea per la verità
Regeni: famiglia amareggiata, "Italia non si fermi"
Su Regeni è crisi diplomatica tra Italia e Egitto
Regeni: ecco le misure in mano all'Italia
Regeni, Renzi: 'A fianco dei pm, non consentiremo di svicolare'
Caso Regeni: Italia-Egitto, tra verità e depistaggi
Caso Regeni, il comunicato della Procura dopo il vertice Italia-Egitto
Caso Regeni: l'Italia pronta a nuove misure, l'Egitto 'irritato'
Regeni: fallito vertice magistrati Italia-Egitto
VIDEOCaso Regeni, 'dossier ancora incompleto'
Caso Regeni, "dossier ancora incompleto"
Investigatori romani al vertice Italia-Egitto su Regeni
Caso Regeni, vertice a Roma con inquirenti egiziani
FORSE QUESTO FILM VUOLE DIRE CHE: LE BANCHE SONO LA MAFIA PIÙ GRANDE, MA LA MAFIA CERCA IL POTERE, IL DENARO, MENTRE: NESSUNO PUÒ DIRE CHE LE NOSTRE BANCHE SONO UNA RELIGIONE: SONO IL SATANISMO CULTUALE, E COME, L'ALTARE DI SATANA È IL LORO CUORE! TALE È IL SATANISMO, esso NON CERCA IL POTERE E LA RICCHEZZA che, il NWO massonico regime Bildenberg HA GIÀ: di suo: IN MODO ASSOLUTO, in realtà, IL NWO È LUCIFERO, e LUI VUOLE TUTTE LE VOSTRE ANIME, tutti con LUI atterriti e disperati allo INFERNO: in attesa di essere disintegrati nel giorno del giudizio universale! quindi, QUESTA DELLA FED SPA FMI, È UNA GUERRA PER POSSEDERE LE ANIME, E DA QUESTO PUNTO DI VISTA, NONOSTANTE I LORO DELITTI ABERRANTI GLI ISLAMICI, SONO GLI UNICI CHE, STANNO FACENDO IL DOPPIO GIOCO CONTRO IL NWO: L'IMPERO DEL TALMUD DI ROTHSCHILD 322 BUSH! ] [ Servillo, un monaco contro le banche. Nel film, in odor di Cannes, anche Daniel Auteuil e Favino Servillo http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cultura/cinema/2016/04/11/servillo-monaco-contro-le-banche_66280d71-9734-4ce9-bd26-3a39910acd66.html 12 aprile 2016
è un film denuncia alla: Elio Petri e estetica alla: Paolo Sorrentino, arriva nelle sale il 21 aprile distribuito da 01 'Le confessioni', film contro le banche e il potere finanziario in odor di Cannes. ''Mi sembrava naturale proseguire sulle cose che mi assillano da sempre e fare una ricognizione sul potere e sull'economia oggi in crisi...''Voi avete un sistema perfetto: quello della mafia. Le banche come la mafia non devono dare conto a nessuno''. Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
QUALE PUÒ ESSERE L'OBIETTIVO DEI "FRATELLI MUSULMANI (I TERRORISTI)"? il genocidio di tutti i cristiani e di tutti gli ebrei in tutto il mondo: OVVIAMENTE! Ma, #Salman e #Rothschild non possono dire pubblicamente che: 1. il NWO è anche il CALIFFATO; e che, 2. questo genocidio si sta compiendo velocemente, ed anche in tempi molto rapidi! ] SI, È vero: #SALMAN VUOLE DARE UNA LEZIONE, PUNIZIONE a IRAN, ma, NON È NEI PROGETTI del loro Allah Rothschild SATANA, di fare il genocidio sistematico degli SCIITI, PERCHÉ QUESTI, conflitti, OMICIDI, di tipo CONFESSIONALe sono molto utili per la realizzazione del Califfato mondiale, cioè, FANNO SPARIRE molto velocemente, i dhimmi da TUTTO IL MONDO! SCIITI E SUNNITI SONO I DUE LATI DELLA MEDAGLIA PER LA REALIZZIONE DEL CALIFFATO MONDIALE: quindi non è seria la loro ostilità! 12/04/2016 - SAUDI ARABIA - EGYPT. Cairo and Riyadh: investments and territorial arrangements to counter Iran.
The Saudi king has made a "historic" five-day visit to Egypt, where he signed new trade agreements and proposed a peaceful future for Sunni nations. The Muslim Brotherhood unhappy: "We are being used to achieve political goals and then abandoned." Among the joint projects, a "bridge" across the Red Sea. 12/04/2016 - ARABIA SAUDITA – EGITTO. Cairo e Riyadh: investimenti e accordi territoriali per fare fronte contro l'Iran. Il re saudita ha compiuto una "storica" visita di cinque giorni in Egitto, dove ha siglato nuovi accordi commerciali e prospettato un futuro di pace alle nazioni sunnite. I Fratelli Musulmani scontenti: "Veniamo usati per raggiungere scopi politici e poi abbandonati". Fra i progetti congiunti, un "ponte" sul Mar rosso.
il bullismo islamico, non potrebbe esistere se: intenzionalmente, UE e USA non erano i 666 Talmud Farisei satanisti massoni: tutti usurai culto SpA FED: regime BILDENBERG, che stermineranno i popoli europei (in una guerra fratricida contro la Russia): ed annienteranno ogni presenza ebraico-cristiana nel mondo! ] MA, SE LA RUSSIA VIENE AGGREDITA? POI, LA ARABIA SAUDITA DIVENTERÀ IL LUOGO PIÙ RADIOATTIVO DI TUTTO IL PIANETA! 11/04/2016 - MALAYSIA. Sharia-compliant Rayani Air grounded for failing to follow aviation rules. Malaysian aviation authorities imposed a three-month suspension on the carrier for contravening “civil aviation regulations”. Launched in December, Rayani requires Muslim female crewmembers to wear the hijab, offers only halal food, and bans alcohol
11/04/2016. MALAYSIA. Malaysia, segue le regole della sharia ma non quelle civili: fermata la Rayani Air. Il Dipartimento dell’aviazione ha revocato la concessione di volo alla compagnia per tre mesi, per “contravvenzione alle regole”. Fondata a dicembre, la Rayani esige che le hostess musulmane indossino l’hijab, che i cibi serviti in volo siano halal e che il consumo di alcol sia vietato.
#sALMAN #ERDOGAN #Shaaria #ISLAMICI sono ladri stupratori terroristi pirati e assassini, perché, questa è la natura del loro satana Allah Akbar! 11/04/2016. BANGLADESH. Wife of Protestant minister raped to seize their land. The victim was attacked in her own home. Her screams attracted the attention of her husband, who prevented her murder. The four rapists are local thugs, well-known land grabbers. Police refuse to file the case until after local elections (not scheduled for many months). For Catholic activist, "This is totally immoral.” For her, police “are working for the criminals and violating human rights.”
Bangladesh, vogliono rubarle la terra: stuprata la moglie di un pastore protestante. La donna è stata aggredita nella propria abitazione e le sue urla hanno attirato l’attenzione del marito, che ne ha impedito l’uccisione. I quattro stupratori sono malviventi locali, noti per essere influenti espropriatori di terreni. La polizia ha rifiutato di registrare il caso, almeno fino al termine delle elezioni locali (tra diversi mesi). Attivista cattolica: “Questo è del tutto immorale. La polizia è connivente e viola i diritti umani”.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
#Obama, se, noi diaciamo che: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!" poi, noi giustamente, noi saremo puniti! Ma, se Erdogan dice: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!", e sua moglie dice: "l'HAREM è una buona esperienza per imparare ad essere donne!" POI, NOI A QUESTE BESTIE, LE FACCIAMO ENTRARE, anche in EUROPA: perché quella è la loro cultura e noi non possiamo essere islamofobici. TRA LA NOSTRA COLPA, che diventa una VIRTÙ ISLAMICa: voi del relativismo e del pratito democratico: voi QUANTI MILIONI DI MARTIRI CRISTIANI, voi mi avete UCCISO IN QUESTI 30NNI?
#SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] tu hai detto, che le donne che guidano la macchina da sole, sono le prede del diavolo! Ma se tu ti prendi 4 mogli, e poi, non le riesci a soddisfare tutte sessualmente? poi, la preda del demonio? sei proprio tu!
Arizona: Muslim family that beat teenage girl and padlocked her to a bed for talking to a boy spared jail time
Altameemis.JPGMa, pa and sis: Unlawful imprisonment, disorderly conduct and assault
Of course. To have put them in jail would have been "Islamophobic."
"Iraqis spared jail time in Arizona for abusing female relative," by David Schwartz for Reuters, November 7 (thanks to Pedro):
Members of an Iraqi family in Arizona who beat a teenage relative and padlocked her to a bed after she violated their traditional values by chatting to a male friend were spared jail time in a plea deal approved by a county judge on Tuesday. In exchange for a guilty plea, Yusra Farhan, 51, was sentenced to two years probation on a charge of unlawful imprisonment of her daughter, 19-year-old Aiya Altameemi, at the family’s Phoenix home in February, court officials said.
The young woman’s father, Mohammed Altameemi, also received two years probation for disorderly conduct, and her 18-year-old sister, Tabarak Altameemi, received an identical sentence for assault, officials said.
Prosecutors said the incident started when Aiya was spotted leaving her high school with a young man. The father and younger daughter Tabarak confronted the young woman.
Police said Mohammed Altameemi became angry and took her home, striking her several times. Mother Farhan and daughter Tabarak also admitted to tying her to a bed with a rope around her waist that was secured with a padlock and beat her, according to court records.
Farhan told police she hit her daughter because she “was speaking to a male subject and her Iraq culture states a female is not allowed to be having contact with males because females are not allowed to have boyfriends,” court records said.
Aiya told school officials about the incident two days later and explained that “her family is trying to protect her and they want her to be a virgin for an arranged marriage,” according to court documents.
A county attorney spokesman declined comment on the sentence. Attorneys for the young woman’s family members could not be reached for comment.
This is the latest high-profile violence case in Arizona involving an Iraqi immigrant. In April 2011, Faleh Hassan Almaleki received 34 1/2 years in prison for running down his 20-year-old daughter in a Phoenix parking lot in what was described as an “honor killing.”
The [Hamas-linked] Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington, D.C., has said such cases are isolated instances that occur sporadically and are widely chastised by the American Muslim community.
Of course! But they have done nothing to try to keep these "isolated instances" from happening again.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 3:31 PM | 11 Comments
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Playboy-turned-Islamic supremacist Imran Khan threatens more Mumbai-style jihad massacres unless India surrenders Kashmir to Pakistan
The threat is clear. "Unless Kashmir issue is solved, Mumbai-like attacks always a possibility: Imran Khan," from the Press Trust of India, November 7 (thanks to S.B.):
Gurgaon: Pakistani cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan on Wednesday said time was up for trying to solve India-Pakistan issues through "militancy and militarily" but asserted that unless Kashmir issue was resolved, there was "always a possibility" of Mumbai-like attacks. Khan, chief of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, also said if his party comes to power, he will not allow terrorism against India to originate from his country's soil. Addressing a World Economic Forum meeting, he said while improvement in bilateral trade was welcome, the issue of Jammu and Kashmir must also progress on a parallel line. Terming a solution to the Kashmir issue as "vital", he said "trade, connections, along with cricket matches will help. At the same time, we should develop some sort of a roadmap to resolve Kashmir issue, which is vital".
"Because unless we operate on both plains, there is always a possibility, as it happened, relationships were improving, confidence building measures, cricket matches, people-to-people contacts, and then came Mumbai." Stressing the need for a "new relationship", he said "no more trying to resolve our problems through militancy and military but through politics. It should be two-pronged. One to normalise, open up relationships with trade on one side and then start a dialogue on Kashmir."
The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief assured if his party would come to power, he would not allow terrorism against India to originate....
Yeah, sure.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 3:30 PM | 5 Comments
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Portland, Oregon: Prosecutors of would-be jihad mass murderer ask permission to use the word "jihad"
It is astounding, and indicative of just how much the public discourse has degenerated, that this is even an issue. Mohamud used the word "jihad," but prosecutors have to ask if they can please characterize his motives and goals accurately, at his trial.
"'Terrorist,' 'violent jihad' among words prosecutors want to use in Portland terrorism trial," by Nigel Duara for the Associated Press, November 7:
PORTLAND, Ore. — Prosecutors want to call an Oregon man a terrorist while referring to violent jihad and martyrdom, words his defense attorneys have asked a federal judge to forbid. Federal prosecutors preparing for the January trial of Mohamed Mohamud said in a motion filed Tuesday that the court should let them use the terms because they accurately characterize Mohamud's "conduct and the nature of his case."
Assistant U.S. Attorney Ethan Knight notes in the motion that Mohamud himself allegedly used the terms "terrorism" and "jihad" when speaking with undercover agents, though records of such conversations have not yet been made public.
Knight also seeks to refer to Mohamud's occasional dispatches for the jihadist magazine "Jihad Recollections," reports that Mohamud's attorneys say are protected speech done while Mohamud, 21, was a minor.
Mohamud is accused of conspiring with men he believed were Islamic radicals to detonate a car bomb near a 2010 Portland Christmas tree-lighting ceremony. The bomb was a fake provided by the government and the men were undercover agents.
Defense attorneys Steve Sady and Steve Wax argued in a motion that such words will "blur and dilute the specific elements of the offense and distort the facts of the case."...
Distort the facts? That's what Sady and Wax are trying to do, not anyone else. But their obfuscation is accepted practice and prescribed wisdom, so they will probably win the day.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 2:57 PM | 2 Comments
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Political prisoner in Obama's U.S.: Muhammad filmmaker gets one year in prison
Mark Basseley Youssef may be a scoundrel and a liar. His movie may be hideous and false. He may have violated his probation. But there are probation violators all over the country today, roaming free after getting a slap on the wrist for their probation violation. The probation violation is a pretext. Youssef's imprisonment is for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. Obama is trying to appease the Muslims who rioted and killed over the video, and to do what he can against the freedom of speech now, until such time as he can get "hate speech" laws in place that will enable him to finish the job.
"Calif. man behind anti-Muslim film gets prison," by Greg Risling for the Associated Press, November 7 (thanks to all who sent this in):
LOS ANGELES (AP) - The California man behind an anti-Muslim film that roiled the Middle East was sentenced Wednesday to a year in prison for violating his probation stemming from a 2010 bank fraud conviction by lying about his identity. U.S. District Court Judge Christina Snyder immediately sentenced Mark Basseley Youssef after he admitted to four of the eight alleged violations, including obtaining a fraudulent California driver's license. Prosecutors agreed to drop the other four allegations under an agreement with Youssef's attorneys, which also included more probation.
None of the violations had to do with the content of "Innocence of Muslims," a film that depicts Mohammad as a religious fraud, pedophile and womanizer.
However, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Dugdale argued Youseff's lies about his identity have caused harm to others, including the film's cast and crew. The movie sparked violence in the Middle East, killing dozens.
"They had no idea he was a recently released felon," Dugdale said Wednesday. "Had they known that, they might have had second thoughts" about being part of the film.
Youssef's attorney Steven Seiden said his client admits to being the film's scriptwriter but had no other involvement except what he described as being a "cultural adviser."
Youssef, 55, was arrested in late September, just weeks after he went into hiding when the deadly violence erupted in the Middle East.
Enraged Muslims had demanded severe punishment for Youssef, with a Pakistani cabinet minister even offering $100,000 to anyone who kills him.
Federal authorities initially sought a two-year sentence for Youssef but settled on a one-year term after negotiating a deal with Youssef's attorneys. Prosecutors said they wouldn't pursue new charges against Yousseff - namely making false statements - and would drop the remaining four probation-violation allegations leveled against him. But Youssef was placed on four years' probation and must be truthful about his identity and his future finances.
Seiden asked that his client be placed under home confinement, but Snyder denied that request. Youssef will spend his time behind bars at a Southern California prison.
Youssef served most of his 21-month prison sentence for using more than a dozen aliases and opening about 60 bank accounts to conduct a check fraud scheme, prosecutors said.
After he was released from prison, Youssef was barred from using computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer....
After the hearing, Seiden told reporters he had a message to relay from his client.
"The one thing he wanted me to tell all of you is President Obama may have gotten Osama bin Laden, but he didn't kill the ideology," Seiden said.
Asked what that meant, Seiden said, "I didn't ask him, and I don't know."
Of course you don't.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 1:49 PM | 6 Comments
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"Arab Spring" Egypt: Muslims seize Church land in Cairo to hit back at new Pope's anti-Sharia remarks
Pope Tawadros need not be concerned. Imam Rauf and so many others assure us that Sharia is benign and tolerant, and completely compatible with Western values. He must be some kind of greasy Islamophobe. "Salafists seize Church land in Cairo to hit back at new patriarch," from AsiaNews, November 7:
Cairo (AsiaNews) - "By seizing land that belongs to the Diocese of Shubra al-Kheima, Salafists are sending a warning to the new Coptic patriarch, Tawadros II," said Rafic Greiche. Speaking to AsiaNews, the clergyman, who is the spokesman of the Egyptian Catholic Church, explained that with such action Muslim extremists want to intimidate Shenouda III's successor because of his statement against the inclusion of Sharia in Egypt's future constitution. On Monday night, about a hundred of Muslim extremists wielding sticks and rods seized land near the S. Mina Church in Shubra al-Kheima, in the centre of Cairo. With police standing idly by, the Islamists occupied the parcel of land for more than a day and put up a sign bearing the words 'Al-Rahma Mosque'. Only this morning did law enforcement moved in after Church authorities informed the Interior Ministry.
The diocese is headed by Bishop Antonius Morcos, who is Coptic Church media point man as well as new patriarch's spokesman.
"Such an action is nothing new in Egypt, but this is the first time that extremists directly go after a high-profile Coptic prelate," Fr Greiche said.
In a statement issued yesterday Patriarch Tawadros II criticised the Islamist stranglehold on the constituent assembly, saying that the Coptic Orthodox Church would oppose any step taken by the constituent assembly to impose Islamic law on the country....
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 1:23 PM | 3 Comments
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Denmark: Muslim majority in local board cancels decades-old Christmas tradition, finances Eid party with 10,000 USD
The final remark about a "lack of tolerance and inclusiveness from the new majority" is probably the most important. Translated by Nicolai Sennels, dr.dk "Muslims cancel Christmas celebration in housing area":
The housing area Egedalsvænge in Kokkedal, Denmark, will not have a Christmas tree with lights this year. A small Muslim majority in the Egedalsvænge Board has refused to spend money on the Christmas tree a few days after a big Eid celebration.... For decades it has been a tradition to have a Christmas tree with lights in the area between the buildings throughout the month of December. But now a majority in the Chamber Board refused to spend the approximately 1,000 dollars that a Christmas tree with lights costs.
The decision has attracted much attention since it was made three days after a big Islamic Eid party in Egedalsvænge. A mobile play ground, bungee jumping and a climbing wall was rented to make the Muslim celebration attractive for children and adults, and this event the Board had agreed to finance with appr. 10,000 dollars.
Although the small majority in the Chamber Board of Directors was democratically elected at the general meeting in September, the new course has surprised many. It is a sign of a lack of tolerance and inclusiveness from the new majority in the fund's board of directors, says one person from the Egedalsvænge, where many refuse to talk to the media.
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on November 7, 2012 1:14 PM | 7 Comments
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Zawahiri: Benghazi jihad attack signifies American weakness
"Al Qaeda Leader Zawahiri: Benghazi Attack Signifies American Weakness," by Tiffany Gabbay for The Blaze, November 7 (thanks to all who sent this in):
Following quickly on the heels of the U.S. presidential election, al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri proclaimed that the terror attack against the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghaz indicates that American “awe is lost” in the region. In an audio message addressed to the Somali jihadist group, al-Shabaab, Zawahiri said American influence in the region is floundering due to weakness. “They were defeated in Iraq and they are withdrawing from Afghanistan and their ambassador in Benghazi was killed and the flags of their embassies were lowered in Cairo and Sanaa (Yemen),” a translation the militant’s message reads in the Long War Journal.
“Their awe is lost and their might is gone and they don’t dare to carry out a new campaign like their past ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.”...
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 12:38 PM | 1 Comment
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Raymond Ibrahim: Muhammad, the Sexual Superman
Over at FrontPage Mag (via RaymondIbrahim.com), I discuss the supernatural libido attributed to the prophet of Islam and what that says about Islam:
Apparently the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, was something of a sexual superman—indeed, possessing the sexual appetite and potency of 4,000 mortal men. According to Islam’s most trusted and traditional sources, the story is as follows: Muhammad used to visit and have sex with his nine wives in a single hour (other accounts indicate 11 wives in a single hour). This averages to about six minutes per wife (not counting traveling time from tent to tent). When one of Muhammad’s companions wondered at the prophet’s superhuman feats of libido and speed, another companion, the famous Anas, responded that the prophet had the potency of 40 men.
This account was deemed authentic enough to include in Sahih Bukhari—the most canonical hadith collection, second in authority only to the Quran itself—meaning that mainstream Islam accepts it as fact.
But alas, the matter doesn’t just end there.
Another, more fabulous, account says that Muhammad had the strength of 40 “heavenly men”—each of whom are said to have the strength of 100 mortal men. Strength for what, exactly? In the words of Islam’s prophet, “a [heavenly] man will be given the strength of a hundred men to eat, drink, feel desire [i.e., libido], and have sexual intercourse.”
Thus, according to Islam, when he was alive on earth, Muhammad had the sexual lust and potency of 40 “heavenly men,” which is equivalent to 4,000 mortal men.
Lest the reader think all this a joke (or a “hoax”), here is a video of popular Muslim preacher Sheikh Mahmoud al-Misri confirming all the above...
Continue reading.
Posted by Raymond on November 7, 2012 12:30 PM | 12 Comments
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What we have to look forward to
My column that ran Monday at Atlas Shrugs sums up some of what we will see over the next four years:
Can America afford four more years of Barack Obama as President of the United States? In the most literal terms, probably not: his reckless deficit spending can’t be sustained indefinitely, and as he has campaigned on a platform of more free goodies for everyone, it won’t be much longer before the gravy train runs out. Meanwhile, his relentless class warfare rhetoric has sown the seeds of civil discord for years to come. But even worse could be in store for us if Obama is reelected. Now that pro-Sharia Islamic supremacist regimes are installed, thanks to Barack Obama, in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya, the oppression of women and non-Muslims is certain to escalate in those countries. They are also certain only to grow in their anti-Americanism, and may try to unite in an attempt to restore the caliphate, which will only bring more bloodshed and strife to the region. And since the caliph is the only one authorized (and required) in Islamic law to wage offensive jihad against Infidels, if they succeed in choosing one, the result will not be happy for America and the West.
Nor is it likely to be for Israel. Many elements within the new Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt have already signaled their readiness to jettison the Camp David Accords and start another war with Israel. For states based on Islamic law, which designates the Jews the worst enemies of the Muslims (cf. Qur’an 5:82), such a war becomes a religious imperative. Obama’s unremitting hostility toward Israel has only made the prospect of war with Israel more attractive for Iran, Hizballah, Hamas, and Israel’s other jihadist enemies, for they see the United States as no longer unconditionally committed to Israel’s defense – despite Obama’s Zionist act during the third debate.
If Obama is reelected, America’s relationship with Israel will continue to deteriorate, and Iran will continue to sneer at his “crippling sanctions” while rushing to develop nuclear weapons, which it will almost certainly use to attempt to destroy Israel. Obama’s refusal to back the 2009 uprisings against the Iranian regime will thus bear its bitterest fruit of all.
And in Afghanistan, our troops will remain until at least 2014 with no definition of victory and no clear mission, at the mercy of their Afghan “allies” who use them for target practice on an increasingly frequent basis. And what are we fighting for? The Karzai regime? Against whom? The Taliban? Yet the Karzai has repeatedly asked the Taliban to join the government and put up candidates for elected office. So why are we fighting against the Taliban? For them to join the Afghan government would be, as Pamela Geller has pointed out, like Hitler running for office in Germany in 1946, had he survived the war. The invitation only serves to point up the bloody futility and counterproductive character of our military presence in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, on the home front the official denial about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat will continue, with training material for the FBI and Department of Homeland Security required to retail politically correct fictions about Islam and jihad rather than anything that could give law enforcements a comprehensive and correct understanding of the threat that faces us. This will leave the nation in ever-increasing danger of being blindsided by a jihad attack that could have been prevented had a willful ignorance about the motives and goals of jihadists not been enforced by officials at the highest level. Once those officials are torn away from their preoccupation with “right wing extremism” back to reality, it could be too late.
Continuing also will be the Obama Administration’s war against the freedom of speech. His signing on to the UN’s Resolution 16/18, calling for criminalization of “incitement to religious hatred,” was a telling indication of the direction he has consistently taken. For who will judge what constitutes “religious hatred”? Truthful speech about Islam and jihad is almost certain to be included under this rubric, and truth will be no defense. Obama’s rush to blame the Muhammad video for the jihad attack on our consulate in Benghazi is just the latest indication of how anxious he is to throw the freedom of speech under the bus. Expect an Obama second term to enact “hate speech” laws that will make enunciating the truth about the jihad threat a criminal offense.
We are also certain to see, if Obama is reelected tomorrow, more pressure from his Justice Department on American businesses and educational institutions to provide special accommodation and privileges for Muslims. Last year Obama’s DoJ forced a Chicago-area school district to pay a Muslim teacher, Safoorah Khan, $75,000 in back pay, fees and damages for not giving her three weeks off during the school year so she could make the hajj. Second-term Muslim accommodation suits are likely to dwarf that amount, and in the process do serious damage to the American principle of equality of rights for all.
And the jihad plots against the U.S. will continue as well. Although he was ballyhooed as the man who understood Islam and the Muslim world, and would finally bridge the ever widening gap between Muslim countries and the West, Obama has instead presided over increasing tensions, increasing dangers, increasing hatred and belligerence from emboldened Islamic jihadists.
And if Barack Obama is President of the United States for the next four years, they will just get bolder still.
@ISRAELE -- se non poni fine oggi stesso, a questo orrore islamico, certamente, presto sarà, il tuo turno! #Pakistan: #kamikaze in chiesa, 56 morti, Durante la messa a #Peshawar [Kenya: #centro commerciale, almeno 59 morti, Croce Rossa, oltre 200 feriti] [ Damasco, esplode una mina nel territorio dell'ambasciata russa ] Secondo informazioni dei #mass media, un proiettile di mortaio è esploso nel territorio dell'ambasciata della #Russia a #Damasco, due persone sono leggermente ferite dai frammenti dei sassi, volati sul luogo dell'esplosione. Intanto #ambasciata russa, a Damasco non conferma l'informazione. "L'ambasciata lavora in regime di normalità", ha comunicato la missione #diplomatica ai #giornalisti. "Ci sono prove testimoniali, delle monache di un #monastero cristiano e dei giornalisti, che hanno visitato il luogo dell'eventuale attacco #chimico nei pressi di Damasco,
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 32 secondi fa
@ISRAELE -- se non poni fine oggi stesso, a questo orrore islamico, certamente, presto sarà, il tuo turno! #Pakistan: #kamikaze in chiesa, 56 morti, Durante la messa a #Peshawar [Kenya:centro commerciale, almeno 59 morti, #Croce Rossa, oltre 200 feriti] [ #Damasco, esplode una mina nel territorio dell'ambasciata russa ] ottenendo informazioni dai guerriglieri che dall'estero hanno ricevuto la fornitura di alcuni proiettili che non hanno mai visto e che non sapevano usare, ma alla fine li hanno usati", ha raccontato nell'intervista ai giornalisti russi il ministro degli #Esteri #russo #Serghej Lavrov. Ha ricordato che la #Russia più di una volta ha messo in evidenza i fatti che parlavano di complicità negli attacchi chimici in Siria dei guerriglieri ed inoltre che tali incidenti potrebbero essere falsificati. [I #guerriglieri siriani, #JIHADISTI, hanno riconosciuto la consegna delle #munizioni, DI #ARMI CHIMICHE, dall'estero
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 minuto fa
@#ISRAELE -- se non poni fine oggi stesso, a questo orrore islamico, certamente, presto sarà, il tuo turno! #Pakistan: #kamikaze in chiesa, 56 morti, Durante la messa a #Peshawar [#Kenya:centro commerciale, almeno 59 morti, Croce Rossa, oltre 200 feriti] [ #Damasco, esplode una mina nel territorio dell'ambasciata russa ] dall'estero] [La Russia è disponibile a garantire la sicurezza degli esperti dell'ONU in Siria] La Russia è disponibile a fornire propri militari e poliziotti per garantire la sicurezza del lavoro degli esperti #ONU in #Siria, ha dichiarato nell'intervista ai giornalisti russi, il ministro degli #Affari Esteri della #Russia #Serghej Lavrov. "Non penso che sia necessario introdurre grandi contingenti. Basteranno gli osservatori militari", ha aggiunto #Lavrov. Intanto ha evidenziato che gli osservatori militari devono rappresentare tutti i membri del #CS, #ONU, #Paesi arabi e #Turchia.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 minuto fa
@ISRAELE -- se non poni fine oggi stesso, a questo orrore #islamico, certamente, presto sarà, il tuo turno! #Pakistan: #kamikaze in chiesa, 56 morti, Durante la messa a Peshawar [#Kenya:centro commerciale, almeno, 59 morti, #Croce Rossa, oltre 200 feriti] [ #Damasco, esplode una mina nel territorio della #ambasciata russa ] Inoltre il diplomatico ha dichiarato che la #Russia non è garante del #disarmo chimico in Siria. "Il #garante dell'esecuzione dalla #Siria dei suoi impegni per la #Convenzione sulle# armi chimiche è tutta la #comunità internazionale", ha sottolineato il ministro russo.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 29 minuti fa
@#BEnjamin NEtanyahu --- che, colpa, avevano queste persone innocenti? se, tu non fai qualcosa, di concreto, per loro, subito, contro, quel maiale, che, è #Arabia Saudita? tu diventerai responsabile, della loro sofferenza! [Esplora il significato del termine: #Pakistan, attacchi simultanei in una chiesa «Usati 8 chili di esplosivo», almeno 55 morti Kamikaze in azione durante la #messa della #domenica. Almeno cento i feriti, la maggior parte è in gravi condizioni] #Pakistan, attacchi simultanei in una #chiesa,«Usati 8 chili di #esplosivo», almeno 55 morti, Kamikaze in azione durante la messa della domenica. Almeno cento i feriti, la maggior parte è in gravi condizioni .. [Esplora il significato del termine: CRISTIANI PERSEGUITATI - I cristiani in #Pakistan sono il 4% della popolazione e sono stati spesso al centro degli attacchi degli islamici, la maggior parte dei 180 milioni di pakistani.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 30 minuti fa
@BEnjamin NEtanyahu --- che, colpa, avevano queste persone innocenti? se, tu non fai qualcosa, di concreto, per loro, subito, contro, quel maiale, che, è nell'Arabia Saudita? tu diventerai responsabile, della loro sofferenza! Essere cristiani, così come seguire altre religioni minoritarie nel Paese, è considerato un peccato di blasfemia. A marzo una folla di estremisti islamici aveva dato fuoco a un centinaio di abitazioni di cristiani nella Joseph Colony di Lahore mentre l'anno scorso aveva suscitato sdegno e polemiche la notizia di una bimba cristiana di 11 anni, down, arrestata per blasfemia.] #CRISTIANI PERSEGUITATI - I cristiani in #Pakistan sono il 4% della popolazione e sono stati spesso al centro degli attacchi degli #islamici, PER, la maggior parte dei 180 milioni di pakistani.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 31 minuti fa
@BEnjamin NEtanyahu --- che, colpa, avevano queste persone innocenti? se, tu non fai qualcosa, di concreto, per loro, subito, contro, quel maiale, che, è nell'Arabia Saudita? tu diventerai responsabile, della loro sofferenza! Essere cristiani, così come seguire altre religioni minoritarie nel Paese, è considerato un peccato di blasfemia. A marzo una folla di estremisti islamici aveva dato fuoco a un centinaio di abitazioni di cristiani nella Joseph Colony di Lahore mentre l'anno scorso aveva suscitato sdegno e polemiche la notizia di una bimba cristiana di 11 anni, down, arrestata per blasfemia. [an error 666, #DATAGATE, occurred while processing this directive]] #Pakistan, doppio attacco ai cristiani[an error occurred while processing this directive]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 44 minuti fa
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- nous devons faire les tueurs, de tous charia nazi, l'impérialisme califat mondial, avec des armes nucléaires, même aujourd'hui, contre les 50 nations islamiques, c'est la seule chance que vous avez d'être en mesure de sauver Israël, sauve-toi, et économisez monde, c'est pourquoi, peut-être imminent, guerre mondiale. --- we must to do the killers, all of sharia nazi, imperialism worldwide caliphate, with nuclear weapons, same today, against, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being Able to save Israel, save yourself, and save world, is why, can be imminent, world war.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
@ Sharia Abu Antar, for dhimmis slaves - asshole! Simonino the saints, that, you have killed and enslaved, on all over the world, every day? and the holy Simonine girls, that you raped, because, Christian boys, then, do not have, no any, can marry, etc. .. I can not count! and, then, I've downloaded all the sins, of the Jews, on the shoulders, of the Pharisees, Anglo-Americans, Illuminati, IMF, 666, JaBullOn, god owl, at Bohemian Grove, World Bank, and, I turned, all of them criminals masonry, in scapegoats, such as, food, Belzebull in desert! ... and, if I can not able, to redeem, the bitch of Israel? like, I may be able to redeem, all other peoples? I'm Unius REI .. I'm born to do a clean job, and you instead of the caliphate sharia imperialism, you were forcing me, to do a dirty job!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
@Abu sharia Antar, for dhimmis slaves -- i santi Simonino, che, voi ammazzate e schiavizzate, in tutto il mondo, ogni giorno? e, le sante Simonine, che, voi stuprate, perché, i ragazzi cristiani, poi, non hanno nessuno, da poter sposare, ecc.. non si possono contare! e poi, io ho scaricato, tutti i peccati degli ebrei, sulle spalle, dei farisei, anglo-americani, Illuminati, FMI, Banca Mondiale, ed io ho trasformato, tutti loro, in capri espiatori, come, cibo, per Belzebull, nel deserto! ... e se, io non riesco, a redimere, quella, puttana di Israele? come, io posso riuscire a redimere, tutti gli altri popoli? io sono Unius REI.. io sono sorto, per fare, un lavoro pulito, ed invece voi del califfato sharia imperialismo, state costringendo me, a fare un lavoro sporco!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 ore fa
[[se, ti fai ammare? non, piangerò per te!]] @ISRAELE-- SE TI COLPISCONO, CON MISSILI BALISTICI, contemporaneamente, ANCHE, DA UN ALTRA NAZIONE, DI PARANOICI ISLAMICI? TUTTA LA TUA TECNOLOGIA, militare, SARÀ INUTILE, TU COLLASSERAI! [#Iran, mostra 30 #missili balistici, possono colpire Israele] Per la prima volta, il regime fa vedere, un così alto numero di missili, con una gittata di 2mila chilometri. Rohani: "L'Occidente riconosca il nostro diritto al nucleare" #TEHERAN - L'Iran ha presentato, 30 #missili balistici di tipo #Sejil, e #Ghadr con una gittata di 2.000km, durante una parata militare annuale. Già in passato era stato segnalato, che, esperti occidentali ritengono che l'Iran disponesse di almeno diverse decine di missili balistici, a medio raggio (1.000-3.000 km)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 ore fa
[[se, ti fai ammare? non, piangerò per te!]] #Shahab 3, et, #Sejil 2, capaci di colpire Israele, od, obiettivi americani, in #Medio Oriente. Intanto, il presidente, #Hassan Rohani si rivolge a Stati Uniti ed Europa. "L'Occidente - ha detto il presidente iraniano, Hassan #Rohani - deve riconoscere, tutti i diritti della nazione iraniana, inclusi quelli al nucleare e all'arricchimento dell'uranio, sul suo territorio, nel quadro delle regole internazionali". --ANSWER-- @#ISRAELE-- SE TI COLPISCONO, CON #MISSILI #BALISTICI, contemporaneamente, ANCHE, DA UN ALTRA NAZIONE, DI #PARANOICI ISLAMICI? TUTTA LA TUA #TECNOLOGIA, #militare, SARÀ INUTILE, TU #COLLASSERAI! [[se, ti fai ammare? non, piangerò per te!]]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 ore fa
@Israele -- tu vuoi avere una dimostrazione, della, AI, cioè, della intelligenza artificiale, aliena, che, vive in google 666? LA "CAPTCHA" usata nell'ultimo articolo, è stata: sectaregn (regno del settarismo) /// Pakistan, strage in una chiesa. TGCOM, - 6 minuti fa. 10:22 - Ennesima strage di cristiani, questa volta in Pakistan, dove un kamikaze, si è fatto esplodere all'interno di una chiesa, durante la funzione domenicale, a Khoati Bazaar a Peshawar, in Pakistan, uccidendone, 25 persone e ferendone, una trentina. Iraq. Giornata di sangue per gli sciiti: decine di morti, in attentati. euronews,- 1 ora fa// Almeno 65 morti e 120 feriti in due attentati in Iraq. Obiettivo i quartieri a maggioranza sciita di Baghdad: Sadr city e Ur. La prima autobomba è scoppiata, vicino alla tenda, in cui si stava svolgendo, un funerale. Secondo una modalità ormai classica, un secondo ...
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 ore fa
1. In Iraq 16 vittime in un attentato a Samarra, 2. In Yemen oltre 50 vittime tra le forze di sicurezza in un attentato terroristico, 3. Siria, esploso un autobus, 19 vittime, Serie di attentati in Iraq: 3 vittime --answer -- @my JHWH -- se è per il cinismo?, quello, dei salafiti, non, si lascia superare, in malvagità, dai loro fratellastri, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, OGM per morgellons, datagate, esoteric agenda!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 ore fa
@my JHWH -- con youtube? non abbiamo avuto problemi, ci ha pensato, Spa, FMI, Rothschild, 666, e, #NWO, DATAGATE, Bush 322, a distruggerlo, per tentare di fermare il mio ministero! lol. [[ Fuga da Facebook e "igiene" nella rete Undici milioni di utenti hanno cancellato le loro pagine dal network Facebook. Stando ai sondaggi, circa una metà degli stessi ha spiegato le proprie azioni con i timori per la garanzia della privacy nella rete. Da spinta per l'eliminazione degli account è servita la recente notizia sulla sorveglianza condotta nell'Internet dall'Agenzia per la sicurezza nazionale (ASN) degli USA. → Facebook perde 11 milioni di utenti dopo le rivelazioni di Snowden, Facebook diffonde un virus sul web
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
[IL #SATANISMO #SAUDITA, #sharia, #Califfato, #Al-Qaida] 1. Guerra nel mall, a #Nairobi Commando ha ostaggi, Almeno 39 morti, e 150 feriti da #fondamentalisti somali. Cinque persone liberate nella notte. 2. #Kenya: #Croce Rossa, 43 morti e 20 feriti, Al #Westgate Mall un numero imprecisato di #ostaggi -- ANSWER --@kingsaudi arabia -- panarabismo Lega ARABA --- È LA TUA CORROTTA RELIGIONE, CHE, HA FATTO TUTTO QUESTO MALE, IL TUO SMISURaTO, DESIDERIO, DI POTERE E DI CONQUISTARE, IL MONDO, ATTRAVERSO, TUTTo, IL TERRORIMO, CHE, I FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI, TI PERMETTONO DI FARE, PERCHÉ, HANNO DISPERATAMENTE BISOGNO, PER IL LORO, #FMI, #BANCA MONDIALE, DELLA GUERRA MONDIALE. [ma, nella guerra mondiale? tu farai la fine di Hitler]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
Cina, Bo Xilai condannato all'ergastolo. Ex segretario partito di Chongqing, era accusato di corruzione --- ANSWER -- @CINA-- ED ALLA EX-MOGLIE, COLPEVOLE, DI OMICIDIO, È ANDATA MEGLIO? imbecilli!!! non, esiste, una condanna all'ergastolo per corruzione! se, voi non smettete di fare i nazisti, che, fanno del male a persone pacifiche, innocenti, che, cercano il loro Dio, con pura coscienza, e pace? voi avrete dei grossi problemi, all'interno ed all'esterno, del partito! infatti, io colpirò, con l'inimicizia, le vostre relazioni interpersonali! e seminerò, il terrore nel vostro regime!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
22 settembre, 10:05. #Iran: assume controllo #centrale #Bushehr, #TEHERAN, Domani, #iran assumerà il controllo della centrale #nucleare civile di Bushehr costruita dai #russi nel sud del Paese. Lo ha annunciato #Ali Akbar Salehi, capo dell'Organizzazione #iranianA, #energia atomica, precisando, che "ancora per due anni, Bushehr resterà sotto garanzia russa con #esperti #russi sul posto". Bushehr è la prima e unica centrale atomica dell'Iran, il cui #programma nucleare, è sospettato di #finalità militari. --ANSWER --@#PUTIN--- ti rimprovera, lo #Spirito Santo, tu hai dato il #nucleare a coloro, che, #uccidono, e #torturano i tuoi #cristiani... tu soltanto, quindi, sarai il responsabile, per la #moRte dei tuoi #tecnici, tu porteri il peso, di tutto questo!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
22 settembre, 09:53, #Rohani, nostro diritto, #arricchire uranio. #TEHERAN, L'Occidente riconosca il diritto dell'Iran ad arricchire l'uranio sul suo territorio. "L'Occidente - ha detto il presidente iraniano #Hassan Rohani, deve riconoscere tutti i diritti, della nazione iraniana, inclusi quelli al nucleare, e all'arricchimento dell'uranio, sul suo territorio nel quadro, delle #regole internazionali". --ANSWER -- non c'è problema! ma, tu riconosci a noi, il nostro diritto, di sopravvivere, al tuo #imperialismo #nazista, #complotto saudita (#panarabismo, #califfato mondiale), per sterminare #Israele ed il #genere umano, della tua #terrorismo #sharia, per sterminare #dhimmis #schiavi! tu non puoi avere, il #nucleare, senza, avere, effettiva, vera ed ampia, #libertà di religione
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
@satana --parce que parmi toutes vos photos, je n'ai pas trouvé, même, celui avec le tablier, la franc-maçonnerie? [jim yong kim, world bank, masonic system] @666 Jim Yong Kim, Banca Mondiale -- perché tra tutte le tue foto, io non ho trovato, anche quella con il grembiulino, della massoneria? [world bank, chief, jim yong kim, esoteric agenda, Spa] because among all your photos, I have not found, even, the one with the apron, of Freemasonry? 모든 사진들, 내가 발견하지 않았기 때문에, 심지어 프리메이슨의 앞치마 하나? 因為在所有的照片中,我還沒有發現,甚至,一個圍裙,共濟會?denn unter all Ihre Fotos, habe ich nicht gefunden, auch, das mit der Schürze, der Freimaurerei? porque entre todas sus fotos, no he encontrado, incluso, el de la plataforma, de la masonería?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
@AsiaNews -- non mi piace questo fatto, che, tu metti lo spazio, prima della punteggiatura. @ AsiaNews - I do not like this fact, that you put the space before punctuation
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
09/21/2013. SYRIA, Franciscans at the forefront helping Christian and Muslim war victims [king Saudi Arabia, figlio di un cane, e di una iena, io sto venendo, a bruciarti con, il fuoco dell'inferno] Fr. Halim, a former provincial of the Custody of the Holy Land , tells AsiaNews about the situation of the increasingly endangered and persecuted Syrian Christians. The villages in rebel hands are forbidden to non-Muslims. The 11 Franciscans who have remained in Syria suffer along with the population and provide material and spiritual support regardless of faith. Damascus ( AsiaNews ) - Christians in Syria are in danger. Like the rest of the population they are living the sufferings of war, but because of their faith they are increasingly targeted by Islamic extremists.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
09/21/2013. SYRIA, Franciscans at the forefront helping Christian and Muslim war victims [king Saudi Arabia, figlio di un cane, e di una iena, io sto venendo, a bruciarti con, il fuoco dell'inferno] Interviewed by AsiaNews, Fr. Halim, a former province of Syria for the Custody of the Holy Land, says that "many have lost hope. People hope that the international community and especially the forces in the field pay heed to the Pope's appeal for peace". The priest said that in Gassanieh ( Lattakiah ), the village where last on June 23 Fr. Francois Murad was killed, the Islamist insurgents have driven almost all Christians away. "Even religious brothers and sisters - he continues - have had to leave their convents". Of the approximately 1,000 Catholic and Orthodox inhabitants, only five people have chosen to stay.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
09/21/2013. SYRIA, Franciscans at the forefront helping Christian and Muslim war victims [king Saudi Arabia, figlio di un cane, e di una iena, io sto venendo, a bruciarti con, il fuoco dell'inferno] No one has news of them, entrance in the village is forbidden. The 11 Franciscans left in the country suffer with the people from the bombings, clashes between rebels and the regime, the famine, and the continued kidnappings for extortion committed by unscrupulous criminals. "Before the war - he explains - our work focused mainly on the spiritual formation of communities. The brothers were engaged in the catechism, pastoral activities with young people, in preparation for the sacraments. Now we have to respond first to the material needs to help the people to overcome this sad situation. "
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
09/21/2013. SYRIA, Franciscans at the forefront helping Christian and Muslim war victims [king Saudi Arabia, figlio di un cane, e di una iena, io sto venendo, a bruciarti con, il fuoco dell'inferno] However, Fr. Halim stresses that without spiritual support even humanitarian aid is not enough to raise the morale of the people, who in ever greater numbers are trying to flee the country, to emigrate, leaving everything behind. "Muslims ask us for help and advice. At a time like this there is no distinction between confessions". Recently the Custody of the Holy Land launched an appeal to help the people of Syria. Fr. Halim explains the urgency of such aid: "We are trying to raise funds to support the people on the spot whether they are Christians or Muslims. We do not want to abandon Syria". For the Franciscan journey across the border is often one-way.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
09/21/2013. SYRIA, Franciscans at the forefront helping Christian and Muslim war victims [king Saudi Arabia, figlio di un cane, e di una iena, io sto venendo, a bruciarti con, il fuoco dell'inferno] "In a year - he continues - we have raised and spent more than 350 thousand dollars for the support not only to the needy, but also to those families who through great sacrifice try to rebuild their lives in their destroyed villages. The money was also used to help the people victim of kidnapping, which has now become part of an agenda". The threat of Islamic extremists, the bloodiest war ever conducted by the regime and the threat of a military attack by the United States, all threaten the existence of the Christian minority. "We Franciscans - adds the priest - pray that the United States, Europe and the international community, do not move only on the political level.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
09/21/2013. SYRIA, Franciscans at the forefront helping Christian and Muslim war victims [king Saudi Arabia, figlio di un cane, e di una iena, io sto venendo, a bruciarti con, il fuoco dell'inferno] In order to rebuild the country, we must promote reconciliation among the population, through dialogue not only between Christians and Muslims, but especially within the Islamic factions. The friars follow the teachings of the Pope and condemn all violence against civilians, especially those that occurred with chemical weapons, but we have to think above all of the people who are suffering. The hope is that the conflict will soon stop, but here you live from day to day, no one can know when this chaos will end. "
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
"Uccisi solo #infedeli", #twittano i sequestratori. [[#califfato #sharia #imperialismo!]] [tutta colpa, della religione, perversa, #nazista, di, #Iran, #Arabia Saudita! i #farisei #anglo-americani, #Bildenberg, #Spa, hanno voluto tutto questo male, per rovinare il #genere umano] #Kenya: #Kenyatta,39 morti e 150 feriti, #Presidente lo annuncia in diretta tv ]] #NAIROBI, 22 settembre, 05:46. Un numero imprecisato di persone, è ancora ostaggio, di un commando terrorista, che, ieri mattina ha fatto irruzione, in un centro commerciale, uccidendone, almeno 39, ferendone, altre, 150. Esercito e polizia, presidiano, la zona e nella notte, hanno riferito, di essere riusciti, a liberare cinque ostaggi. Salvi gli italiani, mentre, tra, le vittime si contano, #inglesi, #francesi, #canadesi."Uccisi solo infedeli", twittano, i sequestratori. Tra morti, anche, familiari del presidente del #Kenya Uhuru, Kenyatta.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 ore fa
@ ISRAEL --- The Arab League, is doing happening, the caliphate in Syria (al-ASSAD does not complain, FOR THIS, BECAUSE HE IS PART, OF this CONSPIRACY, pan-Arab), therefore, no one can deny the existence of a conspiracy, against, the existence of Israel, if, then, Israel has secret documents, no one can dispute. the essential operation of the nuclear attack quote! [of, atomic weapons, useless, and that can not be used], during a world war, that can be done, break out at any time, for the benefit of the International Monetary Fund! because, as mathematics has shown, all money, of the IMF pharisees, Spa, has become a huge bubble, derivative products, etc. .. all sums, which, exceed, more than 100 times, the gross domestic product,of the planet, and, that, therefore, can no longer be pay!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 ore fa
@ISRAELE --- la Lega ARABA, sta realizzando, il Califfato in Siria (ed al-ASSAD NoN SI LAMENTA, PER QUESTO, PERCHÉ LUI È PARTE DEL COMPLOTTO PANARABO), quindi, nessuno, può negare la esistenza, di un complotto, contro, la esistenza di Israele, se, poi, Israele, ha dei documenti segreti, nessuno, potrà contestare. la indispensabile, operazione, dell'attacco nucleare preventivo! [di, armi atomiche, inutili, e che, non possono più essere usate], durante, una guerra mondiale, che, può essere fatta, scoppiare, in qualsiasi momento, a beneficio, del fondo monetario internazionale! perché, come la matematica ha dimostrato, tutto il FMI, è diventato, una enorme bolla, di prodotti derivati, ecc.. tutte somme, che, superano, di più, di 100 volte, il prodotto interno lordo, del pianeta, e che, quindi, non sono più liquidabili!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
TG 24 Siria. 4 ore fa. Siria, foto dell'auto degli ispettori Onu, che, è stata colpita dai terroristi dell'opposizione Siriana, (tuttavia, sono stati rimproverati entrambi, e questo è logico, perché, di tutte le stragi commesse dai terroristi jihadisti, sempre Assad, è stato ritenuto il responsabile, comunque.) [ "non c'è nessuno al mondo, che, prima lancia le accuse, e poi, si mette alla ricerca delle prove! ... è un insulto, alla intelligenza umana, è, irrispettosa, della Pubblica Opinione" ] il Presidente Al-Assad, 26,08,2013.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
SYRIA - UNITED NATIONS, [I SALAFITI, al-quaeda. LANCIANO IL GAS NERVINO, RUBATO IN LIBIA, e le sataniche, false, democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, per FMI Spa, Rothschild, attaccano gli Alawiti.. ma, questo è il vero obiettivo, distruggere i cristiani, come in Iraq, circondare Israele, da "personale omogeneo ed affidabile" ] 08/26/2013 14:56. Syria: as UN begins chemical weapons investigation, international community is still divided. The team of experts arrived today in Ghouta, north of Damascus, to see if neurotoxins were used against civilians. As the United States, France, Britain and Turkey prepare for military action without UN approval, Moscow reminds anti-Assad powers about errors made in Iraq. Damascus (AsiaNews/Agencies) - The Syrian government will allow the United Nations to investigate the alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
SYRIA - UNITED NATIONS, [I SALAFITI, al-quaeda. LANCIANO IL GAS NERVINO, RUBATO IN LIBIA, e le sataniche, false, democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, per FMI Spa, Rothschild, attaccano gli Alawiti.. ma, questo è il vero obiettivo, distruggere i cristiani, come in Iraq, circondare Israele, da "personale omogeneo ed affidabile" ] The rebels have said that they too will be available to UN experts. Today, the UN team began its work but the international community remains divided over the future of the conflict. "Syria is ready to cooperate with the inspection team to prove that the allegations by terrorist groups (rebels) of the use of chemical weapons by Syrian troops in the Eastern Ghouta region are lies," Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said yesterday. According to the opposition, the attack a few days ago in Ghouta, a district in northern Damascus, claimed the lives of 1,300 people.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
SYRIA - UNITED NATIONS, [I SALAFITI, al-quaeda. LANCIANO IL GAS NERVINO, RUBATO IN LIBIA, e le sataniche, false, democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, per FMI Spa, Rothschild, attaccano gli Alawiti.. ma, questo è il vero obiettivo, distruggere i cristiani, come in Iraq, circondare Israele, da "personale omogeneo ed affidabile" ] Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said on Saturday that 355 people who died in its hospitals showed "neurotoxin symptoms". Syria's overtures have not however changed the international community's position on a military intervention in Syria, except for its main allies, Russia and Iran. So far, the only appeals for reconciliation and the end of hostilities have come from the Vatican. Yesterday, the pope urged all countries involved in Syria to stop "the clatter of arms" and work for peace, calling on the parties to meet and talk in order to stop this "war between brothers".
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
SYRIA - UNITED NATIONS, [I SALAFITI, al-quaeda. LANCIANO IL GAS NERVINO, RUBATO IN LIBIA, e le sataniche, false, democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, per FMI Spa, Rothschild, attaccano gli Alawiti.. ma, questo è il vero obiettivo, distruggere i cristiani, come in Iraq, circondare Israele, da "personale omogeneo ed affidabile" ] Despite Pope Francis's appeal, the West and its allies appear to be moving towards armed conflict. Yesterday, US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said the US military was "prepared to exercise whatever option" against Syria but intelligence was still being evaluated. French President Francois Hollande said there was "a body of evidence indicating that the August 21 attack was chemical in nature, and that everything led to the belief that the Syrian regime was responsible for this unspeakable act".
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
SYRIA - UNITED NATIONS, [I SALAFITI, al-quaeda. LANCIANO IL GAS NERVINO, RUBATO IN LIBIA, e le sataniche, false, democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, per FMI Spa, Rothschild, attaccano gli Alawiti.. ma, questo è il vero obiettivo, distruggere i cristiani, come in Iraq, circondare Israele, da "personale omogeneo ed affidabile" ] Turkey has taken the toughest stance. Yesterday, in an interview with daily Milliyet, Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that Turkey would join any coalition against Mr Assad's government. As US President Obama and British Prime Minister Cameron talk, the British navy is also preparing to take part in a possible series of cruise missile strikes, The Telegraph reported. For its part, Moscow has called on the US and its allies to reflect. "All of this makes one recall the events that happened 10 years ago, when, using false information about Iraqis having weapons of mass destructions,
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
SYRIA - UNITED NATIONS, [I SALAFITI, al-quaeda. LANCIANO IL GAS NERVINO, RUBATO IN LIBIA, e le sataniche, false, democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, per FMI Spa, Rothschild, attaccano gli Alawiti.. ma, questo è il vero obiettivo, distruggere i cristiani, come in Iraq, circondare Israele, da "personale omogeneo ed affidabile" ] the US bypassed the United Nations and started a scheme whose consequences are well known to everyone," the Russian Foreign ministry said in a statement. Russia's position is shared by Iran. "If the United States crosses this red line, there will be harsh consequences for the White House," Armed Forces Deputy Chief of Staff Massoud Jazayeri said.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
26/08/2013 LIBANO Patriarca maronita: Le bombe a Roueiss e a Tripoli un crimine contro Dio, l'umanità e il Libano di Paul Dakiki Nell'omelia di ieri, il card. Bechara Rai domanda unità fra i politici per salvare il Libano. La riconciliazione vissuta dalla popolazione. Visita alla moschea di al-Taqwa , a Tripoli. Le tragedie di Roueiss (nella banlieue sud di Beirut) e di Tripoli sono "nostre tragedie perché siamo un solo corpo e una sola famiglia". Dimane (AsiaNews) - Il Patriarca maronita del Libano, card. Bechara Rai ha stigmatizzato come "un crimine contro Dio, contro l'umanità, contro il Libano" gli attentati alle moschee di Tripoli e quella a Roueiss, nella banlieue sud della capitale -- ANSWER -- CRIMINE CONTRO DIO? QUALE DIO? CERTO NON IL DIO DELL'ARABIA SAUDITA SALAFITA!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
26/08/2013 INDIA. Card. Gracias: Lo stupro di gruppo a Mumbai, declino spirituale e sociale dell'India. Nella capitale del Maharashtra una fotoreporter di 22 anni è stata aggredita e violentata da cinque uomini, tutti arrestati. La vittima è in ospedale, ma fuori pericolo. Per l'arcivescovo di Mumbai e presidente della Conferenza episcopale indiana (Cbci) c'è bisogno di "riportare Dio al centro delle nostre vite e seguire il Vangelo. Il nostro sistema di valori è seriamente compromesso". 26/08/2013 NEPAL. La povertà trascina il Nepal nella piaga dell'Aids. I nepalesi che lavorano all'estero contraggono il virus tramite rapporti sessuali non protetti e lo trasmettono alle proprie mogli una volta rientrati in patria. Con la povertà, aumenta anche la percentuale di malati di Hiv: la maggior parte di questi sono donne e bambini. Un operatore sanitario: "In alcuni distretti quasi la metà della popolazione è malata".
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
08/26/2013 11:14 IRAQ - SYRIA [è il più grande progetto di ingegneria massonica (Bildenberg FMI farisei Illuminati) e ingegneria sociale, e della storia, curdi, copti, Armeni, cristiani, devono sparire!] More than 15 thousand Syrian Kurds flee to Iraq. Archbishop of Erbil: "Help us" ]] The exodus is the largest in the recent history of the Kurdish population. The risk is the disappearance of ethnicity in the regions of Syria. Archishop Warda of Erbil, speaks of the work of the local church among the refugees. They are mostly women, elderly and children. Erbil (AsiaNews) - More than 15 thousand refugees of Kurdish ethnicity have crossed the border with Iraq to seek refuge in Iraqi Kurdistan in recent days. The exodus is the largest in the recent history of the Kurdish people. Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil, a city that is hosting the largest number of refugees, tells AsiaNews: "These people have left their homes and their belongings in Syria.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
IRAQ - SYRIA [è il più grande progetto di ingegneria massonica (Bildenberg FMI farisei Illuminati) e ingegneria sociale, e della storia, curdi, copti, Armeni, cristiani, devono sparire!] More than 15 thousand Syrian Kurds flee to Iraq. Archbishop of Erbil: "Help us" ]] They need everything: food, water, medicines and a shelter to sleep under. " The prelate says that the majority are women, elderly and children. Men and older children have remained in Syria to fight against the Islamist militias who in recent months have tried to conquer the region. "Since the beginning of the exodus - continues Msgr. Warda - the diocese of Erbil kicked off a campaign of support, collecting basic necessities and creating places to welcome refugees". To handle the situation, the diocese has created a special committee, the Mercy Charitable Committee, with headquarters in Ankawa (Erbil) that sends food and goods daily to the camps set up by the government.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
IRAQ - SYRIA [è il più grande progetto di ingegneria massonica (Bildenberg FMI farisei Illuminati) e ingegneria sociale, e della storia, curdi, copti, Armeni, cristiani, devono sparire!] More than 15 thousand Syrian Kurds flee to Iraq. Archbishop of Erbil: "Help us" ]] Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict Iraq, and particularly the region of Kurdistan, has hosted more than 300 thousand refugees. Archbishop Warda launches an appeal for support for the refugee population: "We need your help. We would greatly appreciate any help from people who want to help to feed and care for these families in need." The prelate stresses that the Chaldean Church, through its committee, makes regular visits to the camps, to verify the distribution of food. "We would be grateful to all those who want to support us."
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
IRAQ - SYRIA [è il più grande progetto di ingegneria massonica (Bildenberg FMI farisei Illuminati) e ingegneria sociale, e della storia, curdi, copti, Armeni, cristiani, devono sparire!] More than 15 thousand Syrian Kurds flee to Iraq. Archbishop of Erbil: "Help us" ]] This mass migration deeply concerns the regional government of Kudistan, unable for the moment to absorb the number of people arriving in the area. According to a source inside the Kurdish Democratic Party (Pyd) in recent months, the regional government has attempted to control the pass, giving the green light only to trade. However, no one expected an exodus of the population of this size. For Kurdish authorities if it continues at this level, then Syrian Kurdistan will be deserted. (S.C.)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
08/26/2013 CHINA. 'No mercy' for Bo Xilai, who accuses Wang Lijun of being his wife Gu Kailai's lover. The combative former chief of Chongqing admits "abuse of power" and apologizes to the Party. But calls the former police chief and former right hand man "a liar", in cahoots with his wife. The many revelations reveal squalor of entire Party leadership. A communist "Dynasty". [] @CINA -- se la giustizia non è giusta? ma, è condizionata da fattori politici, come è avvenuto con Berlusconi? tu non puoi avere un futuro, in ascesa!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
@King Saudi Arabia -- really! io ho notato, che, ti piacciono le esplosioni! [ Terrorists assassinate Hama governor with car bomb ]. Aug 25, 2013. Hama, Cabinet announced on Sunday that Hama governor, Dr. Anas Abdul-Razzaq Na'em was martyred in a terrorist car bomb in al-Jarajmeh neighborhood in Hama city. SANA reporter quoted a source at the Police Command that terrorists detonated the car bomb as the governor's convoy was passing by in al-Jarajmeh residential neighborhood in Hama city. The governor was martyred and 7 citizens injured, among them 3 children, in the blast. In statements on Twitter, the Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra claimed responsibility for the assassination of al-Na'em. Dr. Na'em held a postgraduate degree in Internal Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine at Damascus University and was professor of Internal and Thoracic Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Damascus University
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
@King Saudi Arabia -- really! io ho notato, che, ti piacciono le esplosioni! [ Terrorists assassinate Hama governor with car bomb ]. . He was appointed governor of Hama on July 10, 2011 and served as secretary of al-Baath Party branch and the Doctors' Syndicate chief in Hama. People's Assembly condemns assassination of Hama governor by takfiri terrorists. The People's Assembly condemned with the strongest terms the assassination of Hama Governor, Dr. Anas Na'em, by the armed terrorist groups and the takfiri mercenaries. In a statement made on Sunday, the Assembly stressed that martyr Na'em, along with all the military and civilian martyrs, will contribute to making a brighter future for Syria. The Assembly stressed that the assassination aims at terrorizing the Syrians and dissuade them from carrying out their national duties, adding that the retaliation of the terrorist attack will be exerting more efforts to eradicate terrorism and its tools from the country.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
@King Saudi Arabia -- really! io ho notato, che, ti piacciono le esplosioni! [ Terrorists assassinate Hama governor with car bomb ]. The statement hailed the steadfastness of the Syrian people, calling them to exert more effort in cooperating with the state institutions to reveal the terrorist cells as to clear the homeland of those mercenaries who are brought by the western colonization power and its regional tools to destroy Syria and control its national decisions. The Assembly offered sincerest condolences to the family of Martyr Na'em and the families of all martyrs, stressing that the road to victory is paved by the blood of the martyrs, the determination of the people and the sacrifices of the brave Syrian soldiers.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
الرئيس الأسد لصحيفة ازفستيا الروسية: من يحلم بأن سورية ستكون دمية غربية فهو حلم لن يتحقق.. نحن دولة مستقلة سنحارب الإرهاب وسنبني علاقاتنا بما يحقق مصالح الشعب السوري دمشق-سانا قال السيد الرئيس بشار الأسد إن رسالة سورية للعالم أنه إذا كان هناك من يحلم بأن سورية ستكون دمية غربية فهذا حلم لن يتحقق تفاصيل بتكليف من الرئيس الأسد.. وزير الدولة لشؤون المصالحة الوطنية يقدم العزاء لأسرة محافظ حماة حماة-سانا بتكليف من السيد الرئيس بشار الاسد قدم الدكتور علي حيدر وزير الدولة لشؤون المصالحة الوطنية اليوم العزاء لأسرة الشهيد الدكتور ...تفاصيل
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
بوتين يبحث مع كاميرون الوضع في سورية.. لافروف: اتهام الحكومة السورية باستخدام السلاح الكيماوي باطل وندعو لعدم تكرار أخطاء الماضي موسكو-سانا بحث الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين مع رئيس الوزراء البريطاني ديفيد كاميرون خلال اتصال هاتفي اليوم الوضع في سورية والمسائل المرتبطة ...تفاصيل مصدر إعلامي: تعرض فريق التحقيق باستخدام السلاح الكيميائي لإطلاق نيران من قبل إرهابيين.. كي مون: الفريق جمع عينات من الموقع دمشق-نيويورك-سانا قال مصدر إعلامي إن أعضاء فريق الأمم المتحدة المكلف التحقيق باستخدام السلاح الكيميائي تعرضوا أثناء دخولهم إلى منطقة ...تفاصيل
Russia: intervento avrebbe conseguenze gravissime. Assad: accuse insensate, attacco fallirebbe. Siria. Stampa britannica: Usa e Gb pronti ad attaccare. 26 Agosto 2013 11:20. Gli Stati Uniti e la Gran Bretagna sono pronti a lanciare un attacco missilistico contro il regime siriano e i vertici militari dei due Paesi stanno mettendo a punto la lista degli obiettivi da colpire. Mauro: serve una soluzione politica, Mosca: l'Occidente accusa Assad senza prove. Bonino: intervento non praticabile, 26 Agosto 2013 16:13, Per il ministro degli esteri russo Serghiei Lavrov l'Occidente sta assumendo due ruoli, quello di investigatore e quello del consiglio di sicurezza dell'Onu. --ANSWER -- @USA, FRANCIA, GB-- [GUARDA CASO, gli AMICI SATANISTI, DEGLI ALIENS ABDUCTIONS] -- fatevi avanti porci, io vi sto aspettando!
November 8, 2012
Obama win good news for Pakistan flag vendors
"No protest is complete without a Stars and Stripes being sent up in flames." Islamic supremacists in the U.S., such as Zahra Billoo and Cyrus McGoldrick of Hamas-linked CAIR, are up in arms over the drone strikes and pressing Obama to drop them -- which he probably will soon enough, as he doesn't need them politically anymore.
"Flags on fire: Obama win may be good news for Pakistan flag-makers," from AFP, November 8 (thanks to Kenneth):
Many Pakistanis fear President Barack Obama’s re-election will mean a surge in America’s unpopular drone campaign, but for those making and selling U.S. flags to burn at protests this could be good news. Demonstrations against Washington’s program of missile strikes against suspected Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants are common in Pakistan, and no protest is complete without a Stars and Stripes being sent up in flames.
Nadeem Shah, the owner of a flag business in Rawalpindi, the twin city of the capital Islamabad, said he expected more drone strikes -- and more protests.
“Of course Obama has become stronger now and he will push his policies harder and there will be more drone strikes because he himself is stronger now,” Shah told AFP.
“When the drone strikes increase the protests against these strikes will also increase in Pakistan and it can have an impact on the flags and poster business.”
Pakistan’s flag industry enjoyed a boom in September when a U.S.-made anti-Islam film sparked weeks of demonstrations, almost all lit up with “Old Glory” being burned....
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 9:37 AM | 2 Comments
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Jordan: Third honor killing in a week as Muslim brothers murder sister for "immoral relationship"
Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that "retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right." However, "not subject to retaliation" is "a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring." ('Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law.
The Palestinian Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders. Iraqi women have asked for tougher sentences for Islamic honor murderers, who get off lightly now. Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but "the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour 'provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.'" And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that "Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values."
In light of all this, until authorities get the courage to tell the truth about honor killing, there will be many more such murders.
"Three brothers reportedly murder their married sister," by Rana Husseini for the Jordan Times, November 5 (thanks to Hussein):
AMMAN — Criminal Court Prosecutor Qahtan Qawaqzeh on Monday questioned three brothers who reportedly murdered their married sister earlier in the day in the latest so-called honour killing to take place in the Kingdom this year, official sources said. The three suspects, residents of Ruseifa, 15 kilometres east of Amman, were apprehended by authorities shortly after arriving at the police station claiming that one of them “stabbed his sibling to death at her home in the capital’s Shmeisani neighbourhood to cleanse his family’s honour”, a senior police official said.
“Investigators were not convinced by their story and decided to detain all three brothers for questioning,” the source told The Jordan Times.
In their initial testimony to the police and Qawaqzeh, the suspects said “they received information that their sister, who was married to an Arab national, was involved in an immoral relationship and decided to come to Amman to discuss the matter with her”, the source said.
When the brothers entered their sister’s house, one of them stabbed her with a knife 17 times to different parts of her body, according to the suspects’ initial confessions.
“Two of the brothers claimed that they tried to prevent the third from stabbing their sister, but failed,” the source added.
Qawaqzeh is currently questioning the suspects and is expected to charge the three brothers with premeditated murder.
The victim was the third woman to be killed for reasons related to family honour in Jordan in less than a week.
On October 31, a 56-year-old man reportedly strangled his 22-year-old daughter with his hands at his home in Zarqa, 22 kilometres east of the capital, following an argument related to her “alleged immoral behaviour”.
On November 3, a 35-year-old man slit the throat of his divorced niece, in one of the Kingdom’s governorates, claiming family honour as the motive. The previous day, police handed her over to her father, who signed a guarantee that his daughter would not be harmed after she went missing from her family’s home for 10 days.
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 9:09 AM | 5 Comments
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Robert Spencer and others on where do we go from here
Big Fur Hat interviews me over at iOwnTheWorld.
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 8:22 AM | 1 Comment
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Pakistan: Taliban murder three troops in jihad/martyrdom bombing because "they are doing nothing to serve Islam"
This wasn't out in the badlands near the Afghan border. This was in Karachi, the nation's largest city, a city of thirteen million people. And note (yet again) the Islamic explanation given for the murders: the one explanation that jihadists always give for their actions is the one that American analysts are bound and determined to ignore.
"Suicide bomber kills 3 Pakistani troops in Karachi," by Adil Jawad for the Associated Press, November 8 (thanks to David):
KARACHI, Pakistan — A Taliban suicide bomber rammed a truck packed with explosives into a compound housing a paramilitary force in Pakistan’s largest city on Thursday, killing three officers and wounding 20.... Thursday’s attack targeted a housing compound for the Rangers, a paramilitary force that is tasked with helping Karachi police maintain security in the city, said Javed Odho, deputy inspector general of the Karachi police....
Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan said the group claimed responsibility for the attack.
“We punished the Rangers as they are working against us and they are doing nothing to serve Islam,” Ahsan told The Associated Press over the telephone from an undisclosed location....
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 7:31 AM | 3 Comments
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Oklahoma: Hamas-linked CAIR claims bank discriminates against Muslims with "no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses" policy
"He added that even women wearing headscarves as a result of cancer treatment have been accompanied by bank security personnel 'so as not to discriminate' in the enforcement of the policy." So in other words, the rule applies to everyone, not just Muslims, and is a safety measure to guard against robberies. But Hamas-linked CAIR is pressing on toward final victory now, trying relentlessly to establish the principle that all American businesses and other institutions must accommodate Sharia, no matter what they must sacrifice to do so.
Aren't you glad Oklahoma's anti-Sharia law was struck down?
Andrea Eger of the Tulsa World, like all hopelessly clueless and/or compromised mainstream media "journalists," says that Hamas-linked CAIR is a "civil-liberties organization," without bothering to mention that the Council on American-Islamic
Relations is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements. Its California chapter distributed posters telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI.
"Bank discrimination against Muslims alleged over headwear policy," by Andrea Eger for the Tulsa World, November 8 (thanks to Twostellas):
A Muslim civil-liberties organization said a Tulsa bank discriminated against a woman by singling her out for wearing a religiously mandated head scarf, or hijab. The Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, is calling on Tulsa's Valley National Bank to review its "inappropriate and discriminatory" policy that treats customers wearing religious head coverings differently from other patrons.
The organization says that on Oct. 9, a Muslim woman tried to enter the Valley National Bank branch at 4812 E. 81st St., in hopes that she could exchange foreign currency but was told she would not be able to enter unless accompanied by a bank employee because of their "no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses" policy.
"Singling out Muslim women or other people of faith who wear religiously mandated head coverings that do not hinder identification is inappropriate and discriminatory," said Adam Soltani, executive director of CAIR's Oklahoma chapter. "All customers should be treated equally regardless of their faith or religious practices."
The complainant, a woman from Kiefer, did not want her identity publicized, but Soltani told the Tulsa World that his organization first took her complaint directly to bank officials, "hoping they would acknowledge it was a mistake or offer an apology."
"We were actually shocked to find out their policy is separate but equal, going back to things that African-Americans and other people have experienced," he said. "They said, 'We do allow them in the bank but they must be escorted anywhere they go.'
"Their excuse was it's a security measure, but there are no reports ever in Oklahoma that I am aware of, of anyone in religious headwear robbing a bank," Soltani said.
"It may have happened elsewhere, but they are a local bank. It's not like they're a big national chain that may have had this happen in other places."
Soltani provided a copy of the written response from Valley National Bank President Brad Scrivner, and in it, Scrivner apologized to the woman first "for not feeling welcome in our bank" and then explained the reason for his bank's policy.
"Unfortunately, Valley has been robbed numerous times in the past and is a victim itself of crime. We have policy and procedures in place to thwart future robberies that endanger the lives of our employees and customers," Scrivner wrote to Soltani. "It is a sad truth that recently, in banks across the United States, criminals are using false religious headdresses for the sole purpose of hiding their identity."
He added that even women wearing headscarves as a result of cancer treatment have been accompanied by bank security personnel "so as not to discriminate" in the enforcement of the policy.
Contacted by the Tulsa World, Scrivner said his bank adopted the policy in 2006 at the recommendation of the Oklahoma Bankers Association.
"In the six years that this policy has been in place," he said, "Valley has not had a single complaint" until now.
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil-liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to "enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding."
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 6:17 AM | 9 Comments
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Sweden: Police watched passively as "provoking" female free speech activists were physically attacked by group of men
These women are close friends of mine and deserve a gold medal and honorable place in our history books for their courage, not fists and eggs in the head. This is where it has come to in Sweden: Police let violent demonstrators get close to defenseless women promoting the right to speak against Islam. People who wanted to get in to Geert Wilders' lecture in infamous Malmø had to go through an "anti-fascist" purgatory:
Aja Fog (Free Speech society, Denmark) surrounded and attacked by Danish far Leftists: "...then I feel a blow to the back of my head"
Aia Fog after the meeting with Danish anti-fascists
Katrine Winkel Holm, Kit Louise Strand, her friend Trine and I arrive by taxi to Kockums Fritid. The Swedish police has placed barricades, so we can not drive to the door and have to walk the last 200 meters. We can hear the protesters shouting the usual slogans: "No racists in our streets". There are lots of police, but instead of separating the angry demonstrators from the entrance, they stood in the periphery, so we have to go through the crowd to get in to the meeting. Within no time things go wrong: Some Swedes begin to shouting directly into the face of Katrine: "racist", "Pork Denmark", "Go home, we want to border control for you". To me they cried "Fat fascist pig". Katrine starts to argue with them, but it's completely futile, and soon I pull her arm and told her that she should cut it, so we can get through the crowd and inside the lecture hall.
Things go very quickly: Katrine and I are suddenly isolated from Kit and Trine, and I'm surrounded by AFA (anti fascists). Or - I think it's AFA: Danish men in their twenties, with black hoodies and small ugly tattoos on their shirts. They are extremely threatening - not just in attitude (which is furious, hateful - and just waiting to be allowed to beat), but also physically: I am completely surrounded by 4-5 men who not only block my way, but one also punches me hard with his shoulder, so I'm getting off balance. Then I feel a blow to the back of my head, and then one more - this time less hard, which turns out to be an egg.
The Swedish police - who could not see the details since I was surrounded - did nothing to help me or let me pass, even though I had egg running down my neck. Finally Katrine managed to convince the police to help me get into Kockums.
Later, when we went out to see whether the police had finally made a corridor, so that people could get in without having to run the purgatory, eggs were thrown at us, and the police asked us to go back because we 'provoked' with our presence.
After the meeting, there was a Swedish journalist who asked me if I had acted provoking before having eggs thrown at me (sic).
Nobody was arrested.
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on November 8, 2012 6:05 AM | 2 Comments
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Nicolai Sennels on UK against Tommy Robinson
To former generations, England exemplified democracy and was an upholder of human values and a democratic humanistic way of life to the world. It is a great loss and pity if today this same country becomes the first to bow down to their destruction. Today openly embracing the Muslim sharia and imprisoning heroic people who do nothing but stand up for these values leaves Europe much weakened in its protection of our culture.
Freedom fighters are the greatest and most important heroes of the world today and certainly it would be wise for any government with an anti democratic agenda to set heroes like Tommy Robinson free before too much of the their population begin to think and talk. That the world's great example of Magna Carta and Bill of Rights (England) should come to this state is a dire warning to the rest of us.
We owe them all our best wishes, now is the time for the rule of the people to show its worth!
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on November 8, 2012 5:56 AM | 2 Comments
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Taliban: "Obama must by now know that they have lost the war in Afghanistan"
“So, without further lying and delays, they should leave our sacred land and focus on their own country instead.”
Sounds like a plan.
"Taliban urge Obama to pull troops out now," from AFP, November 7 (thanks to Lou):
KABUL: Taliban told re-elected US President Barack Obama on Wednesday to admit that the United States has lost the war in Afghanistan and pull its troops out now. “Obama must by now know that they have lost the war in Afghanistan,” spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement posted on the group’s website. “So, without further lying and delays, they should leave our sacred land and focus on their own country instead....
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 5:41 AM | 5 Comments
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Muslim Brotherhood: Now Obama must accept "the will of the Arab people"
“In the absence of direct American influence, Egypt can affect and lead the process of building a democratic and constitutional regime that will become a dream for African and the southern hemisphere.” I.e., a Sharia state that is a stepping stone to a restored caliphate. And I am sure Obama will be just fine with that.
"Muslim Brotherhood: Obama Needs To ‘Accept The Will Of The Arab People,’" from CBSDC, November 7 (thanks to Kenneth):
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — Islamists in the Middle East are speaking out following President Barack Obama’s re-election Tuesday night. The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood feels that the only foreign policy change Obama can bring is by “accepting the will of the Arab people.”
“We must rely on ourselves and on our resources and build our country,” Issam Al-Aryan, a top Muslim Brotherhood official, said, according to The Times of Israel. “In the absence of direct American influence, Egypt can affect and lead the process of building a democratic and constitutional regime that will become a dream for African and the southern hemisphere.”
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood wants to make Shariah Law the main source of the country’s new constitution.
Terror group Hamas is calling for Obama not to be “biased” toward Israeli interests during his second term.
“We heard moderate speech from Obama following his first term victory, but his policy was inconsistent with the speeches he gave in Egypt and Turkey,” Taher Nunu, a Hamas government spokesman, said, according to The Times of Israel. “He now has an opportunity to implement those promises to the nations of the region, far from pressures by the Israel lobby and politicized money.”...
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 5:32 AM | 2 Comments
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Obama supporters celebrate: No more Israel; kill those motherf***ers
These Obama revelers were apparently not fooled by the impassioned Zionist who showed up for the third debate with Romney. Of course, they probably didn't see the third debate, but if they had, they would have known that their man was just pandering for votes.
"Obama supporters celebrate: No more Israel; kill those motherf***ers," by Anne Sorock for Rebel Pundit, November 7 (thanks to Pamela Geller):
Obama supporters out celebrating his win on election night gathered on State Street Tuesday evening. I asked one man why he was celebrating Obama, and what that meant to him. He said, “It really means to me, no more Israel…Mitt Romney would go to war with Iran…Obama said f*** that shit. Kill those mother f***ers.” Another said, “Palestine was there first, and Israel moved in in the 1940s and that’s an unfair attack.” A man of Jewish heritage accompanying him said, “I really do not think that us being with Israel is a good choice for us”...
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 5:17 AM | 8 Comments
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November 7, 2012
India: Muslim terrifies air passengers by "raising Islamic slogans while threatening to harm the aircraft"
Doubtless he was just elated over Obama's reelection and getting a bit over-exuberant. The passengers were greasy Islamophobes for not taking his "Islamic slogans" as declarations of peace. "Mid-air scare: Man turns violent on Mumbai-Delhi flight, raises Islamic slogans," from TNN, November 8:
NEW DELHI: In what was described by a frequent flyer as the "scariest flight of his life", a passenger on board a Mumbai-Delhi IndiGo flight suddenly turned violent mid-air on Wednesday and started raising Islamic slogans while threatening to harm the aircraft. The situation turned so alarming that the cabin crew and passengers pinned down the flyer, Mursalim Shaikh, 41, and blocked the aisle with a food trolley to prevent him from making a dash for the cockpit. The IndiGo flight 6E 196 made a quick descent in Delhi after seeking priority landing, where Shaikh, a used car dealer from Babu Tansen Chawl in Virar, was handed over to security agencies.
The drama began about an hour after the plane had taken off from Mumbai at 3.45pm and was flying over Jaipur. Shaikh, bearded and dressed in a pathani suit, was seated on seat 28 A. "He suddenly turned around on the seat to face an aged woman on 29A and started muttering menacingly to her," a flyer said. An airhostess reportedly asked Shaikh to sit properly, but he kept gazing at her before suddenly slapping her, turning very aggressive.
Recalling the hijack scare on a Delhi-Mumbai flight, a co-passenger said, "Shaikh was waving a cellphone and threatening 'sabko dekh loonga' (I will teach everyone a lesson)." Male passengers and the crew together pinned Shaikh down. Then women and children seated in the rear were sent to the front and a food trolley was placed in the aisle to prevent Shaikh from going towards the cockpit.
Confirming the incident, IndiGo said, "This unruly passenger started screaming and also physically assaulted a crew member. The passenger also got violent with co-passengers, and tried to access the forward of the aircraft. IndiGo crew made appropriate announcements and deployed security measures to block access to the front of the aircraft and the front galley."
Said a passenger, "We landed soon after the man had been overpowered." The flight commander had requested for security personnel on arrival. The passenger was taken out at 6.13pm and handed over to the CISF. IndiGo said it was in the process of lodging an FIR. "An untoward conduct of this nature is of serious concern to us. We will take all necessary action to address this violation," IndiGo said.
While passengers said the landing in Delhi came as a huge relief, the drama did not end there. For, the airline and airport personnel did not handle the situation as professionally as the crew had done in the air. "Once the aircraft door opened, we expected security personnel to rush in and arrest the flyer. But the airline's own security team came into the aircraft. We were first asked to alight and then a second announcement was made asking us to stay seated. We were wondering why security agencies did not just whisk the guy away?" said a passenger.
Why indeed?
The IGI domestic airport police have arrested Shaikh and registered a case for criminal intimidation, assault and threatening the crew. The Intelligence Bureau is quizzing him.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 10:51 PM | 10 Comments
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Not a dime's worth of difference
The Republican Party is a useless collection of me-tooists and slow-downers who have virtually no chance of winning national elections anymore, since they have already lost the pop culture, the educational system, and the mainstream media, all of which pump out the Democrat Party line with a fervor and lack of attachment to the truth that rivals that of any one-party state press organ. But above all, Republicans lose because they have nothing to offer.
What is needed, whether or not we ever get it, is a sea-change in the Washington establishment. A revolution of the mind at the highest levels. The complete removal of standard-issue policy wonks from the State Department, the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the CIA, the FBI, and the military. Romney didn't offer that. No candidate did. Would Romney have won if he had done so? I am not saying that. All I am saying is that he offered more of the same at a time when the nation, and the free world in general, desperately needed something very different.
Leftists and Islamic supremacists are crowing today that "Islamophobic" candidates lost. Some of the more unhinged among them are even blaming me and Pamela Geller for Romney's loss, as if we had his ear. In reality, candidates that spoke forthrightly about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat were not supported by the Republican Party. Party leaders kept them at arm's length and, if they offered them any help at all, did so in connection with other issues. The point is that honesty and clarity about the jihad threat did not lose yesterday.
But even if they had, the truth about the jihad threat and Islamic supremacism would still be the truth, and no amount of Big Lie propaganda pumped out by the likes of the traitorous Leftist pseudo-journalist Spencer Ackerman will change that.
Check out the comments on Ackerman's piece: Americans know that his propaganda line is nonsense, and are saying so while it is still legal to do so. But that may not be much longer.
To be sure, there was some (although not enough) difference between the parties regarding spending, and it is unlikely that a Romney Administration would have pursued the war against the freedom of speech that the Obama Administration is pursuing with steady persistence. And so in those particulars the choice yesterday was important. The White House has never had an occupant so anti-Israel as Barack Obama since the Jewish State was founded, and that bodes ill for Israel's future defense against the global jihad. But in other key ways, the 2012 election bore out George Wallace's old quip that there wasn't "a dime's worth of difference" between the Republican and Democrat Parties.
Watching the third debate, I was amazed at how anxious Mitt Romney was to say "Me, too" to so very many things Barack Obama said he was going to do. There was essentially no difference between the two of them on foreign policy. Both had been briefed, and thoroughly convinced, by Washington foreign policy wonks whose failed policies lie in smoking ruins around the world, and yet never are called to account for the persistent failures of their assessments and recommendations.
If Mitt Romney were president-elect today, he would still be committed to showering money on Muslim countries like Pakistan in a futile attempt to win hearts and minds, ignoring how top Pakistani officials have funneled much of that money to the very same terrorists they were supposed to be using it to fight. He would still be committed to the adage that poverty causes terrorism, and therefore money will end terrorism, despite the fact that billions have been spent with no result, and jihadists have again and again been shown to be wealthier than their peers. He would still be committed to the proposition that Islam is a Religion of Peace and to working with "moderate Muslims," a project that has enabled Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood groups to gain access to high levels of government and law enforcement.
In other words, he would be moving in the same direction as Barack Obama, but maybe just a bit slower.
In any case, Romney's loss is tough on many levels, but not in terms of a realistic assessment of and comprehensive response to the jihad threat. That has never been part of the program of either party. And as the second Obama Administration steps up its obfuscation about the threat and appeasement of Islamic supremacists, it will not manage to end the jihad: the reality of jihad violence will keep impinging upon the politically correct fantasy that only "Islamophobes" link Islam to terrorism.
Whether anyone of any power or influence will wake up to that reality before it's too late is increasingly unlikely. But in any case, that person was not Mitt Romney.
“My comrade-in-arms, my pal, my buddy.”
— Oriana Fallaci
“Robert Spencer incarnates intellectual courage when, all over the world, governments, intellectuals, churches, universities and media crawl under a hegemonic Universal Caliphate’s New Order. His achievement in the battle for the survival of free speech and dignity of man will remain as a fundamental monument to the love of, and the self-sacrifice for, liberty.”
— Bat Ye’or
“Robert Spencer is indefatigable. He is keeping up the good fight long after many have already given up. I do not know what we would do without him. I appreciate all the intelligence and courage it takes to keep going despite the appeasement of the West.”
— Ibn Warraq
“America's most informed, fearless, and compelling voice on modern jihadism.”
— Andrew C. McCarthy, Senior Fellow at National Review Institute
“Robert Spencer is the leading voice of scholarship and reason in a world gone mad. If the West is to be saved, we will owe Robert Spencer an incalculable debt.”
— Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs
"The consummate Islam critic and expert." — Bruce Bawer
“Over the years, we have become friends, and I have received his assistance on several pieces of legislation I proposed.”
— Former Congressman Tom Tancredo
“Few people are capable of applying scholarship, analytical reasoning, and objectivity to their topic -- while simultaneously being readable and witty -- as can Robert Spencer.”
— Raymond Ibrahim
“A national treasure...The acclaimed scholar of Islam.”
— Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy
“I am indeed honored to call him my friend.”
— Brad Thor, novelist
“A top American analyst of Islam....A serious scholar...I learn from him.”
— Daniel Pipes
“A brilliant scholar and writer.”
— Douglas Murray
"One of my best teachers."
— Ashraf Ramelah, Voice of the Copts
“Thank God there’s at least one man with balls left in the West.”
— Kathy Shaidle, Five Feet of Fury
“I read people like [Mark Steyn] and Bob Spencer and the rest of them, and I say, ‘Boortz, you’re pretending you’re an author. These people really are. They really write some entertaining, some standup stuff.’”
— Neal Boortz
“Robert Spencer is the Stephen King of Jihad.”
— Chris Gaubatz, Muslim Mafia
“Armed with facts and fearlessness, Spencer stands up for Western civilization.”
— Michelle Malkin
“Widely read in conservative foreign policy circles.”
— New York Times
“Widely read in many quarters in Washington.”
— Washington Post
“A canny operative who likely has the inside track on the State Department’s Middle East affairs desk should the tea party win the White House.”
— New York Magazine
“A hero of the American right.”
— Karen Armstrong
"The leading anti-Islamic intellectual in the United States....The go-to Islam expert for the right wing."
— Salon Magazine
“Robert Spencer is an Edward Said turned upside down.”
— Stephen Suleyman Schwartz
“One of the nation's most notorious Islamophobes.”
— Hamas-linked CAIR
“Satanic ignoramus.”
— Khaleel Mohammed
“The Likud anti-Christ.”
— Dar al-Hayat newspaper (Saudi Arabia)
“Zionist Crusader, missionary of hate, counter-Islam consultant.”
— Al-Qaeda’s Adam Gadahn, “Azzam the American”
Syrian Video News/Nouvelles ~ (Eng/Fra) ~ 3/11/2012 ~ UNHCR: mercenaries in Syria are criminals ~ UNHCR: les mercenaires en Syrie sont des criminels
03 Saturday Nov 2012
Posted by syrianfreepress in +All Articles, Armed Gangs, Bashar al-Assad, Bashar al-Jaafari, Conspiracy, Cospirazioni, Guerra Mediatica, Jihadists, News, News in Arabic, Notiziario, Plots, Syrian Arab Army, Syrian Ministry of Information, Syrian Patriots, Syrian Television, Terrorisme, Terrorists, Terrorists Gangs, Turchia, Turkey, UN, UN Security Council, Video, Video News, War Against Terrorism, War Strategy
Aleppo, Armed Gangs, Armed Terrorists, Bashar al-Assad, Conspiracy, Cospirazioni, Damascus, Homs, Jihadists, Middle East, Plots, Siria, Syria, Syrian Arab Army, Syrian People, Syrian Television, SyrianFreePress, Syrie, Terror Agents, Terrorism, Terrorisme, Terrorists, Terrorists Gangs, United Nations, United Nations Security Council, USA
Syria – Video News – ENG – 3 November 2012
UNHCR has accused mercenaries in Syria of war CRIMES
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Syria – Video Nouvelles – FRA – 3 Novembre 2012
UNHCR a accusé les mercenaires en Syrie DE CRIMES DE GUERRE
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Uploaded by Syrian Press and TheNewsSyria on November/Novembre 2012
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3 thoughts on “Syrian Video News/Nouvelles ~ (Eng/Fra) ~ 3/11/2012 ~ UNHCR: mercenaries in Syria are criminals ~ UNHCR: les mercenaires en Syrie sont des criminels”
Francenaldo Amorim said:
November 4, 2012 at 18:07
Ce sont pas des soldads hymains, ce sont des démons, qui tuent des gens désarmés, des prisionniers,. Ils méritent tous étre fuzillés aussitot pris. Pas de pitié pour ces démons. ” l óeil pour oeil, dent pour dent. Il faut les chasser aussi en Turckie, dans les sanctuaires. La Russie doit aider dans cette chasse au mercennaires, qui se cachent en Turquie, chaque fois qui sont poursuivis..
Book Description
Publication Date: April 23, 2012
Are jihadists dying for a fiction? Everything you thought you knew about Islam is about to change.
Did Muhammad exist?
It is a question that few have thought—or dared—to ask. Virtually everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, takes for granted that the prophet of Islam lived and led in seventh-century Arabia.
But this widely accepted story begins to crumble on close examination, as Robert Spencer shows in his eye-opening new book.
In his blockbuster bestseller The Truth about Muhammad, Spencer revealed the shocking contents of the earliest Islamic biographical material about the prophet of Islam. Now, in Did Muhammad Exist?, he uncovers that material’s surprisingly shaky historical foundations. Spencer meticulously examines historical records, archaeological findings, and pioneering new scholarship to reconstruct what we can know about Muhammad, the Qur’an, and the early days of Islam. The evidence he presents challenges the most fundamental assumptions about Islam’s origins.
Did Muhammad Exist? reveals:
How the earliest biographical material about Muhammad dates from at least 125 years after his reported death
How six decades passed before the Arabian conquerors—or the people they conquered—even mentioned Muhammad, the Qur’an, or Islam
The startling evidence that the Qur’an was constructed from existing materials—including pre-Islamic Christian texts
How even Muslim scholars acknowledge that countless reports of Muhammad’s deeds were fabricated
Why a famous mosque inscription may refer not to Muhammad but, astonishingly, to Jesus
How the oldest records referring to a man named Muhammad bear little resemblance to the now-standard Islamic account of the life of the prophet
The many indications that Arabian leaders fashioned Islam for political reasons
Far from an anti-Islamic polemic, Did Muhammad Exist? is a sober but unflinching look at the origins of one of the world’s major religions. While Judaism and Christianity have been subjected to searching historical criticism for more than two centuries, Islam has never received the same treatment on any significant scale.
The real story of Muhammad and early Islam has long remained in the shadows. Robert Spencer brings it into the light at long last.
Hindu religious bigots Attacks Martyr Christians in India
Aggiunto: 6 mesi fa
Da: WakeUpUSAxRonPaul
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Tutti i commenti (11)
lpgvishalpandey 2 sett. fa
Well done hindus what do the fucking christians expect when they go around degrading hinduism. Should have killed the bastard atleast there would be no interview
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 secondo fa
no violence for reason of the gods, or by reason of religion, no violence never more
· in risposta a lpgvishalpandey(Mostra il commento)
Christians304 1 mese fa
I would like to see the Mormons have that much courage to practice,preach and witness there. Mormons are cowards !! Christians are true and those who attack will answer to Jesus.
Bharatiya4ever 1 mese fa
i would say the number of attacks on them are negligible compared to the number of Christians living in India.there are tons and tons of people working to convert others to Christianity. they spread messages degrading Hindu religion, gods. Do you know they print pamplets where they condemn Hindu religion, If we ask them to stop it peacefully, they don't.
So this happens. Stop converting Hindus to Christianity, then there wont be any attacks on Christians to practice their religion.
floyd reyes 1 mese fa
fuck hindus....hindus are those people who are uneducated ,poor and dont know want is hygiene,,,idiots people....bastards...i want to kill them....fuck all hindus....same like animal attitude...ur god and all hindus people are they same..they r all animals....
Joseph Pal 1 mese fa
They are muslims attacking wke up and warn all others, we know the truth about Islam
È stato segnalato come spam nascondi •
Bharatiya4ever 1 mese fa
If in India, really Christians were prosecuted all over. How come christian numbers, number of conversions done by them are increasing every year. Get your facts right.
Pls don't spread wrong ideas.
November 6, 2012
After repeatedly threatening to kill me, Muslim emailer comes out for Obama
I heard tonight from a gentleman who has emailed me many, many times in the past. His IP address is, which traces to Djibouti, meaning either that this fellow is in Djibouti or has a spoofed IP address. In his message tonight he repeats the title of my article here:
Name: yahoo Email: yahoo@yahoo.com
Subject: Die with your HATE Mr Spencer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Message: Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four
More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We
Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of
Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More
Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive
Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can
We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of
Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More
Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive
Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can
We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of
I haven't heard from this good man in awhile, but for a good stretch of 2010 and 2011 he was sending me death threats almost daily, telling me he would be at various events where I was speaking so as to kill me there (he never did). One read:
I was thinking to CUT your head with AXE.. as Self -defence. defending mY dignity as MUSLIM>
And another:
Message: You are pointing the way that I would still hunt you down. I will never be a hostile to any other human beings for my life time. But only To spencer and When I get you I will do they way you have already reported. Spencer deserves to be indicted and If US government does not bring
him to justice or stop his Hatred We shall take the LAW again in our
hands and provide SPENCER to feed him what he wants.
Will it be a BULL....t or Kn...fe or AX....e.
Will I personally hang you UP or.
I know that you have already reported to the FBI and I dont care if
they will arrest me or Not Spencer .... I am On your WAY,...
A few of them are here, but there were many, many, many others.
In any case, he is celebrating tonight, as apparently he thinks "HATE" has suffered a defeat. The reality, of course, is that many, many more Islamic jihadists like him worldwide will be newly emboldened. And from them, as from this clown, we will see real hate.
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 9:49 PM | 29 Comments
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After stonings and amputations, Islamic supremacist group in Mali says it rejects "all forms of extremism and terrorism"
Anyone who thinks that this means that Ansar Dine won't be carrying out any more stonings and amputations is woefully misinformed. They don't consider carrying out penalties clearly prescribed in Islamic law to be any kind of "extremism and terrorism." They consider that to be simple justice. What they most likely mean by this declaration is that they oppose Israel and the U.S.
"North Mali Islamist group says it rejects violence," by Brahima Ouedraogo for the Associated Press, November 6 (thanks to Kenneth):
OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso (AP) -- An Islamist group carrying out public executions and amputations in northern Mali said Tuesday that it rejects "all forms of extremism and terrorism" and called upon other armed organizations controlling the region, including a branch of al-Qaida, to engage in political talks with the government. The turnabout was announced by a representative of an Ansar Dine delegation that has been holding talks for the last several days with mediators in the capital of neighboring Burkina Faso.
The meetings in Burkina Faso appear to be part of a new, regional attempt to set up negotiations to resolve the Mali crisis ahead of a possible military intervention that is expected to be led by African forces with logistical backing from the European Union and the United States. France is heading the international effort to plan the military campaign to end the occupation by Ansar Dine and other Islamists in Mali's north.
It was not immediately clear how Ansar Dine's declaration would affect its imposition of strict Islamic law in the northern Mali territory under its control. Nor was it clear whether the delegation in Ouagadougou represents all elements within Ansar Dine, which has links to the al-Qaida terror network....
Ansar Dine is one of three Islamist groups controlling Mali's north, and its members are believed to be mostly Malians. The membership of the two other groups, one of them al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, consists primarily of foreign fighters.
Although Ansar Dine has imposed strict Islamic law, including carrying out punishments such as amputating the hands of thieves and stoning to death a couple who had children out of wedlock, authorities believe the group is the most open to negotiation because its fighters are Malian nationals with ties to the area....
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 1:56 PM | 13 Comments
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86-year sentence of Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui, who shot at Americans while yelling "death to America," upheld
Her Pakistani-financed defense attorneys argued that she was just panicking. Funny how so many jihadists panic in exactly the same way.
"Aafia Siddiqui loses appeal on shooting conviction," from Reuters, November 6 (thanks to Block Ness):
NEW YORK: A US appeals court on Monday upheld the conviction and 86-year prison sentence of Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui for shooting at FBI agents and soldiers after her arrest in Afghanistan. The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in New York said a lower court judge had not erred in allowing Siddiqui, 40, to testify in her own defense at trial and in allowing certain evidence against her.
Siddiqui, whose conviction was widely criticized in Pakistan, was sentenced by US District Judge Richard Berman in September 2010. She was convicted by a New York federal jury of attempted murder, armed assault and other charges.
She was arrested in July 2008 by Afghan police, who said she was carrying two pounds (900 grams) of sodium cyanide and crumpled notes referring to mass casualty attacks and New York landmarks.
The day after her arrest, she grabbed an M-4 rifle in her interrogation room and started shooting while yelling “death to America,” the trial jury heard.
No US agents or soldiers were hit, but Siddiqui was shot and wounded in response, according to US prosecutors.
Siddiqui’s defense lawyers, three of whom were paid by the Pakistani government, argued that their client had shot at the US officials in a panic and said the crime lacked any connection to terrorism.
On appeal, her attorneys challenged her conviction and sentence on many grounds. They said the judge improperly allowed jurors to consider the crumpled notes, and that the judge should never have allowed Siddiqui to decide whether to take the stand.
“The district court went to extraordinary lengths to ensure that Siddiqui understood the implications of testifying and had the capacity to testify,” the opinion said....
The appeals court also sided with Berman in finding that Siddiqui had likely premeditated the attack, and that terrorism sentencing requirements were applicable because of her willingness to harm Americans.
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 12:03 PM | 6 Comments
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Saudi Arabia: Sharia judges denounce "the stench of Western ideas"
But if anyone even dares to suggest in the U.S. that there might be an incompatibility than Western ideas and Sharia, the condemnations will rain down. "Saudi sharia judges decry Westernizing 'stench' of legal reforms," by Angus McDowall for Reuters, November 6 (thanks to Block Ness):
(Reuters) - Saudi judges who enforce sharia (Islamic law) have condemned what they see as "the stench of Western ideas" in sweeping legal reforms pushed by King Abdullah, underscoring friction between government modernizers and religious hardliners. In a letter to Justice Minister Mohammed al-Issa seen by Reuters, eight judges complained about foreign trainers who shave their beards contrary to purist Islam, the minister's meetings with diplomats of "infidel" states and plans to let women practice as lawyers....
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 11:36 AM | 13 Comments
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Robert Spencer: 8 Reasons You Aren’t Safer than You Were 4 Years Ago
In PJ Media this morning I make the case against the appeaser-in-chief.
Are you safer from the global jihad and Islamic supremacism than you were four years ago? Over the last four years, Barack Obama has:
Warmly supported the “Arab Spring” revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya (the latter with military aid) that heralded the installation of pro-Sharia Islamic supremacist regimes in each. These regimes are already oppressing women and non-Muslims and striving to outdo their predecessors in anti-Americanism. The Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt, meanwhile, is giving out strong and repeated hints that the Camp David Accords, and Egypt’s uneasy but 30-year-old peace with Israel, are not long for this world.
Refused to say a single positive word about the uprising against the bloody Islamic regime in Iran, ostensibly on the grounds that American support would doom the uprising to failure – a possibility that never gave him pause in his rush to praise the Egyptian, Libyan, and Tunisian uprisings. He thus missed an opportunity to weaken and destabilize, at the very least, a rogue regime that is relentlessly pursuing development of nuclear weapons and has made no secret of its genocidal intentions toward Israel.
Displayed repeated contempt for Israel and its prime minister, thereby drastically weakening the U.S.’s relationship with its only ally in the Middle East and encouraging jihadists who have vowed to destroy the Jewish state – not least in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Readily acquiesced to the demands of Muslim groups tied to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood that training material for the FBI and Department of Homeland Security be purged of all accurate information about how jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to recruit and motivate terrorists. This has led to a government-wide willful ignorance about the motives and goals of those who have vowed to destroy us, which in turn leads to disastrous policy mistakes based on false assumptions about the outlook and aspirations of Muslim “insurgents.” The most obvious recent consequence of this analytical failure was the murder of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans at the Benghazi consulate by revolutionaries Obama and Stevens had backed on the assumption that they were benign democratic pluralists.
Kept American troops in Afghanistan without a clearly defined mission, fighting against a foe, the Taliban, that have so thoroughly infiltrated the government and police force that our troops are murdered by their putative allies in ever-increasing numbers. Our ostensible allies have responded to this infiltration by inviting Taliban members to run for offices in the upcoming elections, making it more unclear than ever what is the purpose of the continuing American presence there, except perhaps to demonstrate that Barack Obama is not weak on defense or soft on jihad terror.
Aided and abetted the ever more prevalent idea that when Muslims riot and murder over something a non-Muslim has said or done, the fault, and the responsibility to change his behavior, lies with the non-Muslim. He has done this by blaming the Muhammad video for the Benghazi consulate attack for a considerable period after he knew that it was a jihad attack that had been planned for some time beforehand and had nothing to do with the video. By proclaiming that “the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,” he has thrown in his lot with those who are demanding curbs on the First Amendment to criminalize the criticism of Islam.
There is more.
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 1:00 AM | 50 Comments
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UK: Muslim gangs raped underage girls in care homes
The Qur’an forbids Muslim men to have sexual relations with “wedded women, save what your right hands own.” (4:4) “Prosperous are the believers who in their prayers are humble and from idle talk turn away and at almsgiving are active and guard their private parts save from their wives and what their right hands own then being not blameworthy.” (23:1-6)
Those whom their “right hands own” are slaves, and inextricable from the concept of Islamic slavery as a whole is the concept of sex slavery, which is rooted in Islam’s devaluation of the lives of non-Muslims. The Qur’an stipulates that a man many take four wives as well as hold slave girls as sex slaves. These women are captured in wartime and are considered the spoils of war. Islam avoids the appearance of impropriety, declaring that the taking of these sex slaves does not constitute adultery if the women are already married, for their marriages are ended at the moment of their capture. A manual of Islamic law directs: “When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled” (Reliance of the Traveller, o9.13).
This is by no means an eccentric or unorthodox view in Islam. The Egyptian Sheikh Abu-Ishaq al-Huwayni declared in May 2011 that “we are in the era of jihad,” and that as they waged jihad warfare against infidels, Muslims would take slaves. He clarified what he meant in a subsequent interview:
...Jihad is only between Muslims and infidels….Spoils, slaves, and prisoners are only to be taken in war between Muslims and infidels. Muslims in the past conquered, invaded, and took over countries. This is agreed to by all scholars--there is no disagreement on this from any of them, from the smallest to the largest, on the issue of taking spoils and prisoners. The prisoners and spoils are distributed among the fighters, which includes men, women, children, wealth, and so on.When a slave market is erected, which is a market in which are sold slaves and sex-slaves, which are called in the Qur’an by the name milk al-yamin, “that which your right hands possess” [Qur’an 4:24]. This is a verse from the Qur’an which is still in force, and has not been abrogated. The milk al-yamin are the sex-slaves. You go to the market, look at the sex-slave, and buy her. She becomes like your wife, (but) she doesn’t need a (marriage) contract or a divorce like a free woman, nor does she need a wali. All scholars agree on this point--there is no disagreement from any of them. [...] When I want a sex slave, I just go to the market and choose the woman I like and purchase her.
Right around the same time, on May 25, 2011, a female Kuwaiti activist and politician, Salwa al-Mutairi, also spoke out in favor of the Islamic practice of sexual slavery of non-Muslim women, emphasizing that the practice accorded with Islamic law and the parameters of Islamic morality.
...A merchant told me that he would like to have a sex slave. He said he would not be negligent with her, and that Islam permitted this sort of thing. He was speaking the truth….I brought up (this man’s) situation to the muftis in Mecca. I told them that I had a question, since they were men who specialized in what was halal, and what was good, and who loved women. I said, “What is the law of sex slaves?” The mufti said, “With the law of sex slaves, there must be a Muslim nation at war with a Christian nation, or a nation which is not of the religion, not of the religion of Islam. And there must be prisoners of war.”
“Is this forbidden by Islam?,” I asked.
“Absolutely not. Sex slaves are not forbidden by Islam. On the contrary, sex slaves are under a different law than the free woman. The free woman must be completely covered except for her face and hands. But the sex slave can be naked from the waist up. She differs a lot from the free woman. While the free woman requires a marriage contract, the sex slave does not--she only needs to be purchased by her husband, and that’s it. Therefore the sex slave is different than the free woman.”
While the savage exploitation of girls and young women is an unfortunately cross-cultural phenomenon, only in Islamic law does it carry anything approaching divine sanction. Here is yet another human rights scandal occasioned by Islamic law that the international human rights community cravenly ignores.
"Asian" is British PC media-speak for "Muslim." "New grooming scandal: Girls in care homes 'gang-raped,'" by Justin Penrose in the Mirror, November 3 (thanks to all who sent this in):
POLICE are investigating shocking new claims that gangs of Asian men gang-raped and abused vulnerable under-age girls from CARE HOMES in the North West. The new grooming scandal emerged after a 27-year-old mum claimed she was a victim of a horrifying catalogue of sexual abuse while in care as a teen.
Her account of how care workers allegedly turned a blind eye to predatory paedophiles echoes the findings of a report into a sex ring in Rochdale, which highlighted “missed opportunities” to halt abuse.
Claire, not her real name, says she was one of many vulnerable young girls who were treated like “pieces of meat” by men who hung around the care homes she lived in in Lancashire and Liverpool.
She says she was groomed and molested in return for alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. On one harrowing occasion when she was 14, she was drugged and gang-raped.
A farmer found her naked in a field covered in blood and bruises, but she was returned to her home without medical help. “My social worker told me I deserved what I’d got because I’d been drinking,” she says. “I hadn’t... I was drugged.” Claire says even though she told staff at Briar’s Hey Residential Home in Rainhill, Merseyside, which closed in 2005, there was no medical examination or police probe.
“I was given the morning-after pill ‘to avoid any more mess’,” she says.
Claire, who now lives with her partner and four children, claims her experience was the norm for many teens at the homes. “Sex was the going currency for girls like me,” she says. “The men would hang round the gates. If we complained to staff we were told to just ignore them.”
In May this year, when nine men from the paedophile gang in Rochdale were jailed, Claire contacted police in the hope they would finally investigate her ordeal....
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 12:51 AM | 13 Comments
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Ex-Muslim in Muslim country tells family about her apostasy: "I am actually happy"
The Liberated One, the apostate from Islam blogging from a Muslim country, has a new update here.
I am overwhelmed with the response that I got on my last post, and it feels wonderful to know that people who I have never met and who don't even know my real name are so concerned about my safety. Well, rest assured that I am absolutely safe.. I am sure most of you must have guessed that I live in UAE, not Saudi or Kuwait or Iran, or worse still, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This country is too westernised and far too eager to be in the good books of dear old uncle Sam. There is a nightclub and bar in every area and alcohol is freely available, but you need a liquor permit for that, which, by the way, I happen to have, even though I have a Pakistani passport and am a Muslim on paper. There has never been a case of honor killing in this country and not likely to be one now. So please, my dear friends and well wishers, rest assured that I am fit and fine and my family are not going to kill me and jeopardize their future. Both my brothers have good stable jobs and so do their wives. They live in luxurious apartments and their children attend private British schools. They both have four wheel drive cars and so do their wives. They travel to Europe or the far east every summer. Do you honestly think they would risk losing all that and get deported to Pakistan or put behind bars? There is no way they would forsake their heavenly luxurious lives for anything or anyone, and yes, that means not even for Allah or Mohammed. As far as my parents are concerned, they don't have a penny of their own. My dad is retired and mom a housewife all her life. My two brothers and I support them financially. By the way, I write cheques and give them to my parents every few months. In fact the last time I spoke to my mom, on Saturday, when I told her about my apostasy, the last thing she did before hanging up was to remind me that December is the last cheque she has. I assured her that I will write cheques for the next six months and send the envelope to her with my company driver. So you see, it's next to impossible that my family would kill the hen which lays the golden eggs.
Read it all.
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 12:45 AM | 54 Comments
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e se i massoni austriaci sono ancora i ptrioti e non i traditori della PATRIA che voi siete diventati? ] [ Migranti: Italia, no barriere Brennero, Lettera congiunta Gentiloni-Alfano a Ue, 12 aprile 2016
Maçons Satanist Rothschild abominable PHARISEE TALMUD 666 ENLIGHTENED SPA FED NWO. why you will kill ISRAEL?
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu ] il buco del culo: è un arma letale di distruzione di massa, è assai più pericolosa dell'Olocausto nucleare! infatti, i Sodomiti hanno meritato il Diluvio Universale, e la distruzione delle città della valle di Sodoma, poi, dicono che sia stato il cristianesimo a distruggere l'Impero Romano: "NO L'IMPERO ROMANO È STATO DISTRUTTO DAI SODOMITI" ed infatti anche la CIVILTà della GRECIA classica è stata distrutta dai sodomiti e come tutti sanno, i cristiani non esistevano ancora! Infatti, la omosessualità ideologica o sodomia: apre spontaneamente al satanismo e a tutte le perversioni sessuali! DIRANNO ANCHE CHE È STATO UNIUS REI: A DISTRUGGERE IL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE! tutto falso: SONO STATI I SODOMITI!
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
OCCIDENTE non sopravviverà al suo satanismo! i demoni come balie si porteranno a passeggio il vostro cervello! Realtà aumentata e video 'hard', ci prova il sito PornHub, Apre canale gratis per video a 360 gradi, si vedono con visori, [ MA, LO STATO MASSONE GENDER ANTICRISTO BILDENBERG FARISEO ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? DOVREBBE PROIBIRE QUESTE COSE, se è vero che, non ha deciso di far morire tutti all'inferno della guerra mondiale!
quindi secondo questo articolo è ERDOGAN USA CIA che rifornisce anche ISIS, senza i RUSSI? oggi dominerebbero incontrastati in Siria grazie ad ERDOGAN ] [ 08/04/2016 - SIRIA ] [ Conflitto siriano, i ribelli strappano allo Stato islamico il controllo di al-Rai. La cittadina del nord si torva lungo la direttrice che collega Siria e Turchia. Una rotta strategica per il passaggio di merci e rifornimenti. Un successo importante in vista della battaglia principale per il controllo di Aleppo. Alla periferia di Damasco i jihadisti attaccano una fabbrica e sequestrano 200 operai.
Washington has had it's attention brought to your crap. Your time is limited.~
USA 666 UK SHARIA NATO, e tutti gli alleati massoni del cazzo di Satana Allah, che finiranno per uccidere Europa e Israele
USA CALIFFATO SAUDITA TURCO HANNO PROGETTATO DI METTERE LE MANI SUL PAPA E DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA ] [ 20/07/2015 LIBIA. Libia, i miliziani dello Stato islamico sequestrano tre immigrati cristiani. Il rapimento è avvenuto nella zona orientale, nei pressi di Sirte. Nel mirino un cittadino egiziano, un nigeriano e un ghanese. I jihadisti hanno diffuso le foto dei loro passaporti. In passato la Libia è stata teatro della decapitazione di una ventina di cristiani copti. Sempre ieri rapiti quattro lavoratori italiani.
Siria, jet russi fermano attacchi di al-Nusra contro le forze curde ] [ tutti i Curdi che Hollande e Cameron vogliono far sterminare da Erdogan!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] IS SPA FED Rothschild sharia Satanists your penis NWO?
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] Obama? a casa sua: comanda la moglie, e al Pentagono comanda Bush: 322 il satanista: "IL TESCHIO CON LE OSSA DEI PIRATI"! Forse Donald Trump, potrebbe dare una dritta, a questa nazione MALEFICATA e venduta a Satana dai Farisei del Talmud Spa FED! NON C'È NESSUNO CHE PUÒ SPERARE QUALCOSA DI POSITIVO DAI SACERDOTI DI SATANA DELLA CIA: "CACCIATELI!"
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] in effetti, Dio JHWH in ISRAELE ha detto: "QUELLO È IL MAR CINESE MERIDIONALE!" [ ma, se per pura ipotesi voi vinceste questa guerra, non si prenderebbero tutte le miniere e i giacimenti, gli USA: i sacerdoti di satana, come spese di guerra? IN OGNI CASO, SIA in caso di: VINCITA che, COME, in caso di: PERDITA, A VOI RIMARREBBERO SOLTANTO, I CADAVERI E LA DISTRUZIONE TOTALE! voi che dite? "forse un brutto accordo è sempre meglio di una guerra?"
MY ISRAEL ] 0286891021 [ io non credo, che, 666 CIA abbiano la speranza di potermi intimidire, io credo, piuttosto, che, per una tecnologia elettronica, loro possono trasformare un cellulare telefono, in un microfono ambientale! MA, QUESTO È del TUTTO INUTILE, PERCHÉ NON POSSONO ASCOLTARE I MIEI PENSIERI, SE, IO NON LI HO PUBBLICATI.. che, poi, è proprio questo il divertimento!
CONOSCO UNA PERSONA CHE HA DETTO: "VOGLIO TUTTO IO!" PRIMA DI MORIRE, LUI È STATO PAZZO PER 10 ANNI, ED ORA È ALL'INFERNO! GLI USA E I LORO ALLEATI MASSONI SONO AVVISATI! Il ministero degli Esteri cinese ha più volte sottolineato che la gestione economica di Pechino sulle isole nel Mar Cinese Meridionale "non è diretta contro paesi terzi e niente influisce su di loro". Gli Stati Uniti, a loro volta, hanno condotto diverse pattuglie nei pressi delle zone contese sotto la bandiera delle "operazioni in difesa della libertà di navigazione". Per Pechino si tratta di una violazione della sua sovranità. Nell'ottobre 2015 il comandante della Marina Militare cinese ha fatto sapere ai colleghi americani che "un piccolo incidente nella regione potrebbe provocare una guerra", ma il Pentagono non pianifica di abbandonare le manovre nel Mar Cinese Meridionale: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160412/2464584/mccain-washington-pechino.html#ixzz45dQE3PW2
IL SACERDOTE DI SATANA John McCain ( QUELLO CHE SI È INCONTRATO IN UN BAR TURCO CON, quello che sarebbe diventato: il FUTURO CALIFFO DELLO ISIS DAESH STATO ISLAMICO): ha detto: "Washington deve essere pronta a reagire alle pretese di Pechino!" [ e questo è vero, perché, gli USA SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, e il loro governo mondiale massonico, sono, GIÀ i soli padroni del mondo! QUINDI, CHE PRETESE POTREBBE AVERE LA CINA O CHIUNQUE ALTRO? ] Secondo il senatore dell’Arizona la Cina continua la “militarizzazione” della situazione nella regione e si prepara ad estendere la cotraerea su tutto il Mar Cinese Meridionale, perciò Washington deve essere pronto per un’immediata, dura reazione alle “ambizioni” di Pechino.
se i massoni europei non distruggono la NATO, e non fanno una alleanza militare con la Russia? NON SARÀ POSSIBILE SALVARE I POPOLI EUROPEI DA UN IMMANE MASSACRO! PERCHÉ, I VERI NEMICI DELLE DEMOCRAZIE OCCIDENTALI SONO USA E LORO LEGA ARABA! ] [ La situazione “congelata” delle sanzioni tra Russia e Occidente. 12.04.2016 In Occidente le sanzioni non hanno portato i risultati sperati, ma hanno solo influito negativamente sull’economia di molti paesi.
ME, LO HA SEMPRE DETTO, il sacerdote di satana, ex-Direttore, di youtube: Synnek1 666, che, io ho fatto licenziare, ed oggi lui è: 187AudioHostem: "ogni resistenza è inutile!" .. MA, IO HO DECISO CHE NON DEVE ESSERE COSÌ! PERCHÉ, IO FARÒ UCCIDE, OVUNQUE, IN TUTTO IL MONDO! FINCHÉ L'IRA DI DIO NON SIA PLACATA!
ARRIVERÀ IL MOMENTO, IN CUI, IO VEDRÒ TUTTI I LEADER EUROPEI (I MASSONI DEL SISTEMA POLITICO FINANZIARIO) TUTTI GIUSTIZIATI PER ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE: E QUINDI CONDANNATI A MORTE DA TRIBUNALI POPOLARI RIVOLUZIONARI! Naftogaz: il Nord Stream 2 sarebbe la nostra rovina, 12.04.2016 La costruzione del secondo tronco del Nord Stream, secondo l’amministratore delegato della Naftogaz, potrebbe essere completata entro il 2019 e provocherà all’Ucraina chiari problemi, in particolare, con gli acquisti di gas in Europa.
E QUESTO È VERO: c'è un conflitto: sharia Turchia ISIS, contro i CURDI, dato che tutti gli altri dhimmi, hanno già subito il genocidio sharia! Ora, soltanto Dio e Putin, possono salvare i Curdi dal genocidio, così come sono stritolati su due fronti: contemporaneamente! ] [ 12.04.2016
Ancora un attentato contro la polizia turca a Diyarbakir: due morti e una cinquantina di feriti. Ankara accusa il Pkk.
#CINA, #RUSSIA #ISRAELE ] [ un attacco nucleare preventivo: SU SCALA MONDIALE, è la nostra unica speranza PER POTER SOPRAVVIVERE COME GENERE UMANO LIBERO! ] Hiroshima, Kerry: "Guerra ultima risorsa". Storica visita al Memoriale che apre la strada a Obama
mi diverte, osservare: quella feccia di OBAMA attore Hollywood, e osservare il fatto che: sono i SATANISTI MASSONI: regime sharia Bildenberg: alto tradimento costituzionale contro la sovranità monetaria dei popoli, magia nera kabbalah, talmud satanico, Gender teosofia demoniaca, tutti i loro: FARISEI SALAFITI, la totale aberrazione dei diritti umanistici e identitari, proprio loro: la negazione della autodeterminazione dei popoli: cioè, il NWO Spa Banche Centrali, che, si siano impegnati a far sparire i Dittatori, ed ogni forma di pluralismo, nel mondo, come ogni traccia di società: post larvatamente ebraico cristiana! Corea Nord: Lincoln per criticare Obama: Lettera ipotetica, 'Pyongyang non crollerà malgrado sanzioni' CERTO, CHE LA COREA DEL NORD, ECC.. DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTA, MA, SOLTANTO IO, POSSO DECIDERE: CHI, COME E QUANDO, DEVE MORIRE: PERCHÉ, IO SONO IL REGNO DI ISRAELE, CIOÈ io sono il REGNO DI DIO JHWH, IN FORMA POLITICA SULLA TERRA!
ONU: i nuovi diritti umani universali del Gufo Allah Baal SpA FED? ONU è un sharia terrorista, di Sodoma culto Darwin: il più perfetto altare di satana: della storia del genere umano, mentre, gli USA islamici: sono i sacerdoti Satanisti: Farisei satanisti massoni salafiti! Quindi, la Merkel: Pravy Secotor, golpe Kiev, cecchini Cia a Maidan, ecc..? dopo Ban-Kimono GENDER? questa è la scelta giusta per me!
non ho un problema contro GAY e loro associazioni, anzi io li amo! MA, SE NON RINUNCIANO ALLA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER CHE È TEOSOFIA SATANICA, APOLOGIA DI REATO E PURO TERRORISMO CONTRO LA LEGGE NATURALE, POI, IL CONTRATTO PATTO SOCIALE ANDRÀ DISTRUTTO, CON ESITI SOCIALI DRAMMATICI! Assegnati ad Arcigay beni confiscati alla mafia, Prima volta ad associazione immobili sottratti a Cosa nostra
quando Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi Presidente dell'Egitto, mandò le "teste di quoio" in Libia, a vendicare i suoi cristiani copti, che, sharia ISIS aveva sgozzato sul mare? Tutta la shaaria LEGA ARABA lo rimproverò e dissero: "NOI SIAMO PERSONE SERIE!", infatti, quello che al-Sisi aveva fatto, prima di pugnalare la Russia alle spalle? era troppo grave! Perché, ISIS, non può e non deve essere fermato da USA e Lega ARABA, in Libia come altrove!
gli USA oggi sono nel mondo il vero volto del NAZISMO! il regime massonico Bildenberg: il vero volto del NAZISMO È IN USA ] Protesta a Capitol Hill, 400 arresti. "Basta corruzione del denaro in politica, elezioni siano libere" La protesta a Capitol Hill: WASHINGTON. 12 aprile 2016 [ Oltre 400 attivisti sono stati arrestati mentre manifestavano pacificamente davanti a Capitol Hill con striscioni e cartelli ''per chiedere al Congresso di agire subito per far cessare la corruzione del denaro nella nostra politica e per garantire elezioni libere e imparziali'', ha spiegato Democracy sprint, il gruppo organizzatore. Il numero di arresti e' uno dei piu' grossi degli ultimi anni. L'accusa, ha reso noto la polizia, e' di manifestazione illegale.
USA SHARIA ONU ] tutto quello che io vi devo fare? è già stato scritto in Apocalisse!
perché la Comunità internazionale non è riuscita a fermare i terroristi, e la RUSSIA ci è riuscita in pochi mesi? È CHIARO: È LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CHE SONO I TERRORISTI ISLAMICI! E QUESTO ARTICOLO LO DIMOSTRA! SONO TUTTI ATTI DI DEPISTAGGIO, E DI DISSIMULAZIONE, PER INGANNARE LA OPINIONE PUBBLICA! NON SI È VOLUTO COLPIRE ISIS INTENZIONALMENTE, PER OTTENERE IL GENOCIDIO DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI, E SOLTANTO, SECONDARIAMENTE, LO SI È FATTO PER DANNEGGIARE GLI SCIITI! E POICHÉ, TUTTE LE ARMI E I FINANZIAMENTI DI USA SONO PASSATI AD ISIS? POI, È proprio ONU IL PIÙ GRANDE TERRORISTA DEL MONDO! ISTANBUL, 12 APR - Almeno 6 persone sono rimaste ferite stamani nella provincia di confine turca di Kilis da 3 colpi di mortaio sparati da zone del nord della Siria sotto il controllo dell'Isis. Lo ha reso noto il governatore locale, Suleyman Tapsiz, secondo cui 3 dei colpiti sono in gravi condizioni. Ieri altri 5 razzi katiuscia, sparati sempre dalla Siria, avevano raggiunta la stessa zona, ferendo 12 persone. L'esercito di Ankara aveva risposto al fuoco secondo le regole d'ingaggio, come sempre in caso di attacchi simili.
La mamma di Regeni: "Grazie per avere adottato il mio Giulio" ] NON ESISTE UNA VERITÀ ALTERNATIVA: ARABIA SAUDITA su mandato USA, CONTROLLA EGITTO COME OGNI ALTRO GOVERNO DELLA LEGA ARABA, .. ORA, Israele e il GENERE UMANO? devono TREMARE! Un commentatore di spicco del più diffuso Al Ahram ha velatamente attaccato il dicastero in prima linea nelle indagini ("perché il ministro dell'Interno non parla del funzionamento del suo ministero?"). Il concorrente Al-Akhbar invece ha sostenuto che la tortura a morte del giovane ricercatore friulano è "un crimine perpetrato da cospiratori che vogliono nuocere alle relazioni italo-egiziane".
QUANDO LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE, ONU, cioè, tutti i DIRITTI umani UNIVERSALI di Talmud SpA FED SATANA NWO, HA DECISO CHE: TURCHIA E ARABIA SAUDITA: AVREBBERO AVUTO IL DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, DI POTER AGGREDIRE LE NAZIONI, ATTRAVERSO, IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO? VERRÀ IL GIORNO CHE, TUTTI VOI COMPARIRETE TUTTI A RISPONDERE DEI VOSTRI DELITTI DAVANTI AL MIO TRIBUNALE! ] [ Siria: continua flusso armi e militanti al Nusra attraverso confine turco. 12.04.2016. Siria, Stato Maggiore russo: continua flusso armi e militanti aL-Nusra attraverso confine turco. Il flusso di armi e militanti di rinforzo del gruppo terroristico al-Nusra continua attraverso il confine turco-siriano, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti. "Nonostante i progressi nell'attuazione del regime di cessate il fuoco, le forniture di armi e militanti dalla parte turca del confine, continuano a rafforzare i terroristi Nusra, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti", ha detto Sergei Rudskoy, capo della principale direzione operativa dello Stato Maggiore russo.Lo ha affermato lo Stato Maggiore russo. Il regime di cessate il fuoco mediato è entrata in vigore il 27 febbraio.
COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI! tutti quelli che vanno nei paradisi fiscali sono evasori! QUINDI PERCHÉ CI VA IL FONDO MONETARIO INTERNAZIONALE, A RICICLARE TUTTI I PROVENTI DEL SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO? L'OBIETTIVO DI SOROS ERA QUELLO DI DISTRUGGERE I PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN UK, PER CONCENTRARE TUTTE LE RICCHEZZE NEI PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN USA! ] MA, IO NON SO QUESTI: PUGNALATORI DI ALLEATI DEL CAZ*O, QUESTI FARISEI TALMUD LUCIFERINI, CHE TIPO DI CAZ*OINCULO POSSONO RICEVERE ADESSO dai loro ex-alleati UK! [ "Complimenti signor premier — ha attaccato nel corso di un acceso dibattito Jeremy Corbin — lei è un maestro di mistificazione della realtà, ma la gente è esasperata dall'evasione fiscale dopo sei anni di austerità". Panama Papers, la difesa di Cameron. 12.04.2016. Il primo ministro britannico alla Camera dei Comuni: false le accuse contro mio padre. Ora maggiore contrasto all'evasione internazionale. Corbin: da Cameron mistificazione della realtà. COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI!
Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
Regeni: la madre, grazie per aver adottato il mio Giulio
Regeni 'non è caso isolato', 15 desaparecidos recenti
Regeni: Massari, l'ambasciatore in prima linea per la verità
Regeni: famiglia amareggiata, "Italia non si fermi"
Su Regeni è crisi diplomatica tra Italia e Egitto
Regeni: ecco le misure in mano all'Italia
Regeni, Renzi: 'A fianco dei pm, non consentiremo di svicolare'
Caso Regeni: Italia-Egitto, tra verità e depistaggi
Caso Regeni, il comunicato della Procura dopo il vertice Italia-Egitto
Caso Regeni: l'Italia pronta a nuove misure, l'Egitto 'irritato'
Regeni: fallito vertice magistrati Italia-Egitto
VIDEOCaso Regeni, 'dossier ancora incompleto'
Caso Regeni, "dossier ancora incompleto"
Investigatori romani al vertice Italia-Egitto su Regeni
Caso Regeni, vertice a Roma con inquirenti egiziani
FORSE QUESTO FILM VUOLE DIRE CHE: LE BANCHE SONO LA MAFIA PIÙ GRANDE, MA LA MAFIA CERCA IL POTERE, IL DENARO, MENTRE: NESSUNO PUÒ DIRE CHE LE NOSTRE BANCHE SONO UNA RELIGIONE: SONO IL SATANISMO CULTUALE, E COME, L'ALTARE DI SATANA È IL LORO CUORE! TALE È IL SATANISMO, esso NON CERCA IL POTERE E LA RICCHEZZA che, il NWO massonico regime Bildenberg HA GIÀ: di suo: IN MODO ASSOLUTO, in realtà, IL NWO È LUCIFERO, e LUI VUOLE TUTTE LE VOSTRE ANIME, tutti con LUI atterriti e disperati allo INFERNO: in attesa di essere disintegrati nel giorno del giudizio universale! quindi, QUESTA DELLA FED SPA FMI, È UNA GUERRA PER POSSEDERE LE ANIME, E DA QUESTO PUNTO DI VISTA, NONOSTANTE I LORO DELITTI ABERRANTI GLI ISLAMICI, SONO GLI UNICI CHE, STANNO FACENDO IL DOPPIO GIOCO CONTRO IL NWO: L'IMPERO DEL TALMUD DI ROTHSCHILD 322 BUSH! ] [ Servillo, un monaco contro le banche. Nel film, in odor di Cannes, anche Daniel Auteuil e Favino Servillo http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cultura/cinema/2016/04/11/servillo-monaco-contro-le-banche_66280d71-9734-4ce9-bd26-3a39910acd66.html 12 aprile 2016
è un film denuncia alla: Elio Petri e estetica alla: Paolo Sorrentino, arriva nelle sale il 21 aprile distribuito da 01 'Le confessioni', film contro le banche e il potere finanziario in odor di Cannes. ''Mi sembrava naturale proseguire sulle cose che mi assillano da sempre e fare una ricognizione sul potere e sull'economia oggi in crisi...''Voi avete un sistema perfetto: quello della mafia. Le banche come la mafia non devono dare conto a nessuno''. Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
QUALE PUÒ ESSERE L'OBIETTIVO DEI "FRATELLI MUSULMANI (I TERRORISTI)"? il genocidio di tutti i cristiani e di tutti gli ebrei in tutto il mondo: OVVIAMENTE! Ma, #Salman e #Rothschild non possono dire pubblicamente che: 1. il NWO è anche il CALIFFATO; e che, 2. questo genocidio si sta compiendo velocemente, ed anche in tempi molto rapidi! ] SI, È vero: #SALMAN VUOLE DARE UNA LEZIONE, PUNIZIONE a IRAN, ma, NON È NEI PROGETTI del loro Allah Rothschild SATANA, di fare il genocidio sistematico degli SCIITI, PERCHÉ QUESTI, conflitti, OMICIDI, di tipo CONFESSIONALe sono molto utili per la realizzazione del Califfato mondiale, cioè, FANNO SPARIRE molto velocemente, i dhimmi da TUTTO IL MONDO! SCIITI E SUNNITI SONO I DUE LATI DELLA MEDAGLIA PER LA REALIZZIONE DEL CALIFFATO MONDIALE: quindi non è seria la loro ostilità! 12/04/2016 - SAUDI ARABIA - EGYPT. Cairo and Riyadh: investments and territorial arrangements to counter Iran.
The Saudi king has made a "historic" five-day visit to Egypt, where he signed new trade agreements and proposed a peaceful future for Sunni nations. The Muslim Brotherhood unhappy: "We are being used to achieve political goals and then abandoned." Among the joint projects, a "bridge" across the Red Sea. 12/04/2016 - ARABIA SAUDITA – EGITTO. Cairo e Riyadh: investimenti e accordi territoriali per fare fronte contro l'Iran. Il re saudita ha compiuto una "storica" visita di cinque giorni in Egitto, dove ha siglato nuovi accordi commerciali e prospettato un futuro di pace alle nazioni sunnite. I Fratelli Musulmani scontenti: "Veniamo usati per raggiungere scopi politici e poi abbandonati". Fra i progetti congiunti, un "ponte" sul Mar rosso.
il bullismo islamico, non potrebbe esistere se: intenzionalmente, UE e USA non erano i 666 Talmud Farisei satanisti massoni: tutti usurai culto SpA FED: regime BILDENBERG, che stermineranno i popoli europei (in una guerra fratricida contro la Russia): ed annienteranno ogni presenza ebraico-cristiana nel mondo! ] MA, SE LA RUSSIA VIENE AGGREDITA? POI, LA ARABIA SAUDITA DIVENTERÀ IL LUOGO PIÙ RADIOATTIVO DI TUTTO IL PIANETA! 11/04/2016 - MALAYSIA. Sharia-compliant Rayani Air grounded for failing to follow aviation rules. Malaysian aviation authorities imposed a three-month suspension on the carrier for contravening “civil aviation regulations”. Launched in December, Rayani requires Muslim female crewmembers to wear the hijab, offers only halal food, and bans alcohol
11/04/2016. MALAYSIA. Malaysia, segue le regole della sharia ma non quelle civili: fermata la Rayani Air. Il Dipartimento dell’aviazione ha revocato la concessione di volo alla compagnia per tre mesi, per “contravvenzione alle regole”. Fondata a dicembre, la Rayani esige che le hostess musulmane indossino l’hijab, che i cibi serviti in volo siano halal e che il consumo di alcol sia vietato.
#sALMAN #ERDOGAN #Shaaria #ISLAMICI sono ladri stupratori terroristi pirati e assassini, perché, questa è la natura del loro satana Allah Akbar! 11/04/2016. BANGLADESH. Wife of Protestant minister raped to seize their land. The victim was attacked in her own home. Her screams attracted the attention of her husband, who prevented her murder. The four rapists are local thugs, well-known land grabbers. Police refuse to file the case until after local elections (not scheduled for many months). For Catholic activist, "This is totally immoral.” For her, police “are working for the criminals and violating human rights.”
Bangladesh, vogliono rubarle la terra: stuprata la moglie di un pastore protestante. La donna è stata aggredita nella propria abitazione e le sue urla hanno attirato l’attenzione del marito, che ne ha impedito l’uccisione. I quattro stupratori sono malviventi locali, noti per essere influenti espropriatori di terreni. La polizia ha rifiutato di registrare il caso, almeno fino al termine delle elezioni locali (tra diversi mesi). Attivista cattolica: “Questo è del tutto immorale. La polizia è connivente e viola i diritti umani”.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
#Obama, se, noi diaciamo che: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!" poi, noi giustamente, noi saremo puniti! Ma, se Erdogan dice: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!", e sua moglie dice: "l'HAREM è una buona esperienza per imparare ad essere donne!" POI, NOI A QUESTE BESTIE, LE FACCIAMO ENTRARE, anche in EUROPA: perché quella è la loro cultura e noi non possiamo essere islamofobici. TRA LA NOSTRA COLPA, che diventa una VIRTÙ ISLAMICa: voi del relativismo e del pratito democratico: voi QUANTI MILIONI DI MARTIRI CRISTIANI, voi mi avete UCCISO IN QUESTI 30NNI?
#SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] tu hai detto, che le donne che guidano la macchina da sole, sono le prede del diavolo! Ma se tu ti prendi 4 mogli, e poi, non le riesci a soddisfare tutte sessualmente? poi, la preda del demonio? sei proprio tu!
Arizona: Muslim family that beat teenage girl and padlocked her to a bed for talking to a boy spared jail time
Altameemis.JPGMa, pa and sis: Unlawful imprisonment, disorderly conduct and assault
Of course. To have put them in jail would have been "Islamophobic."
"Iraqis spared jail time in Arizona for abusing female relative," by David Schwartz for Reuters, November 7 (thanks to Pedro):
Members of an Iraqi family in Arizona who beat a teenage relative and padlocked her to a bed after she violated their traditional values by chatting to a male friend were spared jail time in a plea deal approved by a county judge on Tuesday. In exchange for a guilty plea, Yusra Farhan, 51, was sentenced to two years probation on a charge of unlawful imprisonment of her daughter, 19-year-old Aiya Altameemi, at the family’s Phoenix home in February, court officials said.
The young woman’s father, Mohammed Altameemi, also received two years probation for disorderly conduct, and her 18-year-old sister, Tabarak Altameemi, received an identical sentence for assault, officials said.
Prosecutors said the incident started when Aiya was spotted leaving her high school with a young man. The father and younger daughter Tabarak confronted the young woman.
Police said Mohammed Altameemi became angry and took her home, striking her several times. Mother Farhan and daughter Tabarak also admitted to tying her to a bed with a rope around her waist that was secured with a padlock and beat her, according to court records.
Farhan told police she hit her daughter because she “was speaking to a male subject and her Iraq culture states a female is not allowed to be having contact with males because females are not allowed to have boyfriends,” court records said.
Aiya told school officials about the incident two days later and explained that “her family is trying to protect her and they want her to be a virgin for an arranged marriage,” according to court documents.
A county attorney spokesman declined comment on the sentence. Attorneys for the young woman’s family members could not be reached for comment.
This is the latest high-profile violence case in Arizona involving an Iraqi immigrant. In April 2011, Faleh Hassan Almaleki received 34 1/2 years in prison for running down his 20-year-old daughter in a Phoenix parking lot in what was described as an “honor killing.”
The [Hamas-linked] Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington, D.C., has said such cases are isolated instances that occur sporadically and are widely chastised by the American Muslim community.
Of course! But they have done nothing to try to keep these "isolated instances" from happening again.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 3:31 PM | 11 Comments
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Playboy-turned-Islamic supremacist Imran Khan threatens more Mumbai-style jihad massacres unless India surrenders Kashmir to Pakistan
The threat is clear. "Unless Kashmir issue is solved, Mumbai-like attacks always a possibility: Imran Khan," from the Press Trust of India, November 7 (thanks to S.B.):
Gurgaon: Pakistani cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan on Wednesday said time was up for trying to solve India-Pakistan issues through "militancy and militarily" but asserted that unless Kashmir issue was resolved, there was "always a possibility" of Mumbai-like attacks. Khan, chief of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, also said if his party comes to power, he will not allow terrorism against India to originate from his country's soil. Addressing a World Economic Forum meeting, he said while improvement in bilateral trade was welcome, the issue of Jammu and Kashmir must also progress on a parallel line. Terming a solution to the Kashmir issue as "vital", he said "trade, connections, along with cricket matches will help. At the same time, we should develop some sort of a roadmap to resolve Kashmir issue, which is vital".
"Because unless we operate on both plains, there is always a possibility, as it happened, relationships were improving, confidence building measures, cricket matches, people-to-people contacts, and then came Mumbai." Stressing the need for a "new relationship", he said "no more trying to resolve our problems through militancy and military but through politics. It should be two-pronged. One to normalise, open up relationships with trade on one side and then start a dialogue on Kashmir."
The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief assured if his party would come to power, he would not allow terrorism against India to originate....
Yeah, sure.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 3:30 PM | 5 Comments
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Portland, Oregon: Prosecutors of would-be jihad mass murderer ask permission to use the word "jihad"
It is astounding, and indicative of just how much the public discourse has degenerated, that this is even an issue. Mohamud used the word "jihad," but prosecutors have to ask if they can please characterize his motives and goals accurately, at his trial.
"'Terrorist,' 'violent jihad' among words prosecutors want to use in Portland terrorism trial," by Nigel Duara for the Associated Press, November 7:
PORTLAND, Ore. — Prosecutors want to call an Oregon man a terrorist while referring to violent jihad and martyrdom, words his defense attorneys have asked a federal judge to forbid. Federal prosecutors preparing for the January trial of Mohamed Mohamud said in a motion filed Tuesday that the court should let them use the terms because they accurately characterize Mohamud's "conduct and the nature of his case."
Assistant U.S. Attorney Ethan Knight notes in the motion that Mohamud himself allegedly used the terms "terrorism" and "jihad" when speaking with undercover agents, though records of such conversations have not yet been made public.
Knight also seeks to refer to Mohamud's occasional dispatches for the jihadist magazine "Jihad Recollections," reports that Mohamud's attorneys say are protected speech done while Mohamud, 21, was a minor.
Mohamud is accused of conspiring with men he believed were Islamic radicals to detonate a car bomb near a 2010 Portland Christmas tree-lighting ceremony. The bomb was a fake provided by the government and the men were undercover agents.
Defense attorneys Steve Sady and Steve Wax argued in a motion that such words will "blur and dilute the specific elements of the offense and distort the facts of the case."...
Distort the facts? That's what Sady and Wax are trying to do, not anyone else. But their obfuscation is accepted practice and prescribed wisdom, so they will probably win the day.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 2:57 PM | 2 Comments
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Political prisoner in Obama's U.S.: Muhammad filmmaker gets one year in prison
Mark Basseley Youssef may be a scoundrel and a liar. His movie may be hideous and false. He may have violated his probation. But there are probation violators all over the country today, roaming free after getting a slap on the wrist for their probation violation. The probation violation is a pretext. Youssef's imprisonment is for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. Obama is trying to appease the Muslims who rioted and killed over the video, and to do what he can against the freedom of speech now, until such time as he can get "hate speech" laws in place that will enable him to finish the job.
"Calif. man behind anti-Muslim film gets prison," by Greg Risling for the Associated Press, November 7 (thanks to all who sent this in):
LOS ANGELES (AP) - The California man behind an anti-Muslim film that roiled the Middle East was sentenced Wednesday to a year in prison for violating his probation stemming from a 2010 bank fraud conviction by lying about his identity. U.S. District Court Judge Christina Snyder immediately sentenced Mark Basseley Youssef after he admitted to four of the eight alleged violations, including obtaining a fraudulent California driver's license. Prosecutors agreed to drop the other four allegations under an agreement with Youssef's attorneys, which also included more probation.
None of the violations had to do with the content of "Innocence of Muslims," a film that depicts Mohammad as a religious fraud, pedophile and womanizer.
However, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Dugdale argued Youseff's lies about his identity have caused harm to others, including the film's cast and crew. The movie sparked violence in the Middle East, killing dozens.
"They had no idea he was a recently released felon," Dugdale said Wednesday. "Had they known that, they might have had second thoughts" about being part of the film.
Youssef's attorney Steven Seiden said his client admits to being the film's scriptwriter but had no other involvement except what he described as being a "cultural adviser."
Youssef, 55, was arrested in late September, just weeks after he went into hiding when the deadly violence erupted in the Middle East.
Enraged Muslims had demanded severe punishment for Youssef, with a Pakistani cabinet minister even offering $100,000 to anyone who kills him.
Federal authorities initially sought a two-year sentence for Youssef but settled on a one-year term after negotiating a deal with Youssef's attorneys. Prosecutors said they wouldn't pursue new charges against Yousseff - namely making false statements - and would drop the remaining four probation-violation allegations leveled against him. But Youssef was placed on four years' probation and must be truthful about his identity and his future finances.
Seiden asked that his client be placed under home confinement, but Snyder denied that request. Youssef will spend his time behind bars at a Southern California prison.
Youssef served most of his 21-month prison sentence for using more than a dozen aliases and opening about 60 bank accounts to conduct a check fraud scheme, prosecutors said.
After he was released from prison, Youssef was barred from using computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer....
After the hearing, Seiden told reporters he had a message to relay from his client.
"The one thing he wanted me to tell all of you is President Obama may have gotten Osama bin Laden, but he didn't kill the ideology," Seiden said.
Asked what that meant, Seiden said, "I didn't ask him, and I don't know."
Of course you don't.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 1:49 PM | 6 Comments
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"Arab Spring" Egypt: Muslims seize Church land in Cairo to hit back at new Pope's anti-Sharia remarks
Pope Tawadros need not be concerned. Imam Rauf and so many others assure us that Sharia is benign and tolerant, and completely compatible with Western values. He must be some kind of greasy Islamophobe. "Salafists seize Church land in Cairo to hit back at new patriarch," from AsiaNews, November 7:
Cairo (AsiaNews) - "By seizing land that belongs to the Diocese of Shubra al-Kheima, Salafists are sending a warning to the new Coptic patriarch, Tawadros II," said Rafic Greiche. Speaking to AsiaNews, the clergyman, who is the spokesman of the Egyptian Catholic Church, explained that with such action Muslim extremists want to intimidate Shenouda III's successor because of his statement against the inclusion of Sharia in Egypt's future constitution. On Monday night, about a hundred of Muslim extremists wielding sticks and rods seized land near the S. Mina Church in Shubra al-Kheima, in the centre of Cairo. With police standing idly by, the Islamists occupied the parcel of land for more than a day and put up a sign bearing the words 'Al-Rahma Mosque'. Only this morning did law enforcement moved in after Church authorities informed the Interior Ministry.
The diocese is headed by Bishop Antonius Morcos, who is Coptic Church media point man as well as new patriarch's spokesman.
"Such an action is nothing new in Egypt, but this is the first time that extremists directly go after a high-profile Coptic prelate," Fr Greiche said.
In a statement issued yesterday Patriarch Tawadros II criticised the Islamist stranglehold on the constituent assembly, saying that the Coptic Orthodox Church would oppose any step taken by the constituent assembly to impose Islamic law on the country....
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 1:23 PM | 3 Comments
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Denmark: Muslim majority in local board cancels decades-old Christmas tradition, finances Eid party with 10,000 USD
The final remark about a "lack of tolerance and inclusiveness from the new majority" is probably the most important. Translated by Nicolai Sennels, dr.dk "Muslims cancel Christmas celebration in housing area":
The housing area Egedalsvænge in Kokkedal, Denmark, will not have a Christmas tree with lights this year. A small Muslim majority in the Egedalsvænge Board has refused to spend money on the Christmas tree a few days after a big Eid celebration.... For decades it has been a tradition to have a Christmas tree with lights in the area between the buildings throughout the month of December. But now a majority in the Chamber Board refused to spend the approximately 1,000 dollars that a Christmas tree with lights costs.
The decision has attracted much attention since it was made three days after a big Islamic Eid party in Egedalsvænge. A mobile play ground, bungee jumping and a climbing wall was rented to make the Muslim celebration attractive for children and adults, and this event the Board had agreed to finance with appr. 10,000 dollars.
Although the small majority in the Chamber Board of Directors was democratically elected at the general meeting in September, the new course has surprised many. It is a sign of a lack of tolerance and inclusiveness from the new majority in the fund's board of directors, says one person from the Egedalsvænge, where many refuse to talk to the media.
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on November 7, 2012 1:14 PM | 7 Comments
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Zawahiri: Benghazi jihad attack signifies American weakness
"Al Qaeda Leader Zawahiri: Benghazi Attack Signifies American Weakness," by Tiffany Gabbay for The Blaze, November 7 (thanks to all who sent this in):
Following quickly on the heels of the U.S. presidential election, al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri proclaimed that the terror attack against the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghaz indicates that American “awe is lost” in the region. In an audio message addressed to the Somali jihadist group, al-Shabaab, Zawahiri said American influence in the region is floundering due to weakness. “They were defeated in Iraq and they are withdrawing from Afghanistan and their ambassador in Benghazi was killed and the flags of their embassies were lowered in Cairo and Sanaa (Yemen),” a translation the militant’s message reads in the Long War Journal.
“Their awe is lost and their might is gone and they don’t dare to carry out a new campaign like their past ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.”...
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 12:38 PM | 1 Comment
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Raymond Ibrahim: Muhammad, the Sexual Superman
Over at FrontPage Mag (via RaymondIbrahim.com), I discuss the supernatural libido attributed to the prophet of Islam and what that says about Islam:
Apparently the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, was something of a sexual superman—indeed, possessing the sexual appetite and potency of 4,000 mortal men. According to Islam’s most trusted and traditional sources, the story is as follows: Muhammad used to visit and have sex with his nine wives in a single hour (other accounts indicate 11 wives in a single hour). This averages to about six minutes per wife (not counting traveling time from tent to tent). When one of Muhammad’s companions wondered at the prophet’s superhuman feats of libido and speed, another companion, the famous Anas, responded that the prophet had the potency of 40 men.
This account was deemed authentic enough to include in Sahih Bukhari—the most canonical hadith collection, second in authority only to the Quran itself—meaning that mainstream Islam accepts it as fact.
But alas, the matter doesn’t just end there.
Another, more fabulous, account says that Muhammad had the strength of 40 “heavenly men”—each of whom are said to have the strength of 100 mortal men. Strength for what, exactly? In the words of Islam’s prophet, “a [heavenly] man will be given the strength of a hundred men to eat, drink, feel desire [i.e., libido], and have sexual intercourse.”
Thus, according to Islam, when he was alive on earth, Muhammad had the sexual lust and potency of 40 “heavenly men,” which is equivalent to 4,000 mortal men.
Lest the reader think all this a joke (or a “hoax”), here is a video of popular Muslim preacher Sheikh Mahmoud al-Misri confirming all the above...
Continue reading.
Posted by Raymond on November 7, 2012 12:30 PM | 12 Comments
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What we have to look forward to
My column that ran Monday at Atlas Shrugs sums up some of what we will see over the next four years:
Can America afford four more years of Barack Obama as President of the United States? In the most literal terms, probably not: his reckless deficit spending can’t be sustained indefinitely, and as he has campaigned on a platform of more free goodies for everyone, it won’t be much longer before the gravy train runs out. Meanwhile, his relentless class warfare rhetoric has sown the seeds of civil discord for years to come. But even worse could be in store for us if Obama is reelected. Now that pro-Sharia Islamic supremacist regimes are installed, thanks to Barack Obama, in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya, the oppression of women and non-Muslims is certain to escalate in those countries. They are also certain only to grow in their anti-Americanism, and may try to unite in an attempt to restore the caliphate, which will only bring more bloodshed and strife to the region. And since the caliph is the only one authorized (and required) in Islamic law to wage offensive jihad against Infidels, if they succeed in choosing one, the result will not be happy for America and the West.
Nor is it likely to be for Israel. Many elements within the new Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt have already signaled their readiness to jettison the Camp David Accords and start another war with Israel. For states based on Islamic law, which designates the Jews the worst enemies of the Muslims (cf. Qur’an 5:82), such a war becomes a religious imperative. Obama’s unremitting hostility toward Israel has only made the prospect of war with Israel more attractive for Iran, Hizballah, Hamas, and Israel’s other jihadist enemies, for they see the United States as no longer unconditionally committed to Israel’s defense – despite Obama’s Zionist act during the third debate.
If Obama is reelected, America’s relationship with Israel will continue to deteriorate, and Iran will continue to sneer at his “crippling sanctions” while rushing to develop nuclear weapons, which it will almost certainly use to attempt to destroy Israel. Obama’s refusal to back the 2009 uprisings against the Iranian regime will thus bear its bitterest fruit of all.
And in Afghanistan, our troops will remain until at least 2014 with no definition of victory and no clear mission, at the mercy of their Afghan “allies” who use them for target practice on an increasingly frequent basis. And what are we fighting for? The Karzai regime? Against whom? The Taliban? Yet the Karzai has repeatedly asked the Taliban to join the government and put up candidates for elected office. So why are we fighting against the Taliban? For them to join the Afghan government would be, as Pamela Geller has pointed out, like Hitler running for office in Germany in 1946, had he survived the war. The invitation only serves to point up the bloody futility and counterproductive character of our military presence in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, on the home front the official denial about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat will continue, with training material for the FBI and Department of Homeland Security required to retail politically correct fictions about Islam and jihad rather than anything that could give law enforcements a comprehensive and correct understanding of the threat that faces us. This will leave the nation in ever-increasing danger of being blindsided by a jihad attack that could have been prevented had a willful ignorance about the motives and goals of jihadists not been enforced by officials at the highest level. Once those officials are torn away from their preoccupation with “right wing extremism” back to reality, it could be too late.
Continuing also will be the Obama Administration’s war against the freedom of speech. His signing on to the UN’s Resolution 16/18, calling for criminalization of “incitement to religious hatred,” was a telling indication of the direction he has consistently taken. For who will judge what constitutes “religious hatred”? Truthful speech about Islam and jihad is almost certain to be included under this rubric, and truth will be no defense. Obama’s rush to blame the Muhammad video for the jihad attack on our consulate in Benghazi is just the latest indication of how anxious he is to throw the freedom of speech under the bus. Expect an Obama second term to enact “hate speech” laws that will make enunciating the truth about the jihad threat a criminal offense.
We are also certain to see, if Obama is reelected tomorrow, more pressure from his Justice Department on American businesses and educational institutions to provide special accommodation and privileges for Muslims. Last year Obama’s DoJ forced a Chicago-area school district to pay a Muslim teacher, Safoorah Khan, $75,000 in back pay, fees and damages for not giving her three weeks off during the school year so she could make the hajj. Second-term Muslim accommodation suits are likely to dwarf that amount, and in the process do serious damage to the American principle of equality of rights for all.
And the jihad plots against the U.S. will continue as well. Although he was ballyhooed as the man who understood Islam and the Muslim world, and would finally bridge the ever widening gap between Muslim countries and the West, Obama has instead presided over increasing tensions, increasing dangers, increasing hatred and belligerence from emboldened Islamic jihadists.
And if Barack Obama is President of the United States for the next four years, they will just get bolder still.
@ISRAELE -- se non poni fine oggi stesso, a questo orrore islamico, certamente, presto sarà, il tuo turno! #Pakistan: #kamikaze in chiesa, 56 morti, Durante la messa a #Peshawar [Kenya: #centro commerciale, almeno 59 morti, Croce Rossa, oltre 200 feriti] [ Damasco, esplode una mina nel territorio dell'ambasciata russa ] Secondo informazioni dei #mass media, un proiettile di mortaio è esploso nel territorio dell'ambasciata della #Russia a #Damasco, due persone sono leggermente ferite dai frammenti dei sassi, volati sul luogo dell'esplosione. Intanto #ambasciata russa, a Damasco non conferma l'informazione. "L'ambasciata lavora in regime di normalità", ha comunicato la missione #diplomatica ai #giornalisti. "Ci sono prove testimoniali, delle monache di un #monastero cristiano e dei giornalisti, che hanno visitato il luogo dell'eventuale attacco #chimico nei pressi di Damasco,
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 32 secondi fa
@ISRAELE -- se non poni fine oggi stesso, a questo orrore islamico, certamente, presto sarà, il tuo turno! #Pakistan: #kamikaze in chiesa, 56 morti, Durante la messa a #Peshawar [Kenya:centro commerciale, almeno 59 morti, #Croce Rossa, oltre 200 feriti] [ #Damasco, esplode una mina nel territorio dell'ambasciata russa ] ottenendo informazioni dai guerriglieri che dall'estero hanno ricevuto la fornitura di alcuni proiettili che non hanno mai visto e che non sapevano usare, ma alla fine li hanno usati", ha raccontato nell'intervista ai giornalisti russi il ministro degli #Esteri #russo #Serghej Lavrov. Ha ricordato che la #Russia più di una volta ha messo in evidenza i fatti che parlavano di complicità negli attacchi chimici in Siria dei guerriglieri ed inoltre che tali incidenti potrebbero essere falsificati. [I #guerriglieri siriani, #JIHADISTI, hanno riconosciuto la consegna delle #munizioni, DI #ARMI CHIMICHE, dall'estero
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 minuto fa
@#ISRAELE -- se non poni fine oggi stesso, a questo orrore islamico, certamente, presto sarà, il tuo turno! #Pakistan: #kamikaze in chiesa, 56 morti, Durante la messa a #Peshawar [#Kenya:centro commerciale, almeno 59 morti, Croce Rossa, oltre 200 feriti] [ #Damasco, esplode una mina nel territorio dell'ambasciata russa ] dall'estero] [La Russia è disponibile a garantire la sicurezza degli esperti dell'ONU in Siria] La Russia è disponibile a fornire propri militari e poliziotti per garantire la sicurezza del lavoro degli esperti #ONU in #Siria, ha dichiarato nell'intervista ai giornalisti russi, il ministro degli #Affari Esteri della #Russia #Serghej Lavrov. "Non penso che sia necessario introdurre grandi contingenti. Basteranno gli osservatori militari", ha aggiunto #Lavrov. Intanto ha evidenziato che gli osservatori militari devono rappresentare tutti i membri del #CS, #ONU, #Paesi arabi e #Turchia.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 minuto fa
@ISRAELE -- se non poni fine oggi stesso, a questo orrore #islamico, certamente, presto sarà, il tuo turno! #Pakistan: #kamikaze in chiesa, 56 morti, Durante la messa a Peshawar [#Kenya:centro commerciale, almeno, 59 morti, #Croce Rossa, oltre 200 feriti] [ #Damasco, esplode una mina nel territorio della #ambasciata russa ] Inoltre il diplomatico ha dichiarato che la #Russia non è garante del #disarmo chimico in Siria. "Il #garante dell'esecuzione dalla #Siria dei suoi impegni per la #Convenzione sulle# armi chimiche è tutta la #comunità internazionale", ha sottolineato il ministro russo.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 29 minuti fa
@#BEnjamin NEtanyahu --- che, colpa, avevano queste persone innocenti? se, tu non fai qualcosa, di concreto, per loro, subito, contro, quel maiale, che, è #Arabia Saudita? tu diventerai responsabile, della loro sofferenza! [Esplora il significato del termine: #Pakistan, attacchi simultanei in una chiesa «Usati 8 chili di esplosivo», almeno 55 morti Kamikaze in azione durante la #messa della #domenica. Almeno cento i feriti, la maggior parte è in gravi condizioni] #Pakistan, attacchi simultanei in una #chiesa,«Usati 8 chili di #esplosivo», almeno 55 morti, Kamikaze in azione durante la messa della domenica. Almeno cento i feriti, la maggior parte è in gravi condizioni .. [Esplora il significato del termine: CRISTIANI PERSEGUITATI - I cristiani in #Pakistan sono il 4% della popolazione e sono stati spesso al centro degli attacchi degli islamici, la maggior parte dei 180 milioni di pakistani.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 30 minuti fa
@BEnjamin NEtanyahu --- che, colpa, avevano queste persone innocenti? se, tu non fai qualcosa, di concreto, per loro, subito, contro, quel maiale, che, è nell'Arabia Saudita? tu diventerai responsabile, della loro sofferenza! Essere cristiani, così come seguire altre religioni minoritarie nel Paese, è considerato un peccato di blasfemia. A marzo una folla di estremisti islamici aveva dato fuoco a un centinaio di abitazioni di cristiani nella Joseph Colony di Lahore mentre l'anno scorso aveva suscitato sdegno e polemiche la notizia di una bimba cristiana di 11 anni, down, arrestata per blasfemia.] #CRISTIANI PERSEGUITATI - I cristiani in #Pakistan sono il 4% della popolazione e sono stati spesso al centro degli attacchi degli #islamici, PER, la maggior parte dei 180 milioni di pakistani.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 31 minuti fa
@BEnjamin NEtanyahu --- che, colpa, avevano queste persone innocenti? se, tu non fai qualcosa, di concreto, per loro, subito, contro, quel maiale, che, è nell'Arabia Saudita? tu diventerai responsabile, della loro sofferenza! Essere cristiani, così come seguire altre religioni minoritarie nel Paese, è considerato un peccato di blasfemia. A marzo una folla di estremisti islamici aveva dato fuoco a un centinaio di abitazioni di cristiani nella Joseph Colony di Lahore mentre l'anno scorso aveva suscitato sdegno e polemiche la notizia di una bimba cristiana di 11 anni, down, arrestata per blasfemia. [an error 666, #DATAGATE, occurred while processing this directive]] #Pakistan, doppio attacco ai cristiani[an error occurred while processing this directive]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 44 minuti fa
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- nous devons faire les tueurs, de tous charia nazi, l'impérialisme califat mondial, avec des armes nucléaires, même aujourd'hui, contre les 50 nations islamiques, c'est la seule chance que vous avez d'être en mesure de sauver Israël, sauve-toi, et économisez monde, c'est pourquoi, peut-être imminent, guerre mondiale. --- we must to do the killers, all of sharia nazi, imperialism worldwide caliphate, with nuclear weapons, same today, against, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being Able to save Israel, save yourself, and save world, is why, can be imminent, world war.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
@ Sharia Abu Antar, for dhimmis slaves - asshole! Simonino the saints, that, you have killed and enslaved, on all over the world, every day? and the holy Simonine girls, that you raped, because, Christian boys, then, do not have, no any, can marry, etc. .. I can not count! and, then, I've downloaded all the sins, of the Jews, on the shoulders, of the Pharisees, Anglo-Americans, Illuminati, IMF, 666, JaBullOn, god owl, at Bohemian Grove, World Bank, and, I turned, all of them criminals masonry, in scapegoats, such as, food, Belzebull in desert! ... and, if I can not able, to redeem, the bitch of Israel? like, I may be able to redeem, all other peoples? I'm Unius REI .. I'm born to do a clean job, and you instead of the caliphate sharia imperialism, you were forcing me, to do a dirty job!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 ora fa
@Abu sharia Antar, for dhimmis slaves -- i santi Simonino, che, voi ammazzate e schiavizzate, in tutto il mondo, ogni giorno? e, le sante Simonine, che, voi stuprate, perché, i ragazzi cristiani, poi, non hanno nessuno, da poter sposare, ecc.. non si possono contare! e poi, io ho scaricato, tutti i peccati degli ebrei, sulle spalle, dei farisei, anglo-americani, Illuminati, FMI, Banca Mondiale, ed io ho trasformato, tutti loro, in capri espiatori, come, cibo, per Belzebull, nel deserto! ... e se, io non riesco, a redimere, quella, puttana di Israele? come, io posso riuscire a redimere, tutti gli altri popoli? io sono Unius REI.. io sono sorto, per fare, un lavoro pulito, ed invece voi del califfato sharia imperialismo, state costringendo me, a fare un lavoro sporco!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 ore fa
[[se, ti fai ammare? non, piangerò per te!]] @ISRAELE-- SE TI COLPISCONO, CON MISSILI BALISTICI, contemporaneamente, ANCHE, DA UN ALTRA NAZIONE, DI PARANOICI ISLAMICI? TUTTA LA TUA TECNOLOGIA, militare, SARÀ INUTILE, TU COLLASSERAI! [#Iran, mostra 30 #missili balistici, possono colpire Israele] Per la prima volta, il regime fa vedere, un così alto numero di missili, con una gittata di 2mila chilometri. Rohani: "L'Occidente riconosca il nostro diritto al nucleare" #TEHERAN - L'Iran ha presentato, 30 #missili balistici di tipo #Sejil, e #Ghadr con una gittata di 2.000km, durante una parata militare annuale. Già in passato era stato segnalato, che, esperti occidentali ritengono che l'Iran disponesse di almeno diverse decine di missili balistici, a medio raggio (1.000-3.000 km)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 ore fa
[[se, ti fai ammare? non, piangerò per te!]] #Shahab 3, et, #Sejil 2, capaci di colpire Israele, od, obiettivi americani, in #Medio Oriente. Intanto, il presidente, #Hassan Rohani si rivolge a Stati Uniti ed Europa. "L'Occidente - ha detto il presidente iraniano, Hassan #Rohani - deve riconoscere, tutti i diritti della nazione iraniana, inclusi quelli al nucleare e all'arricchimento dell'uranio, sul suo territorio, nel quadro delle regole internazionali". --ANSWER-- @#ISRAELE-- SE TI COLPISCONO, CON #MISSILI #BALISTICI, contemporaneamente, ANCHE, DA UN ALTRA NAZIONE, DI #PARANOICI ISLAMICI? TUTTA LA TUA #TECNOLOGIA, #militare, SARÀ INUTILE, TU #COLLASSERAI! [[se, ti fai ammare? non, piangerò per te!]]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 ore fa
@Israele -- tu vuoi avere una dimostrazione, della, AI, cioè, della intelligenza artificiale, aliena, che, vive in google 666? LA "CAPTCHA" usata nell'ultimo articolo, è stata: sectaregn (regno del settarismo) /// Pakistan, strage in una chiesa. TGCOM, - 6 minuti fa. 10:22 - Ennesima strage di cristiani, questa volta in Pakistan, dove un kamikaze, si è fatto esplodere all'interno di una chiesa, durante la funzione domenicale, a Khoati Bazaar a Peshawar, in Pakistan, uccidendone, 25 persone e ferendone, una trentina. Iraq. Giornata di sangue per gli sciiti: decine di morti, in attentati. euronews,- 1 ora fa// Almeno 65 morti e 120 feriti in due attentati in Iraq. Obiettivo i quartieri a maggioranza sciita di Baghdad: Sadr city e Ur. La prima autobomba è scoppiata, vicino alla tenda, in cui si stava svolgendo, un funerale. Secondo una modalità ormai classica, un secondo ...
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 ore fa
1. In Iraq 16 vittime in un attentato a Samarra, 2. In Yemen oltre 50 vittime tra le forze di sicurezza in un attentato terroristico, 3. Siria, esploso un autobus, 19 vittime, Serie di attentati in Iraq: 3 vittime --answer -- @my JHWH -- se è per il cinismo?, quello, dei salafiti, non, si lascia superare, in malvagità, dai loro fratellastri, i farisei anglo-americani, Spa, OGM per morgellons, datagate, esoteric agenda!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 2 ore fa
@my JHWH -- con youtube? non abbiamo avuto problemi, ci ha pensato, Spa, FMI, Rothschild, 666, e, #NWO, DATAGATE, Bush 322, a distruggerlo, per tentare di fermare il mio ministero! lol. [[ Fuga da Facebook e "igiene" nella rete Undici milioni di utenti hanno cancellato le loro pagine dal network Facebook. Stando ai sondaggi, circa una metà degli stessi ha spiegato le proprie azioni con i timori per la garanzia della privacy nella rete. Da spinta per l'eliminazione degli account è servita la recente notizia sulla sorveglianza condotta nell'Internet dall'Agenzia per la sicurezza nazionale (ASN) degli USA. → Facebook perde 11 milioni di utenti dopo le rivelazioni di Snowden, Facebook diffonde un virus sul web
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
[IL #SATANISMO #SAUDITA, #sharia, #Califfato, #Al-Qaida] 1. Guerra nel mall, a #Nairobi Commando ha ostaggi, Almeno 39 morti, e 150 feriti da #fondamentalisti somali. Cinque persone liberate nella notte. 2. #Kenya: #Croce Rossa, 43 morti e 20 feriti, Al #Westgate Mall un numero imprecisato di #ostaggi -- ANSWER --@kingsaudi arabia -- panarabismo Lega ARABA --- È LA TUA CORROTTA RELIGIONE, CHE, HA FATTO TUTTO QUESTO MALE, IL TUO SMISURaTO, DESIDERIO, DI POTERE E DI CONQUISTARE, IL MONDO, ATTRAVERSO, TUTTo, IL TERRORIMO, CHE, I FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI, TI PERMETTONO DI FARE, PERCHÉ, HANNO DISPERATAMENTE BISOGNO, PER IL LORO, #FMI, #BANCA MONDIALE, DELLA GUERRA MONDIALE. [ma, nella guerra mondiale? tu farai la fine di Hitler]
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
Cina, Bo Xilai condannato all'ergastolo. Ex segretario partito di Chongqing, era accusato di corruzione --- ANSWER -- @CINA-- ED ALLA EX-MOGLIE, COLPEVOLE, DI OMICIDIO, È ANDATA MEGLIO? imbecilli!!! non, esiste, una condanna all'ergastolo per corruzione! se, voi non smettete di fare i nazisti, che, fanno del male a persone pacifiche, innocenti, che, cercano il loro Dio, con pura coscienza, e pace? voi avrete dei grossi problemi, all'interno ed all'esterno, del partito! infatti, io colpirò, con l'inimicizia, le vostre relazioni interpersonali! e seminerò, il terrore nel vostro regime!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
22 settembre, 10:05. #Iran: assume controllo #centrale #Bushehr, #TEHERAN, Domani, #iran assumerà il controllo della centrale #nucleare civile di Bushehr costruita dai #russi nel sud del Paese. Lo ha annunciato #Ali Akbar Salehi, capo dell'Organizzazione #iranianA, #energia atomica, precisando, che "ancora per due anni, Bushehr resterà sotto garanzia russa con #esperti #russi sul posto". Bushehr è la prima e unica centrale atomica dell'Iran, il cui #programma nucleare, è sospettato di #finalità militari. --ANSWER --@#PUTIN--- ti rimprovera, lo #Spirito Santo, tu hai dato il #nucleare a coloro, che, #uccidono, e #torturano i tuoi #cristiani... tu soltanto, quindi, sarai il responsabile, per la #moRte dei tuoi #tecnici, tu porteri il peso, di tutto questo!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
22 settembre, 09:53, #Rohani, nostro diritto, #arricchire uranio. #TEHERAN, L'Occidente riconosca il diritto dell'Iran ad arricchire l'uranio sul suo territorio. "L'Occidente - ha detto il presidente iraniano #Hassan Rohani, deve riconoscere tutti i diritti, della nazione iraniana, inclusi quelli al nucleare, e all'arricchimento dell'uranio, sul suo territorio nel quadro, delle #regole internazionali". --ANSWER -- non c'è problema! ma, tu riconosci a noi, il nostro diritto, di sopravvivere, al tuo #imperialismo #nazista, #complotto saudita (#panarabismo, #califfato mondiale), per sterminare #Israele ed il #genere umano, della tua #terrorismo #sharia, per sterminare #dhimmis #schiavi! tu non puoi avere, il #nucleare, senza, avere, effettiva, vera ed ampia, #libertà di religione
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
@satana --parce que parmi toutes vos photos, je n'ai pas trouvé, même, celui avec le tablier, la franc-maçonnerie? [jim yong kim, world bank, masonic system] @666 Jim Yong Kim, Banca Mondiale -- perché tra tutte le tue foto, io non ho trovato, anche quella con il grembiulino, della massoneria? [world bank, chief, jim yong kim, esoteric agenda, Spa] because among all your photos, I have not found, even, the one with the apron, of Freemasonry? 모든 사진들, 내가 발견하지 않았기 때문에, 심지어 프리메이슨의 앞치마 하나? 因為在所有的照片中,我還沒有發現,甚至,一個圍裙,共濟會?denn unter all Ihre Fotos, habe ich nicht gefunden, auch, das mit der Schürze, der Freimaurerei? porque entre todas sus fotos, no he encontrado, incluso, el de la plataforma, de la masonería?
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
@AsiaNews -- non mi piace questo fatto, che, tu metti lo spazio, prima della punteggiatura. @ AsiaNews - I do not like this fact, that you put the space before punctuation
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
09/21/2013. SYRIA, Franciscans at the forefront helping Christian and Muslim war victims [king Saudi Arabia, figlio di un cane, e di una iena, io sto venendo, a bruciarti con, il fuoco dell'inferno] Fr. Halim, a former provincial of the Custody of the Holy Land , tells AsiaNews about the situation of the increasingly endangered and persecuted Syrian Christians. The villages in rebel hands are forbidden to non-Muslims. The 11 Franciscans who have remained in Syria suffer along with the population and provide material and spiritual support regardless of faith. Damascus ( AsiaNews ) - Christians in Syria are in danger. Like the rest of the population they are living the sufferings of war, but because of their faith they are increasingly targeted by Islamic extremists.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
09/21/2013. SYRIA, Franciscans at the forefront helping Christian and Muslim war victims [king Saudi Arabia, figlio di un cane, e di una iena, io sto venendo, a bruciarti con, il fuoco dell'inferno] Interviewed by AsiaNews, Fr. Halim, a former province of Syria for the Custody of the Holy Land, says that "many have lost hope. People hope that the international community and especially the forces in the field pay heed to the Pope's appeal for peace". The priest said that in Gassanieh ( Lattakiah ), the village where last on June 23 Fr. Francois Murad was killed, the Islamist insurgents have driven almost all Christians away. "Even religious brothers and sisters - he continues - have had to leave their convents". Of the approximately 1,000 Catholic and Orthodox inhabitants, only five people have chosen to stay.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
09/21/2013. SYRIA, Franciscans at the forefront helping Christian and Muslim war victims [king Saudi Arabia, figlio di un cane, e di una iena, io sto venendo, a bruciarti con, il fuoco dell'inferno] No one has news of them, entrance in the village is forbidden. The 11 Franciscans left in the country suffer with the people from the bombings, clashes between rebels and the regime, the famine, and the continued kidnappings for extortion committed by unscrupulous criminals. "Before the war - he explains - our work focused mainly on the spiritual formation of communities. The brothers were engaged in the catechism, pastoral activities with young people, in preparation for the sacraments. Now we have to respond first to the material needs to help the people to overcome this sad situation. "
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
09/21/2013. SYRIA, Franciscans at the forefront helping Christian and Muslim war victims [king Saudi Arabia, figlio di un cane, e di una iena, io sto venendo, a bruciarti con, il fuoco dell'inferno] However, Fr. Halim stresses that without spiritual support even humanitarian aid is not enough to raise the morale of the people, who in ever greater numbers are trying to flee the country, to emigrate, leaving everything behind. "Muslims ask us for help and advice. At a time like this there is no distinction between confessions". Recently the Custody of the Holy Land launched an appeal to help the people of Syria. Fr. Halim explains the urgency of such aid: "We are trying to raise funds to support the people on the spot whether they are Christians or Muslims. We do not want to abandon Syria". For the Franciscan journey across the border is often one-way.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
09/21/2013. SYRIA, Franciscans at the forefront helping Christian and Muslim war victims [king Saudi Arabia, figlio di un cane, e di una iena, io sto venendo, a bruciarti con, il fuoco dell'inferno] "In a year - he continues - we have raised and spent more than 350 thousand dollars for the support not only to the needy, but also to those families who through great sacrifice try to rebuild their lives in their destroyed villages. The money was also used to help the people victim of kidnapping, which has now become part of an agenda". The threat of Islamic extremists, the bloodiest war ever conducted by the regime and the threat of a military attack by the United States, all threaten the existence of the Christian minority. "We Franciscans - adds the priest - pray that the United States, Europe and the international community, do not move only on the political level.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
09/21/2013. SYRIA, Franciscans at the forefront helping Christian and Muslim war victims [king Saudi Arabia, figlio di un cane, e di una iena, io sto venendo, a bruciarti con, il fuoco dell'inferno] In order to rebuild the country, we must promote reconciliation among the population, through dialogue not only between Christians and Muslims, but especially within the Islamic factions. The friars follow the teachings of the Pope and condemn all violence against civilians, especially those that occurred with chemical weapons, but we have to think above all of the people who are suffering. The hope is that the conflict will soon stop, but here you live from day to day, no one can know when this chaos will end. "
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 ore fa
"Uccisi solo #infedeli", #twittano i sequestratori. [[#califfato #sharia #imperialismo!]] [tutta colpa, della religione, perversa, #nazista, di, #Iran, #Arabia Saudita! i #farisei #anglo-americani, #Bildenberg, #Spa, hanno voluto tutto questo male, per rovinare il #genere umano] #Kenya: #Kenyatta,39 morti e 150 feriti, #Presidente lo annuncia in diretta tv ]] #NAIROBI, 22 settembre, 05:46. Un numero imprecisato di persone, è ancora ostaggio, di un commando terrorista, che, ieri mattina ha fatto irruzione, in un centro commerciale, uccidendone, almeno 39, ferendone, altre, 150. Esercito e polizia, presidiano, la zona e nella notte, hanno riferito, di essere riusciti, a liberare cinque ostaggi. Salvi gli italiani, mentre, tra, le vittime si contano, #inglesi, #francesi, #canadesi."Uccisi solo infedeli", twittano, i sequestratori. Tra morti, anche, familiari del presidente del #Kenya Uhuru, Kenyatta.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 ore fa
@ ISRAEL --- The Arab League, is doing happening, the caliphate in Syria (al-ASSAD does not complain, FOR THIS, BECAUSE HE IS PART, OF this CONSPIRACY, pan-Arab), therefore, no one can deny the existence of a conspiracy, against, the existence of Israel, if, then, Israel has secret documents, no one can dispute. the essential operation of the nuclear attack quote! [of, atomic weapons, useless, and that can not be used], during a world war, that can be done, break out at any time, for the benefit of the International Monetary Fund! because, as mathematics has shown, all money, of the IMF pharisees, Spa, has become a huge bubble, derivative products, etc. .. all sums, which, exceed, more than 100 times, the gross domestic product,of the planet, and, that, therefore, can no longer be pay!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 4 ore fa
@ISRAELE --- la Lega ARABA, sta realizzando, il Califfato in Siria (ed al-ASSAD NoN SI LAMENTA, PER QUESTO, PERCHÉ LUI È PARTE DEL COMPLOTTO PANARABO), quindi, nessuno, può negare la esistenza, di un complotto, contro, la esistenza di Israele, se, poi, Israele, ha dei documenti segreti, nessuno, potrà contestare. la indispensabile, operazione, dell'attacco nucleare preventivo! [di, armi atomiche, inutili, e che, non possono più essere usate], durante, una guerra mondiale, che, può essere fatta, scoppiare, in qualsiasi momento, a beneficio, del fondo monetario internazionale! perché, come la matematica ha dimostrato, tutto il FMI, è diventato, una enorme bolla, di prodotti derivati, ecc.. tutte somme, che, superano, di più, di 100 volte, il prodotto interno lordo, del pianeta, e che, quindi, non sono più liquidabili!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
TG 24 Siria. 4 ore fa. Siria, foto dell'auto degli ispettori Onu, che, è stata colpita dai terroristi dell'opposizione Siriana, (tuttavia, sono stati rimproverati entrambi, e questo è logico, perché, di tutte le stragi commesse dai terroristi jihadisti, sempre Assad, è stato ritenuto il responsabile, comunque.) [ "non c'è nessuno al mondo, che, prima lancia le accuse, e poi, si mette alla ricerca delle prove! ... è un insulto, alla intelligenza umana, è, irrispettosa, della Pubblica Opinione" ] il Presidente Al-Assad, 26,08,2013.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
SYRIA - UNITED NATIONS, [I SALAFITI, al-quaeda. LANCIANO IL GAS NERVINO, RUBATO IN LIBIA, e le sataniche, false, democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, per FMI Spa, Rothschild, attaccano gli Alawiti.. ma, questo è il vero obiettivo, distruggere i cristiani, come in Iraq, circondare Israele, da "personale omogeneo ed affidabile" ] 08/26/2013 14:56. Syria: as UN begins chemical weapons investigation, international community is still divided. The team of experts arrived today in Ghouta, north of Damascus, to see if neurotoxins were used against civilians. As the United States, France, Britain and Turkey prepare for military action without UN approval, Moscow reminds anti-Assad powers about errors made in Iraq. Damascus (AsiaNews/Agencies) - The Syrian government will allow the United Nations to investigate the alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
SYRIA - UNITED NATIONS, [I SALAFITI, al-quaeda. LANCIANO IL GAS NERVINO, RUBATO IN LIBIA, e le sataniche, false, democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, per FMI Spa, Rothschild, attaccano gli Alawiti.. ma, questo è il vero obiettivo, distruggere i cristiani, come in Iraq, circondare Israele, da "personale omogeneo ed affidabile" ] The rebels have said that they too will be available to UN experts. Today, the UN team began its work but the international community remains divided over the future of the conflict. "Syria is ready to cooperate with the inspection team to prove that the allegations by terrorist groups (rebels) of the use of chemical weapons by Syrian troops in the Eastern Ghouta region are lies," Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said yesterday. According to the opposition, the attack a few days ago in Ghouta, a district in northern Damascus, claimed the lives of 1,300 people.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
SYRIA - UNITED NATIONS, [I SALAFITI, al-quaeda. LANCIANO IL GAS NERVINO, RUBATO IN LIBIA, e le sataniche, false, democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, per FMI Spa, Rothschild, attaccano gli Alawiti.. ma, questo è il vero obiettivo, distruggere i cristiani, come in Iraq, circondare Israele, da "personale omogeneo ed affidabile" ] Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said on Saturday that 355 people who died in its hospitals showed "neurotoxin symptoms". Syria's overtures have not however changed the international community's position on a military intervention in Syria, except for its main allies, Russia and Iran. So far, the only appeals for reconciliation and the end of hostilities have come from the Vatican. Yesterday, the pope urged all countries involved in Syria to stop "the clatter of arms" and work for peace, calling on the parties to meet and talk in order to stop this "war between brothers".
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
SYRIA - UNITED NATIONS, [I SALAFITI, al-quaeda. LANCIANO IL GAS NERVINO, RUBATO IN LIBIA, e le sataniche, false, democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, per FMI Spa, Rothschild, attaccano gli Alawiti.. ma, questo è il vero obiettivo, distruggere i cristiani, come in Iraq, circondare Israele, da "personale omogeneo ed affidabile" ] Despite Pope Francis's appeal, the West and its allies appear to be moving towards armed conflict. Yesterday, US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said the US military was "prepared to exercise whatever option" against Syria but intelligence was still being evaluated. French President Francois Hollande said there was "a body of evidence indicating that the August 21 attack was chemical in nature, and that everything led to the belief that the Syrian regime was responsible for this unspeakable act".
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
SYRIA - UNITED NATIONS, [I SALAFITI, al-quaeda. LANCIANO IL GAS NERVINO, RUBATO IN LIBIA, e le sataniche, false, democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, per FMI Spa, Rothschild, attaccano gli Alawiti.. ma, questo è il vero obiettivo, distruggere i cristiani, come in Iraq, circondare Israele, da "personale omogeneo ed affidabile" ] Turkey has taken the toughest stance. Yesterday, in an interview with daily Milliyet, Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that Turkey would join any coalition against Mr Assad's government. As US President Obama and British Prime Minister Cameron talk, the British navy is also preparing to take part in a possible series of cruise missile strikes, The Telegraph reported. For its part, Moscow has called on the US and its allies to reflect. "All of this makes one recall the events that happened 10 years ago, when, using false information about Iraqis having weapons of mass destructions,
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
SYRIA - UNITED NATIONS, [I SALAFITI, al-quaeda. LANCIANO IL GAS NERVINO, RUBATO IN LIBIA, e le sataniche, false, democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario, rubato, per FMI Spa, Rothschild, attaccano gli Alawiti.. ma, questo è il vero obiettivo, distruggere i cristiani, come in Iraq, circondare Israele, da "personale omogeneo ed affidabile" ] the US bypassed the United Nations and started a scheme whose consequences are well known to everyone," the Russian Foreign ministry said in a statement. Russia's position is shared by Iran. "If the United States crosses this red line, there will be harsh consequences for the White House," Armed Forces Deputy Chief of Staff Massoud Jazayeri said.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
26/08/2013 LIBANO Patriarca maronita: Le bombe a Roueiss e a Tripoli un crimine contro Dio, l'umanità e il Libano di Paul Dakiki Nell'omelia di ieri, il card. Bechara Rai domanda unità fra i politici per salvare il Libano. La riconciliazione vissuta dalla popolazione. Visita alla moschea di al-Taqwa , a Tripoli. Le tragedie di Roueiss (nella banlieue sud di Beirut) e di Tripoli sono "nostre tragedie perché siamo un solo corpo e una sola famiglia". Dimane (AsiaNews) - Il Patriarca maronita del Libano, card. Bechara Rai ha stigmatizzato come "un crimine contro Dio, contro l'umanità, contro il Libano" gli attentati alle moschee di Tripoli e quella a Roueiss, nella banlieue sud della capitale -- ANSWER -- CRIMINE CONTRO DIO? QUALE DIO? CERTO NON IL DIO DELL'ARABIA SAUDITA SALAFITA!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
26/08/2013 INDIA. Card. Gracias: Lo stupro di gruppo a Mumbai, declino spirituale e sociale dell'India. Nella capitale del Maharashtra una fotoreporter di 22 anni è stata aggredita e violentata da cinque uomini, tutti arrestati. La vittima è in ospedale, ma fuori pericolo. Per l'arcivescovo di Mumbai e presidente della Conferenza episcopale indiana (Cbci) c'è bisogno di "riportare Dio al centro delle nostre vite e seguire il Vangelo. Il nostro sistema di valori è seriamente compromesso". 26/08/2013 NEPAL. La povertà trascina il Nepal nella piaga dell'Aids. I nepalesi che lavorano all'estero contraggono il virus tramite rapporti sessuali non protetti e lo trasmettono alle proprie mogli una volta rientrati in patria. Con la povertà, aumenta anche la percentuale di malati di Hiv: la maggior parte di questi sono donne e bambini. Un operatore sanitario: "In alcuni distretti quasi la metà della popolazione è malata".
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
08/26/2013 11:14 IRAQ - SYRIA [è il più grande progetto di ingegneria massonica (Bildenberg FMI farisei Illuminati) e ingegneria sociale, e della storia, curdi, copti, Armeni, cristiani, devono sparire!] More than 15 thousand Syrian Kurds flee to Iraq. Archbishop of Erbil: "Help us" ]] The exodus is the largest in the recent history of the Kurdish population. The risk is the disappearance of ethnicity in the regions of Syria. Archishop Warda of Erbil, speaks of the work of the local church among the refugees. They are mostly women, elderly and children. Erbil (AsiaNews) - More than 15 thousand refugees of Kurdish ethnicity have crossed the border with Iraq to seek refuge in Iraqi Kurdistan in recent days. The exodus is the largest in the recent history of the Kurdish people. Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil, a city that is hosting the largest number of refugees, tells AsiaNews: "These people have left their homes and their belongings in Syria.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
IRAQ - SYRIA [è il più grande progetto di ingegneria massonica (Bildenberg FMI farisei Illuminati) e ingegneria sociale, e della storia, curdi, copti, Armeni, cristiani, devono sparire!] More than 15 thousand Syrian Kurds flee to Iraq. Archbishop of Erbil: "Help us" ]] They need everything: food, water, medicines and a shelter to sleep under. " The prelate says that the majority are women, elderly and children. Men and older children have remained in Syria to fight against the Islamist militias who in recent months have tried to conquer the region. "Since the beginning of the exodus - continues Msgr. Warda - the diocese of Erbil kicked off a campaign of support, collecting basic necessities and creating places to welcome refugees". To handle the situation, the diocese has created a special committee, the Mercy Charitable Committee, with headquarters in Ankawa (Erbil) that sends food and goods daily to the camps set up by the government.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
IRAQ - SYRIA [è il più grande progetto di ingegneria massonica (Bildenberg FMI farisei Illuminati) e ingegneria sociale, e della storia, curdi, copti, Armeni, cristiani, devono sparire!] More than 15 thousand Syrian Kurds flee to Iraq. Archbishop of Erbil: "Help us" ]] Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict Iraq, and particularly the region of Kurdistan, has hosted more than 300 thousand refugees. Archbishop Warda launches an appeal for support for the refugee population: "We need your help. We would greatly appreciate any help from people who want to help to feed and care for these families in need." The prelate stresses that the Chaldean Church, through its committee, makes regular visits to the camps, to verify the distribution of food. "We would be grateful to all those who want to support us."
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
IRAQ - SYRIA [è il più grande progetto di ingegneria massonica (Bildenberg FMI farisei Illuminati) e ingegneria sociale, e della storia, curdi, copti, Armeni, cristiani, devono sparire!] More than 15 thousand Syrian Kurds flee to Iraq. Archbishop of Erbil: "Help us" ]] This mass migration deeply concerns the regional government of Kudistan, unable for the moment to absorb the number of people arriving in the area. According to a source inside the Kurdish Democratic Party (Pyd) in recent months, the regional government has attempted to control the pass, giving the green light only to trade. However, no one expected an exodus of the population of this size. For Kurdish authorities if it continues at this level, then Syrian Kurdistan will be deserted. (S.C.)
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
08/26/2013 CHINA. 'No mercy' for Bo Xilai, who accuses Wang Lijun of being his wife Gu Kailai's lover. The combative former chief of Chongqing admits "abuse of power" and apologizes to the Party. But calls the former police chief and former right hand man "a liar", in cahoots with his wife. The many revelations reveal squalor of entire Party leadership. A communist "Dynasty". [] @CINA -- se la giustizia non è giusta? ma, è condizionata da fattori politici, come è avvenuto con Berlusconi? tu non puoi avere un futuro, in ascesa!
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
@King Saudi Arabia -- really! io ho notato, che, ti piacciono le esplosioni! [ Terrorists assassinate Hama governor with car bomb ]. Aug 25, 2013. Hama, Cabinet announced on Sunday that Hama governor, Dr. Anas Abdul-Razzaq Na'em was martyred in a terrorist car bomb in al-Jarajmeh neighborhood in Hama city. SANA reporter quoted a source at the Police Command that terrorists detonated the car bomb as the governor's convoy was passing by in al-Jarajmeh residential neighborhood in Hama city. The governor was martyred and 7 citizens injured, among them 3 children, in the blast. In statements on Twitter, the Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra claimed responsibility for the assassination of al-Na'em. Dr. Na'em held a postgraduate degree in Internal Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine at Damascus University and was professor of Internal and Thoracic Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Damascus University
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
@King Saudi Arabia -- really! io ho notato, che, ti piacciono le esplosioni! [ Terrorists assassinate Hama governor with car bomb ]. . He was appointed governor of Hama on July 10, 2011 and served as secretary of al-Baath Party branch and the Doctors' Syndicate chief in Hama. People's Assembly condemns assassination of Hama governor by takfiri terrorists. The People's Assembly condemned with the strongest terms the assassination of Hama Governor, Dr. Anas Na'em, by the armed terrorist groups and the takfiri mercenaries. In a statement made on Sunday, the Assembly stressed that martyr Na'em, along with all the military and civilian martyrs, will contribute to making a brighter future for Syria. The Assembly stressed that the assassination aims at terrorizing the Syrians and dissuade them from carrying out their national duties, adding that the retaliation of the terrorist attack will be exerting more efforts to eradicate terrorism and its tools from the country.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
@King Saudi Arabia -- really! io ho notato, che, ti piacciono le esplosioni! [ Terrorists assassinate Hama governor with car bomb ]. The statement hailed the steadfastness of the Syrian people, calling them to exert more effort in cooperating with the state institutions to reveal the terrorist cells as to clear the homeland of those mercenaries who are brought by the western colonization power and its regional tools to destroy Syria and control its national decisions. The Assembly offered sincerest condolences to the family of Martyr Na'em and the families of all martyrs, stressing that the road to victory is paved by the blood of the martyrs, the determination of the people and the sacrifices of the brave Syrian soldiers.
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
الرئيس الأسد لصحيفة ازفستيا الروسية: من يحلم بأن سورية ستكون دمية غربية فهو حلم لن يتحقق.. نحن دولة مستقلة سنحارب الإرهاب وسنبني علاقاتنا بما يحقق مصالح الشعب السوري دمشق-سانا قال السيد الرئيس بشار الأسد إن رسالة سورية للعالم أنه إذا كان هناك من يحلم بأن سورية ستكون دمية غربية فهذا حلم لن يتحقق تفاصيل بتكليف من الرئيس الأسد.. وزير الدولة لشؤون المصالحة الوطنية يقدم العزاء لأسرة محافظ حماة حماة-سانا بتكليف من السيد الرئيس بشار الاسد قدم الدكتور علي حيدر وزير الدولة لشؤون المصالحة الوطنية اليوم العزاء لأسرة الشهيد الدكتور ...تفاصيل
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 3 settimane fa
بوتين يبحث مع كاميرون الوضع في سورية.. لافروف: اتهام الحكومة السورية باستخدام السلاح الكيماوي باطل وندعو لعدم تكرار أخطاء الماضي موسكو-سانا بحث الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين مع رئيس الوزراء البريطاني ديفيد كاميرون خلال اتصال هاتفي اليوم الوضع في سورية والمسائل المرتبطة ...تفاصيل مصدر إعلامي: تعرض فريق التحقيق باستخدام السلاح الكيميائي لإطلاق نيران من قبل إرهابيين.. كي مون: الفريق جمع عينات من الموقع دمشق-نيويورك-سانا قال مصدر إعلامي إن أعضاء فريق الأمم المتحدة المكلف التحقيق باستخدام السلاح الكيميائي تعرضوا أثناء دخولهم إلى منطقة ...تفاصيل
Russia: intervento avrebbe conseguenze gravissime. Assad: accuse insensate, attacco fallirebbe. Siria. Stampa britannica: Usa e Gb pronti ad attaccare. 26 Agosto 2013 11:20. Gli Stati Uniti e la Gran Bretagna sono pronti a lanciare un attacco missilistico contro il regime siriano e i vertici militari dei due Paesi stanno mettendo a punto la lista degli obiettivi da colpire. Mauro: serve una soluzione politica, Mosca: l'Occidente accusa Assad senza prove. Bonino: intervento non praticabile, 26 Agosto 2013 16:13, Per il ministro degli esteri russo Serghiei Lavrov l'Occidente sta assumendo due ruoli, quello di investigatore e quello del consiglio di sicurezza dell'Onu. --ANSWER -- @USA, FRANCIA, GB-- [GUARDA CASO, gli AMICI SATANISTI, DEGLI ALIENS ABDUCTIONS] -- fatevi avanti porci, io vi sto aspettando!
November 8, 2012
Obama win good news for Pakistan flag vendors
"No protest is complete without a Stars and Stripes being sent up in flames." Islamic supremacists in the U.S., such as Zahra Billoo and Cyrus McGoldrick of Hamas-linked CAIR, are up in arms over the drone strikes and pressing Obama to drop them -- which he probably will soon enough, as he doesn't need them politically anymore.
"Flags on fire: Obama win may be good news for Pakistan flag-makers," from AFP, November 8 (thanks to Kenneth):
Many Pakistanis fear President Barack Obama’s re-election will mean a surge in America’s unpopular drone campaign, but for those making and selling U.S. flags to burn at protests this could be good news. Demonstrations against Washington’s program of missile strikes against suspected Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants are common in Pakistan, and no protest is complete without a Stars and Stripes being sent up in flames.
Nadeem Shah, the owner of a flag business in Rawalpindi, the twin city of the capital Islamabad, said he expected more drone strikes -- and more protests.
“Of course Obama has become stronger now and he will push his policies harder and there will be more drone strikes because he himself is stronger now,” Shah told AFP.
“When the drone strikes increase the protests against these strikes will also increase in Pakistan and it can have an impact on the flags and poster business.”
Pakistan’s flag industry enjoyed a boom in September when a U.S.-made anti-Islam film sparked weeks of demonstrations, almost all lit up with “Old Glory” being burned....
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 9:37 AM | 2 Comments
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Jordan: Third honor killing in a week as Muslim brothers murder sister for "immoral relationship"
Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that "retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right." However, "not subject to retaliation" is "a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring." ('Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law.
The Palestinian Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders. Iraqi women have asked for tougher sentences for Islamic honor murderers, who get off lightly now. Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but "the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour 'provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.'" And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that "Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values."
In light of all this, until authorities get the courage to tell the truth about honor killing, there will be many more such murders.
"Three brothers reportedly murder their married sister," by Rana Husseini for the Jordan Times, November 5 (thanks to Hussein):
AMMAN — Criminal Court Prosecutor Qahtan Qawaqzeh on Monday questioned three brothers who reportedly murdered their married sister earlier in the day in the latest so-called honour killing to take place in the Kingdom this year, official sources said. The three suspects, residents of Ruseifa, 15 kilometres east of Amman, were apprehended by authorities shortly after arriving at the police station claiming that one of them “stabbed his sibling to death at her home in the capital’s Shmeisani neighbourhood to cleanse his family’s honour”, a senior police official said.
“Investigators were not convinced by their story and decided to detain all three brothers for questioning,” the source told The Jordan Times.
In their initial testimony to the police and Qawaqzeh, the suspects said “they received information that their sister, who was married to an Arab national, was involved in an immoral relationship and decided to come to Amman to discuss the matter with her”, the source said.
When the brothers entered their sister’s house, one of them stabbed her with a knife 17 times to different parts of her body, according to the suspects’ initial confessions.
“Two of the brothers claimed that they tried to prevent the third from stabbing their sister, but failed,” the source added.
Qawaqzeh is currently questioning the suspects and is expected to charge the three brothers with premeditated murder.
The victim was the third woman to be killed for reasons related to family honour in Jordan in less than a week.
On October 31, a 56-year-old man reportedly strangled his 22-year-old daughter with his hands at his home in Zarqa, 22 kilometres east of the capital, following an argument related to her “alleged immoral behaviour”.
On November 3, a 35-year-old man slit the throat of his divorced niece, in one of the Kingdom’s governorates, claiming family honour as the motive. The previous day, police handed her over to her father, who signed a guarantee that his daughter would not be harmed after she went missing from her family’s home for 10 days.
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 9:09 AM | 5 Comments
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Robert Spencer and others on where do we go from here
Big Fur Hat interviews me over at iOwnTheWorld.
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 8:22 AM | 1 Comment
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Pakistan: Taliban murder three troops in jihad/martyrdom bombing because "they are doing nothing to serve Islam"
This wasn't out in the badlands near the Afghan border. This was in Karachi, the nation's largest city, a city of thirteen million people. And note (yet again) the Islamic explanation given for the murders: the one explanation that jihadists always give for their actions is the one that American analysts are bound and determined to ignore.
"Suicide bomber kills 3 Pakistani troops in Karachi," by Adil Jawad for the Associated Press, November 8 (thanks to David):
KARACHI, Pakistan — A Taliban suicide bomber rammed a truck packed with explosives into a compound housing a paramilitary force in Pakistan’s largest city on Thursday, killing three officers and wounding 20.... Thursday’s attack targeted a housing compound for the Rangers, a paramilitary force that is tasked with helping Karachi police maintain security in the city, said Javed Odho, deputy inspector general of the Karachi police....
Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan said the group claimed responsibility for the attack.
“We punished the Rangers as they are working against us and they are doing nothing to serve Islam,” Ahsan told The Associated Press over the telephone from an undisclosed location....
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 7:31 AM | 3 Comments
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Oklahoma: Hamas-linked CAIR claims bank discriminates against Muslims with "no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses" policy
"He added that even women wearing headscarves as a result of cancer treatment have been accompanied by bank security personnel 'so as not to discriminate' in the enforcement of the policy." So in other words, the rule applies to everyone, not just Muslims, and is a safety measure to guard against robberies. But Hamas-linked CAIR is pressing on toward final victory now, trying relentlessly to establish the principle that all American businesses and other institutions must accommodate Sharia, no matter what they must sacrifice to do so.
Aren't you glad Oklahoma's anti-Sharia law was struck down?
Andrea Eger of the Tulsa World, like all hopelessly clueless and/or compromised mainstream media "journalists," says that Hamas-linked CAIR is a "civil-liberties organization," without bothering to mention that the Council on American-Islamic
Relations is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements. Its California chapter distributed posters telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI.
"Bank discrimination against Muslims alleged over headwear policy," by Andrea Eger for the Tulsa World, November 8 (thanks to Twostellas):
A Muslim civil-liberties organization said a Tulsa bank discriminated against a woman by singling her out for wearing a religiously mandated head scarf, or hijab. The Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, is calling on Tulsa's Valley National Bank to review its "inappropriate and discriminatory" policy that treats customers wearing religious head coverings differently from other patrons.
The organization says that on Oct. 9, a Muslim woman tried to enter the Valley National Bank branch at 4812 E. 81st St., in hopes that she could exchange foreign currency but was told she would not be able to enter unless accompanied by a bank employee because of their "no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses" policy.
"Singling out Muslim women or other people of faith who wear religiously mandated head coverings that do not hinder identification is inappropriate and discriminatory," said Adam Soltani, executive director of CAIR's Oklahoma chapter. "All customers should be treated equally regardless of their faith or religious practices."
The complainant, a woman from Kiefer, did not want her identity publicized, but Soltani told the Tulsa World that his organization first took her complaint directly to bank officials, "hoping they would acknowledge it was a mistake or offer an apology."
"We were actually shocked to find out their policy is separate but equal, going back to things that African-Americans and other people have experienced," he said. "They said, 'We do allow them in the bank but they must be escorted anywhere they go.'
"Their excuse was it's a security measure, but there are no reports ever in Oklahoma that I am aware of, of anyone in religious headwear robbing a bank," Soltani said.
"It may have happened elsewhere, but they are a local bank. It's not like they're a big national chain that may have had this happen in other places."
Soltani provided a copy of the written response from Valley National Bank President Brad Scrivner, and in it, Scrivner apologized to the woman first "for not feeling welcome in our bank" and then explained the reason for his bank's policy.
"Unfortunately, Valley has been robbed numerous times in the past and is a victim itself of crime. We have policy and procedures in place to thwart future robberies that endanger the lives of our employees and customers," Scrivner wrote to Soltani. "It is a sad truth that recently, in banks across the United States, criminals are using false religious headdresses for the sole purpose of hiding their identity."
He added that even women wearing headscarves as a result of cancer treatment have been accompanied by bank security personnel "so as not to discriminate" in the enforcement of the policy.
Contacted by the Tulsa World, Scrivner said his bank adopted the policy in 2006 at the recommendation of the Oklahoma Bankers Association.
"In the six years that this policy has been in place," he said, "Valley has not had a single complaint" until now.
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil-liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to "enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding."
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 6:17 AM | 9 Comments
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Sweden: Police watched passively as "provoking" female free speech activists were physically attacked by group of men
These women are close friends of mine and deserve a gold medal and honorable place in our history books for their courage, not fists and eggs in the head. This is where it has come to in Sweden: Police let violent demonstrators get close to defenseless women promoting the right to speak against Islam. People who wanted to get in to Geert Wilders' lecture in infamous Malmø had to go through an "anti-fascist" purgatory:
Aja Fog (Free Speech society, Denmark) surrounded and attacked by Danish far Leftists: "...then I feel a blow to the back of my head"
Aia Fog after the meeting with Danish anti-fascists
Katrine Winkel Holm, Kit Louise Strand, her friend Trine and I arrive by taxi to Kockums Fritid. The Swedish police has placed barricades, so we can not drive to the door and have to walk the last 200 meters. We can hear the protesters shouting the usual slogans: "No racists in our streets". There are lots of police, but instead of separating the angry demonstrators from the entrance, they stood in the periphery, so we have to go through the crowd to get in to the meeting. Within no time things go wrong: Some Swedes begin to shouting directly into the face of Katrine: "racist", "Pork Denmark", "Go home, we want to border control for you". To me they cried "Fat fascist pig". Katrine starts to argue with them, but it's completely futile, and soon I pull her arm and told her that she should cut it, so we can get through the crowd and inside the lecture hall.
Things go very quickly: Katrine and I are suddenly isolated from Kit and Trine, and I'm surrounded by AFA (anti fascists). Or - I think it's AFA: Danish men in their twenties, with black hoodies and small ugly tattoos on their shirts. They are extremely threatening - not just in attitude (which is furious, hateful - and just waiting to be allowed to beat), but also physically: I am completely surrounded by 4-5 men who not only block my way, but one also punches me hard with his shoulder, so I'm getting off balance. Then I feel a blow to the back of my head, and then one more - this time less hard, which turns out to be an egg.
The Swedish police - who could not see the details since I was surrounded - did nothing to help me or let me pass, even though I had egg running down my neck. Finally Katrine managed to convince the police to help me get into Kockums.
Later, when we went out to see whether the police had finally made a corridor, so that people could get in without having to run the purgatory, eggs were thrown at us, and the police asked us to go back because we 'provoked' with our presence.
After the meeting, there was a Swedish journalist who asked me if I had acted provoking before having eggs thrown at me (sic).
Nobody was arrested.
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on November 8, 2012 6:05 AM | 2 Comments
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Nicolai Sennels on UK against Tommy Robinson
To former generations, England exemplified democracy and was an upholder of human values and a democratic humanistic way of life to the world. It is a great loss and pity if today this same country becomes the first to bow down to their destruction. Today openly embracing the Muslim sharia and imprisoning heroic people who do nothing but stand up for these values leaves Europe much weakened in its protection of our culture.
Freedom fighters are the greatest and most important heroes of the world today and certainly it would be wise for any government with an anti democratic agenda to set heroes like Tommy Robinson free before too much of the their population begin to think and talk. That the world's great example of Magna Carta and Bill of Rights (England) should come to this state is a dire warning to the rest of us.
We owe them all our best wishes, now is the time for the rule of the people to show its worth!
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on November 8, 2012 5:56 AM | 2 Comments
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Taliban: "Obama must by now know that they have lost the war in Afghanistan"
“So, without further lying and delays, they should leave our sacred land and focus on their own country instead.”
Sounds like a plan.
"Taliban urge Obama to pull troops out now," from AFP, November 7 (thanks to Lou):
KABUL: Taliban told re-elected US President Barack Obama on Wednesday to admit that the United States has lost the war in Afghanistan and pull its troops out now. “Obama must by now know that they have lost the war in Afghanistan,” spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement posted on the group’s website. “So, without further lying and delays, they should leave our sacred land and focus on their own country instead....
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 5:41 AM | 5 Comments
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Muslim Brotherhood: Now Obama must accept "the will of the Arab people"
“In the absence of direct American influence, Egypt can affect and lead the process of building a democratic and constitutional regime that will become a dream for African and the southern hemisphere.” I.e., a Sharia state that is a stepping stone to a restored caliphate. And I am sure Obama will be just fine with that.
"Muslim Brotherhood: Obama Needs To ‘Accept The Will Of The Arab People,’" from CBSDC, November 7 (thanks to Kenneth):
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — Islamists in the Middle East are speaking out following President Barack Obama’s re-election Tuesday night. The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood feels that the only foreign policy change Obama can bring is by “accepting the will of the Arab people.”
“We must rely on ourselves and on our resources and build our country,” Issam Al-Aryan, a top Muslim Brotherhood official, said, according to The Times of Israel. “In the absence of direct American influence, Egypt can affect and lead the process of building a democratic and constitutional regime that will become a dream for African and the southern hemisphere.”
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood wants to make Shariah Law the main source of the country’s new constitution.
Terror group Hamas is calling for Obama not to be “biased” toward Israeli interests during his second term.
“We heard moderate speech from Obama following his first term victory, but his policy was inconsistent with the speeches he gave in Egypt and Turkey,” Taher Nunu, a Hamas government spokesman, said, according to The Times of Israel. “He now has an opportunity to implement those promises to the nations of the region, far from pressures by the Israel lobby and politicized money.”...
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 5:32 AM | 2 Comments
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Obama supporters celebrate: No more Israel; kill those motherf***ers
These Obama revelers were apparently not fooled by the impassioned Zionist who showed up for the third debate with Romney. Of course, they probably didn't see the third debate, but if they had, they would have known that their man was just pandering for votes.
"Obama supporters celebrate: No more Israel; kill those motherf***ers," by Anne Sorock for Rebel Pundit, November 7 (thanks to Pamela Geller):
Obama supporters out celebrating his win on election night gathered on State Street Tuesday evening. I asked one man why he was celebrating Obama, and what that meant to him. He said, “It really means to me, no more Israel…Mitt Romney would go to war with Iran…Obama said f*** that shit. Kill those mother f***ers.” Another said, “Palestine was there first, and Israel moved in in the 1940s and that’s an unfair attack.” A man of Jewish heritage accompanying him said, “I really do not think that us being with Israel is a good choice for us”...
Posted by Robert on November 8, 2012 5:17 AM | 8 Comments
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November 7, 2012
India: Muslim terrifies air passengers by "raising Islamic slogans while threatening to harm the aircraft"
Doubtless he was just elated over Obama's reelection and getting a bit over-exuberant. The passengers were greasy Islamophobes for not taking his "Islamic slogans" as declarations of peace. "Mid-air scare: Man turns violent on Mumbai-Delhi flight, raises Islamic slogans," from TNN, November 8:
NEW DELHI: In what was described by a frequent flyer as the "scariest flight of his life", a passenger on board a Mumbai-Delhi IndiGo flight suddenly turned violent mid-air on Wednesday and started raising Islamic slogans while threatening to harm the aircraft. The situation turned so alarming that the cabin crew and passengers pinned down the flyer, Mursalim Shaikh, 41, and blocked the aisle with a food trolley to prevent him from making a dash for the cockpit. The IndiGo flight 6E 196 made a quick descent in Delhi after seeking priority landing, where Shaikh, a used car dealer from Babu Tansen Chawl in Virar, was handed over to security agencies.
The drama began about an hour after the plane had taken off from Mumbai at 3.45pm and was flying over Jaipur. Shaikh, bearded and dressed in a pathani suit, was seated on seat 28 A. "He suddenly turned around on the seat to face an aged woman on 29A and started muttering menacingly to her," a flyer said. An airhostess reportedly asked Shaikh to sit properly, but he kept gazing at her before suddenly slapping her, turning very aggressive.
Recalling the hijack scare on a Delhi-Mumbai flight, a co-passenger said, "Shaikh was waving a cellphone and threatening 'sabko dekh loonga' (I will teach everyone a lesson)." Male passengers and the crew together pinned Shaikh down. Then women and children seated in the rear were sent to the front and a food trolley was placed in the aisle to prevent Shaikh from going towards the cockpit.
Confirming the incident, IndiGo said, "This unruly passenger started screaming and also physically assaulted a crew member. The passenger also got violent with co-passengers, and tried to access the forward of the aircraft. IndiGo crew made appropriate announcements and deployed security measures to block access to the front of the aircraft and the front galley."
Said a passenger, "We landed soon after the man had been overpowered." The flight commander had requested for security personnel on arrival. The passenger was taken out at 6.13pm and handed over to the CISF. IndiGo said it was in the process of lodging an FIR. "An untoward conduct of this nature is of serious concern to us. We will take all necessary action to address this violation," IndiGo said.
While passengers said the landing in Delhi came as a huge relief, the drama did not end there. For, the airline and airport personnel did not handle the situation as professionally as the crew had done in the air. "Once the aircraft door opened, we expected security personnel to rush in and arrest the flyer. But the airline's own security team came into the aircraft. We were first asked to alight and then a second announcement was made asking us to stay seated. We were wondering why security agencies did not just whisk the guy away?" said a passenger.
Why indeed?
The IGI domestic airport police have arrested Shaikh and registered a case for criminal intimidation, assault and threatening the crew. The Intelligence Bureau is quizzing him.
Posted by Robert on November 7, 2012 10:51 PM | 10 Comments
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Not a dime's worth of difference
The Republican Party is a useless collection of me-tooists and slow-downers who have virtually no chance of winning national elections anymore, since they have already lost the pop culture, the educational system, and the mainstream media, all of which pump out the Democrat Party line with a fervor and lack of attachment to the truth that rivals that of any one-party state press organ. But above all, Republicans lose because they have nothing to offer.
What is needed, whether or not we ever get it, is a sea-change in the Washington establishment. A revolution of the mind at the highest levels. The complete removal of standard-issue policy wonks from the State Department, the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the CIA, the FBI, and the military. Romney didn't offer that. No candidate did. Would Romney have won if he had done so? I am not saying that. All I am saying is that he offered more of the same at a time when the nation, and the free world in general, desperately needed something very different.
Leftists and Islamic supremacists are crowing today that "Islamophobic" candidates lost. Some of the more unhinged among them are even blaming me and Pamela Geller for Romney's loss, as if we had his ear. In reality, candidates that spoke forthrightly about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat were not supported by the Republican Party. Party leaders kept them at arm's length and, if they offered them any help at all, did so in connection with other issues. The point is that honesty and clarity about the jihad threat did not lose yesterday.
But even if they had, the truth about the jihad threat and Islamic supremacism would still be the truth, and no amount of Big Lie propaganda pumped out by the likes of the traitorous Leftist pseudo-journalist Spencer Ackerman will change that.
Check out the comments on Ackerman's piece: Americans know that his propaganda line is nonsense, and are saying so while it is still legal to do so. But that may not be much longer.
To be sure, there was some (although not enough) difference between the parties regarding spending, and it is unlikely that a Romney Administration would have pursued the war against the freedom of speech that the Obama Administration is pursuing with steady persistence. And so in those particulars the choice yesterday was important. The White House has never had an occupant so anti-Israel as Barack Obama since the Jewish State was founded, and that bodes ill for Israel's future defense against the global jihad. But in other key ways, the 2012 election bore out George Wallace's old quip that there wasn't "a dime's worth of difference" between the Republican and Democrat Parties.
Watching the third debate, I was amazed at how anxious Mitt Romney was to say "Me, too" to so very many things Barack Obama said he was going to do. There was essentially no difference between the two of them on foreign policy. Both had been briefed, and thoroughly convinced, by Washington foreign policy wonks whose failed policies lie in smoking ruins around the world, and yet never are called to account for the persistent failures of their assessments and recommendations.
If Mitt Romney were president-elect today, he would still be committed to showering money on Muslim countries like Pakistan in a futile attempt to win hearts and minds, ignoring how top Pakistani officials have funneled much of that money to the very same terrorists they were supposed to be using it to fight. He would still be committed to the adage that poverty causes terrorism, and therefore money will end terrorism, despite the fact that billions have been spent with no result, and jihadists have again and again been shown to be wealthier than their peers. He would still be committed to the proposition that Islam is a Religion of Peace and to working with "moderate Muslims," a project that has enabled Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood groups to gain access to high levels of government and law enforcement.
In other words, he would be moving in the same direction as Barack Obama, but maybe just a bit slower.
In any case, Romney's loss is tough on many levels, but not in terms of a realistic assessment of and comprehensive response to the jihad threat. That has never been part of the program of either party. And as the second Obama Administration steps up its obfuscation about the threat and appeasement of Islamic supremacists, it will not manage to end the jihad: the reality of jihad violence will keep impinging upon the politically correct fantasy that only "Islamophobes" link Islam to terrorism.
Whether anyone of any power or influence will wake up to that reality before it's too late is increasingly unlikely. But in any case, that person was not Mitt Romney.
“My comrade-in-arms, my pal, my buddy.”
— Oriana Fallaci
“Robert Spencer incarnates intellectual courage when, all over the world, governments, intellectuals, churches, universities and media crawl under a hegemonic Universal Caliphate’s New Order. His achievement in the battle for the survival of free speech and dignity of man will remain as a fundamental monument to the love of, and the self-sacrifice for, liberty.”
— Bat Ye’or
“Robert Spencer is indefatigable. He is keeping up the good fight long after many have already given up. I do not know what we would do without him. I appreciate all the intelligence and courage it takes to keep going despite the appeasement of the West.”
— Ibn Warraq
“America's most informed, fearless, and compelling voice on modern jihadism.”
— Andrew C. McCarthy, Senior Fellow at National Review Institute
“Robert Spencer is the leading voice of scholarship and reason in a world gone mad. If the West is to be saved, we will owe Robert Spencer an incalculable debt.”
— Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs
"The consummate Islam critic and expert." — Bruce Bawer
“Over the years, we have become friends, and I have received his assistance on several pieces of legislation I proposed.”
— Former Congressman Tom Tancredo
“Few people are capable of applying scholarship, analytical reasoning, and objectivity to their topic -- while simultaneously being readable and witty -- as can Robert Spencer.”
— Raymond Ibrahim
“A national treasure...The acclaimed scholar of Islam.”
— Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy
“I am indeed honored to call him my friend.”
— Brad Thor, novelist
“A top American analyst of Islam....A serious scholar...I learn from him.”
— Daniel Pipes
“A brilliant scholar and writer.”
— Douglas Murray
"One of my best teachers."
— Ashraf Ramelah, Voice of the Copts
“Thank God there’s at least one man with balls left in the West.”
— Kathy Shaidle, Five Feet of Fury
“I read people like [Mark Steyn] and Bob Spencer and the rest of them, and I say, ‘Boortz, you’re pretending you’re an author. These people really are. They really write some entertaining, some standup stuff.’”
— Neal Boortz
“Robert Spencer is the Stephen King of Jihad.”
— Chris Gaubatz, Muslim Mafia
“Armed with facts and fearlessness, Spencer stands up for Western civilization.”
— Michelle Malkin
“Widely read in conservative foreign policy circles.”
— New York Times
“Widely read in many quarters in Washington.”
— Washington Post
“A canny operative who likely has the inside track on the State Department’s Middle East affairs desk should the tea party win the White House.”
— New York Magazine
“A hero of the American right.”
— Karen Armstrong
"The leading anti-Islamic intellectual in the United States....The go-to Islam expert for the right wing."
— Salon Magazine
“Robert Spencer is an Edward Said turned upside down.”
— Stephen Suleyman Schwartz
“One of the nation's most notorious Islamophobes.”
— Hamas-linked CAIR
“Satanic ignoramus.”
— Khaleel Mohammed
“The Likud anti-Christ.”
— Dar al-Hayat newspaper (Saudi Arabia)
“Zionist Crusader, missionary of hate, counter-Islam consultant.”
— Al-Qaeda’s Adam Gadahn, “Azzam the American”
Syrian Video News/Nouvelles ~ (Eng/Fra) ~ 3/11/2012 ~ UNHCR: mercenaries in Syria are criminals ~ UNHCR: les mercenaires en Syrie sont des criminels
03 Saturday Nov 2012
Posted by syrianfreepress in +All Articles, Armed Gangs, Bashar al-Assad, Bashar al-Jaafari, Conspiracy, Cospirazioni, Guerra Mediatica, Jihadists, News, News in Arabic, Notiziario, Plots, Syrian Arab Army, Syrian Ministry of Information, Syrian Patriots, Syrian Television, Terrorisme, Terrorists, Terrorists Gangs, Turchia, Turkey, UN, UN Security Council, Video, Video News, War Against Terrorism, War Strategy
Aleppo, Armed Gangs, Armed Terrorists, Bashar al-Assad, Conspiracy, Cospirazioni, Damascus, Homs, Jihadists, Middle East, Plots, Siria, Syria, Syrian Arab Army, Syrian People, Syrian Television, SyrianFreePress, Syrie, Terror Agents, Terrorism, Terrorisme, Terrorists, Terrorists Gangs, United Nations, United Nations Security Council, USA
Syria – Video News – ENG – 3 November 2012
UNHCR has accused mercenaries in Syria of war CRIMES
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Syria – Video Nouvelles – FRA – 3 Novembre 2012
UNHCR a accusé les mercenaires en Syrie DE CRIMES DE GUERRE
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Uploaded by Syrian Press and TheNewsSyria on November/Novembre 2012
Recorded from Syrian Television
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3 thoughts on “Syrian Video News/Nouvelles ~ (Eng/Fra) ~ 3/11/2012 ~ UNHCR: mercenaries in Syria are criminals ~ UNHCR: les mercenaires en Syrie sont des criminels”
Francenaldo Amorim said:
November 4, 2012 at 18:07
Ce sont pas des soldads hymains, ce sont des démons, qui tuent des gens désarmés, des prisionniers,. Ils méritent tous étre fuzillés aussitot pris. Pas de pitié pour ces démons. ” l óeil pour oeil, dent pour dent. Il faut les chasser aussi en Turckie, dans les sanctuaires. La Russie doit aider dans cette chasse au mercennaires, qui se cachent en Turquie, chaque fois qui sont poursuivis..
Book Description
Publication Date: April 23, 2012
Are jihadists dying for a fiction? Everything you thought you knew about Islam is about to change.
Did Muhammad exist?
It is a question that few have thought—or dared—to ask. Virtually everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, takes for granted that the prophet of Islam lived and led in seventh-century Arabia.
But this widely accepted story begins to crumble on close examination, as Robert Spencer shows in his eye-opening new book.
In his blockbuster bestseller The Truth about Muhammad, Spencer revealed the shocking contents of the earliest Islamic biographical material about the prophet of Islam. Now, in Did Muhammad Exist?, he uncovers that material’s surprisingly shaky historical foundations. Spencer meticulously examines historical records, archaeological findings, and pioneering new scholarship to reconstruct what we can know about Muhammad, the Qur’an, and the early days of Islam. The evidence he presents challenges the most fundamental assumptions about Islam’s origins.
Did Muhammad Exist? reveals:
How the earliest biographical material about Muhammad dates from at least 125 years after his reported death
How six decades passed before the Arabian conquerors—or the people they conquered—even mentioned Muhammad, the Qur’an, or Islam
The startling evidence that the Qur’an was constructed from existing materials—including pre-Islamic Christian texts
How even Muslim scholars acknowledge that countless reports of Muhammad’s deeds were fabricated
Why a famous mosque inscription may refer not to Muhammad but, astonishingly, to Jesus
How the oldest records referring to a man named Muhammad bear little resemblance to the now-standard Islamic account of the life of the prophet
The many indications that Arabian leaders fashioned Islam for political reasons
Far from an anti-Islamic polemic, Did Muhammad Exist? is a sober but unflinching look at the origins of one of the world’s major religions. While Judaism and Christianity have been subjected to searching historical criticism for more than two centuries, Islam has never received the same treatment on any significant scale.
The real story of Muhammad and early Islam has long remained in the shadows. Robert Spencer brings it into the light at long last.
Hindu religious bigots Attacks Martyr Christians in India
Aggiunto: 6 mesi fa
Da: WakeUpUSAxRonPaul
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Tutti i commenti (11)
lpgvishalpandey 2 sett. fa
Well done hindus what do the fucking christians expect when they go around degrading hinduism. Should have killed the bastard atleast there would be no interview
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 1 secondo fa
no violence for reason of the gods, or by reason of religion, no violence never more
· in risposta a lpgvishalpandey(Mostra il commento)
Christians304 1 mese fa
I would like to see the Mormons have that much courage to practice,preach and witness there. Mormons are cowards !! Christians are true and those who attack will answer to Jesus.
Bharatiya4ever 1 mese fa
i would say the number of attacks on them are negligible compared to the number of Christians living in India.there are tons and tons of people working to convert others to Christianity. they spread messages degrading Hindu religion, gods. Do you know they print pamplets where they condemn Hindu religion, If we ask them to stop it peacefully, they don't.
So this happens. Stop converting Hindus to Christianity, then there wont be any attacks on Christians to practice their religion.
floyd reyes 1 mese fa
fuck hindus....hindus are those people who are uneducated ,poor and dont know want is hygiene,,,idiots people....bastards...i want to kill them....fuck all hindus....same like animal attitude...ur god and all hindus people are they same..they r all animals....
Joseph Pal 1 mese fa
They are muslims attacking wke up and warn all others, we know the truth about Islam
È stato segnalato come spam nascondi •
Bharatiya4ever 1 mese fa
If in India, really Christians were prosecuted all over. How come christian numbers, number of conversions done by them are increasing every year. Get your facts right.
Pls don't spread wrong ideas.
November 6, 2012
After repeatedly threatening to kill me, Muslim emailer comes out for Obama
I heard tonight from a gentleman who has emailed me many, many times in the past. His IP address is, which traces to Djibouti, meaning either that this fellow is in Djibouti or has a spoofed IP address. In his message tonight he repeats the title of my article here:
Name: yahoo Email: yahoo@yahoo.com
Subject: Die with your HATE Mr Spencer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Message: Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four
More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We
Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of
Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More
Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive
Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can
We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of
Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More
Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive
Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can
We Survive Four More Years of Obama?Can We Survive Four More Years of
I haven't heard from this good man in awhile, but for a good stretch of 2010 and 2011 he was sending me death threats almost daily, telling me he would be at various events where I was speaking so as to kill me there (he never did). One read:
I was thinking to CUT your head with AXE.. as Self -defence. defending mY dignity as MUSLIM>
And another:
Message: You are pointing the way that I would still hunt you down. I will never be a hostile to any other human beings for my life time. But only To spencer and When I get you I will do they way you have already reported. Spencer deserves to be indicted and If US government does not bring
him to justice or stop his Hatred We shall take the LAW again in our
hands and provide SPENCER to feed him what he wants.
Will it be a BULL....t or Kn...fe or AX....e.
Will I personally hang you UP or.
I know that you have already reported to the FBI and I dont care if
they will arrest me or Not Spencer .... I am On your WAY,...
A few of them are here, but there were many, many, many others.
In any case, he is celebrating tonight, as apparently he thinks "HATE" has suffered a defeat. The reality, of course, is that many, many more Islamic jihadists like him worldwide will be newly emboldened. And from them, as from this clown, we will see real hate.
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 9:49 PM | 29 Comments
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After stonings and amputations, Islamic supremacist group in Mali says it rejects "all forms of extremism and terrorism"
Anyone who thinks that this means that Ansar Dine won't be carrying out any more stonings and amputations is woefully misinformed. They don't consider carrying out penalties clearly prescribed in Islamic law to be any kind of "extremism and terrorism." They consider that to be simple justice. What they most likely mean by this declaration is that they oppose Israel and the U.S.
"North Mali Islamist group says it rejects violence," by Brahima Ouedraogo for the Associated Press, November 6 (thanks to Kenneth):
OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso (AP) -- An Islamist group carrying out public executions and amputations in northern Mali said Tuesday that it rejects "all forms of extremism and terrorism" and called upon other armed organizations controlling the region, including a branch of al-Qaida, to engage in political talks with the government. The turnabout was announced by a representative of an Ansar Dine delegation that has been holding talks for the last several days with mediators in the capital of neighboring Burkina Faso.
The meetings in Burkina Faso appear to be part of a new, regional attempt to set up negotiations to resolve the Mali crisis ahead of a possible military intervention that is expected to be led by African forces with logistical backing from the European Union and the United States. France is heading the international effort to plan the military campaign to end the occupation by Ansar Dine and other Islamists in Mali's north.
It was not immediately clear how Ansar Dine's declaration would affect its imposition of strict Islamic law in the northern Mali territory under its control. Nor was it clear whether the delegation in Ouagadougou represents all elements within Ansar Dine, which has links to the al-Qaida terror network....
Ansar Dine is one of three Islamist groups controlling Mali's north, and its members are believed to be mostly Malians. The membership of the two other groups, one of them al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, consists primarily of foreign fighters.
Although Ansar Dine has imposed strict Islamic law, including carrying out punishments such as amputating the hands of thieves and stoning to death a couple who had children out of wedlock, authorities believe the group is the most open to negotiation because its fighters are Malian nationals with ties to the area....
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 1:56 PM | 13 Comments
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86-year sentence of Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui, who shot at Americans while yelling "death to America," upheld
Her Pakistani-financed defense attorneys argued that she was just panicking. Funny how so many jihadists panic in exactly the same way.
"Aafia Siddiqui loses appeal on shooting conviction," from Reuters, November 6 (thanks to Block Ness):
NEW YORK: A US appeals court on Monday upheld the conviction and 86-year prison sentence of Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui for shooting at FBI agents and soldiers after her arrest in Afghanistan. The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in New York said a lower court judge had not erred in allowing Siddiqui, 40, to testify in her own defense at trial and in allowing certain evidence against her.
Siddiqui, whose conviction was widely criticized in Pakistan, was sentenced by US District Judge Richard Berman in September 2010. She was convicted by a New York federal jury of attempted murder, armed assault and other charges.
She was arrested in July 2008 by Afghan police, who said she was carrying two pounds (900 grams) of sodium cyanide and crumpled notes referring to mass casualty attacks and New York landmarks.
The day after her arrest, she grabbed an M-4 rifle in her interrogation room and started shooting while yelling “death to America,” the trial jury heard.
No US agents or soldiers were hit, but Siddiqui was shot and wounded in response, according to US prosecutors.
Siddiqui’s defense lawyers, three of whom were paid by the Pakistani government, argued that their client had shot at the US officials in a panic and said the crime lacked any connection to terrorism.
On appeal, her attorneys challenged her conviction and sentence on many grounds. They said the judge improperly allowed jurors to consider the crumpled notes, and that the judge should never have allowed Siddiqui to decide whether to take the stand.
“The district court went to extraordinary lengths to ensure that Siddiqui understood the implications of testifying and had the capacity to testify,” the opinion said....
The appeals court also sided with Berman in finding that Siddiqui had likely premeditated the attack, and that terrorism sentencing requirements were applicable because of her willingness to harm Americans.
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 12:03 PM | 6 Comments
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Saudi Arabia: Sharia judges denounce "the stench of Western ideas"
But if anyone even dares to suggest in the U.S. that there might be an incompatibility than Western ideas and Sharia, the condemnations will rain down. "Saudi sharia judges decry Westernizing 'stench' of legal reforms," by Angus McDowall for Reuters, November 6 (thanks to Block Ness):
(Reuters) - Saudi judges who enforce sharia (Islamic law) have condemned what they see as "the stench of Western ideas" in sweeping legal reforms pushed by King Abdullah, underscoring friction between government modernizers and religious hardliners. In a letter to Justice Minister Mohammed al-Issa seen by Reuters, eight judges complained about foreign trainers who shave their beards contrary to purist Islam, the minister's meetings with diplomats of "infidel" states and plans to let women practice as lawyers....
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 11:36 AM | 13 Comments
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Robert Spencer: 8 Reasons You Aren’t Safer than You Were 4 Years Ago
In PJ Media this morning I make the case against the appeaser-in-chief.
Are you safer from the global jihad and Islamic supremacism than you were four years ago? Over the last four years, Barack Obama has:
Warmly supported the “Arab Spring” revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya (the latter with military aid) that heralded the installation of pro-Sharia Islamic supremacist regimes in each. These regimes are already oppressing women and non-Muslims and striving to outdo their predecessors in anti-Americanism. The Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt, meanwhile, is giving out strong and repeated hints that the Camp David Accords, and Egypt’s uneasy but 30-year-old peace with Israel, are not long for this world.
Refused to say a single positive word about the uprising against the bloody Islamic regime in Iran, ostensibly on the grounds that American support would doom the uprising to failure – a possibility that never gave him pause in his rush to praise the Egyptian, Libyan, and Tunisian uprisings. He thus missed an opportunity to weaken and destabilize, at the very least, a rogue regime that is relentlessly pursuing development of nuclear weapons and has made no secret of its genocidal intentions toward Israel.
Displayed repeated contempt for Israel and its prime minister, thereby drastically weakening the U.S.’s relationship with its only ally in the Middle East and encouraging jihadists who have vowed to destroy the Jewish state – not least in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Readily acquiesced to the demands of Muslim groups tied to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood that training material for the FBI and Department of Homeland Security be purged of all accurate information about how jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to recruit and motivate terrorists. This has led to a government-wide willful ignorance about the motives and goals of those who have vowed to destroy us, which in turn leads to disastrous policy mistakes based on false assumptions about the outlook and aspirations of Muslim “insurgents.” The most obvious recent consequence of this analytical failure was the murder of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans at the Benghazi consulate by revolutionaries Obama and Stevens had backed on the assumption that they were benign democratic pluralists.
Kept American troops in Afghanistan without a clearly defined mission, fighting against a foe, the Taliban, that have so thoroughly infiltrated the government and police force that our troops are murdered by their putative allies in ever-increasing numbers. Our ostensible allies have responded to this infiltration by inviting Taliban members to run for offices in the upcoming elections, making it more unclear than ever what is the purpose of the continuing American presence there, except perhaps to demonstrate that Barack Obama is not weak on defense or soft on jihad terror.
Aided and abetted the ever more prevalent idea that when Muslims riot and murder over something a non-Muslim has said or done, the fault, and the responsibility to change his behavior, lies with the non-Muslim. He has done this by blaming the Muhammad video for the Benghazi consulate attack for a considerable period after he knew that it was a jihad attack that had been planned for some time beforehand and had nothing to do with the video. By proclaiming that “the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,” he has thrown in his lot with those who are demanding curbs on the First Amendment to criminalize the criticism of Islam.
There is more.
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 1:00 AM | 50 Comments
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UK: Muslim gangs raped underage girls in care homes
The Qur’an forbids Muslim men to have sexual relations with “wedded women, save what your right hands own.” (4:4) “Prosperous are the believers who in their prayers are humble and from idle talk turn away and at almsgiving are active and guard their private parts save from their wives and what their right hands own then being not blameworthy.” (23:1-6)
Those whom their “right hands own” are slaves, and inextricable from the concept of Islamic slavery as a whole is the concept of sex slavery, which is rooted in Islam’s devaluation of the lives of non-Muslims. The Qur’an stipulates that a man many take four wives as well as hold slave girls as sex slaves. These women are captured in wartime and are considered the spoils of war. Islam avoids the appearance of impropriety, declaring that the taking of these sex slaves does not constitute adultery if the women are already married, for their marriages are ended at the moment of their capture. A manual of Islamic law directs: “When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled” (Reliance of the Traveller, o9.13).
This is by no means an eccentric or unorthodox view in Islam. The Egyptian Sheikh Abu-Ishaq al-Huwayni declared in May 2011 that “we are in the era of jihad,” and that as they waged jihad warfare against infidels, Muslims would take slaves. He clarified what he meant in a subsequent interview:
...Jihad is only between Muslims and infidels….Spoils, slaves, and prisoners are only to be taken in war between Muslims and infidels. Muslims in the past conquered, invaded, and took over countries. This is agreed to by all scholars--there is no disagreement on this from any of them, from the smallest to the largest, on the issue of taking spoils and prisoners. The prisoners and spoils are distributed among the fighters, which includes men, women, children, wealth, and so on.When a slave market is erected, which is a market in which are sold slaves and sex-slaves, which are called in the Qur’an by the name milk al-yamin, “that which your right hands possess” [Qur’an 4:24]. This is a verse from the Qur’an which is still in force, and has not been abrogated. The milk al-yamin are the sex-slaves. You go to the market, look at the sex-slave, and buy her. She becomes like your wife, (but) she doesn’t need a (marriage) contract or a divorce like a free woman, nor does she need a wali. All scholars agree on this point--there is no disagreement from any of them. [...] When I want a sex slave, I just go to the market and choose the woman I like and purchase her.
Right around the same time, on May 25, 2011, a female Kuwaiti activist and politician, Salwa al-Mutairi, also spoke out in favor of the Islamic practice of sexual slavery of non-Muslim women, emphasizing that the practice accorded with Islamic law and the parameters of Islamic morality.
...A merchant told me that he would like to have a sex slave. He said he would not be negligent with her, and that Islam permitted this sort of thing. He was speaking the truth….I brought up (this man’s) situation to the muftis in Mecca. I told them that I had a question, since they were men who specialized in what was halal, and what was good, and who loved women. I said, “What is the law of sex slaves?” The mufti said, “With the law of sex slaves, there must be a Muslim nation at war with a Christian nation, or a nation which is not of the religion, not of the religion of Islam. And there must be prisoners of war.”
“Is this forbidden by Islam?,” I asked.
“Absolutely not. Sex slaves are not forbidden by Islam. On the contrary, sex slaves are under a different law than the free woman. The free woman must be completely covered except for her face and hands. But the sex slave can be naked from the waist up. She differs a lot from the free woman. While the free woman requires a marriage contract, the sex slave does not--she only needs to be purchased by her husband, and that’s it. Therefore the sex slave is different than the free woman.”
While the savage exploitation of girls and young women is an unfortunately cross-cultural phenomenon, only in Islamic law does it carry anything approaching divine sanction. Here is yet another human rights scandal occasioned by Islamic law that the international human rights community cravenly ignores.
"Asian" is British PC media-speak for "Muslim." "New grooming scandal: Girls in care homes 'gang-raped,'" by Justin Penrose in the Mirror, November 3 (thanks to all who sent this in):
POLICE are investigating shocking new claims that gangs of Asian men gang-raped and abused vulnerable under-age girls from CARE HOMES in the North West. The new grooming scandal emerged after a 27-year-old mum claimed she was a victim of a horrifying catalogue of sexual abuse while in care as a teen.
Her account of how care workers allegedly turned a blind eye to predatory paedophiles echoes the findings of a report into a sex ring in Rochdale, which highlighted “missed opportunities” to halt abuse.
Claire, not her real name, says she was one of many vulnerable young girls who were treated like “pieces of meat” by men who hung around the care homes she lived in in Lancashire and Liverpool.
She says she was groomed and molested in return for alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. On one harrowing occasion when she was 14, she was drugged and gang-raped.
A farmer found her naked in a field covered in blood and bruises, but she was returned to her home without medical help. “My social worker told me I deserved what I’d got because I’d been drinking,” she says. “I hadn’t... I was drugged.” Claire says even though she told staff at Briar’s Hey Residential Home in Rainhill, Merseyside, which closed in 2005, there was no medical examination or police probe.
“I was given the morning-after pill ‘to avoid any more mess’,” she says.
Claire, who now lives with her partner and four children, claims her experience was the norm for many teens at the homes. “Sex was the going currency for girls like me,” she says. “The men would hang round the gates. If we complained to staff we were told to just ignore them.”
In May this year, when nine men from the paedophile gang in Rochdale were jailed, Claire contacted police in the hope they would finally investigate her ordeal....
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 12:51 AM | 13 Comments
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Ex-Muslim in Muslim country tells family about her apostasy: "I am actually happy"
The Liberated One, the apostate from Islam blogging from a Muslim country, has a new update here.
I am overwhelmed with the response that I got on my last post, and it feels wonderful to know that people who I have never met and who don't even know my real name are so concerned about my safety. Well, rest assured that I am absolutely safe.. I am sure most of you must have guessed that I live in UAE, not Saudi or Kuwait or Iran, or worse still, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This country is too westernised and far too eager to be in the good books of dear old uncle Sam. There is a nightclub and bar in every area and alcohol is freely available, but you need a liquor permit for that, which, by the way, I happen to have, even though I have a Pakistani passport and am a Muslim on paper. There has never been a case of honor killing in this country and not likely to be one now. So please, my dear friends and well wishers, rest assured that I am fit and fine and my family are not going to kill me and jeopardize their future. Both my brothers have good stable jobs and so do their wives. They live in luxurious apartments and their children attend private British schools. They both have four wheel drive cars and so do their wives. They travel to Europe or the far east every summer. Do you honestly think they would risk losing all that and get deported to Pakistan or put behind bars? There is no way they would forsake their heavenly luxurious lives for anything or anyone, and yes, that means not even for Allah or Mohammed. As far as my parents are concerned, they don't have a penny of their own. My dad is retired and mom a housewife all her life. My two brothers and I support them financially. By the way, I write cheques and give them to my parents every few months. In fact the last time I spoke to my mom, on Saturday, when I told her about my apostasy, the last thing she did before hanging up was to remind me that December is the last cheque she has. I assured her that I will write cheques for the next six months and send the envelope to her with my company driver. So you see, it's next to impossible that my family would kill the hen which lays the golden eggs.
Read it all.
Posted by Robert on November 6, 2012 12:45 AM | 54 Comments
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