quando: farisei salafiti massoni satanisti hanno creato i terroristi? poi, un loro controllo al 100% non è possibile ] [ NEW YORK, 12 APR - Il Dipartimento di stato americano ha emesso un 'travel warning' per l'Arabia Saudita, sottolineando come "cittadini statunitensi e occidentali" nel Paese possano essere oggetto di attentati terroristici in vista della visita del presidente Barack Obama. Visita che si svolgerà in occasione del summit con i Paesi del Golfo il 21 aprile.
e se i massoni austriaci sono ancora i ptrioti e non i traditori della PATRIA che voi siete diventati? ] [ Migranti: Italia, no barriere Brennero, Lettera congiunta Gentiloni-Alfano a Ue, 12 aprile 2016
Maçons Satanist Rothschild abominable PHARISEE TALMUD 666 ENLIGHTENED SPA FED NWO. why you will kill ISRAEL?
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu ] il buco del culo: è un arma letale di distruzione di massa, è assai più pericolosa dell'Olocausto nucleare! infatti, i Sodomiti hanno meritato il Diluvio Universale, e la distruzione delle città della valle di Sodoma, poi, dicono che sia stato il cristianesimo a distruggere l'Impero Romano: "NO L'IMPERO ROMANO È STATO DISTRUTTO DAI SODOMITI" ed infatti anche la CIVILTà della GRECIA classica è stata distrutta dai sodomiti e come tutti sanno, i cristiani non esistevano ancora! Infatti, la omosessualità ideologica o sodomia: apre spontaneamente al satanismo e a tutte le perversioni sessuali! DIRANNO ANCHE CHE È STATO UNIUS REI: A DISTRUGGERE IL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE! tutto falso: SONO STATI I SODOMITI!
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
OCCIDENTE non sopravviverà al suo satanismo! i demoni come balie si porteranno a passeggio il vostro cervello! Realtà aumentata e video 'hard', ci prova il sito PornHub, Apre canale gratis per video a 360 gradi, si vedono con visori, [ MA, LO STATO MASSONE GENDER ANTICRISTO BILDENBERG FARISEO ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? DOVREBBE PROIBIRE QUESTE COSE, se è vero che, non ha deciso di far morire tutti all'inferno della guerra mondiale!
quindi secondo questo articolo è ERDOGAN USA CIA che rifornisce anche ISIS, senza i RUSSI? oggi dominerebbero incontrastati in Siria grazie ad ERDOGAN ] [ 08/04/2016 - SIRIA ] [ Conflitto siriano, i ribelli strappano allo Stato islamico il controllo di al-Rai. La cittadina del nord si torva lungo la direttrice che collega Siria e Turchia. Una rotta strategica per il passaggio di merci e rifornimenti. Un successo importante in vista della battaglia principale per il controllo di Aleppo. Alla periferia di Damasco i jihadisti attaccano una fabbrica e sequestrano 200 operai.
Washington has had it's attention brought to your crap. Your time is limited.~
USA 666 UK SHARIA NATO, e tutti gli alleati massoni del cazzo di Satana Allah, che finiranno per uccidere Europa e Israele
USA CALIFFATO SAUDITA TURCO HANNO PROGETTATO DI METTERE LE MANI SUL PAPA E DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA ] [ 20/07/2015 LIBIA. Libia, i miliziani dello Stato islamico sequestrano tre immigrati cristiani. Il rapimento è avvenuto nella zona orientale, nei pressi di Sirte. Nel mirino un cittadino egiziano, un nigeriano e un ghanese. I jihadisti hanno diffuso le foto dei loro passaporti. In passato la Libia è stata teatro della decapitazione di una ventina di cristiani copti. Sempre ieri rapiti quattro lavoratori italiani.
Siria, jet russi fermano attacchi di al-Nusra contro le forze curde ] [ tutti i Curdi che Hollande e Cameron vogliono far sterminare da Erdogan!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] IS SPA FED Rothschild sharia Satanists your penis NWO?
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] Obama? a casa sua: comanda la moglie, e al Pentagono comanda Bush: 322 il satanista: "IL TESCHIO CON LE OSSA DEI PIRATI"! Forse Donald Trump, potrebbe dare una dritta, a questa nazione MALEFICATA e venduta a Satana dai Farisei del Talmud Spa FED! NON C'È NESSUNO CHE PUÒ SPERARE QUALCOSA DI POSITIVO DAI SACERDOTI DI SATANA DELLA CIA: "CACCIATELI!"
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] in effetti, Dio JHWH in ISRAELE ha detto: "QUELLO È IL MAR CINESE MERIDIONALE!" [ ma, se per pura ipotesi voi vinceste questa guerra, non si prenderebbero tutte le miniere e i giacimenti, gli USA: i sacerdoti di satana, come spese di guerra? IN OGNI CASO, SIA in caso di: VINCITA che, COME, in caso di: PERDITA, A VOI RIMARREBBERO SOLTANTO, I CADAVERI E LA DISTRUZIONE TOTALE! voi che dite? "forse un brutto accordo è sempre meglio di una guerra?"
MY ISRAEL ] 0286891021 [ io non credo, che, 666 CIA abbiano la speranza di potermi intimidire, io credo, piuttosto, che, per una tecnologia elettronica, loro possono trasformare un cellulare telefono, in un microfono ambientale! MA, QUESTO È del TUTTO INUTILE, PERCHÉ NON POSSONO ASCOLTARE I MIEI PENSIERI, SE, IO NON LI HO PUBBLICATI.. che, poi, è proprio questo il divertimento!
CONOSCO UNA PERSONA CHE HA DETTO: "VOGLIO TUTTO IO!" PRIMA DI MORIRE, LUI È STATO PAZZO PER 10 ANNI, ED ORA È ALL'INFERNO! GLI USA E I LORO ALLEATI MASSONI SONO AVVISATI! Il ministero degli Esteri cinese ha più volte sottolineato che la gestione economica di Pechino sulle isole nel Mar Cinese Meridionale "non è diretta contro paesi terzi e niente influisce su di loro". Gli Stati Uniti, a loro volta, hanno condotto diverse pattuglie nei pressi delle zone contese sotto la bandiera delle "operazioni in difesa della libertà di navigazione". Per Pechino si tratta di una violazione della sua sovranità. Nell'ottobre 2015 il comandante della Marina Militare cinese ha fatto sapere ai colleghi americani che "un piccolo incidente nella regione potrebbe provocare una guerra", ma il Pentagono non pianifica di abbandonare le manovre nel Mar Cinese Meridionale: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160412/2464584/mccain-washington-pechino.html#ixzz45dQE3PW2
IL SACERDOTE DI SATANA John McCain ( QUELLO CHE SI È INCONTRATO IN UN BAR TURCO CON, quello che sarebbe diventato: il FUTURO CALIFFO DELLO ISIS DAESH STATO ISLAMICO): ha detto: "Washington deve essere pronta a reagire alle pretese di Pechino!" [ e questo è vero, perché, gli USA SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, e il loro governo mondiale massonico, sono, GIÀ i soli padroni del mondo! QUINDI, CHE PRETESE POTREBBE AVERE LA CINA O CHIUNQUE ALTRO? ] Secondo il senatore dell’Arizona la Cina continua la “militarizzazione” della situazione nella regione e si prepara ad estendere la cotraerea su tutto il Mar Cinese Meridionale, perciò Washington deve essere pronto per un’immediata, dura reazione alle “ambizioni” di Pechino.
se i massoni europei non distruggono la NATO, e non fanno una alleanza militare con la Russia? NON SARÀ POSSIBILE SALVARE I POPOLI EUROPEI DA UN IMMANE MASSACRO! PERCHÉ, I VERI NEMICI DELLE DEMOCRAZIE OCCIDENTALI SONO USA E LORO LEGA ARABA! ] [ La situazione “congelata” delle sanzioni tra Russia e Occidente. 12.04.2016 In Occidente le sanzioni non hanno portato i risultati sperati, ma hanno solo influito negativamente sull’economia di molti paesi.
ME, LO HA SEMPRE DETTO, il sacerdote di satana, ex-Direttore, di youtube: Synnek1 666, che, io ho fatto licenziare, ed oggi lui è: 187AudioHostem: "ogni resistenza è inutile!" .. MA, IO HO DECISO CHE NON DEVE ESSERE COSÌ! PERCHÉ, IO FARÒ UCCIDE, OVUNQUE, IN TUTTO IL MONDO! FINCHÉ L'IRA DI DIO NON SIA PLACATA!
ARRIVERÀ IL MOMENTO, IN CUI, IO VEDRÒ TUTTI I LEADER EUROPEI (I MASSONI DEL SISTEMA POLITICO FINANZIARIO) TUTTI GIUSTIZIATI PER ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE: E QUINDI CONDANNATI A MORTE DA TRIBUNALI POPOLARI RIVOLUZIONARI! Naftogaz: il Nord Stream 2 sarebbe la nostra rovina, 12.04.2016 La costruzione del secondo tronco del Nord Stream, secondo l’amministratore delegato della Naftogaz, potrebbe essere completata entro il 2019 e provocherà all’Ucraina chiari problemi, in particolare, con gli acquisti di gas in Europa.
E QUESTO È VERO: c'è un conflitto: sharia Turchia ISIS, contro i CURDI, dato che tutti gli altri dhimmi, hanno già subito il genocidio sharia! Ora, soltanto Dio e Putin, possono salvare i Curdi dal genocidio, così come sono stritolati su due fronti: contemporaneamente! ] [ 12.04.2016
Ancora un attentato contro la polizia turca a Diyarbakir: due morti e una cinquantina di feriti. Ankara accusa il Pkk.
#CINA, #RUSSIA #ISRAELE ] [ un attacco nucleare preventivo: SU SCALA MONDIALE, è la nostra unica speranza PER POTER SOPRAVVIVERE COME GENERE UMANO LIBERO! ] Hiroshima, Kerry: "Guerra ultima risorsa". Storica visita al Memoriale che apre la strada a Obama
mi diverte, osservare: quella feccia di OBAMA attore Hollywood, e osservare il fatto che: sono i SATANISTI MASSONI: regime sharia Bildenberg: alto tradimento costituzionale contro la sovranità monetaria dei popoli, magia nera kabbalah, talmud satanico, Gender teosofia demoniaca, tutti i loro: FARISEI SALAFITI, la totale aberrazione dei diritti umanistici e identitari, proprio loro: la negazione della autodeterminazione dei popoli: cioè, il NWO Spa Banche Centrali, che, si siano impegnati a far sparire i Dittatori, ed ogni forma di pluralismo, nel mondo, come ogni traccia di società: post larvatamente ebraico cristiana! Corea Nord: Lincoln per criticare Obama: Lettera ipotetica, 'Pyongyang non crollerà malgrado sanzioni' CERTO, CHE LA COREA DEL NORD, ECC.. DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTA, MA, SOLTANTO IO, POSSO DECIDERE: CHI, COME E QUANDO, DEVE MORIRE: PERCHÉ, IO SONO IL REGNO DI ISRAELE, CIOÈ io sono il REGNO DI DIO JHWH, IN FORMA POLITICA SULLA TERRA!
ONU: i nuovi diritti umani universali del Gufo Allah Baal SpA FED? ONU è un sharia terrorista, di Sodoma culto Darwin: il più perfetto altare di satana: della storia del genere umano, mentre, gli USA islamici: sono i sacerdoti Satanisti: Farisei satanisti massoni salafiti! Quindi, la Merkel: Pravy Secotor, golpe Kiev, cecchini Cia a Maidan, ecc..? dopo Ban-Kimono GENDER? questa è la scelta giusta per me!
non ho un problema contro GAY e loro associazioni, anzi io li amo! MA, SE NON RINUNCIANO ALLA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER CHE È TEOSOFIA SATANICA, APOLOGIA DI REATO E PURO TERRORISMO CONTRO LA LEGGE NATURALE, POI, IL CONTRATTO PATTO SOCIALE ANDRÀ DISTRUTTO, CON ESITI SOCIALI DRAMMATICI! Assegnati ad Arcigay beni confiscati alla mafia, Prima volta ad associazione immobili sottratti a Cosa nostra
quando Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi Presidente dell'Egitto, mandò le "teste di quoio" in Libia, a vendicare i suoi cristiani copti, che, sharia ISIS aveva sgozzato sul mare? Tutta la shaaria LEGA ARABA lo rimproverò e dissero: "NOI SIAMO PERSONE SERIE!", infatti, quello che al-Sisi aveva fatto, prima di pugnalare la Russia alle spalle? era troppo grave! Perché, ISIS, non può e non deve essere fermato da USA e Lega ARABA, in Libia come altrove!
gli USA oggi sono nel mondo il vero volto del NAZISMO! il regime massonico Bildenberg: il vero volto del NAZISMO È IN USA ] Protesta a Capitol Hill, 400 arresti. "Basta corruzione del denaro in politica, elezioni siano libere" La protesta a Capitol Hill: WASHINGTON. 12 aprile 2016 [ Oltre 400 attivisti sono stati arrestati mentre manifestavano pacificamente davanti a Capitol Hill con striscioni e cartelli ''per chiedere al Congresso di agire subito per far cessare la corruzione del denaro nella nostra politica e per garantire elezioni libere e imparziali'', ha spiegato Democracy sprint, il gruppo organizzatore. Il numero di arresti e' uno dei piu' grossi degli ultimi anni. L'accusa, ha reso noto la polizia, e' di manifestazione illegale.
USA SHARIA ONU ] tutto quello che io vi devo fare? è già stato scritto in Apocalisse!
perché la Comunità internazionale non è riuscita a fermare i terroristi, e la RUSSIA ci è riuscita in pochi mesi? È CHIARO: È LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CHE SONO I TERRORISTI ISLAMICI! E QUESTO ARTICOLO LO DIMOSTRA! SONO TUTTI ATTI DI DEPISTAGGIO, E DI DISSIMULAZIONE, PER INGANNARE LA OPINIONE PUBBLICA! NON SI È VOLUTO COLPIRE ISIS INTENZIONALMENTE, PER OTTENERE IL GENOCIDIO DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI, E SOLTANTO, SECONDARIAMENTE, LO SI È FATTO PER DANNEGGIARE GLI SCIITI! E POICHÉ, TUTTE LE ARMI E I FINANZIAMENTI DI USA SONO PASSATI AD ISIS? POI, È proprio ONU IL PIÙ GRANDE TERRORISTA DEL MONDO! ISTANBUL, 12 APR - Almeno 6 persone sono rimaste ferite stamani nella provincia di confine turca di Kilis da 3 colpi di mortaio sparati da zone del nord della Siria sotto il controllo dell'Isis. Lo ha reso noto il governatore locale, Suleyman Tapsiz, secondo cui 3 dei colpiti sono in gravi condizioni. Ieri altri 5 razzi katiuscia, sparati sempre dalla Siria, avevano raggiunta la stessa zona, ferendo 12 persone. L'esercito di Ankara aveva risposto al fuoco secondo le regole d'ingaggio, come sempre in caso di attacchi simili.
La mamma di Regeni: "Grazie per avere adottato il mio Giulio" ] NON ESISTE UNA VERITÀ ALTERNATIVA: ARABIA SAUDITA su mandato USA, CONTROLLA EGITTO COME OGNI ALTRO GOVERNO DELLA LEGA ARABA, .. ORA, Israele e il GENERE UMANO? devono TREMARE! Un commentatore di spicco del più diffuso Al Ahram ha velatamente attaccato il dicastero in prima linea nelle indagini ("perché il ministro dell'Interno non parla del funzionamento del suo ministero?"). Il concorrente Al-Akhbar invece ha sostenuto che la tortura a morte del giovane ricercatore friulano è "un crimine perpetrato da cospiratori che vogliono nuocere alle relazioni italo-egiziane".
QUANDO LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE, ONU, cioè, tutti i DIRITTI umani UNIVERSALI di Talmud SpA FED SATANA NWO, HA DECISO CHE: TURCHIA E ARABIA SAUDITA: AVREBBERO AVUTO IL DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, DI POTER AGGREDIRE LE NAZIONI, ATTRAVERSO, IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO? VERRÀ IL GIORNO CHE, TUTTI VOI COMPARIRETE TUTTI A RISPONDERE DEI VOSTRI DELITTI DAVANTI AL MIO TRIBUNALE! ] [ Siria: continua flusso armi e militanti al Nusra attraverso confine turco. 12.04.2016. Siria, Stato Maggiore russo: continua flusso armi e militanti aL-Nusra attraverso confine turco. Il flusso di armi e militanti di rinforzo del gruppo terroristico al-Nusra continua attraverso il confine turco-siriano, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti. "Nonostante i progressi nell'attuazione del regime di cessate il fuoco, le forniture di armi e militanti dalla parte turca del confine, continuano a rafforzare i terroristi Nusra, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti", ha detto Sergei Rudskoy, capo della principale direzione operativa dello Stato Maggiore russo.Lo ha affermato lo Stato Maggiore russo. Il regime di cessate il fuoco mediato è entrata in vigore il 27 febbraio.
COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI! tutti quelli che vanno nei paradisi fiscali sono evasori! QUINDI PERCHÉ CI VA IL FONDO MONETARIO INTERNAZIONALE, A RICICLARE TUTTI I PROVENTI DEL SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO? L'OBIETTIVO DI SOROS ERA QUELLO DI DISTRUGGERE I PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN UK, PER CONCENTRARE TUTTE LE RICCHEZZE NEI PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN USA! ] MA, IO NON SO QUESTI: PUGNALATORI DI ALLEATI DEL CAZ*O, QUESTI FARISEI TALMUD LUCIFERINI, CHE TIPO DI CAZ*OINCULO POSSONO RICEVERE ADESSO dai loro ex-alleati UK! [ "Complimenti signor premier — ha attaccato nel corso di un acceso dibattito Jeremy Corbin — lei è un maestro di mistificazione della realtà, ma la gente è esasperata dall'evasione fiscale dopo sei anni di austerità". Panama Papers, la difesa di Cameron. 12.04.2016. Il primo ministro britannico alla Camera dei Comuni: false le accuse contro mio padre. Ora maggiore contrasto all'evasione internazionale. Corbin: da Cameron mistificazione della realtà. COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI!
Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
Regeni: la madre, grazie per aver adottato il mio Giulio
Regeni 'non è caso isolato', 15 desaparecidos recenti
Regeni: Massari, l'ambasciatore in prima linea per la verità
Regeni: famiglia amareggiata, "Italia non si fermi"
Su Regeni è crisi diplomatica tra Italia e Egitto
Regeni: ecco le misure in mano all'Italia
Regeni, Renzi: 'A fianco dei pm, non consentiremo di svicolare'
Caso Regeni: Italia-Egitto, tra verità e depistaggi
Caso Regeni, il comunicato della Procura dopo il vertice Italia-Egitto
Caso Regeni: l'Italia pronta a nuove misure, l'Egitto 'irritato'
Regeni: fallito vertice magistrati Italia-Egitto
VIDEOCaso Regeni, 'dossier ancora incompleto'
Caso Regeni, "dossier ancora incompleto"
Investigatori romani al vertice Italia-Egitto su Regeni
Caso Regeni, vertice a Roma con inquirenti egiziani
FORSE QUESTO FILM VUOLE DIRE CHE: LE BANCHE SONO LA MAFIA PIÙ GRANDE, MA LA MAFIA CERCA IL POTERE, IL DENARO, MENTRE: NESSUNO PUÒ DIRE CHE LE NOSTRE BANCHE SONO UNA RELIGIONE: SONO IL SATANISMO CULTUALE, E COME, L'ALTARE DI SATANA È IL LORO CUORE! TALE È IL SATANISMO, esso NON CERCA IL POTERE E LA RICCHEZZA che, il NWO massonico regime Bildenberg HA GIÀ: di suo: IN MODO ASSOLUTO, in realtà, IL NWO È LUCIFERO, e LUI VUOLE TUTTE LE VOSTRE ANIME, tutti con LUI atterriti e disperati allo INFERNO: in attesa di essere disintegrati nel giorno del giudizio universale! quindi, QUESTA DELLA FED SPA FMI, È UNA GUERRA PER POSSEDERE LE ANIME, E DA QUESTO PUNTO DI VISTA, NONOSTANTE I LORO DELITTI ABERRANTI GLI ISLAMICI, SONO GLI UNICI CHE, STANNO FACENDO IL DOPPIO GIOCO CONTRO IL NWO: L'IMPERO DEL TALMUD DI ROTHSCHILD 322 BUSH! ] [ Servillo, un monaco contro le banche. Nel film, in odor di Cannes, anche Daniel Auteuil e Favino Servillo http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cultura/cinema/2016/04/11/servillo-monaco-contro-le-banche_66280d71-9734-4ce9-bd26-3a39910acd66.html 12 aprile 2016
è un film denuncia alla: Elio Petri e estetica alla: Paolo Sorrentino, arriva nelle sale il 21 aprile distribuito da 01 'Le confessioni', film contro le banche e il potere finanziario in odor di Cannes. ''Mi sembrava naturale proseguire sulle cose che mi assillano da sempre e fare una ricognizione sul potere e sull'economia oggi in crisi...''Voi avete un sistema perfetto: quello della mafia. Le banche come la mafia non devono dare conto a nessuno''. Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
QUALE PUÒ ESSERE L'OBIETTIVO DEI "FRATELLI MUSULMANI (I TERRORISTI)"? il genocidio di tutti i cristiani e di tutti gli ebrei in tutto il mondo: OVVIAMENTE! Ma, #Salman e #Rothschild non possono dire pubblicamente che: 1. il NWO è anche il CALIFFATO; e che, 2. questo genocidio si sta compiendo velocemente, ed anche in tempi molto rapidi! ] SI, È vero: #SALMAN VUOLE DARE UNA LEZIONE, PUNIZIONE a IRAN, ma, NON È NEI PROGETTI del loro Allah Rothschild SATANA, di fare il genocidio sistematico degli SCIITI, PERCHÉ QUESTI, conflitti, OMICIDI, di tipo CONFESSIONALe sono molto utili per la realizzazione del Califfato mondiale, cioè, FANNO SPARIRE molto velocemente, i dhimmi da TUTTO IL MONDO! SCIITI E SUNNITI SONO I DUE LATI DELLA MEDAGLIA PER LA REALIZZIONE DEL CALIFFATO MONDIALE: quindi non è seria la loro ostilità! 12/04/2016 - SAUDI ARABIA - EGYPT. Cairo and Riyadh: investments and territorial arrangements to counter Iran.
The Saudi king has made a "historic" five-day visit to Egypt, where he signed new trade agreements and proposed a peaceful future for Sunni nations. The Muslim Brotherhood unhappy: "We are being used to achieve political goals and then abandoned." Among the joint projects, a "bridge" across the Red Sea. 12/04/2016 - ARABIA SAUDITA – EGITTO. Cairo e Riyadh: investimenti e accordi territoriali per fare fronte contro l'Iran. Il re saudita ha compiuto una "storica" visita di cinque giorni in Egitto, dove ha siglato nuovi accordi commerciali e prospettato un futuro di pace alle nazioni sunnite. I Fratelli Musulmani scontenti: "Veniamo usati per raggiungere scopi politici e poi abbandonati". Fra i progetti congiunti, un "ponte" sul Mar rosso.
il bullismo islamico, non potrebbe esistere se: intenzionalmente, UE e USA non erano i 666 Talmud Farisei satanisti massoni: tutti usurai culto SpA FED: regime BILDENBERG, che stermineranno i popoli europei (in una guerra fratricida contro la Russia): ed annienteranno ogni presenza ebraico-cristiana nel mondo! ] MA, SE LA RUSSIA VIENE AGGREDITA? POI, LA ARABIA SAUDITA DIVENTERÀ IL LUOGO PIÙ RADIOATTIVO DI TUTTO IL PIANETA! 11/04/2016 - MALAYSIA. Sharia-compliant Rayani Air grounded for failing to follow aviation rules. Malaysian aviation authorities imposed a three-month suspension on the carrier for contravening “civil aviation regulations”. Launched in December, Rayani requires Muslim female crewmembers to wear the hijab, offers only halal food, and bans alcohol
11/04/2016. MALAYSIA. Malaysia, segue le regole della sharia ma non quelle civili: fermata la Rayani Air. Il Dipartimento dell’aviazione ha revocato la concessione di volo alla compagnia per tre mesi, per “contravvenzione alle regole”. Fondata a dicembre, la Rayani esige che le hostess musulmane indossino l’hijab, che i cibi serviti in volo siano halal e che il consumo di alcol sia vietato.
#sALMAN #ERDOGAN #Shaaria #ISLAMICI sono ladri stupratori terroristi pirati e assassini, perché, questa è la natura del loro satana Allah Akbar! 11/04/2016. BANGLADESH. Wife of Protestant minister raped to seize their land. The victim was attacked in her own home. Her screams attracted the attention of her husband, who prevented her murder. The four rapists are local thugs, well-known land grabbers. Police refuse to file the case until after local elections (not scheduled for many months). For Catholic activist, "This is totally immoral.” For her, police “are working for the criminals and violating human rights.”
Bangladesh, vogliono rubarle la terra: stuprata la moglie di un pastore protestante. La donna è stata aggredita nella propria abitazione e le sue urla hanno attirato l’attenzione del marito, che ne ha impedito l’uccisione. I quattro stupratori sono malviventi locali, noti per essere influenti espropriatori di terreni. La polizia ha rifiutato di registrare il caso, almeno fino al termine delle elezioni locali (tra diversi mesi). Attivista cattolica: “Questo è del tutto immorale. La polizia è connivente e viola i diritti umani”.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
#Obama, se, noi diaciamo che: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!" poi, noi giustamente, noi saremo puniti! Ma, se Erdogan dice: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!", e sua moglie dice: "l'HAREM è una buona esperienza per imparare ad essere donne!" POI, NOI A QUESTE BESTIE, LE FACCIAMO ENTRARE, anche in EUROPA: perché quella è la loro cultura e noi non possiamo essere islamofobici. TRA LA NOSTRA COLPA, che diventa una VIRTÙ ISLAMICa: voi del relativismo e del pratito democratico: voi QUANTI MILIONI DI MARTIRI CRISTIANI, voi mi avete UCCISO IN QUESTI 30NNI?
#SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] tu hai detto, che le donne che guidano la macchina da sole, sono le prede del diavolo! Ma se tu ti prendi 4 mogli, e poi, non le riesci a soddisfare tutte sessualmente? poi, la preda del demonio? sei proprio tu!
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 secondo fa
1_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Close: For Satanism, pedophilia, ORGAN TRADE: and: HUMAN SACRIFICES.. by Giuseppe: COSCO, in the: BOOK: "POLICY, MAGIC: and: Satanism" (EDITIONS "SIGN" of: UDINE) has: ANALYZED THE EXTREMELY SERIOUS PROBLEM: of the: PATROL: and: ITS RELATIONS, WITH TRADE, ORGAN, COL, Satanism: and: WITH CERTAIN: Lobbies of: ABLE. Report of: FOLLOW THE CHAPTER, WHICH: COSCO: has: ARM, NEW DATA, WHY, THE FACTS COME TO LIGHT, From: this: Search: ARE, to: DIR POCO, chilling.
8 secondi fa
I giusti erano gli ebrei che erano stati fedeli alla antica alleanza. e basta. I pagani bruciavano all'inferno.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
15 secondi fa
ragazzo.. ma, tu stai facendo il falso profeta.. attento!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
36 secondi fa
2_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. The shocking: DOCUMENT, is been published by: MAGAZINE, Detective: & Crime: Magazine:, No. 2, MARCH-APRIL: 1998. The: Version: that: follows: is been: MAGAZINE: and: WIDER. an: amazing number: of: people disappears, every day, in the: nothing, especially young people. Many of: them are, of: others, not: if: it: sa: more: nothing. Is: as: if you were evaporated, disappeared. in the: world, disappear every year many: thousands: of: people. for: get a: pale: idea: of: the: is: serious,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
52 secondi fa
3_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the phenomenon is enough to know, that: only: in: Italy, in the: 1997, "Il Giornale" (March 15, 1997) headlined, an: long piece "From '90 quadrupled, the boys disappeared", Today: are: many of more. an: calculation, also approximate: is: impossible. The daily: between: the other, denounced: "It grows, the number: of the: young people, especially: between the 15: and: 18 years, that: vanish in the: nothing. Le: tracks: drugs, seven : religious, should: adventure: and: market: of the: slaves,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 minuto fa
lol. così Gesù ha detto a te: che, lui ha lasciato tutti gli altri, nel limbo, inferi? ma, non sarebbe Dio, se, lui commettesse una qualche forma di ingiustizia
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
2 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
4_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "and, as: we will see more: between: these" disappeared ", many are also children of: under: of the: ten years. is: a problem serious, deeply felt: in: Europe, they: are authentic: the "Recommendation" (No. R-79-6): in: relation: the: "Missing Persons" established: the Council of Europe: and: the: Posted: of the Oxford Up. "The: dictionary of national biography: missing person". if: Many of: these young people are found, of: other not: if: I: will: more: nothing.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
2 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
5_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Some of: them end up in the: network: of the: prostitution: of the: pornography: of the: pedophilia, in the other: underworld: of the: devotees of Satan. The paper: "The: Printing" (2/8/87) reports: la: news: of: a: sect: satanic that: recruited: children. Here is what he wrote: the newspaper: "The: cult," The discoverers "founded: to: from Washington: an:" guru ", that: today has: 66 years, Marion Pettie, you need: of the: small for : his demonic rituals, focusing
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Gesú scese nel limbo per andare a prendere quegli ebrei (gli antichi profeti come Mosé, Daniele, Elia etc.) che erano stati fedeli alla antica alleanza. Dato che nessuno poteva entrare in Paradiso prima della passione di Cristo costoro dovevano aspettare fino a quel momento.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
6_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. on the: of sacrifice: animals and, one suspects, also: on: practice: The Sexual....: discovery, organization, sort: the remains of: a: common: of: hippies: of the: years: Sixty: has: upset: capital: and: the United States. " In almost all: America: are: in: under investigation: on: Satanic cults, that: practice fierce ceremonies: e: in: not: a few cases, human sacrifice. to: Los Angeles: in: 22 municipalities: of the: county, prosecutors are investigating: on a large number of: cases
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
7_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: pedophilia: to: background ritual. In: more: parts of the: world are no known cases of: children sacrificed to Satan. Here's one: terrible confirmation: "Satan has: taken hold: also: in: South Africa: with: all of the gruesome aspects: its worship, such as the sacrifice of: children slaughtered on '" altar "of the: prince of the: darkness... orgiastic meetings: where young people: are: required to have: sex with: dogs or: goats, symbols: more: holographic of Lucifer
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
8_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "(" Courier: of the: Evening " May 20, 1990). Pedophile Satanists: are: present also: to London. The "Courier: of the: Evening" of the: March 18, 1990, said: "London. Tortured children: and: raped in the: of course: satanic rituals, fetuses extracted to: strength: from the womb: of: teenage-mothers: and: slain... The Edge: of the: reality play, in fact, the stories of: girls: and: adolescents, offers: the high priests of: a: sect: and: their followers for: be: raped.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
9_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. A: time: pregnant, le: small: they are obliged: to abort: and: the fetus, of: four months sacrificed for: the: purification: of the: Satanists, that: it: they would drink the blood: or: if: it :.. ciberebbero survey: Conduct: from: 66 groups of: research: of the "National Society: for: the: Prevention: of the: cruelty against children" in the United Kingdom confirms the existence of: of: such practices... ". The relationship: between: pedophilia: and: Satanism: is been: more: times, tried.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
10_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Different surveys: journalism: and: many managers of: centers of: protection: for: children: they launched the message, that: more: frequently: of: what is believed the racket: of the: prostitution of the : lower: and: of the: pedophilia are: managed by: sects: Satanism: in England: an: child has: that mind-blowing revelations. The newspaper "The Day" (15.09.90) writes: "In his stories confused emerge gruesome: stories: of: killings of: babies, of: tombs open: of: night, of: cannibalism:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
11_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: of : mysterious rites, with: devils: and: ghosts: and: children forced to: drink potions, mysterious, first: of: be raped: and: closed: in: cage.'s: revelations were: made from small: and : by: his: sister in March, with: the help of: dolls: and: drawings ". Misdeeds, that: seem to enjoy: of: protection, at a high level. The journalist Maurizio Blondet, in the: of course: an interview (published: on "Theology", September / October 1996), he said: "Some people practice strange rituals:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
12_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. on an island: close to: Washington are: of characters: high level, come together: in: of nights: moon: full: and: celebrate: of the: ritual, very special. course, nobody wants: to investigate: on: this is because, it is : of: people, very powerful are: things: that: you whisper. Similarly: in: certain "entourage" of politicians: a high level it is said, very quietly, that: being raped: of the: children. All occurs: in: also: background, ritual: of: magic: black.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
13_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. not: are: persons: common that: are these: things, it: of: people: that: it covers: high: charged, officials of the: Pentagon , etc ".. Horrors on: horrors, that: intersect: in: the: earth: dark: of the: of the worshipers: the devil. Here is what he wrote: Also, "Courier: of the: Evening" (7/28/90): "Horror: to: London: after: the: discovery: of: an: market of: films: for: pedophiles with: occasions: from life ": and: more: on" Scotland Yard fears: that at least twenty children, disappeared
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
14_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. without: leave: track: in the last six years, have made a: end: horrible. A: Team: Special: is: was: formed: for: to investigate: in the: dirty market: of the: video pornographic "snuff" intended to: sadistic pedophiles. La: word "snuff" in: slang means "die off" and: in : these are the videos: small: victims are: shooting: from: cameras: while: are: tortured: and: killed: after: have: experienced violence: sexual. La: police: is: believe, that: at least six children are died:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
15_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in: this way to London: and: in the: county: of the Kent. England..: has: learned with: horror: that: in: the breast: moving company ready to show: filming: torment, the agony: and: the: death: of: for children: fulfilled: the pleasure of perverse: many other monsters ready to: pay: ten million for: a: copy: of the: film. " is: a: tragedy: huge, that: rampant, always: of: more: everywhere. The: Estimates: exact: of the: young: victims are: impossible: and: not: there are reliable data,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
16_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the level of the: phenomenon, however, not: less of: 250 000 000 of: copies: of: videos: are: sold: in: around the world, only in the United States are: been: sold 20 million of: video. Films always more: 'strong', often with: torture: follow: from: Death of the: children. Every year, in the: world, an: one million: of: children of 18 years: is: victim of the: trade: more: ugly, that: ranging from kinky sex in: sue: more: Various: forms: prostitution , sex tourism, pedophilia, pornography,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
e non sai tu, che GEsù, lui scese agli, inferi ,,, nel giorno della risurezione, per portare in paradiso, tutti gli uomini giusti, del passato?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
7 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
17_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. sadism, etc.., to murder. Horrible events occur: in any part: of: this our planet are: very recent: the: brutality: done: in Belgium. Facts that: day after: day, emerge identical to: those just: narrated. Horrors, as: those that: would have been made, by the criminal pedophile, Marc Dutroux, dubbed the "monster of: Marcinelle." Grim facts: and: shocking, that: the: say a lot: on the: distribution: of: this gruesome phenomenon. In the videos of the: Dutroux "you would see
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
7 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
vattene scemo. ti devo dare un calcio nelle palle: e ti devo castare! perché, se a te, nascesse, un figlio? ne faresti una persona infelice, come, gli islamisti capa di pezza, maniaci religiosi tuoi fratelli!!"
8 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Infatti tantissimi pagani e infedeli non hanno mai conosciuto la rivelazione (antichi greci, etruschi, romani, maya, incas, germani etc..). E costoro sono all'inferno. E tu lis tai raggiungendo. Esistono aspetti del disegno divino che non possono essere compresi.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
8 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
18_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. - writes:" Official: of the South "of the: Nov. 23: 1996 - girls: raped: up to be: killed. La: complaint: is: was: made: yesterday during, the: events organized to Paris: in: at: of the: prostitution child: and: to: give the incredible news is: was: la: lady: Sophie: Wirtz, to: Chief : of the: section: Belgian of the "Movement of the: nest", ": more: forward, other terrible things," Do not: is: again, hit the bottom of horror: in: this: tragedy -: has: said: lady: Wirtz -:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
9 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
19_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. two: years: continue, to: say that: the: soapbox: Video that: they see: the: death: in: direct: of: children moving: in: Belgium: and I fear that: in the deal: Dutroux, there is orientated towards their own, this kind: of: atrocities. " The: Wirtz says, that: the beginning: of the: what happened: in Belgium, the: video tapes: of: pornography: Child: seized, would be 600. The: president of the "Movement of the: nest" in the interview: published by the newspaper says, that: the: pedophilia,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
9 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
20_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "not: is: an: affective relationship indeed: is: the expression of the: on the domain: child: and: the extreme stage, of: this domain: is: precisely: death. " Words that: burn as: fire. In the business: Dutroux: there: is: of: all: pedophilia, murder, necrophilia, snuff-films: and: characters high: Belgian society, of the: world of: finance: of the: politics, etc.. This: is at least the opinion: of the: Belgians. is: Also strange that: to date the investigation: not: have: taken yet: to: nothing
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
9 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
allora, secondo te, Dio fa nascere qualcuno, per sbaglio, o per hobby? ma, il tuo dio, è un fallito, pezzo di merda, proprio come te!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
10 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
21_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. about: the accomplices of the: Dutroux, indeed, seems: to have stalled: are: many mysteries. is: true that: the: small: victims are: a lot of: more: of: the: is been: say? Belgian citizens: are: afraid. Horrors of Europe, that: is: destruction: of the: children. So while: in Belgium over: 350 000: persons: manifested: in: square: the monster of: Marcinelle: and: the many mysteries that: surround these crimes: in: Switzerland fell: the: more: close silence on the: tycoon: Swiss arrested:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
10 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
22_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in Sri Lanka, with: accused: of: raping thousand: and: five hundred children. The phenomenon is: is: saw: is: World. The: aunt: of: a: of the: two: girls: murdered: by: Mark Dutroux, the monster of: Marcinelle: has: made serious statements: "The market: of the: porn that: involving children: has: tentacles: in: all: Europe: in: Netherlands: in Germany: and: in Switzerland. " Of monstrosity: an: world that: abuse: of the: children, rape them, torture them, kill them: brutally.
10 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Dio non é necessariamente tenuto a dare una seconda possibilitá. Tu, come al solito, stai sindacando la volontá di Dio.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
11 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
23_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. not: is: to stranger: this: cruelty: the revival: of the: satanic cults, that: are: back: in: vogue. By the Flemish newspaper "Der Standaard", in fact, we learn, that: at least four policemen would be part: of the: sect: satanic "Abrasax" suspected: of: buying girls, from killer-pedophile Dutroux, for: their rites. It: is: when you get to: this: puzzling discovery: thanks: a Letter: (A "good of:" command, is: is: said) found: in: a: of the: searches later: to: discovery : of the: bodies
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
11 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
24_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: Julie and Melissa, in the: house: of: Bernard Weinstein, Dutroux buried alive by the same: in: this Letter: signed: "Anubis", asked: to: Weinstein of " Do not forget: of: to remind that: the: great: party: approaches: and: we wait for the gift: the: great: the priestess. " Evidently: Weinstein was: "remember", the: a promise: to: Dutroux: in: more: is been: found, too, a strange document, the: who, it was: this: the: of necessity: find: first: can "eight victims from: one to 33 years."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
11 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
non lo hai dimostrato... ma, tu il cervello ce lo hai solo per cacare
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
25_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "Anubis" is, in the world, Francis Desmedt that: is: also: "grand master" of the: so-called "vieille: religion," a: sort: of: Association: International: of: Witches: and: the: great: priestess has: also: she also name? Sure, it's called: Dominique: Nephtys, also: she also: piece: Ninety: of the "church: Belgian of Satan." Who: are: the other members of: this "church satanic", remained secret?: And: on: what protection they could count on?
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Certo che é vero quello che dico. Teologo sfraganato.
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
26_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the: our: society Satanism: is: an: rampant danger: of: where often not: if: it: he speaks: enough, or: you do it: in the: wrong way. The worshipers of the: devil are: in: increased also: to Rome. The newspaper "Future" of the: 5 September 1996, writes: "Another: sect: satanic is: was: discovery, to Rome. Tremila: followers, 5000000 for: register...". The fact that: more: "leaves: surprised - they said, the investigators -: is: the apparent insospettabilità, of: many: of the: people:
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
27_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. investigated...". It: is: also: learned that "it seems, that: the: congregation counted: also, your membership: of: the famous names: showbiz...": in: Inghiltera: disappear every year , about: a hundred thousand young people. Scotland Yar ***. D. to London, must: deal, every day of the: disappearance: of: over 2500 teenagers. I: more: are tracked, of, some not: if: I: will: more: nothing. Journalist: Alfio Bernabei reports: other terrible things that happened to London:
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
28_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "Meat of: children: and: of: human fetuses: are: state: eat: from: men: and: women: that: they took part: to: cannibalistic rituals: in England: in: recent years: in the: picture of: an: left of revival: ceremonies satanic. Some children are: been: sacrifice: on the altars: after: he had been tortured: and: abuse: Sexual... "(" The Unit ", August 9, 1990). Sounds like: a humanity gone mad. In the United States these horrors are: more: more: frequent. is: Modesto, "the: city: California: holds:
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
29_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the national record: Use: of: who disappears: in the: nothing." "Do not: is: not clear why, but: this handkerchief of California: to: east of San Francisco, holds: for the record: the: more: high number of: people: disappeared: in the: nothing in: America. I missing all'appel'o: are: 1,500, only in the last six months. phenomenon is: really worrying enormous: in the United States each year is: out: a: list: of: about: 100 thousand: names "(" Diary: of the: week, "17. From: Wednesday, April 28:
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
30_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. to: Tuesday, May 4, 1999). The investigators, at least for, some of: these cases, they point their finger on the: variegated world: and: mysterious of the: sects: satanic. This: is: also: the thought of Fay Yager, director: the "Centre for: the: defense of the: children" (Children of the: Underground). The journalist Giorgio Medail, in the: Broadcaster: TV: "Arcana" Transmitted on: Channel: 5 (1989) stated, that: the United States, according to reliable sources,
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
31_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. are killed each year in the: of course: ritual Satanic: 50,000 people, for: the: more: young. Ted Gunderson, former director: FBI of Los Angeles, that: has: spent many years: to investigate: the links: between: the: disappearances of the: children: and: the satanic rituals, he said: in: a : bet: of the: transmission: "Arcana", that: the: victims are tortured: and: then killed. Gunderson: between: the other, said: "During: the: my: investigation, I discovered that: there are organizations that:
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
32_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. kidnap children for: then use them for: human sacrifices in: Festivals: satanic. These facts involve, to: more : high level politicians, lawyers, judges, people: of: power... Yes, these satanic groups: are: undoubtedly: involved in the: traffic of drugs, in the: prostitution of children, in the: pornography: and: in the: production: of: "snuff-films"... I have collected evidence: of: children: eight, nine, years. had designed things: horrible: people, fire, an: child in the fire,
14 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
è vero: quello che: tu dici, ma, nel concedere la nascita, su questo: pianeta decaduto, Dio ha concesso: i tempi supplementari, anche a quell'anima, ora, Dio, non può fallire, nel suo dare: la sua promessa/ parola, LUI non può promettere: a qualcuno, una seconda possibilità, e poi, negarla, per un incidente di percorso, semplicemente, perché, LUI finirebbe di essere: Dio ONNIPOTENTE.... e noi sappiamo che la reincarnazione, non è compatibile con il monoteismo
16 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Il battesimo é assolutamente necessario per eliminare il peccato originale. Quindi senza battesimo si resta colpevoli.
17 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
33_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. fetishes, satanic , children tortured. as: can an: child imagine things like if: not: the: has: experienced? "(John Caporaso: and: M. Cocozza: Lubisco, Children's. market: of the: horrors in "Incidents", July 17, 1991). The reason for these horrendous crimes, in the: vast: majority: of the: cases go unpunished: and: you: slightly to a level of: investigations would be, because, again: according to Gunderson, that: missing: the: political will. The: read: not: is: severe,
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
34_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. because these groups have high-level protection. In the uS: the "discusses: on: two: scandals: prostitution child: drug parties with: the: participation: of: children and killings: in: direct: for: to produce: snuff-films, that: involved politicians... very close to: Home: White. intelligence services, that: depend directly: President: are: covering up the speakers: surveys,: victims are: finite: in: prison: and: the witnesses are : gone: and: dead: in: freak accidents or suicides
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Ma uno che non é battezzato non é innocente. È colpevole del peccato originale. Quindi tutti al momento del concepimento sono automaticamente colpevoli del peccato originale.
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
35_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "(John Caporaso: and: M. Cocozza: Lubisco, Children's. market: of the: horrors, cit.). Journalist: Paul Rodriguez of the "Washington Times": after: a: long: and: delicate investigation: he said: "I was able to: try: that: people linked to: Home: White: and: services ran a : network: of: boys: life, I found many documents that: prove the involvement of Craig Spence: - probable former agent: of the: CIA linked to the environment: of the: services: of the: Home: White , former Director:
36_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Staff of: George Bush: and: Figure: key: in the Iran-Contra scandal - the organization: of: gay party: and: of: pedophiles. From: tests: emerge: the name: of: an: Another deputy, Barry Franks. We have worked: in: four for: over: an: years: and: the: information: are: chilling. FBI: is been: ousted from: surveys: and: of the : If you: are: employed intelligence that: depend directly: by: Home: White: and: everything: is: very strange.
37_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. La: network: criminal: he: link is: with: Republican leaders that: Democrats: and: extended: from New York to: Pennsylvania, from Nebraska to California. Recruitment: of the: boys happened: in: many ways, some were kidnapped for: street: and: then held: in: farms: details. is a business imposing, take children escaped of: home, in schools of: adoption, camps... "(John Caporaso: and: M. Cocozza: Lubisco, Children's. market: of the: horrors cit.):
38_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. after some articles Rodriguez dropped mysteriously investigation. The: cruelty against children: is: an: impressive business. There is even an: market of "pieces of: spare" human. Are sent to potential customers true: and: their catalogs of organs, that: should be used: or: as: human fetishes for: satanic rituals or: in: other cases, for: support: international traffic: clandestine of the: transplants. "Hundreds: of: juvenile males: and: females, disappear every year.
39_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Many end up abroad, in the: market: of the: illegal adoptions. Many end up in the: circuit: of the: pedophilia: and: of the : pornography, "(" Seen ", 11.08.1996). So: has: denounced: Parliamentary Rosario Godoy de: Osejo, founder: of: an "Committee for: missing children": and: continues: "I suspect that: the: right: of the: death: can : be: the taking of: young: and: healthy organs from: sell: in rich countries. if: the: things are so: is: easy to understand:
40_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. that: the end: are these children: time: 'exported' ". Facts hallucinating. an: Well of: horrors that: it seems: not: have: never end. "Also: Baby Doc, the former dictator of Haiti, it would be: rich, trading fresh cadavers: and: frozen bodies. Those that: receiving, by the organs: transplants: were clinical: U.S.: and: American university institutes or: of: research. (...). also: in: Guatemala: it: is been: an: trafficking of babies, sold to USa: for: transplants
41_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. ("Courier: of the Ticino", 6 marzo1987. "People", 20 marzo1987) while: what happened: in: Honduras: is been: confirmed by: agencies: of: Printing: (Agencies: ATS, ANSA, APP: and: "Courier: of the Ticino", January 5 1987): in: Colombia: children, are kidnapped while: playing on the: road taken: in: laboratories where: they are uprooted eyes: and: then placed back: in: freedom: after: appropriate: dressing: (Agency : AGI-EFE, June 1987): in: a: colony: German: of the: Chile: some:
21 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
42_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. medical experimentation, especially genetic manipulation, would be carried out: on: children: and: teenagers... ("Libération", 7 December: 1987) ", (Schar Milly-Manzoli Manual: of: defense, immunological, Meb, Padua 1988). Who investigates dies. in the: in May 1996, the journalist: French: Xavier de Gautier, "Le Figaro" is: found hanged at: Balearic Islands, in the: his: Location: summer. A: death, wrapped: in: more: mystery. The Spanish investigators, then, speak of: suicide.
21 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
43_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Gautier, first: of: Starting: for: the: holidays, had: worked for a: long: inquiry: on: n: of alleged trafficking, organs from Bosnia, a: note: clinical, Italy: of the: north.. ***. D. The former Minister for: the: Family: Antonio Guidi had: warned: "The phenomenon is: World. Ma: Italy, as it was: and: is: an: place of: passage: of the : drugs, now: is: an: point: of: transit: to children: risk... They come from countries: in: war: Europe, by: the poor of Africa.
21 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
vai a fare in culo, tu e il tuo dio... che, punisce persone innocenti, perché, in mezzo ai bambini abortiti, non c'eri anche tu?
22 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Tu invece sei diretto nelle fiamme infernali dove c'é pena eterna.
22 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
44_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Several of: them - who can : identify the number? -: are: intended to be meat: of: Subject: for: the rich. deposits of small, organs: for: the children of: who: has: money. " On.Guidi: to: demand, if: some of: these children were maimed for: subsequent transplants: in: Italy, had: said: "In Italy, no. Is: impossible. But, through it, the: our: land , as: migratory birds, whose fate is: of: be: cast down "(" Il Giornale ", 4 September 1995). And yet: Italy, writes: Giangiacomo Foà:
22 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
nel limbo non c'é pena in quanto non ci sono fiamme. ma non c'é nemmeno premio. C'é una eterna separazione da Dio.
23 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
45_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. is: was, reported: "authoritative: daily, La: Nacion of Buenos Aires, that: in: also: Article of: ground becomes: echo: of the: accusations of: Don Paul Baurell, professor of: Theology: University of San Paolo: and: of the: complaints: made: August 1, 1991, to: Geneva: by: René Bridel, represented in: United Nations Association: international jurists for: the: defense of the: democracy. (...). Article of: bottom of: the: Nation: has: echoed, or: Globo of Rio, That : it defines as
23 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
46_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "the largest importers of: Brazilian children." correspondent: of: or: Globe to: Rome says: "Italy: is: the: more: IMPORTANT: buyer: of: children...". (....) also: in: Peru: Printing: accuses us. From: The Daily months: Republic: of: Lima complaint with: name: and: surname, Italian spouses that: are: arrived: in: Peru for: buy: Children of: a few months ago: of: a few years. Lately we "imported", 1,500 young Peruvians, many: of the: which - according to the: print: of: Lima
23 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
47_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. - were later murdered for: Removal: their organs for: transplants "(" Courier: of the: Sera ", September 7, 1991). What: of the: children abducted, enslaved, raped, forced to: prostitution, sacrificed to Satan, or: killed for: grub: their organs: is: an: horror on: scale planetary. And yet: it continues to: Do a little or-nothing. Newspapers: and: television: not by reporting the problem: in: all: the: its: real gravity. Ne speak little: and: evil, of: long: in: then.
24 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
48_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. The dangers for: the very young, as: is: is: visa, by: more: fronts, not: last: is: the: fact: that: on the: planet, always increase: of: more: the: sects : engaged: the cult of the: devil. Guidi was the same: warning: "To: thresholds of the: 2000 is: even: recording an: increase of: rites 'religious', I recommend the: quote, that: provide also: human sacrifice of: children" ("Italy:" Weekly, 15 September 1995). Joseph Cosco.. linus.tre @ iol.it [entries from: Street:]
24 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
quindi soffrono, comunque, poveri innocenti, senza loro responsabilità! ecco perché, il tuo dio, è un doppio pezzo di merda! e nel giorno del giudizio universale, loro dove vanno?
25 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Catechismo Maggiore del 1905: "«I bambini morti senza Battesimo vanno al Limbo, dove non è premio soprannaturale né pena; perché, avendo il peccato originale, e quello solo, non meritano il Paradiso, ma neppure l'Inferno e il Purgatorio»."
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
infatti un feto non puó essere cattolico. i bambini abortiti o quelli non battezzati che muoiono prima dell'etá della ragione vanno nel limbo che é una parte di inferno senza fiamme. Adesso la pianti, testa di lucertola ?
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
50_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the: Social: is been: one of: more: prolific and passionate, truth-seeker Italian: of the: 'old woman guard.' Lent advice, at: proxy: of the Republic: of: Catanzaro: and: directed: the: local sections of the IIP (Institute of Psychological Investigations): and: of the: SIPS (International Society: of the: Psychology: of the: Scripture). He worked also with: numerous: magazines specialized in the: field of the: paranormal. as: befits: to: any occultist, his work was the subject of:
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
51_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. critical: to: because: skepticism, relieved from his studies: in: the theme of: conspiracy, satanism, secret societies: and: mysterious phenomena. The: his: work: of: search: and: complaint, went up: in 2002, when to: just 52: years, was suddenly struck down by: an: 'illness' withering. Offer of: Following an: Extract from: a: interesting interview, to: whether prophecy, that: Cosco released: in the: year 2000 to: magazine: the Third Millennium.
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
52_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Lorenzo Baldo. ***. D. Such are: state: the: reasons that: they thrust: to: write: Politics, Magic: and: Satanism? ***. R. The "magic" is: more: of: as you might think: this: in the: our modern world. The examples are: a lot. Papandreou: consulted astrologers for: choose: the: date: of the: elections in Greece, it: has: The stated: Economist of the: 27 April 1985. The shaman: Zhuge: Xihan: has: taken care of Deng Xiaoping: in: Israel: VIPs: of the: policy: between: these there: are: Sonia: Peres:
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
53_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: Lea Rabin, rely on Kabbalist: Yitzhak Kaduri. Bill Clinton has: told of: having contact with: the spirit of Elvis Presley. The week: Megapolis-Express: has: told that: Boris Yeltsin: is: served: more: times: of: a sorcerer: camouflaged by: Deputy able: -: between: the other - of: check: mentally: the parliamentary colleagues. Would be: was he to: prevent: a: opposition decisive of the: Parliament to Russian intervention: in: Chechnya. The sorcerer of the President: Yeltsin: is: -
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
54_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. according to: Magazine: -: in: capable of: cause: the: death of the: sue: victims. He has: in: quality of: psychic, a: long: collaboration: with: the KGB. I will stop here but: the examples are: again many. One can well understand: that: the union: between: politics: and: some "esoteric", some: of the: which trespass: in: territories hell: is: a lot: more: frequent: of: what you thought. To: light: of: this: is: very significant as the British Minister Benjamin Disraeli had: to say:
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
55_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "The world is: ruled by: completely different characters that: even: imagine those whose eye not: reach: behind the: scenes. " The: of the reasons: my book Politics, Magic: and: Satanism: are: state: dictated: the: purpose: of: Main: particular aspects of: these disturbing scenarios for: make it clear: the: people: some: complex : and: really amazing hidden: behind an: false: and: Apparent secular world, dominated by: economy: and: technique: where: (always seemingly) everything
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
56_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. that: is: called "religion" or "magic" not: it seems: to be: relevant: in the: drive: the: action: policy: and: instead of: not: is: so. ***. D. From: where has: drew all: the: info? ***. R. This type of: survey: is: very dangerous and need to: move with: big: prudence. Many: the information: I have collected: from the works of: other scholars of: This particular: field: as: Anthony Sutton, Maurizio Blondet, Gianni Vannoni, Serge: Hutin, Epiphanius, Carlo Palermo, Riccardo Cascioli, etc..
28 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
come fa: un bambino: di pochi mesi , o: di poche settimane, o: al settimo mese: nella pancia della sua madre: ad essere un cattolico? quindi, il tuo dio è un pezzo di merda!
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
57_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. More: news: the:'ve had: from: A lot of experts meander of: which, as: could very well understand, not: I can make: the names. ***. D. The members of the: CFR: are: all Americans? ***. R. First of all it should be: remember: that: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was founded in the: 1921. Great: interest is: know: that: the Rockefellers do: were the main contributors, and the: 1922, according to Blondet, gave "100 000: dollars, on 650 000: of the: budget visible of the : CFR.
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
se non era cattolico andrá all'inferno come gli ebrei che sono stati uccisi dai nazisti.
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
58_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. " Here, again: according to Blondet, a: part: of the: list: of the: lenders: "American Express, American Security Bank, Archer Daniel Midland Foundation, Cargill Inc., Chase Manhattan Bank, Coca: Cola: C., Coopers & Lybrand, Elf Aquitane, Exxon Corp., Finmeccanica SpA, General Electric Foundation, General Motors Corp., Hill & Knowlton, ITT Corp., Johnson & Johnson, Levi Strauss Fdt., Manufacturers Hanover Trust, McKinsey, Mobil, Pepsi Co, RJR Nabisco, Salomon Inc., Shearson Lehman Brothers,
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
59_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Smithkline: Beecham Corp., Volvo USA, Young & Rubicam. " of the: CFR would: part: also: President: of the United States Clinton: and: many of his colleagues, together with some: of the: personality: more: in: view: environment: of the: average : to: worldwide. is: incredible: the large number of: important political personalities: to: international: that: would be involved. ***. D. The "economic control": is: only the United States or: also: on, other: nations?
30 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
dottrinaFALLinShit-- il figlio: innocente, di una ragazza satanista, finito, sull'altare di satana, la sua anima, dove andrà? quale sarà, la sua sorte, nel giorno del giudizio, se, lui non ha mai potuto conoscere, la tua DOTTRINA?
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
60_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. ***. R. The CFR, as: I said is: funded by: secret fraternity, Banking: International: and: is: essentially: an: organism that: has: as: the primary purpose of: reach: to: control: by: the: finance: the: economy: and: the: policy: all countries of the: world. In this regard: is: interesting: remember: what he wrote: Paul Scott, chronicler of the Washington Post, about an: known politician member of the: CFR: "Kissinger believes: that: controlling the foods you can: control: people:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
61_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: controlling: energy - oil - you can control: the: nations: and: their financial systems. believes: that: putting food: and: oil under an: international control: and: establishing an: new order: money is: can: that: an: world government, at least at the beginning under: aegis: of the United Nations, to become one: reality... " We: are: in the: society: "oligarchic circles", ie international groups of: power: very narrow, that: controlling: production: industrial: and: the: finance:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
62_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. can effectively: condition: in: significantly: strategies: and: choices: of the: large parties of: mass and direct: the evolution of: ideologies: or: doctrines policies. ***. D. The: Nature: humanitarian, moral and: spiritual: of the: United Nations: is: was "cleared" by the CFR for: have: power: economic: on: all: how many: the: nations? ***. R. on the: question: CFR: and: the UN will answer by quoting Carroll Quigley, professor of: History: of: Princeton, of Harvard: and:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
63_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the professor: University of Georgetown that: in the: Tragedy and Hope: reveals the program: of: a: powerful lobby secret substantial: between: the other, in: "... create: an: system: international financial of: check for: dominate: the system: political of: each country: and: the economy of the: in the world: as a whole. " Quigley writes again: "... the CFR: has: vigorously: leaning to debut with: all: the: its: power: economic: and: Strategy: the: Constitution: UN considered: as: a: step:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
64_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. more : to the: creation: of the: world government... "***. D. Union policy-masonry-mafia only: hypothesis? The: sue: research: to: subject. ***. R. Many authors: between: that the former magistrate Carlo Palermo, have explored this complex problem for the disturbances of plots: interest that: not: of: rarely have seen united mafia, masonry, fundamentalism, cross-national powers: and: International. Palermo in the: his book The Fourth Level: has: widely documented: disturbing plots:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
65_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. between: Freemasonry: international oligarchy banking services of: intelligence, mafias: and: political, all together: in: also: dark design. This: is: the fourth level: on: which investigated: also: Judge Falcone: and: that: have: inspired: her: same: death, that: of the: links: Purse: and: even, according to the 'former magistrate, also: the attacks to John Paul II. is: to observe, moreover, that: the: Freemasonry, that: has: but had important merits in the: his: history:
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
66_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. for: common principles which have: that of: brotherhood has: - in the last war: - always taken an interest: of: more: to acquire: certain: positions of: power. Powers transverse cause unimaginable developments: and: of: complex reading that: above: to include: heavy games: on: international theaters of war, seem to coalesce in the: chaotic situation: politics: Italian. Is: useful to: remember this regard: the: harsh statements, alarming and enigmatic: the "heretic" Grand Master
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
67_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of Bernardo, March 27 of the: 1992 in the: of course: a: Conference: press: " strange events are occurring: observe, the: consequences. I'm looking of: trace: at: Causes. In Eastern Europe: is: in: an act: destabilizing project: there: is: someone that: has: interest to: create: tensions. ": And: more: forward said:" We: are: sorcerer's apprentice: in: action. The: situation could: dash: and: be: harmful: for: all. "Can be drawn: the interesting conclusions: light:
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
68_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: certain events occurred: in: below. *****. D. for: what reasons believes: that: the world of the: Finance: International: not: is: immune: from: action: of the: forces: occult? ***. R. Vi is: an: singular design that: figure : on the: back: of the: American tickets from: an: dollar. Is: called "The: Great Seals": and: shall consist of: a: pyramid, truncated on the: which vertex figure: an: triangle, with: in an: eye. All around you: is: read "Annuit COEPTIS" and "Novus Ordo Seclorum."
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
69_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. 72, bricks laid: on: 13, the livelli.formano: Pyramid. "is the symbol : of the: Illuminati, printed on banknotes: from: an: dollar for: order: of the: President Roosevelt, a Freemason: of the: 32nd degree. "He writes: Barry ***. R. Smith to: p. 83 in the: his book Warning (Wright and Carman Ltd, New: Zealand). La: inscription: "The: Great Seal" (The Great: Seal) not: it is: sure to: indicate: that, whether it be of the: symbol of America: that: as: we know: is: represented by the eagle.
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
70_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. The order: of the: Illuminati (Illuminaten Orden) was founded by Prince Jean Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) on 1 May of the: 1776 at the age of 28 years old. The: Joined under: pyramid: "Novus ordum seclorum" in fact means "New Order: World." The: Date: MDCCLXXVI (1776) inscribed: to: base: of the: pyramid: is: year: in: Jean Adam Weishaupt founded the Order: of the: Illuminati. of the: because: note: American: both: so filled: of: esoteric symbolism: is: Simply said: the use of the: power: financial
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
71_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. for: the: creation: of the: great: plot: is: one : of the: methods used by the Illuminati. Implementation: of the: program: for: install: an: "New Order: World" is divided: in: more: strategies: for: to create: the: great: Utopia: of the: Imperium Romanum. not: is: political fiction: or: conspiracy. Far from it. Reporters, that: asked to: Left thing: there was: behind: Italian massacres, he replied: "I do not exclude an: role: of the: finance: international." Strategies: occult:
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
72_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of the: secret fraternity banking: international. David Rockefeller in the: conviction of: speak to: ears: trust in the: 1991: has: stated that: "a: conspiracy exists: from: forty: years", that: it: has: the purpose of : building: in the: secret "world government" and "the: national sovereignty" of the: bankers that: the enemy of the: conspirators: is: "the: self-determination: national." On February 17 of the: 1950 the banker James Warburg to: Commission of the Foreign: Senate was, was all too clear
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
73_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. by stating: "Che: you like: or: no, we have an: world government, or: with consent or: with: the: strength. " ***. D. What: is: for: She 'the great: plot "that: may cause: chaos: on: the entire planet?. ***. R. not: it was an: event that: the: before: Common: of Paris, that: of the: August 10, 1792, enclosed: Louis Capet: and: the: his: family: in the: tower of the Temple. Louis XVI was, the last ruler: of the: Dynasty: of the: Capet: and: of: consequence: the successor of: Philip the Fair that
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
74_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. : with: the: complicity of the: Pope Clement IV, destroyed : Order: of the: Knights Templar. The tragic fire was raised: in: a: island: of the: Seine to Paris, the 18th of March of the year 1314. Through: the: Revolution: French were vindicated the temple: and: de: Molay. The Grand Master of the Order was burned on the: fire. The Templars: between: the other fed the Great: Secret of Drawing: merge: the Western world turned upside down: the: rules: traditional: and: re: totally:
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
75_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: structures of the: society. The spirit of the Order, however, remained. The Illuminati of: Weishaupt were the successors: of the: drawings Templar: and: for: reach: their purposes infiltrated the: Freemasonry. This filiation: Templar: the: Masonic attest different systems: between: the one told of the: Narrow: Compliance: Templar: organized: in Germany, in the: 1756, by Baron: of: Hun ***. D. Also: the system: Masonic said of the "Scottish Rite: Adjusted"
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
76_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. contains: echoes of: Templars. The Illuminati were accused of: being: the supporters of: an: great: universal plot: against: monarchies: and: the: Chiesa. the Order: of the Temple: is: then: secretly survived his tragic dissolution : and: the design of: destroy: Gradually, the power: state, the: hierarchies: social: and: of: to create: an: Government: on: scale world: has: also: it: of the: followers. The: Utopia: of the: Government of the: World together:
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
77_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the dark side of the: Esoteric cross without: posing: Europe, will street for ever: and: come up in our day with: an: fury unheard of. Ted Gunderson, a former FBI official of Los Angeles has: stated in the: transmission: tv Arcana: (1989), Transmitted on: Channel: 5, the journalist Giorgio Medail, that: the Illuminati "are to : an international level: in: around the world, but: are: present especially here in the United States. Here: us there: is: a: network: satanic in all the land.
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
non ha finito...
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
78_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "Jean Baylot: in: La: voie: substituée, recherche: sur la: déviation of: the: Franc-Maçonnerie: en France: et en Europe: considered the: sect: of the: Illuminati as: the: more: dangerous deviation: of the: Freemasonry: initiation. ***. D. What: includes: the secret report from Iron Mountain, on the: necessity of the: wars? ***. R. is: a chilling document, that: would be: the result of: two: years: of: work, from: an: a mysterious group of: study: in: it calls for: in: a doomsday scenario
36 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
79_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: Orwellian: memory, an: social control: with: advanced: technology: from: Thought Police, exploitation: of the: mass media, for: reach: to: plan: a: Series: of: appalling threats. The group of 15 experts that: he: wrote the report would: meeting between: 1963,: and: 1966. is: important to emphasize, to: support: of the: accuracy of: the: document, that: July 10th, 1966 was published: a: analysis from the "Center of Washington for: the: search: of: Politics: Foreign ": and: intended:
36 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
bestia! il sangue di questi bambini innocenti, vittime dei satanisti, ora, ricadrà contro di te!
39 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
hai finito di scrivere cazzate ?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
42 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
80_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. to:" Organization: for: Control: of the: Armament: and: for: Disarmament. "Well, it was stated: that means the plan of: disarmament proposed by President Johnson had: dangerous because instead: of: bring: peace, would: have destabilized: the world balance. After the inevitable scandal that: aroused: Posted: of the "Report from Iron Mountain" was definitely: Denied by: government bodies that: the study of the "Center of Washington for: the: Search: of: Politics: Foreign Policy "could:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
42 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
81_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. be state as: origin: of the: Report. It is said that: the document was prepared for: an: not: clearly specified governmental committee at the highest level, by: an equally special: Group of: Studio. The: conclusions which would be: come: the: Commission: of: Iron Mountain are: scary. Experts even say: that: the: war is: functional also: as: "stabilizer: generational" in: how much, what that: follows: is: by: raising: hair: "... the: war : to: the: old: generations (...) of:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
42 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
82_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. keep: its control over: generations: more: young people, if: must destroy them. "in the: his: conclusion: the report goes: to: look: substitutes : war: the: case improbable, but: not: impossible, would "explode: la: peace." Le: solutions that: offers: are: truly terrifying. It read that: "find: an: effective : substitute political: of the: war are: necessary 'enemies alternative', for: example: Contamination: massive: the environment: natural: it could: in: the future replace:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
83_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: option: of the: destruction: in: mass through: nuclear weapons... "More possible replacements suggested by the document:" A program of: gigantic proportions: of: searches: space, aimed to: unattainable goals. (...) A: Police: international practice: Almighty. A: Threat: extraterrestrial officially: announced: and: recognized. (...). A: shape: modern: and: advanced: of: slavery. (...) Any comment: is: superfluous. These: are: very few: citations of: what that: in the:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
84_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. his: bureaucratic cruelty, says: The Secret Report from Iron Mountain. ***. D. Because it considers: true: the: possibility that: the: CIA controls the Internet?: And: what: it means "control: of the: masses"? ***. R. Web Review, a: magazine: twice a week: online: has: revealed on September 26: 1995 that: NSI: is: was: purchased: in the: May '95 from: Scientific Applications International Corporations (SAIC) of San Diego , CA. The: magazine: fa: names: of the: members of the Board
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
85_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of Directors: of the: SAIC: between: these figure: "Admiral Bobby Inman, former head: of the: NSA (National Security Agency): and: Vice: Director: of the: CIA. "This DOMINT: of the: NSA" - read by: quoted: Magazine: - "has the: capacity of: lead: of operations: covert psychological control, (...) controls : all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S., (...) provides: of: equipment: that: to analyze: distance: the electrical activity: in humans, (...) La: NSA: Records: and: Decoding: maps:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
86_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of the: individual brain (ie: to: hundreds: of: thousands: of: people), (...) Speeches, sound: 3D: and: audio subliminal can be: sent to: bark: hard of hearing: of the: of the brain: the subject (...): and: the images: bark: visual: the RNM can alter: the: perceptions, moods and motor control. "***. Q. What: is: the power: effective: of the: mass media? ***. R. is been: shown that: suicide, murder: and: fatalities of: auto or: aircraft reported: in: first: Page: and: are highly publicized
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
87_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. increase : considerably: after: the: their publication, similar events. This: Report: emerge: also: by: a study of the: sociologist prof. Riaz Hassan: of the: University of: Flienders (Australia). Researcher: has: analyzed about: 20 000: cases of: suicide occurred: between: 1981,: and: 1990. The result is been: amazing: the: average: everyday of the suicides salt: of: about: 10 for: one hundred in two: days of: appearance: of the: news of suicides in major newspapers.,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
44 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
88_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: not: there: is: not: from: wonder too. Others works confirm this. is: well-known fact: between: professionals (advertising, social psychologists, etc..), that: the evocative language: has: an: great: power: pushing: to: new behaviors. Skepticism of: a few: naive reader: on the: strength: picturesque: of: this: strategy persuasive: is: to put: hard: try: from: formulation, by: part: of the: sociologist David Phillips, the "Werther Effect" (1974, 1979, 1980).'s book The of the pain:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
44 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
89_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Young Werther of Goethe: in: which tells: the suicide of the: young: star: after: a: disappointment sentimental collected: an: great: success: and: the: his: disclosure: was followed: as: an: incredible number of suicides: in: all: Europe. David Phillips has: also: showed that: the "Werther effect" works: also: for: the crimes, aviation accidents: and: of: other vehicles. Vi is: also: a: relationship: between the number of: day: in: where: news: of: an: suicide appears: in the newspapers:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
48 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
90_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: the: Dissemination of ' imitation of the: gesture narrated. But: there: is: also: the 'other: stress.'s: news: gore: that: the mass media: every day we served up result in: persons: a state of: continuous discomfort , of: fear: of: all, of: mistrust: total: against: of the: other. Maybe: fa: convenient to: someone hold: the country: in: continues apprehension: and: if: all that constitutes: an: elaborate design by: forces: occult: of: power, that: have interest to: create: new
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
48 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
91_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. scenarios: and: apocalyptic, for: cause: certain changes to: them more: welcome? We would: in: this case, to: be: vulnerable targets: in: half to: a: thin: war: psychological: in: this case would include: better what that: you want: building: in the: people, scagliandole: against: mass: of: news: brutal, devastating: and: brutal, fear, despair, great: insecurity: and: of: result: a: feeling: of: be: completely: helpless that: produces: vulnerability. This: is: the purpose: of the: war:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
48 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
92_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. psychological active. guide is: the direction of the: people: towards planned objectives. in the: mind: of the: people: creating of ways: be: and: behavior different from the previous ones. process : is: thin: and: sneaky. Conditioning progressive one: time: made, can be: used: in: a number of ways: for: subject, cancel: any reactivity critical crack: the: trust: of the: city in respect of: any security acquired, emptying it of: courage: and: determination, block: or: limit: the unpredictability
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
93_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: what that: not: is: predictable in the individual: and: by: of: follow-up to : edit: the: scale of the: values, riadattarla: for an: a different way of: conceive: the: fact: and: the: life. This serves: to: create: emotions or: to: prohibit it, distract, direct them: in: conclusion, to: control: the: opinion: public opinion. e: so shall be adopted: techniques: always: more: sophisticated: and effective for: creep into the: intimacy: of the: mind: human: and: manipulate , directing:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
94_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: will,: choices, personal ideals: and: collective up to: edit: thought: of the: people. Giova: remember: what did: to: declare: Kenneth Bouldin, professor: to: University of the Michigan: "Today you can perfectly: to conceive: an: world dominated by: a: dictatorship invisible in the: which, however, were: retained: the: forms of the exterior: democratic government." ***. Q. Is there: a: 'lobby satanic' at the top of the: power? ***. R. The journalist Maurizio Blondet, in the: of course:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
95_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. a: interview: (on Theology: of: September / October 1996), he said: "Some people practice strange rituals: on an island: close to: Washington are: of characters: high level, come together: in: of nights: moon: full: and: celebrate : of the: very special rites. Of course nobody wants: to investigate: on: this is because: of: people, very powerful are: things: that: you whisper. In the same way: in: certain "entourage" of politicians: a high level it is said, very quietly, that:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
96_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. being raped: of the: children. All this happens: in: also: background ritual: of: magic: black. not: are: persons: common that: are these: things, it: of: people: that: it covers: high: charged, officials of the: Pentagon, etc.. "In England disappear every year, about a hundred thousand: young people. Scotland Yard to London: to: deal with every day: of the: disappearance: of: over 2500 teenage ***. A.: more: are tracked, of, some not: if: I: will: more : nothing. In the United States,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
97_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. these horrors are: more: more: frequent. Investigators, at least for, some of: these cases, pointing the finger on the: variegated world: and: mysterious of the: seven: satanic. This: is: also: the thought of Fay Yager, director: the "Centre for: the: defense of the: children" (Children of the: Underground). Journalist: Giorgio Medail, in the: transmission: television : Arcane Transmitted on: Channel: 5 (1989) stated, that: According to reliable sources in the United States
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
98_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. each year are killed: in the: of course: Satanic rites 50,000 people for: the: more: young. Ted Gunderson, former Director: FBI of Los Angeles, that: has: spent many years: to investigate: the links: between: the: disappearances of the: children: and: the satanic rituals, he said: in: a: episode: of the: transmission: Arcana, that: the: victims are tortured: and: then killed. Gunderson: between: other: has: fact: of the: fatal: complaints. says: "During: the: my: survey I discovered that:
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Lol. Sfraganato.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
dottrina -- non difendere i satanisti --- vattene
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
99_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. there are organizations that: kidnap children for: then use them for: human sacrifices in: Festivals: satanic. These facts involve, to: more: highest political level, attorneys, judges, people: of: power... Yes, these satanic groups: are: doubt: involved in the: traffic of drugs, in the: prostitution of children, in the: pornography: and: in the: production: of: "snuff-movie"... I have collected evidence: of: children: eight, nine, years. Had drawn things: horrible: an: child
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Papa Eugenio IV, Concilio di Firenze: "Nessuno per quante elemosine abbia potuto fare, e perfino se avesse versato il sangue per il nome di Cristo si puó salvare, qualora non rimanga nel seno e nell'unitá della chiesa cattolica.""
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
51 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
100_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the fire, fetishes, satanic, children tortured. as: can an: child imagine things like if: not: the: has: experienced? ". yet: you continue: to: do little or: nothing. Newspapers: and: television: not by reporting the problem: : all: the: its: real gravity. Ne speak little: and: evil, of: long: in: then. Dangers for: the very young, as: is: is: visa, by: more: fronts, not: last: is: the: fact: that: on the: planet, always increase: of: more: the: seven: engaged: the cult of the: devil.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
51 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
101_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Guidi had the same ex-minister: warning: "To: thresholds of the: 2000 is: even: recording an: increase of: rites 'religious', I recommend the: quote, that: provide also: human sacrifice of: children. "Source: Interview: nwo. it / interview... Since html: on: / / antibodies . info /
51 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Papa Gregorio XVI, Summo Iugiter: "Anche Sant'Agostino e gli altri Vescovi dell'Africa, riuniti nel Concilio di Cirta (Costantina) nel 412, davano al riguardo ampie spiegazioni: "Chiunque si sarà separato da questa Chiesa cattolica, pur ritenendo di vivere in modo irreprensibile, per questa sola colpa di essere separato dalla comunione con Cristo non avrà la vita, ma lo sdegno di Dio incombe su di lui"."
52 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Papa San Pio X, Editae Saepe: "Onde segue che gli atti provenienti dalla sola onestà naturale, non sono altro che simulacri di virtù né durevoli in sé, né sufficienti alla salute."
53 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
La sola onestá naturale non é sufficiente per conseguire la salvezza.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
poiché, tu non riconosci, il fondamento, della legge naturale? allora, non sei più degno di vivere
1 ora fa
In Deuteronomio 13 (come in 1° Re 11) viene condannata la "libertá religiosa" come apostasia da Dio indipendentemente da chi la istiga (falso profeta, parente o chicchessia). Il tuo analfabetsimo ? È un tuo problema.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
lol. condannato! v
1 ora fa
Tu non sei ministro di Dio. Tu sei un ministro delle tenebre, un propinatore di falsitá demoniache professate dalla massoneria internazionale da 150 anni a questa parte.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
nessuno dovrebbe pensare che, la mia mente umana, ecc.. potrebbe sostenere: tutto questo lavoro, o combattimento soprannaturale, ecc.. ... perché, è impossibile, per qualsiasi, uomo, di sostenere questo, mio ministero! io sono la dimostrazione vivente, della potenza di Dio... perché, questo è un ministero divino, e, quindi, la sua potenza, non è qualcosa: che: può nascere da una povera creatura come me.. ecco perché, la vita dei miei nemici? è in serio pericolo
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
CustodeDellaFede---ie, CustodeDellaBestialità, religious maniac: Criminal - about: Deuteronomy 13, 2-6: - I never said to be: a prophet, but, on the contrary, I have always said to be a universal political, from the Kingdom of God, impartial, and above, against: all partisanship, but I'm dispobile: to do this challenge deadly against you, against the Pharisees, and against, the salfiti, that is, if I do not come recognized as a minister of God, according to the universal law of nature? I agree I die, but if I am recognized as a minister of God, in any way? ... Then, you have to die!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
CustodeDellaBestialità Criminale --- io non ho mai detto di essere un profeta, ma, io sono dispobile a fare questa sfida mortale con te, se io non vengo riconosciuto ministro di Dio? io accetto di morire! perché, se io vengo riconosciuto ministro di Dio... poi, dovrai morire tu!
Jihad Abu Antar: sharia horror, said: time ago: "unius Rei is causing sharia law, and wants to do gay marriage, with: synnek1." "" UniusRei3 posted a comment 2 minutes ago I hate niggers and all chinese! "" - Answer - is why Islamists are accomplices of Satanists! slanderer! Idiot, you have Claimed to be a Christian, for: many years, but, in this way, you have proved: That: every Muslim: is a traitor, liar: and murderess! .. of course, is synnek1, master of yoube, Satanist priest, and he has a legal obligation to do all sorts of crimes, he makes both, the: Expense: gay person, Which Also active gay cannibal, etc. .. but, you ugly beast, of Islamist, criminal: of an idolater moon stone? 'Slandering, UniusREI kingdom, and, this crime? will remain, as infamy, for, the Iran, That, has sent him: on this page! because the Jews are not so naive, to put on, to talk, with me .. lol.
IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 3 hours ago @ UniusRei3 --- not, good news, about, eliminated Youtube: channel: comments - ANSWER - when Satanists These Pharisees, parasites of the IMF-NWO, will be exterminated from the face of the earth ? IHateNEWLAYOUT - is very serious, that, Satanists Koreans, ie, synnek1, they have eliminated: Link to this page from the main channel of youtube [[when I said, that, google, was: into CFR]], because, this is still, however, a grave offense, against, the United States. Americans, when, they are good? when they have to defend: South Korea, against, North Korea?
IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 3 hours ago @ UniusRei3 --- not, good news, about, eliminated Youtube: channel: comments - ANSWER - when these Satanists Pharisees, parasites of the IMF-NWO, will be exterminated from the face of the earth ?-- ANSWER -- quando questi satanisti farisei, parassiti del FMI-NWO, potranno essere sterminati dalla faccia della terra?
Abu Antar
Papa San Pio X, Lamentabili: "11. L'ispirazione divina non si estende a tutta la Sacra Scrittura al punto che tutte e singole le sue parti siano immuni da ogni errore. - CONDANNATO"
Papa Pio IX, Dei Filius: "II-4. Se qualcuno non accetterà come sacri e canonici i libri interi della sacra Scrittura, in tutte le loro parti, come li ha accreditati il santo Concilio Tridentino, o negherà che siano divinamente ispirati: SIA ANATEMA".
Deuteronomio 13, 13-16: "13Qualora tu senta dire di una delle tue città che il Signore tuo Dio ti dà per abitare, che uomini iniqui sono usciti in mezzo a te e hanno sedotto gli abitanti della loro città dicendo: Andiamo, serviamo altri dèi, che voi non avete mai conosciuti, tu farai le indagini, investigherai, interrogherai con cura; se troverai che la cosa è vera, che il fatto sussiste e che un tale abominio è stato realmente commesso in mezzo a te, allora dovrai passare a fil di spada gli abitanti di quella città, la voterai allo sterminio, con quanto contiene e passerai a fil di spada anche il suo bestiame."
Deuteronomio 13, 7-12: "Qualora il tuo fratello, figlio di tuo padre o figlio di tua madre, o il figlio o la figlia o la moglie che riposa sul tuo petto o l'amico che è come te stesso, t'istighi in segreto, dicendo: Andiamo, serviamo altri dèi, dèi che né tu né i tuoi padri avete conosciuti, divinità dei popoli che vi circondano, vicini a te o da te lontani da una estremità all'altra della terra, tu non dargli retta, non ascoltarlo; il tuo occhio non lo compianga; non risparmiarlo, non coprire la sua colpa. Anzi devi ucciderlo: la tua mano sia la prima contro di lui per metterlo a morte; poi la mano di tutto il popolo; lapidalo e muoia, perché ha cercato di trascinarti lontano dal Signore tuo Dio che ti ha fatto uscire dal paese di Egitto, dalla condizione servile. Tutto Israele lo verrà a sapere, ne avrà timore e non commetterà in mezzo a te una tale azione malvagia."
Deuteronomio 13, 2-6: "Qualora si alzi in mezzo a te un profeta o un sognatore che ti proponga un segno o un prodigio e il segno e il prodigio annunciato succeda ed egli ti dica: Seguiamo dèi stranieri, che tu non hai mai conosciuti, e rendiamo loro un culto, tu non dovrai ascoltare le parole di quel profeta o di quel sognatore; perché il Signore vostro Dio vi mette alla prova per sapere se amate il Signore vostro Dio con tutto il cuore e con tutta l'anima. Seguirete il Signore vostro Dio, temerete lui, osserverete i suoi comandi, obbedirete alla sua voce, lo servirete e gli resterete fedeli. Quanto a quel profeta o a quel sognatore, egli dovrà essere messo a morte, perché ha proposto l'apostasia dal Signore, dal vostro Dio, che vi ha fatti uscire dal paese di Egitto e vi ha riscattati dalla condizione servile, per trascinarti fuori della via per la quale il Signore tuo Dio ti ha ordinato di camminare. Così estirperai il male da te."
1° Re 11, 7-10: "Salomone costruì un'altura in onore di Camos, obbrobrio dei Moabiti, sul monte che è di fronte a Gerusalemme, e anche in onore di Milcom, obbrobrio degli Ammoniti. Allo stesso modo fece per tutte le sue donne straniere, che offrivano incenso e sacrifici ai loro dèi. Il Signore, perciò, si sdegnò con Salomone, perché aveva distolto il cuore dal Signore Dio d'Israele, che gli era apparso due volte e gli aveva comandato di non seguire altri dèi, ma Salomone non osservò quanto gli aveva comandato il Signore."
1° Re 11, 1-6: "Ma il re Salomone amò donne straniere, moabite, ammonite, idumee, di Sidòne e hittite, appartenenti a popoli, di cui aveva detto il Signore agli Israeliti: "Non andate da loro ed essi non vengano da voi: perché certo faranno deviare i vostri cuori dietro i loro dèi". Salomone si legò a loro per amore. Aveva settecento principesse per mogli e trecento concubine; le sue donne gli pervertirono il cuore. Quando Salomone fu vecchio, le sue donne l'attirarono verso dèi stranieri e il suo cuore non restò più tutto con il Signore suo Dio come il cuore di Davide suo padre. Salomone seguì Astàrte, dea di quelli di Sidòne, e Milcom, obbrobrio degli Ammoniti. Salomone commise quanto è male agli occhi del Signore e non fu fedele al Signore come lo era stato Davide suo padre."
@UniusRei3 not good news about Youtube eliminated channel comments
IHateNEWLAYOUT my american friend - not enough: that, synnek1 ° pig cannibal, then, half cap of sparkling wine, 666, gone bad, you close: his youtube page, for comments. because I said to him, in all languages, which had come: his time, even for him, to finish: on the altar of Satan, himself .. lol., but now he has offended not only all American employees: of youtube: but, also: the U.S. State, to create: a diplomatic international case .. and: stop my ministry? he: 1. together with MOSSAD, has full of filled with filters youtube, 2. ruined the layout, and, 3. did the Nazis against democracy: why, this is: NWO IMF: id of the Satanists, a real Nazism .. to lift the satanism worldwide
IHateNEWLAYOUT -- è molto grave, che, i satanisti coreani, ie, synnek1, loro abbiano eliminato: il link di questa pagina: dal canale principale di youtube [[quando io ho detto che google era nel CFR]], perché questa è comunque, in ogni modo, una grave offesa, contro, gli USA. gli americani, quando loro sono buoni? quando devono difendere, la Corea del Sud, contro, la Corea del Nord?
[in questa vicenda, e nella vicenda dei martiri cristiani dell'Orissa? l'India ha perso ogni credibilità internazionale] Marò, [India contro Italia]: 'Fermo disaccordo'.
New Delhi insorge. La Farnesina: 'Hanno violato il diritto internazionale'. 1. infatti, la nave italiana era in acque internazionali, 2. i proiettili che, hanno uccisi i pescatori, non erano quelli in dotazione dei "Marò".. 3. le lungaggini giudiziarie, erano un chiaro e losco tentativo di prendere tempo, perché l'India sapeva, che sarebbe dovuta passare sul tavolo degli imputati! 4. in realtà i delitti che l'India ha fatto contro la comunità internazionale sono molteplici e gravissimi, 5. bene ha fatto l'Italia, con questo, suo atto di dignità.. io spero che tutta la comunità internazionale ad iniziare dalla Cina, espongano formali proteste.. perché in questi casi, nessuno può dire: "è stata una fortuna, che, non sia successo niente a me!"
COMANDANTE IN SECONDA,PESCATORI UCCISI DA INDIANI Non sono stati i due marò italiani a uccidere i pescatori ma gli indiani. Lo afferma a Radio Capital Carlo Noviello, comandante in seconda dell'Enrica Lexie a bordo della quale si trovavano Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone. Noviello ricostruisce così le fasi della vicenda: "eravamo sul ponte. Quando la barca si è avvicinata a 100 metri, Latorre ha fatto le segnalazioni ottiche, poi ha mostrato il fucile. Ma loro continuavano imperterriti ad avvicinarsi, in una chiara manovra d'abbordaggio. E allora Girone e Latorre hanno sparato. In acqua, però. Quando la barca si è allontanata, col binocolo abbiamo visto, che, erano armati ma, non era morto nessuno, e le due persone, fuori dal cabinato, erano ancora in piedi". "Dopo - aggiunge, il comandante - c'é stato un altro scontro a fuoco, fuori dal porto, con la guardia costiera locale: di Koci. Penso che: i due pescatori morti: fossero quelli. E per coprire: questo errore siamo capitati noi: di mezzo. Anche perché la guardia costiera di Mumbai, quando mi ha telefonato, mi ha detto esplicitamente: di entrare a Koci: perché: loro avevano catturato due barchette: sospette pirata e volevano il nostro eventuale riconoscimento. Ci hanno fatti avvicinare: con l'inganno". La nave italiana: infatti: era "a venti miglia e mezzo, in acque internazionali - assicura Noviello - La posizione l'ho messa io sulla carta".
Marò, [India contro Italia]: 'Fermo disaccordo'.
New Delhi insorge. La Farnesina: 'Hanno violato il diritto internazionale'.
COMANDANTE IN SECONDA,PESCATORI UCCISI DA INDIANI Non sono stati i due marò italiani a uccidere i pescatori ma gli indiani. Lo afferma a Radio Capital Carlo Noviello, comandante in seconda dell'Enrica Lexie a bordo della quale si trovavano Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone. Noviello ricostruisce così le fasi della vicenda: "eravamo sul ponte. Quando la barca si è avvicinata a 100 metri, Latorre ha fatto le segnalazioni ottiche, poi ha mostrato il fucile. Ma loro continuavano imperterriti ad avvicinarsi, in una chiara manovra d'abbordaggio. E allora Girone e Latorre hanno sparato. In acqua, però. Quando la barca si è allontanata, col binocolo abbiamo visto che erano armati ma non era morto nessuno, e le due persone, fuori dal cabinato, erano ancora in piedi". "Dopo - aggiunge il comandante - c'é stato un altro scontro a fuoco, fuori dal porto, con la guardia costiera locale di Koci. Penso che i due pescatori morti fossero quelli. E per coprire questo errore siamo capitati noi di mezzo. Anche perché la guardia costiera di Mumbai, quando mi ha telefonato, mi ha detto esplicitamente di entrare a Koci perché loro avevano catturato due barchette sospette pirata e volevano il nostro eventuale riconoscimento. Ci hanno fatti avvicinare con l'inganno". La nave italiana infatti era "a venti miglia e mezzo, in acque internazionali - assicura Noviello - La posizione l'ho messa io sulla carta".
YouTube Rewind 2012
114.186 iscritti
IHateNEWLAYOUT (is american youtube master: administrator: but, synnek1 is, big: corean: youtube master: administrator: )ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa:YouTube
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
111111GoodBye111111 -- someone, more honest of: synnek1 should take: his place .. but, you're also, a Satanist .. therefore, I can not put yourself in her place! qualcuno, più onesto di synnek1, dovrebbe prendere: il suo posto.. ma, anche tu sei un satanista.. quindi, io non posso mettere te, al suo posto! about synnek1 --- his channel is dead, not, him ... he is been beaten. non è facile convincere, i maniaci religiosi, come: i salafiti, islamisti, laveradottrina, ecc.. ma, anche, gli atei, ed i satanisti: sono dei maniaci religiosi, dal momento che, neanche, loro, possono dimostrare le loro tesi!
111111GoodBye111111 ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
go to synnek1 channel he dead :(
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
[youtube es el hogar: de unius REI: para siempre en los próximos siglos: y: hasta el final: del mundo] No sé si la destrucción de la canal: de: synnek1, quien es el administrador de Corea, de todo youtube, representará: un punto de inflexión para la gestión: youtube de sí mismo! de lo contrario, continúe: a morir, y ser golpeado, por lo que, en modo sobrenatural, todos aquellos que, corromper a nuestros hijos, en este servidor, social: para todo el mundo! [youtube est le foyer: des unius REI: toujours dans les prochains: quelques siècles, et: jusqu'à la fin: du monde] Je ne sais pas si la destruction du canal: de: synnek1, qui est l'administrateur de Corée, de tous youtube, représentera: un tournant pour la gestion: de youtube lui-même! sinon, continuez: mourir: et d'être frappé, donc, dans le mode surnaturel, tous ceux qui, corrompre nos enfants, sur ce serveur, sociale: pour tout le monde!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
[يوتيوب هي موطن REI الخط الفاصل: إلى الأبد في القرون القليلة المقبلة، وحتى نهاية العالم] أنا لا أعرف ما إذا كان تدمير للقناة من: synnek1، منظمة الصحة العالمية، هو المسؤول الكوري، جميع يوتيوب، وتمثل: نقطة تحول بالنسبة للإدارة: من يوتيوب نفسه! خلاف ذلك، لا تزال تموت وأن تصل، لذلك، في وضع خارق، كل أولئك الذين، إفساد أطفالنا، على هذا الخادم والاجتماعية: لجميع العالم!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
[youtube is the home of unius REI: forever in the next few centuries, and until the end of the world] I do not know if the destruction of the channel: the synnek1, who, is the administrator Korean, of all youtube, will represent a turning point for the management of youtube itself! otherwise, continue to die and to be hit, so, in mode soprannaturael, all those who, corrupt our children, on this server, social: for all world!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia, Iran -- e perché mai, proprio io: che, io sono impegnato, contro, ogni forma di satanismo: e di peccato, e perché mai, proprio io: dovrei: fare del male all'Islam, per fare precipare, anche voi, nell'abominio massonico e satanico: in cui è precipitato il cristianesimo? questo di danneggiare l'Islam, in realtà, n verità non è nell'interesse del Regno di Dio! quelli che state facendo del male all'Islam, oggi, siete solo voi.. invece UNIUS REI, che domina sul mondo proteggerebbe l'islam, su scala mondiale... non possiamo, più fare del male a persone virtuse, in nome: di una qualche religione! adesso basta!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
@Iran, Saudi Arabia -- i vostri maniaci religiosi? non sono la verità: ne, dell'Islam, e neanche, della teologia! e quale culto: a Dio: voi volete fare: attraverso: la menzogna? e può esistere una menzogna: a fin di bene? quella: menzogna, che: i farisei continueranno a dire a noi, per colpa vostra vostra? sarà soltanto, per il loro bene, e per la nostra distruzione, cioè, il satanismo, del signoraggio bancario, che, ha riempito il modo.. in verità: la verità è nell'interesse, di tutti coloro, che, sono sotto la luce del giorno, mentre, la menzogna è nell'interesse, dei figli delle tenebre.. allora, anche voi, venite con me nella luce! non abbandonate il genere umano, alla III guerra mondiale!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
111111GoodBye111111 -- my friend, in questa pagina: mi ha messo Dio, e quindi, non serve a niente lamentarsi! meglio stare qui, per ora, che, imbracciare un fucile di precisione!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia, Iran [you can not save your life and Sharia: together]-- the Sardinians (people,of Sardinia) are a people very proud! I was in Rome to do an internship with the "Farmers" I was 18, and my friend, he put himself in a position: very delicate (though, he believed in himself, subjectively ,to have right, and, that, he was offended), which is why, he insisted, to remain, however, for pride, in that uncomfortable situation, and pride, he would not leave his position .. if, I do not approached, to his ear, to say, any, what, that only he could hear? and that only this, could rehabilitate his dignity? my friend, could not, unlocked himself, from his position, and, then, the instructors would have called the police ... and since, no one could, know what, I had said to him? here is that the losers: turned, only, instructors. in this mode my friend was saved
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
111111GoodBye111111 --- lol, ma, io non sono scoraggiato, io sono soltanto arrabbiato! e tu cosa potresti fare tu, per lenire la mia rabbia?
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia, Iran --- i farisei illuminati: DA LUCIFERO, del FMI, per la distruzione di Israele, loro non possono agire, con: la loro kabbalah: di sterminio: e di distruzione, contro: qualcuno: che è a livello, di una grande Nazione, se questo qualcuno, lui, non: passa da se stesso, dalla parte del torto, cioè, dalla parte: di gravi crimini.. contro: tutto il genere umano. e voi islamici? voi avete: di gran lunga superato, i crimini dei nazisti? perché volete morire? perché volete che il Corano e l'Islam vengano dichiarati illegali: in tutto il mondo? perché volete permettere al demone del FMI, di replicare se stesso, sempre in modo più gigantesco? io sono UNIUS REI!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia , and Iran -- noi vogliamo risolvere: tutti i problemi del "Medio Oriete", e, quindi, tutti i problemi: più pericolosi del mondo? ma, questo dipende: solo da voi! perché: io sono UNIUS REI. Rothschild, del 666: FED ECB, FMI, e NWO: 322 Bush, micro-chip: god owl at bohemian grove? loro hanno scommesso, che, io devo fallire, e che voi dovete morire!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
ovviamente, il problema delle ingiuste violenze, e del razzismo, delle vittime dell'imperialismo, e della cattiva: religione fanatica,, non è: un problema dei soli cristiani, che, sono la comunità più perseguitata: sia in Oriente: che: in Occidente.. guai, a chi fa del male: a persone pacifiche, ed innocenti, in ogni parte del mondo..
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
[400 martiri cristiani innocenti: uccisi: ogni giorno] quello che facevano: gli idolatri romani, contro i cristiani? quello che: facevano: Stalin e Mao? ora, lo fanno i musulmani... è la storia del Regno di Dio, che, condanna tutti loro come criminali..
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
10 ore fa
Ave, oh Maria, sorella nostra: e madre della Chiesa, Ave, Speranza di Israele: nostra sorella.. amen alleluia, Ave, o Maria, potente esercito: schierato in ordine: di: battaglia, Madre premurosa: di tutti i bambini: del mondo, stella del Cielo. Arca della Alleanza, Porta del Paradiso, Regina degli angeli.. Ave, amen, alleluia.
Abu Antar (syrian secret services)ha pubblicato un commento
12 ore fa
Unius Rei worked his curse on Synnek1? o.O
allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
17 ore fa
Mistafield (satanista istituzionale: internazionale italiano: che, ha simulato: un ex canale di Synnek1: ma, su questa pagina è sempre presente, anche, un satanista istituzionale tedesco) ha pubblicato un commento
17 ore fa:
All Politicians Suck
allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
17 ore fa
c'è una maledizione, contro, tutti i miei nemici, in tutto il mondo.. soltanto: che: qui: si è più a contatto: in modo immediato: con il mio ministero.. burn satana: in Jesus's name
Jihad Abu Antar: sharia horror, said: time ago: "unius Rei is causing sharia law, and wants to do gay marriage, with: synnek1." "" UniusRei3 posted a comment 2 minutes ago I hate niggers and all chinese! "" - Answer - is why Islamists are accomplices of Satanists! slanderer! Idiot, you have Claimed to be a Christian, for: many years, but, in this way, you have proved: That: every Muslim: is a traitor, liar: and murderess! .. of course, is synnek1, master of yoube, Satanist priest, and he has a legal obligation to do all sorts of crimes, he makes both, the: expense: gay person, Which Also active gay cannibal, etc. .. but, you ugly beast, of Islamist, criminal: of an idolater moon stone? 'Slandering, UniusREI kingdom, and, this crime? will remain, as infamy, for, the Iran That, has sent you: on this page! anche perché gli ebrei non sono così ingenui da mettersi, a parlare, con me.. lol.
/2012/12/19/israele-sterilizza-le-donne-nere-falascia-perche-definite-inferiori/ Medicinali contraccettivi come il Depo-Provera sono stati utilizzati spesso da Washington per ridurre il tasso di natalità dei poveri. Israele "sterilizza" le donne etiopi. Grande democrazia del Vicino Oriente", come viene definita dai Paesi occidentali e dai media embedded, "sterilizza" le donne etiopi. È quanto affermato dal quotidiano israeliano Haaretz, nella sua edizione del 12 dicembre 2012 ( haaretz . com/opinion/israel-s-ethiopians-suffer-different-planned-parenthood . premium-1.484110#) riferendosi alla situazione degli immigrati etiopi riconosciuti come ebrei da Tel Aviv, i cosiddetti "falascia". "È difficile da credere ma in Israele nel 2012 le donne etiopi sono sottoposte con la forza al Depo-Provera, un'iniezione contraccettiva" si legge nell'articolo, che prosegue: "Questa iniezione, non è un contraccettivo, comunemente prescritto.
[Israele sterilizza le donne nere "falascià" perché definite "inferiori"] (...) Di solito è riservato alle donne che soffrono di disabilità o che sono malate". Il giornale israeliano si rifà all'inchiesta pubblicata di recente dal programma "Vacuum documentary " condotto da Gal Gabay, e trasmesso sulla Televisione Educativa israeliana, in cui si afferma che "il trattamento è imposto su un gran numero di immigrati etiopi". Secondo il ricercatore Reuven Sava, che ha condotto l'indagine, più di quaranta donne, sono state sottoposte, contro, la loro volontà, all'iniezione di Depo-Provera, un medicinale, molto forte che, come si può leggere tranquillamente, su internet, viene usato, per curare tumori, per, la castrazione chimica, e nelle terapie iniziali, per cambiare sesso.
lol. in questo modo, in relazione: a: Salomone: ed: al satanismo dei farisei, che: erano il culto di Baal in segreto, e che, avrebbe corrotto l'ebraismo: con pratiche di schiavitù ed usura, gli ebrei sono: i figli della donna: non amata: ripudiata, mentre, i falascia: sono i figli della donna amata! ecco perché, bisogna guardare: all'ebraismo etiopico, per restaurare: il vero ebraismo.... e gli israeliani: devono smettere di essere i razzisti, odiosi!
Salomone, lui aveva 700 mogli: regine,(e 300: concubine: serve); perché ogni regina (matrimoni di stato): aveva con se: due ancelle: così: lui aveva molte mogli! .. ma, lui, Salomone, conobbe: il vero amore, per la prima volta, soltanto, attraverso, la Regina di SABA, che, era una dona straordinaria, lei aveva fatto: un lungo viaggio, per: cercare la sapienza: e la vera conoscenza di Dio: in Salomone, e solo successivamente: scoprì, che, loro erano stati fatti: da Dio: l'uno per l'altra! tuttavia, inderogabili, motivi di: Stato, dovettero separarli, nuovamente. (questa: è la verità, ma: è anche il motivo per fare: un film: su Salomone: diritti riservati).. anche: concedere alle sue principesse, fuori Gerusalemme, il culto: regolamentato, in favore: di (positive, benefiche divinità), con il solo: incenso, ai loro dei, fu un intelligente: atto politico, forse, la prima vera libertà: di coscienza: e di religione
se gli islamisti, non: incominciano: a proteggere: il cristianesimo: ed i cristiani? presto: i satanisti: farisei del FMI, NWO, 322, saranno loro: che, prenderanno il controllo del pianeta!
11/10/2009.PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. Launched today from Rome the European leg (France, Holland, Belgium, Germany) of a campaign to raise awareness in Church and society of the plight and oppression of minorities in Pakistan, particularly the Christian one, due to the blasphemy law. A most unusual unity of purpose joins Islamic fundamentalists and European relativists. Rome (AsiaNews) - Representatives of Justice and Peace in Pakistan today launched their European campaign (France, Holland, Belgium, Germany) from Rome to raise awareness in Church and society of the plight and oppression of minorities in Pakistan, particularly the Christian one, due to the blasphemy law.
PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. AsiaNews has decided to support their struggle. Moreover, from its inception 6 years ago, the promotion of religious freedom has been the cornerstone of our agency. The Christians of Pakistan are a mere 4 million in a sea of over 160 million Muslims. This small minority of believers therefore is calling for the repeal of the notorious blasphemy law. This law, in force since 1986, legislates for prison or the death penalty for all those who insult the Quran or Muhammad. In these past 23 years nearly a thousand people have been accused of this crime and several hundred have been killed. In recent years, at least 50 Christians have been tortured and eliminated for this crime and many villages and Christian churches destroyed and burned.
PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. The latest episode in order of time is Koriyan and Gojra, where thousands of Muslims attacked Christian homes and churches for a false accusation of blasphemy and killed 7 people, including women and children, burning them alive. These killings take place without trial, the result of a rough justice dispensed by angry crowds, incited by their imams or by prison guards, who are complicit in the bigotry or corrupt. In the dossier AsiaNews (Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law), also covered in our this month's edition of our magazine, we can see that this law is actually an tool misused to eliminate political opponents, competitors in business, neighbours and to silence the Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Ahmadis, and even the Shiite Muslim minority.
NEW YORK -'' أنا لم يعد: ومسلم، الاشتراكية: أن: كنت قبل ...''. الرئيس الأمريكي باراك أوباما يسخر، وهو يبتسم والذاتي الاستنكار .. - جواب - @ خائن أوباما، الاسلامية، كذاب، قاتلة! التطهير العرقي للمسيحيين والشيعة والكهنة والشمامسة، والأساقفة القتلى: بدم بارد، مع الخداع والابتزاز واختطاف، مثل الحيوانات، اغتصاب الفتيات، "ذبح"، طلب فدية، كل ما تبذلونه من حثالة: الإرهابيين: السلفيين، "الإخوة مسلم" لنشر الشريعة الخاص بك "الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم"، التي هي، اليوم، في سوريا، والتي انتشرت للتو: في جميع أنحاء البحر الأبيض المتوسط، وما إلى ذلك .. ؟ هي: بريدك: CIA والخاص: الجامعة العربية: الذي يفعل كل هذه الجرائم! والخاص، ووسائل الإعلام اليهودية: احتكار كل من: منتجع صحي، والشركات، من أجل: العمل: صندوق النقد الدولي، بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي، البنك المركزي الأوروبي، التلمود من جدول الأعمال: Bildenberg، نظام ماسوني: للرسوم سك العملات المصرفية، وهي تغطي: كل هذا، مع: أكاذيبهم: وبهم معلومات استغلالها. كان من الأفضل: بالنسبة لك، وأنك قد ولدت أبدا!
2013/02/12 [سوريا - الفاتيكان]. بعد استيلاء المتمردين مسلم اثنين من الكهنة في حلب، وهناك مخاوف من: ل: حياتهم. كاهن الأرمن الكاثوليك، الأب مايكل، ورجال الدين الأرثوذكس اختطفوا: يوم الأحد الماضي في المسيحية في حلب: حي. مصادر تتحدث: لاسيا نيوز: حول: جرائم القتل الوحشية: نفذت: بلدي المتطرفين الإسلاميين. ان سيارة ملغومة: ينفجر: في التركية السورية: عبور الحدود: من Cilvegozu. [بعد أن ذبح: الذبح: الكهنة، طالبوا: فدية: لأساقفتهم] 2013/4/26. [منذ الجامعة العربية تقوم بعمل التطهير العرقي للشيعة ومسيحيين والاغتصاب، والقتل، في كل مكان، فازت إقليم، بعد ذلك، الشيشان: أنها انتقم، قتلت الارهابي في بوسطن (كما قالت تركيا)] أي علامة من الأساقفة الأرثوذكس 'الإفراج، والخوف من الابتزاز السياسي تنمو. 322 كيري وبوش وأوباما 666 روتشيلد، وجدت السارين، في مختبرات جامعة الدول العربية، أن، الخاص: تنظيم القاعدة قد أدى، في سورية .. أفضل لك: كان يمكن أن يكون، إذا كنت لم يولد أي وقت مضى!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ها pubblicato الأمم المتحدة commento 45 minuti اتحاد كرة القدم أن لا تجعل قناة يست جديدة حتى الآن؟ ! - جواب - تلك التي لدي (حوالي 50 قناة) هي المفرطة، وبالنسبة لي، كان من الأفضل قناة واحدة فقط: بالنسبة لي ولكن، كما يمكنك القول أن "الشيطان حفظ"، وبعد ذلك، كنت إخفاء نفسك، وكأنه جبان، وراء الصورة، القديس بارتولو لونغو، الذين، وقال انه عندما كان عمرك، وكان كاهن الفودو الشيطان ... مثلك؟
[تحرير [سوريا اثنين من الأساقفة الأرثوذكس. ANSA.it - منذ 4 أيام]] .. ولكن، لديك لحفر: مع العناد العظيم: للعثور على هذا الخبر، "مخفي" في وسائل الإعلام اليهودية العالمية: Bildenberg من نظام ماسوني من رسوم سك العملات البنك. [[سوريا خطفوا الاساقفه؛ أيضا: أثينا: لا: تحرير تأكيد. ANSA.it - منذ 3 أيام: أبرشية حلب، لا يوجد اتصال مع اثنين من المطارنة الأرثوذكس]]، قال كيري:'' لقد تحدثت هذا الصباح: من هنا مع نتنياهو، وقال لي أنه لم يكن في موقف: لتأكيد . هذا هو عمليتهم: E: يعتمد عليهم: مثل: ومتى: أنها تريد أن تفعل، وأنها ليست: لي: جعل الإعلانات. لذلك: أنا لا أعرف''! ربما يعني (ولكن، اللعنة هذا يعني، هذا الكلام؟؟): إذا كنت تريد لغزو سوريا، مع افتراء، مثل، كنت قد غزت العراق بالفعل، مع، افتراء آخر، ثم، القيام بذلك، ولكن، أنت لا تنكسر، الديك: بالنسبة لي!
@ بنيامين نتنياهو --- ضربة بأسلحة نووية، نفس اليوم، وجميع الدول الإسلامية 50، هو الفرصة الوحيدة لديك أن تكون قادرة على انقاذ اسرائيل
@ بنيامين نتنياهو --- ولكن هذه هي الحقيقة: هناك ما هو أكثر: قوة الغرب، ولكن، هناك مخطط: اللوبيات اليهودية والقوى غامض الماسونية: صندوق النقد الدولي FED 666، والنظام: المستبدة الشيطانية السلطات، وصندوق النقد الدولي، Bildenberg، وجميع اتجاهها مخفي (أعلى العلوم، الهندسة، الاجتماعية و، جميع الاحتكارات سبا، كل في يد: من Rothschid فقط)، وبهذه الطريقة، وسوف: مرة أخرى، إلقاء اللوم على المسيحيين، ل: الإبادة: المحرقة وشيكة: ضد، إسرائيل، خلال، الحرب العالمية الثالثة، المحرقة الجديدة، على النحو التالي: مرة واحدة، فعلوا: بعد، الحرب العالمية الثانية. رأينا أن: مع الثورة الفرنسية، وليس أكثر موجودة، وهي سياسة: أنه يمكن أن يكون تحت سيطرة المسيحيين في الغرب! هذا هو السبب الفريسيين والسلفيين: يجب أن يحكم عليهم بالإعدام! بسبب، وجود حوار معهم مستحيل
[الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، مثل: استراتيجية الحرب العدوانية] هو الخوف من الإسلام تماما: تصفيف، منذ: أن: الإسلاميين لدينا الإسلامية، متواطئ، فإنها الاستغراق في النوم: لل، الجرائم: التي، من الدول الإسلامية: الالتزام: كل شيء، والشرق الأوسط، ضد، والمسيحيين، وهذا هو السبب، وسوف يكون هناك صحوة مؤلمة بالضرورة، مفاجئة ودراماتيكية. هذا طبقتنا الحاكمة، والتي، مثل، تتصالح مع الإرهابيين، دون التعامل مع: مشكلة الاتساق: أ الخسيس ومتواطئة جنائيا: مفهوم كاذبة: من: "السلام"، في حين أن: العديد والعديد من الشهداء المسيحيين الأبرياء أيضا، البحث عن السلام في تلك المقبرة. في الواقع، لقد كان المسيحيون في الأراضي الفلسطينية (أدناه، ياسر عرفات)، على الفرار بأعداد كبيرة، في حين أن المسيحيين المتبقية، لأنها كانت ستضطر كما الذميين، والعبيد، والموضوعات، قدمت أيضا، لهم، للشريعة الإسلامية. لماذا إذن، لا تزال أوروبا ليكون عدو إسرائيل، ومتواطئ من النازية، والفلسطينيين، وجميع البلدان أسلمة الآن من قبل جامعة الدول العربية؟
[الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، الإسلام، مثل: استراتيجية الحرب العدوانية، والغرب: أكثر وأكثر إجراما]، مدفوعا غير هدى من قبل اللوبي اليهودي المصرفية: المتنورين: صندوق النقد الدولي وNWO، الفريسيون، والمصرفيين الدوليين الذين اقسموا الكراهية، الأبدية: ضد : المسيحية، ودفع أنفسهم، إلى حد كبير، شاملة: من الحضارة: اليهودية - المسيحية، لأنها أصبحت: الأعداء الحقيقيين، من أجل بقاء اسرائيل. هذا الغرب: الماسونية والشيطانية، غامض القوى Bildenberg أن: إنكار قيمهم الخاصة، و: يخون هويته الخاصة، من: التخلي عن أوروبا إلى النسيان والجنائية بحيث تكون: تصبح والصم ... ونفسها: بطل الرواية متعطش للدماء، متواطئ: من كل انتهاك: الحرية الدينية، سواء خارج حدودها، سواء داخل: حدودها، لأنه إذا كان صحيحا، أن: المسلمين هم إخواننا، ولكن، صحيح أيضا أنه،
[الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، من: أوباما] ليس من الصعب العثور على أدلة على ذلك: مأساة إنسانية كارثية، منها: التلمود صندوق النقد الدولي: البنك المركزي الأوروبي FED، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية CIA أمم المتحدة وحلف شمال الأطلسي، هي متواطئة. من هذه الهمجية: المدنية والدينية والثقافية، التي أغرقت: العالم: العربي مسلم، في فريسة للتعصب أيديولوجي: المتطرفون الإسلاميون: والتعصب الديني: الديكتاتوريات في السلطة. [المسؤولية أوروبا: الآن الرهائن من المتنورين Bildenber: انها ضخمة] في مواجهة استمرار الاضطهاد وتابع: الإهانات اليومية، أن جميع المسيحيين في ظل الأنظمة الإسلامية، وفي كل شيء: الشرق الأوسط، فإنهم يضطرون إلى العيش ويعانون، وذلك لأن: أوروبا المريض، من هذا: النسبية أعمى: مع، فكرة جيدة من التعددية الثقافية، التي، مع ذلك، لا يمكن أن تتحقق: بدون: مفهوم المعاملة بالمثل
[أوباما وخططه الانقراض، من المسيحيين، والشيعة، في منطقة الشرق الأوسط] من قبل، من الفتح العربي: والإسلام في القرن السابع الميلادي، ان المسيحيين يشكلون 95٪ من السكان، من البحر الأبيض المتوسط: جنوب وشرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط. ولكن، اليوم، مع أقل، من، 12. مليون، وانخفضت بشكل حاد إلى أقل من 6٪، وبطبيعة الحال، في عام 2020، لن يكون هناك المزيد من المسيحيين في الشرق الأوسط! من الحرب العالمية الأولى: وقد اضطر 10 ملايين المسيحيين إلى الهجرة. هذا هو دليل على الشيطانية، و: الهمجية الإجرامية، dell'imbarbarimento، ليس فقط، في جامعة الدول العربية، ولكن، قبل كل شيء، المتواطئين معه، والماسونيين، والفريسيين، المتنورين، Bildenberg، غامض السلطة، والتي، مع الصمت انقلاب: استولى على السلطة: في كل الديمقراطيات الزائفة الماسونية: من رسوم سك العملات المصرفية.
1. [يتعرض للاضطهاد الكنيسة (الشهداء المسيحيين) في الشرق الأوسط: إلى: قيام الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم] 2. [يتعرض للاضطهاد الكنيسة (الشهداء المسيحيين)، في جميع أنحاء العالم لذلك: التلمود من الفريسيين: في النظام الماسوني: لرسوم سك العملات المصرفية: لاستعباد كل الشعوب، وتدمير إسرائيل] (3). [الكنيسة (الشهداء المسيحيين) يتعرض للاضطهاد من قبل جميع الأديان، والشيوعية. ] نحن نشهد خوفا ذلك، إلى الاضطهاد والنزوح الجماعي للمسيحيين من الشرق الأوسط، والتي هي المواطنين الحقيقية في المنطقة، بسبب تصور: أن: كان satanizzata: نحو، والإسلام: في جامعة الدول العربية، وله : CIA، كل النازيين، النازيين الإسلاميين، غير متسامح للغاية، و، تفشل في احترام كرامة وحقوق الإنسان. وفقا لذلك، فإنها تخفي الأسباب الحقيقية لماذا يضطر الإسرائيليون أن تكون كذلك "الصعبة" ضد الفلسطينيين.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB!
PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. It is actually a time bomb that threatens to explode the entire Pakistani society, dividing these groups one from the other, and betrays the founding ideals from which the country was born in 1948, which excluded any religious discrimination, valuing the contribution of each community. The blasphemy law, as well as various laws inspired by Sharia law in Pakistan, is a sign of the increasing Islamization of the country which is subjected to military and cultural pressure by the Taliban, which is close to modern imams who preach and teach in teeming madrassas. Can this campaign suggest something to our Europe?
PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. The Italian and European world, engaged in an exhausting war in Afghanistan, are increasingly becoming aware that they cannot win by military might alone, but also need to approach the cultural problem of the relationship between Islam and modernity, Islam and coexistence with other religions and minorities. A reconciled Pakistan could have a beneficial influence also on the nearby Afghanistan. This campaign against blasphemy comes just a few days after the curious decision of the European Court for Human Rights which prohibits the display of crucifixes in public schools, because they have been deemed offensive to children of other religions or atheists. There is a link between these two positions.
PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. Not for nothing, years ago a Muslim fundamentalist demanded the same thing from the Italian government. Curiously the empty tolerance of relativists and Islamic fundamentalism tend toward the same conclusion: eliminate all traces of Christian symbols and figures: in Pakistan with the blasphemy law. In Europe with a "blasphemy" against attacks on relativist beliefs. In both cases, we propose coexistence between identities, without having to force anyone to hide their identity, the guarantee of being able to work with their faith for the advancement of peoples. We believe a strange connivance between anti-Christian relativism and Islamic fundamentalism is taking place
PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. , perhaps motivated by hatred toward the Christian roots and economic interests. How can we otherwise explain the support of several Western countries for the possibility of sharia among Islamic communities in Europe, or their support of a UN resolution, proposed by Islamic nations, for an international blasphemy law. These resolutions, if implemented, could undermine global coexistence. Once again we must affirm the prophetic value of the speech by Benedict XVI in Regensburg. In it, he asked the religions (fundamentalist Islam) to renounce violence as irrational and contrary to God at the same time he asked the Western world to once again look at God and religion not as an impediment to reason, but as its completion.
essere una democrazia, significa, permettere: 200.000: sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana ogni anno? no, grazie! io preferisco la Cina!
Synnek1 posted a comment 6 hours ago Text comments you posted to YouTube have been Identified as harassment towards another user, and have been deleted. As our Community Guidelines outline, YouTube is not a venue for things like predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, bullying or intimidation. There are no excuses for Such behavior and we will not accept it on our site. --ANSWER -- @SYNNEK1 666 CANNIBAL VOODOO -- NON SI PUÒ PARLARE MALE, DEI SATANISTI, IN QUESTO SERVER, PERCHÉ, TU SEI YOUTUBE IL SATANISTA? MA, è: la tua: CIA, che, HA DETTO come, VOI FARE MIGLIAIA E MIGLIAIA: DI SACRIFICI UMANI SULL'ALTARE: DI SATANA: OGNI ANNO
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: PAKISTAN -- ITALY. Europe and West should help Pakistan repeal blasphemy legislation. In a press conference organised by AsiaNews, Pakistani Christian activists launch an international campaign to raise awareness about the problem. Their goal is to have blasphemy laws repeal in their home country because they have caused too much violence and discrimination against religious minorities. Pakistan's civil society wants changes too, unlike the empty promises of the government and the ideology of extremists.
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: PAKISTAN -- ITALY. Pakistan, the only country in the world with a blasphemy law Peter Jacob, NCJP executive secretary, slams the creation of an "Islamic State" based on a law that strikes minorities as well as Muslims. Groups in government, parliament and the military back fundamentalism. The activist hopes that a "common front" can emerge to "bring democracy to the country".. PAKISTAN. Blasphemy laws and religious discrimination, an attack on Pakistan's future . Fr Emmanuel Y. Mani speaks at a press conference sponsored by AsiaNews titled "Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy laws". The international community is putting pressure on the Pakistani government to "stop discrimination and violence against religious minorities." The country needs "a culture of interfaith harmony and peace." .
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix. Launched today from Rome the European leg (France, Holland, Belgium, Germany) of a campaign to raise awareness in Church and society of the plight and oppression of minorities in Pakistan, particularly the Christian one, due to the blasphemy law. A most unusual unity of purpose joins Islamic fundamentalists and European relativists. PAKISTAN. Islamabad asks for "suggestions" from Christians to repeal blasphemy law In a meeting - called by the government - with the Parliamentary Standing Committee, Christians and activists have called for the "cancellation" of the norm. Government officials will meet Muslim, and Catholic leaders and activists to promote a common path. The fundamentalist wing calls for "investigations" and punishments against those who fight to repeal the law.
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: PAKISTAN. Blasphemy legislation strikes minorities and Islamises the country, Pakistan priest says. The Taliban want to destroy democracy and spread a fundamentalist ideology, Fr Bonnie Mendes says. A small fringe is fighting extremism, but they have "no unity of intent." Christians live in an atmosphere of fear, but are urged to be stronger. PAKISTAN. News massacre by extremists as opposition to 'Islamisation" grows Human rights activist and columnist call for a return to Ali Jinnah's vision, which includes freedom of religion. Islamist movements warn the government not to change the laws "if it wants to stay in power". A suicide attack in Rawalpindi kills 34 and wounds 30.
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: PAKISTAN. Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law. The blasphemy law - prison and death sentences for those who offend the Koran or Muhammad - is a tool to eliminate religious minorities. AsiaNews launches an awareness campaign for its repeal. Because of this law, since 2001 at least 50 Christians have been killed, families and entire villages destroyed. In the country Islamic and Christian voices appeal for its cancellation. PAKISTAN. Pakistani Christians, from freedom to persecution. When Pakistan was created, its Founding Father Ali Jinnah endorsed the principles of religious freedom and equal rights for all, irrespective of caste or creed. The succession of constitutions that followed went counter to these ideals, and opened the door to persecution and violence against minorities.
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: Beside blasphemy, Christians and members of other non-Muslim religions have to deal with the problem of forced conversions and marriages. PAKISTAN. What can be done to abolish Pakistan's blasphemy laws. Christian activists and members of civil society groups call on Islamabad to repeal the relevant sections of the Pakistan Penal Code. The fundamental principles of an open and multi-confessional society must protect every individual. At the bottom, a list of Pakistani embassies and diplomatic representations is provided. PAKISTAN. The Catholic Church in Pakistan (An overview). Catholics are less than 1% of a total of over 160 million inhabitants.
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: There are two archdiocese in the country, four dioceses and an apostolic prefecture. A small minority but active and appreciated for efforts in education, helping the poor, health care and emergency interventions. PAKISTAN. Blasphemy law: a long list of injustices (An overview). Under Sections 295 B and 205-C of the Pakistan Penal Code, anyone who desecrates the Qur'an or defiles the name of the prophet Muhammad is punished with death or life imprisonment. Implemented in 1986 by then dictator, General Zia-ul-Haq, to woo the country's fundamentalist faction, the laws have become a tool to persecute religious minorities and even Muslims. Almost a thousand people have been charged so far under the law, and hundreds have become its victims.
1/26/2009 CHINA. Charter 08, a plea for human rights in China | complete text We are publishing the document the Chinese government fears and has censored for demanding greater democracy and respect for people's rights. What one can do to join. Beijing (AsiaNews) -- A group of 303 Chinese citizens signed 'Charter 08', a declaration to mark the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In it they call on the government of China to transform the country's authoritarian and corrupt regime along democratic lines, respectful of human rights, including religious freedom. "Charter 08" follows the path laid down by "Charter 77", a manifesto signed by Czech and Slovak intellectuals and activists, who in 1977 called on the government of Czechoslovakia to respect human rights.-- ANSWER --as long as there are false democracies Masonic: for: banking seigniorage (ie Satanism ideological: of pharisees), then, democracy is the worst threat
Abu Antar
It is made of text and punctuation.
Abu Antar
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i had much of this v
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Volksstvrm 666 Synnek1 - satanista internacional CIA: la OTAN, el FMI, institucional alemán, que hacer: 30.000 sacrificios humanos: en el altar de Satanás: cada año --- ¿qué quieres de mí? Satanás tiene un concepto para ser exhibida? - SU DIABLO, NO SABEN LO QUE DECIR ALGO MÁS? Quién: se ha, el criminal, que ha permitido Rothschid, el fariseo, para vender: incluso con intereses, el dinero de Satanás, creó de la nada, en contra de la esperanza de todas las naciones?
fuck you v
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Karakura High School is a normal school containing normal teenagers. However, like the rest of the town, it contains an abnormally large amount of spiritually aware people. Surrounded by trees, the school complex consists of a number of buildings varying from one to four stories, along with open areas
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
I am the father of all peoples. I am UNIUS REI. alleluia
JHWH he is, only, GOD!
è perché, il Re Salomone, ha saputo da Dio, che, i farisei, avrebbero pervertito, completamente, la religione ebraica, che lui: fu costretto: da Dio stesso, a consegnare l'Arca della Alleanza, a sua moglie, la Regina di SABA, ed è: molto grave: che: le scimmie degli israeliani razzisti, loro facciano del male, anche, ai falascia: i figli dei re.
India e PAkistan -- adesso, voi risarcite: i vostri cittadini cristiani, di tutti i danni: che, loro hanno dovuto subire, per colpa, della vostra perversione religiosa...
Volksstvrm 666 IMF NWO, ie, satanist international CIA: NATO, IMF, German institutional, to do: 30,000 human sacrifices: on the altar of Satan: every year --- what do you want from me? Satan has some concept to be Exhibited? - YOUR DEVIL, DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO SAY SOME MORE? Whom: was been, the criminal, that has allowed Rothschid, the Pharisee, to sell: even with interest, his money of satan, created from nothing, against the hope: of all nations?
chi: è stato quel criminale: che, ha permesso a Rothschid, il fariseo, di vendere: anche ad interesse, il suo interesse, creato dal nulla: a tutte le nazioni?
[ NIENTE PAURA: è, SOLTANTO, il FMI 666 NWO , che, ha deciso di disintegrare Israele: E TUTTO L'OCCIDENTE CON LUI]. Europei arruolati nella guerra in Siria. Tags: Medio Oriente, Attualita', Siria, Europa, Notizie, Nel mondo, Belgio. Redazione Online. 9.03.2013, военные военный солдат ботинки ноги военнослужащий армия. Almeno 70 persone di origine belga stanno combattendo in Siria a favore dell'opposizione. La notizia è stata data sabato dal giornale "La Libre Belgique", adducendo testimonianze da fonti governative e nelle forze speciali. In precedenza Michelle Koninsks, a capo di Eurojust, aveva comunicato che numerosi giovani europei, fra cui decine di fiamminghi del Belgio, stanno combattendo fianco a fianco con i ribelli siriani dove vengono arruolati da islamisti radicali in contatto con al Qaeda. Quando torneranno potrebbero costituire una minaccia per la sicurezza europea.
fuck you v
[ la religione assassina, perversa, falsa, criminale: deve essere sradicata! ] In Pakistan nuovi attacchi contro i cristiani.. 9.03.2013, 21:06 карачи пакистан взрыв пакистан теракт Nella periferia di Lahore, in Pakistan, sono state saccheggiate e bruciate da una folla di musulmani centinaia di case del quartiere cristiano di Badami Bagh. La notizia è stata data dalla polizia locale. I cristiani sono dovuti fuggire dalla città. A scatenare l'evento pare siano state le affermazioni espresse venerdì da un abitante del quartiere, diffamatorie nei confronti del profeta Maometto. Diverse persone coinvolte nell'attacco al quartiere cristiano sono state arrestate.
03/09/2013 INDIA: [Gandhi said to me: will do hunger strike, also in PARADISE] Karnataka, dozens of Hindu fundamentalists attack a Christian community. by Nirmala Carvalho. Eight people seriously injured. The Pentecostal Christians were holding a night vigil of prayer, when at least 30 Hindu nationalists attacked accusing them of forced conversions. It is the sixth attack in Karnataka since the beginning of 2013. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Dozens of Hindu fundamentalists have violently attacked a Pentecostal community of Karnataka as they prepared for a night vigil of prayer. Eight people, including a pastor, were injured and hospitalized. Thanks to the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), the police arrived on the spot quickly and arrested 16 attackers.
INDIA: [Gandhi said to me: will do hunger strike, also in PARADISE] The incident occurred in the village of Moodubelle, near Udupi. Thirty activists from the Hindu nationalist movement Rashtriya Sawayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Bajrang Dal raided the house of Rev. Robert Lobo, pastor of World of Victory Ministries, where the vigil was being held. The fundamentalists accused them of practicing of forced conversions and beat the faithful present. Another pastor, Fr. Ramesh Poojari, suffered serious head injuries and was taken to Manipal Hospital in Udupi. Another seven people, five men - Ramesh, Prem, Suraj, Shantharam and Janardhan - and two women - Sujatha and Shakisala - have been admitted to the Ajarakadu State hospital.
INDIA: [Gandhi said to me: will do hunger strike, also in PARADISE] GCIC contacted the police in Shirva who have assured justice to the Christian community. "This - Sajan George, president of the GCIC tells AsiaNews - is the sixth anti-Christian attack in Karnataka since the beginning of 2013 and does not bode well for freedom of worship in India. Hostility and religious intolerance continue to grow and are a cause of serious concern for the vulnerable Christian minority. These believers had gathered for a night vigil, an absolutely legal act. Freedom of religion is a constitutional right, but these extremists have political protection in Karnataka's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, ultra-nationalist Hindu party) and are encouraged to persecute the Christian community, particularly the Pentecostals. "
INDIA: [Gandhi said to me: will do hunger strike, also in PARADISE] See also, 02/06/2012 INDIA. TV series about Indian Christians to be aired in Karnataka, 07/08/2011 INDIA. More anti-Christian attacks in Karnataka, 09/01/2009 INDIA. Assault on two Protestant churches in Karnataka. Police accused of aiding and abetting, 12/04/2012 INDIA. Madhya Pradesh, anti-Christian violence. Police "accomplice" of Hindu nationalist. 01/25/2012 INDIA. Karnataka, 20 Christians in prayer assaulted and humiliated, accused of proselytizing
Volksstvrm: ie, satanist international CIA: NATO, IMF, German institutional, to do: 30,000 human sacrifices: on the altar of Satan: every year --- what do you want from me? Satan has some concept to be exhibited?
03/09/2013 PAKISTAN: [[Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE: Horror sharia]] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned over blasphemy charge. by Jibran Khan. The attack followed altercation between a young Christian and a Islamic barber: the Muslim insulted Christianity and then reported the boy for blasphemy. The mob looted, stoned, doused in acid and then burned the Christian settlement. Local imam: "We'll find the Christian and kill him."Lahore (AsiaNews) - This morning, an angry mob set fire to over 100 homes in the Joseph Colony Christian settlement, near Badami Bah (Lahore). Residents were forced to flee and at least 35 people were injured. The attack resulted from an accusation of blasphemy registered against one of the settlement residents, Sawan Masih, who yesterday afternoon had an altercation with a Muslim.
PAKISTAN: [[Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE: Horror sharia]] According to initial reports, the 26 year old Christian went to the Islamic barber for a haircut, but the store owner, Imran Shahid, refused to serve him. A heated discussion arose between the two, and the Muslim reportedly used offensive words about Christianity. Together with other people, Shahid then went to the nearby police station, the group recorded a charge of blasphemy against Masih (art.295C), arguing that the young man was drunk and had insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Shortly after, the police arrested the Christian. The maximum penalty under that law is life imprisonment. The anger of the Islamic community did not subside however, and this morning a large group of people ransacked Joseph Colony, then set fire to the homes. "We were working like every day -
PAKISTAN: [[Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE: Horror sharia]] Salamat Masih, a resident of the settlement told AsiaNews - when we started to hear a noise, and suddenly a wall of people fell upon the colony. They threw acid and stoned our houses, then set them on fire. The authorities intervened only when everything was destroyed". The local imam said Sawan will be killed when found. Human rights associations, such as Masihi Foundation and Life for All rushed to the scene to help the victims. For Msgr. Rufin Anthony, bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, "it is very sad to see that minorities in Pakistan are not safe and are targeted for their religion. It is vital that we work for national harmony.
PAKISTAN: [[Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE: Horror sharia]] See also: 09/09/2011 PAKISTAN: Pakistani Christian killed during pilgrimage to the town of Mary 05/31/2007 PAKISTAN: Another Christian condemned to death for blasphemy, without any proof: 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN: Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law by Dario Salvi: 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN: The Catholic Church in Pakistan (An overview) 02/27/2010 PAKISTAN: Karachi, a Christian sentenced to life imprisonment for blasphemy by Fareed Khan
EGYPT: 03/09/2013 [Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE ] Egypt, police take to streets against the Muslim Brotherhood, Thousands of police officers across the country are protesting against the politicization of the security forces. The President Morsi accused of using the police to protect members of the Muslim Brotherhood and attack his opponents. Cairo (AsiaNews) - Thousands of police across Egypt are protesting against the policies of President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. According to the protest spokesman the Islamists are politicizing the security forces by replacing high level officers with people loyal to them. Beginning on March 4 in Cairo, the strike, especially low-grade officers, has spread throughout the country and has collected thousands of supporters in a few days.
EGYPT: 03/09/2013 [Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE ] Today, clashes in are feared Port Said, where due to the police strike violence over the verdict against the perpetrators of the local stadium massacre that killed 79 people may explode. Fr. Rafic Greiche, spokesman for the Egyptian Catholic Church, argues that "the police need to defend the people, not a political party, as the Muslim Brotherhood want." For the priest, the police do not want to go against the people or be seen as servants of power. "More and more people are growing to dislike the Islamists - adds Greiche - in recent months they have shown their ineptitude and inexperience in governing the country." For decades, the Mubarak government controlled the police forces responsible for many arrests of leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists.
EGYPT: 03/09/2013 [Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE ] After coming to power in 2012 the extremists in turn are using the agents for their own purposes. On more than one occasion, officials affiliated with the Brotherhood have given orders to charge unarmed demonstrators, causing bloodshed, only to intimidate the population and avoid an increase in dissent. In Cairo, dozens of police blocked the entrance to one of the last major police stations in the city, shouting slogans against President Morsi. Others have organized a sit-in in front of the residence of the Muslim leader in his home town of Zagazig, north-east of the capital.
Ventum ad consummationem saeculi.
fuck you
BAN, MINACCE INACCETTABILI. CINA INVITA A CALMA E MODERAZIONE. Il ministro degli Esteri cinese, Yang Jiechi, si è appellato: a ''tutte le parti in causa'' perché, esercitino la ''calma e la moderazione'' nei rapporti: con: la Corea del Nord, contro: cui Pechino: ha votato contro nel Consiglio di Sicurezza. A margine: dei lavori dell'Assemblea nazionale: del popolo, Yang ha ricordato: che: la Cina ha condannato il test: e che è: favorevole alla ''denuclearizzazione della penisola coreana'', pur avendo, ben chiaro, che, ''tutte le parti in causa'' si astengano: da ''azioni che, potrebbero aggravare la situazione''. (ANSA). --ANSWER -- ''NESSUNA: calma, e, NESSUNA, moderazione: INVECE! DEVONO LIBERARE DAL LAGHER I MARTIRI CRISTIANI IMMEDIATAMENTE!''
Pakistan: attacco contro cristiani. Lahore (ANSA) - ISLAMABAD, 9 MAR - Una folla inferocita, di circa, 3.000, persone, ha attaccato, ieri la casa di un pachistano, cristiano, di nome Savan, nella Joseph Colony, di Lahore, accusato di avere, ripetutamente, insultato il Profeta Maometto. Lo riferisce, oggi, la stampa pachistana. Guidata da Shafiq Ahmed, musulmano intenzionato, ad uccidere Savan, la folla si È: riversata nella zona: dove vivono: 130 famiglie cristiane, incendiando: ed: in parte distruggendo: la casa di Savan, assente, e: malmenando: suo padre, Chaman Masih. --ANSWER -- a questi criminali maniaci religiosi, gli USA hanno prima consentito la atomica, e poi, hanno permesso che diventassero islamisti: talebani. lo Stato pachistano, e la LEGA ARABA? sono dietro: tutto questo! perché: questi massacri: sono sempre impuniti:
Nigeria: terroristi uccidono italiano. Silvano Trevisan, rapito da gruppo Ansaru con altri 6 stranieri - NAIROBI, 9 MAR - Un ostaggio italiano, Silvano Trevisan, 69 anni, ingegnere di San Stino di Livenza (Venezia), è stato ucciso in Nigeria dal gruppo terrorista islamico Ansaru, legato ad Al Qaida e che ne rivendicò il rapimento il 17 febbraio a Jama, provincia di Bauchi. I terroristi dicono di aver ucciso anche gli altri 6 stranieri rapiti con Trevisan: un britannico, un greco, tre libanesi e un filippino. Affermano di averli uccisi in seguito a quello che chiamano un tentativo di blitz anglo-nigeriano. --ANSWER-- TERRORISTI? NIENTE AFFATO: SONO I NOSTRI ALLEATI, TUTTI QUELLI, CHE, LA CIA E LA NATO, HA PROTETTO, E DIFFUSO, PER SOLLEVARE L'IMPERIALISMO SAUDITA NEL MONDO!
Foibe: corteo: e contro-corteo a Firenze: Antagonisti invitano esponenti Cgil a lasciare manifestazione. - FIRENZE, 9 MAR - Due cortei distinti nel centro di Firenze: il primo in memoria dei martiri delle foibe, è organizzato: da Fratelli d'Italia, da La Destra, CasaPound ed altri gruppi locali. Il secondo è organizzato: dall'Anpi: proprio in contrapposizione: a quello di destra. In quest'ultimo: i partecipanti: che: si erano presentati: con: bandiere di Sel: e del Pd: sono stati invitati: da alcuni antagonisti: ad abbassare: i simboli di partito: mentre ad esponenti della Cgil: è stato chiesto: di allontanarsi. -- ANSWER -- Le LOBBY MASSONICHE, del FMI: dopo avere nascosto, per 50 anni: questo genocidio, pianificato dagli anglo-americani: adesso voglio deturpare le memoria dei martiri innocenti, puniti, da Rothschild il fariseo, soltanto perché, salvarono la vita: di 200.000: ebrei, da sicuro sterminio
@ Abu Jihad antar -Sie und alle Ihre Satanisten Muslime, religiösen Wahnsinnigen, ohne Glauben, ohne Denn ein persönlicher Bericht an: Gott lieben, Mörder, Heuchler, Lügner .. nur du, dass du, gab vor, ein Christ zu sein, für die Jahre, auf dieser Seite, die ihr euch den Glauben an den wahren Gott verraten: YHWH, um meinen heiligen Islam, eine Satanismus zu tun: criminal forever! Sie haben alle muslimischen Völker verraten, und bringen Sie sie: die Zerstörung.zu werden Islamisten haben. dass Schaden anrichten, um unschuldige Menschen, dass über die Liebe zu Gott, in einer anderen Art und Weise. zu verfolgen: eine unmögliche Imperialismus um die Weltherrschaft. Suche nach: zu imitieren und zu überwinden, Heuchelei, Lüge und das Böse: der amerikanischen Zionisten: Neturei Karta, die wollen, zu zerstören, Israel, vor, von Ihnen, erhalten Sie, das Feuer des Zornes Gottes, Natürlich, Verräter, der das Reich Gottes, und Verräter des eigenen Volkes, Erbrechen des Teufels,
Abu Antar sagte: 16 Stunden Synnek1 seinen übernatürlichen Fähigkeiten zeigt, um zu beeindrucken, unius Rei: - ANTWORT - NICHT Jesus sagt: "Wenn ihr Glauben haben, können Berge versetzen!" .. und dann, wo ist euer Glaube? @ Abu Jihad antar, Iran, Saudi Arabien - schimpft sie, der Heilige Geist, dass Sie von sich selbst gemacht haben, der Komplize des amerikanischen Satanisten: der IWF für die Zerstörung der menschlichen Rasse, der christlichen Zivilisation, zwar auch, kaufen Sie Geld, indem Rothschild IMF .. 666, aber werden Sie nicht haben: besser zu machen. Sie haben Ihre Völker gesetzt: in einem Zustand von Gewalt, Intoleranz, Fanatismus, Bigotterie, Ignoranz, Lügen, das heißt, der Abgrund der Zerstörung. wenn Ihr, Prophet kriminelle: es war nicht von Satan? Sie würden nicht so viele getötet haben: Unschuldige christlichen Märtyrer, jeden Tag. wenn nicht, einen Islam ohne Muhammad zu tun?, dann werden Sie in der Hölle mit ihm verbrennen.
synnek1 ° voodoo, IWF NWO Agenda - aber woher wissen Sie: Tanzen, Singen, und reden, auch mit so vielen wichtigen Leuten, und dann auch zu stehen, fast immer mit mir? Du bist eine Eidechse amazing! @ 666 synnek1pig CIA voodoo cannibal IWF owl Göttern Baal Marduck -> wenn Nordkorea Angriffe, Südkorea? der Fehler liegt bei Ihnen allein! @ Synnek1 666 - lizard - Sie sind der Besitzer des koreanischen youtube? @ 666 Satan IWF - das erste, zu unterdrücken Sie, heute? verurteile dich zu einem langsamen Tod! synnek1 ° voodoo, IWF NWO Agenda - aber woher wissen Sie: Tanzen, Singen, und reden, auch mit so vielen wichtigen Leuten, und dann auch zu stehen, fast immer mit mir? Du bist eine Eidechse strardinaria! @ 666 synnek1pig CIA voodoo cannibal IWF owl Göttern Baal Marduck -> wenn Nordkorea Angriffe, Südkorea? der Fehler liegt bei Ihnen allein!
@ Abu Jihad antar - tú y toda tu musulmanes satanistas, fanáticos religiosos, sin fe, sin Porque, un informe personal, a: amar a Dios, asesinos, hipócritas, mentirosos .. sólo tú, Que pretende, ser cristiano, desde hace años, en esta página, ustedes que han traicionado la fe en el verdadero Dios: YHWH, para hacer por mi sagrado del Islam, el satanismo: criminal para siempre! usted ha traicionado a todos los pueblos musulmanes, y se los llevan: a la destrucción .. que se han convertido islamistas. que: hacer daño a personas inocentes, que: tener amor a Dios, de una manera diferente .. a seguir: un imperialismo imposible de dominar el mundo. Busco: a imitar y superar, la hipocresía, la mentira y el mal de la sionistas estadounidenses: Neturei Karta, que, quieren destruir a Israel, antes de usted, usted recibirá, el fuego de la ira de Dios, por supuesto, traidores, del Reino de Dios, y, traidores de su propio pueblo, vómito del diablo,
Abu Antar dice: hace 16 horas Synnek1 muestra sus habilidades sobrenaturales, para impresionar, unius Rei: "Cuando G-Man se entera de que está embarazada." - RESPUESTA - NOT JESUS DICE: "Si tienes fe, puedes mover montañas!" .. y entonces, ¿dónde está tu fe? @ Abu Jihad antar, Irán, Arabia Saudí - regaña a ti, el Espíritu Santo, que has hecho de ti mismo, el cómplice de los satanistas americanos: el FMI, por la destrucción de la raza humana, de la civilización cristiana, de hecho, también, usted compra el dinero, por Rothschild FMI .. 666, pero usted no tendrá que: hacer mejor. usted ha fijado sus pueblos: en un estado de violencia, la intolerancia, el fanatismo, la intolerancia, la ignorancia, la mentira, es decir, el abismo de la destrucción. si, tu, profeta criminal: no era de Satanás? no habría matado a tantos: los mártires inocentes cristianos, todos los días. si no lo hacen sin un Islam Mahoma?, entonces, usted va a quemar en el infierno con él.
synnek1 ° vudú, el FMI agenda del Nuevo Orden Mundial - pero ¿cómo: bailar, cantar y hablar, también, con tanta gente importante, y luego, también, estar de pie, casi siempre conmigo? Usted es un lagarto increíble! A 666 synnek1pig CIA vudú caníbal FMI búho dioses Baal Marduck -> si los ataques de Corea del Norte, Corea del Sur? la culpa es sólo tuya! @ Synnek1 666 - lagarto - usted es el propietario de Corea youtube? @ 666 Satan FMI - el primero, para suprimir, en la actualidad? condenan a una muerte lenta! synnek1 ° vudú, el FMI agenda del Nuevo Orden Mundial - pero ¿cómo: bailar, cantar y hablar, también, con tanta gente importante, y luego, también, estar de pie, casi siempre conmigo? Eres un strardinaria lagarto! A 666 synnek1pig CIA vudú caníbal FMI búho dioses Baal Marduck -> si los ataques de Corea del Norte, Corea del Sur? la culpa es sólo tuya!
synnek1 ° voodoo, occult power, IMF, NWO agenda - but how do you: dancing, singing, and talking, too, with so many important people, and then, also, to stand, almost always with me? You're a lizard strardinaria! @ 666 synnek1pig CIA voodoo cannibal IMF owl gods Baal MArduck -> if North Korea attacks, South Korea? the fault is yours alone! @ Synnek1 666 - lizard - you are the owner of Korean youtube? @ 666 Satan IMF - the first, to suppress you, today? condemn you to a slow death! synnek1 ° voodoo, IMF NWO agenda - but how do you: dancing, singing, and talking, too, with so many important people, and then, also, to stand, almost always with me? You're a lizard strardinaria! @ 666 synnek1pig CIA voodoo cannibal IMF owl gods Baal MArduck -> if North Korea attacks, South Korea? the fault is yours alone! @ Synnek1 666 - lizard - you are the owner of Korean youtube? @ 666 Satan IMF - the first, to suppress you, today? condemn you to a slow death!
@ Abu jihad antar - you and all your Satanists Muslims, religious maniacs, without faith, without Because, a personal report, to: love God, murderers, hypocrites, liars .. just you, That you pretended, to be a Christian, for years, on this page, you who have betrayed the faith in the true God: YHWH, to do for my holy Islam, an Satanism: criminal forever! you have betrayed all Muslim peoples, and are you taking them: to the destruction .. to have become Islamists. that: do harm to innocent people, that: have love for God, in a different way ..
to Pursue: an impossible imperialism for world domination. looking for: to imitate, and overcome, hypocrisy, lies, and evil: of the American Zionists: Neturei Karta, who, want to destroy, Israel, before, of you!, you will receive, the fire of the wrath of God, of course, traitors, of the Kingdom of God, and, traitors of your own people, vomiting of the devil, Abu Antar said: 16 hours ago Synnek1 displays his supernatural skills, to impress, unius Rei: "When g-man finds out he is pregnant." - ANSWER - NOT JESUS SAYS: "If you have faith, you can move mountains!" .. and then, where is your faith? @ Abu jihad antar, iran, saudi arabia - scolds you, the Holy Spirit, That you have made of yourself, the accomplice of American Satanists: the IMF, for the destruction of the human race, of Christian civilization,
indeed, also, you buy money, by Rothschild IMF .. 666 but, you will not have: to do better. you have set your peoples: in a state of violence, intolerance, fanatism, bigotry, ignorance, lies, That Is, the abyss of destruction. if, your, prophet criminal: it was not from Satan? you would not have killed so many: innocents Christian martyrs, every day. if, fail to do an Islam without Muhammad?, then, you will burn in hell with him. synnek1 ° voodoo, IMF NWO agenda - but how do you: dancing, singing, and talking, too, with so many important people, and then, also, to stand, almost always with me? You're a lizard strardinaria! @ 666 synnek1pig CIA voodoo cannibal IMF owl gods Baal MArduck -> if North Korea attacks, South Korea? the fault is yours alone! @ Synnek1 666 - lizard - you are the owner of Korean youtube? @ 666 Satan IMF - the first, to suppress you, today? condemn you to a slow death!
synnek1°voodoo, IMF NWO agenda -- ma, tu come fai: a ballare, cantare, e a parlare, anche, con tante persone importanti, e poi, anche, a stare: quasi sempre: insieme a me? tu sei una lucertola strardinaria!
666 voodoo synnek1pig CIA cannibal IMF gods owl Baal MArduck--> se la Corea del Nord, attacca, la Corea del Sud? la colpa è soltanto tua!
synnek1 666 -- lucertola -- tu sei il coreano proprietario di youtube?
666 satana IMF -- prima, di sopprimerti, oggi? ti condannerò, ad una lenta agonia!
@ Абу Джихад Антар - вы и все ваши сатанистов мусульман, религиозные маньяки, без веры, потому что без, личный доклад, любовь Бога, убийц, лицемеров, лжецов .. Только ты, что ты делал вид, чтобы быть христианином, в течение многих лет, на этой странице вы кто предал веру в истинного Бога: YHWH, чтобы сделать для моей святой ислама, сатанизма: уголовного навсегда! Вы предали всех мусульманских народов, и вы принимаете их, к разрушению ..
, стали исламисты. что: вред невинным людям, что: есть любовь к Богу, по-другому .. продолжить: невозможно империализма к мировому господству. ищет: подражать, и преодолеть, лицемерия, лжи и зла американских сионистов: Нетурей Карта, который хочет уничтожить Израиль, и прежде, из вас, вы будете получать, огонь гнева Божия, конечно, предатели, Царства Божьего, и, предатели своего народа, рвота от дьявола,
Абу Антар сказали: 16 часов назад Synnek1 показывает свои сверхъестественные навыки, чтобы произвести впечатление, unius Rei: / часы? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "Когда г-человек узнает, что он беременна". - Ответ - не Иисус говорит: "Если у вас есть вера, вы можете двигать горы!" .. и тогда, где вера ваша? @ Абу Джихад Антара, Иран, Саудовская Аравия - ругает тебя, Святой Дух, что вы сделали из себя соучастником американских сатанистов: МВФ, для уничтожения человеческой расы, христианской цивилизации,
Действительно, кроме того, вы покупаете деньги, Ротшильд 666 МВФ .. но, у вас не будет: лучшей участи. Вы установили, ваши народы: в состоянии насилие, нетерпимость, фанатизм, нетерпимость, невежество, ложь, то есть пропасть уничтожения. Если ваша, пророк преступника: это был не от сатаны? вы бы не убили так много: невинных христианских мучеников, каждый день. если не сделать Ислам без Мухаммад?, то вы будете гореть в аду вместе с ним.
What are you going to do about that?
[You Will Kneel Before Me]
Il tuo video: "הכניסה הכי יפה לחופה": è bloccato: in alcuni Paesi. Germania , only: Germania ? really? "Céline Dion-The Power Of Love", registrazione sonora gestita da: 0:02 SME -- ANSWER-- FORSE È STATO BLOCCATO, ANCHE, IN TUTTI I PAESI ISLAMICI?
fuck you v
youtube said: "Monetize your videos and expand your audience. Become a YouTube partner today!" - ANSWER - how can I be the partner of a Satanist? fuck youtube synnek1 666 kkk nazi cannibal voodoo shit google IMF
Monetizza i tuoi video e amplia il tuo pubblico. Diventa un partner di YouTube oggi! -- ANSWER -- come io posso essere il partner di un satanista?
Vitale è un cognome campano?
Call Me Vitale
Benché tu sia un evidente anticristo non sei quello principale. Il principale Anticristo resta l'apostata Giovanni Paolo II.
Vitale I Mean
My Name in Italian is Vitali
CustodeDellaFedefool!, of all idiots?, you are the commander!
"ImJesusChristMessiah" . Ecco l'Anticristo. È piú facile smascherare te di un bambino in maschera a carnevale.
@ Abu Jihad antar - você e todos os seus satanistas muçulmanos, maníacos religiosos, sem a fé, porque sem um relatório pessoal, para: o amor de Deus, assassinos, hipócritas, mentirosos .. só você, que você fingiu, para ser cristão, por ano, nesta página, você que traíram a fé no verdadeiro Deus: YHWH, para fazer para o meu sagrado do Islã, um satanismo: criminal para sempre! você traiu todos os povos muçulmanos, e você está tomando: a destruição .. ter se tornado islamitas. que: fazer mal a pessoas inocentes, que: tem amor por Deus, de uma forma diferente .. a perseguir: um imperialismo impossível para dominar o mundo. procurando: a imitar, e superar, a hipocrisia, mentiras e mal: dos sionistas americanos:! Neturei Karta, que, quer destruir, Israel, antes, de você, você vai receber, o fogo da ira de Deus, claro, traidores, do Reino de Deus, e, traidores de seu próprio povo, vômito do diabo,
Abu Antar disse: 16 horas atrás Synnek1 exibe suas habilidades sobrenaturais, para impressionar, unius Rei: / watch? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "Quando G-Man descobre que está grávida." - Resposta - NÃO, Jesus diz: "Se você tiver fé, você pode mover montanhas!" .. e então, onde está a vossa fé? @ Abu Jihad antar, Irã, Arábia Saudita - repreende-lo, o Espírito Santo, que você fez de si mesmo, o cúmplice de satanistas americanos: o FMI, para a destruição da raça humana, da civilização cristã, de fato, também, de comprar dinheiro, por Rothschild 666 FMI .. mas, não, você terá: um destino melhor. que definiu, seus povos: em um estado de violência, a intolerância, o fanatismo, a intolerância, a ignorância, as mentiras, ou seja, o abismo da destruição. se, o seu, o profeta criminal: não era de Satanás? você não teria matado tantos: inocentes mártires cristãos, todos os dias. se, deixar de fazer um Islã sem Maomé?, então, você vai queimar no inferno com ele.
right I mean
Yeah You Are Righ Abu Antar
Abu Antar
Everyone here is so mean. I'm going to a different part of the internet for now.
@ Abu dżihad Antar - ty i cała twoja Sataniści muzułmanie, maniacy religijni, bez wiary, bo bez, osobistego raportu, do: miłość Boga, mordercy, obłudnicy, kłamcy .. tylko ty, że udawał, aby być chrześcijaninem, za rok, na tej stronie, wy, którzy zdradzili wiarę w prawdziwego Boga: Jahwe, aby zrobić dla mojego świętego islamu, satanizmu przestępca zawsze! Ci zdradzili wszystkie muzułmańskie narody, i zabierasz je: do zniszczenia ..
aby stały się islamiści. że: zrobić krzywdy niewinnym ludziom, że: masz miłość do Boga, w inny sposób .. realizować: niemożliwej imperializm światowej dominacji. Szukam: naśladować, i przezwyciężyć, hipokryzji, kłamstwa i zła: amerykańskiego syjonistów! Neturei Karta, który chce zniszczyć Izrael, przed, z was, otrzymacie, ogień gniewu Bożego, oczywiście, zdrajców, Królestwa Bożego i, zdrajcy własnych ludzi, wymioty z diabłem, Abu Antar powiedział: 16 godzin temu Synnek1 pokazuje swoje nadprzyrodzone umiejętności, aby zaimponować, unius Rei: / watch? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "Kiedy g-man dowiaduje się, że jest w ciąży." - Odpowiedź - Jezus nie mówi: "Jeśli masz wiarę, możesz przenosić góry!" .. , a następnie, gdzie jest wasza wiara?
@ Abu dżihad Antar, Iran, Arabia Saudyjska - beszta cię, Ducha Świętego, które zostały wykonane z siebie, wspólnikiem amerykańskich satanistów: MFW, w celu zniszczenia rasy ludzkiej, chrześcijańskiej cywilizacji, rzeczywiście, również można kupić pieniądze przez Rothschild 666 MFW .. ale nie masz: na lepszy los. skonfigurowaniu, waszych narodów: w stanie przemocy, nietolerancji, fanatyzmu, bigoterii, ignorancji, kłamstwa, to jest otchłań zniszczenia. jeśli twój, prorok karne: nie było od szatana? byś nie zabił tak wiele: niewinnych męczenników chrześcijańskich, każdy dzień. jeśli tego nie zrobisz to islam bez Mahometa?, następnie, będzie smażyć się w piekle z nim.
@ Abu Jihad Antar - du og alle dine satanister muslimer, religiøse maniacs, uten tro, fordi uten en personlig rapport, til: elsker Gud, mordere, hyklere, løgnere .. bare deg, at du lot, for å være en kristen, for år, på denne siden, du som har forrådt tro på den sanne Gud: YHWH, å gjøre for mitt hellige Islam, en satanisme: kriminell forever! du har sveket alle muslimske folk, og du tar dem: til ødeleggelse .. å ha blitt islamister. at: gjøre skade på uskyldige mennesker, at: har kjærlighet til Gud, på en annen måte .. å forfølge: en umulig imperialisme for verdensherredømme. leter etter: å imitere, og overvinne, hykleri, løgn og ondskap: den amerikanske sionister: Neturei Karta, som ønsker å ødelegge Israel, før, av deg, vil du motta ilden i Guds vrede, selvfølgelig forrædere, av Guds rike, og, forrædere av dine egne folk, oppkast av djevelen,
Abu Antar sa: 16 timer siden Synnek1 viser sine overnaturlige evner, for å imponere, unius Rei: / watch? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "Når g-man finner ut at han er gravid." - SVAR - ikke Jesus sier: "Hvis du har tro, kan du flytte fjell!" .. og da, hvor er din tro? @ Abu Jihad Antar, Iran, Saudi Arabia - skjenner deg, Den Hellige Ånd, som du har laget av deg selv, medskyldig med amerikanske satanister: IMF, for ødeleggelsen av den menneskelige rase, kristne sivilisasjon, faktisk også, kjøper du penger, ved Rothschild 666 IMF .. men, du vil ikke ha: en bedre skjebne. du har satt dine folk: i en tilstand av vold, intoleranse, fanatisme, intoleranse, uvitenhet, løgn, det vil si i avgrunnen av ødeleggelse. hvis din profet kriminell: det var ikke fra Satan? du ville ikke ha drept så mange: uskyldige kristne martyrer, hver dag. hvis ikke klarer å gjøre en islam uten Muhammad?, da vil du brenne i helvete med ham.
fag you v
Abu Antar
@Unius Rei! --> i3.ytimg.com/u/nHXLLNHjNAnDQ50JANLG1g/channels3_background.jpg
fuck you v
Volksstvrm 666 --- Satanism international German - with my own eyes, I saw burn you, like, like a torch, yourself: you've become: the atomic fuel: into Hell ... fun for all the demons eih Satanist, did you protect your complicity Islamists?
fuck your ma v
abu jihad --- > all muslims country? buy their money by Satan: 666 IMF Rothschild !!!
Abu Antar
I didn't ha detto anything.
TheVArious7 satanismo internazionale -- con i miei occhi, io ho visto bruciare te, come, come una torcia, tu stesso: sei diventato: il combustibile atomico: dell'inferno... un divertimento per tutti i demoni
TheVArious7 -- eih satanista, sei venuto a proteggere i tuoi complici islamisti?
TheVArious7 -- cosa dicono nella tua chiesa 666, a Napoli?
@ Abu jihad antar - tuque et omnes tui Satanists Muslims, religiosi furioso, sine fide, quia sine, personalis relatione ad: dilectio Deus, homicidae, hypocritae, mendaces .. nunc tibi se esse Christianum annos euismod tincidunt ut qui Deum fide tradiderunt: YHWH facere Islam meo sancto, et Satanism: reus in sempiternum Muslim tradidit vobis omnes gentes, trahis eos in interitum .. facti Islamists. Quod innocentibus nocere, quod amor Dei aliter .. ad persequendum: impossibile imperialism pro imperio mundi. quaerunt: imitari superantur simulationem mendacium malum Zionists Latina: Karta Neturei qui volunt destruere Israhel a te accipietis igne furoris Dei quippe proditores regni Dei, proditores plebis tuae, vomitus diaboli
Abu Antar dixit: XVI hours ago Synnek1 suam demonstrat supernaturalis solers, imprimere, unius Rei: / vigilia? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "Cum g-invenit homo egressus est pregnans." - Responsio - Non dicit Iesus: "Si haberetis fidem, si montes transferam" .. Et ubi est fides vestra? @ Abu jihad antar, Iran, Arabia Saudiana - redarguit vobis, Spiritus Sancti, que fecisti tibi, conscium Americanarum Satanists est: IMF, in contritione generis humani, de civilem cultum christianorum, quidem, etiam, vos sumo pecunia, Rothschild DCLXVI IMF .. Sed non vult, fortunam meliorem. posuisti tibi populi statum vi intolerantiam fanatism, SUPERSTITIO ignorantia mendacium est abyssum corruptionis. Si tibi propheta nocentem non Satanae? ut non tantum occiderit, innocentium Christianorum martyrum quotidie. si non sine quadam Insula Muhammad? ergo, combures eum in inferno.
And I ain't ready Niggas wanna murder me I'm ridin' around heavy I think they wanna wet me like New Orleans and the levees But I got this mac elevy, these niggas'll never get me Lord knows, I got alotta homies in the dirt Niggas sprayin' metal tryna take you off the earth Really over nothin', tell me what it's worth
@ Abu Jihad antar - tu e tutta la tua musulmani satanisti, maniaci religiosi, senza la fede, perché senza una relazione personale, a: l'amore di Dio, assassini, ipocriti, bugiardi .. te, che hai finto, essere cristiani, per anni, su questa pagina, che hanno tradito la fede nel vero Dio: YHWH, di fare per il mio santo dell'Islam, un satanismo: criminale per sempre! hai tradito tutti i popoli musulmani, e li state portando: alla distruzione .. essere diventati islamisti. che: fare del male a persone innocenti, che: l'amore per Dio, in un modo diverso .. di perseguire: un imperialismo impossibile per il dominio del mondo. cercando: imitare, e superare, l'ipocrisia, la menzogna, e il male: dei sionisti americani: Neturei Karta, che, vogliono distruggere, Israele, prima di voi, si riceverà, il fuoco della collera di Dio, naturalmente, traditori, del Regno di Dio, e, traditori del suo popolo, il vomito del diavolo,
Abu Antar ha detto: 16 ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! Synnek1 mostra le sue capacità soprannaturali, per impressionare, unius Rei: / watch? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "Quando G-Man scopre che è incinta." - RISPOSTA - NON Gesù dice: "Se avrete fede, è possibile spostare le montagne!" .. e poi, dov'è la tua fede? @ Abu jihad Antar, Iran, Arabia Saudita - si rimprovera, lo Spirito Santo, che hai fatto di te stesso, il complice di satanisti americani: il FMI, per la distruzione della razza umana, della civiltà cristiana, anzi, anche, si acquista il denaro, da Rothschild 666 FMI .. ma, non si avrà: un destino migliore. è stato impostato, i vostri popoli: in uno stato di violenza, intolleranza, fanatismo, bigottismo, l'ignoranza, la menzogna, che è, l'abisso della distruzione. se, la vostra, profeta criminale: non è stato da Satana? che non avrebbe ucciso così tanti: martiri cristiani innocenti, tutti i giorni. se, non riescono a fare un Islam senza Muhammad?, poi, si brucerà all'inferno con lui.
@ अबू जिहाद Antar - आप और आपके सभी Satanists मुसलमानों, धार्मिक पागल, क्योंकि बिना, एक व्यक्तिगत रिपोर्ट, विश्वास के बिना, प्यार भगवान, हत्यारों, कपटी, झूठे .. आप बस, कि आप का नाटक किया, एक ईसाई होने के लिए, साल के लिए इस पृष्ठ पर, आप जो सच भगवान में विश्वास को धोखा दिया है: YHWH, मेरे पवित्र इस्लाम, एक शैतानी के लिए क्या: हमेशा के लिए आपराधिक!
भगवान के लिए प्यार है, एक अलग तरह से .. पीछा करने के लिए दुनिया प्रभुत्व के लिए एक असंभव साम्राज्यवाद:. के लिए देख रहे हैं: नकल पर काबू पाने के लिए, पाखंड, झूठ और बुराई: अमेरिकी Zionists: Neturei कर्ता, जो, नष्ट करना चाहते हैं इसराइल, से पहले, आप की, आप प्राप्त करते हैं, भगवान के क्रोध की आग, ज़ाहिर है, धोखेबाज, परमेश्वर के राज्य के, और अपने ही लोगों के धोखेबाज, शैतान की उल्टी,
अबू Antar कहा: 16 घंटा Synnek1 अपने अलौकिक कौशल को प्रदर्शित करता है, को प्रभावित करने, unius - उत्तर - नहीं कहते हैं यीशु: "यदि आपको विश्वास है, आप पहाड़ों स्थानांतरित कर सकते हैं!" .. और फिर, जहां अपने विश्वास है? - @ अबू जिहाद Antar, ईरान, सऊदी अरब, पवित्र आत्मा है, कि आप अपने आप बना दिया है, अमेरिकी Satanists के सहअपराधी डांटते हैं: आईएमएफ मानव जाति के विनाश के लिए, ईसाई सभ्यता की,
लेकिन, आप नहीं होगा: एक बेहतर भाग्य. आप निर्धारित करते हैं, अपने लोगों: हिंसा, असहिष्णुता, fanatism, कट्टरता, अज्ञानता, झूठ है कि, विनाश के रसातल के एक राज्य में. अगर, अपने, आपराधिक नबी: यह शैतान से नहीं था? आप इतने सारे नहीं मार डाला होता: बेगुनाहों की ईसाई शहीदों, हर दिन. अगर मुहम्मद के बिना एक इस्लाम करने में विफल है, तो, आप उसके साथ नरक में जला देगा.
@アブ·ジハードアンタル - のために個人的な報告書は、なしの信仰なしにあなたとあなたのすべての悪魔主義者のイスラム教徒、宗教マニア、、:神の愛、殺人者、偽善者、嘘つき..私 の神聖なイスラム、悪魔のために行う、YHWH:ちょうどあなた、あなたがこのページで何年もの間、キリスト教のように、ふりをしていること、あなたは真 の神への信仰を裏切った人犯罪永遠に!あなたは、すべてのイスラム教徒の人々を裏切って、あなたはそれらを取っています:破壊に..
イスラム教徒になっています。その:無実の人々に害を及ぼす、その:別の方法で、神への愛を持っている..追求する:世界征服のために不可能帝国。探して いる:アメリカのシオニスト:、偽善、嘘、善と悪真似て、克服するために!あなたのことを、前に、破壊したいNeturei Karta、イスラエルを、あなたは、神の怒りの火を受け取るもちろん、神の王国の裏切り者、そして、あなた自身の人々の反逆者、悪魔の嘔吐、
アブ·アンタルは言った:/時計:16時間前Synnek1は、uniusレイを印象づけるために、彼の超自然的なスキルが表示されますか。 V = YgM6S7jGVuc。 "G-MANが出て見つけたとき、彼は妊娠している。" - 回答 - イエスは言うません: "あなたは信仰を持っている場合は、あなたが山を動かすことができる!" ..その後、あなたの信仰はどこにあるのでしょうか? IMFは、人類の破壊のための、キリスト教文明の、: - @アブジハードアンタル、イラン、サウジアラビアでは、あなたが自分自身で作られた聖霊は、アメリカの悪魔主義者の共犯者を叱る
確かに、また、あなたはロスチャイルド666 IMFが、金を買う..しかし、以下のようになりますではない:より良い運命を。あなたは、あなたの人々を設定している:暴力、不寛容、 fanatism、偏見、無知、嘘、つまり破壊の深淵の状態にあります。あなたの、預言者、刑事、次の場合それはサタンからありませんでしたか?あなたは 非常に多くを殺害しなかっただろう:罪のない人々のキリスト教殉教者、毎日。 、ムハンマドずにイスラム教を実行しなかった場合はどうでしょうか、そして、あなたは彼と一緒に地獄で焼かれる。
Extra Ecclesiam nulla Salus.
Sant'Agostino (Epistola CXLI): "Chiunque è separato dalla Chiesa Cattolica è votato alla collera divina."
Papa Gregorio XVI, Summo Iugiter: "Anche Sant'Agostino e gli altri Vescovi dell'Africa, riuniti nel Concilio di Cirta (Costantina) nel 412, davano al riguardo ampie spiegazioni: "Chiunque si sarà separato da questa Chiesa cattolica, pur ritenendo di vivere in modo irreprensibile, per questa sola colpa di essere separato dalla comunione con Cristo non avrà la vita, ma lo sdegno di Dio incombe su di lui". Pur tralasciando altri passi, in numero pressoché infinito, degli antichi Padri, tesseremo le lodi di quell'insigne Nostro Predecessore, San Gregorio Magno, che afferma a chiare lettere come proprio quella fosse la dottrina della Chiesa cattolica. Dice infatti: "La santa Chiesa universale proclama che Dio non può essere debitamente adorato se non all'interno di essa. Pertanto chi se ne trova fuori non potrà assolutamente salvarsi"."
loser v
@ Abou Jihad antar - toi et toute ta musulmans satanistes, maniaques religieux, sans la foi, parce que sans, un rapport personnel, à: l'amour de Dieu, les meurtriers, les hypocrites, les menteurs .. vient de vous, que vous avez fait semblant, d'être chrétien, pendant des années, sur cette page, vous qui avez trahi la foi dans le vrai Dieu: YHWH, à faire pour mon saint de l'islam, un satanisme: criminelle pour toujours! vous avez trahi tous les peuples musulmans, et les emmenez-vous: à la destruction ..
être devenu islamistes. que: faire du tort à des innocents, que: avoir de l'amour pour Dieu, d'une manière différente .. de poursuivre: un impérialisme impossible pour la domination du monde. à la recherche d': imiter, et à surmonter, l'hypocrisie, le mensonge et le mal: des sionistes américains: Neturei Karta, qui veulent détruire Israël, auparavant, de vous, vous recevrez, le feu de la colère de Dieu, bien entendu, des traîtres, du Royaume de Dieu, et, les traîtres de votre propre peuple, des vomissements du diable,
Abu Antar a dit: il ya 16 heures Synnek1 affiche ses talents surnaturels, pour impressionner, unius Rei: / watch? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. «Quand g-man découvre qu'il est enceinte." - RÉPONSE - PAS Jésus dit: "Si vous avez la foi, vous pouvez déplacer des montagnes!" .. et alors, où est votre foi? @ Abou Jihad antar, Iran, Arabie Saoudite - vous gronde, le Saint-Esprit, que vous avez fait de vous-même, le complice de satanistes américains: le FMI, la destruction de la race humaine, de la civilisation chrétienne,
en effet, aussi, vous achetez de l'argent, par Rothschild 666 du FMI .. mais, vous ne devrez: un meilleur sort. vous avez configuré, vos peuples: dans un état de violence, l'intolérance, le fanatisme, le sectarisme, l'ignorance, le mensonge, c'est-à-l'abîme de la destruction. si, vous, prophète pénale: ce n'était pas de Satan? vous n'auriez pas tué tant: martyrs innocents chrétiens, tous les jours. si, ne parviennent pas à faire un Islam sans Mahomet?, alors, vous brûlerez en enfer avec lui.
@ 아부 지하드 antar -로 인해 개인 보고서를없이 믿음이없이 당신과 당신 사탄 주의자 이슬람교, 종교 미치광이,, : 사랑, 하나님 살인자 위선자, 거짓말 쟁이 .. 내 거룩한 이슬람, 악마 숭배 동안 무엇을하고, YHWH : 당신, 당신은이 페이지에서 년 동안 기독교로, 척하는, 당신은 진정한 신에 대한 믿음을 배반 한 사람 범죄 영원히! 이 모든 무슬림 민족을 배신하고, 당신이 그들을 데려가는거야 : 파괴로 ..
이슬람되었다합니다. 그 : 무고한 사람들에게 피해를 그 : 다른 방법으로, 하나님에 대한 사랑을 .. 추구 방법 : 세계 지배를위한 불가능한 제국주의합니다. 찾고 : 미국 Zionists의 :, 위선, 거짓말, 그리고 악을 모방하고, 극복하기! 당신, 전에 파괴하려는 Neturei Karta, 이스라엘, 당신은 하나님의 진노의 불을 받게 될 것입니다 물론, 하나님의 왕국의 반역자, 그리고, 자신의 사람들의 반역자, 악마의 구토,
아부 Antar는 말했다 : / 시계 : 16 시간 전 Synnek1이 unius 레이 관심을 끌기 위해, 자신의 초자연적 인 능력을 표시? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "G-사람이 알면 그가 임신입니다." - 답변 - 예수는 말한다 NOT : "당신이 믿음이 있다면, 당신은 산을 옮길 수 있습니다!" .. 그리고, 여러분의 믿음은 어디 있죠?IMF, 인류의 파괴에 대한, 기독교 문명의 : - @ 아부 지하드 antar,이란, 사우디 아라비아는, 자신의 한 성령, 미국의 사탄 주의자의 공범자를 scolds
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IHateNEWLAYOUT (is american youtube master: administrator: but, synnek1 is, big: corean: youtube master: administrator: )ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa:YouTube
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
111111GoodBye111111 -- someone, more honest of: synnek1 should take: his place .. but, you're also, a Satanist .. therefore, I can not put yourself in her place! qualcuno, più onesto di synnek1, dovrebbe prendere: il suo posto.. ma, anche tu sei un satanista.. quindi, io non posso mettere te, al suo posto! about synnek1 --- his channel is dead, not, him ... he is been beaten. @111111GoodBye111111 -- non è facile convincere, i maniaci religiosi, come: i salafiti, islamisti, laveradottrina, ecc.. ma, anche, gli atei, ed i satanisti: sono dei maniaci religiosi, dal momento che, neanche, loro, possono dimostrare le loro tesi!
111111GoodBye111111 ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
go to synnek1 channel he dead :(
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
[youtube es el hogar: de unius REI: para siempre en los próximos siglos: y: hasta el final: del mundo] No sé si la destrucción de la canal: de: synnek1, quien es el administrador de Corea, de todo youtube, representará: un punto de inflexión para la gestión: youtube de sí mismo! de lo contrario, continúe: a morir, y ser golpeado, por lo que, en modo sobrenatural, todos aquellos que, corromper a nuestros hijos, en este servidor, social: para todo el mundo! [youtube est le foyer: des unius REI: toujours dans les prochains: quelques siècles, et: jusqu'à la fin: du monde] Je ne sais pas si la destruction du canal: de: synnek1, qui est l'administrateur de Corée, de tous youtube, représentera: un tournant pour la gestion: de youtube lui-même! sinon, continuez: mourir: et d'être frappé, donc, dans le mode surnaturel, tous ceux qui, corrompre nos enfants, sur ce serveur, sociale: pour tout le monde!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
[يوتيوب هي موطن REI الخط الفاصل: إلى الأبد في القرون القليلة المقبلة، وحتى نهاية العالم] أنا لا أعرف ما إذا كان تدمير للقناة من: synnek1، منظمة الصحة العالمية، هو المسؤول الكوري، جميع يوتيوب، وتمثل: نقطة تحول بالنسبة للإدارة: من يوتيوب نفسه! خلاف ذلك، لا تزال تموت وأن تصل، لذلك، في وضع خارق، كل أولئك الذين، إفساد أطفالنا، على هذا الخادم والاجتماعية: لجميع العالم!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
[youtube is the home of unius REI: forever in the next few centuries, and until the end of the world] I do not know if the destruction of the channel: the synnek1, who, is the administrator Korean, of all youtube, will represent a turning point for the management of youtube itself! otherwise, continue to die and to be hit, so, in mode soprannaturael, all those who, corrupt our children, on this server, social: for all world!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia, Iran -- e perché mai, proprio io: che, io sono impegnato, contro, ogni forma di satanismo: e di peccato, e perché mai, proprio io: dovrei: fare del male all'Islam, per fare precipare, anche voi, nell'abominio massonico e satanico: in cui è precipitato il cristianesimo? questo di danneggiare l'Islam, in realtà, n verità non è nell'interesse del Regno di Dio! quelli che state facendo del male all'Islam, oggi, siete solo voi.. invece UNIUS REI, che domina sul mondo proteggerebbe l'islam, su scala mondiale... non possiamo, più fare del male a persone virtuse, in nome: di una qualche religione! adesso basta!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
@Iran, Saudi Arabia -- i vostri maniaci religiosi? non sono la verità: ne, dell'Islam, e neanche, della teologia! e quale culto: a Dio: voi volete fare: attraverso: la menzogna? e può esistere una menzogna: a fin di bene? quella: menzogna, che: i farisei continueranno a dire a noi, per colpa vostra vostra? sarà soltanto, per il loro bene, e per la nostra distruzione, cioè, il satanismo, del signoraggio bancario, che, ha riempito il modo.. in verità: la verità è nell'interesse, di tutti coloro, che, sono sotto la luce del giorno, mentre, la menzogna è nell'interesse, dei figli delle tenebre.. allora, anche voi, venite con me nella luce! non abbandonate il genere umano, alla III guerra mondiale!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
111111GoodBye111111 -- my friend, in questa pagina: mi ha messo Dio, e quindi, non serve a niente lamentarsi! meglio stare qui, per ora, che, imbracciare un fucile di precisione!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia, Iran [you can not save your life and Sharia: together]-- the Sardinians (people,of Sardinia) are a people very proud! I was in Rome to do an internship with the "Farmers" I was 18, and my friend, he put himself in a position: very delicate (though, he believed in himself, subjectively ,to have right, and, that, he was offended), which is why, he insisted, to remain, however, for pride, in that uncomfortable situation, and pride, he would not leave his position .. if, I do not approached, to his ear, to say, any, what, that only he could hear? and that only this, could rehabilitate his dignity? my friend, could not, unlocked himself, from his position, and, then, the instructors would have called the police ... and since, no one could, know what, I had said to him? here is that the losers: turned, only, instructors. in this mode my friend was saved
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
111111GoodBye111111 --- lol, ma, io non sono scoraggiato, io sono soltanto arrabbiato! e tu cosa potresti fare tu, per lenire la mia rabbia?
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
i farisei illuminati: DA LUCIFERO, del FMI, per la distruzione di Israele, loro non possono agire, con: la loro kabbalah: di sterminio: e di distruzione, contro: qualcuno: che è a livello, di una grande Nazione, se questo qualcuno, lui, non: passa da se stesso, dalla parte del torto, cioè, dalla parte: di gravi crimini.. contro: tutto il genere umano. e voi islamici? voi avete: di gran lunga superato, i crimini dei nazisti? perché volete morire? perché volete che il Corano e l'Islam vengano dichiarati illegali: in tutto il mondo? perché volete permettere al demone del FMI, di replicare se stesso, sempre in modo più gigantesco? io sono UNIUS REI!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia , and Iran -- noi vogliamo risolvere: tutti i problemi del "Medio Oriete", e, quindi, tutti i problemi: più pericolosi del mondo? ma, questo dipende: solo da voi! perché: io sono UNIUS REI. Rothschild, del 666: FED ECB, FMI, e NWO: 322 Bush, micro-chip: god owl at bohemian grove? loro hanno scommesso, che, io devo fallire, e che voi dovete morire!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
ovviamente, il problema delle ingiuste violenze, e del razzismo, delle vittime dell'imperialismo, e della cattiva: religione fanatica,, non è: un problema dei soli cristiani, che, sono la comunità più perseguitata: sia in Oriente: che: in Occidente.. guai, a chi fa del male: a persone pacifiche, ed innocenti, in ogni parte del mondo..
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
[400 martiri cristiani innocenti: uccisi: ogni giorno] quello che facevano: gli idolatri romani, contro i cristiani? quello che: facevano: Stalin e Mao? ora, lo fanno i musulmani... è la storia del Regno di Dio, che, condanna tutti loro come criminali..
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
10 ore fa
Ave, oh Maria, sorella nostra: e madre della Chiesa, Ave, Speranza di Israele: nostra sorella.. amen alleluia, Ave, o Maria, potente esercito: schierato in ordine: di: battaglia, Madre premurosa: di tutti i bambini: del mondo, stella del Cielo. Arca della Alleanza, Porta del Paradiso, Regina degli angeli.. Ave, amen, alleluia.
Abu Antar (syrian secret services)ha pubblicato un commento
12 ore fa
Unius Rei worked his curse on Synnek1? o.O
allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
17 ore fa
Mistafield (satanista istituzionale: internazionale italiano: che, ha simulato: un ex canale di Synnek1: ma, su questa pagina è sempre presente, anche, un satanista istituzionale tedesco) ha pubblicato un commento
17 ore fa:
All Politicians Suck
c'è una maledizione, contro, tutti i miei nemici, in tutto il mondo.. soltanto: che: qui: si è più a contatto: in modo immediato: con il mio ministero.. burn satana: in Jesus's name
e se i massoni austriaci sono ancora i ptrioti e non i traditori della PATRIA che voi siete diventati? ] [ Migranti: Italia, no barriere Brennero, Lettera congiunta Gentiloni-Alfano a Ue, 12 aprile 2016
Maçons Satanist Rothschild abominable PHARISEE TALMUD 666 ENLIGHTENED SPA FED NWO. why you will kill ISRAEL?
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu ] il buco del culo: è un arma letale di distruzione di massa, è assai più pericolosa dell'Olocausto nucleare! infatti, i Sodomiti hanno meritato il Diluvio Universale, e la distruzione delle città della valle di Sodoma, poi, dicono che sia stato il cristianesimo a distruggere l'Impero Romano: "NO L'IMPERO ROMANO È STATO DISTRUTTO DAI SODOMITI" ed infatti anche la CIVILTà della GRECIA classica è stata distrutta dai sodomiti e come tutti sanno, i cristiani non esistevano ancora! Infatti, la omosessualità ideologica o sodomia: apre spontaneamente al satanismo e a tutte le perversioni sessuali! DIRANNO ANCHE CHE È STATO UNIUS REI: A DISTRUGGERE IL NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE! tutto falso: SONO STATI I SODOMITI!
FORZA Benjamin Netanyahu
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
OCCIDENTE non sopravviverà al suo satanismo! i demoni come balie si porteranno a passeggio il vostro cervello! Realtà aumentata e video 'hard', ci prova il sito PornHub, Apre canale gratis per video a 360 gradi, si vedono con visori, [ MA, LO STATO MASSONE GENDER ANTICRISTO BILDENBERG FARISEO ROTHSCHILD SPA BANCHE CENTRALI? DOVREBBE PROIBIRE QUESTE COSE, se è vero che, non ha deciso di far morire tutti all'inferno della guerra mondiale!
quindi secondo questo articolo è ERDOGAN USA CIA che rifornisce anche ISIS, senza i RUSSI? oggi dominerebbero incontrastati in Siria grazie ad ERDOGAN ] [ 08/04/2016 - SIRIA ] [ Conflitto siriano, i ribelli strappano allo Stato islamico il controllo di al-Rai. La cittadina del nord si torva lungo la direttrice che collega Siria e Turchia. Una rotta strategica per il passaggio di merci e rifornimenti. Un successo importante in vista della battaglia principale per il controllo di Aleppo. Alla periferia di Damasco i jihadisti attaccano una fabbrica e sequestrano 200 operai.
Washington has had it's attention brought to your crap. Your time is limited.~
USA 666 UK SHARIA NATO, e tutti gli alleati massoni del cazzo di Satana Allah, che finiranno per uccidere Europa e Israele
USA CALIFFATO SAUDITA TURCO HANNO PROGETTATO DI METTERE LE MANI SUL PAPA E DI REALIZZARE IL CALIFFATO DI ROMA ] [ 20/07/2015 LIBIA. Libia, i miliziani dello Stato islamico sequestrano tre immigrati cristiani. Il rapimento è avvenuto nella zona orientale, nei pressi di Sirte. Nel mirino un cittadino egiziano, un nigeriano e un ghanese. I jihadisti hanno diffuso le foto dei loro passaporti. In passato la Libia è stata teatro della decapitazione di una ventina di cristiani copti. Sempre ieri rapiti quattro lavoratori italiani.
Siria, jet russi fermano attacchi di al-Nusra contro le forze curde ] [ tutti i Curdi che Hollande e Cameron vogliono far sterminare da Erdogan!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] if, you also, love your PENIS NWO too? [ di questi tempi, è normale essere GENDER SODAMA Darwin religion: per tutti i massoni in carriera come te! PIUTTOSTO, SE TU NON AMASSI IL TUO CAZ*ONELCULO? QUESTO SI CHE SAREBBE STRANO! ] e quì, c'è qualche infelice, che, lui mette in dubbio: la mia affermazione, SCRITTA DA ME POCO FA: cioè, che "io amo i GAY!" e perché, un qualsiasi politico, come me, lui non dovrebbe amare dei cittadini GAY: pudici, onesti pacifici e laboriosi? COSA IMPORTA AD UN POLITICO, SE QUALCUNO SCEGLIE DEI VANTAGGI IN QUESTO MONDO, PER TROVARSI DISPERATO ALL'INFERNO PER TUTTA LA ETERNITÀ? ma, se qualcuno dice: DI VOLER FARE: il matrimonio GAY, oppure la ideologia GENDER? POI, È NORMALE CHE IO DOVRÒ FARE LORO DEL MALE! io colpisco tutte le tipologie di criminali che vogliono fare del male ad altre persone!
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] IS SPA FED Rothschild sharia Satanists your penis NWO?
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] Obama? a casa sua: comanda la moglie, e al Pentagono comanda Bush: 322 il satanista: "IL TESCHIO CON LE OSSA DEI PIRATI"! Forse Donald Trump, potrebbe dare una dritta, a questa nazione MALEFICATA e venduta a Satana dai Farisei del Talmud Spa FED! NON C'È NESSUNO CHE PUÒ SPERARE QUALCOSA DI POSITIVO DAI SACERDOTI DI SATANA DELLA CIA: "CACCIATELI!"
#Giappone, #Vietnam #Filippine ] in effetti, Dio JHWH in ISRAELE ha detto: "QUELLO È IL MAR CINESE MERIDIONALE!" [ ma, se per pura ipotesi voi vinceste questa guerra, non si prenderebbero tutte le miniere e i giacimenti, gli USA: i sacerdoti di satana, come spese di guerra? IN OGNI CASO, SIA in caso di: VINCITA che, COME, in caso di: PERDITA, A VOI RIMARREBBERO SOLTANTO, I CADAVERI E LA DISTRUZIONE TOTALE! voi che dite? "forse un brutto accordo è sempre meglio di una guerra?"
MY ISRAEL ] 0286891021 [ io non credo, che, 666 CIA abbiano la speranza di potermi intimidire, io credo, piuttosto, che, per una tecnologia elettronica, loro possono trasformare un cellulare telefono, in un microfono ambientale! MA, QUESTO È del TUTTO INUTILE, PERCHÉ NON POSSONO ASCOLTARE I MIEI PENSIERI, SE, IO NON LI HO PUBBLICATI.. che, poi, è proprio questo il divertimento!
CONOSCO UNA PERSONA CHE HA DETTO: "VOGLIO TUTTO IO!" PRIMA DI MORIRE, LUI È STATO PAZZO PER 10 ANNI, ED ORA È ALL'INFERNO! GLI USA E I LORO ALLEATI MASSONI SONO AVVISATI! Il ministero degli Esteri cinese ha più volte sottolineato che la gestione economica di Pechino sulle isole nel Mar Cinese Meridionale "non è diretta contro paesi terzi e niente influisce su di loro". Gli Stati Uniti, a loro volta, hanno condotto diverse pattuglie nei pressi delle zone contese sotto la bandiera delle "operazioni in difesa della libertà di navigazione". Per Pechino si tratta di una violazione della sua sovranità. Nell'ottobre 2015 il comandante della Marina Militare cinese ha fatto sapere ai colleghi americani che "un piccolo incidente nella regione potrebbe provocare una guerra", ma il Pentagono non pianifica di abbandonare le manovre nel Mar Cinese Meridionale: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160412/2464584/mccain-washington-pechino.html#ixzz45dQE3PW2
IL SACERDOTE DI SATANA John McCain ( QUELLO CHE SI È INCONTRATO IN UN BAR TURCO CON, quello che sarebbe diventato: il FUTURO CALIFFO DELLO ISIS DAESH STATO ISLAMICO): ha detto: "Washington deve essere pronta a reagire alle pretese di Pechino!" [ e questo è vero, perché, gli USA SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, e il loro governo mondiale massonico, sono, GIÀ i soli padroni del mondo! QUINDI, CHE PRETESE POTREBBE AVERE LA CINA O CHIUNQUE ALTRO? ] Secondo il senatore dell’Arizona la Cina continua la “militarizzazione” della situazione nella regione e si prepara ad estendere la cotraerea su tutto il Mar Cinese Meridionale, perciò Washington deve essere pronto per un’immediata, dura reazione alle “ambizioni” di Pechino.
se i massoni europei non distruggono la NATO, e non fanno una alleanza militare con la Russia? NON SARÀ POSSIBILE SALVARE I POPOLI EUROPEI DA UN IMMANE MASSACRO! PERCHÉ, I VERI NEMICI DELLE DEMOCRAZIE OCCIDENTALI SONO USA E LORO LEGA ARABA! ] [ La situazione “congelata” delle sanzioni tra Russia e Occidente. 12.04.2016 In Occidente le sanzioni non hanno portato i risultati sperati, ma hanno solo influito negativamente sull’economia di molti paesi.
ME, LO HA SEMPRE DETTO, il sacerdote di satana, ex-Direttore, di youtube: Synnek1 666, che, io ho fatto licenziare, ed oggi lui è: 187AudioHostem: "ogni resistenza è inutile!" .. MA, IO HO DECISO CHE NON DEVE ESSERE COSÌ! PERCHÉ, IO FARÒ UCCIDE, OVUNQUE, IN TUTTO IL MONDO! FINCHÉ L'IRA DI DIO NON SIA PLACATA!
ARRIVERÀ IL MOMENTO, IN CUI, IO VEDRÒ TUTTI I LEADER EUROPEI (I MASSONI DEL SISTEMA POLITICO FINANZIARIO) TUTTI GIUSTIZIATI PER ALTO TRADIMENTO COSTITUZIONALE: E QUINDI CONDANNATI A MORTE DA TRIBUNALI POPOLARI RIVOLUZIONARI! Naftogaz: il Nord Stream 2 sarebbe la nostra rovina, 12.04.2016 La costruzione del secondo tronco del Nord Stream, secondo l’amministratore delegato della Naftogaz, potrebbe essere completata entro il 2019 e provocherà all’Ucraina chiari problemi, in particolare, con gli acquisti di gas in Europa.
E QUESTO È VERO: c'è un conflitto: sharia Turchia ISIS, contro i CURDI, dato che tutti gli altri dhimmi, hanno già subito il genocidio sharia! Ora, soltanto Dio e Putin, possono salvare i Curdi dal genocidio, così come sono stritolati su due fronti: contemporaneamente! ] [ 12.04.2016
Ancora un attentato contro la polizia turca a Diyarbakir: due morti e una cinquantina di feriti. Ankara accusa il Pkk.
#CINA, #RUSSIA #ISRAELE ] [ un attacco nucleare preventivo: SU SCALA MONDIALE, è la nostra unica speranza PER POTER SOPRAVVIVERE COME GENERE UMANO LIBERO! ] Hiroshima, Kerry: "Guerra ultima risorsa". Storica visita al Memoriale che apre la strada a Obama
mi diverte, osservare: quella feccia di OBAMA attore Hollywood, e osservare il fatto che: sono i SATANISTI MASSONI: regime sharia Bildenberg: alto tradimento costituzionale contro la sovranità monetaria dei popoli, magia nera kabbalah, talmud satanico, Gender teosofia demoniaca, tutti i loro: FARISEI SALAFITI, la totale aberrazione dei diritti umanistici e identitari, proprio loro: la negazione della autodeterminazione dei popoli: cioè, il NWO Spa Banche Centrali, che, si siano impegnati a far sparire i Dittatori, ed ogni forma di pluralismo, nel mondo, come ogni traccia di società: post larvatamente ebraico cristiana! Corea Nord: Lincoln per criticare Obama: Lettera ipotetica, 'Pyongyang non crollerà malgrado sanzioni' CERTO, CHE LA COREA DEL NORD, ECC.. DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTA, MA, SOLTANTO IO, POSSO DECIDERE: CHI, COME E QUANDO, DEVE MORIRE: PERCHÉ, IO SONO IL REGNO DI ISRAELE, CIOÈ io sono il REGNO DI DIO JHWH, IN FORMA POLITICA SULLA TERRA!
ONU: i nuovi diritti umani universali del Gufo Allah Baal SpA FED? ONU è un sharia terrorista, di Sodoma culto Darwin: il più perfetto altare di satana: della storia del genere umano, mentre, gli USA islamici: sono i sacerdoti Satanisti: Farisei satanisti massoni salafiti! Quindi, la Merkel: Pravy Secotor, golpe Kiev, cecchini Cia a Maidan, ecc..? dopo Ban-Kimono GENDER? questa è la scelta giusta per me!
non ho un problema contro GAY e loro associazioni, anzi io li amo! MA, SE NON RINUNCIANO ALLA IDEOLOGIA DEL GENDER CHE È TEOSOFIA SATANICA, APOLOGIA DI REATO E PURO TERRORISMO CONTRO LA LEGGE NATURALE, POI, IL CONTRATTO PATTO SOCIALE ANDRÀ DISTRUTTO, CON ESITI SOCIALI DRAMMATICI! Assegnati ad Arcigay beni confiscati alla mafia, Prima volta ad associazione immobili sottratti a Cosa nostra
quando Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi Presidente dell'Egitto, mandò le "teste di quoio" in Libia, a vendicare i suoi cristiani copti, che, sharia ISIS aveva sgozzato sul mare? Tutta la shaaria LEGA ARABA lo rimproverò e dissero: "NOI SIAMO PERSONE SERIE!", infatti, quello che al-Sisi aveva fatto, prima di pugnalare la Russia alle spalle? era troppo grave! Perché, ISIS, non può e non deve essere fermato da USA e Lega ARABA, in Libia come altrove!
gli USA oggi sono nel mondo il vero volto del NAZISMO! il regime massonico Bildenberg: il vero volto del NAZISMO È IN USA ] Protesta a Capitol Hill, 400 arresti. "Basta corruzione del denaro in politica, elezioni siano libere" La protesta a Capitol Hill: WASHINGTON. 12 aprile 2016 [ Oltre 400 attivisti sono stati arrestati mentre manifestavano pacificamente davanti a Capitol Hill con striscioni e cartelli ''per chiedere al Congresso di agire subito per far cessare la corruzione del denaro nella nostra politica e per garantire elezioni libere e imparziali'', ha spiegato Democracy sprint, il gruppo organizzatore. Il numero di arresti e' uno dei piu' grossi degli ultimi anni. L'accusa, ha reso noto la polizia, e' di manifestazione illegale.
USA SHARIA ONU ] tutto quello che io vi devo fare? è già stato scritto in Apocalisse!
perché la Comunità internazionale non è riuscita a fermare i terroristi, e la RUSSIA ci è riuscita in pochi mesi? È CHIARO: È LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CHE SONO I TERRORISTI ISLAMICI! E QUESTO ARTICOLO LO DIMOSTRA! SONO TUTTI ATTI DI DEPISTAGGIO, E DI DISSIMULAZIONE, PER INGANNARE LA OPINIONE PUBBLICA! NON SI È VOLUTO COLPIRE ISIS INTENZIONALMENTE, PER OTTENERE IL GENOCIDIO DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI, E SOLTANTO, SECONDARIAMENTE, LO SI È FATTO PER DANNEGGIARE GLI SCIITI! E POICHÉ, TUTTE LE ARMI E I FINANZIAMENTI DI USA SONO PASSATI AD ISIS? POI, È proprio ONU IL PIÙ GRANDE TERRORISTA DEL MONDO! ISTANBUL, 12 APR - Almeno 6 persone sono rimaste ferite stamani nella provincia di confine turca di Kilis da 3 colpi di mortaio sparati da zone del nord della Siria sotto il controllo dell'Isis. Lo ha reso noto il governatore locale, Suleyman Tapsiz, secondo cui 3 dei colpiti sono in gravi condizioni. Ieri altri 5 razzi katiuscia, sparati sempre dalla Siria, avevano raggiunta la stessa zona, ferendo 12 persone. L'esercito di Ankara aveva risposto al fuoco secondo le regole d'ingaggio, come sempre in caso di attacchi simili.
La mamma di Regeni: "Grazie per avere adottato il mio Giulio" ] NON ESISTE UNA VERITÀ ALTERNATIVA: ARABIA SAUDITA su mandato USA, CONTROLLA EGITTO COME OGNI ALTRO GOVERNO DELLA LEGA ARABA, .. ORA, Israele e il GENERE UMANO? devono TREMARE! Un commentatore di spicco del più diffuso Al Ahram ha velatamente attaccato il dicastero in prima linea nelle indagini ("perché il ministro dell'Interno non parla del funzionamento del suo ministero?"). Il concorrente Al-Akhbar invece ha sostenuto che la tortura a morte del giovane ricercatore friulano è "un crimine perpetrato da cospiratori che vogliono nuocere alle relazioni italo-egiziane".
QUANDO LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE, ONU, cioè, tutti i DIRITTI umani UNIVERSALI di Talmud SpA FED SATANA NWO, HA DECISO CHE: TURCHIA E ARABIA SAUDITA: AVREBBERO AVUTO IL DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, DI POTER AGGREDIRE LE NAZIONI, ATTRAVERSO, IL TERRORISMO ISLAMICO? VERRÀ IL GIORNO CHE, TUTTI VOI COMPARIRETE TUTTI A RISPONDERE DEI VOSTRI DELITTI DAVANTI AL MIO TRIBUNALE! ] [ Siria: continua flusso armi e militanti al Nusra attraverso confine turco. 12.04.2016. Siria, Stato Maggiore russo: continua flusso armi e militanti aL-Nusra attraverso confine turco. Il flusso di armi e militanti di rinforzo del gruppo terroristico al-Nusra continua attraverso il confine turco-siriano, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti. "Nonostante i progressi nell'attuazione del regime di cessate il fuoco, le forniture di armi e militanti dalla parte turca del confine, continuano a rafforzare i terroristi Nusra, anche attraverso le zone controllate da gruppi di opposizione sostenuti dagli Stati Uniti", ha detto Sergei Rudskoy, capo della principale direzione operativa dello Stato Maggiore russo.Lo ha affermato lo Stato Maggiore russo. Il regime di cessate il fuoco mediato è entrata in vigore il 27 febbraio.
COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI! tutti quelli che vanno nei paradisi fiscali sono evasori! QUINDI PERCHÉ CI VA IL FONDO MONETARIO INTERNAZIONALE, A RICICLARE TUTTI I PROVENTI DEL SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO? L'OBIETTIVO DI SOROS ERA QUELLO DI DISTRUGGERE I PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN UK, PER CONCENTRARE TUTTE LE RICCHEZZE NEI PARADISI FISCALI MADE IN USA! ] MA, IO NON SO QUESTI: PUGNALATORI DI ALLEATI DEL CAZ*O, QUESTI FARISEI TALMUD LUCIFERINI, CHE TIPO DI CAZ*OINCULO POSSONO RICEVERE ADESSO dai loro ex-alleati UK! [ "Complimenti signor premier — ha attaccato nel corso di un acceso dibattito Jeremy Corbin — lei è un maestro di mistificazione della realtà, ma la gente è esasperata dall'evasione fiscale dopo sei anni di austerità". Panama Papers, la difesa di Cameron. 12.04.2016. Il primo ministro britannico alla Camera dei Comuni: false le accuse contro mio padre. Ora maggiore contrasto all'evasione internazionale. Corbin: da Cameron mistificazione della realtà. COMUNQUE, FOSSE SOLO PER DECENZA? CAMERON DOVREBBE DIMETTERSI!
Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
Regeni: la madre, grazie per aver adottato il mio Giulio
Regeni 'non è caso isolato', 15 desaparecidos recenti
Regeni: Massari, l'ambasciatore in prima linea per la verità
Regeni: famiglia amareggiata, "Italia non si fermi"
Su Regeni è crisi diplomatica tra Italia e Egitto
Regeni: ecco le misure in mano all'Italia
Regeni, Renzi: 'A fianco dei pm, non consentiremo di svicolare'
Caso Regeni: Italia-Egitto, tra verità e depistaggi
Caso Regeni, il comunicato della Procura dopo il vertice Italia-Egitto
Caso Regeni: l'Italia pronta a nuove misure, l'Egitto 'irritato'
Regeni: fallito vertice magistrati Italia-Egitto
VIDEOCaso Regeni, 'dossier ancora incompleto'
Caso Regeni, "dossier ancora incompleto"
Investigatori romani al vertice Italia-Egitto su Regeni
Caso Regeni, vertice a Roma con inquirenti egiziani
FORSE QUESTO FILM VUOLE DIRE CHE: LE BANCHE SONO LA MAFIA PIÙ GRANDE, MA LA MAFIA CERCA IL POTERE, IL DENARO, MENTRE: NESSUNO PUÒ DIRE CHE LE NOSTRE BANCHE SONO UNA RELIGIONE: SONO IL SATANISMO CULTUALE, E COME, L'ALTARE DI SATANA È IL LORO CUORE! TALE È IL SATANISMO, esso NON CERCA IL POTERE E LA RICCHEZZA che, il NWO massonico regime Bildenberg HA GIÀ: di suo: IN MODO ASSOLUTO, in realtà, IL NWO È LUCIFERO, e LUI VUOLE TUTTE LE VOSTRE ANIME, tutti con LUI atterriti e disperati allo INFERNO: in attesa di essere disintegrati nel giorno del giudizio universale! quindi, QUESTA DELLA FED SPA FMI, È UNA GUERRA PER POSSEDERE LE ANIME, E DA QUESTO PUNTO DI VISTA, NONOSTANTE I LORO DELITTI ABERRANTI GLI ISLAMICI, SONO GLI UNICI CHE, STANNO FACENDO IL DOPPIO GIOCO CONTRO IL NWO: L'IMPERO DEL TALMUD DI ROTHSCHILD 322 BUSH! ] [ Servillo, un monaco contro le banche. Nel film, in odor di Cannes, anche Daniel Auteuil e Favino Servillo http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cultura/cinema/2016/04/11/servillo-monaco-contro-le-banche_66280d71-9734-4ce9-bd26-3a39910acd66.html 12 aprile 2016
è un film denuncia alla: Elio Petri e estetica alla: Paolo Sorrentino, arriva nelle sale il 21 aprile distribuito da 01 'Le confessioni', film contro le banche e il potere finanziario in odor di Cannes. ''Mi sembrava naturale proseguire sulle cose che mi assillano da sempre e fare una ricognizione sul potere e sull'economia oggi in crisi...''Voi avete un sistema perfetto: quello della mafia. Le banche come la mafia non devono dare conto a nessuno''. Regeni: Gentiloni vede Massari.
QUALE PUÒ ESSERE L'OBIETTIVO DEI "FRATELLI MUSULMANI (I TERRORISTI)"? il genocidio di tutti i cristiani e di tutti gli ebrei in tutto il mondo: OVVIAMENTE! Ma, #Salman e #Rothschild non possono dire pubblicamente che: 1. il NWO è anche il CALIFFATO; e che, 2. questo genocidio si sta compiendo velocemente, ed anche in tempi molto rapidi! ] SI, È vero: #SALMAN VUOLE DARE UNA LEZIONE, PUNIZIONE a IRAN, ma, NON È NEI PROGETTI del loro Allah Rothschild SATANA, di fare il genocidio sistematico degli SCIITI, PERCHÉ QUESTI, conflitti, OMICIDI, di tipo CONFESSIONALe sono molto utili per la realizzazione del Califfato mondiale, cioè, FANNO SPARIRE molto velocemente, i dhimmi da TUTTO IL MONDO! SCIITI E SUNNITI SONO I DUE LATI DELLA MEDAGLIA PER LA REALIZZIONE DEL CALIFFATO MONDIALE: quindi non è seria la loro ostilità! 12/04/2016 - SAUDI ARABIA - EGYPT. Cairo and Riyadh: investments and territorial arrangements to counter Iran.
The Saudi king has made a "historic" five-day visit to Egypt, where he signed new trade agreements and proposed a peaceful future for Sunni nations. The Muslim Brotherhood unhappy: "We are being used to achieve political goals and then abandoned." Among the joint projects, a "bridge" across the Red Sea. 12/04/2016 - ARABIA SAUDITA – EGITTO. Cairo e Riyadh: investimenti e accordi territoriali per fare fronte contro l'Iran. Il re saudita ha compiuto una "storica" visita di cinque giorni in Egitto, dove ha siglato nuovi accordi commerciali e prospettato un futuro di pace alle nazioni sunnite. I Fratelli Musulmani scontenti: "Veniamo usati per raggiungere scopi politici e poi abbandonati". Fra i progetti congiunti, un "ponte" sul Mar rosso.
il bullismo islamico, non potrebbe esistere se: intenzionalmente, UE e USA non erano i 666 Talmud Farisei satanisti massoni: tutti usurai culto SpA FED: regime BILDENBERG, che stermineranno i popoli europei (in una guerra fratricida contro la Russia): ed annienteranno ogni presenza ebraico-cristiana nel mondo! ] MA, SE LA RUSSIA VIENE AGGREDITA? POI, LA ARABIA SAUDITA DIVENTERÀ IL LUOGO PIÙ RADIOATTIVO DI TUTTO IL PIANETA! 11/04/2016 - MALAYSIA. Sharia-compliant Rayani Air grounded for failing to follow aviation rules. Malaysian aviation authorities imposed a three-month suspension on the carrier for contravening “civil aviation regulations”. Launched in December, Rayani requires Muslim female crewmembers to wear the hijab, offers only halal food, and bans alcohol
11/04/2016. MALAYSIA. Malaysia, segue le regole della sharia ma non quelle civili: fermata la Rayani Air. Il Dipartimento dell’aviazione ha revocato la concessione di volo alla compagnia per tre mesi, per “contravvenzione alle regole”. Fondata a dicembre, la Rayani esige che le hostess musulmane indossino l’hijab, che i cibi serviti in volo siano halal e che il consumo di alcol sia vietato.
#sALMAN #ERDOGAN #Shaaria #ISLAMICI sono ladri stupratori terroristi pirati e assassini, perché, questa è la natura del loro satana Allah Akbar! 11/04/2016. BANGLADESH. Wife of Protestant minister raped to seize their land. The victim was attacked in her own home. Her screams attracted the attention of her husband, who prevented her murder. The four rapists are local thugs, well-known land grabbers. Police refuse to file the case until after local elections (not scheduled for many months). For Catholic activist, "This is totally immoral.” For her, police “are working for the criminals and violating human rights.”
Bangladesh, vogliono rubarle la terra: stuprata la moglie di un pastore protestante. La donna è stata aggredita nella propria abitazione e le sue urla hanno attirato l’attenzione del marito, che ne ha impedito l’uccisione. I quattro stupratori sono malviventi locali, noti per essere influenti espropriatori di terreni. La polizia ha rifiutato di registrare il caso, almeno fino al termine delle elezioni locali (tra diversi mesi). Attivista cattolica: “Questo è del tutto immorale. La polizia è connivente e viola i diritti umani”.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
e dove è scritto che, un "Attivista israeliano": lui non può essere un coglione? DOVE SONO LE PRETESE DELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE CIRCA I DIRITTI UMANI, IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA? ORA A CHI NON ADEMPIE I SUOI DOVERI? NON È POSSIBILE RICONOSCERE A LUI NESSUN DIRITTO! 12/04/2016. I DELITTI E GLI OMICIDI, CHE SI COMMETTONO CONTRO: I PIÙ ELEMENTARI DIRITTI NELLA LEGA ARABA? GRIDANO VENDETTA AL COSPETTO DI DIO! ED IO VI GIURO CHE QUESTA VENDETTA STA ARRIVANDO! ] [ ISRAELE - PALESTINA. Attivista israeliano: L’occupazione è contro la pace, servono pari diritti e dignità. Nadav Bigelman, ricercatore di Breaking the Silence, racconta ad AsiaNews le violenze in Israele e Palestina: sono la prova del “fallimento” dello status quo. Dalla destra israeliana attacchi senza precedenti contro ong e attivisti. “Non ci faremo intimidire e continueremo a lavorare”. E alla comunità internazionale: a fianco di Israele ma contro l’occupazione.
#Obama, se, noi diaciamo che: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!" poi, noi giustamente, noi saremo puniti! Ma, se Erdogan dice: "la donna è inferiore all'uomo!", e sua moglie dice: "l'HAREM è una buona esperienza per imparare ad essere donne!" POI, NOI A QUESTE BESTIE, LE FACCIAMO ENTRARE, anche in EUROPA: perché quella è la loro cultura e noi non possiamo essere islamofobici. TRA LA NOSTRA COLPA, che diventa una VIRTÙ ISLAMICa: voi del relativismo e del pratito democratico: voi QUANTI MILIONI DI MARTIRI CRISTIANI, voi mi avete UCCISO IN QUESTI 30NNI?
#SALMAN SAUDI ARABIA ] tu hai detto, che le donne che guidano la macchina da sole, sono le prede del diavolo! Ma se tu ti prendi 4 mogli, e poi, non le riesci a soddisfare tutte sessualmente? poi, la preda del demonio? sei proprio tu!
NEW YORK -'' I no longer: the Muslim, Socialist: that: I was before ...''. U.S. President Barack Obama mocks, Smiling and self-deprecating .. - ANSWER - @ TRAITOR Obama, Islamist, liar, murderess! the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Shiites, priests, deacons, and bishops Killed: in cold blood, with deception, blackmail, kidnapped, like animals, rapes of girls, "slaughtered", ransom demand, all your scum: of terrorists: Salafis, "Muslim brothers" to spread your sharia your "worldwide caliphate", which they are, today, in Syria, and that you have just spread: all over the Mediterranean, etc. .. ? are: your: CIA and your: Arab League: who is doing all these crimes! and your, Jewish media: the monopoly of each: SpA, Corporations, for: action: IMF, FED, ECB, Talmud agenda: Bildenberg, masonic system: for banking seigniorage, they cover: all this, with: their lies: and their information exploited. would have been better: for you, that you had never been born!
02/12/2013[ SYRIA - VATICAN ]. After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears: for: their life. An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted: last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian: neighbourhood. Sources speak: to AsiaNews: about: barbarous murders: carried out: my Islamic extremists. A car bomb: explodes: at the Turkish-Syrian: border crossing: of Cilvegozu. [AFTER having slain: slaughter: the priests, they demanded: a ransom: to their bishops] 04/26/2013. [since the Arab League is doing the ethnic cleansing of Shiites and Christians, rapes, murders, everywhere, she wins a territory, then, the Chechens: they avenged, the terrorist killed in Boston (as said Turkey)] No sign of Orthodox bishops' release, fears of political blackmail grow. 322 Kerry, Bush, 666 Obama Rothschild, I found the sarin, in the laboratories of the Arab League, that,your: Al Qaeda has led, in Syria .. best for you: it would have been, if you were not ever born!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ha pubblicato un commento 45 minuti fa you not make not new channel yet? --ANSWER -- those, which I have (about 50, CHANNEL) are excessive, for me, would have been better only one channel: for me! but, as you can say that "Satan save", and then, you hide yourself, like a coward, behind the photo, of St. Bartolo Longo, who, he when was your age, he was a priest voodoo of satan... like you?
[[Syria freed the two Orthodox bishops. ANSA.it - 4 days ago]] .. but, you have to dig: with great stubbornness: to find this news, "hidden" in the international Jewish media: Bildenberg of the Masonic system of bank seigniorage. [[Syria kidnapped bishops; also: Athens: not: confirmation liberation. ANSA.it - 3 days ago: Diocese Aleppo, no contact with the two Orthodox Archbishops]], Kerry said:'' I spoke this morning: from here with Netanyahu, and he told me that it was not in the position: to confirm. This is their process: e: depends on them: such as: and when: they want to do, and it is not: to me: make announcements. So: I do not know!''. (? but, ? fuck that means?, this speech?) perhaps means: if you want to invade Syria, with a calumny, like, you've already invaded Iraq, with, another calumny, then, do so, but, you do not break, the cock: to me!
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- strike with nuclear weapons, same today, all 50 Islamic nations, it is the only chance you have of being able to save Israel
@ Benjamin Netanyahu --- but this is the truth: there is more: a West power, but, there is a scheme: Jewish lobbies and Masonic occult powers: IMF FED 666, the system: tyrannical satanic powers, the IMF, Bildenberg, and all their hidden direction (the highest science, of engineering, social and, all monopolies SpA, all in the hands: of only Rothschid), in this way, they will: once again, blame the Christians, for: the extermination: Holocaust imminent: against, Israel, during, world War III, the new Holocaust, as: once, they did: after, the Second world War. seen that: with the French Revolution, not more exist , a policy: it can be under the control of the Christians in the West! that's why the Pharisees and Salafists: should be sentenced to death! because, having a dialogue with them is impossible
[worldwide caliphate, such as: strategy of aggressive war] is totally Islamophobia: Justified, since: that: our Islamic islamists, accomplice, they sleep soundly: for, the crimes: that, Their Islamic: commit: all, the Middle East, against, the Christians, Which is why, there will be a painful Necessarily, abrupt and dramatic awakening. This our ruling class, Which, like, come to terms with the terrorists, without dealing with: the problem of coherence: a vile and criminally complicit: false concept: of: "peace", while: many, too many innocent Christian martyrs, find Their peace at the cemetery. In fact, Christians in the Palestinian territories (below, Yasser Arafat), have had to flee en masse, while the remaining Christians, they were to be forced as dhimmis, slaves, subjects, Also Submitted, them, to Islamic law. Why then, Europe continues to be the enemy of Israel, and an accomplice of Nazism, the Palestinians , and of all countries now Islamized by the Arab League?
[worldwide caliphate, Islam, such as: strategy of aggressive war, and WEST: more and more criminal], driven adrift by the Jewish lobby banking: Illuminati: IMF-NWO, Pharisees, international bankers, who have sworn hatred, eternal: against: Christianity, pushing themselves, substantially, out: from civilization: Jewish - Christian, for they have become: the real enemies,of the survival of Israel. This West: Masonic and satanic, occult powers Bildenberg that: deny their own values, and: betrays his own identity, of: a Europe abandoned to oblivion, so criminal to be: become, deaf ... and itself: bloodthirsty protagonist,accomplice: of each violation: religious freedom, both outside its borders, both within: its borders, because if it is true, that: Muslims are our brothers, however, is also true that,
[the worldwide caliphate, of: Obama] is not difficult to find evidence of this: catastrophic human tragedy, of which: talmud IMF: ECB FED, CIA USA UN, NATO, are complicit. of this barbarism: civil, religious, cultural, that has plunged: the world: the Arab-Muslim, in prey to ideological fanaticism: Islamic extremists: and religious intolerance: its dictatorships in power. [Europe's responsibility: now hostages of Illuminati Bildenber: it's huge] in the face of continued persecution and continued: daily humiliations, that all Christians under Islamic regimes, and in everything: the Middle East, they are forced to live and suffer, because: europe is sick, of this: relativism blinded: with, the good idea of multiculturalism, which, however, can not be realized: without: the concept of reciprocity
[Obama and his plans extinction, of the Christians, and of the Shiites, in the Middle East] before, of the Arab conquest: and Islam in the seventh century, Christians made up, 95%, of the population, of the Mediterranean: south and east of Mediterranean. but, today, with less, than, 12. million, have fallen, sharply to less than 6%, of course, in 2020, there will be no more Christians in the Middle East! From the First World War: 10 million Christians have been forced to emigrate. This is proof of Satanism, and: criminal barbarity, dell'imbarbarimento, not only, of the Arab League, but, above all, his accomplices, the Freemasons, the Pharisees, Illuminati, Bildenberg, occult power, which, with a silent coup : took power: in all the false democracies Masonic: of banking seigniorage.
1. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted in the Middle East: to: do the worldwide caliphate] 2. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted, all over the world for this: the Talmud of the Pharisees: in the Masonic system: for the banking seigniorage: to enslave all peoples, and to destroy Israel.] 3. [the Church (Christian martyrs) is persecuted by all religions, and communism. ] We are witnessing so fearful, to the persecution and mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East, which are the true natives of the region, because of a conception: that: was satanizzata: about, Islam: of the Arab League, and his: CIA, all the Nazis, the Nazis Islamists, absolutely intolerant, and, fail to respect the dignity and rights of the human person. accordingly, they hide the real reasons as to why the Israelis are forced to be so "hard" against the Palestinians.
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 secondo fa
1_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Close: For Satanism, pedophilia, ORGAN TRADE: and: HUMAN SACRIFICES.. by Giuseppe: COSCO, in the: BOOK: "POLICY, MAGIC: and: Satanism" (EDITIONS "SIGN" of: UDINE) has: ANALYZED THE EXTREMELY SERIOUS PROBLEM: of the: PATROL: and: ITS RELATIONS, WITH TRADE, ORGAN, COL, Satanism: and: WITH CERTAIN: Lobbies of: ABLE. Report of: FOLLOW THE CHAPTER, WHICH: COSCO: has: ARM, NEW DATA, WHY, THE FACTS COME TO LIGHT, From: this: Search: ARE, to: DIR POCO, chilling.
8 secondi fa
I giusti erano gli ebrei che erano stati fedeli alla antica alleanza. e basta. I pagani bruciavano all'inferno.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
15 secondi fa
ragazzo.. ma, tu stai facendo il falso profeta.. attento!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
36 secondi fa
2_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. The shocking: DOCUMENT, is been published by: MAGAZINE, Detective: & Crime: Magazine:, No. 2, MARCH-APRIL: 1998. The: Version: that: follows: is been: MAGAZINE: and: WIDER. an: amazing number: of: people disappears, every day, in the: nothing, especially young people. Many of: them are, of: others, not: if: it: sa: more: nothing. Is: as: if you were evaporated, disappeared. in the: world, disappear every year many: thousands: of: people. for: get a: pale: idea: of: the: is: serious,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
52 secondi fa
3_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the phenomenon is enough to know, that: only: in: Italy, in the: 1997, "Il Giornale" (March 15, 1997) headlined, an: long piece "From '90 quadrupled, the boys disappeared", Today: are: many of more. an: calculation, also approximate: is: impossible. The daily: between: the other, denounced: "It grows, the number: of the: young people, especially: between the 15: and: 18 years, that: vanish in the: nothing. Le: tracks: drugs, seven : religious, should: adventure: and: market: of the: slaves,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 minuto fa
lol. così Gesù ha detto a te: che, lui ha lasciato tutti gli altri, nel limbo, inferi? ma, non sarebbe Dio, se, lui commettesse una qualche forma di ingiustizia
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
2 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
4_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "and, as: we will see more: between: these" disappeared ", many are also children of: under: of the: ten years. is: a problem serious, deeply felt: in: Europe, they: are authentic: the "Recommendation" (No. R-79-6): in: relation: the: "Missing Persons" established: the Council of Europe: and: the: Posted: of the Oxford Up. "The: dictionary of national biography: missing person". if: Many of: these young people are found, of: other not: if: I: will: more: nothing.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
2 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
5_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Some of: them end up in the: network: of the: prostitution: of the: pornography: of the: pedophilia, in the other: underworld: of the: devotees of Satan. The paper: "The: Printing" (2/8/87) reports: la: news: of: a: sect: satanic that: recruited: children. Here is what he wrote: the newspaper: "The: cult," The discoverers "founded: to: from Washington: an:" guru ", that: today has: 66 years, Marion Pettie, you need: of the: small for : his demonic rituals, focusing
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Gesú scese nel limbo per andare a prendere quegli ebrei (gli antichi profeti come Mosé, Daniele, Elia etc.) che erano stati fedeli alla antica alleanza. Dato che nessuno poteva entrare in Paradiso prima della passione di Cristo costoro dovevano aspettare fino a quel momento.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
6_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. on the: of sacrifice: animals and, one suspects, also: on: practice: The Sexual....: discovery, organization, sort: the remains of: a: common: of: hippies: of the: years: Sixty: has: upset: capital: and: the United States. " In almost all: America: are: in: under investigation: on: Satanic cults, that: practice fierce ceremonies: e: in: not: a few cases, human sacrifice. to: Los Angeles: in: 22 municipalities: of the: county, prosecutors are investigating: on a large number of: cases
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
7_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: pedophilia: to: background ritual. In: more: parts of the: world are no known cases of: children sacrificed to Satan. Here's one: terrible confirmation: "Satan has: taken hold: also: in: South Africa: with: all of the gruesome aspects: its worship, such as the sacrifice of: children slaughtered on '" altar "of the: prince of the: darkness... orgiastic meetings: where young people: are: required to have: sex with: dogs or: goats, symbols: more: holographic of Lucifer
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
3 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
8_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "(" Courier: of the: Evening " May 20, 1990). Pedophile Satanists: are: present also: to London. The "Courier: of the: Evening" of the: March 18, 1990, said: "London. Tortured children: and: raped in the: of course: satanic rituals, fetuses extracted to: strength: from the womb: of: teenage-mothers: and: slain... The Edge: of the: reality play, in fact, the stories of: girls: and: adolescents, offers: the high priests of: a: sect: and: their followers for: be: raped.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
9_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. A: time: pregnant, le: small: they are obliged: to abort: and: the fetus, of: four months sacrificed for: the: purification: of the: Satanists, that: it: they would drink the blood: or: if: it :.. ciberebbero survey: Conduct: from: 66 groups of: research: of the "National Society: for: the: Prevention: of the: cruelty against children" in the United Kingdom confirms the existence of: of: such practices... ". The relationship: between: pedophilia: and: Satanism: is been: more: times, tried.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
10_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Different surveys: journalism: and: many managers of: centers of: protection: for: children: they launched the message, that: more: frequently: of: what is believed the racket: of the: prostitution of the : lower: and: of the: pedophilia are: managed by: sects: Satanism: in England: an: child has: that mind-blowing revelations. The newspaper "The Day" (15.09.90) writes: "In his stories confused emerge gruesome: stories: of: killings of: babies, of: tombs open: of: night, of: cannibalism:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
11_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: of : mysterious rites, with: devils: and: ghosts: and: children forced to: drink potions, mysterious, first: of: be raped: and: closed: in: cage.'s: revelations were: made from small: and : by: his: sister in March, with: the help of: dolls: and: drawings ". Misdeeds, that: seem to enjoy: of: protection, at a high level. The journalist Maurizio Blondet, in the: of course: an interview (published: on "Theology", September / October 1996), he said: "Some people practice strange rituals:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
12_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. on an island: close to: Washington are: of characters: high level, come together: in: of nights: moon: full: and: celebrate: of the: ritual, very special. course, nobody wants: to investigate: on: this is because, it is : of: people, very powerful are: things: that: you whisper. Similarly: in: certain "entourage" of politicians: a high level it is said, very quietly, that: being raped: of the: children. All occurs: in: also: background, ritual: of: magic: black.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
4 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
13_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. not: are: persons: common that: are these: things, it: of: people: that: it covers: high: charged, officials of the: Pentagon , etc ".. Horrors on: horrors, that: intersect: in: the: earth: dark: of the: of the worshipers: the devil. Here is what he wrote: Also, "Courier: of the: Evening" (7/28/90): "Horror: to: London: after: the: discovery: of: an: market of: films: for: pedophiles with: occasions: from life ": and: more: on" Scotland Yard fears: that at least twenty children, disappeared
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
14_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. without: leave: track: in the last six years, have made a: end: horrible. A: Team: Special: is: was: formed: for: to investigate: in the: dirty market: of the: video pornographic "snuff" intended to: sadistic pedophiles. La: word "snuff" in: slang means "die off" and: in : these are the videos: small: victims are: shooting: from: cameras: while: are: tortured: and: killed: after: have: experienced violence: sexual. La: police: is: believe, that: at least six children are died:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
15_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in: this way to London: and: in the: county: of the Kent. England..: has: learned with: horror: that: in: the breast: moving company ready to show: filming: torment, the agony: and: the: death: of: for children: fulfilled: the pleasure of perverse: many other monsters ready to: pay: ten million for: a: copy: of the: film. " is: a: tragedy: huge, that: rampant, always: of: more: everywhere. The: Estimates: exact: of the: young: victims are: impossible: and: not: there are reliable data,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
16_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the level of the: phenomenon, however, not: less of: 250 000 000 of: copies: of: videos: are: sold: in: around the world, only in the United States are: been: sold 20 million of: video. Films always more: 'strong', often with: torture: follow: from: Death of the: children. Every year, in the: world, an: one million: of: children of 18 years: is: victim of the: trade: more: ugly, that: ranging from kinky sex in: sue: more: Various: forms: prostitution , sex tourism, pedophilia, pornography,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
5 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
e non sai tu, che GEsù, lui scese agli, inferi ,,, nel giorno della risurezione, per portare in paradiso, tutti gli uomini giusti, del passato?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
7 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
17_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. sadism, etc.., to murder. Horrible events occur: in any part: of: this our planet are: very recent: the: brutality: done: in Belgium. Facts that: day after: day, emerge identical to: those just: narrated. Horrors, as: those that: would have been made, by the criminal pedophile, Marc Dutroux, dubbed the "monster of: Marcinelle." Grim facts: and: shocking, that: the: say a lot: on the: distribution: of: this gruesome phenomenon. In the videos of the: Dutroux "you would see
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
7 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
vattene scemo. ti devo dare un calcio nelle palle: e ti devo castare! perché, se a te, nascesse, un figlio? ne faresti una persona infelice, come, gli islamisti capa di pezza, maniaci religiosi tuoi fratelli!!"
8 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Infatti tantissimi pagani e infedeli non hanno mai conosciuto la rivelazione (antichi greci, etruschi, romani, maya, incas, germani etc..). E costoro sono all'inferno. E tu lis tai raggiungendo. Esistono aspetti del disegno divino che non possono essere compresi.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
8 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
18_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. - writes:" Official: of the South "of the: Nov. 23: 1996 - girls: raped: up to be: killed. La: complaint: is: was: made: yesterday during, the: events organized to Paris: in: at: of the: prostitution child: and: to: give the incredible news is: was: la: lady: Sophie: Wirtz, to: Chief : of the: section: Belgian of the "Movement of the: nest", ": more: forward, other terrible things," Do not: is: again, hit the bottom of horror: in: this: tragedy -: has: said: lady: Wirtz -:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
9 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
19_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. two: years: continue, to: say that: the: soapbox: Video that: they see: the: death: in: direct: of: children moving: in: Belgium: and I fear that: in the deal: Dutroux, there is orientated towards their own, this kind: of: atrocities. " The: Wirtz says, that: the beginning: of the: what happened: in Belgium, the: video tapes: of: pornography: Child: seized, would be 600. The: president of the "Movement of the: nest" in the interview: published by the newspaper says, that: the: pedophilia,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
9 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
20_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "not: is: an: affective relationship indeed: is: the expression of the: on the domain: child: and: the extreme stage, of: this domain: is: precisely: death. " Words that: burn as: fire. In the business: Dutroux: there: is: of: all: pedophilia, murder, necrophilia, snuff-films: and: characters high: Belgian society, of the: world of: finance: of the: politics, etc.. This: is at least the opinion: of the: Belgians. is: Also strange that: to date the investigation: not: have: taken yet: to: nothing
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
9 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
allora, secondo te, Dio fa nascere qualcuno, per sbaglio, o per hobby? ma, il tuo dio, è un fallito, pezzo di merda, proprio come te!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
10 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
21_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. about: the accomplices of the: Dutroux, indeed, seems: to have stalled: are: many mysteries. is: true that: the: small: victims are: a lot of: more: of: the: is been: say? Belgian citizens: are: afraid. Horrors of Europe, that: is: destruction: of the: children. So while: in Belgium over: 350 000: persons: manifested: in: square: the monster of: Marcinelle: and: the many mysteries that: surround these crimes: in: Switzerland fell: the: more: close silence on the: tycoon: Swiss arrested:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
10 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
22_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in Sri Lanka, with: accused: of: raping thousand: and: five hundred children. The phenomenon is: is: saw: is: World. The: aunt: of: a: of the: two: girls: murdered: by: Mark Dutroux, the monster of: Marcinelle: has: made serious statements: "The market: of the: porn that: involving children: has: tentacles: in: all: Europe: in: Netherlands: in Germany: and: in Switzerland. " Of monstrosity: an: world that: abuse: of the: children, rape them, torture them, kill them: brutally.
10 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Dio non é necessariamente tenuto a dare una seconda possibilitá. Tu, come al solito, stai sindacando la volontá di Dio.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
11 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
23_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. not: is: to stranger: this: cruelty: the revival: of the: satanic cults, that: are: back: in: vogue. By the Flemish newspaper "Der Standaard", in fact, we learn, that: at least four policemen would be part: of the: sect: satanic "Abrasax" suspected: of: buying girls, from killer-pedophile Dutroux, for: their rites. It: is: when you get to: this: puzzling discovery: thanks: a Letter: (A "good of:" command, is: is: said) found: in: a: of the: searches later: to: discovery : of the: bodies
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
11 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
24_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: Julie and Melissa, in the: house: of: Bernard Weinstein, Dutroux buried alive by the same: in: this Letter: signed: "Anubis", asked: to: Weinstein of " Do not forget: of: to remind that: the: great: party: approaches: and: we wait for the gift: the: great: the priestess. " Evidently: Weinstein was: "remember", the: a promise: to: Dutroux: in: more: is been: found, too, a strange document, the: who, it was: this: the: of necessity: find: first: can "eight victims from: one to 33 years."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
11 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
non lo hai dimostrato... ma, tu il cervello ce lo hai solo per cacare
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
25_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "Anubis" is, in the world, Francis Desmedt that: is: also: "grand master" of the: so-called "vieille: religion," a: sort: of: Association: International: of: Witches: and: the: great: priestess has: also: she also name? Sure, it's called: Dominique: Nephtys, also: she also: piece: Ninety: of the "church: Belgian of Satan." Who: are: the other members of: this "church satanic", remained secret?: And: on: what protection they could count on?
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Certo che é vero quello che dico. Teologo sfraganato.
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
26_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the: our: society Satanism: is: an: rampant danger: of: where often not: if: it: he speaks: enough, or: you do it: in the: wrong way. The worshipers of the: devil are: in: increased also: to Rome. The newspaper "Future" of the: 5 September 1996, writes: "Another: sect: satanic is: was: discovery, to Rome. Tremila: followers, 5000000 for: register...". The fact that: more: "leaves: surprised - they said, the investigators -: is: the apparent insospettabilità, of: many: of the: people:
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
27_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. investigated...". It: is: also: learned that "it seems, that: the: congregation counted: also, your membership: of: the famous names: showbiz...": in: Inghiltera: disappear every year , about: a hundred thousand young people. Scotland Yar ***. D. to London, must: deal, every day of the: disappearance: of: over 2500 teenagers. I: more: are tracked, of, some not: if: I: will: more: nothing. Journalist: Alfio Bernabei reports: other terrible things that happened to London:
12 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
28_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "Meat of: children: and: of: human fetuses: are: state: eat: from: men: and: women: that: they took part: to: cannibalistic rituals: in England: in: recent years: in the: picture of: an: left of revival: ceremonies satanic. Some children are: been: sacrifice: on the altars: after: he had been tortured: and: abuse: Sexual... "(" The Unit ", August 9, 1990). Sounds like: a humanity gone mad. In the United States these horrors are: more: more: frequent. is: Modesto, "the: city: California: holds:
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
29_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the national record: Use: of: who disappears: in the: nothing." "Do not: is: not clear why, but: this handkerchief of California: to: east of San Francisco, holds: for the record: the: more: high number of: people: disappeared: in the: nothing in: America. I missing all'appel'o: are: 1,500, only in the last six months. phenomenon is: really worrying enormous: in the United States each year is: out: a: list: of: about: 100 thousand: names "(" Diary: of the: week, "17. From: Wednesday, April 28:
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
30_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. to: Tuesday, May 4, 1999). The investigators, at least for, some of: these cases, they point their finger on the: variegated world: and: mysterious of the: sects: satanic. This: is: also: the thought of Fay Yager, director: the "Centre for: the: defense of the: children" (Children of the: Underground). The journalist Giorgio Medail, in the: Broadcaster: TV: "Arcana" Transmitted on: Channel: 5 (1989) stated, that: the United States, according to reliable sources,
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
31_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. are killed each year in the: of course: ritual Satanic: 50,000 people, for: the: more: young. Ted Gunderson, former director: FBI of Los Angeles, that: has: spent many years: to investigate: the links: between: the: disappearances of the: children: and: the satanic rituals, he said: in: a : bet: of the: transmission: "Arcana", that: the: victims are tortured: and: then killed. Gunderson: between: the other, said: "During: the: my: investigation, I discovered that: there are organizations that:
13 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
32_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. kidnap children for: then use them for: human sacrifices in: Festivals: satanic. These facts involve, to: more : high level politicians, lawyers, judges, people: of: power... Yes, these satanic groups: are: undoubtedly: involved in the: traffic of drugs, in the: prostitution of children, in the: pornography: and: in the: production: of: "snuff-films"... I have collected evidence: of: children: eight, nine, years. had designed things: horrible: people, fire, an: child in the fire,
14 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
è vero: quello che: tu dici, ma, nel concedere la nascita, su questo: pianeta decaduto, Dio ha concesso: i tempi supplementari, anche a quell'anima, ora, Dio, non può fallire, nel suo dare: la sua promessa/ parola, LUI non può promettere: a qualcuno, una seconda possibilità, e poi, negarla, per un incidente di percorso, semplicemente, perché, LUI finirebbe di essere: Dio ONNIPOTENTE.... e noi sappiamo che la reincarnazione, non è compatibile con il monoteismo
16 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Il battesimo é assolutamente necessario per eliminare il peccato originale. Quindi senza battesimo si resta colpevoli.
17 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
33_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. fetishes, satanic , children tortured. as: can an: child imagine things like if: not: the: has: experienced? "(John Caporaso: and: M. Cocozza: Lubisco, Children's. market: of the: horrors in "Incidents", July 17, 1991). The reason for these horrendous crimes, in the: vast: majority: of the: cases go unpunished: and: you: slightly to a level of: investigations would be, because, again: according to Gunderson, that: missing: the: political will. The: read: not: is: severe,
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
34_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. because these groups have high-level protection. In the uS: the "discusses: on: two: scandals: prostitution child: drug parties with: the: participation: of: children and killings: in: direct: for: to produce: snuff-films, that: involved politicians... very close to: Home: White. intelligence services, that: depend directly: President: are: covering up the speakers: surveys,: victims are: finite: in: prison: and: the witnesses are : gone: and: dead: in: freak accidents or suicides
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Ma uno che non é battezzato non é innocente. È colpevole del peccato originale. Quindi tutti al momento del concepimento sono automaticamente colpevoli del peccato originale.
18 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
35_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "(John Caporaso: and: M. Cocozza: Lubisco, Children's. market: of the: horrors, cit.). Journalist: Paul Rodriguez of the "Washington Times": after: a: long: and: delicate investigation: he said: "I was able to: try: that: people linked to: Home: White: and: services ran a : network: of: boys: life, I found many documents that: prove the involvement of Craig Spence: - probable former agent: of the: CIA linked to the environment: of the: services: of the: Home: White , former Director:
36_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Staff of: George Bush: and: Figure: key: in the Iran-Contra scandal - the organization: of: gay party: and: of: pedophiles. From: tests: emerge: the name: of: an: Another deputy, Barry Franks. We have worked: in: four for: over: an: years: and: the: information: are: chilling. FBI: is been: ousted from: surveys: and: of the : If you: are: employed intelligence that: depend directly: by: Home: White: and: everything: is: very strange.
37_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. La: network: criminal: he: link is: with: Republican leaders that: Democrats: and: extended: from New York to: Pennsylvania, from Nebraska to California. Recruitment: of the: boys happened: in: many ways, some were kidnapped for: street: and: then held: in: farms: details. is a business imposing, take children escaped of: home, in schools of: adoption, camps... "(John Caporaso: and: M. Cocozza: Lubisco, Children's. market: of the: horrors cit.):
38_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. after some articles Rodriguez dropped mysteriously investigation. The: cruelty against children: is: an: impressive business. There is even an: market of "pieces of: spare" human. Are sent to potential customers true: and: their catalogs of organs, that: should be used: or: as: human fetishes for: satanic rituals or: in: other cases, for: support: international traffic: clandestine of the: transplants. "Hundreds: of: juvenile males: and: females, disappear every year.
39_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Many end up abroad, in the: market: of the: illegal adoptions. Many end up in the: circuit: of the: pedophilia: and: of the : pornography, "(" Seen ", 11.08.1996). So: has: denounced: Parliamentary Rosario Godoy de: Osejo, founder: of: an "Committee for: missing children": and: continues: "I suspect that: the: right: of the: death: can : be: the taking of: young: and: healthy organs from: sell: in rich countries. if: the: things are so: is: easy to understand:
40_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. that: the end: are these children: time: 'exported' ". Facts hallucinating. an: Well of: horrors that: it seems: not: have: never end. "Also: Baby Doc, the former dictator of Haiti, it would be: rich, trading fresh cadavers: and: frozen bodies. Those that: receiving, by the organs: transplants: were clinical: U.S.: and: American university institutes or: of: research. (...). also: in: Guatemala: it: is been: an: trafficking of babies, sold to USa: for: transplants
41_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. ("Courier: of the Ticino", 6 marzo1987. "People", 20 marzo1987) while: what happened: in: Honduras: is been: confirmed by: agencies: of: Printing: (Agencies: ATS, ANSA, APP: and: "Courier: of the Ticino", January 5 1987): in: Colombia: children, are kidnapped while: playing on the: road taken: in: laboratories where: they are uprooted eyes: and: then placed back: in: freedom: after: appropriate: dressing: (Agency : AGI-EFE, June 1987): in: a: colony: German: of the: Chile: some:
21 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
42_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. medical experimentation, especially genetic manipulation, would be carried out: on: children: and: teenagers... ("Libération", 7 December: 1987) ", (Schar Milly-Manzoli Manual: of: defense, immunological, Meb, Padua 1988). Who investigates dies. in the: in May 1996, the journalist: French: Xavier de Gautier, "Le Figaro" is: found hanged at: Balearic Islands, in the: his: Location: summer. A: death, wrapped: in: more: mystery. The Spanish investigators, then, speak of: suicide.
21 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
43_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Gautier, first: of: Starting: for: the: holidays, had: worked for a: long: inquiry: on: n: of alleged trafficking, organs from Bosnia, a: note: clinical, Italy: of the: north.. ***. D. The former Minister for: the: Family: Antonio Guidi had: warned: "The phenomenon is: World. Ma: Italy, as it was: and: is: an: place of: passage: of the : drugs, now: is: an: point: of: transit: to children: risk... They come from countries: in: war: Europe, by: the poor of Africa.
21 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
vai a fare in culo, tu e il tuo dio... che, punisce persone innocenti, perché, in mezzo ai bambini abortiti, non c'eri anche tu?
22 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Tu invece sei diretto nelle fiamme infernali dove c'é pena eterna.
22 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
44_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Several of: them - who can : identify the number? -: are: intended to be meat: of: Subject: for: the rich. deposits of small, organs: for: the children of: who: has: money. " On.Guidi: to: demand, if: some of: these children were maimed for: subsequent transplants: in: Italy, had: said: "In Italy, no. Is: impossible. But, through it, the: our: land , as: migratory birds, whose fate is: of: be: cast down "(" Il Giornale ", 4 September 1995). And yet: Italy, writes: Giangiacomo Foà:
22 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
nel limbo non c'é pena in quanto non ci sono fiamme. ma non c'é nemmeno premio. C'é una eterna separazione da Dio.
23 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
45_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. is: was, reported: "authoritative: daily, La: Nacion of Buenos Aires, that: in: also: Article of: ground becomes: echo: of the: accusations of: Don Paul Baurell, professor of: Theology: University of San Paolo: and: of the: complaints: made: August 1, 1991, to: Geneva: by: René Bridel, represented in: United Nations Association: international jurists for: the: defense of the: democracy. (...). Article of: bottom of: the: Nation: has: echoed, or: Globo of Rio, That : it defines as
23 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
46_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "the largest importers of: Brazilian children." correspondent: of: or: Globe to: Rome says: "Italy: is: the: more: IMPORTANT: buyer: of: children...". (....) also: in: Peru: Printing: accuses us. From: The Daily months: Republic: of: Lima complaint with: name: and: surname, Italian spouses that: are: arrived: in: Peru for: buy: Children of: a few months ago: of: a few years. Lately we "imported", 1,500 young Peruvians, many: of the: which - according to the: print: of: Lima
23 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
47_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. - were later murdered for: Removal: their organs for: transplants "(" Courier: of the: Sera ", September 7, 1991). What: of the: children abducted, enslaved, raped, forced to: prostitution, sacrificed to Satan, or: killed for: grub: their organs: is: an: horror on: scale planetary. And yet: it continues to: Do a little or-nothing. Newspapers: and: television: not by reporting the problem: in: all: the: its: real gravity. Ne speak little: and: evil, of: long: in: then.
24 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
48_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. The dangers for: the very young, as: is: is: visa, by: more: fronts, not: last: is: the: fact: that: on the: planet, always increase: of: more: the: sects : engaged: the cult of the: devil. Guidi was the same: warning: "To: thresholds of the: 2000 is: even: recording an: increase of: rites 'religious', I recommend the: quote, that: provide also: human sacrifice of: children" ("Italy:" Weekly, 15 September 1995). Joseph Cosco.. linus.tre @ iol.it [entries from: Street:]
24 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
quindi soffrono, comunque, poveri innocenti, senza loro responsabilità! ecco perché, il tuo dio, è un doppio pezzo di merda! e nel giorno del giudizio universale, loro dove vanno?
25 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Catechismo Maggiore del 1905: "«I bambini morti senza Battesimo vanno al Limbo, dove non è premio soprannaturale né pena; perché, avendo il peccato originale, e quello solo, non meritano il Paradiso, ma neppure l'Inferno e il Purgatorio»."
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
infatti un feto non puó essere cattolico. i bambini abortiti o quelli non battezzati che muoiono prima dell'etá della ragione vanno nel limbo che é una parte di inferno senza fiamme. Adesso la pianti, testa di lucertola ?
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
50_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the: Social: is been: one of: more: prolific and passionate, truth-seeker Italian: of the: 'old woman guard.' Lent advice, at: proxy: of the Republic: of: Catanzaro: and: directed: the: local sections of the IIP (Institute of Psychological Investigations): and: of the: SIPS (International Society: of the: Psychology: of the: Scripture). He worked also with: numerous: magazines specialized in the: field of the: paranormal. as: befits: to: any occultist, his work was the subject of:
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
51_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. critical: to: because: skepticism, relieved from his studies: in: the theme of: conspiracy, satanism, secret societies: and: mysterious phenomena. The: his: work: of: search: and: complaint, went up: in 2002, when to: just 52: years, was suddenly struck down by: an: 'illness' withering. Offer of: Following an: Extract from: a: interesting interview, to: whether prophecy, that: Cosco released: in the: year 2000 to: magazine: the Third Millennium.
26 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
52_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Lorenzo Baldo. ***. D. Such are: state: the: reasons that: they thrust: to: write: Politics, Magic: and: Satanism? ***. R. The "magic" is: more: of: as you might think: this: in the: our modern world. The examples are: a lot. Papandreou: consulted astrologers for: choose: the: date: of the: elections in Greece, it: has: The stated: Economist of the: 27 April 1985. The shaman: Zhuge: Xihan: has: taken care of Deng Xiaoping: in: Israel: VIPs: of the: policy: between: these there: are: Sonia: Peres:
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
53_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: Lea Rabin, rely on Kabbalist: Yitzhak Kaduri. Bill Clinton has: told of: having contact with: the spirit of Elvis Presley. The week: Megapolis-Express: has: told that: Boris Yeltsin: is: served: more: times: of: a sorcerer: camouflaged by: Deputy able: -: between: the other - of: check: mentally: the parliamentary colleagues. Would be: was he to: prevent: a: opposition decisive of the: Parliament to Russian intervention: in: Chechnya. The sorcerer of the President: Yeltsin: is: -
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
54_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. according to: Magazine: -: in: capable of: cause: the: death of the: sue: victims. He has: in: quality of: psychic, a: long: collaboration: with: the KGB. I will stop here but: the examples are: again many. One can well understand: that: the union: between: politics: and: some "esoteric", some: of the: which trespass: in: territories hell: is: a lot: more: frequent: of: what you thought. To: light: of: this: is: very significant as the British Minister Benjamin Disraeli had: to say:
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
55_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "The world is: ruled by: completely different characters that: even: imagine those whose eye not: reach: behind the: scenes. " The: of the reasons: my book Politics, Magic: and: Satanism: are: state: dictated: the: purpose: of: Main: particular aspects of: these disturbing scenarios for: make it clear: the: people: some: complex : and: really amazing hidden: behind an: false: and: Apparent secular world, dominated by: economy: and: technique: where: (always seemingly) everything
27 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
56_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. that: is: called "religion" or "magic" not: it seems: to be: relevant: in the: drive: the: action: policy: and: instead of: not: is: so. ***. D. From: where has: drew all: the: info? ***. R. This type of: survey: is: very dangerous and need to: move with: big: prudence. Many: the information: I have collected: from the works of: other scholars of: This particular: field: as: Anthony Sutton, Maurizio Blondet, Gianni Vannoni, Serge: Hutin, Epiphanius, Carlo Palermo, Riccardo Cascioli, etc..
28 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
come fa: un bambino: di pochi mesi , o: di poche settimane, o: al settimo mese: nella pancia della sua madre: ad essere un cattolico? quindi, il tuo dio è un pezzo di merda!
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
57_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. More: news: the:'ve had: from: A lot of experts meander of: which, as: could very well understand, not: I can make: the names. ***. D. The members of the: CFR: are: all Americans? ***. R. First of all it should be: remember: that: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was founded in the: 1921. Great: interest is: know: that: the Rockefellers do: were the main contributors, and the: 1922, according to Blondet, gave "100 000: dollars, on 650 000: of the: budget visible of the : CFR.
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
se non era cattolico andrá all'inferno come gli ebrei che sono stati uccisi dai nazisti.
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
58_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. " Here, again: according to Blondet, a: part: of the: list: of the: lenders: "American Express, American Security Bank, Archer Daniel Midland Foundation, Cargill Inc., Chase Manhattan Bank, Coca: Cola: C., Coopers & Lybrand, Elf Aquitane, Exxon Corp., Finmeccanica SpA, General Electric Foundation, General Motors Corp., Hill & Knowlton, ITT Corp., Johnson & Johnson, Levi Strauss Fdt., Manufacturers Hanover Trust, McKinsey, Mobil, Pepsi Co, RJR Nabisco, Salomon Inc., Shearson Lehman Brothers,
29 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
59_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Smithkline: Beecham Corp., Volvo USA, Young & Rubicam. " of the: CFR would: part: also: President: of the United States Clinton: and: many of his colleagues, together with some: of the: personality: more: in: view: environment: of the: average : to: worldwide. is: incredible: the large number of: important political personalities: to: international: that: would be involved. ***. D. The "economic control": is: only the United States or: also: on, other: nations?
30 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
dottrinaFALLinShit-- il figlio: innocente, di una ragazza satanista, finito, sull'altare di satana, la sua anima, dove andrà? quale sarà, la sua sorte, nel giorno del giudizio, se, lui non ha mai potuto conoscere, la tua DOTTRINA?
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
60_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. ***. R. The CFR, as: I said is: funded by: secret fraternity, Banking: International: and: is: essentially: an: organism that: has: as: the primary purpose of: reach: to: control: by: the: finance: the: economy: and: the: policy: all countries of the: world. In this regard: is: interesting: remember: what he wrote: Paul Scott, chronicler of the Washington Post, about an: known politician member of the: CFR: "Kissinger believes: that: controlling the foods you can: control: people:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
61_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: controlling: energy - oil - you can control: the: nations: and: their financial systems. believes: that: putting food: and: oil under an: international control: and: establishing an: new order: money is: can: that: an: world government, at least at the beginning under: aegis: of the United Nations, to become one: reality... " We: are: in the: society: "oligarchic circles", ie international groups of: power: very narrow, that: controlling: production: industrial: and: the: finance:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
62_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. can effectively: condition: in: significantly: strategies: and: choices: of the: large parties of: mass and direct: the evolution of: ideologies: or: doctrines policies. ***. D. The: Nature: humanitarian, moral and: spiritual: of the: United Nations: is: was "cleared" by the CFR for: have: power: economic: on: all: how many: the: nations? ***. R. on the: question: CFR: and: the UN will answer by quoting Carroll Quigley, professor of: History: of: Princeton, of Harvard: and:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
63_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the professor: University of Georgetown that: in the: Tragedy and Hope: reveals the program: of: a: powerful lobby secret substantial: between: the other, in: "... create: an: system: international financial of: check for: dominate: the system: political of: each country: and: the economy of the: in the world: as a whole. " Quigley writes again: "... the CFR: has: vigorously: leaning to debut with: all: the: its: power: economic: and: Strategy: the: Constitution: UN considered: as: a: step:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
64_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. more : to the: creation: of the: world government... "***. D. Union policy-masonry-mafia only: hypothesis? The: sue: research: to: subject. ***. R. Many authors: between: that the former magistrate Carlo Palermo, have explored this complex problem for the disturbances of plots: interest that: not: of: rarely have seen united mafia, masonry, fundamentalism, cross-national powers: and: International. Palermo in the: his book The Fourth Level: has: widely documented: disturbing plots:
32 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
65_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. between: Freemasonry: international oligarchy banking services of: intelligence, mafias: and: political, all together: in: also: dark design. This: is: the fourth level: on: which investigated: also: Judge Falcone: and: that: have: inspired: her: same: death, that: of the: links: Purse: and: even, according to the 'former magistrate, also: the attacks to John Paul II. is: to observe, moreover, that: the: Freemasonry, that: has: but had important merits in the: his: history:
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
66_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. for: common principles which have: that of: brotherhood has: - in the last war: - always taken an interest: of: more: to acquire: certain: positions of: power. Powers transverse cause unimaginable developments: and: of: complex reading that: above: to include: heavy games: on: international theaters of war, seem to coalesce in the: chaotic situation: politics: Italian. Is: useful to: remember this regard: the: harsh statements, alarming and enigmatic: the "heretic" Grand Master
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
67_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of Bernardo, March 27 of the: 1992 in the: of course: a: Conference: press: " strange events are occurring: observe, the: consequences. I'm looking of: trace: at: Causes. In Eastern Europe: is: in: an act: destabilizing project: there: is: someone that: has: interest to: create: tensions. ": And: more: forward said:" We: are: sorcerer's apprentice: in: action. The: situation could: dash: and: be: harmful: for: all. "Can be drawn: the interesting conclusions: light:
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
68_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: certain events occurred: in: below. *****. D. for: what reasons believes: that: the world of the: Finance: International: not: is: immune: from: action: of the: forces: occult? ***. R. Vi is: an: singular design that: figure : on the: back: of the: American tickets from: an: dollar. Is: called "The: Great Seals": and: shall consist of: a: pyramid, truncated on the: which vertex figure: an: triangle, with: in an: eye. All around you: is: read "Annuit COEPTIS" and "Novus Ordo Seclorum."
33 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
69_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. 72, bricks laid: on: 13, the livelli.formano: Pyramid. "is the symbol : of the: Illuminati, printed on banknotes: from: an: dollar for: order: of the: President Roosevelt, a Freemason: of the: 32nd degree. "He writes: Barry ***. R. Smith to: p. 83 in the: his book Warning (Wright and Carman Ltd, New: Zealand). La: inscription: "The: Great Seal" (The Great: Seal) not: it is: sure to: indicate: that, whether it be of the: symbol of America: that: as: we know: is: represented by the eagle.
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
70_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. The order: of the: Illuminati (Illuminaten Orden) was founded by Prince Jean Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) on 1 May of the: 1776 at the age of 28 years old. The: Joined under: pyramid: "Novus ordum seclorum" in fact means "New Order: World." The: Date: MDCCLXXVI (1776) inscribed: to: base: of the: pyramid: is: year: in: Jean Adam Weishaupt founded the Order: of the: Illuminati. of the: because: note: American: both: so filled: of: esoteric symbolism: is: Simply said: the use of the: power: financial
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
71_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. for: the: creation: of the: great: plot: is: one : of the: methods used by the Illuminati. Implementation: of the: program: for: install: an: "New Order: World" is divided: in: more: strategies: for: to create: the: great: Utopia: of the: Imperium Romanum. not: is: political fiction: or: conspiracy. Far from it. Reporters, that: asked to: Left thing: there was: behind: Italian massacres, he replied: "I do not exclude an: role: of the: finance: international." Strategies: occult:
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
72_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of the: secret fraternity banking: international. David Rockefeller in the: conviction of: speak to: ears: trust in the: 1991: has: stated that: "a: conspiracy exists: from: forty: years", that: it: has: the purpose of : building: in the: secret "world government" and "the: national sovereignty" of the: bankers that: the enemy of the: conspirators: is: "the: self-determination: national." On February 17 of the: 1950 the banker James Warburg to: Commission of the Foreign: Senate was, was all too clear
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
73_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. by stating: "Che: you like: or: no, we have an: world government, or: with consent or: with: the: strength. " ***. D. What: is: for: She 'the great: plot "that: may cause: chaos: on: the entire planet?. ***. R. not: it was an: event that: the: before: Common: of Paris, that: of the: August 10, 1792, enclosed: Louis Capet: and: the: his: family: in the: tower of the Temple. Louis XVI was, the last ruler: of the: Dynasty: of the: Capet: and: of: consequence: the successor of: Philip the Fair that
34 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
74_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. : with: the: complicity of the: Pope Clement IV, destroyed : Order: of the: Knights Templar. The tragic fire was raised: in: a: island: of the: Seine to Paris, the 18th of March of the year 1314. Through: the: Revolution: French were vindicated the temple: and: de: Molay. The Grand Master of the Order was burned on the: fire. The Templars: between: the other fed the Great: Secret of Drawing: merge: the Western world turned upside down: the: rules: traditional: and: re: totally:
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
75_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: structures of the: society. The spirit of the Order, however, remained. The Illuminati of: Weishaupt were the successors: of the: drawings Templar: and: for: reach: their purposes infiltrated the: Freemasonry. This filiation: Templar: the: Masonic attest different systems: between: the one told of the: Narrow: Compliance: Templar: organized: in Germany, in the: 1756, by Baron: of: Hun ***. D. Also: the system: Masonic said of the "Scottish Rite: Adjusted"
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
76_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. contains: echoes of: Templars. The Illuminati were accused of: being: the supporters of: an: great: universal plot: against: monarchies: and: the: Chiesa. the Order: of the Temple: is: then: secretly survived his tragic dissolution : and: the design of: destroy: Gradually, the power: state, the: hierarchies: social: and: of: to create: an: Government: on: scale world: has: also: it: of the: followers. The: Utopia: of the: Government of the: World together:
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
77_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the dark side of the: Esoteric cross without: posing: Europe, will street for ever: and: come up in our day with: an: fury unheard of. Ted Gunderson, a former FBI official of Los Angeles has: stated in the: transmission: tv Arcana: (1989), Transmitted on: Channel: 5, the journalist Giorgio Medail, that: the Illuminati "are to : an international level: in: around the world, but: are: present especially here in the United States. Here: us there: is: a: network: satanic in all the land.
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
non ha finito...
35 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
78_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. "Jean Baylot: in: La: voie: substituée, recherche: sur la: déviation of: the: Franc-Maçonnerie: en France: et en Europe: considered the: sect: of the: Illuminati as: the: more: dangerous deviation: of the: Freemasonry: initiation. ***. D. What: includes: the secret report from Iron Mountain, on the: necessity of the: wars? ***. R. is: a chilling document, that: would be: the result of: two: years: of: work, from: an: a mysterious group of: study: in: it calls for: in: a doomsday scenario
36 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
79_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: Orwellian: memory, an: social control: with: advanced: technology: from: Thought Police, exploitation: of the: mass media, for: reach: to: plan: a: Series: of: appalling threats. The group of 15 experts that: he: wrote the report would: meeting between: 1963,: and: 1966. is: important to emphasize, to: support: of the: accuracy of: the: document, that: July 10th, 1966 was published: a: analysis from the "Center of Washington for: the: search: of: Politics: Foreign ": and: intended:
36 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
bestia! il sangue di questi bambini innocenti, vittime dei satanisti, ora, ricadrà contro di te!
39 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
hai finito di scrivere cazzate ?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
42 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
80_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. to:" Organization: for: Control: of the: Armament: and: for: Disarmament. "Well, it was stated: that means the plan of: disarmament proposed by President Johnson had: dangerous because instead: of: bring: peace, would: have destabilized: the world balance. After the inevitable scandal that: aroused: Posted: of the "Report from Iron Mountain" was definitely: Denied by: government bodies that: the study of the "Center of Washington for: the: Search: of: Politics: Foreign Policy "could:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
42 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
81_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. be state as: origin: of the: Report. It is said that: the document was prepared for: an: not: clearly specified governmental committee at the highest level, by: an equally special: Group of: Studio. The: conclusions which would be: come: the: Commission: of: Iron Mountain are: scary. Experts even say: that: the: war is: functional also: as: "stabilizer: generational" in: how much, what that: follows: is: by: raising: hair: "... the: war : to: the: old: generations (...) of:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
42 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
82_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. keep: its control over: generations: more: young people, if: must destroy them. "in the: his: conclusion: the report goes: to: look: substitutes : war: the: case improbable, but: not: impossible, would "explode: la: peace." Le: solutions that: offers: are: truly terrifying. It read that: "find: an: effective : substitute political: of the: war are: necessary 'enemies alternative', for: example: Contamination: massive: the environment: natural: it could: in: the future replace:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
83_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: option: of the: destruction: in: mass through: nuclear weapons... "More possible replacements suggested by the document:" A program of: gigantic proportions: of: searches: space, aimed to: unattainable goals. (...) A: Police: international practice: Almighty. A: Threat: extraterrestrial officially: announced: and: recognized. (...). A: shape: modern: and: advanced: of: slavery. (...) Any comment: is: superfluous. These: are: very few: citations of: what that: in the:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
84_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. his: bureaucratic cruelty, says: The Secret Report from Iron Mountain. ***. D. Because it considers: true: the: possibility that: the: CIA controls the Internet?: And: what: it means "control: of the: masses"? ***. R. Web Review, a: magazine: twice a week: online: has: revealed on September 26: 1995 that: NSI: is: was: purchased: in the: May '95 from: Scientific Applications International Corporations (SAIC) of San Diego , CA. The: magazine: fa: names: of the: members of the Board
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
85_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of Directors: of the: SAIC: between: these figure: "Admiral Bobby Inman, former head: of the: NSA (National Security Agency): and: Vice: Director: of the: CIA. "This DOMINT: of the: NSA" - read by: quoted: Magazine: - "has the: capacity of: lead: of operations: covert psychological control, (...) controls : all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S., (...) provides: of: equipment: that: to analyze: distance: the electrical activity: in humans, (...) La: NSA: Records: and: Decoding: maps:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
86_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of the: individual brain (ie: to: hundreds: of: thousands: of: people), (...) Speeches, sound: 3D: and: audio subliminal can be: sent to: bark: hard of hearing: of the: of the brain: the subject (...): and: the images: bark: visual: the RNM can alter: the: perceptions, moods and motor control. "***. Q. What: is: the power: effective: of the: mass media? ***. R. is been: shown that: suicide, murder: and: fatalities of: auto or: aircraft reported: in: first: Page: and: are highly publicized
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
43 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
87_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. increase : considerably: after: the: their publication, similar events. This: Report: emerge: also: by: a study of the: sociologist prof. Riaz Hassan: of the: University of: Flienders (Australia). Researcher: has: analyzed about: 20 000: cases of: suicide occurred: between: 1981,: and: 1990. The result is been: amazing: the: average: everyday of the suicides salt: of: about: 10 for: one hundred in two: days of: appearance: of the: news of suicides in major newspapers.,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
44 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
88_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: not: there: is: not: from: wonder too. Others works confirm this. is: well-known fact: between: professionals (advertising, social psychologists, etc..), that: the evocative language: has: an: great: power: pushing: to: new behaviors. Skepticism of: a few: naive reader: on the: strength: picturesque: of: this: strategy persuasive: is: to put: hard: try: from: formulation, by: part: of the: sociologist David Phillips, the "Werther Effect" (1974, 1979, 1980).'s book The of the pain:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
44 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
89_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Young Werther of Goethe: in: which tells: the suicide of the: young: star: after: a: disappointment sentimental collected: an: great: success: and: the: his: disclosure: was followed: as: an: incredible number of suicides: in: all: Europe. David Phillips has: also: showed that: the "Werther effect" works: also: for: the crimes, aviation accidents: and: of: other vehicles. Vi is: also: a: relationship: between the number of: day: in: where: news: of: an: suicide appears: in the newspapers:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
48 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
90_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: the: Dissemination of ' imitation of the: gesture narrated. But: there: is: also: the 'other: stress.'s: news: gore: that: the mass media: every day we served up result in: persons: a state of: continuous discomfort , of: fear: of: all, of: mistrust: total: against: of the: other. Maybe: fa: convenient to: someone hold: the country: in: continues apprehension: and: if: all that constitutes: an: elaborate design by: forces: occult: of: power, that: have interest to: create: new
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
48 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
91_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. scenarios: and: apocalyptic, for: cause: certain changes to: them more: welcome? We would: in: this case, to: be: vulnerable targets: in: half to: a: thin: war: psychological: in: this case would include: better what that: you want: building: in the: people, scagliandole: against: mass: of: news: brutal, devastating: and: brutal, fear, despair, great: insecurity: and: of: result: a: feeling: of: be: completely: helpless that: produces: vulnerability. This: is: the purpose: of the: war:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
48 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
92_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. psychological active. guide is: the direction of the: people: towards planned objectives. in the: mind: of the: people: creating of ways: be: and: behavior different from the previous ones. process : is: thin: and: sneaky. Conditioning progressive one: time: made, can be: used: in: a number of ways: for: subject, cancel: any reactivity critical crack: the: trust: of the: city in respect of: any security acquired, emptying it of: courage: and: determination, block: or: limit: the unpredictability
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
93_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: what that: not: is: predictable in the individual: and: by: of: follow-up to : edit: the: scale of the: values, riadattarla: for an: a different way of: conceive: the: fact: and: the: life. This serves: to: create: emotions or: to: prohibit it, distract, direct them: in: conclusion, to: control: the: opinion: public opinion. e: so shall be adopted: techniques: always: more: sophisticated: and effective for: creep into the: intimacy: of the: mind: human: and: manipulate , directing:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
94_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: will,: choices, personal ideals: and: collective up to: edit: thought: of the: people. Giova: remember: what did: to: declare: Kenneth Bouldin, professor: to: University of the Michigan: "Today you can perfectly: to conceive: an: world dominated by: a: dictatorship invisible in the: which, however, were: retained: the: forms of the exterior: democratic government." ***. Q. Is there: a: 'lobby satanic' at the top of the: power? ***. R. The journalist Maurizio Blondet, in the: of course:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
95_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. a: interview: (on Theology: of: September / October 1996), he said: "Some people practice strange rituals: on an island: close to: Washington are: of characters: high level, come together: in: of nights: moon: full: and: celebrate : of the: very special rites. Of course nobody wants: to investigate: on: this is because: of: people, very powerful are: things: that: you whisper. In the same way: in: certain "entourage" of politicians: a high level it is said, very quietly, that:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
49 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
96_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. being raped: of the: children. All this happens: in: also: background ritual: of: magic: black. not: are: persons: common that: are these: things, it: of: people: that: it covers: high: charged, officials of the: Pentagon, etc.. "In England disappear every year, about a hundred thousand: young people. Scotland Yard to London: to: deal with every day: of the: disappearance: of: over 2500 teenage ***. A.: more: are tracked, of, some not: if: I: will: more : nothing. In the United States,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
97_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. these horrors are: more: more: frequent. Investigators, at least for, some of: these cases, pointing the finger on the: variegated world: and: mysterious of the: seven: satanic. This: is: also: the thought of Fay Yager, director: the "Centre for: the: defense of the: children" (Children of the: Underground). Journalist: Giorgio Medail, in the: transmission: television : Arcane Transmitted on: Channel: 5 (1989) stated, that: According to reliable sources in the United States
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
98_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. each year are killed: in the: of course: Satanic rites 50,000 people for: the: more: young. Ted Gunderson, former Director: FBI of Los Angeles, that: has: spent many years: to investigate: the links: between: the: disappearances of the: children: and: the satanic rituals, he said: in: a: episode: of the: transmission: Arcana, that: the: victims are tortured: and: then killed. Gunderson: between: other: has: fact: of the: fatal: complaints. says: "During: the: my: survey I discovered that:
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Lol. Sfraganato.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
dottrina -- non difendere i satanisti --- vattene
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
99_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. there are organizations that: kidnap children for: then use them for: human sacrifices in: Festivals: satanic. These facts involve, to: more: highest political level, attorneys, judges, people: of: power... Yes, these satanic groups: are: doubt: involved in the: traffic of drugs, in the: prostitution of children, in the: pornography: and: in the: production: of: "snuff-movie"... I have collected evidence: of: children: eight, nine, years. Had drawn things: horrible: an: child
50 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Papa Eugenio IV, Concilio di Firenze: "Nessuno per quante elemosine abbia potuto fare, e perfino se avesse versato il sangue per il nome di Cristo si puó salvare, qualora non rimanga nel seno e nell'unitá della chiesa cattolica.""
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
51 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
100_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the fire, fetishes, satanic, children tortured. as: can an: child imagine things like if: not: the: has: experienced? ". yet: you continue: to: do little or: nothing. Newspapers: and: television: not by reporting the problem: : all: the: its: real gravity. Ne speak little: and: evil, of: long: in: then. Dangers for: the very young, as: is: is: visa, by: more: fronts, not: last: is: the: fact: that: on the: planet, always increase: of: more: the: seven: engaged: the cult of the: devil.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
51 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
101_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Guidi had the same ex-minister: warning: "To: thresholds of the: 2000 is: even: recording an: increase of: rites 'religious', I recommend the: quote, that: provide also: human sacrifice of: children. "Source: Interview: nwo. it / interview... Since html: on: / / antibodies . info /
51 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Papa Gregorio XVI, Summo Iugiter: "Anche Sant'Agostino e gli altri Vescovi dell'Africa, riuniti nel Concilio di Cirta (Costantina) nel 412, davano al riguardo ampie spiegazioni: "Chiunque si sarà separato da questa Chiesa cattolica, pur ritenendo di vivere in modo irreprensibile, per questa sola colpa di essere separato dalla comunione con Cristo non avrà la vita, ma lo sdegno di Dio incombe su di lui"."
52 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
Papa San Pio X, Editae Saepe: "Onde segue che gli atti provenienti dalla sola onestà naturale, non sono altro che simulacri di virtù né durevoli in sé, né sufficienti alla salute."
53 Unius REI, king of Israel. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! vota Magdi Allam.
La sola onestá naturale non é sufficiente per conseguire la salvezza.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
poiché, tu non riconosci, il fondamento, della legge naturale? allora, non sei più degno di vivere
1 ora fa
In Deuteronomio 13 (come in 1° Re 11) viene condannata la "libertá religiosa" come apostasia da Dio indipendentemente da chi la istiga (falso profeta, parente o chicchessia). Il tuo analfabetsimo ? È un tuo problema.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
lol. condannato! v
1 ora fa
Tu non sei ministro di Dio. Tu sei un ministro delle tenebre, un propinatore di falsitá demoniache professate dalla massoneria internazionale da 150 anni a questa parte.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
nessuno dovrebbe pensare che, la mia mente umana, ecc.. potrebbe sostenere: tutto questo lavoro, o combattimento soprannaturale, ecc.. ... perché, è impossibile, per qualsiasi, uomo, di sostenere questo, mio ministero! io sono la dimostrazione vivente, della potenza di Dio... perché, questo è un ministero divino, e, quindi, la sua potenza, non è qualcosa: che: può nascere da una povera creatura come me.. ecco perché, la vita dei miei nemici? è in serio pericolo
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
CustodeDellaFede---ie, CustodeDellaBestialità, religious maniac: Criminal - about: Deuteronomy 13, 2-6: - I never said to be: a prophet, but, on the contrary, I have always said to be a universal political, from the Kingdom of God, impartial, and above, against: all partisanship, but I'm dispobile: to do this challenge deadly against you, against the Pharisees, and against, the salfiti, that is, if I do not come recognized as a minister of God, according to the universal law of nature? I agree I die, but if I am recognized as a minister of God, in any way? ... Then, you have to die!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
CustodeDellaBestialità Criminale --- io non ho mai detto di essere un profeta, ma, io sono dispobile a fare questa sfida mortale con te, se io non vengo riconosciuto ministro di Dio? io accetto di morire! perché, se io vengo riconosciuto ministro di Dio... poi, dovrai morire tu!
Jihad Abu Antar: sharia horror, said: time ago: "unius Rei is causing sharia law, and wants to do gay marriage, with: synnek1." "" UniusRei3 posted a comment 2 minutes ago I hate niggers and all chinese! "" - Answer - is why Islamists are accomplices of Satanists! slanderer! Idiot, you have Claimed to be a Christian, for: many years, but, in this way, you have proved: That: every Muslim: is a traitor, liar: and murderess! .. of course, is synnek1, master of yoube, Satanist priest, and he has a legal obligation to do all sorts of crimes, he makes both, the: Expense: gay person, Which Also active gay cannibal, etc. .. but, you ugly beast, of Islamist, criminal: of an idolater moon stone? 'Slandering, UniusREI kingdom, and, this crime? will remain, as infamy, for, the Iran, That, has sent him: on this page! because the Jews are not so naive, to put on, to talk, with me .. lol.
IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 3 hours ago @ UniusRei3 --- not, good news, about, eliminated Youtube: channel: comments - ANSWER - when Satanists These Pharisees, parasites of the IMF-NWO, will be exterminated from the face of the earth ? IHateNEWLAYOUT - is very serious, that, Satanists Koreans, ie, synnek1, they have eliminated: Link to this page from the main channel of youtube [[when I said, that, google, was: into CFR]], because, this is still, however, a grave offense, against, the United States. Americans, when, they are good? when they have to defend: South Korea, against, North Korea?
IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment 3 hours ago @ UniusRei3 --- not, good news, about, eliminated Youtube: channel: comments - ANSWER - when these Satanists Pharisees, parasites of the IMF-NWO, will be exterminated from the face of the earth ?-- ANSWER -- quando questi satanisti farisei, parassiti del FMI-NWO, potranno essere sterminati dalla faccia della terra?
Abu Antar
Papa San Pio X, Lamentabili: "11. L'ispirazione divina non si estende a tutta la Sacra Scrittura al punto che tutte e singole le sue parti siano immuni da ogni errore. - CONDANNATO"
Papa Pio IX, Dei Filius: "II-4. Se qualcuno non accetterà come sacri e canonici i libri interi della sacra Scrittura, in tutte le loro parti, come li ha accreditati il santo Concilio Tridentino, o negherà che siano divinamente ispirati: SIA ANATEMA".
Deuteronomio 13, 13-16: "13Qualora tu senta dire di una delle tue città che il Signore tuo Dio ti dà per abitare, che uomini iniqui sono usciti in mezzo a te e hanno sedotto gli abitanti della loro città dicendo: Andiamo, serviamo altri dèi, che voi non avete mai conosciuti, tu farai le indagini, investigherai, interrogherai con cura; se troverai che la cosa è vera, che il fatto sussiste e che un tale abominio è stato realmente commesso in mezzo a te, allora dovrai passare a fil di spada gli abitanti di quella città, la voterai allo sterminio, con quanto contiene e passerai a fil di spada anche il suo bestiame."
Deuteronomio 13, 7-12: "Qualora il tuo fratello, figlio di tuo padre o figlio di tua madre, o il figlio o la figlia o la moglie che riposa sul tuo petto o l'amico che è come te stesso, t'istighi in segreto, dicendo: Andiamo, serviamo altri dèi, dèi che né tu né i tuoi padri avete conosciuti, divinità dei popoli che vi circondano, vicini a te o da te lontani da una estremità all'altra della terra, tu non dargli retta, non ascoltarlo; il tuo occhio non lo compianga; non risparmiarlo, non coprire la sua colpa. Anzi devi ucciderlo: la tua mano sia la prima contro di lui per metterlo a morte; poi la mano di tutto il popolo; lapidalo e muoia, perché ha cercato di trascinarti lontano dal Signore tuo Dio che ti ha fatto uscire dal paese di Egitto, dalla condizione servile. Tutto Israele lo verrà a sapere, ne avrà timore e non commetterà in mezzo a te una tale azione malvagia."
Deuteronomio 13, 2-6: "Qualora si alzi in mezzo a te un profeta o un sognatore che ti proponga un segno o un prodigio e il segno e il prodigio annunciato succeda ed egli ti dica: Seguiamo dèi stranieri, che tu non hai mai conosciuti, e rendiamo loro un culto, tu non dovrai ascoltare le parole di quel profeta o di quel sognatore; perché il Signore vostro Dio vi mette alla prova per sapere se amate il Signore vostro Dio con tutto il cuore e con tutta l'anima. Seguirete il Signore vostro Dio, temerete lui, osserverete i suoi comandi, obbedirete alla sua voce, lo servirete e gli resterete fedeli. Quanto a quel profeta o a quel sognatore, egli dovrà essere messo a morte, perché ha proposto l'apostasia dal Signore, dal vostro Dio, che vi ha fatti uscire dal paese di Egitto e vi ha riscattati dalla condizione servile, per trascinarti fuori della via per la quale il Signore tuo Dio ti ha ordinato di camminare. Così estirperai il male da te."
1° Re 11, 7-10: "Salomone costruì un'altura in onore di Camos, obbrobrio dei Moabiti, sul monte che è di fronte a Gerusalemme, e anche in onore di Milcom, obbrobrio degli Ammoniti. Allo stesso modo fece per tutte le sue donne straniere, che offrivano incenso e sacrifici ai loro dèi. Il Signore, perciò, si sdegnò con Salomone, perché aveva distolto il cuore dal Signore Dio d'Israele, che gli era apparso due volte e gli aveva comandato di non seguire altri dèi, ma Salomone non osservò quanto gli aveva comandato il Signore."
1° Re 11, 1-6: "Ma il re Salomone amò donne straniere, moabite, ammonite, idumee, di Sidòne e hittite, appartenenti a popoli, di cui aveva detto il Signore agli Israeliti: "Non andate da loro ed essi non vengano da voi: perché certo faranno deviare i vostri cuori dietro i loro dèi". Salomone si legò a loro per amore. Aveva settecento principesse per mogli e trecento concubine; le sue donne gli pervertirono il cuore. Quando Salomone fu vecchio, le sue donne l'attirarono verso dèi stranieri e il suo cuore non restò più tutto con il Signore suo Dio come il cuore di Davide suo padre. Salomone seguì Astàrte, dea di quelli di Sidòne, e Milcom, obbrobrio degli Ammoniti. Salomone commise quanto è male agli occhi del Signore e non fu fedele al Signore come lo era stato Davide suo padre."
@UniusRei3 not good news about Youtube eliminated channel comments
IHateNEWLAYOUT my american friend - not enough: that, synnek1 ° pig cannibal, then, half cap of sparkling wine, 666, gone bad, you close: his youtube page, for comments. because I said to him, in all languages, which had come: his time, even for him, to finish: on the altar of Satan, himself .. lol., but now he has offended not only all American employees: of youtube: but, also: the U.S. State, to create: a diplomatic international case .. and: stop my ministry? he: 1. together with MOSSAD, has full of filled with filters youtube, 2. ruined the layout, and, 3. did the Nazis against democracy: why, this is: NWO IMF: id of the Satanists, a real Nazism .. to lift the satanism worldwide
IHateNEWLAYOUT -- è molto grave, che, i satanisti coreani, ie, synnek1, loro abbiano eliminato: il link di questa pagina: dal canale principale di youtube [[quando io ho detto che google era nel CFR]], perché questa è comunque, in ogni modo, una grave offesa, contro, gli USA. gli americani, quando loro sono buoni? quando devono difendere, la Corea del Sud, contro, la Corea del Nord?
[in questa vicenda, e nella vicenda dei martiri cristiani dell'Orissa? l'India ha perso ogni credibilità internazionale] Marò, [India contro Italia]: 'Fermo disaccordo'.
New Delhi insorge. La Farnesina: 'Hanno violato il diritto internazionale'. 1. infatti, la nave italiana era in acque internazionali, 2. i proiettili che, hanno uccisi i pescatori, non erano quelli in dotazione dei "Marò".. 3. le lungaggini giudiziarie, erano un chiaro e losco tentativo di prendere tempo, perché l'India sapeva, che sarebbe dovuta passare sul tavolo degli imputati! 4. in realtà i delitti che l'India ha fatto contro la comunità internazionale sono molteplici e gravissimi, 5. bene ha fatto l'Italia, con questo, suo atto di dignità.. io spero che tutta la comunità internazionale ad iniziare dalla Cina, espongano formali proteste.. perché in questi casi, nessuno può dire: "è stata una fortuna, che, non sia successo niente a me!"
COMANDANTE IN SECONDA,PESCATORI UCCISI DA INDIANI Non sono stati i due marò italiani a uccidere i pescatori ma gli indiani. Lo afferma a Radio Capital Carlo Noviello, comandante in seconda dell'Enrica Lexie a bordo della quale si trovavano Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone. Noviello ricostruisce così le fasi della vicenda: "eravamo sul ponte. Quando la barca si è avvicinata a 100 metri, Latorre ha fatto le segnalazioni ottiche, poi ha mostrato il fucile. Ma loro continuavano imperterriti ad avvicinarsi, in una chiara manovra d'abbordaggio. E allora Girone e Latorre hanno sparato. In acqua, però. Quando la barca si è allontanata, col binocolo abbiamo visto, che, erano armati ma, non era morto nessuno, e le due persone, fuori dal cabinato, erano ancora in piedi". "Dopo - aggiunge, il comandante - c'é stato un altro scontro a fuoco, fuori dal porto, con la guardia costiera locale: di Koci. Penso che: i due pescatori morti: fossero quelli. E per coprire: questo errore siamo capitati noi: di mezzo. Anche perché la guardia costiera di Mumbai, quando mi ha telefonato, mi ha detto esplicitamente: di entrare a Koci: perché: loro avevano catturato due barchette: sospette pirata e volevano il nostro eventuale riconoscimento. Ci hanno fatti avvicinare: con l'inganno". La nave italiana: infatti: era "a venti miglia e mezzo, in acque internazionali - assicura Noviello - La posizione l'ho messa io sulla carta".
Marò, [India contro Italia]: 'Fermo disaccordo'.
New Delhi insorge. La Farnesina: 'Hanno violato il diritto internazionale'.
COMANDANTE IN SECONDA,PESCATORI UCCISI DA INDIANI Non sono stati i due marò italiani a uccidere i pescatori ma gli indiani. Lo afferma a Radio Capital Carlo Noviello, comandante in seconda dell'Enrica Lexie a bordo della quale si trovavano Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone. Noviello ricostruisce così le fasi della vicenda: "eravamo sul ponte. Quando la barca si è avvicinata a 100 metri, Latorre ha fatto le segnalazioni ottiche, poi ha mostrato il fucile. Ma loro continuavano imperterriti ad avvicinarsi, in una chiara manovra d'abbordaggio. E allora Girone e Latorre hanno sparato. In acqua, però. Quando la barca si è allontanata, col binocolo abbiamo visto che erano armati ma non era morto nessuno, e le due persone, fuori dal cabinato, erano ancora in piedi". "Dopo - aggiunge il comandante - c'é stato un altro scontro a fuoco, fuori dal porto, con la guardia costiera locale di Koci. Penso che i due pescatori morti fossero quelli. E per coprire questo errore siamo capitati noi di mezzo. Anche perché la guardia costiera di Mumbai, quando mi ha telefonato, mi ha detto esplicitamente di entrare a Koci perché loro avevano catturato due barchette sospette pirata e volevano il nostro eventuale riconoscimento. Ci hanno fatti avvicinare con l'inganno". La nave italiana infatti era "a venti miglia e mezzo, in acque internazionali - assicura Noviello - La posizione l'ho messa io sulla carta".
YouTube Rewind 2012
114.186 iscritti
IHateNEWLAYOUT (is american youtube master: administrator: but, synnek1 is, big: corean: youtube master: administrator: )ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa:YouTube
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
111111GoodBye111111 -- someone, more honest of: synnek1 should take: his place .. but, you're also, a Satanist .. therefore, I can not put yourself in her place! qualcuno, più onesto di synnek1, dovrebbe prendere: il suo posto.. ma, anche tu sei un satanista.. quindi, io non posso mettere te, al suo posto! about synnek1 --- his channel is dead, not, him ... he is been beaten. non è facile convincere, i maniaci religiosi, come: i salafiti, islamisti, laveradottrina, ecc.. ma, anche, gli atei, ed i satanisti: sono dei maniaci religiosi, dal momento che, neanche, loro, possono dimostrare le loro tesi!
111111GoodBye111111 ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
go to synnek1 channel he dead :(
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
[youtube es el hogar: de unius REI: para siempre en los próximos siglos: y: hasta el final: del mundo] No sé si la destrucción de la canal: de: synnek1, quien es el administrador de Corea, de todo youtube, representará: un punto de inflexión para la gestión: youtube de sí mismo! de lo contrario, continúe: a morir, y ser golpeado, por lo que, en modo sobrenatural, todos aquellos que, corromper a nuestros hijos, en este servidor, social: para todo el mundo! [youtube est le foyer: des unius REI: toujours dans les prochains: quelques siècles, et: jusqu'à la fin: du monde] Je ne sais pas si la destruction du canal: de: synnek1, qui est l'administrateur de Corée, de tous youtube, représentera: un tournant pour la gestion: de youtube lui-même! sinon, continuez: mourir: et d'être frappé, donc, dans le mode surnaturel, tous ceux qui, corrompre nos enfants, sur ce serveur, sociale: pour tout le monde!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
[يوتيوب هي موطن REI الخط الفاصل: إلى الأبد في القرون القليلة المقبلة، وحتى نهاية العالم] أنا لا أعرف ما إذا كان تدمير للقناة من: synnek1، منظمة الصحة العالمية، هو المسؤول الكوري، جميع يوتيوب، وتمثل: نقطة تحول بالنسبة للإدارة: من يوتيوب نفسه! خلاف ذلك، لا تزال تموت وأن تصل، لذلك، في وضع خارق، كل أولئك الذين، إفساد أطفالنا، على هذا الخادم والاجتماعية: لجميع العالم!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
[youtube is the home of unius REI: forever in the next few centuries, and until the end of the world] I do not know if the destruction of the channel: the synnek1, who, is the administrator Korean, of all youtube, will represent a turning point for the management of youtube itself! otherwise, continue to die and to be hit, so, in mode soprannaturael, all those who, corrupt our children, on this server, social: for all world!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia, Iran -- e perché mai, proprio io: che, io sono impegnato, contro, ogni forma di satanismo: e di peccato, e perché mai, proprio io: dovrei: fare del male all'Islam, per fare precipare, anche voi, nell'abominio massonico e satanico: in cui è precipitato il cristianesimo? questo di danneggiare l'Islam, in realtà, n verità non è nell'interesse del Regno di Dio! quelli che state facendo del male all'Islam, oggi, siete solo voi.. invece UNIUS REI, che domina sul mondo proteggerebbe l'islam, su scala mondiale... non possiamo, più fare del male a persone virtuse, in nome: di una qualche religione! adesso basta!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
@Iran, Saudi Arabia -- i vostri maniaci religiosi? non sono la verità: ne, dell'Islam, e neanche, della teologia! e quale culto: a Dio: voi volete fare: attraverso: la menzogna? e può esistere una menzogna: a fin di bene? quella: menzogna, che: i farisei continueranno a dire a noi, per colpa vostra vostra? sarà soltanto, per il loro bene, e per la nostra distruzione, cioè, il satanismo, del signoraggio bancario, che, ha riempito il modo.. in verità: la verità è nell'interesse, di tutti coloro, che, sono sotto la luce del giorno, mentre, la menzogna è nell'interesse, dei figli delle tenebre.. allora, anche voi, venite con me nella luce! non abbandonate il genere umano, alla III guerra mondiale!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
111111GoodBye111111 -- my friend, in questa pagina: mi ha messo Dio, e quindi, non serve a niente lamentarsi! meglio stare qui, per ora, che, imbracciare un fucile di precisione!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia, Iran [you can not save your life and Sharia: together]-- the Sardinians (people,of Sardinia) are a people very proud! I was in Rome to do an internship with the "Farmers" I was 18, and my friend, he put himself in a position: very delicate (though, he believed in himself, subjectively ,to have right, and, that, he was offended), which is why, he insisted, to remain, however, for pride, in that uncomfortable situation, and pride, he would not leave his position .. if, I do not approached, to his ear, to say, any, what, that only he could hear? and that only this, could rehabilitate his dignity? my friend, could not, unlocked himself, from his position, and, then, the instructors would have called the police ... and since, no one could, know what, I had said to him? here is that the losers: turned, only, instructors. in this mode my friend was saved
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
111111GoodBye111111 --- lol, ma, io non sono scoraggiato, io sono soltanto arrabbiato! e tu cosa potresti fare tu, per lenire la mia rabbia?
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia, Iran --- i farisei illuminati: DA LUCIFERO, del FMI, per la distruzione di Israele, loro non possono agire, con: la loro kabbalah: di sterminio: e di distruzione, contro: qualcuno: che è a livello, di una grande Nazione, se questo qualcuno, lui, non: passa da se stesso, dalla parte del torto, cioè, dalla parte: di gravi crimini.. contro: tutto il genere umano. e voi islamici? voi avete: di gran lunga superato, i crimini dei nazisti? perché volete morire? perché volete che il Corano e l'Islam vengano dichiarati illegali: in tutto il mondo? perché volete permettere al demone del FMI, di replicare se stesso, sempre in modo più gigantesco? io sono UNIUS REI!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia , and Iran -- noi vogliamo risolvere: tutti i problemi del "Medio Oriete", e, quindi, tutti i problemi: più pericolosi del mondo? ma, questo dipende: solo da voi! perché: io sono UNIUS REI. Rothschild, del 666: FED ECB, FMI, e NWO: 322 Bush, micro-chip: god owl at bohemian grove? loro hanno scommesso, che, io devo fallire, e che voi dovete morire!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
ovviamente, il problema delle ingiuste violenze, e del razzismo, delle vittime dell'imperialismo, e della cattiva: religione fanatica,, non è: un problema dei soli cristiani, che, sono la comunità più perseguitata: sia in Oriente: che: in Occidente.. guai, a chi fa del male: a persone pacifiche, ed innocenti, in ogni parte del mondo..
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
[400 martiri cristiani innocenti: uccisi: ogni giorno] quello che facevano: gli idolatri romani, contro i cristiani? quello che: facevano: Stalin e Mao? ora, lo fanno i musulmani... è la storia del Regno di Dio, che, condanna tutti loro come criminali..
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
10 ore fa
Ave, oh Maria, sorella nostra: e madre della Chiesa, Ave, Speranza di Israele: nostra sorella.. amen alleluia, Ave, o Maria, potente esercito: schierato in ordine: di: battaglia, Madre premurosa: di tutti i bambini: del mondo, stella del Cielo. Arca della Alleanza, Porta del Paradiso, Regina degli angeli.. Ave, amen, alleluia.

Abu Antar (syrian secret services)ha pubblicato un commento
12 ore fa
Unius Rei worked his curse on Synnek1? o.O
allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
17 ore fa
Mistafield (satanista istituzionale: internazionale italiano: che, ha simulato: un ex canale di Synnek1: ma, su questa pagina è sempre presente, anche, un satanista istituzionale tedesco) ha pubblicato un commento
17 ore fa:
All Politicians Suck
allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
17 ore fa
c'è una maledizione, contro, tutti i miei nemici, in tutto il mondo.. soltanto: che: qui: si è più a contatto: in modo immediato: con il mio ministero.. burn satana: in Jesus's name
Jihad Abu Antar: sharia horror, said: time ago: "unius Rei is causing sharia law, and wants to do gay marriage, with: synnek1." "" UniusRei3 posted a comment 2 minutes ago I hate niggers and all chinese! "" - Answer - is why Islamists are accomplices of Satanists! slanderer! Idiot, you have Claimed to be a Christian, for: many years, but, in this way, you have proved: That: every Muslim: is a traitor, liar: and murderess! .. of course, is synnek1, master of yoube, Satanist priest, and he has a legal obligation to do all sorts of crimes, he makes both, the: expense: gay person, Which Also active gay cannibal, etc. .. but, you ugly beast, of Islamist, criminal: of an idolater moon stone? 'Slandering, UniusREI kingdom, and, this crime? will remain, as infamy, for, the Iran That, has sent you: on this page! anche perché gli ebrei non sono così ingenui da mettersi, a parlare, con me.. lol.
/2012/12/19/israele-sterilizza-le-donne-nere-falascia-perche-definite-inferiori/ Medicinali contraccettivi come il Depo-Provera sono stati utilizzati spesso da Washington per ridurre il tasso di natalità dei poveri. Israele "sterilizza" le donne etiopi. Grande democrazia del Vicino Oriente", come viene definita dai Paesi occidentali e dai media embedded, "sterilizza" le donne etiopi. È quanto affermato dal quotidiano israeliano Haaretz, nella sua edizione del 12 dicembre 2012 ( haaretz . com/opinion/israel-s-ethiopians-suffer-different-planned-parenthood . premium-1.484110#) riferendosi alla situazione degli immigrati etiopi riconosciuti come ebrei da Tel Aviv, i cosiddetti "falascia". "È difficile da credere ma in Israele nel 2012 le donne etiopi sono sottoposte con la forza al Depo-Provera, un'iniezione contraccettiva" si legge nell'articolo, che prosegue: "Questa iniezione, non è un contraccettivo, comunemente prescritto.
[Israele sterilizza le donne nere "falascià" perché definite "inferiori"] (...) Di solito è riservato alle donne che soffrono di disabilità o che sono malate". Il giornale israeliano si rifà all'inchiesta pubblicata di recente dal programma "Vacuum documentary " condotto da Gal Gabay, e trasmesso sulla Televisione Educativa israeliana, in cui si afferma che "il trattamento è imposto su un gran numero di immigrati etiopi". Secondo il ricercatore Reuven Sava, che ha condotto l'indagine, più di quaranta donne, sono state sottoposte, contro, la loro volontà, all'iniezione di Depo-Provera, un medicinale, molto forte che, come si può leggere tranquillamente, su internet, viene usato, per curare tumori, per, la castrazione chimica, e nelle terapie iniziali, per cambiare sesso.
lol. in questo modo, in relazione: a: Salomone: ed: al satanismo dei farisei, che: erano il culto di Baal in segreto, e che, avrebbe corrotto l'ebraismo: con pratiche di schiavitù ed usura, gli ebrei sono: i figli della donna: non amata: ripudiata, mentre, i falascia: sono i figli della donna amata! ecco perché, bisogna guardare: all'ebraismo etiopico, per restaurare: il vero ebraismo.... e gli israeliani: devono smettere di essere i razzisti, odiosi!
Salomone, lui aveva 700 mogli: regine,(e 300: concubine: serve); perché ogni regina (matrimoni di stato): aveva con se: due ancelle: così: lui aveva molte mogli! .. ma, lui, Salomone, conobbe: il vero amore, per la prima volta, soltanto, attraverso, la Regina di SABA, che, era una dona straordinaria, lei aveva fatto: un lungo viaggio, per: cercare la sapienza: e la vera conoscenza di Dio: in Salomone, e solo successivamente: scoprì, che, loro erano stati fatti: da Dio: l'uno per l'altra! tuttavia, inderogabili, motivi di: Stato, dovettero separarli, nuovamente. (questa: è la verità, ma: è anche il motivo per fare: un film: su Salomone: diritti riservati).. anche: concedere alle sue principesse, fuori Gerusalemme, il culto: regolamentato, in favore: di (positive, benefiche divinità), con il solo: incenso, ai loro dei, fu un intelligente: atto politico, forse, la prima vera libertà: di coscienza: e di religione
se gli islamisti, non: incominciano: a proteggere: il cristianesimo: ed i cristiani? presto: i satanisti: farisei del FMI, NWO, 322, saranno loro: che, prenderanno il controllo del pianeta!
11/10/2009.PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. Launched today from Rome the European leg (France, Holland, Belgium, Germany) of a campaign to raise awareness in Church and society of the plight and oppression of minorities in Pakistan, particularly the Christian one, due to the blasphemy law. A most unusual unity of purpose joins Islamic fundamentalists and European relativists. Rome (AsiaNews) - Representatives of Justice and Peace in Pakistan today launched their European campaign (France, Holland, Belgium, Germany) from Rome to raise awareness in Church and society of the plight and oppression of minorities in Pakistan, particularly the Christian one, due to the blasphemy law.
PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. AsiaNews has decided to support their struggle. Moreover, from its inception 6 years ago, the promotion of religious freedom has been the cornerstone of our agency. The Christians of Pakistan are a mere 4 million in a sea of over 160 million Muslims. This small minority of believers therefore is calling for the repeal of the notorious blasphemy law. This law, in force since 1986, legislates for prison or the death penalty for all those who insult the Quran or Muhammad. In these past 23 years nearly a thousand people have been accused of this crime and several hundred have been killed. In recent years, at least 50 Christians have been tortured and eliminated for this crime and many villages and Christian churches destroyed and burned.
PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. The latest episode in order of time is Koriyan and Gojra, where thousands of Muslims attacked Christian homes and churches for a false accusation of blasphemy and killed 7 people, including women and children, burning them alive. These killings take place without trial, the result of a rough justice dispensed by angry crowds, incited by their imams or by prison guards, who are complicit in the bigotry or corrupt. In the dossier AsiaNews (Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law), also covered in our this month's edition of our magazine, we can see that this law is actually an tool misused to eliminate political opponents, competitors in business, neighbours and to silence the Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Ahmadis, and even the Shiite Muslim minority.
NEW YORK -'' أنا لم يعد: ومسلم، الاشتراكية: أن: كنت قبل ...''. الرئيس الأمريكي باراك أوباما يسخر، وهو يبتسم والذاتي الاستنكار .. - جواب - @ خائن أوباما، الاسلامية، كذاب، قاتلة! التطهير العرقي للمسيحيين والشيعة والكهنة والشمامسة، والأساقفة القتلى: بدم بارد، مع الخداع والابتزاز واختطاف، مثل الحيوانات، اغتصاب الفتيات، "ذبح"، طلب فدية، كل ما تبذلونه من حثالة: الإرهابيين: السلفيين، "الإخوة مسلم" لنشر الشريعة الخاص بك "الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم"، التي هي، اليوم، في سوريا، والتي انتشرت للتو: في جميع أنحاء البحر الأبيض المتوسط، وما إلى ذلك .. ؟ هي: بريدك: CIA والخاص: الجامعة العربية: الذي يفعل كل هذه الجرائم! والخاص، ووسائل الإعلام اليهودية: احتكار كل من: منتجع صحي، والشركات، من أجل: العمل: صندوق النقد الدولي، بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي، البنك المركزي الأوروبي، التلمود من جدول الأعمال: Bildenberg، نظام ماسوني: للرسوم سك العملات المصرفية، وهي تغطي: كل هذا، مع: أكاذيبهم: وبهم معلومات استغلالها. كان من الأفضل: بالنسبة لك، وأنك قد ولدت أبدا!
2013/02/12 [سوريا - الفاتيكان]. بعد استيلاء المتمردين مسلم اثنين من الكهنة في حلب، وهناك مخاوف من: ل: حياتهم. كاهن الأرمن الكاثوليك، الأب مايكل، ورجال الدين الأرثوذكس اختطفوا: يوم الأحد الماضي في المسيحية في حلب: حي. مصادر تتحدث: لاسيا نيوز: حول: جرائم القتل الوحشية: نفذت: بلدي المتطرفين الإسلاميين. ان سيارة ملغومة: ينفجر: في التركية السورية: عبور الحدود: من Cilvegozu. [بعد أن ذبح: الذبح: الكهنة، طالبوا: فدية: لأساقفتهم] 2013/4/26. [منذ الجامعة العربية تقوم بعمل التطهير العرقي للشيعة ومسيحيين والاغتصاب، والقتل، في كل مكان، فازت إقليم، بعد ذلك، الشيشان: أنها انتقم، قتلت الارهابي في بوسطن (كما قالت تركيا)] أي علامة من الأساقفة الأرثوذكس 'الإفراج، والخوف من الابتزاز السياسي تنمو. 322 كيري وبوش وأوباما 666 روتشيلد، وجدت السارين، في مختبرات جامعة الدول العربية، أن، الخاص: تنظيم القاعدة قد أدى، في سورية .. أفضل لك: كان يمكن أن يكون، إذا كنت لم يولد أي وقت مضى!
IHateNEWLAYOUT ها pubblicato الأمم المتحدة commento 45 minuti اتحاد كرة القدم أن لا تجعل قناة يست جديدة حتى الآن؟ ! - جواب - تلك التي لدي (حوالي 50 قناة) هي المفرطة، وبالنسبة لي، كان من الأفضل قناة واحدة فقط: بالنسبة لي ولكن، كما يمكنك القول أن "الشيطان حفظ"، وبعد ذلك، كنت إخفاء نفسك، وكأنه جبان، وراء الصورة، القديس بارتولو لونغو، الذين، وقال انه عندما كان عمرك، وكان كاهن الفودو الشيطان ... مثلك؟
[تحرير [سوريا اثنين من الأساقفة الأرثوذكس. ANSA.it - منذ 4 أيام]] .. ولكن، لديك لحفر: مع العناد العظيم: للعثور على هذا الخبر، "مخفي" في وسائل الإعلام اليهودية العالمية: Bildenberg من نظام ماسوني من رسوم سك العملات البنك. [[سوريا خطفوا الاساقفه؛ أيضا: أثينا: لا: تحرير تأكيد. ANSA.it - منذ 3 أيام: أبرشية حلب، لا يوجد اتصال مع اثنين من المطارنة الأرثوذكس]]، قال كيري:'' لقد تحدثت هذا الصباح: من هنا مع نتنياهو، وقال لي أنه لم يكن في موقف: لتأكيد . هذا هو عمليتهم: E: يعتمد عليهم: مثل: ومتى: أنها تريد أن تفعل، وأنها ليست: لي: جعل الإعلانات. لذلك: أنا لا أعرف''! ربما يعني (ولكن، اللعنة هذا يعني، هذا الكلام؟؟): إذا كنت تريد لغزو سوريا، مع افتراء، مثل، كنت قد غزت العراق بالفعل، مع، افتراء آخر، ثم، القيام بذلك، ولكن، أنت لا تنكسر، الديك: بالنسبة لي!
@ بنيامين نتنياهو --- ضربة بأسلحة نووية، نفس اليوم، وجميع الدول الإسلامية 50، هو الفرصة الوحيدة لديك أن تكون قادرة على انقاذ اسرائيل
@ بنيامين نتنياهو --- ولكن هذه هي الحقيقة: هناك ما هو أكثر: قوة الغرب، ولكن، هناك مخطط: اللوبيات اليهودية والقوى غامض الماسونية: صندوق النقد الدولي FED 666، والنظام: المستبدة الشيطانية السلطات، وصندوق النقد الدولي، Bildenberg، وجميع اتجاهها مخفي (أعلى العلوم، الهندسة، الاجتماعية و، جميع الاحتكارات سبا، كل في يد: من Rothschid فقط)، وبهذه الطريقة، وسوف: مرة أخرى، إلقاء اللوم على المسيحيين، ل: الإبادة: المحرقة وشيكة: ضد، إسرائيل، خلال، الحرب العالمية الثالثة، المحرقة الجديدة، على النحو التالي: مرة واحدة، فعلوا: بعد، الحرب العالمية الثانية. رأينا أن: مع الثورة الفرنسية، وليس أكثر موجودة، وهي سياسة: أنه يمكن أن يكون تحت سيطرة المسيحيين في الغرب! هذا هو السبب الفريسيين والسلفيين: يجب أن يحكم عليهم بالإعدام! بسبب، وجود حوار معهم مستحيل
[الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، مثل: استراتيجية الحرب العدوانية] هو الخوف من الإسلام تماما: تصفيف، منذ: أن: الإسلاميين لدينا الإسلامية، متواطئ، فإنها الاستغراق في النوم: لل، الجرائم: التي، من الدول الإسلامية: الالتزام: كل شيء، والشرق الأوسط، ضد، والمسيحيين، وهذا هو السبب، وسوف يكون هناك صحوة مؤلمة بالضرورة، مفاجئة ودراماتيكية. هذا طبقتنا الحاكمة، والتي، مثل، تتصالح مع الإرهابيين، دون التعامل مع: مشكلة الاتساق: أ الخسيس ومتواطئة جنائيا: مفهوم كاذبة: من: "السلام"، في حين أن: العديد والعديد من الشهداء المسيحيين الأبرياء أيضا، البحث عن السلام في تلك المقبرة. في الواقع، لقد كان المسيحيون في الأراضي الفلسطينية (أدناه، ياسر عرفات)، على الفرار بأعداد كبيرة، في حين أن المسيحيين المتبقية، لأنها كانت ستضطر كما الذميين، والعبيد، والموضوعات، قدمت أيضا، لهم، للشريعة الإسلامية. لماذا إذن، لا تزال أوروبا ليكون عدو إسرائيل، ومتواطئ من النازية، والفلسطينيين، وجميع البلدان أسلمة الآن من قبل جامعة الدول العربية؟
[الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، الإسلام، مثل: استراتيجية الحرب العدوانية، والغرب: أكثر وأكثر إجراما]، مدفوعا غير هدى من قبل اللوبي اليهودي المصرفية: المتنورين: صندوق النقد الدولي وNWO، الفريسيون، والمصرفيين الدوليين الذين اقسموا الكراهية، الأبدية: ضد : المسيحية، ودفع أنفسهم، إلى حد كبير، شاملة: من الحضارة: اليهودية - المسيحية، لأنها أصبحت: الأعداء الحقيقيين، من أجل بقاء اسرائيل. هذا الغرب: الماسونية والشيطانية، غامض القوى Bildenberg أن: إنكار قيمهم الخاصة، و: يخون هويته الخاصة، من: التخلي عن أوروبا إلى النسيان والجنائية بحيث تكون: تصبح والصم ... ونفسها: بطل الرواية متعطش للدماء، متواطئ: من كل انتهاك: الحرية الدينية، سواء خارج حدودها، سواء داخل: حدودها، لأنه إذا كان صحيحا، أن: المسلمين هم إخواننا، ولكن، صحيح أيضا أنه،
[الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، من: أوباما] ليس من الصعب العثور على أدلة على ذلك: مأساة إنسانية كارثية، منها: التلمود صندوق النقد الدولي: البنك المركزي الأوروبي FED، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية CIA أمم المتحدة وحلف شمال الأطلسي، هي متواطئة. من هذه الهمجية: المدنية والدينية والثقافية، التي أغرقت: العالم: العربي مسلم، في فريسة للتعصب أيديولوجي: المتطرفون الإسلاميون: والتعصب الديني: الديكتاتوريات في السلطة. [المسؤولية أوروبا: الآن الرهائن من المتنورين Bildenber: انها ضخمة] في مواجهة استمرار الاضطهاد وتابع: الإهانات اليومية، أن جميع المسيحيين في ظل الأنظمة الإسلامية، وفي كل شيء: الشرق الأوسط، فإنهم يضطرون إلى العيش ويعانون، وذلك لأن: أوروبا المريض، من هذا: النسبية أعمى: مع، فكرة جيدة من التعددية الثقافية، التي، مع ذلك، لا يمكن أن تتحقق: بدون: مفهوم المعاملة بالمثل
[أوباما وخططه الانقراض، من المسيحيين، والشيعة، في منطقة الشرق الأوسط] من قبل، من الفتح العربي: والإسلام في القرن السابع الميلادي، ان المسيحيين يشكلون 95٪ من السكان، من البحر الأبيض المتوسط: جنوب وشرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط. ولكن، اليوم، مع أقل، من، 12. مليون، وانخفضت بشكل حاد إلى أقل من 6٪، وبطبيعة الحال، في عام 2020، لن يكون هناك المزيد من المسيحيين في الشرق الأوسط! من الحرب العالمية الأولى: وقد اضطر 10 ملايين المسيحيين إلى الهجرة. هذا هو دليل على الشيطانية، و: الهمجية الإجرامية، dell'imbarbarimento، ليس فقط، في جامعة الدول العربية، ولكن، قبل كل شيء، المتواطئين معه، والماسونيين، والفريسيين، المتنورين، Bildenberg، غامض السلطة، والتي، مع الصمت انقلاب: استولى على السلطة: في كل الديمقراطيات الزائفة الماسونية: من رسوم سك العملات المصرفية.
1. [يتعرض للاضطهاد الكنيسة (الشهداء المسيحيين) في الشرق الأوسط: إلى: قيام الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم] 2. [يتعرض للاضطهاد الكنيسة (الشهداء المسيحيين)، في جميع أنحاء العالم لذلك: التلمود من الفريسيين: في النظام الماسوني: لرسوم سك العملات المصرفية: لاستعباد كل الشعوب، وتدمير إسرائيل] (3). [الكنيسة (الشهداء المسيحيين) يتعرض للاضطهاد من قبل جميع الأديان، والشيوعية. ] نحن نشهد خوفا ذلك، إلى الاضطهاد والنزوح الجماعي للمسيحيين من الشرق الأوسط، والتي هي المواطنين الحقيقية في المنطقة، بسبب تصور: أن: كان satanizzata: نحو، والإسلام: في جامعة الدول العربية، وله : CIA، كل النازيين، النازيين الإسلاميين، غير متسامح للغاية، و، تفشل في احترام كرامة وحقوق الإنسان. وفقا لذلك، فإنها تخفي الأسباب الحقيقية لماذا يضطر الإسرائيليون أن تكون كذلك "الصعبة" ضد الفلسطينيين.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB!
PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. It is actually a time bomb that threatens to explode the entire Pakistani society, dividing these groups one from the other, and betrays the founding ideals from which the country was born in 1948, which excluded any religious discrimination, valuing the contribution of each community. The blasphemy law, as well as various laws inspired by Sharia law in Pakistan, is a sign of the increasing Islamization of the country which is subjected to military and cultural pressure by the Taliban, which is close to modern imams who preach and teach in teeming madrassas. Can this campaign suggest something to our Europe?
PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. The Italian and European world, engaged in an exhausting war in Afghanistan, are increasingly becoming aware that they cannot win by military might alone, but also need to approach the cultural problem of the relationship between Islam and modernity, Islam and coexistence with other religions and minorities. A reconciled Pakistan could have a beneficial influence also on the nearby Afghanistan. This campaign against blasphemy comes just a few days after the curious decision of the European Court for Human Rights which prohibits the display of crucifixes in public schools, because they have been deemed offensive to children of other religions or atheists. There is a link between these two positions.
PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. Not for nothing, years ago a Muslim fundamentalist demanded the same thing from the Italian government. Curiously the empty tolerance of relativists and Islamic fundamentalism tend toward the same conclusion: eliminate all traces of Christian symbols and figures: in Pakistan with the blasphemy law. In Europe with a "blasphemy" against attacks on relativist beliefs. In both cases, we propose coexistence between identities, without having to force anyone to hide their identity, the guarantee of being able to work with their faith for the advancement of peoples. We believe a strange connivance between anti-Christian relativism and Islamic fundamentalism is taking place
PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix [ masonic crazy: for satanism ideological: ie, private: banKING seigniorage: of pharisees IMF SpA]. , perhaps motivated by hatred toward the Christian roots and economic interests. How can we otherwise explain the support of several Western countries for the possibility of sharia among Islamic communities in Europe, or their support of a UN resolution, proposed by Islamic nations, for an international blasphemy law. These resolutions, if implemented, could undermine global coexistence. Once again we must affirm the prophetic value of the speech by Benedict XVI in Regensburg. In it, he asked the religions (fundamentalist Islam) to renounce violence as irrational and contrary to God at the same time he asked the Western world to once again look at God and religion not as an impediment to reason, but as its completion.
essere una democrazia, significa, permettere: 200.000: sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana ogni anno? no, grazie! io preferisco la Cina!
Synnek1 posted a comment 6 hours ago Text comments you posted to YouTube have been Identified as harassment towards another user, and have been deleted. As our Community Guidelines outline, YouTube is not a venue for things like predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, bullying or intimidation. There are no excuses for Such behavior and we will not accept it on our site. --ANSWER -- @SYNNEK1 666 CANNIBAL VOODOO -- NON SI PUÒ PARLARE MALE, DEI SATANISTI, IN QUESTO SERVER, PERCHÉ, TU SEI YOUTUBE IL SATANISTA? MA, è: la tua: CIA, che, HA DETTO come, VOI FARE MIGLIAIA E MIGLIAIA: DI SACRIFICI UMANI SULL'ALTARE: DI SATANA: OGNI ANNO
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: PAKISTAN -- ITALY. Europe and West should help Pakistan repeal blasphemy legislation. In a press conference organised by AsiaNews, Pakistani Christian activists launch an international campaign to raise awareness about the problem. Their goal is to have blasphemy laws repeal in their home country because they have caused too much violence and discrimination against religious minorities. Pakistan's civil society wants changes too, unlike the empty promises of the government and the ideology of extremists.
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: PAKISTAN -- ITALY. Pakistan, the only country in the world with a blasphemy law Peter Jacob, NCJP executive secretary, slams the creation of an "Islamic State" based on a law that strikes minorities as well as Muslims. Groups in government, parliament and the military back fundamentalism. The activist hopes that a "common front" can emerge to "bring democracy to the country".. PAKISTAN. Blasphemy laws and religious discrimination, an attack on Pakistan's future . Fr Emmanuel Y. Mani speaks at a press conference sponsored by AsiaNews titled "Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy laws". The international community is putting pressure on the Pakistani government to "stop discrimination and violence against religious minorities." The country needs "a culture of interfaith harmony and peace." .
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: PAKISTAN - EU. Blasphemy in Pakistan and the European Court's attack on the crucifix. Launched today from Rome the European leg (France, Holland, Belgium, Germany) of a campaign to raise awareness in Church and society of the plight and oppression of minorities in Pakistan, particularly the Christian one, due to the blasphemy law. A most unusual unity of purpose joins Islamic fundamentalists and European relativists. PAKISTAN. Islamabad asks for "suggestions" from Christians to repeal blasphemy law In a meeting - called by the government - with the Parliamentary Standing Committee, Christians and activists have called for the "cancellation" of the norm. Government officials will meet Muslim, and Catholic leaders and activists to promote a common path. The fundamentalist wing calls for "investigations" and punishments against those who fight to repeal the law.
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: PAKISTAN. Blasphemy legislation strikes minorities and Islamises the country, Pakistan priest says. The Taliban want to destroy democracy and spread a fundamentalist ideology, Fr Bonnie Mendes says. A small fringe is fighting extremism, but they have "no unity of intent." Christians live in an atmosphere of fear, but are urged to be stronger. PAKISTAN. News massacre by extremists as opposition to 'Islamisation" grows Human rights activist and columnist call for a return to Ali Jinnah's vision, which includes freedom of religion. Islamist movements warn the government not to change the laws "if it wants to stay in power". A suicide attack in Rawalpindi kills 34 and wounds 30.
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: PAKISTAN. Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law. The blasphemy law - prison and death sentences for those who offend the Koran or Muhammad - is a tool to eliminate religious minorities. AsiaNews launches an awareness campaign for its repeal. Because of this law, since 2001 at least 50 Christians have been killed, families and entire villages destroyed. In the country Islamic and Christian voices appeal for its cancellation. PAKISTAN. Pakistani Christians, from freedom to persecution. When Pakistan was created, its Founding Father Ali Jinnah endorsed the principles of religious freedom and equal rights for all, irrespective of caste or creed. The succession of constitutions that followed went counter to these ideals, and opened the door to persecution and violence against minorities.
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: Beside blasphemy, Christians and members of other non-Muslim religions have to deal with the problem of forced conversions and marriages. PAKISTAN. What can be done to abolish Pakistan's blasphemy laws. Christian activists and members of civil society groups call on Islamabad to repeal the relevant sections of the Pakistan Penal Code. The fundamental principles of an open and multi-confessional society must protect every individual. At the bottom, a list of Pakistani embassies and diplomatic representations is provided. PAKISTAN. The Catholic Church in Pakistan (An overview). Catholics are less than 1% of a total of over 160 million inhabitants.
[Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law] Articoli: There are two archdiocese in the country, four dioceses and an apostolic prefecture. A small minority but active and appreciated for efforts in education, helping the poor, health care and emergency interventions. PAKISTAN. Blasphemy law: a long list of injustices (An overview). Under Sections 295 B and 205-C of the Pakistan Penal Code, anyone who desecrates the Qur'an or defiles the name of the prophet Muhammad is punished with death or life imprisonment. Implemented in 1986 by then dictator, General Zia-ul-Haq, to woo the country's fundamentalist faction, the laws have become a tool to persecute religious minorities and even Muslims. Almost a thousand people have been charged so far under the law, and hundreds have become its victims.
1/26/2009 CHINA. Charter 08, a plea for human rights in China | complete text We are publishing the document the Chinese government fears and has censored for demanding greater democracy and respect for people's rights. What one can do to join. Beijing (AsiaNews) -- A group of 303 Chinese citizens signed 'Charter 08', a declaration to mark the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In it they call on the government of China to transform the country's authoritarian and corrupt regime along democratic lines, respectful of human rights, including religious freedom. "Charter 08" follows the path laid down by "Charter 77", a manifesto signed by Czech and Slovak intellectuals and activists, who in 1977 called on the government of Czechoslovakia to respect human rights.-- ANSWER --as long as there are false democracies Masonic: for: banking seigniorage (ie Satanism ideological: of pharisees), then, democracy is the worst threat
Abu Antar
It is made of text and punctuation.
Abu Antar
This is a comment.
i had much of this v
Text comments you posted to YouTube have been identified as harassment towards another user, and have been deleted. As our Community Guidelines outline, YouTube is not a venue for things like predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment,bullying or intimidation. There are no excuses for such behavior and we will not accept it on our site.
Volksstvrm 666 Synnek1 - satanista internacional CIA: la OTAN, el FMI, institucional alemán, que hacer: 30.000 sacrificios humanos: en el altar de Satanás: cada año --- ¿qué quieres de mí? Satanás tiene un concepto para ser exhibida? - SU DIABLO, NO SABEN LO QUE DECIR ALGO MÁS? Quién: se ha, el criminal, que ha permitido Rothschid, el fariseo, para vender: incluso con intereses, el dinero de Satanás, creó de la nada, en contra de la esperanza de todas las naciones?
fuck you v
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
I am the father of all peoples. I am UNIUS REI. alleluia
JHWH he is, only, GOD!
è perché, il Re Salomone, ha saputo da Dio, che, i farisei, avrebbero pervertito, completamente, la religione ebraica, che lui: fu costretto: da Dio stesso, a consegnare l'Arca della Alleanza, a sua moglie, la Regina di SABA, ed è: molto grave: che: le scimmie degli israeliani razzisti, loro facciano del male, anche, ai falascia: i figli dei re.
India e PAkistan -- adesso, voi risarcite: i vostri cittadini cristiani, di tutti i danni: che, loro hanno dovuto subire, per colpa, della vostra perversione religiosa...
Volksstvrm 666 IMF NWO, ie, satanist international CIA: NATO, IMF, German institutional, to do: 30,000 human sacrifices: on the altar of Satan: every year --- what do you want from me? Satan has some concept to be Exhibited? - YOUR DEVIL, DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO SAY SOME MORE? Whom: was been, the criminal, that has allowed Rothschid, the Pharisee, to sell: even with interest, his money of satan, created from nothing, against the hope: of all nations?
chi: è stato quel criminale: che, ha permesso a Rothschid, il fariseo, di vendere: anche ad interesse, il suo interesse, creato dal nulla: a tutte le nazioni?
[ NIENTE PAURA: è, SOLTANTO, il FMI 666 NWO , che, ha deciso di disintegrare Israele: E TUTTO L'OCCIDENTE CON LUI]. Europei arruolati nella guerra in Siria. Tags: Medio Oriente, Attualita', Siria, Europa, Notizie, Nel mondo, Belgio. Redazione Online. 9.03.2013, военные военный солдат ботинки ноги военнослужащий армия. Almeno 70 persone di origine belga stanno combattendo in Siria a favore dell'opposizione. La notizia è stata data sabato dal giornale "La Libre Belgique", adducendo testimonianze da fonti governative e nelle forze speciali. In precedenza Michelle Koninsks, a capo di Eurojust, aveva comunicato che numerosi giovani europei, fra cui decine di fiamminghi del Belgio, stanno combattendo fianco a fianco con i ribelli siriani dove vengono arruolati da islamisti radicali in contatto con al Qaeda. Quando torneranno potrebbero costituire una minaccia per la sicurezza europea.
fuck you v
[ la religione assassina, perversa, falsa, criminale: deve essere sradicata! ] In Pakistan nuovi attacchi contro i cristiani.. 9.03.2013, 21:06 карачи пакистан взрыв пакистан теракт Nella periferia di Lahore, in Pakistan, sono state saccheggiate e bruciate da una folla di musulmani centinaia di case del quartiere cristiano di Badami Bagh. La notizia è stata data dalla polizia locale. I cristiani sono dovuti fuggire dalla città. A scatenare l'evento pare siano state le affermazioni espresse venerdì da un abitante del quartiere, diffamatorie nei confronti del profeta Maometto. Diverse persone coinvolte nell'attacco al quartiere cristiano sono state arrestate.
03/09/2013 INDIA: [Gandhi said to me: will do hunger strike, also in PARADISE] Karnataka, dozens of Hindu fundamentalists attack a Christian community. by Nirmala Carvalho. Eight people seriously injured. The Pentecostal Christians were holding a night vigil of prayer, when at least 30 Hindu nationalists attacked accusing them of forced conversions. It is the sixth attack in Karnataka since the beginning of 2013. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Dozens of Hindu fundamentalists have violently attacked a Pentecostal community of Karnataka as they prepared for a night vigil of prayer. Eight people, including a pastor, were injured and hospitalized. Thanks to the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), the police arrived on the spot quickly and arrested 16 attackers.
INDIA: [Gandhi said to me: will do hunger strike, also in PARADISE] The incident occurred in the village of Moodubelle, near Udupi. Thirty activists from the Hindu nationalist movement Rashtriya Sawayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Bajrang Dal raided the house of Rev. Robert Lobo, pastor of World of Victory Ministries, where the vigil was being held. The fundamentalists accused them of practicing of forced conversions and beat the faithful present. Another pastor, Fr. Ramesh Poojari, suffered serious head injuries and was taken to Manipal Hospital in Udupi. Another seven people, five men - Ramesh, Prem, Suraj, Shantharam and Janardhan - and two women - Sujatha and Shakisala - have been admitted to the Ajarakadu State hospital.
INDIA: [Gandhi said to me: will do hunger strike, also in PARADISE] GCIC contacted the police in Shirva who have assured justice to the Christian community. "This - Sajan George, president of the GCIC tells AsiaNews - is the sixth anti-Christian attack in Karnataka since the beginning of 2013 and does not bode well for freedom of worship in India. Hostility and religious intolerance continue to grow and are a cause of serious concern for the vulnerable Christian minority. These believers had gathered for a night vigil, an absolutely legal act. Freedom of religion is a constitutional right, but these extremists have political protection in Karnataka's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, ultra-nationalist Hindu party) and are encouraged to persecute the Christian community, particularly the Pentecostals. "
INDIA: [Gandhi said to me: will do hunger strike, also in PARADISE] See also, 02/06/2012 INDIA. TV series about Indian Christians to be aired in Karnataka, 07/08/2011 INDIA. More anti-Christian attacks in Karnataka, 09/01/2009 INDIA. Assault on two Protestant churches in Karnataka. Police accused of aiding and abetting, 12/04/2012 INDIA. Madhya Pradesh, anti-Christian violence. Police "accomplice" of Hindu nationalist. 01/25/2012 INDIA. Karnataka, 20 Christians in prayer assaulted and humiliated, accused of proselytizing
Volksstvrm: ie, satanist international CIA: NATO, IMF, German institutional, to do: 30,000 human sacrifices: on the altar of Satan: every year --- what do you want from me? Satan has some concept to be exhibited?
03/09/2013 PAKISTAN: [[Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE: Horror sharia]] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned over blasphemy charge. by Jibran Khan. The attack followed altercation between a young Christian and a Islamic barber: the Muslim insulted Christianity and then reported the boy for blasphemy. The mob looted, stoned, doused in acid and then burned the Christian settlement. Local imam: "We'll find the Christian and kill him."Lahore (AsiaNews) - This morning, an angry mob set fire to over 100 homes in the Joseph Colony Christian settlement, near Badami Bah (Lahore). Residents were forced to flee and at least 35 people were injured. The attack resulted from an accusation of blasphemy registered against one of the settlement residents, Sawan Masih, who yesterday afternoon had an altercation with a Muslim.
PAKISTAN: [[Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE: Horror sharia]] According to initial reports, the 26 year old Christian went to the Islamic barber for a haircut, but the store owner, Imran Shahid, refused to serve him. A heated discussion arose between the two, and the Muslim reportedly used offensive words about Christianity. Together with other people, Shahid then went to the nearby police station, the group recorded a charge of blasphemy against Masih (art.295C), arguing that the young man was drunk and had insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Shortly after, the police arrested the Christian. The maximum penalty under that law is life imprisonment. The anger of the Islamic community did not subside however, and this morning a large group of people ransacked Joseph Colony, then set fire to the homes. "We were working like every day -
PAKISTAN: [[Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE: Horror sharia]] Salamat Masih, a resident of the settlement told AsiaNews - when we started to hear a noise, and suddenly a wall of people fell upon the colony. They threw acid and stoned our houses, then set them on fire. The authorities intervened only when everything was destroyed". The local imam said Sawan will be killed when found. Human rights associations, such as Masihi Foundation and Life for All rushed to the scene to help the victims. For Msgr. Rufin Anthony, bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, "it is very sad to see that minorities in Pakistan are not safe and are targeted for their religion. It is vital that we work for national harmony.
PAKISTAN: [[Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE: Horror sharia]] See also: 09/09/2011 PAKISTAN: Pakistani Christian killed during pilgrimage to the town of Mary 05/31/2007 PAKISTAN: Another Christian condemned to death for blasphemy, without any proof: 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN: Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law by Dario Salvi: 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN: The Catholic Church in Pakistan (An overview) 02/27/2010 PAKISTAN: Karachi, a Christian sentenced to life imprisonment for blasphemy by Fareed Khan
EGYPT: 03/09/2013 [Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE ] Egypt, police take to streets against the Muslim Brotherhood, Thousands of police officers across the country are protesting against the politicization of the security forces. The President Morsi accused of using the police to protect members of the Muslim Brotherhood and attack his opponents. Cairo (AsiaNews) - Thousands of police across Egypt are protesting against the policies of President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. According to the protest spokesman the Islamists are politicizing the security forces by replacing high level officers with people loyal to them. Beginning on March 4 in Cairo, the strike, especially low-grade officers, has spread throughout the country and has collected thousands of supporters in a few days.
EGYPT: 03/09/2013 [Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE ] Today, clashes in are feared Port Said, where due to the police strike violence over the verdict against the perpetrators of the local stadium massacre that killed 79 people may explode. Fr. Rafic Greiche, spokesman for the Egyptian Catholic Church, argues that "the police need to defend the people, not a political party, as the Muslim Brotherhood want." For the priest, the police do not want to go against the people or be seen as servants of power. "More and more people are growing to dislike the Islamists - adds Greiche - in recent months they have shown their ineptitude and inexperience in governing the country." For decades, the Mubarak government controlled the police forces responsible for many arrests of leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists.
EGYPT: 03/09/2013 [Islamists are CRIMINALS SO, IN GENETIC MODE ] After coming to power in 2012 the extremists in turn are using the agents for their own purposes. On more than one occasion, officials affiliated with the Brotherhood have given orders to charge unarmed demonstrators, causing bloodshed, only to intimidate the population and avoid an increase in dissent. In Cairo, dozens of police blocked the entrance to one of the last major police stations in the city, shouting slogans against President Morsi. Others have organized a sit-in in front of the residence of the Muslim leader in his home town of Zagazig, north-east of the capital.
Ventum ad consummationem saeculi.
fuck you
BAN, MINACCE INACCETTABILI. CINA INVITA A CALMA E MODERAZIONE. Il ministro degli Esteri cinese, Yang Jiechi, si è appellato: a ''tutte le parti in causa'' perché, esercitino la ''calma e la moderazione'' nei rapporti: con: la Corea del Nord, contro: cui Pechino: ha votato contro nel Consiglio di Sicurezza. A margine: dei lavori dell'Assemblea nazionale: del popolo, Yang ha ricordato: che: la Cina ha condannato il test: e che è: favorevole alla ''denuclearizzazione della penisola coreana'', pur avendo, ben chiaro, che, ''tutte le parti in causa'' si astengano: da ''azioni che, potrebbero aggravare la situazione''. (ANSA). --ANSWER -- ''NESSUNA: calma, e, NESSUNA, moderazione: INVECE! DEVONO LIBERARE DAL LAGHER I MARTIRI CRISTIANI IMMEDIATAMENTE!''
Pakistan: attacco contro cristiani. Lahore (ANSA) - ISLAMABAD, 9 MAR - Una folla inferocita, di circa, 3.000, persone, ha attaccato, ieri la casa di un pachistano, cristiano, di nome Savan, nella Joseph Colony, di Lahore, accusato di avere, ripetutamente, insultato il Profeta Maometto. Lo riferisce, oggi, la stampa pachistana. Guidata da Shafiq Ahmed, musulmano intenzionato, ad uccidere Savan, la folla si È: riversata nella zona: dove vivono: 130 famiglie cristiane, incendiando: ed: in parte distruggendo: la casa di Savan, assente, e: malmenando: suo padre, Chaman Masih. --ANSWER -- a questi criminali maniaci religiosi, gli USA hanno prima consentito la atomica, e poi, hanno permesso che diventassero islamisti: talebani. lo Stato pachistano, e la LEGA ARABA? sono dietro: tutto questo! perché: questi massacri: sono sempre impuniti:
Nigeria: terroristi uccidono italiano. Silvano Trevisan, rapito da gruppo Ansaru con altri 6 stranieri - NAIROBI, 9 MAR - Un ostaggio italiano, Silvano Trevisan, 69 anni, ingegnere di San Stino di Livenza (Venezia), è stato ucciso in Nigeria dal gruppo terrorista islamico Ansaru, legato ad Al Qaida e che ne rivendicò il rapimento il 17 febbraio a Jama, provincia di Bauchi. I terroristi dicono di aver ucciso anche gli altri 6 stranieri rapiti con Trevisan: un britannico, un greco, tre libanesi e un filippino. Affermano di averli uccisi in seguito a quello che chiamano un tentativo di blitz anglo-nigeriano. --ANSWER-- TERRORISTI? NIENTE AFFATO: SONO I NOSTRI ALLEATI, TUTTI QUELLI, CHE, LA CIA E LA NATO, HA PROTETTO, E DIFFUSO, PER SOLLEVARE L'IMPERIALISMO SAUDITA NEL MONDO!
Foibe: corteo: e contro-corteo a Firenze: Antagonisti invitano esponenti Cgil a lasciare manifestazione. - FIRENZE, 9 MAR - Due cortei distinti nel centro di Firenze: il primo in memoria dei martiri delle foibe, è organizzato: da Fratelli d'Italia, da La Destra, CasaPound ed altri gruppi locali. Il secondo è organizzato: dall'Anpi: proprio in contrapposizione: a quello di destra. In quest'ultimo: i partecipanti: che: si erano presentati: con: bandiere di Sel: e del Pd: sono stati invitati: da alcuni antagonisti: ad abbassare: i simboli di partito: mentre ad esponenti della Cgil: è stato chiesto: di allontanarsi. -- ANSWER -- Le LOBBY MASSONICHE, del FMI: dopo avere nascosto, per 50 anni: questo genocidio, pianificato dagli anglo-americani: adesso voglio deturpare le memoria dei martiri innocenti, puniti, da Rothschild il fariseo, soltanto perché, salvarono la vita: di 200.000: ebrei, da sicuro sterminio
@ Abu Jihad antar -Sie und alle Ihre Satanisten Muslime, religiösen Wahnsinnigen, ohne Glauben, ohne Denn ein persönlicher Bericht an: Gott lieben, Mörder, Heuchler, Lügner .. nur du, dass du, gab vor, ein Christ zu sein, für die Jahre, auf dieser Seite, die ihr euch den Glauben an den wahren Gott verraten: YHWH, um meinen heiligen Islam, eine Satanismus zu tun: criminal forever! Sie haben alle muslimischen Völker verraten, und bringen Sie sie: die Zerstörung.zu werden Islamisten haben. dass Schaden anrichten, um unschuldige Menschen, dass über die Liebe zu Gott, in einer anderen Art und Weise. zu verfolgen: eine unmögliche Imperialismus um die Weltherrschaft. Suche nach: zu imitieren und zu überwinden, Heuchelei, Lüge und das Böse: der amerikanischen Zionisten: Neturei Karta, die wollen, zu zerstören, Israel, vor, von Ihnen, erhalten Sie, das Feuer des Zornes Gottes, Natürlich, Verräter, der das Reich Gottes, und Verräter des eigenen Volkes, Erbrechen des Teufels,
Abu Antar sagte: 16 Stunden Synnek1 seinen übernatürlichen Fähigkeiten zeigt, um zu beeindrucken, unius Rei: - ANTWORT - NICHT Jesus sagt: "Wenn ihr Glauben haben, können Berge versetzen!" .. und dann, wo ist euer Glaube? @ Abu Jihad antar, Iran, Saudi Arabien - schimpft sie, der Heilige Geist, dass Sie von sich selbst gemacht haben, der Komplize des amerikanischen Satanisten: der IWF für die Zerstörung der menschlichen Rasse, der christlichen Zivilisation, zwar auch, kaufen Sie Geld, indem Rothschild IMF .. 666, aber werden Sie nicht haben: besser zu machen. Sie haben Ihre Völker gesetzt: in einem Zustand von Gewalt, Intoleranz, Fanatismus, Bigotterie, Ignoranz, Lügen, das heißt, der Abgrund der Zerstörung. wenn Ihr, Prophet kriminelle: es war nicht von Satan? Sie würden nicht so viele getötet haben: Unschuldige christlichen Märtyrer, jeden Tag. wenn nicht, einen Islam ohne Muhammad zu tun?, dann werden Sie in der Hölle mit ihm verbrennen.
synnek1 ° voodoo, IWF NWO Agenda - aber woher wissen Sie: Tanzen, Singen, und reden, auch mit so vielen wichtigen Leuten, und dann auch zu stehen, fast immer mit mir? Du bist eine Eidechse amazing! @ 666 synnek1pig CIA voodoo cannibal IWF owl Göttern Baal Marduck -> wenn Nordkorea Angriffe, Südkorea? der Fehler liegt bei Ihnen allein! @ Synnek1 666 - lizard - Sie sind der Besitzer des koreanischen youtube? @ 666 Satan IWF - das erste, zu unterdrücken Sie, heute? verurteile dich zu einem langsamen Tod! synnek1 ° voodoo, IWF NWO Agenda - aber woher wissen Sie: Tanzen, Singen, und reden, auch mit so vielen wichtigen Leuten, und dann auch zu stehen, fast immer mit mir? Du bist eine Eidechse strardinaria! @ 666 synnek1pig CIA voodoo cannibal IWF owl Göttern Baal Marduck -> wenn Nordkorea Angriffe, Südkorea? der Fehler liegt bei Ihnen allein!
@ Abu Jihad antar - tú y toda tu musulmanes satanistas, fanáticos religiosos, sin fe, sin Porque, un informe personal, a: amar a Dios, asesinos, hipócritas, mentirosos .. sólo tú, Que pretende, ser cristiano, desde hace años, en esta página, ustedes que han traicionado la fe en el verdadero Dios: YHWH, para hacer por mi sagrado del Islam, el satanismo: criminal para siempre! usted ha traicionado a todos los pueblos musulmanes, y se los llevan: a la destrucción .. que se han convertido islamistas. que: hacer daño a personas inocentes, que: tener amor a Dios, de una manera diferente .. a seguir: un imperialismo imposible de dominar el mundo. Busco: a imitar y superar, la hipocresía, la mentira y el mal de la sionistas estadounidenses: Neturei Karta, que, quieren destruir a Israel, antes de usted, usted recibirá, el fuego de la ira de Dios, por supuesto, traidores, del Reino de Dios, y, traidores de su propio pueblo, vómito del diablo,
Abu Antar dice: hace 16 horas Synnek1 muestra sus habilidades sobrenaturales, para impresionar, unius Rei: "Cuando G-Man se entera de que está embarazada." - RESPUESTA - NOT JESUS DICE: "Si tienes fe, puedes mover montañas!" .. y entonces, ¿dónde está tu fe? @ Abu Jihad antar, Irán, Arabia Saudí - regaña a ti, el Espíritu Santo, que has hecho de ti mismo, el cómplice de los satanistas americanos: el FMI, por la destrucción de la raza humana, de la civilización cristiana, de hecho, también, usted compra el dinero, por Rothschild FMI .. 666, pero usted no tendrá que: hacer mejor. usted ha fijado sus pueblos: en un estado de violencia, la intolerancia, el fanatismo, la intolerancia, la ignorancia, la mentira, es decir, el abismo de la destrucción. si, tu, profeta criminal: no era de Satanás? no habría matado a tantos: los mártires inocentes cristianos, todos los días. si no lo hacen sin un Islam Mahoma?, entonces, usted va a quemar en el infierno con él.
synnek1 ° vudú, el FMI agenda del Nuevo Orden Mundial - pero ¿cómo: bailar, cantar y hablar, también, con tanta gente importante, y luego, también, estar de pie, casi siempre conmigo? Usted es un lagarto increíble! A 666 synnek1pig CIA vudú caníbal FMI búho dioses Baal Marduck -> si los ataques de Corea del Norte, Corea del Sur? la culpa es sólo tuya! @ Synnek1 666 - lagarto - usted es el propietario de Corea youtube? @ 666 Satan FMI - el primero, para suprimir, en la actualidad? condenan a una muerte lenta! synnek1 ° vudú, el FMI agenda del Nuevo Orden Mundial - pero ¿cómo: bailar, cantar y hablar, también, con tanta gente importante, y luego, también, estar de pie, casi siempre conmigo? Eres un strardinaria lagarto! A 666 synnek1pig CIA vudú caníbal FMI búho dioses Baal Marduck -> si los ataques de Corea del Norte, Corea del Sur? la culpa es sólo tuya!
synnek1 ° voodoo, occult power, IMF, NWO agenda - but how do you: dancing, singing, and talking, too, with so many important people, and then, also, to stand, almost always with me? You're a lizard strardinaria! @ 666 synnek1pig CIA voodoo cannibal IMF owl gods Baal MArduck -> if North Korea attacks, South Korea? the fault is yours alone! @ Synnek1 666 - lizard - you are the owner of Korean youtube? @ 666 Satan IMF - the first, to suppress you, today? condemn you to a slow death! synnek1 ° voodoo, IMF NWO agenda - but how do you: dancing, singing, and talking, too, with so many important people, and then, also, to stand, almost always with me? You're a lizard strardinaria! @ 666 synnek1pig CIA voodoo cannibal IMF owl gods Baal MArduck -> if North Korea attacks, South Korea? the fault is yours alone! @ Synnek1 666 - lizard - you are the owner of Korean youtube? @ 666 Satan IMF - the first, to suppress you, today? condemn you to a slow death!
@ Abu jihad antar - you and all your Satanists Muslims, religious maniacs, without faith, without Because, a personal report, to: love God, murderers, hypocrites, liars .. just you, That you pretended, to be a Christian, for years, on this page, you who have betrayed the faith in the true God: YHWH, to do for my holy Islam, an Satanism: criminal forever! you have betrayed all Muslim peoples, and are you taking them: to the destruction .. to have become Islamists. that: do harm to innocent people, that: have love for God, in a different way ..
to Pursue: an impossible imperialism for world domination. looking for: to imitate, and overcome, hypocrisy, lies, and evil: of the American Zionists: Neturei Karta, who, want to destroy, Israel, before, of you!, you will receive, the fire of the wrath of God, of course, traitors, of the Kingdom of God, and, traitors of your own people, vomiting of the devil, Abu Antar said: 16 hours ago Synnek1 displays his supernatural skills, to impress, unius Rei: "When g-man finds out he is pregnant." - ANSWER - NOT JESUS SAYS: "If you have faith, you can move mountains!" .. and then, where is your faith? @ Abu jihad antar, iran, saudi arabia - scolds you, the Holy Spirit, That you have made of yourself, the accomplice of American Satanists: the IMF, for the destruction of the human race, of Christian civilization,
indeed, also, you buy money, by Rothschild IMF .. 666 but, you will not have: to do better. you have set your peoples: in a state of violence, intolerance, fanatism, bigotry, ignorance, lies, That Is, the abyss of destruction. if, your, prophet criminal: it was not from Satan? you would not have killed so many: innocents Christian martyrs, every day. if, fail to do an Islam without Muhammad?, then, you will burn in hell with him. synnek1 ° voodoo, IMF NWO agenda - but how do you: dancing, singing, and talking, too, with so many important people, and then, also, to stand, almost always with me? You're a lizard strardinaria! @ 666 synnek1pig CIA voodoo cannibal IMF owl gods Baal MArduck -> if North Korea attacks, South Korea? the fault is yours alone! @ Synnek1 666 - lizard - you are the owner of Korean youtube? @ 666 Satan IMF - the first, to suppress you, today? condemn you to a slow death!
synnek1°voodoo, IMF NWO agenda -- ma, tu come fai: a ballare, cantare, e a parlare, anche, con tante persone importanti, e poi, anche, a stare: quasi sempre: insieme a me? tu sei una lucertola strardinaria!
666 voodoo synnek1pig CIA cannibal IMF gods owl Baal MArduck--> se la Corea del Nord, attacca, la Corea del Sud? la colpa è soltanto tua!
synnek1 666 -- lucertola -- tu sei il coreano proprietario di youtube?
666 satana IMF -- prima, di sopprimerti, oggi? ti condannerò, ad una lenta agonia!
@ Абу Джихад Антар - вы и все ваши сатанистов мусульман, религиозные маньяки, без веры, потому что без, личный доклад, любовь Бога, убийц, лицемеров, лжецов .. Только ты, что ты делал вид, чтобы быть христианином, в течение многих лет, на этой странице вы кто предал веру в истинного Бога: YHWH, чтобы сделать для моей святой ислама, сатанизма: уголовного навсегда! Вы предали всех мусульманских народов, и вы принимаете их, к разрушению ..
, стали исламисты. что: вред невинным людям, что: есть любовь к Богу, по-другому .. продолжить: невозможно империализма к мировому господству. ищет: подражать, и преодолеть, лицемерия, лжи и зла американских сионистов: Нетурей Карта, который хочет уничтожить Израиль, и прежде, из вас, вы будете получать, огонь гнева Божия, конечно, предатели, Царства Божьего, и, предатели своего народа, рвота от дьявола,
Абу Антар сказали: 16 часов назад Synnek1 показывает свои сверхъестественные навыки, чтобы произвести впечатление, unius Rei: / часы? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "Когда г-человек узнает, что он беременна". - Ответ - не Иисус говорит: "Если у вас есть вера, вы можете двигать горы!" .. и тогда, где вера ваша? @ Абу Джихад Антара, Иран, Саудовская Аравия - ругает тебя, Святой Дух, что вы сделали из себя соучастником американских сатанистов: МВФ, для уничтожения человеческой расы, христианской цивилизации,
Действительно, кроме того, вы покупаете деньги, Ротшильд 666 МВФ .. но, у вас не будет: лучшей участи. Вы установили, ваши народы: в состоянии насилие, нетерпимость, фанатизм, нетерпимость, невежество, ложь, то есть пропасть уничтожения. Если ваша, пророк преступника: это был не от сатаны? вы бы не убили так много: невинных христианских мучеников, каждый день. если не сделать Ислам без Мухаммад?, то вы будете гореть в аду вместе с ним.
What are you going to do about that?
[You Will Kneel Before Me]
Il tuo video: "הכניסה הכי יפה לחופה": è bloccato: in alcuni Paesi. Germania , only: Germania ? really? "Céline Dion-The Power Of Love", registrazione sonora gestita da: 0:02 SME -- ANSWER-- FORSE È STATO BLOCCATO, ANCHE, IN TUTTI I PAESI ISLAMICI?
fuck you v
youtube said: "Monetize your videos and expand your audience. Become a YouTube partner today!" - ANSWER - how can I be the partner of a Satanist? fuck youtube synnek1 666 kkk nazi cannibal voodoo shit google IMF
Monetizza i tuoi video e amplia il tuo pubblico. Diventa un partner di YouTube oggi! -- ANSWER -- come io posso essere il partner di un satanista?
Vitale è un cognome campano?
Call Me Vitale
Benché tu sia un evidente anticristo non sei quello principale. Il principale Anticristo resta l'apostata Giovanni Paolo II.
Vitale I Mean
My Name in Italian is Vitali
CustodeDellaFedefool!, of all idiots?, you are the commander!
"ImJesusChristMessiah" . Ecco l'Anticristo. È piú facile smascherare te di un bambino in maschera a carnevale.
@ Abu Jihad antar - você e todos os seus satanistas muçulmanos, maníacos religiosos, sem a fé, porque sem um relatório pessoal, para: o amor de Deus, assassinos, hipócritas, mentirosos .. só você, que você fingiu, para ser cristão, por ano, nesta página, você que traíram a fé no verdadeiro Deus: YHWH, para fazer para o meu sagrado do Islã, um satanismo: criminal para sempre! você traiu todos os povos muçulmanos, e você está tomando: a destruição .. ter se tornado islamitas. que: fazer mal a pessoas inocentes, que: tem amor por Deus, de uma forma diferente .. a perseguir: um imperialismo impossível para dominar o mundo. procurando: a imitar, e superar, a hipocrisia, mentiras e mal: dos sionistas americanos:! Neturei Karta, que, quer destruir, Israel, antes, de você, você vai receber, o fogo da ira de Deus, claro, traidores, do Reino de Deus, e, traidores de seu próprio povo, vômito do diabo,
Abu Antar disse: 16 horas atrás Synnek1 exibe suas habilidades sobrenaturais, para impressionar, unius Rei: / watch? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "Quando G-Man descobre que está grávida." - Resposta - NÃO, Jesus diz: "Se você tiver fé, você pode mover montanhas!" .. e então, onde está a vossa fé? @ Abu Jihad antar, Irã, Arábia Saudita - repreende-lo, o Espírito Santo, que você fez de si mesmo, o cúmplice de satanistas americanos: o FMI, para a destruição da raça humana, da civilização cristã, de fato, também, de comprar dinheiro, por Rothschild 666 FMI .. mas, não, você terá: um destino melhor. que definiu, seus povos: em um estado de violência, a intolerância, o fanatismo, a intolerância, a ignorância, as mentiras, ou seja, o abismo da destruição. se, o seu, o profeta criminal: não era de Satanás? você não teria matado tantos: inocentes mártires cristãos, todos os dias. se, deixar de fazer um Islã sem Maomé?, então, você vai queimar no inferno com ele.
right I mean
Yeah You Are Righ Abu Antar
Abu Antar
Everyone here is so mean. I'm going to a different part of the internet for now.
@ Abu dżihad Antar - ty i cała twoja Sataniści muzułmanie, maniacy religijni, bez wiary, bo bez, osobistego raportu, do: miłość Boga, mordercy, obłudnicy, kłamcy .. tylko ty, że udawał, aby być chrześcijaninem, za rok, na tej stronie, wy, którzy zdradzili wiarę w prawdziwego Boga: Jahwe, aby zrobić dla mojego świętego islamu, satanizmu przestępca zawsze! Ci zdradzili wszystkie muzułmańskie narody, i zabierasz je: do zniszczenia ..
aby stały się islamiści. że: zrobić krzywdy niewinnym ludziom, że: masz miłość do Boga, w inny sposób .. realizować: niemożliwej imperializm światowej dominacji. Szukam: naśladować, i przezwyciężyć, hipokryzji, kłamstwa i zła: amerykańskiego syjonistów! Neturei Karta, który chce zniszczyć Izrael, przed, z was, otrzymacie, ogień gniewu Bożego, oczywiście, zdrajców, Królestwa Bożego i, zdrajcy własnych ludzi, wymioty z diabłem, Abu Antar powiedział: 16 godzin temu Synnek1 pokazuje swoje nadprzyrodzone umiejętności, aby zaimponować, unius Rei: / watch? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "Kiedy g-man dowiaduje się, że jest w ciąży." - Odpowiedź - Jezus nie mówi: "Jeśli masz wiarę, możesz przenosić góry!" .. , a następnie, gdzie jest wasza wiara?
@ Abu dżihad Antar, Iran, Arabia Saudyjska - beszta cię, Ducha Świętego, które zostały wykonane z siebie, wspólnikiem amerykańskich satanistów: MFW, w celu zniszczenia rasy ludzkiej, chrześcijańskiej cywilizacji, rzeczywiście, również można kupić pieniądze przez Rothschild 666 MFW .. ale nie masz: na lepszy los. skonfigurowaniu, waszych narodów: w stanie przemocy, nietolerancji, fanatyzmu, bigoterii, ignorancji, kłamstwa, to jest otchłań zniszczenia. jeśli twój, prorok karne: nie było od szatana? byś nie zabił tak wiele: niewinnych męczenników chrześcijańskich, każdy dzień. jeśli tego nie zrobisz to islam bez Mahometa?, następnie, będzie smażyć się w piekle z nim.
@ Abu Jihad Antar - du og alle dine satanister muslimer, religiøse maniacs, uten tro, fordi uten en personlig rapport, til: elsker Gud, mordere, hyklere, løgnere .. bare deg, at du lot, for å være en kristen, for år, på denne siden, du som har forrådt tro på den sanne Gud: YHWH, å gjøre for mitt hellige Islam, en satanisme: kriminell forever! du har sveket alle muslimske folk, og du tar dem: til ødeleggelse .. å ha blitt islamister. at: gjøre skade på uskyldige mennesker, at: har kjærlighet til Gud, på en annen måte .. å forfølge: en umulig imperialisme for verdensherredømme. leter etter: å imitere, og overvinne, hykleri, løgn og ondskap: den amerikanske sionister: Neturei Karta, som ønsker å ødelegge Israel, før, av deg, vil du motta ilden i Guds vrede, selvfølgelig forrædere, av Guds rike, og, forrædere av dine egne folk, oppkast av djevelen,
Abu Antar sa: 16 timer siden Synnek1 viser sine overnaturlige evner, for å imponere, unius Rei: / watch? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "Når g-man finner ut at han er gravid." - SVAR - ikke Jesus sier: "Hvis du har tro, kan du flytte fjell!" .. og da, hvor er din tro? @ Abu Jihad Antar, Iran, Saudi Arabia - skjenner deg, Den Hellige Ånd, som du har laget av deg selv, medskyldig med amerikanske satanister: IMF, for ødeleggelsen av den menneskelige rase, kristne sivilisasjon, faktisk også, kjøper du penger, ved Rothschild 666 IMF .. men, du vil ikke ha: en bedre skjebne. du har satt dine folk: i en tilstand av vold, intoleranse, fanatisme, intoleranse, uvitenhet, løgn, det vil si i avgrunnen av ødeleggelse. hvis din profet kriminell: det var ikke fra Satan? du ville ikke ha drept så mange: uskyldige kristne martyrer, hver dag. hvis ikke klarer å gjøre en islam uten Muhammad?, da vil du brenne i helvete med ham.
fag you v
Abu Antar
@Unius Rei! --> i3.ytimg.com/u/nHXLLNHjNAnDQ50JANLG1g/channels3_background.jpg
fuck you v
Volksstvrm 666 --- Satanism international German - with my own eyes, I saw burn you, like, like a torch, yourself: you've become: the atomic fuel: into Hell ... fun for all the demons eih Satanist, did you protect your complicity Islamists?
fuck your ma v
abu jihad --- > all muslims country? buy their money by Satan: 666 IMF Rothschild !!!
Abu Antar
I didn't ha detto anything.
TheVArious7 satanismo internazionale -- con i miei occhi, io ho visto bruciare te, come, come una torcia, tu stesso: sei diventato: il combustibile atomico: dell'inferno... un divertimento per tutti i demoni
TheVArious7 -- eih satanista, sei venuto a proteggere i tuoi complici islamisti?
TheVArious7 -- cosa dicono nella tua chiesa 666, a Napoli?
@ Abu jihad antar - tuque et omnes tui Satanists Muslims, religiosi furioso, sine fide, quia sine, personalis relatione ad: dilectio Deus, homicidae, hypocritae, mendaces .. nunc tibi se esse Christianum annos euismod tincidunt ut qui Deum fide tradiderunt: YHWH facere Islam meo sancto, et Satanism: reus in sempiternum Muslim tradidit vobis omnes gentes, trahis eos in interitum .. facti Islamists. Quod innocentibus nocere, quod amor Dei aliter .. ad persequendum: impossibile imperialism pro imperio mundi. quaerunt: imitari superantur simulationem mendacium malum Zionists Latina: Karta Neturei qui volunt destruere Israhel a te accipietis igne furoris Dei quippe proditores regni Dei, proditores plebis tuae, vomitus diaboli
Abu Antar dixit: XVI hours ago Synnek1 suam demonstrat supernaturalis solers, imprimere, unius Rei: / vigilia? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "Cum g-invenit homo egressus est pregnans." - Responsio - Non dicit Iesus: "Si haberetis fidem, si montes transferam" .. Et ubi est fides vestra? @ Abu jihad antar, Iran, Arabia Saudiana - redarguit vobis, Spiritus Sancti, que fecisti tibi, conscium Americanarum Satanists est: IMF, in contritione generis humani, de civilem cultum christianorum, quidem, etiam, vos sumo pecunia, Rothschild DCLXVI IMF .. Sed non vult, fortunam meliorem. posuisti tibi populi statum vi intolerantiam fanatism, SUPERSTITIO ignorantia mendacium est abyssum corruptionis. Si tibi propheta nocentem non Satanae? ut non tantum occiderit, innocentium Christianorum martyrum quotidie. si non sine quadam Insula Muhammad? ergo, combures eum in inferno.
And I ain't ready Niggas wanna murder me I'm ridin' around heavy I think they wanna wet me like New Orleans and the levees But I got this mac elevy, these niggas'll never get me Lord knows, I got alotta homies in the dirt Niggas sprayin' metal tryna take you off the earth Really over nothin', tell me what it's worth
@ Abu Jihad antar - tu e tutta la tua musulmani satanisti, maniaci religiosi, senza la fede, perché senza una relazione personale, a: l'amore di Dio, assassini, ipocriti, bugiardi .. te, che hai finto, essere cristiani, per anni, su questa pagina, che hanno tradito la fede nel vero Dio: YHWH, di fare per il mio santo dell'Islam, un satanismo: criminale per sempre! hai tradito tutti i popoli musulmani, e li state portando: alla distruzione .. essere diventati islamisti. che: fare del male a persone innocenti, che: l'amore per Dio, in un modo diverso .. di perseguire: un imperialismo impossibile per il dominio del mondo. cercando: imitare, e superare, l'ipocrisia, la menzogna, e il male: dei sionisti americani: Neturei Karta, che, vogliono distruggere, Israele, prima di voi, si riceverà, il fuoco della collera di Dio, naturalmente, traditori, del Regno di Dio, e, traditori del suo popolo, il vomito del diavolo,
Abu Antar ha detto: 16 ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB! Synnek1 mostra le sue capacità soprannaturali, per impressionare, unius Rei: / watch? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "Quando G-Man scopre che è incinta." - RISPOSTA - NON Gesù dice: "Se avrete fede, è possibile spostare le montagne!" .. e poi, dov'è la tua fede? @ Abu jihad Antar, Iran, Arabia Saudita - si rimprovera, lo Spirito Santo, che hai fatto di te stesso, il complice di satanisti americani: il FMI, per la distruzione della razza umana, della civiltà cristiana, anzi, anche, si acquista il denaro, da Rothschild 666 FMI .. ma, non si avrà: un destino migliore. è stato impostato, i vostri popoli: in uno stato di violenza, intolleranza, fanatismo, bigottismo, l'ignoranza, la menzogna, che è, l'abisso della distruzione. se, la vostra, profeta criminale: non è stato da Satana? che non avrebbe ucciso così tanti: martiri cristiani innocenti, tutti i giorni. se, non riescono a fare un Islam senza Muhammad?, poi, si brucerà all'inferno con lui.
@ अबू जिहाद Antar - आप और आपके सभी Satanists मुसलमानों, धार्मिक पागल, क्योंकि बिना, एक व्यक्तिगत रिपोर्ट, विश्वास के बिना, प्यार भगवान, हत्यारों, कपटी, झूठे .. आप बस, कि आप का नाटक किया, एक ईसाई होने के लिए, साल के लिए इस पृष्ठ पर, आप जो सच भगवान में विश्वास को धोखा दिया है: YHWH, मेरे पवित्र इस्लाम, एक शैतानी के लिए क्या: हमेशा के लिए आपराधिक!
भगवान के लिए प्यार है, एक अलग तरह से .. पीछा करने के लिए दुनिया प्रभुत्व के लिए एक असंभव साम्राज्यवाद:. के लिए देख रहे हैं: नकल पर काबू पाने के लिए, पाखंड, झूठ और बुराई: अमेरिकी Zionists: Neturei कर्ता, जो, नष्ट करना चाहते हैं इसराइल, से पहले, आप की, आप प्राप्त करते हैं, भगवान के क्रोध की आग, ज़ाहिर है, धोखेबाज, परमेश्वर के राज्य के, और अपने ही लोगों के धोखेबाज, शैतान की उल्टी,
अबू Antar कहा: 16 घंटा Synnek1 अपने अलौकिक कौशल को प्रदर्शित करता है, को प्रभावित करने, unius - उत्तर - नहीं कहते हैं यीशु: "यदि आपको विश्वास है, आप पहाड़ों स्थानांतरित कर सकते हैं!" .. और फिर, जहां अपने विश्वास है? - @ अबू जिहाद Antar, ईरान, सऊदी अरब, पवित्र आत्मा है, कि आप अपने आप बना दिया है, अमेरिकी Satanists के सहअपराधी डांटते हैं: आईएमएफ मानव जाति के विनाश के लिए, ईसाई सभ्यता की,
लेकिन, आप नहीं होगा: एक बेहतर भाग्य. आप निर्धारित करते हैं, अपने लोगों: हिंसा, असहिष्णुता, fanatism, कट्टरता, अज्ञानता, झूठ है कि, विनाश के रसातल के एक राज्य में. अगर, अपने, आपराधिक नबी: यह शैतान से नहीं था? आप इतने सारे नहीं मार डाला होता: बेगुनाहों की ईसाई शहीदों, हर दिन. अगर मुहम्मद के बिना एक इस्लाम करने में विफल है, तो, आप उसके साथ नरक में जला देगा.
@アブ·ジハードアンタル - のために個人的な報告書は、なしの信仰なしにあなたとあなたのすべての悪魔主義者のイスラム教徒、宗教マニア、、:神の愛、殺人者、偽善者、嘘つき..私 の神聖なイスラム、悪魔のために行う、YHWH:ちょうどあなた、あなたがこのページで何年もの間、キリスト教のように、ふりをしていること、あなたは真 の神への信仰を裏切った人犯罪永遠に!あなたは、すべてのイスラム教徒の人々を裏切って、あなたはそれらを取っています:破壊に..
イスラム教徒になっています。その:無実の人々に害を及ぼす、その:別の方法で、神への愛を持っている..追求する:世界征服のために不可能帝国。探して いる:アメリカのシオニスト:、偽善、嘘、善と悪真似て、克服するために!あなたのことを、前に、破壊したいNeturei Karta、イスラエルを、あなたは、神の怒りの火を受け取るもちろん、神の王国の裏切り者、そして、あなた自身の人々の反逆者、悪魔の嘔吐、
アブ·アンタルは言った:/時計:16時間前Synnek1は、uniusレイを印象づけるために、彼の超自然的なスキルが表示されますか。 V = YgM6S7jGVuc。 "G-MANが出て見つけたとき、彼は妊娠している。" - 回答 - イエスは言うません: "あなたは信仰を持っている場合は、あなたが山を動かすことができる!" ..その後、あなたの信仰はどこにあるのでしょうか? IMFは、人類の破壊のための、キリスト教文明の、: - @アブジハードアンタル、イラン、サウジアラビアでは、あなたが自分自身で作られた聖霊は、アメリカの悪魔主義者の共犯者を叱る
確かに、また、あなたはロスチャイルド666 IMFが、金を買う..しかし、以下のようになりますではない:より良い運命を。あなたは、あなたの人々を設定している:暴力、不寛容、 fanatism、偏見、無知、嘘、つまり破壊の深淵の状態にあります。あなたの、預言者、刑事、次の場合それはサタンからありませんでしたか?あなたは 非常に多くを殺害しなかっただろう:罪のない人々のキリスト教殉教者、毎日。 、ムハンマドずにイスラム教を実行しなかった場合はどうでしょうか、そして、あなたは彼と一緒に地獄で焼かれる。
Extra Ecclesiam nulla Salus.
Sant'Agostino (Epistola CXLI): "Chiunque è separato dalla Chiesa Cattolica è votato alla collera divina."
Papa Gregorio XVI, Summo Iugiter: "Anche Sant'Agostino e gli altri Vescovi dell'Africa, riuniti nel Concilio di Cirta (Costantina) nel 412, davano al riguardo ampie spiegazioni: "Chiunque si sarà separato da questa Chiesa cattolica, pur ritenendo di vivere in modo irreprensibile, per questa sola colpa di essere separato dalla comunione con Cristo non avrà la vita, ma lo sdegno di Dio incombe su di lui". Pur tralasciando altri passi, in numero pressoché infinito, degli antichi Padri, tesseremo le lodi di quell'insigne Nostro Predecessore, San Gregorio Magno, che afferma a chiare lettere come proprio quella fosse la dottrina della Chiesa cattolica. Dice infatti: "La santa Chiesa universale proclama che Dio non può essere debitamente adorato se non all'interno di essa. Pertanto chi se ne trova fuori non potrà assolutamente salvarsi"."
loser v
@ Abou Jihad antar - toi et toute ta musulmans satanistes, maniaques religieux, sans la foi, parce que sans, un rapport personnel, à: l'amour de Dieu, les meurtriers, les hypocrites, les menteurs .. vient de vous, que vous avez fait semblant, d'être chrétien, pendant des années, sur cette page, vous qui avez trahi la foi dans le vrai Dieu: YHWH, à faire pour mon saint de l'islam, un satanisme: criminelle pour toujours! vous avez trahi tous les peuples musulmans, et les emmenez-vous: à la destruction ..
être devenu islamistes. que: faire du tort à des innocents, que: avoir de l'amour pour Dieu, d'une manière différente .. de poursuivre: un impérialisme impossible pour la domination du monde. à la recherche d': imiter, et à surmonter, l'hypocrisie, le mensonge et le mal: des sionistes américains: Neturei Karta, qui veulent détruire Israël, auparavant, de vous, vous recevrez, le feu de la colère de Dieu, bien entendu, des traîtres, du Royaume de Dieu, et, les traîtres de votre propre peuple, des vomissements du diable,
Abu Antar a dit: il ya 16 heures Synnek1 affiche ses talents surnaturels, pour impressionner, unius Rei: / watch? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. «Quand g-man découvre qu'il est enceinte." - RÉPONSE - PAS Jésus dit: "Si vous avez la foi, vous pouvez déplacer des montagnes!" .. et alors, où est votre foi? @ Abou Jihad antar, Iran, Arabie Saoudite - vous gronde, le Saint-Esprit, que vous avez fait de vous-même, le complice de satanistes américains: le FMI, la destruction de la race humaine, de la civilisation chrétienne,
en effet, aussi, vous achetez de l'argent, par Rothschild 666 du FMI .. mais, vous ne devrez: un meilleur sort. vous avez configuré, vos peuples: dans un état de violence, l'intolérance, le fanatisme, le sectarisme, l'ignorance, le mensonge, c'est-à-l'abîme de la destruction. si, vous, prophète pénale: ce n'était pas de Satan? vous n'auriez pas tué tant: martyrs innocents chrétiens, tous les jours. si, ne parviennent pas à faire un Islam sans Mahomet?, alors, vous brûlerez en enfer avec lui.
@ 아부 지하드 antar -로 인해 개인 보고서를없이 믿음이없이 당신과 당신 사탄 주의자 이슬람교, 종교 미치광이,, : 사랑, 하나님 살인자 위선자, 거짓말 쟁이 .. 내 거룩한 이슬람, 악마 숭배 동안 무엇을하고, YHWH : 당신, 당신은이 페이지에서 년 동안 기독교로, 척하는, 당신은 진정한 신에 대한 믿음을 배반 한 사람 범죄 영원히! 이 모든 무슬림 민족을 배신하고, 당신이 그들을 데려가는거야 : 파괴로 ..
이슬람되었다합니다. 그 : 무고한 사람들에게 피해를 그 : 다른 방법으로, 하나님에 대한 사랑을 .. 추구 방법 : 세계 지배를위한 불가능한 제국주의합니다. 찾고 : 미국 Zionists의 :, 위선, 거짓말, 그리고 악을 모방하고, 극복하기! 당신, 전에 파괴하려는 Neturei Karta, 이스라엘, 당신은 하나님의 진노의 불을 받게 될 것입니다 물론, 하나님의 왕국의 반역자, 그리고, 자신의 사람들의 반역자, 악마의 구토,
아부 Antar는 말했다 : / 시계 : 16 시간 전 Synnek1이 unius 레이 관심을 끌기 위해, 자신의 초자연적 인 능력을 표시? V = YgM6S7jGVuc. "G-사람이 알면 그가 임신입니다." - 답변 - 예수는 말한다 NOT : "당신이 믿음이 있다면, 당신은 산을 옮길 수 있습니다!" .. 그리고, 여러분의 믿음은 어디 있죠?IMF, 인류의 파괴에 대한, 기독교 문명의 : - @ 아부 지하드 antar,이란, 사우디 아라비아는, 자신의 한 성령, 미국의 사탄 주의자의 공범자를 scolds
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IHateNEWLAYOUT (is american youtube master: administrator: but, synnek1 is, big: corean: youtube master: administrator: )ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa:YouTube
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
111111GoodBye111111 -- someone, more honest of: synnek1 should take: his place .. but, you're also, a Satanist .. therefore, I can not put yourself in her place! qualcuno, più onesto di synnek1, dovrebbe prendere: il suo posto.. ma, anche tu sei un satanista.. quindi, io non posso mettere te, al suo posto! about synnek1 --- his channel is dead, not, him ... he is been beaten. @111111GoodBye111111 -- non è facile convincere, i maniaci religiosi, come: i salafiti, islamisti, laveradottrina, ecc.. ma, anche, gli atei, ed i satanisti: sono dei maniaci religiosi, dal momento che, neanche, loro, possono dimostrare le loro tesi!
111111GoodBye111111 ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
go to synnek1 channel he dead :(
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
[youtube es el hogar: de unius REI: para siempre en los próximos siglos: y: hasta el final: del mundo] No sé si la destrucción de la canal: de: synnek1, quien es el administrador de Corea, de todo youtube, representará: un punto de inflexión para la gestión: youtube de sí mismo! de lo contrario, continúe: a morir, y ser golpeado, por lo que, en modo sobrenatural, todos aquellos que, corromper a nuestros hijos, en este servidor, social: para todo el mundo! [youtube est le foyer: des unius REI: toujours dans les prochains: quelques siècles, et: jusqu'à la fin: du monde] Je ne sais pas si la destruction du canal: de: synnek1, qui est l'administrateur de Corée, de tous youtube, représentera: un tournant pour la gestion: de youtube lui-même! sinon, continuez: mourir: et d'être frappé, donc, dans le mode surnaturel, tous ceux qui, corrompre nos enfants, sur ce serveur, sociale: pour tout le monde!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
[يوتيوب هي موطن REI الخط الفاصل: إلى الأبد في القرون القليلة المقبلة، وحتى نهاية العالم] أنا لا أعرف ما إذا كان تدمير للقناة من: synnek1، منظمة الصحة العالمية، هو المسؤول الكوري، جميع يوتيوب، وتمثل: نقطة تحول بالنسبة للإدارة: من يوتيوب نفسه! خلاف ذلك، لا تزال تموت وأن تصل، لذلك، في وضع خارق، كل أولئك الذين، إفساد أطفالنا، على هذا الخادم والاجتماعية: لجميع العالم!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
[youtube is the home of unius REI: forever in the next few centuries, and until the end of the world] I do not know if the destruction of the channel: the synnek1, who, is the administrator Korean, of all youtube, will represent a turning point for the management of youtube itself! otherwise, continue to die and to be hit, so, in mode soprannaturael, all those who, corrupt our children, on this server, social: for all world!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia, Iran -- e perché mai, proprio io: che, io sono impegnato, contro, ogni forma di satanismo: e di peccato, e perché mai, proprio io: dovrei: fare del male all'Islam, per fare precipare, anche voi, nell'abominio massonico e satanico: in cui è precipitato il cristianesimo? questo di danneggiare l'Islam, in realtà, n verità non è nell'interesse del Regno di Dio! quelli che state facendo del male all'Islam, oggi, siete solo voi.. invece UNIUS REI, che domina sul mondo proteggerebbe l'islam, su scala mondiale... non possiamo, più fare del male a persone virtuse, in nome: di una qualche religione! adesso basta!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
@Iran, Saudi Arabia -- i vostri maniaci religiosi? non sono la verità: ne, dell'Islam, e neanche, della teologia! e quale culto: a Dio: voi volete fare: attraverso: la menzogna? e può esistere una menzogna: a fin di bene? quella: menzogna, che: i farisei continueranno a dire a noi, per colpa vostra vostra? sarà soltanto, per il loro bene, e per la nostra distruzione, cioè, il satanismo, del signoraggio bancario, che, ha riempito il modo.. in verità: la verità è nell'interesse, di tutti coloro, che, sono sotto la luce del giorno, mentre, la menzogna è nell'interesse, dei figli delle tenebre.. allora, anche voi, venite con me nella luce! non abbandonate il genere umano, alla III guerra mondiale!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
111111GoodBye111111 -- my friend, in questa pagina: mi ha messo Dio, e quindi, non serve a niente lamentarsi! meglio stare qui, per ora, che, imbracciare un fucile di precisione!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
8 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia, Iran [you can not save your life and Sharia: together]-- the Sardinians (people,of Sardinia) are a people very proud! I was in Rome to do an internship with the "Farmers" I was 18, and my friend, he put himself in a position: very delicate (though, he believed in himself, subjectively ,to have right, and, that, he was offended), which is why, he insisted, to remain, however, for pride, in that uncomfortable situation, and pride, he would not leave his position .. if, I do not approached, to his ear, to say, any, what, that only he could hear? and that only this, could rehabilitate his dignity? my friend, could not, unlocked himself, from his position, and, then, the instructors would have called the police ... and since, no one could, know what, I had said to him? here is that the losers: turned, only, instructors. in this mode my friend was saved
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
111111GoodBye111111 --- lol, ma, io non sono scoraggiato, io sono soltanto arrabbiato! e tu cosa potresti fare tu, per lenire la mia rabbia?
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
i farisei illuminati: DA LUCIFERO, del FMI, per la distruzione di Israele, loro non possono agire, con: la loro kabbalah: di sterminio: e di distruzione, contro: qualcuno: che è a livello, di una grande Nazione, se questo qualcuno, lui, non: passa da se stesso, dalla parte del torto, cioè, dalla parte: di gravi crimini.. contro: tutto il genere umano. e voi islamici? voi avete: di gran lunga superato, i crimini dei nazisti? perché volete morire? perché volete che il Corano e l'Islam vengano dichiarati illegali: in tutto il mondo? perché volete permettere al demone del FMI, di replicare se stesso, sempre in modo più gigantesco? io sono UNIUS REI!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
@Saudi Arabia , and Iran -- noi vogliamo risolvere: tutti i problemi del "Medio Oriete", e, quindi, tutti i problemi: più pericolosi del mondo? ma, questo dipende: solo da voi! perché: io sono UNIUS REI. Rothschild, del 666: FED ECB, FMI, e NWO: 322 Bush, micro-chip: god owl at bohemian grove? loro hanno scommesso, che, io devo fallire, e che voi dovete morire!
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
ovviamente, il problema delle ingiuste violenze, e del razzismo, delle vittime dell'imperialismo, e della cattiva: religione fanatica,, non è: un problema dei soli cristiani, che, sono la comunità più perseguitata: sia in Oriente: che: in Occidente.. guai, a chi fa del male: a persone pacifiche, ed innocenti, in ogni parte del mondo..
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
9 ore fa
[400 martiri cristiani innocenti: uccisi: ogni giorno] quello che facevano: gli idolatri romani, contro i cristiani? quello che: facevano: Stalin e Mao? ora, lo fanno i musulmani... è la storia del Regno di Dio, che, condanna tutti loro come criminali..
JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
10 ore fa
Ave, oh Maria, sorella nostra: e madre della Chiesa, Ave, Speranza di Israele: nostra sorella.. amen alleluia, Ave, o Maria, potente esercito: schierato in ordine: di: battaglia, Madre premurosa: di tutti i bambini: del mondo, stella del Cielo. Arca della Alleanza, Porta del Paradiso, Regina degli angeli.. Ave, amen, alleluia.

Abu Antar (syrian secret services)ha pubblicato un commento
12 ore fa
Unius Rei worked his curse on Synnek1? o.O
allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento
17 ore fa
Mistafield (satanista istituzionale: internazionale italiano: che, ha simulato: un ex canale di Synnek1: ma, su questa pagina è sempre presente, anche, un satanista istituzionale tedesco) ha pubblicato un commento
17 ore fa:
All Politicians Suck
c'è una maledizione, contro, tutti i miei nemici, in tutto il mondo.. soltanto: che: qui: si è più a contatto: in modo immediato: con il mio ministero.. burn satana: in Jesus's name
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